#and not even just human life he respects the foxes and animal life on the island too
peridot-tears · 8 months
During the main quests, this appears p often. It literally means "Jin's Journey":
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But the kanji for "Jin" -- 仁 -- also means "benevolence," emphasizing a respect for humanity. So 仁之道, while it means "Jin's Journey," can also be read as "the path/way of benevolence."
He isn't following the bushido, or 武士道,the way of the warrior/samurai, but rather 仁之道, the way of benevolence, a path that diverts sharply from the "honor" that samurai follow.
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plantsrrfriends · 2 years
Proud and Terrified
Tighnari x gn!Reader
Synopsis; Tighnari tends to neglect parts of his life due to how they differ from humans that don't have animal blood in their veins. But it eventually bites him back.
Themes; fluff, cute researchers, idk man, it's pre-relationship
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Approximately 86% of the time, Tighnari was content and proud to be a fennec fox hybrid. 
It was something he'd lived with his entire life, so he found it more fruitful to accept his nature rather than be off set by the fascination of others. Mortals were curious creatures; it made sense that they'd be intrigued by him. Even if he disliked the ogling gazes and lingering eyes.
But there was that 14% where he felt a begrudging distaste towards his own instincts and desires. Where the fennec fox piece of him overtook what typical humans and mortals would do.
Such as at the current moment, he couldn't even stand being in the same room as them.
The sight of their smile, each word that danced off their tongue, and even the simple whiff of their soap he'd catch drove him mad. Not in the way that most assumed - it wasn't some uncontrollable hunger or whatever those romance readers always asked of him. It wasn't a sudden possessiveness or animalistic instinct- ...well, at least not to the same degree they assumed it to be.
No, because he didn't have a partner. Emotions such as that were directed towards an established partner that'd he chosen for life, and he had yet to meet someone of such caliber. Tighnari had yet to pursue someone that way. Unfortunately, the source of his ears and tail had been trying to make the decision for him.
It was infuriating. A disruption to his work and a hassle that he didn't feel like dealing with. It was annoying how his tail involuntarily flicked when they turned and called his name. It was causing issues how he was so easily distracted as soon as they wandered into a room, and his train of thought was thoroughly derailed for the next hour or so that they existed in that space. They could be doing something as simple as reading and his hazel eyes would be continuously flicking from his paper and up toward them. He was never actually reading. None of the words on his paper were comprehended anymore and his own pulse became apparent in his ears.
It was annoying. And frankly, he didn't think he could even handle being around them when he had work to be done. But he also felt he'd fall into despair if he said anything to them about it. Because if they denied him, he wasn't sure what he'd do.
But now, it seemed even when they weren't in the room, he was plagued with twitching ears and a tapping foot. He spun his pen in his hand, starting at the words with a furrowed brow but none of them were computing or making sense. All the notes taken weren't making any sense to him. There was a lingering his chest and it made him groan, letting his forehead fall against the table. Maybe he should take a few days off of work to recuperate...
His head shot up. Of course, of all people - it felt like he was in some sick play. To make matters worse, he had to suppress a wince at how they said his name, despite the concerned look they held from the other side of the table.
Until recently, they seldom called Tighnari by his full name. They claimed that nicknames felt more intimate and they loved finding fun ones for people. Of course, they were respectful about it. They referred to him as Master Tighnari until their relationship became less professional and more lenient, causing them to consider each other friends rather then colleagues. And then, he became simple and plain 'Tigh'. It was always, "Hey Tigh, look at this," or "I read an interesting book recently, Tigh. I can lend it to you." They only used his full name if searching for them in the forest or if they were upset at his teasing.
But over the last week, he'd not heard his familiar nickname. Maybe it was just cause he'd been avoiding them, anyways. But he felt it was actually just cause they had caught on to his hesitation and conflicted mood.
Even now, they kept careful distance within the library, books piled in their arms. Each one labeled different subspecies of animals or specifics of a single kind. He specialized in botany and they focused on zoology. That was the reason they'd been introduced in the first place; a shared desire to preserve the forest.
Their brow furrowed at his silence and gently asked again, "Tighnari, is everything alright?"
He swallowed, "Yes, I'm fine. Just... exhausted."
They seemed... cautious. As if overthinking their next words and walking on eggshells. Tighnari hated it. He hated that he was inadvertently the one who caused such a demeanor. Eventually, they locked eyes with him again (he flexed his foot as an outlet of wanting to squirm) and said, "If you need someone to take some of your work burdens, I'm more than happy. It's been quiet in the sanctuary as of late."
It was insane how two sentences could instantly make his tail swish. No matter how hard he tried to subdue its effect, he still felt it in his chest and stomach. The feeling of insects, as people often describe it in fiction. He wasn't one for fiction reading, but they were and it'd caused him to delve into it a tad. 
The first sentence was pure worry and care for his well-being. They must think his newfound attitude was a side effect of his work. Sometimes, it could be. But usually, he was still happy to be doing research despite the strenuous task it could prove to be. Tourists caused him stress as well, due to their naivety and desire to seemingly poison themselves at every corner, but he was careful to who he directed his frustrations. This is the first time they've experienced the blunt end of it. He felt a tightness in his chest knowing it was his fault. 
The second sentence was words of their own passion. If you let them, they'd babble for days about the animal sanctuary and the state of its inhabitants. They cared for it day in and day out and he's had more than a few times where he'd wander past in the late hours, only to find them still there and taking their nightly medicine routines into their own hands. He'd never met someone more in tune with other beings. He himself preferred living beings that lacked as much consciousness, but they reveled in figuring out their needs and helping them back into the wild. The fact that they were willing to put aside their duties in their prized home spoke a thousand words. 
"There's no need," He excused, voice involuntarily softer than expected, "Thank you, though. That's very kind."
They hummed, gently setting their tower of books on the table. It seemed they didn't intend to let this go gently. Though he knew they would never be pushy - just open and sometimes almost pleading to understand others. They always said humans were much more difficult to understand than animals. Humans have more difficult needs. Animals are wordless but have a simple list of what they require. 
They lingered, pretending to flicker over the spines on a nearby bookcase. Tighnari could do nothing but watch them, far too distracted by their presence to continue his own work. 
"I read a new book the other day," They brought up, gaze flickering back towards him, still standing. 
Okay, this was fine. Normal conversations, like they usually had. He would never admit that he missed it. He linked his hands, setting his chin on them and elbows on the table, "Oh, really? Pray tell."
Without missing a beat they said, "It was about foxes."
He paused. They continued, "Different subspecies. Some are native to Sumeru, and some are from other regions. Apparently, their fur color often corresponds with where they are native to," They finally pulled out a chair and sat, continuing a gentle tone, "Some of it mentioned fennec foxes. Curious stuff, really."
Tighnari had frozen. His once slightly smug demeanor had taken a turn and he instead watched them with wide eyes. They paused their sentence, but the only thing he could mutter in reply was a small, "...Interesting."
"It really was," They mused, picking the top book from their pile and seamlessly flipping to a certain page. Even from his spot across the table, he could see diagrams of four-legged animals with big ears. His own twitched atop his head and he struggled not to let them show too much of his emotion. 
Their finger dragged across the page as they explained nonchalantly, "The smallest of the foxes, and they eat a lot of meat or similar. Sometimes berries. Though, I assume based on their typical habitat in the desert, fruit, and berries are more so like a treat."
...Was this some newfound form of torture? Or was some game they were playing to mess with him? He was unsure, but the only solution he had was to listen. Even if their words grew more familiar with each sentence - like they were slowly drifting away from explaining the average fennec fox and heading towards explaining something else.
"They help control rodents, primarily. And yet we hunt them and they struggle in some parts of the world. But they're doing better, lately," They explained calmly, the same way they did any other information. They looked up from the book and back towards the man, "They have an extraordinary hearing as well. And their ears serve as protection from the sun. But would you like to know the most curious thing to me?"
Instead, he asked, "Why were you researching Fennec Foxes?"
He hoped maybe he'd get an admittance of some sort, but he should've known better. As they just smiled and said, "We just rescued some at the sanctuary. I got curious, I suppose. Anyways," And they returned to his torture, "We rescued two of them, and I got to looking at their mating habits. It's interesting to me, frankly."
Archons, save Tighnari now. Their gentle smile was anything but innocent, words laced with false naivety as they said, "It's a bit poetic, honestly. They mate for life, just with one another. Sounds like a big commitment."
They hummed, letting their head fall tilted into one of their hands, "If we humans had obligations like that - for our first partner to be our last - we'd have many different traditions. I think it'd end up being terrifying, for some surely. What a heavyweight, knowing the chance of picking the wrong person or them not reciprocating."
He swallowed, spinning a pen between his fingers just to move in any way and keep his ears from drooping at their words. Trying to keep any reaction from reaching him and making them aware of what they were doing. He cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. They just watched him, carefully calculated. The same way they read the body languages of creatures in the sanctuary. He didn't like being on the receiving end of that gaze, particularly. 
They waited patiently for an answer so he ended up just spitting out the first thing he could think of, "It is terrifying."
Uh oh. He recognized that small smile of achievement and it made his brow furrow in annoyance. They leaned forward, chin on both hands now with a sly, "Are you implying it applies to you as well, Tighnari?"
So this is what they wanted. A twisted confession of sorts that he was affected by the more animal-ish parts of himself than he often cared to admit. It wasn't really any bodies business, but they were just too good at reading all creatures and prying it from him. And his expression just seemed to seal the deal for them, based on the pleased hum they gave. 
"I knew it," They whispered, leaning even farther forward across the table and making him press against the back of his chair as they interrogated, "So who is it? Give me a name so I can give them a stamp of approval or run them away."
"It's nobody," He quickly growled in defense. 
They frowned, "Well, I assume it's why I don't see you much anymore, so it's gotta be something."
"And what brought you to the conclusion that it was something to do with my love life?" He scoffed, not sure whether he was trying to fool himself or them. A small part of him also admittedly wanted to actually know how they were brought to this conclusion. 
And to his delight, they leaned back and began to recount, "Well, you've been more agitated as of late. But you also seem happier in a weird way. Your tail has been wagging - which I've never witnessed from you before - and I even caught you purring once-"
"I don't purr!" He quickly deflected, placing his hands roughly on the surface of the table with heat rising to his face. They raised their hands in defense, giving a small laugh and waving for him to sit back again. He did, and tacked on, "That all could have to do with anything. Not necessarily some school crushes you think I may have."
They opened their mouth, but paused and gave a hum instead. Tighnari thought that perhaps he'd somehow convinced them, but they were too smart for that. They never would go into such an accusation without a plausible clause, so there was bound to be something else. 
As expected, there was. Their mood seemed to simmer down into what it had been when they first arrived, hands fidgeting and gaze flickering. They said, "...Well, I spoke with Collei, and then Cyno. Collei gave her insight but was rather reserved. Cyno was blunt with his answer, however."
Tighnari couldn't help but ask, "Why do you care about this so much?"
Another pause, and then a tiny admittance, "It really seemed to be bothering you and I wanted to help. And I thought I might've done something wrong, admittedly."
...Right. That's why they'd been calling his name so formally. Why they seemed almost timid. But despite the way his shoulders sank just an inch, they gave a small carefree laugh to brush it aside and continued anyways, "Anyways, their responses led me to two hypotheses. One seemed more likely, so I began to pursue that one first."
"I assume it was the idea that I had romantic feelings for someone," He deduced and they nodded with a smile. Tighnari folded his arms over his chest and asked, "Then what was your second hypothesis?"
Their energy shrank again. This time, just that unassuming question seemed to flip the table and some color grew along their face. Tighnari's ear twitched against his will at the sight, tail threatening to shift. He suppressed the urge to let it move further. 
They smiled nervously, "It doesn't really matter, it's unlikely."
There was no way he was just letting them get away with that, "I trust any ideas you may have, so please."
"It's self-centered and idiotic," They said this time, and he took note of a dislike at hearing them speak like that, but they tacked on, "Hence why it was a second hypothesis, but it really shouldn't have been counted."
"What's it based on?" Tighnari asked instead, trying to weave his way into its true nature. 
They seemed awkward now. He admittedly enjoyed it. They explained, "Just based on the data given by Collei and Cyno."
"And that is?" He pushed further. 
No answer came immediately. Instead, they picked at the pages of their open book, eyes flickering over the fox figure on its pages. They weren't currently wearing the usual uniform they did, and he hated how he took pleasure in seeing them outside of a work environment. A simple button-down and wide-legged pants. Always an odd mixture of styles from Mondstat - where they spent many years studying - and Sumeru, their current point of residence. But always comfortable. No matter what.
They didn't answer his question, but said instead, "I read another book. It was specifically about the fox-human race. I learned a lot, actually, that I wasn't aware of before."
He didn't interrupt, and instead opted to listen carefully as they continued, "Like why your fur is green, or the fact that your race typically lives in the desert - which I find ironic, based on how well you fair in hot weather. But it also showed that you share some practices with your animal counterparts."
"Which is why you looked into them," He finished, and they nodded. 
"Yes, but..." They paused, putting their hands together again in a wringing and picking that he seldom saw in them. It took them a second to gather their words, but they eventually scoffed in fake amusement and said, "Well, a common factor seemed to be... me. Collei didn't say it, but I could tell, and Cyno was blunt. So I figured it could be one of two things. Either I did something you didn't like - but I know you're good about letting people know if they've done something of the sort, so I trust you - or..."
Oh. Oh, Archons. Tighnari was terrible at hiding things, wasn't he? 
"...Maybe it was me," They finally finished, then gave another scoff like it was some joke, "But that's just me trying to shift things, no matter how well it all lined up."
Tighnari's throat felt like it was closing up. So close, yet so far. He couldn't help but say, "How does it all line up?"
They blinked, seeming almost confused about his further inquiry and lack of berating or being called a 'Lummox' like he often did. He was acting weird - and that made them grow a bit more nervous as well. 
They acted poorly at being casual, leaning back and saying, "Well, they didn't really mention noticing a mood change around them, unless I was brought up or I came into a room. Collei didn't really say much about it, she tries not to spread your business, but she did say you snapped at her once when she offered to ask me for help. Cyno was blunter - he's the one who put the hypothesis in my mind."
Of course, he was, Tighnari bitterly thought, already planning the long-winded speech of annoyance he was going to give his friend. All he could think to do was give a small hum, but he regretted it immediately when a short silence ensued. 
Eventually, they felt the need to fill it and said, "Yeah, that's why I said it was self-centered."
He wanted to laugh. 'Self-centered'- they just looked at the facts and data provided and gave the best solution. And they were dead on, as well. But he wouldn't say that to them - he couldn't say it to them. Because they were right about everything they said. About his newfound attitude only being around them, and also about how terrifying it was knowing the partners he chose were intended to be for life. Humans don't typically live like that. 
Many are able to spend their years, shifting from partner to partner to learn about romance and explore the world, but he was just wired differently. And sure, he knew a small bit about their past romance life and the single, short-lived relationship they had. And the fact that they took such matters rather seriously and weren't one to dance around. Frankly, that conversation, laced with just a few drinks of wine, had been one of the first tipping points in his mind. The way they had laid their head on the table, and how quiet the night had been. It was so loud just an hour before, but now they were having a heartfelt conversation about expectations regarding relationships. He'd shared practically no details, but they never once pushed and instead opened up to him. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve them. 
"You're right," He blurted out. 
It took him a moment to realize the words had left his lips. Tighnari could hear his blood flow in his ears and felt impossibly stiff in his chair. 
They blinked, "...Okay, I know I was saying it was self-centered, but it does hurt when you confirm it."
He tripped over his words, "What? No- That's not - I didn't mean that. I'm talking about-"
Oh, absolutely not. Tighnari would say a lot of things, typically in observation of others' wrongdoings, but he still was struggling to admit that they had figured him out. They'd read him and his actions like an open book, and while that alone was embarrassing, it was what they read that he couldn't bare to admit. 
Their brow furrowed, watching him in confusion and wracking their brain, gears turning. Then, they blinked and cautiously asked, "...My second hypothesis?"
Tighnari didn't respond. 
They mumbled, "...Oh."
Would it be wrong of Tighnari to grab his books and excuse himself? He supposes it would. But there was absolutely nothing else he wanted to do besides that. They would find him, he knew that, but he also knew that if he left right now, it'd just make it worse. It'd give him a momentary time of pure panic until they eventually confronted him. It's best to get whatever was going to happen over with now. Even if he was sure the speed of his heart was too fast to be healthy and his claws had dug deep into the seat of his chair. His hazel gaze had dropped down to his book, trying to seem almost nonchalant but it was impossible with how stiff his shoulders were. 
There was at least a minute where they were both quiet, but it definitely felt like hours. Like an endless amount of time was passing and he truly began to consider picking up his books and leaving. He wouldn't get any work done, but maybe that was better than sitting here painfully. 
And then, their chair squeaked. He flinched at the sharp sound and at first thought they must be leaving. Maybe that would be their rejection - and as much as he liked to think he was prepared for one, he knew how heart-wrenching it would be if he got one. That's why he preferred the awkward in-between of having a crush and not confessing. It would be better than if they rejected him. 
From the corner of his eye, he saw them pick up their chair by the back of it, and then their padding footsteps came around the table. The chair landed beside him, and they came soon after. He felt impossibly warm like he was in the desert itself. He wouldn't even be surprised if they could feel it from their spot next to him. 
They folded their arms on the table and laid their head on them, eyes looking straight up toward Tighnari. This was horrible. Even worse than how they tortured him before. 
Their voice was delicately soft as they asked, "Are you scared 'cause of the implications of lifelong partners?"
He scoffed, tilting his head away to try and give his flushed face some privacy from their prying eyes, "That's the lightest way to put it."
"I'll spend my life with you."
Tighnari sat still. His heart still raced. But he managed to glance back at them, a serious expression on them still with their head down. He asked, "You'll what?"
They smiled, "I basically said I feel the same. And I'd be pretty content stuck with you for the rest of my life," They gave a thoughtful glance upwards in thought, "Y'know, I thought I made it pretty obvious how I felt. Did I not?"
This time, Tighnari's rise in heat in his face was due to annoyance and he barked, "No, you did not make anything obvious!"
They laughed pushing themselves to sit up but still gazing at him. For a few moments, he just took deep breaths and tried to come to terms with his impossible solution coming to fruition. He'd thought millions of times about what he'd do should they reject him, but hardly given any thought to the opposite happening. He didn't really know what to do now. 
Thankfully, they had an answer, "Y'know, now would be a really cute and kinda romantic time to kiss."
In a very 'them' fashion, they added, "It'd be like a scene from those romance books I like to read. All tense and then cute and soft-"
He shut up their annoying ramble by just grabbing their face gently and complying with their request. They hummed in delight and replied quickly. 
Tighnari was content and proud to be a fox hybrid. But it becomes easier with each person that takes time to know him and understand him.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Buddha + Loki falling for a Native! Diety s/o
Because as a native American woman who SIMPS for fictional men, it'd be nice to see fanfics of Native readers. Idk all the mythologies of other tribes so I'll try my best to keep it as Pan-Native American as possible! Obviously anyone can read this but just understand to respect the culture and know this is tailored to Native readers!
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- The both of you weren't so different in terms of your beliefs and philosophies, in fact, Buddha had admired you and your people's culture from afar and it was mutual on your side as well.
- You were a God for much longer than he was and he swore you were the only one who still retained any love for your people.
- So he wasn't surprised when he saw you sided with the Valkyries, unable to stop himself from smiling everytime he saw the soft and adoring look you'd give the humans as they cheered for their champions.
- Your people called you The Creator, however, you felt as though that title might be a bit to...pretentious to go by when you were around other gods so you simply went by (Y/n), instead.
- But it was a fitting title, in Buddha's eyes. Many times when he allowed you to sit under his tree with him as he napped did he secretly open his eyes and see you sculpt creatures out of clay, breathing life into them and setting them down as you chuckled and petted them.
- You were humble, kind, and ethereal...even by a God's standards in his eyes.
- You'd be surprised with how down bad Buddha is for you tbh, you figured because of his easy going and calm disposition that he simply tolerated your prescence until one day when he offered you one of his snacks.
"For me?" You blinked in surprise, the bobcat you were sculpting now pushed into the back of your mind as you saw the treat being held before you. Buddha smiled and shrugged as he handed the lollipop to you, "I don't see anyone else here other than us."
"Hmm, I always figured you to be stingy with your snacks." You teased slightly but considering how its seen as rude to you and your people to turn down whatever you're offered, you gently set the clay animal in your lap and went to reach for the lollipop until you remembered...ah, yes, clay covered your hands.
Buddha seemed to notice your hesitance and sat up, crossing his legs and unwrapping the lollipop he was meant to give you. You watched carefully before he finally held it up to your lips.
"Let me help with that." He said suavely, a smirk on his lips.
You felt your face heat up at his actions but instead smiled and obligingly opened your mouth and smiled as he pushed the lollipop in, but then, as if nothing happened, he continued to lay down and nap and you continued to sculpt. However, the smiles you both shared were hard to wipe off as you continued to bask in the comfortable silence.
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- Creator Gods and Loki didn't really mix, but it wasn't hard to see why. Tricksters weren't exactly seen in the best light in most cultures, so a Trickster God didn't have that much better of a reputation. It also probably didn't help how often he liked to mess with them.
- But you, you were different. Trickster stories were quite common in your culture and while they were sometimes punished, they were also portrayed as heroes too sometimes.
- He suspected that you yourself, the esteemed Creator who made creatures from clay, seemed to enjoy tricksters. Unlike the other hoity-toity gods and goddesses who'd shoo or chase him away, you'd smile as you sensed his prescence and would make casual conversation.
- Many other dieties have called Loki many names, mostly behind his back since few would be bold enough to say them to his face, but you called him the names of many renowned trickster characters from your story. From Coyote, to Fox, to Rabbit.
- Whenever he asked what made you call him "Little Fox" one day to "Tricksy Coyote" the next and so on, you simply responded with a shrug and cheeky grin: "Is it really that hard to figure out? Some days, you remind me of a sneaky little fox but other days, you seem to have the appetite of a coyote looking to cause trouble."
- You understood the importance of balance. Yes dieties like you were important but so were God's like Loki, so you treated him with respect like you would any other God and while that respect was a little one sided for a while, it was clear he started to slowly hold you in high regard.
- Did this stop him from messing with you? No, it absolutely did not, and you weren't foolish enough to believe that you were an exception and that didn't upset you, not in the slightest. After all, he kept things interesting.
- It was a shame that you sided with humanity, although he can't say that he was surprised, you held your people in high regard. He'd be lying if he said that he didn't cheer you on during your battles instead of the side he was supposed to be on.
He knew you would win, there would have been no doubt about it. Perhaps the God against you had underestimated your power, maybe that's what made the fight more entertaining, the way you lowered his gaurd by making yourself seem weaker than you actually were...but perhaps you should leave the trickery to him, dear (Y/n), since you may have gotten a bit too cocky and sustained not a fatal injury, but you still had to see a healer.
You walked down the hallways to the healing wing, holding your side and scolding yourself for getting too prideful too early. Perhaps you should revisit the many stories your people made of warriors and creatures and their consequences of becoming too confident too quick. But, at least you managed to rack in another point for humanity. As the healer was treating you, you tilted your head and smiled softly at them.
"I had no idea you were such a skilled healer, rabbit." You remarked with a warm smile. The healer looked at you in shock but soon transformed into the mischievous green haired God, "Rabbit? That's a new one."
You shrugged and tilted your head: "To what do I owe the pleasure, Loki? I'd assume you'd be throwing a temper tantrum with Zeus and the others."
"But how could I be angry when you were the one I was rooting for?" He asked, giving you a close eyed grin. You raised an eyebrow and opened your mouth, only to be cut off when he held an eagle feather in front of your face.
"This fell off during your hobbling down here too, by the way." He informed. Your eyes widened in worry but he only chuckled at your sudden distress, "Don't worry, I grabbed it before it touched the ground. Honestly, you should be more careful in future battles, I'd hate to see the only God who knows how to have fun get hurt."
Ah, so he was following me,You thought to yourself, your amused smile returning.
"May I?" He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You nodded and moved your face closer to him, one hand maneuvered gently under your chin to hold your face still and his other intertwining the eagle feather back into your hair. When he was done, he brought his hand back but still kept the one under your chin where it was.
You looked into his violet eyes with half lidded ones.
Hmm, you were wrong. You assumed he was a rabbit, just in a silly little mood ready to play his typical tricks. But you saw the hunger of a coyote in his eyes instead...but not for mischief or chaos for any of the sort.
It looked like he was hungry for you.
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locusfandomtime · 10 months
Rating each hermit’s likelihood of being a furry
scar keeps getting furry allegations so i thought i’d make this post
Joe Hills - 7/10 he doesn’t really consider himself part of the community but he has a sparkledog sona and dresses up in his homemade diy fursuit sometimes. he respects furries deeply and does not tolerate hate towards them
Xisuma - 8/10 totally a furry he changes his skin all the time to dress up as the latest minecraft mob. he already has a “cringe” oc (evil x). he doesn’t even know what a furry is i think but he probably owns a fursuit anyway because he thinks its neat
Hypno - 3/10 he’d say no but give him cat ears to match with max and he’ll be wearing them every stream from now on
Keralis - 2/10 pretends to not know what a furry is but he does. he does.
Mumbo - 1/10 logically he would know of furries due to his young age and activeness online but i don’t believe he does, he has never heard of a furry and never will
Cleo - 6/10 with enough encouragement she’d wear a fursuit. maybe if joe made one for them. she’s got a vtuber avatar so this is just next in the pipeline i think
Jevin - 3/10 he isn’t one but he does have a non-human character which technically qualifies him as one. instead of a fursuit i think he’d have to coat himself in jelly or something
False - 3/10 she already dresses up as a banana on stream how far away is dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal you must ask yourself. plants and animals had their last common ancestor 1.6 billion years ago, keep this in mind
Tango - 7/10 his fursona is an evil ravager named “skadoodler evil the third” and mrs tango has a matching fursona and they do that furry couple thing of commissioning art of their ocs kissing
xB - 4/10 not one but I don’t think he’d be opposed to the idea of being a furry. i think ferks could be a furry
Impulse - 4/10 i was gonna say no but then i remembered the imp + skizz cat fursona thumbnail
Etho - 3/10 he isn’t a furry but he is a weeb. maybe he’d wear like a fox tail or something
Doc - 9/10 he has an oc which is half creeper half robot half goat and has butterfly wings and is an evil scientist. this guy knows cringe is dead and is living his life playing as his middle aged man Mary Sue fursona
Ren - 10/10 “ren the DOG” 🤨? this is confirmed his minecraft skin has fucking dog ears
Wels - 5/10 he is not a furry but i like to think he’s a LARPer irl and has a knightsona so he gets an honourable mention.
Iskall - 2/10 i could see him wearing cat ears, only as a joke though
Cub - 7/10 “cub”? “wolf pack”? furry cub just makes sense and he’d be an epic furry. the world isn’t ready for furry cub
Scar - 9/10 the other hermits call him a furry for a reason. his fursona is anthro jelly i guess. there are so many disney movies revolving around anthropomorphic animals this is natural
Beef - 3/10 he never truly becomes a furry but at night he daydreams about what his cool llama fursona would look like. he peaks a little at furry art but is never brave enough to venture further. in another lifetime maybe…
Bdubs - 8/10 he seems disproportionally offended at allegations he’s a furry and is incredibly obsessed with horses. furry with internalised furry hate i think
Stress - 2/10 i think she’d find the idea of furries cute and funny but wouldn’t be one
Zedaph - 9/10 you’d see him rocking up to furcon. his fursona would be a weirdass sheep worm hybrid
Grian - 4/10 i can see it. despite fan interpretation, i don’t think he’d be a parrot though i think he’d be a cat tbh
Gem - 7/10 she would have the cutest most cottagecore deer fursona of all time and it would have a beautiful design and outfit and bi flag. she’d get a vtuber model and a custom fursuit and art made. it is insane to me that this hasn’t happened yet
Pearl - 5/10 she isn’t but she does seem like the kind of woman who was obsessed with wolves at the age of 12 and has never outgrown that. also double life pearl deserves to be a beautiful silver wolf
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lsjhl · 2 months
Nose in the Snow Pt.2
Parings: Alcina Dimitrescu x Agender reader
Summary: Finding evidence of fictional delusions sets a path down for further investigation Words: 1k+
Walking through the maze of a dungeon that my wife owns, I feel the humidity of the air and the sticky smell of blood that clings to everything in this godforsaken place. Weaving through rusted bars and walls of cages just as I have countless times, I relish the unrelenting life of Mother Nature and the cold of snow as I step past the last few cells that lead to an opening formed as a small holding area used for loading and unloading wine and materials of a similar category in the warmer weather.
Lifting my face to the sky, I take one quick whiff, hoping to pick up even the faintest trail of something that shouldn't be there.
Coal and ash blanketed by the stinging ammonia of a doe.
I follow the scent like a hound on the tail of a fox, giving my surroundings a once-over now and then until I reach the culprit of the offending markings in the air. Standing in front of the small campfire seemingly doused in the urine of what could only be a Cervidae, I crouch and look for any indications that the wood turned to char is still hot and that the trespassers are still near, but not even the fresh winter wind is picking up any embers.
Falling to the tips of my fingers and the phalanges of my feet, I rest into a more primal stance, though less than that of mankind itself. If I were to turn myself into any more of an animal, I would either need to be prey or human.
For now, I lower my nose in the snow and search for the telltale of the rubber from a shoe or the cotton of cloth, but surprisingly the snow tells no such thing. Only the crisp ice comes through, along with the pinch of pain that follows the below-zero temperature.
And even with my hackles now raised with what could only be drawn by the need to protect, I let off an involuntary warning of a large gargling noise not unlike the ones of a higher beast on the food chain that only the smartest of animals take as a threat and the dumbest of ones that hunt me try to find.
Shaking off the fallen snow that has built upon my shoulders, much compared to a soaking canine, I take my once-original stance and track back the steps that will take me to the holding area for loading and unloading and the rusty cells that tell stories. In the kitchen, where my steps falter though my rhythm does not, I grab a decorative bottle of Sanguis Virginis with the intention of having much to tell Alcina about the presence of something out there.
And being the loving parent I am, I find a suitable and nutrient-rich organ, such as a tender liver, and take the time to thinly slice it and put it on a tray along with the respective kinds of tea I and my lovely daughters tend to enjoy. Gathering the ensemble that can never show the amount of love that I can give my family but is a worthy proclamation for only one of the things on the never-ending list of things I would do for them.
Walking back to the library, I pass a ghost of a woman who doesn't seem to fear death enough, for she gave me a scowl as she saw me coming down the corridor.
I pay her no mind, mostly due to having been known as the one family member in this maze of walls labeled as Castle Dimitrescu to have no ill will thrown about from such looks and have even been the one to stop any kinds of blood-spilling acts that could have been caused by one twitch of the brow from any of the maidens on the castle grounds.
And even then, I already know all about this little maiden, for her death shall be one of both healing and cleansing. She's a nasty one, I'll say, taken and practically handed to my wife and daughters when her father went off to slaughter once it was found that he misused my kindness, which is not to be given lightly.
While I might not enjoy saying it, that man played me like a damned fool, and the only reason that shall stay on the books is for others to know that while I might be different from them, either human or fly or dragon, we all make mistakes.
Such as one like the shadow of a girl did. She, like the slave of foolishness we all fall to, sought some form of revenge for her father's quite timely death if you asked me. For the sound of glass shattering will always send a chill up my skin, and the air of winter fighting that of burning wood sharpens the teeth in my mouth, and the sound of insects ready to burst through the door, ready to endanger themselves, sharpens the glint in my eye.
She has broken one of the very few rules I have and has brought danger to my family. When caught and tried for her acts of disrespect and downright heinous crimes, having been told she has accomplished nothing in terms of enacting her plans of self-righteousness, all she could do was beg for death.
And while my lights were ready to fulfill said wish, I stepped in and instead gave her employment just so she would have to serve the ones she so wished were dead. I can be cruel when needed, and I so wished to see her suffer, playing the long game to see who makes the next move on the other's life, though with how she's looking, I do think her next hit might be self-sabotaging.
Arriving at the library, I kick off my shoes and find myself welcomed to the sight of my beauties cuddled up in the chair meant for Alcina, with my wife purring softly enough to bring out the same rumble from my children.
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hellfirefoxboy · 4 months
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This is my sideblog based around therian and demonkin shit. Now some stuff about me!
I'm a red fox therian, demonkin, as well as fictionkin and a furry! Although, this blog will focus on the first two. The connection is spiritual, meaning this is a past life and basis. My spiritual beliefs do not have to fit yours. This is reincarnation, I am aware I am human in this life and on a physical level. If I truly thought and acted like an animal currently that would be lycanthropy, which I do not have. These types of people are not aware of their human body, unlike me and every other therian/alterhuman.
My pronouns are he/demon/blood/fox/kit/reynard (and more neos, but let's just stick with those for this blog, shall we?)
I'm bisexual and transgender FTM. I don't have any neo/xenogenders, but I use neopronouns for fun! :3
I'm 18, I do not mind if minors or adults interact with my blog, as long as you're not on my DNI.
I'm a theistic Satanist as well. I'm still new to Satanism and looking to strengthen my connection with Satan everyday. I feel much safer and comfortable believing in him than before, I feel accepted by him and feel a strong connection to this religion because of my demon spirituality as well. I respect all religions and will NEVER push my religion onto someone. I will probably reblog some stuff related to Satanism, so if that makes you uncomfortable, I suggest just blocking and moving on. I shall not bother you if you do not bother me.
@benatarrrr <- Main
@tavs-kin-korner <- Kin Request Blog
@adiosarmageddons <- Art Blog
Basic DNI (racist, homophobic, etc.), proshippers/comshippers/whatever else you call yourselves, pedophilia/MAP, zoos, anti-therian, anti-otherkin, anti-furry, anti-satanism, if you plan on pushing your religion onto me (this INCLUDES telling me you "hope I find God" or that "God loves me." I don't care and I will not even bother to read your message fully.), anti-age/pet regression, kink, NSFW, pro-ED/SH/Thinspo, anti-neos/xenos, pro-cringe culture, endogenic systems, xenosatanism (this is not connected to Satanism at all and if you are curious what it is, research at your own risk, it basically supports most stuff in this list), and in general an asshole.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
kitsune au bachira
gender neutral reader
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Bachira first reveals himself to you not in his true form, but rather, he comes to you in the form of a playful fox. The priests and sacred maidens in the shrines always advised you to treat animals with kindness and reverence, no matter how inconvenient they might be, as they were all envoys of the gods. All forms of life were to be treated with respect and mercy, and while you considered yourself to be a fairly obedient worshiper, this particular fox seemed to hold quite the attachment towards you. You didn’t think much of him at first, only assuming him to be an odd furball, but you were quickly proven wrong.
It’s impossible to miss Bachira as a fox. His sheer black fur sparkles and shimmers brilliantly under the sunlight, and its dark color provides the perfect cover for him to slink around when it’s dark. The underside of his face is streaked with patches of yellow that remind you of the glimpses you would steal at rich people’s gold accessories, and the fox always trots after you once you start up a habit of pampering him with spare snacks and a generous amount of pats. He loves swatting at your ankles or biting your fingers playfully, constantly vying for your attention no matter how busy you might be.
You would have never imagined the boyish creature that was more of your pet than an actual fox would be more than what he made himself out to be. Bachira reveals his true form to you during your hour of need—almost like a reward for your diligence and altruism towards him. Just when you think you have no way out, the trickster-like animal disappears in a cloud of smoke. When a gentle yet reassuring hand clamps down on your shoulder and an oddly familiar figure emerges from the darkness, the streaks of honey-gold in his hair is absolutely unmistakable. This is your dear fox in the flesh. Only he isn’t a fox; he’s a kitsune.
Bachira becomes so much more playful once he’s revealed his true form to you, and while he has to be more careful about showing himself to you, he visits much more frequently than he might have beforehand. He makes sure to only pop up whenever he knows you’re alone. His favorite is spooking you in his fox form in daytime, trailing after you while he tries to steal your attention as many times as he can, and letting you unwind in his lap once the two of you are alone together at night. You’re one of the rare humans that he allows to touch his plentiful tails, and he giggles as if it tickles when your hands travel a bit too close to the base.
A god like him doesn’t have any need for sleep, but there’s something so intimate and sweet about holding you in his arms as the moon makes its daily journey across the star-speckled sky. It’s his way of keeping you safe and within his reach, caring for you as if you were his little pet this time around. He loves wrapping you up in his soft tails, cradling you close to his chest while you doze off. Bachira adores knowing that he’s the last person you see when you close your eyes and that he’s also the first one you see when you open your eyes the next morning. He’ll always be there to greet you with a wide grin and a daring bite at your nose. Even when you grumble and swat at his arms, Bachira never fails to respond with a loud giggle and big hug to start your day off.
Even when he can’t be around, Bachira makes sure that you know he’s watching over you. You’ll come back home to find all of your chores taken care of (albeit you realize your poor sheets have fox fur all over them and that all the pineapples you've been saving have disappeared) and that you’ve been having inexplicable levels of good luck recently. When you confront the kitsune about it, he’ll play dumb and pretends he has nothing to do with it, even though you both know it’s his way of marking you as his favorite. While you might say you don’t need it, it’s still exceptionally heartwarming to know that such a powerful spirit would go out of his way to care for you and make sure nothing harms you.
A love between an immortal and a normal human is difficult, but something about loving Bachira comes so easily. Even as the average person’s faith in beings like him fade in and out with the dregs of modern society, your heart holds nothing but affection towards him. Bachira swears he’s never going to let you go; when the time is right, he’ll stretch his hand out to you and whisk you away to a paradise filled only with spirits like him. And there, he’ll find his happy ending with you by his side—the elusive figures of a satisfied kitsune and his devoted partner weaving in and around the edges of myths and urban legends in centuries to come.
“Hey, heyyyyyy! I’m bored! Quit staring at all these weird papers. I wanna do something fun! Being stuck inside the house is soooo boring, and there’s all these cool things around us we can look at! It’ll be more fun if you come with me! Let’s go, let’s go!”
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
So… I heard ye looks at ocs, eh? Well… COOL
Meet: Vixie (based off the female fox from fox and hound)
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^Human version of her ^
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^sinner her^
Vixie vanshier (van-shy-er) was born in September 22 1900 <little fact I give all my ocs the same birthday as me so I can remeber> her family owned a plot of land in Oregon containing forms of animals. Her father James vanshier, was the owner of this land. One day mountain lions killed off a huge majority of there livestock, so since his wife marry vanshire was bed ridden with illness he taught vix how to shoot. She was well with a shot gun being a small female and only 9 but they could not keep up with the mountain lions so her father’s last resort was to move to Louisiana and become a railroader.
Vixie soon attended school and was a smart kid, her acidemic score impressed a lot of people, but there is one thing she could not get right… sewing class. One day she sat on the playground trying to mend a pice of fabric together. Even though she was a good shot she could not for the life of her get her hands to straighten out. She looked up to see a boy snickering at her and this boy was Alastor, his mom taught him a trick for mending things. (I imagine he had too a lot because he seems like the kid to go outside and climb trees and shit.) they’ve been friends ever since!
In her early 20s she became a singer/songwriter for a pub, tips sucked and her boss payed her Jack shit so she quit. She worked hard, she wrote sonnets, poets, and even her own songs. That’s when she met mimzy. Mimzy offers her a deal of a lifetime to sing her songs and be on stage. Vixie said yes exited for her new life. Alastor and her are still together and when she tells him this he just rolls his eyes. Anyways after a couple more months together they got straight into marriage no dateing none of that… CRAZY RIGHT!
Nie time for the Angsty bit.
One day she came home to find Alastor coverd in blood knife in hand, she loved too much for her soul, she loved Alastor. So she kissed him on the cheek saying “all will be ok” and went to bed with her husband. Now you might be wondering “how and why is she in hell.” Well you see mimzy would not let her quit, 1 aka him was banned so any forms of good tips where gone and 2 mimzy essentially gone bankrupt so paying her was out of the question. Vixie did want to quit but mimzy manipulated her saying “I got you up on your feet.” Or “your the reason why we gone bad!” But ofc vixie loves to deep and stayed. Until she came home crying and exhausted. Alastor was furious so he said “we will take care of this.” The we is what freaked her. Anyways mimzy died to her hands and not his.
When Alastor died that’s when all hell broke lose, she did not want her husband, her poet, her LIFE be viewed as bad. So she continued to kill in her husbands name. She killed the wrong person. She killed a cult member who hunted and killed widowed woman. Naturally she was kidnapped and dragged out of her home only to be caged and smelt by hounds. She once thought they spared her until a horn blew. Dogs smelled her scent as men on horses and shot gun fallowed and chased her. She got caught in a snare and could not get out for her adrenaline was rushing, so she could not think. That’s when she met the eyes of a man, that man was the son of whom she killed. She looked at the sky to only be then shot in the throat.
Ending up in hell she instantly gained popularity with her music. Essentially became a music overloard. She had more influence than Alastor and vox just due to how diverse music was. Oh and don’t use anything of her without her permission or consequences. anyways it took over half a decade to realize the radio demon is her Alastor. And when the Vs came along that’s when her power/infuence really grew. She kept up with modern times so she could keep being this overloard and respected her husbands wishes at the same time.
Anyways that all I got atm hun, I changed her a lot since the pilot and still need to write her story.
Omg she's so spunky and twisted! They're a fucked up couple who stand by each other 😤 I love her sinner form so much?? Just GORGEOUS
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flickys-courage-club · 7 months
What is Barry's relationships with Courage The Cowardly Dog characters
Barry and Courage - Courage and Barry are rarely close friends to each other. Barry does look up to him for his bravery, although the two have a thing in common which is having anxiety[also my lil headcanon for Courage.] Courage is shown to be very protective of him
Barry and Muriel Bagge - Barry and Muriel show love and care for eachother, with Barry thinking of her as a grandmother figure to him. Muriel shows support and cares Barry for his health and happiness. She treats him the same way she treats Courage
Barry and Eustace Bagge - The two don't show to get along well, Eustace verbally abuses, enjoys making fun of and tormenting him just how he does with Courage.
Barry and Computer - Since being a sarcastic ai jerk to Courage, he was the same to Barry when the anxious cat first met him, in which makes Courage defend the cat against the ai. However, when Barry came to him after he got ab#sed by the spider crime mob leader Toxin. Computer suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for the poor fella. He started to be aware when Barry said about his anxiety, that he meant that he has anxiety. Computer becomes a mentor/guardian to Barry, teaching him ways to control his anxiety. Though still being a sarcastic jerk as usual
Barry, Bunny and Kitty - The lesbian couple are shown to be really good friends to Barry. Sometimes the two babysit him and they act like aunts to him. Barry does respect and care for the two equally. Bunny and Kitty are shown to be really proud of Barry for saving their adoptive daughter Bunitty from Mad Dog
Barry and Shirley - Barry does show respect for Shirley. But he tends to worry about the curses she carries onto others
Barry and Charlie the Mouse - Though the two don't interact more often, they are really good friends. Charlie does help him on what issue is happening and offers him some advice as help
Barry and Katz - Katz is shown to hate the nervous cat while Barry fears him mostly. Katz even shows any intent to kill, torture or harm Barry or even manipulate him into going into his scam businesses
Barry and Le Quack - The two are enemies. Le Quack does manipulate/exploit Barry to join his side and get him to do crime sprees.
Barry and Cajun Fox - Cajun Fox mostly finds the nervous lil cat as an ingredient for his Cajun cuisines, he mostly attempts to kidnap him for that, Barry is terrified him because of his deadly taste for humans and anthropomorphic animals.
Barry and Black Puddle Queen - Barry does fear the Queen of the Black Puddle. She wasn't aware the fact that Barry is a child
Barry and Clucthing Foot - Despite that they don't interact more often, Barry does consider Clutching Foot as a threat to him
Barry and Weremole - Barry is pretty afraid of that beast. But despite that, he doesn't know when he first saw one until Computer gave him the info about them. As for Weremole, he will just straight up maul him to death
Barry and Banana Suit Dealer - The two have interacted a little. When Banana Dealer convince him to buy a government top secret, Barry politely declines. The two are shown to be neutral
Barry and Freaky Fred - At first Barry appears to become friendly with Fred, but he was traumatised when Fred having his intent to shave Barry's fur off. But then Barry heads to the Home For Freaky Barbers where he(Fred) is kept in for his life to reconcile for being traumatised of him
Barry and Mad Dog - Barry really hates Mad Dog for what he did to Bunny, Kitty and Bunitty. Though he did save Bunitty's life after he slammed his(Mad Dog) face into the windshield
Barry and Cruel Veterinarian - Barry really hates this man's guts! He even was aware of what he is going to do with Courage. And he also knew that he hired Toxin to kill him alive
Barry and King Ramses - The two don't show interaction with eachother. But Ramses shows honour and respect after Barry gives him back his slab
Barry and the Cat Thieves/Jim and Paul - Barry dislikes the duo, since their both thieves and they wanted to have King Ramses' slab for themselves. When they saw Barry holding it, they asked him to give it to them. But Barry declines and he does the right thing by returning it to the King
Barry and Courage's Parents/Henry and Teresa - The three haven't met eachother. But if they would actually meet eachother for the first time, they would really get along well
Barry and Fusilli - Barry became a victim of Fusilli's puppetry, The crocodile got him into his show but then he was disappointed by Barry quitting performing for him
Barry and Ma Bagge - Barry doesn't really like Ma Bagge because of her hatred of cats
Barry and Hunchback Of Nowhere - Barry doesn't show fear at his "ugly" appearance. He is very supportive and tells him about respecting their differences
Barry and Bigfoot - The two are on good terms
Barry, Storm Goddess and Duncan - Barry and the goddess are considered neutral. As for Duncan, they had a small interaction but Duncan may not like him because of being a cat
Barry, Benton Tarrentella and Errol Von Volkheim - Barry does fear the two, however he isn't convinced on joining their productions
Barry and Duck Brothers - They appear to be on good terms
Barry and Dr Vindaloo - Barry respects Vindaloo, he does go to him whenever there's something wrong with him
Barry and Di Lung - Barry appears to not like Di Lung due to his inventing creation of Mecha Courage and his rude attitude
Barry and Goose God - Goose God shows a despise against the small cat as he won't let Muriel see him and he doesn't understand the fact that he is a god
Barry, General and Lieutenant - Barry does show loyalty and respect for the two loyal members of the government. But however their wrestling whenever Barry goes over to them for help leaves the poor fella in dismay
Barry and Nowhere Newsman - They don't interact more often, although it is shown that Barry shows respect for him
Barry and Space Chicken - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Floyd - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Schwick - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Stitch Sisters - When Barry found the doll Dawn, who lost her memories and became the trapped victim of the sisters. Barry decides to take matter into his own hands and begins to defend her
Barry, Dr Zalost and Rat - Barry was first afraid of the two. But now he suddenly feels so bad for Zalost becoming really miserable, which led him to unleashing cannonballs at the American side of Nowhere. After Barry saves the two residents Paprika and Cumin, while Courage saves the two with Muriel's Happy Plums. Zalost and Rat treat Barry as a friend
Barry and The King of Flan - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and The Perfectionist - The two haven't met eachother yet
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
How would Michael Myers react to meeting someone who is just as quiet as him and they have same drive as him but they don't don't kill people as they like going out hunting as they carry around guns or spears. They like to set up traps. Also they don't bother Michael very much.
Micheal Myers is a curious man by nature. All versions of him. He’s also a very observant man. He loves people watching, and if the reader caught his eye, well, there’s only two ways it could go.
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If original Micheal noticed the reader, he would be very curious. He’d probably stalk them when he didn’t killing, just to see what they’re trying to do. They’re the only interesting thing in town, and he’s gotta bid his time somehow. If he saw them setting up traps for animals, I think he would get bored pretty quick. And we all now what happens when Micheal is bored.
But if the traps were for something more sinister… boy is hooked. Sure, you said they don’t kill people, but you never said they didn’t harm people. In that same sort of bullshit way John Kramer isn’t “killing people”. The reader is just leaving Unfortunate souls to their own demise. OG Micheal might even go as far as to purposefully make someone set off a trap, just to see if you’d come back, and what you would do about it. If you just leave them, he’s still intrigued. But if you come back, boy is smitten. He’d convince you to let him use your traps to catch victims.
Rob Zombie:
This Micheal is a bit more sensitive and in tune with his emotions. He’d still think the hunting aspect is pretty cool. Micheal is kinda scared of big animals as they could hurt him on kills. So if your traps caught foxes, dogs, coyotes, he’d be thankful that there’s a few less things in town that could get him caught. He might just leave you alone after a while. Not wanting to put the effort into killing you.
But if these were human traps. He’s in love. Similar to OG, he’d want to team up. You lure them in, he kills them. It makes the most sense in his brain to keep you around. You could be a good distraction for the police. If a human got caught in one of your bare traps, he’s just stand them and watch them writhe in agony for a while before putting them out of their misery.
Halloween Kills:
I feel like if you were just a normal hunter, he would still be interested. But not so active. Like a passive acknowledgement, that you exist and he respects that. But with obvious tones that that can change at any time if you do decided to start bothering him.
If one of your traps caught a human, he’d simply use it as an easy kill. Possibly even reset the trap without telling you so that it could happen again. He sees it as something convenient, but would never directly approach. He’s quiet and want Privacy, he assumes you’re the same. He lets you live as long as you’re useful or adding something to his life.
AN: sorry this took so long, tumblr likes to hide my asks.
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lorata · 2 years
Lora lora lora lora I NEED to know. Which of the Victors are Cat People and which of the Victors are Dog People. Please. My sister and I have bets on this.💜
on one level it isn't, don't make this complicated, which animal do they prefer
BUT ON ANOTHER LEVEL there are victors who ....... ok let me try to explain this
Claudius is not a cat person, he is unnerved by them, they sit and stare at each other across the room with mutual distrust. AND YET. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS GIRLS ARE CATS. Lyme is a cat. Selene is a cat. Eibhlin is a cat. they're all cats! (just realized that Dash and Marius are dog!people so there's a hilarious gender divide in his type there, hm. okay moving on). dogs are more complicated bc he had to kill a puppy for his residential exam so he doesn't really like being around them and unlike Callista never bothered to reclaim it
Alec is another one of these -- not a cat person, he likes dogs, if the world were a just place he would have a lil house and a dog of his own. but man a-mighty are most of his people cats (until Jake, haha)
Enobaria respects cats as fellow predators and they do the same for her. they sit in silence on opposite sides of the room and it's fine but my Enobaria had fennec foxes in her Arena so she's never going to be like … super chummy with them. dogs are too much, no thank you, BUT AGAIN THIS IS IRONIC given that her People are Nero and Devon, 100% dog!coded humans
Devon I think is a fully 3 on the Animal Kinsey, loves dogs, loves cats, would be one of those people who gets offended when people says cats are standoffish and is like "uh maybe you're just an asshole because they always cuddle me" (confession: I am Devon). meanwhile the people in his life are also pretty split between cat!people (Misha, Enobaria, Petra) and dog!people (Brutus, Emory) and he gets along equally well with both kinds
Emory I feel like would love a dog but doesn't think she'd take good enough care of it (SHE'D BE WRONG!!!!!). nothing wrong with cats a'course, but you can't beat a good hound. Emory mostly aligns herself with dog people but then you have Misha sauntering in and plopping herself down, pleased and purring, which is I think how she also feels about cats. wouldn't think to get one for herself but if one sits on her lap she'll feel honoured by it.
Nero if he was going to get a pet would choose a dog for himself, but he is godfather to all of Calli's cats and it's cool, they're chill. they use him as a giant heated blanket and he doesn't mind, it's soothing honestly. the only downside to cats is that they aren't enormous. it's not really the temperament, it's the cuddle potential -- I think if housecats were lion-sized he'd put them even with dogs. which is obvious because l i t e r a l l y all Nero's humans are cat!coded
Lyme does not like cats OR dogs. dogs are too much, they get in your personal space and will not leave you aloooooone, and people say oh cats are great because they don't do that OH REALLY, INTERESTING, because whenever she meets a cat the first thing it does is step all over her and put its damn butthole in her face, what kind of cat propaganda are you selling
Brutus is a dog person, he loves dogs but could never commit to one because he works too much. he does not like cats, they scare him and bully him and he doesn't like that their eyes glow in the dark and jumpscare him when he turns the corner or that they try to trip him coming down the stairs. you know what doesn't do that? dogs! yeesh
Misha loves cats, very cheerfully, they're great! cheeky little assholes :) she also likes Ronan's dogs but she's more on the cat side if she had to pick one
Petra is nervous around animals (someone told her once they're a good judge of character) and operates on the 'sit/stand very still and they will leave you alone' principle. this means that Calli's cats HAVE occasionally colonized her lap at parties and trapped her there for over an hour until someone noticed the whites of her eyes. Ronan's dogs are a bit better because they will flop BESIDE you on the porch and then she can sort of gingerly work her way up to petting them
Adessa will not have animals in her home, thank you
I feel like Odin is a dog person and Hera is a cat person, just for balance, but also because Odin is very particular about scratched furniture AND likes his backyard birds and thinks cats are a menace on principle
(mind you Calli's cats do not go outside, she is not having her babies eaten by coyotes thank you very much, and you know what I've never sat and thought about this but I bet she converts her sunroom into a giant catio)
Caius is a dog person (evidence: bought Ronan dogs to cheer him up), Luna, Iris and [STATIC NOISE] I'm not sure.
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yuexuan · 7 months
[Review] 大觉醒
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Title: 大觉醒 Great Awakening
Author: 颜凉雨
Length: 166 chapters + 6 extras
Tag: Modern, school, slice-of-life, sci-fi
Hu Lingyu, Animal Control Bureau North China Branch General Administrative Office, Civilian Clerk, length of service: three years, family: red fox. 
Lu Qi, Animal Control Bureau North China Branch Operations Brigade, Captain, length of service: three years, family: sika deer.
A red fox working as an office clerk = a normal path in life.
A deer working as the captain of the operations brigade = are you fucking kidding me!?
Lu Qi was just such a dazzling existence. 
After the establishment of the Animal Control Bureau, he was the first deer in the operations brigade, and the first one to be promoted to captain within just three years. Not only that, he had established his authority among subordinates from ferocious families (including but not limited to jackals, wolves, tigers, leopards, raptors, and venomous snakes).
As a fellow graduate from the same year and same university, Hu Lingyu was proud of this, despite the two of them not having any interactions in university or in the Animal Control Bureau, so much so that Captain Lu didn’t even know who he was. 
During an operation to arrest a criminal group responsible for drugs related to genetic modification, Hu Lingyu was transferred there to help the operation brigade in the outer perimeter. However, he accidentally found the escape scene of a key criminal member. Then, he was hurled into the ocean from a clifftop.
No one knew what he saw before he died.
Would you believe the captain of the operation brigade was helping the criminal escape!?
Would you believe that the group of key criminal members were acting respectful towards Lu Qi!?
Hu Lingyu: A perfect character does not exist in this world. If there is a deer, and his appearance is extraordinary, his temperament refined, he is gentle and peaceful, and he has incredible combat power, then he must be a criminal.
Upon waking up from falling into the ocean, Hu Lingyu had returned in time by seven years.
North China Branch Fourth Wild Awakening University, first year student, Hu Lingyu: ???
What would I do if I was accidentally reborn?
Of course it was to seize the opportunity to catch the criminals in one fell swoop, so that the light of righteousness can shine…
Wild Awakening teacher: Hu Lingyu, you’re the only one in your grade who didn’t pass your Wild Power Examination.
Biology teacher: Hu Lingyu, you’re the only one who didn’t submit your review of the movie “the Awakened Planet” that I have assigned.
Wildlife tracking teacher: Hu Lingyu, about your assignment regarding “the similarities and difference of fox and wolf paw prints”...
The office fox who was used to drinking tea everyday and doing nothing: I don’t want to be the light of righteousness, please arrange my graduation immediately (Tired).
Comments **contains spoiler**
This is the sequel to “Dense Fog”, sharing the same setting where humans have awakened animal abilities and traits. By this time, the world has gotten used to these new changes and developed courses that are relevant to each animal family. Hu Lingyu is transported back in time after he is thrown off a cliff during an operation, whereupon he begins to approach Lu Qi while in university to prevent the other from walking down the path of criminal-hood. 
Part slice-of-life (with all sorts of weird animal-related examinations and after school activities) and part crime and mystery, the novel follows Hu Lingyu and Lu Qi’s developing relationship and their efforts to root out the members of the criminal organization. 
As with many of Yan Liangyu’s novels, this is another comedic read. The first part can be a bit slow, focusing mainly around Hu Lingyu returning back in time and trying to remember what happened during his university years. But once the examination starts, the pace of the story picks up and becomes more engaging. Also, as with many of the author’s works, the supporting cast of characters are fun to read about. From a bully jaguar who secretly harbors a crush on Hu Lingyu, to the latter’s best friend who has the best notes in class, each of the characters are goofy and likeable. 
I prefer this to the prequel since it has an element of mystery in it too. Just who is the mastermind behind the development and distribution of the illegal drugs, and the murder of Lu Qi’s parents? And just where did they get the ingredients for developing the drugs? For the longest time, I suspected Hu Lingyu’s parents of being scientists who work on stones harboring remnants of the Great Fog, given the secretive nature of their work. But turns out they are pretty insignificant to the story lol. 
Another thing that I like is how witty Hu Lingyu is. He might not have the physical prowess to excel in his class, but he has the streets smart and wit to help him through different challenges.
Overall an enjoyable read and would highly recommend to anyone looking for something light with a smattering of mystery in it.
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321spongebolt · 6 months
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I previously briefly talked about Rio's personality. So, continuing from my last post, here's two versions of my character's personality inspirations. The only difference between them being Rio's appearance with and without his crown.
Like King Julien from the "Madagascar" franchise, Rio sings "I Like to Move It Movie It" in both "Rio" movies. If "Rio 3" happens, I'll try to find a way to fit it in, unless it doesn't get featured in the proposed third movie.
Like Emperor Kuzco from "The Emperor's New Groove" franchise, Rio narrates his own stories as a voice-over. But he will occasionally pause the movie sometimes and show up to either explain things in further detail, or just poke fun at some of the characters or even the setups.
Like Deadpool, Rio's fourth wall-breaking is used in-film and during the times when he pauses the movie. He even points out the obvious on how the whole thing is a movie, or even mentioning the audience from time to time. He'll also mention stuff that Fox owns like "X-Men" and "Ice Age". There's even a logo joke I thought of for either "Rio 2" or "Rio 3" where after Scrat falls off the Blue Sky Studios logo, Rio will sit on the "e" in "Blue", which breaks off, due to Rio's weight. Thus, the logo would now read "Blu Sky Studios" before fading to black.
Like Mufasa, I thought my character could have some similar papa wolf kinds of features. Even going as far as banishing Nigel for attempting to murder Blu, which should be punishable for attempting to murder royalty. But he isn't without his loving qualities, as well as the attention he gets from the birds and humans. Not only is he beloved and respected, but he's also a fair monarch who knows what's best for his subjects, including his son, and his family. He will occasionally give good advice if he needs to, like any father or parent would for their son(s)/daughter(s).
I guess he's also got some of that flair that screams "game show host", to some degree. He also acts as if he were an animated movie star, like how in some movies, like "A Bug's Life", "Toy Story 2", "Monsters Inc.", and even "Mr. Peabody and Sherman", they show outtakes during the end credits, which depict some animated characters like they were actors from a live action film (Click here to learn more about where I'm coming from with this). I don't know if I should do fan outtakes for "Rio" and "Rio 2", but I don't think it's a bad idea, if I could find what I think would work best (ex. After Blu's drawing in the dirt, Rio would draw an acorn in the final film. But for the outtakes, he would draw different things like Wonderbot ("Robots") and maybe a sloth that almost looks like Sid ("Ice Age") before drawing an acorn.).
Credit for this template goes to DeviantArt user TXToonGuy1037
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someoneimsure · 2 years
I saw that you like red wall(I've only watched the animated series), and I was wondering if you've also seen the secret of nimh?
Hell yeah I have! It's one of my favorite Don Bluth films, right next to the original Land Before Time.
Did you know the book and movie are two vastly different experiences?
The Book:
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The Movie:
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It helps that the book has no magical elements at all and is just showing the lives of rats with human intelligence--and of course Mrs Frisby and her sick son, Timothy.
Did you know that the original book was actually written and published in response to real life treatment of rats? Specifically, an experiment by John Calhoun from a real life research facility called National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)? The experiment is on overpopulation and how it affects the health and mentality of animals, with rats and mice natural being a general stand-in for humans. The results are actually horrific.
TL;DR: When space and available mates become scarce, animals stop reproducing and become depressed because they can't travel to find new mates and fulfill their purpose in life. No brainer, right?
Though... The research might be more applicable to studying potential problems from colonizing other planets that require us to create spaces for our species to survive. Humans tend to be one of the most adaptable species on the planet, even more adaptable than rodents since they have to evolve to fit the environments and humans just make machines that supplant evolution entirely, so the research might not be as helpful as we might like. Just another reason to can it entirely.
I have a question for you! <3 Have you ever heard of this book series?
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If you really like the Secret of Nimh movie, I highly recommend checking this out. And if you really like Redwall and want something more grown-up and sci-fi, check out the book: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh.
I can happily report that the Redwall series and the books are extremely similar, though Brian tends to add paragraphs of food descriptions. Where are they getting the milk, Brian?? Who are they milking!? Why are they baking things that need eggs, Brian?? Birds are people, too!
In the Redwall book, there's a lot of continuity weirdness. Scourge shows up in a giant horse-drawn carriage containing thousands of rats when later books have no horses and also the carriages are more badger-sized. It's an awesome image, though, so I can't complain. It's a real shame they didn't make a dark movie about it.
I caution you about some of the things Brian writes. He rarely has good "verminbeast" characters (and those usually are simpletons) and even characters that should be considered good are treated by the narrative as evil (Outcast of Redwall is a whiplash of emotions, let me tell you, and Triss and Taggerung are both basically Mary/Gary-stus respectively.) And some tropes are extremely repetitive. A lot of the villains are cartoonishly evil to an almost hilarious degree--even as a kid I was laughing at Gabool the Wild and his absolutely insane obsession with a bell.
I would recommend Martin the Warrior and the sequel Mossflower, Mariel of Redwall and the sequel Bellmaker, Marlfox (for the chaotic fox family), Pearls of Lutra (for the nuance in the cats), The Long Patrol (for the bunnies and actual nuance), and of course Redwall and the sequel Mattimeo for the best Basil Stag Hare moments. Outcast of Redwall is my personal fav, but my boy Veil was done dirty at the end there.
And if you like to read a story and universe similar to Redwall but is more linear and focused on one small cast, there's the Mistmantle Chronicles.
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I am missing one book in the series so I can't say if it's all good. I find the lack of descriptors boring. These books are hard to find so I would just start looking for pdfs. Who knows? You might like the series better than I did.
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Felt like ranting a bit because I feel bad. I recently visited a pet shop and saw that they were selling fennec foxes. There were two all cuddled up and asleep. To be fair, I felt bad for all the animals. Not because they were in terrible living conditions, but animals like those deserve to live in their natural habitat...
Not to mention all the puppies and kittens. They all looked a little too young to be separated from their mums.
There were even parrots and lizards. All the parrots were separated and you can see that they were stressed. Some patches of their skin didn't have feathers. It wasn't extremely noticeable, only if you pay close attention.
What really upset me was seeing a meerkat in one of the enclosures. They are so not native to the country I live in and it was depressing. Poor thing was visibly confused and sad. It was alone, and not really in the mood to pay attention to its surroundings like you would see on documentaries of wild ones in their element, you know?
They're pack animals. And wild. They should be in their respective habitats, not to be sold to someone who has the money and may not necessarily be able to care for it properly 😭
Ugh my love! I totally understand where you are coming from! Animals are lovely, but they are not meant to be kept in a cage. And trust me, I love foxes, they're among my favourite animals –that and wolves, which is interesting because I have two cats but I seem to like canines– but I wouldn't want to have one as a pet.
I mean, I'd love to have one as a pet, but only if I could give him a free life. In the sense of having a huge garden, so he or she could roam around, explore and stuff. More like us cohabiting in an area than actually having them as a pet, if that makes sense? Like a natural reserve of some sort. Having said that, I would never get a fox to have them locked up in a house or in a small patio or anything like that, Even my cats are free to leave and come back home whenever they please!
The whole description that you've given me is so sad, birds in cages are the saddest thing ever! Animals that are meant to be free and fly wherever they want confined in a pretty golden space, just for humans' eye pleasure is one of the saddest things ever. Worst part is, even if you were to let them out, they probably wouldn't even be able to fly because people cut their feathers so they don't run away 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
Puppies and kittens separated from their mothers, serpents and lizards in trapped in cristal homes, and Meerkats? I don't know the specific requirements of their living, but if they are not native to your country, then they could get too hot or too cold and alone, which really is the saddest part with social animals...
They should definitely be in their homes, and us humans can sometimes be absolutely terrible, but at least there's some of us that understand, and hopefully, we'll be able to make the world a better place one day.
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good greetings, miss rhythm. Woof. Bark.
I do not know if you know but my pup innie is mingling with small fox puppies. which is fine, i love all animals as i am their king. however, he has not learned the wolf’s growl. unlike his sister, who my queen birthded in the same litter. she does not prefer growling since as i said, meowing is much sweeter, but she has learned it nonetheless. innie on the other hand has learned a song called “what does the fox say” and it really is not what i know of what a fox truly says. another issue with my children is how Jisung encourages pup prince Lixy to stay in his wolf form. the part of were in werewolf is that we are as human as we are wolves, and my atrociously rebellious brother is teaching my docile son that his animal side is superior. he eats messy like I do when I am a wolf, but he does not eat like a king. Nor does he season his food, which has sent his mother into a fit of melodrama not even I can fuck out of her. She really doesn’t see why salt and pepper is enough for chicken (my life has changed when she fed me more herbs), and why Felix does not understand that his mother can’t speak wolf language. He has told me that he likes cuddling mommy when he is fuzzy and can hear her breathing better, and tries to tell her stories of his adventures in training but she keeps laughing at his “pup noises”. My familial problems keep growing because Seungmin is bullying his siblings for being disgraceful and they often prowl and fight, they think they are ferocious but truly, minnie is not afraid of them. He tells me they are laughable just like their father, which I found funny at first but realized he was speaking of me. He has also asked for a dog, which is strange because they are domesticated wolves. He is a wolf, why must he need a pet dog? My wife thinks a pet dog makes a fine friend, but I honestly don’t see why she would need a dog when I am one, the best one for her. Can’t believe a golden retriever is cuter than me. She also needs a new litter, but the stress of our toddler puppies is keeping both my rut and her ovulation humble. It’s truly difficult not to soil her insides when that is all what her soul and my wolf desires. Maybe the kingdom needs a school for our puppies, or maybe it is my puppies that are spoiled and opinionated.
Sincerely, King Chan
(Ghost written by chris’ irl wife 🐧)
oh, my King... i am sorry to hear your puppies are giving you and my Queen a hard time. i am confident that, as they mature, they will come to understand the importance of your legacy. with all due respect, Your Majesty, i think a pet dog would be an excellent company for your pups. a dog might help them feel more in touch with their canine side, and learn the proper royal howls and growls they were born to produce.
when it comes to His Highness Prince Felix, i am afraid he will not change his ways. but be proud, my King, for he seems to find a lot of pride in his wolf nature.
as for a new litter... it is detrimental to your pups' development that you can be as present as possible, my King, and four seems more than enough for now. i am confident, Your Majesty, that my Queen and my King will have no difficulty producing a new one, but all in due time.
(this ask reads as if it was written in one of these lmao):
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