#and that does NOT mean that he wouldn't be in future installments of the series like???????
labwebs · 11 months
🕸i love the insom games so much but wow are parts of the fandom exhausting like no duh miles is the main spider-man in that universe now peter is taking a break what part of that doesn't get through your skull
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trashexplorer · 7 months
BLCD Review: Saezuru 7
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Title: Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai 7 (囀る鳥は羽ばたかない 7)
Author/Artist: Yoneda Kou
Shop: CD + Manga
Release Date: 2021/07/28
Hatano Wataru + Shingaki Tarusuke
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Masuda Toshiki
Ookawa Tooru
Ueda Yuuji
Satou Takuya
Miyake Kenta
Ito Kentarou
Nara Tooru
Synopsis: Adaptation of the 7th volume of the series.
Review Proper
I'm not sure what's gonna end first: the series or my fucking life.
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As much as I love Saezuru, it's gone on for so long that it's starting to get old literally and figuratively. You know, I wouldn't even be mad if Yoneda Kou ended the series by killing Yashiro off in 6. 7 is still well-written to a point and the BLCD did deserve to rank second AGAIN in chil-chil 2022, but I'm not sure about the future of this series (it wasn't nominated in 2023 tho which is one of the few good things about 2023's).
I say a lot of things, but I'm still invested in vol. 7 & 8.
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I don't know who I'm jealous of, BUT THAT SHOULD BE ME! This scene is in vol 8, not 7, but I wanted to include it anyway.
I do agree that Saezuru portrayal of the whole yakuza deal is the realest 'cause happy endings over there are quite rare, but this isn't a novel that comes out in one go. Doesn't help that June is ass. I've heard from several friends who've read the latest releases that it feels like it's lost its way and that just makes me sad. I'm still hopeful tho.🤧
As I've already stated, this placed second in 2022's awards. I mean, it's Saezuru. Frontier doesn't spare a penny for it lmao. All the major characters are voiced, and they managed to bring the A-listers back again. Sometimes, I forget that Saezuru is actually based on a manga whenever I listen to the BLCDs 'cause the production is just that good.
Shingaki slayed as usual. I've said this many times before, but no matter how bad or how well he does in another role, he will always be Yashiro. I just came from Tsunaida and we're in the middle of a Rei event in Nu:carnival, so I would expect myself to adjust to Yashiro, but I didn't need any of that lmao. Yashiro is truly Shingaki's magnum opus. I'm not at all surprised that he placed 3rd best seiyuu for Yashiro. Deserved.
Speaking of Nu:carnival, I will forever be obsessed with Yashiro's relationship with the other characters aside from Doumeki. Nanahara's voiced by my one true love, Okitsu, but like Yashiro, I love him for his character and not his voice. It is nice having the other veterans in here with him, too. The slut trio is complete with Daddy Complex SatoTaku, Boss Ass Chaser Okitsu, and Damel in Distress Shingaki. #BLESS I want Kamiya to end up with Nanahara.
I haven't heard Wacchan in years HAHAHAHAHA. His Doumeki is still amazing as always. My issues with the story aside, I'm really looking forward to his "break" in vol. 8. EEEEEEE
Special mention to my Ryuuzaki and Miyake Kenta who made their comebacks here too. I missed him so much! LMAO
The BLCD is pretty accurate to the... magazine at least, but June does sell the translated tanko (fortunately). Like the previous installments, reading the manga while listening to the BLCD was so smooth because it was so accurate. Now 7 does end in a cliffhanger, so I don't really advise listening to it if you still don't have 8. But if cliffhangers aren't an issue for you, then break a leg!
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seoiryu · 23 days
The Beauty Behind Joryu (Spoilers: Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)
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"An alter ego is a secondary self, an alternative personality or character that is different from an individual's usual identity. This term originated from the Latin phrase, meaning 'the other I.' It can serve as a psychological landscape to project parts of the self that are often hidden or suppressed, allowing individuals to explore dimensions of their character that remain unexpressed in their daily lives." - From What is an Alter Ego — The Duality of a Character By Kyle DeGuzman.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is the first game to be under the rebranded Like a Dragon name in the west (Formerly Yakuza with the last game in the series under the Yakuza name being Yakuza: Like a Dragon) and is a spin-off of the soft reboot series that Ichiban is leading. Where we are instantly introduced to Joryu, Kiryu's Daidoji Faction Alter Ego.
The entire point of Joryu in this game is he is not Kiryu Kazuma. From being able to customize his outfits and looks (Make up- eye color/contacts, scars, Yakuza pins, roses, masks, glasses etc) to the way that he acts in this story.
Joryu does live up to the meaning of "Cleansed Dragon". Joryu in this game is technically Yakuza 1 Kiryu reborn. The man erased his name, He is angry, he is calculating, he is snarky and cocky. Joryu dislikes his situation but man is he craving for a fight. Joryu is willing to be more of a showoff with the fancy or crappy wear, the tossing money in the Cabret Club. It mostly shows Joryu is the reflection of not Kazuma Kiryu but the player.
Kiryu Kazuma is this legendary Yakuza. Once was Dojima Family Thug who turned into a romanticized old school Yakuza Legend. Honor, Justice, Loving, Wise, Feared is who Kiryu Kazuma. Kiryu helped installed Daigo Dojima as Tojo Chairman and for years had been his semi-retired enforcer both willing(Yakuza 3 and 4) and unwilling(5-6) after the events Yakuza 2. Kiryu is all about wanting to leave the Yakuza to take care of his kids but comes back time and time again to assist the Tojo Clan branch of Yakuza. He is all about setting things straight and bringing the ideals of what the Yakuza should be.
Joryu is just a Agent of Daidoji Faction. As soon as we hear of the Tojo's downfall in Tokyo/Kamurocho is when Joryu officially comes out. He doesn't care about Yakuza conflicts. The organization that he helped protect for close to two decades is dead. He is going through life now waiting for his death. He has Honor and a sense of Justice but it's no longer in a Yakuza's eyes but rather his own eyes. The Yakuza of this day and age are no longer honorable outlaws but just strewed businessmen and evildoers with only a handful of honorable Yakuza left. The dissolution is only a means to an end for Joryu and us by extension to erase his past to protect his future (His kids and his fellow Yakuza allies to not being slaves to the wider Japanese Government and because realistically we are tired of Kiryu being dragged back in for the past 20 years.) There is also the fact that he is more brutal than ever before. From smashing his opps into a wall with his fist to going for straight brutal shots with fists and kicks and smashing his opponents heads into pavements. The only time he is showing restraint is when he is using the Agent Style but the Yakuza Style? The Yakuza Style is meant to kill you. The Dragon Style usually was only really deadly with the heat actions throughout the entire series but in this game, everything about the style is deadly. He is literally going all out and you better pray that he doesn't send you into orbit.
Everything about Joryu in this game is unique and also the fact that he would do things that Kiryu Kazuma wouldn't do. Like trying to draw attention to himself instead of away from himself, Going out to drinks with the boys (Watase Family Members), throwing money in a Cabret Club in a flamboyant fashion, again being snarky, outfits that are both eccentric and regular street clothes. Oh and being Undisputed King of a Secret Society of Omi Alliance Yakuza and criminals on a ship with the Joryu Clan being the ruling faction after he kicked the Kijin Clan off the ship and defeated the Four Kings.
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep10 "Dickens of a Christmas" Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked HERE
In this episode: A family-togetherness trip leads to prison, pickpocketing, and other fun shenanigans in 1845 London.
We open with Doc doing some work on the DeLorean.
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He's frustrated with all the repairs and admits that he sometimes wishes the car had never been invented but that without it, he wouldn't be able to travel back to times before it was invented. This leads him to reminisce about a trip he took with his family one very hot summer day...
Into the cartoon we go! I will point out that we do not see Doc's face at all during this opening live-action portion, which is a bummer. I hope we get to see him at the end.
(I don't think I've previously mentioned that I write these posts as I watch through the episodes—pausing every few minutes to type up anything notable—so you're getting the complete journey here as I take it all in. I did watch the first season a couple of years ago, but I do not remember any of it because my brain decided the experience wasn't worth holding onto and dumped it immediately.)
Let's get back on track. It is a blistering hot day in Hill Valley. The flowers are all wilting, the thermometer on the wall explodes because it's hotter than the device can even register, and everyone is growing cranky. Doc is attempting to install a high-tech air conditioner-type thing he's invented in order to make it more bearable.
Outside, Marty is making his way down the street to the Brown farm. He's ditched the jeans and letterman jacket in favor of more "summery" attire, and is already making poor decisions by not only once again riding his hoverboard in public but projecting a movie in front of him as well.
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For someone as prone to falling and who is as easily distracted as Marty is, I don't think this particular decision is a wise one. But that's cartoon Marty for ya.
He does end up crashing, by the way. He fails to see Einstein in the yard, runs into him (Einie is fine) and the two of them smash straight through the front door of the house. He wrecks the kitchen and knocks everybody over. With everyone's nerves already on edge due to the extreme heat, Marty's violent entrance proves to be the last straw, and they all start angrily shouting at each other.
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Listen. I don't like to see them all screaming at each other, but. I kind of don't blame them? It's a million degrees outside and also Marty literally broke their kitchen table in half. I think Doc can shout at him a little bit for that. As a treat.
Bonus side-tangent! Can I point out how tiny Marty and Clara look in this shot?? First of all, Clara is not as short as Marty is, so that's automatically off. But also, compare them to Doc. He's actually wearing shoes with like...springs on them or something? That adds to his height, BUT he's also leaning forward a lot, so it mostly evens out. Without the shoes and while standing with better posture, Clara would come up to what—Doc's shoulder, just about? (I'm not factoring in her poofy hair) Something is very off proportions-wise. Take a look, then, at a shot from the very next scene.
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I dunno. Someone dropped the ball here. Side tangent over. Can you tell I'm having fun watching this silly show?
Once Doc calms them all down, Clara notes that it's the heat making them so irritable, saying, "Maybe if it wasn't hot as the Dickens..."
This gives Doc an idea, and he decides that a family vacation to somewhere cooler is in order. Doc, Clara, Jules, Verne, Marty, and Einie all manage to pile into the DeLorean somehow and travel to 1845 London just before Christmas. Upon arriving, Doc entrusts Jules to hold onto the DeLorean's key, which means it will get stolen or go missing like immediately.
While admiring the view with Doc and Clara, Marty falls off of a building because he gets distracted staring at a girl.
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There he goes. I guess he didn't learn his lesson about flirting with other girls after the whole thing with Mercy Tannen and being tried for witchcraft. Marty's brain does not retain those valuable life lessons for very long.
After safely landing in a pile of snow, Marty follows the girl into a nearby toy store to chat her up and gets promptly slapped across the face. Doc and Clara also go into the store because Doc is enamored with figurines of Dr. Frankenstein and the monster, which he evidently had a toy similar to as a child. While Jules and Verne wait outside, a pickpocket comes by and steals the key to the DeLorean. Jules and Verne take off after the thief, and Doc, Marty, and Einie see the commotion and go after the boys. Clara is left at the store, and Ebiffnezer Tannen soon enters. He's angry that the shopkeepers are late on their mortgage payment (by one whole hour) and throws them into debtor's prison. Clara is also thrown into prison after she rebuffs Ebiffnezer's advances.
Side note: this is the second time so far in the series that a Tannen descendant has flirted with and tried to win Clara's heart—through very unsavory means. The prior instance also took place in England (Lord Biffingham, who had captured both Clara and Lady Jennivere).
After unsuccessfully trying to locate the boys and discovering that Clara has been arrested, Doc and Marty decide to split up. This shows just how desperate Doc is because he should know by now that nothing good has ever come from leaving Marty to his own devices. We go then to the prison, which has a whole gigantic wing built onto it just for all the people Ebiffnezer has thrown in there.
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After being tossed into a room with like 40 other people, Clara asks an elderly man if he's been there long. The man replies, "When I first come to this prison, I was wrinkled, I had no teeth and drooled a lot. I was a baby!" As you may imagine, Clara is not encouraged by this response. I however, think this is one of the funniest lines of the episode so far. This man was put into prison when he was a BABY because he somehow wronged a member of the Tannen family.
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Here are all the people crammed into one of the cells in the Tannen wing of the prison.
Meanwhile, at the town square, Jules and Verne have been captured by the pickpocket leader and are being forced to learn how to steal things. While they're trying to go along with it until they can get the keys back, Marty is off having his own little adventure trying to get Clara sprung from prison.
Using the hoverboard, he makes a visit outside Ebiffnezer's window, posing as the Ghost of Christmas.
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Ebiffnezer's terror abates just long enough to ask, "Past, present, or future?" to which Marty replies, "Uh, all of the above." He tells Ebiffnezer that he's there to save his soul and yanks him out the window and into the night. Their first stop is a workhouse, where children are slaving away. Ebiffnezer starts crying, and Marty is hopeful that he's already having a change of heart. But it turns out that Ebiffnezer is just upset because it reminds him that there's an 8-year-old who owes him money.
Jules and Verne, however, are having more success in their mission after having gained the trust of the young pickpocket who had stolen the keys in the first place. They tell him that if he can help get the keys back from Murdock, they can help him escape and find a better life. They get the keys and all make a break for it (along with Doc who had caught up to the boys).
Marty's next stop on his journey is to show Ebiffnezer another sad sight—a homeless family roasting their Christmas dinner of a few chestnuts over a fire. Instead of being moved by compassion for the family, Ebiffnezer attacks them because he's hungry and wants their food.
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Marty angrily flies himself and Ebiffnezer back to the house, declaring that he gives up. As he's complaining, his projector device from earlier in the episode falls out of his pocket and starts playing a Godzilla movie. Ebiffnezer is horrified by the images, and Marty takes the opportunity to tell him that the destruction he sees is the result of people living wicked lives. Ebiffnezer immediately promises that he'll change and free everybody from the prison. The next morning, he's found singing and dancing in the street with a Christmas wreath around his neck.
And I can't help but wonder what the implications would be, if any, to the Tannen lineage, given that Ebiffnezer has such a drastic change of character and goes from wicked and cruel to kind and generous. But alas, the cartoon doesn't care about these things.
Okay, wait, hang on. In the scene that immediately follows, Ebiffnezer sees Marty in the toy shop and recognizes him as the "ghost," which makes him enraged and mean again, so...I guess that whole change of heart is undone pretty much right away. At least he's already freed all the prisoners by that point. Anyway, Clara is reunited with her family, and everything turns out okay.
Also, here is a screenshot of them all crammed into the DeLorean on the way home, which I still do not think would be possible.
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End of cartoon portion! Back to Real Doc, who is still under the car and doing repairs. At one point, he reaches for a donut with his grimy, disgustingly dirty hand, which upsets me.
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He also ends up dipping the donut into the can of motor oil instead of his coffee. Serves you right, Doc.
And that's basically it for this episode. It's a fun one, but I think there was too much going on. There was the plot with the pickpockets, the Clara in prison plot, and the Marty and Ebiffnezer one. It just felt disjointed and made it hard to write about. But Thomas Wilson's voice-acting as Ebiffnezer makes the whole thing worth it.
Join me next week as we travel to 1926 and meet FOUR-YEAR-OLD DOC!!
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thevulpinehero1 · 1 year
Gwatch: Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Ep 2
Time for Episode 2. After a high-octane first episode, EP 2 has some minor administrative stuff to take care of in regards to laying out the situation the protagonists will be in. As before, be wary of spoilers.
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Pictured: the Captain of the White Base asking a sensible question about war machines that would later be almost exclusively piloted by people too young to legally drink
Let's talk about Zakus. People love Zakus. They're cute little cyclops guys, and they get totally manhandled basically from start to finish whenever they appear which gives them underdog points, but it's worth noting that at this point the story goes out of its way to establish that even a Zaku, the punching bag mook suit of future Gundam lore, is a huge threat.
Char reports losing two Zakus, and his superior cannot believe his ears. These are the shaky beginnings of mobile suits, and the Earth Federation doesn't really have any horses in that race yet. They're still trying to fight off Zakus with tanks and planes, and the Zakus are as far above conventional military vehicles as the Gundam is above the Zakus.
Two Zakus murdered entire crowds of people. They're stated to have wiped out almost every single military officer and engineer that was supposed to staff the White Base. They're directly responsible for the ongoing crisis that the protagonists experience throughout the series; those two random guys Amuro yolo'd in a suit he could barely get to stand up were more effective in stalling the Federation war effort than almost anything that follows.
And they sort've need to be that effective, because the audience needs to be sold on the premise of mechs as a weapon of war, subject to the logistics and concerns of the battlefield. Previous shows in the genre have been more super robot types, so they got a free pass, but the Zaku needs to show why you wouldn't just use a tank or more conventional vehicle, and that threat level has been established early on (even if it's mostly brushed over; as mecha fans will admit, the question "but why does it have to be a giant robot?" doesn't have any good practical answers outside of it being cooler. Even if you ignore things like the square-cube law and the difficulty in scaling up a humanoid body, even if you ignore how complex mecha would be in comparison to a tank loaded with the same armaments, the simple fact is that humanoid is not a particularly effective shape to be on a modern battlefield.)
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Sayla Mass shortly after slapping a random civilian who has understandably elected to get himself away from an active battlefield instead of roaming around looking for survivors, then telling him he should be left behind to die instead of being evacuated. Her sweater has become part of her skin; she's a Na'vi from the neck down.
Sayla's an interesting character who basically never appears in other Gundam shows, despite the fact that she'd be pretty relevant to a couple of them and the series being quite happy to include previous major characters in later instalments. I forget why this is the case -- I think it might have had something to do with her VA? -- but either way, she's one of the few who doesn't return in any meaningful role, which means we can only enjoy her here.
Part of what makes her fun to watch is that, when she's not just randomly slapping potentially traumatised survivors of a military attack, she's generally pretty effective. Within minutes of us being told her name, she's pulled a gun on Char, who's snuck into the colony on foot to do a bit of spying (which is honestly something of a habit for him as the Gundam series goes on). He almost immediately disarms her because he's Char and also extremely effective when he wants to be, but hey.
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Char Aznable playing Touhou in his off time. Seriously, this guy dodges lasers like it's going out of style.
As Char makes his escape with the valuable data, we're treated to what will become a fairly common sight: Amuro getting out the beam rifle and just kind of yeeting all of his ammunition at nothing in particular. This time, he has excuses; he's aiming at human targets in a mobile suit, and he's never really killed a human in cold blood before. He also pulls off a couple of neat shots where he hits two missiles mid-flight. But I remember the amount of times 'oh no I fired wildly with my rifle and didn't hit anything, and now I have no ammo!' became a complicating factor becoming something of a joke to me.
We're then treated to the first ever battle between Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, which ends up as more or less a stalemate. Make no mistake: Amuro gets completely manhandled by Char, who's an accomplished ace pilot with five battleship kills to his name. But the Gundam is so OP for this point in the series that, even though Amuro can't really touch him, Char can't really capitalise on the opportunity since the Gundam can tank his weapons head on. In the end, their skirmish is a mutual loss. Amuro loses to a pilot. Char loses to a suit.
But Char walks away with a head full of the Federation's military secrets and a much better understanding of the Gundam's threat level, and he has supplies and reinforcements on the way...
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qzwrites · 7 months
Based on that last post, I was thinking about the Theory Of Romance Novels (especially as found in Romancing the Beat) that the components of a romance story fill some lack or need in each other.
So basically the void in Jaz's life that Sasha is filling is a: job dissatisfaction which is caused by b: the fatal american need to have a pretty good time (desire for Adventure and Shenanigans)
The romance novel part is from Jaz's POV so I figured that out pretty early on, even if I don't know that I ever made it explicit in any of my notes or anything. I mean that's why I have already roughed out the scene where Sasha grandly presents Jaz zeir very own ship to captain and Jaz is like "Oh. It turns out I don't want this actually." And then when ze tries to explain that like. Being a mercenary owner-captain is not going to be nearly as exciting without him around, Sasha is like AAAAA okay this is objectively nuts it has been three months but marry me? Like, the Thematic Point of that scene is pretty clear even if I do end up changing parts of it later, I think the bones of that scene are going to stick around. I have in fact referred to it in installments set in the future lmao.
But I just now thought about what Sasha is getting from Jaz here, which is mostly: LESS KAVAGORAN. Part of Miles Vorkosigan's problem is how Very Barrayaran he is, and his struggles with reconciling those values with his objective inability to embody parts of them. He does this with increasingly unhealthy coping mechanisms until he literally fries his brain and trashes his career, and I think it's pretty important for Miles specifically that he doesn't meet the future Lady Vorkosigan until he has become Even More Disabled and unavoidably so--and in a Very Barrayaran position that is simultaneously NOT REMOTELY the career path of his father or grandfather.
But Sasha necessarily (in order to get him to be more willing to acknowledge how into Jaz he is) (Miles is transparently into Bel he's just mired in internalized homophobia THIS IS TEXT retroactive text but text!!!) is a little older and had a little more success Being An Officer, it's just that his moral compass wouldn't allow him to. Be part of a military organization. Which is kind of a problem for a Kavagoran. But Sasha also spent more (or at least paid more attention to) time on Gnilles, plus he made it through the Academy, which I refuse to believe is anything other than a hotbed of furtive bicurious exploration that everyone studiously pretends does not happen, so Sasha is not nearly as concerned about being into men or nonbinary people as Miles is when he meets Jaz.
But importantly, he still has to make the Wild Series of Decisions that leads to him inventing a fake mercenary troupe and suborning an entire ship until everything snowballs out of control and he solves a civil war, so he's still Having A Time. He feels out of place in Kavagoran society, much like Miles frequently did as a youth, except this isn't youthful growing pains, this is...him taking a moral stand and a career hit and not regretting that, which kind of DOES make him regret the fact that he's planned his whole life out around a thing he's not sure he believes in as much as he thought he did. He's Too Old-Fashioned for the modern Kavagoran military (believes too much in honor and morality, which he chalks up to Being !Vor, but is really like. Pretty specific to a Certain Type of nobility who understand the Spider-Man Principle, which is not actually the entire nobility--either on Kavagor or Barrayar!) but also Sasha is Too Modern for traditional Kavagoran society (visibly disabled, absolutely reliant on modern medical technology to live any semblance of an independent life) (i mean not anymore, most of his accessibility needs now are like. extremely old technology like "joint braces" and "cane"). He's feeling at a loss! And useless! He's too Gnillesian for Kavagor but still too Kavagoran for Gnilles, and really, it's a nice planet but he's not going to build a life there! Even if it is Part Of Him!
And while shuffling through this crisis of identity he runs across Jean, a tunnel pilot who is ready to go down with the obsolete ship, and is like, Oh no this loser is My People. Plus the cyborg/disability resonance with Jean, who has literally been obsoleted by his assistive technology becoming obsolete, and was definitely being talked about like he was human garbage (as much as Gnillesians talk like that about anyone, which is more than they would claim). Sasha does the same exact scam Miles does (why fix what isn't broken, especially since it can be Humorous Backstory for why he has become a con man) and is suddenly saddled with a need to Make Money, which he has. Never attempted.
He also picks up Dimitri, who is the foil to the OTHER part of Sasha's predicament, which is: he deserted, yes, technically in the heat of battle, yes, but also, he was given a criminal order he refused to carry out and couldn't think of another way to handle the situation. Unlike Sasha, Dimitri is not a noble with connections; he's just some prole who did well in the engineering corps. He deserts to save his skin and his morals, and Sasha is like, Oh no THIS loser is ALSO My People.
(Helen gets to have the cultural knee-jerk revulsion of Dimitri as a deserter, especially since she is resentful that she isn't allowed to join up even though she would literally be better than half the fucking assholes in the military. She's unable to get even a nod of recognition from the military apparatus, and Dimitri THREW IT AWAY. She is a lot more sympathetic when she learns more about the criminal order, and conflicted about the dissonance, even though it's personal in a different way for her than for Sasha. She also gets concrete confirmation that he's Not Like Other Kavagoran Men, since around a bunch of galactics and hitting it off with Jaz, Dimitri is very chill about things like women with jobs, women soldiers, queer people, etc. He's...less immediately cool about Sasha's disabilities but he's trying? It's condescending and unhelpful, but still better than most Kavagorans' reaction. At which point she's like...okay Dimitri say more about the fact that you have a thing for me.)
But while Sasha is more okay with his queerness and his weird half/nothing cultural identity, and he's gotten better at working within his physical limitations, he's still, like, closeted about his disabilities. As much as he can be when it's visible that he's Not Right--he doesn't use his cane, he dresses to hide his leg brace or any other braces he needs, he tries not to call attention to his height, he does still also get his clothes tailored to "correct" his asymmetries, etc. He's constantly downplaying his needs and differences, mostly because of Kavagoran attitudes, but also like tbh most galactics who aren't Gnillesian are also still pretty ableist. He (feels he) gets more respect and better results when he Puts On A Brave Face and tries to look as "normal" as possible.
It really helps that Jaz is immediately thirsty for him TBH. Like, Jaz is Objectively Attractive, and also specifically attractive to Sasha, and ze is down so bad. Ze is practically vibrating with how hard ze's holding back asking to suck him off. (And, when they do get together, continues to be Very Enthusiastic while also actively attempting to accomodate him before he asks. Like, ze double checks how much force ze can use in normal things like "flipping them over on the bed". Ze asks what positions are easier for him before he hurts himself pretending he can do something. Ze asks about his comfort levels with his assistive devices and other parts of his body being touched, and doesn't push him [until ze knows him much better and is more capable of judging when he's being conservative out of shame].)
And it helps that Jaz has a non-normative body. Like, ze's totally normal to zemself, and to Sasha, and to Helen and Sasha's family (...not the Baron. is the Baron dead yet? I think so. Someone should definitely make a tasteless joke about this killing him.) but is Not Normal to Kavagor, and frankly to most galactics. Like, ambis are definitely the most well-represented third gender, people know about them, but there are few enough of them that leave Gnilles that most people don't know one personally and have never met one. Even on Gnilles, they're a minority. A large, visible minority that most Gnillesians would proclaim their pride in, but...mathematically, we know that's not true, don't we? Ambis are not half of the population of Gnilles, as they would be if everyone let chance decide the sex of their baby. They're not even an even third of the population, as they would be in a true gender ternary. They're like a quarter of the population, and most ambis are born to families that are either not fiddling with their embryos or already have ambis in their immediate family. Jaz is marked out as different in most places, despite having grown up thinking of zemself as totally normal.
And by the time Sasha meets zem, ze's been out in the galaxy for nearly ten years, Being A Minority and having to baby people through seeing zem naked. Yet, far from attempting to hide it, or blend in, ze is almost aggressively nonchalant about it. Like, ze is so Not Making A Big Deal About This that it almost shames people around zem into being cool. Ze's totally even and chill about people saying wildly offensive shit, just like "Interesting, can you expand on that?" like people aren't being weird. Ze is matter of fact about correcting misconceptions. Ze doesn't often get worked up (in public) about people being dumbasses, but ze is also not altering zeir behavior about it; ze is going to keep being openly zemself regardless of how other people feel about it. If you cannot deal with someone in the locker room wearing a sports bra and a jockstrap, that's your fucking problem, not zeirs.
And that strategy, of Pointedly Normalizing Zemself, works fine for zem. It also makes it clear when people are being unreasonable that they are the ones being unreasonable, not Jaz. Sasha will adopt more of that attitude moving forward, starting with being pan and having an ambi spouse who is very much not his wife, and moving on into using his cane in public or wearing clothes that don't conceal his braces. Why would he not use his cane? His leg's acting up and not using it will only make things worse. Why are you looking at him like that? If you don't have anything to say, at least get out of the way, he needs slightly more room to maneuver than people without mobility aids.
Jaz has also had to grapple with the contradiction of Gnillesian technology enabling passive eugenics. Like I said, ambis are not the proportion of the population they are genetically designed to be. Few people actively say they wouldn't have a baby runt, but few people choose one, if they're not already an Ambi Family. Most Gnillesians "just happen" to want girls or boys. Like most Gnillesians "just happen" to want hearing babies, and babies without developmental disabilities. There are ways the Gnillesian medical profession (with guidance and, let's face it, pressure, from the disability communities) try to limit this, but there is a fair argument to be made that screening for embryos with conditions that would endanger the viability of the infant or the health of a mother (even though few babies are carried to term in an embedded womb) is necessary. There are things they won't tell parents about unless asked, and there are things that basically never had tests developed (because people were like THE ONLY POSSIBLE USE FOR THIS IS EUGENICIST), but it's really hard to correct a societal problem on an individual level. Every individual (or couple or polycule or whatever) parent has fair and valid reasons to feel they could not care for certain kinds of babies.
There are still fewer runts born than there should be. There are still fewer little people born than there should be. There are still fewer deaf babies born than there should be.
Jaz is not unreservedly for all Gnillesian advances and norms, because some of them are bad. Ze is part of communities (ambi and queer) that are critical of some aspects of Gnillesian culture, for reasons that aren't as in your face as similar issues on Kavagor and other "less developed" planets.
Importantly, ze is also willing to fight back against those societal issues, even when they seem insurmountable. Less so for zeir own sake, but ze is super willing to fight people about being ableist or sexist, and Sasha feels more equipped to fight people for being binarist and cissexist on Jaz's behalf. They have each other's backs, and Jaz provides the support and security on top of the inspiration for Sasha to draw a line in the sand and say, no, I'm not budging on this. You move.
Lmao I think to some extent Sasha makes Jaz feel adventurous and exciting, while Jaz makes Sasha feel safe. Sasha's going to get into messes, into which Jaz will eagerly follow him, and together, they can clean them up.
Jaz would also be extremely amused by the idea that ze's providing the safety and security in their relationship. Yeah ze's so stable lmao (but Sasha has always had external stability--he has a rich and powerful family, or he wouldn't have survived to be an adult who doesn't feel comfortable being unreservedly himself; Jaz has always been unreservedly zemself, which is part of why ze was restless even while doing the objectively high-risk mercenary work.)
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clara-licht · 3 years
You Belong With Me
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Part of Best of Me Series
Summary: 5 times (Y/n) Stark felt jealous and 1 time it was Peter’s turn. (set before Just Out of Touch, can be read as a standalone)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warning: mention of blood and maggots
Note: after a whole year, it’s finally here! Here’s another story set in the world of Just Out of Touch! This story can be read as a standalone, but reading JOOT might give you a bit more context. But if you haven’t read it, spoiler for JOOT, Hecate is (y/n)’s vigilante persona. (Y/n)’s pronouns are she/they, where they is specifically used when they’re out as Hecate. Since this story focuses on (y/n) and not Hecate, I used she/her throughout the story. In future stories both she and they will be used when there are both (y/n) and Hecate. Without further ado, enjoy the story!
Title Inspo: Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
Best of Me Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
1: Compliment
(Y/n) side-glanced at Peter who was pacing back and forth in her room. She let him mumble and curse at himself while she laid on her bed, bored.
"Oh I'm so stupid! How could I have done that?! Ugh, she must hate me now!"
She rolled her eyes. "You're not stupid, Pete. You're in STEM school by scholarship for a reason, you know."
Peter stopped his pacing to look at (y/n) with his big doe eyes and panicked expression. "That's got nothing to do with this!" He exclaimed.
Rolling her eyes again, she asked, "What did you do again?"
He groaned and banged his head on her bed, mumbling something.
"I complimented her skirt."
If she had to roll her eyes again, her eyeballs would probably be stuck that way.
"What's so bad about that?" She asked.
Peter didn't even lift his head from the soft duvet. "I sounded like a pervert, (y/n)!" He groaned. "She totally knew I've been checking her out the entire year!"
(Y/n) shook her head exasperatedly. "You couldn't have known that. You just complimented one piece of clothing, Peter. She wouldn't know you've been staring at her clothes every day."
Peter only let out another groan and turned over, pulling the duvet to cover his face. "No, she definitely knows!"
"What did you say, exactly?"
"I said the color suits her and asked if it's new…"
He removed the duvet and stared incredulously at her. "What do you mean, so?"
(Y/n) shrugged. "I don't see what's so bad about that. I mean, it's flattering?"
"Oh, you don't get it!" Peter threw his head back. "I asked if it's new! Meaning that I already know her clothes and noticed that I've never seen that skirt before!"
"Now that you said it like that, you do sound like a pervert."
Chuckling, (y/n) lifted the duvet and removed it from Peter, eyes glowing soft blue. "Calm down, Spidey. What did she say?"
"I don't know. I ran away afterwards."
Her chuckle turned into a full-on laugh as Peter turned away with a pout, hoping to hide his flaming face.
In between her laugh, she shuffled closer to the boy and ran her fingers gently between his hair. "Well, if it was me, I wouldn't think much about it. I would just be flattered that you think a skirt looks good on me."
Still pouting, Peter mumbled, "But it's not you."
Her laughter ceased, replaced with a slightly sorrowful smile.
"But it's not me." She agreed.
2: Jokes
"What's taking him so long?" Happy grumbled.
"It's only been 10 minutes."
"10 minutes too long!"
(Y/n) only hummed and looked out the window. “It’s high school, Happy. It’s where he socializes with his friends, of course it’s going to take time.”
“Not if I can help it.” He muttered.
Shaking her head fondly, her eyes swept through the entrance of Midtown High, trying to see if the young vigilante was anywhere near them. Today was a scheduled lab day and she volunteered to pick him up with Happy. Since she already finished any lessons she had for the day Tony had let her go.
As she kept watch, she couldn’t help but feel a little bittersweet. Sure, she enjoyed her studies online, but she knew that she was missing that typical high school experience. Going to classes, eating lunch in the cafeteria, walking home with friends… But she was also aware that it was all for her safety.
The woes of having a famous father.
(Y/n) was shaken off her thoughts when she finally noticed Ned among the students in front of the school. If Ned was there, then Peter was surely not far.
Sure enough, she could spot a familiar tuft of brown hair right behind Ned.
And apparently he wasn’t alone.
Peter was talking with a girl facing his way. (Y/n) couldn’t see her face but she had a good idea of who she was.
Peter had a shy smile on his lips and his cheeks were nearly blossoming, if (y/n) could say so. In true Peter fashion, he seemed to be stumbling upon his words and spoke a mile per minute. The girl seems as though she didn’t mind as she was laughing along. And yet, unlike the oblivious Peter she was used to, this Peter looked at the girl as if she was a goddess sent to the earth to absolve every sinner from their fated doom. This Peter smiled at her as if she handpicked each star to light up the darkest night.
His darkest night.
(Y/n) unconsciously took a sharp breath when she saw the girl laughing so hard she had to hold onto Peter to stabilize herself. The way she clutched Peter’s arm and the color on Peter’s cheeks…
“There he is! Call him, tell him to hurry up.”
“Just… Just give him a minute, will you, Happy?” She mumbled, eyes never leaving Peter. She was unaware of Happy glancing at her with a frown on his forehead. Like her, he did notice that Peter had a girl with him. He just hadn’t yet connected it to why (y/n) looked off.
As (y/n) sat there looking at the window, the tight feeling in her chest kept getting more painful as time went. On one hand, she would love to get out of the car and go to him, replacing the girl’s position beside Peter. But on the other hand, she knew that things didn’t work that way.
‘He’s happy, that’s all that matters, right?’
She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Peter already saying his goodbyes and approaching the car. It was only when Peter sat beside her that she was shaken off her trails.
“Hey, you good?” He asked.
(Y/n) smiled, a hint of sorrow that Peter didn’t notice on her lips.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
3: Flirt
The silence was quite awkward, if (y/n) must say.
Tony was out on a conference of some sort in Japan, and as much as (y/n) would love to visit the country, her father couldn’t literally pay her to sit through that conference with him. While she would inherit the company one day, she’d avoid any stuffy meetings if she could.
That day was another scheduled lab day for Peter, though. Tony had forgotten to tell him to reschedule, so he still went to the tower. Peter was going to leave until (y/n) called Tony and he told Peter to just mess around in the lab.
And there they were. In Tony Stark’s personal lab. Just the two of them (along with Dum-E).
(Y/n) could tell something was off with Peter. The first sign was when he said he would go home when he heard Tony wasn’t there. Usually he’d just stay and watch a movie with her. And now he was all quiet while fiddling with his webshooters.
Of course, one could say that perhaps he was focused on fixing or upgrading it, but (y/n) knew that there was nothing wrong with his webshooters and they already installed the upgrade a couple weeks ago. They hadn’t come up with new ideas since then.
“Hey, Pete?”
“Hm?” He didn’t even look up.
“Is there anything in your mind?”
“Huh? No, nothing.” Peter mumbled, still fiddling with his webshooters.
(Y/n) frowned. Something was not right, indeed.
A few minutes passed with silence between them. (Y/n) kept sneaking glances at Peter and Peter kept toying around with the shooters on his wrist. He wasn’t even doing anything. His eyes were unfocused and he was deep in thoughts.
Heaving a sigh, (y/n) removed the goggles she had on. She was doing a project for SI, but it could wait.
“Okay, let’s talk about this,” she said.
Peter finally looked up and stared at her, confused. “Talk about what?”
“Well, this,” she said again, gesturing at Peter.
“...you’re gesturing at all of me.”
“Of course I’m gesturing at all of you! You’re acting weird!”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are! You’re so quiet and you kept playing with your webshooters! Is there something wrong with them or what? You look like you’re thinking so hard and we both know you’re smart enough to not have to think that hard about your shooters!”
Peter didn’t say anything for a while as he stared at (y/n), eyes slightly furrowed.
“Well?” (Y/n) prompted. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
Peter sighed and bit his lip. He looked up, as if pondering whether or not he should tell (y/n) about what was on his mind.
“It’s, uh, it’s about Liz.”
(Y/n) heart dropped.
“W-What about her?” She asked, feigning ignorance.
The frown made another appearance on Peter’s forehead. His fingers returned to the webshooter strapped on his wrist and started fiddling again. It was then that (y/n) noticed that this was his way of fidgeting. He used to fiddle with his fingers and then it was with his shooters.
“Well, I saw her today…”
“She, um…” Peter swallowed. “She was, uh, flirting, I think? With Flash.”
By some miracle, instead of feeling that tightness in her chest from the mention of her, she felt truly confused. “Flash? The same Flash that picks on you and doesn't believe in your internship?”
“Uh, yeah…?”
“Why would she? Doesn’t she know what kind of person he is?”
Peter laughed dryly. “He’s rich, (y/n).”
“And so am I, what about it?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. “I’m not as obnoxious as that guy, am I?”
“Of course not. You may be getting a big head, though.” He teased with a grin.
(Y/n) only swatted at his arm.
(It took every single will in her not to make a dirty joke then and there, telling herself it wasn’t appropriate for the topic.)
“Anyway! Why did you think she was flirting with him?” (Y/n) asked, ignoring the tight feeling that finally arrived despite the miracle earlier.
“Remember last week? When you picked me up with Happy?”
(Y/n) nodded. ‘How could I not?’ She thought bitterly.
“I don’t know if you saw, but uhh we were flirting, I think?”
“You think?”
“Well, Ned said we were…” Peter mumbled. “We were joking around and she kinda laughed so hard she had to hold onto me…” He recounted, a blush starting to make its way on his cheeks.
(Y/n) took a deep breath to try and calm her erratic heart. Her heart felt like it was sinking with each word coming out of Peter’s mouth. Had she not been a strong-willed young woman with experience in keeping her face neutral, she was 100% sure her eyes would be all watery by now. Not that she didn’t feel the burn on her eyes as she pretended not to hear Peter whispering ‘her hand was so soft’.
“And was she doing the same with Flash?” She asked, and again, by miracle, her voice didn’t crack.
Peter’s hand fell from his wrist and he nodded dejectedly.
“I thought she liked me, you know?” He muttered. Unlike her, Peter was an open book. He was never good at hiding his expression that it was a wonder that his secret identity was still intact. (Y/n) could clearly hear the pain in his voice.
It honestly infuriated her how easy it was for him to affect her.
(Y/n) cleared her throat. “Don’t take it to heart, Pete. Maybe she was just being friendly with him.”
“Or maybe she was just being friendly with me.” Peter mumbled, still dejected.
It filled her heart with grief that he could make such a pained expression in front of her. Had it been her, she could say with certainty that she would never let this boy in front of her go without a smile. But then again, who was she to do that? It wasn’t her that he wanted to put that smile on him.
And so, with a heavy heart and a smile hiding sorrow behind it, she told him, “Why don’t you ask her to do something with you? Like a date?”
4: Date
“(Y/n)? Where’s Peter?” Pepper immediately asked when she saw (y/n) lounging alone on the couch.
(Y/n) shrugged half-heartedly, shoving a spoonful of her favorite cookies and cream ice cream to her mouth. An older season of CSI: Miami was playing on the screen in front of her. She kept eating her ice cream unbothered as the screen showed a bloody corpse full of maggots. Oh, apparently it wasn’t a corpse and she was still alive. Who would’ve thought?
“Don’t you guys usually spend Sundays together?” Pepper asked again.
(Y/n) mumbled something that Pepper couldn’t hear.
“Sorry, what?”
“He has a date.”
Pepper blinked once. “A date?”
(Y/n) nodded.
“With… who?”
“...a girl from his school. An upperclassman.”
“Huh… Is that so?” Pepper hummed, taking a seat beside the young Stark.
She glanced at the angsty teen, still enjoying her ice cream accompanied by a pool of blood and maggot and David Caruso on the screen. “How are you feeling?”
“What do you mean? I’m totally fine.” (Y/n) answered through a mouthful of sugary dairy.
“I don’t think so, honey.” Pepper smiled at her, taking the tub away.
(Y/n) didn’t bother to answer, stubbornly keeping her eyes on the screen.
“I always thought both of you would end up together. What happened?” Pepper tried to ask.
“Us ending up together, huh?” (Y/n) chuckled dryly. “Not a chance, Pep.”
“Why do you say that?”
(Y/n) turned to the CEO of the company that one day would be hers. “Have you looked at Peter? Really looked at him?” She asked. “Because if you have, then you’d know that his eyes were never on me. Not once.”
Sighing, she reached to take back the tub of ice cream from Pepper. “A friend is all I am to him.” She muttered.
(Y/n) was perfectly fine with returning to her angsty mood accompanied by ice cream and crime lab, but apparently Pepper was not.
Pepper stood up and asked FRIDAY to turn the screen off.
“Aw, Pep! Why did you do that!” (Y/n) whined, not unlike a child getting her toy taken away.
“No wallowing in self pity, young lady. Now up you go! We’re going out.”
She groaned and plopped her face on the couch.
To say she would regret going out would be an understatement.
Because an hour on her outing with Pepper, she actually saw Peter on his date.
He was wearing a shirt and grey sweater, like how he wore to school, though the collar was neat. He definitely combed and gelled his hair. She didn’t like it, to be honest. (Y/n) always loved his curls that would fall to his eyes when it got a bit too long. She loved the soft unruly strands that felt silky when she ran her fingers through them.
Peter and his date, Liz, were in a cafe together. It was a cute and aesthetically pleasing one too. (Y/n) was in the Italian restaurant right across the street. Pepper sat with her back to the glass window, so she couldn’t see them, but it was as clear as the sky for (y/n).
And (y/n) wanted to look away, she really did. Yet for some reason, she just couldn’t stop staring at the happy couple. She watched as Liz reached a hand out to wipe something off the corner of Peter’s lips. She watched as Peter laughed shyly. She watched as he hesitantly tried to hold Liz’s hand on the table. She watched as Liz grinned and took his hand in hers.
She watched as they smiled at each other like they were the only people in the world and she was nothing but a speck of dust.
She watched, with bitter heart and a sorrowful smile as she told herself, as long as he’s happy, right?
5: Broken Heart
How could this have happened?
They were having such a great time together!
So why...?
“Peter, I’m so sorry…”
“It’s not your fault, why are you sorry?”
“I was the one who pushed you to ask her on a date…”
Peter chuckled. He tried to look unbothered, but he was still so easy to read. (Y/n) could basically hear the pieces of his broken heart rattling around as he moved.
It hurt her more than seeing him with her.
“Well, you couldn’t have known everything, (y/n),” Peter said. “Besides, at least I tried, you know?”
(Y/n) bit her lip.
Logically, she should be happy, shouldn’t she? Liz had told Peter that she wanted to remain friends, that she couldn’t be with him. That meant Peter was free for the whole world. Whether or not she had a chance was something else entirely. And yet, she felt extremely guilty.
“I’m okay, really!” Peter grinned with a fake cheerfulness. “I had a great time and I appreciate her telling me the truth instead of leading me on. I’m sure we’ll remain great friends even after this.”
‘But you were never great friends with her…’
“I guess she’s just trying to focus on her studies, you know? Since she’s a senior and all.”
‘But she did lead you on…’
“And you know what they say, there are plenty more fish in the sea!”
‘But you were so fixated on her…’
Peter’s eyes softened when he realized how quiet (y/n) was. “I’m really alright, (y/n). It’s not your fault at all.”
“Besides,” he grinned, this time genuine, “Maybe now it’s my turn to help you find someone! Your help was greatly appreciated and now I can return the favor!”
(Y/n) refrained from smiling sardonically at the irony. The only way he could help her find someone was if he magically fell in love with her, but she knew better than to be wishful like that.
“Thank you, Pete, but that won’t be necessary.”
“Whaaaaat why? I can give great love advice!”
“Yeah? Like what?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Anyway! When you find someone, tell me, okay? I’ll try my best to help you, since you were so helpful to me.”
Helpful, huh?
Why can’t you see it?
How badly I want to say those words?
Instead, (Y/n) smiled, sorrow seeping into her being. “It was my pleasure.”
+1: Reverse
arachnophobia: wanna go out tonight? hecate hasnt been out for a while
ironlady: cant today
ironlady: harley’s coming
arachnophobia: harley? the one whose garage mr stark broke into?
ironlady: yep!! cant wait to see him
ironady: its been a while
arachnophobia: can i meet him?
ironlady: ofc just come here
The moment Peter stepped out from the elevator, he could hear the laughter already. He didn’t need his enhanced hearing to know that (y/n) was positively joyful.
He followed the sound to the penthouse’s living room where he could see (y/n) sitting on the couch. Beside her was a young man his age with sandy blonde hair. Both of them were talking animatedly with each other.
“Oh, Peter!” (Y/n) turned around, a big grin on her face. “This is Harley Keener, the potato boy dad and I told you about!”
“Potato boy?” Harley frowned.
“It’s either that or problem child 1, which one do you prefer?”
“Tony’s been calling me that?”
“And what are you?”
“Problem child 2, duh.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
Harley scoffed. “Yeah, right, il mio tarassaco.”
“Hey! Only dad can call me that!”
“I know, I know, don’t get your panties in a twist, Princess Stark.” Harley laughed as he ruffled (y/n)’s hair, much to her chagrin.
Peter couldn’t get one word out. He watched as (y/n) tried to get back at Harley and mess with his hair as Harley dodged her. He watched as (y/n)’s face was overtaken by a huge grin and her eyes lighted up in joy.
“Harley stop it!”
“You started it!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did!”
“No I- you know what, I’m not doing this. You haven’t even greeted Peter!” (Y/n) huffed, gesturing at Peter who was still standing still behind the sofa.
“Oh, yeah, my bad,” Harley said. He stood up and dusted his pants, then reached out a hand.
“Harley Keener, at your service,” he grinned.
Peter took his hand hesitantly. “Peter Parker. Nice to meet you.”
(Y/n) beamed at the two of them. “I’ve told him so much about you. I think you guys will be great friends!” She told Peter. “Dad is talking about making Harley his intern too, so you two will be Stark Industries first and only high school interns. Tony Stark’s personal interns, to be exact.”
“Wait, intern?” Peter asked, clearly taken aback. “But don’t you live in Tennessee?”
Harley shrugged. “I’m moving here around next month. Not a lot of opportunities back home, so Tony offered to house and send me to school here. I’m here today to look around before the big day.”
“It’s a shame I can’t go to school with you, though.” (Y/n) complained. “I’m getting bored of this whole homeschooling thing.”
“What can I say, Princess Stark,” Harley said with a teasing smile, “a Princess must remain at her castle.”
“Yeah, well, this Princess can take care of herself and goes out at night alone, what about it?” She rolled her eyes.
“Alright, alright, you got a point, Hecate.”
“I told you, I’m not Hecate right now!”
“He knows about Hecate?” Peter asked.
(Y/n) nodded. “He was the first one to know, even before dad. I told you of how Harley’s been coming here for years, right? He basically knows more about me than dad at this point.”
“That, I do.” Harley said, staring at Peter a little too long. Something dawned on him when he saw something on Peter’s face.
He turned to (y/n) and slung an arm around her shoulders. “Anyway, I gotta run and find Tony now, got things to ask him. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, you know where to find me.”
“Great! See ya later, Princess Stark.” Harley dropped a big kiss on her head and left the room, but not before giving Peter a meaningful look.
Peter was frozen on his spot.
In all his time knowing (y/n), not once did he ever see (y/n) that happy. She looked so carefree, as if she trusted Harley blindly and trusted him to keep her that way. It took him some time to get (y/n) to open up to him. He knew that he couldn’t compare himself to Harley who knew (y/n) longer than him, but for some reason it ticked him off.
But why?
And when Harley held (y/n) close to him like that? It felt wrong to Peter. Then he went and actually kissed her! Well, on the head, but still. Something felt off within Peter and he didn’t really know what or why.
Somehow, it was almost like…
Like it should’ve been him?
“Peter, are you okay?”
Peter was startled from his thoughts when (y/n)’s face suddenly entered his peripherals.
“I’m fine, why do you ask?” He quickly said.
(Y/n) hummed. “You look a bit off, that’s all.”
“It’s nothing, I promise.”
“If you say so…”
“So, uh,” Peter started, “that Harley… How long is he staying?”
“A week, I think. He’ll move in next month, on the 15th.” (Y/n) answered. “I can’t wait for next month, honestly. I missed him so much. Him living with me and dad here would be a blast.”
“When do you want to go out?” Peter asked, changing the subject immediately. Somehow, for some reason, he didn’t want to hear (y/n) talk about Harley anymore. Especially not about how he would be living with her.
“Ah, well… Not this week? Maybe after Harley’s back to Tennessee?”
“You can still go out without me though! I know Spider-Man must be anxious to get out there!”
“...yeah, you’re right. Uh, you know what, I actually forgot I had to run an errand for May, so I’m going to leave now, okay?”
Peter quickly rushed out. The penthouse was getting stuffy for no reason and he couldn’t stand being there anymore.
What is wrong with me?
Taglist + Mutuals (let me know if you want me to untag you!)
@spn-assemble-seven @racewife2004​​ @lukesbabylon​​ @serendipitous-amor​​ @sovereign-parker @ifangirlninja​​ @lyzalovealk @lookuptotheskiesandsee @tommysparker​​ @starlight-starks​​   @marvelexi​​ @lou-la-lou​​ @spiderbibby​​ @hello--zuko-here​ @everydaymj​​ @galaxystern08​​  @allegra-writes​​​​ @spideyspeaches​​​​ @delicatepeterparker​​ @parkerpeter24​​​​ @terrifictomholland​​​​ @quackeroos​​ @angel-spidey​​ @greenorangevioletgrass​​ @awkward-darkness​​ @chloecreatesfictions @tonguetiedholland​​ @peterbenjiparker​​ @and-it-burns-like-a-fire @sinisterspidey​​ @bi-lmg
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vivdunye · 3 years
present day, present time
and you don't seem to understand
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fabled adages of science
so i was watching the snyder cut of justice league the other morning, i couldn't really begin to tell you why other than i needed 4 hours of background noise . but i tuned in at one point when the fictional super Israeli, wonder woman, narrated a scene explaining an alien technology "that was so advanced that it almost seemed like sorcery", and wouldn't yknow, that's a real concept actually, i recognized it immediately as clark's third law:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
it's perhaps the most well known and oft quoted of the three, but i always felt like arthur c. clark's first 2 laws don't ever get quite enough love . i've been thinking heavily about the first law lately:
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
i've been thinking about it in relation to this one quote from wernher von braun that i always liked:
Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death.
many people are afraid of death; of ceasing the awareness of life, because they don't know what will happen to themselves after, where do they go if anywhere? it's much more nebulous in the secular sense if you haven't a construct for the afterlife already . i've been thinking about death more and more often lately to a worrying degree . however, scientific thought for all its clinical detachment from all things spiritual has strangely enough always felt like the perfect module for contemplating the metaphysical . so i decided to do some research .
i want to recall right now thomas edison's first intended use for the phonograph . edison had originally envisioned the phonograph primarily as a means of preserving the voices of loved ones after death . he later went on to try and develop a "ghost box" or "spiritphone" . this device would allow humans to communicate directly with the dead . he was unsuccessful .
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if hauntology has taught us anything, we technically do have ghost boxes now, but maybe not in the way edison intended or even predicted . we carry them everywhere and can check them anytime, channeling messages through them constantly . we actively become digital ghosts, online we are both present and absent . the present implodes with the past, we've over-documented everything so now we can experience an instant nostalgia . today's future becomes archaic, we live in the archive to try and remember what the future once was .
'haunted' and 'futuristic' become one and the same .
by this token i'm reminded also by transhumanism . as the technological singularity fast approaches, as progress charges forward at a constantly increasing speed, current estimates posit the 2040s as the point in which technological improvements will occur at a constantly self-replicating rate . in the time between now and then, transhumanism and the eventual merging of human consciousness with machinery are theorized outcomes of technological progress . one day we might be able to leave the shackles of our human bodies and transcend our physical forms as a joined digital consciousness .
and in relation to this i also think now of clark's second law
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
through the wired
this is the stage on which the anime Serial Experiments Lain is set . a story, that while constructed on the patchwork of fiction, is nevertheless symbolic of certain phenomena based in reality .
also i apologize if it wasn't apparent that this post was going to be about Lain . im lainposting boys
the first few episodes exist to misdirect the viewer right from the beginning . and only by returning to these episodes having thought through the rest of the show, does their purpose become clear . the first episode, aptly titled "Layer 01: Weird" , is meant to show us exactly one thing, that lain is fucking weird . we can't tell what she's thinking, we can't tell what she's doing, and that's exactly how everyone around her feels . lain is totally and completely disconnected, she doesn't keep up with current events at school, she doesn't communicate with her family, near as we can tell she has no actual interests besides her stuffed animals and totally phasing out of reality. the inciting incident of the series happens when someone tries to make a connection with lain, and that person happens to be dead...
or at least there body is dead, their consciousness seems to have escaped into the wired . lain's decision to pursue this connection is what lead's her to ask her father for a new navi (the series' name for a personal computer) and that's all that really happens in this episode . coming back to it from later episodes we know that lain is probably thinking a lot throughout this episode . the decision to not entreat us to any of her thoughts is intentional, it is to make us feel distant from her as viewers, the same way that the world around her is distant . as lain forms connections throughout the series, so too, will we form a connection with her .
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we do not know how much time has passed since then and the second episode, but whatever has happened lain has already developed a significant presence in the wired . this episode is tricky in its presentation as it doesn't make us privy to which things lain is lying about and which things she's honest about . in it we have lain talking to someone on her navi, she types sporadically in an encrypted language, and someone who looks just like her appears late one night in a night club downtown . while lain won't admit it to her classmates it's apparent at the end of the episode that it was her at the club all along . the key to understanding her actions throughout the episode is to realize she is trying to keep her existence in the wired and her existence in reality as separate entities . the realization she has by the end of the episode, which she uses to terrify a gunmen into suicide is that there is no escape from the wired, no matter where you are you are always connected .
made in the late-90s, Lain was quite ahead of its time . it predicted not only how in the early 2000s the internet would be regarded as a separate world where anonymity and personas reigned—it also predicted how the internet would eventually and inevitably overlap with the real world, once people in the real world realized that the internet is the real world . people have a tendency to see one part of themselves as their "true selves", whereas the parts they show to others are personas, they think of these things as separate when in reality a person is an amalgamation of all of their personas . lain tries to change her personas by dressing and acting differently from when she's in the wired-mode and in normal-mode, but she doesn't realize how people have been doing this way before the wired existed . her classmates are all 15 but they all pass for adults when they've dolled up and hit the club . if the characters in the show seem a bit young for their attitudes then you may not have met enough tech-savvy teenagers before . the purpose of this episode is to ultimately to prove to lain that the so-called real world and the wired are merely two layers of one reality, which couldn't be more true of the world today .
let there be light300pMTK. .
in mythology, psyche was the mortal princess who fell in love with and, eventually, married the god cupid; in religion and classical philosophy, psyche came to mean the human soul, and in the modern, literate world, it retains that meaning as the human spirit; in freudian analysis, psyche refers to the totality of the human mind: the id, ego and superego .
every meaning of psyche is distinctly human: a human princess who achieves godhood, the soul or mind of an individual . if previous episodes introduced the blurring of the real world with the wired, then episode three; "Layer 03: Psyche" is the episode that starts to blur human identity online and offline . one doesn’t even have to venture into the wired to ask what is human .
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by this point we know that lain is definitely up to something . at this stage it's hard to tell what, but all we get are little glimpses into her actions . she still seems to be hiding a lot from the world around her and from the viewer in turn . ironically, lain's blank-faced silence and response to the questions of those around her it's own incrimination . when a police officer tells her to speak up (regarding the gunman's suicide) even if she had nothing to do with it, he doesn't realize she's being silent precisely because she does have something to do with it . but her deer-in-the-headlights persona gets her out of it .
the lain of the wired and the lain of reality are slowly starting to mesh into one whole . it remains difficult to interpret the physical existence of "other lain" so to speak, and the show refuses to outright show her playing that character . at the least, we do get to see lain access the wired in all its chaotic glory and she does begin to take an active interest in expanding her knowledge as she learns about and installs the "Psyche drive", a computer circuit that lain procures in hopes of it enhancing her computer's processing power . on the smaller scale, when lain applies the psyche processor to her navi, she is installing a spirit or soul, an animating element, to her machine . notably, the psyche does not replace the main processor; psyche augments the main processor, interpreting the data that flows through it . the soul is not simply the brain, it is an elevated consciousness or meta-self. by this point in the series lines become blurred and the lains begin to merge (hehe) . all of this is set against the backdrop of lain trying to decide if she should remain in the physical world or fully integrate in the wired . she hears one voice telling her that death feels amazing, and god exists in the wired, that there is nothing left for lain in this world . however, lain begins to establish a connection with her classmate alice, saying her name out loud and commiting it to memory for the first time, alice asks why her friends are not more shaken up after watching someone shoot himself in the head the previous day . it's almost as though lain is clinging to alice as an excuse to stay in the physical world out of fear for changing over . this all sets the seeds for what eventually grows throughout the series .
i want to recall the final meaning of the word “psyche". that the word also meant “butterfly,” which is how the greeks imagined the soul to appear . no doubt the symbolism of a creature that begins as one thing and transforms into another is not lost on us here .
every event serves to emphasize the existence of one's own personal reality, and as individuals from all others, we desire a place to belong . however that too is an egotistical concept . in order for there to be a mutual understanding, it is necessary to recognize here and now, like the brain synapses, we are all—in a logical yet chaotic manner—connected .
each is seperate—yet they are one . by connecting, humanity gains first awareness of its function as a seed . and by connecting a human no longer remains a mere endpoint, a "terminus", but becomes a junction to another point, having won the right to continue itself . in a sense, the ability to connect is the ability to continue . this not only applies to the connection of axial coordinates but temporal coordinates as well . therefore, at the time when a conscious, intentional connection is made, surely the dead will rise from there intended place, appearing at the time coordinate of the connection's origin .
in that moment, the realization will dawn that the time in which we inhabit our physical bodies is but the starting point of the connection, and the very meaning of possessing a physical body might be questioned .
we recognize we are connected .
serialize thyself .
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thatwriterkei · 4 years
-Moment of Tangency-
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Series Summary: When Y/N's favorite fictional characters come to life, a mystery ensues as a killer wreaks havoc in Bangor, Maine.
Chapter Summary: What started out as a sleepover with your best friend turned into a night of unexplainable events.
Warnings: cursing, underage pining if you squint, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Here's the first chapter of the big series I was talking about! I really hope you guys enjoy this, I've been working on this for about a month and it would mean the world to me if you have feedback and brought attention to this to those who would enjoy it too! I'm really excited to see how this goes.
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Chapter One: The Beginning
"You will soon receive support from an unexpected source.." 
The red letters of your fortune stared back at you ominously.
"Hey, that's great timing huh?"
"Too soon, Marcus..Too soon."
A sheepish smile formed on his freckled face, "Sorry..Here, have another."
You shook your head, waving away the cookie. "I'll just stick to mine. I only have a little bit of room left for it." 
You took small bites, slowly indulging in the delicious treat, afraid of letting it go to waste with just two or three bites.
"I'm surprised your dad let me spend the night."
"Honestly, me too..I don't think he noticed that you're in the middle of transitioning."
"He probably just thinks I'm gay or something.."
You let out a choked laugh, "Maybe because you are."
"Hey, you can't tell me that Mr. Fisher isn't hot as fuck!"
"He isn't, oh my god!" You tried to finish the rest of your cookie without inhaling crumbs, suppressing the laughter building in your stomach.
"Have you seen his hands?! Y/N, I don't think you understand how much I adore him!"
"He's 20, Marcus!! Not to mention, he sucks at teaching physics."
"Hey, I didn't say my future man had to be smart."
"You're ridiculous."
"Yes, yes I am. Oh! Speaking of guys, any good gossip for the ship of a century?"
You could help but roll your eyes at his teasing, blood rushing to the apples of your cheeks.
"Kolby and I haven't spoken since last week. I don't think he likes me anyway. He's been talking to Heather more recently.." 
And, for some reason, you weren't too interested in him either. Yes, he was a nice looking, athletic guy but you just didn't care enough to go further than a 'hi, how're you?' with him.
"Well, his loss. You're a wonderful girl and it's a shame he's wasting your time with his boyish nonsense. Besides, he doesn't even wear watches like Mr. Fisher."
"I swear to god, if you mention him or watches one more time.."
"You're right, sorry," he held up his hands defensively before putting them down, "I just don't wanna see you get hurt, Y/N/N.."
"I know you're worried, Marcus, but I'm fine. It's our junior year, I don't think long-term relationships are supposed to happen for us until we're in like college."
"You never know..Anyway, what do you even see in him?"
You let out a sigh, sinking in the mounds of pillows and blankets that are laid astray on your bed.
"Umm..He's cute, without a doubt. His jokes are sometimes funny, depends on who he's around. He has a nice sense of style, I guess? I don't know..We've only known each other for a little over two months."
Marcus laid beside you, rolling to his side with a dopey grin plastered on his pale face. "And a lot could happen in two more months if you just talk to him. I promise, I won't even bother you in Algebra..Okay? Just trust me on this.."
You groaned but, nevertheless, agreed with a silent nod.
"Love shouldn't be this complicated.."
"Sometimes it is, sweetie..But only time can lead you to where you're supposed to be.."
"Yeah, I know...Since when did you become my therapist?" You let out a scoff.
"Since third grade! Now, c'mon, get off your lazy ass and let's do something cool!" 
He pulled at your limp arm once he stood up, dragging you to the floor and down the hallway towards the mini library your stepmom installed about a year ago; who has yet to use it.
"If you were looking for 'cool', you brought us to the wrong place." 
Your eyes scanned over the bookshelves, catching titles of famous works.
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
War and Peace
Charlotte's Web
"You only have that perception because you hate her."
"Of course! Have you seen her?"
"Yeah, but this is still cool! You should take advantage of it while you can." 
Marcus released his hold from your ankle, scampering over to the section of the library where a red and white book was gleaming for attention.
"Oh my god! Miranda got the newest edition of IT?"
You stood up abruptly and made your way over. "She got what?!" 
"Holy shit, this is amazing! We haven't fangirled over this book since freshmen year."
"Oh yeah, our biggest obsession since One Direction." You laughed, taking the book out of his hands and running your finger over the textured title.
"Not gonna lie, the older cover looked better."
You rolled your eyes and ushered him over to the desk in the middle of the room. "Wait, let's see if they kept in that one part.."
"Which one? Does it have to do with Stanley? You had a major crush on his fictional ass." He teased, pulling up another chair beside yours.
"No no no, the one with Eddie and-Oh, I found it!"
Man, he had hated it when Richie called him Eds…but he had sort of liked it, too. It was something….like a secret name. A secret identity. A way to be people that had nothing to do with their parents’ fears, hopes, constant demands. Richie couldn’t do his beloved Voices for shit, but maybe he did know how important it was to creeps like them to sometimes be different people.
"Oh, I absolutely love this part..It's just, mwah, beautiful. Stephen King certainly knew what he was doing.."
"C'mon, let's go back to my room and reminisce." You took his arm and pulled him back to your bedroom.
You internally screamed at Marcus's onslaught recollection of memories.
"Oh, and that one time when you had a major attraction for-"
"Okay okay, that's enough reminiscing!!" You tossed the book at him.
"Aww, what? Feelin' embarrassed, sweetie?" He barely dodged the book, letting it bounce off your bed and onto the ground with a dull thud.
"Shut up.." You grabbed the nearest pillow and slightly smothered yourself with it.
The memories he continued to bring up brought back some nostalgia but looking back at it now made you cringe. You were practically grown up now, not 15 years old. 
"Okay, I'm sorry. But wouldn't it be cool if the losers club was real? Like actually around, in real life? Derry was based off of Bangor so it's more than likely you could find your own Stanley Uris." 
You cracked a smile at that and threw the pillow at him, situating yourself underneath the covers of your bed. "Yeah, yeah. I wish."
Marcus promptly pulled out his phone and checked the time, turning it over towards you  and flashing the bright light in your face. "Well, it's almost 11:11..Make a wish!"
"Seriously?" You deadpanned.
"C'mon, it wouldn't hurt!"
You sighed, sitting up on your elbows and closing your eyes. "Tell me when. You wish it too, okay?"
"Okay," some time passed, "now."
I wish the losers club was real..The entire gang. Every single one of them.
I wish I could blow Bill Denbrough.
You opened your eyes after you recited your wish a couple of times, sighing. You raised an eyebrow at Marcus, seeing him struggle to contain his laughter though the crimson red covering every inch of his face gave it away.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"I wished that I could blow Bill."
"Goddamnit, Marc."
It took about a half hour before the two of you could fully relax into a deep sleep but once you guys did, Marcus took up most of the bed. 
A heavy gush of wind pushed open your window, the cool air from outside blowing into your room. You snuggled a little more under the covers, face being buried into someone's back. They smelled so nice, a light hazelnut scent and freshly washed hair that reminded you of late night drives with your older cousin when you were younger; Just absolute nostalgia exuded from them. You felt your entire body relax against theirs, the warmth overtaking your slightly exposed skin from the nippy air coming through the window.
You hear a quiet groan from the opposite side of you, the noise causing you to stir from whatever you were dreaming about prior; It was a bit fuzzy.
"What the fuck? Dumbass window.." It was just Marcus.
You felt the weight from the bed disappear, his dull footsteps moving around the carpeted room as he shuts the window.
He turns around and gives one look over the room, his eyes partially open. He sees a couple of people in the room, the sight confusing him in his drowsy state.
"What the..?"
A mix of someone screaming bloody murder and a smoke alarm going off floods the room, echoing off the walls and throughout the house. Even Marcus wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard him too.
It takes just a few seconds before your sleeping mind can process the screeching, thus causing you to flip over to your other side and turning on the lamp. Your eyes are piercing with annoyance, though you were still a little concerned about your astonished friend across the room.
"Marc, what the hell?! What's wrong? What happened?"
You cast a glance around your room, trying to pick the oddball out.
"What the hell?!" You hear from behind you, the sudden noise alarming you and making you jump off the bed towards the ground. 
Your head whipped around so quickly you were sure it was the dizziness that made your imagination run wild from the sight. There laid a guy, around your age, with very curly light brown hair that just looked absolutely divine to twirl your fingers around.
Underneath you comes a strangled groan, almost upon impact. Looking below, you find a girl with fiery red hair in a bob style. You push yourself off of her and scoot away until your back hits Marcus's legs.
"Who the fuck is yelling-Oh, holy shit..!" You hear another slightly deep voice exclaim. 
Turning to your right sat five other guys with drastically different appearances, one after another coming to the realization that they had no fucking clue where they were.
The room grew quiet, fear growing in your eyes as you try to find a person to focus on but the thought only made you even more dizzy than before.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters!! 💖
-Moment of Tangency- tags: @beauregard-s @demoniclust @deepestofwaters @grapesauze @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @soulwillower @19tozier @phrogtheguitarist @kindofokayimagines @stenbrozier @stenbrozier @brxken-heartsclub @fucking-greywater @theliterarymess
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The full-length trailer for "Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2" DLC has been released and
id Software, why are you giving the fans what they want?!
Why does this look SO DAMN GOOD? 😫😫😫😫
I don't know if anything should be this epic?
But "The Ancient Gods Part 2" looks like iconic af already.
And with that, I have some thoughts!
My experience with "The Ancient Gods" and Doom's reboot game series
While I have played "Doom Eternal" and "Doom" 2016 a few times each, I haven't played "The Ancient Gods Part 1" yet. I do know some of the key plot points, though, namely the Dark Lord regaining his body so the Doom Slayer can kill him once and for all. I just haven't had the time, energy, or patience to play the DLC, mostly because my current job is kicking my ass, I'm super stressed, and I feel like I'm rushed on my days off. I don't have much time after work to do anything save for exercise (on a couple days), showering, and eating. It's not prime time for gaming. At all.
Also, I have been kind of hooked on survival horror games as that is technically my favorite genre of games.
I'll play "The Ancient Gods," both parts, at some point in the near future, but not sure exactly when.
The end?
Something I noticed in the trailer is it seems to indicate that "The Ancient Gods" is the conclusion to the Doom reboot story.
But that can't be right, can it? As far as I know, the Doom reboot games have done very well, and, also as far as I know, id Software hasn't pissed off a good chunk of their fanbase by doing dumb shit (like NRS and MK11)
I'm guessing this isn't truly the end. I mean, at the end of "Doom Eternal," it was said that the Doom Slayer's fight is well....eternal. And can you really destroy hell? Banish it for good? I have my doubts 🤔
They could do spin-offs, too, I suppose, since they have created a Doom Universe for the first time ever. It's a thought 🤷‍♀️
And, uh, id Software may respect their fans and their creation, but they in business to make money, and if Doom is bringing in the cash then the logical thing to do is...make more Doom. 💲💲💲💲
The Dark Lord is here!
Why the hell is this bitch hiding inside a robotic armored suit???
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Get the fuck out of there and fight me like a (demon) man!
But seriously, this is the Dark Lord of Hell, so why is he not fighting the Slayer one on one WITHOUT the robotic armored suit????
I can't say I'm very intimidated by the guy....not after seeing this. Doesn't mean I think the game is going to be bad. I think it's hilarious that the Dark Lord is appearing in battle like this.
Lord of the Rings?!
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I can't be the only one who thought of "Lord of the Rings" here.
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This reminds me of the Bifrost Bridge and Asgard in general. I mean, it's a place that seems to be floating somewhere with waterfalls running over the edge into the air below.
I am MCU Trash and ...
The final battle for "The Ancient Gods Part 2" reminds me of the final battle in "Avengers: Endgame."
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Now, I know what some might be thinking:
"But this is so derivative! id Software just copied 'Endgame's' epic battle instead of making up their own 😑"
Well, here's how I see it:
Marvel hasn't placed a copyright/trademark on "Endgame's" final battle, so if anyone wants to style a fight/battle based on it, it's not illegal.
People copy each other's works all the time. Well, it's not like people copy stuff ALL the time. Sometimes, a creative idea references a previous creative idea. Writings inspired by other writings, art inspired by other art, movies inspired by other movies, songs inspired by other songs...So, this is nothing new.
If id Software wanted to have an epic final battle against the forces of Hell, it makes sense that, instead of making the Doom Slayer do EVERYTHING, there would be forces coming to fight alongside him. I'm sure plenty of beings have beef with Hell, and when someone stands up to fight against it, then it would be time to rally the troops to join the guy and kick some goddamn ass. I can't think of any vastly different ways to style/choreograph this fight. I mean, yeah, id Software could have been a little less obvious with their references/inspiration, but, I don't think it's a big deal.
If you're going to make a fictional epic battle modeled after another fictional epic battle, then "Avengers: Endgame's" final battle IS that battle.
I know some people see the MCU as trash, but I strongly disagree. I have enjoyed the vast majority of it so far, and am excited to see more.
Some people think "Endgame" is overrated and doesn't deserve to be in the top 5 highest-grossing films. Well, that's just your opinion, Guys, and I disagree with you. 🤷‍♀️ It's a 3-hour movie that feels more like 2-2.5 hours, which is an accomplishment in and of itself! I have seen movies 2 hours long that felt 10 hours long -- and not in a good way. I have seen movies 3 hours long that felt like 3 fucking hours. So, I think "Endgame" deserves some credit here.
Some think "Avatar" and "Titanic" are more worthy, especially since they have won various awards, including Oscars, and "Endgame" didn't win much. Ok, so, the Oscars are fucking bullshit anymore, just political garbage and barely anything to do with quality or talent. Winning awards doesn't always mean the world, either. "Avatar" and "Titanic" are both HIGHLY overrated in my opinion. Amazing visual effects, terrible stories. I won't go into detail because y'all wouldn't like my thoughts anyway.
"The Ancient Gods Part 2" has a fucking amazing final battle and I don't care what anyone says! It's DOOM all the way to the max! I mean, we're taking part in a massive assault on Hell for the first time in the Doom franchise. How is that NOT awesome?
The release date is what?!
As far as I know, id Software didn't advertise the release date for "The Ancient Gods Part 2" until the official full-length trailer was released on March 17th.
And we find out in said trailer that this DLC is coming out TOMORROW.
MARCH 18th.
How....is id Software allowed to be this fucking LEGENDARY?
Final Thoughts
I really hope this isn't the end for the Doom reboot series. I mean, they took the time to build a little universe in Doom Eternal, so it seems like a real shame to end the story now.
I can't get over the final battle between Hell and... The Forces of Good? Not sure what else to call them. But it's pretty much what I would expect of such a thing in a Doom game. It's grand, epic, cinematic, awesome, incredible, insane, brutal, chaotic, and pure carnage.
I seriously wonder how "The Ancient Gods Part 2" will end.....will there be a teaser/hint at future installments?
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