#and not in a rude yelling way just bc it was rlly loud and they couldn’t hear us otherwise
imwetforyourmom · 6 months
hi can u do headcannons (or a fic idm) of like people pleaser!reader and bf!matt who like stands up for her or tells people off on her behalf?
I really hope this makes even the slightest bit of sense
thank you so much, I love ur writing sm🤍🫶🏼
people pleaser!reader x matt headcannons!
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(I have never done hcs ever, so if its bad thats mb, also I didnt know if you wanted nsfw but I js didnt bc I dont rllt know how to nsfw people pleaser x matt but if tou want me to retry it dont hesitate to ask!!)
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: I dont rlly know how to write people pleasers and such so thats why its short, but I can try again if you’d like, I also love this idea, thank you anon!! <33
- the second someone pushes you around and or walks all over you hes quick to shut it down.
“alright listen man, it was one thing when you told her to fuck off, but telling her to shut the fuck up is another. I need you to leave.”
- when matt notices that someone is using you to their advantage or even notices you going out of your way to please them on several occasions hes getting it done and over with, quick.
“okay. enough y/n, come sit with me. you dont need to do everything for that asshole, k?”
^ he made sure to say it extra loud so the guy heard what matt had said about him.
- after matt had told someone off for being rude to you, you sat down next to him with your head hung low and your eyes filled with tears of guilt.
“baby, whats wrong?” he asked, his arm coming over to your back and rubbing your shoulder.
“that wasnt nice of you to yell at him.. look at him, I feel guilty now.” you spoke, your voice slightly shaky as you motioned to the man whom was anxiously biting his lip with his mouth closed shut, after matt had told him to keep it shut.
“it also wasnt nice of him to yell at you and call you names, was it?” he grumbled, just looking at the guy made him angrier, especially knowing you felt bad for him.
- “no, no, if you want me to. I can!” you spoke, a soft smile on your face as you talked to the girl infront of you, in which the girl had a smirk on her face, catching onto your patterns.. doing anything for the sake of pleasing her.
matt, on the other hand, stood behind you and glared at the girl, his jaw clenching with pure irritation. matt cleared his throat, trying to get the girls attention. and once her eyes met his he brought his hand up and flipped her off.
- in ways of showing you he wasnt happy with what you were doing he’d do subtle motions with his hands or look at you a certain way. you’ve learned that his jaw clenched tightly shut and his eyes glaring at you, then a quick look at the person you were currently giving your everything, is a way of him indicating he wanted you stop what you were doing.
- watching you adapt someone elses personality to try and seem more approachable and less weird truly angers him, despite knowing he cant do anything about it. he feels you should know that you’re perfect just the way you are and dont need to be accepted by everyone, they should like you for who you are.
- “oh..” you mumble, your head hung low as somone insults you and your interests. you cant say anything nor do anything, its not in your nature. you just have to sit there and take it, in fear of disappointing them. and since matt wasnt with you, there wasnt any way in stopping the next few minutes of being insulted.
later that day, when you come home your cheeks are tear-stained, you have mascara running down your cheeks and your breathing is uneven.. theres no way in hell you’re hiding this from matt. you take gentle steps as you walk to his room, slowly pushing his door open and taking small sniffles.
with hearing the door creak open matts lips turn into a grin, that is, until he lifts his head up to the sight of you, looking like you just bawled for hours on end. he quickly tosses his phone on his bed and walks over to you, engulfing you in his arms. already knowing what was going on he didnt ask anything, instead just comforted you.
- “ok! im fucking tired of your shit dude! you’ve been bossing, walking all over her, degrading and just overall being a total dickhead to her!” matt yelled, finally getting enough of this kid being rude to his girlfriend. he stood up from his chair and walked over to carlos. he stood tall and high infront of him. y/n moved behind matt and grabbed his hand, holding it and lightly squeezing, at an attempt to calm him down.
“matt, baby, its okay. im fine. dont yell at him.” y/n whispered, your voice quiet as you spoke. you avoided eye contact with carlos. “no, its not okay! hes being a total asshole to you, y/n. you dont deserve to be treated like that.” he turned around to face you. his voice no longer being loud as he spoke with sincerity towards you.
- you being treated rudely didnt always end up with him yelling at someone. when he wasnt fuming with anger, he would grab your hand and hold it, rubbing his thumb gently over your skin, then pull you into him, in a sense of protection and to tell you ‘enough’ without speaking.
- matt would act almost immediately when he even sees the beginning signs of you starting to act and do everything possible for the person you’re talking to. he would lean down in your ear and mumble quietly, “relax, my love.”
- again, he would make sure to be extra loud about shit talking someone when calling you over to him just to make sure that they know what matt thinks of them.
“cmon baby, that poor excuse of a friend doesnt deserve you.”
“hes being an asshole, my love. dont suck up to him.”
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns
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starluvsx · 10 months
★𝐎𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚
Chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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Word count:559
A/N:this is pt2 of love birds so if you haven’t read that then you should bc it’s like the set ip for this, also it’s just rlly cute so yea.btw I’m working on the pt2 for ‘jealous girl’ I swear, I just don’t know how to end it rlly😭
𖦹 𖦹
“Jesus it’s cold as fuck in here, can someone turn the heat on” I asked once I got in my seat.i don’t even know how the two boys were in here for so long.it was like 30 degrees.Boston winters are too much sometimes
“Nah cause the heaters super loud and the camera will probably pick it up.”Matt responded as he set up the camera in question.I didn’t want to be rude so I just nodded and opened my phone to answer some snaps while Matt placed the camera on the dashboard and went outside to check if we were in focus.
“You can have my hoodie, I don’t really need it.”Chris suggested, probably not realizing the camera was on.before I could even answer he was taking his sweatshirt off and passing it back to me.
I thanked him as I slid it on.the smell of cologne hit my nose almost immediately. “Cold as fuck out there jeez”Matt huffed as he got back into the car.
“It’s not that bad”Nick, who was decked out in warm clothing, responded.
It had been about 5 minutes now and I realized that I hadn’t opened either one of my drinks yet.when I was in the store I didn’t realize that the Fanta I had picked up was in a can,meaning I couldn’t open it due to my nails.
“Matt, can you open this?'' I asked over Chris and Nick bickering back and forth about if dogs were really dumb or not.normally I would’ve turned to my right and just asked Nick but I didn’t want to interrupt this sibling bonding moment he was having.
Matt didn’t respond in words.only showing me his freshly painted nails which were black and white.there was no use in asking Nick seeing as he was knee deep in his run-on sentence at the moment.
Chris, who was actively making fun of his brother, was my last option. Just as he was about to yell back at Nick I tapped his shoulder.halting his sentence.he turned his head back to look at me.
“Can you open this for me”I said in a regular tone in contrast to everyone else in the car.his face softened once he saw me.his hyper,loud personality dropped as he answered my question.
“Yea sure”he said in a normal voice as well.his actions were simple.he grabbed the can, popped it open and then handed it back to me.such small,basic movements but charming nonetheless.
We were now on the outro.Matt had grabbed the camera and turned it towards Chris, expecting him to do something weird like he always does.but instead of that he was turned around again,talking to me.
“Did you do something new with your hair,it looks nice.''was all he said.no more than 15 words but enough to turn me a flushed color.
The look in his pale eyes was genuine.not a glimpse of anything but the truth in them.something I wasn’t used to with him.we would make fun of each other constantly.compliments either way we’re weird.maybe if he saw how I felt for him and we became something more they wouldn’t be as rare as they were right now.
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jewishjon · 2 years
Thinking about the child who stole the ezra furman setlist from me. Wonder how he’s doing
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Shadows in the dark
A/N: this was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think! If anyone has any requests, please let me know! 
Summary: can you do a reddie x teen daughter where she thinks she sees a shadow figure but it’s just bc she watched a horror movie, n she screams so richie n eddie come n automatically assume it’s IT n go into fight mode but she reassures them she was just seeing things, but then she’s suspicious af bc of their reactions so they try to like explain the whole pennywise thing but rlly vague and like half bs so tht they don’t scare her n they acc get away w it.  
The thunderstorm pours heavily outside of Raina’s bedroom window, drenching everything in sight. It was the first night of the year that this happened, and she had forgotten just how scary it is, to be faced with this kind of . The horror movie she watched a few hours prior doesn’t help her case either, the images of dark figures stalking girls outside in their backyards flashing through her mind every time a bolt goes off.
The window is located on the left side of her bed, above a cozy seating arrangement Rania uses to read and indicate that she requires alone time. Though it usually symbolizes her calm, it now appears ominously, something she should be scared off.  
She fumbles with her phone, trembling impatiently until the screen lights up, illuminating the room so she can see. She groans in frustration when she looks at the time, barely three am, falling back into the bed and burying her head in her pillow.
The storm croaks outside, loud and un-bothered in it’s intensity, making Rania wonder if anyone else is awaken by the weather phenomenon.  ‘Shut up’, she mumbles stupidly, as if it’s going to listen to her, but it reminds her of the times when her pops used to stay up with her when she was little and afraid of the storm, and that causes her to chuckle.
She’s older now, and not so easily spooked, except when she watches a scary movie. This particular movie was called hush, and even in the light of day it frightened her. The idea of not being able to hear whether or not someone was breathing down your neck, or calling out for you seemed manifested straight out of one of her nightmares.
The storm rings loud enough to drown out any other sound that might emit, but that’s only her brain talking, tricking her into being queasy of nothing. There’s not a thing that’s going to happen, and logically she knows that, so she tries to shut her eyes and will herself to sleep.
It’s not going to happen, the three am hour sign burned on the back of her eyelids. She taps her fingers against the edge of the bed restlessly, shifting and twisting in her blankets until sweat starts to build above her eyebrows and she frustratingly kicks the comforter off of her.
Glancing at the window, firmly shut and the curtains drawn over it, Rania debates if it worth opening her window to let some cool air in. The hot summer sun is unforgiving these days, so scorning hot that it feels like your skin will burn right off the flesh if you stay outside for too long.
A bit of relief of the heat would be welcome, yet she almost falters, then curses herself with how foolish she’s being. Her pops is famous, and they’re living in an expensive neighborhood with a security guard, no one can harm her. She opens the window up an inch, and before heading back to bed, Rania shuffles towards the living room to grab a glace of water.
It isn’t uncommon for her to wake up, usually around the same time too, so she learns to deal with it, eating or drinking something or trying things like yoga. Though rarely helpful, Rania does discover new things and interests, so she takes it as a win.
An explosion of lightning brightens up the room, so she leaves the lights off as she shambles towards the fridge. It’s dead quiet, everyone having gone to bed, which makes her feel like she’s alone in the house. Another thunder crack causes her head to whip up from where she was ducked down to grab the water, eyeing the room twice, but coming up empty handed.
Rania hurries to pluck a water bottle and run up the stairs back to the safety of her room, peeking over her shoulder multiple times to ensure that there’s no one watching her. When she reaches her door, she throws it open, duks into the room, and then promptly shoves it closed with a loud bang.
She winces, the noise way too loud, though thankfully neither her dad, nor her pops stir. The rain ticks away on her window, some of it slipping through the opening and spattering in her room, resulting in a wet puddle being formed.
‘Fucking great’, Rania mutters when she notices, the pool extending right before her eyes. She turns halfway to her closet on the right side of the room, a wooden terra cotta colored one that uncle Bill got for her when they moved in, searching for an item that is allowed to get wet.
Towels aren’t at her disposal right now, and she’s not jumping at the idea of leaving her room again to go get one, so she improvises, by using a cloth that will be washed in the morning.
She takes hold of an old sweater that’s non usable right now anyway, and then circles in the direction of the window. A scream tears from her lips as she does, a shadow looming by the window leering at her as he sits on the window seat.
Screeching, Rania trips over her feet and falls on the ground, the sweater dropping from her hands, then scrambles back towards the door in an effort to get away from the silhouette. Her hands cover her face, like she wants to protect herself even if there were no visible weapons or the person preparing to attack her.
With burning eyes, tears that threaten to push themselves over the edge, she squints one eyelid open at the lack of movement. The room is empty.
Rania’s heart beats a mile a minute, her breathing fast and erratic, yet she manages to laugh manically. It was only a catch of the light, induced by her own imagination, petrifying her within an inch of her life.
She inhales and holds, then exhales slowly, controlling her breathing so she calms down. Several footsteps thunder on the laminate flooring in the hallway. Not fast enough to dodge the unlatching door, she receives a blow to the head, knocking her down once again.
‘Auw’, she complains, cupping the back of head in one hand and rubbing over the bump.
‘Rania, are you okay?’ Her dads pile into the room, switching the light on, searching frantic until they see her, and scurry beside her.
‘Rania talk to us, are you hurt? What happened?’ Eddie, her dad, clutches her body, half hanging over her, and pulling her as close as possible.
Richie, her pops, is standing on her other side, holding a lamp tightly in his one hand, while the other one latches on to her shoulder.
‘Nothing dad, I thought I saw something, but it’s not real.’
Up close, she can detect the tremors originating from her dad, and the hand of her pops shakes too.
‘You need to tell us alright, even if you think we won’t believe you, we will,’ Eddie promises, Richie nodding along vigorously.
The strangeness of their responses causes an alarm bell to go off in the back of Rania’s brain. She tilts her head sideways, peering up at her dad’s with a quizzical look in her eyes.
‘Okayy..’, she draws up, her voice taking on a questionable tone. She makes an attempt to inquire why they’re acting the way they do, but Richie and Eddie engage in their own conversation now.
‘She won’t tell us, we never told anyone either.’ Eddie says, still keeping Rania close at bay.
‘Well Eds, all the adults in our town fucking sucked, especially your mom.’
‘Fuck off Richie. Do you honestly want to joke about this right now? What if it’s IT asshole? What if the clown returned?’ They’re rushing through the sentences like they are hunted on by the devil himself, complete with wild gestures and raising voices as panic and hysteria seem to control them more and more.
‘I didn’t intend for it be a joke Eddie, I mean it. She was a fucking bitch so yeah, you obviously weren’t going to tell her shit,’ Richie responds irritated.
This wasn’t the usual bickering her parents did on a day to day bases, this time both were annoyed with the other, and Richie being vexed was a rare thing.
The storm rages on outside, three crying out thanks to the wind that blows strongly, but entirely the last thing on Rania’s mind right now.
‘Dad, pops it’s fine, leave it.’
‘It’s not fine, stop saying it’s fine.’ Eddie snapped, staring at Rania with poorly concealed terror. Her dad never snaps at her, ever, furthering suspicion in Rania that something was really, really wrong.
‘Sorry, sorry’, he relented, ‘that was rude.’ It is, but Rania is more concerned than angry anyway. She’s anxious that her dad might have a panic attack, even if he hadn’t had one in years. His face is red, and his hand digs in his pockets, aiming to find his inhaler.
‘We have to call Stan’, Richie distracts, seizing both Eddie’s, and Rania’s hand.
‘Wait what? why?’ Rania asks, pulling her hand out of his grip. Uncle Stan lives in Atlanta, which is a plain ride away, he’s not easily accessible.
‘And Bill. Maybe Mike too.’
‘Guys’, Rania yells out, frustration getting the upper hand. Why won’t anyone listen to what she has to say?
‘I watched a horror movie, I just got spooked. Nothing happened. I opened the window and the curtains moved in a way that looked like there was someone sitting there. But there wasn’t.’ She pointedly fixes her gaze on both Eddie and Richie, to get her point across.
‘Is someone going to tell me what this is all about? Why would we need anyone to come here?’ The tension dibs out of Richie and Eddie, albeit slowly, and they nervously communicate in silence.
‘Hello, is anyone gonna fill me in?’ Rania repeated, as she is not used to being kept in the dark. She thought Eddie and Richie told her everything, so it comes as a shock now she reckons that there’s something hidden.
‘There was a clown.’ Eddie starts, despite the shaking of Richie’s head. ‘And every year at the carnival, he scared us half to death by mean pranks.’
Rania blinks once, then twice. ‘That’s it? That’s what terrified you guys enough to want to call your friends?’
‘I guess we’re just traumatized’, Eddie chuckled uneasy, flatting a curl on the top of her head to keep his hands busy.
‘Psst,’ Richie draws her attention, ‘your dad is spooked because we’re the clowns in high school too. He’s just afraid to admit it.’
Rania giggles, always counting on her pops to make light of a situation, making her instantly more calm.
She misses the thumb Eddie gestures at Richie, gratitude flowing through him that the topic has been avoided, mostly.
They’re both still on high alert, the trouble Pennywise cost then a long way from forgotten, but outwardly they come across as composed.  
A tree branch slaps against the window, starling all three people of the family, although they all pretend that it didn’t.
‘Is anyone up for watching a movie?’ Richie suggests, shoulder shimmying to draw the attention his way.
Rania wisps her head towards her dad, applying the puppy dog eyes her pops had taught her to convince Eddie to do something he most likely won’t approve of.
This time, he relents without any type of resistance.
‘Yeah, come on, I’ll get the hot chocolate milk.’  With a last, lingering hug, Eddie releases his hold on Rania, getting up from where he’s sitting on the floor.
Richie hugs Rania as well, smiling brightly at her with the giant smile. ‘Come on,’ he says, then ushers Rania out of the room.
The suspicion still lingers, the story her dad made up not making much sense, but Rania allows herself to follow them downstairs anyway. It’s late, and though she’s aware that no one hung around her room, she’s apprehensive all the same.
She’ll find out what all of this is about, for example by exploring and question one of her uncles or her aunts, but that can wait. Right now, all she’ll watch a movie, and slip off to sleep under the watchful eye of her parents, who outside of her knowledge, don’t dare the blink away from her once.  
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crypticmotherfucker · 3 years
Yanno realizing im on the autism spectrum rlly helped me to stop hating myself over my struggles communicating.
A big chunk of my memories from childhood was purposefully observing other people to figure out how humour worked bc i didnt unstand it. Collecting rocks and hats. I would write down the names of people I liked or didnt like based on their "points" from good and bad actions otherwise i couldnt figure it out. I was awarded quietest child in class but once I got the confidence to speak up I was constantly getting scolded for being either too loud or mumbling. My parents always yelled at me for "talking like a child" or "talking funny")I refused to do the dishes and had meltdowns when forced to touch dirty dishes. Other kids parents saw me as rude despite me just existing. I mostly played by myself as kid as far away from the rest of them because I never liked sports and it was often too loud and playing with other kids meant communicating. I was always chewing on something or fidgeting with my hair, eyebrows, nails, etc.
In early highschool i would plan EVERY conversation in my head and would avoid someone until i figured it out. And I started to realize just how out of touch with everyone else I really felt. I figured out that I was much much better at communicating through writing than speaking. And that I honestly did not enjoy social events or physical interaction.
And i shamed myself for feeling this way, for struggling to talk to people, for not being like everyone else. Until someone brought up the fact that it sounded like ASD. And then it all made a whole lot of sense.
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frobster · 5 years
Not to chuck an idea at you so soon, but that post rlly awakened something in me lmaoo. How abt little!Pietro starts acting up a bit/bein bratty n Clint can’t rlly bring himself to punish him bc Pietro is so sensitive to punishment, but eventually Pietro ends up acting out in front of Nat and she steps up without hesitation and is just as strict with him as he needs. Clint is a lil protective at first, but Nat is super sweet w Tro too and Clint and Nat balance each other rlly well 🥺
Tro owns my heart right now 😭💜
Pietro was a troublemaker no matter what headspace he was in. He was snarky, playful, mischevious, and perpetually curious. Clint liked it, usually. He liked the verbal sparring, how Pietro always kept him on his toes. It was nearly impossible to keep him under control but Clint had his ways.
Clint didn't like to use punishment. Pietro had been through enough and he knew Wanda would never forgive him if he did anything too harsh. So he plied Pietro with treats and rewards, with the occasional reprimand and stern look. Usually they worked well enough since deep down Pietro was desperate for acceptance and affection. He liked to be well-behaved because he liked when Clint praised him.
But sometimes it just wasn't enough. 
Sometimes, Pietro got in a mood. He wouldn't listen to any attempts from Clint to settle down, he kept darting around and leaving messes behind. Nothing would keep his attention for long and he was going beyond sassy into being rude. Clint was growing frustrated with the boy's attitude but he still refused to do anything too drastic. Pietro wasn't just in a bad mood, he was feeling little too.
It was a delicate balance when Pietro was little and grumpy. Clint still wasn't entirely sure how to handle him properly like that. Pietro was snapping colored pencils and crayons, ripping up paper, throwing pillows and blankets, tipping cups of juice and water over. Clint was just trying to clean up the mess to keep it from getting too bad, but he was losing his edge. Pietro was young and enhanced, Clint was older and just a normal human.
And to his surprise, Natasha decided to drop by. She was curious as to why Clint hadn't left his unit yet that day and why he wasn't responding to her messages. Though she realized why as soon as she stepped in and got the door closed. Without needing to be told, she flicked the lock on the door and got to work cleaning up the messes too.
Pietro was off hiding in his room as the two cleaned up. There were crashes and thumps in his room and Clint sighed heavily. 
"You have to get him under control," Nat said as she wiped up the last of the spilled water.
"I know, I know. I just don't want to be too hard on him, not after everything he's been through." Clint sounded as guilty as he felt.
"You want me to talk to him?" Nat was standing with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised, looking ready for the challenge.
Clint was hesitant to allow anyone else to interact with Pietro when he was in a bad mood. But another thump before a loud string of angry Sokovian rang through the unit. He sighed again and sunk onto the couch, rubbing both hands over his face.
"Sure, Nat. Try your best," he relented.
Natasha went right to the bedroom, knocking on the door and waiting just a few seconds before opening it. 
"Go 'way!" Pietro yelled, which was all Clint heard clearly before the door was closed again.
There was muffled conversation, the volume of which rose and fell. Various languages were used and Clint could barely understand any of it. Even with his hearing aids in, he still usually needed to see people to understand what they were saying.
Eventually he got up again and started pacing anxiously. Pietro was a delicate boy despite how much he tried to hide that. He had a rough childhood, rough life in general until the team found him. Their friendship had been rocky at first, but the amount of trust between them now was nothing to scoff at. Pietro didn't trust anyone beyond him and Wanda.
Clint paused outside the bedroom and tried to listen. The conversation was still tense, he could tell by the tone. But he didn't want to interrupt whatever was happening. At least Pietro didn't seem to be making any other messes for him to clean up later.
Back on the couch, Clint stretched out and stared up at the ceiling. He wondered what Natasha was saying, how she had convinced Pietro to stay still and stop his path of destruction. There seemed to be both infinite options and very few.
Finally, the door opened again. Clint sat up sharply and looked over, eyes widening when he saw Pietro had tears tracking down his cheeks.
"Baby, what happened?" Clint asked as he opened his arms for his boyfriend.
Pietro immediately slumped down onto the couch and leaned into Clint, sniffling as he clung tightly. Clint squeezed Pietro close, pressing kisses to his head and trying to help him calm down again. He shot a look to Nat, ready to kick her out of their apartment for upsetting his baby.
"M'sorry, papa," Pietro mumbled as he wiggled onto Clint's lap to curl up tightly. 
The apology caught Clint off guard and he looked down at Pietro again, making sure he was settled properly. Even though he had been frustrated earlier, now he was worried about Pietro. The boy rarely cried, rarely showed such emotion or vulnerability. 
"It's okay, Tro. You were just having a bad day, yeah?" Clint said softly, not a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Pietro just whimpered softly and nodded. Natasha came to sit down too and reached out to lightly rest a hand on Pietro's knee. Both the men tensed up and Clint was once again ready to defend his boyfriend if he had to. Pietro was clearly upset enough already and now all he wanted to do was cuddle.
"He's a good boy," she said with a gentle smile.
Clint looked at her with a guarded expression. He knew his boy was unique, needed some special care. They still worked together well and Clint absolutely loved being in a relationship with Pietro. No matter what anyone else said or though, Clint would never think poorly of Pietro.
"Yeah, he is. He's my good boy." Clint felt a little possessive with Natasha smiling at his boyfriend like that.
Natasha was Clint's oldest friend. They got along very well, and they had a bit of a fling back in the day. But his affection was focused on Pietro, no matter how any feelings for Natasha might be lingering.
"You're good for him. I'm glad you're both together." Natasha was completely genuine. 
Pietro finally peeked out again and wiped at his face to dry off the tears. He managed a small smile for Natasha, even though he stayed curled up tightly on Clint's lap.
"Thank you," he murmured, sounding so sweet after his tantrum earlier. 
It was a bit of a surprise to Clint that Pietro was being so well-behaved but he had to admit, he liked it. Clint kissed Pietro's head again and the boy giggled, wiggling a little as his happy, playful mood returned. 
"Play? Wanna play," Pietro asked before looking around for his toys.
Clint had put the toys away by then, but it wouldn't be too hard to take them out again and get something set up on the floor. So he nodded and gently pat Pietro's side to urge him into action. The younger man grinned and darted over to the toy chest in the corner, digging through it for the ones he wanted.
"Nat play too!" 
Pietro came back over with a set of cars and handed one to Clint before holding one out to Nat. He looked shy and hopeful, like he completely forgave her for whatever happened in his bedroom earlier. The sight had Clint's chest feeling warm with affection and he grinned as Nat took the car with another smile.
"Sure, cutie. I'd love to play," she cooed, surprisingly sweet to him.
Being called 'cutie' had Pietro giggling again with a light blush as he ducked his head to focus on his own car. He pushed it back and forth on the floor, wheels rolling easily over the carpet. 
Without needing to be prompted, Clint slid onto the floor too and rolled his own car over near Pietro's. Nat joined them and they all started playing together, making various car sounds and making up short plotlines to act through. It was sweet and easy and Clint was vaguely surprised and pleased at how well Nat fit in with them.
Maybe his buried affection wouldn't have to stay buried forever.
Added to Collection of Cuties on ao3!!
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aj-draws · 6 years
Hey so this is dedicated to a dear friend of mine
yEAH @confinesofpersonalknowledge I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU, YOU COOL HUMAN!
So I know you’re going through a tough time, and that post about you being catcalled reminded me a story/memory that I felt I needed to share. This story is very personal to me and I’m vv nervous to be sharing it with you guys bc I’ve never rlly done anything personal or deep BUT by doing this I hope to offer you at least some kind of positivity...?
Thana, I just want you to know that you’re not alone...Because I have dealt with a similar problem. 
[[Btw in this story there isn’t anything gruesome or scary, just an experience of catcalling on a very small level (that perhaps not be as serious as whatever happened to you) that still ended on a positive note. If catcalling is an uncomfortable topic for you, feel free to scroll past this, but if you’re up to hear a story about body positivity and how I conquered rude ppl then this story is for you :)]]
It was that time of year. Everyone’s blasting music from ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’, ppl are making as many skeletons memes as possible, adults are scared and kids are reveling. 
Heck yeah, it was Halloween. 
Halloween’s awesome, and I’m fortunately still around that age where if I went trick-or-treating I wouldn’t be judged so badly. But this story began in the beginning of October, when I decided that I was going to be Wonder Woman for Halloween. 
The movie had just come out and I was still being a huge fangirl and Gal Gadot is a gorgeous queen so I thought why not?? The costume took me an entire month to make but I managed to get it done! And I was super proud. I was really, really excited because it was my first Halloween where I wasn’t lazy and just bought a costume. So I wore my costume to school...and well...
Ok, so you’re probably like ‘this is where the catcalling happened right??’ well you’re correct! But there wasn’t a specific moment that I was catcalled. In general, I just experienced a lot of nasty students just being a little...weird. 
It started with the stares. The ones I remember, the ones that really stuck out in my mind...they were not from amazement. I think...I think it was like they were checking me out?? And yeah, I suppose I do have some redeeming physical features, it’s in my genes, and my gay friends love to point it out and joke around with me, but I still found it endearing. 
But this...was different. It was almost like an invasion of my body, an invasion of my privacy-like I was doing something wrong by wearing a flipping costume. 
And something I truly remembered that stuck out in my memory was that noise. I was walking through the hallway and I hear some voices, and a group of boys (that I believe were from my grade I don’t remember) walk past me. Then it came.
A whistle, loud and sharp.
I hung my head. U g h
What was worse were the comments, when people actually came and talked to me. There were students that I didn’t even know, students in one grade below mine, coming up to me and asking that one question,
‘Don’t you think that’s a little...um y’know...too revealing?’
Like holy heck. Y’all have no idea how much I hated that question. I believe I was asked that twice throughout the day?? But it was just so disrespectful. Like wooow haha  *claps hands sarcastically* my knees and shoulders/collarbone are just too scandalous for you, huh? 
And it felt bad...really bad. But things got better. So much better, I promise you. Though that negativity is still buried deep in my head, it’s the prominent, positive memories that made that Halloween unforgettable-in a good way. 
Mostly, it would have to my friends irl. They are really hecking gay and I love them with all my heart. When I first walked into my homeroom class, the students there (it was French class and I’ve been taking the language for 3 years so ik the ppl well there) immediately complimented me. My two friends there were dying and repeated called me thiccc 👌👌👌 which was really hilarious XD When my other friend saw me, she told me she was speechless at first before she started to praise the heck out of me ahh I love her
And there were two moments that I also couldn’t forget. One, was when I won the costume contest. 
Yep! One of my favorite part of that day. It took place during lunch and I was anxious about taking part in the costume, and when I asked my friends, they just looked me in the eye and yelled, ‘YES’ so I did 😆
And during art class, it was announced that I had won ‘Best Homemade Costume’ which was simply incredible! The pride that swelled in me when I stood up and the students in my class started to congratulate me was great. It was even better because all the students in that class were girls and it kinda made me feel like I did Wonder Woman some justice y’know? It was just nice
But another memory that I can’t forget was in the back of my bus. My friends on the bus congratulated me and complimented my costume and I couldn’t stop smiling. And all the way in the last seat...was a pair of eyes. I tensed up, thinking back to all the stares but I instantly relaxed when I really saw them. They were sparkling, shining. It wasn’t greed or lust, but awe. It was this quiet boy that sat all the way in the back of my bus, and he seemed shy so I hadn’t thought to approach him. 
On that day, I gave him a polite smile and waved. He apologies for staring at me, and stammers as he compliments my costume. I nod and give him another grin, saying thank you and asking him if he liked Wonder Woman. And he flashes this bright, geeky grin and then proceeds to announce that, ‘UM YEAH OF COURSE’ and we both continue to have a nice conversation about DC comics and Marvel and he was so kind about it and wowie that was just really great.
So, yeah! Don’t be afraid to be yourself, and wear whatever the flipping heck you want to because you’re a queen/king/or literally just royalty and you deserve praise and compliments once in a while ❤ Be strong, you will get through this.
And ummm lesson is: there’s nothing wrong with geeking out over superheroes 😂😋
I love you all, and I hope you have a lovely day!! 💙💛💖💜
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psyop-princess · 7 years
College Student!Guanlin AU
kind of rushed but I tried my best. all the punctuation that seems like it shouldn’t be there is there purposely, trust me. odd amounts of commas and semi colons are kind of my thing. enjoy and don’t forget requests are always open !!!!!
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-part of a group of rlly popular boys on campus
- only joined for the food - and the bitcheZ AYE AYE AYE - no just the food - the whole thing is like supposed to be a brotherhood but he only really can have lasting conversations with maybe three members at best - jihoon is everyone's translator - "..whaddya say guanlin?" *guanlin mumbles so quietly it sounds like a breath* "he said no thanks" - in reality is just kinda awkward - has his own fanclub amongst students, most female but a lot of male students as well - has lineups to watch him play basketball w/ seongwoo + daniel in his free time - really doesn't understand why everyone loves him so much - every valentine's day leaves w a moUNTAIN OF CHOCOLATES - mistaken for some cold prince but is just afraid to say something wrong by accident - he meets ppl and is kinda quiet nd they're like o god o god and he's like o goD O G O D - you don't rlly get all the hype surrounding him???? - like yes he's attractive and good at basketball but he seems to you kind of rude and mean and you vow not to fuck with lai guanlin - and you don't - until one day somehow he decides to sit right beside you in the lecture hall and youre like ???what - he doesn't even make eye contact w/ you he just pretends like he didn't just invade your personal space and you're PISSED - you mutter something under your breath along the lines of "i'm sorry was every other chair taken?" and he lOOKS OVER - his face is so expressionless you're saying your prayers like this is it for you you're dead oh my god mom i'm so sorr y - he coughs slightly, looking at his paper instead of you - "uh, the floor was wet and i didn't want to slip but i c-can go if you w-" - COMMENCE PANICKING - "n-no its alRIGHT SORRY" - nothing else is said and u can hear seongwoo cough out "awkward" from a row behind you - the rest of the class he doesn't speak, except for turning around to ask someone behind you for a pen because his ran out of ink - the day after that he tries to sit next to you again, but this time yoo seonho wedges his way between you two and claims the seat next to you - he immediately attempts to strike up a conversation, and is about fifteen times more likeable than guanlin - you two hit it off, and seonho doesn't even stop talking for the teacher, which pisses the professor off to nO END - you barely get any work done, but do manage to learn seonho's life story and a good deal of guanlin's - "and then guanlin slippe-" "i saID DONT TELL THIS STORY"- apparently guanlin opens up more when seonho is present, and despite the fact you still don't rlly like him you don't hold yesterday against him - the day after that, you don't really expect much - the night before you spent cramming for a test in a different class, and you were spent - you get into the hall late, and all the desks--including where you usually sit--are taken -you kinda just curse and go sit over off to the side where it's quieter and has a fifteen percent higher chance of you falling dead asleep - you sit in the desk up against the wall, so you have somewhere to rest your head - as soon as you lay your head against the wall someone slams a pencil case down on the desk beside you, and you jump - guanlin sits beside you, and seonho beside him - dont they have friends?????????? - speaking of, then ong seongwoo and kang daniel--two other boys with strong fanclubs that have members throwing glares at you--decide to join as well, bae jinyoung and lee daehwi scampering behind them - "when did i become this popular??" - "when guanlin started li-sAT NEXT TO YOU WHEN HE SAT BESIDE YOU OW OW" - most of the lesson goes off without any problems, until daniel taps you on the shoulder - "yo, party this friday at jaehwan's place,,,,,you in???" - you were rarely invited to parties, let alone parties on the scale you knew this one would be at, and so you agreed - "thANK GOODNESS I THOUGHT GUANLIN WOULD HAVE NOBODY" - guanlin just mutters and goes back to his papers--face rllyyyyy pink - fast forward to friday,,,,, - daniel and seongwoo said they'd pick you and a few other people from your dorm so you're like :-))) alright pal - the car ride is crAMPED - you're forced beside daniel and have to listen to him talk and talk and talk - at one point he gives up trying to start conversations with you and starts yelling up to seongwoo who's driving - seongwoo yells back and at one point he turns around while still driving in an attempt to swat at daniel who said something seongwoo didn't like - a neaR DEATH EXPERIENCE - when you finally get there after much hardship and almost car crashes--courtesy of daniel--it's barely past the time the party was supposed to start and there's already teens spilling from the mouth of the house into the front yard, music obnoxiously sounding from somewhere close to the doors - when you turn around to make a sarcastic comment, everyone's gone - you--despite your better judgement--make your way inside the house and try to find anyone you know - that turns into you wandering around a house for fourteen minutes until you accidentally trip and fall on someone - you land on the floor beside them, but didn't manage to fully knock them over - you're saying goodbye to your loved ones in your brain bc you thought you heard kang dongho over here and o fuck he's kinda scary - "o h my god i'm so sorr ry are you alright this looks bad can i help you are you hurt,,,,o G od i didn't see y-" - "y/N wHAT ARE YOU DOING" - seonho yells from across the room at you like there aren't enough people looking at you - the guy you ran into kinda just glares at you and you're offended but not offended enough to say anything - seonho, on the other hand, is the opposite - "aRe yOu tryiNg to fiGhT //OUR// Y/N???!?!!!?//!!?? GUANLIN HYUNG HE'S GOING TO TRY AND FIGHT O UR-" - you and guanlin are mortified - "ignore him!!! i'm so sorry!!!!!!!" - the senior just apologizes back and turns around, and guanlin has to physically drag seonho out the door and down the street a little - "seonho let's go get food" - "you're right,,,,y/n must be hungry" - you come bc you really didn't want to be at that house anymore,,,,,even though you were barely there you realize why you rarely go to parties even when invited - you all walk to a variety store and hang out in front like the cool cats u are - ....more like you wanted seonho out of the store so he wouldn't spend any more of YOUR money - at some point seonho wanders back in with ten more dollars courtesy of guanlin which leaves the both of you alone - "are you okay?" - until he spoke up you were silent and eating your little cracker snack, so you kinda gulp and turn to him in shock - "y-yeah, are you okay?" - good going - you fucked it up - you're nervous because under the neon lights of the variety store realization hits you like a truck - lai guanlin,,,,,is,,,,,criminally attractive - he chuckles and looks out to the traffic - "it's going better than i had planned" - planned>???? - seonho sticks his head out the door of the variety store - " are u done yet" - guanlin stands up w/ his fist raised - "dONT RUSH ME" - "YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO IT BABY" - " OH Y E A H????? WATCH ME<<" - he takes a deep breath and says abnormally loud - "y/N I REALLY LIKE YOU I THINK WE SHOULD GO OUT SOME TIME. SEE SEONHO I DID IT WH-" - he clamps his hand over his mouth realizing what he just done gone and did - "i like you too, lai guanlin"
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izthecannibal · 7 years
I Mean It - Stan Uris Blurb
request: hellOOO can i please request a stan fic where the reader is kind of feeling down abt herself bc the bowers gang has been bullying her,,,,,, and then stan just comforts the reader and it's rlly cute and fluffy ????? thank you !!!! :)
word count: 584
a/n: hahhahah i’m half asleep so this is complete shit lloololol enjoy
When the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, all the kids in your class jumped out of their seats and swung their backpacks over their shoulders, bolting out the door. Unlike these kids, you took your time packing up your belongings. You were in no rush to leave, simply because of some asshole who had chosen you as his victim recently. 
Stan popped his head in the classroom, flashing a smile. “You ready to go?” 
You nodded, thanking your teacher and meeting him outside. He was walking with Bill, Eddie, and Richie, who made no real effort to address you. It wasn’t that they were being rude or ignoring you, because that was not the case. They were just so immersed in the conversation they were in the middle of. 
“So, what’s the purpose of us even going if we’re not gonna understand anything you’re saying?” Eddie asked Stan. Bill smacked Eddie’s arm, glaring at him warningly, but Eddie continued. “Relax.”
Stan shook his head at the ground, not even bothering to explain what happened at a bar mitzvah for the umpteenth time. 
“(Y/N),” Richie interrupted, obviously trying to change the subject. “How’s your day been?” It was always obvious when Richie was trying to navigate his way out of an uncomfortable situation. He wouldn’t be caught dead using small talk unless he felt it was absolutely necessary. 
“It’s been fine,” you replied casually. 
Stan knew Henry had been screwing with you whenever he got a chance. It killed him that he couldn’t be with you every second of the day, but he wasn’t even sure how to make Henry stop. Normally, kids being assholes had no effect on you. Henry Bowers, though, sure knew how to get under your skin. 
Stan and the rest of the boys had noticed the change in your typically lively personality. They had even discussed it before you joined them, trying to figure out if they could do anything to help. Whenever they tried, you always declined, saying you’d be fine. 
As you biked home, the boys peeled off one by one, saying goodbye and heading towards their houses. While Stan would normally leave the group mid-way through the trip, he stayed on the street. 
“Missed your turn, dumbass!” Richie shouted. 
“It was on purpose!” Stan yelled back, muttering, “Dickhead,” under his breath just loud enough so only you could hear it. Stan turned around to face you, knowing the path so well that he could navigate it without looking at the road. “Wanna go to your house?”
It wasn’t unusual for Stan to invite himself to your house. In fact, the two of you were so close that it was practically routine to just show up whenever he felt like it. 
By the time you and Stan arrived at your house, you had grown quiet. The bitter memories of Henry Bowers throwing insult after insult at you filled your thoughts as the conversation between you and Stan ran dry. 
“(Y/N),” Stan sighed as he set his bike down outside of your house, “I’m kinda worried about you.”
“You shouldn’t be,” you replied casually, hoping you would be convincing enough for him to change the subject. 
“Is it because of Henry?”
You remained silent. 
“You know he’s dumb right?” Stan pushed. “Nothing he says is worth paying any mind to. Ignore him.”
“Yeah, I know,” you muttered. 
“I mean it.”
When you didn’t respond, Stan repeated himself. 
“I mean it. He isn’t worth your time.”
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