#and so does Logan btw
deansmultitudes · 1 year
Hey so could revivals fucking not??
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flyingcakeee · 3 months
Elias sharing a video of him walking behind Logan means yet another video of Logass and none of yall are talking about it
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mylimoji · 8 days
very funny how kinzo is constantly being portrayed as a young suicidal dude when he met bice but he was at best in his late thirties. i'm a forty year minor kinda beat
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smallhatlogan · 8 months
I think people who think Gen V is better than The Boys genuinely just like the more young adult-ish (not saying it's YA saying that it has a lot of the markers of something aimed at young adult audience except with the addition of graphic sex and gore) genre better and that's making them think it's the better show
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jessiesjaded · 7 months
Honestly, when I think about it I've almost never had a crush on a fictional character, it's always two characters whose dynamic I'm obsessed with and people would assume I had a crush or whatever and half the time Id go along with the idea when I was with friends or whoever because that's what they would be feeling but I myself never like. Put myself into the scenario, it's distinctly just a love of a character dynamic.
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alblondo23 · 1 year
Logan mentioned his favourite dessert once, one year later Oscar still remembers😭😭
Anon you don't understand how much I love this fact. I totally forgot about it until now! Just more evidence for my characterization of Oscar as he's out here like the rest of us a bit too obsessed with Logan. (Also in that video, Oscar also knows for a fact that waffles with ice cream are one of Logan's top desserts. Which I think is very interesting and also more evidence)
Oh, also I got inspired by this and wrote a little drabble about the two of these idiots!
It doesn’t mean anything.
That’s all Logan allows himself to believe. Oscar’s a good person, he probably remembers little things like this for everyone. Logan isn’t special. Oscar’s just a good friend.
“I can’t believe this is still your favorite dessert.” Oscar drops down next to Logan drawing him from his thoughts. “Still too expensive for me, but whatever.”
Logan stops mid-bite to stare at Oscar. He’d mentioned loving this dessert once to Oscar. Sure, he’d had the dessert a fair few times in front of the other over the years, but Oscar hated spending money at the type of restaurants Logan went to. Logan had practically had to drag him kicking and screaming to the restaurant when they were younger. The only reason Oscar even agreed to it was because Logan had said it was for his birthday.
“What?” Oscar was staring right back at him. He looked confused as if wondering why Logan had stopped eating. “Is something wrong? The hostess said the cake would keep in the to-go box.”
“You,” Logan swallows. The rich chocolate taste overwhelming now rather than decadent. “You went to Zuma?” For me?
Oscar groans and leans back, satisfied that Logan hadn’t found fault with the dessert.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m going to have nightmares for weeks about those prices.” Oscar shudders next to him before dropping his horrified expression for a grin. “So, still better than waffles?”
Logan clutches at his spoon trying not to fidget. Oscar was just too nice sometimes. Logan can’t handle it. Breaking eye contact with Oscar, Logan can’t help but stare down at the cake. The vanilla ice cream drips down the sides of the cake, melted by the heat of the cake. Logan dips the spoon into the cake before presenting it to Oscar with a grin.
"You tell me."
Oscar rolls his eyes at Logan’s action but accepts the bite. Logan can’t tear his eyes away from Oscar as he eats. There’s a smudge of chocolate left on his lip that Oscar misses when he licks his lips. Logan misses the next thing Oscar says in response, but he grins and laughs when Oscar quirks his lips, he’d probably said a joke or something.
Logan turns back to the cake letting Oscar take control of the conversation. The other launches into a story about something one of his sisters did. Logan nods along and eats another bite of the cake. Somehow it tastes sweeter than before.
“Definitely still P1.”
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goldlightsaber · 10 months
kendall and shiv were having the 4.07 balcony fight their whole lives actually......
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
This may be considered a very unpopular opinion but...I've tried to imagine like how exactly Logan loves Rory, like what his personal feelings for her are. And I don't mean it in the sense of how he's expressed his love or admiration for her, I mean like how he personally has felt for Rory in ways that isn't just explained through words to her. And I have to be honest: I come up short every time I've thought about it now.
I don't deny that Logan begged Rory to take him back, to the point where he went to Lorelai to plead with her to ask Rory to reconsider for him. And yes, he bought and did several things which were nice, thoughtful and considerate towards Rory in those moments. But I honestly don't think that Logan ever had a scene within the original series or even the revival where we actually get to hear about how he feels towards Rory or even see it, without Rory herself being in the room or talking to him. You know how we got numerous scenes where Jess is back in Stars Hollow in season 4, and both Luke and Lorelai repeatedly mention Rory to him? Or how Jess confesses that he told Rory he loved her to Luke? Or how we even get to see Jess's own reactions to seeing her around town? We get none of that with Logan. And this is actually something that we even got with Dean to a lesser extent, like when Jess comes in season 2 and you have several moments where Dean expresses his doubts to Lorelai. By comparison, the most we see of Logan talking to someone about Rory is to Lorelai, and I can't even take this as complete 'proof' because obviously Logan tried to be "at his most charming" with her when she's Rory's mother and he's asking her for a favor relating to her daughter and his relationship with her. We never get scenes where Logan talks to his friends about Rory, or even to Mitchum about her. And I don't even find this as a fault towards him as a character, I simply find this as a personal fault towards the writing. Even in season 7, I don't think we ever really get this with him. We get Logan talking to Mitchum about his job and wanting to quit, but again, nothing in terms of a scene where he talks about her with someone else (without Rory being in the room). And I don't fully know why, but it's a reason why I find their relationship somewhat lacking. There's just a lot of moments where Logan doesn't even feel fully fleshed out to me because of this. Like yes, I know he loves Rory later on and wants to be with her, but how does he love her, beyond the supposed "healthy, perfect" way his fans repeatedly say? Like, why was he fine with suddenly up and leaving after his turned-down proposal? Was his love for Rory this passionate and desperate to fully have her? Or was it something he felt like was "time" for them to do in their relationship? I feel like we never get a proper answer for this even in season 5, where at most he just kept going hot and cold on her. I've seen some fans mention that he very much so did think of her in season 5 while he was ghosting her and she ended up crying on the bathroom floor, but where exactly was this??? Is this really a proven thing within the writing or is it just another fan-favorite view of him?
Opinionwise, I sadly can’t share much in regards to Logan overall because I’m 1.25 episodes away from finishing season 5. And when it comes to seasons 6 and 7, most of it I either remember so vaguely that my opinion is unreliable or I just haven’t watched yet... What I can say is that season 5 Logan is a fuckboy through and through. We don’t get any sign from scenes or dialogue or even looks that Logan was thinking of Rory while he was off doing other stuff and possibly dating other girls (for all we know he might have, but it is pure speculation and not confirmed canon onscreen). He made a point out of not getting tied down but sabotaged any of Rory’s attempts to explore that same freedom (see: costume party). When Rory clarified her needs and explained that she respected his boundaries, he accused her of forcing him into a relationship or dealing some ultimatum that she wasn’t dealing before begging to be her boyfriend no less than two minutes later in real time. And while he doesn’t seem to take it like a sitting duck, we don’t see a lot of him fighting his family over their sexist and elitist opinions about Rory as a potential long term girlfriend for Logan. He’s by no means the devil, but he does nothing to prove he’s actual boyfriend material either (again, at least in season 5).
Also I feel like while Dean did get some moments to express his feelings for Rory, what makes Jess stand out to many viewers (especially his fans) is that his whole existence isn’t tied to a romance with Rory. Like no, we don’t see him after season 6, but from what I’ve learned that had less to do with him not serving a purpose anymore without Rory and more to do with scheduling conflicts and behind the scenes disagreements. Dean only exists in regards to relationships, and even though he introduces new characters like Lindsay, his arcs are always about where he stands with Rory. Jess had his arc with Luke. He had a minor arc with Lorelai. Hell, his existence introduced Liz Danes to the town and to becoming a recurring character on the show without him. While Dean and Logan are narratively (though not physically) incapable of existing without Rory, Jess can (at least in theory). I think that might be why some Jess fans actually turn on Rory more than Rogan or Dean x Rory shippers do. Because we are allowed to see Jess side of the story in more ways than one, it is easier to pick one of at least three sides (Rory, Jess or both) as opposed to rooting for or against a coupling.
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vindickyoutive · 1 year
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I know it's a flashback so asking if they'll be okay is a mute point but please tell me they will be okay
Roman still well remembered the last time they let a human inside their dwelling. It’d been when they briefly lived in the middle-of-nowhere countryside.
It was the type of nowhere that the nearest “town” was a gas station and a few other motley buildings. It was the type of nowhere where the nearest neighbor lived far enough that their house wasn’t visible to your own. It was the type of nowhere that seemed ideal for a few wolves to live undisturbed.
Roman had loved it. As soon as they were within the safety of their property—their territory—he slipped into his lupine form. He ran and he howled, and he hunted to his heart’s content. It was the first time in a long, long while he could simply be a wolf, and not be anything but a wolf. If only he'd known how short-lived it would be.
There were still rules to abide to—he couldn’t venture beyond the boundaries of their territory—but it was easy to fantasize, to pretend that for miles and miles it was just their little pack. He liked it best when Patton and Logan ran with him, their howls joining in unison with his own. In those days, he remained in his lupine form more so than his hominoid form.
As such, he’d forgotten how fragile this serenity was until there was a knock on their door one day. There shouldn’t have been a knock on their door. A knock on the door meant an intruder disregarded the clear boundaries of their territory. He’d wanted to growl and warn off the intruder.
He opened his mouth, but he had little time for even a vibration of a growl to rise from his throat before Patton threw a large quilt over him.
“Shh!” Patton hushed, just as a loud, nasally voice outside the house went, “Hellooo? Anyone home?”
“Stay quiet and don’t move.” Patton commanded, the words audible only to inhuman ears, before in a much louder voice, “Coming!”
Roman huffed, flexing his claws against the quilt out of spite. There wasn’t a clear hierarchy within the three of them—as the eldest, Patton often took the lead, but Logan would also call the shots in some areas, such as interactions with humans. And Roman? Sometimes he led on hunts but as the youngest he often had to defer to either of them.
If Logan was here, he’d handle the human intruder. But Logan wasn’t there. He’d gone into town in the morning to fetch supplies and hadn’t returned yet. Whether Roman liked it or not, Patton took charge of human interaction in his absence.
“Hello! How can I help you?” Patton said, the door opening not fully all the way. Roman knew this from the door giving out only a short creak rather than a long creaeaeaeaak.
“Why hello Hon! I’m Debbie, I heard from your neighbor Dan that someone finally bought old John’s property and thought I’d drop by and say hello. I brought scones to share with you—I made them from scratch. Won’t you try one?” The intruder said, her voice weathered and frayed with age.
“Aw, shucks! Thank you so much!” Patton said. There was a slight pause from Roman presumed to be Patton reaching out for a scone. “Do you happen to be a relative of John?”
“Oh, oh no!” Debbie laughed, “John never had no folks here. Ever since I was a child, he lived here on his lonesome. Bit of a strange one, if you know what I mean.”
“Well, this is all talk mind you but—” Debbie broke into a whisper, “we think he was a bloodsucker. The fella never did seem to age naturally. Never came into town in broad daylight, always scuttled around twixt dusk and dawn. People don’t like that ‘round here, of course, but there was never any damn cement evidence. Didn’t stop ‘em, I’ll tell ya that.”
Roman did not like where this was going. Patton didn’t like where it was going either—Roman knew by the way the other’s heartbeat doubled in speed.
“Stop who?” Patton asked, his words muffled from a mouthful of food.
“Out here, people take care of each other. Don’t need the government to dictate how we live or swoop in to fix things, hah!” Debbie said wryly, “Bless his heart, old John didn’t go down without a fight.”
“You…killed him?”
“Oh, oh no!” Debbie chortled, her breath hitching abruptly, “I didn’t kill him. You? Well, hon. That’s a different story.”
“Wh—” Patton let out a choked wheeze, a half-eaten scone falling from his hand.
“Y’know, at first—I was just going to ask if you’d seen the wolves roaming around your property. You see, we haven’t had ‘em in over fifty years over here. The natural kind, anyways. What a coinkydink they appeared the moment someone took over old John’s property. But then I thought I should come more prepared than that. So that’s why I made my grandmother’s scones. Oh lord, she’d be rolling in her grave if she knew I tweaked the recipe.”
Roman’s hackles raised. Wolfsbane—she had to have laced the scones with it. The smallest petal could temporarily paralyze a grown werewolf when consumed. If eaten in large quantities? It was fatal. He needed to move; Patton was in danger. But his limbs remained stiff, as if encased in ice. Why couldn’t he move? He wasn’t some stupid weak pup anymore—he needed to act.
“Please—please,” Patton begged, a pained whine punctuating his words, “we don’t mean any—any harm.”
Hurt, hurt, hurt—packmate is hurt. Roman shouldn’t move—Patton told him to stay put. But he must move, he had to move—he needed to dispose of the threat to his packmate. But the last time he disobeyed an order—there was scarlet and screams and sharp silver bullets everywhere.
“Please, do you think I really believe a sick beast like you?” The human, the monster, asked. A soft metal screech echoed in the silence. It sounded sharp—like a knife?
Roman still had time, he could still come to Patton’s aid. If he could only escape the fabric prison engulfing him. His claws dug and tore away at the quilt in a frantic attempt to escape its grasp. He couldn’t seem to find the ends of the blanket; it was all consuming. He growled anyways. A warning growl, the fiercest one he could muster. A growl that meant Unwanted, Go Away, Leave Now.
He didn’t believe the human would actually listen. He just needed to drive the human’s attention away from harming Patton. As he managed to pop his head from underneath the quilt, the edge of a small thin silver blade met his gaze.
“Ro—roman.” Patton yelped. But he couldn’t see Patton. All he saw was the beady eyes entrenched in a face wrinkled from anger and bitterness. If Roman was a hero from a sacred story, this would be the moment he epically saved the day.
But that would be a grievous lie.
I mean, kinda?? Don't worry about it, Patton will be fine! And Roman definitely absolutely doesn't get a second heaving of trauma from a human inflicting violence on his loved ones. Oh wait :)
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pierregazly · 2 months
but mama, i love him ꨄ oscar piastri smau
oscar piastri x leclerc!reader
the one where oscar's girlfriend has been soft launching their relationship for ages. and he's okay with it, especially if it means he can keep hiding in plain sight from her three overprotective brothers.
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tagged charles_leclerc
liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and others
ynleclerc omg omg omg... charles leclerc signed my hat? should i add it to the shrine? give them something to sacrifice?
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username any non-f1 fan would automatically assume ynleclerc is a crazy fan page for charles
username or a charles leclerc hate page... all she does it make fun of her brothers here
username she's offering her signed hat for the tifosi to sacrifice for a CL16 win??? that seems like pure love all around
arthur_leclerc i also signed your hat?
ynleclerc i also do not care? will a hat signed by you get me millions if i sell it for sacrificial purposes?
charles_leclerc what's next? my personal belongings?
ynleclerc is that an offer? if so, oui. i will take what i think will make me the most money next time i'm there, merci <3
scuderiaferrari if it gets us a 1-2 finish, sacrifice everything ynleclerc... please 🙏
username being a Ferrari fan is so satisfying when you remember ynleclerc is an automatic inclusion in everything and anything charles does
username the things i would do to have her as a McLaren fan... she's too beautiful for Ferrari 😭
oscarpiastri a piastri hat will get you good money in straya btw
username oscar??
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, mclaren, and others
oscarpiastri 'stop hitting me with the ball on purpose you jerk' was said more times than it should've been, by someone who really just sucks at tennis. had an awesome week back home, time to get back to it 💪
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logansargeant no wonder you're so worried about getting run over
username the coordinating outfits?? i'm gonna scream, who is she!!!
username what does logan know, tell us your secrets girl logansargeant
username oscar is gonna soft launch this relationship until the end of time. show us her face, you coward!!
ynleclerc did you pay her for all the bruises that tennis ball left?? poor girl
oscarpiastri it's not my fault she's a terrible tennis player, we all know i've offered to pay for a trainer
landonorris so this is why you couldn't come to bali with me 🤨
username lando really said i'm the third wheel??
username to be fair i'd probably pick oscar's girlfriend over lando for a week away too
username girly you don't even know who she is!!! she could be the devil
username i wanna be included in oscar's post week home photo dump :(
ynleclerc has posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, pascale.leclerc.355, and others
oscarpiastri you can call me pookie whenever you want if you're gonna post things like this
ynleclerc i'd call you pookie with or without your permission, mon amour
charles_leclerc who is this
charles_leclerc why won't you tell us who you're dating
charles_leclerc we won't hurt him
charles_leclerc answer my texts
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liked by oscarpiastri, pascale.leclerc.355, arthur_leclerc, and others
ynleclerc get you a man who can do both, luckiest woman in the world whenever you're around. mon amour 🤍
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username people involved in formula 1 and their obsession with soft launching everything NEEDS to be studied
username at least she posts her boyfriend and he isn't just a small figure in the background of every post (charles this is a direct hate comment)
arthur_leclerc this would have been very lovely if it weren't for the last photo
liked by charles_leclerc and lorenzotl
ynleclerc suppose it's a good thing you could easily ignore it. cheers :)
pascale.leclerc.355 trés belle, ma fille 💗
charles_leclerc maman?
username could you IMAGINE if ynleclerc told pascale but obviously hasn't told her brothers? i can FEEL the outrage
username starting to think this may be a driver, ynleclerc is at every race weekend and ALWAYS makes a post with her mystery man at some point during the week after...
username okay ms sleuth (i think it's lando)
username i'm like 65% sure it's oscar, and 35% positive it's someone that looks a lot like oscar
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tagged oscarpiastri
liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, landonorris, and others
ynleclerc someone exposed us on twitter, so i had to expose us on instagram 😮‍💨
comments on this post have been limited
oscarpiastri love you <3
oscarpiastri i will love you even when a ferrari has run me over, of course.
arthur_leclerc is this your way of telling me i was right, without texting me back?
charles_leclerc this must be a joke, non?
pascale.leclerc.355 so very excited to finally be able to invite the both of you for dinner. trés belle 🤍
charles_leclerc maman, you knew?
ynleclerc oscar and i will see you for sunday dinner, maman! <3
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liked by logansargeant, charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
ynleclerc live feed of oscar running away from charles in the paddock when he said he 'just wanted to talk, mate'
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charles_leclerc i truly just wanted to talk about the race
charles_leclerc i did not have a speech planned, non
arthur_leclerc i did have a speech planned
lorenzotl i just wanted to welcome him to the family, as a good big brother should
oscarpiastri my apple watch warned me of an overactive heart rate 5 times today. why did you do this to me. why couldn't you have three sisters???
ynleclerc so very sorry, in our next life i'll try to make sure you only have to worry about sisters and not three overprotective brothers
oscarpiastri as long as i get to spend every lifetime with you <3
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i actually got a request for something like this ages ago, and finally got around to finishing it. i so hope you all loved it as much as i loved writing it. thank you for all the support!!
i'm not currently taking requests, but if anyone has lil suggestions or prompts please feel free to send them.
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caruliaa · 1 year
we should kill logan with hammers for being mean to roman btw
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planetpiastri · 6 months
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader [no faceclaim, reader is faceless] summary: yn and lando are couple goals around the mclaren garage, but they don't want oscar to feel left out. the problem? oscar would very much like to be left out. notes: school has finally released me from its chokehold so i'm doing my part in filling the winter break void. part 2 of my logan smau is in the works, but in the meantime, here's this<3 enjoy!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and others
ynusername recent stuff (following my two favorite boys around like a stray puppy)
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mclaren Always a pleasure to have you in the garage! 🧡
landonorris nyoom
ynusername vroom, even
username1 always a good day when yn refers to lando and oscar as her favorite boys
oscarpiastri Thanks for buying me dinner 👍🏻
ynusername you're welcome kiddo 🫶 oscarpiastri Please don't call me that
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liked by landonorris, ynusername, and 211,329 others
mclaren pookie #1 and pookie #2 dump (📸 - ynusername)
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oscarpiastri Why would you say that
username3 im cackling this had to be yn's idea
landonorris pookie and proud 💪
username4 everyone say thank you yn for taking cute pics of our boys
ynusername you're welcome 😁
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and others
ynusername let! him! cook!!!!!
view all 1,802 comments
username5 oh my god that is so much fire
oscarpiastri Do NOT let him cook I repeat do NOT let him cook
landonorris it was fine you big baby nobody got hurt 🙄 oscarpiastri I'd sure hope so??
username6 yn and lando are kind of unhinged together omg
username7 and that's why we love them 😌
mclaren Please bring our driver back to the paddock in one piece! 😬
landonorris all that fire and you were still the hottest thing in the kitchen 🥵🥵
ynusername 🤭🤭
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, and 738,899 others
landonorris actually can't think of a better way to spend this life 🤍
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username8 CAPTION IM IN TEARS 😭😭
username9 where's my credit for sending you the video lando
landonorris how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man?? 👊💪
maxverstappen1 Too sweet
ynusername you're my everything 💌
landonorris you ARE everything oscarpiastri And Lando's just Ken landonorris this guy gets it
maxfewtrell Happy for you or whatever
username10 glad to know i'm not the only one crying over that video of lando and yn
georgerussell63 Don't worry I am too alex_albon me too carlossainz55 Me three username11 yo??
username12 help there are so many drivers in the comments 💀
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liked by logansargeant, ynusername, and 179,025 others
oscarpiastri Hanging out with Mum and Dad 👍🏻
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landonorris she started crying when she saw this btw
oscarpiastri Sorry? landonorris don't be, it's the pregnancy hormones ynusername I AM NOT PREGNANT DELETE THIS BEFORE THE WAG PAGES START POSTING
username13 ok but does oscar need a step-sister i wanna be part of this family
ynusername love u kiddo 🥹🧡
username14 oscar liking this comment oh we've come so far from when he used to tell her to stop calling him that oscarpiastri I've stopped fighting it
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tagging: @sonder-paradise hey girl<3
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request: hiii, could you do a smau similar to ‘heart eyes’ but with lando and oscar is the suffering third wheel? -from anon
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beiasluv · 4 months
red, white, blue | l. sargeant (2)
a/n: I blame tiktok again…
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ynalbon replied to logansargeant’s story
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ynalbon: they are so ugly
ynalbon: I need 😭
: talking abt me or the sweater?
ynalbon: 😳😳
ynalbon: *professionally
: loll
: btw heard you’re visiting soon
ynalbon: yessirr
: alright
: see ya
ynalbon: 👍
ynalbon 2h
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liked by username, username and 26,618 others
f1gossips Yn Albon spotted at the paddock today with her brother and fans!
view all 1,622 comments
username omg??? THE STORY?
username fav albon is in the house 🤭
username gurl you did not
username so anyone saw that never have I ever…
username LOGAN AND YN??
username What’s HAPPENING
username Logan????? 😦
username I could NOT be making up the way he looks at her in the story
username I KNOEW RIGHT
username yall know he’s wearing a damn sunglasses 💀
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: dudeee
oscar: what’d you do?
: i think she hates me
oscar: Logan.
: Alex was pulled off so I offered to walk her back to the motorhome
: and she posted me on her story
: and tagged me???
oscar: so you just went on a walk with her
: and she replied with 👍 to my pick up line
oscar: the sweater one?
oscar: I mean
oscar: Alex seemed chill about it 🤷‍♂️
: that’s because he DOESNT know
oscar: simp
: I’m not
oscar: simp
read 17:13
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liked by logansargeant, georgerussell63 and 31,166 others
ynalbon he’s 27 and I still go to watch him play 🫶
view all 3,562 comments
lilymhe we love a supportive sister ❤️❤️
ynalbon ikrrr 😚
alex_albon *professionally
ynalbon understandable
username Eyes. Logan 😩
username somebody tell logan that it is illegal to look at yn like that 😭
username so does he approves??
username when’s the wedding😩
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris and 43,261 others
ynalbon hi nyc 🗽
view all 2,372 comments
username lando??
username tell me something I don’t knowww
username SHE’S IN USA 🦅🦅🦅
username USA USA USA 🇺🇸
username where’s Logan.
logansargeant 25m
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oscar: you finally did it huh
: a win is a win 🔥
oscar: Finally.
oscar: when is it happening then?
: idk man
: end of this week? month?
oscar: best of luck to you then🫡
: 🫡
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liked by frederikvestiofficial, oscarpiastri and 46,268 others
logansargeant great to be back in the keys
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ynalbon it’s giving animal crossing
logansargeant whatever that is 🫡
ynalbon you don’t know animal crossing? 😭
username heartbeenbrokesomanytimesdontknowwhattobelive
username that’s very American of you, Logan. Now propose 😠
username y'all need to calm down 😭
username what’s that??
username even Fred is here 😭
landonorris 26m | alex_albon 3m
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logsnsargeant 42m | lilymhe 13m
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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri and 97,281 others
ynalbon god bless America ❤️
view all 32,178 comments
username justice for Alex 💀
the ending is shit but it is what it is 😔
I’m gonna start doing taglist fr now so lmk if you wanna be added
— @jsjcue @namgification
edit: pt.2
any interaction would be greatly appreciated 🫶 today’s a good day to take care of yourself!
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ynbabe · 2 months
LOGAN FIC REQ!! (i love your messages au smmm btw THEYRE SO GOOD AHH) ok anywayssss
can you pls do logan x super super famous!reader.(preferably an actress but i don't mind any) so both of them are dating but are trying to keep it a secret since they've only been dating for a short amount of time. one night they decide to go on a date but paparazzi was there and it was going VIRAL. reader regrets not double checking if there would be any paps. sooo then everyone starts investigating on logan as the internet does and since everyone doesn't watch f1, they only see logan crashing and blah blah blah so they see him as a "bad driver" and he starts getting A LOT of hate because people think reader deserves better. they also start comparing him to reader's "more better and famous ex". reader and logan take time off social media and people think they broke up until reader releases an instagram post defending him and yeah a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort.
idk if this made sense but pls feel free to change anything!! again i love your work sm 💕‼️
Hiiii, omg thank you so much! Love love LOVE the fic idea and without any further ado- here's the fic, it isn't exactly as the prompt but I hope you love it-
Keep my wife's name OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ୨୧ Logan Sargeant x famous! reader
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As a celebrity, you don’t often have the privilege of privacy. The cameras seemed to follow you everywhere, from outside your house to the restaurants you ate at and even to private celebrations with your friends and family.
Your last relationship had gone south exactly because of the paparazzi, making assumptions about the seriousness of your relationship and even spreading pregnancy and marriage rumours, scaring the man away.
You had wanted to take it slow, heart broken from your previous relationship but then you met Logan and for the first time in a long time you felt like you could breath, like you could do what you wanted without being judged.
You knew who he was and he knew who you were and that was perfect.
The both of you had spent a perfect week in your villa in Bali, it had been risky but no one caught on, surprisingly.
You thought your luck would continue and you threw causation to the wind, not asking your assistant to check for paparazzi at the sushi restaurant you were going to in Shanghai.
Unfortunately, you were caught just as you were leaving the restaurants waking up to a host of notifications, some good and some gut-wrenching.
Logan on the other hand tried not to throw up, his eyes wide, you could tell he was scared. Would his team drop him? No, no. Why would they? Right? Oh God.
"Logan, Logs, baby are you okay?" You called out, dropping to your knees and cradling his face in your palms.
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f1waglife Y/n nation how are we feeling tonight? Logang? How are we? This was definitely not the couple we expected but is this the couple we deserve?
Username Y/n come home the kids miss you
Username Omg mans is in love
Username Get someone to look at you the way Logan looks at Y/n
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You saw some of the comments and while some made you smile, some made you want to slap a bitch, unfortunately, a scandal would not help, so you called up your PR manager, and the post was gone within a minute.
Logan's race had gone sour, with him getting an unfair penalty and points on his licence. The already poor start to your day had turned even worse when you saw Logan tiredly storm into the room collapsing on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.
"What... the..... fuck?" He screamed into the pillow making you smile a little. The small habit he'd picked up from you, screaming into the pillows as a way to think, one that you had picked up from one of the characters you played a long time ago.
"Why do people even care about who's dating who? That's so stupid." He rolled his eyes.
"Don't we binge Keeping Up with the Kardashians every Monday?" You asked.
"That's not the same though-" He paused and switched his phone off, he already didn't have access to his own Instagram, having given access to his manager a long time ago, he now didn't even want to talk to his friends or colleagues many of whom just wanted an autograph from you along with an explanation how he could be with you.
He turned around, pulling the blanket on him, tired from the day.
You pulled up Twitter as a habit but were greeted with a terrible chain of tweets judging every aspect of your relationship and even worse criticizing Logan without even knowing anything about the sport.
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"What the fuck-" You cursed out loud, you knew your fanbase was slightly (an underestimation) larger than your boyfriends but how could they call themselves your fans, when you have been a fan of Logan's since his first season in f1? All your co-stars American or not knew your borderline obsession for the man, every race week you'd be posting Williams on your story, how could they still hate on him?
You looked next to you, where your boyfriend was sleeping a small scowl on his pretty face.
PR be damned, he didn't deserve this.
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y/nl/nofficial To anyone who calls themselves my fans and talks shit about my lovely boyfriend, UNFOLLOW ME ASAP. Logan is the kindest, sweetest, most talented man I've had the pleasure to know and he deserves better than the bullshit he gets from some assholes who don't know anything about him. To quote my friend Will: KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS-
username oop sis snapped
username you tell em girl
username LOVE a gf whos rabidly in love with her bf
username now why would y'all try and shame Mother's boyfriend when all she does is post about him for race weekends??
username fr shes been a logan fan before logan fans have been logan fans
Williams We stan a protective gf 😮‍💨
username admin you'll always be famous y/nl/nofficial Cant help it he looks really pretty in blue 🥰 username oh she in love love
username shall we start calling him Father?
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The way I was struggling to write this fic cause I had to write bad things about Pookie Bear Logie is insane. But- I hope yall like it, please do let me know in the comments or reblogs!!!
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urfavlarry · 3 months
HI loved the tyler/aiden headcannons btw!
Wanted to ask if you could write something about the reader being apart of the group (after they finally escaped the realm and are free..and traumatized, but happy)
AND LIKE A LITTLE ROMANCE HAPPENING BETWEEN AIDEN AND THE READER!! Like after everything had calmed down, (3 weeks after they escaped) the group goes to a skating rink to have fun. Like normal teens 😞
Would love a oneshot of it!! :D
Aiden Clark x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, bad grammar
genre: fluff! :3
A/N: AHH I love this!! I skate myself so this is just 🛐
hope you like it <33
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You and the group have been planning a trip for quite a while. You were trying to celebrate the fact you finally escaped the damn realm and that lab they kept you guys in. Everyone was a bit shaken up, most of you couldn’t really sleep and you had sleepovers most of the time to try and sleep better. It usually worked, well at least for most of the group. You would wake up in the middle of the night, cold wind hitting your soaked figure. You often had nightmares and you couldn’t really go to therapy because you would be considered ‘crazy’, so you just had to pull through without any help. You know the group would be happy to help, but you don’t want to bother them when they had it worse. Back to the present time! You were currently in the graveyard, sitting in a circle near the campfire, you yourself sitting on your kind of beat up skateboard. Everyone suggested their ideas, Logan suggesting a museum, Ashlyn a restaurant, The twins suggested a waterpark and then Aiden and Ben said they didn’t really care where they would go.
An idea popped in your head and you smiled; “How about a skating rink? That could be fun? I know a pretty good one and theres also like a trampoline part connected to it so that’s pretty cool.” Everyone talks about the idea, Aiden agreeing instantly along with the twins. “Well is there a buffet there? Maybe we could later eat there and just celebrate?” Ashlyn suggests and everyone agrees looking at you for your response. You nod and everyone cheers, excited for the trip.
The day of the trip arrives, you all agreed to meet up at the train station at 8am and you were there early, already waiting there at 7. You watched the sunrise and you smile taking a picture and put your phone away and try out some tricks. You first tried an ollie, the key trick you need to know to learn most of the other ones. You record some of the tries and relax for a bit, watching the clips when suddenly your eyes get covered by a pair of soft hands. “Aiden..” You say and smile at the blonde boy, who had his usual relaxed demeanor. “Hey, you’re here early aren’t you?” He says and sits down next to you, resting his feet on his skateboard, rocking his legs from side to side. “Yeah I wanted to be here just in case anyone needed help with anything.” You say and yawn slightly, not really shaking off the sleepiness just yet. He nods and starts to yap like he usually does and you just listen, letting him yap your ear off. You didn’t mind, you weren’t much of a talker, so you usually just listened.
The others finally arrived just in time for when the train arrived. Everyone boarded and you found your seats, all of you sitting together. Ashlyn decided to catch up on sleep, along with Ben. The twins and Logan were playing some card game and You just listened to music, sharing headphones with Aiden. You lay your head on the window and drift off, feeling a hand on yours.
You get shaken awake, and you groan but gather your things and skateboard and get off the train, leading the way. You jump onto your skateboard and you guys skate/walk for about 15 minutes when you finally get there. “Here we are!” You say and pay for your entry, putting away your things and grab your phone along with your skateboard and run to the rink, doing a quick board slide. The others cheer you along as you drop in and do a rock to fakie.
Aiden watches you with a smile and Tyler and Taylor do their own thing as Ty teaches his sister the basics. Logan and Ben were off somewhere probably in the trampoline park and Ashlyn watched everyone, taking videos. “I’ll need to ask her to send me that later.” You think to yourself and manual.
You mind your own buiseness, riding up to a ramp when a kid suddenly jumps in your away, making you manual a bit too quickly so you fell on your elbow. “Fucking hell.. watch it kid!” You yell and hiss in pain as you look at the now bleeding elbow. Aiden noticed the fall and ran over to you and inspected the wound; “Hey are you okay? That was a nasty fall.” He says and you laugh; “Come on i’ve had it so much worse before, and plus people break bones doing this shit so i’m fine.” You say and stand up and walk over to the sitting area and take out some bandages you brought along in this type of situation. Aiden snatches them from you and looks at you with a kind smile; “Let me do it.” He doesn’t even give you time to reply and is already carefully wrapping the wound. Your face feels hot and you look anywhere but at Aiden, looking for the others yet they were nowhere to be found.
“There, that should be better, and by the way, when did you start skating? Your pretty good, almost better then me!” He teases and wraps and arm around your shoulder. You chuckle and smirk, teasing right back; “Oh yeah? How about a game of skate?” You challenge him and wait for his response, already knowing the answer. “Hell yeah! I’ll win for sure!” He runs to get his skate and you do the same, and that was the start of a very long game of skate. You guys got bored after a while, agreeing on a tie and sit down, breathing heavily as if you ran a marathon. The others came back and everyone agreed on going to the restaurant that was across the street from the skating rink. You walk with your skates and decide to hide them somewhere at the back of the building and head inside the restaurant, ordering food and refreshing drinks immediately.
You sit down in the booth and Aiden slides in next to you along with Ben and Logan, the others sitting on the opposite side. Everyone chatted and joked around and your elbow was killing you along with your legs as well. Your eyes droop a bit but you take a sip of your drink that shakes you awake slightly. Aiden taps you on the knee and you look up at him, raising a brow. He leans in and whispers into your ear with a low tone; “You okay? You look kinda off.” He says and you smile reassuringly and give him a thumbs up under the table. He hums and smiles as the waiter brings the food everyone has been craving for the past 5 hours. You eat your food in silence, some chatting here and there but mostly you guys Te in peace. After everyone was full you decided to go to the bathroom to clear your mind, of course not letting them know the reason. You walk into the bathroom and sigh, they were empty, unlike many other restaurants and you shrug, walking over to the mirror and fix your hair up a bit when you notice Aiden in the mirror. “Hey, I know I asked already but you really don’t seem fine. Is it the elbow?” He jokes and you shrug, giving him a slight smile; “I’m fine don’t worry okay? My body is killing me though.” You say and stretch your body, some satisfying cracks echoing throughout the bathroom. You go to leave when you get embraced in a warm hug, a hand running up and down your back. “Relax for a bit, they won’t notice we’re gone.” He whispers and you guys stay like that for a few minutes when you finally let go. He looks at you lovingly and your face feels hot as you avert your gaze away from him.
He lifts your face to look at him and leans in, your lips brushing against each other and your eyes meet, Aiden looking at you as if asking for consent. You inch closer and he takes that as a yes, soft lips meeting yours. Your lips move in sync with each other and his hands wander down to your waist. You pull away and you hide your flushed face in the crook of his neck. He chuckles lowly and hugs you close. “You know i’ve liked you ever since that day we went out to get the jeep.” He says and you look at him with a confused look; “But I thought you liked Ash—” You get cut off by a finger on your lips and he smile; “Remember I had my eyes on you the whole time, I may have been comforting Ash but I had my eyes on you. I didn’t know how to approach you, ya know?” He says and leaves kisses all over your face. “Now I’ve got you all to myself~” He says and holds your hand, dragging you out to the others who stared at you and whistled, Ben looking at Aiden with a proud smile.
Later that day when everyone finally got home, Aiden messaged you and soon after you heard a knock on your bedroom window. You playfully roll your eyes and mumble “Idiot.” quickly opening the window. Aiden hops in and tackles you in a hug, you falling back on the bed. “Hey! What are you doing?” You chuckle and play with his hair. You hear a mumbled “I missed you.” And you giggle, making him look up at you. “We haven’t seen each other for like 45 minutes?” “Too long.” He shrugs and peppers your face with kisses, moving down to your neck and collar bone. Your eyes droop and you start to fall asleep, finally in his embrace.
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