#and that’s not right either bc it’s not creating smth new
starlooove · 4 months
Perfecting character voices is so lost rn
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daz4i · 2 months
throwing some ideas for. possibilities
time traveling shenanigans - kunikida mentioned it, reminding the audience that this is indeed a thing that can happen in the bsdverse, so we have it in the back of our minds when it's used in the story again, which. given how pear shaped everything has gotten. seems to be a very feasible option
light snow - why bring tanizaki in now of all times? and leave a cliffhanger where he might die, right after kunikida tells him to use it to escape? ain't no way he's dying now lmao. speaking of-
tanizaki going sicko mode - i want to see it happen. it will. it must. please.......
everyone else will "die" (get sucked into ame no gozen, and we don't quite know what it entails) leaving only sskk alive, to connect to the anime's ending. maybe aya too bc fyodor did make a promise. maybe she'll help them even
^so, atsushi will use his cutting through abilities thingie to rent that thing asunder - to shreds, i say.
the book? - i mean. i can only assume the reason fyodor even did all that is to create a distraction in order to go get it (one can also assume this is why atsushi remains alive while his comrades die - he is considered a key to the book, so fyodor might need him in order to get to it). perhaps something he'll write in it will revert things as well, or bring in a totally new storyline, or kill everyone lol but i sincerely doubt that
meursault gang somehow becomes relevant again - idk if they can physically make it in time to change anything (unless... nikolai...? 🥺) but idk maybe from afar. maybe the book is located there for some reason and they'll use it. maybe sigma will unlock some new power by unlocking old memories or smth idk. anything's possible
that's all i have for you now. ig we'll wait and see 😳
other thoughts in general:
others have already said so but ain't no way kunikida died fr. and tanizaki won't either. which means teruko might come back too! which makes me slightly less mad abt how she was treated narratively. slightly.
AKUTAGAWA'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bram's not coming back guys. sorry. this time i'm certain
as usual: so no nikolai? *throws phone* *smashes skateboard* one day he will come back guys. i can feel it. he has to. nikolai nation we have not lost yet i believe in him.
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kahvilahuhut · 5 months
wip questions tag
thank you @sunset-a-story for tagging me!!!!!!! (and sorry it took me a while sjfjfjfjfj)
tagging @void-botanist @avi-why @televisionjester and anyone else who wants to do this :3
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
Worldbuilding!!! I've always loved Mars (influenced by Doom probably? i just think it's neat :]) and the idea of a whole society on Mars is just very cool for me. All the possibilities and things that can go wrong. And the political debates.......
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
HMMMMM this one is hard bc i absolutely su k at picking music for story playlists and this is waaaaaay harder. I think I would love it to be instrumental or smth tho!
That said I would soooo much rather have it become a video game, and and if I were to pick a song for a trailer I'd go with either Black Mambo by Glass Animals or something from Depeche Mode. My brain is currently telling me to go with "Pain That I'm Used To" but I wouldn't say it fits Cynosure that well KFKKFFKFKFK
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Tobyyyyyyy <3 I love him so much he is such a...guy. He's some guy. A chemist who has spent a bit too much reading his dad's books about social theory and stuff since he was a child. All he wants is that people would be happy and he has so much love to give for the world, which mostly means him helping people a lot (people pleaser guy). Tobias isn't really that special, he wants to do something he likes, he's scared of guns (for a reason) and just wants a calm new life. Too bad that's not happening for a while.
To think he started as a copy of Nathan I made for a The Outer Worlds playthrough and then it all kinda turned into a bigger thing and he became his own self and I just decided to pull him + Klara & others out of being fandom ocs and put them into Cynosure.
putting the rest of questions under
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
HMMMM I'd say basically any kind of scifi book that has some societal themes in it + has some comedy and stuff. Same for video games maybe?
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
I'm going to be honest I haven't really started writing Cynosure yet JFBBFBFFKF
My biggest struggle is having a job and being a master's student basically hehe
6. Are there any animals in your story?
Haven't really figured out if I'd want to showcase Mars wildlife in it + what kind of wildlife would it be, BUUUUT!!! There's definitely Klara & Toby's cat, Melody. She's a lil tabby cat :3
7. How do your characters get around?
I'm a public transport fan so I'm putting public transport into my wip!!!! I'd say Mars has lots of fancy trains and the ocean area has ships. Buses, too, though probably not what Cynosure characters will end up using.
There's also cars and motorcycles, though they're hovering instead of having wheels. Mars terrain sucks for wheels.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Figuring out the plot + finishing up worldbuilding <3
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Hmmmm! I'd love to say worldbuilding or like, whatever is going on in Mars power struggles. Making fun of capitalism too (i'm a social scientist), maybe even the characters? Who knows :^)
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randomgentlefolk · 2 years
Thinking abt cursed princess club again and. Wondering about how the pastel kingdom royal family mentions their beauty fading quickly, and how badly they want to unlock that whole eternal beauty thing and. Do you think maybe they were going at it in the wrong way? The former king and queen were mad at their son (I frgt the kings name help-) bc he was marrying Gwen’s mom and that would “undo all their hard work.” But she WAS beautiful and all of their kids ended up beautiful, and idk. I wonder where and when beauty got defined a certain way in the pastel kingdom anyways, and that, if the mom DID “break” the cycle so to speak, haven’t they already unlocked longer lasting beauty? Bc the reason it seems to fade so quickly, I feel, has to do with them and their goals and stress- but leelathee is not of the pastel kingdom. So she’s introduced smth new to the bloodline. This didn’t even make sense I’m sorry 😭
No, no it does makes sense! I actually made a post similar to this a few months ago
Maybe beside the stress and goal that is messing up with their cycle, it could also be that while they are beautiful on the outside, they are not so much on the inside (this sounds cliche but bare with me). Maybe they have been looking at it the wrong way, or they have been looking at it the right way but they view themselves as someone with beauty inside too (which they are not :/)
Because let's be real here, if Jack married someone with only beauty on the outside, it's prone that the children wouldn't as good either. Imagine the pastel siblings with the same superpowers, but they're not kind.
I can't really explain how it would be but it wouldn't be exactly the best :')
Anyway, so with Leelathae, like you said, introducing something new to the bloodline, I think that is what has been the perfect mix into the cycle, therefore creating the generations Jesse and Helena always wanted. (This was worded so wrong, I am really sorry. English is not my first language so it can be hard sometimes)
So, yes! I agree with you. I think they did go at it the wrong way.
Oh, and speaking about the Pastel King and Queen (I'm just gonna say Jesse and Helena) stress which affects the cycle, on episode 107, there was a moment where Jamie was freaking out because he has a grey hair, and he freaked out right after he was stressing out about someone that is going to harm his sisters
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Leopold did say it was probably premature aging though. But if it wasn't, maybe it was the same thing Jack, Helena, Jesse, and maybe others experience? Stress mixed with the side effect of their immense (it being gone quickly).
Thank you for your theory, anon!! I miss doing posts like this haha.
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astronomical-bagel · 9 months
what are your favourite things to see in dragon designs, or in worlds that feature drsgons? im curious :}
!! Well my friend gave me the new wof ‘guid to the dragon world’ book for Christmas so I am PREPARED for this question!!
one of my favorite things ever is just to see how a dragon is suited to its environment— not just wof, but all brands!! Drakes that have no wings but are expert runners, tundra dragons with different ways of dealing with the cold— with either fur or other methods which are barely (if at all) scientifically plausible. I just like the different types and learning them all!! As of right now I’m really biased towards tundra dragons bc i really like ice wings lmao, but I also love the variety possible with dragons living in the ocean— I mean, there are so many different kinds of fish to base them on!!
Mainly in dragon designs I like to see a mishmash of different animals combined with maybe a little bit of camouflage to their environment— for instance, if I were to make my own design for ice wings I might their talons a bit more like polar bear paws, while other ice wings might have tails like seals for markings like orcas. I like variety within a species of dragon, if you couldn’t tell.
and in worlds that feature dragons, I really like it when they go over their relationship to other animals or humans!! Are other animals of the same mental caliber to dragons? Can they have conversations with with a snake or perhaps a crocodile? Do the dragons discover any methods of communicating with humans? Do they become friends? I would love it if they became friends 🥺
(in fifth grade I obsessively read the equivalent of horse girl books but for dragons. Yk, girl meets wild creature, they understand each other, girls family says NO WAY but in the end the girl and the dragon’s bond is tested in some way and the family is like NVM it can stay) (I just realized I could have shorted this my like 100 words if I just said “you know, like how to train your dragon” but WHATEBER)
And of course, I love dragon culture. How do dragons dance? What do their instruments look like? I saw someone create a design for dragon puppets that I ADORED (can’t remember the name but if you loo through my ‘bagel loves dragons’ tag you should find it somewhere bc I went on a ramble in the tags LMAO). And what sorts of religions do they have as well, and how is it affected by their environment? In Wof, the Pantalans worshipped Clearsight bc of her prophecies, but in other worlds like totk (or going to a real religion like the Buddhist pantheon) the dragons are servants to a higher power! and oh I just like dragons so much. Sometimes it gets dicey bc there aren’t too many limits on what a dragon is (me and a friend of mine once got in an argument over whether something could have a dragon or dinosaur (not smth real, just art) because we have differing autisms and we both had to just sit down away from each other bc we were so unnerved by what the other thought), but anyways I just love anything dragons and it’s so hard to define what my favorite things on dragons are because I like them ALL!! It’s more easy to say what I don’t like (overly cartoony, implausible proportions, ugly colors. Also lots of cartoonists give dragons an insane underbite for some reason?? That one isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker but it confuses me)
also a little bit ago someone asked my about my hc wof au AND I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET I just got nervous ❤️❤️ I will talk about it more later and hopefully I’ll have art but I want to practice other dragons first bc it’s been a hot minute
thank you so much for the ask, taco, I had so much fun thinking about dragons and I need everyone to know that I love them sososo much and they are always on my mind for ever and ever
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Hey! I was curious how you made your spreadsheet for all your fics - was there a certain way you set it up or a tutorial you followed? I’m drowning in the number of docs I have and this seems like a great way to organize them - if you can’t remember then it’s all good! I just thought I would ask 💕
hi hi hi so about the spreadsheet i was talking about with @tasteleeknow in this post, it's pretty simple actually, it might take a bit of time but it's been worth it in the long run for me. i'll try to be a thorough as i can !
first, of course, go to google sheets and create a new one (i suppose you can also do it in MS Excel, this is just what i had available at the time)
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like i said in the post, i used these items for the first row: title, character, status, reader's gender, published on ao3, published on tumblr, AU1, AU2, publish date, length, word count, fluff, smut, angst, other themes. so add those or whichever ones you need (i originally had two for "group" and "member" just in case i decided to write for different groups, but since i haven't i haven't had the need to use them, i suppose smth like this can be useful if you write for several fandoms):
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once you have them there, select the items and click on this button and "create new filter view", this will help out later if you want to see only specific things:
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once you have that, you can start filling in your second row with your info:
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now, this step i did bc it makes it easier for me to find stuff, i fixed the position of the very first row and the columns from "title" to "character". this way when you scroll you can always see those items. so first, select the entire first row (you can do so by clicking on the "1" on the left), right click, click on "view more row actions" and then "freeze up to row 1":
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then do the same for the columns you want. if you want to freeze a set of letters (in my case, i want letter A to letter D to be fixed), go to the last letter in the group, click on it so it selects the entire column, go to "view more column actions" and then "freeze up to column D" (this letter will depend on the one you need of course, it won't always be D):
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once you have that is just a matter of filling everything in :)
i realised yesterday i can also link directly to google docs in the spreadsheet, so i have been adding those links in the "title" column for easy access !
(to add a link you just select the cell you want, right click, "insert link"):
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and then you can either add a link to the web (like an AO3 link) or you can search your google doc:
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so i hope that helps ! in the originaly post i described some more nuanced details on the specific items but yea this is the gist of it ! hope it wasn't too convoluted. if anything isn't clear let me know and i'll try to elaborate further :)
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mazegays · 2 years
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I posted 445 times in 2022
That's 42 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (5%)
424 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 422 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#remember that i love queue - 135 posts
#thominho - 78 posts
#thomas - 49 posts
#tea - 37 posts
#minho - 36 posts
#thomally - 29 posts
#thomallyweek2022 - 18 posts
#nalby - 18 posts
#newt - 17 posts
#gifs - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#while it's evolved over the years the basis of the theory still comes from 14yo me there is definitely room for improvement discussion etc
My Top Posts in 2022:
BTW if anyone has questions about my wips (the whumpy slowburn Thominally fic and the empath Thomas fic... that's what's actually typed up. for now) or questions about like. most other things too feel free to send them! I love getting asks and talking about fics lol
9 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity ✨💛🌻
okay like I have way more than five things so I'm going fandom-specific here lol
--writing collective headcanons/bouncing around ideas with my moots
--adding onto @thominho-incorrectquotes posts either in the tags or on the post itself
--literally anything that portrays Thomas as the 'gifted kid' he is: smart as all get-out with no social skills (also. adhd Thomas. bc I am adhd and so are all my fav characters. minho? gally? sonya? harriet? you bet!)
--the people on ao3 who pop up every once in a while as having kudos all of my tmr fics (even if they don't leave comments it's appreciated)
--when people come yell at me about my fics, whether here or ao3 idc just!! yell ur appreciation at me it is appreciated
10 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
because this 40k fic isn't getting any shorter and it's looking less and less like slowburn with each section
wtf you have a thominally wip what the fuckwhatthefuckwhathesjxbhshdsjxbdbbsdbbd
yep! it started as a way to hit as many thomally week prompts as I could in one fic, and has expanded greatly since, leading into thominally. no idea when it'll be anywhere near done, because it's not now!
11 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
i may or may not have started on thominho week writing
yes!!! this is great news!!! i have not started on this year's yet but i literally just finished 2020's like 10 minutes ago so that counts for something right?
13 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wanted to know what you liked so much about my empath Thomas headcanon and if you're gonna publish your fic soon (no pressure or course, but like you, I really like this headcanon and I need more of it haha) Love you!
okay, so you know when you read a prompt or smth and immediately have Ideas™️? That's what happened. I read your headcanons and was like: I need 500 fics about this immediately, and I have Ideas for one so I will write it myself.
Also, it's a different take on Thomas’s character, especially because we all see him as oblivious to, well, everything. Empath Thomas can be oblivious, but it has to be done differently, because he knows what people are feeling--he feels it himself. So maybe he doesn't trust his own emotions now, because while sometimes it's easy to tell that it's not his, he can’t always do that. Especially when they're very similar to what he's feeling. Hence Thomas sticking with logic and objectivity when he can, when he has time to think things through. He ignores everything he feels because he doesn't know what's his.
(This is not a good idea, Thomas.) He also doesn't talk to anyone about this in true Thomas fashion of questioning everything that's not personal, so as far as he knows, it's normal.
Minho eventually figures out that Thomas never seems to respond emotionally to anything, and they're a bunch of teenage boys stuck in a Maze. Like, emotional outbursts aren't super common but he’s never met someone who just... doesn't respond to anything. Ben's attack? Yeah, Thomas was scared, but then Ben was probably scared too (Thomas knows the anger didn't come from him.) So he hides his reactions as best he can and pretends they don't exist.
Minho figures out that Thomas can feel everything, and has no defense against it, when something happens to Thomas and Thomas, mostly out of it, tells Minho to stop worrying because it hurts.
(Thomas does not remember this, but part of the reason he sticks to the Deadheads to sleep here is because some of the Gladers have nightmares, which equals strong emotion, which overwhelms him and causes him physical pain.)
And so Minho starts trying to figure out how Thomas can block or mute others' emotions and help him trust his own again, but it’s a slow process, and then the Scorch happens and Denver happens and they don’t have time, and it turns out that Thomas has just been shoving everything behind mental shields and it's too much one day and well... that's definitely not a good thing.
This got a little long! I kind of focused on the whumpier side here but there is fluff that goes with it (and a definite happy ending).
As for the fic, the above is kind of where I'm planning on taking the longer version. The shorter verison, which will only be Fever Code Era, involves Minho figuring it out on his own and working to help Thomas. Then he gets sent to the Maze, and of course later Thomas does as well, which means all progress is reset re: managing empathic abilities. That will hopefully be done sometime next week, but my work schedule is still up in the air so no promises.
Thanks so much for the ask, Momo! 💜 Really hope I do this justice.
19 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
okk what was the dream i had during my nap today....i had alarms every 10 minutes bc i wanted to get up earlier than i did so it was all in slices. i only remember 2
1. psychic girl upset turns into keeping an eye on little kids 2. the kids are still there but we are now in a different environment 3. i’m at some kind of plant hotel preloaded with memories of some auto-assigned boyfriend that i wasn’t too pleased with & then i ran into my friend who was being MEAN TO ME
- smth about supervising some younger kids who were kinda troublemakers. i was psychic also? idk. it wasn’t ME at first i was just spectating this psychic teenager girl who had like shoulder length fluffy red hair & dark eyes & moderate acne & she was crying bc there were people on like. a pilgrimage? through the forest. these people were generally considered victims somehow like they were rendered homeless either through a natural disaster or other people’s actions & they were walking through the field next to the forest. they might have also been psychic idk but like a different kind of psychic
- oh yeah the area...all mostly shades of gray. the girl was wearing like a faded yellow dress. the grass was like that pale yellowish gold color when it’s dying in fall, the sky was like soupy with white clouds, the trees were tightly packed. i remember pine bark but there were also trees with leaves...i think tulip trees? idk. also pale yellow. the people walking were all in thick dark gray shawls over their clothes. 
- anyway the redhead girl i was spectating asked them to please take a detour. go a different way. she was really upset. i’m not sure why - if it was unsafe, if their psychic thoughts grated against her brain, if she jsut didn’t want them in the yard. idk. it didn’t work well. she kept crying. 
- eventually she did manage to relocate? not sure how. there were some cliffs and they took the path of least resistance & made a right turn across the field to the other rim of the forest. the sun was setting now, or maybe everything was just redder. there were kids being mean to each other on top fo the cliff daring each other to jump or to shove somebody else off, i became an entity allied with the redhead girl, who stopped crying & i grabbed some of the kids at the edge & bounded down the side of the cliff, & the redhead girl now had powers of imagination of some kind & did as well. some of the kids were crying & freaking out but i was like you know what this is better than? & they were like what? & i was like being a you pancake! & they all just looked at me & i went ooohh tough crowd huh...the air is so suffocating...gack...& fell on the ground &^ some laughed & started shaking me around.
- the psychic girl created some kind of imaginary cowboy scenario & kabang! we were off! riding off into the sunset (the sunset was north of the field where no trees were) but somehow still alongside the people on their walk. the children were happy.
second part
- i don’t remember how we ended up here, but it was the amphitheater at my middle school i think. there was some kind of presentation up in the front that everyone was supposed to be paying attention to. the lilghts were off & everything. 
- we were in like the back row - not all the way to the back of the theater but one behind the one where everyone else was sitting. we were acting up being rambunctious. the presentation was light blue & everything had like the electric blue cast to it. 
- anyway since we were being rambunctious we got in trouble. i really am blanking on the deteails. there were more seats going horizontally than i remember in real life & i kept having to move from the right to the left. idk. i meant to be detailed in this part too but it’s just not happening. 
third part
- new setting!  i’m actually too lazy for this rn i was gonna tell my friend about it bc he was also in here, so once i did that i’ll come back later & paste it 
the gist is that i was on spy business in the DARK PLANT HOTEL AREA & i was airdropped in. i saw part of the hotel from above & it was like these yellow stone towers but the kind that are gloopy on top & one had a red stamp & one was black. anyway i went in there & i was preloaded with memories to make me blend in better of having to date this dude from my HS graphic design class but he was really lame & i was thinking of breaking up with him bc he was too shy to do much more than 1 kiss on the lips. also everyone was dressed fancy but he was dressed in a badly fitting black suit so i was like i gotta ditch this bozo he’s cramping my style... (i do not recall my outift) . then i ran into one of my friends instead who was like what are you doing here? & iw as like it’s hot girl shit. im spying. i’m investigating.& he was like right. people would definitely hire you as a spy bc you’re so short they wouldn’t be able to see you :^) & i got so mad i woke up
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baeshijima · 2 years
i keep staring at dilucs new skin and this thought came to mind
vampire!diluc x monster hunter!reader (specifically vampires mayhaps??)
or the reverse could work too. but. vampire!diluc ehehehfkjdf
but basically (assuming we go with the first option), you’ve been given a S rank commission to hunt down this vampire and will be given a huge amount of compensation blah blah blah
and so you accept because, uh, money (and the fact it’s your job) and set off to find this S rank vampire to hunt down, asking scared citizens about his location before finding yourself standing in front of this mansion secluded from the rest of society. what a perfect set up for a vampire.
so like the self-aware monster hunter you are with no sense of danger, you approach the mansion and knock on the door, posing as a lost wanderer with no place to go. a maid opens the door (adelinde is what she called herself, you think) and, after hearing your faux sob story, guides you to her supposed master’s office to discuss the details with him. is he the one who’s a vampire? the one you’re supposed to hunt? or is he actually some innocent civilian unknowingly hiding a vampire; or worse, he’s being framed by the public? well, either way you have a job to complete and he’s just—
oh shit, he’s hot.
so now you’re in this predicament of gaping at the gorgeous specimen before you and spilling out your sob story, while diluc tenses at the smell that hits him. it’s different then all the other times he’s encountered the smell of blood — whether it’s human or animal, it’s the same iron stench he’s able to suppress his urges against. but yours? it’s sweet, soothing, and... almost addictive.
he’s about to send you away — anything to stop these disgusting urges he curses himself for — until he sees the pitiful look on your face, and the faint glint of a blade hidden behind your cloak. perhaps... perhaps you’ve come to end him from this torture. he wouldn’t mind that. it’s been centuries, after all. and so he grants you a room and awaits for night to strike.
except, you don’t come, and only wander around the mansion instead. he can hear your footsteps tread along the halls, down the stairs, stop at his door before walking away. this repeats for several nights, soon bordering a month; a month of you unintentionally breaking down his layered walls and possessing his unbeating heart in your warm hands.
diluc hates it. he hates the way he glances at his door, waiting for you to burst in. he hates that you’re the first name he thinks of in the morning, and the last before he goes to sleep. he hates the way you make his cold blood thrum with heat, creating a needless want to hold and be with you. 
diluc doesn’t hate you, no. he merely hates the fact he wants to keep you there to protect you from the horrors of civilisation, and only for himself.
though that plan positively fails when a desire to feed hasn’t hit him since so long ago suddenly surfaces. the servants know what to expect, immediately evacuating the premise (albeit reluctantly, wanting to help their master). but you? you’re still there, and it’s too late to stop himself before he has you pinned down on the floor, fangs bared, and tears brimming at the corners of his eyes. against his conscience, his head lowers to the column of your neck, stuck in a trance he would do anything to be out of.
“you’re a monster hunter... right?” he whispers, sweat forming at his self-restraint. “now’s your chance to... complete that commission you came here to do.”
but instead you ignore his words and smile, diluc’s waning thread of sanity snapping at your words. “you have my consent. after all, suppressing your urges isn’t healthy, mr. vampire.”
lmao bonus for dain being ur hunter buddy or smth and wonders where u are bc  he was gonna confess after a year of pining but ur off with diluc haha 
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soulrph · 2 years
I just wanted to ask you what could be the reason why two deities do not get along and therefore quarrel at a party (not in front of everyone, but in a corner of the garden/palace)
oh my god yes yes YES!! this has been in my inbox for a while but i promise u have ideas now!! here we go, and i hope these are what you’re looking for!
arguing over a mortal for romantic reasons! so like, maybe one of them genuinely loved this mortal from the very start, and the other just started flirting with the mortal as a bit of a joke against the other deity, just to get them to actually open up and tell the mortal how they feel, but then oops uh oh oh no, the second deity begins to fall in love w the mortal too!! and they both obviously know that they won’t have a lifetime with the mortal, but that’s what makes it worse, bc it’s like five minutes in their lifetime, and then there can be ongoing debates bc “it’s selfish!” “but you love them too!” “you only did this to tease me!” “i didn’t want any of this!” and it’s all happening in private bc maybe mortal/deity relations are frowned upon or smth, who knows!
okay, arguing over a mortal, but going the other way with this one, where deity A falls in love with a mortal and deity B is like “this is literally the dumbest thing u have ever done” bc the mortal’s. yk. mortal. and the deity is decidedly not. so then B decides to use their powers and their connections to get the mortal to marry sb else or to go travelling or whatever, and A is IRATE bc “how is it any of your business who i love?” and B is losing their patience bc “oh my actual god what part of “mortal” isn’t sinking in here?” and THAT could go on for centuries too, bc it’s matters of the heart and maybe B inevitably causes the mortal to die before A can see them again??
okay this is the same context, but the third and FINAL rearrangement of the plot! so, deity A loves a mortal. deity B loves deity A. growing jealous of A’s visits and adorations towards the mortal, deity B arrives, either tells the mortal that A is a deity, or unintentionally kills the mortal. A finds out, either from the radio silence or the dead body, and is both heartbroken and unforgiving towards B, who either regrets what they did or doesn’t regret it at all. that doesn’t matter much, that only changes the dialogue between them in the aftermath, where B either doesn’t experience remorse for what they did, and A refuses to see them ever again, resulting in B relentlessly finding ways to get them on their own, or B does regret it, and pleads with A for forgiveness.
secondly, A and B work together on a godly task assigned by the Main Boss Deity. like the zeus or odin of the deities, yk? anyway, A and B work together on this miracle, and A ends up stealing one of B’s ideas and taking all the credit for it, resulting in endless altars being dedicated to them, and a godly promotion granted to them as mortals and deities alike praise them endlessly. B, hurt and enraged by their audacity, corners them during a party in their honour, and demands that A tell the truth. A does not. Thus, a feud is born, and a friendship destroyed, and many parties interrupted by stolen private arguments in a garden.
A has a child with a mortal and unwittingly results in a prophecy being formed in which the child of a deity and a mortal is destined to kill deity B. A, unaware that such a prophecy existed, is devastated, and hastens to warn B at a party that B is throwing. however, B is horrified, and believes A, a lower ranking deity than B, set out intentionally to satisfy the prophecy. B’s ensuing anger and pain leads A to decide to train their child to actually be capable of killing B, whose accusations of jealousy and envy hurt A far more than they will ever know.
A and B are lovers. so much so, that they inspire passionate myths and legends of love and passion in the mortal world. adorable, right? WRONG! a mortal witnesses A interact with a new deity, C, and innocently creates a new myth inspired by the fictional love affair between A and C. B overhears it, and is immediately displeased. cornering A, they ask if they’re in love with C. A finds this hysterical, and assures them that they’re wrong. appeased, B moves on. however, another mortal witnessed the interaction, and adds to the new myth, saying that B is enraged and plans to take revenge against C. C finds out. C is terrified. C goes to A and begs them to intervene against B’s wrath. A is frustrated, and tells B to back off, because C told A of B’s intentions. B accuses C of lying. and so on, so forth. the twist? the mortal isn’t even mortal. they’re the child of the boss deity, who has grown bored of the tales of war and grief, and now designs comedy myths which they listen to with great amusement from their temple.
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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daz4i · 8 months
suicidal+generally negative bullshit under the cut 🫡
guys i'm gonna be so fr with you i am basically working on autopilot at this point. ik i am very much on what's considered the right path and i'm doing a lot for the purpose of getting better but my heart's not really in it lol. i just do it bc it feels like i have no choice, dying is unfortunately not an option and i got bored of doing nothing else. but i really wish i had any reason to be doing any of this beyond boredom. esp given how much energy i'm putting into it while still feeling like shit and wanting to kms on a daily basis 🥲
maybe if i felt like i have a shot at greatness. but i know damn well mediocrity is the best i can aspire for (actually that's one of the biggest reasons i want to die lol)
bc of my bpd i can't exactly love people normally, i can either be at 0% and slightly above it, maybe at most 40% of love for my favorite people (which is a lot by my standards, like almost everyone in my family can't break 20%, for example), but i have 100% too except that's just pure obsession. and it feels good even tho i know it's toxic and unstable. that's my only way to feel a positive emotion strongly. so maybe if i had someone i could be (mutually) obsessed with
maybe if i was able to create things i could feel proud of. unfortunately due to me being their creator, i already hate them by default
like i wish i had. anything. beyond the need to stop being bored. it's not sustainable. i know i'm gonna crash hard soon bc this is simply not enough gas to run on, and i'm doing a looooot of running on a device (aka my body. and brain) that was not designed for that as is
i don't even have little things to look forward to bc i can't care about anything 😭 like my mom keeps asking me what i wanna do for my birthday so we can maybe set smth up with my siblings but i genuinely. don't want anything enough to bother. i see people talk about being excited abt a game or new season for the show they like and the whole "i can't die until i finish x" stuff but i was never good at that. i tried it before and as soon as the thing ended i was back to being suicidal as fuck. the whole point of that method is to keep finding more little things so it never ends but i struggle to even find one so that's once again not sustainable at all
i'm gonna be alive until march 25th bc i committed to giving a lecture on the 24th. that's it. i don't wanna screw them over. but after that...? i don't have a lot of things to commit to. i might be in some theater production if i pass my audition this wednesday but that'll just end a few months later too. and it's not like i could get into anything else in the real world lol
there's just no reason to be doing any of this and it's... really hard to be doing stuff when you have no reason, i can't do it for the little things, how am i supposed to do it for literally life at large. i was gonna say it feels impossible but nah it'll be more right to say it IS impossible 🥲 no hope for me 👍
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rizahawkais · 4 years
Hi Nia! You're gifs are so pretty! Is it possible for you to show how you get your WandaVision gifs too look so clear and hd? And how do you do your colorings too? (specifically the wanda maximoff in episode 3 gifset ITS GORGEOUS) I'm new to giffing and all the tutorials are kind of old. It's okay if you don't want to though! I understand it may be time consuming.
omg no! never feel intimidated to ask!! i don’t mind at all!
so, i’m going to show you how i made and coloured this gif
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mostly bc it’s the only gif in that set w text and i’m going to share my text settings too!
tutorial is below :)
.mkv files (the bigger the better BUT i usually think anything above 5 gb is excessive and unnecessary for an episode of television BUT for a movie worth it) itunes downloads (logolesspro on twitter, hd-source on tumblr, live-action-raws on tumblr have some DEPENDING on what you’re looking for) (also, there’s a chance that if you search "show/movie hd download tumblr” you’ll find a tumblr with its itunes download available)
- my suggestion is always if its new (like just came out the past month) t*rrent it! it’ll be downloaded quickly and .mkv files look the best! BUT if not check the sources above see who has the BIGGEST file if they even have what you’re looking for and then if not then you look to t*rrenting!!
here are the wandavision files i use so you can see!!
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-if you have windows use potplayer! i have a mac so i can’t show you how to use it and it’s not available for me :( HOWEVER back when i had a windows potplayer was the best method in screencapping!!
-I HAVE A MAC! so i use mpv!! (go to mpv.io and follow the directions) BUT DON’T DOWNLOAD THE LATEST ONE (it has a bug that skips frames) try each before the latest one bc from what i heard different ones work differently for everyone!! and i don’t know which one i use (yikes!) THERE ISN’T THAT MANY I PROMISE AND IT’S WORTH IT BC MPV IS THE BEST (i used to use adapter but they didn’t take impressive screencaps in my opinion and it was evident in my gifs you can see it too! )
create a folder for your screencaps! and make sure to rmb the directory order! now we want to create a text file on our built in textedit app on mac! type up all this down below (i like jpg but you can replace jpg w png if you want) AND SAVE THE FILE AS mpv.conf THIS IS IMPORTANT SO DON’T FORGET IT! save it somewhere you’ll find easily and NEVER delete it until you don’t use mpv anymore
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just in case you don’t know what to insert after, go to your screencaps folder
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now you want to open mpv and go to the corner towards mpv -> preferences and they’ll tell you that there is no .conf file SO GO LOOK FOR THE TEXT FILE WE JUST MADE AND DRAG IT TO THE FOLDER THEY OPENED FOR US AFTER SAYING THERE IS NO .CONF FILE
(i learned all this from @kylos tutorial!! so if any of what i just said about setting up mpv makes NO SENSE to you check out their tutorial at kylos(.)tumblr(.)com/post/178497909311)
now we can screencap!
so let’s find the scene we want RIGHT BEFORE and MAKE SURE SUBTITLES ARE OFF
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i pause and then press (option/alt + s) and then SCREENCAPS ARE BEING TAKEN!! and to end the screencaps being taken you once again press (option/alt + s)!!
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now we want to delete the excess frames! and put it all into one folder!! DO NOT DELETE FRAMES IN THE MIDDLE OF WHAT YOU WANT TO GIF!! WHEN YOU SKIP FRAMES IT WILL BE NOTICEABLE!!
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this method isn’t used that much BUT I LOVE IT so this is how i put my frames in! first i check to see the size of my frames: 1920 x 1080
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so i create a NEW file on photoshop with those dimensions w these settings
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now i set my tool on photoshop to path selection tool bc if you have it set on smth like move tool or crop tool at the end you might end up moving or cropping frames you don’t want to!
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ok so now we select ALL our frames and drag it on top of our new file on photoshop and the MOMENT we see our first frame in photoshop JUST KEEP CLICKING ENTER until all the frames are loaded!!
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you can do file -> scripts -> load files into stack but it is WAYYY slower in my opinion!
now i crop out the excess BUT i don’t resize the gif yet! the dimensions wandavision is filmed in is 4:3 so i go to crop and set the settings to this:
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MAKE SURE IT’S ON RATIO SO WE’RE PRESERVING THE ORIGINAL SIZE JUST CUTTING OFF THE BLACK EDGES!! We are going from 1920 x 1080 to 1440 x 1080 this is the dimensions after i cropped
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now we want to go to actions and create an action!! open up actions w one of these two depending on what your dash looks like!!
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so we create an action with this button on the bottom of actions and we’re gonna title it making a gif and hit record!!
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1. make sure you have timeline on your dash!
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2. create frame animation (if you see create video timeline just click the arrow next to the button to see your other option which is frame animation!!)
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3. now let’s meet our best friend!! the little bar in the top right corner that has all the commands for making our gifs and MAKE FRAMES FROM LAYERS
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4. WE HAVE TO SHARPEN OUR GIFS NOW BUT TO DO THAT WE NEED TO CONVERT TO A SMART OBJECT SO NOW WE ARE GOING TO CONVERT TO VIDEO TIMELINE there are two ways: the button in the bottom left corner or the button in the top right corner w all the other commands!
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6. filter -> convert for smart filters
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7. NOW WE SHARPEN!! (filter -> sharpen -> smart sharpen) i sharpen twice!! first, make sure we are on legacy w more accurate and remove gaussian blue! the first sharpening will be 500% with 0.4 px radius. NOW SHARPEN AGAIN (filter -> sharpen -> smart sharpen) also w legacy, more accurate and remove gaussian blur BUT this time 10% with a 10.0 px radius!
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8. it’s hd now!! so let’s flatten frames into clips!! go to the top right magic button again!! and you should see a pop up saying layers are being made
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9. now we convert back to frame animation w either the bottom left button or our magic top right command center!
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10. make frames from layers
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11. select all frames w our magic command button
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12. set the animation delay to 0.05 THAT IS THE BEST ONE ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS only use 0.06 when the character is moving really fast in the video itself and it makes the gif itself look awkward BUT NEVER GO ABOVE 0.06 it’ll look slow and laggy and we don’t want that and don’t go below 0.05 bc then it’ll be tooo fast and we don’t want that either!
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13. now delete the very first frame on the timeline bc it is an oversharpened duplicate of the second frame! end the recording w this button!
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this is what your action should look like expanded! if you made mistakes on the way and it shows up you can just click the specific step and press the trash can on the action tab to delete in from the order!!
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now i delete some unnecessary frames in the beginning and end and this is what my gif looks like (the size was 46 mb and the limit is 10 mb so the dimensions of the gif are 540 x 405 to get it to 5 mb BUT I HAVEN’T CROPPED IT YET SO THIS IS ME CROPPING JUST TO SHOW YOU WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE)
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in my opinion if you want your gif to look hd you shouldn’t crop before you sharpen!! i believe that if you crop before you sharpen you don’t allow photoshop to sharpen all the pixels whereas if you crop beforehand there is less to work with!!
dimensions is all up to you!! just make sure to go by tumblr rules!! 540 is the max width and if you want to make two gifs per row then my suggested width is 268 and for three gifs per row my suggested is 177 px! Just have the right width and the length can be whatever you want!!
now i’m going to crop my gif to 540 by 590!!
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let me show you the best adjustment tools in my opinion and a brief explanation for what they do!!
brightness/contrast: pretty simple increase/decrease the brightness/contrast BUT one of my techniques for when i first start colouring a gif is i select all my frames and do nothing to the settings of the adjustment but i set the layer to screen LIKE THIS
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curves: ik others use curves to change brightness/contrast w the squiggly thing BUT i like it to set a white point and black point, this is also a technique i use when i first start colouring a gif when screen doesn’t look good for me SO you use white point to select a pixel on the gif to set as the lightest color on the gif (setting the white point) and you use black point to select a pixel on the gif to set as the darkest colour on the gif (setting the black point) usually the white point makes it TOO bright and that’s why we use the black point to counter it and same goes for when i use screen with brightness/contrast, it gets too bright so i use black point to counter it below is the button for white point and the button for black point, respectively they are shaped as color picker tools
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vibrance: generally, i never use this except for color p*rn sets but they work really well in making colors seem more strong
hue/saturation: like vibrance, i never use this except for color p*rn sets but this adjustment is to help change the colors or hue of a color for example: turn blue into purple or turn a blue into a little lighter shade of blue
color balance: I ALWAYS USE THIS!! except for in black and white gifs BUT THIS IS MY GO TO AND IF I DON’T USE IT MY GIFS ARE JUST BLAND i feel like color balance is what essentially balances the colors on your gif and adds dimension to it, it makes your gif go from looking way too yellow to a more golden neutral look and it is an essential adjustment in my opinion
channel mixer: i rarely use channel mixer BUT it is so so useful when you are working w a dark scene just play w the settings and all of a sudden all the blue in a dark scene will be a little more yellow and red and your scene will kind of just look brighter and more visible
selective color: THIS IS ALSO AN ESSENTIAL this helps SPECIFIC colors pop you’re working on a scene where there is too much red on someones face you use this tool to remove the magentaness from the yellow section OR when you feel someones face is TOO yellow and needs more blush you add more magenta in the yellow section of selective color
gradiant map: gradiant map is perfect when you’re lazy if you feel like your gif looks more neutral and you want some red in it but you don’t want to mess with any other adjustments just set a red to black gradiant on soft overlay with a very low opacity and BOOM slightly red but not too much red added!
today i have decided to start with a brightness layer set on screen
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and this is what we got!
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now that’s a little to bright and washed out in my opinion SOOOO to counteract it, i’m going to use my black point tool in curves and i’m going to select this point on the gif (it’s better to choose smth in the background and not smth that’s paid attention to such as monica’s hair or either of their eyelashes)
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now my gif looks like this! the base color is complete!
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now i think i need to balance all this yellow and red! SOOOO WE GONNA USE COLOR BALANCE!!
i think the best way to use color balance is to keep swinging the balancer until you see what you like and then keep going midtones i think i want more red and i don’t want a cyan midtone and then for shadows i think i want more cyan to counter the redness of the gif but highlights i don’t touch that much NOW HERE ARE MY SETTINGS SO YOU CAN SEE
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and this is what my gif looks like
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now you can stop here if you want but in my opinion i think the gif looks a lil too dead still SO IMMA USE SELECTIVE COLOR
i think there needs to be a lot lot more RED so i amp up the yellow magenta and black in the red! but i also think the yellows need to be LESS RED so i remove magenta from the yellow! and bc there’s some cyan and blue bc of monica and the flowers in the background im going to make the cyans more cyan and the blues a lil more black! i’m going to remove some yellows from the magenta!! and i add more black to the neutrals and black!! i think it’s always important to add more black to neutral and black bc it adds more depth to the gif by not just making it a bunch of bright colors and having dark colors to contrast to!! my settings are below!
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and the result!
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now let’s see everything together!
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and the before and after!
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I HOPE MY COLOURING EXPLANATION MADE SENSE!! if not you can always ask me more questions i don’t mind!!
we want to grab the text tool!
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make a text box from anywhere in the middle from the left to right edge. this is so we can make sure our text is centered and will be in the same place for when we have sets w more than one gif w text!
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type your text out and make sure you highlight the whole text so that all the settings apply to EACH character! you can find the alignments (for center) in the paragraph tab!
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now lets right click on the text layer and go to blending options! add stroke and drop shadow!
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now drag it to the desired height you would like and make sure to keep it in mind for when you have more than one subtitled gif in a set!
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if you want to only have the text applied to certain frames instead of all frames, select the frames you don’t want by clicking the first frame in ur don’t want section ON THE TIMELINE and WHILST HOLDING SHIFT click the last frame of ur don’t want section and then toggle the eye switch next to the text layer
now you see the text
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now you don’t
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tip: use opacity to fade the text in and out!
the text is going to be on all my frames so i don’t need to toggle the eye but i just wanted to show you just in case!!
now here’s my FINAL RESULT
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save for web (file -> export -> save for web) 
your gifs have to always be under 10 mb! so, if your WAYYY overboard YOU HAVE TO DELETE FRAMES! or you can divide the gif in two and have two gifs instead of one! however, if you plan on going the deleting frames route MAKE SURE YOU DELETE FROM THE BEGINNING OR END OF YOUR SELECTION i promise you that most of us won’t notice that your characters dialogue is being cut off BUT WE WILL NOTICE IF FRAMES ARE BEING SKIPPED so, don’t delete frames in the middle of ur gif!! idc how little you do it IT WILL RUIN YOUR GIF AND I SAY THIS FROM EXPERIENCE i would delete every fifth frame to cut down my gifs and that may seem like not that big of a deal BUT IT IS my gif looked choppy and poor so it is way better to cut from the end/beginning of the gif
ANOTHER LAST PIECE OF ADVICE in the bottom left of when the save for web menu shows up THERE’S A PREVIEW BUTTON click on it! it’ll show you your gif on your default browser and show you what it’ll look like once uploaded! this is perfect to check the speed of ur gif and the colouring and to notice if there’s a problem with your subtitles or maybe there’s an obvious jump in frames you never noticed before!! i always use preview bc the built-in photoshop viewer of ur gif shows the colors differently and the speed is NEVER ACURRATE!
I USED THESE SAVE SETTINGS!! many say to use selective pattern but i DISAGREE and i think these save settings are the ✨ best ✨
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Incompatible ships w/ Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Midoiya
Request: hii! i love ur posts so i thought why not request ajbakaha,, can i ask for todoroki, kirishima, bakugou, izuku getting jealous bc their s/o is getting shipped with another student :D (it can be their relationship is still a secret or smth) btw i love your posts!! it's free serotonin!! 😽😽- anonymous
Secret relationships are my favorite trope. This and friends to lovers. I live for these types of fics. Random fact, my allergies are acting up bc I helped take down the Christmas decorations and now my hands are on fire. Love ya. 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff, minor suggestive themes not something major though
Todoroki Shouto
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-Things like jealousy are a rare occurrence in your relationship. 
-Todoroki is the type of boyfriend who trusts you blindly and would put his own life in your hands without a single hesitation. 
-Sometimes it bothers him how other people effortlessly flirt with you but he knows that nothing will come out of it no matter how much they chat you up. 
-He knows you can handle yourself and get out of  a situation if things start getting out of hand. 
-And if you can’t, he will butt in glaring down at the person who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
-Everyone around you seem to believe that the two of you are really close friends; none of them have caught a whiff of your relationship and you are proud of yourselves. 
-I mean it is pretty hard keeping so many romantic milestones hidden from your friends. 
-But alas you both knew that keeping all of this to yourselves would be for the best. 
-Now, we all know that the girls of your class drool over any remotely romantic interaction you have. 
-Same goes for everyone actually. 
-Oh Kirishima held the door open for you the other day?? I can see a new ship sailing. 
-Sero helped you pick up your stuff when you bumped into a wall? Your knight in shining armor. 
-Really any sort of kind gesture was interpreted as romantic interest at this point. 
-The worst part of it all was the ship they had created and have been simping over for the past three months. 
-You had managed to create an unexpected friendship with Monoma from class 3-B. 
-The agency he interns in is right next to yours so you take the same train and then walk to almost the same building every single day. 
-You see him during patrol, the pro heroes you work under have paired up once or twice so a friendship was inevitable. 
-So imagine the surprise on your classmate’s faces when Monoma began waiting for you outside the 3-A dorm building.
-Mina wouldn’t shut up about how cute you two were together and what a perfect match you made. 
-Soon enough the other idiots joined the party and you were drowned in ‘awwww’s and ‘love story in the making’s. 
-You got tired of explaining that he was just a friend, that you weren’t interested in him. 
-The fact that you could feel Todoroki’s gaze burn through your back didn’t help at all. 
-Your boyfriend had asked you about Monoma because he too found it weird how he waited for you everyday. 
-The boy’s presence didn’t bother him at first. 
-He was lowkey grateful that you finally had company on your way to the agency considering he couldn’t walk with you since his building was in the opposite direction. 
-It started becoming a problem when all he could hear during the breaks was the stupid ship name the girls had created. 
-He could see how visibly uncomfortable it made you and how you would seek for his gaze during those moments. 
-Then they started talking about how cute your kids would be and that’s when Shoto had enough. 
-It’s one thing hearing about how cute your girlfriend would be with someone else and it’s completely different when you hear about their potential offspring. 
-Grabbing your wrist he basically dragged you out the classroom and into an empty hallway, pinning you to the nearest wall before connecting his lips with yours. 
-You let a surprised gasp which gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss, making you grasp onto his shirt as your knees gave out. 
-After what felt like an eternity he let you go for air before attacking your jaw, neck and collarbones. 
-Soon those soft kisses turned into little love bites. 
- “Sho you’re gonna leave a mark.” 
-Releasing your skin from between his teeth, he admired the reddish hickey he had left at the base of your neck. 
-He was sure your shirt’s collar could cover it up just barely. 
- “That’s the point, love.” 
-Intertwining your fingers, he led you back to class, going to his seat with a proud smirk on his lips leaving a very flustered puffy-lips-messy-haired you in his wake. 
Kirishima Eijiro 
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-Kiribaby is not the jealous type. 
-Like only if you give your undivided attention to a puppy and you smother it with all your love and affection then maybe, just maybe, he will pout a bit and ask for his own fair share of love. 
-He trusts you just like Todoroki does.
-Nothing has ever happened to suggest that he should worry about others stealing you from him so he doesn’t worry. 
-Plus you are always together no matter what. 
-Almost everyone from your class knows that you are together so the shipping doesn’t start from them. 
-Oh no.
-It starts from class 3-B who has seen you talk to Tetsutetsu quite a bit this past few weeks. 
-You might wait for him outside their classroom during lunch breaks. 
-They have caught you hanging out outside of the school grounds. 
-So the only logical explanation they can come up with is that you two are either A) dating or B) have a thing for each other and are getting there. 
-Soon enough rumors start circulating. 
- “Did you know that someone from the hero course is dating that metal guy from class 3-B?”
- “Yeah yeah I heard it’s that girl Y/N. They do look really cute together, not gonna lie.”
-Eventually these rumors reach Kiri’s ears and they kinda get to him.
-He knows that you haven’t been hanging out extra with Tetsutetsu since every time you guys go out he is always with you. 
-You are the type of couple who does everything together, literally. 
-Apart from being in different agencies ya’ll are holding hands almost 24/7.
-So he really doesn’t get what everyone is talking about. 
-Mineta doesn’t help. 
-He really doesn’t. 
-He starts making scenarios about what you do while Kirishima is out of the dorms; how you have wrapped both homies around your finger and toying with them. 
-Oh the very vivid scenes he creates with all three of you in a…. compromising position. 
-Kirishima hates that most of all. 
-The words coming out of Mineta’s mouth disgust him to no end and soon enough he is walking to your dorm ready to talk this through. 
-Opening the door you greet your boyfriend with a smile and a quick peck but you immediately know what is on his mind. 
- “Baby what are we gonna do?” 
-You basically whine at the question. 
-He spends the whole night at your dorm brainstorming ideas until you both pass out on your floor. 
-And your solution to the problem? 
-Ignore the whole thing and continue on with your lives. 
-He suggested maybe leaving a mark somewhere *like our boy Sho* but you shot him down saying that they would just think Tetsutetsu did it. 
-After Monoma catches you in your classroom making out on your desk though the rumors soon die out. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Crazy boom boom boy. 
-Your relationship is a secret because he doesn’t want to deal with all the other idiots gushing over your relationship and getting all up in your business. 
-Your relationship is a sacred thing he has sworn to protect and he won’t let Mineta’s ugly ass hands get anywhere near it. 
-Gonna taint it even with his thoughts. 
-Guard dog Bakugou bark bark. 
-It’s fairly easy to maintain a secret relationship with him. 
-Sure he might be a tiny bit calmer with you and maybe just maybe his eyes linger on you during training but yeah he treats you just like he treats all the other extras he is surrounded by. 
-Now, Bakugou is kinda *read a lot* jealous in general. 
-He doesn’t like when people he doesn’t fully trust or like, talk to you or are close to you. 
-He has butted in on your conversations with Todoroki one too many times and the poor crispy baby is so confused like why are you like this? 
-I just want the chemistry notes please let me get them in peace for once.
-You have chastised him about that manier times but your resolve melts when he pouts *YES HE POUTS AT YOU RWIHPWIE* before wrapping his strong arms around you. 
- “I just don’t wanna lose you, dumbass.” 
-You can barely make out his words as his face is buried in your stomach but you heard him and now you are tearing up at the pure emotion he is showing at these moments. 
-At the end of the day though, he trusts you. 
-He may not trust the other horny extras around you but he fully trusts you. 
-There’s no doubt about that. 
-You can imagine ,though, the instant rage he felt when he heard the girls talking about you and Deku. 
- “They do make a great couple.” 
- “Have you seen how they look at each other?” 
- “Good for her, Deku is perfect boyfriend material.” 
-First of all, how dare you, second hold the fuck up…..when did this become a WhoRe hOuSe?!?!?!?!  
-Legit someone has to shake him out of his stupor after that one. 
-You look at Deku in a certain way? 
-Fucking DEKU?!?!?! 
-THoughts are swirling in his mind almost pouring out of his ears when he hears the voice. 
-That annoying ass voice that he has engraved in his brain since childhood. 
-And the moment his eyes land upon Deku and you speaking, he sees red. 
-He is pouncing on Deku in -5 seconds, the poor green haired boy completely unaware of what hit him, literally. 
-They are on the floor wrestling on another, you screaming at Katsuki to stop and get his shit together while your boyfriend is spewing curse after curse at the OFA user simultaneously asking what the hell he was doing with HIS girlfriend. 
-Aizawa had to break them up. 
-They both got detention even though Deku did literally nothing. 
-Katsuki was denied cuddles for a whole week and he was set on explaining duty now that the cat was out of the bag. 
Midoriya Izuku 
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-Izuku is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. 
-He is loyal, shows emotions, is good at communicating with you, has incredible date ideas although he is kinda forgetful at times and his packed schedule doesn’t leave enough time to spend with you, at least not as much as he wants, but he always tries to make up for it in other ways.
-You love how much trust he puts in you. 
-You couldn’t be more grateful. 
-But Izuku has his insecurities. 
-At times it becomes hard for him to understand why exactly you’ve chosen him to love when you could have anyone you wanted in this school. 
-He can’t wrap his pretty little head around the reason why you stay with him when the only thing you get out of all this is others saying you deserve better than some crybaby. 
-It has become his mission to prove to you that he isn’t what others say he is; he isn’t some crybaby, he is a hero in training who won’t hesitate to risk his life for you. 
-You have reassured him multiple times that you don’t care what others say.
-You fell in love with him, him and all of his flaws. 
-No one told you that you should fall for him and no you didn’t agree to date him out of pity. 
-Most of the time you manage to erase those thoughts from his mind replacing them with the warm feeling of your love.
-But there comes a time when no matter what you say, the words of other people will get the best of him and it will be a struggle to build himself back up. 
-He is thankful to have you by his side during those moments because then he truly feels weak, he feels helpless, he knows these things shouldn’t bother him. 
-He loves you and you love him end of story, but they do get to him. 
-One of the worst times he questioned if he was good enough was during your third year. 
-Being in the support department you couldn’t be by his side 24/7 but you did always manage to see him during breaks to the point the whole class knew you and slowly became your friends. 
-The thing is they thought you two were also friends; neither had ever mentioned your relationship and things felt so comfortable between you that they assumed that you were really close friends. 
-Izuku had suggested keeping your relationship on the down low; him being in the hero course and having created rather the reputation, he was afraid that you would be dragged into something dangerous. 
-Plus All Might advised you two to keep it a secret and All Might’s words are law. 
-Izuku loved how well you got along with his friends, it meant that when he revealed your relationship they would all welcome you with open arms. 
-What he didn’t expect though was for them to start shipping you with someone else. 
-For some weird reason the girls of his class started obsessing over your interactions with Bakugou and soon after that they started trying to get you two alone in the same room, much to your dismay. 
-In reality, Bakugou was the only person who knew about your relationship. 
-He had ran into you as you were leaving Izuku’s dorm room, catching you two kiss goodnight. 
-Bakugou, as much as he disliked Izuku, would never get in the way of your relationship and he hated this ship shit as much maybe even more than you did. 
-Izuku was ready to crawl into a whole and die. 
-You had to stay in his room for almost a whole month to calm him down completely, him flying you to your own building in the morning so you don’t get in trouble. 
-It was a difficult time aand his classmate’s comments didn’t help one bit. 
-The tipping point was when he overheard Mina devising a plan of setting you guys up. 
-He walked down to the common room the next day with you next to him, hands intertwined, a hickey barely visible under the hem of HIS shirt, shocking everyone in the vicinity. 
-A new ship was created *after they harassed you for answers*
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura @belladonna-coven  @akita-l-lynn @angel6786​ @meena-in-a-nutshell​
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rose-with-no-thorns · 3 years
Last Life/HermitCraft rambles pt1
a place for me to let out all my built up theories and stuff yk. btw this doesn’t exactly follow canon but it just tries to predict stuff or analyze them despite not needing an analysis or just me rambling about my head canon 
Evil Grian Theory according to Martyns lore ending the watchers are canon are very exciting news yesss like i’m so happy that all of my theorising didn’t go to waste but like at the same time he really fucked over my documents, anyways, we're aware of the fact grian is still a watcher, and he still works with the other Watchers yk the evil guys who eat chaos and panic. So grian was like a mortal before he became a watcher, right? he was human, nothing else but headcanons r headcanons. the watchers are born into it I mean they're not born they're just like there so that means grian has much more humanity than the watchers could ever have when he became a watcher. it didn’t really feel like,, becoming a god. it was more like getting a promotion you didn’t necessarily want. which means the watchers wouldn't understand a humans or in this case ex humans emotional needs, so that means grian would have to adapt to being a god in a type of way because that's what the watchers are and there's also the listeners and Martyn gets compared to them but that's uh off topic right now. so like we know grian created the game, canon and irl and that he was supposed to watch over it, he wasnt supposed to play, yet he did. so this leaves room for two cases: 
1. the watchers just didn't tell him that his friends r gonna be playing in a death game, he knew someone would be but it was the watchers ways of his last test of like yk making him integrate în the no-humanity-gods club, so when he saw his friends he was like “oh hell no” and joined them in. but the thing is it doesn’t add up with the fact he wouldn’t even die?? like join for what?? 
2. he was aware of everything because he planned the game, and his attempts of integrating in the watchers resulted in him just being pure evil and now as much as I know lots of people would just want angst, it'd be so much worse and likely that grians just pure evil. seeing your best friend killing you in cold blood after luring you to play a killing game. he put all of his friends there and they trusted him and they were wrong for trusting him. 
TL;DR: Grian’s characters development arc since evo is him trying to please the Watchers so hard by becoming like them that he completely loses it and lures his friends into a death game then joins it for fun 
btw does tumblr have a word limit or smth lmao
Rooting for the HermitCraft server/Boatem having an Ender Dragon as a pet 
so it goes like, after grian took the ender egg and just kept it around even after the game, and decided “hey i wanna see if this does anything”. so he just provided it with the darkness of the end and the unusual feeling of the dimension, and soon enough, he and pearl discovered one day it started hatching. they both thought of this to take to boatems advantage, and decided they will use it as a war weapon/to scare off people. Now there’s a plot twist. the dragon was born without wings, or well at least functional ones. it just looked like a little mutation on its back. it was kind of disappointing, but it was still cute as hell, and grian just decided to tell xisuma about her because how long can you keep a whole dragon hidden?? so she (yes its a female bc i say so) started growing like really fast. and despite having no wings she became absolutely gigantic, almost the size of the original ender dragon despite not even being an adult. at first she fit in grians starter base, but one day, scar found her with her head peeking out of grians roof, so he decided to make her her own little cave, not too far away from the land but not too close to it either and not obvious for any newcomers that there’s a whole dragon living under them Now none of the boatem members had really taken care of a dragon before, or well no one on the server did (except for pearl no i will not elaborate it makes so much sense), so it was mostly grian who raised her but he pretty much raised a huge, gentle golden retriever dog, so the war weapon plan was just thrown out the window since everyone got really attached to her bc yk who wouldn’t. so they were like “fuck it” and now she kinda just roams around the server randomly and hermits will just randomly see her hanging around little animals, ESPECIALLY JELLIE I WAS WAITING FOR SO LONG TO SAY THIS HAHA, scar would just bring jellie to her and she’d just go “:D” like they’d be besties. the home sickness was never there, as she never truly went home from where she came from, this was her home. sending her back to the end would make her home sick as she grew up here, not there. i also feel like theyd have a whole meeting to choose her name because grian and scar just forgot and when pearl reminded them they were like “oh yeah we should probs do that 🧍‍♂️”
if i feel like it i will very much draw her, i mean i already did but it didnt turn out quite right, she also doesnt have a name yet so any suggestions r welcome ig lol  
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yersina · 4 years
okay, hear me out: blacksmith!jaskier.
like, maybe he’s the owner of his own shop (smithy? forge?), maybe he’s apprenticed to someone else—either way, he works in a little town, proooobably somewhere close to kaer morhen?
(sina, you may be saying that this point, jaskier loves to travel! he likes to see new things and meet new people and cause trouble! how could he stand to stay in one place his whole life? not a problem! shopkeepers aren’t confined to their shops, are they? especially if he’s an apprentice. i propose that he takes semi-annual journeys to travel to more far away towns and sell his wares there and maybe chase a few skirts while he’s at it)
so anyway, blacksmith!jaskier. he’s actually more of a jeweler sort of person—he likes beauty, likes art, and while he can see and appreciate the skill it takes to create a sword or a kitchen knife, he doesn’t really find his calling in creating chamberpots. but alas, see: small town, so this is the best place for something approaching an apprenticeship that he can find.
one day, he’s minding his own business in the back of the shop (smithy??), re-sharpening a knife for a nice old lady who dropped it off a day or so ago, when the master blacksmith storms in and gestures for him to get out. jaskier has long since learned that the master blacksmith is a man of few words, so he troops out to the front with no small amount of exasperation and confusion.
and lo and behold, there stands a witcher in his entrance.
“fix it,” he grunts (bc jaskier is, of course, cursed to work only around people who can’t be bothered to string together more than five syllables at once) and drops the literally shattered remains of a sword on the counter.
jaskier stares. dented swords, he’s seen. they’re close enough to a big city that they’ve occasionally gotten the odd knight looking for a cheaper alternative to city-internal smithies. but shattered? and in so many pieces? “i’d really just advise you buy a new sword at this point, good sir,” jaskier says slowly. “i could use this as scrap metal and make you a new one, but it won’t be the same sword.”
the witcher grunts. jaskier waits expectantly for any more input, but only several seconds of silence follow. “great,” jaskier chirps, injecting as much false cheer into his voice as he can. “i’ll just... take that as a yes.”
so he gets the witcher a new sword (a softer alloy this time, and one that hopefully won’t shatter at low temperatures like this one did), deducts the price of the scrap metal from the asking price of the sword, and sees the witcher on his merry (sullen, silent) way.
except the witcher keeps coming back.
jaskier has no idea why—it’s not like they offer services that any other smithy doesnt. all he does is sell the witcher (geralt of rivia, he eventually learns from town gossip) swords, the witcher grunts through jaskier’s admittedly meaningless chatter, and then he leaves. occasionally, he shows up twice in one month (once before a hunt to get his sword repaired, and then once after for the same), and then he leaves.
it’s utterly baffling.
but then theodore moore, the cheapskate bandit who passes through twice a year in order to spend all of his illegitimate money, drowns in the river while he’s stumbling through the forest drunk.
and then people start disappearing.
it takes until the little girl from down the road disappears while she’s picking flowers in the forest for the townspeople to seriously consider the idea of hunkering down and waiting for someone to take care of the problem. jaskier even rides to the nearby city and posts a request for help. maybe geralt will see it.
they spend half a year avoiding the river like the plague, but then people start disappearing from the town square—next to the fountain. then there’s talk of killing the beast themselves, but none of them know what it’s weak to.
when geralt shows up in the smithy one afternoon, white hair brown with dirt and skin smeared with mud, jaskier nearly cries. “thank god you’re here,” he says, and he’d laugh at geralt’s look of confusion if it weren’t for the circumstances. “we have a job for you.”
if he’d thought geralt was a wall to talk to before, it’s nothing when compared to how quickly geralt stiffens and closes off. jaskier didn’t even know that geralt had been slowly relaxing around him until right then, and a pang of regret echoes through him. “what is it,” he says flatly.
“a man drowned in the river last year,” jaskier explains. “and now six people are dead.” when geralt turns around without another word, jaskier has to scramble around the counter and tug him back. “wait, you can’t just leave—people are dying.”
geralt stares at him, unimpressed. “do you want me to kill it from in here?”
oh. jaskier laughs weakly. “of course, how could i have doubted you, master witcher.”
geralt turns to leave again and actually looks a bit annoyed when jaskier holds him fast. “what is it now?”
“i’m coming with you,” jaskier says firmly.
at least geralt doesn’t laugh in his face. “no.”
“look,” jaskier begins, and swears that he sees geralt roll his eyes. “i’m not—trained in combat, per se, but i can strike a few blows. i work with swords for a living! i can be backup?”
“this isn’t a game.” the furrow between geralt’s eyebrows grows the slightest bit deeper, like the world’s tiniest frown. “you could die.”
“i’ll keep out of the way,” jaskier throws in cajolingly. he’s not sure why he’s fighting so hard to join in on an expedition that will very likely lead to his death, but now that he’s started, he may as well go all in.
geralt just grunts and pulls his arm out of jaskier’s grasp, but he doesn’t do anything to stop jaskier when he grabs a sword and a scabbard and follows on his heels.
(this is where geralt wows jaskier with his fancy silver sword, and jaskier hardly needs to do anything other than gape on the sidelines as geralt dispatches theodore moore—a drowner now, he reminds himself—with brutal efficiency)
jaskier ends up arguing for higher pay for geralt bc of course he does, and manages to get geralt to sit down for a pint of ale in the tavern. jaskier travels but he doesn’t travel, and although geralt isn’t the best conversationalist, he does have some tales.
this ends with jaskier puzzling his way around making a silver sword and maybe getting a mage to imbue it with some magical runes or whatever it is that they do in their ivory towers, and he presents it to geralt the next time he comes by. geralt, being geralt, doesn’t do much else than take it with him while he’s leaving, but jaskier sees it strapped to his back the next time he stops by in the town, and geralt actually asks him to repair it at some point (!!) which is not smth that he’s ever done before.
geralt also starts bringing jaskier things which jaskier is utterly delighted by because it means that geralt has been paying attention while jaskier rambles at him the few times that they manage to sit down in the tavern together. this continues on for years and years and jaskier steadily grows fonder and fonder until he has a Realization one day when he’s looking at a sunflower and thinking abt how it matches the color of geralt’s eyes that goddamn he’s in love with a witcher.
(my Actual Prose runs out here but i’m envisioning jaskier putting those jeweler skills to use in fashioning geralt useful but also pretty pieces of jewelry as courting gifts until one day jaskier is just like “god you’re so fucking dumb” and just kisses him happily ever after the end)
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