#and no show is like the other there's always something different happening during ments during the encore etc
teallinum · 4 months
Lady Tilley Arnold theory
spoilers alert I guess
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The main point of my theory is: Lady Tilley Arnold was her own "deceased" husband.
I know I know, but listen to me, the Bridgerton's makers do everything on purpose, every little detail of the clothes, environment, decor etc. And I have a bunch of prooves for my theory.
I don't know if that's a trans situation or just her wanting to be in that particular social role, but let's go.
1. Ok, the thing I noticed the first. Her cleavage zone looks unsual for the show. Her dresses look a little bit different than everyone's else. Less showing. And even when the cleavage aloows to show some boobs, that part of the dress often seems to be a little bit empty (which contrasts with the usual Bridgerton "push-up the boobies as much as possible" style a lot). Like the dress looks like a right shape, but her chest looks flat.
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2. Her room. It's dark colors. Green, brown. Do you know which rooms have the same color scheme in this show? Men's rooms. Anthony's cabinet, Colin's cabinet, Colin's bedroom, Lord Fetherington's cabinet and bedroom. Only the red curtains look a little bit too bright/a little bit off, like if someone added them without redecorating the whole room to just slightly change the mood.
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3. "I was married. He died." she said. Not "My husband died" or "I'm a widow", but this interesting wording. Sounds a little bit odd and smooth to tell the truth not telling the truth. Like old me died, new me is here right now.
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4. When Benedict meets her for the 2nd time, she's looking at the statue. Again, most things on this show are intentional and meaningful. And that scene took to long to be just random. She's looking at the statue, that looks like a Venus statue. And Venus is who? Feminity, all the woman things. If she was ment to be "not so feminine lady" that won't be a first thing to choose for her to stare at, u know. Then why is she looking at it? Because she's glad to be who she always felt she is. Just a suggetion. Or maybe it's connected to the Androgyny of Venus in some statues? Idk, I'm not a Greek mythology pro, but that seemed to be an interesting scene to me
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5. "Well, then you have misjudged me. I am all for brute strength. In fact, I much prefer it to aimless talking" she says. Which is interesting too. And right after that their dance happens. And it feels to me that there happens a conversation without words between them. While they're dancing, at some point she takes the male role and leads the dance. Benedict looks condused at first, but accepts it and they dance like this. (all the females are to the right, all the males are to the left, except for them) Was it "an action" instead of "the words" to discuss something?
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6. The music while they're dancing. I've seen some complains of the showrunners reusing the music from the season 2. People say like that was the family moment etc. etc. But I rewatched that scene from the 2nd season (during the Bridgerton+Shama ball when no one came and they danced with each other) and it was not about the family. It was about the harmony, the harmony with yourself and being whoever you feels right to be without looking at what is and what is not appropriate for the sosciety. Which suits Lady Tilley and Benedict's dance if my theory is correct pretty nicely.
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7. During their making out scene in her bed, her chest is covered with the cloth. Bridgerton show is usually not too shy to show nudity and if they need to not show female body, they prefer to use pretty underwear, but not such trick as cloth. Interesting, that in a promo for the 2nd part of season 3 she's in the bed wearing the drak robe. Which is again not too Bridgerton-y or feminine.
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8. While in her bed, Benedict is on the righ side of the bed and she is on the left one. I was rewatching the older season and noticed that every time they show the spouses' bed there's the husband who's on the left side of the bed (Violet Bridgerton, Mondrich, Bassets, Kate+Anthony). Why? Because that's originally her part of the bed since you know... my theory.
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9. "You're MY solicitor" she says to a solicitor when Benedict visits her. Usually solicitor works with male only. In the Queen Charlotte spin-off show Lady Danbury even says that solicitor would probably refuse to talk to her, so she decided not to sign her name saying "Better he think I'm an impolite man". And you know what? At the same time there's a person who looks at the inheritance documents and search for the frauds. What if he has questions to her "husbans"'s will papers and now her solicitor has to provide her some better papers to convince the inspector. "I shall retern with things in order" he replies. She also asks Benedict if he came to "overcharge her as well", so she either has a lack of money or she has to pay her solicitor an overcharged sum. What if it's the silence fee?
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10. Well, and their first interaction with Benedict was "My apologies, I thought you were a... - A man?". And that's her first line ever in the show is. You may say "C'mon, teal, she's just a lady with male interests", BUT! the only scene that points at it is this one. She's pretty feminine all the other times and everyone of the ton talks to her like she's a lady. No shade. No judjment (like when they speak about Eloise during previous seasons or Anthony joking on Kate being able to shoot). If that was the point there would be more than one moment/line pointing at that.
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I hope you enjoyed my little theory. Anyway, the 2nd part of the season is just in a week from now and we'll find out if I'm right or wrong UwU
Thank you for your attention~
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Agent Rossi-Reid
Anthology Masterlist
David Rossi x daughter!reader, Criminal minds x BAU!reader
Summary: After twenty years, Rossi-Reid learns why her father stopped putting up the Christmas Tree.
A/N: This is basically a rewrite of S3E14 “Damaged”. I wanted to include it since it’s such an important part of Rossi’s arc and other significant events (even if only snippets are shown) happen during this episode.
CW: So many Rossi-Reid feelings, Hotch getting a divorce, regular crminal minds violence, talks about santa not being real
“Spencer!” you called. “You’re going to be late!” You packed a snack in a small tupperware container and stuck it in his satchel. 
He walked out of the bedroom, tucking in his shirt and striding forward at the same time. You looked over at him and made a face. “What?” he asked. “Is it my hair? I was thinking it looked a little long this morning-”
“It’s not your hair, Spence.” You smiled. “Your hair is wonderful as always. It’s just, you and Hotch are going to do that interview tomorrow at the prison.”
Spencer grabbed his satchel and put the strap over his shoulder. “When you say it like that it sounds like we’re competing to see who gets to be the last inmate at a luxury detention facility. They’d pick me off my hairstyle alone.”
You couldn’t help but giggle just a bit. Spencer had recently acquired a rather new-found confidence and you loved it. “You’re wearing a tie,” you said.
“I wear ties all the time,” he retorted.
“Yes, but you’re going to be in a room with a killer and I’d rather not get a call that you were strangled,” you admitted.
Spencer knew that even though your tone was joking, you were actually rather serious. Behind your humorous exterior you harbored fear. As you turned from unlocking the apartment door to walk him out, he took you by the waist and pulled you into a kiss.
The older the two of your got and the longer you were married the more your kisses had evolved, and the more you understood what each type of kiss ment: there were the soft ones that lingered before you went to sleep or before the two of you parted which was a simple and strong “I love you”. There were the feather-light ones used for teasing and deep, all consuming ones for passion. There were ones on foreheads and knuckles for comfort and rare pecks on cheeks in public just to show you were marito and moglie- staking your claim on one another for the world to see. But recently you and Spencer had developed a new type of kiss- one that was deep and full, that caused a feeling to spread through your whole body as if you were being engulfed in Spencer while the rest of the world just faded away. It was different than a kiss of devouring lust or everlasting love- it was a kiss that knitted the fabric of your souls together for a few sweet seconds of eternity.
This new kiss was by far your favorite, and it seemed to be Spencer’s too.
“You’re going to be late,” you whispered.
Spencer purposefully tilted his head so his nose touched yours ever so slightly. The intimacy of delicate touches drove you crazy and he knew it.
“I should probably get going then,” he murmured.
“You probably should.”
You had to be the one to pull away, taking Spencer’s hand from your hip to intertwine it with your own. The two of you would hold hands until you exited the apartment building, and then you’d have to let go and wave goodbye to him as he climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV with Hotch.
Delicacy would have to wait.
You weren’t used to sleeping alone. With Spencer’s absence you found yourself seeking companionship and headed to work particularly early only to find yourself in an empty bullpen for the majority of the morning.
Growing up, your house had always been rather empty and lonely, and something about your Italian heritage made you long to go back to your grandparents' home country to live in a family house full of aunts and uncles and cousins. You wished for a house that was loud and never stopped moving. You wished for a family that never left you alone. Then you got old enough that your dad could bring you to the BAU after school and on weekends that he had to work. Suddenly you had everything you wished for- aunts that baked you cookies and scolded you for running in the halls, uncles that paid you a quarter to bring their reports to other departments so they didn’t have to, and eventually a brother; the young agent Hotchner who was trying to get on your dad’s good side. The BAU was the only true home had ever known, and you couldn’t stand to feel like your home was empty.
That’s how you ended up in JJ’s office that morning, sitting in the corner chair working on files while she went through her own manila folders. At some point, Garcia burst into the office and began to pace, but you didn’t really pay attention to what she was saying until you heard your own name.
“-Rossi showed up at my door in the middle of the night while I was enjoying a post-coital shower with fellow FBI technical analyst Kevin Lynch?”
You and JJ both looked up at Garcia, and then at one another.
“Sit,” JJ said to Garcia. You put your work on the chair and went to perch on the corner of JJ’s desk. You weren’t sure what was more intriguing about the whole thing- the fact that Garcia was in the shower with some guy, or that your dad had shown up at her apartment in the middle of the night.
No, you were definitely more interested in the guy.
“I need your help.” Garcia looked between the two of you.
“With what?” JJ asked.
“Agent Rossi,” Garcia said, concerned. “We're not supposed to date fellow bureau employees.”
“From what I hear, Rossi is the reason most of these fraternization rules even exist, okay?” JJ said.
“Oh, he is,” you confirmed with a smirk. “And it’s not like they even enforce those rules… I mean, Spencer and I got married and both of us still work here.”
“He's not gonna tell anyone,” JJ tried to ease Garcia’s nerves. “Just relax.”
“What was my dad doing at your apartment?” you inquired as casually as possible, hoping Garcia would spill.
“That's a good-” Garcia stopped herself. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone.”
Now you were even more curious.
“Why?” JJ drew out the word.
“I didn’t press the issue,” Garcia answered.
You tuned out JJ and Garcia’s voices, thinking about what your dad could possibly be hiding when another familiar name caught your attention.
“Mrs. Hotchner,” JJ answered the phone.
Your heart sank in your chest- Haley had been a big part of your life for a long time. Her and Hotch were newlyweds when you met them- all young and googly eyed and disgustingly in love. Back then, the BAU had also been quite the boys club, and Haley had taken you under her wing. You finally had someone that could teach you about clothes and make-up and boys. She was the first real consistent female figure in your life.
But despite your efforts to contact her, she hadn’t gotten back to you since she served Hotch with divorce papers.
“Well, that- that would make sense because he's in a prison right now, so sometimes cell service can be…” JJ trailed off and you tried not to overhear the angry words on the other end of the phone. “Oh, yeah- well if-yeah, if I can get ahold of him I'll… okay.” JJ hung up the phone. “That is one seriously pissed-off lady.”
You didn’t want to imagine Haley angry- she’d always been such a caring and understanding person, and selfishly, that’s how you wanted to keep seeing her. Once again, you tuned out the conversation and went back to your paperwork, but now your mind was flooded with questions and anxieties. You doubted you’d get any paperwork done now.
JJ got on the phone and Garcia left the office. You looked down at the files and wished that Spencer was there. It wouldn’t have taken much for him to make you feel better- just a small brush of hands or shoulders, maybe a few badly spoken Italian words- but he wasn’t there. As soon as JJ hung up the phone she looked over to you. “Are you okay?”
“Am I really that easy to read?” you asked.
JJ sighed. “No, but Hotch is getting divorced and I know you were close to Haley. You’re Jack’s godmother. On top of that your dad apparently has some massive secret that he’s been recruiting Garcia to help him with. I’d be feeling a little sad right now if I were you.”
You shrugged. “I’m not all that worried about my dad to be honest,” you admitted. “And I guess if Haley only had me in her life because of Hotch... then she was never really my friend in the first place.”
JJ didn’t have time to respond because Prentiss opened the door without knocking. Her eyes expressed concern and she spoke quickly. “You guys should come see this.”
“You go,” you told JJ. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Emily and JJ left you alone in her office. You picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts, looking for Haley’s number. You weren’t sure what you were going to do. You weren’t going to call her- she never picked up anymore. Every text you’d sent had gotten no reply. There wasn’t anyone there to tell you what to do… except for you.
Your dad would have scolded you for being too involved, Spencer would have just taken your phone and held it above his head so you couldn’t reach, and Hotch… Well, for the first time in a long time you didn’t know what Hotch would do. So you typed the message out and pressed send before putting your phone in your pocket and pushing the thought to the back of your mind.
You walked to the bullpen to find Emily and JJ, but the two of them and Morgan were leaning over the railing outside your dad’s office, talking to Garcia.
“The guy is a fussy, anal-retentive neat freak who-” Emily stopped herself when you approached.
There was a pause and all of them looked at you. It was the same way agents used to look at you when you were a teenager and walked in on them conversing about a brutal case- you had heard something that you weren’t supposed to hear.
“Let me guess,” you started. “We’re talking about my dad?”
You peered behind Emily to see what all the fuss was about, and indeed it was something to fuss over. Your father’s files were scattered all over his office- the desk, the table, and the floor were littered with papers that would take hours to organize properly. Never in your life had you seen your father’s space look so messy.
“Oh, Papa.” Your jaw fell slack in shock and you rushed up to your dad’s office to get a closer look. Nothing was broken- his favorite mug was empty on his desk, the lamp stood tall, and the glass of the picture of the two of you was still intact- but your father’s filing system was like an extension of his brain and at the moment it was destroyed. “Fuori come un balcone…” You muttered as you looked around at the disarray in front of you.
“Say what?” Morgan asked.
“She says he’s gone crazy,” Emily interpreted.
You looked back at Garcia. You loved Penelope, you truly did, but if she didn’t tell you where your father was, you thought you might become the next unsub the team had to hunt down. “Where did my father go?” you asked, your tone serious. Almost dangerous.
Garcia turned serious as well. “He’s in Indianapolis on a 20 year-old double homicide. He said it’s time someone pays for it, and he was upset.”
You shook your head in slight disbelief- you must have been around seven or eight when it happened, but you had no distinct memory of your father coming home upset over a case at that age. When you were that little he tried to keep you as far away from the bad part of his work as possible, but surely you would have remembered something that disturbed him this badly.
The rest of the team’s chatter was background noise until Morgan tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to look at the team member who was probably least impressed by your father, but a team was a team to Morgan and that’s all that really mattered.
“Rossi-Reid,” he said. “Let’s go.”
It felt like the start to a bad joke… You, JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss walking into a bar. But seeing your dad look so defeated made you want to do anything but laugh. You’d grown up thinking he was invincible, and even though you knew better now it still hurt something inside you to know that he wasn’t. You couldn’t even bring yourself to speak as the rest of the group convinced your dad to let them help.
Rossi finally turned away from the bar. He looked at everyone, but his gaze lingered on you just a bit longer than the others. “Why do you care?” he asked.
You wanted to speak, but you couldn’t bring yourself to open your mouth.
“Because you do,” Emily said.
Without another word, Rossi grabbed his drink and walked over to a section of the bar that looked more like a lounge. All of you sat down and your dad began to talk. The case wasn’t even supposed to involve the BAU- your dad just happened to be in the car with the detective when he got the call. They were first on the scene of a brutal murder, leaving three kids as orphans, and there wasn’t anything to lead them to a suspect. The murder weapon, an ax, had been wiped clean.
“It turns out it belonged to the family,” your dad said. “The oldest daughter, Connie, told me her father bought it on Christmas eve a few months earlier to cut down the Christmas tree.” He sighed heavily and suddenly things started to make sense. “Now I always associate the whole thing with Christmas… Never been able to put up a tree myself again.”
You gazed down at the floor, unable to look at your dad. You recalled the first year the two of you didn’t go to pick out a tree; how you’d found the ornaments in the trash and suddenly your dad began giving you gifts on New Year Eve instead of Christmas day. You always assumed that he thought you’d outgrown the holiday- you knew that Santa wasn’t real and reindeer couldn’t fly. Snowmen didn’t come to life if you gave them a magic hat and the north pole was just a place full of snow instead of candy forests and elves that built toys.
You’d attributed his sadness on Christmas day to the fact that you were getting older, but the whole time it was because he was mourning parents that would never get to see their children grow up and children who would have to grow up without their parents to take care of them.
“When we arrived on the scene, before any of the other units got there, I could hear them before I even got out of the car.” The look in your dad’s eyes was distant, as if he was still at the scene from long ago.
“It was a warm morning and the windows were open in the upstairs bedroom… And their voices floated out into the street. They were crying and calling for their mommy and daddy.” You’d never heard your father so close to tears. “Three terrified children, screaming for their murdered parents. I've seen so much death and pain, but that sound… It's been twenty years and I can still hear them screaming every night, crying.”
You’d known your dad had nightmares occasionally- it came with the job- but it had been so long since you lived under his roof, you’d wondered if they had gotten worse as time went on. You wondered if, just like an unsub could be triggered by an anniversary, a profiler could too.
“If I can't tell them for sure that whoever’s responsible will never do it again, that screaming might never stop.”
Your dad finished off his drink and you, JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss looked around at one another. You’d been quiet for a while now, letting the rest of them do the talking while you sat with your memories and feelings, but now that you had processed everything you were ready to get to work.
“Well,” you said, looking at your dad. It was a good thing you’d gotten his stubbornness. “Let’s find who’s responsible for it then.”
It was easy enough for Garcia to find out where the children were living now, and before you knew it, Morgan was pulling up to the house and the team was getting out of the SUV, ready to face the case that had haunted David Rossi for two decades.
“Hi, Connie,” he greeted the oldest daughter. She couldn’t have been that much older than you. No wonder this case had hit him so hard. “I brought the team-”
“You need to stop this!” It was almost as if she was begging.
“Excuse me?”
“We thought that if we didn’t call you back the last couple of times you would just give up and leave us alone,” she said, her voice unsettled.
“Well, I know that it hurts, but I’m only trying to make sure someone pays for your parents’ deaths.” After nearly six months at the BAU, you’d never heard Rossi be so gentle with someone. The last time he used that tone was when he talked to you after Gideon left.
“We don’t care anymore!” Connie stressed. “It’s been twenty years. We need to be able to move past it, please!”
Your dad had always been a pusher, so when he responded with “I won’t bother you kids again,” and turned to get back into the car it surprised you a little. Part of you wanted to push for him.
“And you’ll stop it with the gifts too?!” That made all of you pause and turn back towards the family.
“Gifts?” The wheels in your dad’s head were beginning to turn.
“What are we supposed to do with a bunch of toys that remind us of the worst day of our lives?”
Rossi paused, his stare pointed at the girl with the intensity of the agent you knew he was. “I never sent you any gifts.”
Within ten minutes the three kids, who were now all adults, compiled the toys they had been mysteriously given over the years. You put on a set of rubber gloves and began to inspect them. You automatically knew your dad would never send toys like these to anyone- the material was falling apart in your hands, the stitching easily ripped, and they smelled like chemicals from a warehouse. One of them even left colorful dye on your gloves. Rossi was a best selling author, but even before that he’d always had expensive taste. Your own favorite childhood toy was an FAO Schwarz Teddy Bear that was older than this case and was still in decent condition- considering how much the stuffed animal had been through.
“See, an unsub like this, when they seek out children, they want to play with them,” Morgan explained. “They don’t really want to hurt them, but it’s their size- it frightens people.”
You stood up and stripped off your gloves. Done inspecting the evidence, you looked over at your dad. “This could be that piece you were looking for.”
Soon enough Garcia had gone through crime records and the team was on the move, searching the grounds of a carnival. Rossi and Prentiss paired up while you, JJ, and Morgan inspected the grounds.
“I can’t believe people actually pay good money to play these fixed games,” Morgan said.
“Men,” JJ said blankly. You snorted.
“Excuse me?” said Morgan.
“It’s not people,” you clarified. “It’s men.”
“Is that a fact?” Morgan tried to seem unbothered, but you’d known him long enough to know he’d probably tried to impress several ladies by winning them prizes on impossible ring toss.
“Only a man would waste fifty dollars trying to win a three dollar stuffed animal,” JJ said.
Morgan huffed a little, but the three of you kept walking, looking for anyone who could possibly resemble the unsub you were looking for.
“Clown.” You spotted him, white make-up still half on his face and red smeared around his lips. Morgan and JJ looked in the direction you nodded in. The clown looked back at the three of you and promptly dropped his trash bag before walking off.
The three of you went to look for him, trying not to look too threatening or suspicious. It didn’t take long for Morgan to spot the man’s discarded broom near a covered platform. Drawing your side arm and preparing for the possibility of a fight, JJ pulled down the cover to reveal the unsub hiding like a small child. It took you and Morgan combined to get him out from under the platform and cuffed. JJ kept her side arm ready just in case while Rossi restrained the unsubs father and Emily aided you and Morgan.
You took a moment to look over at your dad, but he was looking at the unsub- the man who he had spent twenty years trying to find. You expected him to look relieved, at least a little bit, but more than anything Rossi looked disturbed, as if he truly couldn’t believe that someone who had done such a horrible thing had a right to exist on earth. He should have been nothing more than a speck of dirt on your Papa’s spotless shoes, but he was a monster in the shape of a man- the reason three children had screamed for their dead parents; the reason your father heard their screams every night. And when your dad looked at you, you knew that he was thinking about twenty years worth of Christmas’s lost- twenty years worth of childhood and twenty years worth of memories.
At least you could make up for them now.
The jet was quiet- JJ filling out the paperwork to make the case official, Morgan with his headphones, and Prentiss with a book. Everyone except your dad was busy with something. He was just looking out the window, lost in thought.
You closed the file you were working on and moved to the other side of the jet, sitting across from him. He looked over at you, breaking his gaze away from the clouds.
“Mio passerotta,” he said, a smile in his voice. “You did a good job today.”
The compliment surprised you. Really you had done no more than the rest of the team, but the way your dad looked at you was different than he had before- like he was seeing you as more than a kid and more than an agent. He was seeing you as both.
“You know, I really wish you had told me,” you said. “Maybe not when I was little, but before you threw your files all over your office and we had to fly two hours to find out why.”
“Well,” he sighed. “Now you know.”
“And now you know why we work as a team,” you said.
He nodded once, slowly. “I guess I do,” he said. “But, mio passerotta, you and I have always been a team.”
“Does this mean you’ll start treating me like a team member?”
“It does,” he confirmed. “But you’ll still always be my daughter.”
You smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The mood was light walking back into the bullpen, and you felt yourself brighten even more when you saw that Spencer was back. Every ounce of you wanted to run up and embrace him. The past twenty four hours had been an emotional roller coaster and your body craved to be pressed against his. Spencer must have known, because when you walked over to his desk, he took your hand lightly and planted a soft kiss on your knuckles before answering Morgan’s question and directing Rossi to his office where Kevin was waiting for him.
“Just when I thought nothing scandalous was ever going to happen around here.” Emily smirked as your dad closed his office door to talk to Kevin in private.
“What?” Your husband looked confused. “What does that mean?” Then he looked up at you- an inter-BAU marriage was rather scandalous in theory, but you and Spencer were so tame in front of everyone that it really didn’t count.
“Didn’t you hear JJ?” Emily said.
“The song meant something? No- no I missed it,” Spencer began to ramble.
“It-it-” Emily sighed. “You know what, never mind.” She sat down at her desk.
“What?” Spencer looked towards Rossi’s office.
You touched his hand lightly, still leaning against his desk. “I’ll explain it when we get home, Spencer,” you told him. He nodded, but then went back to gaping at the closed door.
You looked up too- seeing that Hotch was in his office. Normally you would have gone to say hello and maybe tease him about having missed all the fun, but even from where you sat you could tell that he was far more distressed than normal. The papers he was holding weren’t just from a case. They were personal.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out, expecting a text from Garcia, or maybe Morgan. But when you saw the name on the screen your stomach dropped. With shaking hands, you opened the message:
From Haley Hotchner:
I want you to be a part of Jack’s life. You’re an amazing person, (Y/N). I love you and Jack loves you. You’re right that he shouldn’t have to grow up like you did, with only one parent to rely on, but Aaron needs to figure that out himself.
“Mio amata?” Spencer said low enough so that Emily couldn’t hear. “Are you alright?”
You shoved your phone in your pocket. “Tesoro,” you whispered, holding back tears. “Portami a casa?”
Spencer grabbed your go-bag and his satchel, his eyes wide and sympathetic with understanding. “Let’s go home.”
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box-dwelling · 11 months
So I have kind of a weird sprite analysis hypothesis.
So I see a lot of stuff about the Von Karma siblings both grabbing their shoulders like Manfred does. But looking again I think for Miles it's noticeably different.
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Here's Manfred
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Here's Franziska
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And then here's Miles.
So Franziskas is basically a spot on mirror of her dad. But Miles isn't grabbing his shoulder he's grabbing his arm. It's also notably his left arm he's grabbing where the other two are grabbing their right. I don't think these are actually the parallel were treating them as.
There's also what they're used for. Fran and MVK have the shoulder grab as a damage Sprite but with Edgeworth it's something he frequently does during conversation. So I went through and looked at when he uses this sprite and I found something interesting.
Pre the Reval of what happened during DL6, It's almost always involving how he perceives himself to be failing to live up to MVKs standards (and his own) as a procecutor or when talking about his connection with Phoenix or Gregory. Now we can take that as repressed gay thoughts or we can take it as being ashamed of his familial and platonic connection with, respect for, and losses to defense attorneies who MVK does not think highly of at all.
Then after that it's often when he's scared Phoenix or other people are going to think less of him or that they already do. Like how he's scared in RFA about how his car being the crime scene is implicating him in the murdering or how he thinks Lana has betrayed him.
Then in addition to this during FMT it's used very liberally whenever MVK, his practices or what he turned Miles (and also Franziska) into are brought up. It's also used a lot in reference to Celeste which I take as being an issue with bring up suicide given he's talking to a man who is very angry that he just faked his own and the similarities he feels between himself and adrian. It's also used involving de killer and also Maya's Kidnapping. Initially I thought they just needed a serious sprite but looking more into it, I think this is another instance of him being scared of Phoenix's reaction. He knows during these conversations that Engarde hired De Killer. He knows that this is going to hurt Phoenix like hell when he find out. He's also probably scared he'll get the blame. This compounds when he finds out about Maya because now Phoenix's best friend is likely to die because he will probably win this trial. And he's worried that if the rescue attempt doesn't work that blame is also on him.
BTTT is more of the same. Sprite is used when he is directly preventing Phoenix from accessing Maya. Also often in reference to Dahlia and specifically the fact he found out about the trial where she was found guilty. Meaning he knows something about Phoenix he wasn't directly told.
So with this there's some information we can gather. This is something Edgeworth does when he's feeling guilty and scared of retribution. It is fundamentally linking his guilt and fear. But what triggers these emotions changes throughout the games. In the first game it's guilt of not being a true Von karma. In the later games, it's guilt of his previous actions, and also guilt whenever he has to do something that might upset someone he cares for or respects. Now for anyone who has anxiety caused by abuse, this probably looks deeply familiar. It does to me at least. Edgeworth sees any situation where he thinks he's at fault, no matter how small or not to blame he is, and reacts in fear. He is terrified of messing up in any way. He scared that any slip up will be ment with retaliation. This also lines up with what we know about Von Karma. Perfection is an impossible standard and Investigations shows that MVK would verbally abuse him whenever he failed to meet it.
Now I want to say, I don't think this is Edgeworth not fully deconstructing his perfection complex. I think he has. This is clearly a trauma response. It's instinct.
Now I have 2 theories about the action itself. One I'm certain of, the other is a little more head canon crackpot scheme.
Options 1: this is a self soothing thing. He's literally hugging himself. He's closing himself off and putting up a barrier to protect himself.
Options 2: if this was AA4 and I noticed it with perceive, I'd wonder if this was specifically an old wound hes instinctively covering or protecting himself from. Maybe whenever he slipped up Von Karma would enact a physical punishment like a punch to the gut or to hit his arm. The head turn is literally a flinch.
Or he could just be doing it whenever he has gay thoughts idk
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decisiontostay · 6 months
Thoughts on your experience at the Inspire Arena for the Metamorph concert?
Hmm. tldr version is, I'm not a fan of the venue especially in the current concert climate.
You can fully expect that they will block out some of the best seats in the arena for the livestreaming rig - you can see the empty void in front of the stage in the pics posted by the official shinee acc. This was even more depressing in person. Honestly, a huge issue with Taemin's latest concert in general was the prioritisation of Beyond Live over the in-person attendees, i.e. ridiculously long gaps between each song (like up to a minute at times!) and just performance things that looked cool on video but were really meh irl. Personally, I think the decision to stream every single day was the worst they could have made (and don't get me started on the prices they were asking for it, and will ask again), there's always been a difference in the way they behave on a stream vs just during a non-livestreamed show and now they all have scripted ments that don't even result in good subs for the shawols watching at home.
In terms of getting to the arena, it's pretty much at the end of the world comparing to the Olympic Gymnastics Arena - which is relatively close to the city center, well connected via multiple transportation routes, lots of restaurants/cafes around and the grounds are honestly huge. Inspire Arena is secluded and I know a lot there was a lot of issues with getting there for people (as it's connected to the Incheon Airport via shuttle, I was attending with a global package ticket and it took approx 2h for us to get there on the coach SM provided). Then it's a very long corridor and a tiny waiting space with three billboards you can take pics at, and after the show they kick you out on the other side of the building straight into coaches so there isn't a lot of opportunity to take the last few pics/just have that moment of the fizzling out concert hype. Kshawols were organising buses that'd take them from the city center to the venue in groups because it was both freezing and a nightmare to get to. Like idk, I do love the pre-concert mingling and exchanging little gifts like photocards or fans, this was almost impossible during metamorph. In comparison, one of my fondest memories of SWC6 in the summer is shawols braiding each other's hair before the concert, not something that's easy for me to imagine happening at the Inspire Arena tbh. Though I might be proved wrong in May.
Finally, while Yes24 isn't wonderful it still let international fans buy normal tickets for the concerts, Inspire Arena is linked to Melon ❤️Payments are a nightmare, there is no paypall for example (and Korea loves to reject foreign cards even if they say they accept them). The site itself is wonky as hell and will throw you out of the queue for nothing. Metamorph is the only time I had to buy global package for a shinee concert because it was genuinely impossible to get it via normal ways. And sincerely, global package isn't worth its price these days (the little lego keyring was cool but not that cool).
Ah also, this is my very personal, petty thing but I didn't love the acoustics there, we had a pretty good seats and too many songs sounded primarily like noise. I can't tell you if that's a venue thing or just a setup thing in this case, unfortunately. Metamorph was probably my worst shinee concert experience and I've been to a good few. Honestly I dislike the space so much I might just skip on the May concerts because of it, I don't have that much motivation for going left in me even with the promise of Jinki. Eh.
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pporapipam · 2 years
seeing all the fancams from svt’s concerts and hearing all about people’s concert experiences gives me a tremendous amount of joy 🥰
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elliebean714 · 2 years
Okay, platonic yandere Evan is not something I considered before, but I kind of like the sound of it. Could we maybe have more of that? With Evan and Michael. Maybe this time you could make something with Evan haunting Golden Freddy. Like, he missed Michael for so long and now Michael is here again and Evan will keep him safe
Yeah I was thinking about this too, I think this is a really cool idea! Classie isnt here sorry. Also sorry this took so long I've had my exams and writers block lmao. This happens during the first game specifically. I dunno how much of this is canon or out of order but 'ere ya go. I know there is a night 6 and 7 but I decided to just to the main 5. Once again, thx markiplier for playing fnaf whilst I wrote this.
Yandere-Ish!GoldenFreddy!Evan Afton x Michael Afton (Platonic)
Pt1 Pt2
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Since the accident Evan hadn't seen Michael in years, he missed him greatly, every time someone entered the restaurant, Evan felt a resurgence of hope rush through him, hope that quickly died down as he realised Michael still hadn't returned to him. Evan feared he would never see Michael again.
He often spent his time alone, a phantom in the shadows, a silent observer. The other spirits were all very angry, but Evan still envied them. They all had a physical form, they could communicate with one another, they weren't alone.
Night 1
The security guards always came and went, never staying for more than a week. So when a new security guard showed up for their first shift no-one batted an eye, they'd kill him then wait for a new one. This one was different though, they all recognised him, but only Evan knew him for who really he was.
Michael was listening to the previous guards message, he had stayed longer than any other before the unfortunate circumstance of his death. Evan felt his non-existent eyes begin to well with non-existent tears of joy as he finally saw his brother after years of longing.
Evan tried to make contact with Michael, but having no physical form ment his communication was limited to small flickers, the first thing Evan told him was
It's me
Night 2
Once Michael got settled in and picked up the phone, Bonnie quickly left the stage, on the move towards Michael. Evan began to panic, scared of losing Michael when he just got him back. His fear turned to courage as he shut the door on Bonnie's face.
Michael stared in shock at the door that closed on its own. He hesitantly turned on the light by the door, flinching as he sees the haunting silhouette of the animatronic rabbit. He feels the guilt within him rising, he knows they mean him no harm, they're just scared, and vengeful towards his father, they just can't tell the difference.
Evan can feel the sorrow within Michael, he knew his brother so well. Even though he had nothing to feel guilty over, Evan had already forgiven him, Michael still felt like it was his responsibility to atone for their father's sins.
Night 3
As worried as he was for Michael's safety, Evan was ecstatic that he kept coming back each night. He knew it was selfish, but he simply didn't care. He finally had his big brother back, and he would fight to keep him.
This was going to be the most intense night yet. This is when Freddy began hunting his prey. Evan and Michael would have to work together in order to protect him, Evan knew he was in danger, but he was secretly excited to spend this time with Michael.
Evan fought off Freddy and Chica when necessary, lessening Michael's workload significantly. Michael was greatful, but curious as to who his mysterious helper was, but he wouldn't question it, he knew how rare it was to have an ally in a place like this, that wasn't just a prerecorded message.
Night 4
The previous night guard was dead. Evan already knew, but seeing the shock and horror on Michael's face made him feel bad. Evan would never hurt Michael, nor would he let anyone else, he just had to protect him tonight, and every other night.
Evan continued to fend off Freddy and Chica, but they were getting more and more angry, more and more powerful, they were draining his energy. With each time they tried to attack Evan became weaker.
Evan knew he wouldn't have enough energy to keep going so he returned to Michael, hoping to gain enough energy to defend him from direct threats.
Once the six am alarm blared, Michael practically ran out of the restaurant, not even stopping to thank Evan for his help. But Evan understood, he must be so confused and scared. He could only hope and prey that Michael came back tomorrow night.
Night 5
Michael returned for another night, having barely any time to prepare before the animatronics became active. Evan jumped into action, keeping Freddy and chica at bay.
Now that Evan knew his limits, he knew when to fall back to Michael and regain his energy. As much as Evan liked protecting Michael now that he had the ability too, it felt very nice to know Michael could defend himself, and Evan.
They kept on fighting the animatronics until 5:57, when the power went out. Michael was paralysed, Evan knew what happened to the guards if the power ran out, and he would never allow that to happen to Michael.
5:58, loud, slow thumps could be heard getting closer to Michael, stopping just outside his door. Evan prepared himself for a fight. A classical tune began playing, small lights flash, showing the animatronic waiting in the shadows.
5:59, the tune and lights stopped and the boys were thrusted into darkness once again. The silence was deafening, occasionally being interrupted by more thumping. Michael prepared for the worst.
6:00, the alarms rang. Michael ran out as fast as he could, Evan followed close behind, gaining speed as he neared the exit. He was so excited to finally be free, to leave with Michael. Michael quickly left the restaurant, once Evan tried to leave with him, an invisible force prohibited him. He tried again but once again was unable to.
"Michael!" He called out, "Michael! Help me! I'm stuck!" Evan pleaded but Michael kept running. "Please don't leave me alone again." He whimpered before falling to the ground again, "Please, Michael, help me." He cried, like he always did. Just give up and cry.
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Video Games And Characters You Can Request
Requests Always Open 💕
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
˚ ༘♡ yanna’s tds2 day 2/beyond live highlights ˚ ༘♡
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for the intro vcr, yanna symbolized we young.
she was much more hyped during day 2, most of the time singing her lines in a different tune and easily finding the camera just to press kisses on it from time to time.
renjun scolding her because… safety. 😭
during “my first and last”, she teased her past self for having such short lines and her “past self” started crying.
fans also pointed out that there was a correlation between jaemin, yanna and “to my first” but not something too obvious. just the subtle looks during the performance.
her solo song also changed for the 2nd day, she performed “red lipstick” after “better than gold” and before the ment.
them questioning why yanna has a white mic and her saying it’s because she’s pure.
chenle: you’re lying to the whole venue?
as chenle mentioned bang chan, felix, jun and minghao being at the venue, she also mentioned somi being there and gave outa finger heart.
during “life is still going on” her and mark were the most hyped, adding adlibs here and there. during one of renjun’s lines, there was a cute shot of her leaning on the railings of the cart while renjun basically hugged her from behind. power couple, really.
during the edm ridin’, go and boom, she was on the floor of the cart to see the fans better.
her flashing hearts here and there unprovoked, like literally not doing the choreo just to flash hearts.
her stating she missed “we go up” a lot before it starting.
during encore, she was doing fine until they had to sing “dear dream”. she only kept staring at the crowd, one shot showed her eyes twinkling as green lights reflected on them.
she pressed a kiss on haechan’s temple when he was tearing up during the song as well, them crowding around mark as he finished his rap.
during the ending ment, she continued comforting him as he talked.
she had to talk after jisung, immediately hearing a fan yell out that she was pretty and smiling.
“how am i supposed to cry at that?”
“i think i’ve said a lot yesterday, but then, there’s more of you here today. what should i do?”
“same as yesterday, i’m thankful for every single one of you who spent time with us tonight. you look prettier and prettier everytime i see you guys.”
chenle: thank you.
“… right, so-“
cue the members laughing because she dismissed it without hesitation.
“honestly, i don’t think i got to thank the members last night so i’ll do that tonight. but since i have to thank you as well, i’ll just offer up a story that’ll do both.”
“honestly, i get offers here and there. solo ones, and more often than not i come to them and ask if it’ll be good for the group. and.. everytime, when i think of it, they all have different opinions. some want me to go for it, to further my career and some are scared that it might harm me and the group. i get… many offers to leave the group and start my own thing, and even when that happens. they have various opinions.”
“but never opinions that are selfish or for their own gain. they’re always like ‘will you be okay?’, ‘is this what you want?’, ‘if it is then go for it’, they always talk like that. and when i hear their opinions and concerns, i end up even more confused.”
jeno: we’re no help.
“no, that’s not true. because when i think of where everyone is coming from, they have various opinions because they have their own concerns about me. they think of me a lot and how it might affect me in the end when i make these decisions. when that dawns on me… i feel fine. i make up my mind immediately and it’s clearer in my head what i have to do. so, i want to thank the members for always considering me, the whole group and our czennies.”
“but also, i want to thank the fans once again for loving and supporting us despite all despites. don’t worry, we’ll try our best to make sure you have nothing to get hurt over in the future anymore, we’ll protect each other as much as we can. this is only the beginning, your 8dream will stay with you from here on.”
she also was behind renjun the whole time he did his ment, grabbing tissues for him and leaning on his shoulder to whisper comforting words.
she held back her tears as well, really not wanting to cry even though she was close during “rainbow”.
while saying goodbye to the fans, the members saw signs about showing abs and immediately flew to jeno. but chenle walked up to her instead and said “yanna, they’re asking”.
and ‘cause she’s insane, girl took off her tds2 shirt. showing her abs, and her sports bra, making mark literally mumble “she’s crazy, man” towards renjun who was literally smiling so hard. whipped.
haechan: wah, you’re really taeyong-hyung’s sister.
but also cue jisung grabbing the shirt she took off and wrapping it around her while chenle just laughs at the whole scene.
she also read a sign saying “yanna, let me dive into you” but stopped reading it out loud mid-sentence and just started laughing.
“you guys look so shy but your signs are… wow.”
chenle: there’s a sign saying ‘yanna and renjun, please kiss’.
“sure, later.”
renjun: when you leave.
“exactly, go home now so we can kiss.~”
haechan bringing up that lee soo man was there as well as other seniors but yanna just bowed to apologize. still in her sports bra.
as they said their last goodbye, chenle kept laughing because it was weird seeing her “kyu~”.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Sickly Sweet [Yandere!GTWScar x Reader]
(Fluff, [a bit of hurt] Request: Howdy,🦷 here!! :D I just saw that you opened up requests again..and I don't even have a proper request™, but I'd love if you'd write something with scar again (ahaha fellow simp)..maybe something sweet but also dark? Kinda with the yandere themes again? I think you know what I mean, I don't know how to use words today >∆<
Anyways, whatever you write, as long as you're happy with it, all of us are gonna love it, so do with this request what you will ig? :) Also, don't overwork yourself with all the requests coming in now, ok? ^^ Sending you all the good vibes, 🦷)
Yandere fluff is my lifeblood so I enjoyed writing this more than usual, also I made this during a weekend trip with my family so take that as you will lmao Tw. A little Yandere/manipulation, as a treat
Life is good, perfect even. You were perfect together.
You had joined the wonderful server right at the same time as Scar. You were both trying to find your footing in this new world, and so you found each other. You had been lucky enough to join because you had shown your abilities to create marvelous works of art on your own. When you decided to create together however, it was nothing short of awe inspiring.
To think that it all happened years ago was unreal. You never left his side all this time. As far as your fellow hermits were concerned, you might as well have been the same person. Wherever one was the other was never far behind.
No one really knows when your partnership melted into the picture perfect love that's been burning strong for so long. At one point you even decided to get married. A tiny wedding, with some simple rings you made yourselves. Who cares if it even counted as "official". Calling him your husband just felt right, and God did he adore every second of it. Much more than you could have ever known that's for sure.
You never knew hermitcraft without him, the two concepts were always deeply connected in your mind. From his struggles with the vex to the aftermath of Third Life and everything before, between and after. It was so much fun, and he couldn't wait for another season of adventures with you by his side. However you had a an idea for a change of pace on your mind.
It was barely a few days after everyone split off to get their start on whatever starter bases and farms they wanted. Scar was giddy setting up his first wagon in the newly established Boatem town. He wasn't worried that you haven't showed up yet. He was used to you wandering around the early days as you collected resources for you two.
He stood back looking at the completed build, it was perfect. Just like all his homes it was made with the idea of two residents in mind. Not to mention every luxury he could add to such an early creation, only the best for the love of his life of course.
Luckily for him, a set of extremely familiar foot steps was approaching. He gleefully spun himself around to greet you, "Darling! It's so good to see you again!" He spoke with a cartoonishly bright smile. Squishing you in a hug.
You chuckled at his ever familiar affection before returning his welcome and hug, "Hello sweetheart!" You let each other go so you could step back to take in his work, "That's one hell of a starter base!" You genuinely shouted. "You've really been doing some work hm?" You nodded towards him with the rhetorical question.
Scar stood behind you to pull you back into a hug. "Well I can't have you spending one more night in anything less than great." He proudly declared letting his head drop on your shoulder.
You took a nervous breath before talking, "Well I actually had a bit of a different idea..." He perked up, giving a curious hum in acknowledgment.
"Well you know we've spent every single season together?" He nodded, quickly delving into a daydream about the memories. If his expression was anything to go by. "Well, what if we stuck to our own projects. Just for this season! Of course we're not going to completely ignore each other... just take a little break you know?" You didn't look at him while waiting his response.
"Wait why now- did I do something wrong?" Surprised you looked back. He was looking forward at nothing in particular, with an expression like his world was falling apart in front of him.
"No! Not at all dear!" You quickly tried to comfort him, "I just wanted to try something a little different." You adjusted yourself to press the side of your face into his neck.
He seemed to gather himself "Oh I'm sorry! I was just so worried that you're trying to leave me..." He confessed. "I just, I don't know if could go a month without you. Let alone a whole season. I need you."
You didn't know exactly how to respond, "It's okay love, we don't have to that. It was only an idea." You continued to comfort him.
"Gods I can barely sleep without you, I think I might've stopped breathing if you decided you were done with me." He went on, nuzzling into you was he muttered it.
Running your hand through his hair you gave an exaggerated look at the sky, "The sun will be setting soon, let's get to bed hmm sweetie?" He gleefully nodded at the suggestion. Moving to guide you up into the wagon.
Scar was sleeping silently, clinging to you as he did most nights. Usually you would be fast asleep happily tangled in his arms, but you couldn't help but replay the conversation.
Might've stopped breathing... obviously it was just a hyperbole but there was some small voice telling you there was something more to it. Maybe it was just the fairy tale loving side of him playing the "I'm incomplete without you" story up.
As you kept fighting drowsiness off Scar turned in his sleep to cuddle and press his face into you more. In spite of all the worrying thoughts that same familiar warmth that's built over all your time together couldn't be stopped.
Letting yourself decompress in his hold you gave up thinking about it. It's going to be okay, it's not like he'd ever do anything to hurt you right? You're ment to be the ride or die couple, and you've never been not happy together. You're probably the one overreacting, yeah that's definitely it. Satisfied with your conclusion you let yourself join him in slumber.
This could never go south, definitely not.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Wait? Demons go into heat?
Unestablished musical Beetlejuice x reader
Beej goes into heat for the first time while knowing you
Dubious consent and masturbation warning
"Y/n, we need to talk"
You look up from your phone and quirk a brow at the statement, it was weirdly serious for your friend, at first you assumed he was getting ready to mess with you or something, until you noticed the purple hue that has taken over his form.
"Are you okay?" You utter softly
The demon sits down next to you on the couch and sighs
"Okay, y/n, I am going to go away for a bit" he refused to look at you, his voice was small and very unlike him, but this made sense, you knew beetlejuice didnt like going to the netherworld on his little business trips, so this behavior started to make more sense.
"Oh okay-"
"I just dont want to hurt you"
What? You freeze.
The ghoul sighs again, before finally meeting your eyes and gently grabbing your hands
"Y/n I'm going into heat next week and I need to be away from you-"
You snort out a laugh, pulling your hands from the ghoul's grasp, so this WAS a joke, going into heat?
Your laughter was short lived when beetlejuice grabbed your shoulders to get you to focus on him.
"Y/n I'm not kidding"
focusing back to the ghoul, it was obvious he was serious, spots of red peaking through the purple was a grim reminder he wasnt joking.
"I'm a demon y/n, I'm gonna go into heat, and all I'm gonna do is want to fuck, and I dont trust myself to be around you, I'm gonna go away till it's over, and I NEED you NOT to say my name, just promise me that"
You nod
Never in your time of knowing the ghoul was he ever so serious, honestly it was scary, was his heat so bad he'd just jump you without consent? IT'S best not to dwell on it.
It's been a few days since beetlejuice disappeared for your own safety, it wasnt so bad, before he left he was very fidgety and practically glowing pink, the hug goodbye was awkward, the ghoul held you longer then normal and let out a soft whine, guess his cycle was starting.
You couldnt help but daydream about how hot it would be to have the demon rail you senseless in his heat, yes you had a crush on him, but you sure as hell weren't ready to express those feelings, especially during his heat cycle.
The week goes by, you enjoy your silence, and are very productive, it's not like you dodnt enjoy Beetlejuice's presence, it's just not easy to get chores done with him being under foot. You always took the opportunity to get stuff done when beetlejuice wasnt around, you loved him yes, but alone time was important, between getting stuff done, and just relaxing his absence was nice, though you did miss him, but as the week went on, you could help but forget as to why the demon had to vanish, work was rough, and as exhaustion took over your body, peices of your discussion fell to the side of your tried brain, something about heading to the netherworld for a bit, a business trip probably, not that you believed the demon HAD a real job anyways.
As the week comes to an end you go into auto pilot mode, friday was the end of a work week and you and Beetlejuice's movie night.
Coming home from work you had only one thing on your mind, lazing about with your friend and watching shitty horror movies. Everything you did was on auto pilot, tossing your bag aside as you head to your bedroom to swap out your work clothes with something much more cozy, fuzzy pajama pants and a baggy shirt.
You wander from your room tapping away on your phone, ordering the pizza you and beej normally share, you always payed ahead and let the demon believe him scaring off the delivery guy ment free food, you enjoyed Beetlejuice's awful jokes, and that wide toothy grin he gave you when he assumed him scored the two of you a free meal, but in all good consciousness you couldnt let that happen, you'll just the demon believe he's doing you a favor WHILE he's showing off.
You plop down on the couch, everything was set for a fun night of hanging with your pal, you havent seen him all week, for the life of you, you couldnt remember as to why beetlejuice wasnt around, something about going to the netherworld? Probably another business trip, whatever he was always so mopey when he had to leave, he'd probably be thrilled to have a easy hang out right? Well it's been a week and if beej wasnt done with whatever nonsense he had to take care of he could leave, simple as that.
You get up from the couch and holler "beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice"
The lights flicker, then go out completely, you huff through your nose, this wasnt new, been was all about making an entrance.
you flinch at the tone, harsh and angry, not exactly how he tended to great you when summoned, he was messing with you right?
Unfortunately in the pitch dark you couldnt see him to confirm this thought.
Before you could do or say anything, you're pushed back into the couch
"Beetlejuice-" you cry,
"I missed you honey, couldnt stop thinking about that soft warm body of yours" he purred, you face burned with embarrassed, yes beetlejuice tended to flirt with you, but this felt different, more
"What?" You utter
Before you could elaborate you felt the weight of him crawling up onto your lap, the ghoul grabs your chin, the demon leans into your face, your eyes now accustomed to the dark you were able to make out a bit of the ghoul before you, just not enough to make heads or tails of what's going on, as the ghoul leans closer to you, pressing his weight against your trapped form, he takes a long inhale through his nose.
"Oooh~ I missed you so much baby~" he moans out in a whisper.
"Okay knock it off beej" you groan, clearly embarrassed and done with this embarrassing joke, as you try to shove the demon off, this whole charade of his, everytime you summoned him he would tease you and mess with you for a laugh, but being this weird? More legit? That was new, maybe he was just upping his game to.mess with you?
Your shoves were only greeted with a growl, you huff and finally shove beetlejuice off you completely, with ungrateful thud the ghoul hits the ground.
"Seriously Beej what's gotten into you?" You sigh walking away from him to turn on the lights.
The ghoul grows at you sudden absence, not that you noticed, with a click the room fills with light. You frown, beetlejuice was gone, great he was in a pranking mood, you sigh, it's been a long week and you just wanted to relax and watch an awful movie. With that thought you are knocked to the ground with a rough shove from the back, and with a shriek and a thud you land on your stomach, you freeze as you feel the weight being pressed against your back, the culprit had crawled onto your back, practically laying on top of you.
"Baby wants to play rough tonight huh? Daddy will allow it~"
"Beetlejuice seriously, I don't want to play these games i- oh fuck" it hit you, it finally clicked why you havent seen the demon in over a week, he told you, and you fucking forgot, you got to caught up in your own routine and exhausting life, you forgot.
"Uh, beej? Can you please get off-"
"Soon baby, I'll get off soon" the ghoul purrs in your ear, his body firmly pressed against yours, you freeze as you feel a sudden hardness poking between your butt cheeks, you could hear your heart pounding away in your ears, you like beetlejuice yes, but you weren't ready to tell him, let alone let him fuck you on the floor. You were frozen unsure what to do, been warned you, and you forgot. You could banish him, 3 times in a row is all you need, and when this cycle is over this will be something the two of you can laugh about right?
"you smell so good honey~" your pulled from your thoughts with the ghoul's gravely purr
"Beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" your voice was small and shaky
You gasp and curse at the sensation of something cold and wet trailing up your neck
"And you taste even better~"
You try again "beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" again you were cut short with a familiar hand cupping against your mouth
"I dont wanna leave baby" he groans, lightly grinding his ever herding cock against your ass "I missed you, I missed your warmth, I missed your scent, i missed your sweet voice, I'm sick of being alone, i need you y/n" his grinding picks up in pace, the ghoul practicallydry humping you into the carpet, you yelp and squirm, in which beetlejuice responds with a soft moan.
"Beej please" you cry, a weird mix of arousal and fear fill your chest, in all honesty, you could find this whole situation pretty hot, but not now.
With the cry of your voice the ghoul flips you over, having you lay on your back. You finally get a good look at beetlejuice, as he hovered inches above you, pinning you below him.
The ghoul's once Forrest green hair was now a wild electric pink, almost magenta, his pupils once round, now resembled the eyes of a snake. Beetlejuice was practically drooling, and though the demon didnt need to breath, you sure could hear him breathing hard almost panting. You've never seen your ghost like this before,so  this was heat? Again, other circumstances thos could be very hot.
"Bee?" Was all you could muster
The demon started back at you, wordless, it felt like forever until he closed the gap between you, burying his face in your chest, hands finding themselves placed along the hem of your pajama pants.
Beetlejuice was a mess, blabbering on and on "you smell so good, you feel so good, I need ya babes, I need ya bad, please let daddy fuck you" he whined, all the while he kept nuzzling your breasts. As if that was a distraction, the ghoul's hands began to tug on the hem of you pants, slowly he began to tug on them, slowly shimmying them down.
You were alerted to this action with the familiar squeeze of the demon's hand on your bum.
"Beej WAIT" you cry
Unfortunately on deaf ears, the ghoul continues his actions as your pants are finally removed and quickly tossed aside.
Your legs now fully bare were now free realestate to cold undead hands desperate for soft warm skin.
His his hands traveled up and down your legs, always stopping at the rear for a good long squeeze, you squirm and pant at the stimulation.
"You like that doll? You getting all hot under the collar with just a little touching~" he purred looking up for your chest.
You couldnt bare to look him in the eye, it was all too much, truth be told, you werent NOT enjoying his attention.
"Lawrence please-" you whine, not really sure as to what you were pleading, was it for him to stop? Was it for him to go further? So much was happening you felt like this really wasnt real.
But it sure as hell felt real when you felt the ghoul snap the waist band of your panties, you gasp and try to sit up, only to be pushed back down against the carpet.
The ghoul sighs and goes back to his babbling.
"I need this babes, I need you so much, I need you so bad it hurts, nothing else was good enough, I NEED you"
You could feel your ears burning at this, he really wanted you over anything else, it was probably just his heat talking, but in an odd way it was sweet.
You couldn't help but give the ghoul a soft smile at his desperate words, unfortunately the smile was quickly dropped and replaced with gritted teeth as you felt the demon's cold hands quickly yanking down your, now damp with arousal, panties.
"Beetlejuice STOP" you cry
Simple hum was your response
As the garment slowly made it's way down your legs you tried in vain to reason with the lust driven demon, all of your crys were responded the same, ignored.
As the garment made it to your ankles you made one last attempt to reason with beetlejuice
"Beetlejuice please, this isnt like you, just stop and we can just forget this-"
Before you could finish that sentence, as soon as the damp garment was free from your form, the ghoul vanished.
You prop yourself up on your forearms, glancing around the empty room, you slowly sit up on your bare bum, waiting, waiting for another knock down, ments pass and nothing.
You slowly and carefully get up off the floor, glancing around as you walk over to your pajama pants that were tossed aside, you gently slide them on, still staying vigilant.
As the night goes on you're on high alert, waiting to be tackled down or something, but as time dragged into the early early morning, it clicked, beetlejuice wasnt going to do anything else, you finally sigh in relief, and try not to think about how he vanished AFTER  your underwear were removed, and missing completely, you assumed they would have wound up as the same place as where your pants were thrown, unless, he took them with him, you cover your mouth and stare at the floor, you paise for a moment, mind swimming with all the lewd things he could be doing with them, this didnt help how you were all hot and bothered from the ghoul's early actions.
Slipping into bed that night, knowing beetlejuice was gone, you felt okay to tend to those desperate feelings between your legs, you carefully pull out your hidden vibrator and gingerly slip it beneath the covers and eagerly bring it to your desperate sex.
Of course
You werent the only one tending to a desperate need.
Beetlejuice now on the roof of your apartment building, a mix of purple and pink have taken over his form, your panties held tightly in his hand.
Did he feel like shit for losing control and jumping you? Yes
Was he glad your dumbass forgot and called him anyway so he could smell you and feel your soft warm skin? Also yes
Sitting on the edge of roof, not that anyone could see him, he takes the freshly woren garment to his nose and inhales the scent of your excited sex, the purple from the demon's hair is quickly replace with a mix of pink and magenta.
"You smell so good baby" he growls
His free hand fumbles with his pants trying to free his full erection, hell the moment he saw your face he was ready to go.
This wasnt the first time beetlejuice went into heat, not by a long shot, but it WAS his first time going into heat knowing you, and fuck, you were all he wanted.
Having you call him, smelling you, seeing you, feeling you, hearing your sweet voice, hes honestly surprised he didn't blow his load while he was humping that cute rump of yours, he drools remembering how he could feel your warm bum against his cold cock, the demon could only imagine how glorious your pussys warmth was gonna feel.
The night was long and lonely for the demon but the memory of you beneath him and the scent of your desire was enough to keep him content, bit next heat cycle? The demon will have you in his pocket and ready to help him out.
You wake up late and head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and start your day, at the little table you had in your little kitchen sat beetlejuice, across from him was a hot and ready cup of coffee
"Morning" the ghoul said plainly, giving you an awkward smile, hints of purple popping up in his hair
"Morning" you respond softly sitting down across from the demon and accepting his 'peace offering'
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before beetlejuice breaks it
"So about the other night-" he starts, averting your gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine, you werent yourself, you warned me, and I forgot"
The ghoul stares back at you, bug eyed and dumbfounded, was it really gonna be this easy?
"I guess you're back to yourself huh?" You try to make a positive note to this awkward situation
"Uh yeah, just kinda horny, not full on horny" he chuckles rubbing the back of his neck.
This was gonna be an awkward bump to get over.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
JK Day 2021
...and what a day it was. I know we’re a bit late with this when looking at KST but in our time zone it’s still September 1st so it counts, right? Besides I wanted to wait until the day was over for them so I could have everything the members would post for JK so I could put it in this post as memory for us to look back on in the future.
Furthermore, as extension for the celebrations, I want to finally sit down, write and post our post about JK and his bonds with the hyung line since it’s been so long since two anons asked us about that so what better time than the weekend after JK day, right?
Anyway, let’s get into it, shall we?
The day before JKs birthday he came onto Weverse and posted three different things, including a cute selca:
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Everyone of course turned up their creativity to post something for JK and also wondered among themselves what he planned on using those lyric comments for, and if he would use them for anything at all.
Sometime later before the new RUN episode aired, Seokjin appeared on Weverse and, for whatever reason, commented birthday wishes for JK under the Weverse post about the upcoming RUN episode. Because of course he did.
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More than an hour before midnight KST everyone got a notification from vlive that JK had gone live:
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And truly, considering it was about to be his birthday, I love how it felt more like it was ours with the gift that kept on giving that this vlive turned out to be. 
Lots more below the cut:
Remember those posts that JK made in the morning on Weverse? As many, including myself, had guessed, JK gathered some of the lyric comments he liked most, or thought would work best, and proceeded to turn them into an actual song right before our eyes. The instrumental was gorgeous with a acoustic guitar and ballad like melody and it was truly fascinating watching him figuring out how to sing the lines, record them, redo them whenever he felt he could do it better, add adlibs in some places, and slowly but surely a song was created with lyrics in both English and Korean.
This really was the content I’ve always craved and I’m so, so happy we got to watch JK do this instead of him just showing us the final thing. You could see him having fun, even when he got a little frustrated at times or he wasn’t quite sure how he wanted to continue or how he wanted the words to sound like, and that he really knows what he’s doing. So many claim that Bangtan have no idea about producing and recording songs, which truly is such a stupid argument to make considering Yoongi is literally Producer SUGA and we know that, if the members want to make mixtapes they have to do them themselves, which we know Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi have done. So JK doing all of that in the vlive? Checkmate against those idiots. Especially since it also isn’t the first time we’ve seen members work on tracks, like the behind the scenes of rap line working on DDAENG or Hobi working on songs, or even JK with Stay, even if we didn’t know it’s Stay at the time.
Once the song was finished JK went on to show us several more instrumentals he could’ve worked with, each one with a different vibe, before switching to singing a song by Justin Bieber saying he really loves his songs a lot. And then it was nearing midnight so he unpacked the cake he got, white icing/fondant with purple lettering spelling out STILL WITH YOU JK, very cute.
Right as midnight hit someone started to bang on the door so JK got up to see who’d come and, surprise, it was a very excited Hobi wishing him a happy birthday including singing the birthday song for him upon JKs request while JK lit up his golden heart shaped candle.
Hobi again returned two minutes after he’d left (between when at 1:18h JK mentioned that, for the first time that night, he’d do one more song to finish off the vlive, ha) to give him an ice cream cake he’d prepared, but also to get his phone which he’d accidentally forgotten in the room JK was in.
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Once Hobi really left and JK got a taste of his ice cream cake, as well as the white cake which turned out to be chocolate flavored, the vlive concert began and, at the time, none of us knew what we were in for since we all thought he’d really do one or two more songs and that would be it. And yet that very much is not what happened, at all, and I’m so grateful for it.
This might just be the funniest screenshot in existence (please take note of the time stamps):
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No wonder that, eventually, Seokjin decided to come onto Weverse to post wishes for JK a second time while also saying this (the picture is from their unit photoshoot for Winter Package):
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The imagine of Seokjin just sitting in bed or whatever watching JKs vlive and hearing him say last song every like ten minutes and every time he just kept going...and going...and going while Seokjin is just waiting...and waiting...and waiting? Hilarious. But it’s also really cute how he’d wanted to wait until JK was done to not interrupt him or pull ARMYs attention away from the vlive. Truly I adore their bond, it’s adorable and chaotic and so wonderfully them.
Yoongi also posted his wishes for JK while the vlive was still going.
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The one who waited until it was over was actually Namjoon who, with what he said in his tweet, actually revealed that he’d watched JKs vlive as well. In his vlive JK said that at the end of their concerts Namjoon used to always give his speech like a (school) principal, as in his long ending ment speeches, and that’s why Namjoon ‘signed’ his tweet with principal as well.
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Truly I love how JK was just having fun singing their songs, taking requests from ARMY, rediscovering songs, like him wondering if they really have a song called Paradise (since the Korean title is different) and finally fulfilling ARMYs wish of hearing BTS sing it live, as well as being surprised and confused by requests for Heartbeat asking himself if them really have a song like that. But since ARMY kept asking for it, he finally looked it up and his reaction to realizing that, yes, it is a real song of theirs and also that that’s the song we were talking about which he’d completely forgotten about? Hilarious but also kind of heartbreaking for all the Heartbeat enthusiasts.
Here is the full list of all the songs he sang, some for longer, some shorter:
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One thing that this vlive showed really well was just how amazing of a singer JK really is. It’s easy for people to dismiss his talent during concerts or performances, since they could always argue that him and the others get help due to the backing track etc., but here we had his raw voice singing along to their songs much the way any of us do. And he sounded stunning beginning to end. He’s such a talented singer and he’s worked so hard on his technique and voice and it’s really showing. Thinking back to what he said in his BE comeback Weverse interview about how he’d like to one day he brave enough to do a three hour concert on his own, I’d say this vlive shows that really shouldn’t be any kind of problem at all. If ARMY can listen to him essentially do karaoke for one and a half hours, then attending and enjoying a full on JK concert would be no issue whatsoever. It’d actually be amazing, I’m certain, and I’d totally be down to seeing that potentially become a reality one day in the future.
After two and a half hours, the vlive ultimately came to a close and JK said his goodbyes.
Hours later Hobi appeared on Weverse wondering what pictures of JK he could/should post for his traditional picture “spam” and everyone was immediately super excited. Hobi’s gallery holds some wonderful treasures so we all looked forward to what he would end up posting, though it would take a few hours until it would happen.
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The funny thing is that he posted the first twt twice since the picture with Namjoon in it had Hobi’s iPhone in it which, as good Samsung representative, was a no, no, so he deleted the twt and posted it again with some stickers covering the phone. So cute. And his picture choices are wonderful. I particularly love that picture of JK in the white room dressed in black from back in 2019 when they performed Boy with Luv. And also their picture from a dinner the two of them went on together back in 2018.
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In the meantime before Hobi posted his pictures, as requested in the picture that BH had posted for JKs birthday on the staff BTS account at midnight, one of the members posted his meal though it’s unclear which one of them it might’ve been. Looks super yummy though, wow.
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And eventually the final member to come and wish JK a happy birthday was Jimin (and yes, I know Jimin’s twt came before Hobi’s but considering Hobi already wished him a happy birthday at midnight, that makes Jimin the last one):
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Trans (cr. haruharu_w_bts):
our maknae happy birthday  i wish <you a happy birthday> a lot and a lot #KkookieHappyBirthday #JIMIN #HAPPYJKDAY
Taehyung didn’t post anything but considering his track record of doing something for the members off social media for their birthday, like giving Namjoon a forehead kiss, sending birthday wish videos to Seokjin (including roping others into doing it as well), or wishing Jimin a happy birthday as part of the MOTS ON:E exhibition, I wasn’t all that surprised by this.
And with that JK day 2021 came to a close. It started with a surprise (as in both the song based on ARMY comments and also the concert afterward) and ended with one as well, as in the In The SOOP Season Two announcement.
I hope JK had a wonderful day, celebrated happily with his members, friends and family however much that’s possible in these times, as well as with their busy schedule, and that this new year will be a happy one for him full of success, personal but also career wise. I’m curious and excited to see what will happen.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon back again. I had a sort of writers block for the last like 2 days which made it really hard to do some questions, but I got em done finally. Sorry about the wait. This one is split between the numbered questions, and next ask is the other questions you asked!
I think I accidentally skipped a question in the last one. I honestly don't completely remember but in case I did skip it by mistake, the groups first travel out of the city's limits and even further beyond in a carriage. When they reach the end of how far the driver is willing to go they then get out and start walking. With Jackie screaming about how their finally going on a adventure. 
1: It thankfully doesn't get to to bad before the others notice. And he immediately told them about Dream, wanting to be very clear with what happened and what they where getting themselves into. But they accepted him anyway and helped him. 
2: Isaac is the leader cause Cletus is too much of a wildcard and too impulsive to lead safely, Charles is too shy to lead, and while Benjamin is perfect for leading he doesnt really like leading and is more of a follower than a leader. But Isaac can joke around and gets along with everyone but also be able to take things seriously and know when something needs to be handled.
5: They do not, they last for a few minutes and unless its a healing or regeneration potion (in which it can take a few days for it to fully go away) they have no long lasting affects. They do know of eachothers past to an extent, they know enough to avoid triggers and enough to know what not to do when around eachother. They know through telling eachother, and they feel awful Grievous and Jackie had to deal with that, but leave it in the past and focus on making their current life better. 
6: Yes and no, while Jackie did mean to throw it at Ran, he ment for it to just hit nearby him, not directly hit him. It was ment to be more of a scare/intimidation tactic than anything else honestly. Grievous's luck is for basically everything, he has won the lottery twice before actually but only those 2 times, he's correctly guessed how many items are in a container more than a few times as well. 
7: I use the height charts and they help mostly for comparison, problem is I have trouble applying it to real world stuff and because of that I still have trouble knowing if something or someone is to tall or short. Jackie can get very mean, like he can make fun of someone who just lost a loved one or experienced a traumatic event at the worst. But he usually doesn't get nearly that mean, most he does normally is making fun of how someone looks or how they do certain things. The others comfort him the best they can when he gets sad, and when he gets mean they either encourage it (Grievous), or discourage it and stop him (Watson. Ran is between either encouraging or discouraging it).
8: He was! He spent most of his life adventuring actually! He misses it somedays now since he lives in Subbin, but he believes giving up his adventuring life for a family and friends who needed him is a more than far trade and would happily pick his family over adventuring again. For around 4 years after Ran left Mizu (including the day he left), Ran traveled everywhere, and learned how to survive himself and taught himself different things, like sewing. Ran has made new socks, fixed clothes, and made blankets for everyone at least once. Watson also designs bows and arrows for show, for top functionality, and for just simple (training) gifts to the others. Ran (and Watson) has visited the nether, though Ran tended to stay in it longer than Watson cause he could withstand the temperatures better. And while digging a new tunnel across the nether he ran into ancient debris, which he then messed with until he figured out to mix it with gold and coat his sword in it. He tried to find more ancient debris but sadly hasn't found any, leaving his sword permanently damaged and at risk of breaking. Jackie isn't good at all at painting, its more of a hobby he's trying out. They try to camp out there at least once a week, where Grievous will sometimes build a pillowfort and either force everyone inside or play a game of capture the fort with them. Sometimes Ran will also read during the pillowfort nights, but not to often. Jackie wants to vist a Snow, Savanna, Jungle,  Tagia, and if possible, a Ice Spike biome. He also wants to vist the nether but he'll have to fight Ran on that. Ran and Jackie's secondary titles are in Javanese!
9: Ran just kinda went "Hey Jackie, stand still for a second." "Ok?" And then he just picked him up and threw up. 
10: When he's first given dinner after already eaten lunch, he just kinda stares at the food. Then asks if they meant to give him food, and when the others say yes, he asks why because he thought people only ate once every few days. His answer shocked the others and they ask him to explain, and he explains futher that he was only allowed to eat and drink once every 3 days. Their horrified by this answer but explain to him how theres 3 meals a day and he can drink whenever, he doesn't believe them at first but eventually accepts it. 
11: When the fishermen first come to Ranbob about their worry, he expresses the same worry as them. But says that it's unlikely Ran will hurt the fishermen specifically, because Rans haunting are already friends with them, and Ran wouldnt risk breaking the friendship unless he deemed it necessary for their safety. 
12: Ranbob is sad that Ran goes to such lengths to avoid him and keep people away from him, but he has resigned himself to it. As he knew that if Ran was alive it was greatly unlikely that he would trust him and knew he would be avoided. Which is actually particularly why he believes Ran will never trust him again and why he views Ran as a kind of lost family member. One he'll never get back no matter what he does.
13: Their first stop is a nearby flower biome, and after that Watson has planned to lead them to a waterfall he found with a shattered Savanna somewhat close to it. They plan to travel for a minimum of 6 months, they can actually travel for as long as they want to, but Prokius made them agree that they must be back before the next General Pit Battles (which happens once every 5 years). 
14: He would 100% run himself into the ground until he's barely alive while searching for them. Benjamin compares Ranbob wanting to go back to Dream, to an abused person wanting to go back to their abusive lover. They believe they've changed and that they truly do love them and want the best for them, but in reality that's not it at all and others have to help them see thats not true and help them save themselves. So it doesn't surprise Benjamin or Isaac that much (it surprises Charles and Cletus though), and after its explained to them, their all more than willing to help Ranbob get over Dream and help him be himself again.
15: Oh definitely. Once they hear the Green-Eyed Enderman is back from hiding they all set out again, and after the group gets attacked and once word spreads that its in a group and there's another enderman with them, they all get targeted. With the Gladiators and Fishermen being targeted as bait or hostages to try to trick the enderman into following a trap. Ran wasnt affected like his brother was. Im talking about trauma and maybe even a bit of PTSD that came from Mizu, caused by Dream. Though both of the brothers have gained different amounts of trauma and PTSD from Dream. I may give the raven to either Watson or Ran, I think its fits both of them really well. I want to have them come across ruins of other Tales but im not sure which ones. Maybe they could find the remains of the Wild West Tale and the Haunted Mansion?
Glad to see you, Brothers Anon, and excited to read!
1: The perfect start to an Adventure. And a funny mental image. Imagining these two groups cramped into carriages is pretty amusing. How ready was everyone to get out by the time they could?
2: The fishermen are really great, and Ranbob is very lucky. I love them.
3: Isaac sounds like he’s a pretty good fit for it then. But nobody’s perfect! What are some flaws of his, leadership-wise?
5: Interesting. What makes Regeneration and Healing last longer? I suppose it’s not relative to the AU, but I am a bit curious. What’s the world’s potions mechanisms, if you don’t mind me asking? And that’s good! They may not know everything, but they know what to avoid, and that’s important. Everyone’s moved forward and are making the best of life, and honestly, that’s pretty cool of them.
6: Welp, Jackie, it seems intimidation tactic failed. However, you have managed to anger Ran, so..there’s that. He won the lottery? Dang. Well, if they ever need money, they can just send him to the nearest casino, I suppose.
7: Aight, so I may have a solution for you there. Whatever height you’re going for, find something in real life that’s just about the same height. Like a tree, or something. Or not, we can always just leave it at short enough to be tossed and tall enough to be the tosser. Jackie sounds like he knows where to hit to make it hurt, honestly. It’s good that they comfort him, though I am curious why they all react as they do to him being mean. Why does Grievous encourage it? And is it more of a depends on the day thing for Ran, or a depends on what was said to Jackie, and what Jackie’s saying thing?
8: Nice! What kind of places did he go? Does he have any particularly interesting knickknacks from that time period? And Ran personally sounds like he knows what he’s doing. Watson’s weapons sound really cool, where did he learn to make them? Is visiting the Nether not a common occurrence these days? Or is it simply that the others never got around to it before? Well, hobbies are always fun to try. Does Jackie keep at it and get better or get bored and try something else? How does Capture the Fort go with these guys, considering they’re gladiators? Why does Jackie want to visit those particular biomes? Is there a reason, or do they just sound cool to him? And why would Ran not want them going to the Nether? Because of the danger?
9: FDXGHJ- He just- tossed him?? No warning?? Oh my gods, I’m dying. How did Jackie react to that? Heck, how did Porkius react to that? I doubt anyone was expecting that display.
10: Oh, no. Now I really want to punch Dream in the face. What the heck, Dream?! He legit asks if they meant to give him food...If one of the fishermen or gladiators doesn’t eventually find a way to punch Dream, I will be forced to travel realities and do it myself. 
11: Kind of sad that Ranbob was equally concerned about it. But hey! He won’t have to be, one day!
12: Poor Ranbob. I hope he’s proven wrong, eventually. Do the fishermen know that he thinks this? If so, how do they feel about it? Or does he kind of just keep those thoughts to himself?
13: Flower biomes are really pretty. What did everyone think about it? Did they bring any flowers with them? So this roadtrip could possibly go on for a few years. Did they leave just after a General Pit Battle, or do they have like, less than five years? Speaking of General, is Jackie still the General in this AU? Does he have extra duties because of it? Or is that not something that happened in this AU?
14: Yikes. Reactions to this? Why does Ranbob believe Dream’s changed, as you put it? Is Dream still able to talk to him, or is it because he just misses being there? So Benjamin and Isaac aren’t all that surprised about it. Do they take the reins in helping out? And how do they all do so? It’s good that they’re helping him though.
15: Well, this sounds like it can’t end well. They try to use the hauntings as bait? Is anyone actually captured? Rescue missions? And alright, that makes a bit more sense. I can see how they’d both be effected differently, and honestly, they’d probably both have very different perspectives of the event, all things considered. Ravens for the win! And it’d be really cool for them to come across the ruins of old Tales buildings. Can you imagine the kind of things they’d find? Diaries, faded photographs, moth-eaten clothes, blood stained floors...Like a walk in the past, but they’ll never know what came to be for the people of that time.
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Moonbow at it yet again with a new Mcyt AU-But like what else am I supposed to do?I got so much positive feedback for my royalty AU that I decided to come up with a new AU! Plus I binged all the Ocean's movies and like the main one that inspired me was Ocean's 8,that movie slaps!If you haven't watched it yet you definitely should!!Anyway-Like I said my family and I just moved and I'm getting an extreme haircut today(lmao) so I'm pretty busy but don't worry the first chapter of "Royal Buisness" is going to be out in a few weeks/months!!Love u all and hope u like it <3💤💙
📷Target Spotted💻 (Mcyt Spy AU)
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Sleepyboisinc(S.B.I) -> my absolute favorite bois ♡
-The sleepyboisinc originally started of as a joke.A few five year olds have the dream of becoming secret agents and start their own Buisness.
-No one really took it seriously back in the days when the three boys would draw and write down ideas for advanced technology devices and gadgets,I mean c'mon it's only natural for kids to grow up with dreams.The childish roleplaying on the playground eventually stopped but the dream stayed.Everyone simply thought that the trio would forget about their ideas in a few years and "grow up".
-Well they were wrong.Nobody could have predicted that the three of them continued with their "shenanigans" through all of their years in highschool-
-Techno,Phil and Wilbur stayed in touch while growing up. The three of them developed such a stron brotherly bond that at some point they left out everyone else and only shared their time with eachother.Their families informed them that they should be more open and extroverted but the three of them are stubborn.
-Time skip to College.Techno went on to study Psychology and English,Wilbur went to start a musical career and Phil- he just kinda disappeared?He didn't tell them where he went to college or what he was doing after school.
-So after two years of somewhat going their separate ways and two years of Phil missing without a single trace,both Techno and Wilbur decide to meet up and look for him. What the two didn't expect is that that night their childhood dream would become reality.
-Turns out that Phil,during those two years,secretly developed the S.B.I foundation.Techno and Wilbur couldn't believe that he managed to do all of this by himself and honestly?They were more than impressed and happy.It was their life long dream afterall and the fact that Phil made it all possible was absolutely overwhelming and appreciated.
-Phil explained everything.He told them that he didn't expect it to actually turn out this good and work functionality but it did!Phil also didn't accomplish it by himself but he hired a few poeple they could use on their side.At this point Techno and Wilbur were even more in love with their new jobs that they immediately dropped out of their previous occupations.
-He showed them around and the two of them were awestruck.Phil couldn't help but smile and laugh at their reactions since he only expected it to be this way.Phil didn't have to show them how things work becouse they created and designed all of this together,Phil was only the one who made it reality.
-Everything looked like from their drawings.The whole aesthetic of the building the S.B.I was located in was amazing.The outside looked like nothing special,and that's the way it's supposed to be.People weren't ment to get suspicious and curious.So making it look like a simple buisness was perfect.
-The only thing Techno and Wilbur weren't familiar with was the new staff so Phil gladly introduced them to eachother! Techno could already tell that there are a few poeple who he clearly won't get along with aswell as people he sees himself working with quite okay.As Phil watched them interacting he couldn't help the wide smile forming on his lips: The sleepy bois are finally reunited :)
Techno N.(Blade):
Techno is one of the best if not the best spy and the one with the biggest amount of action going on.His loyalty and dedication to his job are insane.Even back when they were kids Techno was always the one to stick up for Phil and Wilbur and make sure that the kids who bully them never show their faces again.
Techno is tough and clever.He thinks before he acts.His movements aren't exactly the most precise ones but they are definitely swift.Not to mention that there are times where instead of intimidating the target into getting out the information they need Techno turns to violence.He does apologize for it afterwards though so it's chill.
Techno is a professional at his finest.Getting caught?Never. Messing up?Not Techno.Tricks or traps?Don't work- During his training arc Techno learned the ways of a spy in and out. When Techno wants something to happen or go his way he only focuses on said thing and leaves it aside once he achieves what he wanted.
Techno prefers to work alone,he is extremely shy and introverted so it isn't easy working with people he's not comfortable around or familiar with.His social anxiety is not really a big help either- (Protect him) Another fun fact is that Techno's ADHD makes him struggle with his big focus ability.But everyone in the company knows it and they know that he can't do anything about it. •Accepting friends am I right? :)
Techno is the only employee that Phil let's in on the biggest news and insights first(Apart from Wilbur) and he is also the only one he trusts with the more dangerous weapons.Techno is really good with those!
Techno's missions are the ones that mostly need to be taken care of at night-His sleeping schedule is messed up so Phil gave him the night shift.Of course Phil has days where he strictly tells Techno to take them off so he can take care of his health and sleep.Techno refuses but knows that it makes Phil happy so he takes days off for him (I love their relationship <3)
Techno's job is his number one priority.Due to the fact that he used to study and specialize in psychology as well as in English and it's History Techno is very smart. His intelligence and usage of certain words tend to confuse other people and Techno would do it on purpose just to see the expression on their faces.
May I add that Techno is very calm and sarcastic.He also tends to be very polite and cold which makes poeple uncomfortable sometimes.His ego and confidence are both massive aswell which has it's ups and downs!
Techno is really good in cartography(Maps).During highschool Techno unintentionally desroyed everyone in Geography.He didn't like the subject he was only a natural at it.(If you couldn't figure it out already I obviously had to put in an SMP Earth reference)
Techno is one hell of a pilot.Poeple seriously question themselves how he is so good at flying planes or helicopters.Why complain though?A talent like that could come in handy any time when needed.
Phil W.(1ZA):
The boss and founder of the Sleepyboisinc(S.B.I)
Phil was the one who made all of their childhood dreams come true,and he's very proud of how far he himself and his friends have come!
Phil goes on missions on very rare occasions.His main job is to stay in his office and make sure that things run smoothly and the way they are supposed to.
He counts and is known as the information center and the backup for his agents.Him going on missions is very risky since he always has to be available during everything.His main priority is that all of his agents and friends come back safely and most importantly alive from their jobs.
Becouse Phil is mostly stuck in his office busy with paper work,he can read his agents like an open book. Phil's ability to instantly make someone feel welcomed and loved can either be seen as comforting or scary.One look at you and Phil knows exactly what topics to talk about.He can't but choose to use that ability to his advantage.
Phil is a very caring and kind person.He is the definition of wholesome!S.B.I is pretty lucky to have such a understanding and nice boss to work with.
Phil tends to keep his eyes on the troublemakers(I will get to them later 👀)and Techno especially.The first one is pretty self explanatory since the nickname says it all.Techno on the other hand is in Phil's sight not becouse he's a brainless idiot but of his health issues.
He is a very patient and empathetic person it isn't in his nature to be angry or mad at someone but when he is it gets scary.To have Phil actually mad it you,you would have to fuck up big time.Poeple who have experienced Phil being angry with them have nightmares till this day.He won't be violent and he won't insult you but he will hit you where it hurts the most,he will fo under the deepest parts of your skin. (Not physically but mentally)
Phil knows the right time to be serious and the right time to have fun and joke around with his friends.After a successful mission the crew would go out and celebrate their victory.Phil has to make sure that all of his idiot agents don't get too drunk so that no laws will be broken and no unnecessary information will be spread around.Gotta keep up a good rep am I right?
Everyone in the company sees Phil as a big father figure.I mean who wouldn't?The vibes he gives of remind everyone of an overprotective dad.Whenever somebody of his agents has a problem their first instinct is to go and talk to Phil about them.Phil will gladly listen and cheer them up when he needs to <3
Wilbur S.(Dirty Crime Boy):
Wilbur is the S.B.I's decoy and undercover specialist. His biggest flex is that becouse he is so handsome and charming,Phil decided to let him be the distraction. This guy could flirt with anyone and he would have them wrapped around his finger in no time.
There is just something so exciting and addictive to taking on different personalities and outfits.Wilbur can pull out any look or personality trait.His favorite one would have to be a musician,he doesn't have to act around too much since he's in his natural habitat. Wilbur sometimes has way too much fun with his job.
There are times where Wilbur is asked to perform somewhere so that Techno or whoever is on a mission with him is able to do what they need to do.He will get caught up in the moment and forget that he is on a mission so when Phil tells Wilbur's partner to drag him off stage and calm him down they immediately do so.
Apart from that,Wilbur is extremely good at what he does.You know those guys in movies who will drug other poeple's drinks and stuff to either rob them or drag them someplace else?Yeah that guy is Wilbur. His suave attitude and velvety voice makes everyone want to have a drink with him :)
Wilbur has the power of blackmailing on his side.This guy knows everything about everyone.You smoked weed with your ex on a highschool party?Wilbur knows it all.Some shit you did when you were home alone three weeks ago?Wilbur has all the details.He knows so much shit that people who work with him are genuinely scared to get close to him just couse they fear that he will know all their secrets.
Somehow Wilbur is able to get any information that is required for a certain mission.Your grandma's name?Blood type?Favorite type of cacti?Wilbur has it all memorized in his head.Phil may have all the needed information but Wil has the dirty secrets and past shit someone has gotten themselves into.
Wilbur's favorite person to work with has to be Techno.Not only becouse of their brotherly bond but becouse Wil knows that if he's stuck somewhere Techno is always around and will get him out.Wil simply enjoys Techno's company,he doesn't talk much so it gives Wilbur enough time and silence to talk about his day or something stupid that pissed him off.
Becouse Wilbur has to work undercover and make sure that he doesn't get recognized,he is fluent in multiple languages,his most requested ones are: German,French and Spanish!!(My personal headcanon I know Wilbur doesn't speak all three of them fluently)
Wilbur is the one who gets send onto missions that require to travel to a different country.Most of the time Wilbur happily agrees but on rare occasions where he feels as if something might go wrong or when he has a bad feeling about some place he will desperately try and get Phil to send someone else.
Tommy S.(Innit) ->Proud Inniter btw <3
Sixteen years old and already a spy?Tommy is living the dream of surely everybody in his highschool.Being light and quick on his feet Tommy's job is sneaking in and pickpocketing.Need a unique antique located in a safely secured safe?Tommy's got you.A wallet with a credit card or ID?Tommy already has it.Maybe it's a watch or a jewelry piece?It's Tommy's now.
Tommy's outgoing and energetic personality is a huge boost to the company.Whenever an agent backs down from a mission,Tommy will immediately call them out for being a coward.Tommy has the mouth of a sailor so him calling you a piss baby or bitch boy is completely normal to everybody working in S.B.I
They are pretty much used to it that Tommy has no filter when it comes to his opinion on something.He is brutally honest and isn't afraid to call you out for you bullshit.Tommy can be a little too open minded from time to time which gets him into dumb situations.
Tommy has the stupid ability to make everyone hate him the moment they meet him.Tommy tends to start fights or arguments against multiple people who are way stronger and taller than him.He doesn't think before he acts and just dives head in.
Almost 99.9% of the complaints Phil receives from other companies or his familiars are from Tommy.Even though Tommy promises Phil to stay out of trouble and keep his attitude to himself,he still manages to break those promises the moment someone insults his friends or makes fun of him.Phil seriously needs to teach him some proper manners-
"The business bay" is a small alliance that Tommy has formed in S.B.I,long story short it's all the younger agents (Tommy,Toby,Bitzel,Deo and Luke)in the company working together in a group.(Mostly just becouse all four of them go to the same School and Tommy needs people to steal homework from-)
Tommy seeks attention and admiration in any shape or form.Call him an "Alpha male" and you've got your name secured on "Keep them safe" list.The only other person Tommy admires,apart from himself is Techno. Literally the smallest "good job" or "well done" sends Tommy's ego over the edge.He will brag to everybody who is stupid enough to listen to him.He will constantly try and impress Techno in any way,which ends up in Tommy getting too ahead of himself and getting embarrassed for being so clumsy.
Wilbur and Tommy have a wierd relationship.One minute they are normally interacting with eachother and the other they are trying to kill eachother.Tommy complains about Wilbur all the time,about how annoying he is and that he thinks that he's best- Though when it comes to having eachother's backs that rivalry is put aside and they work together to save both of their asses.
Neither Techno or Wilbur will admit it but when Phil sends either of them to get Tommy's ass out of some shit he has gotten himself into the two of them are worried and get very protective over him.Sure Techno teases and ignores Tommy to no end and Wilbur annoys the living shit out of him but both of them make sure to take care of Tommy like their little bro.
AHHHHH IT'S FINISHED!!ANOTHER AU HAS BEEN WRITTEN QJSJWKKQ-Sorry guys I'm very excited about this AU,I have been working on it for a few days now and I had to write down all my headcanons and ideas!Don't worry my royal AU is still a work in progress so keep in mind that the first chapter will come out soon!I hope you guys enjoyed my Spy AU and ofcourse any kind of feedback is welcomed! Love u all <3 <3
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dimensionsunited · 3 years
Members may earn up to 18 points for writing, by the end of June 30 KST:
Up to three solo paras of 400+ words based on their quarterly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit). (three points each)
Up to three threads of eight posts (four per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule. (three points each)
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
Schedule posts for this quarter can be tagged with #fmddmsq221.
Most of the groups under Dimensions are making comebacks this quarter, which hopefully means good things for the quarter’s profits, but also means a higher stress atmosphere among workers. Staff that overlaps between groups under Dimensions, such as stylists and recording engineers, might be pulled thin over the course of this quarter, leaving interactions with them potentially more tense and brief when they do happen, and schedule mishaps aren’t impossible, with practice rooms and recording studios potentially accidentally double-booked.
Important dates:
June 8-13: Triple Fantasy Festival in Indio, CA, USA.
In April, the members of Gal.actic wrap up comeback preparations ahead of their new release. While its release might not be a high-charter for the group, it earns a certain amount of favor with those who keep up with new releases for showing a side Gal.actic hasn’t been showing as much with their recent comebacks. Album sales aren’t anything standout for the group either, in spite of several fan signs being held, but it gives Gal.actic a fun summer song they might be able to book some festival performances of next quarter, and the charity walkathon performance they book in June at the tail end of promotions is good publicity and positive media karma, which they could always use more of.
Important dates:
April 10: Fri. Sat. Sun. photo book shoot.
April 25: “Fri. Sat. Sun.” M/V filming.
May 1: MISSHA fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
May 13: Release of “Fri. Sat. Sun.” & Fri. Sat. Sun. mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 13.
May 14: Fansign in Yongsan, Seoul.
May 16: Fansign in Gimpo.
May 31: Fansign in Busan.
June 1: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 13: End of music show promotions.
June 19: Performance (Fri. Sat. Sun & B.B.B.) at 1m1won Charity Walkathon (also performing: Chroma Crystal and 7ROPHY).
After Alien finishes music show promotions in April, they’re given the rest of the month before they return in May to begin work on their next comeback. Once they come back in in May, it’s straight into concept meetings and then eventually recording their next single album, which will include double title tracks “Bling Bling” and “B-Day”. They continue to work on their new comeback in the beginning of summer, with choreography [2] and wardrobe fittings being the focus for June. Though their fan signs for their latest comeback were kept to a minimum this time around, they’ll get two chances to meet with fans this quarter during fan signs in their roles as ambassadors for sportswear brand Kappa.
Important dates:
April 5: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
April 9: End of music show promotions.
May 8: Kappa fansign in Yongin.
June 19: Kappa fansign in Busan.
June 20: M/V [2] and stage outfit [2] wardrobe fittings.
Now that their active Japanese promotions are behind them and left mostly to pre-recorded clips and behind the scene videos here and there managed by Dimensions to lure in anyone still pondering a purchase, it’s time for MARS to turn their attention more fully to their Korean comeback. April brings with it fittings, photo shoots, and music video filming on top of continued practice of their stages. The company gets those preparations completed by the end of April so as to allow the group to concentrate on their performance ahead of their comeback at the end of May. The comeback is met with what could be considered a more lukewarm reception for MARS — it’s what they’re known for and good at, but doesn’t seem to be a gigantic standout for most fans in comparison to the sexier “Chained Up”. Nonetheless, promotions are successful enough to turn a profit and they’re already looking ahead to a looming second Korean comeback of the year by the time the quarter comes to a close.
Important dates:
April 5: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
April 17: Light Us photo book shoot.
April 20: “Valkyrie” M/V filming.
May 26: Release of “Valkyrie” & Light Us mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 26.
May 27: Relay Dance video filming.
May 31: In&Out Dance video filming.
June 1: Fan sign in Yeouido, Seoul.
June 3: Guesting on Arirang Sound K radio show.
June 4: Fan sign in Yongsan, Seoul.
June 7: “Eye Contact” self-cam M/V filming at Dimensions HQ.
June 16: Fansign in Yeungdeongpo, Seoul.
June 21: Fan sign in Gimpo.
June 26: End of music show promotions.
June 28: Jambangee fansign in Songpa, Seoul.
The quarter begins by finishing off promotions for “Oh My God” and before the quarter ends, they’ll be through almost an entire round of promotions for an entirely different comeback. Dimensions was quick to get to work as soon as “Oh My God” started showing charting comparable to their best digital success “Latata” and, instead of holding on to the era and milking it for all its worth, they’ve instead made the decision to aim for a summer hit with two more comebacks over the span of only a few months. The first is “Uh Oh”, which they’ll rush to record and learn the choreography for in April before completing the bulk of their comeback preparations in Ma so that the can make a comeback in the first week of June to get themselves in as one of the first large contenders for song of the summer. The comeback doesn’t end up being that, but it does benefit in the run-off of “Lion” and “Oh My God”, already making 2021 a more successful year for 7ROPHY than the previous one when it comes to making their name more known with the public.
Important dates:
April 5: Fansign in Gimpo.
April 10: Elle Song Association video filming.
April 12: Fansign in Incheon.
April 15: End of music show promotions.
May 1: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
May 14: Teaser photo [2] shoot.
May 15: “Uh Oh” M/V filming day one.
May 16: “Uh Oh” M/V filming day two.
May 26: 100sec Choreography video filming.
June 2: Release of “Uh Oh” + press showcase, music show promotions continue through July 2.
June 19: Performance (Uh Oh & Oh My God) at 1m1won Charity Walkathon (also performing: Chroma Crystal and Gal.actic).
June 20: Try-lingual Live video filming (to be released: June 27).
This comeback involves a lot that the members of Unity have to film. Not only do they have to film the video for their title track in April after completing wardrobe fittings and photo shoots in March, but they also have a concept video, a track video, and a music video for another song off of the album to film. All of the hard work pays off, though, as their comeback album hits it out of the park with over a million sales after its release and the digital charting of the title track is pretty impressive for a boy group as well. If anyone had still been questioning Unity’s position within Dimensions, there’s not much ground left to do so anymore after this comeback. They’re one of the top boy groups of their generation, and that’s something Dimensions will be proud to mediaplay in the aftermath of this comeback’s success.
Important dates:
April 2: Unity : The Past & Future : Ether video filming.
April 11: “Misfit” Track Video filming.
April 18: “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” M/V filming.
April 26: “From Home” M/V filming.
May 1: “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” M/V reaction video filming.
May 3: Release of “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” & Unity Resonance Pt. 1 album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 3.
May 7: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
May 10: Fansign in Jongno, Seoul.
May 11: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul.
May 31: Fansign in Goyang.
June 3: End of music show promotions.
Near the end of the month, the CHAMPION members will fly out to Japan to hold their concert at Tokyo Dome. Decipher and Knight have played Tokyo Dome before, but Unity hasn’t. Regardless of history, it’s a pretty big deal that a fresh sub-unit is playing such a venue, so BC and Dimensions wants to make sure it goes off without a hitch. After the concert ends, the unit members will begin working on a comeback as they go in to record a single in the studio in June.
Important dates:
April 29: We Are The Future Concert at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan.
Lucid spends most of April preparing for the fanmeeting they’ll be holding in May. In addition to performances of their releases so far (leaning heavily into their “normal realm” concepts, they’re informed), as it’s a fanmeeting, they’ll have talk sessions they also have to prepare for. Other than the usual ments, the members will be expected to answer fan questions and requests and give advice to fans (all of these messages will be pre-approved by the company). They’ll also play games on stage with each other. Their fanmeeting isn’t all the have to occupy their time, though, as they’ll make making another comeback at the end of the quarter with a return to form with the normal realm concept instead of an intersection like their last release was. They’ll record the mini-album in April and begin learning the choreography a little earlier than usual within the same month. (The choreography for b-side “One Half” will need to be learned as well.) May brings in the focus on promotional materials, although rehearsals continue behind the scenes at a higher intensity than usual to guarantee the members have the choreography nailed down for this comeback. Finally, they make their return in June with a warm reception that’s expected by many due to adhering conceptually to their most successful releases.
Important dates:
April 7: Performance at Nonsan Strawberry Festival in Nonsan (also performing: Chroma Crystal).
May 2: Dear. Reverie fanmeeting at Olympic Hall in Seoul.
May 1: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
May 9: Parallel photo book shoot.
May 30: “Love Whisper” M/V filming.
June 15: Release of “Love Whisper” & Parallel mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through July 15.
June 16: OMG Live video filming.
June 17: Guesting on SBS Power FM Cultwo Show radio show, Relay Dance video filming.
June 18: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul.
June 19: Fansign in Mapo, Seoul.
June 20: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 23: Guesting on SBS Power FM Power Time radio show.
June 24: Guesting on MBC Starry Night radio show.
June 27: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 30: Guesting on KBS Cool FM Kiss The Radio radio show.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Much to popular disbelief, Ash is actually pretty keen on catching romantic and platonic social ques. He just doesn’t act on the romantic ones. And how could he with what kind of platonic and romantic love has surrounded him since he was so young.
Ash watched his father promise him, a fake promise Ash refuses to believe that was actually fake for an embarrassing amount of time, that he would be back on Ash’s Fifth birthday. He doesn’t show up and after the next two weeks his mom opens a packet with giant letters of “Divorce Papers” written ages the top. He watched his mom try not to cry and sob and Ash was shooed out of the kitchen by her and forced to go to his room. It didn’t really matter, his father was never really close with Ash anyways.
Ash never met Gary’s parents, but they weren’t good ones from what Daisy would accidentally slip out when they were much younger. He watched as Daisy was distant with Professor Oak and how the Professor wouldn’t really give Gary the time of day unless Gary accidentally did something bad.
He had to watch his budding brother hood with Gary rot and withered away because Professor Oak had always preferred and loved Ash more. Ash wanted to reach out and tell him, to tell Gary that he never wanted the Professors attention if it ment he didn’t have Gary by his side. But he couldn’t and he had to watch his ex-beat friend grow even more bitter and lash out harder at everyone around him. Forcing his ego to inflate to hide the pain. Ash cried when Gary came up to him after the Johto conference, he couldn’t help himself as he blubbered because he misses Gary so much. He just didn’t know how to put his platonic love into words that wouldn’t have Gary throwing them back into Ash’s face with scorn and amplified hatred.
Ash listens and watch as Misty complains over and over again how horrible her sisters are and how they all left her to take over the gym by herself. A bunch of eighteen year olds dumping a gun on a man inexperienced sisters year old. Let alone left her to survive on herself as well with no way to pay off any kind of taxes or to pay for necessities like food and bath room supplies. Even her parents refuse to help and Ash couldn’t stomach the thought of ever hating his mother like Misty and Brock do to theirs.
Ash did the same for Brock when the rare scathing comment about his parents would slip out. Unnoticed by Misty since her own parents. Chronic dream chasers that left Brock, also a sixteen year old, to care for his nine younger siblings alone while also running a gym to boot. Ash stays quite about his own parental troubles, he’s long gone over his father and tries to focus on the more uplifting parts in his life. He also watches Brock fall for every, much older, pretty lady. Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, any citizen, Etc. He chews his lips and keeps quite. Wondering if this is love for men and how Ash as the briefest second though about his transitioning, it’s over before it could really manifest in his brain. Ash also doesn’t know what happened between Professor Ivy and Brock, but it was bad and both of them still can’t be in the same room together. Let alone face and talk to each other.
Ritchie was a bit different. He was kicked out for being trans. Ash couldn’t help but feel his own binder become extremely more tight. He’s thankful for his mothers hard work and the Oaks slipping him extra money on his birthday to start transitioning early. Ritchies parents are mean and down right cruel from what the same age boy as Ash says. Ritchies so much like Ash, to much like Ash, and he can’t help but wonder if their half brothers from the same bastards. Ash wouldn’t shove the theory out of his head and it hides in the back of his mind even to this day.
Ash watches May and Max’s parents interact. He wonders if this was what Moms relationship was before Aah was born. Then he sees the clear miscommunication between the two about the Butterfries and Ash feels sorrow for Max and May because it looks to rehearsed that it just had to happen more than once.
He watches Steven Stone and Wallace, the only real semi healthy relationship Ash had ever been exposed to if Aah was honest to himself. Though their relationship is still strained between both’s different works of fields.
He sees Barry and his father, how the man just brushes the blonde boy off to the side. Ash doesn’t know whether to feel sorry or pity for the boy.
Paul and Reggie are worse. He sees Paul’s hatred and anger and he looks over and sees Reggies desperate attempts of at least trying to build a bridge to his brother. Ash wishes someone would do that for him that seriously wounded Ash without Ash being the problem, but it always ends up with Ash having to apologize, he can’t help but feel a leats a bit jealous of Reggie and Paul but he doesn’t voice his thoughts and leaves when the shouting gets to be just a tad to much.
Ash watches as Trip slowly spirals down. He tries to help, tries to be friendly. But Ash is pushed to the side and snarled down like he’s the problem that keeps following Trip like a black raining over cloud.
He meets Alder and his Grandson Benga. He’s never heard a peep about a mother or a Grandma form both men. He watches as Alder flirts with Cynthia even though the women keeps pushing the Unovian man advances off over and over again.
Ash listens to Cilans brothers berate the youngest triplet and for them to even do it over private phone calls for over two weeks before As stepped in and told them to fuck off. Cilan’s shoulders had sunk to the ground in relief and Ash had to comfort the green haired teen as he started to cry that someone finally stepped in and pushed back against the twos verbal abuse and taunting. Ash almost throws up. He should have stepped in sooner.
He sees Iris’s relationship with Drayden and he wants to reach out and comfort the girl who obviously try’s her best to at least get a prais out of the quite and hard man. Ash has rarely prayed for something to harm someone. Ash sits by the edge of his bed when Cilan and Iris are asleep and he prays for the first time in a very, very long time. 
Ash watches as Clemont acts like a brother and a mother towards Bonnie. The girl oh so clueless to what stress Clemont is in every time her life is on the line.
He sees Alain, Lysander, and Professor Sycamore play hot truama between the three. How Lysander sounded to slick and evil like the last uncountable group of bad guys Ash faces off in his life. Ash sees Alains and Professor Sycamores past relationship that is rotting and turning to Ash before the Professors eyes. It reminds him to much like Gary and Professor Oak that Ash turns around from trying to say hello to Alain to going to the nearest bathroom to hurl his early dinner the league provided. Ash pushes Alain away from Mairin, and Pushes the girl over to Bonnie and Serena who are more than welcome into dragging the girl into a group hug, and over into the Professors arms. He refuses to let their relationship suffer any longer.
He sees Champion Dianthas obvious despair and the tears that are on the top of her eyes that threaten to fall for hours on end during the war. He sees her actual cry into Wulfrics shoulder for five minuets before straightening up and slipping back into her old calm and composed features.
Ash sees how Lillies mother is distant and how she disregards almost everything Lillie says to her, or try’s to down play Lillies feelings at every corner. It’s vile and sickening how Lillie doesn’t see how toxic it is, how Toxic her relationship is between her mother and workers-damn even her own brother! Ash wants to snarl and spit of Hladion the first time they meet but he holds himself back and acts polite and amazed because Lillie is happy that her brother is back. Ash tears into him once Lusamine comes back from the Ultra Wormhole when Gladion was trying to leave again. Leave Lillie to care for her mother alone and abandoned his family once again. Because that’s what Gladion had done. No matter what light the blonde tries to put it, Gladion had abandoned his sister when she needed him the most. Left it up to her friends to shoulder the brunt with just; “oh this is Lillie, she can’t touch Pokémon.” Without knowing why and how that came to be.
Ash sees Hau and how he hates being around his dad. Only ever acknowledged the mans existence if someone brought him up or when he’s explaining how he’s now living back on the islands indefinitely until further notice. Ash had never seen the man in his life and he bluntly states that Ash would have no qualms with fist fighting Hau’s dad if Hau ever wanted to. He gets Hau to laugh bright and loud. They never touch the topic of mothers but he sees Hau tense for when it nears Mother’s Day and how he hides his sneer at anything Morher Days related.
Ash sees the easy going relationship between Professor Kukui and Lrofessor Burnet and for once in his life, it feels like Ash can truly breath. He finally gets to experience someone’s love and warmth unconditionally without any toxic backlash. He gets to experience what it feels like to have a dad, not just a father, in his life and what a functional family is supposed to be.
Ash sees the toxic relationship between Rose, Oleana, and Leon. Sees how the chairman strains Leon and works him down to the bone. How Hop loves his brother unconditionally but Ash can see the hurt and backlash hidden deep in Hops golden eyes. Ash sees how Rose barely gives Bede the time of day but the white haired child defends all of Rose’s actions with the last of his breath. Ash hears Oleana story and Ash wants to scream how toxic the chairmen is but he knows no one would listen to anything from an outsider. So Ash holds his tongue and watches the rot spread and infect the entire league one trainer by one.
Ash try’s to love unconditionally, just how his heart is supposed to love everything and everyone around him, but he’s scared. Scared that everything he’s seen between everyone would happen to him as well. He wants something like Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui has, but his heart freezes and his throat ties itself into one of those hard Boy Scout knots.
Ash loves, oh does Ash love, but he loves from afar. To afraid to step closer and try something new.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 5 years
For the ship thing: all combinations between the main five from woy !!
Disclaimer: I’m a HUGE multishipper and I’m interested in all the ships I’m about to list. However I do have my preferences, so I’m going in order from my least favorite to my absolute fave. Don’t get upset, for this is only my opinion. Ty!!
Bonus 11th ship: I’m really into Something The So and So x Emperor Awesome. I called it Something Awesome. Just putting this.. out there
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10) Deathstar (Wander x Dom)
Ah, my two hyperactive spoons. Usually I’m all about the “perfect angel/literal spawn of satan” dynamic, but for some reason they never really clicked for me. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have that many interactions in canon??? But damn, the fanarts are super adorable!! i will die!! (death star shippers yall wanna come in my askbox and talk death star to me?? i would appreciate sm!!)
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9) Wandering Eye (Wander x Peepers)
First of all I wanna say, y’all Wandering Eye shippers are perseverant af?? they had like one episode together and it was early first season, it’s been a lot since that. i respect you guys. As for the ship itself, what can I say? I love small boys being in love!!! But once again, nearly no canon interaction... smh
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8) Astigmagmatism (Peepers x Dom)
THIS SHIP HAS SO MUCH COMIC POTENTIAL!!! I WILL SCREAM FOREVER I mean the angry smol and bastard tol dynamic?? PLUS theyre both villains???? as in evil fucks??? Who are also rivals?? If there were any canon interactions this ship would DEF be really high on my list but I don’t really have that much to say rn...
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7) Zboneak (Hater x Sylvia)
Alright at first I wasn’t really into it but I got my filthy hands on one (1) fanfic and you can bet your ass I was immediatly captivated. The thing I look for in Woy ships is comic potential and these two have SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Plus, “The Date” is one of my favorite episodes ever, so yeah. add that to the list. Let them interact in season 3!!!
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6) Death Glare (Peepers x Hater)
Ok so, Death Glare. At first, until late first season, I wasn’t into it at all. I’ve never been a big fan of boss/subordinate (saving a few exceptions). The episode “The Funk” made me do a complete 180° becAUSE HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THEM??? HOLDING HANDS???????? BRUH MY FUCKING HEART HAS BEEN D E S TR O Y E D...................... And while I do love them as a friendship, I can totally see them romantically!!!! also once again the comic potential
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5) Sylander (Sylvia x Wander)
THESE TWO WHERE DO I EVEN START. I literally tear up when I think about them? Platonic or not, their love is so pure, innocent, real, it makes my heart do backflips. You have no idea how many times I cried watching them. When they’re together you can’t tell where one begins and the other finishes .... but the reason why I’m so attached to them is because I happen to have a person in my life that... she’s the Sylvia to my Wander (hey @awesome---disaster talkin to you).  I understand how it feels to have someone this important in your life. The episode “The Ryder” is particularly hard to wacth (despite it being my number one favorite) for this reason. GOD THE TEARS I CRIED.
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4) Sylava (Sylvia x Dom)
What can I say? I stan girls being in love. Plus the CHEMISTRY they had in “The Night Out” omg.... I JUST FDSHFHLGLHSLLIHSBLIHSLI MY HEART EXPLODES WHEN I THINK ABOUT THEM???? I CRY  THEY WERE F U CK I NG HOLDING HANDS WHILE RUNNING OUT OF THAT BAR OK DO NOT TOUCH ME. when are we getting the good season 3 sylava content when they make up and become friends again? disney pls
Also, y’all got some good Sylava fics that I could read? Blease?? im starving
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3) Skeleton Dance (Wander x Hater)
iM TALKING VALID BOYS HERE!!! The sweet smol/ grumpy tol is my aestethic always and Im all about it. Plus, I mean the dEVELO P MENT THEY HAD IN SEASON TWO!!! The episode that got me to ship them strongly was “The Buddies” and God my love kept growing from there????? ITS UNSTOPPABLE EVERYTIME I SEE THEM MY HEART KILLS ME
 Ok I will admit im kinda projecting on Wander a little bc I love Hater but can u blame?? me?? who doesnt love the hate man
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2) Dom n Hater (Hater x Dom)
Ok if youve been on my blog for like 1 minute you probably already know that these two are the light of my life, but why?
... well tbh there are a lot of reasons but to be quick it was a gradual process of me going from “Yeah right like THATS ever gonna happen” to slowly going on to “I mean its not even that bad” to “It’s cute? I like it” and then it fucking skyrocketed out of my control and suddently I’m crying like a little bitch during “You’re the Greatest”. I do not know what happened or how. It just did. 
I have an ask of someone asking me about them (BLESS U MAN) that inm going to answer eventually so I’m not going into detail but I WILL SAY that the height difference kills me bc it’s not that much but it’s jUST ENOUGH to make it obvious that hes shorter than her and im just oudfgusguaigGUivfehuhaf i live for height differences
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1) Black Eye (Sylvia x Peepers)
I’ll be honest with y’all: I was actually gonna put Black Eye in second place at first bc Hater & Dom just own my hear,t but upon lots of thinking I belive this is the best option. because DEVELOPMENT. God I’m all about that sweet DEVELOPMENT we got!!! Wander and Sylvia may be the perfect friendship but Sylvia and Peepers are sure as hell the PERFECT TEAM!!!!!! BRAINS AND MUSCLES!!! TOGETHER!! TO SAVE THEIR IDIOTS!!
I am a BIG fan of enemies to friends to lovers, height differences, villain/hero, smol/tol, angry/chill...... these two were a gift from the Gods. I love them so much.
On an unrelated but kinda related note, I love how all Blackeye shippers just silently agreed that Peepers is a lovestruck nerd who can’t process his feelings and refuses to acknowledge them despite how hardly he’s pinning after Syl?? AND SYL IS NOT OBLIVIOUS AT ALL SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS???? its amazing. 10/10 best ship thank u for ur time.
And thats that! Wow that sure took long didnt it- but its here.
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atdamnbraina · 4 years
topic...  (  my  portrayal  /  reasoning  of  raven’s  behavior  in  s6  /  s7  &&  some  things  i  would  like  to  be  done  better  ); 
season five
starting  off  at  the  end  of  s5,  raven  and  shaw  were  turned  in  to  mccreary’s  crew  by  clarke  and  they  were  tortured.   but  most  importantly  mccreary  was  threatening  to  cut  shaw’s  legs  off,  because  he  was  a  pilot  and didn’t  need  his  legs  to  fly,  in  front  of  raven   ( if  i  remember  correctly ).   that  was  very  hard  for  her  because while  shaw  may  have  not  been  a  person  she  loved,  she  had  started  to  care  about  him  and  now  they  were  threatening  him  with  something  that  raven  had  experienced.  she  knew  what  it  was  like  to  lose  the  mobility  of  your  legs  and  it  was  something  she  wouldn’t  let  happen  to  shaw.   so  by  the  end  of  s5,  raven  is  very  mad  at  clarke  for  turning  on  them  because  it  could  have  left  shaw  disabled. 
season 6
going  over  to  s6  raven  wakes  up  to  see  a  goodbye  video  of  two  people  who  she  considers  family.  it  hits  her  hard,  to  lose  people  she  care  about  very  much.    but  at  the  same  time  she  saw  the  happy,  she  saw  them  in  peace.    i don’t  know  about  you,  but  spending  a  lifetime  with  someone  you  love  sounds  pretty  damn  good  to  me.     it does  seem  good  to  raven  and  maybe  this  time she’ll  get  it  until  they  get  to  sanctum  only  to  find  shaw  dead.   she  breaks  at  that,  more  than  she  shows.   raven  becomes  tired  of  all  the  torturing,  the  killing,  losing  people  she  cares  about  but  she  never  handles  her  emotions  well.   
so  when  they  find  the  others,  she  does  what  she  does  best  when  she’s  hurt.   turn  her  emotions  to  anger  towards  clarke  for  turning  on  them  in  s5,  to  abby  for  hurting  her  and  for  hurting  herself  with  the  pills,  to  ryker  for  travelling  across  the  universe  only  to  find  another  planet  where  they  kill  innocent  people  to  survive.    jasper’s  and  later  monty’s  words  stick  to  her  by  that  point.   they’ve  both  been  her  friends  and  she  realizes  that  they’ve  been  right.   and  that   they  should  do  better.    everytime  you  do  something  bad,  you  say  you’re  sorry  and  then  you  do  it  again.    the  cycle  keeps  going  over  and  over  again  without  stopping ,  no  matter  where  they  are.
however,  she  doesn’t  express  that  in  the  same  way  that  monty  did ,   instead  she’s  more  judgmental  towards  others  in  her  attempt  to  make  them  do  better  resulting  in  having  a  rift  in  her  relationships  rather  than  advocating  for  them  to  do  better.   a  small  part  of  her  does  this  intentionally,  because  firstly  she  lost monty & harper and later shaw,  they  thought  clarke  died  and  eventually  towards  the  end  abby  died.   that’s  four  people  that  raven ( & others )  lost  and  she’s  putting  up  walls  again  and  pushing  them  away  because  she  can’t  handle  the  grief,  anymore. 
jroth  moved  the  role  of  people  advocating / being  tired  of  the  violence  from  jasper  to  monty  to  raven,  which  could  have  been  done  some  much  better  if  after  raven  acted  like  this,  they  also  had  a  taken  her  in  the  direction  of  admiting  that  she’s  tired  of  losing  people  and  she  wants  this  violence  to  stop.  it  would  be  perfectly  understandable  in  s5  if  that  had  happened  with  raven  and  any  member  of  the  spacekru  /  or  even  abby  when  they  started  to  ment  their  relationship.   raven  is  a  great  choice  to  pass  this  trope  onto  for  the  later  seasons  because  firstly  she  had  spent  a  lot  of  time  with  jasper  during  s3/s4  when  he  was  tired  of  the  violence.   she  was  the  first  ( besides  monty )  to  be  with  jasper  while  he  grieved,  while  he  searched  for  something  more  than  violence  and  her  storyline  in  s6/s7  could  have  mirrored  that  ( esp  considering  raven  is  again  in  a place  of  grieving ).  also  with  monty  it  could  have  made  sense  on  the  matter  of  they  probably  spent  a  lot  of  time  together  in  the  ring  and  figuring  out  stuff  together.   she  could  have  definetely  kept  the  be  the  good  guys   part  of  his  goodbye  in  her  attempt  of  honoring  him. 
note:  raven  ( like  the  rest  of  spacekru )  spent  6  years  in  peace  and  by  the  moment  she  went  aboard  the  eligius  ship  to  get  everyone  back  on  earth ,   she  got  tortured  multiple  times  in  that  season.   so  it’s  very  understandable  that  she  doesn’t  want  to  fight and  hurt  in  the  rest  seasons. 
season seven
now  onto  s7,  they’re  in  a  place  were  peace  could  be  close  if  they  all  make  it  work.    raven  is  back  on  a  place  of  getting  things  done.  it’s  easy  and  she  knows  what  to  do.  but  the  reactor  suddenly  malfuctions  and  in  the  span  of  a day  she  has  to  make  a  decision  that  costs  four  innocent  lives.    up  until  that  point  she’s  done  questionable  things  but  she  hasn’t  killed  anyone  that  wasn’t  considered  their  enemy  and  threatened  her  life.    she  was  in  a  similar  spot  in  s4  were  she  denied  the  medicine  to  heal  the  radiation  poisoning  of  the  child  from  floukru  but  by  murphy  stealing  that  medicine,  it  confirmed  that  she  was  right.   whether  or  not  she’d  taken  the  medicine,  the  child  would  die.   now  hatch  and  his  people  were  killed  by  her.   the  reactor  would  have  killed  them  anyway  if  they  hand’t  fixed  it  but  as  she  said  in  the  last  episode,  she  could’ve  done  the  job  herself.   she  really  thought  in  the  beginning that  they’d  just  be  sick  for  a  few  days,  so  she  didn’t  risk  herself  and  decided  that  it  would  be  best  to  monitor  and  help  emori  from  the  chamber.  by  the  time  emori  had  gotten  back  and  she  could  do  fix the  pipes,  she  now  knew  that  going  in  would  be  a  suicide  mission.  raven  has  always  risked  her  life  to  save  others  but  she  never  had  a  death  wish  and  she  wanted  to  stay  alive. 
that’s  what  completely  broke  her  in  s7.   she’s  wants  to  do  better  since  the  moment  they  stepped  on  sanctum.   it’s  why  she  makes  sure  jordan  undestands  that  her  killing  those  disciples  was  wrong.   he’s  the  new  blood  of  their  people  and  she  wants  him  to  learn  to  do  better  than  killing  the  enemy  and  that’s a  big  difference  from  raven  in s1-s5.   she  never  hesitated  to  harm  the  enemy  if  it  meant  saving  the  people  she  loves.   but  now  when  she  was  forced  even  in  relative  peace  to  kill  innocent  people,  she  breaks.   raven  didn’t  want  to  harm  hatch,  she  just  tried  to  protect  herself  and  she  hates  herself  for  that.   she  saw  herself  in  nikki  who  was  angry  and  hurt  and  attacked  raven  because  in  her  spot  she’d  have  done  the  same.   in  that  moment,  she  didn’t  realize  that  these  kind  of  decisions  are  hard,  she  didn’t  understand  clarke.   instead  she  realized  that  exactly  how  this  cycle  of  violence  is  so  fundamentally  wrong  and  saving  their  own  people  doesn’t  justify  it ,   because  the  people  they  kill  also  have  loved  ones.   and  the  cycle  keeps  going  and  hurting  more  and  more  people.  where  does  it  end ?
what  i  really  want  to  see  is  exactly  this  notion  being  said  by  raven.   i  would  have  loved  for  raven  to  speak  more  about  it  instead  of  having  her  judge  everyone  in  season 6  although  she  had  her  reasons  and  it  was  her  defense  mechanism.   she  tried  with  murphy,  telling  him  to  chose  morality  over  immortality  and  it  was  a   good  start  but  then  they  had  her  focused  on  getting  shiedheda  out  of  madi  instead  of  speaking  about  it.   i  think  the  biggest  problem  is  that  t100  has  too  many  storylines  going  on  and  in  result  with  the  limited  screentime  they  are  half  done.   instead  raven’s  storyline  would  have  made  more  sense  if  she  had  time  to  speak  with  more  people  about  this.   instead  she  spent  more  time  with  ryker  for  no  reason  instead  of  being  a  part  of  the  rest,  and  speaking  with  bellamy,  for  example,  about  it  who  also  wanted  to  do  better  here.  another  thing  is  that  they  keep  isolating  characters  with  the  different  storylines  and  it  doesn’t  help.   but  generally  i  think  that  raven  should  have  approached  this  storyline   in  her  own  way.   she  has  lost  so  many  people  throughout  the  series  and  she  can  speak  about  wanting  that  to  stop.   everyone  would  understand  why  raven  is  tired  of  them  losing  people  or  hurting  people  because  she  knows  first  hand  how  it’s  like  to  lose  those  close  to  you.   this  way  it  would  have  mirrored  jasper’s  storyline  but  still  be  a  bit  differently  because  jasper  was  tired  of  fighting  /  of  hurting  in  general  while  raven  doesn’t  want  to  give  up  she  just  wants  them  to  do  better.   and  it  would  have  been  different  from  monty  who  found  peace  in  harper  and  wanted  them  to  live  a  better  life  together  and  raise  their  family  in  a  better  world.    raven  doesn’t  have  that  stability  but  she  wants  to  be  able  to  find  it ,   to  live  in  peace  for  once  in  her  life,   and  because  that  has  elements  from  both  jasper  and  monty  could  have  made  this  storyline  so  much  better  and  so  much  more  interesting. 
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