#and soon enough his donnies mask....................
intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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Just some little moments... along with a bit of an outfit change.
This is part 3, part 1 can be found over here
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rawcherrycake · 4 months
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Right, let's do this one more time...
TMNT: Eden
My own TMNT fan iteration! I had lots of fun designing these guys and i'll admit one big inspo was @kaysdenofchaos Teenage Meddling Mutant Turtles! (i absolutely adore your boys i would kill and die for them,,)
I've tried different styles and dynamics, but so far this is my absolute favorite!
Alright, now let's properly introduce the Eden!turtles
The eldest at 19 years old
Mutant Bog Turtle
Energetic, playful, creative, a bit reckless, literally runs on spite, the most emotionally open, supportive, has incredibly high pain-tolerance, and don't even get me STARTED on his ability to hold his drinks
He was once told he was a boring goodie-two-shoes so he spent the rest of the day swearing like a sailor to prove a point, that's how spiteful he is
Has the most creative insults ever
His brothers know his spitefulness so if he ever forgets about his own well being his brothers are like "Bet you can't sleep 8 good hours" and he'll go "BET" AND DO IT
Not the smartest but has good intentions
Can go on hours ranting about the most random shit
Eats anything and everything, his stomach is probably made out of titanium
A great cook! Though don't ask for any surprise dishes, he can get... creative
An insomniac, his mask hides the eyebags pretty well
Probably has some kind of PTSD, but he doesn't like talking about it
CANNOT stand the smell of metal, it grosses him out
Unironically watches Super Nanny religiously
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A couple months younger than Mikey (so they joke they're twins)
Mutant Giant Softshell
Mikey doesn't aprove his younger twin being taller than him >:(
Sort of a jack-of-all-trades, mostly because he's very determined to learn as much as possible and learn how to do it properly
Which leads on him getting incredibly frustrated if he can't grasp something
Can't cook for shit
The responsible one
Very clean... Mostly. If he's tired (which is most of the time) he'll go into "to hell with it" mode and walk around the lair full of motor oil and mud (which then Raph has to clean up xD)
Tries to act cool and collected but he's just too big of a nerd
Terribly near-sighted
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16 years old
Mutant common snapping turtle
LOVES crazy make-ups and drag races but would never admit it
Surprisingly tidy and responsible
Plays the drums! He'd love to play electric guitar but having three fingers makes it incredibly hard
Great with animals
Homophobic gay (he'll accept himself soon enough xD)
Brash and reckless, anger issues (what a surprise), has severe RBF syndrome, even when he's calm and content he looks like he wants to murder someone
Near-sighted (doesn't wear glasses or contacts, which worsens his RBF)
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The family's baby at 8 years old
Mutant Musk Turtle
Very quiet but not shy at all, curious, calm, collected, obedient
Has no trouble talking but prefers signs
Loves fashion, knitting and sewing!
Doesn't like being alone or being in the dark
Is always eager to learn from his brothers, to the point where he can throw his well-being aside to try and impress them
Easily influenced, Raph loves playing pranks with him
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(Might change/add stuff later!)
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luxtoony · 1 year
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Part 2(soon) So I'm writing a little one shot where our lovely disasters catch each another sneaking off (or rather back to) the lair, and I wanted to draw a few scenes (how self-indulgent can you be?)
They are supposed to be younger than in the show so their outfits aren't full yet and Leo wears braces because I say so.
Also under the cut you have a lil sneak peak of my attempts at writing and a sliced version of the comic in case Tumblr destroys the quality.
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They eyed each other like they usually did in a competitive occasion, which let's be honest, when it came to twins (disaster twins especially) could be any occasion really.
But this occasion was different. It was the middle of the night. Very close to morning actually, and the two teens stood like in a standoff. The (not so) funny thing was, that they both looked like they were just after one. The blue masked one squeezing his clearly bleeding forearm, while "Purple" didn't even pretend not to limp.
They stood trying to postpone the unavoidable talk that was bound to happen, from the moment they met at the entrance to the sewers. To be fair, at that moment they acted on autopilot,  greeting each other with a unassuming 'hi'. Their focus so devoted on eachs' pain and injury, yet vanishing the deeper they got to the familiar corridor and not so familiar realization. - it's about four in the morning and they busted each other sneaking off... or rather back.
After another maroon droplet hit the ground, Leo lost his patience and twitched, something Donnie took apparently as a good enough of an icebreaker.
"So." confrontation skills, dull as usually.
"Ya 've been in Jersey?" jokes as a coping skill, sharp as usually.
"Have you?" Unfortunately the joke didn't get him even an eyeroll, Donnie visibly too stressed to allow himself to put his guard down.  Well, Leo eyerolled for him.
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aealzx · 8 months
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Don was quick to return with a modest sized tablet, tapping in several different passwords as he opened folders and applications to pull up each video feed that was relevant on screen. Only then did he pass the device over to Leon, who took it with a half voiced thanks before leaning back against Leatherhead and Donnie. Lil Mikey was then pulled fully into his lap with a follow up pat before Leon silently skimmed through the videos. There was hours worth of data, but at least it was easy for Leon to speed up the feed to get through it quicker. A convenient toggle on screen pulled back and forth to fast forward or rewind.
Leon honestly didn’t care how the others had broken into the base, and it seemed it wasn’t on record anyway since the beginning of the heist was masked by looped video. It was strangely easier to see the torment Donnie went through without having the emotions to go with it, but Leon still clenched his jaw in residual anger. A slight smirk briefly interrupted the mood when he watched the Donnie in the video chomp down on someone’s arm. Served them right. Everything that he saw in the video ended up lining up with what Don had explained to him, and where Donnie was currently bandaged. Though Leon’s eyes did furrow watching them place two bags of his brother’s blood on their cart. If he hadn’t already been told Donnie had destroyed the entire base, Leon would have added draining the same amount of blood from them to the list.
At the point of Donnie breaking free Leon switched over to the video with Lil Mikey. There was no sound with the visuals, he didn’t want Lil Mikey to get overly curious about what he was seeing. But while he couldn’t hear what they were saying Leon still noted the way the others, the adults, treated his little brother. Their hands were careful, their patience long, and actions willing to help. It was… strange. Their group was the first on the move, so Leon had to switch through several video feeds to follow them, smiling in pride for a moment as Lil Mikey definitely stole the highest knockout count by a long shot. But it was obvious after a while that the mask Don had given him wasn’t as efficient. The pessimist in Leon’s mind accused them of faulty gear. But it was easy to quickly confirm that Lil Mikey’s head was just too small.
Then, once again, these new mutants took care of Lil Mikey almost as if he were one of their own brothers. Leon easily followed the bullet hitting his brother, and watched curiously as Raphael pulled Lil Mikey close and most likely called for help once they were behind a barricade. And Leon had to raise a brow and give a soft huff of amusement at Mikey taking down the one responsible. The first three hits were more than enough. The next five hits to the unconscious soldier calmed the rage that had been budding in Leon’s heart.
Moments later Leon watched Donnie break through the wall, causing him to pause on that video and go back to the others to track Donnie’s course. There wasn’t much to follow, once Donnie reached the rooms the feed tended to go black moments after. But seeing the rooms beforehand, one had been where their stolen equipment had been stored, and another had been where the employees had taken the samples from Donnie. A separate video feed from outside that room showed a vibrating camera, and smoke trailing out of the room soon after. Apparently Donnie had annihilated everything in that room long before blowing the base up as well. Of course he would make sure nothing of them remained in Augustine’s hands. That was one of the main responsibilities he’d adopted from an early age. To make sure no one found them, physically or digitally.
Going back to the video where everyone else was, Leon only watched for a moment more before he relatively sped through the end. Donnie had protected them. He had trusted the others to take care of Lil Mikey, and protected them as well. Both Lil Mikey, and Donnie, had faith in their counterparts.
It was enough.
Skimming through Leo kicking Augustine, then addressing Donnie with the same tenderness as the rest of his brothers. Leon eventually let out a sigh and tilted his head back. He felt exhausted after having a large source of stress massaged out of his mind. He was still wary, but only because that was how he always was. Looking up to Leatherhead, who had just patiently been staying still for the near half an hour Leon had been researching, Leon gave him a regular smile.
Seeing the change in demeanor, Leatherhead rumbled a soft chuckle. “I take it you’ve found the answers you sought?” he asked, returning Leon’s smile with one of his own.
“...Most of them,” Leon responded, pushing away the necessary emotions starting to bud. There was no need for sheepishness, or indignancy, or any of those other hindrances right then. Sitting up again, Leon fondly rubbed Lil Mikey’s back, noting that Lil Mikey had fallen fully asleep now. Good. He needed it. Pulling his gaze up to the others, who were also patiently sitting where they had been, Leon eventually held the tablet back out to Don, his gaze sliding to the air off to the side as he pouted slightly. “...Thanks.” He spoke more clearly this time, expressing actual gratitude for what he’d seen, as well as what they had done with him. Then, remembering recent events, he shrank in on himself slightly. “...And sorry… For kicking your ass…”
“Hey!” Raphael blurted, though his retort broke off in a laugh as he shook his head. That wasn’t a fully proper apology according to someone else’s book, but Raphael didn’t care. It was an apology in words Leon chose, and that was better.
Don and Master Splinter also chuckled quietly, which made Leo unable to hold back a smile as well. When Leon wasn’t being aggressively defensive, he actually wasn’t that threatening at all.
“Are you feeling a little better?” Don asked, eyes flicking to the bandage on Leon’s head, as well as giving him a visual once over once again. Raphael ended up rubbing his nose to hide a smile, knowing Don was holding back from jumping forward and giving Leon a full exam.
“...Yeah,” Leon admitted, feeling a little subdued. “I still have some questions, but… Let’s get these two back to proper beds first…”
Let’s. Raphael noted the all inclusive term and had to grin. It seemed the kid was willing to start trusting them now. “Sure thing. Want some help with the lil guy?” he agreed, gesturing to Lil Mikey.
“No, I got him. Just…. Show me where you want him to stay for now,” Leon requested, still finding it hard to fully relent to being taken care of and directed around by them.
“Back in the infirmary would probably be best. Just in case,” Don directed, getting to his feet and gesturing to the room next to them that was obscured by patterned drapes.
Scooping Lil Mikey up in a well practiced motion, Leon looked back to make sure Leatherhead was going to follow them as Don led them beyond the drapes. It was only once he crossed the barrier that Leon got to absorb just how much they had. Equipment Leon had only seen in media. Dozens of cabinets of supplies. Eight beds easily filling only part of the room. A surgical area in the back. Leon helplessly let out a coo of awe as his mouth dropped open, scanning the room with wide eyes and completely missing Raphael snickering at the reaction. Turning to Don, all the other questions Leon had had fled his mind to be replaced by the single one he blurted. “Can I borrow your infirmary?”
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I totally crashed and slept like 45 hours straight other than pee breaks and water X'DD Then aside from that I've been working on a behemoth Fate collab, so I didn't get to this one until today.
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spoopyblues214 · 8 months
Hello! How are you? I hope you are doing well Idk if you are open for request, if not you can ignore this one :)
I’d like to ask for a rottmnt x reader hc with a reader does kisses the back of the boys hand a lot, like those gentlemen-y acts but as a sign of thank you, appreciation, courting as well… maybe reader and the boys have mutual crushes and that’s their way of showing affection / desire to kissing them before actually being more courageous into asking to kissing them? Lol hope that makes e sense
Hope you have a good day
This seems absolutely adorable omg yes
Requests are open! Send an ask if interested :>
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When you kiss the back of Raphs hand saying goodbye it first catches him off guard
He finds it endearingly silly how you take his large hand in yours to do so, the contrast adorable in his eyes
After the next few times it flusters him, feeling your soft skin on his rough hands from all his years of fighting. He starts looking away to try and hide his wobbly smile.
You get more courageous and start doing it for any little greeting, like seeing him just when entering a room, even if you already saw him when you first got to the lair.
He becomes rather forgetful, needing to refocus on what he had been doing.
He finds himself often looking at his hands where you most recently kissed him, swearing that he could feel the ghost of your lips on his skin and feeling giddy.
One night when leaving you kissed his hand as usual, but you lingered, purposely looking up at him. He glanced at you since you were taking longer and finally it clicked for him.
The next time you're over, before you could reach for his hand he's picked you up in one arm, still offering his free hand to you. You giggle and kiss the back of his hand, and afterwards he kisses your lips, his fingers lacing through your hair.
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The first time you kiss him across the knuckles he freezes for a moment and then asks, "uh, why so formal?"
Your reply of 'just cause' has him over thinking it until the next time you come over, though it still doesn't click
The second time, he takes your hand and does it back, never one to be outdone on grandeur, and he always greets you the same since then
Each time he tries to come up with a different greeting to say. "Hola mi estrella," "ciao, bello/bella," "hi there, hot stuff!"
Even if your usual reaction is to just laugh at him, he still loves getting any reaction out of you.
All his attempts to fluster you seem like they never even phase you, while when you kiss his hand he's fighting off a wobbly smile.
With this dance going on for so long, finally you meet his greeting with, "surprised you haven't gotten the hint and just kissed me already."
He can't save himself this time and actually sputters, which has you laughing at him again. He huffs and pulls you into a dip, saying "you literally asked for it," before kissing you.
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The first time you kiss his hand he is flabbergasted. Jaw dropped, almost looking disgusted but really he's just confused. You go to apologize and he shakes his head, stuttering out, "ah, um, it's fine."
The second time you're slower with it so he can pull away if he wants, and he doesn't, so you go through with kissing his knuckles and are only a little surprised when he does the same.
Is he doing it as a part of masking? Is he doing it to hide his blushing face? Is he doing it in an attempt to return politeness? Perhaps an amalgamation of all this and more.
He is in his lab corkboard and red stringing about these incidents now every time after you kiss his hand, trying to math out every little detail and why the sudden change.
Both of you are pining oblivious shy idiots honestly- reading social cues is already hard enough but with the two of you fumbling no one is getting anywhere any time soon.
Thankfully, or maybe not so, Mikey and Leo make a plan and bring Donnies theory board out into the lair on a night you're visiting.
Donnie is plotting murder while you're stuck not knowing how to react because it's just so romantic that he was trying so hard to figure it out.
You grab his hand and kiss his knuckles again, only to reach out with your other palm and place it on his cheek as you kiss him. His murderous intentions get put on the back burner.
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He's curious first but uncharacteristically he freezes stock still when your lips meet his skin. After you wave goodbye he's melting, almost falling to the floor.
The second time you do it you're greeted with a large smile, and Mikey asks giddily, "are you gonna be doing that every time now?" You answer yes.
He's looking smug as he holds out his hand for you ahead of time now, which always makes you laugh, which always makes him smile wider.
He's dancing around the lair. His brothers are rolling their eyes. He's like a teen girl losing their mind over a boy band just from your goodbyes.
On day he asks if he can have another. "Hmm, I don't know 'angelo, what's in it for me?" He plays along and offers a kiss to your knuckles in return. You take this deal, and he knows he's won with how much you blush.
He does this a few more times, just to absolutely 100 percent make sure and totally not just because he likes seeing you blush. It's the same song and dance prior every time, too.
The next time he's smiling so wide you know he's planning something. When he asks for another, you open your mouth with a similar protest to before, and he cuts you off. "I know, I know, a kiss for a kiss. I want both of mine first, though."
You raise an eyebrow, but shrug, taking both his hands to kiss the tops of each. After this he takes one of your hands in his, but the other is under your chin, and he kisses your lips.
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scholastic-dragon · 8 months
Happy belated birthday! I was wondering if we could get some sexy times with bay Donnie 👀
We can absolutely get sexy times with Donnie
Bay!Donnie x Fem!reader
Donnie had a tendency to put work first sometimes. He never meant any harm to your or your relationship and he always made it up to you later.
But one day you were still feeling a bit butt hurt and petty over him spending all evening with his nose in his computer while you were over.
So it was almost too perfect that Baulders Gate 3 came out right when you needed an excuse.
Donnie came over after patrol to find you in your office playing the game. You smiled, gave him a quick kiss, and asked him about his day.
He got all giddy seeing you so excited to play his new favorite game and learn about his newest inventions.
He blabbered on as he went into the kitchen to get some coffee, coming back and sitting in his chair beside your desk.
But then he noticed how trained your eyes were to the screen. How you just nodded your head to the stuff he said.
He was butt hurt, but knew you'd get off the game soon and give him attention.
Surly you couldn't play for more than five minutes.
Well you could.
In fact you played for another hour without so much as a sideways glance at him.
With no more coffee an ache in his chest, and feeling sleep trying to over take him. He stood up, coming up behind you and rubbing your neck and shoulders.
You moaned happily but your eyes didn't leave the screen.
"Come to bed, love," Donnie mumbled into your skin.
"In just a few minutes, hun,"
He scoffed. Using his owns words against him. Well, he knew what to do now.
You moaned happily, but refused to acknowledge him, keeping your eyes on the game and your hands on the controls.
You weren't sure how his big ass (shell) fit under the desk but there he was. Pulling your computer chair back, slipping under and then pulling it back in place.
You raised a brow but let him continue, wanting to see where he would go with this.
Pulling down your pants and underwear, Donnie kissed up your thighs before diving into your folds with a newfound plan.
You heard his glasses and goggles clatter to the floor, his hands gripping your waist and pulling your hips forward so he had a better angle.
If you didn't know any better you'd say he was writing Latin on your clit. Up and down, back and forth, just enough firm pressure to keep building your orgasm.
As his tongue slipped past your clit to your weeping entrance, plunging inside with a loud moan, your hand left the game to grab his mask tails.
"Donnie," You moan, pausing and saving your game.
"Now you wanna pay attention to me?"
"You gotta be able to take it if you dish it," You sass, enjoying his growl.
He pushes your computer chair back, you yelp, watching with wide eyes as he stands to his full height.
He yanks you up, spins you around and pushes you to bend over the chair. Your knees dig into the leather seat and your elbows rest on the tall back.
"That may be the case, sweetheart," He mumbles, ripping off his suspends, and yanking his pants down. Kicking them away, he stand behind you, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. "But can you take this?"
He pushes into you. Long and hot and perfect inside you. You're so wet, but he still wraps a hand around to rub your clit to help you take every slow inch of him.
He grabs a chunk of your hair, tilting your head back. "Answer me."
"I can take it," You moan, trying not to move your hips.
"Good girl," He slams his hips just enought that his thighs meet yours.
You both moan, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. His hips snap forward and back, your moans getting lost in the sound of slapping skin.
Releasing your hair, his hands grip your shoulders, keeping you firmly in place. Not that you wanted to go anywhere.
"DON-nie," your voice cracked and broke with moans, feeling your climax so close to breaking.
You're not sure how but his hips move faster, short quick thrusts that hit your cervix and make you scream and bite into the leather of your gaming chair.
"Cum," He grunts in your ear, leaning over your and taking your earlob between his teeth. "Cum with me,"
Drool spills past your lips, soaking the leather of the chair. Your back arches with a scream as your pussy clenched around him.
He moans, long and loud with you, pumping his hips deep in you. Donnie trembles as the last of his cum seeps out of your pussy, dripping down both your thighs.
Panting and breathing heavy, he leans down, kissing your spine and shoulders.
"Do you want to come to bed now?" He mumbles into your skin.
You laugh, looking at him over your shoulder. "I'd rather ignore you so I can get fucked like that again,"
You both chuckle, Donnie leans forward, still lodged inside you and kisses you soundly.
"I think something can be arranged," He smirks down at you, and it's then you realize he's still hard.
"Thank god I'm free tonight,"
Donnies eyes darken. "And have the whole weekend off,"
@thelaundrybitch @raphsmuneca @happymoonangel @m1dnyt3-w0lf @eveandtheturtles @kikithedreamerwriter @mysticboombox @sketchy-loo6195 @pheradream-15 @dilucsflame33
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jokingmisfit · 1 month
You Would Be Missed
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Poly!2012!TMNT X Depressed!Gn!Reader
Prompt- “The lizard and I will kill things for you.”
Prompt- “Nobody wants me. Not even myself.”
Warnings- Feelings of uselessness, Feelings of being unloved, Crying, overall just depression themes
‘Would anyone miss me if I disappeared?Would anybody even care if I was gone?’ That's all that kept playing in your head. Were you really that useless? Why would everyone keep you around if you weren’t wanted? Well, no, you may be needed? No you aren’t, you’re not needed, so why do they let you stay?
You’d stopped crying about it hours ago, but the thoughts still plagued your mind. You lounged on the couch next to Leo watching Space Heroes. The Tv drones on and on, and you can’t pay any attention because of the noise in your head.
Your head layed on the blue masked turtle's shoulder. Trying to find comfort in the small act of affection. Leo’s arm draped over your shoulder lazily. You wished the normally calm scene made you feel better. You wish it made you feel wanted.
The four turtles you’d taken so much pride in being allowed to date. The four men you absolutely adored with all of your heart. A part of you knew that there was a reason you were here. A part of you was aware of how much you were truly loved. However, a bigger, louder part of you screamed that you were unwanted, unloved. You wished you could shut it up. Your partners always showered you with love and you were so angry with yourself. Weren’t they giving you enough? How selfish can you be?
You shifted away from him. Your mind was working you up. Tears you’d been able to push back coming to the forefront now. You excuse yourself quietly and run off to the bathroom where you knew you could take a few seconds to break down. Shutting the door, you slid down to the ground.
Tears poured down your face. You silently cry on the floor and try so hard to calm yourself down. A guilty feeling rises in your chest. They invited you over and all you’re doing is crying in their bathroom pathetically. You hated yourself. You felt terrible and you wanted these feelings to just go away.
A knock sounded through the small room. You quickly wiped your face of all your tears.
“Yes?” You answer, but your voice sounds broken.
“Oh, hi! It’s Mikey hehe if you can’t tell! Leo said you ran out and asked me to check on you!” Mikey yells through the door.
You stand up and open the door with the realest smile you can muster.
“I’m okay, I just needed a breather for a second…” You tell him.
“Well the bathroom’s a terrible place to chill!” Mikey says with a large smile. “C’mon babe it’s much better in my room.” He slings his arm over you before pausing. “Wait a second…” He looks at you closely. “Were you crying in there?”
Your heart skips for a second. “No, no I’m fine Mikey!” You defend quickly.
A look of shock and sadness covers his face. “You were! You were crying! That’s no good c’mon!” Mikey shouts picking you up and running to the main area.
You shout at him. Trying to convince him you’re fine and to put you down. Nothing seemed to phase him as he called all the others to come over.
Mikey finally plopped you on the couch and fell into your side trying to cuddle you close. Raph and Casey walk in looking confused and panicked from Mikey's yelling. Donnie comes in soon as well looking a bit upset at being pulled from his work. You just sat there red faced at the situation. Look what you’ve caused.
“Mikey what the heck?! Why were you yelling?” Raph asks angrily.
“Exactly what happened?” Donnie questions the orange mask wearer too.
“It’s them!” Mikey says. “They were cringing in the bathroom!” He says pouting.
“Is that true?” Leo asks you worriedly.
“I’m fine I just needed a second, it's really not that big a deal.” You say avoiding the eyes on you.
“Listen as dramatic as Mikey can be,” Raph says. “You crying isn’t just fine. What happened?” He asks you coming over to where you and Mikey were sat on the couch.
“Nothing,” You defend. “I’m fine. I swear!” You say holding your hands up.
“Hey, it’s okay to tell us. We’re here for you no matter what.” Donnie says also making his way over to you.
“I’m okay! I’m just having a hard time… I’ll be okay.” You say trying to smile sincerely.
“Darling…” Leo says, reaching for your hand.
“Please don’t.” You say. “I already feel guilty enough. You weren’t even supposed to notice and I screwed that up.”
“Dude, we’re your friends. Well I’m your friend, they’re your boyfriends, but point is we’re supposed to be the people you lean on for support.” Casey speaks up for the first time.
“I just-” You sigh. “I just haven’t been feeling right I guess.”
“Like what you’re feeling sick or…” Raph trails confused.
“Happy… I haven’t really felt happy. And I know, a part of me knows that my mind is just playing tricks on me, but I feel like I’m not good enough for anything… I feel so… so drained and unwanted and I know it’s not true, but I can’t help but think that nobody wants me. Not even myself.” You rant.
Tears fall freely down your face. The men sit in silence for a few seconds all absorbing the information you’ve given.
“I’m so sorry.” You cry out. “It’s not your problem to fix and I don’t want you to think you’re not enough. I love you all so much. Even you Casey, platonically. And I just don’t want you to feel bad just because you have such big hearts and just because I’m sad doesn’t mean you need to be too and, and-”
“Ok, ok. Breathe, honey.” Donnie interrupts you. “Deep breath in.” You follow as he breathes in. “And out…”
“You don’t have to feel bad for being upset.” Leo tells you.
“Yeah!” Mikey agrees. “We love you so much!”
“Everyone gets sad… Maybe it’s different for all of us, but you don’t have to do it alone.” Raph says sweetly.
“See you even got Raphael being soft.” Leo teases.
You can’t help but give a tearful chuckle as Raph defends angrily.
“You’re always there when we’re sad. Why wouldn’t we be there for you?” Mikey asks rubbing his hands over your back.
“I don’t know… Because there isn’t a real reason for mine.” You tell him shyly.
“Of course there is a reason.” Donnie starts. “You told us before you had depression, meaning you have a chemical imbalance in your brain.”
He’s cut off from speaking anymore by Raph. “See, doll, there is a reason, and even if there wasn’t you’re allowed to feel down sometimes.
“You’re too nice to me.” You said a new set of tears trailing your face.
“Listen, dude, I’m pretty sure I’m not alone when I say the lizards and I would kill for you. That’s how much we care.” Casey says to you confidently.
“What lizards?” Raph asks Casey quickly.
“Dude, are stupid? I was talking about you guys.” Casey claims, annoyed.
A smile raises across your face and you let out a small laugh.
“Casey. We aren’t lizards.” Leo tells him calmly.
Mikey bursts into laughter at Casey’s confused face.
“Wait. You’re really not lizards?” Casey asks, shocked. “But aren’t you guys reptiles or something?”
“Just because we’re reptiles doesn’t mean we’re lizards. Yes we have more in common then we do with other underwater creatures but that doesn’t make us lizards.” Donnie scolds.
Donnie continues on. Casey begins to argue with him on what the four brothers were considered to be. Mikey laughs loudly at the two and Raph just looks on smirking at their idiocy. Leo leans over rolling his eyes and wraps his arm around you like it had been earlier. You continue to giggle quietly, feeling slightly better than you did earlier.
“Despite how stupid they are,” Leo says smiling. “We all are here for you.” He finishes kissing your temple.
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rising-shellshock · 2 years
"Softie" (Rise!Donnie X Gender-neutral Reader)
(Sorry that writing block hit me so hard as of late. I still have the requests and y'all have fantastic and even FUNNY (/pos) ideas. I WILL DO THEM MARK MY WORDS.
Iiiiiin the meantime however, I found a fic I made a bit ago that I haven't shared so I thought I would now while y'all are waiting. Thank you all so much for the love and patience!)
Genre: Fluff with Established Relationship.
Character count: 7,790
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<(Hey, are you up, (Y/N)? If you're up, say something so I can come over.)
The message pinged and awoke you with a stir. How it woke you up, you may never know, but something in your brain deemed it important enough to wake up to. You squinted slowly, adjusting to the new light, and read the time. 3am. You saw who texted was your genius boyfriend Donatello. It wasn't unusual to hear from him this late. You started to type.
(Donnie, Baby, Love of my life, politely?)>
(You woke me up. Go to bed.)>
<(...That just means I can come over.)
You were very quickly typing that and off it sent, and... Not even read. Great. You groaned, just wanting to tell your partner to get his shell to sleep, but no, he wanted to come to your side at an ungodly hour. 
You opened the window to a very eager purple clad turtle, hovering just over the city below with his tech shell. You lightly shook your head, not having the heart to turn him away at your own window, besides, he would persist on coming in anyways, probably alerting people below on the streets. You sighed in defeat as you moved out of his way, to which he then got inside to your room.
Donnie - 1, (Y/N) - 0
"Hello, my love." He smiled his dorky wide smile, softening the blow of him being here so late. Almost anyways.
"Why are you here at this hour, Don?" You slightly whine, tired from being up already.
"Well I just wanted to show you the latest version of the shell!" He proudly spun around, pointing and showing you his back. "Feast your eyes my dear! It's got a more efficient cooling system for when I'm in the air for those hotter New York days-" and off he goes, rambling and going on and on. Normally you love hearing all about his work, but you can't help but stare at his face, bags evident even with his mask. You very quietly approached your lover boy to his front side, and he FINALLY took notice of the concern on your face.
"And... It... (Y/N?)" Donnie cocked his head as you looked at him. You reached up, cupped his face, and silently rubbed under his eyes. "W-What? Is there something on my face?"
"Yeah. Bags." You sarcastically mused, making Donnie sigh.
"I'm fine, my dear. Really!" 
"Adding 'Really' at the end doesn't make me believe you more, D." You raise a brow and Donnie leans into your hands, pouting. You couldn't help but giggle, even with you shaking your head again. "C'mon, you're tired. Let's go to bed."
"But I don't- Wait did you say 'Let's?'" He reeled back, looking at you in surprise. You sit on the edge of your bed and pat your side. Donnie blushed, turning red, before he leaned his head down and went to your side, obediently.
Donnie - 1 (Y/N) - 1
Donnie slightly flinched at the slight touch of your fingers trying to touch the skin of his arm, but he quickly tried to relax, he was fine with the touch, just nervous. You smiled as your hand made its way up to rub his shoulder. He sighed contently as you basically massaged any stiff spots from working tonight. 
He was cute in moments like these. He didn't often throw away the 'cool guy' act, and often tried to pretend not to feel anything, even when he did. Very deeply. You were very much living evidence that he wasn't all cold as the metal surrounding him could be. Well... Not emotionally anyways.
Donnie let himself melt backwards into your bed as you lightly placed yourself in front of him and rubbed his other shoulder. You lightly kissed around and on his eyes, encouraging him to shut them, which he did without a second thought.
Your hand soon hit the metal of his fake shell, and you went to look, making you pull away from him, and then in turn making Donnie whine as you backed away from giving him affection. You warmly smiled at how needy he can be, as you lightly traced around the square patterns on his skin. 
Something hissed under you though, nearly making you jump out of your own skin, and then Donnie lightly flipped you onto your back, as he got up, and moved his shell- wait what?
You blinked in surprise as you sat up to your boyfriend. Donnie being without his tech on his person was unheard of to you until now, and as he took off his goggles and gear and half heartedly tossed it to where he put his shell, He looked to you just as he was reaching up to undo his bandana. 
"I-Is something wrong?" Don genuinely asked. You shook your head. 
"I just haven't seen you without your tech and gear before..."
"A-Ah... That's- Uhm- That's right, you haven't... I-I-I can put it back on if that makes you more comfort-"
"No! No." You coughed. "It's OK. You're OK. This is just new is all. Relax." You gave a smile to emphasize that Donnie could take his things off and rest. Donnie looked worried for a moment more, but then he nodded, untying his purple bandanna, and setting it folded up on a nearby table. You scotched over to one side of the bed, opposite of where Donnie was standing, and patted your bed for the second time tonight. Donnie gave a soft smile and climbed on that side, and as he did, you got to see his soft shell. 
"Hey Donnie, could I touch your shell-?" Your hands flew to your mouth as it asked the question you wanted to word better in your head first. Meanwhile, Donnie nearly fell back out of the bed in shock at your sudden question. You both looked at each other, warm in the face. "-Sorry"
"-Of course (Y/N)" 
You both blurted out at the same time, surprising you both, Donnie was the first to laugh a little at the mess you two were tonight. You followed suit the second you heard a chuckle from him.
"U-Uh... Like I said..." Donnie coughed, laying down on his plastron. "Go right ahead, my love." And the way he looked at you, with such love and trust, sent butterflies to go crazy in your stomach. You slowly moved closer to him, and reached for his shell, immediately rubbing at it.
As you did, you heard a weird guttural... Purr from him? You looked down and his eyes were shut, skin pinched right above his eyes, but it somehow looked relaxed, especially with the wide smile that pulled at his lips. Huh. You didn't ask about it right now, not while he was clearly content. For now, you worked your digits into lightly pushing, and even more lightly raking, the texture of his shell.
Somehow your thoughts wandered to all the nicknames Donnie called you over the time you had been dating, and how tender they were. You had just stayed true to his name, with maybe the occasional common pet name, but something clicked in your mind.
"Heyyyyy..." Donnie whined, opening one eye to look up to pout at you.
"No no no no no!" You waved off. "I was just thinking about... A general new nickname? Ahhh, maybe it's stupid..." You began to trail off, but Donnie immediately stepped in.
"Hold on, talk to me, Dearest." He pressed. You nodded.
"I was thinking that you know it would be kinda clever since you were a soft shell? Plus... You treat me so well, and... So kindly... You're a little tiny bit of a softie, Don. I get to see you without your walls up and without your shell on now and... I love seeing that side of you...-oh! Donnie!" You cupped his face as his lips shook in his semi pout, and he was very VERY close to crying. 
"My looooooveee..." He turned around, the idea of his shell being pet forgotten as he hugged you, laying on top of you. He made sure to shift his weight enough to not crush you, but more so comfortably weighing you down to keep his clinging snuggle grip on you. You giggled. "I love you so much...!" 
"Love you too... Softie." You replied coyly, and he squeaked upon you reaching around to pet him again. And then he purred, shutting his eyes.
...Donnie - 1 (Y/N) - 2
"...(Y/N), you're not planning on calling me that in front-"
"I promise I won't call you Softie in front of your brothers."
"Thank you."
"Of course, Don. Now for the love of god, sleep."
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turtlecleric · 3 months
rise!leo x reader, angst/hurt/comfort?
When you wake, you're alone. Your hand reaches out to the space where he should be, and it's cool to the touch. You knew this would happen. Donnie's seizures always make Leo's nights worse than they already are.
You wonder if he slept at all. You wonder how long he held you in the dark before he got up.
The light from your phone pierces your bleary eyes when you check the time. 4:14 a.m. He'll be the only one awake, most likely. You sigh and scrub your hands over your face before dragging yourself out of bed.
The floor is cold under your bare feet as you head toward the dojo. You know that's where he'll be - and you're soon proven right. You hear him before you see him, dull thuds and short grunts filling the otherwise quiet air, and when you stand in the doorway he turns immediately to look at you.
“Leo,” you call. “Come back to bed.”
He smiles. Bright and easy and a lie. “Just needed to get some energy out, amor. Go back to sleep, I'll be there when you wake up.”
Your frown deepens as he turns back to the training dummy and starts again. Why he feels the need to hide, to pretend, you'll never fully understand. You see the man behind the mask. Always have. Doesn't he know that?
When his stance falters, you know you've gotten him. He sighs, long and overly dramatic, and turns to you with another lie stretched across his face. You don't miss the slight tremble of his hands. Neither his mask nor the low light of the dojo are enough to hide the bags under his eyes.
“Can't stand to be apart from me, huh?” He crosses the room, leaning down to kiss you. The lie turns lopsided, shifting into a smirk. “I get it. I am irresistible.”
Deflect. Distract. Disarm. He really is so good at that, but you see through it as always. You know him better than anyone. (Can't he see? Doesn't he know? He doesn't have to hide from you.) You're too tired to answer him. You weave your fingers around his and pull him out of the room, back through the common area, down the hallway. Into the room you both share and the bed that sees so much less of him than you'd like.
As tired as you are, you know it's so much worse for him.
You press him down into the mattress with gentle hands, and he lets you. The lie is still on his face, but it's softer now. You straddle his waist, your fingers tucking beneath the edges of his mask and pulling it away.
So heavy. The bags under his eyes. The invisible weight on his shoulders. The old chains that he drags behind him wherever he goes. And you wish, you wish, you wish he would let them go, or at least let you help him carry them.
“It's not your fault,” you mumble, cradling his face in your hands. A sharp inhale. Widening eyes. His hands wrap loosely around your wrists, and when you repeat yourself you see the lie start to crack.
Leo swallows, his eyes falling away from your own. “I know,” he says. Yes it is, you hear.
“Leo.” You wait for him to look up at you again before you continue. You see fear there. “It's not your fault.”
His breath hitches, and the lie slips away as the second mask comes off. Leo's eyes shine with tears, but they don't fall. You feel his grip on your wrists tighten. He starts to blink rapidly, his lips thinning, his breaths coming a little faster, a little harsher. You lean forward to press a kiss onto his forehead.
There you are, love.
“It's okay,” you whisper. When the tears do start to fall, you brush your thumbs through the tracks. He surges forward suddenly, wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you tightly as he buries his face into your neck. Your hands move to rest on the back of his head, the curve of his shell, and you feel the collar of your shirt growing damp. “It's okay.”
It hurts to listen to his choked sobs, to feel the way he's threatening to shake apart in your arms. It hurts, but not as much as watching him try to hide. Every day, every minute, every second. Fine, fine, fine, I'm fine.
“I'm sorry,” he whimpers. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please. Please. I'm sorry.”
Don't leave me, you hear. Don't hate me. It's my fault, I can't fix this, I'll never be able to forgive myself. Please. Please don't go.
Hours later, you're still in bed. Watching him sleep, finally. Finally. When Raph peeks his head in, you just shake your head, endlessly grateful when he nods and leaves without a sound.
You're not the only one who sees. You're not the only one who hears.
You hope it's enough.
Tag list: @yorshie @khayalli @thejudiciousneurotic @luckycharms1701 @justalotoffanfiction @mxalmighty @thelaundrybitch
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yanyanderes · 1 year
yan!2012 turtles falling for (y/n) while they’re at april’s farm house.
(y/n) is probably april’s childhood friend, having met each other while she was at her farmhouse for vacation. they live on their own farm and keep april’s house and farm in good shape while she’s gone.
after the kraang invasion, when april, casey, and the turtles go to the farmhouse for shelter, (y/n) gets excited seeing april drive over, but doesn’t greet her immediately. instead, they gather the best, freshest food they have and show up for a surprise visit!
and end up seeing april with a stranger with a hockey mask and four joann turtles, all with various degrees of injuries.
obviously, (y/n)’s freaking out, like, who are these guys? what are these guys?? until april calms them down and introduces the strangers to each other. (y/n)’s still in shock at april’s strange friends, but since april likes them, they decide to get to know them a bit more. they show them the ropes of taking care of the farm, all the do’s and don’t’s, and they start getting closer and warm up to each other.
they help leo with his recovery. they remind him to take it easy and that it’s ok to rely on others for help. they help him get around while his leg heals, and even with his injuries, they help him stay active with exercises like sit-ups that won’t make his condition worse.
they help raph vent his frustrations. they let him rant and yell, they’re able to calm him down if he starts going too far, and they occasionally spar with him to help him blow off some steam. sure, they don’t have much battle knowledge, but they’re strong and can stand their ground.
they show genuine interest in donnie’s inventions. they’re fascinated with how much this teenager can do with such limited materials, and is always asking questions, wanting to understand more about his machinery, and occasionally points out a few things donnie would have never noticed without someone else pointing them out.
they have fun with mikey. they come up with all sorts of activities that don’t make too much of a mess and doesn’t get him scolded by his brothers, but if he’s feeling extra chaotic, they let him crash at their farmhouse.
they all start getting closer, and soon, the obsession starts kicking in. the turtles start doing things to impress (y/n) and/or earn more time with them. mikey starts dragging them with him all day everyday, raph does a lot of heavy lifting for them, donnie is always making something new to impress them, and though leo hates his injured leg, he has to admit having (y/n) dote on him for it is quite nice.
not to mention, when they train together, they’re a lot rougher. it’s most notable with raph, but it’s present in all the turtles.
time flies, and suddenly, it’s time for the group to return to new york. (y/n) starts saying goodbye, when leo asks them to join them, explaining that they’ll need all the help they can get. the turtles had been subtly manipulating april and casey into thinking the same thing for the past few days, so the turtles, casey, and april combined is enough to peer pressure (y/n) into coming with them.
despite that, they rarely gets a chance to shine, since they’re always with one of the turtle, who always tell (y/n) to play it safe. when the invasion is over and done with, and they say they should start heading home, the turtles insist they stay. they should take it easy and rest! it’s been a rough few days!
who knows? maybe they can convince (y/n) to stay. if they can’t? well, they certainly have other ways of making sure they won’t leave.
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acutiewithagun · 11 months
Can I request a platonic Yandere future and present rottmnt turtles with a present-time m/c? The future turtles (all of them, even Raph and Donnie) manage to travel in time with Casey and find m/c. Could you make it a longer fic, too?
I actually sent Celina some headcannons of this idea a while back, here they are if you are interested :)
(I will do my best to do the older turtles justice. Also great head cannons, I enjoyed reading them. Sorry if this is too long, I got a bit carried away. But at least I got two hours of sleep.)
Past, present, and future?
You had seen the news two years ago, weird pink aliens, mutant turtles, and the almost destruction of New York City. It had almost made you move away, but your new job and decent living conditions kept you there. And it's not like you'd ever be wrapped up in any of that.
Interestingly enough after that fiasco a species called 'yokai' emerged from out of nowhere. Most were kind and normal enough that they just naturally blended into human society. But along with yokai, mutants also started showing themselves. Same deal as the yokai for the most part, but a few were revealed as villains.
Again, it's just information you had acquired naturally over time, not something you would ever get involved with. You lived your boring happy life without many complaints.
You turned the television off and stood up with a stretch, groceries were dwindling in your apartment. And your roommate asked you to pick up a new book for them from the bookstore they frequented. So you walked over to the door and slipped on your jacket. Reaching over to the kitchen counter by the door, you ran your fingers through the key bowl.
Acquiring the needed key you gripped it and threw open the front door. You exited the door and locked the door knob. Giving it a quick turn to make sure it was locked, you started heading down the stairs of the apartment building. The elevator doors were broken on your floor so that forced you to use the stairs. Not that you were complaining too much, more exercise for you.
You looked up at the fading sun and semi-cloudy sky. Shaking your head, you start walking along the sidewalk with the tote bag you had snabbed before walking out of your apartment for groceries. It didn't appear like it would rain anytime soon, so walking would be fine. It was growing late however, so getting a taxi back was definitely something you would have to do.
Your mind wandered back to the original mutant reports that happened when you were a teen. Sure it wasn't that long ago, but it sure felt so long ago. Everyone thought it was just fancy editing that people did to scare the public. But after the alien attack nobody could deny what happened years prior.
You saw movement out of the corner of your eye and reached into your pocket. Inside was a taser your buddy got you as a birthday present in case of anything. You gripped it tightly as you continued your trek to the place you buy groceries for the apartment.
Reviewing the information, you recalled the amount of people you allowed to see the location of your phone. You gave yourself a reassuring nod as you turned the corner. Unfortunately you were so distracted with thoughts you accidentally collided with someone. You stumbled back and took your hand out of your pocket to rub your nose.
"Sorry for bumping into you." You finally looked at the person you had the accidental collision and felt your breathing hitch. Standing in front of you was one of those mutant turtles. But oddly he looked... older? He gave you a grin as he leaned down closer to your face. He had red markings peeking out from a blue mask that covered his face. "It's alright, say what are you doing out so late?" You took a step back while maintaining eye contact with the stranger who looked like one of New York's saviors. "Just walking around, I hope you have a nice day." You make your way around him only to spot a younger version of him on the other side. You blink in confusion but continue walking, not wanting to get involved if you didn't need to.
You heard slight whispers from behind you and hurried your pace. Once you made it to the grocery shop of your choice you started collecting the items on your grocery list. Something about the interaction rubbed you the wrong way. You felt... unnerved to say the list. You were tense as you looked at cans of food you considered buying. Pushing the feelings down you ignored it all and simply finished your shopping.
Stepping outside again, the sun was almost completely gone. You realized you had just enough daylight to get that book your roommate wanted. Seeing as they were on a business trip, you decided to do them the simple favor. You started the short walk to the book store with a smile at your haul of food.
You entered the store, taking in the scent of old and new books along with the jingle of the bell. You looked around the shelves as you spotted the book of desire. You reached up and grabbed it, flipping it back and forth to double check it was the correct book. Once you confirmed it by skimming the pages you walked along the shelves. A bit of browsing never hurt anyone, plus you were already there.
You ran your fingers over the binding of the books as you slowly walked down the aisles. A small smile graced your lips as you sighed happily. Pulling yourself back to reality you walked around to the counter and purchased the book. You begrudgingly stepped out of the lovely building and into the nosiey city shrouded in darkness. Letting out a huff of frustration you pull out your phone. You balanced the tote bag on your shoulder as you also shoved the book inside. You scrolled through the taxi app you got recently, hoping it would make getting a cab easier.
As you were focused on your phone, someone tapped you on the shoulder, causing you to flinch. You snapped your head around to see the perpetrator that scared you as you stuck both hands in your pockets. Chuckling at your response the older turtle from earlier gave you a smirk as he backed up, hands in the air to show he meant no harm.
"Woah, calm down fighter, just little ol' me." Little was an understatement this man was at least in the six feet range. However you brushed the comment off and brought out your phone again, keeping your other hand on the taser. "Sorry, I get jumpy at night." You didn't trust him, but a conversation would keep him distracted long enough for your cab to arrive. "Ah, understandable, but I seriously wouldn't hurt cha. Sure I'm capable, however you are too special to harm."
With that he unceremoniously ruffles your hair with his hand. Something about his wording made you all the more cautious of the stranger. "Um, thanks, I guess." He gave you a wink, removing his hand from your head. He watched as you fixed your hair. "So why are you still out so late?" You looked at the app on your phone, frowning when you noticed the wait time went up by another fifteen minutes. "Waiting on a taxi. But at this point I might as well just walk."
The strange turtle man gave a hum of understanding as you started walking away. "Hey, hold on, is it really that safe to be walking on your own?" You hear him start to walk slowly behind you, tightening your grasp on your taser. "Positive, I've made the walk many times before." You speed up your stride, which in turn made him speed up until he was walking side by side with you. "Still, I can offer my company till you get home." The way he said this didn't sound like he was giving me an option. But you took the bait anyway.
"No, it's really fine, I insist you go back to do what you were originally doing." You were so distracted, you hadn't noticed how close you were to your apartment complex now. "I was just on a nightly stroll, nothing too urgent." You groan as you spot your building and look at him finally. "Well you got your way, have a great night sir." With that little bit, you headed up the stairs. You didn't look back at him, but you could feel his stare on the back of your neck. You rushed up the stairs and quickly got to your apartment.
You fumbled with your key before jabbing it in the lock and turning it to allow you into the apartment. Once inside you close the door and lock it, tossing the key into the key bowl. You rest your tote bag on the counter and start putting the food away.
Once you finished with that basic chore, you fished the book out of the bag. You opened your roommate's door to their room and placed the book on their bed. After that you closed the door and stalked over to the couch. You all but flopped across the entire thing as you tried to wrap your head around the events that transpired earlier.
Being unable to however, made you rub your face with your palms and groan. You tiredly got up and made your way to your room. You figured you could do your night routine to get your mind off everything. It was most likely a one time thing that would never occur again. Or, at least that was the hope.
Opening the door to your own bedroom, you walk in, only to be stopped by a large, translucent, purple barrier with some type of signal on it. "Donnie, we agreed on deploying the barrier after they fully entered the room." An audible scoff was heard and you snapped your head to the sound. "I know Angelo, but does it matter now?" A groan was sound as you continued looking through the darkness of the room. "Nardo was right, they really are observant."
Two turtles emerged from where my window was located and I took a few steps back. Only to bump into another one of those barriers. "What are you doing in my apartment!?" Your eyes were wide as you looked between the two. The purple wearing bandana one was shorter and also wore a purple hoodie. The orange mask wearing one was only a bit taller but appeared to be wearing some kind of cloak. And wait... Is that hair? You were positive reptiles couldn't grow hair.
"To answer your inquiry, we are here to bring you home." The older one nodded. "Staying here just isn't safe enough. But don't worry, everything is all set up for you back at the lair." You see the barriers now surrounding you on all sides, preventing any type of escape. You watch with unrest as they slowly get closer, all you can do is hold onto the taser still in your pocket.
Once they get close enough the barriers drop and you bolt out of the room. But you don't get too far before some type of chain wraps around your ankle. You tripped and fell forward, thankfully the taser landed close to you after your hands were forced out of the pockets.
You quickly snatch it as you are dragged back into the room. You hold it out in front of you and the purple one scoffed. He closed the door to your room as the older turtle crouched down to your level. "Why do you have that? It's not a sufficient tool to protect yourself with." The younger one of the two easily takes the taser from your hands as the other turtle starts wrapping you in the chain as you wriggle around.
"It normally works well enough." You bit back in hopes of deterring their task at hand. But unfortunately that just earned a sympathetic chuckle from the one tying you up and a head pat. "I forgot how stubborn you are, Donnie, mind picking them up?" The one addressed as Donnie nodded and swiftly lifted you up. "I would advise against struggling any further, I really don't want to accidentally drop you." And with those final words the two quickly moved out of your window and up to the roof tops.
They moved quickly and efficiently, but you just felt like a buoy, being jerked up and down as they flew. At some point Donnie activated a jetpack looking thing. And the one earlier addressed as Angelo was simply flying. Soon they landed and took you down into an abandoned subway station. Once there you were immediately swarmed by turtles. Older and younger counterparts of each other. And oddly enough a young boy, maybe about fourteen was there as well.
You were taking in too much information at once as you were ushered into a subway train car. The orange wearing pair left first to make food for everyone. Then the purple duo left, discussing something about security. And finally the blue two left to get whatever they identified as activities. Now just left with the extremely large red wearing match and the young human boy.
They worked to untie you from the chains, freeing you for hugs you weren't expecting. You were trapped between the bigger red one and the smaller red one. The human boy hugged you from the front. You tried to free yourself but gave up when none of them budged.
"Would someone at least tell me what is going on? Maybe give me names to my captors." The older version of the spikey turtle cleared his throat and gave me a toothy smile that showcased his snaggletooth. "Don't worry your head about a thing. We brought ya home so you could be safe. You can call me El." The smaller one was careful not to squeeze too tightly. "An' I'm Raph, but we aren't captors, we're heroes." You stared hesitantly at him, not really believing him at all with your predicament. "I'm Casey Junior, we knew you in the future and now you won't die again!" You looked at the young man in shock at his words. "Hold on, future? Die again? I don't understand."
Before anyone could respond the purple ones entered back in. "We came from an apocalyptic future where we could not defeat the Kraang. You unfortunately perished early into the battle. It deviated all of us, but you're alive here, alive and now completely safe from harm." You gawked at the older one as he talked. "Oh right, you may call me Tello." The smaller one was messing with the gauntlet on his arm. "I'm Donnie, just to make names easier."
You nodded hesitantly as the hug moved to a large couch in the room. You were grateful not to be standing with all that weight on you anymore. "But I was fine before, why bring me here?" Again, another person broke through to answer. "Easy, protecting you at our lair is a lot easier than the dangerous city, I'm Mikey!" The younger of the two orange wearing turtles excitedly proclaimed as he placed some plates of food for everyone. "I'm Angelo, and also because we missed you so much we want to spend as much time with you as possible."
You stare at the food skeptically as the blue pair joins the group again. "Ooo, introductions, well you can call me Leo." The younger one did a fancy pose as the older one smirked. "And I'm Nardo, just so you know, our counterparts share the same names as us but we decided on nicknames to make it easier on ourselves." You nodded in understanding as they all sat down to eat at a table in the room.
You were sat in-between all of them as they ate, barely being about to stomach what you were given from stress. You had to get out of here, but what could you do?
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Continuation of an interaction between me and @phoebepheebsphibs’ AUs!
“I will be taking that, thank you very much!” Donnie says with a smirk and sporting a ninpo made gas mask as he gets his wallet back.
Thief Leo barely holds back gagging from the absolute rancid smell of a genius patented stink bomb.
It was so bad he was on his knees.
“While I admire your tenacity in tricking us all, papa didn’t raise a fool. Unless you count my Leo.”
“I saw him cross his fingers and take your wallet, I just thought it would be funnier if I didn’t say anything.” Leo insists.
Raph clears out the stink bomb smoke with some clones to avoid bothering the other contestants and reaches a hand out to thief Leo.
“We’re gonna let that slide this time because we’re realizin how tough other universes can be, but only one time. Got that, little man?”
Thief Leo begrudgingly nods and takes the help up.
Raph practically lifts him up places him back on his feet.
Both Mikeys arrive back to the scene after spray painting some walls they hope nobody can tie them to.
Con artist Mikey rushes over to thief Leo when he sees his red eyes and how he’s still coughing.
Raph looks over at his Mikey.
“He didn’t try anything, did he?”
Mikey shakes his head.
“He just seemed really happy to have someone new to talk to. He even helped me hold the can up when my arms started shaking.”
“What do we do with them? Just allow the roaming around and general thievery?” Donnie questions.
Mikey looks at the two of them.
“They’re not bad people. He told me how he only had Leo for a long time. We’re pretty lucky we never got separated for long.”
Leo stares for a moment as well before pulling a coin out from his fanny pack and walking closer.
“So, you guys have probably learned a thing or two already about taking stuff without anybody seeing. I think I can teach you something extra! Magic slight of hand!”
Thief Leo beams as he and his Mikey watch Leo toss around a coin before making it disappear completely.
“How did you do that without sleeves!?”
“It’s all in the redirection, alt me.” Leo pulls the coin out from con artist Mikey’s shirt collar.
His jaw drops as he grabs the coin.
“Woah! Amazing!” He quickly puts the coin his pocket.
Leo let’s that slide.
“Hey, guys, permission for a small portal?”
His brothers all nod and Leo opens it up. He reaches his arm inside, fishing around before he pulls out some unicorns.
The portal closes back up immediately after.
Leo hands the unicorns to the both of them.
“Mikey and I got way too many when we were working at Hueso’s that one time. Go grab some pizza on us.”
Thief Leo looks at him in shock.
“You’re just giving us these!? Why!? I stole your brother’s wallet!”
“Well I’m pretty sure you weren’t taking it to buy video games, though even then I think you guys deserve to be able to play some, you need it. There should be enough for two so no skipping out so Mikey can eat more.”
Thief Leo looks away like he got caught in something.
Con artist Mikey stares at his brother, then at Leo who he hugs tightly.
“Thank you!”
Leo smiles softly and pats his shoulder.
“Just don’t go fainting again anytime soon.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Also get your hands out of my fanny pack.”
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mimastuff · 11 months
M,kay so like, may I request the 4 turns finding out that they were Y/n's pet before draxum stole and mutated them.
(this can be romantic if y/n got them when they were so a baby or platonic if y/n got them when they were older)
Thank you!
ILYSM this is a good one 😌
Pet teetels
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Raph❤️ - non established relationship
- your family owned a very cool breed of turtle
- As a kid you used to adore him
- He was your pride and joy :)
- That was until one fate full day your aligator snapping turtle was snatched up by some tall goat freak show of a man.
- You wanted revenge
- but since you weren’t even old enough to go out on your own you waited the day you set your eyes on your beloved turtle
- Now things have changed
- You met April though your new school in New York
- You both took a photograph class and now you guys have been great friends since !
- She soon introduced the turtles when she was ready
- Now you stood in front of four human sized turtles.
- Except for one.
- This one looked vaguely familiar…
“This one is Leo and this is raph!” You waved sheepishly at them all which the one in orange soon returned. “It’s nice to meet you all finally! April has been bragging about you guys for weeks !” You felt a small hit to the arm as you all chuckled. The brothers even let you stay for dinner ! As the pizza boxes were being put out you couldn’t help but stare at the turtle. “Hey , do you need help with those? Also I couldn’t help but notice your cool fighting skills! April showed me a video of you fighting some feet clan or something?” Raph looked up at you with sparkles in his eyes. No one had ever had full interest in who he was beyond his green skin and stink. “Oh yeah ! I think you mean to foot clan but yes , our dad splinter taught us how to train . Well as most he could anyway heh” you chuckled and picked up the rest of the boxes and brought them to the group. “Jupiter Jim anyone ? “ the blue one shouted. Everyone lit up as you nodded with a smile. You say the pizza boxes down and everyone took a slice. You and raph talked throughout the whole movie. Whispering of course 😊. As the last scene finishes you couldn’t help but ask for raphs number. He was super interesting and not to mention handsome as all hell. Once you got home he texted you first.
“Hey it’s Raphael! I’m really glad I met you today , it was fun :)”
“Yes it was ! Hey I forgot to mention that you look really familiar to me. I can’t stop thinking where I have seen you !”
“Heh , that’s weird. Maybe did you have a pet turtle or someone you knew did ? “
“ I actually did , but he got taken by some funky goat man when I was little . The turtle was older than me by like 3 months lol”
“Umm well I think I might need to do some explaining but I think I was your turtle”….
Donnie💜 - non established relationship
- you couldn’t help but realise how your friend Donnie looked vaguely familiar
- Could it be his eyebrows ?
- Or maybe his mask?
- The question replayed in your head but a ding in your phone shut your thoughts up
Ding ding. Your phone went off. The smooth ring tone you had set for Donnie rung loudly in your room filling up the lingering silence and loudness of your thoughts. You expression changed when you saw the picture he sent you. Rather the selfie he sent you. It was him in a fight with some , goat man? Omg ! The same man that had stolen your soft shell turtle has a kid !!! You text Donnie back quickly.
“ that goat man stole my turtle as a kid :(“
“Yeah. He was the family pet we had. But he stole my angry little soft shell turtle.”
“ you know he mutated us right ? And umm I’m a soft shell … surprise I might be your childhood pet …”
Mikey🧡 - established relationship
- mikey was your sweetheart of a boyfriend
- But he had a familiar feeling about him
- You felt as though those same hands you held that you have touched before
- That same cheek you have kisses , you have kissed before
- Mikey feels the same , that’s when you both realise something …
You and your turtle boyfriend are cuddling on the couch and watching Jupiter Jim. You turn to him with a smile on your face. He looks down at your sparkling eyes and pauses the movie. “Are you ok baby cakes ? You’re looking at me with stars in your eyes:)” you look into his eyes once more , holding eye contact while you spoke. “You know , when I first met you, you seemed really familiar to me. Now that we are dating I can’t help but feel that it’s getting stronger. I just don’t know where it’s come from !!” He looked at you with a sudden surprised expression. “No way , man ! Me too. Like when you hold me it feels , nostalgic.” You looked at the tv again. A goat had been mutated to an alien on screen. “Hey I knew someone who was kind of a goat man. He stole my turtle when I was younger! “ oh. Mikey finally clicked. You had heard of his past and how he was mutated. You both smiled at the same time and in sink squealed! “You were my pet as a kid !! I loved you , still do !! <33” mikey felt the need to hug you in that moment.
Leo 💙
- your blue boyfriend was swinging his swords in training.
- You looked up at him to feel an unknown sensation
- As if , you knew him before ?
- Like maybe in a past life ?
- No , too far.
- But his laugh felt too nostalgic to be a coincidence….
Leo turned to you as you gave him a curious look. The way his sword swooshed in the air , the way his bandana tails swayed with every hit of the air around him. He felt kinda like home. You really loved your boyfriend. He meant the world to you. Before when you were just friends, in the early stages of your guys relationship it really felt as if that you had know each other for years. It was a spark that ignited into a forest fire of warmth. His stupid witty jokes and smirks felt all too familiar in this moment. You clearly have a horrible poker face as he came and sat next to you. “You good babe ? You have been weird all day, any guys ass I need to kick ?” You chuckled , always with the jokes to lighten the mood. “Nah I’m good just can’t shake this feeling that I have met you before we properly met.” He thought for a second. “Maybe in a past life ?” Definitely not. “No it feels more now. You know I had a red slider turtle just like you as a kid. Some one ended up stealing him tho :(“ Leo’s face lit up , draxum ! You both giggled at the fact of fate working its magic again. You two will always be connected wether you like it or not.
Two tonight , woop woop I’m on fireee
Seriously tho I had no ideas for this so it took ages bug I just love you guys so much I pulled through 😍😋
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savemeafruitjuice · 5 months
Lee Mikey 2012? Maybe he’s being annoying and the others get revenge
Sure thing! I'm getting a load of requests right now, but I'll try to write one every day or two!
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Lee! Michelangelo
Ler! Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo
TW! Implied swearing
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(this gif is so silly 👆🗣️‼️‼️)
It was another casual day, the turtle teens going about their lives. Leo was meditating, trying his best to figure out another one of Master Splinter's mysterious inquiries; Donnie was examining yet another Kraang machine and Raph was training, beating the crap out of a punching bag.
Everyone was doing something productive- except for Mikey. He hadn't been able to focus all day. Once one thing caught his interest it lost its spark after a couple minutes. Needless to say, he was bored.
The freckled turtle began humming yet another song, but ended up forgetting the rhythm, instead opting to just lay on the ground.
That is, until he got an idea.
Tiptoeing to his brother's room, Mikey snuck through the hallway in an attempt to distract himself. He made it into the room and immediately found what he was looking for: Spike. Raphael had always been protective of his pet tortoise, but because he wasn't in his room, he was free to play with him! Right?
Apparently not, because as soon as he had the reptile cradled in his arms, the fiery turtle bursted into the space, startling the orange-clad. "Mikey, do you mind telling me whaT THE F-" "Raphael. We do not use that language in this household."
An unexpected voice sounded right in Raph's ear. He jumped a little, although he immediately knew from the quiet tone that it was Leonardo. He let out a sigh, before remembering why he was mad in the first place. "Mikey came into my room without my permission! And even worse, he's messing with Spike! What if he hurts him?!"
While saying this, Leo sighed and gently took the said creature from Mikey, earning a little groan of annoyance as he was returned to Raphael. "Whatever. I'm boooored!" "Then just stop being bored." Raph deadpanned, a smug grin creeping up his face as his brothers rolled their eyes.
"Do you think if I scream really really loud, that pizza will start falling from the sky?" Leo and Raph looked in utter confusion and disbelief at who they were almost ashamed to call their brother. Almost. "What? What does that even mean?" both teens chimed in unison. "I dunno. I'm bored."
"Bored, huh?" a new voice approached, Donatello making his way towards the others with something that appeared complicated in hand. "Allow me to enlighten you on this new tech I'm working on. It's actually completely made of m-"
Donnie was cut off, Mikey jumping in the air with newfound energy. "Completely made out of burgers? Milkshakes? PIZZA?" "What? No, you numbskull. Never mind, you're not of the proper intelligence to understand anyways." the purple-masked turtle scoffed, though it didn't deter Mikey from being a pest for the time being.
"Your nerd stuff is boring anyways. I want something fun to do! Surely you could think of something, poindexter?" "Hey! That's rude!" conflict was building between the two, and Leo, unable to deal with yet another headache, had a plan that benefited all of them. Well, except for their ears.
"Alright, alright! That's enough!" the katana user pushed the brothers apart, directing their attention to him instead. "Mikey, if you want something fun to do, I'll give you something fun to do." and with that, Leonardo tackled his brother to the ground, seating himself upon his waist and pinning his flailing arms beneath his knees.
"Hey, not cool bro! What gives?" Mikey strained, attempting to free his arms, but to no avail. "Uh... Leo? What are you doing?" Raphael questioned, crossing his arms in confusion as he stared at the two. "Yeah, you're not gonna hurt him, are you?" the purple chimed in, slightly concerned as the leader of the group didn't usually participate in the whole 'Bullying Mikey shenanigans'.
"No, of course not." Leo waved them off, dismissing the turtles apparent concern. Mikey let out a sigh of relief. "I'm just going to... alleviate his boredom." he wiggled his fingers at Mikey's plastron, causing the youngest to let out a little "Eep!" while the others made the connection. Anticipatory giggles immediately came out of his mouth, evil smirks overcoming Raph and Donnie's faces.
"Youhu can't doho this! Lehet me gohoho!" Raphael stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "No dice, man. You messed with Spike- now I'm gonna mess with you." and with that, fingers were digging into the trapped turtles rib-area, causing a loud shriek to bounce off the walls. Donatello flinched a little at the noise, but made his way over too as he recovered, setting his machinery down.
Leo smiled, glad that his brothers were agreeing on something- even if it was at Mikey's expense. The nunchuck-user was giggling his head off, laughter only intensifying as Donnie came forth and began poking various places on his plastron, taking note of the different reactions he caused.
Leo spidered along his brother's neck, startling slightly when he screeched. "You've been a pest all week. You had this coming." Raphael and Leonardo agreed, easily following the smallest's movements as he wiggled about.
"PleHEHEAse! Ihihi'm sOHORRY!" Mikey continued to evade his brother's hands, though it didn't do much. Legs kicked out as the turtle shut his eyes. When Leo switched to squeezing instead of spidering, his laughter increased tenfold, trying to tilt his head to one side to block the attack, only for the sensation to switch to the other side, the cycle continuing.
Donnie had moved down, experimentally squeezing the freckled-turtle's knee, carefully dodging a kick aimed at his head. Now Mikey was writhing. His knees were a definite bad spot for him, and he could only take so much before he started begging.
"DOHONIHIHIEE! STOHOHOHOP! IHI- I CAHAHAAN'T!" after glancing at his face, Raphael shrugged and dug into his armpits as Donnie let out a "Woop!" in celebration at his discovery. Leo, however didn't want to overdo it, and called them off.
"Okay guys, I don't think he can take much more. We'd better stop." their fingers slowed as Michelangelo gasped for air. The blue-themed turtle climbed off of him, patting his head. Donnie crawled forward to inspect his brother's face to make sure he was okay. Mikey curled in on himself, giggled slipping out every once in a while, but overall seemed okay. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Ihi'm fine. Thahanks Don." and with that, he let out a yawn, rolling onto his side. "Just don't try any funny business in my room again." Raph chimed in, all of the brothers watching as Mikey fell asleep.
"At least we tired him out for a while, huh?"
There we go! Didn't expect that one to be so long but whatevs! I hope you enjoyed more of my obsession-induced turtle chaos. 🤭
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Gym Buddies part 2/?
Part 1 here
Rating: Suggestive near the end
A/N: There's a poll at the end of this! As per usual: Bayverse turtles, all character are 18+
Tag list: @madammuffins (anyone else can just ask me to be added bc I don't want to assume)
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You pummeled the boxing bag with extra fervor today.
"Come on! What did I say about the elbows!" Raph called from behind it, holding it for you.
Immediately you fixed your stance and drew more punches in quick succession. Sweat was dripping down your neck and face, your muscles were screaming and your body was telling you it might be best to call it quits now, no? But you didn't.
Fucking, Mark, from, fucking, accounting.
You delivered a jab then a cross imagining the face of the coworker there instead of the punching bag.
Finally, you were out of breath, taking couple steps back and taking off your gloves.
"Wow, that Mark guy must have really pissed you off, huh?" Raph grinned at you. "I should thank him, you did great today."
You realized you might have voiced some of your thoughts out loud. Thankfully your whole body was already flushed from the exercise so you didn't have to hide your embarrassment.
"Hardy har," you stuck your tongue at Raph and grabbed your water bottle.
After The Slip Up Incident as the brothers would call it you were attending the "Raph swole up gym" classes. It was a bit awkward at first. The proximity of him while he fixed your stances certainly created some tensions but it didn't seem like he was going to act upon anything anytime soon so you let it slide. For now.
"But seriously, if he needs a good asswhooping-" You heard him talk somewhere behind you.
"No, no it's just-," you sighed. "I made a stupid mistake, he saw it and told my superiors while I was in the process of fixing it," you explained.
"It's still seems like a shitty thing to do." His voice being suddenly so close behind you made you jump and you turned around being faced with his chest inches from you. There was something in his eyes today.
He's always been overprotective. Easy to provoke, which you teased him for. You always knew how to diffuse him. Turn his angry energy to a pout. Today it seemed the tables have turned.
Taking the confession in account he was dangerously close today.
You swallowed. You blamed the workout for the heat you felt in your body.
"I know, but nothing I can't handle." You smiled and touched his arm. As soon as you did that you dropped your hand. What was it with the sudden sparks?
You tried to side step and out some distance between you but then he said your name in a way that sent butterflies straight to your stomach.
You looked up once more.
"Yes?" You asked, heart hammering in your chest.
He shuffled on his feet and looked away. You knew he was about to backpedal on whatever he wanted to say. Again. He even opened his mouth to most likely say 'nevermind', but you had enough.
Quickly, before he could do that, you reached up to the two strings of his mask and yanked him down by them to your face level and placed a hard kiss on his mouth.
He froze, stunned, but quickly got over it. Suddenly you were now picked up and pressed against the wall.
His kiss took your breath away. Your hands let go of the mask strings and wrapped around his neck. He pressed tightly to you, needy, hungry. He wanted you whole.
When you finally broke away you licked your mouth trying to catch your breath.
"Wow," you giggled. "Took you long enough."
"Well, I-" he started but then you both heard it.
The crunch. You both looked to the opening of the weights room and saw two of his brothers standing there eating popcorn.
"Can I help you?" You asked a bit taken a back.
"No," Mikey said with shit eating grin. "I'm good."
"We're just enjoying the fact that Leo lost the bet," Donnie informed you. "Also this is more entertaining than dad's telenovelas."
"I did a wha-OW!" Leo's head popped from behind the wall and immediately was hit by a water bottle thrown by Raph, that both the younger brothers evaded.
Raph dropped you and you cheered him on as he chased after his meddling brothers. Later though you saw Splinter pocketing some cash from Donnie.
The rat winked at you and very smug went to tend to his bonsai trees.
You shook your head. Never a boring day in this household.
The End?
If you read and enjoyed Gym Buddies, here's a poll:
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Mayhaps I request a platonic Yandere(if you do thoses) Rottmnt with a MC that is viewed or is their little sibling?
I hope you have have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!
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I only have 2 more requests to finish before moving on to the next set yay! The next set is like 16 requests so that'll probably take a month to finish ;-;.
I haven’t done any non-Hcs things recently so why not.
Tw: overprotective behaviour, Mikey's a hypocrite,
Hypocritical Feelings
(MC is a turtle mutant like the bros)
The sun settled down into the depths of the horizon, painting the sky of New York a dark shade of blue. The city's children head off to bed, the teenagers lay awake in their beds scrolling through any media they can find, and the adults rush through the streets, trying to get home. Yet deep in the sewers of the megapolis is a family of mutants: five turtle siblings and their lazy rat father.
The stroke of midnight is noon to this household, which is the time for lunch. The second youngest prepares lunch for the siblings, his skilled three-fingered hands adding spices to the dish. Once finished, he walks to the living room to announce the meal is ready.
"Raph, Leo! I finished cooking lunch!" He calls out to the elder two, already wandering off to the next destination.
"Please tell me it's the tempura rice bowl we've been so hyped for~" Leo, who previously was reading comics, jumps up from the couch, excitedly marching to the kitchen in excitement. Raphael follows behind him, his long tail wagging in joy.
The oranged-masked turtle heads off to his twin's room, swinging his arms as he does so. He lightly knocks on the door before opening it, slipping his head in through the crack. "Y/n, lunch is served!" He waits for a few seconds for them to answer, blinking a couple of times.
They soon notice him and reply, "'Kay, let me finish this first." They focus back on the activity, silently signaling to him he can go back to the kitchen.
He obliges, shutting the door and heading for the middle child's lab.
The siblings sit at the high table and munch on their food, enjoying the exquisite taste. Raphie is almost finished with his entire bowl, seemingly devouring the delicacy.
"'Angelo, I must say this is one of the better dishes of your craft!" The lab-technician compliments, biting a piece of the crispy fried shrimp
"Thanks! I found a really good market that has some of the best ingredients." He grins, his legs wiggling a little with happiness.
Soon enough the siblings have finished their meals and have headed off to do their own things, leaving only the younger set of twins in the room.
"Hey Mikey, do you mind if you could cover for me?" Y/n asks, slight uncertainty laced in their voice.
"What do you mean by 'cover'?" He sassily juts out his hip a little, drying the dishes.
They hesitate, doing a few taps on the countertop. "Well, there's this really cool shop I wanted to visit...And I wanna go alone this time."
The room suddenly quiets, a tense atmosphere developing. Mikey freezes, eyes wide in shock. His brain short-circuits on him, no thoughts running through his head.
"EXCUSE ME? ALONE? NO WAY!" He exclaims, gripping the fragile plate so hard it almost shatters underneath the pressure.
"Oh but come on! You literally picked up the Lou Jitsu game alone a few months ago! I should totally be allowed to go to a shop!" They argue back, a small pout forming on their face.
Mikey wiggles a finger, shaking his head in the process. "Nope! Nuh-uh! I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Just then, Raph walks in, carrying a barbell in one of his hands. "I hear bickering. What's goin' on?"
Mikey turns to him dramatically holding out a hand in his twin's direction, "Y/n wants to go shopping, alone!"
Raph immediately frowns, jerking his head to them. "I barely let Mikey go, but you, definitely not."
"Don't you guys think you're a bit too overprotective?"
Like a dramatic effect from a movie, both Leo and Donnie enter as well, seemingly attracted to the commotion from the three.
"Guys, me and Donnie are trying to have our weekly 'who's better at video games' competition! We do not need all this noise; except for cheering that is."
"Yeah, I agree. The sound is not quite enjoyable background music."
"Y/n's trying to leave! ALONEeEeeEEee!" Mikey runs to Donnie, embracing his plastron in distress. D'Nello stiffens in response, leaning back in disgust.
"Oh great- wait what! What are you doing trying to go out alone! What if you get run over by an ice cream truck!" Leo approaches Y/n his hands on his hips.
"First of all, I am not getting run over by an ice cream truck. Two, I should be fine! If Mikey can do it, so can I!" They open their arms, frustrated with their brothers.
"Mh well, let's see. I can confirm that you have a 100% chance of getting run over by an ice cream truck if you are to go out alone." Donnie pushes Mikey to Leo, at his limit for physical touch.
"Alright guys, let's go watch Leon and Donald have their competition!" Raph interrupts the youngest, pushing everyone out of the kitchen and towards the arcade.
Y/n huffs, and crosses their arms, ready to take a run for it.
Why can't they go out alone just for a limited edition Jupiter Jim figure?
I really need to brush up on longer pieces. It just seems like a picture with only characters
- Celina
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