#and people saying 'well it was probably instant' like whats your source for that?? your imagination?
makedamnsvre · 9 months
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Now that I saw that doodle Vox made again, I'm just wondering how tf he knew Alastor has hooves
Also noticed that he was a lil fixated on Al's ass in that same doodle so there's that :>
I literally searched the Hazbin wiki for the source and couldn't find it but I've seen multiple people posting some screenshot of some website that says, Velvette previously stated Vox had an Alastor body pillow, and I don't know if that's an old Voxtagram post or more recent but it's been living in my head rent free ever since
Like there have been so many Viv streams and q&a's that have mildly spoiled things or mentioned facts that have since become non canon so I'm not sure what to listen to anymore but dude, reading the wiki of all the amalgamated facts is A TRIP. Vox is Actually Totally Correct: despite Alastor having his gentlemanly persona and some weird "serial killer moral code, like dexter", he canonically has awful oral hygiene and both Vivzie and... Fautisse? Have mentioned this. His demon form has black gums. Vivzie said he "probably doesn't prioritize oral hygiene" and also probably wasn't a cannibal in life so that's literally a new hobby he picked up in death so also um. THE SECOND THIS MAN HAD FREE REIGN AND THERE WAS NO RULE OF LAW OR CONSEQUENCES HE DECIDED TO START EATING PEOPLE SO LET THAT SINK IN.
You start reading Alastor's wiki page and it makes it pretty clear he's like DERANGED, hypocritical, he's like borderline a megalomaniac? It's all hidden behind this, persona, this wall he puts up, his well put together demeanor that allegedly never cracks, but underneath his showmanship he's a haughty, insecure, judgy, gossipy, genuine FREAK who responds with insults and violence whenever he can who relishes in trolling people and scaring them, literally enjoys knowing when he's making people uncomfortable
Bro the sound I fucking made when his wiki trivia says he's been described as "painfully white, like phlegm in the back of your throat white" NO DONT DO MY TV MAN LIKE THIS 😭🤣
Anyways, you've probably seen the posts but for someone who claims to be so hip and modern, Vox goes out of his way to dress similarly to Alastor. The coat with lapels in the front and a tail in the back, a bow tie with a cravat, cuffed sleeves, intentionally or not the color contrast of Vox's hands resembles Alastor's and Vox CAN customize his body...
He's just. I just completely forget sometimes that Alastor literally called him OLD PAL in episode 3 and yes he was obviously saying it to talk down to him but like ALASTOR DID ACKNOWLEDGE HISTORY BETWEEN THEM, and also oh wait what's this, Vivzie has confirmed Vox and the Vees are major antagonists of Season 2 and that Vox and Alastor's history is going to be expanded upon so.... radiostatic shippers stay winning ha ha
I read a post that I meant to reblog that was something like "Vox is actually an incredibly cunning charismatic manipulative businessman who is a legitimate threat and we see this for all of 5 minutes and the second Alastor is mentioned he starts completely coming apart" and it's SO TRUE, he can be ur angel or ur devil. He's a legitimately OP threat and he's also A PATHETIC SAD FAILHUSBAND. Give me Vox who's efficiently marketing more hypnosis equipment to substantially grow his own wealth and manipulating his shareholders and then he's going back to his computer room with some popcorn and kicking his little feeties as he watches his darling and Alastor on like 30 different monitors. Give me Vox who can know the INSTANT someone is trying to go behind his back and double cross him because he has mass surveillance all over the city and he's using his endless resources to develop high end 3d printers to make posable figures of his crush and Alastor.
Give me Vox who loses his cool and insults you to your face and you two get into a huge argument and maybe Velvette and Valentino lash out at you in defense of him and he's going to his room and crying from frustration into his body pillows totally not plural, totally not ones of you and Alastor and calling himself a stupid idiot because he hurt your feelings and then spends the next like week SUFFOCATINGLY showing up almost every single place you are and embarrassing himself as he tries to bond with you and prove to you what CLEARLY AWESOME boyfriend material he is
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barilleon · 2 years
The LICHES method of descriptive text
A while back a friend asked me to write up some pointers for how I write descriptive text. You know, for dungeons and such. I gave her the LICHES method, which I'm posting here now. The primary purpose of descriptive text is to clue players in to what they need to pay attention to. When you ask your players, "What do you do?" think of that as less of an open-ended question and more multiple choice. Your descriptive text gives your players the potential answers. (This is, of course, a broad statement. Players will always pull something out of left field.)
Good descriptive text includes any applicable lights, interactables, characters, hazards, egress, and senses—LICHES.
Characters should know how much light they’re dealing with, and what the source is. Sconces, torches, moonlight coming in from a window? Sunlight filtering in from the forest canopy?
If there’s something in this room the characters are meant to look at or touch, put it in. If you want them searching in the desks, tell them there are desks. The opposite is ALSO true. If you put something notable in your description, players are going to expect to get something out of interacting with or studying it.
If there are people in this room, what are they doing? It's very helpful to give DMs a look at the "moment before" for any NPCs in your description. What were they up to before the characters interrupt their lives? This goes for monsters, too, if they’re readily visible.
This one should probably come earlier on the list. Like if something's on fire, you either mention it FIRST or LAST. But lesser-noticeable hazards, like "patched-up holes" or "slits in the wall" can be mentioned casually, without drawing a gigantic verbal arrow to it.
Some people might disagree with me on this, but it’s very helpful to be told that there are doors, even if they’re already on the map. Some tables don't run maps, and sometimes your VTT's fog of war tool obscures what is and isn't a point of egress on your map.
A lot of LICHE is based on what the characters can see, but you can play with the other senses as well. Characters can smell “a foul odor wafting from the pile of corpses,” hear “the lazy whistling of a popular folk song,” or maybe even taste “the salt on the wind at the docks.”
Putting it all together you might get:
Fire crackles in the hearth, casting long shadows on the papered wall and the sturdy oak desk pushed against it. An orange tabby yawns and stretches out on the plush armchair, revealing for an instant her sharp claws. Two doors lead out of the room: the western door that leads further into the house, and the eastern door that opens into the porch.
L: Fire I: Oak Desk C: Cat H: The cat's claws (watch out) E: Door into the house, Door out to the porch S: The crackle of the fire, the plushness of the chair
Don't worry about making this stuff sound poetic. You just need to give the players a list of things they can interact with or react to. Role playing gets compared to improv a lot, and there are a lot of similarities! Think of an effective description as the thing your players say "yes, and" to. And you don't have to include every letter in LICHES if you don't want to, or if they don't apply. Sometimes a room is empty. There may be no hazards. But this rule of thumb has really helped me write up some descriptions for both published adventures and home games.
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doberbutts · 8 months
hey can i ask you a question about this post of yours? (tumblr.com/doberbutts/731905953004437504)
in your response to the weird anon, you linked this al jazeera article/video (aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/19/what-hit-ahli-hospital-in-gaza) and said that it's "saying it probably wasn't intentional and it probably was a missile that originated in Gaza." however, i watched the video recently and it seems to me that what it says at the end was that the claim that it was a gazan misfire was false. am i just misinterpreting it?
(to be clear, im only talking about the first paragraph of your answer to the anon in that one post, not about any of the posts or any of the people harassing you)
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It's like. Right there in the article. Al Jazeera does not think it was a misfire and believes it did originate in Gaza but was shot down by Israel's Iron Dome, which I also fielded as a possibility. Israel says it was a misfire of a missle coming from Gaza. The CNN article I read that morning discussed both possibilities. In either case, yes, it was probably not an intentional hit and was probably a missle that originated in Gaza, because that is the commonality between both sides.
When you are dealing with a huge potential for propaganda, the best course of action is to find what remains consistant no matter who tells it. Those two things- that the hospital was simply guilty of being in the way and not an intentional target, and that the missle seems to have originated from somewhere in Gaza- remain consistant even in pro-Palestinian news. The other thing that remains consistant is that Israel told the hospital to evacuate- but the 'why' changes based on who says it and that is harder to prove.
This is like. How to Not Fall For Propaganda 101. You cannot take snippets and social media posts and headlines and just run with them. You have to actually investigate what is being said and who it benefits by saying it.
The other piece is- how to tell truth from blatant lies. In the example of the hospital, a lot of my weird anon pushback has been relying on the idea that the hospital was instantly levelled- in fact they said that more than once as proof that it had to be Israel. However... the structures received fairly minimal damage, as the bulk of the damage was to the parking lot and cars within, and there was no instant levelling of any building. We have photographic evidence produced from many sources that show exactly that. So... if that source is relying on a lie such as "the hospital was instantly levelled" when it is very proveable that the buildings are still standing, what other things are they lying about or exaggerating?
In another example, the claim that Hamas beheaded babies originated from a handful of specific Israeli soldiers, who are already known to be an untrustworthy source. When challenged to produce evidence of this claim, both Israel and the US walked back the claim. Always ask for evidence, and if the reaction is anything besides actually providing evidence... then the claim was probably bunk to begin with. In this case the reaction was initially "trust me bro" and then "how dare you ask me to do this because [excuse]" and then "okay yeah it's not true".
Lastly, use logic. Let's say Israel did bomb the hospital. Well they missed any actual buildings and we know they have good enough aim to hit whatever building they're aiming for because they *have* hit hospitals and other civilian buildings on purpose in the past. It left a 3ft crater in the parking lot and burned up a bunch of cars. Well either that one was a dud or it was their own misfire because we also know the concussive force of their munitions should produce more damage. Ironically, that's one of Israel's arguments that they didn't do it, that if it was one of theirs the death total would be higher and the hospital would have been obliterated. Again, based on what we know of civilian buildings they've hit on purpose, we know that's not an inaccurate statement.
At the same time, what good would it have done anyone in Palestine to deliberately hit their own hospital? And, again, if they were actually aiming for the hospital... they missed because they hit the parking lot. If anyone wanted to actually hit the hospital, one of the buildings would have been the better target. And yet, all of the buildings remain standing with relatively minor damage because the thing blew up well away from any standing structure. I do find it interesting that no matter what Israel's story is- which has changed multiple times because again, known untrustworthy source, none of them that I've heard have said that it was a deliberate attack on the hospital from Palestine either. Likely because they know that there is no logical reason for Palestine to attack a Palestinian hospital, and bullshit would be called immediately if they tried.
Lastly, the reason I'm looking for commonaiity and not just picking a single source to listen to is because journalists have reported getting shot at and blown up and their media signalling ignored, and if journalists are getting targetted and killed, that means less journalists are going to show up to try and figure it out because they also don't want to die, which means there is a significantly higher likelihood for propaganda and incredibly biased reporting to spread like wildfire.
Most of this type of thing relies on a grain of truth and then spins an almost plausible lie that finishes with an appeal to emotion. I think it would benefit everyone to research propaganda and how it works and how to identify it and how to combat it from taking root in your sourcing. I also think it would benefit everyone to learn how to research and challenge sources in the first place. I remember doing this in school where any strong opinion paper had to also have an accompanying paper arguing *against* it, written by the same person, so you could better learn how to identify where you may have fallen for propaganda that you happened to agree with and thus didn't research further.
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delusionalwings · 1 year
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― synopsis -> your boyfriend sully (satan) takes you to his house to introduce you to his family
― characters -> demon brothers. satan in lead
― gender neutral reader
― scenario
― warnings -> yandere content, using magic on you that makes you unable to move, a character tries to choke you, scaring you, mentions of satan being a toxic boyfriend
― a/n -> hi i am alive. was busy with semester end exams. after sleeping for a few days and relaxing in general, i have regained my motivation to write again :")
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You truly didn’t know what to expect when your boyfriend Sully told you that he wanted you to meet his family. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t partly excited about it. Was it not a way of saying that he was serious about you and about what you two had?
When the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open, you shuddered. The place seemed so cold and ruthless, so devoid of humanity that you hesitated before taking the first step inside. It was probably just your imagination. After all, seven grown up working adults could hardly maintain such a large house without help and give it homely feel at the same time too. You reasoned that it was asking for a lot.
When Sully extended his hand with a soft smile, you relaxed and decided to cut his family some slack. You wanted these people to like you so you might as well start by liking them first. Give what you expect back, right?
You smiled and decided to be pleasant as he guided you to the living room.
“Make yourself at home there, [Name],” said Sully, pointing at a comfortable chair. “I will go and find my brothers. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in an instant.”
He kissed you and turned to leave.
You fidgeted uneasily, “Okay... Just... please be quick.”
When he was gone, you looked around nervously. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as the feeling of being watched and assessed washed over you. What was this cold fear that made you immobile?
“You smell nice. I wonder what you taste like,” a voice said from the shadows.
A scream escaped your lips and you were on your feet in an instant.
“Wh-Who? Who’s there?”
“Beel hon, shhh. You are scaring the cute little thing,” another voice chirped. It was a melodious voice but you didn’t notice that under the given circumstances.
You were looking at every direction, trying to discern the source of danger.
“Oiii would ya shuddup?! I am tryna see if the human has anything valuable and with them moving around cause of your chit chat, it’s difficult to notice.”
You realised that you were fixed to the spot. Your throat felt constricted with panic.
Another voice sighed.
“It’s just like Mammon to do what he tells others not to. Now you are the one scaring them, you idiot.”
“Levi, would ya shuddup?!”
Bickering ensued. What was taking Sully so long?
Were they perhaps playing a prank on you? Dear Sully would make an appearance at any time now and tell you that he was just pulling your leg. Right? Somehow you highly doubted that. There was something off about the guy. He was mostly distant but every time you showed signs of questioning the relationship, he would become extremely doting. The timing could not be a coincidence since it happened too frequently for that. He was a grave sort of man and usually used his wit to make you feel like an idiot. When you tried to communicate, he listened and replied as if you were a child who understood nothing. You could see him humiliating you but not in that manner – not when he could make you feel worthless rather than get a mere jumpscare out of you.
You wanted to be anywhere but there. Maybe you should have broken up with that guy long ago. Maybe this wasn’t the sign you so desperately needed to eb together with this guy who made you feel terrible about yourself. Maybe...
“Can you stop thinking so loudly? I am trying to sleep here zzzz”
If you could move, you would have fallen on your butt right then. That voice... It sounded so near you, almost within reach yet your eyes registered no human form.
“Hehe worried that you can’t see me? Lucifer said that it might be more amusing to do it this way. By hiding ourselves, you know? I didn’t do this because he suggested it though. I was always planning to toy with you to see your expression. Hehe can’t say I am not enjoying myself. Satan was right. You really are clueless.”
All at once, you found your voice again. It was like a dam had broken inside and you needed to get it all out.
“Sully? SULLY?! ARE YOU THERE? Are you...” you choked on the words, “Plea... Please SULLY! Please come back-”
On feeling cold hands wrap around your throat, you started gasping for air.
“Shut up, human. Didn’t I tell you that I was trying to sleep?”
“Belphie leave them,” an authoritative voice snarled.
“I don’t take orders from you, Lucifer,” the voice retorted but you felt the presence receding in the darkness again.
Fatigue made you stumble but warm hands caught you before an unfortunate fall on the floor.
“[Name],” a familiar voice murmured. “What happened?”
“Sully!” you felt the corners of your eyes prick. You were saved!
“I am so glad you are finally here,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried to your heart’s content. You were finally safe! No, there was no time to be lost. You must get away from that haunted place as soon as possible.
“Sully let us leave this place at once. It’s not... It’s possessed!”
He pulled you away from him gently to stare at you with concern, “What do you mean, [Name]? This is my house. It’s safe.”
“But there’s...” you turned around to point at the origin of the voice that had answered you with infinite hate. However, the darkness was gone and you saw a cold room in its wake. This was not the same room he had left you in.
It just didn’t make sense.
The words got caught in your throat and you scanned the room, dumbfounded.
He sighed and squeezed your arms, “I understand. You are nervous. Don’t worry. It will be fine. My brothers will love you. Okay?”
He did not understand. You needed to make him see.
The sound of footsteps cut you short. A smile appeared on his lips as he tugged at your hand.
“Come. I will introduce you.”
Six figures appeared before you and suddenly the chilling fear from a few moments ago was back.
On hearing the brothers greet you, your heart started pounding quickly.
Those voices... There was no mistaking it. You had heard their voices in the dark.
The one who made you especially anxious was the youngest brother Belphegor who you found sleeping on the couch.
How long had he been there?
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
How about this; Jango meets up with a female informant at a night club; this is the first time they've met, but it's instant, very Strong, mutual attraction and after she gives him the information, they burst out of the back door of the club, into a dark alley, making out and end up having their way with each other in the alley.
I'll keep the ideas coming as I get them; feel free to use whichever ones inspire you the most!
The Alder Job
Summary: When Jango Fett needs information for a bounty, he normally goes to his information broker, a Toydarian named Roz. This time, however, Roz sends him to get his information right from the source.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 2159
Warnings: Smut, mentions of Pedophilia and human trafficking (Jango misunderstands a situation, there's no actual pedophilia or human trafficking)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I very much appreciate all three of the ideas that you sent me and I'll probably write all of them because I love Jango...apparently, lol. I hope you like this one~
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Jango is annoyed.
Okay. Jango is often annoyed. It’s his go-to emotion in most situations, but now he’s really annoyed.
“Well? Have you arrived yet?” Roz’s voice is scratchy over the comm.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you sure you can’t give me the information?”
“I could….but I’m not going to. You need to talk to this informant.” Roz replies, before she laughs, “Don’t worry. I told them to look for you.” And then the comm disconnects.
He exhales loudly, trying to shove his irritation away, as he eyes the night club distastefully. He can hear the music coming from the club all the way out to the street.
This is officially the worst job he’s ever taken.
Jango walks over to the bouncer, who eyes him and his armor, before he jerks his head to the side, “You’re expected. VIP section. Don’t cause any trouble.”
As if he would.
Still, Jango nods once and steps into the club, and is immediately assaulted by the scent of stale alcohol and sweat. Distaste, and disgust, cause his lip to curl, but he has a job to do. So he turned toward the VIP section. 
As with most night clubs, the VIP section is cordoned off from the rest of the club. Unlike most clubs he’s been in, this VIP section is situated at the top of an elevator, completely separate from the rest of the club.
The music is quieter up here, and it smells less like stale beer and more sugary. It’s almost as bad as the scent down in the main club. Almost.
The Bouncers up here look a lot more dangerous than the ones down below, but if Jango had to guess, the people up here all have more money than sense, so the better guards are reasonable.
One of the bouncers eyes Jango, but doesn’t move to stop him. Poor guy is probably used to all sorts coming up here. 
Most of the tables are filled with men surrounded by gorgeous, and young, women. Though there’s one that’s clearly a bachelorette party, and another that looks like some teenager’s coming of age birthday party.
But there, in the back, closest to the back door, is a young woman sitting at a private table. She’s alone, with her gaze locked on a datapad in her hand, and she had one knee pulled up to her chest.
And, while Jango’s never been one to put much stock into looks, he has to admit that she’s stunning, and he really can’t understand why no one is giving her a second look.
He crosses the open room over to her, and lightly raps his knuckles on the table. She lifts her gaze from the datapad to meet his, her expression puzzled at first, before it clears and a warm smile crosses her face.
Jango can’t remember the last time someone greeted him so warmly.
“You must be Mand’alor Fett. Please, have a seat.” Her voice is light and warm and Jango is so distracted by the sound of her voice that he doesn’t immediately register what she calls him until he’s seated across from her. 
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” He says, gruffly, “I’m not Mand’alor.”
She pauses, “Ah. Roz indicated that that was your title. Was she mistaken?” Her voice is lightly accented, and Jango can’t get enough of it. He also can’t help but notice that she hasn’t taken her eyes off of him.
“Roz has a tendency to exaggerate.” He finally says as he leans back, and he notices her gaze drop to his chest plate for a moment, before returning to his face. 
Nice to know that the attraction is mutual.
She laughs softly, “I had noticed that, yes. So, what should I call you then?”
“Jango. Just Jango.”
“Well then, Jango,” His name is like honey on her lips, and he curls one of his hands into a fist to keep from doing something foolish. “It’s very nice to meet you.” And then she introduces herself, and he jolts in surprise.
“Wait. Alder?”
She smiles, “As in those Alders?” There’s something wry in her voice, “The one and the same. It’s why Roz asked me to be your informant. There’s no one better to give you the information you need than someone from the family.”
“You do realize that I’m here to kill them, right?”
Her smile becomes even more wry, “Oh, yes. I’m aware.”
“...I’m going to need some clarification before I get any intel from you.”
She laughs, “That’s fair.” She leans back in the chair, and Jango’s gaze drops to her thigh, now exposed since she moved, and then slowly drags back to her face.
“Go ahead.”
“We had a falling out.” She explains with a careless shrug. Or a would be careless shrug, if it wasn’t for the look on her face. “You see, they had…ideas. As to my place in society, and I had different ones.”
“Must be pretty vastly different ideas if you’re okay with them dying.”
“Well, they wanted me to be a trophy wife for my grandfather’s best friend. I had different ideas.” She drops her gaze for a moment, “I was 17 when they started planning my wedding.”
He exhales slowly, “So. Not only are they corrupt, they’re also pedophiles and traffickers. Good to know.” He leans in, “So, about that intel.”
“My mother is holding a gala in 12 days.” She replies, “The whole family will be there. Normally, tickets to these events cost an arm and a leg. But I have a ticket for you.” She slides a ticket across the table to him, “The downside is that it’s black tie only.”
“Of course it is.” Jango taps out a rhythm on the table, “You know the house, anyway for me to sneak my gear in?”
“Hm…you could try to pay the caterers to bring them in and stash them somewhere.” She offers, “Other than that, you might be able to hide the gear on the grounds somewhere.”
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” Jango finally says, his gaze dragging down her body again, and then a sly smile crossing his face, “So, you have any other plans for the night?”
“Can’t say that I do.” She replies, as she leans in a little bit, “Why do you ask?”
He smirks at her, and stands, scooping his helmet up with one hand and then motioning for her to follow him. He opens the door, and stands in the doorway, waiting for her.
She watches him for a moment, and then she passes through the door, intentionally pressing her body against his.
And, for the first time in his life, Jango finds himself cursing his armor.
He follows her down the carpeted stairs and into a dimmed hallway, his gaze lingering on the way her hips look in her mini-skirt, on the way the skirt swayed due to her canting walk.
The moment they’re no longer on the stairs he has her back pressed against the wall, and his lips are hot against hers. She kisses back just as eagerly, her arms sliding around his neck to tangle in the hair at the back of his head.
“Kriff,” Jango breathes against her lips, “I’ve never been so annoyed at my armor in my life.”
She laughs breathlessly, “I’ve never been so annoyed at a piece of metal in my life either.” She admits. 
He laughs softly, and presses even harder against her, “I suppose we should do something about that.”
She raises up on her toes and kisses him again, her tongue sliding against his lips for a moment, before allowing Jango to take control back. When he breaks the kiss this time, she’s breathing quickly and her eyes are half lidded, “Later,” She murmurs, in answer to his comment, “I want you.”
Jango’s fingers flex on her hip, “Here? Now?” He murmurs. 
She hesitates, her gaze snapping from one side to the other, before she takes his hand and tugs him out the VIP door.
Jango follows her out the door, down the alley, and into a darker, quieter alley. 
“Here?” She asks him, as he presses her back against the building and slots his thigh between her legs.
Jango quickly assesses the alley. No cameras. No people. Good enough for now.
He doesn’t answer her verbally, instead he just crashes his lips against hers, and moves his leg so he’s able to slide his hands under her skirt. He eases her panties down her legs, and then shoves them in one of his pouches. 
A breathless laugh falls from her and Jango presses her firmer against the wall, “Kriff.” He breathes as his lips fall from hers to latch onto the tender skin under her ear, pulling a moan from her pretty lips, “Later I’m going to make you fall apart over and over, mesh’la.”
“Later?” She asks.
Jango removes his codpiece and presses it into her willing hand, before he adjusts his bodysuit so that his hard cock bounces free, “I need to be inside you,”
She whines and presses against him, “So hurry up.”
“Impatient,” He crashes his lips against hers again, “Arms around me, mesh’la.” Jango waits until her arms are secure around his neck, and then he lifts her and encourages her to hook her legs around his waist. 
He rocks against her a few times spreading her arousal against his cock, and, as an added bonus, making her whine and moan out his name. “You’re so wet, cyare.” Jango murmurs as he nips her earlobe, “Is this all for me?”
“Don’t tease, Jango-” She gasps out shifting and squirming in his arms to try and encourage him to just start already.
He nips her earlobe a little harder, ripping a moan from her throat, “Just for that, princess, I’m definitely going to tease you later.”
“You-” She’s not able to finish her sentence as he thrusts into her, hard and fast, and her words turn into a cry of pleasure as her head falls back. And the only reason her head doesn’t hit the wall is because of his hand resting on the back of her neck.
“Oh no you don’t,” Jango growls as he starts a slow, but hard, pace. “Eyes on me, Princess.” He pulls almost all the way out, before thrusting hard into her.
She struggles to keep her eyes open, but she does. And Jango feels a thrill when she obeys him unquestionably. “Such a good girl,” He breathes, “So obedient. Kriff,” He kisses her deeply, “You’re so tight-”
She arches against him and clenches around him at his praise, and Jango makes a mental note. He’ll have to take advantage of that later. 
“S-sorry,” She gasps.
Jango laughs, “Oh, cyare,” He snaps his hips roughly against hers, “Don’t apologize for feeling amazing-” He adjusts her for a moment, and then snaps his hips against hers again, and she lets out a sharp gasp. 
“A-again. Please. Do that again!” She pleads with him.
“Yes ma’am,” Who is he to obey such a delicious sound? He snaps his hips against hers making sure to hit the same spot over and over. 
Sweat beads at his temple, she really does feel amazing. And it’s been so long since he’s had a partner, he’s not going to last much longer this first time. But she’s not going to go without.
He won’t let her.
Jango dips his hand to where they’re joined, and he presses a firm finger against her clit, rubbing in quick circles. His hips stutter as she clenches tightly around him.
She falls apart silently, her face pressed against his neck, and Jango can’t wait to see what noises he’ll be able to pull from her when she’s in his bed.
“Where-?” Jango gasps out as his thrusts become shallow.
She keeps her legs tightly around him, which he takes as answer enough. A few more shallow thrusts and he’s spilling his seed deep inside her. 
Jango presses his forehead against hers as he tries to regain control of his breathing, and he feels her soft fingers against his cheek. His eyes open and he flashes a cocky smirk, “So, cyare,” he murmurs, “where do you live?”
She laughs softly and drops her legs back to the ground, “Not far.” She admits with a small smile, “Close enough to walk, if I had someone with me to keep me safe.”
Jango watches her fix her skirt, a small smile crossing his face when she reaches out and carefully fixes his bottoms for him, and snaps his codpiece back into place.
“Lucky for you, you have a Mandalorian here to protect you.”
She favors him with a bright smile, “Lucky me indeed.” She takes his hand and leads him out of the alley, “This way, Jango.”
Jango falls into step next to her with ease.
Maybe, just maybe, he owes Roz some nice wine. Maybe.
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iniziare · 8 days
HEADCANONS: Click the link to get some random headcanons for your muse.
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Guizhong can kill you in an instant if deserved. (No no, she's innocent; that'd be Morax if anyone.) Guizhong is not allowed to drink energy drinks. (Absolutely true, keep them away.) Guizhong forgets to eat sometimes. (Often enough when she's distracted which is... often.) If the source media was a musical, Guizhong would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing. (Try the reverse, everyone would ask why she's singing with a total of five Cleansing Bells as 'backup singers'.) Guizhong knocks people over by hugging them. (She's too short to achieve it, but she surely attempts to knock Morax over in her wildest and craziest dreams.) Guizhong sings in the shower. (No, but she hums, she most definitely hums and it sounds oddly endearing and very warm, something you'd almost want to keep listening to.) Guizhong sucks at saying tongue twisters. (She's obnoxiously good at it, actually.) Guizhong has an intense fear of heights. (Pffft.) Guizhong is very willing to eat inedible things. (… Okay, if it’s ‘loosely’ inedible…) Guizhong gets road rage. (I'm absolutely dying at the prospect.) Guizhong wakes up on November 1st and starts decorating for Christmas. (Facts.)
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Yelan is in your house. (Why, did you not keep your wits about you?) Yelan has a roblox account. (God, sometimes I wish.) Yelan instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. (Yes, actually; she's quite the clean and organized person.) Yelan steals other peoples clothes. (Only Wriothesley's.) Yelan is very good at walking in platform heels. (She's able to traverse the Chasm utterly realistically [of course] in heels, I think this woman can walk in any sort of shoe at this rate.) Yelan is afraid of doing anything without other peoples permission. (And her name is Ms. Claus.) Yelan likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them. (... I—) Yelan has punched a hole in their wall. (She doesn't get frustrated or driven by intense emotion easily at all, but the immediate thought that came to my mind was the hut in Minlin post-loss of her team, done in the midst of grief and the anger that came with the fault of their deaths genuinely laying with her.) Yelan's least favourite subject in school was Science. (I'm 50/50 on this one, actually.) Yelan has a pet bird. (I think this sets in stone the random HC where she has pets without them ever being her pets; they just... happen to come along, and then keep coming back.)
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Kafka needs a nightlight to sleep. (This spawned a random HC that she always lights a candle before she sleeps; though it's not to act as a night light, but for ambiance, and the rare sound of bare crackling of flame to candle wax.) Kafka desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one. (Probably,) If someone they knew committed a crime, Kafka would cover for them. (How do you think the Stellaron Hunters function?) Kafka likes being alone. (Usually, but not necessarily, though she'd usually only seek the company of specific people.) Kafka tells dad jokes. (I don't know why, but I can hear them perfectly in her voice, why this.) Kafka cries while watching Disney movies. (No, but she's absolutely seen numerous; no, we don't potentially break children's hearts by asking her opinion.) Kafka stole a lollipop at the checkout when they were 5 and they still feel guilty about it. (Absolutely yes, followed by an absolutely no.) Kafka has half of a watermelon under their bed. (HC accepted. Silver Wolf, is this your doing? Why is it there? What kind of 'meme' is this?) Kafka was dropped out of a window as a child. (... At this point, I do wonder.) Kafka knows fnaf lore. (Probably could recount random facts that she doesn't understand the context of whatsoever, courtesy of, once again, Silver Wolf.)
Tagged by: @avaere Tagging: @immobiliter (Navia, Beidou, Furina, Dehya; or take your picks!) @spiderwarden @resolutepath (Elio, Bosacius, Hu Tao!) @daybreakrising (Bladie, Menogias and Vautrin!)
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shippingdumbster · 26 days
About asteroids and destruction
This is 100% most likely a me problem, but it bugs me, so I will make a text post about it.
Moon girl and Devil Dinosaur S2 spoilers and stuff below
Molecule man has an interesting way of talking about things in general. He refers to the world/universe as the 'multiverse' every time, giving an implication that he has traveled enough between dimensions to a point that it has affected his way of seeing the world around him. It builds the idea that he isn't ignorant of the structure of the universe and him being able to track down Lunella shows that he has the means to find his way around.
But the thing that's particularly interesting to me is how he speaks of his planet.
'My world was destroyed' '(...)Everything I spent a lifetime building... gone, in instant!' 'This place was a haven and it was my home'
He is clearly angry and hurt about his planet, but he seems incapable of saying why that is. He has spent who knows how long, decades, possibly centuries alone on his planet, silently stewing in his hurt and anger, when he has the power to rebuild a lot of it in an instant as well. Being demoralized and angry of wasted work, of having to rebuild because something was destroyed by no fault of your own, is a very human. Wanting pay back for someone wrecking your shit is very human as well, but... Enough to murder a child? Enough to spring a trap that's been ages in the making, just to beat down one guy, who barely even knew he'd done anything?
Not to mention that his planet... is very much intact. It's still around, even if structures are destroyed and everything is clearly abandoned. Beyonder had most likely cheated a bit at his golf game to send such a storm of asteroids careening towards MM's planet, most seemingly hitting the population center/resort area.
For a man who is in the position uniquely ready for rebuilding, why sit and stew for all this time? During the second encounter, we get more context to this grief, despite his language about it all remaining much the same.
'My world was shattered' 'I lost everything'
But it adds the context to that grief. The one thing he couldn't fix when it came to his home before: the people.
'My planet was the only one place where I didn't finally feel like an outsider for being different. Where I finally belonged!'
And then we get the zinger: 'Being accepted, embraced, by the multiverse meant everything to me! And just like that, it was all taken away!'
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This is followed by him remembering the people on his planet. Presumably children, who had found his abilities less scary and more fantastical. It implies that his knowledge of the multiverse stems from being rejected on different planets, maybe even in multiple dimensions. Until his planet brought him the unique opportunity to create. Maybe he wanted to make something from himself, but the beauty attracted travelers and he found people who wanted to live there with him. To help him allow everyone to enjoy the fruits of his long labor and now... he had a community.
He could manipulate matter, make flowers bloom and create buildings, but he couldn't heal people. So, what he witnessed on that day left him more than traumatized. Fleeing people, chaos, deafening impact sounds as the asteroids came crashing down. He could probably only do so much to save others, leaving many people buried in rubble and the rest fleeing off planet.
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(Source) There is a cut little scene from the flashback he has during the second fight sequence, where we see MM sitting in the rubble, grief struck and utterly emotionally destroyed after it all. Losing a lifetime of work, compounded by the disaster and death that had to have surrounded him...
For MM, trauma shows up as anger. And who wouldn't be angry and righteously so, after finding out your home was destroyed, lives lost... because of a stupid game. Because SOMEONE who is supposedly all seeing and all knowing didn't NOTICE they destroyed the thing most important to you.
I imagine that for a long time, Lunella and Molecule Man were similar wrecks. Having flashbacks, unable to cope, afraid. The difference was that Lunella had the support she needed to find a way to heal, while MM literally lost everyone he'd known. The people he'd called friends, maybe family in a platonic sense.
So, in the end, when he lays down to accept his fate, there's a sense of finally giving up. That it wouldn't matter in the end if he lived or died now, since he has nothing to return to, no place to actually call home.
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'It's very painful...' MM is resilient, as otherwise he wouldn't have been able to live on for eons, but the heartbreak is what took him down. What good is rebuilding, when the people who were there won't come back? When houses are grave sites and ruined. Who'd want to visit a place like that?
It's most likely because of remaining child friendly that the way he speaks of what happened is only limited to destruction, but... it feels like it glances over a lot of what he must have felt. I also think it adds a punch to him finding someone willing to offer him a hand, even after what he'd done was equally as painful to Lunella. He'd passed his trauma and pain unto her and now... she might not feel safe in her home for a long time. But despite this, he gets a chance and a hope to rebuild. To find new people he can surround himself with and watch over.
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And the hug? While perhaps not deserved, it was clearly appreciated.
Thank you for reading my rambling post and have a good day
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kamil-a · 3 months
end of s4 spoilers hale fic hiiii
when jacob hale looks up, he sees the sky.
it's a brilliant shade of blue. higher up than any ceiling, crisscrossed by wires here and there between buildings. puffs of white, clouds, float lazily across. it makes him dizzy to look at. he sits down heavily on the concrete before he falls.
concrete, there's another new one. well, technically not new, he thinks, but.... no, new, it can be new. as far as he's concerned he's never ever seen it before. he's seen tile and linoleum and sometimes carpet and metal and the rough, chalky surface of typhon itself, but not sidewalk. it's harsh and scratches his hands.
wind. birdsong. he's behind a building, alone save for a few full garbage bins (aerolith standard, familiar) but he can hear the chatter of people walking around, probably doing a great deal better getting out of their pods than he. the rattle rattle rushing-by of people with stretchers for those who have done worse.
uncontrollably, he starts to cry. the sky blurs. he curls up, buries his face in his knees. the fabric of his pants is familiar against his cheek. he cries even more.
he half-expects (hopes?) any second now to hear a whirr from inside his head, and for the tears to stop like a faucet turned off- do not waste fluids, a lecture on the dangers of dehydration. it doesn't happen, of course. he keeps crying. he can't stop it alone.
eventually- he has no idea how long- there is a sound, a chime in his head. general notice. it is sunset, speaker informs everyone. hale lets the broadcast wash over him. your schedule will be delivered individually. you should be wherever you're supposed to be when the sun goes down.
and then, softer, just to him- i recommend watching.
so he looks, of course.
it isn't the quick dimming of lights he's used to. slowly, the sky begins to change. it's almost too subtle to notice it until suddenly there it is, the sky lit up in pinks and oranges. more colors he's never seen before. it's breathtaking. (every breath he does take smells of something new.) he wants to look away, hide his face in his hands, but it has been recommended that he watch this. so he looks. of course.
when it is finally all dark-
well, what did you think of your first sunset?
there is even more of a smile than usual in speaker's voice.
"i-" hale coughs, unused to speaking. his throat is dry. he tries again. it waits for him.
"it's beautiful," he says, more because he thinks it's what speaker wants to hear than anything else. it's objectively true, though. it is beautiful. he just doesn't know what to think about it.
his stomach twists.
you must be hungry, speaker says, but he really doesn't want to eat right now. well, speaker has all the data. perhaps he is hungry.
i would have you report to the cafeteria, but... in this case, i think your current location is an advantage. you will want to stay inconspicuous, and there is very low traffic to this area until the garbage gets removed tomorrow morning. I'll have something brought out to you.
he sits. he thinks about food. fine, maybe he's hungry. after a few minutes a small construct (is that what he looked like?) rolls out to him bearing a container and a large bottle, before sweeping up some loose dirt and litter and rolling away.
I gave you more than your usual hydration portion to account for the lost fluids, speaker explains. the practicality grounds him. he starts out with a sip of whatever it is- the same electrolyte solution as he's used to. emboldened, he opens the container. vegetables, thats something he knows. instant mashed potato. the protein source is unfamiliar, but the smell makes his mouth water. speaker is thrilled about it, so he's fortunately saved from having to ask.
aerolith dynamics is proud to inform you that that is grilled salmon you've got on your plate! So recently brought back from extinction, and immediately jumped to the top three in favorite protein source surveys among our earth division. go on, have a bite.
he bites. chews slowly, swallows. it's not bad. he couldn't say what's in it. salt, perhaps.... lemon?
you don't get that on typhon, do you! speaker sounds smug.
"I've had fish," he says automatically. he doesn't like the dig at typhon's food. he can't explain why. he just doesn't. he takes another bite so speaker won't ask him about it and he doesn't have to admit that the lab-synthezised "tuna fish" sandwich he and some other brave souls tried out at lunch for a week before it was recalled didn't resemble this whatsoever. and that this probably tastes, objectively, way better. his stomach churns. he feels sick. you dont simply skip a meal at aerolith and waste valuable food, and throw off your nutrition plan. he forces a bite of mashed potato into his mouth.
your brain needs proper nutrition to run. as he eats and drinks he can start to see the shape of what bothers him, and it's so stupid. it's embarassing. he can't tell speaker, can't risk insulting it, but he can think the words at least. speaker is in his head but not, you know, in his head.
he's earthstained.
literally- as in, the gravel in his boots and the dirt on the back of his pants. but also, it has only been a few hours and already he has looked up at the sky. he has seen his first sunset, and tomorrow he will probably see his first sunrise. he knows how dark the night gets, the sounds of birds. every breath he takes smells of earth.
when things go back to normal, he-
they won't. not his normal, anyway. he's going to be "set free".
but- he cant help but imagine going back to the only life he knows- if he did ever go back. he would be like all the others, another resident who sighs and says they miss clouds, they miss birds, that they miss the way the air smells after it rains, the air smells so sterile here. someone would say they miss being able to watch the sunset and he would agree. and he would miss the sunset too.
he- sven-he, not hale-he- had been asked for feedback, that time with the tuna sandwich. he'd been the first to take a bite, and he'd said "it's good", earning various doubtful looks from everyone else (and one the nutrition technician will be delighted to hear that, thank you for your feedback.) the person sitting across from him took a bite next. they chewed it thoughtfully, swallowed, and said "it's not bad, but it's not the real thing."
he forces into his mouth another bite of the real thing.
sayer would probably know a story about this.
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gisellelx · 8 months
Voice Lessons, Part 2: That's Intense
Voice Lessons, Part 1
One of the fastest changing parts of English are intensifiers. This is probably not a category you learned in English grammar; if you learned them at all, they were under the general category of adjectives and adverbs. Intensifiers are the way we indicate how "intense" a particular thing is: you can run kinda fast, or you can run very fast, or you can run extremely fast, and in each case, the intensifier is telling you just how fast you're running.
So voice tip 2: using different intensifiers can drastically change the age, gender, ethnicity or other social group of the character you're writing
Intensifiers vary a lot across regions and language varieties—if you're a southern Californian, for instance, you might have encountered hella, an intensifier which had a brief spread further north and throughout the USA, but which has ultimately stayed pretty focused among a particular subset of southern Californians. Or if you are a speaker of African American English, you might have encountered mad in constructions like, "That's mad cool," or "That movie was mad popular."
They also vary a lot across age. Older people are more likely to use certain intensifiers and younger people use different ones. For instance, one that is currently being charted as on the rise is super, which is an intensifier I use extensively--I come home and my dog is "super happy to see me" or I'm "super excited" about what I'm going to teach this week. But someone much older than me (and I'm not particularly young!) is not super likely to use super; they are much more likely to use something like really or very.
Picking the right intensifier for the character you're writing is an instant way to make them sound like they are from the age or region you want, or part of the community group you want. Conversely, picking the wrong one, even if everything else you write sounds on point, can throw a reader out of the character's voice.
Intensifiers are the #1 thing I edit after writing a post on the ole' sideblog. I am a user of so, really, and very often these days, super. But none of those are right for a nearly 400-year-old person who is a different gender than I am. So I often go back in and change things like really and sometimes even very to older intensifiers like quite or rather. (Rather is also more common in British English, and so it rings a little differently to an American reading ear.) Contrast that to if I am voicing Renesmee in 2023, who is a Gen Zer—she's going to be a super speaker or a so speaker, more often than not, and she needs to sound a little younger than I am! So I use the intensifiers that are most on the cutting edge. It's a very easy, and subtle, way to make a speaker sound like they are from the group they're from.
How do you figure out what intensifier a character would use? There are also a couple of tools you can use. A favorite free one is Google NGram, which will show you the frequency of words in books published since the 1800s. It can give a quick view of a flipping point, such as with really and rather which switched top spots sometime in the 2000s.
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The Corpus of Contemporary American English/Corpus of Historical American English is another great source for finding out how words are trending: a free account allows you a few limited searches for trends, like this one for really that shows it's mostly used in spoken language, and is on a slight rise since 1990.
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But the top tool is one is a good rule for writing more generally—make sure you listen! Take note of the way that people around you sound, and think about it in relation to the characters you are writing. If you're writing an older character, well, you want to think about the things your parents or even grandparents say that confuse you or doesn't sound the same way that you do. Those are the kinds of things you want to put in as a writer—they'll give your character a sense of remove or age. Same thing in the other direction—a younger character right now might be "super into that" whereas an older character might be "so into that" and a really old character might be "very much into that." (And probably doesn't use into that at all.)
Intensifiers are a super fast (see what I did there?) way to change the voice of a character from young to old, from one gender to another, from one ethnic group to another. They are well worth paying attention to so that you end up with a voice that makes sense for whomever you're writing. And if you just went "hmm that's weird" when you read "whomever you're writing"...well that's going to be Voice Lesson #3.
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mishafletcher · 7 months
hi, and welcome to the 'frequently asked questions about cooking is terrible' post! some of these are scattered in other places around my blog, but i figured i'd collect them for ease of reading. if you want to read the promo post about the book, you can go here.
as always, purchase links are collected here, or you can go directly to the amazon listing.
is cooking actually terrible/how can you say you hate cooking/cooking is an art form and you're disrespecting it see, the thing here is that i'm actually a good cook! i've cooked for a living before, i'll happily pull together a meal for fifty with twenty-four hour notice, and i love a cooking project. i love cooking for community. what i fucking hate, though, is having to somehow produce food for myself, and then consume it, multiple times a day, every day, for apparently the entire rest of my life.
some people love cooking, and i genuinely admire you. sometimes i don't mind it or even enjoy it, and on those nights, i don't need this book. sometimes i'm too tired or in too much pain or too busy playing a video game or too depressed, though, and the idea of spending thirty minutes making food i don't care about makes me want to walk into the sea, and on those days, yeah, cooking is terrible.
is this book vegetarian friendly? yes! there are a handful of recipes where the point of it is meat, but probably 90% of the book is either vegetarian or has options to make it vegetarian. i was a vegetarian for about a decade, and still tend not to cook a ton of meat because the cost of messing it up is so high. there are a number of recipes that call for things like 'chunks of chicken or tofu', but tofu is cheap and delicious, so i'm just as likely to use that as i am chicken.
is this book vegan friendly? maybe. if you're comfortable with things like vegan cheese and plant-based yogurt, the answer is probably yes. the biggest issue for vegans will be dairy, but there are a lot of good vegan dairy replacements out there.
is this book friendly for [basically any other dietary restrictions]? yes again! everything is designed to be pretty flexible. if you're comfortable with the basics how to substitute things for your specific needs, you should be fine with this. (by 'basics of how to substitute', i mean 'tamari instead of soy sauce' or 'gluten-free noodles' or 'sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter' level of substitutions.) i have severe food allergies, so am very much on board the substitutions train.
is this book useful for people with chronic pain and/or mental health issues? you are very literally the target audience, because i, too, am a disabled person with chronic pain and adhd and other assorted mental health issues. when i started writing this book, it wasn't a book—it was a text file that i could read over when my brain wasn't working well enough to provide me with instructions for complex tasks such as 'make sandwich'.
is this useful for people living in [almost literally anywhere in the world]? unless you live in a place where you can't buy staple foods like rice, beans, and vegetables, it's probably useful. i've personally bought everything mentioned in the cookbook at stores in the us and australia, and have also checked availability at tesco and rewe. there are sometimes minor differences in what things are called, and occasionally one thing or the other is entirely unavailable, but probably 99% of ingredients can be easily purchased in most supermarkets.
do i need to have fancy appliances for this to be useful? hard no. there is zero slow cooker, instant pot, stand mixer, or even rice cooker content in this.
i assume that you have a knife, a bowl, and a source of heat. some things are easier (or nicer) if you also have a $20 immersion blender (mine's from kmart), but that's as fancy as we're getting. i wanted to keep the barrier to food as low as possible.
is it easy to modify recipes in this? yes, and a bunch of recipes are either lists of suggestions (sandwiches! rice toppings!) or have variations listed.
what kind of recipes are in this book? there's a range of them.
stuff that needs no cooking at all—sandwiches, dips, smoothies, salads, etc.
bowls of stuff: pasta, rice, soups you can make in ten to fifteen minutes, oats, etc. using ready-cooked rice or pasta is 100% fine by me, so this focuses pretty heavily on quick and easy toppings.
stuff you cook while you watch netflix, like 'throw this into the oven and then ignore it for an hour'. more importantly, lists of ideas for how to use the things you cooked.
baking and desserts, none of which require more than about five minutes of hands-on work.
if this list is insufficiently convincing, i've also put up a couple example recipes here.
which storefront/format is best? honestly and truly, on my end, it doesn't matter that much—after various fees and things come out, it's within about 50c of each other for ebooks, and maybe a dollar for physical books. amazon currently nets me slightly more than other retailers, but that's changed in the past and will likely change again.
on your end, amazon is probably the cheapest way to get a print copy (and—in the interest of full disclosure—is slightly more money for me, as well). amazon's printing costs are significantly less than anyone else's are, so the book is cheaper there.
why are there so many price points? this is partly because publishing at this point is several business models in a trenchcoat, and partly because retailers can set their own prices and discounts. if you see very low prices, especially at big vendors like amazon, they've decided it's worth it to sell the book at a loss. i have no idea why, but i get the same royalties from it.
if you see very high price points—like $40+ for the paperback version—it's because the vendor is using a traditional-publishing business model and pricing accordingly. please do not buy this book for forty dollars. anywhere in north america and europe, the paperback should be between 10 and 20 of the local currency (dollar, pound, or euro); australians might see it as high as $22 because it costs more to have things printed here.
i want to reiterate: please do not buy this book for many tens of dollars. one, maybe two tens, fine. but forty is as many as four tens, and that's terrible.
is there a print version of this book? i used to get this a lot, and then there was an amazon-only paperback version and i got it less, and now there's a paperback version that you should be able to buy anywhere you buy books.
worth noting is that the available print versions are not spiral bound. if you would like a spiral bound copy and you feel strongly enough about this that you'd like to have it printed and bound yourself, the digital versions (most usefully the pdf from gumroad) have an explicit 'please feel free to print or have this printed' release.
and again—because i get called out for this not infrequently—purchase links are collected here, or you can go directly to the amazon listing.
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kendrixtermina · 11 months
So, the accusations against Flake
Guys, I know we’re all exasperated by the previous bullshit, don't blindly jump in defense mode. This is very, very different from the previous stuff with Till. Also coming with an oath, being well-attested (with proof that she told family members at the time & got help from victim councelling associations), and the affected person themselves describing it, not those crazy hearsay stories. That definitely happened. That’s more or less the same standard of proof with which they convicted trump recently. 
Flake was probably drunk out of his mind as well and who knows what he was thinking or intending, but this one I would definitely consider to be rape since the women were fully unconscious or nearly so, & there was definitely no asking.
With the second one you can say that she just doesn’t remember & no one can say what happemned (I definitely wouldn’t say that all drunken sex is automatically) but the first one is clear as crystal. She was so drunk that she lay down due to being zonked out/feeling unwell, she didn’t want it at all not even at the time, she tried to turn away but was unable to resist, he just grabbed her & then went into freeze mode. 
He should have asked/checked in, especially given how young she was, this could have been her first time, that should require talking, not just grabbing & starting to fuck. 
I mean, I'll still listen to the music & I don't believe in one-dimensional instant black & white labelling of people as monsters unless they're actively unrepetant & continuing or like promoting acting like this, as we don't do that for any other crime, but there is no defending this or dilluting this or construing that he wasn't the one resposible, and I'm way less sure if I’m going to be proudly displaying paraphernalia/posters/cds etc after this.
I’ve always been for labelling actions, not people, or going by arbitrary catergory lines, but even if we look only at the action itself, he did do the crime.
The action was not defensible & had an harmful impact on the victim at very least through gross negligence or callous disregard. 
It's a crime where no one seems capable of distinguishing nuances of severity & this case doesn't require the same level of depravity as, say, actively holding someone down while they're screaming, but at very least in the first case due dilligence to acertain consent was definitely not done, especially given how young she was.
Plus, it fits with what he said in many earlier interviews about having done things in poor judgement while drunk, and to his credit he has long stopped drinking. 
Still, you wouldn't want this done to you or your sisters or daughters, or for this to be held as socially acceptable. It should be called out as an unacceptable act. People have freeze responses, which there needs to be more awareness off, but, we're talking about someone who was totally zonked out of her mind & there was zero communication. 
Kinda dissapointed to see so many ppl in the subreddit resorting to the “she must be making it up” canard - I understand they’re jaded from the previous crying wolf & sensationalistic media storm, but this is not like the hearsay or distorted reporting of still clearly consensual stories about Till. 
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Well then… :)
Re: In My Life - I think it makes a lot of sense that the song is a parent talking to a child - recounting their memories and also “when I think of love as something new” (could be referencing parental love?). But while I think it’s possible that John would write a song for a child despite being a distant parent, I am also not sure if that reading of this particular song is not too gracious (as in I’m not sure John would put parental love above love for his soulmate coded companion - in reference to “in my life I love you more” [than anybody else]). But songwriting does not have to be that literal, I guess.
The songs I did not know about are:
- Remember (listening to it, I don’t feel strongly about it either way - it’s about some sort of a disillusionment and betrayal, interesting Guy Fawkes reference - could be about The Beatles given the context, ig).
- Who Can See It (yeah, no objection)
- I was aware of No Words and Denny Laine credit and... what an interesting coincidence, huh. 🤨
- Crippled Inside (hmmm, a good one. Just by looking at it - I think the first verse applies to Paul better than John, the second one has an interesting reference to Instant Karma, verse 3 seems generalized - but yeah, if it’s in some way about Paul or John, it’s pretty heavy)
- Some People Never Know I knew about, but I always felt like John might be only referenced (he’s “some people” lol, maybe “only fools” if we are willing to open our minds), but otherwise it’s addressed to Linda.
- Another Day how???
Could you tell me more about Day Tripper? Or post a link if you talked about it before? I can kind of see where your interpretation is coming from but I want to know!
Oh I hear you re: In My Life and John's take on the "levels" of love. I do think the song is interesting because, while it's placing the person on a pedestal it's specifcally not outright dismissing the past. And yeah, reading the song from the perspective of a parent does generate my probably favourite reading of "When I think of love as something new". I'll say, I think he may have only adopted that soulmate attitude after meeting Yoko. Like, clearly Yoko shifted how he approached relationships, so it's possible he had a less all-or-nothing attitude before he realized that was an option. I'd even say the way he described meeting Yoko as "teaching him" that someone could be everything to him would even indicate that.
Nice catch with the Instant Karma! parallel. That's another song I forgot to mention actually. I feel I'd place it in the "I like to think it's about Paul but I'm not sure" category.
No yeah, that's what I meant with Some People Never Know. If John is anyone he's the person who "never knows" (which, if it IS about John is actually kind of harsh lol… though also apt for Mister Divorce Prediction)
Huh, did I mention Another Day?? (outside talking about the line in (Just Like) Starting Over?)
Re: Day Tripper
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the source for the highlighted quote is David Sheff's book (so the full Playboy interview).
Basically, given the period when this song was written, I don't see how the fact Paul had recently outright refused to drop acid with him wouldn't be at the forefront of his mind when writing a song about this concept. Paul would have epitomized the subject matter at the time of writing. I sort of think of it as Paul up until now having been fine trying out drugs with John (prellies, weed) but suddenly backing out. That's how I read the "one way ticket" lines and "she took me half the way there".
Also, and I have no clue how much they discussed what this song was about, but the way they trade off the vocals is delicious lmao.
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cheeto-flavoured-pasta · 11 months
Hello, and happy Blorbo blusday!! I'm well *checks clock* 1h late gasp! As an excuse I can only say that today I have been packing and I forgot it was Thursday. (As usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own) ANYWAYS. For today's question, I'd like to know about food preference and cooking skills of your blorbo(es)! What can they cook, what they like to eat, whether they are good in the kitchen, or better away from it and close to a fire extinguisher!
Ah yes, the cooking skills of my characters. They vary a lot. For my main baby — I mean, for my main work in progress, APS:
Talia is utterly awful in the kitchen. It’s probably why you’d hardly ever see her cook an actual meal; she’ll just be eating cold food like sandwiches or ordering takeout. In any emergency, she’ll just grab some instant noodles and heat that up. Her roommate Melissa is trying to teach her how to cook without destroying their dorm room…
Caster comes from a very high-class family, so you’d think he’d be used to having chefs to cook for him, but his family makes everyone provide food for themselves. He’s fairly decent at cooking and usually makes fancy dishes like various soups, stews, rice plates, etc.
Cassian is fairly OK at cooking — he kinda just lies somewhere in the middle. He knows how to cook “basic” foods (eggs, chicken, rice, pasta, potatoes, veggies, etc. etc.). He likes ordering takeout more often or getting microwaveable food though since he gets pretty lazy.
Melissa is good enough to teach Talia how to cook safely, so she’s a fairly decent chef for the most part. She’s a bit of a health kernel (not a health nut, but a kernel) so she learns how to cook whatever seems the most friendly to her diet and has the most nutrients.
For Don’t Leave (my side-WIP which is more familiar since I made an intro of it recently):
Kaguya had to learn how to cook on his own because his adoptive parents kinda just shoved the responsibility on him. If he comes to his house late and they already cooked dinner, it doesn’t mean he got to have any spare food his parents made. It means he has to go to Bayholde’s market and cook his own dinner by himself. He usually makes a lot of meat-centric dishes, like wild boar or deer meat (I mean, the only food source Bayholde has is a nearby forest anyways) and occasionally some steamed veggies or fruit on the side. He really likes buttered bread, but the butter is running out in the town market really fast.
I haven’t said too much about June, but she quite literally does not have a place to cook so she doesn’t know how to make food in the first place. She eats when she visits Kaguya or her other friend, and if she needs a snack, she’ll try to grab something off the street (not literally, of course; that would be gross) or get someone to share with her.
(I wish I could do more characters but this would just be a longer list of me talking about people nobody knows about ;-;)
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torialefay · 4 months
hi love,
stumbled upon your profile and honestly I’m hooked hehe was reading all your work on my lunch break. Butttt I’m in my delulu era so I wanted to ask if you could a compatibility reading with our beloved leader Chan?
take your time, tenkiuuu
here’s my chart:
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you were second to next on my list so i went ahead and did it hehe. also a pisces sun & libra moon here bebe <3
and tysm for your sweet comments! i really really appreciate that 🥺
your libra ascendant:
this is a great match with chan! you likely come across as friendly & accepting. you are probably easy to talk to when in an environment you feel comfortable in. you probably get along with a wide range of types of people and are good at placating to others what you think they want you to be. in other words, you are probably good at shifting the expression of your personality depending on which group setting you're in when meeting new people. this is a great match for chan. not only does he understand this sign through his sun, moon, and mercury, but he also really values those traits and sees you as someone like him. so when first meeting you, i feel like you'd get along really well and be able to connect on a wide range of topics. PLUS i feel like libra risings are great at being significant others to people who are in the spotlight, as they are very agreeable and usually make good first impressions to a wide range of audiences, including fans and stays. in other words, i think you'd be well received by stays.
your sun in pisces in the 6th:
i may be biased here bc i'm also a pisces sun, but i think we have great personalities 😭 pisces are mutable, so again, you probably have that energy of "i can literally shift to fit into any environment", which is SO so important throughout life and when being in relationships with a celebrity in general. pisces suns usually also have some form of creative expression and an interest in the divine or alternative ways of thinking. whether that's through reading, writing, art, music, crafts, religion, manifesting, astrology, self-help, etc etc. with your pisces in the 6th, you're getting to use that "service" or helping of others in ways that are tangible and meaningful. you would be able to provide a new, unique way of thinking when helping others or in work in general. chan has a lot of 6th house placements, which means he channels a lotttt of energy into his work. you'd be a great match for this since you literally channel your personality into working to help others (whatever form that may be). that's a really good instant connection to have.
your libra moon in the 12th:
i say it often, but sign sun/moon compatibility is the most important aspect in maintaining a long-term relationship. there's no better moon than libra to match chan. since the moon regulates baseline energy and subconscious emotions, you and chan will be an exact match. a super cool thing to point out is that your libra in the 12th is on the opposite axis as chan's moon in the 6th. i call this the "service" axis. so it's kind of like this: you both have the same goal, which is to provide service, but you go about obtaining it in different ways. your 12th house energy is more catered to understanding yourself and what you would need and applying that understanding in a way to relate to the world. chan's is the opposite: he looks outward to the world and tries to help others, which in thrn gives him his source of meaning. so it'd be a great balance to have each other.
your mercury in aries in the 6th:
this is also a good placement for chan. i've mentioned before that his libra energy here makes it hard for him to communicate what he really wants to for fear that it may hurt someone, and he can contemplate for a while about what he wants to say. when you pair that with a stronger sign, i think it would make it easier for him to open up and learn to be more direct with how he communicates with others. i see you having the upper hand at being able to communicate with him, and you likely don't hold back in expressing your feelings to him. you'll just have to help him open up. it's also a good placement match for him considering your 6th house energy, which relates to work. if you think about it, pushing a fiery, direct aries energy into HIS work can help inspire better, more honest lyrics and communication of "harder" messages that he wants to convey.
your venus in aquarius in the 4th:
with this placement, it's likely that you'd have a big family, but also maybe in a non-traditional way? maybe through something including like adoption or maybe having more than just immediate family living close to ypu? like maybe you'd live and incorprorate his parents a lot into your lives? maybe you'd have a nanny? idk, just something that's not exactly the traditional "have kids and live together and that's it". your time in the bedroom could be a bit complicated. chan is super intense when it comes to this, and could even cause you to feel suffocated by it at times. i don't think aquarius is bothered by it from time to time, but i do think it could cause you to get overwhelmed at time and test your boundaries. nothing ypu couldn't work through though. if anything, i see you deferring more to him in terms of sexual endeavors.
your mars in aries in the 6th:
you actually fit quite feel here. both of you would likely have a lot of fun together and agree a lot when it comes to how to go about doing things. fights between you two would blow upppp if it comes to that point. i dont see either of you really backing down. of course the resolution of the fights would always come, but the actual fights themselves... brutal for sure lol.
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fervency-if · 11 months
How would the LIs react to a vampire/cannibal that stalks their victims for prolonged periods of time and is sadistic if they were a stranger and if MC acted like that? Since you mentioned that at least Aubrey doesn’t play with the victims out of sadism. I also wonder how the LIs would react if they dreamed of being the victim of such a person and if MC had such a dream and felt uneasy.
This was interesting to examine!
I'm putting the reply to this below a cut because of it's length.
As for the stalking part:
The Physician wouldn't like that whatsoever, because she would see no reason to do so - she understands if one kills people because one's unable to help oneself, but doing something that calculated is simply too cruel and immoral.
Aubrey wouldn't understand it, seeing as he wants his gratification to be quite instant, he's impatient, and his hunger overrides everything, but if it brought this person joy and a thrill, who is he to disapprove? He seems himself and other anemiacs as predators, after all, and some predators stalk their prey - it's simply a different method.
Vesa would find it quite intriguing, she's rather callous when it comes to her own food - very different from her own methods, and she would ask them about their reason to do so. Not because she really questioned it, but out of curiosity.
Narciso wouldn't mind one bit. Morals? What morals? His psyche is quite twisted - that person's mind would just be twisted in a different way than his own.
It would freak Roswhen out, plain and simple, and they would find it wholly off-putting. They would mentally put themselves in the victim's shoes, and that would make them shiver, imagining something like that happening to themselves.
Elan would wonder how they had the conscience to do so, but at the same time... does he really have the right to judge them, he would think. He's far from perfect, being a bit sloppy and greedy...
As for the dream part:
The Physician would try to forget the dream immediately. It was just a dream, it doesn't mean or affect anything. She would probably say something similar to the main character if they felt uneasy from such a dream; 'I understand your discomfort, but it doesn't mean anything, it was simply your mind playing tricks on you.'
Aubrey would find it creepy... and fascinating... or rather - fascinating because it was creepy. He wouldn't want to forget that dream. He would want to tell the main character about it in great detail, mentioning exactly how that person's personality was, how it made him feel, and so on. He always enjoyed having unsettling dreams - his mind acting in intriguing ways. If the main character had such a dream he would - despite being intrigued - feeling sorry for them for being unsettled, give them a little smirk, and say 'well. If such a person exists and comes after you, don't fret. They would have to go through me first. I would... take care of them for you.'
Vesa would find it interesting - I imagine her being someone who always tries to remember her dreams because she finds the concept of the subconscious mind making up scenarios intriguing. If the main character was unsettled by such a dream, she would hug them and say 'I won't let anything happen to you.'
Narciso would know the source of this dream, what triggered it, the inspiration for his mind to create such a scenario. That's all I can say for now! If the main character had such a dream and felt unsettled, he would try to calm them down, make them think about other things. The subconscious mind can be so cruel...
Roswhen would wake up in a cold sweat, basically, and try to distract themselves from it. They don't want any creepy thoughts lingering in their head! If the main character felt uneasy from dreaming about the subject, they would try to distract them as well, unless they wanted to talk about it and examine it together with them.
Elan wouldn't be surprised if he had a dream like that. It's stressful, and his dreams - the ones he remembers, because he rarely remembers his dreams - tend to be quite stressful. He would tell the main character the same thing - that sounds like an annoying stress dream, albeit more disturbing than most. He would comfort them if needed.
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