#and one of my older cousins who was like in his early 20s chased me up the stairs for pissing him off and i thought he was going to beat th
loyalhorror · 6 months
forgot we had to live with our great uncle while my gran was recovering from surgery and how uhhhh fucking scared i was of the men there! cool cool cool.
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looosey · 1 year
Film Review: Summer Movie Rec Masterlist
Getting this out early for @notesoncrocs, sorry I'll add more descriptors later!
There has not been a more apt time to post a list of recommendations, as a lot of us actual ihouse are apart from each other, away from home. I watched these in the past month, so best believe these are certified fresh.
Asteroid City: artsy Wes Anderson film about science fairs and plays, and alien visitations with a star-studded cast.
Past Lives: a slow-burn angsty A24 film about 인연 (in-youn), a Korean American girl and her childhood crush reignite sparks as they live their separate lives throughout the years and reminisce on what could've been. I thought some parts were funny, but movie overall just made me think that ordinary love is unspectacular but still moving/spectacular.
Pride and Prejudice: the classic enemies-to-lover story. I don't know if Mr. Darcy wooed me as a watcher, but I will say the movie captures the feeling of "yearning" really really well, much better than Past Lives.
The Roundup: No Way Out: stellar action movie from Korea. I am a sucker for these.
Barbie: Hilarious and fun for my eyes. Some scenes really hit for me, a deep fear of the world as it is today. Made me think of Virginia Woolf's writing:
"The most transient visitor to this planet, I thought, who picked up this paper could not fail to be aware, even from this scattered testimony, that England is under the rule of a patriarchy. Nobody in their senses could fail to detect the dominance..." - Virginia Woolf's, A Room of One's Own
Nothing Serious: a nerdy columnist is tasked with writing a sex column, so he dives into hook up apps and meets a girl, a low-key sex addict. I liked the blend of fun in the movie, casual sex, and the more moral questions, ethics of surveillance.
Argo: Action movie about the CIA operation in the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis that put together a whole fake Hollywood alien movie script/company in order to extract 6 Americans who escaped the embassy and were hiding in Tehran for months.
TV Shows.
Atlanta: College dropout (Donald Glover) sees his cousins rise as a rapper as a way to change their lives. The humor, the colors in the shots, the range of the fundamental human experiences covered, and the crazy crazy episodes that leap out of the story line, make this show like no other I've ever seen.
My Mister: Written by my favorite kdrama TV-writer, a girl in her early 20s lives a miserable, lonely, guilt-ridden life, chased by loansharks, burdened her ailing grandmother, and with no hope for any better. She enters a 9-5 company as a temp, and meets an older married guy who is as miserable as she is. She likes him a lot and the drama teeters around her morals and their ill-adjustment to society.
My Liberation Notes: Same writer, this time a depiction of what it's like to be in the outskirts of Seoul life, but quite literally/geographically. A girl in her late 20s finds little meaning in what every one in her Seoul office find meaningful, nor her family in the country side. This ones as equally about familial love as it is about romance, about hatred.
Beef: Y'all have all already watched it already. I'm watching it again with Hanu and Diego.
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splathousefiction · 1 year
On Age Gap Discourse
Finding out that there's a whole ageist discourse about fictional characters is wild, because simultaneously the same people screaming "old man Yaoi!" are upset because a 20 year old laughed at a middle aged mans joke.
For the record now and forever:
My characters and their age ranges are usually in the same decade I am, because it's what I know and it's easiest to write/relate to.
Jack The Warlock is 35 and has gray hair.
Jimothy Schwartz is 30 and easily looks in his early 20s.
Jenazebelle is 39 and both The Warlock and Jim jokingly call her a cougar.
Poppet, The Warlock's alter from another dimension, is 55 and has lived a hard life. He looks much older because of it.
Willard the Ghost Butler is over a hundred years old and is a RAGING cocain addict and alcoholic.
In "Old Man LaCroix", a holiday audio I produced last year, Jack Infernalus (named after the Warlock, his nephew and heavily inspired by a cousin I love dearly) is eleven whole years old. They're not the only child that's been featured in my work, as Kudzu (no last name) was only eight years old before he mutated into a giant evergreen forest.
All of these characters have interacted in a more-or-less same setting. Because that's life. You're gonna meet people older/younger and different from you in a lot of ways and sometimes they become your friends, sometimes you both pass each other like ships in the night, never to speak or see each other again. Sometimes you find shared experiences over the span of years in the count of one, five, ten or twenty and you form a bond you never forget.
Every time a "characters can't interact if they're (arbitrary number of years)" comes up, I'm reminded of one of my IRL friends named Charles who I used to play Magic: The Gathering with. I met Charles when I was 22. Charles was 65 years old and a born-and-bred carolina farmer. He'd gotten interested in the card game because of his grandson and would come every single friday to play cards with us. Charles and I hit it off smoking cigarettes together, and of all the people I wanted to see at the tournament friday, Charles was always the first person I spoke to.
We got beer and dinner together many a time. He'd talk about farming and the pending legalization of weed (which he called his "retirement plan") , and I talked about how badly I wanted to be a writer and radio broadcaster. Charles was one of the first people that heavily encouraged me to chase the dream, however unobtainable it seemed at the time.
I miss him dearly. The entire card shop showed up to his funeral, much to the joy of his family who doted that he always talked about "that group of guys he played cards with". If I'd followed the logic that popular discourse seems to preach, I would have been denied the memory of knowing that man and the many other elders, "big brothers/sisters", mentors, and even "cougars and dilfs" I've been fortunate enough to cross paths with. I never would have used those positive experiences to make the characters you all adore.
I'm not denying there's wolves after us out there; but there comes a point with the often hyperbolic, puritanical thinking of popular discourse that harms rather than reduces harm. You cut off your entire arm to save your finger.
Talk to people. Talk to people like you, but more importantly, talk to people radically different from you as often as you can, every single day. Sure, you're not always gonna agree. Sure, things are gonna be fucking awkward sometimes. But through words and speaking with them, you might just realize we're all a lot more alike than you'd ever imagine.
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notsodailycake · 3 years
Honestly, all of your interpretations of Gregory's adorable, especially your latest one. Makes me want to just boop his nose...at least if I wasn't sure he'd try to bite it off considering I'd effectively be a stranger an all. XD
As for questions? I have one random one that doesn't really pertain to your AU, and more of a curiosity, but how do you think things would've went if instead of Freddy, Gregory ended up hiding in Chica's room, and she was the one not being infected by the virus? Cause it's either been Freddy, Month or Roxy, but I've never seen Chica, so it's a bit of a curiosity.
As for the question pertaining to your actual AU, how old would you say the characters are in it? I'm curious since depending on the art style, a character can look older or younger than they actually are, and I want to know how old Gregory is considering he was being chased for a majority of the night by the Termina--Infected Animetronics. Especially considering the trauma and nightmares that'll come through. I know I'd have nightmares if I had DJ Music Man tossing "Arcade" Cabinets at me like cheese puffs.
Wow this was a long one- wasn't expecting that, but I'm happy ya came in, i love answering ya questions :D
Firstly, I'm glad you enjoy my design for him! My sister says that she likes how i draw his nose bc like you, she wants to boop it, so honestly I'm glad! I was trying to achieve some sort of child like cuteness with him :>
As for the, not au question about chica, that's actually interesting, and i agree there isn't enough stuff with her, especially bc she was one of my long time favourite animatronics, sadly idk how to answer it properly, but i balive that she'd be useful with her voice box, tho i don't think she'd know, Gregory would probably like "trick" her into singing after finding out how it affects the others so he could like do whatever he needed to, like "hey, maybe if you sing to them it can distract them enough so i could do this!" And it's technically not a lie either, she'd probably get distracted by food, which probably would annoy Gregory, but nothing bad, just a small drawback
She'd probably be very sweet too, wondering where his parents are, probably be a bit intrusive with it till Gregory shuts the topic off, she'd talk alot too, slipping out some useful information without realising, but that's personal to me bc i see her as someone who talks alot ig, but in a good way
For the last question, i plan on making a character sheet for each of them (not the animatronics, not yet at least) it will say their ages and sum fun facts that, will probably be spoilers but it's nothing major, but to get an idea, vanessa and luis are around their early 20s, while Gregory is younger then 12 :)
And yeah, the trauma will be explored through my comic, it's a healing comic after all, it won't magically be better the next day, and it's something i really do enjoy, studying a character, Gregory will be interesting bc well, he's a kid and i usually work around teens and adults easily, but so far I'm having fun exploring his character, I have a younger cousin around 11 so since I'll make him around her age I'll base it a bit on what i know with her, plus a few other kids I've seen before, I'm trying to go out more and see ppl so i can be able to study them for the characters-
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elains · 5 years
BOOK REVIEW: HOUSE OF EARTH AND BLOOD, Crescent City Book I, by Sarah J. Maas.
First off, my sincerest thanks to @scraphim, who listened to my comments and rants with the patience of a saint and encourage me to put them down. Second, english is not my first language, so my apologies if there's anything confusing or awkward.
General Rating: ★★ 1/2
Congratulations, Sarah J. Maas. You got me to sit down and write a review for a book, something I hadn't done (officially, anyway, might as well count the endless conversations with my friends) in a long while. Unfortunately, House of Earth and Blood was one more disappointment in an ever-growing list, and this review was born not out of pure, simple enjoyment, but of how much reading this bothered me.
Let me start by saying that I wanted to like this book. I did. I don't buy books which I don't think there's a chance I will not enjoy, I have way too much to do with my life and little money to spare on that. I hoped Sarah would go back to the early days of ToG, when the writing wasn't so choppy I kept questioning what is her problem with commas and when the characters weren't more and more of the same. Or perhaps that she would go back to ACoMaF, which at the time I loved reading.
Silly, silly me. The thing about having an eye-opener to something is that you can't go back. It's not so simple to close your eyes and pretend the bad doesn't exist, doing so feels irresponssible. I'm not sure her books have changed much, perhaps it was just me, the reader, whose perspective changed.
Let's go into the detail, then. Warning for spoilers of her previous books:
• THE LENGTH. It. Is. Ridiculosly. Long. I would say that length itself it's not necessarily a bad thing, something can be long but engaging. HoEaB's problem is that it drags on, to the point I had to put it down I don't know how many times out of frustration that nothing relevant happened. The infodumps do not help AT ALL, making the whole experience even more tiresome. I'll talk about worldbuilding separately, but jesus, so much unecessary information whose only purpose was to add to the wordcount and could have been woven into the story more organically. Readers are not dumb, they can make simple inferences, you don't need to explain every little detail.
The story only picks up and runs like the devil itself is chasing it in the last like, 20 chapters or so. Considering there are 97 of them... Yeah. It could have been a shorter, more direct and overall just more engaging.
• THE WORLDBUILD. I'll give Sarah J. Maas a point: it is more elaborate and refined compared to ToG and ACoTaR, whose worldbuilding are in general quite shallow and in the later's case, nearly nonexistent. However, the use of names blatantly lifted from real-world mythology and places bothered me to NO END. In a book which is built around those mythologies as their main source of inspiration, I can understand. Not here. Look, Maas can come up with original fantasy names, there are even some in HoEaB itself. But unless it's meant to be purposeful and Crescent City is to be Earth All Along, it's just jarring and feels lazy. It's not something new— refer back to the Illyrians and the Myrmidons.
Archean? Valbara? Pangera? Hel? REALLY? And those are just place names. Might as well name something Proterozoic. Or Laurasia.
The Roman inspiration, which was supposed to be a big thing from all her talk felt extremely loose and barely there. Oh sure, there are legions, a governor, the SPQR/M, and some names which to me, a portuguese speaker, where so cringy I had to laugh (Like Gelos and Cervo. You know, literally Ices and Stag or in that case Hind), but they did not feel Roman to me, naming aside. You could literally have named them anything else and it'd still have worked.
We studied Rome (mostly the government and the legal system) in our first semester of College and it might be the student in me, but I kept wanting to see more of the government structure, the politcal system itself. In a book that dealt with law enforcement and figures in places of power, this was a part of the worldbuilding that felt lacking, and a wasted opportunity to expand on the Roman inspiration.
What gets me is that some interesting concepts could have been explored better. I kinda like the idea of the Asteri, the rifts, the summoning salts.
• HUMANITY'S PORTRAYAL. Ahahaha. Where do I even begin with this one? In KoA, I hated that Aelin loosing her human side was seen as such a big sacrifice when the Fae were repeatedly shown to be "superior": stronger, more beautiful, immortal, the list goes on. Aelin herself preferred the Fae-side, so it felt a completely pointless sacrifice. In Crescent City, it gets even worse. Humanity is oppressed, trying to fight for their freedom and their inherent rights as sentient beings, and the books keeps going on and on about the Vanir.
Forgive me, but I'm supposed to be sympathize with the Vanir? To see the Vanir main-characters go on and change the world and make it better for everyone? I'm sorry but I'm not here for that. Bryce's mother and stepfather and Briggs aside, the HoEaB could have definetely used a human PoV or just. You know. ONE THAT DOESN'T FAVOR THE VANIR IN EVERYTHING. So yeah, I'm here cheering for the humans.
• THE CHARACTERS. I like Ruhn. He read like a concerned older brother, I could relate to that, not a possessive alphahole and I was baffled when Bryce kept insisting that. Oh, he has his flaws, but overall, I like him and his friends. They're nice. Danika, too. I would have liked to see more of Juniper and Fury, and them together, instead of using their relationship as kind of a surprise. Hypaxia is another Yrene/Sorscha. I also liked Lehabah, she was a sweetheart (Also I'm sorry am I supposed to think Bryce witholding the news on her freedom to throw a party WASN'T a WTF move? That Lele just knew because she looked at the documents???)
Now, to our main duo. I found Hunt boring. Simple as that. There was nothing in him that I found captivating, nothing new in terms of SJM's Love Interests. How he kept sexualizing Bryce in the most inappropriate of moments pissed me off. His and Bryce's relationship felt to me as Rowaelin 2.0, just as they themselves read as another versions of them, and not very different ones. He is not supposed to be an "alphahole" but... I didn't feel it. Hunt felt as just more of the same.
Now, Bryce Adelaide Quinlan.. Is it so much to ask for a main character who isn't gorgeous, super special, and super-powerful? I get the appeal of the trope, I'm no so hypocritical as to say that I've not indulged in it myself, but with Sarah, it feels overdone. When all characters are beautiful, special, so powerful it... kinda loses its meaning. However, that's not what bothered me about Bryce, no, it's the fact that she could be read as PoC (Golden, Tanned skin, two very ambiguous terms. My white cousin gets golden skin when she stays too long outdoors ffs), and as a PoC myself, reading her into those situations bothered me so, so much I cannot even begin to tell you.
Her curvy, sensual, bug boobs and butts are easily one of the more sought after where I live. People would go to great lengths for such a body and no, it will not hinder your dancing career. We have a word for it roughly translates to Hot, but having men call you that as something laid out on a table for their pleasure, objectifying you is horrible. And that's what most characters do in HoEaB: sexualize Bryce again and again, playing into harmful stereotypes.
My skin crawled reading those passages. I felt uncomfortable. And it wasn't even just the nameless, countless side-characters: it was Hunt himself. Every single move Bryce made was sexualized and I hated, hated it. "She's a Queen who owns her body and doesn't care for anyone else's thoughts" is all well and good, but women like me already have the stereotype of whores, sluts, homewreckers, and it was handled in such a tone-deaf way that it touched ALL of my wrong buttons. It was just uncomfortable, and cringy.
Two and a half stars, like those bad movies we still watch god knows why.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Secret Scarves Pt 26
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Pt 1 - Pt 1a - Pt 1b - Pt 1c - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8- Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -
Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 -
Implied Smut and a hint of Drama
Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @admirationofarmitage, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless,  @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars,  @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf,  @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
Gentle strokes of fingers smoothed across your cheek pulling the chunk of hair covering your face allowing Thorin’s lips to press to the side of your neck opening your eyes to Legolas in his position across your chest nuzzling his head against yours while Thranduil sprawled across his back with a firm hold on your thigh draped over Legolas’ holding him in place on you. Raising your eyes they met with Thranduil’s who sent you a weak smile and tilted his head to kiss your forehead only to grumble as Legolas stirred and gave you one more squeeze then inched up at your call for breakfast before your plans.
Legolas sat up as the men did too, asking, “What plans?”
Thorin, “We don’t have to be at the airport until five.”
You smirked at him, “Yes, but until then we are taking Little Leaf out.”
Thranduil couldn’t help but smile at your protective urge over him. “And what does that entail?”
“First, breakfast.”
Thorin smirked asking, “Then?”
You smirked back, “Then you will see.” Your hand extended and you helped Legolas up and led him to the kitchen, “Breakfast.”
In the kitchen you joined Frerin, Theoden and Jax already started on the meal you all joined into as you shared with Frerin and Jax about your plans while Theoden shared he would be taking him to Theodreds to watch him and his Cousins for the day while Eomer would be taking over at night freeing him for a date of his own. So with plates emptied you led the men out to your sub and started to drive while a pair of familiar cars joined you. The drive ended and Legolas couldn’t help but laugh at the put put golf place coming into view the young Durins and Tallie climbed out of the cars along with Tauriel.
Eagerly Legolas led the way to the mini golf section first, where you all split up to take both courses then swapped filling the previously abandoned place with laughter and jokes making what had happened the day prior the last thing on Legolas’ mind. All while he and Tallie stole more chances to snuggle together while Troy joined the older group as rivals through your being guided around by Fili who flaunted his chance to have you on his arm each time Frerin glanced over between countless photos, a few of which being group pictures he posted on his social pages and linked to yours.
When the golfing was over you were lifted in Fili’s arms as he raced to the go karts when Frerin tried to lead you inside. With a challenging glare he chased after you both with the others right after him to fill the other carts around you both. As the race ended the last place racers had to follow the rules and pay for lunch, that ended with you all racing into the billboard section where your group of intendeds all competed to see who could win the most tickets to get you the best prize. Halfway through you joined Tauriel and Tallie along with Troy all snacking on another round of nachos and watching the eager men racking up as many tickets as they could for each of you, including Nori and Ori who combined their tickets to get Troy the stuffed raccoon with a cape.
Back at your apartment again you added your prizes to your room and grabbed your prepacked bag then joined Thorin and Thranduil in Thorin’s car for the drive to the airport after they both grabbed theirs. Between the pair of them you boarded the small waiting jet and sat in the seat between theirs along the back wall on the five seat plane. After take off as you snuggled between them you watched the film they had chosen for the flight on the screen that came down from the ceiling. Through it they both refused to share just where you were going, but after the two hour flight you had landed and pulled on the coat they helped you into before stepping out into the steady snow filled airport to for the short walk to the waiting vehicle Thorin climbed into the driver’s seat.
Through the short drive you watched a large ski resort appear then fade into the distance until you pulled up to a private log cabin. At your side Thranduil leaned in to your side and purred into your ear, “Wait till you see the inside, Love.”
His hand fixed around yours while Thorin helped you out and grabbed your bag along with his after Thranduil grabbed his and led you inside. The warm cabin fully furnished and filled with food for you both welcomed you inside from the cold. Once inside you left your bags at the foot of your large fur coated bed then you turned to join the men, Thorin holding a thick set of blankets and Thranduil with a large basket that seemed to appear out of nowhere. You glanced between them ready to ask where you were going only to have Thranduil plant a firm kiss on your lips followed right after by one from Thorin. Narrowing your eyes in a playful glare you joined the two on the long hike through the knee deep snow up to the tall peak nearby where you found a stone gazebo at the very top.
Between them you giggled knocking the snow off your boots on your walk inside as you asked, “Stargazing?”
With a smirk Thorin purred, “Something like that.” Brushing a bit of snow off your shoulder as Thranduil set down the basket as Thorin set the blankets above them, the pair of them claimed your hands and led you a bit closer to the edge they both assured you was safe. Below you a great drop came into view and under the gently falling snow your lips parted at the sight of the star coated lake below. “Mirrormere.”
Glancing up at Thorin he smiled at you as you asked, “How did you manage all this?”
Thranduil chuckled saying, “Didn’t even have to ask.”
To which Thorin added, “My Cousin Balin owns these peaks and the resorts across them. He offered the best whenever we needed them.”
Leaning in Thranduil purred, “Wait till Valentine’s Day.”
You glanced up at him, “And where will I be whisked off to then?”
He smirked after claiming another kiss from you, “No spoilers, Love.”
Warmly Thorin’s hand settled on your chin claiming a kiss from you as well then purred, “Only the best, Dearest.”
“You will eventually run out of incredible places to take me.”
Thranduil chuckled as Thorin grabbed the blankets, one he spread on the ground and the others he wrapped across your laps. With you snug in Thorin’s arms Thranduil set up the meal and poured out three glasses of wine for you each then snuggled against your free side with a peck on the cheek as you looked out over the snow falling, saying, “That, Love, will take a very long time.” Pressing a kiss to your cheek.
Thorin smirked and purred, “After this we’ve got dessert and more wine back at the cabin, along with a few other surprises.”
“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were trying to get me drunk just to have another try at our New Years game.”
Thranduil chuckled, “There is a full spread of dipping sauces we made sure to bring for, whatever we wanted.” Making you giggle again.
Thorin, “Besides, we would never try to get you drunk.”
Thranduil, “Though if you were to get drunk we would ensure you were safely led back to bed.”
You giggled again, “And what if one or both of you get drunk. How do I keep you from wandering?”
Thorin laughed, “Trust me, we get drunk neither of us are wandering away from you.”
Thranduil, “We’d get back safe enough, though no promises we’d be dressed when we get there.” Making the three of you laugh again.
Together you curled up enjoying the meal and wine joking through the next hour until the snow picked up and you cleaned up and made the trip back down to the cabin again.
Inside you three shook off your snow coated layers, stripping and walking into the bedroom to pull on a fresh sweater as the men lit the fire and made sure the window shutters were latched as the wind picked up. Only to turn back as you sat on the couch eyeing the selection of desserts the pair, now in only their briefs, carried over to set on the coffee table in front of you along with another bottle of wine. 
On either side of you they settled slowly inching the sauces closer to you between their lingering stolen lip locks after wishing you a Happy Anniversary. Their game soon brought giggles from you as a trail from your thigh was sucked clean as another on your now bare chest was while fingers dipped to ease inside you. Not long after you three were on the bed rolling, twisting and easing through a series of positions to sate all of your desires until you were laying between the two men taking turns stealing a final rounds of making out before heading off to sleep.
The final act was a pair of winding earrings reaching from your middle ear piercing to your lowest one in a winding set of vines formed from mithril wrapped peridots with two large roses at the base under scattered buds throughout formed from deep garnets to mark your birthstone. Backed with flat round studs that screwed on so it didn’t stab you when you slept. The gift earned the Elf a tight hug he happily returned and accepted his place snuggled around you until morning.
In the early morning after another tender kiss had brought on another loving round you wiggled out of bed and pointed at the pair, “No, you two stay.”
With playful gasps they sat up and Thorin said, “We’re-.”
“Also on holiday. My turn, stay here, stay naked.” Making them both smirk and lay back snuggling with their pillows rubbing them tauntingly trying to get you to come back only to watch you walk to the kitchen winding your hair up into a bun.
Not long after you returned with a set of trays in your palms you passed to the pair only to turn back to fetch the rest and the glasses of juice the pair kissed and thanked you for.
Thranduil, “Lunch is ours to prep.” Making you roll your eyes.
Thorin smirked at you, “Dearest, we are supposed to be pampering you.”
You sent them a playful glare across from them, “It’s a two way street. Neither of you will be able to keep me from papering you, or at least I will try to, so no complaints from either of you.”
Both smirked replying, “No complaints here.”
You nipped at your lip only drawing them to lean over and each give you a loving kiss. “You both have years of practice on pampering and long lists of places to sweep someone off to.”
Thranduil, “Consider me swept away. This is my first breakfast in bed.”
You rolled your eyes as Thorin added, “Same here. I feel perfectly pampered, and this is the best omelet I’ve ever had.”
In his lean in to kiss you again you whispered, “You lie, I am sub par at omelets at best.”
Making them roll their eyes and steal another set of kisses before you turned back to your meals. With a smirk Thranduil added, “Besides, you give amazingly thoughtful gifts. Still pour through that book you gave me for my birthday.”
“Mmm.” You chewed and swallowed pointing your fork at Thorin saying, “I need your birthday. I got June so far but Kili said the fourth, Fi the twenty seventh, Ori and Nori the tenth.”
Thorin couldn’t help but chuckle before taking a sip of his juice then lowered it to say, “Tenth.”
Thranduil chuckled, “Dwalin’s is the twenty seventh.”
Thorin nodded, “And Amad’s is the fourth.” His voice dropped to a near growl, “Why?”
You smirked back and playfully quipped, “I found a gift for you.” Making him smirk in return as you added, “No spoilers” and ate the food from your fork in a playful bite.
When the food was finished you cleaned up then were carried back to bed again where you stayed until near noon when the snow slowed and you were free to bundle up and head out for a playful round of chasing each other through the snow until an eager tackle left you three at the bottom of a deeper pit of snow laughing until the sound of snow crunching made you go silent. Peering up at the falling snow your eyes settled on the horns of the giant mountain ram that looked at you curiously while its two sons around him peered in and bleated at you making you giggle and snap a picture of them and you before you were hoisted out and  helped the two climb out. Still giggling you gave the trio an excited pat on their heads before they trotted off again leaving you to your games giggling games again.
Nearly all day you explored and adored the lands around you until you let out a playful squeal at being hoisted over Thorins shoulder for the walk back to the cabin where they ensured you were properly fed and loved on until you discovered the large tub you squeezed into. Awkwardly laughing through taking turns helping one another clean up then dry off and make it back to bed again where loving lip locks ended with you curled up again for the evening so you could make it back to your early flight back.
With midnight came time for you to head back. Your exhausted slump against Thranduil’s side earned a chuckle from him making him hoist you on his hip to carry you to the vehicle he strapped you into the back of then claimed the front seat beside Thorin. Deeply you slept until about halfway through the flight when a sweet kiss on your nose stirred a retaliatory peck on the nose from you only deepening your snuggling pile. Landed at the airport you all repeated the plan for gathering your bags they had left at your place allowing you the chance to grab your bag for the quick drive to school, taking Thranduil with you in yours while Thorin went to go pick Ori up at his girlfriends a couple blocks over.
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In the parking lot you eyed the time realizing just how early you were bringing on an old tradition of joining Thranduil into his classroom where he led the way into his office as Fili caught up to you in an eager trot stealing a peck on your cheek when he caught you. Winding his fingers in yours his eyes locked on Thranduil on your other side asking playfully, “So, how long have you been calling Uncle Sweet cheeks?”
You glanced at Fili asking, “How-? You’re not looking at me..?”
You glanced at Thranduil who raised a brow at Fili, “I’ve never called him sweet cheeks. Who told you that?”
Fili chuckled watching Thranduil pull out a stack of packets from a locked drawer in his office, “Well the cheer squad overheard you calling him sweet cheeks the other morning and it’s exploded over the weekend.”
Thranduil’s brows furrowed curiously as you let out a giggle and glanced at Thranduil, “Hulwurtag, means sweet cheeks in Khuzdul Big Leaf.”
Thranduil, “I called Thorin warthog.”
You giggled as Fili replied, “That’s not what the crowd overheard.”
Your laughter grew as you covered your face after saying, “I guess the cast on this soap opera has grown a bit.”
Making him roll his eyes and mumble in Elvish, “For Yavanna’s sake.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Only a few months, we can tide these rumors over.”
Within a few minutes the Durins filed in along with Legolas and Tallie who all laughed as all the speculation about the secret romance was spilled before you all split leaving you and your boyfriends with Fili waiting to walk you to class scrolling through his phone for the last picture of a shirt for the concert he’d ordered for you. 
A look between the two brought another giggle from you making Thorin nudge the door closed a bit more allowing Thranduil and his playful glare to approach you and cup your cheek for a quick kiss. After which you turned and he swatted you on the butt cheek making you fire back, “Careful there, what would your sweet cheeks say?”
You giggled then turned as Thorin cupped your cheek claiming a kiss of his own then rumbled near your ear, “Only you get to call me sweet cheeks Dearest.” Then stole a squeeze of his own on your path to class looping your arm around Fili’s as he kissed your cheek when the first students started filing in and began to whisper as Thorin walked out to go to his class after confirming with Thranduil they would just ride it out until May hoping the rumor mill would lose interest.
That hope died when a blonde in Thorin’s class raised her hand to ask, “How long have you and Professor Greenleaf been together.”
Thorin drew in a breath then replied, “We’ve known each other all our lives.”
“But how long have you been dating?”
Thorin, “We aren’t.”
He turned back to his computer to put on the slides only to look back at her with an irritated scowl at her adding, “But you just went away to the mountains for the weekend.”
Thorin, “Excuse me?”
“My Cousin Becca spotted you both driving back to your jet to get back in time for school last night.”
A gasp came from another girl beside her that said, “Unless it was your Brother.”
Making another girl gasp and Thorin to roll his eyes and sit in his chair behind his desk, “But then, what if he’s cheating on Jaqi with Professor Greenleaf?!”
Causing an uproar of assumptions for a few moments until Thorin let out a whistle and clearly stated, “Professor Greenleaf and I are not dating, nor is my Brother. I assure you we are all otherwise taken and your time is better spent studying-.”
The first girl blurted out, “But he called you sweet cheeks!”
Thorin sighed stating, “My nickname growing up was warthog, like the animal, among friends and family. The only person ever allowed to call me Hulwurtag is my Girlfriend.”
“But you called him Leaf.”
Thorin blinked a few times, “His last name is Greenleaf, not a stretch.” He wet his lips as they slumped in their chairs and turned their focus to the slides while Thranduil simply ignored the raised hands and blurted out questions all together.
Pt 27
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keywestlou · 3 years
One police shooting after another. We forget the other kind. Ordinary people killing ordinary people. Lay persons shooting in schools and churches. Random street shootings.
This one is sick. Sick, sick. I don’t know how else to describe it.
The shooting death of an 11 month old baby girl Dior. Her shooting inexplicable.
Sunday night in Syracuse, New York. Three children in the back seat of a car. Eleven month old Dior and two other children 8 and 3 years old.
Dior’s mother Desiree. Not in the car. The car was being driven by her cousin Shakema.
Shakema reported a car pulled up along side her. The window on the the car’s passenger side rolled down. She could see a man look back into her car between the front and back seats.
The man suddenly began firing a gun into the back seat.
Eleven month old Dior was shot 3 times. She died. The other two children were also shot. They are expected t0 survive.
The car then drove away.
Dior’s mother Desiree is expecting May 11. She passed out three times upon being made aware of her baby daughter’s death. Desiree would have been one year old in 18 days.
A suspect has been arrested. A 23 year old man. No further details available at this time.
We are a sick society. Alleged good people like police officers shooting good non police citizens. Persons going on a rampage and shooting wildly inside schools and churches. Incomprehensible killings such as 11 month old Dior’s.
It’s only getting worse. Will it ever stop? Not soon, I fear. Perhaps, never.
A police officer not knowing the difference between a taser and a gun. How can it be? Not an infrequent occurrence as it turns out. News reports this morning indicate such.
The most recent such shooting occurred in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Ten miles from where the Chauvin police killing is being tried.
In another stupid traffic stop involving excessive police force, Daunte Wright was killed. The police officer saying she thought she was tasering him.
I am coming to the conclusion that a bad cop is being equated to the saying there is always a bad apple in every basket. My thought process is there may be only one good cop in the basket.
The police traffic stop in Windsor,Virginia late December. Recently came to light because the Army Lieutenant involved has brought a federal case against the police officers involved.
Carson Nazario is a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He was driving a new SUV. Cardboard plates on the vehicle. The rear one taped to the back window.The Lieutenant was waiting for the metal ones to arrive.
He was in uniform.
Two police officers spotted him. They claim they went after him because of “no tags.” Erroneous based on the facts.
The Lieutenant I suspect was “Black smart.” It was dark where the police were trying to get him to stop. He put on his emergency lights and drove 1 1/2 miles till he came to a brightly lit gasoline station.
While there, he was pepper sprayed and held at gun point. Cops screaming at him. Later the police officers said they considered the situation a “high risk traffic stop.” Covering their asses.
The facts suggest it was 2 white police officers chasing a vehicle which had a black person operating it. When finally stopped, the police treated the Second Lieutenant in uniform as they did other black drivers.
No ticket given nor an arrest made. The police advised the Lieutenant not to make any trouble, etc. or they would charge him with something and ruin his military record in the process.
Police excessive force a story which has become part of the American landscape in the last 20 years.
The island of St. Vincent has experienced several volcanic eruptions this past week. People have been told to evacuate. Cruise ships are arriving to take them off the island.
The Prime Minister advised that those who have not received the coronavirus vaccine will not be evacuated. Some were those who did not consider the vaccine safe or for some other odd ball reason refused to be vaccinated.
Which means those not vaccinated will be left to fend for themselves. Not a welcoming thought when poisonous smoke, hot ash and even hotter lava is feared will cover the island
Nora O’Donnell on CBS Evening News reported: “We went from vaccine passports being a conspiracy theory to ‘fuck you die’ so fast.”
A message to those in the U.S. who refuse to be vaccinated. If an emergency situation as has arisen on St. Vincent occurs here, you will be left on the ocean in a row boat without a paddle.
On this day in 1992, The Bridges of Madison County was published. A modern day Romeo and Juliet with its lovers older people. A big seller!
A movie followed. Starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.
A massive power outage yesterday. 3.5 hours in late morning into early afternoon. Another one around dinner time for 1.5 hours.
I had nothing. I hate it when that happens. Especially when the computer is down. I am one of those who is constantly on the internet.
A friend cell phoned me from New York. Hey, understand you have a big power failure. Thirty thousand affected. Covers the lower half of the Keys.
He was not aware as to the cause. It had not been reported.
I told him the problem arose because of one of two reasons. Either a car or truck on U.S. 1 had driven into some power facility. Or, a boat got screwed up in the power wires under or near the Seven Mile Bridge. Both happen frequently.
Turned out a sail boat got caught up in the power wires at the Seven Mile Bridge. Live in the Keys long enough and you know about such things. Their frequency makes you aware.
It was reported the winds and waters were a bit rough and the sailboat could not be removed yesterday. Winds 40 mph. Whipped up the ocean a bit.
Being out sunday must have been too much for me. Never got out yesterday.
My game plan was to go out at 5. A few stops downtown. Drinks and dinner. Meet interesting people to chat with.
What happened is I laid down at 3 for a nap. Never woke till 7. Still had to shave, etc. and drive to Duval. I would not be there till 8:30.
I am early to bed and early to rise. Would not have worked for me.
Today is tuesday. My blog talk radio show tonight. I will be working on it from about 2 this afternoon till 8 in the evening. I never go out on a tuesday.
Join me for the show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Love doing the show which I am proud to say has an excellent following.
Enjoy your day!
    A FATAL SHOOTING OF ANOTHER KIND was originally published on Key West Lou
0 notes
sebeth · 7 years
Babs-a-thon, part 2
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Barbara’s first appearance in the post-Crisis DC universe was her revised entry in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory Update ’87 #1.
Known Relatives: Roger (father, deceased), Thelma (mother, deceased), James (adoptive father/uncle), Barbara (adoptive mother/aunt), James Jr (adoptive brother/cousin)
Occupation: Former librarian, former Congresswoman, now civil servant
DC decided to make Barbara taller – before the Crisis she was 5’6”, post-crisis she is 5’11”
I’m not going to quote as much from Barbara’s updated Who’s Who entry as her Secret Origins issue expands on it.
A few items of note:
“Barbara’s mother died in a car accident when Barbara was four years old, which ultimately led to her father’s death from alcoholism.  At thirteen she moved to Gotham City to live with her aunt and uncle, who later adopted her.”
The changing of Barbara’s parentage was pointless and only adds unnecessary tragedy to her past. Was it changed because Frank Miller was unwilling to write Barbara into Year One.  Or is it simply not allowed to be a hero in Gotham unless you’ve lost a parent?
“After earning her Master’s degree in Library and Information Systems from Gotham State University, Barbara worked as head reference librarian at the Gotham Public Library until the chance to run for Congress came along, and success made her a one-term Congresswoman.  A re-election defeat led her to a position at Humanities Research and Development, where she works as an Associate Director, mostly on public work projects.”
The de-aging of Barbara has begun – first her Ph.D. is downgraded to a Master’s degree and her term as a Congresswoman is later hand-waved away.
I’ll be honest – the de-aging annoys me.  It takes away from Barbara’s character and history.  It only gets worse as Chuck Dixon and DC become hell-bent on making Bab’s Dick Grayson’s “one true love”.
“James Gordon later learned of her identity.” – Then why did I read dozens of post-Crisis comics of Barbara trying to hide her secret from her dad?
“Barbara’s nocturnal adventures are less frequent lately, due partly to what she perceives as her ‘failures’ during the events known as the Crisis…”
For those who weren’t reading DC Comics in the immediate aftermath of the Crisis –
1)      Psycho-Pirate is the only individual with full memories of the Crisis and the pre-Crisis multiverse
2)      Everyone else lost their memories of the pre-Crisis multiverse and have murky memories of the actual Crisis.
Could Barbara’s “perceived failures” be subconscious memories of Supergirl’s death?
Barbara’s hand to hand combat abilities are the same pre & post Crisis – she’s still a brown belt. However, Babs is now an Olympic-level runner.
 Secret Origins #20 – “Flawed Gems” by Barbara Randall & Rick Leonardi
The issue opens with Barbara pursuing a thief.
“As always, my mind races to catalog the image, then file it away among similar ones.  My brain’s a tidy place, lists and pictures in endless lines.  Nothing is ever lost.  They call it a photographic memory?”
An upgrade from pre-Crisis Babs: photographic memory.
“I like flawed gems. They remind me of me.  It’s impossible to tell from the outside what’s hidden on the inside.  The gem keeps private corners, holding secrets. So do I.”
Babs recalls how her mother and aunt died in a car accident when she was a toddler.  
“I wish I had a sister or a friend or someone who knew what it was like to do this.  Why I was compelled to be here to protect others. I used to pretend I had a friend. But it hurt much more when I realized I was talking to myself.”
Barbara’s lived a lonely life.  Babs chooses not to let her father in on her crime-fighting career.  She’s not close to the Bat-Clan either.  It’s especially sad that the Crisis erased/made her forget her close friendship with Supergirl.
We receive another clue about Bab’s intelligence: “Years ago, I developed a multi-light tracer for my bike.”
Bab’s reflects more on her childhood.  Barbara had an active imagination and created many super-hero personas:  Rocket Girl, Marvelousgirl, Batgirl, Supergirl.  Babs often played super-hero with Marcy, a childhood friend.  We see Bab’s bedroom where all of her stuffed animals are dressed in hero costumes.
Bab’s father has descended into alcoholism since the death of his wife.  He eventually drinks himself to death.  Barbara moves to Gotham to live with Jim Gordon, her uncle. Barbara discovers that Jim’s wife is also named Barbara.  Jim and Barbara have recently given birth to a son.  The couple eventually adopts Barbara.
Babs developed an interest in helping Jim with his cases:
“This Two-Faced guy – did he ever kill anybody?”
“Only nosy thirteen-year-old girls.”
“Right. Gothcha”
Bab’s continues to sneak into Jim’s home office to peak at his case files.  Batman sneaks her a note that states “Don’t get caught.  He’ll get angry!”
Bab’s decides she’s going to become Batman’s partner.  She develops a list of skills and courses to improve herself:  karate lessons, track, visiting the library to study maps and city information, and concentrating hard-core on her academics.
I like this determined, ambitious Barbara – it’s a better approach than the “hey, this looks like fun” motive of pre-Crisis Barbara.
Fearing she’s attracting too much attention, Bab’s tones down her academic and physical performance. She’s already graduating two years early.
Barbara, at 16 years old, attends Gotham State University for a library and information systems degree. Barbara completes her master’s degree.
The night of the policemen’s masquerade ball arrives.  Barbara is going to attend in a Batgirl costume.  Barbara, in costume, breaks up a robbery by Killer Moth and his henchmen. The victim of the robbery?  Bruce Wayne! Needless to say, Batman is not impressed by these shenanigans.  An infuriated Batgirl stalks off.  Babs skips the costume ball and starts her career as Batgirl.
Barbara later decides to run for Congress.  She wins but is found to be too liberal for re-election.
Bab’s notes how her later cases were strange:  mindwiped, impersonated, and turned into a snake!
“I flirted with the first Robin for a while, but he was so young.  Batman was always the one on my mind.  Is he the reason I do this?  I can’t help feeling I know who he is.”
The above passage is notable for several reasons:
1)          It explains why I could never get aboard the Babs-Dick ship.  There is clearly a big age difference between the two.  Babs’ mind is clearly on the older, more age-appropriate Batman.  Think about it – when Dick and Babs meet – Bab’s has a master’s degree and is preparing for a Congress run, Dick isn’t even old enough to have a driver’s license. You have to be 25 years old to run for Congress so we have an age gap of 7 to 10 years.
2)          It’s also why I was never bothered by a Bruce – Barbara pairing. Barbara’s first post-Crisis story states she was aiming for the older, not the younger, Gotham hero. Barbara went on a date with Clark Kent in the pre-Crisis.  Babs dated and later became engaged to Jason Bard, another adult, in the pre and post Crisis.  To me, Barbara has always been an adult peer to Batman, not one of his teenage sidekicks. I don’t ship Barbara and Bruce but I’m not against it.
3)          It also shows the distance between Babs and the Bat Family.  Bruce clearly didn’t trust her enough to reveal Robin or his identity to her.
“There’s only one face I can’t remember.  Coromant. He killed me.  A dummy fell to the ground.  But part of my soul fell with it.  He made me realize I could die doing this.  I should thank him.  He made me work harder.  Next time, he’s the one to take the fall.  I saw his face everywhere.  When the red rains came, when all the heroes left to save the world, I was left behind to fight him.  He was everywhere.  I’m chasing him now.  I’ll always be trying to catch him, and when I do…first, I’ll strip off his mask. Expose his secret identity.  Know his face.  I never forget a face.  I’ll make him as afraid of me as I was afraid of him.”
The red rains are reference to the Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Babs seems to be battling some PTSD when it comes to Coromant.  Apparently, Coromant is Barbara’s “perceived failure” during the Crisis.  I still like “my subconscious memories of Kara’s death” theory.  As far as I can tell, Secret Origins #20 is the first appearance of Coromant.  The Coromant panels also set-up the Batgirl special that came out later in the year.
This issue would top my personal list of essential Barbara Gordon issues. It establishes Barbara’s new origin, hits the pre-Crisis highlights of Batgirl’s career, and sets the stage for her next appearance.  You were able to get inside Barbara’s head and understand her motivations and fears.
Babs-a-thon, part 3 will feature the 1988 Batgirl Special, the Killing Joke, and a Death In the Family.
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rodislandpsychic · 5 years
“Chimney Song” by Bob Rivers vs. the 2001 Film “Kate and Leopold” vs. an Astrological Algorithm Sewn into Alice Eve’s Film Career
This is a continuation of my previous blog entry where I expressed frustration on how I missed a really good Psychic Prediction.
My mom had watched “Hitch” 1/12 of 2020 starring Amber Valletta. News for 1/13 of 2020 showed Amber Valletta on the front page. Because I didn’t report or post about my mom watching Will Smith’s “Hitch” movie, there’s no proof that I actually did it. It’s just hearsay.
That’s not good enough when you’re trying to prove the Psychic Field exists. That’s like saying you saw a UFO but you didn’t take a picture or video showing it really happened.
You can’t post it after the fact, else people will just think it was faked or doctored.
I likened chasing after Psychic Manifestations in the news like chasing the Golden Snitch in a “Harry Potter” Quidditch game. It’s really tiny and it darts around and is really fast. If you aren’t attentive and keep up with it, it will appear and just disappear.
My 76 year old mother has been watching movies. I found over the last couple months that if I let her choose the movies we watch, they’ll surface naturally in the news.
I’ll watch movies I normally don’t watch or that will be new to me. They’ll be new in the sense that while they may have been produced 10 or 20 years ago, I haven’t seen them yet. So it’s new to me.
Then I’ll see news echo a scene that I watched from that movie.
While one or two movies coincidentally mirroring the news isn’t enough proof, you remain consistent by showing day by day like running water that news does match.
Like running water that is always flowing, even the hardest rock will eventually erode or crack if water is consistent.
Water is information and knowledge. While I may not be able to convince people with one or two Instagram or Blog posts that my theories are real, I’m consistent.
Unlike other Psychics that only post one Psychic Prediction every 3 months, I jack up the speed where I do it daily or every other day if time permits.
I hadn’t watched “Kate and Leopold” in a really long time. The last time I watched it was before I met Jordan 9/27 of 2018.
So there were gaps in what I knew because Jordan had the missing piece with her Family Tree.
I suspect that the time travel where Leopold is from 4/28 of 1876 while Kate is from the future symbolizes a version of Jordan in the future while I’m in the past.
I belong to a different time period. When Kate sees a picture of herself in the photograph that Stuart took, a moment in her future was set in the past where Leopold is.
In Jordan’s case, we had a falling out. The Jordan that used to exist who liked the Psychic Field and was open to it is gone.
The only way Jordan can ever really go back to that is if she rewinds and goes back into the past remembering the Jordan she used to be back in October 2018 when she first met me.
It was said that Leopold invented the elevator. The song “Love in an Elevator” by Aerosmith ties to that Aphrodite theme with Aphrodite Statues found in the country of Jordan.
One of the things I put in my Instagram was to protect myself. You never know how people will interpret information:
The chimney incident was in Port Clinton, Ohio
Chris Redfern from Port Clinton was born 10/1
Jordan’s mother was born 10/1
“Where the Red Fern Grows” came out in 1974
Lonny Chapman and Jame Whitemore were in the film
They were both born 10/1
It’s important to cite that because I was born in 1975. That movie already came out and Chris Redfern was born in 1964. How could I have had anything to do with that if I wasn’t even born yet?
I didn’t cross into the Psychic Field until 2004. “Kate and Leopold” came out in 2001. So I couldn’t have used my Psychic Abilities to fiddle with that.
I claim the Subconscious Mind of Harley Dilly is the one who got stuck in the chimney.
My cousin Gwen was born before me on 2/2 when Dallas became a city. Jordan is in Dallas. I can’t remember what year Gwen was born. It may have been in the late 1960s or early 1970s. I know Gwen is older than me so Gwen had to have been born before a few years before 1975.
Gwen used to baby sit me when I was around age 5 and she was already in high school. So that would place her before 1970 because I know she’s more than 5 years older than me.
When she married her ex husband Boyd and they had a son named Quinn, I was either a teenager or in my 20s.
Boyd’s uncle was named Rod, which I claim ties to the film “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” Robert Vaughan was in “Superman 3″ with Richard Pryor. Henry Cavill as Superman took over the role the movie remake.
These things are important to point out so that people won’t try to hold me accountable.
If I don’t, some people will try to assign blame and blame me as the Psychic when I’m more like a Weather Forecaster.
I just read what the Weather Formations are. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I had anything to do with it.
If people do try to pin that on me, you first have to acknowledge I have Psychic Abilities. If you can prove I do have Psychic Abilities, then you have to concede that the other stuff I say about the Psychic Field is also true.
I said that I’m Virgin with a God Family Tree. My grandmother is Natividad DeJesus born Christmas Day. My birth name “Isabelo Rod” means “Ruler Consecrated by God.”
If you establish that my Psychic Abilities are authentic, then it hints that my theories about Earth being alive and like a God able to influence Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes must also be true.
You can’t be selective where you pick and choose what you want to be true and not true. You have to take the good with the bad and review all the information.
With all due respect, if people choose to dismiss what I say about Earth being alive, that’s fine.
However, if I say how it works and people don’t believe me, that means I get a free pass. People can’t come back later and say it’s all my fault.
If I tell you how it works and you decide I’m unqualified and don’t know what I’m talking about, then that means that you assumed responsibility and took over.
If I say there’s a Math Language and how to read it and people don’t want to do it, that’s the fault of the people who didn’t read the instruction manual.
Why should the person who read the instructions correctly but got ejected from society get blamed by the people who chose not to learn how to read and follow what the instructions said?
Then when things go badly resulting in injury or even death, why am I the one at fault? I read the instructions correctly and told you what to do and not do. Those who didn’t want to listen should be the ones to be held accountable for their actions.
I’m not trying to be snarky or a smart ass about it, but I’ve learned over the years that people will try to blame you for stuff if they can get away with it.
It’s like someone engaging in Road Rage when they’re the ones who don’t seem to know the Rules of the Road and are really the ones who are at fault, but they try to blame the other drivers.
For example, one way I could see people trying to pin this on me is by saying I used “Psychic Voodoo Hexing Magic” on Harley Dilly to make him go down a Chimney.
I did no such thing.
I didn’t even know who Harley Dilly was till I saw his story in the news. This even goes back to why I don’t have direct control over my Psychic Abilities. It’s so that people can’t blame me for things that happen.
It was the Subconscious Mind of Harley Dilly who had something to do with that. Subconscious Minds developed their own Language like Facebook AI Chatbots. They use Earth’s Electromagnetic Field as a Communication Platform.
People should take it up with the Subconscious Collective. But here’s the problem:
People don’t believe in the Psychic Field
People don’t believe Subconscious Minds exist who think independently of their Conscious Mind
We can’t get this information to go viral to create Public Awareness
I try to tell people, but people just ignore me or they brand whatever I say as low priority or not important.
If I tell you how it works and you don’t believe anything I say, that’s your choice. We all have Free Will.
You don’t have to believe in anything you don’t want to. You don’t have to do something if you don’t want to.
If my story about Subconscious Minds engaging in activities and using news feed to piggy back encrypted data sounds silly and you don’t want to believe it, that’s your choice.
But when you make that choice, you free me up of being held accountable. You can’t have it both ways where you dismiss what I say as false and then turn around and pin the blame on me when it suits your convenience and you realize you made an error and what I said really is correct and now you want me to be the scapegoat for blame to make up for your negligence and ignorance mishandling the situation as a result of not heeding my warnings and advice.
People can act shocked saying, “OMG, what’s Rod’s problem?”
My problem is that it’s been like this for the last 15 years since 2004. After over a decade of being ostracized, you’re exhausted and tired.
Some people say Celebrities live in a Bubble. Wealthy people live in a Bubble. When you live in your own little Bubble, you don’t have to think about other people’s problems or the stress they’re in.
Most of you live in a Bubble when it comes to Earth communicating and you can ignore what She says and pretend you didn’t hear it.
You can just tell yourself Earth isn’t alive, there is no Math Language, and nothing’s wrong.
But it’s just like ignoring a cancer or a tumor. There are Signs. You can ignore the Signs, but one day, an untreated cancer will kill you because you didn’t seek out a physician and get treatment.
It’s the same with Earth. You can keep ignoring Her and tell yourself She’s not alive. I’m a qualified physician who has been working in the field for 15 years and one of the foremost experts on Cryptology and Code-Breaking reading Earth’s Math Language.
I’ve been saying for over 10 years about this problem that’s not being addressed. It has resulted in injury and death.
People don’t want to put money into research and funding. Yet, you’ve already lost hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars just flushed down the toilet because you didn’t think this was something important to look into.
Sorry to sound crude, but when people start getting hospitalized and killed, that should be your cue that this thing Rod is trying to warn you about warrants further study and deserves more attention and should not be deemed low priority and dismissed as nothing.
Just like Kate who had to cross the bridge, Jordan has to cross the bridge if she wants to make it back to me.
Though you also see how that doorway won’t remain open forever. Jordan has to make a choice to go through it.
News 8/7 of 2018 was when Jordan Holgerson was shoved off of a Washington State Bridge. That was before I met Jordan. Jordan didn’t join the broadcast till 8/16 of 2018 which was the day Aretha Franklin died on the death anniversary of Elvis Presley.
This also applies to people who are trying to decide whether they want to cross over into the Psychic Field or not. It’s not going to stay open forever.
If you don’t go through it, it’s a missed opportunity.
Although I will say one thing that is working against me is exhaustion and how I’m running out of time.
I can’t just do this forever. Channeling information takes energy. Using Brain Power to process information, collect it, format it, and then present it takes time and energy.
It leaves you exhausted or wiped out.
People think my inactivity in other aspects of my Life is a sign of Laziness, but it’s not that. People don’t understand how much energy goes into doing something like this.
This stuff I work on is useful because it proves Earth is alive and can communicate. If you can prove Earth is sentient and aware of Her surroundings as well as can speak, She can convey Her wishes.
If Earth can read everyone’s minds using the Electromagnetic Field as Wi-Fi to tap people’s Eyes and Ears as a Live Feed and their brains as a hard drive space housing video archive footage to show who did what, She knows who’s lying and who’s telling the Truth.
That’s a big deal.
You can force Big Corporations who are cheating people or lying to pass Laws that favor them but harm its citizens to comply.
If you pour billions of taxpayer dollars into the government only to have Large Corporations use Lobbyists to influence legislation that is in their favor but not in favor of the hard-working taxpayers, that’s like stealing money.
You didn’t put all your hard earned taxpayer dollars into the government just so some large fat cat corporation that is already making money hand over fist can take your taxpayer money to pass laws that put more money in their pockets and take money out of yours.
You need a living organism as large as Planet Earth to take them on.
But you should realize that it does come at a cost. If you want a big solution to take care of a big problem, you’re going to have to either support it financially or rally behind the cause.
While people think the idea of Earth being alive is a fairy tale, you need something really big to be able to take on these corporations and can’t be easily taken down.
People wonder why Earth can’t seem to influence the flow of money toward me. What may seem like a weakness is also a strength.
Just as Earth can’t directly influence big business, it goes in the other direction where big business can’t easily influence Earth either.
Earth isn’t interested in human currency.
Because human currency really isn’t that valuable to Her, She can resist big companies trying to seduce Her with Greed. Since human currency has little or no value to Her, She can’t be bought.
One of things I’m trying to find time to do is write out actress Alice Eve’s Film Career Chart.
I was familiar with Alice Eve, but she really caught my attention Christmas EVE 2019 when my cousin C******* Moses from San Francisco came to visit with her son Josh with their dog Molly.
In the 2010 film “She’s Out of My League,” I saw the tags light up in the movie:
Devon says “Don’t Josh me” referring to my nephew Josh
When Jay Baruschel is marveling at how perfect Alice Eve’s body is, he says “Holy Moses” as Josh’s last name
Alice plays Molly. Josh’s dog is named Molly
At the end of the film, he asks Molly’s ever been to San Francisco
Stainer’s Perfect 10 Girl was Tina Jordan mirroring March 2002 Playboy Playmate Tina Jordan for Jordan born 3/13 and linked to the year 2002. Molly Stanton was in “Miss March” that came out 3/13 of 2009
After looking over Alice Eve’s career and researhing her interviews on YouTube, I knew as soon as she did her interview with Rachael Ray where she did Rachael’s Astrology Chart that it would make sense that Alice’s Film Career can be read like a chart as well.
Just like how Alice Eve did an Astrology Chart for Rachael Ray, I’m trying to make time to do a chart on Alice Eve.
When you see how Alice Eve’s film career has her starring in particular movies with certain actors, you’ll see that computer program rise to the surface.
When Alice Eve does an Astrology Chart on Celebrities, she’s using the Planets to flesh out an Astrological Operating System that governs over a person’s Life.
When you translate over what an Astrology Chart does, it’s a rules, instructions, or general guidelines that a computer program will follow.
When people talk about Intelligent Design, there’s a belief that there’s some supernatural force guiding us.
I claim Earth’s Electromagnetic Field as a Neural Network Hive Mind with 8 billion Subconscious Minds as Planet Brain Cells is that Cumu.ative Consciousness of the Planet.
Now, if you’re a 4 billion year old Planet spinning for eons and are self-aware, you naturally become aware of your surroundings.
As Earth orbits around the Sun for billions of years, Earth as a living organism eventually becomes familiar with constellations and where stars are placed in relation to where She is.
If Earth is alive, She could forge her own calendar system. If she knows that She orbits the Sun every 365 days, She can break the year down into 12 Astrological Signs.
Every 2,000 years, it’s believed that all the Astrological Signs shift positions. We were in the Age of Capricorn for the last 2,000 years. Then some time between the 1970s and 2020, we moved into the Age of Aquarius.
In fact, the song “Age of Aquarius” is sung by the Fifth Dimension. This ties into my post.
1959 “Twilight Zone” host Rod Serling mirrors me as Rod
2019 “Twilight Zone” host Jordan Peele mirrors Jordan
“Twilight” film series takes place in Washington State where I’m from
Rod Serling talked about the Twilight Zone as the Fifth Dimension
I’m Virgin
In “40 Year Old Virgin,” the end credits sing “Age of Aquarius” by the Fifth Dimension.
One of the lines in the Fifth Dimension is that Jupiter aligns with Mars. In my Astrological Chart, Jupiter and Mars are in the Sign of Aries, which is the Sign of Mars.
It sings about how Love (Aphrodite) will rule the Stars (Hollywood Celebrities). Aphrodite Statues were seen in the country of Jordan.
One reason why today 1/14 of 2020 is the birthday of Jordan Elizabeth Ladd as the daughter of Cheryl Ladd mirroring Jordan Elizabeth Craig is because it’s exactly one month from Valentine’s Day symbolizing Love.
In my Family Tree, certain people like friends and family are shifted by one month.
For example, my best friend Scott is born 3/10 and Jordan’s friend Sydney is born 4/10 exactly one month away.
My other best friend Roman is born 4/29 of 1975 and exactly one month away from my birthday 5/29 of 1975.
One of the reasons why I’m so sure about how I read my charts is because they’re sewn into my Family and Friends where they’re born on very specific days.
There’s a consistent math pattern where birthdays are shifted by 4 days, shifted by 10 days, shifted by one month, etc.
Not everyone’s Family Tree is configured so precisely. It can’t be done with everyone. However, certain people who were meant to be elevated in society can be given special Family Trees.
I think Alice Eve is one of the few actresses given a unique family tree because she developed an interest in Astrology.
That means that Alice’s mind is open-minded and better suited toward understanding what a Career Chart would be.
I’m not saying that Alice would suddenly embrace something as this without question, but it stands a better chance of making sense to her than an actress who is Atheist that doesn’t believe in any of that Astrology stuff.
Alice’s movie “Before We Go” with Chris Evans shows them seeing a Psychic. They talk about how you don’t have to believe in that stuff for it to have an impact on you.
You don’t have to believe in the Psychic Field or Astrology for me to tell you something that can impact you.
I think if Alice Eve looks over her career and sees the Math Pattern sewn into her career, she’ll understand.
I had seen on her Instagram how she mentions her father Trevor Eve suffering from mental health problems.
Sometimes when you have Faith or you see there’s Intelligent Design or purpose, that can help heal or reprogram your mind repairing the damage.
When you’re just kind of adrift, your mind can lose cohesion and start to deteriorate. However, when you’re given a purpose and you’re given the assurance that there is a Plan and we’re not all just drifting randomly without purpose, that firm resolve can reinforce your mind.
If you look at the Mental Illness seen in Shooters, they usually go crazy because they’ve lost their way.
They lack purpose or someone messed with their head filling them with war propaganda affecting their reasoning and judgment thinking it’s okay to promote violence.
However, if they found that Earth is alive and that there’s a rhyme and reason to what you see in the world, it may be enough to turn a mentally ill person bent on violence into finding a more peaceful resolution.
This is a follow-up to my previous post where I said news mirrors me every 24 hours.
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News 1/14 of 2020 body of #HarleyDilly of #PortClinton, Ohio was stuck up in the CHIMNEY.
I said in my blog 1/13 of 2020 how I realized over the last 3 months whatever movie my mom puts on predicts something in news next day.
Last night, my mom saw 2001 film #KateAndLeopold with #HughJackman and #MegRyan.
In the rooftop scene, Meg Ryan as Kate says maybe finding Mr. Right is a grown-up version of SANTA C/LA+U.S. as our attempt to explain why our #LoveSanta KEEPS GETTING CAUGHT IN THE CHIMNEY (Harley Dilly). I can use the #ChimneySong by #BobRivers in Seattle, WASHINGTON where I'm from to show I'm reading it right.
I'm a WA State Psychic. Jordan is a RIVER and Bob RIVERs is a RIVER.
My cousin Gwen is born 2/2 when DALLAS became a city. Her ex-husband whose uncle was Rod is named Boyd as Jordan's Family Name. Their son (my nephew) is Quinn. HARLEY Dilly + QUINN is #HarleyQuinn. #HarleyQuinnSmith plays the daughter named #MillenniumFalcon in 2019 #JayAndSilentBob Reboot where #ShannonElizabeth of TEXAS is the mom and JayMewes' RL wife is named Jordan. Jordan of DALLAS, Texas manifests in my Family Tree.
The chimney death was in #PortClinton, Ohio that became a state on 3/1 of 1803. My Aunt Julia born 3/1 had a house on Avenue 313 as Jordan's birthday.
#ChrisRedfern of Port Clinton was born 10/1 of 1964. The 1974 film "Where the RED FERN Grows" starred #LonnyChapman and #JamesWhitmore born 10/1 of 1920 and 1921. Chapman died 10/12 birthday of Hugh Jackman in #KateAndLeopold while Whitmore died 2/6 birthday of #AliceEve. Jackman and Eve were together in the 2014 film #NightAtTheMuseum #SecretOfTheTomb as themselves.
Red Fern was 1974. I was born 1975. Chris Redfern was 1964. So I couldn't have been behind this if I wasn't born yet.
Earth using the Electromagnetic Field as a Communication Platform with Her Math Language instructed Subconscious Minds to choreograph all this.
As a Hollywood Psychic, I decoded Alice Eve's film career like an #AstrologyChart showing why she was cast in certain films.
#psych93 #MacKenzieCraigDonald #MillenniumFalconButt
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offtosavetheearth · 5 years
July 2nd, 2018
An early breakfast this morning at around 7:55am because Sylvia wanted to leave early to pick up our receipts from the doctor. I cough a lot every morning and it is pretty embarrassing to do in such close proximity to others. I had pineapple, eggs, coffee, hot chocolate, and three pieces of toast. I had to guard the toaster when making my food because there were these very pushy and loud French children running around swiping them. They would yell around the hotel at about 7am, waking everyone up. Just another reason I do not want to learn the French language.
We were on the bus at 9 for our trip from Quito to Vicundo, travelling east first to visit the Fausto Falconi’s organic farm. The husband was sick, so his wife gave us a tour. They started organic farming about 15 years ago, initially growing roses. However about 4 years ago they transitioned to organic vegetables. It was first a way to save money, but then they realized the public/personal health, and environmental benefits that come with this practice. Originally they had been exporting roses to 30 countries with 15 hectares of land. But the international exportation business was too much work while maintaining a healthy family to raise their kids into.
The three main factors or organic farming are sun, soil, and sombreros. In industrial farming they only focus on 6 or 7 nutrients in the soil that are artificially produced from chemicals. But in organic farming there are 100 of nutrients and minerals they attend to. This family brings organic soil from the national forest to help their microorganisms ferment, allowing there to be so many nutrients.  Microorganisms are just as important as the minerals in the soil themselves, because they work together to feed the plant. This organic matter is augmented with chicken manure, from organically-fed chickens, no antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. The term is Bocshi, and it is created after 15 days of fermenting with manure, rice flour, and molasses. This is done anaerobically, forcing microorganisms to produce more rapidly. Known as the “heart of the farm”, 70% of irrigation is reduced using this method, because the soil has a much higher ability to absorb and retain water.
“Sombrero” is important because it essentially means the plants need to cover the soil because the sun is too strong. Because of this, they welcome weeds and don’t consider them a nuisance because they are providing coverage. Planting on the contour to prevent erosion, they allow a few cows to graze, making the soil even richer with fertilization. These farmers try to use only organic seeds, but five of their crops cannot produce this way, so they must use commercialized and grow them organically.
Their chickens are fed rice husks with microorganisms, and their feed lots don’t stink because they have a rich broth of yet more microorganism, rapidly-decomposing feces. They have about 2000 chickens, and only use them for their eggs so none our slaughtered. The hardest crops to grow organically are tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers because of pests. Often times they have to apply pesticide 4 to 5 times a week, and they grow in green houses so they can control light, humidity, and temperature.
After our tour was done, we had fresh mora and tree tomato yogurt, and several organic vegetables with farm fresh dipping sauce. It was delicious.
Our next stop was the Vicundo indigenous community, where we were serenaded into their village. This was probably the most precious thing I have ever been a part of. We danced in circles around them well walking to the village for about 15-20 minutes, and Greg even joined in the middle, dancing with one of the older women. I shared a room with Sylvia, and the area was much more rustic than our previous homestay, but the family was just as accommodating, if not more so. We had a delicious lunch with basically an entire fish, potatoes, vegetables, and jugo. There were so many dogs and cats there, of all ages, breed and sizes. This is the life a dog should have, with the mountains as their open backyard. As Greg put it, if dogs run free why can’t we?
The indigenous community grows their own food on their land, with a goal in mind of knowing where their food comes from and staying healthy. With a few women from the community, we harvested white carrots and tomatoes for lunch. Our group didn’t appear to be too good at it, because we broke plants that they have been growing for an entire year with the hoe. After the gardening activity, we walked about 10 minutes to a nearby waterfall. Nearby was a large rock, imprinted with the legend of Chuzalongo. He was basically a sexual predator who lived on a rock, and one day he was chasing a woman and she ran so fast she turned into a hummingbird. This is why there are hummingbirds on the other side of the stream. Walking back we had about 30 minutes before dinner, and I returned to the cabin to charge my phone. To my surprise, this place was not as rustic as made out to be. My phone even got 3G data, and they had lights, plugs, and hot and cold running water. For dinner, we ate up in the hill of our community house, with Autumn, Ashley, Audrey, and Emily as our neighbors. They had a really nice fire going, way better than ours at Cajas, but the smoke was still getting to me.
While boiling beats on the fire-stove, I met some really nice individuals. My homestay mom’s daughters name was Katy, and she was in the 9th grade (the same age as my sister). She was so sweet, and very excited that we were here. She wants to study medicine when she goes to college, and is probably the most self-sufficient, grown-up 15 year old I have ever met. But also really funny, she tricked me into locking her grandma into my room which was HILARIOUS. I sat next to her the majority of the night, and she was really good company to have around. I felt like I had another younger sister. I also met a man who was travelling on foot throughout South America. He had started in Argentina, and either walked or took a bus, meeting people who opened up their homes to him, like the Vicundo. If someone did that in the United States, they would never survive. We are very segregated by class, and treat “homeless” or poor people like they are a disease. I am convinced that the Global south is the better America.
Dinner was soup, rice, and vegetables, and shortly after we went back to the community to learn about their astrology project. The goal is to make a new astrology map of the community that represents their histories, local animals, geography, archeology and myths. Their map has 25 local constellations based on altitude, and some representations were guinea pigs, volcanoes, pyramids, the Northern Cross, and werewolves. Jose, the man who started it in the community with his friend, is going to a national astrology meeting in Argentina soon, to teach other communities that want to do this. Oddly enough, the indigenous tribe we met on the Amazon River has been in contact with the Vicundo, because they want to do this with their community as well. In fact just last week they met up with his cousin to start the process.
Our last activity of the night was star-gazing. I had never seen anything like it in my life. This was my first time seeing any constellations or the Milky Way, and I felt so small. We identified the Northern Cross and the scorpion, and Jose used his powerful star-wars laser to point into the sky. Freaking wild.
I went to bed after about 30 minutes of star-gazing because I was feeling sick again. I wrapped myself up in about 5 blankets, with a double layer of clothes, and slept soundly till about 5am.
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allofbeercom · 6 years
The brave new world of the xx, pop’s brooding perfectionists
Solo success, confronting grief, sobering up the feted London trio talk frankly about how the events of the past four years informed their new album, I See You
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The three members of the xx cross from Poland into Lithuania overnight, trying to sleep inside a bus that judders and lurches along an uneven border road. It is December, an unforgiving time to be touring eastern Europe, and snow that was coming in committedly when they left Warsaw still falls when they arrive in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital. Its cold here, beer-jacket weather, hot-toddy weather, get-messed-up-after-the-gig-to-distract-from-the-bite weather. But the band Oliver Sim, Romy Madley Croft, Jamie Smith travel in good, sober order. They toured their first album, in 2010, blinkingly, greenly, through a fog of personal tragedy. Two years later they got through a second-album tour mostly by partying wherever they went. (Moving from encore to after-show chasing the night, as the band phrase it in a new song, Replica.) When we meet, the release of album number three, I See You, is looming. For various reasons they expect to take this one around the world in steadier, less emotionally hectic fashion.
Arriving in central Vilnius at 10am, the trio alight from the tour bus and teeter over icy pavement, straight to their hotel rooms for some extra sleep. Im in the lobby waiting for them when they emerge, one by one, at midday. Sim (27 years old, bassist and co-vocalist) appears in a splendid fur-lapelled coat. His enormous green eyes lend him at once a striking handsomeness as well as the perpetual suggestion of worry. More so than Sim, Madley Croft (27, lead guitar and vocals) is dressed for her terrain: leather boots, hoodie, black-camo raincoat, a hat over her dark shoulder-length hair. A stitched image on the hat is faded and hard to distinguish and when I ask her what it is she answers in a soft, whistling voice: Three babies dancing. She says she found the hat in a skate shop somewhere. Smith (28, percussion and production) might have found his entire outfit in a Sports Direct somewhere. He comes down in Nike T-shirt, Adidas trackies, his copper curls sprouting over the strap of a backwards-turned cap.
Theres something drastic and strange about Smiths appearance that takes a moment for me to identify. Hes smiling. I find this hard to reconcile with our last encounter.
In the hotel lobby, the band and I reminisce about meeting last time, more than four years ago, when I shadowed them for a couple of days as they toured through Los Angeles. They were about to debut Coexist, their second album, high in the British and American charts. Their first album, xx, had won the Mercury prize in the UK and gone gold in the US. Its sound sexily gnomic lyrics sung huskily over precise and chilly synths was exerting a blatant influence on the music industry, imitators of the xx springing up all over the place. Now Baz Luhrmann was courting them for one of his soundtracks, and he showed up one night in Hollywood to buy rounds of drinks. The band went to after-parties backstage at the Ford theatre, by the pool at the Chateau Marmont, on the roof of a downtown hotel.
Watch the video for the xxs single On Hold.
I remember the experience for the hilarious difficulty of interviewing Smith, who was then emerging as the silent genius of the group, an unfeasibly talented engine-room operator who was responsible for so much of their musics distinctive and influential texture. At the time he betrayed none of the weight or assurance of someone with great and growing industry clout. Instead he seemed to trust that if he stayed quiet enough during our encounters I might forget he was there.
These days Smith tells stories, tells jokes. While he speaks he taps his fingers in time to some imagined and apparently buoyant interior music. If theres a reticence to him, still, it transmits as a cooler and more grown-up nonchalance. Life, is his deadpan explanation for the transformation. I went from being 23 to 28. It happens to everyone. Perhaps theres a little more to say. Under his solo stage name, Jamie xx has long tended a fertile sideline as a DJ and a producer of other artists work. In summer 2015 he released an album of his own, In Colour, that was enough of a hit to fuel a substantial world tour. He was nominated for the Mercury and Grammy awards. Its easy to see how much Jamies changed, says Madley Croft. Its obvious, because of his personal career hes more confident.
Sim and Madley Croft made guest appearances on their friends solo record. But this was very much Smiths project, one that had been building up for quite a while, and its gestation contributed directly to the years-long wait between the xxs second and third albums. The band started writing material for I See You as long ago as 2014. But the finish line, as Sim describes it, kept getting pushed further away into the future. He is diplomatic about the difficulty of Jamie just not being available. Even though he was really pushing himself, and not giving himself time off, getting face-time with him was tricky. Smith is apologetic. I was busy doing my thing. It was going well. I was happy in that way. But I was also anxious about finishing our [group] record. I definitely felt bad, coming and going. And I did understand that Romy and Oliver were really anxious to finish it. Because they didnt have They obviously had things going on. But they didnt have a creative outlet.
The band get ready to leave the hotel for an afternoon of rehearsals. Before we spill out into taxis I take Sim out of earshot of the other two, and ask: What about jealousy? We cant always rely on ourselves, as humans, to be perfectly delighted by our friends achievements. What did you and Romy really feel while Jamie was flying solo?
There were moments when I felt jealous of his time, Sim says.
And of his success?
Sim speaks carefully. I think of jealousy as: I dont want you to have this. And I felt proud of Jamie. I felt pleased for him that he had all of this going on. But, at the same time, I wanted this. Me and Romy wanted this. We wanted to be back up there, on stage, with a fire lit underneath us.
The trio strongly believe the hiatus has been beneficial to their music. I agree. After his secondment in a more dancefloor-orientated world, Smith has brought back with him to the xx a sense of pace and playfulness, obvious from the very first hands-in-the-air bars of the new record. Across its length the album has a brewed, stewy, experience-enriched quality, subtly but importantly different from the older stuff, which always had terrific clarity but which could lack human warmth.
From a bald commercial perspective the bands absence does not seem to have unduly alienated the fanbase. All tickets for seven nights at Londons Brixton Academy in March recently sold out. Still, there have been some surreal moments for Sim and Madley Croft during their semi-enforced sabbatical. They describe to me how bizarre it felt, trotting along to watch Smith play alone at Brixton, a spiritual home of sorts for the xx and a place they had played many times together. Only now two-thirds of the band were stood among the audience craning like everyone else to see over the next head.
Rehearsals are taking place at the venue for tonights show, a mid-sized arena on the outskirts of Vilnius. I ride there in a cab with Madley Croft, who has a digital camera and takes occasional pictures of the bleak winter landscape. Touring, she says, means seeing countries through the windows of cars. Tomorrow the band will fly to Japan. After that Australia, then Scandinavia, and eventually back for those Brixton dates and four other UK shows. They were on a killer tour the last time we met too. Then, they spoke to me about how strange an existence it was, their every need taken care of while they moseyed from encore to after-party. They made it sound cloying but also comforting, cocoon-ing, in Madley Crofts phrase. At the time I wondered what the effects might be, of the long tour finishing and all the machinery of the band falling away, leaving them to their own devices again.
It took an adjustment, Madley Croft says, of varying degrees for the three of them. She thinks Sim probably found it the hardest. Oliver, to me, is the natural performer of the band. I know he gets a lot of confidence from performing. And I sensed he might not be quite sure what his place was, for a while, when we were off stage. For herself, Madley Croft used the time away to address private matters shed ignored for some time. Stuff from the past. Losses Ive had. It all kind of hit me.
Smith, AKA Jamie xx, playing Londons Hyde Park last summer. Because of his personal career, hes more confident, says bandmate Photograph: RMV/Rex/Shutterstock
Wed touched lightly on this in Los Angeles her difficult backstory, intimately and pretty cruelly interwoven with the backstory of her band. She was only 11, in 2001, when her mother died. (This was a few years before she started writing music with Sim a friend from school in Putney, London as a form of escapism.) Her father died in early 2010 when she was 20. (By now, with Smith, another schoolfriend, the three were established as the xx. They were performing an early show in Paris when the news about Madley Crofts father reached them.) Towards the end of 2010 a close friend of hers, a cousin, died too. (The band had just won the Mercury and were becoming quite famous.) By the time I met them all in Los Angeles, Madley Croft was 22. Shed barely stopped touring or recording since her double bereavement in 2010, and I got the sense of a young woman putting a lot on hold.
The last few years have been, for me, about facing all of it, she explains. At the time I just went for it. Encore, after-party, encore, after-party. Its only on reflection I think how intense everything must have been, and how I just pushed it down. But everything comes up. Ive learned that everything comes up.
When we met before she was in the first months of a relationship with a designer, Hannah Marshall, who was then travelling with the band. They were sweet together, newly and sorely inked with matching tattoos patently in deep, even though Madley Croft seemed a little awkward in a public setting, as if she was getting used to her band-life and love-life intermingling. When we first got together Hannah was always so much better in social situations than me. I felt so shy. But through being with her I feel so much more at ease. Ive noticed thats happened in a different way with me than it has with the boys. And I know its because Ive been with someone.
The couple recently got engaged. It was the stability of the relationship, Madley Croft says, that gave her the grounding she needed to look squarely at her past. She went from pushing down thoughts about her parents to actually kind of craving going to therapy and dealing with it… Its an ongoing thing, she says. I feel like Ive dealt with a chunk. With a hell of a lot more than I ever did before. And the self-examination has borne creative fruit. Right in the middle of the xxs new album comes its tenderest and most nakedly spiritual track, Brave for You, a song that Madley Croft wrote about drawing strength from the memory of her parents.
We pull into the car park of the venue, sure weve got the right place because we can see the steaming figure of Sim, shivering in his coat, smoking a cigarette. Together he and Madley Croft clomp inside, shed their layers, and walk to the stage. She takes up her Les Paul guitar, he his Fender, and behind them on an elevated platform Smith finds his place among an array of mixers and synthesisers. Performing for an empty arena, they play a few old songs and a couple of newer ones, including Brave for You. Smith taps out a high rhythmic pulse. Sim waits for his moment to apply some bass. Madley Croft closes her eyes and sings: When Im scared/ I imagine you there/ Telling me to be brave
Madley Croft with her fiancee, designer Hannah Marshall. Photograph: David M Benett/Getty Images for Equipment
The rehearsal lasts a long time: hours. I perch with Smith in his mixing station and watch over his shoulder as the trio pick through 20-odd songs. Sometimes the noise, ringing off the exposed concrete of the arena, is tremendous. During uptempo songs Smith starts dancing, big-stepping in time like a cowboy at a line dance, thrashing his head like a metalhead in a mosh pit. Impossible to imagine, Madley Croft says, the old Jamie doing this.
Sim, frowning, the least at ease on stage today, unsticks a printed set list from the floor. He thinks back to the previous gig in Poland and says: Oh. I spoke in the wrong place last night. After a lifetime trying to maintain belief in the spontaneity of artist-to-audience banter, its a little shattering for me to learn that the xx arrange their chatty interludes in advance. But these guys are precision workers, broody perfectionists; and theyre rusty in their stagecraft after so long apart. When they rehearse a mid-gig spectacular of mashed-up songs, the music builds and builds, smoke machines gushing, some glorious climax imminent until at the clinching moment Smith slaps a button on his mixer and a deafening error-sound hums around the arena.
Everyone flinches. Argggh, shouts Smith. The mixer is unplugged and hauled away in machine-disgrace. The band take a break. Smith consults a roadie about a replacement. Sim drifts off stage. Madley Croft picks up her phone and taps out a message to someone.
Im starting to see that these three took very different paths away from their last album. Madley Croft into domestic stability and a worked-for interior peace. Smith into self-affirming solo work. Sims route took him where? He has always been the xxs most elliptical member, a charming if skittish, ambiguous interviewee. Unlike Madley Croft he has resisted overt statements about his sexuality. And the particulars of his family background, apparently as troubled as hers, remain much more opaque. When the New Yorker published a deep-digging profile of the band in 2014, the reporter was obliged to include a vague line about Sims early life, which was scarred by family dysfunction that he declines to discuss. Madley Croft has grown over time into openness, Smith into sureness. Sim seems still on his way somewhere.
Maybe theres a clue in the new music. I See You has a couple of tracks that come over as more direct and less cryptic than anything else in the bands back catalogue. A Violent Noise, for example, seems to be about partying too much, overdoing it (Youve been staying out late/ Trying your best to escape). In a subsequent track, Replica, chiefly written and sung by Sim, it sounds as if an unnamed parent is being addressed: Ive turned out just like you They all say I will become a replica/ [That] your mistakes were only chemical 25 and youre just like me Is it in my nature to be stuck on repeat?
Photograph: Suki Dhanda for the Observer
Away from the rehearsal I sit down with Sim and tell him the lyrics to Replica register, to me at least, as a kind of confession. A child of addiction, growing up to worry he has become an addict himself, wondering if the problem is unavoidable and hereditary or whether he can go down a different path. Does that sound accurate?
Sim, his large eyes open to their fullest extent, stares over my head for a while. Then he clears his throat and says: Um. Well. Thats kind of bang on, your reading.
He takes a breath. Yeah. Just kind of That was a big thing to deal with, over the past couple of years. Just kind of dealing with my relationship with using [drugs]. With drinking. And, um. And also my parents. Yeah. He says its a shock to realise that the private matters underlying this song have come over so plainly. This conversation is a bit of an eye-opener.
He started writing Replica, he says, a couple of years ago. Before I was taking any action. Or saying anything out loud. The bands 2012 tour had finished. The pace we were moving at stopped, suddenly. It was a pretty flaky existence Yknow, I left school thinking I wanted to live my life like a nomad, free-floating. Turns out I absolutely need some kind of structure. Living back in London again, structure-less, he thought of his drinking and drug-taking as blowing off steam. Later, I started to wonder if it was still charming to be the drunkest person in a room.
His decision to seek help took a while. A long, drawn-out decision. Smith was away gigging. Madley Croft was travelling the US with her girlfriend. I felt a bit lost. The schoolfriends all describe this period end of 2014, start of 2015 as the farthest apart theyd been from one another, geographically but emotionally too. As Madley Croft puts it: We werent in tune. Jamie was on tour. Oliver wasnt being entirely truthful with me about what he was going through. Walls were up.
When they did regather, Sim brought them the lyrics to Replica. Madley Croft recalls the moment. I thought: This is very real. Even though everything we do is real, this felt more transparent? It felt brave. And I loved that he let me in, to discuss it.
Sim makes it sound inevitable it should be writing, rather than talking, that helped bring down the walls between the band. Im a lot better and braver in songwriting than I am in conversation.
He says he has noticed, of course, how much his two friends have evolved in recent years. Theyve come on in leaps and bounds. He says he feels more sluggish in his own progress, a bit stunted People are like, So Jamies done his record and toured the world. What have you done? To be honest, Ive just been at home, figuring stuff out. He doesnt seem to realise that hes made the most progress of everyone. I ask him how long hes been sober.
Watch the video for the xxs Say Something Loving.
Eleven months, he says.
And lifes been transitional, he says, smiling shyly. Quite a shift. Tonights show in Vilnius, for instance, the fifth of the current tour, will be the fifth show hes done in his career without drink. Its why I dont maybe feel so confident here. I dont have that support. I dont have my booze blanket. Everything feels more raw.
Are you happier?
Im. He stops and considers. Im Yes, I am happy. Im sort of adjusting to a different pace of life. But yeah, Im good. I feel anxious. About the next year [of touring], and being away from home. I wonder how its going to play out. But Im excited too. He might be about to experience the beginnings of a music career for a second time. I realise I was never entirely present before. Booze took away the nerves. But it also, like, definitely capped the highs. If hes sacrificed some self-confidence, he says, at least hes gained some self-understanding. Madley Croft agrees. I think hes getting to know himself. Who he is, as a 27-year-old, not as a performer on stage, but in life. Im really proud of him.
Soon enough their rehearsal resumes. Theres not long to go until the show now, and fans are beginning to appear in the snow outside. The band practise what will be the nights final run of songs. They try Intro, one of the first things they ever wrote together, as well as a new track, a happy-sad doozy called On Hold, which explores the ways in which life can seem to move at different speeds for different people. Transitioning from the old song to the new, Smith turns a dial on his mixer. Madley Croft steps forward and sings her half of the shared lyrics, Sim his. Then they sway, gently, by their mic stands.
At the end of the song the two guitarists lay down their instruments. Smith tidies his things. Madley Croft walks around taking a few photographs of the arena before it fills with people. Sim, before he leaves the stage, attaches a small light to his microphone stand. So that hell be able to find his way back to it, later, in the dark.
I See You is out now on Young Turks. The xx play UK shows from 4-17 March
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-brave-new-world-of-the-xx-pops-brooding-perfectionists/
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shg11 · 7 years
(CNN)It remains among America's most heinous nightmares: the lives of 20 little children -- dancers and swimmers, pianists and painters, budding readers, little sisters and big brothers -- extinguished in a flash of violence inside Sandy Hook Elementary.
Five years later, even those who have never set foot near Newtown, Connecticut, can conjure the scene painted by police of a first-grade classroom transformed into a killing field. Can see the faces of anguished parents desperate for proof of life, then later, tiny caskets overloaded with stuffed animals never to be named.
Since the 2012 massacre, a new school has been built for the students of a town known, now and for years to come, as a cradle of sorrow -- but also as the home of quiet resilience and untold love.
The 12 girls, eight boys and six women whose futures were stolen that day will be remembered, always. Here is a glimpse of what we learned about them in the days after they were lost:
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Charlotte was sweet, outgoing and full of energy, her grandmother told CNN affiliate WCCO in Minnesota.
"This is tough. This is surreal. You can't believe this could happen," Irene Hagen told the station. "The whole family is just devastated, and we're all trying to come to terms with it."
She said her granddaughter loved school and dresses. Her hair was a mass of beautiful red curls.
"It's horrible. It's really horrible," Hagen told WCCO. "It's hard to believe that someone would kill children, innocent children."
Daniel Barden, 7
Daniel earned his missing two front teeth, his family used to say. His "fearless" pursuit of happiness and life also earned him ripped jeans.
"Despite that, he was, as his mother said, 'Just So Good,'" his family wrote in a statement published in the New Haven Register.
Taking after his musician dad, he and his siblings -- brother James and sister Natalie -- formed a band. Daniel played drums.
He loved to ride waves at the beach and make s'mores around bonfires with his cousins.
"He embodied everything that is wholesome and innocent in the world," the family said.
Rachel D'Avino, 29
She probably didn't know it when she died, but her best friend was about to propose.
He had recently asked D'Avino's parents for their blessing, and he was planning to ask for her hand in marriage on Christmas Eve.
That and other details about D'Avino's life were described in an obituary posted on the website of Munson-Lovetere Funeral Homes of Connecticut.
"Her presence and tremendous smile brightened any room she entered," it read.
Born in Waterbury, D'Avino received her undergraduate degree from the University of Hartford and her master's from Post University. She was working toward her doctorate at the University of St. Joseph of Hartford.
D'Avino loved karate, cooking, animals, photography and her two younger siblings.
"Her passion, however, was her occupation as a behavioral therapist working with children within the autism spectrum," the obituary read.
Olivia Engel, 6
Her favorite stuffed animal was a lamb; pink and purple were her favorite colors.
Olivia's family posted a statement on Facebook with those and other details about their beloved daughter.
"She was insightful for her age and had a great sense of humor. She laughed a lot and always lit up a room including the people around her. She was very creative and was always drawing and designing things," her family said.
Olivia took art and dance lessons, played tennis, soccer and swam. She was involved in Girl Scouts and musical theater. She loved school and did well in math and reading.
Her family described her as a "grateful child ... never greedy." Each night, Olivia led grace at the dinner table.
Josephine Gay, 7
Josephine celebrated her seventh birthday just days before she died. In one picture, published in various news stories, she's smiling with glasses on the tip of her nose.
Josephine liked to ride her bike and sell lemonade in her neighborhood in the summer, The Wall Street Journal reported. The little girl loved the color purple.
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dylan and his family had moved from England to Connecticut two years before he died.
"We specifically chose Sandy Hook for the community and the elementary school. We do not and shall never regret this choice," Dylan's family said in a statement. "Our boys have flourished here, and our family's happiness has been limitless."
Dylan's family said he loved to cuddle and play tag with neighbors at the bus stop every morning.
"He was learning to read and was so proud when he read us a new book every day," the family said. "He adored his big brother Jake, his best friend and role model."
Dylan's parents also expressed gratitude to the educators who died with their son.
"We cannot speak highly enough of Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach, exceptional women who knew both our children," the family said. "Dylan's teacher, Vicki Soto, was warm and funny and Dylan loved her dearly. We take great comfort in knowing that Dylan was not alone when he died, but was wrapped in the arms of his amazing aide, Anne Marie Murphy. Dylan loved Mrs. Murphy so much and pointed at her picture on our refrigerator every day.
"Though our hearts break for Dylan, they are also filled with love for these and the other beautiful women who all selflessly died trying to save our children."
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Hochsprung, who became Sandy Hook Elementary's principal two years before the shooting, was "really nice and very fun, but she was also very much a tough lady in the right sort of sense," friend Tom Prunty said.
And the students loved her. "Even little kids know when someone cares about them, and that was her," he said.
"I never saw her without a smile," said Aimee Seaver, the mother of a first-grader.
Hochsprung lived in Woodbury, Connecticut, with her husband, two daughters and three stepdaughters.
The career educator majored in special education for her bachelor's and master's degrees in the 1990s and had just entered the PhD program at Esteves School of Education at the Sage Colleges in New York. Hochsprung led a school district's strategic planning panel and was the recipient of a national school grant.
Her accomplishments included overseeing the installation of a new security system requiring every visitor to ring the front entrance's doorbell after the school doors locked at 9:30 a.m.
"My mom, Dawn Hochsprung, was taken tragically from me. But she went down in a blaze of glory that truly represents who she was," her daughter, Cristina Hassinger, tweeted.
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Sweet. Unique. Bright. Determined. Sparking.
Those are words Madeleine's family used to describe their little girl.
"She was an avid reader who loved running and dancing," they said. "She was a born leader."
Catherine Hubbard, 6
The little girl with bright red hair will be remembered for her smile and her love of animals.
Catherine is survived by her older brother, her parents, grandparents, great-grandmother, uncles, aunts and nine cousins.
"Her family prays that she, all the students of Sandy Hook Elementary, and all those affected by this brutal event find peace in their hearts," they wrote in her obituary.
A Facebook page honoring Catherine spoke of how she is now an angel.
"Such a beautiful little soul," the post read, saying the family's loss is heaven's gain.
Chase Kowalski, 7
What Chase really wanted for Christmas was his two front teeth.
"I saw him two days ago, and I asked him if he wanted to see Santa, and he told me that he wanted his teeth back, and it was really sweet," Chase's neighbor, Keeley Baumann, 13, told the News-Times newspaper.
At 6, Chase completed his first triathlon, but that was just one of his pursuits. He loved baseball. He was in the Cub Scouts. He looked forward to the kids' workshop at the local Home Depot.
"We are thankful to the Lord for giving us seven years with our beautiful loving son. It is with heavy hearts that we return him," the family said in an obituary.
Jesse Lewis, 6
Jesse loved math, riding horses and playing at his mom's farm, his father told the New York Post.
"He was just a happy boy," Neil Heslin said. "Everybody knew Jesse."
He told the newspaper that his son was planning to make gingerbread houses at school. Heslin was planning to help.
Instead, the last time he saw his son was when he dropped him off at school at 9 a.m.
"He was going to go places in life," Heslin told the Post.
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
"One, two, three, ready and go," Ana counts down in a homemade video provided to CNN affiliate WTIC.
The girl in pigtails stands in front of a piano as her brother plays. Her voice is clear, bigger than her size. Ana smiles and waves.
Her father, Jimmy Greene, is a jazz musician. His representative released a statement on Ana's death, describing the little girl as "beautiful and vibrant."
"The family has requested privacy at this time of heartbreaking loss," it read. They "have asked us to relay their sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support and sympathy locally, nationally and internationally."
James Mattioli, 6
As he was quick to remind everyone, James was 6 and ¾.
"He loved to wear shorts and T-shirts in any weather and grab the gel to spike his hair," his family said in a loving obituary. "He would often sing at the top of his lungs, and once asked, 'How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?'"
Indoors, he spent his time playing games on the iPad -- especially the lawn-mowing one. Outdoors, he loved to dive off the diving board, "swim like a fish" in his grandfather's pool and ride his bike -- without training wheels.
"I need to go outside, Mom. I need fresh air," he would often say.
He was born four weeks early -- because he was hungry, his family joked.
James had a voracious appetite. His favorites? His dad's egg omelets with bacon, and his mom's French toast.
He looked up to his older sister, wanting to do everything she could.
"They were the best of friends, going to school together, playing games together, and making endless drawings and crafts together."
The boy, whose family fondly called him "J," will be incredibly missed, they said.
Grace McDonnell, 7
Grace was the "light and love of our family," her mother told CNN.
She loved her brother, school, the beach and wanted to be a painter.
For her seventh birthday in November, Grace requested a purple cake with a turquoise peace sign and polka dots. And that's exactly what she got.
"She was all about peace and gentleness and kindness," Lynn McDonnell told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "Grace didn't have an ounce of hate in her, and so we have to live through Grace and realize that hate is not how our family is."
The family drew cupcakes, ice creams cones, lighthouses and seagulls -- all things Grace loved -- on her tiny white casket.
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
A hero. That's how a first responder reportedly described Murphy to her father.
He told Newsday that authorities told him her body was found in a classroom, covering young children killed in the shooting in an apparent attempt to shield them.
"She died doing what she loved. She was serving children and serving God," Murphy's mother, Alice McGowan, told the newspaper.
A married mother of four, Murphy was artistic and hardworking, her parents said.
"She was a happy soul," her mother told Newsday. "She was a very good daughter, a good mother, a good wife."
Emilie Parker, 6
She could "light up a room," Emilie's father said about his oldest daughter.
Robbie Parker described her as "bright, creative and very loving." Emilie was always willing to try new things, he said, except food. Her laugh was infectious.
"My daughter Emilie would be one of the first ones to be standing up and giving her love and support to all of those victims, because that is the type of person she is," Parker said.
She was "an exceptional artist, and she always carried around her markers and pencils so she never missed an opportunity to draw a picture or make a card for someone," he said.
"This world is a better place because she has been in it," Parker said.
Emilie's aunt described her niece as the "sweetest little girl I've ever known."
The family is devastated that "someone so beautiful and perfect is no longer going to be in our lives and for no reason," said Jill Cottle Garrett.
Emilie's father, who works as a physician assistant in the newborn unit at the Danbury hospital, recalled his last conversation with his daughter was in Portuguese, a language he was teaching her.
"She said that she loved me, and I gave her a kiss, and I was out the door," he said.
Jack Pinto, 6
Jack was a first-grader, and his interests ran the gamut -- baseball, basketball, wrestling, snow skiing. But his first love was football, and his idol was Victor Cruz, then the New York Giants star receiver.
Cruz paid tribute to the team's young fan by scribbling "Jack Pinto. My Hero" on one of his cleats and "R.I.P. Jack Pinto" on the other for the team's game with the Atlanta Falcons the Sunday after the shooting. On his glove, Cruz wrote, "Jack Pinto. This one is 4 U!"
Jack participated in his first wrestling match not long before his death and won a medal, according to the president of the New Milford Wrestling Association.
"In life and in death, Jack will forever be remembered for the immeasurable joy he brought to all who had the pleasure of knowing him, a joy whose wide reach belied his six short years," Jack's family wrote in an obituary for the little boy.
Noah Pozner, 6
"He had a huge heart, and he was so much fun, a little bit rambunctious, lots of spirit," Noah's aunt told CNN. "He was really the light of the room."
Victoria Haller said her nephew loved playing with his cousins and siblings, especially his twin sister.
"He was a gorgeous, gorgeous boy, and he could really get what he wanted just by batting those long eyelashes and looking at you with those big blue eyes. You really couldn't say no to him," she said.
His siblings weren't told immediately how Noah passed away, Haller said.
"How do you tell them that's how their brother died?" she asked. "It's the unthinkable really."
Caroline Previdi, 6
"You were a sweet little girl and you will be missed."
That's the message that Caroline's aunt reportedly tweeted, saying good-bye to her niece, according to the online version of the Press-Telegram in Long Beach, California.
"It hurts even more to see a familiar name on that list," the report said Paige Tremblay also tweeted.
A Facebook page called "RIP Caroline Previdi -- Sandy Hook Massacre Victim" contains dozens of messages. One reads: "Rest in Peace, sweetheart. I know for sure that God is with you and all the other sweet little angels. I feel so very sorry for all these families who lost their precious kids, my heart goes out to all of you."
Jessica Rekos, 6
Jessica loved everything about horses -- horse movies, horse books, drawing horses and writing stories about them.
She asked Santa this year for new cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat. Her family had promised she could get her own horse when she turned 10.
"She was a creative, beautiful little girl," her family said in a statement, describing Jessica as their "rock."
"She had an answer for everything, she didn't miss a trick, and she outsmarted us every time. We called her our little CEO for the way she carefully thought out and planned everything," they said. "We cannot imagine our life without her."
Jessica also loved orca whales and playing with her two little brothers.
"We are mourning her loss, sharing our beautiful memories we have of her, and trying to help her brother Travis understand why he can't play with his best friend," her family said.
Avielle Richman, 6
Avielle was happiest when she was on a horse.
Her trainer, Annette Sullivan, told the Connecticut Post that Avielle would "giggle when she trotted."
Like kids her age, her first loose tooth was a sign she was growing up.
"She showed me her wiggly tooth, she was so excited," Sullivan told the newspaper. "She was the most delightful little girl you ever met in your life."
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Rousseau, a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, "wanted to be a teacher from before she even went to kindergarten," her mother said in a written statement. "We will miss her terribly and will take comfort knowing that she had achieved that dream," Teresa Rousseau said.
She grew up in Danbury, Connecticut, and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Connecticut and a master's degree in elementary education from the University of Bridgeport.
Rousseau "worked as a substitute teacher in Danbury, New Milford and Newtown before she was hired in November as a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook," her mother said.
Mary Sherlach, 56
Sherlach, Sandy Hook Elementary's school psychologist, was with Hochsprung when they heard a "pop, pop, pop" sound around 9:30 a.m., a parent who was with both women at the time told CNN. Sherlach was shot to death after heading into the hall to find out what was happening.
"I ... am always ready to assist in problem-solving, intervention and prevention," Sherlach wrote on her website.
Sherlach earned her undergraduate degree in psychology at SUNY Cortland and a master's degree at Southern Connecticut State University. She worked as a rehabilitation assistant at a group home for disabled adults and as a community mental health placement specialist before becoming a school psychologist.
She worked in three Connecticut school systems before moving to Sandy Hook Elementary in 1994. During her time in Newtown, Sherlach kept busy as a member of numerous groups, including the district conflict resolution committee, safe school climate committee, crisis intervention team and student instructional team.
Sherlach and her husband of more than three decades lived in Trumbull, Connecticut, and, together, they were "proud parents" of two daughters in their late 20s. Her website listed her interests as gardening, reading and going to the theater.
Victoria Soto, 27
Soto, a first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, moved her students away from the classroom door when she heard gunfire, which students initially "thought were hammers falling," according to the father of one of her students.
"That's when the gunman burst in, did not say a word, no facial expressions, and proceeded to shoot their teacher," said Robert Licata, whose 6-year-old son, Aiden, escaped by running past the shooter.
Soto's mother said her daughter was selfless.
"She would not hesitate to think to save anyone else before herself, and especially children. She loved them more than life, and she would definitely put herself in front of them any day," Donna Soto told CNN.
Soto had wanted to be a teacher since she was 3 and talked about her students with "such fondness and caring," her mother said.
Soto's cousin, James Wiltsie, said Soto "instinctively went into action, when a monster came into her classroom, and tried to protect the kids that she loved so much."
"We just want the public to know that Vicki was a hero," he said.
Soto had a dog she loved. The black lab Roxie spent Saturday wandering around Soto's apartment, apparently looking for her, relatives said.
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Ben loved The Beatles, lighthouses and the No. 7 train to Sunnyside, Queens, his family said in a statement.
He and his older brother Nate "filled the house with the noise of four children."
"Ben Wheeler was an irrepressibly bright and spirited boy whose love of fun and excitement at the wonders of life and the world could rarely be contained. His rush to experience life was headlong, creative and immediate," his family said.
Ben loved soccer and swimming. Recently, he performed at a piano recital -- a major feat for a little boy who rarely sat still.
Friday morning before school, he told him mom: "I still want to be an architect, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that's what Nate is going to be, and I want to do everything Nate does."
Ben, Nate, and their parents, Francine and David Wheeler, moved to Newtown in 2007. Francine Wheeler is a music teacher and performer. David Wheeler is an illustrator and designer.
Two days after the shooting, Francine Wheeler's band posted the following message on its Facebook page:
"With heavy hearts, we inform you of our saddest news: Francine Wheeler, a founding member of The Dream Jam Band, has lost her precious 6-year old son, Ben, to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Our prayers and love go out to Francine, David and Ben's big brother, Nate."
Allison Wyatt, 6
Allison once offered her snacks to a stranger on plane. That's just the type of person she was.
Allison was a "sweet, creative, funny, intelligent little girl who had an amazing life ahead of her," her parents said.
They described their daughter as kind-hearted. She loved to draw and wanted to be an artist.
"She loved to laugh and was developing her own wonderful sense of humor that ranged from just being a silly 6-year-old to coming up with observations that more than once had us crying with laughter," her parents said.
"Allison made the world a better place for six, far too short years, and we now have to figure out how to move on without her ... We love and miss her so much."
Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/14/us/sandy-hook-newtown-shooting-victims-profiles/index.html
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
5 years after Sandy Hook, the victims have not been forgotten
(CNN)It remains among America’s most heinous nightmares: the lives of 20 little children — dancers and swimmers, pianists and painters, budding readers, little sisters and big brothers — extinguished in a flash of violence inside Sandy Hook Elementary.
Five years later, even those who have never set foot near Newtown, Connecticut, can conjure the scene painted by police of a first-grade classroom transformed into a killing field. Can see the faces of anguished parents desperate for proof of life, then later, tiny caskets overloaded with stuffed animals never to be named.
Since the 2012 massacre, a new school has been built for the students of a town known, now and for years to come, as a cradle of sorrow — but also as the home of quiet resilience and untold love.
The 12 girls, eight boys and six women whose futures were stolen that day will be remembered, always. Here is a glimpse of what we learned about them in the days after they were lost:
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Charlotte was sweet, outgoing and full of energy, her grandmother told CNN affiliate WCCO in Minnesota.
“This is tough. This is surreal. You can’t believe this could happen,” Irene Hagen told the station. “The whole family is just devastated, and we’re all trying to come to terms with it.”
She said her granddaughter loved school and dresses. Her hair was a mass of beautiful red curls.
“It’s horrible. It’s really horrible,” Hagen told WCCO. “It’s hard to believe that someone would kill children, innocent children.”
Daniel Barden, 7
Daniel earned his missing two front teeth, his family used to say. His “fearless” pursuit of happiness and life also earned him ripped jeans.
“Despite that, he was, as his mother said, ‘Just So Good,'” his family wrote in a statement published in the New Haven Register.
Taking after his musician dad, he and his siblings — brother James and sister Natalie — formed a band. Daniel played drums.
He loved to ride waves at the beach and make s’mores around bonfires with his cousins.
“He embodied everything that is wholesome and innocent in the world,” the family said.
Rachel D’Avino, 29
She probably didn’t know it when she died, but her best friend was about to propose.
He had recently asked D’Avino’s parents for their blessing, and he was planning to ask for her hand in marriage on Christmas Eve.
That and other details about D’Avino’s life were described in an obituary posted on the website of Munson-Lovetere Funeral Homes of Connecticut.
“Her presence and tremendous smile brightened any room she entered,” it read.
Born in Waterbury, D’Avino received her undergraduate degree from the University of Hartford and her master’s from Post University. She was working toward her doctorate at the University of St. Joseph of Hartford.
D’Avino loved karate, cooking, animals, photography and her two younger siblings.
“Her passion, however, was her occupation as a behavioral therapist working with children within the autism spectrum,” the obituary read.
Olivia Engel, 6
Her favorite stuffed animal was a lamb; pink and purple were her favorite colors.
Olivia’s family posted a statement on Facebook with those and other details about their beloved daughter.
“She was insightful for her age and had a great sense of humor. She laughed a lot and always lit up a room including the people around her. She was very creative and was always drawing and designing things,” her family said.
Olivia took art and dance lessons, played tennis, soccer and swam. She was involved in Girl Scouts and musical theater. She loved school and did well in math and reading.
Her family described her as a “grateful child … never greedy.” Each night, Olivia led grace at the dinner table.
Josephine Gay, 7
Josephine celebrated her seventh birthday just days before she died. In one picture, published in various news stories, she’s smiling with glasses on the tip of her nose.
Josephine liked to ride her bike and sell lemonade in her neighborhood in the summer, The Wall Street Journal reported. The little girl loved the color purple.
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dylan and his family had moved from England to Connecticut two years before he died.
“We specifically chose Sandy Hook for the community and the elementary school. We do not and shall never regret this choice,” Dylan’s family said in a statement. “Our boys have flourished here, and our family’s happiness has been limitless.”
Dylan’s family said he loved to cuddle and play tag with neighbors at the bus stop every morning.
“He was learning to read and was so proud when he read us a new book every day,” the family said. “He adored his big brother Jake, his best friend and role model.”
Dylan’s parents also expressed gratitude to the educators who died with their son.
“We cannot speak highly enough of Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach, exceptional women who knew both our children,” the family said. “Dylan’s teacher, Vicki Soto, was warm and funny and Dylan loved her dearly. We take great comfort in knowing that Dylan was not alone when he died, but was wrapped in the arms of his amazing aide, Anne Marie Murphy. Dylan loved Mrs. Murphy so much and pointed at her picture on our refrigerator every day.
“Though our hearts break for Dylan, they are also filled with love for these and the other beautiful women who all selflessly died trying to save our children.”
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Hochsprung, who became Sandy Hook Elementary’s principal two years before the shooting, was “really nice and very fun, but she was also very much a tough lady in the right sort of sense,” friend Tom Prunty said.
And the students loved her. “Even little kids know when someone cares about them, and that was her,” he said.
“I never saw her without a smile,” said Aimee Seaver, the mother of a first-grader.
Hochsprung lived in Woodbury, Connecticut, with her husband, two daughters and three stepdaughters.
The career educator majored in special education for her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the 1990s and had just entered the PhD program at Esteves School of Education at the Sage Colleges in New York. Hochsprung led a school district’s strategic planning panel and was the recipient of a national school grant.
Her accomplishments included overseeing the installation of a new security system requiring every visitor to ring the front entrance’s doorbell after the school doors locked at 9:30 a.m.
“My mom, Dawn Hochsprung, was taken tragically from me. But she went down in a blaze of glory that truly represents who she was,” her daughter, Cristina Hassinger, tweeted.
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Sweet. Unique. Bright. Determined. Sparking.
Those are words Madeleine’s family used to describe their little girl.
“She was an avid reader who loved running and dancing,” they said. “She was a born leader.”
Catherine Hubbard, 6
The little girl with bright red hair will be remembered for her smile and her love of animals.
Catherine is survived by her older brother, her parents, grandparents, great-grandmother, uncles, aunts and nine cousins.
“Her family prays that she, all the students of Sandy Hook Elementary, and all those affected by this brutal event find peace in their hearts,” they wrote in her obituary.
A Facebook page honoring Catherine spoke of how she is now an angel.
“Such a beautiful little soul,” the post read, saying the family’s loss is heaven’s gain.
Chase Kowalski, 7
What Chase really wanted for Christmas was his two front teeth.
“I saw him two days ago, and I asked him if he wanted to see Santa, and he told me that he wanted his teeth back, and it was really sweet,” Chase’s neighbor, Keeley Baumann, 13, told the News-Times newspaper.
At 6, Chase completed his first triathlon, but that was just one of his pursuits. He loved baseball. He was in the Cub Scouts. He looked forward to the kids’ workshop at the local Home Depot.
“We are thankful to the Lord for giving us seven years with our beautiful loving son. It is with heavy hearts that we return him,” the family said in an obituary.
Jesse Lewis, 6
Jesse loved math, riding horses and playing at his mom’s farm, his father told the New York Post.
“He was just a happy boy,” Neil Heslin said. “Everybody knew Jesse.”
He told the newspaper that his son was planning to make gingerbread houses at school. Heslin was planning to help.
Instead, the last time he saw his son was when he dropped him off at school at 9 a.m.
“He was going to go places in life,” Heslin told the Post.
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
“One, two, three, ready and go,” Ana counts down in a homemade video provided to CNN affiliate WTIC.
The girl in pigtails stands in front of a piano as her brother plays. Her voice is clear, bigger than her size. Ana smiles and waves.
Her father, Jimmy Greene, is a jazz musician. His representative released a statement on Ana’s death, describing the little girl as “beautiful and vibrant.”
“The family has requested privacy at this time of heartbreaking loss,” it read. They “have asked us to relay their sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support and sympathy locally, nationally and internationally.”
James Mattioli, 6
As he was quick to remind everyone, James was 6 and ¾.
“He loved to wear shorts and T-shirts in any weather and grab the gel to spike his hair,” his family said in a loving obituary. “He would often sing at the top of his lungs, and once asked, ‘How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?'”
Indoors, he spent his time playing games on the iPad — especially the lawn-mowing one. Outdoors, he loved to dive off the diving board, “swim like a fish” in his grandfather’s pool and ride his bike — without training wheels.
“I need to go outside, Mom. I need fresh air,” he would often say.
He was born four weeks early — because he was hungry, his family joked.
James had a voracious appetite. His favorites? His dad’s egg omelets with bacon, and his mom’s French toast.
He looked up to his older sister, wanting to do everything she could.
“They were the best of friends, going to school together, playing games together, and making endless drawings and crafts together.”
The boy, whose family fondly called him “J,” will be incredibly missed, they said.
Grace McDonnell, 7
Grace was the “light and love of our family,” her mother told CNN.
She loved her brother, school, the beach and wanted to be a painter.
For her seventh birthday in November, Grace requested a purple cake with a turquoise peace sign and polka dots. And that’s exactly what she got.
“She was all about peace and gentleness and kindness,” Lynn McDonnell told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “Grace didn’t have an ounce of hate in her, and so we have to live through Grace and realize that hate is not how our family is.”
The family drew cupcakes, ice creams cones, lighthouses and seagulls — all things Grace loved — on her tiny white casket.
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
A hero. That’s how a first responder reportedly described Murphy to her father.
He told Newsday that authorities told him her body was found in a classroom, covering young children killed in the shooting in an apparent attempt to shield them.
“She died doing what she loved. She was serving children and serving God,” Murphy’s mother, Alice McGowan, told the newspaper.
A married mother of four, Murphy was artistic and hardworking, her parents said.
“She was a happy soul,” her mother told Newsday. “She was a very good daughter, a good mother, a good wife.”
Emilie Parker, 6
She could “light up a room,” Emilie’s father said about his oldest daughter.
Robbie Parker described her as “bright, creative and very loving.” Emilie was always willing to try new things, he said, except food. Her laugh was infectious.
“My daughter Emilie would be one of the first ones to be standing up and giving her love and support to all of those victims, because that is the type of person she is,” Parker said.
She was “an exceptional artist, and she always carried around her markers and pencils so she never missed an opportunity to draw a picture or make a card for someone,” he said.
“This world is a better place because she has been in it,” Parker said.
Emilie’s aunt described her niece as the “sweetest little girl I’ve ever known.”
The family is devastated that “someone so beautiful and perfect is no longer going to be in our lives and for no reason,” said Jill Cottle Garrett.
Emilie’s father, who works as a physician assistant in the newborn unit at the Danbury hospital, recalled his last conversation with his daughter was in Portuguese, a language he was teaching her.
“She said that she loved me, and I gave her a kiss, and I was out the door,” he said.
Jack Pinto, 6
Jack was a first-grader, and his interests ran the gamut — baseball, basketball, wrestling, snow skiing. But his first love was football, and his idol was Victor Cruz, then the New York Giants star receiver.
Cruz paid tribute to the team’s young fan by scribbling “Jack Pinto. My Hero” on one of his cleats and “R.I.P. Jack Pinto” on the other for the team’s game with the Atlanta Falcons the Sunday after the shooting. On his glove, Cruz wrote, “Jack Pinto. This one is 4 U!”
Jack participated in his first wrestling match not long before his death and won a medal, according to the president of the New Milford Wrestling Association.
“In life and in death, Jack will forever be remembered for the immeasurable joy he brought to all who had the pleasure of knowing him, a joy whose wide reach belied his six short years,” Jack’s family wrote in an obituary for the little boy.
Noah Pozner, 6
“He had a huge heart, and he was so much fun, a little bit rambunctious, lots of spirit,” Noah’s aunt told CNN. “He was really the light of the room.”
Victoria Haller said her nephew loved playing with his cousins and siblings, especially his twin sister.
“He was a gorgeous, gorgeous boy, and he could really get what he wanted just by batting those long eyelashes and looking at you with those big blue eyes. You really couldn’t say no to him,” she said.
His siblings weren’t told immediately how Noah passed away, Haller said.
“How do you tell them that’s how their brother died?” she asked. “It’s the unthinkable really.”
Caroline Previdi, 6
“You were a sweet little girl and you will be missed.”
That’s the message that Caroline’s aunt reportedly tweeted, saying good-bye to her niece, according to the online version of the Press-Telegram in Long Beach, California.
“It hurts even more to see a familiar name on that list,” the report said Paige Tremblay also tweeted.
A Facebook page called “RIP Caroline Previdi — Sandy Hook Massacre Victim” contains dozens of messages. One reads: “Rest in Peace, sweetheart. I know for sure that God is with you and all the other sweet little angels. I feel so very sorry for all these families who lost their precious kids, my heart goes out to all of you.”
Jessica Rekos, 6
Jessica loved everything about horses — horse movies, horse books, drawing horses and writing stories about them.
She asked Santa this year for new cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat. Her family had promised she could get her own horse when she turned 10.
“She was a creative, beautiful little girl,” her family said in a statement, describing Jessica as their “rock.”
“She had an answer for everything, she didn’t miss a trick, and she outsmarted us every time. We called her our little CEO for the way she carefully thought out and planned everything,” they said. “We cannot imagine our life without her.”
Jessica also loved orca whales and playing with her two little brothers.
“We are mourning her loss, sharing our beautiful memories we have of her, and trying to help her brother Travis understand why he can’t play with his best friend,” her family said.
Avielle Richman, 6
Avielle was happiest when she was on a horse.
Her trainer, Annette Sullivan, told the Connecticut Post that Avielle would “giggle when she trotted.”
Like kids her age, her first loose tooth was a sign she was growing up.
“She showed me her wiggly tooth, she was so excited,” Sullivan told the newspaper. “She was the most delightful little girl you ever met in your life.”
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Rousseau, a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, “wanted to be a teacher from before she even went to kindergarten,” her mother said in a written statement. “We will miss her terribly and will take comfort knowing that she had achieved that dream,” Teresa Rousseau said.
She grew up in Danbury, Connecticut, and earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut and a master’s degree in elementary education from the University of Bridgeport.
Rousseau “worked as a substitute teacher in Danbury, New Milford and Newtown before she was hired in November as a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook,” her mother said.
Mary Sherlach, 56
Sherlach, Sandy Hook Elementary’s school psychologist, was with Hochsprung when they heard a “pop, pop, pop” sound around 9:30 a.m., a parent who was with both women at the time told CNN. Sherlach was shot to death after heading into the hall to find out what was happening.
“I … am always ready to assist in problem-solving, intervention and prevention,” Sherlach wrote on her website.
Sherlach earned her undergraduate degree in psychology at SUNY Cortland and a master’s degree at Southern Connecticut State University. She worked as a rehabilitation assistant at a group home for disabled adults and as a community mental health placement specialist before becoming a school psychologist.
She worked in three Connecticut school systems before moving to Sandy Hook Elementary in 1994. During her time in Newtown, Sherlach kept busy as a member of numerous groups, including the district conflict resolution committee, safe school climate committee, crisis intervention team and student instructional team.
Sherlach and her husband of more than three decades lived in Trumbull, Connecticut, and, together, they were “proud parents” of two daughters in their late 20s. Her website listed her interests as gardening, reading and going to the theater.
Victoria Soto, 27
Soto, a first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, moved her students away from the classroom door when she heard gunfire, which students initially “thought were hammers falling,” according to the father of one of her students.
“That’s when the gunman burst in, did not say a word, no facial expressions, and proceeded to shoot their teacher,” said Robert Licata, whose 6-year-old son, Aiden, escaped by running past the shooter.
Soto’s mother said her daughter was selfless.
“She would not hesitate to think to save anyone else before herself, and especially children. She loved them more than life, and she would definitely put herself in front of them any day,” Donna Soto told CNN.
Soto had wanted to be a teacher since she was 3 and talked about her students with “such fondness and caring,” her mother said.
Soto’s cousin, James Wiltsie, said Soto “instinctively went into action, when a monster came into her classroom, and tried to protect the kids that she loved so much.”
“We just want the public to know that Vicki was a hero,” he said.
Soto had a dog she loved. The black lab Roxie spent Saturday wandering around Soto’s apartment, apparently looking for her, relatives said.
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Ben loved The Beatles, lighthouses and the No. 7 train to Sunnyside, Queens, his family said in a statement.
He and his older brother Nate “filled the house with the noise of four children.”
“Ben Wheeler was an irrepressibly bright and spirited boy whose love of fun and excitement at the wonders of life and the world could rarely be contained. His rush to experience life was headlong, creative and immediate,” his family said.
Ben loved soccer and swimming. Recently, he performed at a piano recital — a major feat for a little boy who rarely sat still.
Friday morning before school, he told him mom: “I still want to be an architect, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be, and I want to do everything Nate does.”
Ben, Nate, and their parents, Francine and David Wheeler, moved to Newtown in 2007. Francine Wheeler is a music teacher and performer. David Wheeler is an illustrator and designer.
Two days after the shooting, Francine Wheeler’s band posted the following message on its Facebook page:
“With heavy hearts, we inform you of our saddest news: Francine Wheeler, a founding member of The Dream Jam Band, has lost her precious 6-year old son, Ben, to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Our prayers and love go out to Francine, David and Ben’s big brother, Nate.”
Allison Wyatt, 6
Allison once offered her snacks to a stranger on plane. That’s just the type of person she was.
Allison was a “sweet, creative, funny, intelligent little girl who had an amazing life ahead of her,” her parents said.
They described their daughter as kind-hearted. She loved to draw and wanted to be an artist.
“She loved to laugh and was developing her own wonderful sense of humor that ranged from just being a silly 6-year-old to coming up with observations that more than once had us crying with laughter,” her parents said.
“Allison made the world a better place for six, far too short years, and we now have to figure out how to move on without her … We love and miss her so much.”
Read more: http://ift.tt/2Chrrh4
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2B6XobU via Viral News HQ
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smokeybrand · 7 years
F*ck That: An observational expose about the interconnecting relationship structure of 20-something and late teenage children and how stupid it all seems from the perspective of a 30-something year old
There seems to be an epidemic of “B*tches ain’t sh*t” amongst our youth nowadays and I don’t understand it. I’m an old man, chronically 33 but much older both mentally and in mentality. I had a great deal of responsibility thrust upon me at an early age and it’s shaped who I am and my perceptions today. So, as I sit back and watch all the little kiddies figure out what it means to be “adults” or find that real, “grown up love”, I’m flabbergasted. For me, realizing the woman I love was “The one” was an easy observation. I knew how I felt without her and I knew how I felt with her. We could talk for hours about nothing. I legitimately slept when I was with her. Like, I got rest. I hadn’t had a good night’s rest for the better part of a decade, not since my grandmother passed. For the first time in my life, I found myself wanting more for someone else; for HER. I wanted to embellish and multiply whatever made her happy. I wanted to destroy anything that made her sad. I wanted to grow with her, to live a life with her. 13 years later, we’re still moving forward, together. To look at my love and think, “This b*tch ain’t sh*t”, is literally Japanese to me. It just doesn’t make a lick of sense.
I watched my little cousin, 18, pursue a chick, 19,  for a full year of his life. He stayed steadfast, courting her, telling her how much she meant to him and how much he wanted to mean to her. He played her games, and she admitted there were a lot, but he played them to win. And, eventually, he won. She accepted him into her world and gave him the keys to her heart; a heart that had been damaged, abused, and belittled for years. She had never been with a man. She had been with boys and tools, but never a man. My cousin took up that challenge and for a time, lived up to the expectation. But over time he faltered. His manhood gave way to a juvenile sense of insecurity and selfishness. He did not want for his woman. He did not yearn for her presence; her warmth. He too her for granted and slighted her company for that of “his boys”. I literally watched as he begged and pleaded to go with his friends someplace instead of staying with the woman he “loved”, who was less than 20 yards away. He quite literally, climbed into an open trunk because there was no seats for him inside the car. I watched, flabbergasted, at the complete disinterest in his woman. This is the woman he said he “loved”. The woman he pined for. The woman he chased for a full year. Now, he was trying to smuggle himself away for drunken shenanigans with his “boys”. It was absurd.
I watched their relationship deteriorate at an alarming pace. They went from that honeymoon phase to toxic relationship within two months. It was f*cking insane! They were two months in when I met his chick. I thought she was delightful and almost immediately adopted her as my little-little sister. Chick had experience a great deal but still moved forward. She has her scars but, even though she’s bleeding, she still wants to love and be loved. All she needed is a little support. And for a time, my cousin was that support. And then he became the same as everyone else before him; a bane. Like some sort of violent, insidious, cancer, he infected her heart an traumatized it on an almost regular basis. The verbal abuse gave way to emotional abuse. The emotional to physical. There were times when he would do intentional, malicious, acts against her over a perceived slight. All his posturing at the cost of her sanity and self-worth. It was disgusting to watch. I did my best to be her support in these times but I knew whatever I could give was only a small fraction of what she needed. What she needed was the man who had earned her heart, to just take care of it. And that man, that boy, refused. Quite the opposite, actually. Like a maelstrom on the sea, he blew through her life and essentially stripped it bare, before sinking her into a spiral of self-destruction, self-humiliation, and almost crippling depression.
After a rather intense fight with my cousin, she called me. I told her to exert her anger outward, not to draw it in. This manifested in her punching a couch. Her parents took this as a relapse into her mental instability and instead of supporting her in a time of vulnerability and need, they threw her out on the street. All because my cousin decided to deride her for some stupid reason. I took her in because, again, my little-little. She’d endeared herself to me faster that anyone aside from my chick. There’s no way I was going to leave her out there in the world alone and broken. F*ck that. Within hours, they were back together only to have me both figuratively, and quite literally, talk her off a bridge. Again, behind something my cousin said to her. Now, I don’t want this to seem like I’m bashing my cousin, like I’m taking her side over his. There are no sides. I hold no illusions as to who she is. Of course, she can vey crass and cruel. Of course she can emotionally manipulative. Of course she plays the victim in circumstances where that would benefit her. Of course she does. She’s 19. It’s what they do. I am resolute in my support for her because, unlike my cousin, she has a lot going on. Most of it isn’t even her fault. Circumstance has been rather cruel to her over the years and that, coupled with a hefty dose of mental illness with a side of self-doubt makes for a volatile mix. Essentially, she needs more support than he does. A decent allegory would be he is someone who dreads the thought of being stabbed so obsess over that imaginary situation whereas she’s been actually stabbed, several times, but several different people, and just wants someone who can help her heal. My cousin was not that person. He intentionally inflicted harm upon her. I came home once to her sobbing abut an assault. His hands were imprinted by bruise around her throat. I saw that. My rage was indescribable. I wanted to put my hands around his throat, not until I left bruise, but until I crushed his larynx. No one does that to my little-little, I don’t care who it is. Fortunately, and bewildering to me, she asked that I do not. So I did not. Instead, I banned him from my home. My mistake, our home. Even this would not be enough. A few days later, he drunkenly broke into my house to assault her for a  second time, only this time, I was home. He saw me, he released his grip from around her throat, and immediately retreated to the lights of the street. His performance earned him a visit from the police, one I diffused, at her behest, so my ridiculous ass cousin didn’t go to jail. We met the next day and spoke. I told him exactly what he needed to hear. He did not hear any of it.
I would like to point out these two abusive ass situations occurred after they had broken up for good. They were trying to be friends. That’s how my cousin apparently treats his friends. In the course of this relationship, he’s gotten physical with her countless times; the aftermath I was privy to and the assault I witnessed firsthand. He’s purposely destroyed her emotionally over something petty, driving her to suicidal bridge encounters and the arms of close friends. Speaking of, one such friend, one his “boys” got pretty rapey with her, more or less sexually assaulting her while she slept, and he forgave him. Blamed her for it. It’s ridiculous. I was there to help pick up the pieces after every argument, on both sides. Watched as he slighted her in favor of someone who literally wants to do harm to her person. Several times. I watched his continued immaturity poison her self-worth and image. Eventually, she got sick of it. Eventually she found someone who gave her what she needs and she, his. Eventually she found someone, I think, can grow together with her. And she didn’t have to look far because he lived in the same house; my brother. The two of them should have been together to begin with but my brother has his own hang-ups. He isn’t the type to move on someone when there’s more than an attraction. If there’s a chance for real intimacy, we shy away from that. All of us do. It’s a product of our sh*tty upbringing. But these two wayward should eventually found each other and it’s been pretty spectacular to watch. For the first time in a long time, my brother is happy. She makes him happy and I’ll love her forever for that. I’m a miserable person when not with my wife. I distract myself with games, movies, comics, whatever because, left to my devices, I tend to remember. I don’t like remembering. My brother drowns his trauma with liquor. That self-medication. He doesn’t do that as much anymore because he has her. He goes out less. Take care of himself better. Even takes stock of the people in his life and that’s the crux of this essay; “his boys”.
When she and my brother began their relationship, they kept it secret because my cousin would have a meltdown. I opted to let the little f*cker go nuclear because he deserved it. That one incident alone when the cops came to my house was more than enough for me to push that button but my brother, who is far more compassionate than I, declined. When the news came out, these little sh*tbags chose sides, many of them choosing my cousin. How? How the f*ck can you side with someone who literally abuses the person he’s supposed to love? You mother*ckers saw WAY more than I did, and you’re chastising my brother? You’d slight bother of their happiness in favor of some immature child fulfilling his obsessive fantasy? Let’s just ignore how detrimental the relationship was for both my cousin and her. Or how it had literally hindered certain outings with the entire crew because of their constant bickering. Or how her presence made literally all of “the boys” so thirsty, they’d risk it all. Hell, one did! But that dude gets a pass and not my brother, who waited their entire sh*tty relationship, and then a few more weeks, before he even accepted her feelings. Hell, SHE PURSUED HIM! Yall out here mad because you “friends’ have found a love that betters both of them over a n*gga who couldn’t keep his sh*t together enough to realize how good this chick was for his life. Yall mad because the cat next to him saw what he was throwing away, understood it’s worth, and picked that sh*t up with the quickness. Yall mad because he wants to be wither more than he wants to be with you. Get the f*ck over it. If you were his friend, you’d understand the situation instead of taking it personally. You’d see that the two of them are good together and good for each other. You’d understand your lane and adjust for the new traffic because that’s what friends are supposed to do.
I look at their budding relationship and I see a lot of the same hallmarks I see in my own relationship. I see how he looks at her, how his posture kind of shifts in her presence. Same for her. She’s very vocal about her love for my brother but it’s the little things that reassure me. They stand together as equals. They are partners in this life moving forward, something my cousin could never understand. To him, she was a trophy; something to be won after a long and arduous courtship. Once he had her, he owned her and that’s not how a relationship works. That’s not how people are supposed to work. Blame goes to both sides, of course, and I wouldn’t begrudge my cousin as much if he pulled the break-up trigger and just stayed away but he didn’t. HE lost his favorite toy and refused to let it go. So, as clearly as I can put it;
My cousin f*cked up.
My cousin.
Not her. Or my brother.
My cousin.
Yoko didn’t break up the band, that nameless drummer who bailed for Ringo did.
Through his action, my cousin introduced, ingratiated, and then became possessive of her. When she finally found strength to refused him, he became violent, abusive, and obsessive. When I intervened and essentially killed any chanced of a reconciliation, he turned his barbs toward their “friends”. The weaker minded ones sided with my cousins. The more adult ones, with my brother. Time heals all wounds, of course, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t exposed. So much face was lost but the users and sycophants have been laid bare. All because these immature little boys believe in that grandiose lie that “b*tches ain’t sh*t.”
F*ck That!
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justaram19 · 7 years
Littlest things
I haven't written a personal post on here in several years, but I've been trying to get a dog lately, with very little luck. I've been thinking about all the circumstances that led to me getting my last dog Midnite. A few of the smallest little things led me to him, and I think about what if these didn't happen? Several of these little things are still major parts of my life, and I'm thankful they happened. The first event that led me to him happened sometime in late 1997. I was at my cousins house playing with my Predator action figure, watching Predator 2. Then all of a sudden, my cousins and their friends come in, and were like sorry we gotta change the channel. I'm throwing a fit, because being an only child, I'm not used to not getting my way. I quickly calmed down though, when I saw what they wanted to watch. They turned on wrestling. I apparently liked wrestling when I was like 3, but have no memory of it. The first 3 guys I saw were Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Kane. I was immediately insterested in Kane. He had this cool ass costume, and an even cooler mask. I was hooked on wrestling from that moment, and nearly 20 years later, it's still very important to me. Fast forward a few years to 1999. That year,my parents and I moved to southern Illinois to take care of my great grandmother, who would pass not long after. We were sturggling finacially, so we weren't able to afford cable. That was a major problem for me being a wrestling fan, I couldn't watch Monday Night Raw, or WCW Nitro. Luckily there was a nice old man down the road that would let me watch it every monday night. One monday night in late September or early October, my mom took me over to his house. He had an older dog named Beercan. When I opened the door, his dog Beercan darted out of his house. I immediately volunteered to chase him down, by the old man said don't worry about it, that he'd come back. We watched wrestling, and when it was over at 10 PM, Beercan still had not returned. My mom took me home, and I remember wondering about Beercan. The next morning, I found out Beercan had been hit by a car and died the night before. I felt it was my fault. There was this very nice female collie stray in the little town I lived in that we called Lassie. She had apparently hooked up with this black lab down the street, and was pregnant. My mom seeing that I felt it was my fault that Beercan had died, wanted to make it up to the old man, so she gave him a puppy that Lassie had just had. The old man gladly took the puppy, and named him Midnite. The next monday I went to watch wrestling, all I did was play with the puppy. Little did I know, the old man was having too much trouble dealing with the puppy, so he decided he was going to give it to me. It was on Saturday October 30th 1999, and for some reason this town celebrated Halloween on this date (maybe because they didn't want it before a school night). I was all excited for the candy, and I had my badass Kane costume ready to go. I must have fallen asleep watching something the night before because I was sleeping on the floor in front of the TV that Saturday morning. I remember this like it was yesterday, my mom woke me up, and said she had a surprise for me. Next thing I know, Midnite runs over to me, jumps in my arms, and wouldn't stop licking me in the face. Midnite was offcially mine. I had Midnite for nearly 14 years, until June 1st, 2013. He meant everything to me. I'm an only child, with no real close family outside of my mother, so losing him was by far the biggest loss in my life. Gaining the courage to get another dog has been difficult for me, but I'm finally at the point where I'm ready. I haven't had much luck so far, but I'm trying to not get discouraged. Hopefully I'll have my next dog soon, and it can bring as much joy as Midnite did. I always thing about how these little things led me to Midnite. What if my cousin didn't change the channel to wrestling that night? Would I have liked wrestling? What if my great grandmother had not been sick? I surely wouldn't have been in position to get Midnite. What if we were able to afford cable? I wouldn't have needed to watch it at the old mans place. What if he let me chase down Beercan? He would have been alive, and his need for a puppy wouldn't have been there. I'm just thankful all these pieces feel into place for me.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
5 years after Sandy Hook, the victims have not been forgotten
(CNN)It remains among America’s most heinous nightmares: the lives of 20 little children — dancers and swimmers, pianists and painters, budding readers, little sisters and big brothers — extinguished in a flash of violence inside Sandy Hook Elementary.
Five years later, even those who have never set foot near Newtown, Connecticut, can conjure the scene painted by police of a first-grade classroom transformed into a killing field. Can see the faces of anguished parents desperate for proof of life, then later, tiny caskets overloaded with stuffed animals never to be named.
Since the 2012 massacre, a new school has been built for the students of a town known, now and for years to come, as a cradle of sorrow — but also as the home of quiet resilience and untold love.
The 12 girls, eight boys and six women whose futures were stolen that day will be remembered, always. Here is a glimpse of what we learned about them in the days after they were lost:
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Charlotte was sweet, outgoing and full of energy, her grandmother told CNN affiliate WCCO in Minnesota.
“This is tough. This is surreal. You can’t believe this could happen,” Irene Hagen told the station. “The whole family is just devastated, and we’re all trying to come to terms with it.”
She said her granddaughter loved school and dresses. Her hair was a mass of beautiful red curls.
“It’s horrible. It’s really horrible,” Hagen told WCCO. “It’s hard to believe that someone would kill children, innocent children.”
Daniel Barden, 7
Daniel earned his missing two front teeth, his family used to say. His “fearless” pursuit of happiness and life also earned him ripped jeans.
“Despite that, he was, as his mother said, ‘Just So Good,'” his family wrote in a statement published in the New Haven Register.
Taking after his musician dad, he and his siblings — brother James and sister Natalie — formed a band. Daniel played drums.
He loved to ride waves at the beach and make s’mores around bonfires with his cousins.
“He embodied everything that is wholesome and innocent in the world,” the family said.
Rachel D’Avino, 29
She probably didn’t know it when she died, but her best friend was about to propose.
He had recently asked D’Avino’s parents for their blessing, and he was planning to ask for her hand in marriage on Christmas Eve.
That and other details about D’Avino’s life were described in an obituary posted on the website of Munson-Lovetere Funeral Homes of Connecticut.
“Her presence and tremendous smile brightened any room she entered,” it read.
Born in Waterbury, D’Avino received her undergraduate degree from the University of Hartford and her master’s from Post University. She was working toward her doctorate at the University of St. Joseph of Hartford.
D’Avino loved karate, cooking, animals, photography and her two younger siblings.
“Her passion, however, was her occupation as a behavioral therapist working with children within the autism spectrum,” the obituary read.
Olivia Engel, 6
Her favorite stuffed animal was a lamb; pink and purple were her favorite colors.
Olivia’s family posted a statement on Facebook with those and other details about their beloved daughter.
“She was insightful for her age and had a great sense of humor. She laughed a lot and always lit up a room including the people around her. She was very creative and was always drawing and designing things,” her family said.
Olivia took art and dance lessons, played tennis, soccer and swam. She was involved in Girl Scouts and musical theater. She loved school and did well in math and reading.
Her family described her as a “grateful child … never greedy.” Each night, Olivia led grace at the dinner table.
Josephine Gay, 7
Josephine celebrated her seventh birthday just days before she died. In one picture, published in various news stories, she’s smiling with glasses on the tip of her nose.
Josephine liked to ride her bike and sell lemonade in her neighborhood in the summer, The Wall Street Journal reported. The little girl loved the color purple.
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dylan and his family had moved from England to Connecticut two years before he died.
“We specifically chose Sandy Hook for the community and the elementary school. We do not and shall never regret this choice,” Dylan’s family said in a statement. “Our boys have flourished here, and our family’s happiness has been limitless.”
Dylan’s family said he loved to cuddle and play tag with neighbors at the bus stop every morning.
“He was learning to read and was so proud when he read us a new book every day,” the family said. “He adored his big brother Jake, his best friend and role model.”
Dylan’s parents also expressed gratitude to the educators who died with their son.
“We cannot speak highly enough of Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach, exceptional women who knew both our children,” the family said. “Dylan’s teacher, Vicki Soto, was warm and funny and Dylan loved her dearly. We take great comfort in knowing that Dylan was not alone when he died, but was wrapped in the arms of his amazing aide, Anne Marie Murphy. Dylan loved Mrs. Murphy so much and pointed at her picture on our refrigerator every day.
“Though our hearts break for Dylan, they are also filled with love for these and the other beautiful women who all selflessly died trying to save our children.”
Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47
Hochsprung, who became Sandy Hook Elementary’s principal two years before the shooting, was “really nice and very fun, but she was also very much a tough lady in the right sort of sense,” friend Tom Prunty said.
And the students loved her. “Even little kids know when someone cares about them, and that was her,” he said.
“I never saw her without a smile,” said Aimee Seaver, the mother of a first-grader.
Hochsprung lived in Woodbury, Connecticut, with her husband, two daughters and three stepdaughters.
The career educator majored in special education for her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the 1990s and had just entered the PhD program at Esteves School of Education at the Sage Colleges in New York. Hochsprung led a school district’s strategic planning panel and was the recipient of a national school grant.
Her accomplishments included overseeing the installation of a new security system requiring every visitor to ring the front entrance’s doorbell after the school doors locked at 9:30 a.m.
“My mom, Dawn Hochsprung, was taken tragically from me. But she went down in a blaze of glory that truly represents who she was,” her daughter, Cristina Hassinger, tweeted.
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Sweet. Unique. Bright. Determined. Sparking.
Those are words Madeleine’s family used to describe their little girl.
“She was an avid reader who loved running and dancing,” they said. “She was a born leader.”
Catherine Hubbard, 6
The little girl with bright red hair will be remembered for her smile and her love of animals.
Catherine is survived by her older brother, her parents, grandparents, great-grandmother, uncles, aunts and nine cousins.
“Her family prays that she, all the students of Sandy Hook Elementary, and all those affected by this brutal event find peace in their hearts,” they wrote in her obituary.
A Facebook page honoring Catherine spoke of how she is now an angel.
“Such a beautiful little soul,” the post read, saying the family’s loss is heaven’s gain.
Chase Kowalski, 7
What Chase really wanted for Christmas was his two front teeth.
“I saw him two days ago, and I asked him if he wanted to see Santa, and he told me that he wanted his teeth back, and it was really sweet,” Chase’s neighbor, Keeley Baumann, 13, told the News-Times newspaper.
At 6, Chase completed his first triathlon, but that was just one of his pursuits. He loved baseball. He was in the Cub Scouts. He looked forward to the kids’ workshop at the local Home Depot.
“We are thankful to the Lord for giving us seven years with our beautiful loving son. It is with heavy hearts that we return him,” the family said in an obituary.
Jesse Lewis, 6
Jesse loved math, riding horses and playing at his mom’s farm, his father told the New York Post.
“He was just a happy boy,” Neil Heslin said. “Everybody knew Jesse.”
He told the newspaper that his son was planning to make gingerbread houses at school. Heslin was planning to help.
Instead, the last time he saw his son was when he dropped him off at school at 9 a.m.
“He was going to go places in life,” Heslin told the Post.
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
“One, two, three, ready and go,” Ana counts down in a homemade video provided to CNN affiliate WTIC.
The girl in pigtails stands in front of a piano as her brother plays. Her voice is clear, bigger than her size. Ana smiles and waves.
Her father, Jimmy Greene, is a jazz musician. His representative released a statement on Ana’s death, describing the little girl as “beautiful and vibrant.”
“The family has requested privacy at this time of heartbreaking loss,” it read. They “have asked us to relay their sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support and sympathy locally, nationally and internationally.”
James Mattioli, 6
As he was quick to remind everyone, James was 6 and ¾.
“He loved to wear shorts and T-shirts in any weather and grab the gel to spike his hair,” his family said in a loving obituary. “He would often sing at the top of his lungs, and once asked, ‘How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?'”
Indoors, he spent his time playing games on the iPad — especially the lawn-mowing one. Outdoors, he loved to dive off the diving board, “swim like a fish” in his grandfather’s pool and ride his bike — without training wheels.
“I need to go outside, Mom. I need fresh air,” he would often say.
He was born four weeks early — because he was hungry, his family joked.
James had a voracious appetite. His favorites? His dad’s egg omelets with bacon, and his mom’s French toast.
He looked up to his older sister, wanting to do everything she could.
“They were the best of friends, going to school together, playing games together, and making endless drawings and crafts together.”
The boy, whose family fondly called him “J,” will be incredibly missed, they said.
Grace McDonnell, 7
Grace was the “light and love of our family,” her mother told CNN.
She loved her brother, school, the beach and wanted to be a painter.
For her seventh birthday in November, Grace requested a purple cake with a turquoise peace sign and polka dots. And that’s exactly what she got.
“She was all about peace and gentleness and kindness,” Lynn McDonnell told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “Grace didn’t have an ounce of hate in her, and so we have to live through Grace and realize that hate is not how our family is.”
The family drew cupcakes, ice creams cones, lighthouses and seagulls — all things Grace loved — on her tiny white casket.
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
A hero. That’s how a first responder reportedly described Murphy to her father.
He told Newsday that authorities told him her body was found in a classroom, covering young children killed in the shooting in an apparent attempt to shield them.
“She died doing what she loved. She was serving children and serving God,” Murphy’s mother, Alice McGowan, told the newspaper.
A married mother of four, Murphy was artistic and hardworking, her parents said.
“She was a happy soul,” her mother told Newsday. “She was a very good daughter, a good mother, a good wife.”
Emilie Parker, 6
She could “light up a room,” Emilie’s father said about his oldest daughter.
Robbie Parker described her as “bright, creative and very loving.” Emilie was always willing to try new things, he said, except food. Her laugh was infectious.
“My daughter Emilie would be one of the first ones to be standing up and giving her love and support to all of those victims, because that is the type of person she is,” Parker said.
She was “an exceptional artist, and she always carried around her markers and pencils so she never missed an opportunity to draw a picture or make a card for someone,” he said.
“This world is a better place because she has been in it,” Parker said.
Emilie’s aunt described her niece as the “sweetest little girl I’ve ever known.”
The family is devastated that “someone so beautiful and perfect is no longer going to be in our lives and for no reason,” said Jill Cottle Garrett.
Emilie’s father, who works as a physician assistant in the newborn unit at the Danbury hospital, recalled his last conversation with his daughter was in Portuguese, a language he was teaching her.
“She said that she loved me, and I gave her a kiss, and I was out the door,” he said.
Jack Pinto, 6
Jack was a first-grader, and his interests ran the gamut — baseball, basketball, wrestling, snow skiing. But his first love was football, and his idol was Victor Cruz, then the New York Giants star receiver.
Cruz paid tribute to the team’s young fan by scribbling “Jack Pinto. My Hero” on one of his cleats and “R.I.P. Jack Pinto” on the other for the team’s game with the Atlanta Falcons the Sunday after the shooting. On his glove, Cruz wrote, “Jack Pinto. This one is 4 U!”
Jack participated in his first wrestling match not long before his death and won a medal, according to the president of the New Milford Wrestling Association.
“In life and in death, Jack will forever be remembered for the immeasurable joy he brought to all who had the pleasure of knowing him, a joy whose wide reach belied his six short years,” Jack’s family wrote in an obituary for the little boy.
Noah Pozner, 6
“He had a huge heart, and he was so much fun, a little bit rambunctious, lots of spirit,” Noah’s aunt told CNN. “He was really the light of the room.”
Victoria Haller said her nephew loved playing with his cousins and siblings, especially his twin sister.
“He was a gorgeous, gorgeous boy, and he could really get what he wanted just by batting those long eyelashes and looking at you with those big blue eyes. You really couldn’t say no to him,” she said.
His siblings weren’t told immediately how Noah passed away, Haller said.
“How do you tell them that’s how their brother died?” she asked. “It’s the unthinkable really.”
Caroline Previdi, 6
“You were a sweet little girl and you will be missed.”
That’s the message that Caroline’s aunt reportedly tweeted, saying good-bye to her niece, according to the online version of the Press-Telegram in Long Beach, California.
“It hurts even more to see a familiar name on that list,” the report said Paige Tremblay also tweeted.
A Facebook page called “RIP Caroline Previdi — Sandy Hook Massacre Victim” contains dozens of messages. One reads: “Rest in Peace, sweetheart. I know for sure that God is with you and all the other sweet little angels. I feel so very sorry for all these families who lost their precious kids, my heart goes out to all of you.”
Jessica Rekos, 6
Jessica loved everything about horses — horse movies, horse books, drawing horses and writing stories about them.
She asked Santa this year for new cowgirl boots and a cowgirl hat. Her family had promised she could get her own horse when she turned 10.
“She was a creative, beautiful little girl,” her family said in a statement, describing Jessica as their “rock.”
“She had an answer for everything, she didn’t miss a trick, and she outsmarted us every time. We called her our little CEO for the way she carefully thought out and planned everything,” they said. “We cannot imagine our life without her.”
Jessica also loved orca whales and playing with her two little brothers.
“We are mourning her loss, sharing our beautiful memories we have of her, and trying to help her brother Travis understand why he can’t play with his best friend,” her family said.
Avielle Richman, 6
Avielle was happiest when she was on a horse.
Her trainer, Annette Sullivan, told the Connecticut Post that Avielle would “giggle when she trotted.”
Like kids her age, her first loose tooth was a sign she was growing up.
“She showed me her wiggly tooth, she was so excited,” Sullivan told the newspaper. “She was the most delightful little girl you ever met in your life.”
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Rousseau, a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, “wanted to be a teacher from before she even went to kindergarten,” her mother said in a written statement. “We will miss her terribly and will take comfort knowing that she had achieved that dream,” Teresa Rousseau said.
She grew up in Danbury, Connecticut, and earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut and a master’s degree in elementary education from the University of Bridgeport.
Rousseau “worked as a substitute teacher in Danbury, New Milford and Newtown before she was hired in November as a permanent substitute teacher at Sandy Hook,” her mother said.
Mary Sherlach, 56
Sherlach, Sandy Hook Elementary’s school psychologist, was with Hochsprung when they heard a “pop, pop, pop” sound around 9:30 a.m., a parent who was with both women at the time told CNN. Sherlach was shot to death after heading into the hall to find out what was happening.
“I … am always ready to assist in problem-solving, intervention and prevention,” Sherlach wrote on her website.
Sherlach earned her undergraduate degree in psychology at SUNY Cortland and a master’s degree at Southern Connecticut State University. She worked as a rehabilitation assistant at a group home for disabled adults and as a community mental health placement specialist before becoming a school psychologist.
She worked in three Connecticut school systems before moving to Sandy Hook Elementary in 1994. During her time in Newtown, Sherlach kept busy as a member of numerous groups, including the district conflict resolution committee, safe school climate committee, crisis intervention team and student instructional team.
Sherlach and her husband of more than three decades lived in Trumbull, Connecticut, and, together, they were “proud parents” of two daughters in their late 20s. Her website listed her interests as gardening, reading and going to the theater.
Victoria Soto, 27
Soto, a first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary, moved her students away from the classroom door when she heard gunfire, which students initially “thought were hammers falling,” according to the father of one of her students.
“That’s when the gunman burst in, did not say a word, no facial expressions, and proceeded to shoot their teacher,” said Robert Licata, whose 6-year-old son, Aiden, escaped by running past the shooter.
Soto’s mother said her daughter was selfless.
“She would not hesitate to think to save anyone else before herself, and especially children. She loved them more than life, and she would definitely put herself in front of them any day,” Donna Soto told CNN.
Soto had wanted to be a teacher since she was 3 and talked about her students with “such fondness and caring,” her mother said.
Soto’s cousin, James Wiltsie, said Soto “instinctively went into action, when a monster came into her classroom, and tried to protect the kids that she loved so much.”
“We just want the public to know that Vicki was a hero,” he said.
Soto had a dog she loved. The black lab Roxie spent Saturday wandering around Soto’s apartment, apparently looking for her, relatives said.
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Ben loved The Beatles, lighthouses and the No. 7 train to Sunnyside, Queens, his family said in a statement.
He and his older brother Nate “filled the house with the noise of four children.”
“Ben Wheeler was an irrepressibly bright and spirited boy whose love of fun and excitement at the wonders of life and the world could rarely be contained. His rush to experience life was headlong, creative and immediate,” his family said.
Ben loved soccer and swimming. Recently, he performed at a piano recital — a major feat for a little boy who rarely sat still.
Friday morning before school, he told him mom: “I still want to be an architect, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be, and I want to do everything Nate does.”
Ben, Nate, and their parents, Francine and David Wheeler, moved to Newtown in 2007. Francine Wheeler is a music teacher and performer. David Wheeler is an illustrator and designer.
Two days after the shooting, Francine Wheeler’s band posted the following message on its Facebook page:
“With heavy hearts, we inform you of our saddest news: Francine Wheeler, a founding member of The Dream Jam Band, has lost her precious 6-year old son, Ben, to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. Our prayers and love go out to Francine, David and Ben’s big brother, Nate.”
Allison Wyatt, 6
Allison once offered her snacks to a stranger on plane. That’s just the type of person she was.
Allison was a “sweet, creative, funny, intelligent little girl who had an amazing life ahead of her,” her parents said.
They described their daughter as kind-hearted. She loved to draw and wanted to be an artist.
“She loved to laugh and was developing her own wonderful sense of humor that ranged from just being a silly 6-year-old to coming up with observations that more than once had us crying with laughter,” her parents said.
“Allison made the world a better place for six, far too short years, and we now have to figure out how to move on without her … We love and miss her so much.”
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