#and she likes feminine alright. but she likes to balance it out sometimes.
idanit · 4 months
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a day off at some country estate or other
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What do these three people have in common? Well their birth charts to start out a very similar and they have all had very similar kind of accusations truth and also being able to brush it off at the same time. I have start with Wendy Williams who notoriously worked in I guess the 80s and the nineties to become radio host and almost like a gossip blind item of the original of what people are doing now and people dislike her but they’re all doing the same thing, she worked really notoriously and her and was often at times. The only woman and probably had a lot of and did have a lot of discrimination and black. She was the middle child children when she was younger she was overweight and her parents were very nasty to her about it actually all of these people have this in common as well, that he said he was a fat little fucker when he was younger and Courtney was not fat but chubby people who were not cause I don’t agree with the whole thing of medium because that’s what caused my own differently to what I was anyway so they had similar child all born in 1964 I believe They had people. I’m not too sure about this. She says she’s had money taken away from her and embezzled and from the Kurt Cobain estate but she was very unwell in the early 2000 Tyson had it he had it with Robin givens,his mum who wanted to really see the relationship like a lot of Hollywood relationships as a agreement and a More kind of relationship if you know you know he was very real for not wanting that and then he had the charges of rape against him which he won’t prison for which a lot of people has persecuted the victim which I think is disgusting. I’ve seen an into the victim and I believer, but what am I getting to in this? This, what I’m getting to all these three people have very redeemable characters and they have redeemed themselves in many ways Courtney with drugs and sort of now emigrating to England if that’s alright living in London now and not being in the spotlight so much where is before she lived for it I think all three of them dead Wendy Williams that’s a whole Nother topic really because I think she Has had an MK2 kind of situation where they have wanted her to shut up she was the original of what did he was doing in fact one of her last interviews on her show was with him meant to be making up on it and seven so they have the modalities cardinal fixed and mutable all evenly distributed in the chart which is good because you don’t sometimes want too much of one and not of the others so that brings me to all three of them are cancers with the Sun in cancer they all have Leo Mercury so they always think they’re right when they’re not.
They always have to be a bad person to have to say and that can be the part of people putting the people not liking them so much because mercury does not like to be in Leo, it’s not a good time for Leo basically or plan to be in because it’s first attitude with words which is partly what makes them so excellent at what they do especially and in the fact of the business is there but you can also make you dislikeable because you won’t anyone else approach we have the fact that they all are Gemini Mars and Venus which is a trait I said in a chart I I’m really charming when Venus and Mars are in the same. You’re gonna get somebody who is very good at fitting in social they might have a problem with boys definitely have a problem with balancing out their masculine and feminine inside and it could be pleasure versus pain a lot and you can see that just by looking at these people
and what they have gone through in Life, the whole accusations Courtney had and still does to this day over Kurt death things are going on and supposedly stealing money off her and not being able to have access to it while looking really unwell as I said previously embezzling Tyson and him but these people matured as a man Tyson has able to redeem himself in a lot of ways they all have lived really many lives. They’ve all had drug problems too and they’ve all just done out their things because of the similar to their chart. I do not no Tyson rising sign to me he could be a cancer rising but he could also be a tourist rising even arising because of the boxing so it’s hard obviously with the data they put on birth choice so you don’t know even a chart with an AA rating Rod and rating he can’t always tell so I tried to carefully celebrities and tried to talk about their Mars and Venus signs, and maybe not even that moonshine because we don’t know because I still think Beyoncé could be a Leo. Everyone thinks she’s a libra rising I don’t believe. so Courtney with her labouring that’s all the looks and how she’s a bit obsessed with looks and mentions it a lot in herself and others that can be the shallowest but it can also be that Gemini side with the gift of the gab and the fact that she did this song about the dress with her and cat For this dress and it became a massive thing , when is an Aquarius rising of course makes so much sense to me alien like big big boobs over the top boobs kind of like Nicki Minaj it’s very funny because they’re in that sense of having that Aquarius first house as well. You do get a lot of Carians that are too, although I think this isn’t talked about much but yeah, this is why I think these personalities are very similar .
Final PSA to this is a fact that Courtney Love called out Harvey Weinstein in 2005 and got blackboard for her never to see the live date or many years later and that’s only the light of day so people with Gemini placements can be whistleblowers but you need to be careful because they do embellished the truth a little bit sometimes not all of them. It’s more common in the women and I believe that the man.
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prodigal-explorer · 1 year
anaroceit week - day four - it's alright
prompt: rom-com/everyone is trans
relationship: platonic (could be interpreted as romantic/pining) anaroceit
word count: 1.7k
(cw -> transphobic parents, self-hatred, gender dysphoria)
“I thought we told you to stop using that name with your teachers.” 
Janus froze as he watched his parents scroll through his computer, unable to move as he did nothing but stare. He should have known not to leave his screen open while getting a glass of water. By now, he should have learned that his parents didn’t consider Janus deserving of any sort of privacy. 
“I did stop,” Janus lied through his teeth. “Mr. Diaz just forgot, that’s all. He’s really forgetful sometimes.” 
“What made you even come up with such a dumb name anyway?” Janus’ father asked, poison in his voice. “Janus. The name we gave you is much more beautiful.” 
“Maybe I don’t want beautiful,” Janus muttered. “Maybe I just want something that’s me.” 
“Your melodramatics are getting old,” Janus’ mother said. “You’re seventeen years old. You need to start acting like an adult. I don’t care what your silly little friends are doing, ruining their bodies and their reputations with all this stupid, disgusting, “trans” stuff. But you aren’t getting pulled down with them. They’re never coming over here again.” 
Janus flinched, but upon hearing his mother's words, an idea popped into his head, and he looked over at his window. No, he tried to tell himself. Too risky.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “Can I please finish my homework? It’s due at midnight tonight.” 
“If this happens again, your laptop is being taken,” Janus’ father warned. “You can do your schoolwork the old fashioned way. That’s how your mother and I did it, and we turned out just fine.” 
With that, they left, and Janus was finally able to breathe again. He went and deleted the email from Mr. Diaz after reading its contents, and then deleted everything else in which he was called by his true name. As Janus watched his deadname flash across the screen more times than he could count, he started to feel a deep, unstoppable self-hatred collect in his stomach. 
This wasn’t fair. 
He tried so hard to be who his parents wanted while also being who he truly was. But the two things were impossible to balance, and Janus was starting to wonder if he would have to just pick one. There was no way to make everybody, including himself, happy, and maybe it was time to just stop trying. It was getting too hard to hold everything together; to keep every secret and hide every bit of contraband. 
Before Janus could stop himself, he found himself tearing his pillowcase off his pillow, shoving a toothbrush, his meds, and his most masculine set of pajamas in. Today, after all, was definitely a masculine day, much to his parents’ disappointment. Sure, Janus didn’t mind presenting as feminine sometimes, but honestly, he felt much more at home when he was able to shift and transition how he presented depending on what made him feel the most euphoric on any given day. And the least dysphoric. That part was important too. 
The last thing Janus grabbed was hidden at the bottom of his closet, underneath his bin where he kept his socks: his pronoun pins. The ones he grabbed to wear said “He/Him”, but he took the other two just in case he felt the need to change it out at some point. 
It wasn’t like Janus to go to anybody’s house without texting first, but this was an emergency. After a very risky adventure of climbing out the window and jumping into the nearest bush, Janus was off to the Mendozas. He was just desperate to clear his head and get one night away from his control freak parents. He needed to be somewhere where he could just be himself, without being scared to death of being discovered. 
And the Mendoza house was the best place Janus could think of to do just that. 
Carla had told Janus that he was free to come over whenever he wanted. God, he hoped that she wasn’t just being polite. Carefully, and starting to regret such an impulsive decision, Janus knocked on the door with a timid reluctance. 
It wasn’t Carla or Remus who opened the door. Of course it had to be Roman’s bright, shiny eyes that looked into his and his goofy smile that appeared when he realized that it was Janus he was looking at. 
“Janus!” Roman cried out, “Oh my gosh, are you here for a sleepover?? No way, I was just thinking about inviting you and Virgil over! I would invite Logan too, but tonight’s star-gazing night, and I wouldn’t wanna distract them from that.” 
“True,” Janus hummed nervously, shifting weight between his right and left, causing him to sway awkwardly. “So…does that mean it’s okay for me to come over for the night?” 
“Of course!” Roman said, “Come in, come in! You can put on a movie in the living room if you want.” 
A smile grew on Janus’ face. He loved movies, especially when he was watching them with Roman and Virgil.
“I might just have to take you up on that,” Janus teased softly, ruffling Roman’s hair before going to sit down on the familiar couch. 
Carla was sitting on the recliner, typing on her laptop. She smiled kindly at Janus, and the action made Janus feel a hundred times calmer, somehow. Carla always seemed to have that effect on people, and it was mystifying how she did it. But at the same time, it made perfect sense. Janus figured that anybody who stepped up to the plate of being Roman and Remus’ foster mother had to have some tricks up their sleeve when it came to comforting. Though Roman came across as fearless, Janus was one of the only people who Roman allowed to see in his most vulnerable, fear-stricken moments of honesty, and he was certain that Carla had seen even more than Janus had. 
Curling up into a ball, hugging his knees to his chest, Janus picked up the remote and surfed through all the different streaming surfaces. Rom-coms were a guilty pleasure of Janus, and a very un-guilty pleasure of Roman’s, so Janus figured that it was a safe genre choice. When he finally settled on Candy Jar, Roman came over to sit next to him, but he gave Janus a decent amount of space, clearly unsure of how close Janus was comfortable with him being. 
“Virgil said he can stay the night too!” Roman disclosed with a grin, rocking back and forth on the couch while swinging his legs. “It’ll be the best sleepover ever.” 
“Yeah,” Janus said, starting to relax just a little more. “The best.” 
He pressed start on the movie, but didn’t let it play, wanting to wait until Virgil came around. His stomach was still tumbling, thinking about the inevitable flurry of phone calls and text messages he would get from his parents when they found out that he was gone. Luckily, Janus wasn’t ever dumb enough to tell them Roman’s address. If they tried looking for him, they wouldn’t even know where to start. But even so, the thought of seeing their faces, hearing his deadname get spat at him like venom, made Janus want to curl up into the blanket Roman had passed to him and hide inside forever. 
An arm looped around Janus’ shoulders, squeezing him ever so gently, and reminding him that he wasn’t there. Roman didn’t have to ask. He was the first to admit that he wasn’t the smartest, but in a way, he was. He got people in a way that Janus could never understand. It wasn’t exactly like he could read their minds, but he always seemed to have a trick up his sleeve to make everyone in the room happy. Maybe it was just a part of who he was, or maybe it was something he carefully practiced. Either way, Janus closed his eyes, trying to bask in Roman’s warm existence. 
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Janus jumped, and Roman leapt to his feet to get it. Virgil bumbled his way into the living room, his body hunched over and his eyes vacant and tired. Janus sat upright immediately, leaning forward on the couch to try and get a better look. 
“Virgil, are you okay?” he asked. “You look horrible!” 
“It’s- fine…” Virgil mumbled, sitting down beside Janus, still holding his stomach. His ears were tinged red. “It’s nothing. Reall- ow. Oww, fuck-...” 
“Did you get stabbed??” 
“No!” Virgil cried out, finally tearing his hands away from his stomach. Perfectly devoid of injury. “I’m just on.” 
Janus’ eyes widened in understanding, and then softened in pity. He knew how hard this time was for Virgil, and really, for all three of them, it was challenging. Janus could say he was lucky because he sometimes felt feminine during these days, while Roman and Virgil had no source of euphoria anywhere, knowing that their bodies were betraying them, and doing something that didn’t match who they truly were. It was hard to even think about, much less endure and talk about. 
“I’ll get you a heating pad and some chocolate,” Roman said. “Do you want the racecar one?” 
Virgil groaned before nodding. “Yes please,” he mumbled through gritted teeth. 
The racecar heating pad at this point was a Mendoza family tradition. Roman used it for his cramps, and Virgil and Janus eventually started using it for theirs too. Silly as it was, it made the whole ordeal feel just a little less dysphoric and a lot more lighthearted. Janus pressed play on the movie as soon as Roman came back with the warm heating pad and a big bowl of fun-sized chocolates. 
“Ugh, I hate rom-coms,” Virgil joked, wrinkling his nose in mock disgust. “They all have the exact same plot.” 
“No, this one’s different, I swear!” Janus reassured. “It’s funny. You’ll like it.” 
“Both of you be quiet, I wanna hear the movie!” Roman cried out with a laugh, resting his head on Janus’ shoulder. 
Maybe things sucked right now, and Janus didn’t even want to think about what it would be like at home tomorrow after sneaking out. But at least in this moment, it was alright. Roman’s arm went around Janus once again, and the heat from Virgil’s heating pad warmed Janus’ leg, and Janus had forgotten how good Milky Ways were since his parents never allowed candy in the house. 
And Virgil’s cramps were killing him, and it was obvious that Roman was worried sick. 
Things weren’t perfect. But they were alright. And that was good enough for Janus.
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thunder-pride · 1 year
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Non-binary is an umbrella term for a vast array of gender identities that fall outside the so-called gender binary. The gender binary refers to the concept of gender being, well… binary, in the sense that people are male or female. Non-binary thus refers to people who identify in a way that falls outside these two identities. Because non-binary people (sometimes nb or ‘enby’ for short) do not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth, they usually also identify as trans.
Non-binary people may simply self-identify as non-binary, or they may choose a more specific label that describes their personal experience with gender. This includes identities that identifies only partially with the gender binary (e.g. demiboy, demigirl), identities that lie outside the spectrum (e.g. genderqueer), identities that do not experience gender (e.g. agender), and identities that experience gender in a more flexible manner or shift between multiple genders (e.g. genderfluid, bigender, polygender). For this event, we have chosen to showcase genderqueer and genderfluid as two specific identities alongside non-binary.
It is important to note that although many non-binary people use they/them pronouns, some people still use she/her and he/him, and many others use a combination of pronouns to better reflect their experience with gender. When using they/them, the pronoun is considered singular but is grammatically identical to the they/them plural i.e. “they are non-binary” could refer to a single person or multiple people. In this sense, they/them is very similar to the English use of “you” which can be singular or plural, and context must be used to determine which is in use.
Gender expression is something a lot of non-binary people enjoy playing with! Gender expression links to the idea of certain behaviours or clothing styles etc. as being socially typical of males or females. Messing around with traditional concepts of masculinity/femininity is fairly common, as is playing into them. Some non-binary people like to present in an androgynous style while others may have a preference for masc/fem presentation and others still are fluid in their expression.
As you can see, the non-binary spectrum is extremely varied and there’s a lot of flexibility!
Three Dos and Don’ts
…consider both gender identity and gender expression
…use neutral terms for commonly gendered words (e.g. sibling in place of brother/sister)
…think carefully about how to balance flexibility with pronouns and clarity of comprehension
…make the character’s gender identity their most important personality trait
…make non-human characters the only ones who are non-binary
…misgender or use deadnames lightly - this is an extremely hurtful and dehumanising transphobic act, not a source of comedic effect
Helpful links for further reading!
[Six tips for writing genderqueer and nonbinary characters] by Eris Young for the Scottish Book Trust; 2-3 min reading time.
[How to Create Nonbinary Characters] by Jules from All Write Alright; 10-15 min reading time.
[How to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns in your Writing] by Inge Lamboo for the International Writer’s Collective; 2-3 min reading time.
[A Full Identity and Expression List] by Mere Abrams and Sian Ferguson for Healthline; 15-20 min reading time.
[12 Things People Get Wrong About Being Nonbinary] by Suzannah Weiss for Teen Vogue; 5-7 min reading time.
And just for fun…
[16 TV Shows With Nonbinary Characters] by Mey Rude for Out Magazine; 2-3 min reading time.
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mute-call · 7 months
Valentine's Day Application
{SUBMITTED BY :  @red-hemlock​  || LINK }
Your name: Riversong, but please, call me River.
Romantic or platonic?: Hmm…
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: I love to move, but I get the funny feeling that you’re a bit of an ‘inside guy’. Nothing wrong with doing something nice and easy, once in a while.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Oh the latter, always. They can be so very fun to feed other people.
What’s your perfect date?: Let’s ‘expand’ a little, on the activity question from above. Picture this, darling: Curtains closed, lights dimmed low. Just me and you in the center of the room, dancing slow to a tune on the radio.
Would you cook for me?: Erm-… I’d remember to put the pizza in the oven, after you turn it on?
Would you let me cook for you?: Oh yes, I’d NEVER turn down free food, darling!
Can we make-out?: Hmmm…
Make out in private or in public?: Probably private, for the public’s sake. I do love a good ‘show’, but I can’t promise we wouldn’t get arrested. Public indecency laws, and everything.
Do you like to cuddle?: Does the Pope have a silly hat, darling?
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: Blankets, please. The warmer the comfier, after all!
Couch or bed?: Both have their little positives, but-… Whichever one’s the most 'sturdy’, really. Take that info as you will. >;3c
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Nothing too fancy, really. Flower-crown making, whittling, though I’m afraid I’m no Da Vinci still when it comes to that yet; and extreme gardening! 'Extreme’, as in all of the pretty little plants that I grow could very well kill you if you’re not paying the right amount of attention, haha.
Tell me something about you no else knows: Hah! Going for the real meat and potatoes now, are we? Ohhh alright, I’ll indulge since it’s you, dear. Now don’t go around telling everyone and their mother this, but I LOVE a good romance flick; and sometimes, well, most times I tend to get more than a bit emotional when I watch said flicks.
Why do you want to be my valentine?: At first I just wanted to apologize for before. I really was kind-of a jerk to you, not to mention the whole… Dumpster-thing… But you’ve got more guts to you than I think you realize, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you at your side. If you’ll let me, of course.
What makes you a good Valentine?: Oh plenty, dear! I’m funny, I can fold people into pretzels if they’re bothering you, I’m good with my hands… But all jokes aside, I’m loyal to a fault, and I’ll always come running to pull you from the fire should you call. I might not be the most 'morally sound’ sometimes, but who cares about silly things like that, anyway! R-Right?
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Oh, those are the good kind of “hmm”s. Much to,,, think about!!!
How is it that River just gets more and more attractive impressive with every passing day? Those hobbies of hers? Steven could listen to her talk about those for hours. She has this effortless charm, this balance of deadly allure and feminine grace and lovable playfulness and–
Okay, Steven. Calm down. He can still give an enthusiastic “yes” without making a fool of himself. But, really, can anyone blame him for getting a little worked up? River’s perfect. And she’s left plenty of room for his mind to wander–
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Dylan Mulvaney calls out “cruel” attacks on her over the Bud Light beer cans
Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney just released a video to tell her followers that she’s alright after being the target of a hurricane of abuse from the right this past month. Mulvaney has been documenting her transition on social media for over a year. On April 1, she posted a video to Instagram with some custom Bud Light cans that had her face on them. Bud Light sent her those cans for the sponsored video and to celebrate her recent 365 days of being a girl. --- Related Stories John Oliver blasts Anheuser-Busch for lackluster response to brutal Dylan Mulvaney backlash Oliver said the company’s new ad caters to anti-trans trolls and feels like “the results of feeding an AI program the prompt ‘America freedom I’m sorry.'” --- In the weeks since she posted that 50-second video, conservatives lost their minds, posting videos as they dumped out Bud Light beer and shot up cases of Bud Light with semiautomatic rifles. Elected Republicans claimed that Mulvaney was a pedophile (without any evidence at all) and that the global balance of power would be upset by Mulvaney’s Instagram video, while others saying that they were boycotting Bud Light, often switching to other LGBTQ+ friendly brands. Mulvaney stopped posting to social media for a few weeks as conservatives continued to work out their rage against her in sometimes embarrassing ways. But now she’s back, responding to the outrage in a video for her followers. “It’s day 9,610 of being a human,” she said. “And I’m going to try and leave gender out of this since that’s how we found ourselves here.” She said that she has been reading the criticisms of her, which she called “so far from my truth that I was like hearing my name, and I didn’t even know who they were talking about sometimes. It’s a very dissociative feeling.” “I decided to take the backseat and just let them tucker themselves out,” she said. But she explained that she had to start speaking publicly again to get some control over the narrative about her. “I’ve been having crazy deja vu because I’m an adult, I’m 26, and throughout childhood, I was called too feminine and over-the-top,” she said, citing a few things that right-wingers have been saying about her. “Here I am now, being called all of those same things, but this time it’s from other adults.” “If they’re going to accuse me of anything, it should be that I’m a theater person and that I’m camp. But this is just my personality, and it always has been,” she said. Mulvaney called out some of the more extreme attacks on her character. “I think it’s OK to be frustrated with someone or confused, but what I’m struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize and to be cruel. I don’t think that’s right,” she said. “I’m embarrassed to even tell you this, but I was nervous that you were going to start believing those things that they were saying about me, since it is so loud,” she continued. “But I’m gonna go ahead and trust that the people that know me and my heart won’t listen to that noise.” She said that she wants to make content on social media that has nothing to do with her identity. @dylanmulvaney Love ya ♬ original sound – Dylan Mulvaney http://dlvr.it/SnFvlY
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mari-rosa-skiess · 4 years
omg i love your writing sm😳❤️ I JUST REALIZED THAT IM THE SAME AGE IF YURIO AGH ITS A GREAT DAY TO BE 15😩👌 also, may i request yurio who meets the reader in japan (like he met her maybe after viktor chooses his program) and she's a skateboarder so like she accidentally skates into him! i feel like it'd be really innteresting to see an ice skater and a skater together as a couple haha (bonus if she's won national skateboarding competitions😎) have a great day and remember to stay hydrated!❤️
yes !!! i love this idea !! i went on a hiatus again, so sorry it’s VERY late, i hope it’s worth it though LOL
i’m personally not a skater, so i’m sorry if this isn’t accurate to how people skate :(
Warnings: None I believe, just some swearing!
Pronouns: she/her
Words: 1.5k
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You always enjoyed skateboarding. It was your favorite activity since you’ve been younger. It was kind of the way you were able to let stress go and have fun, especially since you are in your mid-teens. Things get rough at age 15, but there’s always skating there to help you.
You were skating down the streets one day in Japan, your (h/c) hair was flowing in the strong breeze since it was a significantly colder day, it was winter after all. There was snow on the ground, but only on the side of the roads and sidewalks, but it was all pretty melted.
You closed your eyes for a second because it felt like the wind was making your eyes shrivel up, but a few seconds later, you fell to the ground with a small ‘hmph’ leaving your lips.
You opened your eyes to see a shortish boy standing up, he looked pissed to say the very least.
“WHY WEREN’T YOU WATCHING WHERE YOU WERE GOING?!” the blond feminine boy screamed.
You stood up and dusted off your clothes, for some small pebbles and dirt got on you when you fell.
“I could say that same about you,” you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO RAN STRAIGHT INTO ME!” He screamed, although it was kind of difficult to understand him because of his thick Russian accent, especially because he was screaming.
“Well, you could’ve simply stepped out of the way when you saw me skating towards you, you could’ve simply stepped aside when I was like four yards away,” You pointed out.
“It seems you also were not paying attention to your surroundings,” you spoke in a snarky tone, smirking.
He went to say something else to defend himself, but he was dumbfounded, not to mention exhausted from the strenuous training from figure skating.
“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to argue today,” he sighed, picking up his bag he had dropped.
“Yeah, whatever you say,” you replied, dropping down your skateboard.
After you got a closer look at his face, you realized he seemed familiar. You’ve seen him somewhere, but you’re not sure where. Maybe in a store? No, that couldn’t be it.
“Where are you going?” you asked him, slowly skating by him while he walked.
“Figure skating practice, Viktor doesn’t like it when I’m late,” he softly said.
“What’s it to you?” he added, slightly raising his voice.
“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere,” you stared at him blankly, but still paying enough attention to the control you have on your skateboard so you don’t lose balance and topple over.
“You’ve probably seen me on TV, I won Grand Prix gold,” he stated.
“Oh, Yuri Plisetsky, that’s where I’ve heard of you,”
Yuri blushed at how you said his name, it sounded so beautiful the way you said it, almost as beautiful as he found the rest of you. It didn’t take him long to notice your features after he cooled down from his baby tantrum.
He just looked away and went quiet, not saying anything else. After a few minutes, you guys arrived at the rink. Viktor was waiting by the door.
You picked up your skateboard and just held it since there was no reason for you to just stand by it.
“Yurio, you know how I feel about you being late,” the tall man with silver hair stated in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Yeah, whatever,” he mumbled under his breath.
Viktor’s eyes flickered to you and a grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, I see, you were out with your girlfriend! Why didn’t you tell me you have a girlfriend?” Viktor excitedly exclaimed.
Yuri’s face turned red, so did yours.
“No, we just met a few minutes ago,” you shook your head.
“Yeah, this bitch carelessly bumped into me and knocked me over,” Yuri crossed his arms.
“Bitch?!” you asked.
“Okay! I see I was wrong,” Viktor nervously chuckled.
“Why don’t you guys say bye to each other then you can meet me inside, Yurio?” Viktor suggested.
“Okay, fine,”
Viktor said goodbye to you before walking back in the rink, going to get his skates on before Yuri walked in.
“Well, hopefully we don’t cross paths again,” you said irritated, dropping your skateboard back down.
Yuri let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
Yuri was surprised by himself. He never apologizes for anything, it’s just part of his personality to be a dick, but here he is, apologizing!
“What was that?” you asked, turning your head.
“I’m sorry,” he spoke up.
“I didn’t mean it, I’m just a dickhead, you’re not a bitch,” Yuri looked down, blushing.
“Alright, I forgive you...I think,” you said, questioning your own words.
“I’ll see you around,” you spoke.
“Wait, what’s your name?” Yuri asked you.
“Oh, right, it’s (Y/N),” you smiled.
He was shocked that you even had a beautiful name.
“Okay, see you later,” he flashed a small smile before walking into the skating rink.
You skated off, actually feeling good about having a new friend. You did find him cute though, and you were sure he’s sweet when he’s not mad. You kind of mentally beat up yourself for not getting his number, but hopefully, there will be other opportunities.
It’s been a few days since you bumped into Yuri, and you still thought about him occasionally, as did he. You decided to skate by the rink to see if he was there. Since he couldn’t drive, there was no way to really know if he was there unless you looked in.
The place was rented out, so if it was closed, the doors would probably be locked.
You picked up your skateboard and walked over to the door and pulled on the handle. A small smile appeared on your face when it opened. You walked inside and heard music playing.
You didn’t want anyone to see you because you didn’t want anyone to think you were creepy, so you kneeled down by the part of the skating rink wall that didn’t have a window and watched through the window part.
Yuri was elegantly skating around the rink, his routine already seemed flawless - to you at least - you weren’t used to seeing many people figure skate. He actually didn’t look annoyed for once, but he did look sweaty.
Very sweaty.
You looked down and noticed your skateboard started rolling away from you. You silently cursed under your breath before trying to grab it without making any noise. You ended up grabbing it, but you accidentally launched it because you lost grip of it while you were trying to set it up against the wall.
It made a loud clattering noise before rolling and hitting the wall. Since the room was so big, it echoed and caused Yuri to mess up his routine.
Viktor facepalmed and turned off the music.
“It was great until that noise distracted you...what even was that?” Viktor asked, looking around.
Viktor and Yuri both skated over to the exit of the rink and stepped out, looking around the lobby. You were hoping they wouldn’t see you despite you being literally four feet away from them. 
Viktor saw you and you flashed a nervous smile before standing up.
“Yurio, you got a visitor,” Viktor spoke before walking back onto the rink.
Yuri looked over at you and he surprisingly wasn’t mad.
“Sorry for messing up your routine,” you apologized, looking really nervous.
“Oh... it’s just slightly annoying, I can always redo it,” he blushed.
“It was really good before I distracted you though,” you smiled.
“Oh, thanks,” his face reddened.
A few seconds of silence passed before Viktor walked back off the rink.
“Yurio, take a short break,” he said.
Yuri nodded before taking off his skates while still standing.
“Do you know where your board went?” he asked.
You looked around on the floor before spotting it, you walked over and picked it up.
“Why do you skate so much?” Yuri asked.
“I- Uh- It’s a hobby, and I’m also a competitive skater...with skateboarding, obviously,” you nervously said.
“That actually sounds interesting,” Yuri spoke.
“That’s surprising coming from you,” you smiled.
“What do you mean?” he asked confused.
“I mean, you are a dick,” you smirked and crossed your arms.
He rolled his eyes with a small frown.
“Joking!” you exclaimed, giggling.
“Anyway, we should hang out sometime if you’re up to you,” you smiled at the blond.
His face went back to the red shade it was previously at.
“A-Alright,” he stammered.
You pulled a small slip of paper out of your pocket that you wrote your number down on pre-hand in case you ran into him.
“Here’s my number, I’m free most of the time, just text me,” you smiled at him.
He took the slip of paper from your hand and put it into his pocket.
“Alright,” he smiled.
“I’ll let you get back to what you were doing, see you around!” you exclaimed with a smile while waving as you walked out.
“Bye!” he shouted.
Let’s just say, he did text you a lot when he got home.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 4 years
Chained (Lady Dimitrescu x F!Reader)
Ok at first I thought this was Alex
Warnings: nsfw under the cut.
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She was assigned to work in Chris’ team to find a civilian named Ethan Winters and his daughter Rose, who were abducted from their house. Their rescue is important because after his involvement in the Dulvey incident he was infected with the mold which was passed down to his daughter. Chris believes the kidnappers want to use their gift in some twisted way. 
Knowing Chris’ history of not being able to keep his men alive, she didn’t trust him enough to follow his commands, sometimes questioning his decisions and doing thing in her own way, which turned out to be effective too. Chris threatened her to kick her out of his team and place her under someone else’s command, but he knew that her rebellious nature would get her fired and she was too good in the field to be discharged. He would have to gain her trust. 
How she wished  he wouldn’t question her captain now. 
The squad got into the castle where the kidnaper, a woman named Miranda, was hiding. They were stunned by the beautiful renaissance architectural style from the inside, everything being a shade of crimson with golden inserts. The aesthetic created a relaxing atmosphere for the team, but they were quickly pulled back to the reality by their captain. 
“This seems too beautiful for a villain’s hideout” she remarked. 
“Focus on our mission.”
Despite his efforts one of their member still got missing. Chris ordered them to stay close and to not investigate on their own. He didn’t want to repeat the incident from Edonia.  However, she got away from the squad despite. His orders thinking she heard the missing man, but it was a trap set by those witches.
As she approached the source of sound she didn’t realise that the hall became more and more narrow and poor illuminated. She was in complete darkness, and the voice sounded like it was still far away. To make the matter worse, her light flickered meaning the battery was running out. 
“Y/N!” Chris was screaming in the radio. “Where the hell are you?”
“I don’t know, I got lost. It’s like these halls are changing. I swear on my way here I saw some paintings. Now they are all gone. Shit, I can’t see a thing, maybe they are still here.”
She heard some gunshots through the emission 
“Chris, is everything alright?” 
“Chris!” The signal was cut off. 
Her light was cut off too. Surrounded by darkness, she got a better grip on her pistol and pressed her finger on the trigger. As she was wandering around on her way back she had a feeling she wasn’t alone anymore. 
She heard some steps behind her and quickly turned around aiming at the possible enemy, but it was nothing there. Sighing in relief, she turned around to continue her walk, but bumped into someone. Yellow bright eyes were looking down at the small woman who was backing up slowly. Her company was tall, muscular, and judging by the large exposed chest she was a woman. She was standing there like a statue without saying a word. Freaked out Y/N pulled out her pistol and shot the woman in the head, who made a few steps back placing a hand on the wound. Y/N didn’t look back and ran past her finding a safe spot. 
She felt that gaze on her as she desperately ran to find Chris. She was trapped. Eventually she got tired of running and stopped to catch her breath. The radio was still off. She didn’t know if her team was alive or dead, or if that lady still followed her. In order to calm herself, she took a deep breath, letting the faint smell of wood and old furniture filling her lungs. It was the equivalent of a library.  She let herself dip into the silence. When her heart stopped beating in her year and she could hear, very dimly, the sound of a piano playing.
“…im going crazy..” She thought. 
“Enjoy the piano?” A firm, feminine voice asked her. She turned around and saw the same woman from early. Her outfit was fitting the aesthetic of the place, wearing a white dress with a crimson flower attacked to her dress, and a big black hat with black leather gloves. Her big smile exposed her perfect teeth. Not to mention she was very tall, Y/N being high up to her chest. She was still a beautiful woman. 
“I would enjoy a way out to be honest.”
“Come with me.”
She didn’t had a choice and she followed her.
The wood was cracking under their feet as they walked through the halls. The woman didn’t say a word, not introduce herself. The only thing Y/N could do was to look around and try to memorize as much as possible her surroundings in case she needs to run again.
“Don’t even think” her attention was back again on the stranger. “You won’t be able to leave by yourself.”
“Where’s Ethan?” Her eyes were fixated on her curvy figure and on the way she balanced her hips while walking.
“That’s where im taking you”
“You’re bluffing. We’ve been here before, I remember. We’re walking around in circles.”
The woman stopped and let out a chuckle. Then, she turned around and smacked Y/N so hard that she sent her flying across the room. The impact was so hard that she loft her consciousness. The only thing she remembers is the blury image of the woman approach her.
She woke up in a dungeon. The wooded smell was replaced with a rotten flesh and blood one. Her head still hurt from the impact. The woman tied her up on a metal table, with her hand laying beside her body. Her weapons, radio and other gear was taken away, leaving her in a turtleneck and cargo pants only. She tried to break from her restraints, the sound of chains hitting the metal surface echoing in the room.
Not long after she woke up the tall woman made her appearance. She walked to her side, caressing her face and removing some strands of hair from her forehead.
“How come a beautiful woman like you works with such beasts.”
She couldn’t help but blush when she heard the remark. She chose to remain silent.
“Im so happy that i took off that savage equipment off your body so i can have a better look at these curves” she trailed with a gloved hand the sides of her abdomen, sending shivers down her spine. It was a soft touch she didn’t experience in a long time. It wasn’t a good time to be touch starved.
The woman bend over her body, her chest pressing against her body and sending a warm wave down her lower abdomen. She removed the fabric that covered her neck and began to lick the tender flesh. Y/N dug her nails in the metal table when she felt the warm tongue licking and nibbling her flesh, and when the woman properly bit her she let out a scream. She was constantly moving like she was searching a vein causing her an immense pain. When she started to suck out her blood it didn’t hurt anymore, her screaming being replaced with loud whimpers.
The woman raised herself to let her breathe. Y/N liked the warm coming from the vampire’s body and she was disappointed when she was hit by the cold breeze.
“I don’t want to kill you, yet.”
“I didn’t know you kind existed.”
“You don’t know many things.” She began to caress her side again, going to her side boob to her hip and up again.
“I always enjoy a mortal’s body. So fragile and easy to break. But also very interesting to please.”
She closed brought her legs closer, feeling her core heating up.
“You blood pressure is high, and your face is all red. I don’t think you’re scared little girl.” She laughed at the conclusion.
“Just do it.” She spat out the words, feeling ashamed she let herself falling for her instincts. In the same time, she wanted the woman so bad.
The woman slid her hands underneath her shirt and reached her boobs, which fit perfectly into her big and large hands. She started to squeeze them firmly, then she raised her shirt and lowered the bra in such manner to release her nipple. The skin hardened in the contact with the cold air, but soon her hands found them again and began to roll the nipple between her fingers. She brought her mouth to one of them and sucked it, leaving lipstick and some of her blood on the skin. The other hand was working the nipple. Y/N tried to lif her legs but she couldn’t because of her restraints.
“Let me help.” The woman went to the end of the table and began to remove the cuffs. Y/N knew it was no point to escape because if her legs were free, her hands were still cuffed. Besides, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave.
The vampire freed her legs then she went to unbutton her pants. She grabbed both pants and panties and pulled them down revealing Y/N white smooth skin. She bent her knees and spread her legs. The woman kneeled lifted her dress and kneeled at the end of the table. It wasn’t an issue because she was very tall.
She bent over the table again with her boobs laying on the metal table, her mouth being close to Y/N pussy. She spread her folds and pressed so she could expose her clit, then she pressed her mouth sucking the wetness.
Y/N raised on her tiptoes from the pleasure. Her mouth was hot and her fangs pressed occasionally on her folds sending her head in the clouds. The vampire started to circle the bud with the tip of her tongue, them suck it. She wanted to suck blood from the flesh so bad but she didn’t want to stop her from moaning. Living in the castle tends to be lonely, and eventually you get tired of your minions. The only fun she gets nowadays is with her prisoners.
The vampire lifted her dress so she could slide her hand between her legs. She found it so hot when the mortals are moaning. She continued working her clit, then she moved to her entrance. She tasted so sweet, a vanilla flavour different from what she experienced so far. She moved in circles inside her, then she started to move in and out. Y/N was rocking her hips according to her tongue motions. The vampire pulled out her tongue and placed it again between her folds, but this time she didn’t move her face and let Y/N ride it instead. The hand began her panties started to move faster.
The mortal’s moans were increasing meaning she is approaching her climax. The vampire pressed a hand on her belly to stop her and began to lick her clit again until she finally came. She removed her face and continued to work on her own orgasm which didn’t take long to achieve.
Y/N took a while to get back to reality. By the time she was finally herself, the vampire was gone and her handcuffs were removed completely from both of her limbs. She got up and put on the pants, and went to explore the are.
As she explored the dungeon, she heard some moans coming from a cell. She rushed to it hoping this time there isn’t a trick again. The cell was opened, and inside a blond man was cuffed and beginning to wake up. She immediately recognised him. It was the man from the file and the reason why she’s here. She just found Ethan Winters. Quickly she went to check if he was hurt, but by her relief he just had some minors bruises.
“Wh-who are you?” He asked confused.
“Im not here to hurt you, im here to rescue you.” She helped him to stand up and walked out the cells.
This wasn’t a victory. Yes, she found Ethan, but her gear was gone and she was carrying an injured man in an unknown place. She needed to protect herself and the man, and that was difficult without her gun. Her priority is to find Chris and the res of the squad. Or whoever survived.
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ughhheragain · 4 years
🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖 I'm the one who asked if you write for Alfie! Thank you so much for answering 🤗🌟🌟🌟
I hope it's not too specific, but maybe some cute and fluffy HCs for Alfie with a Fem!S/O who is very sweet, soft and feminine and works as a veterinarian as a full time job, but always helps around as a physician for his gang and with organising and whatever "secretary" things she can do so Alfie won't have so much work to do?
I'm so in love with Alfie, it's unreal 🥺💖💖💖
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!!! 🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖
partner | a.s.
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Okay so first things first, the love that Alfie holds for you is indescribable.
You're the dearest thing he has - along with Cyril, of course -, hence why he usually calls you 'dear', 'love', 'sugar.
One of the many reasons why he fell for you in the first place was your sweetness and how softly you looked at him. He'd always thought that your gentle side balanced quite perfectly with his rough one.
He wasn't even surprised when you told him that you worked as a veterinarian for a living. Given how gentle you were with those around you, it almost seemed logical. Plus, he was so attached to his dog that knowing that you were qualified in case something were to happen to him erased one of his many concerns.
Since he spent most of his days at work, going from meeting to meeting and looking after his men to keep his business going, Alfie would come home almost every night exhausted and collapse on the couch after giving you a quick kiss. It was always heartbreaking to see and you wished you could do something to take some weight off his shoulders.
Later on that night, you realized that indeed, with your scientific background, you could help him at work. And so, you started to visit him more often, mostly at the end of your shifts, which would always delight him, "There she is." He enjoyed your presence so much but it also upset him given that he wasn't always able to expose his soft side at work. Indeed, work wasn't home and he didn't want to risk compromising the respect he had hardly earned just for a kiss.
After countless demands on your end, he finally accepted to « hire » you as a secretary from time to time. Truth is, he had been reluctant for quite a time because he didn’t feel like having you work for him was right. But, your pleading eyes gave him no other choice.
"Mh." Alfie looked you straight in the eyes for a good thirty seconds as he rubbed his beard with his thumb and index finger. "Mh?"
"Yea, alright. Whatever you wish," he sighed before rolling his eyes at Ollie who was already laughing at his boss in his head.
Just like that, you were now able to come to your man’s workplace without having to come up with an excuse since he had presented you as his new ‘assistant’. This title alone allowed you to enter his office any time you wanted - unless he was in a business meeting -, and keep him company.
He was very appreciative of the efforts you put in just to spare him some stress and frustration even though it still made his heart ache to see you running around between his office and the vet center.
He really enjoyed having you around him somewhere else than at home because he often felt like your respective activities kept you away from each other for too long.
You’d frequently catch him watching you sign paperwork but he couldn’t help himself. Plus, he wasn’t the one to apologize.
"You’re staring."
"Of course I am."
Hearing you talk about technical and scientific stuff with his employees always turned him on for some reason.
Sometimes, he would gladly accept your help to write formal papers which was something he hated doing because "No one’s gonna read those fuckin’ papers anyway".
Others, he wouldn’t refuse a massage and would then directly melt under your touch. Once, he felt so good that he let out a grunt right when Ollie passed by his office’s door which, unfortunately, had a window.
Let’s just say that the look Ollie got let him know that he’d better not joke around about it later.
a.n. this was asked so sweetly, I really hope that what I wrote was enough for you and that you enjoyed it! x 
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Thank you EzraPFoxglove01for requesting this adorable thing! I sorta changed a lot you asked for by making it go into depth, and it ended up being the longest story I've ever written lol. So I'm definitely gonna add a shorter, more cutesy version of this story soon.
Change her outfit all you wish; it doesn't have a big part in the story at all. Though due to where she lives, it sorta makes sense for traditional Japanese wear to be her attire. And this is the kimono I have in mind, but change whatever :D To be honest, it makes sense to change the look to be more suitable for fighting while still maintaining an innocent, feminine character.
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Word Count: 6733
"Hay....ya!" A feminine voice yelled out as she kicked a large hole into a tree. She didn't really have an specific training area so she often kicked and punched holes into tough looking trees, which proven to be as affective as training dummies and whatnot. She pulled away from the tree with a large smile on her innocent features.
She held her arms up to her chest with clinched fists. "Alright! Just 113 more to go," she reminded herself as she prepared for another kick. Yet just before she kicked the tree, she heard rustling in the bushes surrounding her.
She paused and looked around her everywhere. The wind began to blow which made it hard to hear whoever or whatever move again as the wind blew the all the bushes. She made a pouty face and walked over to where she heard the noise the first time. She had a bag that wrapped around her colorful kimono that contained kunai knives, and she pulled one out just in case. To be honest, with her small, airhead, and pouty form, she was the least intimidating person most people could ever see. And her small, F/C kimono with cherry trees on it added onto it.
The wind slowed down for a second and in that time, rustling in the bushes was heard again, where it did last time. "Huh?" She hummed as she slowly and cautiously opened up the bushes. "W-Who's there!" She yelled nervously as she parted the bushes completely. "Ahhh!" She screamed as she stepped back, tripping on whatever she stepped on. A baby bunny jumped on top of her from the bushes, it's guinea pig looking face staring boldly at her. Fuck it was frightening for a bunny to withhold so much toughness and boldness.
She whined as she pulled the bunny of her, causing it to run away quickly. She stumbled to her feet, barely managing to maintain her own balance for a moment. She watched the bunny hop away into the forest as she calmed her nerves. Once it disappeared, she sighed and opened her bag to put away her knife. Yet the sound of a voice behind her caused her to throw it towards the voice with perfect aim and fast speed. Yet as she turned around, she saw her kunai knife had been frozen but it wasn't frozen quick enough to prevent the one and only Kuai Liang from behind cut a little.
"Good aim," the Sub Zero complimented in his deep and husky voice, a smirk on his face. He pulled the kunai from the ice prison it was it and tossed it towards Y/N. Y/N's innocent E/C eyes widened as she gasped.
"Liang!" She ran towards him to hug him– but no, we can't have that without her tripping halfway. "Oof!" She hit the ground hard and whined as she slowly stood back up. She had cut her face on a rock but that wasn't good enough for her to not want to hug him just as hard. So once she stood up, she lunged at him and hugged him so incredibly hard. "I missed you! How are you!"
Kuai chuckled as he softly wrapped his arms around her. "I see you haven't changed one bit, dear friend." It's true that the two of them are close friends; although they don't have any fundamental qualities in common, they managed to meet one day and their opposite personalities captured each other's interest. And so here they are, together after departed months back. Right after Sub Zero and others were free from Quan Chi, the two got close again and only had a couple weeks to get close again before Kuai had to leave. Finally, months later, they're together again!
"I've been just fine, L/N. How about yourself?" He asked as he pulled his arms down. As expected, Y/N didn't let go and continued to sway back and forth.
"Oh, I've been good! Sorta lonely, yeah but I met this one guy! He leads an entire clan that let me in!" Y/N sweet voice called out in reply, her eyes twinkling. "I don't see him often but we've been talking a lot more recently. He's really nice...like a big, strong, teddy bear, hehe," she giggled as her legs went limp. Kuai chuckled at her dramatic description and pat her head; pushing the person she's talking about to the back of his mind. She got back on her feet again and pulled away from him. "Sooooo...do you have any combat stories to share? An adventure?"
Kuai shook his head. "Unfortunately nothing to tell now, but soon," he spoke as he looked up at the bright blue sky. It was maybe 8 in the morning  at the time. Y/N held her arms in front of her as she swayed back and forth as her head tilted in confusion.
"Okay...Oh! There's flowers growing around here and I want you to see it. They're so pretty- and pink," She emphasized as she took Kuai's hand and pulled him to a nearby pond. The trees surrounding the pond were waves with red and pink flowers ground from them. It's hard to tell, but in the distant was a village. And jn that village was, drum roll please, Hanzo Hizashi himself. As the two friends spoke about the scenery, Hanzo had just gotten ready for a day of training.
As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath and examined the place surrounding him. The birds were singing, the soft winds brushing past the trees and plants, the warm sun and clear skies. The sound of children playing can be heard from the background. It was pure bliss really. Yet even so, he had an uneasy feeling wash over him. The feeling that there could possibly be an unwanted visitor.
Hanzo walked closed the door behind him and walked out. He took his time going from his home to a place a little outside of the village; a more personalized dojo. It contained dummies and targets designed for his spear and fire. The little dojo was little ways across a pond near the village so that's where he was headed.
"And that's why that's my favorite color," Y/N said as she finished her story. Kuai Liang, to be honest, wasn't paying attention to her at all and simply nodded. She smiled at his politeness to at least pretend to acknowledge what she's saying; Y/N knows she can get really immature sometimes and right now really isn't her best moment. "Eheh, so what do you want to do?"
Kuai looked over at her with a soft smile on his features. He really was such a peaceful man at heart. "I believe I saw a few rare ducks fly into the pond. Would you like to go see them?"
"You're not going anywhere."
Y/N sharply turned her head towards the pissed looking man walking towards the duo and gasped. She stood up, saying, "Kuai, this is the man that let me into his village! Hey Hanzo, this is Kuai‐"
"He already knows who I am," Kuai cut her off coldly and stood up. "Hanzo, I mean you no harm; had I known this was your territory, I would not have come." Hanzo pulled a sword from his back and held it up in a firey fists once he got close to them. Y/N stared idlely at them with growing anxiety. The two picked up on that quickly, making Kuai speak up again before Hanzo could. "The girl does not know of our rivalry. Don't punish her for my mistake, Hanzo‐"
"Do no speak to me like that. Leave at once!" Hanzo may be alive, but that doesn't mean he can't revert his voice back to his hellish Scorpion one. Kuai took a few steps back before turning around and disappearing. Hanzo and Y/N watched the whole way through in complete silence. Once Kuai was gone, they silence broke.
"And you," Hanzo walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Exactly what made you think bringing a guest without permission was anywhere near exceptable? You endanger every one of us at this village that way." Y/N could feel his fire-hot breath against her as he spoke. A shiver fell down her spine as looked him right in the eye. She didn't respond, but rather bow her head. Hanzo scoffed, flames igniting from his fist that began to burn her clothes, making her whimper beneath him. She felt the flames heating up her neck, which made her whimper more as the pain wasn't something she was exposed to often. "Part of me wants to kill you right now. You are very lucky to have caught me in a better light."
Hanzo let go of her, stepping away. Y/N bowed her full body lowly, hands to her knees. "I'm deeply sorry sir, I really am. I promise I will never bring another guest again. I knew not of Kuai and your's relationship and if I had known when I met him in the woods a little bit ago, I would have got him to leave. It was foolish of me to have not stayed in the village and possibly risks a bloody situation. For that, I am sorry." As Y/N finished, she heard nothing but the sound of a sword being put away.
"As long as this never happens again, L/N," he spoke coldly. "I forgive you. You may continue what you were doing before he arrived here."
"Thank you so much, sir!" Y/N called out happily as she stood up straight with a smile on her face. "I promise you won't regret it!" Hanzo remained quiet and simply glanced down instead. A more calm and positive feeling took over his previous anger quickly, leaving behind a little bit of confusion. Y/N took a few steps back over to where that tree she was kicking earlier was before Hanzo spoke up again.
"I apologize for being so harsh, as well. You said you met you here; was this planned?" He asked her as he his fists were undone. Y/N shook her head when she turned back towards him. Hanzo examined her face for a moment before sighing, then a smile grew on his face. "Very well. I appreciate your honesty. Actually, would you care to join me for tea later? As leader of this clan, it feels right for me to know all my people, whether they are a weary traveler or blood."
"Of course I would," she said softly. "What time?"
"Tomorrow at dawn."
"So be it." And with that, Hanzo began to walk towards his dojo and Y/N walked towards her special tree. The two of them had that tea on their minds as they practiced whatever it is they were practicing. How would it turn out? Would Y/N innocent immaturity get her in trouble? Would Hanzo appear too serious? Will they make up and gain trust? Maybe something else? We'll see in the next paragraph.
Time flies by quickly when you're having a good time, and for Hanzo, he was quite happy about the thought of getting to know Y/N more. And also to learn more of her relations with Kuai. As for Y/N, she was nervous as all hell since she knows she can be a handful sometimes. To be honest, a simple deep breath was able to calm her down and bring the adult side out of her. So here she was now, looking at herself in the mirror of her guest cabin and taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.
"You got this Y/N," she told herself as she took her final deep breath. The kimono she was wearing was different as it was longer and above the wrists, meaning she was unmarried. It still had a pretty design on it, with the colors overall being F/C, pink, yellow, and blue. The had her H/C hair up in a bun with two strands falling over her shoulders. She had a pin that kept her hair up with a beautiful flower attached to it. To contribute to her Japanese asthetic, she had a folded fan that was black with red cherry trees designs in it in her hand.
She smiled at herself in the mirror one more time before she turned to face the door. She slid open the door to the guest home and put on her shoes before walking outside. She closed the door and prepared to head off the selected location. On the other hand, Hanzo was sure to be formal as well.
He wore a montsuki, which is a formal black kimono worn over a white under-kimono and hakama, which are traditional Japanese trousers. It was common for samurais to wear this underneath their armor, so it suited him well. After all, he was both ninja and samurai; he kept his hair in a man manbun as well. He was very good at maintaining a formal way of speaking and acting, yet he knew Y/N isn't all that. Someone as free spirited and naive really isn't all that capable of it, in his mind.
He was sitting down in a chabudai; one of those short legged tables that have cushions to sit on your knees on rather than to sit on chairs. At the moment, in another room of his lonely home, was a kettle that was boiling water. Authoress is not a Japanese fanatic who knows Japanese and is basing these designs of real Samurai and Wife dolls by their bed, I swear. It was perhaps halfway done by the time he heard a voice call from the outside of the front door; "Hello, it's Y/N. May I come in?"
Hanzo smiled softly to himself as he stood up and walked over to the door, sliding it open. To say he was shocked to see the free spirited girl in such a good-mannered attire was an understatement. "You look lovely tonight," he stated as he looked Y/N head to toe. On Y/N's side, she noticeably blushed and gave him a sweet look.
"You look lovely as well, truly."
Hanzo raised a brow and stepped aside for Y/N to step inside. And rather than her normal fast walk with swaying arms side to side, she slowly walked in with her hands held together in front of her. "I haven't yet seen this side of you, Miss L/N. I am a proper kind of person so don't think I won't hold it against you if you act unmannerly," he teased as Y/N giggled to herself and took her shoes off at the front door.
"I thought that maybe I should act a bit more, I guess, fancy in order to match you. As long as you don't believe in the whole women are beneath us bigger men and shouldn't talk unless spoken to thing, then this shouldn't be too hard, hehehe," Y/N said as she was lead to the chabudai by Hanzo. She sat down on her knees on side and he on the other.
"Of course I would not act on such a thing. We are all human with equal rights," Hanzo replied as he sat his hands in his lap. His looked down at Y/N'a hands, which were on the table, before shooting her a look that told her that she was doing something wrong. Y/N hummed in confusion before gasping lightly. She put her hands in her lap and smiled innocently, creating a chuckle from Hanzo.
Come to think of it, the hone hasn't yet been described. It's easy to imagine the paper and wood that made up the walls and doors, and the warm light that shun over the two people. The carvings on the wood above them and around them, the large pot with a bonsai in it in the corner of the room. The little wooden seats with drawers distilled in them built into the walls of the home. The wooden tables with traditional statues and little plants in pots across the home. The sword holder near the front door, the mats across the floor to give the unique taste. In the kitchen had built in furnaces where people would burn a fire in the wholes on the bottom and put cooking appliances and kyūsus on top of it. If you don't want to imagine that, here's something help.
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"Have you ever studied Japanese arts? Surely you must have had some experience in a place like this, or perhaps a friend to lecture you on what to do," Hanzo explained his thought process as he looked interestingly at the smaller girl.
"Actually, I had Kuai teach me a lot about Chinese culture. But when I met a swordsman named Kenshi, I learned more of Japanese tradition. I may not be the best, but I tried to use my knowledge of both cultures to act as good as possible! Um, I mean," she paused as her face lit up red. "To act as good as possible." She but the inside of her lip nervously as she grew more and more embarrassed of her voice level as she spoke. Hanzo chuckled.
"I'm glad I invited you here. You are very knowledgeable it seems. Plus quite entertaining," he complimented. The kyūsu began to steam loudly, meaning it was finished. Hanzo glanced over to the kitchen.
"Heh, I wouldn't say knowledgeable," Y/N replied, "but thank you." Hanzo stood up, nodding his head towards her as he walked put of the room.
"I apologize but the tea must be attended to. I will be back in a few moments," Hanzo explained before he disappeared behind a wall. Y/N nodded in understandment and began to fight with her hair, kimono ends, fingers, and whatever else she could once he walked out. When Hanzo walked into the kitchen, he felt heat rise to his face. He leaned onto a little table with his hand on it to keep his steady and his other hand over his chest. Oh kami, he thought, she gets cuter each time I see her. Whether she's trying to be like me but failing miserably or being her bubbly self does not matter; she is perfect.
He did his best to calm his nerves before grabbing the kettle from the furnace and grabbing a kyūsu, an appliance for making tea, and slowly pouring hot water into it. He made a kind of sweet green tea, one that many foreigners don't know about, called Sencha. It has to be made with the coolest kind of hot water, basically, otherwise it will turn bitter. He made sure the watch it carefully for about half a minute before grabbing two cups and pouring the tea. He then picked up the two cups and headed back to the chabudai. Yet before he got to the room, he paused.
A feminine voice sung a soft song as she waited for Hanzo to return. Hanzo felt his cheeks heat up again and his chest felt warm. He could recall this feeling but from where he first felt it is unknown to him. The ready may be able to assume that he was thinking of his first love, his wife, and how he felt when he fell in love with her. But that idea hadn't even crossed his mind as he felt there was no way he could ever feel such an extreme emotion towards anyone else. And marriage isn't even a question since she isn't from the clan. He took a deep breath before walking back into the room.
Y/N stopped singing and she smiled widely as she saw him. "Hey Hanzo! Or, um, sorry, haha. The tea smells very nice," she complimented as she gripped the sides of the cup with her little fingers. Yeah, there was definitely a way he could feel such an extreme emotions towards anyone else. Hanzo sat down on his knees on the other side of her, mumbling a quick thank you to Y/N and a thank you to the Gods' gift of tonight. And in his mind, a thank you for what to him felt like a gift from the Gods' to end his grief from his early wife.
"Mm! This is really good!" Y/N gasped after tasting it. "This is the best tea I've ever had!" Her eyes were wide in awe and her expression showing her impressment. Hanzo chuckled at her adorable reaction as he took a sip of his wom drink. It's been maybe 8 minutes since Y/N got there and she already forgot to remain all traditional and civil. It was adorable to him; she was so precious really.
And throughout the night, the two of them talked and laughed and jokes and got close. They remained at the chabudai most of the night, aside from when Y/N asked for a tour. She adored the bonsais, scenery that can be seen from outside the window, paintings around the home, and everything. She was so naive but to Hanzo, that wasn't particularly a bad thing. It made her all the more fun to be around. And because of how great of a night they were having, they even agreed to meet up the next day.
"Excuse me, Miss Y/N," Hanzo said as he stood up from the chabudai. "I will be back in one moment. Please help yourself to more tea if you'd like."
"I will," Y/N responded sweetly. Oh, on a side note, Y/N completely forgot about the traditional thing completely so don't expect her to stay put in the few minutes Hanzo was gone. Actually, by the time Hanzo came back, Y/N had her head in her arms on the table her body slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of her breaths. Hanzo couldn't help but find himself smiling down at her. He got that warm feeling in his chest again though it was different this time. It wasn't as unfamiliar as before. He knew what it was; it was love slowly blossoming.
He sighed softly before picking up the sleeping girl's tired form and carrying her against his chest. She shifted a little bit in his grasp and ended up being hudled against him more, making that warn feeling in Hanzo's chest grow more. Such a sweet, innocent creature. He slid open his door and brought her back to her guest home, where he laid her in bed and brought her hair down from its updo in order for it to not be as bad of a mess tomorrow. He kissed her forehead and then left to sleep in his own bed until the next morning.
The next day was the same as the previous. And then the day after that, and the day after that day, and so forth. But one day was a particularly cold day and a cold blanket of snow began to cover the land. Y/N was at Hanzo's place, watching the snow fall through an open window with her E/C eyes wide in amazement at the beauty. Hanzo was standing behind her with two cups of tea in his hand.
"Would you care for a drink?" He asked, making Y/N turn around.
"Thank you, Hanzo!" She said as she took the drink from him and took a big sip. It tasted sweet, as it was the tea she had when she came over for the first time. "Say, I sorta wish we could have gone outside today. I noticed that you like to fight in that place by the pond a lot; which is really great to watch! You're so strong, hehe. But you've never actually seen me fight before," she explained right before she took a sip of tea. "Y'know, I'm painfully aware that people view me as an immature, innocent, naive girl who isn't the most aware of her surroundings. But I think you'll be impressed to see what I can do," she said confidently as she hummed.
Hanzo took a sip from his tea and nodded. "Perhaps. When it gets warmer out, I'd love to watch what you can do," he replied with an extra caring tone with his voice. He caught onto his tone quickly and blushed a little bit. "But there is something we can do outside," he started.
"What is it?" Y/N asked, standing up.
"Well, there's a hotspring nearby. We can swim in there if you'd like. However be sure to dress in something not too revealing if you would like to."
"There is? I'd love to!" She exclaimed as she bounced up and down. "I'll dmgi get dressed now," she eagered on as she put her shoes back on before leaving. Hanzo grabbed her up of tea and brought it to the kitchen. It's a shape it would go to waste, but he can always make more. He returned to his bedroom to grab something to put on while swimming but please, just imagine what he'd wear to swim. Traditional swimwear is too nasty to be used in this book, but swimming trunks are too modern. As for Y/N, considering she never had a particular home or culture, it made sense for her to just wear a full body suit she could have gotten from anywhere in Earthrealm.
Of course, the both of them were sure to bathe before hopping into the hot spring. Well, Hanzo slowly got in whereas Y/N jumped in without any care. It was warm, shocker there.
"Ahh...Thank the Elder Gods for getting me here before I froze to death," Y/N shuddered as chills ran up her spine. Though those chills were disappearing as the warmth of the hot spring washer over her soon enough. Hanzo rested his body against the large rocks around the hot spring and found a seat-like area. Y/N swam around happily and sung to herself.
Oh, one thing worth mentioning for the sake of the next paragraph is that Y/N had a necklace around her neck. Hanzo had never noticed it before as it was always under her kimono or shirt. However that necklace had a great significance go it; she was told that with that necklace, she would be able to find her parents who seemed to have lost her at birth. That necklace was the only thing that remained of them and hopefully destiny was kind enough to help her find her parents.
"Kyaa–" shrieked as a splashing sound was heard. Hanzo stopped daydreaming and looked over at Y/N, who's hair covered he face and arm frantically tried to keep her body floating. She quickly pushed her hair out of her face and whined over and over again worried. Hanzo instinctively swam over there as fast as possible, grabbing ahold of her gently yet sturdy. "Where is it!" She cried out, feeling her body and looking around the waters.
"Where is what?" Hanzo asked in his husky voice that was now in a confused tone.
"My necklace! I can't find my necklace!" She replied worriedly, tears swelling in her eyes. Hanzo looked at the tears forming and felt his whole body shiver woman's his heart drop. "I can't see it anywhere!" Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation he was against earlier, making Y/N cry out, "wait!"
"Y/N," Hanzo sternly spoke. "I will find your necklace and return it. Worry not, please, dear friend," he reassured, taking her hand in his. She shook nervously and wiped her tears. Slowly, she nodded which told Hanzo he could swim away now. And so he did; he headed towards the stop where she cried out and with one deep breath, he went underwater. He had to hold his nose for warm waters were very dangerous to go under as dangerous fungi grow in hot waters. Yet even so, he swam to the bottom of the hot spring using one hand to stir around to look for the necklace.
Y/N waited on the rocks, sniffing and whimpering. She hasn't told Hanzo the origin of the necklace, but he could tell it was important to her. When she was little, she was handed the necklace and was told it would help her find her missing mother as long as she stayed pure. What that means is that Y/N had to remain free from murder, theft, and other ways of sin. Not only that, but she could not ever preform certain adult actions as then she would never find her parents (I say that because Y/N never had a parent figure to teach her what nono stuff is), which is her number one goal in life. She grew up going from city to city, state to state, country to country, and even had been in Outworld before. She grew up with so many cultures and had never found someone that was like her in any way. It felt like she didn't have an identity as she had nothing to trace her orgins to.
Splash! Hanzo took a deep breath of air as he finally reached the surface again, with a silver necklace with a S/F/C gem inside it that's carved to show an unknown design. "Is this your necklace?" He asked as he held it up. Y/N gasped, lunging back into the water and swimming towards Hanzo. Once she got up to him, she wrapped her arms around his muscular figure and cried.
"You found it! Thank you so much!" She cried out happily, pressing her body against him. Hanzo blushed at the sudden affection and slipped the necklace back onto her. He adjusted the back of of it so it wouldn't fall off her so easily again. "I love Hanzo... You're the best friend I've ever had... I really mean it," she whimpered out. Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation again and once he did, Y/N let go of him.
"I appreciate it, Y/N. I love you as well, you're the closest friend I've ever had," he said back to her with a warm smile on his features. Y/N smiled back at him before examining her unharmed necklace.
"Hmm... Ever since I could remember, I would move from every country in the world to another. I've been to Paris, Beijing, New York, London, Los Angeles, a few different places in Mexico and Colombia, Holland, Tokyo, Osaka, and many more. I was carried from place to place by various of adoptive mothers, and each of them left a bit of their culture and identity with me by the time I left.
"But I had one that was a fortune teller and psychic. She was incapable kf having kids and didn't want to go through the trouble of raising one, so she took me, an 11 year old girl. She gasped when she saw me and took me in immediately. Before I left her, she gave me this necklace. "Y/N," she said, "you have the potential to see your real parents again. Train, grow stronger, read, grow smarter, listen, grow wiser. Stray away from the evil in the world and remain pure from your soul to your body. This is how you'll find your mother.""
Y/N paused and looked up at the larger male. He seemed intrigued with her story and made sure to listen carefully to her every word. So she continued, "as I grew older and began to travel on my own, I thought of her words every single hour of every day. I had no reason to live as I ever did was travel and meet new people, only to leave and never see them again. Just knowing who I really was became my only reason for existing. To this day, I bet the relief of meeting my real mom will feel like being deaf and hearing music, or being blind and seeing color, or being able to walk again after being paralyzed. But now," she paused.
Y/N smiled and looked up at Hanzo. "It's strange to feel so in place, so correct. I-I know I never felt this way about any place before! But I really think that as long as you're around, my chances of meeting my mom are good! Just being with you gives me hope for the next day, truly. It's like being with you is my reason to exist."
Hanzo closed his eyes and smiled back at her. He wrapped his arms around and embraced her warmly, his head being filled with nothing but pure bliss. Y/N hugged back tightly, feeling just as happy as he is right now.
And just as soon as it came, the day was over and the two had to return home and sleep. But this particular night, their dreams were better than usual. And two days later, the snow had cleared up and the ground was dry! That meant Y/N could go train today! Unfortunately, with her absent-mindedness, she forgot she wanted Hanzo to watch her so she remained in private as she kicked thicc ass trees down in two strong kicks and crushed stones into bits by simply punching it once.
"Hai...ya!" She called out as she forcefully brought her first to a stone celler that was abandoned randomly in the woods. But hey, no one was using it, so who's gonna cry about it being broken? The impact of her punch brought a giant circular impact onto the wall, and bits and pieces of it fell down. "Hehehe! 22 more to go!" She thought out loud as she pulled her fist back again. She wasn't alone in these woods, no, as there was a particular ninja/samurai person thing, idk, watching from the nearby bush. Not to be creepy of course! He was on his way to his dojo but heard noises, and discovered it was her after checking it out.
And d a m n. If Y/N saw his shocked face the first time he saw her punch the wall with that much force and endurance, she would laugh and tease him about it for a long time. He didn't expect her to be so quick in her movements and to cause such force. Like, a short little bebe in a pink, cutesy kimono with cherry blossoms being able to cause a fucking massacre to the wall? How could you blame him?
"Hmm... that reminds me!" Y/N exclaimed as she spun around to look at Hanzo. "I told you that you should watch me train! Is that what you were doing?"
Hanzo blushed heavily and was unfortunately incapable of hiding it in the direct daylight. "Indeed, Y/N. This is truly a wonderful sight to see," he replied as he looked away for a moment. Y/N gasped and ran towards him. He took a few steps back when he noticed how close she gotten, which caused him to get a little bit more flustered.
"You're sick? You're face is all red, Y/N whined as she pulled Hanzo closer. "You should be inside, mister, getting better! Not out here watching me fight when it's colder out here! Let's go bring you inside," he said as she grabbed his muscular arm and held it close. She turned towards the village of the Shirai Ryu and began walking towards it, pulling Hanzo along. How bold.
Hanzo but his bottom lightly and remained as flustered as before. "There really is no need, Y/N," he replied back.
"You're being quite irresponsible for a ninja, y'know," Y/N replied as she continued to walk him home. Hanzo sighed and just let her pull him along. He knew she would question him if he told her he wasn't sick so he choose into except it.
"Thank you for your concern," he replied lowly. Y/N giggled proudly and nodded.
"The best for you!" They arrived to the pathways of the village and began their walk. There was a few pedestrians walking by, including a dad and daughter and a separate woman. "I'll make you some tea and you can go to bed, okay?" Hanzo nodded, smirking to himself about how funny the situation really is.
"How caring," Hanzo spoke as they arrived at his home. The got inside and took their shoes off at the front door.
"Of course," she replied before heading towards the kitchen to make tea. Hanzo wasn't sick but he's been tired lately and what's wrong with sleeping in for one day? When he got the tea, it no doubt tasted way too bitter as Y/N doesn't really know what she's doing to be honest. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
Hanzo lied in bed, with an empty cup by his side and an small girl on the other. She sat on the bed, talking to him quietly about a bunch of random things until she said something strange. "To be honest, I know this is weird, but it almost feels like we're married sometimes. I mean, we're together all the time and have a very close friendship. You let me drag you in here and give you bitter tea even though you didn't want to. That's really nice, hehe," she giggled as she looked over at Hanzo. Her eyes shun something different from simply joy this time. Instead, it showed rather care. And potentially something more.
Hanzo felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked deep into Y/N's eyes. Emhe had to examine them to ensure that he wasn't just crazy or actually sick, but no, it looked like she really did care about him more than a friend. After all these months, it was officially, wasn't it? It was mutual. Hanzo smiled as he sat up on the bed. Y/N's cheeks lit up a little bit as he stared down at her with that look.
"Sometimes it really does feel like that, does it not? I can see as a good pair to be truthful. What about you?" Hanzo asked softly. Y/N cheeks flushed pink and her expression softened.
"I agree, definitely. I mean, how can I not, heh heh. You've been there from the very beginning and I've always seen you as this big, strong teddy bear of sorta. So sweet, so nice, so caring," she replied. Hanzo leaned in, making Y/N want to lean in too. And slowly, the pair came together and finally...they kissed. It was soft, tender, and it felt like it was meant to happen. Y/N's face turned red and Hanzo's tense emotions he felt disappeared immediately.
Heh, you know what? To be honest, they lady next door was known to be crazy about losing her baby girl a very long time ago. They had matching necklaces that were bought from a village far away from their's years ago when the Shirai Ryu was attacked by Quan Chi's forces. She escaped and went into hiding, and then found a man to marry to. Her child was named Y/N L/N, and whether she's not fully Japanese or fully related into the Japanese clan, she is blood and therefore she is capable of being the love of Hanzo Hisashi. Maybe the two of them will meet some day, huh?
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(pt 1) i really enjoy all your atla analyses & you've done a great job breaking down the usual arguments re how eip shows that kataang shouldn't have happened. i'm curious about your take on one specific argument that i just saw today, in an analysis of the show by a zker that was otherwise quite good and respectful (i know you've already talked about eip a lot, so no problem if you don't feel like rehashing). the premise: aang didn't just pressure katara in eip, he threatened her.
(pt 2) they point to when katara joins aang & asks if he’s alright: “aang: no, i’m not! i hate this play! katara: i know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting. aang: overreacting? if i hadn’t blocked my chakra, i’d probably be in the avatar state right now!” the suggestion is he’s threatening her when he says ‘i’d probably be in the avatar state right now’ to describe his anger. i think this take exaggerates and oversimplifies it, but interested in your thoughts on it.
Hello my friend!! It is true I am Old inside and don’t like rehashing dhdlksjslks BUT your comments on my posts are always incredibly kind and insightful so I am more than willing to do a bit of rehashing for you 🥰 Besides! I’ve seen this general take before a few times and it’s always irked me for the exact reason you point out - it simultaneously exaggerates and oversimplifies the situation (and honestly that’s an impressive duality since it’s seemingly contradictory, so hats off to them lmaooo) - and now is as good a time as any to address it. So, for starters, let’s go ahead and get the excerpt they love to focus on so much:
Cut to Aang standing alone on a balcony. Katara enters and walks up to him.
Katara: Are you all right?
Aang: [Angered.] No, I’m not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]
Katara: I know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting.
Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Here’s the thing about so-called analyses of this excerpt: in a manner extremely convenient to the poster, they never seek to contextualize this moment. (I mean, to do so would deplatform their entire “argument” - perhaps that’s why they avoid performing a full analysis?) So let’s avoid that pitfall from the start.
Firstly, below are some links to related posts; I’m going to do my best to summarize the most relevant parts, but for anyone who desires greater detail, I gotchu 😤
This post explains why EIP (the play, lol) is imperialist propaganda and is intended to belittle the entire Gaang.
This post explains how Aang never acted “entitled” to Katara’s affections, particularly in regard to EIP.
This post breaks down the infamous EIP kiss like Snopes Fact Checker, covering common misconceptions, important perspectives to consider, etc.
Alright. With that out the way, it’s time for some context.
Aang and Katara have this conversation on the balcony after watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” a play chock-full of Fire Nation propaganda that demeans the entire Gaang in order to prop up the Fire Nation as superior (hence why the play ends with Ozai’s victory). Here is my general breakdown of Aang and Katara’s treatment in particular from a previous post:
- katara, an indigenous woman, is highly sexualized and portrayed as overly dramatic and tearful, because the fire nation objectifies women not of their own people and views them as less intelligent and less emotionally stable
- aang, the avatar, the sole survivor of the fire nation’s genocide of the air nomads who is incredibly in-touch with his spirituality and femininity, is portrayed as an overly-airy and immature woman. the fire nation portrays him with a female actor to demean him (like, that’s classic imperialistic propagandist tactics) and furthermore writing his character as a childish airhead reinforces the fire nation sentiment that the air nomads were weak, foolish people who did not deserve to exist in their world
In other words, these kids have just watched almost an entire play that preys upon their insecurities and depicts them using racist and sexist stereotypes about their respective nations. It is completely understandable that tensions might run a little high and that their interactions would not be as balanced as usual (Katara and Aang have a great track record of communicating well with each other, as it happens!).
So we have to keep that in mind when examining the aforementioned excerpt. But there are other factors to consider, too! Namely: they are kids. Children. Teens. Aang is 12, Katara is 14.
If we want to be scientific, a person’s brain doesn’t finish developing until they are 25, lmao, and the preteen/teen years are when the prefrontal cortex that controls “rationality,” “judgement,” “forethought,” etc. is still developing. This doesn’t mean Aang and Katara are irrational and make poor decisions 24/7 (obviously not), but it does mean that in an intense, highly emotional situation, like after watching a play that intentionally demeans them and depicts them as inferior, they are more likely to overreact, more likely to be emotional, and more likely to make mistakes. Like, I’m serious, lol. “Teens process information with the amygdala.” That’s part of the brain that helps control emotions! It’s why teens sometimes struggle to articulate what we’re thinking, especially in situations that require instinct/impulse and quick decisions, because we’re really feeling whenever we make those choices. Acting more on emotion. Our brains simply haven’t finished developing the decision-making parts, lmao.
In sum: Aang and Katara are both kids, not adults, and should be interpreted as such. This doesn’t negate their intelligence, because they are both incredibly smart and Aang is arguably the wisest of the Gaang, but they are human. Young humans. They have emotions, and we should not be so cruel as to assume they’d never act on them.
So taking that all together, we can now acknowledge the high stress Aang and Katara are under, understand why they might be upset (*cough* imperialist propaganda is hurtful *cough*), and examine how their youth might play into their emotional reactions. And funny thing - all analyses that come to the conclusion of Aang “threatening” Katara here do not usually bother with this context. I can’t imagine why!
And you know what, let’s add one more piece of context: Sokka states that Aang left the theater “like, ten minutes ago,” which is what cues Katara to go look for him on the balcony. The reason I mention this line is because to me, it suggests Aang knew he was more worked up than usual! He chose to separate himself from his friends so he could process his frustration! He did not take his anger at the play out on them; instead, he purposefully took time and space to be alone.
With that in mind, I don’t understand at all how Aang’s Avatar state quote could be interpreted as a threat? Canonly, Aang is someone who was aware enough of his frustration to separate himself from the others - yet the logical next step is him threatening Katara as a result? He knew his intense emotions were because of the play (which he says himself), so the logical conclusion is that he then pinned the fault on Katara? What?? Sorry, that interpretation has no textual basis, lmao. But I digress!
Aang tells Katara, “If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!” As you said, this is the line people point to in an attempt to justify their (baseless) conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. So let’s bring in the two key pieces of context: imperialist propaganda and age. Given that Aang is 12, and given that Aang has just watched almost a full play that demeans him and everything his people stood for (and let’s not forget it also mocks his and Katara’s love for each other)…
His reaction is understandable. An exaggeration and needlessly dramatic, but understandable. He feels vulnerable and insecure and Aang is human. He is human and flawed and he overreacts here and I love that A:TLA shows how even our heroes, even people who are truly good at heart and in soul, can get overly upset (especially given the aforementioned circumstances!). Would Aang actually be in the Avatar state at that moment, had it been possible? Of course not! He’s young and he’s hurt and as such he says something dramatic to convey his anxieties and frustrations. The line is not meant to be taken literally, and seeing people do so despite all the factors that should be taken into consideration when analyzing it… Cue a long, tired sigh from me and so many other A:TLA fans.
And to be honest? I cannot fathom how people watch this episode and come to the conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. To me, this episode - besides being a recap episode - is one that humanizes our cast even further. Aang snaps at Katara, kisses her when he shouldn’t (which the story appropriately treats as wrong). Katara pushes down her true feelings and retreats into herself, afraid to start a relationship with the boy she loves because she’s already lost him once before and can’t bear to do so again. Zuko further confronts the hurt he’s enacted upon others, especially upon Iroh. Toph practices being vulnerable and accepting vulnerability from others by conversing with Zuko. Sokka witnesses how others have erased his contributions and labelled him as nothing more than the token nonbender in the group. Even Suki learns that she is not the only person who holds a place in Sokka’s heart and that she can never replace what he has lost.
To watch this episode where our heroes must come to terms with how the Fire Nation deems them inherently inferior, with how they have more fights to overcome in the future with the Fire Nation than a single war, and to come to the conclusion that… that what, Aang is abusive? A monster? Irredeemable? That he would threaten his best friend, someone he loves in every way?
Wow. That says more than enough about the viewer, doesn’t it?
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kumeko · 3 years
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A/N: For the @ouranzine Flowers of the Host Club! I got overly ambitious with this piece, and the idea was too big for the word count. I do like the idea still.
Hikaru was used to seeing strange sights on a daily basis. It was the selling point of their club, the ability to transport their guests to different worlds, change seasons, and perform magic. He had ridden elephants to school, created an indoor jungle, and discovered there were very few things that couldn’t be done without money and an Ootari.
Very few. Sometimes he worried that world domination was the next logical step.
Either way, by this point, he didn’t think he could be surprised anymore. Yet standing here in his classroom, staring at Haruhi’s desk, he discovered that he was utterly wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. With ten minutes left before lunch ended, students slowly trickled into the classroom around him. The ordinary framing made the sight before him even more extraordinary. Rubbing his eyes, he asked, “You see it too, Kaoru?”
“I do. I don’t believe it though.” Next to him, Kaoru squeezed his eyes shut before slowly opening them again. When the sight before them didn’t change, he pinched his cheek. “This isn’t a dream.”
Hikaru clicked his teeth. “That was the only explanation. Unless…” He paused dramatically and covered his mouth with a trembling hand. “It’s an illness?”
Kaoru’s eyes widened and he pressed his palm against his forehead. “Terminal?”
Grimly, he nodded. “Possibly.”
“No!” Kaoru leaned against him, trembling. “It can’t be—”
“You know I can hear you, right?” Haruhi cut in dryly, resting her cheek on her hand as she stared up at them. Seated at her desk, she gestured at the clock. “Don’t you need to get to your seats?”
“And she’s worried about us! Her!” Hikaru wiped a tearful eye. Leaning forward, he squeezed her shoulder and gave her a pitying smile. “You don’t have to be so brave for us. You can let us know how you really feel.”
“Trust me, I do.” Haruhi sighed, running a hand through her hair. Giving a troubled sigh, she accepted her lot in life and gave in. “What are you talking about?”
Wearing matching identical grins, Hikaru and Kaoru pointed at the small bouquet of roses balanced precariously on the edge of her desk. At least a dozen long-stemmed red roses poked out of pink wrapping paper. “Who’s that for?”
“None of your business,” she answered immediately, adjusting the bouquet so it rested more securely on her desk. With a tender smile, she patted the bundle.
That abrupt brush off just made him more curious. Undeterred, Hikaru pressed, “Is it a lover?”
With a teasing grin, Kaoru guessed, “Multiple lovers?”
“Definitely not.” She massaged her forehead, her frown deepening. “I can barely handle you guys as it is.” As though she just realized something, Haruhi froze and her skin paled.
“What’s wrong?” Hikaru asked, as though he didn’t know exactly what was on her mind. Or rather, the five somethings on her mind.
Slowly, like a broken robot, she turned to them. She looked both silly and cute and he stifled a laugh. “You’re not going to tell Tamaki, are you?”
“Milord?” Kaoru gasped. “You’re right, he certainly does have to know about this.”
Haruhi looked at Hikaru pleadingly. Instantly, he felt his skin flush and she had to be doing it on purpose, right? She had to know what she did to him, right? Kaoru smirked at him from over her head and Hikaru sighed before relenting. “Well, maybe if we had a bribe…”
“A bribe?” Haruhi blinked before clapping her hands. “Got it.” Gently, she extracted two roses from her bouquet and held them out. “Will this do?”
The oblivious smile on her face said it all: she had no idea what this looked like. Haruhi was a weapon just waiting to go off, with all of her natural flirting. Her rose dangled in front of him innocently. Well, a flower was a flower, and he could deal with it. In fact—as a thought struck him, he looked up and exchanged glances with his brother.
They could have a lot of fun with this.
“We’ll take it.”
If the sight earlier was an unexpected one, this next one was anything but. Kaoru stared blankly at the corner of the music room, where a dark gloom had set in. Tamaki was crouched in the corner, drawing circles on the ground with a finger. If he listened closely, Kaoru was certain he’d hear the soft mumbling of a lunatic.
He’d heard it often enough from his brother as Hikaru realized that his feelings might be more than a crush.
“What’s wrong, milord?” Kaoru asked, dropping his school bag and trotting over to Tamaki’s right.
“H-haruhi…” Tamaki mumbled, looking up all teary-eyed.
“What about her?” Hikaru asked, standing on his left.
“She’s…she’s…” Tamaki warbled, a fresh set of tears forming in his eyes. He wiped them with a sleeve and wailed, “She’s abandoning me!”
They turned around to where Honey and Mori were sipping tea, looking utterly nonchalant. “Haruhi didn’t come for lunch,” Honey explained, looking a little disappointed himself.
“She’s also not joining us today,” Kyoya said and Kaoru had to fight the urge to jump. The shadow king had an alarming ability to disappear and suddenly reappear.
“WHAT?” Tamaki’s jaw fell and an incoherent stream of sounds escaped his mouth.
Kaoru raised a brow. So she’d cleared it with Kyoya first, then. Judging by his expression, the slightly amused curl of his lips, he probably knew exactly what was going on. Hell, he probably knew about the flowers too. In that case, though, he wouldn’t mind them having a little fun with it. Resting a hand on Tamaki’s shoulder, he smiled gently. “Haruhi has a good reason.”
“She does?” Tamaki’s eyes grew wide and he looked up at him hopefully.
“A very good reason,” Hikaru continued, grasping Tamaki’s other shoulder.
As though rehearsed, they both added, “She’s giving someone a bouquet of flowers.”
Tamaki nodded. “Okay. That makes sense—” Cutting himself off, he looked from one twin to the other desperately. “What?”
“She got them at lunch,” Hikaru mentioned idly.
Kaoru crossed his arms. “And she wouldn’t tell us who they’re for.”
“WHAT?” Tamaki yelped, jumping to his feet. “DADDY DOESN’T APPROVE OF ANY BOYS.”
Trying not to grin, Kaoru nodded to Hikaru. It’d only take one more push. One more really easy push. Together, they pulled out their roses. “She gave us one though.”
Kaoru could hear the straw snapping. Tamaki moved from rage to jealousy. “She gave you flowers?” He twiddled his fingers. “She’d give me flowers too, right? As her daddy, I get one, right?”
“Of course, milord,” Kaoru lied, patting him on the back.
“I want one too!” Honey swiped the last cookie and swung off his seat.
Kaoru exchanged a smirk with his brother. Sometimes, it was all too easy.
There were many ways a matter like this ought to be handled. Delicately, since Haruhi never liked it when they focused all of their attentions on her. Subtly, because she wasn’t supposed to know what they were after. Individually, since they didn’t want to overwhelm her.
Tamaki, of course, threw all of that out the window. The second he spotted Haruhi in the hallway, he charged like a bull in the china shop. “WHO IS HE?”
Reportedly, the desperate screech of a terrified not-father was heard all around the world.
As they were all good friends, the host club understood that this was who Tamaki was and that while he remained a dense brick about his feelings, this was the only way he could deal with the muddled emotions buried deep in his heart. There was something sad and poetic about it.
It was also terribly amusing to watch Haruhi assassinate him with her response and they didn’t want to interfere with that at all.
Their school was a strange one, Honey knew. The seasons changed yet no one aged, the grounds had room for every type of scenery conceivable, and the hallways extended as long as narratively convenient. As long as he waited in a hallway, Haruhi had to go past him at some point.
Almost as though on cue, he heard a soft tapping as Haruhi walked down the hall. Clutching his Bun-Bun close, Honey skipped over to her, a bright smile on his face. “Haruhi!”
Surprised, Haruhi stopped in her tracks. “Honey?”
Standing in front of her, he clutched his rabbit and stared up with big, teary eyes. “You’re not coming to the club today?”
“I…” Bingo. While Haruhi might not be all that feminine or tapped into her motherly instincts, Honey prided himself in being able to find even the most dormant of instincts and pry them out. Haruhi rubbed the back her neck, giving him an apologetic look. “I can’t today.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.” Honey sighed, rocking back and forth on his feet. He stared at the ground. “I had dessert ready and everything.”
Haruhi’s brow knit. Troubled, she scratched her cheek before giving up and sighing. “Maybe next time?”
“Yay.” His expression brightened and he looked up at her once more. Pointing at her flowers, he asked, “What are those for?”
“It’s nothing.” Haruhi shrugged, straightening up now. “I have to get going, okay?”
No, this wasn’t good. He hadn’t gotten the flower yet. Pushing down his panic, he shot her a winning smile. “Could I smell them?”
“What?” Haruhi raised a brow.
“They must smell nice.” Honey looked at her innocently, batting his eyes. “I can’t?”
“Ugh. No, it’s fine.” Haruhi held out the roses delicately.
“Yay!” Honey leaned forward and pulled out a rose. There, mission accomplished. Smelling it, he grinned. “It’s so sweet!”
“Alright, next is milord—” The twins stared at Tamaki, who was still sulking in a corner. “Nevermind, too much damage. Mori’s up next!”
Mori stiffened. The club’s activities were fine when they involved the other members, when it was a group thing and not an individual issue. Alone, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. Especially since he was hiding at an intersection, watching Haruhi walk down the hall. Behind him, the twins and Honey were gently egging him on, trying to get him to do something. Say something.
But what?
Mori didn’t know the answer to that. He could only watch as Haruhi walked further away, cutting past another intersection. She looked to her left in surprise before disappearing around the bend. Immediately, the twins broke into laughter.
“That was even worse than milord!” Hikaru guffawed, hunched over as he laughed.
“He didn’t even try!” Kaoru added, wiping the tears from his eyes. “He just watched her go!”
“Wait!” Honey peeked around the corner and gasped. “Look!”
Mori quickly rushed to the corner. As did the rest of the host club. Honestly, it was a miracle they hadn’t been spotted before this point. “What?” he asked, steeling himself.
“Is that?” Kaoru asked, surprise colouring his tone.
Mori could only nod. Eagerly heading toward them were two small forest animals: a tanuki and a rooster. In their mouths was a single rose. The constantly fighting pair were working together for once.
A wave of love washed over him. He’d have to spoil them tonight.
Tamaki stared vacantly as he sat under the staircase. Honey had a rose. Mori had a rose. The twins had roses. Everyone but him had a rose. Well, him and Kyoya, but Kyoya didn’t seem interested. It was unfair that Tamaki alone didn’t have one. He was her father!
No, wait, that wasn’t quite right. He wasn’t here to get a rose, he was here to find out who she was meeting. Who exactly those flowers were for. There was the soft thud of footsteps and he looked up to spot Haruhi. Finally. “Haruhi,” he called out, slowly getting up.
Haruhi groaned before turning to look at him. With a deadpan expression, she asked, “Yes?”
“Haruhi, I…I..” Tamaki stared at the roses in her hand. A pang hit his chest and he clutched his shirt. Was that the pain of fatherhood? It had to be, right? “Those roses…” Standing up, he staggered toward her. “Are they for someone important?”
Instantly, Tamaki turned red. No, that wasn’t what he was supposed to ask. That wasn’t it at all. Haruhi looked at him in surprise. Her expression softened and she nodded. “Yeah.”
“Oh.” Tamaki felt boneless and almost crumpled onto the ground.
“I should have realized what would happen the second the twins found out.” Haruhi sighed, pulling out a rose. She sniffed it. “I can see why you use them, they’re sweet.” Holding out the rose, she smiled at him. “They suit you.”
Tamaki blushed. “W-what?”
“Here, take it.” Gently, she pushed it into his hand. “Now you can tell them to stop bullying you, alright?”
Bullying? No, that wasn’t what this was about! Well, it did get him a rose from Haruhi, but that wasn’t the point! Who were the roses for? That’s what he had to ask. That’s what—
When he looked up, Haruhi was already gone.
Kyoya chuckled as Haruhi hastily headed toward the entrance. She looked like a woman on a mission, which, he supposed, she was. After all, the entire host club had been blocking her exit until now, a dense obstacle course that maybe he should repeat for a future host club event. Leaning against the wall, he raised a brow. “You should have known this would happen.”
“Yeah.” Haruhi didn’t look surprised to see him. He wasn’t sure if that rankled him or not. “I should have just gotten these after school.”
“Well, it was at a good discount.” He adjusted his glasses. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a small card. “You can come here for the pictures later. In exchange, I’ll remove their proceeds from your debt.”
“Business as usual, huh?” Haruhi rolled her eyes but accepted the card nonetheless. “Still, thanks for the flowers. Oh, and here.” She pulled out a rose and held it out.
“What?” Perplexed, he looked from the rose to her.
Haruhi shrugged. “I already gave them to everyone else. It wouldn’t be fair to leave you out.”
“I’m home!” Haruhi called out, slipping off her shoes as she closed the door behind her.
Her father poked his head out of the kitchen. “Great.” His smile grew brighter at the roses in her hand. “And you got them!”
“Yeah.” Out of habit, she added dryly, “But it is a waste of money.”
“Nonsense, things for your mother are never a waste of money.” Ranka clicked his tongue, giving her a disapproving shake of his head.
She couldn’t disagree with that entirely. If there was one thing her time with the host club had taught her, it was that there were times when money had to be spent. That there were things, people, where the expense was worth it.
And her mother was definitely one of them. Approaching her mother’s altar, Haruhi gently placed the diminished bouquet of roses. “Happy birthday, mom.”
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firsttarotreader · 2 years
Baby, baby
Hello, everyone! I have a reading I just did to share with you. Before I start, I need to remind you to please stay respectful and polite as this is a Tarot reading and I am in no way saying it's gonna happen for sure as I do not own the future or Pedro's life, add that to the fact that the Universe is always in motion. That said, I have been seeing for a while in some readings the possibility of a child in his future, maybe not even in a very distant future. In these readings, it shows up as a potencial unexpected pregnancy or even a situation where one partner wants the baby and the other, not so much, in case it were a male partner.
Thinking of that, I did a specific reading to ask if the cards could see a baby in his future, and this is what I got. It was so intense that I decided to post, so let's go. The first cards were Judgement, Temperance and The Fool. Judgement is the card of the change. You are faced with situations where you need to judge what's best and choose the new way to go. The good thing is your judgement is clear. Both Temperance and The Fool, shockingly, are strong representations of a pregnancy or child. Temperance is the card of the balance and it might represent the union of masculine and feminine to form a new life, and yes, even if it's a same gender couple, you still need the combination of these two sides for a new life, with a surrogate and an egg donor. The Fool is another huge sign, it represents the start of a new journey, the beginning, and it not only might represent a pregnancy or child, but also an unexpected one, as it could have this "reckless" and "careless" component to it.
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The next card were Knight of Wands, 4 of Swords and 4 of Cups. Knight of Wands is a fiery energy, like I have said, intense like a flame, but potentially quickly fading. It could be pointing to a casual and passing fling, leading to the 4's, which are suggestive representations of a pregnancy. The 4 of Cups is the boredom of the wait, the emotional stability that can be linked to the beginning of a pregnancy and how everything settles down in the first trimester for the wait. The 4 of Swords that comes before it is another one pointing to just "lying down and waiting", waiting for the shock to pass, waiting for the overwhelming (not necessarily good) news to settle and deal with it. And yes, it could be the wait for a child you are not ready to welcome. It doesn't mean you do not want it, just that it's a lot to take on at first.
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Then I asked who the mother will be. The immediate card was the Queen of Pentacles, followed by the 2 of Pentacles and the 6 of Wands. THAT one made my jaw drop. The Queen of Pentacles is a strong and powerful female figure. She is stable (including financially) and she is confident, but also very feminine and seductive, an insanely intense female energy. Sometimes the Empress shows up as this Queen, especially lately, but we cannot say for sure it's the Empress we're talking about. This Queen has also been in Pedro's readings a lot lately. Could we be talking about a surrogate? Yes, of course, not ruling it out, even though this energy is pretty much the one of a mother. But would they be one, if that was the case, the surrogate? That's what I wonder, as I asked for the mother. Then, the 2 of Pentacles. This is an interesting card that points to the possibilities of the situation. You are facing a moment of choices, a moment where you need to choose which way to go, and you have A LOT of potential in this card. The 6 of Wands is a good omen, as it shows us how the situation has the best energies of success to it. Whatever happens, it will work out alright and have a positive outcome. It's gonna be a great journey and if it comes to that, childbirth will be a success!
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Well, that was it. Like I said, this is looking way too much like Pedro might be a dad at some point in the future and it will possibly be unexpected or not so easily accepted and desired at the first moment. Am I saying this is gonna happen for sure? Nope, but I was so shocked with this reading after those strong pregnancy/child signs I saw before that I wanted to share with you. Please, don't be mean to me! lol
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lihikainanea · 4 years
bill and tiger around christmas and she decides to spoil him big time. he even buys her a lingerie set that is more risqué than normal, leaving very little to the imagination, and he’s even blushing about it because this set was BOLD for our good dude. but she rewards him, definitely rewards him.
ohhhhhh god how I love this.
But like, sweet nani, how is it risqué? Like what’s different about it? Wait, don’t tell me. I think I know.
Alright so we know about Bill and his little Merida thing, and we also kind of know that maybe Bill’s tastes in lingerie kind of err more on the side of dainty, feminine, maybe a little innocent. And I don’t know what I prefer more--like, did Bill just suddenly get daring and see a set that was far more courageous, and decide to get it?
Possibly, but also, please bear with me for another thought.
Maybe tiger is feeling herself lately. Maybe she got a big promotion. Maybe she’s been working out more. Maybe its neither of those things but she’s just having a total me moment and homegirl is feeling so good. And maybe one weekend morning at breakfast, Bill is talking about what he feels like cooking for dinner tonight and he’s waxing poetic about the most perfect artichokes he saw at the market last weekend and tiger gives a non-committal shrug.
“Whatever you want bud, I won’t be here,” she says. Bill looks at her quizzically.
“You won’t?”
She stabs a potato, nudges her feet (which are in his lap) into his hand because they’re cold.
“Nope,” she says, “Three’s a crowd.”
“Three?” Bill is still confused. Tiger takes a sip of her coffee and looks at him over the rim of her mug.
“Scarlet’s in town tonight,” she says. Bill’s eyes widen in realization.
“Oh,” he stammers, and the pink hue rushing to his cheeks is unmistakable. “Oh. Oh, god. Oh god that’s--”
he’s stammering like an idiot, smirking to himself like a dork, and tiger can’t help the little taunting smile on her own face. Bill goes quiet but that dopey grin is still on his face for the entire day.
And tiger’s tastes border on feminine and girly too, but Scarlet? That bitch is cray. Ain’t nothing she won’t do. So tiger picks out something that is definitely a little more bold and risqué than something she would ever choose to wear. Maybe instead of lace and frills and pinks and whites this one is black. Just black. And in the place of lace, there’s....nothing. It’s more harsh, it’s more bold, it’s far more erotic. There’s a few buckles--nothing too hardcore, but definitely racy. There’s no corset, no frills--everything is cut at harsh angles and there ain’t much to it. Tiger had to initially conceal the blush on her own cheeks when she saw the crotchless panties, but to hell with it. Bill was hers, and damn if she didn’t want to own his ass sometimes.
And listen, Bill is fucking adorable that day. He keeps watching her with flitting eyes, waiting for it, wondering if she’ll just suddenly morph into Scarlet or if there’s like....a cue, or something, that he needs to pay attention to. Tiger thinks it’s hilarious. He blushes the whole day, only steals fleeting, shy glances at her, and it’s a real power trip for our girl.
But eventually, sometime before dinner but after she’s made him a drink, she stands up and stretches.
“Well,” she says, “Better get going.”
Bill shoots to his feet.
“Oh god,” he stutters, “Oh god it’s happening. Okay. Okay okay okay...”
And he turns suddenly, but then he realizes he’s not the one leaving so he’s just kind of...turning in circles, trying to figure out what to do. Tiger laughs.
“Bye bud,” she kisses him, “Have fun.”
And then she disappears into the bedroom. And about 20 minutes later--20 minutes of Bill pacing anxiously, wiping his hands on his jeans--she emerges. And holy fuck, Bill’s jaw hits the floor. She’s done up to the nines, deep crimson lipstick, in a get up that makes his throat run dry. She looks incredible, but she also just looks so...naughty.
“Hey there,” she purrs. Bill actually squeaks. Rooted to the spot, unblinking, he squeaks.
“H-H-...” he stutters, “Hello. Scarlet. Hi.”
Bill’s never quite seen anything like it. She looks fantastic, but he’s just...stunned. In the best way. This set is far more skimpy, far more daring, far more outrageous than anything she’s ever worn for him before, and anything he’s ever bought her. And it flares a side of him that he didn’t even know he had--he always just kind of gravitated towards more dainty, understated lingerie--but this? Oh, oh he really likes this.
And maybe that night, how daring she is with him, how incredible she looks--maybe it kind of piques his interest and has him discovering some new little pleasures of his own. So maybe one day out on a limb (ie: he’s totally shopping online for new lingerie sets for her), maybe he sees one that’s a bit more akin to what she wore for him that night. A bit more bold, more explicit. And his throat runs dry, his breath hitches at just the thought of her in it--so he buys it. Wraps it up real nice for her. And it takes him a solid few weeks to get up the courage--and hell maybe he doesn’t quite get the courage. Maybe on his way out to a boy’s night at the bar, he places the neatly wrapped gift on his bed where he knows she’ll find it, gives her a rushed kiss goodbye, and off he goes.
But I mean, the idiot. Because tiger waits up for him. She always waits up for him when he goes out for the night (and vice versa), because that’s just what they do. Both of them will camp out on the couch until the other one comes home, so that they can go to bed together (oh god, my heart). So when Bill stumbles in a tad buzzed, tiger rubs sleepily at her eyes and goes to greet him with a kiss.
“You’re a tad mischievous, aren’t you?” she mumbles against his lips with a smile. Bill blushes a little.
“Maybe,” he smirks, “I know it’s a little....bold.”
“It’s beautiful Billy, thank you,” she says, “Scarlet will love it.”
“Actually,” he clears his throat, fiddles a little with the hem of her (his) shirt, “I was kind of hoping that...my girl would wear it for me.”
His honesty, his vulnerability still knocks her socks off. He shifts his eyes timidly to hers, and god her whole heart could explode.
“Don’t get me wrong, Scarlet is great,” he stammers, “But she doesn’t hold a candle to you. It’s always you, kid.”
Bill’s a big dude, but the velocity with which tiger launches herself into his arms is enough to throw him off balance.
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nicnacsnonsense · 3 years
Been thinking about my hypothetical live action remake of Korra (seriously Netflix, call me, I have so many amazing ideas) and how I would tackle season two since it’s definitely the season that needs the most work, specifically and especially the Unalaq & Raava-Vaatu plotline. I kind of got carried away, like I do, but I’m very excited about it; a lot of good strong themes here. I’m going to start by talking about the changes to the first half, pre-Beginnings interlude, then the Beginnings episodes, then the back half. For the most part, all of the major plot beats still stay the same, at least until the climax, but the way those beats are contextualized are going to get pretty different building up to a radically different climax (no spirit being kaiju fight, yay!).
With Unalaq in the front half, the one major change is I want the religious fundamentalism vibes that come on so strong when he’s introduced to ramp up after the Northern Tribe soldiers show up and especially after Korra finally realizes he’s a bad guy, rather than petering out like happens in canon. I want to actually see him impose strict expectations of behavior in accordance with what he feels honors the spirits on the people of Southern Water Tribe. Let’s get some misogyny and restrictive gender roles up in here. That’s going to be great (from a storytelling perspective, obviously) because it’s relatively low-hanging fruit to communicate that the bad guy is bad, it fits in well thematically with where we’re going and the religious fundamentalism, and there is canon precedent in The Last Airbender that restrictive gender roles are a traditional value in the Northern Water Tribe.
A quick sidebar related to themes, in whatever episode where we first have Unalaq really cracking down on those gender roles, I want a B or possibly C plot with the Tenzin family vacation, where Jinora comes out to Tenzin as nonbinary. She is questioning with regards to the exact nature of her gender, but does say its some combination of both masculine and feminine, though other nonbinary identities – including agender, genderfluid, and a gender that is completely divorced from male-female – are floated. Tenzin is supportive and affirming and also suggests Jinora talk with her Aunt Kya, who he identifies as being a transwoman. (Kya is a trans lesbian in my version; you gotta deal with it.) This obviously serves to contrast Unalaq with his strict gender roles, and continues to build our theme.
For Korra in the first half, I do want to drag her emotional volatility down just a tad as compared to where she’s at in canon for these episodes. I still want her getting emotional and acting rash – that’s a huge part of her character – but I want her anger to feel sympathetic to the audience. Though I do also want at least one moment where Korra gets angry for good reason and starts yelling at Unalaq and he chides her for being emotional and irrational and he’s not going to discuss this with her if she can’t behave calmly and logically, blah, blah, blah, misogyny.
The final and biggest change that we’re making in the first half is Korra does not yet have her bending back. Season one does still end with her talking with Aang and learning energybending, which she uses to restore everyone else’s bending and restore her own connection to the other three elements, but in the opening episode of season two, we learn that she still can only airbend. She says that as far as she can tell everything should be alright and she should be able to bend fire, water, and earth, but obviously she can’t. She also mentioned that while it looks like it should, she feels like there is something missing, or maybe something there that she can’t see. Which my clever readers of course realize is a reference to Raava. After her flashback coma, Korra gains the other elements back, explaining that what she was missing was her connection to Raava had been damaged. Not broken, which is why she could still airbend and do all the other Avatar stuff she was doing, but damaged enough that Raava could no longer switch elements for her or give her access to multiple elements at once.
Moving on to Beginnings, right off the bat, I’m getting rid of the notion that all humans have to huddle on the backs of lion turtles out of fear of the spirits. The two worlds are connected, but humans and spirits co-exist peacefully for the most part. The lion turtles instead act as mediators when necessary, and do sometimes give out bending for humans to defend themselves with, but not as a regular thing every time they need to leave their city. We’ll have to switch up the stealing fire and Chin plot a little to accommodate this change, but somehow or other it happens and Wan gets banished with firebending.
Eventually he comes across Raava and Vaatu fighting and these two characters are getting some major shake ups. First off, in canon Raava identifies as being peace to counter Vaatu’s chaos, but peace is not the opposite of chaos; order is. Now, looking into yin & yang, chaos & order are not aspects that traditionally apply to them, but we’re going to let that addition of order to yang and light and chaos to yin and dark stand. Not everything has to be perfectly aligned. That said, one way in which we are going to switch things to make them fit better is yang is the masculine energy with yin as feminine. We’re switching the voices.
So Wan sees them fighting, and Vaatu calls out for help. And Wan is like, oh no, a damsel in distress; I’ll help you, milady! So, he helps, giving Vaatu the advantage. She beats up Raava, then flies off. Raava chastises Wan, explaining that he is the spirit of light and order, and he has been trying since the beginning of time to defeat Vaatu, but their battles have always ended in a draw. But now Wan has given Vaatu the advantage and if they don’t fix this, she’ll be victorious at the upcoming Harmonic Convergence, sending the worlds into ten thousand years of darkness. To which Wan is like, oh no, that sounds horrible. Well, Mr. Masculine Manly Spirit-Man Raava, I like light and order and you seem like a logical rational person; I’ll for sure help you put that emotional crazy spirit lady in her place. (Have I made the irony here clear enough? I don’t think I can get much more blatant. Though obviously in the show version it would be a little more subtle.)
After that we get Raava & Wan’s training and learning the elements montage, with some encounters with “corrupted” spirits along the way. Corrupted being Raava’s word, and he elaborates to say that all spirits fall under either Raava or Vaatu’s domain, all with varying inherent levels of light & order and dark & chaos to them. Vaatu gaining in power is causing the levels of dark& chaos in these spirits to rise, throwing them out of balance. Eventually comes time for Harmonic Convergence, Raava & Wan vs. Vaatu, and Vaatu wins. Ten thousand years of chaos, baby. With the last of the spirit energy as Harmonic Convergence ends, Wan fuses with Raava, then unleashes a crazy, amazing spirit attack, imprisoning Vaatu, banishing all the spirits from the physical world to the spirit world, and sealing the portals, all as an attempt to mitigate the fall out from chaos ascendent. Since then, the Avatar, imbued with the spirit of order, has fought back against the chaos to try to restore balance to the world.
Korra wakes up and panics. They have to stop Unalaq who is trying to free Vaatu, probably because he wants to destroy the world or something. But when she next has a chance to confront Unalaq, he’s like, not you stupid girl. I’m not trying to destroy the world; I’m trying to save it. Wan was right to side with order, but wrong to think he could stop chaos by teaming up with Raava and destroying it from without. No chaos is inside all of us, the evil infesting every human heart (Unalaq’s words, not mine) and it can only be dominated through one’s own strong force of will and conviction. So his plan is to fuse with Vaatu and then dominate her, destroy her chaos and using her power to allow him to bring his order across all of existence, both in the physical and spirit worlds. Korra’s not too keen on that plan either. She’s still going to stop him.
Korra fails to stop him. Harmonic Convergence begins, Vaatu is freed, she goes inside of Unalaq, and she immediately subsumes him. Turns out you can’t eliminate all the chaos in the world just by willpower, you absolute looney toon. Vaatu explains that even as Unalaq was planning to use her, she was using him to get free and now is going to use him as a meat puppet to help her fight Raava & the Avatar.
So, they fight, and for a bit it’s evenly matched, then Vaatu gains the upper hand. Just as Vaatu appears she’s about to deal the finishing blow, Unalaq briefly regains control and interrupts her – to be clear, he manages this because of his desperate need for order and control, not out of any affection for Korra. While he’s in control he says something in defiance of Vaatu that coming from Unalaq we can hear is clearly some fascist bullshit, but also echoes something that Wan/Raava said back in their battle with Vaatu. And Korra’s like, wait, hold up a second.
Lightbulb turns on for Korra at that moment, and by the time Vaatu has resecure control, Korra has dropped her offensive stance. She tells Vaatu she doesn’t want to fight her; she wants her to fuse with her and Raava. Neither Vaatu nor Raava like this idea. Korra has to go on the defensive holding off Vaatu’s attacks, and has to internally fight against Raava wanting to attack Vaatu all while trying to sell them both on this idea. She explains that too much chaos has been bad for the world, but too much order would be bad too – case in point, Unalaq. Both chaos and order, both Raava and Vaatu are needed for balance. And yeah, they can achieve balance by constantly fighting each other, with every encounter ending as a draw, or they could achieve balance through harmony together. Because even as they are opposites, they are one and the same, a part of a greater whole. A bunch of stuff to that effect, including mentions of the Northern Water Tribe upsetting the balance by trying to dominate the Southern Water Tribe, and also a shout out to Tui and La in there somewhere, the original Yin/Yang Avatar couple. Eventually Korra convinces them, she fuses with Vaatu, and Harmonic Convergence ends in a tie, returning the world to balance once again.
And of course, now that balance has been achieved, Korra leaves the spirit portals open. Remember in this version spirits and humans got along fine, and the separation was only necessary because the world had fallen out of balance. And yes, the rejoining of the physical and spirit worlds was probably something Unalaq wanted too, but we’re not giving him credit for it, because for every good idea a fascist ever had, there’s someone else who isn’t a fascist who had the same idea, but better, because it wasn’t coming from a fascist.
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fairy-writes · 3 years
I get the info, sorry I finally get the rules. Well... Can I call you miss fairy? How you doing?, Hope you doing well, honestly. How life threat you?..
I'm going to the point... The mash up, I don't really have a preference so mach me with any of your fandoms, for me it's okey :3
Gender: Feminine
Pronoun: my mother confuse my brother and my so, if you tell he or she, for my doesn't matter
Howard house: hufflepuff
Zodiac: a mix of Scorpio (I born in November) and Libra (because I act like one must of the time, but I have things of a Scorpio too)
MBTI: INFJ/ISFJ (depends the person's and situación I use it)
Personality: dependence on the situation and people. I am someone shy and reserved, I seem like someone cold (INFJ) but I am the least cold person in the world (ISFJ), so if I notice that the other person is shyer, I take the initiative. Mature, affectionate, empathetic, kind, intelligent, independent and I am the mother of my group of friends (and I love to pamper them), loyal and you will always count on me, I also defend all my loved ones with cape and swords and I am brave and strong (even if you don't accept it). I am a trunk of secrets and I give very good advice (I am good at listening). Physically I'm not pretty, I'm a normal girl, 1.60 cm, black/brown hair, brown eyes. I have chubby cheeks and my friend love to squish me (sometimes it hurts).
I had problems with my parents in the past, but I was able to forgive them (they hit me as a correction of my action and I get/still scared of them, but I know they thought it was the best). I have low self-esteem but I am working to improve it, but I can't take compliments (I get fluster and I don't know how to react to them), but I love to complement others and help.
Likes: Learn, music, art, cook, watch videos on youtube, hang out with friends, animals, take care of others and spoiled them (I'm like the mother friend), read, etc.
Dislike: Lies, egocentricity, people with a superiority complex, self-righteous people, false people, etc.
Habits: say "no" playfully when someone (who's close to me) ask me to borrow a thing or do something (I did it anyways, it only to tease them), touch the hair of my friends (the boys especially) and do things simultaneously (and don't mess or misunderstood the things)
Additional facts:
I like to do my nail (I used my natural ones, I don't really like the ceramic ones)
My hair was very long, but I cut it down and dyed it fuchsia
I have a chronic illness
I study things related to accounting (and I like it)
I really like to tickle me friends (in order to mood them up but I not ticklish, only if you pinch me soft I get really ticklish)
Thanks and sorry if is too much. Love u and take your time, hope u doing well and take care.
Honestly, just Fairy is fine! You are too kind! And I decided to do just one matchup for you! I hope that’s alright!
My Hero Academia Matchup: I pair you with… Yagi Toshinori!!
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This man is the embodiment of a Gryffindor, but I’ve said before that Gryffindor’s and Hufflepuff’s make a super exciting combination! He brings out your not-so-shy side, and you balance his boisterous side with your maturity. Yagi also loves your affectionate side and empathy, as well as your independence and intelligence, and loyalty. He loves it all! While you are the mom friend of the group, he’s often called the dad friend, so it’s a running joke among your friend groups that you are the group’s parents.
He helps you work on your low self-esteem. He has a bit of low self-esteem himself, given his appearance. But he loves to compliment you! Yagi loves to help you cook (and by help, I mean he likes to sneak little bits of it while you cook and try out anything you want to make). Your ideal dates are dates at home where you can spoil each other and just hang out :)
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