#and of course my first instinct is to immediately verbalize that to her but like.
cesium-sheep · 1 year
no yeah pretty sure it's a trauma response thing.
the whole year has been so very very very bad, so as the end gets nearer I get counterintuitively more anxious, both because I become more afraid something else will come along to kick me back into the pit and because I have a little more room to breathe instead of just having to grit my teeth and carry on. (this is pretty normal in the context of prolonged stress and long-term traumatic situations (as opposed to singular Events))
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the office
Longtime reader and writer. First time poster! Let me know what you think- I have pages of this story to share if there is any interest. <3 Enjoy!
“Vox, these pancakes are the best!” 
Another sleepy Sunday morning at home. Or at least, the place I called home these days. My arrival to hell six years ago had left me uneasy- displaced from the only world I had ever known. Upon my arrival, Lucifer immediately deposited me in one of the biggest power circles in Hell. With a kiss on the cheek and a warning to behave- lest I end up like my mother and father- he disappeared, off to running hell or heaven- I honestly wasn’t sure at this point.  
“Not better than mine though, right Princessa?” Valentino’s voice rang with teasing disapproval. 
I caught his eye and grinned. “I don’t know. Last I checked you didn’t put strawberries AND chocolate chips in your pancakes.”
“Take that!” Vox semi shouted. “Even your wife agrees I’m the better cook!” 
Lighthearted bickering broke out between the two of them. I caught the eye of Velvette, the only other girl in our group and she rolled her eyes, as amused as I was.
I wouldn't have guessed when I first arrived in hell that these three demons would eventually be the family I had left behind. Upon my arrival in hell, Lucifer warned that that these demons were three of the most powerful overlords in this ring of hell. Coming from a world where demons were slaughtered on sight- and the opposite held true for angels- meeting a demon off the battlefield for the first time took every inch of my self control to not allow the instincts I worked so hard to develop to overtake me. 
When I first met Vox, I was taken aback. For a demon, he was surprisingly friendly. According to Lucifer, he controlled the television airwaves and heavily utilized video and electricity to exert control over a host of sinners. Walking into his studio for the first time felt like stepping into energy territory- at least until the demon spoke. 
“First time meeting a demon?” Vox seemed amused. “Nothing to be afraid of, I assure you. At least, not for you Princess.” He extended his hand and I shook it out of politeness. His twisted smile grew wider, revealing a set of sharp teeth. “Don’t worry your highness, we will take excellent care of her.” 
Lucifer looked unconcerned. “You know the consequences if you don’t.” His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. “Sorry to rush out on you, but I have a meeting to get to. Ensure you follow through on your end of the bargain.” His eyes flashed red, a non verbal “or else”.
“Of course,” Vox replied smoothly. “We have her living quarters all set up- she’s welcome to settle in after I give her the grand tour. And don’t worry- our resident fashionista will help her…blend in.” He reached out as if to push my hair to the side but stopped himself. “She’s in excellent hands, your highness.” 
Lucifer looked unconcerned. A cold fear settled in my gut, followed by anger. He was leaving me? In the hands of this…creature? 
“See you later darling. Enjoy all Hell has to offer.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek before he vanished,  leaving me in the sole company of the TV demon. 
“Before we go any further, I need your phone.” Vox reached his hand out. 
I hesitated but pulled my pink flip phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. He dropped it on the ground and crushed it beneth his foot. 
“Hey! Why did you do that?” I demanded. 
“That technology? Ancient and easy to hack. Here. I preloaded Lucifers number, our numbers and that’s honestly the only contacts you need. Not only that, its the latest model. The public won’t have access to it until next month.” He handed me a rectangular shaped phone. 
“And this.” he handed me a matching pink watch. “Don’t take it off. It allowed me to know your vitals and your location at all times. If something was to happen to you, we could easily get to you.” 
Wouldn’t that be the first thing they took off? I wondered but didn’t say it. Vox  hit a few buttons and showed me how to unlock it just by looking at the screen. After a few minutes of playing with it, I started to grasp the concept. 
“Lucifer wasn’t lying when he said you were smart. Come. Follow me.” 
Vox turned to walk away and I trailed behind him.
“Well, might as well show you around. Couple things to be aware of. Obviously as Princess of Hell you can do as you please but know that Valentino's studio, Velvette’s  runway and my office are strictly for business. Enter at the wrong time and you may end up seeing things that…you’re not quite used to.” 
He pressed a button and an elevator door slid open. I stepped inside and I followed, standing quietly next to him. The sense of unease hadn’t left me since the moment I arrived in hell and the further into the building I ventured the deeper that fear became. 
“First floor is the entry. Second is my office and studio. Third and fourth belong to Val’s workspace and the fifth floor belongs to Velvette. The Sixth floor is our living space- that’s where you’ll be joining us. Your quarters are up there as well. Living room and kitchen are shared spaces, though we all value the privacy of our own bedrooms.” He smiled a bit darkly. “You’re welcome to join us for movie night.” 
Since when did demons watch movies? 
The elevator dinged to three and I stepped out behind him. The scene infront of us was pure chaos. Demons in various shapes, forms and stages of dress hustled around the open room. Clothes and racks were scattered about, being tossed aside and rehung quicker that I thought possible.  Against a white backdrop, three models stood as lightbulbs went off around them. 
Unlike Vox with his TV shaped head,  the demon in charge looked relatively human. Her purple, red and black hair was pulled up high in two ponytails- teased and curled to perfection. Her clothes boated the same color scheme as her hair, and she wore impossibly high black heels. It took me a moment to realize her color scheme was the same as Vox’s. 
I watched her bark orders in a way that would have made my father proud. As she spoke, her perfectly manicured fingers flew across the keyboard of her phone. I felt myself flush, suddenly overly aware of my own broken fingernails and very clear out of fashion clothing. 
Vox seemed undisturbed by the hustle, walking through it with ease.“Velvettle darling, meet the Princess.” 
She looked up for a moment and her expression twisted in what looked like annoyance.
“You got a name, Princess?”
They both looked at me expectantly. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Had Lucifer really dropped me off to total strangers without so much as sharing my name?
“My name is reader.” I answered with a steadiness I didn’t quite feel in my gut. “Morningstar.” 
“Well, reader,  if this is how heaven is dressing these days you need more help than I thought.” She snorted in contempt. “Don’t worry love, we’ll get you fixed up in no time. After all, if you’re spending time with us you need to look the part.”
Vox grinned. “Have fun you two. Vel, be a dear and bring her upstairs when you’re done.” 
She turned away. “Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to tell me what to do.” She snapped her fingers. “Get to it.” 
Without another word I was whisked away into another room. Any sense of modesty vanished as Velvette's team inspected every inch of my body. Unlike the angels, they had no shame in ensuring I was plucked, waxed, and trimmed to Velvette’s desire. With all the strange hands touching me I felt trapped, and did my best to disassociate. I had to if I wanted to survive down here. Wasn’t that my fathers first rule? Show no fear. 
Velvette must have noticed my discomfort. After the waxing she shooed everyone away for a moment and handed me a bottle of water. 
“Don’t worry love, you’ll get used to it. Quicker, actually if you’re here with us.” 
I held the bottle and she rolled her eyes, reaching over and twisting the cap open. “No one here will hurt you. Outside of Lucifer’s domain, this is the safest place in all of hell for you. Promise. Now drink- I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Lucifer’s wrath if you fall ill on the first day.” 
I took a sip and she turned the chair I was in towards the mirror, running her fingers through my blonde hair. “You need some deep conditioning, a style and a few highlights, but your overall color is fantastic. You have a lovely shape- for a half angel. And those eyes…” She stepped around and cupped my chin. “Lovely. No one in hell has blue eyes like those.” 
“Thank you.” I replied softly. 
Velvette grinned. “Well look, the princess speaks! Look, let’s finish up here and get your wardrobe set up and sent up. Val is taking us out tonight, and you need to look the part. It would be an embarrassment to our brand otherwise.” She snapped her fingers and a team of demons hurried over.
“Who is Val?” I asked as she leaned back against the counter, watching her employees work. 
“Valentino. You’ll meet him soon enough. Right pain in the ass he is. Love him though.” 
Right. Lucifer warned me about him. Valentino controlled the porn industry in the same way Vox controlled the broadcasts and Velvette controlled fashion and social media. I couldn’t even imagine what my father would think if he knew...I pushed the thought from my head. My father was gone. This was my reality now. 
“And you three- Vox, Velvette, Valentino- you’re…royalty?” I asked to fill the silence. 
She laughed. “Royalty? Not far off. We’re overlords. We own millions of souls between the three of us.”
That nervous feeling rekindled in my stomach. “You own souls? What does that mean?”
Velvette shrugged. “It means mortals in the human realm, or sinners down here made a deal with us in exchange for their souls. And we collected.” 
If there wasn’t a pair of scissors next to my ear I would have jumped away. Owning souls? How did that even happen? Moreso that went against everything an angel stood for. Or at least, everything my angelic half used to stand for.
“Oh relax, your soul is safe.” Velvette snorted at my expression. “Lucifer would kill anyone who even attempted to make a move on your eternal being. Trust me dear, you have nothing to worry about. At least, not from us.”
Across the studio, someone yelled her name and she pranced off without so much as a goodbye. 
What felt like an eternity later, I was led to the elevator by Velvette. My blonde hair had indeed been trimmed and highlighted, blown out and teased. My broken fingernails were hidden under tiny plastic red surfboards and my normally bare face was covered in makeup. 
“Just come down to my studio each morning. I’ll get you dressed and done up. Nothing to worry about.” Velvette assured me as we stepped out of the elevator. 
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I tried to imagine where demons lived, but the room I stepped into was the exact opposite of anything I could have dreamed up. Dark hardwood floors were covered with plush rugs in deep blues, blacks and reds.  Couches on the left were placed in a U shape in front of a large TV and to the right was a full kitchen.Towering floor to ceiling windows covered the far wall and a table with six office chairs sat in front of it. Towards the left there were five hallways and  small alcoves scattered throughout the room hosted signs of the floor's inhabitants. Photos of the V’s, computer setups, a notebook with scribbles and swatches of fabric, to name a few items. 
“You’re the fifth hallway down,” Velvette said, leading me towards the left. “If you get lost, look up. They’re labeled.” 
I looked up towards the doorway entrance of each and sure enough, the names Valentino, Vox, blank, Velvette and Princess were labeled.
“Why is mine labeled Princess?” I asked as she led me down that hallway. “You couldn’t have had that much time to design.”
Velvette laughed. “Took hardly anytime at all. The boss man sent us a list and cash- we obliged. Your comfort here is of upmost importance.” She pushed open a second door and stepped inside.
I expected dark colors, blacks and reds but to my surprise the room was decorated in a sea of purples, grays and whites. A bed took up the center of the room and off to the left was a small living room area- complete with matching couches and a television. A desk with a pink computer set up sat to the right of the bed. The three doors on the remaining walls led to the walk in closet and bathroom, Velvette explained. 
“Anything else you need? Kitchen is stocked. If you need something, write it on the whiteboard on the fridge. Housekeeping will bring it up.” Velvette continued. “Same with bathroom products or anything really. We want to make sure you’re happy. Oh!” She snapped her fingers and pushed open one of the doors. “Your public clothes are in my studio- along with everyone else’s. Except mine, of course. I dress myself. But in our space comfort is important. I personally chose the loungewear in your closet. Not that you can leave the building but when you’re ready to get dressed in the morning, come down to my studio and we’ll get you taken care of.” Her eyes narrowed. “Loungewear shouldn’t be seen anywhere except up here and my studio. Understood?”
“Yes, thank you. This is lovely.” Lovely was an understatement. This place was a place compared to my fathers house. 
Velvette shrugged. “Just want to make sure you feel at home Princess. Come now, I’m sure Val and Vox are ready to go.” 
“Go where, again?” I asked, following her back down the hallway and to the elevator. 
She hit the button and stepped in. “Dinner. I’m starved, I can’t believe you’re not. And Val always picks the best places.”
Lucifer hadn’t said anything about the food down here. I wondered what exactly demons ate and a shiver ran up my spine. Babies, probably. Or corpses. Maybe small animals? The phone in my pocket vibrated and I opened up the text just as the elevator door opened. I followed Velvette into the lobby I had entered earlier, keeping my eyes on my phone. 
“Settling in alright love?” The sender name read “Uncle Lucy”. 
Cute. He was as much of an Uncle to me as Vox was my boyfriend. Still, maybe he could answer my questions.  What do demons eat? I typed back furiously. 
Three little dots appeared at the bottom of my screen and his answer popped up. 
Depends. Is Valentino choosing the place? Or Vox?
Valentino, I typed back. 
Three little dots and then, Steak most likely. Velvette dressed you?
I stared at the phone and typed back. Steak? Made of what, exactly?
What is steak made of in the angelic realm? Cow?
I scowled at the phone. I thought demons ate babies. And each other.
His response was instantaneous. LOL. Oh my sweet, that is something I would have warned you about. Everything you eat and drink is safe as long as you’re with the V’s or myself.
Okay, I typed back. 
Be safe love. And stick close to the V’s while you’re out. This scene is much, much more different than you’re used to. 
I wanted to snap my phone shut but instead the screen went black. I sort of missed it- snapping a phone shut at the end of a call was incredibly sadifying. 
“Ah, so you must be the princessa” 
His low drawl pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see the red eyes of a demon I hadn’t met yet. Involuntarily, I took a step back. 
“Pleasure to meet you sweetheart.” His smile, much like the others revealed a set of sharp teeth. He stood tall, taller than even my father with a thin frame. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of heart shaped glasses. Hearts adorned the red jacket he wore, and white fluff surrounded the edges and the trim. Under he wore what looked like a black suit. He reached out and took my hand, kissing it. 
“Nice to meet you too.” I tried to hide my fear, the internal screaming to run. 
He grinned wider. “Nothing to be afraid of mi amor. You’re safe as long as you stay with us. Come now. We don’t want to be late.” 
I hesitated. “Are you sure this is safe?”
“Don’t wander out of our sight, and you won’t have to worry about it, yeah?” Velvette replied impatiently. 
Vox leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Right as usual dear.” He turned towards the entryway door, holding it open. Velvette passed through, then me, then Vox and finally Valentino. 
A deep red limo was waiting at the curb for us. Vox got in first, then Velvette. I stepped back in hesitation but a firm hand touched the small of my back. 
“After you dear. “ Valentino  bent down and whispered. “Be between us, always. It’s not safe to wander these streets.” 
At his touch, I practically jumped in and chose a seat far away from the others, taking a deep breath. I watched the dynamic in front of me unfold. Vox, between Velvette and Valentino, looked completely comfortable, chatting about what I assumed was their work. Across the limo, Valentino shot me a grin. 
“So princessa, what brings you to hell?” He asked. 
Vox and Velvette fell silent, their attention turned to me. 
“My father ordered me here.” I responded, cheeks flushing. 
From the pocket of his coat, Valentino pulled out a long cigarette and took and draw, exhaling clouds of red smoke.
“Ah. The infamous demon killer. The hypocrite who consorted with the former princess of hell and created you. Tell me, Princess. Why does he want you here after all this time? After all you are…how old?”
I felt my temper flare, but bit it back. His words wern’t exactly unture, but I didn’t like thinking about it. “I’m twenty five.” I said through gritted teeth. 
He considered this for a moment, taking another drag. “Twenty five. That’s a long time to live away from half of yourself.”
“Val.” Vox interjected in a warning tone. One of his red eyes began to swirl. “Enough with the questions. We’re thrilled to have her here.”
“Of course we are.” He smiled. “Just making conversation, wondering why now, after all this time we’ve decided to…ah, explore ourselves.” 
“I go where I am told.” I retorted. 
His grin became wider. “Always?”
Thankfully at that moment the limo stopped and the door opened. This time, Valentino stepped out first. Vox gestured to me and I followed him out. The building in front of us was small, and brightly lit. I followed Valentino inside, Vox close behind me. 
The inside looked like a normal restaurant. We were seated immediately in a back room, and with the exception of the fact that the waiters looked like different demons, it seemed no different than someplace I would have dined at back home. 
Valentino ordered for the table and in moments I was presented with dinner. I studied it while the others dug in. Lucifer was probably right. What was on my plate looked like steak, definitely smelled like it too. Lucifer told me it was safe to eat. And truth be told- I was starving. I took a tiny bite, relieved that my dinner partners didn’t seem to pay much attention to me. It tasted fine, but I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that washed over me. I took a few more bites, then set my fork down. I just couldn’t shake my nerves. 
“That was great Val,” Vox leaned back in his chair. “What do you say we call it a night and head back?”
“Lame.” Velvette snorted. “The world needs to see the outfits I worked so hard to design. These nightly outings are not just for Val you know.”
Valentino took a long drag of his ciggarette and exhaled a trail of red smoke, looking at me and grinning. “Besides, we need to show the angel what a good time in hell looks like.” He stood up, and the others followed en-suite. Vox stepped aside, ensuring he was behind me as I followed them back to the limo. 
“Have you ever drank alcohol before, babe?” Valentino asked, stretching his arms out on the seat behind me. He didn’t make physicl contact, but he was close enough to make me uneasy. 
“Of course. I can go shot for shot with the most hardened angels.” I said defensively.
“Huh. Didn’t know angels drank.” Vox interjected thoughtfully as the limo pulled up to the next location. “Well good- then this should be a fun night.” 
The number 666 flashed in purple above the building. I hesitated. It looked like a club, and that wasn’t a scene I was allowed to explore. Behind me, Vox gave me a gentle nudge and with no other choice, I trailed behind Valentino as he bypassed the impossibly long line. As we crossed the dance floor, demons skittered out of his way. 
“It’s my club,” he said loudly as he led us to the back, half circle table. “Anything you need babe, its all yours.”
I slid in with Vox on one side and Velvette on the other. Instantly a demon appeared with four drinks, setting them on the table in front of us. 
“Just stick within eyesight of us and you’ll be fine.” Vox assured me.
“Cheers.” Valentino raised his glass to me. “To your visit to hell.” 
I took a sip. It was absolutely intoxicating and before I knew it, all four glasses were empty. Another round appeared instantly. Relief from my terror washed over me and I lost count after the second drink. Flashes of the dance floor, Velvette spinning me around. Shots handed to me by Vox and the four of us slamming them down. 
The room spun but the feeling of freedom and liberation wrapped around me like a star dusted blanket. As time passed, I somehow I found myself across the dance floor, far out of sight of my keepers. 
“To you, pretty lady.” A shark-like demon looked me up and down, and  handed me a pink and fuzzy drink. 
Too drunk to remember to not, I took the drink with a smile and downed it in one gulp. The shark demon laughed and took a step forward. 
“Now, how will you show your appreciation pretty thing?” he reached out and touched my shoulder. 
I flinched, and tried to take a step back but stumbled, trying to look back for any of the V’s.  Fuck, this wasn’t good. 
“There you are, princessa.” Valentino’s sharp voice floated behind me. “Looks like you can’t keep up with demons after all.” 
The shark demon paled and I couldn’t see if he left or not. I felt Valentino’s arm slide under mine as he guided me back to his table. My body, no longer in control of itself, leaned into his red jacket, my head resting its full weight on his shoulder. 
“Jesus Val, how much did you give her?” 
Could have been Vox or Velvette who asked. I couldn’t tell. I felt claws cup my chin and force my head up. Valentino’s eyes met mine and he sighed, letting my head fall against him. 
“Apparently, the princessa didn’t watch her drinks closely enough. Vox, take this please.” 
I caught sight of Valentino standing up and Vox took his place, guiding my head to his shoulder. The room felt loud, and somewhere in the distance, I could have sworn I heard a gunshot. 
“Hey hey, stay awake until Val gets back.” Vox shook my shoulder. “Ah shit. Lucifer’s going to be pissed.” 
I wasn’t quite sure how I ended up with my head on Valentino’s lap, or how I was totally fine with him stroking my hair. 
“Shits just got to work it's way out of her system,” I heard him explain. “Time is the only cure.” 
I tried to lift my head but found it too heavy for more than a few inches. Valentino’s hand pushed it back down. 
“It’s my fault.” I whispered. “I drank too much, too fast. I took a drink from an…I don’t know what, drinks aren’t spiked in heaven!”
I heard the three of them laugh. 
“Sounds like you need a lesson in club safety love.” Velvette looked up from her phone. 
“Maybe we don’t tell Uncle Lucy. Let’s keep this between us?” I mumbled and  shifted my body ever so slightly. 
Valentino rolled me back on my side, “If you say so, dear.” 
I felt the limo stop and tried my best to sit up. After a few seconds of letting me struggle, Valentino lifted me up and out of the limo. 
“I can walk.” I said protested blearily. 
“Oh, you can?” 
Valentino set me down and I immediately pitched forward. He caught me with ease and back in his arms I went. I closed my eyes .
The next thing I knew I was curled up on my side with sunlight streaming into my eyes. With a groan, I sat up. My head pounded.
“Rough first night dear?” 
I opened my eyes to see Lucifer sitting on a chair next to my bed, punching away on his phone. I looked down at myself. Gone were my club clothes from last night, replaced with a pair of soft purple pajamas. I wondered briefly how I had managed to get myself changed so neatly. 
“It wasn’t their fault.” I answered after a few seconds. “Ugh, my head.” 
He seemed unperturbed. “I’m well aware. Free choice and all that- I invented it, remember? Can’t hold them accountable- you chose to accept a drink from a stranger and well, Valentino himself held the stranger accountable.” 
“Fuck me. So…what are the consequences?” I mumbled, leaning forward and covering my head with my hands.
Lucifer paused. “Consequences? Isn’t being rendered totally unable to protect yourself your first night in hell enough? I’m not your father, dear.” He stood up. “What I can tell you is the cameras show half your bad decisions last night were due to drinking on an empty tummy. Can you explain why that is?” 
I didn’t answer. He walked over and lifted my chin so our eyes met. “If you don’t trust the four of us, you won’t make it down here. You have to eat. And drink. Same as you did up there.” 
I nodded and he sighed and sat down next to me. “I’m aware this is difficult- it’s new, and your father and I have torn you away to this place that is the  opposite of everything you’ve ever known. But despite all of heaven's propaganda, there is good down here too. You just have to be more careful.” 
“Yes, Lucifer.”
He broke out into a grin. “I think I prefer Uncle Lucy. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” 
I didn’t answer, embarrassment  joining the pain I felt. 
He patted my leg. “The good news is, you’re only suffering from a hangover. Unfortunately for you the cure is the same in heaven and hell. Hydration, food, anti inflammatories and rest.” 
He stood up and his phone rang. His voice changed from sweet to sharp and several harsh words later, he hung up. 
“I need to go. Chances are you’ll be back out on the club scene tonight. Let’s hope you’ve learned your lesson- stick close to the V’s. And listen to them. I made it clear that they can tell you what to do. Your responsibility is to follow through. Understood?” 
I nodded and he touched the top of my head with a knowing smile. Instantly, my headache vanished.
“Hot shower. Water. Food. It won’t stay away if you don’t give your body those things. I’ll touch base with you later, love.” 
He vanished a second later. I stared at the blank space and wondered if he was the only one down here who could do that. I pushed the thought from my head and willed myself out of bed. Lucifer may have made the headache vanish, but the body aches remained. I made my way into the bathroom.
The shower alone was the size of my room at home and it took me a good fifteen minutes to find a simple water pressure setting. I let myself sink into the steam and scrubbed clean every inch of my body. Finally, I stepped out and wrapped myself in an oversized towel. Standing in front of the mirror I studied my reflection as I towel dried my hair. Without Velvette’s make up, I looked like my usual self. 
The door creaked open and I scrambled for another towel. 
“Hello! No thank you!”
“What? Its not like we didn’t see everything last night,” Vox’s voice answered as he stepped in, closing the door behind him. “How do you think you ended up in those pajamas?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I hissed, covering myself quickly. 
He laughed “modesty is overrated. Down here, you’ll learn that soon enough. Look, I know Lucifer told you but Val made breakfast before he had to rush off to work. It’s in your best interest to eat something before that headache he cured comes rushing back. Oh, and drink this.” He set a bottle of bright orange liquid down on the counter. “Courtesy of the brilliant minds of Vee and Val. It’ll help I promise.” 
He turned to walk out, the paused. “I’m the last one to leave, which means you have the living room to yourself. Do as you wish as long as you take care of yourself. Don’t try to leave the building, and while you can visit my workspace or Vel’s, I’d suggest steering clear of Val. After last night, he’s in a pretty pissy mood.” 
I must have looked mortified because Vox laughed. “Not at you dear. Others that didn’t do their jobs. Still, his temper is a nasty one. I’d recommend avoiding it at all costs.” 
“Noted.” I said shakily. 
“Oh, Princess? Just a reminder. Floors two and five are where you want to go for Vel and I.” 
And with that he walked out. I took a sip of the drink he left and quickly swallowed the rest. To his credit, he was right- I felt much better almost instantly. I wrapped my hair up and from the vast closet I pulled a pair of soft blue pajamas and matching slippers. I made my way out to the shared kitchen and found a heart shaped sticky note on the table next to another bottle of the orange liquid.
Breakfast is in the fridge. Drink this after. If you have a hard time with the TV, text Vox. He’ll get you set up. 
I opened the fridge and another heart shaped pink sticky note greeted me. 
“Eat every bite. If cold, microwave ten seconds.” 
I uncovered the plate, hoping it was something normal. Something I could eat. Something that wouldn’t inadvertently turn my stomach. And to my delight, I found what looked to be two homemade strawberry waffles. I put them in the microwave and sat down at the table, taking a bite. 
It was the yummiest thing I had ever tasted. 
I finished the entire thing in record time and, taking the bottle of orange drink, I made myself comfortable on the couch. Although the headache was gone, my entire body felt achy- like I was getting over the flu. I flipped mindlessly through the channels as I finished the drink. Sleepiness washed over me and I felt myself start to drift. 
The quiet ping of the elevator arriving startled me back awake. 
“I see we’re alive.” Velvette saunted across the floor and hung over the back of the couch. “Feeling alright?”
I pulled myself up right. “Better- what time is it?”
“Time for you to go downstairs and get ready- we have another big night out. This one features the press, so we need time to make you perfect.” she answered. “Throw on a robe and meet me down in ten. Oh, and there's more of that orange drink in the fridge. Can’t hurt to have another bottle. Or at least water.”
She sauntered off and I heard the elevator ping again. In truth, I did feel better- almost like nothing had happened. The aches had almost completely vanished. Back in my room I pulled on a pink fuzzy robe and made my way down the stairs. 
Velvette greeted me with a wave and upon my entrance, a horde of demons descended on me. The process didn’t take nearly as long as it had the day before, and by the time Velvette walked up to me the finishing touches were being put onto my makeup. 
“You look great. Much better than you did this morning. Come on now, we have to meet Val and Vox out. You slept longer than we guessed- not that its a big deal. But come on, the car is waiting.”
I followed her out the door and listened to her chatter away while she typed. I checked my phone and saw I had a few missed texts. One from Lucifer, checking in. That was easy, I shot him a quick I’m fine. The second one from Vox- again, asking me how I was, followed by a text informing me he confirmed on the camera I wasn’t dead- and he would see me later. The last text was from Valentino. 
Glad to hear you liked breakfast. Hope you enjoy dinner- let’s not have a repeat of last night, shall we? -Val 
“Valentino is a little scary.” I said out loud. 
Velvette looked up at me and laughed. “He’s only scary if you’re on his bad side- and if you’re worthless to him. Trust me babe, you have no reason to be afraid of him. Not after last night.” 
“What was so different about last night?” I asked curiously. 
She barked a laugh. “Vox is the one with a soft side. Valentino? He leaves drunk bitches in the ditch- he doesn’t lay them on his lap and he certainly doesn’t kill for them.” 
“He’s just afraid, because of who Lucifer is.” I replied uneasily. 
She shrugged. “Could be. Wouldn’t test it though. He can be nasty.”
The porn demon- nasty? That was probably the most mild of terms I could think of. More questions bubbled in my mind. How did they come to own souls? What other lies had heaven fed me- lies I considered to be true? I sat in silence, trying to bring up the courage to ask Velvette myself. I had just about convinced myself to do it when the limo stopped.  
I followed Velvette outside and she marched in the door like she owned the place. Once again, we were whisked to the back of what looked like a normal restaurant. In minutes, dinner was in front of us. I looked down at the pasta dish in front of me and spun my fork in it. It looked normal- and it smelled fantastic. Cautiously, I took a bite as  I listened to Vox complain about technology and a newscaster who ticked him off. Velvette responded by suggesting the use of one of her top models. Valentino was strangely silent, watching as I carefully took another bite. 
“Look at that, already taking a step in the right direction.” He winked at me. “Not up for a repeat of last night, mi amor?” 
I felt my cheeks flush red and his grin grew wider. “Good to see you enjoying your food, princessa.” He turned to Vox casually. “Just put something inside them. That’s how I get the bitches to behave.” 
What did that mean? I wondered. After a few minutes, my plate was empty and Valentino stood up. 
“Shall we? I have another busy night.” he announced. We followed ensuite back out to the limo. I waited behind Valentino, placed carefully between him and Velvette. 
Valentino paused and took a step back. “After you, princessa.” 
“Thanks.” I stepped inside and took my usual place against the far wall. Unlike last night, Valentino sat next to me, keeping a much shorter but still respectful distance. I felt a shiver go up my spine and a strange feeling in my belly as I listened to him chat with Velvette and Vox. 
The ride to the club felt shorter than the night before. The shock of the club scene had dissipated and I followed close behind Valentino. Tonight it felt less like walking into a war zone. Not only did everyone make way for Valentino, everyone made space for me. Back in the same booth I made sure to sip my drink when it came, less I end up as much of a mess as I did the night before. 
With sober eyes I watched the scene unfold. Valentino seemed to know everyone, and those he didn’t know Vox or Vel did. Frequently two left the table, leaving one behind. Visitors came up- demon men and women. Val either invited them for a drink or dismissed them with a wave of his hand. At one point he got up and disappeared into the back of the club, reemerging several hours later with a grin on his face. 
“Shall we dance mi corazon?” He asked, extending his hand. 
I hesitated and he leaned forward. “I won’t let anything happen to you, princessa. Come.” 
I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. Not to my suprise, he took the lead. I surrendered myself to him and the beat of the music as he spun and swung me around. I lost track of time under the flashing lights and it wasn’t until he slipped his arm under me and led me back to the table that I realized how long we had been away from the table. 
He grabbed a nearby waiter and pointed to me. “Water for this one.” he turned to me. “I’ll be back princessa- stay here. And drink water.” 
I watched him vanish across the dancefloor and sipped at the water the waiter brought me. After that was finished, I ordered a redbull and vodka- hoping it would give me the energy I needed to stay awake. As the minutes passed and my soberness disappeared, the demons on the dancefloor seemed to swim and I wondered how I had managed to stay afloat as long as I had the night before. A sudden rush of tiredness washed over me and I turned to Vox, who was lounging casually next to me 
“When is the last call?”
“When Valentino says it is.” he responded carelessly. 
Great. I swapped from vodka back to water and watched as Velvette and Vox took turns out the floor. Several times I trailed after Vox for a song or two, but he ensured I was safely back at the table before either going back out or swapping places with Velvette. After a few rounds of this, I switched back to vodka, which allowed me to relax for the first time since my arrival. 
After some time passed Valentino returned, looking as pleased as ever. 
“Last call for us darlings,” he purred, offering his hand to me. Vox did the same to Velvette and together the four of us walked out of the bar. 
Though not nearly as bad as I had been, Velvette had the busy night and she spent the ride pressed into Vox. Valentino got himself comfortable and looked at me. 
“You alright baby doll? You’re quiet.” he moved his body closer to mine and his arm fell against my shoulder as he took another drag from his cigarette, exhaling a stream of red smoke. “Tired?”
I nodded and he pulled me to his side. “Lay your head down baby- I think we passed the awkward phase last night hm?” 
My head buzzed just enough that I could forget that he was a demon and that I should be terrified of him. My head fell against his shoulder and he ran a hand through my hair. 
“That’s it sweetheart. Nothing to be afraid of.” he cooed as he exhaled another trail of red smoke. “Close your eyes.”
Against my instinct, I felt my eyelids grow heavy and the weight of my head fell onto his shoulder. He shifted my body and wrapped an arm around my waist. I tried to fight sleep as my head fell to his chest, against the steady beating of his heart. He was relaxed, so why wasn’t I?
I woke up as we pulled up to the VVV tower. Velvette, having solidly fallen asleep on Vox was carried up to the elevator first. Valentino offered his hand as I stepped out of the limo. He kept a steady arm around me as we walked towards the elevator. 
“You have nothing to fear, mi amor.” he purred. “We are not the monsters you think that we are.” 
The last thing I remembered was being tucked into my bed and a soft hand pushing the hair out of my eyes.
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secretsideblog1234 · 10 months
I just want someone to covertly hypnotize me to be literally unable to say anything that refuses a man, to always say yes *VERBALLY* while leaving the rest of my prudishness in tact. This would include not being able to refuse to truthfully answer questions, and not being able to use safe words. I wouldn’t realize it at first but after the “could you hand me that stapler”, innocent enough, there’s the “can you spare some change” and the “would you like fries with that?” Hard to miss it when I can’t stop myself from ordering fries I literally don’t want, just because the female cashier is trained to upsell. I try to figure out what’s wrong, but I don’t figure it out in time. A man approaches me at a shop and asks for my number and to my horror I instantly provide it. He didn’t expect me to agree so quickly, he hadn’t even flirted, just asked a strange woman for her number. so he sees what other info he can get from me. Once he has my email and workplace, he asks for my address too. I feel like crying but he thinks I’m just begging for him to use the info against me. I go home thinking about changing my number, and I lock all the doors and windows, and resolve that tomorrow I’ll call the locksmith for better locks, but tomorrow is already too late. I hear a knock at my door and stay silent, going he’ll leave. He texts my phone asking if I have a spare key hidden anywhere and to my horror I remember I do. As hard as I try I can’t stop my fingers from texting him the exact location. Turns out the whatever is forcing me to agree to everything men ask for applies to text messages too. When he comes in and corners me, he asks if I want him. I want to say no. I can’t. Instead, my mouth says “yes please, take me no matter how hard I fight”. He asks if I want it rough, if I’m a freak who likes to get hurt by strange men. My mouth says “yes”. He gives me a safe word. I repeat it back to him. When I realize I can say it I try to say it immediately after he starts approaching me, to say it for real this time. Nothing comes out. He doesn’t notice my attempt. He asks again if I want this. I’m cowering from him and telling him “I want this”. when he’s on top of me, my instincts finally switch from “freeze” to “flight” as I try to struggle away from him but he thinks it’s all part of the game. He eventually gets tired of my desperate attempts and ties me up, leaving me ungagged in case I use the safe word. he hurts me, and sees me react in real pain. He notices I’m not even particularly wet. He checks in one finally time and asks if I really want this. I try to stay silent, hoping he’ll take that as a lack of consent. The hypnosis forces my mouth to open, telling him I need this. this is how I like to be treated. If my pain and fear make him hard, then I’m happy (I am not happy) One time he asks if I’d like to stop. I get my hopes up about the phrasing like a dumb bitch before realizing that, since I know he *doesnt* want to stop, answering the affirmative would be refusing his wishes. I try to tell him Yes, I’d like to stop and I want him to leave and never come back. I tell him to keep going, to do whatever he likes to me. He asks if he can invite some more friends over and I, of course, tell him I’d love that, wishing more than anything that he’d just leave. By the end of the night, I’ve agreed to everything they say, and all of my “no, please stop”s turn into “harder, hurt me more!” as they leave my mouth so they mostly stop asking me, and just treat me like a piece of fuck meat. I cry more that night than I’ve ever cried before, and they see my tears and laugh at what a freak I must be for liking this so much. At the end of it all, the first man (I don’t even know his name, even though he knows all my personal information) looks at me and says “you know, you seem pretty eager to be treated like this, it’s a bit of a long shot, but can I just take you home with me? It’d be great to have a slut like you just kept at home to rape whenever. What do you say?”
I never made it to work that day. I never made it home afterwards either.
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meenawrites · 2 years
Trudy and the McCoskers
So... we all know Spider had a shitting time with his supposed foster family. Now in my AU, I imagine he'd still be given to the McCoskers at some point because a majority of the involved parties are saying that it would probably be better for Spider to be raised in a two-parent environment, and I'm imagining the McCoskers are the only real couple on Pandora. I think Trudy would be pretty against it at the beginning, but the others wear her down and she doubts herself because what the hell does she know about raising a child. 
(The below is like a pseudo-writing summary of how I would see it going down. I'm considering turning these into an actual fic but we'll see. Just going to share my ideas for now.)
So she lets him go but she makes sure to take him aside before them. She crouches to his level holds him by the shoulders gingerly. 
"Kiddo, I want you to know that I'm here if you ever need anything. I'm sure they're nice people, but if they say anything you don't like or even look at you in a bad way, you don't hesitate to come find me okay? You got that?"
I imagine Spider wouldn't really understand why he has to go live with these people but he's comforted by the fact that Trudy is there as his backup. 
The few weeks Spider is in their custody, Trudy's a bit of a mess. Now that she's not constantly looking after Spider, she doesn't know what to do with herself anymore and finds herself pacing aimlessly. 
She tries to give them time to adjust and maybe be a family, but eventually she caves, and she has to go see him. At first, she thinks Spider seems fine, though there is something off about him. He doesn't seem super comfortable with the McCoskers but Trudy thinks they just need more time. Her instincts are screaming at her that something is wrong though, so she starts dropping by unannounced, and figures out after seeing through a few of their bluffs that the McCoskers have no idea where this kid is most of the time. She realizes it with certainty when she drops in and they're having dinner, but Spider isn't there. It's almost Eclipse and he's not there, and his supposed foster parents seem not to give a damn. 
Trudy is about to snap but decides she'll deal with them later. She immediately goes out to look for Spider, who, when she finds him kind of just sitting near the edge of the forest, holding his knees to his chest, looks shocked that she came. Or that anybody came to find him period. He seems completely fine though otherwise, and she pulls him to her. All she notices is that Spider immediately clings to her and buries his fists in her clothes, as if scared she'd let him go, or as if he hasn't been held in a long while. Trudy has never been so angry in her life. 
She takes Spider back to her room, tucks him into her bed, and promises to come back as soon as possible. She unceremoniously goes to wake Norm and Max the hell up and drags them to wherever the McCoskers live because THEY were the ones who convinced her to give Spider to them and yet no one but she had bothered to actually check up on how he was doing and she is FURIOUS. She gives all of them a good verbal lashing, barely holding it together enough not to start throwing punches. She calls the McCoskers all the swear names in the book (and she's got an expansive repertoire so it doesn't end quickly) and threatens their lives should they ever so much as pull on a single hair on Spider's head. 
Then she wheels on Norm and Max and shouts at them for not following up with Spider, for thinking that being raised in a two-parent household was the primary thing to secure for him. It doesn't mean shit if they don't actually care for him. She's just so incredibly angry, especially at herself for not having checked in on him sooner, for not having been more interrogating and assertive about his wellbeing, and for letting the scientists convince her this was the best course of action for the kid. She might not know much about good parenting, but she knew what NOT to do. And more than that, she CARED, so she decides to bury all her doubts and declares that Spider is HERS from there on out, and stomps out. 
Spider's been waiting anxiously for her to come back, and she softens upon seeing his scared eyes. She comes to him and sits on the edge of the bed, telling him in a gentle but fierce voice that he would stay with her from now on and he would never have to go back to those people. That Spider belonged to her now. It's this claiming of him, the feeling of belonging to someone that starts the kid's rare display of waterworks. He clings to her fervently and she eventually gets him to confess that the McCoskers hadn't done anything violent to him or anything, they had simply... ignored him. Which hurt so much more. They didn't really look at him, told him where the food was but didn't make any for him, got annoyed when he asked for permission to go outside, and just generally barely talked to him. They basically just dismissed his existence, made him feel incredibly unwanted and a burden. Spider started spending more and more time outside of the house because of that, not wanting to come back to a house so lacking of warmth. He thought parents were supposed to give off the feeling that Jake and Neytiri did with their kids, so when they did it, Spider thought it was his fault, that something was wrong with him and that was why they didn't seem to want to interact with him. 
Trudy mentally contemplates going back and committing murder, but decides to focus back on the kid. He's hers now and she's going to give him the best and most love and care she could. 
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violette-hue · 2 years
Congrats on the 1k followers 🥳 I can never 😭 Can I have a Naruto matchup but if you don’t know that I would settle for Spy x family or Haikyuu
Prompt : “I didn’t have anywhere else to go”
Looks : I am 5”3. I have black wavy hair that’s up to my back but I put in a ponytail most of the time. I have hazel eyes that are round and have a mole under my right eye. I also have honey skin. I’m a girl btw.
Personality: I am an Aquarius and Intj. I am also Bi. At first glance, I appear to have a methodical demeanour, and am always composed. My way of thinking is very practical and logical, so I won't engage in things that do not concern me or need my interference. For those who spend more time with me, however, I am a very intelligent, patient and kind person who has unconditional devotion to my work, family, and friends. I tend to throw playful verbal jabs and crack jokes, though I must admit most people don't tend to understand my humour. That being said, my treatment towards people I don’t like severely differs from how i treat everyone else, to the point that they describe me as "frigid, reserved, and barely flickering with emotion" ( My friends and family gave this description and I hate my sis) This, of course, is far from the truth, as I merely have control of my emotions, which is important for someone in my eyes. I am not without my vulnerable moments and will cry alone when I need to. I might be hard working but unlike the family I grew up in, I am not the most energetic, except with her best friend and sister . I tend to be blunt, not caring to beat around the bush unless it's for more delicate matters, and can snap at others if pushed too far. As a kid I spent most of the time inside studying, but my introverted self didn’t seem to be bothered by that decision. I was always joyous, innocent and naive as a kid but as I grew older I realised that in order to live a better life I need to be firm on herself. I am also hopelessly romantic. ( My friends and family described me as this, and I think it sort of suits )
Likes and Dislikes: I love reading and watching anime. I also love cats and chocolate ( my partner better back of my sweets )
I absolutely hate insects that crawl ( Sorry Shino )
Type : I have a thing for dark hair people or a blonde, bonus points if they have pretty eyes. They have to be mature and can take care of themselves, but love to get babied around since it’s adorable. I love boys that give of a mysterious vibe and that’s hot. Someone who isn’t afraid to speak up from themselves and their loved ones. They are willing to sacrifice if it means the people they love live on. Someone who can help me loosen up my strings and make me more energetic. The sun to my moon. The Yang to my yin. They have a certain goal and will do anything to achieve it. In a short example I like boy who are smart, ambitious, stubborn, joyful yet they have a sweet soft reserved for some
A/N: I love Naruto! I’ve also seen Spy x Family (though I’m not caught up yet). I hope you enjoy 💕
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TW: fire, burning building, loosing a home due a fire, fluff
Fandom: Naruto (Neji x Reader)
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The night had started peacefully enough. It was one of those quiet, cool nights with a crisp breath. You had relished in the wind as you walked home that night. Today’s mission had turned out to be a little more of a hassle than you thought. You were just glad Neji was there to back you up. You smiled as you rounded a corner onto the block where your house was.
Immediately you knew something wasn’t right. It was warmer here, and there were black ashes in the wind. Your instincts took over and you ran home. Only to find your home wasn’t a home anymore. What was left of the small apartment building was engulfed in flames, the rest embers.
They had said a neighbor’s heater caused the fire. Some scarf or blanket put atop it, they said. Now you had nowhere to go.
You walked aimlessly for what seemed like hours. The moon had reached its peak by the time you walked up to familiar, traditional doors. This was Neji’s place. You knocked softly and waited for an answer. Neji answered the door moments later.
“Y/N?” he rasped, sleep coating his voice.
Tears welled in your eyes. You supposed you’d cry, but why was this the trigger of all things? You sniffled and wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
You choked on a small cry as Neji scooped you in a hug. He had always been softer with you, more kind. He shushed you softly as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“It’s okay. Stay with me. We’ll take one thing at a time.” He took a deep, shaky breath. “It’ll be okay.”
Maybe it was the way he kissed your temple softly, but you believed him.
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violetshideout · 3 years
Hashira as Uppermoons AU + Kanao and Genya things I can’t stop thinking about
- I feel like Sanemi would have became a demon in order to protect Genya so when he finally saw Genya for the first time in a long time he was surprised to see him as a demon slayer.
- Genya became a demon slayer to find his brother not know Sanemi became a demon. When he saw his older brother as a demon for the first time he just fainted.
- Rengoku became a demon to “oppose his fathers shitty legacy”. However once he became one he thought of Senjuro and immediately felt a shitload of guilt.
- Senjuro has no idea what happened to his older brother. No one told him what Kyojuro had become.
- Sanemi became a demon before becoming a hashira. He never thought he’d become one but he was promised he’d be able to protect his younger brother so he accepted immediately.
(For this AU we’re just gonna say Sanemi is definitely hurt by how Genya verbally berated him but still wanted to protect Genya)
- Mitsuri became a demon after her engagement was broken off. She now seduces demon slayers then rips out their heart.
- Iguro is fascinated by the way Mitsuri kills demon slayers.
- Uzui became a demon shortly after marrying his wives so he’d be able to protect them cause he only cared for them and them alone. Only Hinasturu stayed (IM SORRY MAKIO AND SUMA 😭)
- Hinasturu became a demon as well now shares the title of uppermoon 2 (I’ll explain the rankings at the end)
- Himejima does not under any circumstance kill children. No one really knows why he became a demon.
- Giyuu felt way too weak so when he wished he was stronger out loud near Muzan himself his wish came true.
- Iguro has been a demon since he was a child. He morphed his body to be older because he met Mitsuri. Of course she doesn’t know that.
- Sanemi tries to convince Genya to leave the demon slayers cause he doesn’t trust that he’s safe there. Eventually Genya “dies” and stays with Sanemi.
- Tanjiro was devastated by Genyas death until he saw him again for the first time in months with a demon. Not just any demon but uppermoon 3.
- Genya was basically forced to become a demon shortly after staying with Sanemi because he would have been killed by another demon or even Muzan himself. Sanemi didn’t like it either.
- Uzui and Hinasturu like Daki and Gyutaro need both heads to be cut off in order to die. However they never see Hinasturu so if you’re strong enough to get Uzui’s head cut off then you’re out of luck cause he would die.
- Muichiro despises anyone who has a sibling whose still alive. He even tried to kill Genya when he found out he existed. Sanemi immediately stopped him.
- Muichiro will kill those without siblings out of pity of not having one and will kill those who do with pure rage. Why? Because Yuichiro.
- Shinobu thought Kanae died but in reality she became a demon. When Shinobu saw her again she begged to become a demon as well. She did.
- Sanemi doesn’t let Genya leave his side no matter what. When another uppermoon visits is the only time he has to leave his side. This is all because last time Muichiro tried to endgame him.
- Kanroji still adores all the other moons. Specifically Iguro though.
- Kanroji once saw Genya when he was nearby Sanemi and thought it was adorable that Sanemi was protecting his younger sibling.
- Kanae works with Shinobu. When demon slayers fail to see either of them they go for the kill. Normally it’s Kanae not being seen.
- Kanao saw Shinobu and Kanae and basically broke down crying. Against their instincts they comforted her. She was offered to become a demon and accepted.
- Kanao and Genya work together sometimes if their siblings let them. However after seeing Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu while teaming (at a safe distance from Shinobu, Kanae, and Sanemi ofc) they weren’t allowed to every again.
- Tanjiro of course was mostly surprise and hurt my Kanao being a demon because he likes her.
- when Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke saw Kanao and Genya they froze in place. Seeing them as demons after being pronounced “dead” was a BIG shocker. Did Inosuke try to cut off their heads? Yes. Did he get stopped by an angry Sanemi and Shinobu? Yes.
- Kanao and Shinobu were able to give Muzan the information on the Blue Spider Lily that they had. Did he eventually get a human to get it for him? Yes. Did it take a long time? Yes.
- Rengoku never even knew Uzui had shared his title with someone. Uzui played a prank on him with that knowledge and now he won’t be able to forget.
- Uzui saw Makio and Suma again years after becoming a demon. They thought he killed Hinasturu but she got defensive once he was accused of eating her. She showed herself and then endgamed them.
- Muichiro presents himself as a young kid so whenever Himejima sees him he protects him like he does with other kids. Muichiro doesn’t mind.
Upper moon 1 - Himejima Gyomei
Upper moon 2 - Uzui Tengen and Hinasturu
Upper moon 3 - Shinazugawa Sanemi
Upper moon 4 - Rengoku Kyojuro
Upper moon 5 - Tomioka Giyuu
Upper moon 6 - Kocho Kanae
Lower moon 1 - Kanroji Mitsuri
Lower moon 2 - Tokitou Muichiro
Lower moon 3 - Iguro Obanai
Lower moon 4 - Kocho Shinobu
Lower moon 5 - Tsuyuri Kanao
Lower moon 6 - Shinazugawa Genya
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adenei · 3 years
Summer of Jily - Week 7
Yahoo! I'm all caught up for @efkgirldetective's summer of Jily Challenge!
This week's prompts: Ice cream and "I don't want anyone touching you like I do"
Two days passed since their impromptu first date in the coziness of the cabin, and things could not be better. At least, that’s what James thought. The only snafu in the plan was that neither he nor Lily had discussed telling their friends about the relationship. Stolen moments alone were spent enjoying each other’s company while keeping an ear out for anyone who might intrude on their private time together.
They were no closer to coming up with a way of revealing their relationship, and if James was being honest, he quite liked the thrill of keeping his girlfriend, Lily, a secret from the Marauders. Sirius would probably hex him into tomorrow if he found out James was hiding something, but he would deal with that when the time came.
After two days of rain, the weather had finally cleared up, and the boys found themselves roaming up and down the main street of town while the girls were off shopping.
“Honestly, how much shopping can they possibly do?” Peter asked as he plopped down on a bench.
“With Mary and Marlene at the helm? It’s safer not to ask,” Remus thought out loud.
“It’s been two hours, and they’ve still got another half hour before they’re due to meet us for that picture show Mary’s been droning on about,” Sirius pointed out.
In an effort to avoid his friends’ complaints, James looked around the area for something to pass their time. His eyes settled on an ice cream shop across the street.
“Well, we could either sit here or go get some ice cream over there at that shop,” James suggested.
Peter perked up at the mention of ice cream while Remus gave a noncommittal shrug. Sirius was the only one to verbalize his agreement as he stood and led their way to the shop, his mood much brighter than moments ago.
“I could go for some ice cream! I prefer Muggle cotton candy ice cream to Fortescue’s strawberry peanut butter any day.”
The rest of the Marauders followed and approached the queue. They stood behind an older couple and waited. James continued to observe their surroundings, hoping that the girls might appear. He already missed Lily despite only being separated for a couple hours. As he was scanning the area, a group of girls who looked to be around their age joined the queue behind them, which Sirius was quick to point out.
“Look how hot that lot is, mate.”
James nodded, though he didn’t take the time to check them out. He was about to change the subject when one of the girls took notice of them and giggled. The sound caught his attention and distracted his attention. One of the girls was eyeing him; she was blonde with bright blue eyes and a petite frame, certainly attractive, but no longer his type. His type was Lily Evans, plain and simple.
He flashed a polite smile, then averted his gaze as the queue moved up. The boys were called up to the next window to order, and he was happy to put some distance between them and the group behind. Knowing it was easier for them all to order and have one person pay, James placed his order first and then turned to have the others follow suit. He dug out his muggle money to handle the transaction while the rest of the Marauders moved over to the pick-up window to wait for their treats.
“This is so different from Fortescue’s. Why can’t we watch them prepare it?” Peter whined.
“You mean scoop ice cream into cones and dishes and hand it to you? Beats me,” Sirius chided.
“He has a point, Pads. It’s interesting to watch sometimes,” Remus defended Peter’s observation as James chuckled.
“Yeah, beats waiting around having to make small talk with you,” he joked.
“Large cotton candy?” called the attendant from the window.
Sirius leaped up to claim his ice cream, looking like a kid in a candy store upon his return.
“Care to share a lick?” James teased as he leaned in to try and swipe a bite before Sirius had a chance to dig in.
“Not a chance!” Sirius guarded his cone as the attendant called out again.
“Crazy vanilla!”
“Ooh, that’s me!” Peter clapped his hands and went to collect his order.
Remus looked at James and Sirius. “Does he realize that that flavor is just vanilla ice cream but dyed different colors?”
“Shh, don’t ruin it for him, Moony!” Sirius waved him off. As Peter returned to the group, Sirius waved him along. “C’mon Wormtail, let’s go snag that table over there while these two wait for their more complicated orders.”
They took off while James and Remus continued to wait.
“Hot fudge sundae!”
“That’s me!” James jumped forward, approaching the window at the same time as the blonde who was checking him out earlier, and both reached for the same dish.
“Oh! Sorry,” she said, pulling her hand back and tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.
“No, no, go ahead,” James took the dish and handed it to her. “You’ve got good taste,” he added with a polite smile.
“So do you,” she smiled back. “Are you on holiday with your mates?”
Her inquiry takes James by surprise, but he supposes a bit of small talk can’t hurt. “Er, yeah. We’re staying in a cabin on the lake.”
“Oh, us too! On the north or south side?”
“Er, north, I think?”
James wasn’t sure if he was being honest, but it wasn’t like they were going to run into the girl again, so a little white lie couldn’t hurt.
“Same for us! I’m Elaine, by the way.” She held out her hand with the introduction.
“James,” he responded, reaching out to give her hand a quick shake.
“Say, what are you doing tonight? We could get together for a fire or something?”
Unfortunately, it looked like his willing response gave the wrong impression as the girl to the opportunity to ask him out. Her smile had turned seductive and James realized a moment too late that she was flirting. Had he really lost his game so quickly since making a go of things with Lily?
Another hot fudge sundae order was called along with Remus’s chocolate milkshake. James was about to excuse himself to grab his ice cream when Remus appeared out of nowhere.
“I’ve got this, mate.”
“Oh, er, thanks.” James grimaced.
Because Remus didn’t know about Lily, he didn’t know that James needed the ice cream as an excuse to get out of this.
Of all the times Remus decided to urge me on.
“It’ll be a fun time, I promise,” Elaine winked. “Come with me to our table and I can write down our address for you to meet us later. It won’t take long.”
The blonde reached out her free hand to graze James’s forearm and lead him to the table her friends had occupied. He followed since he couldn’t think of a way out of it. At least the solution after this point was easy. He’d thank her, make a false promise to show up, and then never follow through.
He wasn’t expecting Elaine to keep hold of his arm, and the feeling sent prickles of discomfort through the rest of his body. James wasn’t even aware that the girl was still chattering away as he was still thinking of a way to get back to his friends, and hoping Lily was still on the opposite side of town so they wouldn’t get in a row over this.
And that’s when he felt another hand grasp his opposite arm.
The feeling of the second touch was much warmer, searing his bicep as it pulled him away from the blonde with a force he wasn’t used to. As his body spun around he caught a flash of red hair before the second person’s lips were on his, the kiss deep and searing, taking him by surprise.
He was familiar with the feel of Lily’s lips by now, and forgetting that they were in public, James’s body melted into the embrace even though it was far from romantic and comforting. As Lily’s arms snaked around his neck to pull him closer, James realized she was staking her claim and it was hot. He felt the immediate arousal strain against his trousers as the thought of Lily’s jealousy sent a course of desire through his body.
It barely phased him that they were in a very public place, no doubt in front of all their friends. Yet, when the thought finally registered in his lust-filled brain, clarity sobered his body, replacing the desire with a nervous excitement.
So much for keeping things quiet.
When Lily pulled away, her gaze was fierce as she narrowed her eyes and squeezed his arms a bit harder while whispering in his ear, “I don’t want anyone else touching you like I do.”
Bloody hell, would it be improper to disapparate us back to the cabin to have my way with her right now?
Yes, yes it would. Stupid statute of secrecy.
The battle to act on his instincts versus do the right thing warred in his mind.
“And you,” Lily peered over his shoulder to the blonde who was standing behind them, mouth gaping open in surprise, “keep your hands off my boyfriend.”
“Your WHAT?!”
A chorus of shouts and shrieks escaped the mouths of their friends at Lily’s over-zealous warning.
“Looks like it’s not a secret anymore,” Lily shrugged as she pulled James back to their friends.
“Hmm, I was hoping that maybe they didn’t notice the public snog assault you just attacked me with,” James laughed. “You know I wasn’t going to do anything with her, right? She cornered me and Remus of all people helped her along. I couldn’t get away.”
“Yes, yes, I trust you. I just let my temper get the best of me, I suppose,” Lily admitted, though she didn’t seem ashamed in the slightest.
“Don’t worry, I like Aggressive Lily. Maybe I’ll let other girls try and whisk me away more—”
“Don’t you dare,” she warned, though the glint in her eye reassured him that she knew he was kidding.
“I suppose it’s time to face the onslaught of our friends, don’t you think?”
Lily sighed, “You’re sure we can’t just disapparate away instead?”
“I wish, but I’ve got a hot fudge sundae over there with my name on it. If you answer all the questions, though, I might be inclined to share.”
A devilish smirk crossed her lips as she dropped his hand and made a beeline for the table. “Not if I get there first!”
James followed after her, knowing full well he’d share the ice cream with her regardless as they took turns answering their friends’ questions. Maybe it wasn’t the way James and Lily intended for the group to find out, but it certainly made for a good memory to look back on someday.
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handshakesake · 4 years
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!!! NSFW !!!
/// WARNINGS: Non con, oral, tag teaming, dirty talk, smutty smut smut (Yuji’s aged up, obv) ///
((Okay so now I can start doing DUALITY and if you guys like this you’re gonna lose your minds for the next phase. Also no shame, I’m a sinner and I know. -claps hands-))
Yuji might have sped just a tad bit to get home, right on your heels up the stairs to the front door, seemingly more comfortable since you hardly reacted to his unfortunate curse. Or maybe it was jealousy, seeing the other touching you during the switch and starting a war with him over a girl. If Sukuna wanted to stir him up, it worked. You could barely get the keys into the doorknob with Yuji’s mouth nibbling at your ear, hands tugging you backwards into his chest, dipping his head to bite at your neck.
“Glad to see you’re f-feeling better…but I can’t...mm, I can’t get the door- ah!” You fumbled over your words when he ran his tongue up the side of your neck, sneaking the keys from your hands and whispering with a suspiciously innocent tone.
“I’ll get it, I’ll take care of anything for you….” As soon as the door was open you two were stumbling frantically inside and Yuji kicked it shut behind him, ripping his tie off with a determined look on his face.
“Oh, I’m sure you would.”
Sore and sleepy, you sat up in bed in the dark and felt for your lover next to you, but he wasn’t there. The bedroom was pitch black, no light from under the bathroom door to indicate he was in there, in fact you couldn’t see anything at all. You could feel the sheets under your fingers and were confused, finding smooth silk in place of the fluffy blankets you and Yuji would nuzzle into most nights.
“Yuji?” You called out, but there was no response, just a painfully eerie silence and the sound of water dripping once or twice. You slowly slid off the bed, but when your feet touched the floor you found liquid an inch or so deep. First assumption was that the apartment flooded, so you scrambled for the light switch in the dark, finding no walls or doors. No furniture. Just more empty blackness. Just when you started to panic, you felt a hand slowly wrap around one of your wrists.
“Yuji?” You could hardly breath as another hand grabbed your side, then another arm hooked firmly around your back so you couldn’t escape.
“Wrong again.” Sukuna’s voice wasn’t playful or lyrical like it’d been in the car earlier that evening, it was a spoken growl, and agitated tone that warned you not to fight him. Warm, liquid verbal impatience.
“Why can’t I see you? And where are we?” Instead of pulling away, you let the arms gather you up and lay you back on the bed haphazardly. The mattress shifted, your body began to react to the fight or flight instinct kicking in, but you wouldn’t escape. He caged you in, climbing on top of you and sitting on your pelvis.
“We are within my domain. You wanna see me? Or are you scared of the dark, little girl?” Sukuna was mocking you, expecting the whole scenario would make you try to run, fight him like predator and prey, but you didn’t.
“If you still think I’m afraid of your form, you’re in for a surprise.” You ran your hands along his where they rested on the bed and kept his body up above yours, triggering flames to flicker around the bed, candles with their melting dripped onto the red liquid floor.
“Naughty thing, aren’t you. Wanting a peek at the big bad curse.” He snickered, lower set of hands trailing over your chest, down your waist and to the hem of the only thing you were wearing, a t- shirt. He tore it away with ease, enjoying the way you shivered. He was in thick white robes, body was so starkly similar to Yuji’s, aside from his eyes, arms and the vicious sneer on his face.
“You’re actually quite breathtaking.” You mumbled, half lidded eyes locked on his lower jaw as he swallowed hard, frowning while he brought his face to yours and the tips of your noses touched. His chest rumbled contemplative, he looked almost softer, a gaze of pity.
“Of course I am, I’m your king. Keep up the praises and I might reward you.” A trill cackle erupted from his throat, but it died down when you reached up and tugged at his robes and whined.
“I can’t praise what I can’t see.” Oh, Yuji must have screwed you a bit senseless, because the subservience was not something he’d seen come so easily.
“Ask me properly, little thing. Address your king correctly and I may have mercy on you.” His wicked smile showed fangs that glittered in the flickering candle light, his tongue teasingly wriggling behind its cage just waiting for a taste. His patience was godly, however, despite how many centuries he’d missed this ritual.
“Handsome, wise king Ryomen, have pity on my poor soul. Spoil me with your visage.” You smirk, dizzy with lust, just slightly noticing the deep red smoke on the air around you, sedating you without your knowledge.
“Such an obedient thing…” Sukuna sighed, but his lips were still curved upward, pride swelling as he let his clothes fall off him, leaving you to stare in awe for a few seconds.
“Little thing, you’re practically drooling. And over someone like me? Tsk tsk, what a shame. Though, it simplifies so much you look at me the way you look at the brat. Maybe I can come to terms with sharing my property.” As he spoke, he flipped you onto your stomach, a hand nestling into your hair to yank your head back and force you to look into his eyes.
“Share? What does Y-Yuji say...about that...” You moan your words while his three free hands find every inch of your body and handle you with a roughness your other lover never dared use.
“Ask him yourself.” Sukuna muttered as he turned your head by your hair and you found yourself staring up at Yuji standing at the foot of the claw foot bed.
“This is pretty lewd. Is it bad I’m a little turned on? Fucking pissed, yeah. But...” Yuji was affected the same way as you by the smoke drifting around, causing the bridge of his nose to be dusted pink with the heat of his blood.
“Shut up, brat! We share the same body, it hardly matters. Now keep her mouth shut too while I have my way.” There was no warning otherwise from Sukuna, a cock entering you with a single languid thrust was its own warning. It hurt, stung and you immediately reached out and grabbed onto Yuji’s waist for stability as the beast behind you set a rapid pace from the start. Your cries were so desperate, it tore at Yuji’s heart, but he felt like his legs would give out if he even moved. Between grunts, Sukuna gave him an order, his three free hands still roaming your form carelessly as he fucked you hard.
“Use-her-mouth! Or I will!” The warning was taken seriously, Yuji clumsily and in a haze pulling his jeans down to free himself, reaching for your hair to find Sukuna’s hand already there. With a half groan, half snicker, Sukuna gave Yuji a little help and pulled your head back more, your mouth already agape with desperate moans. As soon as he was in your mouth, Yuji started making some desperate noises of his own, only dwarfed by the occasional cackled of Sukuna, praising your subservience in the same breath he’d tease the brat.
“You’re such a fun little thing to play with, isn’t the brat lucky I let him borrow you?” He growled, but you couldn’t speak, drool dripping down your chin as Sukuna forced you to fuck Yuji with your mouth, fist in your hair painfully tight.
“You’re borrowing her, fucker! She’s m-my girlfriend!” Yuji stammered, they both picked up their thrusting pace and you clawed at the sheets, climax hitting you with no warning. Then another, lightheaded from the struggle to breath as Yuji got more needy for his own release and pushed deeper into your throat. They came in tandem, agonizingly, and you tried not to choke on the warmth flooding your mouth while the other flowed into your cunt so hot you couldn’t stand it. The broken choked cries you made on Yuji’s cock had the both of them rolling their eyes back, satisfied with themselves.
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agere-fandom-time · 3 years
Hi hi!! Can I gets a fic with toddler regressor! Midoriya izuku going nonverbal during an outing and lowkey regressing but he doesnt know what's happening and he just kind of rolls with it and the rest of 1-A's just like "whelp, looks like we've got a toddler on our hands??" Idk idk but yeah. Please n thankies
I loved this idea so much. Here is your fanfiction!! Mainly featuring Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Asui as the caregivers, with brief appearances from most of Class 1-A but I couldn’t fit everyone in. Also some Dadzawa, of course. 
Can be read below the 'read more’ or here on AO3.
Content Warnings: Sensory overload, non-verbal regression, briefly mentioned fear of Bakugou, involuntary regression in public. 
-Mod Stella
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Izuku had always enjoyed shopping with his class.
Of course, now that they had moved into the dorms, there were new rules. A teacher had to come with them, and the students were required to stay in groups of three at all times. They had gone shopping in chaotic groups in their first year, but now leaving campus was an entire event, filled with paperwork and anticipation.
Today, Izuku sat in the middle of the bus between Ochako and Shouto, discussing their math homework. Around them, the rest of 1-A was humming with gossip and excitement as the city sped by outside the bus. Eventually, the conversation turned to specific questions, and all three pulled out their notebooks to compare their answers.
Kaminari wandered over to check on Ochako’s answers, earing him a smack on the head from Kirishima.
“Dude, come one, cheating is totally uncool!”
“I was just checking my answer,” Kaminari pouted, rubbing his head. “I wanted to know if I got question three right!”
“Bring your notebook over,” said Izuku. “The more the merrier!”
By the time they reached the mall, half of the class had their notebooks out and were arguing about the bonus question.
“Not to discourage you from schoolwork, but we could have stayed on campus if you wanted a study session,” Aizawa called from the front of the bus as the doors opened.
“We’re here!” Mina cried, shoving her notebook into her backpack and bolting for the door without zipping up her bag. Izuku could see her through the bus windows as the rest of the class followed her, bouncing impatiently in place as she waited for them. Izuku joined the line outside the bus, waiting for Aizawa to check the class numbers and announce the groups for today.
“Alright, pick your own trios today. Feel free to travel in groups of six, but don’t be a pain for the other people at the mall. Behave while you’re here.” Aizawa’s glare travelled across the class, and Izuku nodded furiously. He wasn’t going to cause any trouble this time!
Izuku was so busy nodding that he almost missed when people started mingling to form trios. He quickly located his nearest friend, which was Shouto, and walked towards him. It looked like he had already paired up with Tokoyami and they were just waiting for a third.
“Mind if I join you guys?” Izuku asked, hooking his thumbs into the straps of his backpack as he got closer.
“You are welcome,” Tokoyami said. Shouto simply nodded and shifted his body to include Izuku in their little circle.
“Cool, thanks!” Izuku took his place with them, watching the rest of the class divide themselves. Most of them were split by gender, having discovered that the boys and girls tended to shop in different places. Aoyama and Mina were the exception to the rule, an inseparable shopping duo. Hagakure had joined them today, and the three were already planning their route through the mall with loud enthusiasm.
“Do you guys need to visit any clothes stores? I’ve gone through, like, ten pairs of socks since our last trip, but I’m okay aside from that,” Izuku admitted. “I’d love to check out the new All Might figurines, I think the games store carries them here…” His trio started to plan their trip with far less fanfare than Aoyama’s.
“You have until five,” Aizawa called into the noise of the class. “Text me if there’s trouble, I’ll be in the food court keeping an eye out.”
“Yes sensei,” the class chorused. Finally free, they filed into the mall in an exuberant crowd.
Izuku, Shouto, and Tokoyami ended up in the bookstore first, trailing each other to their preferred sections (Izuku the manga, Shouto the poetry, and Tokoyami the historical fiction, which Izuku wouldn’t have guessed). All three of them found something to take home and they re-entered the main hallway of the mall with new bags hanging on their arms.
Excited as Izuku was to read his new magazine, the sound of the mall was starting to grate on him. The lights were slightly too bright, and the rustle of plastic bags clashed with the incessant noise of the crowd. People rushed past each other, occasionally brushing against Izuku, and he had to control his instinct to flinch whenever someone stepped on his foot or bumped into his shoulder.
Izuku trailed behind the others, focusing on Tokoyami’s sneakers so that he wouldn’t lose them. He tried to shut out the sounds of the mall, with limited success. There was just too much.
“Are you alright?”
Izuku was surprised to hear Shouto’s quiet voice from his left, and glanced up to see the other boy walking beside him, forehead creased with concern. Izuku smiled and went to say… something. But he couldn’t quite figure out what to say, or how to say it, so he settled for giving Shouto a thumbs-up. Shouto’s expression did something too complicated for Izuku to follow, and then he offered a subtle smile and an outstretched hand.
Izuku didn’t think twice before sliding his hand into Shouto’s, and everything was immediately better. Had the mall been too bright? It was very nice, almost sunny. It was still a little too loud, but he didn’t have to worry about that. He just had to follow Shouto wherever he went, hand-in-hand.
Knowing he wouldn’t lose his friends, Izuku was free to look around. And there was a lot to look at. Lots of strangers, and bright coloured clothing in the shop windows, and… ah!! All Might figurines!
Izuku dug his heels in, pulling Shouto to a stop. Shouto looked back with concern on his face, but Izuku smiled and pointed towards the shop with figurines in the window, and Shouto’s expression cleared.
“Tokoyami!” Shouto called into the crowd ahead of them. “Izuku wants to stop.”
It only took a moment for Tokoyami to join them, glancing briefly down at their joined hands. “I’m with you,” he nodded. “I will follow.”
Izuku tugged Shouto towards the games and collectibles store. There were so many things in here that Izuku loved! So many heroes and cool clothing and wow! Izuku bounced on his heels a little as he pulled Shouto into the store.
Once they were inside, Izuku let go of Shouto’s hand and dove in. There were plushies to feel, and figurines to inspect, and lots of games to check out! Distantly, he was aware of the others following close behind, murmuring to each other. But the merch was so much more important. Lots of All Might, of course, but there was a plushie of Thirteen that Izuku had to take a minute to cuddle. Ochako would probably like that: she was a big Thirteen fan, and had a fair number of plushies. And there was a Crimson Riot figurine that made Izuku think of Kaminari. He gave it a pat on the spiky head. Izuku didn’t hug Kaminari enough. He gave good hugs.
Finished with his inspection, Izuku turned back to his friends and reclaimed Shouto’s hand, leaning contentedly against his side. It made him happy just to be here, surrounded by all these things he could buy, and his friends as well. Tokoyami was on Izuku’s other side, and he bumped his beak lightly against Izuku’s head when Izuku came to join them. Izuku blinked at him. Was that how birds said hello?
Izuku tried to return the gesture, but he didn’t have a beak, so he just poked his nose into Tokoyami’s jawline. He heard Shouto stifle a laugh behind him, and he was pulled back to Shouto’s side.
“Be nice to Tokoyami,” Shouto said. Izuku tilted his head, confused. He was being nice! He was saying hello.
“Should we find another group?” Tokoyami suggested quietly. “Would you like to see Uraraka?” he asked Izuku.
Izuku nodded. Why wouldn’t he want to see Ochako? She was one of his best friends!
“Sounds good.” Shouto’s fingers wrapped a little more firmly around Izuku’s as they started to walk again. Izuku continued to stare around the mall. Everything seemed so fast and loud and big. Was this how the world always was? Something felt off, but Izuku couldn’t put his finger on what it was.
Suddenly, there was movement through the crowd: Kacchan shoving his way through a group of preteen girls with his usual murderous expression, Kaminari and Kirishima loudly apologizing as they followed in his wake.
Izuku did his best to hide behind Tokoyami and Shouto, pressing closer to Tokoyami in the process. A face emerged from Tokoyami’s shoulder, making Izuku jump, but it was just a small part of Dark Shadow stretching lazily from Tokoyami’s shirt, glancing at Izuku and then back towards Kacchan’s trio.
“Don’t worry, kid, we’ve got your back,” Dark Shadow muttered, and did the same beak thing that Tokoyami had done, pressing gently against Izuku’s forehead and then retreating back into Tokoyami’s shoulder.
Izuku stared at the place where the shadow had been, mouth slightly open.
“Still alright?” Shouto asked, pressing Izuku’s hand lightly. “Do you want to get some headphones from Aizawa or Iida?”
Izuku shook his head. Less sound was nice, but he liked being able to hear his friends’ voices. Shouto gave him a thumbs-up, and Izuku mirrored the gesture with a grin.
“There they are,” Izuku heard Tokoyami announce. “Dark Shadow, get their attention.”
“Alright, alright, jeez.” Dark Shadow jumped from Tokoyami’s back and stretched above the crowd, waving a clawed hand. That got a lot of the crowd’s attention, but soon Izuku could see who he’d been gesturing at: a group of four girls, Ochako at their head, was coming over towards them.
“Hey Tokoyami, hey Dark Shadow! What’s up?” Ochako asked.
“I believe we have completed our expedition. We wanted to check with other members of our class,” Tokoyami said. Izuku frowned. Were they really done? But he needed… socks? Or maybe food? He was supposed to buy something.
“Hey, Izuku,” Tsu said, coming to join them. “How’s the trip?”
Izuku was slowly getting used to the weird twisting sensation that kept happening when he tried to talk. He gave Tsu another smile and thumbs-up. She nodded, her tongue poking out from her mouth.
“Don’t feel like talking? I get that. Ribbit. Do you want to go back to the bus?”
Izuku was conflicted. It would be quieter on the bus, and maybe he could even lie down, but all his friends were here! He didn’t want to be alone.
Not knowing how to express the feeling, Izuku reached his free hand towards Tsu and wiggled his fingers. Seeming to understand, Tsu moved forwards and curled her hand in his, and Izuku squeezed both her and Shouto’s hands.
“We’d come with you, if you wanted,” Tsu said. “I’m pretty much finished, and the others will still be a group if we head out. We’d have to check in with Aizawa-sensei, ribbit, but he won’t mind.” Izuku liked the idea of talking to Aizawa. He took care of the class. Izuku felt safer with Aizawa, and when his friends were with Aizawa.
Izuku reluctantly nodded. There was more to see at the mall, and he was sad to miss it, but the idea of curling up on the bus and relaxing with his friends sounded a lot better.
“Well, let’s go then!” Tsu said, pointing towards the food court.
“Wait, wait, I want to give Izuku a hug!” Ochako yelled, and then there were arms wrapping around Izuku from behind, pulling him back into Ochako’s familiar embrace.
Izuku melted, arms dropping to his sides and his weight leaning back into Ochako. She made a surprised noise, tilting back under the pressure, and then Izuku was weightless and Ochako pulled him properly into her arms.
“Hey, Izuku,” she murmured. “I’m sorry you’re going, but I hope you have a good time with Tsu and Todoroki.”
“Mmm!” Izuku said, hoping that Ochako would understand that he meant that he would definitely have a good time, and it was a very nice hug, and thank you very much.
“Okay, I’ll let you go,” Ochako sighed, and pressed a kiss to the top of Izuku’s head, right on his hair. He squeaked and felt his cheeks flush from the unexpected affection. It had felt… a lot like Tokoyami’s beak, actually. But kind of softer. “Take care of him, you two!”
“You know we will, ribbit.”
His weight restored and his hands taken again by his friends, Izuku turned to smile over his shoulder at Ochako as he was led away, his face still warm from the kiss. She smiled and waved, before turning back to Jiro, Momo, and Tokoyami. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Ochako’s voice was high-pitched and excited as she joined the conversation. Hopefully they were having fun.
“Careful, Izuku,” Shouto said, tugging at his hand. “Watch where you’re going.”
Izuku turned his eyes back to the front just in time to let Tsu and Shoto navigate him around a support beam that had been coming a little too close for comfort. Then they were in the food court, the crowd less chaotic here but the conversations louder.
Aizawa was sitting alone, dressed in passably civilian clothes with his capture weapon draped around his neck, phone in one hand. He lifted his chin as soon as Izuku and his friends stepped into view, acknowledging them as they headed towards him.
“Hey sensei,” Tsu said, when they got close enough. “Izuku’s a little overwhelmed and we were thinking about heading back to the bus for a while.”
“Did something happen?” Aizawa asked, directing the question towards both Izuku and Tsu as his eyes flickered between the three of them.
“Not as far as I know,” Shouto answered. “I think it was just the mall.” His thumb swiped across the back of Izuku’s hand. “Do you know?”
Izuku shook his head, then gently pulled his hands free.
Loud, he signed to Aizawa, whose eyes followed the gesture. Bright. Tired.
“Do you want a set of headphones?” Aizawa offered, making a shift towards the bag he’d brought along.
Izuku shook his head. Friends, he signed. Thank you.
“Suit yourself. How about a fidget toy?”
That sounded tempting, and Izuku’s face must have shown it, because Aizawa was rummaging in his bag and tossing things onto the table shortly thereafter. A Rubix cube, a length of string for cat’s cradle, squares of paper for folding, and a miscellany of little fidget gadgets. Izuku chose a set of interlocking rings that made a nice sound when he rattled them, and were fun to twist around each other. He gave Aizawa a smile and a bow, and then put the rings in his mouth. They were cool and metallic, and interesting to bite, but not very nice on Izuku’s teeth.
“Hmm.” Aizawa said, looking unimpressed. “I’ll have to clean those. And get you a proper chew if you’re going to be putting things in your mouth. Maybe a necklace so you can keep track of it.” He packed the rest of the fidget toys away, but not before tossing Tsu her favourite fidget cube and a set of keys. “Lock the bus doors behind you. If those keys go anywhere near the ignition, you’ll be expelled.”
“Yes, sensei,” Tsu agreed, tucking the cube and the keys into her pocket. “We’ll be careful.”
“You’d better be,” Aizawa said. “And take care of Problem Child.” Izuku perked up at the nickname. That was him! Aizawa was talking about him!
“Why is everyone saying that today?” Shouto said. “Of course we will.” He rested a hand on Izuku’s shoulder, which was almost as nice as holding his hand. Izuku leaned into the touch, eyes closing for a moment. He felt very tired all of a sudden.
“Come on, Izuku,” Tsu said, and then his hands were taken again and he was led away, out of the mall. Izuku’s eyes were more closed than open now, and the mall passed in brief flashes of colour and crowd. With a friend on each side, deflecting the traffic, no one bumped into him. Soon enough, they were in the fresh spring air, and Izuku blinked his eyes open to stare up at the clear blue sky, breathing in the taste of petals and dirt.
His friends were by his side, the smell of spring was in the air, and Izuku felt better than ever. The world was very big, but it didn’t matter because his friends were there. They would take care of him. He was safe.
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jaeminzie · 4 years
better than words | l.dh
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↳ lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
synopsis: finally taking his friends’ advice, the not-so-cunning donghyuck finds a way to show his profound feelings toward his respectfully patient herbology partner.
genre: fluff
word count: 2,226
a/n: lawd it’s been a while since i’ve posted a fic but here it is ! a week delayed from valentine’s but let’s just pretend it’s the 14th :,]
‘better than words’ by one direction
part of ‘the dreamies in hogwarts’ series
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like most hufflepuffs, you have a natural interest and talent with every living thing, including plants. herbology is one of the classes that you excell at and enjoy doing. though, the hufflepuff class had to deal with the subject with none other than the slytherins.
students walked into the greenhouse chatting, but soon became quiet once professor sprout called out for your attention, “everyone! in celebration of valentine’s day, i came up with the brilliant idea of hosting a contest! the objective is to successfully cast the herbivicus charm on a rose. this charm is used to rapidly grow whatever plant you desire.” everyone looked at each other warily, completely uninterested in some gardening spell. “since this spell needs precise movements, you will need a partner to help guide you.”
immediately, students began making eye contact with their preferred partners. lee donghyuck turned his head slightly toward your body standing next to him and nibbled his bottom lip. your relationship with donghyuck was rather interesting. being seatmates in this class, you choose to be kind and offer help whenever you see him struggling which would usually not be accepted by the boy. you believed his attitude was because of professor sprout moving him all the way at the front of the class next to you in punishment of being the initiator of constant disruption with his friends stood at the back. you didn’t mind the silence though. but in reality, donghyuck wasn’t sure how to talk to you without being too straightforward as he’s been told many times that he is slightly too shameless. he was afraid to say or do anything that could potentially hurt your feelings when he’d had no intention in doing so.
“to make it easier for everyone, your partner will be the person standing next to you.” professor sprout said her ‘good luck’s’ before dismissing us to work on the assignment. “whoever perfects the charm first wins.” she smiles before heading toward her desk covered in plant roots in the corner.
taking a deep breath before turning to the boy, you greeted him — to which he replied with a simple nod and pursed lips while avoiding eye contact. you cleared your throat at the awkwardness prior to politely asking, “do you want to be the one monitoring me or casting the charm?”
“i’ll cast it.” he grabbed the book placed in front of you and began flipping through the pages loudly. he began examining the words on the brown paper and clicked his tongue, “this will be easy.”
you let out a small laugh, “it looks pretty complicated.” you skimmed through the lines along with him, leaning forward closely in order to see clearly. donghyuck leaned back slightly when he noticed the close distance between your faces. the boy’s heart raced the moment he felt your hair brush against his right cheek. he wanted so badly to slap himself for not being able to contain his feelings.
he crossed his arms, tongue poking the inside of his right cheek in an attempt to not smile, “are you saying i can’t do it?”
“of course not, just be realistic.” your smile faltered when the once-gone awkwardness made its return when the last portion of your sentence came out instinctively. “oh, um, that didn’t come out well. just- i just mean that-”
“don’t.” he said blankly while you slightly pouted at his words since you’ve already failed to maintain a decent conversation barely five minutes in.
you bit your tongue at his response and forced yourself to move on since you wanted nothing more than to disappear from this situation. donghyuck rolled up the sleeves of his oversized green robe the best he could before waving his wand experimentally. “it says to-”
he cuts you off, “i don’t need assistance.” the tiniest quiver of your bottom lip caught his attention before it was directed toward his friends who were making obnoxious kissy faces toward your two distanced bodies. he glared at them before tilting his head slightly when he noticed your hunched figure standing timidly, starting to feel the regret in his unnecessary words. donghyuck cleared his throat and began to follow the instructions written in the book.
you carefully watched donghyuck’s wand, mentally taking notes on the movements. his long fingers delicately held his wooden wand that fits perfectly in his grip and moved it with such grace, creating imaginary loops and curves just how the book had described. “herbivicus.” he breathlessly spoke when he was finishing up the wand movements.
he proved his previous statement when the rose sprout began to flourish steadily. donghyuck turned, unintentionally making his shoulder hit your arm, and walked toward professor sprout. observing from afar, you see the professor’s face brighten when he was done speaking politely with his hands put behind his back. donghyuck nodded before turning to walk back toward your shared working table. gathering enough courage when he got close to you, you asked, “what did she say?”
he walked past you and began tending more flowers planted on the dirt tray behind you without saying a word. at this point, your patience was crippling. “are you just gonna ignore me?”
without even turning his head to face you, he shook his head at your question. “then answer me verbally.”
donghyuck physically melted as his knees felt weaker when hearing your fragile tone trying to be assertive. he moved his wand quicker, trying not to prolong the silence between the two of you. once the wide variety of flowers were fully grown in front of him, he attached them together with a ribbon before taking a deep breath. he’s been told by his friends that actions speak louder than words when asking for advice on courting a person he has interest in. lots of interest. he used to always scoff whenever they’d say that, but his desperation grew over time of not being able to initiate a proper conversation.
donghyuck felt stupid for doing this which was evidently shown through his red face and sweaty palms. he straightened his back and held the flowers with both hands, placing them in front of him.
he turned around to face you teary-eyed, the tears were threatening to spill at any moment. donghyuck’s shoulders and face dropped upon hearing your tiny voice, “why don’t you like me? did i ever offend you? or do i just annoy you?” donghyuck muttered curse words at himself for making you think this way. he placed the flowers on the table by his side and hesitantly hovered his hands over your shoulders, testing the limits. when you didn’t flinch away, he softly rested them on your shoulders, brushing his thumb against the soft fabric of your yellow robe.
“no. . . to all of those.” seeing your flushed cheeks and nose made him want nothing more than to caress your cheeks. he looked around the class and made sure no one could see him pull you two toward the exit located right next to your working station, making sure to bring the flowers and placing them behind his back.
you yelp when donghyuck gently placed you against the brick wall, his hands barely had any grip on your robe like he was afraid to cause any further damage. your breath hitched when he dropped his hands into his pockets and looked at you with sincerity in his eyes. “i’m sorry.”
you furrowed an eyebrow, not knowing how to react at this moment.
“i have a feeling i haven’t been the nicest to you.” he nibbled on his lip while you tried not to chuckle at his statement. “um, it’s stupid but i’m always cautious not to behave a certain way that’ll hurt you by. . . not talking to you at all or cutting our conversations as short as possible.”
he groaned and let his head fall back as he realized how childish and inconsiderate his actions were. your facial features softened as he faced you again with a coy smile. “forgive me, i swear i don’t not like you.”
he laughed breathlessly, “it’s quite the opposite actually.” the now pink-tinted boy’s right hand ran through his hair repeatedly before placing it on the wall behind you. “i’m really sorry.”
you blinked at him. “it’s okay. thank you for explaining, actually.” you cleared your throat. “i’m just glad you don’t hate me or something.”
“so, how would you feel about me liking you?” his once shy smile is now gone and has been replaced with a sly smirk. you were taken back from the sudden change of confidence from the boy.
you shrieked under his strong gaze as he stepped closer to your figure. “oh, i- um. i, i wouldn’t be. . . opposed.” his smirk grew bigger at your answer.
donghyuck took his hand off the walk and stepped back slightly and placed his left hand in front of his chest, showing the bundle of flowers he had tended for you. he stood there holding the bundle of the prettiest flower he chose himself with his still-sweaty palms, and smiling softly causing his still-pink cheeks to round. donghyuck surely held his composure quite well with his smooth comments and actions but the red tinted ears of his were clear even under the dimly lit walkway, giving his nervousness away. “this was what i was doing when you were talking to me.”
he scratched his head with his free hand, “sorry, i was fully immersed. y’know, concentrating.”
you nodded slowly at him. “got it.” you spoke slowly while eyeing the flowers in his hands.
donghyuck giggled at your state, all flustered and not knowing what to say. he could definitely get used to this view. “would you be opposed to going out to hogsmeade with me?” his hand went back onto the wall and his face leaned very closely to yours. “my treat.” a smile slowly made an appearance on his godly face.
you were baffled. just ten minutes ago, you were one second away from crying in the middle of class because of the same guy who’s making your heart flutter in a way that you’ve never experienced before. the same guy who wouldn’t even speak a proper grammatically complete sentence to you prior to the past couple minutes.
he quirked an eyebrow as he patiently waited for your response. taking a deep breath, you seriously had nothing to lose. “no, i wouldn’t be opposed to that.” donghyuck smiled at how you can finally speak a full sentence without taking any pauses or stumbling upon your words.
once again, he pushed himself off the wall to grab your hand and arranged them so that you were now holding the flowers. you felt a wave of heat rush onto your cheeks and you tried to hide by keeping your focus on the colorful array of petals, allowing your head to stay low.
this obviously didn’t satisfy donghyuck since he wanted to stare at your flustered state all day. his pointer finger rested under your chin and pushed your head up to force you into maintaining the intense eye contact. pretty. he thought. your eyes were still shiny, and face even redder. donghyuck smiled at the up-close view of the face he had to restrain himself from staring at for too long in the past. savoring this moment, he examined your face slowly. taking all the time he needed and did not need, he continued to stare at the way your mouth fell slightly open, counting the seconds you could last without blinking your eyes and holding your breath when he stood so near you.
his brown, yet bright, eyes looked back at yours, he spoke softly, “good. i’ll wait for you outside your common room right before the sun sets tomorrow.”
you let out a breathy laugh at the vague description. “and what time is that?”
“anytime you’re ready.” his warm breath hits your hot cheeks, making your smile falter. donghyuck notices his effect on you and keeps that in mind for future purposes that you’ll soon loathe him for. “just don’t keep me waiting for too long. i’m already excited to be with you.” donghyuck smiled at the double meaning of his own sentence, feeling proud of himself for finally making a move and smiling at the sweet thought of his friends no longer pestering him to talk to you nor poking fun at him for being a bit of a coward.
the boy had to force himself to step away, but his gaze was still set on you. “i’ll see you tomorrow. anticipate it for me.” you blinked and nodded at his order while he winked at you before he made room for you to move past him and walk back toward the greenhouse.
donghyuck pushed open the door for you to enter and was automatically greeted with wide smiles from his friends still standing at the back of the room, silently cheering for their friend. he shyly smiled back quickly before retreating his attention back to you. he noticed how you caressed the soft flowers in your hand with such adoration and a smile on your face that will never seem to leave — he wished to do the same to you. and he had a strong gut feeling that his wish would soon be granted.
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet (Remus Lupin x Reader) Part 6 SMUT
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Summary:  (Y/N) wants to be a professor at Hogwarts. Dumbledore offers her a chance to intern and figure out what she wants to do… hopefully she’ll make it through the year.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x FemReader
Warnings: Age gap, SMUT and language.
A/N: So idk I kinda hate this... idk why 😂 but the overwhelming consensus was smut so TA-DA! - S
It was almost comical how quickly things had changed between the two. Somethings remained similar, like the playful flirting and the stolen glances were still there... but ever since their kiss, the tension in the air was thick enough that it could be cut with a knife. There just wasn’t enough time or privacy in the day to replicate the circumstances in the few days following. It wasn’t like they were really in the position to entertain a proper label or schedule; Remus flirted with the idea of asking her on a proper date, but that wasn’t exactly practical. Remus didn’t know which was worse: feeling like he hadn’t been permitted to act on his desires or rather knowing how it felt to give in and physically not be able to.
Remus’ lips twitched into a small grin when he saw (Y/N) smile at him from a few pieces of parchment. He watched as discreetly as he could, still trying to give as much attention as he could to the task he had at hand. Honestly, he wondered how (Y/N) was possibly juggling the workload she had... especially recently. He’d often see her running around like a chicken with its head cut off, sprinting from classrooms all over the castle. He’d seen her bring homework assignments with her to dinner and it seemed that in the past week or so the piles were getting bigger. It hadn’t really occurred to the man how much of the time they spent together happened during schooling hours or the occasional walk at night, but he hadn’t seen her outside office hours in what seemed like awhile.
Remus knew he was probably doing this for more selfish reasons. Honestly it was probably more of a chance to get her alone and to himself. An argument could be made that it was to give the struggling young woman a break though. Remus made his way over to her once he had his student working on something that didn’t require his complete attention. Wand movements usually did the trick. In a low voice he simply suggested, “If you’re feeling a little rebellious, meet me on the fourth floor tonight when everyone is in bed.”
Remus hadn’t been able to get any verbal confirmation before being summoned back to his responsibilities, but judging by the mischievous glint in her eyes he had assumed the answer to be a yes. He had very much looked forward to it all day, and he was more than please to see (Y/N) already waiting for him. She smiled sheepishly at him, “Guess I was a little early.”
He didn’t blame her, he would’ve been a bit earlier himself had he not misplaced his wand briefly. Remus chalked it up to feeling like a teenager again with the sneaking out and around, with all of the excitement an old habit of losing his belongings was bubbling up too. “Seems like I was running a bit late. Come on, I have somewhere in mind you might enjoy.”
(Y/N) eagerly followed him to a mirror, and though she didn’t often find herself avoiding mirrors she didn’t know if she’d go as far as to say she enjoyed them. It wasn’t very long at all though that Remus was carefully moving a mirror that revealed a passageway that had been carved out. Once the two had ducked into the clandestine hallway and he had lit up the darkness with the tip of his wand, Remus replaced the mirror. “Whoa! I didn’t know this existed!”
It was common knowledge there were many secret passageways hidden in Hogwarts. The location of which were less known, but if that had been common knowledge too they would no longer be secret. “James and- my friends used to have a knack for finding these things.”
“You all must’ve done quite a bit of sneaking out, huh?” She joked while following the passageway down a little bit.
“A fair share of it sure... though we weren’t supposed to tell anyone.” Remus wasn’t lying, but he knew that on more than one occasion James and Sirius used a few of these passages to impress a pretty girl. He supposed he was just a little late on the trend.
“Well, I won’t tell if you don’t. Where does this go?” (Y/N) asked out of pure curiosity, though now that she thought about it, it was probably good practice to know where you were going.
“It comes out right outside of Hogsmeade. Of course that’s a long walk, I know.”
“Well, that’s okay. I feel like I could use a break.” She smiled and began walking with Remus. (Y/N) felt like she’d gotten a good bit better at juggling what had left her so overwhelmed her first week officially working at Hogwarts. However, these past couple of days had been a little hectic and she should’ve 100% been grading those homework assignments McGonagall asked if she could take on, but couldn’t refuse the offer.
Remus quite fond of the walk they shared. He asked about her years at Hogwarts and her family and she inquired the same. He didn’t think he could recall the last occasion he’d really taken the time to get to know someone or had them try and do the same. By the time they reached the end of the passageway, (Y/N) knew that he was an only child and had quite the sweet tooth even as a boy. He knew that conversely she came from quite a large family, but she’d agree that dessert was definitely the best course.
The room they’d arrived in was quite large, but it was obviously that anyone who knew of its location has long abandoned it. It showed no signs of any visitors in probably years. Still, (Y/N) found it to be quite a fun visit. A little dusty sure, but nothing a quick flick of her wand couldn’t fix. “Well, now that we’re here what are your plans?”
“Right...” Remus didn’t think that far ahead, which he would like to say was a bit unusual. Of course the ultimate goal had been to spend alone time with her, but now that was accomplished... “I ought to be better prepared ne-“
She was well aware it was rude to interrupt people, but she she would do it anyways. (Y/N) stood on her toes and grabbed hold of the front of his sweater and yanked Remus down to her level. She thought the act of crashing her lips into his might’ve been a little sexier had she not been so short in comparison. Remus however did not mind one bit hunching down to her level. This thought had definitely crossed his mind, but hadn’t want to be too forward. Now that he thought about it, he should’ve seen it coming. (Y/N) was very forward with what she wanted. Back at the Three Broomsticks she’d commented that she didn’t make the first move, but he supposed that wasn’t entirely true. He wasn’t complaining though. It was quite the opposite as he immediately responded, kissing her back and circling his arm around her.
(Y/N) broke away with a wide grin, “That wasn’t your plan?”
Remus chuckled, and straightened himself out, “No, but I’m always open to suggestions.”
(Y/N) pulled away leaving Remus quite confused. Perhaps she was annoyed it hadn’t been his sole intention to snog the woman. He felt better when she made her way to a wooden table set in the center on the room. He was certain she would sit down but instead she turned to face him. A small moment of hesitation seemed to cross her mind before she spoke, “I hope you wouldn’t think too little of me if I confessed this had been my plan...”
(Y/N) wasn’t lying. She’d desperately been hoping for an uninterrupted moment alone and wanted to be prepared in case she got that moment. Now that she had it well she hoped it wouldn’t be entirely too fast for the man.
Remus watched as she kicked off her shoes. She then pulled her shirt over her head and her pants had been the next article of clothing to follow. The undergarments that had now been exposed to him were quite nice to look at, especially with the model wearing them. The way the lace laid so perfectly against her skin made his heart beat just a tad bit faster and left him staring, or better yet ogling her. He felt a little lame, just standing there. He had hoped, counted on being close to (Y/N). He’d hoped they would’ve had a chance to - This just far exceeded what he’d hoped to accomplish.
It also wouldn’t have been untrue to say he’d been a little out of practice. Not new or naive to the subject, but it definitely wasn’t something he did on the regular. He normally was well aware of the fact it was nothing to be ashamed of, but did feel himself grow a little uncomfortable with the fact as she stood there in front of him. He definitely hoped he wouldn’t disappoint.
Staring was probably a better sign than him getting up and walking away. (Y/N) did wish he’d say something though. She felt so entirely vulnerable and was now a little fearful of rejection... “Too much?”
Her voice snapped Lupin back to reality. Her face showed she was starting to feel uncomfortable, and Remus felt terrible. That had definitely not been his intention. He decided it best if he just shut off his head and led his instincts take over.
In an instant he was in front of her, lifting her into the table bringing her to a much more comfortable height for him. His lips were on hers and if the first kiss had been good, well this one had been amazing. (Y/N)’s confidence quickly regained and excitement took over knowing exactly where this was going. Her legs parted, allowing her the opportunity for Remus to settle between them and her to pull him closer.
Remus’ hands met the bare skin of her thighs and traveled up and down her leg. The skin of his hands was so rough comparatively, but the contrast felt so unfamiliar and welcome. (Y/N) couldn’t help but be hyper aware of everywhere he touched and everywhere she wanted him to do so. Patience was a virtue wearing thin on her at the present moment and she found her hands quickly pulling the cost from his shoulders and working a few buttons on the shirt that he was wearing underneath. She was much too impatient to care enough to rid him of the entire shirt, once a few buttons were undone and it had been untucked she gave up on the task. She favored dipping her hands underneath the fabric, she just wanted to touch. Remus shivered a bit against her fingertips.
(Y/N) abandoned his mouth and trailed her kisses towards his neck. Remus was being absolutely driven mad by the nibbling. A gasp interrupted her and Remus smirked as his fingers carefully brushed against her clothed core. His touch was so light it could’ve almost been construed as an accident, if the knowing look hadn’t completely given him away. Ever the tease, and partially because he was no where near done with her, Remus didn’t give any indication there would be a follow-up. He moved his hand up actually and drug his fingertips lightly across her shoulders and chest, outlining the bra she was wearing. She arched into him, whimpering just a bit; she had no idea Remus Lupin was such a tease and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle it. (Y/N) had never been one to beg in the bedroom, of course she’d never really been with anyone taking such time and care; it was usually a heated spur of the moment type of setting (kind of what she expected from this). Still, there was a first time for everything, “Please touch me...”
Really Remus could’ve been content sitting there doing nothing but stand there and egg her on. It would’ve been torture for him too, but listening to the noises she made and feeling her breath quicken under his fingertips would’ve made it worth it. But her plea was too much, and Remus not only felt obligated but he wanted to oblige her request. Reaching behind he unclasped her bra and threw the unnecessary article to the side. He placed a chaste kiss to her lips before getting right to what she wanted.
(Y/N) felt like he was setting his skin on fire, everywhere his skin met hers like a flame had been held to it. Remus’ lips trailed from her neck to her shoulders and finally... her breath hitched when he made it to her breasts. Though she didn’t have much time to think about the way his tongue flicked over her nipple, because almost simultaneously he’d pushed her underwear to the side and his fingers brushed against her again. “Fuck...” She hissed.
Remus used his thumb to rub circles across the bundle of nerves and sank another inside of her, and relished the way her hips bucked against his hand. The way she arched herself into him... Remus couldn’t help but imagine how good how much better it would feel to have his cock buried deep inside her rather than his fingers, especially when he felt her clench around his digit. He didn’t know how much more her could handle, so without a second thought when she asked her obliged, he gladly accommodated.
Remus withdrew his hands from her body and unbuttoned his trousers in record time, and in less than a minute his hardened cock was able to spring out of its confines. (Y/N) watched him almost as intently as he’d watched her. She was much too excited to just stare though. She’d thought about this more than she’d care to admit and after already having a taste of what he could do she jumped to her feet in front of him. (Y/N) had been ready to return the favor (plus a little extra), but even though the idea sounded heavenly Remus just didn’t have the patience.
Given her stature it wasn’t a hard task to turn her around and bend her over the table. Once she’d been fully laid across the table, only the tips of her toes touched the floor. It left her feeling rather small and like she was completely at his mercy, but the vulnerability just seemed to heighten her senses. She let out a low sigh of anticipation when she felt him line himself up with her entrance.
Remus felt a flash of reluctancy... this young woman had seen parts of him that people hadn’t in quite a long time. He didn’t think he could possibly pull himself away from her at this point, but should he try? He didn’t think, no he knew he couldn’t give her what she deserved outside. Her impatience put an end to his internal sabotaging, “Remus, I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”
His response she quite enjoyed. A moan left both of their mouths as he entered her. She felt her insides stretching to accommodate the most pleasant of intrusions. Then he pulled out almost completely before thrusting back in earning a cry of approval from the woman beneath him. (Y/N)’s imagination couldn’t compare to the real thing and she hoped she would be able to remember every detail on his hands digging into her hips holding her still and the drag of his cock as he pulled out, or how amazingly full she felt when he slammed back in hitting spots she hadn’t been truly aware of herself.
Remus’ name fell from her lips like a prayer, a praise, a chant and he couldn’t think of a single thing he enjoyed hearing more in that moment. His rhythm was starting to suffer, but he was hanging on her dear life. As soon as he felt her body spasming around him, he let go. Emptying himself inside of her and feeling a joyous release of pleasure and pressure that had been building inside of him.
Remus stayed still for a moment before summoning the strength to pull out. His breath was labored and (Y/N) was also trying to catch her breath. “I think I might need just a moment before that hike back.”
Taglist: @iamabeautifulperson18 @figlia--della--luna @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @idkitsrandxm @marvel-rhapsody @little-bit-of-randomness @nuttybeardetective @siriuslypadfootmc @tugabooos @obx-beach @badedum-badaboom @starlightkell @bepo-is-sorry @hamildork @shadesofbarryallen @lunaqveen @pxstelink @auberosier @harrypotter289 @levylovegood @sapphicnoodle69 @thestunningspell @themostdivisive @pan-pride-12 @lilacskiesandpolaroids @whimsicallymad
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kpop-zone · 3 years
True North | Chuu
High School AU | exes | “I let you mooch off of my Netflix and this is how you repay me?” | “It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.”
Genre: angsty
Wordcount: 1,870
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As soon as you stepped foot into the classroom, you instantly felt like turning around and running away again. Of course, she was there. Laughing with people that she probably didn’t even know. But as the social butterfly that she was, she could charm every person on this planet in less than a second. Just like she had charmed you. You hated yourself for hating to see her this happy. You didn’t want to be that ex. But somehow you couldn’t bear to know that she was absolutely unfazed by your breakup while you were still looking through your pictures every night. Just when you were contemplating whether this was enough reason for you to drop this class, you could suddenly feel someone tapping your shoulder, so you turned around in confusion.
“Are you already tired of my class before the school year has even really started?”
Mr.Kim, your math teacher, asked with an amused expression on his face, causing your eyes to widen in shock.
“N-no of course not!”
You stuttered, feeling like he had just caught you redhanded. Embarrassed, you lowered your head and quickly entered the room to search for a vacant seat. What a great way to leave a good impression on the first day of school... Not wanting to make an even worse impression, you quickly rummaged through your backpack to fish out your calculator and your pencil case when you suddenly felt someone tapping your shoulder once more. Stressed out, you turned around, just to be met with the wide (and highly adorable) grin of your ex-girlfriend who waved excitedly at you from the seat right behind you. In an instant, your already bad mood got even worse, and you rolled your eyes before turning to the front again. You already knew that this would be your least favorite class throughout the whole school year. The rest of the week confirmed your suspicion as you were able to avoid your girlfriend wherever else you were going. You attended no other classes together and in the cafeteria you always made sure to pick a table at the opposite side from where she was sitting. It made it easier not to think about her all of the time which was why you had a stomachache right before your next math class on Monday. You knew that seeing her would demolish all progress in getting over her in the blink of an eye.
But to your surprise Jiwoo wasn’t entertaining the whole class yet when you entered the room later than usual after having given yourself a pep talk in front of the school for almost ten minutes. Her seat was still empty, making you hope that she had dropped the class for some inexplicable reason. Nervously, you wriggled about on your chair while staring at the clock on the wall incessantly. There were only a few more seconds left till the class would start. If she wasn’t here yet it had to mean that she would not show up anymore, relieving you of the burden to see her every week, right? To your dismay, however, your ex-girlfriend breathlessly stumbled into the classroom with two iced beverages in her hand right when the bell rang to indicate the start of the first period. Like the needle of compass always found north, her eyes immediately found yours, causing her face to light up in an instant.
With big steps she headed directly for you like she was on some sort of mission, making you get smaller and smaller in your seat. You couldn’t even stand seeing her without having the urge to fling your arms around her neck to beg her to take you back, you definitely weren’t strong enough to talk with her. For a split-second you thought about running away, but before you could make a decision, a high-pitched squeal catapulted you back to reality again. Jiwoo’s wide grin had suddenly turned into a horrified grimace, and you felt a cold shudder spreading from your chest to the rest of your body. Confused, you looked down on yourself, making you realize that one of the beverages that Jiwoo had proudly paraded around, had found its way onto your shirt.
“I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean to. I stumbled over your backpack and somehow the cup slipped out of my hand.”
Jiwoo gasped, still frozen to the spot. Your initial shock quickly died down as the ice-cold liquid seeped through your clothes, managing to wake you up better than any warm coffee.
“Are you serious?? I let you mooch off of my Netflix and this is how you repay me?!”
You growled angrily, 100% certain that Jiwoo had dropped the beverage on you on purpose.
“No!!! It’s not like that! This was not on purpose.”
Your ex-girlfriend yelled in despair, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes that had always been able to make you forgive her for everything.
“I can fix this!”
From one second to the other, Jiwoo’s annoyingly contagious positivity was back and before you knew what was happening, you already felt yourself being pulled off your chair towards the door. Without granting you a voice, Jiwoo dragged you through the almost empty hallways of your school to -as you assumed- the restrooms. Instead of protesting against Jiwoo’s unsolicited decision, however, you were busy staring at her hand that was tightly gripping your wrist. As much as you fought it, you couldn’t suppress the tingling feeling in your stomach that the much longed for feeling of Jiwoo’s touch on your skin caused. While the two of you had been dating, there had barely been a moment when you hadn’t held hands. And after you had broken up, you sometimes felt like you were going through some sort of phantom pain because your hands felt so empty without hers to hold. Now everything finally felt in place again and you couldn’t help but to wish that Jiwoo would never let go. Unfortunately, however, everything had to come to an end eventually. And your daydreaming of a time when everything was still alright came to an abrupt halt when someone suddenly called your name.
With a jolt you snapped you out of your trance and realized that Jiwoo neither was holding your wrist anymore nor dragging you through the hallways. The two of you had already reached one of the restrooms of your school and she was staring at you expectantly like she was waiting for you to say something.
You asked confused, only faintly being aware that Jiwoo had asked you a question.
“I asked whether it’s ok that I clean your shirt?”
She repeated herself although this was the first time that you actually understood what she had been saying. Still feeling like you weren’t able to form a coherent verbal response because your brain had run too hot, you simply nodded and Jiwoo softly started dabbing a wet paper towel on the giant brown stain on your shirt.
“Oh no, this is your favorite shirt even, isn’t it?”
Jiwoo whined when the stain didn’t vanish as she had hoped, but you couldn’t even care less about it anymore. She remembered what your favorite shirt was? You knew that you shouldn’t feel so flattered by this unimportant fact, but your heart didn’t seem to care about what your brain had to say and fluttered in your chest by its own accord. This would be the perfect opportunity to make her feel bad and finally wipe that annoying grin off her face at least for a while, but once more you remained silent. Jiwoo didn’t seem to be bothered by your silence though. Instead, she started babbling about random things like always when she was nervous, and you simply listened to her sweet voice that you had missed so much. You didn’t know how long you stood there, allowing yourself to get completely entranced by her charms. Once more only an unexpected sound could rip you out of your daydreaming although this time the wake-up call was more unpleasant than the last one. It was the sound of your own voice that abruptly ripped you out of your trance. The most surprising thing about hearing your own voice was that you hadn’t even intended to speak. But it seemed like after the betrayal of your heart, now also your brain had plotted against you.
“It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.”
It took you some time to process what your mouth had let slip without your permission, but as soon as the message arrived in your brain, your eyes widened in shock and your body tensed up. Jiwoo mirrored your reaction and stopped dabbing your shirt before slowly looking up from your shirt and into your eyes. It was hard to pinpoint what emotions flashed over your ex-girlfriend’s face as your own emotions seemed to ride a rollercoaster in your brain. A little part of yourself was relieved to be freed of this secret. But you were also angry at yourself for letting the truth slip. After letting Jiwoo break your heart, you had sworn yourself to never let her know that she still had a grip on you despite everything that she had done to you. You told yourself that she would never be allowed to know that she still managed to make you fall in love with her over and over again. Every day. Every time that you had to see her.
But now she knew.
And you couldn’t help but to feel ashamed. Although you had known that Jiwoo obviously did not suffer from the breakup like you did, you gave her the gratification of revealing the power that she still had over you. Not being able to bear this shame any longer, you quickly shoved Jiwoo away, causing her to stumble backwards dumbfounded. Without losing another word, you brushed past her and fled the restroom. The tears that pooled in your eyes and stained the floor, made it hard to see where you were going but you trusted your instincts to get you as far away from Jiwoo as you possibly could. Once again, however, her omnipresent grasp reached out for you as her name rolled off her tongue and automatically made you slow your steps.
“Y/N, wait!”
Her voice bounced off the walls in the empty hallway and seemed to follow you until you reached the front exit, but this time, you didn’t give in to Jiwoo’s grasp. You kept running until you had long left the school building and couldn’t even see it anymore. You only stopped running once your lungs burned and you felt too lost to keep going although you knew this part of town like the back of your hand. It was no help to know the names of the streets by heart when none of these places could make the compass needle in your heart stop spinning. No matter where you would run, the needle would always keep on pointing in the same direction. Your feet would always want to carry you back to the same place.
To your true north that you had just left behind.
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chloebeale · 4 years
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honestly i couldn’t think of a caption, so there’s a little bechloe drabble under the cut instead. feel free to enjoy the gif set with or without!
(approx. 1k words)
Sure, maybe the Bellas are three time collegiate a cappella champions with a surprising amount of glory and notoriety to their name—the a cappella world is...weirdly way more expansive than Beca would’ve ever imagined—and sure, maybe they have found themselves invited to entertain the troops during the USO tour alongside other (way more legit) groups (no, bands. Legit bands.), but even now, even after touching down in their first destination of Cádiz, Beca still...doesn’t really get the hype.
Performing with the Bellas is fun, they really are her family at this point, and Beca enjoys singing alongside each and every one of them, but she really doesn’t understand how this level of acknowledgment has happened—or why in the hell they have the a cappella world’s most annoying podcasters following them across a freaking ocean to keep up with their lives as if they are literal celebrities or something.
Still, over the years, as irritating as they may be, John and Gail have become something of a staple in the Bellas’ lives, two people Beca has kind of just given up on trying to avoid—after being followed to work every morning, it becomes difficult to really give a damn anymore, anyway. They are technically not harming anybody, so it is easier at this point to just do what they ask, which is how Beca now finds herself seated in front of their camera, brows lifting in response to the two excited faces beaming back at her from behind their equipment.
“So, Beca,” Gail begins enthusiastically, “What do you hope to gain from this tour?”
It is a simple question, in reality a pretty broad one, too, but Beca cannot help but find herself momentarily stumped for a response. Honestly, after spontaneously quitting her job and essentially finding herself kind of stuck, she really does not have any expectations. This tour had simply been a distraction for her, something for her to do so as not to find herself crawling back to the office and begging the BFD higher ups to take her back… She cannot very well say that, though. Can she?
Evidently noting a lack of input, Gail adds helpfully, “Any dreams? Fears?”
“Fears,” John echoes. “Of course you have fears, women are scared of everything.”
Although Beca only responds with a neatly arched brow, she notes the immediate look of disdain to pull itself across Gail’s features in response to her co-host. “Uh, I don’t know,” Beca says flatly, “I’m not scared of anything.”
“Really?” John questions curiously, mouth twisting into something of a knowing smirk as he exchanges a brief glance with the blonde seated beside him. Beca can see the same look drawing itself onto her face, too, and finds herself entirely confused. “Not even bear traps?”
The way Beca’s short, black polished nails clamp onto the arm of her seat is something she rectifies quickly, and silently prays has gone unnoticed by the two eager sets of eyes piercing into her from behind the camera. What do bear traps have to do with this, anyway? It is not like they are at Aubrey’s campsite from Hell anymore, after all.
“Bear traps?” Beca echoes with as much nonchalance to both her voice and expression as she can manage. She quickly clears her throat. “No, they’re whatever.”
In response, John and Gail only continue to watch her expectantly, and the amusement painting itself onto John’s weathered face tells her he knows something she doesn’t. Sure, these two show up everywhere, but Beca knows for a fact that they had not been at the retreat, and despite the fact that she’d never explicitly said so, she has always been under the assumption that there is a mutual agreement among the Bellas to never bring up that particular incident again—ever. To anyone.
Beca’s eyes narrow in on his expression, before adding in that same nonchalant tone, “I mean, I don’t, like, love them, but I’m not,” she air-quotes the next word, “scared of them.”
By now, Gail’s subtle smirk has settled into something of an almost sinisterly kind smile, though John looks just as outwardly smug as he had done before. “That’s not what a little red birdy told us,” he muses proudly, and Beca’s nostrils instantly proceed to flare.
A little birdy.
A little red birdy. Fucking Chloe.
“Chloe, yeah?” She says in a blank tone, lips pursing in defeated thought. She stares upward in a half eye roll, head shaking disapprovingly. “Dude, I swear, if she wasn’t my girlfriend…”
The good thing about a John and Gail interview is that the Bellas are under no actual obligation to see it through, so with a scoff and another more obvious roll of her eyes, Beca pushes herself up from the seat, deciding that their pointless interview is effectively over.
While Gail attempts to reel her back in, John says in an amused tone, “Watch where you’re going, little woman. You might run into a… Bear trap!”
The only reason Beca jumps in response is because of his increasing volume and emphasis, not because she cannot even hear the very term since the unfortunate incident at the retreat, duh. Without looking back to even glare in response to the loud, obnoxious laughter echoing from the hosts, Beca grumbles petulantly and tugs open the door, closing it loudly behind her.
“Hey!” Chloe’s voice is the next thing Beca hears, head lifting to take in the sight of those vibrant eyes shining excitedly. Beca only glares in response, though Chloe doesn’t seem to notice. She simply rocks on her heels, meeting Beca with natural Chloe Beale enthusiasm. “That was fast. Their questions are kind of weird, huh?”
Rather than respond to the question, Beca approaches her girlfriend with folded arms, the look of helplessness on her face entirely unintentional. “Dude, you told them about the retreat?” Chloe only stares at her curiously, so Beca adds in a lower tone, “You know… the bear trap thing.”
Chloe’s lips pull inward then, and Beca cannot tell whether she is trying to bite back a grin or if she looks kind of...embarrassed? She does note that no verbal response comes, though, and that serves as confirmation for Beca to release an annoyed groan, shoulders slumping defeatedly.
“I thought we were never bringing that up again?” she half-whines, hand rising to brush her fingers through her straightened hair. As it falls, her palm easily covers her eyes, and Beca releases a long sigh through her nostrils.
Familiar fingers wrap comfortingly around her wrist, and Beca’s lids flutter open to watch Chloe’s apologetic expression as she gently pulls her hand away from her face. She is kind of annoyed, obviously, but as her gaze meets that overwhelmingly calming blue, fingers parting to make room for Chloe’s to naturally slot between them, her own expression melts into something a little less angry, a little more calm.
“I’m sorry,” Chloe pouts, thumb brushing instinctively over the back of Beca’s knuckles. “It just slipped out.”
Despite the look of disdain Beca had been wearing only moments before, there is just something about that look on Chloe’s face, that adorable, apologetic wide-eyed stare that causes Beca to easily melt, for her shoulders to relax and her defenses to fall. Chloe has always had that kind of spell on her, truth be told.
It makes it hard to stay mad at her for long, no matter the circumstance.
She stares for only a moment longer, before easily relenting with a small puff of air through her nostrils. “Whatever.” She doesn’t even know why she does it, but Beca finds herself lifting their connected hands toward her mouth, lips brushing reassuringly over the back of Chloe’s fingers. “Just...don’t tell anybody else, yeah?”
The guilt written all over Chloe’s face begins to melt away at that, and is instead overtaken by a small, soothing smile. She uses the grip she has on Beca’s hand to easily tug her closer, and Beca does not resist as Chloe’s lips, familiar like home, push a delicate peck to her own. “Okay,” Chloe nods, gently nudging the tip of her nose to Beca’s. “Deal.”
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flodaya · 3 years
Some headcanons about kieutou and their love languages?
[2am brain wrote this, i am only 40% responsible for her actions]
this takes me back to the middle of season 6 when I got absolutely obsessed with their love languages and how in theory their different love languages might be incompatible but those two make it work
fatou’s love language is definitely touch
I think for kieu my there could be made arguments for both acts of service and words of affirmation
I personally like to believe it’s words of affirmation
my reasoning is that whenever fatou uses words of affirmation kieu my immediately acts on her feelings and instincts, fatou using kieu my’s love language makes kieu my overthink less and more brave
for example: when fatou reassures kieu my that having some gum in her hair isn’t half as bad, kieu my kisses fatou on a whim; fatou saying “you are good”, kieu my reaches out to hold fatou’s hand; of course then there is the whole entire “when you laugh i see you” speech; and last but not least when fatou says the thing about the stars only being a thumb-width apart, and kieu my blurts out “I love you”
like I said though, these two love languages aren’t necessarily compatible since one is physical while the other is verbal 
but what makes them work as a couple regardless is how attuned they are to the other’s needs, at least when they are communicating and not stuck in their own heads worrying too much
that’s why I personally love the angst clip in kieu my’s room in episode 7
it shows (not tells) the audience exactly how in that moment their dynamic is starting to slip and why it eventually comes to their falling out
because they are both too stuck in their own minds and are only able to use their instinctive “love language” without considering how the other receives and gives love
kieu my is trying her best to build a bridge and a connection by using words of affirmation
I love when she says the thing about “we have to decide how to behave around the others” or something like that because to her in that moment she verbally makes it clear they are going into this as a united front, she reassures fatou “we are in this together”, it’s them “against” the others (not against but you know what I mean)
fatou on the other hand is trying to be reassuring and to show her “love” and affection by constantly touching kieu my, trying to build this intimacy and connection via physical touch
and while before they have often understood that the other needed something different or was communicating in a different way, this time they were under so much pressure and stressed out/tired they weren’t able to read the other one’s love language
we can compare it directly to the next time they are alone in kieu my’s room, when they are having sex for the first time (or about to) and, while of course there is a lot of mutual touching, in this case most of it is initiated by kieu my
meanwhile fatou takes over the verbally reassuring and asking for consent part
so in this moment of nervousness and excitement they are basically switching their love languages to make the other one more comfortable bc they understand the others love language
actually the entire clip is about those two using the other’s love language, even before they get to kieu my’s place in auquarius, fatou giving the whole “everything that’s beautiful about you” speech and kieu my reacting with physical touch
the whole thing also makes their fight so bittersweet because of the whole “i don’t live in your world”, aka we are too different and too far apart because they just don’t speak the same language at that moment (maaaybe this one is a reach)
these aren’t even really headcanons lol this was more of my personal interpretation of how their love languages work together
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 years
Yandere!Hisoillumi x reader
technically poly? But they’re too murderous to ever admit they like eachother, thankfully they have you to share the festering love they harbour. 
(Warnings: Yandere, obsession, implied kidnapping, dissociation, polygamy, forced relationship, non con touching) 
In all honesty, you preferred Hisoka over his partner. 
He was equally, if not more, violent. Underneath the sickly sweet scent of bubble gum, there would always be a hint of metallic blood. His grip was always just a bit too tight for comfort, and his hands wandered further than Illumi’s ever would. 
But where Illumi would stress for control, Hisoka had a preference for leisure. 
The men compromised in a system where when one was out, the other would stay to keep an eye on you. Illumi was the one who insisted on it (as if you could ever escape whatever corner of the world they had hidden you); Hisoka halfheartedly agreed. 
Illumi prided himself on routine. The days he stayed with you were filled with stressful lectures and suffocating hands. He rarely took his eyes off you, always lingering a bit too close for any relief. Your movements were always monitored, and you often felt like a rabbit stuck in a cage with a drooling cat. 
Hisoka, on the other hand, was a direct contrast to his vigilant associate. When Illumi left to go about his day, the magician would almost often take his leave a few minutes after. He got bored easily and toying with you wasn’t something he cared for. The space he gave you was something you were grateful for, which is why you’d always prefer Hisoka ‘watching’. 
But he’d always come back before Illumi did, playing the ‘earnest caretaker’ Illumi wanted him to be. 
That couldn’t have been more accurately illustrated as today. Hisoka had just arrived to your ‘home’ a few moments ago, pretending that he had kept an eye on you for the duration Illumi was out. You were currently helping him build a card tower on the floor. 
You picked up an ace of spades, trying to balance it on the half-finished tower when Hisoka hummed. 
“He’s here~” He grinned. 
True to his words, the door unlocked, revealing a stoic Illumi. You didn’t know how Hisoka could predict Illumi’s arrival so accurately. And, based on the laugh he’d given you when you asked, you had a feeling it’d stay a mystery. 
Nevertheless, you stood up, wiping your hands together. You tried to make your smile look as sincere as possible. 
“Welcome home, Illumi,” You said and behind you Hisoka chuckled. 
“Aw~ Isn’t that sweet.” 
Illumi ignored the magician’s words, fixating himself on you. He cocked his head, bringing his hands together as he spoke. 
“How was your day?” He asked, his voice flat. 
“Good,” You nodded. You wanted to say something more, but then you noticed the antsy twitch in his fingers. 
You stilled, lowering your eyes. 
Illumi wasn’t very talkative, but throughout the years in his company, you’ve learned the body language he used to sometimes communicate non-verbally. 
Twitching fingers meant he wanted to speak to Hisoka. Alone.
Your smile stiffened and you forced yourself to ask: “W-would you like some water?” 
Illumi stared at you. “Yes.” He finally spoke. 
You made yourself, scarce, almost running to the kitchen. You could feel their eyes clawing on your back until you disappeared behind a corner. 
The kitchen didn’t block the voices, and you had a feeling the men didn’t care if you heard or not. They just wanted you to leave...in case things got physical. 
Grabbing a cup, you filled it to the brim with water, listening as Illumi spoke. 
“What happened.” Illumi demanded. 
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Hisoka replied in mirth. 
“What happened while I was away?” Illumi enunciated. 
“(Name) helped me build a tower,” Hisoka simply said, “Isn’t that adorable? I’d say we were bonding~” 
There was a clatter of cards and you had a feeling Illumi must have disturbed Hisoka’s card tower. He always did that when Hisoka was being a bit difficult to talk to. You could almost imagine Hisoka’s grin widening as he watched his structure fall to the ground in a heap. 
“There was a cut,” Illumi emphasized, “On. (Name)’s. Hand.” 
It was silent and you briefly checked your fingers. There was a small line on your pinky, so shallow you would have brushed it off as a callous. You must have accidentally cut yourself on the cards. You weren’t surprised Illumi had noticed something you didn’t. He had that habit of being overly observant like that.
“And?” Hisoka spoke plainly, his voice was strangely flat. 
You could feel the air turn colder, heavier. The air was twinged with something...dark. 
“I warned you-” 
“I don’t see how this is an issue. Pretty, delicate dolls always get marks, it’s inevitable, really,” Hisoka hummed.
“(Name) isn’t supposed to get harmed when she is under your care.” Illumi spoke. 
“Is this why you were so irritated when you came home, let’s be civil, Illumi~” You bit your lip as Hisoka continued, “If it makes you feel better....I promise I won’t let (Name) play with my cards anymore...” 
“...Unless there is another way you want to settle this?”
Hisoka’s words were drowned in blood, and you knew they were going to fight. If you didn’t do something soon they would-they would- 
Your small cut flashed red. 
Without thinking, you crushed the glass cup to the counter. It splintered immediately, shards flying everywhere as drops of blood slowly started to drip down your hand. 
Illumi was the first to arrive, materializing by your side. Hisoka appeared a second later, leaning against the doorframe as his partner gingerly checked your injuries. 
“Sorry,” You muttered, “My hand slipped.” 
It was a lie, not a very good one, but Illumi didn’t care. He turned your hand over, letting his protective instincts grow as blood started to drip onto the tile floor. 
“We need to wrap the wound before an infection grows,” He mumbled to himself, “Hisoka-” 
“Now now, it’s such a small scratch, why bother,” Hisoka sighed, pushing himself off the wall to walk to yourself and Illumi. 
You could see Illumi narrow his eyes, just enough to give a warning but Hisoka ignored him. He quirked his lip up, bringing bringing your injured hand to his face. Hisoka licked the small prick of blood, delicately dragging his tongue along the curve of your hand and you shuddered. 
They had caged you against the wall, but it was much easier to breath than before. The stench of bloodlust had dissipated, mainly due to the men being distracted. Their eyes were now focused on you, instead of eachother. 
“And besides,” Hisoka continued, lifting your caged hand higher, “Some much needed attention is deserved elsewhere. (Name) just wanted affection, didn’t you~?” He cooed, rubbing his face into the crook of your neck. You didn’t answer, knowing he didn’t really care. 
Illumi stood stiffly beside Hisoka, his face was clear but his hands were clenched. You knew he wanted to wrap you up with bandages, to chain you down again so you couldn’t move-so you couldn’t gain another scratch. His paranoid part of him was selfish. 
But the part that lusted for control was even worse. 
Your eyes looked away when you felt a cold hand brush up your thigh. Illumi’s head rested against your ear, but the words he said were for Hisoka. 
“We will tend to her cut,” He told the magician with a tone too soft to be stern. 
“Yes, of course,” Hisoka grinned, “As you wish,” 
Their hands faded into the background as you felt yourself drift off as you always did, forcing yourself to think of things that weren’t Hisoka’s fingers trailing up your neck. 
They were going to kill eachother, eventually. One of these days, maybe tomorrow, or perhaps a few years down the line. You couldn’t stop it, because one day you knew they would never come home, and you would rot in an apartment with no location. 
But for now, you closed your eyes, it was enough to just be alive for today. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
On Your Bedroom Floor with Her By Your Side (Kate the Chaser X F!Reader)
On Your Bedroom Floor with Her By Your Side
[Kate the Chaser/Kate Milens-Hayes X F!Reader]
[Warnings: slight language, minor violence, none really]
[AN: I started my oneshot book on quotev because I loved Kate that much]
You weren’t supposed to even know she existed. In fact, the way she found you was entirely an accident over winter break your freshman year of college.
Your parents had been out on a well needed vacation and left you home to handle the house. That was fine, you needed the time off and wanted to relax as much as you could before getting back into the swing of school in January. You spent most of your time moving about, pleased that you had the space to branch out and do what you pleased. This included listening to your music without headphones and generally, being weird without anyone to judge you.
A few days into your well needed alone time, you had laid in your bed watching videos on your phone. The house was dark and quiet, easily giving off the appearance that no one was home. On your own, you were naturally pretty silent when night fell over the land.
That’s what led Kate to make her first mistake.
Somehow, she had gotten separated from her group. It was supposed to be a simple clearing, a one and done it kind of deal, but they were essentially ambushed. Masky got shot pretty bad, so Toby’s priority was getting the group leader out and to safety. Hoodie stayed behind with Kate to finish the clearing, but they were swarmed. They had to abandon the operation and return to it later, or perhaps, another group would take it over. Hoodie yelled for Kate to scatter and that he’d get them off her trail. What a selfless guy, always watching out for the proxies in his group. And she obeyed him because he was Masky’s right hand. On her way out, she’d gotten shot. From what she could feel, it wasn’t fatal, but it still hurt like hell.
She stumbled while sprinting through the woods and found her sense of direction totally shot. This was a relatively new area to her and her group; she hadn’t committed it to memory just yet. No matter, she could return to them in the morning. She was probably too far to send out any mental notes to her comrades, but she attempted anyway just so they wouldn’t stay up worrying about her. Kate eventually stumbled upon this empty looking house and quickly deduced that the owners must’ve fled this cold place for somewhere warmer for the winter. Perfect! She’d spend the night there, fix herself, and leave without a trace.
Kate grit her teeth as she trudged through the snow and eventually, dragged herself to the back door. The wound on her side felt like ice, and the freezing temperature was not helping her feel any better. With a slight grimace, she pulled her coat sleeve over her fist and punched through the glass of the door. It shattered surprisingly easily and that alone made her raise her brows. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Kate opened the back door and threw most of her caution to the wind as she shut the door behind her. There were no neighbors, so she could turn on the lights and no one would care. Kate flicked on the kitchen lights and began working her ‘in real life magick’ after she shed her coat haphazardly on the counter.
Upstairs, you heard quite a commotion going on downstairs. Immediately alarm bells rang in your head. Your parents weren’t due to come back until much, much later. There was an intruder. You slipped out of bed, phone in hand and began to creep out of your room. From where you stood at the top of the stairs, you could see the lights turned on and someone’s shadow dancing across the floor followed by pained muttering.
You took a tentative step down and immediately panicked when it creaked. Time seemed to slow.
“Shit,” you heard your intruder mumble.
A tense second later and you heard they were running towards your direction. You screeched in surprise when you finally caught a glimpse of them and high tailed it back up the stairs, the image of their mask burned into your skull. After all, there was no way a human looked like that.
They chased you up the stairs when you narrowly made it back to your room, accidentally dropping your phone in the process right when you slammed your bedroom door shut as it acted as the only barrier between you and the intruder.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You cried out as you locked the door, then quickly worked on piling various things in your room against it.
They didn’t pound on your door, nor did they try to violently enter the room, but the doorknob did jiggle a tad too much for your comfort. “Look,” the feminine voice said. “I’m in a lot of pain right now. I don’t have the time to deal with you. If you stay in there and don’t try running or telling anyone about me, I’ll do what I have to and be out of your hair before the morning.” You heard her tap at the door a few times. “Besides, where are you gonna go in a snowstorm like this? Your phone is out here with me, and as far as I can see, no one is coming for you any time soon. Even if you did have your phone, authorities wouldn’t be able to reach you,” she said as she tried to reason with you. “Don’t do anything stupud, and I’ll be gone before you know it.”
“Don’t even think about taking anything-” you began, eyebrows furrowing in rage. You balled your fists and glared at the door while you attempted to control your breathing.
“There’s nothing here I want but medical supplies,” she waved off, clearly exhausted. “I got shot, princess.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You got shot?”
“I’m not explaining this to you; I don’t have the time,” she sighed in an exasperated tone. You heard her pad away from your door and to the direction of the upstairs bathroom. “You got first aid in here?” You heard her ask.
You wonder if you should answer her or not-
“Never mind,” she said, effectively cutting you from your thoughts.
An awkward silence falls between the two of you for about half an hour as she works on herself. You’re almost certain she’s ready to leave when you hear your phone ring. You instinctively glanced down at your hand only to remember she still has it.
“It’s your mom,” she said, voice on the other side of your door. “Do you uh, want to answer it or not?”
Of course you wanted to answer it.
“Look, I’m not gonna hurt you or anything. You can literally just stick your arm out and I’ll hand you the phone.”
You find yourself more than apprehensive.
“Tell you what,” she said, verbally looking down at the ringing device. “I give you the phone and you let me leave and I won’t hurt you so long as you don’t tell anyone about me.”
Hesitantly, you found yourself cracking the door open to get a good look at the woman who broke into your house. She’s still wearing that mask, but her eyes are so dark it’s like looking in the recesses of the universe and getting pulled into them. She’s not terribly tall, but she’s still taller than you. She looks tired - her body sags slightly. The shot must’ve taken it out of her.
“Give it to me,” you mumbled.
Without any words, she handed you the device, momentarily stopping you before you answered it. “I’ll be back soon to ensure you’re not talking about me. Have fun talking to your mom,” she nonchalantly stated, then nodded for you to answer it.
You shot her a more than confused look before finally answering your mother’s call.
And that was the start of your very strange relationship with the woman you came to know as Kate the Chaser. Though, she preferred you just called her Kate. Kate was a very odd woman, and she was only like, a year or so older than you. The second time she visited, she still had a mask on - something about privacy. You wondered often why she wore it, but she always claimed she had a reason, just could never tell you.
It was odd to admit how you had grown used to her visits. After the first few rocky visits, the two of you had established a schedule. Kate would only visit on the weekends, and your parents could never know she was here. That was fine - she often climbed up to your bedroom window anyways. Sometimes, the two of you would sit on the roof and star gaze. It became all too apparent that Kate enjoyed spending time with you. And slowly, you found yourself enjoying your time with her as well.
The two of you grew to like each other’s time so much that right at the eve of your graduation, she was the first person to wish you congratulations.
She had come into your room like she normally did, by climbing and knocking on your window with a special knock before you let her in. Truthfully, she could have just lifted the thing herself, but she felt it rude and an invasion of privacy (which you found ironic.) After hoisting herself into your room, she took her spot on your bedroom floor, thankful you had a mug of warm tea waiting for her.
“I graduate tomorrow,” you say with a small smile, plucking your mug up from your desk. “I’d kinda like if you were there.”
“I’d love to be, you know that,” Kate replies before taking an appreciative sip of the liquid. “I… I don’t think my boss or my coworkers would be pleased, though. Besides, I’m kinda nocturnal,” she chuckles, making you giggle in response.
In the back of your mind, you wondered why she couldn’t do so many things with you. Everything had been chalked up to her boss, her coworkers, herself. And any time you tried to pry it out of her, she went tight lipped, like she was afraid of telling you anything relating to her. Still, you knew enough of her. She was sarcastic, had a smile like the stars in the sky. And was incredibly knowledgeable on topics you’d never even thought to consider in your daily life. You knew her work, that much was apparent just by looking at her, but you wondered what type of work it was to keep her from you when the sun was out. You knew it was shady, but in order to keep her, you had to resist pushing. “It would be so much better if you were,” you continue, throwing your best puppy dog eyes.
Kate playfully rolls her eyes before ruffling your hair. “Not this time, princess.”
“I legitimately only graduate once,” you reply with a smirk painting itself onto your lips.
“It’s why I came tonight,” she continues as she gestures to the two of you on the floor. “Thought I’d bring you some little gifts to celebrate.” She slings the backpack off her back and opens the biggest pocket. Her hands rummage for a moment before she procures a medium sized leather book. “Here’s the first thing,” she places it in the space between you. “And the next.” out pops a set of high grade art supplies. “This,” now there’s a small little gift basket full of treats you enjoy. “And this thing.” It is a plush giraffe and is donned with a graduation cap.
You smile widely and look over the objects with fascination, gently holding them. The leather journal fascinates you the most. “Where did you get these?” You ask with that same smile.
“Here and there,” Kate answers, her eyes looking over the things she’s gotten for you.
“Thank you so much,” you say in a grateful tone, closing the gap between you and Kate with a hug.
She quietly giggles and hugs you back, her lips pressing to the side of your head. “I’m proud of you, y’know that?”
The two of you chat for a bit more before finally turning to a streaming service. Your parents thankfully, haven’t heard either of you over the sound of some anime playing on the screen, so you’re able to cuddle next to her on the floor and giggle about the world and its happenings as she holds you in her arms. You stay like this until her gaze goes blank, like she’s getting a message only she can hear.
“Have to go,” she says softly. It’s nearing 4 am.
“So soon?” You whisper back, hand holding hers like she’s the only thing grounding you.
“Yeah, work,” she mumbles, quietly standing up to not make too much noise in the quiet house (save for that anime that’s still playing in the background). “I’ll be back before you know it.” She tries to reassure you, her hand gently cupping your cheek.
Your hand meets hers and gently squeezes before she reluctantly leaves your side, heading towards the window. You stand and pad over to her, arms wrapping around her waist and face burying into her back. She smells like the forest. “No,” you mumble.
“His word is law,” she sighs while attempting to turn around to hold you properly. When she can’t get free of your iron grip, she tries something else. “Hey, first thing, you need to rest before the graduation ceremony and, second, just remembered I wanted to give you this.”
You look up from her chest and see she’s unclasping the necklace that’s captivated your attention since you first met her. Your eyes widen slightly when you realize she’s putting it on you. Your hands instinctively reach to look at the pendant, and with it, she’s able to move.
“Promise I’ll be back, so, take good care of it for me,” Another kiss to the top of your head and she’s out the window faster than you can even look up.
You rush to the windowsill to see her running towards the forest with three figures waiting at its edge for her.
She momentarily turns around, waves to you, then disappears into the woods with them.
You feel a slight pang in your heart, but holding the pendant between your fingertips quells it until she returns.
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