#and regard master as a positive influence Or just simply a presence
temikoangie · 2 years
Tenko being a buddhist and keeping true to these beliefs even when it's not the logical thing is what makes Tenko my fave so while I understand why people w some types of religious trauma would dislike that part and interpret the master as a bad influence, as someone whose religious trauma was getting my religion demonized, seen as toxic and dismissed, it works for me as much better to interpret him as well meaning. I actually think I've seen way more people portraying him as toxic than anything
i wanna quickly preface this right now tht I Am Not a Buddhist Nor do i practice Buddhism so if i ever get something wrong here Please do correct me im entirely open to crticism on that part. ( i realize now i didn't end up going indepth to your religion as i expected but i am Very much open to feedback if desired)
personally if people Do interpret master as a toxic influence Solely because of the religion that he himself raised tenko in, i think theyre!! very horribly wrong ! there is nothing wrong with that at all, tenko's beliefs really do align very similarly. however my main ick with the master that tends to get overlooked is How he essentially treated the whole ''hating men'' thing.
Tenko, canonically told us themselves, that they use their neo-aikido abilities to go out every day & night, to help bring justice. Whether it's helping an elder cross the street, tracking down a thief or even sexual predators on the train !
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the 4th dialogue especially concerns me, seeing there wasn't any limit on what situations tenko is essentially sent in to diffuse. and it seems like they've been doing this since they were young! ( at least young enough that it would've seem like they've been doing this for... practically their whole life) Who knows what kind of things tenko was exposed to !! and in the next FTE we pretty much get a confirmation as to why tenko hated men, and it was because their own master reinforced the idea that men shouldn't ever be touched, lest your abilities gets drained out. I get that the master is trying to shape up tenko's moral compass (hence stuff like ''No getting excited about the holidays, dont eat 3 more sweets per day, dont touch men etc etc)
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(thisis also the same fte where tenko ''finds out'' that their master is a man and completely freaks out )
i get what the master is trying to do here but like... that's definitely not something you should say to your Very Impressionable Child who's already seen things they probably shouldn't have to experience at their age. there are definitely less.. traumatizing ways of doing this.
Did the master intend to do this maliciously? or did he meant it well and didn't realize the profound effect it would have on his Essentially Foster child ? who freaking knows. the game never really gives us any better hints for either side, but regardless of intention, it's still not a very smart thing to do to this traumatized person with emotional dysregulation .
now going back to the buddhism ppl who insinuate that master is a bad influence on tenko Solely because his religion is stupid and kind of weird! like idk how explain it to you but i don't like the attempts of demonization of other religions that isnt your typical Evangelical Christianity type thing. ppl who think that Is the Reason to interpret master as toxic is ! wrong ! and Should reevaluate why they see master as toxic ! and i am here Personally to tell you that Maybe master shouldve idk. taught him to redirect his energy to something else entirely ! that doesn't involve giving him a freaking savior/caretaker complex! people shouldnt use this as a chance to demonize buddhism!!!
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How did Acharya Devraj ji become the world's greatest astrologer?
How did Acharya Devraj ji become the world's greatest astrologer?
In a world where uncertainty often reigns supreme, the ancient art of astrology offers a glimpse into the unknown, a roadmap for navigating life's twists and turns. Among the many practitioners of this revered discipline, one name stands out: Acharya Devraj Ji, widely regarded as the best astrologer in India. With a lifetime of study and a profound understanding of the celestial bodies, Acharya Devraj Ji has dedicated his life to helping others unlock the secrets of the stars and find their true path.
Born with a natural inclination towards the mystical and the mysterious, Acharya Devraj Ji's fascination with astrology began at a young age. He spent countless hours poring over ancient texts, seeking out wise mentors, and practicing his craft until it became second nature. Years of intense study and meditation allowed him to tap into the cosmic energies, to understand the subtle dance of the planets and their influence on human affairs.
Today, Acharya Devraj Ji is a master of his craft, an astrologer of unparalleled skill and insight. He has a deep understanding of the complex workings of the universe, able to interpret even the most subtle astrological signs and portents. His readings are renowned for their accuracy and depth, offering not just ephemeral predictions, but profound guidance for navigating career challenges and seizing its opportunities.
Acharya Devraj Ji's expertise extends far beyond basic astrology. He is a master of numerous esoteric disciplines, from Vedic astrology to numerology, palmistry, and beyond. He possesses a profound understanding of rituals and remedies, able to prescribe ancient practices to balance the energies and bring about positive change. Whether seeking solutions to specific problems or a deeper understanding of the self, those who consult with Acharya Devraj Ji can expect transformative insights and practical guidance.
What sets Acharya Devraj Ji apart is his genuine compassion and desire to help others. He does not simply dispense career predictions, but takes the time to truly understand each individual, their unique circumstances and aspirations. With a warm and empathetic demeanor, he offers personalized guidance, helping clients to overcome obstacles, make informed decisions, and align themselves with the cosmic flow.
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, we are not alone. The stars above offer silent guidance, their ancient wisdom waiting to be unlocked. With the right astrologer as our guide, we can tap into this celestial knowledge, navigating the currents of fate and fulfilling our highest potential. We can find the answers we seek, the insights we crave, and the guidance we need to live a life of purpose and meaning.
For those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe, for those yearning for guidance and wisdom, Acharya Devraj Ji awaits. With his mastery of the stars and his compassion for the human journey, he offers a journey of self-discovery and transformation, a chance to unlock the secrets of the cosmos and fulfill our highest destiny. In the presence of this great astrologer, we are reminded of the magic that lies within and around us, and the infinite possibilities that await us all.
So let us embrace the power of astrology, let us seek out the wisdom of the stars, and let us allow their guidance to illuminate our path. Let us consult with the astrologers, the keepers of this ancient wisdom, and let us heed their insights. For in their presence, we can find not just fleeting answers, but a roadmap for the journey of the soul. We can find the courage to follow our hearts, the wisdom to make informed decisions, and the strength to overcome any obstacle.
Here Faqs of Public Regarding Astrology from Acharya Devraj Ji :
Q: Who is Acharya Devraj Ji? A: Acharya Devraj Ji is a renowned astrologer based in India. He has gained a reputation for his accurate predictions and deep understanding of Vedic astrology.
Q: What services does Acharya Devraj Ji offer? A: Acharya Devraj Ji provides a range of services, including personalized astrology readings, horoscope analysis, and guidance on various life matters such as career, relationships, and health.
Q: How accurate are Acharya Devraj Ji's predictions? A: Many people have reported that Acharya Devraj Ji's predictions are highly accurate. His deep knowledge of astrology and intuitive abilities allow him to provide insightful guidance.
Q: How can I consult with Acharya Devraj Ji? A: You can consult with Acharya Devraj Ji through various means such as in-person meetings, phone calls, or online video consultations. It's best to reach out to his team to schedule an appointment.
Q: What makes Acharya Devraj Ji the best astrologer in World? A: Acharya Devraj Ji's reputation as the best astrologer in World is due to his exceptional knowledge, accuracy, and ability to provide meaningful guidance. Many people turn to him for answers and direction in their lives.
Q: What's going to be the exact duration of your marriage?
A: After analyzing the movement of planets on your personal horoscope may be determined the proper time for your marriage prediction. Your love marriage will take place in Kundali.
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readingsbylibramc · 2 years
birth chart reading for @lovewitchx 
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with saturn as the handle of the bucket. your saturn is in the 12th house, hence matters regarding mental health and spirituality will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents, you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are mercury, jupiter and venus. you are probably quite creative, or at least you have a passion for creative outlets; you may like music, reading, cooking, etc. you're also quite smart and deep, you're probably told you look more mature than your actual age. you may also be into reading, writing and studying anything, especially philosophy.
your dominant sign is pisces. you're a genuine, caring person who loves daydreaming. it's a sort of way to escape reality, but it gives you an enormous amount of creativity. you also possess a strong intuition, which can make you have a sort of sixth sense.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and independence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in virgo, 1° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you have a practical approach to the world. you’re kind of logical, it’s hard for you to improvize. you always want to keep everything neat and organized, at least in your mind. you could have a natural coldness to your face. you may seem younger than you are, but still very mature and responsible. with your attentive eyes, you pay attention to every single detail you see. you’re a perfectionist, and you always want and try to be at your best state. I would say you’re quite competitive when it comes to your goals, but you don’t really do it to be above others. you do it because your obsession for details kind of stresses you out. improving and proving yourself is a way to boost your self-esteem, you feel fulfilled when you can achieve your goals. you are extremely intelligent and logical, you’re always up for a deep talk or simply for an occasion to gain more knowledge. you like being smart, you always want to know about everything. even the latest, trendy meme counts for you. your nature is very cautious; you’re rarely impulsive, you always think deeply about your decisions, as you don’t want to make any mistakes. because of that, you can be particularly picky. not only with material things such as movies, books, food etc. but even with people. it’s hard for you to open up to someone you don’t know at all. you take things slow, both in friendships and in relationships, just to preserve yourself. you may come off as kind of snobby, but you’re just misunderstood. you don’t like flaky bonds, you need security in your life. physically, as I’ve already mentioned before, you have this kind of strict look on your face. your eyes may be almond-shaped, and you could have a natural feline gaze. overall, you have something smaller about your features; you could have thin lips, a small nose, small eyes… you could have a smaller frame with thin bones, and you don’t gain weight easily. you may be of average height, and I’ve noticed that most virgos tend to have pretty long legs? no matter if they’re tall or not, their legs will still be longer than their bust.
virgo ascendant opposite aquarius venus: this aspect makes you more sociable and prone to interact with people. you’re also most probably very attractive, people are naturally drawn to you. the downside of this placement is that you may suffer from self-esteem issues, as you really care about others’ impression of you. maybe you’re a little bit clumsy too. it’s easy for you to gain popularity, but be careful as it’s not always good. popularity brings scandals too, so people you see in your everyday life could possibly start gossips around you. the good thing about this aspect is that you emanate loyalty, so you usually choose loyal and trust-worthy partners. this placement may also bring issues and problems in marriage with your future partner, even though I don’t think it’s your case. your venus is well-placed, so I don’t think there’ll be serious problems.
🌞 sun in pisces, 23° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual. after all, pisces is the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things, especially with your mutable dominance. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
pisces sun square sagittarius jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your fire dominance. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with your pessimistic pluto energy. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issue and their impact on your interactions with others.
pisces sun square sagittarius pluto: probably during your childhood you couldn't make your own decisions. you might have been highly influenced by someone in your family, probably your father, and hence now you feel the need to have everything under control. maybe too much. you despise authority, you may even quite rebellious. maybe your parents have tried to convince you following their religion, ideals etc., without giving you freedom. or perhaps, they are overprotective and avoid to make you have experiences. I imagine that getting rid of your control issues, which are caused by this sense of not being in control of your life, may be the first step to finally heal your wound, which is somehow linked to the relationship with your friends and casual partners in your everyday life. start trusting others more, and don't be afraid of being 'fooled'. you're totally capable of understanding when someone is trying to hurt you, follow your intuition. even though it may be hard, even painful, it'll be the key to transform and overcome pluto's lessons to achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in capricorn, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by saturn and venus
n your group of friends, you’re probably the responsible friend, as you’re very reliable and mature, almost serious. you always want to be seen as a point of reference, yet you tend to shy away from the spotlight. even though you may desire it, you feel too shy and pressured being in the centre of attention. you don’t like talking about your feelings; even if you do talk a lot, you prefer talking about news, hobbies etc. you don’t want to be the subject of the conversation. because of this, you tend to repress your emotions, as you don’t want to be seen as vulnerable. you’re a nice listener, your friends can rely on you when they need to vent without wanting an advice, as you’re probably not the best at finding a solution to their problems. you may find yourself wanting to follow a schedule, otherwise you feel as if you’re too relaxed and you’re not being productive. this is also a placement that can indicate coldness in your family environment / childhood. maybe your parents were quite strict, but overall it was nothing too serious that hurt you deeply.
capricorn moon square aries venus: there are contrasting feelings in your relationships with others; after all, your capricorn moon wants to commit to someone and be loyal to them. on the other hand, your aries venus wants to be independent. you don't want to feel tied to someone, you still need your independence. those two desires of yours probably contrast each other, stressing you out. you want a calm, almost boring relationship, but with this placement you can't seem to have one. your feelings and self-esteem may depend a lot on your relationships, not only with your lovers, but also with your friends. if someone isn't loyal to you, you immediately start blaming yourself. in your life you may lack intimacy, and while it may make you feel better at first, based on the rest of your chart you actually need someone on your side. you can't do everything on your own. you need to find someone that projects your ideals of love. if you need a free-spirit, go look for one. it may take you a while, but if you learn all the lessons you need to learn from your breakups, you'll be able to live a peaceful life with your spouse.
🗣 mercury in aquarius, 27° / 3rd decan ruled by uranus and venus
mercury is exalted in the sign of aquarius, so this is definitely a beneficial placement! you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all. you're proud of your intellect, you can't help but show it off, but obviously others may be jealous of you or feel attacked. for your voice, I assume you have a very particular tone, maybe even a nasal voice.
aquarius mercury opposite leo saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into trouble. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your fire energy you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often with others, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking with others more at work, anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
❤️ venus in aries, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and jupiter
with venus in aries, loving you is an adventure. you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. this placement may even give you the reputation of being a player. you have to understand that relationships can get boring, but that's not necessarily a red flag. it just means you two are starting to feel comfortable together. you also enjoy physical contact, therefore cold partners are a no no for you. you need someone who's affectionate yet bold, and that would spoil you with attention and gifts. you enjoy the little things about love, such as remembering your anniversary or even giving you small presents, especially if they're homemade (like breakfast, poems etc.). you also try to avoid flaky people, as you don't like making relationships seem too light.
☄️ mars in aquarius, 12° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and mercury
you find strenght and energy in your innovative ideas. when you’re having a hard time, you often come up with solutions by yourself, without anybody’s help. you enjoy being at the center of attention for your smartness, just like your sister sign leo in a kind of way. you may be very competitive, and sometimes you don’t even realize it, making you ask yourself why people always try to fight you. you’re very driven by your sense of humanitarianism; you have no problems defending someone apparently weak, even though that someone may not be right, making you look like the devil’s advocate. you may also be interested in everything that stimulates your mind, from reading thrillers to playing mind games. you may also have a knack for stuff like technology, science, maths, media and education. I’ve also noticed that aquarius placements love animals, plants and art above all, but not famous paintings; you may love works from foreign artists (e.g. van gogh), or maybe symbolic paintings that aren’t very well-known.
aquarius mars opposite leo saturn: this placement indicates that something or someone is trying to restrict you, they're trying to prevent you from following your dreams and taking your own choices for your life. that someone is most likely an individual that has a lot on impact on you, it's someone very authoritative. or perhaps, it may even be a bully or abuser of any sort or just your insecurity to hold you back. as a result, you either rebel and get extremely angry, or you hide all of your disappointment inside of you. but soon or after, all of your intense feelings are going to eat you alive if you keep going like this, it's a very unhealthy behaviour. you could find it extra hard to achieve your goals, as when you try you always come across some hardships. what matters the most, is that you try to be more positive, you could even try manifesting more patience or serenity. you can't hold onto anger so much, or it will just fill you with negativity that could damage you. let it all go, focus on your goals and try to understand how to be more patient. in fact, you may often feel like you need to do everything as soon as possible, when it's not like that. you can allow yourself to be more calm and live life as it comes, it will make you feel much better with yourself and you'll also get more mature, which is crucial to learn your saturnian lessons and increase your self-confidence.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in virgo. you appear as someone intelligent, possibly judgmental and critical. in fact, you’re a perfectionist, and most of the time you appreciate it when someone takes care of themselves just as much as you do. you’re also particularly pessimistic, and this could be annoying for those around you. you’re very logical and pragmatic, and you may even be a bit judgmental. you can read people’s mood very well, it’s easy for you to understand whether someone is sad, angry, happy… because of that, you always try to make people feel at ease, you’re always kind with people, and that makes you extremely likeable. you’re probably a very genuine person. it’s hard for you to hide your real emotions, and even if you wanted to hide them you wouldn’t be capable.
your 2nd house is in libra. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. with this placement I’d suggest that you should pursue a career that allows you to express your creativity, as arts and beauty allow you not only to make money, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could also spend money in venusian things like clothes, make-up, decorations and anything that involves beauty and aesthetic.
your 3rd house is in scorpio. you probably love witty jokes and sarcasm. you’re extremely honest when you think and speak, and most of the time you have no problem expressing your opinions. you could possibly be very good with words and be good at convincing and manipulating others. usually this placement makes someone kind of mischievous when it comes to words, especially with your impulsive aries energy that may make you hurt people unintentionally. your mind is very deep, you’re probably not really into small talk. you may also love anything that is considered taboo, like astrology, horror, nudity, death… you’re also quite secretive, you’re seen as an enigma. you don’t want to share much about you. last but not least, you value honesty above all. you only speak the truth, and hence you also want it back. you may as well be into conspiracy theories, science and anything that can expose what’s behind the universe, the government etc. you have amazing communication skills and also an entertaining sense of humor that is able to light up the room.
your 4th house is in scorpio again. jupiter and pluto are also placed in this house. you could come from a foreign place, or perhaps you moved houses a lot during your childhood. perhaps, you have someone in your family that is from a different culture or religion from yours, or perhaps they’re able to speak more than one language. your parents could have been very successful at school, they could actually be professors. you might’ve always been a smart kid, you could’ve grown up learning more languages and you were most likely good at school too. you also got to make lots of experiences during your childhood, you might have travelled a lot. your relationship with your family is most likely very good. it could be that there might have been a few misunderstandings between you and your parents, but nothing too serious. maybe, they could have been a bit distant, it could be that they had to travel a lot for work and hence you felt lonely; or maybe, it’s the opposite, they were a bit too affectionate and overwhelming, possibly possessive too, and you may have been babied or spoiled a bit too much.
your 5th house is in the sign of capricorn, with also your moon placed there. capricorn usually brings a feeling of seriousness to the house it’s in. you could be a bit more introverted, probably you’re not the type to frequent clubs, parties, etc. you’re more serious from that point of view. your hobbies could actually drain your energy for you; let’s suppose you’re into videogames. you could literally spend the whole day playing videogames, as you take your hobbies very seriously. you’re not the type to start a project and then leave it, you’re very resolute. also, you most likely have ‘mature’ hobbies; you could be into politics, economy, history… you could be into slower types of music, for example, or perhaps you like reading about world issues. with your children you may be quite strict, as you see them as a responsibility. also, you may often be attracted or attract older or more mature partners. you’re most likely a very romantic and artistic person, you may be fond of music, dancing, singing, acting… anything creative that stimulates your senses. yet, you may be a bit picky when it comes to hobbies; you probably only like reading specific types of books, you only listen to a certain music style, and so on. you may also be into spirituality such as psychology, astrology, law of attraction, yoga, mediation, etc. you try to be nice and kind to everyone, as you don’t wanna be seen as someone unpleasant to be with.
your 6th house is in aquarius, with also your mars, neptune and mercury placed there. people with aquarius in their 6th house need to change their routine throughout their life. probably, when you were you younger they taught you things that aren’t healthy for your body and health. you may have to change your diet, your medicines… also, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. for example you wouldn’t mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. this placement also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it’s your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. you could also develop unexpected diseases. you may pursue a career that looks unexpected for you at first, something that you never thought you’d do. it will most likely be a creative, artistic job. it will be a very pleasant job, it won’t even feel like a duty to you as you’ll choose a job that you like and that you’re passionate about. regarding your health, throughout your life you may often come across sudden health problems, illnesses may come out of nowhere, especially with mars in this house that makes you get hurt quite easily. you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible.
your 7th house is in pisces. the sun and uranus are also sitting in this house. with this pisces descendant, you attract people that are pretty much very intuitive and soft; they could have pisces placements, or at least they’ll be extremely artistic and emotional. yet, you may as well surround yourself with 'broken’ people. that is, people that aren’t exactly in the best state of their health, whether physically or mentally. with the sun in this house, you could meet them in a fun situation, like a party, a vacation, a night out… any situation where you’re supposed to be chilling and having fun, you may meet your future spouse there. also, in a relationship you probably hate feeling suffocated. while your pisces descendant may make you enjoy skinship, you may sometimes also need your space, you still need your freedom. also, pisces makes you idealize your crushes/partners way too much, to the point that you create an image of someone in your head that turns out to be the opposite at the end. you ignore your partner’s flaws, as they seem perfect to you. you may also end up having lots of partners before settling down, as you may struggle to find the right person for you. yet, after that you’ll feel completely satisfied with your relationship, it will bring you lots of love and success. jupiter here shelters you from potentially abusive and toxic partners, I definitely see you having a stable and happy marriage/relationship in the future.
your 8th house is in aries. generally, people with aries in their 8th house are very confident when it comes to taboo topics; they have no problems showing their interest in them, especially with people they’re intimate with. you constantly try to improve yourself by coming up with new projects, you love challenges. they help you growing up into the person you want to become. you may come across some hardships regarding yourself, your identity. but, when you face those fears and start loving yourself, you’ll naturally become more mature and 'transform’. you’re an extremely goal-oriented person. you want to be the best at everything you do, not only to be better than others but also the best for yourself. you’re very astute, it’s impossible to trick you, and you always find a way to be in charge and get what you want. yet, you can get quite obsessed about your goals, that you could do extreme things to get what you want. in fact, people with this placement can even manipulate others, as they’re totally capable of doing that.
your 9th house is in taurus. venus is also placed in this house. with this placement, I feel like you may use your intellect to gain financial security and material possessions. while this is a good thing, as it helps increasing your confidence, don’t forget that your intellect is more important than money or any other thing. don’t underestimate it. you’re totally capable of learning and understanding things by yourself, hence don’t wait for others for help. you should start dealing with your own experiences alone, without anybody else’s help. this placement can also be someone a little close-minded; in fact, you’re probably very stubborn and firm about your beliefs. you hardly ever allow others to change your mind. you may also be into poetry, philosophy, and just anything that can stimulate both your mind and feelings. in fact, your mind is constantly wandering somewhere else, allowing you to travel with your fantasy. you’re also probably attracted to foreign things, like people, music, fashion, languages, movies etc. you love learning about anything, and you may also have a good memory. in fact, it’s common for you to be the one who explains things and possibly even leads a group, and this could unluckily make you seem as a know-it-all. you do take pride in your wisdom, indeed. your deep way of thinking is also where your desire for freedom comes from, as you wish to be able to expand yourself through travelling and new experiences. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you're probably into those youthful love stereotypes, e.g. high school dates. you want your relationships to be filled with excitement, you despise boring, traditional and cheesy things. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you're also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly aura around them.
your 10th house is in taurus again. when it comes to work, you’re quite materialistic. you want to earn a great income from your job, you aspire to be wealthy, and luckily with virgo ascendant you probably don’t lack ambition. yet, as I’ve already mentioned in the previous sections, you shouldn’t procrastinate nor be lazy, you should break free from your limitations and work hard to visualize and achieve your goals, or it may be hard for you to have a stable career life. you may be drawn to artistic careers, such as designing for example, or even things like cooking or baking. you could be a singer, a rapper, a writer… even a therapist or a counsealor, as well as an actor or comedian. you will probably get to communicate something in your career, you may want to spread a certain message or you may have to interact with other people for your job. you could also be in charge, you may get a very high position in your agency or you could even have your own business, I don't see you having to depend on others ar all. you would do well at a variety of things to be honest!
your 11th house is in cancer. this placement indicates that your friends, they’re your comfort-zone. you feel understood when you’re with them, they’re pretty much like a family to you. you can tell them anything, you put all of your trust in them. or at least, if you haven’t met anyone like this yet, you’ll surely meet a friend that is like a soulmate to you. they’ll also be very important for your growth. in addition, it could also be that you’re still friends with someone from your childhood or even high school days, and hence you could literally grow up together. you could also have some step-siblings. you could also have very big goals you want to achieve in your life, probably since your childhood. as a result, you may end up pursuing your dream career for instance.
your 12th house is in leo. saturn is also sitting in this house. this is kind of a tricky placement, as leo rules the self, the ego, and the 12th house rules fears. you could be afriad of being too confident, of feeling worth it, or even just by being in the spotlight. perhaps, you have stage fright. this fear of embracing your persona makes you very insecure, even though you probably don’t show it. also, since your 12th house is the house of dreams, you could often make dreams that involve yourself. you hardly ever dream of someone else, and if you they’re probably your lovers, possibly your friends. you may also make daydreams or sleeping dreams of creative, utopic scenarios. you most likely have lots of dreams, that could even predict the future. you may be a bit too pragmatic to embrace your spirituality. I think you’re already working this out since you’ve booked an astrology reading to discover more about yourself, but remember that you should definitely try to get more in touch with your soul! even doing simple stretching, meditation or yoga can help give you some space to think about your identity, your wants and your needs. the 12th house is also the house of fears, and since its cusp falls in capricorn, you may be afriad of authority, like the police for example, or anything that appears to be much bigger and more supported than you. it may also manifest in fear of not being organized, and also fear of money / success loss.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract pisces, capricorn, aquarius, leo, and cancer placements. your future spouse will most likely have some of their planets in leo, cancer, aquarius or pisces; they’ll be well-balanced, with a stable job and finances. yet, they won’t be too much of a workaholic, as they’re also most probably a chill individual who loves relax and vacation as well. you’re most likely going to meet your future spouse abroad. or perhaps, they are foreign and they travel to your country. you may also meet them in a place related to foreign culture, so maybe in a place filled with tourists, or perhaps in an exotic restaurant, perhaps at a sushi bar if you’re not japanese for example. it may also be time for you for new experiences, perhaps you’re doing something for the first time, such as trying a new sport or taking a plane. you may also meet your future spouse at work, or through a colleague of yours. your children will have capricorn and cancer placements: they’ll be extremely reliable and intelligent; they could be a bit rebellious during their early years, but they will become more mature as time goes by. they’ll be very creative and quite sensitive too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was probably the more dominant figure in your family. she’s very smart and optimistic, and she could be into fashion and self-care. yet, she could be a bit moody, over-emotional and impulsive. overall, she’s a very joyful person who’s always ready to crack a joke and put a smile on others’ faces. she may be a sagittarius, a scorpio, a capricorn or a pisces. as for your father, he is more laid-back, but probably very stubborn and also quite protective too. he may have taurus or sagittarius placements in his chart, as well as virgo and scorpio. if you have siblings, your relationship with them may be quite pleasant. probably, you used to get along very well with them, it was pleasant for you to hang out and talk to them. they could have gemini, leo, virgo, libra or taurus placements in their chart.
📊 career
you’re a very ambitious person, and hence I don’t see you being the type to scrap projects. especially with your taurus midheaven, you’re motivated to complete your works in order to show that you’re able to succeed, you want to be the best in what you do. I can also see you being a good therapist, psychologist, possibly even a doctor of any kind, even though I’d avoid practical and boring jobs if I were in you. your strong pisces energy struggles to be cold-minded at times, and hence working in a stressful environment could be dangerous for you and for your mental health, as you may absorb others’ negativity and stress. actually, I feel like the most suited career for you would be something that allows you to be in charge, to be your own boss as you know what’s best for you. you may also do well with a creative career; you may become a writer, a dancer, a singer, a stylist, a model, an actress… anything that isn’t too practical could be good to you, and if it allows you to express your creativity it’s even better.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably love clothes that can show and enhance your body. you may love wearing crop tops, skirts, bralettes, shorts... anything that leaves a part of your body uncovered, yet that still looks elegant and classy. you could also enjoy baggy clothes, paired with fancy accessories and heels. for colors, you go from wearing bold colours like red, burgundy and neon, to darker shades like black, dark blue etc. you probably also love neutral shades, like kaki, beige and so on.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had trouble with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared of the idea of marriage, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 15
with pluto being conjunct your natal moon, this year may be very emotionally turbulent for you. you feel confused and drained, as you're going through an inner transformation that is going to turn you into a new person. you may be getting into conflicts very easily, but at the same time the people you lose during this period were probably not good for you.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, I hope it resonated with you :)
- libramc xx
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stonefreeak · 4 years
Anakin can't believe what he's hearing and seeing. He can't believe that the investigation really would find something on Palpatine. The man has been nothing but devoted to the welfare of the galaxy for years! There's no way that he would do something like this. There just isn't.
Just then, something Palpatine said to him comes back with a vengeance. "Well, I know my innocence, so I feel that I have little to fear… Unless, of course, someone has tampered with evidence or files to implicate me, of course."
He feels cold, shudders and shivers running through him and immediately it's as if a hand is holding his throat. Not squeezing, just holding there, like a threat, making his throat feel clogged and his breathing speed up.
Could someone have interfered with the investigation and planted evidence against Palpatine? It is possible that all of this is a sham of a trial, held on false evidence? Palpatine suggested the possibility after all, surely that must mean that he suspected he might have a political rival willing to stop at nothing to smear him?
... It... It can't have been Obi-Wan, can it?
All of this began with Obi-Wan, after all. Obi-Wan took over Palpatine's position, ousting him from office without a shred of remorse. Obi-Wan locked himself in his room after that Senator had suggested it... Was he plotting something? Working on how to make his plans proceed even as he pretended that he was just an unwilling Jedi Master being put in an impossible situation his sense of duty wouldn't let him ignore?
Because... Obi-Wan was the one who confiscated Palpatine's possession and it was Obi-Wan who started this infernal investigation in the first place! Maybe he planted information while he did his "research" into Palpatine's conduct?
Maybe... Maybe this has all been a bid for power and Obi-Wan's been lying to Anakin all along. Maybe that's why he hasn't given up his place on the Jedi high Council or his place as a High General of the GAR.
Pressing his palms against his eyes, Anakin grits his teeth and breathes harshly through his nose, trying desperately to get it together. Is it really possible that Obi-Wan would do such a thing?
... He would if the Council ordered him to. But that... that doesn't make sense either, does it? Why would the Jedi want to be in charge of the Republic anyway? There's nothing in it for them, not really.
And the only thing Obi-Wan's really done since coming into office is being a stabilising influence on the political scene, start investigations he doesn't participate in, and send laws out to be deliberated on by groups of senators without his presence. Padmé has said all of that, has talked at length about what good she thinks Obi-Wan is doing in the Senate.
But... What if... What if...
He pulls his hands away and straightens, suddenly feeling the way Padmé's hand is rubbing his shoulder. He glances up at her, but her eyes are still trained at the screens.
There's a smile on her face. She looks pleased. There's a light in her eyes and Anakin can tell that she thinks this is right, that she doesn't harbour any sort of suspicions against the investigation.
But... But it all fits so neatly together. It makes sense that Obi-Wan would have set everything up.
Except then, like lightning from clear skies, he remembers something incredibly important, something he had overlooked.
Senator Mandai is a Naangni from the planet Haa'ndu.
All Naangni are impervious to Force suggestions.
There is no way Obi-Wan could have influenced her into doing what she did, not unless he did it entirely without the Force. But that would have taken time and effort, and Obi-Wan had been off Coruscant almost as much as Anakin had before that session ever happened.
It's as if a huge weight is lifted from his shoulders, and he almost wants to cry.
Obi-Wan hasn't orchestrated all of this in some mad bid for power.
It's such a relief to realise that he'd simply jumped to conclusions that Anakin nearly forgets that it means that Palpatine really must be guilty of these crimes. That he really must have abused his position and accepted bribes.
Anakin feels cold, like he can't breathe.
That means that Anakin was wrong.
And Obi-Wan was right.
Padmé feels like she's torn between satisfaction and dismay as she watches the results of the trial come in. On one hand, she feels like this further proves that her realisation that Palpatine used her when she was still Queen is true, because clearly it was not the only time Palpatine decided to ignore convention, the law, and his duty to do something that improved his own standing above everything else.
On the other hand, however, she's watching a man she long considered a mentor be proved a corrupt liar, who missed the fact that his close colleague and the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate was beyond corrupt.
It makes Senator Mandai's words during that fateful emergency session ring painfully true: "He’s been inefficient, slow to act, and allowed his own term to be dragged out without a new vote for far longer than any competent politician should have allowed! The war has dragged on because our Chancellor has done nothing to stop the powers that drive it, and it is the Jedi and the Clones that shoulder the weight of his incompetence!"
She has long since harboured worries regarding the usage of a Clone army, creating living and sentient beings simply for the sake of throwing them into war for a Republic they have never known... And this is just another layer of anxiety on top of that.
If Palpatine had been a better Chancellor... Would the war have ended already?
Perhaps the war never would have begun in the first place...
The news are all over the Holonet as soon as the sentence is dropped. Some quite large fines, but no jail time.
The people seem conflicted, as many of them had been holding on to what they've been told throughout Palpatine's time in office: that he's a hard working man who's doing his very best for the Republic to even his own detriment at some times.
Some are weeping and in denial, claiming that it cannot be true.
Others are mounting protests, that the punishment is too little for someone who abused the highest political office in the entire Republic.
And Palpatine...
Palpatine is locking down all of his rage and disgust, down as deep inside himself as he can, lest he ends up killing multiple people in an explosion in the Force.
As satisfying as he would find it, he can hardly expose himself like that.
Regaining his reputation will be hard work, harder than he ever expected, but he cannot create more bodies to bury with no control. There are enough people that need to die without him adding random pathetic rabble to the list.
He'll take his time, things will blow over...
And when they do, he'll mount a charm offensive that will make everyone forget about these pesky little convictions. They're barely anything at all—though he's almost impressed that the investigation managed to pin them on him. Seems he might have underestimated the Jedi just a small amount.
It's not a mistake he will repeat.
And they will come to regret ever taking part in this farce in the first place.
Not that they would have been spared even if they hadn't put their noses where they don't belong.
Death to all Jedi...
Just as soon as he can formulate and enact a plan to enact Order 66. There must be some way...
As long as he can activate the chip in the mind of just one single commander, he can ensure that commander spreads it to the others and then the destruction of the Jedi will commence.
And the revenge of the Sith will finally be complete.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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leefi · 3 years
I want to talk about YJH for a second, specifically regarding where he's been positioned in the story and how things have been playing out through his POV (Spoilers up to chapter 120).
Most characters have benefitted tremendously from having Kim Dokja around to influence the direction of the story - Jung Heewon (who I believe was originally a nameless character) has blossomed into one of the strongest incarnations so far and Lee Jihye is stated to be far more powerful than she was in the original third regression.
And while virtually everyone benefits from KDJ's presence, we saw YJH's mental state actually rapidly deteriorating after KDJ's arrival, all the way up to the cinema master fight. It was stated several times in the story that "he shouldn't be this cruel at this point, it's only his third regression, he's acting extremely out of the norm"...and while I can't know for sure, I wonder how much of that is due to him having to share the spotlight with KDJ. He has been very quickly relegated from the role of protagonist to deuteragonist, and is no longer the primary dictator of how this world moves.
Then again...he never actually was. His author was before. And even in-universe, most of his actions and decisions have been heavily influenced - if not outright dictated - by the constellations watching his suffering for their own entertainment. It's so...strange. It's such a strange position that he's in. He's the protagonist, he's the most powerful person on the field, but he's had arguably the least amount of agency over his own actions than anyone else in the story. The vast majority of things he is going to end up doing that Kim Dokja knows about simply haven't happened yet. We are where the story begins. Depending on when this reality truly began, YJH as an autonomous person was really only born a month and a half ago, and that's strange. I'm trying to put myself in his shoes, and it's hard, because he knows so little about the current situation; and I know so little about his previous two regressions (*throttles Kim Dokja for no particular reason*). So really all I can do is speculate...
Speaking of, isn't it strange that YJH's sponsor has never even tried communicating with KDJ at all? That we have no idea who his sponsor even *is* (and that KDJ doesn't raise any questions about it)? Of course my working theory is that KDJ *is* his sponsor...I have no idea how we get there, but I have no doubt that he is. Maybe the Fourth Wall skill is sponsor!KDJ's way of protecting human!KDJ.
One last thing about Jonghyuk is something that I wonder if KDJ will be capable of stopping. When we first met him, the first thing Dokja states is that he will be the man to kickstart the tragedy that changes this world. That. Is...future tense. Something very bad concerning YJH will happen that we haven't seen yet. Does it occur at the end of this third regression? Somewhere before? We're actually nearing the end of when his third regression would be normally...IIRC they mentioned earlier that he dies due to Yoosung (not during the fight, but due to her actions in some way). But what is this action he takes that turns the world upside down? Every time Kim Dokja saves somebody that YJH loves...is that him trying to guide him away from that possibility? Shit, KDJ, what are you gonna do if you end up needing to save yourself?
Ultimately I feel I may be denying YJH too much agency in how I'm thinking about him right now but as it stands I honestly can't help it. By his third regression he's already a psychopath, we don't hear his voice that often, he works mostly off screen, and when he is around he's laser-focused on what needs doing. But essentially what I'm trying to say here is just how strange of a position he's in right now. Hearing other characters comment on him now is what reminds me that he's meant to be the main character. "As expected of a protagonist". Who?? What?? How?? What factor makes him the protagonist now? The fact that the universe lives and dies with him? All that makes him is a hostage.
The universe living and dying with him...Kim Dokja?
That's why KDJ's influence has been so monumental. YJH resisted his presence at first - a lot - and the majority of his actions and decisions have been reprehensible thus far. But Dokja's actions were the first to teach him that he didn't need to keep going the way that he was. There is another way out - he just has to find it.
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We've been watching "real people" transform into "characters" as the story has progressed beyond where they finished. I think that the opposite is happening for Yoo Jonghyuk. The more that KDJ pulls us away from the original story and he's forced to react and make his own decisions off of such, the more agency the "character" YJH is going to gain as a person.
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generallypo · 4 years
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“I heard your voice, so I came... Aoba-san.”
Hooo-boy, if that doesn’t get me emotional every single time. Call it my bias for eccentric bundles of sunshine and softness, or my crippling weakness for the secretly-handsome-and-devastatingly-earnest type, but you can’t change my mind: Clear is, hands down, DMMD’s best love interest. Character development-wise, thematically, romantically, he nails every trial thrown at him, gets his man,  and proceeds to break your heart in the tenderest, sincerest way possible. I am hopping with Huge Fan Energy, so this post is gonna be unapologetically long and self-indulgent and grossly enthusiastic. Yeeeee.
Look, DMMD meta analysis has been done to death, I get it. This game is old. But I think it stands as testament to its excellent production that it’s still a game worth revisiting years later — especially during these times when social contact is so hard pressed to come by and we all rabidly devour digital media like a horde of screeching feral gremlins. (Have you seen Netflix’s stock value now? The exploding MMO server populations? Astonishing.) It’s pure, simple human nature to want to connect, to cling to members of our network out of biological imperative and our psychological dependency on each other. As cold and primitive at that sounds, social contact also fulfills us on a higher level: the community is always stronger than the individual; genuine trust begets a mutually supportive relationship of exchange and evolution. People learn from each other, and grow into stronger, wiser, better versions of themselves.
Yeah, I’m being deliberately obtuse about this. Of course I’m talking about Clear. Clear, who is a robot. Clear, who is nearly childlike in his insatiable curiosity regarding the human condition.
And it’s a classic literary tactic, using non-human entities to question the intangible constructs of a concept like ‘humanity’ — think Frankenstein, or Tokyo Ghoul, or Detroit: Become Human, among so, so many works in various media — all tackling that question from countless angles, all with varying measures of success. What does it mean to be human? To be good? Who are we, and where do we stand in the grand scheme of things? Is there even a scheme to follow? … Wait, what?
Jokes aside, there are so many ways that the whole approaching-human-yet-not-quite-there schtick can be abused into edgy, joyless existential griping. Nothing wrong with that if it’s what you’re looking for, except that we’re talking about a boys’ love game here. But DMMD neatly, sweetly side steps that particular wrinkle, giving us a wonderfully grounded character to work with as a result. 
Character Design — a see-through secret
Let’s start small: Clear’s design and premise. Unlike so many other lost, clueless robo-lambs across media, Clear does have a small guiding presence early on in his life. It takes the form of his grandfather, who teaches Clear about the world while also sheltering him from his origins. It means he learns enough to blend sufficiently into society; it also means that Clear has even more questions that sprout from his limited understanding of the world.
Told that he must never remove his mask lest he expose his identity as a non-human, Clear’s perpetual fear of rejection for what he is drives much of his eccentricity and challenges him throughout much of his route. As for the player, the mystery of what lies underneath his mask is a carrot that the writers get to dangle until the peak moment of emotional payoff. Even if it’s not hard to guess that there’s probably a hottie of legendary proportions stuck under there, there’s still significance in waiting for that good moment to happen. And when it does, it feels great.
His upbringing contextualizes and affirms his odd choice of fashion: deliberately generic, bashfully covered from the public eye, and colored nearly in pure white - the quintessential signal of a blank slate, of innocence. Contrasted with the rest of DMMD’s flashy, colorful crew, Clear is probably the most difficult to read on a superficial scale, not falling into the fiery, bare-chest sex appeal of a womanizer, or the techno-nerd rebel aesthetic that Noiz somehow rocks. Goofy weirdo? Possibly a serial killer? Honestly, both seem plausible at the start.
And that’s the funny thing, because as damn hard as he tries to physically cover himself up from society, Clear is irrepressibly true to his name: transparent to a fault. He’s a walking, talking contradiction, and it’s not hard to realize that this mysterious, masked stranger… is really just an open book. By far the most effusive and straightforward of the entire cast, his actions are wildly unconventional and sometimes wholly inexplicable. But given time to explain himself, he is always, always sincere in his intentions — and unlike the rest of the love interests, naturally inclined to offer bits of himself to Aoba. It doesn’t take the entire character arc to figure out his big, bad secret — our main character gets an inkling about halfway through his route — and what’s even better is that he embraces it, understanding that his abilities also allow him to protect what he cherishes: Aoba. 
So what if he doesn’t fit into an easily recognizable box of daydream boyfriend material? He’s contradictory, and contradiction is interesting. Dons a gas mask, but isn’t an edgelord. Blandly dressed, but ridiculously charming. Unreadable and modestly intimidating — until he opens his mouth. Even without the benefit of traversing his route, there’s already so much good stuff to work with, and sure as hell, you’re kept guessing all the way to the end.
Character Development — from reckless devotion into complaisant subservience, complaisant subservience into mutual understanding. And then, of course: free will, and true love. 
At its core, DMMD is about a dude with magic mind-melding powers and his merry band of attractive men with — surprise! — crippling emotional baggage. Each route follows the same pattern, simply remixing the individual character interactions and the pace of the program: Aoba finds himself isolated with the love interest, faces various communication issues varying on the scale of frustrating to downright dangerous, wanders into a sketchy section of Platinum Jail, bonds with the love interest over shared duress, breaks into the Oval Tower, faces mental assault by the big bad — and finally, finally, destroys those internal demons plaguing the love interest, releasing the couple onto the path of a real heart-to-heart conversation. And then, you know, the lovey-dovey stuff. 
Here’s the thing: as far as romantic progression goes, it’s really not a bad structure. There’s room to bump heads, but also to bond. The Scrap scene is a thematically cohesive and clever way to squeeze in the full breadth of character backstory while simultaneously advancing the plot. In this part, Aoba must become the hero to each of his love interests and save them from themselves. Having become privy to each other’s deepest thoughts and reaching a mutual understanding of each other, their feelings afterwards slide much more naturally into romantic territory. They break free of Oval Tower, make their way home, and have hot, emotionally fulfilling sex or otherwise some variation on the last few steps. The end. 
That is, except for Clear. 
Clear’s route is refreshing in that he needs none of these things — the climax of his emotional arc actually comes a little after the halfway point of his route. When Clear’s true origins are revealed, he comes entirely clean to Aoba, fighting against his fear of rejection but also trusting that Aoba will listen. It’s a quiet, vulnerable moment, rather than the action-packed tension we normally experience during a Scrap scene. 
That doesn’t mean it’s prematurely written in — it simply means that he reaches his potential faster than the other characters. Because of that, he’s free to pursue the next level of his route’s development much, much sooner in the timeline: he overcomes his fears of his appearance, he confesses his love to Aoba, he leaves the confines of a largely dubious master-servant relationship and allows himself to be Aoba’s equal. Clear’s sprite art mirrors his emotional transformation all the way through, exposing him to the literal bone — and Aoba’s affection for him doesn’t change a single bit. Beautiful.
The whammy of incredible moments doesn’t just stop there, though. I don’t exactly recall the order the routes DMMD is ideally meant to be played in, but I believe Clear’s is meant to be last. And if you do, I can guarantee that it becomes a hugely delightful gameplay experience — in order to achieve his good ending, you must do absolutely nothing with Scrap. It doesn’t just subvert our player expectations of proactively clicking and interacting with our love interests; it grabs the story by its thematic reins and yanks it all back to the forefront of our scene. 
In every route besides Clear’s, Scrap is a tool used to insert Aoba’s influence into and interfere with his target’s mind. Using his powers of destruction, Aoba is able to prune whatever maligned thoughts are harming his target; in any conventional situation, using Scrap is the right choice. 
But one of the central problems in Clear’s route is his conflict between the impulses of his conditioning and his desire to live freely as a human would. Breaking free of Toue’s programming is what initially made him unique; growing beyond the rules imposed by his grandfather is what makes him human. In the final conflict scene, Clear’s decision to destroy his key-lock is an action of true autonomy, made with perfect understanding of the consequences and a sincere, selflessly selfish desire to protect someone he loves. In order to receive his good end, you have to respect his decision. It doesn’t matter which option you pick — by using Scrap, Aoba turns his back on every positive choice he made with Clear and attempts to exert his authority over him. This is Aoba becoming Toue; this is Aoba trying to reinstate himself as ‘Master’ right as he approved Clear as his equal. That’s blatant hypocrisy, and it doesn’t matter if Aoba is trying to do it for Clear’s ‘own good’ — that’s not Aoba’s call to make. If you truly wish to respect Clear’s free will, you will stand by. This is the truth of the moment: Clear has no emotional blockages that Aoba needs to fix. Believe in him, just as he believed in you.
The path to his heart is, and always has been, clear. Scrap was never needed from the start.
While Aoba might be the main character, Clear is undeniably a hero in his own route just as much. Tirelessly earnest and always curious, he leaps headlong into the unknown and emerges with his newfound enlightenment. He’s unafraid of weathering trials, even to the point of accepting death, and returns anew from oblivion to a sweet, cathartic ending. That’s about as textbook hero’s journey as it gets — if that doesn’t make him unquestionably, certifiably, unconditionally human, then I will scream.
And only finally… there is the free end. The final CG is like a throwback to our first impression of him: indistinct, purposefully obscured from proper view. But this time, we know better — and so does Aoba. Looks were never what mattered in Clear’s route. If you were patient, and you were open-minded, and you listened… well, what we realize now is that Clear was doing the exact same thing for you, too.
From a carefree, aimless robot-man with only the gimmick of “eccentric ditz” to carry him forward, we get a supremely more interesting character by the end: a man who has graduated from the well-intentioned but claustrophobic conditioning of his childhood; a weapon who has defied the imperatives placed on him by his creator’s programming; a wanderer who has, through unconditional patience and empathy, discovered love, and striven to become a better person for it. Who was it that ever doubted Clear’s character? He’s the goddamn goodest boy that ever wanted to be a real boy. Of course Clear is human. And in fact, he does it better than every single one of the actually human love interests. You can’t change my mind.
The Romance — kindness is really fucking attractive, okay.
Like I’ve said earlier, I have my Big Fan Blinds stuck on pretty tight. I might be conjuring sparks from thin air. But I think every choice was a deliberate creative decision on the writers’ part, and they deserve all the kudos for it — I’m just the lucky player who gets to enjoy it. But aside from Noiz (who I also think is a perfect darling as well — I could go on and on about him), Clear’s route is a model example for consent and healthy relationships in VN storytelling. This is reciprocated on both sides: never does Aoba infringe on Clear’s boundaries, and neither does Clear. They’re sensitive to each other’s needs and concerns; they ask for permission and stop when it isn’t granted (and when it is, boy do they get frisky — I’m not complaining!) I don’t need to say much more, because I think that consent is both fantastic and yes, incredibly hot (the scene in DMMD is tons more sad, go play Re:connect!). Good writing shows off the massive erotic potential enthusiastic consent puts into intimacy, and Aoba’s and Clear’s relationship is honestly a dream playground. The point is, I think Aoba and Clear genuinely do find equal balance in their relationship by the end of his route (and certainly through Re:connect). If you follow through Re:connect’s storyline, there’s even more thematic richness that comes through in the form of Clear’s greatest asset: communication. The couple get to discuss the long-term implications of them being together; they both offer concerns, points, and assurances to the other, and it’s just a soft, honest moment not so unlike the worries of a real relationship. Hearing is kind of Clear’s motif sense, but it’s really great to see that Aoba also subtly picks it up, really flexes his own communication skills to better engage with Clear. 
Point is, Clear’s route spoke to me on a lot of little levels. Design-wise, he’s already got a ton going for him, and his story builds upon it rather than against it, enriching his development and grounding him a little more solidly in the DMMD universe (and in my heart). His route, aside from being emotionally ruinous, carries a pretty solid chunk of world-building (only beaten out by Mink’s and Ren’s, probably), and the romance feels organic, healthy, and realistic. He’s not the only one with an excellent route, but he’s my favorite. If you read through all of this, you’re a real trooper and I’m extremely impressed. Thanks for tuning in. Peace.
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dreamsofthescreen · 3 years
Alluring or Meaningless? - The Ending of Sorrentino’s La Grande Bellezza (The Great Beauty)
Renowned director Paolo Sorrentino's classic 'La Grand Bellezza' mixes the pathos of life with philosophical ideas, but does its ending even have the desired meaning that audiences were expecting?  
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Giusi Merli in ‘La Grande Bellezza’
Paolo Sorrentino’s renowned 2013 Italian modern classic, ‘La Grande Bellezza’ (The Great Beauty) was certainly one for the critics to praise highly, yet there is a certain quality to its largely masterful storytelling that can see it lacking in true depth. Where much of the film’s entirety soars, its value seems to get lost amongst its artsy attempt to create meaning, where it really can appear as overdone and quite hollow. If we look at the last 30 minutes of Sorrentino’s work, we as an audience can certainly debate whether there is awe-inspiring significance or just overplayed rhetoric in the ending of La Grand Bellezza. Where whimsical characters and moments are introduced, viewers can be very easily swept up in Sorrentino’s foreign fairytale, where it really can be deemed as just pretentious. Yet, this point is far from black and white, as ‘La Grande Bellezza’s’ meaning is up to the audience to interpret, still making it a favoured and beloved work.
Italian director Paolo Sorrentino’s works have garnered praise for their dramatic and striking visuals, as well as their convoluted plots. He has been compared to Federico Fellini, and certainly does seem to take inspiration from the 1960s film icon. But Sorrentino is certainly no copy of Fellini, as his culturally inspired films do reach audiences well. Yet where The Academy Awards gave it the win for Best Foreign Language Film, and where critics seem to kiss it’s feet, this doesn’t always mean that it is altogether an expert piece of cinema. You can say that the beauty of film is that it can be totally subjective, which, in hand, is what makes such great art. So us as an audience can ask whether we view the film as more so pretentious or philosophical?
‘La Grande Bellezza’ follows former writer & popular socialite Jep Gambardella, a sort of philosophical muse for Sorrentino. As Jep’s life in Rome is consumed by materialism, it isn’t until his 65th birthday that he begins to look inwards. This leads him on a search for ‘the great beauty’, which has him relishing in nostalgia and existential simplicity, audiences closely following behind on that journey with him. The greater part of Sorrentino’s film does successfully have us questioning our place in the world, and where our values lie. Through comparing and contrasting the superficial high life with what’s most important to humanity, we are reminded of our own perspectives on what does and should hold the most substance or meaning.
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Toni Servillo in 'La Grande Bellezza'
Yet as Jep has wandered around searching in different areas for beauty in truth and philosophy, his defining moment seems to be towards the end of the film, when he is introduced to Saint, Sister Maria. As Jep is told that she had ‘read his novel & loved it’ years before, we are left open to interpretation to who this Saint may be. Yet the answer in itself is somewhat disappointing. Again, it is not to say that the ending of Sorrentino’s film is wrong or terrible, but is surely very thought provoking.
This moment starts in the last thirty minutes of the film, and we are never given a backstory to Sister Maria when or before she is introduced. And she is introduced, literally, on a pedestal. As she sits there in silence, she wears a dusty, grey-blue nun’s habit, her olive skin lined with deep wrinkles, and expression truly dried out. Members of high society kneel to her, kissing her hands. In the chapel that she sits, there are priests, monks, African tribesmen and all in all, only established figures flocking to her, their eyes wide in honour of her presence. It is as though these figures are all awaiting an answer that they cannot find, and seek out from Maria. Though she is established as a wise old prophet with supposed life-changing aid, what makes her so respectable? She appears as though she has lived three lifetimes and has ‘only granted three interviews in all her life’, yet this alleged messiah altogether utters very little meaning. Sister Maria’s introduction has her appearing as a monumental figure, mostly due to the filmmaking aspects of the scene. In the chapel, lit with a chiaroscuro inspired light, along with medieval Roman Catholic music echoing throughout, with the purpose of warming our hearts. Contemplative looks from across the room, including a black priest, may be there to show the diversity that Maria is surrounded by, as those across the globe seem to adore her. The only interpretation gathered is that Sister Maria is an attempt to create a grandiose moment to close out the film in a profound sense. Yet what I’d gathered of this Saint, is that she lives so austerely that Sorrentino’s ending becomes muddled and pretentious.
As previously mentioned, we are never given a backstory to Sister Maria, but maybe that is the beauty of it that Sorrentino was trying to portray. This icon in the film is looked up to for her granted simplicity. But by portraying something so obscure, Sorrentino’s work doesn’t always appear as interesting, but as an attempt to do so. Is it her goodness or her stripped back way of living that those aspire to? And why does it need to be members of high society that only seek her advice? Wouldn’t Sorrentino’s inclusion of ordinary citizens make it all the more realistic, or relatable and grounded, rather than once again getting caught up in something so grand?
Her grandeur is never explained, to which we can be inspired or simply baffled by the mystery, seeing it as something that creates interest, or just remains pretentious. Yet even if her significance was explained, and made this supposed icon as meaningful as someone like the Pope or Mother Teresa, aren’t we supposed to be inspired by the ordinary and the beauty in simplicity. Isn't the point of 'La Grande Bellezza' to celebrate the simple things in life, rather than an established, worshipped figure? The portrayal of this kooky character tries to make a point towards being so well grounded, that it is absurd. As she speaks to Jep, she asks 'Do you know why I only eat roots?', to which Jep asks why, her response following as, 'Because roots are important'. Now Sister Maria's actions line up with her values and grounded nature, as she genuinely decides to eat roots. This can be seen by some as profoundly inspiring, but is altogether quite a weak attempt to deliver an overly-artistic message. And sure, it isn't all pompous, as there is a great reference to the Catholic influences in Italy and the holy hierarchy of Rome & it’s art. But it is the aureate expression  doesn’t sell it as being moving, but is instead simply too showy.
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When sat down at dinner with Jep and his fellow members of Roman high society, Maria is slouching at the head of the table with a vapid expression. The attempt at meaning that Sorrentino has so clearly tried to create is open to interpretation, yet it can be said that this is not one of the his finest writing moments. Sister Maria does not speak a word, and whenever she does, it is a brooding comment that is supposed to hold substance, but instead can be regarded as pretentious. The moment she lifts her head to comment on Jep's novel, all eyes are so enthusiastically on her. Sister Maria does not sleep in a bed, as she finds Rome’s 5 star Hassler hotel, ‘uncomfortable’. Her perspective on life can be seen as purely existential and somewhat nihilistic, or greatly generous. As she works alongside the sick and supports the Third World, her abandonment of any enjoyment and subscription to poverty has us question our place. Is someone really so empathetic that they’ll refuse any comfort, because others are worse off? Again, Sorrentino does succeed in communicating a message that has us asking questions like this, yet the point is too greatly emphasised through the worshipping and dramatically overdone expression of this holy character.
As Jep focuses on switching his hedonism for eudaemonism, his perspective on the finer things in life is the things he used to have, leading him to relish in nostalgia. Sister Maria seems to be an exaggerated symbol of his changing philosophy, as well as a turning point for him to once again write, after abandoning any such creativity for decades.
Something in meeting Sister Maria has Jep retuning to Giglio Island to report on a shipwreck, again, quite symbolic of Jep’s career position, having not written a novel in 40 years. Here, he remembers his first meeting with his first love, to which inspires him to write again. Apparently Sister Maria is the bridge between Jep’s despair & newfound hope.
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Paolo Sorrentino's expertly expressive film is a no doubt a masterful passion project that communicates the pathos and joy of the human condition, impacting audiences greatly. Yet Sorrentino's attempt to create something meaningful to close out an already wonderful film filled it with more vanity than it needed. It is an entirely subjective work that involves the audiences thought and we can all interpret it how we see it, which is assuredly a good thing. However, Sorrentino’s quite bombastic ending was just a questionable cliffhanger and didn't line up with the greatness that the first two hours of 'La Grande Bellezza' provided. Though a fantastic feature, Paolo Sorrentino seemed to get too lost in portraying a message so obscurely overdone, that it had somewhat lost it's original meaning.
visit at: dreamsofthescreen.com
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Lebanon: Colonial Thieves & Conflicting Networks of Patronage I am trying to think how best to write about Lebanon, about the BIGGER picture and the complicated political situation and structure there. It goes beyond the Beirut port bombing or the source of the fertiliser, well beyond the recriminations, and what is actually being reported in the news as well. This is a topic we have covered earlier in NEO, even before Lebanon was so newsworthy. But as with everything, the first rule of a journalist is to not to believe in coincidences. Blast from the Past Let’s just assume readers know all about the current situation, the corruption, the banking mafias and the humanitarian crisis on the horizon. Lebanon is a country collapsing, crashing and burning, and its banking system with it. The country is about to hit rock bottom—at least in the opinion of most pundits. As mentioned in previous NEO articles, the lack of a government isn’t going to get foreign troops out of Lebanon, or stabilise its currency and persuade its neighbours to respect its position. Nor is it going to keep it out of the shadows of Israel and Syria. But having a new government which isn’t backed, or at least tolerated, by public consensus won’t bring about immediate change; it won’t be the magic cure. On the contrary, it will for sure raise new issues, create new groups willing to be bought off and create greater instability, simply because it is easier to fight an enemy you know. Changing the political-sectoral structure of the government, an ongoing issue in Lebanon, isn’t going to prove a panacea for all either – not because no solution would satisfy the Lebanese, but because the very existence of its government system doesn’t satisfy everyone else. But what comes next? At the heart of this system lies a social compact which connects individuals to political leaders based on sectarian identity — Maronite Christian, Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslim, Druze, to name a few of the country’s 18 different religious sects. Each knows its place, and is closely linked to various networks of political and financial patronage—and these have existed from generation to generation. In layman’s terms, if a whole new order is put in place in Lebanon – based on liberal, deliberative politics, not doling out privileges to various religious and ethnic groupings, and with well-delineated representative electoral boundaries drawn up following the first census the country will have seen in decades – most of the confessional groups will most likely lose out, or persuade their supporters they will. The sectorial elites are very entrenched, and run their own self-sustaining networks of patronage, so it isn’t hard to predict how they will react. If something the West recognises as “liberal democracy” is introduced in Lebanon, the elites’ spheres of influence will contract, and their interests will have to come second to those of the locals. At least, that is the theory – as ever, Westerners are unable to understand that “liberal democracy” is itself a sect, run by a particular segment of the population, holding certain approved views, which sustains itself by even more extensive networks of patronage. The elites and the locals are not two separate groups in Lebanon. All the various groups and elites are in some sense local, the outcomes of waves of past immigration and a system which, though antiquated, was questioned far more by outsiders than it ever was by Lebanese, whose only argument is who should have which slices of the cake, and for what reason. The Maronites claim to be the “original” Lebanese, descendants of the Phoenicians. But their claim to being the real Lebanese is no more or less valid than those of the Sunni or Shia populations, or the Druze, or even the Armenians who have a clear, century-long presence in the country—ever since the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottomans. This is why nationals outside the country simply call themselves Lebanese – they identify more with Lebanon than with the ethnic groups and associated states everyone else tells them they belong to. In the nineteenth century it was often said that the differences between the dominant political parties lay in which gentleman’s clubs their members belonged to, rather than in their ideologies. The differences between Lebanese lie in which networks of patronage they can access, not their religious or ethnic identity. Lebanon has never been a nation-state or national state, so all groups have a more or less equal participation in its identity. No one group can claim that it is the true local population, and the rest are minorities. Everyone is a minority, and it is only the much more recent Palestinian and Syrian immigrants and refugees who might remain out of the social and legal framework, even though they largely migrated there to find one. Trying to upset the delicate balance of interests which holds the country together, when outsiders allow it to, will certainly lead to a great deal of acrimony from almost anyone who has enjoyed any degree of power over the past seventy years and more, who won’t want to give up any privileges and share things with Johnny come lately “newcomers”. As we have learned from too many other fledgling states or flickering beacons of democracy, be careful for what you wish for. Change for its own sake is not always for the better, especially in complicated parts of the world. This has been a lesson learned in the wake of the so-called Arab Springs. High Wire Act Perhaps the best starting point is to assume that the present Lebanese government is a high-wire act. By any measures it should have failed long ago, even before it resigned, as it represents too many competing and diametrically opposed interests, sects and political agendas, pieced together into a government out of sheer desperation amidst almost impossible political realities. Corruption is endemic, as to a cat who likes to climb trees and claw things. Much of the problem has to do with the fact that Lebanon is deeply rooted in its old colonial past, and its former masters, powers such as France and Turkey, are completing for a place at the table in a bid to retain their historic influence. When Lebanon was the Las Vegas of the Middle East, wealthy and attractive, these powers tried to exert this influence in a much more covert way, not wanting to interfere with the operation of a gravy train. Now those days have gone, they are setting themselves up as the solution to the problems they themselves created by refusing to accept a Lebanese system they were incapable of emulating. From 1920 until its independence in 1943, Lebanon was under French colonial rule, while before that the Ottomans ruled for four centuries. This is why it was predictable that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron of “colonial” aims in Lebanon, and called his recent visit to Beirut a “spectacle”, amid growing tensions between Ankara and Paris. The meddling from outsiders has made Lebanon a modern-day Casablanca, full of cross-sections of intrigues. Not only France and Turkey but the US and Israel see it as the beachhead for influencing regional affairs, as if things are not already complicated enough with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria engaged in an ongoing proxy war within Lebanon’s internal politics. No one wants them there, but if the state isn’t strong enough to protect particular groups of locals from people sponsored by the other side, they have little choice but to put up with the “protection” of people they do not actually regard as representing their interests. Macron and Erdogan have enough problems at home, but prefer meddling in an area that is already a tinderbox, so they can blame the other, and therefore by extension all it represents in their respective countries. All this is contributing to a perfect storm which will leave Lebanon a failed state amongst failed states. What will actually have happened is that everyone else has failed because Lebanon is intrinsically sounder than they are, but it is the Lebanese who will be expected to pick up the pieces. Shallow-minded State While France and Turkey are making worrying bids for renewed influence, the US is trying to call the game from a distance. US motivations are simpler, and easier to understand – the US answer is always, “I blame Iran for the problems in Lebanon,” with a few soundbites about Hezbollah to boot. As ever, this line has everything to do with the US, and nothing whatever to do with Lebanon or the reality of life there. IRAN-Hezbollah is a label of convenience for State Department types and the John Boltons and Mike Mike Pompeos of this world, i.e., the proverbial “shallow-minded state”.It is really interesting to listen to State Department briefings and read press releases. What they don’t say is most revealing, like Pompeo’s statement in the aftermath of the only too convenient fertilizer explosion at the Port of Beirut: “I want to extend our deepest condolences to all those who were affected by the massive explosion at the port of Beirut yesterday. We stand ready to assist the Government of Lebanon – as it grapples with this horrible tragedy. You’ll see the United States announce a number of things we intend to do to assist the people of Lebanon in the coming days.” Such as what? Everything has strings attached, especially when it concerns providing aid to a country during a humanitarian crisis. We only have to look at the developmental model imposed on any country, the USAID Missions and IFO, IMF and World Bank advisers, designed with no other purpose but to ensure the US takes control “lock, stock and barrel”. Let’s hope that a new model evolves (not a feeding frenzy), and one not based on externally imposed structural adjustment policies or economic shock treatment, as if the economy hasn’t been shocked enough. It should be more needs driven, and must not identify the locals as the problem, particularly when you are expecting those locals to vote the way you want them to when your new system is in place. Baking a new cake will require time, and enough time must be afforded for the evolving protest movement and other independent figures to politically organise. Early elections will result in the same sectarian elite getting elected, but then not being allowed to operate, so Lebanon will again be lumbered with the worst of both worlds. To go back and see where it all began, one only needs to check out the secret 1916 Sykes Picot agreement between England and France about slicing up what would be left of the Ottoman Empire after World War One. It would be naïve to think that anyone can get a grasp of what is going on now without understanding the historic intrigues. The Bolsheviks found a copy of the Sykes-Picot agreement when they seized power, and had the audacity to publish it. Lenin called it “the agreement of colonial thieves”. This might also be an appropriate title for what may come in the wake of the resignation of the most recent Lebanese government, and any conditions imposed by the West or the IMF on Lebanon in exchange for a financial lifeline.
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @upgradebitch
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with moon as the handle of the bucket. your saturn is in the 12th house, hence matters regarding your mental health and spirituality will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are jupiter, mercury and the sun. you are surely very smart! you have a great sense of humor, you're very witty and intelligent. you may also have lots of creative and innovative ideas, or at least you're very creative.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and independence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in virgo, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by mercury and saturn
you have a practical approach to the world. you’re kind of logical, it’s hard for you to improvize. you always want to keep everything neat and organized, at least in your mind. you could have a natural coldness to your face. you may seem a bit older than you are, or at least very mature and responsible, even though you may be more outgoing than you look due to your many sagittarius placements. with your attentive eyes, you pay attention to every single detail you see. you’re a perfectionist, and you always want and try to be at your best state. I would say you’re quite competitive when it comes to your goals, but you don’t really do it to be above others. you do it because your obsession for details kind of stresses you out. improving and proving yourself is a way to boost your self-esteem, you feel fulfilled when you can achieve your goals. you are extremely intelligent and logical, you’re always up for a deep talk or simply for an occasion to gain more knowledge. you like being smart, you always want to know about everything. even the latest, trendy meme counts for you. your nature is very cautious; you’re rarely impulsive, you always think deeply about your decisions, as you don’t want to commit any mistakes. because of that, you can be particularly picky. not only with material things such as movies, books, food etc. but even with people. it’s hard for you to open up to someone you don’t know at all. you take things slow, both in friendships and in relationships, just to preserve yourself. you may come off as kind of snobby, but you’re just misunderstood. you don’t like flaky bonds, you need security in your life. physically, as I’ve already mentioned before, you have this kind of strict look on your face. your eyes may be almond-shaped, and you could have a natural feline gaze. overall, you have something smaller about your features; you could have thin lips, a small nose, small eyes… you could have a smaller frame with thin bones, and you don’t gain weight easily. you may be of average height, and I’ve noticed that most virgos tend to have pretty long legs? no matter if they’re tall or not, their legs will still be longer than their bust.
virgo ascendant opposite pisces mercury: you appear as a very intelligent individual, and people may even feel intimidated by that. you love interacting with others; even if you're not much talkative, you like hearing about others' theories and opinions. you could also do that by reading blogs, books etc. you may sometimes find yourself in conflict with others, as you’re very opinionated and hate it when others’ opinions are baseless. pretty much, you could seem like a know-it-all. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your words, even though this quality of yours may be overshadowed by introversion at first. it's hard to find a way to make you come off as more gentle, as you have some of the most fiery and blunt signs in your chart. the fact that your mercury is squaring your pluto doesn't help either. you could take advantage of your astute words and sense of humor to get you out of troubles, though! just be careful not to claim that everything hurtful you say is a joke. it's something that aries placements do a lot.
virgo ascendant square gemini saturn: you may be shy and have self-esteem issues, especially during your early years. because of that, you may often appear as insecure to others, or even unreliable. you have a strong desire to be with someone and commit to them, you despise supertificial bonds, but at the same time you may find yourself being too shy to approach others, especially during your early years. luckily, I feel like the effect of this aspect is mitigated by your moon in leo, which makes you extremely confident. you may not be the most confident person on earth, but you're not the most insecure either. this may apply more to the younger you, actually. you don't feel much comfortable around other people, and others can sense that; your insecurity is exposed to the world, and some may take advantage of that to hurt your feelings. you're afraid of being judged, whether it's for your appearance, or maybe because of your ideals or interests. hence, you end up becoming reserved. this is something that will be solved through growth and time; the older you get, the easier you'll be on yourself. also, thanks to this aspect, you're a responsible person with defined values. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to do what makes you feel the best. there are different ways to boost your self-esteem, so maybe you can work on that and then start expressing yourself freely; if you do it without the fear of being judged, you will shine even more.
virgo ascendant square sagittarius pluto: you're aware that the world is too nasty for your honesty, hence you may have trust issues. even though you are friendly, you're very picky about who you decide to actually call your friend. you may constantly feel lonely, as if no one were willing to listen and understand you. you live with the fear that others may take advantage of you, hence you end up doing it yourself, unconsciously. you may be controlling, but your chart hints that it's not too much of a big deal. you may have the tendency to do it sometimes, but it's mostly a bad trait of your past life. the universe is testing you to see if you've learned your lesson or not. you have all the skills to avoid this type of behaviour now that you're aware of it.
🌞 sun in aries, 4° / 1st decan ruled by mars
even though you enjoy the idea of love and relationships, your independency is what matters the most for you. you possess strong leadership, which makes you aspire for the best positions in work, school, marriage etc. you don't want to lower your standards. aries have the reputation of being fearless, and that's mainly caused by their impulsiveness. in fact, if they actually thought before acting, they wouldn't be aries lol. some people may even define you as selfless, as you literally put yourself in danger or in awkward situations just to say what you truly think, even if nobody asked. it's apart of your nature, you don't want to go unnoticed. you probably lose your temper when someone challenges you (and it may happen often, to be honest). you hate routine; you always try to spice up your daily life a bit by meeting new people and trying new experiences in general. you enjoy having fun, partying, travelling... you thrive in social situations. you may have troubles making right decisions, as you're quite indecisive. but, once you do choose, no one is gonna stop you from achieving your goals and showing the world who you are. in fact, you gain confidence from your assertiveness, making you pretty proud of your persona as well.
aries sun square cancer jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your fire dominance. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with your pessimistic virgo rising. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issue and their impact on your interactions with others.
🌙 moon in leo, 21° / 3rd decan ruled by the sun and mars
when you're with someone you feel comfortable with, you become a social butterfly. even though it may seem like you're looking for attention, it's not your priority. you're so charismatic and bubbly that you get naturally noticed. this is the most trustworthy leo decan, and also the most benevolent. you can be quite dramatic when you express your reactions; e.g. you scream when you're angry, or maybe you get really loud when you're excited or happy about something. you could also vent your emotions punching things, for example. just like the sun, the heat of your emotions needs to be felt by those who surround you. you'd do anything to help someone, especially with your aries sun. you just want the best for anyone, even though people may take advantage of this generosity of yours. in addition, you could hardly ever say no, especially to people you're not close to. your heart is aligned with your feelings; you're naturally kind-hearted, you're prone to say things as you feel them. on the other hand, you may not be aware of how your thoughts may influence others. you're also very artistic! you might be into drawing/painting, or at least into art history, or maybe literature, poetry etc. anything that involves creativity and self-expresssion. you can be quite egotistic regarding your emotions: you always try to interpret people's feelings, so you get deeply upset when people don't understand you, especially when they don't even try.
leo moon square taurus mars: your feelings are very intense. you may tend to react aggressively, or at least overreact. you feel the constant need to express your emotions, but you also want to be understood by others. you tend to be aggressive because you're actually afraid that others may be the first ones to hurt you. you don't really do it with malice, it's your way to defend yourself from eventual enemies. this placement also indicates that your childhood / family life was or will be quite turbulent, especially since your pluto is located in the 4th house, which is about family and home. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to be a little bit more mechanic when you express your feelings. you don't have to hide them, just try not to vent all your anger around. you don't seem strong, you're just exposing your weaknesses in this way.
🗣 mercury in pisces, 22° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
you have the potential to be very focused on something thanks to your virgo rising, but your heavy pisces influence may interfer in that. in fact, you probably lose yourself in your own thoughts very often, starting daydreaming instead of doing what you have to do. you’re very creative and artistic, and you’re also able to fully convey your emotions in your words, even though it may be perceived as confusing sometimes. that’s because not everyone is as empathetic as you are. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. pisces is a mutable sign, so you may also find yourself changing ideas often, your mind wanders from one thought to another. you are very intuitive, and you may even have some sort of psychic talent. you could do well at reading tarots, birth charts etc. your voice is probably naturally loud, it's hard not to listen to you. also, since your mercury is squaring pluto, you could be quite impulsive sometimes and say things you actually don't mean. you could argue often with others due to this trait of yours, you get defensive very easily. on the other hand, you most likely have a nice sense of humor at least.
pisces mercury square sagittarius pluto: you may become a bit manipulative. you probably don’t even realize it, though, as you have the ability to make people do what you want them to do. you probably love being right, especially during arguments, and you always manage to be so thanks to your skills. your words are like knives for others, they can truly cut deep through their ego. you’re direct and blunt, as you just say what you have in mind with no filters. you can develop a provocative attitude without even realizing it, which can obviously cause you conflicts. you need to be more careful about how you communicate your ideas, otherwise you could seriously damage other people’s self-esteem. on the other hand, if you acknowledge your flaws and work on them, this can actually turn into diplomacy. take advantage of your interest in your inner self to find out how to be a bit more gentle in choosing your words.
❤️ venus in aries, 21° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and jupiter
with venus in aries, loving you is an adventure. you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. this placement may even give you the reputation of being a player, but I don't think it's your case based on your others placements. you have to understand that relationships can get boring, but that's not necessarily a red flag. it just means you two are starting to feel comfortable together. you also enjoy physical contact, therefore cold partners are a no no for you. you need someone who's affectionate yet bold, and that would spoil you with attention and gifts. you enjoy the little things about love, such as remembering your anniversary or even giving you small presents, especially if they're homemade (like breakfast, poems etc.). you also try to avoid flaky people, as you don't like making relationships seem too light.
☄️ mars in taurus, 16° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
with taurus mars, you may actually despise working too much. you love challenging your mind, but you're kind of lazy. you'd rather stimulate yourself through your hobbies and interests rather than using school / work, which are quite stressful for you. you need to find something material and concrete to motivate you and make you assertive. you could study just because you need a good grade, or maybe work just to get paid. you don't really do it with interest, as you care more about nurturing your passions than responsibilities. you're not really into conflicts; you'd rather be peaceful with everyone, as you find it a waste time to argue with someone. most taurus mars tend to be quite passive, yet I don't think it's your case. I imagine that with your heavy fire energy, you've got a hot temper. you may try to avoid conflicts, but once someone gets on your nerves it's over for them. you're very unpredictable from this point of view, it's hard to decipher you. you may be more verbally assertive than physically, though.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in virgo. you appear as someone intelligent, possibly judgmental and critical. in fact, you’re a perfectionist, and most of the time you appreciate it when someone takes care of themselves just as much as you do. you’re also particularly pessimistic, and this could be annoying for those around you. you’re very logical, even though you probably don't lack intuition thanks to all the water energy in your chart. you’re very pragmatic, and you may even be judgmental. the ruler of the 1st house is in the 7th house: you come off as a very outgoing, sociable person. you may be quite sensitive, or at least you care about what others think of you, you could need reassurance often. you probably love having people around you, and you also want to build your own family in the future.
your 2nd house is in libra. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. with this placement I’d suggest that you should pursue a career that allows you to express your creativity, as arts and beauty allow you not only to make money, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could also spend money in venusian things like clothes, make-up, decorations and anything that involves beauty and aesthetic. with mars placed in this house, I feel like you may be very fond of money. you could do something just to earn material things from it, like money or any other good that satisfies your wants. you may be quite materialistic, you enjoy the finer things in life, or at least you want to be financially stable. you like the idea of saving money, but ironically you may be too impulsive when it comes to finances and spend money in random things you may not need.
your 3rd house in scorpio. you probably love witty jokes and sarcasm. you’re extremely honest when you think and speak, and most of the times you have no problems expressing your opinions. you could possibly be very good with words and be good at convincing and manipulating others. usually this placement makes someone kind of mischievous when it comes to words, but I think that with all the jupiter influence in your chart, you’re able to control this in order not to hurt others. your mind is very deep, you’re probably not really into small talks. you may also love anything that is considered taboo, like astrology, horror, nudity, death… you’re also quite secretive, you’re seen as an enigma. you don’t want to share much about you. last but not least, you value honesty above all. you only speak the truth, and hence you also want it back. you may as well be into conspiracy theories, science and anything that can expose what’s behind the universe, the government etc.
your 4th house is in sagittarius, with also pluto placed in this house. you could come from a foreign place, or perhaps you moved houses a lot during your childhood. perhaps, you have someone in your family that is from a different culture or religion from yours, or perhaps they’re able to speak more than one language. your parents could have been very successful at school, they could actually be professors. you might’ve always been a smart kid, you could’ve grown up learning more languages and you were most likely good at school too. you also got to make lots of experiences during your childhood, you might have travelled a lot. your relationship with your family is most likely very good. it could be that there might have been a few misunderstandings between you and your parents, but nothing too serious. maybe, they could have been a bit distant, it could be that they had to travel a lot for work and hence you felt lonely; or maybe, it's the opposite, they were a bit too affectionate and overwhelming, possibly possessive too, and you may have been babied or spoiled a bit too much. yet, this didn't really affect your growth and mentality, so it's probably nothing important.
your 5th house is in the sign of capricorn, with also your neptune placed there. capricorn usually brings a feeling of seriousness to the house it’s in. I don’t think it’s your case, though. in fact, neptune, is also placed in this house. you could be a bit more introverted, probably you’re not the type to frequent clubs, parties, etc. you’re more serious from that point of view. your hobbies could actually drain your energy for you; let’s suppose you’re into videogames. you could literally spend the whole day playing videogames, as you take your hobbies very seriously. you’re not the type to start a project and then leave it, and it could be helpful considering that your sagittarius moon gets bored very easily, you’re very resolute. also, you most likely have 'mature’ hobbies; you could be into politics, economy, history… you could be into slower types of music, for example, or perhaps you like reading about world issues. with your children you may be quite strict, as you see them as a responsibility. also, you may often be attracted or attract older or more mature partners. you’re most likely a very romantic and artistic person, you may be fond of music, dancing, singing, acting… anything creative that stimulates your senses. yet, you may be a bit picky when it comes to hobbies; you probably only like reading specific types of books, you only listen to a certain music style, and so on. you may also be into spirituality such as psychology, astrology, law of attraction, yoga, mediation, etc.
your 6th house is in aquarius, uranus is also sitting there. people with aquarius in their 6th house need to change their routine throughout your life. probably, when you were you younger they taught you things that aren’t healthy for your body and health. you may have to change your diet, your medicines… also, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. I don’t think you do it too often, but it may still happen due to your virgo and mars dominance in your chart, but for example you wouldn’t mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. this placement also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it’s your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. you could also develop unexpected diseases. you may pursue a career that looks unexpected for you at first, something that you never thought you'd do. it will most likely be a creative, artistic job. it will be a very pleasant job, it won’t even feel like a duty to you as you’ll choose a job that you like and that you’re passionate about. regarding your health, throughout your life you may often come across sudden health problems, illnesses may come out of nowhere.
your 7th house is in pisces. your mercury and sun are also sitting in this house. with this pisces descendant, you attract people that are pretty much very intuitive and soft; they could have pisces placements, or at least they’ll be extremely artistic and emotional. yet, you may as well surround yourself with 'broken’ people. that is, people that aren’t exactly in the best state of their health, whether physically or mentally. neptune, the ruler of this house, is in the 5th house. you could meet them in a fun situation, like a party, a vacation, a night out… any situation where you’re supposed to be chilling and having fun, you may meet your future spouse there. also, in a relationship you probably hate feeling suffocated. while your pisces descendant may make you enjoy skinship, you may sometimes also need your space, you still need your freedom, especially since your sun and venus sign is aries. also, pisces makes you idealize your crushes/partners way too much, to the point that you create an image of someone in your head that turns out to be the opposite at the end. you ignore your partner’s flaws, as they seem perfect to you. aries people are usually too independent, they tend to be quite selfish and neglect relationships, but luckily having your personal planets in your 7th house balances everything out. in fact, you are more considerate of people than other people, you like sharing time with others without losing your individuality.
your 8th house is in aries, with also venus placed there. generally, people with aries in their 8th house are very confident when it comes to taboo topics; they have no problems showing their interest in them, especially with people they're intimate with. thanks to venus' presence in this house, you're not afraid of darker topics and embracing them. for example, you could have lots of sex drive. you constantly try to improve yourself by coming up with new projects, you love challenges. they help you growing up into the person you want to become. you may come across some hardships regarding yourself, your identity. but, when you face those fears and start loving yourself, you’ll naturally become more mature and 'transform’. you have very high standards when it comes to love. you're a passionate, loyal lover, but at the same times you also want and need a lover that is willing to go as far as you go with your feelings. you may often test your partner to see if they're worthy of your love, for example. you have this sort of self-destructive behaviour that makes people stressed, just because you have extreme trust issues and you feel the need to control everyone, especially if 'everyone' is your lover. you find yourself being more attracted to 'darker' types; that is, you may be into bad boys / girls, someone with an edgy / grunge aesthetic. last but not least, this placement can also indicate that you're going to have a peaceful death, you're going to die later in life.
your 9th house is in taurus, with also saturn and mars sitting there. with this placement, I feel like you may use your intellect to gain financial security and material possessions. while this is a good thing, as it helps increasing your confidence, don’t forget that your intellect is more important than money or any other thing. don’t underestimate it. you’re totally capable of learning and understanding things by yourself, hence don’t wait for others for help. you should start dealing with your own experiences alone, without anybody else’s help. this placement can also be someone a little close-minded; in fact, you're probably very stubborn and firm about your beliefs. you hardly ever allow others to change your mind. saturn here could make it hard for you to step out of your comfort-zone, you may be shy and therefore you could often miss out on important opportunities in your life. luckily, you're going to get more assertive as time goes by, and you will feel free, you just need to grow more mature. you are driven by a strong sense of justice that makes you want to discover the truth. you hate lies of any kind, you want sincerity from those around you and you're the first to be constantly honest. you value your freedom a lot, your life motto is most likely 'live and let live'. you think everyone should live their lives by their own standards, without feeling afraid of being judged or criticized. you're a very pure and genuine person, you hardly ever judge a book by its cover, and you're also extremely open-minded. you're thirsty for knowledge of any kind, you're always up to learn something new. you may also be interested in foreign languages and cultures, as well as philosophy, literature... anything that can teach you something new about the world.
your 10th house is in gemini, with also your jupiter there. you may actually pursue more than one career throughout your life! you’re very flexible and skilled at multi-tasking, so you probably wouldn’t feel stressed about it. perhaps, you could alternate a creative profession with a more logical career, like working in an office for example. also, your suitable jobs should include communication and creativity at the same time; you could be a writer, for example. or perhaps, you could keep these two things in two separate jobs. what matters is that you use words in both of them, and hence you could even be a judge, a singer, a translator, etc. you may also have to interact with other people in your job, I don't see you working from home for example. you could even work as a teacher, or even professor since your jupiter is strongly placed in your chart. you may also be very popular on your work place, and you may even be in the public eye for your job. last but not least, you may have to travel for your job, perhaps you work abroad or you need to deal with foreign people and cultures. you may also need to speak other languages for work.
your 11th house is in cancer. this placement indicates that your friends, they’re your comfort-zone. you feel understood when you’re with them, they’re pretty much like a family to you. you can tell them anything, you put all of your trust in them. or at least, if you haven’t met anyone like this yet, you’ll surely meet a friend that is like a soulmate to you. they’ll also be very important for your growth. in addition, it could also be that you’re still friends with someone from your childhood or even high school days, and hence you could literally grow up together. you could also have some step-siblings. you could also have very big goals you want to achieve in your life, probably since your childhood. as a result, you may end up pursuing your dream career for instance.
lastly, your 12th house is in leo. this is kind of a tricky placement, as leo rules the self, the ego, and the 12th house rules fears. you could be afriad of being too confident, of feeling worth it, or even just by being in the spotlight. perhaps, you have stage fright. this fear of embracing your persona makes you very insecure, even though you probably don’t show it. also, since your 12th house is the house of dreams, you could often make dreams that involve yourself. you hardly ever dream of someone else, and if you they’re probably your lovers, possibly your friends. you may also make daydreams or sleeping dreams of creative, utopic scenarios. the moon is also sitting there; you most likely have lots of dreams, that could even predict the future, and generally they're not too violent or turbulent. you’re hopelessly romantic, to the point that you almost look naive. you’re not simply looking for a partner or spouse, you’re looking for a soulmate; someone you can literally communicate with just using your eyes, someone that knows how to make you feel even messier on the inside. you like to nurture and feel nurtured in a relationship. your ideal lover would be sensitive and empathetic, yet still with a sort of rebel vibe to them. you have quite a vivid imagination, you're able to idealize and picture anything you want. while this placement gives you an incredible amount of creativity, it can also make you uncomfortable. in fact, you may actually find yourself imagining every detail of every situation, even the worst ones. let's suppose you hear of a rape at the news; you literally start imagining the scene detail by detail, and it makes you extremely uncomfortable. actually, it literally ruins your mood, as it's as if you actually lived that scene. going back to the creativity matter, you have the soul of an artist; you have very enhanced emotions, and you're able to express them through artistic outlets. you could be amazing at writing poetry, books, art, music... also, your particular empathy of human's intellect can also make you an amazing psychologist or actress, as you're able to understand others' feelings and make them your own. you're extremely spiritual, and if you don't feel like that, you just have yet to have your spiritual awakening.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract pisces, virgo, gemini, leo, capricorn and aquarius placements. your future spouse will most likely have some of their planets in virgo or leo, maybe a leo-virgo cusp; they’ll be well-balanced, with a stable job and finances. yet, they won’t be too much of a workaholic, as they’re also most probably a chill individual who loves relax and vacation as well. they could also be foreign and very open-minded. yet, they could be quite impulsive and chilidish at times. your chart points out that this relationship will be kind of unordinary; you may meet them abroad, most likely at work, or even during a simple trip. they’ll also be very spiritual, perhaps religious, or even psychic. you could meet them at night, maybe in a club for example, or even in a context related to death. your children will have capricorn and pisces placements: they’ll be extremely reliable and intelligent; they could be a bit rebellious during their early years, but they will become more mature as time goes by. they'll be very creative and quite sensitive too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was probably very outgoing, sociable and open-minded. she was probably very intelligent too, and she could have been a successful student. she was basically the perfect, nurturing mother. yet, she probably was too emotional, she could have even been quite possessive or moody. she probably has sagittarius, scorpio and / or cancer placements in her chart, as well as 9th, 8th and 4th house placements. your father, on the other hand, was probably less strict than your mother. he had a complex personality, he most likely used to act different based on the situation he was in. but you most likely used to play a lot with him, you had fun together. he could have been very sociable and intelligent too. he may have gemini, sagittarius, scorpio or virgo placements in his chart, as well as 3rd and 6th house placements, perhaps even 9th. if you have siblings, they have scorpio or aries placements in their chart, as well as 1st / 8th house placements. you might have fought a lot when you were young, there were many control issues and your bond is very intense. yet, you're still very affectionate, and your bond will probably get better as time goes by.
📊 career
as I've already mentioned above, your future career will most likely involve communication of any kind; you could have to interact with other people, and hence you may work in a place that allows you to communicate with others and that can get quite crowded, like a shop for example. you'll most likely start from these small jobs, like working in a cafe for example. yet, your gemini midheaven indicates that you can handle way stronger careers; above all, communication and creativity are the most indicated fields for you to be successful. you would do amazing as a writer for example, or perhaps you could even become an amazing teacher / professor. yet, you may even choose to pursue a more complex career, like a career in the med field. you could become a nurse for example, as it allows you to both help and communicate with other people. you will start from simple things, but as time goes by, you'll be able to become more independent, maybe even a leader. you probably won't have to depend too much on other people.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably love clothes that can show and enhance your body. you may love wearing crop tops, skirts, bralettes, shorts... anything that leaves a part of your body uncovered, yet that still looks elegant and classy. you could also enjoy baggy clothes, paired with fancy accessories and heels. for colors, you go from wearing bold colours like red, burgundy and neon, to darker shades like black, dark blue etc. you probably also love neutral shades, like kaki, beige and so on.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past existence, you were very in touch with your home, self, and probably marriage too. overall, your past life was very peaceful, especially when it comes to your family. this lifetime, though, you need to focus on letting the world know who you are. you have to build a reputation for your name and feel satisfied with your career, while still taking care of your family.
🤔 major transits analysis / june 20th
a few unpredictable, possibly painful events may occur in this period of time, as transit saturn in aquarius is in your 5th house conjunct your natal neptune. there could be an unexpected loss of money for example, a sudden breakup or argument or even death. something will happen that will surely change your view of things and will help you have a major transformation, in order to leave toxicity behind. mars is transiting your 11th house, therefore you could be arguing a lot with others lately, especially with your friends, so be careful to your words in these days.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
and this is it! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
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viadescioism · 6 years
Basic Understanding Of Conjuring Spiritual Entities
This is simply a basic view on the understanding of summoning forth spiritual entities, and is by no means an extensive overview of the practice, and I am also not responsible for how you choose to use this information, or what comes forth from it's execution.
In order to do this practice effectively you are going to need to understand, or have a method of
Protection through shielding
Divination, or spiritual communication
Conjuring spiritual entities is a process in which you summon forth an entity to your location in order to communicate, and interact with them. In order to conjure an entity to you all one must do is call for them. this can be done in many different ways but will usually include some form of connecting with them, so that you can ask them to appear to you. There are many different ins-and-outs to this practice, and practitioners do it differently based upon their tradition, and understandings, but in this post I will be going over my understanding of the practice, and how one would go about allowing these entities to appear to them in a basic effective, and safe manner.
Protection, and banishment:
All entities that you run into may not be friendly, so before you attempt to bring forth an entity you should be ready to protect yourself. You should take some time to learn some protection, and banishing methods so that you will be able to defend yourself if needed. You should also try not to bring forth anything you will not be able to banish, or protect against, so that you do not put yourself in any position where you will not be able to be safe. Practices that I would recommend that you should learn before attempting this practice are things such as the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, and the practice of casting a circle, or some other variant of these two things.
Respect, and Trust:
When dealing with other entities you should  be respectful, and honorable to them to the best of your ability, and to the most that you would like to provide. You, and them both have a say in what goes on when you guys work together, and a little bit of respect can go a long way. When working with other entities you are engaged in a partnership with which both parties should acknowledge, and honor.
Remember that one entity does not know everything, tou should trust them but you should also always check to make sure the information is right, and true. Do not just accept things because entities tell you that they are correct they could always be misleading you, and not have your best interest at heart.
How to communicate:
There are many ways to communicate with spirits, and other spiritual entities that exist on different planes of existences. These can be complicated, or they can even be very simple.  In order to make sure your communication was spiritual entities is clear and consistent you should take time to learn communication practices, because it is very important to be able to communicate with anything that you bring forth into your space. The methods that you can use in order to communicate with entities:
Ouija board
Automatic Writing
Astral Projection
Along with many other methods.
Evocation, and Invocation:
For the practitioner to bring forth all manner of spirits, and entities they should try to follow this paradigm that will lead them down the path to fulfillment. The primary purpose of this paradigm is to bring forth lower and higher spirits. There are two pathways in which one can choose from: Evocation, and the other Invocation.
In evocation the practitioner will summon the entity outside of themselves usually into a triangle of the art, or another form of spiritual binding, so that you will be able to place yourself in a seat of power over the entity during the summoning. This will be done with spirits that you do not trust, you do not know, or entities you believe would try to harm you. Things such as demons, nature spirits and any entity you don't have an established relationship with are summoned through this pathway of understanding.
The triangle of the art or another form of spiritual binding should be used like chains to constrict the entities who do not generally work in your favor, or that you are not sure about. This will allow you to control their movements outside of your protection and will make it easier for them not to hurt you and for you to send them away if needed. Though the binding will not be able to hold all forms of entities such as deities.
Invocation brings the entity very close to you, so it is a good idea to make sure that you trust The entity, and have a good relationship with it before doing so. Invocation is primarily used in order to connect with higher spiritual entities such as deities, ascended masters, angels, and positive metaphysical Energies, or it can be used to call forth entities that you trust such as your spirit guides, thought forms, loved ones and spirits you have interacted with that you know will not harm you. you should only invoke higher spirits and not lower ones in order to keep yourself safe and protected from negative influences directly.
Step-by-step for conjuring spiritual entities:
Nothing is needed to call forth the spiritual entities except a sigils, and a name that the spiritual entity is known by. If you do not have either of these tag locks you could always go through the process of making your own by giving it a name that you can refer to it as and by creating a specific name sigil for that name. After you have that all you will need to do is follow these steps in order to summon forth spiritual entities.
First you will need to start off by cleansing the area, so that you will be able to bring it back to how it was naturally. This can be done through any cleansing method, and should be done quite thoroughly. This will allow you to make a space where you will have complete control over all the the energies that are present within it, so that you have no surprises during your conjuring of  spiritual entities.
If you are going to be conjuring spiritual entities that you do not trust, or are iffy about you will want to construct a triangle of the art, or another form of spiritual binding. Remember that you want to place this outside of your circle, or other form of protection, so that the entity will be able to be stuck within it. Place the sigil in which you have constructed within the binding apparatus, or on top of it, so the entity will be binded once it is called from that sigil.
If you are going to be invoking the entity into your space you should bring any connection to that entity, including the sigil into the space where you will be casting your circle, or other protective shielding. By doing this you will allow the entity to be able to come into your space to communicate, and interact through the invocation process.
Next you will want to take time to center, and ground yourself in the spot in which you will soon be making your space of protection through the circle casting process, or a another method. This will be good in order to get yourself balanced, and aligned to the energies of the universe, while also giving you a connection to the earth, and the moment in time in which you stand.
Once you feel like you have yourself in order you can then begin the process of setting up your space of protection. You can do this through casting your circle or any other form of protecting method that makes a shield between you, and the outside space. It is imperative that you do this in some regard in order to keep yourself safe, and to keep out other forces that you do not want to interact with.
Next summon the elements, and guardians to the cardinal directions that you associate the elements with. This will go through the process of empowering your working, and your shield in order to provide you with more power. Take your time to call in the elements of fire, earth, water, and air.
If you are going to be invoking the entity into your space you should bring any connection to that entity, including the sigil into your circle, So that the entity will be able to come into your space to communicate, and interact.
Calling forth the Entity:
Once you have reached this point begin to charge the sigil through any sigil charging method, and then activated through an active activation method in order to release your calling out into the world to summon forth the entity that you are targeting. This will allow the spiritual entity to come to the location of the sigil which is either going to bind them within your triangle of the art, or allow them to be drawn directly to you, so that the communication and interacting process can begin. You may also want to chant out their name, and express your intention for them to show up,so that you will be able to will there manifestation into being. It may take them some time to show up depending upon different factors, but once they do you will be able to feel their presence. Once they show up you will be able to work with, and communicate with the spiritual entity.
Next you are going to begin your communication process, during this time you are able to communicate with the entity for whatever reasons you decided to summon them for. This part of the practice is really up to you to decide what you would like to do. whether or not you want to build a relationship with this entity, take it on as a spiritual companion, ask it to complete a task for you, and then send it out to accomplish that task, or anything else that you can come up with. It all really depends on you and your prerogative.
Once you are done communicating with the entity you must go through the process of sending them away. If you invoked them you can simply say goodbye to them and allow them to leave on their own accord, because there is nothing holding them here. They will simply be able to leave, and go on with what they were doing.
If you used evocation in order to summon the entity to a triangle of the art, or other form of binding you will have to banish them in order to make sure that they never are able to directly interact with you. This can be done simply by using the Lesser banishing ritual, or other banishing method in order to banish then out of your space.
Once they are gone you can then begin the cleanup process of your ritual.
Now you are able to undo your protection, and cleanse the area in order to bring everything back to how it was naturally. After that it would be a good idea to center, and ground yourself again in order to connect you back with the physical world and any energies that may have gone astray during the ritual. Once you complete that you can then return back to go about your day as you do normally, or maybe even record your experiences.
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pricegender2-blog · 4 years
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What Is Digital Marketing?
The function of a web marketing organization is actually to acquire more clients online, rise label exposure, as well as aid a company's target market acquire connected to your internet site. However what is meant through digital marketing? Basically, it entails placing data on the internet and also the other digital marketing tasks like SEO (seo) which pay attention to enhancing a website's visibility and hyperlink recognition. Providers that wish to enhance their SEO (seo) position are actually motivated to utilize an agency that is experienced in implementing this method.
A firm along with the expertise in digital marketing will definitely not simply have the ability to help your business in the direction of results yet it will also offer you the expertise of exactly how it operates and the approaches it uses. It will definitely likewise be able to deliver suggestions on just how you can market your company by means of social networks platforms and just how to take full advantage of the quantity of web visitor traffic that comes to your web site. It is actually necessary for a service to recognize where it stands in regards to internet search engine ranks as well as the techniques that need to have to be applied in order to boost its own standing in these marks.
Search Engine Optimisation is actually preferably satisfied to look after this and also encourage you on the best method to carry out a Sift Search Results campaign to make best use of web traffic to your web site. This will be incredibly vital in boosting your online existence as well as if done adequately may substantially raise your ranking in search engines. It is essential to understand that if you are unable to fully understand the dynamics of SEO projects it might influence your on the web presence and your capacity to attract visitor traffic.
Having said that, unlike typical media advertising and marketing approaches, firms that execute SEO as component of their advertising and marketing budget plans need to take into account the effect that SEO has on the premium of website traffic they obtain. With standard media ad agency, the biggest danger to your initiative is commonly neighborhood competition and because a tiny percentage of your target audience might be from that area, it would be actually unproductive to devote huge quantities of loan on your ad initiative.
With digital marketing, having said that, this is a lot less of a problem due to the fact that all natural search engine rankings are based on the amount of links leading to your website. The more high-grade backlinks indicating your web site, the higher your web page ranking will definitely be actually and also the greater your SEO position will certainly go. For that reason, while traditional media marketing can be made use of to create a big amount of web traffic, it will not produce a very target market for the business's label.
The demand for targeting a target market is actually currently more crucial than ever before along with the surge of the Internet. The media patterns of the past thirty years have actually altered and folks right now explore online for the products and services they desire as well as need. Simultaneously, consumers wish to purchase from those who are perceived to become reputable and trusted.
Thereby, companies utilizing digital marketing have to regularly make certain that their internet sites, videos and various other media marketing efforts are developed to make sure the reliability of the company they stand for. When a provider possesses a credibility for being actually credible as well as reliable, it may be felt confident that they will definitely do well in getting the depend on of their would-be consumers. Therefore while standard media advertising campaigns will definitely remain to work with them, it will be actually much better for all of them to try one thing different, particularly if they are actually not extremely accustomed to the intricacies of digital marketing.
Since a great deal of internet marketing rest on the high quality of traffic your website acquires, it is essential for a provider to opt for an SEO company that recognizes the importance of making a fantastic first impression and possesses knowledge in managing digital marketing. For companies that presently possess a visibility online but need to have help improving their visibility, an SEO organization can be an excellent partner for acquiring the greatest cause relations to company online.
What SEO Method? - Exactly how to Receive a Good Page Ranking in Google.com as well as Other Search Engines
Thus, what is actually SEO? If you need to Google.com it, then you will probably see that it is the search engine optimization. Now, if you inquire an individual who is a qualified in this industry what SEO indicates, at that point they might answer you with; "Search Engine Optimization". It can be identified as making use of keywords and also anchor text when your internet site is crept due to the search engines. There are several means to obtain a great web page rank in the search engines. If you intend to receive a higher ranking in Google and also various other search engines, then you need to comply with the following suggestions.
Content - Make sure that you possess a great as well as useful material on your website. If you offer just one-dimensional web content, then you can easily get penalized through Google, that dislikes one-dimensional material. There are actually numerous blogging site web sites that are actually out there right now. Use these blog posts for your advertising. https://jacht.digital/websites/wordpress-pagebuilders/ that you are actually submitting in a blog post website instead of your own website presents that you are actually self-assured regarding your material.
Web link - Link to the blogs that you have actually linked to. This provides a chance to receive come up to your web link. The most ideal technique to build links is to incorporate web content to your very own website. The material of the blogging sites need to be actually associated with the content of your own website. When you possess such a setup, after that the search engines are going to provide you a good rank.
What is SEO and how it operates? If you are actually not acquainted with the condition, "SEO" is short for "search engine optimization". So what carries out SEO perform? Effectively, if you want to acquire a greater rank in Google or even any other internet search engine, then you must boost your webpage position. The most ideal way to improve your page ranking is actually by maximizing your site as well as making sure that each of your webpages are enhanced appropriately for SEO.
What is actually SEO and also exactly how it functions? When you improve your website for SEO, you are going to be able to observe a big variation when you use it to ensure your website. It will certainly help you improve your revenues, enhance your rank in Google, as well as produce your site more apparent online. If you adore getting your internet site higher ranked than the others, then you require to start using this sort of marketing today. The truth is actually that you must not be actually sitting back and believing that you can easily merely ignore the relevance of optimizing your internet site for SEO.
Why should you do SEO? If you intend to get much higher positions, you require to start making use of the power of this strong marketing tool today. When it concerns marketing, there is actually nothing at all that is actually much better than utilizing the power of web marketing. The reason is given that you can reach out to a great deal of folks and also the even more folks you reach out to, the even more chances you need to receive a greater position. That is the reason you require to begin using SEO right now. The reality is that if you intend to acquire your website to rank high up on Google.com or even some other online search engine, then you require to begin performing SEO now.
What Are Actually SEO Skill-sets?
What are SEO skills? SEO is actually the fine art of getting a web site catalogued by search engines to make sure that it could be located through potential customers. The main resources made use of in this process are actually keyword study, web material and also listings. These three methods are actually needed to have so as to get on the initial web page of any sort of search engine. When you get on the 1st page, you will commonly acquire even more customers than if you performed the 2nd page. If you have a high quality website as well as a great volume of keyword phrases to use, you should manage to create some loan along with your website within a handful of months.
Knowing what is taking place around the globe in regards to what is actually being sought and just how to place high up on the best search engine listings will definitely offer you an advantage over your competition. That might appear frightening to some people, however it is certainly not. You do certainly not require to be a master of all these different variables, yet you do need to understand all of them in some degree. If you recognize just how they operate and what is actually going on in the field, you are going to be able to create more money online along with your personal website.
Google is among the best popular online search engine, but they perform certainly not rank web sites by their ranking and also rankability. Folks can acquire a directory from Google for a specific price. When a web site acquires noted on the initial page of the search engine, this will certainly improve the market value of your listing and also it are going to generate more amount of money for you. SEO is actually really necessary if you would like to make money online, yet certainly not to the point where you can easily refrain just about anything else on your website.
How Carries Out Link Property Improve SEO?
Online marketing is often specified as the art of enhancing web website traffic through enhancing website page ranks and also visibility. Websites positions are very important to make it less complicated for online search engine to crawl and mark your web site to deliver end results for the inquiries of the consumers. Nonetheless, these rankings are actually only one portion of SEO, which does certainly not finish at that. Website are thought about to be of better if they have informative content as well as it manages to bring in more web traffic and also additional visitors. With the use of hyperlink structure you can conveniently draw in these website visitors and also at some point produce your website popular with the boosting lot of guests coming to see your web site. In the process of link building, your goal is actually to build a system of pertinent outside web links to your web site from high-grade external internet sites.
Hyperlinks can be from any resource. It carries out not matter if they are hyperlinks to your web site or not. A singular website might possess several exterior sites that relate to it. By receiving these web links to your internet site, you will certainly have the ability to obtain raised website rank. It is important to remember that your web link structure method is merely one component of the complete SEO process. You also need to examine if the website you are actually trying to get the links from is actually dependable as well as certainly not a spammer. If it is actually a spammer, you will certainly not have the capacity to get the web links that you prefer.
Link building is a vital device in making your internet site online search engine helpful. This is why you ought to certainly not disregard it if you intend to get your site identified by the internet search engine. Hyperlink property is actually additionally a significant think about enhancing traffic to your site. Hyperlink property enables you to create an on the internet credibility and reputation and visibility of your site amongst the visitors. This are going to at that point receive your internet site more site visitors that may remain on as well as see your web site consistently.
How Perform I Become an AdWords Expert?
If you like to know how do I come to be an AdWords expert, read this write-up. It is going to take you a long time and you will be actually shocked on just how successful it resides in the web marketing. Actually, I am taking debt of developing this article because it actually helped me out. But the advantage that I have of having actually been actually an AdWords expert for several years is since I do not hang around to obtain the services of a qualified. I don't care to lose my time since I have performed whatever on my personal.
Yet to begin with, allow's speak about the AdSense course. Why you would want to come to be an AdSense expert? seo bureau to the fact that you require to generate your very own project to maximize your search engine optimization. Why perform you think Google has made it less complicated for people to get going along with AdSense? The response is straightforward. You merely need to understand one point. What would be actually the greatest way to place high for your targeted keywords?
I'm informing you currently, that the only way to come to be an AdSense expert is by cultivating your personal initiative. I am informing you that it is actually extremely easy to do it and also you will certainly end up being greater than self-assured if you try it. It is actually certainly not as tough as it appears. A little bit of know-how about keywords as well as a bit of perseverance will help you. So the following opportunity you would like to know how do I end up being an AdWords expert, go through this write-up and view how effective it is.
What is WordPress Website Design?
Numerous ponder what is WordPress website design? Well, generally, it is actually a type of program that allows you to generate your personal website with motifs. This software application is actually made use of for creating the website with a concept as well as get the very best feasible format. The objective of producing a website with a motif is to create your website look even more desirable. Thus, it can be classified as a tool that is utilized for creating a website that is actually mosting likely to attract more website visitors.
If you are looking for the most ideal devices for producing a website, it is advised that you go with WordPress website design. You can easily discover several providers available that will certainly offer their services at sensible rates. However, the truth continues to be that what is WordPress web design really all about? Well, it is actually everything about the creation of the website along with a motif and afterwards deal with the style. It is actually all about developing the theme.
When it pertains to the development of the website with a concept, the most ideal factor that you can possibly do is actually to look for a service provider for the companies of WordPress website design. This is actually since the software program that you will certainly be utilizing is actually mosting likely to assist you make the motif for your website. After this, it is all about dealing with the style. It is actually all about the development of the website. In short, if you want to make a website that is going to entice a lot more visitors, you should search for a company for the services of WordPress website design. Thus, what is WordPress web design?
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
Accomplish More: How to Replace Busyness with Productivity
I have spent much of my professional life fine-tuning my own productivity so that I can accomplish more without working longer hours and destroying my health. Read on to learn how “busyness” doesn’t equal productivity, how to cut out distractions, and how to accomplish more by actually doing less. Being mindful, learning to prioritize, and scheduling downtime and play are all important for a productive, happy life.
You can accomplish more, and you don’t need to work longer hours to do it. Here are seven ways to increase your productivity without sacrificing your health or happiness. #optimalhealth #healthylifestyle #chriskresser
We All Want to Accomplish More
Does any of this sound familiar?
You get to the end of a day and you feel like it was all a blur
You often feel distracted and have trouble focusing
You are constantly checking your email, text messages, or social media accounts—even when spending time with loved ones, on vacation, or out in nature
You never feel like you’re getting enough done, and yet there’s so much more you have to do
When you are trying to take some downtime, you keep having the nagging feeling you should be doing something more “productive”
If you can relate, there’s a good chance you’re in danger of having what author Max Strom called a “near-life experience” in his book There Is No App for Happiness. We’re busier than ever, and arguably unhappier as a result.
The problem is that society has equated “busyness” with productivity. Busyness has become a badge of honor or status symbol. (1) Being constantly busy is a way of saying, “I am important, and my human capital is sought after.”
Instead of a badge of honor, I believe that busyness is a cultural disease. It’s a sign of just how disconnected we’ve become from what’s important in life. Our days are packed with one thing after another and full of distractions. The internet was supposed to revolutionize how we worked, helping us to be more productive, but everyone would agree that it’s a double-edged sword. The average person checks her smartphone 221 times per day. (2) We’re constantly switching between social media, texts, emails, and actual work—and less gets done as a result. “Busyness” starts to wear us down and might result in:
Lack of sleep or insomnia
Feeling fidgety
Food cravings
Feeling “worn out”
Being tense
Brain fogginess
Too much stress and distraction wreak havoc on our health. Chronic stress, and the unhealthy habits that go along with it like low physical activity, poor eating habits, and lack of sleep, are related to a myriad of health problems, including:
Anxiety and depression (3, 4)
Gut distress and diseases (5)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Cardiovascular disease (6)
Autoimmune disorders (7)
Obesity (8)
Lowered immune function (9)
Sexual dysfunction (10)
The good news is that being genuinely productive doesn’t have to mean longer hours, more stress, and health issues. In fact, you can learn how to replace busyness with productivity.
Seven Life Hacks to Increase Your Productivity
I’m a “productivity hacker.” I have spent significant time actively working on increasing productivity while cutting out things that decrease it, and I’m going to share what I’ve learned with you. Here are seven practical tips that have helped me throughout my professional and personal life:
Be mindful
Stop multitasking
Batch your tasks
Do less (but accomplish more)
Move your body
Make time for rest and rejuvenation
Play and have fun
1. Be Mindful
Did you notice if there were clouds in the sky this morning, or what they looked like? Did you even look up or were you staring at the phone attached to your hand? Later, when you waited for your lunch date, did you open your phone to check email or scroll through Facebook?
In everyday moments that once presented the opportunity for reflection and quiet presence, many of us are more likely to be thinking about what we have to tackle next on our to-do lists, what we already did or didn’t do (with regret), or what others are doing. We compound this when we pick up our phones and browse the internet, as if that will help us find the answers. We instantly respond to texts that can wait. We click on headlines and read news stories that aren’t urgent. All these little distractions are actually rewiring our brains.
A three-second distraction—enough time to pick up a phone to view a notification—can disrupt our brains from a “sequential task” (following directions, for instance) so effectively that we’re likely to make twice as many errors when we return to the task. (11)
In our quest to constantly be “on” and be productive, we have forgotten how to be mindful and present. Mindfulness, originally derived from Buddhist philosophy, means being aware of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment on a moment-to-moment basis. It means paying attention to what is rather than getting lost in thoughts about the future or the past.
Mindfulness meditation can be used by anybody regardless of religious beliefs as a way of cultivating awareness and attention. By setting aside even 10 minutes per day to focus on your breathing, you’re exercising your brain’s ability to let go of distracting thoughts and stay on task. With practice, you can learn to allow feelings to come and go, like watching cars pass by.
Here Are the Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness meditation improves both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. It’s been shown to:
Increase positive emotions while reducing negative emotions and stress (12)
Help tune out distractions and improve attention and ability to focus (13, 14, 15)
Enhance relationships and make us feel more connected and relaxed (16)
Boost our compassion for ourselves and others (17)
Improve self-esteem and social anxiety (18)
The brain is able to reorganize in response to stimuli, an ability called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the idea that we have the power to change the function and structure of our brains through our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In a way, neuroplasticity lets us rewire our brains—to focus on positive occurrences instead of negative, for example, or to be more aware and mindful. By measuring neuroplasticity, researchers can directly observe and quantify the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain. (19, 20, 21)
Through changing the brain, mindfulness changes the entire body. The vagus nerve, involved in regulating functions such as heart rate and digestion, sends messages between the brain and our internal organs. (22) Vagal tone, a measure of its functional fitness, correlates to healthy bodily function and increased positive feelings. (23, 24) Low vagal tone is related to inflammation, poor cardiac function, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. (25, 26) (With regard to the gut, for example, communication between the brain and gut can be influenced by neurotransmitters created by gut bacteria.) (27)  Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and emotional tools to foster self-love and kindness can all improve vagal tone. (28, 29, 30)
Mindfulness meditation has been linked to major health benefits, including:
Pain management (31, 32, 33)
Reduction in anxiety and depression (34, 35)
Blood sugar control (36)
Slower cellular aging (37)
Healthy pregnancy (38)
Improved sleep (39, 40)
Overall improved immunity (41)
You Can Start Meditating Today—Just Start Small
If you have never meditated before, it can feel excruciating at first. Start small. You don’t need to spend hours each day meditating. Instead of committing to something unrealistic on day one, try meditating for just five minutes. Studies show that a mere 10 minutes a day yields a host of benefits. (42)
Here are some tips from Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction:
Pay close attention to your breathing, especially when you’re feeling intense emotions
Notice what you’re sensing in a given moment: the sights, sounds, and smells that ordinarily slip by without reaching your conscious awareness
Recognize that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting and do not define you, an insight that can free you from negative thought patterns
Tune into your body’s physical sensations, from water hitting your skin in the shower to the way your body rests in an office chair
For additional resources, consider enrolling in Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program. Two meditation books I recommend are Meditation for Beginners and Buddha in Blue Jeans. A group at UCLA creates a new, free, 30-minute guided meditation every week. The Headspace app has been helpful for many people (as long as the extra app doesn’t contribute to more distraction!).
2. Stop Multitasking
The term “multitasking” was first used to describe parallel processing abilities of computers. Today, of course, multitasking refers to a person’s ability to do multiple activities simultaneously, like talking on the phone with a client while answering emails. In some workplaces, multitasking is simply part of the job.
Multitasking sounds efficient and useful, but unfortunately, it is a myth.The simple fact is that the human brain cannot focus on several tasks at the same time.
According to the late Stanford neuroscientist Clifford Nass, multitasking should be renamed “multi-switching,” and no matter what you call it, it’s actually a buzzkill for productivity.
You Aren’t as Good at Multitasking as You Think
People who think they are good at multitasking may simply be proficient at rapidly shifting attention between two tasks they have already mastered. That’s not really multitasking—it’s just switching between a couple of things you’re already good at. (Think of an experienced chef who can prep and cook lots of dishes without missing a beat.) And most of us can’t do it well. Furthermore, research suggests that those who consider themselves to be effective “multitaskers” actually aren’t good at multitasking at all, and their productivity suffers.
Students who engaged in high levels of multitasking reported significant issues with academic work. (43) In a study of college students, those who focused on a single task at a time outperformed multitaskers in a series of experiments. And when the experiment involved multitasking, the participants who were not considered multitaskers still came out ahead. (44)
Media multitaskers, those who, for example, scroll through social media while watching TV, especially have reduced attention control, greater susceptibility to distractions, and a general tendency toward diffuse or shallow attention. (45, 46, 47) A study at Stanford found that 25 percent of students use four or more media devices at once. (48) They’re writing a paper, they’re on Instagram, they’re in a text conversation, and they have music playing. But this is becoming increasingly common in the workforce as well; workers will be answering the phone while replying to an email and texting friends.
The loss of productivity that comes from switching tasks frequently is called the “switch cost.” (49) The switch costs can manifest in various ways:
Increased switching leads to poorer performance on the primary assigned task
During rapid switching among tasks, learning new information is difficult, if not impossible
Attempting to multitask increases the chance of mistakes (in the case of cell phone usage during driving, this can be a potentially fatal mistake!)
Almost without question, you will be more productive if you focus on one task at a time instead of trying to multitask. Consider a focus-intensive task such as writing. It takes a while to settle into the zone of concentration. If you come out of it to check email, you might not be able to get back into the same level of concentration quickly. One study by researchers at UC Irvine monitored work interruptions among office workers. They found that workers took an average of 25 minutes to recover from interruptions such as phone calls or answering emails and return to their original task. (50)
If, while you’re fixed in the zone, another to-do item comes into your head, don’t shift tasks. Don’t open a tasks app in your phone to type a reminder. Instead, jot down a few words on a physical notepad and deal with it later so that you can stay focused on the task at hand.
If you enjoy working with music in the background, check out Focus@Will. The site provides music that is designed to modulate at intervals that match up with how frequently your brain begins to search a new stimulus. They call it “scientifically optimized music to help you focus.”
3. Batch Your Tasks
Frequently checking email and browsing online is guaranteed to reduce your overall productivity. And, unfortunately, you’re checking email and social media more than you think. One study from 2015 found that, on average, people check their smartphones twice as often as they thought they did. (51) These statistics might surprise you:
Office workers on average check email at least 12 times during the work day. (52)
The average person picks up his phone and interacts with it 221 times per day. (53)
75 percent of employees respond to an email within an hour of receiving it. (54)
If you’re interested in the plain, hard truth of how you’re spending (read: wasting) your time, download the web-based application RescueTime. It tracks the time you spend on different tasks, like social media, email, Microsoft Office, and any other programs or sites.
The solution? Batch email, errands, phone calls, and other tasks, using the following tips.
Schedule Time to Check Your Email
Instead of checking email constantly throughout the day, schedule two to four focused sessions per day to devote to email. Schedule these times into your calendar, just as you would a meeting, and don’t even have the email application open on the computer otherwise. Checking email (and texts) has become addictive for most of us, and it can take some time to break the habit of constantly wanting to click on it—but once you take the plunge and schedule your email activity, you’ll free up larger chunks of time to work on tasks that require intense focus.
Group Your Tasks Together
Group similar tasks together within the day (or week if more applicable). Batching works for more than just email. For example, instead of having meetings scheduled for 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2:00 p.m., schedule all of them within a single block of time, like between 3:00 and 4:30 p.m., for example. This frees up blocks of time for uninterrupted work. Other examples of this would include doing all in-town errands on the same day or having a dedicated day to meal prep for several days’ worth of meals.
Schedule Your Batches Strategically
I know that I am more productive and focused in the morning, and so that’s when I will focus on writing or content development. I leave errands, meetings, emails, and so forth for later in the day. Evaluate what works best for you.
Turn Off Your Notifications
As I mentioned above, multitasking doesn’t really work. All the little notification boxes that pop up when someone likes your status or comments on your post shift your focus and break your concentration. Most apps have notifications turned on by default, but you can manually turn them off. If you really want a reprieve from the constant distraction, try following the “notification zero” movement and disable push notifications entirely.
Of course, you might need to keep certain notifications enabled, but you know what they are, and you can turn off the rest. At the very least, putting your phone face down is helpful because you won’t be tempted by a screen that lights up as soon as “news” comes in.
Leave Your Phone in Another Room
Research indicates that the mere presence of a phone can be distracting! (55) If you keep the ringer on, you won’t miss that important phone call you’ve been waiting for, but the phone will be safely out of reach.
4. Do Less (But Accomplish More)
It might be hard to hear, but no, you can’t do it all. We get so frazzled trying to keep up with dozens of people, projects, and activities, that we lose sight of what we’re working towards.
In order to achieve your goals, you need to get rid of the “busyness” and instead learn to plan and prioritize.
Learn How to Say No
This tip is meant especially for the people-pleasers. As I said, you can’t do it all—you shouldn’t try, and you shouldn’t feel like you have to. Focus on what’s important and let the rest go.
Avoid Arguing about Things That Don’t Matter
From Facebook tiffs to in-person drama, these arguments will drain your energy and often sour your mood, both of which will negatively impact your productivity.
Stay Away from Toxic People
Being courteous and kind to everyone is a good rule of thumb, but not everyone has to be your best friend. Steer clear of negative people or those who tend to stress you out.
Identify and Plan Out Your Goals
As a monthly practice, identify your five most important projects or goals. (Put a note in your calendar to do this—you could choose the first Monday of the month so that it’s a logical fit with your schedule.) Don’t skip this step—you have to know your target to aim correctly. Each week, identify tasks to move you closer to those goals. (Again, Monday makes sense, but some advance planners may like doing this on a Friday, in preparation for the week to come.) At the start of each day, list the three most important tasks to follow.
Make a Schedule Instead of a To-Do List
By setting aside specific times for tasks, schedules prevent things from staying on your to-do list indefinitely. Pencil it in!
5. Move Your Body
Here is where I will start to lose people. That’s because the remaining three productivity hacks have less to do with work itself than with supporting productivity while you are not working. But they are just as important.
Physical activity improves cognitive performance. (56, 57) Busy professionals will say they don’t have time for exercise, but without it, productivity will suffer. Even at work, you can incorporate more movement into your day with these three strategies.
Sit Less and Move More
One meta-analysis involving 18 studies and over 800,000 subjects found that those who sat the most had a greater than 100 percent higher risk of diabetes, a nearly 150 percent higher risk of heart disease, a 90 percent higher risk of death from heart disease and close to a 50 percent higher risk of death from all causes when compared to those that sat the least. (58) A recent study found that as sedentary time increased, so did early death from any cause. (59) What might be surprising is that in this study, exercise time did not mitigate any of the detrimental effects of sedentary behavior.
Invest in a Standing Desk or Treadmill Desk
My treadmill desk has been life-changing. I walk at a very slow pace (less than one mile per hour) while doing computer work, or I can choose to stand. Some companies may even purchase a standing desk for you as part of a company health initiative.
Take Frequent Breaks
I use the program Time Out to determine break intervals. Every 10 minutes, the screen pauses for a quick 15-second break, during which I look away from the computer, stretch, or close my eyes. Every 45 minutes, I program Time Out to take a longer three- to four-minute break. I will walk outside for a bit, do a few pull-ups, or make an effort to look at 3D objects instead of a 2D screen.
Outside of work, an ideal exercise routine should incorporate weight lifting, interval training, vigorous activity, and moderate activity. But whatever exercise you enjoy doing and actually will do is better than none. Also, increase physical activity outside of distinct periods of exercise—walk or bike to work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, spend time running around with the kids.
6. Make Time for Rest and Rejuvenation
Americans in particular are working harder than ever. Men and women in the United States are working 12 to 13 hours more per week than they were in 1968. In a year, Americans, on average, work: (60)
137 more hours than Japanese workers,
260 more than British workers, and
499 more than French workers!
So many feel like they can’t afford to take breaks, or feel guilty about doing so. But downtime replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and may help you accomplish more.
The most creative and productive people in sports, business, and the arts make a point to rest and rejuvenate. Many artists and athletes rarely practice more than four hours per day and regularly schedule breaks and naps. (61) An interesting study on one consulting group experimented with less work. The bosses insisted employees take regular time off, workers took one day off per week, and employees were told to unplug at night instead of checking email. (62) At the end of the study, employees were more productive and more satisfied with their jobs because they were able to work better when they were revived and rested.
Structured downtime helps us feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but this time can look different for different people. Whether it’s walking, meditation, cloud-watching, or something else, schedule regular downtime into your day.
If You Want to Feel Rejuvenated, Go off the Grid
We all could benefit from being less connected. I recommend “going off the grid” regularly. One day each week, don’t check email or social media or use a computer or phone except for very basic tasks like finding directions. For the past few years, I have taken at least a week of vacation where I go completely off the grid.
Is it scary to imagine a week without a smartphone or the internet? I’ll admit—at first it was challenging, but now the only thing that’s difficult about it is going back on the grid.
Make Sure You’re Getting High-Quality Sleep
Poor sleep has negative effects on cognitive function, including decreased short-term memory, reduced learning capacity, a decline in mental stamina, and an inability to sustain attention. (63) Most experts on sleep agree that humans require seven to nine hours of sleep in the vast majority of cases, but unfortunately, many Americans never clock that much shut-eye. In fact, nearly 30 percent of American adults are sleeping fewer than six hours per night. (64)
Here are some beginning tips to help with sleep:
Control artificial light exposure, especially at night. Do not use screens two hours before bed, and if you absolutely must use them, wear orange glasses that block melatonin-suppressing wavelengths of light. Apps like f.lux can help you control the amount and color of the light coming from your screens.
Get exercise during the day.
Wake up and go to sleep at the same times every day. Even on weekends.
Take a nap. Although it may vary, 10 to 20 minutes seems like the sweet spot for a beneficial nap.
Address insomnia. If your mind can’t shut down at night, try the Rest Assured program instead of a sleep aid medication. The program works by maintaining a greater state of relaxation and ease throughout the day, which will help improve sleep at night.
7. Play and Have Fun
Play isn’t just a frivolous luxury; it helps keep our minds flexible. Play has been part of our evolutionary heritage. In adults, playfulness is associated with creativity, productivity, flexibility, optimism, empathy, social altruism, and stress tolerance.
What counts as play? According to Dr. Stuart Brown’s definition from his book, Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, play is:
Purposeless, done for its own sake
Outside of time
Improvisational or spontaneous
Mildly addictive
Watching television and browsing the internet are distractions, not play. Cultivate time for something you enjoy doing that fits the criteria above, like photography, knitting, playing basketball, music, surfing, making art, dancing, and more. Make a list of playful activities, and when you’re in a rut, consult the list and do one of them.
The pleasure of play releases endorphins that help counteract stress hormones, improve mood, and improve immune function, among many other benefits.
Now I’d like to hear from you! What do you think of my seven strategies to increase productivity and banish “busyness”? What other productivity hacks have you discovered? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.
The post Accomplish More: How to Replace Busyness with Productivity appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com November 16, 2018 at 06:09PM
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meditationadvise · 6 years
Psychic Vampires and the Use of Etheric Energy
Vibrating power is just what makes up the presence of whatever in life as well as is commonly referred to as waves of power streaming with deep space. Everybody provides certain vibrational frequencies, which is just what brings in the numerous events that occur in your daily life. Psychic vampires have actually discovered how to offer and manage these frequencies which permit them to continue to be in the form they are in.Energy comes in various shades and also forms as well as every feeling that is produced hands out a certain kind of energy that separates itself from the other kinds created.
Let's discuss power that is produced by favorable actions. For example, developing a favorable emotion in a person by doing something wonderful for the individual is a way to obtain positive energy forming. When you create a favorable feeling in someone, you are permitting the individual you are developing that feeling with, to release positive power which could can be found in the shades of yellows, pinks, oranges, purples, greens, etc. It varies with the individual as well as the positive feeling being really felt. This is the sort of energy you desire to create. While it does take longer and also even more job to create this sort of energy, the cause the future are far more satisfying as well as you will certainly really feel much better physically.
When feeding off the positive power developed, you will certainly feel the favorable emotions of that person you are feeding off of. Exact same goes if you are feeding off the energy provided by points in nature like trees as an example. If you take energy from the tree, give power back to it. When you develop favorable power it is virtually like you are feeding off each other then due to the fact that you are both exuding a favorable area of power as well as in turn you are not developing an unfavorable energy field. When you have this sort of energy, you naturally attract it towards yourself without also trying a lot of time. It additionally makes you feel excellent literally in the sense that you can believe clearer, you are much less prone to coming to be ill, you feel good regarding yourself, and also it makes exchanging power ten times less complicated than it would certainly be if you were to opt to go take the route of producing negative energy in others and in your environment.Another kind of developing energy in order to soak up or feed off of it, is the one stated above, the development of negative energy. This means of developing energy through unfavorable actions or emotions guided at others can be among the fastest and most convenient means to produce and also feed off of power, but it is additionally hazardous to you as well as dangerous to those you are feeding off of. All one needs to perform in order to develop an adverse form of power is start talking with someone in an unfavorable means, such as being contemptuous or speaking with a person like they are a five-year old. When you do that, it creates irritation or even anger in others, and also you can after that take their power promptly as well as create large outcomes by remaining to push that individual's buttons so to say. Starting a battle or a debate with someone produces adverse power results quickly it is very easy to continue disparaging a person if you will. The effects of taking power in this way could cause many manner ins which are pleasurable for some, and not so pleasant for others. If you care in any way regarding other individuals and their feelings or health, you will not perform this sort of feeding of energy from others. It could make you feel ill, and also remember that you ARE soaking up that persons feelings and also sensations also, so if they are depressed, you come to be clinically depressed. The upside is that you renew your power fast, but the drawback is that it decreases fast as well.
Taking energy this way not only can create you to attract a great deal of adverse things right into your life, such as lack of friends or household, or also the inability to work or sustain a relatively regular life, yet it also influences your very own personally mental and physical well-being with its toxins that unfavorable energy has the tendency to carry.For instance, allow's state that you have a friend that you constantly choose on because they are broke all the time (this is simply an instance) and also never ever have loan to do anything. At some point that person you are teasing will start to get on the defensive with you because you are constantly making enjoyable of them. This produces a feeling of anger or aggravation which are both adverse. Now, every single time you are around that individual, they begin releasing an adverse form of energy as opposed to positive emotions as well as power. It is very easy to get someone to release that adverse power area without truly attempting. It's the positive energy area that has a tendency to be an obstacle for a great deal of individuals and as a result, numerous people produce unfavorable energy areas around others.
Not ALL Vampires have to develop some kind of emotion in a person in order to take their power. For several of us it simply comes naturally, while others it takes time and a great deal of practice to find out ways to simply stroll up to somebody and also touch their hand and also take their power without creating a positive or negative feeling in them. While producing favorable or adverse energy in somebody, it just essentially ads to the power a Vampire is already obtaining just by remaining in the presence of someone. It takes a lot of concentration and a significant amount of emphasis to create this type of feeding and also it is best to find out from somebody else who currently understands ways to do this to make sure that it they could direct you along the way to assist you create this skill.It is also feasible to manipulate others power fields to get what you want from them or make them do just what you want them to do in a manner. This is something that again comes naturally to some, as well as for others it is quite the difficulty to master. Once you are able to efficiently discover this technique, it could make life that a lot easier for you and make taking that individual's power even less complex. Some individuals prefer to use this present for their own uses as well as gains while others opt to utilize it to enjoy with individuals or just to be devious.You could as an example focus your energy on someone you might wish to get something from completely free, like at a store or perhaps the movie theater. With this capacity you could encourage people of just about anything and also they will certainly think it, as well as they will do a lot of just what you ask of them. You could attract people in for feeding as well with this ability. Knowing the best ways to use your personal power to take partial control of what others could believe or do is an ability that must not be ignored and also could conveniently fall under the hands of those that opt to use it for their very own dark purposes.
Energy has been used for recovery those that have conditions for hundreds of years by practically every different culture in our world, as well as on other aircrafts of existence. It is the life pressure which keeps whatever creature alive and able to operate on an everyday basis. Without our energy field/aura, we would stop to exist as human beings, in addition to vampires. A vampire could not make it through without an energy field or without replenishing it, equally as anything else in this world.Understanding the energy field and also exactly what influences it as well as the outcomes you will receive by feeding off of certain powers is necessary in knowing the best ways to live and also endure in a reasonably negative energy cost-free way of living for any kind of vampire, deliberate or unintentional.
Types of Energy Vampires-by Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Some individuals, by their actual visibility, seem to drain pipes the energy of those unguarded people around them. They will typically link with a victim that displays the timeless signs of this drain.General debility, absence of motivation and also energy, a skeletal figure, a pallid complexion, and also an overall feeling of weak point are typically noted. These sufferers also tended to be highly suggestible individuals. The dominant companion (energy vampire) constantly withstands an effective therapy, or security, put on their victim.Most of these energy vampires are well-meaning, normal individuals. They are a dissatisfied lot, and do their damage by a telepathic draining of their victim's energy resources. Mere separation of two individuals leads to instant favorable modifications in the sufferer. In my Los Angeles workplace I educate all such victims in the art of spiritual security techniques to eliminate any reoccurrences of this syndrome. Attempt the psychic defense negativity experience on the hypnotic workout web link for your personal protection.I favor to utilize the term 'psychic parasitism' for cases where this energy drainpipe is uncontrolled as well as subconscious. If this result is the outcome of a premeditated psychic assault, I refer to the wrongdoer as a power vampire.You will certainly observe this procedure at job in any kind of public event,. The more people present, the simpler it will certainly be to observe. This could be a household event, a lecture, or an experience at your neighborhood cinema. When I perform workshops and workshops, it is more than noticeable. I discuss this idea as well as quickly see specific heads bobbing up as well as down. Also much more fascinating is the reaction of their partner. These people offer more me several of the nastiest looks I have ever seen. Fear not, I am totally secured as well as am not vulnerable to their parasitism/vampirism.
Psychic Defense Methods Versus Energy Vampires
The emotional characteristics represented by people that inadvertently represent a psychic assailant (power vampire) come under five significant classifications. This individuality kind is a buildup of that individual's experiences in their current life, along with in previous lifetimes.Fear is the common measure in these people, and you have to learn how to protect yourself from their negative impacts. The 5 personality types are called angelic, insecure, paranoid, passive-aggressive, as well as robotic.
The Paranoid Type
Betrayal is the main concern with a paranoid kind. Their karmic style in previous lives has actually possibly been that of warrior-like habits, self-sacrifice, and also success in their battles. As an outcomes of their experiences, they discovered that there were adversaries worldwide that betrayed as well as perhaps killed them in numerous incarnations.Paranoid kinds are soldiers still attempting to win a battle that not exists against an opponent that has long because perished. They do not trust any person. Everybody is their adversary and also life is their battlefield. Worry is anywhere and an embedded part of their individuality makeup.
Their power areas have a tendency to be more extremely charged on the upper half of their body. They are especially fearful and also distrustful of participants of the opposite sex. Hostility is one of the most typical feedback to the world from a paranoid kind. This aggressiveness takes the kind of physical actions as well as energy estimates to anybody in their path.Paranoid kinds regularly select battles. They are seductive, however are incapable of long-lasting connections. He or she anticipates all others to betray them, and also will aid in establishing up others for this dishonesty. A paranoid may launch a dishonesty as a preemptory strike.
To lose for a paranoid is to admit that they misbehave. This is excruciating, so these people need to win regardless. They are hard employees, obsessive-compulsive, and also are normally quite healthy literally. There is never adequate time for them to accomplish their different goals.Paranoid types urge you concur with their often-distorted view of the globe. In truth, they desire you to suggest with them. This method they could win the argument and verify to themselves that they ready and also you are bad.
Never argue with this individual. Avoid making eye contact with them. Reduced and also soften your voice when you talk to them, as well as change the subject to something pleasant.
The Ethereal Type
Existential horror is the primary problem of an angelic kind. Frequently these struggling hearts have been hurt to fatality in previous lives for their metaphysical beliefs or practices. Their only getaway was to leave the body, so out-of-body experiences are the standard with them today.
These individuals do not desire much contact with others. They hesitated to incarnate in their existing body, and also reveal this fear by being reluctant to dedicate their awareness entirely into their physical body.Leaving their physical body frequently throughout the day is one of the most typical technique that aerial kinds use to deal with issues. They have weak borders as well as invest as much time as feasible on the spiritual realms. Since all time is synchronised on other planes, these people find it difficult to relate to direct time.The result of these dispositions is both withdrawal as well as aggression. They end up being aggressive as well as upset when required to operate on the earth plane. Their psychic attack on you is seldom deliberate, yet however you should secure yourself from these individuals.
The Insecure Type
The primary problem with troubled kinds is nurturance. These hearts have been via many versions during which there merely was inadequate food or love to walk around. They typically were abandoned at some time in their existing life, and fear it will take place again.
The insecure type feels that everyone around them is draining their energy, their feedback is to suck the energy from others to compensate. They might involve you in long, boring conversations and also speak really gently. Their voice is so soft and low that you need to strain to hear them. These are uncontrollable individuals who are characteristically obese and also at risk to dependencies of all kinds.
These souls consistently produce life experience showing that they are not worthwhile of focus, as well as their power needs and also nurturing requirements will never ever be satisfied. To fix this shortage, they must continue draining the power from others, producing a ferocious cycle.An insecure kind always encounters as defenseless. They urge you do things for them, as well as anticipate you to care for their every need. Give-and-take scenarios are unidentified to them. All they could do is take.Never stand directly before this individual. Do not make eye contact with them, when possible. Motivate them with words, yet do not provide to do things for them. Remember these individuals reside in continuous concern of being rejected as well as desertion. Do not let your pity for them be a basis for you being their next victim.
The Passive-Aggressive Type
Invasion and also being regulated is the chief problem of the passive-aggressive kind. During a number of previous incarnations, they experienced being regulated as well as trapped in situations, as well as protected against from being able to reveal themselves in ways they intended to. They may have been slaves, prisoners, or been taken advantage of by faith or governments.These hearts absolutely desire liberty, yet their concern stops them from asserting it. They are upset as well as resentful for not doing not hesitate, and lack an option to this issue. Their reaction to the globe is withdrawal, but with a subconscious wish to obtain authorization from other people to find back right into the world.
Passive-aggressive types lack autonomy. They constantly make every effort to include various other individuals in their lives. This specific makes needs and also resists input at the same time. They stay in the now, as well as never strategy or assume regarding the future. Self-expression is unknown to them. It is typical to observe others hindering their advancement, completing their sentences, and taking them for granted.This kind of private produces an inner globe of unclear, uniform fantasies as well as concepts, with anxiety at the core of this world. They imprison themselves as well as project loneliness, despair, as well as resentment toward everybody they call. It is difficult for them to reveal anger.
When you involve this kind in a discussion, they will certainly request your advice. All of your suggestions are incorrect and also you are of no assistance to them. These people ask but reject whatever is supplied to them. Their classic action to your guidance is, 'yes.'
The Robot Type
The main concern of robot types is authenticity. They are rejecting their real self. During previous lifetimes, they had to maintain up the look of being perfect in order to survive. They were probably accountable of running things, as they most likely are now.Their external world is ideal, the inner globe is refuted, and there is no core significance. They continuously are afraid that something is missing out on as well as life is proceeding without them.
To manage this fact, robotic types attempt to come to be a lot more excellent. They have high-paying tasks, a good online reputation, a perfect spouse and family members, and also search in perfect health.The a lot more inauthentic they act, the more worthless the world shows up. Others envy their lifestyle. People involve them with their troubles. The robot kinds never ever achieve fulfillment from life, and discover as a blank. They work as if on automatic pilot and are often removed from your conversation.Robot kinds never grumble about the world. They are ideal and also everything is attractive. Appropriateness and also being 'political views bias-free' are more vital that being real.These 5 sorts of psychic parasites have to be recognized as well as dealt with appropriately, or a psychic attack after you is inevitable.Here are a couple interesting articles I discovered in addition to a pair video clips. Take pleasure in!
Psychic Vampires & Spiritual Energy Vampires - How you can remain Immune
Youtube: Taking Care Of Power Vampires
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4eternal-life · 6 years
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Frank Auerbach (German-British, b. 1931)
oil on board, 41.5 by 46.3cm
... This is a miraculous painting. The intricacy of the delicate waves of oil paint married to the vibrancy of the colour is matched only by the importance of the present work to the artist's career coming as it does from his most celebrated period in the early 1960s. When one considers that the condition is perfect and that it has not been seen in public for fifty years one must conclude that this is a work of art which truly deserves to be nominated a masterpiece.
The painting reveals much about the artist's technique, a practice developed over years of unwavering dedication, and also tells something of his own personal story. It comprises an intimate portrait of one of his most enduring sitters, a woman who was crucial in the evolution of Auerbach as both a man and as an artist. A museum-quality work appearing at auction for the first time, E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown Vis evidence, if further evidence were needed, as to why Frank Auerbach is now widely regarded as Britain's greatest living painter. The simplicity of Auerbach's life, an asceticism which springs from his absolute devotion to painting, is often noted in descriptions of his life and work. He travels little, and generally avoids the limelight. He has also restricted the subject matter of his work, focusing in particular on a small group of sitters and a limited area of North London streets situated close to his studio. E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown Vis a portrait of one of the select few, a model who sat for the artist over a number of years, and was also his lover for much of that time. Auerbach met Estella Olive West, better known simply as Stella, in 1948, when he was seventeen years old and she was thirty two. An aspiring actress, their paths crossed at the amateur Communist Unity Theatre, where they performed together in a production of Peter Ustinov's House of Regrets. Auerbach moved into West's home in Earls Court as a lodger, and an intense relationship both artistic and personal quickly developed. In the end, West was to sit for Auerbach for over two decades. The portraits that he painted of her, vivid reminders of an enduring, complex and at times tempestuous association, are some of his greatest works of art. The production of one of Frank Auerbach's paintings is a long, slow process. In fact, he tends to complete only a few paintings each year, the majority of them are portraits. The deep impasto that we see in works such as E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown Vof 1963 is the result of hours, days, weeks, months, sometimes years of careful layering, building and sculpting. One false move and the hues bleed into one another causing the primary colours to muddy irreparably. These layers must be scraped away entirely and reattempted from scratch. To have such a complete composition of fully built up paint is incredibly rare in Auerbach's oeuvre requiring as it does the commitment and patience to sustain the tension of interlocking waves of paint throughout the pictorial plane. Only when Auerbach is completely happy with a work does it see the light of day. The artist is his own ruthless editor, with only the best paintings and drawings emerging from his paint-daubed studio. For his sitters, the experience must at times prove challenging, and Stella West herself stated that posing, although it began as "a sort of game", later became much harder, "more demanding" (quoted in Robert Hughes, Frank Auerbach, London 1990, p.133). The physical demands of sitting hour after hour, week after week in the same position are almost unimaginable for those who have never been involved in such a protracted creative process. The fact that this is one of his largest scale figurative oils and that the sheer weight of paint is so substantial leads one to conclude that the present work could comfortably have taken longer than a year to produce. That the hard work involved, both for the artist and for his model, was worth the effort is ably demonstrated in the magnificent vision of this stunning painting. It is clear that Auerbach needs to know a person before he can properly paint them. He recognises the value of a personal affiliation with a sitter, his innate understanding not just of the generic human form, but of the specific body and face that he finds before him crucial to the success of a painting. Auerbach's close connection with Stella West, and its impact on his visual portrayals of this woman that he knew so well, is poetically captured by Catherine Lampert, an art-historian and curator who has herself sat for the artist on numerous occasions: "His paintings of her reveal curiosity and tenderness. Strokes cross her form, other marks draw out emotions, like an exorcism, their directional force close to carving, making flurried edges, deep hollows and corrugated skin where wet earth colours have been placed on the semi-dry result of the previous attempt"  Auerbach's style is, of course, unmistakeable, and ultimately unique, but his art nevertheless displays a profound knowledge of the art-historical canon. The influence of Rembrandt on his work, particularly on his portraits, has been recently explored in a display of Auerbach's paintings next to those of the Dutch Old Master at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. In its portrayal of a slumbering human figure stretched sinuously across a colourful ground, E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown V is reminiscent of the posture of the two figures in The Siesta by Vincent Van Gogh, now in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. Like both Rembrandt and Van Gogh, Auerbach also experiments with the limits of the material itself, pushing and pulling the paint into thick, sculptural strokes. As can be seen in the present work, paint is squeezed directly from the tube, leaving long glossy cylinders of oleaginous pigment. At the time that he painted E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown V, Auerbach was expanding his awareness of recent developments across the Atlantic. First introduced to the work of the Abstract Expressionists at an exhibition dedicated to the New York School in 1958, Auerbach's own practice seems to have been informed by the use of gesture that they advocated. Already experimenting with a new, bolder palette of colours, his works of this period also display an astounding sense of vigour, the "furious energy" described so well by Isabel Carlisle. A comparison of the present painting with two similar images of Stella West now in the collection of the Tate Gallery, London give an important insight into the developments of the artist's palette around this time. E.O.W. Nude of 1953-4 shows her as a pale, almost ghost-like figure reclining against a background of dark, muddy browns. Meanwhile E.O.W. Nude on Bed of 1959 reveals a growing interest in colour, with rich russets and verdant greens appearing across the composition. Finally in this E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown V, painted only three years later, we see sky blue, blood red and sunshine yellow bursting out before our eyes, layer upon layer, mixing and melding in a riot of bright colour. A painting which exhibits an extraordinary physical presence, E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown V, can be relished from various standpoints. As a portrait, it allows us some insight into Auerbach's private world, a glimpse into his circle of lovers, friends and associates. As an art-historical object, it also tells us much about the development of Auerbach's distinctive artistic practice, one which places him within a long artistic tradition and has also made him a globally revered figure. But most importantly, as a painting, it is absorbing, utterly enchanting and astoundingly beautiful. After all, it is the creation of such fine paintings which has obsessed Frank Auerbach for the past six decades. The remarkable vision that we find in E.O.W. on her Blue Eiderdown V, and its deep understanding of both the human figure and the paint itself, is testament to a lifetime of painting, and to the incredible talent of the man who views his art quite literally as a way of life.
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luxuriejaded-blog · 6 years
moral attention: a meta on nick’s ability
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     Let’s talk ability, shall we?      I’m gonna be honest with you -- Nick’s ability is...weird. Not necessarily because it’s difficult to understand, but because it’s less a magic ability and more a heightened sense of intuition. There’s nothing fanciful about it; it isn’t flashy. Actually, much like Nick, it’s unobtrusive and down-to-earth, practical even, dare I say useful. Its peculiarity makes it rare and, as a result, makes it almost wildly difficult to understand. In a way, it’s probably the closest to Ranpo’s “ability,” Super Deduction, though it’s all the more specific and honed in.      At its heart, Moral Attention is a lie detector, just more reliable and fine turned. It’s hypersensitive to not only lies, but half-truths, illusions, superficiality, and all manner of distortion. It’s every con man’s worst nightmare -- tricking / deceiving Nick is a hard thing to do, given not only his natural skepticism, but the nature of Moral Attention. However, like every lie detector that there is, Moral Attention cannot discern what that truth is, it can only detect the mask. It’s a lot more useful for Nick as opposed for other people, but because it’s useful for Nick, he’s inclined to complete work that is more objective and fully understood as compared to other individuals. While the ability may not be useful outright, it’s introverted nature lends Nick to be a useful agent and person. It requires an active component for it to have effect; it’s up to Nick himself whether or not he’ll tell others if it’s the truth or another lie. In the end, it’s an ability meant for survival and is already quite limited in its capacity for gain.      That being said, I’ve always imagined it being exceptionally annoying to Nick. Moral Attention, as I’ve mentioned, is hypersensitive to all manners of distortion -- this includes little white lies and sentences we tend to fling offhand, as well as prejudice, natural bias, and half-baked sentiments. Truth, while it can be objective, can also be purely subjective, but Moral Attention can’t discern that. It can only tell what isn’t true and a lot of things -- as I’m sure you know -- isn’t, well, the truth. The ability will affect Nick differently depending on how grand and elaborate that lie is, but in day-to-day affairs, it can be exceptionally taxing.      How does it affect Nick? It distorts his reality or, rather, it distorts how he senses and sees the world around him. Words and noises become muffled or static-like or suddenly sharp in clarity; a sudden uptake in color saturation or his vision begins to blur; Nick might be able to feel the fabric of his clothes resting on his skin and it feels off -- maybe, if he’s touching the offender, their body gets suddenly cold, maybe he can’t feel them at all; something “smells fishy,” or oddly strong smells suddenly waft into being with no precedent. As I’ve said, it depends on how grand and how elaborate that lie is. Small lies or small distortions are sudden and disorientating, but they go as quickly as come so they don’t bother Nick as much as individuals who crafted full-blown stories. The self-delusional few who build their entire lives on facades and make-believe escapades can easily make the man physically sick. Even if Nick likes them -- of which there are a notable few -- their presence can result in immediate removal. As you can imagine, under the influence of such an ability, large social gatherings and big crowds of people can be exceptionally draining -- and, you’re right. Nick’s sociable, but he’s never been a fan of going to grander-than-life parties and places of buzzing activity. He doesn’t mind them, per say -- in fact, he enjoys them when he goes -- but he can easily live without them. He only goes if and when he’s invited to attend, and/or curiosity compels him to search for an adventure, but even then? Nick feels much better sitting on the sidelines and watching, rather than participating, due to holding back large reserves of energy to keep his ability from acting up.      Is it passive or active? At its core, Moral Attention is passive, but it can be curtailed. Nick has mastered the art of self-control and can easily keep it at bay when performing social rites. He wouldn’t be able to get by if he didn’t. But, I imagine it’s probably difficult and takes a lot of reserve to keep it from getting too out of hand. Under emotional duress, in which Nick loses his composure, it can quickly come crashing down upon him with the weight of the world’s lies. This is what typically causes him to undergo emotional crisis and most definitely can worsen the stress, giving his reality a super unreality when nothing feels like it’s making sense anyway.      Speaking of emotions, does this affect Nick on a psychological and emotional level? Yes, in a way. Some of it can be attributed to Nick’s personality more so than Moral Attention itself, but I can see Nick feeling quite alienated from everyone else, like an outsider looking in, like he doesn’t quite belong there. This can stem from several causes, one being Nick’s natural reserve and conservatism, but I do believe that the ability makes it difficult for Nick to fully enjoy himself with other people. Imagine -- you, simply hanging out with your friends, having a good time, laughing and talking. Then boom, your reality shifts. Maybe your friend’s voice caused your ears to ring, maybe the colors are all the wrong shade, maybe your girlfriend’s scent of cherry perfume suddenly smells like shit -- someone said something that was off, incorrect, but inconsequential, and now you have to piece yourself together and recollect what was once your reality. Or, get used to the one just constructed for you. It’d be pretty debilitating, and really disorientating. Not to mention, entirely your own burden to handle. No one else gets that way, no one else sees that world you just depicted, and trying to explain -- particularly in Nick’s mind -- would be meddlesome and pointless. It’s better to just quickly get over it, or pretend it didn’t happen than to raise a ruckus over one small detail someone just got wrong. And him trying to curtail it, to keep back those energies, takes a lot of stress. Huge affairs, big crowds, loud parties -- fun as they are, they make Nick feel wrong and off. Even without the ability on standby, he knows people are lying -- he’s aware of that world being in existence -- and it’s hard to lose yourself and let go once you have that mindset ingrained within you. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nick was paranoid and naturally distrusting. To give up his trust would mean to be vulnerable, and he isn’t sure how to do that knowing all the different ways people can distort his reality. He’s...cautious, and may be prone to cynicism.      It sounds more malicious than beneficial. Why does Phantom keep it classified, then? Why does Nick tell the Guild he has a completely different ability in its stead? It doesn’t sound all that powerful. And, you wouldn’t be wrong. No -- in comparison to other abilities? It’s probably very weak and arguably one of the most annoying -- BUT, Phantom is a neutral organization that dispenses agent’s into other, more overt organizations to keep no one more powerful than each other. Phantom agents are influencers, instigators, planners, tacticians, spies, persuaders, and everything akin to it. By implanting Nick, they want him to influence the Guild by less than extraordinary means and without raising any attention in the meantime. Moral Attention, though small, can still be used if put into the wrong hands. Knowing that the ability doesn’t guarantee Nick being honest as well, it can also bring Nick in harm’s way. Someone who can pick up all facets of dishonesty? In an organization that’s primarily self-interested and business-oriented, a person who can sniff out being cheated would be remarkably beneficial. Yes, Nick can lie, but that would be too much of a risk factor -- his ability would give him too much undue attention and put him into a highly touted position in which getting caught in being dishonest would result in some immediate backlash. It would defeat the purpose of gaining no attention and quietly influencing -- it would be counterproductive to the Phantom’s goals. They want to make sure the Guild is in line with the other organizations, on equal footing. Knowing Nick’s ability would upset that balance. Not to mention, it’s a bad basis for trust. I mean, would you talk to the guy who can tell your every lie, who can out you by you misplacing one accidental word? It’d be a disaster. Moral Attention helps Nick determine what to investigate and where best to influence, as well as other people’s weaknesses and gives him a glimpse into their lives, where things contradict and where they don’t -- if they knew he could do that, it would result in nobody every trusting Nick...ever...they wouldn’t depend on him as a trustworthy confidant, which is one of Nick’s key characteristics, his natural ability to have people open up to him. While yes, Moral Attention wouldn’t greatly tip the scales in favor of the Guild, it would also make Nick’s job as a mole and influencer much more difficult, I think. Lying about Nick’s ability was a choice to help him gain a specific reputation, a specific reputation that would merit good opinion, but no supreme power.      Oh...so, what about the Phantoms? How do they use it? Most of it is up to Nick. He is undercover, after all, and working as a means to gather and push certain information, whilst accumulating a reputation that would render him a trustworthy sort. The ability, being as low-scaled and down-to-earth as it is, is useful in that regard, to pick up and investigate without gaining any traction. But, the Phantoms do reserve specific jobs for Nick -- interrogation and questioning (yes, he does torture, but only out of necessity), and diplomacy (his personality lends well to this career). Out of all the jobs Nick enjoys playing diplomat the best, and the higher-ups are definitely considering putting him in that position permanently, as a reward for his long service and moral struggle. Especially since with the renewal of the Guild, Nick would have a hard time finding a place back among their ranks after basically ditching them. I’ll go more into Nick’s relations with the Guild later and if I ever meet any other active Guild RPers because I wanna.      In conclusion: Moral Attention is a weirdly specific ability that’s useful, but causes a lot of disturbance for the user and can easily be mishandled if put into the hands of more self-serving individuals.
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @silkdust
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with saturn as the handle of the bucket. your saturn is in the 9th house, hence matters regarding learning, experiences, knowledge and open-mindness will be your priorities in this lifetime. you may travel and learn a lot. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are jupiter, venus and the moon. you're a very emotional and empathetic person, you always try to be kind to people and you strive to make others feel comfortable with you. yet, you may be a bit impulsive and say things that you don't actually mean. on the other hand, you're very easy-going and kind-hearted, you hardly ever mean to harm someone.
your dominant sign is sagittarius. you have an amazing sense of humor, your personality is so bubbly that it naturally draws people towards you. you're also extremely open-minded, you rarely have prejudices. you have a knack for spirituality, religion, philosophy... anything that can stimulate you mentally.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and indipendence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in virgo, 1° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you have a practical approach to the world. you’re kind of logical, it’s hard for you to improvize. you always want to keep everything neat and organized, at least in your mind. you could have a natural coldness to your face. you may seem a bit older than you are, or at least very mature and responsible, even though you may be more outgoing than you look due to your many sagittarius placements. with your attentive eyes, you pay attention to every single detail you see. you’re a perfectionist, and you always want and try to be at your best state. I would say you’re quite competitive when it comes to your goals, but you don’t really do it to be above others. you do it because your obsession for details kind of stresses you out. improving and proving yourself is a way to boost your self-esteem, you feel fulfilled when you can achieve your goals. you are extremely intelligent and logical, you’re always up for a deep talk or simply for an occasion to gain more knowledge. you like being smart, you always want to know about everything. even the latest, trendy meme counts for you. your nature is very cautious; you’re rarely impulsive, you always think deeply about your decisions, as you don’t want to commit any mistakes. because of that, you can be particularly picky. not only with material things such as movies, books, food etc. but even with people. it’s hard for you to open up to someone you don’t know at all. you take things slow, both in friendships and in relationships, just to preserve yourself. you may come off as kind of snobby, but you’re just misunderstood. you don’t like flaky bonds, you need security in your life. physically, as I’ve already mentioned before, you have this kind of strict look on your face. your eyes may be almond-shaped, and you could have a natural feline gaze. overall, you have something smaller about your features; you could have thin lips, a small nose, small eyes… you could have a smaller frame with thin bones. you may be of average height, and I’ve noticed that most virgos tend to have pretty long legs? no matter if they’re tall or not, their legs will still be longer than their bust. but possibly, due to your heavy sagittarius dominance you may still have something bigger or larger on your body, maybe you have wider hips or shoulder or maybe a wide forehead. you may also have almond-shaped eyes or larger lips.
virgo ascendant square sagittarius mercury: you appear as a very intelligent individual, and people may even feel intimidated by that. you love interacting with others; even if you're not much talkative, you like hearing about others' theories and opinions. you could also do that by reading blogs, books etc. you may sometimes find yourself in conflict with others, as you’re very opinionated and hate it when others’ opinions are baseless. pretty much, you could seem like a know-it-all. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your words, even though this quality of yours may be overshadowed by introversion at first. it's hard to find a way to make you come off as more gentle, as you have some of the most fiery and blunt signs in your chart. the fact that your mercury is in sagittariurs squaring your mars doesn't help either. you could take advantage of your astute words and sense of humor to get you out of troubles, though! just be careful not to claim that everything hurtful you say is a joke. it's something that sagittarius placements do a lot.
🌞 sun in sagittarius, 18° / 2nd decan ruled by jupiter and mars
in life, you strive for freedom and independency. you are an extremely wise person, and you believe strongly in your beliefs. you rarely change your mind, but most of the time you’re an open-minded person. you love learning about anything, and you may also have a good memory. in fact, it’s common for you to be the one who explains things and possibly even leads a group, and this could unluckily make you seem as a know-it-all. you do take pride in your wisdom, indeed. your deep way of thinking is also where your desire for freedom comes from, as you wish to be able to expand yourself through travelling and new experiences. you may also be attracted to foreign things, such as foreign literature, fashion, art, music etc. it’s another way to travel and open your mind, without actually having to leave your house when you’re busy. when you get angry, you can actually get very rude and offensive, even towards authorities. you’re short-tempered, and you despise being told what to do. you’re also a good, loyal friend, and you’re the type to stand up for them and defend them during a fight. you’re very outgoing, especially with people you feel comfortable with, and you probably love talking. you’re able to put a smile on others’ face just by telling your stories, even though you never truly go in-depth. in fact, you have a shy side to you that makes you more secretive, regardless of your friendliness.
sagittarius sun square virgo moon: you're the type to start lots of projects, always feeling like you need to transform yourself or your routine. you're very self-aware of your identity, as you're constantly in contact with your feelings. you may even appear as too emotional, as the sun brings all your emotions out to see. this placement most likely makes it hard for you to make choices, you are very indecisive; on one side, your sagittarius sun wants to make new experiences, you're all about the risk. your virgo moon, on the other hand, wants everything to be planned, you despise going with the flow as you feel the need to have everything under control. as a result, you may change your mind often, and people could possibly picture you as shallow or unpredictable. you're interested in knowing more about your roots, your childhood, and also about having a family in general. when you were young, you probably were even more energetic than now. you could be the type to look nostalgically at your old pictures, and you care about your mother a lot. you're also very interested in your own culture; you're not afraid to show the world your interests, reactions and opinions. the problem with this square, especially with the moon being in virgo, is that the individual may become so self-sufficient at the point that doesn't let anyone interfer in their life. it's obviously a good thing to do when someone tries to hurt you, but there's the risk it may happen even with people that are trying to help you if not well-developed. last but not least, your parents' relationships might have had impact on your growth. maybe they're divorced, and one of them had to compensate for the missing parent; perhaps, one of them was highly influenced by the other.
sagittarius sun square pisces jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your sagittarius sun. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issues and their impact on your interactions with others.
🌙 moon in virgo, 24° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
this is the most romantic virgo decan. you want to have everything under control, you can't bear not being organized. you most probably write down your appointments and stuff on an agenda, or perhaps even in the notes app of your phone. you're extremely precise, you want everything to be perfect. mixed with your virgo rising as well, you probably care a lot about your appearance; you most likely have a skincare routine, workout... just anything that makes you feel healthy. you love taking care of yourself, especially of your hygiene. you also put a lot of effort in your outfits, you fear not being at your best state. you're a perfectionist, after all. this also project in your home environment; you may clean your house thoroughly, it's most likely all neat. in addition, this mania of yours of being perfect makes you have high standards; in fact, you need people in your life that try as much as you do. you despise lazy people. you probably have a reputation for always being calm and elegant, as you try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. you're very smart and insightful, and you strive for perfection; you want to prove your power to yourself, as it helps you boosting your self-esteem. in fact, it depends a lot on your achievements; if you don't meet your expectations, you start going through a hard time of insecurity and struggles. you love communicating, but you may struggle to find the right words, especially with your mercury squaring mars. your eyes talk for you, though. you're also very introspective, and you're fond of art and creativity in general. you're very critical, both of yourself and of others. you don't do it with malice, though, but as I've already mentioned you want to frequent people that try to be at their best all the time, just like you after all.
virgo moon square sagittarius venus: there are contrasting feelings in your relationships with others; after all, your virgo moon wants to commit to someone and be loyal to them. on the other hand, your sagittarius venus wants to be free. you don't want to feel tied to someone, you still need your independency. those two desires of yours probably contrast each other, stressing you out. you want a calm, almost boring relationship, but with this placement you can't seem to have one. your feelings and self-esteem may depend a lot on your relationships, not only with your lovers, but also with your friends. if someone isn't loyal to you, you immediately start blaming yourself. in your life you may lack intimacy, and while it may make you feel better at first, based on the rest of your chart you actually need someone on your side. you can't do everything on your own. it's very challenging, but you need to find someone that projects your ideals of love. if you need a free-spirit, go look for one. it may take you a while, but if you learn all the lessons you need to learn from your breakups, you'll be able to live a peaceful life with your spouse.
virgo moon opposite sagittarius jupiter: you enjoy making different experiences and living your life to the fullest, making you also a risk-taker. you may lack self-control, even though I don't really think you struggle with being cautious with all this virgo energy in your chart. with this trait you get bored easily, and you may have a reputation for being flaky. you tend to overindulge; you may spend too much money, or even develop eating disorders like binge-eating. at least, you're able to build your life again and have a fresh start, but you risk to get stuck in this cycle. you have the potential to master different talents, but you may struggle to develop them due to this placement. you're a procrastinator, and you find it hard to focus on more things at the same time. you may also attract people with different beliefs and ideas from you, causing you to fall out with them easily. there are also positive sides to this placement, though! you're probably naturally lucky, even though luck may not always be by your side. you have a nice sense of humor, making you more likeable to contrast your scorpio rising.
🗣 mercury in sagittarius, 1° / 1st decan ruled by jupiter
you say things impulsively, you're bluntly honest, and this could often hurt people around you. in addition, you like having the last word, despite being proven wrong sometimes. you have a knack for wisdom, you love being and looking smart. you're the type to spend the whole day reading and analyzing philosophical quotes and then make them your own, applying them to your life. you want to be and feel experienced, hence you may inform yourself about a variety of topics just for the sake of knowing them, perhaps you're not even that much interested in them. you could go from talking about politics to astrology, your mind is quite messy but still very full. you may possibly have a youthful voice, and sometimes you can speak in a loud volume without even realizing it. you may also exaggerate your words a lot, for example you might have got a single scratch on your cheek and call it a gash. you could possibly also be the type to joke over your own feelings, and then obviously get mad at others when they do the same with you. your mercury is also retrograde, hence you're not much talkative, you're more on the introspective side. you may have troubles communicating your thoughts clearly, or maybe you're the one who may misunderstand/mishear what others say to you.
sagittarius mercury conjunct sagittarius pluto: you may become a bit manipulative. you probably don’t even realize it, though, as you have the ability to make people do what you want them to do. you probably love being right, especially during arguments, and you always manage to be so thanks to your skills. your words are like knives for others, they can truly cut deep through their ego. you’re direct and blunt, as you just say what you have in mind with no filters. you can develop a provocative attitude without even realizing it, which can obviously cause you conflicts. you need to be more careful about how you communicate your ideas, otherwise you could seriously damage other people’s self-esteem. on the other hand, if you acknowledge your flaws and work on them, this can actually turn into diplomacy. take advantage of your interest in your inner self to find out how to be a bit more gentle in choosing your words.
❤️ venus in sagittarius, 29° / 3rd decan ruled by jupiter and the sun
people may consider you flaky, as you value freedom above all. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you're probably into those youthful love stereotypes, e.g. high school dates. you want your relationships to be filled with excitement, you despise boring, traditional and cheesy things. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you're also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly aura around them.
sagittarius venus square libra mars: you are very serious when it comes to love. you seek intense, long-lasting relationships, filled with both romance and passion. ironically, you tend to attract people that are the opposite, who are only looking for fun and casual romance. that could afflict your self-worth significantly, as you feel unlucky in love. this is also another placement that indicates that one of your parents, probably your father, or still anyone of the opposite sex probably influenced your approach to romance and sex. there are different scenarios I have in mind, but I'll talk about it later in the family life section.
sagittarius venus square pisces jupiter: you come off as a very positive, happy-go-lucky person. you're extremely friendly, and this makes you good at social relationships. you may have lots of friends, or at least you have the potential to make many if you opened up and talked to them. yet, while this energy gives you positive vibes, some people may take advantage of that, as you could easily be mistaken for naive. people can try to dominate you unconsciously (sometimes even on purpose) not only in relationships but even in friendships. aside from that, I don't think this placement causes you many problems. you may have the tendency to procrastinate and not work. you could be quite lazy and get easily distracted, as you're constantly with your head in the cloud. yet, thanks to your virgo energy, you still manage to find some motivation to do your work.
☄️ mars in libra, 7° / 1st decan ruled by venus
there’s this stereotype that libra mars people are passive-aggressive. it may be true, but only partially. in fact, you try to avoid conflicts exclusively when you’re in public, or maybe with someone you don’t know well. in that case, you can eventually try to avoid the problem. with people you’re close to, you’re pretty much the opposite. you may say the worst of things that you probably don’t even feel, you may even have the istinct to throw hands. you’re driven by a strong sense of justice, and you probably were the class’ snitch during daycare/primary school. you also strive for equality, hence you may get very defensive when it comes to proving your innocence, or just really anyone’s. overall, you’re a fair person with strong morals, who acts based on the situation you’re in.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in virgo. you appear as someone intelligent, possibly judgmental and critical. in fact, you’re a perfectionist, and most of the time you appreciate it when someone takes care of themselves just as much as you do. you’re also particularly pessimistic, and this could be annoying for those around you. you’re very logical, you probably lack intuition just like you lack water in your chart. you’re very pragmatic, and you may even be judgmental, but this energy is probably mitigated by your jupiter dominance, which makes you more open-minded and flexible. the ruler of the 1st house is in the 4th house: you come off as a very private, yet mature person. you may be quite secretive, or at least you only prefer to share your persona with those around you. you probably love your family, they're the centre of your life and you'll also be very fond of your future family as well.
your 2nd house is in virgo. you have a practical approach to money; even though you may like spending and shopping, I see you being careful with them, and you may even have track of them through an agenda or something like that. you feel the need to be perfect, and that can cause you self-esteem issues. with your heavy sagittarius energy, I assume that this manifests as sudden bursts of insecurity or of confidence, your image of yourself fluctuates a lot. you take pride in your intellect, you are very proud of your ideas, theories and opinions. you could also make money from communication of any kind. you could be a stewardess, as well as a writer, a singer... with mars placed in this house, I feel like you may be very fond of money. you could do something just to earn material things from it, like money or any other good that satisfies your wants. you may be quite materialistic, you enjoy the finer things in life, or at least you want to be financially stable. you like the idea of saving money, but ironically you may be too impulsive when it comes to finances and spend money in random things you may not need. the moon here also gives you materialistic tendencies; you may struggle to show your feelings with words, you tend to show your feelings through material things such as gifts. you're probably the type to say I love you through gestures instead of words. the ruler of the 2nd house is placed in the 4th house: your future career may include 4th house matters; that means that you could follow your parents’ steps and work in their same field, for example, or maybe even follow their studies. you could possibly work with families, e.g as a counselor, or perhaps in real estate. it could also symbolize that you're going to marry someone wealthy, and hence you'll have a rich family.
your 3rd house is in libra. it's most likely common for you to include other people in your thoughs and speech. for example, you may often find yourself talking about your partners, your friends, neighbors, celebrities... you probably also like gossips. this placement, on the other hand, gives you an opinionated, even poetic mind. you could be interested in literature for example, and you most likely were good at school. your mind and words are your energy tank, what satisfy you the most. you may talk a lot about different topics of any kind, from childhood to videogames, but you never get boring. you're always entertaining to listen to. with the ruler of the 3rd house being in the 4th house, you may often talk about your childhood. you may have lots of memories that you're able to remember, and hence you may tell them frequently to your loved ones.
your 4th house is in scorpio, with also your sun, venus, mercury and pluto sitting in this house. your relationship with your family is most likely very intense, but not necessarily good. it could be that your parents were quite overprotective of you, you felt judged and restricted from acting the way you wanted. or perhaps, they were emotionally distant, your childhood lacked affection. you probably had to grow up sooner than other kids, and it could be that you first came in touch with plutonian topics (drugs, spirits, sex, death etc.) at a young age. you were more mature from this point of view. in addition, it's also probably that your parents were particularly overprotective, and hence they could have limited you from making experiences. this challenging childhood of yours is most likely the cause of your unstable self-esteem, and perhaps you also have troubles with long-term goals and dreams too. still, with most of your personal planets in the 4th house, you are still very attached to your family. you may have good memories of your childhood, even though you had to undergo lots of hardships you are still optimistic about it. after all, you learned how to transform and to be a better person through these experiences, making you more mature to approach life.
your 5th house is in the sign of capricorn. capricorn usually brings a feeling of seriousness to the house it’s in. I don’t think it’s your case, though. in fact, neptune, is also placed in this house. you could be a bit more introverted, probably you’re not the type to frequent clubs, parties, etc. you’re more serious from that point of view. your hobbies could actually drain your energy for you; let’s suppose you’re into videogames. you could literally spend the whole day playing videogames, as you take your hobbies very seriously. you’re not the type to start a project and then leave it, and it could be helpful considering that your sagittarius sun gets bored very easily, you’re very resolute. also, you most likely have 'mature’ hobbies; you could be into politics, economy, history… you could be into slower types of music, for example, or perhaps you like reading about world issues. with your children you may be quite strict, as you see them as a responsibility. also, you may often be attracted or attract older or more mature partners. you’re most likely a very romantic and artistic person, you may be fond of music, dancing, singing, acting… anything creative that stimulates your senses. yet, you may be a bit picky when it comes to hobbies; you probably only like reading specific types of books, you only listen to a certain music style, and so on. you may also be into spirituality such as psychology, astrology, law of attraction, yoga, mediation, etc.
your 6th house is in aquarius, with also uranus placed in this house. people with aquarius in their 6th house need to change their routine throughout your life. probably, when you were you younger they taught you things that aren’t healthy for your body and health. you may have to change your diet, your medicines… also, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. I don’t think you do it too often, but it may still happen due to your sagittarius dominance in your chart, but for example you wouldn’t mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. this placement also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it’s your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. you could also develop unexpected diseases. you may pursue a career that looks unexpected for you at first, something that you never thought you'd do. it will most likely be a creative, artistic job. it will be a very pleasant job, it won’t even feel like a duty to you as you’ll choose a job that you like and that you’re passionate about. regarding your health, throughout your life you may often come across sudden health problems, illnesses may come out of nowhere.
your 7th house is in pisces, with also jupiter placed in this house. with this pisces descendant, you attract people that are pretty much very intuitive and soft; they could have pisces placements, or at least they’ll be extremely artistic and emotional. yet, you may as well surround yourself with 'broken’ people. that is, people that aren’t exactly in the best state of their health, whether physically or mentally. neptune, the ruler of this house, is in the 5th house. since in your chart the 5th house represents your job too. you’ll most likely meet your future spouse at your work place. you could pursue the same career, they could be a customer of yours… or perhaps, you could meet them in a fun situation, like a party, a vacation, a night out… any situation where you’re supposed to be chilling and having fun, you may meet your future spouse there. with jupiter in this house, you may meet your future spouse at school, or maybe even directly abroad. they may be foreign, or at least they’re able to speak a different language from yours. they could also have a different culture/religion. also, in a relationship you probably hate feeling suffocated. while your pisces descendant may make you enjoy skinship, you may sometimes also need your space, you still need your freedom, especially since your dominant sign is sagittarius. overall, this placement also indicates that you may have more than one marriage, or in general you’ll date many people. you could also be quite lucky when it comes to love, and you only tend to attract the positive side of your pisces descendant.
your 8th house is in pisces. you may have many dreams, you’re very artistic and creative. yet, due to this placement, you struggle to let this side of you out and make it concrete. since you have a strong virgo dominance in your chart, I assume that the reason for this blockage is your rationality. you’re way too logical, and you don’t leave space for your imagination. that’s probably caused by the fact that you’re afriad of being seen as a failure, and hence you don’t really go out of your comfort zone when it comes to your ideas. to reach your state of happiness, you need to turn what you dream about into reality, just like the fact that the ruler of the 8th house is in the 5th house confirms: you have 8th house-related hobbies, such as astrology, horror, occult, sex, psychology… or perhaps, you could work in one of those fields. you may also handle someone else’s money, hence you could work in a bank. this is also another placement that indicates that you're not the type to be extremely extroverted, you'd rather stay alone than in others' company.
your 9th house is in aries, with saturn sitting there. you have a joyful, child-like approach to adventures. you strive for freedom, you want to be your own boss. you don’t want others to tell you what to do, but saturn here may make you struggle to achieve your individuality. perhaps, during your childhood, you were restricted from acting the way you wanted. it’s like your ideas were disrespected, and you weren’t allowed to embrace them, or perhaps you were afraid of the consequences. it may be that when you try to break free from what you consider to be a limitation, you may come across a few struggles that could possibly hurt you. luckily, this is an aspect that will naturally get better time with time as you get more mature. in addition, saturn is well-aspected, so you don’t really have to worry about anything in particular. the ruler of the 9th house is in the 2nd house: you may be interested in foreign languages, and you may actually be able to speak one, or at least you are skilled enough to learn one. you’re also very open-minded. you could actually earn money from this interest in foreign languages and cultures, you may work abroad or maybe as a translator. you could also earn profit from writing of any kind and / or teaching.
your 10th house is in taurus. when it comes to work, you’re quite materialistic. you want to earn a great income from your job, you aspire to be wealthy, and luckily with your virgo dominance you probably don’t lack ambition. yet, as I’ve already mentioned in the previous sections, you shouldn’t procrastinate nor be lazy, you should break free from your limitations and work hard to visualize and achieve your goals, or it may be hard for you to have a stable career life. you may be attracted to artistic careers, such as designing for example, or even stuff like food. you could be a singer, a rapper, a writer… even a therapist or a counsealor, as well as an actor or comedian. you would do well at a variety of things to be honest! but make sure that you understand who you want to be.
your 11th house is in cancer. this placement indicates that your friends, they’re your comfort-zone. you feel understood when you’re with them, they’re pretty much like a family to you. you can tell them anything, you put all of your trust in them. or at least, if you haven’t met anyone like this yet, you’ll surely meet a friend that is like a soulmate to you. they’ll also be very important for your growth. in addition, it could also be that you’re still friends with someone from your childhood or even high school days, and hence you could literally grow up together. you could also have some step-siblings. the ruler of the 11th house is in the 2nd house: since your 2nd house is in virgo, you could befriend people that are quite similar to you, mentally or maybe even physically. your friends may come from abroad, they may be able to speak more than a language just like you do. or at least, they’re also very open-minded and intelligent. you may also meet them in school / college or even work. in fact, you may earn money from or together with your friends, perhaps you may work together. or at least, when you're with your friends you feel much more secure, it's probable that you act more confident when you're with them.
lastly, your 12th house is in leo. this is kind of a tricky placement, as leo rules the self, the ego, and the 12th house rules fears. you could be afriad of being too confident, of feeling worth it, or even just by being in the spotlight. perhaps, you have stage fright. this fear of embracing your persona makes you very insecure, even though you probably don’t show it. also, since your 12th house is the house of dreams, you could often make dreams that involve yourself. you hardly ever dream of someone else, and if you they’re probably your lovers, possibly your friends. you may also make daydreams or sleeping dreams of creative, utopic scenarios. the ruler of the 12th house is in the 4th house: your family may also be somehow involved in spiritual matters; they may be into psychology, astrology, tarots, religion… you may even have sleeping as a hobby, you could sleep a lot to relax. you could also enjoy yoga, meditating and doing charity work. you could also make dreams about children, about your childhood or about your family.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract scorpio, sagittarius, pisces and capricorn placements. your future spouse will most likely have scorpio and sagittarius traits placements, maybe a scorpio - sagittarius cusp. they’ll be very assertive, bold and confident, but also with a warm heart and a hidden insecurity to them. as I’ve already mentioned before, you may meet them during a fun situation, hence at a party, during a vacation, in a restaurant, at a concert… also, your spouse will most likely be one of your soulmates, and hence once you meet them you’ll probably have this 'I’ve already seen you before’ feeling. they’ll seem very familiar, and you’ll find emotional comfort in them. your children will most likely have strong capricorn or pisces traits: they’ll be very hard-working and ambitious, but also very funny and warm. also, they’ll be extremely creative and more mature as time goes by.
👶🏻 family life
I won’t say much in this section as I’ve already talked about your childhood in the 4th house section. anyways, your mother was probably the most dominant figure in your family. she was very intense, even scary at times, especially when she got angry. she might’ve also been very possessive or overprotective. she could have scorpio, gemini, virgo, leo, libra or aries placements in her chart, as well as taurus. as for your father, he was more laid-back, but probably very stubborn and also quite protective too. he may have taurus or libra placements in his chart. if you have siblings, your relationship with them may be quite pleasant. probably, you used to get along very well with them, it was pleasant for you to hang out and talk to them. they could have libra or taurus placements in their chart.
📊 career
luckily, there are many aspects in your chart that indicate that you’ll be able to earn a big amount of money from your future job. it will most likely allow you to communicate your feelings, and it will also be the key to finally achieve a stable relationship with your self-image and worth. there are strong placements in your chart that point out to acting and writing talent, as well as singing talent. you’re just a very charismatic speaker, so I’d suggest you to take advantage of this natural talent of yours to earn money, luck and self-esteem. as I've already mentioned above, you'd do great at jobs that require teaching, hence you could become a teacher or a professor, as well as writing of any kind, especially creative writing; you may write books, poems, or maybe articles for fashion magazines. careers that allow you to interact with others and talk about feelings are also recommended, hence you may do well as a nurse, as a therapist, etc.
👕 fashion sense, style analysis
your sagittarius energy screams grunge! you probably love 90s/00s aesthetic, with fishnets, black, burgundy, belts, leather jackets... all of this stuff. also, oversized clothes are a must for you. you may especially be fond of wearing tight tops with baggy jeans or viceversa: tight pants, possibly leggins, with big, long sweatshirts and t-shirts. it's very comfortable, but you still make it look trendy and particular with your charisma. you may also love printed things, especially graphic t-shirts. for shoes, I'd say trendy sneakers and boots are a must in your wardrobe.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past lifetime, you used to put your spirituality aside for a while to focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you learned how to be responsible, healthy and stable on the earth. you know your values, and they’re already very grounded, you’re very mature from this point of view. in this lifetime, you now need to get more in touch with your spirituality. you need to get close to your higher self, and you may actually be quite skilled at it; probably you may interpret your dreams, you could be interested in religion, what’s beyond the world, and you’re most likely also interested in astrology and other occult matters. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having awareness of your soul’s purpose. since you’ve booked a reading, I’m sure you’re already on the right path, so keep going this way.
🤔 major transits analysis / february 27th
tonight's virgo moon will have huge influence on you as your moon sign is virgo, and it's also conjunct your ascendant! a new moon represents new beginnings, and hence it's the perfect time to start making effort to change your mindset or your appearance, in your case. if you want to start a diet, a workout routine, this is the best time for you. in addition, it's also a good time to evolve your mindset, you could start being a bit more optimistic and it's also a good time to manifest or start manifesting. beware of sudden health issues, though!
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated <3 -libramc xx
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