#and thats cool and I hope they develop an interesting story line for that
crushedsweets · 1 year
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Issy i wanna share my prompt with you i hope you dont mind 🤭🩷 I had a lightbulb moment reading a yandere neteyam fic. I have a more detailed version in my drafts but imma cut it short.
Neteyam has two wives; you and another woman. When she first came into the picture things were cool right. But you noticed Neteyam becoming more interested in her a couple months in.
Its like he's forgotten that your were his first; his first love, kiss, hickey, fuck. Everything. You and him still have sex, but thats what it is. Sex. It used to be love making, there used to passion. He used to whisper sweet things in your ear. Now when y'all have sex its like he's just doing it because he has to. Its like he dont care about your needs and wants, he doesn't care about your pleasure. Its become a task for him. It used to be something that you both enjoyed. Fuck man, no aftercare king no more either.
Of course along with that; he stopped visiting you during the day when you were working, no lasting kisses or big hugs. No checking on you or picking your favourite fruit or flower. Its like looking a stranger in the eye, if he'll even look your way. He has completely detached himself from you. And you, poor bebe, have almost become detached from reality. Its like the life got sucked out of you; you've lost weight, your hair is brittle there is no more flow to it, your smile does not reach your eyes. And her, the other woman is so full of life; she has meat on her hips and thighs, her skin is glowing, and her mane of hair is shiny and soft, her smile is as bright as the sun.
You want to speak to him, but he's not the same neteyam that you used to speak with underneath the stars, tucked away in eachothers arms. You're afraid you will sound as weak as you have to come to look. You're scared that he will actually say he doesn't love you anymore because honestly you don't think he does.
A plot like this requires a sad heartbreaking depressing ending. (Yes I've got a couple in my drafts) But fuck that. Either you find a new man or y'all get back together. Also Neteyam's traits for this prompt are not dark per say. I'm sorry im dragging this on but i need to say; he was always that shy young man, though confident he was never over the top. I guess you could say he grew too big for his own boots, he developed a sense of hmm ugly boldness, too sure of himself. He started to like the idea of having these woman waiting in line to suck his toes, you know what im saying? 🤣 But um yeah, guess he thought it made him more manly, to be such a desirable figure in these woman's eyes.
I have more but let me leave it at that 🥲 this is just like the outlines of a story and its already making me sad 🫡 help me.
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Anon pls my heart is hurting already 😭😭😭😭 I feel angry w neteyam rn. Bitch I’m going to leave that man rn and go to Ralak cus FUCK. If that other bitch is so good you can have her 💔 okay but are you going to finish this cus I need revenge
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mklegends-smokescreen · 11 months
Mortal Kombat: The Requiem Mirror; Chapter 5: Frienemy small talk
Later that night, Siris sneaks out of her room, to some place in town to a fast food place to meet up with Robin, now with a casual outfit. She sits on the opposite side of his table, and they begin their little chat.
Siris: You waited here for me, Robin?
Robin: Yeah, and, just call me Nico, thats my name.
Billie: Billie. So, you wanted to see me?
Nico (Robin): Yeah, thought it'd be a nice change of scenery. Plus, after all that intense action and fighting, I figured a burger and fries might be a good way to unwind.
Billie (Siris): (Smiles) I can't argue with that. It's been a while since I've had something other than camp rations.
Nico: Yeah, I can imagine. So, Billie, that's a cool name. I've gotta admit, you had me fooled with the whole "Siris" thing.
Billie: (Laughs) Well, you weren't the only one with a secret identity. But hey, it's nice to finally meet you without all the chaos around us.
Nico: Agreed. I've been curious about you ever since that tournament. I mean, we make a pretty good team in a fight, but I feel like there's more to you than meets the eye.
Billie: (Raises an eyebrow) Really? And what's that supposed to mean?
Nico: (Grinning) Oh, come on, Billie. You're a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But in a good way. I've got a feeling you've got some interesting stories to share.
Billie: (Chuckles) Maybe I do. But don't think I'm the only one with secrets. I mean, "Red Robin" isn't exactly a straightforward name either.
Nico: (Nods) Fair point. Well, maybe we can share some of those secrets over burgers and fries.
Billie: Sounds like a plan. So, Nico, tell me more about yourself. What's your story?
And so, over fast food, Nico (Robin) and Billie (Siris) begin to exchange stories, getting to know each other better outside the chaos of their battles. Their friendship grows as they share their pasts, dreams, and hopes for the future.
Nico: Huh, I... don't know what else to say other than "damn, my squads boss took your hand after *you* broke into the Special Forces base?" 'Cause, even though its your fault, that is some messed up stuff.
Billie: (Nods) Yeah, I can't deny that it's a pretty crazy story. I mean, you're not exactly your average teenage vigilante either. But hey, life's full of unexpected twists, right?
Nico: (Smirks) That's true. I guess it's all part of the fun when you're involved in this whole world of martial arts, superpowers, and secret organizations.
Billie: (Laughs) Fun, huh? Yeah, I suppose it is in its own way. So, what's next for you, Nico? Got any plans?
Nico: Well, I'm still sorting things out. Maybe more hero work, but definitely some more time to relax. And I'm curious, Billie, what's on your agenda now?
Billie: (Pauses) I've got some things to take care of, but I think it's time for me to embrace my Black Dragon heritage in my own way. I'll do my best to honor what my parents and our clan stand for. And who knows, maybe I'll find some balance in all of this.
Nico: (Smiles) Balance is important, especially in our line of work. Just remember, you've got allies who've got your back. If you ever need help or just someone to chat with, I'm here.
Billie: Thanks, Nico. I appreciate that. And the feeling is mutual. We make a pretty good team in a fight, and I think we can be great friends too.
Nico: (Nods) Agreed. Here's to the future, Billie, and whatever adventures it may bring.
And so, Nico (Robin) and Billie (Siris) share their thoughts and plans for the future, forging a bond that goes beyond their past battles and secrets. Nico and Billie walk out and go their sepperate ways. While exchanging very mild insults on the way.
Nico: You want a rematch some other time?
Billie: Of course, fight ya later, ya Special Forces dog!
Nico: You too, you Black Draggin' scum. Whoops, tautology!
Nico and Billie part ways, their banter a testament to the unique friendship that has developed between them. As they go their separate paths, it's clear that their next encounter, whether in battle or a friendly spar, will be filled with the same spirit of competition and camaraderie. Billie sneaks back into her room, closing the window.
Billie: *Phew*,  I think no one noticed that I was gone.
Skarlet, standing at the door: Guess again.
Skarlet's sudden appearance takes Billie by surprise, and her heart skips a beat as she realizes she's been caught.
Skarlet: Sneaking out for a rendezvous, are we?
Billie: Mom, it's not what it looks like!
Skarlet: Spare me the excuses, young lady. We'll talk about this in the morning. For now, get some rest.
Billie reluctantly nods and climbs into bed, knowing that a discussion with her mother is inevitable.
Skarlet: And no more sneaking out, understood?
Billie: Understood, Mom.
With that, Skarlet kisses her daughters forehead and closes the door, leaving Billie to reflect on her eventful night and the conversation that awaits her in the morning.
meanwhile, a similar thing happens when Nico sneaks back into the Special Forces Headquarters. As Nico sneaks back into the Special Forces Headquarters, he knows he has to be careful not to get caught. However, luck is not on his side, and he's met with an unexpected encounter.
Sonya Blade, who is waiting in the hallway, arms crossed and a stern expression on her face, steps forward as she spots Nico.
Sonya: And where have you been, Robin?
Nico: Uh, just... out for some fresh air, General.
Sonya: Fresh air in the middle of the night, and without notifying anyone? I don't think so. You're going to have some explaining to do in the morning.
Nico: General Blade, I can explain...
Sonya: Save it for the debriefing. Get some rest, and we'll discuss this tomorrow.
Nico nods reluctantly, knowing that he'll have to face the consequences of his late-night snack with Billie. With that, he heads to his quarters, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending conversation. Nico and Billie carefully craft their excuses to hide the true nature of their late-night activities.
Nico explains to Commander Sonya Blade that he had been working on a secret mission for the Special Forces, involving undercover operations. He claims that he needed to meet a confidential informant who had information about a potential threat to Earthrealm. Sonya listens intently, her stern expression showing hints of understanding.
Billie, on the other hand, tells her mother, Skarlet, that she had trouble sleeping and decided to go for a late-night walk to clear her mind. She mentions that she went to a nearby fast food place and had a quiet meal by herself. Skarlet, although somewhat suspicious, decides not to press the matter further. Skarlet, realized that this was far from the truth, later checked on her daughter to see what she was really doing that night. Skarlet couldn't shake off her lingering suspicion about her daughter, Billie, and decided to investigate further. Late at night, when she believed Billie was fast asleep, Skarlet silently entered her daughter's room. As she looked around, she noticed an open window that had been left slightly ajar. It was clear that Billie had indeed left the room during the night. Skarlet grew increasingly concerned and puzzled by this discovery. Next, she checked Billie's personal belongings and found a piece of paper with a note written on it. The note mentioned a secret meeting at a fast food place and included the name "Nico." Skarlet's curiosity deepened, and she began to connect the dots. Quietly, Skarlet left Billie's room and decided to confront her daughter in the morning. She needed to get to the bottom of the situation and ensure Billie's safety. However, she also wanted to give her daughter a chance to explain herself and reveal any potential dangers she might be facing. The following morning, Skarlet sat down with Billie, her expression stern yet concerned.
Skarlet: Billie, I noticed something unusual last night. Can you explain where you really went and why you've been involved with this 'Nico' person?
Billie hesitated for a moment before deciding to be honest with her mother. She knew that keeping secrets would only lead to more problems, and she trusted her mother enough to share the truth.
Billie: I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to keep anything from you. Last night, I met up with Nico, who's actually a guy from the Special Forces. We just talked, and it wasn't anything dangerous. You see, I've been feeling a bit conflicted, especially with everything that's been happening lately.
Skarlet raised an eyebrow, still listening intently.
Billie: I wanted to get to know him better, to understand the other side, I guess. But it wasn't about betraying the Black Dragon. I would never do that. I just thought it might help me see things from different perspectives.
Skarlet nodded, understanding her daughter's curiosity and the need to explore her own identity.
Skarlet: I appreciate your honesty, Billie. It's important that you communicate with me. I can't protect you if I don't know what's going on. Just promise me you'll be careful and not put yourself in any dangerous situations.
Billie: I promise, Mom. I won't do anything that could jeopardize our family or the Black Dragon.
Skarlet: "Good. We'll always be there for you, but we also need to ensure your safety. Remember that you don't have to explore everything on your own. You have us to guide you."
Billie smiled, relieved to have shared her thoughts with her mother, and they both knew that their bond was stronger than ever.
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larnax · 1 year
o also now that ive finished my main party's stories here are my initial review <- not very structured and possibly wrong
ochette: her character and story play into a lot of indigenous stereotypes and her being the darkest-skinned character does not help that. i really like her design and gameplay and even a lot of her story/character but its just impossible to look past that because its most of it.
particio: unfortunately as someone from Cowboy Country i have a worm in my brain that makes me like him a lot. his story is paint by numbers "The Wrong Capitalists Are In Charge" which gets pretty irritating, however i still had a lot of fun with it and his character and also the final boss fight is my second favorite so far because holy shit you have to fight a train and it has the same battle mechanic as the final boss of ot1 that is so funny
throné: her character is really undercut by her being the Designated Sexy One which is just frustrating because unlike primrose i really like her and i want her to be allowed to be interesting. she's good most of the time and the story is pretty close to being good but she's not really allowed to develop as a character at all and a lot of it feels like she's just being led around by the story so she can stand there while people exposit at her about her family background which she and i am annoyed by everyone demanding she take seriously and then a boss fight happens. also her character design is the worst of all the protagonists which is stupid because the thief outfit is not difficult to make cute which i know because they did it in 1. you could say her not having much of a character outside of not wanting to be an assassin is because her trauma and situation prevents her from being allowed to develop a life outside of her desire for freedom and the theme of her story is that you can never really "escape" therefore is not bad characterization but thats a boring answer which makes for a climax that feels weak on accident instead of being bittersweet on purpose and especially since ot2 has characters interacting with each other i want the more fleshed out version of when a couple of the ot1 characters talk with therion about what his life could have been like if he had been in their profession instead where you get a glimpse of what his life could have been and might eventually be(where's the crossed paths where casttia recognizes that as an assassin she knows a lot about anatomy and offers to train her as an apothecary and theres a line about her finally getting used to the scent of blood when she's treating someone's wound and that family connection thing was elaborated on by giving her a mentor figure who actually cares about her. where's the crossed paths where ochette teaches her how to hunt for food and forage for raspberries and throné gets to experience being a part of the natural circle of life instead of feeling like she's only ever allowed to destroy things. wheres the crossed paths where particio and she finally go on that shopping trip and she gets a fun new outfit). idk this is the one im least sure about but at the end of her story i just ended up feeling disappointed
casttia: oooouug. i need to print out a picture of her and eat it. easily the strongest story and the one that uses the game's mechanics in by far the most interesting way(the first time she inquires about an important memory both actually jumpscared me and made me realize that this game might be Good good). i love her she is so cool. while i saw very few of the twists coming all of them made sense in hindsight and were satisfying. also i love her final boss fight so fucking much it is the best the second i was introduced to the rain i was like "fuck i hope this is the same mechanic as the ogre eagle rainbow toxin in alfyn's chap4" AND IT WAS and also the final scene where she realizes what the recipe is for the cure... ouuuugh. [high compliment] her story feels like the people who wrote alfyn had 5 years to develop and more deeply explore the ideas they had for his story and found ways to use the game mechanics to portray it much more interestingly. i dont have that much to say here because it's just good i just like it.
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atbgauge · 3 months
writing this on my phone and so naturally i'm gonna ramble hope its coherent... anyways thoughts on wuwa yaaay
there are story spoilers for 1.0 so do not bother reading if you have not completed it yet
i wonder what the hell they were even thinking in regards to releasing wuwa the way it did this year. i remember when rumors about the may release date were coming around and i didnt believe them because i felt like that'd be too soon, and that they'd probably release june earliest but around september latest but look where we are now HRRKFJFKF
i knew to keep my expectations low especially after participating in the beta and idk i dont think they'd rewrite and then have to reprogram & rescript and reanimate according to the new writing. i am very disappointed they went with the mass appeal route rather than giving us uhmmm something good and new. i know someone out there is gonna say "well its a mobile gacha game" but idgaf thats not really an excuse to me and i still think you can make something worthwhile and still deliver an interesting message
i dont think i'm ever gonna get the same creativity that f7d had but it'd be nice if these gacha game developers tried like... also like even pgr was more creative and this kinda isnt the post for it but i liked the beginning chapters idgaf. anyways idk i just wish they kept the original gloomy atmosphere as they teased wuwa and maybe get rid of rover or like. idk just dont make them self inserts for us and just make them actual characters or something. i'd rather see yangyang as the main character like we see how capable and knowledgeable she is and then she gets thrown to the side. oh well idk because of its format and its shift towards mass appeal and following the trends of today... we got this kind of game instead
genuinely there are some really cool moments in terms of animation, environment/set design, technology, 3d modeling but idk it kinda ends up being a mess for me because of the really poorly written story
acts 1-4 are idgaf central except 3/4 i guess because thats when scar appears or whatever and then we confront him and then we get that grand reveal that we'll be facing jue soon. scar..... idk i think he is definitely interesting and the fractsidus thing is cool too but we only really get to know them on a surface level and how they want us to join their side to cause the end of the world basically and they want to be in control and they want to worship whatever lifeforms that come from bringing the lament but idk just seems. not that all interesting
5...... is our introduction to black shores with a brief fan service moment which was kinda weird as fuck and then the second half is the experiments the savantes were creating for the tacet rain (whatever the fuck thats called) and i kinda didnt care for it too much because it just reminded me of earlier acts and its just more background on the lore and the 3 million terms it throws at you
6........ okay i actually sorta kinda liked this one because we kinda just got right into it but it still felt off to me. the game does literally tell you that an outbreak is gonna happen but it kinda just happens too quickly for me? i guess we got that brief moment with aalto looking outside and the retroact rain was forming and then cut to jiyan and getting more lore on him and the history of huanglong (which is a nice set up for his character quest later) and then it jumps back to us helping out in jinzhou's defense lines and everybody is there so it Feels like we're all contributing to fighting off the tacet discords
and the. there's the one part where we create a battle plan basically and that just felt so unnecessary like. what is the point of making rover do that just let it be an animated scene where they all discuss this together?? also jiyan YOURE THE GENERAL so YOU can do that yourself and those irrelevant npcs like that was a waste of time and if you select the wrong choice anyways rover talks it out in his head why thats the wrong thing and expects you to choose the correct one so its all very stupid
i mention this to say.... there are some very unnecessary cuts like this throughout all acts. like the heron fight before getting into dreamless' domain has a fade to black just for jiyan to say a singular line like "ok lets move foward" basically then fade to black and then back to gameplay like... why could that not have been a simple voice over line like in other quests. and again for that battle plan thing was just very unnecessary just animate that shit out or whatever. the cutscenes in this game are actually surprisingly very nice and they cut into gameplay pretty well sometimes so i dont understand why they just... didnt do more of that. i dont know why theyre not considering the execution of these things and the intention as well
idk hopefully they do more creative things, they've done that with pgr and i know pgr was made with unity and wuwa is unreal but idk like... we couldnt have finetuned things more??? we cant take more time to create some cool set pieces for this game and have cool animated events and cool programming/scripting???
i also hope kuro addresses optimization and localization issues too. i am amazed they still managed to screw up this games launch in the same way they messed up pgr's launches in all its servers its kinda amazing really
anyways stopping here because its late and this is getting long heres to hoping 1.1 is good and thanks if you read this far HRFGJHDJF
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arlecchno · 1 year
laughs in currently on summer break ,,,,,,
speaking of that tho , ive been busying myself by playing video games so much LMAO me and my silly visual novel names ( because im too lazy to play anything that needs me to put actual effort into it hahahhahahaha - )
SO THE STORY RIGHT - its a think me and my friend have been workin on since like the end of 2021 n its like set in a royal fantasy like au , fantasy monsters are something that havent been brought up in the discussion but we have cool magic stuff LOL . the most stuff thats defined is the very basic plot idea , the MCs r named Ashe Najimek ( prince , any pronouns ) , Rin Vasilios ( princess , she/her ) , and Kiole Soubaki ( king , he/him ) . dont question ANY of these last names because najimeks is just a keyboard smash and the rest were chosen by my friend they have no significant whatsoever LOL . aaaanyways , rin and ashe are basically from this mainland where all the kingdoms are secretly feuding with eachother but in order to maintain peace for the citizens they wont start an actual war . basically its every kingdom for themselves except for their silly trading systems . ashe and rins kingdoms are like at eachothers throats now since ashe and rin were born with the most magical power their lands have ever seen and its that trope where “child gets born into power and parents use them for own benefit causing child to rebel” yada yada but WUH OH WHATS THAT IS THAT 🫢🫢😨😱 GASP ANGST ?!?????!???? yeah lets go were tormenting our characters today baby ‼️‼️ the full book will go into the struggles of rin and ashe and how they end up as a result of how they take their circumstances . and how they become friends bc of those circumstances . lovely friendship . oh and theres two others that are their guards . Sio and Erza Eztli . theyre twins n stuff . THEY WILL GET DEVELOPMENT TOO WE JUST SHANT SPEAK OF IT NOW . im planning to make them long lost siblings tho lmao ! omg ive gone on such a long rant and i still havent talked about kiole . anyways so kiole is the token mentor character which i will not go into detail because SPOILERS MAYBE . he rules the edgy edgy kingdom of DEATH AND DARKNESS and all the other kingdoms have kinda outcasted his so nobody knows the fucker outside of whispers from the shadowed souls themselves MUAHAHAHAH - ahem anyways .
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HERE ARE OUR MCSSS i love them awaaaaaaa
i also JUST read chapter 5 recently and like …
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( for context my friends name / nickname is roof )
RAHHHHH HELLO TO YOUUUU!!!! hope you're enjoying your summer break 🫂
AND YOUR STORY TOO!!!!!!! that sounds so interesting already and ROYAL FANTASY AU⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ SIGN ME TF UP BRO I LIVEEE FOR FANTASY AUS bro you got me hooked with the storyline and characters already and it's still in the works 🤞🤞 their last names are soooo creative too like even if they're a keyboard smash or whatever,,,, still so intriguing like yes sign me up AGAIN!!!! wish my keyboard makes up random and cool last names lmao
THE MCS...... please let me touch their hair i swear they've GOT to have the most silkiest hair in their kingdoms like excuse me let me bow down to them and ask them for tips and tricks 😞🙏
thank you hehe school is.... yeah whatever school's been the same for me but i thrive to live up to the day asphodelus finally ends LOL i need to get that series done before i'm even more burnt out
LMAO YOUR FRIEND'S NICKNAME BEING ROOF IS GOLD 😭 fun fact i was literally like brain dead trying to figure out some bad humour to insert in those lines but somehow ended up with that... (may or may not be a bit of a self insert because i totally don't stare at my own ceiling and wished i was the ceiling instead hahaha definitely haven't.... ever.....)
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I have been having fun all in all with the series, it has given me more of Anakin/Vader which is really all I want of Star Wars. And this episode was amazing in that regard, it gave us more of the fact that Anakin is Vader, Vader is Anakin. How the flashback cuts to Vader, its Vader remembering Anakin waiting for Obi Wan to do a training duel, those are Vaders memories. The guy ruminating about all of Anakins memories, as Vader. I loved that!
Also they are giving us true Eldritch Abomination Anakin, Vader, just bringing down the ship and ripping it apart. Yes! That is the cosmic horror, the nightmare of the galaxy, an actual offspring of the force. I was sooooooo afraid, because before watching I saw some spoilers, and my One (1) fear is a watered down Vader, the fun of this guy is that he is the worst with god like powers, just rampaging and doing evil with forces nobody comprehends, while staying enslaved, to the guy who is evil incarnate, through the power of apathy, guilt and self loathing. So I was cheering him on! Look at my rampaging guy go! Allow him to go batshit crazy!
And the duel, him just playing with his food! No effort on his part, just perfection! But here is where my griping starts: whyyyyyy didn’t he kill Reva?….besides her having now plot armor….just snap her neck, cut off her head, anything, he is normally so efficient in disposing of people. The falshy burning and then letting escape stick is reserved for his special obsession of obi wan. But if this would have been XY employee of him he would have killed her. I know he is trapped inside a mobile torture device and is just apathy in person, full of rage, pain, guilt and self loathing, but if he excels at ONE thing it’s freaking MURDER. So letting her live makes so no sense….
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And not only him, but the Grand Inquisitor, who is alive, because why not, will it be explained how he survived a lightsaber through his thorax? He also just taunts….and lets her alive…and its just the absurd trope of ‘evil guys are dumb’ that just….meh.
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hey lets talk about chapter 3 of cookie run odyssey
bc theres some things i need people to realize
spoilers. clearly.
1. The Custard Family Line
 as soon as Fuck Face McGee said that his brother served the vanilla king things immediately fell into place.
custard (adult) isnt custard iii’s father but his uncle. thus making custard iii and clotted cream adopted cousins, not brothers. i find it interesting that they took that turn, i was expecting custard to be c the 3′s dad and him having to deal with the fact that he doesnt know where is youngest is but this is cool too. 
also Custard running away not only from the ancients but also from the battle itself just bc he doesnt want to get consequence’d? fuck that shit and fuck him for being a bitchass coward. hope karmas hunting you down ya loser.
2. Captain Caviar is Quite Literally the Best
this is true bc he is. i liked him from the start and was very happy to not have been betrayed by him. not only was he the first to actively speak against hiding mille-feuille and canelè’s actions but he wasted no time calling out the blatant racism and classism going on in the republic. as a matter of fact as i was watching that scene something important dawned on me:
the ocean cookies were on that land first, yet only 2 out of 9 elders are ocean cookies.
now how in the world did that happen?! how did they get Christopher Columbus’d so hard that the native cookies have the smaller collective voice in the convocation?? not to mention that at the same time i realized that it also fully processed that most of the Lower City residents are sea based cookies. from seaweed cookie herself to the merchants having tentacle hair. hell id even go so far as to say that espresso cookie managed to get a leg up in opportunity partially due to the fact that he is not an ocean cookie despite coming from the Lower City.
but that part of captain caviar absolutely tearing into the other elders, (custard specifically) made me love him even more. he didnt back down for a moment and he spoke nothing but the truth and that needs to happen more in media. make minority characters in power use their power to call out the bs!
3. for the most part, Everyone Changed for The Better
and have something to look forward for. i dont wanna call it a happy ending but most of the important cast got development. 
financier cookie is gonna do some self-discovery type of stuff and honestly? good for her. she spent all of this story being the bodyguard. being a trained paladin who only does as order tells. but now i feel like shes allowing herself to essentially have a personality! shes asking what and why and thats great! what is the celestial light? why did it choose her to be a paladin? i hope we see her again and get to see her be less mechanical and more natural.
wildberry and crunchy chip also got development not so much individually but more so, they developed each other! (bee who you arreee) wildberry started out as the token stoic, quiet type bodyguard and crunchy chip is feral beyond belief but then they start hanging out, they start talking, they do a tourist thing and wildberry buys crunchy a pie, hell they even fight alongside each other with no hesitation, crunchy gets so worried when he saw wildberrys gauntlet with no body wearing it and later wildberry doesnt even think twice about carrying crunchy AND his wolf during the battle (for yourr priiideee) its clear that their time in the republic has made them both more social and trusting of each other. (it was also very fruity)
even madeleine got some development which surprised me.i dont madeleine cookie, i love the rest of his family tho. ive never liked the arrogant, self absorbed, head-too-far-up-his-own-ass type of characters but the fact that madeleine learned how to start seeing a different kind of right from wrong, different from what he was trained, and it ended with him wanting to see more the world so he can learn more? it felt like he had gained actual purpose and its fantastic, they made madeleine cookie learn to have a purpose and i wish him the best.
thats p much what i wanted to say bc i dont see too many other saying this
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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oliverthesquid · 3 years
Detective Terukane AU idea??
Okay so I was having Terukane brainrot and i came up with this whole AU about them that I reallllyyyy wanna write a fanfic but i have no idea how to start or if people would even like it so I decided to post about it on here in hopes to get some responses/support as well as some help if possible! What I have written below is my ideas so far. They’re a bit messy , not really organized, and i say maybe a lot because I’m not sure if they’re even good ideas but please take a look if you’re interested!
on a unrelated but related note, if you’re interested in this AU and would like to see me write about it please tell me/talk to me so I can have some sort of motivation to make this happen! Also If you have ideas/suggestions/critiques please tell me as well because I’m kind of a beginner when it comes to writing and suggestions could mean a lot! I need all the help I can get!!
Now onto the actual AU
Basically Akane is a thief or some sort of criminal and Teru is the top detective in the department and catches him. However, he needs his help to get to the bottom of a case that theyre working on and getting help from an inside source such as akane could help drastically. Somehow(idk how yet) teru manages to get akane to agree to help him
possible moments/ideas for this??:
akane gets shot while they’re chasing a criminal to get to the bottom of the case and Teru lets the criminal escape so he can help Akane (and obviously he gets all confused about it because he just let a criminal go to save another criminal somebody that he should hate)
Its nighttime and they go outside. Akane decides to show Teru his favorite spots hang out which are specifically the rooftops where they can look down at the city below. They admire the scenery together and maybe they have to walk across a tightrope to get to certain spots and teru is maybe a little scared (but he wont admit it). However, akane holds him steady and helps him across (sort of like in the book rooftoppers??)
Guys what if,,, they kiss on the rooftops in the moonlight that would be really cool i think
Both of them are pining but are in denial
A lot of them just bugging each-other and its really cute
Instead of the school mysteries theyre all sort of criminals and they each have like a specialty according to what their rumor was/is
Instead of “president minamoto/teru” its detective minamoto/teru
Maybe the have to go to a bar for some reason and somebody slips something into akane’s drink without him noticing. Teru obviously has to help him and get him out of there
Akane hangs on top of the rooftops a lot especially when hes sad or thinking
Teru getting scared of getting attached to people
something to do with Akane’s childhood and why he joined the clockeepers. Possible idea for why he joined them is that maybe he was an orphan as a kid and they somehow tricked him into joining them? (like in the manga) but despite that hes still with them after many years and they’re all pretty close friends
Relating to the orphan akane idea; maybe as a child akane got to know and be friends with aoi (female) and started developing a crush on her. However, after he joined the clock keepers he started to see and talk to her less and less. He still has feelings for her (not for long 👀) but has never told her how he feels. Since hes a criminal now he cant bear to face her like that so he just watches and admires her from afar.
One day teru and akane are out doing work on the case or whatever and akane spots aoi at a cafe. He sort of grabs teru and sits him down at a table nearby so he can observe aoi. (Basically she’s out with one of her male friends and later the guy confesses to aoi but she rejects him) Teru asks him whats going on and Akane tells him about her and his feelings for her. However he admits that she’ll probably never like him but he’s just watching her from afar (that one line akane says about aoi before he saves her and reveals himself as the clock keeper in the manga) Teru starts to feel jealous but he doesn’t know why. Why should he feel jealous? It’s not like he likes Akane... Oh shit.
maybe the criminal theyre trying to catch is Hanako?? (since in the manga is the leader of the seven mysteries so here he would also be like the leader) and also!! If the criminal they’re trying to catch is Hanako: Teru is trying to catch Hanako because his boss told him to. However, it turns out that his boss is Tsukasa (but he doesnt know this) and Tsukasa is trying to get reuinted with Hanako (same sort of relationship as in the manga) through the means of catching him with the police. Possibly Akane discovers this and tell Teru. Teru struggles about what he should do and Akane helps him through)
Instead of the school mysteries theyre all sort of criminals and they each have like a specialty according to what their rumor was/is
(idea) the 4 pm bookstack are instead a base where tsuchusgusmori has information on basically everyone and everything. For the right price, he’ll give anyone that information
(idea) the clock keepers are instead a little band of thiefs who live on top of a huge clock tower (or something and thats why theyre known as the clock keepers) obviously, akane is a part of that band
(Yako/ misaki stairs idea ) maybe way too dark for the story but yako runs a tiny little doll shop in the city but underground, its access into any area and any exclusive event possible (because her boundary is space). She can get you into practically everything including private rooms with security ect. however she won’t get you out, you have to figure out how to get back on your own. And the price to get into one of these places is a human body part. The harder it is to get into the higher the price is. (so like low class events would be like a finger, blood, ect. And super high class events would be like an arm, a head, eyes) shes gathering bodyparts to possible revive/recreate her dead lover (miskai)
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
Do you have any hopes for the season finale? I saw in another ask, you described the dynamic between rick and morty this season as "very weak, distant, and downright frankly boring" and I completely agree with you! I hope that, because this is most we'll see rick and morty interacting this season, it'll have at least a few moments of what makes their dynamic so interesting to watch.
(Ok i started airing my grievances with this season, which ended up being... long, so skip this paragraph (starting at / / /) to get to my thoughts on the finale)
Oh gosh I remember that ask (I think-). And yeah, maybe I'm being a bit overly critical. I'll probably look back on this season with retrospect, and a kinder, fonder view. Ik androgynousblackbox (think thats right) made a great point about it being the season FOR rickorty shippers. And sure, I agree on some bits, like Rick acting all pissy and partying the way you would if your ex got with someone new in the planetina ep. Overall though, i think my problem lies in that I was enjoying more individual moments than episodes themselves, especially the middle three. For example- Amortycan Grickfitti. Like, I really liked the idea of the Ship getting on a crazy adventure with Summer and Morty (and Chutback). I like the idea of a Beth-Jerry-Rick adventure. But put together, it's just kinda... meh? You know? I liked the first half of the Thanksgiving special... but it kinda dragged on after that. I get that they want to give other characters (particularly female ones) more attention, which is completely understandable and i encourage it(!) but I can't help but find it underwhelming. Like, Summer in the voltron ep was like- girl how are you STILL vying for Rick's attention! He's the worst! Haven't we done this already? (I will say though I ADORE how far Beth has come, props to her for continuing to seeing through her dad's BS. I was worried the character would relapse into a more typical s1/s2 Beth, and I'm glad she didn't). Some of these plots, funnily enough, seem more fitting of the comics (they actually had a voltron parody already). Fun and entertaining for two or three-something issues, not so much a 22 minute episode. i think most of my complaints come from the dynamic between our titular characters- ok, I know I'm very biased (I mean you can see it), but I came to the show primarily for their relationship. It doesn't even feel drama-fueled, just that they kinda... can't be arsed. I'm torn because on the one hand, they're unhealthily codependent and this separation is probably a good thing, but on the other... it doesn't feel natural? I'm not sure if that's the right word- it's like, season 4 had them practically joint at the hip, but all that's suddenly flung out the window. It just kinda feels like this "i got better things to do" vibe from both of them and its strange. The only time they both got a solo adventure (I'm classifying "solo" as an adventure where they spent a significantly large portion of time together, without the other family members) was in the sperm ep and Thanksgiving ep. And, well, in the Thanksgiving ep Morty felt like a side character in his own show, and the sperm ep... um. Yeah. I don't think it's AS bad as people were saying, but I was cringing the whole time (the second hand embarrassment for Morty was so strong I had to turn off the episode multiple times and return to it. It's just like- godammit MORTY). And I think there's good reason those two seemed to be the most disliked episodes overall. They're the ones RaM spend the most time together and it's... meh. Meh? Meh. I don't mean to say the season overall is bad (it has loads of good points, and its amazing for Smith family as a whole) just that if we're talking specifically about the dynamic between these two? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend a single episode from this season so far to use as an example of their relationship.
/ / /
There's one thing this season has been pretty good at, though. And it's showing us what happens when Rick is alone.
And that brings me to the finale.
"Who is Rick without Morty?"
Well... we already know the answer to that. Pathetic. Sad. Lonely.
This season has been phenomenal in humbling Rick. (And trust me I'm happy for it- every time someone beats the crap outta this shitty old man I'm like YES!!! IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES!). Ep 1 had his "nemesis" clearly besting him, ep 2 had Beth making constant digs (love her) and overall pointing out his extreme callousness and cruelty towards even himself(ves). Ep 3- when Morty shows interest in a girl and ditches him (like seriously it's not like he's moving out, chill) he immediately goes on a bender and develops a deep attachment to the first person he can (wearing yellow, funnily enough). Ep 4, he devotes himself to becoming an "honest man" for his new child, only for it to instantly be taken away from him. Ep 5 highlights how RICK is the asshole for making fun of and taking advantage of someone well-meaning and honest, if "simple", and how literally not cool that is. Ep 6 has his crazy rivalry with the president, and they both get smacked down a couple pegs for that. Ep 7 shows what happens when he allows himself to get carried away, and that he can end up driving everyone else away in the process (lucky they still wanted to save his ass when he needed them). And episode 8? Hooooo boy. Episode. 8. We see a direct parallel in Birdperson with Morty, and the whole "Rick and [insert] 100 years!" Rick has few people he cares about, arguably only one or two that he truly devotes himself to, but when he does, boy does he go HARD. We see younger Rick, optimistic, energetic, friendly and hopeful. And we see all of that crushed in minutes. Rick is desperate for a companion, someone to see the stars with. He needs someone there, someone he can trust and rely on to stay. Someone like Morty. So without Morty, who is Rick?
No one.
And the thing is, Morty doesn't need Rick anymore. Not like Rick needs him. In season 1, Morty was this bright-eyed kid who was new to the cosmos and the multiverse, who needed his grandpa there with him as they explored all these places together. But that's not him anymore. That's not them.
The promo has Morty using the portal gun to go somewhere w/o Rick's permission (i like to think it's boob world lol). It doesn't matter to me as much where he's going, as much as he's doing it alone. He doesn't just not need Rick there, he doesn't want him.
(Also correct me if im wrong but I've missed that sweet portal gun so much. I think the last ep was like- the first time this season we saw it).
Morty's response to Rick? "Replace me!". And wow. Wow. WOW. Morty doesn't give a FUCK! I think Rick thinks that because he's so smart, that he can offer so much, that Morty will come crawling back, and I don't think he will.
Hopes for the finale! Hmm. I mean, I definitely hope "evil" Morty makes a reappearance, haha. I think we all do tbh ;). I want to see some Morty development too, this season has been very Rick-centric (not that there's anything wrong with that!) so I wanna see what's in store for Our Boy. I really hope we get to see the Citadel again, and see the state it's in, but I doubt it. We know something super big is in store, it's just a question of what? Other hopes I have is some Summer + Beth action (please let them team up Im BEGGING) and Jerry too ahaha. I'd love if some other side characters made an appearance as well. Oh- I'm definitely expecting a dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the first half leading to the second half, with the kind of angsty music that leads into the credits (pls that shit is so good (OH WAIT imagine if it was like, for the damaged coda, but like- the chopin version or smth so it could be more subtle maybe bruhhhh)). Ok haha, maybe that's asking too much, the writers made it clear in the story train ep that they weren't gonna do that big dramatic showdown (... unless 👀). Oh, I'd also love some Premium Angst too, like someone getting kidnapped/nearly dying (like ACTUALLY nearly dying). These stakes better be so damn high I could spear a man on them! OH, also I remember androgynousblackbox (is that right? I hope it is) mentioned something along the lines that they could be driving Rick and Morty apart this season in order to have them come back together stronger than ever in an explosive finale, which, I'm strongly hoping for myself.
Thanks if you made it this far! If you have any thoughts on or hopes of your own for the finale please feel free to share! :D
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 years
I agree tbh. I really like Gideon and think this arc will be interesting. Lots of questions but mainly who will be the ship’s intelligence? Unless it still is her - she just has physical form. It could be that she appears as human but is intangible and still is the ship but rather than huge blue head she’s human looking. Or she could have a physical body and new AI takes over the ship. Or she’s downloaded into a body to save her when the ship is destroyed and later they will need to work out whether she stays human or goes back into the ship/new ship. GAH. ITS SO INTERESTING. LOT have never done cheating storylines etc so Avalance is safe. Sara didn’t go through all she did to be with Ava to act badly when Gideon turns up! I hope for a closer relationship between Ava and Gideon who should have a lot in common - both being engineered, both different from normal humans, both trying to find their own identity etc. Gideon being around more should be hilarious - she’s been omnipotent all this time seeing and hearing everything. It’ll be so funny to have her interact with a crew she’s seen grow, fall in love and develop. I’m reminded of the quips she’s made about Avalance especially the ‘private line’ joke when Sara and Ava were flirting in s3. The injokes she’ll have! I’m also happy for Avalance to take a backseat as happily married wives who just are married and having a nice time without drama. Let others have it!
yh who's gonna do all the explaining?? who's gonna operate all the screens?? i like the idea that gideon just climbs in the centre console and no one questions it lmao. and will gideon still be able to see their dreams?? suddenly losing and gaining abilities would be a super fun storyline for gideon...
yh actually they never have done a cheating storyline, thats pretty cool tbh, those storylines can get real old real fast
and yh!! they can all be friends!! i think ava and gideon would make great friends, gideon can apologise for calling her a bitch like three seasons ago lmao
and same, i think stories arise from conflict of some kind, so it'll be nice for avalance to go conflict free for a season lmao. let them just be lol
and yess this has weirdly inspired me, like an au with sara as rip and ava as gideon, sara travelling alone and slowly falling in love with ava the ai?? hello??
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beanyboobee · 4 years
-OK. First off, if Kohaku remembers Sessomuro, Inuyasha and Kagome... HOW HAS HE NOT PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER ON WHO MOROHAS PARENTS ARE!?!?
it was made pretty damn clear in episode 2 that everyone seems to be convinced that Moroha is some random demon that somehow knows how to use sacred arrows??? They all seemed so confused about it so I thought maybe everyone's memories were swipped.
-Also how in episode 1 it was said that Kagome was only a rumor when very clearly- PEOPLE REMEMBER HER!? I just feel like there is alott unsaid in this show and with each episode I grow more and more confused.
-Kaede confirming that Sessomuro is basically just a absent dad who thinks Setsuna is weak and thus sent her off on her own. I know Setsuna said she doesn't remember her childhood and that she was alone since birth, that makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is her showing up to Kaedes when she apperantly has been alone since she lost memories?? Someone had to of sent her there.
-Another thing thats starting to annoy me however is that Setsuna seems to be this rather op character, because apperantly she needs protecting....constantly. since the demon slayers are extremely worried for her and now Towa is acting like a knight for her. Yet at random she can fix everyone with a magic move or some herbs that we dont hear of till its convenient?
-all I have to say though is bless Moroha for existing brcause she seems to be the only one giving us context on what's going on. I want to know why she knows all she does and also I want to know how she started becoming a bounty hunter, when the bean said maybe the root will give her enough for dinner i may of felt a little ache because- GIRL YOURE ONLY 14 WITH BIG WORPD PROBLEMS
-Again on the subject of Moroha im just highly interested to see more of her past, since in my opinion she seems to be the only one out of the 3 girls who's story we cant yet peice together, and she is also the only one who brings some amusement to the scenes.
-I won't like i was a little bit disappointed that Morohas accual family were only briefly touched on and that they really didn't seem to react much when they realised she looks like Kagome. But from the preview of episode 4 it looks like we might get some reaction from grandpa hopefully?
-Right now I just feel like the plot of the show is being rushed and things are being brushed over. Like why the pearls go into setsuna and towas eyes yet Moroha just sort of carries hers around ? On why Towas powers never activated before if the pearl was always in her eye? I understand that this show won't be as developed as Inuyasha as it didn't have a Manga before but I just hope the pacing is fixed in the next few episodes.
-also i really want to know who was in the tree in the preview, it seems like eaither Rin or Kagome is trapped inside but I cant tell which one yet.
-FINALLY WHY THE FUCK IS KIKYO STILL AROUND!? I know some people like her and stuff but when I saw her I just groaned because not another damn Kikyo plot line.
OK after a week to cool down I think i was too harsh on this talk of episode 3. I think its accually a pretty good episode now though a bit frustrating. It is only the beginning of the show so im sure later episodes will make sense of everything
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 6, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
Back to reality, JTE keep on listening to the tape that is like a news in LSD 2G phone. Here she hear a familiar name, lee jongin, 북부 and stuff that related to Corea . So what is this? Is this means LSD was someone from Corea? How can this thing related to Corea been found here in Korea? Creepy 😭
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Tired Gon now back to palace and sad that JTE did not left any noted for him on his phone, until this servant is here and gave him JTE hairband 💕 i love his eye movement here, as if he is excited but try to keep it cool in front of his servant. Superb subtle acting.
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I really love how every character in this series communicate with each other and as describe by the main leads on the con press, all the characters here is breathing. Not only the main but all of them. Here we can see Gon and Lady Noh actually speaking naturally about stuff, it really feels like you talk to your grandma. I love it. Their conversation here rather deep since they speak about the flute and hoping that the other half of it was drown deep in the sea so its not bring trouble to them. I love how Gon ask her help to find the thief while he is looking for something else. Its good to have loyal company like her 🥺
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JY found out that JTE is refer as Luna because the gangster in the jail confirm it. I see him really protective to Gon and really a fast in collecting facts. We also could saw a little bit of him speaking busan dialect. Not important but i loved the detail 💕
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Finally prince Buyeong come to see Gon to make a confession. Im glad that uncle decide to be honest. That the body that LR shows dead, was not his body. Its is now official for Gon that LR is, Alive. And he predicted that LR aim is always to get the whole flute. Also we know for sure now that the doppelgänger carry same finger prints and DNA. My heart hurted hearing this line from them
Gon “please stay healthy, you know you are the only one i have, right?”
Prince Buyeong “thats why, its a very precious and sad life. For me and for you”
Then Gon looking towards his uncle face. I dont know why but it hurts me 😅
Another apprecitation, cinematography 💕💕 i love this part of palace, aesthetic.
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Then towards the ending, we could see LR visit JTE neighboorhood. At the beginning of this series LR is always ahead of Gon. Tension, tension. Im afraid he found out about JTE. Here Gon also realize that he is might be in danger because he has the half of the flute, means someday he will face LR directly. What a dark future 🥺
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I gave standing ovation for this ending scene of eps 6. Suddenly Gon shows up in front of JTE house, unguarded JTE shocked to she him really come back. Here comes Gon fav line
Gon “자네, 잘 있었어?” (are you doing all right?)
JTE nods
Gon “나 기다렸고? (did you wait for me?)
JTE nods
Then a bit silent, But JTE just go “fuck it im going to run and hug him” . Table has turned now. JTE now planning to be honest completely. Everything about it was perfect. The lines, the nods, the hug, the acting through their eyes (amazing!), but what win me over was actually Davichi - Please Dont Cry 😢 What a perfect song to wrapped all the emotion also we can see Gon sad prediction that he might bring danger to this girl he care a lot 🥺
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How it made me feel:
Another solid episode. A lot of going on but added value to story progress. I like it we are slowly get into the real problem and having another problem to solve of what LR has been doing actually during this 25 years preparing. I love how we kind of started the series with some happy moments but then everything turning serious towards the end. Shit is about to go down.
One thing that i realize before but got confirmation here, Gon has insecurity problem. It’s understandable, seeing his history. But its kind of sad to hear him asking to people near him, for example Lady Noh “what is the reason you did what you did?” To uncle “i separate you from your family, didnt you hate me? To JTE “did you wait for me?” As if he need affirmation all the time as he is suffering from severe insecurity problem. As if he is guilty for everything and questioning whether he deserve to get what he get, to have what he have.
Another interesting part also be able to see Gon and PM actually work well together in such emergency. Both doing their job very well and if PM was a likeable person, i would ship both. They make a power couple seriously.
Here we can see another backstory of KSJ. The beginning of him develop feelings for JTE and what kind of person JTE is in his eyes. I love my sad boy 💕💕 i always hoping he got his happy ending from the beginning. But definitely not with JTE. I am for sure from the beginning that him will have 1 sided love, because JTE knows who is in her heart and not bother to feel doubt or wanting anybody else. Also she already found someone that she could share her honest feelings with, vice versa. I also appreciate that JTE still pretty much okay and still done her job whoeheartedly while carrying some heavy load inside her heart. She is strong in her own way and her character is independent 👏🏼👏🏼 i also appreciate that Gon is fulfilling his promise to come back.
I love both Gon and JTE way of communicating so much 💕💕
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palbabor-writes · 3 years
hi hello friend ! (о´∀`о)
hope youve been doin well! its been a hot minute but i just came thru to ask a few of those weird meme qs if thats ok w you lol
30, 55 and 61 seem interesting ٩( 'ω' )و
any hoot, hope youre takin care of yourself!
cheerin you on, 🌱✨
hi my friend! i’m so happy to see you in my box  ( o˘◡˘o)
i’ve been doing good! busy, busy, but that’s springtime for you! 
of course it’s alright! i’m excited to play so let’s see what we got here.
30. Places that you find sacred:
oooh! i like this question! the first spot that comes to mind is a pond that’s out in the piney woods. 
i used to walk out there everyday when i was younger, no matter the weather. i loved when it was misty and cool, or when there was a breeze that made the tops of the trees groan and snap. our family dogs would often come with me so it always felt like i was going on some kind of adventure & at any second i could step over the threshold to another world. once i reached the pond i’d sit beside the banks for hours, just skipping rocks, reading, or jotting down my ideas into my little notebook. 
even now, being at the edge of that murky water makes me feel like time has fallen into some kind of suspended state & i can just be me again.   
55. Favorite fairy tale:
gosh. ok, so imma give the obligatory: “Beauty & the Beast” & “Sleeping Beauty”, but there are a few others that i love just as well.
one (and imma give some trigger warnings here, just in case you opt to read it yourself: tw.child abuse, tw.murder, tw.cannibalism - like, this story is brilliant, and a cool example of a more mature & developed fairy tale, but it’s dark) is the “Juniper Tree.” It’s sort of an amalgam of a bunch of other stories and it certainly doesn’t shy away from some of the other themes that the Brothers Grimm often toned down or censored in their other sets of fairy tales, but i love all of the symbology, the nastiness of the villain, and that payoff at the end is well worth the read.  
the second is another bummer of a story, but the “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” has always fascinated me because there is a ton of real life evidence to back it up. there’s a manuscript from the 1400′s that talks about how a colorfully dressed piper came to town & seduced away 130 of the town’s children and supposedly a stained glass window (i think it’s gone now...so, this one is less concrete) even bore an inscription that described the events. like, whether or not there was a real flesh and blood piper that took the youth of this town, this event likely happened & it haunted this town.  
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show...
the other day i said i kept my old & marked up copy of Wuthering Heights. well, i took a peek in it & i stumbled on this quote:
“We must be for ourselves in the long run; the mild and generous are only more justly selfish than the domineering.”
like, this woman only wrote one book in her lifetime & this was it. what i wouldn’t give to create raw lines like that & this work is absolutely littered with other hard hitters too.
alright! just as an aside & since i have you, i am working on your other ask! i’m hoping i’ll get it (& others, don’t worry! i see yew) out in May!
hope you have a beautiful day & are staying safe out there! lets talk soon (´꒳`)♡
Thanks for playing! Weird asks that say a lot     
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thetypingdragon · 4 years
MAG 181 - Live Reactions
Innocence? Someone on the discord pointed out a line from Annabelle’s statement in Weaver involving the word innocence but now i don’t remember what it was . . . oh well.
Also my day sucked, so I’m listening at 9pm (my time 11hrs after the episode dropped for me) with a bowl of ramen because thanks to COVID my dining hall has limited options. Still charging us full price though of course. . . I should look into their GrubHub thing. See what that is and if I can pay with meal swipes. Get my money’s worth. Why am I rambling about this? Note: I haven’t started the episode, I’m just waiting for my ramen to cook.
Going to retroactively put a Read More here. It got long.
Okay now I’m listening. Ah the lovely sounds of violins.
Teacups and singing? Salesa! Martin! Yes! They slept! For 71 hours! And Jon did lose his Knowing! Yes you did literally work for the Eye! It’s Mikaele’s little bubble? Oh he noticed the tape! But also it can be here? Like he’s saying? Oh it did manifest?!? 
Answering some questions. Jon you never change. Who reminds him of Jurgen?!? 
“NOOO I assumed the thread holding her head together was due to a childhood knitting accident.” Thats amzaing. I love that. It doesn’t bother him that she works for the Web? Okay. He doesn’t seem to be working for the Web so far, apparently just let Annabelle in? He’s not worrying about what she’s doing, only hopes that whatever it is wont affect his oasis. I wonder how he got it.
Welcome to stay as long as you like . . . the emphasis was odd there. Is this going to be what people theorized? That its not a trap but character development that they have to decide to leave instead of living in blissful ignorance? Oh. Ignorance. I don’t remember if that was one of the theorized things behind the title but theres another if not.
So he did make it! And Jon CANT COMPELL HIM Holy Shit!! The Eye can’t see this place! Cool. 
Annabelle makes cryptic monologues. Martin thinks that reminds him of someone. . . Jon. Aww.
Can Jon not remember his Knowledge of how the world works? (Ignorance again.)
Mikaele Salesa has spent the last decade preparing for this exactly? Was that what his artifact collection was for?? How did he know?
Vindication? I mean kudos to you for figuring it out i guess. He can’t help. Nothing to offer is a fair reason I think.
Insect thing that was a guest? Wait it wasn’t Amherst was it? He’s still alive. Oh nevermind Annabelle killed it.
“I though ignorance was meant to be bliss.” Give Jon a break. He’s still Jon. He’s always been like this. How do you think the Eye got him in the first place? But honestly it’s nice to hear curious ignorant Jon again.
Yes! Story! “lots of practice” Yes. 178 episodes of ignoring Jon’s statements. No questions Jon.
Jurgen: A genius and an idiot. Trying to control the fears was a good way to get yourself killed. I love Salesa’s dramatic description of himself. It’s so fun.
Blood money, Lonely painting . . . such interesting potential stories. He’s thinking about himself from a mythological standpoint. The merchant is rarely punished . . . does he protect himself by distantly serving all the powers? By collecting artifacts to protect himself? Oh wait! There was one statement where after he purchased that antique syringe THEN the bad thing happened as though it were a protecting object! Yes foreshadowing!!! If thats the case anyway.
He got a kick out of being the purveyor of curses . . . so the rich and arrogant could buy their doom. 
For solutions or protection? He sometimes helped but didn’t want to forget who he was actually working for . .. I assume he means himself? Managed to walk that tightrope for decades . . . theres not a “and then I didn’t” is there? 
Yep he hunted down artifacts he thought might protect him. An old broken camera? That could hide you from the powers? A battery that charges itself on all the quiet worries that come from living in hiding? So it fuels itself on the fear of losing your protection from the fears. So if his oasis breaks before he dies of old age the Eye will feast on him? Meaning it was an Eye object? A very meta one? Oh was the camera where he staged his death?!? His “death” was a happy accident?
So he just moved into Upton House, traveling through the apocalypse with the camera? Oh . . . oh no. Hes only got supplies for a few years and then he’s going to commit suicide?? Yikes. He sees it as a blessing, that he CAN die, and that’s fair I guess but yikes. 
Oh did he shut off the recorder?
It’s back on again. Jon’s getting weaker?!? So he’s still dependent on the Eye.
“If we do manage to-” “We’ll cross that bridge if we get to it.” THEY ADDRESSED IT. THEY ADDRESSED THE ANGST TO COME. They’re moving on now?
Annabelle? Martin wants to talk. Jon zoned out. Is he tired? Or is it because the Web wont let him think about it? Oh is Annabelle here to stay away from Jon?
Friendly voice. Yeah right. “Then we probably aren’t going to be friends.” :) The call was clumsy? It lacked her usual nuance? The hat? Oh humanize, hide her webs. Yeah Martin you probably can’t fight Annabelle. Jon zoned out again. 
“Dont worry Martin, well meet again. Hopefully when you’re feeling a little bit more . . . open minded.” What does that mean?!? Lovely spider joke Jon.
See each other again very soon. that cant be good. yes . . . Jon’s tired Salesa. Can’t stay. Jon keeps zoning out is he just tired???
Oh good more episode. Back in the apocalypse. Jon’s feeling better. Would’ve been nice to stay . . . but can’t stay there with all the people suffering. Also is much happier in the apocalypse with Jon than in paradise with Annabelle. Aww... 
Pity? Going away? The peace and memory of ignorance? He’s forgetting what they said? What happened?? Like a dream . . . Jon can’t even remember their one moment of peace?
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