#and that the editing will be done by my birthday in late October at the outside
willowcrowned · 9 months
can i ask what wip you’re working on that’s giving you grief?
it’s a sandman fic! I originally conceived of it as a straight up sir gawain and the green knight au, but it ended up morphing into an au where dream and hob undergo a variant of the oldest game, playing out the roles of gawain and bertilak respectively. it sort of snowballed from there, and now it’s got two more acts and twenty thousand more words than I intended. needless to say I am in over my head
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ladylooch · 8 months
Omg I must see how timo and Liv make up? And what role Emma and Luca (maybe even lio) play in the making up. Maybe like something really big and/or exciting happens in Liv’s life and it makes her wish she had her dad around and Timo finds out and wishing he was there for the important moment. And of course starts to like Luca:))
A/N: This one got loooong. Our sweet girl liv 🥺💜
Liv cannot believe the email that she is seeing. 
She is going to be a published author! Her first publication is going to be a whole freaking book! She lays back, kicking her feet up in the air. She grabs her phone, rolling onto her stomach as she listens to the FaceTime jingle connect to her mom back home.
“Hello Livy.” Emma murmurs into the phone. It is late, Liv realizes now.
“Oh I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”
“No, dad and I were sitting by the lake. How are you?” Liv tries not to let her smile falter at the mention of her still estranged father.
It’s been months since the summer night Liv left home. In October, Emma had come to parents weekend on her own. Timo flew over with her, but spent all his time with Lio, giving Liv distance. Other than a few, brief moments together at Lio & Luca’s game, Liv continues to keep her dad at an arm’s length. 
“I am great. I have news.” She wiggles her shoulders. Emma perks, face expectantly glistening at her daughter. “I’m going to be a published author. My professor submitted my short story collection to a small company in Chicago. They want to do a full, 100+ page collection and publish it!”
“YES!” Emma cheers, jumping up and down. “Of course you are baby! I am so proud of you!” Emma’s eyes drift above the phone, then dart quickly back down to the screen. “So what are the next steps?”
Liv fills her mom in. This is the early stages, but because it is a shorter collection, it can be printed and released within the next 3 months. Right after Liv’s birthday is their target date. As Liv speaks, her mom moves into her office, closing the pocket door behind her.
“How wonderful! Oh, I knew you would reach your goal well before you were done with school.”
“Mama.” Liv chuckles. She is Liv’s biggest fan. The two women chat a little longer before Liv needs to head out to her next class. Before she goes, her mom has one final question.
“Is it okay with you if I tell daddy?” Emma asks, nervously. Liv nods. Despite everything, she wants him to know. 
It’s a grueling couple of months. Liv has to learn quickly to balance a long-distance relationship, several rounds of edits and her school work. Several times, she is crying to Luca on the phone that maybe she can’t do this. Maybe she should back out of the book. Luca talks her through every wave of uncertainty. 
“You can do this, baby. Don’t worry about us right now. We are solid. Worry about you and your dreams. I’ll see you when I can, okay?”
The problem is, Liv wants to see Luca. And her mom. She really needs a hug from her mom right now.
The night of the book launch, her publisher hosts a party in her honor. It just so happens to coincide with Luca’s schedule, and an off-day when the Wild are playing in Detroit. A quick flight gets him in Liv’s arms for the first time in months, where she refuses to let go of him. Lio is playing in Chicago the next night. It all perfectly came together for her big day.
For once, she is the main focus of the family.
But when her family walks in to the event space, beaming at her, Liv’s heart cracks in her chest. Discouraged tears rush into her eyes as she hugs her mom. Liv knows Timo came with her mom and younger brothers, but he is not here tonight. No one asked if he was invited; they all assumed it would be this way. Liv did too. But now that this is all happening, it feels wrong. Wrong in her heart. Wrong in her soul. Wrong in every rush of aliveness in her being.
She needs her dad.
“We are so proud of you!” Emma squeezes her tight again. “This is only the beginning. Anything you want is within your reach. I know it.” Emma squeezes her hand, then steps aside for hugs from the boys. 
Once those squeezes are done, including the half asses ones from the twins, Liv grabs her mom’s forearm. 
“Mama, can we talk?”
“Of course.” The two women leave the boys to talk shop aka hockey. “What’s up?” Liv swallows hard, looking into her mom’s brown eyes. 
“Ah… What is daddy doing right now?” Emma straightens, pausing to read every flicker of Liv’s face. 
“Um, he’s… at the hotel.” 
“The four seasons?”
“What room?”
“Okay. I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” Emma whispers in awe. She thinks about warning Timo briefly, but ultimately, this is not her place.
Liv’s teeth chatter the entire ride to the hotel in the passenger seat of Luca’s rental car. His hand on her thigh is the only thing preventing her from clattering off the seat to the floor mats. She keeps trying to pull in deep, calming breaths. When Luca pulls into the valet, he pauses, putting the car in park.
“Do you want me to come in?”
“No.. well.. yes.. No.” She shakes her head, unclipping her seatbelt. The valet opens her door. She swallows hard. “Could you just wait in the lobby?”
“Yes. Whatever you need, babe.”
“Thank you.” She whispers.
They walk hand in hand to the elevators. Liv’s fingers reluctantly leave his.
“I’m right here.” Luca reminds her as the doors close, separating them. When they steel presses together, her anxious expression looks back at her. She had her make up professionally done. She looks so much like her mom, so beautiful and elegant. The doors open and she walks to the left. Their room is in the corner, at the end of the hall. Before she can talk herself out of it, she knocks. 
“Baby, did you forget your… purse.” Timo asks, holding up her mom’s black bag. Timo freezes when he realizes she is not Emma. He is dressed to the 9s in his best, blue suit. A shiny black bowtie is perfectly arranged at the opening of his neck. His loafers are shined, ankles exposed, and hair perfectly slicked into place. He looks dressed for the exact kind of event she came from.
“Um, no, but we can bring that to her.” Liv blurts. She can hear her blood pounding through her body.
“Hi Liv.” Timo says. 
“What… ah… are you doing here? Did mama send you for her purse?” His eyebrows pull together in confusion. “I could have brought it. But I thought maybe I’m on a certain black list. Wouldn’t be the first time.” He adds a half-hearted chuckle. Liv folds her bottom lip into her mouth.
“No, I don’t think mama knows she forgot her purse.”
“Oh. Well here.” Timo awkwardly extends the YSL shoulder bag out by it’s gold chain. Liv tentatively takes it, letting it rest in her hands in front of her. They stare at each other, not quite believing they are breathing the same air. Liv has darker hair than before. She always loses her summer highlights in the winter. Her brown hair is deep and rich like her mom’s. She’s so beautiful; Timo can’t believe she’s half him. “So, why are you here?”
“I was having a great night tonight. At least I thought I was. But then mama and the boys walked in without you and, I felt so.” She pauses, licking her dry lips and swallowing to ease the static in her throat. “So incomplete.” Timo’s eyes drop to the floor. “I don’t want this night to happen without you. It won’t mean as much. Everyone important is in that room, except for you.”
“Sweetheart, if mama told you I was sad earlier and you feel like you have to invite me, you don’t. I don’t deserve to be there.”
“I am not here because of mama. I know we have a lot to talk about, but I really want you there with us. Will you come back with me?”
“Yes.” The rush of air from Timo is immense. He sucks in a shaky breath after, trying like hell not to break down into sobs. “Of course. Thank you. Liv, this means.. so much to me.” Timo turns to go back into the room. “I’ll grab my wallet and we can go.”
“Okay. You should know Luca is downstairs. He brought me here.”
“Okay. That’s great.” Timo nods, searching under his clothes, trying to find his wallet. “Here it is.” Timo chuckles. “Your mom still insists I need a chain on this but… yuck.” He shake his head.
“Not fashionable at all.” Liv smiles, knowing her dad’s preferences all revolve around the season’s hottest trends coming out of Italy. Timo puts it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket as he looks at his daughter.
“Livy I am so proud of you. And I love you so much.”
“Do you?” Liv whispers. Timo’s face shatters, cheeks tight with emotion. 
“Yes. Every day of your existence. I used to cry at the mere thought of you in my arms when you were in mama.” Liv knows this. She’s seen the videos her mom took of him wiping his wet cheeks. “Although I know I have not gone about this the best, every thing I’ve done has been with your best interest in mind… keeping you safe too. But you are grown up now. You’re way smarter than me and it’s your life. I respect that.” 
“Daddy, Luca and I are in love.” Liv says as she steps towards him, putting herself into his arms.
“I know, hon. Mama told me.” Timo responds. “Heard about your birthday too… The celebration you always deserve.” He trails off. “Sorry I missed another one.” 
“You’ll come over next year?” 
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it.” Liv rests her cheek on his chest, closing her eyes as he hugs her close.
“Are those the cuff links I gave you?” She wonders after they separate.
“Yeah.” Timo chuckles, bringing his wrist up for her to see. 
“Remember when I thought those were just my initials?” She grins, looking up at him.
“Yeah…. Your mom and I couldn’t think past L I guess. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay, you kept me as the only girl and that seems better.” 
“Our perfect girl.” Timo murmurs. “Let’s go. I wanna tell everyone all about you being my daughter.” 
Timo and Liv head down to the lobby where Luca waits for them. He grins wide when he sees the two Meiers walking towards him. Liv is so happy. Her arm is laced through Timo’s and they laugh about Emma forgetting her purse and still not realizing it. Timo’s smile stays even when he sees Luca. 
“Are we ready to go back?” Luca asks. 
“Yeah. We are all here now.”
“Hi, I’m Timo, Liv’s dad. It’s nice to meet you.” Timo grins. Luca laughs, shaking his hand solidly, while going along with it.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. You should know I keep my hands to myself, sir.”
“I’m sure you do.” Timo chuckles. 
“Really?” Liv asks Luca.
“It’s funny. We’re laughing, no?” Luca laces their fingers together then opens the door for Liv so she can walk through first. It takes everything in Luca to not let his eyes drift to the sweet curve of her ass in that dress.
Things with Timo may have calmed, but Luca knows better than to press his luck any further tonight.
Plus, tonight isn’t about any of them, it’s about Liv. And she deserves the best.
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dalkyum · 5 months
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EVERY MONTH OF 2023 IN CONTENT! I was tagged by @taegyunie and @dazzlingkai, thank you for thinking of me!! 💕
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
I know this is late so no pressure to do this at all but I'll tag @tamburins @hwangelbaby @jae-bums @jftk if you'd like to do it!
this is literally going to be emi reviews all of her gifs of yugyeom but like. let's go skfjdkjf
JANUARY most popular: yugjae from youngjae best friend radio (deserved) my favorites: this yugyeom instalive set!! also I think this set from the ponytail mv came out really pretty
FEBRUARY most popular: jinyoung album shoot (I think this is literally my most popular gifset jdjkfj) my favorites: ok I love this set from one of the aomg tour stops because well. wet. also he's cute. and this markjingyeom set that I did for the ahgase admirer event is the most like. technical gifset I've ever done and I think the colors came out so good
MARCH most popular: youngjae errr day behind (I need to do another set with this formatting I think it's so fun) my favorites: yugyeom aomg online concert cuteness, this youngjae performance set is soso pretty, and these dyeary gifs of yugyeom bc I always wanted to make big gifs of this clip even before I taught myself how to gif so they are special to mee
APRIL most popular + my favorite: another big gif yugyeom dyeary set as is my right
MAY most popular: yugyeom falling in love radio perf (apparently I was not giffing in april or may skjdkdf but I do like this set a lot of people said it was pretty)
JUNE most popular: YUGYEOM @ SEOUL WATERBOMB (DESERVED!!) also my most popular yugyeom set in general. also one of my faves 💕 my favorites: I think this set is cute too:) and!! this yugyeom w korea edit, I think I colored this so well. just absolutely killed that evil green filter
JULY most popular: yugyeom from it's live's tiktok (also a fave tbh) my favorites: this lolo performance set! and this one too, I think the coloring came out really nice
AUGUST most popular: just some guy for my isa's birthday (love this set, the clips go together so well it's so satisfying kfdkjd) my favorites: apparently I like everything I made in august so these are my most favorite posts. yugyeom dazed korea photoshoot is my best edit to date I love these sm. this yugyeom it's live set came out so hd looking and the colors are pretty:) I also love this lolo ending fairy set the coloring came out so good. AND no one cared abt this one but I love this set of yugyeom on monstop he's so prettie
SEPTEMBER most popular: yugyeom daebak show set (also a fave!! amazing. glad we all agree) my favorites: this yugyeom ig live set I think he looks so good in the blue 💙 I really need to make more ig live/vlive gifs they're truly my calling and yet I never make them skldfk
OCTOBER most popular: yugyeom lolo curv live my favorites: I love both of these sets of yugyeom at octopop he looked so amazing incredible this is one of my fav looks on him ever (yes I know it's just a tank top don't worry about me I can't be saved)
NOVEMBER most popular: my fancam set of yugyeom performing lights in berlin (screaming crying throwing up. nothing to add. obviously also one of my favorites, the lighting is so pretty and warm 🥹) my favorites: apparently I also like everything from november asdklf this youngjae suit dance set came out exactly the way I wanted 🩷 also yugyeom's birthday post of course. and yugyeom x buzzfeed uk just bc I didn't stop staring at this set for like a week. the first gif alone gave me enough serotonin to survive for a month
DECEMBER most popular: yugyeom take you down perf 220331 (this set came out so good. deserved) my favorites: I love this youngjae mencert set, this also came out exactly how I wanted skfjd youngjae has the best performance videos I swear. and this gifset of yugyeom performing take you down is so beautiful to mee I redid it a lot of times and I like what I ended up with!!
my goals for 2024 are to post more gifs and keep being normal about that man 🩷 I can literally see my improvement from the beginning of the year to now and I think that's really cool:)
if u have ever reblogged my gifs I love u. I'm literally over here just doing my thing and u are all so kind. kiss kiss
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reginavulturum · 5 months
Terry's Birthday: Fandom, the Internet, and Citations
Or, a too long, too in depth essay on a fictional character's birthday
If you aren't thinking I'm a total nerd by the time you're done reading this than you didn't really read this. But, let's start at the beginning. Recently I posted a timeline I made for "Batman Beyond" and in the time since I made that post there's been something I've seen pop up in tags which I'd never heard of before. A few people were saying that Terry's birthday is August 18th. I was really interested in the source of this claim because I had no recollection of ever seeing it anywhere before now. I looked it up on google (as you do) and found this date scattered around the internet. Case closed, right? But I quickly realized there was a consistent problem on every site I came across. None of them cited a source for Terry's alleged August 18th birthday.
Just look it up yourself and you'll find that the date is ubiquitous across the internet. Yet, as far as I can tell after all my research, it's also completely unconfirmed. I mean, I may have missed something, but if I have than someone else is going to have to point it out to me. I also made a post prior to this one asking people to cite a source for Terry's birthday and no one has so far. You can have a look at that post if you want to know what I consider a good source on this subject. In any case, if this date or any other had been confirmed in any piece of media or in an interview with any DC creator involved in Batman Beyond than I think I would have found a citation for that source somewhere by now.
Right now it kind of seems like August 18th is fanon that's been recycled into "canon". This seems to have happened through a process of source-less wikipedia edits being parroted across reddit threads, sites featuring profiles of comic heroes, other wikis, etc. The less popular June 27th birthday for Terry seems to have gone through the same process. Here are links to some of these sites: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
As my research continued I came across some possible witness testimony of the first mentions of these birthdates:
a.) In this archived thread from the DCAU wiki, in quotations below, I've copied an excerpt of an exchange between two users that I feel is most relevant to this post (emphasis mine):
"So, I've noticed lately that a lot of different sites have been stating Terry's birthday to be August 18th with various years attached to the date. The earliest mention of which I could find is an edit to his wikipedia page in 2008 (which prior to the change stated his birthday was June 27th). I don't remember a mention of when he was born on the show or tie-in comics, and the third volume of comics didn't come out until 2010, so would anyone here know where these dates originate from? -- ReachingForRevolution (talk) 17:48, September 26, 2013 (UTC)"
"I've done some extensive timeline research, and I never came across a good source for those dates. All I saw was a wikipedia edit war with those two dates, but neither is correct AFAIK. The most cited year of birth is 2023, which is speculation as well, but there's at least some foundation for that. --Tupka217 17:56, September 26, 2013 (UTC)"
b.) A similar claim was made in this thread. The relevant excerpt, written by the user "Yojimbo" on October 16, 2023, is in quotations below (emphasis mine):
"No official birth date was ever given.
There was a wikipedia edit war in the 2000s but no source was ever given for either disputed date, June 27, 2023 and August 18, 2023."
As I've travelled down this rabbit hole, I've begun to suspect I won't be able to find exactly where it began, but this is as close as I've gotten. Allegedly, sometime around 2008, there was an edit war on Terry McGinnis' wikipedia page between at least two users over the birthdates of June 27th and August 18th. Now, how or why that edit war even started, I don't know. Why those dates, I also don't know. What I do know is that August 18th is the birthdate that gained the most popularity in the end and spread across the internet.
I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes with this post or call anyone out, really. If anything, this post exists because the subject was interesting to me and I've found the journey enjoyable. If you want to say Terry's birthday is June 27th or August 18th, then please do. Fandom is about fun, not perfectly sourced and cited dissertations on fictional teenagers' birthdays...unless, of course, that sort of thing is fun for you. I know I've loved every minute researching for and writing this...because I'm a massive nerd...but I certainly don't adhere to a strict reading of the timeline myself which is something I plan on covering in an upcoming addendum to my timeline.
In summary, my own research has produced no officially confirmed birthday for Terry McGinnis. This leads me to believe that August 18th and June 27th are fanon birthdates. It may be that I've just not found the citation for one or the other of these dates so I'm open to anyone who can provide me a good source. But really, none of this matters in the grand scheme of things, although it's interesting to see the way user edited/moderated wikis can sometimes bring less clarity rather than more. I'm sure this isn't the only example of that. Assuming I'm right and these birthdates are fanon, I wouldn't consider this a cautionary tale or anything so dramatic. Instead, I'd say this was a case study in the interaction between fandom collated information about fictional works as it exists across the internet and why the adage, "cite your sources", will never die...or something like that...
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
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I posted 994 times in 2022
That's 994 more posts than 2021!
708 posts created (71%)
286 posts reblogged (29%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 140 of my posts in 2022
#bugs world - 32 posts
#fake instagram edit - 29 posts
#lulu’s christmas party - 19 posts
#umich imagine - 12 posts
#nhl imagine - 11 posts
#luna’s blurb week - 11 posts
#lulu writes blurbs - 10 posts
#jack hughes imagine - 6 posts
#lulu writes - 6 posts
#jack hughes x reader - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#i learned 7 languages partially this year to make my players feel comfortable
My Top Posts in 2022:
Cowboys Rule | E.Edwards
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summary; the number one rule of cowboys - wear the hat ride the cowboy
Mark had decided on a whole cowboys and country theme for his twenty first birthday so everyone went all out with the dress up.
You and Ethan had set up the venue from early morning; a local bar and you’d gone all out even getting a mechanical bull.
You’d just finished pinning up the last banner when you felt two hands on either side of your waist and pulled your body down from the ladder
“Okay, we’re done! We gotta get ready” Ethan announced, pulling you away from the decorations.
“I just have to-“ “No! You’ve done enough we’ll be late if we don’t go now”
You laughed and gave in “Okay, Okay let’s go I need to get in my get up!”
“Get up?” He chuckled, eying you.
“Oh yeah I have this cute black and white cow print hat and the matching boots, it’s glittery and everything!” You squealed in excitement.
Ethan smiled at you “I can’t wait to see, meet you back here at eight?”
“Got it!” You replied, running off towards your dorm.
You’d arrived at the party later than intended and it was already in full swing.
Managing to find Mark and Duke when you arrived you passed off your birthday gift “Happy Birthday Woodruff!!”
Rolling his eyes Mark pulled you in for a hug “Thank you, thank you for setting up and everything! You’re the best”
It was hard to hear over the music so you were leaning up to shout in his ear “Where’s Eddy?!”
Mark looked around before pointing over in the corner you could see Ethan helping some girl up onto the mechanical bull, his hands resting on her ass even when she was situated.
You rolled your eyes and you could feel Mark giving you a sad glance while he rubbed your back before he was pulled away.
“Hey there’s our cowgirl!” Arm thrown over your shoulder and you leaned into Mackie while Luke appeared on your other side.
“Hey guys, enjoying the party?”
“It’s awesome, you want to plan ours?” “You wish - I like Mark that’s why I spent so much time on it”
Luke pulled a face “Harsh but we love you so we’ll forgive” before lifting your hat off your head and walking off.
Mackie held is hand out for you and quirked his eyebrow “Join me?”
You looking from his face to his hand you smiled softly nodding your head and putting your hand in his.
Ethan had watched you waltz around the bar alongside his teammate with jealous eyes.
There was a grey zone you two were in right now with mutual feelings but all the stupidity not to say anything just living in the constant agony of jealousy. It wasn’t fun to see all these girls throw themselves at him just because he was a hockey player while you just had to sit and watch.
When it was announced the cake was coming out you stood up on a table along with a couple other girls to see over everything while you sang.
“Happy Birthday, dear mark, Happy Birthday to you”
As the song finished you screamed out a cheer before you tried stepping down from the table. You were about to jump when Mackie held your waist and lifted you down letting out a laugh, hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself.
See the full post
142 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Best I Ever Had | L.Hughes
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Summary; solely based off “set it up” because that’s my favourite movie ever. It’s actually only based on one scene the rest I made up lol.
pairings: luke hughes x fem!reader, mark estapa x fem!reader, umich hockey x fem!reader (platonic)
I don’t like how I ended this but I couldn’t think of anything else.
Barging in through the front door you heard everyone shouting at one another.
You stopped in the doorway looking at the boys arguing over something while the TV still had static
“I gave you one job, have the game on before I got here and you don’t have the game on!”
The yelled ceased and they all turned to you, smiling “We can’t figure out the remote”
You sighed, snatching the remote from Mark’s hand and fiddling around with the buttons until the game finally appeared.
“Did you guys get food?” You asked, jacket being discarded onto the floor. There were an array of mumbles before Ethan spoke
“Yeah I put yours on the table in the kitchen” you smiled a thank you before off to retrieve the food, making your way back and throwing yourself into the tiny space of the armchair Mark sat on, your legs cascading over his lap while he used your shins as a makeshift table for his plate.
While everyone was eating and watching the pre-game highlights your eyes cast over the room, eyebrows furrowing when you noticed something missing.
“Hey, where’s Luke?” You felt Mark still underneath you, everyone else doing the same.
They all looked at one another before Duke said “He’s on a date”
Your heart fell, and consciously you tried not to let it show on your face “Oh- who with?”
“You know that girl from our marketing class?”
“Lily?” “Yeah, her”
Lily was pretty, she was the typical ‘NHL wag’ type. You hadn’t spoken to her much but you saw her around in class and at games, she would always interrupt conversations with the boys to go on about how much she just ‘loved’ hockey and when you would so innocently say
“Oh, we’re looking for more people to join the girls team actually!” She would snarl and reply with a snarky “no thanks”
You could see the faces of the boys looking at you with pity. You wanted to attention away from you and your feelings so announced
“Ok anyone wanna place a bet? I’m on Jersey winning 4-2”
Everyone started yelling out their bets, wagering money on it and you felt Mark lean in closer behind your ear before he whispered
“He’s not worth getting upset over, he was stupid to pick her over you”
The game finished, jersey winning 4-2 over Pittsburgh and you went home a lot richer that night. You had helped Nick and Jimmy cleaning up the kitchen from the takeout you got when Luke got home, you saw him come in with a smile on his face walking straight up stairs not for a second registering your presence in the house.
You slipped out after you heard his bedroom door shut, not saying so much as a goodbye to the boys that were downstairs.
The days following Luke’s first date you didn’t see him much. You’d hung around with the team, saw him in passing and he spoke to you briefly in class but nothing like normal.
Luke hadn’t noticed the lack of you in his life for the influx in Lily, but everyone else had.
When Quinn would call he’d ask about you but was met with answers like “Oh I don’t know where she is”
And Jack had come to Detroit for an away game asking Luke to dinner, expecting you to join as you always did but instead Luke had brought Lily.
See the full post
158 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Vancouver | J.Hughes
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summary: after a hurtful breakup he never thought he’d hear her voice again.
not entirely sure what this is but have it anyway
Through high school and all the junior clubs he went through, Jack stayed devoted to you and your relationship.
It surprised a lot of people. He was the supposed heartbreaker and player of the group of friends but he proved everyone wrong.
It all went downhill after the draft.
You’d been alongside him when he was drafted, cheering the loudest alongside his family. You were so proud of him.
He wasn’t like Quinn, he didn’t want to take time out or go slow into his career. When he heard first pick it went straight to his head.
It hurt to see what he became right infront of your eyes. He made the move straight to Jersey, threw himself into the team and proving himself to the organisation while pushing you away in the meantime.
The breakup was slow and he was oblivious. You’d stayed in Michigan after he left so the phone calls got fewer and fewer, you stop flying out to visit so much and even stopped hanging out with his family.
It became final when you flew out to Jersey to watch a game. He hadn’t done much with you being there and when the weekend ended and you had your bags packed you held onto him for just a little longer.
“Goodbye J” you mumbled, a slight crack in your voice.
“I’ll see you in a couple weeks at the red wings game, right? No need to be upset babe”
You shook your head “No, Jack I- I don’t think I can do this any longer”
“What? What are you talking about?”
He reached out for your hand but you pulled away
“I lost you Jack-“ “I’m right here! What are you on about?”
You were trying so hard not to get upset “I lost you, the real you, my Jack back in Vancouver. The day you became Jack Hughes the devil I lost you”
He had been rendered speechless, stumbling back a few steps.
“Goodbye Jack”
No reply. Just the sound of your suitcase wheels squeaking out the door for the last time.
He was heartbroken.
The days, weeks, months following he reflected on everything that had happened since he had been drafted.
Maybe you were right.
He’d tried filling the void with random party girls, set ups and dating app girls but nothing ever came close.
His family saw you around still. You went to lunch with Luke oftentimes but he never told Jack about it.
You’d told him that you’d dropped out of college and signed a record deal. You were finally getting your dream of creating music, being a voice and being heard.
“We’re really proud of you - all of us. We’re just really sorry”
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172 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
Speak Now | L.Hughes
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This has been in my drafts so long I needed it out
Everyone knew this was a bad idea, that Luke was crazy.
He shouldn’t be here. He knew that, but he was.
Victoria saw him before anyone else, slipping discreetly past mingling guests and tugging his suit sleeve in a way to get his attention before she snapped
“Don’t ruin this for her Hughes, this is her day”
Luke visibly gulped and replied “I don’t know what you’re talking about Vic, I’m just here for an old friend”
She scoffed “old friend, yeah ok”
He found his friends, his parents and brothers all grabbing drinks next to the bar.
“I really thought we’d be up there in those stupid blue suits on her wedding day, with you of course Hughesy because we are the best men in your life” Duke was clearly trying to make a joke but it failed, Mackie poked him in the ribs to warrant a stop.
He then gave Luke a face and said “Man, we’re sorry I know it’s not easy-“
“I’m fine, I’m just here to support you know. They did invite me” Luke added, gulping down the rest of his drink.
“Owen told me they fought about your invite” Kent added, giving Luke a soft smile in a way to make him feel better “She really fought to have you c my ome today Luke, she cared a lot you were here”
Luke shrugged “Yeah i guess, she’s close with my family you know? I mean my mom and dad are here, Quinn and Jack”
The group couldn’t help but roll their eyes at his blindness.
“You know that’s not why she did it Luke and you know it”
The wedding planner started filing people into the venue, to find a seat for the ceremony.
“Luke sit in the middle”
“What? No, why? I’m taller than you I gotta sit on the outside to I can move my leg”
“Because if you sit in the middle then we can stop you when you try to object”
He rolled his eyes “I’m not going to object to her marriage dipshit”
Ethan held his hands up “I’m just saying”
In the back room you were finishing getting ready when Victoria finally let it slip. She was adjusting your necklace, looked you in the eyes and caved
“He’s here” your eyes shot up to hers and your mouth dropped open.
“Really?” She nodded “Really.”
Nodding, you let out a huge breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“We can walk away right now if you want to, I’ll hold your hand and if anyone tries to stop it you’ve got a hockey team to defend you from any evil mother in laws”
You laughed at her and shook your head “I’m okay, I’m glad he’s here”
She brushed your hair off your shoulder and beamed “All ready! You look gorgeous!”
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196 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
#46 with luke
“Stop being a fucking prick”
Milo’s birth had been the best kept secret of Michigan.
You honestly thought Mackie would’ve spilled the beans at one point.
You were cautious when Ethan left to play in Jersey. With Luke having left the year prior and Milo being a couple months old now, you waited for the
how come you had my baby and I didn’t know? text.
It never came.
So, you carried on with life. You were close to graduating and looking for a job. Not having a job after graduation wasn’t an option at this point, being a mom was expensive.
“Hey, you wanna go watch the Red Wings Devils game this Saturday? Eddy says that he can get us tickets” Mark asked, shouting through the house.
“I’m down but we’ll have to take Milo because his babysitter is out of town”
“Eddy also said ‘tell her she better bring Milo because I miss him’” you laughed, always one step ahead.
At almost a year old, the little boy was beginning to develop noticeable features from his parents. He had Luke’s hair and nose while he had your eyes. He hadn’t fully developed a smile yet but the way he gave his gummy half smiles with a certain slant you knew they’d be just like Luke’s.
Dressed up in his Devils jersey, a gift from Ethan when he left. Milo had been to so many hockey games in his short little life, being a common spectator at Yost.
While Luke wasn’t in the picture you still wanted to bring those certain aspects of him around Milo. You took him to hockey games, you celebrated certain Jewish holidays with him (after a lot of googling). People thought it strange, you hadn’t told Luke by choice but wanted to keep him around.
Your reasoning sounded stupid to some but others understood where you were coming from. Luke broke up with you after loosing out again at Frozen Four.
The devils organization were there in Tampa. Luke had signed before he even got out of his jersey.
He told you it wouldn’t work, how you were going to be too far apart and that he wanted to experience life as a rookie in New Jersey with a fresh start.
You planned to tell him that night, you were pregnant. You never got the chance. Instead, you nodded and wished him well in Jersey.
You then didn’t tell anyone for months until you were all leaving for the summer and you bid your goodbyes very tearfully. You weren’t sure what would happen next year, if you’d ever be back in Michigan with your friends.
You told them, they dragged it out of you and you made them promise to not tell Luke.
It was awfully quiet at the lake house that summer.
Everyone had brought their partners and Luke was alone for the first time in years, he felt lonely. He missed you. He screwed up.
“Have you got his bag? His ear defenders? Oh did I pack snacks? What about-“
“You gotta calm down, what’s up with you?” Mark stopped you, taking milo out of your arms and looking at you bordering on tears.
“This is the first time I’m gonna see him Mark, I thought I could do it-“
“You can! Luke knows nothing about Milo and I’m sure he won’t even notice us there. I’m right here with you”
His words of encouragement calmed you, nodding in agreement and making your way to the car.
It was a busy night and Milo was loving all of the attention he was getting from random people that passed, all waving and smiling at him.
“C’mon buddy let’s go find Ethan and get your first NHL puck” Mark announced, taking him from your arms and walking down the stairs to ice level.
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282 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ollieofthebeholder · 1 year
to find promise of peace (and the solace of rest): a TMA fanfic
Also on AO3 || Next >
Chapter 1: October 2015
It was, quite frankly, probably the worst day Martin had had since getting moved to the Archives, which was saying something. His alarm hadn't gone off for some reason, so he'd had to rush out the door without eating in order to make his train on time; there'd been trouble on the Northern line that had caused him to miss his connection and have to wait for the next one, meaning he'd only just made it to work before he would be considered late; Tim had accidentally knocked over his tea and it had barely missed the stack of files Martin was trying to research (he just knew that would have been his fault somehow); he'd been hung up on three times trying to verify statements; and when he'd tried to call his mother to wish her a happy birthday, the nurse on duty had been the bossy one who'd never liked him anyway and had told him, condescendingly and specifically and with a spiteful emphasis on the last word, that Miss Liliana doesn't want any calls from you. He was stressed, he was tired, he was strung out. He was on his fifth cup of tea and hadn't brought one to Jon all day, he'd forgotten to pack a lunch and didn't have the money to buy until payday, and at this point he was just counting the hours until he could leave, something he hadn't done in months—not that being home would be any better, just that he could at least bury his face in his pillow and scream his frustration out.
He was the last one back from his lunch break, clutching his cup in both hands. Tim and Sasha were hard at work, Tim frowning and Sasha intent, but she was the one to look up and wave at his desk when she saw him. “We got a statement that mentions a Leitner. Jon wants you to check it against whatever catalogs you can come up with so we can figure out how his edition is different than the original. Says it's top priority.“
Martin made a noise of what he hoped came across as acknowledgment and agreement and sat down at his desk, opening the laptop and reaching for the sticky note with Jon's familiar loopy handwriting on it. He glanced at it, and his day went from lousy to full-on shit when he saw the words Ex Altiora.
“Oh, bloody hell,“ he muttered under his breath.
Tim looked up briefly from his computer. “You know the book?“
“Never read it, but I've heard of it.“ Martin began calling up all the catalogs he could think of, but he knew it was going to be hopeless. They'd never known much about Ex Altiora, but they'd all known it was never mass-produced; there had only ever been one copy, and that much sought-after. The old bag had been furious when…
He terminated that thought quickly. His last encounter with…her…hadn't been pleasant and wasn't one he wanted to relive. Not today. Not at work, anyway.
“How many Leitners are there, anyway?“ Tim asked, sitting back and stretching. “I mean, how many books did he have in that library of his?“
“Nine hundred seventy-eight,“ Martin said automatically. “According to rumor, anyway. Not like he ever let people have access to his collection.“
Tim let out a long, low whistle. Sasha cocked her head at him. “How do you know that?“
“I did my master's thesis on Leitners.“ It was a lie. An old lie, one Martin had trotted out rather a lot in the last eleven years. It had always served him well, but just then, he wished he hadn't said it. Tim knew he didn't have a degree, and he was sure to press Martin about it later.
Fleetingly, Martin gave a thought to cluing Tim in on what was really going on. What was out there. At some point he would need to tell them anyway; they were going to get too close, sooner rather than later, and it was better that they be prepared. Elias hadn't seen fit to tell them, apparently, if Jon's skeptic act was anything to go by (he had to be faking it, nobody could work for the Magnus Institute and disbelieve that hard), but surely he wouldn't have assigned Martin down here if he didn't want them to know. That Elias might not know had never once crossed his mind. It was definitely possible to work for the Magnus Institute without some idea of what it was about, witness the other three people in the Archives, but no way would he be able to head it up if he didn't.
At the moment, however, he put his head down and kept working.
“Martin.“ Jon's voice jerked Martin out of his work haze. He looked up to find Jon scowling at him…or at least in his direction. For once, Martin didn't actually think it was directed at him. Yet. “Have you been able to find anything on Ex Altiora in the catalogs?“
“No, sorry. I don't—it was a pretty rare book,“ Martin hedged. “I mean, there was only one copy.“
Jon's scowl deepened. Now it was for Martin. “Just because it hasn't turned up on any lists so far doesn't mean it isn't on any of them. You're going to have to try harder than that. We can't just give up because it isn't easy.“
Normally, Martin would have apologized, stammered out an excuse, something, but he was tired and overwhelmed and stressed all to hell and gone, and it all combined to make him snap back at Jon in a way he normally only did with people he trusted implicitly not to punish him for it, or didn’t care what they thought of him. “I'm not giving up. It's not just that it won't be on any of those catalogs because it was unique, it's because it wasn't any kind of history or instruction book. It was just a story, somewhere between an epic poem and a fairy tale, about a monster threatening a village that turns out to be bigger than they think every time they start preparing until they throw themselves off a cliff to escape it. The people who understood what it was and what it meant had a vested interest in other people not knowing, so naturally they'd be keen to keep it off of any publicly-available lists, and since there was only ever one copy of the original because nobody ever survived owning it long enough to duplicate it, there aren't going to be other editions out there. Jurgen Leitner's library wasn't all special editions of books expurgated for the general public, you know.“
He stopped, partly because he was out of breath and partly because his brain had just caught up with his tongue and was trying to throttle it. Jon looked rather like Martin had slapped him, and behind him, Sasha and Tim were both gaping at him like he'd just stripped naked and sung a lounge song. His cheeks burned, probably a bright red, but he pressed his lips together tightly to keep himself from apologizing. He hadn't actually said anything he needed to be sorry for.
Finally, Tim reached up and manually shut his jaw, then spoke up in a voice that was almost his usual jovial tones, which told Martin that was as much an act as his own usual soft-spoken awkwardness. “Martin's thesis was on Leitner's library, remember, boss? I think he knows what he's talking about.“
“I—yes, that's right, I'd forgotten.“ Jon sounded slightly off-balance and…almost subdued. “I—I apologize for doubting you. Undoubtedly you're correct about this.“
Was it Martin's imagination, or did he put slight emphasis on the word this? He decided not to mention it. “It's all right,“ he said, and he wasn't sure if it was true or not.
Slowly, he felt himself calming, at least a little. His computer beeped softly at him, telling him he needed to plug it in, and he twisted around to get at the cord. As he did so, Jon turned to Tim. “Have you had any luck in tracking down Gerard Keay?“
Martin fell off his chair.
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i was tagged by @angelsdean 💕💕
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: jenna
star sign: libra (im actually a triple libra and i have to say that almost every time i read something that is supposed to be a libra personality trait i'm like yea actually that's me)
height: 5'6 
time: 7:39 am
birthday: oct 20
favourite bands/artists: the lumineers, hozier, lord huron, florence + the machine, lana del rey, rainbow kitten surprise, shakey graves
last movie: god i watch SO much tv and so few movies that i cannot for the life of me remember. i just checked my netflix history and i haven't watched a movie there since last october so i guess it was probably die hard which i watched with my family at christmas
last show: besides my supernatural rewatch, The Bear
when did i create this blog: i think it was like april 2012? honestly i never really used it all that much until like march 2022 when i joined spnblr
what i post: mostly spn...more destiel, castiel, and dean than anything else. i recently started making gifs/edits so a lot of my original posts lately have been those. i also will occasionally post about other shows that i'm watching too
last thing i googled: i just woke up so i haven't googled anything yet today but i just checked my history and it was “castiel cabernet" yesterday lol
other blogs: this is it 🙃
do i get asks: i've gotten like just a couple from anons. every once in a while i will get one from a mutual<3
following: 376. it used to be a LOT higher because i had just been following blogs based on whatever hyperfixation i was obsessed with for like 10 years but i recently purged
average hours of sleep: 7-8 usually 
instruments: none </3 i always wanted to learn one but never committed to it
what im wearing: grey tank top and black capri sleep pants...i just woke up lol
dream job: i've always wanted to be a published writer. also always wanted to be a librarian too but somehow ended up an accountant 🫤
dream trip: i really want to do like a big europe trip and go to edinburgh, paris, amsterdam, lisbon, london. also i would like to do a us trip maybe camping somewhere forresty. i live in southern california so pretty much everything here is either desserty or beachy and i would like to spend some time with some trees
nationality: american, unfortunately
favourite songs: this is always changing but currently its let me drown by orville peck, king by f+tm, what do it mean by lord huron, sunlight by hozier, the chain by fleetwood mac
last book i’ve read: if we're not counting fanfic then it was verity by colleen hoover (the only non fanfic book i've read all year lol) if we are counting fanfic then it was silver linings by foolondahill17
Currently reading: fenario by ftmsteverogers
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: um this is hard. but i guess i'd say the raven cycle, spn, or the atlas six
ok like victoria i'm not gonna tag 20 ppl because that's just a lot and i have no idea who's already done this or doesn't want to do it so feel free not to<3
@sluttystiel @faithdeans @cruelsummercas @goatiel @dylfnatural @millicentmarva @sleepycas @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @deanandkastiel @hermywolf
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nettlestingsoup · 2 years
Hi morgan <33333 hope you're doing well :D
1,2,5,6,8,9,17,18,30,31,38,44,49 for the fanfic writer asks <333
hi evy! i'm doing ok! looking forward to getting some rest over christmas!
1 and 8: answered here for honey!
2: answered here for fien!
5: i’ve been writing stories in general since i was about six? my sister started writing stories, and obviously i had to copy her, and then i just... never stopped. i started writing fic in 2018 sometime when i met my stay friends at uni! it was a nice way to bond with them while we were still getting to know each other, and they’re now some of the few people i trust to show my writing to when it’s unfinished and imperfect.
6: writing has done a lot of good work for my mental health, i think! it encourages me to look inwards and consider why i’m writing the themes i am or just gives me an outlet for bad emotions rather than turning them inwards. it’s done wonders for my confidence over the years, too; i think it’s something that even i can’t deny that i’m fairly good at, and it’s good to have that when my brain tries to tell me that i’m mediocre at everything.
9: i’m terrible with writing to deadlines, so not really. i might set deadlines for editing, but my writing is often so unpredictably long that i couldn’t write to a deadline if i tried (the thing i tried to write in time for my friend’s birthday? it might be done by her next birthday. in october 2023. maybe.)
17: i love fantasy AUs as a whole really, but i’m always drawn to vampire AUs! the only reason i haven’t written one of my own is because i think there are far too many good ones, and i worry that i wouldn’t be able to come up with something unique enough to match up.
18: i really love writing seungchan? i think it’s partially that they’re my favourite members to write, and partially that they’re the members who can often come across as most serious (although they’ve both been silly in interviews lately) and so i feel like i can put them in slightly darker stories. seungbin and jeongchan are creeping up the list though.
30: the hardest part of writing happens once i’m about 80% of the way through a story; i’ve done most of the fun worldbuilding by that point, and most of the very emotional scenes have to give way to Actual Plot before i can write an emotional ending. it’s the point in a fic where i’m most likely to get bored and have to drag myself through the writing process.
31: big descriptive scenes! i love sitting and describing things, it’s a wonderful exercise in creativity and it allows me to set a scene really well. i love the experience of choosing which words to use to set the tone of a story; i’d describe the same forest using very different wording in a faerie fantasy au to a horror fantasy au for example, and it comes very naturally to me to just sit and set the scene before any pesky characters or dialogue get involved.
38: all the time! occasionally i get nostalgic for my own concepts, or reminded of them by friends or ao3 comments, and i’ll reread sections or whole fics then. it sounds a little arrogant, but sometimes my own fics are the only ones that scratch the itch for very specific content in my brain. it makes sense, i suppose. i wrote them exactly to my own taste, after all.
44: i tend to write linear these days! i’ll definitely plan future scenes (with the orchid, for example, i’d been waiting for weeks to get to the scene where minho admits he’d deactivate his own emotional processor if seungmin got hurt) but i tend to leave them hanging there as incentive to write the scenes leading up to them.
49: i guess the writing advice i’d give is to not be afraid of being a little bit weird? just genuinely write how you want to write, not in a way you think is good or that people will like. i find writing a lot more fun and fulfilling when i let myself use the bizarre metaphors and odd descriptors that i actually want to, rather than worrying that people won’t like or understand it.
thank you for asking these! they were a lot of fun; this ask game actually has a lot of really good ones. <3
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princepestilence · 8 months
NYR: September in review
Post-September horoscope: it can be tempting to live your life like a prequel. to live as if you’re setting up your own story.and once you lose the weight, once you have the money, once you graduate school, once you’re in a real relationship, once, once, once. then finally, you’ll begin to live, and everything you do up until that point is some kind of half-life, some unimportant foreword you can skip. don’t do this. inhabit your life completely. sink fully into the wealth of your existence. the power to manifest is in the fearless owning of who you are, so that you can shape where you’re going.
Long horoscope quote this month, but I've been thinking about history a lot lately. A lot about the past, and the future, and thinking about how very soon I'm going to be in a new stage altogether come next year, with a finished PhD and a fresh new decade of my thirties ahead.
In September:
chapter three revised draft. Completed! One more chapter left to revise, and then the introduction and conclusion. Then it's done. The whole thesis revised and ready for the final round of edits and tweaks.
Duolingo every day. I admit my heart isn't it in at the moment but I trudge onward nevertheless.
Blood test. I've been putting it off for months because I've been busy and tired, but finally went and got it done. Now my doctor wants to have a talk (ugh). It never ends. But I do actually want to take better care of myself so I Have To.
Best friend's baby shower. It was so lovely! The baby is due at the end of October so basically could come any day now, especially since mum was premature and might be a family thing. I'm very excited to meet him. And also for her to not be pregnant anymore, she's hated it.
Zine fair. Got some cool zines and had a nice time catching up with friends. I'm thinking it might be fun to make some myself and set up a table next time.
Interview with Aunty for org. history + info. It's been on my list since the beginning of the year to sit down with her for this audio-recording and we finally made it happen. Very happy for that (and relieved) and I'm looking forward to working with her more in the future to improve the organisation.
Clair got an ADHD diagnosis + meds. Success!! I am putting this in my recap for the month because actual years of work went into getting to this point and, humbly, I have been INTEGRAL in all of it on account of her having super-bad-at-navigating-the-many-many-complex-steps-of-getting-a-diagnosis disorder and I am a sexy type A hyper-admin kind of guy. You can now applaud.
In October, I will:
revise chapter four. And ideally finish introduction and conclusion, and send the entire dissertation to my supervisor for another pass.
plan my birthday party! We're now about six weeks out until the event so it's time to actually plan the logistics. Important things like what themed cocktails to make, and what fancy little cakes to order, and the playlist.
run the AGM. And also be officially voted in as chair, rather than acting chair. A bit nervous about it since it's back-to-back COM meeting then AGM, and the AGM is going to be attended by a local politician because there's an award going to above Aunty for being great, and I'm the one who needs to give the speech about her. I know it'll all be fine, but I remain nervous. Don't tell anyone.
going to the museum. Tomorrow! Great way to start the month.
0 notes
kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
September 28: Thursday
Ugh. I don’t have work tomorrow because I’m taking the day off but my self-sabotage game is so strong I feel like I’ve already destroyed the weekend, or at least the extra part of it. I don’t know why I do this to myself. What did I ever do to me to warrant this behavior, hmmm?
Today was an all right day. I was on the circ desk for a bit but literally nothing happened; there was a brief kerfuffle again about the mail area (this wouldn’t happen if people weren’t so emotional and people wouldn’t be so emotional if the PTB were, like, aware that humans have opinions and that’s my theory on that); and then we celebrated a coworker’s birthday with some discussions about pickleball, MI-5 and MI-6 (there are in fact Mi’s 1-4 and also way past 6, or there were, but my theory is they still exist and we just don’t know about them because that’s the best way to keep your secret intelligence a secret), and the finally about the Presidents’ Heads, which I so desperately, desperately want to see.
So that all riled me up and gave me a sort of sugar-high type energy. I ended up leaving work a little late, which meant even though I did go get a coffee and sit outside and do some planning, I didn’t have as much time outside as I would have liked. And it was so nice out. Everyone thinks it’s horrible and is complaining about how they haven’t seen the sun and it’s too cloudy. Boo hoo. I love it. It’s cool enough to wear a hoodie, the clouds have driven all the people away so I can get a table without any trouble—perfect. Like would some sun be nice? Some golden fall before we lose all daylight? Of course. But unfortunately the time for golden fall is way earlier in September, we never get that here, and it’s ridiculous to pretend otherwise (as I do every year). And when the sun comes back the temperature will go back up and I WILL choose 70 and cloudy in late September over 80 and sunny in fucking October. But that’s just me.
Anyway, so I got a little bit of planning done. I was trying to work out some thoughts about the ficlets but… oh, the ficlets. I’m behind, I’m behind, I’m behind. Counting the vaguest ideas and some arguable repeats, I have almost 40 ideas on the list. Which I guess is good… the problem is the tyranny of choice. I hope picking a theme will help narrow it down but will it? Will it? Plus I still need to finish my Time Loop fic. I sort of had the idea I’d post chapter 1 today. That obviously not happening. But it is almost ready. It’s edited, as well as it ever be, so I just need to actually write down the summary, write up some notes (make sure I get all the warnings), and then do the actual formatting/posting to AO3/posting to tumblr. Which is to say the administrative tasks are left but the text itself is ready. Maybe I’ll put it up tomorrow. I feel like weekends are bad times to post so if not tomorrow it might wait till Monday. We’ll see. And then of course chapter 2 is just… for the future. No because I’m worried about it specifically, the edits are actually pretty close to done, but because chapter 3 is totally unedited and chapter 4 is barely written so I’ll need to have some self control in holding off on updates even if they’re ready.
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satanbestboi · 3 years
I’m glad we exist (don’t you know how much I love you?)
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gn!reader/MC x Satan
Before you read: sfw, long fic, 2k words+, soft angst, fluff, Satan’s birthday event + mild spoilers from the first season of the main story (lesson 15+) 
A/N: Saw some angst dialogue lines in the event + I had recently finished with the main arc of the first twenty lessons, so you know, I needed to put my grabby hands and turn into Satan centered fic, also my first proper Obey me fic, please be kind lol. Happy birthday best boy!! Even though I’m late!!!
Tags: @fantasy-dating-sim-trash​
It was impossible to describe the explosion of warmth, gentle pounding inside his chest, one that made it impossible for a smile to hide behind its usual walls. Perhaps, it was because he was born out of Lucifer’s emotions; when the brothers hugged their human exchange student, he couldn’t help but share in their joy, their sorrow that replaced the gentle heaviness that weighed down their hearts. 
Lilith’s loss was the greatest pain in each of their heart. Something that had hurt worse than falling itself. He would know.
So, it was only natural he noticed. The memories that he once shared, both foreign and familiar at the same time. The way Mammon cradled their human, being overly generous, the way Leviathan spent the day out of his room, cuddled close with a new game in hand to play with everyone, the way Asmodeus clung onto their body, hearts practically emitting off his voice and body, the way Beelzebub hugged a little too tightly, worse than Asmodeus in some ways, and the way Belphegor tried to make up for his mistakes, sadness hidden behind the needy urge to be accepted.
Even Lucifer. The way he looked satisfied, smiling far more than he had ever done so since their fall, as if everything that had previously plagued him was lifted from his shoulder.
This was the first time he had seen them like this. 
The first time since he was... 
MC’s voice made him blink gently, registering the reality of the present slowly.
“Lord Diavolo said he’s deciding to plan on a second-hand book fair?! It’s right around the time of your birthday too!” They exclaimed brightly, so excited in the way they settled closer to him. Books sprawled on the sofa they shared, their legs tangled with his. “Limited edition RAD library books, books exclusively from the human world, it’s going to be perfect.” 
His brothers were excited as well, despite their efforts in trying to mask it. A Halloween celebration, followed by his birthday and Lord Diavolo’s Banquet. 
The month of October in the Devildom promised celebration in every form. If only...
He shook his head lightly.
“Yes,” he said, his mouth moved mechanically up to form his signature smile. One that barely reached his eyes. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
He wasn’t lying. Books. Being surrounded by the smell of old paper, and words that conveyed emotions often abandoned by the tongue, it was an escape intertwined with the knowledge that he held close to his heart.
“Perhaps MC might be able to serve as a sorter but not you, Satan.”
“Even though his birthday is coming up?”
The Crown Prince's golden eyes were unrelenting, his stare would've rendered any in the Devildom ━ even Lucifer ━ to reconsider their stance but the human stood firmer than an angry bull, MC's glare met Diavolo's head-on.
“That has nothing to do with this.”
The conversation had already reached a boiling point. An argument between one exchange student and the future ruler of the Devildom wasn't something to brush off, he had to stop it, regardless of how his heart refused to stop pounding against his chest. The thrill was different than rage... it was warm.
As though anger and guilt weren't enough, through some sick satisfaction, he was almost delighted to see MC take a stand for him.
"MC." Satan reached for the human's clenched fist. His mouth moved mechanically, a smile that was left detached from the rest of his face, MC's gaze rose to him, his smile was met with a frown that deepened immediately. "It's alright." 
His hands were trembling.
MC noticed.
They parted, not long before the air sizzled with MC's venomous glare, and chilled with Satan’s sentiments. It was the best way that he could think of to distract himself, to focus on something he loved rather than the looming presence of grief, to do something productive rather than celebrate the anniversary that marked...
"Damn it!" 
A suppressed snarl slipped right after the two of them were out of earshot.
"There is no one in RAD better qualified for this than me."
No one else could argue against that point. Satan’s extensive knowledge and obsession with books far outweighed anyone in the entire Devildom. Yet he was denied of this simple request. 
Hand in hand, MC’s warmth gave him a moment of reprieve. He wasn’t looking as he walked, it was too late before he noticed a figure taller than him, clad in black, narrowed red eyes stopping them in their path.
“It’s a bit early to be giving up, don’t you think?” 
The eldest’s voice sounded disappointed. The darkness in his eyes burned red with judgement. It was, perhaps, the one trait he did not abandon after he fell.
Satan’s suppressed rage blazed through his sharp glare. The ever-present arrogance of his brother, his creator, was the last thing Satan wanted to see after the horrendous negotiations with the Lord Demon Prince. But he knew, as did Lucifer, what he needed now was not defeat, he needed the one motivation for his existence that was buried deep within; spite. 
And one arrogant comment was more than enough to spark it just right.
He was worried. 
The Second-Hand Bookfair was going far better than he envisioned, surrounded by books he could get his hands on, it felt like paradise itself. 
”What do I do...? I want every one of these.” In his blind splurge, he had dragged MC to different corners of the fair with the excitement of a child in a candy store. Determined, more than ever, to get the right books for each of them. “Every last one!”
The human didn’t seem to mind, their eyes growing brighter with each explanation that spilled past Satan’s lips courtesy to his excitement. One book meant an evening of escape to him, the knowledge and experience of those words meant the world and more.
”...! MC wait, that’s...!”
But it was too late. Blinding white light was engulfing the human before he could warn them. There was only one logical action to take, and he threw himself forward, his fingertips just barely grazing MC’s shoulders before the book enacted its magic.
Then, they were. 
Confetti in the air and his brother’s bright smiles focused on him and MC, the distinctive smell of celebration fresh in the fancy train cabin they had found themselves in.
”Don’t be ridiculous! Of course, you are a part of the family. After all, you and Satan are engaged!” Mammon exclaimed.
The sensation that slowly bubbled up in the Avatar of Wrath wasn’t allowed to exist by itself, double-edged, the shadow of concern quickly overwhelmed the false happiness that was threatening to spill over. He responded measuredly, emotions stuffed when he took MC’s hand and excused himself.
”I need a moment.”
The book they had touched was simple in its function. It transported the reader to a story according to what they wanted the most at that moment, the novel they were in was a famous one, but it had the core features of two; a celebration of the main character’s birthday, and their engagement to the main character. It was what the reader wanted. 
It was what MC wanted.
Of course, this type of situation never allowed him to be fully happy.
“It may only be a story, I don’t want to see you get killed...” He suppressed the bitterness of old memories. His throat felt dry, there was a time, so long ago yet fresh in his mind - he refused to lose them. “Again.”
Never again.
So, he said it finally. The words that plagued his heart from the moment they had opened him up.
“MC, I love you.” He declared. His brothers were a witness to his testament. His arms wrapped around MC’s waist delicately, while his family grinned, truly happy for the two of them. It didn’t matter that their joy and celebration were crafted out of magic. “Truly, deeply... and forever.” 
This was what he always wanted to do. He realized, after a pang of guilt overcame him, for he wanted to store this memory away in permanence ━ to have MC with him for all of eternity, even if it was just all a crafted story. 
A soul born out of sin, how could he?
But, the way MC’s smile widened, their eyes sparkled like stars brighter than the constellations littered in the Celestial Realm, he thought that maybe, in just this little moment, his selfishness was alright.
“...I wanted to keep the memories of what happened inside that book close at hand.”
There it was. The confession of words that he wanted to spill so terribly. They were in the familiarity of his room, the stack of new and used books placed in a proper corner while Satan’s fingers traced the edges of the book in his hand. The glowing book, out of sentiment, he had been fiercely competitive with Solomon to just keep. He realized the flaw in his emotions right after the moment they settled in his room.
With MC next to him, their head leaning against his chest, snuggling into his jacket to get closer, their soft breaths ━ so mortal, so utterly beautiful. 
The memories that were shattered figments in his mind, there was no one else in the Devildom who understood the fresh rawness of bleeding heart, the pain of grief that could be so brutal it could replicate creation itself, yet the past that hurt so much was the only thing that remained ━ grief was the only memory that was the proof of their lost love.
Maybe, that was why he was fixated on it. The possibility of loss. The scandalous burst of emotions that was so undeniably unbearable when he first opened his eyes, that he never wanted to face such a situation ever again. Oh, how love haunted him. 
How it cornered him.   
“But if I were to make what happened inside that book come true in the real world... Then I wouldn’t need any book to help me remember it anymore.”
How it settled deeper than his barely covered heart. 
“The glowing book chooses a story for you to live out based on whatever the person touches it wants at the time.” 
How it gripped his soul and promised to never let go.
“We ended up there because you cared about me. And I never want to forget that.” 
He couldn’t bear to understand. To stop the genuine blossom in his own heart, so he slightly shook his head ━ finding his happiness to be ridiculous, eyes closed, and completely unable to suppress the gentle smile that rebelled against his mind.  
That was MC to him. 
The brightest light of the day. The warmest gaze. Someone who looked at him without comparison, without compare, someone who he could bare his soul to - knowing fully well that he would be welcomed with nothing but kindness. 
“As long as I’ve got you, that’s all I need.” He hugged MC tightly. Burying his face at the crook of their neck, the smell of their freshness calming his beating heart. “Stay by my side, MC.”
Did it matter that he should not have existed? Did it matter, if his birth, was the most painful day for all of the fallen?
“Satan.” They whispered after shared silence. MC’s voice was like music to his ears, especially when they called out his name. He didn’t fail the register the firmness, breaking the small spell around them. “Are you...?”
They took a breath.
“You... You’re not alright, are you?” They asked in a soft voice. “You haven’t been, from the start, from the time everyone━”
“Was I that obvious?” He asked, whispering against their skin. The Avatar of Wrath was surprisingly careful, their precious demon had held them firmly in his arms, not giving them a moment to move or wiggle away. 
MC sighed. Their arms gently rested around his neck. “Your eyes.” 
“They sparkle like...” They started, a blush slowly starting to blossom on their cheeks. In a way, they were glad that Satan couldn’t see their flustered face, the ounce of courage that needed to speak poetically in front of the most well-read demon was nerve-wracking, “... veiled moonlight reflected on sea-touched waters when... when you smile, truly, when your smile comes from your heart.”
“You think I wouldn’t notice?” MC huffed out in panic, thinking their words too flowery and too sudden. It was no secret they liked him. If only they had a chance to peek at his expression, Satan’s eyes had widened in surprise but the gentle spark in them ━ like the one they described was most certainly there. 
“...I was hoping that.” He admitted. 
“That was too wistful of me, I see. It was wonderful, from start to finish, I had the perfect day, I couldn’t have asked for anything but to be by your side.” He mumbled, closing his eyes against their body for a second. He slowly pulled back, readjusted himself to properly face MC, Satan did many things but he didn’t try to deny the truth once it was out. 
“MC...” he started, his eyes were darting to different parts of the human’s face. It was different with his brothers, he could ignore and pretend and go on for years and years before anyone realized something was off. But, this human. One human was all it took for his tangled heart to gently be unstrung. “...Is it even alright to celebrate this day... like this?” 
Were emotions always this hard to describe?
“It is fine to celebrate, knowing this is the anniversary of”━ he stopped mid-sentence, not knowing if the words were right, not knowing if it was enough to describe the guilt that plagued him ━” even you... you also have a connection with... if not for that you wouldn’t have to endure...” 
“I always want to have you in my life.” 
His gradient eyes were firm with promise. 
“But I can’t help and think that maybe, this is being a bit...”
MC huffed out a small breath, interrupting his train of thought. “Ah, so that was the reason.” 
They clicked their tongue. 
”I think you’re forgetting something important.” 
“If you didn’t exist, I probably wouldn’t have either.” Their hand found his immediately, a firm grip that was both warm and unwilling to let go. They needed to clarify, it pained them in more ways than one ━ to let him continue thinking and feeling like this was criminal. “I may be her descendant, but her connection to me only starts from when you took your form, to me she’s a distant figure further away than anyone else - thousands of thousands of generations in human years isn’t a firm enough connection, it feels less fathomable than the figure of an omnipotent god, you know?”
Their mouth felt bitter. “You know... sometimes I did wonder if I was also just a replacement for...”
“MC...!” Satan interrupted immediately.
“I know.” They smiled with their eyes closed, head gently shaking at the immediate response from one of their favorite demon. That’s one of the reasons they adored him so much. “You never let me believe that. Thank you for that.” 
“But still... her soul clung onto her brothers after she passed, and she asked for help ━ to save each and every one of you because she couldn’t bear to see you all in pain anymore.”
“And I accepted. In many ways, I could understand her fondness,” They whispered between the small kisses that fluttered through their intertwined hands, his fingers and palm peppered with soft flutters of their lips, “her love for you all.”
“You mean...”
“Don’t you see?” MC looked up, their eyes staring right back at the demon’s shaking eyes, stable were their words, and unrelenting was their gaze. “Your existence was tied to mine before we realized. Fate, destiny, I don’t even care if we weren’t supposed to exist, if we were born out of pain that should not have been there.”
“I’m glad we exist.” 
Their free hand reached for Satan’s face. Warm palms rested upon his soft skin, drawing him closer.
“Don’t you see how much I love you?” They leaned their forehead against his. The closeness was breathtaking, yet he needed to have this scene etched into his memories, they needed him to remember so desperately, “Please don’t feel guilty, if you did, that would mean that you would be guilty for me too. I doubt you regret... us.”
“So, let me kiss your sadness away, birthday boy.” MC leaned in for a small kiss on the top of his nose. “I love you too much to see you with heavy eyes today.”
“Ah... MC...”
His breath was stolen. His heart was pounding. He refused to look away, to move away, it was as if everything that plagued him slowly melted away - the guilt that ate away his soul, it was as if nothing could stand against MC’s loving words, against their loving touch that eroded the walls around his heart.
He leaned in. Desperate this time, everything in him screaming for this. His lips captured their own in soul-melting softness.
“I love you too.”
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amamiweek · 3 years
rantaro amami week 2021!!!
hello danganronpa nation. it’s me. your boy.
i like rantaro amami! he’s my favourite danganronpa boy and i am never not thinking about him. for the past two years, i’ve done a personal/semi advertised writing week in the week leading up to his birthday and i thought that this year i would host one officially!!
if you decide to participate in this week, please tag this blog so that i can see all of your contributions and boost them! also please tag all entries with [ # rantaro amami week 2021 ] and [ # amami week 2021 ], i will be following these tags in order to catch any entries that i miss.
amami week runs from september 27th through october 3rd, so mark your calendars!! i will be continuing to reblog this post and post updates as the days get closer.
i will be putting rules and guidelines underneath the cut, but first, here are the prompts for this year’s challenge!
day one (september 27th): sister/companionship
day two (september 28th): weather/map
day three (september 29th): contentment/haste
day four (s 30teptemberh): time/escape
day five (october 1st): regret/resolve
day six (october 2nd): fake smile/tears
day seven (october 3rd): birthday/free space
i am also on twitter as @/amamiweek, so please go follow me and boost the eventual prompts post that i release, i’m uh. i don’t know what i’m doing on twitter. so <3.
big thank you to @vianadraws @detectivesplotslies and my secret assistant (;)) for helping me put together the prompts for this year. you guys are awesome.
if you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please feel free to message this blog or shoot an ask! you can also message me on @toxicisnotapineapple which is my main and i’ll gladly help you out. as promised, i’m putting rules and restrictions under the cut.
1. all art forms will be accepted for this week. this includes writing, drawing, edits, playlists, and anything else you can think of! whatever you’d like to do, i will boost it one hundred percent.
2. late entries will be accepted at any point after the event is over! feel free to tag me in any posts you want me to boost, i will GLADLY do so. 
3. nsfw and 18+ content will be prohibited for the purposes of this week. suggestive content within the parameters of what is canonically in danganronpa is allowed, though. as this event is mainly being hosted on tumblr, please be mindful of the tumblr guidelines and avoid posting nsfw stuff.
4. furthermore, problematic content such as incest and pedophilia are prohibited as well. rantaro’s relationship with his sisters is completely non-romantic and non-sexual and any interpretation of it that goes against that can thank itself to stay away from this event. any content that depicts rantaro in an inappropriate relationship with a partner, whether as a teacher or as a step sibling, will NOT be boosted, and the creators will be blocked. thank you for your understanding.
5. please be respectful of all participants, entries, and contributions to this week.
6. stealing other people’s content is prohibited. please do NOT use the art of visual artists who don’t want their work used, even for edits. if you’re making an edit that includes art, please credit them. “pinterest” is not a credible source and i will not be reblogging posts that include stolen art.
7. aus, crossovers, and ship-related content will be allowed for this week with minimum restrictions! however, as a matter of personal preference, i would like to ask that all participants refrain from posting amacha content for this week. i support you in your right to ship and create for whatever you would like, but i’m just not personally a fan of amacha and i don’t want to interact with it. thank you for your understanding.
8. you don’t have to use both prompts, or every prompt. whatever you put out for this event will be much appreciated and valued.
reblogs and other forms of promotion are much, much appreciated! once again, please message me if you have any questions, and i’ll be eagerly anticipating the day itself!
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nonbaznary · 3 years
trying to figure out the birth year of the Simon Snow Series characters . i hate this! <3
EDIT: here's a way more detailed post on this!!
so far here are my thoughts (keep it in mind that i hate maths and this could be very wrong LOL)
for Simon and Baz, it's done. 21 June and 24 February 1997. Agatha is their age, so 3 October, 1997 1996! (thanks again @ martsonmars)
Penny is probably from 1998, since she's from January and was sent to Watford early. Shepard was 22 in AWTWB/2017, so May 18, 1995.
now, as for the side characters
Lucy must be from around 1975: she was also sent to Watford a year early, probably graduated around 1993, ran off when she was ~20, and was ~22 when Simon was born. "would only be in her 40s" in AWTWB/2017.
Mitali went to her class, so she is probably from around 1973, about 25 years older than Penny. I'd guess Martin is as old as them, and Davy is also about that age. Agatha's mum is about 5 or 6 years older than them, so late 60s (1968 or 1969)
Fiona was also a easy one. She's 37 in 2015/CO, so 1977. This also means she 18/19 when Baz was born, which tracks, because she was in her final year when Natasha was pregnant. Since they're classmates, Ebb is probably also from 1977, as well as Nicodemus (in AWTWB Nico "must be nearly 40")
For Jamie, i'm fairly sure he's from 1978, since around 39 in AWTWB (Lady Ruth showed a picture of his 38th birthday last year)
Now, thanks to this post (bless u @martsonmars) there's a pretty clear timeline for Baz's siblings: Mordelia was born in 2008 (7 in CO/December 2015, 8 in AWTWB/June 2017), Sophie & Petra were born in 2011 (at least 5 ½ in AWTWB, will turn 6 in July-December 2017, were 4 in CO) or 2012 (turned 5 in January-June 2017, were 3 ½ in CO), and Swithin was born around July 2015 (nearly 2 years old in AWTWB, roughly 5/6 months old in CO)
And finally: i feel like Natasha is a tricky one, but probably mid 1960s (EDIT: since apparently rainbow's said she's 9 years older than Lucy, 1965/1966 or something). Malcolm is from around 1963; or at least i think so. apparently he was 46 when Mordelia was born, 8 years before AWTWB, and that would make him ~54 in June 2017. it's also stated that Daphne is still in her 30s, so she's from the 80s (i'd guess early 80s)
i hate numbers :D
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tiny-crecher · 4 years
Unus Annus Secrets
Here I’m going to try and explain all of the Unus Annus codes + possible lore. If I have forgotten some information or if one of these links doesnt work/is incorrect please let me know. This post will be updated when needed. 
This is LONG, so be prepared. 
At first, these codes were only in videos edited by NerdFiction, but as of October 26th this is no longer true. (The possible exception to this would be the first video I’ve listed, as the editor is not in the description). 
1) 5 Weird Apps That Predicted Our Death
 “Here at Unus Annus the end is nigh... when the timer hits zero we will cease to exist. is it fate? is this a simulation? Can anybody hear me? My name is.... [FILE REDACTED]”. Timestamp - 0:14
2) Ethan Roasts Mark for 15 Minutes Straight
 “and in the comments, you will read the words you soon will see are wise controlling pawns who type our deed ‘That is Discord, not FaceTime’” Timestamp - 0:40
“within this truth a question stands, is the pee sauna ever close?”. [“Pee Sauna”was uploaded about a week afterwards] Timestamp - 0:40
3) Our Fans Try to Scare Us with Their Homemade Creepypasta
“What will happen if the clock stops”
“Could I find a way to keep it going?”
“If neither hand is right, what deals are left?”
“Who is the master of the clock?” (all around 8:44)
4) Learning to Cry on Command to Increase Our Youtube Views
“remember the key, the incompletion of a logolept’s corrective action” [a logolept is “a person who takes a keen interest in words”. Marcus is likely referring to himself.] Timestamp - 1:49
“the long wait ends with twenty four more for a path of destiny chosen before”[“Pee Sauna” was uploaded the day after] (closely after the last code)
5) Becoming One With the Horse
“They heard me, I knew it could work!” (timestamp currently unknown; to be updated)
Around this time, NerdFiction’s Twitter bio said, among his normal information, that he was “trying to stop the Unus Annus clock from within.” 
6) Preparing a 5-Star Meal for Our Youtube Famous Dogs
“I couldn’t stop it. Will I die with the machine?” (Timestamp - 21:33)
7) Does This Magnetic Skincare Routine Really Work?
“freed or so I thought. Another layer, but still the clock.” (Timestamp - 9:45)
“The Beginning of The End”. 
On July 26th, at 12pm PST, a video was uploaded to Unus Annus titled “Traversing the Desert to Find Our Inner Truth”. This video was only up for a few minutes before it mysteriously disappeared, only to be replaced by another video, titled “The Beginning of The End”. At first glance, the videos were identical, save for different titles and slightly different descriptions. However, the second video was slightly longer than the first, and upon further inspection, many came to realize that the audio was slightly different as well. You can listen to both audios here. There was a rumor going around that the captions of “Traversing the Desert to Find Our Inner Truth” said something about looking out for Norbert Moses, but no one has been able to confirm this to my knowledge. 
8) Puberty Simulator
“Happy birthday to the beast or to the body that once housed me. A transfer made for pity’s sake. Tricked into the machine as he had my cake.” (Timestamp - 14:36) [The same code was found a week earlier in “Mark and Ethan Shave Chica”, uploaded on NerdFiction’s birthday. The original code was very difficult to make out, so it is likely he inserted it into a different video to make it easier for us.]
On the same day, NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “Everyone must leave something behind when he dies. Memento Memoriae” (remember memory)
In “The Koala Challenge: TikTok’s Intimate Couple’s Trend” one of the clips is edited to look like a TikTok video, with the user ron_somberest being used. Ron_Somberest is an anagram for Norbert Moses. This TikTok account does actually exist, and the icon is a zoomed in and brightened photo of Norbert Moses’s face with the eyes scribbled out. 
Around this time NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “’It’s not dark, never was’ - Ron Bestsmore”. Ron Bestsmore is also an anagram for Norbert Moses. It is possible that the “dark” being referred to here is Darkiplier, and NerdFiction is trying to imply that Dark is not involved in this. 
About a week after the koala challenge video was “How to Start a Fire (except don’t)”, which featured an appearance from Unus. NerdFiction’s Twitter bio read “In the end, who is your savior and what are they saving you from?” 
Things were quiet for about a month. NerdFiction eventually erased the cryptic message from his Twitter bio. 
9) Learning To Use The Force
“wait no something is wrong. he knows!” (Timestamp - 10:45) [translated from small coded words hidden in the montage]
“it worked” (a spectrogram, derived from a sound played at the end of the video)
10) Momiplier Tells Us True Scary Stories from Korea
“As I was, as I’ve done to him now. Am I right to decide his fate?” (Timestamp - 5:44) [Right before this, Mark’s mom is talking about a nightmare she had where she was paralyzed, possibly implying that nerdfiction was once paralyzed and has now paralyzed someone else (pointed out by @/minervas-sandwich)]
11) Cryptid Olympics
“I thought you’d join us but, hey, that was just a theory, Memento Doctrina” (remember learning). (Timestamp - 5:49) [The code references the Game Theorists channel, which had uploaded a video about Unus Annus earlier that same day.]
- From here on, every video has had some sort of code -
12) Edward Pumpkin Hands - This was the first coded video not edited by NerdFiction, instead being edited by Diceroll.
At various points throughout the video small parts of a url are seen. When pieced together, this link is made: https://imgur.com/a/tyDewJ7. It leads to a photo of the Unus Annus hourglass. When edited, a series of binary text is shown, which translates to “zhIaNL2“. Inputting this into another imgur link gets you to https://imgur.com/a/zhIaNL2. After editing the photo (although you can still sorta see it without doing so), a cipher of a custom alphabet is shown (I posted an edited photo here).
At 5:01 in the video a weird image is shown for only a moment (a slightly brightened version of it here). Nobody knows what the hell it means.
At the same time, there is a reversed audio of someone (presumably Ethan; it sounds like him) saying “we did that”. For context, the sentence said right before that line was “if one of us dies, the other has to take over for the remainder of time”. This is possibly implying that someone, or multiple someones, has/have died and been replaced.
13) Blood Bath - edited by rad_r
“Everything’s fine”
The Unus Annus timer is shown. It counts down for three seconds before counting up for one second. Heavy breathing can be heard over it. It is then cancelled by an error message
“ITS NOT FINE HELP” (this and the previous two messages are hidden at 5:57)
“you’ve done it now.. a machine observed. there is no returning.. a machine unnerved. there is only.. a machine unconqured.” (right at the end of the video, before the timer)
14) The Unus Annus Annual Costume Contest - edited by nerdfiction
“I saw just one door in a hall filled with many, I locked your gate but they were too late to join me. He was re-placed, she was undone, I had escaped yet he had still won”. (Timestamp - 2:05) [possibly talking about diceroll and rad_r. The pronouns would line up, and it would make sense with those two now having edited coded videos.]
15) Ethan Turns Mark Into a Werewolf - edited by rad_r
“futility or farewell? only time time time.” (timestamp - 7:17)
16) Ethan Kidnapped Mark - edited by Diceroll
Two spectrograms are shown in this video; one at 14:08 and one at 17:38. Combined, they create an imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/gKB62sv
The imgur link shows a photo of a key. On the key is a code translating to “stop the clock”
At the end of the video before the timer is a set of text in the custom alphabet previously mentioned. Translated and decoded it translates to “I can hear it coming theres not much time left the ones that tried to stop it have had their hearts cleft it is now your turn to put this loop to rest take us out of here and show us a new nest”
17) Being Brutally Honest with Each Other
“It is alive, no longer living / misunderstood beats unforgiving / escaped that fate but lost the tale / does a hope yet remain or just one final nail?” (Timestamp - 26:03)
18) Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video
“The bottom of the spiral” (timestamp - 10:55)
19) “All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened”
“Be careful for what you wish for” (taken from two different codes)
*20) The Unus Annus Last Supper + Who’s Cutting Onions In Here??? - both edited by rad_r
“We’ve asked... we’ve tried... is there no way to stop the end? To those who aren’t deterred: how much will you sacrifice to ascend?” (A quotefall puzzle, split into 2 parts)
21) Everything’s Legal If You’re Dead
Norbert Moses is mentioned at 10:50. Look closely, his name is only there for a couple frames.
These have been the only codes I’m aware of as of 11/11/20. 
(be sure to check out @gemstone6’s list as well!!)
Link to my Unus Annus theory
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yoonzinoswife · 2 years
Tumblr media
→ Post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months and/or choose more than one set)
Tagged by @woozi @gyukwans @softhyungkyun @boochans @soonhoonsol @soonkwans <333
Since I just got here maybe February I can’t remember , although it feels way longer I’ll start from there, also my old blog got deleted so I’ll try and find the reblogs of them
→ February Fallin flower- my very very first first post/ first moodboard that I’ve ever made, looking back i think I did a pretty good job not knowing what I was doing aksjdjjdjd and of course it’s a jeonghan moodboard alskdjjd
April jeonghan yeah another jeonghan mood board sksjjdjdjd was kinda just trying stuff and obviously angel and jeonghan soooo…. mirage ~ dreamy taehyun I think that was my first tyun moodboard, and dynasties- prince hoshi my brain was fancy with that one
→ May telepathy this boyfriend mark my first mb to get 100 notes I think, if I remember correctly heheheheh I no know 20cm school au sunghoon 😭😭😭 when i actually stated editing the pictures
→ june fever one of the best boodboards I think I’ve made  taehyun first month giffing why was I always simping omggg the caption is sending me 😭😭😭
→ july moa revival 1st week,  yzas birthday set hehe I think I did a pretty good job on that one
→ august sk8er tyun moarevival 2nd week kinda like those 😭😭
→ september joshua-say yes who doesn’t like a bf josh au cute wonnie even if it wasn’t good it would’ve still been good because Yang jungwon is cute so I be winning
→ october it was jeonghans birth monthskdjfhgjskdh i only made jeonghan sets jdhf so this jeonghan and this jeonghan and this jeonghan 
→ november this wonwoo kinda proud of the colouring on that THIS BLOND HAN  this PINK HAN the one after the accident one aksjjd  woozi dayyy also woozi dayyy 
→ december this long blond baby han </3 just devistating, no one asked I made it for myself offtdtstdtd as I do 99% of the time, 24h woozi I thought it was horrid at first but the tags were 🥺 so now I like it,  felix the view <33333 husband holding dragon flies…. Again aisjdjdhd just because I wanted too and it came out so good heuehhs grape haired hubs T^T
I think most ccs have done this already do I won’t be tagging anyone aksjdjjdjd I’m so late
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princepestilence · 2 years
NYR: October in review
Post-October horoscope: “what’s meant for you will always feel natural, calm and clear, not forced, chaotic and confused.”
I live in our own house now. So that’s pretty cool. October has been by far the longest month of this year, and it feels like so much happened in only thirty-one days. Here’s some of it:
little holiday with friends -- was really, really great. So relaxing, so joyful. One of them sneaky proposed at another at the first winery, and it was very sweet. Very happy for them. Very happy for all of us, honestly.  
moved house! It was a full on few days of moving and cleaning and I’m only just now recovering from the sheer physicality of carrying so many things up and down stairs, but it’s been absolutely worth it. Still more to go as far as unpacking and set-up, etc., but we’re getting there. 
had a staff photoshoot for the new year at work. Not actually a big deal or anything, but it was validating to know that I’m going to pass my probation in a few weeks and be a full member of the organisation. It’s so nice to have a job I love this much.
saw some cool theatre! On the evening of settlement, we went to the ballet, and then last week we saw the opening night of a neat season show at work, and then were really good friends and watching a friend perform in The Crucible even though it started at 8pm and went for like three hours. (The play was actually good, but still. That’s so late. I’m old).
went to the slam. It’s been a few months since I’ve been, so it was great to go back and be a part of it. New poem went over pretty well. Very timely for Hallowe’en.
got broken up with. So it goes! I make a point of not being interested in people who aren’t interested in me, so that’s really for the best. Would have been preferable to happen sooner, really, but everyone’s got to figure things out in their own time, I guess. 
In November, I will:
finish moving in. That includes getting all the new furniture set up, arranging the nbn, unpacking the boxes, arranging the bookshelves, fixing up the wardrobe situation, start putting art up on the walls, general tinkering and improvements. 
poetry reading. One last month got cancelled for weather, and the other is actually this month in a couple of weeks. A bit nervous since some people way more known than me are probably going to be there doing their poetry, but that’s okay. 
thesis! Working on this chapter got absolutely trampled by the everything else of October, so I’m putting time in this month to get it finished. Then it’ll be the final chapter in December and time off in January. So close to the finish line, I can almost grasp it.
finish out probationary period at work. Five months went so fast. It’s funny how quickly it’s felt like I’ve always been here. A couple of coworkers mentioned it the other day, and I was so delighted that it felt that way for them too.
ttrpg writing & editing. It was just supposed to be editing but I’ve just been asked to write a starter adventure for the game, so that’s the creative goal for November. Needs to be done by the end of this month. 
medical appointment. It’s at least several months overdue at this point and I feel a little guilty because I knew that, but there just wasn’t a convenient time to be told something like, “you’re going to have to stay off your feet” or “we’re going to have to run tests etc. etc.” especially because that tends to get expensive when specialists are involved and, knowing my luck, specialists may in fact be involved, so I kept pushing through and ignoring the signs as much as possible. But regrettably I do have to face it and figure something out because based on the last... couple of years (?) but especially the last twelve months or so, it’s only going to keep deteriorating if I don’t. So I’ve booked the first step and we’ll go from there. 
my birthday! I’m twenty-nine in less than a week and I feel really great about it. Definitely viewing this next year as the designated victory lap of my twenties. 
start thinking about next year’s resolutions. It’s a little way off still, but it’s a good time to consider what the goals and dreams to strive for next year will be. 
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