#and sell your ticket to a fan who will appreciate it
moonlightandmarble · 5 months
I really need people who are bitching about Sleep Token "selling out" to
1. Actually look up what that phrase means
2. Actually look up how artists are getting absolutely screwed by venues, Spotify, LiveNation, Ticketmaster, record companies, and so on
3. Stop assuming every musician has got Beyonce money. Most do touring to just to barely scrape by.
4. Stop expecting Vessel to provide you with answers about the Lore when the Lore is like 98% fan-developed. Behind all of these songs and the imagery and the mask is a real person talking about the pain he has gone through in his personal life. The Lore is just a fun diversion and a way to let us connect with what he says in our own way.
5. Go listen to Tool's Hooker With a Penis and by all means don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
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alittleannihilation · 2 years
i know we've talked a lot about MCR and their rebellion against the nostalgia circle jerking of WWWY, but i think it's super important to consider it alongside hayley williams' speech, which happened around 20 minutes before MCR's set.
i think it's important because they were both fighting similar wars in the beginning. they were fighting to be respected in a genre that they were helping to catapult into the public consciousness. they were both treated like shit by their peers, villified by the media and disrespected by 'fans' in the scene, and only by prioritising their own creativity and art and by cultivating a fan base that appreciated it, did they manage to shake that shit off.
wwwy is a festival created for the sake of those looking to relive the emo days of yesterdecade. and that's fine. there's nothing wrong with nostalgia, and nostalgia tours - if the years you're reliving are good ones. if they're the best you have to offer.
for paramore and mcr, the best is yet to come. for paramore, the noughties were filled with misogyny and sexism, and now there's less of that. for mcr, the noughties were filled with homophobia and pressure to conform, and now there's less of that too. for them both, the early 2000s was a period of time where they had to work harder than everyone else to get a foot in the door.
and in 2022, you have them headline your nostalgia festival, because guess who kept selling all their tickets and releasing good music while the sexist, homophobic creeps kept falling into obscurity, or put behind bars, or cancelled on twitter? guess who's still big enough to pull those emo crowds?
paramore is. and mcr is.
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Off the Page 2
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: skinny!Steve
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You take a page out of Maria’s book and sleep on the train. The night at the hotel wasn’t long enough. By the time you ate, you were too tired to enjoy the fancy tub and your alarm woke you well before you were ready. As your stop comes, you’re still groggy and barely ready for your evening meet and greet. 
Isn’t this the dream? Running yourself ragged as a bestselling author? Seeing all the fans who love the words that you wrote? Who see themselves in the characters you created? So much a dream that you feel as if you’re falling asleep again. 
Wake up! You splash water over your face in the bookstore bathroom. It’s not glamourous. You have the small space to refresh before you face the masses. You hoped for a smaller crowd given the time of day and the lesser known location. How wrong you are; you can hear the buzz of fans through the walls. 
“Hey,” Maria enters without knocking. She’s like that. You and your agent have gotten rather cozy in those last weeks. A bit too much at times. “Almost ready?” 
“Yeah, sorry, I... is this blouse okay?” You ask as you touch the satin, patterned with violets, “I don’t even know why I bought this?” 
“It looks fine,” she assures, “you’re not a writer if you’re not at least a little eccentric, right?” 
“Oh, and what about book agents?” You challenge, “are they all so stylish?’ 
“Of course. We’re the face that sells the tour. All you have to do is smile and sacrifice your hand to carpal tunnel syndrome,” she teases, “just you wait until the interview. That's the heavy lifting.” 
“Interview?” You check yourself one last time in the mirror. 
“Didn’t I mention? The local station wants a sit down before we’re off tomorrow,” she explains, “I said yes. It’s a decent check and good business. Any publicity is good publicity. Publisher signed off on it too so... can’t back out.” 
“Oh, and you were going to tell me when?” 
“Right now,” she shrugs, “come on, your adoring fans are waiting for their elf queen.” 
“Oof, don’t,” you cringe, “you make it sound so lame.” 
“If it was lame, you wouldn’t be here,” she asserts. 
“Suppose you’re right,” you pack your things up into your bag and shove it in the corner. “Alright, I’m ready.” 
You follow her into the hall and through to the main area of the bookstore. It’s been closed early for the event, a meet and greet exclusive to those who claimed the limited one hundred tickets for sale. Each ticket includes the cost of a free signed edition and bookmark. Funny to think you’d once been on the other side of one of these things. The eager beaver reader aspiring to be the star author. 
As you come into sigh of the audience, they cheer. You’re still not used to that either. You wave and smile out at them. The moderator, an employee of the bookshop chain, calls for their attention over the microphone and introduces you. There’s another softer round of applause. 
You take your seat on the stool and let out a breath. You start with the reading. You try not to do the same chapter, instead cycling through your favourites. Some you even know by rote now. 
Then comes the Q and A session. You know all the answers. You find it’s always the same questions. Besides, you created this world, these characters, if there isn’t anything written, then you get to decide. 
A group a giggly women finish asking their questions about the ‘rumoured’ sequel to which you give your PR friendly deflection. After them, you wait for the next person to appear. There’s some scuffling at the microphone as they lower it. You wait patiently and smile at the slender blond man. He’s vaguely familiar. 
“Hi, um, my question is, whether Emeris is truly the promised knight or if he was just in the right place at the right time?” 
You nod as you listen, your thoughts whirring. It’s not an entirely out-there question. It isn’t what he’s asking that gives you pause. You swear you’ve seen him before. 
“Well, we can’t know for sure. I like to think of the promised knight as not a specific person fated from birth but rather a possibility for all. The promised knight is the one who can step up in that time of need and do what it is needed,” you explain. “I hope that makes sense.” 
The man doesn’t speak right away, himself stalling before he can respond, “yes, I guess it does. Thank you.” 
He lingers at the microphone for a moment as he watches you. He clutches a worn copy to his chest tightly. That’s familiar too. 
Strange. You're sure there’s lots of people who double dip. You have to admit you did it once yourself. Sometimes you just need that thrill.  
The blond man steps back and lets the next person ahead of him but he doesn’t go far. He stays close to the queue of people and you feel him staring you down. Everyone is watching you but his gaze just feels so much more intense. You do your best to focus on the person at the microphone. 
Several others ask their questions or just give their praise. The man remains. You can’t shake the sense of him. He’s like a shadow. You don’t know why you’re so aware of him. 
Finally, you finish up and it’s time to announce the special prize. It’s a raffle set up by ticket number. The package isn’t anything special; a collector’s edition, a mug, and some pens that look like quills. The moderator brings up a box filled with slips and you reach inside. You read out the number and the crowd mutters. 
“Me,” a deep voice rings out, a hand popping up from lower down. The blond man steps forward and waves his ticket, “it’s mine.” 
Strange coincidence. You keep your smile plastered on. You don’t need another Maria lecture about your tired moping. You’re handed the prize basket and you carry it down to meet the man. 
“Congratulations,” you say as he meets you at the lip of the low platform. 
“Thank you,” he beams up brightly, “it’s nice to see you again.” 
You try not to show your surprise, “yeah, uh... you too.” You don’t know what else to say. You don’t remember exactly where you saw him and definitely not a name; you hear too many of those to keep track. 
“Really?” He breathes. 
“Er, enjoy your prize. Thank you so much for coming.” 
“Of course. Always. Anytime,” he avows shakily. “’To you, my queen, I bid my blood and breath.’” 
You hesitate. That’s from the book. Emeris proclaims it to the elvish protagonist on her quest to reclaim her stolen homeland. It’s flattering yet slightly unsettling to have it recited to you. 
“Have a good night,” you say gently and turn to walk back across the platform. You’re tired, you need to get out of here. 
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cinemastyles-backup · 11 months
Under My Skin
Summary: request from theladyvalkurie - “Harry and Y/N are rivals who end up having to share a hotel room.”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, unprotected sex, enemies to lovers basically, fingering, oral, rough actions, hate sex, general filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"Over here! Smile for us, y/n!"
The cameras flashed as the media got the pictures they needed, "Thank you." I blow a kiss to the photographers and move on to the next group.
"Y/N, if I could have a moment of your time, please." An interviewer asks. "Hello, hello." I smile and look at the camera with a wave, "How are you?" She smiles, "I'm great, how are you? Your dress is absolutely stunning, by the way! Very nice!"
I fluff my dress out, "Oh thank you, I'm just in shock, right now. I think, yeah. I'm happy that the filming is over and we can finally get this movie out for everyone to see. It's a very good movie if I say so myself."
She lays a hand on my shoulder, "Well you heard it straight from the one star of the movie, this movie is worth the watch. So, y/n, I'm sure the fans are dying to know, what was it like working with Harry?"
I was waiting for this question to pop up.
I smile, "It was very exhilarating, I will say that."
He got on my last nerve every. Single. Fucking. Day.
"You must be a fan of him-"
I hate him.
"-so getting casted in this role must have been so exciting for you!"
I nod, "Yeah, yeah. It was something. That's for sure."
Suddenly the fans start to scream louder and I look over my shoulder. The interviewer turns, "That must be him now. Y/N it was great chatting with you! Hope to see you again soon!"
"Yeah, of course." I stand there and watch the fans go nuts as Harry steps out of the vehicle. He's in a pale green suit with a black undershirt and his hair is freshly cut.
I roll my eyes, hoping no one caught that on video and I walk over to another group or photographers. I turn and show off every angle of my dress when suddenly, there's an arm around my waist.
I instantly know it's Harry, "What are you doing?" I mumble through my teeth as I continue to smile.
"Getting photographed with my co-star." He whispers lowly.
I fight back an eye roll and the urge to push him away and suck it up. I lay a hand on his stomach and smile at the cameras, giving them all they're asking for.
The director and crew always joked about us being rivals but between me and Harry, i didn't think it was a joke. It's always a competition with Harry. Who gets the most likes, the most views, who has more fans.
It's obvious he's more popular than I am, I mean fuck. He makes music too. His concerts sell out as soon as the tickets are released.
"Thank you guys!"
"Beautiful, thank you!"
"Hate you." I mumble as I turn away.
"Hate you more." He says with a wink.
As much as I try to fight it off, he gets under my skin and he knows it, too.
"Alright guys, bring it in." Montie, the director, says waving his hands for us to gather around him, "This is a big premiere for me. For us." He says looking around at everyone, "Y/N. Harry." He points to us, "You guys made this movie the best it can be and I am grateful for the both of you."
Here it comes.
"If you both can just.. he civil for this, that would be greatly appreciated."
"Oh, Mon." Harry steps up, "We're good. You don't have to worry. We've put all of that behind us."
I take in a slow deep breathe and straighten, immediately smiling and nodding as Montie looks at us, "Yeah. Great." My eyes shoot to Harry and give him a subtle snobby look.
"Great. Great. Now everyone, you know your places to walk in, so everyone get in line and smile for the cameras. Wave to the fans. You know what to do." He claps and walks over to some reporters.
"How'd you like that?" Harry asks getting in front of me, "You're welcome by the way." I look away and shake my head, "I have nothing to be thankful for with you."
He snickers, "Yeah, I gave you exposure to my fans, so. That doesn't exactly make us rivals anymore, does it?"
I step up close to him, so close I can smell his cologne, "I don't need you to give me exposure to your fans, I'd rather lay out in the hot sun in the desert in July than be anything more than an on screen lover to you."
He looks over his shoulder, "You sure it's just on screen? Because I see the way you look at me."?
"With disgust and repulsion? Because I can assure you, that is no where near love." I step back and cross my arms.
"Harry, harry, hello." A woman walks up with a camera man and a microphone.
Oh great. I fix my posture and smile incase I'm in the shot.
"Hello, Evelyn. How are you, darling?" He leans in and gives her a hug, "You we're at my last movie premiere, right?"
She nods, "Oh gosh, I'm happy you remember." Harry smiles, "What can I do for you?" She smiles and points to me, "I was wondering if I can get an interview with you and your on screen lover."
I internally gag and step up, "Hello, Evelyn is it? That dress is beautiful on you!" She smiles, "Oh thank you, something I just pulled out of my closet, but your dress, wow. It fits beautifully on you."
I smile and shrug, "I had someone to dress me, if it were up to me I'd be home in my sweats eating ice cream." She laughs, "I feel you on that one, anyway. I was hoping I could ask you guys some questions since we have a few more minutes."
I nod, "Anything you want."
"Is Lucas and Amelia's relationship on screen like yours and Harry's is in real life?"
Harry is going to jump in when I start to drown, "Well, I wouldn't say we're exactly like them, I mean in some ways, I'm like Amelia because she knows what she wants and doesn't settle for anything than less she deserves."
She nods and looks at Harry and he thinks for a moment. I brace myself for his answer.
"You know, Evelyn. I actually do relate to Lucas because he knows what he wants and he doesn't stop going after it. He's persistent with doing things he knows that will be good for him, even if, I don't know. There's a rivalry with someone he always figures out a way to get what he wants."
She raises her eye brows, "Wow. So wait, you said rivalry, does that pertain to you two specifically?"
"Oh no, no." I jump in before Harry can, "Harry and I are pals. We're the bestest of friends." I wrap my arm around his waist, "This guy, he's a funny, funny guy."
Montie comes up, thank god.
"Harry, y/n. You guys are next. I want you to walk in together, holding hands." He grabs my hand and places it on Harry's, "Act like you don't truly despise each other." He says lowly.
Harry squeezes my hand, "Ready, lover?"
"Have a good show!" Evelyn says walking away. "I hate you so fucking much." I fix my hair.
"You can't hate me, we're pals, bestest of friends." He mocks my words, "Just be happy. You can hate me later."
We walk in and the crowd cheers for us. I smile and wave with Harry still holding my hand. The media is going to eat these up.
After the movie ends, we all make our way back out to the carpet, greeting people, getting congratulated and what not.
"Hey, guys." Monroe comes up to Harry and I, "So as you know, we have some more press tomorrow and the hotel we're staying at had just enough rooms for us."
"So we'll all be in the same hotel. That's good, right?" I smile but it quickly gets ripped away.
"We all had to double up, so you and Harry are in a room, great talk." He walks away quickly and I stand there with my lips parted, trying to process what he just said.
"Well, pal. Looks like we're roomies." Harry elbows my side gently and walks over to the fans behind the barricade.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
"Mon.. Mon.." I walk up to him, "I-I can't share a room with Harry. I'll end up killing him. You of all people should know that by now."
He lets out a stressed out laugh, "Y/N.. please.. just be civil. I know he gets under your skin, I know you guys have a rivalry or whatever it is. Maybe this will help you guys get through it. Please. I need my two shining stars to be able to be in the same room with each other."
I let out a defeated sigh, "Okay."
He lays his hands on my cheeks, "You're the greatest."
"Uh-uh, nope. I get the bed. You can sleep.." I lay my suitcase on the bed and look around. I then motion to the floor, "..on the floor or whatever."
He laughs, "But I want the bed."
"And I want to be able to solve world hunger." I look at him with a serious stare, "I get the bed."
"I get the bed." He argues, "You can sleep on the little loveseat. I'm too tall for that."
"That sounds like a personal problem to me." I smirk slightly and unzip my suitcase, "I'm going for a bath, when I get out, your ass better be camped out on the floor."
"And what if it's not? You going to punish me?" He laughs and I ignore him as I walk to the mini fridge, "Hmm." I look over the assortment of little liquor bottles and grab a few before I walk into the bathroom.
I undress and throw on one of the hotel robes before I start my bath. I sit on the edge of the big tub and open one of the bottles.
I down the shot and set it on the counter. Just as I start to take off my robe, Harry opens the door, "Are you hungry?"
"Harry, fuck." I bring my robe back over my shoulder and turn to look at him. He smirks, "Not like I haven't seen it before." He tilts his head, "Do you want me to order you something? I'm starving."
I nod and tell him yes just to get him out of the bathroom. He winks and shuts the door. I stand there for a moment and shake my head, "No. no. No, y/n."
I take my robe off and step into the hot bath, submerging my body under the water and amazing smelling bubbles.
I close my eyes and lay my head back. I bite my lip and slip my hand between my legs, gently playing around with my clit.
I bite my lip to hold back my moans as I work my hand faster. I arch my back off the back of the tub as I can feel myself getting closer.
The door opens again and I jump and try to cover myself up, which results in water splashing everywhere.
"The foo- ooh, and what we're you doing?" He asks frisky.
"N-Not- Harry.. I-I .." I say getting flustered, "just get out. Please." I hide my face in my hand, "I should have locked the door.
"Mhm. But you didn't." He says before walking out.
"Oh my god." I mumble into my hands, "What the fuck?!"
I finish my bath and slip my robe back on. I open the door, preparing myself to face Harry after what he walked in on. I mean, my fault. I didn't lock the door, which I should have. But I didn't? Why didn't I-
No, no. I hate Harry. I hate Harry.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I stop in my tracks as I see him sitting on the bed eating his food, "Um, eating? What are you doing? Or, not doing?" He smirks and shoves his mouth full, "Come on. Eat."
I walk over and sit down on the bed with my back facing him as I grab the plate, "Thank you."
"No need to thank me. I just figured you were too busy to-"
I whip around and cut him off, "Shut up. Zip it. We don't speak about it ever again. Okay?" He holds his hands up in defense, "Yes ma'am." He salutes me and moves him plate, "I'm going for a shower, I'm not locking the door, fyi."
"Oh my- get out." I groan and lay back on the bed, "Leave." He laughs as he walks into the bathroom. I crack open another bottle and take it, "Shit." I whisper as I crack open another one.
I sit up and finish eating. I set my plate down on the stand and lay back, switching on the tv. I click through the channels trying to find something decent to watch.
I hear the door crack open and i fight myself not to look over at him. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hmm." I keep my eyes glued to the tv. I feel something land in my lap and I look down. He tossed me another bottle of liquor, "Have a shot with me. Celebrate our movie being an absolute success."
I pick up the tiny bottle and slowly look up at him. He's standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and his skin glistening in the hotel light from the water that didn't dry.
I bite the inside of my lip and sit up, cracking open the little bottle. He walks over and leans down, pieces of his hair falling down onto his forehead.
"I'm done after this one." I tap the bottle to his and take it. He takes his and smirks, "Why? Afraid of the effects?" I roll my eyes, "No. I just can't roll out of bed and look good after drinking all night like you can." I look up at him, "I mean-"
"You think I look good?" He shrugs, "I think I do, too."
"You're such an arrogant son of a bitch." I scoff and throw the empty bottle at him. He catches it and tilts his head, "Hmm."
"What." I snap, "What now?"
"Nothing. Nothing." I get up and go to walk by him but he grabs my arm and spins me around to him. His hands slowly slide down to my hips. My eyes slowly gaze up his bare chest and meet his eyes.
"What are you doing?" I ask quietly. He smirks slightly and brushes hair out of my face, "Just offering to help you finish what you started in the bath."
I'm taken aback, "Wh-what?" I step back, considering his offer which I quickly brush off, "No. no." He steps towards me, "You sure, y/n?"
I lay a hand on my forehead and let out a sigh, "Harry." He lightly brushes my cheek with his finger, "y/n."
I give in. Pressing my body to his as his lips attack mine. His hands move quickly to undo my robe and push it off my shoulders. It drops to the floor and my hands go to his towel, untucking it and letting it fall.
His hands slide down over my boobs and he slips one between my legs. His fingers immediately find my clit and he takes it between.
A gasp slips from my lips and I drag my hand down his chest. I look up at him and he nods, "Please." I wrap my hand around his cock and slowly start to pump.
He moans and leans forward to lay his head on my shoulder, "You're so wet." I spread my legs a little to give him more room. He slides a finger in slowly, curling it as he sucks on my neck.
I squeeze him slightly and raise up on my tip toes, "Fuck." I groan lowly, "Harry." I place a hand on his side and push him back a bit.
He takes the indication and backs up, laying down on the bed. I straddle him and lean down to kiss him, "This doesn't mean anything." I say with a smirk, "I still hate you with my whole being."
I whimper as he slides a finger back inside of me. He leans up slightly and looks at me, "Then bend over and put your face in the sheets so you don't have to look at me."
He rolls me off of him and pulls my hips up. His hands squeeze my ass cheeks as me groans to himself, "Hate sex is the best sex. I plan on fucking you so hard, y/n."
I moan at his words and grip the sheets, "Please."
"Are you begging for me? Is that what I hear?" He leans in and licks a stripe up my pussy, "For someone who hates me so much, you sure are craving my cock. Aren't you, y/n?"
His fingers trail down my spine painfully slow, "Don't get quiet now." He leans in and starts to eat me out from behind. I gasp and moan while pushing my hips back to gain more contact his tongue.
He groans against me, his fingers digging into my hips.
He pulls back, "Roll over. I'm going to put that mouth to a better use."
I bite my lip and watch him has he moves up to me, "Can't handle me being a big girl by using my words?" He chuckles, "Sometimes I'm just sick of hearing you speak."
He pushes the tip of his cock against my lips and I part my lips and take him in, swirling my tongue and sucking as I bob my head, "Fuck." He groans, "This.. this is how I want to shut you up.."
I look up at him as I hallow out my cheeks. He looks down at me, "You're so pretty when you're not running your mouth." He places a hand on my head and pushes it down, "when you're choking on my cock instead."
He fucks my throat, moaning with each thrust, "Fuck." He pulls out, "Still hate me?" He smirks and I smirk back, rolling over and bringing my hips up, "Fuck you."
"Mm, looks like I'm about to do that to you." He gets behind me and roughly pushes his cock inside of me, causing me to scream out, "Fuck, Harry." He brings a hand down, harshly smacking my ass.
I whimper and wiggle my hips, "Please. Fucking move, do some-"
He pulls out and thrusts back in, repeating his action.
Hard and slow.
He slides a hand up my back and grabs a fist full of my hair, yanking my head back. I moan at the stinging pain from him pulling my hair and the pleasure of his cock ramming into me.
"You like that?" He groans leaning down. His teeth sink into my shoulder and I moan, "Fuck. Harry. Fuck." I let out a pleasured scream as his thrusts become faster.
"Shit, y/n." He groans leaning up, "Fuck."
"Oh god. P-please don't stop." I reach back and grab his wrist. He grabs my hand and pins it against my lower back, "You going to cum for me?"
I let out a loud moan into the bed and push my hips back to meet his. "Harry." I scream out as my body is taken over by my orgasm, "Fu-" I whine as he fucks me through my high.
His thrusts become sloppy and I feel him slip out and his cum landing on my back.
He slowly lays me down and goes to grabs his towel off the floor. He wipes my back off and toss it to the floor. He flops down next to me and I slowly turn my head to look at him, "This doesn't change anything. You're still an asshole."
He chuckles, "And you're still a slut for my cock."
"Get out." I laugh weakly. He chuckles and pulls the blankets up over us, "You might want to wear a dress that covers your shoulders tomorrow."
I groan, "Of course you'd leave marks. Idiot."
"I didn't hear you complain once."
I lay there and process what just happened and I know in my heart that it's bound to happen again because Harry was right, hate sex is the best sex.
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated and don’t forget to hit follow! ♥
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cinemastyles-blog · 2 years
Under My Skin
Summary: A request by @victoria-styles - “Harry and Y/N are rivals who end up having to share a hotel room.”
Warnings: SMUT18+, rough, semi forced actions, strong language, hate towards each other, unprotected sex, general FILTH
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"Over here! Smile for us, y/n!"
The cameras flashed as the media got the pictures they needed, "Thank you." I blow a kiss to the photographers and move on to the next group.
"Y/N, if I could have a moment of your time, please." An interviewer asks. "Hello, hello." I smile and look at the camera with a wave, "How are you?" She smiles, "I'm great, how are you? Your dress is absolutely stunning, by the way! Very nice!"
I fluff my dress out, "Oh thank you, I'm just in shock, right now. I think, yeah. I'm happy that the filming is over and we can finally get this movie out for everyone to see. It's a very good movie if I say so myself."
She lays a hand on my shoulder, "Well you heard it straight from the one star of the movie, this movie is worth the watch. So, y/n, I'm sure the fans are dying to know, what was it like working with Harry?"
I was waiting for this question to pop up.
I smile, "It was very exhilarating, I will say that."
He got on my last nerve every. Single. Fucking. Day.
"You must be a fan of him-"
I hate him.
"-so getting casted in this role must have been so exciting for you!"
I nod, "Yeah, yeah. It was something. That's for sure."
Suddenly the fans start to scream louder and I look over my shoulder. The interviewer turns, "That must be him now. Y/N it was great chatting with you! Hope to see you again soon!"
"Yeah, of course." I stand there and watch the fans go nuts as Harry steps out of the vehicle. He's in a pale green suit with a black undershirt and his hair is freshly cut.
I roll my eyes, hoping no one caught that on video and I walk over to another group or photographers. I turn and show off every angle of my dress when suddenly, there's an arm around my waist.
I instantly know it's Harry, "What are you doing?" I mumble through my teeth as I continue to smile.
"Getting photographed with my co-star." He whispers lowly.
I fight back an eye roll and the urge to push him away and suck it up. I lay a hand on his stomach and smile at the cameras, giving them all they're asking for.
The director and crew always joked about us being rivals but between me and Harry, i didn't think it was a joke. It's always a competition with Harry. Who gets the most likes, the most views, who has more fans.
It's obvious he's more popular than I am, I mean fuck. He makes music too. His concerts sell out as soon as the tickets are released.
"Thank you guys!"
"Beautiful, thank you!"
"Hate you." I mumble as I turn away.
"Hate you more." He says with a wink.
As much as I try to fight it off, he gets under my skin and he knows it, too.
"Alright guys, bring it in." Montie, the director, says waving his hands for us to gather around him, "This is a big premiere for me. For us." He says looking around at everyone, "Y/N. Harry." He points to us, "You guys made this movie the best it can be and I am grateful for the both of you."
Here it comes.
"If you both can just.. he civil for this, that would be greatly appreciated."
"Oh, Mon." Harry steps up, "We're good. You don't have to worry. We've put all of that behind us."
I take in a slow deep breathe and straighten, immediately smiling and nodding as Montie looks at us, "Yeah. Great." My eyes shoot to Harry and give him a subtle snobby look.
"Great. Great. Now everyone, you know your places to walk in, so everyone get in line and smile for the cameras. Wave to the fans. You know what to do." He claps and walks over to some reporters.
"How'd you like that?" Harry asks getting in front of me, "You're welcome by the way." I look away and shake my head, "I have nothing to be thankful for with you."
He snickers, "Yeah, I gave you exposure to my fans, so. That doesn't exactly make us rivals anymore, does it?"
I step up close to him, so close I can smell his cologne, "I don't need you to give me exposure to your fans, I'd rather lay out in the hot sun in the desert in July than be anything more than an on screen lover to you."
He looks over his shoulder, "You sure it's just on screen? Because I see the way you look at me."?
"With disgust and repulsion? Because I can assure you, that is no where near love." I step back and cross my arms.
"Harry, harry, hello." A woman walks up with a camera man and a microphone.
Oh great. I fix my posture and smile incase I'm in the shot.
"Hello, Evelyn. How are you, darling?" He leans in and gives her a hug, "You we're at my last movie premiere, right?"
She nods, "Oh gosh, I'm happy you remember." Harry smiles, "What can I do for you?" She smiles and points to me, "I was wondering if I can get an interview with you and your on screen lover."
I internally gag and step up, "Hello, Evelyn is it? That dress is beautiful on you!" She smiles, "Oh thank you, something I just pulled out of my closet, but your dress, wow. It fits beautifully on you."
I smile and shrug, "I had someone to dress me, if it were up to me I'd be home in my sweats eating ice cream." She laughs, "I feel you on that one, anyway. I was hoping I could ask you guys some questions since we have a few more minutes."
I nod, "Anything you want."
"Is Lucas and Amelia's relationship on screen like yours and Harry's is in real life?"
Harry is going to jump in when I start to drown, "Well, I wouldn't say we're exactly like them, I mean in some ways, I'm like Amelia because she knows what she wants and doesn't settle for anything than less she deserves."
She nods and looks at Harry and he thinks for a moment. I brace myself for his answer.
"You know, Evelyn. I actually do relate to Lucas because he knows what he wants and he doesn't stop going after it. He's persistent with doing things he knows that will be good for him, even if, I don't know. There's a rivalry with someone he always figures out a way to get what he wants."
She raises her eye brows, "Wow. So wait, you said rivalry, does that pertain to you two specifically?"
"Oh no, no." I jump in before Harry can, "Harry and I are pals. We're the bestest of friends." I wrap my arm around his waist, "This guy, he's a funny, funny guy."
Montie comes up, thank god.
"Harry, y/n. You guys are next. I want you to walk in together, holding hands." He grabs my hand and places it on Harry's, "Act like you don't truly despise each other." He says lowly.
Harry squeezes my hand, "Ready, lover?"
"Have a good show!" Evelyn says walking away. "I hate you so fucking much." I fix my hair.
"You can't hate me, we're pals, bestest of friends." He mocks my words, "Just be happy. You can hate me later."
We walk in and the crowd cheers for us. I smile and wave with Harry still holding my hand. The media is going to eat these up.
After the movie ends, we all make our way back out to the carpet, greeting people, getting congratulated and what not.
"Hey, guys." Monroe comes up to Harry and I, "So as you know, we have some more press tomorrow and the hotel we're staying at had just enough rooms for us."
"So we'll all be in the same hotel. That's good, right?" I smile but it quickly gets ripped away.
"We all had to double up, so you and Harry are in a room, great talk." He walks away quickly and I stand there with my lips parted, trying to process what he just said.
"Well, pal. Looks like we're roomies." Harry elbows my side gently and walks over to the fans behind the barricade.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
"Mon.. Mon.." I walk up to him, "I-I can't share a room with Harry. I'll end up killing him. You of all people should know that by now."
He lets out a stressed out laugh, "Y/N.. please.. just be civil. I know he gets under your skin, I know you guys have a rivalry or whatever it is. Maybe this will help you guys get through it. Please. I need my two shining stars to be able to be in the same room with each other."
I let out a defeated sigh, "Okay."
He lays his hands on my cheeks, "You're the greatest."
"Uh-uh, nope. I get the bed. You can sleep.." I lay my suitcase on the bed and look around. I then motion to the floor, "..on the floor or whatever."
He laughs, "But I want the bed."
"And I want to be able to solve world hunger." I look at him with a serious stare, "I get the bed."
"I get the bed." He argues, "You can sleep on the little loveseat. I'm too tall for that."
"That sounds like a personal problem to me." I smirk slightly and unzip my suitcase, "I'm going for a bath, when I get out, your ass better be camped out on the floor."
"And what if it's not? You going to punish me?" He laughs and I ignore him as I walk to the mini fridge, "Hmm." I look over the assortment of little liquor bottles and grab a few before I walk into the bathroom.
I undress and throw on one of the hotel robes before I start my bath. I sit on the edge of the big tub and open one of the bottles.
I down the shot and set it on the counter. Just as I start to take off my robe, Harry opens the door, "Are you hungry?"
"Harry, fuck." I bring my robe back over my shoulder and turn to look at him. He smirks, "Not like I haven't seen it before." He tilts his head, "Do you want me to order you something? I'm starving."
I nod and tell him yes just to get him out of the bathroom. He winks and shuts the door. I stand there for a moment and shake my head, "No. no. No, y/n."
I take my robe off and step into the hot bath, submerging my body under the water and amazing smelling bubbles.
I close my eyes and lay my head back. I bite my lip and slip my hand between my legs, gently playing around with my clit.
I bite my lip to hold back my moans as I work my hand faster. I arch my back off the back of the tub as I can feel myself getting closer.
The door opens again and I jump and try to cover myself up, which results in water splashing everywhere.
"The foo- ooh, and what we're you doing?" He asks frisky.
"N-Not- Harry.. I-I .." I say getting flustered, "just get out. Please." I hide my face in my hand, "I should have locked the door.
"Mhm. But you didn't." He says before walking out.
"Oh my god." I mumble into my hands, "What the fuck?!"
I finish my bath and slip my robe back on. I open the door, preparing myself to face Harry after what he walked in on. I mean, my fault. I didn't lock the door, which I should have. But I didn't? Why didn't I-
No, no. I hate Harry. I hate Harry.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I stop in my tracks as I see him sitting on the bed eating his food, "Um, eating? What are you doing? Or, not doing?" He smirks and shoves his mouth full, "Come on. Eat."
I walk over and sit down on the bed with my back facing him as I grab the plate, "Thank you."
"No need to thank me. I just figured you were too busy to-"
I whip around and cut him off, "Shut up. Zip it. We don't speak about it ever again. Okay?" He holds his hands up in defense, "Yes ma'am." He salutes me and moves him plate, "I'm going for a shower, I'm not locking the door, fyi."
"Oh my- get out." I groan and lay back on the bed, "Leave." He laughs as he walks into the bathroom. I crack open another bottle and take it, "Shit." I whisper as I crack open another one.
I sit up and finish eating. I set my plate down on the stand and lay back, switching on the tv. I click through the channels trying to find something decent to watch.
I hear the door crack open and i fight myself not to look over at him.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hmm." I keep my eyes glued to the tv. I feel something land in my lap and I look down. He tossed me another bottle of liquor, "Have a shot with me. Celebrate our movie being an absolute success."
I pick up the tiny bottle and slowly look up at him. He's standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and his skin glistening in the hotel light from the water that didn't dry.
I bite the inside of my lip and sit up, cracking open the little bottle. He walks over and leans down, pieces of his hair falling down onto his forehead.
"I'm done after this one." I tap the bottle to his and take it. He takes his and smirks, "Why? Afraid of the effects?" I roll my eyes, "No. I just can't roll out of bed and look good after drinking all night like you can." I look up at him, "I mean-"
"You think I look good?" He shrugs, "I think I do, too."
"You're such an arrogant son of a bitch." I scoff and throw the empty bottle at him. He catches it and tilts his head, "Hmm."
"What." I snap, "What now?"
"Nothing. Nothing." I get up and go to walk by him but he grabs my arm and spins me around to him. His hands slowly slide down to my hips. My eyes slowly gaze up his bare chest and meet his eyes.
"What are you doing?" I ask quietly. He smirks slightly and brushes hair out of my face, "Just offering to help you finish what you started in the bath."
I'm taken aback, "Wh-what?" I step back, considering his offer which I quickly brush off, "No. no." He steps towards me, "You sure, y/n?"
I lay a hand on my forehead and let out a sigh, "Harry." He lightly brushes my cheek with his finger, "y/n."
I give in. Pressing my body to his as his lips attack mine. His hands move quickly to undo my robe and push it off my shoulders. It drops to the floor and my hands go to his towel, untucking it and letting it fall.
His hands slide down over my boobs and he slips one between my legs. His fingers immediately find my clit and he takes it between.
A gasp slips from my lips and I drag my hand down his chest. I look up at him and he nods, "Please." I wrap my hand around his cock and slowly start to pump.
He moans and leans forward to lay his head on my shoulder, "You're so wet." I spread my legs a little to give him more room. He slides a finger in slowly, curling it as he sucks on my neck.
I squeeze him slightly and raise up on my tip toes, "Fuck." I groan lowly, "Harry." I place a hand on his side and push him back a bit.
He takes the indication and backs up, laying down on the bed. I straddle him and lean down to kiss him, "This doesn't mean anything." I say with a smirk, "I still hate you with my whole being."
I whimper as he slides a finger back inside of me. He leans up slightly and looks at me, "Then bend over and put your face in the sheets so you don't have to look at me."
He rolls me off of him and pulls my hips up. His hands squeeze my ass cheeks as me groans to himself, "Hate sex is the best sex. I plan on fucking you so hard, y/n."
I moan at his words and grip the sheets, "Please."
"Are you begging for me? Is that what I hear?" He leans in and licks a stripe up my pussy, "For someone who hates me so much, you sure are craving my cock. Aren't you, y/n?"
His fingers trail down my spine painfully slow, "Don't get quiet now." He leans in and starts to eat me out from behind. I gasp and moan while pushing my hips back to gain more contact his tongue.
He groans against me, his fingers digging into my hips.
He pulls back, "Roll over. I'm going to put that mouth to a better use."
I bite my lip and watch him has he moves up to me, "Can't handle me being a big girl by using my words?" He chuckles, "Sometimes I'm just sick of hearing you speak."
He pushes the tip of his cock against my lips and I part my lips and take him in, swirling my tongue and sucking as I bob my head, "Fuck." He groans, "This.. this is how I want to shut you up.."
I look up at him as I hallow out my cheeks. He looks down at me, "You're so pretty when you're not running your mouth." He places a hand on my head and pushes it down, "when you're choking on my cock instead."
He fucks my throat, moaning with each thrust, "Fuck." He pulls out, "Still hate me?" He smirks and I smirk back, rolling over and bringing my hips up, "Fuck you."
"Mm, looks like I'm about to do that to you." He gets behind me and roughly pushes his cock inside of me, causing me to scream out, "Fuck, Harry." He brings a hand down, harshly smacking my ass.
I whimper and wiggle my hips, "Please. Fucking move, do some-"
He pulls out and thrusts back in, repeating his action.
Hard and slow.
He slides a hand up my back and grabs a fist full of my hair, yanking my head back. I moan at the stinging pain from him pulling my hair and the pleasure of his cock ramming into me.
"You like that?" He groans leaning down. His teeth sink into my shoulder and I moan, "Fuck. Harry. Fuck." I let out a pleasured scream as his thrusts become faster.
"Shit, y/n." He groans leaning up, "Fuck."
"Oh god. P-please don't stop." I reach back and grab his wrist. He grabs my hand and pins it against my lower back, "You going to cum for me?"
I let out a loud moan into the bed and push my hips back to meet his. "Harry." I scream out as my body is taken over by my orgasm, "Fu-" I whine as he fucks me through my high.
His thrusts become sloppy and I feel him slip out and his cum landing on my back.
He slowly lays me down and goes to grabs his towel off the floor. He wipes my back off and toss it to the floor. He flops down next to me and I slowly turn my head to look at him, "This doesn't change anything. You're still an asshole."
He chuckles, "And you're still a slut for my cock."
"Get out." I laugh weakly. He chuckles and pulls the blankets up over us, "You might want to wear a dress that covers your shoulders tomorrow."
I groan, "Of course you'd leave marks. Idiot."
"I didn't hear you complain once."
I lay there and process what just happened and I know in my heart that it's bound to happen again because Harry was right, hate sex is the best sex.
Requests are accepted and credit is given - Send me a message!
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tumblydovereviews · 3 months
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Hamilton: Why it Worked
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your king, George III. Welcome, to Hamilton."
I've been in a Hamiton funk lately. In fact, while writing this post I was actually watching the Disney+ recording of the musical!
It's not just because today is the Fourth of July and Alexander Hamilton ultimately played a major role in helping America become what it is today. It's not just because Moana 2 is dropping in a couple of months, which Lin Manuel-Miranda won't be a part of, and I'm coping by listening to his music and work. I've always been a Hamilton fan, and while I haven't had the time nor the money to actually go out and see it myself, I have enjoyed it via listening to the soundtrack, reading the giant book I have on it, and generally appreciating the work itself.
A concept like Hamilton was fairly unique at the time of it coming out- after all, who has ever heard of an idea as abnormal as a sung-and-rapped musical about one of the Founding Fathers? In a way, though, Alexander Hamilton himself held many characteristics of a perfect protagonist for a show with this concept; he was restless, impulsive, and always moving, just as the show is paced to be. Lin Manuel-Miranda got the idea for the entire musical by reading a Hamilton biography. He was inspired by Hamilton's personality and compared it to that of a rapper; namely, Tupac Shakur, joining the past and the present together to form a new creation.
Any great musical would need to be propelled by music totally, and Hamilton is no exception; in fact, the musical holds a unique advantage over other generic shows- as mentioned before, it's a sung-and-rapped through musical. The majority, if not all, of the show is sung-through. Not only does this allow for a unique point-of-view inside of the personal issues of the characters, but it also allows the musical to be highly accessible. As I mentioned before, I haven't actually watched Hamilton in-person; my main way of consuming Hamilton media is by 'watching' the musical via its array of songs. Unlike other musicals, I didn't need to worry about gaps in the narrative not being able to be sealed by dialogue or body language.
And, speaking of the songs, they're great as well! In a variety of genres, such as rap, jazz, and pop, there's a Hamilton song for everyone, really. Lin, Leslie, Renee, and the rest of the class are amazing singers, and the orchestra and sound department also aids in elevating the play's most dramatic moments. Some are my personal favorites are the opening song, Alexander Hamilton, What'd I Miss, You'll be Back, and The Schuyler Sisters.
But, perhaps the main factor in the wide appeal of Hamilton was how well the writing and casting managed to humanize people that seemed so far away from our time, people who we'd usually think as being foreign to our modern-day issues. The cast of Hamilton are diverse in race, ranging from Hispanic to Black to Asian, and are given personalities that can relate to what people nowadays are like. Hamilton is ambitious and prideful, while Burr is more introverted but vengeful to a fault. Instead of random historical names, the two men, and all of the other characters in the play, become real. There's a reason that people of all ages, from young teenagers to fully-grown adults, have all managed to grow captivated by these characters. They are human. They are us. Hamilton is us.
And, ultimately, this is why Hamilton has become such a big success, in my opinion. Hamilton works because it doesn't just act as a play; instead, think of it as a river, using music, characters, and comedy to connect two oceans together- the past and the present. What started off as a random idea that was scorned down upon by others has ultimately become a global phenomenon, and with the feats mentioned above, it's no wonder that Hamilton managed to become such a success both on and off Broadway. To this day, the play still sells out tickets regularly, and is viewed, listened, and acted to by millions all around not just the USA, but the entire globe.
So, this fourth of July, you don't need to bolt out the national anthem while wearing red, white, and blue and bursting out oodles of fireworks everywhere you go. Instead, if you have the ability to, I'd highly recommend watching or listening to the soundtrack of Hamilton. Because, no matter the holiday or the country you lie in, there's something for everyone in this musical.
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papergirllife · 2 years
Liu Yang Yang
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Yandere! Fanboy Yang Yang x Idol! Reader
‘He was the fanboy at the front of the show, but he’s not satisfied’
warnings: stalking, threats towards someone (not mc), unprotected sex, knife play, cream pie, yandere obsessive behaviour, morally grey characters, etc.
word count: 11k
Your tired eyes were still fighting the sleepiness behind your lids as you read the comments on the side of the screen, your fans using this opportunity to appreciate your face up close, no make up on and only a single study lamp on, but still your complexion was almost flawless, well, to Yang Yang and some of the fellow fans that love you just as much anyways.
“Thank you everyone who spent their precious time with me, it’s been a hectic time lately, and I think you guys have some really accurate speculations behind the reason why,” you said with a cute wink to the camera of your new desktop, the same one Yang Yang gifted you, “and lastly, I’d like to thank MienYang, my fansite for gifting me this new monitor, you really didn’t have to, my old one only had slight glitches,” you said, to which Yang Yang remembers, flashing back to the last live you did with your old monitor, the camera quality was shit, “and I hope the rest of you have a good night’s rest, fighting for tomorrow! Bye!” you said, ending your live.
Yang Yang sits back in his leather chair, releasing a content sigh, he always feels all his stress of the day seep out of his body whenever he’s watched your lives, it was even better than therapy, not that he’ll ever tell his therapist this.
Yang Yang likes to call himself your biggest fan, although he’s new considered the fact that your group isn’t, he likes to think that he found you at the perfect time when he needed you.
Yang Yang is the head of his father’s electronics company here in Seoul, his company produces chips and motherboards for big brands that are much too lazy to make and manage their own factories anymore, which would explain the expansion to here in South Korea after sealing a deal with the biggest mobile brand here, it was a tough time for him, adjusting to a new environment with only the basics of the foreign language he had crammed into his head as per his father’s orders.
He was so stressed about the business that one day he randomly passed by this stadium with resellers outside selling tickets for more than two times the price, he couldn’t give a flying fuck at first, but when he heard the last minute rehearsal going on from behind the walls, he impulsively bought a ticket, his excuse being that he heard a voice that sounded like an angel, and so he bought the front row seats to the concert, Yang Yang only knows of the older groups from his teenage years, so he thought of this as an impulsive purchase and nothing more to destress, but when he laid eyes on the face of the owner, he knew he was in for another fan experience he had went through for exo.
You were angelic in the opening song, an upbeat cheerful song performed by your group to hype up the atmosphere, but a few songs later, the concept started to change, to a mysterious and somewhat sexy one, he didn’t know your group was so versatile, and needless to say, you shined the most, with your hooded eyes and occasional lip bites accompanied by the teasing rolls of your hips to the choreography, Yang Yang knew he had to have you no matter the price.
And so he let himself fall into the rabbit hole of you, researching about your entire background, where you’re from, your hobbies, your favourite food, your favourite colour, name it, he knows, even your weight and blood type.
None of his employees or his father’s lackies know about this obsession of his, of course, god forbid his father knowing, he’d be shipped back to Germany piece by piece.
Yang Yang, to mask his identity, adorns in all black attire whenever he follows you to your schedules in his identity of your new fansite, he never stalked you, Yang Yang has a company to manage, he only follows you to official schedules, like music shows and sometimes award shows, he has to keep up with the image of a fansite, just to send you gifts, yes he’s sent you tons of gifts, from the latest Prada bag you have, down to the mouse on your desk he just saw, all under the name of MienYang, which is a ring to the animal you resemble, a sheep, which came about after you had gone viral for wearing an oversized white knitted sweater, and Mien is noodles in his native language, for your love for ramyeon, see? He knows every single meticulous detail.
Yang Yang was content with being a silent fan at first, thinking maybe he was a bit too obsessive in the midst of his whirlwind parasocial romance, but he brushes the thought aside, no one can treat you the way you truly deserve, and definitely not the shitty company you’re signed under.
At first it was just the innocent act, or not so innocent, of being roped into a sasaeng group chat that trades info about your group’s schedule like his peers did with bitcoins and nfts, Yang Yang didn’t want anything to do with it at first, but when he saw these sasaengs having ‘dirt’ on some of your members for dating, he had to ask, just a harmless question of whether you were secretly seeing anyone. Yang Yang was bracing for the worst if he was honest, but to his surprise, the group chat blew up with a slew of messages about your love life, or lack there of.
‘She’s a hermit, the only thing she does is sneak out for late night convenience store runs near her dorm.’
‘I used to follow her when she was my bias, but she was so boring that she doesn’t even leave her dorms unless it’s for shopping.’
‘I don’t think she’s ever stepped foot in a club, not even a pub....’
Now this was interesting, the user who had commented on how you went out for convenience stores late at night had messaged him privately, saying that he could sell him more info if he wants, but with a price, and did Yang Yang say yes? You bet his ass he did.
He had met up with the guy at a cafe at a less busy hour to ‘discuss’.
“As we had agreed upon, 100k won per question,” the guy said, his appearance was a mess, he probably followed you last night too, to get more out of this, he did this for a living, he has to go all out.
“First question, is it true that she’s single and holes up in her dorm all the time?” Yang Yang asked.
“That’s two questions, yes, and as a bonus, she’s only had a brief 3 months relationship before moving to Korea, but I think most fans know this by now, and to answer your second question, yes that’s true, she’s very much a hermit, goes to work and then comes home straight, that’s 200k pretty boy, anymore questions?” the guy says before taking a sip of his iced americano, paid for by Yang Yang of course, and before Yang Yang could do some logical thinking, he blurted out the question that has been relaying in his mind over and over again.
“I want her address, you have it don’t you?” Yang Yang asked, he swore this would be the last thing he asks for today, he doesn’t want to invade too much of your privacy, just enough to satisfy his thirst for you.
“Now that’s another price,” the man leaned back with a smug smile on his ugly face.
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Yang Yang hasn’t ever spent one million won purely on information, not even in the industry he’s in.
Yang Yang finds himself in your dorm’s neighbourhood, but there’s three convenience stores in the area, he wonders if you prefer cu or emart, he’s currently in cu, it’s less flashy and smaller in size, if he was an idol, he’d definitely pick this one.
He’s not in the store yet, waiting in the car, with his phone to zoom in whenever he sees a female figure coming through his vicinity, but none of them were you, all of them had their hoods down, so they’re definitely not you, Yang Yang would recognise your face even if he lost all memory of who he was himself.
It was until when he saw a familiar phone case in a hooded figure’s delicate hands, then he knew, he recognises your new case, the one with fake gummy bears at the back.
Yang Yang immediately springs out of his car, slamming the door shut before quickly jogging inside the convenience store, his body slacks in comfort of the heating but his focus heightens, trying to see where you were.
That’s when he sees you, crouched in the corner, a hand on your knee, contemplating which ramyeon to get, Yang Yang has to stop himself from cooing at the cute sight. Yang Yang makes himself look busy by picking through what ramyeon he wants, as an excuse to execute the plan he’s formulated for almost a week.
When you stood up to pay, he quickly grabs the one he had decided on since he had laid eyes on the selections, he was just waiting for you, he went up to pay first when he sees you making a beeline for the cashier.
He ‘tries’ to pay with his kaokaopay, the keyword ‘tries’ because he knows there’s no credit in that e wallet anymore, and did he purposely forget his wallet? Of course he did.
“Damn it, I forgot to top up and my wallet’s left at home,” Yang Yang curses to himself, but loud enough to let you pick it up.
“No worries, I’ll pay,” you say, thrusting your phone to the scanner, flashing him a kind smile that shows on your eyes, your beautiful lips hidden by the mask you had adorned to conceal your identity.
“Thank you so much,” Yang Yang says with a polite bow, “Is there a way I could pay you back?” Yang Yang asks, taking your items to the instant ramyeon station, opening your packet and his to fill up the plastic bowls with hot water.
“Maybe you could pay for my noodles the next time we see each other here,” you suggested, taking your bowl of ramyeon, walking to an empty table, away from the windows.
“Deal,” Yang Yang agreed, taking a seat across you, “I’m new to this country, so I don’t know many people, it’d be nice to have a face to be familiarise with, are you a foreigner too?” Yang Yang pried, as if he didn’t know the answers to those basic questions.
“Yup! But I’ve been here for a few years now, it’s really hard at first, the difference of culture and language really sets us foreigners aside, doesn’t it?” you ask, of course, you might be wrong, some people adapt really well to the local culture, Seoul is easier than other smaller cities according to your seniors.
“Yeah, I’m here cuz my company transferred me here, it was really a bummer at first, what about you? Career reasons too, I guess?” Yang Yang easily strikes up a conversation, he’s very much an introvert, but around the people he clicks with? It’s like a breeze for him, and to him, you and him are two missing puzzle pieces waiting to be pieced together.
“Yeah, do I look too old to be a college student?” you asked jokingly, this is a nice change, the feeling of being a stranger to someone again, maybe meeting, wait, you haven’t caught his name.
“No, but you don’t have a bag with you to study, and most college kids will bring their food back home to eat while studying, you seem to have more time on your hands than a college kid, so I just assumed, unless you are?”
“Nope,” you said, finishing your noodles, you peered over to his, almost empty too, “but you look a bit young to be transferred over so quickly,” you commented.
“Yeah, it’s my uncle’s business, and he wanted some help, I didn’t have any plans after graduation, so I had to take up the offer, or my dad would have my head,” another lie, but this is how he has to do if he wants to be your friend, and to his greediness, something more even.
“Wow, your family must have really high hopes for you,” you complimented, picking up after yourselves, you’re going to leave soon, you still have afternoon practice tomorrow, and you don’t want to go into the company looking like a zombie.
“I guess, I’ll see you soon...
You give him your name while he holds the door open for you, he seems to be such a gentleman, a rare sight these days.
“Yang Yang, it’s a pleasure meeting you, get home soon, even from a newbie, I could tell Seoul isn’t the safest,” he said, looking back at you to see that you covered your head with your hoodie and your face with a mask once again.
“You too, till we meet again, Yang Yang,” you said, walking to the direction of your dorms.
Yang Yang watches you from afar before deciding to follow you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he found out you were attacked, and so he keeps a distance with your figure, up until you stepped into your dorm’s compounds, and now he can go back home for a peaceful sleep, knowing that you’re safe.
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Yang Yang had made the effort, given if his schedule and job allowed, to go to that same convenience store every night, and 50% of the time, he’d bump into you, he’d brush it off as a coincidence, citing that he lives very nearby, and of course you never doubted him, it was an almost 100% housing area anyways, and you did meet him in this very same convenience store many nights ago, and so the two of you became friends.
You never really talked about your life, you had lied that you were just a girl fresh out of college being pushed into the corporate world like a fish into a tank of sharks, which wasn’t all that false, instead of saying your managers and staff were rude to you, you’d change it to your seniors at your office, just a small white lie.
Yang Yang wasn’t mad in the slightest of course, if you had revealed your identity to him, you probably wouldn’t have made friends with him or even talk to him if he had made himself known to have recognised you that very first night.
Yang Yang had spun a web of lies upon lies just to make you happy, not like you didn’t contribute into any of the web making, but Yang Yang really tries to make himself as honest as he could be, like how he had recently moved out of his penthouse in Gangnam to live in this very neighbourhood he had claimed he had lived in since day 1, he doesn’t like lying to you, but if lying is what’s keeping you here beside him, he’d take it.
“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers? Then we don’t need to limit our conversations in this convenience store, and we can even text each other to see if we’re coming here,” you suggested, handing over your unlocked phone for him to key in his number, an unlocked phone, an idol’s greatest fear, but here you were, entrusting your whole career in his hands.
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The early signs of autumn crept up to you in the form of a chilly breeze tonight after having yet another late night convenience store run with Yang Yang, you were walking a little bit further behind to avoid the chances of someone recognising you in your neighbourhood and exposing Yang Yang’s identity, which is why you heard the telltale signs of shuffling of footsteps.
You quickly looked back to see who it was, and the sight nearly made you shit your pants, it was a tall burly man who was wearing a cap even though it’s completely dark out, you’ve been told that sasaengs are often identified through this sort of attire during this timing because rarely anyone wears a cap at night in Seoul unless they’re fellow celebrities, and the keychain of your group’s logo hanging by the side of his fanny pack tells you otherwise.
You quickly dragged Yang Yang into an alley when the two of you rounded a familiar cornering.
“There’s someone following me, we need to run and hide,” you said to a very confused looking Yang Yang, obvious distress in the tone of your voice.
Yang Yang heeds to your warning immediately, pulling you to hide behind a row of large recycling bins, hands holding onto yours when he sees how panic stricken you looked.
After a few minutes, Yang Yang gets up to check if the coast was clear, telling you to stand up when he confirmed no one was following you anymore.
“Why was that guy following you? Do you owe loan sharks money or something?” Yang Yang asked, acting oblivious.
“No...Yang, there’s something I need to tell you, about my identity, please don’t be mad that I’ve been lying to you, I just thought it’d be easier that way, I never thought something like this would happen. The man who was following us is probably one of my fans, and he was probably dangerous because he didn’t carry any camera or had his phone out, those are the obvious signs of a crazy sasaeng, what I’m trying to say is that....I’m an idol of a quite famous group in kpop, I’m sorry I lied about my job, I just wanted a genuine friend who won’t care how famous I am, I just didn’t expect I’d put you into this sort of danger without your permission, and I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, I know there’s risks to being an idol’s-
“Don’t, I’m glad to be your friend, so don’t ever say that, and imagine if I wasn’t here tonight, he might’ve gotten to you and god knows what he’ll do to you, so don’t apologise, I’m happy to be by your side,” Yang Yang said after he had pulled you in for a hug, his presence and touch comforting you and your running mind, “how about I walk you home instead of saying goodbye at the intersection?” Yang Yang asked, to which you nodded enthusiastically, grateful to have met someone as caring and as accepting as Yang Yang.
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As time has passed, that night’s events never left your mind, both in a bad light and a good one because that act of Yang Yang ushering you to safety had etched in your mind permanently, the scene unfolding itself whenever you zone out because to you, that was your very own kdrama moment, Yang Yang being your knight in shining armour and you being the damsel in distress.
Though it might be a hard pill to swallow in everyone else’s eyes that it was all an act, one that Yang Yang had planned it meticulously with a hefty sum of money, hiring the actor who played your ‘stalker’, and on top of that, paying for his non-disclosure agreement. Yang Yang needed you to fall for him, and through your old interviews of the dramas you were watching, he had grown to know what man you would fall for, and most of those dramas had a scene of the female lead being saved, most of the time you’d watch thriller dramas, which would explain why.
Yang Yang knows what he did was wrong, that he had scared you that night, but to him, this was some sort of warning, to let you know that even if it wasn’t him, there’s a huge possibility of you encountering crazy fans like this, he wants you to depend on him for safety, just the two of you now, having one of your convenience store runs again, but instead of just some random meet up, now he can call these dates, the two of you now have your impromptu suppers at another convenience store, you feared that the crazy fan would come back to get you after an unsuccessful attempt that night, Yang Yang even suggested to drive out to the next neighbourhood, which you’re very much grateful for.
Dating Yang Yang was a skeptical decision on your end, having to dodge your members as well as your managers was hard, you had trained your face not to smile as well as switching apps at 0.1 seconds whenever someone tries looking over your shoulder to see who you were texting, but Yang Yang makes you immensely happy in this lonely career of yours.
Speaking of which, you had asked Yang Yang out for ramyeon after you saw a notice of one of your most loyal fansites, MienYang, closing down.
“Why did they close it, babe? I thought you said they were relatively new to your fandom,” Yang Yang asks, as if he doesn’t know.
“I checked their twitter, apparently they’re leaving overseas for university, so they can’t go to my official schedules and stuff anymore,” you say, a pout unknowingly making its way on your lips, “they’re one of the non-sasaeng fansites, it’s sad to see someone who respects me as a person and as an idol go, you know?” you said, thinking aloud mostly, of course you love all the other non-sasaeng fansites, but MienYang has always gifted you sentimental gifts, like food trucks of your favourite snacks whenever there’s some sort of filming or official schedule, even flowers of your favourite kind, and not to mention your entire monitor set up in your dorm only after one mindless complaint you made about the processor that one time on live.
“Hey, don’t be too upset about it, I’m sure they’re still supporting you by other means wherever they are on the globe, think of it on a brighter side, they got in the university they wanted, isn’t that something worth being happy for? Your dearest fan having an education for themselves?” Yang Yang comforts you, reaching a hand over to grasp yours, smiling at you across the table, his eyes pleading for you to cheer up, he never likes seeing you upset.
“Yeah, of course I am, I think I just have attachment issues when it comes to my fans, especially if I knew they were dedicating their free time and even their wealth at a time like this, I’m grateful for all of them, no matter how much money they’d spent, but to know that this fansite spent their hard earned money on me was just... I’m just really grateful, you know? It’s not about the money, but the hard work behind every one of their gifts and events, sorry, I’m rambling and I sound a bit too deserving at the moment, but I just wish I could do more for them, to repay what they had gifted me over the course of this period,” you said, eyes staring mindlessly at the cup of banana milk in front of you, “It’s a crazy thought but I sometimes wish I could clone more of me so every single fan out there would have a chance to meet me, sometimes I see posts of fans span across the globe saying they were dying to meet me, their yearning breaks my heart, I just want to bring joy to their life.”
“So that’s why you do lives so often,” Yang Yang notes, you truly are an angel, you didn’t need to put up the act of a kind hearted idol in front of him, you know he as a boyfriend, would never judge you for purely treating this idol thing as a career, but you’re not like that, you really have a golden heart.
“Yeah, sometimes I’m scared I annoy them, I turn on lives when I’m eating alone, during practice breaks, when I’m bored at night, I wonder if they think I do it too often,” you said with a chuckle, recounting the many times where your fans had suggested you to just open a mukbang channel.
“Nah, it’s cute to see you eat, sometimes I tune in if I was having lunch alone in the office too,” Yang Yang said with a tilt of his head, eyes darting to the ice cream fridge, a bit shy about confessing that this.
“You do??? Oh god, I look cringe, don’t I?” you said before breaking out a nervous laugh, not finding it weird that your boyfriend would just randomly drop in on your lives.
“Nah, you’re definitely mukbang material, I feel full even by just watching you eat, that’s a charm not many have, most idols just try to act overly cute when they eat, now that’s cringe,” Yang Yang said, reassuring you, it was the truth though, “it is in fact a joy to see you eat, and I bet your other fans agree too,” if the amount of times you trended on twitter for eating wasn’t enough of an evidence.
“You’re just saying that cuz you’re my boyfriend, Yang,” you said before finishing up your banana milk, starting to clean up the trash of containers and plastic utensil wrappers, you were always the responsible one, whenever your group mates leave a group live or some recorded programme to do something else, you’d always stay back to help the staff clean up, just like how you are now, and so Yang Yang stops you, taking the remaining trash from your hands and cleans the rest of it, not much of it left of course, you’re always a quick one.
“Yup, I’m your boyfriend, so would you please stop picking up after ourselves? Let me do it, you had a long day,” Yang Yang chides before retreating to the dustbin, carefully sorting whatever that could be recycled into their respective bins, he doesn’t want to get an earful from you.
“Thank you,” you said, meeting him at the door that he was holding open for you, “you always treat me like a princess,” you said, cheeks heating up at the realisation.
“Because you are my princess, now let’s fetch you back to your dorms before my car turns into a pumpkin Cinderella,” Yang Yang jokes, opening the passenger door for you.
“It’s already 1 a.m., Yang!”
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The man hits the wall beside the big household rubbish bin with a loud thud, the sound of the back of skull coming into the brick isn’t pretty one, but it’s a beautiful melody in Yang Yang’s ears, a menacing smile appears under the thick layer of his medical mask, to conceal his identity of course.
“Are you crazy, you bastard?!” that shitbag of stalker of yours spits out, a hand holding the back of head, his facial features constricting in pain, “like you’re not a sasaeng too! You fucking hypocrite!”
Yang Yang pulls out a switch blade from the back of his pocket, releasing the sharp end, he chokes the man to keep him vulnerable under his control, knife coming dangerously close to the spot where he punched the man, he wonders how it’d look to cut open a swollen bruise.
“I’m protecting her from fuckers like you! Do you see me carrying a huge ass camera, walking around broadcasting her whole life on the internet?!” Yang Yang retorts, his fingers closing dangerously around his jugular, “if I see you again, you won’t be leaving without a scratch, you hear me?” Yang Yang warns, the knife he holds coming close to the eye of the scumbag, he’ll take his eye out as a third warning if he catches him lurking around again.
“Yes, I hear you! I’m sorry, just please let me go! I swear I’ll never stalk her ever again!” the man tried his best to look apologetic and bow his head down as far as the hand constricting allows him.
Yang Yang frees him from his grip, eyes watching him scram, tail tucked between his two legs, Yang Yang breathes a sigh of relief, this is probably the last of them, he’s still in the group chat and he knows what they say about him, the crazy sasaeng, the group chats he’s in has warn the members of your sasaengs about him, dubbed as the craziest fan you’ve ever had to date, and Yang Yang is more than proud to have this title.
He folds back the knife into the safety of his jacket and pulls out his phone, pressing onto your contact that’s on his speed dial.
“Hey babe, I’m done with work and I’m in your area, are you still in the convenience store? How about you sleep over my place? I haven’t spent much time with you these days,” Yang Yang says with a borderline aegyo voice that he knows gets you to budge every single time.
“Okay, okay, do you want me to get you anything though? They still have chicken katsu today, let me ask if it’s from tonight or this afternoon,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Thank you, baby, take your time, I’ll be waiting in my car outside the store,” Yang Yang said before hanging up, he can’t wait to see you.
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“The worker didn’t lie right? It looks fresh,” you commented as you watch Yang Yang eat in earnest, he always acts like that when he eats, and the idiot always says it’s only because of you, and that even a walnut would feel like a full meal if he’s eating it in your presence.
“Yeah, it’s fresh, you want a bite?” Yang Yang asks, offering you his chicken.
“No, I had chicken in the company today, I would’ve cooked you noodles if the chicken turned out to be from the afternoon, you’ve been working late so often these days,” you said while brushing his bangs out of his eyes to get a better look at the eyebags under his pretty doe eyes.
“It’s okay, just training some new people up, then I’ll have more time for you in the future, and it’s better to plan ahead, I want to have a secure future for you, you can have fun performing without financial worries when you become more of a senior, do what you want to do, what you don’t get enough time to do now, what you didn’t get to experience as a trainee, that’s my end goal,” Yang Yang said, his heart jumping in jitters, this isn’t the first time the two of you have expressed the desire to be together forever, the first time this topic came up, you were talking about how Yang Yang’s room might not have enough closet space for your coats in the future.
“Yang, I never dated you with the expectation of you providing for me, not that I’m against it, but I know you have wishes too-
“I had a really fulfilling childhood, trust me, and I’m having lots of fun in my 20s now, but you’re always working so hard, and I know you enjoy most of it, but there’s so much you haven’t done, and this is my wish too, to make you the happiest person in my life,” Yang Yang said in all sincerity, the silly and carefree Yang Yang you’ve grown to know has disappeared now, leaving him vulnerable, baring his soul in front of you.
“Thank you, Yang Yang, I love you,” you said, tackling to the corner of the couch, he almost lost his grip on his chicken, but he’d sacrifice chicken katsu for your hugs any day.
“I love you too, you sappy idiot, you go wash up first, I’ll join you after you leave me in peace to finish my food,” Yang Yang says before he takes a huge bite of said chicken, a hand nudging you softly to the direction of his bedroom.
“Okay, be quick though,” you said, leaving for his room, and Yang Yang to his own train of thoughts.
When Yang Yang first dived into being your fan, he noticed how you’d always tuck yourself in the corner, not very interactive in group contents, especially in your rookie days, but slowly, you settled into the idea of being a public figure, you realised your shy personality had garnered a decent amount of fans that, ‘idol standards wise’, you needed to start engaging with your fans in a solo manner to actually build up your career, at first you were a bit closed off, and not really knowing what to talk to the fans about, but slowly, you started opening up about yourself, and now being in a relationship with Yang Yang, a comfortable validation of your personality now exists in your mind, and needless to say, whatever reason it maybe, your fans are happy that you’re flourishing and now your fan base is growing at a fast pace, Yang Yang is happy for you, even if he needs to tell people to scram every other night, but it’s slowly trickling down to one every few weeks, only a dumbass once in a blue moon dares to challenge him nowadays.
Yang Yang sighs to himself, a mix of emotions, relief, love, and maybe a hint of pride, and comfort knowing that on screen you and off screen you aren’t all that different, you’re only extroverted around him and your members, sometimes he worries that you don’t have enough friends, but Yang Yang isn’t all that much better, only a handful of close friends back in his student days in Germany, maybe he should visit them soon, but he worries for your safety if he’s gone.
“Hey, you done, babe?” you ask, walking out, spotting the oily paper bag discarded on the coffee table.
“Yup, go wait for me on the bed, rest your legs, you must’ve had a long day of practice,” Yang Yang chides, heading into the ensuite bathroom to wash up.
“Nah, it was mostly vocals today, and don’t worry, I drank honey, just as you told me,” you added when you saw Yang Yang looking at you expectantly, satisfaction blooming in your chest when you see Yang Yang nodding proudly, tooth paste foam and the brush sticking out of his mouth comically, you could wake up and go to bed with this sight.
When Yang Yang finally joins you, you wrap your limbs around his lean body, sighing in comfort at the warmth his body provides, he’s always felt like a walking human heater to you.
“What’s with the sudden burst of affection?” Yang Yang teases.
“Nothing, just missed you,” you mumbled into his chest, inhaling the comforting scent of his laundry detergent, “I’ll wait for you in bed,” you mumbled before walking away.
Yang Yang’s shoulders sag in relief, the thought of cuddling you to bed immediately relieving him of the stress he had felt from the whole day.
Yang Yang lets himself under the blanket, greeted by your arms around him,  you had always loved spooning him, out of habit from all the big plushie you had always cuddled to sleep, you can’t go to bed without hugging something, Yang Yang lacks the softness you’re used to, but the warmth he provides is just as comforting.
Although the thought of falling asleep right now is more than tempting, you think it’s time to take the next step in your relationship, and as an adult as a whole.
“Hey Yang, do you ever think about like taking our relationship to the next stage?” you ask mindlessly, you might not get anything out of this, it’s been a long day for your hardworking boyfriend, and you understand, there are somedays where you don’t wanna do anything after work either.
“What do you mean? Like marriage? If so then no take backs cuz I’m in this shit for life, babe,” Yang Yang jokes, tickling at your sides, his touches with you are always innocent, there’s no need to rush, especially after hearing what you just said.
“No, Yang, I meant like, you know, physical affection?” you say as your eyes dart away from his searching ones, ever the observing boyfriend, he always wants to read your emotions through the windows of your soul, something he picked up from his mom growing up when he throws tantrums and she wants to understand his frustration.
“You want more kisses?” Yang Yang asks, apology on the tip of his tongue, he must’ve been so busy these few weeks that you feel neglected.
“No, no, like,” you’re running out of words and you’d bite your own tongue before saying the word sex in front of your boyfriend who’s had a few girlfriends, but you’re desperate to see what he feels about this, so you take his wrist into your hands, placing his palm on your breast.
It was merely flesh biology wise, and that’s how Yang Yang felt about it with his exes, he’s always been much more of an ass guy, but this slight touch, he felt electric shocks going up his back before he came to his senses and pulled his hand away, as if he was burnt by your touch.
“Baby...” Yang Yang trails off, his sentences not forming, he swears that one touch permanently fried parts of his brain, but you take his hesitance as rejection, which sends Yang Yang into a worried frenzy, that’s definitely not what he meant.
“No, baby, I’m not opposed to what you’re proposing, but are you sure you’re ready? This is a huge step for you, isn’t it? I want you to think this through and not have any regrets,” Yang Yang explains, his tone so reassuring, apologetic even.
“I’m sure, Yang, we’ve been together for almost a year, and you’ve always been the best to me, taking care of me, making sure I have my meals, putting up with my hectic schedule without any complaints, then I realised, I really want to feel your love in a physical form, humans are curious creatures, I want all of you, to bask in your love,” you said with so much sincerity it might make Yang Yang cry if you don’t stop with your beautiful words, which is so ironic because most of the times he’s pictured engaging in sex with you, most times the scenarios in his head are so fucking filthy, and here you are, proposing to make love, and suddenly all those desires disappear from his forefront, if making love is what you want, then what’s he’ll give you.
Yang Yang cages you between his body and his bed, a smile that holds several emotions casting through his pupils, lust, mischief, love, adoration, he’s definitely going haywire with these strong emotions.
Yang Yang grows hard in his jeans when he felt your eager hands explore his body, until your knuckles knock against something hard in his jacket’s pocket, Yang Yang freezes up, brain going on overdrive to find every possible excuse and decipher which is the best to use.
“Yang, why do you have-
Your agile fingers press the button, the swish of a knife molding a new type of tension between the two of you.
“Babe, be careful with that,” Yang Yang chides, slowly prying the knife out of your hands to put it at the farthest corner of his nightstand, “I started carrying a switch blade after that time when we bumped into your sasaeng, just in case I need to protect you,” Yang Yang said, another white lie, it wasn’t a complete lie, this thing is used to ward off your sasaengs, just in a more proactive manner, and morally grey of course.
“Yangie..” you cooed, “that’s so sweet, thank you for trying to protect me, but most of my sasaeng fans have stopped pursuing me,” you said, not one hint of disgust on your face, maybe you just think he’s using it as a prop to ward off fans that get aggressive physically.
“Of course, got to be the best boyfriend amongst all your peers, you know, got to make my girl, proud,” Yang Yang trails on, his worry quickly dissipating from his mind.
“I’m sure everyone would be jealous of me for having a boyfriend like you, Yang,” you said before kissing him, your hands continuing their journey, you’re getting a bit rushed, stripping Yang Yang of his jacket and trailing your hands up his toned stomach, your eyes glazed when you realised Yang Yang is hiding a set off abs underneath his baggy sweaters.
“Wow, wait, hold on a sec, baby, you’re going so fast,” Yang Yang said, exasperated at the pace you’re setting, swiftly pulling your hands down from his shirt.
“I thought you wanted to make love, baby, making love is slow-
“I don’t think I want that anymore, Yang, I’ve been waiting for this for too long, aren’t you impatient to touch me too?” you asked with those puppy eyes of yours, and who is Yang Yang to deny you, he’s a man after all.
Yang Yang quickly strips off his shirt to let you know that he is impatient for your touch, he’s waited since the day he saw your concert, he’s been waiting for so long, training his endurance towards your little touches, but your one look is pushing him past his limits, your bedroom eyes are Yang Yang’s weakness, the first time he’s seen them when you were performing had him hooked, he knew you weren’t innocent, but he hadn’t known you were a virgin, that’s just even sexier of you, to value yourself so highly, yet so shy at times, this is what he calls duality.
Yang Yang throws his shirt off to somewhere, eager to please you, but a certain metallic sound caught his attention, his eyes spy that the switch blade wasn’t that far away anymore, must be the drag of his shirt, so he moves away to retrieve it, opening the drawer, planning to just chuck the thing in, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but before he could let go of the blade, your delicate fingers wrap around his wrist.
“Yang, could we try something with the knife? I read something in one of my romance books once and I always wanted to recreate it with you,” you said timidly, but eyes full of lust, and Yang Yang swears his dick just twitched hearing you say those words.
“You know, babe, usually people bring up knife kink after their first time, hell, not even a second time,” Yang Yang says before chuckling to himself, he never thought tonight would turn out this way.
“Well, I don’t want my first time to be boring like other people, I want it to be like that mafia love story I just finished, come on, it’ll be fun, I mean it looked fun....in my head,” you were trailing off, bashful, is how you would describe this moment’s feelings.
“Okay, okay, no more laughing and joking then, let me get my head in the game, I need to exceed your expectations,” Yang Yang said with one last cheeky smile on his face before turning serious, “so I need you to stop laughing and feeling embarrassed too, okay? And let me know if you want to stop, since you read so much, I’m sure you know of the traffic light system.”
You nod your head, immediately feeling submissive under Yang Yang’s dominant gaze and switch of a tone.
Yang Yang unsheathes the blade by pressing onto the button, the shiny knife once again captures your attention, you could feel your panties sticking to your core.
“I need you to hold still, baby, can I ruin your clothes?” Yang Yang asks, he doesn’t want to trigger any sort of bad reaction from you.
“Yeah, go ahead, as long as you don’t miss them,” you reminded him, it’s his shirt after all.
Yang Yang nods in understanding, eyes hyperfocused on the blade, he traces the curve of your bottom lip with it, careful to not apply too much pressure, he’d never let you bleed, Yang Yang would never hurt what he most cherishes, so he tests the blade on your lips first, knowing that it hurts a lot less to have an accidental cut there than on actual skin, he’d know from all those years of shaving in a rush before classes, once he gets a hold of how much pressure to use, he moves on, trailing the blade down your jaw, to the juncture of your neck, the expanse of untainted skin tempting him to mark you up, but he knows he can’t, he wouldn’t put your job on the line, and so he lingers a bit longer on your neck, tracing a Y on your neck to make up for the fact that he can’t actually mark it.
When you felt the tracing of his initials, you feel a shudder run down your spine, you have always been attracted to Yang Yang’s subtle possessiveness, and the fact that he’s also like this in bed is such a turn on to you, you swear your panties are far beyond ruined at this point, which makes you wonder if he’s going to cut those too.
Your trail of thought was cut short when Yang Yang suddenly speeds up the process, bunching your shirt up, he cuts through the fabric with the blade, the the sound of shearing cotton amplifying the tingles in your core, an unconscious moan of his name leaves your lips, drawing Yang Yang’s attention away from your bosoms to your face, he wonders if you’d fall into subspace, he’s not against it, but it’s best that you don’t, this is your first time after all, so he sets the blade aside at a far corner of his nightstand once more, he’d get back to that once he anchors you back to him.
"Are you still with me, baby? Can I have a colour?" Yang Yang asks, his hands grasping your face gently, doe eyes staring into yours, trying to decipher which state of mind you're in.
"Green, I'm okay, don't worry," you say after a bit, slightly dazed by the display of carnal lust from your lover.
"Can I continue, baby?" He just needs to hear your consent, even though it's quite obvious that the gleam in your eyes are of yearning.
Yang Yang takes your consent as green light to show your breasts the attention they deserve, showering them in kisses before venturing into playful licks of your nipple while his other hand tries its best to mimic his mouth's ministrations, sending pleasurable shocks southwards, you would've been worried about ruining his sheets if Yang Yang wasn't such a distraction.
Just as you grew used to the feeling of his kitten licks, Yang Yang switches up the tempo, he now moves to your other breast, but instead of the gentle kisses, you are welcomed by light painless nicks, you whimper at the contact of his teeth, you divert your eyes to your lover, when Yang Yang sees your eyes on him, he proceeds to bite onto your nipple, pulling at it slightly before letting go.
"Fuck," you muttered, eyes shutting at the thrilling feeling of having your nipples played this way, you've never predicted Yang Yang to be like this in bed, and needless to say, you love this surprising side of him.
"Naughty girl, didn't think you'd enjoy that this much," Yang Yang said with a light spank to your inner thigh, making your legs jolt up at the sensitivity, god this man is going to drive you mad if he doesn't hurry up and fuck you.
"Please Yang, I need you to do more, I need you inside me," you begged, your pride's left your body completely.
"Since you begged so nicely, baby," Yang Yang said with a hum, contemplating of what to do next.
When Yang Yang pulls away, you whine at the loss of his warmth and familiar weight of his torso on your body.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave you hanging, baby," Yang Yang said before returning to your side with the blade, "but there's something in my way from your sweet pussy, baby," Yang Yang said with a mischievous smile before you hear the sound of shredding fabric once more, a gust of wind immediately hits your drenched core, you swear you feel goosebumps arise, "there, all better," Yang Yang says before diving in like a starved man, his fingers spreading your folds apart to show your clit the same amount of attention and care he gave to your breasts.
Your back arches at the onward assault on your most sensitive bundle of nerves, Yang Yang really knows how to use his mouth, which makes you wonder how long he's wanted to do this.
When he's deemed you more than wet, he dips a finger into your core, slowly moving it around, trying to grasp your reactions, at a particular angle, you gasp at the particularly sensitive spot.
Yang Yang lets you adjust to the feeling of having one finger before he slips in another, giddily watching the way you swallow up his fingers almost effortlessly, a boost to his ego, but of course, your safety and pleasure comes first.
But soon, you're getting impatient, you nudge Yang Yang with a knee when he was too distracted by the meal in front of him, you don't blame him for not hearing you when he has his mouth and fingers busy, you think he even added a third, but that doesn't matter to you, because you really need him to hurry up before you go insane.
"Yang Yang, please, I need you to be inside me, you prepped me for so long, it should be your turn now, let me feel all of you, please...
Something in Yang Yang snaps when he hears the desperation in your words, a realisation at the fact that you really need him, now.
"I'm sorry baby, just wanted to make sure you're ready for me," Yang Yang says as he strips down to nothing, baring his beautiful body to you, your eyes immediately drop to the part between his legs, of course he's well endowed, Yang Yang is perfect in your eyes.
"My eyes are up here, baby," Yang Yang says with a playful chuckle before kissing your temple.
"Sorry, it's just that, my boyfriend's really sexy, you know," you say, joining his playful banter.
"Glad that you think so, my sexy girlfriend," Yang Yang says before he takes your hand into his, linking your fingers together.
"Are you really ready, baby? It's never too late to back out," Yang Yang reminds you.
"Nope, not backing out," you reassured him.
"Okay... Then as a reminder, I'm going to repeat this once more, if any point, and I mean any point, that you do not wish to continue, just say red, and I'll immediately stop and pull out, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed, your chest filled with an immense amount of love and pride over the man you call your lover, being ever the gentlemen towards you.
"I love you," you said, because it just felt right.
"I love you too, but no more confessions or I'm going to feel too sappy to do this, baby," Yang Yang says before putting a serious face back on, he needs to focus on making you feel good tonight.
"You're adapting far quicker than I thought you would," Yang Yang says with a playful snicker. "Stop teasing and just keep going, Yang," you say, your hands covering your face, you could feel the blood rush into your cheeks, just like the arousal between your legs. "You're so fucking cute," Yang Yang muses, "but I want to hear a please, be my good girl for me," Yang Yang wanting to coaxe out of you. "Please." That one word has Yang Yang reaching for the knife again, his eyes locking into your drenched panties, bunching up the material, he cuts the knife through it, the flimsy material ripped to shreds. "Yang!" you scold, but it came out as more a moan, you can't help it, you're so turned on by the sight of Yang Yang holding a knife in this manner, a sight that you thought you'd only see in your wildest dreams. "Don't worry, baby, I'll buy you new ones, as many as you want," Yang Yang promises, sealing the promise with a kiss to the hood of your core, making your legs shiver.  
You arch your hips into his touch, urging him to put his mouth on your core, Yang Yang obliges, enveloping your lower lips with his. The feeling of his tongue slowly sliding its way into you was a feeling you've never expected, it wasn't anything that your small toy collection was ever able to mimic, the way the rough surface of his tongue touches your sensitive walls would've made your legs shut if it wasn't for Yang Yang holding them open, his thumb mindlessly rubbing circles around your inner thigh, igniting all your senses, especially when you close your eyes when you near your release, your body convulses in pleasure, a mantra of please's and his name falling out of your lips in a hushed tone, slowly breaking out of your shy exterior, bit by bit, your voice grows louder, until the dams broke, a loud cry resonating through the bedroom.  
Meanwhile, Yang Yang eagerly slurps up all your sweet nectar, you pry your eyes open to not miss the scene, catching the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing, his eyes shut, concentrating on your taste on his tongue. When he's had his fill, he looks up from his spot from between your legs, a dazed smile on his face. "Hi," he says, so casual as if he just didn't give you a mind blowing orgasm with just his tongue and his fingers, "you still wanna continue? we can stop if you want-
But you break him off when you get up from your spot and kiss his lips, the taste of him on you was weird, but so fucking good. "Go ahead, Yang, please," you beg, remembering his words.  
"Okay, but you remember right? Anything you don't like, say red," Yang Yang's never been long winded, but with you? He'd go to all lengths. You nod, eyes locked onto his, you see the lust swimming in those orbs, but also weariness, you feel a sense of security settling in when you see how careful Yang Yang is. Yang Yang brushes your cheek with a thumb before he takes a hand to grasp himself, your eyes train to Yang Yang's hips, swallowing a lump down your throat when you see how big he is, not very long, but thicker than what you had imagined, Yang Yang positions his cock at your core, he slowly slides in, inch by inch, scanning your face for any sort of discomfort, there's bound to be some, as he sees your face all scrunched up, but he won't stop unless you said so, he doesn't want to spoil the mood, and chooses to trust your judgement. When he finally fills you to the brim, you let out a gasp when you feel the slight prickle of hair.  
You feel Yang Yang’s hands caressing your face, the other is situated at your clit, hoping that the constant stream of pleasure would be able to relieve the ache and slight burn between your legs, you knew it was inevitable, to not feel any pain at all would be unrealistic, and you appreciate Yang Yang for being patient and going beyond that to help ease the ache.
Once the slight sting fades away, you feel your walls starting to get wetter from the switch of stimulation from pain to pleasure.
“You can move now, Yang, it doesn’t hurt anymore,” you tell him, nearly not recognising your own voice as it’s dripped in eagerness for more.
“Okay, I’ll go slow, tell me when you want me to pick up the pace,” Yang Yang says before slipping part of his cock out to thrust back in, immediately you clench around him, the feeling so foreign, but most ideal, the way you felt every inch of him, you can only describe it as euphoric.
Yang Yang struggles not to cum, the way you clench around him feels so good, but he won’t be able to last long if you keep this up.
“I need you to unclench, baby, or II won’t be able to perform at my best for you, and relax, sex shouldn’t be rushed and have you on your nerves, it should be relaxing, let me show you, take care of you,” Yang Yang says before furrowing his eyebrows to continue moving his hips, angling his cock at the angle of your sensitive spot, and instantly, he feels your nails digging into his arm, a shriek of his name tumbling from your lips, the action catching his attention, the sight of your swollen lips enticing him, so he swallows up your moans as he quickens the pace, a hand slithering down slyly to your bundle of nerves, once again aiming for an onslaught attack of sweet pleasure that has you arching your back into Yang Yang’s hold succumbing you into a pleasure-filled mess, incoherent blabbers and moans filling his mind, Yang Yang catches a few words, big, deep, so good, and all of them do nothing but encourage him to bring you to the edge faster, snapping his hips onto yours, his thrusts beginning to deepen and slow down slightly, he’s only human after all, but he gives your clit a few light pinches in retaliation, a whimper sounds from you beneath him before he feels you falling apart around him.
You struggle to keep your eyes open as you were pushed over the edge, but you reminded yourself that you need to see Yang Yang falling apart for you, and so you beg, “want you to cum too, Yang, please,” you plead between whines and moans as he rides out your high for you, that sweet sweet voice of yours is what makes Yang Yang crumble, masking a moan by biting down on his lips, he lets go, filling up your core with his seed, not pulling out until he finishes, the tension leaving his body.
Yang Yang looked so beautiful when he reached his peak, you’ve always thought his Adam’s apple was sexy, but when he threw his head back and breathed heavily, the sight of it bobbing was such a turn on, distracted by the memory looping in your head, you were pulled out of your daze when Yang Yang gently manoeuvred himself out of your walls, watching him watch the way his cum drips onto your thighs, not knowing he was caught staring until he looks up to see you watching him with your head cocked to the side.
“That was sexy, don’t blame me, I’m just a dude with fantasies,” Yang Yang jokes while pulling out a few tissues from the box, cleaning you up.
“I don’t mind, I think it’s sexy that you’re into it, but as sexy as it is, please carry me to the tub, I don’t think I’d be able to move around for a few hours,” you said, arms already spread, awaiting your princess treatment from your ever doting boyfriend.
“I’ll set up the tub and I’ll come get you, take a nap if you want,” Yang Yang says, rounding the corner of his bed to come give you a peck before taking his leave, the sight of his small but bubbly butt making you giggle.
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Keeping things under warps isn't easy when you're an idol, which is no surprise when your manager caught you going into Yang Yang's car one night outside your dorm when you planned to sleepover. You had to come clean about your relationship to your label and they weren't too happy about it, but in their words, a better case than the rest of your label mates, since the fans and tabloids haven't caught wind and the fact that Yang Yang is a businessman, yes he told you that it wasn’t his uncle’s company, but his! You made Yang Yang promise that he can’t keep anymore secrets from you, but coming back to your company, maybe they think this sort of relationship levels up your status as well as the label's, is your good guess. Other than that, your career has been advancing smoothly, you toured a few cities, Yang Yang had insisted on tagging along to Osaka and the states, for the food, he says, but you'd know better than to doubt his support for you, Yang Yang is the best boyfriend you could ever ask, most idols' relationships don't work out with people outside of the industry due to the busy schedules of their partner, but you believe that the love you share with him would prevail over any sort of obstacle life throws at you.    
The rest of your American tour ended and you can't wait to see the love of your life, having flown home earlier than the rest of your members who had wanted to stay a few days longer to rest and travel. You didn't tell Yang Yang, hoping to give him a surprise, these days he's been busy at work, so the two of you haven't video called for a bit. When you open the door to his unit, you're greeted by an empty home, you let out a disappointed sigh, but it was expected, it means business is doing well, that means his father won't give him too much pressure, you hate seeing Yang Yang stressing about not exceeding their expectations, he's always too harsh on himself.  
You quickly put away your things, only the necessities, you'll unpack your clothes and the many souvenirs you bought in the next few days. You took a quick nap on his bed, planning to sleep away the jetlag. When you woke up, it was 5, and boy were you hungry, you checked the fridge for food, but of course Yang Yang hadn't bothered to stock up or cook knowing you won't be around, so you close the fridge door and tried your luck with one of the cabinets, relief flooding your mind when you see the copious amount of snacks Yang Yang had, grabbing a bag of chips, you opened it and popped one into your mouth, you were going to eat them on the sofa, but something caught your eye, Yang Yang had put up a new portrait of the two of you on his wall outside his office, it was a photo of the two of you under the beautiful sakura tree, you smile at his sweet gesture, distracted by the photo, you accidentally tipped the bag of chips and dropped a few.  
Cursing to yourself, you quickly pick up the pieces, chucking them in the trash before wetting a paper towel to pick up the crumbs, you open Yang Yang's office door to check if any got in there, but once you were in, you were distracted by the sight of his office, you've never been in here before, knowing that Yang Yang doesn't like mixing work and private affairs, he rarely ever talks about work with you unless you ask, which wasn't weird considering he doesn't really enjoy it that much, but what you didn't expect was a comfy looking leather chair at the end of his table, you're sure you've seen this chair in one of those fancy interior design magazines in the salon, taking a seat, you realised that Yang Yang had left a drawer open, you were going to close it for him, but something caught your eye, it was one of your banners, one that you remember was made by a specific fan site, you pulled it out, reading the fan site name under the words of encouragement, MienYang, why does Yang Yang have this banner? You don't remember the admin of MienYang putting this banner up for reprinting on their twitter, unless...Yang Yang is MienYang? That can't be right? You observed the other things in the drawer, careful to not mess up the arrangements, you see thumb drives and sd cards labelled with dates and things like inkigayo, kbs music bank, are these photos of you? Before you could contemplate on whether to take a look into the sd cards, you hear footsteps near the front door, you quickly put his things back in their order before closing the drawer. When Yang Yang stepped into his living room, he sees you cleaning the floor before standing up to open the door of his office to do the same, worry filling his mind, but that anxiety dissipated when you close the door immediately after cleaning. "Sorry, I dropped chips and wanted to make sure the floor of your office doesn't have any crumbs, would be a nightmare to find ants chewing on whatever documents you have in there," you joked before waking to him, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. "Thanks, babe, but why are you back early? I thought your flight was in a few days?" Yang Yang asked, pulling away slightly to look at your pretty face he missed so much. "Yeah, but I decided that I wanted to see you more than the liberty statue so..." you trail off, the two of you breaking into a laugh. "You're back early though, I thought you said month end means more workload,” you asked, pulling him to take a seat with you on his expensive couch. "Yeah, about that, I was going to come home and then leave in an hour for an appointment with an interior designer, I was going to tell you this during Christmas, but I might as well get the cat out of the bag now, I was thinking we should move in, and I thought my place could use a bit refurbishing to fit your things into cabinets and some closet alterations would be good since you have so many clothes, so let's do it together, you know?  I'll feel less pressured to guess what's your taste in wood or whatever, that is if you want to move in with me, no pressure of course, I'll be happy to wait if you need more time- "Yang, babe, I'll be happy to move in with you," you agree, cutting him off of his panicked rant slash confession. "Really? You're sure?" Yang Yang couldn't believe it would be this easy to convince you to move in with him. "Of course, we love each other, and by living together means we would have more time to love one another," you reassured him, "now go take your shower, I can't wait to look at the designs," you said before your ever dutiful boyfriend pecks your lips and rushes into your bedroom.  
You push what you saw in his office out of your mind, it didn't really matter, whether Yang Yang is MienYang or not, Yang Yang is providing a comfortable and secure future for you, and you genuinely love each other, who he was in the past, doesn't matter to you.
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faithdragon36 · 9 months
It’s so much cheaper. Trains. Taking the train. Do you know???? The absolutely BONKERS price difference between a plane ticket and a train ticket??? AND YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO SUBJECT YOURSELF TO TSA?????? LONG DISTANCE TRAINS ARE SO VIABLE????????????? Why do we not have them.
There is an untapped fucking market. People who are afraid of heights. People who don’t appreciate the feeling of liftoff or the experience of turbulence or who just think airports are a massive pain in the ass. AIRLINE FOOD COULD HAVE A WHOLE SECOND NICHE. not that im a particular fan of airline food but like hey they could be selling their wares on long distance train lines.
AND trains can hold so many more people than planes can. Because they can be like THREE TIMES THE SIZE and still be able to go.
And did you know you can power your train with FUCKING MAGNETS. ELECTROMAGNETS EVEN. SOLAR POWERED TRAINS. why do we not already have this. Please. I want a solar powered train So fucking bad. You cannot tell me that that would not be the coolest thing to ever exist. A train. Powered by the colossal energy of THE SUN. please
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ravenclawcumlaude · 7 months
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Working on this all day and still need to add color. Created by me in Procreate. Headcanon below.
This is the original photo spread before Harry had it changed.
Headcanon: Ginny was given a full spread in Seeker Weekly after she started playing for the Holyhead Harpies as their new Chaser. She knew the photographer was at practice to capture some candid photos but she didn’t know images of her in her sports bra would end up published. When she asked for a magical retraction of the photos, she was told “Sorry sweetheart, sex sells.” She knew she couldn’t avoid Harry seeing the article. Not only had he been reading the publication cover to cover every week for years, he knew about the write up and the photo spread and was so excited for her. He’d planned to frame it. Now she couldn’t stand the idea of looking at herself every day, stretching her arms or caught in an awkward stance in her sports bra everyday, hung up on the wall behind glass. Her brothers would see it too! The humiliation. Why couldn’t they have just taken photos of her in her kit, completely covered in her new dragon hide gear? Ginny had felt so cool and grown up at her fitting. A professional Quidditch player! Not that her brothers cared. They weren’t huge Holyhead fans and Ron told her “Well, of course you’d make the all-girls team.” They were keen on getting tickets when she played their favorite teams though. Wankers.
Ginny met Harry for lunch as a planned celebration. He already had a copy of the magazine tucked under his arm. “Harry, please know it wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t know…” “It’s already been taken care of.” He interrupted her. “What? But I already contacted them and-“ “I pulled some strings and asked some favors. Unfortunately they won’t retract the current issues in rotation but they’re doing a re-print to replace them all. They are being pulled from the shelves as we speak.” Ginny was speechless. This must be a “Boy Who Lived” favor. Who knows how many more of those he would get away with. He’d used one…on her. For something he knew she would feel uncomfortable about. Unless it made him uncomfortable too?
“So you saw me in a sports bra and were so disgusted that you called in a favor to have them removed before anyone else could go blind?” She asked cheekily, giving him an appreciative pinch on the arm. “Ow! No! Quite the opposite! I’m trying to save everyone from being blinded by your beauty.” Ginny rolled her eyes. Harry took her by the arm and they walked into the restaurant. “Also,” he said, leaning into her ear and whispering low, “No one gets to see that except me.” Ginny flushed red and flared her green eyes at him, allowing him the possessiveness this one time.
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mmingooo · 2 years
hiyaaa <3 skz giving you their jacket bc u look uncomfortable headcannon plz
they give you their jacket to place on your lap -> stray kids ot8
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-> warnings: mentions of reader being uncomfortable because a man is staring at them on channies part, also reader is gender neutral but uses skirts and dresses.
-> pairing: stray kids ot8 x gn!reader
-> genre: fluff, slight angst.
-> notes: hi anon! thank you so much for your request! (also thank you for sending it again lol), i hope you enjoy this! also, any type of positive feedback is very much welcomed! <3
find my masterlist on my profile!
please make sure to reblog my content!
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-> bang chan 방찬
you and chan had decided to go party, neither of you were big party goers, chan was always busy and you preferred to stay at home and watch movies and shows, so this was out of the ordinary for both of you.
the party was being thrown by a friend of yours, ans after many hours of trying to decide if you wanted to actually go or not, you decided you would only go if chan went with you, and to your surprise, he said yes almost immediately.
so here you were, sitting in your friends couch while making small talk with the people there.
you had chosen a dress that even though it wasn’t too reviling, you still felt uncomfortable and kept your hands on the end of your dress in an attempt to cover yourself and not flash anybody.
and your uncomfortable state was amplified when you noticed a man from across the room had been staring at you with hungry eyes. you felt disgusted and violated, and wanted nothing else but get up and leave, but you didn’t want to cut chan’s fun, since he had been talking to someone who was very interested in music production, so you just sucked it up.
chan noticed you shifting uncomfortably, and followed your gaze to the man who was eyeing you.
without saying a word, he took of his jacket and placed it on your lap.
“here,” he smiled at you.
“thank you”
“do you want to leave,” he whispers in your ear, you give the man a side eye and shake your head.
“no, don’t worry, i think he noticed you were with me”
chan turns his head to look over to where the man was standing and notices he’s gone.
“it sucks that he only left when he noticed that”
“yeah, but i’m used to it, don’t worry, go back to your conversation, it seemed interesting,” you kisses his cheek and he smiled.
“okay, let me know if you need anything”
“i will”
-> lee minho 이민호
the day was sunny, but not too hot, there was a nice breeze that accompanied the rays of sunshine and there didn’t seem to be too many people on the streets since it was sunday, so you and minho decided to go for a walk.
you wore a cute dress that matched with minho’s shirt and you set out for your afternoon walk.
after 20 minutes of walking the breeze picked up and it began lifting up your dress little by little.
your hands were alternating from being place on your lap and back, depending on where you felt the wind coming from, and with one of your hands being intertwined with minho’s, it was becoming harder to keep up.
in your back and forth, you didn’t catch minho’s eyes that noticed you struggling. he removed his hand from yours and used the jacket he had been holding on his other hand in case you got cold to wrap it around your waist, it wasn’t much, but the weight prevented the skirt from lifting up.
“thank you baby,” you smile at him and he nods.
“don’t mention it,” he intertwines your fingers again and resumes your walk.
he wasn’t a fan of big gestures, but you appreciated that he noticed small things and helped you out without you having to ask, and even though it was the bare minimum, you were grateful to be with someone who cared for you and your safety.
-> seo changbin 서창빈
your favourite band was on tour, and you had been set on getting a ticket one way or another.
your boyfriend changbin had been watching from his side of the couch as you excitedly waited for tickets to begin selling, and when the moment arrived, you asked him if he wanted to accompany you and changbin knew that even it he didn’t like the band, he would go anywhere if it meant he would spend time with you.
so now he found himself sitting next to you at the concert venue, he had been listening to you speak about your favourite song and go into great detail about why you liked the band since you got here. the sparkle in your eyes when you talked about them was something changbin could never be bored of, so he just let you speak until you got tired.
you had decided to wear a nice, casual, white dress, and it you hadn’t thought it would be a problem until the concert started and you began jumping from excitement while singing the songs.
it was rather uncomfortable since you were occupied enjoying the concert, but also making sure your dress didn’t roll up and reveal anything.
after a few minutes of struggling, you felt changbin wrap his arms around your waist, and you soon realized he was tying his jacket.
“thank you,” you peck his lips with a smile, he smiles back at you.
“of course, now enjoy the show,” he grabs you by the shoulders and turns to around to face the stage, where the band was now about to begin playing your favourite song.
-> hwang hyunjin 황현진
visits to the museum weren’t rare for you and hyunjin, it was a ritual to get up on the last sunday of the month and walk to a museum you picked the previous night.
you would think doing it every month would become tedious, but the truth is, you felt invigorated by the time you left the place. it inspired you to paint and plaster your emotions on the canvas, even if you weren’t that much of a painter and only began going because it was hyunjin who was seeking inspiration.
every time you’d go to the museum, you and hyunjin would separate and go look at different art pieces and then would inevitability find your way to each other.
you were sitting in front of a piece that caught your eye the second you walked into the room, it was an abstract painting of what seemed to be a meadow and it was painted with fluorescent colors, and even though they made the painting seem more alive, you could still sense a profound sadness.
you had to sit in front of the painting to admire it, and also because you became overwhelmed by the sentiments you percieved.
the skirt you decided to wear seemed a bit too short, because when you sat down, it went up a little tok high for your liking.
“here,” hyunjin places his jacket on your lap, you hadn't even noticed him walking into the room you were at, but were grateful for his quick thinking and thank him with a smile.
“you like the painting, huh?”
“what gave it away?,” you keep your eyes on the painting.
“you got that look in your eyes and you had to sit down to contemplate the art”
he knows you too well.
“true, and now i’m staring at two pieces of art,” you say staring directly into hyunjin’s eyes.
he giggles and covers his face.
“keep your eyes on the painting,” he says with a big smile.
-> han jisung 한지성
accompanying jisung while he composed and wrote songs was one of your favorite activities, even if it involved you having to sit in silence while your boyfriend worked.
you had been sitting on the couch for hours, scrolling through social media, watching videos and catching up on the latest episode of that one drama you’ve been watching. your butt hurt, that was the truth, so you decided to lay on the couch, you were wearing a dress, but didn’t put too much effort on keeping it from rising up, after all, you were with your boyfriend and you didn’t mind.
that is until one of his producers came into the room, you immediately sat up and greeted him respectfully, now here you were again, in the sitting position that was making you uncomfortable, all you wanted was to just lay down and sleep, but now that there was someone else in the room, you didn’t feel comfortable enough.
jisung noticed your expression, and quickly got up to grab the jacket that was in his backpack.
“here, place this in your legs and lay down, you seem tired”
“thank you baby, how long do you think until you’re done?”
“not too long,” he caresses your cheek, “now sleep”
you smile at him, and with the sight of him working hard on his new song, you drifted off to sleep.
-> lee felix 이필릭스
your group had finally gotten a nomination for an award. after a year of working hard on your music and presentations, you finally got nominated and would probably win, at least that’s what everyone else told you.
your stylist had decided on having you and your group wear beautiful naive dresses, all with their own distinctive highlight.
you had been sited by the staff in front of stray kids, you knew they were loud, but never this loud, you were telling this to one of your members while simultaneously trying to cover the end of your dress.
the staff had promised you all that they would bring blankets so you could cover yourselves, but they never came, so now you were both cold and uncomfortable.
“didn’t they said they’d be here soon?,” your member asked you in reference to the staff.
“yeah, i don’t know what’s taking them so long, maybe they’re helping out another group first, they’ll be here soon,” you assure them.
“hello,” you hear a male voice speak beside you, and when you turn around you see who seems to be felix from the group behind you, he looked prettier in person.
“hi,” you give him a warm smile.
“here, use this until they give you a blanket,” he hands you his blazer.
“oh no, no, don't worry about it, i’m sure they'll be here soon,” you assure him, “plus it's really cold, i don’t want to be the cause of you freezing to death,” you joke.
“no, it’s okay, i can stand some coldness if it means you’re comfortable, here,” he places the blazer on your lap and backs away with a smile, you thank him before he sits back down.
you know people were going to freak out about your little interaction and make all sorts of interesting rumors, but at least your legs were both protected and warm.
-> kim seungmin 김승민
car trips were your favorite form of travel, you loved rolling down the windows and feeling the wind hit your face, listening and singing songs until your throat hurts, and most importantly, chatting and joking around with whomever you were traveling with.
right now, it was a few of the members of stray kids and a few of your own friends, and for some reason, you felt like they were trying to set you up with seungmin.
yes, it was true that you had a bit of a crush on him, but you weren't planning on telling him or anything, you were too scared of what his answer might be, so you just kept your distance and tried to not be alone with him for too long, or else you feel like you’d just tell him how you feel and you did not want to ruin your friendship, at least not yet.
your friends knew this, but for some reason, they still felt like it was a good idea to sit you next seungmin for about 5 hours straight, you didn't know how you were going to survive this.
and so, you set out on your little spontaneous adventure.
it was all going well until your friends decided to roll the windows down, you had decided to wear a skirt, seeing as the day was going to be warm and sunny, but now you were regretting it, you kept trying to keep your skirt down, but it was becoming more and more difficult.
seugnmin noticed and quickly took of his jacket, placing it on your lap.
you look up at him surprised, “thank you, but are you sure you don’t need it?”
“i think you need it more than me,” he smiled.
you heard faint “ooh’s” from your friends in the back, but decided to ignore them.
maybe this trip would give you the courage you needed to finally confess your feelings to your friend, who knows, maybe he reciprocates them.
-> yang jeongin 양저인
jeongin had finally asked you out, you were as excited as one can be, he had told you to meet with on the park near your apartment, so at exactly 5 pm, you begin making your way there.
once you arrive, you text jeongin to figure out where you need to go now, and shortly after he replies giving you directions.
once you were a few meters away from him, you wave hello and he does the same, he had set a blanket below a big beautiful green tree, it had been your dream ever since you saw the tree from afar the first time you visited the park a while ago to have a date under it.
“hi, how are you?,” jeongin asks when you arrive to where he was standing, you admire everything he had set out and smile.
“i’m good, how are you?”
“good too, so, you wanna sit?”
although jeongin told you your date was going to be at the park, you thought maybe you’d sit on one of the picnic tables, so you chose a cute skirt to match your shirt, and now that you knew you were going to sit on the ground, you were going to sit in a rather strange and uncomfortable position.
after a few minutes, your legs began to cramp, jeongin noticed by the look of discomfort on your face.
“oh, i knew this would happen, so i brought a jacket,” he said while handing you it.
“what?,” you ask confused.
“you can cover your lap so you can sit more comfortably”
you can’t hide your smile and giggle.
“thank you, i really appreciate it,” you say while covering your lap and changing your sitting position, “so, where were we?”
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statementlou · 1 year
why do you think louis said this might be the only time he plays at the hollywood bowl? do you reckon it might be because his tickets sales aren’t going well and he was told that it won’t be possible to book venues like these next tour? that made me kinda sad :((
every day I get asks being like "do you think [random thing that happened in the last 24 hours] is because Louis' ticket sales are so bad?" and it's obviously just annoying harries with nothing better to do than try to make people unhappy (TPWK!!!) and maybe they're just getting cleverer here and have tricked me, but this sounds like it might actually be a person who they are getting to with this garbage and have made unhappy so fine, I'll bite-
Louis' ticket sales are going FINE!!!! He is playing great shows every night and is on target for the tour he has booked and everything he's doing is completely sustainable and if nothing changes (which it will, for the bigger; he has been picking up more fans every year) he can keep touring like this (and playing these venues) indefinitely! The idea that every show that doesn't sell out is a failure is made up and makes no sense- if every show sold out there would be people who wanted to give them money but were unable to do so. That is not how capitalism (and growing your fanbase) work for any working musicians outside the top .00001% biggest in the world! If your venues sell out, then next time you book bigger ones, and you keep doing that until you hit a size where it doesn't sell out so everyone can buy buy buy those tickets. I can't know for sure why Louis said what he said; but he is constantly in disbelief that things are going as well as they are for him and while this album and tour especially he seems to have finally started to believe we really do like what he does and aren't going anywhere, I think that's still there and that's what I heard with that. I mean also it could be next time he plays LA he ends up in an equal size but less iconic venue and booking never lines up with that space again or something, for all I know it's really hard to get on their schedule. Hollywood Bowl is a historic and renowned venue and Louis was excited to play on a stage that has hosted so many famous people and moments and was trying to be in the moment and appreciate it (as he has been focused on making an effort to do lately) because the future is a mystery and anything that is ever happening might never come around again, but I don't think it's cause for concern.
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alarrytale · 4 months
I just found your account and read pretty far back in your posts. I can’t tell you how spot on you are and that I agree 100% with your opinion. Especially with the facts you’ve shared about Louis improving his shows. I have all the same thoughts and have expressed them on X and in my gc, but of course I’m overrun with how ‘toxic’ I am. I’ve been to a few of Louis’ shows and watch the lives and it’s getting worse instead of better- he really is losing all charisma he ever had with the lad act (drinking, not knowing lyrics, unable to sing and relying on his band for that, etc). What particularly drives me mad is the way the audience is sending him so much energy during the songs and he responds by rubbing his hands and walking slowly back and forth across the stage. You can see the crowds energy instantly deflate. I hope he/mgt takes your ideas into consideration. I really want so much more for him!
And lastly, Harry is my favorite of all time- but I agree with you when you said he’s a coward. I hate that though.
Hi, anon!
Welcome to my blog! It's hard to criticise H and L in this fandom without being branded toxic, a hater, a complainer or being entitled. There is so much blind idolatry and fan policing happening to make people conform and behave like sheep. That does not make for a happy and thriving fandom.
To make a successful artist you need two things. An artist who respects, appriciates and caters to their fandom, and a fandom who supports the artist. You need both to make a successful artist. Some people in this fandom believe that the artist should be supported regardless. Even if the artist doesn’t respect their fandom, doesn’t appreciate it, and only cater to their own needs while disregarding the fandom's. If the artist keep doing that, they'll lose fans. Fans have plenty of artists to spend time and money on. Artists need to fight for attention from fans and the general public. The artists who don't manage to hold fans attention, feed them, appreciate them and engage them will struggle to have their songs chart, have their tickets sell, get gigs like festivals and get invited to events.
We as fans are entitled to the bare minimum of respect. Louis isn't and hasn't been very respectful to his fandom majority, the larries. He's downright been disrespectful. We as fans don’t need to tolerate being ridiculed, called delusional or mocked. It's also not respectful to be late to go on stage, not knowing the order of the songs or your own lyrics. It's disrespectful to cancel a whole leg of your with a half assed apology and no real explanation. This should all be bare minimum. People have travelled hours to be there, queued for hours to get barricade and spend a months wage to pay for the tickets, travel and accomodation. Respect their time and money spent.
Fans need to feel appreciated and wanted. Larries don't always feel wanted. We also sometimes don't feel catered to when we get things we didn’t ask for, like a propaganda piece of a documentary, stunting or him taking the fan popular songs off the playlist, while giving us a random song cover. Fans are allowed to say, that's not right, that's not cool and feel disappointed.
Neither H nor L are perfect. They do have good and bad sides. Things they're good at and things they're not good at. They fuck up too sometimes. It's important to try to compensate for your shortcomings and mend your mistakes. If you can’t give your fans what they deserve or ask for, then give them something else that will draw the attention away from it. If you've fucked up, do better next time.
Louis is closeted and he needs to uphold a fake image. He's treating larries like shit, he's stunting, lying and gaslighting. When you can’t deliver on respect and appreciation for your fans, it even more important that he compensates by catering to us. His biggest hindrance to deliver on that is his self-confidence. It's stopping him from letting his guard down and being his charming and funny self. He can't afford to also not deliver on catering to fans, because he can't compensate on respect and appreciation. So he needs to give us exactly what we ask for and what the majority wants. Even if that entails wearing chinos and suspenders for a show. Suck it up.
We tolerate at lot that fans shouldn't need to tolerate for the sake of H and L's closet and relationship. If being a fan and dealing with stunts, fandom wars, being called a conspiracy theorist and your idol hanging out with horrible people is going to be worth it, then they both need to put on one hell of a show and give us albums of bangers after bangers. Or else it won't be worth it. The deal is off.
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taylortruther · 10 months
I feel disappointed I wasn't given a choice. Of course I knew there was gonna be a tour movie but honestly I thought it was gonna be like with Rep, released after the tour ended to give everyone the chance to see it, both the ones who hadn't been able to attend and the ones who had. Absolutely ok with that. It's what artists always do and Beyonce just did. But this? This is dishonest. If I had known my live experience would've come after the movie had been on all screens for months I would've chosen to watch the concert from my house with no danger of rain, heatwave and transportation problems. I bought the tickets because it felt like a great concert to be at but I don't wanna be spoiled FFS. I don't watch clips, try avoiding photos but it's almost impossible. And it's gonna get worse. It might make no difference for hardcore fans who would go tons of times to see the same concert over and over but for normal fans like me, who hoped for one concert, were undecided on buying the tickets because they were incredibly expensive and decided in the end they could save enough money to afford them, it feels just like a trick and a very disappointing one. I get it, she's aiming at reaching the stars like she's obsessed right now, it's fine but a bit more honesty and less greed would be appreciated. Yes, I know she's a business woman, I know and accept that, even admire her for it. But I would've loved to have known I had a chance of choosing between a live concert and a comfortable watch at my house while the tour was still on. And yes it's also a money thing. Her tickets were sold at those ridiculous prices because it was promoted and sold as a unique experience and tour. It's not fans who wanted the unique experience, it was sold as one. Let's be honest. This is what was sold and that's why the news about the movie always come after new tour dates are released and sell out. Now suddenly there's nothing unique about it, again. So yeah, normal people have any right to feel disappointed and scammed. Our bad I guess. I don't think she's gonna tour again, this feels like the end of an era which includes stadium tours too, but should she I will gladly leave my place to people who appreciate being treated like this more. She won't miss me for sure, I don't count at all but I will be happier
i personally think seeing one of the most legendary tours in history in person will still be a unique experience. you can go with a friend or meet people there, take photos, dance and sing along with thousands of other people, etc etc.
if that's not a fair deal then the good thing is you can still sell your tickets and you'll get a great price for them! i'm sure some of my anons would be interested.
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littlecello · 10 months
Lazarus responses all in one place for better readability wahoo
belphegor1982 Holy cow, we really dodged a bullet there. Thank you for the write-up! I hadn't heard of Lazarus at all before. And now I'm very thankful that the fandom still exists and thrives! 💜
WE REALLY DID LOL. You're very welcome, glad to have been of service! And omg I feel the same ahhh! It's made me really appreciate the little space we built for ourselves over all these years 🥹
bisexualroger Was lovely to meet you and fern too! 😊 I definitely agree with this. I’m really glad I went for the experience, I’d have been gutted to have missed it, but ultimately yeah the shortcomings (especially with regard to how they handled the politics of the police 😬) mean it’s for the best we never got Lazarus the show. 
AHHH YES!! Seriously you all made my entire day 🥹🥹🥹 And god yeah, I am also genuinely glad to have been there, because the questions and forever-wondering would have killed my fandom-mojo I think. But now it's done the opposite and I am ENERGISED! I want to re-establish the best parts of the fandom as opposed to what we witnessed in that room! Seriously, all those cis-het men laughing so hard at all the bad jokes made me feel so uncomfortable.
youstupidplonkIt was so wonderful to meet you!! You’ve put this into words so much more eloquently than I have managed so far. I really do agree that the way they joked about current politics, both in the police and around the climate felt very out of touch. As you’ve said especially because the main demographic keeping this fandom active is young (from what I can tell) liberal people Thank you again for saying hi to us and taking the time to write this wonderful analysis ❤️❤️
LIKEWISE AHHH!! Your outfit was fantastic btw!! And I'm glad you feel my analysis hit the spot - hearing all the laughter around us and stuff made both Fern and me feel really lonely and out of place at times ghfkjgs. We're both really glad we aren't alone with our sentiments 🥹
fleurdeneuf oh wow, thank you for sharing all of this! i'm relieved the show won't be happening.
You're welcome!! It would've felt wrong not to do a little report on this, seeing as the event wasn't well advertised and tickets sold out so quickly. We've got to include the whole fandom in this! 💪
partywithponies I think it was very shallow as well in that it was almost entirely Life on Mars with barely any Ashes to Ashes to it at all, and coincidentally, Ashes to Ashes isn't as well known overseas. It didn’t feel for the fans, it just felt like what they thought would sell better. Poor Shaz didn't even get a single vague reference the entire event, and Alex, the literal third main character of the franchise, got one passing moment in the entire pilot.
I agree to some extent - they definitely went for what they felt would have the most recognition value. I do however think that they at least set up quite a bit of Alex involvement, seeing as she's the one who hits Sam and Gene in 2024 (or at least it's heavily implied that it's her). As for Shaz, I have to be cynical and say that with Matt and Ashley being old white men... they've probably forgotten about her and/or don't think she's important. Unfortunately.
Either way, I guess we can both agree that it's a good thing Lazarus isn't getting made as a TV show haha!
On a personal note, thank you all for your warm reactions to my little report :') I have to admit I was a bit trepidatious about posting it because of my (and our) negative feelings about it, as contrasted to what Fern and I perceived as a really enthusiastic response from the audience that was present... But I see now I needn't have worried. The fandom I remember and love is still here, and I can't thank you all enough for that. 💚
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magxit · 1 year
I always appreciate your approach to matty and damn it’s getting harder and harder to make excuses for his grown ass man behavior. Didn’t know Lucy unfollowed him too… I bought my tickets for their US tour bc I’ve never seen the band live but I keep wondering if I should support.
Yeah, I already bought my tickets and I can't sell them for what I bought them for. Now they are worth like 35 dollars each. I am not some woke nut job who gets offended by everything and I try to look at Matty's SM posts with an open mind but I can't get behind using a word like that as comedy. Some of his bigger fans are laughing about it saying well this is the response Matty wanted. It isn't funny. Matty needs to grow up.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
I don't know what an aa is but I am a Jensen fan who likes jared
Are you sure about that anon? You have not said a single even remotely nice thing about Jared. You claim its just his fans you hate but you seem to be holding a lot of rage for the Pads. You have dragged everything about them and no, tacking on "nothing wrong with that" every time you drag them doesn't change your intent (which is loud and clear to everyone anon).
And where does JARED do those things anon?? Gen's whole schtick is mom/lifestyle brand. SHE does ads and on occasion the fam is in them but that's it. The kids aren't even in them as much as they get older. She used to be a mommy blogger, so yea, her family was part of what she talked about. Now its more lifestyle/books/going green/etc vs just family stuff.
Show me an ad involving Jared recently anon. Gen and Jared POSTING about each other is not automatically an ad, no matter what you have convinced yourself of anon. I'm looking through Gen's ig now and the posts with Jared are just family pics celebrating bdays, etc. He's in a few of her book posts but that's promoting her book club, not an ad. Seriously though anon, show me ads with Jared (and not from years ago). He's on her account on a few book club posts (because he also read the books and was in the discussions), he's in some of the posts she makes about work (a few con posts and a handful of Walker posts), other than that its just her posting the family or their trips. I went through all of her 2023 posts and that's what he was in.
His account he has promoted Walker, a few random cons, and his Stands campaigns (for AKF which is a charity anon). Should he not promote his show or charity??
So anon, before you start performatively yelling about "THE PADS DO ALL ADS ALL THE TIME" maybe just, I don't know, check yourself??
And the difference between the Pads and the Ackles and money are a couple fold but lets just go for some basics since you seem extremely mad at the Pads for this whole thing anon. Gen (I will talk about her because she's really the only one selling things from the Pads even though anon likes to generalize) makes her little promo ad vids and posts and shares links for a percentage off and if you buy the products using her link she gets some money (she has actually said that the money she makes from these ads goes into TOWWN so she's using it to sustain her passion project, not just to line her pockets). She is not forcing you to buy things in order to interact with her or Jared. The Pads actually still interact with fans on sm from time to time just because. The Ackles basically all but ignore their fans unless money is involved. You want to see Jensen at a "concert"? Better get ready to bust into your savings because those $700 tickets aren't cheap. Want to "run into" them at FBBC? Don't worry, that only costs $1,000 for their "membership" which basically only guarantees you meet Jensen for a quick photo op like its a con (they legit had a photographer at the members only party and Jensen stayed in the back and only interacted with fans during those ops minus a wave here or there). The Pads (aka Gen) makes ads for stuff and you can take it or leave it. The Ackles have monetized themselves.
Well thank you for quite the ask here Anon, I appreciate you advocating for me here. I am going to say that both of you actually have made some good points here and also some not so correct points. What the other Anon was talking about with the ads on Gen's page is that her page is mostly full of ads. I myself asked with the cake post made a few days AFTER Odette's birthday and I think on Tom's actual birthday "is this about Odette's "cake dreams" coming true or an ad for that specific cake company [thewhittexperience]?" Also, the book club talk about the Daniel Kraus book "Whale Fall" with the author himself and surprise, Jared with the potential for a Meet and Greet back in October could be perceived as an "ad" that was using Jared to get more people interested in what's primarily Gen's book club.
Most of Gen's posts on her public page are as you said Anon, affiliate commission type of partnerships. Also, on another note I keep seeing ads for Jared's Always Keep Fighting attire on Instagram, which I can't blame Jared but I will say that people have been criticizing the Pads for years talking about them both being walking advertisements. Now, I've read from other followers on here things about "branding" and celebrities and whatnot. This isn't too far off the mark with what I think Gen is trying to do with her social media presence, establishing her "brand" as an environmentally conscious homestead type of individual who cares about the environment. Jared's "brand" happens to be Always Keep Fighting and talking about depression, anxiety, etc. Now as for Gen, her "brand" and her approach to it could also on the flip side here be perceived as also promoting consumerism while claiming to be environmentally friendly and "green" (two pretty conflicting philosophies admittedly). She did admit to being a bit hypocritical when she had chosen to get breast implants at the age of 40 per this video post she made during the Bathroom Chronicles Episode 11 podcast. She ultimately had them removed after she realized she started having issues running no more than 2 miles and then developed some joint pains within 6-8 months after getting the implants. She's 43 today so she had them put in 3 years ago, fairly recent if you ask me.
As for the Ackles, I would say that for the FBBC membership fees I personally feel like this is more of a Gino thing than a Jensen thing to be quite frank. I think that he is probably being dragged into doing these said meet and greets at FBBC to bring in more money for the otherwise doing poorly business. I mean, they had to shutdown production at the FBBC main location but still have 1 other location where they do the actual brewing. Rumor has it that they let go of several staff members from various departments not just the brewers back in December. This post here is one where a brewer informed people he was being laid off in January from FBBC, due to no longer producing beer at the main location. The topic of FBBC and how it's showing many signs it's doing poorly is a whole different ballpark but it is my understanding it is mainly being run by Danneel's brother Gino these days. There are also some crazy fans that show up to FBBC looking for Jensen (looking at you Jensensgroupie). This isn't excusing Jensen's hiding in the back when fans were promised some interaction time with Jensen. It's like I said however, in this particular instance I would say this is an obligation thing to merely keep FBBC afloat which seems to be a main source of income outside of cons for Jensen...
Overall, I think in ways both the Padaleckis and the Ackles "sell themselves" out to fans. However, given the number of "out in the wild" photos I've seen both Jensen and Jared willingly and happily (at least seemingly) take with fans at times, I can't entirely agree with either notion that the Pads and/or the Ackles will only interact with fans if it means they get money out of it or if it means exposure/"content" if you will. I frankly have no interest in participating in the Jensen versus Jared battle that's ongoing, it just goes round and round the hamster wheel and we'll learn nothing new or gain anything from the conversation.
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