#and now she's a hero bcuz she wants people to love her and she has a weird thing with Flug bcuz they were once friends but she's also a hero
mintaikk · 7 months
Whats the ship name between Flug & Miss Heed? I've just been calling them Paperheart rn
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muzsmoux · 6 months
MHA headcanons bcuz the show brings me a lot of joy
If you don't agree with them or they clash with canon that's ok just scroll on, peace and love on the planet earth and whatnot.
⭐Iida is straight but is openly into BL. He's up to date on new releases, mostly pg shoujo stuff. Except for one fantasy comic that is hella explicit at some points but he is VERY passionate about the lore and characters.
⭐Bakugo has Inosuke levels of androgyny going on. He would give Shouto a run for his money in the "class 1-A's resident prettyboy" vote that was held if he 1. wasn't too scary for people to vote for him. and 2. if he stopped scowling for like two seconds.
⭐Aoyama is some flavor of nonbinary but doesn't use any labels because he HATES them. He is an ✨experience✨, a piece of art up for interpretation.
⭐Pro hero Red Riot has a line of menstrual hygiene products with cool and manly packaging because he's very popular with transmasc people and wanted to give back something helpful and validating to them.
⭐Kirishima once called Bakugo his "brofriend" and he just about had an aneurysm.
⭐ Before they got together, Kirishima wrote half the valentine's cards Bakugou recieved anonymously because he "just had so many feelings it couldn't fit just on one card!!"
⭐Bakugou is a secret romantic. He hates talking about it because it's "bad for his image" but he has a big collection of shoujo manga and internally melts whenever Kiri does something soft for him like buying flowers or holding his hand in public.
⭐Aizawa regularly gets intrusive thoughts of becoming a househusband whenever he has a particulaly annoying time. Like after his 7th parent teacher conference of the day or after a full week of falling asleep in uncomfortable beds in seedy hostels he stares at the ceiling like "Hizashi is a celebrity. He has three jobs. What am I doing here? I love him. I can't cook but I could learn 😫"
⭐Kaminari hits on Bakugo's mom every chance he gets. Bakugo's tries to blow him up, Mitsuki thinks it's fucking hilarious.
⭐Allmight has a crush on Midoriya Inko but is scared to do anything about it because A. it might upset Izuku and B. he thinks he's too old and ugly for her.
⭐You'd think Midnight would be a bad teacher based on her general sexy nature but actually she's well loved because she's the only teacher who the kids trust with advice on relationships and intimacy, especially after the dorm system set in. She has time set aside each week where she's available for anyone to pop into her office and chat about whatever they're worried about. Aizawa is endlessly thankful for this because one time Todoroki asked him what a backshot is because he heard Sero make a joke about it and he's still healing from that conversation.
⭐Since both of their quirks are food based Sato and Momo often bake together. Sato's the master decorator, Momo buys good quality ingredients and is a beast at chiffon cakes.
⭐Denki can't swim. After The Incident in primary school where he almost electrocuted a whole swimming pool of people he's been scared to try.
⭐Kirishima has two moms. His birth mom had him at like 18 and his biological father wasn't ready for that yet. Her best friend immediately stepped up to help with the baby, and that's Kiri's mama now.
Thank you for reading!! I am incredibly late to this fandom but hey I'm having fun now so. Sick.
If you liked this, you can find part 2 here :)
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barblaz-arts · 1 year
I love that Bianca is Nevermo're's principal now; it seems to suit her, honestly, lol. What's her relationship with Vega like, on a personal and "professional" level? As the kid of two parents who taught at her combined elementary/middle school AND high school, it can be a weird thing to toe that line when you have to interact with them in teacher mode, ha.
1. It's perfect ain't it?? I dont see a lot of people make material out of the fact that Bianca was also set to be Wednesday's academic rival, and therefore a smartie. She felt like a deliberate parallel to Weems anyway.
One of the biggest things about Bianca is the fact that she thought of Nevermore as her home. It was the place she was able to turn to after running away from her messed up mom. She'd have more than enough love for the school to want to come back and run it.
2. Bianca isn't really that close to Wednesday and Enid. Enid sees her from time to time because of Yoko and Divina, and although Wednesday and Bianca got closer after the whole thing with Crackstone, they aren't exactly friends, so they never bothered to actually reconnect after graduating. With that being said, Vega never really got to meet Bianca before attending Nevermore. Bianca probably met Vega once as a baby but that's it, so it isn't exactly awkward in a way that they're trying to balance between two dynamics, because Vega becoming a Nevermore student was the beginning of them getting to know each other.
I have this headcanon that after the thing with Crackstone Wednesday, Enid, Eugene, and Bianca get hailed as heroes and legends for future generations of Nevermore students. Wednesday and Enid are Vega's moms, so although she admires them for that, it's a muted kinda thing bcuz she's also just their moms. Eugene was around when Vega grew up because he and Wednesday remained close, so Eugene is ultimately still Uncle Eugene for her.
Since she never met Bianca, however, her view of her is idealized. Bianca is smart, saved her mother AND was better than her at fencing. Bianca thinks Vega is out to make her time as principal hell like Wednesday did with Weems because of all the shenanigans Vega gets up to, but Vega actually thinks Principal Barclay is one of the coolest people in the world. So whenever she gets caught getting in trouble and gets sent to the principal's office, she feels a lot more sheepish when being reprimanded by Bianca than if it were Wednesday and Enid scolding her.
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hi hi chrom enjoyer anon here again to ignite warfare.
what the FUCK is chrom hater anon talking about. "chrom is more popular than lucina because people want to fuck him" HELLO??? IN WHAT DIMENSION??? listen dude or dudette or duder of indeterminate gender. WHEN has a man ever been more popular than a woman because of FANSERVICE in goddamn WAIFU EMBLEM.
as if there isn't hordes of people who flatten lucina to a sex object just bcuz they wanna fuck her and ignore her own complexities. have you seen twitter. have you seen the absolute ATROCITY that is robcina.
speaking of. never imply i don't love my daughter ever again. lucina is fucking fantastic. she really does carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. she's almost a parallel of emmeryn - thrust into a leadership position much too soon, her entire childhood taken from her. all she has are the people with the same traumas as her, not necessarily her friends, just everybody who's still left.
her hiding her identity is so interesting. it's not just to prevent a knock-on effect of her being known before her own birth - she is embodying her own hero, taking his name, playing on their similarities, because she lacks the confidence to believe she should be the one to do this. ironically enough, this insecurity is what makes her more similar to chrom than anything else, both of them chasing the shining afterimage of their predecessors.
fact of the matter is, lucina is horribly underutilized in the plot. half the time you have no clue what she's even doing. why's she in ferox? to, uhh, "Investigate?" maybe?
the most major thing she does is prevent chrom's injury and emmeryn's assassination, yet the game fails to properly capitalize on the butterfly effect this creates. it goes entirely unmentioned that LUCINA did all this. and let's not even speak of valm arc. her showing up to save emmeryn is SO goddamn important to allow for a good ending to happen at all, and once she joins the party, she... tells basilio to not die? and her telling basilio to not die makes him not die and lets him pull out the macguffin out of his ass later?
once she JOINS THE PARTY you'd expect her to make more contributions, to, you know, "change fate", and all that. like, maybe SHE could've been the one to stop robin from stabbing chrom at all, instead of robin having the sudden willpower to "stab him a little less" than the original timeline. maybe she could have her own dramatic confrontation with grima as the symbol of stagnation - show the symbol of her despair and trauma what HAS changed, list out how this timeline differs from the past, and maybe even grima must admit to a sliver of truth in her words, yet pushes for the same ruin anyway out of his own despair.
there is SO MUCH they could've done with lucina! and they did NOTHING! SHE'S the awakening poster child. she was in smash first, she's the emblem, and how important is she to the plot? not very! she's important to the themes, certainly, but in the final act she's outweighed by the visions robin got FROM GRIMA when grima fucked up and amnesia'd them. THAT saved chrom. grima fucking up once. not lucina.
and that's so! frustrating! because i love her!
it's this whole theme of generational trauma, from emmeryn to chrom to lucina, of finally breaking free and doing something new, but...
lucina has the two BEST scenes in the entire game. "Lucina's judgement" is just a fantastic moment (and i'm particularly fond of the mother version). Wherein she is directly confronted with this whole thing: could you kill an innocent to save the world? could you do it to your father's best friend? or to your mother? lucina was so prepared to do ANYTHING to save her father, but now that she's in the past, that she got to reunite with him, that she got to live in comparative peace, she's scared. if she kills robin, chrom will hate her. it will save the world, but her own idyllic life will shatter. only now that she has something to lose does she hesitate.
and yknow, the reunion scene between her and chrom in ch13 is already like, awakening's most well known scene for a REASON. it's so touching. this brave enigmatic warrior crying into her father's arms, finally allowed to be the child she is. chrom faced with all he stands to lose, with the broken reflection of his own infant daughter.
it's poetic. it's fantastic. fact is: the emotional core of awakening is so deeply compelling. generational trauma as a way to mirror predeterminism and the belief in a doomed world. breaking cycles and changing fate, all wrapped up in an incredible subversion of fairy tales: what if the dragon and the knight loved each other? (whether it's platonic or romantic, i dont care at this point) what if the dragon didn't have to die to save the princess?
viewed through the grander lens of these strong, resonant themes, awakening is fucking incredible. but on a moment to moment basis... there is so much squandered potential, so many little holes that didn't need to exist. it feels rushed. underbaked. i know it was FE's last hurrah, but... man. the passion was there. the care wasn't, or it didn't have the time to be.
also anyone who calls themself a chrom fan who DOESNT also deeply adore lucina is a sham and will die by my sword. respect my wonderful daughter or else.
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crisiscutie · 10 months
People just don't get that redemption isn't for everyone
Yes people can do it but sometimes it's best to say it's irredeemable
Sephiroth has been through so many tragedies to the point,it feels like redemption is one big joke to him,cuz he already reached the point of no return
Personally I feel like the trope of "everything is forgivable" is overused or overlooked way too often,there are things in the world that can't forgive and sometimes punishment is better than forgiveness
In Sephiroth's case, I don't think forgiveness will change anything,rather it's impossible,no one who knows him is willing to forgive him,hence some may say he has no faults at all like Hojo cuz that guy is messed up AF
Take it like this: If a guy who commits an unforgivable crime and someone says he should be forgiven based only on the fact that he was abused or insane or he went through some traumatic shit etc,it would not only feel ridiculous, it's outright selfish
Should Sephiroth be forgiven for the Nibelheim Incident just bcuz it was a crime of passion or he was mentally unstable and should get off free of guilt? No,cuz he did something terrible to others and that should be accepted
I've seen too many cases of normalisation or glorification or defence of characters' faults and apparently "you're a bitch for pointing out others' faults" these days and "it's not nice to have criticisms"
I saw some deep toxic shit about normalised toxicity in fiction lately
I mean I love Seph,but god I'm heavily aware he's evil as hell
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Yup. Sephiroth's path is set in his mind. For what reason would he deviate from his path? He decided to continue the cycle of pain. And Cloud could've continued that cycle after him if it wasn't for Tifa.
I want to state this: I'm against Sephiroth being redeemed. One reason is that no character ever deserves redemption. Redemption is a complex, grueling process that involves self-reflection, remorse, and a genuine desire to change. It requires a willingness to confront your actions and the consequences you inflicted upon others. Sephiroth, so far, has done none of this. He felt justified in his actions. And the few times when he does acknowledge what he has done? He rubs it in Cloud's face, for goodness' sake. He did this in Advent Children, 7R and even the original FF7, especially during that one iconic scene that shall not be named. Sephiroth has displayed constant cruelty to Cloud, his party and the planet. What on earth justifies him deserving redemption? Because of his awful and traumatic past?
Let me say this: the events leading up to and following Sephiroth's birth and childhood were undeniably tragic, and he cannot be blamed for them in any way. However, as an adult with the ability to choose his own path, he made the decision to inflict harm upon others, especially those who had no involvement in his suffering. As I mentioned in another post, introducing a potential redemption arc for Sephiroth would actually undermine Cloud's own arc and diminish its impact. Sephiroth serves as a warning to Cloud, acting as his dark mirror and representing the dark side of what a "hero" could become.
I would also like to mention Aerith, who, like Cloud, serves as another mirror to Sephiroth and had a deeply traumatic past. However, instead of succumbing to darkness like Sephiroth, she remained kind and hopeful. Sephiroth's redemption may also conflict with her story and role as well.
To sum it up, Redemption would require Sephiroth to question his beliefs and recognize the pain and suffering he has caused. He's not going to do that. He believes himself to be in the right, and the pain he caused to be "justice" in his mind.
And as you mentioned, it's clear that forgiveness is out of the question for him now. Cloud and Tifa, in particular, hold a deep hatred towards him and are determined to put an end to him. Tifa's grudge with Sephiroth has been largely overlooked, both by the fandom and CANON (seriously, what were the writers thinking...). But let's not forget the sheer terror poor Tifa had in 7R when she saw Sephiroth in front of Jenova's pod.
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Both she and Cloud had been scarred (literally and figuratively) by this man for the rest of their LIVES. They deserve every blow they can get on Sephiroth...
Anyways, rant over. Please stop trying to make Sephiroth "work". He was a sweet baby that became an evil bastard. Let's appreciate the good and bad of the Crisis Cutie!
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Any Sergeant bosco headcannons hmm?
THIS ASK SOUNDS SO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE AND JUDGEY LMAO but yes i love bosco and think about him maybe too much considering he's a cop. he's genuinely one of my favorite bobs burgers characters
expanding upon the fact that he canonically has adult kids i think he and his wife were in a bad marriage but decided to stay together until their kids were adults to get divorced, but there was a lot of fighting and it probably would've been healthier for everyone if they just split up when the kids were younger. his kids resent him for their kinda shitty childhood so he doesn't talk to them very much and they moved far away to like new york city or whatever, he does love and care about him but he maybe isn't the best at showing them that or communicating (he also is probably not great with kids in general as shown by his interactions with the burger babies)
he didn't really ever WANT TO be a cop he's just a cop bcuz he figured that was an easy career and its what his parents encouraged but when he sees younger officers joining for the same reason he tries to convince them to quit and do what theyre actually passionate about i thimk he would've enjoyed music when he was younger
he and bob very occasionally get together and have a few drinks and just talk about shit after the restaurant is closed, neither of them would call each other friends but they are definitely friends they're just grumpy old men about it <3
he really respects louise and she's honestly his favorite belcher child and at one point louise asks him to come into her class and do a presentation on police work for like a celebrating heroes thing and he's actually very emotional bcuz his own kids never wanted him to come by their school for anything, louise just wanted to brag about how she knows an actual cop with a gun but she respects bosco too bcuz he doesn't treat her like a child and actually stands up to her bullshit
bosco is more fond of the belcher family than he would like to admit, like they're crazy and they make his life miserable sometimes but he does genuinely care about them and enjoys their shenanigans and they're probably some of the only people outside the police force who he's actual friends with and he does like linda and bob specifically, he's ambivalent towards gene and tina bcuz he doesn't really understand kids or get along with them
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wiihtigo · 2 years
24, 42, and 49 for the last character you were thinking of/searched for
24. Ship(s) that makes you cringe.
its actually incredible to me that i was completely neutral on barbara and dick as a couple before the current romance arc involving them written by TOM TAYLOR (<-enemy) in the current nightwing run. The thing is that i think theyre cute as a couple but only when theyre batgirl and robin. I think it was like a cute kid crush thing that they grow out of. and even though thats my ideal dick and barbara in birds of prey were pretty cute too (especially with the added comedy of dick gnawing off his arm with jealousy because he thinks ted kord is stealing his girl when in actuality. Um. hes not.)
dickbabs vs dickory is such a stupid ass team jacob vs team edward argument but its becoming increasingly harder not to want to shoot them both with missiles whenever i see them now. and that has to do both with what dc is doing to my girl barbara and also tom taylors writing right now is obviously him trying to own the haters and its so embarrassing and cringe. which is sad bcuz oracle and nightwing are two of my absolute favorite gotham heroes (well bludhaven for dick. yknow what i mean)
42. What’s a fandom trope you hate?
i resent bea being reduced to boosters sassy third wheel to his and teds relationship especially since its like my favorite thing that booster and bea are like funhouse mirrors of eachothers mental illness. like why does booster get all the fun in being fucked up and crazy. beas crazy too! did you see what she was doing with sigrid nansen! beatora has so little fancontent in comparison to boostle but both relationships have a lot of parallels with eachother...(listen i know my tags ratios are uneven as well but i promise i have more in the back)
49. What’s [x]’s worst character trait?
hmm well on the topic of barbara gordon, and i need to preface this with saying that i dont hate this about her i actually think its awesome and interesting. I dont hate any of my faves worst traits its what i love hte most about them....
I love that shes straight up not very good with kids. Shes good buddies with tim because hes a super genius little boy so he can hang with her on her intellectual level. but barabara gets frustrated easily and impatient when people arent as smart or as capable as her. and i think thats awesome and really interesting. shes not cruel by any means and im thinking specifically of her mentorship of cassandra cain in batgirl 2000. throughout the whole comic they have a very close sisterly bond as barbara, as oracle, mentors her in being batgirl. For anyone who doesnt know cassandra, she cant read and is non verbal most of the time. when she does speak its in short or one word responses and a lot of times she copies what she hears on tv or mixes up words in her inner monologue. Here she needed to read a kill switch phrase to stop a robot from fucking shit up, but she cant read what it says and barbara snaps at her.
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this causes a rift in their relationship for a long time and they dont speak for a lot of it. to be fair barbara here was uunder a ton of stress and was operating on like 1 hr of sleep and she did apologize but this really hurt cassandra and she didnt accept her apology (right away)
while reading this does hurt its one of my favorite barbara moments because its like. shes multifaceted bitch. her snapping at her in this way makes sense and is believable for her as a character. barbara has her strengths and her weaknesses and I just think putting herself at the level of teenagers is one of her weaknesses that i think is really interesting
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turtlefanboy · 2 years
hello!! very specific so feel free to decline, but may i request comfort headcanons about 2012 leo with a male s/o thats very passionate about one specific franchise; like he goes on 10 different rants about it and its characters everytime he meets him but because he was made fun of for liking things super intensly before with previous friends, whenever he realizes that he's rambled about it for like 30 minutes he goes "oh god my bad im sorry im really annoying i just dont know when to shut up" and gets sad bcuz he thinks leo hates him talking abt it (yes this is very self indulgent sorry 💀)
A/n: no need to apologize! I will happily write this for you! I have the same problem actually I ramble about shows I’m very passionate and sometimes how my OC’s fit into the story and apologize profusely after I found out I was rambling, and who cares if it’s very self indulgent i made this blog so people could self Indulge and some may even relate to certain fics so it’s okay :). Oh look I just rambled sorry let’s get into the headcannons 😅
She/her Dni
2012! Leo with male S/o rambles about shows he loves.
In all honesty Leo really Loves to hear you talk.
He Especially loves to hear you ramble about shows you love and adore, for hours!
He just finds it so cute!!
And he finds your voice very soothing.
He’ll call you and ask you about a show you love after a fight with Raph or he’s just not having a good day and listen to you talk.
It literally calms him down so much
He just adores you so much
And every time you apologize?
He just kisses you and tells you “it’s okay I love hearing you talk my Prince, continue talking please”
He literally is so in love with you ;-;
Also please let him ramble about space hero’s once in a while.
No one wants to listen to him about his space hero theories.
And if you also listen to him while he’s rambling?
He’s already proposing
If you also love space hero’s and ramble about it to him and ramble with him about theories
Sorry but your already married and adopting kids.
Sometimes he’ll even call you at 2am and ask if you wanna talk about space hero’s
Of course…you say yes cause you can’t say no to your adorable knight.
And when he’s in a coma in season 3?
Your constantly by his side rambling to him about the things you love hoping he would hear you and wake up soon.
And When he’s not able to leave the farm house he just talks to you and ask about any new shows you love and just lays their head in your lap as you ramble about your now favorite show.
when their going for the black hole generator in season four after the earth was swallowed by the black hole generator, and they had to go back in time and to save everyone ?
He goes to the hologram room of the ship and not only goes and talks to Splinter.
But also you and ask you about a show you love and hear the hologram of you ramble about it for hours.
Tears would form in his eyes cause he misses you so much and he just wants to hear the actual you talk again…
And when they do get the black hole generator and save the world.
He runs up and hugs you so tightly and when he’s back in your room at your apartment.
He asks you about a show you love and just listens to you ramble while your in his arms loving the moment.
Also expect a lot more visits and calls from him after that
Poor boy was so worried he lost you forever and thinks that he’s constantly dreaming that he has to make sure your still there :(
In any case leo loves to hear you talk and will ask you to ramble, so no need to apologize and just talk to him and love him as much as you can.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hey Goldy,
feel free to disagree but i was thinking about the whole jimin wanting to bulid muscles thing and i remembered blood sweat and tears era....the whole thing back then was that he was pushing himself to look like what an idol is 'supposed' to look like. so right now him trying to bulid muscles might be bcuz he wants to look more like a perfect idol and just have the kind of body that is expected of him as an idol. this is similar to many female idols trying to be really skinny to fit in with the toxic standards of being an idol. so more so than toxic masculinity i guess we should be worried about him conforming to toxic idol body standards.
If you don't mind, I agree with you.
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Your point is equally part of the discourse: unrealistic male body standards, strict and toxic beauty standards for idols, toxic masculinity- I think they are all intersectional cousins living on the same continent. It don't mean they are mutually exclusive or that the presence of one excludes the other.
Jimin could very well be grappling with all of these at once we will never know- much like headache. You think it's just your head, next you know you feeling cold too, then you're dizzy, puking, passing out and explaining to your doctor why you're gay but think your period is late. Then you find out you're not pregnant but you wish you were because what you've been diagnosed with is far worse than being pregnant by a phantom Male who probably might have raped you when you were passed out even though you hate men and it's like WHAT ARE WE EVEN HERE ON EARTH FOR?!
Not that any of that happened to me.
As I said in the last post, I think skinny and androgymasculine is the body standard for men in Kpop. Most male idols who get cosmetic surgery or makeup do not do it to enhance their traditional masculine features. They try to look soft and feminine- especially around the jaw so it looks more oval and feminine.
When any of the members gain body weight they are immediately placed on a diet- whether or not that is healthy is another issue to debate on. You know what I think.
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Fans and antis alike blatantly call the members fat and complain about their appearance, that they look chubby or fat even though sometimes it's just the bulkiness that comes from building muscles.
Much like Jimin defending Jungkook when a fan called him fat. He explained it was muscle not fat. What's wrong with being fat?
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The fatphobia and fat shaming in Kpop is one conversation I sincerely don't think y'all are ready for, given recent events. Didn't Suga, the lady from Twice and one guy from Enhypen come under such vicious attacks for being fat in recent times?
People were making fun of her for being 'fat' and some assumed initially she was pregnant or something of the sorts- allegedly. Can't verify the source or identify how recent this was.
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That this piece was written by someone called I love BTS is not ironic, the main irony is that the lady being fat shamed for showing her biceps and belly had just returned from a hiatus during which she had sought psychological treatment for her mental health.
The things these Idols do to maintain the looks we see on screen is outrageous and really worrying- to some of us at least. Jungkook recently saying he didn't eat anything for about 5 days when they filmed the butter MV gave me palpitations. I hope they stop glorifying these things as if it's something to be proud of. It's disconcerting at best. But what do I know, I have to leave people to make their own choices I'm told.
If I choose to harm myself because I feel pressured by my work environment it's not a choice it's oppression. Just saying.
And yes, people can CHOOSE to do bad things to themselves. it don't make those bad choices right and that's the nuance of the conversation we are having.
And I hope people who fat shame the boys know and understand the risks they take and how hard they work to meet these beauty and body standards- IT'S RIDICULOUS.
Jimin calling himself fat is not a choice. It's him cracking under the pressure of Idolhood. Like I said, he is prone to these things. And saying he is mature now and so he cannot be affected by these pressures is obtuse and toxically positive.
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If you've been paying attention to Jimin for sometime now since On Era last year, he's not been talking positively about his body especially whenever they talk about his early days and when they've reacted to their debut.
He's talked about how his body looked so great then as compared to now- even though it was ON ERA and he looked pretty buffed- relatively speaking.
RM felt his biceps and told him his body now was ok. Seems to me whatever is going on with him and his view of his body now didn't just begin. Something is just acting as catalyst and bringing it all up to the surface.
He's comparing himself to his debut days and thinking that masculine aesthetics- which he himself said was a trap for him and was glad he had overcome that, "hurry up and be me now" - he's backpedaling to say that looks better than his present look.
Towards the end of 2020 we saw him proudly sporting Illucebra Arcanus- male and female adjectives, the bigender symbol, and proudly comparing his body to a flower because he says it was delicate.
But it seems to me he is struggling internally with identifying himself or trying to fit into these labels external to him. Not to be psychoanalytic or anything. I think I talked about this in one of my blogs. A florist described him as delicate during Run and he's since been using that word to describe his features. I think he wears his internal struggles on his identity on his sleeves which is very typical of people with dual like gender identities or identities that exist on a spectrum ranging from one form to the other rather than being gender A or B- sometimes those identities conflict.
He's on a journey to self discovery I'd say and that includes deciding for himself what he is rather than bending to the labels of what people think he is or should be.
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Androgyny can be attained by make up, or clothes- it can be fashion or trend but it is also a valid form of identity.
All these songs they write about persona, ego, map of the soul... these are very Carl Jung in nature and it's not far fetched to assume they dabble in these things and learn from it to shape their own understanding of who they are- Jimin pays attention to these things and if you are a huge fan of his you'd know which moments I'm referring to.
Non of these however exempts him or preclude him from having toxic notions of masculinity I'm afraid.
It's like assuming gay people can't be homophobic or black people can't be racist.
I don't know why people are struggling to wrap around that Jimin struggles with toxic masculinity tendencies when he has addressed that very issue himself on several occasions- I'm simply putting a name to it. Toxic masculinity don't mean he is a toxic person or man. A toxic man can have toxic masculinity on top of his toxicity.
A woman can be a perpetrator of toxic masculinity if they are prone to expecting men to behave in a certain way that is harmful to men and other women.
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These are the people who call skinny, effeminate men weak and gay and expect or encourage men to be heroes, and violent and aggressive and even nurture those traits in their men.
I do agree with Jimin pushing himself to look like the perfect idol in the past- I did, have and will continue to condemn that choice he makes from time to time just as I condemn the toxic masculinity now.
It's interesting how you see him bending to the pressures to look as an idol in kpop as a problem and articulate it well but fail to see that an ad which is pro manly men would have a similar effect on him to push him to look a certain way which is opposite of how he looks naturally- especially when he's been questioning himself for quite some time now.
If fat shaming causes idols to loose weight, there's a shaming that causes effeminate men to want to bulk up. And if the former is fatphobia and can be internalized, the later is toxic masculinity and can be internalized too.
If an idol loosing weight to meet a strict standard is not about their choice and personal body preference, skinny men gyming to bulk up isn't so much about choice either. It's nuanced in that way and those two can be happening together at the same time.
I'm ok if he is not feeling pressured to look a certain way- whether skinny or buff. If it's his choice and his alone it is not toxic masculinity or internalized fatphobia.
I loved reading your POV. Thank you.
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
Hiiii! I love your page and uh, is wondering if you can make either a Bakugou or Shouto (whoever you're more comfortable writing) fic where their girlfriend is amazing at singing/dancing and is super sweet and nice but then one day they were given a task to teach other students and it's just [+100 strictness] [+100 anger] [+100 seriousness] like 'oh you didn't put your arm 90° up to the air? Do it again.' 'Oh you practiced 5 hours yesterday? Cool, next time practice up to 8 hours bcuz you still suck.'
Hope you doin well!❤ And tysm if you ever do my request!
A/N: Hello!! Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean so much to me! I can relate to this request because I can get angrily passionate about the things I really like and my patience has to potential to get cut in half! I went with Todo for this one since I have written anything for him in a while!
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Form: Oneshot.
Genre: Fluff.
Warnings: There's like.. One curse word.
Snap, Snap, People!
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All aspiring heroes have that one thing.. That one thing that sets them off into a passionate frenzy. Whether it be hero work like Deku and Katsuki or a certain aspect of their quirk and past, like Todoroki.
For you? It was dance. Dancing was something you primarily kept to yourself, but it was far from a secret. It was something that ran through your veins whether you liked it or not. It flowed all the way to the battlefield where your movements would be precise and graceful, looking as though it was choreographed amongst the many crazy and sporadic fighters 1A accommodated.
Shouto knew of such fact, of course. He took pleasure in knowing all the small details on you. He never saw you actually dance, though, it was a topic you would bashfully deny with an embarrassed smile, something he found absolutely adorable. That being said, he never pushed you to show him but the fact that you were still a dancer never went forgotten.
Up until the school festival, no one knew that Y/n L/n, the sweetest girl that always had a smile gracing her face, a nice tone hanging from her words.. The same person who has gotten to class late on so many occassions because she was trying to get a cat out of a tree could turn into a raging dancing beast with patience as thin as hair and a tongue that dripped venom.
"Who are you and what did you do to our Y/n?" Was a question everyone wanted to ask when they first were getting instructed under your strict ruling but they all were too scared to.
Even Bakugo was intimidated. To a (hidden) degree, of course.
In contrast, Shouto was more neutral, as always, if not a little curious. This was the first time he's seen this side of you. It was new, sure, but Todoroki was nothing if he is not resilient. It was far from his first time dealing with tough, overbearing teachers. Compared to his past experiences, this was nothing but a pinch on the cheek.
"The hell is wrong with you all?! You can fight villains but you can't hit a single beat?!" Your yelling was loud and jarring, Shouto was dazed.
"Speak for yourself, you extra!" Katsuki clapped back, the only one who could find courage to speak, which didn't shock anyone. Katsuki had slightly stumbled over his words, anyone who knew his speech patterns knows he doesn't call anyone in his class an "extra." The insult was forced, as a way to protect any pride that could be left.
"Go shove an explosion up your ass, you anger fueled, arrhythmic bastard. If you want to stomp about this stage blindly, do it when I'm not looking."
Has anyone ever spoken to him like that?
Everyone's expressions were priceless, including Katsuki's (who was speechless for the first time in his life.)
Silence overtook the gym you all were practicing in, a dazed shock
It was an understatement to say that a lot of thoughts were running through Todoroki's head. Things were going on so quickly, and he was usually one who could cope with that perfectly but when things were being set in motion by his usual calm girlfriend, nothing seemed to add up. No matter how hard he tried.
"I'm getting water, practice the steps I showed you all," Your voice was slightly hoarse from yelling as you spoke and turned to go get something to soothe your throat.
You had cooked everyone alive with harsh words, it didn't seem like you. But no one could say that the harsh words didn't summon some form of improvement albeit after Deku stopped crying from being overwhelmed and insulted.
Jarring, the only word that would possibly define such a flabbergasting situation.
"M-Maybe y-you should talk to her, Todoroki," Deku stuttered out, it was no surprised he was shaken up, he was only used to Katsuki's verbal abuse. Yours was on a different level... They were insults that sounded professional and true.
Shouto slightly nodded and thought about the last what? 3 straight hours of practicing a fraction of the set? His– and probably everyone else's bodies ached. No one, except for you was used to such strict practice routines.
He was the only one who hadn't recieved your wrath, and it was obvious there was some form of bias there. He wasn't partial to all your reprimanding, though, having been called out on most of his short comings albeit a little.. softer. More of your usual self slipping through. It was comforting for that to be the case, it showed that your niceness wasn't some facade that hid this beast of a dance instructor.
Todoroki blinked before looking your way, seeing you take a long sip out of your water bottle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Uraraka giving a highly pleading look. "Please calm her down" was the only thing that could be read from the begging look. It was something that snatched him from overanalyzing the situation. Todoroki knew you best, everyone, including himself knew that. The probability of him not being able to say the right thing to calm you down was extremely low.
"Y/n," He called for your attention and your gaze was directed to him. Your eyes had the usual soft look full of love. Had you managed to calm yourself down?
"You are going really hard on everyone, and I think its about time we finished today's practice. We still have a few weeks before our concert," He explained, monotone and to the point, how he usually was.
"But the way everyone is now, there's no fixing it within a few weeks. Long practices help. We should just fix bad habits today, and then we can progress," So that was your mindset, huh? It wasn't completely rooted in the blind anger you showed your classmates.
"I don't think that's a good idea, love," He started slipping in one of his pet names. It was a pretty cheap trick to have you listen to him. "Not everyone is used to this work. You can't differentiate what's a 'bad habit' or something from the exhaustion."
The thing that ran through Shouto's veins was levelheaded thoughts and decisions. (although his spite against his father can blind that, sometimes.) Todoroki was perfect for letting you see things clearly from a good perspective. It made him a good confidant and a good, supportive partner.
"Ah.. You're right. Sorry for going so hard on you and everyone else! I guess my old dance teacher possessed me there for a sec!" A bashful smile and a small, cute chuckle complimented the apology that escaped your lips.
Shouto gave you a warm and soft pat on the head, smoothing out some stray hairs that escaped the uniform shape of your hair, a fond smile plastered on his face. This tooth achingly sweet personality, the occasional bashful moments was what he was completely whipped for. He knew he would grow to become whipped for your demanding and strict teaching methods, too. He couldn't see himself not loving every last piece of you and he'd be lying if he wasn't excited to see the slightly hidden new dimensions of yourself.
He loved you, that's all there was to it. Things that could be seen as "negatives" shone to highlight your indisputable positives. Even the things he has yet to learn about you, he can confidently say he loves. Your passion for dance? It could be said that its one of his favorite things about you, no matter how you might show your love for it.
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MHA Headcanons
How would they react to their non-gender-specific s/o winning the Sports Festival?
starting with girls this time bcuz everyone knows I’m fricking gay
“I knew it! I fucking knew it bitches!” she yelled, taking out shirts with your name on it for the entire class to wear. She even offered one to Aizawa, who said he wasn’t allow to wear. He secretly wanted one though, he was just so proud of his adopted child. 
As you stood facing your final opponent, you could hear Mina from the stands screaming her lungs off, smiling ear-to-ear as she shakes her classmates around her. 
She only stops when a boy from 1-B has the audacity to shush her. Mina knows this boy, he looks you up-and-down whenever you pass the classroom. 
“You’re just jealous that they like me you fuc-” Aizawa wrapped his scarf around her mouth, forcing her to be quiet.
 “That’s enough for you.” Tsu smiles, watching you. Mina does to, she just can’t take her eyes off you. As you run around, dodging left and right as if you have eyes in the back of your head, she feels such pride in you. 
She can’t stop screeching, pouncing off the walls as she watches you. Everyone else is focused on your fighting skills, but she can’t stop thinking about how you’re so cuddly and you are the strongest student in UA.
She never wants to let go of you ever, and that’s a promise.
She can’t help staring in shock as you dodge attacks left and right, doing everything that you never did in training. Momo watches the way you move, taking all of her tips as you keep winning, not even letting your opponent skim you. 
On the other hand, he is taking major damage from you. Momo thinks about how you two rehearsed your special running, zooming left, faking right, and the going straight.
“Left, right, right, left, straight, straight.” She watches, memorized as you follow the plan exactly.
She can’t help but be so proud. Momo fell in love with your quirk almost as fast as she fell in love with you, so she always had improvements to tell you that would make you even better. Of course, she had felt like you were ignoring her lately, the way you looked so tired while she talked. Now, she realized you had spent time at night practicing her plans and improving. And now, look where it had gotten you. 
She felt such pride knowing that she had helped you, that some of your victory was thanks to hers. She was even happier that she had helped you reach your full potential! Champion of the freaking sports festival!
The very thought of you winning made her blush, and she knew she would kiss you the minute she could! Sure there would be hundreds of people trying to talk to you, but for one second, she knew that you would talk to her. It’s just the kind of sweet person that she loved.
As she watched you run around the field, she felt herself crying. You two had talked about this as she had cried about his financial issues to you. You had calmed her down and told her that you would take care of her. That you two would live in a wonderful house as heroes, that you would take care of her parents, and that money would never be an issue for her again. 
You would make her life perfect, and she would never cry again. As she watched you down there, fighting for her role for 1#, she knew you meant it. She knew that you could do whatever you put your mind to, and a promise was a promise. 
As you hit your opponent to the ground, to where he could barely stand, you looked behind yourself and up at Uraraka. Blowing her a kiss and making the crowd go wild, Midnight announced to the stadium that you won. 
Uraraka found herself mumbling, getting dizzy as her friends around her shook her in happiness. 1-A was estatic, but Uraraka felt her heart jumping out of her body.
As soon as you walked to join your class, Uraraka shoved everyone, even Bakugo, out of the way as she ran to hug you, wrapping her legs around you. As she kissed you, her legs still wrapped around your torso, she began floating in happiness. 
It took Todoroki and Deku to pull you two down before Aizawa used his quirk. You both fell to the ground, laughing as you two held hands. Uraraka knew she couldn’t ever let go. You were the hero that would turn her tragic life into a love story.
As he watched you beat the shit out of your opponent, he couldn’t help but feel warmth in his body. It was the same feeling he got when you hugged or kissed him, or anytime he saw you in your swimsuit. 
Except, this time, he felt happiness swarm his body at the same time. As you skillfully zoomed around your opponent, he watched his dad’s reaction to you. His dad seemed... angry? Good. 
He could only imagine seeing a child better than his own infuriated him, while also seeing how happy that child was. How free your spirit was, and how silly you acted. You could even bring a smile from Aizawa, the zombie human. 
And at the same time, Endeavor had talked to you before. Sure Endeavor had no idea that you were dating him since Todoroki knew it would enrage his dad, but you had come over as a “friend” for a “school project” which really was just some hot making out and Todoroki introducing you to his family and giving you the tour of his mansion. 
Yet, Endeavor had sat down with you, talked to you, even questioned you. He asked about sensitive subjects like why you lived with Present Mic and his family, and not your own. This caused Todoroki and his father to start yelling violently, which ended dinner for sure.
As you finished your opponent with your secret move, the entire crowd erupted into roars of fans as you looked around, almost passing out from over-working yourself. 
Then you saw Endeavor, with that confused look on his face. He looked appalled at how powerful you were, since you didn’t have that much muscles and you were pretty thin thanks to a fast metabolism. How on earth could you even be real? Honestly, Endeavor was impressed, but not as much as angry that his son wasn’t better. It was Todoroki’s fault he wasn’t as powerful as you, right?
As the match ended, you ran to meet your class, Endeavor following close behind, wanting to talk to you. Immediately Todoroki ran up to you, hugging you tightly. “Can I kiss you?” he asked smoothly, sending chills up your spine. “Yea, but your dad is right t-” 
You couldn’t talk anymore as Todoroki kissed your lips passionately, holding you closely. Nothing sexual, but more protectively. 
Sending messages saying that you were his, especially sending that message to his old man who was burning in rage and confusion. As you kissed, you could hear the cameras flashing behind you as Todoroki imagined pictures of you two kissing circulating the News station for weeks, smiling at the thought of his dad being questioned about your relationship. 
You two would be the hottest new couple in town and he would make sure that your relationship got famous.
As Tenya watched, he felt shakes congratulating him from his seat as he watched you. “Dude, good job!” Kirishima smiled, cheering loudly for you. “Why are you congratulating me? All that skill is her own... look at the way she moves. She’s so much more powerful than I thought!” It was true, Tenya had never realized how powerful you were, and it was only going to get better from here. 
He knew you had a secret move, you were just waiting for the right time to use it, near the end so when you used up all your energy, he would be done for!
But as Tenya watched from the sidelines, he found himself getting angry. How dare the competition do this to him, making him watch as you constantly got thrown around like a rag doll, even though you were winning. You were still getting hurt, even injured. 
He knew that recovery girl would have to focus on you very much. Kirishima had broken your ribs, Uraraka had dropped you from a large height, and Deku had punched you right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you and having you crumble to the ground. It pained Iida to see you fight, and he was just grateful that he didn’t have to fight you. Your greatest weapon was the puppy dog eyes, and that would have him surrendering in seconds. 
He wouldn’t be able to hurt you, to hear your groans of pain and to see you cough blood. But you were a fighter, it was just one of the things he loved about you.
That’s when you used your secret move, sending your enemy to the ground. Iida knew it would, he had let you use that same move on him before, except lighter. Your opponent was surely on the verge of death as they wheeled him out on a stretcher to recovery girl. As soon as you exited the arena, thousands of news reporters followed you, taking photos and asking you questions. “Tell us, what’s it like to be the Sports Festival winner? What teacher led you to push yourself? Do you have any other hobbies? Will you model for us? Who’s your greatest inspiration?” 
Instinctively, Iida grabbed you by the waist, growled at the reporters, and kissed you passionately. “I’m so proud of you princess.” he whispered in your ear.
As Kirishima watched you run around the arena, he saw some of your muscles showing through your shirt. You were the hottest, manliest thing in the world, he was about to cry. Most guys would find it threatening or bad that they’re s/o was better than them, but it just made Kirishima cry.
Kirishima was happy for you, especially proud to be your boyfriend as he watched everyone in the stadium stare at you intensively their eyes wide open. “Dude, do you see this! Look at them! And that!” Kirishima hugged his bro back as he looked at Denki, smiling. “Bro, are you crying?” Denki asked as Kirishima nodded happily, not denying it. “Yea bro. I’m just so happy.” Denki started crying too. “It’s okay bro. It’s their big day.” 
As they said that, you finished your opponent with your big move, knocking your opponent out cold. The stadium was quiet for seconds before it erupted into screaming, yelling, cheering, and more. Midnight walked out and raised your hand as you smiled, looking around and finding Kirishima’s friendly face in the mix. 
You smiled at him directly as his heart skipped a beat. After you took a few photos with happy All Might, proud dads Aizawa and Present Mic, and impressed Endeavor even, you walked out to join your class. There stood Kirishima waiting for you patiently, his heart jumping around excitingly as he smiled.
“You did so good baby.” he whispered, walking over and kissing you slowly before turning around and smiling at the cameras with you at his side. You rolled your eyes for your cheesey boyfriend as you kissed his cheek.
The entire class applauded you too as the cameras flashed. You knew that you and Kiri would show up on the cover of some magazine. You were excited to remember this moment forever.
As of his luck, you were his competitor. That’s right, the very person he had kissed and cuddled with and trained with... was right in front of him, about to fight him. “I want to win Katsuki, I need the prize money.” You whispered to him as he began to get upset. He nodded, knowing that you were right. “Walk out of the arena Y/n. I’m not fighting you.” 
You just shook your head, refusing. You were just as stubborn as he was, that was why he loved you so much.
“I told you to go!” He blasted many deadly explosions your way, but he knew you could take it. “Get recovery girl!’‘ Midnight yelled, about to stop Bakugo from killing you. That was, until she saw you standing like nothing had happened. You had dodged every explosion?!?! NO WAY. “K-Katsuki.” You began crying, showing your arm to him. Your arm had 3rd degree burns, the blister bleeding and sizzling. “I-It hurts.” You looked up at him to show your puppy dog eyes as he immediately softened. “Then surrender! Go get help!” He yelled, confused at what you were doing. “No, I’m going to make you watch me in pain. Watch me cry, make it burn. Watch that you hurt me. I thought you loved me Katsuki.”
Immediately the crowd began booing Katsuki as he stared at you, at your hurt arm, feeling instant regret. Instantly he ran out of the center before running back to you. As the buzzer sounded off, you found yourself getting woozy and passing out from the pain. 
You woke up in the room minutes later, an IV injected into your arm. You were still in your bloody uniform, except you had bandages on your burnt arm. 
“You’re awake!” Katsuki rushed to your side, kissing your forehead in relief. “Y-you’re not mad?” You began crying as he just shook his head. “I couldn’t ever be mad after I did this to you. You were right, you do need this prize money. Now you can stay at UA, with me. It’s a win-win for both of us.” He kissed your forehead as he helped you stand. 
“Come on! All the photographers want pics with you I guess. I’m not letting of of your hand so they’ll have to deal with it.”
I spent all night writing this ❤️❤️ If you wouldn’t mind leaving a comment so I know if people are actually enjoying my stuff! 😘😘
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fatummortem · 5 years
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NAME : Damon NICKNAME :   Day FACECLAIM :   I don’t have one, but here have a muse I’m working on, Mikoto. PRONOUNS :   he/him HEIGHT :   5′1 BIRTHDAY : 18 June AESTHETIC :   dark humour LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :   I feel like I’m Drowning until i find my new obsession FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN :  I have tunes of muses I’ve written, Rosie is my long running muse, but Alice (Twin of Batwoman) was the most challenging as she only speaks in Alice in Wonderland quotes. I had to get creative it it was amazing. (tho her chara doesn’t work without a Batwomen.)
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE :  I’m gunna just talk about the two muses I feel rn, bcuz i have a lot.
Rosie was a random chara a friend suggested to me ages ago & I fell in love with her after I read everything, her struggle & attitude is what I fell in love with first. I played her on gaiaonline for 4 years before moving her to tumblr in 2012. She is the one muse I always come back to, no matter how quiet i get or what’s going on.
Daken, well I always loved him, I have a weakness for characters where you have to reread things to get a read on them, their motivations and the like. I didn’t make a blog until after I started talking to a long time partner about him & it took me forever to actually finish it (i am obsessed with research so it took me awhile) 
I have the habit of falling for the darker charas who get pulled to the light or struggle with themselves a great deal. It pulls me in and knocks me over the head. They’re fun imo.
Rose’s Loyalties: She has the habit of switching sides, normally when one of her teammates says something that makes her out to be too reckless & murder-y. But she never betrays anyone from her team or that she cares about while she’s doing it. In all reality she dismantles whatever she joins from the inside out, while keeping the secrets entrusted to her. 
Daken’s Soft Sides: I love the fact that Daken goes to mush around his sisters. Granted his relationship with Laura took years to develop but that boy was a sucker for Gabby the moment they met (now if that could be written I’d be in love with it)
Rosie’s Stuborness: After her mother dies, Rosie is sent to the Titan Tower for protective custody, she didn’t do what people would do in that situation. She got frustrated with the fact they wouldn’t let her fight (tho she was hella young so i suppose that makes sense) so instead she snuck out and beat up gang bangers when she found them harassing women.
Daken’s Extra AF: Most of his melt downs have been dramatic & over the top to the point where he’s gotten a ludicrous amount of heroes chasing him down trying to stop him. it makes me snicker.
Rosie’s sense of Humour: I wish it was shown more in the comics, somehow she convinced Kid Devil to go to bars with her & scare the patrons by suddenly letting his hood down & breathing fire. Not to mention the fact she harasses Wonder Girl Wonder Wench by doing random shit to her (like setting off a rocket launcher when her & supergirl flew at each other for a hug), filming it & posting it on youtube.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING :  I swim in the comic pool I have until I’m absorbed it in, it doesn’t help with a great many muses I have in the past but it helps with some. That & plotting, along with partners FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I love anything. Our muses get close & I’ll be in seventh heaven writting them interact. Otherwise I’m a sucker for character growth, struggle & angst. There isn’t a specific type for any of them or how much there has to be. Sometimes it can just be an undertone. BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : I suppose with Rosie it’s ignoring the newer continuity? N52 & Rebirth pisses me off? All of her development is removed & her powers got watered down to the point she’s a fake Pre-cog that only has a fast mind that predicts possible things from her surrounding. & is crap at saving her life. Daken, well all the writers have their thumbs up their asses & don’t pay attention to what other writers are doing with him.
TAGGED BY: Stolen from: @theredwonder TAGGING : anyone who wants to steal
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nomunun · 6 years
can you rec kirubaku fics?? ily btw
of course!! i’ll just make a lil list with my all time favs (•̀ᴗ•́)و
One Step Closer by @tusslee​ (Rated M)
“Hope flickers pitifully beside the fire of determination inside of him. Whatever it takes, he decides, he’ll prove them all wrong.
Injured in a car accident, Bakugou Katsuki has to learn a new way of life as he slowly, but surely recovers with the (unwanted) help from his physical therapist, Kirishima Eijirou.”
-(i think it’s save to say that this one is definitely in my top 3. i cried so much while reading it so you better buckle up for a wild, emotional ride)
the rest is under the cut (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
2 A.M by cityboys (Rated T)
“Caught between cities, phone calls and shifts he didn’t sign up for, Katsuki finds that he doesn’t travel light as well as he thought.“
heart stains on the carpet by cityboys (Rated T)
“"She’s saying we’re dating,“ Katsuki says, trying to put as much disgust into the word as possible. “Me. Willingly being around your freeloading ass—”“Ah.” Katsuki is definitely developing a special kind of intuition for when Kirishima’s about to dish out bullshit—because he feels it now, watching the guy do that thing where he shrugs and smiles in an attempt to appear innocent. “Katsuki’s a little shy about this sort of thing, you know, and we weren’t going to say anything.“For effect, he ends with an apologetic smile.
Summer that year brings Kirishima Eijirou to Katsuki’s front door.“
-(fake/pretend relationship babyyyyy!)
ghosts beneath ink wash stars by cityboys (Rated T)
“Eijirou’s evolution from Bakugou’s delivery boy to kind of, possibly, someone to come home to.“
-(everything from cityboys is so beautifully written so they all share a spot in my top 3)
the fool’s rush by @chonideno​ (Rated T)
“Settling down with each other is naturally what comes after being dorm neighbors for years. It’s time to navigate through adulthood together, to live the daily grind of being pro-heroes, to learn more than they thought they’d like to know about each other, about themselves.
Or how Bakugou and Kirishima find a way to call each other “home” and struggle with the realization that once all their bills are on auto-pay, the only thing they still have to deal with is this pit full of feelings they have ignored for too long.”
-(this one hits really close to home and i love it a lot!)
cotton candy hands by @chonideno​ (Rated T)
“Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it’d be stupid to say no.
A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it’s definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they’re totally best friends bro“
-(after a while you’ll just start yelling at the screen for them to just kiss already lmao)
but i’ve got an angry heart by @newamsterdame​ (Rated T)
“He’s about to open his door to go to the shared bathroom on this floor when he notices the scrap of paper that’s been pushed under his door. It’s a salmon-colored flashcard, the type that’s sold in 500-packs with multiple colors. Bakugou stoops to retrieve it, frowning at the message he finds written on it.
Hey neighbor, welcome to the house! I heard you knocking things around, yesterday, and I think you maybe punched a wall? Anyway, the landlady gets pissy if you put holes in the wall, but I have a punching bag! You can come over and use it, or I can move it into the hall, if you want!
There’s only one other bedroom on the fourth floor. Now, Bakugou crosses the hall to the bedroom on the right side, slamming the post-it note against the door.
Fuck off and die, it reads.
Bakugou Katsuki is not going to jeopardize his future a second time, and that means staying away from anyone who gets too close. Kirishima Eijirou has never learned how not to be close to someone. Of course, they end up as next-door neighbors.”
-(one of a view fics i re-read a couple times bcuz it’s just that good!)
quote love unquote by @newamsterdame​ (Rated T)
“Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.“
Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou’s band hits the big time, he’s not prepared for his newfound fame. He’s even less prepared to meet the actor he’s been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he’s in over his head. But it’s hard to stop, once his heart is in it.“
-(still ongoing but trust me it’s worth it! that fake/pretend celebrity au we all need)
Perihelion by @tauontauoff​ (Rated T)
“Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don’t always go according to plan.”
Six Page Spread by @indigonow (Rated E - there’s no smut yet though)
“They’re 22 and Bakugou’s finally gotten control over his public image. Think more…"bad boy” and less “explosive asshole”.
Kirishima is weak (though he always has been).
Bakugou is never going to be a “nice guy”, but he’s managed to stop people from thinking he’s a villain. This is my take on the trials and tribulations of (Kirishima) being in love with said not-nice-guy in a world where heroes are always in the public eye and nothing’s ever simple.”
-(also ongoing but oh boy its worth the wait)
Indisputable by @indigonow​ (Rated M)
“He strains, he yearns for praise, for compliments, for recognition. All he wants is the positive attention, and he blooms under it like a flower turned to face the sun. With encouragement he is the best, and without it he’ll push himself without regard for anything around him until he’s there again at the forefront of people’s minds. He’ll force them to acknowledge him if he has to, because he can’t live without it.
Bakugou has struggled all his life to be number one, and he’s cracking to pieces every moment that he isn’t.“
-(ongoing. also a personal fav bcuz so far it’s the only one where mitsuki isn’t portrayed as a Good Mom™ but rather it addresses her abusive behaviour towards bakugou and i appreciate it a lot)
No Decision by @clairesail​ (Rated E)
“Kirishima Eijirou’s a newly contracted fighter for Japan’s major Mixed Martial Arts promotion and Bakugou Katsuki’s its volatile middleweight champion. But when the two men meet in a chance encounter and discover Kirishima can’t be knocked out by the champ’s famous elite strikes, it sparks a rivalry and fascination between them that can’t be settled in the cage.“
-(that’s the fic that originally got me into MMA)
The Lost Continent by cattchi and paglykos (Rated E)
“Kirishima Eijirou is from a noble family of pirate exterminators.Bakugou Katsuki is rising as one of the most fearsome pirates on the seas.
When a trade goes awry, Kirishima finds himself cast among Bakugou’s crew, having to learn the ropes and the sea as they chase after All Might’s infamous hidden treasure.”
-(still ongoing pirate au!!! also fair warning: this fic has a lot of smut. it’s all skippable without missing anything of the main plot tho so even if you dont like smut i highly recommend it bcuz the story itself is amazing!!)
like the first day of summer vacation by @hellsuga​ (Rated T)
“Bakugou prepared for this. He prepared for flipped canoes and snotty children, skinned knees and spiders in cabins. He prepared for a summer of complete and utter bullshit.
Bakugou did not prepare for Kirishima Eijirou.”
-(summer camp au, still ongoing)
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butchtaurus · 8 years
here’s some god damn word vomit abt mon el so scroll on by if you love him a lot and don’t like listening to what people say !!!!
do caramelers actually listen and learn anything from what people say about the relationship and mon el himself? like do they think about the factors that people point out?
like i’ve never heard anyone try say something was innately bad about karolsen or supercorp as a ship? neither relationship have had full out yelling arguments really? they both have had disagreements but neither led to one calling the other “full of themselves” or “selfish” or whatever other ridiculous thing, because there’s respect on both sides.
i don’t know any argument on the side of KO vs KM. other than james playing with lucy and kara. which i get it, weird love triangle thing. and i’ve read people say stuff like “well lena’s xenophobic cuz the alien detection device” to which i will say yeah sure i can see that. totally valid reasoning. and idk if she scraped it behind the scenes or she still has it? but she’s proven a few times now that she doesn’t hate aliens. she’s saved them and supergirl multiple times.
fact is mon el is a fixer upper and i did not start this show to watch Kara cater to and babysit him. she’s the hero of the god damn show and i don’t want to see a relationship that tears her down like this. it’s kinda sad honestly. and the fact that people have pointed out the abuse signs and people just say “whoa yall just throwing that word around!!!!!” like come on?! people who have been thru abuse are telling you that there are signs of abuse here? you can’t just deny people who have been thru that shit, tellin them they’re seeing things what the fuck. how dismissive.
i am all about shipping what you want to ship. but can’t anyone listen to critiques, absorb them, acknowledge them? i’m not saying you need to stop shipping them. (idk how ppl can but you do you.) So many people have created long posts, longer than mine, about all the things they find bad about the relationship and mon el himself. It’s so tiring seeing people continue to defend. (it’s probably tiring having to defend too but yaknow)
Like the only thing karolsen and supercorp shippers have to defend against is people being racist or homophobic against either ship OR people just not liking it and comin after them? i only see other shippers come after a SCer if they call out stuff in the other ship? boohoo someone thinks your ship is shit! you either look at what they are saying and stop taking it like they are attacking YOU or you continue to ignore everything. it’s really not hard. i’ve never taken offence to someone hating my ship or calling something out in the ship i like???? no ones tryna say “FUCK YOU AND YOUR FUCKING TOXIC ASS SHIP”, at least i don’t think so can’t speak for everyone, people are pointing out problematic things in a relationship. and you can say “it’s fiction it’s not real” all you want but people relate things to real life and take things from shows into their real lives. people heard “on daxam it was easier when i could objectify women and not have any feelings” people heard a white man complain that a strong woman was too hard for him to handle. people heard a white man complain that having feelings was hard. people heard a white man say it was easier when he didn’t need to care about women. people heard him complain and Winn didn’t say jack shit to him. and even if Winn did say anything, Winn would be the only one he listened to bcuz a mans opinion ranks higher than Kara’s to him, honestly. which is backed up by every single time Mon El has not listened to Kara. and by the time Winn had to tell him what to do in his relationship and he listened to him, but NOT KARA?! i’m so frustrated jesus christ. i think that’s all the ranting i need to do for myself as of now? idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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