#and that everyone else is expected to write the same way in order to sell anything!!!!
the-hyper-fix · 5 months
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Op turned off reblogs but I 1000% agree
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alpydk · 5 months
Desperate (RuganxReader)
He has a choke hold on me right now - So here is some hastily written smut (1300 words or so of it...)as a break from all the angst I've made recently - I will say although this is awesome, as all fanfic is, smut is not my go-to writing choice. But I needed this, desperate for it, you might say.
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For a few weeks, you’ve been travelling with your party along the Sword Coast in search of a healer for your tadpole problem. A few weeks of dirt, blood, cold washes in the river and hands kept to yourself. As much as you hate to admit it in such low-class terms; you’re horny, desperate to ride someone, but unfortunately picky with your tastes. 
The vampire, Astarion had appeared the obvious choice with his flirty remarks and pristine good looks, but he wasn’t your type. Too pretty, not to mention he couldn’t handle the banter you gave back at him. Typical elf you thought to yourself. Then there was sweet Gale, a good age, good-looking but too much of a romantic, a bit too good for your liking. You ask yourself; why have red wine when there is ale on tap? Gale was more the type to lovingly caress your inner thigh and build up to some gentle foreplay for an age rather than just fuck you like an animal against the wall, the floor, or anywhere you really wanted so he was out of the running. And then there were the others; Wyll was too young, Shadowheart too distant, Karlach on fire. Lae’zel… just no. Desperate but picky…
Fucking gnolls and their stupid giggling. Great, now you’ve got blood on you again and the whole area is up in flames. Who in the hells was the genius to start throwing alchemist's fire? Well, at least the beasts have been taken care of. You’ve expected nothing but corpses, empty crates, and maybe the odd trip wire; Rugan is not what you’re expecting to come across. Slightly taller than you, older, weathered from a few too many fights, and most likely a few too many stiff drinks as well; and shit, when he speaks you feel that desperate hunger come back to you full force. You would happily be fucked by him against the wall, the floor, the back of this bloody cave if left alone with him. 
Ah, a Zhentarim. Typical. You’d had run-ins with them back in the city. The word around was that they were trying to take over The Guild; a few gold misplaced and a skirmish or two down by the docks, but it wasn’t your place to get involved. Leave that to Nine-Fingers to deal with. Your job was to simply keep the books in order at the keep, whilst playing both sides to keep your lifestyle comfortable, of course. Well, maybe now this could play to your advantage as well; make a little gold and if you meet up with him again then you could see what would happen. At least now you have something to think of during those lonely nights of tent life. 
You’ve always been one for voices as stupid as the concept sounds and his sticks with you. …Tighter than a Duke’s purse strings… You bite the inside of your lip thinking of other things usually construed as tight. When did your mind become so crude? Why did everyone else have to be here right now? Why can’t you just push him against that wall and have your way with him? You see him looking at you as Gale speaks; maybe he’s thinking the same thing, or maybe he’s recognised you from the keep. What does it all matter though? Desperate…
You both plan to make some gold selling the chest he’s transporting. You figure, what harm could it do? You find out soon after though exactly what harm; with the death of the poor lad that was with him, the death of the Zhents that had him tied and beaten to a chair, and an awakening to something you’ve never really thought about before. You beautiful bastard. Gods, what you’d give to keep him tied to that chair, to suck his cock knowing his arms are bound behind him and there’s nothing he can do but let out deep moans from your touch. That fantasy will keep you going for a few nights, that's for sure, and then maybe if you’re lucky that drink he’s promised you could turn into more, a desperate touch-starved reality.  
Baldur’s Gate. It’s been a long time having to make do with the odd night with Astarion, with some drow, with your own thoughts to keep you going, but you know you’ll soon be at the Elfsong Tavern and can get that sweet release you’ve been craving. Yeah, the tadpole is still slithering away in your mind, yeah there are all the other problems, like saving the world and a stone lord that had suddenly become your issue to deal with, but none of it matters in comparison to what, who you’ve been craving. Rugan…
He stands at the bar, a pint in hand. Finally, someone with a real taste in alcohol. He recognises you even out of the armour, hopefully out of the clothes later too. Things have gone to shit for him since the day in the caves, but he doesn’t want to talk about it much and you’re grateful after carrying the emotional baggage of your travelling companions. You watch as he downs the last bit of his drink before placing his hand on your thigh. He doesn’t say anything, he just looks at you for your reaction. You can already feel the warmth in your face, and you want to say it’s the drink but you both know that’s a complete lie. 
You can’t tell who booked the room or even how you’ve both reached this point as you push through a door, hands already exploring one another’s bodies, tongues entwined in a frantic effort to make up for lost time. The door is kicked shut to keep your hands placed on his body and as you make your way to what you hope is the bed, you both leave behind a trail of clothing, a light cotton shirt and leather trousers with ridiculous ties. On any other day, you might tease, pulling at them with your teeth but that will not happen tonight. Tonight, you want him, you need him inside you. 
Desperate longing leads to desperate touches. Your hand is wrapped around his shaft, though it takes little to wind him up. His grabs are as eager as yours as you feel him wrap a strong arm around your leg pulling you in closer, onto him. Did you even make it to the bed? You don’t seem to care as you feel him thrust inside you, deeper than you expected after seeing how tight his trousers were, a pleasant yet welcome surprise. Shit, it’s been so long and you wanted to draw this night out, to have it build up to some enchanted moment and see fireworks but right now, you are in that cave, you are on that floor, you are up against that wall, and you are being given what you have hungered after for so long. By the gods, he is everything and more than you could possibly have ever wanted. 
You hear his breath grow heavy against your neck as he jolts into you mercilessly. You grip him feeling your heart racing and your muscles tightening, wanting to give him everything, wanting this night to last forever but you know it won’t be much longer for either of you. You feel your release building and you try to hold it off, try to think of anything else but the throbbing inside of you and just as you think you’ve regained some control you hear his growled whisper in your ear; Your name spoken from those thirsting lips.   
The next morning you wake up alone amongst the creased sheets of the bed you’d both shared. The trail of your clothing leads to what appears to be a sofa and you smile to yourself now knowing the full story of the night. You’ve no idea where he’s gone or even if you’ll see him again but right now you don’t care as your head rests on the pillow and the events of last night flood your brain. That beautiful bastard, Rugan, once again leaving you desperate…
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mikathemonster · 2 years
“getting handsy”
author’s note: hey everyone! this is my first piece, so I'm pretty stoked about it :))) just to clarify, this is a slightly different AU in which you possess the elven blades Gandalf and the gang find in the troll's cave (everything else storyline-wise is relatively the same, though). this took me two nights to write, mostly because i kept getting so excited to write it that i couldn’t sleep! it was originally supposed to be an assassin Y/N with the tagline being “getting handsy?” but that derailed as i wrote this so who knows! maybe i’ll write another with the original idea! anyways, let me know what you think! also, this was originally going to be two parts, with second being a little more smutty. let me know if y’all still want that!
Pairing: Kíli / Gender-neutral Human Reader
Word Count: 4,039
summary: despite unwillingly joining Thorin’s company at the suggestion of Gandalf, it seems the cheeky brown-haired dwarf prince who disarmed you is slowly growing on you
content warnings: fluff, bruises, suggestive language and a little flirting, angry dwarves, mentions of a village being burnt down, honestly it’s from the lotr franchise so i’m just gonna go ahead and label it PG-13, y’all know what you’re expecting
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It had been a long three days of traveling east, the heat and wind reminding you of simpler times when bathing was a luxury; for you see, you had been carrying precious artifacts with you in order to sell it to a buyer just past the Carrock, towards Mirkwood. While the artifacts had no real use to you, you wondered curiously of what your buyer could want with three Elven blades, and why they needed it so urgently that you haven’t even the time to wash the wind from your hair. I mean, come on: after orcs, goblins, and foul-breathed men, you were supposed to guard these swords with your life?
Truth be told, that was the way of life you had come to know for the past three years; a life of smuggling, a life of delivery, and ultimately, a lonely life. But there was no room for relationships of any kind when you were known well for your messenger capabilities. Various parties, all of devious backgrounds, would seek you out to deliver messages, goods, and once, even a prisoner. It was by their tongues that you were known well as The Untouchable, a moniker you had gained after seemingly cheating death 5 times to deliver a set of precious jewels to an Elven king. And as such, people believed you to be untouchable by even Death himself, though you wouldn’t necessarily agree. As a matter of fact, a part of you wondered if you were growing less fond of your uncommon occupation; the past three years had already worn you dull at times. But then again, you hadn’t a clue of what you’d do if it weren’t for these recent gigs.
And so you continued your passage to the east, towards the mountains and ultimately Mirkwood. The sun had set just moments ago, and you knew you had to seek shelter soon; traveling at night had become increasingly more dangerous these past few months, for reasons unknown to you. And while you weren’t excited to make camp in the Trollshaws, it seemed safer than continuing along the East-West Road into the murky night.
It didn’t take long for you to set up camp, keeping yourself inside the hollow of an old tree to avoid thieves in the night from finding you and trying to covet what isn’t even yours. These swords had been more trouble than they were worth during your journey. You couldn’t tell what was so special about them, besides the fact that they were oddly light to hold, and incredibly stronger than you first had thought, using one of them to chop up firewood a few nights ago. Night set in, and your thoughts began to slow as sleep overcame your tired body.
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You were suddenly stirred from your sleep as you heard a group of shouts coming from the edge of the woods. Your head snapped up, your body jolted awake despite the fatigue of your trek, and your hand carefully hovered over one of the Elven blades as you listened closely, discerning whether or not it was a threat to you. What time was it? The moon still slept in the sky and yet it seemed a lighter blue than when you had first fallen asleep in your oaken hideout. Was it soon to be morning? You crept carefully closer in the direction of the voices, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge as you tried to clear your mind and even your breaths, uneven from your rather rude awakening.
Creeping ever closer, you could finally see between thick-leaved trees that some mountain trolls had made camp, the screaming coming from their assumed dinner as your gaze shifted to the fourteen men tied up in short brown sacks, the sacks comically tied around their necks, giving them only their voices. Dwarves, you could tell, mostly from the impeccably-groomed beards but also from their sheer temperament. It seemed an even-smaller man (Perhaps a hobbit? But what would he be doing so far from the Shire?) was standing in his sack, desperately trying to convince the trolls not to eat them. You sighed to yourself, glad that the screaming hadn't proven to be a threat to you, but rather to their own misfortune.
A part of you wondered if you should intervene, though you weren't entirely sure what you could do; you were more adept at preventing your own death, not so much at saving others from it. But still unsure, you chose to at least see if anything would happen; after all, daylight would soon be upon you all. Perhaps if you could cut a tree down as a distraction? But there was no telling how long that would take...
Unbeknownst to you, amidst all of the yelling, a certain white-bearded dwarf had caught his eyes to you, squinting to see if you were friend or foe (Not that it mattered, considering they were about to die).
Soon, just as you had figured there was nothing you could do, especially against three mountain trolls, a giant cracking could be heard, and the troll's camp was flooded with the sun's early morning light. The trolls quickly turned to stone, and cheers were heard as the dwarves began helping each other out of their bindings. Chatter was heard amongst themselves, and a small breath of relief slipped past your lips. Making out the silhouette, you quickly recognized who stood atop the cracked stone, and knew you'd have to slip away soon lest you be caught.
"Masters, I believe we're still not alone," the white-haired dwarf spoke, and you muttered a swear under your breath. It was time to go.
"I believe you're right, Master Balin. Who are you, hiding in the trees?" The grey wizard called out, stepping closer and bringing the dwarves' attention with him. Fuck. You'd been found, and the risk of being chased if you ran worried you more than revealing yourself. And so, with careful steps and outstretched arms, you approached from behind the tree.
"Gandalf," you smiled. "It's been some time, old friend. Miss me much?"
The smallest man, who you now knew to be a hobbit from his feet, gave the wizard a perplexed look. "I'm sorry, you know this person?"
The wizard let out a wise chuckle. "Why yes, Master Baggins, this is the Untouchable Y/N. And what are you doing spying on our company?" He lit his pipe, smiling.
"Yes, I'd like to ask the same," another dwarf spoke, this time coming from the stoic one with gorgeous black hair. "I hear tales of your smuggling and thievery, so what brings you right to us?"
You cast a skeptical look to the black-haired dwarf, not liking his distrustful glare. "I'm no thief, just a messenger. My business is not with you. I merely worried for your safety."
"Worried? Only to watch us be eaten?" The white-haired dwarf, who you now knew was Balin, seemed to also be skeptical of you, but his gaze was less hateful than that of his companion.
"Now, now, let's settle down. Y/N is no threat to you all, that I can assure you." Gandalf puffed his pipe, pointing it at you. "They're the reason we have Master Baggins here with us, after all."
"I'm sorry, uh, what now?" The hobbit cast his gaze to you, still perplexed. "They did what?"
"I had asked them to accompany us as our burglar first, but they turned me down." The wizard drew another breath from his pipe.
You sighed, rolling your eyes at the old sorcerer. "I'm a messenger, not a thief. As stated before," you cast a glare at the black-hair dwarf. "I have business elsewhere."
The black-haired dwarf turned his glare to Gandalf now. "You told this human of our quest?"
A musing 'hm' left the grey man's lips. "Master Thorin, I can promise you that your secret is safe with Y/N. They're not the kind to tell their friends."
You scoffed. "If I had friends to speak of, no thanks to you, old man." You crossed your arms, looking to Thorin. "And since I have to keep repeating myself, I'm already busy. I've no time for meddling with dwarves and dragons, not to mention everything in between."
"And what do you have time for, Y/N?" Gandalf mused.
Meanwhile, Thorin had trudged off, gathering his men and their belongings once more since being sacked.
You sighed, showing your back. "I've to deliver these blades to a buyer near Mirkwood. No idea who it is, though; only a letter telling me where to find the blades and where to bring them." What you didn't mention was that you had found them in a troll-hoard, next to a pile of skeletons. You decided that was all the information you would give the clever wizard, not wanting to disclose all of your secrets to people who already didn't seem too keen to be near you.
"Hm, may I see them?" He asked gingerly, raising a brow at you. It seemed like always, Gandalf was curious of what you were up to. And not wanting to raise any unnecessary suspicion, you obliged.
You handed him the two swords off of your back, not disclosing that the third blade, a dagger, lay hidden underneath your clothes in your chest. Better safe than sorry when you're with… troublesome company.
Unsheathing each blade, Gandalf drew in a breath. "My dear Y/N, do you have any idea what these are?" He showed the blade's detail to you, just as Thorin began to approach you two. "These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age."
Upon hearing this, Thorin scoffed, to which the wizard was quick to cut him off. "You could not wish for a finer blade!" His scowl softened back as he turned to you again. "Here, keep them safe."
You nodded, taking back the blades as you threw them back on your back; a part of you cursed yourself for not knowing their true power. Nothing was stopping you from keeping one to yourself…
Thorin looked to Gandalf, beckoning him away. "Come, we must make use of the daylight; we haven't much time to waste." The wizard looked at you, and all you could see were the gears turning in his head.
"Y/N, join us on our journey," he offered, much to Thorin's disgust.
"Gandalf, I already told you I'm-"
"Busy, yes. But we're both heading the same direction, are we not?" He looked at you and Thorin, who looked you up and down before sighing.
"Don't slow us down." He spoke before you could even get a word in. "Kíli, take their weapons," he beckoned a dark-brown-haired dwarf over, one that bore a little resemblance to him, much to your dismay.
“Excuse me? What for?” You spoke up, offended by the notion. Thorin simply looked you up and down, speaking with disgust.
“If you travel with us, you do it without that Elven filth on you.”
“Master Thorin, need I remind you-“ Gandalf tried to intercept, but was cut off.
“They may be fine blades, that I trust. What I don’t trust is a stranger joining us with such fine weapons. You’ll get them back once we part.” Thorin clarified, motioning to the brown-haired dwarf once again. “Kíli, their weapons.”
You sighed after seeing Gandalf’s defeated gaze. Fine, there was nothing to be done. Of course, you could always travel alone; you were good at taking care of yourself already on such travels, but the chance of safer lodging with Gandalf persuaded you to stay. Kíli approached you, offering a nod of acknowledgment before removing the swords on your back. You held your arms out as he patted your sleeves, moving up until he reached the third blade. Well, the secret was out. Great.
He struggled to remove the blade without undoing part of your tunic, causing you to scoff and roll your eyes, but you maintained a slight smile. “Getting handsy, are we?” You looked down at the dwarf, who grew red at your comment, clearing his throat.
“I’m usually more polite,” he chirped back, much to your surprise.
“By all means, take your time. I’m sure Thorin will appreciate it,” you retorted sarcastically. After a few more pats, Kíli cleared his throat once more, handing the two swords to Balin to carry, and pocketing the dagger at his side. Greedy man.
But finally, you were off, stuck to tag along for sake of convenience versus pleasure.
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Screw safety! Joining them had proven more stress than it was worth as you had been chased down by wargs and orcs and narrowly missed death yet again after thinking you’d be trapped in a cave! And all the while, you had still been denied your weapons, with Kíli and Balin instructed to keep them from you; at this point, it felt out of spite. You assumed your only luck came from Gandalf knowing the way to Rivendell, much to Thorin’s chagrin. But even among your own frustrations, you could not deny the beauty of such a city. It was practically glowing and beaming with light, as was the nature of Elves, and Lord Elrond’s hospitality brought relief to your aching bones. A meal! A warm bed! And most importantly, a bath!
However, your comrades (if you could even call the strangers that) seemed less than impressed with the feast offered to you all. Dwalin and Oín seemed the most disgusted by the array of leafy greens and hearty vegetables, but your hunger quickly guided your tongue in chiding them.
“Oh, hush! Don’t tell me you’d rather starve?” You rolled your eyes, earning a look from the two in question. Oín rolled his own eyes back at you, refusing to address your retort.
���Have they got any chips?” He asked, looking between Bofur and Dwalin again. You had learned some of their names from Thorin’s commanding shouts as you all had outran the orcs, and it was making your trip a little less confusing at the very least.
After a bit of eating, you noticed Kíli winking at one of the Elves around you. He seemed cheekier than he had been when he had disarmed you, and you were curious if this was the real him. A thief and a flirt.
“I can’t say I fancy elf maids myself,” he said to his companions. “Too thin. They’re all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me. Although, that one there’s not bad.”
You almost had the urge to call him out, but were beaten to the punch by Dwalin, who made it known that the Elf in question was no woman, but a man. You choked back a chortle as the table erupted into laughter, meanwhile Kíli sat in his awkward shame, admitting the humor of the situation. You cleared your throat, adding in a chuckle.
“Well don’t be ashamed! Go on then, don’t be shy. Tell us about his ‘creamy skin’, eh?” You laughed, and Kíli shot you a small smirk, waving a hand to dismiss your comment.
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You had long finished your meal, the group beginning to divide into smaller ones as the men decided whether to go to their rooms or wander about. Thorin and Gandalf were still busy with Lord Elrond, and by the looks of it, you figured you had enough time to bathe. You left the dining hall (though the space was so open, you were unsure if ‘hall’ was even the right word to use) to hunt down your room, hoping to find a towel of some sort.
Now, while you knew you were sharing a room, you had forgotten your bunkmates, it seems. Yes, you remembered that Bilbo and the blonder dwarf brother were sharing your quarters, but you were caught off guard to open the door and see Kíli on his side in bed, facing away from you. He hadn’t stirred when you opened the door, and so you wondered if he was asleep.
Now’s the chance, you thought as you crept closer to his sleeping form. You had been wondering how you’d get your blades back, and now seemed as good as any opportunity to try. And so you stepped closer as quietly as you could until you were leaning over his sleeping form; his eyes were closed, so you were assured that he was sleeping. With ginger hands, you delicately reached for the hilt of the blade, which was tucked into the belt of his tunic. Carefully, you held your breath as you raised his belt to try and free your blade and spring it free…
“And I’m the handsy one?” His eyes shot open and you jumped back, eyes wide with shock as you realized he had been awake the entire time. He sat up, chuckling with a cheeky smirk as he looked at your figure in the dimly-lit room. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I swear.”
You bit your tongue, slightly angry. “Don’t accuse me of trying to bed you, I merely want what’s mine.” You spoke curtly, trying to hide the venom and embarrassment of being caught.
“Oh? But I thought this was someone else’s blade? Didn’t you say you were just doing a delivery? Just a messenger?” He taunted, scratching the stubble on his chin. A part of you didn’t want to admit it, but now that you were much closer and actually paying attention, he was quite handsome. A bit scruff, but otherwise beautiful. You hated that you thought of him like that, especially right now as he was teasing you.
“Which means that my job is to hold on to such deliveries, not you. Just give it back and spare me your mockery.” You crossed your arms, frustrated.
“I mean not to mock you,” He shook his head, now standing up. “But my uncle would have my backside if I returned your effects, I’m afraid.”
You groaned, wanting to escape the presence of this rather handsome-but-annoying dwarf. “Fine. I’m leaving.” You stepped away, rummaging through the storage closet in the room as you grabbed a towel before leaving, heading for the baths.
You stormed out of your shared room and into the bathhouse, thanking some unknown entity that they were empty and steaming. You sighed as you set your things down nearby, careful of your bruises as you undressed yourself and heaving a sigh of frustration as you did so. Gods, the nerve of that dwarf! Pretending to be asleep, keeping what was yours (even though it wasn’t) and having the gall to smirk about the whole thing?! It was easier (and much more therapeutic) to feel angry about it all instead of actually admitting your embarrassment.
And so, with flushed ears and a warmer temper, you stepped into the warm and misty waters of the bathhouse, a groan slipping past your lips as your body throbbed before being soothed by the healing waters. You drew in a deep breath through your nose, a pleasant smile gracing your lips as the scent of rosemary and mint met your nostrils. Finally, you could wash off the journey and hopefully your frustration as well. You sighed, happy to finally have one decent night of rest and relief; you made a mental note to thank Gandalf later, despite the rough journey that got you here.
Time passed and you weren’t entirely sure how long you had been here, though the urge to sink further into the pool crossed your mind more than once. How long had it been, an hour? Maybe more? You figured you were fine to soak more if your group was still staying the night, but your mind replayed the question more, making you worried. What if everyone left later? In any case, you deemed it best to hurry up, grateful for the time you had already spent in the steamy bathhouse. Letting your hair down, you sunk lower into the water, as you had decided you would wash your hair last. You soaked your head, running your fingers through your scalp as you massaged the wind and rain and dirt from your locks, humming in satisfaction of the feeling it gave you.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps approaching; ducking your body into the water until nothing but your head remained above, you squinted your eyes towards the doorway, trying to peer through the steam to discern your approaching company. And to your surprise, the same cheeky dwarf from earlier emerged through the steam, looking around until his eyes caught yours; quickly realizing you were bathing, his eyes widened and he quickly turned around, offering you some privacy.
“Sorry!” He said, clearing his throat. “I was asked to come find you, it seems that Elf Lord will help us read our map.”
You held in a smirk of your own at his embarrassed tone, feeling a small sort of revenge from it. “And am I needed to attend?”
He nodded, “Uncle told me that Gandalf had asked you to be there. That’s all I know.”
“Uncle?” You questioned. “Thorin, I presume?”
He nodded again; you had guessed that earlier based on his reaction to trying to take back your blade.
You sighed. “Well, alright. I suppose if he asked for me…” You stood up, your back facing him as you worried he would try to peek.
“Have you been friends long? You and Gandalf, I mean.” His question came after he could hear you dressing yourself, catching you off guard. You hadn’t expected him to be curious, perhaps you had judged him wrongly earlier. You chuckled as memories came back to you.
“Yes, for a few years now. He met me before I was a messenger, and is the reason I went down this path. Though I wouldn’t say his presence is always welcoming; if there’s one thing that old wizard summons, it’s trouble. He’s reckless.” Though your tone was firm, you couldn’t help the smile forming on your lips.
Gandalf had met you before you started any of your adventures, finding you in your hometown and setting you on the path of a delivery-man after your village had been burned to the ground.
“I see,” he spoke, nodding with a slight hum as you finished dressing yourself. “You sound like my mother.”
“I’m sorry?” You raised a brow.
“My mother says the same thing about me; that I’m reckless, and stir up too much trouble.” He chuckled to himself, caught wistfully in his own memory.
You finished getting dressed, your hand touching his shoulder to acknowledge him as you stood behind him. He flinched only slightly, not expecting the touch as he turned and faced you, looking to your eyes. “Oh? Well, I can’t say I wouldn’t disagree, but are you?” You asked.
“Nah,” He shook his head with a small smile, his eyes softening as he looked up at you. For a moment, your cheeks flushed as his stare continued for a moment of silence. “Listen, about earlier, I-“
“It’s fine, I’m the one who should apologize,” You cut him off. “Besides, I’d rather save the trouble of fighting a dwarf over a sword that isn’t mine.”
He smiled, “I must say, while I have no inclination to fight you either, I enjoyed your adventurous efforts earlier.”
You flushed again, thankful the steam hid the true details of both of you. Clearing your throat, you shook your head. “I suppose you’re to lead me to Gandalf?”
He chuckled, nodding his head. “Yes, alright. They’re waiting on us anyways… not that I exactly mind keeping them waiting.” He had muttered the last part under his breath but your keen ears caught it. Smiling to yourself, you tucked some loose hair away as you walked through the Elven halls. All of your frustration from earlier had subsided for a moment, though truthfully it shouldn’t have been directed at Kíli if at all; his uncle was definitely higher on your blacklist.
“Perhaps I don’t mind either,” you whispered under your breath. For however short or long your journey with this man would be, a part of you was interested to see how much you’d enjoy it.
proofread by @v1olentdelights <3
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diorgirl444 · 2 years
Hi there Flo! It is me Sarah again! And I was wondering if I can have a Outsiders ship please?
Physical Appearance: I have long brown hair with blonde highlights, ocean blue eyes with bluish-purple glasses, I have a curvy but lean body with strong calves thanks to the years of dancing (cheerleading and ballet), horse-riding, running and jumping, I am 5'1 feet tall, I have pale-tan skin with freckles on my face and also I got random moles and freckles on my arms and legs as well and people say I got a smile that can brighten up any room.
Personality: I am an open-minded, kind-hearted, optimistic and friendly girl with a love of learning things like zodiac signs, MBTI types, crystals and Disney etc. I can be very impatient, stubborn, naive and I am also in the spectrum so I can be blunt and quirky only because I see the world in a different way from other people but I see the good in people no matter what and I am loyal and dependable to my friends and family and when someone hurts my friends and my family I can be fiercely protective all over them.
My type for a perfect person: I just want to be my best friend and partner in crime, I want a gentleman or gentlelady who will be proudly hold my hand and being glad that I am their girlfriend, I want someone to bring me flowers and compliments everyday and being the mother/father of my future kids someday and treat me like a queen all the time.
Sexuality and Pronouns: Bisexual (Both male and female preference) and She/Her
Big Three: Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon and Aquarius rising
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Enneagram Type: Type 2 (The Helper)
Temperament Personality Type: Sanguine-Choleric (The Influencer)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Likes: Singing, dancing, acting, writing, reading books, typing, watching Disney movies, Zodiac signs, MBTI types and crystals.
Dislikes: Mean people, vegetables, yelling, someone who hurts the ones I love the most and bullies.
Random Facts: I've been in the school musical productions for 5 years and my childhood nickname was Sarah-Bear.
your perfect matchup is 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <𝟑
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <𝟑
because johnny doesn’t have a job or attend school i think you too meeting would be a real coincidence.
like you’d really have had to bump into each other in order to meet.
so i picture you at the drive in theatre with your separate friends and you start fancy a sweet treat so you walk over to the little kiosk that sells snacks but to get to it you have to pass the outsiders.
dallas started hollering and harassing you but to johnny’s surprise you stand up for yourself basically telling dallas to back off.
to johnny this is insane, girls never tell dallas to leave them alone.
and just as dallas is about to make another comment johnny surprises himself by saying “shut up dallas”
he watches you walk off and in that moment he realises he can’t let you leave without at least learning your name so he summons all his confidence and runs to catch up with you.
when he reaches you he apologies for dallas’s behaviour and you thank him for helping. 
he flushes and shyly asks your name. 
softly remarking how such a pretty name suits you. 
he tells you his name and on his hand you write your number with a little heart telling him to keep in touch. neither of you realise that this is the beginning of something very special <3
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <𝟑
you two are the kind of couple that no one expected but when they find out it just makes perfect sense.
he honestly can’t believe you chose him over everyone else and he can get kinda of insecure so you have to remind him that he’s the one you chose.
intj x infj compatibility means that you two are completely on the same wavelength about things.
his favourite moments with you would be the two of you just quietly sitting together holding each other.
he hangs onto your every word; he’s so enamoured with you.
he’d love to read play scripts with you such as romeo and juliet or far from the madding crowd.
he’s not very rich so he can’t afford lavish gifts so instead he makes like bead bracelets for you.
and if his home is becoming too unsafe he stays with you.
you also end becoming close friends with the rest of the gang so like you discuss horse-riding with sodapop, plays with ponyboy, mickey mouse with two bit and you have a long chat with dallas about the line between flirting and harassment.
needless to say everything is better for johnny now you’re in his life and i’m sure you feel the same. <3
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <𝟑
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hugs and kisses, flo <333
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crazymuffin1 · 6 months
you ever have that one school assignment that made you feel like your were built different. or just "im better than everyone at this"? for me it was a college exercise were we were supposed to write instructions on how to pour a glass of water and drink it. most had "step 1 pour water, step 2 drink" and maybe like, at most 3 steps added in there. i of course, seeing the paper towels, understood. legal disclaimer, a graph, drawn examples and a bit of math. 20 something steps. "no dont pick me yet im not finished" "what do she mean shes not finished oh my god shes turning the page".
and another one in i think 7th grade geography, we were supposed to write in "diary form" a travel through south america, and include certain points, but legit everyone had like, "i went to brazil and *talking points in order with no additional things* it was very fun" meanwhile me and my friend wrote our character getting chased by the cartel (and including the talking points in fun ways instead of boring bullet form) i think the plot was that we were robbed and decided to make money selling drugs. listening to everyone elses story was so boring fr we legit expected them to have a story but it was copypasted bullet points and they were all exactly the same 😭like here we felt guilty for needed extended time to write but we were the only ones actually writing anything
anyone else had the "im built different" school assignment?
0 notes
when i get where i’m going (jake “hangman” seresin)
a/n: i’ve enjoyed writing this mini-series. make sure to read the original and the follow-up prequel before reading this.
inspired by “when i get where i’m going” by brad paisley and dolly parton 
summary: a career change and unexpected life event brings you and your brother Tyler to San Diego. and unfortunately, back into the orbit of Jake Seresin. a devastating loss could change the tide of your life and your relationship with him.
memory i don’t mess with | break up in a small town
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist
warnings: minor character death, brief reference to death from a terminal illness, yes two people die what else do you expect from me, swearing, i still don’t know how the military works sue me, Iceman is in fact actually alive and healthy because I said so, i’m terrible at writing grief so i just Don’t, Hangman is very much “I hate everyone but you and your little brother” in this fic and i’m not changing it, medical inaccuracies 
word count: 5,881
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You sighed as you sat down next to your brother Tyler on the couch. The house felt quiet, but the two of you knew why. It’d only been a week since your Mom passed, but the two of you have been dealing with your grief better than expected. You’ve long prepared yourself for what was going to happen, ever since she got sick when you were 16, not long after your Dad died. It’d been a miracle she’d held on as long as she had and even more so of a miracle was that the periods where she’d been good had been as great and long-lasting as they were. You were blessed to have had the time you did with her and you were glad she was no longer in pain. You reached out for your brother’s hand, squeezing it. “There’s some place better.” You whispered. He squeezed your hand back, sighing. 
“I know.” He whispered and you pulled him into a hug. “By the way, I got my basic orders today.” Tyler mumbled. He had decided to enlist in the Navy not long before your Mom had passed. “Guess where?” He said, a small smirk forming on his face. You raised your eyebrow. 
“Don’t tell me...”
“Miramar baby!” He exclaimed and you groaned. “I’ve already called Jake to tell him. He’s taking me out for a beer when I land.” 
“I fucking hate you.” You said, shaking your head with laughter as you took a sip of your beer. Your brother liked Jake too much, probably always would. The two had been as close as brothers when you’d dated him and the break-up had ripped Jake out of his life so quickly. You couldn’t hate your little brother for wanting at least some semblance of that back. Tyler laughed openly. “But on that note, I heard back from the people at the USS Midway today.” As things had turned dire with your Mom not long after your run-in with Jake at the farmers’ market, you and your brother had prepared yourselves for life after Mom. Part of that included looking for new jobs. You’d only been able to go to college within the last 5 years or so, with Tyler finally being older and you’d finished your grad program the same time Tyler did his undergrad. A new job and a fresh start only made sense, which is how you found yourself applying for a job in San Diego on a whim. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking of Jake after seeing him at the farmers market that day. Your brother nudged you. 
“Hey that’s great, did they offer you the job?” 
“That and then some. They offered me double the pay of what I originally applied for and a higher position. Apparently my application stood out because of my experience.” 
“So...” Tyler prompted, waving his hand. Of course he knew there was more, there always was. 
“So I have a proposition for you.” He nodded, urging you to continue. “I take the job. You have basic there. We sell the house, Uncle is already taking over the business. After basic...” You said, sighing. That’s where your plan always stopped. 
“I ask to be stationed at the base in San Diego. I intend to make my way to TOPGUN eventually anyways so.” Your brother stated with such confidence you felt like it was actually Jake you were having this conversation with. 
“We moving to San Diego together?”
“Sounds like it.” The two of you clinked beers and settled in, ready to discuss and dissect the next phase of your lives. 
Jake watched the young boy saunter into the Hard Deck. He still had a hard time believing that this kid was still the same that he had babysit all those years ago. Played football with, hiked with, and even taught how to swim in the lake during summers. Tyler spotted Jake’s tall frame where he was playing pool with his team and Jake waved, a bright smile on his face. Tyler made his way over, going straight for the hug. Jake adored this kid, hugs included. “Tyler man, it’s great to see you!” He said, chuckling. 
“Likewise, Seresin.” Tyler said, smile just as bright. Jake introduced him to the crew and then offered to get him a beer. Tyler nodded and Jake offered to buy the next round for the whole crew. 
“What’s your story kid, if Hangman here’s being so nice to us?” Fanboy asked, leaning on his pool cue. Tyler laughed. 
“My sister was his high school sweetheart.” Hangman did not miss the way Phoenix choked slightly on her beer. 
“You, keep a girlfriend?” Rooster chuckled. 
“I invited her by the way. My sister.” Tyler said, turning slightly. “She’s wonderful, you’ll all love her.” He said, turning back to the group. “She’s running late, they don’t close until 5 and I know her boss wanted to go over how her first day went. She might ghost me though, she’s being weird about being around you.” Tyler said, this time in direction to Jake. The irony of the situation, of Tyler being here, was not lost on Jake, but he intended to make the most of it. Ever since he saw you that day at the farmers market, he couldn’t get you out of his head. He was still as in love with you as he was the day the two of you broke up. Jake collected the beers from Penny, the bar being fairly quiet. He wished it had been noisy so he could’ve avoided Tyler’s next question. “Why’d the two of you break up anyways?” Jake sighed, passing the beers out to the group. 
“Tyler, man. You gotta hit me with the hard questions so soon?” Tyler shrugged, taking the pool cue from Payback. 
“My goal for basic is to get the two of you back together. I need to know what I’m working with.” Jake exhaled, trying to not let this kid down. For being an adult, he’s not sure he’d ever stop seeing him as a kid the same way you’d never not see Tyler as your baby brother. 
“Tyler, your sister moved on pretty quickly after we broke up. I doubt that after all this time she’s even thinking about the possibility of us getting back together.” Tyler raised an eyebrow. 
“That kid? Nah, they didn’t date. He certainly wanted to, and told everyone they were, but they didn’t. She flipped her shit when she found out what he’d been telling everyone, poured a beer on his head in front of all their friends apparently.” Jake was taken aback. He didn’t know that. He’d assumed- “The two of you are meant for each other and we all know it.” Jake gaped at the boy as he made a shot that effectively shut Rooster out from the rest of the game, unphased. Phoenix raised her eyebrows as the boys began to cheer, or groan, depending on who they were rooting for. Jake sighed. 
“Tyler, I love and care about your sister. Always will. I love you kid, you’re like my brother and you can call me for whatever you need, whenever you need it, no matter what. But some people just aren’t meant to be together. Your sister and I are some of those people.” Tyler raised an eyebrow, clearly taking that as a challenge. 
“We’ll see.” 
You had, in fact, decided to join the crew for a drink, Jake noted as he emerged from the bathroom. The business in the bar had picked up a bit as he made his way back to the pool table. You were sandwiched in between Phoenix and Bob, Rooster leaning against his pool cue (much to the obvious annoyance of Coyote, who was trying to play against Rooster) as the four of you had an active conversation. You looked happy and that was all Jake could hope for. Tyler had filled him in and he couldn’t image the kind of stress you were under, trying to sell your house back home, your brother starting basic the next day, a new job, a move across the country, all on top of the fact that you were dealing with the loss of your Mom. Jake hadn’t been able to go to the funeral, on a mission that week, and he regretted flying it as soon as he landed. He should’ve been there for you. Of course, that wasn’t really his place anymore, was it? He appeared next to Fanboy, who was listening to Tyler tell a story about the time Jake had gone swimming and came out of the water only to discover leeches on him. He cringed. It hadn’t been fun at the time and while everyone else had come to laugh about it, Jake still hated the idea of being anywhere near that specific lake again. “Surprised you remember that, kid. You were like... six.” Hangman laughed, raising his beer to his lips. 
“How long did the two of you date?” Bob asked, heading swinging between him and you. 
“Mmm,” you said, lips pursed in thought. “Four years? Yeah, just about ‘cause Jake asked me to homecoming freshman year and we started dating homecoming night.” 
“So I want to go back to the question Tyler asked earlier about why the two of you broke up.” Rooster asked, leaning on the pool table. You visibly hesitated and Jake took another swig of beer. He decided in that moment that he was not about to out you to his friends, or your brother for that matter, about the decision you had made. 
“Mutual decision.” Lie. “Our lives were going in separate directions.” Less of a lie. “Only love though, baby.” Truth. 
Tyler quickly became part of the crew as he tagged along to nights out when he could, you in tow because Jake knew you and he knew you weren't going to pass up any minute you could spend with your brother while he was still around. You seemed to be handling the Navy thing surprisingly well, right up until Tyler had gotten his advanced training orders. He would be at the base in San Diego, still uncertain for how long, but Jake suspected this made it more real as to what was happening. It wasn’t until a night when Maverick had dragged Admiral Kazansky out to the Hard Deck with him that you’d changed your tune. Hangman doubted you’d ever be fully pro-your brother being in the Navy and at risk of dying but whatever Kazansky had said had calmed you down. You were forming a closer friendship his crew, especially Rooster and Phoenix, and Jake knew that had to be helping. And while you were certainly aware of Tyler’s blatant attempts at getting the two of you back together, you were warming up to Jake, letting him back into your life piece by piece. Jake wasn’t sure when his end goal became getting back together with you but Jake could work with slowly. It was a start. 
Another six months later, and it was Tyler’s last night in town. He was leaving for deployment early in the morning and you seemed ready to jump out of your skin. When Tyler had joked that the next time he’d be back in San Diego, it would be to be part of the TOPGUN program (even though the timeline was almost impossible, although not improbable), you’d nearly wrung his neck right then and there, in front of Maverick and Admiral Kazansky and God and everyone. Jake had made the executive decision to send everyone home, particularly to get you away from your brother before you popped a vein from stress. The group quickly parted ways after that but Jake hung back as you said goodbye to your brother. He felt like an an intruder but he also felt like he should say goodbye to the kid who was family to him too. Jake watched the way you clung tightly to him as he said goodbye and tried not to make it obvious he was watching. The two of you eventually parted and Tyler made his way to Jake. Jake wrapped him in a hug before Tyler ever fully reached him. “If I don’t come back-” Tyler whispered. 
“Don’t say that.” Jake whispered sharply, grip on the boy tightening. 
“If I don’t come back, take care of my sister please. She doesn’t have anyone else looking out for her.” Jake swallowed, eyes shutting briefly. 
“Don’t ask me to do that. You’re going to be fine.” 
“Please Jake. I need to know that if I go, she’s going to be okay. Please.” 
“It’ll be okay bud. I’ll take care of her, no matter what. You’re gonna come home, I know it. Don’t make your sister bury someone else.” 
“Same goes for you Seresin.”
“Love you kid.” Tyler squeezed Jake. 
“Love you. Thanks for looking out for me all these years.” Jake nodded. 
“See you in six and a half months.” Jake said as he tipped an imaginary cowboy hat, the Southern drawl making an appearance. Tyler laughed, turning towards his car. 
“I love you Ty!” You shouted across the parking lot as you and Jake made the walk to your respective cars in the opposite direction. 
“Love you too!” The boy had shouted and the two of you waved as he drove away. You sighed, kicking a rock on the ground as you came to a halt outside your car. 
“I’m so worried about him Jake.” You muttered, rubbing your temple. 
“He’s gonna be okay.” Jake offered, knowing there wasn’t much he could say to alleviate what you were going through. Suddenly, he was thankful (for the first time in his life) you’d made that decision all those years ago, unsure if he could’ve handled doing this every time he had left. It was a lot to watch the girl he loved go through this and the guilt he would’ve felt being the one to put you through it? Maybe it had been for the best. 
“I wish you were going with him. I’d feel so much better if you were going with him, because at least then I know he’s got somebody to look after him.”
“Yeah, but I’m here to look after you.” You shrugged.
“I moved out here for him, Jake. I only took the job at the Midway because he was gonna be here. And I obviously knew it wasn’t gonna last forever but this feels different. This feels final and I can’t help but wonder what I’m doing out here if there’s no Tyler. I’m scared and confused and I just-” Jake pulled you into a hug, effectively cutting you off. 
“You got me. You always got me. Phoenix adores you as does Bob. Rooster’s taken a liking to you and if you disappear don’t think Coyote won’t hunt you down at your place of work and drag you to Penny’s for a beer. Payback and Fanboy have personally been taking bets as to which one of them can get you up in a plane first. Maverick likes having you around because you entertain Kazansky and honestly that man probably sees you as an extension of our crew at this point. You got friends out here. You got a family. Tyler’s gonna be okay, but even if he isn’t, you’re gonna be okay too.” Jake said honestly. His friends adored you and Tyler hasn’t been the only one pushing for the two of you to get back together. Jake held out hope but he wasn’t pushing anything. The last year had been a lot for you and right now he was just grateful to have you in his life at all. You sighed against his chest. “Tell you what. You get news about Tyler, good or bad, you call me. Day or night, I want to know. I’ll be the first to know and I’ll be there no matter what, you understand?” You nodded. “Alright, go home, get some sleep. We can get breakfast in the morning if you want, I know you don’t go in until 1 tomorrow.” You nodded again, pulling away from Jake. He turned to walk back towards his car but you called out his name. He turned to face you, hands in his pocket. 
“Thank you. For everything.”
Jake immediately knew something was wrong the minute he entered the Hard Deck. You were standing next to Rooster and Maverick, your eyes wild, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. You looked ready to bolt the minute someone said something to you and Jake knew. He just knew. He called out for you and you turned, eyes widening as you saw him. He felt Phoenix’s presence behind him as he made his way towards you, and as he saw Rooster’s panicked face, Jake’s heart sunk. Any doubts he had about what was happening were gone. It hadn’t even been two weeks since Tyler had left for deployment...
He paused in front of you, concern evident. He reached out to touch you but in your panicked state he wasn’t sure that was the smartest idea. You gripped the counter of the bar tightly as you looked up into his eyes. “The Navy called.” You whispered. “He’s- Jake- Tyler’s dead.” Jake felt his world spinning as you said it, finding his balance on the bar. The kid who thought he was invincible, gone, just like that? “My baby brother’s dead.” You said, dam breaking and Jake’s arms shot out for you as your body crumpled. You clutched at his shirt, still slightly damp from his shower after training today. He pulled you close, unable to bring himself to offer any sort of comfort. What could he say? 
What happened next was a blur and honestly, he’s not entirely sure how you wound up in Phoenix’s apartment but he was grateful nonetheless. You were sitting on the couch with your head in your hands and Coyote was crouched in front of you, talking to you softly. He got up, knowing you were in good hands. He needs to call his sister, he thought. They need to know what’s happening. His family had looked out for you and Tyler long after your relationship ended, even if they didn’t know he knew that. He wandered into the kitchen, already hearing the dial tone before he noticed Phoenix and Bob. Their conversation paused and he leaned up against the counter. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Hello?” Came the voice of his sister Sascha. 
“Sasch, I need you to do me a favor.” 
“K, what’s up?”
“Call Mom. Tell her (Y/N) is gonna be coming out there, probably no later than tomorrow night. Depends on when we can get her a flight. I might be coming too but she needs somewhere to stay and I’d prefer to not put her in a hotel by herself right now.” 
“Jake, what’s happening?” 
“I’ll explain later.”
“Well, quite frankly, I don’t want to do anything for either of you unless you’re telling me you’re getting back together.” Jake sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Sasch-” He noted Rooster’s presence in the kitchen, gesturing for him to come out to the living room. He could hear Maverick’s voice, talking to you. He held up a finger, needing to get his sister on board. 
“You are soulmates and you know it.”
“Sasch, this really isn’t the time to be-”
“You know Jake, there really isn’t a good time to get back together with your ex-girlfriend but really, the two of you breaking up was a mistake and you know that.”
“Sascha.” He said firmly, losing his patience. 
“Listen Jake, I love you but-”
“Sascha, Tyler’s dead.” He winced at the bluntness but she would’ve kept going and that was not the point of the conversation. There was dead silence for a few minutes and Jake got worried. “Sasch?”
“Yeah, I’m here Jake. I’ll- I’ll call Mom, see what we can do. Should I reach out to (Y/N)?” 
“No, no don’t let her know you know just yet. I’ll text you and let you know when I have more details. I gotta go make sure she’s okay.” 
“Okay. Go take care of your girl Jake.” 
“Love you Sasch.”
“Love you too Jake.” He sighed, ending the call and pulling the phone away from his ear. He made his way back to the living room, where Phoenix and Bob had joined. Maverick was here apparently too. He leaned up against the wall as Maverick asked if you wanted him to call anyone for you. You shook your head. 
“Don’t have any family left. He was it.” You muttered and then looked up to him. “Where’d you go?”
“Called my sister.”
“Why?” You asked incredulously.
“Because you’re going back home and you’re staying with them. Don’t think I don’t know how much of a family they still are to you. You need to be with them right now.”
“You’re going with her.” Maverick spoke, self-assured as if the matter had been already settled. Jake startled from his position off the wall. 
“Maverick-” He started but the man cut him off with the wave of his hand. 
“It’s already been arranged. You need to be with her right now. The team will be here when you get back.” He gaped, unsure if he should thank Maverick or give him a hug. “The two of you leave tonight.” Maverick turned to Jake. “And no, you don’t get a say.” Maverick said, shoving the boarding passes into his chest. Jake clutched at the paper, mouth still wide open. The moment was ruined however, by Rooster. 
“Close that mouth Bagman, you’ll catch flies.” 
Hangman spotted his crew before you did. Bob had called him late the night before, stating that they had been able to make something work and that they were all going to be joining the two of you for the funeral. You’d pitched an absolute fit at the idea of having Tyler buried in a military cemetery in California and the Navy had lost that battle before it ever even started. So, the two of you were in your hometown for the funeral, and yes, even Maverick was coming. You didn’t know that yet though. He winked as he saw them come through the door, your attention still focused on his sister. His team was in their military uniforms, including him, and their team had rarely felt this cohesive. Phoenix wrapped you in a hug as everyone else crowded around and you looked over at her in surprise and shock. “What’re you doing here?” You asked, eyes flitting over the rest of the team. 
“C’mon, you think we were gonna let you do this alone?” Coyote asked, opening his arms for a hug. You smiled and gave it to him. 
“Never.” Rooster confirmed, pulling you from Coyote for his own equally tight hug. Jake’s mom wandered out from the hall. 
“C’mon, it’s starting soon. Let’s go sit.” She said, ushering the group in. Jake watched you cautiously out of the corner of his eye as you pulled Phoenix down to sit next to you through the ceremony but honestly, for what the day was, you seemed to be... okay. His parents had taken over all of the planning, leaving you and Jake to your own devices for the last week. The two of you had gone riding on his ranch and out to the lake and to the bookstore and to the diner and all the places you used to. It felt normal and right, despite the reason you were both there. You were healing on your own time and while you’d grow around the grief, and it was hard right now, he knew bringing you home had been the best decision he could’ve made. He felt someone slip their hand into his and he looked down at your hands clasped together. He wasn’t sure you even realized you did it as his sister gave a speech. He squeezed it, pulling you closer as you started to cry. As the ceremony finished up and people began to file out for the celebration of life that was happening afterwards, you stayed to talk to his sister and team. Two of the pilots who’d served with your brother, Golden and Petals, had come out for the funeral, and you chatted with them as well. Maverick wandered over from his place in the back of the room, a quiet observer as he seemed to be in most things. He clasped your shoulder and you looked up at him, quickly standing. 
“Captain.” You said, nodding your head and Jake didn’t miss the way Rooster nodded his head to everyone else, gesturing to give the two some space. Jake opted to hang back because he’d be damned if he left you right now. The two of you made small talk as the team filtered out but Jake remained planted. When Maverick noted everyone else was gone, he awkwardly cleared his throat. 
“I know... I know you didn’t want any part of the military proceedings for the funeral, but I uh, I thought you should have this.” Maverick revealed a folded up flag and Jake’s breath caught in his throat. He knew what that flag symbolized and represented, what the honor meant for Tyler. He knew you knew it too from the way you stared at Maverick. Maverick held out the flag nervously, unsure if you would take it. You instead attacked Maverick in a tight hug. Maverick had taken Tyler on a few flights, given him a bit of an education and Maverick wouldn’t admit it, but you and your brother had become an extension of his team, integral parts. Maverick returned the hug, still clutching on to the flag. Jake quickly took it from him, so that Maverick could properly hug you. You finally pulled away from the older man, tears pricking at your eyes. You laughed lightly, wiping them away. Maverick excused himself quietly, leaving you and Jake alone in the funeral hall. You took his hand and rested your chin on his chest. Jake brought your intertwined hands to his mouth and gently kissed your knuckles. 
“I don’t want to ruin the moment or the day,” He muttered, after a few moments of comfortable silence. “But we do need to talk at some point. About this, about us.” You nodded against his chest. 
“I know.” There was another brief pause as you came up to clutch Jake’s uniform. “Jake, please don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.” He kissed the top of your head, arm now moving down to your waist to bring you close. 
“Never baby.”
The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur, with Jake never once leaving your side. He refused to leave you alone, and his team stayed close as well. While Jake had another week of leave to be with you, his team had to leave early tomorrow morning. They’d wound up back at his house after the celebration of life, Maverick in the kitchen talking to his parents as the team sat in the living room with him and his sister. You were sat on the floor going through old photos with his sister, Phoenix, Rooster and Bob, as he chatted to Fanboy Coyote, and Payback. Phoenix was giggling at a photo from freshman year homecoming while Bob and Rooster had some from Halloween of your junior year. Sascha was flipping through the baby photos, trying to find the infamous one of him when you breathed sharply and stood up, sitting next to him on the couch. Coyote paused as Jake’s attention shifted to you and the photo you were holding. He took it from you, a mix of emotions settling in his chest as he registered what it was. 
There he was, tall as ever, with Tyler on his shoulders. Maybe a year or so before you’d broken up, at your Dad’s funeral. Despite Tyler being only 8 or 9 at the time, just having to bury his father, he was smiling as Jake looked up at him. 
He felt his throat close with emotion as he recalled that day, that exact moment. 
He’d held Tyler in his arms through the funeral, the boy getting to be just a little too lanky to be easy to hold but he’d wanted to be close to Jake and he was in no position to be denying what was practically his brother that. It was a bright and sunny day in their hometown, despite the fact that you’d just had to bury your father and as you stood talking to some family friends, he’d been talking to your Mom. Tyler, who’d been passed over to your Uncle after the ceremony, broke free, and raced over to him. He let out a small oof as the child collided with his legs and he looked down. He was crying and without hesitation, picked him up, and whispered “I know what will make you feel better bud.” He lifted him to his shoulders, holding him in place. He was suddenly thankful for all the conditioning Coach put them through as he bounced the kid around, still talking to your Mom as Tyler had laughed. You had smiled softly at them as you made your way over to them with his family. He had just barely heard Sascha’s words, ones he probably wasn’t meant to hear, before they decided to go back to his family’s ranch for the rest of the afternoon. 
“I hope you marry him (Y/N), I really do.” 
“What is it?” His Mom called from the doorway. He cleared his throat, trying to blink back the tears. 
“It’s Ty and I, from the funeral.” He called, still looking at the picture. 
“He loved you Jake, he really did. You were his brother and I’m sorry I ripped him out of your life.” You whispered and he shook his head, setting the picture down on the arm of the couch next to him. He grabbed your arm, pulling you into a hug as his Mom walked over to the couch to look at the photo herself. 
“None of that matters now.” He whispered into your hair as your arms wrapped around him. 
“I want you to have that photo. I mean, I guess, technically it’s already yours, but...” He chuckled, pulling away. 
“No, I- thank you.” 
It was the last night at home and the two of you were sat on his porch swing, sipping beers as you recounted what the two of you had been up to in the years since you’d been apart. He knew that the two of you needed to have a conversation about where things stood between the two of you but you were still grieving so he didn’t bring it up. You’d come to him when you were ready, he trusted you to do that. As the two of you looked out onto the night, the conversation lulled, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. You were settled into his side and his arm was wrapped around you. You shifted and he looked down at you. You were looking at him with such sincere honesty he felt his mouth go dry. “Jake, I’m-” He shook his head but you kept going. “I’m sorry for making that decision so many years ago and I- I still love you. I’ve never stopped. You were the best part of me and letting you go- I was a fool. And I’ve- I’ve regretted it everyday. And-” As you asked, you had slowly shifted upwards, and he realized you were going to try to kiss him. He grabbed up my your arms, setting you back down on the swing gently. 
“(Y/N), no.” A flash of hurt crossed your face and he willed himself to keep going. “(Y/N), you’re hurting right now. Your brother just died. And I’m not going to take advantage of you like this.”
“Jake, I don’t-” 
“It wouldn’t be fair to you or me. Because the truth is, I never stopped loving you either, but emotions are running high right now, for the both of us, and it just- it isn’t a good idea.” He sighs, letting go of you. Jake loved you, but you were hurting right now and he didn’t want to get hurt because you’d only wanted him as you grieved or hurt you because he took advantage of your grief to get the girl back. He wouldn’t do that. The two of you were going to do this right. 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.” You whispered, pointedly not meeting his eye. 
“(Y/N), trust me. I want to, but you need time. We can talk about this in a few months when things have settled. I’m not going to go anywhere, but now’s not the time.” If Rooster and Phoenix could see him now, they’d never believe the things he was saying but he didn’t want to mess this up. You were the only girl he wanted, the only girl he’d ever loved, and he wasn’t going to do anything that would cost him you ever again. 
It’d been 8 months since Tyler’s funeral and the two of you were sitting in the back of his truck, eating In’N’Out and looking out at the beach and the stars. You’d settled into California life nicely, making a group of friends of your own, and although you still made your way to the Hard Deck with him at least once a week, your life was busy. The first few months had been rough but you were resilient, and continued to grow around your grief. He knew you missed Tyler, but he knew Tyler wanted you to be happy, and you were doing your best to make him proud everyday. He watched as you laughed, so carefree, and he smiled fondly, glad you were so happy. Your laughter faded as you eyed him. “What’s on your mind Seresin?” You asked, scooting closer to him. His hand, came up to push a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I love you.” He whispered and your breathing stuttered. “I- I want to try again, if you think you’re ready.” 
“Jake, I-” You whispered. 
“Only if you want to.” He whispered, one of his hands finding yours. “You’ll keep me either way, but I needed to be honest.” 
“Of course I want to try again Seresin, I told you when Ty died that I never stopped loving you.” He smiled softly.
“Great, then now I can do this again without feeling guilty.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. It was short, just to test the waters, but you brought a hand up to rest at the nape of his neck, not letting him go far. “I’ve missed doing that.” He whispered and you smiled against his cheek. 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“You know, your brother is definitely screaming that it took us long enough.” He whispers, chuckling. You snort. 
“Way to ruin the moment.” He scoffed in protest.
“What, like I’m wrong?” 
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nineteenninety-six · 3 years
A Little Bit of Sunshine
↳ Hector x Reader
↳ Word Count: 3.09k
↳ Requested by @shadechu​
A/N: I have never written for Castlevania before but I really enjoyed writing this, it flowed so easily. Hector is probably OOC but who cares lol. 
Anyway, enjoy :D
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Hector had moved to a small town after everything had gone down with Lenore. After she died he realised how much damage she caused him, the lasting marks of her abuse and manipulation still scarred his body and mind and he could no longer stay in a place where they had lived and she had died.
The fact that he managed to escape the bond she had on him and that he was able to deceive her was only able to sustain him for a short while before everything fell apart and Hector was no longer able to act as if everything was okay, so he left and started anew.
The new town was on the smaller side but not small to the point where he would stand out. He easily blended into bustling crowds in the town centre and the residents treated him like any other local. For the first time in a long time, he felt normal, as working for Dracula was an experience that words couldn't explain.
He had his own little cabin in the woods where he could be at peace and the distance to the town centre was far but long enough for him to enjoy the sights as he walked past. All in all, he liked this new path of his life, it was almost completely different than it used to be and he expected to miss it but he enjoyed the calmness and serenity of this new path of his life.
On his usual weekly trip to town, someone called out to him, trying to catch his attention. it was a young woman, probably the same age as him and she was calling for his attention, waving him over to her stall.
"Sir! Sir!"
Hector looked up in surprise and as soon as the woman realised she had his attention a bright smile overtook over her face before she eagerly began to wave him over, swinging her arms back and forth over her head, gathering the attention of the other people around them.
Hector quickly shuffled over to them not wanting her to cause an even bigger scene and pull more attention their way.
"You're new aren't you?" Was the first thing out of her mouth.
Hector flinched in shock at her words, not expecting them. No one else knew he was new and that put him on edge.
"Oh don't look so surprised, I just know everyone that comes here."
Hector raises a brow at her words, " ... That's weird. You do realise that right?"
The woman shrugs, "Maybe but it makes for good business. People are more likely to buy something if I remember them from just previously meeting."
Hector realises that he's standing in front of a stall filled with baked goods, "You're a baker?"
"Family business," She clarifies, “I mostly do the selling due to my - "
"Charm?" Hector cuts in with a sarcastic tone.
"Actually, I was going to say my good looks but yes charm too." The woman grins.
Hector couldn't help but bark out a laugh, the woman never missed a beat.
"I'm (Y/N) in case you wanted to know" (Y/N) informed him with a wink.
Hector had to twist his lips so that the smile that so desperately wanted to escape, couldn't.
"Hector" He introduced himself.
"Well Hector, what can I get you? " (Y/N) asked, gesturing to the spread of baked goods in front of her.
Oh, she was smart. Catching his attention, making him come over to his stall and
converse with her in front of everyone and now he could surely not been seen walking away with nothing after taking up her time. While he didn't really care about the local’s opinions about him, he didn't want to be outcasted more than he already was.
"I'll have a loaf and a sweet pie please"
(Y/N) shoots him a bright smile and packs up his items, then collects his money.
"Thank you, Hector. I hope to see you again soon"
"I'll see you again" Hector responded
As he began to walk back home, Hector thought back on how easily (Y/N) made him feel at ease, how he brought a smile to his face and drew laughter from and he got scared.
This is how Lenore got her claws in him, she manipulated and lied to him before tricking him into servitude and he never wanted something like that to ever happen again.
He decided for the health of his mind, he would keep his distance from (Y/N). He couldn't find it in himself to completely ghost her and ignore her so he'll keep cordial. He'll be friendly but he couldn't let himself become close to her.
.•° ✿ °•.
His plan worked well, every time he went up to town he stopped by her stall and bought what ended up being his usual order of a loaf and a sweet pie, engaged in small talk with (Y/N) before leaving and it worked well for weeks until he had a dream about Lenore one night.
A mere dream had knocked him off-kilter. He had awoken a mess and fell out of his bed in his confused and frantic attempt to escape his blankets. He only managed to crawl a few paces before collapsing on the cold floor, his remaining energy only enough to let him roll onto his back. Hector blinked lazily up at the ceiling as everything he had locked away came rushing back. He relived the moment when he fell for her, the moment he realised that she had tricked him, the moment when she realised he betrayed her and then when she had died by her own will.
Everything that had occurred over the last few years played in front of his eyes and he hated every part of it. He could never forgive himself for being so naive and trusting yet he missed those traits of his.
When he 'awoke' again, the sun was moving low, signifying sunset wasn't far away. He pulled himself up and washed his face at the basin before he left his cabin, his feet taking him into town. The town centre was still busy despite the late hour and so was she, the woman who he came to see.
Despite the other stall owners who had either left or were in the process of doing so, her stall was still set up with what remaining items she had left. She was sitting on a stall with a book on her lap in a different world and Hector felt bad about disturbing her but he needed her.
He didn't even have to call her name, as soon as he was a few feet away, she looked up at him with a smile and closed her book shut, though when she got a proper look at him, her smile faltered.
"Hector?" She made her way over to him, brow furrowed in concern, "Is everything okay?"
He must look like a mess. He certainly felt it on the inside and he had been in a trance since he woke up, not paying any attention to his looks.
"I... um, I -" Hector stumbled over his words, his tongue suddenly heavy.
"Why don't you take a seat" (Y/N) guided Hector to her stall and offered him some water from the pouch at her side.
Seeing that he was in no position to talk about what happened, (Y/N) changed the topic slightly, "I thought you were not coming today. I got so used to seeing you, it would be a shame if I did not see you."
"But do not fret, I set aside your usual order for you," She said as she showed him a little wrapped up basket.
Hector nodded, the change in conversation took the pressure off his shoulders and he felt more at ease to speak.
"What do you do with the ones you do not sell? "He asked
"Today these are going to the homeless. I usually alternate between them, the orphanage and poor families"
"That is kind of you. Nobody did anything like that when I was young"
"I think the world is horrible enough with the wars and death and it costs nothing to do a little good within your own community" (Y/N) then looked up at the sky and noticed the changing colours, “Do you want to come with me as I give these out?”
Desperate for more of a distraction, Hector agrees and he helps her clear up her stan before they set off to a different part of town, him carrying the basket of baked goods for the homeless.
“Do you have any family, Hector?” (Y/N) asked.
Hector shook his head, his grey hair swishing around his chin as he did so, “Just me”
“Hm, well if you want any annoying younger siblings, I’ll eagerly give you all of mine”
“Surely they’re not that bad-”
(Y/N) lets out a laugh, “One day I’ll take you to meet them. You’ll regret your words!”
As they walked around, handing the food to the less fortunate, Hector noticed the strange way (Y/N) behaved. Her head constantly twitched one way to the other, as if someone was calling for her attention but she stopped herself before fully turning around to see and her eyes were flickering about like seeing things that weren’t there.
“(Y/N)? Is everything okay?” Hector asked
(Y/N) froze when he spoke, looking at him with wide eyes, she twisted her head around to make sure no one was nearby before she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hidden alcove.
There was fear in her eyes as she gripped his hands tightly, “I am telling you this because I trust you but you cannot tell anyone or they will kill me.”
(Y/N) casts one more precautionary look around her before speaking, “I can speak to animals”
Hector blinked in surprise, that was the last thing he expected.
“You...speak to animals?”
“Speak, understand, you know the whole thing”
“...The whole thing?” Hector repeated after her.
(Y/N)’s shoulder slumped in disappointment at his words, “You do not believe me. Of course, you don’t, I sound like a crazy woman.”
“No, no!” Hector was quick to reassure her, “I don’t think you’re crazy, of course not.”
(Y/N) gripped Hector’s hands tighter in relief and he suddenly realised that they had not stopped holding hands since she had dragged him. Her hands were soft but strong and steady and they fit perfectly in his, he never wanted to let go.
“I could do since I was a child and I told my parents but they thought I was a child with a large imagination so they ignored me,” (Y/N) began to elaborate on her talent, “And when I was ten there was a witch-burning in our old town, an older woman was accused of conjuring spirits and setting against the people of the village but in reality, she was just a sick old woman who needed help. After that, I knew I couldn’t let anyone know about you know what”
“Why did you tell me?” Hector asked.
“...I don’t know. There’s something about you, so understanding, empathetic, trustworthy. I know I can trust you.”
(Y/N) had revealed her deepest secret to him, made herself vulnerable yet he could not do the same to her, though the ability to communicate with animals was much different than being a forgemaster.
“You can trust me, I promise I will not tell anyone.”
(Y/N)’s shoulders relaxed and she gave him a brief smile, “Your belief in me means more than you know.”
“Now,” Hector lifted the basket up, “Should we finish what we started?”
It had progressively gotten darker, the sun only moments away from going down completely.
“Of course! We must finish before it gets too dark.” (Y/N) stepped out of the alcove and hurried down the street, dragging Hector behind her, still holding on to his hand.
It was dark by the time they began to walk home, Hector insisting on walking her home so that she wasn’t alone at night. She stopped in front of a little cabin, not unlike his, it also wasn’t that far away from his.
“You don’t live with your family?” Hector asked.
(Y/N) shook her head, “It is better for me this way. I love my family, truly but the chance of them finding out about me is something I can’t risk. I cannot truly say that they wouldn’t expose me… there are some things that are beyond even family ties.”
“Anyway,” (Y/N) spoke with a sigh, “It is late, I need to sleep. Thank you for today, Hector. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Hector waited until (Y/N) had reached her door and spoke again, “Can we...meet again soon?”
(Y/N) gave him a toothy smile, “Of course. In two days by the lake? I can bring a picnic for lunch.”
Hector nodded, “I’ll see you then.”
He waited until her door closed before he made his way home, his heart feeling happy. He had forgotten how he felt earlier that day and (Y/N) had completely turned his day around. He did feel guilt though, he went to for help, a distraction which she provided and then she revealed a deep secret of hers yet he couldn’t even tell her about his nor his past with Lenore or history with Dracula and being a forgemaster. The things he carried were heavy yet (Y/N) had already been so understanding and kink that he didn’t fear telling them to her, he knew she would understand.
In two days at the picnic, he would tell her.
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) was already by the lake by the time he arrived, speaking out loud to someone he couldn’t see but when he heard the responding barks and yelps, he realised that she was talking to a dog. He hurried his pace to catch up to her, excited to see her communicate to animals in person.
“Is that a dog you’re speaking to?” He shouted as he jogged over to her.
(Y/N) spun around with a smile, “Yes! I’ll introduce you to him!”
She crouched down and took the dog into her arms before turning towards him after he finally reached her,
“Hector this is- Cezar”
Hector and (Y/N) spoke at the same time. Hector stared at the dog he had not seen since Carmilla had dragged him away after Dracula died and (Y/N) stared at Hector, surprised he knew the little mongrel dog.
Cezar eagerly barked at Hector, his tiny body wriggling in excitement as he tried to escape (Y/N)’s hold, so she let him down and watched as he raced over to Hector barking like mad and when Hector kneeled down, the door jumped into his arms and wiggled some more.
“...So I guess you know each other then?” (Y/N) asked.
“Cezar is my dog,” Hector explained, giving the small dog rubs and pats, “I got separated from him a while ago but how did you meet him?”
“We stumbled across each other last year and then we became close companions...but I’ve always been curious about something about him.”
“Is it that he looks like he should be dead?”
(Y/N) laughed, “Yes, Hector. Don’t get me wrong, I love the little dog but he looks a bit beyond his years.”
Hector put Cezar down and together they began walking towards the lake so they could set up their picnic.
He took a deep breath before he began to explain what he could do, “I’m a forgemaster.”
“Forgemaster? What’s that?”
Of course, she wouldn’t know what that was, her world was not the same as his.
“I can bring back animals and humans from the dead and call demons from hell.”
“Wow...that’s uh...wow”
“I’m sorry for dumping this on you, I know it’s quite heavy stuff.”
“I did not know that was possible”
“Many don’t. It’s beyond comprehension.”
“If I wasn’t looking at proof right now” (Y/N) pointed towards Cezar who was trotting ahead of them, “I wouldn’t believe it either.”
“Is that what caused you such distress the other day?” (Y/N) asked as they found a place to sit down.
“No, no, that was about Lenore.”
(Y/N) kept quiet allowing Hector to speak at his own pace.
“I was taken captive, stuck in a cell and Lenore gained my trust, pretending that she was someone that I could trust only to betray me and me her slave to her and her sisters. I was under their or more specifically her control for over a year until I managed to trick her and end the ‘bond’.”
“Where’s she now?”
“Dead. She was a vampire and decided it was her time to go.”
“Did you love her?” (Y/N) asked
“No, I don’t think I did. After I realised what she had done to me any feelings that I may have had disappeared, they were not formed authentically. I still feel incredibly stupid about the whole thing, I was foolish to believe someone who was involved in sisterhood with the person who captured me would genuinely care for me.”
“You were not foolish, you were human Hector '' (Y/N) comforted him, “You were vulnerable and she took advantage of that, you should not feel ashamed. You are strong that’s why you’re here with me right now and Lenore is no longer alive. You will never be proud of yourself if you keep on diminishing what you’ve achieved so far. You’ll never be happy and I want you to be happy”
Hector takes her hand in his, “I want to be happy.”
(Y/N) smiles at him, “You will be, I know you will.”
“I want to be happy with you”
“Oh-” (Y/N) smile changes into a softer one that tickles Hector’s heart, “I want to be happy with you too.”
“Imagine it,” Hector falls onto his back and tugs (Y/N) down with him, “You, me, Cezar in a cabin in the woods and all the animals you wish to speak to”
(Y/N) laughs, “You wouldn’t believe how chatting animals are, I’m fine with just being me you and Cezar for the moment.”
Cezar jumps up on Hector’s chest with a bark before settling down with a huff.
“Sounds like he agrees”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Poseidon
Fishy fishy fishy… I honestly could write 100 more things for Poseidon MC and Levi. I just love the dynamic between an insecure, otaku shut-in and a chill California surfer dead set on becoming his friend.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon 
For anyone unaware, Poseidon is also the god of horses. I know it's a weird combo, but I didn't write the mythos.
They came out of the portal….
On a horse….
They brought the mortal down to the Devildom…
On a goddamn horse….
There's a demigod on a live horse brandishing a weapon and doing laps around the Student Council Room…
Congratulations, he already wants to pull his hair out!!
Honestly, it would have been preferable to pluck them out of the sea. At least then they'd just need a towel! What the hell were they going to do with an entire horse!?
And his nightmare didn't stop there. Poseidon is a notoriously mercurial god, prone to bouts of anger and spitefulness for reasons far less grievous than kidnapping his children… 
Their apology was swift and (seemingly) effective, though the tide waters around the Devildom did rise by several feet for some time…
As for the MC… uh… Well, they're an energetic one to say the least…
Lucifer hasn't met a more active individual since Mammon. They horseback ride, swim, surf, skateboard, and probably do ten other things - the point is, they Hardly. Keep. Still! 
They're also annoyingly easygoing… He can't count the number of times they've told him to, "Just chill out," or, "Hang loose…" What does that even mean??
Between having to order a stable made for their horse and just trying to keep up with them, Lucifer already thinks this mortal has caused him more trouble than they're worth… At least they keep Mammon busy...
Upon first meeting them atop their horse, Sunset, his first thought was of course:
"I wonder if I sell that...?"
After that, they nearly fed him to sharks for trying to take their beloved steed on same night. Safe to say, he never touched a hair on its head again…
These two had a rocky start, but their relationship mended fairly quickly. As it turns out, the MC is literally one of those "go with the flow" types. You can say it was water under the bridge soon enough.
Mammon actually thinks the MC is a hell of a lot of fun, even if they're super laid-back. Most of the time, they won’t take his drive for money (or fear of his bills) all that seriously and tell him that he’s worrying too much, but they’ll still lend a hand if its on their way.
He finds their ability to control water pretty cool as well. Levi has it to some extent, but the MC can make a whole-ass whirlpool or use water like a whip! 
He once begged them to call up some rare fish for him to sell, but they got all pseudo-philosophical on him about how “trading life for material wealth” is “not cool, dude...”
He also made the mistake of challenging them to a splash fight only once…. They managed to drench the whole family with a single wave….
The only thing that bothers him is their weird insistence on being Levi's "Best Buddy…" Why would someone like them even bother with a shut in??
Is it the water? … Probably water. Levi, that lucky bastard…
Thinks they're a big normie, no scratch that, a HUGE normie! The biggest normie he's ever met!! They skateboard and horseback ride for Devil's sake!!
...But they’re also, undoubtedly, the best friend he could've ever asked for.
To be fair to Levi, their friendship was sort of forced upon him. The MC took one look at him, his aquatic-themed room, and his pet goldfish then declared their new friendship status at that moment. 
Unfortunately for him, though, they're energetic, extroverted, and generally have little understanding of personal space… aka, an introvert's worst nightmare…
The next month could accurately be described as the MC doing everything in their power to make their stubborn "senpai" like them.
They would drag him out to the aquarium, beach, or pool; they befriended Henry so he could put in a good word for them; and they'd even bring him little gifts or trinkets they'd find on the ocean floor. Pretty shells and stuff like a cat bringing its master a dead mouse.
After he finally began to accept them as a persistent fixture in his life, he introduced them to gaming and anime and started accepting them little by little...
By the end of their stay, these two were practically inseparable. Not just because they like spending time together, but because they figured out they could have a telepathic link due to Levi being part sea serpent. 
No matter how far they are, they can always have a chat! (That no one else can hear so people think they’re just crazy...)
Satan honestly isn't the MC's biggest fan, he generally finds them too loud and gregarious for his liking. But their horse…?
He never really thought that he'd be a horse man... Yet it didn’t really take long for Satan to adore Sunset, their beautiful golden-maned mare. Apparently she's not their only horse, but by far their favorite traveling companion.
Sunset is a wonderful horse - brave, strong, and well-trained. It only took a few weeks before he was regularly sneaking out to the stables to brush her fur or feed her apples...
After the MC taught him how to ride, that was it. All other forms of transportation were inferior to him now.
Satan would ride Sunset everywhere and he looked damn good doing it! It takes all that fairytale Prince Charming thing he has going on and puts it through the roof.
It's a good thing too, because when I say everywhere, I do mean everywhere. Lucifer had to put seals on the House doors to keep Satan from riding Sunset through the hallways...
Of course, he’ll always let the MC have Sunset back when they need her!... with a little complaining but nothing terrible.
The MC doesn't mind much because Sunset likes him and they know he takes good care of her, but the rest of the House is slightly unnerved at how quickly he went horse crazy… What if they brought a giant crab instead?? No one wants to deal with crab-Satan...
Their body is just scrumptious. Oh, how he could look at their swimsuit-clad figure all day!! 😩
Between the swimming and the fighting, their form is toned to all hell and he can't get enough of it! Yes baby, yes!! Take those clothes off again!!! He'll help~! 😘
When he's not staring at them “totally respectfully,” then he's inviting them out to pool parties or begging them to take him riding...
There are parts of horseback riding he doesn’t like, the smell and the jostling specifically, but there is a kind of… romance to it, no?
He loves having the chance to snuggle up to the MC as they trot around the Devildom! It's so romantic, like they’re his knight in shining armor! (Or his demigod in a damp swimsuit, either works. 😏)
His Devilgram is just full of selfies of him and MC riding on the back of Sunset or sitting by the edge of the pool or them in the middle of a swim meet…
Yeah his Devilgram is now a one part him and one part MC-Appreciation account.
After the pact he'll eventually cool down some and stop staring at them like a sex-object, but even then he'll be at every swim meet. Don't you worry~
He actually really likes them! It's great to finally have another athlete in the House. 😊
The MC joined the RAD swim team just as soon the coach was able to convince Diavolo that having the child of a water god wasn't completely cheating... 
Since swim and fangol practice ends at about the same time, they walk home together a lot and complain about... sports things... (Forgive me, I don’t know sports. Uhm... Rival teams? Coaches? That one drill everyone hates? Stuff like that.)
Beel also can surf, skate, and snowboard so the two have a healthy competition going. They're about on equal footing so they tie often (except in surfing but Beel doesn't think that should count cause they’re probably cheating).
The only thing that he has to watch out for is Sunset… As in, he has to watch himself around Sunset because he absolutely could eat her on accident… 
Look, he doesn't want to and he doesn't even like horse meat that much, but even he has to admit there are times he gets hungry enough to consider it…
Of course, he knows that if he ever did Satan would rip him limb from limb then the MC would drown the rest so he really, really tries to control himself… but still… She’s a very healthy horse...
At least he didn’t try to sell her like Mammon. The MC hung him over a shark tank for that stunt… He’d feel bad, but Mammon kind of had it coming.
The first time they met, the MC smelled like beach water and called him "dude-bro…" He didn't like his prospects.
For a while, he genuinely thought that they had a lump of sand where their brain was. They were just too chill!! Here he was saying that he's being held captive and they were like, "Well that sucks, man… I'll help ya, but I've got practice tomorrow. You can wait, right?"
It's not like he expected them to jump on top of it, but some urgency would have been nice…
When they eventually got around to helping him, he was actually looking forward to choking the life out of them for the extra wait. Unfortunately, they apparently had a horse…
Yeah, Belphie found out just a bit too late that the MC could summon their steed to them whenever they wanted and ended up with Sunset's hooves firmly bucking into his back for his trouble…
What followed was Belphegor running circles around the attic from the weapon-totting MC riding their terrifying murder horse until Lucifer finally intervened....
Thank the gods he wasn’t near any water….
As it would turn out later, as long as he's not being held captive in an attic Belphie kind of vibes with their laid-backness… They say they approach life "one wave at a time" or something.
He could care less about what that actually means, but what it translates to is "Stop stressing out and just keep chill" which he's all about.
Everybody should just chill out!... dude…. Nah, he'll let them stick to the “dude”-thing, it feels weird...
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the-arcadian-0125 · 2 years
A “brief” summary of the future.
Hello everyone.
I’m sure by now most of you have noticed a slight decline in the quality of the content and artwork I am currently production and posting.
I will be the first to admit that while I still absolutely love Max and Chloe and the original Life Is Strange universe, I have found myself wanting to branch out to something else. Not something someone else has created but something I have created, something I can call my own.
Over the past year an a half I have focused much of my talent and time into a project I created back in 2013 when I was in high school, that I created purely as part of a early online class which quickly fell in love with as an idea for a book and took to spending most of my time writing.
After I graduated in 2015, I fell into the same thing most people did back then (cringing at saying that) and became board quite fast, I missed the routine of class and my ability to have a desk all my own at which I could work on school stuff and misbehaved with creating my new book and it’s universe and so I did what most people did. Turned to call of duty.. just kidding! Actually I found this amazing little Indy game on the Xbox live store called Life is Strange and fell in love with the original teaser trailer and downloaded the game immediately.
At first I played it like any other game (tried to figure out where the shoot button was!) but as I progressed I quickly learned that this game wasn’t something I was use to and I actually had to start over to fully invest my time in exploring and learning and enjoy every time that it had to offer, and so after a year or two of having fun with it and learning how to create 3D artwork in a program called Daz Studio I decided to try to recreate Max and Chloe… and I’m not kidding when I same those first dozen or so renders were absolutely a dumpster fire, and I was scared to even post them but I finally decided on one and posted it to deviant art (Instagram and Facebook groups where far beyond my understanding at the time)
So I did what anyone would do after posting several fanart renders online…. I completely forgot I did it.
Now quick back story about me, HI my name is Nate and two years after finishing high school I did the unthinkable… I went to work for my Dad and became a carpenter. Luckily I was able to work for him during the day and spent way to much time at night playing games and working full force on Life is strange renders in a program I was just scratching the surface of. Over the past 7 years I have helped build over 25 homes and worked on several remodels and consider myself and expert carpenter.
Now for the future stuff. Over a year ago my Dad told me that this next house we were getting ready to build would be his last (he’s been in the business for 40+ years) and at the time I didn’t care, I was sitting on easy street for the most part running a pretty good side hustle that actually hasn’t made me any money and has cost me well over $2,000 in virtual assets but hey I was getting paid good money by him to do the job he taught me and I did it with a passion. It was at this time while vacation, I decided it’s time to bring the book idea back and I did the same thing I did when I got into LIS and went full force into it, not only redoing the characters but also the story of my book in order to bring it to life.
Now for reality. As of July 7 I have been unemployed, my dad and I finished our last house together and managed to sell it for more then he expected. Normally that would be cause for celebration but while he gets to retire I am left with the question of “what’s next for me?” I can’t make a living off of doing LIS content as I don’t want to make money off of someone else’s creation and I’m nowhere near ready to get my book published as I’ve only cemented in the first 3/4 of the story and yet to have an ending that I like and want.
Luckily I have another option, I’m not going to get into the details here but I’ll be starting the next chapter of my career next week Monday. It’s going to be a pretty intense change for me and it’s basically a 100% guarantee it’s going to effect what my abilities to create content for this community going forward. However I will be making more money then I am now and be able to make purchases for things I’ve always wanted like a new computer and upgraded components that I’ve wanted for a very long time that would help me be able to not only bring better LIS content to the table but also content I have created based off the ideas I have created.
With all of this having been said, I’m hopeful for what the future might hold for me. There are many stories and renders I can’t wait to share with you all, and let’s be honest. Max and Chloe’s story isn’t over yet, I have tons of ideas for renders of where their lives might take them following my own idea of events in the first game and I really can’t wait to share them all with you along side my own self inspired content.
Sincerely, The Arcadian 🙂
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I LOVE your meta on how essek was the perfect asset and want to ask the follow-up question in your tags: how do you think it went down? The agreement between Essek and the Assembly? And I think the fandom was convinced Essek would be disposed of after the peace talks — how do you see his future if there was no intervention by the Mighty Nein in 97?
ruvi-muffin asked:
What are your specific thoughts abt how ludinus recruited essek??👀👀 oh Person who knows a surprising amount of spy stuff 🙏🙏🙏👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
PLEASE share your specific thoughts about how Essek was recruited, I'm so intrigued!
Anonymous asked:
Hello yes i am very interested in these very specific thoughts about how Essek got recruited? All these things about how actual intelligence works/uses their assets/how that ties to Essek and the M9 is really interesting :D
Thank you all so much for asking me the specific question I wanted someone to ask. I had to write and rewrite this post a half-dozen times because I kept going off on tangents about other Cold War spy stories so trust me there’s plenty more where this came from.
For reference, my original post on what made Essek an ideal recruitment target and why the M9 were the ideal counter to it.
First off, this is all based on real-world intelligence ops and is only as relevant to the campaign as Matt Mercer cares to make it. Having said that *slams notebook on table* BUCKLE UP, KIDDOS.
There are two ways Essek may have been recruited: he approached the Assembly or the Assembly approached him. I think the Assembly approached him. Not to be too hard on the guy, but Essek said it himself: he’s kind of a coward. I can’t see him mustering up the nerve to take that first step. Plus his espionage seems to have focused specifically on the beacons rather than dunamancy as a whole; that sounds like the Assembly to me. The beacons specifically offer the prospect of immortality and the Cerberus mages are arrogant enough to assume they can figure out dunamancy themselves if they have a beacon in hand. There’s no way the Assembly haven’t been trying to beg, borrow, or steal those beacons for centuries. Essek may not have even been their first try - just the first that worked. 
Chronologically, Essek would have popped up on either the Assembly or the Augen Trust’s radar quite early as I assume they keep tabs on all powerful Dynasty mages. As they followed his career, the Assembly would have ID’d Essek as a perfect target for recruitment as a spy, and then further for ego-based recruitment. Recruitment for espionage is a slow process - even slower in a fantasy world where some races reasonably expect to live 500+ years. Many intelligence agencies will do a sort of light meet-and-greet just to start a file on various people who might years later be of interest. The Assembly would have cultivated Essek as an intelligence asset with the same degree of time and care - and using some of the same methods - that Trent used to turn the Blumenthal trio into assassins. 
If they followed a modern playbook, they would have made contact with Essek anywhere from 2 to 10 years before the theft - nothing underhanded. A Cerberus mage approaches him at a negotiation or conference and strikes up a conversation. Then it’s increasing “chance” encounters to get Essek familiar with the handler, play the “we’re both mages, really we’re on the same side” angle to earn enough sympathy & trust to start talking regularly. Once the channel’s open, the handler and asset meet and/or talk routinely while the handler assesses the target’s motives, weaknesses, and the possibility that they’re a double agent. 
Espionage proper then starts with small favors, acts Essek can rationalize as victimless or even helpful to the Dynasty. In this stage the handler is getting the asset comfortable with engaging in espionage. They reward the asset for what feels like minimal moral trespass. For Essek that would have been praising his research, encouraging avenues of investigation they knew the Dynasty had shut down. Having meetings with Ludinus plays right into the ego trip - the Head of the Assembly himself is taking the time to meet with him! The Assembly gets how important this work is! That keeps Essek isolated from Dynasty members who might convince him to take a step back and builds loyalty to the Assembly over the Dynasty.
Once an asset settles in, espionage becomes easier. Routines get established. Moral hurdles have been overcome. Now the asks get bigger and the rewards get sparser. The handler will suggest larger acts just to get the asset thinking about them, since the more they consider “just hypothetically” how to pull it off, the more likely it is they’ll do it. This is where the idea of stealing the beacons would get introduced (though of course it’s been the goal all along.) I’ll bet the Assembly hinted at all the study that could be done if they could just get to the beacons in person, constantly bemoaning the lack of access. By now Essek sees the Assembly as colleagues in arcane pursuits, kindred minds, unlike the boring, stuffy old mages of the Dynasty. Of course he could outwit the Dynasty’s security and get the beacons to the Assembly - he’s a prodigy, a genius, everyone says so. And it’s not like he was stealing all of them. The consecuted would be fine. Everyone would be fine.
None of this is intended to absolve Essek of personal responsibility. But it provides a context for his actions, and for why he might regret them so much even though he apparently did them willingly. Asset handlers are very, very good at drawing someone willing to commit minor transgressions into far greater crimes. Look at how Trent shaped Caleb, Astrid, and Eadwulf. He didn’t order them to execute their own parents on day one. He spent years coaxing, tempting, and coercing them into darker and darker crimes, letting them rationalize their own actions at each step, preying on the same vulnerabilities as Essek: isolation (separating the three from other students, telling them their work was secret), ambition (the promise of great arcane power, of shaping the Empire’s destiny), and ego (”we were going to keep the empire safe,” telling them they were gifted, they were chosen).
So how do IRL spies rationalize their actions? Those who spy for reasons of conscience or ideology have done the rationalizing ahead of time, but everyone else has to get there somehow. Some who spy for revenge tell themselves it’s what their superiors deserve, while others tell themselves everyone’s doing it. Some just need a lie to get started (most commonly about who they’re spying for), while others have to keep up the charade all along. Let’s look at a few cases similar to Essek’s that demonstrate just how slippery the slope can be.
Aldrich Ames, a long-term CIA officer slash double agent for the KGB, got suckered in by thinking he could control the situation and wasn’t really hurting anyone. Ames had chronic financial trouble related to excessive drinking & his wife’s lavish lifestyle and in 1985 came up with a plan: he would essentially con the KGB by selling them a minor amount of classified info that he deemed “virtually worthless.” In April he set up the exchange and the KGB paid him $50,000, enough to satisfy his immediate debts. But after actually doing it Ames said he felt he’d now crossed a line he couldn’t step back from, and continued to sell information to the Soviets. By the time he was caught he had, by his own admission, compromised “virtually all Soviet agents of the CIA.”
While some assets just need a lie to get started, others require a delicate dance of self-delusion. Col. George Trofimoff was an Army officer who ran the center where would-be Soviet defectors were assessed & questioned. Trofimoff, a Russian émigré at a young age, was chronically in debt. In 1969 he renewed his acquaintance with his stepbrother back in Russia, now a bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church, and began to pass secrets in return for money - but he and his stepbrother never framed the transactions as such. Trofimoff described their meetings as, “very informal. ... First, it was just a conversation between the two of us. He would ask my opinion on this and that--then, he would maybe ask me, 'Well, what does your unit think about it?' Or, 'What does the American government think about it?’” His compensation was similarly informal: “I said I needed money. ... And he says, 'I tell you what, I'll loan it to you.' So he gave me, I think, 5,000 marks and then, it wasn't enough, because I needed more. ... Then he says, 'Well, you know, I'll tell you what. You don't owe me any money. And if you need some more, I can give you some more. Don't worry about it. You're going to have to have a few things, this and that.' And this is how it started.” Trofimoff could pretend to himself that he wasn’t really spying - just having a chat with his stepbrother - and wasn’t really getting paid for it - just borrowing a little money.
This got longer than I intended it to be and there’s still plenty to talk about, so I’ll save the rest for a second post. Next time: what happens long-term to espionage assets? And what happens if an asset regrets their actions and/or attempts to cut off contact with their handlers?
(This accidentally turned into a series on Essek & IRL espionage: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
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uglypastels · 4 years
New Beginnings // roommate!au
(a/n) I’m sorry @duskholland for coming up with these aus. the good thing about it is, that I have no self control so here it is, the New Girl!roommate!au :) i’m not gonna say it’s great, and also i’v seen like 5 episodes of the show maybe so it’s definitely my own take on the pilot. hope you like it.
word count: 6.3k
warning: swearing, sexual references (the first paragraph is as bad as it gets), dark humour and mentions of murder, sex trafficking - basically reasons why not to move in with strangers you meet off of craigslist. Please be safe and responsible. but it’s all just fluff and humour. Also, possibly some horrible writing cause i couldn’t bother editing this <3 
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“And when I walked into the bedroom I found him in there, completely naked, with some slut sucking his dick… so basically, that’s why I need a new apartment.” You looked around at the three men in front of you, realising you had zoned out a bit there while telling your story. “Sorry, what was the question?” 
“Uhh,” the blonde one, which introduced himself as Harrison earlier, spoke, “Do you have any pets?” 
“Oh,” well that was embarrassing, “No, I mean I had a schnauzer when I was younger and I always wanted to get another one but who am I kidding, nothing will ever live up to Mr Snuzzlekins.” For the love of God, shut up! “No, I don’t have any pets.” You felt your entire face heating up. Suddenly you became very aware of a strand of hair that was in front of your face so you pushed it behind your ear
“Mr Snuzzlekins?” The other one, Tom, laughed with a small smile. 
“My sister named him,” you lied. You were already embarrassed as it was. 
There was a moment of silence where no one knew what to say next, so you decided to break the tension. Awkwardly laughing, you said:  “You know, the funny thing is, I didn’t expect you to be… guys.” That was true. When you had been searching through the Craigslist advertisements there had been a lot of applications for housing but you had ignored most of them because they sounded too much like human trafficking scams or some other creeps looking for a way to get a girl. You had particularly found interest in this apartment, not only because of the actual great (and safe looking) location of the building but also because you had thought that the ad was written by a woman. Not that you didn’t think a woman could murder you, but it did bring a bit more security to you to live with someone of your own gender. 
Well, as you saw three men sitting in front of you, you had guessed that wrong. They did seem nice enough though. Handsome too. You really hoped they weren’t murderers. They wouldn’t do well in prison… also, your death. Not a favourable outcome in the slightest. 
“Why’d you think that?” the third one asked. You had missed his name during the introduction round, but you already felt like you could be good friends with him. His boyish charms made you think he was younger than the other two, though he did have a very small resemblance to Tom. You found it cute how his curls bounced around when he moved his head. 
“Well, the ad, it was phrased… very femini-ninely...” That was definitely too many syllables. Could this interview go any worse? No, probably not. But the guys didn’t seem to mind your momentary idiocy. 
“Oh, yeah, we had our mum write it for us.” Tom explained, sitting a bit more straight up, “We had been trying to find someone else to live with us ever since our friend Tuwaine moved out, but we kind of suck at advertising ourselves, so yeah-” 
“Oh, well that makes sense, yeah.” Their mum wrote it. So they were a family. Brothers? Yeah probably. You didn’t really see how the Harrison guy fit into that since he didn’t look anything like the other two. Shattering blue eyes instead of the warm hazel. Dark blonde hair instead of the reddish-brown. All three had magnificent bone structure that you had to admit, but not in the same way. 
“So, what do you guys do?” you decided to ask. 
“We’re actors,” Harrison said, pointing at himself and Tom. Since you had no heart palpitating reaction when you first saw them, you could probably safely assume that they were still trying to find their break out role. Harrison pointed at the third of their addition before continuing. “Harry is more of a behind the scenes man, photography and directing, that kind of stuff.” 
“That’s… interesting.” You smiled. Were you about to move in with three wannabes? If you were, would it be inevitable that you’d end up paying the rent for all of them because they wouldn’t be able to find gigs? That was a bit harsh. Besides, you could always look for a new place before that happened and move out. And who even said that you could move in, in the first place? “Anything I might have seen you guys in? Or some of your work?” You directed the additional question to...Harry. 
Harry. Harrison. Try to remember that. 
“I’ve had a few roles on the West End, nothing big yet but once I have a role, it’s at least steady for a bit, you know,” Tom said. 
“I’ve mostly been doing headshots for people, so I doubt you’d have seen anything I’ve done.” Harry said. You nodded to his statement. 
“And Harrison has been signed with this fashion designer. You might have seen some ads around town.” Modelling. Not another model to live with. You tried not to let your smile fade. 
“No, sorry, I don’t think I have. But I’ll be on the lookout.” The grin you put up actually reached your eyes genuinely.
“So what about you?” Harrison was the one to ask, not noticing any change in your demeanour. “What is it that you do?”
“I’m a teacher. I know, not very glamorous or anything- and I might sometimes come home with an abundance of ice-lolly sticks- but it’s good fun and it pays well.” You looked around some more around the apartment. As you focused on the spacious living room of the loft, you wondered how these guys could afford it. Were their rich parents paying for it? Was there secretly asbestos in the walls, making rent not even a problem? Were they going to kill you? 
It was a really nice flat. With exposed brick walls and wooden beams at the ceiling, which the guys used cleverly to hang their houseplants from. Even with the large space and the big windows covering the outer walls of the room, it felt very homey. Comfortable. 
“I’m sure you already know, but it’s a really great place you guys got.” Compliments always worked, so that was your way to go to ensure you had a roof over your head soon. Feeling a bit more comfortable now, you decided to get up to walk a bit around the room. The reason for that specific action was unknown to you, but you did it. 
It had been the first day since your breakup that you had actually made an effort in looking presentable. Hair washed and brushed, you had clothes on that had zero Cheeto dust on it. Of course, since these were guys it probably didn’t even matter to them what you looked like but when you still thought you might be living with other women, you were terrified of being denied because of how you looked or something. That could still happen, but they just didn’t seem like the shallow type. And they had seemed really surprised when you appeared at their front door, as if they didn’t expect a girl to show up either. 
All three of them turned their heads as you walked around, following you with their eyes. It was a mix of curiosity and the same fear that you saw in people on competition shows, when they were waiting for the judges’ critique. 
You looked out the window to see the view. It was a lovely lookout on the city. 
“How come your roommate moved out?” Was it your place to ask? You had no idea. They didn’t seem to mind the question, though. 
“He moved in with his girlfriend instead.” Harry was the one to answer. A heart wrenching feeling fell over you. You didn’t know this Tuwaine, or his girlfriend, but a sudden wave of hatred towards them and their happiness overwhelmed you. Why did everyone have to be all happy and in love? It was disgusting. You were sick of it. 
“Well, I definitely wouldn’t mind living here.” Somehow you managed to speak out without showing any of your feelings through it. You allowed yourself to walk around to the kitchen island. It was recycled wood with a dark varnish on top, making the light from outside shine on it. You could almost see yourself reflecting in it. Were they this clean or had they no idea how to cook? 
“Don’t get me wrong, you seem great, but we don’t really know anything about you yet.” Tom got up and walked up to you. The other two followed his steps. You were now standing on opposite sides of the kitchen island, making you feel as if you were a bartender ready to take their orders. 
“There really isn’t much more to tell. I mean, I did just go through a break up, so emotions are uhm… out there. I might be spending the next few weeks watching horrible Hallmark movies, like 4 or 5… a day.” You saw the disgust on Harry’s face and quickly made an attempt at recovery. “But I can do that on my laptop and headphones, so ya know, I’ll be quiet. I’ll be in my room the entire time too, probably, so you might not even notice I’m here.” You tried to sell yourself as un-pathetically as possible. It had come to desperate measures in desperate times. Because, what your (possible) new roommates didn’t know, was that you had already spent the last four weeks looking for a new place, and while there was no luck in that, you had to do with sleeping on the tiny couch of your best friend. 
As if he could actually read your mind, Harrison’s next question was: “So, where have you been living the last few days then? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“Not at all,” you said, finding large interest in the pattern of the stained wood. Not looking up at the three men, “I’ve been living with my best friend. She’s great but I just don’t think I'm suited for the life she and her supermodel friends have-” Why did you mention the models? Your eyes shot up to Harrison’s. But it was Harry’s and Tom’s that were wide. 
“Supermodels?” Tom coughed out. You nodded, having leaned in with your elbows on the table, looking rather unimpressed. The way Tom’s hands grabbed for the sleeves of his roommates did not go unnoticed by you. Before you could say anything, he excused himself and the others and they had disappeared into the corridor. Earlier on they had told you that was the way to the bathroom. They were trying to whisper, but weren’t doing a great job at it. You could hear every word perfectly well. 
“What are we thinking, guys?” Tom said, closing the door behind him. When he turned around, Harrison and his brother were rubbing their arms, on the spots where Tom had been a bit too rough on his grip. Harry sat down on the edge of the bathtub, while Harrison decided to remain standing,eventually leaning against the tiled wall. There was a bright light in the small bathroom, but the vintage green tiles made it all look much darker. 
“She seems nice.” Harrison spoke up finally. “But I don’t know, she’s obviously a… she. Won’t that be weird?” 
“What do you think, Tom?” Harry asked his older brother, who, even though had been the one to pull them into the bathroom, had not planned on saying much. “You’re the one with experience in living with a woman. So try to cancel out those supermodels for a sec.”
“I don’t know,” Tom bit the inside of his cheek. Before he had moved in with his brother and best friend, he had been living with his then girlfriend, Stacey. They had been together for a while until she had decided that maybe, this wasn’t meant to be after all. Unlike you, though, the apartment had been in his name so he had a place to stay, but he just couldn’t get himself to live alone in a place that was intended on being lived in by two people. So, he moved out. 
“I mean… every girl is different, so I can’t say shit.” 
“I’m really not that bad!” you shouted from the other side of the door, immediately hiding your mouth behind your hands. Now they knew you were listening to their private conversation. The bathroom door opened and Tom’s head popped out. He saw you sitting on the couch. 
“Could you- could you hear all of that?” he pointed back into the bathroom. You nodded, still covering your mouth, scared you would say something else embarrassing. But the guys seemed to be just as abashed. One by one they walked out and came to sit on their basically appointed seats on the sofa. Did they have their own claimed seats? Would you need to be prepared to only sit in one spot of the room forever? Shit, they had all the seats with the window view… 
“So,” Harry said, “when you said supermodels-” but he never got to finish his sentence because Harrison slapped him across the back of his head. You suppressed a small laugh. It didn’t go unnoticed by Tom, who reciprocated the expression. This, in turn, was missed by you. You only looked in his direction a second later, when the smile had slightly faded already. 
“Thanks for saying that whole ‘every girl is different’ thing. Not saying I can’t cook… even if that is going along with the stereotype, but I wouldn’t exactly want to be accepted to live here as a nanny… not that I think you guys can’t take care of yourselves! I mean just look at-” you eyes wandered around them just for a second before coming back on the right track. “- at the apartment. What I mean is- uhh.” 
“Guys are dicks?” Harrison suggested. 
“Yes! No! No, of course not, well some. But I don’t think you guys are. You seem really nice. I’ve just had… experiences with living with other types of guys and that really was not the planned outcome now that I think about it and I don’t know why I can’t shut up now because I have no idea why I’m telling you all this.” 
“Is this Spencer that we’re talking about here?” Tom asked and your eyes shot to his direction, shocking even him. The name had become somewhat of a trigger for you in the last few days. At the last moment, you realised you had actually mentioned his name yourself to them during your introductory story, so that spared you a good bit of humiliation there. You decided to keep quiet. You all did. Great, because this day had not gone awkward enough. Maybe you could sink into the surface of the ground and die there? Then there would be no more reason to find any living space. It would all be over. Yeah, that really didn’t sound too bad even. 
“So, do you wanna see your room?” Harrison broke the silence and his words surprised everyone, even him. You took longer than it should have to comprehend what he had just suggested. 
“What? Uhh, yes! Yes! Oh my god, that would be fantastic. Thank you.” 
“Great,” Harrison clapped his hands on his thighs before getting up. Then he extended one of those hands to you. He led you to the corridor opposite the bathroom, the third door on the left. The door had some scraped paint residue on it and you could see a poor attempt was made at pulling off the scotch tape that held up posters on it or something? It opened up to a room. It wasn’t big or small. The wall color was a nice beige, a bit of a sandy, almost peachy color. You could definitely work with it. 
The guys let you take it in, but also took that moment to give each other death glares, most of them directed at Harrison. 
“What exactly were you thinking?” Tom asked him, this time properly whispering. For extra measure he extended his neck to look into the hallway to see if you were walking out of the room again. 
“Actually, I was thinking about how you had showed up at my door at 2 am when Stacey dumped you.”
“She didn’t dump me. No one was dumped.” Tom denied like always.
“No, you were definitely dumped, mate.” Harry said, not even making an attempt at hiding the amusement in his voice. 
“Anyway,” Harrison ignored the interaction between brothers, “I thought of you and how miserable you were then. She’s probably going through that same thing.” If not worse, he wanted to add, but he also didn’t want to edge Tom’s ego any further. “So, let’s give her a chance.” 
Tom still didn’t seem to be entirely sure. He raised his eyebrow, thinking. He looked once more at the corridor, expecting you to walk out any moment, but you still were in the room. What were you even doing there? The place was entirely empty. 
“Fine,” he gave in, “but if she turns out to be completely psychotic, you’re kicking her out, Haz.” He immediately noticed the wince in Harry’s face. Had he mistimed his words? 
Yes, he had, because you were standing right behind him now. The sight of you made his heart stop for a good second as he went pale. 
“Fucking Christ,” Tom gasped, “if you live here, you’re getting a bell. None of that sneaking around.” 
“Are we talking service, hand, cow, or the kinky cat collar type?” you smirked, knowing you had gotten him completely flustered at your joke. While Harrison and Harry burst out in laughter, Tom didn’t move a muscle. His cheeks and neck, however, had started to turn a lovely rosy colour. He opened his mouth a bit, just to close it up again as he changed his mind. 
While you had told them that you would be spending your days crying into a pint of ice cream while watching movies, reality was much more different from that. It was true that you barely left your room, but that was because you were too busy unpacking all your things out and setting up your room. The guys were nice enough to help you bring up the furniture sets and the boxes, which had been lovingly left at the curb of the building by the people from the moving company.
That ordeal had taken up most of Saturday. Your first task was to set up the bed, which Harrison helped you with. You tried to tell him that you didn’t need help, but your words were futile the second you almost dropped a wooden plank on yourself. The flatpacks were easy enough to understand, and unlike what you had done there, you weren’t the worst when it came to building, so all the furniture was set up by the end of Sunday. It meant that you could spend the rest of the week opening boxes and making your room really yours. 
But Monday also meant work, so you only had the afternoons and nights to do it. Together with the fact that you had to leave early for work, meant that the guys really barely saw you. The only sign of your presence would be the music you were playing from your room while doing the unpacking. 
It was the fourth hour of your One Direction sing-a-long that Tom walked into the living room. Harrison popped his head up from his book to look at his friend. He did not look happy. 
“Dude,” he said. The one word already evoked all that Tom wanted to say, but Harrison loved to annoy him. 
“What?” he opened up his book again, pretending not to really pay any attention to Tom. This was made harder when Tom sat down next to him. 
“If I hear What Makes You Beautiful one more fucking time-” 
“Then what?” Harrison still kept his eyes on the words on the pages, not taking in a single word. 
“You have to do something. I can’t take it.” 
“Why do I have to do something?” Harrison closed his book with his finger still between the pages and looked at Tom, just in time to see him narrow his eyes in annoyance. 
“Really? So do you wanna see your room y/n?!” His voice turned higher as he mocked Harrison’s words, following it up by a gagging sound. “You’re the one that got us here. Now, go solve it.” 
“I really don’t mind it. If you’re so bothered, go talk to her yourself.” And with that, Harrison went back to his book. This time actually reading the words. It was enough for Tom to know that the conversation was over. He didn’t even try to argue. He gave Harrison one more glare and got up. While walking to your room, he noticed that Harry had actually been in the kitchen this whole time, listening in on their conversation. He tried to give his little brother a look, hoping for support, but he didn’t get any of that. Harry disappeared behind the doors of a cupboard and Tom went into the corridor, still rolling his eyes. 
When he reached your door, he couldn’t hear you singing anymore. It was just One Direction coming from the speakers. Now, he enjoyed the lads just as much as the next guy, but after a while he just needed it to stop. And coming in in five hours was definitely a while. 
He knocked on the door. There was a sound that resembled you. A bit of a murmur that formed no particular word. It didn’t sound like a denial though, so slowly, in case you didn't want him to come in, he opened the door. 
You were quick in decorating the room. Only a few days ago it was still empty and a bit cold looking, now the walls were covered with posters and pictures. You had used one entire wall just for your bookcase. There didn’t seem to be an order on the shelves just yet, but you left that for the last thing to do since the rest of the room seemed a bit more important at the moment.
The bed was unmade, with several pillows thrown about over it. Behind it the headboard, which simultaneously served as a shelf. Stuffed animals and a few more books were strewn about. Overhead were fairy lights, matching the ones on the doorframe and on the bookcase. Together with the lamp that was on the desk, it was the only light in the room. Since it was dark, it gave the room a warm and cozy atmosphere. 
But the first thing that Tom noticed when he walked into the room was the smell. Coconut? It wasn’t overwhelming, just strong enough to be pleasantly surprising and noticeable. 
You were standing on a small step ladder, which you usually used to reach the upper shelf of your bookcase (high walls gave the opportunity for more shelves, which you could never say no to). You were in the middle of hanging up a picture on the wall as the song from your speaker continued. 
Can we take the same road, two days in the same clothes- 
You were holding on to the frame with both hands, trying to centre it on the nail in the wall, but every time you pulled away, the frame would slant to the side. 
And I know just what she’ll say if I can make all this pain go- 
Tom saw you get fed up with the picture, throwing it on the bed with a groan. That’s when you looked up at him. The dim and soft light was shining just at the angle that when he looked at you, he could see the tear streaks down your face. You had definitely been crying. You were still sniffling a bit when you stepped down to the floor. 
“Am I too loud? Sorry.” you immediately reached out to your phone, which was connected to the speaker, and pressed down the volume. Then you decided to just turn it off completely. Maybe you’ve had enough of it for now. 
“Uhh, a bit, but it’s fine. We like 1D here, so.” Tom suddenly felt like a real dick when he saw the small, apologetic, smile you gave him. You were holding the speaker in your hands as you sat on the bed, staring at it, a bit lost, and Tom wasn’t sure if he was supposed to leave or not. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. You had clearly forgotten he was still there, because you looked up looking a bit frazzled. 
“No.” You said honestly. What would be the point in pretending? You couldn’t fool anyone even if you tried. Misery was the only thing feeling your once Spencer-filled void. Ugh, the sound of his name, even just in your thoughts, made you want to scream. Unconsciously, and a bit to Tom’s amusement, you had grabbed one of your pillows and started to hit your fist right in the middle of it. Your hits were getting harder and rougher. 
“Ever considered boxing?” He brought you out of your haze. You looked down at the pillow, seeing the sad looking indent on the kitten-patterned pillow. Tom took the pillow away from you and fluffed it out to its normal shape before putting it back.
“It’s just been hard, you know,” you said, more to yourself than to him and Tom understood that. He knew what you meant. He had been in that same position not too long ago and seeing you like this did definitely bring back some of those feelings he had tried to suppress back then. 
“Like, I thought he was the one. And I know it sounds so stupid, I don’t even believe in that whole soulmate crap, but he was it for me. For the first time, I could actually imagine myself enduring nine months of hell to have a kid with him, sorry if I’m being TMI.” 
“You’re good,” he said. He also understood that feeling. Maybe not in the exact, child bearing way, but he could resonate with that whole it thing. He had felt the same way about Stacey. He had never told anyone this, and was never planning on telling anyone, but the day before they broke up, he had been out in the city looking for an engagement ring. It had come unplanned. He wasn’t thinking yet about actually proposing. But he had been in town for an audition and on his way home he saw the jeweller. It was the first time he had ever thought of it, and it seemed right, so he walked in and just looked around. 
“You must think I’m so pathetic though. Crying for weeks about some douchebag.”
“Well, you’ve only lived here for five days, so I wouldn’t know about that.” He smirked. You groaned again and fell with your head on a big fluffy pillow. 
“But no,” he said eventually, “I don’t think you’re pathetic.” 
Another week had gone by and your mother had somehow found out about your new living arrangement. So, the last 20 minutes you had been sitting on the couch, listening to her yelling. 
“No mum, I’m fine.” you said, for what felt like the 50th time. Right at that moment, Harry showed up in the living room, making his way from a shower to his bedroom, only a towel around his waist. His usually curly hair was a wet mop, covering most of his face. 
“You don’t even know them!” your mother shrieked. 
“Harry, are you going to murder me?” you asked as he walked by, covering the microphone of your phone. Without missing a beat, or looking down at you, he answered with a snappy “Yup,” and walked into his own room. 
“They’re really nice guys, mum.” You told her. It took you another ten minutes to convince her not to come over tomorrow (or ever, in general). The conversation had taken an abrupt turn when suddenly, she invited you to a video call. Knowing that if you didn’t answer it, you would never hear the end of it, you accepted the call. Your mothers face, or better said, forehead, showed up on screen. You tried to cover your chin as best as you could with the collar of your sweater since you were too tired to hold up your phone at a reasonable angle. 
“Hi mom,” you sighed. 
“Where are they?!” she said, looking around as if she could actually see more than what your camera showed. You were going to lie that they had gone out, but right at that second Harry walked out of his room. Thankfully he was dressed, but his hair was still a bit wet. His shoulder was just visible in the corner of your screen and you tried to move to the side, but your mother had noticed him already.
“Who’s that?” Why did your mother always have to be so loud?
“Uhh, that’s Harry.”
He looked up at the mention of his name. You were scared that it would make him uncomfortable if you talked about him to your mom, it was making you uncomfortable for sure, but instead he jumped up at the opportunity and the next second he was leaning on the couch, almost over you, and smiling at your phone. 
“Hi.” He waved to your mother. His quick movements made his hair move around, giving you a nice first row experience of the fountain show coming from it. You wiped the water off your face. 
“What’s your name again?” Your mother asked. 
“Harry, Ma’am. Harry Holland.” He said with a smile. You both knew that when your mother had asked him his name, she meant his full name. She wouldn’t be able to make any deep research, but it was in case you suddenly went missing, of course. 
“How old are you?” your mother went on with the third degree, glaring at your roommate at each question. Harry answered it all with a big and charming smile. You held the camera, hoping the couch could eat you already. This could not get any more embarrassing, could it? 
Oh, it could. Because half way through, your sister had shown up and sat down next to your mom. She didn’t say anything, but suddenly a text notification popped up on the top of your screen. 
Who’s the hot guy?
Your sister was not imbecile, yet she loved to act like it. Of course, Harry saw the text and erupted in a loud laugh, startling your poor mother. As the timer on the call was reaching 30 minutes you decided to say your goodbyes and end the conversation. Harry was still laughing. 
“So… you’re sister…” he said once calming down. 
“Don’t even think about it. She’s 17.” you glared at him and he immediately shut up, which you appreciated. 
“Well, your mom seems nice,” he eventually said. You knew he didn’t mean it in that way, but in the context of your previous exchange, it didn’t sound great. Now you were the one laughing. 
“That is not what I meant!” he shouted out, grabbing a throw pillow and hitting you on the arm with it lightly.
“Jesus, calm down. I know.” You grabbed the pillow from him. You were both in a fit of giggles by then. It took a moment to catch a breath and by that point, your head was actually hurting.  
“So do you think I’m hot?” Harry asked, raising his brow like the cheeky fuck he is. You just rolled your eyes and hit him with that same pillow. Maybe a bit too hard, because it knocked him off balance and when you looked up, he was no longer leaning on the backrest of the sofa. 
“Oops. Sorry.”
Something you had to learn the hard way when it came to living with the guys was that you had to lock your doors. They weren’t doing it on purpose, but they had a tendency to forget to knock when walking into the bathroom, or even your bedroom. Specifically, Harrison. 
Usually, you’d consider him to be the more logical of the three, but that didn’t really mean that much. He was just as much of an idiot as the two Holland brothers at times. 
The bathroom incident had happened during your first week of living with the boys. You were taking a shower. The loud water had cancelled out the sound of the door opening so you didn’t know that while you were washing your hair, Harrison had walked into the bathroom. 
In his defence, he thought it was Tom showering, not you. 
You had not been made aware yet of the honourable fifth member of the household: a life size Nicolas Cage cardboard cut-out. So, when you pushed the shower curtain aside, and were met eye to eye with Nick Cage himself, you screamed bloody murder, almost falling in the bathtub. The door opened to horrified Harrison, realising his mistake. He realised it as soon as he heard the screams, which clearly did not belong to Tom. 
But another scream followed, which was shorter and more specific, followed by a “Fuck!” made him feel like something else had happened. It sounded like you had gotten hurt. So, obviously, he walked in to see if you were alright. 
You were, in fact, alright, and seeing him standing there, eyes wide as he saw your naked body, you screamed again for him to get out. He took a second to grab Nick and pull him out of the room, mumbling a few sorrys, and closed the door behind him. 
Flushed, slightly angry, and with a pounding heart, you dried off and got dressed. Unlike the guys, you were never one to parade half naked around the house on your way from the bathroom to your bedroom. 
You walked out, a pile of old clothes in your hands, to see Harrison. He looked like a puppy that might be about to be smacked with a newspaper on his nose. Usually you were very much against that disciplinary practice, but Harrison was no puppy, and you had been scared shitless. 
“y/n, I’m so sorry.” he apologised as he followed you to your room. You were telling him that it was alright, and actually quite funny, but he really wanted you to know that it was an accident and that he didn’t mean to scare you like that or walk in on you naked or linger his eyes on you for that long. 
“Seriously, Haz, it’s fine. Shit happens… just, don’t walk into the bathroom anymore when I shower. Or ever actually, if I’m in there, don’t.”
“Yeah, of course.” 
And he kept to the promise. You didn’t get any other sudden visits in the bathroom, but it was not the last time that Harrison saw you naked. 
You were all going out to a bar one night, and a bit shamefully, you were taking a bit longer than usual with getting ready. The guys had been waiting for a while already, and you were trying to hurry up, but you just had no idea what to wear. Finally you had found yourself a dress that might make you get a bit lucky that night. You weren’t even planning on hooking up, but the attention was appreciated. In your, still not exactly over your break-up situation, it was actually needed. 
In the meantime, the guys were deciding which one of them had to go and tell you to hurry up. It was getting late and they needed their time to get completely smashed. And while waiting for you, getting knock out drunk was definitely not happening. 
Harrison drew the figurative short straw. He thought you were doing your make-up or something, being aware how much time that can take sometimes. He never imagined opening the door and seeing you standing in the middle of your room, only in a pair of panties. You didn’t see him at first because your dress was over your head as you tried to pull it on. Harrison closed the door before you saw anything. But you could hear the thud of the door closing. 
You pulled the dress over your body, grabbed a pair of matching heels and put them on as you got out of your room. There you saw Harrison. His red cheeks indicated that he was the one who had walked into your room. Tom and Harry were standing at the door. They could see you walk out and their eyes had gone a bit wide. Clearly, the dress was serving its purpose. 
Having already gone through this whole embarrassing scenario already, you decided to spare Harrison. You have him a soft smile. 
“Could you help me zip up?” you asked, turning your back and pushing the hair away from the zipper. 
“Uhh, yeah, yeah, of course.” He was so flustered. It was actually adorable. You could feel his hands on you as he grabbed the two sides of the dress and the zipper and slowly, carefully, pulled it up. 
“Thank you,” you said when he was done. He didn’t respond, his face still as red as a stop light. And it didn’t get any better when you kissed him on the cheek. 
It was definitely interesting to be living with them, but you couldn’t complain about a single thing… except for the laundry, maybe. 
> Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed
> please leave a comment or ask with your thoughts. i love reading them and let me know if you want to see more of this au cause i really enjoyed writing it :)
>masterlist and link to taglist in bio
@definitely-not-black-cat @artemisiaarm @nerdyhockeygirl @miraclesoflove @justasmisunderstoodasloki @thefridgeismybestie @m19friend @creative-happenings @parker-holland-osterfield @fanficparker @fanficscuziranout @peterparkoure @xxtomxo @happywolves81 @captainbuckyy @tra-gicx @qxeen-of-hearts @varshavisuu @kangaroobunny @petersunderoos96  @the-lost-fairy-tale @nerd-domland @sleepybesson @rissa067 @the-queen-procrastinator @scarletteclipze @screeching-student-unknown  @spiderrrling @lonelyavenger @tomhollanders2013 @miraclesoflove @playinonaloop @queenoflostspirits @roses-hxlland @hereiamhereigo @sunnydays0803 @averyfosterthoughts @moorehollandplz @beiroviski @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @peterparkerbabyyy @multifandomlover21 @lmaotshollandd @badbitchydecisions @tikapollak @awesomehritz @madzleigh01 @oh-what-a-beautiful-parker @taciturnspidey @quaksonhehe @mountainsforwords @harryfobter @peepeeparkerr @viagracex @ethereal-beauty-p @slytherin-chaser @worldoftom @moonysoftt @peeterparkr @wazzupmrstark @saintlavrents @peachybloomss @blissfulparker @chloecreatesfictions-archive  @fallinfortom @bitchydecisions @okokimfreakingoutahh @rxsydreams @musicalkey @joyleenl @multifandomdoodles121 @awkwardfangirl2014 @marvelouspeterparker​ @siriuslyslyslytherinyes @lunalovegoodsgirlfriendyes @bitchydecisions​ @okokimfreakingoutahh @quinjetboi​ @sheranatic111​ @zspideyy​ @lizzyosterfield​ @dahliasbroken​ @parkerlovebot​ @itstaskeen​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @sluttytears​ @lilhoodhippie​ @theliterarymess​ @marlenetough​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @hiiii-i​ @wonderfulfluffer​ @dumbledorrs @hollandstea @roseke​ @outshineallthestars​ @spideyspeaches​ @ieatchildrenfordessert​ 
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morimallow · 3 years
Kenma with a gamer s/o that’s actually more of a introvert than him - like they’ll be eating ramen 24/7 snacks, chips, BIG eye bags, slightly messy room, game collection that date back too 2005/2012, will literally stay up for 3 day to play a game, raging etc.
Gender neutral pls :)
A/N: I am genuinely sorry for not writing this earlier because I surprisingly had fun writing this even if I don't play games and stuff. I hope you like this! ^o^
As usual, I posted this the second I was done writing it so this wasn't proof read and if you ever notice that I shifted from second person POV to third, I apologize. I've been using third person in the multi-chap I've been working on. (╥_╥)
Kenma Kozume's Gamer S/O
How you met Kenma was both cliche and at the same time, unusual because what are the chances that you'd meet your Player 2 for who knows how long at a local game store to buy the newly released video game you were both supposed to play that night? 
You both thought that the person you met inside the store was a whole different human being.
It's not an angsty love story because when you realized your stories match up, you immediately started getting closer and closer until you found yourself in front of Kenma's large TV, sitting in your own gaming chair beside his black one, playing an old game released way back in 2005 and trying to complete all of the quests before 3AM. 
Although it was hard to convince you to play at his house because surprise! You were even more introverted than him. You work from home, you do go out for groceries (sometimes but you usually order them online) and for games, of course, but in hoodies and a face mask so people won't talk to you.
So, Kenma had to make a move. 
When he found out you both live in the same neighborhood, he played it simple first. He would place a bag of your favorite junk foods and the sweet drink you rarely drink and sometimes it's the energy drink you've always preferred with a little note asking if you'd let him borrow that limited edition video game from your vast collection of games from 2005 to 2012. 
That was a good move, you'd have to admit because he knows the games he mentioned in the notes were the most precious to you and wouldn't leave it hanging inside a plastic bag hooked on your front door knob and wait for him to get it without anyone looking at it suspiciously. 
It was too risky. 
Fuck human interaction, right? Your games were more important. 
Those little interactions and accidental touching of hands when you both decide it's the perfect time to grab a piece or two of potato chips Kenma bought on his grocery trip (believe me, it's a soulmate thing). 
Ah, yes. So romantic. 
Then the time came when you considered Kenma like one of your precious games — you don't want to throw it out, to sell and ship it away, you don't want anyone else to handle it because you know you can and you want to. You want him safe with you and show off to everyone as if he was the last copy of the rarest and most expensive purchase you've had. 
In their faces. 
You didn't really plan on confessing to him until you were playing where duos could battle and your opponent asked who Kenma was with because your moves were so in sync like you've played it for so long that you know each other's plays and moves (spoiler alert: you really did though). 
“They're my S/O,” he answered before looking at you and asked for confirmation, “right?”
Play first! Play first! You gripped the controller, mumbling strings of curses under your breath in which Kenma thought it was your way of letting out the rage because of the game. 
After you defeated them, you answered his previous question but more like stating it to your opponents, “Yeah, I'm his S/O,” you confirmed before reaching for the bag of chips beside Kenma when he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss between your knuckles then he continued playing as if it was the most normal thing he'd done. 
Tonight would be the third night you've gone without sleep with Kenma. It shouldn't be a habit because it's obviously unhealthy to not get even a little bit of rest throughout the day but it kinda became a thing for you two. It's the quality time, it's the hobbies and interests you share that makes you feel things. 
You weren't in front of Kenma's large TV tonight, you were plopped down on the bed with his blanket sitting comfortably over your bum and Kenma was outside the room somewhere doing something you absolutely didn't pay attention to when he was talking. 
His room wasn't entirely messy like you expected. It was the typical room that has that kind of home-y vibes just to your taste. There was a stack of paperworks on his bedside table and on the floor along with pens and folders. 
It was just like him to have this kind of room. 
Kenma entered the room with a big microwavable container enough to feed the both of you, talking to someone on the phone which was between his shoulder and ear, “Yeah, we're eating. No, please. Shoyo—”
To your surprise, it wasn't ramen or those ready-to-eat meals from the convenience store with only one tablespoon of meat and a cup of rice, no. It was a real meal, a very healthy one, you think. Turns out that Hinata and Kuroo sent it to his house that afternoon because his two best friends liked to take care of him and now, you too since the container became bigger compared to what Kenma had received when you weren't together yet. 
Kenma took a spoonful, hovered in front of you and waited for you to open your mouth before taking a bite for himself then went back to playing. 
That was also one of the things you both just… did for each other. For some people, it might be romantic to give the first bite to your lover and for others, it might be a way to protect themselves, you know? To check if it was poisoned. Your hidden intentions weren't voiced out, just simply trusted each other. 
A big celebratory YOU'VE REACHED THE END OF THE GAME appeared on the screen indicating that you both had completed the quests and can finally sleep. 
Eye contact was very necessary every after games (if his eyebags looked horrible, you should probably check yourself out too) like how placing a kiss between your knuckles became a habit of his. 
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Heyo, this is my first time asking (im kinda new to tumblr, so please dont judge) if you would'nt mind, could you do some headcannons (or oneshots, it dosen't matter) with all the demon bros and a MC who is crippled/paralized in their legs, and has to use a wheelchair to get around? Thank you!!
This is the first time I’ve written about a crippled MC, so I hope I didn’t fuck this up or anything. I found out that being paralysed in both legs is a disability called Paraplegia so that’s how I titled this post. And y’all are too sweet, you are more than welcome anon! I hope I can portray this properly because I am not crippled myself so I’ve opted to do some research before writing this! I hope you like it! Also, I feel inclined to add that none of the brothers would treat you too differently if you happen to have a disability because you’re their human nonetheless :)
The Brothers with an MC that has Paraplegia and needs a wheelchair to get around:
-Lucifer was in charge of choosing the final human, exchange student for the program so it’s guaranteed he already knew about your predicament before you even arrived
-Him and Diavolo probably had many meetings concerning your disability before the program could commence, considering that being unable to walk would double the chances of you getting killed since you are obviously more vulnerable
-Not to mention all the treatment you would require
-Lucifer is not well versed in human illnesses and disorders, but he makes sure that he is educated enough on the matter before you get brought down there
-It would not be easy, but he is determined to help you survive your year in DevilDom for the prince’s sake
-First problem of the day was, of course, your wheelchair
-Due to lack of time, Lucifer was unable to instal ramps around the House of Lamentation which meant that for the first couple of weeks, someone would’ve had to help you move around certain parts of the house
-He gave that highly prestigious job to himself because he didn’t trust his brothers and thought they would accidentally drop you and your wheelchair down the stairs
-He talks a lot to you, even at the beginning, because he needs to establish your needs and what he should do to make sure you don’t die for the following year
-You would have to tell him about physical therapy and how most commonly it uses heat, massage and exercise to stimulate your nerves and muscles, making it a great treatment for people with leg paralysis
-Once you two enter a more intimate and personal relationship, it’s more than likely he’ll help you perform those things himself (instead of kidnapping a human doctor from somewhere)
-Lucifer knows you have no problem getting around with your wheelchair by yourself but there are times where he’ll insist to push you along in order to give you a quick break
-I can totally imagine you two strolling around DevilDom and having cosy chats about RAD and your adjustments to DevilDom
-He has a softer side to him that he’s afraid to show most of the time, but he feels so at ease when you’re around, it’s hard for him to hold that part of him hidden from you
-Of course, your safety still remains his primary concern and he acts more like your guardian than Mammon does, even if he was originally supposed to look out for you
-He will accompany you almost anywhere. And if he can’t, he’ll have one or more of his brothers do it. And even then he’s probably lurking nearby, just in case
-He would always be willing to listen about your condition, if you wished to tell him whether you were born with the defect or why you ended up crippled later in life. Either way, he’s all ears
-If you would rather not speak about it, he wouldn’t pry and respect your decision because he knows it’s not his place to pressure you
-Because of your paralysis, it’s quite obvious to demons that you are even weaker (physically speaking) than most humans and that usually puts a target on your back
-Howver, never fear, because Lucifer is pretty quick to put lower rank demons in their place with just a mere stare
-Oop one of them passed out from the fear, haha
-In conclusion, he’s the most responsible when it comes your comfort and safety during your stay
-He makes sure you are always left in good hands and and provides most of the requirements you need
-Y’all should see how his wings puff up when he senses a threat approaching you, he looks like a peacock ready to go on attack lol
-The second born is unsurprisingly a bit of a jerk at first
-He stays really grumpy the whole day of your arrival because he’s stuck babysitting you stupid human
-“Lucifer c’mon, what’s all this workload for? The human can’t even walk by themselves, why do I have to help them out?”
-Wtf Mammon you can’t say shit like that
-Anyways, the following very few days, the only thing he’s thinking about is how much money he could sell your wheelchair for
-He’s the literal incarnation of greed, what else did you expect from him?
-After a while, he starts feeling a bit guilty every time he thinks about it though
-Mammon is gonna take this secret to the grave (laughs in immortal) but he actually really likes pushing you around
-Maybe it’s because it’s a clear indication to everyone around him that you are HIS human, under HIS protection and therefore you trust HIM the most since he was your FIRST MAN
-He will insist on helping you get out of that thing when you need to go to bed and stuff every night and he will get pouty real fast if you let any of his other brothers do it
-You wake up to him trying to roll around in your wheelchair one night at like 3am
-At some point, he stole a wheelchair from the human realm to match with his human. You can guess the consequences of his actions
-I can imagine you having to face a staircase or something at school and Mammon being like:
-“Fuck it, imma carry this fragile human instead; wheelchair and all!”
-Like you were a sack of potatoes or something smh
-Cue his brothers watching him from a distance as he heaves you and basically weight-lifts you up the stairs
-Ok but every now and again, he gets so sad thinking about you not being able to walk, like he starts crying kinda sad
-While you stand there like 😐 “Why are you crying?”
-He’s so quick to help if he senses you’re in danger too
-It’s canon that Mammon is crazy fast if he wants to be so if he has even the slightest impression that your life is threatened, his feet are already moving
-He will charge at your immediate threat at around 120 miles per hour-do not try him when he’s mad
-“The Great Mammon saved the day! C’mon MC, let’s go buy some ice cream. My treat! Ya better be grateful!”
-He says while the demon that tried to eat you lies on the floor with about a dozen broken bones
-Mammon is the second most powerful demon out of all of his brothers, even if he doesn’t resort to violence often
-He didn’t really know how to react when you first teleported to DevilDom
-I mean, from the very beginning he considered you to be a human normie but at the same time, he felt bad you were stuck with his brothers for the rest of the year
-I think he would understand you would have an even harder time integrating yourself in their house because of your disability and he knows his siblings are really fucking annoying, always pushing you around and whatnot
-So, he kinda lets you hide in his room quite often
-You guys chill out in there all the time, much to the dismay of the other brothers who also want to spend time with you
-At some point, Levi definitely begged asked Lucifer to let you start online classes with him
-“But wouldn’t it be easier for MC to do online school from home rather than go to R.A.D since there aren’t any ramps or anything around there???”
-“The answer is no Leviathan.”
-“Ugh fine! What a fucking boomer-“
-For some reason, he gets so flustered whenever you ask him to push you around
-He blushes right to the tips of his ears and then he starts sputtering some nonsense that you can’t make out at all
-But he’s more than happy to do it, especially if you guys are going to a convention or if he’s dragging you out to buy new merch
-You two would get along in the sense that Levi realises the struggles you faced all your life were tough to overcome and he believes you are just like him
-Usually left out by other people, ignored even
-He knows you always listen to him ramble on about whatever he is currently obsessed with and how much you check up on him to make sure he never isolated himself
-He wants to do that for you too! Talk to him about your hobbies, please I’m begging you-he feels so bad whenever he’s doing all the talking
-If you ask him to help you with anything (getting something, helping you into bed—that sort of thing), he legally and physically can’t say ‘no’
-And he would get envious enough to stop talking to you for a day or two if you let his brothers do it instead (the second and third born are indeed similar lmao)
-S T A Y I N H I S R O O M, W H E R E Y O U C A N B E P R O T E C T E D !
-He will feel so much more at ease if you’re in his room because to him, that’s his haven
-If you’re in there with him, that means you’re not getting involved in his siblings’ endless and dangerous shenanigans
-Whenever you’re at school, he can’t help but worry about your well-being
-Because you’re human! You’re gonna get killed!! Do you know how much your organs sell on the black market in DevilDom??? 100x more than in the human realm, that’s for sure
-Would they have a black market or would it be a regular market lol
-For some reason, he also likes staying in your wheelchair when you’re not using it
-I think he just takes comfort in knowing it’s something that belongs to you and smells like you and-
-OK Levi, sit back down
-He wouldn’t treat you any differently if you had a disability tbh, but he’d be more concerned because you can’t even run away or anything
-So he’s so fuckin’ relieved when you guys are just vibing in his room
-He could die happy knowing he kept his best friend/ partner safe
-Satan would be even more prepared for your arrival than Lucifer would, in a sense
-Out of all of his brothers, he’s most likely to understand and recognise paraplegia (either from studying human illnesses/birth defects/disabilities or from encountering humans with said disability)
-He’s a smart boy, alright?
-Always seems to be the first to notice if you need help or if someone’s bothering you
-Though in the very beginning, he was pretty tempted to just let you get killed to see how angry Lucifer could get
-Seeing dear Luci’s misery brings him great joy 🥰🥰🥰
-Once you two manage to build a very honest and strong relationship, he feels more and more inclined to keep you out of harm’s way
-Pls, he would feel so honoured if you let him push you around (it’s like you asked him to h*ld h*nds or something)
-If you require treatment of any kind, he would be so happy to help
-But in a subtle way...?
-Satan makes it seem so smooth too like he doesn’t mind lending a helping hand when in reality he’s all giddy inside
-*Kinda wants to rub it in his brothers’ faces but at the same no, because he’s definitely the bigger person here
-He wants to know how your wheelchair works
-It’s got all of these neat mechanisms and he wants to learn how they’re constructed because he never had the chance to inspect one before
-He’s such a sweetheart about asking you as well and never pries about your disability unless you start elaborating yourself
-Most of the time, he acts all charming and very gentleman-like
-So people have a hard time spotting and acknowledging the building rage inside of him every time he sees you are threatened by some moronic low rank demon
-Satan’s usually chill when it comes to injuries, unless he can see you’re in horrible pain
-There’s nothing a few spells can’t accomplish
-But when others purposefully try harming you?
-It’s like he loses all the self control he’s been trying to perfect over the centuries and he can’t help himself from at least breaking someone’s rib cage
-Satan’s a weird one because he’s protective of you even though he’s more on the relaxed side when compared to his siblings
-He very much acknowledges that you made it this far in life with your predicament so he doesn’t feel the need to baby you or anything
-You’re strong and he knows this
-It’s one of the many things he clearly loves about you
-That one time you rolled over Mammon’s foot with your wheelchair on purpose, he was wheezing
-Even now, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be stuck inside a wheelchair for the rest of his eternal life
-I mean, he’d obviously still be absolutely fabulous, have you seen him? He’s gonna be gorgeous either way
-But after the two of you meet, he definitely starts thinking about how he takes his feet for granted all the time
-It would be so difficult to complete his daily tasks without the ability to walk or run around
-That’s why he gets sad every time he remembers that’s your reality and on days like that, you’ve noticed he gives you a helluva lot more attention than usual
-He knows you don’t need pity or anything so he’s just making sure his human has all the support they can get
-Paraplegia or not, shopping trips are still a go-go
-He loves buying you clothes! And he loves helping you try them on! Asmo takes it very seriously
-Might have a go at the employees if they’re being rude to you
-You don’t even ask him to, but he subconsciously starts pushing you around himself whenever the two of you are out together
-“MC! Look at that new shop that’s just opened! Isn’t it adorable? We have to check it out!”
-He can’t help it! There’s so many places he wants to visit, he sort of just drags you with him wherever he goes
-Even at home, he always pops out of nowhere to coax you into coming to his room
-Y’all have so many skin routines to do each day
-Like he’s in your room most nights to greet you goodnight and tuck you in, with the rest of his brothers it gets so awkward at times
-Asmo just wants to see you smile, ok? He thinks you have a beautiful smile and laugh and he wants to remind you that you’re marvellous, disability or not
-And if anyone does anything to put an end to your self confidence, he will swiftly put an end to their life
-Please, he’s a pro at ruining lives, he’s been doing it for centuries
-Asmo has such a huge influence over the people in DevilDom, he just needs to make this one post on Devilgram to end said demon’s whole career
-I mean, who is he compared to him, Hmm? So don’t worry MC, scum like that don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you :)
-That one time Mammon tried lifting you up the stairs and Asmo started shrieking, like put them down! Don’t manhandle them like that, poor human :(
-I know I sound repetitive, but he would be an overall sweetheart to you no matter the circumstances
-If Mammon is not by your side, then Beel definitely is
-His big, scary aura and figure usually scares off any threat in a 10 mile radius
-Most demons don’t fancy being eaten by the Avatar of Gluttony, ya know?
-Idk why but I feel like he’d be the type to ask for oral consent every time he wanted to push you around
-He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable :(
-Surprisingly also the type to lift you and your wheelchair whenever an obstacle gets in your way
-You basically weigh the same amount as a paper plate compared to him, so he has no problem doing so
-He doesn’t really understand your condition as well as Satan may do, but he’s trying his best
-You mean so much to him and he feels it’s only fair he learns more about your disability as a thank you for what you’ve done for him
-He has a rough time keeping up with you when it comes to stuff like physical therapy because he’s very unfamiliar with it but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna help
-Of course, Beel believes that this is the second best way to show you how much he cares for you besides the obvious ‘I love you’
-Giving you a hand whenever you need his support the most
-That’s his way of saying “I’m not going to let you down. I want you to trust me, the same way I trust you.”
-And knowing him, he will try to do everything in his power to keep you safe and sound
-After a while, you’re bound to notice he’s the first one to pull you out of his brothers’ pranks before you have a chance to get hurt
-Beel is always the one handing you stuff from high places you can’t reach, without teasing you for it like Mammon might do
-Always the first one to remind you to get plenty of rest and to eat enough
-He wants to protect you and his brothers because he knows he failed to do so with Lilith so yeah, he’s a bit overprotective at times
-He doesn’t mean to be overbearing, but he gets so anxious knowing you’re by yourself
-After a few months of getting accommodated with him, your disability is no longer brought up in the conversation
-Because he doesn’t care that you are crippled and forced to use a wheelchair
-You are part of his family and he loves you no matter what
-He didn’t really care, even when you first met and his hatred for humans was at its very peak
-It didn’t matter that you had a disability
-All that mattered to him at the time was killing you to satisfy that deeply rooted need of vengeance inside of him
-Though he was sort of surprised his brothers didn’t get to you first
-In general, he’s pretty chill about you being crippled in both legs
-It takes too much effort to worry about your well-being 24/7 after all
-Surprisingly, he does keep an eye out for you if his siblings aren’t nearby
-It’s his redemption arc people, he’s trying to be nicer
-But he has such an irritating way of showing his affection for you
-Do not let him push you around
-He’s either going to a) fall asleep after 30 seconds and slump over you in the middle of RAD’s halls
-Or b) be annoying and fling your wheelchair in every direction possible just to piss you off
-He likes messing with you because you give him the best reactions and he thrives on that
-You’ve almost fallen off your wheelchair multiple times because of this asshole
-Not that he’d actually let you fall, he just wants to see how easily he can get you to yell at him
-Speaking of said wheelchair, like Mammon and Levi, he also loves using it when you’re not
-You’ve woken up to him curled up and asleep in that thing quiet often and he’s gotten in trouble over it every time with Lucifer
-But he doesn’t care
-And at this point, I don’t think even he knows whether he’s doing it to get a reaction out of you or because he somehow found a way to make himself comfortable there
-He would low key use you as a mode of transportation every time you go to RAD
-Just clings the damn wheelchair and almost topples both of you over
-“Belphie, there’s nothing stopping you from walking 😐”
-“Shh, just bring me to class and let me nap until then.”
-He doesn’t mention your legs but he still lays his head on your lap often
-Might make you hold him like a bride every time you stroll around the house
-It’s done out of love, I promise 😌😌
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iloveitwhen · 4 years
jasonette but like siblings but like angst- like that whole trope where they are blood related and got separated, or they didnt get separated idk thats cool too i just want some sibling jasonette😅
Wow. ok. uhmmmm. this is a lot i think?? I got a little jk a lot carried away and this past week was super busy so i’ll finish the second part later??
Again... a lot...
Jason is walking home after another night at the bar when he sees a small woman, teenager? Slip into a dark alleyway and two men follow in after her a few moments later. 
Jason curses and bolts across the street, what was this girl thinking? How stupid do you have to be to go into a dark alley where no one will hear you or care to help?
He jumps into the alley to find one man already slumped on himself on the floor and the other getting kicked in the teeth by army boots then falling limply. 
Jason curses again, impressed this time. He scans over the men noting that they probably had pretty good concussions judging from the dent in the garbage can the first man was laying next to and the way the second guy’s head smacked onto the concrete when he fell. He lands his eyes back on the woman, no, definitely a teenager, with a smile on his face that instantly falters. The girl is in a fighting stance and waiting for him to attack so he quickly raises his hands to placate her.
“I’m not here to fight you, I saw you get followed and I was coming to help.” 
“Nobody helps in Gotham,” she states, a dangerous edge to her voice that held a carefully hidden accent. 
“Not from around here, are you?” 
The girl narrows her eyes, “I was born and raised here, take a step further and you won’t be waking up tomorrow.” 
Jason pockets his hands and smirks. He likes her, she’s a fighter, she reminds him of himself when he was younger. 
“Ok. Just make sure you make it home safe. A girl’s going to get some unwanted attention at a time and place like this.” He turns around and crosses the street but as soon as he’s out of her sight he turns back and hides in the shadows to track her and make sure no one else tries to catch her alone. Just because she could handle herself the first time doesn’t mean she’s necessarily safe from the next attempt. 
The girl exits the alley and starts toward the direction of Jason’s apartment calmly as if she didn’t just get attacked. At least that means less walking for him. After a few minutes she slips into another dark alley, of course she does, and Jason crosses the street again going into his own empty alley before pulling his helmet on and scaling the building. As he peers over the side of the building his helmet scans the area giving him feedback he would normally miss due to the horrible lighting and telling him that the alley was empty. He figured she had somehow gotten into one of the buildings and decided to go home by rooftops since he was already up there. 
However, as he landed on the opposite rooftop his feet slipped from underneath him. Jason managed to roll out of it but before he could get his footing his hip was kicked into and he stumbled, tripped over a seemingly perfectly placed rock and smashed his head on the side of the stair house. Then, just as quickly as this all transpired, there was a body behind him, they hooked their fingers under his helmet and lifted it to expose his neck and press a knife with jagged points onto his neck. How did he know the knife had jagged points? Good question, it was, as previously mentioned, against his neck and piercing into his skin, drawing blood. 
“Why are you following me?” a girl’s voice filters through his mask and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His mask let him know through the constant visuals that the voice belonged to a female in their late teens, not that he didn’t already know that. 
“Making sure you got home safe,” he says carefully, weighing his options and trying to decide if he should let her feel like she got him or escape with a slight nick on his neck. 
Eh. Jason preferred to not have a bleeding neck no matter how small the cut. 
“Lies,” she hisses, digging the knife a bit deeper as a warning, maybe getting out sooner was a better idea. “What do you want?” 
“Knife off my throat first,” he manages without pushing his neck further onto the blade. 
A second later the girl releases him and jumps back with enough space between them to react if he ended up deciding to attack her. 
Jason gives her a quick glance as he stands up, a hand to his throat to check for blood. 
“I wasn’t lying-”
“You’re not fooling anyone you Red Hood wannabe,” she snaps. Jason just laughs in surprise, no one has ever accused him of being a Red Hood wannabe. He's the one who made the mantle into something to respect, something to fear. He stops laughing and levels a glare at the girl, his helmet telling him unhelpfully there was no match of facial recognition in any database. 
“I am Red Hood-” he started to growl out but she cut him off again. The audacity. 
“Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught by the person he was trailing, Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught off guard, Red Hood doesn’t have a stupid streak of white hair on his head. He may have been a theatre nerd but he wouldn’t do that.” 
Wait what. 
“What are you talking about?” But it was more of a demand than a question. 
“You’re not…” she trailed off waving her hand in the air trying to find a word, “slick. Same jacket, same shoes, same build, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone.” 
“Ok. Whatever, I’m going home.” He turns and starts jogging across the rooftop towards home. So much for helping out. 
“Where is he?” she calls out after him.
“Right here, princess,” he spat before jumping to the other rooftop. 
But as soon as his feet leave the building a big dark blue warbly hole appears and swallows him before he can react. Unfortunately for him the other side of that weird black hole was a face full of concrete. 
“Prove you’re him.” 
Oh this girl was something else. Jason shakes his disorientation away, he didn’t know how she did that, nor did he care but he was pissed. He swings his foot around and connects with her ankle, she falls as expected but easily bounces right back up and hops out of his range. 
“Do that again and I’ll have to break my no killing kids rule,” he growls out, staring her down for a moment. Her face was finally lit by the dim yellow street lamps and he could see the entirety of her face and all the raw emotions she was trying to hide. For a split second familiarity passed through him, like when you see someone at the library then at the store a few weeks later or you see an old school friend ten years later and can’t quite place them. Jason dismisses the feeling and turns to go. 
“Wait.” She says it so vulnerably that Jason gives her a chance, when he turns she pulls up her sleeve and shows off her forearm. 
In the center of her arm is a faded black tattoo that was a writing symbol, but because of its name and one of its uses it was used to brand child soldiers in Gotham from a particular gang that Red Hood obliterated as soon as his first order of business in Gotham. 
It was the double dagger, or better known in Gotham as the death dagger. The children were expendable although highly trained and dangerous, they could give Damian a run for his money in the child assassin department. The tattoo was a reminder to the children and to the people they came across that they were soulless, emotionless, their lives and actions were not their own and they would give their lives willingly for the mission
Meaning who they were before was dead. No family, no connections, no one would notice if they went missing and no one would be able to identify their bodies if and when the time came. Sometimes poor families would sell one of their children and promise to forget them and to never contact them. 
Jason was led to assume that this was another child soldier looking to thank him, or kill him. It was 50/50 these days, some of those kids just never recovered. 
“So what is it that you want? You want my autograph across your head?” Jason asks dryly. 
The girl just huffs and pulls her sleeve back down. 
“I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.”
I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.
The words struck Jason deep in his chest but it only fueled his anger. He didn’t know why that hit so deep but he was not in the mood for this nor would he be at any time. 
“Just because I ended that gang doesn’t mean we’re family. Go find your other assassin siblings to play house with.” 
“Annette,” she calls after as he turns his back again. A strike of familiarity pulses through him and when he hesitates she continues, “that was my name before I was initiated. I was one of the first. Daddy’s little girl,” she was still talking louder than necessary since he hadn’t turned back around. “I’m the only one left from The 13.” 
Right. The 13. That’s what everyone called the first batch even as they were killed off, they were the most ruthless being the oldest and were also the most aggressive in proving their worth. It was common to find a number from 1-13 placed strategically behind at the crime scene, whoever had the most successful missions would be highly rewarded, or so he was told. 
“Do you remember?” 
“I remember destroying that gang and their stupid leader and having to kill some of your little friends and I also remember The 13 died within the first year and a half and were easily replaced by their younger friends.” 
“Do you remember me?”
“Look, kid,” he finally turns to look at her, “I don’t care, ok? Yay whoopdeedoo I saved you, get in line. It’s what I do, kill bad people and let the rest walk away. You’re not special.” 
“Annette Marie Todd,” she says hurriedly, like it’s a last resort. “Jason Peter Todd,” she continues, “just you. Me. And a blitzed out Mom.” 
Jason did not like this, he knew the Dagger Children were ruthless and expert manipulators but this was pushing it. He spun around to face her, ripping off his helmet, she already knew what he looked like and it was in the way of his death glare. 
“You don’t know who you are messing with. If you really were a Dagger you’d know that I am not one to be fucked with.” He slides his helmet back on and without a backward glance he runs off to the next roof and continues home. Thankfully not another portal thing opens up in front of him. 
Jason didn’t have a sister. He did not have a sister. He would remember having a sister. He would remember having a Dagger for a sister. But Annette was such a familiar name. And she had said her name was Annette Marie Todd. Todd. 
No that’s stupid. Impossible. She was just messing with him, for all he knew she could have been subtly showing her face in random places for him to react to the familiarity of her face and she could have said the name sometime in the last few months for him to vaguely recognize the sound of her name but not place it. 
But the Lazarus pit did alter his memories from childhood, it was like looking through a fog of red anger, or maybe it was always like that even before the pit, and it also completely wiped out other parts of his memory. But a sister? No. No way. 
Hours of this, circling around the possibilities and shifting around on his bed trying to get comfortable until he finally drifted off in a very restless sleep. 
Jason found himself in a familiar apartment, the one he lived in before his “mother” died. He looked around and it was more of the feeling of familiarity that convinced him where he was than anything else. He steps aside for a younger version of himself to run by him and turns to the window that led out to the fire escape and watches him climb out of it and close the window. Jason turns back around to see what Young Jason was hiding from. A man hands a thick envelope to his mother, Catherine Todd who had wrapped herself in a thin silk robe, her bony frame visible as well as her happy focus on the money inside that envelope. Jason couldn’t make out the man’s face but he turned around and grabbed the small hand of a little girl in pigtails. She turned her head and faced the window sending a smile but he couldn’t quite make out her face so he instead turned to himself sitting outside.
As he turned his surroundings changed but in his dreamstate he paid no mind to it. This time he was standing in an aisle of a store as a child. He looked around and found his mother dressed embarrassingly in a thin tank top and ragged jeans and flip flops. He feels a squeeze of his hand and looks down, his little sister is looking up at him and pointing to a rack of stuffed animals of Clifford the Big Red Dog that were suddenly there. He sends her a smile and looks up, intent on catching up with his mother and asking her to buy one but as he chases her his intent slips from his mind and instead he wants to taste the cupcakes he just saw. He opens a case and takes a bite but yelling makes him turn around and there is Batman towering over him. Instead of a tasty cupcake he is holding something thick and metal, a crowbar. He throws it at the man and turns to run away and jumps out of the parking garage and jumps into the air flying up. But he’s too slow, he tries kicking and swimming in the air to propel himself further away from Batman but a hand wraps around his foot. 
Jason jerks awake, breathing heavy and feeling uncomfortably hot. This was much more mild than his usual nightmares, if it could even be called a nightmare, but it was bad in a different way. It wasn’t unusual for Jason to be getting chased in his dreams by one thing or another and it always ended before whatever or whoever was chasing him got him but it was getting a little old honestly. 
His head was pounding so he slipped out of bed and poured himself a glass of water from the kitchen. As he takes a sip he recalls his dream and how he had looked down at his sister. But that couldn’t be right. 
A searing pain in his head forces him to tighten his grip on his cup before it goes away again. Stupid head. Stupid dream. Stupid girl trying to get in his head. 
As he lays back down a memory of clear grey eyes flashes across his mind’s eye. 
Throughout the next few days Jason tries to ignore the headaches and his dreams of the young black haired girl with grey eyes and of getting chased which was more frequent and more urgent than he remembered them being. It was just all a big waste of time. At least the Dagger girl wasn’t trying to find him anymore, he didn’t know how he would react if she showed up again. 
After another dream of getting chased, this time he was just so tired of it he got a few good punches in on the Bane/Joker demon that was chasing him when his phone buzzes, startling him awake. He ignores it in favor of a cup of coffee and checks the time on the oven that he never uses, it’s almost two o’clock. 
His phone buzzes again several more times in quick succession. He finally heads over and clicks his phone on to see five messages from Stephanie. 
Replacement’s replacement🤰
so u have a little sister and u never told me???
anyways shes at the big house and getting interrogated by bruce and i think hes ready to adopt her
so rude
i mean it looks to me shes tellin the truth but like seems sus for obvious reasons and ur the only one that'll actually know so… hurry up??
Jason curses and rushes to grab his things before running outside and zooming to the Wayne Manor on his motorcycle. 
welp i’ll add with another part soon that i havent finished yet but anywho let me know if jason is too ooc or something😁😁
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IOTA Reviews: Guiltrip
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So, my week has been hell. In addition to working night and day on final essays for my classes, I've been really busy at work lately, and the second COVID vaccine shot really took a lot out of me this week. And that's not even getting into the bureaucratic nonsense that comes with applying for the MTEL which is slowly making me wonder if I actually want to teach in the first place.
But, despite all that, there was a single light of hope this week that almost made it all worth it.
Oh yeah, there was also a new episode of Miraculous Ladybug that aired on the same day too, I guess. It was pretty good. Hell of a lot better than the past three episodes I've sat through.
Let's get into the fifth (chronologically the eleventh) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Guiltrip
We start off in the middle of class where we see Marinette looking at Adrien lovingly.
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Because the writers are still trying to push the Love Square on us as if they were trying to sell us some death sticks. And yes, expect a few Star Wars jokes in this review. This episode did premiere on May 4th after all.
Rose suddenly gets a headache, and asks to go to the nurse, saying that “Miss Dora” is back. While walking there with Marinette, she explains that it's a code name she gives when her head hurts and can tell Miss Bustier without letting everyone know. She probably felt a name like “Maya Grain” would just give it away.
At lunch, Juleka gets a text that really upsets her, so Marinette tries to cheer her up. Keyword being “tries”.
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Okay, yes, this is referencing the previous scene, where Rose refers to a certain snack at the nurse's office she eats to recover her health whenever “Miss Dora” visits called “Mr. Coffee”, but it's just bad timing. I get Marinette has a habit of not reading the room, but why did she have to use the term “Miss Dora” when she knows what it's being used for? Sure, she doesn't know that Juleka knows, but did she really have to say “Miss Dora”? She couldn't have used any other name instead? It's like making a chemotherapy joke when you just found out someone close to you has cancer. Even putting the context aside, what is this joke's punchline supposed to be? That “Miss Dora” will visit Juleka if she eats her lunch? Even by the humor standards of this show, the joke fails spectacularly.
Marinette bumps into Adrien, and although she stutters a little with a little exaggerated body movement, she does manage to take things seriously so she can have an actual conversation with Adrien about Juleka, who wants to be alone. She explains that the text she got was from Rose, who was sent to the hospital because of her sickness, and the entire class finds out because Marinette texted everyone to come to check on Juleka.
Goddamn it, Marinette. I usually defend you for getting screwed over by the writing, but you really aren't on your A game today.
Juleka explains that Rose got this sickness when she was little, which naturally worried everyone else. To make things worse, Juleka also says Rose made her swear to not tell anyone about her to worry her. Everyone else swears to not let Rose know that they know, and the act of support is actually enough to drive away an Akuma targeted at Juleka.
Unfortunately, nobody ever said anything about being overly affectionate to Rose, so everyone in the class tries to do things for Rose like carry her bags, giving her a pillow to sit on in school, helping her take notes, letting her cut in line at lunch, and giving her apples.
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All of this makes Juleka remorsefully tell Rose that she told everyone else, which worries her because she hates all the special treatment, so she goes to tell them all about her illness. While they seem to accept her, the next time she sneezes, they overreact like, uh... how can I make this joke in a tasteful way?
Rose says she's had enough with all the treatment, which makes Juleka feel guilty. In the bathroom, she gets akumatized into Reflekta (yet again) with a Sentimonster named Guiltrip. And then Reflekta immediately gets sucked into the Sentimonster, which will cause it to go out of control. Nice job, Shadowmoth.
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While it might not look like much, this is easily my favorite Sentimonster by far. Granted, that's not saying much, given all we've gotten so far for Sentimonsters is bootleg Mothra, sentient candy, a robotic doll, a frog with a body count, yet another evil doppelganger, and an eye, but my point still stands. Rather than actually confront the heroes, it's basically a portal to another world where it can trap people in bubbles that represent their regrets and despair, and turn them into copies of Reflekta.
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It's a really strong metaphor which reminds me of the villains from Kamen Rider Wizard, who tried to drive their victims to despair in order to turn them into monsters. Ironically, that show's main villain is also some asshole in white who was risking countless lives just to save someone close to him. In general, the area inside of Guiltrip is visually stunning, and easily the highlight of the episode. It's just so surreal, and it really sets the tone the episode's going for.
Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive on the scene, and also get sucked into the portal, seeing some of the victims before they also start to fall into despair. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is one of the few times where Angstdrien Depreste is thematically appropriate. Cat Noir points out that if they had simply defeated Shadowmoth by now, none of this would be happening, which is a good point. He even attempts to kill himself using his Cataclysm, but unlike RWBY, they don't try to glorify it.
This also leads to Rose managing to fight off Guiltrip's powers with her optimistic personality (so I guess you could say she's A New Hope for the heroes), inspiring Ladybug to compliment Cat Noir. While I'd normally be pissed that this is yet another way to boost his ego, it does fit in with the episode's theme of positive thinking. Well, with the exception of one line where she points out what her time as Ladybug would be like without Cat Noir...
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BEING A SUPERHERO IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. Yes, there are certain benefits to being a superhero, but it is not a fun game you play when lives are on the line. Why are the writers so dedicated to validate Cat Noir's beliefs that being a hero is just a fun extracurricular activity? Has there ever been a superhero who shares a similar mentality and isn't treated like a complete jackass?
So Ladybug and Cat Noir break free of the bubbles, and after summoning her Lucky Charm, a pickaxe, Ladybug realizes she needs more positivity to break free from Guiltrip. As such, she pulls out the Pig Miraculous and gives it to Rose, who transforms into Pigella. Funny how she forgot her little headache condition when she bangs her head like a death metal singer while transforming.
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The design is... wait, she's not wearing a skin-tight jumpsuit? She's actually wearing something different?
Yeah, I really like the Pigella design. There's a good mix of pink and white, and the skirt really brings the whole thing together. It really reflects Rose's optimistic and bubbly personality.
So the three heroes find Reflekta, who has been consumed by tons of bubbles. Pigella uses her superpower, Gift, to show Reflekta what her heart wants the most right now. So it's basically a more specific version of the Fox Miraculous? In fact, what do pigs have to do with optimism?
Whatever reason, it works, which helps Reflekta to break free of Guiltrip's influence, letting Ladybug de-evilize her. But because we need to have a fight scene in this episode, the Reflekta clones start to attack the heroes, but Ladybug uses the pickaxe to climb out of Guiltrip and purify the Amok.
So Rose hands the Pig Miraculous back to Ladybug, and the episode ends with everyone treating Rose normally in class, realizing she isn't as delicate as she thinks she is.
So yeah, I really like this episode. Aside from a few stupid things Marinette said this episode, I honestly don't have a lot of problems with the episode here.
I also really like the lesson this episode is going for. It doesn't shame Rose for rejecting the help, and it doesn't shame the class for being to overprotective of Rose either. It tries to find a middle ground, which is an important lesson to learn, not just for dealing with a loved one who has an illness, but for disabled people and other kinds of situations where someone has a disadvantage. Even as much as I ragged on Marinette for the text, it's clear that she isn't the only one to blame. In fact, nobody really gets blamed for anything this episode. It's more of a misunderstanding, and both sides find a balance on how to treat Rose.
It's overall a really good episode, and the second best one so far this season. And you know what? This episode taught me the importance of staying positive, so with that in mind, maybe I shouldn't be dreading “Queen Banana” when it comes out this week.
Wait, what? It got pushed back two weeks? Oh, THANK GOD! Now I feel like dancing. And I know exactly what song to dance to...
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Hello, could you write an HC about an GN!MC who used to be a mob boss or run an illegal organization and the Mains 6 + Valerius' Reaction? Doesn't need to be angsty just dramatic
I wanted to go dramatic with the CGs lmao. Also, it got long and everything is under the cut.
Headcanon includes the mention of murder, suicide, crime, and depression. So I would say it is NSFW.
Mob Boss MC Headcanons
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He always knew it
He knows everything about you even the things you don't know about yourself
I can see you as the type of boss that doesn't create mass murders for personal gain
However, I can see thievery, blackmailing, and playing your games dirty
Maybe illegal underground market business in the red market (a version of the black market in Vesuvia)
You are smart but also have a soft spot
For him
And only him
Since MC canonically lives with him for a long time I can only picture you being a mob boss in your past before him
But your past is probably still haunting you
You don't necessarily need a tragic childhood to be a mob boss
I want to leave the reasons up to you but I refuse to believe you would be cruel and unreasonable
Because you are all amazing human beings
Many people get into this lifestyle by mistake, choice, or by someone else's force
Whatever reason that made you get into this lifestyle however did change you
You have trust issues, always on defensive mode, and always observing everything around you for possible threats or problems
But he came into your life and became the center of it
You told him what you did before moving to Vesuvia step by step
Not in one go
You tried to see how he would react to you
When you couldn't keep this secret from him anymore, you just told him
It was very impulsive of you
Highly surprising
You told him how you started from the bottom and climbed to the top
you told him how everyone in your home knows your name
How many people were your followers and how if you ask they will come and continue to follow you without a question
You did dirty work, you hurt people too
Violence is something he can not tolerate
At all
But just like you, he is also at the loss of words when any topic comes to the possibility of you leaving
He doesn't want you to go
And you don't want to leave
So expect him to stay away from you for a while
He will not speak of it out loud ever again
Never going to tell anything to even Muriel
No one has to know
Because you are now here and a different person
He will assume that you did what you did to survive
Just like his best friend...
When you lose your memories and slowly starting to gain them back
He is hesitant to answer any question regarding your past
But he knows that he has to
So he does
And you get involved in the red market
Asra is disappointed but you assure him that it is to find ingredients for your magic shop
He will never leave you, but he is not approving illegal business
Yet who he is to judge?
He made a ritual to bring you back by killing the Count of Vesuvia
So he is more on the stick close to you so that you won't get hurt side
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She will either use your connections for spy mastering or lock you up until she gets rid of your gang/illegal organization
But oh no she will not give up on you for being a simple mob boss oh no
She grew up into the royalty and probably dealt with and seen worst situations
She will not allow you to put yourself into any kind of danger and if she must she will put you on house arrest or even lock you up in dungeons
She dealt with a crazy husband before and she learned from her mistakes
So do as she says
She will give you two options, either listen to her or leave Vesuvia completely
Nadia will want her answer on the spot because if you truly want to be with her, you shouldn't need a lot of time to think about it
She will be even more dominant around you
She will make sure to remind you who has the power
If you leave Vesuvia she will never want to see you again
But she will be there personally to put you to the ground if you cause any trouble
If you choose to stay then you have another two options
You leave the business completely or run it for her favor
Provide him important information about the underground market and other organizations in Vesuvia
Yet that only can happen if you can hide your identity as a mob boss
So get creepy and wear a Tokyo Ghoul mask during business hours
I'd say if you chose to go disguise and spy on the underground for Nadia
You two will be the dictionary definition of the power couple
Like hot damn
You live like royalty during the day and go be a mob boss during the night
She will even make you her spymaster if you are willing
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He will volunteer to be your henchman (is this what it is called?)
You have now extra trouble because he is not leaving your side
He will even find you more connections for business
He knows key people in different countries and cities
He knows roads to pass without getting caught
He did live this lifestyle for quite a long time after all
Minus the mob boss part
He is by no means not letting anyone he doesn't like to even have an audience with you
My man knows his way with people and not afraid to put up a fight for you
He is impulsive but useful in the underground world
He is a doctor without a license (or it is just a myth? who really knows...) so he was really doing illegal consultations on regular basis lol
He will patch you up when you get hurt and probably will teach you how you can make lethal damage to your enemy during a fight by teaching you anatomy
You will have to send him to horny jail whenever he talks about anatomy because he is a visual learner
And the best way he teaches anything is to show you
So lock him up
It's not like he will resist
He is good with reading body language too
I can think of Julian to be giving you the most understanding reaction when you tell him that you are a mob boss
He has a history (again I remind you)
So if he is in love with you, he is stuck to your side and yes he will still have his leeches with him
His plague doctor mask becomes popular underground too
If you didn't know better, even you would find him scary and intimidating looking during the friendly business hours
And Julian being Julian, he will insist that you find yourself a mask too
So that you will be a power couple
But make it romantic
However, this is the best scenario where you are just doing business in the red market by selling illegal goods, or being a Mob Boss Robin Hood
if you do unacceptable things, such as cruelty towards children and the innocent
And anything violent that including torture and murder,
He will end this all himself
Julian is dramatic but if he had to kill you because there is no other way to stop you he will
Then will follow you not too long after.
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She will hate to hear that.
Portia is strong but fragile at the same time
She has a strong emotional connection to you and you are probably one of those people she trusts more than anyone
So when you say that you are a mob boss she is broken
Hurt and disappointed
But mostly confused
She doesn't know what to do with this
What to do with you, with what you have between the both of you
She loves you a million
But you are wrong with your life decisions
the good and the bad fights inside of her mind when she tries to make a decision
She will either leave everything behind and live a life similar to what her brother had to live
Or let you go to be yourself and get hurt
She will never forget you or never stop loving you
But she will be in a deep depression after you leave her
Most likely never recover
Because you broke the trust she gave you
So if you want her
If you want to be with her
You have to play your cards right
You are on very thin ice here
You can literally break her in a way without a return
So chose your life carefully
What do you want to do as a mob boss?
Will, you hurt people? Cause trouble and chaos? Torture the innocent and break families?
Or will you just do underground illegal trades and sales?
She can keep your secret if you just do your business in the red market
But she will not tolerate you causing harm to others
She will hate it but will stop you no matter the cost before you become the monster you two fought while falling in love with each other
You have her heart
But she has yours too
So she will not allow anyone else to stop you and do it herself
Because she is afraid for others to put you down in a painful way
She'll stop you rather gently
Caress your cheek while crying beside you
She will never forgive you but also will never stop loving you
You are her only big love and will remain like that forever
She will be the person she was while Julian was on the run
Always nervous and always having anxiety and panic attacks
She won't leave you no
No no no no.
She rather dies than spend a day without the thought of you not loving her
Being there for her
She refuses very strongly to let you go and also get caught.
So in this scenario, you two are still together and preferably alive
But she is in agony every second of the day
And you know that this is all your fault
Yet continue anyway.
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He is not accepting this.
He will be furious and hurt so much that he will tell you to go right away
He trusted you and you betrayed him
There is not much to say for Muriel
He doesn't want to see you again
Even though he wants you
He dreamed about having a peaceful life with you
But he will not go over all the pain he had caused by violence and power
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You already know he is down
He will do anything for you
Destroy enemy mob boss?
Run the entire underground together?
Invade a city so that you can make the illegal legal?
Do you want someone dead?
Do you want him to arm people for you?
Recruit followers?
With the potential he has there is no option to stay peaceful in the underground business
Even if you just mention that you want to make a certain business
He'll take it as order the moment it comes out of your mouth
It will be scary
Terrifying even
You will be unstoppable
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Lmao you probably got him cornered and forced him to work with you
And he got so turned on that said yes on the spot
But made it look as he was the victim here
He seems to be distressed with your connection but secretly he likes the power you have
You do as you please, take whatever you want
And people in the palace have no idea
He knows that you are smart
Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to become a boss and run your business flawlessly
He'll support you financially of course
Under the table
But the real job he does is to give you information
He is also good at creating gossips and rumors as well
He is connected to the high class and works in the palace so it is really hard for people to make any kind of connection between him and you
He pretends to make investigations about your illegal business but what he actually does is mislead the palace
In return, you get him precious stuff
Expensive wine, silk clothes, anything he wants
Oh my god Valerius is your sugar baby and he doesn't even know
Whenever you tell him to see you he is there the moment he can leave his work
He likes to be around you but plays hard to get
He loves to see you struggle and frustrated
He will not give you away but don't expect him to go down with you if you get caught either
He cares about his reputation
The best he can do is to help you escape in a way people can't make connections with him
Then you will most likely become his sugar baby-ish for a while
He will boss you around but the second you remind him who you are he will act bratty
Oh does he likes being bratty
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