#and so now i shall headcanon its the far future
me: kodaka can we have naejunko? kodaka: we have naejunko at home naejunko at home:
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screeblees · 1 year
Yandere ! Friend x Reader Headcanons
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Aaaaah this is my first time posting what I write here, even if it’s just headcannons omg akjfksnk
I’ve also wrote a domestic scenario about moving in with Yandere! Friend as they convince you to be together, here !
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!! <33
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❥ Yandere ! Friend who you’ve known for longer than anyone else. They have been with you so long that a time before them is quite faded in memory.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has revolved their entire life around you; past, present and future. They have lied omitted things from their past, stretched truths to be a little more fitting for your view of them, are constantly doing everything they can to be with you at any given opportunity (and push others away). They have chosen the same subjects/classes/lectures as you and shall apply for jobs in the same places and universities as you, all to ensure you’re never too far away from them. If they happen to move house to right across the street in view of your bedroom window and have become an expert in all your interests and excel in your shared classes, that’s just lucky for you, isn’t it?
❥ Yandere ! Friend who knows just what to say to you to get rid of anyone they perceive as coming between you. They know just how to phrase their words, beginning with a light-hearted joke that is said maybe a little too often, until their tone becomes more serious and pressing. Or maybe they overexaggerate instances, trusting your terrible memory and unquestioning trust in them to turn you again their target.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has little need for violence as their words stab like perfect weapons against their opponent. They are perfectly charismatic when needed and once they have you within their grasp, all they need to do is whisper in your ear to turn you against their perceived rival. Efficiently spreading rumours and stretched truths and using the natural gossip train to spread their effects.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who despite having little need for violence, still has the capabilities for it. Growing stronger so whilst it hurts to be away from you, they know they are still doing something that will help you, as indirectly as it may be. And maybe the added benefit of you gawking over their muscle mass and having an excuse to send pictures of themselves just to be showered in compliments is an added bonus.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who made ‘harmless’ jokes about their obsession and possession of you which were said louder, and more often as the ‘jokes’ evolved over the years, like a frog in boiling water. They know just how to escalate everything at the right speed to catch you, hook, line and sinker. Now they can comfortably express their yandere tendencies with not much more than a blink of an eye, at most receiving an apology when they express how your actions (usually choosing to speak with someone else) effected them, made them jealous upset.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who knows just how to soften you to each and every one of their ideas, fantasies and plans. Starting each idea off as a throwaway thought or joke, day by day talking about it more often, more detailed, more seriously, until it becomes an all but set-in-stone plan. Things you would have never agreed with otherwise are happily nodded along to as you become compliant to their will.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who has became an expert at pulling on the strings of your heart. While you’re the epicentre of theirs, they are the controller of yours. They’ve developed systems of keeping you close, protocols listed in countless (and really, it's an almost countless amount due to the sheer amount they know about you) notebooks dedicated to you and everything they can think of about you. If these notebooks also contain collages of anything from a strand of your hair to printed pictures of the two of you then who’s to know. Any gift you give them is either thoroughly used and well-loved or kept in its box on their bedside table, absolutely nothing in-between.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who is so vocal about their ownership and possession of you that others around you grow concerned. If these thoughts are voiced to either one of you then all hell shall rain down, you dutifully reporting back to your Yandere! Friend, who writes paragraph after paragraph after paragraph on the wrongness of their words, twisting the person into someone so disgustingly unrecognisable, speaking to you on their opinions, starting with offence but growing to disgust with every rant spoken, receiving nothing but support from you as you agree with their every word.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who hates it when you change without their permission. Something like a different hairstyle or hair dye, new piercings, a different style of clothes from usual, or even a new pair of glasses can set them off. Though that usually ends up bringing you closer anyways. They push you away at the sight of said change(s) as you chase after them pleading for forgiveness, or, if you instead leave them alone, then they’ll come around eventually and intimately express how it made them feel, either way it ends in your apologies and the two of you (somehow?) even closer than before.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who in most cases, no matter what you do, they’ll back you up, in their eyes there’s very little you can do wrong, their small amount of morals bending to your will. Anything you do is free of judgement in their eyes, they’ll even go as far as (socially) attacking someone for their criticism of you, lashing at them with their words.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who is naturally gifted at finding your accounts, no matter how anonymous you thought yourself to be. Sometimes they’ll mercifully let you know they’ve found you through a notification left by an account you know they use. They use the contents of these accounts to their advantage, what you think but would never say, what you like but would never admit, what you read but would adamantly deny, all come to light for them to explore other sides of you.
❥ Yandere ! Friend who tests every possible boundary not explicitly stated. You never said they couldn’t touch you like that. You never said they couldn’t leave marks on your skin, whether it be by pen and paint, their nails and hands or their mouth and teeth. You never said they couldn’t cut your name into their skin. But lucky for you by the point they become this extreme, your will has been bent so out of shape that all this possession and obsession only makes you feel happy and safe and loved, which only encourages them to do as they please. There is no normal boundary that will go uncrossed…
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crazylittlejester · 6 days
Since color-coding was a success, it shall continue. :)
I'm back on my Four Swords nonsense because I was struck with inspiration earlier today and wrote out about half of Shadow's chapter of my disability AU. In the book, his physical body is powered by the dark mirror, so I figured it would make the most sense if the cause of his problems was that there just isn't enough magic to power every single part of his body correctly.
Having a body took a lot more work than it did in the past. He was tired all the time, even after he'd managed to sleep through the entire night or day. Eating and drinking were harder than he remembered them being because he had little to no appetite and couldn't remember to do those things without reminders. And the worst part, in his opinion, was that he got sick much more easily than the others. Consequences of having a magically-constructed immune system, Vio had said. Something about how people weren't really meant to be made out of magic.
Changing topics. I read a fic the other day about Sky and I had the realization that technically, if Sky dies, there's nothing preventing Sun from establishing her bloodline. The royal family is descended from the first Zelda, as far as I know, there's nothing that says Sky actually had anything to do with it.
I don't think this is something that would necessarily be obvious, especially to the Chain, but they're not that stupid, so I think they could figure it out. To be fair, most of them aren't important enough to the timeline that anything drastic would occur if they died, but my point still stands.
So now I have this horribly angsty idea that perhaps Sky has some dreams that reassure him that he isn't required for history to remain functional, so when they're in a tight spot he throws caution into the wind because it's either him or someone else going down, and he doesn't think the other person will survive.
Adding on to that, I want to do some fact-checking and figure out if anyone else in the Chain has prophetic abilities because I could make the situation so much worse by giving the someone else dreams about Sky sacrificing himself.
Maybe someone needs to take the angst stick away from me, so I don't accidentally kill more blorbos than I should. /joking
There was this other fic I read about Legend being able to go inside people's dreams, and it was very cool. But the point is that Sky has somewhat... gross... prophetic dreams in it, but they range from "oh no, this person is going to die" to "the milk on the kitchen table is spoiled." This is now my new favorite Sky headcanon.
Sorry I didn’t answer this one last night, I was really exhausted and I wanted to make sure I had enough energy to read all of it!!
Ooooh that does make sense! That’s also really cool and I like it a lot
I was thinkin about that the other day too. I think literally any of them can die at this point with zero consequence except for maybe Time, because Twilight’s existence kinda depends on him and Malon (if Jojo kills any of them I will fall to my knees and scream at the sky and weep)
OW???? I could be so wrong but I think Time also has prophetic dreams…? I think I remember someone saying that somewhere. I’m only halfway through oot and had to stop playing for a bit so I’ve forgotten if he does or not
ALSKDDK SKY GETTING SOME PROPHETIC DREAM BUT ITS JUST “an acorn will fall on your head. you will be powerless to stop it.”
i love messing around with Sky’s dreams, I one time wrote a fic where he saw the future but like, the future of HYRULE (the kingdom) and so he saw the calamity and he watched Wild die. It was Wild’s past but literally everything is the future for Sky since he’s first on the timeline. It’s just fun to fuck around with prophetic shit >:)
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cilil · 2 years
☽ 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐞·'𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐬 ☾
("The Tale of the Curse of Morgoth and Mandos")*
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The Doom of the Noldor and Melkor cursing Húrin's family have always been fascinating and also special cases of Ainur exercising their powers for me. After sharing my thoughts with my good friend @edensrose I realized that there might be more to this than I initially assumed and set out to find better answers and explanations to improve my understanding of the subject and my headcanons.
I'll be providing some quotes and passages from the Silmarillion as well as the Children of Húrin, but the page numbers might be inaccurate due to PDF and version differences.
Feel free to use what I'll be outlining below as background info for your own works (a link to this post and/or a little shout-out would be much appreciated in that case :3).
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Do Ainur have the ability to mess with fate itself? The answer is a tentative yes. Some of them seem to have power over fate, however Melkor is the only one (at least among the Valar) who attempts to actively alter it, be it due to him choosing to ignore parts of the Ainulindalë and/or thinking he has more power over the outcome than he actually has. Others like Námo and Manwë choose to be more passive observers/attempt to act according to Eru's will (for more on that see my previous musings about Námo).
Let's talk about Melkor's curse first, as it's the more straightforward one. In the introduction of the Narn (as I'll call it for short from now on) Christopher Tolkien writes the following:
"The curse of such a being, who can claim that ‘the shadow of my purpose lies upon Arda [the Earth], and all that is in it bends slowly and surely to my will’, is unlike the curses or imprecations of beings of far less power. Morgoth is not ‘invoking’ evil or calamity on Húrin and his children, he is not ‘calling on’ a higher power to be the agent: for he, ‘Master of the fates of Arda’ as he named himself to Húrin, intends to bring about the ruin of his enemy by the force of his own gigantic will. Thus he ‘designs’ the future of those whom he hates, and so he says to Húrin: ‘Upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair.’" "In the tale of Túrin, who named himself Turambar ‘Master of Fate’, the curse of Morgoth seems to be seen as power unleashed to work evil, seeking out its victims [...]" (Narn, p. 12, emphasis mine)
So when Melkor says to Húrin that
"But upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair. Wherever they go, evil shall arise. Whenever they speak, their words shall bring ill counsel. Whatsoever they do shall turn against them." (Narn, p. 13)
it's not a bluff, he fully intends on causing these things to happen.
Melkor "designing" the fate of specific people has a requirement, however: He needs to have vision of or access to them, if you will. Under normal circumstances this is the case for pretty much everyone in Middle-earth due to Arda being essentially his Ring (for more information on that, have a look at "Morgoth's Ring"). Túrin is briefly shielded from Melkor's influence by the Girdle of Melian:
"Report of the Dragon-helm in the land west of Sirion came swiftly to the ear of Morgoth, and he laughed, for now Túrin was revealed to him again, who had long been lost in the shadows and under the veils of Melian. Yet he began to fear that Túrin would grow to such a power that the curse that he had laid upon him would become void, and he would escape the doom that had been designed for him, or else that he might retreat to Doriath and be lost to his sight again" (Narn, p. 88, emphasis mine)
Additionally, this passage hints that, with enough power, Túrin could free himself from the curse, which implies that some form of power struggle on an individual level between the "curser" and the "cursed" is involved. This could explain why Melkor isn't attempting to curse more powerful individuals like his fellow Ainur or cursing more people in general - it'd require too much of his strength that he's already spending elsewhere.
It can be theorized that Melkor having the power to directly affect others on such a level, especially given how humans aren't bound to Arda and therefore have more freedom in terms of fate, is (at least partly) another result of him dispersing his spiritual power and pouring it into the very fabric of Arda. This is also the reason why his influence is still there even when he himself is no longer around after the First Age and continues to affect incarnates in particular.
Now, what about the Doom of the Noldor? Did Námo curse the Noldor like Melkor cursed Húrin's family, actively using his power to cause bad things to happen, or did he merely prophesize what was going to happen, with the intention to issue a stern warning?
A similarity between the two curses is that they seem to stick to the affected people, follow them and chase them down no matter what they do. Here are a few example passages that highlight this:
"Thus because of the curse that lay upon them the Noldor achieved nothing, while Morgoth hesitated, and the dread of light was new and strong upon the Orcs" (Silmarillion, p. 138)
"And Ulmo warned Turgon that he also lay under the Doom of Mandos, which Ulmo had no power to remove. ‘Thus it may come to pass,’ he said, ‘that the curse of the Noldor shall find thee too ere the end, and treason awake within thy walls. Then they shall be in peril of fire." (Silmarillion, p. 158)
"And because of the curse of the Kinslaying at Alqualondë these lies were often believed; and indeed as the time darkened they had a measure of truth, for the hearts and minds of the Elves of Beleriand became clouded with despair and fear" (Silmarillion, p. 195, emphasis mine)
There are, however, a few key differences which not only highlight that Námo isn't going to the same lengths as Melkor - if he even can or would ever be willing to - but also make it possible to interpret the Doom of the Noldor as more of a prophecy:
Firstly, it's sometimes referred to as a prophecy, for example in the Silmarillion right before the fateful words are uttered.
Secondly, there is no way for anyone to "shield" themselves from Námo's curse, as it affects Thingol in Doriath too as soon as he tells Beren to retrieve a Silmaril.
Thirdly, Námo's passive approach to situations, even being silent during important moments where his knowledge of the future could prevent huge tragedies (for this, again, see my previous post about Námo), is a direct contradiction to Melkor's active designing of other people's futures.
In light of this, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The Doom of the Noldor sticks to them and keeps affecting them negatively until the Valar pardon then, but Námo doesn't exercise some kind of malicious will to actively cause all these horrible events to happen. I think it may be part of Eru's will and an inherent quality of Arda and its fate, woven into the fabric of its reality through the Ainulindalë, that evil acts lead to bad outcomes in the end and to the undoing of the one committing them. Námo once again acts as judge and prophet who tells the Noldor about the consequences of their actions, which leads to the curse being attributed to him and not the other Valar as well, or even Eru.
There's a brief exchange between Námo and Manwë that can shed some more light on this aspect:
"And it was told by the Vanyar who held vigil with the Valar that when the messengers declared to Manwë the answers of Fëanor to his heralds, Manwë wept and bowed his head. But at that last word of Fëanor: that at the least the Noldor should do deeds to live in song for ever, he raised his head, as one that hears a voice far off, and he said: ‘So shall it be! Dear-bought those songs shall be accounted, and yet shall be well-bought. For the price could be no other. Thus even as Eru spoke to us shall beauty not before conceived be brought into Eä, and evil yet be good to have been.’ But Mandos said: ‘And yet remain evil. To me shall Fëanor come soon.’" (Silmarillion, p. 124, emphasis mine)
Manwë is likely referencing Eru's words to Melkor:
"And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined" (Silmarillion, p. 28)
The voice far off Manwë is hearing could be Eru communicating with him, making his will and intentions clear. As cold, tone-deaf or even ridiculous Manwë's statement of "oh, it will turn out good in the end" sounds to us in the situation he finds himself in at that time, he ends up being correct in some ways: The sequence of events causes some of the greatest stories and most heroic deeds in the history of Arda to happen as well as leading to Melkor being defeated.
To summarize: Melkor's and Námo's curses differ mostly due to the different approaches of the Vala in question, with Melkor actively seeking to enforce his malicious will while Námo is usually a passive observer whose goal isn't to influence people or change the outcome. Personally, I think Námo could curse people like Melkor did - and perhaps his curse had some kind of element to it that negatively affected the Noldor in addition to the consequences of their actions - but he doesn't consider it his place to do so.
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*"Narn e·'Rach Morgoth" was an alternative title Tolkien proposed for "The Children of Húrin"
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butchpeabody · 1 year
Zetto and/or Kizuna for the character ask?
once again for this...i shall take more if anyone wants to send
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under the a cut once again!
favorite thing about them: when i was a kid the kirb/zetto twist did genuinely make me insane. in a good way. i think hes a really fascinating character in his like...Mentality Switches between personas yk. guy whos a jerk in a funny way vs guy who just actually sucks
least favorite thing about them: honestly i wish it was just made more clear during like episode zero or smth what his stance in sofdti as like....a living thang was? not that it would matter much in the grand scheme of his development but idk kizuna said some SHIT yk
favorite line: id probably say like...a lot of stuff from the nylocke battle in the gemini tournament. absolute lowest point of that guy its really interesting. (obligatory MY ARM AAAAAGHHHHH mention purely because holy shit he was screaming)
brotp: HIM AND GAMESOFT oh my godd them together. aughh. the only two guys who Know the guys who can talk abt shit and he can be sad. solace in understanding and so on
otp: i know its basic but like....alphazet mannn. everything abt the two of them was PAINFULLY gay and its honestly kind of funny kirb (the guy not the character) didnt notice. runner up is him and nylocke becahse i just think they are silly and funny
notp: i dont really have anyone with him that i actively LOATHE but i think its probbably him and kizuna. putting my personal gay zetto hc aside i think theyd both be wayy too codependent unless they got like. therapy. i know a lot of what ive been saying so far makes it sound like i hate kizuna but i dont i PROMISE
random headcanon: i feel like postseries hed find a way to set gs up with a virtual machine desktop of her own so her knowledge of the world can extend beyond what she knows in tome. they spend time bonding over computer science n junk :)
unpopular opinion: im honestly never good at this part but as an adult with better drawing skills now...i actually like drawing his hair
song i associate with them: zetto was never someone i had much of a playlist for back in the day so i had to scrounge a bit but i think i found something satisfactory
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: REALLY underrated secondary antagonist, interesting moral code, she has insane girlie guilt over her actions that doesnt get explored enough.....and shes a kitty cat :)
least favorite thing about them: her arc in the original series was like...a little inconclusive? i wish she couldve come to terms with sofdtis sentience and whatnot. the trajectory of a2z is changing her in a way im really liking so far though! im excited to see where she goes
favorite line: that whole rant at the tail end of the series where shes just like. a bunch of people she cared about almost died and she was freaking the fuck out. it hurts....i love her she needs THERAPYY
brotp: she doesnt get to interact with too many characters during the series but in my perfect world i think shed be chill with demonking. dont question my madness i know im right
otp: re the previous answer she doesnt interact with a lot of characters, on this note Especially im hesitant to give a definitive answer but i think if her parallels with flamey were more explored...in my perfect world.........theyd work so spicily
notp: same as zetto but also tacking gs onto this. less out of kizunas ability to see her as a person currently and more that in the future if/when she does end up coming around i do feel like gs would still be hurt by it. theyd be buddies tho:)
random headcanon: with the rpg version of tigerlily i sometimes wish that series kizuna had like...a secret lil roleplay presence. not necessarily on tome itself but she has to cool of SOMEHOW right. she made an anime catgirl avatar i KNOW she has thoughts about that shit
unpopular opinion about them: kizuna is probably the most divisive character ive done for this so far...all i can really say is like...i joke about supporting womens wrongs and stuff but i think introspectively she does have a lot of potential as a character that we dont see a lot of because most of the scenes with her are from zettos perspective. AGAIN tho im reallly liking where a2z is taking her so far i hope i get more scraps
song i associate with them: much like zetto she wasnt someone i had playlists for back in the day however unlike zetto i have the PERFECT one for her. nonexistent meet-cute (idlyam) by vylet pony.... feeling it
favorite picture of them:
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Behind the Playlist - Transformers: Prime Edition (Part 2 of 22: Alpha Trion)
Link to the other posts in my Behind the Playlist series
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In TFP, Alpha Trion doesn’t get much screen time, so the majority of my song choices are based on how his character is written in the Aligned novels. This playlist is composed entirely of instrumentals.
Intended overarching themes and/or qualities: Ethereal, Otherworldly, The Quiet Observer
My personal favorite(s) from this playlist: Morning’s Wings, Made of Stardust, Hidden, and A Welcoming
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Full song list and explanations under the cut:
Morning’s Wings by Tony Anderson
This song makes me think of all the careful and calculated thought Primus might have put into the creation of Alpha Trion—the only one of The Thirteen with a direct link to His own spark.
Quill by Somniscape
It’s stated in The Covenant of Primus that, with the exception of Thirteen, all of the original primes were given at least one object that was intended to work in tandem with them. Alpha Trion’s objects were The Covenant itself and The Quill, both of which could change form depending on the need while still maintaining their purpose—to record and keep information across space and time. “Quill” by Somniscape happens to be a fitting piece of music that embodies the mystical nature of the quill given to Alpha Trion at the beginning.
Made of Stardust by Epic Soul Factory
The title tells all that needs to be told.
Guardian by James Everingham
While all thirteen Primes are guardians of sorts, I see Alpha Trion as the guardian of history and memory. I have a personal headcanon that ties this to Soundwave, but I’ll hold off on sharing that for now. 😉
Premonition by Somniscape
Alpha Trion stated several times in The Covenant of Primus that, in addition to being a tool he could use to alter future events (within limits), The Quill would often come alive on its own and write in The Covenant about events yet to happen, usually in a language unknown to him until supernatural understanding would dawn on him at just the right time. Alpha Trion himself had excellent intuition, so that and the Quill being a prophetic object made me think this song belonged here.
A Lament For Peace by Ryan Taubert
All of Cybertron longed for peace in one way or another, but I think it weighed on Alpha Trion differently as one of the original thirteen who’d helped bring Cybertronian life into being.
Hidden by Antarctic Wastelands
Alpha Trion strikes me as a wintry and wise soul, which this song seems to convey beautifully.
This Too Shall Pass by Scott Buckley
Whether through his unique supernatural link to the spark of Primus or by some other means, I think Alpha Trion knew that Cybertron would see the light of day again. I could see him reminding himself and Smokescreen of that when things seemed hopeless. Smokescreen had to get some of his unsinkable enthusiasm from somewhere, right?
Infinite Destiny by Sergey Azbel
Alpha Trion knew of Optimus Prime’s destiny before he did. There are conflicting origin stories between the novels, but Alpha Trion was always in the role of a mentor and/or guide for Optimus as the young OP learned to walk his own path as a Prime and become a guardian and leader to those under him.
A Welcoming by Jordan Critz
This song reminds me of when Alpha Trion was ready to welcome Optimus back to the Allspark in Rebellion (season 3; ep. 4).
A Ripple In Time by Jordan Critz
As one of The Thirteen, Alpha Trion can function outside of space and time, and I like to think that he can go backward and forward in time if Primus wills it. One of my headcanons is that all thirteen Primes can do so if given a specific assignment from their creator. I say “by Primus’ Will alone” because otherwise, Megatronus The Fallen would have been able to wreak far more havoc on his own than he did between his fall and RiD.
Ancient by GreatAudioRecorded
He’s one of The Thirteen. Need I say more?
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This post series is in alphabetical order. Next up are Arcee and Breakdown.
As I add more songs to the playlist, I’ll update this post.
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aetherose · 3 months
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For you and I's convenience, an organized Tags List! SEE THIS POST FOR HOW TO SEARCH FOR TAGS ON MY BLOG.
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&& ooc / your local queen of brainrot
&& rose plays hi3 / ellie herrscher ballista go
&& rose plays gi / this is my third playing gi tag jfc
&& rose plays hsr / screams in kafka simp
&& rose plays lc / im a sadomasochist confirmed
&& rose plays lor / screams in angela simp
&& rose plays lcb / 12 idiots and 1 simp
&& rose plays bg3 / who knew cats can get you so far
&& rose plays ptn / sapphic fever dream time baby
&& rose plays pgr / my impulses won and now we're here
&& aetherose pinned post / do not reblog; non-rp blogs dni
Spoiler tags to block: hi3 spoilers, genshin spoilers, hsr spoilers, lobcorp spoilers, ruina spoilers, limbus spoilers, bg3 spoilers, ptn spoilers, pgr spoilers
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&& ic / give all to the present for the sake of the future
&& thread / the hearts that can bend shall never be broken
&& commentary / live to the point of tears
&& open starter / freedom is nothing but a chance to be better
&& asks / seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable
&& drabbles / a nostalgia for innocence
&& memes / there is not love of life without despair about life
&& dash games / there is scarcely any passion without struggle
&& crack / oh lord save us from ourselves
&& incorrect quotes / just a rose tradition!
&& headcanons / man is always prey to his truths
&& oc lore / the gentle indifference of the world
&& gallery / at the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman
&& edits / the glimpse of an eternity stretched across time
&& mun art / rose can draw sometimes
&& aesthetic / an appeal to the essence of being
&& musing / can you see the meaning inside yourself
&& music / where words fail song speaks
&& announcement / gather around rose’s garden
&& patch notes / just a rundown of the updates to the blog!
&& psa / you should probably read this
&& starter call / where there is no hope it is on us to invent it
&& inbox call / a day will come when revolutions will have need of beauty
&& promo / a beautiful twilight that enhances everything
&& self-promo / heyo its me rose
&& discord chronicles / hidden beneath the surface lies treasures
&& signal boost / a little can go a long way
&& misc / rose doesnt know where to put this
&& munday / stuff about rose!
&& saved / rose’s most beloveds
&& wishlist / rose’s hopes
&& queue / rose remembered she can queue stuff
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&& c. elysia / miss pink elf
&& c. aponia / disciplinary perdition
&& c. mobius / infinite ouroboros
&& c. fu hua / taixuan impression
&& c. dr. mei / ward of humanity’s flame
&& c. seele / swallowtail phantasm
&& c. veliona / starchasm nyx
&& c. theresa / valkyrie pledge
&& c. senti / herrscher of sentience
&& c. binah / degraded arbiter
&& c. faust / representation emitter
&& c. rodion / what is cast
&& c. furina / endless solo of solitude
&& c. focalors / lady of all waters
&& c. columbina / the damselette
&& c. sandrone / the marionette
&& c. la signora / the fair lady
&& c. lumine / the abyss princess
&& c. klee / fleeing sunlight
&& c. raiden ei / plane of euthymia
&& c. raiden norika / guardian of eternity
&& c. zero / song of the end
&& c. kafka / twilight trill
&& c. black swan / loom of fate’s caprice
&& c. hsr bronya / windrider bullet
&& c. hsr seele / butterfly flurry
&& c. layla / silent nightingale
&& c. lumia / niveous eminence
&& c. rosemary / nocturne illusion
&& c. pamela / paradoxical heart
&& c. arabella / bloodied blossoms
&& c. lynn / starlight’s embrace
&& c. gabriella / tempestuous waves
&& c. daphne / flowing gales
&& c. calista / transcendent damnation
&& c. radiata / crimson lily
&& c. sylve / tempest archer
&& c. raven / lunar songstress
&& c. nimue / ethereal sorceress
&& c. luna / apocalyptic moonlight
&& c. vera / redheaded death
&& c. alpha / crimson abyss
&& c. qu / kowloong monarch
&& c. nanami / searing heart
&& c. selena / tempest finale
&& c. angela / star of freedom
&& c. iori / the purple tear
&& c. zena / arbiter of the head
&& c. eden / golden diva
&& c. bronya / wolf’s dawn
&& c. skirk / girl of another world
&& c. clorinde / candlebearer shadowhunter
&& c. kokomi / pearl of wisdom
&& c. jingliu / transcendent flash
&& c. robin / caged songbird
&& c. one / song of salvation
&& c. two / song of love
&& c. three / song of obsession
&& c. four / song of envy
&& c. accord / recorder android
&& c. popola / singer of the ancients
&& c. devola / singer of the ancients
&& c. shadowheart / daughter of darkness
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&& v. crossover / and we come together despite all odds
&& v. unspecified / dance in a world of endless possibilities
&& v. genshin / step into a vast magical world of adventure
&& v. hi3 / for all that’s beautiful in the world
&& v. hsr / may this journey lead us starward
&& v. lobcorp / face the fear; build the future
&& v. lor / book; librarian; star; and city
&& v. lcb / face the sin; save the ego
&& v. projmoon / hominem te esse memento
&& v. stp / you are on a path in the woods
&& v. bg3 / to become more than what we were made to be
&& v. d&d / our adventure begins here
&& v. fe3h / promise me you won't forget me
&& v. ph / there is no black and white; only our will
&& v. pgr / reclaim the world for humanity
&& v. dod3 / the songs of oblivion
&& v. modern / a world not far off from our own
&& v. ce / the ethereal abyss
&& v. ce: rein / reborn into peace
&& v. tenebra / repetition of history
&& v. herrscher of death / birthed from broken serenity
&& v. older layla / the nightingale’s metamorphosis
&& v. younger layla / from the embers
&& v. little layla / still-burning flame
&& v. white witch / the monster they made
&& v. star of the head / flickering lights in an empty city
&& v. shining star / reignition of lost light
&& v. fallen star / all-consuming darkness
&& v. chosen of bhaal / the embrace of her rancid blood
&& v. young nimue / unknowing accursed daughter
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&& complicated found fam / butterflies daffodils and birds
&& layla + crystal / the sweetest devotion i’ve ever known
&& calista x aelia / light up the night sky together
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0 notes
Headcanons for Deep as the Sea(Shine Your Eyes) au? I love that au!
Oh, my horror experiment. I'm not quite sure how to continue this one, so I haven't posted a new chapter in a while.
But let's see about those headcanons.
1) In the beginning there were three Gods.
Etro, who was death, and who created the world and all living things in it. (For where there is death, there must be life, for it to be known.)
Eos, who was the light, and who gave the gift of her light to Etro's creation to a great cost to herself. (For what greater sacrifice can there be but to deny oneself to see what wonders you brought?)
Chaos, who has always been more concept than being. The Nothing and the Something, the Unexpected and the Chance.
Both Etro and Eos, through their powers, created beings that were... different. Humanity gave them the name Astrals.
But Chaos, they, following their sisters, also created something. The Unknowing, the Incomprehensible. The Madness. Great things that know neither life nor death, luking in the edges of creation.
It's one of these beings Galahd formed a pact with.
2) To most of the world Galahd is nothing more than a barely remembered cautionary tale. A story told during dark nights to scare the listeners with.
It was a great nation once, the story starts, but it fell to greed and social decay. It fell so far that the Astrals themselves had to step in and put an end to things. The great stone spire in the Galahdian Sea is there as a waarning to all future generations. That no society shall fall this far again.
Galahd, of course, tells the story differently.
There was a scourge after Solheim fell. It ate the lands, and was licking att Galahd's borders. They knew it was only a matter of time before they, too, would fall victim to the scourge, but then something happened.
Dreams. Voices from the Deep that drove many to madness. A temple was build in the until then untouched stone spire. Things started growing. Strange plants along the walls and within stone. Trees started to weep salt water. Scales grew along human askin.
A curse?
Whatever it was, it kept away the scourge. And when that fact became known and people started to flock to the islands in desperation, a war was fought.
It ended with the Thing that now called Galahd its own, sinking the whole nation into the ocean. All but the temple, for it may yet lure more people into its depths.
3) The Crystal is intrinsically tied to the Lucis Caelum line. The reason for that is that the Lucis Caelums are blood descendents of the Goddess Eos and the Crystal is her heart.
It connects to all the Lucis Caelum rule over and after over 100 generations, the Crystal is deeply tied to the land as well. They are a triumvirate: The Crystal, the Lucis Caelums and the Land.
Noctis is young and as the only living Lucis Caelum, bearing one third of the triumvirate falls upon his shoulders. It makes him sick. And leaving the borders of the Lucian Kingdom only makes it worse.
4) Nyx is one of the few people tasked with looking after the temple in the stone spire. It makes him more connected to the Thing lurking in the Deep.
It has changed him more than it has the others who changed by virtue of simply being Galahkari. He is what they call a Temple Guard.
Nyx is old. He remembers a time when Galahd was not beneath the waves. He is one of the few remaining people who remember the feeling of being human and slowly becoming something different. Something else. Manifestations of a dream dreamt by a Thing that was once naught but a Thought of Chaos.
5) Nyx does not quite know why he saved the human man and the young one. (That's a lie. He knows exactly why. He can still feel the beat of a crystal heart pressing against his very being. Pleading, hopeful. Dying.)
He watches the man try to take care of the slowly dying crystal-child and feels pity. But he can't bring himself to do something. Not until the man comes back, a well known aura of dreams-unknowing-deep breath-pressure-madness clingin to him and shards of burning magic and pulsing crystal in his veins.
The man has taken the first step in becoming something else. Something more. Something not quite dream-thought or crystal-light-heartbeat.
It makes Nyx curious. So he steps forward.
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novantinuum · 3 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T
Words: 750~
Summary: His family’s not present, the third time he runs away. They never see the creature he becomes.
Early corruption AU.
Hi, folks. It’s been a while. Let’s get this started up again, shall we? (There’s some lore headcanons in the author’s notes of the AO3 version!)
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3 as well. Thank you! <3
Week two without Steven carries with it a wave of stagnation and hopelessness that is deceptively hard to fend off.
There’s no more daily search parties, for instance. Without any clear leads to follow, almost every member of their search brigade agrees that wandering this planet aimlessly seems like a grand waste of time. What they actually need right now is information, and unfortunately— from what Garnet has surmised in her own explorations— there’s a daunting shortage of it. The stark footprints leading towards the ocean from the house only advance so far under the water before they entirely disappear, which points towards either the erosive force of the tides quickly buffing them away, or this creature lifting its legs off the seabed’s surface to swim. Additionally, not a single sensor placed upon the continents of this world has been triggered by the passage of a corrupted Gem, and there’s been no sighting of Steven himself, not in the whole galaxy. On a typical Era 2 scouting mission, intel from her future vision would generally prove reliable enough to provide the approximate whereabouts of a target, should it pass through one of their monitored perimeters, but in this scenario, the cruel reality is that for once she finds herself entirely blind. They simply do not know enough about the corrupted Gem they’re after to predict any of its actions. They evidently don’t know enough about Steven anymore, either.
Garnet finishes hammering a beam into place underneath the damaged beach house and steps back, already fairly certain that her work should fix the dangerous bowing of the floorboards in the kitchen. Gingerly, and admiring her handiwork, she steps back from the crisscrossing supports, holding her chosen tool (her standard gauntlet, more than tough enough to propel nails through wood) at her side.
“Pearl, you can test it now,” she calls to her lifelong partner and friend, cupping her mouth with one of her hands.
Vibrations emanate from above as the Gem in question lightly bounces on her feet over the former weak spot. Sure enough, the wood doesn’t warp and bend under her weight anymore.
Despite every deep-seated sorrow of the past few days— late night discussions spent reflecting on their shortcomings, Greg’s almost suffocating despair, Amethyst’s recent absence— Garnet can’t help but flash a smile at their small success. “That’s perfect,” she says, letting her single gauntlet dissipate into light once more. “Let’s regroup at the temple’s entrance.”
She makes the quick walk up the sandy hill and onto the newly refurbished porch, pushing the thick blue tarp covering the dismantled front wall of the house aside. Between a number of fellow Crystal Gems over the past two weeks, so far they’ve managed to clear all the debris, remove all of the damaged wallboards and window frames, and mend a few main structural supports. Given that they’re essentially building a brand new house upon a skeleton of the old one, full repair is bound to take a while, however— especially since Bismuth’s taken over the duty of running Little Homeschool in their absence.
When she reaches the locked doorway beyond the warp pad, Pearl is already standing there, hands clasped expectantly in front of her.
“I had an idea earlier,” she begins slowly, her weary gaze shifting towards front of the house, and the boundless ocean lying beyond that rough blue tarp.
Garnet nods, beckoning for her to continue. Ideas have been in short supply lately, after all. Pearl tightly inhales, and continues.
“Our sensors and arrays haven’t caught any glimpse of that corrupted Gem, but what about the humans’ satellite feeds? They’re scattered, rudimentary, yes... but if they provide any quantity of coverage over those oceans, then...”
“We’d have to hack into their systems,” she warns, adjusting her visor as she takes a quick peek into the possible futures this action may lead to fruition. Many of them aren’t desirable, ending with Little Homeschool gaining the wrong kind of human attention and being shut down by government forces, or worse.
“That’s true, but don’t you think—“
Their conversation is abruptly cut off by a sudden holler coming from outside the house, calling their names. It’s Peridot. Yet another turn of the tides she failed to foresee. Garnet presses her lips tight together as she strides past the edge of the tarp and onto the refurbished balcony, immediately spotting the green Gem below, sunlight glinting off the edge of her star shaped visor.
“You guys have to come with me!” she exclaims urgently, panting as if she’d just run a long distance to reach them. “I think I figured out how to find Steven!”
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Headcanons of Yandere! Inasa Yoarashi
Request: Reader is a female UA student with a strong wind quirk, Inasa Yoarashi met her during the provisional license exam. She is not particularly charming or beautiful, but she peaked Inasa’s interests. Normally, she is a friendly person. However when he tried to talk to her, she would give a curt reply, clearly wants nothing to do with him. What angers him more is: She is close to Shoto Todoroki! Little did Inasa knows she is avoiding him because she is insecure about her control over the winds, she fears that the winds might favour Inasa and she would be left quirkless. Head canons please. Today is the wind boy’s birthday and there’s just so little content of him...He is underrated.
Notes: Interesting suggestion! Today is indeed his birthday, I shall tend to your request at once! I been wanting to write about him for a while ngl, but I just cannot find an exact idea. Thank you for this amazing idea, anon. There’s not much information about his personality so I don’t worry this being OOC hehe.  Sorry if this turns out to be a bit Yandere… Man this took way longer then expected, please enjoy!
Update: Sequal No.1, Sequal.2(Coming soon)
Some of this is inspired by @reinawritesbnha​‘s post. Go give it a read! It’s one of the best I ever seen.
Warning: Violence(non-graphic), yandere, kidnapping, dub con, implied breeding kink (? Idk this is the first time I wrote something like this)
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You are a strong pro-hero in training. You can command airflows to your will, any gas is under your disposal. It is only a matter of time before you become the big three of your year. Even Bakugou does not want to anger you. You are a powerful tempest towards your enemies. Overall, you are quite confident about your abilities. 
That is, before you met Inasa Yoarashi during the provisional license exam.
When you first saw him, you feel this sense of…familiarity. Even though you never met him before, you cannot shake this feeling of connection with Inasa.
Then you felt his cold glance towards your direction. But when his eyes met yours, his lips curl up into a big grin and bowed slightly.
“I am Inasa Yoarashi, also known as Gale Force, from Shiketsu High. And what is your name, beautiful miss from UA?” Man, he is loud.
Ah, so he is Gale force. You learned about him when picking out your hero name, he also has a wind quirk. Then it strikes you: what if the winds like him better? What if they just abandon me while he is around? Those thoughts make you feel helpless, the scenario of being quirkless terrifies you to no end.
The blush of being called “beautiful” is gone, instead you replace it with a stoic face: “Pleasure to meet you, Mr Yoarashi. I am (F/N) (L/N), also known as (hero name). Come on Shoto, they are almost starting, we should get going. Please excuse us.”
You walk away, smiling at Shoto. Leaving Inasa there, angry and confused.
He immediately regrets withdrawing his application from UA. If he had been in your school, it is him you would smile and befriend now, instead of that wicked Todoroki! The way you are calling his first name, so intimate, just sends anger through his brain.
So, you have a wind quirk too, huh? No wonder he feels this instant connection with you.
Froze there for a couple of seconds, until Nagamasa Mora called him. “What has gotten into you, Inasa? The exam is going to start soon.” Ashamed to admit his true feelings, Inasa would brush off the older man’s concern, and pretend nothing had happened.
Words cannot describe how he felt when he saw you in your hero costume. Like Inasa, you had chosen to put a thick jacket on. The skies can get quite cold, after all. His looks practical, with multiple tubes to help regulate the air currents. But your grey coat looks like an expensive piece from a boutique, the edges even has fur for decorations. Inasa think your look fits for a scroll in the snow, instead of a battlefield. It’s probaly for disguise to fool villians. You have not fully button up the coat yet, he can still glimpse the (favorite colour) spandex bodysuit underneath. If this has not been an exam, Inasa swears he would ask you to go to dinner with him, here and now.
Feeling his gaze fixated on you, you tense up nervously. Is he finding ways to take the winds away from me? Horrified, you decide to stay far away from him during the exam as possible.
Shoto noticed your nervous state, he asks you what is wrong. You shrug, stating it is just pre-exam stress.
Every time Inasa sees you and Shoto’s friendly interactions, his heart bleeds. But he decides to wait until after the exam to take any action. He also decides to impress you with his outstanding performance in the exam.
When you choose the furthest area from him, it left him feeling disappointed. So he chooses a tall building as his battleground, to better utilize his quirk and to watch you from afar.
Unlike his approach with winds, which focus on intensity and strength, your winds concentrate their efforts on speed. Stealth and fast, most people only catch your afterimage in the corner of their eyes.
Your strategy is creating vacuums around their heads. When your opponents are choking due to lack of oxygen, you press them against a solid surface to knock them out. Then you score with the tennis balls, done. Simple yet effective. It has only been five minutes into the exam, and you are already finished, with minimal efforts of two people unconscious.
Inasa saw all of this from the top of the building, of course. Like an assassin of the night, you move with such grace, and that speed of yours! Truly amazing. He had never thought of creating vacuums before. He guesses this is one of your ultimate moves.
He might just be curious about you before, but after seeing you fly around with that incredible swiftness, Inasa find himself becoming more smitten with you.
It is settled in his mind: he has to have you. Just imagine how what a power couple you two would be! The wind duo will be invincible. And your children would have the strongest wind quirk ever.
In the break room, you sigh with relief; you reached your goals: stay furthest away from Inasa as possible and passing with negligible efforts. Taking out your (favorite snack) from your backpack, you decide to reward yourself a little.
But then you find Inasa grinning at you across the room. Your good mood vanishes instantly.
Talking to Shoto to distract yourself from his burning stare, you felt his gaze moved away.
“That Yoarashi guy, I saw him in the entrance exam for recommended students. I was surprised that he went to Shiketsu.”
Phew. You were delighted to hear him say that. You would not want to deal with this situation on a daily basis.
Before you can feel that delight, however. Inasa invites himself into your conversation.
“Your speed is incredible! The way you master your winds is truly impressive. We should train together sometime. We can share our experiences on the winds!”
Being the nice person you are, you did not ignore him, trying to bring yourself to like him. You do want to share experience with a fellow wind user.
You did not notice how he left Shoto out of the conversation, completely. Not that he wants to socialize with Inasa, but still.
To Inasa, you remind him of the warm spring breeze. A ray of sunshine, easygoing and friendly, the complete opposite of Todoroki.
Of course, you are unaware of his ridiculous plans involving a future together and children. You just see him as a enthusiastic, loud boy.
Shoto can feel his obsession thoughts for you, however. After Inasa left to prepare for the second part, Shoto warned you subtlety. But you did not take it seriously, saying that is just how Inasa make friends. “He’s like that with everyone. No need to worry.”
The second exam you devoted yourself into rescuing. Shoto said he would deal with the villain. So you just focused on dealing with injured “civilians”. After gaining knowledge of their “injuries”, you lift the debris with winds and deliver them to the first-aid station.
It was after the exam you find out the two had fight while dealing with the villain.
They did not pass. You comforted Shoto about it, leaving Inasa upset. He failed the exam too; he needs your comforting words just as much as Todoroki!
You exchanged numbers with Inasa upon depart, promise him to train together soon. You fear of inferiority is gone; being this close to him, you can sense his power is not as strong as yours. Evidently it is him who should worry about falling out of the wind’s favour.  
Your friends, especially Mina, tease you about your little encounter with the other wind user. Calling him your “Shiketsu boyfriend”. You yell for them to stop, saying you only seen him as a friend.
Inasa’s friends are pretty much the same. Although he is a year younger, his sociable nature made him approachable. He shows off now he got your number, and they all laughed. “She can create vacuums and suffocate people; I would hate to get on (y/n)’s bad side.”
After the exam, he wrote out his plan of attack, staying up until 2am to do so. Shiketsu forbid its students to have any romantic relationships, so Inasa wasn’t planning on having one with you. Your relationship with him will remain platonic until you both graduate.
It involves an arranged marriage and an immense sum of dowry to bribe your parents. His father always taught him to go after what he wants with all his might. Inasa cannot wait until you graduate and move in with him. It is such a shame a powerful hero like you have to become a homemaker so soon. But he cannot have you swinging around the city in spandex, they are for his eyes only. He wants to keep you in the safety of his house, to train his brood of offspring. Yes, that is what your prestigious UA diploma for-for his children’s head start in life.
Stalking you would be difficult since you can sense the movement of air around you. They report any abnormalities to you at once. So he watched you from afar, how you shoot across the sky like a bullet to go to school every morning, how you relaxed in mid air during lunch break, or how you laugh with your friends outdoors.
Sometimes you would feel like someone is watching you, but the winds say all clear. So you just mark it as you are being too self-conscious and do not care.
You two would occasionally text and train together/help each other with homework on weekends, getting lunch together afterwards. him acting like nothing less then a gentleman. You start viewing him as a friend, despite what Shoto said before.
Inasa is glad that you did not seem to take interest in any boys during your high school time. If you end up inTodoroki’s arms, he does not know what he will do to Shoto.
A week after you graduate UA your parents told you they have received a marriage proposal. They have already accepted it, so there is no room for negotiation.
You are shocked to surprised finding your intended to be Inasa Yoarshi. You thought of him only as a training buddy prior to this.You ask to postpone the marriage until you become a full pro-hero but was shut down rather brutally. He said he will provide for you. There is no need for you to work when he can just take care of everything.
“Don’t worry, love. I’m going to take such great care of you! You can teach the children at home, so they can get a head start in hero life!”
Avoiding him would be pretty easy considering your speed, you can carry on with hero work as if nothing has happened, even moving to another city. However if this goes on for too long, Inasa will kidnap you.
Most likely to steal you away from your apartment at night, as he is as good at being stealthy as you. You live alone, it was a breeze. Some Chloroform and ropes would get the job done. 
You would wake up in a nicely furnished room one morning, quirk-cancelling collar locked on your neck. With chains long just enough to reach the bathroom.
Inasa hates seeing you upset, but it is all going to be better once you get used to your new employment: his sweet wife, the mother of his children.
Will consider letting you go outside for grocery shopping if you been good, with his company of course.
He would never raise a hand on you, no matter how much you screams and reisists him. Being so understanding, Inasa knows you need some time to come around. 
He loves nothing more then watching you do domestic chores, this man got issues. He expects you stay at home, cook dinner for him and take care of him. Which is a nightmare for you, since you despise housewife life.
You are so helpless without your winds to protect you, so you tried to rip this goddamn collar off everyday. But it was futile: only Inasa has the key.
You went to bed with him just to get some time outdoors, since your claustrophobia is acting up. You didn’t expect him to be so gentle and soft. But you regret it soon after because he become insatiable afterwards.
Then two months later you found yourself in the bathroom, staring at a positive pregnacy test. 
Once Inasa knows about your condition, he will loosen the restrictions. You can now use your quirk under his supervisions: it’s excerise, and the two of you both need it.
He would take you to comittee events, to go visit his friends, even letting you see your friends from time to time. You also got your phone back, but with a tracking app installed on it. 
Now all he has to do is wait a couple more months to meet his child.
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
All For Her - Kennyo X Reader X Yandere!Nobunaga
So this fic is in celebration of mah boi Kennyo getting his English route finally! @silhouette-of-a-dream​ thank you for your input. I hope this fic is a good kick to Nobunaga’s ego [please do not come after me nobunaga stans] 
I’m glad to be back and writing for asks. Thank you to all the IkeSen readers who liked my previous headcanons. Also, to the Nobunaga stans, please keep in mind this is a work of fiction and actual not-yandere Nobunaga would not do this. 
TW: Yandere, Implications of Emotional Abuse
"How would you like to rule the world by my side?"
Those words…
Those words were your death sentence.
There he stood, the great daimyo of Owari as you humbly sat next to him, the veil shielding your gaze from your surrounding and the gaze of others from you. It had always been like this. Nobunaga was a possessive man, and you being deemed as his 'lucky charm' was no means of him letting go.
Feeling the atmosphere weighing down on you, you tugged on Nobunaga's sleeve, muttering about your need to leave. Nobunaga was a proud man, and what else could he do then to carry you away bridal-style in front of all his allies and his vassals?
"I will take my bride to rest. Celebrate without me."
He ignored the protests of Hideyoshi and whisked you away to his bed. For being the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven, his touch was gentle. The words he'd say have that edge that raised the hairs of your neck, especially when he untangles your hair with his fingers.
"Just wait my lucky charm. The wars are about to end soon…" He said, undoing your obi. "Then there would be no one brave enough to take you away from me. They'd be foolish enough to try in the first place."
The next morning you woke up, you were sore in your lower region. And alone. Of course he left you. The love bites he left on your neck started to ache as you looked around the room. He must've had another war council… You shrugged it off, getting dressed with the remains of what your kimono was.
Before you could get up, a hustle of maids stormed in, in their arms were heaps of fabric and cosmetics.
"Lady YN, Lord Nobunaga wishes for you to dress for the evening," Your most loyal maid, Kinu, announced to you.
Of course, that's how it always was.
He'd let you wander around ever so freely in the morning, but it was all a trap. Whatever guards he sent out to follow you were to only escort anyone whose gaze lingered too far to be sent to the dungeon; no questions asked. It was the only form of freedom he ever gave you, but it benefitted him in his own twisted, cynical tyranny.
"Kinu, please give me my formal wear," You asked her politely. Kinu nodded, ordering the other maids to prepare for you to walk around town.
The maids had brought you a simple kimono for you to wear, although its fabric was far from cheap. As your maids adjusted your hood, Nobunaga's loyal right hand man, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, entered the tenshu by your permission.
"Does Lord Nobunaga need me Hideyoshi-san?" You addressed him. Hideyoshi sighed, unsure of your attitude at the moment. As much as he was happy for you and his lord, your change in personality made it all so strange. Was his lord not enough for you? Or was he too much? As much as he wanted to interrogate, Nobunaga was strict upon the rules about his future bride.
He shook his head. "Not in particular. He will be busy today and I overheard you were going out today," He said, fishing out a bag of coins from his kimono. "This is Masamune's payment from last week, YN. He's a bit busy wrangling with some pirates to repay you properly… You can use it to go shopping today if you'd like."
You accepted the coins graciously, not daring to life your head to meet Hideyoshi's eyes. For as much as Nobunaga had faith in his vassals, you didn't know what he'd do if he heard of your entanglement with another warlord friend of his. You were protecting them, you whispered to yourself.
After Hideyoshi left you, you wrote a note, leaving it with Kinu before you went out. You had to inform the other seamstresses of your absence for today. It wasn't truly unusual for you to be gone, but you had to be courteous towards them. Perhaps you could purchase some fabric for them in return…
Four guards trailed after you. They were a different batch this time; from their uniforms you could guess they were under Mitsunari's regime. You walked on, ignoring the chatter of those guards and simply looked over the goods the merchants of Azuchi had to offer. There wasn't much for you to see, having walked around town at least once a week for you to see the same goods here and there.
You however, did notice a small shrine, just right on the outskirts of Azuchi as you went to purchase your usual sweet buns. You turned to the guards behind you, repeating your request to them as they were dumfounded the first time you said it.
"I said, I would like to go to the temple there. I wish to offer my prayers," You said promptly, staring down the guards. "Unless I have to report to Nobunaga of your mistreatment of me."
Well, being his lover had its advantages.
The guards sweat dropped, knowing what awaited them if you snitched on them.  They gave a knowing look to each other. Surely it wouldn't be so bad for the lady to offer some prayers for the sake of Azuchi right?
You walked up the corroded steps of the temple, finally approaching its gates. What a pity, you thought to yourself, seeing as how the wells were empty and the bushes were unkempt. You wouldn't comment on such things out loud, but you'd love to clean up and return to the shrine someday… That is, if that war tyrant would let you.
You had noticed that there was no pail for you to offer your prayers to. Surely, there must be some in the storeroom in the shrine…
"Lady YN! Watch―"
Before you knew it, you had a sword to your neck. The cold steel made you shiver.
"Pure maiden, what are you doing here?"
Your usual instinct would make you cry out for help, but your pride won't even allow you to seek help from anyone associated with Nobunaga.
"I came to offer my prayers."
"This is not a functioning shrine," The man who had his blade towards you pressed the steel further, but he didn't cut you. Instead, he walked around you to see your face. The purple robes and that scar across his face was all the characteristics for you to realise that the man who held his staff to you was Kennyo, the monk you met in the forest.
His stare was cold, but his eyes widened, recognising you. He removed the staff from your neck, and commanded the disguised men that subdued your guards to tie them up.
He turned back to you, asking you of your identity. "You are the future bride of Oda and the woman that appeared in the fire?"
"Unfortunately yes."
"Then I shall have to apologise for kidnapping you at the― My apologies, 'Unfortunately'? Did I hear you right?" Kennyo asked, realising what your reply meant. Would this be beneficial? He had to admit, Nobunaga was a lucky man now that he took a good look at you but no regular woman of Azuchi could resist that demon's wiles.
Kennyo sent his men off, wanting to speak to you alone. You didn't seem like you would run away, but he still had to use you to carry out his plan. He was quite taken aback at your apathetic state. He was sure you would cause a fuss after your guards were taken down, but you were relatively calm at the moment by the  way you were just sitting at the edge of the shrine steps rather calmly. Mike also approached you and you started to coddle him quite affectionately. Kennyo felt oddly warm inside, unsure how he should tell you that he meant to kidnap you.
You got the monk's attention by calling out to him, "Kennyo-san, you were talking about kidnapping me?" You said, stroking the adorable calico cat in your arms.
"I apologise for that statement," Kennyo coughed, relieved you snapped him out of his trance. "I would have to use you to carry out my plan."
You smiled, finding his honesty quite charming. "Well, I guess I have nothing better to do," You said quite boldly. "Kennyo-san, let me make this clear. I am not assisting you because I believe in your cause. I only wish to get away from Nobunaga, so please, after my part is done, let me go."
"Eh? Nobunaga is that bad in bed that you left him?" Another man approached you two, and you heard Kennyo sigh beside you. The man must've been an ally of Kennyo…
"What? You surely took your sweet time with the lady," He said, teasing the fellow monk.
"Well," You said, unsure how to insert yourself in the conversation. "This means I will work with you, Kennyo-san, Motonari-san."
"Kennyo-san? You called for me?" You said, entering his room. You had moved to Kennyo's official base, as the shrine near Azuchi was for Kennyo to oversee his wounded brothers.
Kennyo tensed up at your voice. Why did he call you again? He was a monk for the lord's sake, not some cheeky soldier…
"About your release…" He began. 'I don't want you to go…' He wanted to say. He couldn't, drinking his tea to stop himself from saying such embarrassing things. You were Nobunaga's betrothed. More so, you deserved better, especially with what you had been through.
"What about it?" You said, pouring more tea into Kennyo's empty cup. "I assume my duties were fulfilled then?"
"Yes," he said. "Your knowledge of medicine saved some of my brothers as well. I have to compensate you for that. Please ask for anything you want."
Anything you wanted? Those words struck a chord in you. Those words were what Nobunaga told you the first night he claimed you as his future bride. You remembered what you asked for and Nobunaga as the skilful warlord he is, cut down your request of freedom too.
Then came Nobunaga giving anything and everything he could to ensure your happiness. The point where it frightened you was when he presented the dead body of a vassal of his underling who had wronged you. His blood-covered sword was more than enough proof that Nobunaga had done the deed himself, even as he professed he killed the man in front of his whole council.
"Lady YN? Did I say something wrong?"
Kennyo's warm hands reached out to you, brushing away the tears that ran down your cheek. On instinct, you nestled into his large hands, looking at the man who had saved you from your nightmare.
"Kennyo-san, what would you do if I said I wanted you?"
You made the holy monk blush, his hand immediately retracted from your face as he blurted out all the reasons you should retract those words, "I am not worthy of your attention, Lady YN. I am no longer a man and instead I shoulder the sins that a demon such as myself are willing to commit. You are certainly ill if you think you could love a demon."
You simply laughed at his boyish shyness. "Kennyo… I am not pure as you think I am," You said, patting his head. "I'm sorry I blanked out. When you asked me to request anything, it reminded me of something similar Nobunaga said to me…"
You then explained all the horror you went through at Azuchi from Nobunaga. "He may not have harmed me physically but I can't help but be scared…" You said, finally giving in to your tears. "It must be silly for you isn't it? A person such as me confessing at a time like this…"
"You poor girl…" Kennyo brought you into his arms, claiming his finally resolve. "I will fulfil your request, Lady YN. For I too, love you more than anything else."  
No matter how long you'd been in the Sengoku era, you still hated the cries of wars. You hated it, but not as much as the man who lead the Oda.
Seeing a young man in red return to camp, you immediately jumped at him. "Yukimura! Did you get any news of Kennyo?"
You were sent off to stay with the Takeda army as a form of alliance with Kennyo shortly after Kennyo's war preparations. Shingen and Yukimura had been hospitable to you, and you more than delighted to be reunited with your friend Sasuke from the Uesugi faction.
The Akazonae leader shook his head, almost regretting his words as he told you, "Some of my men said he finally confronted the Devil himself."
Amongst the bloodied war cries and the crumpled bodies of soldiers were two sworn enemies finally crossed blades.
"Your death will surely be my greatest victory," Nobunaga cried, swinging his sword at the monk. "The people would find it heroic how I rescued my bride from the Ikko Ikki's leader―"
"You defiled her!" Kennyo roared, unsheathing his staff. He blocked the rampant parries of the Devil King. "And you think that's love!"
"Of course," Nobunaga said smugly, dodging Kennyo's swing. "This war…
It's all for her."
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
The Wolf Outtake
This is a little outtake, if you will, of The Wolf universe. It actually fits within the post-TW2 headcanons I've been writing to keep myself happy, so somewhere in S3. It's something that would never fit within the actual story because it's pure domestic fluff. lol I wrote this for @recyclingss, baby Eve's number one fan who yells at me when the child doesn't make an appearance and who’s also the biggest cheerleader this story’s ever had. 💖
This is set much later in the future, and you will notice baby Eve is actually more of toddler Eve here, but I've removed any specific context to make it so this would fit into any point of The Wolf post S2E14, I guess.
Summary: Just random KC+baby moment in The Wolf. It's fluffy, domestic, features the child and Klaus' bitter feelings for Bayou wolves. Nobody asked for it, but I figured, after the WEEK we've all had, maybe people could use some fluff? Hope you guys enjoy it! :)
Klaus doesn't even realize it's morning already until Caroline stirs next to him, making a lazy hum deep in her throat that pulls him out of his idle reverie. He blinks his surroundings back into focus; the fluorescence that had been filtering in through the windows last time he checked has now been replaced by warm sunlight. He didn’t even notice so much time had gone by.
Caroline rolled onto her side and was quickly lulled into blissful sleep after their late-night exertions. Klaus was distracted by the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest for a long time until his mind was ensnared by its usual culprits, thoughts trapped in the latest batch of torments and woes to take over the Mikaelsons’ lives. 
 When Caroline opens her eyes and offers him a slow smile, Klaus feels himself touch ground again.
 "'Morning," she slurs in that husky voice, still thick with sleep.
 "Good morning, sweetheart," he replies with a short grin.
 Caroline yawns as she stretches out her body under the thin sheet covering her modesty.
 "Did you sleep at all?" she asks, blinking sluggishly at him.
 "I'm well-rested, if that's what you're asking."
 "It's not." Caroline props herself up on one elbow to stare levelly at him. Some of that drowsiness in her eyes dissipates, disappointment panging through him for bringing her back to the harshness of reality so fast. This is why, sometimes, especially on those not-so-rare nights when he ends up not getting any sleep, he'd rather not stay in bed. It allows the reprieve that slumber offers Caroline to last a little while longer. "Is it about Elijah?" she inquires, a knowing look on her face.
 Klaus' eyes wander away from hers. "It's about everything," he states vaguely, but not untruthfully. 
 Caroline hums unconvinced. "While I know you don't need to sleep, I also know it spells nothing but trouble when you can’t. It’s never good when you spend the whole night thinking."
 "Well, not the whole night," he says with a suggestive leer. "I did spend a good portion of the time engaged in far more pleasant activities."
 She rolls her eyes at him, but her smile is more than a little satisfied when she leans into him. "You're not as smooth as you think, Mikaelson."
 "I beg to differ." Caroline chuckles, shifting under the sheets to press herself against his side, placing a kiss on his shoulder, then his neck, his jaw. Klaus snakes a hand around her back, pulling her closer still, feeling the familiar stirrings of heat in his underbelly. "Shall I prove my point?" he all but purrs.
 Caroline smirks against the corner of his mouth, her palm coming to rest on his chest. Klaus covers her hand with his, angling his face to take her mouth into a kiss. Her breasts pressing against his skin sends a tingle shooting through his body, and his other hand is already sliding down her spine, ready to guide her to straddle him, when lively conversation in the next room makes them pause.
 "Oh-oh," Caroline mutters. "I guess that means Mr. Wolfy is up early today."
 Klaus lets out a disappointed sigh.
 Eve doesn't cry so much when she wakes up anymore. Now, she either stays quietly in her crib until someone sees to her, or she starts playing with her toys. A social butterfly like her mother, she loves to engage in complex conversations with that hideous stuffed wolf Jackson gave her and her absolute favorite toy, the wooden knight Klaus carved for Rebekah when they were children.
 When he started to wake up to the sound of her talking to herself, he became worried, thinking maybe she was seeing things they weren't - which, in New Orleans, could mean a number of horrifying deals. But Caroline assured him that it is perfectly normal for young children to talk to inanimate objects, especially one who lives exclusively amongst adults.
 Apparently, it's good exercise for her imagination, or something.
 When Klaus is watching her, he will make a point to take part in her debates, always highlighting Mr. Knight's grandeur compared to Mr. Bog Scum. 
 "Sweetheart, this filthy dog here is the enemy. He wants to shroud you in flannel, carry you away to the swamp and bore you to sleep. Mr. Knight is here to save you from this stinky animal's claws."
 He's convinced one day she'll understand what he means.
 What’s most troublesome, however, is that Eve has started to attempt to climb out of her crib on her own. They always lock the other door to her bedroom when she's asleep, but the door connecting her room to Caroline's is always left unlocked for safety reasons. One of these days, Klaus thinks, their little wolf is going to catch mommy and daddy in very compromising positions. The idea mortifies him, especially because he and Caroline can get a tad carried away. They are a hybrid and a near-hybrid, after all. Too much energy and whatnot.
 "No rest for the wicked," Caroline speaks around a sigh before peeling away from him. Klaus watches her naked form with wistfulness as she climbs out of bed, his prospect of a lovely morning enterprise disappearing alongside the shape of her beautiful breasts as she shrugs on a fleece robe.
 Caroline vamps off to the en suite bathroom to freshen up a bit and then follows to Eve's room.
 "Good morning, sweet cheeks!" she greets their daughter sunnily. "Good morning to you, too, Mr. Wolfy!" Oh, for goodness' sake, Klaus curses inwardly. "And Mr. Knight!" Much better.
 Minutes later, Caroline returns with Eve, comfortable in fresh diapers, right on her heels, carrying Mr. Inconvenient and Mr. Knight.
 When she sees Klaus, she takes off towards the bed, her little legs getting more and more agile by the day. He pulls the sheets and covers up to his chest while she tries to hoist herself up. With ease, using just one hand, Klaus lifts her up and puts her sitting on his stomach.
 "Good morning, my littlest wolf," he says. "Where's my kiss?"
 His daughter leans down and smacks a loud kiss on his cheek, and then holds Mr. Fleabag close to him for a kiss as well. Klaus makes a face. "Not the dog, Eve."
 "Seriously?" Caroline says with a bored air about her. "You're antagonizing a stuffed animal now?"
 "This thing is a health hazard."
 "That thing has a cute little name, Mr. Wolfy, and your daughter loves him."
 "I refuse to treat a swamp dog as though it were a gentleman. Besides, I'm sure she loves Mr. Knight way more, don't you, love? Where's Mr. Hero?" She shouts something that sounds like Miter Nigh before pushing it onto Klaus' face. He cracks a proud smile at her. "There you go." He attacks her with tickles, and Eve bursts with sweet laughter.
 Caroline shakes her head at him, but he notices she's quite clearly biting back on a smile. "You're impossible."
 "I’m quite possible, I assure you," he replies smoothly. "Where are you going?" he asks when she starts tying her hair into a ponytail and taking clothes from her drawers.
 "Running with Marcel."
 "Oh, for goodness' sake," he protests. "Can you believe this, Eve? It's not even seven in the morning and your mother is willingly stepping out of the house to run. I sometimes fear she might be a psychopath."
 She scoffs loudly. "You would know, wouldn't you?" While she walks by him to go into the en suite, she slaps him lightly across the legs. "Stop telling my child that I'm a psycho, psycho."
 "How else am I supposed to explain this insanity? What kind of person runs for pleasure when there is an infinite array of far more gratifying activities to invest your energy into? Just now we were about to -"
 "Not in front of the small child, Klaus!" she chides from the bathroom.
 "She doesn't know what daddy is talking about, do you, love?" Eve giggles while he lifts her up above him, holding her like a flying superhero. "Blissfully clueless."
 Caroline steps back into the room, already in her exercise gear. Klaus lets out an infinitely despondent sigh. He would love nothing more than to get her out of those.
 "It's inappropriate conversation to have in front of the toddler," she remarks, putting on the smartwatch she bought recently to exercise with and measure her sleep patterns or whatever the bloody hell that is. She showed him all of this gizmo’s functionalities, swearing it’s the best thing ever invented by human minds. Klaus thinks it’s adorable, however incomprehensible, that someone with such close ties with the supernatural world would still be so impressed by technology. There’s literally nothing that cannot be sorted through magic. How is a watch that counts steps supposed to awe you once you’ve seen someone brought back from the dead? Caroline’s attachment to her humanity goes way beyond her empathy. "Besides, it was gonna be a quick activity because I'd go meet Marcel anyway,” she adds after a beat.
 "I can make you see stars in five minutes," he leers, a smirk growing on his face.
 Caroline whips her face at him with what is clearly an attempt at outrage but turns into something else when she can't hold her own smile. She can't deny him when his point was proved just the night before. Several times, in fact.
 "Shut up," she retorts simply. "Can you give her breakfast? I left chopped fruits in the fridge. You can wait about an hour after the bottle and give it to her as a little treat - not Fruit Loops."
 "She loves that thing."
 "Of course she does, it's pure sugar. That's exactly why we don't let her have it all the time. She needs to eat real fruits."
 Klaus rolls his eyes, sitting up in bed and putting the baby beside him. "Honestly, sweetheart, your mother sometimes..." 
 Caroline narrows her eyes at him. "You really love to make yourself out to be the cool parent, don't you?"
 "I don't have to make myself out to be anything, love. I am the parent who doesn't deny her the little joys of sugary treats. If that makes me cool, then you’ve only got yourself to blame." 
 "You're the parent who'll spoil her rotten, that’s what. Let's see how you'll feel when she's 16 and her boyfriend is climbing the balcony in her room in the middle of the night because she never learned how to take a no."
 "Oh, I would love for her suitors to climb her window in the middle of the night. It’ll be the last thing they do,” he says, smiling innocently at Eve.
 “You’ll be such a ray of sunshine when she starts dating.”
 “As per usual," he says with a bite of arrogance. "Hold the child so I can get decent, will you?"
 Caroline picks Eve up and keeps her looking firmly the other way while Klaus flashes out of bed and into the bathroom. He hears Caroline teasing her with “Where did daddy go?” and laughing at what he knows is Eve's extremely confused but astonished face. She thinks they're magicians. It's one of her favorite things, to watch as Klaus makes full use of his vampire speed to all but vanish right before her eyes. Modern technology has got nothing on him.
 There's something extremely heartwarming about his daughter's innocence. One day, she'll be old enough to understand why he can do the things he does. When that day comes, Klaus will cease to be a creature of magic and wonder, to become what he truly is: darkness made flesh. 
 He has never been ashamed of what he is, hardly ever had any qualms with filling the villain shoes, quite glad to do it, in fact, but he suddenly finds himself dreading the day when his child will figure out what it means to carry the Mikaelson name. When their family’s history will weigh down on her shoulders as it does on theirs.
 While making people cower in fear at the mere sound of his name has brought him an obscene amount of satisfaction and pride over the centuries, Klaus has to admit he's fascinated by the pure sparkle in his child's eyes. She's the first human being in a millennium who does not see even a fraction of monstrosity in him, no shadow, no taints, no mortal flaws. Not yet, anyway. All she sees is a funny man who makes her laugh and can hold her up with his finger, tells her stories about evil werewolves and keeps her safe and that's enough for her to adore him. Sometimes, he feels unworthy of such love. As though he's a fraud, deceiving his own daughter and taking advantage of her innocence.
 It still astonishes him that he should ever be capable of making something as pure and bright as that little girl. In a thousand years, Klaus Mikaelson has only ever brought misery and pain into this world. Eve is the first genuinely good thing he's ever done. Then, of course, she inherited all of that from her mother, who holds herself open for compassion and kindness even though she is herself in a symbiotic existence with her own beast. Caroline has taken control of her darkness in ways Klaus doesn't think he's ever seen a vampire as young as her do before. She truly is extraordinary, and every day he hopes, from the bottom of his withered heart, that Eve will turn out to be every inch Caroline's daughter more so than his.
 Klaus can still smell last night’s sex all over himself, so he takes a quick shower and puts on a pair of denims and a shirt and vamps back to the room again, just to surprise Eve. She gasps when he materializes next to her, flinching, and then starts laughing like a little maniac, reaching out to him. 
 "Remember," Caroline says as she lets Eve slide over to Klaus' arms. "Bottle, fruits. No Fruit Loops. I'll tell your other child you said hi."
 "A child who enjoys running has clearly learned nothing from me," he grumbles. “Hopefully I’ll do a better job with this one.” 
 “Start by not feeding her Fruit Loops,” Caroline remarks with a grin before she smacks a loud kiss on Eve's cheek and then one on his.
 When she’s gone, Klaus turns to look at his little wolf, watching him with those dark blues of hers as though she's studying her father. Sometimes he wonders if toddlers know more than they let on.
 "Do you want to do magic?"
 "Yes!" she practically screams, her face splitting with a wide, toothy grin.
 "Get ready, then. Are you ready?" She gives him an exaggerated nod. "Keep your eyes open. One, two..." And then he flashes out of the room with her.
✨ Thanks for reading! :) If you’ve enjoyed this silly thing, please drop me a comment! Your reblogs are also much appreciated to help this reach more people. ✨
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So: what ARE all the various things Quentin Coldwater visibly has not processed or unpacked or come to terms with by the end of season 4? Have you made a list?
sure, let’s give this a whirl, shall we?
1. quentin’s death itself - kind of cheating since technically quentin does not come back to life in the show, but the obvious starting point in any post-s4 fic about him. i feel like dying and coming back to life on its own has gotta be messed up in even the best circumstances, possibly unless you do it like penny where you never really have a moment of feeling like you have died. in the softest interpretation of quentin’s death, it was still a violent sudden untimely death, which feels like it adds to that. which is not getting into —
2. the fact that quentin’s death was self-inflicted - i think there’s definite room for ambiguity in considering, like, how suicidal his suicide was, so to speak, all the way from “he walked into the mirror realm planning or at least hoping to die” to, sure, “he sacrificed himself for the greater good and was sorry to die.” that is a reading that fits with the text. my own headcanon-ish take on it, or the reading that makes most sense to me in terms of quentin’s characterization across the show (which to be clear is NOT what the show wants us to think about it), setting aside whatever angle i might find most dramatically useful or interesting explore in a particular story, is somewhere between these two. i think if everett hadn’t shown up, quentin would have walked out of there alive, and when he decided to cast, some part of him felt a real deep sense of relief. i actually read the moment as emotionally pretty analogous to alice niffin-ing out — when niffin!alice says she did it on purpose, i think that’s true, but does that mean she wanted to, exactly, in all the parts of her that didn’t make it to niffinhood? i don’t know, and i don’t think alice really knows, then or ever, which is how i feel about some future quentin looking back and trying to answer for himself the question he asks penny: yes, no, both, kind of, not really, yes but just for a second, no but not strongly enough... and that kind of uncertainty about your own desires and beliefs and motivations at such a crucial juncture is itself something to process. like i said, that’s my own take on it, and the reality of it (despite the show’s protests to the contrary) is ambiguous; what’s not ambiguous is that, uh, quentin made a choice he knew would kill him, and everything we know about quentin suggests that having this information about himself would really fuck him up (and also that some dumb hot chocolate feelings chat in the underworld would not actually be enough to ease his mind on the issue). which leads me to —
3. quentin’s mental health shit, part the first - so, there’s the fact of quentin’s depression which predates the show by ages and which he has now spent four years basically ignoring while getting traumatized repeatedly, and he needs....... something regarding that. meds/therapy convo is for a lot of people the obvious Something, it’s a good Something. i don’t like to be prescriptivist about what Something is, i think a lot about leonard cohen in his 70s being like “yes it turned out that the thing i needed to finally address my lifelong depression was to go through the process of getting ordained as a buddhist monk.” maybe what quentin needs is to get ordained as a buddhist monk. i could buy that. but Something regarding his like everyday ability to be a person in the world, especially considering that he died at what could charitably be described as a low point re: that, he needs. and, also —
4. quentin’s mental health shit, part the second - he needs to process and deal with his own feelings about his fucked up brain and the things that he’s done as a result of it, because there’s the brain stuff, but then there’s also the shame and self-concept and identity issues that have developed around and with the brain stuff, you know? i mean, there is a reason i have written now two stories spanning well over a hundred thousand words in which therapy is suggested to quentin and his response is “hmm. no thanks,” and it’s because the first time we ever meet him, he is in the process of refusing further treatment against a psychiatric professional’s advice! he goes off his meds like 18 hours later and never once in the show shows any inclination of being like, “hm maybe that was a bad idea,” including when magic gets turned off and he picks up smoking as a fun summer hobby instead. we know from the mind palace that quentin’s deepest fears involve his own brain, and there’s a lot of different ways you can read the fact that the cherry on top of the nightmare sunday is the dream-revelation that his illness led him to attack his dad but IMO one of the more obvious ones is that he already thinks of his illness as something that has hurt his dad. he has some real dark feelings about his own mind.
5. quentin’s dad - quentin barely deals at all with his dad’s death before he himself dies, and like — similarly to his death, losing his father in his mid-twenties is something that would be difficult for a long long time in the least-bad situation. for quentin, i think there’s a ton of unresolved shit in the distance between them as two people who loved each other deeply, and knew the other loved him deeply, but didn’t always know how to communicate; i think there’s a lot of internalized shame around making his father’s life difficult by having the mental health problems he did that he hasn’t unpacked; i think that ahead of him there’s like, a lot of unexpressed anger about what his father couldn’t give him & a lot of guilt about that because his father did do his best and is now dead & a lot of grief about the fact that his father will never be around for quentin to heal his side of their relationship. also there’s the fact that, uh, quentin’s dad died because he chose to turn magic back on, and we know from his conversation with julia that he feels conflicted about having made that choice.
6. quentin’s experiences with the monster - almost everything that happens to quentin on the magicians is some degree of traumatizing, but being constantly tormented by an evil demigod wearing the body of your ex-boyfriend who keeps murdering people partly (after 4x05 at least) because you decided you wanted to take on the absolute inevitability of further carnage for the extremely slim chance of somehow saving your rex-boyfriend - that really takes it to the next level, and we can see that this is true in his affect, in the way quentin in season 4 just totally shuts down, in his reckless behavior and even lower instinct for self-preservation.
7. quentin’s experiences on the quest - i’ve said this before, but if you watch season 3 from the mosaic episode on with a focus on tracking quentin’s inner state, the show becomes a grim story of a guy who came face to face with his depression and never really recovered. that’s... a lot, on its own. it’s more when you consider the fact that as far as he knows, he only survived his initial encounter with the depression monster by, uh, fulfilling its darkest ideas about himself, i.e. passing on his pain to someone else (benedict) who died because quentin wasn’t strong enough to handle his shit on his own. that’s not my read of that episode, but i honestly feel like if quentin ever has 5 seconds to think about it that’s gotta be how he feels about it, right? and you can see briefly in season 3 how his anxiety starts ratcheting up about his sense of responsibility towards others on the quest once penny and benedict are both dead. and there’s also the whole thing about how the quest wants him to be cold, which as i have said 9 million times is a very sad thing for him to believe that he never gets to unlearn! all culminating in his decision to stay at blackspire, which —
8. quentin’s hero thing - of all the really baffling choices the show makes, one that i keep coming back to is how they told quite beautifully the story of quentin letting go of his desire to be a hero, culminating in handing alice the leo blade (or... whatever i’m not gonna fact check that. you know what the fuck i mean), and then they uhhhh. i don’t even know what to call it. walked it back? decided he hadn’t actually learned that in a generally applicable way? the season 2 finale is interesting because he does A Hero Thing (stabs a god with a sword), but it happens very unglamorously and feels very much like a decision born out of necessity, but then it leads to magic ending, so... i don’t know what to do with that. but his decision to stay at blackspire is... clearly quentin wanting to be a hero! like, he’s managed to step away from the idea of heroic glory, but veered over instead to heroic martyrdom, which is not really... better. and which eliot saves him from (See Below), only for him to... double down on it a season later by sacrificing his life for real. all of which is A Lot, not even getting into the fact that, like, at some point he’s gotta come up with some justification for being alive other than this, and the show strongly suggests he... hasn’t, yet.
9. yeah, like, eliot? - HOO boy. listen. the act of turning quentin down in and of itself is not morally wrong. if eliot sincerely hadn’t wanted a relationship with quentin after the mosaic, that would be his right, and his rejection doesn’t become a crime just because we know that it actually came from his own issues. i also honestly think eliot thought in the moment that he was shutting this down for the good of both of them and as kindly as he could. he was very wrong about this, but that’s my take. HOWEVER. there are a lot of reasons you can read that conversation in 4x05 as being unintentionally crafted to be particularly hurtful to quentin specifically, the biggest and most obvious one being, uh, “fifty years that were real for you were not real for me” (hurtful in any case but particularly for someone like quentin who has such a sense that one of his problems is he Cares Too Much), and my personal favorite being that the logical implication of “that’s not you,” for quentin, is “the version of yourself that learned to be content with your life as it happened to unfold is not real.” excruciating to hear those things, while also trying to figure out how to emotionally process the memories of a dead wife you never married and a son that was never born! extra excruciating to then have the person who told you “you didn’t matter enough to me to take a chance on” shoot a god because apparently you do matter enough for him to override your life choices, and then get possessed. one of my favorite moments in 4x05 is when quentin tells alice “i loved you, and you couldn’t trust that,” because it’s clearly in there to draw a parallel to the throne room scene for Writing Points, but it’s so wildly inapplicable to any of their 900 break-ups (right before blackspire SHE was the one saying “i know i don’t always seem like it but you’re the one i love”!), that the only plausible in-universe reading of it is that quentin has been stewing miserably on the eliot thing this entire time, only now he can’t even be properly mad at eliot because eliot is possessed by a demigod, so he’s just projecting onto the nearest available screen. i’m obsessed with that. it’s horrible and very sexy and Needs To Be Unpacked
10. see, like all the way down here at the bottom we get to quentin’s mom - idk, his mom is a very critical person (i don’t love using the word “critical” because it often gets used misogynistically but it is the only personality trait we really have for her) who never seems to contact or wonder about her adult son with a longterm history of mental illness, who certainly doesn’t seem to have the same skepticism his father has about the brakebills cover story that he’s studying finance, and who unlike his father is not mentioned when quentin recounts his first hospitalization. like, that can’t be great for him, right? that can’t have nothing to do with him being the way he is. for most people that would rank as a pretty major thing to process. but compared to everything else on the list? idk, man!
that’s... i mean this is not so much my thinking for fic-related reasons, this is just me lying down and trying to get out all my screaming about quentin coldwater, which i honestly feel like is still missing some things. like i kinda think he has not gotten over being an unpopular nerd for what is chronologically still most of his life??? i feel like he has some weird stuff around sex which explains why his reaction to poppy macking on him is basically “i guess this is happening now” which is not, like, an ideal relationship or lack thereof to have with your own body? he doesn’t have a single close friend who does not play a major role in his psychosexual development, and he has no male friends he’s never slept with. i couldn’t even go down the road of residual guilt over being the guy who got magic turned off and therefore in his brain probably responsible for everything that happened after that. the dude’s a mess!!!!!!!!!! i love him more than anything on this stupid earth but his mind is a fucking horrorshow!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
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A/N: Okie dokie so as promised, you all shall be graced with pieces involving Headcanon 8, which you can find right over here. This one is the fluff version, so I’m very sorry to you angst-lovers out there, but you will have to wait a little.
Warnings: It’s disgusting. That’s it.
Sunset. Pale light that once illuminated the city blended into sharper orange and red hues, with the undertone of purple that led into nighttime. Maul was in the throne room, forced to listen to the droning of his underlings as he yearned for your touch. But you were nowhere to be found, still in your office finishing correspondence with crime lords and the like.
You set down your data pad, finally rid of your work for the day. The office was spacious, with a large window overlooking the city skyline. When Maul wasn’t in the throne room, he’d sit at his desk across from you, working in between the occasional note pass.
You smiled to yourself and stepped over to his desk. It was considerably messier than yours, with data tapes and Holodiscs scattered about the surface, some having been labeled, but most not. His habit of leaving drawers open carelessly carried over here as well, with the sides of the desk left uneven, most likely a result of him rushing out of the office in a hurry earlier. Shaking your head, you bent down and began closing them one by one, various items filling almost each one to the top. But it was the top right drawer that gave you pause. It was empty, save for a small black nondescript book and a pen.
It was archaic, actual writing materials being a rarity in this day and age. But you did remember it. On days when you weren’t working, you’d sometimes find him in here with the book, scribbling away intensely, concentrating on whatever it was he had chosen to dictate. Everytime you entered the room or he saw you in the doorway, he’d quickly shut the book and shove it back into its drawer. Of course, you’d always been curious, but being alone with it now, the temptation to look at whatever was so important to him was more than overwhelming. Most likely, he was writing notes about his rule here or information regarding future strategies should the need arise. Still, you wanted to be sure.
Pulling the book from its place, you felt the leather cover, the binding fraying indicating that it was relatively old. You took one last glance at the doorway, making sure he wasn’t on his way back. Once you knew you’d have time, you unwrapped the strip of leather that kept the book closed and opened to the first page. The first date written was so long ago, but it was one you recognized. The day you met him.
How could this happen? I’ve been taught by my master since childhood of the dangers of being reliant. I would have thought I’d have understood it by now. But those eyes… her eyes… I can’t stop picturing them in my mind. She looked at me with such kindness. No one has ever looked at me with such pure emotion. How do I see her again, if only to be looked at like that one last time?
Your hand raised to cover your mouth. It couldn’t be. You flipped further through the book, finding an entry years from that date.
How did she find me? How? Why? I failed, and yet… she still returned for me. Even now I can hear her voice in my head. I hear her singing as she did once. Maybe she will again if I ask.
The words swirled around in your head as you read. Everything he had never said was written in this book, his heart pouring every emotion he couldn’t express into these confessions. Every single day had its own entry, some longer than others, all written in careful blocky handwriting that vaguely resembled the tattoos on his skin. You couldn’t help but run your fingers over the pages, as if their touch transferred his feelings into you somehow.
You searched further, finding the date he had taken over Mandalore.
My queen reminded me of my purpose. I lose focus, acting on instinct instead of strategy. It serves me well in battle, but I must keep my head if I want the Syndicate leaders to remain in check. I told her this, and she held my face. She said, “They don’t follow you because you’ve conquered this planet. They follow you because you’re a powerful leader. You always forget that.” Her hand was cold in comparison to me, but I’ve never felt a warmer touch. I would conquer thousands of planets, lead millions of men to battle, if it meant she would keep touching me that way.
Your heart raced, your face flushing a deeper red than the sky’s. Reading the entries was addicting, your heart wanting to read more and more of his thoughts about you. The most recent paragraph was written the day prior, the ink fresher than the other pages.
I can’t seem to get away from work. Every time I believe I’m finished, something else stands in my way. I miss her eyes, her touch. I miss her. When I’m not busy, it’s her that is. Once, we were able to spend both days and nights together, not even a meter apart for hours on end. Now all we have are nights. I lay beside her restlessly, counting each second I’m near her, dreading the moments the stars burn out and dawn approaches. I’ve always lived in darkness, but times like these, the darkness is all I desire, for it is all I have until she’s pulled away once more. I can’t hear her laugh as often and her hands always seem so out of reach. Give her back to me.
“Curious?” A voice from the doorway shocked you, and you snapped your head up to see Maul leaning against the wall, arms crossed against his chest. “I didn’t think you’d really look.”
“Maul, I-” You closed the book and stood up, not sure where to go from there. “I didn’t mean to intrude… Or well… I really didn’t see much, but-”
He put a hand up, shaking his head, “I… knew you’d see it.” Metallic legs clicked on the floor as he walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder to gently lower you back down onto the chair. He knelt in front of you, looking up to meet your eyes. “I’ve had it for much longer than I’d like to admit.”
You frowned slightly, cocking your head. “Why do you do this? What purpose does it serve?”
Sighing, he lowered his head as he tapped on the arms of the metal desk chair, as if he were a guilty child caught in a lie. “My emotions are not… the easiest things to process. As much as the Sith campaign for emotions giving you strength, the extent of that only reaches as far as anger and hatred. Anything beyond that is… difficult. As I write, I can remember everything I’ve felt, down to the most minute detail, and put into words what I find I can’t say to you. I don’t know if it's out of fear or concern for this future, but…” He trailed off, uncertainty taking hold of his voice.
“I’ve never had doubts about us,” you offered, smiling at him. He looked back up at you, his apprehension morphing to surprise. “You’ve always been with me, through every hardship that’s been thrown at us. What I saw in that book, surprised as I was to read it, they were things that I already knew.” You watched his face, the markings covering his skin as easy to read as the book he kept, like words of their own that changed with every emotion he felt.
He leaned closer to you, soft lips meeting your own, placing his hand on your cheek and another on your knee. You sighed into his touch, tension melting away almost at once. When he pulled away, he moved down, placing kisses all over the side of your neck.“I do know one thing as well,” he said, breath stroking your sensitive skin. “I’m in love with you, my Starlight. I’m so in love with you.”
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
ardent admiration (ezra x reader)
Title: ardent admiration  Rating: R-ish (allusions to sexual content) Ship: Ezra x Reader Summary: Continuation of ‘next rotation’ reader and Ezra navigate the trials of pregnancy in the face of Ezra’s doubts. Contents: Pregnant!Reader, Angst, Light Sexual Content, Anxious Daddy!Ezra, FLUFF.  Notes: This fic is dedicated to @grapemama​ who has some of the best daddy!Ezra headcanons. I also dedicate this to @rzrcrst​ who is like so sweet and so kind and HAVE YOU READ HER FICS!? forever nervous about my dialogue for our dork Ezra *jazz hands* I’m going to bed now, I have an early call time on set tomorrow so GOODNIGHT ENJOY ILY ALL. 
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It wasn’t obvious at first. He was subtle enough about the comments. He let them sit untouched between you for enough time — before picking them back up again with a quiet uncertainty that made something ache deep within you. For all of his cocksure attitude, he’s scared shitless about being a father. 
“You know, I’ve often dwelled upon philosophical matters. Though not my preferred educational endeavor.” He dragged his hand over his face as he rocked from his heels to his toes and back again. “Do you think it’s fair that one who has committed heinous crimes — struck down life in its prime — that one such person should be allowed the joie de vivre of bringing life into this cruel, cruel world?”
“I think it depends.” You answered honestly, because you’re not a fool. This isn’t a grand philosophical debate he’s angling for. He’s thinking of himself. His own past. The future that grows more evident in your stomach with each passing day. 
“What does it depend upon, little bird?”
You offer a soft smile, “If you regret the choices you've made.”
“Ah,” He pursed his lips thoughtfully and nodded slowly with a distant look he fixed on you. “What a shame then, that I don’t regret the dishonourable path that led me to you.”
— — — — — — — —
It was days before the subject was broached again. This time, it wasn’t words that brought it into focus once more. It’s revisited in the reverent way he stroked his hand over your swollen stomach when he thought you were sound asleep. The murmured words that are meant for only him and your unborn child. Secrets that they shared in these precious moments between a father and his child. 
You slide your fingers through his perpetually mussed hair, gently brushing your fingertips over his temple. “You deserve this, Ezra. You deserve this and so much more.” He’s a good man. Better than he gave himself credit for. 
“We shall just have to agree to disagree, little birdie.” He drawled out, stirred from his reverie. Ezra shifted to press his face into the crook of your neck, his lips trailing up the column of your throat. “Sleep.” He murmured. 
His hand never strayed from your stomach as he drifted back into the lull of peaceful sleep. 
Ezra was insistent that the pair of you visit Cee. She had settled on an interplanetary satellite station high above the planet Arbuta. It was safe there — a good place to consider a temporary home until he found a suitable place to call your permanent residence.
She was thrilled for both of you. For everything that had happened between Cee and Ezra, she was remarkably understanding. You hope, deep down, that her joy is the infectious type. You hope that it’s enough to force Ezra to see past the melancholy that had taken up residence in him. 
It was, for a few weeks. 
“We have to go.”
“Hmm?” You murmured, drowsily coming to. Ezra was frantic as he paced back and forth across your small quarters as he plucked up personal items and shoved them carelessly into your duffle bags. 
“Wake up. We have to leave.” 
“Ezra, what’s wrong?” You questioned as your bare feet touched the ground. You approached him, your fingers curling around his upper arm as you urged him to slow down. 
“I…” For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. He floundered, gaze turned downwards with shame. “I believe I’ve entertained you with tales from just before my life irrevocably changed when I met Cee.”
You frowned. He had. You loved to regale you with stories of us misadventures. He had led a far more exciting existence than you had. “Your old crew?”
“Indeed.” He nodded stiffly. “You see, it was me that caused that little kerfuffle. I was greedy about the harvest. I endeavored to gain quite the profit off that job.” He leaned into your touch as you cupped his cheek. “They’re here. Two of them.”
“What does that mean?” You questioned, meeting his gaze. “Why do we have to leave?”
“Because,” Ezra sighed heavily. “I am afraid that they will retaliate. Time may have passed, but men like that hold onto grudges with a vice-like grip.” He looked down between you, his hand trailing over your curved stomach. “I refuse to let anything happen to either of you, on account of my past deeds.”
Your lips parted to answer him, but a faint flutter within your belly caught you off guard. A kick! “Did you feel that?” You whispered, pressing your hand over his as you guided it directly to the spot where the baby was kicking. It was the strangest sensation — a faint flutter, the tiny press of a foot. A new reminder of the life growing within you.
Ezra was beside himself. The worry and the fear that had weighed heavily on his weary expression had vanished. You swore that the joy that washed over his features took ten years off of him. He sank to his knees before you and pressed his lips against the swell of your stomach. “I’m going to take care of you, little one. Your papa is here. I’m going to protect you.” 
You ran your fingers through his hair as you looked down at him. Had you ever been more in love with him, than you were in that moment? His joy warmed every corner of your soul. You just wished he could hold onto that. 
— — — — — — — —
Some nights you couldn’t sleep. You were exhausted, but perpetually unable to find comfort — no matter what you tried. It was a familiar occurrence now. The way he would draw you back against his chest and curl himself around you as you propped a book up against your stomach to idly read through whatever book he had abandoned by your bedside. No matter how exhausted he was, he always stayed awake with you, his chin perched on your shoulder as he read along with you. 
He would always play his restless fingers through your hair, trying to lull you back to sleep. With the occasional success. 
“Do you regret it?” Ezra whispered as he pressed his lips against your shoulder. 
“Regret what?” You questioned, dampening your thumb with the tip of your tongue, before you turned the page. 
You tensed, despite yourself. You closed the book slowly and sat it aside on the bedside table. “Do I seem like I regret you?” You questioned, turning your head enough to look at him with a frown. 
“No, little bird.” He shook his head, before he pressed his forehead against your shoulder with a frustrated groan. “I am sorry for my most frequent caviling.” He murmured. 
“Don’t apologize.” You turned in his arms, as best you could in your current state. You cupped his cheek, tracing your thumb over the scar. “But I want to help you overcome this, Ezra. Wherever your mind goes…” 
Ezra sighed dramatically and turned to kiss your palm. “I should be caring for you, not worrying you with these bouts of melancholia.” 
“I don’t mind.” You promised him, trailing your thumb over his lips. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“We make an odd pair, you and I.” Ezra started, kissing your thumb. “I am a fair few years your senior, little bird. I have seen the way that eyebrows rise when that realization arises.”
“I don’t care what people think.” You snapped. 
“Nor do I.” He chuckled. “I am merely making an observation about our partnership.” Ezra pressed another kiss to the center of your palm. “I often fear that the ghosts of my past might come and take up residence in you. Erode at the future that you will have when I am gone.”
“It is the simple truth of our situation.” He drawled out with a shake of his head. He made such a morbid topic sound like a conversation on the weather. “While I triumphantly overcame the effects of the pink, I am certain that it still lurks within my blood. Ready to prey upon me once more.” Ezra dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. “I’m afraid I’m not very good at a nugacious existence.”
“I don’t know what that means.” You admitted sheepishly. 
Ezra smiled faintly, “An insignificant existence.” He gestured vaguely. “I’ve spent thirty-odd years chasing the next harvest. I never had a chance to get too lost in my own thoughts.”
You tried, rather in vain, to refuse the tears that brimmed in your eyes. He had admitted to the one thing that you had feared all along. “Do you regret it?” You threw the question back at him, an edge of venom in your tone.
He clamped his lips shut tightly, his dark eyes fixed on your face. “Birdie—“
“Do you?” 
Ezra swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing at his throat. “No.”
“You don’t?” You questioned skeptically. 
“I regret that I am not a better man.” He admitted, his lips drawn into a thin line. “I am a worn, one-armed—“
“No.” You shook your head. “You never let me talk down about myself, I won’t let you do the same.” You took ahold of his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. “I don’t care what came before. Your choices were made because we live in a lawless world. I fell in love with you with my eyes wide open. I know who you are, Ezra. Perhaps better than you even know.”
“What do you mean, little bird?” He questioned, squeezing your hand tightly. 
“When I look at you, I don’t see the faults that you fixate on. Your limitations don’t stand out to me.” You carefully shifted to straddle his hips, keeping your fingers curled around his. “I see a man who radiates unsullied joy when his child kicks beneath his palm. I know that you would do anything for me and our baby — that’s all I could ever ask for.” You leaned down and kissed him softly. “You worry about being a better man, but you fail to realize that you’re already the best version of yourself.”
Ezra sniffed quietly, “I dare say you might rival my own ability to render emotions with mere words.” 
You laughed and shook your head slowly. “I just want these words to stick with you.” You pressed another soft kiss to his lips, letting it linger. 
“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
“How dare you quote Pride and Prejudice when I am frustrated with you.” You couldn’t help but grin down at him. 
“Would you like for me to soothe your frustrations?” He questioned with a wicked smirk that made your blood spike hotly. Ezra released his hold on your hand and moved to rest it at your hip. 
Your lashes fluttered and you rocked your hips slowly against him. “Only if you promise me one thing.” You whispered. 
He drew his knees up behind you as he sat up, keeping you seated firmly in his lap. “What’s that, birdie?”
“That you’ll try to remember that I love you.” You brushed your fingers through his tuft of blonde hair. “All of you. No matter what.”
“I can do that.” He promised. “I’ll try to be better, for both of you.” 
“Good.” You whispered, resting your hands on his shoulders for support as you rolled your hips. His cock had stirred to life beneath you, deliciously pressed against your most sensitive parts. 
Throughout your pregnancy, he had been so cognizant of your needs. On Arbuta he’d collected every book available on pregnancy and child-rearing. He’d read them all, forwards and backwards, a dozen times over.  He avoided your sensitive breasts — despite how fond he was of them. He curbed his own desires, in favor of whatever you needed. Selfless acts from a man who believed himself to be only selfish. 
You wished he could see himself through your eyes. 
Your breath caught in the back of your throat as you ground your hips downwards and your clit dragged over the fabric of your panties, caught against his erection. “Ezra.” 
He kissed you roughly, his tongue slipping past your lips. His kisses were always so thorough, he threw everything he had into them. His hand gripped tightly at your hip, guiding your movements against him. 
The closeness helped mend that fissure between you. It built a bridge to cross over your fears — the damage from the past.
— — — — — — — —
Ezra made good on his promise. He worked on expressing himself whenever his self-doubt overtook him. He treated finding a home for you like he treated every harvest. He studied every aspect of the choice. He refused to let the baby be born a floater, drifting somewhere high above it all. He wanted a home for the three of you. 
It wasn’t your forever home, but his research had identified a small mining community on the moon of Veshta2 to be the most sensible place to call home. It had an atmosphere that could sustain life without the need for a breathing apparatus and the miners rarely faced violence.
“I heard rumor that we may be faced with an unseasonably dry summer this year.” Ezra worried over breakfast. “I fear I hadn’t factored in the potential for climatological disaster.”
“I hadn’t realized a dry summer was considered a disaster.” You teased. “Despite your valiant attempts, Ezra, you can’t control everything.”
“I am, unfortunately, painfully aware of that.” He sulked. “But our little one will make their grand appearance during this drought.”
“Then we’ll visit Cee.” You offered him a patient smile. “I’m not worried about a drought.” 
“You should be.” He tutted and shook his head. “I’ll speak with the moisture farmers outside of town. They’ll be more prepared than we are.”
“Ezra.” You arched a brow at him. “I’d rather you stay home with me.”
“Birdie,” He mimicked the tone of your voice. “I would be most obliged to spend my entire day at your side, but I must make necessary preparations that you are not quite suited to at present.”
You sank back in your chair and admitted defeat. He needed a task — that was clear to you. He needed something to harness his obsessive tendencies into. “Why don’t we work on the nursery?” You suggested.
Ezra pitched forward, resting his elbow on the table. “I would like that.” He smiled broadly at you, the sort of smile that made you fall a little bit more in love with him. 
“I think the stars were a nice touch.” You whispered as you laid back on the floor, comfortably tucked against him. 
“When I was very young, my mother painted stars on the ceiling of my quarters on our ship.” Ezra mused quietly as his fingers trailing over your side. “She told me to count them when I fell asleep. To make wishes for the future on each one.”
Your heart clenched. Ezra had never really opened up about his childhood. He always listened when you discussed your own — but he had never joined in. “What did you wish for?”
He chuckled and squeezed your shoulder. “The foolish things all little boys wish for, little bird. I wanted to be a successful prospector. I wanted riches beyond reason.” Ezra turned and kissed your temple. “I have had a fair few wishes come true.”
You arched a brow, “Oh?”
“When Cee and I finally escaped that wretched planet, I looked up at the stars above us — quite certain, mind you, that I would not survive my injuries — and I wished for a second chance. Wished on each star that shone above that I could do things over. Fall in love. Have a family.” 
“How long—“
“I met you the very next day.” Ezra recalled with an adoring smile. “I think I knew.” 
You had briefly crossed paths with Ezra during your own recovery for a mild injury. He had entertained you greatly from the start — his verbose tendencies, his accent, that charm-your-pants-off demeanor. It wasn’t until months later that you ran into him halfway across the galaxy on a foolhardy harvest that you realized just how much you fancied him. 
From that point forward, you had hardly left his side. Despite his past, you had seen a future in him. 
“I hope you teach our baby to make those wishes too, Ezra.”
“I plan to.” He murmured as he kissed your lips, lifting his hand to cup your cheek. “I ought to be rather conciliatory for these past few months.” Ezra sighed. “I allowed myself to get lost in my own inadequacies. I hope I haven’t spoiled what should have been our most joyous season.”
“You haven’t,” You assured him, leaning into his touch. “You haven’t spoiled anything, Ezra.” 
“That comes as a much needed source of reassurance to my soul to know that little bird.” He drawled out as a grin spread over his lips. 
Ezra carefully repositioned you, grabbing a pillow from the nearby chair and propping it up beneath your head where his arm had been. “Wait here.” 
You sat up and watched him leave the nursery, your hand smoothing over your stomach as you pondered what he was up to. You were relieved that in these final months of your pregnancy, he had let go of his hesitations. He was still a work in progress, but so were you. 
“I know these things mean little anymore,” Ezra started as he returned to the nursery, with his hand tucked behind his back. “But I believe it is rather apparent that I am a gentleman of more refined, antiquated traditions.” He cleared his throat, before he knelt down before you. 
He cut you off, “Little bird, my love for you knows no bounds. I consorted every novel within my reach, searching for words to describe the depth to which my affections for you run. I came up empty-handed because there are no words to accurately portray it.” Ezra revealed his hand, a small platinum band resting at the center of his palm. “I am afraid this is but a meager offering. You deserve sparkling diamonds and glimmering gold—”
“It’s perfect.” You whispered, swallowing thickly as tears escaped your eyes. “Yes.” 
“Shh. Don’t spoil it for me.” He grinned. “Will you marry me?”
You nodded your head quickly and moved towards him, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your face into the crook of his neck. “Yes. A thousand times yes.” You pulled back enough to offer him your hand. The ring fit comfortably on your finger, like it was made just for you. 
“I love you.” He murmured, cupping your cheek with a tremulous grin. “Both of you.” 
“We love you too.” 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
May I get headcanons of Kenshin, Kennyo, Nobunaga, and Mitsuhide finding out MC is a widow? Back in feudal Japan it wasn’t permitted for widowed women to remarry, and it’s always interesting to see modern vs feudal culture clash. Love your stuff and happy belated Easter!
Hi, there love!Awwww you are such a sweetie pie, thank you so much for you kind words!  (✿◠‿◠) Thank you so much for the request and sorry for taking sooooo long to get to it! Hope you enjoy it dear and I hope you are staying safe and well! <3
Headcanon: Widow MC feat: Kenshin, Kennyo, Nobunaga, and Mitsuhide
Kenshin was ready to take the next step in your relationship
He loved you to bits, a well-known fact among the castle and its people
But this boi wanted to make thing official
Not many knew your secret
You had been married in the past to a wonderful man, who died early on in your marriage
You had loved your husband, and it took a whole lot of healing and time to get to the place where you are now
It was actually a bonding factor between you and Kenshin, the loss of a loved one
The two of you healed and worked through the grief together, Kenshin was always there to wipe away your tears and you were always there to chase away his demons
Kenshin lead you to a flower field one day and in the middle of the vast field filled with beautiful wildflowers a bunny hopped up to you.
As you crouched down to pet the cutie you noticed a ribbon tied around it front paw with something attached to it
You removed it and examined the ring, your eyes lit up, it was so beautiful
You held it out to show Kenshin who then smiled the most radiant smile at you while getting down on one knee
“My dearest little bunny, I know that we have both been hurt in the past, you have helped me heal and grow into a better person. You have made me happier than any war, pickled plums or sake ever could. Will you, please do me the honour of becoming my beautiful wife.”
You crouched down and hugged him peppering his face with kisses
That night Shingen confronted Kenshin about intending to marry a widowed woman. Shingen too adored you but the law strictly stated that a widowed woman was forbidden to remarry.
You had told Kenshin that in the future everything changed, and that woman had way more rights, one of which stated that they were in fact allowed to remarry, based on that sole fact Kenshin totally disregarded the rules.
He had lost the woman he loved before and he sure as hell wasn’t going to lose he now
Shingen being the only other person who that knew your secret, took it to the grave with him. 
It was far more important to see his 2 dearest friends happy
Nobunaga found out pretty early on in your relationship
Like the first day, he called you to his room to try, and “Romance you.” ¬‿¬
As you were showing him all the proof that you were from the future, a picture of your husband dropped out of your wallet
He looked at it and waved it around “What is this fireball? are you a secret witch trapping the souls of men in the slither of paper.”  (゚∀゚)
You legit broke out laughing “No that’s called a photograph, now give it back its got sentimental value.” 
You had to explain the concept of photography to him, and after, you explained that the man in the picture used to be your husband before he passed away.
“well that a pity and here I thought I would be able to take you as my wife”  he said with the most teasing smirk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“And why can’t you exactly, not that I want to be married to you or anything, but just out of curiosity.”  (ー_ー)!!
He then went on to explain to you that in the past widowed woman were forbidden to remarry. Your eyes went wide. “Well that’s some patriarchal bullshit if I’ve ever heard any”
You then told him all about the future. The two of you spent the whole night chatting and discussing cultural differences between then and now
Flash forward to present day
Nobunaga loves his little fireball so freaken much, he decides to hell with the rules he wants to marry you and that’s that
He is determined to make you his wife.
You are the only woman who he deems worthy to rule by his side as his equal, as his queen
He proposes to you and you legit break out laughing “What happened to not being able to make me your wife.” 乁( ⏒ ͜ʖ ⏒ )ㄏ
He just pouted at your teasings
He then pulled you into his arms and kissed you, when he pulled away, he looked at you with pleasing eyes.
You gave him the biggest brightened smile and gave him a small kiss on the lips whispering that you would love nothing more than to marry him  (✿◠‿◠)
Oh how Mitsuhide loved you
You were his sun moon, stars, in fact, you were his whole universe
He sometimes tries to think back to life without you and just can’t picture it
The two of you have been playing pretend pretend fiances for a while now; however, sneki boi wanted to make it official
He had his group of spies bring Sasuke to his room for some friendly conversation, the meme lord, was super surprise when the kitsune had called him to his manor for advice on how to proposal and marriage traditions of the future
Mitshide hit the markets after his conversation with the friendly neighbourhood ninja, in search of the most perfect engagement ring for his most perfect little mouse  (✿◠‿◠)
All while this was unfolding you were busy having tea with some of your friends
You were surprised at the theme of the day’s gossip- you guessed it, widowed woman. You sat there in silence sipping on your tea not wanting to add anything to the conversation 
They gossiped about one of the younger maids who now was a widow, they spoke about her with pity and sadness. That’s when you found out that in this time period widowed women were not allowed to remarry
You head was in the clouds the rest of the day, you had told no one in this time period of your deceased husband
That night as you and Mitsu had settled into the futon, he held you in his arms while gently caressing your back with his fingertips
He kissed your nose and said that he wanted to ask you something
You looked up at him with big doe eyes
“Little mouse, I have already caught you in my arms never intending to let you go, however, I feel that its only right that I give you one more chance to escape the foxes den, my dearest little mouse will you marry me.”
He looked into your eyes and saw the emotions swirling around, fear, anxiety, and shame. “What is the matter, my dear little one.”
You burst out crying telling him all about your previous husband and the abusive marriage that you were in. You told him that you had also heard from the maids that she could not remarry ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
He kissed away your tears and nuzzled into your neck
“The real question my love is, whether or not you would like to marry me.”
You looked at him in shock and gave a small nod “Then we shall be married.”
You gave him the biggest brightest smile and kissed him
Mitsuhide didn’t care for rules or traditions all he knew was that he loves the little mouse in his arms and if she wanted to be with him then he would hold her tight and never let her go
One night while the two of you were snuggled up together next to the nice warm fireplace the topic of marriage came up
The two of you had been in a relationship for a while now, and Kennyo was crazy in love with you
You had pulled him out of the depths of hell back into the sunlight
You were a bit fidgety when the topic got brought up
Kennyo lifted your chin gently to look into your eyes
He could see something was troubling you
“Tell me what it is that is that is troubling you, my little flower, do you not want to get married one day.”
He gave you a soft tender gaze encouraging you to share with him the secret that is now haunting you
You told him about your previous marriage and that it had been a loveless arranged marriage. Your husband had passed a few years after you were married and you were now a widow 
You also told him that you had heard from the fellow monks that it was forbidden for a widowed woman to remarry
Kennyo tightened his grip on you enveloping you in the biggest warmest bear hug
The two of you spoke about the cultural differences of his time and yours.
Kennyo was already a disgraced monk, a monster, so to say he didn’t give a shit about some random laws would be an understatement. 
He took some small dainty flowers from the flower vase behind the two of you and weaved it into a ring. 
He then asked you to marry him “I know this is not much but one day when both of us is ready. I will buy you a real engagement ring.”
You smile and let him slip the ring on your ring finger
He then gave your hand a tender kiss where he has slipped on the ring
The two of you cuties spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms snuggled up in front of the fireplace
 I hope you enjoyed it, love! <3🔥
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