#and super cool in the game XDD
arleniansdoodles · 9 months
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Some more post-true ending Sifu doodles! The first half is based on k.hyli's Instagram reel; the rest is just my silly addition XDD This one took me longer than usual to finish because I had a creative project due for school, so I'm really happy it's done now and not gathering dust in my drafts!
Speaking of the addition, I imagine it's MC's birthday, so Yang and Sean are treating their little sister out for the day! Unfortunately, Yang hasn't used a digital camera for years, so MC finds plenty of upside-down photos on her camera afterward loll
Also, here's a bonus:
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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shenjiusaturday · 1 month
Hi!! I love your mdzs OC (jin mingyi). He's super cool xdd I'm interested what does the jin sect (especially jin guangyao) think of him and why does he wear the red forhead mark and the jin name if he's actually not in the sect but a founder of demonic cultivators gang :0
thank u so much! 🩷 unfortunately u have now fallen for my trap card.
all of ur questions do get answered in my post about him but i figured i'd answer u anyway (but please read it as it will tell u much more about him!)
the short answer: he's what u could call a sociopath
the long answer:
he's an incredibly intelligent, perceptive and spiteful person. he joined a minor cultivation sect in his youth. with the exposure to the wider cultivation world he deduced he was very, very likely a bastard of jin guangshan.
so; he wears the jin vermilion mark because he is a brazen, arrogant and spiteful individual
he took the jin name and wears its symbol because he is in fact neither acknowledged nor legitimized!
he doesn't only do the vermilion mark! he will take trophies from jin sect victims such as robes, accessories and swords
as for the jin sect, and jin guangyao in particular, the higher ranking members would definitely have heard of jin mingyu. jin guangyao especially would try to keep an eye on him.
but jin mingyu is very very slippery. despite his callousness towards other people he has a way with people, and will weasel himself out of most situations.
i think jin mingyu and jin guangyao have many similarities and i think they recognize that in the other.
i also think jin mingyu is very good at keeping a low profile and would be ruthless in teaching his underlings various methods. all in all i think he managed to avoid drawing attention from the wider cultivation society, or rather making it seem as if he's a minor issue not worth dealing with when in actuality he is very much a big problem.
jin guangyao i think would realize this but He Is Also Playing Games. one other exception is of course jiang cheng my beloved who jin mingyu plays cat and mouse with.
as for the jin sect in jin lings hands? with his uncles (WISE!) guidance i think he'd start actually putting resources into putting a stop to jin mingyu.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Today's modding shenanigans!
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Today I wanted to test out ACM a bit :D I think I'd most enjoy using it as an additional tool for making custom outfits and seeing how different item appearances work together, less as my primary tool to creating custom outfits as such (also, it is a bit buggy for me and I can't seem to export appearances reliably for some reason).
Since you can alter custom appearances with it too, though, you could definitely mod one "base outfit" and then change the colors spontaneously for a different vibe (for example, I could make an apperance for Kerry wearing one t-shirt and then change the shirt decal or color on the fly in game without cluttering his .app file with a dozen different appearances that are virtually the same just different colors!). Wondering though if there exists a resource that lists every item's appearance names (cause some are super specific and hard to guess, like... instead of "black" or "smiley-face" you have appearances like "6th street" or "black_capsules") for this purpose... and if not, I'll probably make one just because I would find it useful to have xD
Also, ACM is really neat for taking off Kerry's jewelry on the fly for certain pics XD Or changing nail colors and things like that! In all these regards this is a super useful resource as is already, but I'm excited where the mod makers will take it :D (also... random sidenote, but can we talk about Dante for a moment? I'm a little bit in love, and I need his shirt not only for Kerry but also for Vince XD).
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Then some silly behind the scenes stuff xDD @netcess said that Reed really needs a party outfit with a cool hat, so I put something quick and simple together for her and... I wanted to take a pic and as I went into Photomode, Vince spawned straight across from Reed and looked so disappointed at him partying without him when so many pressing issues are at hand XD Just really fun little moment I wanted to capture, intensified by facepalm XD
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Honestly he rocks it XD Might make a recolor to fit his suit when the mood strikes xD
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And finally: who wore it better? XD
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(giggling and kicking my feet at how his hair and beard match now :3)
No but I actually tried my hand at editing this hair mesh for Kerry, cause it was clipping a bit here and there! This is done super quick and dirty like... In theory I know I could export his headmesh and then fit it exactly to that, but for now this aint so bad already actually! :D No more clipping into the side of his head and the hairline in the front looks better. I left out Johnny's hair cap and all that because I wanted to go for a really really short, very freshly shaved look for this like...
Something he would've done at the end of his tour right before coming back to Night City. Keeping the long hair consistent for all concerts. And as I said, I 100% get why he has that look, like... It has old, seasoned rocker vibes, it's so much less clean and more himself than his 2077-appearance like... natural hair color, not styled at all, embracing himself again with the whole "I'm gonna name my next album "Kerry Eurodyne" and go back to my roots thing, he looks like he just came off stage, sweaty and tousled, so... yes!! I do love it for all those reasons, but idk... I feel like, it's also at the same time something low maintenance that he doesn't have to pay a lot of mind to, escaping into his music and career after apparently losing V. And I think with the tour over and with getting V back so unexpectedly, he'd change things up a bit again. It's a concert/tour look for me. And this style is also low maintenance, while still Kerry, still rebellious, but a little more cleaned-up, in control of his life, if that makes sense?
@pinkyjulien sorry for stealing your tags from my other post, but you put it into words so well, on point!!
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Especially your last point, cutting/shaving your hair to mark a new beginning is 100% such a thing he'd do!! So yeah, I think I'll stick with this for his two-years-plus-four-months-later look xD
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
Ok most random topic yet, but few days ago I emulated Parappa the rapper 2, fun game, but one song was really catchy:
But what annoys me is that everone is going in the comments for the obvious lowbrow "haha what a funny euphemism xdd" angel on it - and I wont even deny that yeah, the whole game is about growing up and becoming an adult so why not add that - but I think people are missing the forrest for the threes:
Think the real joke is parodying "consious" rappers or atleast those that have this too cool for everyone attitude, as if they were above everything:
Hence the nonsense lyrics at the start adressing social issuess like "changing world with hunger" and shit about being super important - Its setting up the whole thing of "wow what a wise guru, he knows whats up!"
Only to break it all down when he ACTUALLY gets big - the fassad falls down, he actually is scared and reveals that it was all for show - as many people who claim to be "underground" but actually know that they could either not deal with the responsibility of actually having fame and influence or want it but actually wont ever reach ir, claiming they are small "by choice".
Idk, probably really obvious stuff, but still the comments focus on boner jokes so I had to set the record straight lol
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue Six: The Swamp Monster
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I have nothing to say she's adorable
Sky and Bloom get into an argument but the translation I'm reading is so bad I can't follow it
"I am only well–bred! Have you some problem if I speak with other person?" Is Bloom's dialogue and I'm assuming what it's actually supposed to say is "Well I'm sorry if I'm not rich enough to get away with not having a job. Do you have a problem with me talking with other people?"
But I have no clue XD just know Sky is being an asshole
"If the school is too small for you you did right to find this job" - Sky assumedly implying that Bloom is flirting with her customers by being nice to him. Which is a normal thing to think, and isn't incel logic
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This is the cutest shit I've ever seen in my life
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Brandon: If, for the sake of argument, I was a bodyguard for prince Sky and not actually prince Sky, would that change anything about our relationship? How mad would you be on a scale from one to ten? How best could I make it up to you?
Also Brandon trying to impress Stella by fixing a boat for her I love it
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Unbothred. Moisturized. In his lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Comics Riven is getting ahead on his school assignments with his squad
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This is so adorable, siblings b fighting
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I like how they're game to manipulate any of the boys, it just happened that Riven was the easiest
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I love how Riven is looking at Icy pretending to be injured like "can't you fix that with magic???"
He thinks the Trix is sus
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Icy doing a wounded fawn act is so insane to me, but I love it
I can't imagine her liking being condescended by people trying to help her but she loves being the center of attention
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Comics Riven is slower to fall into Darcy's trap bc there's no fake accident. Very cool
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While the concept of stealing others energy is super cool, it raises the very important question of why they didn't do this to Bloom
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There he goes XDD
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Darcy has known this man for like one conversation and she's already willing to defend him from her sisters. Instant love worse than Musa's unexplained s1 crush on Riven. One thing they have in common
Why does Darcy seem so sure he's different, you don't know him girl!! And you were just manipulating him!!
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Musa: *sees the chick who's tried to kill her with her sisters multiple times*
Riven: Oh wow I'm sure in pain right now with no clue how this happened to me. I wonder what happened
Musa: oh he's picking her :((
I cannot understand how the implication that Darcy, who she knows is violent, did this to Riven doesn't even seem to cross her mind
Like Musa doesn't know that Darcy wouldn't, it's a good fuckin assumption to make
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I'm torn between thinking comics Sky should get away from her and thinking this is the first time they've been adorable
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yippieitsarvensart · 11 months
OKAY I've gathered my thoughts and I am back with more octotrio headcanons!!! I felt kinda bad having such a heavy bias but then I realized most of us have a bias towards them and felt better XDD
Starting with Azul!! Azul does drag and is absolutely a drag queen, it makes SENSE!!! He is canonically based off a drag queen (Ursula is based on a drag queen and Azul is based on Ursula)!!!!! He's such a theater kid this is just a branching path of that, he loves attention and praise and the DRAMA!! He was made for this I KNOW it! Also also, he's totally been spoiled with land beds and comforts, like he's got the biggest bed and all the pillows and blankets and comforters, he has multitude weighted blankets for that sweet sweet squish, he's like the princess and the pea when something is out of place in his perfectly designed nest of comfort. Also I'm pretty sure this is canon, but like Azul is so freaking strong?? Like something rolls under a sofa at the lounge and he's like "ugh fine" and lifts it up with one hand and is like "well?? Grab the stupid thing, I have things to do" and people are just staring at him because WOAHHHH,,, STRONG! Azul let's Floyd do the squeezing because if he himself were to get angry with someone anf squeeze them, it would be FATAL. Like all ribs broken, spine snapped, didn't stand a damn chance. And now it's time to project againnn!!! So when octopi get bored/understimulated, they start biting and tearing off their own limbs because they simply cannot cope, and Azul is an octopus AND autistic so when he's understimulated he 100% starts biting his nails, his cuticles, his knuckles, until his hands are just messed up and scarred (why he prefers to wear gloves) and in his mer form his tentacles aren't safe either, he gets stressed or too bored and he just starts nibbling, someone get this boy a game or a puzzle STAT. Speaking of nibbles, his blood is blue!! In his mer form it's not super noticeable, but in his human form where humans with his complexion usually have warm pink or red undertones, his is a cool blue. When he's flustered or embarrassed he blushes blue! Do you SEE my vision it's GOD TIER!!!! His pupils are also rectangular like an octopus, sorry I don't make the rules (I'm not sorry and I do).
Next is Floyd!! Okay. So. His playlist is the BIGGEST mix bag of genres ever, he has all KINDS of funky tunes on there but the key ingredient is ENERGETIC!!! He needs music that's LOUD and CHAOTIC and he can DANCE TO, doesn't matter what it's about he just needs that ENERGY!!!!! Also this is random but, he's been humbled by bugs on multiple occasions. Like, he comes to land and he thinks it's so funny how people are scared of such small fry! So silly so stupid!! And then he gets stung by a wasp and his mood is ruined for a WEEK, nobody can tell him SHIT while he recovers, he's never been more upset in his life (lies). He also has beef with mosquitoes, like what do you MEAN on land there's bugs so tiny you can barely see them, can't even FEEL when they bite you, and they TAKE your BLOOD???? And they have the audacity to leave this big red itchy spot after they STEAL from you!!! He couldn't be more angry if he tried!!!! Not to mention the little fuckers have PREFERENCES and swarm him while Jade is left completely untouched!!! Azul gets some too but never as many as Floyd, he is so so bitter. OH OH ALSO HE WEARS DRESSES AND SKIRTS!!! They remind him of a jellyfish when he spins and they aren't constricting!!! He loves the flowy loose ones and loses his MIND when he can find a dress or skirt with pockets, it will immediately become his favorite article of clothing until he finds a new favorite next week!! He also loves using fun phone cases and phone charms, cool colorful shoelaces and beads, all kinds of stuff to express himself with fashion without the tight feeling of clothes!!!
It's JADE TIME BABY!! So, Jade is mainly appearance headcanons because I know in my heart he is alt as hell, like on campus he's all business and suits, but if you see him just going about his day on the island? ALT ALT ALT ALT!!!! He's punk as hell dude, custom jacket and big platform boots and all! He makes his own mushroom patches and pins, has wildlife conservation patches and mountain patches, frogs, deer, all kinds of fun land animals that he loves!! He also has slightly longer hair, but when he's not in business mode he ties it up in a small pony to show off his side shave on either side!! He has snake bites, dimple piercings, basically every possible ear piercing, a septum, eyebrow piercing, nose bridge pierced, he's got it ALL!!! He wears fingerless gloves too, or if it's a no glove day he wears tons of rings!!
TRIO HEADCANONS!! Okay so the gang all just decided to use he/him on land to make things easier for land dwellers and their silly little boxes of gender, but all of them either have no gender to begin with or a gender so complex and cosmic in nature it cannot be properly described/addressed. When they're alone though, Floyd and Azul will actually use she/they pronouns for Jade more often than he/him saying it "just feels right, I dunno". Jade agrees, but she doesn't really care what pronouns people use at the end of the day, just don't make her make your pronouns was/were.
BONUS RUGGIE??? Listen this is so random but so correct- Ruggie's taste in music mainly consists of female rappers. DONT ASK ME HOW WE GOT HERE, just know I'm right. He told me himself, okay? He's working and has his ear buds in and it's Megan Thee Stallion blasting, he told me so I know.
AAAND DONE (for now)!! Also if I maybe perhaps made a playlist of songs I think Floyd with listen to, would you like me to send it over? It'll be full of bangers, trust. Also like with all my ramble asks no proof read so God speed reading this SJSGSJSHDHJDVF
I SQUEAALLLEDDDDD EEEHEHEHEE THESE ARE SO SO SO GOOD >__<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to reread tjos over again so many times- not bc I didn't understand anything- but because of just how right you are I needed to try to absorb the info into my system... Love when people do long long rants like these I am such a listener and I love reading but responding always gets my ass... beats me down,... Me taking an entire 2 days to figure out how to word one (1) sentence. /hj I just think it's funny (update on this I've been typing for hours my hands are starting to cramp and I haven't even written that much)
I absolutely love it when people draw/write Azul to have square pupils, n'd other... octopus-like features yu kno... I didn't know octopi bit off their limbs?? (I'm guessing they also grow them back, I wish I could do that wtf???) Azul being so super strong also SPEAKS to me, I don't think u mentioned this but I also love it when people draw Azul to be plus sized (so real, exactly like god intended/silly) AND ALSO WITH SPLATOON STYLE OCTO-HAIR LMAOO I just remembered one of my friends draws Azul with that kind of hair and it made me laugh so hard /pos
FLOYD BEING INTO DRESSES/SKIRTS?? I'M GOING BONKERS INSANE I'M IN LOVE FOR REAL?? I NEED to draw them in more skirts now thank you so much for this... He's gunna look so cute for real... And also in game; For the guest room and friendship stuff Floyd likes cute and Unique things!! That's so adorable I'm screaming they're literally just a little (crazy) guy >__<//....... !!!!!!!!!! I can do so much with this information. slams fist on table. I'm in art block rn though and I'm so UPSET. LET ME DRAW. Also him having beef with bugs is so real and so me. I also hate mozzies AND YES THEM HAVING FUCKING PREFERENCES ??? HELLO?? LEAVE ME ALONE. crying emoji!
I love twins with opposite aesthetics, I always forget that Jade is (canonically?) into punk/alt fashion, whenever I go to draw him out of uniform I get stumped like. "was he the one who liked that fashion.. or someone else like am I trippin' did I imagine that..." But now I can draw F n' J in opposite clothing styles... Jade being punk/alt is so mecore like she's just like me for real. Also I really like mallejade as a ship/even just as friends but the goth/alt duo?? going out on dates and being so tall and scaring people so bad?? I already think Malleus loves wearing dresses that reach the ankles and tall dainty shoes... If NRC had a female uniform I think Malleus would own a set. Along with a lot of other characters but I don't feel compelled to list them all right now (the transfems are taking over the all-boys school!! oh no!!! /hj)
I often use she/they/he for the trio cuz I completely agree!! They are so gender non-conforming... they are so genderfuck... they are so all pronouns they are so pansexual?? they are so. weird little thangs. /aff The way they all use he/him on land just to accommodate HUMANS and their STUPID gender boxes is more of a Azul/Jade idea- Floyd being the one they have to convince to do the same. Even though Floyd doesn't care how people decide to perceive them, and they'd probably get he/him'd anyway, I like to think sometimes she causes problems by going "oh my god... you.. misgendered me?? how could you do this to me I'm. I'm so hurt. I actually use [insert very long list of pronouns INCLUDING neopronouns just to mess with people] :/// How could you not know that about me." Just a silly thing I think would happen hee hee...
Ruggie listening to female rappers is so real no I was also told my him in person he showed me his playlist... since we on the topic of music as well I think Malleus listens to like Radiohead, The Smiths, Horror Vacui, Male tears, sometimes Muse and Nirvana- He dips his toes into Death/Black metal/screamo sometimes due to Lilia's influence. He doesn't like it a LOT but he likes being close to people through things they like so he basically tricked himself into liking that genre of music... Adorable methinks I like to mention this a lot and I don't remember if I did last time but Floyd PTV + MCR liker + 6arleyhuman + Maneskin... And funky video game ost's !! if you let me keep talking I could probably assign most of the students a music taste because I know I'm right. Also Azul and Vil both love Lady Gaga. Vil likes Destiny's Child. Cater is a kpop stan and only listens to girl groups. Riddle likes Lawfey, Aurora and City And Colour. Idia likes songs that were popular in 2015-20 because of gacha videos on youtube, preppy anime songs and also video game ost's from his favourite games. ANYWYSSYDSHUY -- ANYWAYS YES YES I'D LOVE TO HEAR THE PLAYLIST??? PLEASE !!!! :DDDDD
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Oooo, I see you started playing MC as well ^.^
My brain has been stuck in the game for a solid 2 months now, I've had so many ideas for building, so it's nice to see you enjoy it too <3
And to be fair, I do use creative mode for some things in my singleplayer world (cuz I wanna skip to the good parts lol). But I think if the potion lab I build in the survival multiplayer I'm in was what I had made in that singleplayer, a sad Grian looking for weakness potions would be delighted to stumble upon it pffttt
I have 2 double chests of finished potions, huge nether wart field, endless water source, 5 brewing stands, a whole double chest of at least 3 of every potion ingredient, pre-prepared awkward potions, 3stacks of bottles, blaze rods for days, you name it and it's there
The only issue is that all weakness potions I have ready are turned into splash potions, cuz I've never really had the desire to chug them myself (besides that one time I tired to get the "have every potion effect on all at once" achievement xdd)
Ive been watching mcyt religiously for abt 2 yrs now (prior to that i had ZERO exposure to minecraft at all) and have joked before that its given me fucking minecraft shingles bc i never got my crafting vaccination as a kid. This thing has DESTROYED my braincells its just all minecraft blocks now, im obsessed
Ive also shamelessly used cheats in my first proper singleplayer world-- pretty much just to teleport to coords bc i get lost real easily and an hour of trying to navigate back with F3 is not my idea of a good time 😭😭😭😭 but with this new 1.20 singleplayer my plan is basically play on peaceful until i can get set up with a house and get a bit more practice with movement, then switch it to easy to practice killing mobs, then slowly ramp up the difficulty until i get to hard so i can cure zombie villagers. I watched p much the entirety of Pixlriffs' Survival Guide S2 around January after getting super sick and needed smth to entertain myself with, and now im following along with his S3 bc he is just the guy ever to me :] its taught me a lot abt the mechanics of minecraft which has been REALLY nice for a late learner 💀💀💀💀
YOUR POTION ROOM SOUNDS SO COOL!!!!! Thats so many ingredients,,,, i love your organization system that sounds so nice. Ive found my favorite thing in minecraft is literally inventory management SKDNEKDJD hermits beware i am the anti-chest monster guy<3 but yeah gods can u imagine if Grian had used splash potions 😭😭😭 he wouldve dropped SO FAST, RIP
How do you usually plan your builds??? I got myself a creative flatworld to make stuff in, but ive found that idea i had with taking a screenshot of the area and drawing on it has REALLY helped me put some concrete visuals to the ideas ive had which has been SUPER helpful. I just finished building the silhouette of my future lakehouse the other day (via the Pixlriffs stone method) so now im just messing around with block palettes to see how i wanna incorporate the cherry wood :] im super excited to build it for real in survival!!!!
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More under cut ahdhdhsjdbf
So, the first half of our trip was getting to Yellowstone- a lot of driving and I kinda slept half the time XDD but lemme tell you the drive up there once we got into Wyoming (where Yellowstone is) was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
The first day we were in Yellowstone we went to see the geysers, such as Old Faithful!! When we first got there, Old Faithful was due to erupt later, so we walked around and saw other geysers! Lot of them were bubbling and sorta erupting, such as Beehive, Grand, and more geysers!! I think my favorite geyser I saw was Grotto- it was big!! (And mind you all these geysers spewed sulphuric games, so the whole place smelled like rotten eggs 💀 even more so when I had to pass through a cloud of hot, sulfur-y steam, yuck!!). We then came back up the trail just in time to see Old Faithful erupt!! It was cool!!
The next day we drove through Yellowstone to Grand Teton Nat'l Park, which is right there next to Yellowstone Nat'l Park!! On the drive, we saw Gibbon Falls, geothermal features such as the Black Dragon Mudpot, and pretty views of the park!!
Not to mention we saw lots of elk and bison on our trip! No bears, sadly, which I was looking forward to 😭
when we got to Grand Teton after setting up our camp, we went to drive around a bit, going to the visitor center to get our stamps! (We've been collecting these our whole trip in our nat'l park passport!) There was a little general store, and we got huckleberry ice cream and Wyoming root beer!! Both were very yummy!! (Not to mention I kept getting huckleberry chocolate bars every chance I got- the one I got at this store in particular was the best chocolate I've ever had!!). The Tetons were in the background, too, so we had wonderful views of the mountains that make this Park famous!! They're so pretty!!!
Other things I didn't mention previously: we visited villages within the national parks, got souvenirs there. They're cute little touristy spots! I forget the names of said villages, but they're cool! Also, on our way to Yellowstone, we passed through Jackson Hole, and I believe that's where the Elk Reserve is! You can't miss it, it has arches of Elk Antlers!! It's super cool!!
I had a ton of fun, and it was a great trip! Definitely would recommend going to visit either of these parks if you haven't already!
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cookies-hetaoni · 1 year
I saw that you're remaking your take on HetaOni, which is pretty cool. The Pianodream version will always have a special place in my heart, but AUs are also fun to explore. I remember playing your version a few years back and having a pretty good time (if memory serves, wasn't yours the one where a paper you needed for a puzzle suddenly changed to have "RUN" in red font? If so, then kudos because that spooked me pretty good lol).
If you want, I wouldn't mind helping with the level design. Level design/mapmaking in RPG Maker is something I have a lot of fun with (and I've even dabbled with my own remakes of HetaOni maps in the past). If not then no offense taken, I just figured I'd offer in case more help would be appreciated. (Since I'm also pretty familiar with the difficulties that can come with being a solo game dev/designer.)
Lol yeah, mine was the version with the RUN XDD I love that I added that, one of my friends also got super spooked and it always made me laugh when they talked about it lmao
Thank you so much for your offer! I really appreciate it! As far as I know, though, there's no way for two people to work on the same game without advanced IT knowledge so I prefer to keep things simple and work on it alone. But I'll keep you in mind in case I need help with anything! ♥ thank you!!
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Nightmare Cafe x Reader || Headcanons
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I really wanna start writing for Nightmare Cafe ^^ I know probably no one else has seen it- but I love it so its okay XD This is just a tester for me to play with the setting a bit, literally.
Imagine: You being the Cafe's favourite inhabitant (Aside from Blackie).
Warnings: ... not really. A building loves you ^^ <3 Its nice XD
Your coffee/tea/hot chocolate, whatever- is always the perfect temperature. It never cools down too much even when it should have, and never burns your tongue.
Your blankets are always pulled up and over you in the night if they've slipped off and its cold in there.
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If anyone is rude to you in any way, or makes you uncomfortable, the café gets quite passive aggressive towards them- whether you've handled them yourself or not. It'll-
Close doors right in this persons face so they bang their nose,
'Misplace' the things the person orders (Sugar? Creamer? Bread? Sorry what's that???? Frank and Fae become so so confused- where the hell did the coffee go?? This is a café isn't it!?),
Make the stools super slippery //or// gross and sticky while the person is sitting on it so they either slip right off or come away from it with shit on the backs of their pants
Wont turn the TV on when the person tries,
Will keep cabinets locked shut no matter how hard they're pulled by the person. Maybe let it open when they're pulling the hardest so they either bang their noses again or fall on their butts.
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When you're down, it'll play music that you like and turn on the oven/coffee machine/stove/whatever needs to start to make your favourite snack. If Frank or Fae turn it off again, it'll just flip right back to life. Like, no. The bread will be done in 10 minutes. Get out the china.
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If you play a card game with Blackie, the café likes to sometimes make sure you get good cards. He will cheat either way but the café just wants you to have a chance XD
Speaking of Blackie- his is, obviously, Café's other favourite inhabitant. If you two fought the whole café would get darker and more sombre until you made up again (And depending on who was in the wrong, the cafe may give you 'subtle' nudges. It wants its favourites to be friends again! Maybe more). This is how Fae and Frank always know when something has happened. They may come out of where they sleep (Which is... I don't even know where. Do they have rooms? Or do they just pack themselves away in the dishwasher and the cabinet for the nights?? 😅😅), look around... and Frank immediately goes to help out and fic things. Fae grabs him and takes him back to the kitchen. No no no, they're adults. They can figure this out themselves. // But, if we can help- // Sit down. I'll get you some coffee. Just dont move.
When you and Blackie make up, the café makes you both a sweet treat as a reward XDD Like good. You stopped fighting. Sit down and have cake together now. The whole building gets warmer and the jukebox starts to player happier background music.
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Heya Factual! Sorry that it's been a bit since I last sent you an ask, a few days ago I suddenly fell quite ill and kinda forgot to check your page while I've been recovering! Thankfully I finally remembered to check a bit ago and was delighted to see you've reached 26,000! Congratulations as always- you've clearly built up some amazing momentum- and I hope it doesn't slow down anytime soon- you deserve every follower!
I also cannot express in words how much I've been enjoying your Pokemon gangs adventures- both the fun and the angsty! The Gloria comic especially was super cool- it was emotional and unique- unlike anything you've made before, in the best way possible! Hope it gets a follow up one day, or perhaps the Metagross comic will prove even more emotionally unique! Oh, and also, as several others have said, I really appreciate you working Gengars iconic Red eyes into Grimaces expressions! It works really well!
And speaking of the poke gang so much, I do have a question pertaining to them, if you don't mind. Based on the backgrounds, and the Trevenant they encountered earlier, I assume the gang is currently ruffing it out in a rather dark forest- so is there a chance they could encounter one of my favorite Pokemon, the nasty pseudo legendary Hydreigon? They've been shown in game and the anime to be very territorial apex predators of the forests- who attack everything in sight! So if the crew came under attack by one, what would their strategy be? Would they try to stand and fight as one? Or plan to make a break for it? And would Sylvester perhaps use their type advantage to save the day, with some help from the rest of the pack?
(26,000 post) (Gloria comic)
Thank you so much! :DD Though I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell :{{ I'm a bit late to respond to this ask so I hope you're feeling better by now! <:}
And thanks again! I'm glad you liked the Gloria comic! I'd like to make something proper for Baragara (Metagross) sometime.. I'm still deciding on the details of his backstory <XDD
As for Hydreigon, that's a good question.. the Pokedex entries say that Hydreigon attacks based on movement. I'd like to think that Gloria would know to stay still if she ever encountered one.. but truth be told she probably wouldn't know.. and if the group encountered one when they were still recovering from their injuries? They'd all flee for sure. And if Hydreigon pursued them, Gloria would use herself as a distraction to protect her friends.. 🥺💞
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veeloopz · 2 years
What's you biggest inspiration for your comic series? what was the "aha!" moment where you were like "yeah let's do this??" Your art style is super distinct and professional looking too! have you ever considered trying to sell your comic in a physical form even if in small quantities?? or like working in the comic industry professionally? :3
you're a big inspo to me btw! I'd love to do what you do it's super inspiring, art and cosplay wise!
Oh my gosh I am actually weeping at this you are so incredibly sweet 😭😭😭😭😭
OK SO. Honestly I first made the whole idea of my comic when I was 9 so it was a huge mix of my interests from then, including Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and AtLA! Over the years it’s changed a LOT story wise! Now I get inspired by just fantasy stuff in general! I make my own creatures and stuff so it’s pretty much just me jumbling things I enjoy onto the canvas xD
Sabrinia was originally a human from this village, she was a gardener and got picked on by Geffory and others. She snuck into the forest at night to prove herself and got transported into this fantasy world, where Psychic Kitty finds her and takes care of her. There’s more to it but it’s a lot so I’ll leave it at that! (It was very similar to TOH now that I think about it lol)
I’ve always worked on my comic and it’s ideas/concepts since then, I have folders, sketchbooks and binders FULL of art from way back then! I decided to make it be a comic because I had always loved drawing comics since I was little. I made Sonic comics on lined paper and stuff LOL… But at first I wanted to make it a video game! Like a 3DS game! I decided not to since I was a child and I didn’t understand gaming stuff, so I went with the next best thing that I enjoyed and that I loved to do! Comics!
Thank you so much I am. So happy with how far my art has come since then 😭 I used to not draw noses (Sabrinia was totally NOSELESS!!) so I say I’ve definitely improved XDD
I also do want to sell my comic physically at some point! That is one of my dreams lol! I’d probably do it myself, I’d want to self publish it and copyright it beforehand! Same I’d I want to sell any merch! Torches & Beyond means so much to me so I kinda worry about selling stuff and all that lol. It’s more of a personal thing/story I’ve built up BUT it would be extremely cool to have it printed ! I may make a few copies to gift to close friends if anything for now :)
I’ve had some thoughts about working for comics professionally, but from what I’ve seen it’s all freelance! Which is super cool but I’m not sure if I could juggle doing freelance stuff with my already freelance comics and art I like to do. It would be very cool though!
But yeah thank you so so so much for this ask you made my day 😭😭😭 Anything you put your mind to you can do! That’s how I’ve gotten where I am with… everything I do! Cosplay especially lol! Cosplay is really difficult when you’re first figuring it out but honestly do it for yourself, no one else. Do it because you enjoy it! That’s my main mentality with all my creative things I do! It makes it fun and rewarding when you finish a big project !!
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elvenbeard · 1 year
As I'd mentioned back then in my Phantom Liberty Tour post, only a few of those who attended got to playtest the game themselves, while the rest got to see about an hour-long preview. And they didn't showcase much of the new abilities/skills beyond what they were gonna use in combat, and let's say... the V they showed was super flashy, his combat style looked super fun, but couldn't have been further from my playstyle xD Like... the finishers and stuff look amazing, but that's not something I'm gonna have much use for with my low-on-cyberware build that relies heavily on stealth and hacking really (but that I really really enjoy).
So I was a bit worried the whole time, low-key, how the fun would look like for a player like me. And now I finally got to play around in the build planner (https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/build-planner if you wanna have a go, but contains mild PL story spoilers - but again, you're reading this, so maybe you don't care as much for mild spoilers XD)
Looking at everything, especially the new stuff... MAN... :eyes emoji: x1000
I was worried Tech wouldn't be as useful for my low-on-cyberware build anymore, as it is very tied to that now BUT... it's also tied to the health item/ grenade cooldown, and, as before, enhances Tech-Weapons very nicely like... I think along with INT I'd like to make Tech my other 20 Ability. In combination with some of the new hacking abilities (overclocking your cyberdeck?? FUCK YEAH THAT IS... SO ÖAKHSFASDÖASJD that is *such* a thing Vince would do like öasjhdföasf when I saw that I screamed) it's so badass... I think it's gonna work really well together.
The only thing I haven't found that I'm a bit sad about was a Ninjutsu skill that let you pounce on enemies from above (I don't recall the name)... either I overlooked it or it's now integrated into some of the new movement stuff :O but even then, the new movement stuff?? Faster climbing?? Hello, where have you been all my life XDD
Also not to mention the abitlity to queue quickhacks that was teased in one of the trailers already like maaaaaan... Also a lot of counter-hacking abilities against enemy netrunners, CARHACKING... and I get the feeling, from some of the skill descriptions, how cyberware in general works (in the sense that, it reads as if you can upgrade it the way you could upgrade clothing and armour now? but not 100% sure, that would be awesome o.o) was really fundamentally changed.
Also, like... of all the arm cyberware the monowire was always the one where I said "this would be the one Vince *might* consider getting out of all of them, if he was forced to get one", and I don't really know how it was skilled previously... but now it's very closely tied to quickhacking and Intelligence, so one more reason why it would fit him the most XD Still don't think I'd get it cause... yeah, it would just not fit him as a character that much and the way he sees cyberware XD But I love that as a little sidenote.
I'm a little bit... hmm, not quite disappointed, but I would've expected something different from the Relic skilltree actually. I mean, it is very very cool, but also, again, the majority of the skills in there isn't really gonna be useful for my playstyle. And I wonder... if maybe you get advantages or disadvantages beyond extra abilities (read: story-related consequences) if you put a lot of points into it, with how these skills are unlocked >.> *suspicious noises*
But yeah... Usually I'm not looking forward to the updates as much cause... mods break xD But I really am looking forward to trying all of this in game now o.o But it's gonna be... such a difference like hhh...
I'm definitely not gonna start over a new save just to play PL, cause I simply don't have that time atm XD But I'm extremely looking forward to my 3rd fresh playthrough and seeing the skills grow over time instead of setting them all in one go xD
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AAAAH WAIT IT'S THE FALL FINALE?? For some reason I did not realize that XDD Makes sense though lol
Well that's gonna be crazy lol
Ooh yeah Bobby's definitely investigating that o.o not that I expected he wouldn't but aaaahh looks like it's gonna be intense >:D
Lol xD anyway that's a bunch of short clips but it looks like it'll be wild :))
And AHHHHH a 9-1-1 Lone Star promo!!! I saw one during one of the commercial breaks earlier that had some different stuff so I'll make a separate post for the few things I caught in there with one rewatch of the one I saw during commercials as I searched up this promo to see if there was anything I was missing lol since it went so quick.
So yeah! That's the last of my last thoughts. Looks like it'll be super intense! Now time for the. . .
I LOOOVED this episode. I thought it was great! A dip back into the old commentary, some angst but also a bunch of laughs lol, and my lovelies being family :DD. Plus we got Joshhhh, always love to see my boy :D. And overall just some really cool calls and such!
First off, congrats(-ish? lol) to Buuuck, it finally happened lol xD :D. Took a while but we got here xD. Anyway, I'm happy for his friends :)). And I'm glad that he finally got some (good) sleep lol, after he started being unable to as well XD. Hilarious, love my boy lol <3.
Eddie! Not much to say for him, though that scene with Bobby after the fire was really great. But we DIDN'T GET THE SHOT XDDD. The cross shot from the promos!! Rude lol. Anyway, him playing video games was great, and I'm glad he finally got some sleep xD.
(Chris: . . . you didn't sleep did you
Eddie: eat your breakfast)
(wait wait wait it's like the babygirl meme - I'll make it in a second lol because I won't finish this before tgd since I wanna finish last week's tgd review lol)
Hen, plus Karen and Denny! Very important storyline, but clearly it doesn't end here. I'm glad they were so supportive of him wanting to know and stuff, it was really nice to see :). But I'm glad Hen admitted to her emotions about it <3. Like, just because they know it's about Denny doesn't mean they can't have feelings lol! But if Denny did go to visit his bio dad in secret, I'm curious as to how that'll continue 👀👀. Welp, we'll see! Anyway, THEY'RE ADORABLE AND THEY'RE FAMILY AND I LOVE THEM <333 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Also yeah Eddie openly saying "moms" got me okay 😭😭 I don't know why (that's a lie, I do, it's because it's amazing to see on tv :'D)
Poor Josh this episode xDD. I was wondering why they were looking shifty but I couldn't think of a reason (like thinking he was up to something or had a new relationship or something didn't make sense, them scheming to stop him sleeping or something didn't make sense, although it turns out they were scheming XD). I've gotta admit though it was a hilarious plotline lol, I loved it xD. Plus I just liked seeing my boy :D. Anyway, it was great xD.
Madney!!!! AHHHHH!!! They bought a house :DDDD. I mean sure, it's known as the murder house, but it's not ACTUALLY lol. Plus I'm sure that and eit cheaper :D xD. Besides the fact that it needs to much work. I'm sure we'll see the renovation process, and I'm looking forward to it!! I'm so excited and happy for them, ahhhhh (small aaaah scream not awhhh) :))) 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. THEM <33!
Now, onto Bobby. I feel so and for him D:. I wish his friend had survived, I was really hoping he'd be able to get through whatever he was going through, but alas :'(. And I liked that conversation Athena had with him :'). It was a nice callback, and of course I love my babeys <33. Plus I just like seeing anyone being supportive of their loved ones :)). Idk, it's just nice 🥰🥰❤️. I'm VERY interested in Bobby stopping at nothing to get answers though, it seems like it'll be super intense but I great storyline 👀👀. Not that the intensity is bad! Anyway, as long as it isn't too short or isn't drawn out too long, I think it has real potential :D. Plus, it's always wild (and a privilege lol) to just see Bobby go ham xD. Batcrap, I'll say, since I don't cuss lol. It's gonna be great >:).
Overall, I really loved this episode! I thought it was great, it had a suitably creepy atmosphere, and I thought the insomnia theme was really interesting! It left space open for moments we wouldn't normally see, which I loved :D. And the calls, plus all the family feels, and some angst? Perfect episode, in my opinion /hj <3. It was just great 🥰🥰. Between all the storylines, and the little moments, it was an awesome episode.
So yeah! I enjoyed this episode so much. It had a bunch of great parts, and I don't really have any complaints. I'm excited to see where the stories go next! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 9: Red Flag
What a great fall finale! I know we'll have to wait a while for the next episode, but I'm still interested in what's gonna happen next. I'm definitely invested! I'll be back here then for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 10: In A Flash
See you then!
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
(this might sound weird cause I don't know how to explain it properly in english) Imagine you somehow got transfered into a world of a horror movie, BUT 'you' are not you! You got stuck in the body of a character (other then the final girl) that dies during the movie! You have both your memories (from this world) and character memories! You know what your fate in the movie is but now you also have the power/knowledge to change it! Which movie do you think would be easiest/hardest to survive and which character would you share a body with?! (Sorry if this is too confussing?!) 🦊
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ohh, I'm thinking 2001 Maniacs would be fun/easy-ish for some reasonn... Maybe I could be one of the guys driving cars? Really all I need to do is slam on the gas until Pleasant Valley is just a distant memory (Any ghosts in the way are getting RUN OVER, not sorry) but even if we did stop and I was, like, Kat ('Miss Pussy'- dear god Harper shoosh- ) then I would just have to, you know, not be overtly horny 😅😅
Like no, not going anywhere alone with you Harper. Sorry no not gonna happen. No I don't wanna see the stables- I hate horses. Mangy beasts. No no no, I'm married, I'm pregnant, I have syphilis, good god back. off. bro--
And also try to be super sweet and play up my half Texan blood with an accent so maybe Buckman thinks I'm just a poor wayward southern belle and he has to 'save' me from this northern folk.
... then when everything is over I can sneak off in the dead of night.
Thank you so much for tihs question!! You always come up with the best games, Fox Anon! That was fun to think about XDD What would you pick????
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