#and technically one more but he’s not important
ravixen · 1 day
can you do one wherein they're on a variety show and someone asks about your relationship?? (they are publicly dating) With Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Minghao and Vernon?
svt + variety show asks about idol!s/o
➔ reaction || requested || idol!y/n
➔ warnings: none || 0.6k words ➔ notes: fluff ; this prompt feels like it'd go well with my previous posts "svt + sending a video message on a show" from 2022 and 2023! I originally wrote this for a non-idol!y/n before I realized that by "publicly dating," you probably meant an idol s/o so I redid it. I had a little trouble thinking of situations since the prompt was broad, but it was still fun to write. might do another part with the more open members. please reblog if you liked it!!
SEUNGCHEOL: if he was promoting with his members, he wouldn't even entertain the question; working as part of a team matters a lot to him, and as the group leader, he has to set an example. but today he's doing a solo interview and lets himself be more open. when the hosts ask about you, he absolutely tries his best to hide his initial reaction, but he can't help the smile that automatically appears at the mention of your name. he attempts to play it off with an arrogant hair ruffle that fools no one. literally so embarrassing. "am I happy? ...yeah, I'd say so." he laughs. "why would I say no? all of my important people are healthy and living their best life." he doesn't share too many details about you, just to protect your privacy, but he'd be proud to promote any of your recent achievements, regardless of your occupation.
WONWOO: he's a private person, so while he is technically dating in the public eye, there's not much known about your relationship; that's exactly why the show hosts are taking advantage of this opportunity to grill him about you. but he evades their questions with the practiced grace of someone who's had media training, dancing right in front of the answers they're looking for. he looks so at ease: crossed arms, leaned back, a hint of a smile on his lips. but perhaps it's due to this false sense of security that, when they bring out the big guns, it knocks him off-balance. they have pictures. nothing incriminating. it's just embarrassing to see his affection collaged like this: peeks of you as his lockscreen, him dancing in the crowd at your street performance, him staring affectionately at your back as you order from a food truck...yeah, they caught him with it all.
MINGHAO: he's an extremely private person—I'd argue even more so than wonwoo—so he warned the program beforehand that he wouldn't answer any questions about you, other than to confirm that yes, you are still happily together. they agree...and of course scheme ways to get around that. so instead of asking about you directly, they decide to reference you a few times throughout the shooting to catch his reaction. maybe your song as a random dance or screenshots of your show as memes. they have audacity, he'll give them that. if he was a lesser man or earlier into his career, he'd cave and play into their wants, but neither of those apply to him so he smiles every time, ignoring the references, until they get bored and move on. then, at the end of the shoot, they ask if he has any closing words. "thanks for promoting their work so seriously," he says with a sarcastic bow.
VERNON: he's yet another private person (do you have a type), though not through conscious choice like minghao. he's publicly dating and has nothing to hide, but he's not the type to flaunt personal matters so he just doesn't. obviously his friends and family know the important details, but beyond that, he doesn't see the point in sharing information with people that don't really know him. so when the hosts ask him about his relationship, it catches him off-guard. he fully blinks and stares at the host until someone breaks the silence with an awkward laugh. "unless you two broke up?" they offer tentatively. "no, we're still together. it's been, uh, it's been good. great." he nods. "we actually went to see a movie yesterday." and the hosts sit there waiting for him to continue, and he's staring back at them like. that's all I wanted to say...are we moving on?
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ericshoney · 2 days
Inked ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You get a tattoo dedicated to your triplet brothers.
Warnings: Possible swearing, nicknames, tattoos(?), fluff
Reader's age: 23
You had planned this surprise out for months. Saved up so you could afford three very important tattoos. You had many tattoos, much like Nick and Matt. Chris being the only one out of your siblings not to have one, as Justin also had one.
You had a couple of matching tattoos with Nick and Matt but the ones you were about to get, were even more special. You walked into the tattoo parlour and your friend, Sammy, was prepping up.
"Hey Y/n!"
"Hey Sammy." You replied.
Sammy was the artist who did your first ever tattoo, since then, the two of you had become close friends and whenever you wanted another permanent creation, they were who you went too.
"I'll be ready in just a sec." They said.
"No problem." You said.
A few minutes went by whilst Sammy set up. When they were ready, you were called over and sat on the bed. You were getting the tattoos on your forearm.
"Do they know you're here?" Sammy questioned.
"No I lied and said I had a meeting for work. They had planned to hang out with Nate." You answered.
Nick, Matt and Chris were home in Boston, which made getting the tattoos done now more important.
"Simple but effective. I like it." Sammy responded, making you laugh.
"Alright. So I got to make sure this is right. It's a lion for Nick, a bear for Matt and a deer for Chris, right?" They asked.
"That's right. Can you also add their names under each one?" You asked, making them nod.
Sammy then got everything ready. First up was Nick's. Sammy started on the tattoo.
"Doesn't Nick have a deer too?" Sammy questioned.
"Yeah it was one of his first ones. He got a C placed near it and somewhere else on his arm there is an M." You nodded.
"That's cute really. Not only will the deer match with Nick, but also represent Chris." They responded.
You smiled and continued chatting with Sammy. Technically it was their day off but knew how much this meant to you, so came in just for you.
Five hours later, you paid and left with three brand new tattoos. You said bye to Sammy before heading home. When you walked in, you heard the triplets shouting from the kitchen, making you smile.
You walked through and saw them eating pizza, while watching videos on their phones. You smiled and hugged each of them.
"How was the meeting?" Chris asked.
"Oh about that." You began, a massive grin appearing on your face.
"What?" Matt asked.
"I lied. There was no meeting. I went and saw Sammy." You admitted.
You then showed them your arm, where the fresh tattoos sat. Nick gasped, Matt smiled and Chris cheered.
"They look amazing, sis!" Chris shouted.
"I had this planned for months. I saved up and planned the designs carefully." You replied.
"Wanna explain?" Matt asked.
"So Chris' is simple. A deer since that's your thing, you love them and it's part of your brand. It also matches with Nick's." You said first.
"It's awesome." Chris said, admiring the ink.
"Then a bear for Matt. This is because you're soft and cuddly but also protective." You continued.
"Then a lion for Nick. You're strong, protective and a leader." You finished.
The three smiled and hugged you tightly. You smiled and felt happy with their reactions.
@sturn-33 @lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann @mrvlxgrl @melaniesturniolo @cl1tlover3000 @lottieluhvs @lovesturni0l0s @blahbel668  @emely9274 @nicksloverrr @emely9274 @nicksloverrr @pancjfrjb @luvr4miya @artloo123 @n0aa @sturn-rose @ivysturnss
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sirjo-esque · 2 days
Okay I think that one thing we're really not talking about is how Telemachus adds something to the end of each song, the exact moment we think it's over.
"If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find? or "Tell me Athena why you came to my aid"
He's setting up for the next song, telling us that there's still more to it. In the Wisdom Saga, he figuratively acts as a reprise to Odysseus, through his relationship with Athena and the riffs Jay pointed out in We'll Be Fine.
That's why I think it's especially important that in We'll Be Fine, Athena is the one adding to the end of the song.
"You're a good kid."
Though Telemachus technically has the last line there too, it's not one that provokes action. Instead Athena adds a line, which in theory didn't need to be there. In all technicality, the song had ended. The next song, she takes action.
She's giving herself a reprise. A second chance.
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dootznbootz · 2 days
I don't think Ody is a cheater, but I've seen some posts calming he had sex slaves in the Iliad?? Keep in mind I haven't read the Odyssey haha, I'm only a general fan but still we need to fact check this with the expert
For the short answer: With Odysseus, it's literally so so fucking vague, to the point where one with evidence could say "No, he had no concubines" and others could also say "I assume he did."
So people can interpret it how they want technically. Basically, it's whether the reader WANTS him to have concubines or not imo.
For the Long answer:
I've answered in another ask with Text evidence :)
Either way, personally, I just really cannot see him with a concubine lol. Love and Lust only exist in Penelope for him in my opinion lol. (He's Penromantic/Pensexual lol (AKA Demisexual))
As wild as it is, I think it's more interesting/funnier that Odysseus has basically done every single warcrime EXCEPT the sexual types lol.
But people can interpret it how they'd like technically. He has no listed canonical concubines/slaves in the Iliad in general but...eh. People can do what they want.
I see people try to bring up Hecuba as to a reason WHY he has concubines but...No. She is an elderly af old woman who literally needs help walking. Odysseus is NOT having sex with her. (I'm sorry but she could not possibly be a concubine lol)
I think what's most important is: Regardless of what people interpret, it should always be known that Odysseus adores Penelope. That is what is most important
(And thank you! <3 I think it's super sweet that you see me as an expert BUT I'm technically just a very passionate goober :P I technically have no credentials other than really really loving these stories/myths (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ )
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m-for-musings · 8 hours
The question: can a 1,65m drow safely bear 2m wood elf's twins?
User @horizonstride made a (good) point here:
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Now the seeds of doubt were planted, and gnawed at me. So I did what any weirdo normal person would do, and asked other D&D nerds about it.
The arguments were great. My idea (the most stupid one, of course) was to cast Enlarge on the mother during labor for an easier birth. However, a friend pointed out that the babies, while inside the mother, "would fall under ‘anything they are wearing or carrying.’ Like when we say someone is 'carrying' a baby during pregnancy. Also, I need this to be true, or Reduce has terrifying consequences."
And that’s a very good point. I’m sold.
A more unhinged bold friend suggested they could Dimension Door the babies out, but this is self-targeted and the babies can't cast spells (yet).
Another one, more prone to the game's technicalities, added: "If we consider the damage from childbirth as concussive damage, and the babies count as improvised weapons, each baby would deal 1d4 damage per turn. Since there are twins, the drow would have to endure 2d4 damage per turn during labor. Considering the drow’s initial stats, she has a CON score of 14, giving her a +2 to any CON saving throws she might be doing during labor. As a paladin, she also has the Lay on Hands ability, which heals hp equal her paladin level x5, Aura of Vitality letting her heal 2d6 as a bonus action, and Death Ward in case anything goes wrong. So, yeah, she could endure it with relative ease for about 10-15 turns, maybe more depending on the dice."
Another friend then asked: "Considering that the average time to give birth to twins is 13.5 minutes, and each D&D turn lasts 6 seconds, that would be 135 turns. Do the babies deal damage every turn, only on their turn, or only on the mother’s turn?"
(At that moment, we were like:)
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After further debate, we reasoned that they would deal damage only on the mother’s turn, as she would be actively making the effort to push them out.
But we were ignoring an important factor: the wood elf is a druid specialized in healing magic. So, we added him to the initiative, since he would most likely assist the mother during labor. This could grant the mother a +4 CON bonus with the Bear’s Endurance (from the Enhance Ability spell), and with Stoneskin, she would only take half the damage.
That said, only 1/4 of the 135 turns would be the mother’s. Therefore, she’d endure 2d4 + her STR modifier of (halved) damage for about 33 turns. She would be protected by Stoneskin and Bear’s Endurance, as well as powerful paladin abilities like Aura of Vitality (regaining 2d6 HP with a bonus action) and the Death Ward spell.
There would also be plenty of healing spells from both sides, ensuring that it would be a safe childbirth. They have at their disposal: Aid, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Healing Spirit, Mass Cure Wounds, and Heal.
Final verdict: It is, in fact, safe for a 1.65m drow to bear the twins of a 2m wood elf. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. :D
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dollgxtz · 2 days
Anon here, I was just wondering— reader is clearly a hunter. You’ve said it yourself. I don’t want to criticise your version of reader but I’m genuinely wondering; how come reader is a hunter who has gone through rigorous training sessions and combat lessons, and can’t defend herself against easy targets like Reese or the rxpists? She, at the very least, has some basic self defense skills, but couldn’t even grab he gun from Reese when he pointed it at her? It bugs me alot. Sorry if I’m being rude, but is there a reason for this?
Yes, there is a clear explanation for this. It’s not that she cant defend herself—she absolutely can. However, I deliberately portrayed her struggle against her captors as less than perfect because it was realistic given the circumstances.
After being subjected to extreme stress, starvation, and emotional + physical exhaustion, both her physical and mental abilities would have been significantly impaired. It’s important to consider that these conditions would slow her reflexes, cloud her judgment, and drain her energy, making it difficult to execute her trained combat skills as effectively as she would under normal conditions. Even the most skilled hunter wouldn’t be at their best after enduring such trauma.
That being said, if you recall, she did manage to land a kick on one of her attempted rapist, but the combination of her weakened state and their greater physical strength meant she was still easily overpowered.
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She also tried the same move on Sylus when she was still in decent shape. She very well took advantage of her training.
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I didn’t want her to be completely helpless, so she does have basic self defense skills but is overpowered by the circumstances of her situation, whether it be starvation, extreme psychological stress, or exhaustion. She’s human after all 🙂
I wanted to reflect how vulnerability in such dire circumstances affects even the most trained individuals. It felt more authentic and true to the situation, than let’s say, she’s still kicking ass despite everything she’s been through lol.
It’s not rude to ask questions or want clarification by the way! I do like when people ask about my work. I have my reasons for writing Reader the way I did as I feel it aligns more with what I’m trying to portray. Also this is x reader technically. I want my audience to feel her emotions and relate to her in a way, so portraying this as realistically as I can to the actual human experience while still immersing you guys in this universe is important to me ≽^•⩊•^≼
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Mermay Special Prompt 2
Jason? Displeased right now. Incredibly upset even. He’s near certain that he’s gotten kidnapped by some sort of fae creatures, and he is not happy about it. Not to mention everything is greenGreenGreen like the Pits. 
And now, either he’s tiny, or these things are huge, and he doesn't have legs. He keeps getting picked up by these massive horned ones that he would say looked seal-like, but like, to the left? Something like the legends of merfolk but Other. Wrong and right, terrifying and comforting and horrible in how he found himself relaxing. 
Hopefully the rest of the bats realize he’s missing and- um, that is a child? That is a child with scales of starlight, fins of the very cosmos, hair like a bursting nebula growing closer- He blinks and the ever-expanding form is back to a teen chatting in horrific warbling-howl-screech-crack-electrical hum noises to one of the big seal-ish creatures. 
Fuck, he’s definitely gotten stolen by some sort of lazarus siren things hasn’t he?
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kooki914 · 3 months
What are asgore and spades favorite colors
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#deltarune#asks#drawings#asgore#spade#king of spades#spade king#asgore dreemurr#spadesgore#technically#king spade#no one asked but i want to elaborate#asgore describes colours in pairs not just because it might be the only colour theory he knows#but because thats also how he generally just sees. people and their traits#as if everything needs something to compliment#hence why he feels so out of place and useless to himself when hes not married/in a relationship#the way he describes yellow and purple are a good way to describe him and toriel in undertale#royal colours that are tied to hope but they only shine when theyre constracted against the grim tragedy that shaped them#with blue and orange it kind of describes sans and papyrus especially with how their comedic timing works#like when youre alone with sans in mtt resort the tone is a LOT more somber - colder#but when papyrus is by himself hes all jumpy and shit and he hardly seems as down to earth as he does with sans around#and red and green imo are the most important in analysing asgore specifically bc his weapon is red#but his shirt colour in post pacifist and deltarune is pink - literally a softer version of the cruelty we KNOW hes capable of#he describes it as just sort of -fitting- with the greenery he surrounds himself with and i think that mostly has to do with what he WANTS#all the plants and the greenery are ALIVE but almost toxic. meanwhile someone else most prominantly associated with red is rudy#the guys whole gimmick is having a bright red nose#its like asgore surrounds himself with the colour that would compliment the person he wants#or literally wearing their colours a la him and toriel having the same shade of blue on in undertale#and spade? hes just emo. he likes black because its a lack of colour - a lack of light#the reason he works as a good parallel to asgore in this sense is because he breaks asgores dychotamy and forces his own
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suchaspookyginger · 3 months
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i've barely done anything to leave a dent in this art overall, but it is very important, to me, that everyone is able to see the law, shachi, penguin, bepo picture that is on law's little end table bookshelf.
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rivalmelty · 1 year
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they are fukuzawa’s boys, adopted twins, and menaces to the yokohama police
(pls do not tag as beast)
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skogsdotter-draws · 18 days
Ok but, regarding TMAGP 27, I can't stop thinking about Jonah writing, after sending Archibald to a certain death, "It is done, and I am surprised to find how little remorse I feel." It reminds me of his statement in MAG 160:
"The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear. (...) It is an awful thing to know about yourself."
I will never get tired of little details about his life being revealed (regardless of the timeline/dimension) because the parallel between his discovery of the supernatural world and the discovery of his own true self and the things he's capable of is so interesting and compelling to me.
Along with the knowledge of the horrors that exist in his world comes the horror of the realization that he might be capable of anything to stop feeling scared and vulnerable, to put himself over everybody else if necessary. Every time curiosity leads him into a new experiment, a new sacrifice in the name of knowledge, he lets go a little bit of himself and his morality. And then, as it happened with Archibald, and as it happened with Barnabas in another world, he feels surprised of how easy it was. Of how he doesn't feel regret or grief, how at most he finds himself thinking that it was all a pity. So it becomes even easier each time, he finds freedom in it, as he also mentions in MAG 160— and one sacrifice after another, it all becomes incredibly simple. There is no fear of losing himself, only the fear of death and pain remains, and only after that process of two hundreds years can one condemn the world for his own sake.
The progressive descent into evil of Jonah Magnus, slowly exposed through statements and letters, will never stop being one of the more interesting parts of this podcast imo.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
Something something about Buck and learning and or teaching.
Something something about Buck teaching when he really needed to be learning.
I just keep thinking about how the show has increasingly - especially last season - put Buck into the role of 'teacher' - including his coma dream. (i'm using teacher for the lack of a better term!) and how in the aftermath of the coma dream - he's been trying to teach but it hasn't worked - instead he's been learning.
I've been musing on the fact that even back in season 1 Buck has been in a teacher role -
Abby learning to chose herself and go for her happiness,
Bobby learning to let people in and Buck being a major part of that because of their developing father-son type relationship
'teaching' Eddie that he could rely on other people for help
Maddie learning at Bucks hand that she didn't need to keep running, that she could lean on him for support and build a new life for herself
Ravi being tutored by Buck in the fire house
even Lucy being given advice by Buck - teaching her through his own experiences in dumb luck
Buck making himself into a teacher in his coma dream and the idea that all these people he has helped teach teaching him that he has a place with them and that he is important
and so many more examples through the seasons that I won't list or I'd be here forever!
Because there has been a lot of emphasis on teaching and learning since Buck woke up from his coma - he learnt he was good at maths, but then wasn't allowed to help Chris with his maths homework because it would be cheating.
used his maths skills to win at Poker - but got taught lessons even in victory - rather than teaching others lessons (whatever they might have been)
Natalia being interested in him because he could teach her about death and things going south pretty quickly when it became evident that Buck needed to learn how to live again rather than be stuck in death
And now we've had several mentions by Tommy of him teaching Buck things - teaching him to fly, teaching him Mauy Thai, all the way to him being his bi awakening is teaching him about a part of himself he didn't know. Things are turned on their head - Buck is the student not the master now
Even with Eddie this season, we've seen him teaching Buck things - rather than Eddie learning from him - Eddie handing over this really important thing going on with Chris - Eddie knowing that Buck would be a better option - that Chris would open up to him more - is teaching Buck about his importance in the Diaz family - re-enforcing that he is part of their life. Its also Eddie who has had the good advice for Buck this time rather than the other way round.
Something something about 'you like to be the guy with the answers' to Buck becoming the guy with the (maths) answers - only for it to fade away and now he's having to learn
Something something about the tie to Buck and death and the resurrection and how Christ was the teacher up to and immediately after his death and resurrection when he left others on earth to spread his teachings and he ascended to learn at the right hand of god
Something something about how that is the key to happiness and that is what Buck has figured out and that is why his journey to figuring that out has had him wearing the bright blue - because in Christianity - that shade of blue is the colour of the kingdom of heaven (because it is the colour of the sky!) so putting Buck in it at all these key markers of his journey is showing him as being on the road to ascension.
This post is a mess - I don't even know what it is any more! I started with one idea about teaching and Tommy and then more kept coming and we ended up here!!!!
#I know technically that they all teach and learn from each other and that others were also involved in these scenes#but I'm just interested in the fact that the tables have now been turned on Buck specifically and he is now the student#I think thats interesting as a character study - Buck who learnt to survive on his own and teach himself now getting to go back to learning#look here I am - atheist me blabbering on about religious symbolism around Buck once again!!!#Im fascinated in it though - especially in relation to Eddies catholic guilt and the way that the show is using much more#scientific symbolism around him - hearts and guts and the mind - all working organs (or groups of organs)#that have these metaphorical and intuitive attributes attached to them#but all have important real world functions that a human need to survive#and the fact that we've got Buck to this point of 'ascension' and Eddie effectively working on the last of the three - the gut#well I think that is pretty telling - once Eddie has his gut under control/ worked out (catholic guilt) then he will be in a position to#'ascend' as well.#and don't even get me started on the triangle symbolisim within all of this - the holy trinity and the trifecta of heart mind and gut#because they are playing into the triangles this season - literally every where!!!#I feel like at this point if they put Buck in purple (esp if hes wearing it when buddie go canon) - the holiest of colours and#one associated with magic -then I will be the one ascending - because that would be the ultimate#this show is insane!!#it makes me insane - I'm insane!!#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 abc#911 meta
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[ID: a digital illustration featuring Luz, Eda, King, and Papa Titan from the owl house. The image is set in the in-between realm. Papa Titan looms large in the background, winking at us with his claw outstretched into the foreground. The hooty in his eye socket also extends into the foreground, staring at Eda (who's in harpy form) menacingly. Her, King and Luz are floating in the space, Eda looking at the hooty unhappily, King faced away and turned back to look at us, one hand outstretched to Papa Titan, Luz looking at stringbean (surrounded by light spells) with tears in her eyes. Written overtop of the image is the lyrics "and here's to you, Mrs Robinson!". End ID]
💫🎶and here's to you, Miss Noceda! The Titan loves you more than you will know, wo oh oh!🪶✨
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sysig · 1 year
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What if Peepers got left behind with the main duo tho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Wander#Commander Peepers#Sylvia#Dynamics ✨#Technically I have more to this idea but it ended up a bit meandering so y'know how it is lol#One of these days I'll learn how to draw the actual main characters but it's not today lol#That said I am very pleased with how Sylvia turned out in the first panel lol her Snoopy poses always get me bad <3#She may not Like the cutes but she Is the cutes so there ♪#This is basically just a character swap The Little Guy but also that episode already happened? Idk I'll figure it out as I go lol#The important parts to me were Peepers in a position with no authority and already-established dynamics with these two#Westley growing to trust them is fun and all but Peepers already knows them interpersonally - from fairly early on! The Prisoner et al#He's not in danger - at least with Wander there lol he turns his back and Sylvia rears back and he turns again and Peepers is cowering#Poor lad haha ♪ They'll go off to fight by themselves at some point#Both of them having a proper sparring partner they're not afraid to hurt tho?? This is why their dynamic works honestly lol#But just the thought of him being equal parts defensive and trying to use them for safe haven until Hater comes back to get him lol#Unlike Westley they really can't function without him so they'd make a return trip once they noticed but how long would that take ♪#So until then he has to get cozy! (Impossible)#But really the thought of no Hater acting as his alarm clock no force to manage no paperwork no schedule - I think it would stress him out#He's a creature of habit! He's lost without his familiar-and-knowns! Waking up to birdsong and bright sunshine is alien and wrong!#Hell even sleeping to crickets and the soft and warm breathing of other bodies - it's all strange and uncomfortable ♫#Probably gets up in the middle of the night - carefully - to lay a trap that Chekov Gun-style foils him or Hater by the end lol#Anything to settle him! It would take way longer than the Skullship returning to sway his deep-rooted habits hehe
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thegreatyin · 4 months
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completely normal roommates bonding over completely normal things like *flips through notes* murdering each other and having complicated opinions on giant alien bats
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the idea that max never actually had sex before he was with grace is (at least to me) a somewhat plausible headcanon considering the sounds he was making in that scene + his warped perception about sex ("watch some porn! you'll see!"), but im also choosing to believe it because theres something disproportionately hilarious to me specifically about the idea of dying a virgin but somehow still losing your virginity after death when youre a ghost
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