#and shattered a mountain with a single punch
hellmumheccy · 2 years
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Dropping this and disappearing again
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soulofapatrick · 8 months
I Choose You - Aaron Hotchner x female reader
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Summary: What if Foyet makes Hotch choose between you and Haley during Season 5 Episode 9
Words: 1.5K
Warnings: angst; injury; kidnapping; near-death
Notes: Would you like a hospital part two?
Foyet's voice, dripping with malice, reverberates through the room, sending icy tendrils of fear snaking down my spine. I can feel the weight of his words pressing down on us like a suffocating blanket, a cruel reminder of the nightmare we're trapped in. "You have to choose, Aaron," Foyet's words hang heavy in the air, each syllable laced with malice. "Choose who lives and who dies."
My heart lurches in my chest as I steal a glance at Haley beside me. Her once composed demeanour now shattered, tears glisten in her eyes like unshed diamonds, silent witnesses to the terror that grips us all. But beneath the fear, there's a silent plea, a desperate prayer for mercy that hangs unspoken in the air. 
I reach out to Haley, my hand trembling with the weight of unspoken words, but she refuses to meet my gaze. Her eyes remain fixed on Hotch, her ex-husband, her silent cries echoing in the deafening silence of the room. I can feel the weight of her accusation, the unspoken blame that hangs heavy between us like a shadow. I want to comfort her, to offer her some shred of solace in this sea of darkness, but my words catch in my throat, suffocated by the overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatens to consume us all.
Hotch's new partner, that's what I am. A constant reminder of the life he left behind, the choices he made. And now, in this moment of unspeakable terror, those choices loom large, casting a long shadow over our fractured lives. The pain and terror on her face makes me act before I can think about it, jumping to my feet and punching Foyet as hard as I can, hearing a cracking that I’m not sure is me or him. He stumbles back and Haley is crying out in fear. 
The gunshot that follows is deafening, the sound echoing through the room like a thunderclap. My head cracks against the floor, Haley screams and I can hear a muffled sound come through the phone before pain explodes in my shoulder, a searing agony that steals the air from my lungs. Everything around me blurs as waves of nausea wash over me, threatening to pull me under. I bite down hard on my lip to stile a cry, refusing to give Foyet the satisfaction of hearing me scream. 
Through the haze of pain, I can hear the sharp intake of breaths from the phone, the panicked shouts echoing in my head. But, amidst the chaos, amidst the pain, one thought pierces through the fog in my mind - Jack. I have to protect Jack at all costs. He’s upstairs, vulnerable and unaware of the danger lurking downstairs. 
With every ounce of determination I can muster, I push myself to my feet, the room spinning around me like a dervish of shadows and pain. Each step is a battle against the agony that courses through my wounded shoulder, threatening to pull me under with its relentless grip. But I refuse to yield. Jack needs me. 
Stumbling and swaying like a ship caught in a tempest, I make my way towards the stairs, each movement a Herculean effort against the overwhelming tide of pain. The world distorts and blurs around me, the edges of my vision swimming in a sea of darkness and light. But I press on, driven by a single, unyielding purpose - to protect Jack at all costs. He's my beacon in the storm, my reason to endure, and I will not falter in my duty to keep him safe.
The stairs loom before me like a mountain to be conquered, each step a monumental struggle against the forces that seek to drag me down. And then, in a cruel twist of fate, my strength fails me, and I stumble, my body crashing against the unforgiving carpet below. Pain explodes in a symphony of agony, a chorus of screams that reverberates through the empty halls of my mind. Blood pools beneath me, staining the carpet crimson with its silent accusation. 
But amidst the chaos, amidst the pain, there is a beacon of hope - Jack. With trembling hands, I crawl towards the wardrobe, my heart pounding in my chest at the sight of his small form nestled within its confines.
Relief washes over me like a tidal wave as I gather him into my arms, his warmth a balm against the cold embrace of fear that threatens to consume us both. In that moment, holding him close, everything feels right, as if the world has finally found its balance once more. But the illusion is shattered all too soon, replaced by the harsh reality of our situation. I look into Jack's eyes, so innocent and trusting, and feel a pang of guilt twist in the depths of my soul. 
I have to ask him to do the unthinkable, to press his small jumper against the bleeding wound on my shoulder, to stay as quiet as possible and pray that help arrives before it's too late. With trembling hands, I reach out to Jack, my fingers trembling as I gently clamp my hand over his small mouth, a silent plea for his silence in the face of danger. Another gunshot reverberates through the house, its echo a chilling reminder of the horrors that lurk below. My heart sinks as Jack has just lost a parent and he doesn’t even know it. 
“Don’t make a sound.” I whisper, my voice slurred with pain and exhaustion, the words a desperate prayer in the darkness that threatens to consume us both. 
Jack's eyes are wide with fear, but there's a determination there too, a flicker of strength that belies his tender years. Despite the terror that grips him, he nods, his small hand instinctively pressing the jumper harder against my bleeding wound, as if trying to stem the tide of blood that threatens to spill forth.
As I begin to fade in and out of consciousness, the world around me blurs into a hazy labyrinth of pain and uncertainty. My hand slips from Jack's mouth, the warmth of his breath fading into the chill of the night as I teeter on the edge of oblivion. The darkness threatens to swallow me whole, its tendrils reaching out with icy fingers to drag me into the abyss.
I reagin consciousness momentarily, hearing Jack’s voice, small yet resolute as it pierces through the darkness like a beacon of hope, calling out for his dad and the members of the team he can remember the names of, a desperate plea. 
And then, blessed oblivion claims me again, pulling me into its embrace with gentle hands and whispered promises of respite. 
As consciousness gradually returns, it feels like emerging from the depths of a murky sea, the world slowly coming into focus around me. Sirens wail in a cacophony of urgency, their shrill cries cutting through the air like a clarion call to salvation. They rhythmic hum of the ambulance’s wheels against the road lulls me into a strange sense of calm, a respite from the chaos that has consumed me. 
The pain in my shoulder, once a searing inferno threatening to consume me whole, now simmers beneath the surface like embers in the night, dulled by the merciful touch of oblivion. 
And then, as if guided by some unseen hand, my gaze falls upon the one constant in this tumultuous storm - the hand clasped in mine. It's warm and steady, a silent reassurance amidst the chaos that surrounds us. Following the line of the hand with bleary eyes, I find myself locking gazes with Hotch, his presence a beacon of strength in the darkness that threatens to consume us. His eyes, filled with worry and relief, speak volumes without uttering a single word, a silent testament to the bond that binds us together.
“I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay.” He soothes despite being covered in blood himself. His other hand is shooting my hair off my face and I wanna snuggle into it but he’s covered in blood. 
“Haley?” I ask, remembering the second gunshot and Hotch’s face flickers for a second before he squeezes my hand, bringing it up to his lips and kisses the back of it gently. It’s all I need to know that the muffled sound I heard through the phone after the gunshot was Hotch choosing. 
A choked sob leaving my throat and Hotch presses a chaste kiss to my forehead, mumbling softly, “Rest, the others will meet us at the hospital.” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” 
“You chose me...” 
“I chose you.” 
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Criminal Minds Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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howlingday · 3 months
Yang VS Jaune
Goku VS Superman story
Thunder echoed across the mountain range, disturbing the peaceful wildlife that lived there. At the source of these explosions were two combatants, each brave heroes in their own right. One was a huntress from an island north of Vale, training her mind, body, and spirit to become the strongest who ever lived. Her opponent was a huntsman from a small farming community from the south, raised from humble beginnings and trained to be the greatest protector of Remnant. They'd once met as little more than colleagues but steadily grew into becoming rivals. And today, Yang Xiao Long was ready to prove herself against Jaune Arc.
Yang: Today's the day, Vomit Boy! Today we settle who's stronger~!
Jaune: (Chuckles) If you say so.
Jaune charged at his brawler foe, his armored weight shaking the ground as he barreled towards her. Yang gave a smirk as she slapped his punch away, deflecting herself out of his path. Watching her fly over made him grin, something she held as well as she struck him from behind with a swift heel kick.
Jaune rolled through a tree in his flight, stopped only as Yang cut him off and struck him from every direction. Jaune, now with bearings regained, delivered hard blows in kind, only to be deflected once more by a kick to the chin. Both fighters stared each other down for a moment before continuing their tear across the forests of Sanus.
More booming strikes were given back and forth them until Jaune boosted the aura within his eyes in an attempt to distract Yang. This didn't work as Yang blinked out of sight. Once Jaune blinked, Yang appeared in front of him and delivered a hook kick before blinking out once more. This time, she appeared behind him and delivered another kick into him.
Yang: You're holding back!
Jaune: (Hit from every angle)
Yang: Give me your all!
Jaune: (Grabbed by his armor)
Yang: (Spins him around) NO REGRETS!
Jaune: (Rolls to his feet) I'm doing just fine, thank you!
With little effort on his part, Jaune launched himself at Yang and knocked her across a lake. She really felt that one as her semblance flared her body to shine like gold with a superheat that caused water on the shore to evaporate just from her being nearby! Jaune quickly crossed the water to strike but was easily dodged by Yang once more with a simple leap and a struck him into the water. As he fell, he saw the golden light concentrate to a single point as Yang began to chant her mantra above him.
Yang: Golden Dragon Wave!
Jaune yelled as he was knocked deeper below the waves, searing heat scorching his body like dragon fire! However, Yang noticed something was off. Faster than she could respond to, Jaune shot out of the lake like a cannon, just over her attack, and hit her hard once again, sending her flying across Remnant. Chasing her, Jaune swung and missed as Yang dodged, and the two entered their aerial combat dance, perhaps unknowing that they'd left the world of Remnant and entered orbit!
The Shattered Moon hanging just overhead, Jaune and Yang clashed outside of all but the Brother's view. Jaune threw a punch, but was easily dodged as Yang delivered one-inch counter punch that knocked Jaune back just enough to give her the chance to launch fireballs at him. Jaune responded to these projectiles with using his eye beams once more, decimating most of them before grabbing one in his hand. Tossing it aside, he was too late to realize it was heading for-
The formerly known Shattered Moon, now known as the Obliterated Moon.
Yang: Whoops! Ha ha! Well, I guess we can always make a new one, right?
Jaune: (Flexes hand) Paper-thin world... (Smiles) Alright! I'll show you just how powerful I really am~!
Yang: (Giggles)
With a single strike, Yang caught a glimpse of a tear in reality, one in which she was a lot more dragon-y than usual, with scales and everything, as she duked it out with a much more knightly looking Jaune. She was sent flying a lot farther than before, stopping herself in time to throw a counter at the near-teleporting image of Jaune, who blinked out and struck again, making her see another tear in which black fire erupted from her hands against the rainbow-hued eye beams of a more sinister looking Jaune. Sent further away from Remnant, still reeling in pain, Yang didn't notice Jaune had already sped ahead of her to deliver a two-handed hammer-fist blow to her back, forcing another vision of another world in which she, in much simpler clothes, challenged a planet-sized being that looked dangerously similar to Jaune. The visions came to an end as she hurtled back down to Remnant, landing not in the Kingdom of Vale but crashed into the deserts of Vacuo!
Picking Yang up from her crash site, he tossed her into the side of a mountain. Or was it a plateau? In any case, she hit the stony structure hard. So hard, in fact, that the impact shredded her jacket and knocked the golden shine from her hair. Jaune stood in front of Yang with a beaming smile, but hers was even bigger and brighter.
Jaune: So? What do you think?
Yang: Heeheehee~! That was AWESOME~! By the way, nice shirt!
Jaune: Oh! Uh, thanks! Old Arc family fabric. My sister said it was the same kind our grandpa wo-
Yang: HYA!
Yang's attempt to strike Jaune from behind while he was distracted didn't work so well, so she tried again. Then tried again. Even as Jaune lazily blocked her strikes, she continued to battle. Going in for the counter, Jaune aimed right for Yang's face. Time slowed around her, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jaune rocketed past Yang faster than she casually stepped aside with her hair glowing white.
Faster than Jaune could react, Yang delivered a gut punch that bent Jaune over. As Yang backflipped away from another punch, lights glittered around Jaune, each exploding all at once like tiny, little fire-bombs. The smile knocked off Jaune's face and a more mischievous one settled on Yang's, the two charged one another across the arid skies. Jaune unleashed a wave of eye beams so intense that they sliced the peaks off distant mountains!
Yang moved in, countering Jaune's blows with either blocks or dodges, slipping in hooks, crosses, jabs, uppercuts, and even a few kicks until Jaune was left immobilized by the assault. Having enough of being stuck in one place, Jaune super-charged his semblance to unleash an explosion of aura that destroyed everything around him! Everything, that is, except for Yang.
Tired by the sudden outburst of his aura, Jaune took to the skies and beyond Remnant's orbit once more. However, this time, he went further than the Obliterated Moon. He flew into the source of all life on Remnant, the Sun, and then traveled even further beyond, reaching a dozen or even a hundred or a thousand, maybe even a million different suns! Back on Remnant, Yang gave a soft smile as the sky began to glow brighter and brighter with from a more intense beacon of light than the star that greeted her every morning.
Yang: Finally...
Crouching into a horse stance, Yang gathered her aura. All of it, every last bit, and focused it into a single point in her hands. This technique, the same one she used earlier, the very same she'd been taught by her father, allowed her to gather all of her fighting spirit and concentrated it into a single beam of aura. As it built, she chanted the same mantra she'd always had, ever since her first day at Signal.
Jaune then began his return to Remnant. The world he grew up on looked so small, so delicate from here, and yet its growing size did little to ease his worry. Even though he'd faced challenges greater than himself time and time again, fearing for his life every time, he knew he'd do it over and over again every time, because that's what she would have done. Shining with a golden light, he moved forward and kept pushing on.
Remnant quaked as a tower, no, a CONTINENT of golden aura erupted from its orbit! This was only matched as a smaller, more concentrated beam of golden light pierced a path through towards the huntress. With a scream, she activated her semblance, forcing the beam to explode out with more power, more intensity that destroyed the world behind her. But this blast, too, however, was also cut through as the huntsman neared her position.
Using the last of her strength, Yang Xiao Long formed a conduit of pure aura from her, a titanic version of herself, and launched a fist the size of a mountain at her opponent. Jaune Arc replied with his own punch, the cosmos themselves shaking as a shockwave destroyed all of creation, shattering reality and leaving only a white void.
Yang groaned, opening her eyes, wincing from the bright world around her, confused by the white space. Looking down, she saw that she was still whole, her body still intact. It wasn't until she saw the ring above her head that she let out a sigh.
Yang: Ah, darn it.
A chuckle nearby drew her attention to Jaune, who was smiling in his cracked armor and tattered clothes.
Jaune: You almost had me there! That was actually pretty fun.
Yang: Yeah, it sure was!
Yang gave a laugh of her own, but it was short-lived as she stood up, clenching her fist with more competitive, but no less friendly grin.
Yang: But I'll be stronger next time!
Jaune: I look forward to it.
Jaune turned away from the blonde brawler, looking to the shattered reality around them. In the tears in the rifts, the two saw windows into countless, alternate worlds. In these windows of different Yang and different Jaunes, there were only three constants.
There was always a Yang.
There was always a Jaune.
And even though they fought in some tears, they were always friends.
Yang: ...
Jaune: ...
Yang: (Holds out her fist) Wanna go again~?
Jaune: (Bumps her fist) You bet~!
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Fall With Me…
Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
18+ | Minors DNI!!
Warnings: Feelings of hopelessness, lack of appetite, ‘depression room’, rough break up, alluded to dysfunctional family. Insecurities.
Hurt/Comfort 🥺❤️
Smut: SOFT!!!, Flo tops 🥵, Marking, Oral(R), Fingering(R/F), Specialty Vibe/Dildo (R). Heavy Praise. Thigh fixation if you squint. Squirting 💦.
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A heavy sigh falls from your lips as you punch in your employee badge number, your head falling against the corresponding wall while you search for the energy to take yourself to the car for the insufferable drive home. This week, or better yet this year has been nothing short of treacherous, everything you once knew turned out to be a lie, and now everyday is a chore.
——I hate the readmore bs——
——I hate the readmore bs——
All you ever wanted was to be loved, and for the longest time you thought you were, but it turned out you were just an entity she was using to pass the time until something far more worthy of her love came along, and that hurt. To know you weren't ever going to be enough for the girl you were willing to move mountains for didn't really leave you in a great headspace. Add onto that the shitty nine to five, a family that's only purpose is to wreak chaos over your life, and best friends who are constantly out of town doing big dream things, and it's like the misery finds its home perfectly in your heart.
As they say, misery loves company, so here you are in the snack section of the local superstore, but the longer you stare at the selection of food the idea of eating starts to feel like a turn off.  So you instead make your way over to the adult toy section in search of a turn on, finding a new device to hopefully bring meaning into your life once again, it even has little beads that rotate—the first exciting thing to enter your life in ages honestly, and if you were to let yourself think about that for too long it's a bit pathetic.
You settled your bags into the passenger seat of your junky car, a few miscellaneous candy bars that caught your eyes at the checkout floating around the bags will have to suffice for dinner tonight, then you drove off with thoughts of hijacking your cats peace with stories of your day, and forced cuddles... It's no wonder the poor little tabby has been staring longingly at the front door when you leave every morning.
Florence was across the world filming for Marvel when she got the good news that you were finally single again, she absolutely hated Lacy with her entire being, and was happy to see her go. Still, even though she hated her, she loved you too much to be that excited, and she did her very best over the past year to reach out to you from the unfavorable miles away, but it was never enough for her, or for you either. 
Deep down the Brit knew you weren't doing well—she always did have a knack for that; your replies were far too short, the daily photos you used to send her of your good day stopped, then when your mutual friends recently told her they hadn't seen you in actual months she knew it was bad. She's used to your depressive patterns, having been around all this time, but that's just it, normally she'd be there for you, and it shatters her soul to know she wasn't.
Then last week she saw you'd actually shown up to Hailee's party via posted photos on Insta, and she cursed her agent for double booking her because when she saw your smile she knew it was simply masking a world of hurt. It was only confirmed when Hailee called her later with her own list of observed concerns, and she knew it was imperative that she fly back to you.
When she had entered your apartment this morning after watching you drive off she gasped, and shot her leg out to stop Toby from making his great escape., "You little bugger.," she'd muttered as she scooped the feline up., "I'm aware these aren't exactly ideal living situations, but let's not pretend you don't live a lavish life.," she continues while motioning to the actual palace structure you've set up for him in the corner of your apartment.
The space you've been occupying held none of your usual luster, it was instead tainted by what could only be described as absolute filth. Inches of dust covered every surface, and Flo just knew you couldn't be faring well with those pesky allergies of yours. Clothing was strewn about the front room as if you never even made it passed the couch, and it seemed to be the case too as there was a person sized indent in the cushions. The messes didn't stop there either, they were all over the place, it was a stark contrast to your usual put togetherness.
It took her three hours to deep clean the entire space, but once it was inhabitable she began to brainstorm., "Oh Tobes, what am I to do with the place, hm?," the cat snuggled into her chest, purring like crazy., "You're right little guy, just give me a few minutes to rest.," and within the minute she was out, dreaming of your beautiful, smiling face coming home.
After a well deserved afternoon nap Florence set out on the city to pull together a miracle. It was Fall, the both of yours favorite season, so when she arrived to the supermarket to see it decked out in displays full of reds and oranges she was excitedly filling her cart to the brim. Candles that smell of cinnamon and apples to set the mood, various gourds and faux leaves, and even some of those silly "Fall" plaques. Meticulously selected ingredients for a stew were added to the cart as well, as she has now seen your kitchen full of only fruits, and candy. Still, she also added the ingredients for an apple pie to the mix, a pint of vanilla ice cream to accompany it, oh, and a whole lot of booze.
Tonight will be a night for the taking!
When you tiredly settled the key into your knob you immediately froze, beneath your feet there was a "Welcome Home, Pumpkin." mat, and a sweet medley of music was faintly audible just beyond the closed door. After triple checking this was indeed your building your mind knew exactly what to expect behind the door.
Florence is here...
A few tears fell down your face, shame fueled your body for all of one minute before apathy took over; she'd seen this before, most likely expected it, and you knew she'd never judge. More tears fell though when you realized just how dearly you'd missed your friend from across the pond. It had been exactly three hundred and eighty nine days since you last saw her, but who's counting, certainly not you.
When you finally went to turn the knob the door flew open, so hard actually you don't know how it didn't fly off the hinges, or why Florence was cast as Yelena and not She-Hulk. The short haired blonde pulled your now sobbing form right on into the apartment, and then right into her embrace, you wrapped your arms around her waist, settled your head to her shoulder and sighed in relief at the contact.
"Flo...," she shushed you, not all that interested in talking, all she wanted was to hold you close. "I missed you.," you slur, your cheek having been pressed to her chest a bit too tightly., "God, missed is such an understatement.," she admits, and tightens her arms hold on you, you melt even further into the offered comfort.
Against her hearts pull Flo pulls back from you, "Okay, now you're going to take a shower, then meet me back in the living room for dinner and an array of Halloween themed movies!" She cheerily instructs, her hands now on your shoulders as she lightly shakes you to get you pumped up., "Okay, damn, had no clue I smelled that bad.," you teased before running off to freshen up, and her belly laughter from behind made you genuinely beam.
Of course your bedroom was in pristine condition when you entered, you choked back further sobs at the sight of the care basket. "Sweater Weather" was the themed fragrance of all the new bath products, and Flo certainly had good taste because the smell was divine. Memories of the both of you picking apples, and frolicking through forests leaves you feeling incredibly warm as the fragrance seeped into your pores, her choice making even more sense now that it clouded the bathroom.
When you arrived in the living room in just a tank, and sleep shorts with dripping hair Flo literally choked on her wine, turning her head away in the hopes that you didn't catch it, but to her misfortune you surely did., "What?," Truth be told she was incredibly distracted by your glimmering thighs, and pert nipples, but in an attempt not to make you uncomfortable she manages another thought., "Did your mother never teach you how to dry your hair?,"
"Nah, she was a bit busy being a menace.," you jest while plopping down beside her, giggling maniacally when she gasps, droplets of water from your hair having splattered onto her, and if only to add insult to injury you stole the wine right from her hand., "Yeah, I'm starting to see the resemblance.," she lightly jokes, and your knowing smirk over the glass has her rolling her eyes and leaving the room.
Though you'd protested, Florence refused to start Practical Magic until your hair was dry, fearful that the chill seeping through the walls would make you sick if she didn't do it for you. So now your head was being haphazardly thrashed around as the blonde handled you. Florence chuckled when you still tried to drink, but the shaking only spilled the wine on your legs., "Y/N, the wine's going nowhere, calm yourself.," you huffed, slumping into the couch when she relinquished her hold on you, and Flo found your little pout beyond adorable as your—her—empty glass was promptly lifted up in a silent plea for more.
She topped you off, filled her own up, then she passed you over a bowl of soup, watching you dip your spoon in without any hesitation made her feel rather accomplished., "Mmm, Flo.," she turned towards the TV to hide her blushing cheeks, cursing the world for how easily she finds herself affected by your innocent moans. With every passing minute your body slowly moved closer to hers; empty bowls on the coffee table, and your head in her lap, she ran her hand through your hair mindlessly while splitting her attention between your face and the movie she couldn't really keep up with.
Especially not when she felt your tears rolling down her knee as the movie came to an end, it seemed to be a happy one, but your pained expression made her think she might've missed something., "Hey, what's wrong baby girl?," you abruptly moved about until your arms were around her shoulders, and your face was pressed to her chest as the tears failed to dry., "I-I, I'm so tired of being alone Flossie, am I really that unlovable?," her heart instantly shattered at your pained words, the same one that secretly belonged to you, then thoughts of ringing Lacy's neck flooded her troubled mind.
"Y/N, hey, look at me please!," she lifted her hand up to cup the left side of your face, her thumb tenderly ushered away the tears that threatened to stain your cheeks, and even in your most vulnerable state she thought you looked stunning., "You are not unlovable!!," she softly smiled down at your skeptical face., "In fact, I happen to know many people who love you.," you shook your head in disbelief., "Well, Hail's loves you, and goodness me my family loves you more than me.," your muffled giggles made her heart swell., "Billie girl is obsessed, and I have to tell you—so am I."
Something in her glistening green eyes told you there was a bit more to her words than that of a friendly means., "Fuck anyone whoever made you think otherwise. You're perfect, anyone would be more than lucky to have you Y/N.," You knew how pathetic you probably looked, but fuck, you wanted that anyone to be her. "Help me forget.," the slight buzz encouraged you to push for her., "Please Flo.," if only for tonight you were hoping to feel what it was like to be truly loved., "I need you so bad."
Every ounce of her self control went right out the window when you expressed your need to her with not only words but those pleading eyes. Her lips briefly trembled before she gently pressed them to yours as she tested the waters out, the momentum picking right up when you parted your lips for her without any prompting. Every dream she'd ever had of this moment could never compare to the real thing, your lips fit perfectly to hers—like two pieces of a corresponding locket, they might be forced to be apart from time to time, but it's undeniable that they belong together.
When her tongue slipped over yours, there was a collective set of moans, you tasted just how she expected—sweet as can be, but with the wine from before there was a bitter overlap that really just enhanced your natural essence. Hands freely roamed over your incredibly thin cami, thumbs harshly digging into your hips when you began to grind down against her. She's not sure when it happened but you were now straddling her lap, not that she was complaining when her strong arms hoisted you up, her lips never once parting from yours as she expertly made her way to your room with you, gently laying you down on the mattress, and only then did your bodies lose contact. Paying your whimpers no mind she takes in a shaky breath., "Y/N, baby, are you sure?," her eyes were near black so you knew it was taking everything in her to stop to ensure you were in.
"Flo, I've never been more sure in my entire life. Please, show me what love really is.," clothing was immediately discarded, Flo taking in a sharp breath when met with your body in all of its naked glory, her eyes took their sweet ass time drinking you in too. No inch of your skin was spared, starting at your shoulders she slowly trailed her eyes down over the swell of your breasts, to the skin of your stomach that looked like the prime canvas for her markings. Once she lands on your thighs she's a goner, perfectly plush and absolutely glistening with your arousal, and she doesn't care to hold back anymore as she climbs to hover over you.
"You're a masterpiece baby.," she genuinely relays before her lips press to yours gently, and her fingers delicately trace down your sides until her hands settle over your hips firmly., "I've been waiting so long to have you, promise to be gentle baby, going to love you so well.," she whispers as her lips ghost over yours, the tender look in her eyes has you near to crying her sudden revelation leaves your mind dizzy, and her lips on your neck has you whimpering.
Flo travels down your body, her lips sparing no expanse of skin, taking extra care to mark up your breasts, her thumbs flicking over your sensitive nipples that were desperate for the touch, but her mouth pays them no mind on its hasty journey towards your lower region. Tasting you being one of her wildest dreams come true, and the hint of your essence on your delectable thighs has her bordering feral as her hands move from your hips to grip at the soft, pliable flesh to keep yours perfectly spread.
She breathes you in; long, deep breaths to aide her in smelling your delicious essence, the release of the hot breathe against your folds has you squirming impatiently, and though she'd love nothing more than to tease you, to make you beg for it, that's not tonights goal., "Sweetest, I love you so...," she groans, eyes on your hooded set but you're not entirely sure she isn't talking directly to your exposed cunt.
Then she dives in, her tongue working you over embarrassingly fast, within only a minute you are already teetering over the edge, all of her previous building you up clearly paying off. Many times you'd tried to close your legs, the pleasure she's provided you almost too much, but you were no match for her strong hold. Florence was in absolute heaven; the way you tasted a true blessing, your moans that never stopped leaving her in a state herself, and how strongly your walls tried to hold to her tongue.
Her thumb pressing into, and rubbing tight circles against your clit was what sent you over, walls fluttered around her wet muscle like crazy, and she went absolutely insane when your arousal coated her tongue in abundance., “You taste heavenly baby.,” she panted in between lapping at your folds, the way she hummed in satisfaction against you sent a new wave of arousal straight to your core.
The blonde smirked against your thigh when she witnessed you clench around nothing, two of her fingers slipped into you to remedy the situation, and you moaned at the unexpected but absolutely welcome intrusion. Her lips traveled back up your body, leaving behind new marks over the skin that was previously spared on her journey back up to your lips as if they’d been magnetized to hers.
She kisses you with passion as her fingers are relentless with their movements to bring you over, she’s gentle with you while also making sure to give your greedy cunt the pounding it needs, the woman is a skilled love maker, and your inability to keep up with her kiss is proof of that. Your head lolled to the side, cheek to the mattress while you did your best to pull in any air you could, the pressure within your abdomen was blinding, but that mattered little to Florence., “No pretty girl, look at me...," she hotly whispers as she guides your face back to hers, eyes fluttering open to see the intense way hers observe your face all the while her fingers are working you over the edge of bliss; it's almost all too much for you to bare.
"I want to see you coming undone baby.," and just like that with a precise curve of her fingers against your innermost sensitive spots you're thrown into a far more exhausting orgasm than the one prior, your body shakes with pleasure as you're cumming unbelievably hard, your arousal spreading out all over her palm and coating her slender fingers., "Fuck, such a perfect girl for me, my perfect, sweet girl."
Too lost in the moment you don't hear the way she seeks to claim you, not that you'd protest when she has the power to make you feel so many things you'd never known possible. Watching the way she slips your digits into her mouth to clean off your sticky arousal, with eyes that never for a second leave yours, you feel like all the air around you'd been removed. You swear you could come again right there without her even having to make another move to touch you, but that's not something you have to ponder long as she leaves you alone in bed.
"Oh baby girl, shh, I'm right here.," she calls out as she hears you sniffle, the fear of being left in such a vulnerable place lent you to cry at the sudden loss of her body heat, but her words then following smiling face settled you just as fast., "Not to be a snoop, but I saw what you brought home from the store honey, and I thought we could try it out on you together."
The toy slips beyond your entrance with no resistance, your previous orgasms remnants more than enough to help it pass through. Florence gives you a moment to get used to feeling full before she's pulling out and softly slamming it back into you, your back arching off the bed at the teasing sensation of the raised, beaded tip rubbing against your walls. Flo smirked when she saw you with your mouth agape, the way your body reacted to the simplest of sensations honestly amused her.
"Doing so good for me pretty girl.," she coo'd, chuckling when your walls clenched so tightly around the toy at the praise. She turned the toy on, and your eyes slammed shut as the balls in the tip began to pulsate and spin around, the constant vibrations leaving you an absolute mess, and fuck you looked absolutely perfect. Chest heaving as breathing was becoming hard, all your moans coming out strangled, your hands were balled up into fists around the mussed up sheets, and your legs were shaking., "You're so beautiful baby, I really meant it when I said you're a masterpiece, belong in the Louvre honey—you're certainly my muse."
Florence stared at you wide eyed, your body thrashing about uncontrollably as what she deemed to be your final high of the night washed over you, the evidence spraying across her forearm, your thighs and the sheets below., “Shit, that was so incredibly hot baby girl.,” she groaned, the sight of you so blissed out and squirting had her drenching her own panties and clenching her thighs together for relief.
Your body didn’t stop quivering though, so she shook herself free from her own needy state to lay atop of your body, using her weight to ground you in place, and laying her head over your rapidly beating heart. The thumping was calming for her, regardless of how irregular it was it brought her to a state of total serenity. Her mind no longer clouded with lust was now wondering what this whole ordeal meant.
To her this was absolutely everything—you are everything, but she wondered if this was just a means to forget for you like you’d said.
Did she really allow you to use her for something like that when she knew her feelings for you were beyond and then some?
When your heart had returned to normal, your chest no longer heaving uncontrollably beneath her head, she knew it was now or never for her. Either she told you how she felt, and you turn her down, or she tells you and it all works out., "Come home with me.," she desperately pleads as she hovers above you, her eyes brimming with tears effectively breaking your resolve., "Flo…," she shakes her head., "No, don't say it." Her swift dismissal had shocked you, the fear in her tone doubling that uneasy feeling, and you could tell she had so much more left to say, so you shut right up.
"I've watched you give everything to a world of people who never deserved you.," a shaky breath fanned across your skin as she briefly paused, but then her eyes were peering into yours with the intensity of a thousand suns., "I just wish to be the one you'd give it all to Y/N, because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I'd give you all of me if you'd accept that.,” the way her voice shook physically pained you.
"I've loved you through every phase of my life, and this moment we have shared, it'll never be enough for me Y/N, I want all of you always.," The way Flo stared at you had the power to make you feel like you always belonged, even when so many others told you much to the contrary. Whether you were in a room full of your mutual peers, or her big leagued actor friends all she ever saw was you, and she never really understood how you didn't see that. It was far from a secret; the entire friend group always joked that you two would be perfect together in the hopes that you'd finally see her, but you always giggled away what you believed to be an unobtainable dream.
There was no plausible way Flo wanted you...
Up until now you just didn't get it, you had Lacy in your ear with her lies of forever, and you curse yourself for that very thing. So many years spent with someone giving you the bare minimum when you had someone who was ready to give you it all with no questions asked. While you reached your epiphany, Florence herself was on the verge of a breakdown when you remained stoically silent; your eyes full of unreadable emotions staring into hers full of pure love made her feel uneasy, and even far more exposed than her currently bare form.
"I-I'm going to go, I have an early flight to catch.," she rambles off, her hand quick to wipe the tears away before she shimmies down the bed and off your body. It takes a minute for you to register what she'd said, and just before she could reach the door you were blocking her., "Flo, my sweetest girl.," you coo'd while lifting her face by her chin, then shifting to cup her cheeks., "Please don't need to go...," you settled soft kisses to the tears tracks that covered her cheeks., "Not without me that is.," you flash her the sweetest smile, and she feels a warmth blossoming through her body.
There was a hesitation in her features, like she couldn't believe that you were being serious, and that alone amplified the guilt in your heart., "I mean, we could just stay in my bed too, because my home is wherever you are.," Her deep throaty laughter settled you, the same way it always had, and you admired the way her puffy eyes crinkled, a true show of how quickly you'd been able to turn her mood., "Really, it's a comfy bed, lots of blankets...,"
"An abundance of pillows, you sure I'll fit?," you chuckled at her teasing commentary, "Yeah, I'll always make the room for you.," Florence buried her face into the crook of your neck as she let your words truly sink in, the deeper meaning far from lost on her., "You've always been my home Y/N/N, I've loved you in secret for years, and I never want to again."
"I'm sorry I never believed it, seemed crazy to think you'd ever love me back, but had I just opened my eyes I'd have seen the blatant truth." Flo pulled back to narrow her eyes at you., "Excuse me?! Back as in you could've been mine all along had I just grown a pair?," you nod sheepishly under her intense stare.
"Well ain't that some serious shit." She curses, and you giggle at her annoyed expression., "Yeah, but hey, it's the perfect season for this revelation.," with her hands on your hips and a quirked brow she silently urges you to go on., "Florence, there's no need to fall in love with you, because I'm already irrevocably there.," Flo eyes you with the upmost suspicion when you pause to lean your forehead onto hers., "Care to continue falling with me though?,"
"You goof, I'm already there too! But yes, how about you fall with me into this comfy bed.," Florence slaps your chest playfully then drags you over to the bed, but before she could pull you down you pushed her, then you climbed to hover over her, and the smirk you flashed had her body shivering., "Thought it was only fair that I returned the favor darling.," you husked, and Florence whimpered when your cold hands slid underneath her shirt, lips now hovering over hers., "Probably going to miss your flight though...," you teased before softly kissing her.
Plans to make the night last at the front of your mind as your hands did the job of wandering., "Can always rebook for a later date my love, we have our whole lives to figure it all out now.," your tone was soft and sweet, but Florence saw right through you, your dark eyes more honest. The both of you groaned in tandem when the fingers you effortlessly slid into her wet heat were welcomed without question by her warm, velvety smooth walls.
Yeah, you were definitely right at home...
4,750 Words
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I can die happily now, enjoy ❤️
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
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Bleach has sucked me in once more.
And since I can't find the very specific found family trope I want to read about, I decided to write it myself.
Where Gin gets turned into a child and Aizen becomes Rosa from that one B99 episode. ------
Out of all the possible outcomes Aizen had calculated when the Hougyoku had suddenly activated, finding Gin sitting in a pool of his now oversized clothes blinking at him in complete confusion had not been one of them.
Nor for Gin to turn to him and look at him without a single flicker of recognition. Aizen would be impressed by the Hougyoku’s considerable power and thoroughness if it hadn’t happened to Gin.
Oh, he knew the boy was planning on killing him (or at least, attempt to), but the fact that Gin hides it so well… well, it’s impressive. Aizen can really only admire him for it—and after all these long years Aizen really has become quite fond of the boy. A part of him has been dreading the day Gin will turn on him because no matter how fond, Aizen will cut him down without any hesitation if he stands in his way.
But now that calculating look on that grinning face is gone. Almost like he doesn’t know him at all.
How far back did the Hougyoku de-age him? Aizen frowns thoughtfully, thankful that his Espada keep well out of the way of this place unless he summons them here. Gin looked spooked enough as it was.
He kneels down with Gin still half a room away and smiles in that soft, comforting way that used soothe Hinamori-kun, and once upon time, Gin (not that the boy would ever admit to needing comfort).
But the Gin before him now only looks at him dubiously. And remains pointedly silent. Smart boy, even as a flicker of anger licks at Aizen’s heart because someone so young shouldn’t have such hollowed, suspicious look on their face when confronted with nothing more than a smile.
The unfairness of it makes something in his chest bristle.
Soon that unfairness will be confronted, Aizen promises himself (promises Gin, who is still watching him carefully).
“Hello little one,” he says softly, “do you know where you are?”
“No.” Gin cocks his head at him. “Should I?”
Aizen can’t help but smile at the borderline belligerent tone—even small, and alone, and lost somewhere so unfamiliar, it seems Gin will always have that bite to him.
Who taught you that? He wonders. Who wounded you so much that even the slightest hint of kindness inspires such suspicion in you? Because he would dearly like to tear that person apart.
“I suppose not,” he replies mildly. “Would you like me to tell you?”
Gin’s whole posture changes, his reiatsu flaring much like a pup trying to bare its milk teeth; it would be amusing if Aizen knew what had caused such a reaction. He frowns, concern creeping like weeds through his ribcage—his reiatsu is bristling with fear.
“I ain’t suckin’ yer cock. Ain’t nuthin’ ya can tell me that I can’t find out on my own,” Gin snarls at him.
And Aizen—Aizen feels like he’s been punched through the chest, disgust coiling hot and then cold in his stomach as he suddenly understood what made someone so young look at the world with such distrust.
And Aizen doubts that Gin has even hit his thirtieth year (if he were human he would be no older than seven)—the fact that he knows what “sucking a cock” even means… just the thought of it turns Aizen’s stomach.
He wills his reiatsu under control and forces his anger away. Now is not the time to lose his temper. Later. When he has space and Gin is safely tucked away he’ll find a few thousand ants to crush, and maybe a mountain or two.
But now Gin doesn’t need his anger, it would only frighten him—he needs kindness that doesn’t come with strings attached, and most importantly he needs patience.
Aizen breathes out, tucking his anger away as he carefully brushes against Gin’s prickly reiatsu with his own. The boy stills. Aizen knows his own reiatsu is sharp, like touching shattered glass—he can soften it of course, make it warm and soft like he did for Hinamori-kun, but Gin needs to trust him and even for as young as he is, Aizen can’t risk him sensing something off about his reiatsu and trying to flee.
That would only lead to disaster.
So Aizen lets Gin feel him out, lets his young, untrained reiatsu poke at him curiously like he’s trying to find his measure. Clever boy. Aizen hides a smirk, no wonder Gin was hailed as a genius—there were fully grown shinigami who couldn’t use their reiatsu like this.
It was truly remarkable to see it one so young.
“May I know your name, little one?” Aizen tries again.
This time his question isn’t met with a towering wall of suspicion, but Gin’s bare shoulders were still hunched defensively. It was a long moment before he answered.
“Gin,” he said quietly, “Ichimaru Gin.”
“Gin. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Aizen Souske.” He lets his reiatsu tangle more firmly in Gin’s, allowing the boy to truly feel his intentions when he speaks because if Gin believes nothing else, he needs him to believe this. “And you’re safe here, I promise.”
“I…” Gin looks at him, startled, “believe ya. Why do I believe ya?” He asks almost to himself.
Aizen smiles at him fondly. “You can feel my reiatsu, right? Well, reiatsu can’t lie,” it was why he got so good at masking it, “when you can feel someone’s reiatsu—if you’re good at it—you can feel those persons intentions, whether they’re lying for instance.”
“And ya ain’t…lying?” Gin asks, sounding so painfully hopeful it makes something in Aizen’s chest twinge.
What an odd feeling. He pushes it away with a reassuring smile. “I’m not.”
He watches Gin twitch when he feels the truth of his words resonate through his reiatsu. And it is the truth, untainted by pretty, empty words—he will slaughter anyone, even Tousen, if he dares to lay a hand on Gin with the intent to hurt him.
“And ya’ ain’t gonna ask me too—”
“No.” Anger slams through his reiatsu before he can stop it and Gin whimpers beneath the weight of it (a sound that stabs Aizen through his ribs like a hot blade) before he manages to reign himself in.
“No,” he says more gently, “never. No one will ever ask you for,” he can’t even bring himself to say it, “that.”
And anyone who does won’t live long enough to regret it.
He sees Gin swallow hard, a mixture of hope and fear on his face.
He doesn’t move from his kneeling position as he holds out his hand. “Come Gin, you will never know fear or hunger again.” You will never again suffer under the uncaring cruelty of the Soul Society.
Gin doesn’t move for one long moment, but suddenly his reiatsu is tangling with his as Gin gets shakily to his feet, naked as the day as he was born and reaches for him. Aizen has him in his arms in a flash, Gin’s adult haori wrapped around him like a blanket. He cradles Gin tight against his chest and some distant part of him feels something click into place though he has no name for it or the sudden feeling of rightness that flows through him.
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charkyzombicorn · 11 months
Here’s a thought I had. An au where Shanks goes around giving Buggy’s snail number out to people. The reasons? 1. To be an asshole because it’s funny. 2. Maybe it will help Buggy with his issues somehow?
Luffy gets the number and while he does somehow memorize instantly, it never occurs to him to use it, although he did teach his brothers about the super cool number Shanks left.
Yassop leaves Brachina the number, but it’s Usopp who actually uses it years later, trying to find his dad so Yassop will come home and help Brachina.
Instead he gets a very confused clown pirate, wondering how this little boy got his number.
Buggy is so fucking annoyed. His snail phone is exhausted from being called so much. He wants to rest but children keep calling him in the phone and then saying the most gut-wrenching stories with the same tone they would use to comment on the sky being blue.
First it was Luffy, who said his name, that he was going to be king of the pirates (Brat) and that he had two new brothers and he wanted to tell everyone because he finally wasn't alone (and No it didn't remind Buggy of himself before Shanks and the Oro Jackson, Fuck Off).
Then it was Usopp who declared himself the bravest warrior of the sea because he didn't shed a single tear when his mother died, and hasn't since and now he's super strong because he has to do odd jobs to feed himself now. So Buggy, clown that he is, decided to visit - only for that douche Kuro to stop him by starting shit and almost sinking his ship. Buggy wanted to punch his glasses into his face but he was fighting for his right to visit some random snotnosed brat that got his number. So he left.
Then some brat named Ace called him, and asked what he would think if the pirate king had a son. So Buggy was completely honest, because that was a very strange and very specific question and he was still tired from helping patch the ship. "Roger did have kids - two of em', got one in a treasure chest and the other from a dumpster. But of course he gave the first kid his life's treasure and the second kid a mop. If he had a third kid I'd just hope they were born on neutral ground so they could see to their own future and not the one that asshat forced on them. Now Where Do You Kids Keep Getting My Number". But the line was silent, and a few seconds later went dead.
Then he got Another call from Another child, this one called Sabo. He said he knew Buggy was a pirate, said he could be a choreboy, a navigator and a fighter on Buggy's crew for the small price of Getting Him Out Of Goa. Buggy said he didn't want a toddler on his ship, "Sabo" insisted that he was 15 (not even a chance), and he could pay Buggy - 50 thousand for a spot on his ship. Buggy was definitely one for bribery, but he accepted such a low offer because the kid seemed desperate and people have good reasons to need to leave a place like Goa. So he shipped off, made it to port the next day and then promptly shattered himself into bits when he saw the celestial dragon ship in the distance. Then a blonde brat with neat clothes, a rucksack and a purposefully mean-looking glare said he was Sabo and that he wouldn't give the money until he was on the ship.
Buggy told him to go fuck himself, they were hiding the ship and praying the celestial dragon left without calling a buster call. Then his snail rang. Again. He ordered his crew hide the ship nearer the mountain before picking up the phone. It was Luffy again. "Listen, Luffy, calling me twice a week to tell me about your--" Luffy was crying.
"There was a fire. Sabo's gone. Ace hasn't woken up since the fire. What do I do? I can't lose my brother's they're all I have--" Buggy got the snail phone smacked out of his hand by a metal pipe and he yelped while Sabo was already curled around it with both hands on the receiver like it could break.
"Luffy?" And the mean face was gone, and he was definitely 10-ish. "Luffy, what happened to Ace--"
"SABO!!!!" The snail yelled so loud Buggy could tell its throat hurt. "You're with Shanks' mystery friend! You're okay! You need to come back, I went into the fire and so did Ace and Ace got hurt protecting me and we need you back I'm sorry if I'm why you left--"
The blonde kid was crying. Buggy wasn't known for his skill with children, so he just stood there. "Okay - I'm coming home, okay? I'm not leaving, I promise. Just - just watch over Ace until I get there, okay?"
Sabo hung up the the phone and looked back up at Buggy. "Change of plans." He said, after trying and failing to wipe his tears.
"Oh no shit." Buggy mocked. "Go home, kid."
Sabo nodded, but then hesitated. "You know Shanks, right?"
Buggy couldn't help the sneer - not that he wanted to.
"Shanks gave his arm to save my little brother's life. I owe him a debt, but. Thank you for helping a stranger." He put his little hand out as if Buggy wanted to shake sticky toddler hands.
Buggy flicked him. "You're just lucky Luffy's my biggest fan, or you'd be scrubbing the floors, brat."
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ragesin · 1 year
Meliodas is such a monster in fights.
Physical prowess is stupidly off the charts. He can effortlessly blitz most with just his hands, just blinking them away. Destroys a prison meant to withstand 10 tyrant dragons - each who can level a town - while arm wrestling. Just embarrasses Dogedo who is lauded among his knighthood for strength, shattering his hand like he folded a piece of paper. Parries Drole  ( a giant with four arms who is considered a fighting god amongst his people ),  punching him at three different angles near simultaneously, and then slices his arms off with basically no resistance. In a single sequence he easily tore through miles of the dense rock maze created from Drole's magic, destroyed Gloxinia's cursed tree like it wasn't even there and then snapped Gloxinia's spine in half with a single punch, almost killing him on the spot. The top half of Fraudrin's body just straight up disintegrated in one blow after Meliodas bullies him lmao, and this was a guy who said he had the power to wipe out Liones. He blows away mountains like a house of cards with the force of his sword swings in 4kota. Split in mountain in half with a twig in the earlier half of the series. He 1v3s three top ranking demons while defending Elizabeth and puts them in their place while looking like he barely exerted any energy. Took on Mael by himself back in the day and made him back the fuck off.
Crazy strong magic strength. The man blows open 30,000 ft holes into the earth that obliterates surroundings into nothing, once by accident which deleted the entire kingdom of Danafor off the map and again when he sealed Gelda at Edinburgh. Also was trained by a master in the arts of magic, Chandler.
Power level is ridiculous. Ok, the combat classes we see are really just resting power levels that can and will fluctuate. They should be used as vague guidelines to indicate tiers of power rather than something immutable, and that bigger number means you can play in the same league as other huge numbers though they don't guarantee shit, they just grant the access pass. Now then. With Mel ?  His is constantly in flux. The thing just keeps growing, or rather returning to what it used to be before Merlin gipped him. It’s 60k when he fights Fraudrin and it becomes even greater when you factor in his demonic powers. It’s 142k when he first uses assault mode, and only continues to grow as he recovers his original strength. It’s at least on par with, if not easily greater than Mael, who already surpasses Ludoshiel at 201k in a vessel. Ludoshiel basically said he needed to team up with Sariel and Tarmiel before daring to pick a fight with Meliodas on his own. The goddess Elizabeth is Meliodas’ closest equivalent in power, and she was noted to be equal to / stronger than the four Archangels. In the end it was still nothing before the Demon King and Supreme Deity.
Can be scarily accurate. Senses Gilthunder's spear coming which was thrown from over 7 miles away, walks outside and catches it, throws it back, and simply destroys the fort Gilthunder was in instead of killing him outright, which would have been easy to do.
He's skilled with blades. He uses short swords nowadays but has used enormous broadswords before, which seem to be his preference of weapon. He’s said he likes heftiness in a weapon. While his sword techniques aren’t as fast as his little brother’s, Meliodas still has a move that cuts something 1000 times in an instant and uses a movement that looks like him sliding his blade an inch out of the sheath before putting it back and not moving from his spot at all, which then translates to Galand casually diced to ribbons a second later ( the same guy that instantly jumped miles out of merlin’s range before she could finish lifting her hand ). Destroys all the fake Zeldris’ by himself in a single move.
Durability is almost unfair. Can withstand light magic that disintegrates demons and is implied by Estarossa to be able to take attacks intended to destroy a demon at the molecular level to the point where they can’t regenerate. He just tanks nuke level attacks to the face, being barraged by Derieri’s 50+ Combo Star ( where each consecutive blow receives an additional 200,000 pounds of force compared to the previous one ), and can still fight after being punched through a mountain or being cooked by Monspeet with an attack that reduced previously a mountain to nothing. Survives a consistent assault from the Ten Commandments. Treats getting a limb severed like snapping back on a lego piece.
Insane speeds and reaction times. Dismembers Guila’s hand before she realizes it’s gone before proceeding to tear Ban in half. He can react to lightning and the movements of Ludoshiel, who has a grace that lets him move at the speed of light. He blocks a lot of the surprise attacks people throw at him, even when someone is invisible. Crossed several miles in about two or three seconds while basically ignoring any obstacle Gloxinia threw up in his way. Takes on Zeldris’ and Estarossa’s attack with no issues before swatting aside Cusack like a bug.
He's a cunning tactician. It's best to try and kill him quick before he works out your moves and kicks your ass six different ways. It’s shown numerous times that while he can get caught off guard initial in a fight, he’s incredibly adaptable and usually recovers pretty quick to retaliate, often to devastating effect.
Lifetimes of experience. Man’s old, so he’s got thousands of years of fighting experience. Accumulated knowledge like that is nothing to scoff at when it’s being used against you in a battle.
Generally blocks mind reading, even the heart reading abilities of the fairy clan. Though he's not immune to things like Drole's eye or Gowther's Invasion.
Full Counter, aka virtual immunity to magic attacks if he knows the nature of the attack. The opponent's attack blows up in their face with at minimum twice the power. It doesn’t matter if it is a projectile or something physical infused with magic like a weapon or fists. Depending on the magic tossed at him, Meliodas could probably kill you using a spoon or a stick honestly.
Counter Vanish deletes “magic” attacks full stop. It nullifies the magic portion and turns a fireball into a puff of smoke or can reduce a tidal wave to a kiddie puddle.
Revenge Counter is basically Original Demon’s Crisis  ( allows power to constantly increase while taking damage ). He accumulates damage over time to gather it into an exponentially stronger attack and one shot his enemy. Only difference is that his stored damage is reduced to 0 again after it’s used while Original Demon maintains it.
Can use other magic. Chandler is his teacher after all so he has a variety of techniques and a great understanding of magic. He just actually chooses not to use it because he prefers the Full Counter he’s got and he likes to physically beat up people instead of wailing on them from a distance. Can you believe this ?  Ignoring a whole branch of attacks for the most part because the guy literally said he prefers kicking ass while up close and personal.
Darkness has such utility and for what. Shields, weapons. He can just. Sprout wings of darkness and fly. He's hard enough to fight on the ground, much less adding in aerial maneuvering.
At least twice as strong at night because the biology of his species works that way.
He's a demon so he can do a number of other things, like possess a person, eat their soul, survive getting cut in half, has multiple hearts and won't die until they're all destroyed, etc.
Access to Hellblaze. A powerful, inextinguishable flame. Think Amaterasu but dialed up and none of the blindness drawbacks.
Can inflict curses and seal a person. Gelda was safely tucked away under a spell that no one but Merlin noticed. Zeldris was standing right above that hole Gelda was sealed in and had no idea she was down there. The man spent 3000 years researching curses in order to break the ones inflicted by the gods.
The more he leans into the demon side, the more cruel he can be. He has a tendency to play with his opponent, viewing them as entertainment. At a certain point his callousness grows and he likes seeing others suffer in despair. When he stops fucking around, he just brutalizes the other, often quickly killing them.
Assault mode. Take everything above and multiply it several fold. Sometimes he indiscriminately attacks.
Immortality via curse. Even if you kill him, he'll eventually come back. In that sense Meliodas is unable to lose a long term battle of attrition, seeing as he'll revive whereas the other most likely won't.
If you somehow add the Love, a completely broken commandment, and the fight's over before it began if you hate anything whatsoever. You’re infinitely stun locked, can’t pick up a weapon or even stand up, meaning you’re a sitting duck and its open season for Meliodas.
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fruit-sy · 1 year
Siblings with a Mountain Man/俺哥来自深山 drawings!
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Fan art I did of this manhua I've been reading for the last couple of weeks! This manhua has been living rent free in my mind and I cannot stop thinking about these silly goofy lil characters <33
It's a comedy-centric manhua, but it has its serious moments and times where its sincerity really punches me in the gut <:)
I loove the dynamic between the main siblings, Li Mo and Dao Mo.
Dao Mo is a relatively impassive person and gives off a cool-looking vibe at first glance, but that impression shatters as shenanigans happen, with him adapting to urban life after having lived in the mountains for 10 years and embarrassing Li Mo along the way. And as comedy comics are, he tends to dispel moments that are too serious with humor (also maybe as a defense mechanism when he feels genuinely moved by something)
Li Mo is a springy girl whose normal life crumbled as soon "that guy" came into her life. She does a lot of things with earnestness and vigor. She contrasts her brother a lot, very obviously pointing towards the yin and yang principle, and they make for a very entertaining duo. Though, as much as they goof around with slapstick humor, Li Mo really underestimates just how much Dao Mo cares about her.
Dao Mo repeatedly puts himself in harm's way to protect Li Mo and does a lot to give her a normal life, like damn, the boy tries so hard and fails when she starts seeing spirits. Li Mo began to acknowledge him as her brother slowly, and she starts fighting back the danger surrounding her as the series progresses. At the climax, she makes a major decision that changed everything, all with the single thought of "I want to be like him, I want to FIGHT." and BOI, the feeling I FELT WHEN I READ THAT CHAPTER WAS CATHARTIC
It might be simple, but god damn I love it when series build a mutual respect for both sides of the party, when they both acknowledge that they would do anything to protect the other from danger AND I LOVE THAT AUGH
They made it clear that Li Mo can stand on almost equal ground to her brother, she can defend herself physically, but when it comes to spirits, she can't dispose of them easily like Dao Mo can with his taoism skills. Also sidenote I love how badass all the women are in this story, like (points at dorks) DAMN THEYRE SO COOL I WANNA BE LIKE THEM
LATER DOWN THE LINE, WE GET A BIT MORE BACKSTORY AND THAT MADE MY HEART HURT WITH HOW EARNEST IT WAS ;O; Seeing the ending of that arc filled me with a sense of completion, we see just how much the characters' relationship has developed compared to the start.
Though, as much as I enjoyed this manhua and have reread it at least 3 times in the last two weeks, I do have some things that dragged me down while reading it. I think I got "combat-fatigued" from all the fight scenes in the story. Like, maybe because it was my first time reading it and I just really wanted the plot to happen faster bc I wanted to know what happened next and I binged it in a day, but I just skimmed through it quickly and was quite bummed when a lot of the chapter numbers (nearly half iirc) was focused on the combat, and the big baddies getting bigger and bigger-
Next was the typos in the translation. I could ignore some of them bc my brain just, autocorrects the dialogue ig, but sometimes it kills my immersion in the story.
But still, all that aside I really enjoyed reading this manhua! And so I gave it my appreciation in the only way, besides screaming into some text, I know... Which is fanart!!
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theauthor0 · 1 year
Its Unknown whether this is an Au or AT
This World was originally undertale but the player modded it and change its code to become something different, changing Undertale to what he wanted and what he believed was canon while also adding a ton of new stuff
The Player decided to change the underground, instead of making it a barrier underground, The "Underground" is an another dimension where the monsters live, this other dimension had no sun or sky and the world is entirely underground as there is no surface
The Locations are
Hotland- A place filled with lava, has lava geysers, Volcanos, and Rock inlands
Snowdin- A cold snowy environment with frozen lakes, few trees, and ice glaciers
Waterfall- A crystal like environment with waterfalls and rivers, the crystal above produce a liquid that makes it rain in the area
Atlantic sea- A giant lake that goes deep below, filled what seems to be coral and similar oceanic plant life
Dark Forest- A forest with no light with trees that reach heights that none have ever reached
Rocky Hills- A mountain valley that is like a maze with many caves and minerals
Monster Kingdom- Where most monsters live and is the home of Asgore and his family
The player changed the lore of UT making it so the war still happened but ended in a peace treaty where each race decided to stay in their own worlds, with the doors being destroyed
The Door themselves were grey in color, the doors are gateways between the monster and human worlds
The Doors cannot be repaired once they are destroyed
The Humans in Modded!Tale had their physical capabilities increased that even the weakest human can crush a boulder with a single punch
The Humans have special abilities however these abilities are limited and are not magic, not all souls give special abilities
The Humans had many different Soul traits that provided them with different benefits and debuffs
For Example
Justice- Increases Speed and Strength and gives the user the ability to see the intent of the being
Bravery- Increases Strength tremendously
Perseverance- Increases Defense and speed and gives the user to absorb attacks for a short period of time
Kindness- Increases Defense tremendously and gives the user to see the health of a being
Integrity- Gives the user the ability to detect lies
Patience- Increases Stamina and gives the user the ability to predict attacks
There are many other soul traits some being entirely new soul types and others being a mixture/combination of the soul traits that results in a new soul
Humans when they die, their soul leaves their body intact however if the soul is attacked directly it can be destroyed easily
A Human Soul that has lots of DT can refuse to die however that requires an unnatural amount of DT
A Human Soul possess a membrane of some sort that contains the trait and DT
There are 2 types of soul membranes a human can be born with
Soft Membrane- The soul itself is soft and when held it feels like a ballon and when destroyed, it pops
Glass Membrance- The soul itself is hard and when held it feels as hard as glass and when destroyed it shatters like glass with pieces of the soul scattering around
A Human souls are more physical as they can be held and felt, they can take much more damage than a monster soul and can persist after death
The Player made in so that players are defined as greater entities that exist in this world that can be called upon by humans
The Players are beings that can do any action but require a sacrifice of something of value
Players can possess only humans and thats if the humans agree to such action
The Players cannot interact with the world without a vessel and are powerless when connected to said vessel in that world
Players are beings that exist within the void that is outside the world reality
The Players are given a physical body in the void simply called an empty vessel or avatar
This Avatar is the representation of the player, Players possess the soul of SELF that is in their vessel, this soul only contains unlimited DT but it has no traits (This makes the soul look clear or "empty") When a Player possess a human, the player soul layer's on top of the human soul
The Avatar cannot leave the void unless in special circumstances
The Monsters in this world like UT are completely made of mana or sometimes called magic
They feed on mana which exists in all forms of life
Monsters can shape mana into whatever they desire, this is called magic as with enough concentration and training, mana can do all kinds of things
Monsters do not need to eat but require places to have enough mana in the area to sustain themselves
Monsters can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Reproducing sexually is much easier for a monster as with the help of another monster, they can sustain the monster baby with magic that won't be fatal to the monster parent. Reproducing asexually is much harder as the parent monster would need to give a lot of mana to the baby in order to sustain it, if not given enough mana the baby will die, but if given too much the parent would risk dying
Monsters do not have dna or genes but have something called a mana pattern which is something that is apart of a monster soul that what makes a monster form
Monsters release excess mana from their souls, as they get older their soul starts to release more mana to the point where it releases too much mana which leads to the monster death
Monsters do not have genders but have identities, depending on how they view themselves their bodies will form in order to match with how they view themselves
Monsters cannot truly feel physical pain, they can feel certain impacts on their bodies but lets say their arm was cut off they wouldn't be screaming in pain
There exists monsters called Wild monsters
These monsters are basically the same as regular monsters however they have more animalistic behaviors
These type monsters are very peaceful as they only feed on mana which is everywhere, there might be some that are territorial but very few are aggressive
There are some wild monsters that do hunt other monsters or wild monsters, however those kind of monsters are rare and for a wild monster to hunt other monsters is also rare
Monster souls are less physical and more made of condensed/concentrated mana, a being cannot feel or touch a monster, those who try will feel nothing, they will still feel contact with something but just feel nothing
A monster soul cannot persist after death, once a monster body has taken enough damage or fatal damage their body and soul will dust
Boss Monsters are powerful monsters that can rival humans in physical abilities and have access to powerful magic
They are immortal (The aging kind) and get more powerful as they age, Boss monsters can also be resurrected however the soul must be intact and must be in area where there is a lot of mana
They cannot lose their immortality when they have a child but instead become weaker, losing a quarter or half their power
If the child were to die, they would not get back their power or at least in large quantities
They are nicknamed Demi-Gods due to their immense power
Boss Monsters can summon what is known as a magic weapon
Each Magic weapon is unique to each boss monster and the weapon itself has all sorts of different effects that synergize with the boss monster
A Boss monster magic weapon is one with them, so if the magic weapon gets destroyed it can repair overtime automatically however this does prevent the boss monster from summoning their weapon intill the repair is done
Half boss monsters are the byproduct of a monster and boss monster having a child, they are still more powerful than regular monsters but are weaker than true boss monsters
Half boss monsters are immortal (The aging kind), but they cannot be resurrected, and when they have a child they don’t lose their power
Half boss monsters do have magic weapons but cannot be repaired automatically and takes a lot longer
Half boss monsters do get stronger as they age however it is at a much slower rate than a true boss monster
Boss monsters has they age become stronger however this increase in power only increases every 1,000 years and for half boss monsters it’s every 2,000 years
This increase of power is specifically their magic power, mana, and physical capabilities
There are 2 types of soulless beings in Modded!Tale
EM Soulless: These beings do not have a soul but possess some sort of trait or DT that allows them to keep their emotions however the connection between them and their emotions are very loose
EL Souless: These beings do not have a soul and do not have any traits or DT making them completely emotionless
This can happen to both humans and monsters through mostly artificial means but both have different effects when becoming soulless
EM Soulless
For monsters if they become soulless, they cannot use magic or at least cannot use magic at its fullest, when becoming soulless they also lose parts of themself becoming someone different then who they once were
For Humans if they become soulless, they show no emotion (this doesn't mean they have no emotions its just harder for them to express it) becoming more logical, they also lose the power their souls give them
EL Soulless
If either a human or monster were to become soulless without any traits or DT in them, they simply become empty unmoving and uncaring, they are equilvent to dead bodies but without being well dead
Ghost Monsters are monsters that do not have a physical form, this is because they simply do not have enough mana to form a physical body for them, this makes them immune to physical attacks however it is possible to hurt them with magic
Ghost monsters appear soulless in their ghost form and while they do not appear to have a soul, it is entirely misleading to call them soulless
There soul is there body or their entire being as once they found and possess a vessel their body forms into a soul and simply goes into the vessel
A ghost monster might not be able to fully combine with their vessel becoming more aggressive or wild (This does not happen to all ghost monsters)
However once they do fully combine with their vessel they will be able to interact with physical things but do lose their physical attack immunity
Determination has the color of gold and is contained in every human soul no matter the trait
Determination is also present in boss monster souls however its in small quantities, while half boss monsters have no determination, the same as regular monsters
Determination can prevent death for monsters but for humans they end up as a ghost/spirit or just a floating soul
Determination when mixed with high amounts of magic or is exposed to magic for a long period of time, it turns red
To be clear Determination color is gold but when in a soul the color becomes clear/invisible and when exposed to magic for long periods or mixed with magic outside of a soul it’s color turns red
Soul absorbing is the action of a monster or human absorbing another soul
Monsters can absorb other monster souls but this provides nothing to the monster host, it is merely an act to prevent a monster soul from dusting but this action is very dangerous as more mana is now needed to for the souls and if not carefully handled can prevent death to both monsters
Humans cannot absorb other human soul, however it is possible for a human ghost/spirit to attach themselves to another human, this can only happen if both the spirit and human have the same trait and while it’s possible for a spirit with a different soul trait than the human to attach themselves to them, the connection is more loose
Humans can absorb monster souls and monsters can absorb human soul, by doing this it grants them unimaginable power but is different depending on the leader
The leader is the being who absorbed the soul, they have the most control over their body
If a monster is the leader and absorbs 10 human souls, their power becomes equal to that of a god, this is the same for boss monsters too
If a human is the leader and absorbs 10 monster souls, their power becomes something that defies a god power
Both when absorbed 10 souls can kill each other as their powers are equal but if both were to fight it would cause the destruction of a whole universe or timeline
There are many different types of magic with 5 being the most well known these are
Soul Magic- An Advanced form of magic that ignores most defenses to attack the soul directly, the Magic itself can take any shape
Creative Magic- A basic form of magic that allows the monster to create things using magic like barriers, spears, and etc, it uses raw magic as it doesn’t do anything special
Ritual Magic- An Advanced form of magic that humans can use however the process is very long and requires certain requirements to work properly/correctly
Elemental Magic- An Semi Advanced form of magic that allows the monsters to either create certain physical things like Fire and Water or manipulate those physical things like Earth and Air, there are many more elements but those 4 are the most basic
Effect Magic- An Semi Advanced form of magic that allows the monster to apply certain effects to magic or themselves like making a certain magic attack home on the target or speed up a monster
River Person
Other Characters
Sans can slow down time (no stop time)
Sans can blind people temporarily
Undyne wears golden armor to reference her determination
Toriel can use most types of magic (being elemental)
Sans and Paps were both experiments created by gaster magic and human corpses
Paps was given a magic eye like Sans, Paps Magic eye is filled with Justice, Kindness, and Bravery
Sans Magic eye is filled with Patience, Integrity, and Perseverance
Paps is apart of the Silver guard and Undyne in part of the Royal Guard
Knight Knight is the Knight of the sun and moon, as he can summon a sun and moon, he is in charge of the day and night cycle of the “underground” and is also a half boss monster
Madjick is an expert of magic and knows every spell, magic type, and etc but doesn’t have the mana to use these spells
The Temmies own a plot of land called Temmie land, those who step into their land has to tax or else =)
Gerson is a half boss monster and an explorer, he also has a son who is a librarian
River person is a being, who that watches from the void
Gaster is alive but as Asgore secretary but does come to the lab at times to help or watch but is also the judge but fights you in the lab, while sans is the one who fights you in the judgement hall
Asgore and his family are one of the few remaining boss monsters left
The amalgamates still exist but are a combination of wild monsters
Void/River person are a being of the void that has no origins yet, there entire being is a mystery, they are Nigh-Omnipresent as they are present through the UT universe and timelines however they are only present in timelines that is Modded!Tale
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fakesurprise · 2 years
Start of the first scene..
I wasn’t bored, but that had nothing to do with two apartment buildings crashing into each other like cars being crushed in a junkyard two blocks from the building I was perched on, a slow rumble of shattered concrete blunted by everything else inside the buildings. It was almost like a piñata, except not at all. The world gleamed sepia around me in a steady flow of light almost the tone of my skin in some parts while outside the Barrier humans walked about their lives and days with no idea what went on around them. I almost considered trying to make the entire barrier match my skin, but I didn’t trust myself to experiment: not for a few months at least.
The sound of a single punch cracked the air with muted thunder as a car became little more than a heap of scrap in the road one block away under a single slap from Elias, who spun with surprising speed for a mountain dancer to kick a power line into little more than a memory as he moved to leap on top of a house, the rooftop shuddering but not breaking under the impact of his feet.
I moved, a flicker within the n-space to another building. The sounds remained muted, as I’d set the n-space to be as private as it could be. Other Kith would see it, but hopefully not enter without being asked.
Even a distance of three blocks did nothing to diminish the power of Elias’ blows: mountains weren’t the most powerful kind of dancer, but it was the most showy if you wanted to hit one thing and make certain you were noticed. The older Kith collapsed the building he was on with a flex of will as much as elemental power and I whistled softly as he leaped from one apartment rooftop to another. Forty, and moving with the grace of thirty.
The scale of destruction was mild – I’d set up the n-space field to cover only nine city blocks since Elias was practising alone – but watching older Kith flex their powers in ways most younger Kith simply never thought to never got old. Skill replaced raw power, and skill won out. Sometimes. Until it finally didn’t, but I didn’t want to think of that.
My phone pinged a welcome distraction as I cleared another rooftop to give Elias a bit more distance just in case anything went sideways. Not that I expected it to, but we spacers generally gave the other types at least two city blocks of leeway when holding up a barrier; I was doing closer to three today.
‘Holding up?’ was the text from Elias.
I snorted, and texted back, ‘Bite me you old fart.’
He texted back a laughing emoji and then continued to train, the force of a mountain brought to bear against the world. No one understood how our Powers worked, but not-space was the least understood of a lot of what the Kith do: as long as my barrier held, none of this damage carried over into the real world. If it did, the destruction of several city blocks would only be the start of a cascade of other problems, up to and including attempted hostile invasion of this world.
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metabolicchief3 · 1 year
Clothed in Blood
A sword drenched in blood and bound by the grip of an endless strength stood between a man and his foes. A sea of heads, anger and rage, fear and cowardice waiting to spring. But alone stood this single man. Watching. This finite sea of a hundred, nay more, whispered silent prayers to Gods dead and living, Gods that mattered not to the man that gripped his sword. Though now it were barely a blade, more so a shattered symbol that seemed stronger with its damage than weaker as it should. A movement in the man sent a wave of fear and tremors through the sea of skin and bone. Little more than the raising of an arm.
The sea cried, many in unison and some too late and few too soon. But the figure did not stop. His armour had been stripped, his weapon shattered. Yet their teeth chattered and knees shook. His broken blade, gripped ever tight in the right palm held up for all in that sea of fear. His lips stayed sealed, his body bare. Yet no fear touched him. No quarrelsome thoughts of failure and death. A soldier, raised without fear. A warrior for a king that didn’t dare look him in the eye. A creature of myth and legend even among his own people, though they were not truly his people.
His eyes, brown and dull, lightless but so full of dark, wandered across the heads of those he stood against, those he stood before. He who had yet eaten in near a month, who had yet drunk in near a week. Supposedly holding on by naught but his sheer will for no hatred spurred in his mind. He hated none but one. One who would not be near for a great many leagues. He felt nothing for these people, this ocean of hatred and despising eyes. Soon, they would have nothing to feel.
A single step forth and enough of the ocean began a reckless approach to call them a squad. Still, no fear touched his joints. Yet when he stepped forth their approach halted.
From his first step he had burst into a sprint, shadow staining his form as he left the small glimmer of light, naught but his eyes pierced that darkness. The whites of his eyes seemed to glow, like a phantom, a force of nature flying through the dark of the vast chamber at a speed no man nor woman could hope for. His blade travelled that same pace as it pierced and tore through those that charged. Blood dripped from his blade and spattered across him like a careless painter working a frivolous piece.
In less than a minute since he had raised his blade­‑ if one could call nary three inches of steel beyond a cross-guard a blade- twenty of the hundreds had fallen, drowning in pools of blood with throats cleaved, headless bodies strewn over others with holes punched through their chests, hearts missing or one more heart present than a minute ago. Yet he stood in the blood. Silent and unwavering. For a time.
“You who withheld food.”
He began a slow approach, eyes unchanged. No more filled with hate than when he had made his first step. No longer nude, instead clothed in blood and gore, his left first dripping and cloaked in blood, back to the elbow. While he towered over men and woman of all kinds and breeds before, he now seemed impossibly tall. Well over a foot taller than any man or woman he’d met or passed on the streets or fields of war he had roamed, he now felt hundreds of times taller. Taller than courage’s great peaks, taller than the mountains of fear that loomed over the sea of flesh and blood who opposed him. A towering shadow of nothingness, neither hate nor fear nor apathy, that knew no end. An infinite shadow reaching far into the clouds.
Yet a man was all that approached. No great magic, no great force. A single man of flesh and blood. Bare besides the spatters of blood that marred his shapely figure. A voice that rumbled like thunder and fire, yet fell on the ears like cold in winter, yes. But a man’s voice all the same. A body with so little marred definition that it could belong to none but gods and holy shapes. Yet so covered with scars that any who bore witness knew his mortality. Ever forward he marched, steps like tremors in the earth that pushed through the trembling joints of all who opposed him, threatening a fall with every step.
Perhaps of fear or bold arrogance, a greater force split from the whole. Fifty this time stormed the fortress that strode ever closer. Weapons raised and cries in their throats. He made no effort to run this time. He merely stopped his stride and awaited the death that would follow their hopeless assault. When the first arrived he evaded their weapon and with naught but his left hand crushed their throat in a single motion. Taking their body in hand, never releasing the throat, he bludgeoned the next three with the corpse until the neck severed and the three were dead. Another ten fell to dozens of slices and cuts in fractions of a second, leaving little of face and torso left. One lucky soul added a new cut to his collection of scars and trophys, but met a fate far worse. The rest were of no issue. Crushed with his and their own weapons alike.
“Will be feasted on in its stead.”
His words echoed through the ocean of walking corpses. Living until he would leave. Yet he stood before his new hill of death and guts. Another mans head in his hand, held by naught but the spine attached by the barest of threads. Blood covered more of his body now, a disbalance of who’s. Yet he drew no heavy breath. He neither limped nor slouched. No sweat touched his brow and no ache flowed through his muscles. His foes knew. It made their knees weaker.
“You who denied me drink.”
His words thundered once more, echoing on the walls of a tomb he had no claim to. Like a storm through the night, the lightning strikes ever close and thunder ever deafening, his words struck no weaker no matter the distance. They came from all sides yet all who heard knew its source. Little more than half as many stood in his wake as those when his steps had started, and seventy now lay dead, or too close to differ, behind him. A wake of death that seemed no more a drop in the barrel for the man clothed in blood.
This time, the rest made war. Too blind in fear to run and be spared. Too angry to feel his fist punch through their chests or feel his weapon shatter against skull and spine. After the first thirty, he stood without. Without armour. Without weapon. Without fear. Yet those who stood with, with armour and weapon, stood with fear. He could almost smell it permeate the tomb. A great house of justice once, but no longer. Justice was long dead, and soon it would have a great many companions more.
“Shall offer your blood in its stead.”
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Cassian x reader
Summary: The bond finally snapped...
It felt like someone had delivered a punch to your stomach, tearing the breath from your lungs.  Cassian stood across the room from you, his hazel eyes locked on yours.  The mating bond had snapped into place between you, and you felt yourself being pulled towards him, like a rope tied around your chest.  Both you and Cassian were speechless, standing perfectly still as you stared at each other.
Then you turned on your heel and ran, and Cassian felt his heart shatter.  He’d pined after you for nearly three decades but had never been able to muster the nerve to confess his feelings.  The Illyrian General, Lord of Bloodshed, could raze an entire army but got cold feet when it came to the female he liked.  For all he knew, you’d rejected the bond, and Cassian could feel the stirrings of the tell-tale madness that accompanied it.
He found Rhys in the library, his brother immediately scenting Cassian’s distress.  “We’re mates,” he said weakly, fighting to keep tears at bay.  “We’re mates and she ran.  She rejected me.”  “Cass,” Rhys said, opening his arms to his brother.  The male fell into them, allowing himself a few moments of weakness.  Rhysand comforted his brother, leading him to sit in the armchair he’d vacated.  “It’ll be okay, Cass,” he said, but the general shook his head.  He was breaking, and he knew that nothing could fix him.
You turned on your heel and ran, fighting the pull to run into your mate’s arms.  Your mate!  Mother above, Cassian was your mate!  After 50 years of silently longing for him, the bond had snapped, and you were absolutely elated.  The timing had never felt right to confess your feelings for Cassian: first Rhys had been taken Under The Mountain, leaving you and the Inner Circle shattered, then Cassian had been called away to Windhaven for nearly 10 years, there had never been a good time.
Perhaps that was why the bond had waited until now to snap into place, when things were calm and you had time to spend with each other.  You rounded the corner, and Nuala and Cerridwen startled at your sudden appearance.  “I need to make a sandwich,” you panted, and without asking why, the twins set a loaf of bread, a chunk of glazed ham, and a block of cheese before you.
It wasn’t a pretty sandwich.  One slice of bread was far thicker than the other, the ham bore jagged marks from where the knife had slipped, and the cheese…..well, it was there too.  You barely breathed a “thank you” to Nuala and Cerridwen before you were darting from the kitchens, following the incessant tugging on the bond.  You found Cassian in the library, tears drying on his cheeks, Rhysand knelt at his side
Your mate looked up at you, at the plate in your hands, and blinked.  Just blinked, in complete disbelief.  “It’s a mess,” you said, holding out the plate.”  “I know it’s bad, but I can make you something else if you want.  Whatever you want, Cassian.”  Slowly, the Illyrian rose to his feet, walking slowly towards you.  You looked into those eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes, and felt your heart skip a beat.
“You…” he said, choking on his words.  “You accept it?  You accept me?”  You nodded, tears rolling down your own cheeks.  “Yes, Cassian, I accept you, the bond, everything.  I’m sorry I ran off like that, but I just couldn’t wait.  I wanted to make it official.”  Without breaking eye contact, Cassian reached down, took the haphazardly made sandwich, tore off a single bite, took the plate from your hand and tossed it behind him, the sandwich joining it.  Rhys simply smiled, cleaning the shattered plate and sandwich with magic before vacating the room, wanting to be long gone before the frenzy ensued.
“My mate,” Cassian said, trailing one hand down your cheek before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush to his body.  His lips ghosted over yours, teasing the kiss you so badly wanted.  “How long I’ve wanted you.”  “How long?”  Cassian pressed his lips to yours, his tongue gently parting them.  “30 years,” he said into your mouth, and you moaned softly.  “I’ve wanted you for almost 50.”
Cassian growled, kissing you harder, and you felt the evidence of his desire pressed against your waist.  His wings encircled you, and you breathed his scent in: campfires and sword polish, with the barest hint of springtime.  “I love you,” you whispered, afraid to shatter the beauty of the moment.  “Cassian, my mate, I love you.  I promise that I’ll alw-”  You were cut off with a kiss, and your mate lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to the sofa.
“I love you too, my mate, but save the flowery declarations for the ceremony.”  It was clear that Cassian had other things on his mind.  When the two of you finally paused for food and rest, there wasn’t a surface in the library that Cassian hadn’t fucked you on.  You were snuggled against his chest, the sheets of your bed draped over your waist, your mate’s wings draped over you along with his arms. “You want a mating ceremony?” you asked, and Cassian smiled, kissing your nose.  Of course I do, Y/N.  I love you, and I want to show our friends how much I love you.  And there are plenty of promises I want to make you, mate.  And yeah, I want to show you off.”  You beamed, nuzzling your face into Cassian’s chest.  “But not for at least a week.  I feel like I could kill anyone who looks at you for more than a second.”
Cassian purred, tightening his arms and wings around you.  “Good.  Because all I want to do is enjoy my mate.”  The male kissed you then, which led to another several rounds of sex.  When the frenzy died down, you and Cassian had a formal mating ceremony at the River House, which was overseen by a priestess.  He swore the traditional Illyrian vows to you as well as several of his own volition, and you vowed to love, cherish, and protect him for as long as you would live.  At the end of the ceremony, you presented Cassian with another sandwich, but this one was more well made.
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tranquil-turbulence · 2 years
SasuSaku Month ‘22 Day 3
Day 2 | Day 4
Day 3 Prompt: Anger
Shippuden (Canon Divergence)
If there was one thing Sasuke remembered vividly from his time in Konoha, it was Sakura's anger.
For such a delicate, quick-to-tears little thing, she had her moments - hell, they all had. They were all growing boys and girls, all trying to make their way into a world that actively sought to beat them down with reality despite their dreams. For how smart she was, she was just as easy to rile up - and after all this time, it was the one thing he had expected to remain the same.
But just as his image of her in his mind had been shattered upon catching glimpses of her now, so had his image of her angry.
The hissing, shouting little girl had now grown into a passionate, quick-witted fighting machine - and he had no idea what to do with this new side of her.
Team Hawk stared from afar as she fought off agents of Sound with astonishing accuracy - though her face was pinched tight with fury, her punches were quick and targeted - and with every second, more and more were sent back by the sheer might of her blows.
Karin adjusted her glasses, gawking at her for all of a second - before she turned to Sasuke with what seemed to be her imitation of a mask of cool indifference. "Hmph. She's not nearly as good as you, Sasuke-kun."
"Not good my ass," Suigetsu whistled low as he studied her form. "You call that monster strength 'not good'?"
"She is quite formidable," Juugo observed quietly, wringing his hands together. "I would hate to be forced to cross paths with her. I don't think I could control myself."
Sasuke remained silent, red Sharingan making his eyes glow as he watched her fight.
The crybaby little thirteen-year-old he had left had grown into a sixteen-year-old spitfire of a young woman - and it stirred up feelings deep within, feelings he thought he'd long since buried alive and left to die.
Sakura's eyes were stony, darting back and forth as she assessed her foes' counterattacks. She braced herself with a sudden wall of mud against an onslaught of soundwaves, and as they beat mercilessly against the hardened mud she whizzed through several quick handsigns to make a clone.
"What is a clone going to do against Sound nin?" Karin huffed a laugh. "She's an idiot if she thinks that's gonna last long."
As if responding to the redhead's challenge, Sakura and the clone nodded firmly to one another - and as soon as the muddy wall began to break, the clone rushed towards them with a raucous cry - a single angry word as her fist hit the earth. "SHANNARO!"
The earth began to shake and quake underneath the might of the punch - and even a mile away, Team Hawk could feel tremors beneath the mountain they were perched upon.
"Monster!" Suigetsu repeated in awe, a toothy grin spreading wide across his face. "She's a beast!"
One by one, the Sound nin disappeared in clouds of smoke - leaving only one standing alone, looking back and forth before his legs disappeared into the earth below.
"Headhunter jutsu," Sasuke recognized with a displeased frown.
"She's insane," the redheaded woman balked.
"She's bleeding," Sasuke added in quietly.
"What?" Karin exclaimed. "How could you tell from back here?"
"Her shorts," he answered. "There's blood on her leg."
As the real Sakura stood there panting, a thin trickle of blood began to make its way down her inner thigh. She looked down and let loose a loud swear, something that made the corner of the Uchiha's lip twitch.
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mithrilhearts · 2 years
Would you ever write sad endings (bittersweet counts)?? 🥺
I'm not going to say I'd never write a sad ending...because there may be some little plot bunnies in the works that may, or may not, have a sad ending.
I was a little inspired by the challenge, and while this maybe doesn’t sound like a “sad ending” (as in the final page of a fic), it definitely is sad to me. I had something like this written for Acorntober that I deemed too sad to put out there (and promptly scrapped), and I’m sure that one was better than the stuff I pulled out of my ass during a writing sprint :D
I didn’t want to spend a ton of time on a sad piece (as I’m writing cracky fics right now), but here’s a little something that could wrap up a very sad, and very canon-compliant timeline of The Hobbit - or at least Bilbo’s thoughts upon Ravenhill.
TW: Major Character Death (you know the one)
Bilbo had never been one to beg and plead too terribly hard in his life, but right now it felt as if there was nothing else he could do but beg.
The desperation was there, clear as day in those burning hazel eyes. But not just one single pang of hurt plagued him, but a repetitive beating against his heart that somehow smothered his desire to sob as he clutched Thorin’s hands, noticing how the dwarf’s grip was growing weaker and weaker. How Thorin dared to be patting at him like this as if Bilbo were the one laying across the cold icy ground and fading out of existence, the hobbit would never understand.
It wouldn’t do any good to have those sad thoughts of defeat floating about his mind, not when there was still life within Thorin’s eyes. Thorin would be fine, he was a strong and stubborn dwarf that could defeat this, even if the wound to his middle was severe…there was still a chance. They’d skirted by death more times than any individual should–namely Thorin–and if the King Under the Mountain could survive a warg attack, then surely he could handle this one.
Stupid dwarf that he was, letting himself get skewered like this. When Thorin was all nice and better, Bilbo was planning to give him a bop on the head for his idiocy. If only Gandalf were here…or Dwalin to help start carting Thorin down Ravenhill towards proper healers. Bilbo would give anything to have that grey wizard at his side, he had brought Thorin back from the brink, and he could do it again if it was determined that Thorin’s strong will just…wasn’t enough.
“Hold on, Thorin…the eagles are here, don’t you see?” What grip that was around Bilbo’s hand had gone completely lax, and yet somehow, Bilbo managed to hang onto hope as if it were the only thing he had left. Admitting defeat, admitting to a world without this stupid stone brain would be–
The sound that crawled up Bilbo’s throat as his eyes finally screwed shut was not proud. It was miserable and made him feel gutted on the inside. What life had been in Thorin’s eyes, a pretty shade of sky blue had dulled to something more muted and lost. That’s exactly what the dwarf was to him–lost.
And there was no way to find him again.
The reality of it all hit Bilbo like a punch to the gut, and that pitiful wheeze of a sound that moved past his lips echoed into sobs, hard enough to where his mind felt like it was going to explode right out of his skull. Had he been a bit faster, perhaps a bit wiser, and not gotten bonked on the head by the blunt side of a weapon, perhaps he could have done something to spare Thorin this…this unfair fate.
Not to mention himself.
Far too many years in a lonely smial only to have his quiet reality shattered by a wizard and thirteen dwarves, and now Bilbo would have to return to that quiet life, but with no ignorance to what beauty the world truly held. It was full of adventure and wonder, but also love and heartache.
Gandalf had been right all along–Bilbo would never be the same upon his return to the Shire.
The company arrived at some point, first, it was Dwalin who had followed the echoing sounds of Bilbo’s wails, and then the rest alongside Gandalf arrived to pay their respects.
Bilbo had lost his ability to speak, feeling exhausted and spent as he was pried away from a cooling corpse, faced with what dim and dull future awaited him. It wasn’t fair. Thorin and his nephews had dreamed to see Erebor retaken, to see it flourish like the days of old, and yet, in the end, no one truly won. The mood was as somber as Bilbo had ever seen as he sat to the side, Gandalf next to him as they exchanged nothing but a glance while the wizard prepped his pipe for puffing.
It wasn’t fair.
The words continued to echo in Bilbo’s mind as he sat, tapping his fingers anxiously against his knees until finally, the words flew out of his mouth in exhaustion.
“I think I’m quite done with adventures, Gandalf…”
The grey wizard remained silent in his thoughts, casting Bilbo another glance and leaving it at that, for which Bilbo was grateful. He didn’t want words of wisdom or sympathy, and Bilbo was certain that Gandalf seemed to understand. 
Staring down at his palms, glancing at the dirt and the red stains that remained, all Bilbo could think about was Thorin’s desperate, and yet comforting, grip against his own, knowing that he’d never get to feel something like that ever again. What he wouldn’t give to be able to go hand in hand to the market of the Shire, or one of the guilds in Erebor. Or to give that big paw of a hand a firm squeeze whenever Thorin felt that ever returning self-doubt of his. But now Bilbo would never know what that truly felt like.
All he was left of was a memory of a dying grip and the longing for a long life of simply being there to hold Thorin’s hand–for a life that was just out of reach of his own two hands.
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
Humans are weird: Hope for the future
( Don’t forget to come see my on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord )        
The planet Alia near the edge of human territory and had grown from it's species first colony outside of their home system of a sparse few settlers to a thriving metropolis of millions.
The shinning spires of metal and glass of the planet's mega cities pierced the skies like the hand of an angry god reaching out to the heavens and the wealth and prosperity that flowed from it's vast trade network and supported the outlying colonies for further expansion. Yet for all their wealth and prosperity the fate that had been decided for this world was something that could not be changed.
A massive seismic event occurred on Alia shortly after it's new year celebration. The planet's tectonic plates became highly volatile and a series of growing earthquakes began triggering around the globe. Within a week of the events triggering a massive shattering happened and the plates shifted violently without warning.
Oceans swelled and receded, mountains crumbled and volcanos detonated, rivers changed direction and howling winds ripped across the lands so intense it shredded flesh from the bone of any foolish unfortunate enough to be caught in the open. Countless buildings shook and toppled and thousands if not hundreds of thousands died in the ensuing chaos as entire cities were swallowed beneath the cold surface of the planet.    
Communication with Alia was lost and though the rest of the wider galaxy was unable to establish contact their response was already put into motion.
The human governing body organized a massive relief effort and was further bolstered by neighboring alien domains that shared trade with Alia and had heard of the travesty. Before the tectonic plates had even stopped shifting a fleet of relief ships from a dozen worlds was already enroute.
Dust slid off the toppled column like a waterfall as Uto lifted it. The Vorka's muscles straining and bulging as he used all of his strength hefted the massive concrete pillar. His breathing calm and measured as he breathed in rhythm with his lifting. He lifted the mass over his head and in a single motion cast it aside with a deafening *THUMP!*  
When the dust settled aide workers rushed passed Uto and cleared the rubble that had been underneath the column and in short order a door was revealed. Uto bent down and punched his fist through the metal door and ripped it off it's hinges. A dozen pairs of eyes looked up at him as he removed the door from his arm and dropped it harmlessly to the ground before gently extending a hand down. One of the people in the shelter took his hand and he carefully lifted them out into the open.
"Res ease, hue-mn." Uto struggled with human language, his tongues struggling to form the correct words.
He set the human, a scrawny female Uto wagered, to the ground. She looked up at him with a mixture of emotions dancing across her face before throwing her arms around Uto and hugging him. Uto stood transfixed as the female wept and thanked him over and over as the other rescue workers began lifting the remaining survivors from the shelter.
Unsure how to react Uto stood still for several moments before one of the rescue workers took the still sobbing woman away with the remaining survivors. Uto watched the frail female leave before turning his gaze back across the now ruins of the capital city.
Numerous fires still burned across the entire metropolis; some scattered around the ground while others burned high up in the few remaining sky scrapers that had not toppled during the quake. Roadways were cluttered with thick dunes of debris ranging from metal beams to massive chunks of concrete turning the landscape into some horrid nightmare forest.
Portions of the city's sea wall had broken and sections of the city itself had drifted into the ocean. Sky scrapers that once stood over 300 stories tall now appeared as nothing more than tiny isles just breaking the waterline.  
Though he kept his thoughts to himself, Uto was amazed by the level of devastation nature still could have on modern civilizations.
He stood their for several minutes taking in the catastrophe before heading back and resuming the rescue work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Several long hours passed with further rescue efforts across the entire city before their overseer called for a crew change and Uto's team began heading back to their hospital ship to rest.
If the shattered city was unpleasant to look at at during the day it was terrifying to look at at night. Nearly all of the power grid sections had been destroyed leaving the vast roadways shrouded in a darkness so thick it felt as if Uto could reach out and grab hold of a chunk of it.
His team was murmuring among themselves with Uto only half paying attention to their conversation when he spotted something down a side street between two toppled buildings. A single light was waving back and forth slowly from beyond the darkness like a beacon of old warning wayward travelers.
Uto held up a hand and pointed to the light and his team stopped and followed his direction.
"Another survivor?"
"Out here? Wasn't this area already swept?"
"Maybe they missed one."
The rescue team debated among themselves before Uto sighed and began walking towards life.
"No mazer," Uto spoke, "we help all."
With that the rest of the rescue team began following after Uto.
As the team came closer to the light they were able to better make out the surrounding area. The weak light appeared to be a lantern hanging from a wooden pole hanging from a small building at the end of the side street. A tiny structure with half it's walls caved in but the remaining structure appearing sturdy enough to support the roof.
"You smell something?" one of the rescue workers said quietly.
Uto sniffed the air and realized there was indeed a strange smell in the air that did not belong in such a wasteland.
"I'd recognize that smell anywhere." Another of the rescue workers spoke before pushing their way forward.
Uto made to grab him fearing the way ahead was unstable but they were too fast and they were already making their way inside through the broken wall section before shouting "Everyone, get in here!"
At that Uto and the other rushed forward expecting the worst but were confounded once they entered the building.
Rather than the gutted remains they had expected the inside of the building was semi clean and well lit. The worker who had rushed forward was sitting at a table on the opposite side of the room with another human handing him a steaming bowl. At seeing the other workers they raised their hand with the bowl to show them.
"It's a ramen store!"
While the word was unknown to Uto it seemed familiar to the others who then in turn piled in and began sitting down at what tables still stood. The man behind the counter appeared to be an elderly human but moved as if the years had only effected his exterior rather than his reflexes and soon there was a warm bowl of ramen for everyone present.
Uto stepped towards the counter and two of his team members parted to allow him a seat. As he took it the old man handed him a bowl.
"For your hard work." the man said as he smiled.
Uto looked at the bowl then at his team. All of them were eagerly eating and the mood was one of joy and comradery; a steep contrast to the dread they had been dealing with as they sifted through the remains of the city.
"Ssank ou." Uto muttered as he began sampling the contents of his bowl. It was a flush of flavor the likes Uto had not had since he was on his homeworld. Warm and delicious, almost disarming in it's nature to such a degree that when Uto looked up and for a moment felt as if he wasn't in the ruins of a once proud city.
When Uto finished his bowl and set it down the elderly man was ready and handed him another.
"Why ssssay here?" Uto asked the man, now curious about this human living alone.
The elderly man waved a hand around the building as he continued cooking. "This restaurant  has been in my family for three generations now; I could no more leave it than I could chop off my own arm."
Uto looked back at the ruined walls and roof as portions of the shingles slid off and shattered to the ground. "I am sorry is ruined." To his surprise the elder man chuckled.
"It is not ruined, only broken."
The man must have saw the confusion on Uto's face and he continued. "In my culture when something has been broken it is, like a vase or cup, it is not thrown away and discarded but instead mended with gold to heal the wounds and restore it."
Uto shook his head at the man's remarks. "Iz confusing."
"Is it?" The old man pointed to Uto's arms. "You are covered in cracks and scars yourself, yet you did not resign yourself to languish in the trash and be forgotten."
The man handed out several more bowls before fully turning to Uto. "This city has been broken and many have been lost, the wounds are fresh and feel as if they will never heal again; but in time the city will rebuild and the streets will once again be filled with the sounds of joy once more."
"Ruins are only made when those who remain are unwilling to rebuild what was lost."
Uto pondered the man's words and again looked at his team as they mingled. Their faces were filled with joy and hope he did not think any would have after witnessing such devastation first hand.  
"Ou are very wize." Uto tilted his head in acknowledgement to the old man who seemed to blush slightly and laugh.
He sheepishly waved to the store again. "It comes with owning a ramen shop." He leaned in close and whispered "All the best ones have sage advice; it makes the food taste better."
The two laughed and sat the night away, a tiny corner of joy in a city though broken, would never be defeated.
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Ever Night
Oh, sweetheart, no 😢
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This is a clear case of is she really that good, or just privileged and rich? Mo Shanshan is a stupid, useless, bland nepotism brat who keeps getting pushed into places she didn’t earn because of her social position. I can’t wait until we’re rid of her. 
Ahahahaha, she ran away! I’m going to have so much fun watching Ning Que panic 🤣🤣
She’s the one who will end your entire career just by saying she wants you gone 💀💀
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@thymianne​ you are right, she really is an arrogant rabbit, minus the cuteness. 
I am pissed off beyond reason by this lost princess bs trope they pulled here with these two. It is so jarring and so pointless, and completely shatters my suspension of disbelief.
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Also, I need Sang Sang to be enough for who she is, not who her parents are, because she is adorable and intelligent and amazing. I feel like her having a way out from Ning Que could and should have been handled differently. If she had left to stay with any of the friends she had made since coming to the capital and had them rally around her, it would have been so much better (e.g. the princess, the brothel sisters, the Rear Mountain disciples and Chen Pili in particular, etc.) She should have been enough for Ning Que as a nobody orphan, not only now, when mom and dad are rich and socially on par with the arrogant rabbit.
I am going to enjoy him freaking out so much 😈😈
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I’ve got all the popcorn ready 🍿🍿 I’m so done with his nonsense. SO DONE. It’s about time someone helped him remove his head from his ass. 
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LMAOOOOO, drag him, Princess!! Drag him good!! 😆😆
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Oh, God, the way he deserves to be smacked in to the next universe 😡
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Jesus fucking Christ. 
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I was on his side (sort-of) until now, but I guess we’re done with that 😬
Just heinous. 
Tell him, sweetheart!
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Wow. Just wow. The way I would dump his ass just for this, smfh. 
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Yes, Sang Sang. Two can play this game. 
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The parents are a stupid plot device, but I’m appreciating them rn.
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God, I despise men 🤬🤬
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You’re so fucking pathetic. 
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And I’m supposed to cheer for them to get back together after this? I’m just disgusted. Fuck men. 
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I used to like him, BUT NOT ANYMORE. I hope Jun Mo punches him in the face. Second Brother remains the best brother. 
Seventh Sister, I knew I liked you!
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Thank you, my good sir. I agree with you, it’s beyond creepy, even though I appreciate everyone who is standing up for Sang Sang here. I’m taking not of everyone not doing so and kicking them off the list of the characters I like. 
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No love left for First Brother. None at all. Also, who gives a fuck about any of your opinions? YOU’RE NOT THE ONES GETTING MARRIED!
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I’ve liked him from the start, but now my good opinion of him is just soaring! 
Thank you, Third Sister, for your beautiful common sense! 
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If you ever want to get married, I volunteer!! 💙
Go fuck yourself, you greedy, faithless piece of shit. 
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I wish I could see her dump you permanently over this and then watch you pine into nothing 🤬🤬 
Men like you deserve no wives or girlfriends. Fuck you some more. 
Yes, but Tubby, you don’t understand!! 
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Mo Shanshan is prettier than her! And he will get boooooored!! 🙄🙄
I hate him sfm. 
I hate him so much for this. 
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He’s not deserving of a single hair on her head. If things were right with the world, she would not take his stank, ungrateful ass back once enough people he actually respects have dragged him for the way he is treating her. He showed her who he really is and what he thinks of her. How does one even continue loving him after that?
Oh, sweetheart 😢 He’s the ugly one, not you!
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There are so many heartbreaking layers to this. The way she has internalized this and hates her own face. The way she thinks that just because she’s not pretty enough, she isn’t entitled to expressing her feelings. The way she feels obligated to be beautiful even when she cries because how dare she inconvenience him by being a real human woman with ugly emotions that aren’t on par with his aesthetic preferences?
My heart breaks for her. 
Oh, fuck off, you waste of space. I hate you enough already.
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Also, the way I no longer care whether you live or die is troubling. I still have 12 episodes of your bullshit to wade through 💀💀
Keeping this for drawing reference.
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LOLOLOLOL, poor baby, the way he’s heartbroken he can’t have his cake and eat it too.
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Just gross.
I’ve been looking forward to him dumping her for so long now, but I’m just so disgusted by him, I can’t even bother to care. 
Yeah, I also want to know.
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What about the moon? Why is there no moon? Why am I on episode 48 and only hearing about no moon now?
He’s already an imbecile, so no harm done.
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Smacking him is the first thing Fu Zi has done since this show has started that has been even remotely useful or interesting. If he keeps it up, I may just decide stan.
Oh, this poor baby 😢
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She’s been waiting in vain the whole day with her little bag packed because he told her he’d come to fetch her 🙁 It’s just too tragic.  
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