#and that might be why Holivia ended
alarrylarrie · 2 years
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twopoppies · 1 year
I hope my question does not come across incorrectly due to language barrier because I don’t wanna be blocked by you.. ‘cause i consume your page like daily paper, wish i was kidding.. I’ve been following you for couple of years now, I’ve seen your responses for any of the Harry’s alleged relationships or PRs either it be camille or olivia or xander(that turned out to be not so much of PR) or brad or taylor rusell or Australian model or some WSH model who asked harry for threesome with her boyfriend and he said ‘it’s not a no’ and for all of these you mostly say that why would someone believe these.. so my question is do you believe harry has been in monogamous relationship with louis all these years by being in the profession he is in? I come from a place where monogamous is very common and i found it very plausible when I first joined fandom and was consuming the information and believed that harry was, is &will be with Louis.. also i never thought any of his relationships with his so called lady loves ever to be true from Taylor S to Taylor R..but these days after seeing his infamous tattoo, his videos with other men its just i feel may be i am projecting?? Also his lyrics in falling “there is no one to blame but drink and my wandering hands”.. am sorry if its too much but i just wanted to know what do you think about this?
I don’t generally like to get into answering these kinds of questions because it’s always a can of worms and I find it exhausting to field the follow up questions.
I’ll answer very briefly that my general thought is that the two of them are monogamous when they are together. I don’t think it’s likely that they’ve been together for 13 years without ever having broken up or had time apart. I don’t think they’ve ever broken up with the feeling of, “I don’t love you anymore/there’s someone else”. But, my guess is that they’ve had periods where they struggled and felt they needed time apart. And, I do think they’re together now and have been for some time.
I still stand behind what I’ve said about all the stupid rumors about random models and PR “girlfriends”. I don’t think any of those are believable. Especially not holivia. He could have tattooed her name directly on his dick and I still wouldn’t believe he was ever dating that woman. I also really think that lyric from Falling isn’t worth taking so literally. Harry tends to write so metaphorically and that line is so on the nose. It’s also the only lyric in his entire catalogue I can think of that even alludes to not being faithful. It just doesn’t ring true to me.
At the end of the day, I think it’s important for me to remember that while you might trust my opinion, this isn’t my relationship, so my thoughts are based on my observations. Not facts. 🩷
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statementlou · 1 year
i’m sorry to bring this up again, but i wanted to ask how are you making sense of harry having his former girlfriend’s name tattooed on his thigh if you don’t think they were really together? i’m not a larrie and i follow you for your louis content, but i respect your opinions, so i guess i’m coming more from a place of curiosity rather than seeking reassurance. do you not even entertain for one second the idea that you might’ve been wrong about things? that harry was really in a relationship with olivia? that he might actually be attracted to women? that he might’ve been with louis once upon a time but not anymore? have you ever challenged your confirmation bias? again, i’m not trying to attack you, i really just want to understand where you stand. i hope u don’t take this the wrong way.
well first of all you bring up the very good point that there are actually multiple Qs at play and not just one, despite the fandom's (and my) attempts to simplify things. I personally am open to the possibility that Harry and Louis are no longer together- we don't have enough info to say for sure either way about that, and I am constantly recalibrating and considering and I'm going to be totally honest, getting flat out ANNOYED at how often I find myself being like oh damn they ARE still (or again) together ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Because it seems so improbable and illogical! You think I don't KNOW I sound fucking crazy?! Absolutely infuriating, and yet there are just all these little Things all the time. Plus ofc the fact that they both constantly wink wink larrie stuff to the fandom which could just be playing to the crowd... except then they both continually take it that little extra way that makes me go oh but... you really didn't NEED to go THERE that seems VERY pointed?? But also sometimes I go well. Okay, maybe not. Since they both seem super happy at this point, it doesn't stress me out to think they might have split, the way it would if they seemed miserable and were still churning out heartbreak songs, but it's schrodingers relationship and with all the savvy they've acquired around this stuff and all the balls they're keeping in the air wrt to fandom etc that's unlikely to change in favor of us knowing anything for sure for a very long time, if ever. But I do not doubt that they WERE together, it's simply not realistic. The evidence of it is overwhelming and imo undeniable when taken all together. And the thing is that knowing one thing with certainty (that they were together back when), having really looked at the things that happened during that time, does actually have a lot of bearing on the rest of it even if they aren't together anymore. Because knowing that and having seen the way fake relationships to make them seem straight were managed back then means that when I see the EXACT SAME things being done in the current day, like they are working from a fucking blueprint, no, I don't look at that and think it might be real. I know that Louis and Eleanor wasn't real in... whenever they allegedly got together lol, that story still isn't even quite straight, so why would I believe they were together in 2020? And if I know Louis has a tattoo for a fake girlfriend why would it change my mind about a million things I can see with my own eyes if Harry did the same (if indeed he even has who tf knows)? So despite what I said at the beginning, in the end it kind of does just come down to the one question people are always asking, are you a larrie? Because when you've actually been down the rabbit hole of details that ends up with you saying yes to that question, it's like acquiring a rosetta stone that unlocks the ability to read everything else, like putting on xray glasses, and I look at what is so obviously a publicity relationship (holivia) and whether H and L are still together has nothing to do with why I don't think it's real. Like could a celeb relationship be both used in typical ways for publicity and be or become real on some level (looking at you Liam, heyyy), sure, but for this question the fact that I have never seen Harry show the slightest sign of attraction to a woman in his whole life and he so clearly embraces and identifies so strongly with gay male culture in every possible way and never shuts up about how much he loves cock does play into my thinking; I simply do not think he is attracted to women, no, and I have yet to see him do anything that doesn't seem consistent with things a closeted pop star might chose to do. So in conclusion yes I have challenged my bias and decided I'm right lol! But for real- all the time I consider that they perhaps aren't together but that isn't really the point when it comes to believing they are gay.
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lindszeppelin · 2 months
Idk why it matters if he was in that merch pic or not. We know she was pushing hard to be seen with him at the time these merch pics were taken in NYC. He hasn't worn her merch out in public, he could've when she wore it out, but he didn't...he wore the same thing he wore a few nights before. And the fact she needs to post someone who might or might not be Austin so she can boost sales just tells you all you need to know about her. If he wanted to support her stuff, he'd wear her shit out and about. But he doesn't. Never has. He won't even allow her to post him on sm by the looks of it. He could've gone to Paris with her like he did last year, but he didn't. He has time to go clubbing, but he won't go to an event that is only happening every 4 years? Meanwhile their entire vibe the last time they were seen together was just totally off. And we can also see how drastically she changed in a matter of a couple of months. Add that to all the weird shit and this merch pic is the least convincing thing ever. And no shippers have given any explanation as to why on gods green earth he hasn't been papped since she's nowhere near him. He is a kind man, if she asked him to pose for merch, he would've, with his face cropped ofc lol. But that is the maximum effort he will put into this whole relationship. This is so Holivia coded, when she would constantly post shit alluding to Harry and wearing his merch on pap walks. By the end of it he gave the same vibes Austin gave with K a few weeks ago in NYC. For Austin's sake I hope he gets rid of this leech asap, so it won't ruin yet another birthday for him.
This right here. He isn’t wearing her merch out and about, he isn’t promoting her brand. He refuses to look happy with her. He pushes her, refuses to hold her hand, she’s pushing him away from fans, she’s trying cling onto him. Like, this is such a horribly dysfunctional, toxic, and loveless relationship that once again proves it’s PR. Using the idea of Austin to sell her merch is the most PR coded thing she could have done
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
Harry Styles Body Language 
Hellooo okay here we go. This is just my educated opinion. I have minor experience in body language analysis through my studies (I'm in graduate school currently for psychology) and through work (I used to work in a behavioral school and a psychiatric hospital). None of this is meant to be a diagnosis or taken to be 100% real. Like I said, it's just an opinion.
I've done seldom analyses before. The original ask was asked A WHILE ago and they requested Olivia be included. That was before the stunt ended so I really don't want to bring her back up now lol I'll put some links down below of other analyses I've done if you're interested though x
Holivia body language
Harry's general facial expressions with/without Olivia
Another facial expression comparison
Yacht pics analysis
Olivia body language
I also did a regular Harry one a while ago but I can't for the life of me find it.
This is a general Harry analysis. I will do one about him with men soon, and Kendall since that was requested.
I suspect Harry is quite shy and probably somewhat anxious. He definitely doesn't come off like this all the time. I call it the "anxiety clause". There are certain situations in which shy people come out of their shell. I also think Harry is well trained to appear more extraverted than he actually is. He's pretty hard to read tbh but I'll tell you a little of why I think the way I do.
Harry does this thing every now and then where he covers his face with one or both of his hands when he's laughing, or in some kind of shocking/attention grabbing scenario. Could be read as someone who's hiding behind a shield. And tying into that, it could be read as someone who just needs a moment to process. It's a brief act of the body saying "whoah I need a moment to take this all in and digest what's happening". You have the wrists turned inward towards the face (a subconscious thing people do when they feel vulnerable or feel like they need to protect themselves) and you have the eyes being covered shielding off that sense. Everyone has some kind of motion they subconsciously do while protecting themselves. Some have more obvious ones than others, like this. Traditionally speaking, it exhibits traits of a protector vs a "hunter", for lack of a better word.
It's also a trait of embarrassment.
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He also does this thing with his hands where he balls them up. I think some people call it "sweater paws" depending on what he's wearing. This is usually associated with nervousness or anxiety. It's a comfort tick people do to calm down, again mostly subconsciously.
And yes I KNOW he could just be cold but I'm making my analysis based on a plethora of factors 😭
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Also speaking of hands, he plays around a lot with his. Like his hands are always fidgeting. I noticed this A LOT at the MSG show I went to when I was in Pit. It was painfully obvious. Like fidgeting with the mic, the mic wire, his ear piece, etc. I think that's partially why he likes playing the guitar while performing. Keeping your hands preoccupied helps with nervousness.
Tip: if you ever get anxious, roll a hair pin back and forth between your fingers.
He also touches his hair and lips a lot, which are typically lumped with anxiety. One doesn't equal the other btw. Just saying what they're usually related to.
And then I usually pay attention to posture and other subtle nonverbal cues. I could go on and on about it but sometimes Harry stands somewhat unsure of himself, or he subconsciously makes himself smaller. It's not always equal to anxiety or nervousness. It could also just be him being introverted, shy, or even sad. Sometimes posture is dependent on mood, rather than personality. And sometimes there are cultural differences. We all have nonverbal cues - that's universal. But keep in mine I'm from the US while Harry is from England. There might be some cultural differences.
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These ^ are things I usually look for. And there are way more examples but this is just a basic visual. Harry generally falls under the closed posture.
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These are some general examples of closed posture. You can probably find more also. I usually look for hand/arm placement.
Hands behind the back, or crossed arms/folded hands is typically a way of cutting off communication or putting a barrier between yourself and another person.
Now sometimes yes, hands behind back can mean confidence or superiority, but I look at other things to accompany it too. I look at posture, facial expressions, and if the muscles are relaxed or not. So based on my opinion, I think it's solely just Harry shielding himself. It could be read a couple different ways but again, this is my opinion.
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And the "groin blocking" is usually something people do when they're nervous or insecure. It could also be a submissive thing, or an indicator of shyness.
Also yes these aren't the best examples and it's not how Harry is 1000% of the time, but it's something I've noticed.
These are examples of open posture in regards to sitting:
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And to differentiate between a casual stance and a shy/closed stance, I usually look at a couple different variables. It's not just about the hands. It's about the posture. It's about the content being discussed. It's about the environment. There's a lot more going into it than just saying "oh look at where his hands are". You can't make a fair assumption on just one thing. Not that any of my assumptions are 100% fair - obviously they're not because I don't know Harry personally - but I try to analyze the best I can when needed.
There's also one other picture I cannot find for the life of me. It's Harry sitting down in 2020, and he's wearing a sweater vest. He just looks so shy in that picture. It's one of my main arguments and I literally can't find the pic. If someone knows what I'm talking about, please send it to me.
Anyways, these are just my thoughts. I could talk more about it too but those are my main, initial thoughts :)
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alarrytale · 1 year
marte https://www.tumblr.com/alarrytale/724371169709637632/hi-im-struggling-so-much-currently-with-harry?source=share
I never see it as Harry's fault the stunting bc I feel like he is still obligated to do so perhaps due to a clause. The tattoo tho is his own doing like louis' E tattoo.
That very well might be true, as i've said many times before, we just don't know. There are so many theories that fits, and it's hard to figure out causality. Either way the fact remains that he got the name of a beard tattooed on him. As did Louis before him.
No matter if it's forced on him due to a clause or if he's signed up to this himself in order to get cast in the movie, why did he get the tattoo? Was the tattoo a bargain for less stunt walks, stepfathering and awkward kissing? Getting a tattoo could have been less stressfull for him and get them more attention than a hundred pap walks would. So maybe that was his own choice, his way of participating and holding up his end of the deal without having to kiss her and be around her.
But why didn’t they show it off back then? Why wait till now and try to legitimise the relationship? Why is he bringing attention back onto this? Is it residual contract obligations to that stunt? We've all moved on? Harry is "off work" now, are we getting Holivia 2.0? (One of the main reasons stated for the break up was that he was busy touring...he's "free" now...).
Why reveal it days after Pleasing was larriebaiting? That's the dumbest move i've seen in a while. That's certainly not going to slow down the queerbaiting allegations. Or did Louis go too hard on the "i love him, i hate it" and singing 7, and Harry had to hit the breaks to "balance" it out to allow him to?
All of these alternatives and theories suck balls. And either way you slice it Harry ends up looking like a fool.
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limmastyles · 2 years
I want people to remember that the stunt is coming to an end soon. So the people that called them selves Olivia stans and HOlivia stans are going to turn on her. Because at the end of the day they are Harry styles fans and they are always going to protect him and defend him no matter what. When a break up happens the media tries to focus on how it ended why it ended. Olivia will try to make her seem like a villain in the situation and we all know harry styles fans will never let that happen. Harry basically admitted to cheating on Camille and fine line and admitted to being a shitty boyfriend on file line and Harry’s house and found still try to find a way to defend him like he didn’t admit all of those things. So when Olivia tries to shit on hairy his fans are going to turn their backs on her, the Olivia stands are going to turn their backs on her. There’s also this thing that happens when a celebrity falls from grace. The only reason why people are paying attention to Olivia Wilde is because of her “relationship“ with Harry and that’s the reason she is somewhat protected in the media. But when that ends people are going to start to shit on her. We all know the Internet likes to dog pile on people and the Internet is going to dog pile on Olivia when the stuff is over. All the proof that we all have had over the last couple of months the hairy stands are going to take any use of their advantage.. So it’s going to be Amplified. Also people on the Internet who don’t like her and are waiting for her fall from Grace are going to come up with your receipts not to mention the nondisclosure agreements from the set up don’t worry darling. Once Harry and Olivia are broken up those non-disclosure agreements are going to be worthless And everything that happened on that site is going to come out and everything Olivia has tried to bury is going to come out. People need to realize that harry fans are crazy and they are never going to let him look like the bad guy. Olivia needs to realize that they are going to hate her and when they do if she thinks that the heat that she gets from some of the fans now is bad she has no idea what’s coming her way. Also remember the media really like Harry styles. They don’t really care about Olivia Wilde. Not to mention that they are extremely misogynistic. It’s not going to be a fun time for her. The people who will protect Harry the most or his team. after the Jason interview came out where he confirmed that they broke up in November 2020, after Jason’ had Olivia Served in front of the entire world at her workplace and after the Shia LaBeouf receipts came out hairy distance himself from her. In all of those instances she went weeks without seeing him because he protected himself and didn’t give a fuck about what happened to her. The Azoffs are a very powerful family who are going to do everything they can to protect Harry and his reputation. She’s on decent terms with his team now but when she tries to come for him they are going to ruin her. What Olivia Wilde doesn’t realize is that there’s attention, there’s popularity and these connections that she has are all temporary. Once the stunt is over so with everything that she has gotten in the last year. The media will start to lose interest in her because she’s no longer relevant. She will just be another one of Harry styles if that’s girlfriends but she’s not young hot and a model like Camille, she’s not a Kardashian like Kendall and she’s not Taylor Swift. She’s not relevant enough. Not to mention she’s almost 40. Also when Harry start dating someone new and get himself a new or girlfriend who’s going to be a lot prettier and younger than Olivia people are gonna start to focus on her and all of the attention that Olivia has now is going to fall on the new girlfriend when it Inevitably happens.Her reputation has taken a huge hit and when the stunt is over and people start to turn on her she might not be able to recover, Harry made her relevant, take Harry out she’s back to where she started but worse and no one is to blame but herself
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goldenfharry · 2 years
Someone brought it in my TL. I was a fallen victim😭😭😭 And it got me so upset NOT because I believe the bullshit deuxmoi says but because MILLIONS of other people do. And now they'll believe that Harry was thinking of getting back with HER and i HATE that. This Emrata kiss was a very good chance for all the Holivia talk to end once and for all and now this Deuxmoi bitch is stirring the shit again.
I already saw people empathize with Olivia and call Harry an ass for "playing with her feelings like that", "he gives her hope and then kisses her friend" SHE MAKES ME SO MAD!!!
A fallen victim 😭😭😭😭 that was hilarious
Bestie, honestly, don’t worry about what people think. If you know the truth, you have your reassurance. You don’t need to freak out because others will think that he might go back to her. There were people that believed they were real so why bother in explaining?
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bisluthq · 11 months
Re: Holivia break-up. I’m ashamed about how long this might be 🫣
I don’t think her kids were meant to be a hail mary. I think she just took them or even went so it didn’t look like she was completely exiled after they broke up. There’s also a picture of some kids running around earlier while he rehearses.
I do think the Nanny affected their relationship more than DWD ever could and I mostly think it’s because it was now all out there and not a private matter. I don’t necessarily think he found out anything new about her and/or her situation with Jason. Harry is just not used to things being that messy and I think he could remove himself from DWD because it ended up being boiled down to a cat fight between the two women rather than 2 grown adults having an issue after working together. Nonetheless, I think a lot of this was also avoidable had Olivia just gone mute. I understand she’d never had this type of attention and it’s all negative but you are literally dating the king of just nod and smile, and you’ve clearly seen how it works for him so why not copy?
If none of this happened, I now see they probably still wouldn’t have worked. Moving to London just felt like a pipe dream. If it didn’t work for Halle Berry, it wouldn’t work for Olivia. Idk if Harry would have moved back to LA.
I think the thing I really wonder about is the Emrata situation. Most people seem to think that Deuxmoi pulled their information out of their ass but she really got it from a podcaster who is friends with Olivia’s friend/accquintance who posted the shady ig story about Emrata after the kiss. The podcaster doesn’t explicitly say who told him but they were hanging out before/after it happened. He basically says that they were on a break and Olivia knew she really couldn’t police his movement and didn’t really mind him sleeping around because “out of sight , out of mind” but that they were actively still in contact like even before he went out that night and like after and he never mentioned anything about it. The guy also says that Emrata and Olivia hung out when they were in the same place (+ Em started hanging out with her yummy mummy nyc crew) and like Em did the whole “fuck him; you’re better than that” routine only to go and do that. The guy did say Em half-assed apologised like sorry that hurt you and he says that Em told Olivia that she thought she was more sexually open/fluid so wouldn’t mind at all. He did say that was her last straw though (to me, basically confirmed to her that their feelings were probably just not the same). I don’t know how true all of this is but I know it did hurt her because she was MIA for a week after the vid dropped.
Note: Emrata did address the situation and she brought up Adam Levine but people read it so wrong. I think on the surface it looks like she’s saying don’t pit women against each other but the reading it with the Adam name drop basically said “why are you not attacking the man too?” since Sumner got most of the lashings.
tbf I don’t think anyone is used to anything being that messy. That’s sorta my point. I don’t think I’d stay with someone who has kids and an asshole baby daddy and people spilling all that shit even in like our social lives, not even to the whole world. Like I think I’d peace the fuck outta there. I also agree he didn’t necessarily learn a whole bunch of new info but it being so public just wasn’t cool. And I kinda think he did learn a bit of new info lol - at minimum he learned the nanny was overly invested in everything.
EmRata wasn’t a very good friend lol but I also feel like she didn’t do anything super wrong.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
I have a question, because I keep on reading and listening to affirmations like “since Olivia wasn’t aloud to mention Harry in Vogue’s” or “she cannot use his name so she uses his merch” … like if it was some sort of punishment out of a wrong behavior or tool to control this stunt because of some disagreement.
We are constantly talking about armored contracts, clauses, etc. Is Harry’s team always the weak? Always played? Always taken advantage of? Always choosing the wrong candidate? Feels like people build up excuses to the unexplained and usually it draws a victim profile on Harry. Maybe admitting that he went into this as we get it is too much to take in, but he is a grown man, hopefully mature enough to deal with the odds of his profession and for whatever reasons he finds worth it to be where he is now.
I am not defending O at all, her reputation is not helping at all and the intensity of the stunt magnifies everything…not in a positive way; but I wonder how people know about these things kept in a confidential contract to the point that it has become a fandom confirmation.
Have a nice day
Hi, love!
I'm going to link you to my STUNT DISCUSSION tag, because it's going to give you a better context of everything I've answered so far, in terms of Holivia. Especially because I have actually cautioned against approaching this discussion as though Harry/his team are in any way helpless or did not do a decent level of research before agreeing to this stunt, but also acknowledge that there are factors he/his team could not have accounted for, which affect the way things are playing out at the moment.
That said, I'm going to go to your question to avoid repeating myself. (Gonna get long again, sorry.)
You're right. As far as we (I, really) know, there's no physical confirmation of a social media and print media gag order on Olivia, and it is very healthy to call that out and acknowledge that, without physical proof, we are only inferring through observation, and should not take that inference as law.
However, because we as a fandom have been observing Harry, his colleagues, and his stunts for years, there are pretty hefty hints that this is, in fact, the case.
Let me start by saying gag orders are not "punishment". They're not sanctions given as a result of "wrong behavior" or "disagreement". Rather, they are a legal tool used to protect people in the public eye from their names (and brands) being used in ways they are either unaware of or do not agree with. Gag orders are very reasonable limitations to ensure that the official (print media, social media, advertisements, etc.) use of a celebrity/public figure's name is always aligned with that celebrity's image and branding. It also protects that celebrity's name from being (accidentally or otherwise) tied to anything that might increase their reputational risk, without their consent (like, for example, a stunt partner deciding to go rogue), and it's only natural to assume that Harry, who's name is constantly used as tabloid fodder (sheep placenta facial, anyone?) would be smart enough to ensure he could benefit from that kind of protection when going into an official contract with someone else.
Why do I highlight "official"? Because one of the biggest clues that Olivia has a gag order has been the difference in the way she interacts with Harry on social and print media, and the way his inner circle/professional acquaintances interact with him.
Olivia has only mentioned Harry directly on social media twice (as in tagged him) -- when she announced his role as Jack, and when she thanked him at the end of filming. Both those moments were clearly done in a professional capacity, and directly related to DWD.
It's very similar to the way The Love Band interact with Harry on social media, which is usually to thank him and in direct relation to their shows. They don't post about him outside a professional context, likely because their employment contracts have a similar limitation. In fact, in an interview with Ny Oh, a publication outright said she "was limited on what she could share about her experience on tour, but said she really loved working for Styles, and he was the best boss she'd ever had." (A second clue that Harry does employ restrictions on his name and brand within the confines of professional contracts.)
If we compare this to the way Harry's inner circle/industry acquaintances interact with him on social media, there's a stark difference. Molly Hawkins, Harry Lambert, Kid Harpoon, Ben Winston, etc have posted relatively freely about Harry in a personal context a handful of times (though not so much recently, which I suspect is out of respect for him not wanting to be on social media). His family, his LA friends (who posted unseen videos on his birthday), Gemma Chan (BTS Eternals photos), even Lizzo, all interact with him on social media casually enough for us to know that it is possible, however rare.
So, you would think someone who's around him all the time (and in a "personal" relationship with him, no less) could do the same, because, what reason would she have not to...
...if not for a binding and official contractual limitation.
You can argue that she's private -- that they're private about their relationship. But... is she really? Because, even if you dismiss every pap shot of them and every picture of her in his merch/shared clothing, her social media habits still tell a different story. How many times has she needlessly posted a picture of her painted nails, only for us to see Harry in similar nail colors in a fan photo? Last week, her friend Babs posted her in a hat, conveniently mentioning she wasn't getting it back and therefore insinuating Olivia was in Dublin with Harry.
More than that, these sneaky ways of linking herself to Harry reek of taking advantage of loopholes, because a contract, no matter how solid, will have them for anyone determined to find them. So, can we really argue that a person is "private" if they're actually consistently taking every available opportunity to link themselves to the person they're "dating"?
So, in conclusion, yes, I personally do not have physical evidence of these gag orders, and yes, it's healthy to question that, especially in fandom, when the line between what's solidly confirmed and what's only widely inferred is often blurred. But again, it's also healthy to use logic and pattern-based evidence and rationale to cut through the smoke and mirrors of PR and Marketing when you're discussing something as entangled, complex, and deliberately opaque as celebrity stunting.
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
Hello. I hope you don't mind but I have decided to join team PR. Yes I was a shipper and yes I loved Holivia but these last few weeks I have been having doubts that the relationship is real. A couple of my friends have also realised it too. I can't speak on behalf of all shippers but for me personally the more I see them two the more it made me realise it's PR. At first I thought the reason why they get papped a lot and why he was okay with being seen publicly with her was because he was comfortable with her and really liked her but then I remembered how Harry was also comfortable with Camille and liked her (as he wrote a few songs for her aswell) and thought if he can be private with her then why not with Olivia. I'm going to be honest a few of us shippers (me and my friends) have been put off from watching DWD. Also please know that the longer they continue the PR relationship the less chance they have of people watching the films in theatres. At this point they would be lucky if even 20% of Harry's fandom watches the film but right now because of the stunt A LOT of people, and I mean a lot, have decided not to watch the film. Apart from my friends I know more shippers I have met online and even they have deleted their fan accounts. They're just too embarrassed to admit it. We have a groupchat and there's quite a lot of us in it and we have all decided not to watch the film. If Harry and Olivia really want their money for this film then I, as a former shipper, would advise them to end the stunt asap or no one will want to watch the film. But I feel like they won't end it because they just seem so desperate for attention. They might not realise it now because the film is not out yet but I know for sure they will regret not ending the stunt sooner when they find out that it's only because of this PR relationship people have been put off from watching the film and why they didn't get their money. The sole purpose of the stunt was to get people to watch the film right? Well they did the complete opposite and why they're still going along with the stunt baffles me. I am also done with Harry too. I am aware of the things Olivia has done and said in the past but I thought about giving her a chance seeing as you know Harry is "dating" her. I thought if he was okay with her then why not us? He's a grown man he knows what he's doing. But the last couple of months her actions have made me realise that maybe she hasn't changed at all. The more I saw pap pics of them the more I've started disliking her and Harry. Not only as a "couple" but as individuals too. I know Harry doesn't give a shit but I really hope he realises that getting involved with her was the biggest mistake of his life. He might not think it is but clearly his fandom does (the smart ones of course). Trust me guys the longer they keep the stunt going the more they will put people off from watching the film. I hope they know that if they didn't do this PR stunt they would've definitely got their money and people would've actually been interested in DWD.
Harry and Olivia love to piss the fans off but they also know that his fans are the ones that will get them their backend deal. They can continue pissing the fans off all they want but they won't be getting any money at all if they do.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Holivia was really going to be fucking ramped up at Venice wasn’t it? Like, all these clues and interviews and planted quotes, they really were leading to big love fest with the gf for promo. Which leads me to think it was definitely going to last him thru MP promo as a cover for all that stuff. They weren’t going thru this trouble to end it right after. I wonder if they’re just letting it ride on this groundwork until things cool off and then if they’ll end it or low key bring it back to finish what they wanted it for? But man, holivia love would’ve been a bad move by Harry’s team. Even before Shia. They lucked out I guess but this is all making the plan abundantly clear.
The thing I find most interesting is how they pivoted on the album promo back at the beginning of the year. We had some pretty reliable info that his interview with Zane Lowe was being edited in January. But the interview we saw was clearly done after he performed at Coachella. Why? What changed that they seemingly had to reshoot it? Given her presence and the obvious love/relationship songs on the album, why was he so intent on making sure everyone knew most of it was written before they met? Why was he so ready to tell us that LOML was about England instead of allowing people to spin it as they might?
I just find it super interesting that even that early in 2022 he/his team didn’t want this album forever linked to her.
Thank fucking god.
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Hello Ella <3
I hope you're well! I am coming to you for, idek what exactly but... I always appreciate your calm approach to the fandom, and your view on what is happening with Harry and Louis, you seem to be able to keep the big picture in mind quite well.
I see a lot of people saying that Harry "has gone rogue" in connection to the leak and singing I will survive at coachhella and is now just basically saying fuck it and just not giving a shit about anything anymore, and to be honest... that thought terrifies me and if that really is the case, it would make me worry a lot about Harry.
What's your thoughts on this?
Thank you, a confused fellow larrie!
oooooohhhhhhh well. can of worms there ig. i often avoid voicing my opinion on things that people are really divided about bc i am an anxious anxious person who gets minor heart attacks at the sight of a new anon so. i tread carefully to spare myself.
to put it briefly, i don't think harry has gone rogue at all. i don't think i will survive at coachella was a last-minute change of plans. i think lizzo performing with harry was a change, not the song. as for the leak, idk!! i see him behaving as he has been for the past 1-2 years, if we look at the small scale, and then i see him behaving the same way he has been for the past... 5? 7? years. always working towards his goals, his freedoms. painstakingly slowly, but still. moving forward.
to then elaborate, i think the opinion of him going rogue now underestimates him and his long-term goals. it sounds powerful, the idea of h fighting against everything that holds him back so hard that he's burning bridges and never looking back. i just don't think that's what's happening, and i also think it shouldn't be what we wish for, since it would jeopardise his career. he is huge right now, but don't underestimate the filthiness of this world. it would change his entire life. some might say that's what he wants, which ofc could be the case. i don't know what he's thinking or planning, this is just what i've gathered.
my view on harry (and louis) working towards their freedom is that they're playing the game, the filthy game that's always worked against them, in order to win it, end up on top, and then claim their prize: their freedom. they won't stop till they've won, imo. this is why they're still stunting: they're still playing the industry game. they're angry, clearly, which means they're driven to make their moves right and get what they want. bc don't get me wrong, i don't think they want to do stunts. we've all seen h's face in those pics. i just think they know it's the only way to achieve their goals: be successful in the industry and then be free to be whoever they want to be. the stunts cover love-filled albums about long-term commitment. they bring them into the media. attention. sales. success. (a cover, privacy. for now.) most of all: it aids in the climb to the top. look at all the celebs we see and the media we consume. the gp pays the most attention to the newest or hottest couple or the nastiest breakup, or whatever else they made up this time. it sells. it's not glamorous, it's not wholesome, it's not cute. the industry is dirty, but they're in it. and they don't wanna fall off. holivia was never going to be over before hs3, it was always going to be part of hs3 promo, this is something h always knew. he might not have agreed to the sheer scale of the stunt, tho, and o's intense commitment to the charade, which might be why he's been so visibly upset.
i guess i want to say that i don't see a change, and if i do, it's in how harry hints a little stronger lately that he's over having labels stuck to him (by others) (like in the dazed or recent bhg interview) and that he's not happy with his team. but that last bit has been very clear since, at the loudest, the 2021 brits, which was almost exactly a year ago already. we've seen him change slowly in his openness since fl promo, and then even before that, but it's been very very gradual. ig what we're experiencing in the fandom now is that we're seeing the dissonance more and more between how harry is showing himself, openly, and how he's still shown to the gp the same old boring way. this doesn't mean the pap walks are something he's doing at gunpoint, it just means he's probably made agreements bts to have his creative freedom, yet still do stunts to achieve the astronomical successes he's already had and still wants to reach. keep the gp happy, keep harry happy. that's probably a balance jeff tries to make and is currently losing bc he obviously loves the stunt life very very much and harry's like uhm. so after album 3 it's over. right? right, jeff, person i trust? and jeff was like. but my money!! :'( i haven't filled my pool with gold coins yet :(
i'd love to see h and l burn the industry to the ground, but if they do it now, they'll burn their careers right along with it. we were talking about george michael just last week, weren't we? and as much as they clearly want to be open, they know it's worth the wait, bc they know what they're fighting for. and they know how to fight right. don't see it as them being less powerful, instead see it as them being insanely smart. winning the chess game with immeasurable patience and self control.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
I'm gonna say something and it's gonna sound completely insane but hear me out. I want Harry to bring out his best acting skills and I want him to look like he's in love with Olivia. I want them to hold hands, arms around eachother, look into eachothers eyes and kiss. The reason I'm saying this is because the pictures they're releasing give off such a bad vibe. And it's not cause I'm looking at them through larrie coloured glasses. I went on HSD to see what the other half of the fandom thinks and like 90% of them think its a stunt. The other 10 think he looks upset cause the paps are stalking them. Yes the obvious thing would be to simply say end the stunt, free him from her since he cant stand to be around her but thats not the reality of why she's around. She's there because he's gonna release a movie where he plays a closeted gay man in a secret relationship with another. He needs to look as straight as possible through the release. She's there because he's about to release an album where he literally sings "i love you" 9 times. Who are the solo harries gonna say thats about? We as larries understand his closet and why she's around but they don't. I only want the best for him and will always support him but the other half might turn on him if they continue thinking he's not being truthful to them. And like with anything in life, quality over quantity. They can release 50 pictures of the 2 of them walking back and forth over the same bridge but it won't make s difference if he looks like he'd rather eat glass than be within a foot of her. I hope you stayed with me through all that. I know what i said is not ideal but if he's forced, for whatever reason, to continue on with her, I'd rather have less pictures but have them appear genuine. Then ironicly enough, the stunt might end sooner. My concern with the optics of this stunt looking so bad is they might decide to just double down and extend it even longer. To really prove to everyone they're together. I might be wrong but its just some thoughts i had.
Yeah, I don't know, dear. I don't follow your train of thought, I don't think they will "extend" the stunt just because he's looking miserable, I don't think it's about that. Harry never really tried very hard with any of his stunts, it's not just Olivia. There's a lot of interests behind Holivia, and I'm not even sure right now that looking believable is their priority, to be honest. It seems more to keep both of them relevant and to create narratives and headlines that are going to sell ($$$$), whether is for the movies or for the album.
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
With Holivia, it wouldn't be the circus show it was if we (team PR) didn't give them attention at all. I know there was an end date and it wouldn't have stopped them from behaving like clowns but at least we wouldn't have given them the satisfaction of giving them what they wanted which was attention. You know when I was younger and a child would annoy me, my mum would say "just ignore them. The more attention you give them the more they will annoy you. If you ignore them they will soon get bored and leave you alone." And yes I know us ignoring them wouldn't have worked on Olivia but it could've worked on Harry and his team. Do you guys remember how frustrated she was when every single PR blogs turned off their asks during Coachella night 1 and NONE of us spoke a word about her. I know you guys might disagree with me but for me personally, us (not this blog specifically just everyone in general) giving her attention kind of felt like she won. And I know it's hard and we all needed a place to vent our frustrations. PR bloggers have always given us the space to do it which I will forever be thankful for. Despite the daily abuse they got from shippers (and some even team PR) yet they still never left us. That's why I want to say we shouldn't let another Olivia do the same. Knowing how dumb Harry and his team are, I am very sure they will get into another stupid situation just like the holivia stunt but WE TOGETHER have the power to decide whether we let them manipulate us like they did the last two years or if we ignore them. I am still angry that Harry, Olivia and their teams won because we gave them what they wanted. That's why if another stunt like Holivia happens again, I want them to lose. I have no issues with Harry doing PR. It's just, does it have to be with problematic women? Why are him and his team so attracted to problematic women when it comes to public relationships? And yet we're always the bad guys for calling them out. It's like don't associate / "date" problematic women then if you want me to support you and your partners relationship. Don't expect me to show love and support for your partner who is a racist and a homophobe. Your partner who makes insensitive "jokes" about DUI. Don't "date" someone who supports everything you stand against.
Yeah I mean I agree to an extent but I also think it was going to happen regardless or not. Plus it's impossible to get every single person to stop talking about it. I tried and failed
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alarrytale · 1 year
Everyone is talking about a joint photoshoot for vogue because of the recent developments but um... idk is that generally done? I admit outside of H I only listen to more alternative pop artists who don't do these type of promo so I'm not well informed. Do new celebrity couples do that? Appear in magazines together for an editorial after 2 months in the spotlight? Can anyone give examples? I so don't see that happening. I think people who are comparing it to holivia in RS are forgeting that him and o had a joint project which was at least on paper the main topic of that article. Harry and Taylor don't have anything similar except if loewe drops something like, tomorrow. And vogue is a fashion magazine so what else could they do for it. I think people are panicking a bit haha and that it's way more likely that one of them will do an editorial solo, most likely her, and he was on that walk to help bring more attention to it cuz let's be fr noone is running after tr, lambert and whoever from vogue to take a picture. I don't know why they don't call the paps tho, it would just be easier.
I have no idea, i'm as clueless as you. It seems like H is on Anna Wintour and EE's good side so even if it's not been done before, it still might happen with them. They did put H on the cover as the first man in a dress. So i wouldn't count it out. It would be to promo l*ewe of course (and their heterosexuality). I think people are just speculating and preparing for worst case scenarios. Just to not be surprised and disappointed if it happens. It's fake though so we all know how this ends. We just got to brace ourselves for a shitstorm (or not) before we get there.
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