#and some i wanna rework digitally
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The fucking thangs....
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tofupixel · 2 months
Hello! First i wanna say i love you color work! Second i was wondering if you could help me with finding a term//resources. i'm a digital artist and i'm aware of using like thick brushes to block out silhouettes but i cant exactly grasp the method of Blocking colors > Refine> Details...
Is there a name for this method(so i can find sources better) or maybe a tutorial you could point me instead.(a gold mine would be work process things! but no pressure! )
Thank you for you time and for always being kind to n00bs like me -^.^-
I call it blob method............. But I don't know if there is a real name for it- honestly most of the time i see it done in painting. If you watch oil painters they sometimes work the same way (keeping the whole painting wet means they can rework and refine things endlessly until it dries - similar to digital). Search 'alla prima', wet on wet
Heres a sinix video that works kinda similarly to how I do (first part not so useful)
Sometimes I do use a line sketch, mostly when working with more rigid forms like humans or buildings, then I think the skeleton is more important.
But you don't have to do something if it really doesn't work for you. I spent years trying to force myself into something I wasn't !!
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Here's some gif timelapses of my process so you can see. You can download them and look slower if you want. Hopefully they help
But I think my process is just a result of not getting it right the first time around and I just keep working on it lol
good luck 💕👍
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mistakenot4892 · 3 months
Nebula vedlbog June '24
This devblog has been crossposted from cohost.
Hello, hello. This one's a bit late because there were a few bits and pieces pending merge. As a bonus, I moved back to Linux from Windows this month after Win10 pushed Copilot once too often, so that has taken up a bit of my time and effort. My workflow is a bit horrifying, but so far works well enough to be getting on with. Now if I could get Vulkan to stop crashing when I play Warframe...
Nebula SS13 is an open source project based on the Baystation 12 version of Space Station 13. SS13 is a topdown multiplayer simulation game where you play the crew of a ship, station, colony, etc. depending on your fork and map, with the Nebula and Bay forks having a focus on roleplaying and simulation interactions.
Notable changes
Melting has been disabled on dev due to the UX impacts of having all your clothes melt off if you step onto a fire for a few seconds.
Drakes have been merged! Big stupid lizards are now live on the dev branch. This has come along with stance and dexterity refactors to support non-human behaviors.
Bows have been reworked to have slightly nicer UX and to support multiple ammo types. Crossbows, regular bows and slings are now available in the crafting menu.
Penny has been busily moving all of the SS13-specific game modes into modpacks, to allow them to be dropped from maps where they wouldn't make sense. While it would be funny for a meteor storm to land on Shaded Hills, it probably wouldn't be a lot of fun to play through. A nuclear mercenary ship landing on Middle-Earth might be more fun.
A swathe of fixes to the atmospherics system have been authored by NataKillar, and should help resolve some of the weird edge cases that have been cropping up during testing.
We have finally, FINALLY removed /carbon from the /human mobtype. This means that the majority of life code like breathing or equipment handling are available to all /mob/living subtypes, not just humans (and diona nymphs). It also basically guarantees all map or code ports involving humans will need extra work, but them's the breaks.
We have replaced /datum/dna with a new mob_snapshot datum, generated on demand. This was a big job due to how entangled DNA was with mob code, and cleaning up like this allows for us more flexibility when implementing new things like a reworked changeling or new genetic conditions/superpowers.
I finished dismantling /under, which is a minor victory. Originally this was going to support adding a lower body/pants equipment slot, but in practice with accessory stacking the pants slot seems like unnecessary complexity; maybe something to consider down the track(pants).
Shaded Hills has had quite a lot of work done, most recently adding beggar knights and shrine attendants to the job roster. We are down to 6 items on the Shaded Hills MVP list, one of which is lobby art, which I have been putting off for something like four successive weekends.
Penny directed me through some adventures in updating the scripts we use for running headless Linux servers to support BYOND 515. I am still not sure where she finds the information, other than some kind of communion with nightmare gods.
Just recently I added a bunch of skeleton icons for kobolds, tajara and drakes, mainly to support zombies and skellymans downstream.
Bugs of note
We have an annoying issue on ScavStation where some quirk of the server scripts and the Linux setup is resulting in a round end looping the round end sound effects and warning message until the server finishes rebuild and restarts. It's not great to get bombarded with 50 YOU WANNA PUT A BANGING DONK ON IT out of nowhere.
Until a recent dexteruty tweak, drakes were fully capable of cocking aiming and firing a combat shotgun using nothing but their mouths. They could also arm grenades and perform surgery with scalpels. Thankfully they have been nerfed before they could seize power.
Current priorities
With the PR list in single digits, I'd like to take the opportunity to work through our backlog of fiddly issues. Getting that down to zero (or at least getting through some of the old issues and any new dev issues) would be nice.
r5 has been merged to stable, and r6 will be staged soon. One of the big remaining PRs is a flooring rewrite that I have been working on off and on for months. It's now blocking the next staging period, so hopefully that will put some pressure on me to finish it.
Just recently, the Shaded Hills map and the fantasy modpack have been spun into a fork server called Pyrelight. A lot of the content I'd like to make using the Shaded Hills map and Neb systems is a bit too magicy-fantasy for Neb main, so I'm going to point it at this fork.
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solar-tl-27 · 1 year
What purpose do the pixies serve in your winx club? And do they bond for life to their fairy or do they form multiple bonds with multiple fairies? Thank You!
Their main purpose is like companionship to the winx.
I’m still working on the redesigns and i want to incorporate some pop pixie stuff aswell but their main purpose is like comfort characters to the winx.
The pixies aren’t stuck to one person they are allowed to hang with whoever they want for example Lockette is more attached to sky compared to bloom but still mostly hangs around bloom.
I made them around the size of a hand when standing so they are pretty small. And i wanna keep them more childish to serve as a little mascot to the winx
They will get little hijinks and i will be swapping and changing some stuff here and there so they fit more with my version of the winx aswell
Currently working on digit who i will be keeping a boy since his rework for pop pixie to diverse the group a little more i still have a bunch of them to go before i can post but they are on their way!
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caltropspress · 10 months
RAPS + CRAFTS #19: AJ Suede
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1. Introduce yourself. Past projects? Current projects?
Suede God. Do your homework on my double digits of projects. 
2. Where do you write? Do you have a routine time you write? Do you discipline yourself, or just let the words come when they will? Do you typically write on a daily basis?
I write any and everywhere when inspiration strikes. I get some of my best work done on public transportation. In the past, I've written my best hooks on the drives to and from jobs. Nowadays, it’s more about atmosphere than location.
3. What’s your medium—pen and paper, laptop, on your phone? Or do you compose a verse in your head and keep it there until it’s time to record?
Notes pad but not limited to that. If I could, I’d do the Jay-Z thing and memorize bar-for-bar, but at this point I just write everything down so I don’t forget.
4. Do you write in bars, or is it more disorganized than that?
I write in ways that are more like mathematical equations. Time signatures, iambic pentameter, and rhyme schemes I vaguely remember from smoking before my 10th grade English class in the Shakespeare unit. That mixed with the fundamentals. It’s all math. 
5. How long into writing a verse or a song do you know it’s not working out the way you had in mind? Do you trash the material forever, or do you keep the discarded material to be reworked later?
Complicated question because even the “bad” stuff can be repurposed when it’s in season. Some of the bars might not flow because of time and place, but that’s always subject to change and vice versa.
6. Have you engaged with any other type of writing, whether presently or in the past? Fiction? Poetry? Playwriting? If so, how has that mode influenced your songwriting?
There are things that I want to do, but I don’t wanna say preemptively. I’d rather show if I end up being serious about it.
7. How much editing do you do after initially writing a verse/song? Do you labor over verses, working on them over a long period of time, or do you start and finish a piece in a quick burst?
I don’t often edit verses, but the longest part of all the album processes are the mix and master. Especially for the self-produced projects.
8. Do you write to a beat, or do you adjust and tweak lyrics to fit a beat?
There’s no right answer. Every song and beat combination requires different things. I do prefer to write to a beat 90% of the time, but sometimes you unlock new pockets when you write in silence and puzzle piece it together.
9. What dictates the direction of your lyrics? Are you led by an idea or topic you have in mind beforehand? Is it stream-of-consciousness? Is what you come up with determined by the constraint of the rhymes?
No comment. Can’t demystify the whole process.
10. Do you like to experiment with different forms and rhyme schemes, or do you keep your bars free and flexible?
Anything goes based on what the beat demands. I like to be like water; my style is similar to Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. It’s a mixture of all the fundamentals, but I assume formlessness based on the musical situation. The stronger the foundation, the more flows and schemes you have access to. It’s just a matter of where and when each style is going to present itself.
11. What’s a verse you’re particularly proud of, one where you met the vision for what you desire to do with your lyrics?
I love all my kids, but always proud of the verse that I haven’t written yet. That will be the best one every time.
12. Can you pick a favorite bar of yours and describe the genesis of it?
I wholeheartedly wish I could. I’ll leave that to the people.
13. Do you feel strongly one way or another about punch-ins? Will you whittle a bar down in order to account for breath control, or are you comfortable punching-in so you don’t have to sacrifice any words?
Yes, I do feel strongly about punch-ins. I will restart a whole verse before I allow myself to punch-in. I can always hear the punch-in, even on other artists' songs. If you have to punch-in a million times, your live show is going to be a disaster. Punch-in artists often perform with their vocals playing over the instrumental. A real lack of breath control. If you’re doing it from an artistic standpoint, call-and-response etc., I understand. 
14. What non-hiphop material do you turn to for inspiration? What non-music has influenced your work recently?
I would be here all day. I love a lot of music.
15. Writers are often saddled with self-doubt. Do you struggle to like your own shit, or does it all sound dope to you?
I’ve spent less time with self-doubt than most others, but it is a very natural feeling. I believe in what I can do and I’m validated by most of our favorite rappers, so I know I’m dope.
16. Who’s a rapper you listen to with such a distinguishable style that you need to resist the urge to imitate them?
ABSOLUTELY NOBODY. We all start off similar in one way or another from childhood influences, but I been in the game a long enough time that my rap DNA is 100% my own.
17. Do you have an agenda as an artist? Are there overarching concerns you want to communicate to the listener?
I just want to make the best music and let that speak for itself. I don’t have any concerns in the rap world. I just want to make a living off the music and take care of my own. 
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RAPS + CRAFTS is a series of questions posed to rappers about their craft and process. It is designed to give respect and credit to their engagement with the art of songwriting. The format is inspired, in part, by Rob McLennan’s 12 or 20 interview series.
Photo credit: unknown (hit me up)
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stranger011105 · 6 months
My Stories
So, I'm working on a bunch of different stories (very cool). I always have worlds in the works, because my brain is overactive and I would die if I stopped. This is going to be a list of some of these, which you punks can look forwards to me posting about!
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The Grounded Circus is a 4-part story following a proper timeline. There's murder and ghosts, there's circuses and clowns, and, later on, there is animatronics and rediscovery of a buried past. Something super fun and cool with this, is that it was actually developed after a FNAF Sister Location roleplay I did on Roblox.
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Junction is a giant anarchical city-state nation. The center is a dense metropolis, built on top of itself, in a world of strange creatures, amazing technology, magic, and many other aspects. Beneath this incomprehensibly large city is the Pipeworks, a confusing semi-biological sewer system of darkness and nightmares, where few dare to go. This was developed off of reoccurring locations in my dreams.
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Strangeverse (a play on the word Metaverse) is a story based on a newly discovered facet of the Internet. Digital Entities, or Entities, roam around, with varying levels of intelligence, and different objectives. Humans only recently became aware of this digital landscape, and are learning how to interface with this strange new discovery that evolved off of the digital world. I came up with this to actually explain what Stranger, my main sona online, is.
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My Steven Universe AU, which has yet to adopt a better moniker, is a rewriting and rethinking of the science and psychology behind the Gempire. With explanations as to their society, a rethinking on the Diamonds, their technology, and many other facets, it's a huge rework of the entire narrative and universe. This was created because I actually wanted to rewrite just Sunstone initially. It ended up expanding out into other stories to explore other aspects, finally resulting in this whole remake, which I wish to share.
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Ade Black is a story about a human in a world of monsters disguised as humans, who try to mesh with society. They make a deal with an entity, and try to mesh with monster society, which the entity alerted them to the existence of. But Ade is only a pawn in something much bigger, and becomes the catalyst for tons of destruction and disaster, which ravages both worlds. This is a character cannibalized from a roleplay I was in, called City of Palidia.
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Reverse Horror takes place in a universe that is twisted, where everything is horrifying and monstrous. It follows five friends, who are simply hanging out, until strange sightings start. Two-legged creatures, all looking very similar, are changing their people into them. I made this in wanting to reverse the standard horror narrative.
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Maid Kingdoms is about a feudal society with minor gods and powerful beasts roaming the land. In this universe, a Maid is not strictly a servant who cleans the house, but a specialized servant. There are Battle Maids, Chef Maids, Gardener Maids, etc. It follows a specific castle, where intrigue follows the everyday lives of castle members.
There is more, but these are the few major ones. I wanna keep posting about these, and this is a synopsis. I am only now realizing just how Tumblr and blog sites work, so yay me. I am excited to share.
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phantom-howl · 8 months
Pinned Post
This is the... fourth one I've made? Things happen.
Anyways yall can call me Neo, though I've grown quite fond of Ray, Tord, and Chaos too. I am a digital artist, voice actor and writer. I am asexual demiromantic polyam who's still exploring their gender
Some rules before you interact:
Please for the love of ancients don't talk to me about NSFW.
Pronouns are "I don't give a fuck", but I prefer they/xe if you wanna get technical.
I swear a lot text-wise. If you caught me in a VC I don't.
I'd prefer any questions about the Ask64 blog, or likewise other personal stuff to be DMed rather than sent through the ask box. If you DO use the ask box, please don't use anon.
Do NOT ping me in those ping games. Two mutuals get a pass on this. They know who they are. On that note, also don't send me chain mail. Triggers the ol' anxiety real bad.
Don't ask me to collab on an FNF mod with you unless we know each other.
Assholes will be blocked.
My names are in my blog bio. I will respond to any of them there but Neo, Ray, Chaos, Tord and Kaz are the current favorites ^^
Tag info & side blogs under the cut!
"#>:)" is my favorite tag
"#neo is rambling again" is my original text tag
"#phantom asks" is where most of my answered asks are
@phantom-howls-shit is my art blog
@ask-imp is an Eddsworld clone askblog I started with a couple friends
@ask-n0rsk1 is a silly Eddsworld clone askblog I run by myself
@past-repair is a Post-The End Eddsworld au askblog
@nightmare-realm-comic is a thriller/horror comic I am currently reworking
@tails-heritage-post is a heritage blog for Tails from Sonic. Please send submissions-
@tailsheritagepost is the heritage rp version of the heritage blog so the main blog doesn't get flooded
@eddsworld-heritage-and-archive is both an Eddsworld heritage blog as well as an archive for all things Eddsworld
@eden-outcasts is both parts comic & ask blog for my Captain Laserhawk OCs.
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Tina Turner Singles Collection ‘Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ Arriving in November
Rhino 5LP or 3CD boxset includes a foreword by the singer's friend and collaborator Bryan Adams
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Courtesy of Rhino
Rhino will release Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll, a collection of all Tina Turner’s singles from 1975-2023, on Nov. 24. The boxset celebrates 50 years since the start of the singer’s career and will mark the first time her singles have been released all together.
The release is previewed with a new version of Turner’s 1996 song “Something Beautiful Remains.” The new rendition, titled “Something Beautiful,” was reworked by producer Terry Britten, a long-time collaborator of Turner. “Dear Tina, the experience of working with you could never be repeated, but in my heart something beautiful remains,” Britten said in a statement.
Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll will be released as 3-CD and 5-LP sets and digitally with a cut-back 12-track vinyl version. The collection is available to preorder now.
All sets come with a foreword from Bryan Adams, Turner’s longtime friend and collaborator. “From obscurity to the stages of the UK and Europe, I credit Tina for changing the course of my life and I’m so grateful to have had some of her precious time,” Adams writes. “She was a force of nature, no one had her energy or her voice, I suppose it’s fitting to say, it’s only love, and that’s all.”
Turner, who died in May, unveiled her first solo LP, Tina Turns the Country On!, in 1974 after several years of performing as part of Ike & Tina Turner. She released multiple hit singles over her career, including “What’s Love Got to Do with It” and “The Best.”
Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll Track List
CD1 1.   Whole Lotta Love 2.  Acid Queen 3.  Root, Toot Undisputable Rock ‘n’ Roller 4.  Viva La Money 5.  Sometimes When We Touch 6.  Music Keeps Me Dancin’ 7.  Let’s Stay Together 8.  Help 9.  What’s Love Got To Do With It 10.  Better Be Good To Me 11.    Private Dancer 12.   I Can’t Stand The Rain 13.   Show Some Respect 14.   We Don’t Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) 15.   One Of The Living 16.   It’s Only Love (with Bryan Adams) 17.   Typical Male 18.  Two People 19.   What You Get Is What You See 20. Girls
CD2 1.   Break Every Rule 2.  Paradise Is Here 3.  Afterglow 4.  Tearing Us Apart (with Eric Clapton) 5.  Addicted to Love (Live in Europe) 6.  A Change is Gonna Come (Live in Europe) 7.  Tonight (with David Bowie) (Live in Europe) 8.  River Deep, Mountain High (Live in Europe) 9.  The Best (Edit) 10.  Steamy Windows 11.    I Don’t Wanna Lose You 12.   Look Me In The Heart 13.   Foreign Affair 14.   Be Tender With Me Baby 15.   It Takes Two (with Rod Stewart) 16.   Nutbush City Limits (The 90’s Version) 17.   Love Thing 18.  Way Of The World
CD3 1.   I Want You Near Me 2.  I Don’t Wanna Fight 3.  Disco Inferno 4.  Why Must We Wait Until Tonight? 5.  Proud Mary 6.  Goldeneye 7.  Whatever You Want 8.  On Silent Wings 9.  Missing You 10.  In Your Wildest Dreams (with Barry White) 11.    Cose della Vita (with Eros Ramazzotti) 12.   When The Heartache Is Over 13.   Whatever You Need 14.   Open Arms 15.   Teach Me Again (with Elisa) 16.   What’s Love Got to Do With It (Kygo remix) 17.   Something Beautiful (2023 Version)
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Hey there peeps—Do you like cryptids, dark humor, and urban fantasy? Then read on for some exciting news from Painting Dragon Feathers!
(It’s a slightly long read, so feel free to skip down to the cryptid part)
As some peeps may already be aware if you crossed paths with me at these last couple of summer conventions, I have decided to step back and take a sabbatical from conventions until summer 2024. I love doing shows, meeting new people inspired by their fandoms, and admiring all your cool cosplays—but with a full convention schedule, most of my creating time was dedicated to restocking my EXTERMELY popular Poke’Terrariums and other creature terrariums. While I do continue to enjoy honing my diorama skills making them, especially with highly creative commission requests, I was, frankly, getting burned out a bit with making almost solely Poke’Terrariums; as the best-sellers and the ones putting bread on my table, they were my highest priority for convention crafting.
THANK YOU ALL for some of the best cons I’ve had this past year—Katsucon, Scifi Valley Con, Otakon, and Momentocon all broke record sales for us! Your enthusiasm and encouragement of my works, whether by taking home pieces or just compliementing both my fanart and originals have given me the confidence and support to regroup and turn my focus on to some exciting new projects over the next few months:
1: I will continue tackling all commissions I received at the summer shows. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support by commissioning me to make you some amazing terrariums from your requests! I cannot express my gratitude enough as these commissions will help support the Painting Dragon Feathers studio during the break from conventions.
Poke’Terrarium commissions will reopen online to the public once I’ve wrapped up my queue from conventions, which at this point, will probably be very late in 2023 or early 2024. In the meantime, existing stock is still available at the Painting Dragon Feathers online shop—with some new tarot decks coming in soon—and a whole bunch of other types of commissions from tattoo design to book illustration to character cards/sheets are currently available.
2: Since I’ve gotten into 3D printing, I plan on learning digital sculpting so I can sculpt and 3D print some new original creatures for new kinds of art pieces, mythozoological speciemens, and terrariums.
3: Finish unpacking boxes and setting up my studio from moving, and finishing off a couple of other house projects—we’ve been living without ceiling trim LIKE HEATHENS. There has also been some stalling on unpacking thanks to some surprise water issues in the studio space recently, but it should hopefully be resolved soon.
4: I wanna make a new panel or two, specifically about how to write/create a great villain. Cause sometimes it’s good to be bad.
5: Revaluate and restructure my social media presence a bit. I want to have more of a work/life/social media balance with more focus on creating time, and with so many corners of the internet kind of on fire, and my darn instagram getting hacked and stolen, it’s been kindof a mess….I’m considering setting up a newsletter for direct, periodic updates, including—
Last but not least,
I am currently finishing what should be the final draft for my young adult cryptid novel, CRYPTOZOO.
What is CRYPTOZOO about? Here’s the elevator pitch:
“The creatures of the X-FILES meets the 4th wall wit of DEADPOOL as a plucky Chupacabra searches for her missing Sasquatch father. Reluctantly teaming up with their mutual drinking buddy, the Jersey Devil, they must masquerade as humans in New York City, where troubling clues and prophecies from the Mothman hint the missing Sasquatch may have fallen into the clutches of cryptid hunters.”
I received some great professional feedback from freelance editor Lorin Oberweger, and after some extensive reworkings of the outline (which admittedly took a bit longer than anticipated since I have been moving house and dealing with other major life changes) I am sitting down to rewrite and polish the story. Once I get the story all wrapped up, line-edited, and print-worthy, my goal is to have physical books, ebooks, and audiobooks available by Scifi Valley Con 2024. Maybe even some CRYPTOZOO/Cryptid-themed merch as well. *fingers crossed* As potential book readers and cryptid lovers, let me know what kind of goodies you’d like to see.
I also intend to make some cool book trailers as I progress in the project, so this neat little animation above was me experimenting with Procreate and Videoleap. I can’t wait to share Cleo the Chupacabra’s story with ya’ll—so if you want keep up with updates and me navigating indie publishing, follow along Painting Dragon Feathers for the ride.
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kirnet · 3 years
ok. im repainting my minotaur watercolor piece
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friend sent me a photo of her cats looking out the window and i thought it might be a nice exercice to try out different ways of drawing it. the cats are traced - fur is. not fun to trace lol it’s hard to figure out how to outline it and i didnt do too well on the fluffier cat’s tail... but im still pretty happy about the overall result
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lotuslucky · 3 years
FoaF: Chapter 3: The Hero and Sidekick...?
Crossposted to Ao3 and Fanfiction
This came out later then I meant it to, and it’s also a lot longer to. So ups and downs I suppose. Hope you all enjoy!
Fighting over a Fox
Chapter 3: The Hero and Sidekick..?
Orbot found himself humming in the morning, moving through the maze-like corridors of the laboratory. The path of where he was going was long memorized in his circuit board, in his hands was a tray of breakfast foods, bacon, eggs and two pancakes made especially for a certain prison-passenger that had found himself at home for the past few weeks. Moving up to a large red door, a keypad right beside the door. Balancing the tray with one hand, Orbot reached up and tapped in the four digit number, the door quickly clicked and slid open as he moved inside holding up the tray.
“Miles! It’s time for breakfast!”
An excited voice spoke up from the side of the room, Miles looking over from a large work table covered in tools, papers, design sketches and robot parts. Half-hazardly shoved up onto his head were a pair of goggles and he had oil smudges all over him.
“Oh dear, were you up all night reworking schematics again?” The robot moved over to the young kit, taking the napkin off the tray and rubbing away at the grime on his face. “Miles we’ve told you before, you can’t keep staying up all night like this!” Orbot chided the boy, who just grumbled and turned away from the napkin rubbing his whiskers
“I know, but I managed to finish up that new battery holder Doctor Eggman was trying to work on!” Miles pulled away from the other and held up a large paper, oil stains and possible drool in the corners but thankfully not on the work itself. It was a large machine design, seven holding slots for the ‘batteries’ and an area to properly siphon the energy and use it as power.
Orbot looked over the work, impressed that the boy had managed to finish such an idea in less than three weeks. He knew the doctor would be pleased, so he rewarded the boy for his work. Putting the napkin down, he gently ruffled the fur between the boy's ears.
“I’m impressed, truly, but you still can’t be spending every night working! It’s bad for you, here, you eat your breakfast and then get some sleep. I’ll take this to the doctor and tell you what he thinks about it.”
“What? No way! I wanna show him myself! Besides, I'm totally awake! Let me just eat and then we can-”
“No Miles, don’t think you can just tell me you’re fine. You can talk to the Doctor later, because I know if I let you go now you’ll spend over two hours talking with him about plans on how to use it.”
“But Orbot!”
“Breakfast and then bed mister!”
The fox grumbled at this, and stabbed his fork into the eggs before shoving it into his mouth, shooting a glare at the robot. Orbot didn’t seem phased and gently rolled up the schematic holding it close to him.
“Good, now you finish eating and rest. We will talk again in at least seven hours.”
“You’re actually no fun.”
“I’m not meant to be used for fun, I am a task accomplisher.”
“Meh!” Miles stuck out his tongue at the other, Orbot rolling his eyes before heading out the door. The other watching it close behind him as he sighed and tried to shove an entire pancake into his mouth. Very aware that once that door was closed he wasn’t allowed out.
Outside of the room, Orbot was hurrying back to Doctor Eggman, knowing that these plans would very much please the man. While not ideal he had found Miles awake, he had grown used to the fact the fox had a horrible sleep schedule. As he traveled through the hallways, Orbot thought back on the weeks the fox had been with them.
It had only taken a few days for the fox to start talking to Orbot surprisingly, the doctor saying it was most likely because he was a robot, and not a person. Still, the duo weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth and he quickly started to befriend the young fox. Talking to him over breakfast and dinner whenever he brought it to the young child, seemingly, the child had been lonely because he quickly spoke about whatever was on his mind to the bot, even going on about how he was tinkering with the broken bots he would bring him.
Every conversation was recorded and watched by Eggman of course, the other learning about the fox to understand just how to approach him. He had even put his plans on finding the last of the chaos emeralds on hold to do so surprisingly. Saying something about how they had time before Sonic discovered their location. Orbot couldn’t help but think back on when Miles and Eggman finally met in person.
“Orbot, I want you to bring Miles to me today. After he finishes breakfast.” Eggman had been looking at his computer, Orbot dropping off his own breakfast and preparing to take the second plate to the fox. At hearing this, Orbot found himself freezing in surprise and looking over to him.
“Are you sure sir?”
“Incredibly so. I’ve decided it’s time to get the fox used to me so he can start working.” He waved the bot off, but the other hesitated for a moment
“Sir, while I trust you- what if you scare him?”
“I won't scare him, you useless pile of bolts! I’ve been watching how you interact with him, how he interacts with things. Also despite what you may think I’m very capable of dealing with children. I may not like the little rats but that doesn’t mean I’m not able to be around them.” Eggman waved him off, and Orbot just shook his head
“If you’re sure sir..” He left after that, to the glass cell, just from the outside he could see Miles already awake and messing with the machine parts. He had managed to rebuild at least three badniks in the last three days, and considering he had never seen such things before, it was impressive. Orbot wouldn’t say he was close to the child, he was just doing his job, but he supposed he had some type of care for the other. As much as his processors could produce anyways.
But he was just stalling for time, after a quick knock on the door, he typed in the password keeping the door locked before entering. Holding up the tray of food he put on his chipper voice as the other looked over to him.
“Breakfast time Miles! I can see you’re up already, still working away at the other robot?”
“Hi Orbot! And yes I am! I think I might be able to figure this one out today! After that you’ll bring me a new one right?” As always, the kit was excited for what could come next, Orbot hummed and offered him his breakfast.
“Of course, but one step at a time, how about you eat your breakfast first?”
“Oh right- I guess I am hungry.” He took the plate and happily started eating. Thankfully after a few days of constant food the fox stopped inhaling everything on his plate. Instead taking time to enjoy his food, not to mention the others shape was filling out rather nicely for a child.
Neither Orbot or Eggman had realized just how thin the child was until he started putting on weight. It was surprising, Orbot could remember how the Doctor frowned at seeing this fact in front of him. Yet he never told Orbot just why he had that look on his face.
Snapping back into focus, Orbot realized that Miles had started talking about the robot again. His tails flicking up and down happily behind his back, Doctor Eggman wanted to see him, so Robot might as well get this over with.
“Actually Miles, today we’ll be doing something different.” He cut the fox off, the other looking over and blinking in surprise.
“Huh? Different how?”
“You’re going to meet my creator today. He wishes to see you.”
“Your- creator..?” There was a spike of nervousness in the other's breath.
“Yes, his name is Doctor Eggman, but please don’t worry. He’s the one that programmed me and he’s the one that has me bring you robots and food every day. He simply just wishes to say hello to you in person. He means no harm.”
“I...I guess…” Miles frowned for a moment, shoving a piece of potato into his mouth. Thinking about it, he supposed someone WOULD have had to create Orbot and give him his tasks, Orbot was nice so- his creator had to be nice too right? Eggman was a funny name at least, maybe he wouldn’t be mean like the other adults he had met.
“Alright, when you’re finished eating we will go see him.”
“We’ll go?”
“Why yes, he’s in his lab of course, wouldn’t it be nice to go take a walk? You’ve been in this room for a while now Miles.”
The outside? Well that sounded incredible to Miles and yet- well it was kinda funny. He had spent the start of being here only thinking about how to escape, and yet… this place had become a safe place for him in a way. Leaving it, back into the unknown, made him- anxious.
He slowed down in eating, not wanting to let this spoil his breakfast but still not wanting to eat fast enough to make himself sick. Finishing up his food, he put the plate aside and moved over to the waiting robot
“Okay, I’m ready.”
“Wonderful, follow me Miles.” Orbot didn’t take another moment and left the room, Miles following after for a moment and hesitating at the door. He found himself swallowing before pushing through and hurrying after the robot.
If anything, he didn’t want to get lost in this place, who knew who he’d make mad…
The walk was silent, and while Orbot didn’t seem to mind, Miles felt himself getting more and more tense as time went on. He was looking around, now being able to see the place where he had been. He had no idea how to keep track of the days aside from when his meals were dropped off. But even then, he really wasn’t sure… maybe a week or two? He chose not to think about it in the moment, squeaking when he suddenly walked into a now stopped Orbot and stepped back in surprise
“We’re here Miles. Doctor Eggman is just inside.” Orbot gestured to the door as Miles stepped closer, his tails staying low to the floor from his nerves
“So we’re just going to talk to him?”
“No, you’re going to talk to him, I still have duties for the day. When you're done I'll retrive you and we’ll head back to your room.”
That- was not something Miles was aware of when he had left to do this.
“W-wait I have to talk to him alone?!”
“Yes Miles, he wants to talk to you.”
“But-but what if-” “What if what? Miles you’ll be fine, I don’t know why you have this intense fear of others, but you will not be harmed. The doctor is nothing like that.”
Miles bit his lip thinking about it, he knew Orbot had a point, the logical part of his brain knew very well he had no reason to be afraid here. This Doctor Eggman gave him a rather nice room to stay in, he fed him, let Orbot talk to him, he was nothing like the-
He cut off his thoughts with a violent shake of his head and took in a deep breath
“Okay, let's just- do this before I lose my nerve.” Stepping up to the door, Orbot hummed before knocking on it as it opened. Miles’ eyes widening as he saw the inside of the room.
The others lab was incredible, computers, work tables, electronics- honestly there was a lot of stuff Miles didn’t even know what it was called, yet it still enamored him. He walked inside, looking around as he let out a soft wow, the urge to start touching everything growing inside him.
“Doctor, I’ve brought Miles, please notify me when you wish for me to retrieve him.” Orbot’s voice snapped him out of his curious state, and he quickly focused on the large chair straight ahead of him. Looking out a huge window that appeared to show the entire island from the highest mountain…. Miles swallowed as he heard the chair creek from movement, and a male voice spoke up from behind it.
“Thank you Orbot. You are dismissed.” A glove appeared from behind the chair, waving dismissively as the robot left, the door closing behind him. Miles swallowed again watching the chair, that voice ringing out again, making Miles jump  “Miles, correct? Orbot hasn’t been getting your name wrong has he?”
Miles felt his voice die in his throat, but he took a breath and managed to push something out.
“Y-yes, my name is Miles… M-Miles Prower.”
“Miles Prower huh?” Miles felt like he was about to suffocate, he didn’t know why- but this felt wrong for some reason. Felt terrifying. Something worse than just the bullies who would chase him around.
“Y-yes sir-!” His voice cracked as he hunched down on himself, his ears folding back as he heard laughter.
“My my, you sound nervous. Though, I suppose that’s only fair.” The other seemed to adjust in his chair before it turned around. Miles’ eyes widening at what he saw, in his mind, this doctor had been a mobian, but to his surprise he was a human. Miles hadn’t actually seen one of those before- His fear vanished for a moment as he blinked again. The man standing up from his chair. Red and yellow jacket, a large mustache and some glasses he couldn’t see through.
The man walked over to him as Miles felt his nerves snap back to life and he swallowed, almost stepping back before Eggman stopped and knelt down. Offering a hand to him.
“I would first of all like to say I’m sorry for not introducing myself to you sooner. You seemed like an easily frightened child, so I made sure you were comfortable first.” The man's voice suddenly felt far warmer than before. Miles blinked once more in surprise as he looked at the other hand. “My name is Doctor Eggman, and it's good to finally meet you Miles.”
Miles watched him for a moment, before reaching out and taking the others hand. The doctor’s hand completely swallowed his, yet it was still a gentle grip as they shook hands.
“N-nice- Nice to meet you too…”
“Still nervous huh? Oh, I know just what might make you perk up!” The doctor smiled at him and stood up, moving back to the table in front of the chair he had been in. Grabbing something, Miles blinked for a moment before seeing what the other was holding and couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped his throat.
In the doctor's arms, was a small robot dog, one he had- found in the past and repaired and made into his own little buddy. He thought the other had been long gone!
“Ah so this is yours? I found the little thing broken when you first showed up, so I took it upon myself to fix it up in my spare time.” Eggman looked over as the kit quickly hurried to his side, a small grin on his face as he offered the other the robot dog.
Miles quickly took it and hugged the robot close to him, a large smile and tears coming to his face.
“I thought he was gone forever! Oh thank you so much for fixing him!”
“Aw my boy, it was the least I could do, especially after I found out how rough it was for you to come here. I had only sent those robots to retrieve Orbot after he suddenly came back online. I never expected them to bring back a panicking fox kit!”
Miles looked up at him, he couldn’t see his eyes but his voice sounded genuine and he felt himself slowly relax.
“No, it’s okay you don't have to apologize. You didn’t mean for it to happen… and you even fixed up T-pup, no one else would have ever done that for me.” Miles frowned at the thought, not noticing how Eggman nodded at him.
“Ah yes, I had assumed so from the start.”
“You- assumed..?” Miles looked at him in confusion, Eggman looking at him with- pity..?
“Well, West Side Island isn’t exactly famous for just it’s beautiful landscape my boy, it’s notorious for being very… oh how do I put this lightly.” Eggman turned away from him, seemingly caught up and nervous about his words. It made Miles nervous, unsure of what he would say “Well, they're known to be very- against people who are different, oftentimes those who visit the island feel so un-welcomed that they're chased away.”
Oh- Miles knew that fact well, no one ever liked him there, he was different- they always reminded him he was different.
“They didn’t treat you the best did they? A fox with two tails.”
The blunt statement made Miles swallow, hugging T-pup tighter as he tried not to think back on it too hard.
“N-no, No I guess they didn't.” He looked down for a moment, trying to will the tears welling up in his eyes to go away. “I was always a freak to them because of my tails and how I liked to make machines.”
“You certainly do have a way with machines, Miles.”  That got the other to look up at him in surprise.No one had ever- complimented his ability…
“Y-you think so?”
Eggman smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, gently guiding the fox to the large window to overlook the island.
“Oh I know so. Say Miles, how about you and I make a deal? I see so much potential in you, I can help you understand any machine or power you want. You’ll never have to be the freak again, you can be the smartest fox in this world! All you have to do is work with me, help change this world in amazing ways.” He made Miles look over the island “We can change this place, make it so no one is ever considered a freak here again, wouldn’t that be nice?”
That… that would be nice. No longer considered the freak, bullied and chased out for his tails or his creations.
Miles looked over the island, Eggman’s hands on his shoulders. A strange feeling welled up in his chest, for a moment it felt wrong, but then it was smothered by a growing want for such a world.
“That… that would be nice. That would be amazing.”
“I knew you’d think so, you can become my protege Miles, and together we will change the world. Do we have a deal?”
Miles finally pulled his eyes away from the island and looked up at Eggman, his smile looked so sincere. This was everything he had ever wanted, someone to care for him, someone that wouldn’t hate him and appreciate what he could do.
He could prove himself, he could prove everyone wrong like he always wanted to!
He’d give anything for this chance of freedom, unknowingly locking himself in another cage at the exact same time.
After that, Orbot had been assigned as almost a caretaker of the fox, the doctor being far too busy to raise and take care of a child. He had been moved into an actual room and not a contained and constantly monitored cell.
Given actual work and allowed free range to build, not just repair broken down bots. To Miles, it would have seemed like a dream come true. To Orbot, it was the lesser of two evils, Miles got the semblance of a home, and Eggman got the help that he needed to fulfill his plans.
Orbot stopped thinking about it as he entered the lab, the doctor already awake and working on new plans for another base on the island.
“Sir, I have a report for you.”
“Speak Orbot, and hurry it up!” The usual snap of the other didn’t phase Orbot much, he simply moved over and gave Eggman the plans.
“Miles finished this just an hour or so ago. I believe you may be happy to see it.” The paper was all but snatched out of Orbot’s hands as Eggman started to read over, the usual frown of the doctor becoming a large grin.
“Oh ho ho ho! This is it! Keeping that fox around was a good idea after all! Orbot, you are to send this plans out and get them built right away!” The paper was shoved into the robots face, he flailed for a moment before grabbing the paper and folding it up up
“Right away sir.”
As Orbot left the room, Eggman looked up from his work and out the window over the island with an evil grin. His greatest invention was about to become a reality! And thanks to that fox now he had a way to power it with the chaos emeralds as well!
“It’s almost time. Soon my Death Egg will come to fruition and the world will be mine!”
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luvneedsnosyt · 4 years
My Favorite Albums of November 2020
Here’s my monthly list of albums released in October I was feeling, and some other discoveries made during the month.
Previous Month’s Lists: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2020 halfway through the year here
Aesop Rock - Spirit World Field Guild Genre: Indie Hip Hop
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Proof: Boot Soup / Kodokushi
BENEE - Hey u x Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Sheesh (Feat. Grimes) / Supalonely (Feat. Gus Dapperton)
BOSCO - Car Therapy EP Genre: R&B / neo-Soul
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Proof: Greenlight (Feat. Dana WIlliams) / Changes
Bree Runway - 2000AND4EVA [Mixtape] Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: ATM (Feat. Missy Elliott) / Damn Daniel (w/ Yung Baby Tate)
Far Out - Beyond The Horizon EP Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Focus (Feat. Heather Sommer) / Wherever We Are (Feat. Monika Santucci)
glaive - cypress grove EP Genre: Indie pop / Alternative
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Proof: astrid / hey hi hyd
GRACEY - The Art Of Closure Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Empty Love (w/ Ruel) / Like That (w/ Alexander 23)
Kacy Hill - Just Circling Back Here: Is It Selfish If I Talk About Me Again (Remixes) Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Six (Umru Remix) / Porsche (Banoffee Remix)
Kali Uchis - Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otris Demonios)∞ Genre: R&B / Soul / Latin
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Proof: fue mejor (w/ PARTYNEXTDOOR) / telepatía
Kylie Minogue - DISCO Genre: Pop / House / Dance
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Proof: Magic / Till You Love Somebody
Lastlings - First Contact Genre: Electronic / Future Bass / Dance
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Proof: Deja Vu / No Time
Little Mix - Confetti Genre: Pop
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Proof: Sweet Melody / Nothing But My Feelings
Megan Thee Stallion - Good News Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Circles / Savage Remix (Feat. Beyoncé)
Meg Myers - I’d Like 2 Go Home Now EP // Thank You For Taking Me 2 The Disco EP Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: True Liars / Sweet Liar // Any Way You Wanna Love / i hope you cry (w/ morgxn)
Reptaliens - Wrestling EP Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Taking / Just A Creature
Russ - CHOMP EP Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Inside Job (Feat. DJ Premier) / Momentum (Feat. Benny the Butcher & Black Thought)
SAINt JHN - While The World Was Burning [Mixtape] Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Back On The Ledge / Roses (Imanbek Remix)
Sam Feldt - Home Sweet Home EP Genre: Electronic / Tropical House / Dance
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Proof: Home Sweet Home (Feat. ALMA & Digital Farm Animals) / The Best Days (Feat. Tabitha)
Savannah Ré - Opia Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Love Me Back / Sacred
Various Artists - Ophelia Presents: Advent, Vol. 2 Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Napa Cabbage - Stars (Feat. Alye) / KEPIK & Nick Ledesma - New Horizon (Feat. Luma)
Viji - Are You In My Head EP Genre: Indie Rock
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Proof: Unfair / Ghost Song
xylø - Outsiders Club EP Genre: Synth Pop
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Alone / Chlorine
Some catch up and deluxe edition albums released
Busta Rhymes - Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God (The Deluxe Edition) Genre: Hip Hop Released November 2020 Originally Released October 2020
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Proof: Calm Down (Feat. Eminem) / Blow A Million Racks
Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova (The Seoul Remixes) Genre: Funk / Electronic / Dance Released October 2020
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Proof: Clorox Wipe (Glen Check Remix) / Stay in Bed (And Do Nothing) [SUMIN Remix]
Jack Garratt - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 5 Reworks) EP Genre: Pop / R&B / Electronic Released October 2020
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Proof: Better (rework) / Circles (rework)
Kevin Ross - Audacity Vol. 2 EP Genre: R&B / Soul Released August 2020
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Proof: Everybody Here Wants You (w/ Canjelae) / Salvation
Lecrae - Restoration: The Deluxe Album Genre: Christian Hip Hop Released November 2020 Originally Released August
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Proof: Come Thru Jesus / Deep End (Remix) Feat Rapsody
PVRIS - Use Me (Deluxe) Genre: Indie Rock / Synth Pop / Alternative Released August 2020
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Proof: Thank You (Feat RAYE) / Use Me (Mija Remix) Feat. 070 Shake
Agent Sasco (Assassin) - Sasco vs Assassin EP, Birdy - Piano Sketches EP, DaBaby - My Brother’s Keeper (Long Live G), Hausky - Slow EP, Foogiano - Gutta Baby,  French Montana - CB5, Future & Lil Uzi Vert - Pluto x Baby Pluto,   Jeezy - The Recession 2, Juicy J - THE HUSTLE CONTINUES, Mae Muller - no one else, not even you EP, Miley Cyrus - Plastic Heart, Mitch - Better For You, Nicolay - Lights In The Sky EP, Nicolay - Never Stand Still EP, Omah Lay - What Have We Done EP, Rich The Kid & YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Nobody Safe, Smashing Pumpkins - CYR, 2 Chainz - So Help Me God! (November)
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illneverrecover · 4 years
Writing Tag Game!
I was tagged by the sweetest @ditzymax​,  Thank you for thinking of me! I love tag games!
I’ll tag (only if you wanna play, of course!): @taetaesbaebaepsae​ @taetaewonderland​ @roguebangtan​ @jooheonbee​ @quinnkook​ @jimins-ass-eater​ @jungkookiebus​ @serensama​
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What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
I guess I don’t really have an ideal setting. Most of my writing happens on my laptop (as I don’t have a desktop currently) while I’m sitting in bed with my lapdesk, music blaring through my headphones. I have to listen to music while writing, and it has to be a song that fits the vibe of what I’m writing or I just can’t get it out. 
What is your favourite genre to write?
Hmm, I love smut. It’s really fun for me to write, mostly because I’m perpetually horny and it’s a good outlet. I also love angst and humor, despite the fact that those don’t usually go together, haha. Angst is probably what comes the most natural after smut, but I love doing a good humor piece too. The Point of No Return holds a special place in my heart for being my first BTS fic and my favorite humor piece.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
Digitally. I type a million times faster than I can hand write. I’ve written some ideas or things down in a pinch, but I can’t operate that way. It would take me centuries to get anything done!
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Go back to sleep and trust myself to remember it in the morning, haha. I’ve done this a few times. If an idea is good enough/worth using, my brain will remind me of it a few times.
Who is your favourite person to write about?
I really love writing all the boys, and now that I’ve branched out to other kpop groups, I’m having a lot of fun writing them as well. Each of them are bit different for me, different personalities and quirks and so it’s enjoyable in those aspects. If I had to pick, I’d say Taehyung. Someone once told me that the way I write him makes it clear how much I love him and pay attention to him, which was like the best compliment, haha. He’s my bias so it feels more natural to ‘channel’ him, if that makes sense.
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I write about real people, but with idols you only know what they show you about them, so you never really know if you’re truly nailing their personality. I try to keep it accurate to how I think they are based off of how they present themselves, but it’s hard to say. I also tend to give my characters personality traits of people I know in real life - I draw a lot of inspiration off of my friends. A lot of dialogue I use has been things I’ve said, or a friend has said. Certain scenarios are things that have actually happened (a lot of my smut is based on real life scenes). So I guess it’s a mixture - their looks are based on real people, I try to make their personalities similar to how I imagine those people, I draw inspiration from real people - put it all together, they become their own character.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100k words)?
Nope. My longest series was my first ever fic which I wrote for Mystic Messenger called ‘Unravel Me’ which was just shy of 40k. However if you combine the word count of all my fics, I definitely have written more than 100k. 
How often do you get ideas?
All the time! They aren’t always good ideas or workable ones, but things come to me all the time. Usually something will happen and I’m like “ooh that would make a good scene!”. For example, reader talking and thirsting over Kakashi in Take Me to Church was based on something that actually happened between my husband and I (I fucking love Kakashi, don’t @ me). Sometimes even just thirst chatting with friends will make me want to write something based on it, lol. 
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
UGH YES. I have a rockstar type AU and a soulmate AU that have been floating in my drafts forever. I love the ideas I came up with for them, but just don’t have the motivation to work on them. I have plans to rework one into a Kihyun fic, which has breathed a bit new life into it, but the struggle is real.
What is your least favourite plot?
Like Max said, I’m not a huge fan of ‘idol-verse’ fics. They are just hard for me to get into because they’re so unlikely, whereas with other AUs its all made up to begin with so it’s easier for me to immerse myself. However that hasn’t stopped me from reading them and there are a few idol-verse fics that I really loved! I’m also not crazy about high school tropes, mostly because I’m an older fan and I can’t relate to that stage in my life anymore. Other than that, I’m basically open to anything and everything! 
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thecheetohoard · 4 years
Name changes/alterations for some characters from Violent tendencies. This is honestly mostly for myself so I can refer back to this when reworking the original chapters, but if you’ve followed the story previously I think it’ll be helpful so as to not completely and utter confuse you guys :’’v 
RodentBug = Mouse/Minnie
Anthony = Victor (his ‘base’ aka the person who he was based off in story will still be referred to as Anthony) 
Creator aka original Mouse = Squeaks, she’ll still be referred to as Creator by Vermin/other chars. And her real name is Veronica I don’t actually...know if I ever said that when her blog was still up and I can’t check it now but there ya go, also my memory is immensely terrible so I might have also called her something else entirely so if that’s case...too bad lol her name is Veronica
so explanation for this: I want to remove my likeness/name from the story which is why Rodentbug will now be called Mouse/Minnie (Minnie is the nickname Victor gave her it’s an homage to his base being fond giving other’s nicknames)  There’s still a similar theme of course but I hope it’s different enough to where folks don’t think of Mouse/Vermin as sonas of mine (they did start out that way but are no longer verisons of /me/ )  I very fond of Vermin’s name so I didn’t want to change it and keeping Vermin and Mouse similar in name is important to me so I settled with this. 
Anthony to Victor is to help solidify the distinction between his base, who was referred to by the same name, and I wanted to there to be a clear line between the digital copies and who they were based off of. I chose Victor because I wanted a name starting with V. I couldn’t use Vincent because I watch too much Vinesauce and my bro already named our new puppy after him so dlfkjaslkj and I didn’t really vibe with any others so Victor it is!
For Creator she of course has a real name. Vermin and everyone else just refer to her as Creator since she..created their game.  She was always intended to be Veronica but the whole theme of naming her in game counterpart as Mouse came from the nickname her coworker Anthony gave her. Cause she’s small, easily scared and squeaks when startled hence, Squeaks
I hope this all wasn’t too confusing lol ; o ; 
if I need to clarify anything feel free to ask!  once I get their image avatars + mini bios written up they’ll all be added onto the violent tendencies character list but given the other million things I’m working on that might not be for a while but I’m still happy to discuss things if folks wanna know more about any of ‘em! 
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What was the scariest moment you’ve had in public?
Tray takes a chug of his now refreshed mug and gives a satisfied sigh as he puts his pipe to his lips to continue regaling his audience with stories of his terrified catte life.
“Meow, as scared as I was in teh prior story I just told (from @dragonwitch-ffxiv ‘s ask of the same question!) dis one was a little more private, so I won’t be namein’ names, but if ye know who ye are….ye know who ye are.  Meow den.”  The smuggler gave a dramatic pause to fill his lungs with the most wonderful of burning plants; his chest expanded as he greedily sucked up the smoke from his pipe.  He held the swirling vapors deep inside his lungs for a few moments, feeling the sweet burn before exhaling. Plumes and tendrils of smoke rose up, dancing on the air as if they were weaving a vision in conjunction with his words.
“So, I know dis might come as a shock to ye lot dat don’t know meh well, but I ain’t always been dis cool, collected, debonair gentleman dressed in all black dat ye seein’ meow.  Ooooh no.  One upon a time, I had a real bad habit of actin’ devil-may-care. An’ worse then that, bein’ a real proper party animal an’, well, like meh chest tattoo says: ‘Fuckboy’.”  He chuckled as a grin creased his lips.
“For awhile dat attitude was…cute.  I guess.  Also got meh into a shit-ton of trouble.  Trouble dat followed meh.  See, I got mehself in teh cross-hairs of dis gang of Monetarists and Garlean Sympathizers dat didn’t like meh much.  An’ when they found out I was still alive after they thought I was sunk and drowned, they was nooot happy.  An’ one of dem agents slipped up to one of meh new bosses an’ whispered sweet little nothin’s into their ear ‘bout what a bad boy I’d been an’ how dey would make meh yakuza’s life hell if they didn’t just hand meh over.”
“Well, ye can imagine dat this boss wasn’t too thrilled ‘bout dat at alllll.  So she comes back an’…” He pauses.  “Shit, slipped.  Anyhow, meh female boss, she comes back an’ confronts meh ‘bout it right?  In public. An’ by public, I mean her’s and mine ‘Ultimate Boss’…as well as dis asshole she calls her ‘Wolf’. From what I know an’ seen of dis Wolf, we ain’t never gonna be friends. Meow, ‘Wolfy’ don’t work for us, but he seems like teh sorta person dat would take a whole lotta pleasure in seein’ meh die an’ when meh Overall Boss says he’s tempted to kill meh an’ just hand meh corpse over, Wolf starts encouragin’ dis idea.  An’ course meh other boss ain’t sayin’ shit for meh cause ye don’t fuck with ‘Teh Big Boss’.  So here I am starin’ at meh Big Bosss, lookin’ at a man dat will slice off a digit for the slightest breach of protocol, who be tellin’ meh he’’ll hack off meh head less I can prove mehself worth more alive den dead.”
“Meow, I don’t mean to be dramatic, but I damn near pissed mehself.  I did! I’ll admit it!  I was scared shitless of meh Big Boss in dat moment.  Like hell!  Any buzz I had from teh moko died like that!”
He snaps his fingers.
“I recall swallowin’ and realizin’ with teh Wolf blockin’ teh door, and meh bein’ in very easy stabbin’ range of me Big Boss, I had to talk.  An’ not teh normal ramblin’ shit I do sometimes like when I’m tellin’ a story. I mean -really- talk.  For teh first time in years, I was sober, I was alert, an’ I was swearin’ to Thal I’d be a good kitty forever if I didn’t lose meh head dat night.  Last part was a lie but if dat’s teh sin dat sends meh to hell, Thal gotta rework their scales.”
“Anyhow, I talked for hours, providin’ plans, an’ proovin’ to meh Big Boss dat I was worth keepin’ alive. An’ teh whole time I just feel dis Wolf starrin’ at meh, clearly wantin’ to step on meh.  Again, not a fan.  But in teh end, I managed to convince meh Big Boss NOT to take meh head an’ dat I was worth any hassle.  Everyone left.  An’ I’ll tell ye, dat was teh first night in years dat I went outside, found a quiet place, and just collapsed; shakin’ in anxiety.  For -hours- I had thought I was a dead man.  I honestly though meh number was up an’ I’m sorry, I wanna die in an epic manner, not in some boardroom with no wind in meh hair.  I was so shaken from it, well, honestly it sobered meh up. Alot.  I changed meh ways real quick after dat event an’ honestly…it’s probably for teh better overall but..I didn’t enjoy goin’ through it.”
He paused.
“Meow, dis ain’t to mean dis meh scariest moment over all. But ye asked for in public an’ dese were recent so figured I’d weave a tale for ye.  So, if ye liked meh story, toss a coin in meh pitcher, cause meh tankard is empty!”
He beamed and then blinked.
“Oi, where ye lot goin’?  Dat was clever as hell!  Don’t ye roll yer eyes at meh!”
((And thank you for the ask!  XD This was the second of the same ask I received earlier today.  I got a little carried away but loved it.  Mention of @miqojak and @ketsuchikotetsu ‘s char’s in this story. As well as my FC leader Kublai, but they don’t have a tumblr lol. This was a summary of an actual session with these three awesome peeps.  And yes, honestly I was really thinking Tray might not survive the ordeal at the time, so props for Kublai for making my trash catte sober up some.  XD ))
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