#and summer & morty's reaction to it
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his mastery of multigenerational linguistics <3 <3 <3
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thesoftboiledegg · 9 months
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This tweet's original post is full of stories about networks and creators derailing, ruining and canceling shows once they earned a female fanbase. People ask for an example of a TV show where the opposite happened. Would they believe me if I mentioned a little show called Rick and Morty? (No, they wouldn't.)
Despite season one's issues, including a whole episode where the writers spewed through Rick "Girls are DUMB and don't understand science! No girls allowed!!", the series attracted a huge female and LGBT fanbase.
Instead of doubling down to scare us off, Adult Swim famously hired more female writers for season three, dismissing the dudebros' ire. This could've been a token gesture to ward off bad press, but they continued hiring female writers for later seasons.
Other developments include selling merchandise at Rue 21 and Charlotte Russe, collaborating with Dolls Kill and Glamlite, introducing another female character (Space Beth) and firing a certain misogynist creep despite his status as co-creator and lead voice actor, which the dudebros didn't take very well. Elon Musk publicly whined about it.
Seasons six and seven are when the writers really started emphasizing Rick's attachment to his daughters, granddaughter and late wife. He flat-out says that he respects Summer and she reminds him of Diane. "No" also disappears from his vocabulary when one of them wants something.
The series also starts giving the Tumblr side of the fandom what we want: Rick in a suit and tie, Rick announcing that Rickcest is canon, Beth and Space Beth dating, Rick giving Morty his lab coat when they're cold (a fandom staple since season one), more acknowledgement that Rick is autistic, etc. Meanwhile, the bro contingent gets increasingly angry about Rick and Morty going "woke," which Adult Swim ignores.
But good luck saying this outside the fandom because the general reaction is "haha you like the cringe pickle man show 🤪"
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conanssummerchild · 1 month
ive dipped my toes into a little bit of unserious fic writing for rnm and i felt it was about time i dropped an autistic rick fic 🫡
ive had this idea circling around in my head for a while but i wasn't really sure what direction the fic would go in but ive decided to go for some good old internalised ableism (me writing angst? shocking /sarc) bcs rick never seems to see his autism as a disadvantage which is super slay BUT there is also a lot of difficult things to deal with being autistic and you know that old fucker hates admitting he needs help with anything so im gonna fucking force him to >:) this is set in like maybe season 2 or early season 3 btw just to make rick even less inclined to admit he needs any help !!
ok enough yapping, here we gooo
It was awfully quiet in the house for a Saturday afternoon. Usually by now Rick would've come barging into the living room, demanding Morty come with him and tugging him through a portal without waiting for an affirmative answer, always at least a little drunk on whatever he could get his hands on.
Today there was none of that, only fragrant smells of whatever dinner Jerry was cooking coming from the kitchen, juxtaposed with the harsh screaming match going on between him and Beth. Summer was scrolling on her phone absently next to Morty on the sofa as he pretended to watch some film that Jerry insisted was a masterpiece on non-interdimensional TV.
Overall, it was a normal night at the Smith's house from before Rick had come into their lives, but Morty wasn't relaxed like he would've been before, or even upset over having to listen to his parents' petty argument. No, he was ansty, fidgeting around enough to earn several annoyed glances from Summer.
He combed back through his memories, doubting whether he'd seen Rick today at all. He hadn't been at lunch or breakfast, in fact Morty hadn't seen him at all since their brief adventure yesterday, during which Rick had been in an increasingly foul mood. Had no one else even noticed his disappearance?
"I'm gonna check on Rick." He blurted out, stumbling off the sofa.
Summer didn't even spare him a glance.
He tried not to run down the hallway, nervous jitters going through his whole body. What if he had left again? No, probably not, Morty had seen his ship in the driveway. Shit– Rick had thousands of enemies, what if he was lying dead in his room right now?
Morty knocked on Rick's door so hard his knuckles stung a little, ignoring the small buzzing sound that accompanied the knocks. He heard a groan akin to one of a dying man and some shuffling from inside the room.
"Rick?" Morty called out to no answer, anxiety only rising.
He shifted nervously from foot to foot. If he just barged into Rick's room and he was fine Rick would be super pissed, but if he didn't and Rick was dying Morty would never forgive himself.
He shoved the door open. It didn't have a lock anymore. Morty held his breath as his eyes darted around the room, he feared it would look like a crime scene, but it looked... normal. He hadn't been in Rick's room that many times but, despite the darkness and slight mess, nothing seemed particularly out of place.
Well, that was, of course, apart from the translucent green force field type thing in front of the door.
He frowned, calling Rick's name again, but he was lying in his cot, facing the wall, unresponsive. Not even seeming like he'd heard Morty, the rise and fall of his tense shoulders the only thing showing he was still alive.
Morty chanced a careful touch to the force field, preparing for some kind of electric shock, but none came, only a quiet hum was emmited as Morty's fingers passed through. Rick moved again slightly, but other than that showed no visible reaction.
The field gave way easily and Morty passed though completely, standing meekly at the doorway of Rick's room. He was surprised to find that it was silent, like completely. No sound passed through the green barrier, not the sounds of sizzling pans, or the movie playing faintly in the background. Nothing.
"Rick? A-are you okay?" It wasn't said particularly loudly, but it felt that way in the complete silence.
No answer. He took a step closer, repeating himself louder, in case Rick just hadn't heard. "Rick? W-what's– is everything good?"
He expected anything, from Rick yelling at him to the person in the bed just being an alien wearing Rick's face, not even Rick himself.
He didn't expect Rick to cover his ears and curl into himself further.
"Uh-" Morty hesitated. His head hurt? Was he, like, hungover? Dying?
He only paused for a second more before turning and running out of the room, if something really was greviously wrong with Rick he would much rather be safe than sorry.
"Mom!" He called, running into the kitchen, interrupting the argument going on abruptly.
Beth downed a large sip of her wine glass, emptying it and setting it down on the counter with a sharp clink.
"Morty, honey, the adults are talking right now." She said, rubbing her temples tiredly.
"Mom, something's w-w-wrong with Rick."
"What?" That got Beth's attention, straightening from where she was topping off her wine once more. "What's wrong with Rick?"
"I don't know." Morty replied, agitated. "He's in his room just– just lying there, he's not answering me."
Beth was already heading in the direction of his room—not without grabbing her wine. "Come on, sweetie." She said to Morty.
"Wha- Beth, come on! We were having a conversation here!" Jerry exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
"I have more important things to deal with right now, Jerry." She said coldly.
Jerry's complaints were drowned out by Morty's rushing thoughts as he led Beth down the hall.
She peeked into the dark room without passing the noise-cancelling field, expression changing when she saw Rick curled into a ball, hands still clamped over his ears. While her frown stayed, a sort of realisation flashed in her eyes.
"Um, I think your grandpa just needs a little bit of alone time right now, okay? Let's give him some space." She said, taking a step back and closing the door gently.
"What? Why?"
"He just... Well, honestly, I don't know. I just vaguely remember he would get like this sometimes when I was a kid, when he was stressed. Mom always told me to just leave him alone for a while. I thought he'd probably grown out of it, like it was a midlife crisis thing or whatever. Guess not." She gave a small shrug.
That didn't really answer any of Morty's questions and raised several more, but Beth didn't seem to have the answers.
"Okay." Beth echoed, taking a swig of wine, her demeanour changing back to a bored one. "Well, I gotta go deal with Jerry now, go play video games, or something."
For the rest of that day, and then one more after that, Morty waited anxiously for Rick to emerge from his room. He felt like he was losing his mind, all while everyone else didn't even seem to care that Rick was gone at all.
He was picking at his pancakes uninterestedly when he finally caught a glimpse of blue hair in the hallway.
"Rick!" He exclaimed, making the old man nearly jump out of his skin.
"Jesus fucking christ, M-Morty." He muttered, grabbing some orange juice from the fridge and downing it straight from the carton.
"What happened?" Morty asked, getting up from the table and hovering by Rick. No one told him off for leaving the table. He could tell that they were all listening in on the conversation.
"What happened when?" Rick asked dismissively, playing dumb. He rummaged around in the overhead cupboard until he found an opened box of wafers. "What– who the fuck opened my wafers?"
Morty rolled his eyes. "You did, last week."
"Oh yeah." Rick shoved a wafer in his mouth.
"Rick, come on, seriously, I was worried."
"Well then maybe you should mind your own business, Morty."
Morty huffed. "What so you'd prefer I didn't care about you at all?"
"Yes. Obviously. Why does that surprise you? I've clearly stated it on multiple occasions."
"Well, I'm sorry, but I do care about you, Rick. I just want to make sure you're okay, because it seemed like you weren't" Morty said earnestly.
"Ugh, I'm fine, Morty." He scowled. "Don't be so– so weird about it."
"I'm weird?! Y-you're the weird one, Rick! Wh-what the hell is wrong with you? You just dissapear for– for two days and won't even tell me why? Can you give half a shit about anyone but yourself?"
"Jesus, I was overstimulated! O-okay? I'm autistic! Is that what you want to hear? You– you fucking dick."
Morty shook his head lightly, processing the stream of information "...What?"
"What? You can't be autistic." Jerry chimed in from the dining room.
"Okay, Jerry, and you won't be alive when I stuff your tiny dick in your mouth and freeze you, so we can put you on the mantle like some kind of fucked up decoration with your balls hanging out. Wait, actually, you will be alive. You'll feel the whole thing. Suuuper painful."
Rick snatched up Morty's virtually untouched stack of pancakes and sauntered out.
A quiet washed over the table, Morty looking over at Beth and seeing that she seemed just as surprised as him.
"What, you guys seriously didn't know?" Summer's bored voice broke through the silence.
"Y- you did?" Morty asked incredulously.
"Uh, duhh, Morty. It's like super obvious?" Summer drawled, not even looking up from whoever she was texting on her phone.
"How is it obvious?!"
"Becuase, Morty, I'm not uneducated like all of you guys."
"What? Wh-whatever, I'm just– I'm gonna go talk to him."
Summer didn't grace him with a response.
Morty peered into Rick's room but he wasn't there, so he wandered towards the garage. As he approached, he could already hear the sounds of Rick tinkering with something or other.
"H-hey, Rick." He said carefully, but Rick didn't seem particularly upset, offering Morty a small grunt in greeting.
"S-sorry I said there was something wrong with you." Morty added.
Rick looked up this time, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Okay?"
He went back to his project for a bit, but when Morty still didn't leave after several minutes he sighed, setting his wrench down harshly next to Morty's now half-eaten pancakes. "Yes, Morty?" He asked, irritated.
"I-I just... You could've told me, you know? That you're autistic. I'm not– you don't have to be, like... ashamed."
"Screw you, I'm not ashamed." Rick snapped. "L-look at me Morty, do you know how smart I am? You think any fucking neurotypical could ever reach my level of genius? Fuck no!"
He crossed his arms like a petulant child, pouting at the floor.
"Oh– Sorry." Morty stuttered. "I just thought..."
"What? That just because I'm autistic I have to be ashamed? Pretty ableist stuff there, Morty." Rick said sharply.
"No! Jeez, That's not– not what I meant, Rick. Jeez... I was gonna ask why you never t-talk about it, then?"
"Becuase it's none of y-your damn business, that's why."
"But– I mean, sure, but not even my mom knew. Did... did your wife? Did she know?"
Rick's shoulders tensed and he looked away, his loose grip on the table becoming harsher.
"She... knew." He said tightly.
"Did anyone else?" Morty made his tone a little gentler, seeing Rick wasn't exactly thrilled to talk about it.
"...Birdperson. And Squanchy."
"That's– no one else?"
Rick frowned. "My parents knew. But they didn't like it... Diane– my wife she was the first person I chose to tell myself."
"I'm sorry." Morty said quietly. "About your parents and... Diane."
Rick sat silently, staring at the work bench in front of him without saying a word.
"Is that... why you guys divorced, or?"
"No, Morty, jesus." Rick huffed. "She was actually the only one that didn't treat me like less than because of it. I mean, until BP and Squanch."
"So why–?"
"I don't want to talk about my failed marriage, M-morty." Rick sighed.
Rick shrugged.
Silence stretched on as Rick went back to his project again, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either.
"It's embarrasing. Sometimes." Rick said haltingly. "When I get overstimulated. Becuase I know that doesn't happen to normal people and I don't like admitting I need help with things that other people don't. It's a sign of weakness."
"That's not–!"
"Shut the fuck up, Morty. This isn't a discussion, you got what you wanted out of me, so now you can fuck off."
"But, Rick you–"
"Morty, just fuck the fuck off."
Morty hesitated for a second, before lunging towards Rick and trapping him in a tight hug. Rick tensed up.
"Morty, you little shit, get off me!" Rick wriggled, trying to get out of Morty's embrace.
"I love you, grandpa. Thank you for opening up to me, I know it's hard for you." Morty whispered, which only made Rick thrash around harder. "I don't think you're weak, by the way. Or that there's anything wrong with you."
Morty finally pulled away from the hug and Rick crossed his arms again, his face now a little flushed in embarrasment.
"Don't do that again, you asshole." He grumbled. "I don't like it when you hug me."
"Sorry." Morty said, mostly meaning it. "Hugs always make me feel a lot better."
"Well I'm not you, Morty, and they m-m-make me uncomfortable."
"Sorry." He repeated. "But I-I still mean everything I said."
Rick pouted, turning away. Morty knew Rick was stubborn, and that he wasn't going to erase years of self-hatred and internalised ableism in a few minutes, but he hoped that one day Rick let him in enough to at least try.
"Okay, bye grandpa. Love you."
"Bye, asshole." Rick muttered back.
Love you too he thought, but didn't say.
+ extra
Rick had been in a shitty mood all day, and Morty could tell something was brewing under the surface, but he couldn't tell what until they were already on their way back home from grabbing some crystals from some drug planet Rick stole from all the time.
Usually Rick would be in high spirits after another succesful crystal-stealing mission, but today he just glared through the windshield, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Morty could tell that, despite his intense stare, he wasn't really paying too much attention, so it wasn't a huge shock when an large asteroid chunk flew into their field of vision and Rick didn't even try to swerve.
They crashed into the asteroid hard and an alarm started blaring, red rays flashing in the interior of the spaceship. Rick's hands flew over his ears, squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
Morty had seen this alarm go off several times, due to Rick's often reckless driving, and it usually didn't bother Rick very much at all, not warranting more than a curse and flipping the alarm off annoyedly.
Rick bit down on his knee hard as Morty hurried to shut down the alarm, Rick's hands moving into his hair and tugging when it was finally switched off.
Rick had a tendancy to hurt himself when he was overstimulated and it made Morty endlessly anxious. He searched desperately in the backseat for the noise cancelling headphones he'd given Rick and "forced him to wear" as Rick would say, but Morty could tell he appreciated it. Especially when he snatched them out of Morty's hands before he'd barely even handed them to him, shoving them onto his head agressively and clicking the button he'd added himself for improved noise cancellation, claiming the headphones were trash and that he'd had to modify them to make them at all a useful tool.
He slumped back in his chair with a sigh, his eyes were still shut but Morty could see the tears that had collected on his eyelashes.
"Do you want me to drive us back?" Morty asked, barely finishing the sentance before Rick was hitting the button that switched their chairs around so Morty would be in front of the wheel. Morty let out a small exclamation of surprise, but quickly took the wheel, putting the ship back on track.
Rick didn't say anything else for the short journey home, jumping out of the ship before it was even parked properly. Morty hurried to keep up with him as he unlocked the door. He stopped abruptly in the middle of the entryway and Morty almost crashed into him, managing to stop himself just in time.
"Thank you." Rick said gruffly, not giving Morty time to respond and just rushing off to his room.
Morty still smiled, though. He knew that was about as close as it got to his grandpa expressing affection.
"Love you too, Rick."
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what’s your favorite beth moment/episode?
OMG! There's literally so many to choose from (and yet it's still so little 😢 and that's not even counting the comics which have some of my fave actually)
Some of my fave moments (in no particular order):
in 'A Rickle in Time' I love her little smile when Rick says hi to her and she tries to approach him and the kids,, also later in the same episode when she's arguing with the veterinarian over the deer and when she's performing surgery on the deer (it's the first time where we really see that she's her father's daughter imo) AND at the end of the episode when she's laughing at Jerry's jokes about Rick and the kids wearing the collars (bonus for Rick's reaction that literally gets me everytime because he's so defeated by her laughing AT him that it kills me ok I hc that he loves making her laugh but hates the being the butt of the joke because there's at least four different times where we seem him actively trying to make her laugh 🥺🥺)
in 'Total Rickall' when the parasites have turned the family against Rick and tells her that he's her father and she's like "Oh, are you, dad? Are you?" tauntingly like it's soooooo good ok (hits a little different now too I suppose 💔)
every scene she has in 'The Rickshank Rickdemption', 'Pickle Rick', and 'ABCs of Beth', 'Star Mort', 'Mortyplicity' (one of my fave eps actually!!), and 'Bethic Twinstinct'
when she actually tries to mother the kids like with Summer in the 'whirly dirly' ep and 'The Old Man and The Seat' and Morty in the Planetina ep (I do not remeber the name sorry I actually don't really like that ep or the toilet one too much, I almost never rewatch them)
her little squeal at "my little steampunk overlord" in 'Childrick of Mort' AND her cute little speech to Rick before that Zeus guy came (he's soooooo fond of her dude that when Gaia tries to warn her about the Zeus guy that he doesn't want Gaia interrupting his "breakthrough with his daughter" AND AND he practically begs that guy not to destroy the city because it's Beth's!! Like he didn't care about the rock children, Gaia, or this Zeus guy but the fact that he got to practically play dolls with his little girl and he got sooo mad when she was about to feel the fog and when she said to leave the rock kids with Zeus because it made him feel inadequate as her father like the whole ep is just him being possessive over her as his daughter like ????)
when the hellraiser demon people in 'Amortycan Grickfitti' say that Rick said that she is, AND I QUOTE, "very cool" (emphasis on very omg!! Like I literally lost my mind at this ok, he praises her when she's not even around -- I thought this forever after Squanchy met her at BP's wedding and was all like "... and you must be Beth" like he had heard things about her from Rick already and that they were positive!!
kissing Rick on the cheek in 'Analyze Piss' omg (he does NOT deserve her affection but whatever lol)
Beth and Space Beth cuddling up to Rickbot (unknowingly) on the couch to watch Jerry's christmas movie in the s6 chirstmas ep (I forget the name) AND when they destroy Rickbot and then Beth puts his head on top of the christmas tree ????? She's sooo unhinged I love her so much
the TONGS in the kuato ep 💗💗💗
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
No, because I feel so bad for Morty. Like, let's put ourselves in Morty's shoes for a moment. You've already got all the basic stressors of being 14, insecurity, puberty, etc. Now, imagine having no friends for your whole life, then when you were 14, this random guy crashed into your house and he's apparently your grandpa and is now living here? Then he drags you on dangerous adventures and constantly manhandles and emotionally abuses you, your parents are emotionally neglectful and don't do much to stop this abuse. And he's really your first and only friend. It doesn't help that he always drags you out of school so you can never make any friends your age. Your literal only friend is your 70-year-old grandpa, and you're basically his only real close friend.
We know Rick is Morty's first and only friend with what Beth says in the first episode "Morty was having trouble in school way before my dad moved in, and the only influence I can see Rick having is that for the first time in his life...Morty has a friend." Not only that, but Rick's healing is HEAVILY dependent on Morty, and he relies on Morty to keep him stable (Look at Rickfending your Mort) Having anyone rely on you for their healing and emotional support is already a ridiculous and unfair responsibility to put on an adult, let alone a 14-year-old. And Morty SHOULD break free. Key word should. But it's hard. Rick is literally all he knows. He has emotionally neglectful parents, he never had any friends before Rick, and he and Summer don't really talk all too much, so Rick is really all he knows. And we know that his parents aren't a good example of a healthy relationship. So Rick is all he knows, bunched up with him not having any good frame of reference of what a healthy relationship is, it's gonna be hard to break free from the possibly biggest influence on your life. Imagine how hard it must be hard to even acknowledge that the relationship is unhealthy, much less break free from it. Even when he treats you horribly, even when he straight up says "What we had was abusive, don't you see?" all you can say is "Ok...so...what's the undercut?" Like you don't see the problem with it.
Then he walks out on you, adding a heavy dose of abandonment issues, we see this in the Jerrick Trap with Morty having a stronger reaction than everyone else to Jerricki leaving, everyone else just seemed mildly annoyed, meanwhile, Morty sounded like he was literally about to cry "They are my dad and grandpa! You can't just take them!" Even though you don't even think he cares about you, but you make peace with that. Now you just accept that he may not care about you. All you want is for him to stay by you. Because he's all you know, you place him on a pedestal, seeing him as "A super fucked-up god" (See Rickshank Redemption) So no wonder you see nothing wrong with it? Why would you? As long as he stays by you, everything feels like it will be fine. Giving you some twisted sense of comfort. All you need for him to stay by your side. Need. Not want. Need He needs you too. He relies on you for pretty much everything, here's some examples in the show, ahem, he relies on you to: Keep him stable, get him food, help him with pretty much everything, remind him to shower, help him heal, etc., etc., we could literally be here all day if I listed off all of them, and in the wise words of Jadien Animations, nobody should ever need you. They should want you. But you can't help it. This person is all you know.
Deep down, you probably know it's abusive, that it isn't good or healthy for either of you. But here's the thing.
You don't care.
You need him.
You know deep down that this won't do anyone any good in the long haul. But you don't care.
You need him even though it's damaging to you, like a drug.
It doesn't matter if it stops you from making other friends.
It doesn't matter how much it hurts your mental health.
It doesn't matter how many times he fucks with your mind.
All that matters is that you have him.
No matter what.
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year
I know that analysis of Rest and Ricklaxation (toxic Rick) have probably been done many times now, but I just wanted to have my own go at it.
In my opinion, both versions of Rick are toxic. They both exhibit traits that are negative in their own way. And they both display traits that are healthy.
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Here's some stuff I noticed about healthy Rick and toxic Rick.
Healthy Rick
- Both Ricks are equally intelligent. (Makes me wonder why Rick wouldn't think his intelligence is toxic since intelligence is part of what caused his family to get killed).
- Healthy Rick is kind, considerate, modest, and has full control over his emotions.
- Healthy Rick admitted that he "didn't give a sh*t" about Morty.
- Healthy Rick slaps healthy Morty, and shoots toxic Morty without believing that it's a toxic action. (Possible hatred towards Morty because he is Rick Prime's original grandson?)
- Healthy Rick pointedly says that Morty is an "irrational attachment". (Another reference that he believes loving the grandson to his primary enemy is toxic or wrong?)
- Healthy Rick asks that Beth be left out of the dangerous commotion.
- He is capable of manipulation.
- He curses.
- He uses violence to fight when necessary- mostly self defense- up until he manipulated toxic Rick by shooting toxic Morty.
- He couldn't win against toxic Rick in hand to hand combat. He's physically weaker.
- He found toxic Rick's vulnerable reaction to Morty's endangered life amusing.
- He was completely certain that he wanted his toxic self back even though his toxicity wasn't actually necessary or needed.
- Despite believing that his attachment to Morty was irrational, I think a tiny part of his healthy self either still cared about him or wanted to care about him.
Toxic Rick
- Toxic Rick never physically hurt Morty. Yeah, he was a little rough with the manhandling but he still didn't hit or shoot him.
- Toxic Rick's most toxic traits are dominance, narcissism, anger, controlling attitude, lack of self-control, burping, alcoholism, vulnerability, loneliness, sadness, clinginess, attachment issues, lying and manipulation.
- Toxic Rick absolutely DESPISED the healthy version of himself. (Perhaps because he knows that that part of him does not care about Morty. Idk. There's something toxic going on with healthy Rick, I just can't decide what).
- He always needs/has toxic Morty with him.
- He is gentle with toxic Morty and openly displays vulnerability when he is hurt. He even tried comforting him.
- He always asks to make sure that toxic Morty is watching and listening to him. He loves the attention.
- He doesn't care about Summer or Beth very much. Though he does willingly leave when Beth steps into the commotion. (Perhaps he hoped to turn her toxic as well?)
- He is physically stronger than healthy Rick and more violent.
- He openly displayed fear and sadness when toxic Morty's life was in danger.
- Even though he hated healthy Rick, he still sacrificed himself to save Morty.
Things I wanna know.
- Why did healthy Rick want to merge with his toxic self when he obviously couldn't lie and admitted to hating having toxicity in him?
- Why does healthy Rick not care about Morty? And why does he consider Morty an irrational attachment?
- What is so bad about healthy Rick that made toxic Rick absolutely freakin' hate him?
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arolock · 5 months
Eventually every Morty picked at the Morty Market has to arrive to his new home with his new Rick. Evil Morty wasn't an exception.
Oneshot, dark, G, ~800words.
Coming Home
Spaceship landed on the home driveway with a loud bang. Morty was pretty sure something important must have fallen off, and consequences of this landing will bite him in the ass at the same moment he'll forget about it. Maybe he should sneak out when Rick will fall asleep in his room and try to fix the ship? Too bad it's too dark already.
They got out of the ship and went inside in silence.
"G-go to your room and, I d-dunno, do something. Or don't. I don't give a shit. Just don't- don't get in the way, got it?"
This Rick luckily didn't even spare him a glance, talking to him over the shoulder while heading to the kitchen. Morty suppressed a relieved sigh. It's always better when they really don't care.
"Y-yeah Rick. 'Course."
He really was going to go to his new room as he was so generously offered. Really. But something was not quite right.
It was quiet. The home. The house. It was a strange, long-time-empty-house silence, with a little echo that never appears when a house is well lived.
And shouldn't at least anyone be already at home at this time?
At this point in his life Morty should've really already known better than ask stupid questions. But, well, wouldn't be a Morty if he did, right?
"Um-m, Rick... Listen... Where's everyone?"
Rick was digging through shelves at the kitchen and didn't turn back to the question. Watching his back without a chance to catch his reactions on the face started to get on Morty's nerves.
"Buried in the backyard."
It felt like an icy claw slid from the back of the head down his spine. Morty couldn't stop himself before his mouth shaped the next inevitable, stupid ass question. He cursed himself for it the very same second.
Finally Rick turned back to him. His face was grim and Morty could see in his eyes that he was mad, and he immediately knew that he overstepped this never discussed, ghostly line where Ricks forget about their need of a sideckick. Morty instinctively backed away, and Rick followed him, a tall dark figure in a dull kitchen light. Why Morty didn't notice before how dim were all the lights? How dusty was every inch of the house? How it smelled of must and decay? Suddenly every wrong thing in the house was so on the nose that he could as well be blind before.
"What word exactly didn't you understand? I can introduce you to each one if you don't stop getting on my nerves."
Morty kept backing away simultaneously as slow as possible and as fast as he could to not trigger Rick.
"I-I got it! I got it! I-it's alright! I'll just... I'll just go to my room. It's late, right?"
And this was exactly the time for his last mistake. Still haunted by Rick's words, he couldn't help but glance at the door to the backyard.
Thin, stiff fingers grabbed his arm in a rough grip, so rigid, that Morty wouldn't even dare to try and get away from it.
"Oh, of course! How didn't I get it? You're a Morty, right? You probably want to meet your family, little buddy!"
Rick started dragging him to the backdoor.
"N-no, I'm fine! T-totally cool, Rick! It's dark outside, m-m-maybe tomorrow?"
Morty didn't jib intentionally, but he let his feet to stumble.
"What's to wait? They are right here!"
With a violent jerk of the hand Rick pushed Morty out of the door.
It was really dark outside, way darker than it was supposed to be in the suburbian house backyard, but poisonously yelloy lights from the kitchen window and the doorframe were enough to distinguish four ragged mounds of earth.
Morty didn't expect anything from his new family. He knew he was supposed to act as if nothing happened and he always lived there, and he was ready for it. But this? No mom, dad or Summer at all, and still this house that used to be his home? He was confused. He didn't know how to feel. Everything started to blur and move away, as if his body once again was a marionette and he just watched everything unravel from the inside. Only it was him who was in control of it now.
So he grabbed the strings and moved on.
"So, this is your mom, your dad, your sister and you. Treat them nice M-mo-ough-orty, alright?"
Rick was pointing at each grave with mocking gestures when he spoke, shaking Morty by his shoulder with each word.
"W-wanna say hi?"
He pushed Morty forward so hard that he barely managed to stay on his feet.
"H-hi m-mom, da-ad... Summer... M-me... N-now I'm-I'm living h-here too. G-g-good night, I g-guess?"
He awkwardly waved to graves and carefully looked back at Rick, who, it seemed, already got bored with this little 'joke'.
"Alright, let's go... W-watch some Ball Fondlers o-or something."
Morty moved carefully, following Rick back in the empty house, which was silently watching him with yellow, uneven eyes of the kitchen window and the opened door.
When he sat on the couch, crunching popcorn and watching Ball Fondlers for the millionth time, he didn't ask Rick if he'll drive him to school tomorrow.
He doubted that there still was the school on this dimension's Earth.
It started here:
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pinkisopod · 9 months
like a week ago or whenever i was poking at morty's 'reliance on rick' and what that could mean and it just hit me how much of his baggage is inherited from his mother... man.... rick and morty actually is more transparent about beth's deal than it is morty's, so looking at her for insight into her son can be lucrative.
one thing we dont ever see is what the smith household was like before rick crashed his ship into their garage. however from what we see of them now, its pretty clear that rick (prime) abandoning them fucked beth (and everyone else by proxy) real bad. she has raging abandonment issues. theyre pretty obvious about that in the wedding episode.
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this people (specifically rick) pleasing behavior is ingrained into beth, summer, and morty. jerry is less emotionally invested in keeping rick around but is bullied into it by everyone else (more on him later). this tendency of beth is often hidden by her abrasive, honestly mean personality. beth is cold. she is distant. in the pickle rick episode it is explicitly made clear that she is this way because she thinks masks her own problems and because rick is the same way:
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if she doesnt let people in, she doesnt risk depending on them, but more importantly she wont feel like their burden and they wont leave her. one of the few times beth comes to rick for advice in a vulnerable way was when she was behaving the most like him (hooking up with space beth behind her familys beth), to which rick actually replied suggesting she consider her familys feelings. beth's child-mind rationalized primes departure was her fault and that idea went unaddressed as she matured. she is scared of not being interesting enough for him to stick around, which when u consider that it was prime who had actually abandoned her, it's likely that theres some truth to it. and the real kicker is she genuinely thinks that this is working, that this is healthy, and that this is "better" than any alternative.
clearly its not tho, as her kids demonstrate. returning to morty, i think he is afraid of becoming his mother, who absolutely 'relies on rick' in the same way the hole means it. morty didnt experience rick's initial abandonment first hand (an aside: analyzing his reactions to ricks shorter periods of absences would be...interesting) but beth accidentally taught him that rick is the best a person to be, to put it frankly. he wanted to measure up to him but knew that he absolutely never could.
i think theres a gendered aspect to it as well, which is where jerry comes in. if rick is the 'best' at being a man, then jerry is the 'worst'. the hole episode has a joke about morty fearing becoming his father, but its still true. sniveling and pathetic, at best the family pities him. once he gets in the way, they get nasty. i think what drives the smiths a little crazy is when jerry gets to the point of, like, fully accepting his patheticness.
ending this with another poor morty he doesnt deserve this but also poor beth. even if shes mean but we love mean women here <3
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nykie-love-anime · 1 year
Day 11 ~ Clothes Part 1
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Clothing Prompts Ideas by street-crimes
(Best Friends Father – Beth – Female!Reader [34])
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“Should I dress casual or fancy?” you called into the Smith family home. “What are you talking about Y/N.” you heard from behind you quickly spinning around you are met with the one and only Rick Sanchez. “Wow I haven’t seen you in a while Mr Sanchez.” You smiled at the older man and he looked down at the bag in your hand still waiting for an explanation. “Oh, oh yeah Beth invited me to dinner for Morty’s birthday. And I wasn’t sure where we are going to eat to I brought a few options.” You provided.
“As far as I know, and you know I am always correct. It is just casual. Morty doesn’t do fancy for birthdays.” He smirked down at you as you sit on the dining table chair. “Don’t I know it Rick.” You grinned up at the older man you have had a crush on since you were like 18 years old. “So how does it feel to have a grandson that is 18 years old? Does it like make you feel old or something?” you asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk forming as you see his face contort to shock.
“Nothing different from a dumbass 17 year old.” He chuckled standing in front of you trapping you between the table and himself. “Just so you know this ol… old man can rock your wor… world.” He muttered with a smirk on his face knowing that he is getting to you.
“So when can I take you out?” he smirked at the blush forming on your cheeks. “Uuuuh, I am free this Friday after 17:00.” You sputtered blushing looking down at the floor to avoid his knowing grin. “Good see you Friday then.” He said finally giving in and pulling you into a kiss. As you are busy moving your mouths together you didn’t hear the footsteps coming down until you hear a loud gasp quickly pulling away from Rick you see Beth with a shocked expression. “Beth I can explain.” “Sweetie we can explain.” Both you and Rick yelled at the same time.
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“I love you in anything you wear.” “Come on Rick you did not even look.” You whined causing said man to chuckled. “Well…well.” He burped out. “I know you look sexy in anything you wear babe.” He teased with a smirk as you blushed. “Okay well next time please look at me when you’re talking.” You hugged him from behind. “Yeah…yeah whatever you say.” He chuckled as you pulled away from the hug going back upstairs.
“I still can’t believe mom is okay with you dating her best friend.” “Shu… shut the hell up Summer.” He looked at his granddaughter. “Whatever grandpa, just know mom is going to kill you if you hurt Y/N she has been with the family for as long as I can remember.”
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“Can I borrow a hoodie?” you question the scientist as he is currently busy working on some weird science project. “I don’t know, will I get it back this time?” he looked up with a shit eating grin knowing you are going to complain and he loves making you bitch about some shit thing going on. “Man screw you.” You started laughing. “It was one time that I didn’t give it back but it was only because I missed you when you were in space jail.”
“What… whatever just take the jacket, if you are done you can return it to me personally so that I know my girl… girlfriend is not a thieve.” You thanked the man and all he could do is nod as he watched you walk away. ‘Man that is one perky ass.’ He thought and you shake you butt knowing that he is looking just to get a reaction out of the man you love. And reaction you got.
(Best Friends Mother – Summer – Male!Reader[21])
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“Let me tie your shoes they’re undone Mrs Smith.” You looked at the older woman falling down on your knees before you friends mom. “Why aren’t you a perfect little gentleman Y/N.” “Well my mama did raise me to be good to everyone especially hot women like yourself Mrs Smith.” You flirted and she just giggled. “Well thank you anyway nobody wants to do that for me anymore.” She replied sadly.
“Well Beth you have nothing to worry about. Jerry is an asshole for leaving you the way he did. If you were my wife I would treat you like a queen. I would show you off to the world and I would never, ever let you cry because of me being an asshole.” You smiled at the older woman and she just blushed. “Well thank you I really needed to hear something positive today.” She smiled and suddenly you couldn’t help yourself.
Kissing her felt wonderful. Moving in sync you pushed forward trapping her between yourself and the kitchen counter. Pulling away to catch you breath you look forward and are met with a shocked Morty standing there with Rick who could give less of a fuck about what is going on. “Please don’t say anything to Summer she is going to kill me.” You begged and Morty just nodded still shocked.
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“Will you hold my phone? I don’t have pockets.” Beth questions as you guys are out to dinner as a family and friend pack. “Sure thing babe.” You said without thinking. You are shocked at what just left your mouth and the only one surprised to hear it was Summer. “Okay I am not even going to address this shit.” She started with her fork stopping midway to her mouth. “Just know I know a lot of people that can take you out if you hurt my mom.” “Hehe.” You muttered out knowing that she is not kidding.
“I promise I won’t hurt your mom I really do like her. And if you ever feel awkward about something going on we can always talk about it.” You smiled at your best friend. “Ew where is the boy that thought girl had cooties. I miss him.” She teased but nonetheless nodded with a small smile. “Ok…okay now that the weird shit is out, please stop making out on the couch. I love you sweetie but I really don’t feel like walking in on you and Y/N.” After a bit of a tense moment everything went back to normal and you guys enjoyed the meal.
Jerry and Beth
(Best Friends Parents – Summer – Female!Reader [25])
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“I’ll hold your heels if you want to take them off.” You turn to your boyfriend with a smile. “I know they hurt.” He continued as you take of your heels from the date you just got done with. Taking hold of Beth’s arm as she holds it out with a smile. “Guys I really had a wonderful night tonight. We should really do this again sometime. Not that home dates are a bad thing it’s just fun going out with you two you know.” You smiled at your partners.
“Well I know I had a lot of fun.” Jerry started. “I would also like to go out again.” He concluded and Beth nodded with a giggle. “And you know it wasn’t as awkward as I thought it will be going out together. People didn’t look at us weirdly and they just left us alone.” You giggled and kissed her on the lips. “I love you so much Mrs Smith.” You turned towards the man that you love. “And I love you as well Mr Smith.” With a quick kiss you pull away.
Running towards the car you can’t help but giggle. “Come on slow pokes the night just only started. Rick and the kids are out on an adventure so we will have the whole house to ourselves.” You wiggled your eyebrows and they nodded. “Well then let’s get a move on.” Beth said with a smile as Jerry got into the driver seat pulling out as fast as he can without bumping into anyone.
Day 10 | Masterlist | Day 12
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 6: Rickfending Your Mort
(Justice for Churry!)
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I observe some spoilers ahead.
My Favs
“M-Morty Western Bacon Now!
Rick drunkenly demanding Morty to buy him a Western Bacon burger was kinda endearing and I loved his little laugh when Morty tossed it at him. Look at Rick making alcoholism look cute.
Bear witness to 9/11!
Dan Harmon’s gotta sneak in a 9/11 joke.
Morty licking the inside of Apeborg’s nostril
Rick is such a rascal tricking his grandson in order to win a bet.
“This is a gun…this a gun you use to shoot bad people.”
I love the whole setup and pay off to this joke. Just an absolute masterclass.
May Churry find justice for the wrong that was committed against him! Morty’s going to get his ass kicked and, frankly, he deserves it. I have no sympathy. On a side note, the Wes Anderson sequence was kinda cute and Morty looks good in a red beanie.
RIP Space Jam Rick and Morty
It was a mercy killing, really.
I held onto my tits for nothing!
Not My Fav
Hottie Snatcher
Maybe it’s a little weird to comment on the attractiveness of a teenager girl but Summer’s at least a 7, maybe 6.8 or a 6.9. Either way that rounds up to a 7. Girl was done dirty.
The only way to escape is diving to the bottom of this vat of whale sperm.
I have no doubt they were poking fun at themselves for that sperm episode that I would really like to forget exists so that’s why it’s on my not fav. As Lindsey Ellis would say, “Thanks. I hate it.”
My Thoughts
After two spicy episodes in a row, Rickfending Your Mort, was a much needed glass of milk to calm the burn on my proverbial tongue. This was the first proper anthology episode since season 4 and a great way to get back into the fun, silliness of a Rick and Morty adventure. I laughed, I giggled, I chuckled, I guffawed and I may have even chortled. Truly, I think this is the most I laughed at an episode—ever. Also, this is the first episode where we got a clip from the intro!
If you haven’t already, you should read The Hollywood Reporter interview with Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden. They talk a bit about the intense audition process they went through and their reactions to finding out they landed the roles. I hope this opens the door to so many VA roles in the future because they both seem like some really sweet guys.
Now, do we think Churry will murder Morty this season or will they wait a couple of season down the road?
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intergalacticbeth · 3 months
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Bad smog in St. Laina on Earth X-342 today. The government's probably going to have another mask mandate. Summer and I don't even enter the atmosphere without gas masks. Particles get into your lungs, and...well, I'll spare you the details. I know I've got at least one Morty following me.
Do you know what my Morty's reaction was? "Goddamn, Mom, why did you tell me that!"
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thesoftboiledegg · 10 months
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After last week's brutal episode, "Rickfending Your Mort" was pure silly fun. I love the lore episodes, but serialized shows that grow increasingly dark get exhausting after a while.
While many shows (Breaking Bad, The Sopranos) grow darker until the last season is pitch black, Rick and Morty has lightened up a tad. That sounds bizarre after the last episode featured Rick beating the man who killed his wife and daughter to an unrecognizable pulp, but it's lighter in the sense that Rick's growing up and abandoning his need to be the world's smartest edgelord.
Similar episodes, such as "Total Rickall" and "Morty's Mindblowers," show Rick at his worst. Here, Rick isn't exactly at his best, but most of the scenes lean away from "cruel" and more toward "dumb and goofy."
Plus, he and Morty have some genuine bonding moments. "I don't like that he's talking down to you!" "Thank you."
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Rick and Morty might have disliked the Observer, but he cracked me up. His voice, his pettiness, the fact that he hovered outside the house to antagonize them--and his design is great, too. Rick's a man who collects crystals every third episode, so I don't know why he had a problem being surrounded by crystals and geodes.
"Rickfending Your Mort" had a few cameos for long-term fans. I'm glad that Space Beth's still hanging around, and her clip showed that she really is her father's daughter. Jerry's reaction to his clip reiterated that he's the most shameless person in the family. Rick acts like he is, but nah--he gets embarrassed.
On another note, this episode surprised me because I totally thought that the final scene was the beginning of another episode: Morty encourages Rick to get out of the house, and shenanigans ensue.
The title reveal showed a picture of Blips and Chitz, leading people to speculate that "Rickfending Your Mort" was a follow-up to "Rick: A Mort Well Lived." Honestly, I think that was a one-off. Morty's already recovered from Marta's absence; he argues with Rick, challenges him and calls him out instead of rolling over and doing whatever he wants.
Morty even took initiative here, which is refreshing because earlier episodes made him a glorified side character. He saw first-hand what killing Prime did to Rick and wants to cheer him up in a language that Rick understands: wild adventures.
Rick doesn't know how good he's got it. "Unmorticken" made it pretty clear what happened when another Morty found his Rick drunk on the garage floor.
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Talking to Dr. Wong must be helping because Rick was able to bounce back from this one. Morty had to nudge him out of it, but minutes after the Observer arrived, Rick was his usual snarky self and hanging out with his grandson again.
Letting go isn't Rick's strong suit, but Prime Rick and his original wife and daughter are gone forever. He needs to be here for the family that he has now. Morty and Summer are basically his kids. He has three girls that he can't say no to. Even he and his Jerry are close.
And now that he's endured a clip show with the most annoying geode in the universe, maybe he can stop watching his life and start living it.
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conanssummerchild · 2 months
i was just thinking about the look on down from the bridge moments in rick and morty bcs im obsessed with them and i started like way overanalysing shit (as always tee hee) so im posting it here
so like while both are following a really traumatising moment for one character that doesnt feel traumatic for another (morty being absolutely horrified seeing his own bludgeoned dead body, rick unphased, just another day in his life lol. and rick killing the man hes destroyed himself hunting for half his life and realising he doesnt feel any better, while for morty it was just another adventure) but then there's also differences, lets break them down >:)
sorry for the shitty image quality as always lmao
morty's look on down from the bridge moment:
okay so right before it starts the last thing we see is rick being very dismissive of how horrifying this is for morty
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im not sure tbh if rick is really aware of how traumatic this is for morty (clueless little man <3) but morty does quite clearly express his horror and rick dismisses it, kinda showing how morty is often pushed to the side and ignored by characters on the show
next we see morty looking down at the corpse with his traumatised look and rick nudges him to get moving, instead of comforting him or smth
again showing that morty is like dismissed and kinda emotionally neglected, especially by rick, but also by other characters
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the next bit is just him burying the body, just showing again what it is that has him in this dissociative state
pretty self explanatory
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then, and heres where it starts to get interesting, we see morty watching his parents arguing
(sorry, hes not watching them in that specific shot but he does when the angle changes yk)
obviously he's having a Moment about them not being his original parents and how hes in a whole new dimension and no one even knows except him and his emotionally inept grandpa, but also he stands there for a good moment and his parents don't even notice hes there, they just ignore him
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after that, we see summer and rick sitting on the sofa, rick watching tv and summer on her phone
morty just stands there and stares at them and summer doesnt even look up (we've already established rick isnt going to) its like hes invisible to the people around him
and then we just get a zoomed in shot of morty's horrified face aaand roll credits
(no picture attatched, sorry, i think we all know what mortys face looks like)
morty is highlighted here, the focus is on him for the audience, we are supposed to see how shaken up this has left morty. no one else is in the shot because no one elses reaction is relevant right now
also i'd like to point out that everything being done by others in mortys lodftb moment is completely mundane, beth and jerry arguing (pretty regular for them) rick just watching tv, normal tv not even interdimensional cable, and summer on her phone. none of this is special or different, this is an average day being ignored for morty, except this time he needs his family more than ever, but still nothing changes
mortys problem portrayed is that ppl dont value him enough or dont pay attention to him. his parents can be emotionally neglectful, he and summer don't have a super close relationship (in later seasons theyre a bit closer), and rick is, well... rick. he pretends not to care about morty, ignores most of what he says, dismisses his feelings, etc.
aaand moving on
rick's look on down from the bridge moment:
this contrasts morty's moment where he is not okay but rick ignores it bcs here morty directly asks if rick is okay and rick lies about it (if u look closely u can see his pants are in fact beginning to catch on fire /j), so morty is chill now bcs he believes him
morty then goes in for a hug (im not attatching an image, im sure you've seen it 100 times) and this is our first sign ricks lying (well i mean. apart from context clues) beacuse usually he would push morty away or complain or be awkward (like in fear no mort lol) or uncomfortable but he just remains completely passive, his expression barely even changes
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morty then goes on to ramble excitedly about their epic adventure because rick said hes fine but very quickly mortys voice is drowned out and lodftb begins to play. here morty is blurred out of focus and the camera zooms into rick
okay, so preceding it we have morty asking rick if he's okay, to which he responds yeah (liar 🤨)
this is, again, different from morty's moment because while morty's issue is being ignored, rick is very far from ignored, his issue is that he just like goes through life and the people around him don't realise how much he's hurting. morty isn't seen at all, rick is seen plenty, but he's never understood, not really. does this make sense? idk
anyway, going on, morty keeps contentedly talking in the ship whike rick stares blanky ahead, but when he realises morty expects him to answer, he gives him a nod, since it's whats expected so morty wont think somethings wrong (also the cinematography of the broken ship really adds to the scene i feel.
again, the contrast here is clear, morty is like completely frozen in his scene, and no one notices or cares at all. rick on the other hand contines to go through the motions as he's expected to despite his strong emotional turmoil going on, which we as an audience can see
morty keeps talking as they get back home, but eventually does leave and go idk to bed ig, leaving rick standing in the garage, looking blank and empty
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i couldve picked a better picture sorry i just. tell me he doesnt look like the pixar lamp here, im sorry lmao back to serious ok
so next we see him shutting off the power to his rick prime hunting room
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this ofc shows its finally over, but the fact that they leave him stanfing in the dark there shows how he doesnt feel better or fufilled like he wished he would
okay, now we get to his family being shown, first up is summer, theyre sitting on the sofa much like in mortys moment, but morty isnt in this one and also summer is not on her phone (unusual) but watching a movie with has popcorn, and she seems happy, she seemingly asks rick to grab some drinks, which he does silently without even complaining (not usual for the whiniest man in the universe lol)
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anyway here summer is more cheerful than usual, not just on her phone like she normally always is
next we see the two beths and jerry washing space beths ship, theyre having fun, laughing, messing around and spraying echother with the hose playfully, while rick watches from the window, away from them, actually right when the lyrics playing are "everybody seems so far away from me"
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again, this isnt like mortys scene, where everyone is just having an ordinary day and not seeing how everything has changed for him or even looking at him, here everyone seems to be having a lot of fun, without rick, summer and morty both address him directly, but neither realise how Not Okay he is
and lastly we see the whole family at the dinner table, everyone is smiling and chatting amicably, rick is just sitting there still, not even eating. however, he is then addressed and seems to need a moment to zone back in, but when he does he grins and (assumedly?) cracks some kind of joke/says smth that makes everyone laugh (except jerry, who just looks kinda confused this whole scene lmao) and everyone goes back to their meals, rick also taking a bite of his own. however when everyone looks away, his smile drops again and cut to creditssss
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the shot doesnt zoom back in on him now like it does for morty in his scene, because the fact that rick is not well has already been established now, instead the angle shows the whole family beacause the point is to show how everyones happy and think he is too because he's putting on His Act, so like the smile fades to show he is not okay but the angle and zoom stays the same to show that it is not seen or like understood to be that way. ykwim?
so here its portrayed that ricks problem is that people dont realise that hes hurting. he comes off as a jerk all the time because of how much suffering he holds inside, how much is going on in his mind (or i mean a lot of the time he just. is a jerk, but this isnt abt that rn), like when bird person tells morty rick is in great pain and morty says "come on bird person, rick isnt that complicated, hes jist a huge asshole" people dont realise it bcs of how much he struggles being vulnerable and talking abt his feelings but my boy is hurtingg :(, so this scene is kinda showing that they assume hes fine but really hes in a lot of emotional turmoil
idk im kinda losing the thread here but i mean i hope this makes at least a little sense, im obsessed with look on down from the bridge :3
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Summancing The Stone (Part 3 Summer Analysis)
My second Summer analysis blog EXPLODED, so first of all, thank you so so so much for nearly 60 notes as of writing this. Moving to Tumblr, I love that people are listening to what I have to say about Summer, it even seems that I'm one of the few people that TALK about Sum-Sum. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Moving on to the main topic with a recap to start us off. In my first blog, I talked about how 'Wedding Squanchers' features the single most impactful Summer scene, despite no dialog from her and how it lasts a few seconds
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Going off this scene, I then talked about how Summer felt the need to address her insecurities and 'avenge' Rick, as she blamed herself for befriending Tammy for feeling alone and then causing a chain reaction that tied in Rick, The Galactic Federation, Earth, and the whole family
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I forgot to mention that there's a seeming consistency that before this, Summer goes with the norm to survive and if it will make her popular and/or loved
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When she turns to Headism, she strives to be the best version of herself and for her parents, stressed when a single flaw slips through the cracks.
In 'Big Trouble In Little Sanchez', although she rides the wave of Tiny Rick for popularity, she at least addresses that Rick is endangered
In 'Meeseeks and Destroy', she uses a Meeseeks to become popular
In 'Rick Potion #9', we see the inverse with Morty trying to be popular and Summer surviving despite the apocalypse happening around her. We also see a theme of Summer loving apocalypse scenarios (which is the basis of Rickmancing the Stone), which I imagine is because she can show her survival instincts skyrocket alongside popularity when the world is crumbling
In 'Something Ricked This Way Comes', she handles working with the devil/Mr. Needful in order to be accepted for her hard work
The point is that Summer wants to be accepted and fights to survive. This culminates in the aforementioned 'Wedding Squanchers' scene, which is also the pinnacle of wishing to be accepted and having to survive being tracked by the Galactic Federation. And on a final note before we actually talk about Rickmancing the Stone, Summer also has a parallel to Morty's narrative (this being a condensed way to put it). Although Morty dealt with the horrifying reality around him from Rick showing it to him, Summer deals with thinking every action results in horrifying consequences and that she is inherently a product of said horrifying reality Today I rewatched 'Rickmancing the Stone'. And holy shit, talk about a Summer episode. It rounds off this trilogy. 'Wedding Squanchers' marks the end of Summer trying to be outright popular and dealing with all her actions and insecurities in one flash. 'The Rickshank Rickdemption' shows how she's done with going with the norm to survive and goes against the Federation, trying to undo all of her actions and saving Rick. Now we have 'Rickmancing the Stone', an episode that highlights how she's lacking empathy and being blunt. It's time to break this beast down and analyze Summer
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First off, we see her ignore her dad in the cold open and already want to go with Rick. I know she doesn't ALWAYS address him as 'grandpa Rick', but just calling him Rick also emphasizes this. Considering the previous two episodes, she wants to be close to Rick after almost losing him for something she blamed herself for. I think it also makes sense because Rick is not only someone she admires, but he's family. She doesn't have to 'befriend' Rick, in a way. He already holds her to a regard, so it works. This logic works in the other way too. She already had a rocky relationship with her father, seen in 'Look Who's Purging Now' because she doesn't hold any respect for her father or in any high regard - just like how Rick views Summer. She ignores Jerry and doesn't care about saying goodbye. It's likely because it's pointless - she'll already be seeing him, it's not some final goodbye, and even if it is, she already didn't have him as involved in her life. It's not like when Rick was ripped out of her life, someone who loved Summer and understood her
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Of course, Summer is a killing machine in this episode. As I mentioned, she's fighting to survive and reigning supreme, except it isn't entirely for love and her self image. Although everyone knows this scene, the line 'Okay, but not because you told me to' is not just an angered teen saying. It shows she's still against being told what to do and is now showing she won't take orders, but do what SHE wants - such as killing someone because SHE wants to, not because someone else wants it
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A core part of Summer and this episode is strength. She joins Hemmorhage and his group when he literally says the group is stronger now. Summer is obviously showing her physical strength, but also her mental strength by choosing to push through (as we saw with all three of these episodes). Because after facing all her weaknesses from no love, she tries to overcome it by being strong and somewhat 'selfish' (not in a negative way)
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Again, part of that strength is family strength. She parades Morty and proudly displays HIS strength (and yes Morty and Rick have awesome arcs but I'm focusing on Summer, you see the theme of strength). That's because again, she's focusing on the family and the bond with her brother and grandfather. No friends to be made here, just going with her brother and grandfather
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The scene with Hemmorhage is pretty good. I think the foundation of her attraction is that Hemorrhage is flawed. Rather than going for someone who's seemingly flawless and makes her swoon (although this kinda goes against her going after Ethan in 'The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy'), the moment Hemorrhage goes on about his insecurities, it's like she finds it relatable and predictable because SHE went through it, just going in for a kiss. This also comes after when he takes off his helmet and she goes on a lil' nerdy rant about mustaches and helmets, which seems to me that it's rooted in trying to show off her intellegence like Rick, but it just shows her passion and trying to comfort Hemorrhage
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Side note, I think this robot Summer managed to help Beth call Jerry because of a mix of her old ideologies and new ones, coming together to AGAIN, have her family bond together. Don't forget that Summer was the one who wanted to bring Rick back, people forget how she brings the family together
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Let's talk about Hemorrhage.
Summer does not deny that she's still the same and says she's as crazy as when they first met. Instead, Hemorrhage is the one who softens up. She regrets marrying him and can't continue with it, which is going to culminate in an ultimate breakdown of Summer, the past episodes and blogs, and consistencies/incosistencies
Summer has wanted to focus on herself or closer bonds. Rather than trying to make a friend, she focuses on the strength of her nearest family and being aware of how weak family CAN be. Realizing how fragile it is, is why she doesn't care for Jerry and doesn't take the divorce too close. At the same time, this is why she cherishes Rick and Morty for knowing how one wrong move can break this all apart. In fact, this is probably why Night Summer...was the HEAD OF THE NIGHT FAMILY?? Just a thought...
Back on topic. We do see her insecurities pop up in Season 3, but they also focus on family, such as Jerry's girlfriend and how she appreciates her mother trying to connect and help her cope with her body alongside rejection. She's not perfect, but she works so hard to fix these things. Rickmancing the Stone shows that from now on, we'll see a Summer who is at the top of her game to simply BE at the top of her game. It's rooted in keeping in mind that everything is fragile, but she shouldn't mess up and blame herself. She should be cautious, even if this happens as a lesson AFTER she falls to her insecurities and negative thoughts. She's almost THE glue that keeps the family together this time. She doesn't try to listen to authority but herself, which explains why she still listens to her insecurities that linger. Rickmancing The Stone perfectly rounded off this trilogy I'm studying We go from Summer blaming herself for her insecurities and loneliness, realizing she's put everyone in danger even if she is the ONLY one that thinks this
She then tries to make up for it feverishly by bringing Rick back and trying to make her family reject the Federation
Finally, with Rick back, she doesn't let go of him and excitedly shows him how she's changed not just for him but for herself. She holds his respect high and we've come a long way from Rick saying she and Morty are both whiny pieces of shit he can't tell apart. She focuses on being strong, not on weaknesses. I think Rickmancing The Stone is not only fucking amazing in showing this, but the third part in this sequence of Summer's arc that forever changes her character from a mostly insecure teen to basically being a girlboss who just says and does what's on her mind
tldr summer is so cool and people should talk about how they made her cool it's not an accident or thing they randomly put in episodes #respectsummer
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
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I can't with the way Morty had a noticeably stronger reaction to Jerricky leaving than everyone else, Beth and Summer wanted him to stay but seemed mildly annoyed at most, meanwhile, Morty just looked sad and immediately got desperate and sounded like he was about to cry when Summer mentioned when Rick left when he got the two crows...I can't...our poor boy has abandonment issues thanks to Rick...
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bluescreenexe · 1 year
What do you think would happen if Morty went to therapy?
i love u so much for this question, answer under the cut (its a lot)
1. lost of crying i think. i already perceive him as a little emotional and sensitive, so dr wong making him open up about being neglected by his family or opening up about how rick treats him would result in a good bit of bawling his eyes out. he would blame himself
2. i think he would also go backwards before he went forwards, progress wise- opening up would make him face these issues directly instead of shoving them down. he would probably act similarly to the way he does in s6e10 before any real improvement begins showing up
3. i like believing that morty going to therapy encourages rick to go to therapy again, too. after analyze piss (s6e8? i think) he stops going, because he told dr wong he found an alternative
i think the domino effect would start with morty implementing some things dr wong tells him; setting strict boundaries (and enforcing them). i think if rick knew that morty spoke to dr wong about how he makes morty feel (negatively) he would feel a little guilty deep down. he would want to improve for morty
4. morty improving -> rick improving -> summer and beth improving -> and maybe even jerry improving. i think morty going to therapy would start a chain reaction for all of them. i would pay for their therapy because oh my GOD does the smith family need it
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