#and so many other people make it look good aaaaaa
zeawesomeness · 9 months
Your art style is very smooth and cute very soft but a thick hard lineart the colors are smooth and light not too bright tho
Hope this helps ^^
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I TRIED IT!!! … and I hate it… :(
I am so sorry Alya for butchering you like this.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request dan heng on his first date ? Thanks ☺️
Something New
dan heng x gn!reader
summary: to say dan heng was happy to be going out with you would be an understatement. he was practically ecstatic that you actually accepted and reciprocated his feelings for you. however, he had never actually been on a date before, nor did he know much about romance. so, how will dan heng overcome his anxieties and survive his first date?
warnings: possibly ooc(?), dan heng's a lil bit anxious but it's nothing too intense, physical touch (hand holding), mention of food/drinks (ur at a café date)
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"Hey! C'mon, hold still already!"
"I've 'held still' for 15 minutes, March. Can you move on from my hair already?" Dan Heng, clearly annoyed, reached to push March 7th's hand away. "Hmph, of course not! I have no idea how you of all people managed to charm someone, but if you want to keep them around, looking good on the first date will definitely help! Now let me just fix this little bit here!" March said matter-of-factly, putting all her focus on making sure another strand of his hair was in the perfect spot. Dan Heng rolled his eyes and said, "You know, if you keep focusing on my hair the entire time, you're going to make me late." "Oh, fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I guess your hair looks pretty alright," March stepped back a bit to see if his hair truly was up to standard.
"Alright, Mr. 'Oooh, look at me, i just wanna show up looking half-decent to my first date ever oooooh', your suit's next. And be prepared to sit there eeeeeven longer so that I can make sure that your outfit looks absolutely 100% perfect, alright?" March poked him incessantly and gave him a disappointed look. Dan Heng sighed, but didn't argue.
As Dan Heng sat at a table, waiting for you, he couldn't help but feel nervous. First off, he was worried you wouldn't show up (despite the fact that he himself had gotten there 15 minutes early). He was also afraid that you would find him boring, like many others do. Oh, and he was also anxious about-
"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting," you gave him a small smile as you waved. "Oh, uhm, it's quite alright. I'm just glad you're here," he said sheepishly. Just seeing you made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. Unfortunately for him, though, his worries remained rooted in the corners of his mind all throughout the evening.
Truly, he loved listening to you speak, but was he responding to you enough? What if you thought that he wasn't actually paying attention to what you were saying? What if-
"Uhh, hey, Dan Heng? Are you okay? You can leave early if you're feeling sick, I don't mind!" Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Ah, sorry. I just.. um... well.." he stuttered and looked down at his drink. "Well? Really, if there's anything wrong, you can tell me. I won't judge," you reached over the table and gently held his hand, the sudden contact making him flustered.
"A- Are you sure it's alri-" "Yes, it's alright, Dan Heng. I don't want you to be unhappy. If there's anything you need, I want to help you with it," you interrupted. Startled, he looked back at you. He was silent, for a few moments, but eventually admitted his worries to you.
"I guess I just.. Well, I guess I was worried you wouldn't actually like me if you got to know me, if that makes sense? I- I don't know, I just.." he sighed and sunk back into his chair. After saying it all out loud, it all sounded silly if he was being honest.
"Oh, that's it?" You giggled a bit before continuing, "It's alright! Honestly, it's completely normal to be anxious about a date! Don't worry though, I love you just the way you are, so don't change yourself just to because you want others to approve of you, okay?" You squeezed his hand and gave him a gentle smile.
At that moment, Dan Heng felt his heart swell, and he smiled more than he had ever smiled before.
At that moment, Dan Heng knew you were perfect.
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a/n: hehe attractive men being awkward on first dates go brrr aaaaaa i hope this turned out ok hehe i loved writing this (also personal hc that march will most definitely be a smug little shit when u and dan heng are in a relationship just like giving him advice or helping him get ready for dates but teasing him every time hehehehehe)
thanks for stopping by!
want to submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
taglist: @dan-hengs-wife
want to be tagged? dm me! :]
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Time to celebrate Freddie by yapping about him. Fuck this going to take a long time.
Alright, first off, amazing fucking singer, I have not heard a person who has a more amazing voice then Freddie fucking Mercury. He was the best at singing, he could play piano, he could play a bit of guitar. He wrote amazing songs a lot of which became massive hits like Bohemian Rhapsody, Save Me, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Somebody to Love, Killer Queen, Crazy Little Thing Called Love and many other ones that I will cry if I hear them start playing in public. And speaking of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, he wrote that in ten minutes in the fucking bathtub, AND I'M PISSED OFF THAT THAT SCENE DIDN'T GET INTO THE MOVIE.
And performing live he was the best. I normally can't sit down and focus on watching one thing for a long time, I usually have to be on my phone at the same time, but when I'm watching Queen concerts I can watch the full thing without needing to look at my phone and without getting distracted because it's just so fucking beautiful. The only times I would want to go on my phone while watching them is to yap about how amazing it is on Tumblr. He was a fucking god when he performed live, and I could enjoy any song if he was singing it, because his voice was purely majestic and amazing. It has been said by multiple people that Queen stole the show, and that is definetely true. Freddie had such a big presence on stage when performed and he could get anyone to sing along with him which is proven by the ay-oh segments and how people sing and dance along to the songs.
And he has other talents outside of singing and piano and all that. He also earned a degree in graphic art and design and can draw really good. He designed the Queen logo himself and it is one of the prettiest logos I have seen, and it has meanings behind it. The fairies is to represent Freddie being a virgo, the lions are Roger and John being Leos and Brian is the crab for Cancer. There's the Q and the crown in the middle for Queen, the pheonix in the back pulling everything together, making it look cool and making them seem as strong as they are, and the crab is on fire to represent Brian being hot as hell (jk. although that should be true). The logo is so fucking pretty and detailed and I am proud to say I have a giant one of it hanging from my wall.
Freddie was really outgoing and exotic on stage and it was amazing, and even though he was still kind of like that offstage, it's known that he was also pretty shy and sweet and I fucking love that. He was unique and strong and headstrong and everything but he was also sweet and kind and shy and insercure about things and I love that because it shows that hes human which he is and sometimes people don't remember that because of how incredible on stage he was. It's something people forget about a lot of celebrities. I don't like that he was insecure about things that I honestly love about him, like his teeth because his smile is so pretty, but I love how it shows that he's just some normal guy with so much talent.
He was so sweet. I heard somewhere that apparently that sometimes he would see on the tv that people were struggling financially he would anounmosulflglyy send them $10'000 or something to help them out. I'm saying apparently because I haven't fact checked it or anything but I choose to believe that because it's really cute and sweet. There was also a story where he got introduced to someone who was with their mum and he was kind of shy and stuff and later he went to a vending machine thing where you can get trinkets and he got one that matches with another one. Then he went back to the mum and gave her one and asked her to give it to her daughter and that IS SO FUCKING CUTEEEE. The girl was so lucky to have a lucky trinket from Freddie Mercury and then had one that matches?! AAAAAA.
He could stand up for himself really well as well despite the fact that he was kind of shy. There was a time when Queen was recording in a recording studio and the Sex Pistols were recording near them. Sid Vicious randomly came into their recording studio and started being a dick and annoying them and all that shit and Freddie went up to him called him Simon Ferocious which Sid didn't like and then pushed him out the door which was amazing. There was another time with a fan when he was eating dinner and a fan came up to him with a piece of paper to sign and a pen and pretty much shoved in his face. Freddie told him to leave him alone because he was eating. When he finished he went up to the fans table and lectured him on not being rude and having manners and then signed the paper for him. Good on him. In my opinion that was the right thing to do. I know other celebrities have done this before but one time there was a fight happening at one of the concerts and he stopped the entire concert to break it up and told them they were ruining the show for everyone.
He is also one of the most determined, strong and headstrong people I have ever heard of as well. Towards the end when he was really sick he told the band to write songs for him to record because he just wanted to keep singing until he died. One of my favourite stories of him is when he was recording The Show Must Go On he was so sick he could barely stand and Brian didn't think he could do it. Freddie told Brian "I'll fucking do it darling," then he had some vodka and finished the song in one go. In my opinion that is one of the best performances he has done just fucking listen to it and you'll see. There's a reason that's one of my fav songs.
He also apparently never complained about being sick and eventually went off of his aids meds because he already knew he was going to die and just accepted it.
He loved cats as well and that's super sweet to me. He had ten cats, Tiffany, Delilah, Miko, Romeo, Tom, Jerry, Dorothy, Goliath, Lily and Oscar. Delilah was Freddie's favourite and he made a song for her. Tiffany's my favourite. He also dedicated his solo album "Mr Bad Guy" to all the cats and cat lovers of the world.
HE LOVES HIS HUSBAND AND IT FUCKING SHOWS. Freddie and Jim got each other rings and called each other husband even though they weren't legally married, and Jim said that one day they got into a fight because Freddie wasn't wearing his ring, and after that day Freddie always wore it and never took it off. One time Freddie was having a party and Jim had work the next day so he went to bed and he was almost asleep when he heard Freddie come in with a group of people he was showing around he heard Freddie say to them, "everyone be quiet, my husband's asleep." Jim also did some woodwork stuff and Freddie would ask Jim to make lots of things, and one time he asked him to make some wooden box thing and he gave it to Jim and in the box was some of the original lyrics from some songs.
He was a really good friend as well. He had some friends that would all call each other drag names and one of those friends was Elton John. Elton's drag name was Sharon and Freddie's was Melina. One time Elton saw a piece of artwork that he liked and after Freddie died he got a package that was the artwork and it was from Freddie. On it is said, "To Sharon from Melina" There might have been more on it but I can't remember. Elton cried.
I was reading and watching some things on Freddie yesterday and there were a lot of people who knew him or met him personally talking about him, and when asked what he was really like, they would all say he was a wonderful, kind, sweet guy.
I love him so fucking much you don't even understand he was one of the most gorgeous human beings to have ever existed. I know I have some irl friends on here but they prob won't read this so I'm just gonna say I love him more than some of my irl friends. Not saying more than the ones on here, but some of them.
Love ya Freddie ❤️
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ranboothesillyartist · 8 months
So uhm I created my first TADC au
Jax design:
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I'm going to explain some things so no1 will get confused
A big part of the characters get hungry, can sleep, can get hurt n other things that a living being do. Moon, Sun n Caine are the only ones that don't get hungry
The Moon considers Jax her "son". I dunno how to explain this..
Caine, moon n sun are the only ones who can understand what's Jax saying
Text: red: gangle, orange: raghata, purple: kinger, pink: zooble, Caine: u'll know bc I'll show u n Jax... I don't want to give u spoilers
A very dark night Jax feel's bad n goes outside to crie, he always hide his bad feelings in front of the others.
He sits near the lake, the moon see him crying n asks:
Why are you crying darling?
Jax doesn't answer so the moon sits next to him
Do you feel bad from so many years that you're stuck here?
Jax nods
Well It's probably worse for others,you are being very mean to others...
I'm sorry darling but that's the truth... You need to stop that
I know that there's a good bunny inside you..!
She touches his face (invisible nose lol)
I think that I can change it!
Jax falls asleep
The next morning Jax wake up n feels a bit different, he can't talk, he starts panicking!
Calm down! I did this so you can possibly change! So you can't be mean
(Moon says)
Now Jax can only communicate w... jingles??? What is happening to this story creator???? (I don't fucking know..!)
... Well I wanted to try something different.!
* jingle jingle..* ( u're weird..)
Well now you're my little star!
*jingle* ( k lol I have to accept that)
You can go now, bye!
Now Jax go sneak peek the others but oh raghata saw him n oh gangle too!
Jax starts running trying to scape from raghata, gangle n now zooble, kinger.. ( Pomni is having another panic attack )
Jax comes across a dead end hallway, now he's cornered! SHIT- he thinks then he looks at the others w a horrified face
We will not hurt you!
Hey can we be friends?
Hey lil fella don't be afraid! I can't hurt you!
Jax feels... Loved? Happy?? I dunno it's a mix of feelings teehee:33
You look like a star! *Hugs Jax*
Well looks like there's a new friend here!
Well uhm Jax takes advantage of them thinking he's a new character n enjoy the moment but then Caine shows up n notice him
Caine: Wait! I don't remember having a new member! Let me see... Wait... THAT'S JAX???
WHAT?! HOW?? everyone screamed
Caine: Jax, who did this?
*Jingle jingle..* (the moon..)
Caine: What? The moon can do that?!
*Jingle jingle?* (as I see yes?)
Caine: I'll have a little conversation with her!
Everyone is surprised, they didn't know that was Jax
Oh! You changed! Pff!
But he still looks like a star.. a cute star..
Uhm pfff well you look cute! *chuckles* (ngl..)
Jax feels a bit uncomfortable.. but he already did a lot of other bad things so he deserves it. Zooble makes fun of him n the others like to hug him bc he's very soft n so cute, they can't be mad at him he's just so cute!
N I'm done for now! that's the story, I want to people give me ideas of what to draw em doing, like.. Jax sleeping w the moon?? Dunno..
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loopeyfluff · 1 year
Spiderman across the spiderverse thoughts and spoilers underneath read more. it's all just gushing, do not expect a proper review.
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That. Was. Fucking. Insane. That was the best movie I’ve watched. Literally captivated from start to finish. WHAT AN EXPLOSIVE INTRODUCTION?! with gwen stacey and her drums? Such powerful animated movements, in fact ALL THE ACTION SCENES carried SUCH GOOD WEIGHT, made SUCH GOOD USE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, and were just generally so well choreographed! The first villain was just so visually stunning and animated, I LOVED his style. And the humour from the very start was just, on point. This entire movie WAS SOOOO FUNNY. IT WAS HILARIOUS! Hahaha the lego spiderman scene? How miguel was like, “you’re one of the best of us” XDDD. And omg the MAIN ANTOGNIST IS THE BAGEL GUY. I CANNOT. THATS SO HECKING FUNNY. HAHAHHWYWHAJABWHAJJAHAHAHAH.
Such a visually stunning movie man. Like the first one was amazing, but this somehow topped that. The ENVIRONMENTS AND WORLDS THAT WE EXPLORED WERE SOOOO BEAUTIFULLY CONSTRUCTED? Indian spiderman- just everything about him was hilarious- had such an amazing universe, just the layered upon layers of buildings and roads EVERYWHERE. omg HOBY??? I LOVE HOBY MAN. How earlier he was like, miles u gotta use ur palms too not just ur fingers, and then he was also very established to be an against capitalism and institution type man, AND OMG MY GUY AAAAAA HELPING MILES OUT!!!! WHEN NO ONE ELSE WAS DOING ANYTHING FOR HIM??? HOBY’S A REAL ONE GUYS I LOVE HIM.
MAYDAY WAS ADORABLE! Peter being such a doting father was so adorable and EVERYTHING. Like that sequence of him showing all the baby pictures to miles and gwen, and then when he told miles that he should HOLD THE BABY IT’LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTTER!!!! And ofc it did XD THAT TRAIN FIGHT SCENE??? SO MANY MOVIES HAVE TRIED IT BEFORE, BUT THIS WAS THE ABSOLUTE SICKEST TRAIN FIGHT SCENE IVE EVER SEEN. Just the train BULLETING UPWARDS, and then the call back to the leap of faith?
AHHHH but also! So many wonderful computer screen background worthy shots within this film. I absolutely adored the way they kept having the spider people sit and hang upside down. It made so many visually stunning scenes! Like when they were going up the elevator,,, AND THEY WERE ALL UPSIDE DOWN!!! AARHEGEH SOOO COOOL!!!!
Oh man but that brief appearance of peni parker! SHE LOOKED SO TIRED :(!!! URGEGWHW WE GOT TO SEE SPIDERHAM AND SPIDERNOIR AT THE END BUT MAN I RLLY WISH I CUDA SEEN MORE OF THOSE GUYS WYHWHAHWUIAKjahauai!!1!1!?1!1!1 I was so happy when they finally appeared with gwens group of spider allies tho ; - ;!!!!!
Okay back to bagel guy, what a fun and hilarious opening and introduction? Hahaha trying to steal the atm machine and their whole banter, it was just so funny. Amazing introduction. I loved miles’ roommate too! I wish we got to see more of him haha.
Oh oh oh, I loved all of the impact frames in this movie, and also the speech bubbles and sound effects and other fun comic style things, but the glossary squares that kept appearing on screen??? AMAZING!!!! I would love to go through this movie again and just pause and read over everything! THE COLOURS WERE SOOOO GOOD IN THIS MOVIE??? THIS MOVIE REALLY STOOD OUT FOR ME IN IT’S PALETTES! SOME SCENES WERE JUST COMPOSED SO BEAUTIFULLY I JUST AYWHAHAHWUJAHAHAHAH!!!!
The plot twist at the end was so good. It was so well built up too, there were so many hints and what not but it only hit me when aaron showed up… the mom’s eyes being different, her not knowing who spiderman is,,, earlier when the screen got the WRONG DNA,,, and also just the different colour palette? So many good clues. I’m over here laughing at how anticlimactic the mom is taking the news, and then AARON SHOWS UP. And the revelation HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK MAN. IT WASN’T A JOKE.
can we talk about the amazing sound track and sound design for this movie??? I watched this in VMAX which is a cinema which had a larger screen and louder speakers, and wow, I WAS SOOO IMMERSED MAN. Not only does the music SLAP and match each new place so well, but it just adds so much to the viewing experience!!!!
This movie was an absolute masterpiece. Wow. Jesus. The first movie was like my favourite movie. But this somehow TOPPED THAT???? Insane.
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forbidding-souda · 1 month
Hello! @tinieprince here! I just reblogged two of your headcanon posts about korekiyo with a partner who age regresses and I absolutely adore them!! I was wondering if you’d be willing to share some other thoughts on that? He’s just so comforting and I think he’d be the perfect fit for someone who’s in littlespace! He’s the number one person to go to for bedtime stories I can sense it! (I have honestly fallen asleep listening to a compilaton of him talking because wow he has the most soothing voice)
Shinguuji Korekiyo with a S/O in little space
i'm gonna combine a little bit of the stuff I already talked about with new things bc those fics were from like 4 years ago but they're still fire so here you go darling @tinieprince
-Mod Souda
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❤ Obvious one first: gifts!
❤ Gifts from all over. His home is filled with artifacts and yours will be, too. You get toys from multiple cultures, especially baby dolls and things along that sort. He absolutely loves getting shit for you, he thinks about you all the time when he's gone. He will never stop spoiling you even if you ask him to stop. He will never stop. EVER!
❤ ^ And you get homemade blankets from many countries.
❤ He probably already knows what little space is / recognized it before you had to tell him.
❤ ^ And he isn't unnerved by it at all. Of course he's not. He knows everything about humanity, so he knows why people go into little space too.
❤ He loves it when he's reading in bed and you'll curl up next to him. Or even better, when you beg for attention. He'll happily put his book down and hold you into his arms.
❤ Oooooo imagine he has deer teeth rattles and things like that. And lullabies in many languages. I love him srry
❤ He will kiss your forehead for all of eternity.
❤ ^ Even if it's just through the zipper.
❤ His voice is soft and comforting, aaaaaa imagine him holding you in his lap and singing to you.
❤ He doesn't get annoyed by kid shows at all. And if you like coloring books be ready for him to lock in and color alongside you.
❤ ^ "Little one" as a pet name. "How marvelous that looks, little one."
❤ He'll always be okay with putting some work aside to be able to spend time with you. He loves working, but he loves you more. And his work won't get sad or disheartened if he's away from it for too long.
❤ If you aren't feeling good physically, as in sneezing or coughing or having a sore throat, he does not gaf he'll still be all up in your space cooing and you and comforting you. He will rock you in his lap if you let him.
❤ Imagine he does the catepillar thing where he wraps an entire blanket around you and folds it under but then he just goes "this is what they do to corpses before they bury them" and you're like damn LMFAO.
❤ Omfg you should a pacifier that matches the color of his mask.
❤ He's good at playing pretend or playing with dolls. Will probably get one of those big doll houses and then say it's for you (he wanted it too). Normal barbies mixed with scary homemade dolls.
❤ Will dress you and bathe you depending on your regression age.
❤ More than happy to feed you too.
❤ If you babble then he's going to respond as if he understands. "Fascinating, my love." / "Oh really? And what shall we do about it?" / "Beautiful, oh how beautiful you are."
❤ Will sing you songs from his childhood. You get to learn so much about his younger years from the stories he will tell.
❤ His bedtime stories are sometimes crazy as fuck tho ngl when he's not reading out of a book he's gonna loredrop about the Song Dynasty.
❤ "Go to sleep, little one. Let me tell you about the london beer flood."
❤ Any woman that makes fun of you is a goner sorrryyy had to add this one.
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subaerial-dweller · 10 months
aaaAAA I'm on a roll now, I'm just spitting whatever comes into my mind about Generation Loss onto the table now. I love this show very much and I no longer care if people see these posts, I have too many thoughts and I'm writing them down :DD.
I don't think Frank is a skeleton. We know he's a dude, right? There was that screenshot someone took of Frank's poster in Episode 3, let me see if I can find it.
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Here we are. In my search for this screenshot, I did come across a lot of posts that said very similar things to what I was going to say, which was that Frank might just be a rotting corpse they drag around with them, which is really quite insane. I said in my first post of this late-night frenzy of Genloss thinking that I'm not very good at drawing, and in 45 minutes that hasn't actually changed. But I have a very graphic view in my head, and it makes the point where Jerma fucken smacks Frank across the face and breaks his fucking neck or something, it makes it all a lot harder to stomach. It's a gruesome thing, and now I'm just worried about how exactly Frank died.
Sneeg likes him, so maybe he was once the main character, where GL!Ranboo is now? It would make sense, because he's in that cage thing with Sneeg, so they might've just both failed together, but Frank was never going to go beyond the first episode without dying.
OH SPEAKING OF THAT. This is where the "and character origins" part of the post comes from.
I want to talk about where the other characters came from. We see a bunch of them, and they all allude to being in this game for a while before we see this iteration with GL!Ranboo in the main role, but I also have other ideas.
OPTION ONE: they're all, strictly speaking, actors, and Ranboo's the one running through this completely blind. They all know their roles, they understand what they have to do to get the story moving along (Sneeg tackles Austin to get Ranboo through the moving cutout wall thing, for example), and they play those roles. That would explain why Charlie's in every episode: he's the Slime Demon, then he's Surfer Dude/Patient Slime, and then he's Charlie Slimecicle the Streamer. He's a recurring talent (maybe I'll write another thing about where I think GL!Charlie came from, when speaking about option one). They're all mind controlled like Ranboo is, with the same filter layered over reality (except on Austin, I think his malfunctioned which is why he looked so horrified in the clothes room with Ethan, and on the merry-go-round next to rotting corpse!Frank, and Sneeg when he was wearing the hat). They're briefed on their roles, and they follow them, but their main goal is to keep the story moving and get Ranboo to the end. Once again, I think GL!Austin's filter thingy doesn't really work, because he called Jerma "sick", he looked horrified and disgusted to sit next to a dead body, I think he was the only person to care that GL!Ethan had been, you know, brutally murdered, and he also tried to take Ranboo's place in the cutout room.
OPTION TWO: They've all been through the games before. They've all been the main characters, and they've now been moved into other roles with each repetition of the show. So GL!Sneeg was once the main character in Episode 1, and then he fucked up and was locked in the cage with Frank (who also was the protagonist, but then he, uh, well something went wrong and Showfall regrets this Tragic Accident), before Ranboo comes around.
Slimecicle was the main character in Episode 2 once, and he was about to lose the Mousetrap game in the Candy Room, so he ate the piece so the Puzzler couldn't blast him to pieces. Obviously it worked, but he was repurposed as another role, because they took that "oh it's in him" as a great premise for the next time this show went over. Now, our version of Genloss, where GL!Ranboo's the main character, this could happen right after Slime ate the piece, or it could be a while back, but Showfall liked the idea so much they just kept forcing Slime to eat the pieces and random shit, or they cut him open and put it all back inside. Either way, it's not pretty.
Option Two would explain why GL!Vinesauce says "I've done it before" when he asks Sneeg and Ranboo to throw him across the lasers. It would make sense for the first two episodes, where there are other characters and the storyline seems to be in control (as much as Hetch was manipulating Episode 3, Ranboo did have his own mind back and made his own decisions, like with rescuing Streamer Charlie Slimecicle), because for those, the plotline is simple, straightforward, with barely any variation. The characters can be recycled, it makes sense. However, I think accidents do happen, and sometimes, in the case of Frank, actors only get past one episode before, you know, dying. RIP Frank. Squiggles misses you.
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whimsi-clown · 3 months
Note: I don't remember much from this movie at all. Wish me luck again.
(Second after Dr. Facilier ofc.)
I just realized that this is the only disney movie (that I know of) where the villain from the first movie returns in the second.
Awwww! Miko and Percy! My absolute favorite love team!
Pocahontas is still as fearless as ever, happily laughing while the rest hold on for dear life as they sled on snow at high speeds.
I forgot that some of the men stayed behind, but now they have a small little village going on with natives watching their every move. Good for them.
This John Rolfe guy or whatever, did he seriously have to ride a horse off a boat?
Ew. That arrogant smirk he makes as he tells her,
"It's alright now, I've taken care of it."
Ew. It's giving John Smith 2.0.
What's up with your taste in men, Pocahontas?
Ah, ok. I get why the horse is there now.
Pfft- I love how all the men of the tribe start glaring and side eyeing him when it sounded like he was about to make an offensive remark about Pocahontas.
"This is a matter of diplomacy. You can't handle a job like this."
My god this man sounds so fuckin misogynistic. I wanna strangle him.
Good on Pocahontas for not backing down.
"Cut a notch in this staff for every pale face you see."
Bro's about to make more than a hundred notches on the staff, and it still wouldn't be enough.
Everyone in this damn movie looks like they're sponsored by L'Oréal.
I love how Percy is like, trying to lead Pocahontas into the carriage in his own doggy way. So adorable. I love him.
What's with this wack ass Belle in the village musical bootleg music?
Pfft- Poor John Rolfe, running around in search of Pocahontas while she explores.
Also, not once has her body guard stopped making notches on the staff to the point it's gotten so short...
Jesus Christ I fuckin hate this King James guy. Only his wife seems to have common sense.
Bruh. John Rolfe, you've seen her in her much more revealing native clothes. How are long bloomers and long sleeved undershirt much more embarrassing to look at?
Ew. This king. Praise seeker much? Gross keep your praise kinks outa this.
Not me wanting so bad to be in Pocahontas' place and dancing with Governor Ratcliffe. XD
I just noticed that Ratcliffe doesn't have his pretty purple eyeshadow on T_T
Man, I simping for this guy hard now... What's up with me and my preference for big asshats??
Bruh, these people are evil. They're laughing at a chained up bear.
Yea! Tell him off sister!
Pfft- Not John Smith boredly waiting for the other John fighting off the guards.
Also. I just looked it up.
Governor Ratcliffe's full name is John Ratcliffe.
What is up with this girl and so many Johns in her life??
Oh no. Not the love triangle dynamic.
Like I said, the queen is the only bitch in that court with common sense. Good for her.
"I'm ThE gHoSt Of JoHn SmItH, rUn FoR yOuR lIvEs!"
Again, with the flintlock pistols! Why is Governor Ratcliffe using a flintlock pistol under rainy weather? You dumb ass!!
Jesus Christ, these men and their witty comebacks...
Damn, John Smith really be letting Pocahontas go to another John.
What happened to
"I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without you."?
Like, damn boy, you sure move on quick.
Oop- Nevermind. John Smith is back and just ruined the moment between her and the other John.
Ok. Nevermind again. He moved on really quickly and was surprisingly accepting.
Eeyyy! The other John is back! And the bodyguard guy is staying? And the maid lady owns the bear now??
Ah. A kissing scene. What a great way to end the movie.
(Said sarcastically)
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felyas-stuff · 2 years
GUYS I watched the «TMNT: Mutant Mayhem» trailer and IT WAS SO GOOD OMG I’ve already wrote a post about it in my native language, but here I am making another post about my thoughts on the trailer just to let absolutely EVERYONE know how much I like this upcoming movie!!! First of all - the visuals for this film look INCREDIBLE!!! Everything looks like an actual painting, you can literally take a screenshot you like, print it, and place it into frame - and I’m telling you, it’ll look like a fancy picture on your wall!
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Now, secondly…*inhales* AAAAAA LOOK AT DONNIIIIEEEE, baby boy baby, my son, my little meow meow, HE’S SO CUTE!!! I think in this iteration of turtles Donnie is actually the youngest…SO I’M GONNA PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS he’s way to precious to get any hate from this fandom!! 😭💖💖💖
Other designs look good as well, from the looks of it the creators were going for a mix between 1987 and ROTTMNT…which looks pretty cool imo! I also think we should be calling this iteration «Tweenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» - because can you really look at these dorks and tell me they’re 15?? They’re so obviously 13-14, so their blorbo designs with big goofy eyes, glasses, and braces really suit them! Also I know that many certain people don’t like Mutant Mayhem April (*cough* I wonder why *cough*) but, personally - I think she looks very cute as well! Sure, she looks shorter and chubbier, but I get 1987 April vibes from her…again, as I was saying earlier - it’s like this movie is a mix of ‘87 & Rise! very nice :3
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As for the other stuff…I’m gonna be honest - not a fan of the jokes in this movie so far…but! I allways appreciate story first, designs and jokes second, so if the story is gonna be any good (and from how many villains and side characters we see in promos - it’s at least gonna be entertaining 😳😳😳) - I’m definitely checking this out in cinema with my mom and/or friends!! And, of course - I absolutely WILL draw some fanarts, because as I was saying I LOVE THIS VERSION OF DONATELLO!!!
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 7
lloyd garmadon makes kai smith cry on his birthday- Has been recc'ed a couple times but *I* just read it and now *I* have to rec it too! The brotherly dynamic between the two already has me by the throat, but then both of their perspectives on birthdays just really helps drive the point home!! So pleased to have this fic shown to me!
Aftermaths: Lloyd and Kai post-MotO and oof they both go through it emotionally
Visionary- A fic jam-PACKED with introspective and dynamics with the main six, consisting of Lloyd getting a glimpse of what the other's went through prior to becoming ninja (and other hardships), while the other five use their experiences to help Lloyd move forward with his own troubles. That's...literally the barest I can break this fic down into, but there's soooo many emotions and moments and perspective and AAAAAA
An Endless Light: Made ME weep, man. WEEP I SAY. An immortal Lloyd just loves his family, man. AND GODDD THE ENDINGGGGG
The Sun Rises Every Single Night: TIME TRAVEL FIC of Lloyd contending with holy crap how much things have CHANGED but also, despite everything, he is still himself. Kind of a character study, but all entertaining and wholesome ;w;
Time Marches On: A fic that is lamentably not finished, but the chapter that IS there is a wonderful reflection by Wu on how his students have changed (I like time-reflective fics, I suppose) punctuated with a heart-wrenching conversation with Lloyd, which is something I will always love to see~ (but pls if for nothing else the Wu+Lloyd convo is so GOOD *rolls around*)
Thank You, For Giving Me Wings: Or, Five Times the Ninja accidentally called Wu 'Dad' (and the one time one of them didn't on purpose). Oh look, another time-reflective piece about Wu and the Ninja, but this time by me! And could be finished if the Nya chapter didn't give me such a writer's block on how to phrase what I want to saaaay *wails* Anywaaaay, lot of Wu and lots of family emotions and lots of the ninja being vulnerable and soft in their "father's" presence ;w;)/
Some Burn Hot, Some Burn Cold: A story about Lloyd, Elemental Powers, and the effects both those things can have on the ninja's emotions. Everyone's got a role to play in this one, though the parts with Cole and Lloyd hit me the hardest, man. Also may or may not have been my inspiration for Elemental Outbursts ;P
All I Want For Christmas is You: If I had a nickel for every time I recc'ed a Christmas fic in the middle of July, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's (about to) happen twice (aka Lloyd experiences Christmas for the first time and attempts to hide that fact and the ninja simply love him very very very much in the process).
All I'm Asking For- And last but most certainly not least, my other very favorite Ninjago fic ever, the masterpiece that inspired me to get back into writing to begin with ;w;
Kind of a (Christmas-y) AU the diverts from MotO but doesn't necessarily contradict it either, my mere meager description just cannot do it the justice it deserves! Everyone gets some form of closure after all these years of fighting to just be okay, even if for a little while, all sprinkled with marvelous character moments and interactions and holiday shenanigans that are guaranteed to warm your heart at one point or another. A great pick me up to dive back into year round regardless (as I do)
(this fic is technically and obviously about everyone, but the way it starts and ends with Cole's perspective on his team............ *bursts into tears* something about it just feels so perfectly right in a way I still can't manage to explain. But know I hold this fic so very near and dear to my heart and you should too <3)
And that is it! Woot, didn't think I'd make it every day, but turns out I read a lot more than I think! Shoutout to @21st-century-ninja for putting this all together!!
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rinhaler · 10 months
No way omg I read some of your works and I was like this author is sooo good the writing looks a biiit familiar tho
Just found out you’re fuwushiguro lmao!! You used to be (and still are) one of my fav fanfic writers.
Why’d you move blogs btw?
AAAAAA that's so funny what gave it away?? 😩 welcome back though I'm happy to have u :3
also okay I never used to talk about my follow count or anything on my old blog but it was just a bit much mentally for me. I used to beat myself up over not performing well despite my follow count. I actually had over 10k followers on fuwushiguro but like I said, I used to keep that to myself. I just didn't want to be perceived in a certain way because of the amount of followers I have, but it doesn't matter now since I don't live there anymore.
Coming here was just a fresh start for me. I couldn't wrap my head around why so many people were following but I felt so... alone? Like I didn't feel supported at all over there. I worked so hard on my writing and I just hated how poorly everything I posted performed. And I know you're not meant to care about notes or whatever but I did, massively, and my mental health suffered terribly for it because I just blamed myself and my writing for not performing well. It might sound silly, but I can't really put into words how sad it feels to have so many people following you and then ultimately feeling so alone and uncared for.
I know a lot of people deal with this though and it wasn't just me. Everyone here works hard and it is just super upsetting when you work hard and then feel like no one actually cares. I really fell out of love with writing so I just thought, fuck it, I'm going to make a new blog and just keep to myself.
I've recently gone through a friendship breakup which massively knocked my confidence in writing too because the ex-friend, albeit unintentionally, made a choice that just left me hating myself and my writing even more. I've been suffering mentally through that and feeling alone because she was everything to me and my entire days revolved around her pretty much so losing that constant in my life was actually agonising, and unfortunately I do still miss her a lot!
But I've been filling my time with writing again and to be honest it's been lovely. I hate how she handled things and I don't think I will ever get over that. It's been nice to know I don't need to suffer forever though and do have that escape with writing when I need it!
Becoming a smaller blog again has absolutely taken the pressure off everything I write and post, too. It's just really freeing to not have any expectations placed on me (whether that's by myself or other people).
I've made some lovely new friends and am making new memories with people over here and I have a nice little community and safe space here for myself and my followers and I just know it was the best decision I could have made even if it didn't start off in the best way.
Thank you for finding me again though it's really nice to have a mix of old and new followers so I can carry on making this nice little space here :3 thank you for supporting me and my writing, pls take care of yourself my love!
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stuckasmain · 2 years
Unintelligible thoughts about hadestown 2 [Recording version]
Since the last one of these blew up I thought I’d share my thoughts on the Broadway version as well, if for any other reason that it’s fun! If you’re new here from the last post when I get into stuff I get INTO it and watch whatever I can get my hands on. A few days ago I watched a decent HD recording…though they were behind someone tall and characters disappeared often but 🤷‍♀️ regardless it still makes me want to see the Broadway show SO bad. God if I ever go to New York—
Slightly more detailed because I could take notes while watching.
Broadway is a more permanent set, there’s no train car/door in the back. The main turntable is ALSO A PLATFORM DOOR! It’s how they move set pieces and people and we will come back to this because holy fucking shit.
Orpheus waves once he’s introduced (all do) he is my baby now.
These two have absolutely perfected the stare™️ the sheer longing and how awestruck…simply by bumping into each other.
The fates chase Eurydice off right after they bump into each other, from the very beginning (literally) they control the narrative and prevent them from talking.
Paper flower paper flower paper flower 💕 the recording is really fucking good I can see writing on them and on papers on his desk. They look like flyers for something but I can’t read it.
Eurydice is actually everything, she’s quite bubbly and  sarcastic. She has a wonderful balance of “high energy but I’ve been scorned to many times”. “WhO aRe You?!”
It’s a detail shared across productions but I like when, mainly in the beginning, the chorus also sings magnifiying orpheus’s voice to be even prettier?
“How did you do that?!” “I-I-I do-donno!” Poor boys terrified by a flower
Hades turns and starts drinking when Persephone basks in the light
I love the detail that every time Eurydice is even remotely happy the fates come creeping in. Leave the poor girl alone 😫
Once again it’s how Eurydice turns eager and touchy and Orpheus is a bit startled but just as happy and is trying his best to follow her lead and what she wants and he— god they’re so in love.
I have like four notes that are just “Touchhhhhhhhhh hand holding hhhhhhhhhhhhh”
So as I was saying the center of the turn table rises and falls, creating a plat form or a literal pit. Some of the best moments are when it remains a pit dead in the center of the stage another favorite is during chant and it’s a platform and Persephone is just “what the actual fuck did you do when I was gone?”
“Is it done?” “uh-uh.”
“I know you see the world the way it could be but for right now you gotta think in the world the way it is” - Hermes
I know snakes v. Songbird is for strong v weak but also could refer to her original death. In some myths she steps on a snake instead of starving,
GORE MAKEUP GORE MAKEUP GORE MAKEUP. I’m sad because that’s my boy but GORE MAKEUP :)
Turnnnnnnnn tableeeeeeee~
Anyways it’s the de-programming of the workers I always loose my mind alongside when they’re all on the turntable and I
Hades has the flower but O and E loose it in the background.
“Let’s go! Let’s go right now!” “Ok! Let’s go!…. How?”
Anyways it’s the way they always hold hands and move to protect each other and—
Wait for me duet💕💕💕
“Now the way it is ,is all I see”
He looks back and she sinks back into the ground and he stays on his knees like that. He stays catatonic well into the next song, staring at the pit in the ground. He slowly gets up and drags himself away RIGHT before she comes back in. Aaaaaa
Now it’s supposed to be a reset, and it is in a way but there is a clear look of recognition on their faces, especially Orpheus, and you just know that the narrative is the only thing keeping them from running to each other and I AAAAAAAA
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fanaticastrid · 1 year
Alright I apologize for lack of actual content minus reposts as of late, creative block sucks cuck. But I guess that gives me an excuse to share more of what I've cooked up for the Double Lester AU/The Son of the Priest!
-The books have their own titles in this to seperate them from the OG. A Fallen God's Plea, The Wrath of Neos Helios, Blood Moon Rising, and The Last Trial all correspond to, respectively, The Hidden Oracle, The Burning Maze, The Tyrant's Tomb, and The Tower of Nero. You may notice The Dark Prophecy isn't here, that's because I can't think of a good alternative title for the story told in the AU version, it might just stay the same idk yet.
-I'm aging up Meg just a little, to 14 from the start. I confess I do this because it's hard for me to keep Meg in character, so I'm going the cheap route to make her a bit more flexible to me. Don't fire me pls I'll try to keep her close to canon
-Nifty idea I had while doing my notes for Blood Moon Rising: Lester progressively becomes more ghostlike as Apollo's infection worsens (since the Body-Soul Link connects them.) At first, it just makes Lester's veins more purple and it more difficult not to break into his true aoroi self, but over time he simply can't go back into his human state and has to keep a tight handle on himself so as to not attack people. His aoroi appearance has a distinct violet tinge instead of pale blue, and the poison in him (well, more Apollo) shows as glowing lavender veins, much like if you injected glowstick fluid in your bloodstream. By the time we reach the end with Tarquin, Lester is struggling so badly not to give in to the violent urges, Tarquin's beckoning to join him, and the amount of pain he's in, but he pushes through everything knowing there's still that smallest chance of help... of hope.
-I AM SOOOO excited to get to Nero and Python. Netos death won't be so anticlimatic- if fact he goes out with a bang- and Python... well for one it's serious Lester abuse ouch, but it's the peak of Apollo and Lester's character arcs. Neither of them are afraid to face Python because they have each other and aren't alone. They aren't afraid to die, hell Lester just goes into Badass Mode the whole fight, a stark contrast to the wimpy coward we met at the very beginning of everything. He does everything he can to assist Apollo knowing damn well there is no chance of him surviving the battle. The lil fucker just refuses to die.
And that's before I get to Apollo. He feels horrible knowing Lester is almost guaranteed to die in Delphi, and he will not let him. He will do whatever it takes to save Lester from the fate Python bestowed on him, consequences be damned. He's willing to die for Lester, and Lester's willing to die for Apollo. That's what love does bby
-A snippet of the many abilities of the Body-Soul Link is that Lester, on a few occasions, can actually SORT OF see Apollo's true appearance. In reality he looks like a fuzzy, glowing gold 3D lineart and his face is really hard to make out, but Lester's Mist-piercing vision helps him a bit... and he gets flustered every time. "A-am I gay now?"
-also Lester, despite his temper, is such a sweetheart to everyone hnngh too precious. For one, he's such a big brother to Meg, he cried when Meg said she sees him and Apollo as siblings. He gives back to the poor. He cares about nature. Fuck I can't wait to this precious little bean to yall aaaaaa
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primus-why · 1 year
Jazzwave anon, I know I want to know how you I interpret the relationship sorry for being too vague lol
OH! Lol that's makes more sense adfjghkwl
See, what I love about shipping is that you can take a crumb and mold characters into however you see fit. There are soooo many continuities across Transformers, each with their own interpretation of characters. Sometimes I get specific, but sometimes I operate in continuity soup...
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With that in mind, I generally like to see them as master spies. To me, they are experts in their field, which makes every interaction-- both with each other and with other characters-- dubious. You end up having to ask yourself: how much of Jazz's smile is genuine? What is Soundwave omitting from his recollection of an event? That sort of thing.
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So as a fan of the pairing I get to play with those interactions depending on my mood... are they lying to each other all the time and I have to read what's between the lines to understand their true intentions? Or could the other mech be one of the very few people that sees through the facade, a mech who offers security and honesty? Perhaps it's a mixture of both...
I imagine the inability to trust is pretty inherent to their nature, deep down. They have to be skeptical of everything, their job never really ends, so to entertain a story where they grow to rely on one another is just *muah* 👌 Plus there's the added layer of interfactional angst! Like aaaaaa there goes the one other person who could possibly understand what it's like to be in your position, only they're on the other side of the war.
I generally see Soundwave as pretty reserved with a bit of dry snark here and there, while Jazz is definitely more outgoing and talkative but even less predictable. On the surface Soundwave is measured, Jazz is paradoxical, yet both are ten steps ahead of everyone else (and always keep some contingencies in their subspace.)
You can create stories where these seemingly polar opposites actually find some understanding and get along rather well. But you could also go full angst and make it so they feel they are unable to trust others and properly exist in peacetimes, so they end up being in each other's lives out of convenience-- because at least then they won't be alone. You can make it so they briefly crossed paths pre-war! Or maybe you'd like to see them try to one-up each other like rivals.
Something else I can appreciate due to their lines of work-- the fact that over time they're able to see all sorts of sides to their leaders, making them more disillusioned than some of the other hardcore fanatics/loyal soldiers. Like they still care about their respective causes, but they don't view Megatron or Optimus as perfect. Meaning they're more than happy to bend a few rules to do whatever they personally want to do-- stuff whatever the leader says.
I'll sum up cuz this is getting super long (sorry!) but literally the characterizations are wildly different, so you can create all kinds of arrangements. In my mind there's a basic structure, but beyond that anyone could take it from there lol!
Also! We can't forget... music. Personally I like to imagine they have very different tastes but are able to find appreciation in many musical expressions. Jazz definitely plays an instrument or five, and I am kind of torn on whether Soundwave might. He definitely would have the discipline for it, but perhaps his playing style is stilted? Or maybe he's excellent, and shockingly good at improvising to mix things up! Or maybe actually he doesn't like music much at all. And honestly however you interpret music in their relationship is likely to be a metaphor for the relationship itself...
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TLDR: I love seeing them flirt like in those classic spy movies where the main concern was to have some thrill while solving an investigation/finishing a mission, and to look cool and get some while doing it. 😂
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ranubd · 1 year
I would like to know what your boundaries are when it comes to interacting with you.
are you ok with requests or questions that don’t have to do with your works
are you ok with receiving headcanons that are not relevant to or may contradict with what you already have 
how many asks are you comfortable with receiving at one time.
Are there other things that you want us to know about fan interaction that I didn’t think to ask about
Hi, thank you for asking about my boundaries, and to anyone reading this, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to look at this! :)
I am super okay with any questions you have about anything. I might not come with the correct answer to these questions, BUT I'll try to answer them either way! However if some questions are uncomfortable for me to answer, I can't put my finger on what such questions would be expect for like, NSFW stuff, I'm really not comfortable with that on my blog so please keep NSFW material/questions/requests to yourself. :)
With requests, if we are now talking art requests etc, then I'll gladly draw most stuff!! I tend to only enjoy drawing stuff I'm fixated on, so if I'm going through a overwhelming time or something due to my undiagnosed and therefore unmedicated ADHD I will probably not be drawing your requests. :(( BUT I'LL GET BACK TO THEM AFTER THE OVERWHELMING PERIODS!! (At least I'll try to.)
I would like to add on this that when I'm in artblock, I sometimes will just draw anything... So I may make a post asking for people to send me their OCs and so on so that I can get the creative juices flowing!! :D
You are again free to send me any of your headcanons even if they contradict mine, because if anything, I can add on to my own HC by yours. 🤭🤭 However, if you do send me headcanons, try to mostly just keep yourself to Hermitcraft/Life Series headcanons or anything related to that because if it isn't about that I really won't have anything to respond to your headcanons. Hard to care if I don't know anything about the topic, yk?
I'm fine with any amount of asks. If you as a singular person have many questions that you feel won't all fit into one asks, then send them as individual asks, I don't mind!! :D
I try to answer asks as fast as I can, but sometimes it may take some time as I do go to school. And sometimes, LIKE YESTERDAY, I may have burnout or I may be over stimulated. If that is the case, I will not be active at all on social media, so don't take it personal if it takes a while for your ask(s) to be answered.
I would like people who view this blog to know that I most likely have ADHD, I'm mentioning this because it's something so recent and it is affecting me quite a lot.
I draw stuff when I feel like it, I genuinely cannot draw unless I get that certain flow going, it's a little hard to explain... But I haven't been working on the comic because I know it's better for me not to force myself to work on it because if I did that, I would risk losing interest in it completely, and that's something no one here wants. :(( So please do try to be patient with me, I may be academically smart, but I'm still a little slow. <33
I HOPE THIS ANSWERS ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!! If there is still something for you, the person reading this, that was left unclear or you didn't get a good or direct answer to, then send an ask to me or send me a message and I'll try to clarify myself. :)))
Also with ibispaints new animating tool... i might be going a little... Nuts... Hehe. AAAAAA 😝😝😝 Not saying anything but, like, well I'll just leave a few very very very fast doodles here.
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Steady steady... Pum pum pudum dum dum..
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kotikaleo · 9 months
How about 8, 12, 25? 👀
(i hope more than one is okay, feel free to choose just one though)
8. Game of the year?
Ahah, well, during the game awards I voted for Baldur's gate 3, because THE HELL IT WAS SO GOOD. That should be a standard for AAA games honestly. But! For myself personally I want to say that it was Rain World. It was for the first time I got to play it in coop, and first time I got to play it after years of me being literally too scared to play XD
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
AAAAAA @amenalyme COME HERE BUDDY. So I know we started talking one whole year ago and one day ago, so it does makes us friends from last year, but I personally think that we became real close friends only during this year. YOU ARE AWESOME KIND AND SO UNDERSTANDING AND SO COOL how dare you honestly. To the people who don't know, this awesome person dragged me into rain world fandom, inspired me, and now we are making a cosplay of Pebbles and Moon because we are insane!! And I also visited her many times, and every time it was a blast uωu
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Meet Yash!! Electro sword that looks a lot like dendro user XD.
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I dropped a few sketches there and there, but I haven't done a lot about him, mostly because at the begging, because we agreed with one artist to create a couple but they never did, and I felt bad about this character after.
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But slowly my other artist friends (awesome btw) gave him more meaningful connections and relationships uwu
Faban here by @lastseekersrefuge she made even more sketches with them
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And Oilspil by @amenalyme
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Yash is such a good friend, he would never pick up on his friend (lies). He also can and will kick people in the face.
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The game
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