#and seeing how he doesn't know a thing about his family overall cuz they “hate him” is yeaaah ...
haru-chi · 7 months
don't you think it's funny how the answer that Seiji might desperately searching for about the mask might be with Shuuichi even if he doesn't know the importance of it himself ...
while the answer that Shuuichi was dying to know ever since he entered the exorcist world about his family might be with Seiji ...
but with the communication and wariness issues between the two they just never talk and knew xDD
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Nct 127 as fratboys Pt.1
I enjoyed this wayyyyyy too much lmaoo
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first off
baby he don't wanna be here lmaoooo
He don't even know how he got in a frat in the first place
he majors in one of three things
comp sci
or accounting (Yes finance and accounting are different)
Taeil wouldn't be your typical frat boy
he's definitely turning his assignments in on time
and he is never
and I mean NEVER up for a party
but allows it to happen anyway
however, if its finals season...
He is the one who shuts the party down when the clock touches 12
"Everyone get the fuck out! You have exams in a few hours"
The father of the frat honestly
He's pretty laid back and doesn't bother anyone
Some would think that he doesn't get laid either but c'mon now
he fucks around ALOT!
Don't let him fool you
Has had a threesome multiple times
but don't tell anyone I told you that
He hates the parties but always gets 4-5 BJs at each
and guess what y'all
if you fuck him
he won't brag about it and he won't tell a soulllll
If his friends are eyeing someone he's been with b4
and they ask him about her
trust and believe this man won't say a word
he'll shrug and be like "Ion know"
ughhh and he pulls easily too
Usually he beats around the bush
but always makes it clear he doesn't want anything serious
all in all he's a sneaky and quiet fratboy
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everybody knows about this bitch right here
He is a business major.
do not question the facts
doesn't give too much fucks about his grades though
as long as he gets a degree after this shit
he's good.
He would be known as the irresistible heartbreaker
cuz he WILL pull you in
and then drop you after he fucks.
I'm just being honest here y'all lmaoo
He is THE life of the party
like if a party is happening and he ain't there...
it's gonna be lame asf
He and Jaehyun are notorious for making their coma-inducing
jungle juice
Surprisingly he has a good fashion sense for a frat boy
oh and he definitely comes from a rich family
so yk he's driving his car around blasting
Drake and Tyga
Smokes hella w33d btw
like I'm not even joking
his circle clean as hell though
vibes are always through the roof
He fucks every other day
and everybody knows he does
because he posts about it on social media
i said it.
He would definitely tag your ass too
so if yk you don't like the inanet knowing
that your- in his words- "pum pum wetter than the ocean"
then leave this man alone
overall a menace and a jerk- typical fratboy (I'm sorry I wanted him to be sweet too lol)
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He's a nerd.
I'm sorry but Taeyong does not belong in a frat 😭 jk k
He 100% has his legos displayed in his room
like don't even say it's not true
His idea of a fun time is spending hours building a lego set
He's definitely a communications major
maintains a relatively good gpa
so he's ight.
And a ladies man
Oh yupp
Everyone who has his twitter sees his posts about pussy eating.
And lemme tell you something
Bitches have lined up in front of the frat to get eaten out by this man
ya hear me???
And he brags about it on the dl
would be notorious for attending 2-3 parties for the semester tho
his legos.
he NEVER has a shirt on
I swearrrrrr
he also smokes w33d with Johnny sometimes
but doesn't do it often bcz it tends to fuck him up a bit too much
can't roll one to save his life lmao
in terms of fucking he only does it when he's stressed
Did a threesome with Taeil once
He's the type to stare you down from some creepy ass dark corner at a party if he finds you hot.
He's definitely not the type to just tell anyone that he ate you out or fucked you randomly
but if one of his friends were to ask him
he's telling it all and giving you a rating outta 10.
for your sake
you betta hope he don't give you anything below 6.
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celenawrites · 11 months
TW - just a vent about fandom stuff.
I feel kinda sad about how some creators in the CoD fandom have now abandoned creating content for the game series due to the demanding nature of other fans who used to consume their content. (fics, art, etc)
Like, these artists/writers in the fandom write fanfics/create art, FOR FREE OF COST and dedicate SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY to their craft despite not getting much in return, only to deal with senseless hate, ignorance, stupidity and get treated as content generation machines; instead of actual human beings with jobs and studies and friends and families that need their time and attention as well.
A lot of us folks who write or draw do this as a hobby. As an outlet for our creativity, and we find this community for the media we are currently fixated on and we create things inspired by it cuz it brings us joy. IT MAKES US HAPPY SO WE CREATE CONTENT FOR IT!!! And then to see the same fandom/community and their horrendous behaviour driving away the creators from the fandom and the media itself is just....sad. Very disheartening.
Like I miss so many of the creators who have just given up on CoD cuz of this issue. Their works have inspired me to start writing again. They make me wish I start learning how to draw and paint again too. Their works have touch my soul, and made me happy - gave me something to look forward to every day.
But I'd much rather they leave the fandom and take care of themselves and their life, than to succumb to this weird pressure fans and fan-content consumers put on them, y'know?
Plus recently, I've seen a lot of racist and stereotypical prejudices from some CoD fans (and even some creators). I know a lot of them are new to the fandom, I was too. But I took an active effort to learn more about this game series. (and it's an ongoing effort cuz I cannot afford to play the games so I have to settle for wiki articles, gameplays, and comics) And I see so many fans not give a shit about it. They treat these characters as blank canvases to fulfill their hypersexual fantasies. (I like me a good smut fic or two, don't get me wrong) But that just makes it impossible for newer fans to get to know more about the lore and the characters. I had just finished watching the campaign for MW, and let me tell you, there are so many complex missions, characters and storylines to explore and depict through fanfics, and it's insane so many people disregard it for their whimsies so easily. That will just stunt your growth as an artist/writer! Read up on the lore, watch the game plays(the OGs and the remakes!) , maybe even read the comics!!! I promise you won't regret it ever!!!
Also, please! For all that is holy, stop putting these complex fictional characters into restricted boxes and label them. That just makes them so one-dimensional. Like -
Soap is not always cheery and bubbly and your fellow bestie. Simon is not an abuser/emotionally dead asshole just because he has a hard time expressing his emotions like everyone else. König, despite the lack of storyline/lore we have on him, isn't an uwu social anxiety babygirl, damn it. Stop excluding Gaz from your HCs and fics! He's a complex man with so many interesting things to explore about his overall story and psyche as a part of 141. He's not always begging for Price's approval either, he can and has objected to how questionable their methods have been regarding their field/work. Stop excluding Gaz from 141 stuff! It makes you look like a POS, and a lot of the people who exclude him are doing so for....pretty racist reasons. As a POC, this shit sucks balls. Also stop stereotyping POC characters in CoD - Alejandro, Rudy, Valeria, Gaz, Farah....just stop. Their ethnicity or race should not deter you from writing about them in a way that doesn't come across as prejudiced and ill-informed.
Also, not necessarily a rant, but please consider/remember the fact that the military has always been a bit of a morally dubious field of work irl, and just cuz CoD is military-centric and features characters who work in the army or PMC and take out bad guys - that doesn't take away from the violent history military has and how they have contributed to the deterioration of many countries (mainly in the Middle East). Heck, even these characters in the CoD games have done extremely unethical things and employed treacherous methods in order to get the job done. These characters may be good people in fiction, but that doesn't mean that they have done great things or have always stayed morally pure. Explore the dubious nature of it all - explore how dark and harrowing it can be for them and for the people that unwittingly or knowingly get involved in their work. It's dark and twisted but it's crucial since it's inspired from our world and it's necessary for us as humans and as artists to explore such themes and analyse them! It's crucial for the soul!!!
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vyladromeave · 7 months
04 and 08 for the ask game?
04. what are your favorite episodes/scene?
I've answered this one already here, but why not list another ep i like? I still go back to S1 Ep 68 pretty often!! It's one of the last episodes we're given where Garroth is written well imo, but he REALLY shines in this episode. I really love how Laurance and Garroth's dynamic is handled, + we get our first hints of Shadowknight-hood affecting Laurance more, AND we even get quite a bit of Garte stuff/overall politics things that I find very interesting!
This is honestly the golden era of S1 to me, and some of my favorite bits of how they handled storytelling like, mechanically. (Having the NPCs unpromptedly just start going off at eachother was very cool. Very rarely did NPCs have conversations with eachother that weren't facilitated by Aphmau before that point.) ITS A GOOD EPISODE! The back half is a little boring, it was definitely like that because Jess spent all her energy making the front half cool, but the front half WAS very cool, so I can excuse it.
08. alternatively, what's a dynamic you really want to see in canon?
THIS IS AN EVIL EVIL QUESTION BECAUSE THERE ARE SOOOOO MANY. lets just get Vylad and Literally Everyone down just to start. this is a joke but also not.
Vylad and Emmalyn (their intense irene discussions. Vylad obviously has some sort of academic knowledge of irene judging by the fact that he knows about Irene's Dimension on his own, and brings it up as a thing Zane would do BEFORE Aphmau can explain it. I think it would be cool for Emmalyn to have scholalry discussions around Irene with someone who also has that knowledge)
Vylad and Dante (Oopse Gene Sucks Hope We Dont Bond Over This. It makes sense in canon why Aphmau discouraged their meeting because she didn't want Dante to freak out about more shadowknights and she doesn't know about the dynamic between Vylad and Gene very well, but also I think hearing that validation would be very good for both of them considering Gene is literally gaslight king #1. There aren't a lot of people who can relate to being hurt by him directly who are also able to tell the tale.)
Vylad and Katelyn (HER SEEING JEFFORY IN HIM IS SOOOO INTERESTING AND THEN THE ONLY THING IT EVER EVEN KIND OF GOT USED FOR WAS SHIPPING BAIT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. theyre some of the two most Emotionally Congested characters there are itd be sooooo interesting to me if they like. they dont even have to talk about it. its fine. they can just hang out silently together. ok. they can vibe together. i think they would enjoy that. please.)
and for some non-vylad options so that I'm not just talking about him for the rest of this post: Dante and Zoey NEEED to have a bigger dynamic with eachother considering they were the big Stayed Behind For 15 Years guys and barely anything ever comes from it im so mad
Zianna and Aphmau is a dynamic that can really only be explored in a post-S2 timeframe. but i think would be very cute :) I can see Zianna being very motherly towards Aphmau (or mother-in-law if thats the kind of thing ur a fan of) when she finds out that Aphmau doesn't have/remember having a figure like that in her life already. + I think Zianna would respect Aphmau a lot as being both a responsible lord and a mother herself. I think the two of them would get along very well :)
Similar to above in regards to timeframe, I think Travis and Garroth would be a fun dynamic to explore. Garroth strikes me very much as a "I Can't Hate Them, They're Family" kind of guy just cuz thats what he was taught growing up, despite having an undeniably negative relationship with people like Zane and Garte. Travis being so openly a #dadhater would help Garroth work out some of his own issues regarding how he feels towards members of his own family. And from Travis' pov, Garroth gets built up a lot over the course of S2, and hearing all these tales and stories only to meet him in person and discover he's kind of just a nervous wet cat of a guy is very funny.
(ask prompts from here!)
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nrsstuff · 11 days
Hi,there. I'm quite new here so I'm gonna ask you a question and your opinion? What do you think of projek high council actually? Because im trying to spread the fandom around to some people actually and it has potential to grow as a fandom everyone no matter what country they are enjoys it,also do you have any headcanons about projek high council if so please tell me what the headcanons are.
omg same! im also a new user lol
i like the show A LOT. idk how to say this but the show feels like a place to me to vent? like i understand what those characters were feeling because i also had gone pretty much the same thing (maybe not 100% the same but kinda similar). and oh my god the characters dude. THE CHARACTERS. im in love with corruption trope, like im obsessed. you see, fakhri was playing a hero at first, but then slowly acted like kahar. isn't it ironic that he became something that he hate before? talking about kahar, im really curious about his backstory! thank god there will be a movie about him (IM FUCKING EXCITED). ayam is a mood, i love every time he appeared on the screen. okay this is getting long lol im so sorry. anyways, i was expecting a sad ending due to the show being so depressing (i thought naim was gonna die wtf pls dont do that again) but im glad that we got a happy ending! (im a sucker for happy ending lmao) overall, i really like the writing, it's really well done. the pacing is perfect, good casts. i don't really watch a lot of Malay dramas so i cant really compare. but PHC is one of my top series now hehe. though im not sure if everyone knows this but this show might seem a bit unrealistic cuz the higher ups being involved and like there were a lot of things going on, it's actually real. it happened and is happening right now. hell, even in the public university, they still apply this high council shit.
if the producers decide to air the show globally, it could reach some international audience. maybe not a lot, but im pretty sure some people will be more invested.
hm my headcanons?
i don't remember which ep, but it was the one where kahar accidentally pushed (or kicked? im not sure) ayam and led to ayam be in a coma. they did show kahar got traumatised by that but not enough for me lol. so yea, i imagine kahar doesnt dare to look himself in the mirror because he almost killed someone. yea sure, he bullied a lot of people, misusing his power, but he was never a killer. he still has that humanity in him.
and i also imagine him having a rough childhood due to how his dad treated him. you know, constantly being compared to his brothers, thats not very nice. so kahar just swallowed the hate to idk make himself felt full? my headcanons are pretty weird i apologise
and also, since naim and fakhri are on the good terms now, im pretty sure they are awkward around each other at first. cmon, they were on each others' throat, didnt wanna breath the same air. NO WAY theyre gonna hold hands and scream "yay we're a happy family now!" like no. i know damn well that most of the time they don't even talk, but then something random happens and that will be their topic. like fakhri doesn't know how to decorate, then naim will make fun of him or saying something like "ish kau ni, benda senang pun tak boleh buat ke?" naim doesnt mean anything, it just becomes a light banter? so sorry for my bad eng and the fact that you have to read all this...
ohhhh and hakeem! it's actually funny how hakeem is the closest friend to kahar lol. i think they became friends in an unexpected way, but because of that, they became even closer. and it's actually comforting when theres someone who's willingly to become a friend with kahar without any malicious intent!
ahh thank you for the ask! im sorry for making this ans long 🙏 have a good day!
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faeiapalette · 1 year
Just wanna drop some personal opinions. I. I swear to god i have heard people complaining for a thousand times about how Ayato’s LE route was “horrible” and all of them has the same reasoning being “it’s unfair”, so i came to share my point of view:
His route wasn't even that bad? 😅 Yall r pissed bc he got treated like shit in his route (yeah, bc he hurted his brothers. He blinded Laito and broke Kanato’s leg. Accidentally or whatever.) What everyone has already known is the S boys' relationship is trash from the begining, ofc they'll act like that? Kanato the one who will scream at your face and treat you with the "idc what tf your reason is i want YOU to take responsibility" and Laito who has grudges with Ayato all the way at the begining? Then comes Reiji who tried so hard for years to become the leader/ leader's right hand man just to serve a person he view as narrow and incompetent (bruh idk about Kanato but everyone else' has something that makes others respect them for. In the Sakamaki family. Shu's smart and know how to act like a big bro when needed, Reiji's a strategist and has been studying to be the heir for years, Laito's intelligent af, and Subaru is the purest among vampires, it’s will be pretty hard to explain this now but all i can say is “it’s smth related to politics in the DL world”), with the last straw being that one hurting his own people? And Ruki who longs for the king's title, who's as dedicated to Karl as Reiji, and is able to seethrough the same Ayato who's unfit to rule all along? 💀 girl. If you people's going to play blame game, blame everyone including Ayato then. He DID made a big mistake. Even it isn't his intention to do so. Try to walk in other people's shoes (in term of mindset and feelings cuz you're oh so capable to do so when it comes to Ayato in other people's route ^^.)
This IS the route suitable for smo with the title "main hero". Because it's different from every other routes. S boys have to deal with both personal problems and their leader position. Now, what kind of personal problem does Ayato have? ^^ Egomaniac, solved. Hatred for Cordi, done in DF. Hating his father? There are some, but not as much as Laito, cuz Laito’s a big personal grudge that can make him going from borderline suicidal to try everything in everyway to khs because he has to receive smth from Karl (No takesy backsy~ Your supplier Karl’s ded). Ayato doesn't. The writers tried their best to make a big ass personal problem for him ya know ^^. 5 other routes r pretty much… peas in the same pot, but Ayato got the element of surprise 👍 Wouldn't that make his route stand out from his brothers', like what a "main hero's route" will be? ^^ Talking about surprises,
Rejet's marketing strategy. Do you know what do Ayato's Daylight aka the most “well-liked daylight cd” and Ayato's LE route have in common? They doesn't follow the stream every other routes does. They stand out. Yes. Because what people like, isn't just sweet moments and fanservices. They long for new things. Creativity. Ayato's route has both of these. Decent amount of sweet moments with Yui, a tear he never shed. So not too much Overall, balance 👍.
II. “The M boys are so narrow-minded when they be like “Aristocrats this aristocrats that” to the S boys, S boys went through traumas too”
THEY-WON’T-KNOW?????? If the S boys don’t share????? Where do you think they’d get that information from? Karl casually telling his surbonates “I traumatized my sons”? The players, aka us, know about their pasts because Rejet puts them in every opening of the prolouge/ epilogues, so we can read their thoughts, sympathize with them, whatever, but can the M boys/ any other boys see them too? You finish the puzzle.
(Trivial matter, if my memories is correct M boys, (for example Kou) have been showing sympathy everytime S boys told them something about their past (in that drama cd where 2/3 of the triplet doing recalls about Cordi’s cooking)).
In conclusion, the “narrow-minded” one is the one saying the similar statement above. ^^
III. There’s no “main character” in otome games.
I don’t think i have to explain the reason, since someone has already said that out loud (“If there’s one “main character”, what are the other 12 for?”, i recall) And i thought everyone knows this already. Because there’s has already been a term for that in the otoge community, being “posterboy”. Yes. The one appearing in almost every posters, the one having the most screentime if the project has an anime adaption, whose cd is the 1st ever to be released. Ect. So. Let’s talk about Young Blood. I see a lot of people thinks that “Oh the story revolves around Ayato and Karl in this manga favors Ayato more than any other sons of his. He must be the main character. If otherwise, why didn’t they make 5 more mangas?” Have you ever thought about how making 5 more manga, with the same plot would spill the budget and no company is dumb enough to not realize that so they just do one that revolves around their representative aka the posterboy and let their audiences do the math that if we change to other boys’ perspective the story would go on the same way (with some tiny events/ details being changed?)
I hope people grow some perspective.
IV. Nothing much. I’m just a little disappointed on how most people i’ve seen here have nothing to say about but how “nice and helpful” the boys is (judging characters based on their moral. I mean there’s more to talk about than just that?)
V. Ruki along with Reiji, Kanato and Laito (idk about other boys) are the most misunderstood character in this fandom (Ruki alone, all because people doesn’t understand his action and try to rationalize them in their own one-way, tunnel-liked, logically wrong way of reasoning, causing the action to look totally stupid and meaningless. Even some resources of him are translated wrong causing even more misunderstandings. (By the way, Reiji fans, Kanato fans, please tag me in posts solving misconceives about your oshi please. I would love to read them. 😔) P/s: Oh and something about Ruki, ofc him killing that cat is wrong, no question asked 👍 Though “=> He should not be entrusted with a pet of all kind bc he’ll kill them” + “=> he hates cats” is also wrong (yall be paying too much attention to the cat and forgot about the bird scene. Those birds he refused to feed. Did he lay a hand on them may i ask?)
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
TCR Review: Episode 9 - "Family"
Sorry I've been busy with a lot lately, but I'm finally able to post some more of my reviews for TCR.
Here's my review for Episode 9 of TCR....
Ep 9 Review:
Overall, I really enjoyed Ep9! 😃 I was glad to finally get to the legal drama aspect of this case. As you all know, I loooove legal dramas lol. 😅 I was glad to finally see Danny's case getting to the courtroom.
Where do I even begin? First of all....WHEW!! That DA on the prosecution's side came out swinging with a vengeance in her opening statement to the jury boy..... 😲😳 I was scared lol... Cuz yea, if you just look at the "facts", it would appear that Danny is immediately GUILTY. I mean, c'mon...he was caught on TAPE shooting at his stepfather. 👀 Keep in mind too, that this was during an era when DID (or, what was formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder") wasn't really recognized as a real, classified, mental disorder...at least, not in the justice system.
I have to admit, the prosecution's side came out hard-hitting and swinging left and right, so I was very curious about how the defense side of the team was going to be able to de-escalate this, and help the jury to see that Danny has a certifiable mental illness. 😊 You can already tell that the defense side has a HUGE uphill climb with this case, and it was definitely looking very hopeless for Danny (even though we all already knew that the outcome would be positive for Danny in the end). It was very intense.
The acting was very well-done in this episode. I have to hand it to Emmy... She did an amazing job in this episode. She did so well in this episode that by the end of the episode, I literally LEGIT hated her character lol. 😅🤣
I just couldn't with her.... I'm sorry.... I also felt really awful for Danny too. It seems like aside from Rya, Jerome was probably the only other person who REALLY cared for him. His own mother doesn't seem trustworthy at this point in the series🙄.....Just the very fact that she would even stay with a man for that long, knowing GOOD and well that he was molesting her son? Oh no no way could that be me.😡
I know it was a different era back then for women, but still! It's not like they were living on the streets! She had a house, she had a job, they had shelter.... I don't see why she had to drag that man into their lives, and (even worse) STAY with him when she knows that he was abusing her son as a little kid. 😭
What made it even WORSE was that Danny's mother Candy had ample chances to turn things around for Danny by testifying the truth. Rya and Stan were practically BEGGING her to please testify and help Danny out in his case, and she kept refusing. Only to later on then testify and LIE on the stand!!
The way she just remained silent and even LIED on the stand in the court scene (Ep 9) was just.... 😤 Smh!! I'm sorry I couldn't. I understand why she did what she did, but I still think that was a pretty low blow to do to your own son who's obviously suffering smh. 😔
I literally sat there with my mouth agape towards the end of the episode as she blatantly LIED on the stand. She basically committed perjury in front of that whole courtroom. SMH...
And then, the last few minutes of the episode where we see Danny (TW) attempting to slit his wrists is just.... Ugh.... it's just SOOOO heartbreaking to me! 😭 I literally teared up, and my heart ached for him! Just soo much paaain! 🥺 It was so depressing after I watched this episode. Tom played that whole part beautifully.👏🏾
I think it's also remarkable to note that throughout most of the episode (if not the ENTIRE episode), Tom's character Danny doesn't really say a word. Tom is acting with his facial expressions and with this eyes pretty much the ENTIRE time during this episode. And yet, we all know what he's thinking and feeling just through his EYES alone. I've always said that Tom is a very good expressive actor with his EYES. He can convey things w/out even speaking just through his eyes alone. I thought that was very interesting. He barely had any lines in this episode.
Sorry for this long dissertation guys, but I had to convey my thoughts.
I will post my review of E10 soon!
Hope you all enjoyed the series! 😁
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hi !!
first wanna say i read through all of FB and it was one of the best AU I’ve read fr, so Bravo!! Now you’ve re-peaked my interest with this Mom AU and got me wondering…
Why has Ereka decided Yelena is the perfect match for her mom? Is it that she’s just a true ally who when playing pretend has her barbies play house and raise a family while Ken sits in the corner quietly?
Or does she some how remember what it was like when Kate and Tom we’re together and doesn’t want to experience that again so she decides to pick a nice (and totally not grumpy) lady for Kate because she doesn’t think a man matches her mom’s vibe. Enter Yelena and Ereka decides: “yes, you’re perfect for my mommy!”
Or maybe she’s just down bad for a sister and doesn’t care how Kate gets her one. Because clearly daddy isn’t getting her one (he’s too busy pining after Kate) so maybe another mommy can get me one… again enters: Yelena😈
This made me laugh more than once and I've had a week from hell so thank you.
Ereka has never really seen her parents fight. Like I've mentioned, up until he goes Hulk Green with envy once Yel comes around Tom is a pretty solid guy. They had a mature divorce and it was more of a "I kind of outgrew you and I think it'd be best for all three of us if we weren't together" from Kate vs. like "I hate your guts" screaming matches between them. Kate still considers Tom a friend and motormouths her way into being kinda *too* chummy with him (not to mention she still lets him fuck lol) and that gives him all the mixed signals all the time. In the back of his mind, he can still get his girls back. Enter...Yelena and the girls both fall pretty hard for the grump charm. Tom doesn't take it too well. But to be fair, that was partly Kate's fault because she was kind of stringing him along a little bit. Not necessarily intentionally but he never really wanted to split up and even when they did, not that much changed except he didn't live with them anymore. They weren't "together" but they sure as hell had a good relationship and he still saw Kate naked all the time lol. The only rule was he couldn't sleep over and they had to be lowkey about it to not confuse Ri, but Kate's a horny girl and it's SOOOOO much less effort to be like "u up?" to her baby daddy than go out and try to find someone new to get her off. All that to say, he kindaaaaaaa has grounds to be a little pissed when Yelena shows up because he does get a smidge blindsided by it. Kate just was oblivious to the fact that Tom wasn't clear this was a FWB situation rather than a "I'm still into you" thing. Anyway...back on topic...
Riri obviously doesn't know Kate is a part of the alphabet mafia but her entire life Kate has hit her with the "love is love/people can have two mommies or two daddies" mantra. She's a progressive five year old lol. So when Ri sees Kate and Yelena interact she's suddenly that meme of the woman squinting with the math equations all over. She's like "I can't put into words what is happening here cuz I'm a beeb but I SEE YOU TWO LOSERS and I'm on the case say no more." Mostly it's like...she can sense that her mom is happier and smilier and...lighter? than she's ever seen her. She gets good vibes from Kate after Yelena comes into the picture. She also just loves Yelena. Overall, she's a fan of the whole scenario.
But on top of that, also, yes. Riri is down BAAAAAAAAAD for a sister. She's asked for one for her birthday. She's asked Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Elf On The Shelf, and any other magical creature she can think of. No one has gotten her a baby and she feels hoodwinked. She went on a tooth strike after the Tooth Fairy swapped out her tooth and her sister request note for a $20 instead of a cute little baby under her pillow. Ereka says "NO MORE TEETH UNTIL I GET A BABY". Same for Santa. She has him on a cookies and milk ban until he puts those damn storks to work. She's a little blackmailing terrorist. She points to babies when they walk past them or sees a little girl her age playing with a baby. They're not at all religious but Kate catches the tiny asshole praying one day and she's like "???????? What are you doing???" and Ri is like "someone at school said if you really want something you ask god for it and if you're good and mean what you ask him he'll give it to you. So I'm praying for a sister." Needless to say, god went on Ereka's shit list pretty quickly after the praying marathons resulted in zero babies inside Kate's belly. The word "sister" is almost cursed in that house lol. Kate hears it and her eye twitches. She gets triggered 😂
Kate: "Ri, babies are made with two parents."
Ereka: "You and daddy are parents. Can you two make me a sister?"
Kate: 😮‍💨😤🍷💀
That kid will get a sister one way or another and if having to hustle to make Kate and Yelena fall in love is what she has to do, she will goddamn fucking do it. Small price to pay. Screw Santa. She's gonna make her sister happen by herself.
(When she learns the hard way that babies aren't immediate after two people fall in love AND THEN after the waiting they make her do she gets...A FUCKING BROTHER?! PHEEEWWWWWWW that child is /not/ happyyyyyyyyyyyy. She packs her fucking bags and says "Return that thing/swap it for a girl or I'm o u t!" lolol)
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lina-lovebug · 3 years
Jason Todd x Luna Maximoff headcanonns
Luna Maximoff is a Marvel character. I'm doing a series where i pair up DC boys with not well known MCU girls.
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- cutest beans
- unlike Jason, Luna doesn't have a thirst for blood but understands his pain
- mainly cuz she's a telepath but
- she's also an empath, and so she can feel whenever anyone is troubled and was basically his therapist for awhile
- Jason liked Luna for her 'good girl' looks when they first met with her father's blue eyes, Pietro, and her mother's blonde hair, Crystalia
- but soon learned that she was a being not to be messed with
- born on the moon and the first mutant-inhuman? her mind powers were stronger than Wanda's
- she was having a panic attack and Jason touched her, and saw and felt her pain
- he even saw how her father died
- even if she smiled on the outside, he now knew how much pain and suffering she had been through
- her cousins, Tommy and Billy, LOVE Jason
- not so much after his revival
- Jason admires her family's heroic past but is honestly terrified at first that she might be too confident in her abilities
- her father is dead, her aunt went insane, her uncle was brutally murdered, so naturally it spooked him a bit
- and being a person with no physical abilities but strong mental powers, Jason always takes it upon himself to protect her while she's destroying someone from the inside
- after Rose used Jason, Luna snapped and forced herself inside her mind and almost made her legally brain dead
- Hank and Dick had to stop her from going too far
- and since Jason and Luna were so connected mentally, she felt his death
- she swears she even heard his last scream
- things get difficult after his death, and she ended up moving back to New York and joining SHIELD
- She joined the new young heroes program with Iron Fist, Nova, White Tiger, and Spiderman but it wasn't the same
- when Jason came back, he was terrified to go look for Luna
- what if she was different? what if she hates him? what if she was with someone else?
- But no, Luna was just older and more mature, and was even asked to join the Avengers
- but she couldn't do it because she knew she still hadn't recovered from Jason's death
- He snuck into her apartment to see her but almost died cuz she attacked him from the inside
- but immediately recognized him and started crying, too scared to touch him because she was convinced she had gone mad like Wanda
- He took off his Red Hood mask and couldn't speak, too scared that the love of his live had moved on
- "I never stopped loving you" first words out of her mouth and he embraced her in a hug, both just sitting in her living room and crying for an hour
- when she kissed him for the first time in four years, he knew he couldn't let her go
- although they argued about his style of vigilance, they came to an agreement and she rejoined the Titans
- As a couple
- Retired seven years later, it would've been five but Jason is Jason
- Before asking her to marry him, Jason visited Pietros' grave
- "I love your daughter with all my heart and soul, and I'm going to make sure she is loved for the rest of her life. Even though you aren't there to walk her down the isle, she knows you're there. You've always been there."
- overall cutest couple and would definitely end up having twin girls and a boy
Hope you've enjoyed! Luna Maximoff isn't given a full story in the comics but her powers are so cool and I just know she'd be the sweetest person, but knows she's strong and knows ppl underestimate her abilities.
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tinywitchgoblin · 3 years
Hi, I was curious if you could ship me with one of the bad batchers? If you don’t want to, that’s okay :)) So I’m five foot tall, I weigh 110, I’m 18 years old, INFJ, October libra. I have light skin, brown eyes, long eyelashes, and thick mid length dark brown hair. I like to draw, write, read, be with friends and family in my free time, or just to be by myself sometimes. I love and thrive on coffee, as well as tea and music. Also Im obsessed with mushrooms, I currently have a fairy garden aesthetic. I like taking care of my plants and spending time in my room, or decorating it lol. Though when Im busy, I’m working at my job and doing school. I’d say Im pretty responsible for my age- I buy my own things, I hate relying on others for money, I like buying people stuff because I like giving. I make sure I get my work done asap with good amount of effort, I hate being lazy when I can be a goofball. Besides that, I’m a goofball. I try my best to make other people smile and laugh cuz it makes my day, and I try to be helpful to others when they’re stressed. Whenever my friends are upset, I will try to talk them through with whatever is going on, and do my best to ease their mind. I like to challenge those in authority, especially ones I don’t like. For instance, my assistant principal wrongfully took my phone away. I was using it for school, and he knew that. I glared at him for the entire day whenever I saw him. I wanted him to know that I didn’t like him, or respect them. And I’ll do that to anyone I don’t like. I try to act tough, but sometimes I really push myself too much. I have a lot of anxiety that I’m not doing enough, that whenever I’m taking a break, I convince myself Im lazy. I always feel like a nuance to my friends even though they’ve told me constantly I’m not. I’ve also dealt with the lost of my closest cousin, which was very hard on me, but I try to keep going for her. But generally, I’m a happy person, and I just try to get through the day. I’m working on loving myself more, and I’m slowly getting better at it.
Hello lovely! I ship you with...
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I would have to say that the two of you first really connected after a mission and he needed to get away from all the action for a little bit, so he stayed the night at your place. You showed him your mushrooms, which he really enjoyed learning about! He asked you to tell him all about them; he really just wanted to hear more of your voice. To him, it was like running water, or a cool breeze. Listening to you talk helped calm him down, relax, and let his guard down. We all know Hunter is a pretty serious dude overall, right? I think that when he got to spend time with you, he would see your goofy nature and eventually let himself act silly as well. With you, he doesn't need to be a sergeant in the grand army of the republic, not a genetically enhanced soldier bred for batter; with you, he could figure out what it really meant to be "Hunter." He didn't necessarily have time to figure himself out before, but he does with you, and he loves you for it. Being a member of the bad batch, he also has a lot of respect for how you deal with authority you don't like. You're not like Wrecker, charging headfirst into the situation without a plan, but you still make your true feelings known. Overall, there's just a lot of mutual respect between you, and you both end up growing throughout the process.
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cuddliestbear · 5 years
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Kay....sooooo, whiney entitlement? Okay, what about the people, who DON'T let themselves foolishly buy luxuries they can't afford?
I agree, some of the younger generation, and a lot of my own are not great with money. Not sure still if I'm a millenial or Gen Z cuz I'm 20 and websites differ on the matter. But, I digress.
Most of us, myself included get low bank account notifications because I just barely managed to afford my everyday bills.
Bc idc, I'mma give you MY math.
Job: Makes 12.50 an hour, avg about 40 hrs a week, then I have to have my taxes taken and my health insurance taken because I have a policy with my work.
Avg around 600 to 800 depending on if I am allowed to work the full eighty hours per payperiod. In the summer, we barely are able to work five hours a day because we don't get any work, if at all. So, that sucks, because central air costs go even higher in the summer, considering I live on florida. Electricity, water bill, mortgage, car insurance. (Managed to buy my car used for 1000, so I avoided a car payment.)
Okay, water is 100 a month, electricity is a little less or more depending on usage.
Add that to 700 dollar mortgage payment per month(only cheap because our house is under my father in law's name and he is a veteran. His own condo get a discounted mortgage payment and the overall cost is less too) Plus food, which is a good four hundred a month. Plus clothes, and other necessities.
Which tbh are the cheapest things on the list to take care of.
Me and my boo get by because we don't buy stupid shit and don't treat ourselves often. Maybe its weird of me to think, but I would hazard a guess that wanting to treat yourself if you can afford it isn't a crime or something shameful. You worked hard for that damn money.
I am so FUCKING sick of the older generation saying how EVERY single person under a certain age is ungrateful or doesn't know how to function in society and be the same type of adult they were. Teach us your wisdomly ways, then and try to get and keep a job with your sour attitudes and rude demeanors in this day's climate, I beg of you.
Another issue with this is that Some people SIMPLY don't make enough. Some people have to get upwards of three roommates to help pay bills and make end's meet, and even then it can be a gamble.
I am in no means well off, but I make enough combined with my Jonathan to live. Every once in a while we can afford to have a nice dinner, we can afford to buy a dvd, we can afford to go to fun things. But that's only because we plan ahead for it. Only because we use our brains.
Whiney Entitlement....
The only fucking humans I meet who are entitled are ones raised by entitled people, and those are raised by the boomers who think that they(the boomers) are a gift from the gods, can do no wrong and deserve everyone's respect and admiration and compliance even when undeserved. Not all boomers are like this, but enough are for me to make the comparison.
Younger generations are tired of being treated like garbage by the older ones. The good younger gen people, not the entitled ones, they will think you're wronging them no matter what you do. But the good ones? They just wanna do their best, they want to have good lives with a house and a family and pets and friends and a steady job.
The problem isn't whiney millenials, it's the assholes who raised them and the assholes who fucked the economy so badly that people have to work three jobs to afford basic human needs.
So, please, come at me for my "entitlement".
Wanting a good life is a human ideal. And not a crime, for boomers once called that ideal the American Dream. Those same people decimated that dream and still expect us to reach it the same way they did.
Sorry for the sudden midnight outburst, but I have very strong feelings on this matter, and hate people who accuse an entire group of people of something based on a few outliers. I only accuse when I see an overabundance, like with the boomer gen. Again, not all of them are like that, but, more are than there should be.
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