#and that's not even getting into how you're assuming it's ultimately acted upon if you're calling it dangerous at all
"I'm for all kinks except 'the big three', because those are really dangerous!"
[muffled sound of erotophonophiliacs hiding in the cupboard]
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remi-desires · 2 months
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pairing: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, and toji x fem!reader (separate) summary: what they do when they're in the mood for sex/or how they get into the mood ! content: very suggestive for geto and gojo's part, allusions to sex, use of pet names (baby, doll, sweetheart, honey), established relationships (marriage implied for a few), geto likes to tease what's new? wc: 2k
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When your husband is horny, it's quite obvious to anyone who's around him. Which is why you try not to do anything that will turn him on while you are in the presence of others, but this is Satoru Gojo who thinks even the most mundane tasks you do are sexy.
That is how you ended up in this predicament; Satoru's eyes are hooded with lust and he's squeezing your thigh under the table with no shame at all. His gaze is burning a hole into the side of your face, too. While you try to pretend you don't notice him, he makes it almost impossible to do so.
The two of you are sitting close to the end of the table at a dinner party for your work because you had been promoted and your favorite co-worker who's like a sister to you insisted on throwing a party. The position you now maintain is not one which is easy to get; hard work and effort went into getting this new position.
"You might wanna do something about your man... he's giving the 'sex eyes' look.." Your co-worker, who happens to be sitting right next to you and can see Satoru gripping your thigh, says with a little smirk.
"I think it's the dress... he just bought it for me last week and it's doing things to him." Your co-worker giggles and returns to her previous conversation with some of the other people you're close to at work.
When you glance over at your husband, he quickly looks down and back up at you in an attempt to signal you toward something. Your eyes trail to his indication and you notice that he is painfully hard in his slacks.
"Satoru... are you serious?" Dread is hot in your stomach because you know when he's like this he tends to do risky things to gain relief.
"I can't help it when you look so good in that dress, baby. I shoulda got one in before we left the house... need you so bad." He whispers hotly into your ear.
Who are you to deny him when he needs you this bad?
You sigh heavily before whispering back to him, "Go to the bathroom I'll meet you there in ten minutes."
Without hesitation he bursts up from the table and excuses himself to the bathroom. Your co-worker gives you a look, she knows exactly where this is going. All you can do is shrug and grant her a small cheeky smile.
Suguru acts upon his need for you. He won't hide it because he's not ashamed of wanting his wife, sexually. You won't notice it at first because he starts out innocently enough with little caresses, but, oh, do you notice when he starts to grope your ass or kiss your sensitive spots.
"Come sit on my lap, Doll." He pats his thigh, waiting for you to do as he says. Like now, he usually doesn't ask for these things, he just tells you to do them because he knows you will.
"I don't think so mister. I just put the girls to sleep." You know where this is going. Whenever Suguru wants you to "sit on his lap" it usually ends up with you bouncing on his dick.
"They won't know if you keep your voice down." He tries to reason which ultimately fails, because who is he to talk?
"Me keep my voice down? Says the one who's always moaning in my ear and praising me. 'Yeah baby you're doing so good' or 'Shittttttt gonna make me cum''." You mock in a deeper octave, as to replicate his voice.
When he doesn't respond you assume he's given up. You do want to have sex with him, but now is not the time. Maybe if he came over there and helped you fold up these clothes you'd be done faster. The girls are asleep and you've got too much to do right now to even think about sex.
Suguru is able to catch you off guard this way though. He knows when you get in your head about things. So, he takes the opportunity to scoop you up into his arms and carry you all the way to the bedroom. When your back hits the soft mattress you know what's in store.
"Suguru what are you-" He cuts you off with a kiss. One that's agonizingly slow and leaves you wanting more. He starts to get touchy too, groping your curves which makes you squirm in excitement... just a little, though.
When he's sure he's got you turned on... he stops. Yes, you read correctly, he completely stops and starts to walk out of the bedroom.
"Hey! Where are you going?" He's got you right where he wants you: sexually frustrated.
"Back to the living room, since I guess you aren't really in the mood. Such a pity."
"Suguru Geto." Usually when you call out his full name he'll stop, maybe even stiffen up a little if it's really serious.
"Can't hear you!!" He sing-songs, hands deep in his pockets.
"You are literally so annoying!!!" A groan of frustration leaves your lips while his curl up into a smirk.
"Shhhh, you'll wake the girls up." You're in disbelief as you watch him walk out of the room. Don't worry though, he'll be back in a little while to get his pretty wife off.
Kento is a picture perfect husband in your opinion. Whenever he wants you and he knows it'll interfere with what you're doing, he'll take care of it himself so you don't have to go out of your way for him.
But oh, is it hard at times like this. He was extremely exhausted from his work load today and he thought you'd be working the night shift. So imagine his delight when he's met with you dancing to some sensual song with reckless abandon.
You're back his turned to him so he gets a beautiful view of your ass in the shorts that are way too short for you to wear out in public. Your husband usually has so much self control but even he can't resist the way you swing your hips to the lyrics. He sets his keys on the hook and starts removing his blazer and tie.
Kento is amused you haven't noticed his arrival but to be fair the music is up so loud he wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors a couple miles down could hear it.
Now that he's removed his jacket and tie he's a man on a mission. He knows he's bound to startle you when he places his hands on your hips but knowing how cheeky you are, you'll play into it.
You're so beautiful that you make him forget how to act. Before you'd first started dating him, he was set on pleasing you with his tongue. It got so bad to the point where he had a wet dream and ended up confessing to you. It lights a fire within your stomach, the way he goes feral for you.
Without much thought he plants his greedy hands onto your waist. He startles you slightly, causing you to yelp and jolt in place.
"Ken, baby, you scared me!" The only response you receive is a small hum. One that gives away his intentions.
Just as he predicted you start to tease him by grinding onto him. In order to keep him from acting stupid he bites his lip and tightens his grip on your waist.
"Someone's feeling needy, huh?" The answer to that question is pretty obvious yet you ask anyway.
"Don't do this sweetheart. You know how this ends." His voice is strained. Your poor husband is trying to keep the blood from rushing right to his dick.
"Maybe you should show me, Ken?" Your voice feigns innocence and you turn your head around to bat your lashes at him.
That was probably the last coherent sentence you had spoken for the night.
Poor baby doesn't know what to do when he wants you. He feels like he's a bother to you when he wants to fuck. Even though you've told him time and time again you like having sex with him, because he's your boyfriend.
As of now you're away on business and Choso couldn't help calling you because he misses you. He'd watched several of the video clips you had sent him to get him through the week. He knows you'll be back tomorrow but he needs you.
You're so pretty that you make him feel things he hasn't felt probably... at all. Being half curse and all you were a lot of his firsts. The first and last person to make his heart beat irregularly.
After three rings you pick up the phone, Choso bites his lip so he doesn't throw everything at you all at once. "Hey Cho, sorry it took me so long to pick up. My phone was buried under a whole bunch of crap."
"It's okay." He replies softly. You wait a few seconds, giving him time to tell you why he called. When all you hear is silence from his side you push a little in order to get him talking, "Soooo what did you call me for?"
"I miss you..." He pauses, "I was watching those videos you sent but it wasn't enough. It's up again." He responds shyly.
You waste no time making a face time call to him. Which takes him by surprise, but he answers it regardless.
As he slides to accept the face time he's met with your pretty smirking face.
"Do you want me to help you get off?" Choso has never been able to understand your boldness towards sex.
"Um.. if it's not conflicting with your schedule or anything then-"
"Choso, Honey, I always make time for you." His cheeks flush a bright red at your forward statement. In response he nods.
"Are you hard right now? Let me see, baby." Choso's glad he can count on you.
He's quite bold when he wants you. He does not care who's around or who's looking. This man knows how to clear a room with his sexual tension.
Megumi has been a victim one too many times to Toji brooding over his want for you. He'll walk into the room to show you the latest achievement he's made on his nintendo game, only to see his dad sitting on the couch, man spreading while watching you wipe down the table in the dining room.
At this point the boy knows the signs and is able to leave the house before Toji makes a move on you.
Right now though, you're watching your two cousins while your uncle and aunt are out of town. (Much to Toji's dismay) The kids are too young to even realize that they're cock blocking him and as of now he's starting to get irritated.
As you're cooking up lunch for the two kids, Toji joins you in the kitchen. He wastes no time grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into him.
"Toji, stop! The kids." You hiss.
"Fuck those kids. I want you. Now." Without much effort he lifts you over his shoulder and walks toward the bedroom. You look towards the kitchen at the abandoned sandwiches. In order to reach the bedroom you have to pass the living room and your little cousins see you over Toji's shoulder.
"EW LOOK!!! His hand is on her butt!!!!" The older one says in shock, the younger one finds the word 'butt' funny and starts to giggle.
Embarrassment courses through your veins, "Toji Fushiguro. They're leaving tomorrow, you can wait!!"
He completely ignores you, "Hey you two. My son, Megumi will be here in a few minutes. he's gonna take you guys to go get ice cream. Might wanna get your shoes on."
Toji's slick, he made the call in advance knowing no little kid could resist ice cream. He knew the only way he would get Megumi to agree was if he paid him... so he promised the boy a fifty dollar Nintendo e-shop gift card.
Your two little cousins scream in excitement while running to the door where their shoes are.
"Now I can enjoy some quality time with my wife." He mumbles to himself. You know better than anyone that Toji's idea of "quality time" is wayyyy different from any normal definition of the phrase.
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©𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈-𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
divider: @/princessantisocial
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mysadcorner · 11 months
Anakin Skywalker Dating Headcanons
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- credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters in requests -
Masterlist Navigation
• Anakin would be pretty obsessed with you from the moment he realized he had feelings for you, even if you didn't feel the same way about him. He'd go out of his way to impress you or would become overprotective when it wasn't his place to do so until you caught onto why he was acting such a way.
• Anakin is constantly around you when you first start expressing romantic feelings for each other, even if he's not supposed to be attached to you. You're constantly having to remind him that your relationship needs to be more secretive, and despite him hating this he complies as best as he can to keep you both happy together.
• Finally being in a relationship and getting used to it would be quite hard for Anakin. He doesn't want to keep it to himself and he's desperate to have you constantly with him, and if this doesn't happen he becomes distressed and agitated by his constant thoughts of what you may be up to or who may be around you.
• Anakin does everything and anything you ask of him, he obeys your every word even if you may need to be slightly stern with him. You only ever need to push him to do something if it's involving him leaving you for a while or doing anything he may assume would put you in any kind of danger or vulnerability.
• He desperately wants to be completely open to everyone about his relationship with you, he wants to worship you on full display and show everyone that you're his. Since this can't be the case until some serious Jedi reforms have been made he'll sulk in private to you and will become visibly upset by having to hide his love and devotion to you.
• Every aspect of his being is dedicated to you, and he never makes a decision (both in his everyday life and during a fight) without considering the impact it may have on you first. His ultimate goal is to come back to you and make sure the cause he's fighting for is beneficial to you.
• He has an overwhelming obsession regarding you, and there's nothing that anyone could possibly do or attempt to pull him away. Even if you attempted a simple conversation with someone else, you'd have Anakin looming over you in almost an instant to ensure that whoever you're talking to knows of his protection over you.
• All he wants is for you to be as committed to him as he is to you, and for you to love him for as long as you can both be together for. He can never imagine himself without you, and will go out of his way to ensure nothing happens to you, and will go to seriously drastic measures if anything does.
• You and Anakin can have quite a few disagreements due to his behaviour and jealousy. He acts out quite often and this will lead to the two of you having arguments in private whilst keeping disagreements minimal in public. He always turns his arguments towards his devotion to you and how it blinds him from any real reasoning, and after a while, you see how much he really can't help his behaviour.
• Anakin wouldn't spend a second considering a gentle or nicer outcome for the people who hurt you, and will purposefully go out of his way to commit to an act of brutal revenge as much as he can. You may not agree with the things he resorts to (even when the person hasn't done much to offend or hurt you) but it's not as if many people can stop Anakin during his path of wrath once he's decided upon it.
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fairytoge · 1 year
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boiler breakdown pt2
in terms of warnings... gojo?? geto??? naoya????
i've also had to re-publish this as i used to use the old text editor, and it kept glitching whenever i wanted to go back to it
part oneㅤpart three
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gojo is touchy and loves to tease you. so, when he saw that you were huddling into yourself after he forgets to pay his bills that subsequently caused your boiler to be switched off, he immediately encases you in his embrace and begins teasing you about the shivers wracking your body. however, no matter how much he bullies you and you throw heart-piercing glares at him, gojo does feel his heart tug once he sees just how cold you are and will ultimately scavenge your shared, messy apartment to find a blanket for you two to share. (he will also feel bad about purposefully forgetting to pay the heating bills as a prank)
there is no doubt in my mind that geto would notice that the heating has gone out before you, and would immediately excuse himself from whatever he was doing to check your thermostat or boiler. and once he finds that your heating is out and that there is no chance that it will be fixed before the morning, he would gather all the blankets in your apartment just to drop them on your frame. you, who had been resting on your shared bed watching some tv programme, struggled under the heavy weight before shooting your lover a dirty look: only for him to quickly lay on top of you murmuring something about how he knows you get cold easily.
nanami is, once you two are in a comfortable and long-lasting relationship with each other where you basically tell each other every single detail about your lives, someone who will randomly pull you into hugs. though it is usually in the comfort of your own home, it wouldn't be unheard of for nanami to sling his arms around the expanse of your shoulders and hold you like that in public. and, if the heating goes out, don't fret; you're already cuddled up to your lover on your sofa with throws and pillows circling around you. nanami knows things before they even happen and, even though it does slightly freak you out, it's more than welcome when you get to spend more time in his arms.
if you had established a relationship with naoya where you are treated as an equal to him and are respected: congratulations. entertaining this idea, if your heater or boiler did break down, naoya would most likely act like he doesn't notice the harsh shivers that are causing your body to shake when really he does. and when he wordlessly gets up from your sofa and the film you were both watching you just assume that he was going to get a drink or some snacks. it's only a few moments after he left that naoya returns with a velvet throw and drapes the fabric over your body mutely; though he does ensure that you are comfortable and lays a soft kiss upon your forehead. (he also pats the space next to him if you two weren't already close to him, inviting you to snuggle up against him)
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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burstofstarlight · 1 year
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HI I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna talk about how Astro Boy is a great example of the 'came back wrong' trope especially because He Came Back Exactly Like He Already Was- and also it's Such a fucking trans allegory.
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In every iteration the basic story is that Dr. Tenma, a super important figure in the field of robots, has a son, Toby, who dies due to some form of technology. So, he brings Toby back in the form of a robot replacement, 'Astro Boy', only to eventually decide he's done with him, because he 'isn't his son anymore'.
In the 60s series he gets frustrated that Astro isn't growing like a normal child and dumps his ass off to go get traumatized in a robot dog fighting ring. In the 2000s series he's the main antagonist even!
But my favorite iteration is the 2009 movie, especially because it hit really close to home as a trans person. which is a. WILD fucking thing to say i'm aware but just like. hear me out.
So Toby is killed in an accident and his father is devastated, so he brings him back by creating a robot body that looks exactly like him and importing all of his memories into it. He has no memory of ever dying, however. To him, it's like no time has passed and suddenly everyone is acting super tense around him. His dad, who was previously very distant. even wants to be around him full time now. So whatever, back to normal kid stuff I guess.
Except his dad seems to have the wrong idea of who he was. He has memories regarding Toby's childhood that Toby himself, who, mind you, has exact copies of his old memories, doesn't remember ever happening. His dad, who barely knew him and is fresh out of working nonstop for months to bring his son back, remembers him as a perfect, polite, gifted kid- and now that Toby's back to acting like himself, only now his child-like impulses and interests are no longer repressed, his father assumes that he's done something wrong.
When Toby finds out he's a robot by chance, he's excited to share this with his dad, but he's met with his dad telling him that he's a robot, a copy of his son that acts nothing like him, that every time he sees his face he's reminded of his dead child, that he wants nothing to do with him anymore, and that he doesn't love him.
This leads to him running away to live a life as a kid amongst others his age, choosing a new name (Astro) and being accepted for who he is and congratulated for the things he can do. For once in his life he's made actual connections. Once his new caretaker becomes hostile due to his identity as a robot however, he is captured and taken home so his father can have him decommissioned. And right before he dies, all he can think to do is apologize that he couldn't have been a better son.
anyways tl;dr his dad changes his mind, brings him back to life, his new friends support him, he beats the bad guy w/e w/e, what really stuck with me was his dad catching back up and telling him, "You may not be Toby, but you're my son." before the climax. THAT really got me
Because ultimately, it's a story about repressing parts of yourself, about those who are close to you knowing someone who isn't really you at all, about facing rejection upon learning who you are and sharing it with those close to you, about starting a new life with a new name and people who love you for you, and about eventually being accepted by those who found you important enough to them that they decide to get to know you like they never did before.
TL;DR, shoutout to Astro Boy, the trans kid ever.
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kunikinnie · 2 years
Your request are open so I hope you don't mind <3. Shsjdjdj I just love Yukichi so much. May I ask for hcs of him being on an age gap relationship? (Like 25 years old reader.) Like he's being insecure that you needed to be with someone's younger or that he's too old for you— with fluff in the end please 🥺💮
a/n: oh yes I absolutely don't mind! I hope these are okay :) I know a few 10+ year age gap couples so I'll try to base these off those if you don't mind ehe
being in a relationship with a large age gap
featuring: Fukuzawa x GN!Reader
He's happy and grateful that you two are romantically involved, but there are fears in the back of his head that he does his best to suppress.
First is public opinion. Many frown upon this type of relationship and he's afraid that it would ruin both of your (but especially yours) reputations, which is why only a select few are aware of it. He's fortunate that all of those who know support you two fully but it's hard to know how others might react.
Keeping the relationship a secret is not exactly difficult as he thought it would be. Given his occupation and position, most of his subordinates and acquaintances respect his silence on the matter. They all just assume it's for his partner's safety.
That doesn't mean it's not inconvenient at times, though. Sometimes he's wary whenever you go out or are alone together - he's not sure if it's alright to show even the slightest of physical affection. You'll be walking together and his mind is in turmoil over whether he should hold your hand or not.
Another is other parties romantically interested in you. Your age and of course your personality is attractive to many, and most of those are those in the same age group as yours. The possibility of there being someone more attuned to your tastes and preferences (as well as the culture of your age) is high. What if you realize you enjoy their company more than his?
This is his greatest fear. Aside from his age, his tight schedule as president leaves him with little time and energy to spend with you than he would like. The thought of someone else consoling you, doing things that he should be doing, and ultimately replacing him worries him constantly.
This is why he checks on you often. Texting you, sending you flowers and other small gifts, and verbally asking you how you're doing are his preferred ways of showing he cares. You can expect more expensive presents whenever he's busy and/or a little anxious over that new guy you've been talking with recently.
Okay enough angst HAHA some fluff!
The nicest thing about you being so young is your energy. Somehow you can talk thrice as long as he could, while he listens (although not always attentively - this guy's got stuff on his mind too). The things you share and the frequent change of pace is a welcome breath of fresh air. It makes him feel young, too.
Advice-giving was always his strong suit - or at least that's the role the people around him assigned him to - so you don't have to look far for guidance even for the most mundane things.
What he just doesn't understand no matter how hard he tries is your sense of humor. Pop culture, memes, you name it. Well, to be fair he's not the type to understand the humor of his own generation way back then anyway, but if you want someone to stare at you confused and concerned then you've got your guy.
Here's a funny thing about your relationship: both of you are so worried for each other that you both secretly take care of the other too much. For example: he'll do some chores for you when you're out because he believes that the older one should take of the younger one; this is because they have more experience and should help those less-experienced.
On the flip side, you do the exact same thing because in your head, you should be taking care of him since he's older and needs to rest more. Not to mention his current position as a leader. It ends up that chores get done twice without the other knowing, until one day you caught him doing "your" chores.
Favorite activity is relaxing or sleeping together. Whether or not you're both exhausted, he thinks it's the best way for you two to bond while being able to recharge. These are also the times when he doesn't have to think of anything and just enjoy your presence.
At the end of the day, as long as you choose to be with him and are mature enough to understand the world he lives in, then there your relationship will pretty be much like any other.
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zumikzu · 2 years
Drowning in his Eye's (SanemixGiyuu oneshot)
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I posted this on Ao3 around 2 months ago? anyway I'll be crossposting my oneshots/fics. The only thing that made me write this was the fact that I was bored in math last year and would write to pass the time. so enjoy I have no idea how posting fanfiction on tumbler works so please excuse the terrible format.
Warnings: semi-graphic depictions of a corpse, Sanemi has a dirty mouth and curses, make-outs????
     "You're such a fucking asshole!" Sanemi all ways did this when they where on a mission together. "I don't know why its only us that are constantly sent on missions together, we clearly hate each other, if anything its counter productive!" Sanemi fumed.
    Giyuu almost never complained about anything, but he didn't feel like putting up with him today. " Shinazugawa I am painfully aware of how much you dislike me, but I would appreciate it if you quiet down a tiny bit. You're giving me a headache."
     "like I care how you feel, you think you can tell me to shut up and that I would listen to-." Sanemi stopped talking. In the middle of the path a women's body had been left to rot. She was half eaten, missing her legs and an arm. Giyuu walked up to her and put a hand on her wrist, not to check if she was alive(that was already obvious), but to check if she was stiff yet.
     "Seems like she was left here last night, she's almost cold down to her bones, it takes at least 12 hours for that."
"And how exactly do you know that." Sanemi walked a bit closer to Giyuu to get a better look at the body.
     "Rigor mortis is still set in fairly recently, at most I would say 11 hours ago, look." Giyuu picks up her hand, the hand had a difficulty being picked up.
     "That didn't answer my question you ass..." Sanemi Sighs." the sun sets in about 30 minutes so the demon will likely come out again, it will only set us back by a few hours if we do."
     "I think that would be the best course of action, we should still be able to get to Kyoto tomorrow." Giyuu stated dryly, and started to drag her off to the side of the path and began to bury her. Sanemi wasn't known to wait around for anyone, but when he was partnered with Giyuu he felt the need to slow down. It was like he wanted to save the image in he's head and spend as much time with Giyuu as he could. The could be dead the next day, hour, minute, or even second in their profession. Sanemi knew what he was thinking but refused to act upon his own minds wishes, it was common sense was it not? It's not even the fact that they where two men, Sanemi had no issues with that, it's the fact that it was Giyuu Tomioka. 
     And Sanemi had made a point that  he hated Giyuu's guts.
     And for Giyuu, he was just so dead set on killing demons that he just misses the tension the two of them have. Sanemi wishes it was that easy though, the amount of times Sanemi had went to Tengen asking what he should do ultimately came to nothing as Tengen just said to not hide what he was feeling. Sanemi had left out one key detail in his explanation, he was asking for advise on how to deal with Giyuu. The though of acknowledging that he had grown to care for Giyuu made him want to rip his heart out and hand it to the nearest demon-
     "Shinazugawa." Sanemi snapped out of the fuzzy haze his mind had set him in and found himself staring at the water Hashira. "are you feeling alright."
     "Why wouldn't I be." Sanemi growled.
     " you're unfocused and your face Is red, so I'm assuming something is wrong." Sanemi had finally pulled himself together enough that he noticed that Giyuu had already buried the woman and was now standing in front of him. Sanemi found himself locked onto Giyuu's dull blue eyes, taking in every detail, it was like looking into an ocean with no end. It took all Sanemi had to not just give in and lose himself in them.  
     "I'm fine." Sanemi turned away in an attempt to not give away what he was thinking about, but he didn't really need to as Giyuu turned away. Sanemi pulled out his sword. "Get ready for a fight it's only going to get darker."
     Giyuu looked up at the lavender sky. "let's go find an inn, that took longer than expected." he put his nichirin katana back in it's sheath and looked towards Sanemi. "And we should patch up your wounds, you fight so recklessly."
     "Fine just don't pick anywhere that's shitty." Sanemi would never in a million years would think that Giyuu would would ever show any crumb of concern to anyone, let alone him.
     "there is a decent one in the next town over, it's not that far of a walk either." wordlessly Sanemi started to walk down the path, Giyuu following after. "do you know where it is?"
     I slow down so Giyuu could catch up to me to show me where the inn is.
     "room for two." Giyuu placed the amount of money listed on the the board on to the counter.
     The old inn keeper turned and grabbed a key from a drawer and handed it to Giyuu. "here you go sweetie, have a good day." She picked her book back up and took out her bookmark.
     Giyuu walked out of the main building back to where Sanemi was sitting to a rock. Sanemi laugh sight of Giyuu and stood up signing that he would follow him to the room. Giyuu opens the door and holds it for Sanemi. When Sanemi got through the door he immediately striped from his cropped haori and throwing it on the back of a chair at the table, leaving his in only his open uniform. Giyuu took a first aid kit from the bag he got from a store in town. Giyuu makes his way over to Sanemi who was now sitting on the table and sets the first aid kit down.
     "do you actually know how to properly wrap bandages." Sanemi nervously( although he would never admit it) looked down at Giyuu who took out a medium sized gauze pad.
     "I do know how, I need your shirt off for the one on your stomach." Sanemi unbuttons   his uniform and throws it on the table. Giyuu's hands where a grounding cold, they reminded Sanemi that he was still alive and breathing. the feeling was disturbing to him. But despite his better judgment Sanemi lets his body relax and his face falls into a look that can only be described as contemplative but content. Sanemi made up his mind and decided that today was the day, moments like these don't stay for long as Sanemi always backs out of being venerable. 
     As Giyuu finished up Sanemi's bandages and started to put them away, Sanemi turned to him. "do you mind if I do something real quick."
     Giyuu turned back to Sanemi still needing to look up at him as he was still sitting on the table. "as long as you don't further help yourself you can do what you want." 
    Sanemi leaned slightly off his chair now looking directly into Giyuu's eyes, once again comparing them to an endless abyss in his own mind. What had those eyes seen, there was a reason Giyuu joined the demon slayer corps. what had he lost?
     Sanemi lifted his hand up and places it on Giyuu's cheek. " Can I kiss you."
     Giyuu's face turned a bright shade of red comparable to Tanjiro's eyes, but instead of yelling he was stuttering out of control. So he just nodded his head and tilted his head down out of embarrassment. 
     Sanemi leaned down further, and cupped Giyuu's cheek lifting his face to stare in his eyes. He closes the distance pressing them together. in contrast to Giyuu's hands his lips where warm and had the opposite effect on Sanemi, they made him feel like he was floating. No, not floating, falling; falling into the ocean that is Giyuu Tomioka, falling in love.  They part after a moment, foreheads falling against each other. Sanemi looked down at Giyuu's face, his cheeks flushed and eyelids fluttering open to meeting the pale purple of Sanemi's eyes.
     Giyuu opens his mouth to speak "Shin-"
       " Call me Sanemi."
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
… that take about padme’s reaction to the massacre really makes me realize how much my own circumstances influence my reading of her, because to me “go super placating, start giving him what he wants in hopes that you can sway him with some doomed to failure tit-for-tat” is an extremely familiar reaction to the realization that the person you have to rely on is capable of extreme violence. like, not a *good* reaction, i guess, but a really familiar one.
Every reaction in a situation like that is a survival instinct. It doesn't matter if it's "good" or "bad." If it keeps you safe, that's all that matters. I would never judge a real person for how they react in a real-life scary situation.
There are a lot of ways to read Padme, and I think every reading has value to it. One thing that's frustrating about her is that it's so damn hard to figure out what is going on inside her head, particularly when it comes to Anakin. We're told she's madly in love with him, but what led her there? Why would she fall in love with a child killer in the first place??
Padme WAS trapped in a bad situation in that scene. She's being targeted by assassins, and the only person on the planet she can rely on to protect her is an awkward teenage boy who has repeatedly made inappropriate (and maybe even illegal, considering she's a senator and he's a jedi) advances towards her that she keeps having to turn down. I think a lot of women would assume she felt uncomfortable around him, given how unsettling or even frightening unwanted advances are irl. And then he comes back, obviously distraught, with his dead mom, then freaks out and starts screaming and crying about how he just killed a bunch of Tuskens, including women and children, and that he feels no remorse, only hatred.
I think a lot of people would do what Padme did in that situation: offer sympathy, soothe him, try to calm him down so he won't act violently anymore. But most people, upon hearing a guy confess to being a dangerous mass murderer, would also get away from him ASAP and report him to the authorities.
Padme doesn't do that.
Maybe that's understandable AT FIRST, because she needs to deal with all the shit going down on Geonosis. Maybe the kiss is even understandable, because she thinks they're about to die and she cares about him/thinks he's hot, so why not give in to the attraction and make out?
But it's everything after that makes me think Padme might have been into Anakin's violence. I don't think it's that she feels protected by him, because he's honestly a pretty incompetent bodyguard in this movie and she can defend herself just fine. I think she might have felt powerful knowing that she had a hot, dangerous Jedi wrapped around her finger. I think she liked that he broke his vows, both because she saw it as romantic and because she thought he did it all for her. (He did not, but she willfully ignored that, a pattern that would repeat right up until he choked her out. I really think she thought the "you're breaking my heart" line would stop him, because she assumed until the end that she held more sway over him than she actually did.)
Maybe she had a bit of "I can fix him" going on too, but we also have to keep in mind that Padme is a very ambitious person who likes having power, and Anakin is very attractive to those types of people, because he's strong and he's easily led. She's also no stranger to violence, and I think she might be a bit of an adrenaline junkie; a rich and powerful senator wouldn't put herself in peril that often unless a part of her enjoyed the excitement. And Anakin is the ultimate adrenaline rush; they're breaking all the rules together, he's powerful, and he's dangerous. But no one actually likes being around dangerous people unless you believe that they're not a danger to you, so I think Padme convinced herself that she was the one holding his leash.
It never would have worked if they had to spend an extended amount of time together, but the war prolonged the fantasy for her. He was the Hero With No Fear! Sure, he was violent, but he was using it for the good of the Republic! And she's the one he came home to, so there's no way he was a threat to her when he had other ways to slake his bloodthirst. Maybe she convinced herself that he was only ever that violent in defense of those he loves, and he loved her more than anyone else.
By RotS, she'd wrapped herself in layer after layer of self-delusion, ignoring every single one of Anakin's red flags so that he wouldn't shatter her romantic fantasy. She couldn't admit that she'd fucked up royally, because then she'd have to admit that what she did was wrong and her whole life (and probably her perception of herself as a good person) would fall down around her ears. And I think she probably downplayed the massacre because it was Tuskens, not humans, and the Naboo humans have a history of tension with the Gungans so she's already primed to see other species as less-than. Sure, she swallowed her pride and begged them for help, but there's gotta be a reason that was the last resort.
That's why she was unable to accept that Anakin had killed children, even though she's the only one who knows about his history of child murder. That's why she was willing to have children with a child murderer, and never once thought he would be a threat to them. After all, those Tuskens were Outer Rim nobodies hated by the humans on their planet; they didn't count. Those kids he killed weren't Core-world human kids like their babies would be. They weren't kids at all, to her. But she knew and cared about Ahsoka, so hearing that Anakin killed a bunch of Jedi children just a few years younger than her was too much for her to process, and she went into denial until Obi-Wan told her there was footage of him doing it. (She never saw the Tusken massacre; with her it was very much out of sight, out of mind. She might have even convinced herself he was exaggerating.)
I don't want to victim blame Padme for being in a bad relationship. However, I will blame her for letting mass murder slide. She should have never let Anakin get away with it, and as a legislator it is literally her job to prevent and punish shit like that.
Padme is fascinating, honestly. I want to study her under a microscope bc WHAT THE FUCK WAS SHE THINKING?? LUCAS I MUST KNOW
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rubberduckyrye · 2 years
You know, I've been thinking lately--about Chapter 4 of DRV3 and Kokichi's motives, and there is one interpretation that I don't see ever that also lines up with the canon evidence provided to us.
It stems off of the Mass Mercy Kill Theory though, sort of like a sister theory to it--and I personally don't know how to feel on it, because it assumes Kokichi's intelligent enough not to fall for the Mastermind's trap (something I find weakens his character, because I like characters who are more realistic that DR's typical Ultimate Analysts, they're just way too """smart""') but anyway
I once assumed that Kokichi's mass mercy kill plot and his later conclusion that the game is being watched were mutually exclusive--but actually, theres something to say about them NOT being mutually exclusive at all.
During chapter 5, when Kokichi kidnaps Kaito in the Death Road of Despair, he talks about how he was the Mastermind of the Cult responsible for bringing them all to hell. That this Cult believed that humanity should just fucking die in the pits of hell.
So what does this have to do with the sister theory to my typical Mass Mercy Kill theory? Well, it's this: Kokichi was always aware that they were being watched by an audience, and upon realizing that they had no home to return to, lost his mind and wanted to mass mercy kill them all.
It's quite possible that whatever he and Gonta saw weren't what we saw as the player. If the world was Fictional (Or VR,) The Masterminds responsible could have changed "The Secret of the Outside world" at any point before we saw it. It's possible that they were supposed to learn that they were "fictional characters" (or lied to about it) at this point but did a test run on Gonta and Kokichi, finding that it was too strong of a motive and it wouldn't make for anything entertaining, and changing it to be something else.
Because learning your a fictional character (or being gaslit into believing so) is so much worse than just the End of the world--because if you're fictional character, your world is already dead. It never was alive. Everything is a lie. Your fate is sealed and at the whims of a sadistic writer who thinks and acts for you. You have no power, no control, and are someone's play thing in a reality that doesn't even exist. To learn your world was not only gone, but that it was a lie, is mind breaking. Like there is a reason why its frowned upon to pull """pranks""" on people by implying their reality isn't real--shit's fucked up!
So, you can read Kokochi's mass mercy kill plot being fueled by this kind of madness. That mind breaking reality that his life was a lie, his friends were a lie, everything was just a lie. Plus you have the added bonus that people are like, just. Watching the V3 cast suffer. Not only is his life a fucking lie but people are getting a kick out of watching him and the others suffer? That would be despair inducing.
So he tries to mercy kill everyone--not just to save them from realizing there is no hope for them beyond these walls, even if there was an outside world to go back to, but to say fuck you to those who created them and enjoyed their suffering. You want to watch us in pain? Our very existence is nothing but your entertainment for the week? Fuck you.
We're not your playthings.
It ties in to Kokichi's fake cult, too. How they supposedly thought that humanity should die, the world should burn, ectect? Sounds like hes venting about his true revelation of them being fictional characters.
Anyway, that's just one other interpretation that popped up in my head :'D not one I ever see though, but then again I'm basically the only main analyst (or the first one) in the fandom that ever considered the Mass Mercy Kill plot thing.
Anyway time to sink back into my hole.
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Ultimate Cuteness Series - Ultra Despair Girls Edition (Part Four)
Sorry if this one's short
The next morning, you, Toko and Komaru ventured to Towa Tower.
The elevator required a card to activate, so you resorted to walking up the stairs. Before you could start, however, you had a sudden encounter with arguably one of the most interesting Monokumas you'd ever seen: the Ball Monokuma.
After taking out the Monokuma, you continued upstairs, only to find that the next set of stairs were blocked off. While looking for another way upstairs, you found a book about a spiritual detective and a dragon palace. Komaru then told a story about the time she saw her grade-school teacher's ghost by her bed, and how he quit the next day when he returned.
You personally found it fascinating, although Toko wasn't all that impressed.
You continued your journey and found another set of stairs and continued onwards from there.
As you continued walking, you heard the sounds of typing on a keyboard. You turned the corner and saw a man kneeling on the ground before a keyboard. This startled the three of you, and Toko ended up taking a terrible tumble down the stairs.
The man was actually quite friendly, and he said he was using the laptop to try and remove the wristband, like the kind you and Komaru were wearing.
Something about his appearance, the softness in his voice, and the way he acted reminded you of someone from Hope's Peak. But you couldn't put your finger on it.
Now joined by this friendly man, you made your way back down the stairs. He got to work on the elevator card reader, and you got surrounded by Junk Monokumas. After the short confrontation, he made it into the card reader, and you got the elevator going.
He then thanked the three of you, and started ranting about how hopeful he felt now, and that everything will be alright. Unfortunately, that didn't last long, as the elevator doors opened and a Beast Monokuma jumped out and mauled your new companion.
Toko used the stun gun and switched to Genocide Jack, and she made quick work of the Beast Monokumas. After that was over, you rushed to your dying companion's side. He apologized for making you continue by yourselves, and he revealed that he was separated from his family as well. He soon released his final breath, and just like that, he was gone.
Komaru noticed a handbook on him and opened it up, showing a photo of him and his child.
Ah, so that's why he seemed familiar. You remembered seeing them around Hope's Peak before, from the 78th class.
After seeing that, you collapsed to your knees in a fit of tears.
"He's dead! We just met him, and he's dead! We didn't even get to know his name! He should've survived and played with us longer! It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not FAIR!"
Komaru immediately rushed to comfort you while Toko experienced secondhand embarrassment from how pathetic you were being.
"Jeez, you're even worse than Omaru..." She remarked.
Komaru held you and rubbed your back soothingly while she did her best to cheer you up. All the while, you held your bunny plush in front of your face, completely blocking it from view.
Once you recovered, Komaru wiped away your tears and helped you up, and you continued onward.
The elevator started again, and as Toko started to talk about the Future Foundation, the elevator suddenly stopped.
You then noticed a set of doors and forced them open, and you walked right into an arena, similar to the one from the subway.
Except this time, the masked child from before was up on the platform. And next to him was a small frog plush.
You saw a gleam in his eyes as he gazed upon you, but it soon faded.
Toko commented that she was curious about "how horrible Jataro's face looked," but he once again insisted that her eyeballs would rot if he were to remove his mask.
He seemed to be genuinely panicking, and he let slip that he was forced to wear that mask every day, mentioning a "she" that you assumed to be his mother. It made you feel horrible for him.
As he continued his rant, Toko assumed that he, like the other kids, wanted revenge against the adults who made him suffer. But he insisted otherwise and said that they simply wanted to change the world. To your surprise, the Monokuma Kids booed him instead of cheering.
Komaru stepped forward and insisted that what he was doing was unforgiveable, no matter his reasons for doing it. That caused the Monokuma Kids to cheer.
Even they didn't like Jataro. That made you feel even worse for him.
But it made him... Happy?
He summoned a large controller, similar to the one Masaru had, and he slammed it on the ground and summoned a robot. He picked up the frog plush and threw it out on the battlefield, and it mutated into a large, plump frog with a long, blue tongue.
"Do your best... My wonderful Illusionist Frog."
He mentioned someone by the name of "Big Sis Junko," catching you and Toko's attention. You all knew the drill and got to work. You noticed that the frog's pale underbelly was shaped like a lily pad, so you figured that to be the weak spot. These two were stronger than Masaru's, but Komaru and Genocide Jack double-teamed the duo and managed to defeat the robot and the plushie.
Just like last time, the robot exploded, and the Monokuma Kids surrounded Jataro and prepared to punish him for losing the game. They all grabbed him and tore off his mask. Before you left with Toko and Komaru, you saw a glimpse of him. He was... Beautiful. He wasn't ugly at all.
Before they could drag him to his execution, the Illusionist Frog hopped in, grabbed him with his tongue, and threw him over the wall. The Monokuma Kids picked up the plushie and ripped it to shreds, similar to what happened with Masaru's Hero Hound.
Komaru and Toko noticed you were lingering, and came back to grab you and pull you with them as they left the arena.
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you should talk about your pokémon ocs sometime :0
ahh well there'd have to be enough demand for it, as with most things i talk about outside of the tags. i basically never make posts outside of ffp that aren't responses to asks—but i have responded to every ask i've gotten so far. as with every post i make that isn't ffp, i run the risk of someone out there saying "you're just the front-facing pokémon blog, i came here for that, stop talkin' so much" which is why i usually relegate my commentary to the tags unless i get an ask. sure, my oc stuff is something i'm proud of—i used to have an entire blog dedicated to it, though i deleted it after a while—but it's a pretty involved thing to talk about. there's a lot i have yet to say about myself that i could talk about, but if the demand isn't there, then i assume the general consensus is that folks are here for front-facing pokémon, and the occasional commentary in the tags
… though since you asked, i'll give a small summary rundown under the cut
what i've made is basically a homebrew ttrpg based off of the pmd series. there's a few games in the series, all with their own pmd-game-styled titles, and they're based around trying to replicate the feel and spirit of a pmd game as much as possible while still having a lot of the freedom that comes with a ttrpg as opposed to a video game. they're solo campaigns, obviously since i'm recreating pmd in ttrpg form, and they've had a few players so far—but only one has managed to get all the way through two of the campaigns
there's a lot of characters, and some of the worldbuilding is extrapolated straight from pmd. wigglytuff's guild, the expedition society, all that—i tried to structure the world in the same way while also expanding upon it based on the characters i placed in the world and more lore to give even the seasoned pmd fan things to learn about the world and what's happening in it
at one point, i did try to do a written adaptation of it online. it's since been deleted, because i entered college and sorta never had the time to update it, but i still work on the world and the characters to this day. by definition, since it's a ttrpg, it's collaborative in essence—there are baseline things that i can establish as "canon" of course, and there's an intended outcome and intended ways to play the game, but ultimately it's up to player interpretation exactly how everything is done. and that was my primary goal—to make sort of an undertale style world where it's less focused on dungeon-crawling combat like traditional dnd and more on good roleplay and character interactions + dialogue. it's just about living in the pmd world, after having been turned into a pokémon—and saving the world, too, of course
there's much, much more i could say about it, but i'll leave it at that, for now. such as the text-based nature using pmd talksprites to convey dialogue, the formatting and gameplay, the partial voice acting done by yours truly…
but if i talk about that too much then i risk talking about myself and the whole "i wish i could do voice work as a career but it doesn't seem viable so i'm stuck being a software developer" thing and we don't wanna see that
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erabundus · 1 year
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@resolutepath &&. said... "Is there something on my face, comrade?" There's a pleasant smile that rests upon lips as he addresses the other, though a caution in his words. Pushing himself from the lounge he's adopted to sit up more readily, Childe casts his gaze up and down, studious and assessing, before bracing his hands against the wall ready to stand. "If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to start thinking you're after a fight, which of course I'd be happy to oblige!"
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it's  an  unfortunate  thing  that  his  face  is  so  easily  readable.  it  warrants  careful  managing,  lest  it  reveal  more  of  the  wanderer's  true  INTENTIONS  than  he's  comfortable  sharing.  it's  precisely  for  that  reason  he's  developed  such  a  peculiar  fondness  for  large  hats.  most  are  quick  to  assume  they  act  as  a  shield  against  the  elements  —  from  the  rain,  or  the  sun's  unrelenting  rays.  in  truth,  it's  simply  a  convenient  excuse  to  conceal  his  expression  (  his  raw emotions  )  behind  a  literal  barrier.  denying  curious  onlookers  the  opportunity  to  learn  more  than  they  DESERVE.  however,  it's  still  an  imperfect  solution;  for  as  much  as  ren  might  try  to  hide,  the  shield  he  uses  still  comes  with  its  share  of  cracks.
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though it probably doesn't help when he sits there GLARING DAGGERS at someone, hat or no hat.
it's  as  if  he's  been  pulled  out  of  a  trance  when  childe  speaks;  the  wanderer  blinks,  then  leans  back  —  his  features  (  once  contorted  in  an  irritated little  scowl  )  smoothing  out  into  something  more  indifferent.  getting  lost  in  thought, now of all times ...  how  foolish  of  him.  but  he's  truly  left  at  a  loss  —  what  is  childe  doing  here?  sumeru  is  his  territory.  the  closest  thing  he's  had  to  a  genuine  HOME  in  centuries.  ren  can't  help  but  feel  protective  over  it,  like  a  territorial  street  cat  prowling  its  alleyway  of  choice  —  digging  merciless  claws  into  whatever  VERMIN  dare  attract  its  attention.  catching  any  fatui  loitering  about  fill  him  with  the  same  flavor  of  disgust  as  one  discovering  a  particularly  repulsive  insect  scuttling  around  their  house.  yet  they  are  ultimately  worthless.  (  less  than  pawns.  )  encountering  a  harbinger,  even  one  whom  he  previously  held  in  such  low  regard,  is  a  different  story  entirely. depending on his motives, this might actually be somewhat CONCERNING.
❝  ...  no.  ❞  he  finally  replies.  ❝  nothing  like  that.  ❞  agreeing  to  a  FIGHT  is  far  too  risky.  the  last  thing  ren  wants  is  to  attract  any  unwanted  attention  —  and  while  he  may  be  able  to  pull  his  punches  and  put  on  the  façade  of  someone  far  weaker  than  he  actually  is,  he  can't  hide  his  unnatural  durability.  (  nor  the  manner  in  which  he  heals  near-instantly  from  wounds.  )   ❝  you  just  looked  FAMILIAR ...  that's  all.  ❞
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maneaterwithtail · 18 hours
[QUOTE="Psyga315, post: 102141879, member: 341852"]
It's so ironic that you're bashing Fate for being woke but you're putting RWBY on a higher pedestal.
I'm just happy I'm just happy we stopped the suppression/gaslighting campaign that there is no wokeness/problem with how some issues are presented and the audience is being treated as a whole that doesn't necessarily make every objection to the idea or progressive cultural values good but I'm just happy that we finally stopped suppressing it it's like when you're actually talking about what the issue is about rather than really mouthing a rationalization that you have to constantly engaging because no other method is allowed
That said it's arguably be cuz with that sense of fear that has made some of the more attempting to be progressive series so terrible
Take RWBY arguably season 9 should be a reflection season but it should be one where the characters actually pick up their genuine mistakes look at them decide what they did wrong and what they're going to do right in the end
Even if those are mistakes we can't fault them for it's not a bad leader that reflects on failure quite the opposite even if that failure has no fault to it because they are dedicated to doing the right thing and improving themselves and the people that they are trying to lead
The same as The same as even though I know he's completely wrong I'm okay with the blow up at ruby by John or even ruby at her team because at this point she's at the end of her rope she doesn't know what to do and she doesn't understand why the hell she has to do it and she's reached this breaking point much further after everyone else long has
The problem is the artificiality in order to make all of this happen as well as try to give it weight rather than just organically have the characters talk reflect understand each other and grow
The only thing that's kind of sort of organic is John and his involved time travel
With the upcoming season of arcane I really appreciate the fact that we have what is arguably a very progressive story where the drive is between women at the very least we have sexuality and sexual orientation not assume to be traditional and straight
But it doesn't stop on a simple team Jersey ra ra. it's hard to say who the bad guy is in all of this and even if there is a very obvious evil from say a traditional easy to have straw man such as the rich elite you then have to sit down and go okay so how do they fix it and suddenly you're hit with the fact that it's not as easy as kill the rich elite
The one character that acts upon this direct and with no regard to anything else is banana nut crazy
Wait Wait the 2 characters. 1 is called out as immature and damaging the very things she's fighting for and the other is banana nut crazy.
the one who pretends to is an exploitive drug dealing hypocritical groomer Desperate for all the things he envies in others and ultimately only comes to realize what his true goal should have been for the beginning after he's destroyed itOut of the same supposed love that's been driving all of his exploitation.
This is because This is because it's genuinely being political and that politics is about the negotiation between 2 needed will and resources on people who disagree but need each other to come to some sort of outcome and the negatives of when that does not happen or how it is approached
Way to Way too often what we get is propaganda fiction where all you have to do is kill an exaggerated straw man of your opponents and out comes a happy ending.
And more importantly I love killing the idea of destroying the hissing at both sides there are 2 sides of this you need both sides to agree and if you can't do that or you can't engage on how to get 12 the other and what you are advocating for all that you might claim the otherwise is the suppression orAuthority do not have to do that which is a lot more evil than you realize
One of the things that's really scary about nazis last week they were your neighbor or best friend you speak the same language and now they hate you so much that they're willing to kill you for a bunch of stuff that you don't even really understand or thought were good things or just innocent things
But this But this all gets sidestepped for a sort of I found the family that basically gives me everything I want like a changeling fantasy Whose association makes me pure snow because now I'm a victim and that's not responsible for my part and all of the damage that was caused and now can just revel in attacking that which once had authority over me or I was a part of because I will replace those who had authority over me previously
There will be no negative problems to this or if they are they will easily negated let's move on to the love triangle
And that And that's what the Crim Della crim of the c***
It's why I It's why I hate politics and stories because it feels as if it's not actually engaging with the political process or thinking or a person but being a means a political action against the audience and charging them for it
That's just preaching. And the obligation to take part in a luxury product being driven by the same or taking the place of a religious institution or community membership is disgusting
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pmoinsights1293 · 2 years
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Overall, mission control software programs advantages organizations via means of monitoring the development of tasks, campaigns, sources, allocation, and responsibilities throughout an enterprise. With a mission control software program, mission managers and group leads can better apprehend how agencies and groups are pacing, and assist preserve groups at the identical page.
Mission control software program advantages
Alongside the current shift to far off and hybrid paintings, groups without mission control software programs have struggled to preserve tabs of all far off paintings and mission updates, as we are able to now no longer depend upon in-individual conferences to relay records. That’s why the mission control software program is more vital in 2022 (and beyond) than ever before, whether or not you’re simply beginning a commercial enterprise or searching out approaches to evolve your well-mounted enterprise.
Here are some key advantages of the use of mission control software program:
Enhances verbal exchange and builds teamwork throughout an enterprise
Allows management to have a macro-stage view of mission development
Helps groups preserve responsibilities in attitude and apprehend priorities
Assists in controlling fees and coping with budget
Helps with aid allocation and stops group-extensive burnout
Facilitates far off collaboration for groups which can be dispensed or comply with a hybrid paintings model
As we develop in our know-how of hybrid paintings, and the desires of groups everywhere in the global, equipment have grown and iterated to grow to be even higher and extra collaborative. Looking ahead to 2023, there may be even extra advances, capabilities, and equipment that groups make use of to beautify collaboration (assume far off networking, project batching, and extra).
75 Best Project Management Software Platforms
There are infinite mission control equipment and productiveness apps that will help you hone in on responsibilities and tasks like a seasoned one. To assist you're making experience of it all, we’ve rounded up the excellent mission control software program to get you and your group only a little bit towards overall productiveness paradise.
1. Hive
hive mission control software program
Hive is a complete, intuitive, all-in-one mission control software program – the most effective device you want to open withinside the morning to get your paintings performed. Hive is in contrast to different equipment available in the marketplace as it’s the sector’s first democratic productiveness platform. But what precisely does that mean? At Hive, new capabilities are continuously being advanced primarily based totally on consumer comments at the Hive Forum. You realize what you want in a device to paint higher and quicker, and Hive is devoted to developing a mission control software program that does simply that. It’s the most effective device available in the marketplace constructed for customers, via way of means of customers. 
The constructing blocks of Hive are motion cards, which exist internally for large tasks. Inside those motion cards, groups can add documents, offer comments with proofing and approvals, tag every different, and depart remarks with @mentions. Teams at all-famous person organizations like Comcast, Toyota, and Starbucks paintings in Hive – simply some other cause why it tops each listing of excellent mission control software programs. Learn extra approximately all of Hive’s capabilities here.
Try Hive button for blogIn addition to project control, time-monitoring and resourcing, Hive takes mission control to the following stage with:
Native chat and email
Collaborative note-taking device
1,000 integrations with pinnacle paintings equipment together with Zoom, Gmail, Slack, Dropbox, and extra
6 distinct bendy mission layouts, together with Gantt, Kanban, Calendar, Portfolio and Table, and Label view
Workflow automation capability with Hive Automate
Cost: Free 14-day trial with plans beginning at $12 consistent with consumer, consistent with month. Hive Solo is unfastened for all time for up to two customers.
In fashion, Baseline PMO software programs are beneficial for agencies with more than one task. The software program is capable of fast offering the record with records together with the fame of the mission and the kind of it. Moreover, it saves senior control time without getting extra in-intensity into the painting system. However, they could help the mission handler and get transferred with the approach if required.
Comfortable to view the precis of the mission
Handle the agenda and the price of the baseline
Analyze the mission step-by way of means of-step
Manage the enterprise’s scheduling necessities.
Keep song of mission cut-off dates and shipping dates with the Kanban Board
Figure out the dangers and manipulate them effectively
Making the record era device.
Established on time taken to complete the mini-desires, 
Indicate the achievement or failure of this mission.
3. Asana
Asana Project Management Software
Asana is a consumer-pleasant mission control device that may without problems manipulate small and large tasks, that is why it’s a part of our listing of excellent mission control softwares. The software program is designed around responsibilities and subtasks organized into distinct sections that may be assigned to both a character or groups. 
For every project, the mission supervisor and the relaxation of the group can talk and offer comments withinside the identical location, maintaining collaboration for every mission at an imperative, clean to get admission to location.
Cost: Free for primary, top rate for $13.forty nine consistent with consumer consistent with month, $30.forty nine consistent with consumer for the marketing strategy
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Asana options available in the marketplace.
4. Basecamp
Basecamp Project Management Software
Basecamp is a cloud-primarily based totally device with masses of capabilities for people, mission managers or maybe advertising and marketing groups that allows collaboration on responsibilities. Some of the capabilities consist of to-do lists for responsibilities, which may be assigned to distinct customers, and responsibilities that the machine will robotically comply with whilst the due date lapses. 
It additionally has a real-time organization chart function and a device that allows the consumer to view the development of the mission. As with the bulk of offerings in this listing, Basecamp also can be incorporated with different merchandise for reporting, analysis, and time monitoring, amongst different capabilities. Aside from its cloud-primarily based totally answer, Basecamp may be incorporated with iOS, Android, Mac, and PC.
Cost: Basecamp’s non-public bundle is unfastened for non-public use. Business plans begin at $ninety nine month-to-month for limitless customers and tasks.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Basecamp options available in the marketplace.
5. Nifty
Nifty Project Management Software
Nifty is a fantastic mission control software program in case you’re withinside the marketplace for an intuitive, clean-to-use device for character or group paintings. Within the app, you may modernize and centralize painting operations to assist decrease the inner equipment that your group has to juggle. Nifty helps you to manipulate complete tasks, campaigns and character responsibilities in perspectives like Kanban or Gantt, which may be prepared via means of milestones.
Cost: Pricing begins off evolved at $39 consistent with month for a group of 10.
6. Proofhub
Proofhub mission control
ProofHub we could collaborate, prepare and supply tasks throughout an enterprise. Users can assign particular responsibilities to people that can have a breakdown of cut-off dates and recur at a decided frequency. ProofHub has numerous perspectives together with Gantt, Kanban and calendar view, and is likewise an imperative location to keep documents associated with all your tasks.
This device additionally has chat, a proofing capability, timesheets and reporting to higher equip groups with all the equipment they want to collaborate.
Cost: ProofHub begins off evolved at $89 consistent with month billed yearly for as much as 100MB of garage (limitless tasks and customers).
7. Smartsheet
Smartsheet Project Management Software
Smartsheet is a mission control software program that is primarily based totally on a desk view, which appears just like an Excel spreadsheet. This device is cloud-primarily based totally, and additionally permits customers to replace among some different records visualization perspectives. Smartsheet additionally has paintings automation flows that assist you lessen guide responsibilities and automate ordinary movements, which enables take over a number of the extra mundane everyday paintings.
Cost: Contact income for pricing records on each employer and gold standard plans.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Smartsheet options available in the marketplace.
8. Wrike
Wrike Home
Wrike is an effective mission control device excellent for developing custom group workflows. From there, you may without problems set a timeline, create interactive charts like Gantt view, and without problems visualize responsibilities and subsequent steps. Wrike additionally permits you to research overall performance with their real-time record constructing function.
Cost: Wrike gives an unfastened pricing plan for limitless customers, with no time restrictions. To get admission to all of Wrike’s capabilities, paid expert plans begin at $nine.eighty consistent with consumers consistent with month.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Wrike options available in the marketplace.
Xebrio is a whole mission control environment in itself and is designed for small groups to huge enterprises. Managing distinct levels of the mission turns out clean with Xebrio because it has in-constructed capabilities like project control, milestone monitoring, necessities traceability, check control, malicious program monitoring, and launch control.
These incorporated capabilities lessen the dependency on third-celebration integrations or plugins and the whole mission lifecycle records remain below one roof. With Xebrio, groups can collaborate without problems, no matter location. Users can upload members, reviewers, and different stakeholders to their tasks to make sure not anything falls through the cracks whilst running collectively as a group.
Cost: Xebrio’s primary plan begins off evolving from $1 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
10. Jira
Jira Project Management Software
Jira is a malicious program-monitoring and agile mission control device that commenced as a software program usually utilized by engineering and far off committed improvement groups. It’s presently utilized by a number of groups everywhere in the global, however it’s an in particular beneficial device for a software program improvement company, because it has roots in issue/malicious program monitoring, agile and check case control spaces.
Some of the capabilities of Jira consist of customizable scrum forums, roadmaps to caricature out plans and character group movements, in addition to bendy Kanban forums that assist visually manipulate troubles.
Cost: Pricing for Jira begins off evolving at $10 consistent with consumers consistent with month.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Jira options available in the marketplace.
11. Monday.com
Monday.com Project Management Software
Monday is an easy mission control device that enables groups to visually prepare responsibilities and tasks. Projects are controlled through one imperative board, which serves as the hub for every mission and displays adjustments made on a project-via way of means-of-project basis. Boards also are customizable — you may upload new columns to look at records on hours spent, fame, and location.
This mission control software program additionally has perspectives together with workload view, in which you may see pending responsibilities via way of means of character, timeline, in which you may plan exercise sessions via means of due date, and charts, in which you may assess group efforts and outcomes.
Cost: Pricing begins off evolving at $39/month for the primary 5 customers billed yearly.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Monday options available in the marketplace.
12. Zoho
Zoho Project Management Software
Zoho is a web-primarily based totally CRM suite that is excellent used to manipulate leads, purchases and pipelines. Among the equipment on this CRM platform are computerized responsibilities like account control, lead monitoring, prospect monitoring and different income responsibilities. The Zoho additionally has a local chat room that may both be personal or public, and the cap potential to song the time spent on tasks.
The device additionally has capabilities outside of the mission control and advertising and marketing scope, together with HR and finance control. In addition, you may make use of a Zoho CRM Integration to attach the platform with different not unusual place paintings equipment which you already use. 
Cost: Zoho has primary plans that begin at $10 consistent with consumers consistent with month.
13. LiquidPlanner
LiquidPlanner Project Management Software
LiquidPlanner mission control software program is a fusion of conventional PM and time-monitoring. One of its maximum particular capabilities is that it updates and shifts due dates and tasks whilst sources consistent with mission change. This enables you manipulate expectancies round whilst a mission may be finished or whilst milestones may be hit primarily based totally on workload.
LiquidPlanner additionally has a fantastic resourcing function that truely suggests what number of to be had hours a worker has consistent with week, in addition to a useful budgeting function.
Cost: Starts at $39 consistent with consumer consistent with month, billed yearly.
14. ClickUp
ClickUp is a mission control software program with customizable perspectives, together with listing view, board view (just like Kanban view), container view (which breaks out character workload), and calendar view (types movements via way of means of due date). With ClickUp, customers can paint toward desires, which might be the customers “task manipulate center.” Other capabilities consist of a 2-manner calendar sync and time-monitoring integrations with Toggl.
Cost: ClickUp is unfastened as much as 100MB of records. After that, pricing begins off evolving at $five consistent with consumers consistent with month billed yearly.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle ClickUp options available in the marketplace.
15. Airtable 
Airtable is an excessive-powered spreadsheet wherein you may list responsibilities, tasks, and keep documents. Within the spreadsheet, you may connect a number of objects, together with pictures, hyperlinks to different responsibilities, and assignees. Airtable additionally has different perspectives other than the spreadsheet/desk view, which consist of calendar view, Kanban view, and gallery view. This device is one of the excellent mission control softwares in case you’re usually used to running in Excel or Google Sheets.
For mission control on-the-go, Airtable additionally has a fantastic cell app to be had on iOS and Android app stores.
Cost: There is an unfastened model of Airtable, and paid plans begin at $10 consistent with consumers consistent with month billed yearly.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Airtable options available in the marketplace.
16. Mavenlink
Mavenlink was constructed specially for the operational and economic facets of provider organizations. This mission control software program serves as the “Operational Service of Record” for provider organizations and connects entire agencies without problems. Whether you’re developing a marketing strategy or streamlining operations of a long-mounted enterprise, Mavenlink advantages organizations via ways of assisting them manipulate price range and live on song. 
Within the device, there are numerous distinct capabilities together with conventional mission control, aid control, and commercial enterprise accounting, which assist to unite more than one human being running on a particular mission.  Mavenlink’s resourcing and budgeting equipment are especially beneficial, as they assist ordinary economic visibility inside an enterprise.
Cost: Pricing begins off evolving at $19 consistent with month for a collection of 5 customers.
17. MeisterTask
MeisterTask is some other Kanban-primarily based total device (like Trello) that enables you to type tasks and responsibilities inside a bigger group. Compared to different mission control equipment available in the marketplace, MeisterTask’s services are a whole lot extra streamlined and tailored. 
This device additionally has pre-made workflows that allow you to make the maximum of the device. Alternatively, you may lay out your personal custom workflow for your group.
Cost: MeisterTask has an unfastened model, however the paid model begins off evolving at $eight.25 consistent with consumers consistent with month.
18. Float 
View of Float dashboard
Float is specially made for aid scheduling and multi-mission making plans throughout a group. This app is good in case you need a fashionable review of group workload and need to realize which responsibilities are taking up the maximum time. Agencies and different mission-primarily based totally agencies love Float as it permits them to sing throughout more than one customer and higher apprehend bandwidth.
Tools like Float additionally shield towards burnout and excessive group turnover due to the fact managers have a higher hold close of who's overworked and may take actionable subsequent steps to fight this.
Cost: Float fees $five consistent with scheduled individuals consistent with month, and is derived with a 30 day unfastened trial of the device.
19. Workfront
Workfront Project Management Software
Workfront is a noticeably customizable device that enables customers to manipulate their tasks, that is why it’s certainly considered one among our choices for an excellent mission control software program. Features consist of putting in place priorities for responsibilities, assigning them to particular group contributors, coping with a whole mission, and reviewing its development. Besides automating the entire workflow, this pinnacle mission control software program additionally offers a centralized platform for virtual collaboration and integration with numerous different offerings.
Workfront additionally grants effective device integrations to assist your group take their tech stack to the following stage.
Cost: Workfront has 4 pricing plans — you have to request a quote for every plan.
20. GanttPro
GanttPro mission control 
As the call suggests, GanttPro is one of the excellent mission control softwares primarily based totally on Gantt charts. With GanttPro, customers can plan tasks with interactive Gantt charts, break up tasks into responsibilities, milestones and subtasks, and set a particular timeline with sources allocated. GanttPro additionally permits customers to grade out group sources, availability, and estimate mission fees.
Cost: Pricing begins to evolve at $15 consistent with consumers consistent with month for one consumer.
21. Scoro
Scoro is a complicated mission control software program constructed to assist groups manipulate responsibilities and reporting. Tasks may be tracked and divided into subtasks, assigned to people, and feature cut-off dates and milestones attributed to them. Scoro is likewise fantastic in case you ship invoices — the device helps you to ship costs and payments without problems through the app itself. 
This device additionally consists of thorough reporting functionalities that will let you view mission frame reviews, unscheduled time, and tasks via way of means of accounts. 
Cost: Pricing begins off evolving at $26 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
22. Timely
well timed mission control
Timely is an automatic time-monitoring device that still helps you to song tasks, display budgets, and look at group overall performance multi functional software programs. With Timely, you may have to observe beyond fees, responsibilities and turnarounds to set aggressive prices and enhance destiny mission profitability and performance. Timely prioritizes privateness in its capability, giving every group member their personal personal paintings timeline with a view to manipulate what records are displayed publicly. And with automated time-monitoring and timesheet drafts, your group can consciousness much less on every day admin responsibilities — and extra at the paintings itself.
Cost: Starter plan is $eight consistent with consumer consistent with month, scaling as much as the limitless plan at $20 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
23. Proggio
Proggio Project Management Software 
Proggio is a collaborative answer for mission and portfolio control that has various capabilities together with excessive-stage portfolio monitoring, Kanban and listing perspectives, a cell app, and a strong Jira integration. The Jira integration enables groups to hook up with their coworkers withinside the improvement and software program area, which is fantastic for groups throughout many agencies. In Proggio, you may additionally type responsibilities via way of means of “My Tasks,” “Assigned via way of means of Me,” “By Projects,” and “My Team,” which enables type and clear out to-dos.
Cost: Proggio fees $19 consistent with consumer consistent with month for five-20 customers.
24. FunctionFox
Function Fox mission control software program
FunctionFox mission control software program is rooted in responsibilities, timesheets and budgeting functionalities that make it clean to view the entire scope of a mission through the app. FunctionFox caters specially to innovative professionals, and people who paint in a mission-primarily based totally area. The device additionally permits for distinct reporting and has a view known as CEO Desktop, which offers a graphical illustration of tasks along predicted hours they may take.
Cost: FunctionFox Classic begins off evolved at $five consistent with month consistent with consumer.
25. Timecamp
Timecamp mission control device
Timecamp is particular due to the fact there are masses of mission control softwares available in the marketplace, however the maximum of them don’t deliver your group an hours logging function. If you’re withinside the marketplace for time monitoring, Timecamp is a fantastic device because it gives automated time monitoring that works withinside the historical past and logs time for tasks seamlessly.
The device’s particular mission shape permits you to create or import as many tasks as you want, song time for them, after which examine the reviews to discern out how the group is acting.
Cost: Timecamp gives a unfastened plan for unmarried customers and paid plans that begin at $five.25
26. Workzone
View of Workzone mission control device 
Workzone is a customizable mission control software program that conveys all applicable records collectively for groups to collaborate at macro and micro levels. Within Workzone, you may get admission to matters like “Project Dashboard,” pictured above, which is a massive image view in which all tasks stand throughout an enterprise. You also can drill down into “To-Do Lists” which might be created for every character consumer and emailed to them.
This device additionally gives capabilities like templates, Gantt charts, dependencies, and request forms.
Cost: Enterprise fees $43/consumer consistent with month.
27. Paymo
Paymo is a device constructed to assist groups' paintings collectively and live on project. One of the primary promoting factors of Paymo, and what makes it one of the excellent mission control softwares, is that it helps you to manipulate responsibilities, create group schedules, and song painting time in a single cohesive platform. This device will usually be beneficial in case you’re doing mission-primarily based totally paintings, say at an organization or innovative enterprise, and need to song time spent throughout particular responsibilities and tasks.
Paymo additionally permits you to create invoices from the app, and has heaps of integrations with software programs like Google, Slack and Quickbooks.
Cost: Paymon's marketing strategy begins off evolving at $14.25 consistent with consumers consistent with month.
28. Chanty
Chanty Project Management Software
Chanty is a fantastic group collaboration and mission control software program that is clean-to-use and simple. Within Chanty, you may chat with teammates, prepare group hobbies in Teambook, proportion displays and documents, and produce all your maximum-cherished apps into Chanty itself. Additionally, Chanty has a darkish mode.
Cost: Chanty is unfastened for his or her primary model.
29. Forecast
Forecast Project Management
Forecast is a wise automation platform that enables groups to run missions from beginning to complete. They use AI to assist plan out mission length and scope, allocating sources and teammates to every mission with some clicks. Forecast additionally has a fantastic aid usage capability, that can assist groups apprehend in which people are over or underutilized throughout the group.
Cost: Forecast’s seasoned plan begins off evolving at $forty nine consistent with consumers consistent with month.
30. Teamwork Projects Teamwork Project Management Software
Teamwork is on our listing of excellent mission control softwares due to the fact it's miles a device constructed specially for PMOs. Teamwork enables project control, time monitoring, aid control and reporting, all of which might be vital for PMOs. Other capabilities on this app consist of templates, which you may observe on the mission stage, messaging and chat, which enables groups live linked, and Gantt view, which enables groups song development over time.
Cost: Teamwork’s top rate plan begins off evolved at $18 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
31. Celoxis
Celoxis Project Management Software
Celoxis is a mission control device constructed to assist groups run easy workflows and song sources. It’s blanketed in our listing of excellent mission control softwares as it enables groups with mission request monitoring, mission making plans, aid control, accounting, and portfolio control. This device additionally has a consumer portal for all people running with a consumer which you need to present partial admission to.
Cost: Celoxis begins off evolving at $25 consistent with consumers consistent with month billed month-to-month.
32. Kintone
Kintone Project Management Software
If you’re running on more than one task throughout a huge group, Kintone may be the mission control software program for you. In this app, customers can automate workflows, view the fame of in-development tasks, be notified with reminders whilst matters are due, and prioritize or clear out responsibilities. Kintone additionally has various apps and upload ons that you may pair with equipment like Box, Domo, Dropbox and Eventbrite.
Cost: Kintone’s expert subscription begins off evolved at $24 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
33. TeamGantt
TeamGantt Project Management Software
One of TeamGantt’s largest benefits is that it’s an clean-to-use product that is fantastic for beginners, or folks who won't have had enormous revel in with mission control software program withinside the beyond. As the call suggests, this device is Gantt-heavy, which offers groups a clean and simple way to manipulate tasks. With TeamGantt’s Gantt charts, you may plan, agenda and manipulate Gantt charts. Plus, the software program is unfastened.
Cost: TeamGantt’s primary plan is unfastened.
34. Hubspot
While HubSpot Task Management Software isn’t a mission control device consistent with-se, this CRM platform has mission and project control capabilities, which might be additionally to be had withinside the unfastened plan. If you’re a marketer or a shop clerk and you’re searching out an incorporated device, you then definately may keep in mind HubSpot CRM due to the unfastened advertising and marketing, income, lead monitoring, and of course, project control equipment which can be natively incorporated.
Once you need to set a project for a touch, sincerely select the company, touch or deal withinside the HubSpot CRM. Click “Create project” and upload your information and notes; set a due date; set an email reminder, project type, and project owner (all optional); after which click “Save Task.”
Cost: This is an unfastened capability withinside the Hubspot subscription. Hubspot Marketing Hub pricing plans start at $45/month.
35. Clarizen
Clarizen Project Management Software
As a mission and portfolio control answer, Clarizen is an employer-stage device that enables groups everywhere in the world to simplify paintings and attain their desires. A few matters that Clarizen can assist with consist of: sharing desires throughout an enterprise so human beings apprehend macro-stage decision-making, merging distinct painting patterns into one complete framework, and growing velocity with which teammates can talk.
Cost: Clarizen’s expert plan begins off evolving at $30 consistent with consumers consistent with month.
36. Ravetree
Ravetree Project Management Tool
Ravetree is your hub for storing all mission records, budgeting, documents, consumer records, and extra. With this device, you may manipulate tasks through agile and waterfall methods, in addition to create multi-stage approval flows for innovative assets, song instances and expenses, and use Ravetree’s incorporated CRM. With Ravetree, you may additionally deliver customers and get admission to on your mission development and campaigns with the consumer portal.
Cost: Ravetree’s pricing begins off evolving at $39 consistent with consumer consistent with month whilst billed month-to-month.
37. Quickbase
Quickbase Project Management Software
Quickbase is a customizable collaboration and mission control software program that permits groups to paint cohesively collectively, song time, and manipulate responsibilities seamlessly. Quickbase enables streamline ordinary procedures for groups of all sizes, riding insights and agility throughout the board. A few fantastic capabilities of Quickbase consist of low-code improvement, integration and workflow orchestration, and non-stop deployment.
Cost: Quickbase begins off evolving at $500/month for the gold standard choice.
38. Backlog
Backlog Project Management Software
Backlog is a mission control software program constructed for all forms of groups to assist them prepare and streamline paintings. In Backlog, you may prepare tasks via way of means of Gantt and Kanban view, create and assign responsibilities to teammates from everywhere withinside the global, and song troubles in a manner that’s clean for non-technical groups.
Cost: Backlog begins off evolving at $35 consistent with month for 30 customers and five tasks.
39. Robohead
Robohead Project Management Software
Robohead is a mission control platform constructed for innovative groups and corporations. This device permits you to manipulate innovative tasks from inception to finishing touch with a number of capabilities together with request forms, conditional good judgment, approvals, templates, bendy tasks perspectives, and extra.
Cost: Robohead pricing is to be had via way of means of request most effective.
40. Planview
Planview Project Management Software
Planview is a portfolio and mission control software program with 5 distinct offshoots together with Planview Enterprise One, Planview LeanKit, and Planview Projectplace. With their big selection of solutions, your group can discover the right health for strategic making plans, employer agile making plans, painting control, or agile software control.
Cost: Planview pricing is to be had in case you attain out to their group.
41. nTask
nTask Meeting Tool
nTask is a mission control software program that groups depend upon to get their paintings performed quicker. nTask is a main Gantt chart software program for groups of all sizes, whether or not it's a character or a collection of 50. With dependencies and milestones for project monitoring, nTask makes it clean to plot and oversee all tasks. They’ve additionally been given a few fantastic assembly capabilities, which consist of the cap potential to create an agenda, write out dialogue factors, sync ordinary conferences, and slot out comply-with-up movements.
Cost: nTask top rate begins off evolving at $2.ninety nine consistent with consumer consistent with month.
42. Notion
Notion Project Management Tools for Nonprofits
Notion is a fantastic all-in-one mission control software program that enables your group to collaborate, plan for the destiny, and live prepared withinside the present. Notion is divided up into 3 parts — the group Wiki, in which records may be saved and recorded; tasks and responsibilities, in which teammates can document character responsibilities or assign to teammates; notes and docs, in which groups can proportion assembly notes or applicable files.
Cost: Notion’s group bundle fees $eight consistent with consumer consistent with month.
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Notion options available in the marketplace.
43. Yodiz
Yodiz Project Management Software
Yodiz is a famous mission control software program amongst groups who actually need to lean into Agile and Scrum methodologies. With Yodiz, groups can song, plan, and garner clever insights in the course of their mission and marketing campaign lifecycle. A few of this device’s capabilities consist of group making plans, which enables you to get a concept of group capability and capability, shipping monitoring, in which groups set desires and song them with effective dashboards, and analytics, which permit groups to sing overall performance metrics.
Cost: Yodiz’ agile device begins off evolving at $five consistent with consumers consistent with month.
44. Todoist
todoist project control device
Todoist is a main to-do listing app and primary mission control software program that enables people create interactive to-do lists to manipulate tasks and responsibilities. Part of their task is to assist human beings unfastened up their intellectual area via means of getting all of their responsibilities down in a single location — with the introduced intellectual capability, people can assume larger and higher.
Cost: Todoist has an unfastened model in their software program.
45. Infinity
Infinity Project Management Software
Infinity is an effective mission control software program that permits groups to type and keep records of tasks and responsibilities in a streamlined manner. With heaps of particular mission perspectives, starting from desk to Gantt, Infinity has a completely unique view and answer for each group member. Additionally, with this mission control software program, you may shape records into hierarchies together with workflows, objects, and tabs.
Cost: Infinity begins off evolving at $nine consistent with consumers consistent with month.
46. MindGenius
MindGenius Project Management Software
MindGenius is a complete mission control software program that enables far off groups round the sector live linked and paintings collectively. This app has some distinct variations, together with MindGenius and MindGenius 20. The latter is their laptop app, which enables groups to pull collectively mind-maps and may display responsibilities in a number of perspectives together with Gantt, solutions, and slide view. MindGenius Online permits groups to collaborate collectively and assign every different responsibilities whilst running remotely.
Cost: MindGenius begins off evolving at $a hundred and sixty on your first 12 months subscription.
47. Citrix Podio
Citrix Podio Best Project Management Software
Podio is a fantastic mission control software program that enables groups to enhance and higher shape their workflows. In Podio, you may install content, conversations, and procedures to assist your enterprise and preserve groups at the identical page. A few different useful capabilities of this mission control software program consists of cap potential to convey freelancers and outside events into the app, excessive-stage admin capabilities, and cap potential to create custom shape and procedures.
Cost: Citrix Podio is unfastened for as much as five personnel after which begins off evolved at $7.eighty consistent with the consumer for his or her “primary” subscription.
48. Rindle
Rindle Project Management Software
Rindle is a fantastic system and mission control software program that groups can use to inspire groups to undertake the appropriate procedures and workflows. With Rindle, you may construct procedures in a no-code environment via means of developing “rules” for every step of the system. From there, you may set triggers and movements, which may be prepared into forums and assigned to teammates.
Cost: Rindle begins off evolving at $nine consistent with month for every consumer.
49. Accelo
Accelo Project Management Software
Accelo bills themselves as “mission control software program for worthwhile tasks.” With Accelo, customers cannot most effectively plan tasks and supply consumer paintings, however additionally song consequences and automate procedures. If you’re searching out extra conventional mission control, Accelo has drag-and-drop Gantt charts, or in case you’re searching out extra group-centered capabilities, they’ve been given group scheduling capabilities.
Cost: Accelo begins off evolved at $39 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
50. Process Street
Process Street Project Management Software
Process Street is a workflow and mission control software program that enables groups to manipulate ordinary checklists and procedures. With this mission control software program, groups can create a system template with responsibilities and movements, run more than one times of the checklist, and song development whilst taking part together along with your teammates. Users may even install conditional good judgment inside this mission control software program.
Cost: Basic bundle begins off evolved at $12.50 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
51. Project.co
Project.co Best Project Management Software 
Project.co is a super mission control software program for groups which can be consumer-facing. Each mission has a dashboard, which homes all the mission fame, remarks, group contributors, payments, and time tracked. In the dialogue section, you may have real-time conversations with inner or outside teammates about mission development.
Cost: $10 consistent with consumer consistent with month.
52. Procore
Best Project Management Software procore
Procore is a mission control software program constructed specially for construction. With Procore’s mission control software program, groups can talk extra seamlessly and feature one imperative supply for all mission records. The cell app additionally makes it clean for groups and people to talk from the field.
Cost: Procore begins off evolved at $375 consistent with month.
53. Freshservice
Project Management Software
Freshservice is a mission control software program constructed specially for IT groups to enhance performance and supply tasks on time. With Freshservice, groups have a unmarried unified platform in which they could collaborate and execute perfectly on all tasks and responsibilities. This mission control software program has a fantastic ordinary dashboard that enables you apprehend how tasks are monitoring, in addition to mission templates and time monitoring capabilities
Cost: Starts with a 21-day unfastened trial and additionally at $19 / agent consistent with month.
54. Quire
Quire is a fantastic mission control software program that enables groups to visualize and collaborate on their tasks from all angles. Within Quire, groups have Workspaces in which they could collaborate, in addition to character project lists that can assist members live up-to-date. Additionally, movements may be taken care of right into a Kanban board, which enables others withinside the enterprise to apprehend development.
Cost: Quire is presently unfastened.
55. Google Tasks
Google Tasks
We all realize and love Google as our favorite search engine or e-mail provider, however did you recognize that Google Tasks exists? This app helps you to create and prepare responsibilities, upload subtasks, view, edit and manipulate responsibilities, create responsibilities from emails, and a lot extra. This mission control software program might be excellent applicable for a person who desires easy mission control and already makes use of the Google suite.
Cost: Google Tasks is presently unfastened.
56. Indy
Indy is a consumer-pleasant platform for coping with your freelance tasks. Bring all of your workflows into one location with Indy’s equipment. Create proposals, contracts, and invoices in mins with automated equipment. Indy makes coping with tasks less complicated due to the fact you may use the Forms device to automate consumer data requests, the Time Tracking device to manipulate hourly billing, and the Tasks device to attach responsibilities to Projects and get paintings performed.
Cost: $five.ninety nine consistent with month
57. SmartTask
SmartTask is an all-in-one cloud-primarily based totally paintings control software program. SmartTask is easy, but effective enough to manipulate all your group’s commercial enterprise operations with capabilities together with mission control, project control, group collaboration, time-monitoring, CRM, custom analytics, and reporting capabilities. Like Hive, SmartTask gives more than one mission layouts, together with listing, Kanban forums, Calendar, and Timeline perspectives.
Cost: SmartTask sticks out amongst competition for its inexpensive pricing plan, which fees most effective $five/month consistent with consumers.
58. Flow
Flow mission control software program dashboard view on cell and laptop
Flow is a mission supervisor software program that allows you to do paintings quicker whilst making plans, placing priorities and monitoring tasks cross-group. The device works as a project and mission control platform. Flow gives distinct format perspectives, from easy checklists, calendar view to Kanban forums. The software program helps an effective clear out function that makes use of tags, making it less complicated to discover and notice the fame of tasks. Flow’s privateness manipulation function permits installation of public and personal tasks. With Gantt chart timelines, real-time notifications, notes and cap potential to touch upon responsibilities, Flow is an answer that enables groups of all sizes to talk effectively.
Cost: Flow Studio Plan begins off evolving at $fifty nine a month and helps up to ten human beings.
59. Plutio
Plutio dashboard
Pluto is an all-in-one commercial enterprise control app with fantastic mission control capabilities. It comes with equipment that streamline each solo or collaborative mission control, like time-monitoring, group chat, project remarks, and report collaboration.
Pluto is a fantastic answer for provider-associated industries because of its clean-to-use capabilities, together with invoicing and charge collection, consumer portals, a talk widget, proposals and contracts are all blanketed with Plutio tasks.
Cost: 7-Day Free Trial, Starts at $19/month.
60. DashClicks
Projects DashClicks dashboard
“Projects' ', a mission control software program via DashClicks, is advanced for corporations to paint smarter and quicker. The device permits advertising and marketing corporations to manipulate more than one task for every one of their customers, all inside an unmarried utility. Noteworthy capabilities of the software program additionally consists of the cap potential to automate the advent of recent tasks and the sending of onboarding files on your customers.
Cost: DashClicks gives an all time unfastened plan and 3 paid plans. Paid plans begin at $ninety seven USD consistent with month.
61. Toggl
Toggl Plan dashboard
Toggl is an easy mission making plans and collaboration device. Toggl drag-and-drop interface permits flexibility whilst developing a mission and customizing it to every group. The software program permits you to look at project statuses, set cut-off dates, upload subtasks, and outline project estimates. Plus, the tag function for responsibilities makes searching, filtering and classifying tasks and segments less complicated. 
Cost: Toggl is unfastened for solo customers. The top rate plan fees are $eight consistent with consumer/consistent with month and is derived with extra capabilities together with group making plans, ordinary responsibilities, and time monitoring.
62. Casual
Informal visible project control
If you've got by no means labored with visible mission control, Casual is probably a fantastic answer for you. The platform helps you to set up your responsibilities but you figure excellent. Differently from different mission and project control softwares, Casual doesn’t display responsibilities in conventional mission format perspectives. The platform gives pre-set templates that allow you to get started. Casual is designed for small and developing mission groups, non-mission managers and all people who manage comparable and repeatable tasks.
Some of the important capabilities of Casual consist of project dependencies and grouping, assigning responsibilities and placing cut-off dates, repeatable responsibilities and tasks, and milestone monitoring.
Cost: You can strive Casual free of charge for 14 days. Its non-public plan begins off evolving at $10 consistent with month for 2 customers and limitless tasks.
63. Filestage
Filestage dashboard
Filestage is a mission control software program that makes assessment and approvals less complicated. The platform automates comments on deliverables with a green real-time proofing system. Teammates and customers can without problems view, annotate and approve mission documents in real-time. Filestage helps you to proportion any report, audio, image, or video, immediately set due dates, and get hold of comments. The device automates workflow and assessment reminders and gives limitless record uploads and project control and integrations. 
Cost: You can strive Filestage free of charge. Its Advanced plan begins off evolving from 95 € consistent with month. Filestage is to be had in English, Dutch, French, and Spanish. 
64. Proteus
Proteus Project Management Software
Proteus is a piece control answer created for organizations running on noticeably complicated engineering tasks, together with withinside the power sector (oil, fueloline and renewables). The platform helps you to create and song commercial enterprise proposals, convert them into running tasks, manipulate human beings, sources and time. The mission control software program additionally has multi-consumer workflows and files, with an in depth dashboard and cap potential to generate metric reviews.
Cost: Proteus paid plan $35 consistent with month. You can request an unfastened demo here.
65. ProProfs Project
A whole mission control answer, ProProfs Project permits you to plot, manipulate, and supply more than one task simultaneously. You can outline simple project duties via ways of developing responsibilities, defining due dates, and allocating those responsibilities to people and groups. The device’s Gantt, Kanban, and List perspectives provide extended visibility into real-time development. Another super function of ProProfs is time monitoring. It enables benefit perception into which group contributors are engaged and which responsibilities take extra time to finish.
Cost: Starts at $2 consistent with consumers consistent with the month, billed yearly.
66. DocuSign
DocuSign is a main signature answer that enables organizations near offers fast and securely. With DocuSign, groups are capable of create, ship and signal agreements from nearly any device. Although now no longer a conventional mission control device, this platform is vital for plenty of groups to paint successfully and attain the important signatures wished to finish tasks.
DocuSign has an extensive style that makes use of and may be a fantastic device for HR departments, purchasing/procurement, income groups, and mission managers themselves. Furthermore, there are numerous templates and customizations to assist create the right agreements and get tasks performed on time.
Cost: Start an unfastened 30-day trial with AppExchange.
Is there some other mission control software program or device you adore that we didn’t point out here? We need to listen to you! Let us realize withinside the remarks below. And in case you’re trying to analyze extra approximate mission control, take a look at those unfastened and paid mission control courses. 
67. Zoho Projects
Zoho tasks is an in depth mission control software program with a smooth and simple interface. This software program covers the subsequent areas: the whole lot from Project Planning (breaking down tasks into possible units) and Gantt Charts (to visualize the development of responsibilities) to Reporting Tools, Collaboration Software (to ease touch among consultants, vendors, personnel and customers) and Document Management. It also can be incorporated with equipment together with Google Apps and DropBox. Here’s a closer examination of Zoho.
Pricing: Zoho gives an unfastened plan that consists of 1 mission and 10 MB garage, an specific plan (€25/month), top rate (€50/month) and employer (€eighty/month). These ultimate plans all rely on the quantity of tasks and garage area.
68. Adobe Workfront
Adobe Workfront is a consumer-pleasant mission control software program that gives customisable mission dashboards, real-time reporting and clean visibility of all ongoing responsibilities and operations. It additionally gives capability making plans and mission prioritization equipment in addition to notifies groups of labor in development. Workfront may be incorporated with different structures together with Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Drive and Microsoft Outlook.
Pricing: Pricing for all applications is most effective to be had upon request.
69. Hubstaff
Hubstaff is a fantastic device with computerized workflows, primarily based totally at the agile technique. With Hubstaff you may be conscious of your sprints via means of prioritizing responsibilities, computerized stand-ups and without problems proportion remarks and the fame of the mission together with your group contributors.
Pricing: Hubstaff gives an unfastened plan as much as five customers.
70. ProjectManager.com
Last, however definitely now no longer least is ProjectManager.com. This award-triumphing device has numerous great capabilities together with project control and time sheets, each of which may be up to date remotely. This mission control device additionally gives its customers Gantt charts, Project Planning capabilities and a real-time dashboard.
Pricing: Pricing begins off evolving at $35/month for an unmarried consumer. However, additionally they provide  group applications: $20 consistent with consumer/month for a group of 10 customers and $25 consistent with consumer/month for a group of 20 customers. Additionally, ProjectManager.com gives an employer bundle (pricing to be had upon request).
ActiveCollab is a mission control software program assisting your group live prepared whilst you outgrow e-mail.
Top capabilities:
Time monitoring and invoicing
Gantt-like timeline for making plans
Kanban cards
A shared group calendar for collaboration
What’s exciting about this device: Active Collab is in particular fantastic for collaboration, with capabilities like collaborative textual content modifying and @mentions for verbal exchange.
Pricing: From $6.25 member/month
Redmine is an open-supply mission control device, made noticeably bendy via means of its volunteer community.
Top capabilities:
Gantt charts and calendar for making plans
Newsfeed + report & record control
Features for making plans product roadmaps
Email notifications
Simple time monitoring
What’s unique about this device: Redmine is an open-supply device and has multi language help, which may grow to be handy.
Pricing: Free
73. Brightpod
Brightpod is a web-primarily based totally mission control & time monitoring software program for virtual advertising and marketing & innovative groups.
Top capabilities:
Projects with responsibilities, priorities, and milestones
Editorial calendar
Logging time below every project
Individual dashboards for group contributors
In-app verbal exchange and record-sharing
What’s unique approximately this device: When developing a mission, you may use preset Pod templates for a quicker set-up and custom designed Software..
Pricing: From $29/month for 10 customers
74. Weekdone
Weekdone is a weekly reporting and intention-placing device for small groups that allows managers and leaders to get a clean review of each short- and long-time period of development.
Top capabilities:
Weekly fame reporting
Quarterly Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
Graphical metrics dashboard
Private 1-on-1 comments
What’s unique about this device: When maximum mission equipment consciousness on both weekly fame reporting or long-time period intention-placing, Weekdone covers each. Employees can hyperlink their weekly responsibilities with quarterly objectives, so their paintings are centered at the proper desires.
Pricing: Free for small groups, from $forty nine/month for large groups
75. Trello
trello mission control software program
Trello is a fantastic choice for small groups or people searching to make use of an easy mission control device. The device is Kanban board-primarily based totally, that is a mission control technique commenced via way of means of a commercial engineer withinside the 40s. Cards are the fundamentals of Trello, which you may prepare into distinct levels at the board.
You also can color-code and fix pictures or documents to the cards, and invite group contributors to collaborate on a board with you for an extra interactive reveal. One foremost problem with Trello is that every board most effectively corresponds to 1 mission, so in case you need to create  larger tasks, you want to make  forums.
Cost: Free for primary, or $nine.ninety nine consistent with consumer for Business Class month-to-month
Comparison: Learn approximately the pinnacle Trello options available in the marketplace.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
The Rest Of Our Lives
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It had all finally came to an end, the world could finally try its best to heal from years upon years of death.
Speaking of healing, he had gone through the worst of it over the years. And finally, he has the rest of his life to heal.
But he can't do it alone...
(Spoiler Warning!!! This story contains spoilers for the end of the Attack on Titan manga!!!)
It had been three years since that fateful battle. So many lives had been lost that day, good and bad, friend and enemy. Even the majority of the human population, eighty percent to be specific, had been wiped out just for the slim chance of peace, and even then, it wasn't completely guaranteed. But for now, all was calm. That day, was the battle between titan and human, heaven and earth. The day the dreaded rumbling had began, and soon ended. It resulted in many deaths and plenty of injuries, the worst landed upon Levi Ackerman. Humanity's strongest soldier was nearly killed, but he wasn't given that title for nothing. He was still living today, though missing a few fingers, a working eye, and finally his permanently damaged leg. It wasn't too much of a problem, as there were no longer any titans to fight. Though, it was somewhat, shameful in his eyes. That after everything, a busted leg is what holds him down. He wasn't even elderly, and yet he needed constant help. He grateful for the help however, though he wished he didn't have to burden people with his problem so much.
But, it wasn't a burden or a problem to her.
She was there by his side for as long as he can remember. She fought by his side during expeditions, comforted him during his low points, and even risked her life over and over to keep him safe and alive. He can't say he's never done the same for her. Maybe it was her constant attention and care, that made him fall in love with her. At the time, it was horrible. He fell in love with someone he could so easily loose, but now in a world free of titans, he could love her as much as he wanted. And the same goes for her. They both confessed their love for each other shortly before the rumbling began, then he proposed to her after everything settled.
And so, here they were, in their own little cabin next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees. They both were outside today, rested on the bench that sat right before the lake. Hand in hand, her head leaning on his shoulder. Their gentle breaths in sync with one another. The calmness of the quiet air, aided to their ease. For once in their lives, they felt no need for worry or panic, or when the next attack from the titans would be. And they would never need for such worries again.
Her eyes slowly opened, she smiled as the first thing she saw, was her soon to be husband. Even with the scars, he was still as handsome as ever. Though, his eyes were distant and somewhat empty. Why? "Levi?" She spoke softly. "Are you ok?" Levi finally blinked, sighing softly he looked down at you. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sits up to meet his gaze. "You seem, a little distant. Are you tired?" Levi shakes his head before placing his hand on his scar. "Just thinking." He muttered. Was that what this was about? This would happen every now and then, Levi would just stare at himself in the mirror. Well, less himself and more at his blinded eye, the two long scars that covered it. It started from the top of his eye down to his lip. He considered himself lucky, that explosion Zeke Yeager caused could have just killed him all together. But it only costed him an eye and a few fingers.
Still she wondered, did he hate how he looked now? He never commented on it before, so she just assumed he didn't care. But the way his overall expression would falter anytime he saw it, or tried to lifted his hand, or even when he tried to stand. "Levi? You know I didn't think less of you because of those scars." She placed her hand on top of his damaged one. "Or your hand. Or your leg. I still love you. I always have and I always will. This doesn't change a thing." Y/n say softly, trying to reassure him. "I...I know that Y/n. But....it's not that...not this time." Levi looks up at the sky. It was a soft orange, signifying the end of the day. "Every time I wake up, I wonder when it will happen." Y/n blinks a few times, not really understanding. "When what will happen?" She asks. "When they will come back. The titans. Before, at any moment, we could die at the hands of those giant bastards." Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't felt the same at sometimes.
"But Levi, that was before. They're gone now. There are no more titans, we're safe." She explains to him.
"For how long?"
The panic in his voice was clear. Y/n took both of his hands and held them in her own. Her eyes full of sincerity as she spoke. "Levi, I know how you're feeling. But, you were there that day. We both were, the titans are gone. They died along with Eren." It still pained you to say it. Though in the end Eren was acting rash and out of hand, you still remembered him as the same young boy with hope in his heart that one day, the world would be a one without titans. It was a shame that he let it go to his head, and because of that, he was responsible for nearly exterminating all of humanity. Therefore, he had to face the consequences of his actions and pay the ultimate price. Poor kid...
"There are no trace of titans left. We're safe. You're safe. And you will never have to worry about stuff like that ever again." You bring his hands up and kiss them gently. Making sure he felt your love, even through his missing fingers. "And I won't ever leave your side. I'll always be here for you Levi. To care for you, to love you, for the rest of our lives."
A sudden wetness on your hands made you flinch. You look up to expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Levi, crying. He sniffles a few times before leaning closer to you, until his head rested on your shoulder. You smiles and rub his back in a soothing manor. Through his sobs, you could make out a feint "thank you" from Levi.
You meant every word. You will always be there for him. And he in return would always be there for you. You two will always have each other, for the rest of your lives.
Another year has come to pass, Levi and Y/n had finally married, and proud to call themselves Mr and Mrs Ackerman. And Mrs Ackerman was expecting and due to deliver soon. There were congratulations given all around. From Armin, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, even Falco and Gabi. Even Mikasa. It was a bit surprised that she came to visit. Mikasa had became distant ever since Eren died, she was the one that killed him after all. She had been by Eren side for many many years, and in the end, she was the one that put him to rest. It took quite a toll on her. But she was recovering, slowly but surely.
Y/n wished so desperately that Hanji and Erwin could have been here today. Though, she bet that Hanji would have been pretty sad without having anymore titans to experiment on. But deep down she knew, that they were still here, even if she couldn't see them. Levi knew it as well. They would both regularly visit their graves to pay respects and generally just talk about what's going on in their lives. Hanji would have been so thrilled to know that Levi and Y/n settled down to start a family. From the very beginning, Hanji had always hoped you two would get together. She even went as far as teasing her and Levi, which would normally result in a kick to the back from Levi. Not too hard though, he didn't want to break her spine. And Erwin, he would just be happy to see Levi happy with someone. And of course Levi's former squad would be happy that he was at peace with himself. They all would be so proud of him.
When it came time for Y/n to deliver, it was one of the most stressful and wonderful days of Levi's life. Fortunately, Y/n was just fine afterwards and gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl. She resembled Levi the most, with her black hair and her grey-blue eyes. She had some of Y/n's features as well, like her skin tone and her facial features.
"What should we name her?" Y/n spoke softly as she held her baby close. "We haven't came up with a name for her yet?" Levi mutters. They were spending more time preparing themselves for a new addition to their small family, that they hardly had time to think of one. Levi gently stroked his daughter's cheek, she gave a tiny smile in return before her face returned to a more sleepy one. It made Levi's heart race. This was his daughter, he made that! Well, really Y/n did, but it meant just as much to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think that he would have children. Then again, he never thought he would meet someone like Y/n either. Levi's stone expression dropped, a smile of his own made it onto his face.
"Levi, I've actually had one in mind for a while. But, I wasn't sure if...you would be ok with it." Y/n spoke hesitantly. Levi held her hand, such a small gesture, made sure she knew she didn't have to keep anything from him. "I know how close you were to Farlan and Isabell." Levi's breathing halted for a second. "More specifically, how much Isabell looked up to you. I know she saw you as a brother, but...what I'm trying to say is, what if we named her, Isabell?" Y/n looked down at her baby, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. It was true, Farlan and Isabell were like family to Levi, it was devastating the way they died. He wasn't there to help them, if he was, maybe they would be here today. He missed them dearly...
When Levi didn't respond, Y/n became worried. "I-I mean, we don't have to. I was just-"
"It's perfect." Levi cut her off. "Our little Isabell." He says with another warm smile. Y/n returned the smile before kissing her daughter's head. "Welcome to the world, Isabell." She whispers.
With this, Levi knew he was living for so much more. He had a woman who loved him with all her heart, despite how he looks now. And now, he had a child. Though this world was without titans, it doesn't mean there won't be another danger that was out there, just waiting to snatch his happiness away from him. But Levi wouldn't let it. Levi swore this very day, to protect his wife and daughter with everything he had. Despite injury, despite age, he would never let anything or anyone harm his family. Because for now on, it will be only them, together.
For the rest of their lives.
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(This was not stolen! This story was reposted from my Wattpad account!)
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Ultimate Ship Meme: Azulaang
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until I say so. I can see them being together after death as spirits.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Ooooh boy. Azula struggles to understand friendship. I think she'd fall in love fast and hard but take the longest to realize. Aang wouldn't let himself get attached at first because Azula is unapologetic and one of the things I like about Azulaang is how it would push Aang to deals with the nitty gritty gray, not in a The Fire Nation was right all along way but in how even Kyoshi and Roku's conflict resolution let to disagreements. I think it would take Aang longer to fall in but once they reach a semblance of common ground he'd be well aware he's falling in love and would enjoy the ride.
How was their first kiss? - Let's see my fanfics. In Blue it was awkward. In Weightless it was sweet. In Smut it was horny and hate filled. In canon I think their first kiss would be very passionate and then they snap back to reality and Aang would evade while Azula denies so they wouldn't talk about it but they'd for sure be thinking about the kiss.
Who proposed? - Technically Azula. As soon as Aang hears about a Fire Nation wedding, either his friends or he learns about Ozai and Ursa's wedding, his mind would be set on a wedding. He wouldn't say anything but he'd squirrel away relevant wedding information like he'd hear a song and go "I want that instrument to play at my wedding." But Azula would have her life planned out by other people and there'd be a set date where Ozai now Zuko are supposed to comb through suitor requests (it was probably Ursa's role. If she's there she'd talk to Azula directly instead of Lo and Li. I don't think Lo and Li are high enough rank to determine the suitor but I think it would be customary/expected for their input to be asked). Azula would tell Aang something along the lines of "I should be wed." and he'd agree and then Azula will spend an abnormally long time wondering if he married her because he liked her or because it's his duty until she asks him while he's discussing potential baby room colors pre wedding.
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka and Toph. Azula was going to pick Momo but he made a better flower girl. Yes she did this to annoy Zuko (and because Toph didnt want to wear the bridesmaid outfit) it's okay though Fire Lord Zuko was the guest of honor.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Katara, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee. Mai pretends she hates the outfit but she's secretly pleased.
Who did the most planning? - Aang did the most thinking but Azula did the most planning.
Who stressed the most? - Externally Aang. Internally Azula.
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
100% Azula's fault. Aang has no clue what Fire Nation weddings are supposed to be like.
Aang: Wow I can't believe all weddings in your Nation are this big.
Azula: They're not. It's because I'm Royalty and you're the Avatar.
Though I hc that Aang wants to get married in all the different Nations and Azula secretly wants to experience a small wedding so they get married 3 more times with one of them being a very small Air Nation wedding.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Hmmm I'm not sure. On one hand, Ozai redemption. On the other hand, Ozai death.
Who is on top? - Aang. Azula thinks she wants to be on top but she'd rather be pampered and Aang is more comfortable communicating and attending to needs. Aang has no strong preference either way and they do switch but this is their usual dynamic.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Azula but she denies it.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I think it's up to the reader's preference but I can see them being very private (Azula) and naturally talented (Aang) to the point where they assume every couple has sex daily. Hc that Aang and Suki talk about sex freely (ex: When I do __ should I __ or do girls prefer ___? I can never tell with Azula. Why do guys do ___ after ____ ? I've tried asking Sokka but he doesn't give me a straight answer.) Much to the fear of Sokka and Azula.
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
Again up to the reader. They both like learning new things and are prodigies so I think they'd end up reading about things to try in bed (Azula) and would try things out to see what they like (Aang) until they learn what they and each other generally like/dislike.
How long do they normally last? - 
Does the Avatar State remove your refractory period? >;3c
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - No. Aang likes overstimulating.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
Neither can dirty talk. Azula is rougher. Aang likes to take it slow. She sets the pace in the beginning but he decides when it ends.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Azula refuses to cuddle in public but in return they cuddle all night.
How many children will they have naturally? - hc them having twin boys at first with one firebender and one airbender because poetry. But Azula really wants a girl so they have a third child she is an airbender with Aang's charm and knack for getting in trouble and Azula's ruthlessness. Amon kidnaps her and instead of easily escaping (Aang's genes) she instead viciously mocks him the way only a preteen can (Azula's genes.) It's traumatic enough for Amon even before the parents show up. Then Aang wants another one and Azula wants another firebender so they do the do and surprise triplets! (maybe it has to do with ejaculatimg in the Avatar State lol) So 6 in total and lets say its 3 boys 3 girls with 3 airbenders 3 firebenders.
How many children will they adopt? - None. Azula is wary of motherhood and I know people like to hc Aang as adopting and while I can see him acting as a father figure to several kids I think he'd greatly prefer biological kids especially airbenders. It's a flaw that was barely touched upon and def not handled well in Legend of Korra.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Servants or Aang. After a kid or two Azula would be comfortable enough to change the diapers but it would still be mostly Aang.
Who is the stricter parent? - Depends on the kid. Aang is more lenient with airbenders and Azula with firebenders or girls. I can see Azula being strict with training & studies but not with sharing whereas Aang would have less rules but they'd be more heavily enforced (ex: no airgliding without supervision until you've mastered the safety course)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Azula. She's pretty lenient with the term dangerous esp. when it comes to firebending as long as basic safety measures are applied (ex: you can pracrice lightning as long as it's not pointed towards yourself aka dont be Zuzu) but Aang is of the mindset "How are you gonna learn airbending without dangerous stunts?" And after the first few incidents she started stepping in.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Azula but Aang cooks them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Appa
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Azula. When Aang attends the teachers shower him and his kids with compliments ("You're doing so well teaching your kids the values of the Air Nomads. It must be so hard being The Last Airbender"). They do the same with Azula but unlike Aang she sees through it and manages to get an accurate assessment of how their kids are doing.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Aang was more happy than sad. Azula cried before and after.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Aang. He is a notorious lawbreaker. Azula would bail the kids and she could do so quicker than Aang in a few cases because of her connections but she'd be mad so their kids would rather call Aang or break themselves out.
Who does the most cooking? - Tied. Aang at first but then Azula wants to learn and after Aang teaches her since she has less experience she finds more enjoyment in cooking.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - 
Technically Aang since he's a vegetarian. Azula hasn't tried as many foods and she's used to not making a fuss at the family dinner table to the point of which Aang notices.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both. Aang has a better eye for vegetables/fruits and Azula is better with prices (it's not about the cost it's about the value).
How often do they bake desserts? - Aang bakes them when he can/weekly. They're fruit based so if Azula doesn't want dessert he gives it to Momo or flings it at a target.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Gee I wonder. Aang eats salad Azula eats meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Aang but Azula tends to figures it out. Azula is more likely to plan a dinner but she wouldn't make it a surprise.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Aang but Azula is a close second. It would be a tie if it wasn't for the bathhouse.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Accidentally? Aang. On purpose? Azula.
Who cleans the room? - Servants or Aang.
Who is really against chores? - Azula hates cleaning up but she's neater.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Aang.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Aang.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Azula.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Aang.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Azula. In the Fire Nation Palace Aang has taken to chatting with Azula in the Royal Spa while he feeds her (and mostly himself) cherries.
Who takes the dog Appa out for a walk? - Aang
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Never. Once they like the room they like the room. If its an event they'll go to a different location for it or leave the Air Temple as is.
What are their goals for the relationship? -
To stay together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -
Aang slept for a hundred years so I'll give it to him.
Who plays the most pranks? - Tie. They've both pulled elaborate pranks as kids.
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