#and she says no rush but he’s here like ….hm. idk what to think anymore I need some space
spottedmischief · 1 month
Shenzi: *tells him the truth about Scar*
Cheezi: Okay, I think we made a mistake.
Shenzi: *asks him to join her clan so they can be safe*
Cheezi: how dare.
#ooc#Sorry this really made me laugh because#that really bothered him the most and it’s funny to me#I know Kat said once that Ed does not want to freak Cheezi out#so I can imagine Ed took it slowly with Cheezi especially after Cheezi found out who he is#and likely let him approach on his own accord#no asking to join him in the backlands because he has a clan#and from the vague information he got Cheezi is happy so just let him be there but they will visit each other#and then Shenzi for understandable reasons was worried and asks him to join her clan for safety and Cheezi‘s over here like#a bit late for that isn’t it????#you think you can just show up and bring our clan out of order???#you ain’t got no idea what we have been through together we ain’t throwing away all that and start from scratch#and like it would have been the same had Ed tried to do that when they first met#he is still coming to terms with it all and everything has been so complicated lately#and I’m sorry but that interaction makes me laugh#i love it#listen Shenzi is totally valid because of her experiences with Scar#and she wants them to be safe which is understandable#but Cheezi is over here like ….that fear cannot come from just getting blamed and now I am even more worried#i just find it hilarious that his mind got stuck on the 'hey join my clan’ part because he is over here like#SLOWLY PLEASE#and she says no rush but he’s here like ….hm. idk what to think anymore I need some space#I don’t know why I find that interaction hilarious
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percyramblesaboutatla · 10 months
here's me throwing out a silly take!
personally? i do actually like Kataang on paper, but i feel as it could've been executed better.
like the idea is SOOO CUTE but the way they wrote it didn't really...hm...give off the vibe that the feelings were reciprocated? like i wish they had katara do like more subtly romantic things towards Aang so we knew that she liked him too or something
i actually really liked the secret tunnel episode as a Kataang ep because Katara suggested the idea to kiss, not Aang.
to me Katara feels more secretive with how she feels in general while Aang is a bit more obvious about it but give us SOMETHING to build more chemistry between them pls🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
like another interesting thing that they could of done with Kataang is with Katara at first viewing Aang as someone else she needs to mother, and then over time,realizing she doesn't need to do that anymore and her getting closer to him as a friend instead of a mother figure..you know?
one of the things in the show that really annoys me, a lot of the couples seem rushed and thought fully thought out(not including Sokka and Suki..you know what most sokka relationships feel more natural idk why???he goes through girls like crazy💀) and i don't mean like rushed in the making, i mean rushed as in the characters jumped into a relationship without thinking about how they feel.(edit: this parts not really about kataang more about relationships in general sorry i didn't say that b4!/gen)
but yeah i do like them together just wish the show did it better yk?
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
songs about toxic people 7*
Sanzu Haruchiyo X Reader
Summary: In which you are Bonten’s No. 2 and Sanzu is No. 3. Almost ten years of being stuck working together means you’re both bound to pick up on each other’s idiosyncrasies, yeah?
*IMPORTANT NOTE: this is more like an interlude/bonus chapter actually centering more on misc bonten x reader Gen! interactions. it still ties in with the whole story, it’s just there’s less to zero sanzu in this one cus the focus will be more on the other bonten haha, so if you’re here exclusively for sanzu x reader, you may skip this if you like! 😬  
it’s just i got these headcanons that idk what to do with and also they are somewhat short 😭
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6
chapter 7: We may not be a perfect family but we love each other (until we don’t) - koko
Koko thinks of cats when he thinks of you; partly from the circumstances of your first meeting, partly ‘cause of the way you sort of simply glide in and out of rooms quietly with the stealth and fluidity of one.
(Although Sanzu had insisted he thought more of ghosts and wraiths, a comment which Koko only made light of even though he wasn’t wrong.)
She even kinda fights like a feline, he’d told Inupi one time all those years ago, as he thought of the way your lithe and minimal movements were always able to take bigger guys down along with the quiet ferocity to match.
Maybe she learns from all the cats back in the shrine, Inupi responded—a joke, essentially, in his own terms. Koko suppressed a smile: cat and dog, you and her, maybe that’s why you two get along so well went his own, sad attempt at humor, because you and your second-in-command were obviously very close and very unlike cats and dogs. The joke, however, sadly did not seem to land, and Inupi’s forehead only creased, his expression dumbfounded.
That’s not how it works.
Koko never forgets the day you were first introduced by Mikey. It’s at the back of Toman’s abandoned shrine, at the edge of the thick forest surrounding the area, that their new leader had said they’ll be meeting Black Dragon’s temporary captain. He never specified what anyone would be doing in the forest at this hour in the afternoon, and neither him nor Inupi had asked, but then there you were: in your bare feet and in your school uniform, attempting to move a big pot of plant from one spot of land to another, your expression almost annoyed. (At the pot, most likely, which did not seem to budge.)
Mikey called your attention still a few meters afar:
“Hey. Whatcha up to—”
in a tone that very clearly did not seem to intend to place whatever you were up to above this particular Toman business at the moment, so really, it would not have made any difference whether you answered or not. Which you didn’t, only glancing at your president once—not with the angry expression, at least—before continuing with your ordeal.
The pot nudged just a tiny bit.
Only when Mikey finally stopped right in front of you and you noticed Koko’s and Inupi’s figures behind him did you finally stand straight, looking at Mikey quizzically. “What’s up?” Quick nods to Inupi and him. “Hello.”
Mikey briefly introduced all of you and proceeded to explain that you were to be formally placed as the Black Dragon’s new captain today, to which your eyes slightly widened.
“Oh, I thought you said tomorrow.”
Mikey hesitated at first but then shrugged. “Hm, they came here already today so I thought might as well. Come on, it’ll be quick.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and then to his two quiet companions but then so agreed anyway, and as Mikey ushered you in front nobody else aside from Koko seemed to notice your lack of shoes. You’d only taken a few steps ahead when you tugged at the sleeve of Mikey’s coat, making him pause.
“I don’t have my Toman jacket,” which was obvious but was not what Koko was expecting for you to say, if he were to be honest.
Mikey looked at you blankly. “Well, where is it?”
“Well, something happened to it,” was your only vague response, but then you turned your head to where you just came from making all three boys follow suit. On a wooden bench slightly obscured by the plants were a family of cats consisting of a mother and her kittens, all sleeping peacefully in a cozy pile on top of your balled up Toman jacket.
“Oh. Okay.” Mikey only nodded like he completely understood. Without thinking about it twice, Sano Manjiro, Tokyo Manji gang’s No. 1—feared around the streets of Tokyo, bowed to no one and stepped over everyone—took off his billowing Toman coat and draped it over your shoulders. “Here, you can borrow mine,” he simply said. “I mean, you gotta look the part.”
Your mouth stretched into a grin.
Beside him, Inupi gave Koko a quick, wordless glance accompanied by that tiny, upward curve on the corner of his mouth that anyone else could’ve missed. Inupi rarely smiled at anything anymore those days—perhaps one of the reasons why this singular, initial meeting had stuck in his mind all these years. It’s one of those memories Koko always thought he could probably live without, occupying a quiet little corner in his mind which, frankly, a much more practical or life-changing memory could have occupied, if it were up to him. But then there you were with your cats and your air of schoolgirl abandon making Inupi smile, an information that he simply didn’t know what to do about.
“Alright, boss. But please, no speeches.”
This made Mikey laugh. “Can’t promise you that, I’m sorry.” It’s only after a few more steps that Mikey did finally notice your bare feet.
“Where the hell are your shoes?”
“Oh, they got wet,” you quietly said. “I was playing with the cats…” and three pairs of eyes stared at you like it wasn’t enough of an answer. “With a hose. Manjiro, I was watering the plants.”
And so you stood atop the shrine steps while addressing the men from Black Dragons, your feet bare and covered in scratches and the Toman president’s much bigger coat over your shoulders. Nobody questioned the absence of shoes—at least not out loud—not with your leader Manjiro right by your side, in his flip flops holding a half-eaten taiyaki in one hand.
The memory comes unannounced in snips and pieces some years later as another Bonten meeting ends. There’s various movements around the table by now, but then Koko catches your undivided staring as you sat across from him, your chin propped up against one hand. He ignores you for a short while as he fixes his things, until he finally decides to look up.
“Anything wrong?”
You suddenly purse your lips in a small smile amidst the gloomy and rigid air of mid-morning Monday meetings and for a moment, it’s as if Koko is thinking of another memory.
“I just realized you kinda look like my Mr. Kaku,” is all you say. The little remark makes not-your Kakucho look up from the document he’s reading without really turning his head, while Rindou who is seated beside you squints—in curiosity or amusement, Koko can’t tell. From his own right side, Takeomi is slowly angling his head as if meaning to take a better look at Koko behind his curtain of silver hair.
Mr. Kaku, of course, is your pet cat, the one with the smooth silver fur that you’d rescued from an abandoned site during an out-of-town business trip some months ago. You and your unimaginative pet naming sense landed on “Mr. Kaku,” in honor of your then-partner Kakucho who had volunteered to keep the cat inside his bag thru the doors of the hotel that didn’t allow pets. But he looks nothing like Kaku, Manjiro had quipped, earning a few grunts of approval from your ever-biased circle, but you couldn’t have been bothered so you stuck with the name.
Koko is quick to decipher that in your-speak, cat comparisons are more or less compliments and never a form of insult—not that in your mid-20s, you all haven’t already gotten above petty verbal affronts, after all. So he humors you, eyes now back to his things but with his attention still on the matter at hand. “What, is it the hair?”
“Yeah, it’s the hair,” Rindou says before you can answer, his head lolling lazily on one shoulder. “Can’t believe no one had noticed before.”
“And the eyes,” you simply nod. “They both got these nice, sharp eyes.”
Would you have named him Mr. Koko if you thought he resembled Kokonoi before? is the one lingering question that none of the men around you bother to ask.
It’s only a couple of weeks later, after another Bonten meeting, when Koko hands you a souvenir from his weekend business trip: a red cat collar with a customized pendant, a tiny enamel engraving of your Bonten tattoo. The pendant is black on one side and gold on the other, and the small gasp you let out makes every head in the room turn—the almost unfamiliar, genuine sound of delight thawing the usual morning’s stern atmosphere.
“There’s a shop right across the hotel where they make rush engravings like that.” Koko is saying casually like it’s no big deal, but he sees the expression on your face and he can’t help but grin. “Thought Mr. Kaku might like it.”
Your eyes perk up at the mention of ‘Mr. Kaku’ like Koko is the first person to ever acknowledge that Mr. Kaku doesn’t need to be named anything else apart from ‘Mr. Kaku.’ “Oh, it’s perfect, Koko. I’ll send you pictures once I make him wear it,” you say, your attention instantly back to your hands, choosing to ignore his ‘I think just one picture might be enough.’
From the other end of the room, Sanzu is making his way towards the door. “Congratulations,” he smirks as he passes by behind you, quirking one eyebrow up at Koko. “Now she won’t be shutting up about it all weekend,” because Sanzu will be spending the next three days with you over in another city to conduct business with another drug scion, of course.
Across the table, Kakucho only sighs before shaking his head. “I still wish you could’ve picked a better name for your cat,” he says—a valid complaint, Koko thinks bemusedly, now that your own Mr. Kaku looks more like a feline version of himself.
chapter 8 >
this one goes out to my closest friends the ones who make me feel less alien
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eremiie · 3 years
Hello there I really like your writing and I was maybe wondering I can get some angst of a cheating eren who break his s/o heart
yes you can!! i shed a few tears writing this bc i was listening to sad music & thinking, but i hope you enjoy, i am not the best at writing angst😪!
cheers to you - eren x reader
in which eren breaks your heart and you have no choice but to move on.
tw; crying, heartbreak ig idk
2.5k words | angst | modern au
you pushed at sasha's phone, you didn't want to see anymore. you were trying to suppress your tears, refusing to cry in front of your two friends.
sasha took one more look at the photos before swiping out of her camera roll, looking back up at you with a frown, hitch likewise. "_____, are you okay?"
and you hated when people asked you that. you thought you were doing fine, you thought you could keep everything down but you simply thought wrong. you croaked out the smallest sound, but before you could even get a word out the tears began to spill, your eyes becoming bleary with the suffocating liquid and the suffocating feeling surrounding your heart. you felt so dumb.
hitch rushed to your side pulling you into a hug until your head fell against her shoulder, body going limp besides the soft heaves that would leave your shuddering body. the pictures of eren were embedded in your head, replaying in your mind, constantly on repeat and you wished to think of anything else that wasn't clawing at your heart like the photos lingering in your subconscious. it was all you could see, almost like a photo album; eren's hands sat on some random girls waist while she straddled him, his jaw slacked open as she ground against him, whoever taking the photo catching her mid grind. his eyes were half lidded if you remembered correctly, reddening, he must've been high.
you couldn't tell if that fact alone hurt you less or more.
your mind swiped, another photo with the same blond haired girl, this time her hands cupping his face and his hands gripping her ass while they engaged in a kiss that you wished was chaste. you were repulsed that your lips had met his in almost the same manner before he left for that party the same night. more sobs left your poor quivering lips, hitch's grip around you tightening as she tried to shush your sobs and cries.
sasha's hands ran over her face as she shook her head clear disappointment evident as she watched you and hitch.
"what did i do wrong?" you gasped for air finally pulling away from hitch, the only body part connecting with hers be your hands that she clasped so delicately as if, if she squeezed too tight you would break. "my heart hurts, it hurts, it hurts," you babbled as tears fell from the bottom of your chin and the bridge of your nose, your eyes were puffy and swollen. "this hurts so bad," you conveyed your emotions through words another gasp leaving your lips.
"you did nothing wrong," hitch reassured rubbing her thumbs against the surface of your hands. "he's just an idiot."
"it's gonna hurt, and that's okay," sasha scooted forward from her position on the floor laying her head in your lap and you knew she was right but god, you didn't want it to hurt. you wanted the pounding in your head to stop, the recurring thoughts to stop, the salty tears streaming down your cheeks to stop, i mean you wanted someone to tell you exactly where you messed up so you could go back and try again.
"do you want us to stay with you tonight?"
you looked down at the side of sasha's face, one of your hands letting go of hitch to comb through brunette hair, and the lazy bun in the back of her head seemed all too familiar already, the way a couple of flyaways framed the front of her face had you covering your mouth, repressing a gag with your palm, sasha whipping her head around to confront the source of the sound, worry on her face, but you squeezed your eyes shut, even the furrow in her brow reminding you all too much of the boy.
"______?" hitch's arms were back around you but you quickly pushed them off feeling the rising feeling of your breakfast you had not too long ago, rushing to the trash can in the corner of your dorm letting your remnants spill from your stomach. the feeling of throwing up felt so foreign to you, you couldn't even remember the last time you did it, and to some degree you wished your heart came up with it.
hitch's mouth parted in the slightest not even sure what to say but the anger behind her eyes was apparent. "baby, i'm so sorry." was all she could say in response while your body crouched beside the trash can, your hands slipping from the rim until they were palm first on the floor, slowing turning into fists.
"i wanna be alone for a couple hours." you managed to utter with a sniff.
"you sure?" sasha asked, standing up awkwardly with hitch reciprocating. you nodded your head and it felt like everything was going in snapshots, them walking to the door, the door opening and their bodies disappearing, your figure laying back in your bed and then the next snapshot didn't come, sleep had came so quick you didn't even have time to process it.
❈ ❈ ❈
your eyes fluttered slightly and you relished in the heat over you for a minute. your mind felt like a clean slate for the time being, as your eyes opened to the bed next to you, sasha's figure vacant from her bed. you remembered asking for some space before you left but you thought she'd had return by now. it was dark, but it couldn't have been too late as orange rays from the sun were attempting to shine through your curtains, making you assume that it was just around seven, the sun setting soon. but you craved the warmness that was around you a little more, pulling down to reach for your blanket, until your body froze.
the hand wrapped around your waist, much like in the photographs engraved in your brain twitched and that same sickness felt like it was resurfacing yet you dared to move, tears brimming again subconsciously.
"eren," you mumbled under your breath.
"hm?" oh, so he was awake.
your face scrunched up in agony at the sound of his voice, your eyebrows coming together, your eyes shutting and you biting your lip so hard the taste of blood collected on your tongue. "please," your breathing began to thicken again, you wanted to move his arm but your body was almost stuck in place. "move."
eren groaned against your back, nose nuzzling into the back of your neck and you mentally cringed. "get out," you said abruptly, body jolting at the sudden movement and you felt him still behind you. how did he even get in? and then you immediately regretted making an spare dorm key and giving it to him only a couple months into your relationship. "get out, get out." you finally regained some self control, your body slithering from under his until your arm touched the floor and you crawled away from your own bed. "go, what are you doing?" you lashed, his gingerly stare making you aware of the tears cascading down your face again.
eren stared back at you finally lifting his head up from the spare pillow that he always slept with when he spent nights with you, the pillow that stayed tucked away on your bed and the same pillow that you'd have to wash and get rid of that stupid recognizable cologne he wore, the same cologne that would linger on most of his clothing that you owned. "_____,"
"no, leave, please leave, i can't do this."
eren seemed genuinely confused, sitting up completely now and scooting forward until his legs dangled off the bed. "baby, what's-"
you winced at the nickname and clutched at your stomach, feeling the emptiness inside from the lack of food, yet you still felt the urge to dispel anything inside of it still. "please leave." you almost felt lightheaded, you felt as if you weren't being heard and you were sick.
the significant sound of the dorm keycard slot beeping until sasha's figure came back in, "_____, i left the key hear but luckily i had a keyca-" her voice slowly died down as she studied the scene of the dorm, your body on the floor away from your bed and eren's figure sat on the same bed, both pair of eyes now looking up at her."
"what the hell?" sasha stormed over to eren grabbing his arm in a feeble attempt to pull him off of your bed. although she wasn't strong enough eren did stand up, mainly because of your pleas for him to get out just earlier. "get out! she doesn't want you here, weirdo!" sasha exclaimed pointing towards the door clear anger flashing in her eyes. "and don't just come in here uninvited again!"
those green eyes that would unknowingly keep you up for nights after today kept that confused gaze on you as he walked around you and made you feel stupid and small. we're you overreacting? were those pictures just your imagination?
"_____..." eren mumbled before looking at your frame on the floor once more.
“get out!” sasha exclaimed.
you weren't sure if he was just that dense or he was hiding the fact that he knew exactly what he did. the door shut and you immediately began crying again, this time harder. wails of pain escaping your throat. your cries were loud and full of pain. you clutched at your shirt as if to grasp at your broken heart.
"oh my gosh." sasha dropped her keycard and bag onto your bed where she still stood and got on the floor with you pulling you as much into her lap as possible. you felt fragile in your hands, her gripping at the sweatshirt around your body. she listened to your cries, responding with "i knows," and "mhm," as if they were telling her a story, simply listening to the aching noises that were leaving you.
"sasha," you finally mustered the courage to speak a few words again, although they resembled your words from yesterday. "i'm hurting."
"i know, i know."
"i loved him." you blinked so you could see a little clearer, lifting your head to look at sasha, bringing your hands to either side of her head, your thumbs stroking her jaw. "i thought he loved me? why? why?"
sasha couldn't bare to look at your sad, damaged eyes and instead pulled you back against her chest. although your sobs died down she could feel the convulsing of your body and opted to hold you for as long as you needed.
“does he even know what he did? does he even know how much pain i’m in right now?”
sasha couldn’t even answer that question. by the looks of it he didn’t, maybe he was high? under the influence? but either way you didn’t have the courage to confront him about it.
instead you spent the next couple of weeks sulking, mending to your broken heart and staying out of eren’s way, no matter how many times he tried to communicate with you. it seemed as if word got to him on what he did, sasha getting connie to talk to him, and as angry as eren got there was no denying what he did, especially with photo evidence.
your phone blew up with his own pleas begging for forgiveness, begging for you to talk to him, to come back, to do something.
but you were fragile, and you knew that even being in his vicinity would tear you apart bit by bit. you didn’t want to weep in front of him, you didn’t want to be in front of him in the first place, nor did you want his pity.
did you want to get back with him? the question still pondered on your mind constantly but both sasha and hitch refused to let you, and they were perfectly fine with the situation going unresolved if it meant better for you.
"so?" hitch pointed the straw of her frappucino at you. "i really think you just need to try exploring your options, just living a little. you can go to the next party with sasha and i, i promise we won't mind."
“hitch i want her to go to a party too but i don’t know about her getting with anyone.” sasha swirled the stick inside her latte to mix it up before sucking the liquid off the end.
now it had been a few months since you had seen eren, a few months since you began to heal yourself slowly compared to those first couple weeks. you had to really thank hitch and sasha for being there most of the way for you, and you had to especially thank netflix and sleep for being two of your greatest distractions.
you never officially broke up with eren, sure you saw him in the hallways (and you were certain he saw you as well) you had a couple lectures with him where the two of you would sneak glances at each other; which kind of reminded you of when the two of you first began liking the other. he never made an effort to speak to you after the first couple weeks when he would text your phone constantly, as much as it seemed like he wanted to still.
"i don't know hitch. i haven't even got rid of his stuff yet. they're still sitting in that stupid box in the corner of me and sasha's dorm." sasha nodded in confirmation taking a bite of her biscuit.
"but i don't think that box should stop you from getting out the house again. you haven't really been anywhere besides maybe target with sasha. plus i miss seeing you!"
you rolled your eyes with a slight chuckle. "you see me at least three times, especially when... you know, you came like everyday at first."
hitch shrugged her shoulders and then took another sip of her drink. "but do you think i can start seeing you more is the question? c'mon this is the first step towards a new life without that bastard."
you pondered on the thought before a small sigh escaped your lips, and you slowly nodded your head.
"really?" hitch exclaimed, her hands reaching across the table to grab yours. "you mean you won't mind coming to the party this saturday?"
you narrowed your eyes at hitch. "this was your plan wasn't it?"
"yes, yes it was. but there's no backing out now."
"yes, hitch, i'll come to the party this saturday." you decided that maybe this would help your healing heart in the least and you would try to push aside the boy that broke it for the couple hours just to spend time with your friends. but you couldn't help and wonder, "what if i bump into him at the party? or he tries to talk to me?"
sasha looked at hitch and hitch looked back before both turning their eyes to you. "we can be with you the whole time if that's the case."
"i wouldn't want to ruin your fun."
"babe, hanging out with you is one of the points of bringing you, ____." sasha smiled.
you internally twitched at the mention of the nickname ‘babe’ but neither one of your friends seemed to tell. you were getting better with reacting to things that reminded you of him, and you didn’t hysterically start crying at the slightest mention or object that related to him.
"we got you, okay?"
you frowned slightly but gave sasha a smile back and squeezed hitch's hand in the slightest. "yeah, okay."
this was the beginning of a new life for you, you wouldn’t spend your days sulking after him anymore. cheers to you and your first big step forward.
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Secret Voight Season 3 Part 3 (J. Halstead)
Summary: Its been a year and a few months since Olive showed up announcing that she was pregnant with Justin's kid. You were working on a case that involved Justin. Is Justin back doing the same old things or is it something else?
Words: 3.9k
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N: Guys, I appreciate the love and support yall are giving me again with this series but please dont keep asking me over and over again if I'm continuing it. I think there will be at least one more part in season 3 and there will be one more chapter for s3. There also maybe be one more chapter that will be special. Idk yet. Well see.
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You were smiling at your nephew in his high chair while wearing a birthday hat. It was Daniel's first birthday. You, your dad, Olive and Justin were all singing happy birthday to him as Daniel was just looking around and babbling. "Happy birthday, kiddo. Come on, blow out that candle. Ready? One, two..."
Your dad had put the cake on the food tray as Justin walked closer to his son and they both helped Daniel blow out the candle. "Good job,"
You looked from Daniel and then to Olive. "I can't believe he's a year old already,"
Voight nodded and went to grabbed a present. "Ooh, wait. Time for presents. This one is from me,"
Justin reaches over the table and grabbed the bag and opened it up. He pulled out a toy horse that he seemed to recognize. "All these years you kept this?"
"Your mom did. She kept all your baby stuff upstairs in the attic, just, you know, hoping one day she could pass it along,"
Olive puts her hand Justin's back. "Hank, it's perfect,"
"Yeah. Thanks, Pop. I wish Mom was here too,"
You got up from your seat and walked around to where your brother was and placed your hand on his shoulder. "I didn't know Camille but from what I've been told of her. She would be so proud of you,"
It had been an hour or so after you were done with giving Daniel his gifts. Justin and Voight were in the living room catching up. You and Olive were still in the kitchen with Daniel cleaning up. "So when are you and Jay getting married?"
Justin and Olive got married about six months ago and ever since then everyone has been up yours and Jay's ass over it too. Or well besides Voight. Voight told you over and over 'to take it slow'. You chuckled as you had a secret but it wasn't an engagement. Jay didn't even know about this either. "Whenever he proposes, I guess,"
"I'm sure, it'll be soon,"
You shrugged. "I'm just going with the tides. In this line of work, its difficult to worry about things like that,"
She nodded. "You guys did move in together right?"
"Yeah, a couple of weeks ago,"
"With two bedrooms right?"
You cocked an eye at her. "Yeah? Why?"
"Just asking. How's it going?"
"It's going good. It's a lot easy on the both of us since Jay would take me to work,"
Voight walked into the kitchen with Justin. "Sorry to break the girl chat up but we got a case. Team is already there,"
You walked over to where Daniel was and kissed him on the top of his head. "Goodnight my sweet boy,"
You and Voight drive to the scene separate but arrived at the same time. You saw Kevin and Antonio were waiting for us at the police line which they lifted up when we walked up to it. "Hey, Serge. We got one dead female found in the trunk,"
Antonio looked at his notepad. "A park district employee was closing the gates. He was about to have the car towed when he noticed blood on the rear of the car and called the police,"
You and the others walked up the car, Jay was already there at the car holding up the trunk. "Victim's hands and feet are tied with barbed wire. Throat's cut. Fingernails are gone, too. I'm guessing she fought back against the assailant. He knew there'd be DNA, so he yanked them off,"
"Cartel hit?"
"Or Russians. They've been known to use barbed wire too,"
You got a ping on your phone and looked at it. "Car's registered to the victim. Her name's Melissa Wilds. She's 26 years old. We got an address,"
"All right, call Ruzek and Olinsky. Tell them to go over there and do a knock-and-talk,"
It was the next day and you didn't have much to go on as of yet. Al and Ruzek knocked at the address but no one answered. Her neighbor came by and they found out she had a daughter. You were sitting at you desk while talking about the case. "Melissa Wilds. Her husband was an Army private killed in a training exercise last year at Fort Bragg, along with three others when their chopper went down,"
Antonio took it from there. "She had an associate’s from Roosevelt and worked as a paralegal for the law firm Sawyer & Sawyer,"
Antonio was still in the outs with you. Yeah, its been a year but you still didn't trust him enough to let him back into your life. Jay, on the other hand, just didn't care because no one was gonna tell him what he can or can't do. Ruzek swung around in his chair to look at Antonio. "Yeah, I've seen those commercials. They're just high-profile ambulance chasers,"
"Bigger than that. They do seven-figure class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies or schools with asbestos,"
Jay was looking into Melissa's background and to see if she got any priors. "Except for a few parking tickets, Melissa has zero priors. She's a working, widowed mom, so the more I'm digging here, I can't see any reason why she'd be associated with cartels or any Russians,"
Voight walk to where he was standing in front of everyone. "Well listen. This girl was tortured with barbed wire. That means the killer either wanted something from her, or it was personal. So I want to know where she was before we found her, who she was with- if she was seeing someone new,"
Your phone of your desk rang while Voight was saying what he was saying. "Voight,"
"Roger Simpson is down here. Says he is Melissa's father,"
You pulled the phone away from your mouth and looked up at Voight. "Hey,"
"Roger Simpson, Melissa's father, is downstairs,"
Voight looked over at Al. "Al?"
"We should start drawing straws,"
It had been about an hour since Al met with Roger and he said that Melissa was acting strange the past few months and that she was asking him to watch Tigan more and more which was no problem but it was hard cause he lived two hours away. He had asked her if something was wrong but she wouldn't tell him. You were engrossed with your digging that you didn't hear Jay walking up to you until he tapped on your desk. You looked away from your computer and up at him. "Hey handsome,"
He slightly smiled before dropping it. That concerned you. "What's wrong?"
"We got Melissa's phone records,"
"Follow me,"
Jay started to walk towards Voight's office and you got up from your desk and followed him. "Hey, we got, uh, Melissa Wild's phone records,"
Voight looked at you confused and you just shrugged as you walked into his office. "Okay?"
Jay closed the door and hand a copy to you and Voight. He kept one for himself as well. "She and Justin, um-- they knew each other. Looks like there's maybe 20 phone calls and twice as many texts between the two of them last month. The last phone call she made was a half hour before time of death,"
Voight picked up his personal phone from his desk and started dialing Justin. "He said he was in town to help a friend. Maybe it was her,"
You walked up to Voight's desk. "Where is Justin now?"
"He should be at home with Olive and Daniel,"
Jay looked from you to your dad. "Did he ever mention this girl to you, to either of you?"
"Don't you think I would've mentioned it if he did? Straight to voicemail,"
You and Voight rush to his house and see that Olive is there with Daniel but no Justin and he looks worried. "Where's Justin?"
"He left over an hour ago,"
"Have you tried calling him?"
"He's not answering. I texted him too. Hank, I'm worried,"
"We'll find him,"
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Al. "I need you to track the GPS on Justin's car now,"
It took about ten minutes to find the location of Justin car which was parked on the side of the road. You and Voight both jumped out of the car and speed walked to the car. You looked into the car and didn't see anything. You walked around to the trunk where Voight was already opening it up. "Oh, my God,"
You find Justin the same way you found Melissa. Bound with barbed wire. "Justin. He's got a pulse!"
You pulled out your walkie. "Lincoln 5021, emergency. I repeat, emergency,"
Voight was trying to see if he had anymore injuries. "Oh, my God, he's been shot!"
You pushed the button on your walkie again. "I need an ambulance at my current location. We have a gunshot wound victim,"
You and Voight ran into Med with Justin and the paramedics when Maggie came into view. "We have incoming. You're with me. Talk to me,"
"It's my son!"
The paramedic started talking to Maggie. "GSW to the neck. GCS 3, tubed in the ambo. Pupils fixed and dilated. Sinus tachy on the monitor. He was bound in the trunk of a car,"
Maggie pointed into a room and started directing them. "Rotate. Get ready to transfer. Three, two, one--transfer,"
Sharon came up to Voight and started to pull Voight away. " Hank, let's step outside,"
"Is he breathing?"
"I need a CT head. Someone call neurosurgery!"
"Is he still breathing?"
"Checking right now, Hank,"
"Come on, let them do their job,"
Voight had called Antonio and told him what happened and the next thing you knew he had brought Olive and Daniel to the ER. Voight didn't look to pleased at Antonio.
Voight looked at you. "GET everyone back to 21,"
You had texted everyone in the unit that if they were at 21st to get there. You couldn't call them because you knew if you called them you'd break down. You stood outside the door of 21st for a few minutes before walking into the precinct and then up the stairs to Intelligence. Jay saw you and walked up to you and pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear. "It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay,"
You let him hold you for a few minutes before you pushed him away. Antonio looked at everyone in the unit before speaking. "Everybody needs to hold on real tight, and you all know what I mean. If at any point you're not comfortable with something, you come tell me,"
You were all looked at Antonio when Antonio stopped talking when he looked at something. You all turned around and saw Voight standing there with a duffel bag in hand. He throws in on Jay's desk and throw out money. "I want you to put word out to all your C.I.'s. That's 90,000 for any information on who did this to Melissa Wilds and my son,"
Kevin slowly got up and walked towards Voight. "Hey, we got this, Serge. Think you should go to the hospital?"
Voight nodded but didn't say anything for a good minute. "All right, let me be clear. I don't need condolences. I need commitment from each of you. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to find who did this. Anybody not comfortable with that should take the next couple of days off,"
You nodded and walked towards the detail board. While holding back tears, you looked at everyone. "So, turns out Justin went through basic training with Peter Wilds
at Fort Campbell before Peter got shipped to Fort Bragg. That's how they knew each other. They stayed close friends. Melissa started reaching out to Justin about four weeks ago.
"Still doesn't tell us how they were mutual targets,"
Jay who is now sitting on his desk, talked next. "Maybe there's a nexus with her job- the law firm,"
"Check it out,"
Voight had started to leave but you had grabbed him and stopped him. "Hey. You have a grandson now, okay? That is counting on you. Just remember that,"
Voight looked at you for a few seconds before nodding.
You were going out of your mind in the car when you and Jay were driving to the law firm. Jay placed a hand on your knee and squeezed it. "It's gonna be okay. Justin is going to wake up and everything will be fine,"
You looked at him and smiled. You appreciated the thought but that's not the biggest thing on your mind. You were worried about what your dad is doing.
Jay pulled up to the law firm and you put everything about your dad and Justin in the back of your mind and put all your focus on the case itself. You walked up to Melissa's boss' office. "Melissa used to be a great employee. Never complained about the hours
or working weekends. But there was definitely something off with her these past few weeks,"
You shifted on your other foot. "How do you mean?"
"Her demeanor. Melissa was always outgoing always had a smile on her face, even after losing her husband, Peter. But lately she'd become withdrawn..distant. To be honest, that's when I started to get suspicious,"
Jay didn't look away from her boss. "Suspicious of what, exactly?"
Her boss didn't answer for a minute thinking about what to say. She held up a finger to signal that she needed a minute. She got up from her desk, shut her office door and then sit back down. "We worked a class action suit last year. Several dozen plaintiffs were awarded mesothelioma cancer pay-outs, all over a million dollars each. three of the plaintiffs were robbed in home invasions, some of them badly injured,"
"Was Melissa the only one with access to this information?"
Her boss shook her head. "Well, no. But the way she was acting, and now what's happened to her, it can't be a coincidence,"
As you were leaving the office, Jay called the unit and told them what Melissa's boss, you got in his truck and he got in his truck after he finished the call. You were driving to the precinct when you got a call telling you to meet the team at a location they think Ginger is at and to suit up. Apparently while you were out, the team had learned the suspect's name. You were also texted a picture of him.
Jay parked a little ways down the street and you guys suited up and walked the rest of the way to meet up with the team. Voight saw you and as soon as you got next to him, he started talking. "This one we don't announce. We hit it and we hit it hard,"
You all nodded. Jay grabbed the battering ram and hit the door. Antonio was in first, Al and Ruzek was next, then you, Voight and Jay. You could hear a woman screaming. You saw three males trying to get up and run. You pointed a gun at one of them. "Don't move!"
Jay pointed the gun at the other. "Right there!"
Voight goes past you to point a gun at the three suspect.. "I'll blow your head off! Let me see your hands. Don't move,"
Antonio looked at the girl. "You, get your clothes. Get out of here,"
When everyone was under control you finally looked up at the three suspect and saw that it was Ginger. " You got a warrant?"
"Melissa Wilds,"
"Never heard of her,"
Voight didn't say anything for a minute then didn't take his eye of him but address the team. "The stove. Cover the door,"
Al and Antonio grabbed Ginger and pulled him over to the store as he turned on the store. "Wait a minute,"
"Justin Voight is my son. You shoot him and wrap him in barb wire?"
"No, man, that wasn't me. It was all Kevin!"
"Kevin who?"
"Kevin Bingham, a guy I work with sometimes. He...he used to bang
that girl Melissa when they were younger, started forcing her to give up info on who was getting big pay-outs from her law firm,"
"Yeah, and you did the home invasions.
"I just do the safes, man. He handles the people, then we split it down the middle,"
"Why did he kill her and shoot my son?"
"Melissa wanted out. But Kevin wouldn't let her, so she went to Justin for help. wanted me to meet him at that social club to broker a deal for her safety for five grand. I told him, leave it alone. He had no idea who he was messing with. Kevin knew Melissa was gonna rat him out, so he called Justin to meet to tie up loose ends!"
"Where's Kevin now?"
"I don't know. I swear! He only calls me when there's a job!"
Voight grabbed Ginger's head and forces it down on the hot burner so he could burn his cheek. Ginger screamed out in pain and you looked away in disgust.
Antonio came up to Voight and tried to pull him off of him. "Voight, we can do this at the district!"
Voight shrugged. "We're fine right here. Relax. Relax. Where's Kevin now?"
"Hiding cause he knows you're after him. I swear to God, that's all I know,"
It's been about two or so hours since you talked to Ginger. You had finally found some information on Bingham. You printed off a picture of Bingham and what you found on him. You also made copies for the team. "Kevin Bingham. He's been racking up felonies since he was 18, armed robbery, assault, battery, burglary. Five years ago he got popped for attempted murder. A guy spilled his drink at a bar, so Bingham stabbed him 16 time,"
Antonio looked up from the sheet. "Yeah, and he got out of jail three months ago,"
Al who was leaning up against the file cabinet talked next. "Melissa's father said she and Bingham dated six years ago back in high school and after her husband died, he started coming around again,"
Jay pointed at the photo that was sent over. "So these were sent over, all of these are from recent home invasions where the victims were tied up with barbed wire,"
Kevin looked at the phone. "That is definitely something he picked up in prison,"
Ruzek comes into the room with a paper in his hand. "So Bingham's parole officer said he stopped showing up-- violated him, but he's got no LKA. Yeah, so we've been running an extensive check on all his known associates, including those off his prison visiting list. All right, this is Dillon James. visited him all the way up until his parole, putting money into his canteen account. He's got priors for methamphetamine and a thing for stealing UPS trucks and selling the stolen goods,"
Voight turned and looked at him. "Where is he?"
"We got a possible house in Rogers Park,"
Voight nodded. "Let's roll out and suit up. Oh, Antonio. You stay here. Just call us if you get anything,"
You hit the house and found his brother but all his brother told you was that Bingham came by last night and took some cash and guns that he was holding for them. He only told him that he needed to get out of town until something blew over.
*Justin was moved to ICU and Sharon will call in an hour with an update*
Dillion: I ain't--I ain't seen him *point the gun at him* All right, he was here! He came by last night. He was picking up some cash I was holding for him and some guns. He also gets a call from Antonio saying Sharon called and told him that Justin came out of surgery and that
You were in the unit for an hour or so when Voight gets a call and goes into his office and he was in there for a few minutes before he comes back out. "I got an address on Bingham. I want everyone rolling there now. First two to arrive, breach. This guy's on the run could be leaving any minute. Let's go,"
You didn’t ride with Jay or anyone else. You rode by yourself so you could have some time by yourself just to think about everything that was happened. You heard your phone go off and you looked down and saw that it was Jay. "Hey, I'm two minutes out,"
"Bingham's not here. No one's here. Not for a while,"
"Is Voight there?"
"Not yet,"
That's when it hit you that Voight sent you to a bogus location and that whoever he was on the phone with, found Bingham and he was at the Silos.
You heard Jay on the line calling for you but you dropped your phone in the seat and as soon as you could turned around. You drove as fast of you could to get to the Silos before your dad could do anything stupid. You drove up and saw that Kevin was digging a hole. You got out of the car and Kevin started talking to you. "Oh, thank God. Thank God. This guy tried to kill me. I didn't do anything,"
You walked up closer to your dad. "Don't do this. Think of your grandson,"
"Get back in your car, Y/N,"
"Do not throw it all away over him,"
"Get back in your car,"
"Dad, please. Justin is still alive and he wouldn't want justice like this,"
"Get out of here,"
You looked at your dad to Kevin and then back to your dad and knew you couldn't get your dad to think straight. You slowly backed up and got in your car and left. You were halfway down the road when you finally heard the gun go off.
You didn't even go the unit after, you went straight to the hospital and you saw Sharon coming out ready to go home. She saw you. "He is in room 12. Say that I allowed it. Talk to him, he can hear you,"
You nodded and said a silent thank you. She placed a hand on your shoulder for a second before removing it. You walked up to the room and no one bothered you. You took a deep breath before opening the door. You opened the door and saw your brother in the hospital unconscious and Olive sitting next to him. She looked at you. "I'll give you two some time together," You walked to the chair and sat down. You finally let go of all the emotion you've been holding on too since you found Justin. You reached out to grab your brother's hand. You sat there and cry until you couldn't let anything else out. When you were finally done crying, you sat there in quiet thinking of what to say. "I don't know if you can hear me, Sharon says that you can. Do you remember when we first met after dad transferred me into Intelligence. We didn't like each other at well. We hated each other at first. Bickered all the time. Yes, we always had bad times but we also had god times and I want...I need more good times with you. I need you to be in my life..."
You trailed off with what you were about to say because you haven’t said it out loud. "Your niece or nephew is gonna need their uncle,"
You put your head on the side of his bed and just sat in quiet once more. "I'm gonna make them my partner in crime,"
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old-congratzams · 3 years
endeavor x fem reader with a Kitty Cheshire quirk (neko with ability to teleport) plot: reader super low Grade villain that love to start trouble and teleport away but endeavor catches her she can’t teleport away and endeavor teaches her a lesson nsfw 😺
aaa, i hope this is good! i feel like it’s a lil bit rushed but maybe it’s just my self criticism kicking in asdhaskfhsf thanks so much for requestingggg
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐰. 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mentions of blood, size difference, smutty smut, blowjob, cum eating, cat girl idk how to tag this one hadhsdhf
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓. I can’t control what you guys choose to read or not but I’d be way more comfortable if minors stayed away from my works. <3
Enji was annoyed. Doing rounds on a night market was always so monotonous because the presence of the number one hero quickly scared the villains and criminals away. But during that night in particular, things escalated quickly and Enji rushed towards the commotion.
"Endeavor, you're here! Do something!"
Chasing a delinquent that stole fish from a nearby stand was nowhere near the number one's ideal job. However, people gathering around and expecting him to do something so simple like going after a low criminal added enough fuel to his irritation and shook his ego.
"Watch this."
He followed the scent of raw fish down the streets and the trail ended in a dark alley. Enji thought he'd seen someone with cat ears and tail but didn't find anyone there, it was like they'd just disappeared right under his nose. And speaking of nose, the scent was back and it was-- behind him!
Enji was quick to grab the criminal by the arm — the first thing his gloved hand could reach. The criminal let out a squeal while in mid-air, a pair of strong hands holding her own behind her back.
"I see. A teleportation quirk, huh?"
Her cat ears twitched by the sound of his deep, dangerous voice. She tried to struggle her way out, free from the arms of the pro hero.
"There's no use, you won't be able to--"
She frenetically fluttered her tail, squirming as anxiety build up in her tummy. It was unfair that a low criminal as her would be caught by the number one himself.
The wiggling tail seemed to annoy Enji even further. Holding the tiny arms in one hand, the other reached for the tail in a firm grasp. The action caused the criminal to inhale deeply and freeze.
Tears gathered on the corner of her dolly eyes and red flushed her cheeks. The hero was oblivious to the fact her tail was very sensitive and any form of rough touch would send waves of warmth to her womb.
"L-Let me go..." Her voice sounded meek and bearing distress. "I'll pay for it-- I promise!!"
The grip on her tail tightened, the incoherent actions increasing Enji's suspicions. "What do you think you’re doing?!"
She gasped when Enji tugged on her tail by accident, instinctively rolling her hips and searching for friction while low moans left her mouth.
The sinful sounds put the hero in alert, his hand securing her arms now reaching for her mouth and his voice now low and threatening. "Do you want people to hear?"
The criminal shook her head even though her mind was clouded with sexual needs. Her nipples were hard as pebbles as seen from her vest.
"S-sir, it's that you're t-touching my tail..."
"Tch. I can't risk you running away."
She breathed heavily, pressed against his chest and her tail still on his hand. A sudden wave of pleasure hit the cat girl, sending shivers all over her body and a loud moan escaping her lips.
Enji pressed the girl against the wall, holding her by her face and squeezing her cheeks. "Are you insane?!? I told you to keep quiet--"
The look of pure lust, gaze lost in heaven and drool dripping from her chin made Enji realize what she meant before. It was impossible for him, a healthy man, to not go hard knowing that he caused that, even if accidentally.
Her tail fluttered, exposing the euphoria she was feeling. Although very embarassed by the situation and quite ashamed, the hero weighted his course of action.
"I'll give you what you want and then you'll turn yourself in," Enji proposed, grabbing the tail and putting it over the line of his cock, stroking both over his hero suit.
The way her eyes rolled to the back of the head and her sharp teeth drew blood from her lips encouraged Enji to continue taking advantage of the criminal. He licked her lips clean from the blood and then pushed his tongue into her small mouth, the size difference adding fuel to the fire.
"Lick it." He pressed the tip of her tail against her lips, to which she complied. "Now touch yourself with it while you suck me off."
She did everything she was told. The wetness from her previous orgasm coated her tail and both her tail and clit were very sensitive to any touch, which sent electrical shocks through her body every time she fluttered it against her small hardened bud.
While she moaned, Enji freed his cock from the suit, pushing it into her mouth. "Watch out for the teeth."
His cock was too big for her mouth so she had to open big and wide to accommodate it. Enji slowly fucked her mouth, not allowing any further than the tip to pass her lips. Her tongue worked hard around it, fluttering against the vein underneath his cock and giving it special attention.
"You probably like milk..." Enji pondered. "If you're a good girl until the end I might reward you with it."
By that suggestion, she licked and sucked eagerly. The tip of her tail fluttered faster on her clit, both sensitive from the filthy pleasure Enji was putting her through. Her tiny hands switched from massaging the base of his cock to toying with his sack.
A disappointed cry left the girl's mouth once Enji pulled his cock out of it. Precum glistened the tip and the girl probably had drunk loads of it. Enji's cock felt sensitive and was ready to shoot cum all over her face but he had other plans for her. It felt decades since he last fucked and the filthy, embarassing situation didn't help at all.
"On your hands and knees, girl."
Her legs were shaking from the heavy stimulus, the ending of her tail covered in her own wetness, but she promptly obeyed the command.
His hand grabbed the tail forcefully, getting it out of his way. The roughness he handled the tail caused the girl's pussy to tighten and dampen the suit even more. Weren't for the piece of clothing, she would be dripping on the alley like she had just wetted herself.
Enji gave each her butt cheeks a light slap, making them jiggle with the impact. He pushed aside the sopping fabric, sighing by the view of her dripping cunt and resisting the urge to plunge in one finger. Instead, he lined up his fat cock against her entrance, responding with a guttural moan by the feeling of her warm velvety pussy sucking him in.
Needless to say, his cock stretched her with ease, the wetness aiding the intrusion. She felt so full while his cock pressed just the right spots, she felt like bursting, she felt--
Enji thrusted in one rapid motion, burying his cock deep into her as soon as he felt her convulsing around him, groaning at how tight she are. He lost control the minute he felt her coming around him, even though he was only halfway through.
Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes and she spilled all over the hero. Thankfully, his suit was impermeable but the concrete underneath their knees was not.
A hand grabbed her hair while the other remained at the base of her tail, holding her in place while he thrusted into the girl. She couldn't discern if she was so high in ecstasy that his violent thrusts didn't hurt her at all or if Enji was taking such a good care of her that it's not even supposed to hurt. Either way, she knew for sure she'd be sore in the morning — in jail, perhaps.
But she didn't want to think about it while being fucked by the number one himself. His girth and length were massive, and opened her whole. The way he thrusted into her got more erratic and she could feel he was holding back.
“N-no, don't... don't hold back--!!" she pleaded, tail fluttering in agitation and her body ready to be ruined.
He let go of her hair and fisted her tail, giving it a harsh tug. Her hips were pulled back in the mean time, the new angle allowing the tip of his cock to line up perfectly with her cervix and she screamed from the sudden burn.
Enji was close to his limit, his voice cracking from pleasure and the threats that left his lips seemed empty. "If... If you keep screaming, I'll have to shut-- shut you up."
She was drenching, losing any focus she regained after coming while Enji played with her tail, but her body reached its limits and started descending from the previous high.
"E-Endeavor-san, I don't think I can come anymore..." she murmured.
He groaned, taking his cock out of her abused hole. It felt heavy, the cum ready to burst any minute. "Come 'ere, open your mouth."
His hand stroked his cock a couple times before he gushed cum all over her tongue. She let some of it spill on the ground, not able to gulp it all down. Enji looked just as wasted as the girl in front of him.
He breathed heavily as if he just won a fight, having used all of his power to win. The criminal waited patiently for him to say anything after the haze dissipated.
"You... You were a very good kitten," he praised after adjusting his suit. "But you still owe the owner some apologies after stealing from him."
She agreed, obediently following Enji from the dark alley back to the food stands. Once there, she bowed apologetically to the owner while Enji kept his arms crossed in front of his chest, trying to look the usual but his eyes betraying the fatigue and indifference towards the present moment.
After everything was settled, Enji ended up paying for the damage she had caused. He grabbed the cat girl by the neck and guided her through the streets, only one thing in his mind.
"Disobedient girls like you should have someone to discipline them. How about that, hm?"
Something in her guts was telling her that she was stuck with the number one for some time — not that she was complaining, though.
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mull3ts · 4 years
Quarantine Boyz, Part 2
Pairing | NCT's 00 line x Reader
⚠ Warnings! | Smut, Orgy (5some), Swearing, Voyeurism, Yangyang now included!, Double penetration, squirting, Dirty talk, spanking, Degration, Anal, *unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), this goes from 100 to 0 real quick, There's no smut on Yangyang coz idk how to feel abt that 😔
· Part 1
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Week 2: Day 8/14, 9:42 pm
"Wider" Jaemin demanded, "Spread you legs wider princess-"
"Look who's having all of the fun over there" Donghyuck teased from the doorframe along with Renjun. "It wouldn't be very nice to not share, would it Y/N?" Renjun questioned. You shook your head, "If you two wanna join then do something" Jeno said before shoving his fingers back into your mouth along with Jaemin finally entering inside of you.
"Fine" The two boys said stripping themselves from their clothes and joining the rest of you on the bed. Jaemin slowly entered you to help you adjust to him, as Jeno removed his fingers from your mouth now also entering your stuffed hole.
"A-ah, wait Jeno are you gonna-" You asked scared you actually might split in two, Jeno gently caressed your cheek. "Don't worry babe, I'll try to be gentle. No promises though" He said as he was trusting himself inside of you.
"Wow, look at what a dirty girl you are. Taking two cocks in that small pussy of yours" Donghyuck whispered in your ear. "Maybe we should tie your hands together, how does that sound?" Renjun taunted as he watched your face react to Jeno and Jaemin ruining you.
"Answer him, princess. You want your hands tied together?" Jaemin groaned.
You nodded, "P-please, do it.". "Good girl" Renjun cooed as Donghyuck went through Jaemin's closet to find a necktie. "Here" Donghyuck said as he threw the necktie to Renjun to tie around your wrists. They all chuckled a bit looking at your now tied hands.
"Look at how pretty your hands are now babygirl, all tied up so you can't do anything" Donghyuck teased. "You can't do a single thing to us while we wreck your little pussy" Renjun chuckled.
"I think I'm gonna c-cum" You said weakly. Jeno cocked his head to the side and gave you a lazy smile, "Cumming so soon?". "Aw, that's cute princess. Are our cocks really that good?" Jaemin cooed from behind you. Renjun leaned closer to your ear. "Why don't you beg to cum, hm?".
Jeno chuckled at Renjun's suggestion, "C'mon babe, tell us how much you wanna cum". "I-i wanna cum, please. Ah, please let me cum I'll be g-good I-i promise!".
"Promise, huh?" Donghyuck teased. "Y-yes, please just let me cum!" You moaned making Jeno smile at your eagerness. "What do you think, Jaemin? Wanna let our little girl cum?". Jaemin nodded. "Do it princess. But when you cum, look at Jeno and don't you dare take your eyes off of his eyes."
Donghyuck leaned closer to your ear, "Go on babygirl, make a mess on their cocks, Don't hold back". When you reached your high it made you clench hard causing Jeno and Jaemin to cum not long after you. You squirted causing the 2 boys still deep inside of you to curse under their breath. First Jaemin, then Jeno pulled out admiring your pussy stuffed with their cum.
Jeno reached down to collect some on his fingers and pushed it back into your hole causing you to gasp a little at the sudden contact. Jaemin lazily chuckled at your reaction before looking at Renjun and Donghyuck who were staring at you.
"Did she just-"
"Squirt? Yeah"
"Hot" Donghyuck complimented
"Our turn" Renjun said proudly. First Donghyuck lined up with your entrance. But then Renjun was lining up with your asshole. "A-ah, Renjun! Be careful, p-please" You whimpered making Renjun chuckle a little. "I'll try my best, angel".
Donghyuck was thrusting himself inside of you making sure to go as deep as he could. "Fuck babygirl, h-how are you still so tight after 2 cocks rammed your pussy?" He asked. "That's cause she's our good little girl, right princess?" Jaemin whispered in your ear. "Y-yeah, a-ah! Renjun!". Your nails were creating little marks in your hands as you couldn't grip onto anything. "Calm down, angel, the pain'll go away" Renjun said softly trying to easy your pain. Donghyuck on the other hand, was now thrusting in you relentlessly. "You like that, babygirl? Hm? Tell me" Donghyuck taunted. "S-slow down! Please" You begged as Renjun now started to thrust in your ass adding to the pleasure that you couldn't handle. "You want me to speed up? Ok" Donghyuck teased. "God, you're so hot"
With Donghyuck and Renjun's dicks both inside of you at once, you couldn't help but cum quickly. "M'gonna c-cum! Please l-let me cum!" You moaned. "Not yet, babygirl, us first" Donghyuck said sternly. Eventually the 2 boys filled you with their cum resulting in you squirting again. "Look at you..." Jeno said looking at your cum filled pussy, "All fucked out from 4 cocks, what a little whore you are for us. What do you say after we fucked you so well, babe?" Jeno questioned cocking his head to the side.
"T-thank you" You mumbled "Thank you for what princess?" Jaemin said lifting your chin to make you look at him.
"Thank you all f-for fucking me so well"
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Day 9/14, 11:33 am
You woke up, with excruciating pain.
"Hi there, hot stuff. Glad to see you awake"
"I am pain Lee Jeno"
"Wonder who's fault is that?"
"25% of it is, babe" He smirked then kissed your forehead. "Can you get up?" He questioned.
You shook your head ask he lazily laughed at you. "Aw, here, I'll carry you". He scooped you up in his arms and brought you to the kitchen where the rest of the boys were eating
"Hi there, cutie" Cooed Donghyuck while eating a sandwich earning a glare from you as Jeno sat you down then taking a seat for himself. "I see that you can't walk" Jaemin said smiling at you. "Sush, Na Jaemin" You mumbled as Donghyuck cleared his throat.
"So," Donghyuck began, "What happens now?". "I guess we could take turns?" Renjun suggested. "DIBS ON HER FIRST!" Yelled Donghyuck followed by Jaemin, Jeno, then Renjun. "So, Donghyuck first, then Jaemin, Jeno, and last is Renjun?" You questioned, they all nodded. "I'm gonna be adventurous and take you in the kitchen" Donghyuck whispered to you, "NU UH NOT IN MY GOSH DANG KITCHEN LEE DONGHYUCK. I rule this kitchen, therefore I can fuck in this kitchen, not you" Said Jaemin sternly causing laughter to erupt in the kitchen.
"So when do "the turns" begin?"
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And so that's how it went from days 9/14 to 13/14
They all took turns as they said they would and you were fine with it
Then there was the last day where you supposedly "Could go outside"
But I know what you're thinking
Ladies and Gentlemen, that will be added, in time
I'm letting you recover ;D
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Day 14/14, 11:11 am
"So we can't go out?"
Renjun shook his head, "Nope"
"Listen here, Smurfette, I need some weird special detergent for this Peppa Pig apron because the little tag said so. What am I gonna do?" Jaemin snapped. "Chill out Jaemin, it's only an apron" Donghyuck retorted. "What did you do to that apron anyway?" Renjun asked.
"I might've got cum on the apron" Jaemin mumbled.
"Huh?" Renjun and Donghyuck blurted in confusion.
"I got semen on the apron" Jaemin hissed. The two boys infront of him bursted out in laughter, "You got cum, on your Peppa Pig apron?" Donghyuck said in disbelief.
"Yeah" Jaemin mumbled while Renjun was laughing hysterically.
"You got what on your apron?" You exclaimed walking down the stairs with Jeno.
"I got cum on my fucking apron" Jaemin sighed, as now you and Jeno started laughing. But you stopped laughing, followed by Renjun, then Jeno. Donghyuck was the only one left laughing.
He cleared his throat, "Oh, we're not l-laughing anymore. Uh, w-why?" Donghyuck stammered out.
"J-jaemin and Y/N f-fucked in the- the-" Renjun said with caution
"Oh just say it"
The room was filled with eyerolls and groans of disbelief. "W-we sanitized it if it makes you feel b-better?" Jaemin hesitantly spoke.
"Will you all, stop? Or else I'll sing that Justin Timberlake song in German"
"How do you even know that song-"
"Ten showed me" Yangyang whispered
Day 14/14, 11:11 pm
"Oh, fuck" You moaned
The light turned on.
Yangyang was met with his 5 naked roomates looking straight at him.
"I'm assuming Jaemin didn't close the door, again"
Jaemin nodded, "You wanna do this, Y/N?" he asked looking at you with a knowing look.
"Come here"
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*a/n: And tada ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the long awaited Quarantine Boyz part 2 🤧 Sorry if that ending was a bit rushed because I honestly didn't know how to end this. Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this~~~ 💖💖💖 -Abi~ <3
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plxnetyasaii · 3 years
oh love you messed up...
warnings: some cussing, weapons involved,reader plot twist that might be disturbing for some, nothing really major
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You were waiting outside the restaurant you were standing with some coworkers but they all went home already
And you let out a sigh of relief and annoyance when you saw you boyfriends car pull up
The window Rolled down and you seen him you walked up to the window bent down and peeked in
“Sorry im late…I had to drop off Mikey…” he said avoiding your burning gaze
“Bi- *sigh* lie again and Ill dump your WHOLE supply” you said clearly mad
“Whoa…okay okay sorry…”he said still not daring to make eye contact
“Lemme guess..you took a pill, fell asleep and completely forgot to come pick me up on time”you say a little calmed down
“Im sorry ill make it up to you..promise”he says with an apologetic look
“Ugh fine”you say getting in the car
And y’all drive away to the house you guys shared honestly it was so big you might as well call it a mansion
As the car comes to a stop in front of the house
You move to get out and open the door but it opens before you could even touch the handle
“I said ill make it up to you”
“I don’t even know how you got out the properly while high”
“Wanna go inside or not?” He says gripping your chin in his index finger and thumb tilting you head to meet his eyes
“Yea whatever” you say slapping his hand away rolling your eyes
You get out and are walking up the stairs with him right behind you
You get up the stairs walking to the front door
You pull out your key unlocking the door and you can feel him staring at your ass
As soon as you walk in and take your shoes off he does the same
Then he picks you up your arms and legs automatically rap around him
And he kisses you while gripping your ass “tonight’s all ‘bout you I swear”
“But im tired” you said yawning
“Lets pop 1 or 2 and watch a movie then, hm?” He says giving you a kiss of the forehead carrying to the bed
“That sounds great~” at this point you’re not even mad anymore
*this was supposed to be smut but idk where its heading atp*
He sits you on the bed opens a bottle pours out 2 swallows one but goes to get you a cup of water
“Here drink”he says hand the glass and pill to you
“Mm thanks” you taking it from him and swallowing it
“Lets watch that movie koko and rin were talking about” you say taking off your clothes
Now only in your bra and panties “Haru stop staring.”
“How can I when you look so good” he says walking closer
Gripping your hips and pulling you into his embrace “how ‘bout some cock warming while we watch”
*got the idea now ima run with it lmao*
“Hmm okay sure”
“Alright then come here” he says patting his lap
So you get on and y’all are just watching then turn around and…
*I hate to do this to y’all I really do but plot twist time hehe*
Same thing but now sanzus pov
“Hah shit~”
“what’s wrong baby?”
“Move I have to go pick up [insert name]”
‘Shit shit shit’ I thought to myself rushing to get my clothes on then running out the door
‘Finally im here’
Suddenly [insert name] turns around and holds a knife to my throat
“Oh come on Haru did you really think I wouldn’t notice” she said with a…psychopathic tone
“Wha- what?”
She got up and stood face to face with me
“I don’t know what your- AH FUCK!” I was cut off when they stabbed the knife through my leg
‘Oh she figured it out…’
“Look im sorry” I tried to say it like I mean it
“Haru…im not mad you cheated…”
“I- I swear ill never do it again”
“Oh I know you won’t” she said laughing
“If I can’t have you…why should she..”I don’t like the way she said that last part
She walked away to grab something
Then she walked back in with a gun
“Bye haru…”
I don’t know what happened after that since I blacked out but the only thing that remains of her is a letter that says
“Send my love to you new lover…treat her better
-[insert name] ps. I won’t bother you for now but ill be back (*3*)”
i wanna say sorry but im not LMAO
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
I finally finished Inazuma Archon quest and I have so many things in my mind.
Spoiler maybe (????????)
1. I wanna slap Ei so so so so so so bad. Like, uhg, damn.
2. I think I'm in love with Yae Miko, be my mommy ma'am 🥺
3. It bruns me to the core that Childe is one of the fatui, after seeing all the things they've done and how they don't really care about human life... I feel like, uhg, out of love with him? I still like him but then my brain says "He's not too different from Scara, he tried to drown Liyue, what if he would have succeeded?" I'm having a crisis here. Childe the househusband and Childe the heartless fatui, I hope in this new event we can learn more about him but still... I feel salty.
4. I cried like a baby, Teppei, I'll miss you so much.
5. Archons are selfish, I don't trust them no matter how attractive and daddy like cofcofzhonglicofcof they can be.
Okay, I finished! In general a good story, however, the ending was kinda rushed? Hehehehe Thank you for reading, I just wanted to share this with you 💕
🤷🏻‍♀️ Anon
so uh… well… hm… i have a lot of things to say abt the inazuma archon quest and aha… majority of them are… not good </3 i wont bore u w it tho bc istg i could write a full 180 pages just ranting abt whatever the hell that was. i did share my thoughts utc abt the points u made tho
ei is… well i dont really know what to say abt her. i like her design and her playstyle but how she was written? eh… i’m not the fondest unfortunately. i cant say that she’s not endearing sometimes tho.
yes. i worship one (1) yae miko 🧎‍♀️
lol. well… as his self-proclaimed first wife, i feel like i need to defend him but literally, with what?? i made an in-depth analysis over this b4 and idk if you read it but it was in an ask and i discussed my take on househusband childe and canon childe. the way i see it, scaramouche and childe are different. they’re both evil, yes, but their ambition, reasoning and way of things make them different kinds of evil people. in my eyes, childe seems like the person who would avoid unnecessary innocent deaths but wouldn’t hesitate to cut them down for his own goal. on the other hand, i dont think scaramouche would even bother w his dubious morals. now dont get me wrong, death is death and im not justifying his murders. i’m just saying that to a degree, childe does care abt human life. after all, he values his family. i find it hard to believe that whenever he does kill, he doesnt, for a split second, see his family’s faces. it’s just that he values his own ambition over life and its not any better but i think it’s a vital point of his character. one thing i like abt childe is that he’s not pretentious and the game also does a good job of portraying him as a harbinger. childe has never tried to pretend as if he’s a misunderstood villain. no, he admits that he’s a bad person who has done bad things and the game doesnt make it anymore or less than it’s supposed to be. yes, this guy is bad. there’s no justifying that. he was introduced from the get-go as someone we should be wary of and we were. ngl tho, i dont think him succeeding in liyue would affect anything. first, his plan was never going to succeed bc zhongli was ready to fix things if the qixing proved to be incompetent and second, because childe already has red on his ledger even b4 the game started. he’s canonically ‘evil’ and ‘immoral’ in that sense. tldr, liking childe means a.) liking the complexities of his canon character and psychology, b.) liking the fans’ portrayal of childe and c.) a little of both. i think you fit in the b category in which case i feel like you should avoid letting the canon bleed into your views bc it’ll be quite stressful? difficult? to think abt. i really do think it’s easier to think of those as two different people bc the way househusband childe could become canon is very different from the househusband childe you probably have in mind.
sigh… teppei you would be missed… i hope you had more development and roles.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok so i have a lot to say abt this but i’ll get to the gist. ‘selfish’ would be a good term but i also feel like it’s lacking. rather than being ‘selfish’ i think they’re more ‘human.’ they’re no different to the mortals save for their ageless and powerful nature. every day, we receive stimulus that make us react differently, possibly immorally which i can assure you, none of these archons believe they were immoral. ei, for example, believed an unchanging inazuma would be the best way to safeguard her people from the pain of loss. zhongli also thought that him leaving liyue to the hands of the people is a gift and so is venti’s lack of overseeing presence in mondstadt. we cant say they’re wrong bc their principles are also fundamentally different from ours. similarly, i can’t say for sure that if i were in their shoes (which is to say i am a god who experienced years of war, faced millions of loss and did smth that was against my morals), i’ll be any less ‘selfish.’ the only reason i could react negatively rn at ei’s actions is bc i know what it means to be mortal and to waste away but in her eyes, she probably cant comprehend the human dislike for stagnancy. how could she when she’s been stagnantly herself all these thousands of years? the truth of this matters remains to be that these archons thought they were right (just like human decision in their day to day drama) and the choices they made are flawed similar to how humans would make choices that cant be agreeable for everyone. but yes. don’t trust anyone for that matter
the entire thing was rushed. wish it took a different turn but eh- i hope this was a good reply lol. i got carried away and ended up rambling abt my cluttered view of some things. hope you dont mind <33
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heretherebedork · 3 years
The only thing that made sense in this episode is that one line in their new song that goes "we can't communicate" well.. MFs REALLY CAN'T !!
But no, really.. I GOT SO MANY QUESTIONS, ugh.
Why didn't Fiat just (what Leo f* asked him as well) tell his boyfriend about King right away? I'm not even implying that one of them is much more at fault, both of them are just f* dumb at this point. Or more like written wrong as hell, ugh I don't wanna say wrong because they're still HER characters but.. woman, the writing in this ep didn't make ANY sense at all warghhh!! Although I liked the idea of adding another 'drama' (simply bc I don't like too much of cheesy content), I would have wished for another type of plot(twist).
And bruh, don't make me mention LEO. Dude was ready to let that limpet kiss him to get some fake information ALTHOUGH he knew that King is playing mind games with them, especially with HIM. As if going to King directly wasn't another option, smh.
When Fiat had this monologue while sitting on that tree wondering why it hurt so much seeing his BOYFRIEND kiss another person, I was like: r u f* serious -.- ???? Idk but that scene could evtl REALLY be a reference to TT2 since now FIAT is the one being hurt as he watched his boyfriend getting kissed by another person. It's simply the same with Tharn who had to face Type getting kissed by Fiat. Hm, idk but payback's a bitch!!
I'm sry but LeoFiat NOT having enough trust in eo doesn't only make no sense because of the whole 10 episodes we've watched before, but also because of their f* SHARED PAST AS BEST AND VERY CLOSE FRIENDS FOR ALMOST 20. F*. YEARS. man, I mean come onnnn couldn't they come up w something more convincing????
You got two boys hot as f* w a hot as f* chemistry as well but don't really know how to make good use of it.. it's just so sad and wasted potential at this point. In the preview it looks like we will only have the first 10 mins solving this whole makes-no-sense-drama, I'm sure afterwards it'll be like nothing happened at all so we have that 'happy (and imo rushed) ending lol. Ik there's still a special episode afterwards but I would really like to see another season of them where Mame really SHOWS us their character development, especially when it comes to them communicating with eo. I don't even care anymore if she'll mess up that possible 2nd season as well (which she probably will).. it can't get more pointless anyway LMAO
I hate Leo, I hate Fiat, I hate this series. But I also love them, ARGHHHH!!!!
The problem here is that MAME doesn't believe in character development. Characters remain static. They do not change. They may seem to, but they never do.
And that's one of the biggest problems.
Think about it.
Have any of the characters actually grown?
Or do we just decide they do because the situation changes around them?
Honestly, yeah. That's the problem. We see the situation changing as them growing but the writers only see that as the situation changing and not the characters changing or growing at all.
So they're still reacting the same exact what they would have in episode one to what's happening in episode eleven and it doesn't work for the viewer because we think we've seen them grow and change... but we haven't.
The plot is dumb. And, in an earlier episode, I would have forgiven more because I would have been it as a chance for them to grow.
But at this point?
At episode eleven? At nearly the end?
I just don't see that potential for growth now because I know that everything they've been through has been for nothing.
Leo selling himself to protect Fiat makes sense in character... but the lack of communication doesn't make sense any more because they 'outgrew' ages ago. Only they didn't because their characters don't get to grow or change.
Fiat avoiding Leo's explanation because he doesn't want to hear anything makes sense in character... if you ignore everything he's been through and the pain he's gone through to realize that he needs explanations because they've allowed him to forgive the rest of his family. But he doesn't realize that because he can't grow as a character because they won't allow that.
That's the problem. That's why this episode fell so flat and pissed off so many people.
Because it's an episode that shows that no one in this show is allowed to grow. None of them are allowed to change. Because none of the writers know how to write character development.
So this episode, which could have been interesting, instead falls flat because it just shows the viewer that what we've been seeing as character development and growth is actually just nothing, just smoke and mirrors for the same issues that we thought the solved.
This show.
The potential is what we love and what we hate and what is being squandered so thoroughly.
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palettepainter · 3 years
Part of the family
Idk what Ecto’s birth name is so I’m going to have his parents/other characters refer to Ecto as Ekuto. It translates to ecto in Japanese, real creative but I’ll use it as his birth name till we get a cannon one confirmed
Higari scratched at the collar of his shirt, and then tugged uncomfortably at the waist of his trousers
“I’m really not used to wearing this monkey suit..” he said mostly to himself, looking down at his blazer he’d dusted off from his cupboard. Higari only owned one formal suit, and only ever wore it on rare occasions. Even after spending so many years teaching at UA and attending so many events or interviews, he’d never gotten used to all this fancy shmancy stuff.
“Well you look very handsome in one~” Ecto stood near by in the hotel room comparing bow ties, one hand on his hip and other on his chin. He too was also in a suit, the two both dressed up for a night out at a formal party event. The two had been invited as guests to a charity event by Ecto’s parents, who where two key supports of said event. Really they where attending as undercover security, so obviously they had to fit the part
Higari peered over to his husband, gave him a cheeky glance up and down before walking over. “You don’t look half bad yourself” he said with a lazed smirk, hand snaking it’s way over and around Ecto’s hips. Ecto hummed again him, raising one brow before he lifted up a red bow. “Hm..how about this one?” He asked
Higari shrugged “You know suits better then me, not like I got any clue which bow goes with what dress shirt”
“Oh stop it” Ectoplasm said, kneeling down to help tie the bow in place. With Higari’s altered finger tips it made things like tying bows all the more challenging, thankfully Ecto was skilled in the art and had the bow on Higari in a matter of seconds “You look wonderful!” he straightened out his blazer, and for good measure, nuzzled his nose on Higari’s forehead in the form of a kiss “Besides, it’s only for a few hours. When we get back you can change into something more comfortable”
“Or waddle around naked” Higari suggested, waiting eagerly to see Ecto’s reaction. Knowing it was oh so easy to get Ecto flustered
Ecto hummed, as if pretending to think it over, managing to remain calm before the corner of his mouth crinkled up into a smile “Hm..maybe~” Higari’s trade mark grin spread across his face with a giggle. Ecto tried to keep cool even if the face of his husbands adorable little laugh “But lets save that for after the party. I don’t want you causing mischief”
Higari hummed, humoured, sensing a challenge. Expertly he sauntered his way over and looped his arms around Ecto from behind, pressing his face into the small of Ecto’s back “Hm, are you calling me a bad boy?~”
Ecto turned as best he could to peer down at Higari, his brow cocked in amusement at his antics, struggling to keep a neutral tone despite how flustered he was actually feeling from Higari’s flirting - the sneaky mink “I won’t hesitate to put you in your place if that’s what you’re implying”
Ecto could tell Higari had one of those smiles on his face, but before Higari could say anymore Ecto pried his arms off him. Higari let out a small whine, disappointed the fun was over “However, we do have a charity event to get to” he said while releasing Higari’s hands, pulling on his blazer that he hung on the chair. Higari crossed his arms, hiding a pout behind his fringe “Mn, yeah I guess so..”
“Don’t whine” Ecto said, mocking a tone a mother would use with a child. “..It won’t be that bad” he reassured while looking himself over in the small mirror by the cupboard “They’ll be food and drinks, and all we have to do is mingle and be prepared if something calls for us to step in”
“Mm, yeah I guess” Higari said
He joined Ecto over at the door before the two walked out together into the hall. Higari had been to a few arguably fancy events, the fanciest it ever got at UA where interviews with the press outside UA grounds, or the UA prom for the third years, that was about it. Don’t get him wrong, Higari still preferred a pair of joggers to a suit and bow, but alas he’d signed up for this when he became a teacher at UA. As much as he didn’t like formal events, too crowded for his liking, they had to set a good example for UA
And going to a formal event with Ecto made it bearable.
Upon arriving at the venue the first thing he noticed was how bright everything was, didn’t help his sensitive eye sight. He tried to not let it bother him as he and Ecto stepped out of their car and made their way inside to a large main room where all the guests where gathered. Thank god Ecto was tall, at the very least he could navigate this maze, Higari couldn’t see over the top of all the other guests even if he tried! After checking in with the rest of the security and into the main hall Ecto grabbed for Higari’s hand
“Lets go and wait over at the side” Ecto said, already making his way through the crowd with Higari on his tail towards the side of the room, where the two where somehow able to find an unoccupied table in the sea of people. “Didn’t think it’d be this busy” Higari said while observing the room, he couldn’t help but feel a little weird - being in such a decorated room with all these fancy rich people.
“Me too” Ecto said, returning to the table with two wine glasses. “Regardless, we should try and enjoy ourselves” he handed Higari a glass, which he accepted with a small nod of thanks. He swigged it down in a swift gulp, Ecto blinked, taken a back. “Careful there..” he teased, drinking lightly from his own glass. “Sorry Ecto” Higari said, placing his glass back down onto the table “Big events like this always make me nervous..” he admitted, if it was anyone else other then Ecto he wouldn’t have shared such a personal fear
“It’s alright, just remember it’s only for a few hours. And if nothing goes wrong we may be allowed to leave early”
Higari hummed in reply, one hand tapping on the table while he idly glanced about the room, trying to see if their was anything else in here other then a crowd of bustling people. With his hair brushed aside it made seeing things a bit more easier, which is why it didn’t take him long to recognise an approaching face in the crowd.
“Angel!” Mrs. Kurōn, Ecto’s mother, happily emerged from the crowd and rushed over as quickly as she could towards the table, Ecto already standing from his chair to greet her. “Oh I’m so happy you two could make it!” She said, greeting Ecto with a quick hug before she looked to Higari “It’s so nice to see some familiar family faces! - and Higari, it’s lovely to see you could make it too dear!”
“Evening Mrs. Kurōn” Higari said, waving his hand. Despite having already met Ecto’s parents he was still a little shy around them, maybe it was added nervousness of the fancy party making him feel particular shy, he wasn’t sure.
“Where’s dad?” Ecto asked, looking around to try and identify his other parent “I haven’t see him yet, he’s not with you?”
“Your father is catching up with some old work colleagues” Mrs. Kurōn answered while she straighten out Ecto’s tie, smiling at the dorky spotty pattern he’d chosen. “I doubt he’ll be too long” she said “He’s a social butterfly, I’m sure you’ll bump into him at some point - you remember Mister Zeikin?”
Ecto thought for a moment before his eyes widened with realisation “Yes I remember, didnt dad say he was one of his old team members before you and him married? He came round for dinner a few times”
His mother nodded “Yes he was, he’s the one who helped organise the decorating for this event. Oh! And you remember Megumi? She’s here too!”
“Megumi?..” Ecto repeated, thinking once again before he smiled “I haven’t seen her since..god it must have been at our prom party at UA” he said, my how time flied. Higari looked to and from between them, not understanding who they where talking about but obviously seeing that Ecto must have clearly known of them “Seems like centuries ago doesn’t it? I still have those prom photos laying about somewhere at home” Mrs. Kurōn suddenly gasped, and put a hand on Ecto’s shoulder “Why don’t we go over and see them? You two where good friends back at UA, I’m sure she’d be very surprised to see you again!”
“Hm..well, mum-“ Ecto looked back towards Higari, who sensing Ecto’s worries raised his hand “Don’t worry about me, you can leave me alone for ten minutes” Higari smiled and gestured away “Go mingle, tell Mr. Kurōn I said hi”
“Are you sure?” Ecto repeated, clearly not convinced. “You could always come with us” Higari again simply repeated his gesture “I’ll be fine! I’m a grown man, don’t worry. Sides-“ he shrugged “I don’t her, I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d just be awkward”
“Hm..” Ecto threw a glance over his shoulder to the crowd and then to his mother, who smiled wider. He hummed again “..Well” his worry melted away, a relieved smile coming to his face “Alright then!” He turned around, his mother leading the way “I won’t be long!” He called to Higari just as they got swept up into the crowd. Higari waved goodbye until Ecto and Mrs. Kurōn was out of sight, guess it was just him now.
Thirty minutes passed, and Higari restrained himself from glancing down to his watch again.
“Hm..Ecto’s been gone a while” he said to the empty table, one hand holding his face while the other fiddled with the salad fork. Busying himself with tinkering away at one of his inventions was off the table with the current location he was in, he figured it wouldn’t be very ‘proper’ of him to suddenly start rebuilding a toaster in front of all these guests. Not like he needed to give them a reason to stare. “Maybe I’ll see what there is to eat” he suggested, sliding off his chair as he tried to locate the food table.
These kinds of parties always had the weirdest foods, and always in such small servings, Higari could never wrap his head around it. He’d hoped there’d be something at this food table that would satisfy his hunger until they could back to the hotel room, where he’d already decided he’d order the most greasiest take out junk food if this party food ended up being like all the rest. Reaching the table he was glad he kept his expectations low, as expected all the food was tiny, bowls of expertly prepared salads, a board full to the brim with cheeses, beautiful made sushi pieces, rice cakes - nothing he hadn’t seen before at fancy events.
Thinking it was better then nothing he picked up a plate and two rice cakes “Guess this’ll do” he muttered, and tried to make his way back towards his table...key word being try. Trying to navigate his way back from point B to A was harder then he thought, finding a needle in a hay stack seemed easier then this! With a snort he gave up on his mission, and instead made himself comfy on one of the balconies overlooking the venues garden, which was also lighted and decorated appropriately to match with the main hall.
He picked up a rice cake and munched into it, blinking slowly - god this was boring. At this rate he was starting to wish something would happen that required security to step in, at least that would give him something to do..
“Excuse me?”
Higari hummed, mouth full of rice cake as he turned to the owner of a voice. A fairly sizeable man stood at the entrance back inside the building, his shirt looked just a bit too tight over the skin of his stomach, his eyes looked at Higari with a somewhat studying look. It made Higari feel fidgety. He quickly swallowed his mouthful, trying to discreetly wipe his mouth to get rid of any rice that stuck onto his face “Uh, did you need something?” He asked, turning back up to the man who approached with a hum
“By chance are you..Higari?”
Higari rose a suspicious brow under his hair but tried to keep his suspicion hidden “Yes” he answered. The man stood next to Higari with a look he couldn’t place his finger on, there was something about it he didn’t like. It made a sickly familiar feeling of worry present inside him. His lips where pulled back into a smile, at least, Higari thought it was a smile - despite how it gave him the unfortunate impression that it was forced “Hm, my I didn’t think I’d get to see the man himself..” the man peered down at Higari for a long moment, as though he was a specimen under a microscope, it made Higari shudder
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you..”
“I’m Mister Zeikin” the man seemed to puff out his chest, as if to symbolise his importance or his name was a grand title. Zeikin? That name sounded familiar “Hm..Oh yeah” Higari nodded lightly “Ecto’s m-Uh..Mrs Kurōn told me you where talking with her husband” the man nodded, turning his gaze to the horizon, one hand lightly swirling the wine in his glass. “Hm yes yes, my dear friend Akarui, known to you as Mr Kurōn, mentioned you when his wife and son came over.” He took an unhurried sip of his drink, eyes admiring his glass once he was finished “And I just had to see if his words held true”
Higari still didn’t understand, but the man was soon turning back to look at him before he could remain confused for much longer “Well done, Higari. You truly are a fascinating man” he praised warmly “So very charming from what I hear of, and sweeping Ekuto off his feet. Lucky him indeed”
Higari felt surprisingly flattered at the praise, growing sheepish at this flood of compliments. He awkwardly rubbed at his neck, smiling regardless “...Well, thank you.”
“But of course!” Zeikin pressed “Its astonishingly brave that you can be so open with displaying such affections..” His gaze slowly returned to Higari, his eyes lingering on him, a glint in his eye. “...Well, all things considered”
Higari bristled, though the man was still smiling, Higari felt attacked at the way he’d worded his sentence. His eyes narrowed “..Whats that supposed to mean?” He asked, leaning his head back to peer up at him.
Zeikin took another slow sip from his drink, smooth and slow as though Higari’s suspicion wasn’t noticeable. He had an air of confidence around him, as he turned back down to Higari “My fine fellow I mean no ill will. I’m sure you are a very...adorable lover” he offered politely “I just can’t help but think about the insecurities that come with the role”
“...Insecurities??” Higari blinked, his cheeks heating up “Theres nothing about our relationship that-“
“You’re from country aren’t you?” That cursed smile finally dropped, his tone all of a sudden flat “It leads a man to wonder just how it is Akarui’s son ever settled for..” Higari didn’t like the look he was giving him, regarding him with the same interest someone may give a piece of gum on the sidewalk “..someone so inferior”
“I...” Higari tried to bite back his temper, he’d hate himself if he lost his temper at an event that was so important to Ecto’s parents. He’d never forgive himself. He tried to take a calming breath, tried to think of happy things, but his insecurities - insecurities this man had targeted - they began to mock him, making his anger rise more. “That’s not any of your business sir” Higari tried to say without growling
“Ah, but it is” the man insisted with detached happiness, as though he was talking with a child. Higari stiffened “You see, Akarui and his family are dearly close to me, despite his.. imbecility” he casted a side ways scowl off into the distance “I would simply hate for something to taint their families image. Wouldn’t you agree?” He looked back down to Higari, who remained frozen, not seeming able to move, his legs not responding to his mind telling him to just walk away. Turn around and walk away! But he couldn’t, he felt offended, how dare he even think Ecto would view him that way!
Ecto would never!...r-right?..
“Ecto would never think of me that way” Higari was now furious, and it was becoming increasingly hard to keep his cool
“Oh well of course he wouldn’t” Zeikin held up his hand, trying to appear passive, and fixing Higari with a look that dropped with artificial sympathy “The dear Kurōn family are far too polite to ever show such disbain openly.”
“...I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about” Higari managed to conjure words despite still being paralysed, face hot, eyes shiny. “They wouldn’t-..” he corrected himself “Don’t think of me that way”
“Hm, perhaps” Zeikin nodded, peering skyward, not meeting Higari’s eyes. “Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps my years of knowledge through being their work colleague and associate do not mean a thing at all to you, perhaps the idea they may look at you differently is so foreign to you. You play the role very well, I commend you!” He gestured towards Higari with a titled head “Dressing up in that fancy suit, attending a formal gathering such as this, all for an attempt to fit in with a crowd not meant to house someone of your background. Yet, you try anyway. How very brave of you”
Higari’s throat suddenly felt tight, eyes stinging as tears swelled in the corners “Are you...mocking me?” His voice was shaky, something fragile behind the front he tried to put up.
“Heavens no” he looked offended at Higari’s weak question, scoffing “Conformity happens with everyone, I just find...amusement in your particular case.” He smiled, teeth an all, eyes narrowed cruelly at Higari, who looked timid. “To think you ever thought someone like you would ever be accepted.”
Higari stumbled back a foot, breathing going funny as he desperately tried to think of a response-
“I do hope we aren’t interrupting anything important.”
Higari startled, almost falling over his own feet. Behind him, standing less then three feet away was Akarui, Ectoplasms father. Brows creased like gathering thunder heads, mouth pressed into a thin frown with his arms crossed, not looking impressed. Behind him just off of the balcony, just looking to have caught up, was Ecto and Mrs Kurōn. At the sight of Ecto Higari flinched, curling up and looking away. Akarui’s look softened, concerned, before he fixed the business man across from his with a withering glare.
“I do hope you have a good explanation for this, Zeikin.” His eyes narrowed “For your sake.”
The man looked to do a double take, blinking “Ah, Akarui” his calm facade still held, but it was obvious the man standing behind Higari was not falling for it, cocking a bold brow. “So..wonderful you could join us” he smiled, walking closer. Akarui stepped forward without hesitation to shield Higari from view with his taller stature. Higari glanced up to him in confusion, blinking back tears
“We where simply having a talk amongst men” He assured, but Akarui’s frown only deepened. “It didn’t soundthat way” he stated, not subtly at all. Zeikin looked to him as though he’d been slapped, as Ecto and Mrs Kurōn hurried their way over.
“Higari? Are you okay?” Ecto asked, crouching down slightly to be at eye level with Higari, sensing almost instantly that something was wrong. Higari flinched away when Ecto reached for him, and he felt guilty immediately after. “Higari?..” Ecto said quietly, his hand lowering
Zeikin offered his colleague a grin, one that looked too wide “Whatever are you talking about Akarui?” He glanced down to Higari who Akarui stood in front of, he shot Zeikin a warning glare while Higari tried to hide himself from the mans sight. “It was but a simple conversation, a time for me to air some..thoughts on your..” Zeikin looked to be struggling to find the right words, everyone’s eyes (minus Higari’s) all on him.
“..new acquaintance-“
Akarui slapped away the others hand that was gesturing to Higari, eyes boring into him with a look that could kill. Zeikin baffled, pulling his hand back to him while fixing Akarui with a scowl. “I will have you know, that acquaintance you are referring to, has a name.” Zeikin opened his mouth to repomand Akarui for daring to hithim, but Akarui beat him to the punch, not giving him time to find his words.
“And he, Higari, happens to be my sons romantic other, and my son in law” he said sternly, loosing patience, what little of it had left for the fat cat before him.
Zeikin looked caught off guard, not expecting that kind of powerful reply from his work partner. He rose an unimpressed brow, fixing him with an equally icy look, Akarui failed to cower even as Zeikin took a step closer. “How very noble of you Akarui. Always playing the role of hero infront of your son aren’t you” he whispered, Akarui growled, a warning. “Can’t help but want to defend those who feel..out of place-“
Ecto had heard clearly what had been said, his mother gasping quietly. Ecto sneered, and leapt to speak-
“Perhaps I am not making myself clear enough.” Akarui stated calmly, closing his eyes “Allow me to say this once. Nicely.”
White, powerful light suddenly burst from Akauri’s eyes, like the birth of a new star. His eyes glowed hot with the heat of the sun, the light pouring from his eyes startling Zeikin, his own scared reflection staring back at him from Akauri’s empty white eyes. “My sons happiness, means everything to me and my wife. If you ever dare to try and intervene with that again, or try to approach Higari again..” he narrowed his eyes, his eyes glowing brighter, making him appear imposing, powerful. Eventually, Zeikin looked away, accepting defeat “You will be answering to me.”
Akarui blinked, and the light vanished, his cold merciless glare remaining as he fixed Zeikin with another deep frown “Do I make myself clear?”
“Good” Akarui said, his tone to the point. “...I think it’d be better if you took your leave Zeikin” Akarui stepped aside and tilted his head over towards the entrance back inside the building.
Zeikin looked stuck, refusing to admit his loss, he straightened his tie and stood up straight - pretending as though his scare mere minutes ago hadn’t happened “Hm..Yes, maybe I will.” He dusted off his arm, acting aloof “Company in the main hall will be far better then wi-“
“No” Mrs Kurōn, who had remained quite until now fixed the man with her own scowl, Ecto doing the same with his arms wrapped around Higari. “We think you should leave” she repeated. Even Higari was taken aback by her sudden shift in tone, not knowing the gentle women could be capable of sounding angry. Zeikin gawked, working his jaw and looking rapidly between the two, waiting for one of them to admit it was a joke.
“...Hurry along” Akarui said, tilting his head again towards the building, not flinching even as Zeikin got dangerously close to his face to glare at him. Akarui remained standing where he was, before Zeikin, with a small snort, hurried off back inside and out of sight
Akarui let out a breath, shoulders slumping.
“Higari are you okay?” Ecto’s hands cupped Higari’s cheeks, noticing how his eyes looked teary, his worry grew ten fold at the sight as his heart plummeted at seeing him so sad “He didn’t try anything did he?” Ecto shook his head “I shouldn’t have left you alone!..”
“N-No no!” Higari waved his hands, taking Ecto’s hands away from his face as he tried to desperately rid the tears that where close to pouring down his cheeks. “I’m- I-I’m fine, he just..don’t worry about it” Ecto didn’t look convinced, nor did his mother, who’s eyes widened when she caught sight of a single tear falling down his face. “Oh honey..” she quickly pulled a tissue out of her small bag and held it out to him, just as Higari sniffled, the dams beginning to break.
“Come on” Ecto gently held Higari’s hand, the feeling of something familiar, something tender and soft helped calm his racing heart beat. He accepted the tissue, drying his eyes, overcome with embarrassment at being seen crying of all things - he’d only ever cried in front of Ecto and his family back in the country. “Let’s head back inside” Ecto stood and began to guide Higari back towards the building “No point in staying out in the cold”
An hour had passed, Higari was now a little calmer.
He currently sat in the buildings parking lot, having some air, he needed to have a moment to himself to calm down and gather his thoughts. He felt ashamed, feeling to need to walk out of the party to properly calm down. Ecto and his mother had both been understanding aside from their worry, offering to come and keep him company - which he’d politely declined.
And though quite it was around him in the car park, his mind was screaming.
The mans words refused to leave him, and he hated it. He hated how right he was! he hated how out of place he felt just being near a place so fancy and posh, he hated how that small self conscious part of him constantly felt the need to prove his worth when around Ecto’s family, to prove he was more then just some..grungy looking engineer
Higari pulled his head from his hands and peered up to the side “..Mister Kurōn?” Mr Kurōn walked over to him but kept some space between them for Higari’s sake “I’m sorry, would you mind if I had a word?” He asked, pointing to the space on the edge of the pathway Higari was sitting on. Higari blinked “Uh, sure?” He said
Smiling Mr Kurōn took a place on the floor next to him, arms propped up behind him as he peered up into the sky, as if looking for stars. Higari gave him a sideways glance, before slowly looking away, tensing up, he really hoped he hadn’t come to talk about what had happened
“...How..” Higari nervously cracked his fingers, an old habit he’d developed since he was at UA. He didn’t want to talk about what had happened, but there was one thing he wanted to know “...How much did you hear?..”
Higari chewed his gum, all of sudden very interested in the floor as he avoided making eye contact with the older man.
“Higari?” Mr Kurōn was the first to break the silence, finally turning to Higari “May I ask you a..personal question?” He asked, watching Higari’s reaction carefully to make sure he didn’t step on a nerve. Higari turned to him, raising a brow “...Okay?” He said, slightly unsure
Mr Kurōn hummed, looking away again “...I don’t think there’s any way I can put this lightly” he admitted, Higari felt nervous at that. Mr Kurōn turned back to Higari and narrowed his eyes just a tiny bit, trying to read Higari as though he was a book. Higari felt his shoulders tense, after what had happened he’d been put off curious or studying gazes, and probably would be put of them for a while-
“Are you scared of me?”
Higari’s brain buffered, not quite understanding the question at first. Mr Kurōn said nothing, not removing his eyes from Higari as he waited for an answer. “.....Uh, well-“ Higari scratched at his neck “I don’t think- I...I wouldn’t say scared..” Higari admitted quietly, hand moving to tug at some strands of hair “I just..Uh..Well, I wanna make sure I don’t..” Higari’s tone became close to a mumble, yet Mr Kurōn continued to be patient “I just...really don’t want you two to be disappointed, I guess. I mean-..I don’t know the first thing about all...this” he gestured to his suit “I can’t make heads or tails or fancy of cocktails or caviar! A work bench and tools, a construction sight and mapping out underground tunnels, machine parts and dirty oil rags- those things I get!”
Higari had only opened up his worries about Ecto’s parents to Ecto himself, but before he knew was what happening, his worries where spilling from his mouth before he could stop them.
“And when I found you’d sent me an invite to this event too, I was...I didn’t want you to be..” Higari looked ashamed to even finish his sentence, and sheepishly turned his head away from Mr Kurōn to try and hide from his gaze “E-Embarressed by me..what that guy, Uh, Zeikin said. I..I hate to admit it but, most of what he said, ‘bout me being...insecure...most of it, held..some truth”
After he was finished there was a lengthy silence, then Mr Kurōn hummed, Higari tugged harder at his hair “.....Ekuto, he always tells us how happy you make him” he smiled, peering off at nothing before he smiled down at Higari “In school, at UA, I don’t think he had many friends” he said, shrugging “He didn’t really talk about it much with me and his mother, he always assured he had friends but, never wanted them round....Then you came along!” His smile widened, the light seeming to come back to his face “You where the first person from school that seemed to have changed him for the better! He was always so happy when he came back from school each day, after spending it with the mysterious friend he had”
Another pause
“...Do you make Ekuto happy?” He asked, looking to Higari.
Higari wasn’t sure if this was a trick question, so answered with a nervous “I...I like to think I do”
“You think?” Mr Kurōn titled his head “Or you know?”
“....I know” Higari said “...I really want to make Ecto happy, I try to keep him happy!”
Mr Kurōn seemed pleased with that answer “Then why would we want you to be some else?” He asked, leaning forward.
Higari’s eyes widened, his eyes darting up to him to see if what he had said was genuine. Mr Kurōn held nothing but honesty on his face, no trace of a facade or act anywhere, just..a genuine smile
he rose his brow at Higari, as if his thought on the matter should have been obvious.
“..I-I..” Higari tripped over his words, stuttering like a fool “I-I-..I-Uh..T-That’s-“
“You have nothing to prove Higari” Mr Kurōn insisted, saying the words he knew Higari needed to hear - and probably wanted to hear for a long time. He placed his hand on Higari’s shoulder, giving him a friendly shake “You are very easily likeable!”
If Higari’s eyes had been wide before, now they had shot open to the size of plates. Turquoise pupils staring at Mr Kurōn in shock, mouth hung open in a small o shape, causing Mr Kurōn to chuckle a little. Higari’s mouth snapped shut, realising he must have been gawking in his surprise. “Uhm-that’s-“ Higari turned away, feeling embarrassed, praying it wasn’t as obvious as if felt “T-Thank you..”
“You’re welcome”
Me Kurōn stood to his feet, stretching his arms out above his head before they flopped to his side, hands resting in his pockets “Hm..I think I’ve had enough of parties for one evening” He stated, looking down to Higari who craned his neck just to peer up at him. “Why don’t we all go out, get some proper food - my treat!” He said “...It’s the least I could do to make up for what happened. I can assure you, Zeikin will not be hosting business with us any time soon”
He offered out a hand “Come on, let’s not hang around in the cold. Besides-“ he looked back in the direction of the building “Ecto is starting to get worried, I’m sure you know at this point how he can be when worried”
....Higari chuckled, letting Mr Kurōn help pull him to his feet “Yeah” he said with a nod “He can be a bit of a worry wort” he admitted with a laugh, Mr Kurōn joining in lightly.
One meal later and drinks down at a small pub and Higari was feeling more like himself, the way he’d always tense up when Ecto’s parents so much as looked his way vanished entirely, for the whole evening he seemed to forget all about trying to uphold a certain image in front of them. He’d had a drink, he’d ordered what he wanted, he’d taken off his bow and untucked his shirt - and he’d had fun!
He and Ecto returned to the hotel room, and flopped back tiredly onto the hotel bed in sync “Well..” Ecto said, eyes on the ceiling “That was...something” he said. Higari hummed, eyes closed behind his frazzled hair, he’d given up trying to keep it neat once they’d all gone out for food. Shyly, Ecto peered down to his partner, nagging guilt knawing at his consciousness “Higari I...I’m so sorry about what ha-“
He was silenced when Higari had lazily shuffled his way up the bed and smashed a kiss confidently to Ecto’s lips. Half of Ecto’s next words where muffled into the kiss, body jolting on the bed before he kissed back. Higari pulled away, leaving Ecto wide eyed, red faced and panting
“Ecto...” Higari let himself become comfy on top of Ecto’s chest, nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck as he let out a sigh “I’m fine, really” he said “You don’t have to worry about me all the time..” he reassured, still half sprawled ontop of him while Ecto peered to him “B-But-“
Higari gently pressed a finger to Ecto’s mouth “Shhhh..” he gently shushed him, his eyelids feeling heavy as his body registered how tired he was from the night out “We’re good Ecto, I’m good, you’re parents are good..” he slowly slid off Ecto’s chest, curling up into his side like a puppy, his body unconsciously seeking out Ecto’s warmth “In fact, despite what happened..” Higari smiled up at his boyfriend “...I really enjoyed tonight!”
Ecto blinked, not used to seeing Higari act so soft, but a tender smile soon took its place on his face “...I’m glad” his hand moved to Higari’s hair, sweeping aside his fringe to peer down into Higari’s half lidded sleepy eyes. He pressed another one of his kisses to Higari’s cheek, his heart jumping in his chest at the giggle Higari let out
He pressed another kiss to Higari’s other cheek, Higari let out a snicker.
Ecto pressed one of his kisses to Higari’s nose, Higari bit his lip to try and stifle his laughter.
Ecto then moved to Higari’s neck, where he knew he was terribly sensitive. So when he nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, Higari let out an honest god squeal from shock - Ecto could hardly contain himself as he chuckled, before counting his nuzzling assault on his small husband who cackled and tried to escape Ecto’s death trap hug “Ectooo!~”
Maybe people like Zeikin would have his opinions, no questions there: but you know what, if Ecto and his parents loved him the way he was
Why should he care anyway??
29 notes · View notes
imgoodloveenjoy · 3 years
What down, joe?
So I finally got around to watching the episode of ChicagoMed that we all missed due to those idiots at the Capitol. SMH but here we go into the MESS & my feelings lol
What does April want? That’s the name of her arc cause she needs to figure it out. I do feel her on wanting to stay in the COVID ward because it gives her a sense of purpose but her acting as though Ethan “took” that from her is ridiculous: 1. She never let Ethan know that she felt that way, maybe that would’ve swayed his decision a bit and 2. She’s been a nurse for what I’m assuming is years, she knows that nurses rotate positions in hospitals so her being rotated out to the ED shouldn’t have been such a blow- its almost like she expected special treatment & took it personally that she didn’t get that and was expected to rotate out like all the other nurses. In and regards to Ethan, she needs to figure out what she wants from him; it feels like she’s on the fence about resuming a romantic relationship, and that’s fine, but she also acts as though he should be doing things for her because of implied lingering romantic feelings- feels like she’s using him a bit and he’s being a doormat about it.
I’ve noticed that she’s moving as though Ethan should be a mind reader and know what she’s thinking and feeling for a while. When she discovered that she was having fertility issues, she lashed out at him without telling him about it so then he was stuck on stupid thinking they were still on the same page about having a baby. When she was feeling like there wasn’t any romance in their relationship since starting IVF, she took that out on him without telling him how she felt. When she felt like she found her purpose in the COVID ward, she didn’t say anything to Ethan, just gave him attitude. Girl, he’s not a psychic, tell him what you’re feeling! I do feel like the storyline of her getting involved in the Will’s new crusade with the trail medicine is a way for them both to undermine Ethan, his new elevated position and the new hierarchy in the ED – neither of them respects him as a peer or senior at this point.
I would love for April to have something else to focus on. I know that the writers have talked about her re-assessing how she’s maneuvering as a caregiver & I think that’s great! I feel like she can receive more responsibility, like a sort of promotion (idk what that means to nurses), and has to work through the struggle of those new responsibilities (without Ethan trying to save her) and become a more confident & capable nurse. I do think eventually she has to sit with herself and assess her personal life: does she still want Ethan? If not, she has to sit down and discuss that with him, set some boundaries; I think she needs better communication with him in general but this would be a good place to start.
Us: “April, tell us what you want. Make a choice.”
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Will absolutely demonstrated why he isn’t the Chief ED in this episode but one thing that really irks me about this character is that he does thing so totally left field and reckless, but the writers always manage to redeem him in the end, and it moves along as though he was always right. I’m waiting for the day the writers let Will really feel the consequences of his actions; he really needs to sit and think about why he rushes into situations the way he does. And why the hell did Maggie apologize to him? She should’ve questioned Will about how she felt he was being blind to his crusade; his patient’s daughter specifically told hm what type of treatment she wanted for her father and he ignored that…GIRL! Let that have been Ethan or Natalie LOL. And every time he does something like this he comes out smelling like roses…I’m tired of it.
I also feel like Will is acting more impulsive because he still is upset about the Chief position and doesn’t want to accept Ethan and the new hierarchy of the ED. Its like him being a part of this clinical trail give him the authority position that he wanted in the ED but didn’t get, not really about him being really interested in the trails. It’s giving me “I don’t respect Ethan” vibes & I would appreciate it if he just said that.
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Ok so I feel like with this episode, Ethan did really leave April alone except for things that were related to work and that’s what I want for him moving forward until she figures out what she wants: keep it professional. But I don’t like how he’s handling April with kid gloves; I get that he still loves her, it’s evident, but he needs to show her that he won’t be a push over for her, that she can’t use their connection to get her way & then give him attitude when he does his job as Chief of ED.
There is such a wedge in Chexton that it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore and the writers said that Noah is going to cause even more problems, at this point, but my ship in the harbor and let us disembark. I love Chexton but this is ridiculous, they have these characters walking around not communicating with each other like children even though I’m sure these characters are pushing 40!
I would like for Ethan to continue his mentor-mentee relationship with Charles; I feel like that will help Ethan determine the type of Chief he wants to be and how he wants to run his ED. He also needs to make it clear that no one will be getting special treatment (April and Noah) and try to establish communication, trust, collaboration, and accountability (Will) in the ED. For Ethan, getting used to this new role is his drama, he doesn’t need the extra mess with his love life at the moment; it would be good to see him grow in a way that sticks from being Chief of ED. Also free Ethan from the shackles of April, please LOL.
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I’m kinda on this ship LOL. IDK what it is about these two but I kinda like it…I think it’s the fact that Marcel can be vulnerable to Natalie and she gives him the space to do so without judgment. Natalie confronting Marcel about his one-night stands and then just leaning herself onto his back, then his face being so content just made me swoon a bit, I can totally understand Natalie’s attraction to him with this new attitude. I know that his ex-wife will be making an appearance that will surely shake things up with them but it can be a moment for Marcel to determine if he wants to pursue a relationship with Nat or continue being a committed bachelor. The direction the writers are taking with Mancel is the only good thing they’re doing IMO; it’s giving me an insight to Marcel’s pathology – he feels like a person who runs when the going gets tough cause he doesn’t want to be vulnerable but his attraction to Nat and the type of person she is will make him want to stay and work through the hard stuff.
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The Writers
I am TIRED of y’all. TIRED. I’m so done with the way the writers make characters regress to build up other characters/relationships. They had Manstead going but then as Chexton took off, Manstead crashed and burned. Chexton was cruising along, now they’re floundering as Mancel is taking off. What is going on? Can no one focus on more than one relationship at a time? And why are the characters going through the same development that they went through in past seasons (Ethan, Will). Like they went through that, their characters were better then all of a sudden, its back to square one and then on top of that, no one is communicating with each other, just getting upset in their feelings. You know y’all don’t have to do that, right? There are ways of challenging characters beyond regressing them and focusing on their love life screw ups. Do y’all need a more diverse writing room? Some new people to bring in fresh ideas? What is it? What do y’all need to keep this show from being too predictable and unnecessarily messy? It’s like they don’t realize that the characters and viewers of the show aren’t teenagers, we’re grown ass adults so petty relationship drama isn’t going to satisfy us. I would give them more free game but they’re gonna have to pay me LOL.
Me to the writers:
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So i guess that’s all until next episode of ChicagoWhatTheFuckAreTheyDoingOverThereMed Z.
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
First fight.
A/N: Never in a million years I would’ve thought this series would get this far, omg! Here’s the next chapter, y’all. What if I tolf you the next chapter was going to be the last? I have it already written and it has a nice ending, but idk if you guys want more🙈
As always, let me know what you think! Thank you for all the support that I keep getting, I know I’m not the best at dealing with replies, tags, messages, etc, but I always try my best. Ily xx 🍓🍓
/ Previous parts / Masterlist
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EZ’s trailer was right next to the clubhouse, so he was always the first one there, fixing things, stocking beers and getting the clubhouse ready for the day. By now, he was able to recognize who was pulling up just by the roar of their motorbike or car, if it was the truck, a stranger’s car, and he also memorized the sound of Galindo’s cars, which was the one currently pulling up in front of the yard. He immediately alerted Bishop and everyone’s ears perked up when they heard Galindo’s name being spoken. Miguel never came directly to their clubhouse, they had agreed to always meet in the desert to make sure no one ever saw them together, so none of them knew what to expect when they saw him climb out of the car, diligently followed by Nestor, as always; and it couldn’t be that he needed their mechanical help, Miguel had people that did everything for him, no doubt he had a mechanic, too, he would never go to them for help.
Bishop approached him and they shook hands, “How can we help you?”, Miguel smiled and looked around, everyone was watching him. “Let’s go inside, Presidente”, Miguel said, taking off his jacket once inside, EZ handing them a couple of glasses with whiskey and Miguel took a sip, only dilating the tension on the room. “One of my shops was destroyed, last night, and as you can imagine, it cost me money. And now I want it back”, he declared, and everyone started at him, confused. “I’m sorry this happened – Bishop started – but my club can’t help you with this”, he shook his head slightly and Miguel laughed, walking slowly to stand right in front where Angel was seated. “Wanna say something?”, Angel didn’t hesitate before standing up and going face to face with the cartel boss. “Depends, what the fuck are you implying?”, he spat, EZ and Coco were right behind him, taking his arms and trying to prevent a catastrophe. Miguel’s eyes were dark, he crossed his arms over his chest, “I hung out with your girl a couple of days ago and yesterday one of my shops burnt down, funny coincidence, don’t you think?”.
Angel was speechless, much like everyone else in the club... and when Miguel looked at EZ, Angel followed his stare. “You knew about this?”, he seethed, and his brother widened his eyes and lifted his hands up. “They just ate lunch in front of the school, Angel”, EZ’s eyes were pleading, he didn’t mention he saw you with Miguel that day, when he called his brother, he had only told him that he met you and that you looked like shit. Angel’s head was full of all different thoughts. What was she doing with him? Why didn’t my brother tell me? If Miguel knows she’s with me, why does he even get near her?
“I didn’t do shit to your fucking shop… but right now I wish I did”, Angel roughly shoved him and everyone rushed forward, incoherent shouts filling the room, and after a couple seconds the Mayans managed to get control of the situation, pulling their Secretario back, Nestor and his men doing the same with their boss. Miguel straightened his shirt and fixed the collar, signaling Nestor that he was alright. Angel was fuming, his hands were fisted and his brothers were sure that if they hadn’t intervened, Miguel would have his nose broken by now. He pointed his finger at Miguel, “La próxima vez que te acercas a mi novia, te voy a cortar la verga”, The next time you’ll get close to my girl, I’ll cut your dick. He didn’t even let the other man answer before he stormed out the clubhouse, lighting a cigarette to calm his nerves. “Prospect”, Bishop called, and EZ stood in front of his president, who motioned him to come even closer, so the others wouldn’t hear, “Make sure he get his shit together”. “Yes, sir”. “And never, never, hide something like this from him, or the club, got it?”, EZ nodded again and went outside, going to stand beside his brother.
“Why didn’t you tell me”, Angel whispered, and he sounded like he had been crying. His brother looked at him with sorry eyes, Angel was good at hiding his emotions, it wasn’t like him to crack. “I told you what was important: she looked horrible, I’m pretty sure it’s about the argument you guys had a few days back”, Angel looked at his brother, wondering how he knew that, had you told him about the fight? His questions were answered when EZ spoke again. “She told me she wasn’t feeling good, and I’m sure that it was just a lunch together with him, nothing more… but you need to sort things out with her, Angel. We can all see how much this is weighting on you”, he put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, and Angel took another drag from the cigarette. “She fucking hates me, hermanito. I saw it in her eyes”. “You either get here yourself or I take you”, EZ deadpanned. Angel sighed, his head hung lowly as he contemplated what to do. He decided that if he had to be let down again, he wanted it to be like ripping a band aid: quick and painless. He’d come over, you’d tell him you were done, he’d come back here and drink himself into oblivion.
He had no idea how he got to your house in one piece, his mind was somewhere else and he didn’t pay attention when driving, but there he stood, on your doorstep; you must’ve been home, it was almost 10pm. He knocked on the door, deciding that he wouldn’t knock twice, if you weren’t there he’d just go home. He heard shuffling on the other side of the door, then footsteps, and his heartbeat picked up excessively. You opened the door and stared at him as if you had never seen another human being, both of you silent, not knowing what to say; you were the one to speak up first. “Angel… something’s wrong?”, you asked softly, opening the door more to fully take him in: hair messy, bags under his eyes, chapped lips, crinkled clothes. Your eyes softened the more you started at him, and when he didn’t answer, you stepped to the side, “Wanna come inside?”, and he tentatively walked in your house. “Can we – he cleared his throat – can we talk?”, he looked at you, and he could tell you weren’t doing much better. “Sure, do you wanna eat something? A drink?”, you asked, as he sat down on a chair and shook his head, “I’m cool, thanks”.
Silence filled the room once again before he looked at you in the eyes, making you feel way too vulnerable. “I haven’t heard from you in days”. “I told you I needed space, Angel”. “Yeah? Galindo doesn’t look like space to me”, he bit back and you clenched your jaw. “He’s not. He’s work. I can’t just brush it off whenever I want”. Angel laughed humourlessly and shook his head. “Well, now he won’t be a problem anymore, querida. I took care of him”, he looked proud. “What did you do?”. “Why do you care? Is that why you haven’t called me back, hm? Because you were busy with him?”. Again, his insecurities got the best of him and he was saying things he didn’t mean. “No, Angel, I just needed some time for myself”. “Doesn’t fucking look like it”, he scoffed, and that really set you off.
“He means nothing to me – your voice had risen, you were almost shouting, and he widened his eyes – I told you it’s just work, and that’s it! That was the only time in these 5 days in which I managed to take my mind off you. I was too busy thinking about what you were doing, if you were hurting like I was, if you had been with someone else…”, you had to pause to take a breath, tears forming in your eyes at the thought of all the girls who hung around the Mayans, then you continued. “I kept thinking about what you told me, and I’d be willing to put up with your fucking club shit, even if I know it’s not the right thing to do, because I love you so goddamn much!. And ever-”.
“You love me?”, Angel whispered, eyes wide in realization, mirroring yours: you hadn’t said those three words, yet. And now, they were for him. 
taglist @scuzmunkie @ifoundmyhappythought @starrynite7114 @angelreyesgirl @my-rosegold-soul @claytoncardenasbabymama @peaches007 @chibsytelford @thickemadame @cind-in-real-life @mrsjaxtellerfan @cocotheclown @elcococruz @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @justahopelessssromantic @gemini0410 @samcrobae @imagineredwood @blessedboo @brattyfics @sadeyesgf @enamoured-x @rebel-without-cause-x @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @general-tiny-mouse​ @danie1432​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @wrcn9fvlcver​ @ly--canthrope​ @soaronmywings​ @spookys-girl​ @thewarriorprincessxo​  @lady-pswrld​ (i feel like i am always forgetting people along the way, whyyy)
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artemis-verse · 4 years
i’m good at goodbyes
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summary: Without even realizing, you and Tendou had both grown apart just like the wilting leaves in autumn.
note: Slight spoiler from the manga since it features time skip! Tendou. Borders signifies time skip but no exact date specified. fem! reader. she/her pronouns. word count: 1,911 words warnings: none genre: angst arthie’s note: i tried to capture that feeling of being in the autumn season so i googled a lot of metaphors related to it but idk if it makes sense (╥_╥) also this fic literally makes my chest hurt from writing it lolol. i got rlly sad writing this.. also idk if i’m quite satisfied with it.. felt like i could do better but my friend liked it and i’m kinda lazy to fix it. anyways i hope all of you enjoy it nevertheless ~ ↳ back to main masterlist ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ “I like you, Tendou-san!” She confessed, staring at the ground instead of looking into the taller boy’s gaze. He smirked, “Oh? How long have you been liking me then?” The playful tone caught her off guard as she looked up at him. Her brows furrowed in confusion, “W— what?” “How long did you like me before deciding to confess to me, hm? Answer it and maybe you’ll get a surprise answer from me too!” He exclaimed, grinning. Biting her lip while nervousness bubbles in the pit of her stomach. Her mind racing back and forth to find the right words to say. He hums, “Don’t make me wait for too long or else I’ll get bored and leave you alone.”
With hesitation, she utters out. “I— I like you for 4 months now, Tendou-san.” The wind blows, making the leaves from the trees stumbling to the ground, whiff of autumn fronds easing her anxiousness as she anticipates the answer. He giggles, grabbing a hold of her hands. “Then let’s date!” She lets out a startled gasp, “I’m s— sorry, what?!” He sways her hands back and forth, “Do you not hear me? I said let’s date.” Blinking up at him as bewilderment settles on her face. “Tendou-san... do you like me?” Crimson eyes bore into hers, “You silly girl. Of course, I like you! If not i wouldn’t have asked you out to date, aren’t I?” Chuckling at her frivolous question. She beams at him, “Okay! I’ll date you!” The grip on her hands tightens as he flashes back a smile of his own. The chilly breeze wafting through them as the trees shakes, maple colored leaves falling, warmth pooling in their stomachs. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Exhaling, Tendou leans back on the chair after exhaustion wears him down from kneading the dough and letting it rest aside, sweat dripping down his face as he rubs it away with a towel. The front door clicks open as she entered the house, “I’m home!” Announcing as the shoes slips off of her. “Y/n! You’re finally home!” He rushes to greet her and welcome her in his embrace however upon seeing her tiresome expression, he frowns. “What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly, checking her temperature. A small smile etched on her lips, “Nothing, it’s just work.” She reaches out and envelopes him in a hug.  Rubbing her back as an attempt to soothe her worries, “Don’t think about that at home. I’ll cheer you up! I’m making sourdough right now!”  She chuckles at his chirpy mood, “Okay. I’ll look forward to tasting it.” They fall into their normal routine, him making a mess in the kitchen while she goes to clean herself and unwind from the stress at work. “So how does it taste?” His eyes glinting with anticipation. She hums, relishing the soft bread in her mouth. “It’s so good! Babe, you’ve done such a great job!” She praises as she takes another nibble of the bread. He grins happily, “I’m glad you like it! It makes my heart warm seeing you happy!” ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Days turns into weeks turns into months of their routines. However the blazing spark of devotion is no longer apparent in both of their glares nor their hearts. Growing distance as they both get consumed by ambition and the drive to strive for a better future. I love yous evaporated into short glances that turned into radio silence when one of them returns home or when they both fall asleep in their shared bed. No more lingering caresses leaving one’s fingers nor tenderness words that makes their heart beats rapidly with affection. With Tendou insisting that he should stay over at Ushijima’s place because it’s nearby the bakery that he works at. The house is left all alone to her possession except for the occasional visit from Shirabu and Semi or her mother. It went by quickly and they both haven’t realized that they managed to not say a word to one another— not even through text messages or phone calls. It was as if they weren’t in a committed relationship to even begin with. Too much work tasks to focus on and not enough time to think about their significant other. However one day, she forgot her house keys and is currently stuck outside, mentally slapping herself for not checking properly before leaving for work. Oh, Satori is at home! She thought suddenly but the thought diminished as she realizes he hasn’t come home nor talk to her for months. Sighing, she sent a text asking if he has the spare key and much to her luck, he still has it. Now, they’re both standing in the park as autumn leaves breezes through the wind. The grip on her bag tightened as she stared at the man whom she no longer feels familiar with. “Hey Y/n... long time no see, huh?” A loop-sided smile plastered on his face as his scarlet gaze holds little to no emotion. “Hi.. Satori.” She mutters out, seeming to become aware of the distance they’ve both put up. Her stomach wasn’t filled with butterflies of excitement from seeing him or being in his presence. Her heart isn’t pounding at a fast pace nor does she get giggly around him anymore. It dissipated into an oblivion. With just a mere glance at him, she could tell those eyes held no infatuation towards her either. “I got the spare key here.” His palm revealed the item he mentioned with the keychain of chocolate ice cream attached to it. Inhaling, she takes the key out of his grasp. “Thank you.” Observing the key, it seems untouched and rustic due to neglect however it might work just fine. Silence washes over them as they both stood in front of each other, their words diminished from their tongues; forgetting what it’s like to communicate with each other. He speaks up, “So... I guess this is it?” She searches his eyes for a sign or something but found nothing. It’s all empty. The warm gaze she cherished is long gone. It’s too late to fix the burgeoning space between them no matter how hard she tries. The mutual feeling ceased to exist. Although that doesn’t mean it hurts less, “Yeah, I guess this is it.” He nodded solemnly, “Goodbye Y/n.” A sharp intake of breath and she lets out a quiet mutter, “Goodbye Satori.” His eyes lingers on her one last time before turning around and walking to his destination. Tears ran down her cheeks as she finally grasped upon the idea of not being able to see him again. This is really over. They’re both too busy chasing their dreams that they didn’t realize that their relationship was instantaneously falling apart. Leaves tumbling from the fallen trees as the skies grew darker and the gust of air becomes colder; just like the love they once had. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ “Attention all passengers, flight PS16 is about to board in 10 minutes. Please check in at gate D64 before boarding the flight.” He smiles at his stoic best friend, sadness gleamed in his harsh stare. “Don’t be sad, Wakatoshi-kun. We’ll see each other again when you have a match in Paris!” He pats Ushijima’s back, reassuring him. “Why didn’t you tell Y/n?” He asked promptly, surprising the red-headed man. He raises his brows, “Ah... I don’t want to upset her any further. Even though we are no longer together, I’ll always have a spot for her.” He admitted, recalling the memories of their last encounter. “Attention passengers, flight PS16 is now boarding. I repeat, flight PS16 is now boarding. Please check in at gate D64 before boarding the flight.” Tendou gave one last smile at his best friend, “I have to go now, Wakatoshi-kun. I’ll see you later. Send my farewell to Y/n.” He waves as he walks away from Ushijima. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ The birds chirps in the early morning, she came to a halt, panting heavily from the jog. “I really suck at exercising...” She mumbles to herself, sitting on the bench nearby. Wiping her sweat away with a handkerchief, she saw a tall figure approaching her. Feeling apprehensive, she prepares herself to defend from the stranger. “Y/n.” She stares up in shock at the person standing in front of her. “U— Ushijima-san?” She croaks out, blinking rapidly. Shaking her head, “What are you doing here?” “I was on a jog but I saw you here which is why I came up to you.” She restrained herself from giggling at his nonchalant statement. Before she could make any small talk, he interrupts her. “Tendou sends his farewell to you.” “Huh?” She furrowed her brows in confusion, “What do you mean?” “He has moved to Paris and decided to pursue a career as a chocolatier.” “Oh.” Averting her gaze to her fiddling fingers, so he left for good... she wondered idly. Fluttering her eyes closed, she utters. “Thank you for telling me, Ushijima-san.” When she opens her eyes, he remained in the same position as previously, watching her intently. “Don’t be sad. Tendou said you’ll always have a spot in his life.” He states monotonously. She gave a small smile to him, “Thanks but I think our relationship had ended way before we both realize it, unfortunately.” The skies getting brighter, crows latching off the crumbs of food on the ground as people rush to their destination. “I don’t particularly understand what you two meant when you both said that but I will be leaving now. Have a nice day, Y/n.” He continues jogging off before she could bid him goodbye. Traces of his touch lingers on her skin like a ghost possessing a mortal’s mind. The orange leaves falls in a swift motion, flying among the whiff of air. She wanted to cry but all of her tears have ran dry from the persistent thoughts of him. The love was no longer reciprocated by both parties and all that’s left is the wilted warmth of what used to spark their hearts. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Somewhere in Paris, he observes the scenery before him. A void in his chest— it was as if he left his heart somewhere in Japan and never got it back. Recollection of her heartbroken sobs ingrained in his mind, replaying over and over continuously without stopping. Tears built up in his eyes as he furiously blinks them away from threatening to spill. Never would’ve imagined that the dreadful day of departing from her would become so unbearable with pain. Pain of losing someone whom are fully aware that they could never return the flame of infatuation back to you and realizing that you are also unable to repay what’s last bit of adoration you’ve once had for that person. It’s too far gone— wavering into the wind, carrying all of the sorrows from the past into an oblivion. The maple leaves sheds to the soil with graceful sweep, fleeing from their home. With a shuddered sigh, he lets the tears stream down his face, ignoring the curious pedestrians stares. Just like the petal slipping from the tree’s grasp, he would have to eventually accept that they both have to move on to grow as an individual— even if that means leaving their yearning for each other. Smiling to himself, he thought carelessly. Autumn does not bring me comfort nor warmth anymore. It no longer feels like home— safe and tender when all it feels like now is melancholy and devoid.
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aloera · 3 years
The ask prompt is too long to fit into an ask TT_TT but here's the doc for it docs(.)google(.)com/document/d/1yDI7iFRhOJ8ENv_IwZAo3rDSUqj80EiJROS10RzRbj4/edit
the lengths u are going for this,,, much appreciated you're very sweet!!!
prompts + answers under the cut!!
Name: aloera
AO3 account: aloera
Fandoms you write for: bnha
How many stories have you written so far: 19
What's your favorite fandom to write for? hmm,,, used to do pjo and eah (ever after high) and eah was fun as fuck i will say!!! i think bnha is my fav mostly bc i made the most friends in this fandom :D
What's your favorite character/person to write for? bkg and kirishima!! cannot choose do not make me <3
Fic you'd want to improve? probably what we deserve? i rushed the beginning and the confession is a bit stilted imo
Hardest fic you've written? between lion and men -_- bc there is so much canon compliant stuff i've gotta write out before i get to the divergence and its HARD
Easiest fic you've written? come home to me!!! it happened so easily,,, no second guessing no writers block just vibes <33 was lovely i miss it
What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written? also probably come home to me? its got the most interaction
first line of the first fic you've ever written and published. [not including my 2014 ffnet fics] "The bell rings, class starts, and Katsuki and Midoriya are inexplicably absent." from come home to me
Have you ever done a collab with another writer? yes!!!!! on two separate occasions and its so fucking fun i highly recommend trying it out its the best
Do you beta? if asked but honestly im a shit beta lmao
Do you like joining fic fests/exchanges? depends on what i have going on irl but in general yeah!!
Fluff or angst? definitely fluff
"OCs" or "Reader" inserts? reader inserts!! have been going ham on them recently
Blurbs or drabbles? blurbs!!
One thing you love about fanfiction i just. i really love slice of life romance?? and most media doesn't give you that bc its dedicated to plot and action and that's valid!! but fanfiction fills in the gap which is really nice
One thing you don't like about fanfiction most of the stuff i don't like is less about actual fanfiction and more about how people behave about it
What is/are your favorite fandom author/authors? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
bnha: hiuythn, rae_tnub, Moniix, Ata_Lanta, wrunic, chezka, PurplePersnickety, surveycorpsejean, mahadevi, arxaris, deviance, Oceanbreeze7, MikeWritesThings, bonnia, wonhaebunny, dinosuns
voltron: hiuythn, Oceanbreeze7, DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee, arahir, dinosuns,
and honorable mention to loveclouds im not even in the haikyuu fandom i just love their fics So Much
these are just the ones off the top of my head i have so many favourites idc if i'm only supposed 2 have one!! die mad about it!!!
What is your favorite trope? secret relationship + relationship reveal til the day i die babie <3 <3
Least favorite trope? hm,,, probably just like. angst lmao i cannot stand 90% of it
A fanfiction cliché that you can't help but love? coffeeshop aus,,,, so good
Do you have a type when it comes to pairings? the otp where its like. piece of shit + himbo = love. ex. krbk, catradora, jade/beck
Favorite setting/au? hm,,, truly i cannot pick one KGKSJNHKj but i really like college aus!! and modern aus!! and roommate aus!!
Explain the meaning of your favorite line of dialogue you've written as if someone hasn't read it in context. “He doesn’t know,” Katsuki says, softly. “My timer stopped and nothing happened. He’s not mine.”
the line is from what we deserve!! it's a soulmate au where your timer counts down to the moment that you meet your soulmate!! bakugou's timer ends at USJ when he and kirishima attack kurogiri at the same time (impulsive kings <33) but kirishima's timer doesn't end until kamino because that's when he accepts himself as bakugous soulmate!! unfortunately, when bakugous timer has reached 0, he turned to see that kirishima's was still ticking and therefore believes that kirishima isn't his soulmate.
this line just,, idk. it's really sad. bakugou is such an action-driven character? if something doesn't go his way he Makes it go his way. he's got this insanely volatile quirk and he's got impeccable control of it!! but his love for kirishima isn't something that he can change and he's not going to ruin kirishima's chance of finding his own soulmate because he loves him and wants him to be happy. i really wanted to focus on how resigned he is? and how unusual that is for a character like him.
Favorite trope/genre to write? again, secret relationship with relationship reveals <33 fluff in general is my wheelhouse!!!
A trope/genre you haven't written but think would be a fun challenge? idk if this counts?? have been working on some dead dove concepts!! its super different from what i normally write so its a cool challenge
The one trope/concept you'll never touch and why probably cheating/infidelity?? it just looks,,, super difficult to write well and i don't have enough of an interest in it to try it out
Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics? shorter!! low attention span gang <3
Ideal length to read? 5-10k?
Ideal length to write? 4-8k!!
How long was the longest fic you've ever written? control fraek is around 28k i think?
Have you ever written an AU? yeah!! i've done restaurant au's, soulmate au's, pro hero aus, and fantasy aus (general, not the bnha fantasy ending)
What's your favorite AU trope? hm,, probably when two people in authority are in a secret relationship? ceo's/uni professors/etc etc
Have you ever written smut? yeah!! was. difficult tho
What's your comfort genre? (the one you fall on most in writing/reading) fluff,,, hurt/comfort,,, fix-it fics with happy endings <3
If you were to start writing in other fandoms, which would they be? maybe jjk?? the characters are really cool!!!! fr i might go back to my ever after high roots i love the characters and setting so Much its so fun!!! idec if no ones into it anymore!!!!!
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? i've had people say they saw the mention of buff hagakure and recognized it was me so. probably that skdjhnksjd
How would you describe your style? i tend to use shorter sentences and pretty simple words i think? and i gravitate towards lighthearted concepts that allow for ensemble casts and humour!!
Describe your style in three words romcom but fanfic
Favorite words to use when writing? the word reverent!! fuckin love including it!!
Dialogue tags or no dialogue tags? (she said, he said, they said, etc) dialogue tags!!!
Favorite dialogue tag (other than said, if you use them) again idk if this counts but "they said softly" is unmatched
Long sentences vs short vs a mix short <33
What colors would you use to describe your writing? hm,,, depends on the fic i would say?? control fraek is dark green to me?? kinda like a forest at night yk?? scary but there's still life there. sugar cookies is yellow like early morning sunlight, when it rains is yellowy-orange like a caution sign. not gonna list all of them cause theres a lot its just. do u get it? the colours change based on the vibe of the fic.
What song or music genre would you use to describe your writing? think. i am constantly trying to emulate that moment at the end of wasteland baby when hozier goes "im in love/im in love with you."
What kind of metaphors do you rely on? religious metaphors my beloved <33 they're just so pretty!!! i also love comparing stuff to water for some reason?? like that ocean vuong quote thats like "what are you now?/water." it goes hard!!!
What's something you'd say is experimental in your writing at this time? definitely action!! i have,,, no idea how to write it so anything i do is really just me playing around and seeing what works and what doesn't
Do you prefer to write by hand or to type? i've tried both!! personally i prefer typing because it goes way faster but i will say that writing by hand lets me get words down when i'm going through writer's block
What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)? laptop!!
What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)? google docs skjdnkjh its fine on desktop but mobile is,,,,, disgusting
Do you keep a notebook or file/notes page in your phone/device for notes on your writing? ngl i just have everything organized in my drive?? one folder per fandom and then sub folders for ideas+hcs, unfinished wips, and finished fics. multichaps get sub sub folders so i can organize outlines and drafts
Do you listen to music to help you write? yeah!! playlists organized by fic vibe :D
Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)? mostly in my bedroom??? but moving around to different stops helps too i think!!
How long does it usually take for you to write? again this depends on what i have going on irl, how attached i am to the idea, my mindset at the time, etc!! i am,, the least consistent person skjnhdkjh.
What's your favorite font to use when writing? times new roman my beloved
Other writing habits? sometimes i'll write in the dark?? bad for my eyes but for some reason it gets the words flowing
How do you conceptualize your ideas? (See specific moments like they're a movie, writing specific lines in your head, don't know until you put the words on paper, etc.) i tend to get inspiration from movies, books, poems, or other fics!!! sometimes one line just makes me go oh,, i want to write something like that,,, and then it helps me create an idea that makes me feel the same way?? i did this with control fraek!!!! i wanted a scenario where bakugou was cold and calculating and i was like hm. to do that he’d have to be focusing on something important. and from there i was able to flesh out the rest of the idea.
Which comes first: the pairing or the plot? with krbk its always always the pairing,, i'll be sitting there like wow <33 i love them <33 what if one of them had amnesia <33 (which, yes, wip!!) otherwise it's usually the plot!! and i slot in characters that i feel make sense
Have you ever used a prompt? yeah!! used a prompt for wlw week 2020 and it was fun as hell
Do you write around the story around a specific scene you want to get to or do you start from a plot idea definitely the first!!!! i almost always write like,,, a super messy scene thats 90% dialogue, keep it in my head, and then write the entire fic around that one moment
Do you find that you include a projection of some part of yourself in the way you write a character? a lot of the time when i write love confessions or love in general i'll have one of the characters think or say that the other person makes their head quiet? and it's because that's what i feel whenever i'm in love?? a quiet mind. i project on characters yeah but i think most of the projection actually goes to the way that i write love
Do you research some of the things you write deeply, partially and kind of wing the rest, or play entirely by ear (in this case, go with whatever base knowledge of the subject you have)? most of the time if i do research it'll be about the setting (ex. the izakaya in to have and to hold) or if i'm having the characters interact with an object that they like. need to know how to use (me, in control fraek: google. hey google. does someone die if they get shot in the foot??? no???? awesome thank u <3)
Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it? lmaoo yeah all the time i'll find like 500-2k words of concepts in my gdocs like i do. not remember this at all
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? probably krbk secret relationship lmao
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out better than expected? yeah!! i fully thought the action in control fraek would be awful but it turned out not bad??? which im happy with
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out worse than you expected? again, what we deserve, i personally think it would have worked out better if i'd paced it slower and drawn out the pining but i. do not feel like going back to fix it so its staying the way that it is. pining is so fucking hard to do AHHHH i get so tired with it!!! im like just date already!!!!
How do you come up with titles? in rare occasions (literally. all my multichaps for some reason) the title comes after writing like .5 words of the first chapter im like YES this is it!!!!! sometimes i write the whole thing and pick out one line that fits (what i did with come home to me) a lot of the time i just. steal from songs or poems that i like
What's your favorite emotion to cause on your readers? i like making people happy!!!! love when people comment saying they're cheered up
What's your favorite emotion to write? lovelovelovelovelovelove
Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you've written? never cried?? but sometimes i'll rereading my hurt/comfort fics 4. yk. comfort
Do you write in order or whatever comes to you? in order!! unless i have a scene that i Need to write and i'll quickly jot it down so that i don't forget
Usual way you procrastinate while writing? ...doing asks like this, making playlists, discord, watching netflix. what don't i do smh
Do you outline or free write? i am. so shit at outlines. i mostly free write and write lil notes for stuff that i wanna add later
Do you set word goals or scene goals (scenes you want to include)? yes!! like i said i'll write loose notes for scenes that i want to add later!! it gives me something to write towards :D
What do you consider when writing your scenes? what goes into making the atmosphere and mood you want? to set a scene i do two things? the first is like,, the five senses bc that always sets the scene really well and makes it feel Real. i'll visualize stuff in my head like its a movie and write out what i would want to tell the set designer?? if the lights are low, if the space is busy, if it's supposed to exude comfort or not.
for putting forward the character's mood one thing i've found that makes a difference is sentence length!! long sentences are good for making a character seem flustered and nervous or not really in control of their emotions? good for love confessions. short sentences are good for when the character is focused on something or short on time. good for fights!!
What's something you never considered to include in your writing that you can't leave out now? def buff hagakure,,,, once i thought of it i was like. if i don't include this at least once in every single fic how could i look at myself in the mirror!!!!!! how could i face anyone!!!!
How do you start a story? establishing a fact about the character or describing the setting! option a is one single thread of gold, option b is between lion and men
How do you end a story? either by tying it back to the beginning or doing like a funny kind of closing??? option a is sugar cookies, option b is a godless society
How do you get out of writer's block? change something!! move something!! i go from typing to handwriting, moving from my bedroom to my living room, switching wips to work on something else!! i do sprints as well?? give myself like fifteen minutes to write something and sometimes 200 words opens up the way for another 2k. sometimes i'll just delete like 500 words and start fresh
Do you edit? or do you toss your writing out there? i edit!!! i'll go over it myself then send it to one or two betas (bee my beloved <33)
How do you edit? do you use spellcheck, grammar checkers, etc? bee is my grammar checker bc he is So Good with grammar. i use grammarly as well for spellcheck stuff mostly?? sometimes my edit process is just like "am i tired of looking at this!! yes <3" and then i post it
Do you usually like what you write? yeah!!! i post stuff that makes me happy and that i'm fine with rereading!!! i write stuff for self-indulgence reasons first and foremost and i think my writing reflects that sjhnksj
Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted anyways? nope!! even what we deserve i LIKED even if i see a lot of room 4 improvement!! if i don't like smth it's not getting posted
Do you find yourself rereading your writing often? yeah!! the reason i wrote so much krbk secret relationship is because i loved it but i'd read all that there was so i just,, wrote more,, ngl its kinda nice being in a place where i actually like my writing bc i can write stuff that i want to see and really enjoy it!!
Can you tell us anything about your current WIP? sure!! i'm currently working on when it rains which is a fic where bakugou gets hit by a crying quirk!! i'm gonna be using it to explore So Much of all might's character and his relationships with bakugou and aizawa (and i think some people from his past!!)
Can you give us a sneak peek on your current WIP? “You did something. What the hell did you do?” Kirishima sounds pissed off. It would amuse Katsuki if he wasn’t fighting just to stay standing.
“Nothing he didn’t ask for,” Shinsou replies.
“K’ri… shima,” Katsuki croaks out. “‘S fine. Not him.”
His chest collapses back into the familiar dry heaving after that but Kirishima shuts up. He doesn’t apologize to Shinsou.
Kirishima’s a good friend, stubborn and loyal. He stands by Katsuki’s side like an attack dog, blocking him from the view of anyone ogling at his tears.
The last line you've written Ochako knows more than she'd realized. She knows enough to keep her guard up.
It’s not enough.
Open a wip. what’s the first line?
Katsuki wakes up feeling like absolute fucking shit.
What's your favorite thing about writing? touched on this before but it's mainly just being able to write the things that i want to see and actually enjoy them!!! actually reread them!!!! i thought "wouldn't it be cool if bkg and kirishima owned a restaurant together" and then i wrote it and i like it enough to reread it!!!! being able to create content for myself makes me. so happy
How do you keep yourself inspired? this is gonna sound narcissistic maybe but honestly i'm just really excited about my ideas and where i'm gonna take them and the idea of "i'm gonna get to That scene" keeps me going through the entire thing. also my friends!!!! i'll talk to them about fics and their reactions keep me hyped up enough to finish!!!!
What is your favorite thing to write? just,, slice of life romance,,, stuff thats silly and makes people laugh!!
What do you think your strengths are in writing? i'm good with dialogue!! i do lil voice acting sessions with myself to make sure everything sounds natural and like it's coming from that character skhjnskj
i'm comfortable with my portrayal of love as well??? i spend a lot of time thinking about what it is exactly that i'm trying to get across and i think it turns out well!!
What are things you wish you could practice more? on one hand i wanna get better at writing angst on the other hand i dislike writing angst. do you see my issue
One way you've improved your writing since you began? characterization!! i think i've gotten better at writing characters that are all Different and bring different things to the table!!! i used to project a lot more and it would compromise the characterization because the character was like 70% me and 30% them? not to say that projection is bad but if you do it too much it just,, doesn't read like the character and from a reader's standpoint the narrative can become less compelling
One aspect of writing you're still working on? writing action!!! i. literally hate writing it but i write for a fandom about superheroes so. Unfortunately i gotta learn.
A piece of writing advice you've learned while writing saw this on another tumblr post but they said sometimes if you're struggling with a scene, the problem is five lines back. i've found that to be true!!!! sometimes u gotta delete a chunk and start a little ways back!! i did this with too busy being yours because i was stuck for Weeks and i deleted like 25% of what i had but it helped me actually finish it :D
A bit of writing advice you can't stand when people shit on show don't tell for being overrated lmao bc when u read their writing you can Tell
Something you wish you knew when you first started writing? ,,,,honestly i kind of wish i could know some of the stuff that i used to when i first started writing?? technically i'm better now but creatively i was must better when i wasn't stressing about whether anyone would like what i was writing. so i guess i wish i knew that i should keep that confidence? i kinda wish that i wasn't as insecure about other people's writing styles because i never used to be!!
Something you've learned in life that you apply in writing there's no point in feeling inferior?? writing one genre isn't better than the other. being in one fandom isn't better than being in another. the kind of language you use or the length of your paragraphs- none of that stuff like. matters. what matters is that you're having fun and happy with what you're creating!!!! enjoy other peoples writing but don't let it make you feel worse about yours :D
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soft-boy-writes · 4 years
Can I get an NSFW for Katsuki? Maybe some daddy kink, she be sending him nudes while he's studying, or maybe like... a first time type thing?!?? That can be like a fluff/smut if you choose to do the first time. Umm pronouns: she/her. And for a prompt maybe, "I will protect you with my life"
A/N: OK so I have a lot of explaining to do here lmao. To start off, this is really long. Like longer than the first scenario I posted. I’m proud of it though but this is definitely not going to be a regular thing. I mainly just got carried away and well, now we’re here! Secondly, I want to say that what I wrote didn’t exactly line up with what you requested but at the same time it did? IDK I think you’ll get it when you read lol but lastly, I really just want to say THANK YOU to EVERYONE. For real. Over the past TWO DAYS, the amount of followers I have has increased by THREE TIMES the original amount! Thank you guys so much. I really am appreciative.
I’ll Always Protect You
Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
Word Count: 1,440
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Daddy Kink, Angst
“Babe!- Shit!”, Katsuki yelled out but winced in pain. His leg was injured. He stared down at the bloody wound and bit his lip. “F-fuck..”, he groaned. This wasn’t supposed to happen! He slammed his fist against the gravel and glared angrily out at a sea of rubble. How did this all happen again?..
Not too long before all of this, Katsuki had been patrolling around the city. Being a hero meant that even during peaceful times, someone would have to be on the watch for villains. He grumbled to himself but stopped in his tracks for a moment when he heard a commotion.
Screams and yells could be heard from a few blocks away. People ran towards him but he rushed forward. A villain was on the loose, and from the looks of it, a really dangerous one.
Katsuki hurried towards the source and when he arrived he was surprised to see just how scary the situation was.
Rubble was scattered everywhere and flames engulfed the area. Luckily rescue heroes had been sent in to find survivors but the threat still remained. He quickly scanned the area. Wait… This was… It couldn’t be! He yelled out your name. You, his beloved girlfriend, had lived in the area! He continued to yell out your name in worry but refused to abandon you.
“Katsuki!”, you yelled out and he turned to the sound of your voice immediately. He sighed in relief and hurried over to you, almost smiling at the relieved expression on your face. As he moved closer and closer he noticed your smile turned into a look of absolute horror. Another explosion set off and a steel beam began to fall towards you two.
“Watch out!”, you yelled and pushed him out of the way. Then, everything went black.
That was all he remembered… but when he looked around, he couldn’t see you anywhere. He yelled out your name once more and was thankful to see you lying only a few feet away from him. He crawled over as fast as he could. “B-baby, stay with me, okay?”, he almost pleaded. You were bleeding from your head! Fuck! He was beginning to lose his cool. He needed to calm down… What would Shitty Hair do in this situation?.. What would Deku do in this situation? Before he could finish anymore thoughts, he himself fell unconscious.
It had been three agonizing months since then. You ended up fine, healthy even. It seemed Katsuki had overreacted when he saw you that day. The injury to your head was only a scratch and his leg in a worse state at the time. He was healing up just fine and was actually being discharged from the hospital today. Katsuki walked out of the hospital doors, now determined to show more of his appreciation for you after what had happened.
When he arrived at his place, you had been waiting for him. Your apartment complex had been destroyed in all of the chaos so he insisted you stay with him for the time being. You gently took his belongings from his hands and smiled. He scoffed. “I could have brought it in myself.”, he spat. You laughed a little. “Oh come on ‘Tsuki, you just got out of the hospital! You know the doctors told you to take it easy.” you argued softly. He groaned. “Ugh, not you too babe.”
You smiled. “Let’s get you into a nice bath, hm?”, you suggested. His frown curled into a small smirk. “That sounds more like it.”, he said suggestively. You gently slapped his torso. “Hey now, what did I say?”, you scolded and he chuckled dirtily. Seriously, he was too much sometimes…
It was only a half hour later that you had been convinced to join him in the tub. His fingers traced your sides as you attempted to wash his hair. “K-Katsuki...Not now…”, you spoke quietly, though it was clear you wanted him too. A soft sigh escaped your lips. He grumbled against the skin of your neck and whispered. “If not now, then when, damn it?”, he asked, bringing his fingers down to your core and gently rubbing the outside of your folds.
You held back a moan and bit your lip. “I-I don’t wanna hurt you..”, you whimpered into his ear. He pulled away and moved his fingers. “If that’s the case then why did you try to fucking save me?”, he muttered. Your expression softened. “‘Tsuki baby?”, you asked a little worried.
He turned his head away, embarrassed you had to see him like this. “You should’ve just let me take the hit for you!”, he said but his voice croaked a little. He could’ve taken the hit. He could have saved you… but why?.. You didn’t even have a quirk… You held the side of his face and turned his head to look in your direction.
“Baby, look at me.”, you said softly and his eyes met yours. “I’m never going to regret pushing you out of the way that day.”, you said seriously. His eyes widened a bit. “Just like you wouldn’t regret saving me.”, you continued. “I’ll always protect you.”, you spoke softly, pressing your forehead to his. “Your safety means the world to me…”
He bit his lip almost drawing blood. Fuck, he was going to cry. You rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs and kissed his forehead, soothing him. It was rare for you to have moments like this. Moments where he needed the attention and reassurance. You looked into his eyes once more and he didn’t hold back.
 His lips captured yours in a needy kiss. Your teeth clashing against his, quickly turning it into a steamy one. He groaned as his hands slid over your soft body and gripped your ass tightly. He spoke against your lips. “You know how much I fucking missed this?”, he asked and gave it a quick slap. You moaned a bit.
He lifted up your body and carefully carried you over to his room. He kicked the door close after entering and laid you against his bed. As he looked down at you and into your eyes, you could see a tenderness in them that wasn’t normally there. You smiled, tears beginning to well up in your eyes. “I-I’m so glad you’re okay…”, you said softly and pulled him closer. He didn’t say anything, but you could see he felt the same exact way. The moment was cut short by a breathy groan from Katsuki after you took his length into your hand and jerked it for a second. “Now fuck me, Katsuki…”, You whispered into his ear. He growled and didn’t waste any time.
Rubbing his tip against your soaked entrance, pushed into you and growled at the sensation. “Fuck. You’re always so tight.”, he hissed into your ear. You moaned loudly. It had been too long. Way too long since you had intimacy like this with him. He moved his hips and began to thrust in and out of you. “Katsuki- Shit!”, you whined. He was still so big. It was amazing. 
His fingers moved to your sensitive nipples and he chuckled when he heard you gasp. “Still so sensitive, eh?”, he asked. You giggled. “Y-Yea-ah!”, you tried to speak. “O-Only for you, Daddy…”, you finally finished, now at your breaking point. He moaned lowly. “Holy shit Princess…”, he said slightly surprised. You tightened around him and he sucked in his breath. “Fuck!”
He grabbed onto your waist impatiently and began to move at an even rougher and faster pace. It was good. So good. Your head was light, the sensation overwhelming. You moaned out loudly when he hit your g-spot. “Fuck! Daddy there!”, you whined again. He only nodded and began to ram into it even more. He panted. “You want Daddy to fill you up with his fucking cum?”, he asked between thrusts. You cried, “Yes! Y-yes Daddy!” His pace quickened even more.
“Daddy- Fuck- Katsuki! I’m going to-!”, you tried to warn but it was too late. You squeezed around his cock tightly and came, juices squirting onto his abdomen. “Fuck!��, he spat out and with a final thrust, he spilled into you. You moaned at the feeling and his hips came to a stop. 
He laid against your chest and gave him a dazed smile. “That was…”, you started. “Fucking amazing.”, he ended breathlessly. You brought your fingers to his hair and raked them through it gently, whatever product keeping it spiked washed away by his sweat. “I love you Katsuki.”, you said softly. He mumbled against you tiredly, “Love you too…”
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