#and obi-wan is liek
tennessoui · 4 months
for the superhero au im laughing at the idea of anakin fixing obi’s car and accidentally finding a ton of pictures of his superhero self in the glove box because that’s where obi keeps some of his journaling material. anakin would be so suspicious but also a little flattered. obi has an excuse for the first few photos but not the photos that are clearly ass shots and anakin lifting heavy things.
mechanic anakin, practically vibrating from suspicion: boy you sure have a lot of pictures of superhero vader in your glovebox 🤨
obi-wan: im a journalist.
anakin: oh ok then mr. cutie! 😚 that makes sen---wait but journalists don't take photographs right? 🤨 don't they have people for that? 🤨
obi-wan, sweating because he can't admit to this cute mechanic that the cute mechanic sort of found his jerk off stash of superhero pictures: um. staffing cuts. at the newspaper. means i have to both be the photographer and the journalist.....because local news is dying.
anakin: local news IS dying omg....here take 15% off actually cutie
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sukugo · 2 years
just realized my fave obikin dynamic is obikin-shipper anakin x obikin-anti obi-wan
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cosmic-croissant · 2 years
was anyone going to tell me about el tango de roxanne or was i just supposed to find it myself??
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legobenkenobi · 1 year
??????? you can't just make someone gay idiot....... like i can excuse you making cody and obi wan gay even though it makes no sense just liek anon said but makeing a REAL PERSON gay??????????? as if ruining a perfectly platonic relationship wasn't bad enough leik golly man will your hunger for alphabet soup never be satiated? will you spread your carnage through the land until the whole world is painted rainbow? DIE.
you ridding the world of the rainbow alphabet woke mafia agenda
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crystalbrain7 · 2 years
crystalbrain-crack cocaine for the soul 1/1 NFT ethereum
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ok, so crystalbrain got introduced 2 crack cocaine by this dude in the motherfuckin' CIA in a VR simululation to train nicaraguan rebels. he had a glass pipe which he put a flame 2 and he took a hit and all of a sudden it was liek a hailstorm of nun-killings just jumped into his brain liek a complete disasterpiece of youphoric wonderfulness. this was after having a gay orgy with manuel noriega and some colombian dudes and it was a perfect moment of spectackular crack rock hitting wonder. this was not the first time crystalbrain had done drugs, no, he had smoked marijuana, tripped on psilocybin mushrooms, dosed on LSD, gotten fucking jacked on speed, taken benzos, rolled on ecstacy, inhaled huge balloons full of nitrous oxide, gone to other dimensions on salvia divinorum, snorted heroin, chugged cough syrup, gotten blown out of his mind on DMT, and this among probably hundrededs of other reasons is why crystalbrain did not live up to his full potential as a contributing member of the matrix.
but being with CIA agents smoking huge rocks of crack cocaine as a test 2 see if crack was a good idea 2 fill the ghettos of america with in order to be a proper instrurument of the government to keep poor people jonesin 4 a hit, he decidided that what his soul really, really deep down craved was an extatic union with the god…of crack. yes, crystalbrain had met his new god, and being 10 years old and fondled by ronald reagan he decided he would go on a mission 2 get every threat 2 the status kwo hooked on this incredibly racist form of cocaine. he snuck around on an alternate form of existence putting telepathic thoughts to buy roses in glass toobs in the inner cities of amerikkka and it was his complete desire that not only should everyone who was poor smoke crack, that eventually aliens would put the entire planet earth into one big crack pipe and take a gigantic hit off of the pipe and get high for liek…15 minutes. and thus crystalbrain went back 2 school and started selling crack cocaine 2 his classmates in the school bathroom.
it was not known at the tiem but crack cocaine made its way through multiple layers of existence, and so there were demons smoking crack, angels smoking crack, and there was god himself sittin' on his throne smoking a big fat dime rock of crack with his donations from churches. satan got in on the game and started smoking crack, but this was just in the judeo-christian realm of existence. there were buddhas smoking crack, lao tzu's force ghost was smoking crack, in the star wars universe obi wan kenobi was smoking crack with anakin, and everyone in the entire multiverse was having a great time getting high on crack. but then they all got addicted and started selling their assholes to buy crack, and then the DEA became an interdimensional entity and forced its way through the multiverse, and everyone got busted because they were selling and smoking so much crack.
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rexismycopilot · 2 years
I cant remember what was said about FS obikin fucking in obi wan’s work office but with the new role play amp up they NEED TO RECREATE THEIR FIRST MEETING
Liek idk maybe Anakin is like what we’re you thinking when we first met (maybe this is like a year after they met maybe someone wrote it down or there was just a marker ((maybe some how their texts from that first night))) and then it devolves into Obi wan divulging all things he was thinking ((maybe obi wan was having as many dirty late night thoughts as Anakin those first few weeks)) like I can just imagine that when Anakin quickly stood up and all his things fell to the floor and then he bent down to pick them up hastily Obi wan was like “I want to fuck him so bad”
Omg this has such a potential to be both very sweet and nostalgic but also suuuuper sexy. Anakin kind of working up the nerve to ask Obi-Wan about their first meeting and what Obi-Wan was thinking. He's kind of worried that Obi-Wan will say something like he wasn't thinking about Anakin like that at all, but of course Obi-Wan was because... look what happened lol
Obi-Wan being really reassuring and teasing Anakin about sitting up straight and drinking his water and his coffee. Anakin bashfully admitting that he was jacking off to Obi-Wan's little shows of control before they had kissed lol. (Maybe Obi-Wan admitting something similar)
Uuuugh it's so good! Thank you for this idea!! <3
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the theory was that  george lucas wanted to  do all the canon, by 2017, 40  years later,  but then they made the spin off series, so all future clone wars theories were incorprated into the 100 year  history of the  galaxy, just like how  human empires lasted 1000 years, the family  connection was  the plot line of most star wars stories,
-- unpublished clone wars episodes that in the past lead to  dead ends, , the future wiil be  many pathways,, 14 more spin off season,. til George  realised it  was all about  family,
for someone  new to the  era, it is important  to  know the fandom was letter writing penpals and  postal star wars  fact  sheets based in te 1977 to  1988 era,
1988 was the last great  time to know the original cannon, before it  went into manga , anime,
we  got  a fact  sheet as  George went online in  1987, as  we  nerds were all online by then,  ou  can find  George lucas, Bantha Tracks postal star wars newsletters online,
Bantha Tracks Archives ... It all began in 1978 with the first 4 issues, originally called The Official Star Wars Fan Club, consisting of a series of articles
and the era of well before the internet, , ah naa, that is  too compicated, basically to realise it was mainly about the lucas team sending us  pencils,  badges, and  logoes items of cultural  and star war  significance,
there were  yearly  tv shows, about  George slipping hints about adventures of luke skywalker mainly,  as a  story of  what  hapened between episodes  “new hope” and ESB, and then  George threw in stories about  adventures between ESB, and ROFJ, ;;
star wars originally was a  fibibachi  scale, it was a concept of  one movie in  1977, never thought ot be  3 movies, , then the  success of the 3 side stories between the  3 movies, and  the  end of the  empire, left a therory in  the concept of  future star wars,  then the  fibinachi rule, increased  then it  was  6 movies,  12, ,  will we  get  24 movies, no one in  1977 would  ever have thought a  franchinse liek star wars would be an online genre, with over,  25 Million people watching a 30 minute  tv show all at once onlien in 2022
plus now  with  25 million peopel chatting along , the  whole concept of  follwng one  dialogue now makes no  sence,  each time someone  interpretes star wars, its informatin gets sent to  Disney  for  analysis, ,
 3 movies made  George Lucas make enough money to make some random  ewok movies, ,  3  Ewok movies and  3 cartoon  series, a boba fett cartoon,  Droids, ( the R2D2 and  C3PO cartoon) and ewoks
Ewoks debuted on September 7, 1985, and ran against Muppet Babies and The Smurfs and Snorkles.
then  George  had a 10  year phase of wanting ot  do  the  dinasaur movies “Land  Before Time”  where we  connected ot  animated dinosaurs and  cried alot,
which was pretty much early,  Ice  AGe theme animated preproduction, of making a cartoon style for  future finacing other  star wars projects, ,
then 1997 happened and we  got the  re-start of the originals with  edits, and a new  ealry  DVD system before the  story of prequals in 1999, 2002, 2005,  with George  doing the  epic introducing the  “clone wars”, that  obi wan  Kenobi mentioned in a new hope,   , so as  he previously  learnt after  doing the  clone wars and  using  real commandoes from   human wars,
seeing  real commandoes  do  army moves and  do  action and emotional scenes, , the stories of humanising  recovery form war  was the main  motif of his plot lines in the middle of  each  era of  cone wars,,
lets say, their are now 15  eras in the clone wars, as,  anikan was 60 when he  met luke skywalker,
this  3  year triagulation for  each  new  recruits , new enlistments, so the group  dynamics always  change,  like  in human  years, war brings  educational  stresses, we  have a  resistance, and  a post enlightenment phase, where paciifism and the  asokah tano story line was not  working in 2005, when  ahsoka was seen as  dead in 1999,  dead in 2002, or  dead in 2005 cut deleted versions of the prequal films, each time georges   theory was ahsoka as  anikans padawan was  doomed, andwas thought to be curesed to  never  reveal the  connection  between anakin and , it was not til  George  realised, ahsoka  could  have  lead a life away form  being  a jedi, and  the  same with  Luke  skywalker,  time changes all, and it was a learning   curve for  George, who placed that theory  behind him and now  ahsoka is now alive all along,  spoiler, ,
 , someone was leading  dead ends to the plot line, so to  confuse a few star wars fans of  future plot lines, , it  was not til 2017 when all the  loose ends and red herrings were worked out and the clone wars was one  continual  jounrey to teach about  family in war, , the end of episode  9 in canon , so each time a new movie or  show is made, it re animated the  entire  1000 year hisory of the pre republic,  Republic /Empire, Recovery, rebuild dynamic,
but what one sees as  a star wars movie in 1977 is  far more  different ot  what it  was like in 1999, or 2007 or  even 2017, a person forom  2017 would be so new to the plot line of even the  new  2023  movies , and  future time lines, it is  always  evolving, , so , starting or ending or stoping or re-starting in one time line, the adventure is always  different no one plot line is the same  for  everyone, to  witness the  Disney harvest, lol, that is why all interepretations good or  bad are worthy to  Disney,  makes no  difference who is making plot line time lines, Disney  sees all,  
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Thinking about the jedi but enemies au and the deception arc and obi wan comes back and is all "oh sorry to disappoint, im actually alive" and anakin who has been going through hell and thought obi wan knew he cared and thought they were on the same page takes a step back and mentally recalibrates and is like "oh, okay, violence it is then". And eventually obi wan confronts him about why he's being such an asshole and anakin snaps something about "I thought this meant something to you, I was going to tell you I loved you dammit" and storms off as obi wan now in a state of shock realizes he may have miscalculated.
yes to all of that👌
they never talked about it (because god forbid these two acknowledge any feelings other than annoyance) but Anakin was certain that despite their arguments Obi-Wan knew. Knew they have whatever this is between them, an undefinable relationship but still something special, you know?
And then Obi-Wan does this to him, Anakin Skywalker, specifically, and dares to come back and acts like it was no big deal? The AUDACITY of this man, Obi-Wan is lucky Anakin didn't deck him the second he was in the temple and now he is DEAD to him and he will only get 1) violence 2) death stares 3) insults reported by Ahsoka who's mortified that she has to be the messenger between them
But Obi-Wan keeps trying to get to Anakin anyway and they become the angry divorced couple who makes a scene everywhere they go so they get banned from the dining hall, and then the archives, and then the training rooms before Anakin dramatically admits he loved him in a fit of rage, and half of the room gasps like it's the best plot twist in holoshow history while Obi-Wan's brain makes the aol dial up sound
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OH OH OH update: the boy said instead of innocents of ryloth he wants to watch ‘the one where the clones go off the wall and mess up that ugly evil guy.’ I can only assume that means Umbara??? we’re going to give it a shot and see how long it takes before he goes “no, not this one.” it’ll probably be halfway through the third episode honestly and he’ll do it just to ruin my life.
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
Pointed out to a friend that Matt Lanter was in ‘The Prisoner’ as the New Republic soldier and she was immediately “Anakin’s undercover! It all makes sense now!!1!”
Which, I mean. I appreciate the hell out of her for that? But also timeline.
(Also though, what timeline, am  right?)
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asexualjedi · 3 years
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[Caption: Digital oil painting of Obi-Wan Kenobi as played by Ewan McGregor. The image shows him on the left side of a landscape oriented image, showing his head and some of his chest. The painting is unfinished the face and hair being the most completed with rough colors and an brown outline on top detailing face. His clothes are the most unfished with some color blocking and a rough outline. He is facing towards the left in a 3/4ths view.]  I too am guilty of the shameless bimbofication of Obi-Wan Kenobi
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tennessoui · 6 months
did my annual christmas love actually rewatch and emma thompson's line to alan rickman after she confronts him for cheating on her and he says "i've been such a fool" and she says 'but you've made the life i lead look foolish too"
made me think of how i imagine obi-wan would feel if anakin came clean about his marriage to him while still carrying on pretending to be a jedi while flagrantly disregarding aspects of the code that obi-wan has personally always struggled and pushed himself to adhere to despite the heartache it's given him -- meanwhile anakin sees no problem being both a jedi and married/attached
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jzmn8r · 2 years
God episode 4 of Kenobi really added depth to the empire in my opinion
Like we already knew they were evil but liek
The way Reva was so willing to torture a child *and the fact that the empire had child sized (leia isn’t even that big either) restraints to begin with like good. lord what the hell. It really shows that the empire just didn’t care abt anybody (obv but like this especially)
*i think it’s also kind of tragic bc the way that Reva is so desperate to be approved by Vader and seen as the grand inquisitor that she will go so far as to do what she did to Leia like she was 10 years old
Also that whole hallway w the Jedi in the tombs,,, man that made me so upset especially for Obi-Wan cause like,, imagine going in that hallway and seeing your family’s corpses just encased like that
And those Jedi prob never knew proper peace in the force afterwards bc like after the empire who would’ve known abt it besides imperials and Obi-Wan? Both of which by that point are dead
There’s prob more but I’m tired so I’ll think more in the morning xoxo
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ahsokryze · 2 years
I would liek to kno.. Abt snips and skyguy on said snowy mountain?? Especially if it is abt anakin being cold and Ahsoka being amused but concerned but That is one of my favourite tropes hehe. But am interested in whatever you have got workin back there 👀
hi! of course, okay so basically in this one the 501st and 212th are stationed on an ice planet for a duration of time, and while they’re there anakin and ahsoka end up getting very bored because there’s nothing to do, soooo anakin asks ahsoka if she wants to climb up a mountain with him—yes, he’s so bored that he’s willing to go out in the cold and climb up a snowy mountain, which is obviously a GREAT idea, if you see where this is going ;)
anyway, anakin and ahsoka tell obi-wan where they’re going, he tells them to have fun, and then they climb up the mountain (which is right next to their base). it takes slightly longer to climb up than anakin told ahsoka, but they eventually make it to the top and sit down to eat, enjoy the view, anakin keeps making "snow" and "ice" related dad jokes which ahsoka does not find amusing,,,,,,,,,, But then, while ahsoka’s finishing her food, anakin heads round to the other side of the peak to look at the view or something like that, and when he comes back ahsoka watches him trip over a rock and fall into a small ditch
ahsoka snorts at first, not thinking it’s that serious—it’s not like he fell down the side of the mountain or anything—but after a few moments anakin doesn’t seem to be getting up, so she goes over to see what’s going on……
turns out anakin dislocated his knee. and because anakin dislocated his knee, it means that he can’t exactly walk down the mountain, so they’re stuck up there, in the cold.
“"Climb up a mountain", he said. "It’ll be fun", he said…”
ahsoka ends up having to call for an evac team to come rescue them, but while they’re waiting, ahsoka helps anakin out of the ditch and brings him over to sit in a mini windbreaker tent that was in anakin’s pack, they huddle up to keep warm—mostly just ahsoka hugging anakin to stop him from shivering too much and hurting his knee even worse—and obi-wan ends up calling them to ask what happened and keep them company until they get rescued. soft lineage vibes :))
so yeah, this one is actually one of the last prompt fills i need to finish, but the plot bunny really got away with me this time so it’s gonna be a lot longer than normal
[ask me about my WIPs]
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taz-skylar · 3 years
tagged by the best beans @zofias and @kamalaskhans, thanks buds! :D
first creation and most recent creation of 2020:
first creation: ace & sabo in one piece: stampede wow that feels like years ago
most recent creation: just posted a sailor moon/wonder woman parallel bc QUEENS
one of your favourite creations from 2020:
jepser fahey bc wow do i miss having that type of inspiration
a creation you’re really proud of:
tony stark didn’t think it was going to turn out how i wanted but it pretty much did???
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it:
manga colouring for the first time with oikawa tooru
trying my hand at colouring with my most tragic beans (pepperony)
blending for the first time with pepperony
playing around with gifs on top of gifs for morgan and tony
a creation that took you forever:
oh definitely the pepper loving tony throughout the years gifset
also the gif in pepperony’s first dance i had to do that frame-by-frame which is A LOT
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes:
tony stark parallel from iron man 2 and what if...?
but second place goes to tony stark with a naruto quote so that’s fun :D
a creation you think deserved more notes:
honestly i wish the first wangxian gifset i did with the old guard quote got more notes than it had bc that was just sad to see :(
a creation with a favourite scene/quote:
chuuya’s entrance
oikawa’s appearances after the timeskip (gotta choose both bc they’re both KINGS)
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it:
i joined so many fandoms this year but let’s go with the wangxian + delicate one i did
a creation you made that breaks your heart:
jfaldfja i basically just make a lot of sad edits but for this game i’ll go with the wei wuxian and jiang yanli one that made me cry
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love:
this pepperony gifset bc i just really love the contrasts between their first and last scenes in the iron man mask in avengers (like the cool colouring in the beginning vs. the hot in the ending and the happiness vs. sadness) liek it’s all there in that scene and i love it and hate it
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!):
ironfam inspired by the incredibly talented @sersi​ (star wars version)
but also tony stark inspired by the amazing @catchingmydeatth​ (rey version)
a favourite creation created by someone else: (in no particular order)
oh i have so many aldjfakd going through my fav tag is the best idea but let’s see:
the arthur/gwen&barry/iris parallel gifset by @iriswestsallen​ bc that edit was so beautiful and wonderfully done that it literally started my entire fav tag !! 
obviously this tony stark edit (it was made for me okay), but also soukoku (that coin is the best thing of life), pevensies + times of day (i’m screaming, especially over that blue for edmund!), dabi's reveal (the colouring is everything!! even with the lyrics which was TOTALLY done to spite me :/), but also the miles morales edit and all the writing and the small little snippets and of course the shitposts that are done by @hauntedthief - i love the fact that i get to see all the edits and writing pieces before they even get posted, like from start to finish, it’s the best
the iconic miles morales edit by @wonderwomans and the tony stark gifset (i’m biased but it was made for me :D) but also kesh has all of the talent in the world, no lies, bc her soukoku au tears me to pieces and puts me back together again jsut to do it all over again. legit kesh your talent is unparalleled, holy fuck
anything and everything made by @kamalaskhans​ but i am always going to be in love with this tony stark gifset sameera made bc everything is so perfect in it, like next level stuff right here. wow, the most talented gif maker creating such a masterpiece, i am in love
the dazai osamu edit by @dicennio but honestly it was really hard to choose just one out of everything?? your one of the best graphic makers on this site, holy shit, and i get so excited over all your edits bc the talent??? the amazingness??? i love it all
this anakin and obi-wan gifset by @niinazenik bc wow phe, how do you edit??? like seriously. the way this edit flows from red with teh bolded ‘hate’ to the blue and the sadness in the end scene is everything, wow, i’m stunned
this tony stark gifset by @marwankenzari bones not only is that quote so perfect for the best bean in this universe but also your font choices and your colouring are amazing and the way the font in the back goes from red to yellow, his colours, just ties it all up so well, seriously i’m in awe over here, bud
this untamed finale ep gifset by @gusucloud​ this finale ep was a rollercoaster of emotions and this gifset brings it all out again. the colouring is so soft which contrasts so beautifully with the heartbreaking scenes. wow i’m a mess again, thanks
some of your favourite content creators from the year: (in no particular order)
@hauntedthief, @wonderwomans, @kamalaskhans, @dicennio, @zofias, @mob-psycho, @yenvengerberg, @elriccs, @mazusu, @gojosattoru, @coulter, @anya-chalotra, @marwankenzari, @katsukes, @chloezhao, @sersi, @momentofmemory, @niinazenik, @reddriot, @zuura, @timothyolyphant, @taylorjoy-anya, @hollywoods, @bosemanchadwick, @ierishouko, @tanchirou, @montygreen, @bartonclinton, @jackmans, @akaashikeji, @parkersedith, @robertpattisons, @pepperonys, @andthwip, @williamsherondales, @gusucloud, @strangehighs, @celiabowens, @runwiththewind, @arthurpendragonns, @highwarlockkareena, @kiyomie, @chonis, @tonystarks, and so many more !! seriously everything these wonderful people make is certified gold!!! thank you guys so much for making my dash brighter and more beautiful than it’s ever been! this year may have been shitty but my dash was filled with the best art ever :D it’s so inspiring to see all your beautiful creations, y’all are seriously so damn talented and i’m so glad i follow you all!
and for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love:
tony stark + the flash
dazai osamu
susan pevensie + ashe vernon
soukoku playlist
pepperony + mary oliver
oikawa tooru
one tree hill
susan pevensie + emily palermo
pepperony + 5+1
wangxian + mary elizabeth frye
tagging: everyone who’s been tagged in this post if you haven’t already done it yet! :D
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captainshyguy · 5 years
god like.....still rewarching tcw and like....why did they not put waxer in more eps huh?? dude has the BIGGEST heart out of any clone nd thems the facts!!! 
#like....i get we mostly stay with the 501st and like!!! not complaining at ALL rex is still my fave clone after all#and i love all the 501st clones we get they're my fave squad and i LOV THEM#but like.....its highly implied that obi wan and cody fight alongside waxer and boil a LOT but we never??? rly see it???#besides like 1-2 eps????#nd like.....you think they'd develop those more?? liek we see obi wan a lot why dont we see those guys a lot#heck its even kinda the same with cody like#i like cody but i dont love him nd its honestly bc we never rly got a ton OF him#we still got some!! rookies is a nice prime example#but like...idk just why did we barely see obi wan's clone squad huh?? why did they get almost no dvelopment#like 99% of their development IS in the ep with waxer nd boil nd its jsut those two hfkjdhdn#i think its why rex kinda became THE clone like he was in it way more and got way more development/time interacting with other characters#anyway uhhhh went on a tangent but my point STANDS waxer deserved to be in more#like the compassion he has for the civilians in the war is UNCONTESTED#i wanted to see more of him being a sweetheart!!!! tryna help civillians and listen.....#he seems the type to adopt tons of orphans nd be the best caretaker in the world if he wasnt a slave in a republic army#but thats a whole other rant entirely :^))))))))#emma rambles#sw#tcw#waxer#god rly innocents of ryloth is SUCH a good episode and its so heartwarming and sweet its!!! AAAAAAA#im sitting here loiwkey crying
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