#and support artists if you can so we can share art on our own terms
samaspic31 · 1 year
"Separate the art from the artist" is so insulting to the artists too actually (and totally irrelevant to the question of financial support of said art, in the age of pirating). Have you ever seen as artist say who they are is irrelevant to their work? Why are you implying that what we create is so unspecific to us that you can ignore us. You are trying to extend the capitalistic alienation from our labour to something inherently resistant to commodification, as much as the system forces its monetization for artists to live (and I wish all domains stopped alienating production from its producers, but it's particularly egregious for art imo). It’s something given or sold to the public for them to give the meaning they see fit, and you can decide to discard the initial/intended meaning for yourself, but it was still born from the artist and specific to them, created with their intentions motivating it, their biases colouring each and every choice, it is ludicrous to argue it can be totally dismissed. Trying to erase our role is downright offensive and akin to failing to credit properly. Copyright law has many flaws, in the sense that it is ill-equipped to handle the fact no art is ever 100% original and builds off existing elements, but it exists for a reason, so that artists get their due, you better believe corporations would not compensate us if they could. And minimizing our place in creation is the same mindset
I think it’s also tied to the myth we're born this way, given talent from birth and therefore not really the inventor but merely the executor of our art, negating the amount of training that goes into building skills, and the intellectual labor necessary for any creative work (see: ai bros acting like artists are hoarding drawing skills??), as well as the disregard shown for artistic industry workers anytime there's talks of unionizing (see : caring more about their marvel movies/video games releasing early than making sure crunch is avoided). Some people don’t like to think in depth about neither the context of what they consume nor the breathing bodies that make it come to life (and I understand, cause honestly it makes a lot of stuff depressing, be it food, clothes or art, but it'snecessary sometimes), and seem to think an artist’s relationship to a piece of work is over, all ties severed the moment they publish it, when it is a lifelong and everchanging relationship that takes labour to bear
On another topid so much of art is made of collaboration and merging intellectual properties and building off other people’s work i would like to beat up the myth of the lone genius artist or the mastermind director who deserves all the credit for his big brain, all projects would be nothing without the teams making them happen and an artist with no fellow creative friends literally will shrivel up so pls start putting all the people working in artistic fields on an equal footing, financially speaking too, i am begging society to stop disrespecting craftspeople too btw-
#sam speaks#sorry im mad when non artists go 'but it's not an autobiography so it's not about the artist themselves' shut up you know nothing#i can guarantee whoever the protagonist is the creatives found a path to relate to him and gave them to live their own experiences in a way#also people always use that shit to defend awful people or justify them being rewarded#did you know : you can consume art by terrible people without denying it it's called critical analysis#i had a teacher use it for fucking woody allen. when he literally makes movies where he plays the protagonist grooming a 16yo#never more obvious self insert/confession has existed#*relate to them#also like. the cliché of artists being self obsessed isn't exactly wrong let's be honest. there has to be a little bit of thinking highly o#yourself to believe (rightfully because that's the case for everyone) that your self is worth being expressed#so why would you think artists of the most arrogant self centered demographic in society would be humble enough not to insert themselves?#cishet white men write only about themselves and everybody else in their stories is an accesory; written with no empathy or understanding#something somthing refusal to acknowledge the inteligence of the people different to you#anyways. fuck jk and woody allen and polanski and so on and there are too many names#and support artists if you can so we can share art on our own terms#that said i often dislike art made about artists it's so. uninterestingly self centered
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Here’s some positivity for plural artists and creators!
Plural artists and creators, you are a wonderful, integral, and cherished part of the plural community. We so value your presence here, and we hope that your artistic endeavors bring your whole system comfort, joy, and fulfillment! Regardless of what kind of art you make, how long you have been creating, how popular your art is, or how skilled you are at making art, you belong here and your works are worth discussing, uplifting, and celebrating! Plural artists, this one’s for you!
🎨 Shoutout to systems who have just started making art, are beginners, or have yet to see many improvements in their art!
🖌 Shoutout to systems whose art styles vary between headmates, and to systems who share a collective art style!
🖼 Shoutout to systems who draw, paint, color, collage, sculpt, or make digital art! Your art makes the world a better place!
🖋 Shoutout to systems who are poets, novelists, essayists, or writers by other means! Writing is art and you are an artist!
🎨 Shoutout to systems who experiment with different mediums and forms of artistic expression!
🖌 Shoutout to systems who are makeup artists, have lots of tattoos, are fashion-focused or otherwise use their body to express themselves with how they look!
🖼 Shoutout to systems who often feel self-conscious or insecure about their art! Keep on making art for you, we know it will turn out beautifully!
🖋 Shoutout to systems who love to create art for and of their headmates, or who love to collaborate with their headmates on art pieces!
🎨 Shoutout to systems who use art to cope with trauma, mental illness, grief, conflict, or other heavy things!
🖌 Shoutout to systems who are interested in making art for the first time! You can do it, we believe in you!
🖼 Shoutout to systems who want to make more art, but struggle to do so due to disabilities or chronic illness! You are allowed to take your time and create what feels comfortable for you on your own terms!
🖋 Shoutout to systems who have been creating for as long as they can remember! Your artistic endeavors are always worth sharing and celebrating!
🎨 Shoutout to systems who have found purpose, belonging, meaning, and a zest for life through art!
🖌 Shoutout to systems who feel lost and confused about their art, but keep creating and making art anyway!
To all plural artists out there, we want to encourage, support, and uplift you however we can! We hope that you can find lots of inspiration in your own system and the plural community. Know that you don’t have to be the very best at what you do in order to consider yourself an artist and for the art that you make to be worthwhile. Your system’s creations are wonderful and uniquely y’all’s, and we are so grateful to share our spaces with artists like you!
We truly wish that your system will continue to create, even when it’s hard or slow going! Whether you’ve been making art for one week or many decades, please know that your creativity is unmatched and there is not artist out there who is quite like you or your system! We hope that you can find inspiration, motivation, energy, and resources to make all the art you want to make, and we’re wishing you the very best with your future artistic endeavors!
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heynikkiyousofine · 5 months
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✨Hello, 2024!✨
I'm excited to share with you a few projects I'm hoping to start posting this next year, while also branching out on some new things, such as new pairings, a different POV, and even an attempt at an original novel by myself. Cheers to the next year!
⌘Sweeter Than Fiction
(InuKag, modern au, strangers to lovers, librarian/hockey player au, eventual smut, fluff)
Summary: Kagome Higurashi is a loner, something that has never bothered her. She has her close friend, she has her favorite books she devours every chance she gets, a family who loves and supports her, and she is in her final year of college, with a dream to become a writer. Kagome’s content, but in reality, she wishes for adventures and excitement, much like the characters in her books. In steps the captain of her college’s hockey team, a rude, unruly, and cocky hanyou named Inuyasha Taisho, and suddenly, her whole world is turned upside down.
Keep an eye out for some fabulous art by @clearwillow with this one.
⌘How To Train Your Human
(InuKag, space/other world au, strangers to lovers, eventual smut, chaos, fluff, funny)
Summary: In their 250th year, every youkai receives their human familiar after they complete all the necessary tests and read the handbook on how to train their human. Even Inuyasha will, despite being the first half demon to do so. He expected a kind, docile human as described in said handbook, similar to how his mother was when she met his father. So what does he do when Kagome Higurashi, his human, is the exact opposite?
Keep an eye out for some fantastic art with this one by @heavenin--hell
⌘Terms and Conditions
(InuKag, modern au, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, eventual smut, angst, fluff)
Summary: After the disastrous day I had, there were two things I was certain of. One, Inuyasha Taisho, the country’s most eligible bachelor, was going to be my fiancé, and eventual husband. Two, we might kill each other before we ever make it to the altar.
Also planning some fabulous art with @brain-rot-hour for this one as well.
⌘Gifts for amazing people in this fandom.
I've been working with a select few others in creating gifts for the amazing readers, writers, artist, creators of this fandom, so be on the look out for some one-shots and drabbles of our favorite half demona and modern miko, along with new pairings that I'm dipping my toes into.
⌘Becoming Theirs (An Original Novel)
(new novel, modern, strangers, stalker, dark, humor, fluff, smut, healing my own inner trauma with this one)
Summary: Charlotte's life has been turned upside down with meeting Jackson and Elliot, only for her entire world to be shifted again when a past danger reveals itself.
⌘ Maybe/Maybe Not's:
(depends on all the time I have)
Epilogue Chapter to 12 Days of Smutmas: InuKag Edition
Sequel to A Deal With A Demon
Bird In A Cage (InuKag, strangers to lovers, dark and twisty, feudal era and modern au, fluff, first time, teaching, smut.) Summary: Kagome finds herself escaping a fate bestowed upon and stumbles upon a whole new world, where not all are who they seem to be.
Currently celebrating hitting the 400 mark in followers. If you would like to be added to the tag list or removed, please let me know, so I can update it. Also, if there's anything you're excited for, feel free to let me know! I will happily let you know when a new chapter is coming. I'm finally at a point in my life where I have time and energy to create new things and push my creativity. And I'm so beyond excited to share it all with you. Happy New Year! ✨
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hausofneptune · 6 months
(repost) [the astrology of pedro pascal] - soft sun aspects (major) | sun trine neptune
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major soft/positive aspects (conjunctions, sextiles, and trines) to pedro’s sun. minor positive aspects to his sun (quintiles/biquintiles and septiles) will be covered in an upcoming series, as well as the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets and asteroids in his chart! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
disclaimers | masterlist | ask
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sun trine neptune (0°35’)
in this aspect, the planetary bodies are harmonious and their energies are naturally and positively expressed. the sun is representative of the self. it represents how we show up in the world, our ego, and our self esteem, happiness, and our vitality. neptune is the co-ruler of pisces in modern astrology, and can be best identified by its elusive energy. it represents spirituality and the realms beyond us, dreams, the arts, and creativity. it is also indicative of illusions, deception, addictions, and mysticism. it’s also a generational planet, and stays in the same sign for about 14 years, therefore everyone born within that time frame will share the same placement. 
this can grant the native with an inspirational, imaginative, and otherworldly personality. they can be caring and sensitive, with good morals and ideals. they’re extremely charismatic and tend to have a dreamy yet mysterious allure about them. they recognize that there is more to this world than what meets the eye, and tend to be spiritually-inclined. this placement can be indicative of fame. those around them will hold them in high regard due to their honesty and natural inclination to help and nurture others. they may be reserved and hide their drive or ambition, but still have the capacity to manifest and turn their dreams into reality with great ease. 
this aspect can also manifest as creativity and artistic talents, and tends to show up in the charts of writers, artists, and musicians. neptune’s archetype expresses itself very literally in terms of film, as the audience is gifted beautiful images that can be perceived as real, but are merely artifacts of staged production. this can definitely be something in pedro’s chart that manifests positively in his abilities as an actor, as well as his appreciation of film, music, and other arts as well. this aspect could also result in strong intuition, psychic abilities, and lucid dreams. the native may be drawn to religious or spiritual practices, or have great comprehension of occult studies such as astrology or tarot. 
they have the capacity to become a source of guidance for others, and raise the bar by setting a good example through their actions. they’re sensitive to the feelings and wellbeing of others, and therefore can become great advocates for the most vulnerable among us. although they are sacrificing, they also need to recognize the importance of putting themselves first at times, so that their success can enable them to help others. pedro references his desire to be an advocate in his Wired 2023 interview: “my entire heart is set on, you know, the marginalized underdog. it’s not a choice. like, how dare anyone not support the people that are deserving of support, and are deserving of protection and need more of it than you do. do you know what i mean?”
they must also put in the physical, real-world effort to attain their goals, as they’re inclined to idealize the internal world they live in over the external. they must be honest with themselves to understand the true motivation behind their actions and desires, otherwise they can become susceptible to their own delusion. while these natives have to put in conscious effort to set boundaries, those with this aspect tend to not be as susceptible to manipulation as those with hard aspects to neptune, or hard sun to moon aspects (like sun square moon, an aspect pedro also has in his chart). they should ask many questions about themselves and those around them, as this disillusionment will grant them clarity, help them evolve spiritually, and allow their hearts and minds to work together in service for others. 
as always, if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Whats the phillipine's most famous cryptid?
Alright so before we start let me reiterate that the creatures that get passed off as Filipino mythology are still living beliefs for many people, especially those that live away from the big cities. These are not mere scary stories to them, but real threats that you must take seriously, and specialists that deal with the supernatural are very much still a thing.
So the most famous creature would probably be the aswang, but what an aswang actually is depends on who you ask. They could be were-beasts, undead, evil sorcerors/witches, etc depending on the province, and it's come to be almost an umbrella term for monsters that don't already have a name. Every time someone strays too close to the woods and goes missing? Aswang attack. Wikipedia will tell you that stories of the aswang are mostly popular in the South of the Philippines, but my dad's family comes from the North and they're just as well-known there. Ask a grandfather or grandmother whose family came from Ilocos, and there's a decent chance they can tell you stories of how someone the family knew was taken by an aswang because they didn't hurry home when the sun was going down, or how they themselves had a close call when they ignored their parents' warnings about what was out there. When we would visit my grandmother's home province, she would tell me very seriously that if the night is too dark, I should never leave the indoors even if we're at a hotel at the beach, you could never tell how daring a monster might be.
The CIA even actually used the belief in aswang stories to crush a local communist guerilla movement called the Hukbalahap, where they would kidnap Huks and drain their blood then leave their corpses for their comrades to find, terrifying the people and killing public support for the movement.
I think the funniest story that I personally know though is technically not an aswang attack, but shares a lot of the same elements with the monster stories that involve dark magic. It's also particularly interesting because it was told to me by a mentor from the gamedev industry and who was not a superstitious person.
When I was a kid I already knew that no matter what, I wanted to work in video games. My friend and I would attend all the local dev meetups and talks and seminars trying to learn as much as we could about the industry before getting out foot in the door, and one of the developers we befriended was a very experienced artist with some international successes under his belt already. He's now working at a big name European studio, but before that he shared with us the story about his own dangerous encounter.
It started when my friend asked for advice on love, like many young adults would to a cool, older mentor. Rather than give wise sayings about patience and communication or whatever, he said "When they invite you over to your house, keep your eyes open in case they try to eat you."
See when he was our age he was dating this art scene girl who kept telling him that she was dangerous and a practitioner of curses, which he had brushed off as being a quirky art thing and kept seeing her despite her warnings. One time, the girl invited him over to her house saying she was going to eat him, and my mentor, thinking it was his lucky day, walked right in, went into her room, and then stood there when she pulled out a knife and suddenly declared that actually, she was possessed by an evil spirit and was going to kill and eat him now.
Despite the now very clear sign that eating him did not mean anything sexy, he said he was okay with this. She attacked him with the knife and only then did he finally realize that maybe he was not okay with this, but at that point she was making inhuman sounds and was also overpowering him with absurd strength. It's been years since I heard the story so I don't remember how exactly he survived. If I remember correctly, the girl's mom burst into the room and said that this happens often, then promptly pulled the girl off of him and began exorcising her on the spot while the girl began screeching, and the mom insisted while struggling that my mentor and her daughter shouldn't see each other anymore and so he escaped from that house, never to go back.
He ended that story there, insisting it was completely true and that he had already told this story to his peers in the gamedev industry (he actually did) while my friend and I stared at him completely dumbfounded.
"What the fuck" I said, "Why did you keep going when she clearly said she was cursed and was also going to eat you for real?"
To which my mentor just shrugged his shoulders and said "I mean, she was so hot. I just thought it would be okay anyway."
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Our fandom icon @bluebutter-art is celebrating her birthday today and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to once again scream about this fantastic human and unbelievably talented artist. I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone how gifted Blue is, and how she has created 90% of my all-time favourite Drarry artworks at this point - her depictions speak so deeply to my soul that they’ve easily become my personal headcanon for these characters, not only in terms of appearance, mannerisms, posture and gadgets, but also storytelling-wise. To me Blue is just like a fic writer in the sense she’s able to come up with these rich, vibrant, aesthetically gorgeous and tender love stories, and that’s without including a single line of dialogue if she so desires. Her work has such emotional depth and resonance it feels like I’m reading a 30k fic with exciting plots, charming characters, witty flirting and the gentlest, sexiest get together. It’s just so impressive - and quite unbelievable to think we’re this lucky to have someone like her in our fandom. I don’t know how Blue gets to tug at my poor heartstrings every.single.time with poignant character arcs, witty expressions and compelling physique 🥵
Beyond her undeniable skill, Blue is also joyful, enthusiastic and supportive presence in the fandom. She shares unconditional love for fic, creators and friends, and it’s always the best company to exchange fic recs and indulgent praise for Harry’s thighs or Draco’s hair these idiots in love. Blue darling, I’m so happy we got to become friends, I couldn’t be more excited about your return to the fandom. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible universes and work with us, I know I’m not alone when I tell you what a big role model and fandom legend you are. We are so lucky to have you around! I hope you have an incredibly day full of special moments, and I hope this little reclist will make you smile today 💜💙
6 Faves from 2021:
Dragontamers Drarry
I can’t even with soft tattooed boyfriends living in the wild and wow, that sunset is beyond perfection!!!! I wanna know all about Harry and Draco, and the life they built together out there, but at the same time I feel like Blue already told me their story with zero words, the talent! Love the vibes, the gorgeous lighting, the sense of comfort I get seeing them in their own little universe and doing what they love.
Far from the Tree | fic by aideomai
SPOILER ALERT: This art is as epic and breathtaking as the fic itself, Blue captured perfectly the satisfying sense of thrill that big reveal moment provides. BAMF swordsman Draco walking the walk of purpose is everything we deserve and I can almost taste Harry’s nosebleed watching that brilliant, god-like man confidently arriving to save the day. Absolutely brilliant!
Game On | fic by @pennygalleon
Perfect art for a perfect fic! I could cry at the delicious pub vibes, the look of challenge on their faces combined with the subtle interest in their body language, and the touching feet!!! Every time I look at this I feel so happy my chest expands. This masterpiece radiates SEXUAL TENSION in such a charming and witty way, once again Blue nails the fic vibes, and btw can’t rec this fic enough. Rivals to lovers ftw!
Ice Cream at Midnight
My favourite display of domesticity ever, this has been my personal Drarry headcanon since Blue posted it. Absolutely obsessed with the contrast in their tastes, the unimpressed expressions, Draco’s sexy glasses and delicate bony feet, Harry’s iconic killing thighs (maybe even literally?? who knows, not me but I’d love to 🤭). Nothing was ever the same after this magnificent Harry came to life, jfc I’m so hot for him
Slytherin Draco
Excuse me, why so handsome sir?? This breathtaking Slytherin Draco makes me swoon, he looks so regal and confident and THAT BESPOKE OUTFIT is so lush!!! I can’t believe the level of detail too, that look is so well crafted and thought out! The jewelry, the gloves, the rings!!! 🤯 my god, this Draco could step on my face and I’d thank him lol yes sir pls do come in and ruin my life. Anyone else getting Astolat vibes out of this art?
Sunkissed (Ron/Harry) | fic by @static-abyss
The softest Rarry art you’ll see today! Blue captured the tenderness and certainty of that scene so well, I love how deeply in love and content they look together, their smiles as if sharing a secret we’re not supposed to hear. Just peak romance, and for a rare pair I came to love thanks to this beautiful, gentle fic! Highly recommend if you haven’t read it yet.
5 Faves from 2022:
Auror Husbands
Everything I had to say about this art was written here. This is one of the best, most thoughtful and exciting gifts I’ve ever gotten and it made me salivate over Harry’s arms and thighs FOR DAYS. I couldn’t write a single thought for days and had to wax poetry throw 195258 different scenarios I came up with into Blue’s DMs instead, so embarrassing. I’m a hoe for one (1) man 😔
BAMF girlfriends at the Gala (Ginny/Pansy)
My god, they look so incredibly hot AND powerful together, I can’t even make a coherent comment. Just so.. obsessed with Ginny’s athletic physique and those sinful dresses and the easy intimacy they share! Where’s this action fic with badass girlfriends attending a gala undercover and saving the day??? @teacup-tai tell me you’ve seen this
Draco’s 42
The ultimate established relationship art! I’m so weak for domesticity it’s not even funny and this art explores soft intimacy in a whole new level, ugh it makes my heart ache. Draco in reading glasses, an ode to Turn in his hands, that perfect aristocratic nose and the soft content smile on his face are truly a sight to behold. I fell immediately, utterly in love with this and didn’t think twice before asking for Blue’s permission to use it as a banner for my Valentines Day recs.
Harry & James
This one hits right in the feels, father & son artworks always get me emotional af and this is such a beautiful homage to Harry and James. I love that Blue initially wanted to leave their identities in the open but went for that lovely Hedwig tattoo in the end, which hits in the solar plexus as much as the rest of it, so impossibly tender. Also…. That glorious light hitting his profile??? Superb
Surface Texture (Harry/Teddy) | fic by @the-starryknight
First of all, this fic is exquisite. I have a major soft spot for it (one of the very best Harry/Teddy shorts out there, go read it ASAP) so I felt personally attacked spoiled when I saw that Blue had created art for it. Early Christmas!!! The way she (again) captured the quiet, sexy, intimate vibes leaves me speechless over and over. Her serene and focused artist Teddy and confident model Harry in quiet display have me drooling, you can almost taste the low key tension between them and keep wondering when they’re about to snap 🔥
Almost Like Home | Full Version (fic by @thesleepiesthufflepuff)
I think this was the very first nsfw art of Blue’s I saw and I still remember being 100% obliterated by the beautiful and sensual intimacy of it. The scenario, the atmosphere, the look of utter abandonment on Harry’s face, the soft hand touching! It’s so very hot and tender, and a perfect way to illustrate this incredibly gentle fic with friends with benefits and pining!Draco, my jam. Once again the morning light just takes my breath away, it’s so ethereal!
Golden Hour
When I tell you I legit gasped out loud seeing this jaw-dropping bondage art, holy shit! Harry and Draco both look so powerful from different perspectives, the unflinching gaze and confident stance are killing me. I cannot handle the amount of BDE displayed here. Draco’s bulge smirk and tattoo are 🔥 and Harry’s sculpted like a greek god I mean, how’s that even possible? Would give anything to learn more about this universe and their lives in it!
I just know his bum
This comic is simply iconic, so funny and deliciously hot! I found that take on the glory hole trope really sweet, and Draco’s gorgeous tattoo is such a sight! Also, Ron’s and Hermione’s confused reaction at the end cackles me up, this is hilarious! Such a great way to explore identity porn, it could go many ways from there and I love that world of possibilities too.
No Better Love
Forget aftercare, Harry accioing a glass of water for Draco mid-sex is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and the kind of smut tenderness I’m talking about 😔🙌 they both look so so gorgeous and in love I can’t look away, my heart bursts with warmth. Draco has never looked this good - sweating body and sweet fond smile riding Harry like a god, ugh that’s so very hot I’m combusting. You’re all welcome!!
3 Old(er) Gems:
Interrogation / Tumblr
Oh my, this Harry can lock me in a room anytime please and thank 🥵 I’m obsessed with his edgy, menacing look here. Talk about BDE, baby! And did you notice that hairy arm, the sexy tattoo, the shiny wedding ring?? That’s Auror Potter-Malfoy for you 🤌🏼
Sun and Moon (Atlas)
This gorgeous and poetic art isn’t as well known or loved as other Blue works and I decided to include it here as I’m sure it went off peoples radar. The ying yang aesthetics are striking, I love the detailed outfits, the vibrant colors and beautiful textures, their delicate intertwined hands! As a side note this art was based off a song that I love from this amazing album by Sleeping at Last, double kudos for that!
Wine Night
Still one of my personal favourites, I’m so soft for this brand of slice-of-life domesticity! Harry’s fond smile watching the people he loves the most together in the same room is a gorgeous portrayal of those moments of soft realization when we’re hit by the thought “god, I’m so lucky I get to be around these people”. This art captures perfectly the magic of those moments in time, and my heart is full and warm, right there with Harry’s.
2 Comics:
so rest your weary heart with me | Full Version
This is my all-time favorite Drarry comic alongside a series from Dustmouth, and hands down my favorite piece from last year’s Sudsfest. It’s still hard to talk about (or even look at) it without getting all choked up. Within just a few lovely, meaningful panels, Blue delivers the most touching, deeply emotionally packed love story. This is a triumph, a poignant journey about grief and healing, quietly devastating but still full of hope and warmth. If you haven’t checked it yet what are you even doing with your fandom life?
Sometimes it’s Now or Never
This is one of the comics I revisit the most, I adore it so so much. Auror Harry trusting Draco to patch him up after a raid is THE ULTIMATE TROPE and Blue executes it so perfectly. The storytelling is complete and effective, you can feel the trust and tenderness between these characters without needing further background on their relationship. The amount of time I spent looking at those kissing panels, mesmerized at Harry’s silent resolve and Draco’s sweet tenderness as he yields into the kiss… *sigh* peak romance!
1 Portrait:
Silver Trio
The hottest trio you’ll ever see today! I adore the perfect Super Rich Kids aesthetics and the attention to detail here - the earrings, the flawless hairstyle, the A+ cheekbones and unblinking stare, the smooth and hard lines of beautiful, aristocratic and distinctive faces! They look like the ultimate high society models and I’m 👏🏻 here 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
Happy Pride Art!
Couldn’t leave this one behind I mean, look at them!!!! They look so proud and happy and comfortable in their own skin it makes me wanna cry every time I see this art. The level of comfort and joy this brings me it’s unparalleled and have I mentioned those badass outfits, Ginny’s hot muscles and *le gasp* Harry’s thighs?? Enough said, RIP me. Happy Pride my friends! 🏳️‍🌈
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chookily · 9 months
Chookily's Guide to complimenting art
While it is a kind gesture to extend positive input to an artist I would never want anyone to turn positive input into a job. For the most part it's supposed to be fun!!! We should all learn to try not to take it personally if no one compliments our art every now and then there are various reasons why people may not compliment! They could be occupied, they may not know what to say, or it's simply not their personal taste. Remember for the majority it can be challenging to say something beyond "this looks cool!" and some people may even feel self conscious of what to them seems like a lowsy compliment. What's important is to learn to be confident of our own art. As an independent artist I face this dilemma multiple times and i've learnt how to reassure myself and be confident of my own abilities. Don't rely on others solely for positive reinforcement as you're only setting yourself for failure. This is also just a general reminder that you don't need to go to into full detail about artwork. Sometimes giving your general support through a reaction or just saying "This looks cool!" is enough and you should never be afraid to voice your support
Why is it important to compliment art? Other than the rudimentary and obvious reason there is a genuine skill you can train and apply in your own artwork when you compliment artwork. By complimenting artwork you are training yourself to discern and separate specific aspects of a art piece in order to determine the strengths of an artist. THEREFORE you are using critical thinking skills that help with eye training improved vocabulary and a better general grasp of art. (Plus you make the person feel very happy :>>>>) The Basics Don't focus on the bigger picture!
When it comes to analyzing artwork the least thing you want to do is focus too much on the grand scheme of the photo. Unless you're complimenting the certain atmosphere setting how convincing it is and other technical artistic merits it's best to focus on smaller things. Look at the linework look at the color palette or the brushworks or the effects what do you appreciate most about the art piece what do you find most unique and noteable? Once you point these out it can be very easy to give a compliment! Study technical artwork terms and techniques! The best way to learn to compliment art is to immerse yourself and absorb information. Learn the basic terminologies and techniques for art do your homework! Make the criticism personally catered to the artist! What patterns have you noticed in the artist's work? Try to point out the artist's best abilities and their strengths! Let them know what they are best at!! Focus on the mood/atmosphere of the artpiece what emotion does a certain art piece evoke? what does it make you think or feel? Art is a creative exchange of ideas and stories and in doing so you feed that creative energy!
Ask questions about the art piece
Engage yourself with the art piece to familiarize yourself it makes the artist feel special!
Conclusion This is my basic tutorial on how to compliment art, if you have any other advice feel free to share. Otherwise, thank you for reading!
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penumbramewtwos · 1 year
Happy (late) New Year to all of my Friends, Mutuals, Followers, and Peeps I'm following… (and most likely have a restraining order out against me xD) I love you all (platonically)
I wasn't going to do one of these because I felt as if I wasn't worthy of making one >.< I've only been on Tumblr for roughly half a year. But you've all made me feel so welcome and cherished in your own way; passively or actively. I initially made this profile to just say 'HI' to TC96, their blog was one of my main influences.
I then built of the courage to share my Fanfic online (that I swore was going to stay with me)…. One thing led to another, Now I want to draw my character(s) and learning new artistic things everyday… I never thought in my life thus far that I would make any friends, I find it hard to portray what I mean on a social level, and in general writing. I'm also sorry to anyone I've made unintentionally go "??? WTH's she on about???" Thank you for being patient and understanding over these months. I will be a better communicator as time goes by. After having an online incident happen to me a decade ago, I swore I would never interact with anyone online ever again… Be careful with what you share about yourself online is all I can say… We all have skeletons in the closet that haunt us, and toy with our sanity. (Now, after isolating myself for a decade with my partner, this has been the best decision I've ever made).
@xhunterbeatsx You're One of my first followers, and although that's special enough, I can't thank you enough for your support and encouragement. If you're wondering what do I mean by this? You've been both indirectly and directly influencing my dopamine output with your art and kind words. You made the first Fanart of my OC which I cherish dearly, apart from making me cry, it encouraged me to peruse art further. Thank you again.
@martysgachaworld Although the time we've known eachother has been short, I can't thank you enough for bringing out a confident side in myself. It took years of encouragement/help from psychologists to help me come to terms with my biology, but, I always felt shy about portraying my sexuality publically… Now after talking with you, I feel proud to say I am Lesbian. Not just "Oh… I'm asexual… My partner is a woman…" changes the conversation. … You've been through so much in this short time that I've known you, and, as always I want to say, that all of your friends are here for you, and love you very much (platonically).
@paradoxiusblack Also one of my first followers. Your art always impresses me, as well as the detail that you've put into your OC's. I find you thoughtful, kind, and genuine… And also a little silly sometimes :> (Happy Birthday again)
@secret-mewtwo Thank you for introducing me to Discord, I've never felt more included in my life, and it is mostly your doing :P I your art is fucking phenomenal.
@crepetwo You put up with my derpy shit, that means the world to me. Your personal artstyle, and creativity always makes me impressed (we are now Fanfic rivals btw)
@the-project-and-the-ghost Thanks for letting me express myself in DM's, and trusting me enough to express yourself back to me, it's hard to trust, and you put up with my dumbassness a lot. I promise to be better at social/written comprehension, and being a better friend in the future
@ricksoo You just put up with me, that's the fucking best xD I appreciate you very much
@mewwho @noodleartz Both of your art styles and personalities make me smile whenever we interact. Thanks for all your encouragement on many occasions. I promise I'll be better at comprehension in the future, thanks for putting up with me :>
@droberrymewtwo629 Thanks for introducing me to the RP's on Discord :3 they're always fun and make me feel like I can be a little silly.
@xxtc-96xx @pokemon-ash-aus @mewtwoandme @comedydoctor18 @faeforge @dxzziie @mewcrew @dizzydaisygettinglazy Although I felt nervous (to the point of scared) about talking/interacting with any of you, I've realised you're all human(or a friendly Mewtwo xD), and it's a privilege to have such lovable large-audienced artists feel so close… I also love your Art/blogs/storylines. Did i mention that? xD
@blues-sues @kantaroth Your art and art styles are so beautifully unique to you both, they're narratively perfect in their own way, and give me encouragement to keep going with my own art (I LOVE PIP!!! MA BABY!!!)
@zeal-strikerl Thanks for putting up with my 'Here's an animal piccy' on Discord, I wanna interact with Demontwo one day >:D!!
@esmam1ss2n9shu773r @wren-idkfeather Both of you are so very kind to everyone who you interact with, and some of our down to earth rebloggs/comments have made me feel more together when i've been down in the dumps. Thank you.
There are so many more of you which have made me feel welcome… this is just the tip of the Iceberg…
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carrieleblancart · 7 months
In response to your questions about the timelapse videos, here are my two cents. Engagement doesn’t usually give you anything on tumblr other than a bump of serotonin, but it can lead to commissions or sales if you provide an easy link and are chill about it. But people are touchy about the word “engagement.” They want to feel like a community or maybe a cultural salon, rather than part of an extractive media process.
Your most successful process videos are going to show a satisfying finished piece at the end and give people time to look at it and go “wow.” So for most art some editing will be necessary to get there in a short video.
Another thing I should bring up is that the music you used for that sketch video was pretty grating. If you’re going to use music, i’d suggest finding something more relaxing. Just because the video is sped up doesn’t mean the sound has to be frantic.
Your painting process is so interesting, and your art is great! People here love cats with all their hearts and mostly really enjoy art. I wish you all the best!
Hi anon, thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it, and I'm still getting used to actually getting responses, after trying to get it noticed for 10+ years (this isn't my first tumblr blog).
There's a lot going on with trying to share my art in the current internet ecosystem, probably something a lot of artists are dealing with. I'll try my best to describe what's going on on my end.
I don't like the term engagement either. I am trying to share my art through four main platforms at this time: Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and of course our precious hellsite: Tumblr. So my use of the term is more from the vernacular being used on other platforms, with what seems to be a kind of agreed upon use by artists of "this is what we have to deal with, so might as well lean into it." Maybe I'm mis-interpreting that (not surprising).
So far, Instagram is where I get my art noticed the most and has lead to the most sales/commissions/financial support. I think this has to do with the cat community that has formed over there. Tumblr definitely has its cat lovers, but I think a lot of them are over on IG so that they can follow internet cat celebrities and the like (I'm one of them!). So things like engagement and trends will dictate how I share my art with at least algorithm-led platforms. Also all of the cat people and friends I've met at shows regularly have Instagrams, not that that's a reason to be on there.
I agree that I should add time of the video at the end to show the piece to give it time to be seen. This can be easily accomplished if I make sure to take a photo of the art and include it in the video. I haven't had the best record of doing this due to my own ADHD and the pace at which these sketch paintings are being made.
Most of these recent sketch paintings were made back in August during CatCon on the spot! It's a crazy thing to do and I haven't seen anyone else do something quite what I'm doing, which is I guess part of my marketing for conventions and shows. So, sometimes I forget to take a picture at the end, but I'm getting better at including it in my process. And yes I call them sketches because they're fairly quick (I aim for 30 minutes for a 6"x6") and I don't get to add all the details I would like to if time was available. (I'm currently working on a new 3"x3" fully detailed piece of a famous internet cat, I've spent an hour and a half on it, and it's not done yet!)
Part of the timelapse question is not just to see what people prefer to determine how much time I should put into editing, but also how much effort I should put into digital storage. I have a couple different ways of recording footage, and the main way I've been doing so is with my iPhone. And so when I'm at events that I fly to, like CatCon, sometimes I'm having to transfer videos from my phone to an SD card until I can get home and get the footage onto a larger storage device. This can be tricky especially if I don't make sure to clear my phone storage before going to an event (something I'm adding to my list!) However, if I use the timelapse feature already available on the iPhone, then that makes editing and storage even easier for me later. I used this a lot with my Black Cat October series. But this timelapse footage doesn't look as good (maybe) and I don't have the option to do other edits later. Which then comes to the question for myself, am I really going to go back and make another edit for these sketch paintings? Perhaps the answer is timelapses for sketches, and full videos for fully detailed paintings.
And thank you for your input on the music part! The reason for the music in the last video was because of what's trending right now. Sometimes IG will save a copy of the video I posted with whatever music, so I had reused it in today's post. I think I'll make sure to use something more soothing/calming going forward just for tumblr, because you all have a special place in my heart.
Usually I'll open TikTok and do a separate video save to have a hi-res copy with music, but since I had recently created a shop on TT I only have commercially available music. Maybe I should take the shop down anyways, I'm really not sure if it'll help my art get notice or sell more stickers. I'd rather manage sales from my website anyways, but I feel like I should at least give it a try. You're welcome to tell me your thoughts on that!
I could go more into detail about my process for just uploading videos, but I feel like this is already getting TLDR. So feel free to let me know if you want me to ramble some more! I'd love to get input on that, as well as get an idea of what other artists are doing since I have no idea what I'm doing!
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tavyliasin · 7 months
Boundaries and Parasocial Relationships (I will only say this once)
This is the ONLY post I will be making on the matter, so please feel free to skip if you do not want to hear it again, and don't worry you don't need to hide me to avoid discourse - the rest of my content will remain firmly with only SMUTFIC FAN FUN.
So let's start with the simple. Actors, performers, celebrities: They are PEOPLE with LIVES. They are not CHARACTERS. Paying them for a service does not include the right to cross their boundaries. Just like tipping someone working food service does not give you a pass to harrass them either.
If you feel the need to request something smutty from an actor/celebrity, STOP. THINK. THIS IS WHAT FAN CREATORS ARE HERE FOR!
I'm not saying that you can act inappropriately towards fan creators, I'm saying that those of us making NSFW content are already prepared to hear the horny requests, the thirst comments towards the characters on our posts, the headcanons and self inserts and all of that. Of course you should never expect a creator to make your ideas into fic or art, and asking politely is always preferred. Whilst fic writers generally cannot take paid commissions, artists can and do, so you should also consider commissioning what you want to see and never expect art for free. Sometimes we hear a good idea, though, and get really inspired! We draw or write it because we hear it and thing "well yes darling actually that's very hot" or even "that sounds like a challenge, it could be fun!"
For anyone still confused about what is appropriate or not, please read this article about Parasocial Relationships
It is important to recognise for your own mental health when fandom is going too far, and to keep the right boundaries for everyone. It is very easy to get carried away with excitement, especially when some performers might share a few risqué pieces of art or content, but when they're sharing it like that it is on their terms, on their time. Making requests during a live stream or through cameo is not the same. I'd also add to think before sharing any NSFW art, fic, or other creations directly to performers - if they haven't asked for it don't send it. Don't tag them in it, either - they have families, careers, and may not want to be as visibly linked to literal porn. If they're looking for that content and want to see it, they will find it. That also applies to sharing other peoples' NSFW creations to the performers or tagging them in replies - unless they specifically state they want to see the content, don't.
This fan community has so much potential. We have proven we can be awarded "Community of the Year". We can love and support one another, we can keep each other safe, we can be a rock in the storm and the cheerleading squad that each other need in so many situations. Let's keep it that way. Be kind, to each other and to the performers. Remember, the words on the screen are not written by unfeeling robots, we are all very real people with thoughts and emotions and lives. Now go out there. Make the world a brighter place, and keep creating the fan content we all love so very dearly, darlings, but do it right.
SAFE, SANE, CONSENTING. Check in on the safety, mental health, and boundaries in all of your interactions.
And one last time, to learn more about parasocial relationships and how to handle interactions with famous people:
Click Here for the full article.
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shadowrun · 2 years
Announcing the Shadowrun Art Contest! 
For more than thirty years, Shadowrun has produced some of the coolest cyberpunk art around, inspiring fans across the globe to create their own characters and campaigns within the game universe. Many Shadowrun artists and writers started off as fans, so we thought there was no  better way to encourage the creativity of the next wave of artists than with a friendly contest.
Catalyst Game Labs is seeking submissions for the 2022 Shadowrun Fan Art Competition. Multiple kinds of art are allowed, from illustration to cosplay!
To support your efforts, we’re releasing our Shadowrun Artist Handbook, which offers an overview of typical image contents, as well as tips and tricks for making a piece of art look more like Shadowrun. You can download the handbook and sample images here.
Sounds like fun—right, chummer? So get ready to bust out your pencils, paints, cameras, or Photoshop, and show us your stuff!
Contest Timeline
The contest will be open to submissions  from August 1 to September 1, 2022. Late submissions will still be viewed and enjoyed, but please get them to us before the deadline if you want to be considered for the prizes.
Catalyst reserves the right to alter the deadline without notice and for any reason.
Submission Requirements
All submissions should be sent via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Shadowrun Art Competition.”
All submissions should include the following:
The artist or photographer’s legal name and primary e-mail address.
The artist’s handle or studio name (only if you prefer not to use your real name in the public gallery).
A link to your online portfolio if you’d like that displayed with your submission.
Image submission proofs at 100 DPI/PPI. (We highly recommend keeping your full-res version at 300+!)
Indicate whether you are under the age of 18.
Anything else you think we should know about you or the art!
Terms and Conditions
By submitting work to this contest, you accept the terms and conditions outlined below.
For purposes of this competition, “art” refers not only to grayscale or color illustrations but also to photography or sculpture. Cosplay photography is allowed and encouraged. Multimedia presentations, such as video, will not be considered as submissions, but feel free to share them with us anyway!
Submitted images must feature a Shadowrun scene, character, or setting. Please avoid including anything outside of Shadowrun canon, such as characters or logos from other franchises. Despite our love for them, character mashups, like Qui-Gon Harlequin or Darth Dunkelzahn, are heavily discouraged and may not be included in public materials.
Artists of all ages are welcome to submit, but applicants below the age of 18 should notify us when submitting. This is so we can make special arrangements if age-sensitive prizes are awarded.
All submitted artwork must be original works to which you own clear legal rights. This goes not only for the overall image, but also for any recognizable references or photobashed elements in it.
Artists who have worked for Shadowrun in the past are eligible to submit, but with a few caveats: (1) When submitting, you must let us know where you were previously published. (2) You cannot submit previous commissioned work for the contest. (3) Be aware that your submission may be isolated into its own separate category, which may or may not be eligible for a prize.
Images reflecting real-world racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted attitudes will be disqualified. This does not apply to depictions of in-universe bigotry, as long as said depictions are tastefully handled. Catalyst reserves the right to determine what’s inappropriate.
Taboo topics, such as violence and sexuality, may be present in your submissions, but we reserve the right to reject any image we view as going too far.
We may approach some artists with an offer to buy the rights to their artwork for future publications. Artists should understand that certain images will not be published in the game line without modifications to make the content compatible with our standard print guidelines. Determination of editorial needs—and execution of such edits—will be made by Catalyst and the Shadowrun Development Team.
By submitting, you grant Catalyst Game Labs permission to display your work in promotional materials relating to current and future art contests or fan-appreciation posts. Promotional materials may include mailing lists, social media, printed fliers, or an online publication featuring contest submissions. This does not transfer full copyright to Catalyst or extend usage rights beyond the aforementioned purposes.
Artists may withdraw their submissions up to 15 days after the contest deadline ends. Withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected] and clearly identify the work being removed from consideration.
After the competition deadline, the Art Director will compile all the submissions and present them to the Development Team for review. 
Final winners will be chosen and announced within 60 days of the contest deadline.
Categories will be established based on submissions received, in order to best represent the images and their place in the Sixth World. This means the number of categories and prizes awarded may vary.
Winners of each category will receive a $200 gift certificate for the Catalyst online store.
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glitt3r-litt3r · 6 months
hi! i'm doing a presentation on the impact and community of tumblr for my media studies final and i wanted to reach out to my mutuals and fav blogs with some questions that relate to my topic. i would so totally love and appreciate if you could answer some of these for me.
it would be so totally rock and roll and awesome and amazing and i'll literally love you forever and ever and ever! :)
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
the questions(i know it's a lot, i'm so sorry):
1. how is tumblr different from other social media platforms?
2. how has the tumblr community affected you as a person/online presence?
3. do you feel more inclined to post more personal or private aspects of your life and or opinions on tumblr rather than other apps? as in do you feel you are less likely to be judged on tumblr than other platforms?
4. what are your favorite aspects of tumblr?
5. what would you do if tumblr got shut down?
6. what are some things that only tumblr bloggers would know/understand?
7. are there certain traditions on tumblr that you think other media sites wouldn't understand?(an example being our site wide celebration of the ides of march)
8. what are some of the largest fandoms/inner communities on tumblr? are you apart of these fandoms/communities? if yes, what is that like for you?
9. do you find tumblr to be educational in terms of academics? among other things such as politics and general life experiences?
10. all in all, how has this app changed your perspective on social media, the world, your life, and so on.
11. why do you think people should download tumblr?
12. what's your favorite and least favorite part of being on tumblr
please add anything else you find to be important!!
HiHi!! of course i can help <3
1. One key difference i've found from Tumblr vs other apps is the kind of niche community finding. When I first joined Tumblr it was because I knew there were ways to find exactly what I was looking for which was at the time for fandoms that i participated in. I wanted character analysis, fanfiction, discourse on the themes. On Tumblr I don't feel inclined or forced to share like I do sometimes on other social medias and I really enjoy the way reblogging works here! Being able to add onto a persons thought with your own has been super fun and cool.
2. So there's two kind of answers for this. The online community as a whole is very intense for people and I find that Tumblr has lessened that pressure by allowing this sort of allowing me to share my thoughts under categories that make sense. I think it's also helped my writing skills because as everyone who follows me knows I write fanfiction duhh!! But the kind of writing I see here, the critique/praise I get, even just asking followers what they want to read makes me a better writer.
3. Definitely feel more inclined to share some stuff like my opinions on certain aspects of media. Also it's great for being anonymous because unlike instagram that's used to connect "people you know" I use Tumblr to exist with people I don't know as we engage in whatever we like which is part of the allure. If i wanted to be known on here I could but the fact that it's not forced is nice.
4. Art, fandom, memes. People are hilarious and I get to see it and giggle. I also love the ways we get to interact around movies/books/shows almost like everyone's already friends.
5. die. or something less dramatic like be really upset and long for the days which I could use Tumblr freely.
6. The importance of support through reposting/reblogging people's works. This site isn't instagram or tiktok, liking something isn't enough for artists/writers to get recognition on here. Reblogging opens up their art to an entirely different community than if it just remained on the original persons blog.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that there's definitely bad stuff on Tumblr it's not a perfect site at all. I've seen some really terrible discourse from some chronically online people that made me feel like my brain was gonna leak out of my ears lol. Good thing is, I scrolled away and it didn't cause real harm because I have media literacy and can understand when someone's wrong vs just hurts my feelings.
I love Tumblr a lot, she's like an old friend to me and I hope I don't ever lose that feeling.
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cocoanmelaninsims · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
In Demand
Elaina Willis: Hello Preeti, It's wonderful to finally be able to get this meeting with you. I am Elaina Willis, the senior VP for Mach Records.
Preeti: Good Morning, it's wonderful to meet you, Elaina.This is an amazing opportunity so thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
Elaina: Great! How about we go into my office and discuss your music? Follow me.
Elaina: So, Preeti, I've heard quite a bit about you. You have an EP out right now. Your followers are going crazy for it, we've listened and we are looking to discuss how we can be apart of your first album release.
Preeti: Believe me, I am honored to be in your office today. I never expected this kind of support but I am very grateful. It's my dream to release an album and I would love to discuss what we can do together.
Elaina: Well, before we get into those details; let's discuss your sound and the message you hope to share with this first album. You've been making music for a long time, so I'd love to hear directly from you what this project would mean to you.
Preeti: Well, I have been singing since I was a child. I started writing poetry, music and songs around the age of 15. My poetry and writing has always been the focus of my music. I learned how to produce my own music around that time as well which allowed me to play around with the presentation of my music. My influences include Dari and Ella, a string of old poets and playwrights no one but English professors would listen too. In my short career, I've release around 15 full songs on simcloud and Simtube. My EP as you say is literally just a new song I've put out recently. My message isn't as simple as a sound bite. I write what I feel, my works are usually very personal as well despite my personally private nature. I want to make music that's authentic to me and my growth. I need whoever I sign with to be comfortable following my path and growth rather than trends and what's popular. I really want my first album to be like an anthology, an introduction to me as an artist, a person and a poet. I want to put out authentic music that connects with people. I don't want to get too niche of course, I know I'll evolve as an artist and person as I continue through my journey but outright, this is the tone I want to set.
Elaina: Well, Preeti, you sound very sure of yourself as a person and artist. It's part of what makes you so appealing to me and my department. You definitely represent an opportunity that has never truly existed before and Mach records loves being on the cutting edge of anything new. I am simply a stan of your artistry and want to be apart of your journey. We were prepared to sign you as soon as you accepted the meeting. At this point you really need only name your terms.
Preeti: I truly appreciate the stanship and the interest in my work. I, too, feel that way about my art and of all of the companies I've worked with, I feel like you have said the things i am looking for. I want things to be on my terms which isn't common in the industry and you seem to get that I am not looking to be a profitable gimmick. I'm comfortable leaving any table that doesn't suit my needs. I'm sure you will have your terms as well and I am willing to discuss what agreement we can come too together.
Elaina: I am pleased that you feel that way. I'd like to now discuss what we are looking for, what we are offering and then go from there? how does that sound? I'll give you a chance to give us your objections and negotiate. I'd like to preface this with the understanding that we are highly interested and are open to your needs and demands.
Preeti: OK Great.
Elaina: Excellent. Firstly, Mach Records is offering a 5 year contract with a base salary of your choosing. We would like a minimum of 3 albums in this 5 year period in which we accept a 50% cut of all revenue in merchandise, sales and events. Any events and promotions would also include commission for you of 60%. After the end of our contract, all writing, music, production and brand rights would be yours. During the contract, they would be under duress of Mach Records, meaning mostly that no works could be produced, released or sold without our input and permission. We are open to anything else you'd like to add or negotiate, so now's your chance.
Preeti: All of that sounds amazing. I suppose, I'd like to set the salary around 200K base. All of that sounds good to me, I would like to change the commission to be closer to 70-75% range and general commission to be more around the 60%/40 range. I would prefer to initially have rights to my brand and writing, immediately. In exchange I'd be willing to allow Mach records to keep rights to discography.
Elaina: I can do better. We can accept a 75% commission, do 60%/40% split and allow rights to writing and discography outright but keep brand rights for full amount of contract. In addition, It would be criminal to make your base salary any less than 500K.
Preeti: Those are terms I can definitely accept.
Elaina: Well, I can get the paper done up this afternoon and have that sent over to your manager for final review.
Preeti: I...that sounds great. I'm still sort of in disbelief.
Elaina: It's quite alright. This is a big day for you. You should definitely celebrate. We will need to set up another meeting for you to meet the execs and perform. You up for it?
Preeti: Without a doubt. I'd be offended if you didn't.
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discoveringfrance · 2 years
Cultural History
Tumblr media
Since its development as a country in the late 900s CE, France has seen more than its fair share of monarchs, wars, and progression. This week we will dive into a very small fraction of French history that may elaborate on how the French developed certain cultural values and perceptions of other cultures. We will begin with a look at The French Renaissance, that brought about significant cultural changes within the arts, group mentality, and exploration. Then, we will skip a few years to cover the French Revolution, credited with birthing the ideas of femocracy, liberalism, and more. Finally, we will discuss the French involvement in World War I & II. These events few events helped shape France into the country it is today. I hope you enjoy learning about them as much as I have.
The French Renaissance is said to have begun around the year 1494, when France invaded Italy under the rule of Charles VIII, and ending in 1610, following the death of Henry IV. The term Renaissance was coined some years later by a French historian by the name Jules Michelet, to describe the cultural rebirth of Europe during this time. When we think of The Renaissance, we generally think of the great artworks produced during this time, but The Renaissance provided more than an artistic shift. One prominent movement within The Renaissance was the return to humanism, once popular in ancient Rome and Greece. Humanism refers to an outlook in which importance is shifted from the divine to the human; it is a belief that humans have great potential and can solve our own problems. A shift back to this mentality can be thought to have impacted how the French regarded other cultures, with curiosity rather than animosity. There is a plethora of information regarding The Renaissance, and we simply do not have the time to cover it all, so with that, let us move on to the French Revolution.
The French Revolution consumed France from 1787 until 1799, with the height of conflict in 1789. Much like revolutions in the West, social structure was a leading cause of revolt. The bourgeoisie, or wealthy commoners, sought to obtain political power and abolish feudalism. Meanwhile, France was financially suffering after aiding The United States in their American Revolution, this caused current political noblemen to increase taxes on the lower classes- which they didn’t take well. Ultimately, the French commonfolk rioted and set out to dissolve these oppressive institutions and create their own assembly. In 1789, this new Assembly adopted their Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This declaration was the first democratic based concept France witnessed, it focused on equal opportunity, freedom of speech, representative government, and popular sovereignty. These principles are still values that the French live by today.
Skipping a few more years…
France participated in not one, but both World Wars we’ve seen thus far. World War I began in 1914 with France being one of the main participants, due to their alliance with Britain and Russia. For the French, devastation on the home front was unavoidable. More than a handful of battles were fought on French land, displacing many of its citizens while casualties added up. While the French originally supported war efforts, the brutal nature of the war and the declining economic conditions caused many to become weary of continued involvement. In the end, many felt that there was too much sacrificed for little success. Only a few years later, France was roped into World War II. This time falling under Nazi control and seeing more devastation. These involvements in World War I & II affected the French people deeply, and ultimately, could be construed as a reason they have developed a negative attitude towards immigrants.
Historically, France has seen more than their fair share of battles and bloodshed. With that being said, through these events France has persevered. They may have developed an untrusting nature in others, but have found comfort within themselves and created a country free from feudal rule. Keep in mind, we only scratched the surface of these events and didn’t even have a chance to explore other prominent historical events that have molded France. If you want to learn more about the history of France, below is a link to a video that attempts to cover the entire history of France. (In only 23 minutes!)
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harrydracobang · 3 years
Harry/Draco Big Bang Week #1 Round-Up
Below you'll find a round-up of all of our amazing submissions that have posted during our first week of @harrydracobang​! 
We hope you’ve been enjoying all the novel-length Drarry and amazing art so far, and we want to thank everybody who has been following the fest and supporting our participants with comments, kudos and recs! You are amazing and we know for certain our fantastic artists and writers appreciate all your support! <3
The next fic will go up tomorrow, and we still have one more week of amazing fic and art, but for now, check our first week below to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Don’t forget to leave some love for our participants as you make your way through the submissions!
Make Yourself written by @anyaelizabethfic​ with art by @zigster-ao3​ [Explicit, 103k] Summary : Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can't help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof. -Zigster's Tumblr Art Post 1 -Zigster’s Tumblr Art Post 2
sweeten to taste written by @bigblackdogfic​ with art by @babooshkart​ [Explicit, 51k] Summary: It starts with Draco's buckwheat crepes with honeyed oranges. Or maybe it starts with his porridge with toasted walnuts and homemade apple butter. Or perhaps it starts with the cinnamon buns Draco made from scratch with mascarpone icing. Harry just knows he's hungry for more. -Babooshkart’s Tumblr Art Post
Graceless Heart written by @orange-peony​ with art by @chuckalart​ and @secretartlair​ [Explicit, 132k] Summary: Harry is lost and broken after the war. He has gone to countless funerals, broken up with Ginny, moved back into Grimmauld Place—which feels darker and dirtier than ever before despite how much he tries to fix it. He feels lonely and desperate, but he won’t ask for help, and he still can’t cry.
When he agreed to help the Aurors at Malfoy Manor over the summer, he thought that he would be breaking dark curses. Harry never thought that he would actually spend his days sorting out dusty books with Draco Malfoy, or teaching him how to cook.
Little by little, as they begin to navigate their life post-war, Harry and Draco become intimate…in more ways than Harry could have ever expected.
See How They Run written by @harryromper​ with art by @inveigler81​ [Mature, 51k] Summary: Harry’s living above the shop in Knockturn Alley, working as a private detective after a failed stint as an Auror, when he gets an invitation from Luna Lovegood to the last place he could have imagined: Malfoy Manor.
As Luna and Draco’s friends gather for the weekend, it isn’t only memories of wartime violence that surface. It seems that a lot of the guests have things they want to hide, including murder.
It falls to Harry to solve the mystery, and while he’s at it, to untangle his feelings for Draco Malfoy once and for all. -Inveigler81′s Tumblr Art Post 1 -Inveigler81′s Tumblr Art Post 2
Brave Though The Stars They Make Me written by @dwell-the-brave​ with art by @puncertainty​ [Mature, 108k] Summary: After the events at the end of his Sixth Year, Draco Malfoy has been kept all but prisoner in his childhood home, Malfoy Manor. Alone, terrified, and desperate for some way out, he begins to have strange dreams - dreams of Harry Potter. Are they a trick of his mind? Or are they a way to change his fate, and a chance at redemption? -Puncertainty's AO3 Art Post -Puncertainty's Tumblr Art Post
Nor All That Glisters written by @sweet-s0rr0w​ with art by @deancebra-art​ and @fantalf​ [Explicit, 110k] Summary: Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking… -Fantalf’s Tumblr Art Post
spins madly on written by asofthaven with art by @iaooa​ and Monotremata [Teen, 56k] Summary: As part of his probation, Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts to complete his N.E.W.T.s. Gobstones, the political machinations of the Hogwarts student body, and one Harry James Potter captures Draco’s attention instead. -Iaooa’s Tumblr Art Post
Chasing Shadows written by @manixzen with art by @avaeryn [Explicit, 93k] Summary: The murder of Lucius Malfoy seems impossible—no cause of death, no traces of spell-work, no potions in his system. The only leads Harry and his partner have are the trail of missing wizards the deeper they go. That and the help of the victim’s estranged son who now spends his time bartending at a queer-friendly Muggle pub.
A case fic featuring a closeted Harry Potter, an out-and-proud, tattooed Draco Malfoy, and a murder mystery that seems to lead to more questions than answers.
Home Truths written by @skeptiquewrites​ with art by @fantalf​ [Explicit, 67k] Summary: In the off-season Harry decided to fix up Grimmauld Place and found that Draco Malfoy was the only person who could help him. A demanding career and unrelenting press scrutiny were enough to deal with before Harry added a house with a mind of its own, family history, and a tense, flirty, complicated relationship with his childhood nemesis to the mix.
On professional Quidditch, magical houses, hard choices, Life Debts, and inconvenient truths. -Fantalf’s Tumblr Art Post
The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets written by @iero0​ & @ladderofyears​ with art by @egggnoodles​ and @faevorite-main-blog​ [Explicit, 287k] Summary: Hogwarts is the very last place that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy want to return to after the war. The Castle feels claustrophobic and stifling. Both feel trapped within its walls.
Harry is traumatised by the war, by his sudden breakup from Ginny, and by the knowledge that his friends all know what they want to do with their life.
Meanwhile Draco is reeling. He has narrowly escaped an Azkaban prison sentence and is struggling under the strict rules of his probation. He doesn't know where his mother is, and finds himself a pariah among the other students.
The last thing that either student wants is mandatory Mind Healing. What has happened to them feels so big and devastating, that writing to a stranger feels farcical.
Even so, they are not given a choice.
Harry and Draco are both given a shared magical diary, and soon they begin writing letters to an anonymous fellow student.
Their letters, terse at first, grow longer as the days pass. Before long, each wizard confesses their secrets and their fantasies, their wishes and their dreams.
What will happen when their true identities are exposed? Will their vulnerable new relationship be destroyed before it has even begun? -Egggnoodles Tumblr Art Post
A Sense of Scale written by @fantalf​ with art by @dragontamerdame​  [Mature, 71k] Summary: Potter merely shrugged, as if it was nothing. After all, it wasn’t his life’s work. “You can try to win it over.” Draco snapped, “What?!” “The school. Win it over.” “How the fuck do I win a school over, Potter?! It’s a bloody school, not a person!” And he didn’t win people over that easily, overall. “I don’t know. Use your charms. I know you to be very inventive.” —— In which Draco spends an obscene amount of time thinking of new nicknames for The Living Git, lying to himself and using his charms to seduce an extremely uncooperative sentient school.
Independent Art: Homage by @cambiodipolvere​ [General] Summary: A space between dangling feet, less than a foot.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
I think it’s not ok to imply that people liking Ancient Greece are idiots or ignorants for not producing material for other historical periods. I don’t see that shaming for Ancient Rome lovers or English victorian era lovers or any other historical period. No one is obligated to enjoy a whole culture timeline. Also it’s not right to pretend that foreigns are supposed to promote or teach about your own history and culture. If you (plural, not you owner of the blog) want more art or works then make them yourselves, it’s your legacy. It’s not very possible that foreigns will do better than you telling your own history. I don’t mean to sound rude, but you’re the only Greek person I know who shares stuff about their culture, others complain and do nothing. So my point is that, if Greeks want better stories go and create them or help foreigns who are on it. This feels like the anti Lo trend which, at the end of the day, is more hatred than anything else. Most anti LO people don’t care or support artists and people who do better than RS and don’t do anything to promote better Greek representation. It’s kind of easy to complain but it would be nice if there were more people like you sharing Greece culture from all its historical periods. Indeed people have a right to complain and do nothing else than complain, but it would be nice to see more action that translates into better works and art. (Again, by “you” Im speaking in general terms, not addressing you as auntie owner of the blog)
Hey! This is not what was implied, rather it was a discussion about how the West for the last centuries has been obsessed with our ancient past to the point they forget we exist and they know nothing more about our culture after the "Roman" times. We judge the phenomenon because we have lived it many times and many of our ancestors have lived it. And after some centuries we are tired of it, ya know :P Some good ol' nagging is a type of remedy for our psyches
Italians and the English don't complain about foreigners focusing on certain periods of their history because people have historically focused on more than one period of their history. For Italy people know the ancient years, the dark ages, the renaissance, and some modern stuff. Many people are more aware of things concerning modern Italy than Greece. For the English, I don't think I have to analyze it, we all know what we know xD But Greeks after 100A.D.? "Who the hell knows what happened to them" 😭
There are still people who ask what is the relation of the "Greek" language to "modern Greek" even in linguistic cycles. Just imagine our paaaain 😭
We judge the trend, not the people. The trend regulates what information people get exposed to. And the trend won't break until the people of the dominating culture get informed about its existence.
If you haven't heard about the Byzantine empire how will you ever know if you are interested in it? But who talks about the Byzantine empire in your cycle? You have to dig very deep - depending on your country of origin - to find quality content about it. The non-Greeks who know about the Greek civil war are even fewer. How can you ever know the beauty of our embroidered traditional clothing if you don't follow Greeks who share it? People don't usually seek Greeks for cultural content, it usually just happens to stumble upon their blogs.
I get what you mean but the argument of "make it yourself" doesn't exactly apply here because we are not the dominant culture in the Western media and our influence as a nation is miniscule. We have been making this content forever but it almost never gets out of Greece because (you guessed it) we are not the dominant culture on the internet and the information rarely reaches foreigners. And the percentage of Greeks who know English and can create content in it is not that big.
I think you overestimate the reach Greeks can have. We can't just say "hey I am looking somewhere to help me with this work" and everyone will come to our aid. And how many non-Greek creators have you seen asking the help of Greeks when creating media for our culture? The ones I've seen I can count on the fingers of one hand. The representation of the Greek culture is getting better but we've been ignored a lot already.
And, as you may agree, not every Greek is able to make the content they want to see for various reasons, two of them being time and money. Plus, Greeks on Tumblr (and on the Western media) are very few compared to the general population so our content often gets buried.
However, it's true that there are Greeks who often complain but don't share/reblog Greek-related content from blogs that produce it. I, too, wish that there were more blogs sharing stuff about Greece. I wish we were more vocal. But for that, we can't do much. We can just talk about the issue but then we have to respect the reasons the other people don't want to share.
Everyone has some issues affecting them but they are not being able to address them directly. Maybe some Greeks want to see a better representation but they don't have the energy to discuss and they just want to have an anime blog and interact with the fandom 🤷
All in all, your concerns are reasonable but I am here to say that we are very close to doing whatever we can to be better represented. As Greeks, we can do more about it but I don't think we will see a significant change unless a push comes from the dominant internet culture. As I said, our reach has limits. Even that complaint you saw on my blog could serve as a sign for someone to see Greece as something more than chitons, columns, and feta.
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