#and now people are at 'if you give your characters flaws theyre bad people and youre a bad person in real life' HELLO????
lovecorevillain · 1 year
this might be random but do you have any headcanons of the Daltons/lucky luke cause now they are my hyperfixation and yes I've joined a pretty much dead fandom but I was to hear your thoughts.
(only if u want to ofc)
hiiii anon its been. so insanely long since ive thought abt lucky luke and the daltons rotated them in my small brain but i love looove them as a characters so very dearly to this day and id be more than happy to give u. some of my carefully thought out (brainrot induced) thoughts :]
- JOE ADHD KING. no but seriously this fucking guy is so nd and mentally ill in so many ways. hes collecting them like cool rocks (<- im nd and mentally ill (obviously) and have always related to him)
- i know the entire thing abt the daltons is how theyre only distinguished from each other when it comes to height but i love playing around w the idea that they have like. subtle differences in their appearance that you wont notice unless you squint and use a telescope. like william having heterochromia, jack having freckles and joe having beauty marks and whatnot (cant think of anything for averell when it comes to this trope sorry </3)
- aroacespec gay lucky luke is so real and true and my alltime fave sexuality hc. also a little transgenderism for him as a treat. sometimes
- adding to the former: luke telling ppl he got his diy top surgery scars from a brutal shootout
- i dont like the modern daltons cartoon (it kinda sucks) but i really really like how they characterized william in it (bookworm and man of many talents iirc) and i really like the idea of him potentially being a graduate/of higher education but sticking with his brothers out of loyalty/peer pressure (<- potential for him to be the black sheep of his family and give him more character than in the comics and the old cartoons)
- luke and joe's archnemesis relationship oh my GOD [head in hands] ive always loved the multiple layers of their dynamic and the "cool hero who loves toying with the bad guy" vs "batshit crazy unhinged small guy villain" thing they always got going on. lukejoe is so good whether its platonically or romantically or anything in between i still care them so much. funny guys who hate each other fight each other are friends are besties are outlaws kiss kill each other have repressed homosexual feelings have never had friends before killed people with no remorse and have issues. i like that in men
- t4t lukejoe is. so good. perfection
- while im a professional les daltons #hater i love that one guy who showed up for like one episode and was never brought up again except in the bg of some episodes. unlucky luke (small dark haired manloser) if youre out there...
- el gee bee tee hc lightning round:
cis bi (sometimes transmasc) joe [wtf is a pronoun i will kill you], transhet jack [he/him], nonbiney [he/him] william, unlabeled averell [he/she + any] and ofc aroace gay trans luke [he/they]. idc abt other characters enough to form opinions on them
- ill most definitely add to this later if and when i start binging the entirety of ll again but for now. thats all. come get your food lucky luke enjoyers <3 shoutout to the three of you who still enjoy this media despite its many many MANY flaws
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calebwittebane · 1 year
disco elysium is a pretty great game if you're a mentally ill gay communist from a post-ussr country, so long as you do not participate much in fan spaces. holy shit the amount of bad takes and ppl assuming their analysis is the most Correct and just generally being... . personally it did also sow some seeds for catharsis, but if i hadnt played the game before it blew up i probably wouldnt play it now. anyway do you have any "slower" game recommendations? ideally something that could be run on older computers?
the myst series!!! 100%! its one of my favorites! in case you're not familiar beyond "oh, theyre that steampunk-ish series of 90s-00s games where you solve puzzles and get things to work", let me ramble about them a bit. II (Riven) and III (Exile) are the best ones, but i am Known as the weirdo with an obsession with Uru (the complete chronicles version includes both expansions so it is the one youll want), which takes place long after the main series' events and was supposed to be a multi-player but that didnt work out (and the studio was driven to bankruptcy) and the resulting single-player game feels so lonely and serene--in a good way, in my opinion. the games are ridiculously pretty, like, visually they aged extremely well. im extremely fond of this particulr way of combining of live actors with pre-rendered environments and other animations. Myst V and Uru are a bit of a different story, as in you move around freely and (most of) the environments are rendered in real time, but man, this particular (relatively) low-poly beauty of them, theyre so aesthetically sophisticated to me. gameplay-wise, theyre based on exploration, and require you to pay close attention to your surroundings and solve puzzles, such as getting various mechanisms to work, and often times they create something akin to an escape room experience, and sometimes following clues and trails left by other characters. and while obviously The way to play them is to try and figure things out yourself, and it does get challenging, even if it gives you enough trouble that you end up consulting a guide, or already know the solutions (i know many of them by heart at this point), its still a lovely experience. looking at the environments and objects and architecture, taking in the ambiance, learning the lore behind things. most of the characters you interact with (especially the one you interact with the most, atrus) are also Extremely Flawed People and it is reflected both in their actions and in the ages they write (if you don't know what that means, youll see), in their ideas of "prison" and "idyllic paradise" and the implications thereof and so on. it is engaging stuff.
also peter gabriel was involved in the series at some point (songs and voice acting) and for 7 year old me who already loved myst And was a fan of and had a sort of parasocial relationship with peter gabriel it was a mind-blowing crossover
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SO tumblr deleted the Ask/Draft, but here you go anon! Hope you see this someday...
I am assuming this is for tolkien, because that IS most of my blog.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Feänor is an easy one, so we're gonna go with Nolofinwë. 1) Fingolfin translates to Finwënolofinwë. Not addressed in the published Silmarillion, the Shibboleth of Feänor adds great context and character depth. 2) "High princes were Fëanor and Fingolfin, the elder sons of Finwë, honoured by all in Aman; but now they grew proud and jealous each of his rights and his possessions." THEY grew proud and jealous of EACH of his rights!!
Whatever his motivations are, (he thought he was a better choice, he wanted to prove to finwe he was better than feänor, whatever) nolo WANTED that crown, and he wanted it LOUDLY.
ALSO i was going to put this under 10, but figured it fit here better. This is a concept I think lots of people get wrong!
Arda Marred and Arda Healed.
it is NOT post Final Battle Arda un-marred, it doesnt *magically* go away! its Arda HEALED, ok? Arda un-marred is pre-Morgoth singing. Arda Healed is Arda *healed.* listen, I love those "what if post Final Battle, Arda Un-marred deletes people who are considered 'marred'" too, but some people consider Arda Un-Marred to Be Canon, and I'm here to tell you that's incorrect. I know in 10, I'm like "everyone's canon is valid" but a) that was written before this and b) you asked me what character concept i think people get wrong and this is it!!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
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this was the only one I have saved, and yeah, I mention this a lot LOL
I had to track this one down and it is such a bad faith take:
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and ops clarification which makes it worse, somehow
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and Dior is a Nepo Baby. exactly as it sounds. Dior is a nepo baby because he got the throne when he was like 30 lol
10) worst part of fanon
I saw this one and said "we really are choosing violence" LOL a few things! The inability to see Grey. Elwing is either good or bad. the Valar are either good or evil. ut like, No one is all one or the other. This is also why people saying Nolofinwe was humble and didn't really want the crown bothers me lol like you can like a flawed character. Also, that's why I like the silmarillion; someone is good and righteous from one perspective, but from the other is a total ass. Thingol is a good king...but he not a good ally. [[[]]]. Like, theyre likable for their flaws, and seems lots of folks are like "i like character Y, so they're actually good. but I don't like character A, so they are actually a huge dick." ... which i HATE. especially when they use this to bash another character or make an...not inaccurate comparison, I'm not sure what the word I'm thinking of is, but let's say I've read enough fics where feanor is treated worse than morgoth because they didn't like feanor but liked morgoth
ALSO the attitude "my canon or you get cannoned, and by that I mean a canon ball to the face." Like, don't get me wrong, I think debates about canon are fun! but there is no One True Canon (OTC). The only ones I will agree with as Canon are the published novels and even they can contradict each other. Now that I have my circle of tumblrinas i dont see this as often, but I have seen quite a bit of "[opinion] is canon" but then get aggressive when people would say "no thats your headcanon..." or would ask for a source.
ALSO ALSO the "a TRUE tolkien scholar can back up their headcanon with at LEAST 54 references from HoME and a citation from Letter.s" WHAT the hell is that? Sometimes I just wanna give Green Elves lore, ok? Or I think Aredhel is Aro but not Ace and her favorite color is yellow, actually. I don't NEED a citation. *I* LIKE reading the Lore and making HCs according to that, but no one NEEDS it. And like I said, I think Lore Debates can be fun! Debating what HCs are "true," or which version of Canon is "true" can be fun! (fun fact felixwhetsel and I have a theory that everyones version is correct, because if the LOTR and Hobbit and Silm are all copies of the originals, passed down, things are bound be be changed by time, culture, and language!)
I should clarify that debates are fun, if everyones having fun. If not, then it's just mean. I'm sure I've been guilty of that, and I'm Sorry if we had a debate and I came across as a total Bitch.
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
This is the question that I was stuck on for a WHILE. I try not to be horrified/ashamed of things I like and if it makes me mad, I just don't like it.
So I decided to ask it differently. first I asked, "is there anything I'm quiet about liking because other people will judge me?" and the answer is "yes, but i'm not worried about people judging me." (if you were wondering, the answers are "OC centric fics" and "I think Eöl could be an interesting character") so then I asked: "is there anything I'm like "I can't believe I like that!""
The answer is yes, but it does not make me feel mad, horrified, or ashamed, it makes me feel sad
It's the Orc Bank. I headcanon the Orc Bank. There's this one post that sums it up really well, but I can't find it, so I'll try to sum it up. The theory is that only Eru can create souls. Morgoth can only corrupt them. Given that Orcs exist well into the Third Age, there's a couple options.
1. Modern Orcs have no souls (doubtful)
2. Eru creates Orc souls (also doubtful)
3. Maia have the power to corrupt souls (more believable, but logistically how would that work? Sauron tortures *every* orc? When does an Orc stop being an Orc then?)
4. The Orc souls are Recycled into the Orc Bank.
It's exactly as it sounds. The souls corrupted by Morgoth are re-used throughout the Millenia. There is No End to their suffering. It makes me SAD every time I think about it. That post came across my dash and I went "Holy Shit. It makes so much SENSE. But it's TOO SAD to reblog." which is why I can't find it lol Just about every canon compliant fic i write that has all my lore compliant HCs is AU to me because i'm like "Yes, I HC the Orc Bank, but it's TOO SAD. thats is it's OWN fuckin universe"
ask me -> https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/bluedancingkittykat/722302678068248576
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
handing you more characters bc your analysis is so delicious .
crimson. the scrunkly. most likely to be cpuk's tumblr sillyman.
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Studying this little freak like a bug <3
(cpuk and ncct spoilers)
The thing about Crimson is that narratively, he is, as a villain, a bad coping mechanism or a self-destructive behavior. Barely even a metaphor- thats literally what he is to peppermint in pretty much no uncertain terms, she's parasocially in love with him because he, and the concept of a multiverse, allows her to indulge in the fantasy of a world where she's happy, and indulging unhealthily in fantasy is what actively drives people away from her, making her even lonelier. And she's not the only example of characters whom crimson's relationship to them is defined by them giving in to a character flaw. Chessmaster is the other clear cut example- succumbing to his inferiority complex and giving in to evil for the sake of proving himself are directly interrelated events, and he broke free when he was given kindness and support, a clearer picture of why he's like this (because he was designed to be,) and a vision of something different, something healthier, to be. He tempts people, consciously or not, to act their worst.
Hamburger Helper was a family man. Season one's storytelling is patchier than later seasons, but one can read between the lines, both then and later, to see something of a Mr. Incredible style gloryhound mid-life crisis to inspire his behavior, and his husband putting his foot down and breaking things off wasn't enough to drag him back to sense- especially since his son was on his side, resenting dadondorf for both his more firm parenting and splitting their family, launching into his ongoing emo phase and "trying to summon satan to kill his dad." (Real line from cpuk1. smthn smthn nccts crimson's first host was a dad and hes good with kids and says despite being kind of a monster he wouldn't hurt one. food for thought) But when The Grunk died, the show went on hiatus, and he was left in the broken fizzled aftermath of all that and forced to slowly realize how immature he'd been behaving and what ultimately really mattered to him and defected from Crimson of his own will.
Valentine was a risk taker, all for the drama of the show. Valentine walked directly into explosions just to see if he could survive them. He's a performer and a gentleman and a hero to the people. However, a risk taken in performance is a risk nonetheless and his overconfidence was his downfall. Valentine made a bet. Didn't tell a soul before he did it, other than a crimson possessed hamburger helper, speaking in their minds- hold your breath for the drama! And then he lost. And the deal was real. And so were the consequences. And the show he so loved came crashing to a halt as he was used to kill a man. (I'd also like to note, captain crimson in the nccts is kind of another example of a recreation of val as an image without his input, if im understanding the dream-fakes correctly- bc theyre composed of the current dreamers recollection of them, and Val isnt in the fourth dream. So once again val is being copied over as a biased outsiders image formed from people's perceptions of him, this one more literal and impermanent and largely defined by a very publically known traumatic experience that he really doesnt like to talk about and the person who controlled him in that time, while Quad was originally made to be a sort of exaggerated parody of what he loves and values. fun.)
Larry's... well, I've talked about Larry's problem. He overextends himself, unwilling to burden others intentionally even if they're willing to bear it, and needs to show himself a little self-compassion. And the circumstances of his possession? He functionally agreed to saving Crimson's life, and Crimson repays this by running off with his body right away and refusing to let Larry see his loved ones (for reasons of self-protection, crimson desiring to lie low right now, but still) and Larry's still trying to fix him from the inside. Bro thats nice and very noble and all bc god knows crimson genuinely needs help but you functionally got kidnapped my dude!!!!!! You missed yet another Valentines day after SEVEN missed Valentines days! you're on course to miss a NINTH since the show's gone off air in your absence!!! Your man just wants you to be safe for once!!!!!! He misses you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sidenote ive noticed in terms of teaching the lesson of not overextending your compassion sometimes folks trying to teach it fumble the point by making it so the way its taught is by making the target not 'worthy' of the compassion somehow (tricking the giver of care or help into thinking they need it when they really dont or smthn) as if overextending yourself is a matter of choosing who's morally deserving of help and weeding out the untrustworthy lazy manipulators or some shit rather than You Cannot Help Everyone, its a Logistical Impossibility and By Trying You Will Only Hurt Yourself and Eventually Others as Either Your Loved Ones Worry Themselves Sick To Death Over You as Your Wellbeing Inevitably Declines Or You End Up Lashing Out At Others Because Your Needs Have Gone Uncared For As A Result, Therefore You Literally NEED to be Helped Because You Literally Cannot Bear It All Alone and im glad thats more the kind of vibe set up here. Like. Crimson definitely definitely definitely needs help that much is clear. But Larry aint the fucker to do it. because He's Super Not Okay Either and also, he'd been trying to get Crimson to open up for however long it was between cpuk orange and ncct2 hed been trying and didn't know Funbox's name when Crimson was willing to say that on live tv but Dani spends an hour in a vent with him and he's Explaining His Personal Living Nightmare to her. Larry is not a person hes willing to open up to, probably Specifically Because he is trying and wants to help him! Larry's fuckin. Red Cross Syndrome actively makes Crimson want to clam up! They can be good buds, they certainly seem to enjoy eachothers company well enough, but not in the 'i can unload about my trauma to you' way right now because neither of them are people who think they need or deserve that yet!
Maladaptive coping mechanisms and emotional regulation strats being the domain of a god of treachery makes sense- especially in a show about compassion and healing the way CPUK often is. they don't fix the real problem. Often they make it worse. They make you feel better, stronger, until they don't, they take control of your life, and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a shovel in your hands. But, the thing about them is, they're NOT 'evil,' they're volatile, theyre unhealthy, and they don't come from nowhere. Its the culmination of unaddressed pain. And as with Chartreuse's tragedy, this applies to Crimson as much as it does to those his powers effect- this badboy's chock full of dumb destructive shit he does to feel power and control over and satisfaction with his own life, and that makes itself most apparent in his relationship with Crimsonaut. Now, Crimsonaut lacks much of a firm moral compass- but he's kind, in a snarky long-suffering sort of way. he was created by Dr. Order to venture into the crimson for study. We don't know how that went, but we know the result. Allowing Crimson to hide and recover in his body, lying about being uncontaminated upon his return from meeting him, intentionally hiding and protecting Crimson from discovery until he was strong enough to start taking control of the body from time to time and getting up to his shit again. Crimsonaut is more than capable of verbally standing up to Crimson, he puts his foot down- but he puts his foot down only when Crimson condescends to him, treats him like he's not an equal. Crimson calls him his little buddy- like hes affectionately describing a cat or a small animal or perhaps one of those fucked up lil splatoon fish, and Crimsonaut tells the evil primordial god in his body that he owes him at least the title of friend. Takes some backbone, which he chooses not to use later. He wasn't happy with crimson attempting to destroy the universe, where he lives, but after the fact, their relationship as we see it doesnt seem to have changed at all. Crimsonaut was still willingly playing his snarky human shield. Crimsonaut's friendly with Dani, and no exorcism ever happened. even though he very nearly successfully destroyed a universe, (and got them both put on a fucking Leash by his siblings for weeks after the fact,) he'd rather let him stay. But being separated from Crimson as a result of Crimson's own meddling, getting a nice breather away from him, and Crimson using this break as an opportunity to make a direct attempt to kill him to avoid being put back was the last straw. he was horrible despite when they got along and what he was made for and he couldnt just put up with it anymore, although Prism's next move might have... complicated his feelings about it. Crimson might honestly care about him, but that didn't make him any less of a toxic friend, and for that, Crimsonaut doesnt owe him a continued place in his life, and Crimson lost himself the most earnest, faithful, selflessly motivated friend he seems to have had since he arrived in this universe entirely through his own short-sighted self-destructive inability to deal with the minor restrictions living with Crimsonaut imposes on his life. He cant make himself willingly hand over control to another person enough to adapt to a minor dietary restriction. Absolute control freak. And... well. We know why.
Prism and the Ciblings relationship wasnt... explicitly cast as being abusive in those words before the nccts, though one could easily read between the lines. And what the implications spoke loud and clear already was bad enough. But things are called what they are in the nccts, (not by the cods, who. likely think its... not normal. but maybe normal for gods. Theres not really other examples of godly parenting for them to draw from, after all. But Folk correctly labels Prism as abusive.) and Crimson's status as a favorite target of torment is exposed, and recontextualizes... a lot of things, really. He implies quite straightforwardly that everything he says should be taken with a grain of 'im aware of when Prism's watching and what im willing to say when she is is effected somewhat by that.' His words are inherently a bit deceptive, but not necessarily maliciously- but self-protectively. Every respectable parenting resource: "strict helicopter parenting doesnt teach your child obedience, it teaches your child how to lie to you" prism raising a god of treachery: "haha yeah thats the point :)"
Crimson and Prism's relationship is a pretty realistic example of the effect of the beginning of a cycle of abuse, in the broad sense. A parent, effected by existential stresses they cannot escape, be they monetary, interpersonal, psychological, whatever, lashes out against their children in the process of raising them, simultaneously traumatizing them and modeling toxic behavior to them, which they ultimately mimic because thats how dealing with problems and stress was modeled to them in their formative years, lacking access to or knowledge of more positive outlets for their feelings.
Crimson wants to be nothing like her- but he is, unthinkingly, like her. He hurts people to his own ends, he manipulates the truth, he's controlling, a number of other small things- a sickly smile to reflect prism's vacant yet intense one. He is his mother's son. Godhood of treachery and godhood of stories are... rather similar in concept, really- i don't recall who, but ive heard a certain philosophy of storytelling said as, paraphrasing, 'fiction is lies, falsehood, in service to truth.' he adopts an aesthetic of opposition, blood guts and chocolate cake, without really deconstructing his behavior in context, because changing who he is means making himself more vulnerable to being changed while he's figuring himself out, and Prism's entire modus operandi is changing you without you ever noticing, and he wants to believe through his rebellion he can atleast be fully authentically himself, uninfluenced. But change cannot be staved off forever, and despite what he wanted to believe, he's still stuck. Choosing evil is not an escape, it is another cage. The hopelessness and stagnation of lacking meaningful choice setting in seems to be changing him anyway.
I marked the 'horrible person' square the way i did because normally when one claims a tragic villain 'had no choice' but to commit their actions, its not really an accurate reflection- having reasons and motives to do what you do doesnt change that you chose to do them, if only under duress. But Crimson was... very particularly, literally and specifically being disallowed from having a choice in who he turned out to be under the gaze of a panopticonic and brutal authority that could begin watching him at any time, and what they wanted him to be was evil. He was born to be a villain and groomed into it, lead to evil blindly by a strict parent who's strictness was applied specifically to spawn the rebellion it caused and create a self-demonizing villain. He could've chosen to be better in theory- options were technically there- but he wanted to be a villain because he was raised in such a way that it felt like a meaningful rebellion against Prism's goody two shoes persona, but it wasnt, and he wouldnt have been allowed to pick the better options anyway- judging from things like Prism hitting the undo button on TOJ giving her a shiner, anything deviating too far from the plan can just be undone anyway, with none but her (and the audience,) maintaining memory of it, although it's marks are left regardless. little retcons. (Prism saying she felt guilt for what she 'had to do' to Crimson is... a bit supported by this- if she never wanted him to ever have nice things she could very easily take All of it away. She could have made that hug never happen. But she did let him have that. Doesnt make the constant cruelty better but yknow. Abusers are weird and complicated people sometimes and often they believe what they're doing is for the best for the child even if it really really isnt)
While we all came to agreement that Doctor Order's statement, about how if someone is changed by prism by unnoticed inches it will become miles over time, did not apply to her... I think it applies to Crimson, although not fully in the magical sense she meant, but the metaphorical. I think once upon a time there mightve been a better nature and hope in crimson which was slowly, steadily, and thoroughly corroded for a long, long time. Started CPUK Reboot in my rewatch recently, and before it became Team Calibur, Team Crimson's uniting factor wasnt even evil- it was passion. Bizarre, considering how inhuman Crimson was played in the first season. Kindness is what comes naturally to people. All that doesnt have to matter, not in the least, to the people he's hurt- but free will has always been more theoretical for him than the average person with Prism's eyes trained on him, and morality greys and greys as one gets into the weeds of why people are the way they are and when you remove or bar off meaningful and conscious choice from the equation. It is, sometimes, a luxury to have the option to be a good person, even if you aren't aware those options have been closed off to you. People get trapped, often without even knowing, in doing things that contradict what they believe or understand to be right to survive and enjoy any kind of happiness or fulfillment every day. smthn smthn no ethical consumption under capitalism for a familiar example. Crimson just raises So Many Fun Moral Philosophy Questions. God i love 'born to be evil, are so much more than that' type characters theyre always so human and fun to get pretentious about. can you tell my family's ex-catholic /j
Judging by his resentful tone with things like lovey dovey romance and Prism's 'barney the dinosaur' demeanor, i think its pretty fair to assume Prism's faux-sugary demeanor has made him thoroughly distrustful or disdainful of anything too 'sweet' at the outset. Only pain and grit is 'real', anything too sweet is a facade waiting to stab you in the back. Despite his two-faced smarmy deceitfulness being a defining trait, being Authentically Himself seems to concern Crimson a great deal, and for obvious reason. That being said i think theres also a part of crimson that wishes he could win over her approval, judging from his conversation with captain crimson- where i think he's the only one of the cods to actually briefly label prism as their mom directly, if only in a snarky derisive way, (usually they fall in line with her description of herself as their babysitter, but i mean. When your parent is a primordial cloud of feelings and ideas and not a person that can raise you but their emissary raises you in their place idc thats functionally a Mom) and implies Crimson sticks around here because of Prism in a way that makes it sound like it was a deliberate choice- it'd certainly explain why he actually tried to be good at the job he Knew he had (until attempting to self-sabotage to prove a point,) and making a point out of cobalt fucking up at his, despite his typically impulsive and self-indulgent personality. not really realizing he never could have her approval until his godhood of treachery was revealed to him, a title which means he is inescapably evil to her. I think Crimson wants very badly to be liked and approved of by Somebody, and in failing to get that from Prism has... latched on to the audience a bit, as another extension of his progenitor Spectrum. Crimson sees chat! He can see everything we say about him! He probably has thoughts and feelings on a good lot of it! He started using the nickname Crimbo because of us, and throughout orange's intros iirc he seemed more than a little disappointed by the reception to him as host not just from the competitors but from us in chat booing him (in a heelish kind of way, largely. God knows we do love crimson even if he sucks <3) and for god's sake the nelson warping is activated by us complimenting him. hes So Desperate for us to like him! Not unlike prism was!
i think the treachery reveal ultimately came as the second hit of a three hit combo of crimson's held beliefs being challenged. I think Crimson percieved Cobalt as kinda... Prism's lapdog to some extent? always trying to be the 'responsible' one, managing his and Chartreuse's behavior on Prism's advice while botching his own job. Cobalt showed his care for Crimson as his little brother through making deals to keep him alive, but considering he spends every other moment they're together (understandably, crimson is not a good person and cobalt has a very firm and deliberately constructed punitive moral compass to keep from losing sight of his responsibilities,) being critical of him on moral grounds it makes their relationship feel much more... transactional, even if Cobalt doesnt mean things that way. Like he's only making these deals to protect him because Someone needs to do his job. And then a disguised Crimson, after his apparent death, walks in on Cobalt discussing with Chartreuse that they need to do something about Prism, that this has all gone on too long. He cares, regardless of their stupid jobs, he just wants Crimson to be Less of an Asshole. And then, after the treachery reveal, there's chartreuse giving up her godhood.
Crimson's been confused by and rudely dismissive of his sister's relationship ever since he found out- particularly so after learning what she's been doing to maintain it. She's weakening herself, hurting herself, making herself vulnerable, to maintain a relationship with some mortal who, even if she could keep up what she was doing, not telling him anything and enduring the pain of keeping his fracture in the timeline sustained, would have sixty maybe seventy years at best to be with her and then she'd be back to the usual. They are incomprehensibly old, Folk is a blip in the grand scheme. She'll get over him, she should stop whining about it, its spilt milk. And then she gave up her godhood entirely. This mortal was worth facing not just pain, but the inevitability of death to her, worth facing the absolute vulnerability of mortal life. Crimson still can't understand it... he still doesnt agree with her decision and he doesnt particularly like Folk that much. but he can understand this is Really Fucking Important to her. and he cares about her enough to respect it and want to be a part of it as much as he can.
Ultimately, what i think Crimson really needs is to learn is how to trust someone enough to willingly hand over power and control to someone else without it being the end of the world and that change can be for the better, and him respecting the agency of other people even if he intensely disagrees with their decisions is an important step in the right direction on that front.
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more detailed spiderverse thoughts
if spiderverse 2 was the final one itd probably be miles dad quitting and thats how we find out you can change canon events or whatever. we didnt need a second story with a second cop dad. i think gwens story wouldve been sufficient if it was just about her band. they also couldve cut the bland bird fight and moved the other spider teams introduction, it wouldve been fine if we just followed miles story until gwen came to him and were introduced to the in-charge spider people when entering the spider world or whatever. if they werent making a sequel thats probably how it would go.
if they wanted to make it better, they should make gwen be less annoying, or have some more insightful thoughts about her being annoying.
also idk what theyre gonna do with uncle aaron but im suspicious of how theyre framing him and that universe. i dont think he would do that to miles, even an alternate miles. hes just a guy with a job. and even if he would do that in a specific snecario, the fact they created the perfect scenario for him to do that makes me think theyre trying to frame him as a bad guy which i dont like.
i hope theyre gonna roll that back in the last movie or make it some sort of misunderstanding, without giving him a redemption arc because he doesnt need it.
ok so this next thing isnt a real problem as is but it would be if they cut the things i described and suddenly lacked content: the villain (spot?) has very little going on. but i think hes a cool guy, they could figure something out. make him more inquisitive like the scientist he is, make him struggle more at the start and maybe show some of his daily life. im tELLING YOU HE HAS CUTE PATHETIC POTENTIAL but i suspect thats not where the story is going just because of the way hes designed. the movie really doesnt favour certain body types (thats a whole other can of worms about this franchise that im not opening here, its been going on since the first movie)
or build up miguel more, maybe make him more prominent as an antagonist (although he works okay as it is, i think the scene where he tries to bend miles to his will is great and he works well as a representation of a forced narrative that miles has to defy). they have to be careful with him, hes kind of a basic superhero guy, whose only (but important and interesting) flaw is that he's too lawful. they should follow that lead
also im repeating myself from a previous post but some of the characters just dont have much personality. i hope they let spiderwoman take more of a stance on things in the next one because shes quite inconclusive. is she a career person that doesnt see anything wrong with what theyre doing? does she let miguel do all that stuff because she respects him? or will she completely change camps and support miles when we see her again? what we currently know about her is that shes a spiderwoman and shes having a baby. thats not very anticapitalist of them, to only focus on what a character is doing for society and how shes useful (although showing that she is useful and valuable will do it for some people, that might be important too. but i never buy that archetype "i balance career with my baby perfectly! look how strong of a woman i am")
to sum it up, words cannot describe how little i cared about gwens deal. i wouldnt have brought back uncle aaron at all but since they did they need to make him endearing again. flesh out miguel and spiderwoman
also im only saying this because i care about spiderverse, and i think it has potential, and it has responsibilities and standards to meet that the first movie has set. i still think if youre gonna watch anything in the theatres right now, it should be spiderverse
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
char ask meme for whichever oc you think ill like most. all numbers minus any you dont feel like answering
fukc yeah thanks nico. idk which oc you'd like though... personally i like nyx bc theyre silly but saturn and ben are emo. you like illumi so maybe jol or kanz.... ill just answer with whoever lol
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
i'll go with joel & kanz for this one bc they have a very big 'family' (its a cult, they are part of a cult). kanzy has a biological sister who's about 3-4 years younger than them?? but i believe the closest ages are lizzy and jolzy, they're like 22-25 i dont remember What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
an time i hear the word 'mother' + 'oc' i think of stella. her relationship with her mother is literally so bad lmao What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
i'll go with saturn for this! his father choked him to death lol In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
i can't decide of a character for this one but half of them are dead so like. probably when they were dying Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
ben: success
stella: she used to prioritize success but she kinda figured that was never gonna happen so now its happiness
nyx: happiness
kanz: happiness
jol: success
saturn: justice Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
ben: wisdom
lyra: ambition
kanz: probabl wisdom What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
oh hell yeah
ben: he's ridiculously self-sacrifical. he's always looking for validation and will give up his own comfort and sanity to appear 'perfect'. so he seems obnoxious & he also will shoulder every single bit of despair by himself
nyx: they just do whatever the fuck they want. like they disappeared for 3 years, didn't leave a note or anything, just said Fuck This Shit Im Out. they let their whole kingdom believe they were dead bc why would they deal with that shit when there are literally dragons. also they're irresponsible as hell
jol: he's a clown. also he's in a cult In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
ben tries to make sure he's better than everyone so it's both If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
i know i have at least one cahracter who is guilty as hell but i cant remember who What does your character like in other people?
stella like girls What does your character dislike in other people?
nyx hates people who are uptight/rule based, anyone who will yell at them for being an impulsive shithead How quick is your character to trust someone else?
jol can't trust anyone outside of his gotdamn cult. kanz got out of the cult and decided to room with the first 3 people they found, so i guess they're pretty trusting... lyra i feel is pretty trusting as well. she doesn't have many friends, but the ones she does have are cool.
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
im treating this as a 'there's a murder mystery, who figures out the killer first' question. nyx is probably the victim. lyra is coping with nyx's murder by writing a real life fanfic in the basement. stella's distraught as hell but she's leading the investigation & trying to make sure no one else gets hurt. ben is in his room crying. he is not involved in the murders because he is locked in his room lol. kanz suspects jol from the moment they find the body. the murderer is jol. he runs away to new york and saturn hunts him for sport How does your character behave around children?
joel would be popular with children ebcause he's a clown How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
joel likes to kill people How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
joel likes to kill people What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
stella wanted to be straight. she is not What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
their own families probably In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
ben: he fucking dies
stella: she doestn give a shit anymore
joel: he does not get criticism he is moms baby boy. but he likes being berated bc he aspires to be a piece of shit
kanz: 'oh my god you're so right' How does your character behave around people they dislike?
at the beginning stella just plays along with them but she learns how to properly reject middle aged men :) Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
they are the problem How does your character treat people in service jobs?
all of them are nice except for jol who is just annoying Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
ben does not have 'wants' he has a kingdom to rule. stella is beginning to realize she is deserving of cool shit. nyx thinks they are deserving of cool shit bc the shits cool. jol has no cool shit. kanz needs to earn their place. lyra doesnt think about that stuff. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
depends. jol can say 'i love you' to anyone because he was raised in Manipulation Central and they manipulate people. stella cannot say 'i love you' to your face but she will admit it while crying in nyx's arms. nyx doesn't say 'i love you' they let you cry about some hot girl in their arms. kanz can say i love you easily. ben does not say 'i love you' ever, except maybe to stella once. oh ben and stella are siblings btw What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
stella: i am going 2 hell
nnyx: if i die i die like who cares lmfao
lyra: death is terrifying to me. it doesn't matter where i go because the idea of being trapped somewhere for eternity is hell either way. i wont be able to control it. i'll leave my loved ones behind. i'll just waste away in a cage. if nothing happens after i die and i just cease to exist i'll be grateful
jol: if i die i die like who cares lmfao
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spamtonology · 2 years
hi! Two things:
i think youre def right about Spamton not comforting people i could maybe see him telling them that he's here 1 (one) time: "your ol' pal [favorite salesman (c) 1997] Spamton is [RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!]") and then sitting there, dead silent, as they cried bc he doesnt know what to do lmaoo.
Specific situation / headcannon bc i think you said you like those one time? Sorry this is long! A lot of fics portray him w/o a lot of his unhealthy behaviors / post-personal growth & i think it's worth considering how his behaviors might become a bit healthier over time.
If Spamton's partner called him out on his unhealthy behaviors like manipulation, projecting, self-hatred, being self absorbed, and so on, I think he'd react 1 of 2 ways
1. If they went about it compassionately and maturely: like reassuring him that, while they love him and want to support him, those behaviors are bad and hurt him and them
At 1st hed probably say something manipulative purely as a reflex bc he doesn't know what else to do when challenged, even if & especially if he knows theyre right. Bc of his self-hatred he'd probably be unnerved at the way they love him while still recognizing these flaws.
1a. I think if his partner were patient enough he'd very slowly move in healthier direction but hed never be totally free of those behaviors. His unhealthy behaviors were what kept him alive and if his partner recognized that too he might feel either a bit comforted or respected (not dismissed). Growth would happen on Spamton's terms because he wanted to eventually, *not because anyone else fixed him, gross*.
1b. He might feel really threatened that they had that kind of insight. If he felt too threatened by that he might just leave, feeling like the relationship wasnt under his control enough. He only knows "control or be controlled", so this kind of healthier relationship is utterly foreign to him.
2. If his partner called him out plainly without reassuring him he would respond aggressively and manipulatively. He might leave. Or the relationship might just become super toxic if he's too obsessed with them to leave.
Like i said before, I think as an immediate response he'd say something manipulative but then if they caught that he was being manipulative right there he might shut down a bit, even if they tried to reassure him and remind him that they love him, they just want him to consider their words. He might even deny it. He probably doesnt even always realize when he's doing those behaviors. He'd eventually consider their words a bit and decide to change for his own reasons.
Basically Spamton's a mess and like you said he needs someone patient but not a pushover. Curious what you think about my specific situation(s), plz ignore if youve already answered this or dont want to for any reason! Sorry again for the length i tried to paragraph stuff to maximize comprehensibility
Hello! I appreciate the time you took to write this ask down, it's clear you thought this out, thank you! I may not be able to answer everything here, but I'll try my best:
I can see him at least giving the confirmation that he is there, complete with calling himself the best salesman, that's very in-character for him. He certainly wouldn't know what to do otherwise, and just hopes his mere presence helps make them feel better.
I like the specific situation you set up here, for as much as he hates it, he does have to face the fact that he partakes in deeply unhealthy behaviors and coping mechanisms.
You also put together two ways this could go, adding extra context to the situation, which is great. I like that you kept in mind his flaws and how he'd react given the situation, because either way he will not be able to handle a reality check like that very well. He may even dig deeper into denial.
While he absolutely can grow as a person himself, he still does need support (separate from any "I can fix him" thing), support is important in maintaining a healthy mental environment.
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aq2003 · 2 years
I feel like I may be cracking open Pandora’s box here but I am intrigued. How did the author of the new Obi Wan series mess up the Tony stark comic you posted about? I love obi wan and this fills me with dread
so basically if i had to give a distilled breakdown as to what is wrong with cantwell's iron man run it would be that he has a fundamental misunderstanding of who comics/616-universe tony stark is. the main point of the character, especially in the early comics that cantwell claims he's drawing from, is the duality of his "tony stark" and "iron man" personas. hes pressured to act cold and distant when he's "tony stark" ie the person he presents to the general public, but when he's "iron man" he can be his actual true self, that being a very selfless person that cares deeply and wants to help others . and at his core is a deep-rooted hatred for who he perceives himself to be . it is about the identity issues. the held belief that he is inherently lower than the people around him. the fact that he's more himself by putting on a mask because the Real mask is his "tony stark" persona . first ever iron man issue ever and they call him the most tragic figure on earth and well. yeah
meanwhile cantwell here seems to think that tony stark inherently believes himself to be above everyone else and the real mask is the fact he's trying to "hide his flaws" by becoming iron man. which is so INCREDIBLY incorrect and the best way ever you could write a superhero if and only if you wanted to make a reader hate their guts. heroes are heroes to HELP people and tony is no different! he did not become iron man because he wanted to better himself personally or get recognition from the public! like he has a line where he goes "i'm trying to be better. and maybe i'll be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow" and i guess cantwell saw this and went "uoughg well i guess this means he wants to improve himself so hes better than everyone i guess". it makes me sooooo mad like how do you look at a character like tony stark and say he has a god complex or is a hero for completely self-centered reasons . if you wanted to write a story about tony realizing his humanity it would have to be about bringing him up and realizing how he isn't below the people he wants to save. not the other way around .
AND THIS IS NOT EVEN GETTING STARTED ON HOW HE WRITES PATSY (THE LOVE INTEREST IN THIS RUN). patsy is there to "call tony out" on his "privilege" which yes cantwell mr white guy of the month let's hear your cutting edge takes on oppression in society through the mouthpiece of this white female character. their romance is honestly kind of disgusting like you have tony sacrificing himself and patsy's like "wow smh you tried to kill yourself so you could get recognition from the public? that was so selfish of you" and tony's like "wow i guess you're right lol" and patsy is the one framed as being in the right. and also theres a scene where patsy's like "you are rich and white and do not understand what it is like to have mental illness" when tony canonically has depression but shes STILL framed as justified for saying this its so . its so. like theyre going to get ENGAGED in one or two issues from now and the narrative doesn't even come CLOSE to acknowledging how toxic this relationship is . what is going ON here . like how is marvel still letting cantwell write this comic . my god
616 tony stark is like . obviously very different from obi-wan besides the whole vibe of "oh my god this guy is so fucked up and sad and has never had anything go right in his life for very long" . but like i don't trust cantwell to write obi-wan because what ive seen of his general character writing so far is just so deeply bad and offensive to the source material and like. just who these characters are in the first place
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actualbird · 2 years
Which of the boys do you think would produce the best, as in healthiest, relationship with Rosa? Personally, my bet is Artem. I feel like their relationship is very equal as partners (I mean this figuratively and literally haha). Also, I feel like they just have a lot of maturity between the two of them. Idk when I see Rosa with Artem I’m just like damn, that’s a nice power couple right there lol
I just wanted your opinion on it because I feel like your analysis on all the characters are so accurate and real. Thank you for your time. ❤️
hi, anon!! im so glad you liked my character analyses :D
and the response i'll give here is a response i think i gave for another q i answered a while back (and that i cannot find JHVKSJDHF) that was along the same lines, it asked smthng like: which pairing is the best endgame
my answer: any of em! all of em! none of em! but lemme explain
on an story/character analysis level: every pairing between mc and respective boy comes with its strengths and its flaws. every pairing has certain insecurities on either party's end or on both their ends that could spell trouble in the future if not addressed. and yet, every pairing still has the complete potential to weather through those troubles and problems due to the pairing's strengths and also due the general nature of how character/relationship development works. so like, every pairing can become great. and every pairing can crash and burn.
and so ive got a semblance of Something to back this up, lemme use my faves, luke and mc.
theyre wonderful, i adore them so so much. at the current point in their relationship (aka together thru the events of luke's anniv card, SSR Under the Milky Way), it's been shown that mc's hope and determination can cut through luke's tendency towards secrecy and salf-sacrifice, can make luke work harder to be better, to trust, to be honest and let himself love. thats healthy, thats awesome, thats great.
SSR Under the Milky Way also showed that luke has the tendency to backslide into bad habits, even when hes promised to never do that bad habit again (you can read more about it in my ridiculously long analysis of that card here jhsvkjfh). if that continues in a relationship, thats unhealthy, thats counter-productive, thats not great.
now thats just one (1) thing in one (1) pairing. theres so much more for luke/mc, and each of the pairings? theyve all got traits, patterns, and tendencies that can either work in their favor or be something that can shoot them down. thats among the reasons i love these characters so much, theyve got such awesome strengths and such deep flaws.
they all have the potential to be the "best", and they all have the potential to be the "worst", so i feel as trying to figure out who is which would either be impossible or would have to ignore a Bunch of stuff important to the story and the characters to reach a conclusion.
now, on a personal level: i just dont like the idea of any kind of "ranking" of ships! thats just how i am. cuz my general philosophy on relationships and romance and love is, like i said, filled with the potential to either go great or go south. actually, past romance, this is true. every relationship, romantic or platonic or familiar, boils down to the choices one makes when faced with problems, change, and growth
in conclusion: while ive got my own personal fave ships, i dont think i'll ever want to take an analysis lens to see what ship is the "best" cuz
1) i dont think i can answer that with the canon we've currently got and the nature of how these stories are still ongoing and thus, are subject to change and filled with potential for either "best" or "worst. and
2) it's just not my style cuz im a hopeless romantic that believes anything can be good if people work on it with their all
this most probably is not the answer u were expecting and im very sorry HUHU....still, thank you for the ask!! and thank you for reading my stuff :D
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Hi so i wanted to say few things just to get it out of my system.(im new to tumblr dont kno how this works whtvr)
i hate it when people put steve in this bubble of perfection. And i dont mean people who make heart eyes and claim steve is the perfect human being. The people whom im talking about is the ones who demand and expect steve to be that way, when he clearly never claimed he is perfect. When i put myself in steve's shoes, i realize how goddamn frustrating it'd be. People would be waiting for him to make a mistake so that they can prove he is this horrible human being(or at least a flawed person, which is such a high standard) people are allowed to have flaws and make mistakes bc it's in human nature and in steve's case i never see people realize it's like he has to be perfect bc hey he's captain america. I feel this way strongly specially in avengers 2012 when tony says steve is gonna do smt wrong and it's gonna blow up in his face AND he's gonna be there when it happens. Like tony WANTS steve to make a mistake so that he can watch and enjoy it(why? Bc of his unsolved daddy issues). It applies to the fandom too. Tony attacks bucky but hey, it's justified bc, tony creates ultron BUT!!! it!s again justified bc reasons(traumatized, ptsd,cares about his friends etc.). Wanda did such and such and such but it's ok to make mistakes. Tony shot sam but his friend was injured. Especially when you point these to t*ny st*rk stans theyr like: can't you just accept that some characters can be flawed make mistakes and move on!!!
But when it comes to steve and what happened in siberia people r like:HoW dARe STEvE MAke a miStAKe ??!! HE iS a HyPOcriTe, a tWo FaCEd BaSTard! HE DESERVES DEATHHHHH!
thank u for coming to my ted talk jkskdjdj i always wanted to say that.
First of all, welcome to tumblr! It's nice to see new Steve fans coming in :D I think you're gonna get the hang of it soon!
And yeah, I've made and reblogged many posts about this topic in the past. For some reason, people put Steve on a really high pedestal and he's not allowed to make mistakes because he's either a) perfect, and that means a mary sue, or b) the devil incarnate that is the root of all issues and the MCU. You can't have it both ways, guys.
The thing that upsets me the most is that yes, Steve made a mistake in Civil War by not telling Tony, but he not only regrets it, he also tries to own up to it, and apologises to Tony, which is something Tony has never done ever. And even then, people dunk on his apology letter for being badly written or not considerate or something.
It's just this incredibly high standard that he has to constantly live up to, and the moment he steps out of line, the fandom is ready to crucify him. It is very, very annoying. Thankfully, this side of the fandom has died out a lot, I think it experienced a high when Civil War came out. And then again with Endgame, and that hate is still around, but what can we do? Make good posts about Steve, since that's all we have left...
On that topic! In my opinion, it would be interesting to me if we were to translate this trend into the MCU (in fanfiction form, of course! Don't know if you read that sort of thing, but bear with me). That means: what if the people in the MCU act and treat Steve like the stans do? How many of them view him as perfect Captain America without looking at Steve Rogers? And how long can he go on like that, trying to live up to that title, and not fail or disappoint anyone? Steve is a character that has very often had a dichotomy between himself and his superhero persona, as can be seen in the comics. There were times he gave up the mantle, even going as far as claiming that: "It is time for Captain America to die, so that Steve Rogers can live."
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I would love to see more stories explore just how much pressure is put on him, and how he still endures it and doesn't give up. Additionally, we could have other characters realise what's going on, notice how hard he's pushing himself, talk about it, and support him when they find out just how unhappy he is, how out of sync he is with, well, being Steve.
If there was one thing missing in the MCU, it was more stress put on the distinction between Steve and Cap. I would have loved to see more of that, in canon or otherwise.
Anyway. I've been rambling for a while now and I hope you liked my idea, because in my opinion taking this bad faith reading and turning into something nice and thoughtful is the best way to combat these sorts of opinions ;)
Once again, welcome to tumblr, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay here :D
(PS: you can check out the #pro steve rogers for more positivity!)
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rosepetalwings · 3 years
(kicks down your door) i hear you are a connoisseur of gaster + rouxls or something?
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WHY, YES THE FUCK I AM!!! thank u for kicking down my door, please have a seat! oh no, just leave the splinters n stuff there, just sit and i'll start on some coffee for u uwu
literally its a godtier ship and i need u guys to understand how good it is or else i'll scream
firstly, taking into account their characters: they're both overdramatic silly dorks. with rouxls, its kind of self explanatory. that's his whole deal! "but spooky, how ever is gaster similar to rouxls in this fashion?" i hear you cry in concern like a sickly bedridden victorian era child from the ether, while i wonder how people are yet still finding my house to talk about a ship,
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WHAT is more dramatic than that line? everyone presumes this to be gaster, yes? and he sounds like a big dork!! he sounds like a goofy DM having a blast thrusting upon u his newest plots he spent a week planning before u all met for this round of DnD! and from this, and the "gash weaves down as if you cry" poem, i really do believe gaster isnt going to be some senseless Big Bad, but rather, a man... a flawed man but a man nonetheless.
he is not a good man, if we are to believe he's orchestrated many things in deltarune, but i hardly believe he's doing it out of like. some innate cruelty or Evil quality or anything like that. i think he has a reason for his actions, and he feels very strongly about achieving his goals like this, even if he's going about it in a Presumably bad way... he is just a man... and i can empathize with that...
now, i know you're probably wonder Why And How this fucking Worms For Brains duke of puzzles complements him in a way that'd make me want to die on this hill of a ship. yeah rouxls is a favorite of mine but i really think they have a hidden depth to them thats beyond crackship territory! (and lest ye be reminded, fellow fandom Olds, papyton had originally started as a "crackship" itself despite its popularity now)
to start: lets talk about rouxls kaard, duke of puzzles
rouxls... is a strangely complex character, the more you look at him past his hilarious failures. he's... utterly fucking ridiculous with that speech quirk of his but lancer LOVES him despite not being his "real" dad. and when rouxls outright denies all connection to him and complains about the young Jack to the heroes? interesting. even more interesting when he admits some level of care/love for the boy shortly after.
rouxls is petty, vindictive, a liar, dramatic, and hates being wrong but... lancer loves him. and rouxls loves him back. he's stated to be the one that cooks and cleans in the castle, and is implied to have knitted that lacy scarf you can buy for ralsei and therefore helped lancer knit those itchy beanies for the puzzle guys, and gives lancer ginger ale when he's sick. he's literally the new step dad. he presumably finds it hard to claim parenthood over lancer but he DOES love lancer and cared for him more than spade king was implied to...
moreover, rouxls seems desperate to be the number 2 to someone's Big Bad again. that was pretty plainly stated in chapter 2. and who are we thinking's gonna be the secret villainous character (thats probably mostly alright if he stopped doing fuckshit) of DR? oh gaster? oh alright.
so we have 2 overdramatic, presumably villainous men that are probably not as bad as initially thought that most definitely have a chance to interact through one of them's need to be someone's high level henchman to feel fulfilled and that previous relationship of the same exact kind was implied to be Kinda Gay through certain framing and theyre both elegant goths and care a lot abt their goals and are dorks and one of them could help the other Fucking Dominate at engineering puzzles?
oh okay. new ship i'll fucking die for ig!!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
12 Anti LO Asks
1. its victim blaming of hades to tell minthe its HER fault she "couldnt get over him". like? you lied to her! youre the one who blurred the lines to date her! you were just as toxic to her if not more so by controlling where she lives and her job, all while never defending her to your cruel family! you had all the power over her while she had nothing! you dumped her for a 19 year old and dont care she crippled minthe! i wont excuse minthe's actions, but hades is ultimately the worse of the two IMO
2. you know why fans claimed "Minthe should've reacted better"? since the first episode Rachel has been drilling into their heads Minthe is an irredeemable monster, and her not bending over backwards to H/P means she deserves the absolute worst. Minthe reacting how anyone logically would doesn't matter when LO is designed to coddle H/P, and anyone against them must suffer for it, even if the victim to H/P's actions. they never wanted her to be "redeemed", they want her head on a silver platter.
3. i know this is not what she intended bc the only characterization rachel has of hxp is "the best over everything" but uh, does she know having hades control all the petroleum and gasses and whatever else is actively destroying the planet, right? like hes helping the very thing persephone draws her power from and what she's connected to be destroyed to appease hes need for wealth and power. its kinda gross hes being romanticized while he commits horrible acts like this for his bank account.
4. its not impossible to go opposite in their original myth personalities and still have it work. like in hades game, sisyphus is one of the most likable characters, achilles is gentle and kind, ares is calm and rational, etc, but it makes sense within the context of the story. LO in comparison goes "all these loving mothers are evil because i said so! this beloved god is now evil because i said so! minthe is evil because i said so!" and that's about it in terms of logic to these wild changes.
5. I can kinda get behind anon's theory about the flower nymphs looking like P to help her be undetected, the problem is there are also unrelated women in comic who are bright pink and look just like her, with hades even confusing them for her! if i had to bet the only reason they look like that is because rachel just wanted daphne to look like her to hammer home apollo is "obsessed" with P and to fake them as her "real family" over demeter. also just laziness in designing characters in general.
6. its weird hades and persephone are well aware what they're doing is bad even openly admitting it and yet the narrative is so hellbent on excusing their bad actions?? like hades being the major toxic factor in his relationship to minthe, persephone killing people, or hades wanting to bone an eternal 19 year old? like rachel you know thats not how character growth works, right? you cant show they have horrible flaws and leave them to never grow and learn from it, that's not good writing at all.
7. what i also dont get is the hierarchy makes no sense? like zeus is framed as the top god, but that would mean hades cant be the most important man ever so rachel also made him equal rank with zeus (and i guess poseidon too) so?? how does zeus have all that power over them then if theyre all equal? is it because zeus swallowed metis?  also how are the fertility goddess so powerful and rare yet so easily taken down? how are they overpowered and super weak at the same time? i just dont get it.
8. Re reading chapter 144 and other anon is right we do see the pomegranate pin on Hades outfit (so Hades gifts it to her)
But also some things to note
During the makeout session persy begins to disappear in butterfly form and hades is like "no don't leave!" And he grabs her, preventing her from leaving. Which is..kinda Ick considering they were on their way to having (public) sex and he doesn't want her to leave which seems like he's not really respecting her boundaries? (because if she does he'll "be lonely")
The pomegranate pin is Hades' to begin with so technically one of Persephones symbols is not hers (yes I know in the original myth she ate it in the underworld / was forced to eat it but still its supposed to be her symbol)
Hades notes that he "doesn't want to overstep his boundaries as host" because Persephone is a guest (too late for that)
Persephones main concern (after what a week or 2?) after being raped is when Hades wants to stop her reaction is "dont you want me anymore?"
Girl you aren't even dating ...??
Persy's literal one and only concern is that she thinks if she doesnt sleep with Hades right then or when/if he wants to that "she wont be able to give him what hes used to" ... Which is reinforcing that she went to therapy to get "over being blocked" in regards to having sex
Although Hades does mention that she shouldn't feel like she needs to please him and that a kiss can just be a kiss which would be nice
(And yet his thinking of marrying her amd he's known her for 2, 3 weeks? ... And he says "the beginning of a new relationship is exciting and scary" so hes basically indicating thay their dating at this point, I think?)
And later the nymphs in the store are like "do you wanna be the dominatrix of the bedroom?? Buy this lingerie!" And persy does. So??
Meanwhile Demeter is very worried for her daughter who is busy sitting in Hades lap in a pool. 
9. Can we talk about how anons are making fucking flow charts for the LO Timeline cause it's so ridiculously jumbled?
10. im not even against rushed relationships, ive known actual couples who met and were married all within the same year and it worked out great, the difference though is these were people who had their own lives and previous relationships. the issue with LO is RS designed it so Persephone can NEVER have relationships or a life outside of Hades, and if they did get married offscreen, it's framing their marriage in a toxic and unbalanced light. That's not a romance, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
11. i feel like there's a difference between drawing an interesting hooked/aquiline nose versus whatever the hell RS puts on Hades' face. It honestly looks like he's in between morphing into a bird half the time since it just looks like a beak over an actual facial feature.
12. are there shareholders or a board of advisors or something at underworld corp? because if there is id say they have more than enough reason to kick hades out and strip him of his titles/shares because of all the shit he's caused by being guided by his broken pp over thinking with his head. liking dating TWO employees? and getting one of them phsyically crippled by the other bc he can't be honest with either of them and she's a walking time bomb? he's a walking HR nightmare.
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floralkittygambler · 3 years
Based on the new signed work for hazbin
looks like shitty h/skerd/st may end up canon, even though once again husk looks uncomfortable and pissed off by angel, but you cant literally criticise angel without the whole fucking fandom and even staff get pissy with you. accept that not everyones gonna love him, and folks like me whove been victims to these sorts *really* dont fucking like him (to be clear, his predatory nature of not accepting husk saying no but magically accepting other's no, incl alastors. also he tried to force a kiss from husk, similar to how his boss does to him so theres no fucking excuses. its disgusting and male victims of sex crimes are fucking valid, so stop excusing angels actions. he didnt deserve to be a victim but hes not doing favours by making a victim out of husk. its clear harassment. not cute or tsundere either, vile fujoshis-). but most relate or love angel so validate this shit, much like viv and her staff and vas. revolting. he also gives sw a bad name when hes fucking harassing folks bc sw isnt like that - you dont just harass someone. nor is sex your entire identity.
ugh fed up man. im starting to enjoy this fandom so little yet the few characters i am attached to keep me around. hell ive said before ive been around husk like people and they often really dislike angel types, whereas angel types adore them rather shallowly tbh. yeah but honestly this fandom and the clowns running it will find an excuse for angel and avoid those actually affected as always. big surprise...
husk physically resembles angels brother, dad and client, and is similar to the first two. its this toxic bond of angel wanting that love he never got from them. basic science. plus both addicts and one being older than his fuckin dad means realistically it wouldnt work. love does not cure everything nor should be pushed to. ones uncomfortably forced into it, and his bonding moments makes husk ooc because hes portrayed totally different to how he would be. again, experience. overall we get enough of this toxic, forced shit in media. just stop.
angel needs to sort his own shit before being with a guy. and then he needs to be with a guy on his level, around his age and mentality whos in a healthy spot. someone similar to him. hell a male cherri bomb would suit. as for husk, he needs a lot more work thatll take far longer. he needs to love himself and work through his own shit and be like that for awhile first. seen it first hand kill so
before anyone goes 'its fiction' yeah? well then explain how shit like many toxic ideals in romcoms or hell, how male victims of sex crimes are treated as a fucking joke still when its not funny, or hey how about that the only chemistry is this bitter distaste and onesidedness thats shallow af. or how shit like 'killing stalking' and whatnot are seen as cute romances by fans very similar to the point its this sorta dumb shit people romanticise, fantasize and normalise - young people. hell adults too esp immature ones.
its not healthy.
its really not.
and being on the receiving end makes you sick to your stomach and paranoid on others intentions for you.
every glance or touch is an attack. every remark, a hidden message. thats what we're left with.
as for the blokes, they get the extra of being a 'joke' and not a 'real man', that they should 'enjoy' it.
fuck off
also to grow you need to accept not everyone will like or love you. angel irl and in fiction seems mostly adored whether its shallow or not. making a character that dislikes him be his lover is a shit cop out and bad writing just like helluva. we get it, he hates rejection. dont we all. but no one grows without it. hell angel wold benefit from a guy telling him no and sticking to that for him to just accept.
because media shows that fandoms and celebs are now littered full of spoilt folks getting their own ways, seeing any critique or disinterest as 'hate' and being the most entitled buncha twats going. not everyones going to love you or care and that doesnt mean theyre a hater. if viv actually wants a likeable character with flaws to grow, she'd actually show angel's bad as not just him being a fucking victim as its just a mix of victim blaming and entitlement to get what he wants for being a victim when life aint fair. show him with traits more widely despicable thatll shock fans. actually show him accepting people not liking him and being ok rather than forcing himself on them until they do. fucking disgusting. though everyone thinks thats cute. bloody weird-
just like his creator, he wont grow and improve. theyve hired a fucking r'pe fetisher for gods sake. the whole viv and hired folks are a mess...
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eventually--darling · 3 years
i wanna hear more about your OCs in general...i didn't even know you had any til just now! would you care to gimme a little intro to your faves?
the ones I mentioned before are from my most precious WIP, as it crumbles. it's barely even a story at this point since it's been a fundamental part of my psyche for forever but. i do want to finish it someday and do the characters justice.
sooo for a little intro...
Joshua is the main protagonist of the story. he's a very sad little man with lots of repression and trauma, but he tries. he's a bit of a contradiction in that he doesn't treat people very well while simultaneously being chronically nice. it's a "too nice to form deep connections while also being generally an asshole without realizing it" kind of deal. or something. i wanted to make him more clear-cut type of mean but i am incapable of writing him that way. just isnt in his bones i dont think.
anyway, he's the son of the empress's (her title is more complicated than that but for the sake of simplicity, she is the empress) highest general. he grew up in the palace with his mother gone most of the time, but the empress sort of took him in as her own (derogatory). sadly she was very controlling and gave him almost no agency that he didnt specifically fight for. on top of that he is very bad at talking to people and taking the initiative unless he's been pushed into a corner along with other ~issues~ but! after [redacted] he finds courage, and forming a friendship with xenia helps him massively. overall an earnest wet rag of a man being held together with scotch tape and a constantly clenched jaw.
xenia is the main supporting character. she is very kind and sweet but strong-willed and idealistic. she is stuuuupidly loyal and will love you to DEATH. but she's also good at redirecting people when theyre going wrong. aka joshua lmao. her loyalty is also her downfall a bit though as she can put others before her a little too much. she is also not good at allll at strategy or planning. she just kinda *does things*, you know? i think that joshua's experience growing up in the palace where politics and strategy are more important than brute strength helps balance her out in this. he may be very stupid in a lot of ways but he is educated. she's also very physically strong and good at hand-to-hand combat and archery. mostly bc i thought it would be fun and sexy for her to shoot a bow and arrow. honestly need to give her more flaws... hmmmm. she is very special to me tho <3
avery is moooostly a side character. she was joshua's betrothed at the start of the story, but after he leaves her behind to go on his little hero's journey or whatever she realizes that she deserved better. bless her. im not really sure where she ends up in the story. i want them to meet again later and have her play a pivotal role but idk what it is just yet! she also forms a strong bond with xenia at some point, much to joshua's dismay.
personality-wise she is very long-suffering but kinda scary and cunning. she doesnt use this for evil tho. she is also very protective. i think that was from growing up with joshua and having to step in when he was being treated unfairly (which also unintentionally contributed to his dependence on others to take care of things for him but that's for a deeper dive than this). idk! she's smart and quick and good at thinking her way out of a situation. she is also excellent at embroidery!
those are kinda the three who have been on my mind lately, but there's also isamara, who is the empress, and jayla who is the seems-to-be-evil-but-it's-more-complicated-than-that antihero type and ashka and nathalia whose biggest roles were played before the story started, but still serve a veryyyy important purpose now.
this is already long tho so i will save them for another time! i think they are really cool and (i just realized) their characters contain like 99% of the magical elements in the story ushfsdu so if u are curious i'd be happy to give them an overview too :>
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Ok so this may seem random but I just binge watched bobs burger, all 10 seasons of it. And I had always heard it was like American Dad or family guy, hell when I googled "what to watch if you liked Bob's burgers" or looked for shows similar American Dad and family guy came up. Now I hated family guy and American Dad growing up, my dad watched it and I just never enjoyed it. But I watched a compilation on YouTube of Bob's burgers and it seemed decent so I decided to give it a shot and im glad I did. Unlike American Dad or family guy, two shows that have the goal to offend people, and who's humor heavily relies on steriotype or references, Bob's burgers doesn't feel dated, doesn't rely on steriotype, it bases it's humor on putting these likeable character that you love into different scenarios and having them reacting to the world around them. And unlike a lot of shows, like I said watched all 10 seasons and it never really got repetitive or boring or annoying I honestly enjoyed every episode, every episode felt new and fresh, even if the idea has been done before. Now there are several things I enjoy about Bob's burgers and I just kind of felt like talking about it so
First, they all, not only love eachother, but also actually like eachother. Now I feel like a lot of people don't quite get what I mean by that. I personally love my mom, I do not like her, I don't like the way she thinks or acts, I always say that If I had met her at school or at work or something and was not related to her I wouldn't like her. I've seen many siblings who love eachother, they'll defend eachother and take care of eachother but for the most part avoid eachother especially if they're at the same school, they don't go out of their way to talk or hang out with eachother. This family all seem to actually like eachother though.
Which leads me to my next point. The Belcher siblings are personally my favorite part of the show, I was actually confused when I first started seeing them all together, because most shows seem to have that sibling relationship of love but not like, and while that's fine and can be realistic, I don't very often see a show that shows a good healthy sibling relationship of siblings actually liking eachother which can also be realistic and is a good thing to teach kids. The Belcher siblings are great, they of course defend eachother and take care of eachother but they're also friends. They walk together in between classes, theyre all in the same friend group, they go out of their way to hang out with eachother and play togetherand have fun together, they eat lunch together and scheme together. Of course they also spend time by themselves and will hang out with their mutual friends without their siblings and have friends outside of the mutual friend group, and of course they get into arguments and disagree with eachother a lot, what siblings don't? But for the most part they get along very well. You won't see any of them embarrassed to be seen with their younger siblings in or out of school, even Tina, the teenager of the group who's going through a lot for the typical teen problems including being embarrassed often and caring a lot about what others in her grade think, will hang out with her little brother and sister, and take part in their mischief, and eat lunch with them and doesn't have a problem with it.
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The kids aren't the only one with a uniquely healthy relationship when it comes to these types of shows, we also have their parents, Bob and Linda. Bob isn't the steriotypicaltypical husband that's often portrayed in these types of shows, Bob isn't the husband that complains about how his wife is always nagging or jokes about how being married is awful. Linda isn't the steriotypicaltypical wife, Linda doesn't complain about how her husband can't take care of himself, or seem disgusted by her husband or seem exasperated by the kind of person her husband is. Strangely enough they seem to actually love eachother, and support and encourage eachother and care about eachother and enjoy spending time together and enjoy working together. They enjoy making small fun competitions with eachother and having fun and laughing together. They seem to bring out the best of eachother. And yes they aren't exactly in their honeymoon phase, and may not have that "spark" they first had when they first got together, and they're not exactly the pinnacle of romance, they are however a good representation of a happily married couple who genuinely love and like eachother and have been married for years. And of course they each have their flaws and they have their disagreements and arguments but who doesn't?
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And the Belcher kids love and like their parents as well and enjoy being with them and involve them in their antics as well.
And they love and like their kids as well. And given each of the children it would be expected in a show like this for one or two of the children to be considered "disappointments" or "not as good as the favorite child" there's usually a kid who's clearly the favorite and one or more kids who's looked down upon by the parents and everyone else in shows like these, however Bob and Linda genuinely love and are very proud of each of their kids and they both have good relationships with all of their kids. Even in the episode where they spent the entire time showing just how much of a screw up gene was, Bob took gene aside and said that while gene could get distracted and could mess up at times that he was still very proud of him and loved him.
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Bob and Linda support their kids in everything they do, even in the episode where gene got interested in "table setting" and got into a competition and his parents didn't quite understand it or understood why someone would enjoy it they still helped and encouraged him and expressed how proud they were that he found something he enjoyed doing.
It's a very healthy family and it's enjoyable to watch.
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The show itself, although it has 10 seasons, doesn't ever get annoying or repetitive, every episode seems fresh, like I said binge watched the entire show and was actually pretty sad when I got the final episode and realized I was done and couldn't watch anymore, although the first season was great it got better over time, and personally I thought each season was better then the last.
I like that all the characters seem realistic, their was several episodes with the Belcher kids where I could imagine my younger self and my friends and brother doing similar things. And like I said the parents though loving also seemed like a realistic couple that have been married for years.
I also liked the consitancy. A lot of characters over time will become an exaggerated version of their former selves. For example a character like Patrick star or homer Simpson or Cosmo from fairly odd parents, who start off the show kind of dumb and clueless but not annoyingly so and are still enjoyable, over time will become so damn moronic that you wonder how they've managed to go this long without accidentally killing themselves and it becomes annoying and frustrating and they're no longer likeable.
None of the characters in this show have a character flaw that becomes so extreme they become unlikable, in fact all of the characters in the belcher family are likeable, and stay consistent, thats the point, you want to see them go through these things and want to see them win and come out on top because of how likeable they are. Louise is mischief, she's a prankster, but it's never to the point where she's unlikeable, she's still a good kid who usually doesn't go to far and when she does shes quick to see her mistake, apologize, and try to make it right, if anything a lot of times her pranks are to help defend other people or "bring justice" to people who have been wronged.
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She may be a bit extreme but she's still a good kid and you want to see her come out on top. Gene can be loud and extreme and not really get hints, but he wants to befriend people and wants to help people, even though he can be gullible and a bit clueless and as a result can easily get roped into stuff, he tries to help people and make things right when he sees things going south, he's a sweet kid.
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And Tina can be innapropriate, and can be selfish at times and not always see the big picture, but like gene and Louise when she sees that she's messed up she immediately tries to fix it and make things right, she has a stronger moral compass then either of her siblings and usually the voice of reason and helps people out whatever situation they're in, including her siblings who can often end up in some pretty bad situations, and is willing to take the fall for the sake of others.
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Bob can by cynical, and a bit extreme about things he cares about (work, turkeys, Thanksgiving in general) and when he gets extreme he won't think things all the way through he'll just react, but he means well, he cares about his family and will put aside his obsessions for his family and is willing to sacrifice those things for his family. Hell one of the things hes obsessed with is Thanksgiving, he will make sure everything goes PERFECTLY and will get very upset if they're not perfect and will go crazy trying to make it perfect, but the reason Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday and the reason he cares so much is because of his love for his family and because Thanksgiving to him is being with your family. And even he is willing to sacrifice his Thanksgiving to be there for his friend, teddy, who's alone and without his family.
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Linda can also be extreme and not think things all the way through but like bob, she means well, the times she gets extreme is typically when it involves her family and trying to do everything in her power to make them happy, and to do what she considers the morally right thing to do, even if it means going a little crazy and taking things a bit to far while doing so. I think a good example of this was when Louise got in trouble at school for causing problems, she was causing problems because a couple of kids were picking on a smaller kid and she was attempting to defend the kid, Linda thinks it's morally wrong to punish Louise for defending a kid and breaks Louis out of detention from the window (also breaking the school's AC in the process) to get her some ice cream all while having to avoid mr.frond, the school counselor who's around the same area. It's a good example of how it makes for a funny episode and flawed characters because of how extreme they can get but how they're motivation and reasonings makes them likeable and makes you root for them.
Anyway. I know this is kind of random it just kind of bothered me that I don't really see bobs burgers being talked about very often and I see it being compared to American Dad and family guy when, from what I've seen of the two shows, it's not really similar at all
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calangkoh · 4 years
I'm n 09 fan but you hit the nail on the head with the Ed review tbh. 03 got a lot right, the intensity, the tragedy, color, framing, and Ed's characterization, and I feel like 09s biggest weakness is that Bones didnt see it worth the time to put that buildup and care back in the series. Like there's some assumption you've seen 03 so they didnt need to build those things up again. I cant stand the first arc of 09 because 03 did everything better and the conclusion to 09 is more satisfying when -
-when the early bits hit harder. Feels more earned than just hopeful. I really wish they'd just combined the two to get that really emotional impact alongside the earned happy ending.
thank you, anon, for the back up here. i know this is just one, definitely unpopular, opinion, and i don’t expect people to agree with me, but it is nice when people do. 
i understand why they had to rush it, because then the already long 64 episodes would be around 75-80, and only so much time had passed between the two series that it would be tedious to retread the same material. but when most people now skip the 03 series, they dont know what theyre missing with that intensity and characterization and its really unfortunate. then they hear bad things about 03 and assume theyre true. 
i would agree that fmab is the Technically better (as in, from an actual technical standpoint...its more polished, but that doesn’t mean it’s overall better) but i think 03 is still equal to it in terms of quality and impact, and in many (but not all) areas exceeds it in emotional weight and depth. and as far as the happy ending goes, i agree. the fmab ending (the general climax/resolution: ed beats father, gives up his alchemy, beats truth, and reclaims what he lost and got even more than he started with) is amazing and clever and satisfying. but parts of it while watching, like when he mentions nina, im like...wait really? you’re mentioning nina? i hardly remember her in this series. 
and ed has learned this huge lesson in fmab leading to him beating truth, but in comparison to 03 ed i feel...what did he really learn? fmab ed learned friendship is the real alchemy lol (that’s very reductive i apologize. it is a really good lesson--that we’re simple humans and that’s okay because the bonds we make are worth the weakness--and i love that scene so so much). i feel fmab didnt earn much because in comparison to 03 (and again, i only feel this negativity toward fmab because ive seen 03. the comparison is the real enemy here, because otherwise i wouldn’t have a problem with fmab beyond maybe just not caring for ed because he’s just not my kind of character, but i wouldn’t have much backing to WHY i dont care for him. 03 gives me the specific reasons by having what fmab doesnt.) 
he didnt truly get challenged. 03 ed had all his beliefs, morals, and worldview challenged, while fmab ed was usually just right about everything. the lesson he learned was one he should have learned after he transmuted his mother. it was an obvious lesson “hey youre just a human accept it. one is all and all is one.” while 03 ed learned that lesson long ago. the lessons ed learns are more extensions of accepting that he’s a small human. he learns about what that means. what his impact on the world is. what consequences are. what the value of believing in something is. what it means to lose something. the flaws of equivalent exchange as a philosophy of life. etc. his lessons are far more applicable to real life and honestly, at the risk of sounding pretentious because “blah blah mature story = better” which is something i don’t generally believe (though it is case by case), are more mature. 
i probably went on a tangent, but point is, fmab good, but i do find 03 to be more mature, deeper, and have a more compelling interpretation of edward. and i agree with anon that the rushed beginning of fmab (remember fmab covers what happened over 33 episodes of fma03 in a measly 12!! fma 03 had fillers and anime-original plotlines, sure, but they were good--except for episode 4 i fucking hate that episode. and the tree people episode is a little weird but was important for lust’s character--and all added something. “fillers” arent bad! they’re important for pacing and development!) contribute to why fmab ed as a character falls flat to me (but there’s also a lot more than just the beginning as to why he does). 
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