#and now shes laying on the pillow next to me like a human person. her head propped up on it and paws on me
stabyou · 5 months
the best part about owning a well behaved elderly cat is she is more akin to having a chill, loving roommate that just so happens to be fuzzy and black bear shaped
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navaldiver · 11 months
The Life of a Successful Fan
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TW: Sexual Slavery, Piss drinking, Slight Scat, Slight Feet worship, Femdom.
A/N: OMG life took a real toll on me and my mental health was in the dumpster for quite a while. Finally got back to writing and got this out for you guys. I'm so sorry that I've been MIA as of late, but will try to post more.
Barely edited, and proceed with caution!! Read the tags before reading!!
It's six a.m. and the alarm on your phone rang. You stirred from the cot on your floor, rubbing your eyes and silently stretching until you hit a state of nirvana from that one particular pulled muscle. You were never a morning person, but for Chaewon, well you will be whatever she asks from you. And one of Chaewon's first requests after you decided to devote your life to her was to be her human alarm clock. Finally awake enough, you climbed out of the mattress and headed toward your master's room. 
Opening the ornate wooden door, you were met with a sight that you could never get tired of despite seeing it every day. Kim Chaewon in all her naked glory, lay sprawled on the bed, the contour of her ass could be visibly seen even under the thick sheets. You gulped, knowing full well your Master's needs come first before your own. You are her slave after all. With another firm gulp, you suppressed your urges and crawled your way underneath the sheets to wake up your Master the only way you were supposed to. 
"Good morning Master." You whispered, as you stroke the soft yet firm skin of her ass with your fingers, gently pulling the cheeks apart as you snuggle up against the tender skin right by the rectum, already fluttering in excitement as to what comes next. It is tempting to swipe your tongue against it, but you know better than to do something you are not supposed to. And besides, there'll be ample time for that later. You shift your face that much closer, pressing your own cheeks against her cheeks like you're in love with her ass. Which you probably are to be honest. 
And just the way you knew she would, Chaewon shifted a little, pressing her ass into your face slightly as she reached over to pet your hair. You reciprocated as you shifted that infinitesimal distance closer to her ass in your own display of affection. With a murmur and a tug to your hair, she lets you know that it is time to move on to the next part of your morning routine. You retreat back under the covers, allowing her room to flip onto her back and spread her legs, propping her feet on either side of the bed and giving you a clear view of her pussy in front of you. You used to muse at the fact that the Kim Chaewon's pussy was so accessible to you, yet so desired and mysterious to those so desperate for her. But now, her glorious folds stared back at you, giving you a verbal command that it demands tribute. You heed its call as you wriggled on your belly, hands placed on the outside of her thighs and you pressed your mouth to her pussy, meticulously forming a seal with your lips as you flatten your tongue. You waited patiently for your first drink of the day, as Chaewon played with your hair, twirling and plucking at it as she waited for her own body to respond to her mental order. 
With a strong hand, Chaewon grabs a fistful of your hair and lets out a sigh of relief and starts pissing, straight into your mouth. The flow is intense but the taste is familiar and nostalgic as you gulp it down without missing a beat. It did take you a while to reach this level of sucking down Chaewon's piss. Initially, you struggled to even cope with the taste of her piss but after a few stern beatings, you gargled down her piss like a pro.  
As the stream finally stopped, you detached your mouth and licked your lips, before struggling out from under the covers and sinking onto the floor, greeting your master on your knees.
"Good morning Master."
"Good morning slave." Chaewon sat upright on the bed as you propped up a pillow for her. As a small reward, she leaned over and gave you some of her morning spit. You gratefully opened your mouth and accepted the gift, which earned a chuckle from your master. Chaewon giggled at the thought that now your belly is mixed with her urine and now her spit. She yawned and stretched, before she finally got off the bed and headed off to the bathroom. You followed behind her, on your hands and knees. 
Chaewon picked up the toothbrush you had already prepared for her, while you peppered kisses all over her feet. She loves it, the feeling of being adored and pampered to the most extreme, and you love showering your master with all the devotion and attention you can spare. From the corner of your eye, you could see Chaewon was done brushing her teeth. You quickly crawled over to the next station of the morning, the toilet bowl. You see, when you signed that contract to be Chaewon's personal 'assistant', it included that you take care of anything that would bother her. And this includes her personal business. 
"You better clean me up good, I have a long schedule ahead of me today and I don't want my ass to bother me." Chaewon growled as she sat on the toilet backwards, her ass facing you as you kneel in front of it. You nuzzle into her ass cheek and press a kiss to it, your own way of acknowledging what was to come.  
A cute grunt and a whoosh of gas later, you see her asshole start to dilate and you start kneading the flesh around her ass, acting as some encouragement as she strains against the cistern. Soon, you could see a greasy brown log appearing from her asshole. You shifted your hands from her ass to her inner thighs, palming and massaging the flesh as you patiently waited for Chaewon. 
"Mmmm, such a good slave for me." Chaewon mutters as your massage was hitting the right spots, as the log stuck in her ass finally breaks off and falls into the toilet. Chaewon makes more soft, guttural noises as she pushes more logs out, as you stay kneeling in front of her ass, massaging her until she's done. She leans forward a little more, her asshole gaping and inviting you toward the next step of your morning routine. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, pressing your tongue and dragging it all over her brown-smudged asshole. The taste is as bad as one could imagine, but you obviously weren't doing it for the taste. You were doing it because of Chaewon, because this is what she needs and what she demands. So, you carefully and diligently lap her clean, listening to her praises and swelling with pride. Your favourite compliment was that you were the 'best toilet paper' she's ever used. You chuckled a little at that one, as she got off the toilet bowl and headed back into the room. 
"Come slave, help me get dressed." Chaewon pulled out a long-sleeved crop top, a miniskirt and a pair of thigh-high leather boots from her dresser and tossed them at your face as she sat down back on the bed. You mused for a moment at the colour choice. It was all pink, her favourite colour. You slid the miniskirt onto Chaewon, tightening it at the hips, before helping her tie her boots as she wore the top herself.
"I have to go now. But as a reward for your good performance today, you get to kiss my boots." She said as she pressed the soles of her boots against your face. You happily lapped up at the soles like the dog you are, before she finally kicks your face away and heads out. 
"I'll be back after midnight slave, use this to keep yourself entertained while I'm gone." Chaewon threw a used sock at your feet as she slammed the door behind her. You heard the familiar beep of the electronic door lock, meaning that she has already left the house. You stared at the sock in front of you, picking it up like it was your most prized possession.
"Thank you Master." You bowed even if Chaewon had been long gone. You heard your phone ring in your room. You rushed over to see if Chaewon had left something behind, but it was just that your brother had called you once again for the umpteenth time. You immediately cancelled it, and looked at the sock lovingly in your arms. This is your new life now, and you are loving every moment of it.
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blades-bundle · 1 year
How they are in the mornings
ft: Kafka, Blade, March 7th, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Seele, Bronya
- You'd think she's a morning person, considering her job and how she has to be awake a lot. - No. She hates mornings. - She's a HUGE cuddle bug, though. - Kafka will be holding you tight and trying to drag out the morning as long as she can. - She'd much rather spend the mornings in bed with you than heading out on another adventure because of Elios Script. - She also has either herself, Blade, or Silver Wolf make you both coffee when she's finally done holding you hostage pffft. - "Mmh... Good morning, baby..." - Her voice is soft and sweet, but also partially gravelly.
- He's very cuddly. Like. Look at that man and tell me that despite his personality he isn't a cuddle bug. - He is touch starved asf. (Maybe I'm projecting, who knows?) - Blade is the typa guy to actually be really affectionate when tired, even if he isn't typically. - When he's tired, he isn't worrying about what he's supposed to say or do. - He just.. does. - "Quit squirming... it's too early for this... Let me hold you closer..." - He definitely has a very hot morning voice. - Yeah, he knows it too.
March 7th
- She is very 50/50. - Either she's up at the sunrise, waking you up to make you both hot cocoa and watch it. - Or she's dead asleep with you well past noon. - It really depends on how tiring the trailblaze mission was. - She's cuddly when she's falling asleep, but this girl moves a shit ton when she's actually asleep. - Like. A lot. - Expect to be kicked lmfao. - She'll apologise a lot afterwards tho aksjgfkjdsg - "I'm so sorry! Here, let's cuddle and watch a movie to make up for it, mk?"
Dan Heng
- He sleeps like a fucking rock. - On his back, arms either by his sides or across his chest. - Well, unless you're laying on his chest. - Then his arms are around your waist. - ..Or well, unless he's having a nightmare. - He doesn't get them very often, but they're always awful. - Memories of his past always coming back to haunt him. - It's a big relief for him to wake up with you right next to him, trying to help. - It almost completely calms him immediately. - "It's.. okay, dear. I feel much better now that you're here..."
Jing Yuan
- He is a human teddy bear, and no I do not take criticism. - He's so warm and big and just grgrgrgr - His arms are so inviting and he's so gentle with you. - Jing Yuan is the type to run his fingers through your hair to help you sleep while humming some random tune. - He wakes up early in the mornings but always waits til you're awake to move. - Then he makes you both coffee and breakfast. - God his morning voice is so gravelly and deep. - He doesn't even seem to notice the difference unless you point it out. - "Mmh.. My voice? Well I suppose it is slightly lower, haha.."
- Smug bastard smh /affec - This fucker is the type to hold you super close on purpose. - He knows what you are. - Luocha makes the best tea in the mornings. - Gives you just the right amount of energy while both tasting good and helping you feel good. - His words, not mine. - He's quite gentle with you, however. - A hand running through your hair as he lays on his back, you spooning his side. - "Such a sweet thing.. Good morning, my dove..."
- She's a light sleeper, that's for sure. - A habit she's picked up from working with Wildfire. - That doesn't mean she doesn't know how to relax... - It just means she can't sleep well if you move in your sleep. - Not that she would say such to you, of course. - If she wakes up, she just watches you sleep before slipping off herself once more. - Seele finds it endearing, seeing you snuggle into a pillow and mumble under your breath. - She heard you say her name once in your sleep, and she wasn't able to look you in the eye for a bit. - She's just embarrassed pffft. - "Mmh.. Finally awake, sleepy head?"
- Miss Ma'am. Why do you have a perfect sleep schedule? - She wakes up and goes to bed at the same time every single day. - She always either makes breakfast for you both or has one of the workers at her estate do so. - Bronya will wake you up gently to have breakfast together and dance to the record player in the living room. - I see her as a hopeless romantic almost. (Maybe I'm projecting idc.) - She's got a soft and light morning voice, but it's still somewhat stern. - Mom friend alert pffft. - "Good morning, dear. Time to get up.. I made breakfast."
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live-laugh-lenney · 6 months
Omg i love your writing sm!!!
Also the thought of using George as a human weighted blanket is all I can think about
thank youuuu! <33 so so so thankful for you guys sending in stuff to me.
it's just another form of intimacy.
when he sees his girl all cosied up in his bed, completely swallowed up by his duvet that she's tucked around herself, with only her head visible and resting on the pillow. completely fresh-faced, clean from her shower, damp hair pulled back into a messy bun that had strands falling across her face and down her shoulders. tired and wanting him to join her so she could get comfortable and fall asleep with him next to her.
and he can't help himself, really.
he finds it quite amusing how she huffs out the air from her lungs as he clambers on top of her, slowly lowering himself down until he has his entire body laying upon her, her arms coming from beneath the duvet so she could wrap them around his shoulders.
"why do you do this to me?"
"i just want to be close to you," he mumbles into the duvet before he lifts his head up to look at her, fringe fluffed from the cotton material he had just laid his head upon, "don't tell me you hate it. you would've pushed me off by now."
"i'm not complaining," she grins tiredly, "like my own personal teddy to cuddle with at night."
"i was thinking more a blanket but i'll take being a teddy," he admits and presses his lips to her forehead in a lingering kiss, "not that tired right now, wanna-"
"no," she grumbles and he frowns, "what?"
"i was going to ask if you wanted to watch a film, what did you think i was going to say?"
"i thought you were trying to initiate something else," she rolls her eyes and he lets out a breathy laugh, "not like you to not want sex, georgey-boy."
"what can i say? full of surprises, me." xx
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Can you write one where it’s Dabi x villian reader and she gets fatally injured while they’re on a mission and Dabi tries help her but there’s nothing he can do. I need it to be really angsty.
Right Person, Not Enough Time {Dabi}
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A/n: okay I love myself a good angst, especially when it is about Dabi, Dazai or Mammon from Obey Me so I will try to make this as angsty as possible
Pairing: Dabi x fem!villain!reader
Trigger warning: character death, mentions of fires, scars, mentions of slight self hatred
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If Dabi knew that the mission was going to be so difficult he would have kept you slightly closer to him. It wasn't like he didn't trust you, or that he thought you couldn't defend yourself. He knew that you were powerful. He had witnessed is countless upon countless of times. Your quirk was one of the most powerful quirks he had ever witnessed and he had witnessed a lot. And it wasn't just your quirk, the way you fought was mesmerising.
But he couldn't help but... worry whenever you were on missions and he would have very much prefered it if he went to your place. There wasn't really a way in which he could explain it. The two of you weren't exactly together. There were a few casual one night stands here and there and you would both flirt with each other more often than 'just friends' do.
Despite that, you weren't together. He didn't know how you felt about him -hell he didn't even know how he felt himself; did he like you romantically or was it because of the fact that you weren't disgusted by his appearance?
He hadn't made any efforts to confess to you either. It wasn't out of fear of rejection, that was for sure. He had lived his life in such a way where he didn't feel anything. He had never come to terms with his feelings in general so when you appeared all of a sudden like that? No, he didn't want to even try and think about his growing feelings towards you.
Whether his feelings were clear or not, there was one thing he knew for certainty: he wanted to protect you. And if, after his plan was finished, there was a future for him then he wanted you to be in it.
So when he couldn't spot you in the middle of the fight with some pro heroes, he began going a little crazy.
"Where is she?" The collar of Shigaraki's jacket almost turned into ashes.
"What are you talking about?" Shigaraki continued looking at the fight from the roof of one of the nearby buildings, his calm demeanour almost eery.
And then there you were. He had a clear view of you from the roof of the building. Despite your abilities you were overpowered with three of the strongest pro heroes having surrounded you.
Dabi would have jumped if it wasn't a five stories building but for obvious reasons he couldn't so he ran down the external staircase as fast as he could. And if his legs didn't get him to you on time, he would chop them off with no second thoughts.
But when he reached the end of the staircase, not only had the pro heroes left but you were laying on the ground. You. His... love. The only person who saw him as a human being. One of the kindest people he knew. The person who had the most gentle hands and the softest skin his rough and scarred hands had ever touched. You were laying on the cold hard ground and not in the softest bed there was, surrounded by pillows and the warmest blankets.
"Oh... oh no, no, no." He only allowed himself to kneel next to you after having created a fire ring around you.
"There's blood all over you." He had never heard himself sound so... worried. His hands were shaking as he slowly wrapped them around your body as gently as you had touched him, lifting you up to place you on his lap. "It's not your blood right?" He swallowed so hard you actually heard it. "Stop breathing so heavily, it pisses me off doll. Oh fuck where is this blood coming from."
"Me..." You groaned, shifting slightly in his arms.
"Well.... stop bleeding then I am here now as-"
"As what?"
Oh he knew what you were doing. You were playing a very dangerous game. A very very dangerous game.
"It doesn't matter, I'm not leaving until we fix this-"
"There's nothing to fix, love."
"There is. There is so much we have to fix, starting with that blood." He couldn't look you in the eyes. He was so focused on trying to figure out where your injury was. But he couldn't because there was just so much blood and the fact that he was crying bloody tears didn't help either.
"Fucking hell. I can't fix this if you don't tell me where-"
"Dabi?" Toga's voice never reached him.
"Just fucking talk to me, I can't fix this if you-"
"Were you thinking of me?"
That was such a strange question. He found your words so... not right. Why did it matter? It was not like you were going to die. And not once had you asked him something like this.
"Of course I was... hell... yes I was." He stuttered, taken aback. But then the words left his mouth so naturally as if he had been holding them back ever since he first laid his eyes upon you; which was actually the case. "I was thinking about you the whole time. Every. Single. Second."
"Good." You whispered.
"I mean of course I was. I would be crazy not to think about you. I would be crazy without you, don't be silly doll." He chuckled.
"Twice...?" Toga turned to look at the man and if Dabi had turned to look at her then he would have seen that she was crying as well. And so was Twice.
"And if you were to leave me I'd drive myself crazy." He continued. "But why are you asking that." He finally looked at your face with blood coming out of his burnt tear ducts. "Come on." He shook your body slightly. "Answer me, come on."
"Twice..." Toga's voice broke as she turned towards the older man.
"Let him be... may she rest in peace."
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
Hey Pinnie! I was rereading some of your older posts about your vertically challanged creations(i.e. the imps, red, and Fassy boi)and it got me thinking about sharing a bed with them. So I know that when I was younger I was a very restless sleeper tossing and turning all the time. I’m a lot better now but I still move about here and there.
So it got me thinking about how they would react if I rolled on them in my sleep
(I did ask this before but I think the throat gods swallowed it up?)
Fasma is just simply splatting beneath you. He has no reflexes when he's sleepy, you're going to flatten him and he's going to spend the next half hour seeping off your sides like a puddle. If it happens too many times, he's sleeping on the pillow like a domestic animal.
Listen. If you roll on top of Nena, you're likely to wake up to muffled moaning. She's getting her bones crushed by your full weight and it's like getting smothered by your chest, this imp is kind of shamefully getting off until you move.
Lacai likewise gets a kick from being mildly crushed, but he's less considerate and definitely starts groping and spanking around until you roll off or wake up all pissy.
Flints will flip slightly. You're about the only person he allows to touch him so frequently, rolling on top of this imp will have him mildly panicked and possibly forcefully shoving you off. You're lucky he didn't swing at your throat. He'll apologize and explain afterwards.
Jayde is more sorry for you than anything, you're going to get mildly stabbed by his horns and wake up, definitely. If not, he'll resort to pinching you awake before you get one of them in your eye and he has to take a trip to an emergency room in the middle of the night.
Roch is the smallest imp here, and he'd be at risk of cracking things if he didn't already sleep in spares of his work outfit, which protects him from impacts and some compressions. That being said, you're still effectively suffocating him. And boy, what a time for a boner... He might genuinely orgasm.
Rieba is trying to pry you off her without waking you up. When that doesn't work, she resorts to more drastic measures, because if there's an imp that really needs their sleep, it's her. You might get bit.
Eleri is likely whining and poking you everywhere. It's not the first time they've been slept on, especially by Vorticia's girls, who cling to anything warm when they're sleepy. You're flicked and rolled off them more easily than the other imps. They're not even that bothered honestly, a human's weight is nothing compared to the crushing form of a demonlord's child.
Rei barely notices it. No really, he doesn't immediately wake up from your weight on his, it's more likely a noise of yours next to his eardrum will do it. This imp is ripped enough to easily lay you back on your side and simply fall back asleep.
Primin is going to scream. Get off her, you big baby! What are you doing, trying to kill her?! The only way to resolve this is to make sure you sleep at her feet, obviously.
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gigglymarvel · 7 months
Tickly Witch vs Stubborn Widow
We’re back! Life took over so we’re so sorry for kinda abandoning this blog. But we’re back with all the fluff, enjoy this fic of Wanda bringing out Yelena’s softness. 💕
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Natasha had asked Wanda to look out for her sister while she was away on a mission. The witch had no issues making sure she ate as everyone including the blonde widow loved her cooking, but when it came to emotional comfort….Yelena was often closed off.
Yelena was drained, she had agreed to train up Kate on her basic sparring skills whilst trying her best to look out for her big sister despite Natasha insisting that she was fine. A lot of changes had happened recently so she wanted to recharge, and she only knew how to do that by shutting herself in her room.
Wanda could sense the weight of her thoughts, trying not to intrude on specifics, she knocked, “Lena?”
The blonde Widow’s eyes opened the second she heard the first knock, thinking it was her big sister. “You’re back early…”
“Hey, I'm sorry, it's Wanda not Nat,” her eyes sympathetic, a soft smile on her lips.
“Wanda?” She murmured out, genuinely confused yet not moving from her position on the bed, laying down on it with her head stuffed in the pillows.
“Yes…it's me. I, uh, snuck up some cookies if you'd like? Or maybe we can just hang out?” She tried,wanting to care for the younger of the widow sisters but unsure. She and Nat had developed a camaraderie, and she and Yelena had even exchanged jokes, but she knew the blonde had yet to be truly open with anyone in the compound besides her sister.
She just shrugged. “No one is stopping you from joining me, but I am pretty burnt out right now so I may be no good for fun.” Yelena admitted, basically giving Wanda a chance to back out if she wanted to.
“I'm happy to just exist next to you,” she said, a little cheerful that Yelena would let her, as she opened the door and sat next to the blonde.
“Uh.. okay.” Yelena replied quietly, admittedly a little confused as to why Wanda wanted to spend time with her, since they don’t really hang out on a one to one basis.
“Nat did ask me to check in with you while she was away, but honestly…I've wanted to get to know you better as a whole. You appreciate my Sokovian dishes like no one besides Natasha. And you're funny, kind, and strong, but…I want to help you have more than one person you can feel safe with?” Wanda tried.
“You are a good cook.” Yelena told her. “However I do not have the energy to be entertaining enough or to even be a decent human.” She replied truthfully
“You are tired, I can massage you?” She offered gently, making Yelena briefly turn her head to look up at Wanda. “You… want to what?”
The redheaded witch bit her lip, “Massage you? I'm sorry if it was a weird suggestion…you just seem tense and…”
“I am a tense person, what can I say?” She replied quietly. “I am not used to the feeling of relaxation.”
“So…may I massage you?” Wanda asked quietly. Yelena just shrugged. “I guess.”
The witch gently sat behind Yelena, beginning by kneading her shoulders. The spy was clearly hesitant to relax, and was a little more tense when Wanda touched her, but there was something about her touch which allowed her to maybe relax a little into the sensation.
“I'm adding a little magic, is that okay?” The witch asked softly. Yelena couldn’t help but bite her lip, a little hesitant about what it was going to feel like, but nodded anyway.
She used the magic to gently heat her hands, adding a little pulsing which gently loosened the knots, “Is this still okay?”
Yelena couldn’t help but embrace the feeling a little, not expecting it to feel the way it did, she felt her knots releasing as she brought her arms up to rest her head on them.
Wanda smiled fondly, “I can feel the knots releasing,” and then massaged down, pulsing into her ribs now, but the magic ever so gently vibrated them.
Yelena couldn’t help but flinch, tensing a little again but tried to continue the conversation. “As can I…” she replied quietly.
“Oh sorry did that hurt? I saw you flinch,” Wanda checked in, afraid she'd hurt Yelena with her magic. The blonde wasn’t sure on how to respond, she was usually a direct person but she wasn’t completely sure on whether she could be open with her yet, so she just shook her head silently.
The witch nodded, working her way down, and kneaded into her back now, vibrating the gently heated magic into her lower back, but the magic was dancing through the widow too.
Yelena couldn’t help but kick a little, trying to keep her upper body still so she could try and maintain her toughness.
Wanda had no idea the way the gentle magic was exiting Yelena's body, now pulsing down through the back of her hips and kneading her thumbs there, “Nothing too painful? Your knots are going, just trying to get your lower back softened.”
She nodded, scrunching her face up and being thankful Wanda couldn’t see, she sucked in a breath and tried everything she could to remain stubborn. “You’re good-“
“Are you sure? I know you're strong Yelena, but if I'm hurting you, I promise I won't be offended or think less of you if you tell me?” The redhead said gently, softening the magic more so it was now like feathers dancing on her insides.
Yelena shook her head, biting back giggles now as she tried to maintain herself, it was absolute torture to do so.
“Oh sweetie you're so tense, are you sure I'm not hurting you?” Wanda said with the most sincere concern as she lightened the magic even more and kneaded her thumbs between her hips and spine, but gently.
“I’m sure, and I’m not a sweetie!” She replied, wiggling around a little now as she arched her back ever so slightly.
Wanda tilted her head, taking the tiniest peak into Yelena's thoughts, she softened a little, and tried to let Yelena play tough, but made the magic that started as a massage, pulse through so it would gently shake her ribs and swirl her tummy, from belly button out, “Okay, if you're sure little widow.” The witch cooed softly.
Yelena blushed at the nickname, letting out a tiny yelp when she felt her bellybutton being fluttered, she tried to push herself into the bed to squish the feeling but to no avail.
“Oh I see,” Wanda smiled, and leaned in, “Is someone….” The witch whispered mischievously, “Ticklish?” And then sent a flurry of gentle magic to poke and explore and swirl Yelena's ticklish spots.
The stubborn spy gasped at the word, now kicking out as she shook her head. “Nope, not at all…” she replied quickly before holding her breath.
“Then why are you holding your breath, giggle bug?” Wanda cooed and spidered into her sides now as two red wiggly woos circled under her armpits, warm gentle magic swirled her belly button, wiggly woos danced on her ribs, and two fluttering woos weaved between her toes.
“Because it was sore?” Yelena tried, slamming her arms against her sides whilst slapping at her hands as she smiled into the pillow discreetly.
“Why are you slapping my hands like you're ticklish?” Wanda cooed knowingly, shaking her fingers into the lower backs of her ribs gently, “Goochiegoochiegoochie goo?”
“Again, because it hurt?” She tried again, still trying to do something to stop her magic as she now grinned into the pillow.
Wanda paused then, “I hurt you?” She asked, making Yelena pause too, unsure about how to go about things now.
The redhead then just sat on Yelena's back, deciding to give Yelena back scritches and tickles. “Maybe this instead?”
“Oh… I guess.” Yelena replied awkwardly, the feeling a little cold to her since she wasn’t completely comfortable around Wanda yet.
The mood change was clear, so Wanda tried the massage magic again, “Maybe I just need to work out these knots more hm?” She pulsed the back of her ribs with the warm magic.
Yelena gasped. “You never hurt me.” She told Wanda quickly, as normally as she could.
“Then what was that gasp?” The redhead smiled fondly and pressed into the backs of her hips, letting her magic gently course through the blonde.
“You simply surprised me…” Yelena told her, biting back another gasp as she scrunched her face up.
“Mhm,” Wanda chuckled and kneaded gently down Yelena's sides and toward her hips, causing the blonde to bite her lip as she arched away from her whilst reaching back and pushing at Wanda's hands.
The witch arched her eyebrow, “Hm? Why push me away? Hurting you….or am I tickling the big bad widow?” She cooed, her voice gentle.
“Nono, not at all…” Yelena replied quietly, a small blush on her face.
“Seems to me I'm tickling you pink,” Wanda whispered and snuck her fingers into the blondes armpits, making her let out a tiny squeal and slam her arms against her sides, shaking her head in protest.
“Awww cmon Yelena, just…let go,” she sent magic into the younger widow's armpits, smirking as Yelena finally let out a few giggles, the fingers and the magic under her arms at the same time broke her.
“Goochiegoochiegoochie goo there's a giggly wittle widow?” She smiled and spidered Yelena's armpits, magic gently pulsing out of them too.
“This isn’t fair!” Yelena protested, kicking her legs out as giggles kept spilling out
Wanda gasped playfully, “It's noooot? Then how about thiiiis?” And sent her magic dancing along Yelena's ribs, thighs, feet and through her belly, “Bougiebougiebougieboo!”
Yelena shook her head, rolling over to grab her hands as her giggles escaped more freely now. “It is nohohohot!”
The redheaded witch used her magic to pin Yelena's hands to the sides, blowing her shirt up just enough to peek her tummy out, and leaned down, “PFFFFT!” And raspberried the widow’s tummy.
“OHOHOHOH FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOHU!” Yelena laughed, pulling at her arms as she just thrashed her legs about, sucking her belly in at the same time.
Wanda grinned, letting her go, and then cuddling into her, laying gently on top of her with and “Umph.”
She pouted a little, but was thankful to take in deep breaths, unsure about whether to hug Wanda back as she wasn’t sure about affection still with anyone but her big sister.
“You can hug me back,” she smiled and spidered Yelena's armpits so she'd have to bring her arms down. The spy let out a few shy giggles and squeezed her arms against her sides instead.
The witch pouted playfully, “Huuug meeee,” and leaned down and nuzzled her tummy again, causing Yelena to pull her shirt down with a giggle, then awkwardly patted her back.
The witch bit her lip, “It's okay if you don't like hugs,” she assured her gently. Yelena bit her lip too, just not used to the affection, she felt bad for making Wanda feel awkward.
The redhead peered into the mind of the blonde, “Hm…okay,” and hugged her a little tighter, scritching her back gently.
“Huh?” Yelena asked innocently, but relaxed a little more into the feeling with a sigh. The redhead responded by adding her other hand, rolling so Yelena was on top of her now and scritched the slightly younger woman's back all over.
“Hey, I will squish you.” She murmured and went to roll off her.
The witch protested and pinned her gently within a magical hug, “If you leave I tickle you. So..admit you like the tickles or let me cuddle you and admit you like that?” Wanda teased, but her voice was sincere and loving.
Yelena’s eyes widened. “Well it is not like I can move right now…” she replied with an eye roll, but she shyly bit her lip.
She grinned and squeezed Yelena's sides and held her close, “Getchagetchagetcha!” The surprise attack made Yelena squeal as she began giggling immediately, trying to find a way to push her hands.
Wanda paused, laughing lovingly and booped her nose as she gently rocked the blonde, “You seem a bit more comfortable with me?” She asked softly.
Yelena bit her lip, but nodded. “I guess you are not too bad…”
“I'll take that as a compliment!” Wanda beamed.
The blonde just rolled her eyes, staying still and letting the witch embrace her. She may not be completely ready to give affection just yet, but the bonding did make her feel closer to her, physically and emotionally.
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busycucumbermelon · 8 months
 Lilith affair children
This was just a cute little idea I had but if you like it, let me know and I’ll try doing more like it 
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Lucifer stared at his wife, distastefully. Charlie was being consoled by Vaggie, while Alastor stood off to the side. His smile seemed truly forced as Angel Dust and Husk appeared to not know what to do with themselves.
"So where'd you put the affair children? They're clearly not in hell, and heaven wouldn't accept them." Lilith remained silent, staring at the man with true disdain.
"That looks like one of those human apartments on Earth." Lucifer comments as he stares at the globe in her hand. Though he is still annoyed and his thoughts are directed elsewhere, the image of the apartment, with its modern design and mostly blues, whites and purples, does stir something inside him. It's dark and soothing,
The apartment had various floral scents to it, with curtains covering the large bay window. There were flowers on a coffee table along with a drinking cup and an iPad and notebook. A candle flickered on one side of the table, producing a small crackling sound, while a lamp across the room clashed with the TV and produced a blue and white glow on the couch. A sleeping woman was on the couch.
Before panning over to a set of feet, the film took its time to build suspense. It slowly panned up the person's body, shining off the lamp and fixing the pillows of the woman on the couch. "You know, if you continue to sleep on the couch like this, you're going to eventually get a crook in your neck," the male warned. The woman didn't move a muscle, not even a twitch of her lips. They both resembled Lilith, but with different skin tone, they were most definitely not Lucifer
The globe has thus far withheld the man's face, but as he leaned down to blow out the candle, its flame illuminated his features. His chocolate brown eyes shined with a red glow, his hair kept and he had to use one hand to keep hair out of his face. The crackling sound of the candle came to halt as soft smoke filled the air dancing around in front of the man’s face. Now the only thing illuminating the room was the TV.
Turning his attention back to the couch, a happy smile took shape on his lips. He walked over and nudged her shoulder.
"Scooch, will you? If you're going to complain all night, I might as well endure the torture with you".
With that, the woman only opened one of her eyes, a small smile twitching onto her lips. She moved back to make room, causing him to roll his eyes at her antics.
The two made themselves comfortable on the couch, with the woman laying her head on his chest. He then placed his head on top of hers. He spoke in a much softer voice, as if it was only meant for the two of them to hear.
"Good night sissy," he said in a whispered tone, as Lilith's magic picked up his voice. The woman rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his chest.
"You're such a jerk, I should buy a new brother," she commented with a small laugh and playful roll of the eyes.
The male leaned away with a faked offended, look, before scooting back in. "But really good night," he said after a while as the woman's voice broke the silence.
"What would you do if we just died in our sleep?" she asked, sounding quite sinister even for sinners, watching. Sure enough, the video had caught Charlie's attention a while ago. That made her heart sink, knowing that this scene was about to become painful for the two siblings when they died, there would be no sense of peace. No, it would be complete chaos
"At least I would have you," the male voice was soft and caring as he cradled his little sister in his arms. "You're an amazing person," he continued, "And i can't wait to see who we become in our next life, and if we die in our sleep, this is a good last memory." The woman looked up at her big brother, happy that they were twins. She would not trade their reincarnations for anything, even an afterlife.
"You're so cheesy," she quipped with a grin, leaning her head back on him.
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lanitalay · 11 months
Before I Say Goodnight
Chapter 4
a/n: sorry this is a bit late, Halloweekend got very busy. Enjoy!!
Other chapters
Warnings: none
Word count: 2k
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“I suggest someone else take her back, she did not have a good time during the flight” Cassian says and flashes you a mischievous grin. His face drops when he sees the far away look in your eyes and the wet streaks on your cheeks “seriously though, can someone winnow her?” “I need to speak with Lucien so I can take her, but I have a few meetings until later in the afternoon” she looks to Mor “do you mind giving her a tour of the house and finding her a room in the meantime?” Mor adjusts her hair and says “of course, we can have a little girls day and get to know each other a bit. I’ll fill you in on all of our juicy gossip” she winks at you. You wipe your tears away and put on a poor excuse of a smile “that sounds great, I love to gossip”. You laugh, kind of, trying to ignore the pang in your chest. Memories of long gossip sessions with friends flashing through your mind. At coffee shops, during phone calls, at sleep-overs before you fall asleep. Amren gets up from her chair “I assume this meeting is over. I’ll see if I can find something in my personal library” and walks out. “Meeting adjourned '' Rhysand announces and the group stands to go their own ways. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, y/n” Feyre smiles and walks out of the room. Mor is waiting for you by the doorway “Come on, girl, there’s a lot to see”. 
“I think this should be your room” Mor opens the door and lets you walk in first. The tour had been… a lot to take in. The house is huge and it’s beautiful but it has about a hundred floors and a million rooms. When you step through the door, you’re not shocked to see a beautifully decorated room with an incredible view to match. Velaris, the city of starlight, Mor had told you. “It’s close to the stairs, has its own bathing room and if you pull this back” she goes towards the curtains and reveals a glass door that blends in perfectly with the wall of windows “a balcony! I think no one has claimed this one because it is a little on the smaller side but if all goes well you’ll be on your way home soon” she smiles as you look around. This room is twice the size of my room back home. The bed looks divine, it is made with expensive looking linens, it has about ten decorative pillows that take up half of the mattress. You sit on it and lay back. Good god, I’m never leaving this bed. “This is the most extravagant bed and room I’ve ever seen, let alone stayed in” months of traveling on a budget had gotten you accustomed to thin mattresses at crowded hostels or questionable spare bedrooms from online listings. This was luxury. From what you had gathered last night, a High Lord is someone akin to a king and by the looks of this “house” Rhysand has the taste and wallet of true royalty. “I can’t disagree, it is beautiful” she sits next to you “so… I was serious about the gossip. There are some things you might want to know about the whole dynamic within the Court of Dreams” you can’t help the genuine smile that comes on “tell me everything”. “I knew there was something about you that I liked” she giggles “ok so since you’ve met Lucien I guess we can start with him and Elain. This is crazy, the poor male has terrible luck. Anyways Elain is Feyre’s sister and quick backstory, Feyre and her sisters were humans but for different reasons got turned Fae a while back. Elain and Nesta got dunked in the Cauldron and that turned them. The thing is that all of us were there when it happened and when Elain came out of the Cauldron, the mating bond snapped between her and Lucien-” Oh this is good. “Mating bond?” “Oh right, a mating bond is something that happens between two people destined by the Mother, as I was saying Lucien just says it in front of everyone and Elain is there like totally in shock. Flash forward to a few weeks later her mortal fiance hates Fae and wants nothing to do with her now and she wants nothing to do with Lucien and then Azriel kind of likes Elain now” she goes on to tell you about how Feyre and Rhysand met and Cassian and Nesta. You noticed that she didn’t tell you anything about her own drama but chose to not acknowledge it. It was comforting in a way that these magical beings had personal dramas and gossiped about it like you and your friends did “those stories are wild, Mor” she nods “we’ve been alive so long that we really have to work hard to keep things interesting” you snort and there's a knock on the door. “I’m sorry to interrupt but y/n, I’m ready to go when you are” Feyre says and you quickly get up from where you’ve made yourself comfortable on the bed. “Yeah, let’s go. Thanks for everything Mor” you quickly hug her and go towards Feyre. “How are we getting there?” you ask, not sure what to expect  “I’ll winnow us, you’ll see” you walk until you reach the terrace where you had landed with Cassian earlier and look at her wearily “this place is warded against winnowing so I’ll fly us out until we pass the wards and then I’ll winnow to the Manor”. As she speaks, wings appear on her back and she holds out her hands for you “it’ll be quick. I promise” you gulp. 
Feyre did not lie when she said it would be quick but left out that it would feel like the world is slipping from your grasp. You feel sick as she puts you down. You rest your hands on your knees in an attempt to steady yourself. “It takes a bit of getting used to” she lets you take a breath and you say “It beats going through TSA”. Feyre nods and when you’ve gathered yourself begins the short walk to the manor. 
Packing up your belongings was incredibly underwhelming. You had folded the tunic you’d been using as pajamas and the dress Vassa had given you and stuffed it in your bag. Feyre and Lucien had gone to the library to talk about whatever it was they had to discuss. You had a feeling they were talking about you and if you posed a threat of some kind, feeling that the offer of staying in the House of Wind came from the Court of Dreams wanting to keep a close eye on you. You zip everything up and descend the stairs to find your hosts and thank them for everything. Walking to the kitchen you find Jurian making dinner “they really take advantage of your talents here”. He turns from where he is chopping up produce and lets out a chuckle “it’s the price I pay for pissing Vassa off”. “What did you do?” you ask but before he can answer a lovely feminine voice interjects “he was being an idiot as usual” Jurian rolls his eyes but does not defend himself. “On that note,” you try to diffuse the tension “I’ll be staying at the Night Court while they research how to get me back home, thank you so much for everything. I think I would’ve been dead days ago if it weren’t for you” Vassa pouts “I’ll be sad to see you go, it was such a relief to have some feminine energy around here, but I understand” she walks over and hugs you tightly “please come say goodbye once you’ve figured it all out” you hug her back. Jurian stays by his vegetables as he says “you have to eat dinner here though, I’m making enough for the four of us and Lucien brought pie for dessert”. Your chest warms. He really got the pie. “In that case Feyre, will have to wait” you beam. 
After dinner and dessert with the exiles Feyre lets you know she’ll be waiting outside while you say your goodbyes. You hug Vassa and kiss Jurian on the cheek. Lucien offers to walk you to the door and you take the chance to say “thank you for the pie, it was delicious”. He offers you a half smile “you’ve had a rough few days, it’s the least I can do”. “Will you come visit?” you ask hoping the answer is yes. Everyone in the Night Court seems nice enough but Lucien, Jurian and Vassa have a special place in your heart. “I’m due to go there for a meeting in a few weeks. You’re always welcome to use your room here as well” nodding you hug him and without letting go say “I’m nervous”. He hugs you back “you’re in good hands, the House of Wind is safer and you’ll have everything you need”. You let go and walk out the door. 
Feyre walks with you until you reach your room “Mor showed you the kitchen and the common areas?” you walk in and set your bag down. “Yes, she was very thorough with her tour” you felt heavy. Maybe it was the flying and winnowing or saying goodbye or the weight of your reality crashing down on you. “Alright, try to sleep, if you need anything ask the house and if there’s an emergency you can wake up Azriel, his room is across the hall”. You remember him from earlier, tall, wings and devastatingly handsome. Historically, you had never figured out how to act around attractive men and during the meeting it was incredibly difficult to focus on retelling your story. “Thank you, Feyre” she goes to walk out and says “I’ll let you know tomorrow when the priestesses begin their research so you can join them if you like”. 
Wait, did she say ask the house if I need anything? You go to ask her but she’s gone. “House? Can I have water?” you ask to see if you had heard correctly. You are shocked when you see a tray with a jug of water and a glass appear on the bedside table. That is the best thing I’ve ever seen. You do your night routine: you bathe, brush your teeth and hair and put on your tunic. You pull the covers from the bed and get cozy. The house turns off the lights and the curtains are open, letting through the shine of the city and the stars. During the day it’s easier to ignore the ever growing helplessness. It feels like you’re drowning in it. Trapped in a glass coffin in between space and time. You feel your throat get tighter and your chest feels hollow and- Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Count the stars, do something. Your mind screams. One, two, three, four, this isn’t working. You get an idea. Getting out of bed and walking towards your bag you pull out your phone. You haven’t used it since… well, since everything. It should be charged. Your heart skips when the screen lights up and you scroll to your photos as quickly as you can. Forty-five percent. You see a picture of your dog that your mom had sent you on your last day on Earth and tears well up. It hurts but it brings you comfort to know that they have each other. Committing the picture to memory, you shut it off and get in bed again. They have each other. They are not alone. Eventually sleep takes over. Mercifully, you have no dreams.
The house had closed the curtains after you fell asleep. When you woke up to a dark room you almost thought you had slept through an entire day. Sensing you had awoken, the curtains flew open and you see the sun above the city. It looks like it’s still early. You put on your dress and go have breakfast in the dining room. Azriel is the only one there. “Good morning” he greets. You fiddle with your dress, suddenly aware of the dirt that’s staining the hem and the way it falls off your shoulder. “Good morning”.
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canirove · 7 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 24
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We are gonna have to cancel our weekend plans 😔
Why? What happened?
I've caught the worst cold known in human history
It can't be that bad, Val 😂😂
It is. I can't remember how it felt to breathe through my nose 😔
Don't make fun of me, Pedro.  I'm sick 😭😭
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Do you want me to go and give you cuddles?
And risk getting you sick? No way
If I'm sick I can't play, and you always say that's good because without me Barça are shit and they lose all their games
Yes, that's true. But this cold is the worst thing ever and I don't want you having to suffer it too
Awww Val 🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's so nice of you
I am a nice woman
Sometimes you are, yes 😊
I always am nice, Pedro 😒
Beg to differ 😂
Idiot 😒
Still love you, tho 🤍
Try to fix it now 😒
Can I do anything to make you feel better? 
Stop calling me mean, for example 🙄
But I love it when you are mean 😏
You are so weird
Yet you love me 🥰
I sadly do, yes 🙄
Are you sure you are sick? You don't sound like it 😂 
Unless being sick makes you be meaner
Val, stop, you are turning me on 🥵
Idiot 🙄
I'm stopping now, I promise 😂 
But if you miss me too much, remember you still have the blanket and the pillow with my face on them 
If you aren't already using them, of course 😏
I love you, Val. Get well soon 🤍
Yeah, love you too 🙄
"Val, are you sure you are ok?" Silvia asks me.
"I am. I may not be able to breathe and all my joints hurt as if I've run a marathon, but I'm fine. Go and have fun."
"Ok… But if you start feeling worse, will you call someone?"
"I will, don't worry. Now leave" I say, moving my arm. Or trying to.
"Alright. Good."
"Silvia, go."
"I'm going, I'm going. I just hate seeing you like this."
"I'll survive. Now go."
"Ok. Try to rest, Val" she says, patting my head. "And maybe wash your hair."
"Yeah, yeah."
Five minutes later, someone rings the bell.
"Urgh" I groan, getting up from the sofa. "What did you forget now, Sil… Rosy!" I gasp when I see the person standing in front of me.
"Hello, Val" Pedri's mum smiles.
"What… what are you doing here?"
"I had plans to come visit next weekend, but Pedri told me you were sick, and I decided to come early and take care of you."
"That's… I mean…"
"He said you were struggling, that it was a really bad cold. When you are that sick you need to be pampered, and there is nothing like a mother for that. And since things with yours aren't the best right now…"
"She'll come around, you'll see" Rosy smiles. "Anyway, can I come in?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
"Don't worry. This is for you" she says, showing me the huge bouquet of flowers she was carrying. "I guess you know who sent them."
"I do, yes" I chuckle.
"Who knew my son had such good taste, uh? He had never sent me flowers until he met you."
"Yep. You've brought up the best in him, Val. I already told you."
"I… I…" I mumble, my cheeks on fire. Though maybe that's my fever coming back.
"Now, why don't you sit down while I put these on water? You need to rest."
"Yes, of course."
"I'm also going to make you some lunch, you've probably been eating really bad."
"There is no need, Rosy."
"I insist" she says. "I've come here to take care of you, and that includes feeding you. And I'm also going to make you some homemade remedies that I know will help with that cold."
"You are too kind" I say with a shy smile.
"Anything for you, Val" she replies, taking my hand on hers. "You are my son's girlfriend, the woman he loves the most. Well, the one he loves the most after me, of course" she laughs. "You are family."
"Thank you." Don't cry, Valeria. Don't cry.
"So go lay down on the sofa and don't worry about anything else, ok?"
"Ok" I nod.
"And oh, wait" she says, taking a box from the bag she is carrying. "He also gave me this for you. He said it would hopefully make you feel better."
"Thank you" I smile, taking it and sitting down while she starts rummaging around the kitchen.
The box is just one of the hundreds of Adidas boxes Pedri has around the house, but he's written my name on it and drawn hearts all around it. 
When I open it, it is full of my favourite chocolates and sweets. From kinder eggs to Mars bars and gummy bears. And under all that, there is a small photo album, P⁠♡V written on the cover. 
"So cheesy" I chuckle.
Inside it, on the first page, there is a note. 
You already know 14 is our number. And not because your team has 14 Champions League trophies. 14 is our number because that's the day we met. The day I met the woman of my dreams. And on this little album, I've put 14 of the many reasons why I love you and 14 photos of us together. From our first selfie together on my beach, that now is ours, to the last one the other day being silly when we were stuck in traffic. I hope they make you feel better and as if I'm there with you, taking care of you. My mum's cooking is good too, but nothing like your favourite kid 😉 Get well soon, Val. I love you 🤍
"Val, do you have a… Oh my God, Valeria. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Rosy says, sitting next to me.
"Did you know that your son is the cutest human being the world has ever seen?"
"I knew he was cute, but that cute…" she laughs. "Did he make that for you?" she asks, nodding towards the photo album.
"He did. He put photos of us together and wrote under each one a reason why he loves me."
"Aww, that is cute. Very romantic."
"And cheesy" I chuckle. "But I love it. And him. I love him so much…"
"Oh, come here" Rosy says, hugging me while I start to cry. "He also loves you very much, you know?"
"That's what he says."
"And he doesn't lie. I'm his mother, I know him better than anyone. And I also know he couldn't have chosen a better person to spend his life with."
"Even if I'm older than him?" I say, moving to look at her.
"Even so" she replies, wiping away some of my tears. 
"I wish my mum would understand it the way you do. Because this is real. My feelings for Pedri are very real. You say I bring up the best in him, but he does the same with me. Never in my life have I felt more me than I do now, and it's all thanks to him. He has helped me find my true self, to be completely happy with who I am and my life. But my mum only sees the age gap and that he is a football player, though she didn't mind that when she thought I was dating Ferran. She doesn't see that I am the happiest I've ever been."
"But she will. She just needs time."
"That's what Pedri told me after that disaster of first lunch we had together, but... We've never had a good relationship, you know? I've always felt like she blames me for ruining her life."
"Oh, Val. Don't say that."
"But it's true. My dad left her the moment he found out she was pregnant and we've never heard about him again. She had to give up on her dreams and her career to raise me."
"And I'm sure that if I asked her, she would tell me that you've been the best thing that has ever happened to her and that she would do it all over again."
"I don't know…" I sigh.
"She would, Val. Because she's raised an amazing woman, one to be very proud of."
"You are gonna make me cry again" I chuckle.
"And I may cry with you too" Rosy laughs. "But you need to be patient with her, Val. You know this relationship isn't what people are used to."
"If I was dating a man 10 years older, they would not judge me this much."
"Oh, they would. But not for the same reasons."
"Yeah, true" I chuckle. 
"She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you know you will always have me."
"Thank you, Rosy" I sob.
"You're welcome" she says, hugging me again. "And since I'm gonna be something like your mother… You could do with a shower, Valeria."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Silvia said that I should probably wash my hair, but I've been feeling so poorly that…"
"It's ok, don't worry" Rosy chuckles. "I've smelt worse, I have two boys, remember? But why don't you shower while I finish making your lunch?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perfect" she smiles. "Also, do you have a squeezer? That's what I wanted to ask you earlier."
"Yes, on the cupboard on top of the fridge. We don't use it that much."
"Once you've tried my magical remedy for colds you will, you'll see" she winks, her gesture reminding me of Pedri. 
"Thank you, Rosy."
"What for?"
For coming today. For taking care of me. For raising that amazing son of yours. 
"Just… everything" I shrug.
"Well, you are very welcome" she smiles. "Now go shower."
"Yes, of course" I smile back before going into the bathroom. 
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sassykattery · 1 year
Dollface, Pt. 2
CW: Main Character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Profanity. Someone being pervy.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Suggestive content
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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Over the next couple of days, he learned her routine pretty quickly, as habitual as she was. She often woke early in the morning, played music while she did her makeup, and then took her backpack with her to what he presumed was class, since she stopped taking him out of the house. A couple of times a day, he would hear voices from others, one woman that sounded similar to his new caretaker, and a gruff-sounding man. He learned that they were her parents.
Diavolo tried to sleep when she slept and stayed awake when she was gone, but with little to do but stare at the ceiling or whatever direction he was facing, he got bored quickly and often slept to pass the time. She often left him to lay on the pillow next to hers, which he thought was far better than sitting in that office wrapped in plastic all day. Sometimes, she even left the TV on, giving him some entertainment while he waited on her return.
One afternoon, he perked up when he heard the door open to her bedroom, but she left the light off. Moments later, she was crawling into bed without even looking at her phone or talking to herself. He could hear her gently sniffing, light sobs coming from her direction.
Oh? What's wrong? He thought, desperately wanting to ask.
Her hand slowly reached out to him, gently grasping his body in her palm and pulling him towards her. She tucked him under her chin, and he felt her heartbeat against the top of his head, warmth coming from her neck, chest, and the hand that held him.
"When will I be good enough..." she muttered quietly.
What happened?
"I just feel so stupid. They were right, I'm not smart enough," she muttered, burying her face in the pillow.
That's not true. I've listened to you, you're very smart.
"I'm crying to a doll right now... Pfft, I'm pathetic... but I'm glad you're here," she mumbled, rubbing her thumb over his back.
"A doll that is listening," Diavolo huffed.
She froze then, hearing a low tenor voice right in her ear that was most definitely not her imagination. Right?
"You... you can hear me? Wait, I can hear you?" She whispered.
"Wait, can you hear me?" The masculine voice called out again.
She shot up and looked down at the doll speaking to her now, and brought her face closer again to look at it in the dim light. It still laid there motionless, eyes and mouth remaining still.
"Hello," he said to her, still not moving.
"Oh fuck you're talking," she swore in a panic.
"This is a new development to me as well. Please, don't be alarmed," he tried to calm her, failing as he did.
"I bought a haunted fucking doll!" She yelped, scrambling to get away.
"Please! Wait! I promise I'm not haunted. I'm actually cursed," Diavolo tried to reason with her. Again, miserably.
"No shit!" She bit back.
"No, I think you misunderstood. I'm a real person that has been cursed to be a doll," he explained. She was silent then, so he took it as an opportunity to continue. "My name is Diavolo. About a month ago, I was cursed to be a doll by accident. I'm not sure why I'm able to speak now, but I've been aware this entire time."
She remained quiet a little bit longer before speaking, "You said you were cursed. Is that, like, magic? Are you magical?"
There was a lilt to his voice then, like he would be chuckling in that moment. "Indeed. I have a human form, but I'm technically a de–" he paused, realizing it might scare her to tell the truth.
"A demon?" She finished the sentence for him.
"Yes, a demon," he confirmed. He noticed how she didn't seem terribly frightened by this information, that she was more scared to have a doll talking to her than for that doll to be a demon at this point. "I don't mean any harm unto you," he added for good measure.
"Oh... um... good..." she trailed off as she slid a hand under him to pick him up. "Well, hello."
"Hello. It is lovely to actually speak to you. It has been rather frustrating to not be able to respond to you," Diavolo replied.
"I suppose so. So, um... what do you know so far? About the curse... or me?" She asked with a head tilt.
"I actually know nothing about this curse. I touched a cursed book and found myself on the floor, only to be picked up by random people and ending up here with you. I tried to undo it with my own magic, but this curse is rather powerful and has locked my magic out of my use," he answered.
"I see."
"How did I come to be in your possession?" He asked in return.
"Oh, um... god, this sounds odd, but I found a listing for you on the internet and thought you were cute, so I... bought you?" She sounded more like she was asking a question than a statement.
Diavolo chuckled warmly at how she worded it. "I see. Well, as for you, I've been able to put together bits and pieces about you from what I've seen while observing you," he said, and then went on to explain how he knew her name and some of her interests.
"Okay. Well... What do you want to do? How can I help you?" She asked quietly.
"I appreciate your willingness to help, though I'm not entirely sure how you can. It might be that this curse is broken over time, given I wasn't able to speak before now. If you could, I would appreciate your help in safeguarding me until we know more or find help," he responded.
"Well, I can do that. I won't take you to class anymore, I'd hate for you to get lost. You should be safe in here," she stated, looking him over.
"Very well. Thank you."
"Is there someone you want me to call?" She inquired.
"Yes, but I'm not sure how you can get a hold of any of them. We were in another country when we got separated. And our communication devices aren't the same as yours, so calling won't work," he replied.
"Oh... Well, I guess I could search the internet for your friends," she offered.
"I'm not sure if you will be able to track them down that way. They are demons as well, and we try to be inconspicuous when we visit your world," he said. "But we can try nonetheless."
She nodded in understanding. They sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke up again. "Are you, um... Hm," she looked down at him curiously. "Do you get bored? I'm sorry you've been stuck doing nothing."
"Ah, that's kind of you to consider me. I will admit, I do get bored waiting for you to return," he answered thoughtfully.
"Do you like movies? TV? I can put on something for you. Music, too, if you'd like. I'm sure I'm not that entertaining," she offered, looking for the remote.
"You're very sweet," he replied, which made her side-eye the doll. "But I have to say, you're quite entertaining, really. I've heard you sing and listened to your little rants and thoughts. But I've also seen you draw and write, and quite honestly, I'm always enthralled to see what you do."
"You're... being too kind," she said suspiciously.
There was a knock at the door, and she looked down in a panic, "Don't say anything!"
"Honey, who are you talking to?" A woman called out.
"Ah, it was a video, on my phone, Mom," she answered.
"Alright. Dinner will be ready soon," the other woman replied, closing the door.
Waiting a few moments, she looked back to the doll. "I don't think my parents would understand, so let's try and stay quiet. Keep this between us."
"That may be wise," Diavolo replied softly.
She then laid down on her side and faced turned him to face her on his pillow.
"That reminds me, do you get hungry?" She asked curiously.
"Fortunately, it seems I don't," he answered.
"Okay. Well, I guess let me know if you need anything... And you're welcome to talk to me. I'll keep you company," she added, slightly smiling at him.
Sweet, indeed.
"I'd like that, thank you," Diavolo replied.
"So this is your favorite movie? Intriguing," Diavolo declared. She had them set up to sit on the recliner in front of her TV that evening after dinner, with the demon in his doll form sitting up against the middle console next to her arm.
"Yes, it's a whole universe, essentially, where these movies are interconnected because of the two paranormal investigators who were also married. They took calls from those who were experiencing paranormal phenomena to determine the true cause. Sometimes, there was a natural explanation, but on occasion, it was truly paranormal," she answered excitedly, reclining her seat back as the movie title showed.
She then turned and looked at the doll of the demon prince. "Are ghosts real?"
"They are," he replied.
"And do demons... possess people? Or objects?"
"They can."
Her eyes went wide as she turned to face forward again, now feeling uneasy about what used to be her favorite movie franchise, wondering if these things could truly happen now, knowing demons and ghosts exist.
After finishing three movies, and it was quite late, she yawned and switched off the TV.
"I'm afraid I'm a bit tired," she informed the doll.
"Ah, please, go to sleep. Don't stay awake on my accord. I usually sleep when you do anyway," he replied.
Scooping him up, she stood and walked them both to bed, sliding in and placing him on his pillow. Once she was situated, she rolled over to face him as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Are you okay like that? I can move you around," she inquired.
There was a chuckle to his voice again. "You really are considerate. I'm fine as is, unless you would feel more comfortable a different way. I understand if you are uneasy knowing I'm aware," he replied.
"No... Well," she started to say. She reached across and turned him on his side so she could see his face.
"No, it doesn't bother me. I just didn't want to bother you," she stated.
"You're no bother," Diavolo replied. She looked away and chewed on her lip. "Might I ask you a question?"
"You may."
"Earlier, you came in seemingly very upset. Would you like to talk about it? Or are you alright?" He inquired.
"Upset... Oh, that," she mumbled. "Um... I don't want to dump my trauma on you."
"It's not dumping. I'm genuinely asking you if you would like to maybe talk about what happened with someone who's willing to listen," he replied diplomatically.
"Well... I haven't always been treated well throughout my life. On occasion, when I'm reminded of the people who have mistreated me, I start to doubt my self-worth and my own talents or accomplishments. I wonder if I'm just a phony or delusional to think I can be anything more than an idiot," she explained.
Diavolo listened carefully to her choice of words. Clearly, she was trying to describe what was happening without sharing too many details.
"I believe you're a touch hard on yourself," the prince replied. "Though, I know what it's like to have a lot on your shoulders, I've heard you in class. You're very smart. I'm rather impressed with you, even with not knowing you long." He paused for a moment. "I am saddened to think someone as kind as you has been abused in such a manner."
"Yeah, well, unfortunately in this world, kindness is often a weakness viewed to be used for gain by others," she answered bitterly.
"I find your kindness to be an endearing and honest quality," he retorted softly. It made her look away again with doubt. "Though it's easier said than done, I should hope that, with time, you come to find these intrusive thoughts to be untrue and unworthy of your time and attention."
"Now you're being kind," she replied, looking back at his doll form.
"I hope you don't believe I'm being facetious," he added. "I'm being completely honest. I haven't been with you long, but I can see rather easily that you are far more than you believe about yourself."
"... Thank you," she finally replied.
"Of course."
That night, the human got ready for bed and slid in after a hot shower, taking her medicine and slipping into an oversized shirt. When she got dressed for the day or undressed after class or for the night, he tried not to look, knowing it was an invasion of privacy. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of her in just her bra and sweats as she leaned over the bed and over him to reach her phone, and he was rather fond of her shapely figure, so full and curvy. He had come to appreciate her beauty in the short time they'd spent together. Sometimes, his mind wandered to less than appropriate thoughts, like what she felt like, sounded like, or looked like under the hands of pure pleasure.
But now, she clearly stayed out of his field of view as she changed clothes, aware that he could see her. She tried to stuff down the embarrassment she felt, wondering just how much he's seen of her.
As she settled in bed, covers thrown over her head, she took hold of him and pulled him in close, this time right next to her face and held in her small palm.
"Can I ask you questions, Diavolo?" She asked quietly.
That was the first time he had heard his name grace her lips, and he'd be damned to not hear it again. She said it so sweetly, it was like it carried new meaning when she said it.
"Yes, go on," he agreed.
"Where exactly do you come from?"
"There are three realms in our plane of existence. The human world, the Devildom, and Celestia are the three. I essentially live in a plane congruent to your world. In the Devildom are where the other demons live. Angels come from Celestia."
"And what do you do in the, um, Devildom?"
"Ah, well, I'm technically the prince and de facto king of my realm," he answered casually. Her brows shot up and she absorbed this information.
"Do I need to call you Your Highness or Majesty? I'm sorry if I was rude," she replied worriedly.
He chuckled then. "No, please don't. Usually, I'm referred to as Lord, but I ask you continue to just call me by my name," he stated.
"Okay. So, you rule the Devildom. Can you tell me about that? What is it like?"
"Hm, well, I suppose it can be like your human governments, like a monarchy. I make any and all final decisions when it comes to my domain, but there are others who help me, too. I have a butler and then seven brothers who were named Lords of Hell."
"Seven? Are you talking about the Seven Deadly Sins?" She asked curiously.
"Indeed. All seven of them live there and assist in a variety of ways with government proceedings and work for me. We also have a school that we all help run. I'm like a headmaster, I believe is the equivalent to your world. We make up the Student Council of the school," he informed her.
"How interesting. Schools and education are typically instituted as ways of creating a civilized society and creating more complex hierarchies to give people opportunities to learn broader skills for the betterment of the entire society," she rattled off.
"Precisely. I created the school as a way of diversifying my people," he affirmed.
"So demons aren't heathens that kill people?" She was chuckling then.
"Well, I never said that, did I?"
Her eyes widened, and she scooted back slightly, eyeing the doll.
"We try not to do that, but we are demons, and I won't lie to you. We still on occasion use those methods for handling things. But from what I understand, some humans do as well, right?" He added.
"I see... No, you're not wrong. Humans do, too. But that doesn't make it right," she answered. "Tell me what you like, Diavolo."
He sat there for a moment, mildly surprised by the request and sudden change in subject. Was she interested in him, truly?
"Well, I'm partial to sweet things, like candy, cake, and tea made by my butler. I enjoy cycling or jogging in the mornings. I am particularly fond of animals, any and all kinds," he responded.
"I like animals too, and I'm partial to sweets, except I'm not supposed to have very much," she mumbled sleepily.
He took in her sleepy expression, watching as her eyes started to slowly close.
I love being here, he thought fondly. As much as I miss home and I'm sure it's been chaos without me, I'm glad I'm at least in a place where I'm needed most.
"I know it's silly, but I'm glad you're here. Thank you for listening," she murmured sleepily, almost like she heard him. "Good night."
Good night, sweet girl.
"Of course. Now, rest well," he replied.
Diavolo stirred awake again as he felt the bed shifting constantly, feeling as though he was facing upright. It was completely dark in her room, and he tried to listen and look carefully in the vicinity he could see it. He started to hear her mumbling, soft whines, and what sounded to be her in distress.
"Are you alright?" He called to her but received no reply.
An obvious sob finally sounded out. He realized she must've still been asleep and was having a nightmare.
Poor girl. I wish I could help her.
He waited a while; he wasn't sure how long, when the movement stopped and he couldn't even hear her breathing or strained noises.
Finally, she rolled over, and seemingly in her sleep, she pulled him in closer, holding him tight and tucked under her chin. He could feel her erratic pulse, and he was rather surprised by the action. The demon also noticed her little hiccups and realized that she was crying as well. It tore at him, he realized, to have her be this upset and not be able to console her, even in her sleep.
Damn, I wish I could hold her instead of her holding me.
His mind wandered, as it did sometimes at this point, what that would be like. He wondered how soft she would feel in his arms, given how plush her body was. How her hair and skin might smell as he buried his face against her to breathe her in. He wanted to comb his hands through her hair, to feel its softness as well. He wanted to make her feel better, to be a source of comfort for her, maybe more intimately than he could at the moment. At least he was in a place where she could find solace in him, even if she was unconscious for it. He wanted to hold her against him while he hummed a soft tune, maybe a lullaby, to calm her down. He wanted to feel her chest rise and fall against his, slowing as she went back to sleep. Maybe he could watch her sleep, too, just in his arms, and that would be more than satisfactory to him.
It hit him, then, how he could feel this strongly about her. He was able to learn so much about her in such a short time; he felt like he's known her for a decade. From one evening of talking to her, he saw himself being around her longer. He started to think about if this curse lifts, is there a way he could keep her around, just stay a little longer with her, or until she sent him away.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Post made by sassykattery. do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @themythicaldisaster @marvelous-maniac @attic-club-sandwich @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
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so-many-fandoms-here · 9 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: smut, fluff
• Warnings: explicit content, sexual content, sensual sex, kinda ooc Levi
۵ ─────⊱۵⊰───── ۵
Only in underwear and with an aching heart I view my reflection in the mirror in front of me. I can’t help but to compare myself with the other women my age. Their bodies aren’t full of scars and flaws, while mine is clearly painted from the war. I don’t even know why I keep making such a big deal about it, after all I am not some young thing trying to impress men. I’m the mother of a six month old, in her late thirties and happily married for about a decade now. I fought a war, saw people die and was on the brink of death about a dozen of times myself. But still I feel like some 20 year old that never had to face all this stuff, leaving her appearance her biggest problem.
„She’s finally asleep“, I hear Levi saying, snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even hear him coming into the room. „Everything okay, dear?“ he asks while limping towards the bed and sitting down.
I turn around, arms wrapped around my belly. It feels pathetic to admit it. „Not fighting for my life everyday made me notice my looks“, I admit quietly, tears welling up in my eyes. Levi looks at me, his nose scrunched like I told him about a talking pile of dust. „What do you mean?“
„The war disfigured me.“ Tears are streaming down my face now but Levi still looks at me, like he doesn’t understand a single thing. He scoots over and pats on the mattress. „Lay down.“ Now it’s my turn to look confused. „Just do it“, he insists, and so I make my way towards the bed too and lay down, just as he told me. My hair, still wet from the shower I just took, tousles all over the pillow and it’s like I can feel the knots tying themselves back in.
Levi is on the foot of the bed now, his eyes softened as he looks at me. „Stop talking shit“, he says. „The war didn’t disfigured you. Quite the opposite. How can you not realize that this makes you even more attractive? The way you survived the impossible?“
His hands sneak to my feet, massaging them, before lifting both and kissing my ankles. „Your feet walked you so many miles, you ran right into your death just to serve humans you don’t even know personally, to make sure they’re safe.“ He kisses my ankles again. „And they’re never afraid to kick my ass if I need it.“ A soft smile crawls upon my lips.
He moves up to my clean shaved legs. „It’s impressive that your shinbones never broke“, he mumbles against my skin, placing kisses all over my lower leg. „How often and how hard you fell during battles.“
Then he moves up to my thighs. „And don‘t get me started on your thighs“, Levi speaks, kissing them too, even marking them like he did sometimes when we were younger. „So muscular from all the horse riding. And so perfect around my hips and head.“ I couldn’t suppress a giggle, which earns me a bright smile from Levi.
I shriek as he moves his hand under my body, massaging my ass. „How many hours did you sit on your pretty ass in this boring meetings that never brought us anywhere?“ A rhetoric question, but I answer anyways, playing along. „Enough.“ „And yet, it never gave up“, Levi says with a teasing smile, letting go of my bum. I wait for one of his typical jokes and look at him confused as nothing comes. „Wow, no joke about taking a shit?“ I ask jokingly, to which I earn a roll of his steel-blue eye. „I try to be romantic and sexy, brat.“ With a giggle I lean back again, letting him continue.
His next stop is the already wet area between my legs. His fingers caress over my panties and both of us feel the damp spot on it. He hooks his thumbs in the hem of the piece of clothing, searching for consent in my eyes. „May I?“ Instead of answering I raise my hips so he can take it off. Levi understands and pulls my white underwear down, the way it sticks on my vagina gives me a feeling of how incredibly wet I am already.
„Your perfect pussy“, he whispers after placing the piece of fabric next to him on the bed. „Making me feel things I didn’t even know were possible. And making you feel things with only a light touch.“ To prove his statement he placed a kiss on my clit, making me shiver. „And not only this. It was the door to this world for our babygirl.“
After a few strokes through my wet folds he makes his way further up to my tummy. „I know how much you despise your stretch marks but they show how well our daughter grew in you.“ Sweet kisses are placed all over my stomach. „You created life, dear. I didn’t thought you could get any more beautiful, but then I saw you becoming a mother.“ New tears sting in my eyes, but this time they are tears of joy.
As I feel his hands move upwards I instantly sit up to unclasp my bra, throwing it next to the bed before laying down again and with a pleased smile Levi cups my right breast while kissing my left one. He takes his time with them, moving his lips back and forth between them so he gives both equal attention before he speaks again. „Not only are your boobs beyond sexy, they also feed a living being.“
With that Levi moves further up again, now kissing my throat and neck. „I was always allowed to hide from the world in the crook of your neck.“ Another kiss. „And your throat a) always takes my cock so well and b) protects your vocal chords that create your beautiful voice.“
With this lewd, yet pure sentence he moves to my left arm, kissing it’s whole length down do my hand. „Your shoulders, always willing to stem the weight of others too, no matter how bad it hurts you as long the other one has it easier and your strong arms, always giving out the best hugs.“ Then he kisses the palm of my hand. „And your hands, making me realize that the world provides more than violence.“
His kisses come back to my face and start to cover my cheeks. „I love the tiny wrinkles next to your nose when you smile.“ My nose gets a kiss too. „And the way you scrunch your nose when you’re embarrassed.“ He travels up the bridge of my nose until he reaches my forehead. „Your smart head“, then left again to my ear. „And your open ear, always listening when someone needs it.“ Then under my eyes. „Those beautiful eyes of you and all the lovely ways they look at me.“
And then finally, Levi kisses my lips. „And your lips, curling up to the most beautiful smile in the world and giving the best kisses.“ I rarely ever see him like this. So soft and vulnerable without him having a beak down.
„Your scars and flaws make you even more beautiful“, he reassures once again before diving into another kiss, this time adding his tongue too.
His healthy hand sneaks down between my legs again and starts to please me by sinking two fingers in my dripping cunt. A moan leaves my lips while I roll my hips against his hand to feel him deeper inside of me. Chapped lips on mine muffle my moaning while I chase my high on my husbands fingers.
„I want your cock“, I whine breathless as I feel my pleasure increasing. „Cum on my fingers first. You’re so close, I can feel it.“ That’s all it needs for me to fall apart. With a dizzy feeling I watch Levi stripping, placing his clothes on the floor next to the bed while stroking his boner.
In awe I look at his body. Even though Levi can’t walk properly anymore he tries his best to stay in shape, even with his almost 40 years. Especially his arms are still fine toned due to the weight lifting he does. The scars on his body tell the story of Humanities Strongest, making him even hotter in my eyes.
I think I understand what he tried to tell me.
My mind goes blank as his cock finds my pussy, pushing his whole length into me. As I moan louder than intended he quickly places his lips on mine again, not wanting to wake up the baby. Or the neighbors.
With his lips on mine and his cock deep inside me, I am able to let go off my worries and I only concentrate on the feeling of his tongue and the feeling of my second orgasm building up while he moves in and out of me. Our mixed moans and the sound of skin against skin create a lewd symphony inside of our bedroom.
„Fuck (Y/n), I‘m cumming.“ My legs close tighter around him so he’s even closer. I want to feel him cum inside me. And that’s exactly what happens. I can feel his cock twitch and with a hiss, followed by a loud groan I feel the warmth of his sperm inside of me, which takes me over the edge too and has me trembling under his body and clenching around his cock while I embrace my heavy orgasm.
Goosebumps raise as Levi falls on the mattress besides me, his hair messy and his back scratched by my nails. „I love you so much“, I whisper in his ear, petting his head. „I love you too
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
Karneval and Fairy Tails ?!
Of course! This one was tough but fun to work on and I hope you'll like the direction I went with it. My apologies on this taking so long to get to you!
Okay, so the basis for this AU is probably the most tropery and cliched out of all the ones I've done so far but it's really the direction my mind kept going and an idea that I really liked despite those drawbacks.
So, I see this less of a traditional AU and more of a switched between worlds style AU. Kafka was, of course, responsible for the switch, using some magical means to send the characters working for and involved with Circus through the universes. Each character gets sent to their own unique fairy tale, which they must live through, survive, and find a unique 'key' that will allow them to escape that fairy tale world so that they can travel to other fairy tales to find the others, as they all just instinctively know, through that same magic that sent them there, that the only way back to their original world and lives are if all the keys are found.
So, I will admit that initially I had looked up all these different fairy tales and really hunted down the ones that metaphorically and in terms of content I felt really suited each of the characters but, half-way through writing it, I really had felt that it was too easy for each of the characters to get out of them and really, in the end, it was a bit too on the nose for me as a writer. I felt heavy-handed and didn't really feel it was great story-wise and knew that that would also show through to you guys, the readers.
So I took an abrupt twist and turn and looked up what were considered the ten most popular fairy tales, since there are ten characters I'm working with really here and covering. After that, I let the internet's random pickers match the characters for me and that made things just a bit more interesting I hope.
So, we're going to start with Jiki first, who wakes up in this strange new world to what is, yes, an absolutely beautiful fairy. But she becomes much less beautiful when she tells him how she has no choice, she must do this for his own good and then turns him into a frog. That's right, Jiki got himself landed straight into the good old classic tale of The Frog Prince. Though he isn't really all that familiar with the fable himself, he just goes by what the fairy who cursed him told him, which was that he must get a beautiful princess to love him, to take him in and care for him, to let him drink from her cup, eat from her plate, and sleep on her pillow. Now, initially Jiki really does think the fairy is setting him a really impossible task and that he's going to have to risk his life just trying to invade a castle, steal onto tables and beds without being seen, and cheat to get those conditions fulfilled. Once he figures out, though, that as a cursed animal he can communicate with humans and have them understand him, he really does think the whole thing will be so much simpler. He lays on the charm, the good manners, smoozes each princess he can come across but every time he's met with either fright, disgust, fear, or them running away because 'eww, this frog is going to give my delicate little hands all kinds of warts'. By the fifth or sixth princess he's tried the routine on, Jiki is just getting sick of it all so when he meets the next princess, he does try the same routine, at first. But when that princess reacts exactly like the others had, Jiki loses a little bit of his composure. He looks at her and is just like 'holy fuck, you're kind of an idiot, aren't you? I mean, obviously I'm no normal frogs. Look at all these other frogs…any of them speaking to you? No, because frogs can't talk so there's proof towards what I'm telling you, that I'm a cursed person. Also, I'm not asking for your first born child or any shit or even for true love's kiss, just need to drink from your cup, eat from your plate and sleep on your pillow. The fairy didn't even say you had to drink from the cup after me, eat the food on the plate after feeding me, or even sleep beside me on that pillow. Just do those things, get a new cup and plate, change out your pillow, and I'll be out of your hair, you spoiled brat. Also, there's no amphibian that will give you warts, that's an old wives tale and I honestly thought the education system for princesses would be so much better than this, you might wanna fix that when you rule this kingdom.' Thank god for Jiki but this princess was actually a little into degradation so him being a jackass because he is just so fed up with this and wants to get out and back to his normal life really works on her and she does what he asks. And poof, Jiki turns back into a human on her bed, wearing a crown because the frog was always a prince and the second he reaches up and touches that crown, he knows it's his key. He actually says a really nice farewell to the princess before he takes the crown and skeedaddles on down the road, which he just sort of knows with certainty will now take him into the tale one of the others is trapped in.
And it's a good thing he did, because the tale he falls into is Kichi's. She has made zero progress in her tale, though it really wasn't her fault, something she makes clearly known because boy, does it kill her pride that she hasn't been able to find her key, especially when Jiki had found his. But how could she? She was at a disadvantage from the start because, though she knows she could do this alone, nobody seems willing to allow the tale to move forward, they just keep talking about how they need to wait for her 'brother' to get back from playing outdoors and they keep repeating the same day over and over. To say this annoys her greatly is an understatement. Everything about her life there is horrible - her 'parents' seem to hate her and are mean to her, their house is small, cramped and poverty stricken and she just wants to leave this place but cannot seem to manage it. She's honestly a little relieved to see Jiki when he shows up and is declared her brother, just because it means she can finally leave. Not that she'll ever let him know that. The two bicker and argue, but the story finally progresses, with them both being brought into the woods by their 'father', who abandons them in a deep, dark part of it. While searching the forest, the two of them come across a huge house made out of gingerbread, cake and candy. Kichi has, quite honestly, been starving in the house all this time, subsisting only on bread and water once a day because that's all the family could really afford. Needless to say, she doesn't care that it's destruction of someone else's property, that the candy and cake are all stale as fuck, she sneaks some candy off that. When the witch comes out and starts offering to feed them…Kichi and Jiki have both seen enough as Circus members, they know where this is likely heading. They both accept going inside the house but both are on their guard. While the witch had obviously been intending on fattening them both up first, the constant snide little remarks and bickering between Jiki and Kichi drove the poor witch up a wall and yeah, she figured they were healthy enough for her to just cook and eat as was. Once the duo knew that yeah, they were right, obviously this nice old lady had bad intentions, I like to imagine them really kicking her ass and going back to back badasses, just because I love the trope so much, all while still kind of picking at each other, teasing each other. The witch gets pushed into her own oven and Kichi learns that the oven handle is actually her key so that gets taken off the oven pretty quickly, once the two of them figure out how to do so. With Kichi's key found, they leave the now melting house of goodies and know that when they do, they'll find their way into someone else's tale.
We're going to take a short break from where Jiki and Kichi end up to switch to Iva, who finds herself waking up in her story already leading this poor, way too skinny cow down a country road and with the knowledge in her head that to get back home, she needs to find the golden goose. She's walking down the road when this dude just walks right up to her and offers to buy her cow from her. She isn't really all that attached to the cow and would rather have money that will let her find that golden goose, since money seems much more useful than a cow, so while the dude is kind of gross in her opinion, she's more than willing to do business with him. Well, she is until she learns that he's not even offering to give her money for the cow. No, all this cheap-ass dude, who's looking way too closely at her boobs, is offering to give her is a lousy handful of beans, which he tells her are magic beans. Yeah, she's had experience with con-men before and she loses her temper a little bit. To try to stop the beating Iva gives him early and to make her go away because yeah, she was beautiful but lord is this woman scary, this bean salesman has learned, he's begging her to just let him show her and hell, she can keep her cow too, just please stop hitting him and he'll plant the beans for her. Iva relents a little, the man plants the beans, adds some water, and what do you know? Turns out, Iva discovers, that the man was telling the truth because this humungous beanstalk starts growing and doesn't seem to stop growing, as it disappears up past the clouds. She might not like the man, but a fair trade has to be a fair trade, and she does send him off, now bloodied, with her cow in exchange for his beans and the advice to climb the beanstalk to find unimaginable riches. So that's precisely what Iva does. When she finds herself at the top of the beanstalk, she's in the castle of what she soon figures out in a very bad-tempered giant who tells her he can smell her and is going to grind her up and eat her. She really doesn't take too kindly to this but even for her, taking on a giant single-handly isn't going to be great. So she does everything she can to evade him, finding and stealing some of the riches of his castle as she goes along because honestly, it seems fair to her that she should be able to take some of these jewels and gold in exchange for the fact he's trying to kill her, right? She eventually, while evading the giant, comes across the golden goose, which she grabs right away because yes, this is the thing that will take her home right and she needs that because the giant is now right behind her. Except she grabs it and…nothing? Literally nothing happens, she's still stuck in the story. The giant is right there now and to distract him and because Iva's now really angry that she found this goose and it didn't work, she chucks the bird, full force, towards the giant. The bird is so flustered that out pops a golden egg. Iva sees this and dives just as the giant reaches out his great mitt to grab her. She catches the golden egg, just barely, just by the tips of her fingers, and knows that is her key and that all she needs to do is find her way back to the original beanstalk. Filled with new purpose, she uses a knife she found along her journey in stab the giant in the thumb before he can grab her and, still clutching that golden egg and with the other things she'd stolen strapped onto her, the chase is back on as she runs back to the beanstalk and literally tosses herself down it, knowing that when she lands, it will be in someone else's story.
And Iva finds herself so relieved to find that the first person she sees, the first tale she falls into is Tsukumo's tale. Tsukumo is very glad to see Iva, though she doesn't really need the woman's help. She has her tale very well handled, honestly. Tsukumo had found herself being sent from her 'mother's' house, wrapped in a bright red cape and hood, with orders to deliver a basket of wine and cake to her grandmother's house and not to leave the path. Tsukumo wasn't quite sure what was going on, but she has always been good about following orders. So she headed off along the path, where she found herself approached by a talking wolf, who, upon learning of her task, suggested picking a bouquet of flowers to add to the basket of goodies going to her grandmother. While it did seem like a good idea, Tsukumo pointed out that there weren't too many flowers along the path proper, to which the wolf had responded that there were all kinds of beautiful flowers just a bit off the path, just to her right, not even more than three minutes walk. Tsukumo hadn't even hesitated in her answer that, thanks for the suggestion, but she'd been told not to leave the path and she had no plans on breaking those rules and if the wolf would please excuse her, she had to be getting on her way. This was about the time the wolf gave up its pretenses and just attacked her, and it was while Tsukumo was fighting the almost magically strong and vicious wolf that Iva dropped into the fight. To say the wolf was toast goes without saying. The wolf slain, the tale should have been complete but Tsukumo still had no idea what her key could possibly be. Iva had suggested they make a picnic out of the goodies meant for the grandmother and figure it out together, but Tsukumo refuses. The goodies are meant for the grandmother after all, she couldn't take them from her. Instead Tsukumo insists on finishing the journey to the grandmother's house, which turns out to be the right call. Tsukumo knows, upon setting eyes on it, that her key is the grandmother's sleeping bonnet and she makes the elderly lady a trade. Tsukumo and Iva have a lovely meal of wine and cake with the grandmother and then Tsukumo gives the old lady her cape and hood, while she wears the bonnet out the door, knowing that by doing so, her and Iva will leave this woman and this tale forever and will find themselves in someone else's story.
Which is how Iva and Tsukumo join Kichi and Jiki into falling into Tsukitachi's story. What they find though? Honestly, it annoys all of them to varying degrees. See, Tsukitachi fell into the story of Puss in Boots, where he had to take the role of the cat and use all his cunning and wisdom to make his master a grand marquis and get the King's daughter to marry him. Which, honestly, Tsukitachi managed without too much trouble at all. When everyone falls into his story, he's completed it, found his key in the boots, and is just simply having too much fun, since the wedding had turned into a days long party, to want to leave quite yet. He greets everyone so happily (and slightly drunkenly) and lets them know what's going on, encourages them to stay and enjoy themselves a little, why not, he's not quite ready to leave yet…needless to say, Tsukitachi is left with no other choice but to leave his tale and might have been forcibly dragged away so that they can all move forward. He takes it all in good humour though.
Especially since the next tale all of them fall into is Doctor Akari's. Akari had gotten sent into the tale of Sleeping Beauty, where he had learned that he was taking the place of the princess, cursed to prick his finger on a spindle when he turned sixteen and sleep for a hundred years until a kiss awoke him. But, since he got sent back to when the fairy cursed him, he put the extra time to use and while he still ended up pricking his finger, the tale's progression too strong for him to resist, when the others find him sleeping beside this spinning wheel (because everyone else in the tale falls asleep with him so there's no one to carry him to a bed), they find there's a note he pinned to his chest so that no one could miss it. 'Do not kiss me. There is an antidote to this magic in my pocket, inject that into me instead.' And honestly, everyone is getting ready to follow Akari's orders until Tsukitachi stops them. Because like…it's fun to mess with Akari and can you just imagine his face if someone were to kiss him and wake him up instead? Tsukitachi actually becomes somewhat insistent on this because he sees a way to mess with Akari and that is too good to pass up and the others really see it as just easier and quicker to go along with Tsukitachi, as the man takes the antidote from Akari's pocket anyway, so they would have had to get it away from Tsukitachi to give it to Akari. I just find it a funny idea, but they all play rock paper scissors to decide who has to kiss Akari because while the idea amuses Tsukitachi, nobody really wants to kiss the man. Poor Tsukitachi loses anyway, when it got down to just him and Iva (because there was no force in nature that was going to make Iva kiss Akari and she made sure Tsukitachi knew that) and he plants one on Akari, who wakes up. And lord, Akari is pissed because like…he left solid instructions. Do they know how long he had to work to come up with that magic antidote? They wasted so much of his time and efforts and eww, he did not want to be kissed, especially by Tsukitachi. Tsukitachi handing Akari his antidote back and assuring the man that it could probably come in useful elsewhere along this whole journey, as they still had others to rescue, really calmed Akari down. Akari breaks off the spindle, which is his key, and they all progress into the next tale, since honestly, Akari is just so ready for this all to be done and over with and is in a bad temper.
Tsukitachi doesn't seem to be immediately right though. The next tale finds no use for Akari's antidote, but does jolly Akari up somewhat, considering it's Hirato's tale they fall into and boy, is it nice to see Hirato be 'in distress' for once. Though honestly, it turns out Hirato was less in distress than they thought. See, he had fallen into the tale of Rapunzel and found himself locked up in a tower, his hair growing at a super fast rate, with no way to escape that he could immediately see. A witch would visit him once a week and though Hirato had come up with a few escape plans before very long, he kept still in his tower, trying to see if he could garner any information from the witch. The others pop into his tale about the time that Hirato decides that he has learned all he possibly can from the witch and that he would make his escape that day. The others stumble across this tower, see Hirato at the top window and the witch climbing back down his hair to the ground below. Once the witch is truly gone, they all hurry to the tower, yelling at Hirato to get his attention. He pokes his head out the window, sees them and just politely smiles and tells them to give him a second. The next thing they see is Hirato, now with much shorter hair, wrapping this super long braid around a hook by the window. Turns out he had pickpocketed a knife the witch had brought to cut up his weekly food for him before she left and he used the braid he had been sporting to climb down and join the others. He digs a rock out of the surface of the tower with the others help, knowing that the tower itself is his key and he must take a piece of it with him to be able to leave. The group walk into the forest and poof, into the next tale.
Honestly, this tale makes Akari much happier, if only because it's in this one that Akari does find a use for his magical antidote. The tale they come into is Yogi's. Yogi had found himself in the tale of Snow White. While he had been quick to figure out the Huntsmen had been planning on killing him when he was sent to accompany Yogi, on his evil stepmother's order, and had fought and defeated the Huntsmen, Yogi was still completely unsure of how to get out of his tale. His key wasn't anywhere around that he could see and so he stumbled through the woods, trying to figure out what to do next. He came across the seven dwarves cottage and they took him in. Honestly, Yogi was having so much fun with the dwarves, and really began to care about them greatly, that he got kind of distracted in finding his key and getting to the others. Too bad his key was also his undoing. While he knew the apple his evil stepmother, disguised as a passing elderly woman, was his key, the magic on it was too great and he couldn't help himself from biting into it, the curse on the apple causing him to fall into an enchanted sleep. The dwarves grieved him greatly and put him in a glass coffin in the forest, which is where the others all find him. They remove the glass cover and there's some talk of trying kissing again, since that helped the last sleeping person but Akari is having none of that bullshit again and Yogi gets unceremoniously stabbed and injected with Akari's antidote. He awakens to find himself still holding the apple, thank god, as that is his key, and with all his friends around him. He says a tearful goodbye to the kind dwarves, and they all move along to the next tale, all of them feeling good because like…they're almost to the end. They can think, really, of only a couple more people they may have to rescue.
Gareki is having one hell of a time and it's putting it lightly to say he really hates the tale he fell into. He had awoken in his tale to find himself in the process of being cursed by a fairy to assume the form of a monster until he could truly love another and find that love returned to him in kind. Now, problems with that…one, Gareki himself has a really hard time allowing himself to grow attached to other people, it turns out it's not really love if you're simply trying to grow attached to break a curse, and his monstrous form really does tend to send almost everyone running and screaming away from him. He's beginning to think there's no freaking way he's ever going to find a way out of this bogus, stupid tale when the others make their way into his tale. And honestly, things didn't go so well at first because all the others saw, when they stumbled onto this castle, was a monster. It took a little bit for Gareki to really get them to accept, without any doubts, that he was the monster. After that, the curse became a lot easier to break…though still not easy because Gareki? Admit and accept his feelings? Boy oh boy, is that one of the toughest things in the world for him. But it's only through accepting and admitting out loud, even as a whisper, that he truly does love and care about his comrades, and their own assurances that hey, they need Gareki around and he's part of their family (along with a few cracks about how they accept his new form because hey, there's really not much change from his normal face and this monstrous one) and that they care about him for the spell to be broken, though it takes a lot longer than it would if it was anyone else than Gareki cursed. When the curse fades, Gareki realizes that his key is one of the roses in the castle garden and plucking it, all of them make their way into the final tale.
That last tale, of course, being the one Nai got dropped into. Nai found himself dropped into a world where he quickly lost the man who said he was Nai's father, and where his stepmother and stepsisters quickly put him to work. Of course, his tale is Cinderella and we all know how the story goes. Nai really is too nice for his own good though and too blindly following…he really works hard and does what's demanded of him because by doing so, he gets a bed and regular meals and he actually gets really used to his new life, though he cries every day because he terribly misses his friends and life with Circus and wishes to go back to it. But he really doesn't know how to find his way back by himself and he doesn't want to be turned out into the street with no home at all and no food, like he keeps being threatened with. And in his own way, he does grow to care about his newly found stepmother and stepsisters and really wants to make them happy. He seems to think that if he just does everything they ask and does it really well, they'll start being nicer to him so he tries really hard. And when the ball comes around and his stepmother forbids him to go unless all the work is done, knowing that breaking her rules will make his stepmother really mad, he keeps turning down the fairy godmother's offer, and the story just keeps repeating itself every so often, over and over, because, though he doesn't know it, the story can't progress without him saying yes to his own freedom. Which is why it's so lucky that the Circus members drop into his story and find him out running an errand for his stepmother. Flat out, after learning the kind of life he's living and seeing how dirty and run down he is, no one is letting Nai go back to that. And he's perfectly okay with that because all his friends are there now, they can help him get home and protect him. And lo and behold, the fairy finds all of them in their new location, a set of rooms Iva rents for them in this world with all her gold and still makes the same offer to Nai. With encouragement from his friends, and an assurance from the fairy godmother that they can go to the ball with Nai, Nai accepts the fairy's offer and finds his key in the glass shoes he's gifted, along with new fine clothing.
With all the keys finally gathered, the Circus members all return to their world, glad to be back there, intent on studying the magic that caused the switch in worlds and, in a couple cases because let's be honest, a few of these people are very much not opposed to the idea of revenge, very intent on dealing out some much needed punishment to those that put them through that.
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nyt1ba · 2 months
      ❛❛   Move over.   ❜❜        he asks of her with a sigh that spoke of decades worth of exhaustion,   finally catching up to him after long days of continuous work,   he hardly left his lab in the nest except for occasional meals,   with Artemis disappointment reaching its peak if he were to miss one day of their new tradition,   he'll make it up to her when the load on his shoulders is a tad lighter,   just enough for him to resume the usual routine of scavenging   &.   repairing.   Thankfully,   it would seem he reached his limit now,   with the words almost dancing along the paper and his own handwriting ineligible even for him.   He drew his eyes away from his notes,   finally taking notice of the growing headache that began to press upon temples.   He's still flesh and bone but somehow he now understands how it must be to have a short circuit.   Wearily,   with his wing dragging behind him in an inability to keep it upright,   he makes the trip from his table to the pile of pillows and blankets arranged for Elektra to make her stay more comfortable as he busied himself from one thing to another                    strangely comfortable at the heart of the grotesque that was the nest.   She'd wait there with the patience of an angel,   choosing to keep him company in his silence when he could name a thousand other ways to spend her time better than endure an endless wait.   However,   it would be a lie to say he didn't like it,   her presence alone made his troubles more bearable,   his work a tad more enjoyable   ...   How could one person posses such an influence on him was a mystery that baffles him still.
   Settling on the solid ground next to her,   eyes would close momentarily as he allows himself a moment of proper rest,   [   &.   perhaps to avoid the knowing smile that would form upon her lips when he would finally give in   ].   A minute or two pass and he's rather bold as he closes the distance between them,   moving to rest his head on same pillow she was using,   cheek pressing against the side of her head.   This was a comfort born by familiarity,   it wasn't the first time they would simply lay there together for hours on end,   talking away about the vital and trivial                    more listening than speaking on his part,   unless the current topic required explanation   ...   It might be a deliberate thing on Elektra's behalf,   although he doesn't mind it much.   And so,   he listens,   lulled by the sweetness of her voice into serene relaxation never thought possible with the storm that eats away at him in the silence.   She seems at ease as well,   with a twinkle in coloured hues as she lost herself,   into herself,   it was rare to see her so   ...   full of life,   he adored it.
      " i can be myself with you. "
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   Softly she whispers,   and the admission brings a tender smile to his lips,   it's a brief thing,   but genuine all the same.        ❛❛   hm   ...   it's funny,   I'd almost forgotten what's it like,   to be.   I suppose I owe you for the reminder.   ❜❜        me too,   it's said between the lines as he leans to press a lazy kiss against her temple.   He's no longer the man he used to be,   wouldn't amount to his own shadow but rather an empty shell that had his shape and form,   yet she managed to fill that void with a spark of remembrance,   the better times where despair was not the only emotion he'd experience so intensely.   All this while he was merely getting by,   hardly living,   no longer possessing that old passion his human self once had.   Perhaps   ...   a fraction of that person still remains.
        ❛❛   I love you.   ❜❜
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@stilettaux // they make me SICK
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incendio22 · 2 years
Pt 2 Chapter 28: The Calm Before The Storm
Sebastian's POV
Waking up next to Y/n is the best thing I know in the entire world. Out of all the good things that exist in this world, this might just be the very best one. She's still lying on my chest, the way we fell asleep last night, and while my back is reminding me of my recent trauma, I choose to ignore it for just a little while to look at her. Her breathing is heavy and she looks so innocent when she's asleep, that there's nothing in the world worrying her. But of course I know that's not true. I always thought that I had been through the worst things someone could go through and that might be true, but I know that she's carrying more than anyone should ever have to.
There's something in me that's desperate to protect her, to save her. Maybe it's because she once did that for me. But I know she doesn't want, nor need, to be saved. What she needs is someone to help her out, to be there for her and to hold her together when she's falling apart. I do all of that gladly, but I sometimes worry that I'm not enough. That I someday won't be able to do all that for her and the thought haunts me. But when I'm looking at her now. Her messy hair, the freckles on her cheeks and the curve of her nose I feel nothing but happiness. Happy over the fact that I kept my heart open to her, even in times when she wasn't very gentle with it. Because I continued to fight because I knew there was more to us than kissing on astronomy tables and long night talks in the Undercroft.
I carefully put her to the side, placing a pillow under her head so she can sleep a little bit longer and place a soft kiss on her cheek before removing a strand of hair from her face. I get the sudden urge to write, so I head over to the neatly decorated desk. The only things on it are parchment and a quill. That's all I need, since my biggest source of inspiration is lying right in front of me. I had always loved art and literature ever since I was a child. It was something that brought me peace and when I learned to write I knew I wanted to become a writer. It's something so human about art. The fact that we don't create it for our survival or because we really need it, but simply for our own pleasure.
But my inspiration is interrupted by the fact that my back is causing me to feel extreme pain. I had been hesitant to show Y/n the wound since it stretched from my neck to my lower back. Not because I think she wouldn't love me because of it, but rather because she might pity me. And nothing makes me feel smaller than when I'm being pitied.
She soon wakes up and I walk over to her, sitting down on the sofa next to her.
''Good morning, darling,'' I say in a soft voice and place a kiss on the tip of her nose.
''Hi,'' she says in a sleepy voice.
''You slept well?'' I ask her and lay down next to her, holding her firmly.
''Mhm,'' she says and moves closer to me, her back against my chest and our legs pressed together.
There's nothing I love more than being close to her. I feel as if I get drunk by the taste of her skin, by her touch and her scent. It all seems like a gentle reminder that she really is the best thing to have ever happened to me. When she told me about her visit to Paris, my first instinct was to read about the city in desperate search of finding pieces of her in it. And she is the first person who I can imagine forever with, which is why I will do whatever it takes to make sure we get that.
I spend the day with Ominis in the library, studying for the N.E.W.T.s. Neither of us have a clue what we want to do once we're out of Hogwarts. Of course, I want to write. But I don't feel confident enough yet to rely on it as a solid career. Maybe it's best to find a proper job, just to write in my freetime. At least for starters.
''This is hopeless,'' I complain to Ominis, who is studying hard.
''Stop complaining and try to study,'' he says seriously.
''I've tried,'' I articulate.
''Well, try harder,'' Ominis suggests.
I sigh out loud, feeling rather frustrated at this point. It feels hopeless studying for something that I don't even need to fulfil my dreams, but I know it's a must if I'm going to create a good life for me and Y/n.
''Can't we just talk about something else for just five minutes?'' I ask pleadingly.
''Fine,'' Ominis says firmly, sounding slightly irritated. ''What's on your mind?''
''How about you tell me what's on yours?'' I ask, knowing that Ominis has a tendency to bottle up his feelings and thoughts.
''This isn't where I expected this to go,'' he says, sounding bitten together. ''But I'm alright. I'm just worried about Imelda, still.''
''Go on,'' I encourage him.
Ominis leans closer to me.
''She's not doing good,'' he says in a low voice. ''Did you know she took liquid luck before the quidditch game?''
''Oh, Merlin,'' I burst out in a low voice. I had no idea it was this bad.
''Mhm,'' Ominis agrees. ''I try to be there for her and I know Y/n is too, but she's refusing to accept any sort of help. I feel completely helpless.''
''I can't even imagine what that must be like,'' I say in a compassionate voice. ''I'm so sorry, Ominis.''
''How do you get Y/n to talk about the difficult stuff?'' he asks curiously, still in a low voice.
Now that I think about it, neither of us have really had to go through what Ominis goes through. The closest call being me when I was in a bad place, avoiding her. But that doesn't really feel applicable to our relationship any longer. But that doesn't feel very helpful to Ominis, so I choose to go with the examples from when we weren't as steady.
''Well, I've mostly had to beg for her forgiveness,'' I explain in a low voice. ''But when I needed her, she always let me know that she was there for me. Even when I didn't want to talk, she would always sit with me and be there for me. People can help without saying a single word.''
''Hm,'' Ominis makes a low noise. ''That does make sense, I suppose. But it just kills me to know that she has so many things going on inside her head and refuse to let them out.''
''I know,'' I say sympathetically. ''But you can't force her to talk, so it's better just to show your support.''
During the afternoon the sun starts shining through the window of the library, reminding us that spring is around the corner. Normally the first time I can sense that spring is near I'm filled with hope and joy, but this time I feel dread and fear. Despite the bright sun telling us that it will all be okay, I feel that the worst is yet to come.
Living in fear is worse than living in pain. Because most times you can track down the source of the pain, but with fear there's really nothing you can do except accepting its presence. I notice Y/n sitting in front of the window facing the Black Lake, looking completely sunk into her thoughts.
''If it isn't my favourite girl,'' I tell her as I kiss her cheek before I sit down next to her.
''Hi, darling,'' she says back and gives me a smile.
''Finding any mermaids?'' I say jokingly, trying to lighten my own mood. Of course it's instantly lightened by Y/n's presence, but I sense things are off with her too.
''I wish,'' she says and tilts her head. ''You know, I spent countless hours sitting here but I never saw anything mermaid-like and it always disappoints me.''
''That's fair,'' I tell her and put my arm around her, pulling her closer. ''In our next lives, we can be mermaids together.''
Her face lights up and she looks at me with a smile.
''Don't be silly,'' she says, holding back a laugh. But I want nothing more than to hear her laugh.
''In all honesty, I could be any creature if I got to be with you,'' I tell her with a smirk. ''Anything except maybe a toad or something like that.''
''That would be a sight,'' she finally laughs. ''You like a toad. Not sure I'd like it.''
''Oh you would,'' I tell her daringly. ''I'd make you like me.''
''Hmm,'' she hesitates and tilts her head. ''I'm not convinced.''
''Oh, don't be like that, darling,'' I say and pull her closer, covering her face in kisses.
She's giggling the entire time and I feel my stomach flutter as I feel her smile with my lips. Her laugh and her smile could cure the world from any disease. And in that very moment, I feel hope for the future. That feeling combined with the pictures in my mind of us living together and having a real life together convinces me that there are no other options for me. And I will do anything to make it come true.
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A Means To Find Slumber (Obey Me! fanfic)
summary: Retha is finally able to get to sleep. Thanks to the care of a friend.
characters: OC (who is NOT the MC just a 3rd exchange student), Diavolo
content: mention of depression, casual moment, fluff, romance
Retha had spent the entire day trying to get to sleep. With absolutely no success. Since having a cold on top of dragon features didn't make it very easy to get comfortable. The once human now hybrid giving yet another hard snarl to face plant into the pillows. Her tail whipping back and forth in a frenzy as she gave her mattress a few punches with her scaled hands. While her talon feet knocked against each other to make Retha wince at the contact.
Retha finally sat back up to turn her gaze to her room in the Demon Lord's Castle and heave a tired sigh of air. The full length mirror holding a reflection she was still getting used to. Since she was now a mix of Demon, Angel, Vampire and Sorceress now, it meant she didn't look at all human. Her once mouse brown hair had gone pure white from the incident. Once green eyes were now a glowing hue of purple. Horns along her temples to end in points that she was keeping filed down so as not to injure herself. Blue dragon scales all along her skin from her face down to her toes. Her fingernails might as well be mini daggers when she didn't file them. A long scaled tail the Leviathan had been teaching her to keep from knocking things (or people) over with. Her feet were now like those of a gargoyle to look menacing. Despite the socks Luke and Leviathan had made for her done with anime cats. She still felt like herself in the inside and had not changed in personality or beliefs. But on the outside...
The knock at the door had Retha turn her gaze and answer. "Come on in." But she was visibly surprised to see Diavolo at the door in his silk pajamas. His frown deepening as he walked in to speak directly to Retha. "I guess my hope that you finally fell asleep didn't happen. Even when Barbatos made that special relaxing tea?" Retha gave a sigh that had her all but deflate like a balloon. "It was pretty good tea. But no. Still can't get used to this whole getting comfy for lights out thing. I think the tea just helped with my cold more than anything."
Diavolo gave a warm smile to sigh and nod his head. "Well, that's something to be glad for. I let Lucifer know you will be staying with me for the weekend. So he and his brothers will be gathering up whatever school work they give tomorrow to have Solomon deliver it after classes. So you get to be my companion for the next three days. As such... I am here to help you with actually sleeping."
Retha watches with evident surprise as Diavolo moved to just get into the bed with her. His hands gently taking her own to slowly pull her to him as he chuckled at the look on her face. "Oh come now. I already heard from the others that you having a demon for your pillow worked wonders the other day. Beelzebub had you snuggle him while you joined his brothers for movie night. Only to completely pass out in a minute to stay that way all night. But this time, I will be the one to act as the pillow. So let's get you to lay down, Retha."
Soon enough, Diavolo had laid himself down in the bed with the pillows to ease Retha in to join him. His hands cradling her head to his heart as the blankets lifted up by magic to properly lay themselves over them both. A hum of warmth escaping Diavolo for him to run his fingers through Retha's hair. "Ah. I can tell that Asmodeus got you that newest shampoo. It smells lovely. But my your heart is racing. I can feel such thunder against my own ribs. Just try to clear your mind and breathe for me. Match my own breathing and just stay here with me."
Retha gave a nod to wrap her arms around Diavolo and do her best to relax. Her wings losing their tension to fold into her back and then actually disappear. So Diavolo takes his hands to slowly run his fingers down her spine in a leisurely touch with the barest trace of magic. Those violet eyes closing as Retha took in the sound of Diavolo's breathing. The heart of the current ruler of the Devildom drumming in a steady strength against her ear for Retha to feel a deep shiver course through her being. Both searing yet sweet. But she just hummed a note of ease to actually snuggle into Diavolo's frame. Which had him chuckle before he closed his eyes. The two soon fast asleep and off to the realm of dreams.
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