#and so much michael praising him for being a good boy. wait who said that
flownwrong · 1 month
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We'll make sure of it.
Star Trek: Discovery (5x07 Erigah)
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btslil-bbyboy · 2 months
ABC... 1, 2, 3!
Scenario: Them as your son (age set from baby to 3yrs old)
Male reader insert! Warning* Child abuse, domestic violence, child neglect, reader will be paired up with woman partner
Characters: Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Valentino, and Adam
When Alastor was born, he didn't cry that much. Which concerned you but your wife assured it was nothing and proceeded life with a quiet baby.
That is until he breaks into a smile. You can't help but gush as he smiles at anything he finds stupid, it's adorable especially with his little tail wiggling around without control, ears perked up before flickering around making him reach up to pull at them.
You had to buy those little mittens to prevent any more damage of making himself cry.
As Alastor aged to 1, you and your wife notice how attached he is to your partner. Which makes you pout but there's nothing you can do other than try to bond with him more.
Unfortunately, he just ignores you, opting to make his first steps towards his mother. At night time he'll be right up next to her face, hands curling around her long hair as he slept. And what was worse is how everytime she leaves the room, Alastor will throw a tantrum if he wasn’t allowed to follow.
At the age of 2, his attachment was still there but has calmed down once you figured out a way to calm him down.
Every night, you'll pick him up onto your lap, turn on the radio for a little background noise until he falls asleep.
A win-win situation as he relies more on you now and getting him to sleep in his own room.
By the age of 3, Your relationship with him has increased.
He watches with wide eyes, as he sees you kissing your wife in the mirror who giggles, getting distracted from carefully brushing around his small antlers. He tags along with you for outside activities, hand in your own as he waits patiently for an elderly woman making her way through the door of a store that you held open for. Even copies your behavior of picking up stuff like shoes when his mother is sweeping.
"Oh my goodness, aren't you such a gentleman." Your wife gushes, picking the little demon up in her arms.
"That's my boy." You praised, smiling over your wife's shoulder to smile at the boy.
Alastor just smiles brightly at the two of you.
When Lucifer was born, you weren't there to see him bundled up in a freshly washed fuzzy blue blanket.
You had your hands full with his siblings, a 2 year old sister and a 5 year old half-brother.
Your ex wife had canceled plans of taking Michael over the weekend and having two high energy strung kids around a newly born doesn’t sound smart, so you wait.
At the age of 1, Everything was great. Lucifer's smile got rid of any problems that stressed you over.
You would raise him up into the air, making him squeal and laugh as you spin him around like he's an airplane. He'll crawl towards you, wings flapping around to help him get to you faster.
Not a care in the world, not a care of your wife or siblings.
By age 2, his first words of your dad title brings tears into your eyes. Picking him up and kissing his cute little nose before lightly tapping your horns with his.
Ignoring the tight ball of sadness of your wife taking Gabriella to her mother's house to spend the night there while Michael had called his own mother to pick him up.
At age 3, Lucifer would remember this event throughout his life.
The screaming of his parents rang out throughout the house. He doesn't really know what is being said but the terrified feeling of seeing you angry made him cry. Not even his big sisters' hugs can calm him down because she too is crying.
Then he sees his mother slap you before making her way towards them. He cries harder, running past her and into your arms.
But she didn't care, smiling softly at her own daughter before leaving with her.
"It's going to be okay Luci." You whisper out, rubbing his back in reassurance. Letting him cry until he falls asleep.
When Vox was born, you were there only for the first hour before leaving, getting a call from work.
This collaboration with another company is one in a million, you can't slack off this opportunity.
You'll get to see Vox at home.
Plus, the private nurses will help your wife with anything she needs.
At age 1, You threw a big birthday party for Vox.
Everyone you and your wife invited were important people. And some family, well only those that won't bring shame on you all.
Vox was being supervised by a nanny, making sure he didn't stumble. You don't want his small screen to take damage. It would be a horrible sight for those around to see.
Anyway, Vox was pretty happy when you gifted him a pup shark. Everyone was impressed by the gift.
2 years old, Vox felt so restricted. Everytime you all went to family vacations, the nanny was there breathing down his neck. Always correcting his posture or keeping him away from anything that would get him dirty.
Only leaving when his parents decide to have a family dinner where lots of paparazzi waited outside to take pictures of the perfect new family.
At 3, There was a rare day of having no meetings or projects to peak at.
You had a day off so you decided to stay home. Light music playing in the background while you serve yourself some wine.
The door slamming open startles you a little bit, Vox running in with tears running down his face, glitching out horribly from it. You watch as the nanny scurries in, apologizing immediately while trying to pull Vox out the door.
After a minute or two of the display, you signal the nanny out, leaving little Vox to stare up at you with uncertainty wet eyes.
"Are you done crying?"
Vox stays quiet before looking down at his hands that are anxiously fidgeting with each other.
"You got what you wanted. Entertain me." You sit down on the leather couch, watching him.
The birth of Valentino was something that tied you down with your ex.
Family pestering you to take care of your newly born son. All the bickering and nosey cousins, aunts and uncles wore you down, bringing you to get married with your ex.
You can barely look at Val, just eyeing him from the corner of your eyes when your mother dots on him.
At 1, you secretly got a DNA test, wanting to see if this kid is really yours.
For all you know, the bitch you call wife was whoring around and trapping him into this relationship.
The test came back positive, Valentino is actually your kid. The information of it brought a little bit of...pride.
You were continuing your bloodline.
At age 2, Valentino first witnessed you holding the woman he calls mamá down the bed.
The sight of you punching the other to quieten her screams made him burst in tears, running towards her for a hug.
To get comforted.
Once he got on the bed, he was pushed off with so much force that he hit the dresser beside the bed. His screams rings out, never stoping as he was forcefully grabbed by the wrist, being dragged to the couch.
"Don't fucking move!" You hissed out before returning to your room.
Turning 3, Valentino has shied away from you.
No matter the place, he would never go up to you to ask for something. He also would be away from his mother, not wanting to be around her to witness anymore of those acts.
Also because you would make him stay on the couch, not letting him move until you would come back from the bedroom, sit down in your armchair, and turning on the tv with a cigarette lit up.
When Adam was born, you weren't there.
Actually, it was more like you couldn't make it. But even if you could, you'll probably still wouldn't attend.
The reason why you weren't able to attend the birthing of your first and only son was that you were locked up.
The news about Adam reached you seven days later.
When Adam turned 1, you finally got a picture of him.
Kind of blurry from quickness of the snap but what can you do if the mother of said child didn't want you in her life. Thankfully, a cousin of yours was keeping tabs on your son.
The small picture of his brown messy hair with his wings curled up on his back was hidden beneath your mattress.
You didn't want no one to touch it.
At age 2, Adam was already calling someone else dad.
His innocent little mind never bothered with how different the man he called father looked nothing like him.
Nor was he aware about the mail that was sent to his mother from his biological father.
Oblivious to the verbal threats on taking him when the person was out of prison.
At 3, Adam ran into some people that he has never seen before.
He was really suprised and shocked when an older woman picked him up.
"Oh my grandbaby. My baby! You look so much like your father!"
He was ripped away from the woman by his dad, while his mom started screaming profanities at the small group.
Almost getting into a physical fight with a younger looking woman until his dad dragged her away.
From that day on, Adam didn't go to that small market again.
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minorisato · 4 months
your affection is just off the mark!
slashers, dead by daylight / ghostmyers / wc: 563 / warnings: stalking / notes: au where michael is . a normal guy who moved to roseville
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Michael was at work when his phone started ringing. He cringed the slightest bit, feeling it vibrate. He was never good with phone calls, and if it was up to him he'd just let it ring continuously and go to voicemail, but the last time he'd done that to Laurie she'd given him an intense talking-to about "being polite" and "etiquette" and "weren't you taught manners in that asylum?"
(She'd never said that last part out loud, but he always felt it was implied. The rest of their family was clear in their disappointment with him being "the crazy one"- it only made sense that Laurie would feel the same.)
Picking up the phone, Michael held it up to his ear, not saying a word, hoping that either a scammer or one of his parents or whoever accidentally typed in his number would make themselves known first.
"Hey, big boy."
Oh god, it's him again.
"So quiet. Y'know, I love that about you." The Ghostface was smiling on the other end, Michael could tell. "Normally, it's all 'oh no, Mr. Ghostface, please don't kill me. I wanna be in the sequel.' Thinking they can get away from death when it's so close already. But you? Nice and quiet. Does anything make you scream? Nod or shake your head."
So the stalker could see him. He shook his head.
"Really? Nothing at all? That's impressive." Normally, when people told Michael he did something impressive, it was full of condescension. The nurses used to call his crayon drawings impressive in the hospital. (Of course, that was only after he retired the red crayon- the amount of red in his older drawings made the nurses nervous.) When Laurie called Michael impressive, it was usually code for wow, look at you, behaving like a person!
From the Ghostface, though, it didn't feel that way. It felt like actual praise. Michael's stalker was praising him more than his own family ever had, and Michael wasn't sure how to feel about that.
"Mikey," the Ghostface began, "you're really special, y'know that?"
Michael ignored the usage of the nickname- which he honestly hated, but would let slide- and honed in on the special part. Sure, he'd been called it before, but only as an insult in high school. His parents might regard him as crazy and his old therapist might consider him fascinating, but no one found Michael special.
No one except, apparently, the Ghostface. He tilted his head to the point the stalker would definitely notice, and be able to read his confusion.
"It's true!" The killer told him, sounding something like giddy. "I've never met someone like you. I've never been fascinated in a victim like I'm interested in you. I might even keep you around a bit, I like you so much. In fact, because you're so special," he continued, "how about I come over tonight, hm? Would you like that, getting some special alone time with your biggest fan?"
There was a connotation there, some hidden meaning that Michael wasn't entirely certain about. Was his stalker flirting with him? Was Michael being flirted with by a serial killer? Is that what's happening?
One way or another, Michael nodded.
On the other end of the line, the Ghostface burst into laughter, a harsh cackle. "Wonderful! Can't wait to see you, Mikey."
And then the line went dead.
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Bets & Wagers Masterlist
Bare (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Pairing: Calum/Ashton
Summary: When Calum made that bet with Ashton, he did not know he was gonna lose, which meant he had to do anything Ashton wanted. At first it was alright but after five days, his frustration got the best of him. Calum wanted revenge. If Ashton wanted a bare Calum, he was going to get a bare Calum.
Control (ao3) - lourrygum Pairing: Michael/Luke
Summary: Michael hasn’t come in five days, and he’s exhausted. Him and Luke are getting praise from their crew left right and centre because of how well they’ve been performing lately. How much “heat” they’ve been putting into their shows. Michael’s been working himself absolutely ragged onstage, until he’s so exhausted he can barely stand after. It works for a little while, then it stops working, and when he crawls into bed, the problem is still there. The problem being his boner.
or, michael makes a bet with luke
Gotta Be Cruel to be Kind (ao3) - fourdrunksluts Pairing: Michael/Ashton, Luke/Calum
Summary: "It’s just for a date or two." Calum sounds exasperated despite Michael's excuse being perfectly valid. "Ashton’s hot."
"Ashton’s a shrew," he corrects, voice biting. "I’m not going to… to tame him, or whatever, just so you can convince some twink to go on a mediocre date with you."
If I'm Lame Then You're Beautiful (ao3) - ashsparagus Pairing: Michael/Luke
Summary: Luke doesn't think cheesy stuff can be cute. Michael takes that bet. They never thought they could fall deeper in love.
I've Just Realised (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance Pairing: Luke/Calum
Summary: When Calum told Michael and Ashton what he had in mind, Ashton immediately thought he had gone crazy while Michael was very supportive; 'I don’t know about you but I’m on his side. Calum, my buddy, I’ve got your back,' Michael had said. Telling his friends was one thing and talking to Luke was the hardest part but he had to do it; although it required lots of courage, he finally did it.
"Yeah, so, the thing is… well…” Calum paused and decided to have a go at it. “I’ve just realised I like you.”
All he had to do was wait for what Luke had to say.
Kissing and cuddling instead of partying (ao3) - Emma_Davis680 Pairing: Luke/Ashton, Michael/Calum
Summary: One night Ashton and Michael are getting drunk and Michael bets Ashton he cant sleep with Luke for $100 dollars so Ashton takes the dare. What Ashton didn't plan on was falling in love with Luke and fucking everything up when Luke found out. Michael and Calum are totally gone for each other.
Once You Remember... (ao3) - Tori2004 (orphan_account) michael/luke E, 7k
Summary: Luke’s idea of fun, is to torment Michael Clifford, a shy boy with brightly dyed hair. Michael gets into a car accident and develops amnesia. Luke and one of his friends make a bet. Luke has to try and make Michael fall in love with him. Until he realizes how unpredictable love can be.
The Bet (ao3) - lilostylins0n michael/luke T, 8k
Summary: Michael and Calum have a bet going: that Michael, who usually can't keep a relationship longer than two weeks, can make someone stick around for a whole month. But Michael doesn't expect the someone to be the shy kid in school, Luke Hemmings.
Trembling When You Touch (ao3) - senioritastyles michael/luke M, 4k
Summary: “When do you think these’ll stop hurting so bad?” Michael wonders aimlessly, eyes still glued on the TV.
Luke shrugs, jostling Michael in the process. “Hopefully soon, although they hurt less when the cleaner is on them.”
“Probably because it’s cold. And wet.” Michael nods.
Luke hums in agreement. “Yeah, it feels good.”
A moment goes by, just a beat of silence, before Michael says, “Hey, I’ve got an idea.”
or: Michael and Luke lose a bet and the consequences lead to better things.
Wembley (ao3) - smol_whale Pairing: Michael/Luke
Summary: 5sos are playing a show at Wembley and Cal, Ash and Luke bet that Michael is going to hurt himself on stage.
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
how about the slasher react to an s/o that who sometimes speaks during their sleep? (Have a nice day :3)
I talk in my sleep according to my family and best friend. My best friend said she had a whole conversation with me while she was in another part of her house and when she walked back into her room I was responding but I was also knocked out. Makes no sense, I still think she’s lying…
S/O That Talks in Their Sleep
Michael Myers
Michael has a fucked sleep schedule. The only time he sleeps is when he has to because he physically cannot keep going. Although, occasionally he will take a quick nap purely out of boredom. Other than that, you’re going to have to coax him into bed with you.
Because of this, it’s likely for him to hear you talking in your sleep all of the time. He does enjoy watching you sleep. You look so peaceful and at ease and the steady rise and fall of your chest basically has him in a trance.
Michael isn’t going to mention it to you or anything. It doesn’t phase him, in fact he finds it pretty amusing. It does make him wonder what you’re dreaming about whenever you say something really crazy though. He wishes he knew what was going on inside of your head at all times, even when you’re sleeping.
Bo Sinclair
Bo will find anything and everything he can to use against you. He knows the perfect mix of degrading and praise that will have you hating him and never wanting to leave his side. So of course, this is another thing he will be using against you.
If you try and deny it he’ll find a way to prove it to you. He doesn’t care if he has to stay up all night and record you. One way or another, he’s going to prove it to you or just make a scene and get you to drop it or surrender and just let him be right. He’s always right darlin’.
Of course he is also going to use this knowledge to embarrass you. He’s the king of mansplain, manipulate, manwhore and he knows it. Bo will tell you stuff you most certainly didn’t say just so he can get a reaction out of you.
Vincent Sinclair
When the two of you first get together, he is still very hesitant about sharing a bed with you. He can’t sleep with the wax mask on his face and even though he does care about you, he’s not sure that he’s ready to show you his face quite yet.
Because of this he won’t come to bed with you until he’s dog tired. Vincent will be asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, not waking up until the morning. So it’s unlikely for your sleep talking to be known by him for a very long time.
Once he gets comfortable with you and is with you while you fall asleep is when he will finally take notice. Even then, it’s very unlikely for him to mention it to you, he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed. Besides, he thinks that it’s endearing listening to you say random things in your sleep. Some of the things you say are cute and others are just down right funny.
Brahms Heelshire
If you talk in your sleep he’s going to know about it within the first week you’re staying at the Heelshire mansion. He likes to watch you while you sleep and if it’s something that you do frequently he was bound to notice.
Brahms has very limited knowledge on people considering he has lived a very sheltered life and hasn’t socialized whatsoever really. It makes him wonder why you do it, so once he reveals himself to you be prepared for a bunch of questions.
Just don’t let Brahms know that you’re embarrassed about talking in your sleep. He’s a little shit and he would most definitely tease you about it just to get a reaction from you. Also uses it against you in order to get his way, so being made fun of becomes especially common during his tantrums.
Thomas Hewitt
This man sleeps like a rock. The world could be ending and he would sleep through it. Can you really blame him though? Thomas works his ass off to take care of his family, so he stays tired and always sleeps hard.
Because of this it’s very unlikely for him to even notice that you talk in your sleep. Especially if it’s more mumbling than anything because it won’t phase him one bit. If he does happen to hear you though, at first he thinks you’re saying something to him. Only when that something makes absolutely no sense does he realize you’re still sleeping.
Don’t worry about worrying over what you say in your sleep though, Thomas will never bring it up anyways. After all, it’s not like it bothers him considering it took him so long to even notice. On the rare occasion he does hear you he just thinks it’s cute and wonders what you’re dreaming about.
Billy Loomis
This one all depends on where you stand in your relationship with him. If you’re still dealing with that boy next door front he puts up then of course he’s never going to mention it to you. After all, a gentleman like him would never mock his s/o.
But if you’ve reached a point where Billy really is himself around you then congratulations he’s going to tease the hell out of you for it. Obviously he’s going to over exaggerate everything you say in order to make it better blackmail.
Definitely uses the “that’s not what you were saying last night” line in order to mock you. If you claim he’s lying then that’s just to bad considering he was the one awake and listening and you were the one asleep.
Stu Macher
Stu thinks that the things you say in your sleep are absolutely hilarious. Because he enjoys hearing the random things you say so much he never mentions it to you because then you would somehow try and stop, He’s not sure if it’s possible to just stop, but he’s not taking any chances.
Would be the type to write down his favorite things that you’ve said in your sleep. The list ranges from random things you’ve said he thought were funny to the sweet things you’ve mumbled about him without even knowing it.
One day he might just show you the list of phrases he has collected over time. Happily points out his favorite ones, he should make a hall of fame for your sleep talking phrases. Of course, he has to tease you once he finally tells you.
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse has cameras covering every inch of property that he owns. His warehouses have cameras but of course so does his home where you reside. After all he has to make sure the things that are most important to him are looked after.
So, anything you say or do will be caught on camera. Although you have no privacy, you only have no privacy with Jesse, He is the only one with access to the cameras within his home, no one else.
Unfortunately for you this means every embarrassing thing you have said or done has been caught on tape for Jesse to enjoy. While he is temped to tease the hell out of you for it, he ultimately decides against it. He doesn’t want you to stop doing embarrassing things just because you know that he is always watching.
Asa Emory
Asa watches you sleep pretty often so it doesn’t take long for him to pick up on your sleep talking. Even if it is something you don’t do often, he’s a very light sleeper. So if you start talking, it is going to wake him and you’re going to get caught saying who knows what.
He’s not one to really mention those sorts of things, But, if it is something that you do often then it means he own’t be able to sleep good with you next to him. He may care about you but he already doesn’t get enough rest as it is.
On the rare occasion he is home and the two of you fall asleep together, he waits for you to fall asleep and then goes to sleep on the couch to actually sleep through the night. Obviously he can’t get away with it for very long without getting caught. So his great idea is to guilt trip you and make it your problem.
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84hotpockets · 2 years
And Everything Goes Back To The Beginning
About 1.8 k mostly about Aaron Hotchner's not-so-great childhood. Implied abuse, mentioning of blood, cameos by Haley Brooks, Roy Brooks, and Jack Hotchner. Not a happy fic.
Good job. Have fun. Be careful. I’m proud of you. I love you.
Those words were never said in the house at the end of the street. The one everyone in town knew, the house with the white picket fence that got a new coat of paint at least once a year, the one with the well-kept lawn that made the townspeople joke the country club’s greenskeeper should get some advice from the owners, since holes 3, 8 and 14 had patches where the players could barely distinguish the green from the rough. The house that was too quiet for a home of four, the one that never had a haphazardly discarded bicycle in the driveway, balls lying around in the yard, or baseball equipment on the front porch.
Behind closed doors, those who were lucky enough to be invited in or had the misfortune of being ordered to enter, agreed that the place felt wrong. It was too perfect, the smiles too bright, the rooms too dark, the children too quiet, and it was always too cold. It didn’t matter whether it was the middle of summer or winter, there was always a chill in the air that had nothing to do with the temperature. Everyone who made it out unscathed hoped that they’d never have to return. Only three or maybe even two generations ago, it had been a different place, full of light, laughter, and joy. These days though, it seemed as if there was a geostationary dark cloud over the house and its occupants.
Aaron Hotchner had learned early on that he better did all of the chores he was tasked with perfectly. If he did, there was never a „Good job, son,“ from his parents, but since the alternative, depending on his father's mood and state of drunkenness, varied between a backhand to his face, 10 lashes with a belt, or several hours spent without food or water in the small closet under the stairs, he always tried his best. Too often though, it wasn’t enough.
„Good job, Aaron,“ his English teacher said, handing him back his essay, marked with a big red A- and a smiley face. He wondered if he had something wrong because the 9-year-old stared at him, unblinking as if he had grown another head. If he had known that this was the first time the boy was praised for something he had done, he would have questioned his faith in humanity.
„Have fun, kids!“ While all of his peers couldn’t wait to hear the three words that would release them into their summer holidays, Aaron dreaded them. Those words meant that he had to spend the next weeks home, walking on eggshells, tippy-toeing around the house, trying to avoid his father and his moods as much as possible by spending hours sitting at the river that flowed through the woods behind their backyard, reading one book after the other, or, if a thunderstorm was about to hit the town, at the library. It wasn’t by accident that he got an A in English.
The first time that he didn’t dread the words but actually smiled when he heard them, was the summer after his father’s funeral. It would have been the happiest summer he could’ve imagined if it hadn’t been for his little brother Sean, who truly missed their dad.
Words of caution were never directed at him. His brother was too young to fully understand the family dynamics, while his mother was preoccupied with her own fight for survival. She didn’t delight in the fact that her husband more often than not chose his eldest son over her as a release for his anger, and while she sometimes felt guilty, she never warned Aaron if Michael Hotchner was in an especially bad mood. It would have been easy for her to utter „Be careful when you go upstairs. Your dad lost quite some money at the track today.“ That was all the warning that he would have needed. Mrs Hotchner kept quiet though, hoping that Aaron would make it okay to his room and through the night. Half an hour later the noise from upstairs told her that sometimes hope wasn’t enough. Maybe Aaron’s music was too loud (it wasn’t) or he did slam the bathroom door shut (he didn't). He only had to blame himself for those, in his father’s eyes, grave mistakes. At least that’s what she told herself when she tried to drown her son’s cries in the sixth glass of wine.
„Be careful, son! It’s a bad one. You better see that you get a roof over your head.“ Aaron stopped dead in his tracks when the farmer passing him by on the outskirts of town yelled those words at him. He had been restless for the last few days and had decided to go for a run. If he had listened to the weather report, he would have known that the afternoon’s forecast said that there’d be heavy rainfall and maybe a few thunderstorms. Since he didn’t and his run took him farther than planned, he was still a few miles from home when the first drops fell. The farmer, who had driven on, suddenly reversed and opened the door. „Come on, jump in. The missus would never forgive me if I told her that I let a beanstalk like yourself get drenched.“ Aaron nodded and got into the pick-up, murmured something the farmer took as a thank you, and they drove back into town in companionable silence, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the windshield and the rusty roof of the car. Once he was back home it occurred to him that this had been the first time someone was worried about him and took the appropriate action. Even though he had been inside and had already dried his hair and face with a towel, he blinked and had to wipe some new droplets from his face.
His father was a proud man even though there was little he could be proud of. A lot of people in town feared him and his powerful friends, they were afraid of his mood swings and cruelty, but no one even dared to confront him about it. He never told a single person that he himself was proud of them, especially not his eldest son, the wretched boy who had ruined his life by entering the world, the crying baby who had kept him awake before a trial, the toddler who had given him chickenpox. Why would he tell him that he was proud of him for his kindness, his athleticism, his school grades, or the way he cared about his little brother? No, for as long as he lived, he kept those words for himself.
When Haley dragged a bleeding Aaron through her parents’ hallway in the direction of the bathroom, both of them hoped that Mr Brooks wouldn’t wake from his afternoon nap. The man had slowly come to terms with the fact that his youngest daughter was spending a lot of time with the Hotchner boy. At first, he had had his reservations, the sins of the father and all that, but getting to know him better and better taught him all he needed to know: Aaron was almost shy and nervous around other people, eager to help, ever so careful not to drop or break anything, and startled by loud and sudden noises. Sometimes Mr Brooks got the feeling that the boy seemed to have more in common with two of his old army buddies, whose trauma left them in a state of almost permanent hypervigilance, than with all the other kids his age. When he woke up on that Sunday afternoon, he heard his daughter shushing Aaron, who groaned in pain. Alarmed, he got off the sofa, didn’t even put his shoes on, and walked out into the hallway, just in time to see Haley closing the bathroom door. As he took another step he almost slipped on a wet spot. Blood. Not much, but enough to leave a cluster of droplets. When he stormed into the bathroom, Aaron, who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, immediately jumped up and put himself between Haley and the potential danger entering the small space. Suddenly, a lot of things began to make sense for Mr Brooks. With a few words he managed to calm him down and even helped Haley dress the cuts and bruises on her friend’s hands and face. Later, long after Aaron had left, Haley told him about the group of older boys who tried to grab her, and if it hadn’t been for Aaron, well, who knows what would have happened. The next time Mr Brooks saw the boy, he told him how proud he was of him.
If there was one thing Jack Hotchner knew, it was that he was loved. Despite all the bad things that had happened to him and his family before he was barely 15, he was sure of that. His aunt and his grandfather had told him again and again. His mum had told him almost every day. Sometimes with words, sometimes with a hug, and sometimes with a special treat even though he didn’t really deserve one. His father was the same. He didn’t say it as often with words as his mother had done, but he too did in so many other ways, with praise for well-baked cookies, with coaching his soccer team, or a presentation for this class, with getting him the winning costume for his school’s Halloween contest, and with retiring after their time in witsec. If someone had told him that by the time he was 12 years old, his father had never had anyone say or even show him how much he was loved, he wouldn’t have believed it, wouldn’t have been able to understand it.
13-year-old Aaron Hotchner was exhausted from painting the fence in the humid summer heat. After taking a much-needed shower, he tried to enjoy a few minutes of calm and quiet before he had to go downstairs and help with dinner. His break was cut short when his baby brother Sean barrelled into his room, holding out his favorite toy truck and a loose wheel. Aaron sighed dramatically and fixed the wheel. When he crouched down to give the toy back to his brother, the boy hugged him. „Love you, Aaron.“ Only when Sean had left, Aaron realized that this was the first time anyone had told him that. His happiness only lasted for a few minutes though. When his mother called him down to help her in the kitchen, she only told him to wipe that smug grin from his face before his father would do it for him. It was another two years before he heard those words again.
— the end —
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Word Count: 1.9k
Lust - an uncontrolled or illicit desire or appetite.
The Avatar of Lust wants what he wants, and what he wants, he will bloody take.
[cw: violence, body horror]
"Oh, Lilu, you are just too much!" Asmodeus giggled, his hand brushing just subtly across the shoulder of the incubus across from him as he waved away the compliment he'd just received. "But please, don't let me stop you, go on."
"No, but really, it's unfair how pretty you are," one of his favorite succubi whined playfully back. "I mean, humans are so easy to seduce it's boring, but you can just walk right up to anyone you like and they'll fall for you! To have such power...oh, it's so sexy, Asmodeus." The ring of admirers around him hummed with agreement.
"A toast! To our beautiful jewel of a leader!" one cried, raising their glass.
Out of the corner of his eye, Asmo checked his reflection in one of the dark glossy tiles on the wall, making sure to position himself just so under the VIP table's lights to perfectly accent his features before responding. "Aww, thank you all. I mean, my skin does shimmer like a jewel, thanks to that rare new lotion Nevan got for me last week, but you don't have to point it out like that - after all, everyone can see that already for themselves."
And speaking of jewels, he thought, as a sparkle caught his eye from across the room, I think I see a gorgeous one right now...
Quickly, Asmo gave one of his usual flimsy excuses to flit away from the group and approached the demon who had just walked in - and, more importantly, the brooch on the demon's coat, which glimmered softly with the shine of a powerful magical gem. It was one of the most interesting things he'd seen in a long time, and he decided right then that he just had to have it.
Staring up coyly through his long eyelashes, he purred, "Well, hello there. Today's your lucky day - wouldn't you like to come join the table of the most gorgeous person here? Who are you, sweetie?"
"No thank you."
The response was curt, without even a name, as the demon declined to meet his eyes.
Asmo resisted a pout. He didn't often get such cold treatment from a stranger, and he did not like it. After all, he was the Avatar of Lust, the most beautiful demon in all the three realms. Not to mention, this lesser demon was utterly repulsive-looking! Who did this guy think he was, ignoring him this way?
But, he had a goal here and he wasn't going to give it up so easily, even if it did mean he'd have to do a bit of flirting with an absolute horror of a face.
"Oh, come on now. Why don't I get you a drink?" Determined, Asmo took the other demon's hand in his, placing a ghost of a kiss on his fingertips as he led him towards the bar.
At that moment, he noticed the ring on the demon's finger - bronze and iron, etched with intricate symbols. Very familiar intricate symbols.
Solomon. He knew about this ring, and by extension, this demon; his sorcerer friend had told him the story a long time ago. It was Solomon's very first pact, and one he regretted deeply, as he'd only made it to save a kid he'd been fond of. A lowly demon who craved the bodies and energies of effeminate young boys, targeting only weak prey, and who had once even tried to pull Beelzebub into a pact to save his own sorry skin, though thankfully Beel was smarter than to fall for the tricks of such a low-ranking demon.
Truly, Asmo's disgust for this guy just kept increasing. And the jewel kept enticing him in, glittering with magic power in the club's flashing lights. Didn't something so beautiful belong with him, rather than with this miserable rube?
For the lesser demon's part, he just sputtered a bit in surprise at Asmodeus's boldness, finding himself pulled along before he could even give a response. "Well, I guess I don't mind a free drink..."
The Avatar of Lust waved to the bartender as he nabbed a pair of seats, signaling to get them his usual "I'm flirting, don't interrupt us please" order before turning back to his new companion. "So, what's your name, handsome?" he asked with his most charming smile, suppressing the urge to vomit at having called that appalling visage handsome.
"...Ornias," the opposing demon responded carefully. "Aren't you...Asmodeus?"
"Heehee! Why, yes I am! Isn't it your lucky night?"
"...I guess." He seemed more wary than excited, to Asmo's annoyance.
Just then, the bartender slid two glasses of glowing orange drinks towards them, saving him from having to respond to the demon's lack of enthusiasm directly. "Oh, our drinks are here - the house special, Hellfirefly Sunset Demonus!" he chirped, thrusting the glass cheerfully towards the other. "Come on, let's drink!"
He quickly downed the whole glass, urging the lesser demon to do the same. "So, Ornias, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"
Whether it was the alcohol, or simply because people always like to talk about themselves, Ornias started to relax a bit. "Well," he began proudly, "I'm an Officer of the constellation of Aquarius, and..."
He was soon on a very long monologue about himself - a monologue to which Asmodeus quickly found himself zoning out. "Oh, that's so interesting," he nodded along with feigned fascination, catching a mention of...something about strangling Aquarius men for liking Virgo women...?
Seriously, how does this guy just keep getting creepier and creepier? No wonder Solomon can't stand him, Asmo thought to himself. I thought it'd be a good idea to get him talking about himself, but this is even worse than how cold he was being earlier.
Deciding he was more than done with listening to this, Asmodeus grabbed the other demon's hands again and whisked him to the dance floor, this time saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you didn't come to the club just to chat all night, did you? Of course you didn't! Come, dance with me!"
Unfortunately, that didn't stop Ornias at all. "Sure," he said, making some awkward steps around while trying to continue his rambling. "Anyway, so as I was saying -"
Asmo placed a finger over the annoying demon's lips and a hand on his shoulder. "Shh, hush there cutie, let's just enjoy the music and each other, shall we?" He shimmied up against his dance partner, letting his body do the work of entrancing the lesser demon so he could give his ears a break.
His peace was short-lived, though. As Ornias got more into dancing with the Avatar of Lust, it seemed some new need to try to impress him welled up inside. He blurted out, "Hey, so actually, you've heard of Solomon, right? Greatest sorcerer in the three realms, Michael's favorite, yadda yadda? He's actually a close friend of mine. I'm sure he'd make some time to meet you if I told him about you."
It took every last bit of restraint Asmodeus had to keep his eyes from rolling right out of his skull at that. He needed to speed this up fast, or he was going to lose his mind.
"Oh, would you? That's so amazing, I didn't know Solomon was friends with such an impressive demon," he replied, voice dripping with saccharine charm to hide how far he was lying through his teeth. "And you're not a bad dance partner, either. You know, you just keep getting more and more attractive...what's an Avatar of Lust to do with himself?"
Satisfied that his little name-drop seemed to have done its job, Ornias smirked and took a slight step back. "Well, thank you. You're, uh, not bad yourself."
"Oh, come on now, I live for praise. Feel free to flatter me as much as you'd like," Asmo crooned, placing his partner's hands on his waist to draw him closer again.
The lesser demon managed just a couple more compliments as his lusty companion's hands started traveling more aggressively with his dancing, tracing his lower back and shoulder blades from beneath his coat. "Mm, y-your hands are kind of cold," he stammered out as he felt the lithe fingers brushing up against his neck.
"Oh, my bad! Want to help me warm them up then?" Asmodeus giggled mischievously, resting his hands now on the ugly face in front of him instead. He drew him into eye contact, not letting the demon shy away, and continued, "Come on, you're dancing with me after all - the Avatar of Lust. It's quite the honor, you know."
He placed a light, intimate brush of his lips along his neck, and the lesser demon practically melted in his arms. "W-well...if t-that's what you want..."
"It is," he answered breathily, voice imbued with magic to carry the sensual sound to his target over the loud music of the club. "I'm all yours for tonight, just the two of us, here on this dance floor. So focus on me, okay?"
"Yes, of course..."
He leaned in close to Ornias's ear and whispered alluringly, "Now tell me, what is it that you desire?"
At last, the words he'd been waiting for fell from the annoying demon's mouth, as he could no longer resist the Avatar of Lust's charms: "Asmodeus...I want you."
Asmodeus smirked, drawing Ornias into a dark corner at the edge of the room as he batted his eyelashes with a faux sweetness.
"Why, Ornias, did you fall in love with me?"
Ornias nodded through heavy-lidded eyes, hardly able to form words as desire rapidly clouded his mind. "Yes, I...I want you..."
"Am I just to die for?" Asmo whispered into the lesser demon's ear, caressing his cheek with one hand while entwining the other around the small of his back. This close, he could feel the pounding of Ornias's heart against his own chest, like sweet music to his ears.
"Y-yes...I...would die for you...."
"Am I just to die in writhing agony for?"
"Yes, Asmodeus..."
"Good. Then die for me, darling."
Ornias gasped as suddenly a wracking pain started in his groin, which traveled quickly like venom up through his veins across his torso and throughout his whole body. Blood dripped from his eyes and mouth as Asmodeus walked clawed fingers up into his back, tearing the skin beneath his coat to ragged ribbons. With the other hand still on the lesser demon's cheek, Asmo yanked his face towards him to meet his gaze. His charm powers quickly overtook the demon's control, and before he could stop himself, he thrusted his hand deep into his own chest, pulling out the still-beating heart to hold out like a present. The Avatar of Lust let the blood run down from his lips as he sank his fangs in for a bite.
"You really are too unsightly for something this beautiful," Asmo said with a sneer.
With that, he snatched the gem off of the demon's chest and sashayed away with a cheerful hum, not sparing another glance at the convulsing form left in the corner.
"Oof! Solomon, please! I told you to be more gentle with me when you summon me! What if you bruise my beautiful body?!"
"Great, okay, it's not you," Solomon sighed with relief. "I suddenly felt one of my pacts brea-- Asmodeus, what is that you're wearing?" There was something oddly familiar about the red heart newly adorning the top of the golden scorpion that encircled the demon's torso.
"Ahahaha! Isn't it pretty?" the demon crowed happily, blood still dripping from his lips. "And it has so much power stored inside, too! It's just perfect for me, isn't it?"
"Oh, by the way," he added with a mischievous glint in his eyes, pulling a ring off his finger to toss at the sorcerer, "I took care of your Ornias problem for you."
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part Two: The Undateables)
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again…) For the Brothers, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
He was soooo excited to get to experience camping! He had been asking the MC about human camping trips for about a week before making the announcement and he was pumped!!
Barbatos chauffeured him to the campsite in his own car (of course) but he insisted on taking every roadside, touristy stop they came across which doubled the drive time considerably…
He wanted to help everybody set up the camp but Barbatos and Lucifer were having none of it… So he took pictures and offered moral support instead! Good work everyone! 😁
He had his own tent about the size of a small house (ngl it took Barbs and Lucifer about a half hour to set the whole thing up). Barbs even somehow managed to pack a collapsible desk in there for him so he could still work… greeeat…. 🙄
Diavolo wanted to try everything. Literally everything. The man even traded his uniform out for full on outdoors gear, right down to one of those floppy fishing hats with the tackle stuck to it.
Politely insistently asks that Lucifer does things with him. The MC could come along as well (and in many cases Luci begs them to do so) but he wants to get some bonding time in with his best friend!
Unfortunately for Lucifer, Diavolo would get sidetracked quite a lot… Which is how he ended up having to physically steer his Lord out of harm's way more than once…
At one point while hiking, Diavolo was so distracted by taking pictures that he nearly walked right into the path of a passing bear and her cubs. Lucifer had to tackle him down into some bushes until they went away... His brothers teased him mercilessly when they heard about...
Dia also loved the camping food quite a bit. He's never gotten the chance to cook his own food before, even if it's just marshmallows over a fire, so it was all a brand new experience for him! S'mores are now declared a human world delicacy.
Man had the time of his life! He'd love to do it again, hell, maybe even make it a yearly event! (Few of the brothers share his sentiment, but hey, it pays to be King 😏)
If his Lord orders it, then he follows. He'll just have to double check that everyone is prepared for the occasion…
Drove Diavolo there with the patience of a saint (while also, like, being the exact opposite of that). Had it been anyone else in the car, they might have told him, "No, we can't stop for pictures of every moose you see," but Barbs is as accommodating as he is loyal.
It was pretty much all on his shoulders to direct the others when setting up camp. Lucifer would claim it was his, but let’s be completely honest here, Lucifer can't order Barbs to do shit. 
Naturally, he had his own tent close to his Lord, more modest in comparison, but big enough to hold a majority of the belongings and gear Diavolo had requested.
He also managed to bring a almost fully functioning kitchen setup for him using magic, minus a working oven by Diavolo's instruction. If he wanted a heat source, he had to use the campfire and he found the challenge intriguing…
For once in his extended life, Barbs had to do some trial and error in the kitchen. As it would turn out, fireside cooking can be a little difficult to master, but by the end of the trip he could still somehow dish out four course meals without so much as a sweat (according to the MC the secret was tinfoil and cast-iron cookware… who knew?)
When he isn’t prepping their next meal (which let’s be honest, with Beel on the trip that’s a constant activity) he’s guarding the food from Beel and Solomon…
The sorcerer wanted to help, but Barbs has already learned the hard way that if he so much as pokes a dish its flavor is ruined… It’s enough to make him wonder if it was a curse laid on him at some point…
Watching Barbatos deny Solomon becomes a pretty funny routine in and of itself. He’s not above just smacking the man’s hand away with a wooden spoon if it gets too close. Barbs doesn’t play in his kitchen. Back off. 😠
Barbatos is happy with the trip so long as the young Lord enjoyed himself. If that’s the case, and it was, then he’d happily do it again if asked… not that he’d have much of a choice anyway.
Simeon was familiar with the concept of camping, he’d written about it in his stories, but he’d never actually done it himself… He had hoped it'd be an interesting experience! And uh… it was that from the very start… 
Purgatory Hall got its own car and Solomon was put in charge of driving… But no one mentioned that he drives like a complete maniac. Speed limits, stoplights, even the ROAD ITSELF be damned. Solomon drives in a straight line from point A to point B and if there’s anything in the way he’ll just use magic to get around it…
It’s safe to say that by the time he and the others got to the campsite (which was significantly quicker than the rest) the angels weren’t in the emotional state to pitch tents… He and Luke just waited for the others to catch up while praying and praising the solid ground beneath their feet…
He shared his tent with Luke and didn’t mind at all. It was probably for the best anyway because the little angel was scared of human world predators like bears and wolves coming for him in the night… Poor boy…
Simeon took to hiking quite a bit. Going out and exploring the area around the campsite made him feel invigorated! The forests were beautiful and it gave him ideas for a bit of a guilty pleasure he's been debating on writing, "The Tale of the Lonely Prince." 🤭
It was on one of those trips that Simeon discovered human world creatures love him. Pretty much all of the wildlife gravitates towards him like he's a Disney Princess.
At one point he came back to camp riding on a moose with birds chirping on his new friend's antlers. He offered to take the MC out for a ride, but the brothers threw a fit about it…
He WAS able to get a couple more wrangled for Diavolo, who naturally dragged Lucifer along (though he clearly didn't want to touch the thing). 
The three ended up getting into a mooseback race because Diavolo wouldn't let Lucifer take the lead. He was glad to see Luci enjoy himself for a change! (It helped a lot that he won of course 🙄😏)
All and all, Simeon had a great time. Maybe he should ask the MC to show him more human places… But he's never getting in a car again. Pardon his language, but fuck those things!!!
He doesn't know what's worse… being out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of demons or the absolute insanity that was the "drive" down… 😣
He spent the entirety of Solomon's Magical Ride of Nightmares clinging to Simeon or the armrests for dear life. He swore his entire life flashed before his eyes, can angels even have heart attacks???
Stayed right next to Simeon when they finally pulled themselves together enough to leave the car. He was so happy that Michael didn't see any of that… Who knew human transportation was so horrifying…???
His saving grace (literally) was getting to share his tent with Simeon… After Solomon told him that bears sometimes get curious and ransacked campsites, he clung onto the older angel like a protective charm.
...Whiiiich he wasn't too off about actually after he saw Simeon playing (yes PLAYING) with the human wildlife… Simeon had to introduce him to some of the nicer animals for him to eventually get over his fear and venture out past the campsite.
Luke loved to swim in the lake or river with MC and the others. The MC found a sturdy branch where they set up a rope swing and the little guy amused himself for hours!
Sometimes he'd watch Barbatos prep and cook using the campfire… He didn't even know you could make lasagna in a Dutch oven…
At one point the MC convinced him to go with them and the twins on a particularly long hike…
He got tired halfway through and Beel offered him a piggyback ride, but of course he'd NEVER let himself be that close to a demon!! (Just kidding, poor boy was so tired he climbed onto Beel's back and held on the a kola until they got back. Then he jumped off to save face)
He had a better time than he thought he would, but still doesn't want to go camping with demons ever again. (He and Simeon also begged Lucifer to drive them back instead of Solomon so the brothers' van was pretty much a clown car on the return trip).
Solomon hasn't been camping (for enjoyment) in quite a while, so when the prospect came up to do it with the MC and the other students he was intrigued...
When Simeon asked he knew how to drive, he said yes. He knows how to start a car, put it into motion, steer, and then come to a stop. That's all driving is really. 🤷‍♀️ You can't blame him for not memorizing all the rules, he's been traveling by portal for decades!
Was pretty confused why his angel friends fled the car so quickly... He got them there in one piece, after all. 😕🤷‍♀️ He put up their tents himself since they were too busy thanking their father then made a magic barrier around the site for protection purposes.
He and the MC both have their own tents, of course his is enchanted to be a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but he's only let the MC in on that little secret in case they want to visit… 😏
When everyone else finally arrived, Solomon was happy to help the MC introduce the wonders of the human wilderness to their companions! Including the breathtaking vistas, beautiful flora, bitter temperatures, man-eating predators, waters filled with disease… Hm? Oh, Luke won't leave the tent now…? Whoopsie.
Solomon kept himself occupied on the trip the best way he knew how… relentless trolling (particularly of Asmo and Barbs because they're used to his shit).
He'd alternate between poking fun at Asmo for the almost ritual length routines he was going through to try and save his looks to genuinely trying to encourage him and downplay the severity of the downgrade...
Meanwhile he was bound and determined to serve at least one of his own dishes during the trip (but Barbatos had banned him from the "kitchen," the food tent, and even the spoons...)
Diavolo, nice guy that he is, eventually made Barbs relent and let Solomon cook for ONE night… It went as well as to be expected. (They sent Solomon to grab more supplies then everybody took turns washing their mouths out with lake water... Diavolo apologized profusely, he had no idea...).
Solomon was confused why the angels would rather squeeze themselves in with the brothers than ride with him back but he wasn’t upset about it. That meant he could make a few extra stops without anyone complaining! He knows a guy in New Orleans he’s been meaning to see again… Luke and Simeon can wait a little for their stuff, right?
Click HERE for Part One. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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ducissa-animi · 3 years
A Stupid Idea (Au)
Chapter Five
That night, they welcomed little Bendy between blankets, the cradle would come later, for now the baby had to sleep with his parents.
- What was that," said the dice, caressing one of the baby's cheeks, who fell asleep as soon as he was tucked in.
- I don't know, and I don't want to think about it, if he is an angel, everything is over" whispered Devil lying down next to the child and looking at him fixedly, now he was a father, not even he could believe it, suddenly his mind embarked on other subjects, he wondered what this child would do when he grew up, he thought about what things to teach him and when to explain him the whole matter of Heaven, Earth, Limbo and Hell, he only wished that the child would not be scared and assume the power with firmness, being king is not easy, but with some lessons it is enough to be it.
Dicey on the other hand gave a yawn, walking across the room to the outside, the Casino has to close, and as manager it is his duty to close it.
On the other hand, the angel flew as fast as he could, the weather did not appetite his desires to arrive on time, the light only illuminated his path, as his halo connected with Heaven for it to illuminate.
When she arrived, she went to her room along with others of her class, the others saw her exalted and spilling water because of the storm on Earth.
-Alice, what happened? Where were you, don't you see that we have to present ourselves to the boss," said one of her classmates, adjusting his sandals, others turned to see her standing against a wall, she looked as if she had seen a ghost.
-The room was not that big, but it served for a group of 6 angels, as an office for them, this group is in charge of demonic expeditions, they participated in several wars when needed, they go 3 hierarchies below the Archangels, therefore the contact with them was very tenuous.
Among the winged ones, they saw each other in silence to then go to the call of their boss, they mostly served warrior angels, sometimes Michael, which for them, was an honor of the elders, when they left the piece, she ran to a sack of food, which only contains mana, eating about five and throw herself to a desk, grabbed a sheet any, and moistened a pen in sacred ink.
-Sir, I have news for you, AHG! HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE FORMAL IF YOU WRITE THIS WAY!" he crumpled the sheet of paper and pulled another one out of a box, his hand trembling as he had many ideas to accuse Lucifer of at that instant.
Alice really has a screw loose.
She was created 200 years before Christ (200 BC), at her 6 centuries old, she was taken to the fifth troop going to a war, it was her first time in combat, before she did not use to have feelings or persusations, she only obeyed orders.
Since angels created after the war, they do not have the sense to choose what is right or wrong, they can only obey without a drop of decision. She is flawed so to speak.
The war was about a fight against Chimeras, the latter are winged and malformed beings, praised by humans, they are dark beasts with lion and eagle feet, metal covered wings and deadly teeth.
They broke the rules that were proposed by Heaven itself, for this reason, they had to be annihilated.
Several angels fell due to their lack of cunning as such vermin, Alice was a child at that time, she fought quickly with the Chimeras, for her bad luck, one of them penetrated her lower skull with its sting, inserting its poison that fainted her instantly.
Later she was rescued by other troops, she woke up with a human sense...she felt pain, cold and anguish, angels do not feel that besides love and pain.
She opened her eyes thanks to the poison, she realized that she was doing wrong, that exterminating those beasts was wrong, but she could not raise her voice to her superiors, her mind collapsed for a decade, recovering with that sense later.
If God discovered her, the Archangels would exterminate her, because of her new intellect.
Since then she knew how to live with it, she does not obey orders as such, if she sees something is bad, she kills it even if she was not asked to.
- That's it - on her thin lips a damned smile turned, she crumpled those sheets and took out others to announce that she had work to do, she had to go back to earth and kill the baby, son of the antichrist.
She had already killed several beings far superior to her, what did it cost to cut the neck of a child who had just been born, if she brought his corpse, she would have more attention, maybe she would rise in the Hierarchy!
While her group chanted for others, she looked for the globe to go to the exact place on Earth.
By this time, 3 days had passed on Earth.
Meanwhile on this one, it was dusk as usual, Alice descended to an island near Inkwell, when she landed, the first thing she did was to approach the nearest town, she had to look elegant to make her presence in the Casino, something that would make her go unnoticed in the nest of demons.
Dressing elegant, and somewhat old-fashioned was her solution, once ready she headed to the Casino, taking the human form completely without halo, without wings...
Her heels were so refined that as she walked they seemed to sing sounds of beauty.
Her black hair and pale skin stood out among the others, a lady in black and white.
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As she arrived at the Casino, the doors opened to her, along with perverted and insolent stares.
"They most likely sensed my halo" Alice excused herself, she didn't want to think they saw her because of her skimpy clothes .
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Con un antifaz y unos movimientos ligeros, procedia a pedir un poco de vino, de repente le valía si la miraban, cualquier idiota que se acercara a tocarla recibiría la sorpresa de una cuchilla orgánica en un brazo, bebiendo de la copa, pensó que armar un total revuelo no era una opción, solo vino a matar a Bendy e irse con su cuerpo, nada más.
-Disculpe señor..?
-Solo hable y ya- respondió el frasco de alcohol con un gran pedazo de bigote entre su nariz y labios.
-Sabe algo acerca del recién nacido?- preguntó ansiosa, ya sentía el sabor de ser alagada por otros ángeles por haber asesinado al hijo del Diablo.
-Recién nacido?, no confundió su venir?- sugirió.
-Vaya- susurró molesta, necesitaba informarse sobre el niño, dónde se encontraba, al ver un sillón libre, se acostó sobre el, probablemente para disimular su nerviosismo
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-If I didn't have a nose, it would be more comfortable- she said, fed up with that waiting she located the boy's parents at a pool table, that means they left him alone, a smile widened on her face, if her lipstick wasn't so noticeable, it would go unnoticed, carefully she lifted both feet returning to her refined walk, what did it matter, there was the smell of ink in an inkwell to be traced.
With delicate steps and without alerting anyone, she peeked through a door that was half open.
At the back, he saw little Bendy, staring at the ceiling and lying with his little feet covered, apparently sleeping with his eyes open due to his exaggerated expression.
-What a horror," said Alice insolently, since in spite of being an angel, she hates babies with all her heart, the child's eyes turned towards her, widening and looking at her seriously, he didn't make any movement, he didn't make any noise nor did he scream out of fright, it was easier for her since she wouldn't be discovered, she approached slowly taking a lighter out of her pockets, "hello, son of sin, do you want to play with mommy for a while?
-He answered, preparing to let out the scream of his life.
In no time, so it was, the Casino was silent for a few seconds after hearing the baby's scream and Dicey was the first to react to run to the child, when both parents arrived, they only saw Bendy whimpering in his crib with fire under it, some feathers and the window open.
-Oh shit- said Devil, an angel was here and he already knows it, now Heaven will know the identity of his son and that was not good at all, damn it, he repeated himself over and over again taking Bendy out of the crib and trying to tuck him in with some blankets, he saw a basket and thought of something stupid.
That night, Mugman was away since he had received a reply to his letter from Cala Maria, she agreed to his appointment and let her brother take his turn if that equaled 24 hours, the good thing was that the next day would be a weekend, one to rest according to Cuphead.
But to his surprise, while he was cleaning the kitchen, his boss put a basket next to him.
-What the heck is that," he whispered in annoyance, expecting the worst.
-It's Bendy, and you're taking him home," he waved his tail towards the cupboard and pulled out a box.
-Sir, with all due respect, I can't take your damn son to live with us!
-Not even for a raise?
-How much are you offering?
That same night Cups went home earlier than agreed with the shift, with a heavy basket in hands and a blanket covering it, he is usually known for being a crafty guy who loves beer, so people hinted at him seeing the basket he carried with a slight difficulty.
Moments later of choosing he left the basket in his living room, sitting on a nearby couch and watching it from every possible point, now he was to raise a demon, what a great "honor".
He grabbed a notebook and thought about how to explain it to Mugman when he arrived, tell him that now his boss's son was in his care.
-I want to see you," he asked with a frown, seeing Bendy's eyes protrude from the basket, he hid and showed him his thumb, "maybe I can baptize you with another name... Benito, what do you think?-thumbs down in disapproval.
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carnalpleasure · 4 years
Michael x Angel!Reader 👼
hi!! i’ve had this idea in my head for months and finally felt inspired to start it tonight. i’m still working on my other two fics.. but Michael’s been calling to me lately💕
Summary: The reader assigns herself to be Michael’s guardian angel. This takes place at the beginning of Sojourn, with Michael in the wilderness. But takes a slightly different turn <3
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Every human being in the history of humanity had been born with a guardian angel. The precious moment a newborn baby breathes its first breath of life, an angel is assigned to be their lifelong guardian. The angel’s main mission being to protect their human ward from the dark forces that had plagued the earth for all eternity. Ever since the serpent seduced Eve into her first bite of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
But that streak was broken one day in late March of 2012, when Vivian Harmon gave birth to Satan’s only begotten son.
She was the Anti-Mary. Instead of a blessed virgin being touched by an angel, she was a victim of a demonic sexual assault. She died giving birth to the Antichrist.
Michael Langdon was Satan’s very first creation. Because he was not a child of God, he was not born with a guardian angel. His father didn’t bother to assign him a guardian demon either. The spawn of Satan was left in the hands of none other than his grandmother Constance, whom his father felt was perfect for raising the little monster.
When Michael outgrew her, his father introduced him to Anton Lavey, one of his most trusted followers, who would then introduce Michael as the heir to the Church of Satan.
Michael, however, didn’t really take to Anton. He felt much closer to another key member of the church, Miriam Mead. She took a liking to the boy too and lovingly welcomed him into her home, where she taught him all about rituals, prayers, Black Mass, satanic prophecy.. She was preparing him for the apocalypse. His destiny, as they’d all say.
Once Michael began becoming aware of his powers, his father then led him into the hands of the Warlocks. They thought they were training him to be their next Supreme, but he only needed them to show him how to use his powers. They were disposable beyond that.
Michael was a loyal son, never questioning his father’s decisions, until his beloved Ms. Mead was permanently taken from him by the witches. Cordelia was right, why did he let this happen?
In search of answers, Michael fled to the wilderness on a quest. Jesus had spent 40 days out in the desert being tempted by Satan himself before his own Father finally spoke to him. Michael decided he had to do the same.
That’s when he wandered out into the forest on the outskirts of LA and started to trace a pentagram in the dirt, tired and out of options.
“I’m not going any further,” he sulked, dragging the jagged stone across the ground. “Father, tell me what to do, and I’ll do it,” he pleaded, out of breath as he finished carving his sigil into the soil.
“I’m not leaving this circle until you talk to me,” he pouted stubbornly. “They’re gone.. the warlocks.. my Ms. Mead. Burned alive at the stake by the witches. Until nothing was left but ash and smoke,” his voice was breaking but he was too exhausted to cry.
“You tell me what to do,” he sighed, “or you let me die here.” Then he fell to his knees in the center of the circle and waited for a sign.
He watched the sun set and rise four times before he finally had a vision. But even then, he couldn’t be sure if he was seeing a sign or just suffering from severe dehydration.
He saw a little boy offering a cold grape Fanta, and a little girl holding a basket of red apples, and he thought maybe God was trying to tempt him into the light now. To distract him from his mission and derail him from his destiny.
He refused, “No, I’m on a mission. I have to talk to my father,” he said weakly. “Leave me alone.” Then the visions turned dark. He was taunted by Ms. Mead and then praised by Anton Lavey.
“You’re not real. None of this is.. re-real.” He shook his head and raised his hand to shield his face from the blinding light that was radiating from the High Priest before him.
“You’ve done a great job.” The Satanist proudly smiled. “No..” Michael protested, “I failed. I-I’m lost. I don’t understand my purpose,” he was out of breath and at a loss for words. He was tired of games, all he wanted was his father’s help. Everything was spinning.
The vision of Anton continued reciting to him from the prophecy in Revelation, calling him the Alpha and the Omega. Michael couldn’t take it anymore. He made a lunge for Anton, wrapping a hand around his throat to choke him out. Only seconds later, the vision vanished altogether.
And that’s when he saw you. The last thing he remembered was an impossibly beautiful girl with big white wings and a little white dress. He fell to his knees again, in shock and exhaustion, and collapsed into her arms. He felt the warm, soft embrace of feathers, and then he fell into a much needed sleep.
When he awoke a day later, he was still pretty disoriented from the lack of food, water, and sleep. His mind was a haze. He didn’t realize where he was, he only knew that this bed was softer than anything he’d ever felt.
The blankets felt like fluffed up clouds and the pillows smelled like lavender. A cool breeze caressed his skin, and he noticed the temperature of the room was significantly cooler than anything he’d felt in a long time. That radiating heat that seemed to consume him constantly just wasn’t there.
He reached his hand out to feel along the bed. Empty. He opened his eyes, hoping to see the angel from his dreams sitting there watching over him. But the room was empty too.
He sat up in bed, clutching the sheets and looking around anxiously. The room was nice, but it wasn’t anything extreme. It was kinda charming actually, soft and cozy. It didn’t look like anyone had been living here for very long.
Michael climbed out of bed, stepping foot on the soft, plush carpet and smiling at the touch. He walked towards the bedroom door which was just barely cracked open, and stuck his head out slowly to peak outside.
You were in the kitchen, digging around in the refrigerator when you heard him come out. You twisted around, bumping the fridge door shut with your hip and then dropping everything on the counter.
“You’re up already? Are you feeling okay?” The pained look on his face made you worry. He looked exhausted still, leaning against the doorway just to hold himself up.
You rushed to his side, a little faster than humanly possible, and wrapped an arm around his waist to help him steady himself. He leaned into your embrace but winced a little at your touch. His body was sore everywhere.
He couldn’t stop staring at you. Almost glaring, looking at you like you’d just lied straight to his face. You walked him to the counter, sitting him down across from you and then running back to quickly check the stove. He didn’t take his eyes off you the whole time.
“I’m making you a breakfast feast,” you smiled at him over your shoulder. “You look like you haven’t eaten in days..”
“I’m sorry,” he interjected. “But wh-who are you? How did I get here?”
You smiled gently, passing him a plate of bacon and eggs to get him started while you finished the french toast. “I’m Y/N, I brought you here,” you said happily.
He kept looking you up and down. You looked exactly like he remembered, but you were now missing one unique, defining feature..
“Are you-“ he couldn’t bring himself to say the word out loud. It didn’t seem possible to him. “You had.. wings before,” his brow furrowed in confusion and his glare returned.
You simply nodded, glancing over at him and frying a piece of toast in the pan. “You remembered,” you said with a smile.
His confusion only grew. You poured him a glass of milk and then slid the fork closer to him. “Eat, please. We have plenty of time to talk later. I’ll tell you everything you want to know,” you brushed his blonde curls out of his face and the divine touch of your fingers briefly lingered on his skin, sending shivers down his spine.
He hesitated, picking up his fork and taking a bite. It wasn’t just the starvation talking, he genuinely enjoyed your food. He immediately started feeling his strength and energy coming back. He felt revitalized.
It wasn’t just the food. Something about your presence was so satisfying to him. You brought him a kind of merciful peace that was only reserved for the saints. He didn’t need confirmation, he knew in his heart you were something holy. And he only hoped that you didn’t know what he truly was. If you ever fell in love with him, it would be your fall from grace.
“You’re an angel,” he whispered softly. His heart was pounding. He felt like he was committing a crime just by being in your presence. He felt like God would smite him any minute just for laying eyes on you.
You cupped his face in your hands gently, wiping away a stray tear that fell from his eyes. “As of today, I’m officially a guardian angel,” you smiled proudly. Your eyes actually twinkled, it completely captivated him.
“Guardian? Who’s guardian?” his pouty lip quivered and you could see all the new emotions swirling around him like a hurricane. He couldn’t believe any of this was really happening. He thought he must’ve been dreaming. He wasn’t dead, he knew that. He was destined for hell and there’s no one like her down there.
He was so cute. “Yours, duh” you giggled, letting go of his face and playfully tousling his blonde locks. He looked up at you with a small smirk that spread into a big smile. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. “How?-“ he silently mouthed as the words he was looking for escaped him.
“You didn’t have one,” you shrugged. “So I.. guess you could say I volunteered.” You didn’t want to overwhelm him with too many details, but the adorable confused puppy look on his face was begging for answers. “Volunteered?” he repeated, cocking his head to the side curiously. He wiped his nose on his sleeve.
“I just thought you should have someone looking out for you too.. you know. You didn’t deserve to be abandoned. Not by God or anyone.” You said it with such sincerity, he could see it on your face how strongly you felt about those words.
His eyes started to overflow with tears but he couldn’t help but smile. It was the single kindest thing anyone had ever said to him. That’s when it hit him. You already knew what he was. You knew who he was. And you were willing to go against both God’s will and Satan’s to take over as his protector. You left heaven just for him.
He pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and quietly sobbing into your chest. Tears of pure joy and gratitude. Little “thank yous” whispered on repeat against your skin, so close you can feel his lips brushing across your collarbones with each word.
He snaked his arms around your waist tighter and tighter, pulling you as close to him as physics would allow. It melted your heart how close he wanted to be to you.
“Aw.. you just want to be held,” you giggled, putting your arms around his shoulders and hugging his body closer to yours. “I’m here, Michael. I’ve got you now. You’re safe, you’re mine,” you cooed, your lips brushing against his temple.
His eyes were closed and his face was pressed against your chest, all he heard was a swift whoosh as your wings suddenly appeared, folding around both of your bodies like a soft shield tucking him into you. He’d never felt so safe before, all nestled in your feathers.
He peaked his eyes open to look around at them. “That’s fucking awesome,” he muttered softly, his jaw dropping as his eyes shot up to meet yours. You smiled down at him, kissing his forehead. You couldn’t help but giggle. He made you feel giddy, the way he looked at you. Like you were made of magic.
“My own guardian angel,” he said quietly to himself, still in awe of it all. He refused to let go of you for the rest of the day after that. All he wanted to do was lie in your arms. Feel your embrace. And you were happy to oblige because he needed to rest anyway. The two of you returned to your bed where he spent the rest of the night on your chest, fast asleep in your arms. The safest place he could ever be.
💕taglist: @sexwon131 @jimmason @whatcodysaid @angelicmichael @thewarriorprincessxo
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1994sunflower · 4 years
heaven to you. (m.c)
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pairing: michael clifford x reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst (if you squint)
word count: 8.1k
involves: bad boy!michael, college!au, jealous!michael, established relationship, a lot of cursing, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, daddy kink (really mild), choking, dirty talk, pain kink (slight), size kink, thigh riding, face slapping (consensual), hair pulling, spitting kink, throat fucking, impregnation kink, praise, degredation/name calling, innocence kink, virgin kink (kinda), smoking, mentions of drugs/drinking, maybe more but nothing too big just pretty filthy ngl
summary: your high school classmates come over to michael’s house in hopes of being friends with the famous bad boy on campus. this includes your one-sided high school crush that may not have been so one-sided after all. unfortunately for him, michael is not someone to piss off. fortunately for you, michael’s anger and jealousy isn’t always so bad, at least for you.
part two
“Tell me again why we’re going to this guy’s house?” Justin asked his two childhood friends. At least, they were up until high school. Now, as they went to different colleges, they felt more like strangers. But that was part of the reason he took the multi-state trip down to their university: to mend that rift.
“We’ve been telling you man, Michael is the man on campus to be friends with.” Chris punched one of his hands into his other palm for emphasis.
Charlie nodded beside Chris, both standing in front of their front door, ready to go. “He gets into the best parties, gets the hottest chicks and is the most feared guy on campus.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Justin raised his eyebrows.
Chris opened the door, shaking his head. “Yeah, dude. No one messes with him because he’ll beat the shit out of them.”
“He’s done it a few times already.” Charlie added.
“There’s rumors he used to be involved in a gang or something and that’s why he’s like that. Either way though, he gets whatever he wants.”
Justin’s lips curled up a bit in disgust. He came from a wealthy background, wealthy family and wealthy school. Though he never let that get to his head and he never looked down on someone because of it, this stark contrast to his normality was difficult to shrug off.
But he did as he followed both Charlie and Chris out.
Charlie was still raving about ‘Michael’ as they walked out of the cramped dorm room to the unfamiliar winding paths of their university. “I mean, imagine being friends with him. You’ll get all the benefits he gets.”
“I’m sorry, if you aren’t friends with him, how are we going to his house?” Justin trailed behind the two slightly.
Chris looked back, “Turns out his best friend is in my accounting class and he invited us over to play video games. How lucky is that?”
“Yeah, lucky.” Justin looked away. He wasn’t going to admit that as they crossed the street across the student union, the whole concept of meeting someone with a reputation as rough as this Michael character was daunting and just a bit scary. In fact, it didn’t take a genius to look at the three boys all wearing vineyard vines khakis and polos, and know they didn’t mesh well with what he supposed Michael was like.
They didn’t even mesh well with the college neighborhood they were entering. The small houses looked worn and crumbled down and the streets were even worse. The only thing that calmed his nerves was the knowledge that the scariest people on the block were tired college students.
“Have you even talked to him before?” Justin kept asking questions to calm himself down and stop himself from looking around at the neighborhood in disdain.
Charlie shrugged, “I talked to him at a party once, he didn’t say much though.”
Chris smirked, “I walked with him to class once.” He paused. “Well, I was walking with his friend, Ashton? And he joined. But it still felt cool. Everyone was staring and making way for us - well him”
They filled in all the holes in knowledge of Michael. How he never lost a fight (even though he was involved with them often - evidenced by his perpetual bloody knuckles), how he rarely went to class (and when he did, how he sat alone, always), how his fashion consisted of black, chains and more black and finally, how he would go home with a different girl every party (but how that didn’t happen anymore as he had a girlfriend, though her identity to them remained a mystery).
Justin nodded as he listened. But as more and more was added to the infamous Michael, he felt less and less inclined to meet him.
Time, however, to turn back had run out. Because as his friends turned into a rubble pathway leading up to an equally rubble house, he knew he was about to be face to face with the myth, the legend, Michael himself.
The things he would do for his friends. If he didn’t hold such a sentimental place in his heart for the boys he had grown up with, he definitely wouldn’t be there, standing in front of a (turning green) door, waiting for an answer. They were different, it was obvious in high school that they had become different types of men; he valued education, science, and was a romantic at heart while they valued alcohol, parties and were willing to screw anything they found ‘hot’.
But that didn’t deter him from valuing their friendship.
It occurred to him that the only thing his friends had failed to fill him in on was Michael’s appearance. So, when the door opened and a boy slightly shorter than even Chris, the shortest of them (though Justin was 6’5 and Charlie was 6’0 so really, Chris being 5’11 wasn’t that short) and messy brown curls covering his head and forehead, he was shocked to say the least.
But that didn’t last long as Chris dapped him. “Ashton! What’s up man?”
Ashton smiled big and nodded in acknowledgement to the rest of them. “Nothing much bro, took you a while.” But he moved back into the small house, a signal of welcome for them to come in but close the door behind them.
So, as Chris and Charlie followed Ashton in, talking about who knows what, Justin made sure to shut and lock the door before trailing behind.
The house was bigger than he pictured in his mind. The living room and kitchen were divided by only a pillar and the counter. But it was spacious enough to fit a flat screen (granted, it was on the floor) and a black winding couch (granted, it had cracks all over it). The only light came from the kitchen and the tv, which was set to the beginning of the game.
Ashton already sat down on the couch, grabbing a game controller casually from behind him. He was wearing a black t-shirt that had it’s sleeves cut off to the point where you could see his whole side torso through the giant holes. His gray jeans were equally ripped and Justin was sure his shoes would be too, if he were wearing any but just gray socks adorned his feet. He had spiked bracelets on his left wrist. Maybe this was the reason his slightly tanned, innocent face looked strange. His big eyes and friendly smile was a stark juxtaposition to the rest of his body.
Chris looked around as his large figure slumped beside Ashton, “Where’s Michael?”
Ashton didn’t look at him when he answered, “In his room with his girl. He’ll be out soon, I think. That is if they don’t start going at it.”
Charlie laughed as he sat on the other side of Ashton, picking up a controller from the ground. Justin was left to sit awkwardly on the edge of the couch, closest to the kitchen. He felt out of place, just like he suspected and it didn’t help the darkness that surrounded the room, even through the lit kitchen and blue tv screen.
He didn’t get to think much on it, though, because not a few minutes after he sat down, did the bedroom door behind the couch open up. Light streamed into the dimly lit room.
Justin stood. It was a force of habit, really. He was used to standing up whenever someone knew came into the room to introduce himself. But when no one else stood, with Ashton not even bothering to look behind him, he felt awkward. It was too late to sit back down, though.
Charlie and Chris looked back, though, with big grins. “Hey, Michael! What’s up, man?” They said as if they were close friends.
And thus, Justin came face to face with Michael himself. And this time, he looked exactly like what he expected.
Michael was towering, though his height was nearly equal to Justin’s. His shoulders so broad that they nearly filled up the entire doorway of his bedroom. His t-shirt was plain black and so were his jeans, which had three chains adorning them. Two sleeves of tattoos ran down both of his arms to his hands and fingers , one of his hands reading F U C K in big bold letters, with a few peeking out on his neck as well. His black messy hair matched him well and fell onto his forehead.
But through that intimidating appearance, none of those things were what caught Justin’s attention. No, it was Michael’s eyes that did it. Though they were light in color, somehow they still seemed dark. The coldness in them was frightening. There was no hint of warmth, of friendliness, in them. In fact, as Michael held direct eye contact, saying nothing at the still standing Justin, the aggression his eyes held was enough to make Justin take a step back.
It was that step that seemingly broke the trance Michael had put him in. Because just like that, Michael looked away and moved forward into the living room. He nodded in acknowledgement at Chris and Charlie, still silent, before shouldering past Justin to go to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottled beer, opening it with his bare hand on his way back.
Justin was going to sit back himself as he saw Michael head to the couch but was stopped by a second, much smaller figure exiting Michael’s room.
The girl was petite, especially compared to Michael, standing at a proud 5’1. Her straight black hair was parted down the middle and hung perfectly over her shoulders. She wore a dainty white sunflower dress that contrasted beautifully with her olive skin which made her, along with her kind smile and bright brown eyes, look like the epitome of innocence. Quite the distinction from Michael who seemed to personify danger.
She was beautiful.
And she was his good friend.
Your legs were stationed at each side of Michael’s torso as you straddled him. Your hands were cupping his face and while one of his hands was on your ass while the other was gripping your long hair, pulling just enough for it to be pleasurable.
Your mouths melded into each others deeply and you couldn’t tell which one of you were more desperate for the other. You’d been making out for a while and your body was on fire. You felt like his touch was both burning you and exactly what needed at the same time.
It only took one slow grind of your hips against his that did it for him. He flipped you over so that you landed directly on one of his thighs, the chains of his jeans rattling in the process. His body was flush to yours, you could feel his hardness against you.
You looked up at him with wide innocent eyes, just how you knew he liked it. And you were awarded with a deep groan and a taunting smile before his lips returned to your body, this time to your neck. You moved your head to give him more access and as he got more into it, sucking and biting, you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped. You knew he was going to leave a mark (probably many) because he liked to have something that claimed you as his.
One of his hands wandered to your lower body, traveling under your flimsy dress to flip it over. He gave your ass a swat to command you to move. He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your hips starts moving, slowly at first against his jean-clad thigh. But as the pleasure started to build up at the friction, you began moving faster, desperately, moaning loudly.
Michael watched you silently, a smirk on his face. The only touch was his hands on your hips, guiding your pace and your movements. Otherwise, he just watched you get off on him.
“Did you wear this dress for me?” You nodded desperately against him, wanting nothing more than push against his finger but knew better.
His hand pulled your hair harshly, hard enough that it hurt but that just made you moan louder. “I asked you a question.” He growled, he had begun to move his leg up and down, making everything that much pleasurable.
Fuck. “Y-Yes, all for you, daddy.”
“Good girl.” Was all he said before his lips claimed yours again. His kisses were fervent as he bit and sucked on your bottom lip. Your hips were still moving violently against his thigh and you could feel your climax start to build up. It was almost too hot for you to handle. But you could tell he was going to give you what you wanted soon.
Or he was. A loud banging came from his bedroom door across the room. “They’re here!” Ashton’s voice rang to you from behind the door.  
You sighed deeply as you pulled away from Michael and away from your release. Michael groaned and fell, face first, into the mattress. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Maybe later.” You giggled, pushing him up to lay on his back. He looked up at you and a mischievous smile, the one you had grown to love, adorned his face.
“Or we can continue.” His hand was already reaching to your wrist to pull you up to straddle him again but you held back, shaking your head.
“Mikey, you have guests.” But still, you leaned over and pecked his lips quickly.
Michael groaned again, this time out of annoyance. “Fuck them. I don’t even know who they are, they’re Ashton’s friends.”
You smiled at his attitude. Your hand was tracing his neck, following the ink lines. It was a vulnerable position he was in, and something he only ever allowed you to do. When he was with you, it was so easy to forget how different he was with other people. How mean he could be. It was almost comical to see the difference in how he was right then to what he was just a few minutes ago.
“Be nice.” You chastised. “They’re here for you too, don’t bother trying to kid yourself.”
You heard Michael whine, “Come on, baby girl.” He took a hold of your wrist again. As he pushed himself up to a sitting position, he easily towered over you and he used that to his advantage. Pushing you against the wall next to his bed, he cupped one of your cheeks. His hand took up much of that side of your face, “Let me get you off.” His voice was deep with want.
You’d be a liar if you said that you weren’t wet. The way he was looking at you, the way you felt so small in front of him, you wanted to let him do whatever he wanted with you. But as you heard the front door close, you couldn’t. Not only would it be embarrassing because you were never quiet, Michael made sure of that, but it would be impolite.
Michael would never admit it but you both knew the guests were here for him. He was somewhat of a legend throughout the campus, especially among frat boys and wannabes. No matter your disdain for people like that, they came all this way for him.
So you pushed against his chest just slightly, knowing that would be enough for Michael to let you go. And when he sighed and moved away, you got up from his bed and moved to where there was a mirror hanging next to his closet. Your hair was a mess and so was your makeup. You looked fucked out and you were in awe for a moment at how Michael managed to make you this way with just a make out session and a dry hump.
Fixing yourself, you couldn’t help but smile at the pouting boy, still cross armed on his bed. Turning to him, you motioned for him to get up. “Come on Mikey.”
He stood and immediately, you had to crane your neck to look up at his big height. Even his shoulders engulfed your entire figure. Michael knew what he did to you so it wasn’t much a surprise when you felt one of his hands wrap themselves around your neck, the one with his bruised knuckles, but not hard. “After this, you’re mine.”
You think your smile was enough to tell him how excited you were at that prospect.
Michael gave you a weak smile. He didn’t tend to smile much, even when it was just the two of you. In fact, except the fact that he was a lot chattier and warmer with you, he was still always in his head and rarely expressed much emotion outside of bed besides anger, horniness and the rare affection. But you were okay with that. Your emotions were enough for the two of us.
He gave you peck on the lips, “I’ll see you out there.”
You nodded up at him, smiling before going back to fixing your makeup and adjusting your dress. Ashton had a couple of friends over ever now and then. Most, if not all, coming to see Michael. Though, you tried to not be there whenever they came over, Michael seemed to prefer it for you to be with him. To give him something to actually look forward to. He hated meeting new people and he hated their interest in him. He was popular without wanting to be. So you were often there to remedy that and you became the center of his world in those moments. Though, really, that was how you were most of the time you were with him.
Only a few minutes passed after he left the room that you followed him out.
But as soon as you left the room, you stopped when you saw someone standing in the living room, looking at you. In that same instance, you recognized him. Justin. A good friend from high school and an even better human being.
As your name left his mouth you grinned, coming closer to hug him. It had been so long, years, actually. The last you saw him was at your graduation when you swore you’d miss him. And you had. After all, he was the boy that plagued your heart all throughout high school - not that he’d known.
“Justin!” The hug was quick and you had to get on your tip toes to do it. You could tell he was just as surprised to see you. He was smiling wide and his eyebrows were shot high like they did whenever he was interested in something.
But just as soon as you pulled away, the weirdness of the situation seeped in, “What are you doing here?”
Justin blinked as if he, too, just became aware of the weird circumstance you were meeting in. “I, uh” He scratched the back of his head, unsure of how to answer and gestured to the couch. “I came with Chris and Charlie.”
Your brows furrowed further as you glanced at the couch where, sure enough, your high school classmates sat, looking back at you. They waved, slightly confused. You tried to ignore the fact that even Ashton had torn his eyes away from the tv to stare at you two. Which, considering how hard it was to take Ashton away from his video games, was saying something.
All you could think was that you wanted to crawl into a hole. The boys that you always said peaked in high school and made you so upset when they transferred to your university were now at your boyfriend’s house, trying to be his friends. It was truly a worst case scenario.
Excluding Justin. It’d been so long since you saw him, it felt nice to be in his presence again. You appreciated him as a person and the kindness he radiated - even to you, someone so much lower in economic status than him.
“But I thought you went to Washington?” You fiddled with one of your bracelets as you spoke.
Justin nodded, stiffly. “I do, we’re just on Spring Break a few weeks before you so I thought I’d visit.”
You smiled, “You should’ve gotten in touch!”
You think the situation had gotten a hold of him because while he otherwise would be rambling on with questions and stories, Justin had gotten quiet. “But why are you here?”
You blinked. Now you felt uncomfortable. It was as if you finally noticed everyone’s eyes on you, including Michael’s glaring ones. Yeah, this is definitely the last time you were going to be there when someone else was coming over.
Ashton turned back to the tv and scoffed, “Please, she practically lives here.”
Your nose crinkled when you smiled and made your way to Michael, who had taken a seat and motioned you into his lap. You shrugged, looking at your high school classmates. “This is my boyfriend’s house.”
Justin sat down slowly, his eyes just as wide as Chris and Charlie’s. Most people on campus knew you were Michael’s girlfriend. So the shocked reaction had been diminishing. You were almost starting to become used to not seeing it.
You don’t really blame them. You are very different. Michael is aggressive, angry and cold while you tended to be bubbly, shy and school-oriented. But that’s what you liked about each other. You just fit so well together. Opposites attract, right?
Ashton spoke up again, knowing Michael would likely not talk the entire reunion if he could help it. “How do you know each other?”
You took one of Michael’s hands in yours, your hand looking almost minature in his large one, and traced the tattoos you loved so much, “We went to high school together.”
Ashton nodded, “Oh the private one?”
Charlie nodded, glancing at Michael before looking at you, “I didn’t know you were dating Michael Clifford.”
You smiled weakly, we’re not friends, that’s why you didn’t know is what you wanted to say.
Michael took a chug of the glass bottled beer in his hands. It was like a silent signal because after, the three boys began playing their game.
You made a grab for the beer but Michael moved it out of your reach, his free hand slapping the side of your thigh in warning.
Your eyes widened. “Michael!” You hissed under your breath. Not in front of everyone. But he just stared at you, unsmiling. The only hint of humor came from his twinkling eyes.
He didn’t like you trying anything he was into: drugs, cigarettes, weed, alcohol. It was all off limits to you and he made sure everyone knew it. It was his way to preserve your innocence, even if dating him made that seem sort of like a paradox. Sometimes, though, it was fun to mess with him even if you were never interested in actually experimenting with the things he did.
“So, Michael…” You were brought out of your own little world by Charlie. “Are you going to Epsilon’s party tonight?”
“No.” Came Michael’s curt reply, his thumb drawing lazy circles on your arm.
Ashton was the one who saved the moment (and Charlie’s feelings) by filling in Michael’s blanks. You think that’s why they were such good friends. “Michael hates parties. He’d rather be here with Y/N and do it like bunnies.”
You weren’t sure if you wanted to die or if you wanted to kill Ashton. Maybe both.
Because as soon as those words left his mouth to your high school classmates - and high school crush - you felt your face heat up. You didn’t have to look to know that Michael was smirking.
You saw Justin blush and look away and for a moment, you felt worse. There was something about feeling completely humiliated in front of someone you hold at such a high regard that does that to you.
Ashton and Chris both exclaimed at something on the tv at the same time your phone chimed. You unlocked it to read the text.
kelly (stats)
hey girl! are you on campus? i’m at the library and wanted to see if you wanted to work on the project.
The project. It was due in a few weeks and while you had finished your portion, the rest of it was definitely not done. You sighed, knowing you’d have to go and lose the rest of your day with Michael.
You felt Michael shift under you, moving up from his slouched position to be able to read your text fully. He kissed your shoulder when he did.
“I’ll be right back.” You whispered to which he nodded. You got up from his lap and moved to the kitchen, moving to call Kelly and sort out the details.
Justin’s eyes followed your movements as you left to the kitchen, though certainly not missing the way Michael’s hollow eyes watched his every move. Michael, sitting slouched, didn’t even stop staring when he took a chug of his beer, the red of his healing bloody knuckles on full display.
Justin definitely understood what made Michael so scary on campus. What he couldn’t understand is why Y/N was with him. Sweet, innocent Y/N. Had you changed so much in three years that this is who you would fall for?
He could feel Michael radiate hostility but Michael remained quiet, simply choosing to observe Justin, which somehow seemed more terrifying.
When you came back into the room, Justin actively tried not to watch you. He kept his eyes on the tv with his only glimpse of you being your bottom half as you walked by him, your dress falling to just below your mid thigh. He couldn’t help but listen to his friend’s chiming voice as you spoke in a lower tone.
“I’m going to go to the library to finish up a project.” He couldn’t hear what Michael answered, if he even answered. But he heard you continue. “No, I might just walk. It’s still light out. I’ll call you when I’m heading back.”
Then, as if the afternoon didn’t already feel surreal enough, he saw you out of the corner of his eye, bend down and plant a kiss to Michael’s lips, one of your hands were on his abdomen, holding you up. It almost felt jarring to witness. Not only to see Michael allowing such a thing but to see the girl that had taken up much of his mind, and heart, in high school willingly put herself in that position with a man like Michael. It had taken him a while this afternoon just to put the pieces together and understand that Y/N was Michael’s girlfriend but to see it laid out in front of him was disturbing nonetheless.
When you straightened up again, you regarded the boys in front of you with the kind smile Justin knew so well. “I’m heading out, nice to see you guys again.” Though you didn’t really sound like you meant it.
Justin didn’t think his next actions through. All he was thinking was that it was an out. An out to leave this house that made him so uncomfortable and an out to not be in the same room as Michael without you to mend the tension.
So he stood up without much thought, “I’ll head out with you.” And as the words left his mouth, he wanted to take them back immediately. They came out wrong. He knew it and so did everyone else in the room, evidenced by the pausing of the video game and the multiple set of eyes on him.
You blinked up at him, processing what he said for a moment before he quickly added, “I mean, I left my phone back at Chris’ room so I was going to leave anyway. I was just thinking I’d give you some company.” That didn’t sound any better either.
But he trudged through the awkwardness of his phrasing by refusing to look at Michael. Justin had a feeling that would make everything a million times worse.
But you didn’t fail him, “Oh, sure.” You smiled warmly, looking back at Michael quickly before moving towards Justin and the door, “We can catch up on the way.”
Chris and Charlie were looking at him with wide eyes as he left, likely cursing him out in their heads for messing up any chance they had at being Michael’s friends. But as he followed his friend back out to the open world, outside of the dark and cramped house, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
You looked up at the tall blond boy beside you as you walked down the sidewalk that would lead back to campus. You were still in awe that he was there beside you, walking and talking to you after so long. Well, not so much talking. You think he was still up in his head about the situation.
“So did you really leave something in Chris’ dorm room?” You smiled knowingly up at him.
To which he let out a chuckle and lowered his head sheepishly, “No, I…I just had to get out of there.”
You nodded like you understood, which you did. You talked a lot when we were in high school and you knew his limits, what he was used to. “Yeah, I know that house can be a lot for some people.”
“It’s just cramped.”
You didn’t say it but that kind of bothered you. It wasn’t a mansion and while it wasn’t exactly nice, it was cozy and it felt like home. Michael made it feel like home. But you knew Justin couldn’t see it that way. He was the richest boy in high school, after all. And popular because of it. Though, looking back, you couldn’t think of a time where he had let that get to his head.
“So, you and Michael, huh?” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his khakis and looked over at you. His blue eyes clouding with worry.
Now, it was your turn to chuckle. “Yeah. It’s okay, a lot of people have the same reaction.”
“It’s just different, I guess. Have you heard his reputation at all?”
You got on the bus that would lead straight to the middle of campus at that point and found two seats right next to each other.
You nodded, “I guess. But Michael…Michael’s different from what you think. He can be sweet. You just have to get to know him.” You tried to tame the big loving smile that was threatening to explode at the thought of Michael, the version of him that you knew. You were well aware of how vicious and even cruel he could be, gaining him the rumors that constantly swirled around him and now even you. But he wasn’t like that with you.
“I heard he’s in a gang.” Justin whispered.
Your eyes shot up at him in alarm, “Of course he’s not.” Unfounded rumors like that did bother you, they whittled down all of Michael’s past struggles to be theatrical entertainment for those looking in, not to mentioned demonized him even further for no reason. Though they never really bothered Michael, you had too much respect both for him and for yourself to be okay with them.
“I just don’t think I expected him to be your type.” He explained, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Well he wasn’t, not at first.” You calmed down and instead bit your inner cheek, trying to decide whether you should let him in on your little secret. “Actually, you were my type. I had a huge crush on you in high school…”
“…Don’t worry, I’m over it now.” you quickly added in when you I felt him freeze behind you in surprise. It was embarrassing but it didn’t make much sense keeping it from him anymore.
“I had no idea.” His voice dripped with honesty. He pulled at the collar of his polo shirt.
You shrugged, “I made sure of that. I don’t know, you were just so nice to me even though you were so out of my league. You were rich, popular but so respectful and socially aware. Plus you weren’t a republican.” You laughed before looking down, “And I was the shy scholarship kid.”
It was obvious Justin was trying to think of what to say so you helped him out, “But you know three years of college really changes you. I’m a lot more outspoken now and I found a great boyfriend.”
Justin nodded, still seemingly shocked, “That’s great.” His voice was soft and, as you made eye contact, there was something more in his eyes that you couldn’t read.
But you didn’t have to think of it much because you got to our destination and you both made your way off the bus, onto the campus you loved so much.
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you around?” You were already moving back slowly, desperate to get to the library quickly so you could head back to Michael faster.
Justin nodded, not moving to go to the dorms, “Yeah, I’ll be here for two weeks or so.”
You practically skipping when you reached Michael’s house again. The sun had set and part of you were upset at how long it had taken you in the library. But as you opened the door to Michael’s room and saw him laying on his bed, headphones on and wearing a black hoodie with only the tattoos on his hands peeking out, those feelings disappeared and were replaced with much more primal feelings.
Michael, slipping off his headphones gently, seemed to mirror your feelings because just a bending of his index finger in a ‘come here’ motion, was enough to have you closing the door behind you and nearly jumping onto him.
You were smiling but asked before anything else, “Ashton-?” You always felt bad he had to deal with you constantly at each other with only thin walls separating Michael’s room from his.
“He went to that frat party.” Michael muttered, uninterested. His eyes were instead trailing your body, figuring out which way was best to take off your dress.
You were on all fours as you crawled your way to him, stopping when you were in between his spread legs. “You should’ve gone.” Even if you didn’t love parties, they were still a big part of who he was, before dating you he would be at them drinking the night away every other day, and a part of you felt bad for taking them away from him, even if unintentionally.
But still, he couldn’t look like he care less when he reached over and pulled your dress up to uncover your ass, his hands trailing down the curve of you sensually before giving you a small spank that made you jump in surprise. “I have better things to do.”
Now that deserved a reward. Your hand rubbed over the noticeable bulge in his jeans. Michael’s hands undid his belt, the sight of that action almost making you want to moan right then and there. Your hands trailed up to undo the button and zipper. He eagerly pushed his hips up to help you take his jeans and boxers off.
His long and thick length stood out horizontally and you felt your mouth watering already at the thought of taking him in your mouth.
One of his hands took a hold of the gold necklace you were wearing, twisting it and pulling at it to force your face closer to his.“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” 
When you first started having sex, you were shy and inexperienced. Words and talk like that would have had you shaking nervously. And while you would still likely react that way in public, with enough time with Michael and in the privacy of his room, you didn’t even blink when you answered.
“Always.” Your hand wrapped around him before you took his dick into your mouth. Michael groaned immediately and threw his head back, eyes closed. This only proved to spur you on. You took him as deep as you could, stopping only when his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag and pull back.
But the vibrations only seemed to have him moaning louder and led to one of his hands to collect your hair and push himself back into your mouth. “Fuck that’s good, take it.”
You didn’t even notice when he had taken off his shirt and hoodie. His tattoos, which ranged from his fingers to his entire torso and neck were on full display and you felt yourself get wetter at the intricate ink that adorned his beautiful body. It was a contrast to your body that was completely bare of any tattoos.
Up until then, he was still controlled. When you looked up at him with the innocent eyes you knew drove him wild and moan against his length as you bobbed your head, his control snapped. There was something about you looking pure, especially in that angelic-looking white dress, at the same time you were doing something so dirty with him that sent him ablaze. Even more knowing that you were only like that for him.
Immediately, he tightened his grip on your hair with both hands, holding you in place. He thrust up into your mouth at a fast pace, fucking your mouth harshly. His groans increasing in volume. He thrust into your mouth deeply, your nose nearly touching his stomach, and kept himself there. Your throat closed tightly against him.
“Do you like that?” Your jaw hurt and you felt tears in your eyes as he pulled out enough for you to breath, his cock was messy with your spit. Then he continued, thrusting into your awaiting mouth and murmuring dirty nothings under his breath. You wanted to trail your hands down to your pussy to soothe the ache it had for him but you refrained. “Do you like me using your mouth like a dirty fucking slut?”
You moaned involuntarily. You needed him. You could feel yourself soaking through your panties. Michael gave a sharp tug at your hair and pulled you off of him. He tilted your head back painfully to lock his eyes with yours.
“Do you like being used like a toy?” His voice was cold and mean but it was a turn on. You nodded your head submissively and one of his hands reached down to your cheek, giving you a sharp slap. Enough for you to feel the sting and enough for it to feel good. “Open your mouth.”
You did what he said immediately. Your tongue poking out in anticipation. Michael leaned down before spitting into your mouth. You closed your eyes, moaning when you felt another slap at your cheek.
“Dirty whore.” Michael muttered under his breath before pinning you down to his bed, tearing your dress off as soon as hit the mattress and then doing the same to your bra and underwear.
Part of you wondered what had gotten into him. Being rough and kinky in bed isn’t something out of the ordinary for you two but he usually wasn’t like this out of no where. Not that you were complaining.
On all fours, you swayed your ass to him enticingly and looked behind you with a virginal smile, “Fuck me, daddy.” You said innocently.
He didn’t say anything as he flipped you over quickly and ran the head of his dick teasingly along your entrance, slapping it onto your pussy twice. A load moan of his name left your mouth when he finally entered you. He wasted no time in thrusting at a rough pace into you. Your moans were cut off and stuttered at the pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” One of Michael’s hands reached up to your throat and pressed tightly. The feeling of his inked hands around your throat amplified the pleasure. Your walls clenched around him. “No matter how many times I fuck you"
You saw his eyes be fixated on your breasts, the way they bounced up and down fully in pace with each of his thrusts. He leaned down and wrapped his warm mouth around one of tits, flicking and twirling his tongue around your nipple.
Your eyes closed involuntarily and your back arched in pleasure as he continued to slam his hips into yours. The only sounds in the room were the sound of skin slapping, your moans and his grunts.
“If only those boys could see you now, their innocent little classmate, so submissive and desperate for my cock, letting me fuck you like my bitch.” Michael’s voice was taunting and you could barely get your mind out of the haze of pleasure to question what he was talking about.
“But they’ll never see you like this. This is the only cock you’ll ever get, your first and your last. No one will ever be able to please you like I can. Do you think that blondie can make you feel this good?” You closed your eyes in pleasure, too far lost to even understand what he was saying, just shaking your head in answer. You were blushing like crazy at his words, which only served to make him thrust faster.
“Look at me.” He hissed and you did just when his thrusts’ vigor increased even more which left you whimpering and writhing underneath him. But still, you opened and kept your eyes on him, your mouth open as moans filtered out of you. “Tell me you’re mine.”  
Though your mouth was open, you couldn’t formulate words. But Michael’s hands on your throat pressed harder and his other hand slapped your cheek as a warning, “Tell me.”
“Y-Yours. I’m yours, Mikey. Only yours.” His mouth was on yours in a heated kiss while his pace never faltered as he pistoned in and out of you.
“That’s right.” Michael praised, “Mine.” Then he said something he had never said before. “I’m going to knock you up, get you nice and pregnant. Everyone would know then, that you’re fucking mine.” He almost sounded delirious with the prospect.
He didn’t mean it, he couldn’t mean it. Even if he did, you were on birth control. But you moaned loader just at the thought of his love for you reaching those lengths.
“You want that, little one? Want me to fill your tight little cunt with my cum?”
A chorus of “Yes, yes, yes” left your mouth, you couldn’t speak anymore than just repeating that. The thought of being pregnant with his child and the reminder of just how small you were compared to him was enough to put you on another planet.
“H-Harder.” You were shaking as he complied with your request, his thrusts moving faster and rougher into you. Your arms wrapped themselves around his torso and scratched at his back, desperate for a way to express the nearly overwhelming pleasure you felt. He hissed in pleasure at the pain, his body above you engulfed nearly your entire figure.
“Open” His rough voice commanded and you opened your mouth obediently. Moaning again as he spit into your awaiting tongue once again.
Your throat was starting to be raw with your screaming and begging to come. “Cum for me, princess.”
You clenched your walls as you came around his big cock and that seemed to be the only thing that took for him to release after you.
He released inside you, filling you and leaking out after he pulled out. “Such a good girl.”
He was still coming when he pulled out and ribbons of cum adorned your face, which you graciously accepted. Michael watched your face and groaned to himself when you licked some of his cum off that was at the corner of your mouth and swallowed.
His eyes were closed in pleasure for a moment before he released his grip on your throat. You didn’t doubt the image before of you, blushing and covered in his cum did wonders for his libido.  
He cleaned you up but you had a feeling it was just an excuse to be able to give you a passionate kiss. “You did great, baby girl. I love you.”
His praise made your heart swell. “I love you, too.”
Before you knew it, your kiss had gotten much more frenzied and his hand was trailing to your sore entrance. But you stopped before it could lead to a round two.
“I’m sore.” You mumbled before nuzzling into chest. His arms wrapped around your body protectively and kissed the top of your head, gently, so different from how rough he was just a few moments before.  
You looked up at him quizzically just to see that he was already looking at you. “So, are you going to tell me what that was about?”
Michael looked genuinely confused, “What do you mean?”
You rolled your eyes, moving up so you were at eye level with him. You ran your fingers through his soft black hair, noting how his eyes fluttered at the sensation. “You know what I mean. What wound you up so bad?”
“Nothing” But at your pointed look, he sighed in defeat and muttered, “Those little rich boys. The tall one, he’s into you and I couldn’t do shit about it.”
You sputtered, “Justin?! No way is he into me.” You shook your head, giggling as you leaned back to lay your head on his shoulder. “Actually, in high school, I was the one into him.”
You probably shouldn’t have said that. You knew it as soon as Michael’s eyes hardened and his body stiffened. “What?”
Shaking your head, you stuttered out, “But I got over that years ago, he’s just a friend.”
But Michael couldn’t let it go, “You liked him and he was in my fucking house? He left with you for fucks sakes Y/N.” He moved as if he was getting up and you placed a hand on his chest to stop him (only doing so because he let you, otherwise his strength would quickly overpower yours). If he were to go after Justin, there would be little you could do to stop him from beating him to a pulp.
You kissed him deeply to calm him down because you saw his eyes start to shut down. They started to look like the same eyes he had in public, the cold, angry ones. And you couldn’t let him go there, not with you.
“We were only with each other for a few minutes, we took the bus.” You reasoned with him.
Michael locked his jaw tightly but he was starting to calm down, “That bitch ass couldn’t even look at me but I was watching him. He kept looking at you like he knew you, like he knew you how I know you.”
He looked at you then, with a mocking smirk. “Like he knew how sweet and moral you are and that you shouldn’t be with your big bad boyfriend. Too bad he didn’t see you begging to have your mouth and pussy filled by your mean boyfriend’s cock. Or that he didn’t know I was the one that took your virginity,” He moaned at the memory, “What do you think he would say if he saw innocent little Y/N like that?”
You didn’t have to be looking at him to see the delight in his bright eyes and sneering smile. It was obvious he enjoyed corrupting you.
You whined at his words, embarrassed, as if you didn’t hear much worse things come out of his mouth when you were underneath him or even when he was in fights with others.
“Are you sure Ashton isn’t home?” You changed the topic.
“He’s out.” Michael repeated, “Why, did you want him to join?”
He was teasing you, you knew he was but you whined again, blushing (something you knew he loved) and shook your head no.
He chuckled, a warm and joking chuckle, “Good, because I’m not sharing you. Remember that.”
Michael settled you in between his legs comfortably, giving you his phone to busy yourself with games or take photos. He kissed the top of your head, that reached just to his chin. Meanwhile, he grabbed a cigarette and a lighter from his nightstand, placing the white stick in his mouth and lighting it. The scent overtook your senses uncomfortably. But you were used to it so you didn’t do much besides raising your hand jokingly, to ask for a puff.
But Michael, who never took those things as a joke, squeezed your thigh. “I don’t want you getting into the shit I’m into.” He said, “I want to keep you pure for me.”
Because as much as he loved corrupting you, he loved your innocence even more.
so i think i’m going to make this into a two part series with each part having two stories involved. if that makes sense, let me know what you think!
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contraststudies · 4 years
“Alright, angel, I’m ready,” Crowley announced, collapsing into a pile of limbs onto the sofa, his legs dangling idly over the armrest. “Novation.”
Aziraphale looked up from the first edition of Much Ado About Nothing he had been examining on his desk. “Oh. Go on, then. What is novation?”
“Novation is the total or partial extinction of an obligation…” Crowley’s voice trailed off in a growl of frustration. “Wait. Just give me a second, I know this.”
Aziraphale waited patiently, watching Crowley’s face scrunch up into the hopelessly endearing frown that he had come to identify as Crowley struggling to get the words from his mind to his tongue – sometimes, they lost their way halfway there and had some trouble getting back on track.
“Ah. Through the creation of a new obligation which extinguishes the old one,” Crowley finished triumphantly.
“Good,” Aziraphale said with approval, as Crowley glared at him from the sofa and squirmed. “Now, examples of novation.”
“According to what?”
Aziraphale hummed. “According to subject. Oh, define the two kinds and give an example for each.”
“Alright.” Crowley thought for a moment. “Objective novation, when the object or principal conditions of the obligation are changed.” He glanced at Aziraphale, who nodded encouragingly. “For example, when you went from being the Guardian of the Eastern Gate to being a sort of…” He flapped his hand aimlessly. “I dunno. Guardian angel for humanity.”
“How so?”
“Well, your obligation to be a guardian didn’t change,” Crowley said, his fingers idly tapping on the cushion under his head. “But because the humans weren't allowed to stay in the Garden anymore, your obligation to guard the Eastern Gate would have been incompatible with your obligation to guard the humans. So your obligation to guard the Garden was extinguished.”
“That’s right.” Aziraphale thought for a moment, then shuddered. “Do you remember that time Gabriel nearly replaced me with Michael in 1800? No promotion could have possibly been worth being reassigned back to Head Office. I do give you all the credit for rescuing me from that particular bind, dear boy.”
Crowley’s face turned the most attractive shade of pink at Aziraphale's praise, and he rubbed at his nose uncomfortably. Aziraphale smiled to himself. The ridiculous creature. “Go on, you aren’t done. Subjective novation.”
“Subjective novation, when the debtor or creditor is substituted with another person.” Crowley recited dutifully. “For example, that time in 1800, if Gabriel had actually replaced you with Michael as Heaven’s representative on Earth.”
“You have to give your own example,” Aziraphale reminded him, prodding at him with his foot.
Crowley swatted him away. “Alright, fine. Our entire Arrangement, then.”
Aziraphale tutted. “Be more specific.”
Crowley groaned. “1601, when you went to Edinburgh for the festival. You did a temptation for me. The cattle stealing one.”
“There’s another example there,” Aziraphale said, and waited expectantly.
Crowley threw an arm over his eyes, laid bare in the afternoon light streaming in through the window in the absence of his usual sunglasses. “And when I made Hamlet successful for you.”
His ears were red, Aziraphale noticed, and chuckled to himself internally. “Almost there. Explain.”
“The obligation of the blessing was still there. But the person of the debtor was substituted when I did the blessing for you.” Crowley said, his voice muffled by his arm.
“When you put it that way,” Aziraphale said thoughtfully, “Who exactly was the creditor in that example?”
Crowley lifted his arm and turned his face toward Aziraphale. “Good question. Would it be the Almighty?”
“I suppose so. I was an employee of Heaven, in a manner of speaking.”
“Interesting.” Crowley gazed at the ceiling, lost in thought for a moment. “Angel.”
“Yes, my dear?”
Crowley pulled himself into something resembling an upright position (both of his feet were on the floor, at least). “Subjective novation requires the consent of the creditor for it to be valid.”
“I see,” Aziraphale said, catching on. “Your blessing on Hamlet worked. Without visible repercussions on either of us. Which means –”
“We had God’s consent,” Crowley finished. “Implicitly, but still.”
They sat staring at each other for a long moment, stunned.
“Well, then,” Aziraphale finally said, “I suppose we both learned something new today.”
Read the other ficlets: innominate contracts / knowledge of acceptance / vices of consent / contracts classified by cause / elements of an actionable conduct
Read them on AO3 here!
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blush-and-books · 4 years
Hi! I wasn’t sure if you were still taking requests but could you do #22 for Juke? Make it angsty if you want I’m in that type of mood today 😂
From this prompt list: Kissing someone’s cuts/bruises/scratches etc. High school AU, Luke is ~edgy~, Julie is the best friend in the whole world and he has every reason to be in love with her (which he is). IDK if you’re still in an angsty mood but I made it angsty. I also went off with this one because I was having too much fun. Thank you <333
“Guys, please don’t tell Julie.”
It was early in the morning before school, and Luke was hunched over one of the dirty sinks in the bathroom while trying to nurse his bloody nose. Alex was twirling one of his drumsticks between his fingers in a nervous habit, and Reggie was propped up against one of the stall dividers. 
Luke’s face was bruised and bloody from both his nose and his own scraped knuckles that keep brushing against his cheek on accident. 
“She’ll find out,” Alex sighs, and Luke glares at him through the mirror.  “Fuck, Bobby will probably be bragging about it,” Reggie adds. 
Luke, Reggie, and Alex had been planning on going into the music room before school to quickly test out some new material that they had been working on with Julie for their rehearsal after school that day. Normally, the music teacher lets them go into a practice room and mess around, but this morning, their teacher was distracted: By Bobby Wilson. 
AKA their ex-bandmate.
Who they had found with the music teacher, hunched over a computer, playing a recording he had made of a song with eerily familiar lyrics. 
He had recorded songs that Luke wrote when they were all still in a band. And he was showing them off to their music teacher as his own. 
Their music teacher was singing Bobby’s praises, telling him how proud she was that he was developing a career, and then she excused herself to go make some sheet music copies for one of her classes -- and that is when Luke made his entrance. 
Long story short: Bobby had a black eye and some cuts on his face from Luke’s rings, and Luke had a bloody nose, some busted knuckles, and a bruise blossoming on his cheek. 
And the last thing he wanted was Julie, his best friend, finding out. She would be so mad. 
“Well then just let me handle it, please,” Luke spits. “Don’t go running to her saying ‘Luke and Bobby beat each other up-’”
The door to the boys bathroom flings open -- and an angry girl with dark, curly hair storms in. 
Julie Molina. 
While, under any other circumstances, Luke’s day would be made just by seeing her -- he knows it’s about to get a lot worse.
“Lucas Michael Patterson, you better have a fucking valid reason for getting your ass kicked or I swear to God-”
“Bobby? Seriously? I thought you decided he wasn’t worth your time?”
“If you’ll just let me explain-”
“Maybe we should go,” Reggie cuts in. Luke rounds on him. 
“You-” He points at Reggie, then Alex, “you two weren’t supposed to tell her.”
Julie speaks up again. 
“You told them to hide this from me?” “I texted her SOS as soon as we broke you and Bobby up,” Alex explains, avoiding Luke’s eyes. “Sorry. We thought she would know a little more about first aid then we do.” 
Reggie walks over to the door, and Alex follows him before Luke can tear into them more.
“Thanks, Julie,” Reggie says right before grabbing Alex’s wrist and pulling him out of the room. Luke is left alone with Julie -- and Angry Julie is not a fun Julie to be around. 
“Jules, I-”
“Save it.” 
She puts her backpack on the floor and surprisingly pulls out a bag of bandages and a container of rubbing alcohol. A small package of tissues follows, which she instantly passes to him to hold to his nose. 
Relief fills him. They’re the soft kind -- not the sandpaper stuff that the school keeps in the bathrooms. 
“Thanks for… Doing all this,” he mumbles, voice nasally. Guilt pangs at his chest when her scowl deepens and she still won’t meet his eyes. 
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t have gone to the nurse, and someone needs to make sure you don’t get an infection.”
She’s right. The nurse means admitting he got into a fight to a school employee, admitting he got into a fight to a school employee means suspension, and suspension means an upcoming raging argument with his parents. 
He’s filled with a burning warmth when she suddenly grabs his hand -- still not making eye contact with him. His knuckles are pretty torn up, and Julie starts to remove his rings one by one. 
Luke’s heart breaks a little at how much he wants to lean into her while watching her do it. He wants her to do this again, preferably when she’s not mad at him, preferably in his room or in the studio while they write songs. 
“Now,” Julie finally speaks up and breaks his trance of distraction. “What happened?”
As he inhales a deep breath, he slowly removes the tissue from his nose, which has minimized it’s bleeding. 
Luke’s cut off by a stream of cleansing alcohol running over his cuts and stinging every square millimeter of space. 
“Fuck! Ow!” Julie’s face remains expressionless as Luke tries to pull his hand away, but she keeps it firm in his grip. His breathing gets heavier as he tries to face the pain. “Okay, I know I fucked up, I’m sorry. I deserved that. Let me explain.”
Another drop of the alcohol splashes on his knuckles. As he hisses, Julie gives him an expectant look. 
“I’m waiting, Patterson.”
With a few more deep breaths, Luke starts. 
“We found out that Bobby recorded our songs. My songs. Songs that were supposed to go to Sunset Curve, and he stole them, and recorded them, and played them for Ms. Harrison.” Julie’s grip tightens on his fingers. He hopes she understands his anger. “And she was just so happy about it, and was giving him all these compliments, and… When she left, I confronted him, and he was being a dick, and I just… Got mad.”
Julie finishes pressing a towel to his knuckles to wipe away some of the blood, and begins to softly wrap a bandage around his hand. Her touch is more gentle than it was a minute ago. 
“Who threw the first punch?” 
Luke sighs. 
“I did.” The bandage is tugged tightly around his knuckles. “He said that I’ll never have a band ‘with that Julie girl’ that’s worth anything close to what Sunset Curve was, and that he was making a success out of what wouldn’t have been.” 
The bandage loosens. 
“I’m sorry that Bobby is a song-stealing asshole,” Julie finally says, finishing up the bandage on his right hand. Now, time for his left, so he turns fully towards her and lifts the hand towards her to take. His heart flutters when her fingers wrap around his, but it’s quickly killed by the pierce of the rubbing alcohol. “But you know you shouldn’t resort to violence. You should be the bigger person.”
“Being the bigger person doesn’t exist when you’re a teenage boy,” Luke retorts, only to be defeated by a strong pour of the alcohol once again. “But you’re right. I know you’re right.”
“As I always am.”
Well, he can’t argue with that one. 
“As you always are.”
Finally, Luke catches a small smirk on his best friend’s face, which fills him with relief. Temporarily, his attention is taken off of his burning knuckles as she calmly finishes wiping away the blood and beginning to wrap a bandage around his left hand. 
“At least tell me you kicked his ass,” she says, out of the blew. “I want to know it was worth it.”
Even in the current situation, Luke grins wider than he has all day. Julie never fails to bring it out of him. 
“I mean, not to brag, but he definitely looks worse.” Julie looks up at him, clearly wanting a full description of the other party’s injuries. “His knuckles are trashed too, but I got in a black eye and my rings tore him up pretty good. He looks like he got attacked by a raccoon.”
“As he should,” she thinks aloud. Luke nods vigorously in agreement. 
They stand in silence under the aggressively fluorescent lighting of the bathroom, and Luke spends the next thirty seconds just staring at Julie like a lovesick idiot. She looks tired (like all of them do, every morning -- they’re teenagers for God’s sake), but her hair is down and curly and beautiful, and her sweatshirt looks beyond cozy. 
Suddenly, Julie lifts Luke’s mummified left hand to her lips and presses a light, slow kiss to it. Followed by another one. 
And then, she finally looks up at him through her long eyelashes, which takes his breath away completely. Her feet shuffle a small step closer to him, and for a moment he panics that she’s going to kiss him, or he’ll lose his self control and kiss her, but what she does instead makes his heart pound just the same:
She lifts herself onto her tiptoes and kisses the oval-shaped bruise painted across his cheekbone. 
His hand, with a mind of its own, comes up to cup the back of her neck and keep her as close as possible, which she doesn’t fight. Instead, she brushes her nose against his, and today just went from being the worst day ever to the best day ever, and-
The school bell rings. 
Julie pulls away. 
Hastily, she’s tucking her medical supplies back into her bag, and avoiding his eyes once again. 
“Try not to get in another fight, please,” she sends him an awkward smile as she zips her backpack, “I only brought the two bandages.” And before he can even blink, she’s gone.
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phantomnostalgist · 4 years
Ethan Freeman Phantom interview
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An interview with Ethan Freeman from about 1994 or 1995, printed in “Beneath the Mask” #8 (which I haven’t found my print copy of yet, but the interview was reproduced on our old POTO fan site). 
Also of note about Ethan: at the time he was one of the two youngest actors to have played the Phantom - he and Anthony Warlow were both 28 or 29 when first cast in the role.
Are there any differences between London and Vienna - if so, what are they? The general tone of the production in Vienna was slightly more Operetta-like, probably due to the language, the sound of the translation and style of acting of some of the players. The tempo was also at some points quite different depending on who was conducting, and would undoubtedly feel strange to me now. The audience tended to be less tuned in to the humorous moments in the show in general, and some scenes like "Managers I & II" for example, simply run better and are more clever in English.
How did you get the role? I got the role of the Phantom after auditioning for Hal Prince and Gillian Lynne and the Viennese producer and musical staff. They appeared very excited about the audition. I'd sung "Music of the Night" which they praised in a friendly manner (Hal is always positive and encouraging), and they sent me off to learn the segment from the Final Lair "Order your fine horses... This is the choice. This is the point of no return!" When I came back the next day to do it (the Phantom candidates appeared by then to have been reduced to three) Hal said "OK Ethan I want you to scare me!" So I did the section with as much power and venom as I could muster (Id never seen the show - I think Id heard the record once or twice...) and after it was done, Hal just said "Great. You scared me!" and that was that really. Later that day they explained to Alexander Goebel and me what they would like and would we be willing to share, obviously with Alex, who was very well known, being the dominant of the two. So we split 5/2 which frequently ended up being 4/3 as the run went along.
How did you research the character? I read the novel finally, all the way through. Ruth Hale, my partner in "Cats" at the time, later to premiere as Mme Giry in the Hamburg production, gave me a copy as a present. I'd seen several of the films over the years so I knew there wasn't much to be mined from those - although Lon Chaney Snr did display some magnificent body language, and I've nicked at least one dramatic gesture from him. Principally though, I had several long meetings with Hal in New York to talk about the role and show. He instructed me to go watch Michael a few times then come back and talk some more. Crawford was magnificent, at the peak of his vocal power and still fairly fresh in the role and I was moved and impressed as I have not been since by a Phantom. (Though Dave Willetts, I must say, also made a huge impression the first time I saw him, for his power and well-delineated psychotic behaviour.) At first I thought boy, you've got your work cut out for you on all fronts. So, I would say my "research" of the role was principally based on my own discussions with Hal and also largely on my own thoughts and feelings. Obviously most of the physical manifestations of the role, make-up, costume, blocking, etc were predetermined so there wasn't much scope for change. To be honest, I feel some of the Phantoms I've seen tend, in an effort to be different, to stray from the basic line of the drama and weaken themselves as a result. Michael's acting was extreme, yet very clear and economical at the same time, and I also try to offer the audience a complicated and ambiguous character going through clear, unambiguous moments of his life - otherwise it's so easy for the audience not to "get" everything that's there - or to "get" things that aren't intended to be there at all.
How do you feel on stage? So varied in thought and feeling that I can't really give a concise answer. I feel quite differently now to how I felt 600 odd shows ago. I used to have to concentrate on staying concentrated - now it just happens. I know what to achieve and just try to let it happen. I'd say I'm both in and out of Erik at the same time and he in me.
Do you think it's based on a true story ie. did the Phantom exist? I doubt it - I haven't read this newer novel "Phantom" yet and don't intend to until I finish playing the part. However I've been to the Palais Garnier and in all senses of the word it is a 'phantastic' theatre, one which easily conjures up many stirring images - beautifully represented in the Phantom designs, I'd say!
What do you think of Erik? I wish he'd let me have a little more time to myself! Oh, I don't know. He's a sad, bitter, brilliant man. He has a great brain and can be a real bastard. I find him easy to understand - he's motivated by a terrible profound loneliness and has been forced to create his own universe which has its own laws. Anyone who has known some kind of loneliness or feeling of apartness when they were children or growing up can tune in to this crucial aspect of the Man, which is his great mythical attraction. He is so powerful, awesome, in control and yet so hurt and vulnerable. He must epitomise great beauty and great ugliness at war with each other, reason and insanity, God/Satan, Id/Ego battling it out. In the end, he learns about sacrifice, shows mercy and is redeemed by love - a great, archetypal Romantic drama - another reason why the story has always been so popular. I can't stand it when I see Erik played as a "nutter". Yes, he goes "crazy" a few times, but in general he is not insane in the pathological sense. I feel if he is played as a schizophrenic or a psychopath, the romantic ideal of the story is dashed, because both of those conditions would indicate a "determination" that makes any hope of redemption impossible, and would break with the "Romantic" style. He is very melancholy, angry, egocentric, neurotic perhaps, and goes off into rages of frustrated sexuality, but he is not insane. And I'll kill anyone who thinks otherwise!
What do you think happens to him at the end? That's our little secret! I think the different fan magazines have probably spent pages on that so I don't see I need to contribute. He goes!
Why do you think the show is so appealing? Some lovely songs, great orchestrations, a nice mixture of melodrama and light comedy, some stunning sets and a lot of good theatrical magic: and on the thematic side, many of the things I've mentioned before, which I suppose you could define as the archetypal Beauty and the Beast scenario which, if honestly portrayed, can tug the heartstrings of even the most urbane Japanese businessman.
What is your favourite role of those you've played? Obviously Phantom is the supreme role in my repertoire to date. I did however, really enjoy my stints in other Lloyd Webber shows as well. Che in "Evita" was very cool to play and Gus/Growltiger, while exceedingly 'uncool' thanks to the heavy knitted costumes, was a joy to play, despite being totally knackering, and one that I was surely born to do. I really enjoyed doing Hajj, the Poet in "Kismet" with the BBC Radio 2 last year, working with the composers, and would love to have the chance to do that again on stage someday.
What role would you like to play? I'd quite hope to have a go at Sweeney Todd somewhere down the line and would still like to play the Celebrant in "Bernstein's Mass" at some point. (I've nearly done that a couple of times.) Add to that a heap of great operatic roles I'd love to do but probably never will and whatever new, unknown roles lie lurking up ahead. We'll wait and see!
End note from me - Ethan’s wrong about schizophrenia, but hey, this interview was 25 years ago and actors can’t be expected to be experts on mental illness. But I really love this interview, the depth he goes into, and how his sense of humour comes through too.
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Saving face with the dicks downstairs.
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Pairings : Sam x Reader, Sam x Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Dean
Word count : 4,144
Written for : @samwinchesterbingo
Square : Fake dating.
Beta’d by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Warnings : AU. Reader is Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel's baby sister. Quick best friends, Sam's in the closet, Gabriel is out, Raphael is a dick, over protective big brothers Michael and Lucifer, especially Lucifer, Dean is no fool, party, drinking, high school politics, almost smut (none depicted in detail, but some faked), threats, Lucifer threatens people, talk of Lucifer being arrested in the past for beating a minor, talk of a past shitty 'relationship', talk of parent abandonment (Chuck and John are similar in the dad department), Sam gets a boyfriend, hint at a possible new relationship at the end.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Sam Winchester Bingo Masterlist.
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Sam Winchester. Okay, maybe not the hottest guy in school, but he had his charms. He was sweet, quiet, good looking and tall. Damn, was he tall. You’ve talked to him before, at school, at parties like this. Drinks were flowing, music was blasting through speakers that shook the windows. And you got lucky enough that when you whispered to Sam that it was too loud down there, he nodded and led you up to a bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut behind you and you had locked it, your lips were on his, drinks discarded onto someone’s dresser and forgotten. Sam’s kiss was reluctant, awkward. You figured it was the shock of you making that first move paired with all the drinks he’d been pounding back all night, so you continued to lead. Guys like that anyways, right?
You started pushing him back, keeping him moving and not letting him go, keeping the kiss going until he fell back against the bed, sitting there, looking up at you with something in his eyes you couldn’t quite read.
Your lips met his again, a little sweeter this time as you climbed into his lap, knees digging into the mattress on either side of him. “Wait.” he mumbled as you pressed yourself closer to him, fingers in his hair and holding him close. “Wait, wait-” He pulled back, and you gave him a confused look.
“What’s wrong?” He didn’t answer right away, and you chuckled. “It’s okay, Sam, I’m sober enough to know what I want. You don’t have to-” as you spoke, you were leaning in for another kiss, but he stopped you. “Do you not want me?” Sam looked down, licking his bottom lip as you sat back against his thighs, giving him a bit more space. “Sam-”
“I’m-” He started to speak but he couldn’t seem to finish.
It was like it clicked in your head. “I don’t have what you want..” you breathed out in realization. Suddenly there was fear in his eyes, his nails scratching against your jeans as his fingers tightened on your thighs. “Hey-” You cupped his face, making him look up, but he pulled his head away.
“Fuck off.”
“Sam-” He shook his head, but you grabbed him again, forcing him to look at you. “It’s not a big deal.” you chuckled softly.
“Says you. Lesbians are ‘so hot’.” he mocked.
“I won’t tell anyone.” You chuckled softly, watching him but not getting off his thighs. “You can trust me.”
“Yeah, right.”
“My brother’s gay, Sam.” His eyes came up to meet yours at the confession. “It’s really not a big deal to me. All you had to do was tell me and I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you.” you smiled at him.
“Didn’t exactly want anyone knowing.” Sam mumbled, picking at a loose thread on the edge of your shirt.
“Know what you need?”
Your smile widened. “A fake girlfriend.” Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Look, we’re up here, right? There’s no way that went unnoticed. We’ll just pretend we had a bit of fun. You save face with those dicks downstairs, I get to have a hot date for lunch hour, and I’ll introduce you to my older brother.”
“Just because he’s gay too, doesn’t mean I want to fuck him.”
You laughed and shoved at his shoulders. “To have someone to talk to, you idiot.”
“Why would you do that for me?”
You shrugged. “Because I remember what he went through. We’re friends, Sam. I don’t want to see you as broken as I remember seeing him.” Sam gave you a small nod. “Deal?”
“Deal. So how do we-” he was cut off by you shoving him back on the bed.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Don’t be quiet.” with a grin, you sat back up, still on his thigh, and started bouncing on him. You chuckled at the surprise on his face as the bed under him started to creak and groan with the motion. “That’s it, Sam.” you praised out loud. “Yeah, right there.”
Sam started to laugh, but the look you shot him made him hold it in. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, before he blurted out “Your.. pussy feels so good.” You couldn’t help but snort, and you both muffled your laughs. “Sorry.” he whispered behind the hand he had covering his mouth. “Dirty talk is not my strong suit.”
“It’s good.” you shook your head at him, getting yourself back up right. “It was just.. so weird coming out of you like that.”
“Fuck off. Dirty bitch.”
“Oh! That’s the good stuff. Say it again, Sam!”
“Oh, god.” Sam rolled his eyes at you, but smiled all the same. “You’re disgusting.”
“I’m your girlfriend now, handsome. That means you’re disgusting, too.”
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You chewed on your bottom lip as you knocked on the open door. His room was the last in the hall, right next to yours. “Gabe? Can we talk?”
He looked up from his computer, turning his chair completely around as he watched you stand awkwardly in his doorway. “What’d they do, now?”
You smiled at him. “Nothing, I promise.” He motioned for you to come in, so you stepped in before shutting the door behind you. You crossed the room to his bed and sat on the edge before sighing.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
“I uhm.  I sorta of have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Gabriel muttered with a shake of his head. “Mikey and Luci are gonna lose their shit.”
“I said ‘sort of’ Gabriel.” He waited for you to elaborate. “I want you to meet him.”
“Why? Why me? I don’t usually meet ‘em unless I’m holding Luci back from killing them. What changed?”
“He’s gay.” Gabriel’s eyebrows shot up at that. “He’s scared about people finding out.” Gabe shook his head, and turned his chair back towards his computer. “Please, Gabriel? He’s really nice, especially to me. He always looks out for me at parties.”
Gabriel turned to look at you again. “Pumpkin-”
“He reminds me of you.”  That gave him pause. “Remember when everyone found out? Mike and Luci didn’t care too much, but Raph, he spread it everywhere and treated you like shit. You cried, Gabriel. Every damn night. I remember it because I was there, I held you any time you would let me.” He sighed. “Please. I’m covering for him, I don’t mind that, it was my idea. I just want him to know he isn’t alone, you know? Please? He’s a really sweet kid and I don’t want them to break him.”
“Mikey’s got work tonight. Luci is out doing whatever the fuck he’s out doing. I’ll tell Raph to fuck off. Invite him over for dinner.”
Your grin was wide when you leapt up and threw yourself at him. “I knew I could count on my favorite big brother.”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me.” he muttered.
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When Sam showed up for dinner, he had smiled nervously at you as he stepped into the house, but once his attention turned to the man who stepped out of the kitchen, he froze, smile falling from his face.
“Sam, this is one of my brothers, Gabriel. Gabe, this is Sam.”
“I’m the favourite brother.” Gabe smirked, hand reaching out for Sam’s.
You smiled, watching Sam as he tried to sneakily wipe his palm along his jeans before taking your brother’s hand for a shake. “S-Sam. I’m Sam.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Gabe chuckled, glancing to you and how you smiled so brightly. “Dinner will be ready in about 10. You want anything to drink?”
“Wa-” Sam’s voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “Water will be fine, thank you.”
Gabriel laughed. “If you insist, but we’ve got beer, too.” he started for the kitchen.
“Glad I introduced you?” you whispered to Sam with a shit eating grin before skipping off to follow your brother. “Can I have a beer?”
“Hell no. I don’t got a death wish.”
Dinner went well. Gabriel was able to make Sam relax and laugh in no time, but you knew he would, Gabriel had that effect on everyone. Sam was amazed by Gabriel's cooking, raved about it, which just had you wiggling your eyebrows between them and laughing every time Sam blushed bright red.
After dinner, the three of you moved to the living room. Some movie put on that you all half paid attention to. Sam sat between you and Gabriel, letting the two of them talk without them having to talk over you. Sam seemed to be more and more comfortable around Gabe, and that made you happy.
You were all smiling, laughing at some comment Gabriel made when you heard the front door open and everyone got quiet. Your face took on a look of panic when Michael appeared in the hall and glanced in.
He looked from Gabriel, to you, then to the boy between the two of you. “Who’s this?”
This wasn’t good. You were about to answer when Gabriel spoke first. “A friend.”
“A friend?” Michaels eyes shot to you, and he found you biting your bottom lip nervously. “Bullshit.” he spat before heading up the hall.
“Mikey, wait!” you shot up from your seat and hurried after him. When you caught up to him, he was entering the bottom floor master, and he was fuming. “Please, just listen to me-”
“Did you think I wouldn't fucking find out? That I wouldn’t be pissed?” he spun around on you. “I’m fucking livid! You know how we feel about you having a fucking boyfriend, and you bring him here when I’m not home? Are you fucking insane?”
“What if Luci had come home first, huh? You think Gabe alone could stop him from killing the fucking guy?” Tears brimmed in your eyes. You hated disappointing him, he might be your brother, but he’d always been more of a father to you. “You know how he is when it comes to you. Remember when you were fuckin’ 13? Remember what happened?” You nodded sadly. “You want that to happen again?”
“Then tell me why you thought this shit was a good fucking idea?”
“He’s gay, Michael.”
You sighed, and wiped at your eyes before looking up at him again. “He’s gay.”
He stared at you for a minute before scoffing. “Yeah fucking right. His ass better be out of here in 5 minutes or I’m letting Luci-”
“He’s gay.” you reiterated. “No one knows. Remember what happened to Gabe when he was in school and everyone found out? Remember how fucked up he was? I don’t want Sam to go through that, so I told him I’d be his pretend girlfriend and I introduced him to Gabe so he’d have someone to talk to. Please, Mike, I’m telling you the truth.”
He kept his eyes on you as he moved past you, only taking them off of you when he was out in the hall and then he stormed his way back to the living room, you rushing behind him, begging him to believe you. “You fucking gay?” the words exploding out of his mouth the second he stopped in the doorway. Sam was standing with Gabriel, eyes wide with fear before they shot to you. You gave him a small nod, letting him know it was okay to answer. “Are you fucking my sister?” he demanded.
“No.” Sam swallowed. “I’m not fucking her.”
“You could stand to have a little more tact, Mikey.” Gabriel scolded.
“Fuck your tact.” Michael spat at him, still worked up.
“Mikey, please..” you moved around him, stopping in front of him and doing your best to play on his heart strings. “You can tell Luci if he swears to keep it quiet, but Raph can’t know. You remember how much of a dick he was to Gabe, he’s an asshole and I don’t want to risk it. If you and Luci seem okay with it, he won’t do shit about me and Sam.”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, Michael’s eyes burning into Sam and Gabriel, then he looked down at you. Before he could say anything, the door opened and Raphael strolled in. “Am I allowed in my own fucking house now?” he asked as he slammed the door behind him. “What’s going on?” When he looked into the living room and saw Sam, he furrowed his brows. “Who the fuck is this?”
“Please, Mikey.” you begged.
“Oh shit!” Raph’s face all but lit up. “I got kicked out so the little princess could sneak in a boyfriend! Fuck, you’re dead. Luci just pulled in.” He pointed to Sam.
“Who’s dead?” Lucifer walked in, shutting the door behind him. “What the fuck happened now?”
“Someone’s got a boyfriend.” Raph grinned. He always did like to rile either Lucifer or Michael up as much as he could.
“What!?” Lucifer started to storm in, pushing past everyone to get into the room. “You better fucking start running.” he threatened, finger pointed right at Sam who looked terrified.
He wasn’t the only one. At the look of fear in your eyes, Michael grabbed Lucifer and pulled him back. “We need to talk.”
“She knows the fucking rules.”
“Now. Raph, fuck off.”
“No, this is the most interesting thing to happen-”
“Fuck off!” Michael screamed at him. “You two, upstairs.”
“So, what, she’s got a boyfriend and we’re just going to let that happen?” He looked from a fuming Lucifer to you standing between them and Sam. “Since when don’t we let Luci just beat-”
“Fuck, okay. Jesus Christ.” He glared at his two older brothers before storming back towards the door and out. “Fuck this bullshit.” he spat.
“Upstairs while the grown ups talk.” Michael spoke again, just a little calmer as he pinned a fighting Lucifer to the wall.  You grabbed Sam’s hand and rushed for the stairs while Lucifer spat profanity at everyone.
The sound of it followed you up the stairs, only cutting out once your door shut behind Sam. “So.. how many brothers do you have?” he asked nervously.
“Just the 4, thank fuck.” you groaned, dropping onto your bed.
“They’re uh- they’re really over protective..”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I should have warned you about that.. I had hoped I’d have time to talk to Michael before you met anyone other than Gabriel.”
“If they’re that protective, I don’t think I want to meet your dad.” Sam chuckled nervously before sitting next to you on the bed.
“Luci is who you need to worry about. My dad isn’t really around, Michael pretty much raised me. I’m not just the baby of the family, I’m the only girl. I’m the last link to mom. Luci loved mom more than anything and he was her favourite. When mom died..”
“Mom dies, dad goes off the deep end and big brother takes over?” You looked up at him, confused how he knew. “Dean, my older brother, raised me too.”
“Luci doesn’t let anyone near me. Michael raised me, but Lucifer… he was my prince when I was little.” you smiled. “My knight in shining armour, always protecting me. There’s a reason I’m not allowed to date despite being damn well old enough.” you sighed. “When I was 13, I liked this guy. Rob. He liked me.” you smiled softly before ducking your head down. “He was 15. No idea why he was interested in me, but I wasn’t questioning that. I only knew him because he was always at my friends house with her older brother. He took me out on a date, Michael had approved of it, and it went fine.”
“What happened?”
“Rob told his buddies that he’d done more than he did with me. When I heard, it broke my heart. I called Luci crying from school during 5th period. By the final bell, he was waiting outside. We found Rob with his friends, Luci threw him at my feet and made him apologize for lying. Then he punched him. Broken nose, broken jaw.. One of the other kids called the police and Luci was arrested.”
“Jesus Christ..”
“He has anger issues, that’s no secret to anyone who knows us. But he looks at me like I’m his last link to mom because I look just like her. I remind him of her. To him, I need protecting at all cost, especially from men who would just hurt his precious little princess.”
Sam nodded, understanding a little better. “Well, I have no intention of hurting you.” he gave you a smile, hand going to your thigh to reassure you.
“Let’s hope Luci believes that.”
The door burst open so fast it slammed against your wall and the knob left a dent. Sam’s hand jerked away as if burned when he saw it was Lucifer in the doorway. “You hurt my fucking sister and I’ll rip your balls off and feed them to you, am I fucking clear?”
“Crystal.” Sam nodded quickly.
“Did Mikey-”
“Are you going to tell Raph?”
“Thank you, Luci.” You got up from your bed and rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight. He held you tight, and you were sure he was still glaring at Sam over your head, but the fact that he wasn’t swinging a fist, you’d take it. “I knew my prince would understand.”
“Fuck off.” he pushed you away, but you could tell he was fighting to hide his smile. “I’m serious, fake or not, you better not hurt my fucking sister.”
“I have no intention to.”
“Good. Now fuck off. Go home. It’s getting late and there’s school tomorrow.”
“Can you try to be nice?” You gave him an annoyed look.
“Please.” he ground out. “Happy?”
“Getting there.” you teased, sticking out your tongue.
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“Hey, Sam.” you leaned in from behind him and kissed his cheek. He was sitting at a table, surrounded by his friends as he ate lunch.
“Hey.” he looked up at you and smiled.
“You two!?” Jason, one of Sam’s friends who was also in your English class, looked between the two of you. “That’s who you were with at the party?” Sam shifted so you could sit on the bench next to him while Jason continued to look shocked. “And you’re still fucking alive!?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sam laughed, arm going around your waist as you shifted closer to him.
“Dude, I gave her a lift home and her brother almost broke my fucking arm!”
“No, you tried to come into my house and my brother almost broke your fucking arm.” you smirked over at him.
“Luci?” Sam asked, and you nodded. “He’s not so bad.” he shrugged as if it was no big deal.
“Not so bad!? Have you even met him? Dude is fucking nuts! No offence.”
“None taken by me, but he might not like the comment.” you teased.
“Oh fuck, don’t tell him.” Jason groaned. “Please don’t fucking tell him.”
“Winchester’s got balls.” someone walking past chimed in, clapping Sam on the back. “Half the fucking school has been too afraid to touch that.”
You leaned in closer to Sam and whispered “I told you. All you needed was me.” He smiled, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead. “So, who’s hosting the next party?” you asked, eyes scanning everyone else at the table as you friends started to come over and join it.
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You had been “dating” Sam for about two months now. You hung out at lunch most days, always went to parties together, and he’d often come over after school, though he had his own reasons for that. He was smitten with Gabriel, not that he would admit it.
You walked out of school, hand in hand with Sam and grinned when you saw Gabriel waiting by a car outside. “Want a ride, cutie?”
“Yes!” You grinned, rushing forward to hug your brother.
“Wasn’t talking to you.” he teased as he hugged you back, laughing when you shoved at him and called him a name.
“Hey Gabriel!” someone called out, and Gabe sent them a wave.
“I’m the cutest damn person here.” you grumbled at him.
“I beg to differ.” he teased, looking to Sam. “Ride? You’re coming over again, aren’t you?”
“Uh-yeah.. Yeah sure.” Sam smiled shyly.
“Then get in.” Sam started for the back door, but Gabriel cut him off by opening the passenger side door and motioning for him to get in. Sam glanced from the door, to Gabriel, then to you only to find you opening the back door and getting in with a smile on your face. “Get in.”
Sam swallowed at the sound of Gabriel’s voice so smooth and so close. He just nodded and hurried around Gabriel and ducked into the seat. Gabe smiled as he shut the door and made his way around to the other side. When he turned to look at you in the seat behind him, he found you pretending to be focused on something else.
“So.” Gabe cut into the silence as he shut the door behind him and started up the engine. “Take out and movies tonight?” He glanced to the rear view at you before side eyeing Sam as he pulled out of the school lot.
“Your room?” you asked.
“If you guys want.”
“I think Sam wants.” you teased under your breath with a shit eating grin.
Sam’s face went beet red as he turned towards the window, shooting you a glare in the side mirror. Gabriel did his best to hide the way his lips curled up at that, pretending he didn’t hear for Sam’s sake. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” you grinned, and when he glanced to the rearview at you again, you could tell by his eyes he had damn well heard you.
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Dean loved you, joked you were too good for his baby brother. You had finally met Dean about three months into the relationship. Sam didn’t know it, but Dean had known about Sam for years. He was grateful for what you were doing, though he wished his brother could just be himself. He understood why Sam was afraid. And when Dean met Gabriel a month after that, a shit eating grin had spread over his lips at the way Sam had said Gabe’s name and when he looked at you, and you nodded, confirming his unvoiced suspicion of his brother’s crush, he happily extended his hand to your brother.
Seven months into the relationship, and high school was over, summer had passed and it was off to College. You and Sam celebrated your 1 year anniversary in the California sun. He was your best friend, the one person you trusted more than anything. He was your world, and however long it took him to be comfortable enough to tell others who he was, you’d wait, letting him have that time. He deserved it.
While Michael and Luci had lost their shit about you thinking of moving across the country to go to school with your ‘boyfriend’ (no thanks to Raphael who egged them on constantly) Gabriel had instead bought a house, handed you a key and said “Now you don’t need to live on campus.” and winked.
He had ulterior motives, of course.
Because 6 months after your 1 year anniversary with Sam, you walked into the house after class to a massive mess of baked goods all over the kitchen, and a trail of filthy discarded clothes making its way to the bathroom. You couldn’t help but smile at the sounds coming from behind the closed door.
Banging on it with the side of your fist, you yelled out “HAPPY ONE YEAR, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!” only to hear them laugh in response.
About 15 minutes later, they had moved to their shared bedroom, and your phone was going off.
>> Hey, I’m in town. Was thinking of grabbing dinner and stopping in, but Sammy isn’t answering.
You smiled seeing the text was from Dean.
<< Sam can’t come to the phone right now, he’s a little occupied. I’m up for a meal, but might I suggest your place, since I doubt you want to hear the animal-like noises coming from their room that I’m being subjected to. It’s loud and messy, cakes everywhere.
>> Point taken. >> What’s the occasion?
<< 1 year of these too being love sick dorks.
>> Oh shit, that’s today? >> guess you’ll need a place to sleep? I’ll switch my room for a double, you can crash here.
<< Sounds like a plan, handsome.
>> I’m at Motel 6.
<< Sunnyvale?
>> Yeah, need me to pick you up?
<< I’d never say no to a ride, Winchester.
>> Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me. >> I’ll see you soon, kid.
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*If you like this, please consider supporting my work* Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione  @hoboal87
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies  @lyarr24  @dreaming-about-fanfictions​
All tags - @sorenmarie87 @artemisthebadger @winchesterprincessbride @iflostreturntosteverogers @akfonkin @rebelminxy @foxyjwls007 @onethirstyunicorn @shaelyn102 @supernaturalenchanted  @kazkingdom   @babypink224221  @emoryhemsworth    @ilovefanfic86  @pie-with-hunters   @anaelsbrunette   @feelmyroarrrr  @letsdisneythings   @cdwmtjb8​   @notyourtypicalrose @xostephanie @ilovedeanspie @defenderrosetyler​ @amandamdiehl​
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edgyleswrite · 3 years
Swing- Tenya Iida x Reader^
Sway - Michael Bublé
*Requested by anon*
A/n: I did my best to keep the reader completely gender-neutral. 😙 Please tell me if there's anything I could change 💞💞
I look down at the far too expensive attire that my lovely mother had chosen for me. I take a deep breath, my eyes closing as I do. I begin to change out of the apparel I was wearing and put on the new outfit. I appreciated my mother spending the money on me, not that money was a worry for my family, but she could have taken my opinion into consideration.
My mother is the CEO of Hero Array, a company that specializes in hero merchandise. And tonight there was going to be a gathering of heros and other wealthy people. My mother obviously plans on using this as a business opportunity. The more heros with a contract with her, the more merch gets made, the more money she gets.
She always wanted me to come with her to these parties. Something to do with her "public appearance".
..........................time skip..............................
As the chauffeur pulls into a lot with a scad of other cars I felt my body chill with anxiety. I've been to 100 of these since I was very young, I still get nervous every time.
"By the way, he'll be here." My mother says, looking out the window as our driver slowly makes their way to the front.
"Who?" I ask, completely puzzled by her mysterious and eerie statement.
"You'll know when you see him" she smiled, still looking out the window. My mother has always been a well-composed woman. She had perfect posture, movements, clothing, appearance, she never stumbled on her words, she works hard and she was confident in all of it. I tried my best to be like that, not wanting to look inferior or disappoint her.
The car stopped and I'll wait for the chauffeur to open the door and I stepped out into the crisp night. I could see the bright lights and people inside through the large windows. My mother stepped out behind me and we walked into the venue together, side by side. My mother stood still for a moment, scanning the room to see who should strike up a conversation with that hopefully end with a contract being signed.
I followed my mother as she began to speak to different heros, I just stood silently beside her not wanting to embarrass myself. My mother went through her cycle of scripted conversation. She knew exactly how to get what she wanted and she had prepared to have the same conversation 40x to get a contract. So I quickly grew bored with the carbon copy conversations.
As if prayer was answered I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I turned and saw a familiar boy with dark blue hair and small-framed glasses, making my mom's eerie comment make more sense.
"I've been looking for you" Tenya spoke with a polite smile. I and Tenya had been very close for several years. We had both been forced to attend these parties since we were young and being the same age we ended spending time together during them.
I turn to my mother and who has already nodded giving me permission to walk off. I turn back to Tenya and begin to walk around.
"So, what have you been up to?" I ask, curious about what was so important that he has left my message on delivered for several weeks now.
"I've focused on school. I got accepted into UA and want to be the best I can" he spoke as if he was giving an inspirational speech. I loved that about him, he was always trying to do his best and encourage others to do the same. Even when he seemed uppity to others.
"Ah, that makes sense. I'm happy you got accepted! I knew you could do it!" I praised and congratulated him.
"Thank you. So have you been up to lately?" He asked me the same
"Oh, nothing much honestly. Just working with my mom and school." I say anxiously. Tenya knew that I wanted to be a hero too, but my mother wanted me to take over the company. I and her would argue over it constantly until I eventually gave in.
"So, how's UA?" I ask, picking up the mood in my voice.
"It's great. I truly feel like I can be a great hero with the education they are giving me. And I've made some great and dedicated friends." He spoke proudly. I smile at him.
"That's great! It's good to hear you're enjoying yourself!"
"Yes, but I am disappointed to know you aren't pursuing your own dreams." His voice softened as he looked at me.
"Oh, God. Pity" I think to myself
"Oh no, don't worry about me. I'm sure running my mom's business will be great. I'll still be working with heros at least!" I try to fake positive energy.
"You have such an amazing quirk though. I don't see why she can't let you make your own choices. We could be going to school together." He voice was bitter, almost angry.
"So, tell me about your other friends," I ask, not wanting to think about giving up on my dream and losing so many great things that could have been.
Tenya went into detail about the interesting people he went to school with. He always had something positive to say about everyone, even the people he seemed disinclined to. Except he for a boy named Mineta, who he had little to say about.
"So, what brings you here tonight?" He asks me.
"My mother wanted to look for new possible associates and she wanted me to come. And you?" I asked being polite even though I was quite sure he was here for his brother.
"My brothers had asked the rest of my family to go with him." I nod to acknowledge him, but before I could speak Tenya added something to his earlier statement.
"And my mother had mentioned you would be here and I wanted to see you."
"Don't blush. Stay composed" I think to myself. "Stay cool and collected"
"Ah, well that's all very kind of you. I didn't know you would be here, but I'm so glad you are." I show my appreciation for him.
"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked. I turn my head quickly in confusion. I was even more confused when he presented me with his hand.
"Oh, he's being serious right now" I try to figure out where it came from.
I take a deep breath and take his hand. We begin to walk over to the area where people are dancing together. All of the older couples with the exception of an older woman with a young and attractive hero.
"I'll warn you now Tenya. I'm awful at dancing." I laugh softly as we approach the area.
"Don't bring yourselves down, Y/N"
He had his left hand firmly but gently placed to my hip. I securely wrapped my arms around him with our right hands locked together. I would gaze upon his eyes, and he would smile back. The rhythm of our bodies that danced slowly with the elegant music was nervous at first, but as I became more confident under his touch the movements became more passionate.
He twirled me around, dipping me as he'd lean forward closer to me. I could feel his stare the entire time as his breathing became shallow. With our bodies nearly touching one another's and our faces so close to each other, to my surprise, my face would turn to a light shade of pink while my heart would begin to race. As our eyes locked there was something between us. A moment spark lite up. Tenya had taken in a deep breath, as he pulled me back up into his arms.
We both nervously smiled before making our way out of the dancing area.
"I wanna ask you something" He stated, before I had the chance to respond he had taken my head and began walking towards a back door. We stepped out into the cold. The back had a small garden and 2 benches. We sat down at one of the benches in the garden.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, worried by his odd behavior. He had grabbed my hands into his as our bodies turned each other.
" Y/n. I think your very intelligent, hardworking, engaging, witty, and captivating, I would go as far as to say that you are irresistible. And I just wanted you to know that I would be overjoyed and blissful if I could be your significant other." He spoke quickly, I can tell it was planned but I didn't care about that.
"Are you being honest right now?" I ask, unsure if I truly believe him.
"Of course I am. And whatever you say is fine. What matters is your happiness."
I was filled with joy at this moment. I couldn't hold my composure. Blood ran to my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile brightly.
"I would be joyous if you were my boyfriend Tenya." I smile at him as I tried to stay as composed as possible at this moment. But I don't think it matters as I see his face light up with joy, like a small child would when they heard the familiar song of the ice cream truck go through their neighborhood.
"That's fantastic! I was hoping that you would feel the same way! My brother said you did, but I was still nervous about this."  
"So you planned this?" I ask, my face still bright with a smile.
"Of course, I wanted to make sure it meant something. Cause you mean everything to me."
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