#and that in the modern age we recognize that was because they occured due to cataclysmic variable stars
meamiiikiii · 27 days
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siffrin deals with the woes of a frozen computer.
guest starring (hah) loop!
loop can just input text box dialogue onto tech within the reverse entry au for funsies, dont worry about it!
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27timescinema · 9 months
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By Joonas Lass (EE) // Photos © Klaas Mertens (BE)
After meeting with MEPs on September 2, it was time for a masterclass session with director Joao Pedro Rodrigues, who also happens to be the head of the jury of Giornate degli Autori this year.
Starting off with an inquiry about the jury, Rodrigues expresses his initial positive emotions about the first jury meeting and feels it’s going fine for now. Soon enough, we get into his history as a filmmaker.
He mentions he has always been interested in paintings and observing his surroundings, first finding his roots in going to the forest and watching birds with the binoculars his father gave him at age 8. Paintings have been a learning point for him in the sense of being able to tell a story with just one image. As both his parents have worked in science, he tried studying biology but soon enough understood that wasn’t it and corrected his course to film school, studying under Portuguese New Wave filmmakers. With the Portuguese New Wave being quite a radical bunch, Joao Pedro himself feels pride in his experimental attitude towards every new movie he makes, trying to incorporate something he hasn’t tried yet into every new feature, saying ‘In order to make new stuff, you have to know the past’. He brings up a great example of using drones (which he usually hates) to film a literal bird's-eye view for one of his films.
I was also glad to hear of Mon Oncle (Jacques Tati, 1958) as one of his inspirations because it focusses more on visual comedy and steers away from dialogue as much as possible. Jacques Tati is definitely a visionary in that sense, and I was very glad to hear someone such as Joao Pedro shares my love for that particular film.
Rodrigues goes on to talk about his first film, which the press was supposedly really harsh on. He concludes that he couldn’t make his first film today due to increasing morality over the years in the film industry. Relating to that is definitely nudity and sex, which have always been a part of his films. He feels that using nudity is necessary due to the lack of sex in cinema, since it’s such a natural part of our lives as human beings. When asked about his struggles, he seems quite clear on the fact that he never knows what’s going to come next in terms of features. Recently, though, he has started to try to narrow the usual 4-year gap between his films and think ahead.
Certainly one of the most engaging parts of the talk was Rodrigues’ story about going to the first queer film festival in Kyiv and having his film screened there – recognizing the still-rampant homophobia present in the Eastern European region which I am fairly familiar with, being from Estonia. Since the war is still actively on in Ukraine, Rodrigues’ obtained the experience of an air raid occurring during the screening of his film. The surprising part was that the film was nicely played out to the end with the air raid going on, since there was about five minutes left. That definitely created an unmistakable aura in the room for a moment – no one else in the room has probably experienced anything like this. He goes on to mention another air raid that took place a couple of days later, a Russian missile getting intercepted but still sadly killing 3 people and injuring many more.
Moving on to the Q&A part of the masterclass, there were a lot of interesting questions popping up in the room. My personal favourite was about small screens taking over priority over cinema screens, because Rodrigues had a very clear and concise answer (which also seems fitting to end this blog with): 'A good film will resist the modern small screen'.
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domascaini · 1 year
Blog 6 – CMS/PL 348
Susan Sontag: "Regarding The Pain Of Others"
Susan Sontag in her book “Regarding the pain of others”, examines the ethical and moral implications of viewing images of human suffering and violence. She discusses how people respond to images of suffering and pain, particularly in the context of modern media and technology. The widespread dissemination of images of violence and suffering has led to widespread desensitization to these types of images. This desensitization is damaging to our ability to empathize with the pain of others.
Chapter 2, of “Regarding the Pain of Others'', explores the evolution of photography and its impact on modern life. Sontag contends that viewing images of natural disasters taking place all over the world (the living-room conflict) is a modern viewer's "quintessential modern experience." The news worldwide affects people (whether that influence is negative, outrage, titillation, positive, or compassionate), because “if it bleeds, it leads”. When something is captured on camera, it appears to onlookers as "news" when they are a distance away. When something is captured on camera, it appears to witnesses as "news" when they are seen from afar. Sontag then explains how certain elements, like separation and lack of exposure, influence how we perceive suffering and pain. She contends that society has evolved a "spectatorship" mentality toward other people's suffering. Without feeling a genuine link to or empathy for those who are suffering, we frequently observe and consume graphic images of suffering. We can consider this to be the quintessential experience. Thanks to the descriptions provided by daily journalists, now that we are aware of what occurs daily around the globe, readers of newspapers can virtually see and hear the cries of those suffering in combat fields. Nonetheless, consumers in today's culture are so accustomed to seeing certain things that they now consider them to be normal. Even though pictures and other visual representations can sometimes give us a brief glimpse of someone's suffering, they can never fully express the depth and intricacy of that experience. These pictures can be warped, altered, or weaponized for political or commercial gain, leading to a dangerous cycle of practice and exploitation. 
Chapter 2 of Susan Sontag: "Regarding The Pain Of Others" book, could be compared to the book I found for my research by Beth Hinderliter "More Than Our Pain", which talks about the pain of Black bodies being discriminated against and viewed by everyone. The book also brings on how the Black Lives Matter movement is reacting to this, embracing the pains through visuals and writing, in a phone so that people see the reality and not just the suffering.
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These photographs of atrocities or suffering from war serve as a medium to bring the reality of the moment to a wider audience. Sontag notes that the act of taking photographs, even if it attempted to be an objective representation, is subjective due to the photographer’s choices of capturing moments or how each image is composed. In this sense, photographing human suffering might be regarded as unethical because it supports an invasive culture.
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However, the action of photographs offers a quick method to understand something and a simplified format for memorization in an age of information that is overloaded. The image has been altered by memory to fit its purposes, becoming emblematic not for the event that was meant to represent, but rather for what would shortly take place another enormous horrific event. The urges and fidelity of the different communities who use a photograph decide its meaning rather than the intentions of the photographer. All memories, including those of war, are mainly local, and Sontag argues that we must recognize that some conflicts have received more media attention than others. The decades-long civil war in Sudan, the Iraqi campaigns against the Kurds, the Russian invasions, and the occupation of Chechnya, these memories have gone relatively under-photographed. Thus, we can see that it is true, the famine in poor countries has not received any changes or have not at all made a difference. Photos, media streaming, and journalists can post and report as much as they can but if they are just photo memories, then there is no purpose to sharing the pictures.
In chapter 3, Sunsa Sontag discusses the “image world,” which refers to the bombardment of visual images in contemporary life. With the normalization and abundance of photographs, we have also become numb and indifferent to them. The iconography of suffering is extensive. The sufferings that are most frequently considered to be worthy of representation are those that are believed to be the result of wrath, divine or human. There appears to be almost as much desire for pictures of hurting bodies as there is for pictures of bare ones.
Sontag explores the idea of media and popular culture reducing the perception of the world to the visual, which is a realization that is consistent with the excess of media in today's world. The rapidity and intimacy of life are diminished by the reception of the image world, which destroys our relationship with the actual world. People tended to believe what they see in media is truly the truth. Sontag also analyzes the distribution of these pictures through different media as regulated, tools of control. This widespread inequality contributes to the uneven division of violence depicted in images. Therefore, Sontag says that perhaps the only people with the right to look at images of suffering of this extreme order are those who could do something to alleviate it or those who could learn from it. The rest of us are voyeurs, whether or not we mean to be.
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An Iraqi soldier who has been burned beyond recognition is depicted in the front windshield of a wrecked truck. People need to see images of horrific things to understand what conflict is really like. If not, people might assume that conflict is defined by what they see on television, on social media, and in certain people's posts, says the photographer Ken Jarecke. Because the photographer's intentions do not decide the meaning of the photograph, which will have its career, blown by the urges and loyalties of the diverse communities that have used it, as Sontag ends her chapter 3 describes, the photograph has its career.
Judith Buttle: Precariousness and Grievability- When is life Grievable?
Judith Butler's essay "Precariousness and Grievability" explores the question of when human life is considered grievable in modern society. Butler argues that our perception of whose life is worthy of grieving and protection is shaped by the discourse and norms of our culture. Those whose lives are deemed "valuable" are generally those who are able-bodied, productive, and conform to societal standards of gender, race, and sexuality. On the other hand, those who are marginalized or excluded from these norms, such as refugees, people with disabilities, or those who do not conform to traditional gender norms, are more likely to be deemed "un-grievable" and expendable. Moreover, Butler argues that this division between those whose lives are grievable and those who are not is not a natural or objective fact, but rather it is the result of political, economic, and social power struggles. The issue is that the dominant cultural and political institutions have the power to shape our perceptions and attitudes about life and death, which can have serious consequences for those who fall outside the norms of society. To create a more inclusive and equal society where all lives are valued and protected, Butler's essay challenges us to consider the social norms and values that determine whose lives are considered deserving of mourning and protection. After the 9/11 attacks, graphic images of the dead appeared in the media alongside their names, biographies, and the reactions of their relatives. Public grieving was devoted to making these pictures iconic for the country, which naturally meant that there was much less grieving for non-US citizens and barely any public grieving for illegal workers.
Michael Jackson's- Heal The World, this song was dedicated to the children that were dying of hunger and to those that were less unfortunate. 
We read about lives lost and are frequently given statistics, but these tales are repeated every day and it seems like there is no end in view to the repetition. Nonetheless, we can see also that this reading can be tied to “ Regarding the pain of others”, we see images of horrors and famine and there is none one to make a difference or change the situation. People just view the picture and feel empathy for instance and a second after is gone. The fact that life is sensitive to injury, for instance, or that it can be lost, destroyed, or repeatedly ignored to the point of death emphasizes both the precariousness and the finiteness of life. Precariousness suggests social living, which is the idea that one's life is constantly, to some extent, in the control of another.n We can see an example of this case is the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is letting many Ukrainian citizens die. Another example is Palestine and Israel, Israeli force is voluntarily killing Palestinian people because they think they do not have the right to occupy the same as they are. Another example is the conflict between Israel and Palestine, where Israeli forces kill Palestinians on purpose because they believe they do not have the right to inhabit the same territory as Israel.
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Cosmetics Make-up and Epidermis Treatment Product Use
Fascination with make-up occurred at a age. But whenever we begin experimenting, we don't always utilize the most readily useful face, human body and cosmetic products. That is truly since we could just spend the material from the five and dime.
Even as we adult, we recognize that your skin we've requires specific attention. It will require a little time and effort to steadfastly keep up great skin that's exemplary and entirely flawless. Often, in relation to your skin form, specific interest needs to be taken. Like a personalized companies and products for acne. Therefore you ought to take care of your skin because it takes you to. It teaches you what needs to be done to help keep it healthy. Linda Kay Cosmetics Make-up and Skin Treatment Piece use increases and helps keep great skin.
You will find five important measures when employing Linda Kay Skin Treatment Services and products completely skin advantages:
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0 notes
Hypothetical TV shows: “Agent Jimmy Woo”
Spin-off series centered on Marvel’s lovable FBI agent, Jimmy Woo (Randall Park). Plot breakdown:
Episode 1
This is mainly an introduction to Jimmy Woo. We learn that he’s a lonely man, living by himself, doesn’t really have that many friends, and is not close to his family. The closest friend he has is Darcy Lewis, continuing their friendship from “WandaVision”. Throughout the episode, Jimmy gets these weird flashbacks that we have no context for. The flashbacks are to establish that Jimmy has some sort of dark past that we haven’t seen. 
Most of the episode is “normal”, until Jimmy receives a strange letter to his office. When Jimmy opens the letter, he sees that it’s a picture of a dead man, with the words, “REMEMBER ME, JIM?” smeared in blood in the background. Jimmy immediately realizes who did this and flees the building. As he’s running, he bumps into Darcy, who is here because they were supposed to go out for coffee. Jimmy tries to come up with an excuse, until he sees a couple of shady people approaching him. This leads to a thrilling, John Wick-style fight scene, in which Jimmy takes down all the assassins sent after him.
The episode ends with Darcy staring at him in shock, wondering who is this man standing before her. 
Episode 2 
This episode picks up right after the end of the previous episode. Jimmy and Darcy are on the run, fighting their way through hordes of assassins sent to kill Jimmy. We get a close-quarters combat fight scene, a gunfight, and a car chase, all in the first half of the episode. Eventually, Jimmy and Darcy reach this mysterious location, where they meet a woman who seems to recognize Jimmy. The woman introduces herself as Monica Chang (played by Yunjin Kim), a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Nick Fury’s ex-wife.
Jimmy says he needs to get out of the country since “Golden Claw” has somehow come back from the dead and is out to get him. Monica then arranges a transport to Madagascar for both Jimmy and Darcy. This is where we get the big reveal; Jimmy Woo is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who went underground after the events of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. Golden Claw was Jimmy’s arch-nemesis who he thought he killed years ago. 
As Jimmy and Darcy make their way to Madagascar, Darcy asks Jimmy for the full story. Jimmy figures he has nothing left to lose and starts to recount his past, leading to the next episode.
Episode 3
Flashback episode, set before the events of “The Avengers”. Jimmy Woo is a high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is close friends with Phil Coulson and Monica Chang. We learn that Jimmy is hunting down Plan Chu, the Golden Claw (played by Joe Taslim). Golden Claw is considered the “Kingpin of Asia” and rules over all the crime syndicates in the continent, from the Yakuza to the Triads to Madripoor. To emphasize this point, although Sharon Carter/Power Broker rules Madripoor, she answers to Golden Claw since he’s the one who helped her take control of the nation.
Due to how powerful and dangerous Golden Claw is, S.H.I.E.L.D. began targeting him, with Jimmy leading the charge. In this episode, we see the end of Jimmy’s operation; S.H.I.E.L.D. leads an assault on Golden Claw’s mansion, which eventually leads to Jimmy facing off against Golden Claw one-on-one. The two men fight, which ends with Jimmy tossing Golden Claw off a cliff. Claw is presumed dead since his body is never found.
Cut to several years later, Jimmy goes underground due to Steve Rogers exposing HYDRA’s existence in S.H.I.E.L.D.. With Nick Fury’s help, he scrubs away his past and takes on a new job as a FBI agent. The episode ends with Jimmy meeting with Scott Lang in “Ant-Man and the Wasp”. 
Post-credits scene: After being tossed off the cliff, Golden Claw is found by Sharon Carter, who was part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. assault. She decides to nurse him back to health, indicating that even before she became the Power Broker, she was a double agent working for the Golden Claw. 
Episode 4
Golden Claw-centric episode, focused on his origin story. We learn Plan Chu was actually born during the First Opium War (1839). He grew up poor and angry at the British for their attacks on China. Eventually, he ends up becoming an apprentice to a mystic/alchemist and learns how to develop elixirs that can grant him special powers. One elixir in particular prolongs his lifespan, explaining how he’s still alive in the modern day. Plan Chu’s master eventually dies from old age. Using the skills he learned, Plan Chu creates his criminal empire and earns the nickname “Golden Claw”. 
In the modern day, Golden Claw, who has fully recovered from his battle with Jimmy Woo, starts targeting all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were part of the operation to kill him. Sharon Carter provides him the names, leading to a sequence where multiple former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are killed by Golden Claw’s mercenaries. Although Jimmy Woo manages to get away, Golden Claw moves on to the next step of his revenge; finding out who ratted him out to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place, leading to the assault on his mansion. 
Golden Claw learns that the one who betrayed him was Suwan (played by Ali Wong), his grandniece and a leading member of the Triads. Although that’s his family, Golden Claw puts a bounty on Suwan’s head. 
In the B-story, Jimmy and Darcy arrive in Madagascar, where they meet Derek Khanata (played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), A former Wakandan special forces operative, a S.H.I.E.L.D. ally, and a friend of Jimmy Woo.
Episode 5
In Madagascar, Derek takes Jimmy and Darcy to a hideout in order to discuss battle plans. Derek tells Jimmy that Golden Claw has already killed most of the original S.H.I.E.L.D. team that was sent after him, which enrages Jimmy. Wanting revenge, Jimmy asks if they have any leads on Golden Claw’s whereabouts. Although he’s reluctant to go after Claw, Derek suggests going after M’Demwe (played by Barkhad Abdi), a ruthless warlord who has ties to the Golden Claw. 
Most of this episode is focused on Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek hunting down M’Demwe while avoiding the authorities and Golden Claw mercenaries that are in the area. Eventually, the trio manages to capture M’Demwe, leading to a thrilling car chase. After the chase, M’Demwe says he has no idea where Golden Claw is...but that they can get Golden Claw to come to them. When Darcy asks what does that mean, M’Demwe says that Claw put a bounty on his grandniece’s head. If they get to Suwan first, that could force Golden Claw to come out of hiding. 
Jimmy realizes this is about Suwan, indicating that they had a prior relationship. Jimmy asks M’Demwe where Suwan is and M’Demwe reveals that she’s in Montenegro on vacation. He then has Derek arrange a flight to Montenegro.
In the B-story, Suwan is seen gambling at a fancy casino in Montenegro. Suwan’s bodyguard tells her about the bounty placed on her head, which she waves off. She then says something ominous, that no one can touch her on her property.
Episode 6
Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek arrive in Montenegro. Golden Claw arrives around the same time. This is mostly a character development episode, in preparation for the final showdown. The following interactions occur:
1) Golden Claw meets with Suwan and tells him that he knows she betrayed him. Suwan demands to know why Golden Claw won’t just kill her himself, which Claw can’t answer. Suwan then confirms to herself that Claw can’t bring himself to kill her since he still loves her and that the bounty was his way of pushing the guilt onto someone else. Golden Claw doesn’t say it but he sees Suwan as one of his daughters, which is why he can’t just kill her himself.
2) More Jimmy and Darcy bonding. We learn more about Darcy’s family life and that she hung out with Jimmy for the same reason he hung out with her; she doesn’t have many friends outside of work. 
3) Jimmy meets up with Suwan and reconnects with her. Jimmy says he’s here to protect her but Suwan says he’s here to use her to reach Golden Claw. We learn that in the past, Suwan was sent by Golden Claw to kill Jimmy but ended up falling in love with him. That’s also part of the reason why Suwan betrayed Golden Claw. 
4) Golden Claw meets with Darcy, who doesn’t recognize him, and the two bond over a game of Texas hold’em. This scene is meant to humanize Golden Claw, that he’s not just a power-hungry criminal mastermind. 
5) Suwan and Darcy bonding. This is mainly played for laughs, with Darcy being curious about what this incredibly dangerous Triad boss saw in Jimmy. Suwan interprets Darcy’s interest in her past romance with Jimmy as jealousy, leading to a hilarious misunderstanding.
Episode ends with Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek’s covers being blown, leading to everything going south. Golden Claw and his troops corner the main trio, forcing Suwan to have her guards confront Golden Claw’s mercenaries. With everyone pointing guns at each other, the episode ends on a massive cliffhanger. 
Episode 7
Picking up right after the previous episode, the Mexican standoff between Suwan, Jimmy, and Golden Claw turns into a massive shootout, resulting in several casualties on all sides. Golden Claw’s army is forced to retreat, giving Suwan and Jimmy time to recover. This is the episode where we reach peak John Wick since right after Golden Claw’s retreat, Suwan takes Jimmy into her office in order to prepare for the second wave. Jimmy arms himself to the teeth, leading into the next attack.
Most of this episode is the battle between Suwan’s side and Golden Claw’s side. The battle is seen from these perspectives:
1) Jimmy and Derek at the forefront, fighting against the highly trained Golden Claw mercenaries
2) Darcy going off on her own in order to contact the Montenegro authorities (there’s a subplot where Darcy learns that Golden Claw managed to move the Montenegro police away from the area) 
3) Suwan directing everyone from her office and coming up with the battle plans. 
The big fight in this episode is between Jimmy Woo and Golden Claw’s top mercenary, Harold Kenkoy (played by Michael Bisping). Harold is the series’ secondary antagonist, with his role being similar to Brock Rumlow in “CA: The Winter Soldier”. Jimmy kills Harold after a brutal, one-on-one fight.
The battle ends when Darcy comes through with her mission to contact the Montenegro authorities. Unfortunately, Golden Claw manages to flee and retreats back to Madripoor. Not wanting to go through this again, Jimmy, Darcy, Derek, and Suwan decide to follow him. 
Episode 8 - season finale
As the big finale of the series, Jimmy and friends reconnect with Monica Chang, who brings a team of other former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to assist. On the other side, Golden Claw meets with Sharon Carter and tells her that he’ll be taking over Madripoor while he regroups from his previous loss. Sharon angrily states that he can’t just take her throne, leading to a “betrayal” scene. However, just when you think Sharon has the upper hand, Golden Claw reverses the situation when Sharon’s mercenaries turn against her. Claw says that he’s the one who gave her power and that he could easily take it away. 
Sharon fights through her former mercenaries and joins up with Jimmy Woo. They form a temporary truce when Jimmy tells her that he’s only in Madripoor to stop the Golden Claw once and for all. With Sharon’s help, Jimmy’s side forms a plan to trap Golden Claw. 
Of course, the plan goes awry, leading to Golden Claw closing down the whole country in order to trap Jimmy’s team. With nowhere to go and all the criminals in Madripoor gunning for them, Jimmy goes off on his own to corner Golden Claw. In the midst of all this chaos, Darcy is captured and taken to Claw. Darcy, having bonded with Claw earlier, tries to appeal to his humanity and convince him to give up his revenge quest. Claw refuses and says that he’s justified since S.H.I.E.L.D. was the one who instigated this whole situation. 
After a series of incidents, Jimmy Woo eventually confronts Golden Claw. The two fight, mirroring their fight from years ago. Jimmy wins after managing to fatally shoot Claw in the chest. As Claw dies, the two acknowledge each other, with Claw glad to have been killed by a worthy opponent. Sharon takes back control of Madripoor and, to thank Jimmy for stopping Claw, allows everyone to leave. She also rescinds all the bounties that Golden Claw set up. With that, everyone goes home.
The rest of the episode is just wrapping up the story. Suwan goes back to Montenegro, Derek goes back to Madagascar, and Monica tells Jimmy that she’s founding a new spy agency to fill in the space left by S.H.I.E.L.D. This ends up being the Atlas Foundation, which we’ll see in a future series. Jimmy says he’ll consider joining but for now, he’s going back to his job at the FBI. Season ends with Jimmy and Darcy getting coffee. 
POST-CREDITS SCENE: Jimmy Woo is with Darcy at the coffee shop when he’s approached by a messenger. The messenger tells Jimmy that he was named the sole heir of Golden Claw’s empire. Jimmy says that can’t be true but the messenger confirms this by showing him a copy of Claw’s will. Jimmy stares at the will in shock as he realizes that he’s become the new Kingpin of Asia.  
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hundtoth · 3 years
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while this should not have to be said aloud - heathenry is not a racist faith! unfortunately, such a statement is necessary to voice... unless you’re a chauvinistic and/or a xenophobic heathen, that’s what this post pertains to: sure, it’s not untold that in the modern world heathenry has been pockmarked by the allotment of symbols seized by hate groups alongside the adulteration of our religious ‘brethren’, with hateful individuals that warp our teachings to portray their hateful demands. our much beloved germanic neopaganism has become a justification for racist behaviour, from the propaganda of the nazi party which applied many of our symbols (such as the fylfot), to the germanic people pointing with pride as the pinnacle of the aryan race. a big problem that faces the heathen practice, while it is innocuous at heart, are the attempts to bear on labels to various heathen sub-groups as ‘racist’ and ‘not racist’. it has become favoured by heathens to cleave up heathenry into splinter groups; universalism, tribalism, and folkism (as the dominant ones), which are often viewed as ‘not racist’, ‘racist?’ and ‘racist!’ respectively. let me be the one to unburden that and say that these terms are not key definitions to those three groups, and that this is the root of the problem. the issue is that these terms are neither here nor there and cannot be applied in whole to the groups that they are supposed to attain to. this is because there exists no foundation within the religion for racist beliefs, which means that those who venture into the ancient praxis could fall under the folkish bracket and may not be and are often not racist. albeit, it’s commonplace for people to label themselves such things to be closer to those who share their views on racism, but that causes some to abandon a title tailored to their practice in favor of one that doesn’t, simply to avoid the bleak implications of said title. in my mind, i believe that we should not be giving monikers to those within the faith with racist tendencies as they simply are not deserving of them. they do not deserve to ornament themselves with the title of a specific group as this just causes a continuation upon the idea that their beliefs around that area of the faith are valid, altering its meaning entirely. to clarify the true to life meanings behind these groups, as they are applied to the preferences of method of practice by each heathen, we have;
universalism - a belief that anyone, irregardless of race, gender or sexual orientation, may practice under the heathen umbrella. the universalism belief structure has been criticized often for failing to motivate its followers to the same depth as others, and allowing the prevalence of contrary philosophies to those present within heathenry. universalists reproduce declaration 127, also known as havamal-stanza 127, which can be cherished by anyone for its simple utterance of: recognize evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies. however, declaration 127 is denounced commonly due to its poor efforts (similar to the criticism of social media campaigns for ‘likes’ with no physical backing) and it’s false sense of security within heathenry.
tribalism - considered to be ‘in the middle’ by many heathens. tribalists try to vindicate the old and new methods through moderate reconstructionalism, and have a tendency to conceptualise ethnic heritage without maintaining boundaries within practice. the purest way to describe a tribalist is a practicing heathen that integrates the ‘old ways’ into their lifestyle, and they often assert that one must earn the title of heathen - that it doesn’t matter who you are, you must put in the effort and study, which may span years.
folkism - folkist beliefs carry the most stigma, in which racist beliefs are widespread, claiming that germanic paganism is an ethnic right. while this is not always the case, it gives the impression that germanic paganism is only open to those with a connection to the germanic peoples, in a ‘heretic’ kind of way. within folkism, there exists a cross-section as to how this should be enforced, though it is unclouded that it has become a seedbed for racism within the overarching faith that is often under-fire for being contradictory to itself with no substantive evidence that the nordic peoples were racist.
what these terms have set out to do is prognosticate the beliefs of heathens away from how they comfortably choose to practice their faith. the three groups aforementioned fell into those titles not solely due to racism but to essentially describe a heathens practice through daily life. these terms inflict uncertainty to several thought processes within heathenry where race is not a factor, thus cold-shouldering heathens who heed to such traditions when they are presumed to be mirroring the racist views held by their counterparts under the tribalist or folkish stamps which have precured their titles because of racist prospects, not because of how they adopt practice, which is the true basis of these terms. in retrospect, trying to rank the groups within heathenry with the aim of plucking out a method of practice under ‘racism’ only adds more conflict to our community as a whole. i suggest that, especially to new heathens, you should explore these groups further to better your understanding of the people that you may be dealing with and what their ideas are but, be mindful of the fact that you are not required to declare yourself as anything, as these terms tend to only exist as a guide into finding like-minded people. additionally, it would be baseless to create suppositions about anyone within heathenry for the titles that they have chosen to align under as each group is diverse, not only in its members but in its beliefs. another important concept to mention when discussing racism in heathenry are the origins of germanic paganism. germanic ancestors adored the idea of ancestry through honour and worship, and as they would of been white, such ancestors must of been white, too. this would give the impression that when one turns their hand to ancestral veneration within heathenry, while not being white, by very definition they would be inclined to practice their own ancestral faith, which would not be heathenry - because they are not white. to connect to one’s ancestors, many heathens find it essential to practice their ancestral ways through faith and culture, but when someone has no nordic ancestry, heathens may imply that other heathens should be following their own ancestry instead, which is quite paradoxical and backs many people into a corner. an argument often occurs within heathenry regarding spirituality and how it is ‘passed through the ages’, validated by claims that we assume elements of our fate and soul from our lineage and how our ancestors could be reincarnated as a factor of that. as such, it is only those with nordic ancestry who may hear the call of the old gods. they attempt to rationalize this by claiming that white people cannot feel the call of other ancestral ways and other religions, and thus is all fair and equal. however, when we are called back to the ‘old ways’, the old ways are our own individual pasts, as something ingrained into our spiritual histories. for those who are non-whites, this path would not be heathenry, at least according to those who convey this claim. withal, symbols, in my own opinion, have greater intrigue for racists undertaking heathenry above all, with many already falling victim to the racist facets of such symbols whilst being used erroneously by hate groups for many years. additionally, new symbols are often purloined and misappropriated, rather than observed as segments of a faithful movement, instead they are seen as the ideograms of ancient whites; mjolnir, runic othala, valknut and ravens, amongst many more. as mentioned in an earlier paragraph, many symbols now associated with the nazi regime (the SS and swastika) are, or were, once deep-heathen symbolism. ofcourse, the swastika is immediate throughout history but if we were to be straight-thinking, we can surmise that the nazis used it for its association to heathenry, not its association to buddhism, etc. even if these people understood the symbols that they clutched on to and their authentic meanings in a religious sense, they are still related to the previously mentioned concepts within the origins that they have already manipulated to suit themselves, for example, the othala rune, which at a very basic level relates to heritage and ancestry. with a racists obsession with white ancestry, its very easy to see why an ancestral symbol from a white culture would be appealing. within this post, i have tried to emphasise that there is no basis for racism within heathenry if one was to, with all intents and purposes, understand heathen-history and its logic. here are a select few reasons as to why i personally think that any racist who applies heathenry to validate their intolerant opinions are both wrong and uneducated:
assuming that one’s spiritual inclination was genetic, which a vast majority of pagans today discredit, it simply wouldn’t matter. conducting a shallow study on genetics would reveal that it would be almost impossible in the ever-present to have a direct gene from any ancestor who would have been pagan in the viking era. some of the most controversially racist heathens today haven’t had a directly european ancestor in the last 200 years, oops! to paraphrase wayland skallagrimsson, there have been roughly 50 generations between the end of ancient heathenry and today, which means that for most people, contributions to DNA from any heathen ancestor amount to ‘less than 1 ten-trillionth of one percent’. contributions from christian ancestors would be 25-50% of one's genes. let us entertain the concept that one had inherited the genes of their heathen ancestors, scientists largely agree that thoughts and beliefs are culturally influenced anyway. while it is understood that mental illnesses can be inherited, they hold basis not in memory but in brain development, hormonal signals and genetically encoded processes within the body. perhaps it is true, after all, there is the disorder of victim mentality where one believes themselves to be under constant attack, so perhaps racists are just merely ill? poor souls.
there exists no single indication within the eddas and sagas of racial exclusion. our ancient germanic ancestors were well travelled and would have had a large sense of worldliness, caring little about those of other ethnicity, otherwise we would have a myth expanding upon that. in point of fact, odin seeks knowledge from the jötuns who, from a mythological standpoint, represent the ‘outsiders’. despite being the adversaries to the gods on almost all occasions, they often married into the aesir and were included amongst the figureheads (see loki and skadi), and had children together that were pivtotal to the tale of the world, such as magni and modi, children to thor and the jötun named jarnsaxa, whom of which are not only divine, but so pure that they take up the role of thor, and his hammer, after ragnarok to be the defenders of all. the mixing of the ‘outsiders’ to the central gods conveys a pespective from the ancients that position of birth has no bearing on one’s own ability to be pure and welcome.
similarly, there exists no historical evidence to say that ancient germanics were inherently racist. ibn fadhlan, an arabian traveller with produced written works on the germanic people of his age, was entitled to observe and learn of the ‘northern way’, involving himself in rites, alongside slaves who were integrated into the culture and religion historically - which is how we now have accounts of such things. not only do we have have the assimilation of others into the norse culture, we also have norsemen’s graves decorated with arabic emblems, proposing that they themselves diverged from their own ‘righteous path’, to be open and embracing of other cultures and faiths. in fact, germanics have been depicted on many occasions to have participated in the religious celebrations of the cultures to which they travelled, most notably the baptism of king radbod, in honor of a christian friend. additonally, archaeologists have deliberated in many different practices that the norse learnt skills and adopted traits from other cultures, such as the filling of teeth, prior to the occurrence of those practices in nordic culture, telling us that they took back cultural idiosyncrasies of other cultures to their own homelands - our faith would not have kept body and soul together without the aid of many ancient scholars belonging to other creeds and races, and it is a disgrace to disregard them today.
my final disproof is purely opinionated, which is that racism as a whole goes against the very tenants of heathenry. to strive to bar another person from coming into your ‘territory’ shows an acknowledgement of threat from that person. a threat, of course, can only be a threat if you acknowledge that they could overtake you, should you be weak. so, in being racist and fearing the prevalence of other races, racist whites are putting themselves into a position of weakness and equality with those other races. after all, if they weren’t equal certainly it wouldn’t take any effort at all on the part of the white peoples to be dominant, right? no! racism is cowardly and shows an easily wounded ego on the part of the racist; some of the greatest insults in the old norse language are to be weak and cowardly, and thus it is impossible for any racist to truly uphold the values of heathenry.
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snow crash - neal stephenson
my playlist (because of The Way That I Am)
final thoughts:
okay, im going to be honest right out of the gate- i cant decide whether this is a book id recommend or not. it was really fun for the most part, but personally there was a lot more exposition than id like. the early portions of the novel have exposition which feels completely fair, mostly things relating to worldbuilding. stephenson creates his own vision of future america, and some places online referred to it as cyberpunk, and some as post-cyberpunk. id be more in the latter camp, mostly due to the way he plays with tropes, leaving the reader unsure of which will be subverted and which wont.
the use of language was really fun, and i enjoyed the worldbuilding a lot. his vision of a futuristic capitalistic earth feels surreal in its immediacy and recognizability. the back jacket blurb ends with "a future america so bizarre, so outrageous, you'll recognize it immediately." which, yeah. a texan info-tech magnate? two competing corporations owning the highway system? suburban city-states? this was another enjoyable thing- everything was colorfully named, and names treated totally normally, which kind of poked fun at how we have everyday things named very ludicrously and for the most part we are totally blind to it.
one aspect i really enjoyed was that the author often doesn't make certain things clear to the audience, until he does, and then it becomes necessary to reassess the entire story and setting. this goes to underscore the theme of the importance of information and the ways we take it in and perceive the world based upon it. for example, we don't learn that y.t. is fifteen until maybe 75 pages in, at which point a lot makes sense in retrospect. the same thing occurs in the worldbuilding, as suddenly a detail is given in passing and the reader must incorporate it into the setting, which by default we assume to be similar in many ways to our idea of america. it keeps the reader on their toes as well as furthering the worldbuilding. for the most part, the tech stuff didnt feel outdated to me, despite being a future projected out from '92.
however, aspects of the book are definitely very 1992. id put these into two camps: the first, being that the book does at different times use slurs. the main character is black and asian, the n word is used a few times by racist side-character/antagonist types, as are a few other racial slurs. there was also the occasional usage of the r slur, within the narrative prose itself, rather than usage as an insult within dialogue.
the protagonist, who is named, unfortunately, hiro protagonist, is a great character and felt very fleshed out to me, though at times he reminded me more of dirk strider than normally would be ideal. (its obvious that stephenson and andrew hussie are of a similar type of writer, and play with similar tropes, lmao.) hiro is a man of many worlds. he seems to shift between them easily, though never fully existing in any of them. this is reflected in his background, both in his biracial identity and in having been raised on a myriad of army bases. this is layered further in his fluidity in interacting with both reality and the metaverse, yet remaining slightly, consistently aloof. fascinatingly the first moment i sensed this drop was when we meet juanita- aka where his real and meta realities coincide. the description of them as the adam and eve of the metaverse is both insanely romantic and thematically key (good god i wish we had more than like, two conversations between them). juanita designed the facial component to metaverse avatars, doing the majority of this work when the two were together, and hiro can see echoes of both their facial tics in the face of every avatar in the metaverse. in a way, by having done this work juanita is positioned by the narrative as one of the gods of this digital realm. she is also hiro's call to action, being aware of the coming trouble and alerting him to it, as well as connecting him to the informational database he needs to prepare.
y.t., the secondary protagonist, fucking ruled. i loved that she was just a fifteen year old punkass kid whose mom doesnt know how crazy this part time job is. y.t. being worried about her mom was a great thread throughout, and a really good balance to how obviously independent y.t. is. i do wish there had been a chance to explain more about her background (she has a dad who left who is mentioned in a throwaway sentence, and a boyfriend who is mentioned near the beginning but never again.) i really enjoyed how obviously hyperaware y.t. was at all times about her own place within the insanities of the setting, while also consistently writing her as a teen maybe in way too deep who thinks about things in typically teenage ways. but like, that wasn't ever held against her? the narrative meets her where she is. it was honestly awesome. HOWEVER,
i absolutely hated the raven and y.t. scenes. how creepy!!! he basically statutory rapes her!!! we know hes at least late 20s early 30s, because hes the same age as hiro. if this sort of content is upsetting to read for you, i definitely do NOT recommend this book. (if you want to avoid reading these bits: ch 47 y.t. meets raven, ch 50 they are in a bar eating, ch 52 things happen that result in y.t.'s anti-assault device activating- she did not activate it on purpose, but forgot it was there- and raven is knocked out.)
please PLEASE dont take any of the following analysis as like, trying to be apologetic towards this scenes. because again they were awful and hard to get through and really gross. but im also cognizant that the author was obviously trying to convey something by making the choice, like the way it was written is obviously not condoning this sort of thing.
i think maybe what stephenson was trying to get at with that, was that we see hiro internally negate any potential for anything untoward with y.t. basically immediately, since he kind of senses that she might have a small crush on him (though this doesnt last more than a fleeting moment, especially from her perspective). vs raven, whose 'poor impulse control' warning tattoo eventually elicits a sarcastic remark from hiro after he finds out raven and y.t. were "a thing". i really dont think hiro knew how far it went? like it was just suuuper weird, but i figured it was meant narratively to 1. execute the chekovs gun of y.t.'s anti-assault device, 2. contrast hiro and raven (especially considering the bike-racing argument where theyre telling the story together, which is supposed to parallel them, while contrasting the differences in how they ended up?), and 3. just to get raven unconscious, i guess. but good god it was weird and i hated every second of it, why couldnt the device have like, activated way earlier?? gah. fucking upsetting. moving past that!
honestly i was really frustrated by how little screentime juanita got, because the way she was introduced was so fucking interesting and then shes mostly off doing her own thing. the bits of explanation she gives at the end about what she was up to on the raft are so sparse and im like damn, can we get a little bit of her pov in here? please? that would have ruled. additionally, shes supposed to be hiros love interest, but we see so little of them interacting outside her intro scenes. a huge portion of why hiro is getting into the sumerian mythology is literally framed as something that will help him understand juanita, but we dont get to see him talk to her about it barely at all.
the supporting characters were quite fun, i particularly liked the librarian. big surprise, i liked the overly literal ai information-dispensor, lmfao. watching him and hiro interact reminded me SO hard of geordi laforge having honest to god conversations with the computer where he tries to coax information out of it, aka one of my favorite little aspects of tng.
and lastly, the major plot themes themselves. i adore the way stephenson approached action, it was very entertaining. usually i cant really visualize action scenes written out, but his use of language was really really effective and engaging. the plot itself was absolutely fascinating, though i found the premise pretty contrived. which isnt bad in itself, i was fully suspending my disbelief until the last hundred pages or so. which for a 550+ page book, isnt too bad.
i did like the approach of linking the ancient to the modern, that is always really neat. and i think ultimately stephenson did it in an interesting way, not how i would have done it, but definitely interesting! creating these ideas about information infrastructures, and there being words that can access those and be used to control people, was wild. not sure if i agree about the equating of religion to a virus, though he did specifically establish that it was more the approach to religion, than religion itself. (maybe if juanita had been more goddamn present in the narrative that could have been elaborated on a little more. literally her perspective would have been perfect in balancing that out!!)
ultimately what did me in was the very very very long winded MONOLOGUE where hiro re-explained the whole premise, in ways that didnt really neatly organize into a cohesive argument. a lot of the scenes where hiro talks to the librarian, which are interspersed throughout the book, are really exposition heavy, because stephenson is rooting his ideas in historical concepts that need to be explained to both hiro and the audience. and i thought all that was fine, because it was a conversation where hiro was grappling with the information, and he was figuring it out along with the reader, and most importantly it was a conversation between him and the librarian computer program.
howeverrr later on we get a full rehash of all that, where hiro makes clear some stuff that was just implied for the reader, and hes literally just telling these important men whats up in this big long monologue. utterly worthless. i kept reading it and going YEAH, we KNOW, we know this we know this. and the important men barely interjected. it added basically nothing to our understanding of the situation, other than reframing it. but everything added was already an implicit thing, and didnt really need to be said again.
the resolution to the book was stellar, the last 30-40 pages, once hiro is onto the raft, were great. ultimately after reading and giving some time to digest it, i think it was a solidly great book with a few big drawbacks near the end, but which dont carry through and sully the ending.
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bunka-japan · 3 years
Top Famous Japanese Samurai Names And History
The famous samurai is a famous character in Japanese culture. Samurai have been around for centuries and they are often the center of attention in many films, novels, and video games that are set during this time period. However, not everyone knows who some of these famous samurai were or what their stories entail. This article will list some famous samurai names and give you an overview of their history with the hope that it will help you get to know Japan's most famous warriors better!
There are many great samurai warriors in the Japanese history, such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. But there are other greatest to learn about Miyamoto Musashi or Tomoe Gozen - a fearsome female Samurai of Japan.
The samurai were a very well respected and powerful group of people. They followed the bushido code which is an honor-bound set of rules that prescribes how to live as a warrior, emphasizing practices such as martial arts mastery, integrity in life and death; courage; respect for one's opponents or superiors regardless of rank or social status (read more here). The Meiji Revolution abolished their power but they still had some influence on Japan way into present day because many became businessmen, professionals etc., while others helped shape Japanese culture!
If you are looking to learn more about samurai fighting styles, read this "What Type Of Martial Arts Did The Japanese Samurai Use?"
Here are a list of famous Japanese samurai names and history:
  1) Miyamoto Musashi (1584 – 1645)
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Born in 1584, Myamoto Mushashi was a famous and accomplished soldier, swordsman, and artist. When he was on the losing side of Battle Sekigahara in 1600 then he became ronin samurai which meant that his lord no longer recognized him as an official member of their army because they had lost this battle.
Miyamoto Musashi was a Japanese swordsman and philosopher who developed the two-sword technique known as nito ichi ryu. His reputation is so great that he has been referred to by other names, including kensai meaning sword saint or satsujin shoji which means killing machine in English.
He had many duels against rivals but his most famous fight occurred on an island with Saski Kojiro - ending quickly when Miyamato struck him over the head with a wooden sword after this duel, he retired from society despite teaching select students and helping suppress rebellions such as Shimabara of 1637.
Myamoto Mushashi was a great painter and author of the famous Book of Five Rings. He also wrote many other books on his martial art, philosophies, or sumi-e style paintings as well as bird paintings which are renowned in particular for Shrike Perched on Withered Branch (Kobokumeikakuzu) and Wild Geese Among Reeds (Rozanzu).
Myamoto Mushashi is most famously known for being an influential Japanese warrior who mastered multiple forms of combat from different cultures such as kenjutsu to jujitsu.
  2) Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537 – 1598)
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Toyotomi Hideyoshi lived from 1536/37 to 1598 and served as chief Imperial minister. He helped finish to 16th-century unification of Japan, helping create the country we know today.
Born a peasant in Azumato Province (modern day Nagoya), Toyotomi Hideyoshi left home when he was still a boy and became page at one feudal lord's mansion where he met Oda Nobunaga who would become his mentor for life - or so it seemed until this great man rose through ranks becoming samurai under him before joining armies fighting other clans trying unify all of Japan with their own rule into what you see now on your map.
Hideyoshi, the man who would later build a castle in Osaka and become one of key figures in Japan’s unified government. He clashed with Tokugawa Ieyasu during Nobunaga's attempt to unify the country but their alliance remained strong. Hideyoshi was then appointed as an important minister by his lord Toyotomi Otomo so that he could continue pacifying regions without conflict from other lords like Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was responsible for solidifying the caste restrictions that marked Tokugawa Japan. Farmers, merchants and monks were forbidden from taking up arms while warriors as well as artisans, farmers and tradesmen could only be found in their own areas of towns or villages due to strict segregation enforced by law.
  3) Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543 – 1616)
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The son of a local lord, Matsudaira Takechiyo was born in 1542. He came into his own during the era when Japan's civil war and feuding lords left it mired with violence and death.
After being sent to the Imagawa clan at four-years old, Ieyasu was raised with education in their court for 15 years. In 1567 he finally took over his family’s position and changed his name to Tokugawa after returning home from a life of exile.
He had a successful military career and ran his own town in the east of Japan. He was given governance over Edo where he established Tokyo, transforming it into what we know today as an international city with millions living there.
After the unfortunate death of his ally Toyotomi Hideyoshi, civil war broke out again. Ieyasu won the war and gained the title of shogun, becoming a military governor in Japan as well as its ruler with few limits on power. So began Tokugawa's rule over all but name for what would be three centuries to come until he passed away at age 80 in 1616 after having been ill for months beforehand due to illness or old age is not precisely known.
His mausoleum at Nikko has become one of most important shrines and was commissioned by Shogun himself from an artist who had taken up residence near Nagasaki during his time there trading with foreign merchants while simultaneously keeping firm control over Christianity-dominating Europe.
  4) Oda Nobunaga (1534 – 1582)
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Oda Nobunaga's story is the source of many others, but it’s well worth knowing on its own. Born in 1534 and living through a deeply fractured Japan where warlords frequently clashed against one another often causing much death and destruction before he came to power, Oda nobunaga was viewed by some as both an oppressive tyrant and a national savior.
Nobunaga was an eccentric figure. When his father died and left him to take care of the family’s land, he took it with a strange sense of entitlement, associating freely with peasants below their station as well as shunning many traditions that were important under feudalism such how wearing funeral garb at one's own elaborate burial rites. Nobunaga would also break protocol in other areas like when Hirate Masahide committed suicide after being offended by Nobuna ga during said ceremony--the first time anyone had ever done so--- but this event seemed to shock into reality for the young boy who then went on to unite Japan through force instead of diplomacy or succession rights established within Yamato clan itself .
With the help of a few uncles, Nobunaga gained control over his land. He was not in power for long before he faced challenges from one brother and later another that only ended when both were killed by him. All of this happened while other feudal lords sought their own place among them.
The legacy of Nobunaga led to Tokugawa Ieyasu and his allies' unified, more stable Japan. This was because Nobunaga died before he could unite all of the country with a single government.
  5) Kusunoki Masashige (1294 – 1336)
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When Kusunoki Masashige was born in 1294, he had already been indoctrinated into the Akuto. This group of samurai banded together to form a new government that did not belong to the present regime and despised how under-rewarded they were for their actions fighting against Mongolia. A man with such passion would be destined for greatness - and so it is no surprise when one learns about his early life as an active member of this organization after being raised by parents who belonged themselves.
The Emperor, Go-daigo (96th emperor of Japan) was forced to flee when his plot for take down the government was revealed. He found refuge at Mt. Kasagi in south Kyoto and declared war on the Government who were against him because he wanted revenge after what they did to him years ago which is why he's been plotting this since then. Masashige pledged loyalty towards GOdaijo as one of first people who would help overthrow those cruel men from power so that no more innocent lives are lost just like how many others had died before them too due to their selfish behavior!
The soldiers of Kusunoki Masashige were not like other warriors. They didn't wear fine armor or swords, but they threw rocks and poured boiling water on those who tried to assault their castle in Kawachi! With the tide turning against them after news of the Emperor's arrest, he opted to burn down his castle and flee without ever being captured by government troops.
Masashige rallied his men and 1,000 locals in Osaka. The government responded in force by laying siege to the small army cutting off their supply lines but Masashige anticipated this and created a secret path for supplies that led to victory as starving forces instead starved with no new provisions from outside sources coming into play which also prompted Emperor Go-Daigo's return who then lead renewed efforts against the Shogun regime.
The samurai had been shortchanged and did not receive the land that they so desperately needed to get them out of poverty. Another rebellion rose in Kysusu, led by Ashikaga Takauji, whom Masashige was able to escape with after he saved his life during this time period.
Masashige encouraged the emperor to make peace, but he refused. He then tried to walk the Emperor into fleeing into exile, but that was refused as well. In the end Masashige led an army with a slim hope for victory against Ashikaga’s forces of 200,000; his own were 899 men strong and lost many on their journey in battle when they finally met near Osaka by 1336 AD where he succeeded suicide after being outnumbered so greatly..
Masahide's devotion and cunning have made him a very popular samurai hero especially within his native city-state (Osaka).
  6) Hattori Hanzo (1542 – 1597)
Hattori Hanzo was a fearless warrior who performed many feats in service of the Tokugawa clan, including rescuing Tokugawa Ieyasu's daughter from a castle and laying siege to another. Born around 152 AD, he served until his death at 55- some sources state that this happened suddenly while hunting or died during battle with pirates on an island off the coast of Kyushu.
  7) Sanada Yukimura (1567 – 1615)
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Yukimura was born in 1567 and was known as A Hero who may appear once in a hundred years” and “Crimson Demon of War. His clan, the Sanada, caught up with wars between Oda Nobunaga forcing themselves to fight on different sides when Tokugawa took power after his death. Yukimura fought valiantly against them during Winter Siege at Osaka Castle causing many losses for enemy forces while he himself had smaller force size than that of enemies there.
I think you're tired of hearing about how Yukimura died, but in case it's not clear: he was fighting against Tokugawa forces and they managed to get him. The siege on Osaka castle went well for a while with him leading his troops during the battle until he finally conceded defeat after being completely outmatched by an enemy force that vastly outnumbered them at nearly 10-1 odds.
The defender of Osaka, exhausted and low on supplies but still as formidable as ever. Yukimura Sanada was a powerful general in the late Sengoku period who defended Osaka Castle against overwhelming odds before finally capitulating to Tokugawa Ieyasu's forces after months' worth of bitter fighting.
This heroic warrior is said to have made one last plea with his enemies: "I am Sanada Nobushige."
  8) Uesugi Kenshin (1530 – 1578)
A long time ago, a young man named Nagao Torachiyo led an army in the fight against Takeda Shingen. He was born to be one of Japan's most powerful warriors and leaders when he changed his last name as refuge for Uesugi Norimasa who then adopted him as his son.
After his power had reached its peak, the mighty Uesugi sought to overthrow one of Japan's most powerful lords. He bravely faced all odds but unfortunately died before he could start a battle with Oda Nodabunaga.
  9) Takeda Shingen (1521 – 1573)
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Takeda Shingen, a 1521-born feudal lord of Shinano Province and one of the warlords who struggled for power over the valuable Kanto Plain in eastern central Honshu. He is best known for his series of battles with another famous warrior by Uesugi Kenshin that became legendary. The two fierce commanders clashed fairly indecisively but cemented Takeda's influence as he became one of the most powerful military leaders in region.
He was most feared by Oda Nodabunaga, and after defeating an army led by Ieyasu he began to make inroads into Tokugawa territory. A year following his victory over the armies of both men, Takeda died at age 39. To this day many people celebrate him as a genius who had skills that should be celebrated throughout all Japan due to the film Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior) directed by Kurosawa Akira being created about him.
  10) Date Masamune (1567 – 1636)
Date Masamune was an incredible tactician who led the Date clan to power. He had a remarkable ability for warfare, earning him such nicknames as "One-Eyed Dragon of Ōshu". At one point he broke alliances and conquered land in his quest to hunt down a defected vassal from Ashina clan. After this campaign, many battles ensued against neighboring clans.
Tokugawa Ieyasu showed no fear when he was forced to choose a side during the Tokugawa-Toyotomi civil war, but once his overlord Hideyoshi died and left him with nothing. A man of great character, he eventually took up arms on behalf of Tokugawa's faction after finding that there was not enough food for both himself and the people in his domain. He then lead them all to an unexplored location which would grow into Sendai City thanks largely due to its proximity from fishing waters--an ideal place for those who are hungry or need work!
Masamune was known for his great sympathy for the Christian population growing in Japan, only reluctantly allowing their persecution in his domain when Ieyasu outlawed Christianity. It is because of Masamune's patronage that there are now a small community of Japanese descendants living in Spain as they fled to escape from religious prosecution on home soil.
Masamune was a powerful samurai who changed the political and cultural landscape of Japan forever. He has been represented in many media that chronicle both real and imagined versions of his life, but this is only scratching the surface to how influential he really was!
  11) Honda Tadakatsu (1548- 1610)
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(Source, 11)
Honda Tadakatsu was a loyal servant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and his contributions aided the success of countless battles. Perhaps being most noted for successfully leading evacuating troops from advancing Takeda forces before their decisive clash in 1584 during the Komaki Campaign, he would also go on to have great successes like breaking through an enemy's defensive line at Nagashino Castle with only 2 outposts left standing by nightfall after engaging them all day long.
His courage is said to have so impressed Toyotomi Hideyoshi, his foe in that battle, that he ordered a general ceasefire. Ieyasu was left with only a few troops but rode out and challenged the vast enemy host himself-and won! He continued to fight for Ieyasu through many battles and campaigns including Sekigahara where future shogun Tokugawa finally defeated him. It's hard not be inspired by this brave samurai who died protecting his lord at age 106 after serving him faithfully all those years ago.
12) Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 – 1189)
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Yoshitsune was born in 1159, and is one of the most famous samurai's to have ever lived. He fought alongside his half-brother during Genpei War that led him on a path towards fame as he helped consolidate power with both humans and gods alike. Yoshitsune faced many challenges before embarking on this journey such as death at age 10 when overthrowing an attempted coup by court nobles leaded by Minamoto no Yoritomo who were seeking revenge for their father being killed from illness. It wasn't all bad though because after escaping execution himself thanks to monks taking care of him while residing within Kurama Temple.
Yoshitsune is a skilled samurai, the most respected and talented of his time. He took up arms against those who would take what belonged to him - that which was rightfully his by law. Against all odds he won every battle, liberating Japan from tyranny in the process as well as freeing it for himself following so many years spent without power or authority over anything at all."
Yoshitsune fell out of political favor when his brother Yoritomo schemed to end his growing power and forced him to flee Kyoto. He found refuge with Fujiwara no Yasuhira, son of the childhood protector he cherished so much. However, under pressure from Yoshitsune’s own brother-Yoritomo-he had a residence surrounded where Yoshitsune was staying at the time; defeated all retainers that were fighting for their lord in order to escape alive; and finally committed suicide."
A tragic hero as depicted by Japanese culture who has been deeply revered over many centuries: it is an open question whether or not Genghis Khan could have succeeded if without them knowing about this man's life story beforehand!"
  13) Shimazu Yoshihisa (1533 – 1611)
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One of the greatest leaders to ever live, Shimazu Yoshihisa was lord over Satsuma Province. Born in 1533 and died on March 5th 1611. He led his brothers uniting Kyushu which they claimed until Toyotomi Hideyoshi took it from them in 1600 but were defeated by him a few years later leading to their final years as Buddhist priests composing poetry that is cherished across Japan for its humility and skillful tactics!
from Bunka Japan - Japanese Samurai Bushido Culture https://ift.tt/3mdJQoB from https://ift.tt/3sEeGb1
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perkwunos · 4 years
David Graeber was somewhat known for being a bit snappy and quick to anger over some criticisms of his work--on the internet, anyways. As Astra Taylor put it, “his in-person kindness contrasted rather dramatically with his persona on Twitter, where he could be a bit punchy”. It’s hard not to be a bit sympathetic, though, if you look at some of the unfair criticisms he had to deal with--including from people I might have otherwise expected fairly serious and high quality discourse from. Ingo Stützle’s review of Debt, for instance, was filled with misinterpretations seemingly done for the sake of easily and cheaply drawing important-sounding political conclusions from theoretical disagreements. Take, for instance, the statement that “Graeber concludes that markets and money will continue to exist after capitalism”--a supposed conclusion, which, Stützle claims, it is “no wonder” that Graeber draws, due to not accounting for the historical specificity of the money-form and its markets under capitalism. This hasty attempt to depict Graeber as something like a Proudhonite market socialist is, of course, unrealistic. In Debt itself he even engaged in trying to give a (perhaps a bit popularized) positive meaning to the term communism that he explicitly opposes to exchange.
Stützle goes into more detail--and, perhaps due to an initial harsh reaction (on twitter) from Graeber, approaches somewhat more soberly--in his “Addendum on Graeber’s Debt.” Here, still, his writing is marred by cheap statements, as for example the pompous pronouncement that Graeber “amasses a lot of historical and anthropological material, but does not penetrate it theoretically and conceptually”, and the conspiratorial-sounding observation that Graeber has “been elevated by bourgeois forces to pop-star status.”
Stützle accurately points out a need for conceptual definition of categories with an eye to their historical and social delimitations: “Terms like population, class, or even money and credit, are therefore only concretely determined if they have been theoretically penetrated as expressions of multiple determinations and relationships. That’s important to Marx because otherwise the historical specificity of capitalist relations is projected onto the past, and only the relations of modern capitalism are perceived there.” He immediately draws a far more sloppily expressed conclusion, however, while trying to argue against Adam Smith’s universal human tendency to exchange: “exchange is not a basic human need; rather, it is a form of social intercourse which is the expression and result of the reign of the capitalist mode of production.” The exchange of commodities is not itself the result of the capitalist structure; rather, the exchange of commodities according to their value, expressing abstract labor, is what is historically specific. Marx recognized that Aristotle was able to make an accurate analysis of the value-form to the extent that he analyzed it as a relation of equivalence—because there already were, to a significant degree, social relations defined by the exchange of commodities, mediated by a general equivalent, with the notion of this thereby being a quantitatively equal exchange. The crucial difference is that Aristotle was not able to recognize any substance within that equivalence, finding it to be purely makeshift, fictional. This was not an analytical defect on his part, but an accurate analysis of the conditions of his time: these exchange relations did not consist of any such value—because there was not yet a social totality of abstract, homogenous labor to be represented by money. Aristotle could analyze the formal relation of exchange-value, but not value, because his society had exchange-values and not value.
The “real abstraction” Sohn-Rethel found already within Greek society wherever commodity exchange mediated by coinage occurred, isn’t the abstraction Marx analyzes as the substance of value, i.e. abstract labor. And yet, it may be accurate to say this earlier form of abstraction shares in a more general form, of which later capitalist exchange was one specific development. Certainly, it’s not on the face of it wrong to argue these earlier forms of exchange had an element of reification and impersonality that is quite significant, and shares similarities in that reification and impersonality with the later capitalist value-form. 
Stützle complains that “Graeber constantly refers to the character of impersonal domination. However, to Graeber this is neither characteristic of capitalist society, nor does he establish why domination takes on an impersonal character.” Graeber is fairly clear in what he sees this impersonality to be (one may say he managed to “penetrate it theoretically and conceptually”). As he puts it very early on in Debt:
A debt is the obligation to pay a certain sum of money. As a result, a debt, unlike any other form of obligation, can be precisely quantified. This allows debts to become simple, cold, and impersonal--which, in turn, allows them to be transferable. If one owes a favor, or one's life, to another human being-it is owed to that person specifically. But if one owes forty thousand dollars at 12-percent interest, it doesn't really matter who the creditor is; neither does either of the two parties have to think much about what the other party needs, wants, is capable of doing-as they certainly would if what was owed was a favor, or respect, or gratitude. One does not need to calculate the human effects; one need only calculate principal, balances, penalties, and rates of interest.
In premodern conditions, such impersonality indeed was not the universalized basis of society. As Michael Heinrich puts it, “exchange has been practiced for thousands of years, and coin money has existed at least since 500 B.C.E., but commodity- and money-relations in precapitalist eras were always “embedded” in other relations of production; they were never comprehensive, and the economy was not dominated by them. This is only the case with the spread of the capitalist mode of production.” This does not preclude the premodern emergence of impersonal forms of exchange that, while not universalizing themselves into the guiding regulator of the social totality, nevertheless play significant roles--and this is all that Graeber’s account concerns. He certainly goes quite a bit of the way in explaining why some forms of domination can become impersonal in this way, especially once we reach the “Axial Age” and Graeber supplies his account of the "military-coinage-slavery complex.” 
Stützle did have worthwhile things to contribute to Graeber’s account in Debt, in better defining a specifically capitalist structure of exchange. Graeber’s accusation of this value-form analysis being scholastic, a mere play with formal definitions with no practical distinctions to be gained, isn’t entirely fair, but I can’t blame him for seeing it that way in reaction to Stützle's piece. When attempting to criticize a work representative of such width of direct, positive research, only making quick and easy arguments (including many bad misinterpretations), and relying on just briefly reasserting previous, older research/theorizing, is bound to make one look not much more than scholastic, if one thinks one’s making any really definitive judgments. Of course, asking for more than that is asking for a lot of work, but that’s probably just what one needs to do to consider themselves worthy of a really intellectually sound judgment--especially when one’s going to make judgments such as that the thinker in question “amasses a lot of historical and anthropological material, but does not penetrate it theoretically and conceptually”, to say the least.  
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uyaberfsaegina · 3 years
Synapse XT New Zealand The Most Successful Supplement for Hearing Loss
So what other than not sticking a cotton swab to far down your ears or listening to music loudly can you do? Although the conductive synapse xt new zealand may be medically treated, the sensorineural synapse xt new zealand is permanent. synapse xt new zealand can also come from the normal aging process.
These patients often can't hear conversation well when another conversation is taking place. Here is a real shocker - a rock concert alone or the general traffic noise due to the continuous honking produce more than 110 -120db. When the ossicles don't function, the loss of hearing can be moderate to severe. Hearing Diminishment Explained In such cases, any blockage can be drained or removed, but the sensorineural type of loss (when the nerves die) cannot be reversed. In more severe cases, as with tumors or fluid deep inside the middle ear, surgery may be implemented. Individuals especially youths should know the consequences and causes of synapse xt new zealand so that they purposely do not spoil their hearing capabilities. In most cases of low frequency hearing degradation, the sufferer might not even recognize they have lost the ability to hear lower sounds as many of the same sounds are still supported in the mid to high frequency ranges, thereby still allowing the individual to comprehend the sound.
This damage could be from disease, drugs like aspirin, aging, or genetics. If you know somebody who suffers from age-related synapse xt new zealand please consider talking to them about the effectiveness of modern day hearing devices. If you have this loss, you might have a tendency to slow down your social life, so that you're not embarrassed. Sensorineural synapse xt new zealand occurs as a result of damage to the tiny fibers located either in the inner ear, the healing nerve, or the brain itself, and although sound has entered the inner ear, the signal has been restricted or misunderstood because of the damage. Mostly people suffering from loss of hearing fall under this category.
Profound Deafness - This group has to use sign language to communicate and employ lip-reading to help. Individuals with synapse xt new zealand are usually unable to hear other sounds that are in the same range of frequencies as the ringing. This is a small issue and it can be treated with some ear exercises and getting away from the daily hustle of life for a while. It is common for both hearing and vision (properly referred to as "visual") loss to occur as we age.\
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prorooferrichmond · 3 years
Pro Roofer Richmond
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It can be very difficult to cope with roof issues, not to mention that if things are not done correctly, the leaky roof or broken roof can be highly detrimental to the overall quality and value of the house. Roofs need to be taken care of because another common rooftop problem is ageing. It is also very important to urgently alert a roofing specialist before it becomes a headache.
In the Richmond VA area, you are searching for a quality flat roofing specialist. For all your roofing needs, including new flat roof construction, maintenance, roof leakage, adjusted bitumen work and any residential flat roofing problems, come to us at Pro Roofer Richmond VA for your competent roofing services.
It is our mission to revitalize the roofing industry and provide our clients with the best quality service and goods. With honest advice and courteous touch, we put all our resources into promptly and professionally satisfying the roofing needs of our clients. The purpose of Pro Roofers and all our workers is to provide you with outstanding support. To gain and sustain your optimal happiness is our first and foremost concern.
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thebeautyofdisorder · 4 years
The Undone & The Divine (BBC Dracula) - Chapter 5
A/N: Okay...this took far longer than I expected it to, but to be fair for five minutes I was almost convinced to take a break and leave it at four. Five minutes is giving it too much credit, I think. But, either way - here it is. I hope you enjoy it. I labored over the last bits of this for far too long wondering if I was getting too ahead of myself, but... what the hell, right? Please reassure me with comments.
Rating: still T, for blood, language, and a bit of dubious consent/alluding to adult concepts 
Pairing: Dracula & Zoe/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapters 1 & 2 Here - Chapter 3 Here - Chapter 4 Here
Can be found on AO3 - Right HERE -
Chapter 5
It was another two weeks before Zoe saw sunlight again. Not out of any kind of vampiric repulsion, but purely due to the epic workload she had set up for herself. She knew as much as she hated to admit it that Dracula was right. She had a limited amount of time to make good on her intentions and an expanse of scientific ground to break, more than she had ever envisioned for herself. 
Worse, there was a level of occult knowledge that she needed to reacquaint herself with since she’d tossed it in the bin twenty years prior, but Agatha was at least useful in that respect. Granted 1897 was not the most ideal cut off, but it gave her a decent groundwork. What wasn’t useful was the obvious glee that overcame her in the presence of the monster Zoe had been taught from an early age was basically the devil incarnate. And it’s not as though the nun even disagreed with the assessment, save her belief in the literal devil causing a bit of a contextual conflict. 
Zoe had always took pride in her stoicism, but Agatha was quite the opposite. She’d always found some sort of wicked, curious amusement in everything, even in the face of death – and vampires, apparently. Not that she didn’t have a very personal reason to be interested now. No, ignoring Dracula was no longer an option. Understanding him was the only way to fully understand herself, and whoever else the Count was no doubt soon to add to the ranks of the undead. 
As much as she detested to admit it, she could feel herself changing – slowly, but surely evolving past the limits of what it had always meant to be human. Everything was different – the way things smelled, looked, tasted, felt… there wasn’t a sense unaffected. And with it had grown subtle, gnawing hunger that she was determined to repress – or, currently, find a safe way to sate. And she was close. So close. But without a few more key bits of information from the beast himself, there was no way to be sure.
She had let him be for now, since she knew they at least had time in that regard. Dracula was many things, but a total idiot was not one of them, and no doubt he’d taken notice of the pattern just as easily as she did. The longer he spent with each victim, the more ideal the transformation after death. Instant kills were a 50/50 shot at best. If he was on the lookout for another ‘bride’ – even if he’d found one, there was no way he’d waste his newly renewed hope by getting overzealous. Zoe alone seemed to be the outlier of that unspoken rule, but ingesting so much of his blood (and also being on death’s doorstep already) seemed to have been the push.
It wasn’t like she didn’t know where he was. In fact, she found that if she let herself focus on him too long she couldn’t seem to avoid getting a sort of passing ‘update’ of his current actions – whether she wanted it or not. Just the person she wanted to be mentally connected to. Though whatever the connection was, it seemed to be a two-way street as opposed to the sort of controlling thrall that he had over certain others. At least she hadn’t caught herself doodling ‘Dracula is God’ in the corner of any of her notepads, thank fuck for that.
After a couple of weeks, however, the peaks at his consciousness were becoming more involuntary – either that, or he’d found out a way to push them at her deliberately, which wouldn’t surprise her in the least. An array of miscellaneous throats, mostly – with the occasional face to go with them even, but a strangely short order of corpses. Not too surprising given his renewed intent to procreate, but she expected the body count would be still reasonably…abundant. 
Despite knowing she should be relieved, Zoe felt a creeping sense of dread. How many people did he intend to turn? To keep up with his usual appetite he’d have to be keeping a menagerie of donors. Willing donors. For a brief, mindless moment she wondered to herself how the hell he was managing that. Her own voice (more or less) answered in a clipped mocking laugh, echoing out loud in the silence of her office. 
Tall, dark, handsome, well dressed, charming – in a snakey sort of way with no particular sexual preference, in a city full of jaded, power starved people longing to escape from their problems, with a cynical attitude toward life and death?  Christ’s sake, they were in the age of the opioid epidemic and the man was walking heroin. Literally. The world was doomed. 
Ready or not, it was about time she stopped making things so easy for him, Zoe decided, packing up her latest round of experiments and locking them away. Just because she couldn’t kill Dracula (yet) didn’t mean that she couldn’t distract him - a thought that she was well aware originated more with Agatha than herself, but the scientist in her was still fully willing to embrace. 
The methodology was...negotiable, they'd settled on vaguely as Zoe found her way quickly home to her flat. 
Once she decided to figure out his location, it didn't surprise her that the count was 'on the prowl', but she did have to roll her eyes at his choice of venue. Apparently he was going to make following him inconvenient. It definitely wasn't a club she could just waltz into dressed like a science professor and blend in. 
But this is good, he won't be expecting your intrusion. 
...Or he's expecting me to show up in a lab coat and give myself away Zoe countered internally, becoming arguably far too comfortable with disagreeing with her own inner voice as she yanked out a little black dress from the back of her wardrobe and tossed it on her bed, along with her far more lived in leather jacket.
Fine. This was fine. If she could keep randy 20-year-olds focused on studying science instead of each other on a regular basis, she could certainly handle putting a wrench in a 500 year old man-child’s seduction techniques. 
Of the numerous intrigues and conundrums the 21st century had wrought upon the Count, the notion of the vampire being not only a cultural topic of admiration but practically a fetish was one he had never seen coming. He was actually embarrassed it had taken him this long to fully comprehend and, in turn, utilize this phenomenon. It was true none of his earlier victims had really been surprised when his teeth sank into their necks, but the full scope of it had never really ‘dawned’ on him until baring his fangs had inspired one too many bouts of earnest excitement. It was frankly hilarious, not to mention convenient, though truth be told he was beginning to miss the charms of inspiring unholy terror. 
Not that the initial euphoria didn’t quickly evolve into proper panic once the reality of exsanguination occurred to them – if he allowed it to. He sometimes did, particularly since he was losing patience with being told it wasn’t Halloween just before ripping into their throats. He opted not to keep those idiots around, more often than not. The undead didn’t need any more denial in its ranks - Zoe was already proving to be so far immune to his influence in every way, he did not need any more deviance. 
It luckily hadn’t taken Dracula long to finally hit the smorgasbord: an entire dark room, filled almost entirely with dozens of willing, believing victims. So many nocturnal souls, full of wickedness and naïve delight at the mere thought of a creature such as him walking amongst them. Many of them even liked to already call themselves vampires, some in jest and others in actual earnest - artificial fangs and all! It was downright adorable. Now why should he, of all people, ruin their fun? 
It never took very long to capture someone’s attention, and that particular night was no different save for the fact that his potential prey had suddenly turned their attention away from him and was having some unknown words whispered in their ear by a woman he vaguely recognized as the bartender. 
“I…um, I need to go. Emergency,” The young woman stated in the broken persistence easily identified as that of an unpracticed liar, and she dissolved hurriedly back into the darkness from whence she came. 
Dracula’s head tilted briefly in confusion, but then in realization he sighed as his eyes scanned and locked in a glare on the slender figure at the far end of the bar who was smirking at him. 
Striding over with exaggerated reluctance, he leant against the surface at her side.
“What did you tell her?” 
Zoe shrugged, still clearly pleased with herself. “Just enough to make you sound revolting. Not exactly hard to do.”
“No one likes a cock block, Dr. Helsing,” he accused with a raise of his brows, looking down at her.
Zoe chuckled aloud. “I think we both know your cock isn’t something to worry about,” she replied, eyes rolling at his apparent need to show off his modern vocabulary. 
“Ouch,” he rumbled, amusement still glinting in the black pools of his eyes despite his attempt at a pout. “Should I be offended?” 
“Is there even anything to be offended about?” She found herself asking, and briefly cursed Agatha’s ever-greedy curiosity.
The Count’s brows shot upwards, in either genuine surprise or a good ploy of it as he turned his body to face hers. “Are you asking if I’m, as you say, ‘fully functional and anatomically correct’? Oh dear, now I am offended.” It didn’t falter his smile.
“I just assumed you saw everyone as little more than happy meals with legs,” she said in, granted, unnecessary explanation for the question. Never in anything she’d seen or heard of his attempts to seduce or charm did he seem to be in pursuit of anything but dinner.
“I’m a man of many appetites, some just supersede others,” he replied simply, at first, though quickly amended. “And certain aspects of being a vampire does make it difficult to find a partner who will remain conscious or even survive the experience through to its conclusion.”
“Sounds like a self-control problem to me, though...I wouldn’t have thought the killing part to be an issue for you,” she uttered in return, more of Agatha’s intrigue popping out without her consent. 
His eyes narrowed knowingly, as they always seemed to do when he sensed Zoe’s words were not always her own, though it didn’t stop him from responding.
“I may be undead, but I am no necrophile. I told you I like the lively ones, and I meant that. Even if the vast majority are ‘happy meals with legs’ that’s no reason to ignore what’s between them. Where do you think all that blood flows to when you’re aroused?”
“Sorry I asked,” Zoe clipped, eyes rolling again in sheer avoidance of his probing gaze.
“Maybe I ought to try some restraints,” he mused thoughtfully, ignoring her comment entirely and refocusing on his current ‘conundrum’ she’d been so kind as to bring to the forefront of his thoughts. “I fed from an interesting little dominatrix the other night…”
“For them or for you?” Zoe found herself snarking back, beginning to wonder if it was a better or worse choice to let a nun have this conversation in her place.
“Oh, them. It would keep them conscious a bit at least. When your saliva is a sedative, over-eagerness just breeds trouble. I don’t even know if they make anything strong enough to restrain me. Silver…if you believe the stories, though I’ve never tried it.” His brow quirked upward lasciviously at her, an obvious lure. “Perhaps you would do the honors?” 
“Perhaps I should try to stake you, just to be sure. You never know, I could get lucky.”
“Now, now. We both know you’re not going to do that. Come on Agatha – don’t think I don’t know when it’s you, you always were a curious cat - if things went your way I’d still be locked in a box to prod at for the rest of eternity, all for the sake of extending your morbid curiosity. I was extending a courtesy with that offer. It could be the closest you’d get to satisfaction in that regard. Or any regard," he drawled, punctuating his already not-so-subtle meaning by moving in closer still, deliberately intrusive. He lived to infuriate. 
Agatha’s first instinct was to aim a slap at his absurdly smug face just for the audacity, regardless of Zoe’s opposing instinct to ignore him entirely. Apparently the nun won out, though the speed in which her hands zoomed forward was an impossible thing, and as Zoe feared, a grave mistake. The older vampire caught her hand in his massive fist before it came within an inch of his flesh, with a look of pure satisfaction. In the same gesture, his other hand shot to grasp her throat and by the force of the movement alone urged her back from the bar and into the shadows just beyond it. The music was melancholic, but loud and just chaotic enough to drown out the faint growl erupting from his throat. 
“Ooh. Look at you go. I think my blood really did do the trick, didn’t it? None of my brides, before or after their full transformation, could even come close to my speed. And you’re already halfway there. Not to mention completely immune to my power of suggestion yet still able to locate me, it seems – very, very irritating, but impressive. Any fangs yet?” 
Struggling briefly in his grasp, she bared her teeth at him spitefully, showing off her teeth’s lack of points. 
“Aw. What a pity,” he sighed, letting go of her hand, but kept her neck in his grip – not squeezing, but present and unmoving, nonetheless lest she try to attack him again.
 “Still trying to fight it, aren’t you? Zoe’s just a stubborn thing, she wants to prove me wrong. But you…you are trying to protect her. From me…herself, I don’t know, but it’s only going to end up driving her mad.” 
“It’s completely feasible to resist the blood lust,” Agatha persisted, meeting his steely gaze with her own. “She’s figured out how it works, what the vampiric body needs to function.” 
“And I suppose you’d be the expert at resisting lusts, wouldn’t you?” His fingers tightened minutely around the long column of her throat, and his words were a harsh whisper that’s effect on her body mocked the very virtue it was pretending to praise. 
“For once, Dracula, stop flattering yourself,” she spat, turning her head as much to look away from him – at anything but him - as his hold would allow.
“I never flatter myself. You stop elevating yourself. You’re not a nun anymore, you’re just another wayward soul. You’ve died twice trying to rid the world of me and we’re both still here. Take a hint.” 
“Perhaps I’m still here to stop you,” she suggested, finally turning back to face him with a challenging lift of her brow.
The Count met her challenge with a look of utter acceptance , his face leaning down to hers in what to anyone else would be a clear threat - and to anyone else, it was exactly that. To a normal, non corrupt human his kiss meant instant submission, the predator incapacitating his prey. 
“Then, by all means, stop me.” 
She stood stiff in the face of his intimate approach, for a moment able to ignore any further context and simply prod at him. 
"Your delusions won't work on me anymore," Agatha reminded him blandly, pushing breath out with each word just because she could. 
This gave him pause for all of a moment, but it was seemingly only to observe her stubborn face with faint amusement. 
"Good," he uttered against her lips with mocking simplicity, but before she could take another breath he was kissing her hard and to his utter relief, didn't get limp, clouded acceptance in response. 
She let out a frustrated growl of her own in protest, more human than beast, though her attempt at clamping her lips closed in protest came a moment too late. He'd captured her lower lip between his own and she felt the sharp scrape of his canines as he pulled, still prominent without the animalistic haze of hunger. 
Her initial will to resist buckled to make way instead for an aggressive refusal to be dominated - whether those forces had names or were shared equally between the Van Helsing women, he couldn't say, but instead of allowing him to ravage her mouth unopposed, or even to attempt to fight or flee as the Count half expected, she'd responded with equal fervor - out of lust or spite or both. Her blunt teeth bit down hard where his had only nipped and her previously limp hand found its way to the back of his head and anchored itself in his locks to counter the tightening of his grip on her neck. 
The snarl that reverberated from his throat and into her mouth was every bit as bestial as hers was human, and his grip tightened dangerously just before forcing her backwards and away from him like he was embracing an open flame. She barely caught herself before crashing into a wall, but still looked on with unadulterated satisfaction as Dracula looked twice as shaken as she did in the face of his first kiss in 500 years that didn't end in immediate surrender. Men - alive or dead - were all the same. 
After a moment, he caught himself, letting out a wicked chuckle in the face of her smirk. "We'll make a monster of you yet, Van Helsing," he assured her raggedly, bluster gradually returning to his stance and the set of his jaw as he watched her.
Zoe - and fully Zoe at that moment righted herself from where she leaned against the wall, adjusting her jacket, the satisfied look still in her eyes. 
"Happy hunting, Count Dracula. Just don't expect me to make it easy for you."
And without looking at him again, she walked passed where he stood and headed in a leisurely stroll towards the exit, forcing her heart rate back to its normal deathly calm. 
I’m not even sure what to say to this other than either I’m sorry or your welcome. I’m just going to tag everyone who’s nerding has inspired me to continue, regardless if you’ve showed any interest in reading or not. If you want to be tagged, let me know
Tag List: @charlesdances @bellamortislife @carydorse @break-free-killer-queen @imagineandimagine @my-fanfic-library @punk-courtesan @ohveda @wannabebloodsucker @hoefordarkness @mymagicsuitcase @crazytxgradstudent @itendedbadly @theplumsoldier @gatissed @allfandoms-writings @littlemessyjessi @vampiregirl1797 @desperatefrenchwriter @iloveclaesbang @ss9slb @dreamerkim @mephdcosplay @violetmarkey @alhoyin @thozaarmitage @girlonfireice@cipherwheeldecoder @crowley-needs-a-hug @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @iloveclaesbang
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halfvolleying · 3 years
Often ignored- the overall health of football players.  Taking a curious approach to Dele Alli’s recent experiences.
According to media reports, it is likely that Dele Alli will move on loan to PSG in the next few days. Jose Mourinho has consistently not included Dele in his first xi this season, and more often than not he has not featured in Spurs’ match day squad of 18.  At the heart of these reports is the Amazon Prime snippet of Mourinho communicating to Daniel Levy (and also Dele in-front of his colleagues) that his training habits leave much to be desired. The narrative of a younger footballer who has fallen from great footballing heights to obscurity is not an uncommon one in modern day football. What has been left out of this narrative about Dele, as it so often is, is a nuanced conversation about health and wellness, young men, and potentially traumatic stress.
In May 2020, 8 months ago, Dele was attacked and robbed at knife point, along with some of his closest family members and friends, in an incident that he described as a “horrible experience.” Harry Kane also shared that Dele was “shocked and angry” after the situation. I do not know Dele and do not have any additional information about how he experienced this incident, its potential impact, and/or his views on it today. These points are of the utmost importance because only Dele will know these details, and the purpose of this piece is not to label or to irrefutably state what someone else may be experiencing/have experienced because ultimately I do not know.  I am writing to encourage compassionate curiosity from those around players to be more attuned to others’ health and wellness, and even in the realm of professional football.
The reactions described by Dele and Kane above are aligned with normative reactions for someone who has potentially experienced traumatic stress. Traumatic stress can impact people in various ways and it is common for the professional aspect of one’s health and wellness to be affected.  One’s ability to be present may be compromised and behaviors that present as disinterested or ‘unmotivated’ can surface when really they can be representative of feelings of fear, worry, sadness, or anger. Some may argue that his dip in form had started to occur before this incident yet this fails to recognize the interlocking complexities that can affect our ways of being.  I am not postulating that traumatic stress be the only prism to view a person’s presentation and functioning, but where potentially indicated, it is a very important consideration. If we do not recognize the importance in this type of situation, how can we recognize it in situations which are potentially not as evident on the surface, e.g. players engaging in problematic gambling behaviors or driving under the influence of alcohol?
Responses to those who have experienced traumatic stress from people, systems, or organizations can range from; ignoring it happened, invalidating the experience, minimizing pieces or everything related to it, to, on the other side of the spectrum; recognizing it happened, to validating feelings connected to it, supporting someone to try to maintain safety and security, promoting connection to others, and to gaining and maintaining awareness that such an incident could impact their health, including their professional life.  And this is where the media and the systems around players come in. If Dele had been physically injured on the pitch in May, there may still be references to this eight months later as the modern day football fan (and ex professional footballer turned pundit) has learned more about physical rehabilitation and recovery, for example, the average fans knows the length of physical rehabilitation that an ACL injury typically takes without complications. There are often videos and training clips that illustrate the ‘behind the scenes’ work a player is doing to return to their sport.
What are the platforms for a footballer who may have experienced a traumatically stressful event and/or mental health needs? Why is it rare to hear from a player about such situations until their professional football career is over? Why do media reports often ignore mental health and wellness considerations in favour of individual headlines about the same player? How many articles have you encountered that explore the link between what a player has experienced and their form?  Why is there often a lack of understanding about the possible impacts of potentially adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) when we hear about adults struggling?  There is often a consensus amongst analysts that players who move to the Premier League need time to adapt to the physical conditions of the game, and can we apply a similar understanding to those who have experienced (or may have experienced and we do not know) mental health challenges, stressors or adjustments? Whilst it is often indicated to give someone space to share their story, especially after a horrible event, this does not mean that it should be ignored, minimized, forgotten, or not included for consideration. The Premier League dedicated matchweek 26 last season to urge people to talk about mental health, and whilst important and noble, the systems around footballers have to support this expression and to create space for it.  I do not know specifically how Spurs reacted or responded to Dele after this incident but the role of a club, and any employer, can be one important place for support in such situations. There is much that needs to be done on a societal level and a first step could be to engage in compassionate curiosity about the health of young men and especially if they are engaging in behaviors which may show struggle. The tropes about training and motivation may still have a place but so do the details about one’s experiences and overall health and wellness. Without including context and reference, there is a disservice to athletes, to young people, and their health and wellbeing.
Note- This article does not substantially delve into the various parts of Dele’s identity and history, but an increased understanding of the ways systems oppress people based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, childhood experiences and class needs to be held if we are going to do better.
Note- the use of just his first name is not due to familiarity but based on his expressed preference.
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valleywomen0-blog · 3 years
Cryo treatment - What Are The dangers?
Vivo facility Birmingham Reviews
more Fat Freezing info & guidance:.
What You required To understand About Femiwand Treatments
genital firm treatment tested!
eliminating Skin Tags.
evidence From scientific research Studies On The efficiency Of Laser Vaginal tightening Up.
paying For Your Own treatment.
that Is a Prospect For Femiwand Vaginal tightening treatment Edinburgh?
Your specialist exists to pay attention carefully to you, and also to aid you achieve the objectives you want. This also indicates letting you recognize if your expectations are not sensible.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
MACS has the advantage of smaller marks and also generally a shorter recovery time. If you choose to go ahead with the facelift, we'll allow at the very least 2 weeks in between your examination and the date for surgical treatment.
Modern technology and fine-tuned methods indicate that a Mini Face-Lift operation currently lasts around 1 to 1.5 hrs, it is painless and healing time is much faster. Just a brief time earlier, we recommended individuals to wait up until they really could not put up with indicators of aging and then, at an older age, have a full facelift. The patient would certainly be pleased with the remarkable renovation and also would be unlikely to need any type of more surgery. Currently patients are normally not seeking a major adjustment, but just not to age. This therapy is especially appealing due to the low danger that it presents.
Outcomes have actually been specifically great in younger people who don't want the risks as well as recuperation time connected with surgical procedure.
The HIFU is suitable for any individual from 18 years of ages, men and women.
The therapy tightens the muscular tissue layer as well as tightening the skin as well as boosting collagen.
The high intensity regularity ultrasound targets the same layer of skin dealt with in cosmetic surgery, the SMAS, the surface musculoaponeurotic system.
The HIFU body therapies are an ideal remedy giving three therapies in one, skin firm, fat loss as well as cellulite treatment.
You will see results show up after around 3 months, once the collagen generation has actually started to occur.
We are not able to carry out the therapy if you are expecting or breastfeeding.
Nevertheless, as with all surgical procedure, some complications are feasible. Your doctor will certainly go over each of these dangers adequately at your appointment. We suggest patients ought to be able to go back to their regular everyday activities after concerning one week - we would certainly advise a few day of rests of work with the choice of a complete week need to you need it as swelling is biggest throughout this moment. We ask our individuals to be conscious their face area and also not to do way too much ahead of time. We likewise recommend staying clear of UV light for 2 -4 weeks to aid the scarring procedure. On the day of your treatment we ask that you arrive for your admission an hour before the concurred beginning time of surgical procedure. Now a nurse will certainly come and also tape high blood pressure as well as other appropriate tests, you will consult with your anaesthetist as well as your doctor that will make the final mark-ups.
further Fat Freezing info & guidance:.
What are the negative effects of CoolSculpting?
Some common side effects of CoolSculpting include:Tugging sensation at the treatment site. Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site. Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site.
Mini Face Lift Surgical treatment intends to correct the indications of aging as well as gravity, boosting the look of the lower face and jowls with minimal threat as well as downtime. The objective is to look fresh, more younger without transforming you-- all-natural renewal!
What You required To learn About Femiwand Treatments
Infection is infrequent (less than 0.5%) as well as will need a course of suitable antibiotics. Facial muscle weakness is rare, may affect the temple or corner of the mouth as well as is short-term long-term 6 weeks. Some modified sensation around the cheeks is anticipated as well as will generally go back to regular between 6 to 12 weeks after surgical procedure. At LBPS, we understand that your choice to have Face surgical procedure can be a difficult and distressed time for you. Our goal is to completely comprehend your issues as well as needs, as well as analyze your face precisely, prior to agreeing on a therapy plan which is in your best interest.
How many times can you do Cryolipolysis?
More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. This is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
Keep in mind that these contemporary lifting procedures are frequently integrated with fat transfer as well as stem cell transfer to bring back volume in the appropriate areas and also revitalize the skin. This treatment begins with the production of a tiny cut listed below each ear. The connective tissue below the skin is pulled as well as held back to develop a refined structural lift in your jawline and neck. Historically, face-lift procedures have actually been lengthier treatments, causing greater pain degrees and also longer healing time.
Clients who do not have excess skin due to laxity, generally do not need a Mini Face Lift, much of these patients will certainly benefit from Mid-Face Lifting or Shape Face Raise or non invasive face rejuvenation. The procedure which is best matched to your objectives will certainly be determined at your consultation. Your result can recover self-esteem as well as boost self-worth. Many patients are back to their routine regimens after simply a couple of days. In addition, the smallness of the face incisions implies that your skin's recovery procedure will be quicker as well.
genital firm treatment examined!
Typical to all surgical procedures there are always threats connected with surgical procedure. cryolipolysis can occur and might take 2 weeks to settle, while significant blood loss is uncommon.
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getting Rid Of Skin Tags.
With this strategy, the surgeon will certainly make a smaller sized incision that does not reach the ear. The cut is much more superficial and does not go under the SMAS layer. This strategy is less substantial than the SMAS strategy, so is better matched to correcting milder laxity of facial skin.
If for any reason you disagree for Mini Face lift surgery, you will certainly be advised against this form of surgery. We will certainly provide you with all the details you require and also sustain before, during and after your surgery.
The benefits of this technique is smaller sized scars and also a much shorter healing time. A facelift can give you an extra younger, rejuvenated look. As we age, our skin gradually loses its flexibility as well as our facial muscles slow. This develops the appearance of old and wrinkly, drooping skin, specifically on the face. Way of living factors such as sun direct exposure and also stress can also add to these changes. This can affect your confidence as well as make you look older than you really feel. Thus, a facelift aims to recover the vitality in your appearance.
evidence From scientific studies On The performance Of Laser Vaginal firm.
The Principle ™ Facelift is not limited by age; however, people in their twenties are not likely to have the loosened skin as well as age-related adjustments that can take advantage of a facelift. A typical age where people present often tends to be around 50, particularly for ladies. That's due to the fact that the hormonal changes of the menopause can influence the look. Most of Bella Vou's patients age from late 40s to 55 and also claim that they feel they look tired and also desire a much more renewed appearance.
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I was extremely satisfied with the care and therapy I got at the Cadogan Center. My doctor was friendly and informative and also clarified the treatment fully. My procedure went extremely well and also with the outstanding care of the nursing team, I made a speedy and also full healing. The Mini-Facelift is an excellent therapy for individuals wanting to reverse the indicators of aging and also accomplish an extra youthful look without undergoing a full facelift treatment. A mini - lift can be done with very little trouble, scars as well as danger.
Bella Vou uses customers a distinctly individual technique to plastic surgery. The state-of-the-art clinic supplies the very latest medical, cosmetic, and also visual treatments in an elegant, comfy, and welcoming setting in the heart of the attractive historic town of Royal Tunbridge Wells. The advanced Idea ™ Facelift is exclusively offered at Bella Vou. The ingenious, trademarked method was developed by the center's renowned cosmetic surgeons as a less intrusive choice to typical facelift surgical procedure as well as draws in clients from around the world. An additional type of facelift surgical treatment is called marginal accessibility cranial suspension. Much shorter cuts, contrasted to a typical facelift, are made in the holy place as well as in front of the ears. https://celerywomen4.webgarden.cz/rubriky/celerywomen4-s-blog/hifu-treatment-is-it-needed under the skin are tightened up with irreversible stitches that are dealt with to tissue near the cheekbone or the fibrous connective cells under the skin.
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If you pick to wage surgery, the next time you come into the Facility after your final assessment will certainly be the day of your treatment. I was treated with care and given with extensive understanding concerning the treatment I was embarking on. My surgeon was very methodical and I felt I got A class therapy.
How much weight can you lose with fat freezing?
CoolSculpting can naturally diminish between 20-25% of the fat cells in the areas it covers. It will not help you lose weight, however, it can improve the shape of your body, making it appear as though you've dropped pounds. This is because a 20-25% reduction can make a huge impact on the appearance of stubborn bulges.
The size and place of the scars will certainly differ according to the method utilized. Make sure you have actually reviewed with your cosmetic surgeon what scarring you can expect. Many scars will be minimal as well as your doctor will certainly make them as discreet as feasible. Just how much they discolor will certainly depend on the healing capacity of your skin.
Your surgeon can also offer you some ideas on exactly how you need to care for your wounds, to reduce the scarring you are entrusted to. Throughout your facelift consultation, we suggest that you are as open as possible with your specialist.
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quitdeal1-blog · 4 years
Coolsculpting ® Uk
Vivo facility Birmingham Reviews
more Fat Freezing information & advice:.
What You need To find Out About Femiwand Treatments
genital firm therapy checked!
getting Rid Of Skin Tags.
proof From clinical research Studies On The efficiency Of Laser Vaginal tightening.
spending For Your Own treatment.
Your doctor is there to pay attention thoroughly to you, and also to help you achieve the goals you desire. This additionally indicates allowing you recognize if your assumptions are not reasonable.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
MACS has the advantage of smaller marks and also usually a much shorter healing time. If you determine to go on with the facelift, we'll allow at the very least two weeks between your assessment and also the date for surgery.
Modern innovation as well as refined techniques mean that a Mini Face-Lift operation currently lasts around 1 to 1.5 hours, it is painless and healing time is much faster. Only a short time back, we encouraged clients to wait till they actually could not endure signs of ageing and then, at an older age, have a full facelift. The patient would certainly be happy with the dramatic enhancement and also would be unlikely to call for any kind of further surgery. Currently patients are typically not searching for a major adjustment, but simply not to age. This treatment is particularly appealing as a result of the reduced threat that it presents.
Outcomes have actually been particularly excellent in younger individuals who do not want the threats and recovery time related to surgical treatment.
The HIFU is perfect for any individual from 18 years old, males and females.
The high intensity frequency ultrasound targets the same layer of skin addressed in plastic surgery, the SMAS, the superficial musculoaponeurotic system.
In addition to being totally non-invasive, the power of the HIFU treatment is instantly noticeable post-treatment.
The HIFU body therapies are an excellent remedy offering 3 treatments in one, skin firm, fat loss and also cellulite therapy.
You will see outcomes appear after around 3 months, when the collagen generation has begun to occur.
We are not able to do the treatment if you are expecting or breastfeeding.
Nonetheless, similar to all surgery, some complications are possible. Your cosmetic surgeon will talk about each of these risks comprehensively at your examination. We recommend people should have the ability to return to their typical everyday tasks after regarding one week - we would certainly advise a few day of rests of collaborate with the option of a full week should you require it as swelling is best throughout this time. We ask our people to be sensitive to their facial location as well as not to do way too much prematurely. We likewise suggest preventing UV light for 2 -4 weeks to help the scarring procedure. On the day of your treatment we ask that you arrive for your admission an hour prior to the agreed start time of surgery. Now a nurse will come and also tape-record high blood pressure as well as various other pertinent tests, you will meet with your anaesthetist as well as your cosmetic surgeon that will certainly make the final mark-ups.
additional Fat Freezing info & advice:.
What are the negative effects of CoolSculpting?
modern day software of CoolSculpting include:Tugging sensation at the treatment site. Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site. Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site.
Mini Facelift Surgical procedure aims to fix the indications of aging and also gravity, enhancing the appearance of the lower face as well as dewlaps with minimal threat and also downtime. The objective is to look fresh, a lot more vibrant without transforming you-- natural renewal!
What You required To know About Femiwand Treatments
Infection is infrequent (less than 0.5%) and will need a training course of suitable anti-biotics. Facial muscle mass weakness is uncommon, might affect the forehead or edge of the mouth and is temporary long lasting 6 weeks. Some altered feeling around the cheeks is expected and will frequently go back to normal in between 6 to 12 weeks after surgical procedure. At LBPS, we recognize that your decision to have Face surgical treatment can be a complicated and anxious time for you. Our objective is to completely comprehend your concerns and also needs, as well as examine your face accurately, prior to settling on a treatment plan which is in your benefit.
How many times can you do Cryolipolysis?
More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. This is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
Bear in mind that these modern-day lifting procedures are often combined with fat transfer as well as stem cell transfer to restore quantity in the best places as well as invigorate the skin. This treatment starts with the making of a small incision below each ear. The connective cells listed below the skin is drawn and held back to create a subtle architectural lift in your jawline and neck. Historically, face-lift operations have actually been lengthier treatments, leading to greater discomfort degrees and longer recovery time.
People who do not have excess skin due to laxity, typically do not call for a Mini Facelift, most of these clients will certainly take advantage of Mid-Face Training or Silhouette Face Raise or non intrusive face renewal. The procedure which is best fit to your objectives will certainly be identified at your examination. Your result can bring back confidence and boost self-esteem. Many people are back to their routine routines after just a few days. Additionally, the smallness of the face lacerations implies that your skin's recovery procedure will be quicker also.
genital tightening Up therapy checked!
Usual to all surgeries there are constantly dangers associated with surgical treatment. Bruising can take place as well as might take 2 weeks to fix, while major bleeding is unusual.
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removing Skin Tags.
With this strategy, the specialist will certainly make a smaller laceration that does not reach the ear. The incision is a lot more superficial and also does not go under the SMAS layer. This technique is much less extensive than the SMAS technique, so is much better fit to dealing with milder laxity of facial skin.
If for any reason you disagree for Mini Facelift surgery, you will be advised against this form of surgical procedure. We will provide you with all the info you require and also sustain in the past, during and after your surgical procedure.
The benefits of this technique is smaller sized scars and also a shorter recuperation time. A facelift can give you a more vibrant, rejuvenated look. As we age, our skin slowly sheds its elasticity and our face muscle mass subside. This creates the appearance of old and wrinkly, drooping skin, specifically on the face. Way of living variables such as sun exposure as well as stress can additionally contribute to these changes. This can impact your confidence and also make you look older than you really feel. Hence, a facelift intends to restore the vigor in your appearance.
proof From professional researches On The efficiency Of Laser Vaginal firm.
The Principle ™ Facelift is not limited by age; nevertheless, people in their twenties are unlikely to have the loose skin and age-related modifications that can take advantage of a facelift. A common age where people existing often tends to be around 50, especially for ladies. That's since the hormone modifications of the menopause can impact the appearance. Most of Bella Vou's patients age from late 40s to 55 and also state that they feel they look worn out and desire a much more rejuvenated appearance.
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I was exceptionally satisfied with the treatment as well as treatment I got at the Cadogan Center. My specialist was friendly as well as helpful and explained the treatment completely. My treatment went quite possibly and with the outstanding treatment of the nursing staff, I made a speedy as well as full healing. The Mini-Facelift is an excellent treatment for people intending to reverse the indicators of ageing and attain a much more youthful look without undergoing a complete facelift treatment. A mini - lift can be made with marginal aggravation, scars and risk.
Bella Vou provides customers a distinctively individual strategy to plastic surgery. The modern facility gives the very newest surgical, aesthetic, as well as aesthetic treatments in a posh, comfortable, and welcoming environment in the heart of the gorgeous historical community of Royal Tunbridge Wells. The advanced Concept ™ Facelift is exclusively offered at Bella Vou. The cutting-edge, trademarked strategy was developed by the clinic's prominent surgeon as a much less intrusive choice to traditional facelift surgical treatment and attracts customers from around the world. An additional type of facelift surgery is called very little accessibility cranial suspension. Shorter cuts, compared to a standard facelift, are made in the holy place and also in front of the ears. Coarse tissues under the skin are tightened with irreversible stitches that are taken care of to cells close to the cheekbone or the coarse connective cells under the skin.
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If you select to proceed with surgical procedure, the following time you come into the Clinic after your last consultation will certainly be the day of your procedure. new Lipo 360 offerings was treated with care as well as given with thorough knowledge regarding the procedure I was taking on. My doctor was really methodical as well as I felt I obtained A class therapy.
The dimension and location of the marks will differ according to the technique utilized. Ensure you have actually talked about with your doctor what scarring you can anticipate. A lot of marks will certainly be very little as well as your surgeon will certainly make them as discreet as possible. How much they fade will rely on the healing capability of your skin.
Your surgeon can additionally give you some pointers on how you need to take care of your wounds, to reduce the scarring you are left with. During your facelift consultation, we suggest that you are as open as feasible with your cosmetic surgeon.
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turkeymist40-blog · 4 years
What creates Cellulite as Well As how To get Rid Of It.
What Is Fat Freezing?
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Going home After Your facelift surgical Treatment.
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We can question what contemporary workplace/organizational roles will certainly see comparable shift with time, as today's specialisms end up being tomorrow's extremely regular capabilities possessed by everybody. The vernacular 'large cheese' is a great example of language from a far-away or entirely international society discovering its method into contemporary life and also communications, in which the individuals have very recognition or admiration of its different social beginnings.
how Long Will My Facelift Last For?
For additional information to call your nearest CoLaz clinic today.
Please Contact the CoLaz Branch as prices for this therapy are customized.
The comfort levels during the session will certainly vary from private to individual, however the experience just lasts a short while.
We encourage clients to set up a totally free appointment with us initially to talk about the dimension and preferred outcome of the locations you wish to have actually treated to offer you a better concept of price.
To get a customized rate please come in for a FREE price consultation by click on this link.
One of our consultants will call you back soon to prepare your consultation.
This feeling is completely normal, and it shows that the collagen-building process is beginning.
While pregnant scans, low-frequency sound waves (in between 3 - 7.5 MHz) are released by an ultrasound gadget over the mother's bump.
Fat Freezing At courthouse centers.
Similar to slowcoach, slowpoke's rhyming quality reinforced fostering into usual speech as well as continuing usage. Individuals like to claim points that journey off the tongue conveniently and, in a way, musically or poetically. slapdash - careless, untidy - haphazard initially implied putting on slippers or loose footwear, from the earlier expression 'slip-shoe'. The careless/untidy definition of sloppy is derived from 'down-at-heel' or used footwear, which was the first use the expression in the sense or poor quality. The early negligent meaning of slapdash described worn-out appearance. A lot more recently the expression's meaning has extended additionally to negligent actions or initiatives.
The posting do with the idea that an old Italian expression 'a tredici' significance 'at thirteen' could be gotten in touch with the beginnings. provide the pip/get the pip - make unhealthy or unpleasant or upset - Pip is a disease affecting birds qualified by mucus in the mouth and throat. The expression seems first to have shown up in the 1800s, yet offered its much older origins might conveniently have been in use before then. Remarkably while the pip expression refers to the bird illness, the roots of the significance actually take us full-circle back to human wellness.
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Going home After Your facelift surgical Treatment.
bated breath/baited breath - distressed, expectant - the former punctuation was the original variation of the expression, however the term is now often incorrectly corrupted to the last 'baited' in modern-day use, which incorrectly recommends a different origin. Many individuals seem now to infer a definition of the breath being metaphorically 'baited' as opposed to the original non-metaphorical initial definition, which simply explained the breath being cut short, or stopped. The expression shows up in Shakespeare's The Vendor Of Venice, which dates its origin as 16th century or earlier. The word bate is a reduced kind of abate, both lugging the exact same meaning, and also initially appeared in the 1300s, prior to which the past strained kinds were baten as well as abaten. turn it up - quit it, shut up, no chance, stop doing that, I don't believe you, etc - Cassells Vernacular Thesaurus suggests the 'turn it up' expression equates to 'stop doing that' and that the initial usage was as very early as the 1600s.
Where do you lose fat first?
Mostly, losing weight is an internal process. You will first lose hard fat that surrounds your organs like liver, kidneys and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh fat. The fat loss from around the organs makes you leaner and stronger.
According to Bartlett's, the expression 'Too seek as needle in a bottle of hay' shows up in part III, phase 10. ' Bottle' is an old word for a package of hay, extracted from the French word botte, suggesting package. Maker (thesaurus and also modifications) provides the full expression - 'trying to find a needle in a bottle of hay' which informs us that the term was first utilized in this type, as well as was later on adapted during the 1900s right into the modern type. Mum has absolutely nothing to do with mother - it's simply a phonetic punctuation and metaphorical word to signify shutting one's mouth, so as not to utter a noise. The very same rational onomatopoeic derivation almost certainly created the words mumble, murmur as well as mumps. Equally as in modern-day times, war-time governments then squandered no possibility to exaggerate dangers and risks, so as to instill regard among, as well as to maintain authority over, the masses. So there you have it - mum's the word - probably an item of government spin.
Can you freeze your fat off at home?
CoolSculpting is known for “freezing” fat cells, but there's much more to the process. During your treatment, your provider uses a small applicator that also sucks out some of the frozen fat cells. However, applying ice at home only freezes your skin and doesn't get rid of any fat cells.
The 'stone pip' would certainly appear to be a distortion/confusion of merely providing or obtaining the pip, probably due to misconstruing the definition of pip in this context. The word pip in this expression has nothing to do with stones or fruit. The pituitary gland is located in the mind and is responsible for specific physical features, however in the late middle ages, around 1500s, it was believed to control the flow of mucus or phlegm to the nose. Phlegm had actually long been thought to be one of the essential 4 'humours' establishing life equilibrium and character. So while the current expression was based at first on a bird condition, the origins actually connect to critical suggestions of human wellness. Variants still found in NZ and Australia from the very early 1900s consist of 'half-pie', as well as 'pie' suggesting excellent or expert at something.
What Is The recovery process After getting Rid Of Benign Skin sore?
Unfortunately this extremely attractive alternative/additional derivation of 'take the mick/micky' seems not to be sustained by any type of main resources or references. If any person can refer me to a reliable referral please let me understand, until such time the Micky Happiness cockney rhyming theory continues to be one of the most commonly sustained origin. The loon bird's name entered into English from a various root, Scandinavia, in the 1800s, and perhaps had a bigger influence in the United States on the expressions insane as a loon, and likewise drunk as a loon. The extremely defamatory jargon loony bin, referring to a psychological house, initially appeared around 1910.
Nowadays, in spite of still being technically proper according to English thesaurus, addressing a mixed group of people as 'promiscuous' would certainly not be a really proper use words. pernickety/persnickety/pernickerty/ persnickerty - fussy, fussy, meticulous - pernickety appears currently to be one of the most common contemporary form of this strange word. The variants occur possibly because no clear derivation exists, giving no evident reference points to secure a spelling or pronunciation.
Are CoolSculpting results permanent?
CoolSculpting is clinically proven to produce permanent results. Once the treated fat cells have been frozen through cryolipolysis, they die. The body's natural reaction is to remove these dead fat cells through its natural elimination process.
Dollar stems from thaler, which is an old German word for a coin, from earlier Low German 'dahler', whose important origin word 'dahl' implies valley. Dahler, later ending up being thaler, is a 500-year-old abbreviation of Joachimsthaler, an early Bohemian/German silver coin. Words Joachimsthaler essentially referred to something from 'Joachim's Thal'. This was Joachim's Valley, which currently relates to Jáchymov, a day spa town in NW Bohemia in the Czech Republic, near to the border to Germany.
Does fat freezing work on stomach?
Share on Pinterest Researchers have found CoolSculpting to be relatively effective. Research generally points towards CoolSculpting being a relatively safe and effective treatment for removing some areas of fat. A 2015 review published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery analyzed 19 previous studies of cryolipolysis.
The word appears first to have been tape-recorded between in Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language, in the kind of pernickitie, as an extension of a Scottish word pernicky, which is probably a better hint to its beginnings. This is all supposition in the absence of trusted taped origins.
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On which point a mix of the words certain and particular might have been an aspect, especially when you think about the earlier pernicky kind. Chances indicating the different possibilities of challengers, as used in betting, was initial videotaped in English in 1574 according to Chambers, so the use of the 'can't odds it' expression can understandably be older certainly. Cassells as well as other trustworthy jargon sources say that 'take the mick' is cockney poetry jargon, c. 1950s, from 'Micky Bliss', rhyming with 'take the piss'. No-one seems to recognize that Micky Bliss was, which perhaps shows a little weakness in the derivation. Alternatively, as well as perhaps additionally in the direction of the adoption of the expression, a much less widely known opportunity is that 'mick' in this sense is a reducing of the word 'micturation', which is a clinical term for peeing.
Partridge states initially tape-recorded concerning 1830, however suggests the expression might have been in usage from perhaps the 1600s. This is absolutely possible because board indicated table in older times, which is the association with card games used a table. It was previously bord, deducible to Old Saxon, also indicating shield, consistent with similar foreign words dating back to the earliest starts of European language.
This table sense of board additionally provided us the board as put on a board of directors and the boardroom. slowpoke - sluggish person or worker - slowpoke is USA jargon first tape-recorded in print according to Chambers. Possibly from cowpoke - words originally utilized to define the males who prodded livestock onto slaughterhouse trains. Poke stood for the picture of job, being based on an usual work task of the moments, as did punch.
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This to a certain degree describes why numerous English words with French beginnings take place in way of life as well as social language. Incidentally words French, to define individuals or points of France and the language itself, has existed in English in its contemporary kind since about 1200, before which it was 'Frensch', and earlier in Old English 'frencisc'. This originated from Old High German frenkisc and frenqisc, from and also straight pertaining to the Franks, the very early Germanic people who overcame the Romans in Gaul around the fifth century. https://spireaesthetics.co.uk/femiwand-prices/ of the Frank people is also the root of words France as well as the Franc money. The most appealing concept for the utmost origin of words Frank is that it originates from a similar word for a spear or lance, which was the favoured tool of the Frankish tribes. whatever floats your watercraft - if it makes you happy/it's your decision/it's your selection (although I do not always concur and also I uncommitted anyway) - a fairly contemporary expression from the late 20th century with strangely unknown beginnings.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
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In the late 1400s, silver ounce coins were minted from silver mined at Joachim's Valley, Bohemia, by a regionally powerful family members, the Counts of Schlick. These very early localized European coins, called 'Joachimsthaler', shortened to 'thaler', were conventional silver because area, which would certainly nowadays extend into Germany. The top quality and also track record of the 'Joachimsthaler' coins ultimately created the 'thaler' term to spread and also be used for more main common versions of the coins in Germany, and also somewhere else as well. Later on, from SpireAesthetics.co.uk lets you , the term was also made use of in its adjusted 'dollar' form as a name for the Spanish peso (likewise called 'item of eight'). Clergy and clerics and also clerks were consequently amongst one of the most able as well as extremely valued and also valued of all 'employees'.
For such a well-used and also popular expression the details of beginnings are strangely sporadic, and also a typically not referenced in all by the normal expressions as well as etymology resources. Various other pointers describe feasible links with card video games, in which turning up a card would certainly expose something concealed, or mark the end of a passage of play. It's specifically tough to hypothesize about the beginnings since words 'transform' has numerous different meanings, especially when integrated with other very adaptable words. If you can add anything to assist identfy when and also where as well as exactly how the 'turn it up' expression created please get in touch. The original wording was 'trend nor time tarrieth no male' (' tarrieth' implying 'awaits'). taxi/taxicab - fare-charging vehicle, although taxi can be a fare-charging boat - taxi as well as taxicab are words which we tend to take for approved without thinking what the derivation may be.
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locations Of The Body dealt With With Fat Freezing.
As a matter of fact the beginning of taxi is the French 'taximetre' as well as German equivalent 'taxameter', incorporating taxi/taxa as well as metre/meter. Taximeter showed up in English around 1898, at which time its usage was moving from horse-drawn carriages to car. Taxicab is an acronym of one more French word cabriolet, which entered English in the 1700s, as well as it appears in the full French taxicab equal 'taximetre cabriolet'. Taxi showed up in English meaning a horse drawn carriage in 1826, a heavy steam locomotive in 1859, and also a motor cars and truck in 1899. https://spireaesthetics.co.uk/prices-hifu/ recommends that the French taximetre is really stemmed from the German taxameter, which interestingly triggered an earlier the same yet brief English term taxameter taped in 1894, related to horsedrawn taxicabs. sweep the board - win every little thing - based on the metaphor of winning all the cards or cash stake in a video game of cards.
Mojo most likely originates from African-American language, describing a talisman or witchcraft charm, and also is close to the word 'moco', suggesting withccraft, made use of by the Gullah of the United States South Carolina coastline as well as islands. The word as well as the definition were popularised by the 1956 blues tune Got My Mojo Working, initially made renowned by Muddy Waters' 1957 recording, as well as ultimately covered by practically all blues artists since then. The term supplied the origin for the word mobster, suggesting mobster, which appeared in American English in the early 1900s. Hitch used in the sense is American from the 1880s although the general drawback definition of step by drawing or jerking is Old English from the 1400s hytchen, and also prior, icchen definition step from 1200.
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