#and thats part of why i want to engage with it because i feel like i have an interesting perspective on it with my disability pov
thedeafprophet · 4 months
hi, I saw your tags about wanting to watch dungeon meshi! it's a very cool story, and I think you might really enjoy the characters because just about all of them are very well-written and well-developed and have a lot of interesting nuance to dissect! but just to give you a heads up, dunmeshi is basically like a cooking show for the most part, especially at the beginning, but themes to do with eating and food as they relate to community, cycles, ecosystems, class, and power do come up frequently throughout. one of the key themes is eating as a means of asserting your right to exist and to take up space in the world. that theme comes up repeatedly, though I think it's emphasized especially at the beginning and the end of the story. also re: cannibalism, there's a running gag that the main guy wants to know what demi-humans (mermaids, orcs, etc) taste like, and the other characters treat it as him wanting to do a cannibalism. it's played for laughs, but it only comes up a few times, as I recall.
if you do end up watching/reading dunmeshi, I really hope you enjoy it, but be safe! (also sorry if you already knew all that, just wanted to make sure you had all the info before you watched!)
Haha thank I appreciate the info <3 a friend of my also gave me some warnings about stuff related to Body Things that may be triggering for me and has given me a heads up so. I am well warned o7 and am aware going in that there's so Stuff Going On
Def something I'm only planning to look into when I'm in a decent headspace, appreciate folks looking out for me
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determinate-negation · 11 months
how would you help someone break free from zionism? (please serious answer i'm panicked)
my family isnt zionist so i havent really had to argue with them about palestine and so idk if i can give you perfect advice on how to talk to someone whos close to you about this, maybe some of my followers can add stuff
but still ill say this, (if theyre jewish) a big part of it is the emotional connection people have in light of the history of the holocaust, and like a visceral feeling of fear, which is purposefully imprinted onto peoples communities. so i think dismantling all the myths that israel has specifically about the holocaust and jewish safety might make them question this? its unfortunate but i think a lot of zionists wont react well if you talk about the amount of violence and dispossession palestinians face just because theyve already been dehumanized in their mind, and they genuinely feel that these people want to kill them for being jewish, and israel is the only way to ensure jewish safety, so you have to get past that first. im not sure what their perspective is on israel and why theyre a zionist, so idk. but showing people that israel is not actually protecting jews, its protecting european and american interests in the region and was supported by europeans literally as a solution to their "jewish question", especially with the vast amounts of jewish holocaust survivors in refugee camps in europe for years after the war. like ask the question why do all these european governments put tons of financial and military aid to israel instead of helping their jewish diaspora communities thrive and attract people to them? why do they actually make things harder for jews and have shitty convoluted policies for european jews who were expelled to return, but also support israel? is this something thats really good for us? also learning about how apathetic and even pro nazi america was during ww2, and how much holocaust revisionism they engage in to make themselves look historically better and twist their reasons for supporting israel, really made me feel like the us government line on israel is just ridiculous hypocrisy. ive made some posts about this which ill try to find
this post i reblogged has a lot of info dismantling stuff about israel and theres another post i saw that ill add to this too. i would also look in mondoweiss and jewish currents for articles about judaism and zionism. this article is good and might not be something you can directly send to this person but maybe the ideas in it will be useful to you
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces
Batfam x neglected reader. Part 3
Warning: neglect, child endangerment, not proof read
Summary: maybe the night isn’t so bad after all( last part of the flashback)
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“ what the hell are you doing kid?”
Thats the first thing you hear from cat woman that is now towering above your sobbing form.
Your crying stops turning into the form of ugly hiccups as you look up in aww at her. You don’t respond to her question but only stare for what feels like a eternity, you almost swear you could hear your tears dripping down onto the ground like a rainy night .
You snap out of it , remembering her question that you had forgotten because of shock and you scramble to answer it .
“ well i just -, im not-i was just-” you stumble over your words as you try to speak , only managing to further fumbling over your quivering lips.
You would of never thought that one of Gotham’s well known and prettiest( in you opinion) criminal would out of nowhere start talking to you so it caught you off guard. You had never spoken to her before or really know a lot about her, only hearing about her icon look in papers and small comments from your father.
Over your incoherent rambling on what had happened you stopped upon hearing an annoyed sign from cat woman , making you hyper aware of everything .
Your tears dripping onto the floor , cat women’s gaze on you , how your hands clenched on your side or how you were slightly shivering from the autumn weather and your face felt like rubber unable to change your face from panic and suffering , your face feeling a bit too hot as if you were a cartoon character about to burst from anger , how runny your nose had been and how alone and desperate for love you felt.
The only thing to keep you warm was a small black scarf around your neck That was wrapped a bit too tightly for your comfort.
You were weak, unlike your brothers. You had always known that , from the time that your mother got thrown into a mental hospital to well now.
You thoughts t were interrupted by a hand waving in your face , it was catwomans. She had offered her hand up to and you were not about to refuse now.
“Get up , don’t keep me waiting kid. ” she said her voice a hint of annoyance but her face seemed more say than annoyed . You take her hand and it feels awful warm despite it being covered by a latex glove. Not in a bad way tho but the kind that feels that would give warm hugs.
You never knew why she wore all latex because to you it would be very uncomfortable and inconvenient bur at the same time you couldn’t really judge because your adopted dad was a middle aged billionaire that dresses up every night to fight crime in Gotham and never fully stops them because of “morals”.
Standing up is only there when you notice that she is a lot taller than you thought, you were up to her waist at the most.
“ thank you” you tell her shyly, you didnt why you were thanking her but you just wanted. You stood tall , looking around smong the awkard silince .
“ there is nothing to thank me for , i did nothing”
You could feel catwoman trying to analyze your face till something clicked inher mind.
“ hey” she calls making your eyes meet “ your one of bruces waynes kids no?” She question with curiosity. Her statement made you pause, freezing in place . You had thought that everyone had forgetten about you even the villians.
Even tho you knew it was dangerous engage with a villain but you responded either way( she looks nice enough).
“ yes ma’am thats me”
“ im ganna ask you again and give me s starighg ansewr wlrght “ she comads , her voice authoritive yet consuered
“ im not sure myself , i guess i was bieng dramatic” you chuckled to yourself , hoping she wouldnt pry and make you confess your dramatic reaction to bieng pushed out the way.
She signed dramatically putting her hand on her forehead as is she was getting a headache. “ fine if you don’t want to tell you dont have to. Just stop sobbing like a baby , its anoyying.” She exclaimed
Her eyes wondered around you before kneeling down to get on your level.
“ i see your feeling a bit down , why don’t and you and i take a stroll around Gotham, what do you say” said says , her voice a calm and soothing tone. You didnt know why but you let your guard only respond in a reluctant hum.
“ well i dont think my fathe-” you were intrupted by catwomans voice
“ listen kid, if he really cared wouldn’t he be with you”
The silenced that follow after wards was ver loud but oyu knew she was correct. You had been out and away from the gala for over 20 minutes and no sign of them. None of them .
So in that moment you accept. Noone else had comfort or even checked up on you like that in years, no even alfred.
That night she took you all over gotham. From quickly (and nicely) robbing an icecream stands and eating it on a roof top to going to going to one of gothams only beachs that luckly wasn’t literally with trash. She even gave you a toy of your favorite charcter that tou had talked about . You didnt have the heart to tell her that you had bought your own toy of the same kind.
Throught the night you got to know quickly a lot about her like how she was a mob boss once or that her sister was driven insane. You too shared personal stuff which took a invisible wieght off your shoulders and you started to feel like you too started to bond.
She offered to take you back home herself but you refused in fear of the off chance that she would try to rob the manner or that the cameras surrounding the manner ( installed by Bruce) would see you guys. You had her drop you off a few blocks away and you watch as she hopped from building to building like a sly cat tho you knew that she had followed You the whole way home, keeping you from getting robbed on that Gotham night. You never really knew why on that night she helped you out and you never got a chance to ask her after that.
Once bruce and your brothers came back from the gala they asked where you had gone and you told them a cheap answer on how you got tired and decided to walk home. You knew that bruce didn’t fully believe you l, if he was then he wouldn’t be greatest detective in Gotham maybe even the world but none of them asked for another answer.
It has been years since that night and your relationship with your “family” has gotten worse.
Part 4
Im soso sorry if its late but something happened and but here you guys are also tysm for the support that you guys have given me. I love you guys✨✨❤️
Also i think il be making a tag list just because it seems like quite a lot if work and im still new to this app but il still try to tag the people that want to
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mywitchyblog · 5 days
Storytime : My hatred of shiftok
Hey everyone, I wanted to share a personal story that highlights why I’ve grown to strongly dislike Shiftok (the shifting community on TikTok).
This isn’t about throwing shade at the concept of shifting itself, because I’ve been part of the practice for years and found immense value in it.
However, my recent experience in an online shifting community vastly composed of younger members made me realize just how toxic and judgmental it can become.
I’m not here to stir up drama, but to share my story so that others who may have gone through similar situations can feel less alone. Sometimes, online communities, especially when comprised of younger members, can be less about support and more about mob mentality behacing like mindless sheep. And unfortunately, I found myself at the center of that.
Here’s what happened:
Around 6 months ago,I joined a Discord server dedicated to shifting (made by a shiftoker), but for the first few days, I didn’t really engage much. I’m the kind of person who likes to observe a bit before jumping in. After a while, I noticed they had a voice chat, so I figured I’d join in, thinking I could find some deep conversations and intelligent debate on shifting. I was wrong. Very wrong.
Their debate originally was about race changing, and since this is an extreamly controversial subejct on which the 3 of us in the groupchat agreed with, i though maybe age changing would be the case.
Very fucking foolish of me.Very.
I’ve been aware of shifting for about years, ever since I was 16. During that time, I wrote numerous scripts where I imagined dating my comfort characters, and though I haven’t successfully shifted yet, I’m still determined to experience that so i never gave up trying to shift there. Recently, I started questioning a particular aspect of shifting and decided to ask the community for guidance.
The dilemma? I wanted to know if it would be wrong to shift into a younger version of myself to experience the teenage romance I never had. Growing up, I missed out on those typical teenage expereinces, and I thought that shifting could allow me to relive that part of my life that was denied from me .
Thats is how i discivered shifting when i think about it . I was extreamly sour and bitter at the time seeing people my age going out, having a group of friends a romantic partner while i was sulking in my room still scarred by the years of bullying .i couldnt fucking stand it.
So is started shouting ,cussing, insulting, screaming at the universe that it owed me a debt for all the shit i put me through; that it owed me a debt that it can never pay back. And that i was here to collect that debt.
Next thing i know ? Shifting videos start appearing in my FYP and the rest i supposed if you discovered shifting in 2020 you know how it goes.
I asked the community: Since I’m now over 18, would it be unethical to age myself down and live through those scripted expereinces and relationships? My intentions were pure. It wasn’t about fetishizing youth —I just wanted to experience something I had missed out on. And also i made those DRs long ago so i do not want to give up after trying for years.
I explained that shifting is about exploring realities that differ from your current one, and to aslo expereince things that are impossible for you to do in your current so why not experience a teenage romance that I didn’t have?
I also emphasized that both me and the characters regardless of if i age myself down or i age them up we will have the same maturity so there is no power imbalances of any kind. I beleived that if I script myself as being 16, I would naturally have the mindset and maturity of a 16-year-old without having to script "i also have the maturity of my physical age".
(wich after further research and having shifted myself confirmed it to be true)
Some people were actually helpful, suggesting that I could just age the characters up to match my current age, that there was nothing wrong since your intention isnt "shifting for minors" but shifting for an experience and I thought that was a reasonable statement. However, as more teenagers (13 to 15-year-olds) started jumping into the chat, the conversation took a turn for the worse. Suddenly, they started accusing me of wanting to date minors, labeling me as a creep and even throwing around terms like "pedophile." They insisted I should go to jail, even though I hadn’t done anything inappropriate—just asked for advice.
Mind you, these were the same people who had desired realities where they were 50 something with kids 15 with a highschool sweetheart in another. It felt incredibly hypocritical that they were comfortable shifting to various ages, but when I wanted to explore an earlier phase of my own life in a healty wholesome manner, I was suddenly a villain.
As the accusations escalated, I even suggested aging the characters up, so they’d match my current age. But no matter what I said, they kept insisting I was still in the wrong. They claimed that because I had once found teenagers attractive when I was a teenager, I was somehow a predator now ("because something must have made you attracted to them when they were minors"). It was like they were twisting everything I said, refusing to understand my intentions.
It was infuriating. They accused me of things I wasn’t even thinking about. These were serious claims, and I couldn’t defend myself because they were so quick to misinterpret my words and take everything out of context. They were acting like I was trying to groom people in my desired reality (DR), even though I was merely exploring hypothetical scenarios.
The same people who preached that you could do anything you wanted in your desired reality, without limits,that you had all the time in the wormd to shift so no pressure were suddenly placing restrictions on me—telling me what was ethical and what wasn’t. They told me I was "grooming" the characters in my DR by aging them up, which is just ridiculous.
When I pointed out the inconsistency, suggesting they might technically be "grooming" people in their own current reality (CR) since they shift into different ages, or that their s/o from one of their adult DR is grooming them because in another reality there are a minor, they became defensive started blabbing "its not the same thing" and had no real arguments to back up their accusations.
At this point, it felt like I was being burned at the stake just for asking a question. I realized I wasn’t going to get a rational conversation out of this group, and the mob mentality was too strong. So, I left the server, and honestly, it was the best decision.
If there’s one piece of advice I can give from this experience, it’s this: if you find yourself in an online shifting community made up mostly of teenagers (13-16 years old), run. They can and WILL be quick to jump to conclusions, misinterpret your words, and label you unfairly.
In the end, I found better communities where the members are mature, thoughtful, and open to real discussions. If you’re facing similar issues, I encourage you to be cautious about the spaces you engage with. Make sure you find a community that values open, respectful conversations—where people don’t leap to judgments or throw around serious accusations without understanding your intentions.
Which is why i started making this page and publising these essays in the first place.Because no one provide a clear fucking answers in this types of question just saying "its bad", "because it is" without providing substantial arguments to back up their claims.
So i was "if no one is gonna do it, i will" and i did and it turns out these people are even more pathetic than i thought. Key exemple of that is instead of countering my arguments the only thing they have is accusing me of using Chat GPT.
So things to take from my story are :
-Leave shiftok for good its is not good for information or shifting knowledge. Shifting script templates and inspo ? yes. Information & knowledge ? RUNNNNNNNNNN.
-The most vehement critics within the community are the biggest hypocrites. They will call you a pedo for aging down but on the same vein will age up only to get fucked by they fav dilfs. Those against race changing will still race change just to diff species and races that are fictonal in this reality .
-Do what makes you feel good and do not lisen to these people, they are sour bitter and pathetic individuals its your journey you desired reality not theirs.
So i hope this story of mine will help people understand that you should feel bad about about wanting to shift to those DRs.That it will bring you wisdom and help to all the teenage shifters that are approching 18 and are scared that they are doing someting bad trust me you are not bad you are doing something pure and wholesome do not let them go to your head it will only slow you down in your journey.
Best of Luck in you shifitng Journey,
Alastor Luno.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 4 months
Does Mikita know his biological parents at all? What are his feelings about them? I know he was more raised by his teacher but after she died why wouldn’t he go back home?
Those are some really good questions. I did my best trying to answer them as clear as possible without going off topic, but it didnt go as planned. Well i think its for the better. As always with oc things its under the read more
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Mika does know his parents and siblings; Apolonia was his sisters governess at first after all, before becoming his, and later his guardian as well. He remembers his childhood home, but has very little feelings about it. When it comes to his relationship with his family, he just never felt especially close to them, especially after Apolonia became the most prominent person in his life. He doesnt like them or hate them, if anything, Mikita at the time of the story is generally forgetful about them. To him, it wasnt an important part of his life, so he just doesnt really bother with it. Hes cold, if anything. Its a consequence of his childhood isolation, both self inflicted and influenced by Apolonia; shes the most important person in his life because she was for the most part the only person in his life, and everything was tied back to her. I mentioned it before, but as cruel as it sounds Mikita never reflects back on it; i dont think hes able to be critical about his guardian-mother, nor does he consider her behaviour to be potentially abusive or even unhealthy in any way, even in the modern au
The love he had for her was one of the reasons he didnt want to go back to his family after her death. She was his caretaker after all, and he did feel safe with her, feeling closer to her friends and social circles than his own. The other reason was because it could prove... problematic. Apolonia was a part of this social artistic circle (that Eliza often engaged with; she and Apolonia were friends, to some degree), consisting of mostly writers, and considering the time and place, it was anti censorship and therefore anti tsarist. Some of them distributed books that were illegal, which is what got Apolonia arrested in the first place, and in the prison she fell ill, which later caused her death. Mikita always adored his mother and wanted to be a part of this, but he was too young to really do anything other than hanging out in the background while they talked. That being said, he was still raised in that enviroment and took a lot from it, especially ages 12-15. His identity was shaped by all of it; From his interests and beliefs, to even his names - neither Mikita or Nika are his legal names, and nor is his surname. He esentially became a completly new person. He was also very interested in reading everything his mother would give him, which did include illegal literature. That very thing is what got him expelled from school, something his parents never learned about. And thats just the tip of Mikas school experience. So when Apolonia died, and Mikita lost the only present adult in his life, he grasped at the opportunity to go with Eliza instead of coming back
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epiphainie · 23 days
i think the chances are pretty good that we will see bucktommy experience some gradual steps in their relationship simply because we have 3 other main couples that have been established for years and that for the most part were handled differently. henren already long established, bathena marrying after very little buildup, madney more of a messy dramatic way of finding each other. in all honesty, the honeymoon phase is over for them, and they feel very very solid abd immovable in canon. which is great! but bucktommy is filling a void for the audience imo, hopefully giving us more focus on the "getting to know each other" phase of a newer couple. it's an ensemble show for a reason, so my fingers are crossed that 911 won't just jump into an established bucktommy that feels like we have already missed 18371938 milestones. especially after buck's long search for love, it would be cathartic to actually see him be sure of where he wants things to go and to be proactive with it. especially now for the very first time, he has a partner that has the chance to be well-integrated into the firefam!! they better us that potential 😭🙏
this is my thinking too! like comparing bucktommy to the other main couples re: how the show might go about their story is normal and okay and expected obviously but i don't think "bathena got engaged in half a season" is a good explanation as to how that'd be good writing for bucktommy. bathena knew each other for years, the audiences knew bathena as two separate entities so them not having a "getting to know each other" phase on screen was normal. also bathena both had been married before and recognizing thats what they want with each other coming quicker to them is in-character.
i think bucktommy need to get to know each other on-screen if they wanna establish them as a couple with any longterm potential. give the audiences the reason on-screen as to who tommy is and why buck feels this way about him. keep them in the honeymoon phase a bit longer where it seems easy (esp with this being buck's first time dating man), then throw in some relationship hardship (not anything extreme, just realities of a relationship), prove to the audience they can handle it and can continue as a real deal, then move them to the becoming life partners stage.
the verbal confirmation of what they have right now - what they started together - is literally in what buck says in 7x05. he doesn't know what he's ready for but he's interested in tommy and wants to date tommy. just let him realize what he's ready for - what he wants for real this time - on screen. let tommy be the guy who sweeps him off his feet (and vice versa) and the hunk in his bed before they realize this is serious and they wanna start sharing a life together.
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Important Announcement
I hope you guys are doing okay! I wanted to make an announcement because I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to be doing with my fics.
So currently, I think I’m going to move everything over to AO3 and only post snippets here until the full fic is finished, then I’ll post it here.
One reason for this is because I’ve come to realize I’ve lost a lot of my writing style to trying to fit smaller parts onto tumblr’s page so it’s easier for people to read.
You can see from some of my fics that I tend to write very long parts. Thats what I like. I like long chapters because I can get every ounce of detail and thought that I have in the page in order to get the story across in a way that feels personal.
Recently I’ve been writing shorter chapters because burn out but also to make it easier for people on here to read and to engage with. But it’s come with the price of losing a lot of my ideas to the short format, which makes me feel like my writing is not my own.
And that’s a huge issue I’ve been having.
I’ve been writing for others and not myself. I want to write the stories I want to read. That’s why I’m going to be posting to AO3 first now and it’s going to take my priority now.
I’ll still post my weird thoughts here and when the fics are completely finished they’ll be posted here as well, but when they’re currently being worked on it’ll mainly just be on AO3.
I know this is a big inconvenience. I’ll look into maybe unlocking my fics on AO3 so they’re more accessible (however if that dumb ai shit starts again idk) but please understand that writing fics isn’t fun to me anymore and I want to make it fun again.
So what else?
I’m going to be moving most of my fics over to AO3.
I’m also planning on rewriting the short form ones (so cbf!soap, android!reader, wintersoldier!reader etc) to make them longer!!
Which means on AO3 they’re going to become extended versions. It’s going to be rewritten in a way that I like more and hopefully enhances the story. And once they’re completely done over there, I’ll post the extended versions over here.
I hope you guys will understand. If you have questions ask me.
In the meantime, enjoy my horny and depraved thoughts when I post them lol
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beemers-hell · 10 days
HANK. HEAD CANONS. pretty please?
Hank HCs!
Early 50s
AMAB that doesn't really give a shit about gender, has what i like to describe as "object permanence romance" i.e. he doesn't think about or want to engage in romantic situations unless it's offered to him, or more or less, he dgaf until he visibly percieves the romantic/even sexual thing in front of him!
Around 7'00", was originally 6'02" but kept getting larger due to his body being modified the more times he died!
The Three A's as my guy Blade describes it: Autistic, Albino, and has Alopecia!
His body is more or less not really his own anymore, he's kind of a Frankenstein's monster of dead bodies brough back to life. Due to this, he has all sorts of aches and pains from his body not really matching any one source within him, as well as minor complications stemming from the fact that Doc really isn't a doctor, he just knows how the body works! Sanford takes care of fixing anything major that pops up with his body failing or rejecting parts since he actually has field experience/knowledge, while Doc takes care of the more cybernetic parts of Hank's innards that he's needed to install over the years.
Seems to be over and or understimulated like, 24/7, this dude hasn't really felt peace in a LOOOOOOOOONG time which explains why he's such a jackass a majority of the time. He's capable of showing care for others but he's just in a bad mood all the time from being either over or under stimulated.
Like I mentioned with Doc's HC post, the two were once together, before the events of the series, but eventually drifted apart in a romantic sense after things got bad. It was clear him and Doc's goals were vastly different, which led to them splitting. They still work together because Doc's one of the only people Hank feels like he can trust.
I don't think Hank is actually evil, he's just really fucking tired of the path he's gone down in life, but clearly the higher powers of Nevada have something else in mind for him. He feels like he has this weird feeling thats "possessing" him to some degree, not in a literal sense of possession but like in a way where he feels like something is driving him to continue his slaughter of Nevada despite him not really giving a shit anymore. He keeps it controlled by carrying contracts out for Doc, which allows him to appease that feeling of needing to kill, while also allowing him downtime to just chill the fuck out. The feeling never really goes away though, it's just always there, even if it's numbed.
Hank doesn't really care about what happens to Nevada, he just wants to dull the drive he has to kill. The fact that there's an entire agency dedicated to stopping him, which means he seemingly has an endless supply of attackers, just works out for him.
Speaking of this, Hank doesn't attack innocents. Or at least, anyone who hasn't already provoked him. Like I said, he's capable of feeling empathy for others, and can even feel remorse, which is why he isn't some mindless spree killer. He only goes for those who directly antagonize him!
Fuck you dude loves Evanescence!!!
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joekeeryswife · 6 months
I saw you did an Alex fic and omg I loved it but do you think you could do like an angsty fic where idk like Alex and the reader get into an argument and then the reader goes to miles to comfort but then Alex finds out and gets more mad?? Idk thats js an idea but angst pleaseee🙏🙏
Fight - a.t
a/n: hey loves, thank you for the love on my last imagine! i rushed this and didnt know how to write it. i will do a part two if you guys want! sort of hate this icl so i might re-write it 🫶🏼
also please send me alex requests! i also now do instagram aus 🫶🏼
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“why do you always have to do this Alex? i’m just trying to keep this relationship going and all you’re doing is ignoring me. all the time. i feel like i’m talking to a brick wall” you shout at him. for weeks he had been avoiding you, coming home late and leaving super early in the morning. whenever you did see each other all you did was fight and you hated that.
“i don’t know y/n maybe because you’re so insufferable that i don’t want to be here?” he shouted back, he could feel his body getting hot. he was mad but he didn’t mean what he said. he had been so caught up with writing and singing that he had hardly spent time at home with you and it was getting to both of you. “what? that’s just fucking rude Alex. i have no idea what is going on with you but you’re not the alex i fell in love with. you’ve changed and i barely see you now”
you didn’t mean for this fight to start. he had come home somewhat early and you’d asked him to sit and watch a film with you but he’d rolled his eyes saying he didn’t want to spend time with you and that’s how you got here. “y/n i don’t want to spend time with you okay? just leave me alone” you felt your eyes fill with tears, nodding your head you made your way to the front door.
you slipped on your shoes and grabbed your keys “where are you going now?” you scoffed at him. “didn’t you just tell me to leave you alone? so i’m leaving you alone.” you quickly slipped out of the door and slammed it shut behind you making him flinch as the house shook. he sighed, walking to the sofa and sat down groaning at himself for what he’d done. “fucking idiot mate” he rubbed his forehead in annoyance, he had royally fucked up.
Alex sat on the sofa for forty minutes until he realised he needed to go and look for you. he’d messages all your friends and you weren’t at any of theirs and he was starting to get worried. even though he was frustrated, stressed and annoyed he was still worried about you. he stood up and decided he would go to Miles’ house to try and get him to help look for you.
you had somehow ended up at Miles’ house. he had been alex’s best friend for years and you two had become close when you and Alex started dating. you just needed someone to talk to who understood Alex and what he was going through and your friends wouldn’t understand.
you were both sat on the sofa opposite each other, you were sobbing and Miles felt awful. “i just- i don’t know what’s happened to him. we used to be so in love and he has changed so much” you sniffled. you wanted your relationship with Alex to work out, you’d been together for four years, engaged for a year and planning a wedding yet he was distant.
“he spoke to me the other day, told me that you hadn’t been getting along and that he was really stressed with writing. apparently the label are being arseholes and are stressing him out, keeping him at work till late and he hates being away from you. i think he’s just very stressed and it’s not right him taking it out on you but i don’t think he means it” Miles tried to comfort you, you had no idea Alex had been feeling like this and honestly it made you feel even worse.
“do you think there’s anything i could do to help him? i don’t want him feeling like this and i want to help him” you wiped your cheeks, you still felt sad at how Alex spoke to you but you felt even more sad that Alex was feeling just as awful.
Miles went to talk but was cut off by banging on his front door. he frowned but nevertheless got up and went to go open the door. “Miles, thank god. i haven’t heard from y/b and she’s not with any of her friends. i need you to help me try and find-” you heard Alex and quickly turned to look at the doorway. he looked frantic, and his face changed from worry to anger in a matter of seconds. “y/n what the fuck? i haven’t heard from you i was worried sick” he shouted at you making you flinch.
“Alex i’m sorry but i just-” you tried to speak but he cut you off. “no y/n. i was so worried about you, you didn’t even reply to my messages and you’re here with my best friend? we have a fight and this is the first place you come too?” he shouted at you making your eyes fill with tears yet again.
you hadn’t even realised that he was messaging you, you were so focused on speaking to Miles checking your phone had completely slipped your mind. “do you have any idea how worried i was? i thought something had happened to you and this whole time you were here with Miles. that’s ridiculous y/n” Miles shook his head and put his hand on Alex’s shoulder to try calm him down.
“come on mate she didn’t mean to ignore you, we were just talking about what had happened it wasn’t her fault it was mine” he tried to defuse the situation but it was no use. “no Miles don’t try take the blame. y/n you done this on purpose, you’re just so selfish i can’t believe this is where you were. is something going on between the two of you? so that why you came here?” you were shocked at what you were hearing. you would never ever cheat on Alex.
“what? are you joking?” he stood there, his face not changing one bit as he awaited your answer. “that is almost laughable that you’d even think that. i love you. i’m still madly in love with you and im sick and tired of you talking to me like im a piece of shit” tears were now flowing down your cheeks as you stood up and barged past him, making sure to knock his shoulder.
“well, you really fucked that one up Alex” Miles sighed. Alex bowed his head, he had pushed you away and been so rude to you that now you’d left him. he’d lost you and he’d never regretted something more in his whole life.
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sunshine-overload · 19 days
[BSTS] Heath 5th Anni Eve 4* Card Story
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chapter 1 -starless back rooms-
saki: (This piece of paper flew over from somewhere… Oh, it was from the voice training room.)
saki: Uwah, I can’t catch it.
heath: What are you doing? 
saki: Oh, Heath-san. That piece of paper flew out of the voice training room.
heath: Oh sorry, that’s mine. I got dragged away by Kongou, so the room has been vacant for a bit. He finally let me go once he saw me eat my lunch… It was a massive serving too.
saki: Fufu, do you have practice now?
heath: I was planning to shut myself away in the voice training room for a while. If you’re interested would you like to join me?
-voice training room-
heath: I should pick all this paper up, my bad.
saki: I’ll help you. Ah, this is…
heath: The the lyrics to ‘Dokuhebi’, the show B performed for the store’s second anniversary. I usually lock myself in here to write new songs, however today I’ve been thinking about that show.
saki: Your second anniversary show you mean?
heath: I’d rather not remember the period of time after the second anniversary up until the new year but it’s not like I could ever forget it either. I caused my team a lot of hardship. But the worst part was being stuck sitting in that hospital bed whilst my words were stolen from me. It was hell.
saki: Heath-san…
heath: My songs are my very soul. By shouting them out into the world, I can prove that I’m alive. That I exist. So that’s why ever since I got discharged from the hospital, I’ve been thinking about my songs… As well as B’s shows.
saki: It’s true that you’ve made every single song for B’s shows.
heath: …Say, what do you think of the current state of B’s performances? Let me know how you honestly feel about them, what is Team B in your eyes?
They’re really powerful and amazing / They’re really moving / They’re very Team B, I like it
(all options have the same response)
>They’re really powerful and amazing 
saki: B’s shows are always really engaging, they’re so powerful and impressive.
heath: I see. If that’s how you see us, then I suppose that’s how Team B are. Thanks, Saki.
chapter 2 -backstage-
heath: The show will be starting soon, did you come to wish me well? I’ll make sure to meet your expectations. I’ll get both the stage and the audience fired up. I’ll put on a show thats power will impress you, kind of like a power play. Don’t go forgetting that, ok?
saki: Heath-san… You’re really motivated today, aren’t you?
heath: I guess so, you could call it that. It’s because seeing your face energises me. To be honest, I had just been thinking, what direction am I trying to take my performances in? But then when I saw your face, the answer came to me.
I can’t always envision tomorrow and yesterday won’t ever come back. All I have is the present. That’s what just clicked for me…
I had two reasons for coming to this store. The first was to give life to my lyrics. And the second was to have those lyrics be heard by those that I want to hear them. Those reasons haven’t changed and won’t ever change… They can’t be changed.
saki: …Heath-san?
heath: I’d like for you to keep watching the way I live my life. Just as you have been up and until now… Please continue doing so.
saki: Of course. I’ll always be here to watch your shows.
heath: Yeah. I’ll do my best. You should get to your seat already, I’m gonna go all out straight out the gate, so make sure you keep up.
saki: I’m looking forward to it. I’ll head to my seat then!
-saki leaves-
heath: ….Saki. I’m different from back then. I won’t let anyone touch my life ever again.*
heath: “Do you think singing hymns will keep you safe? Pride is a machine gun loaded with betrayal. No forgiveness, no groove. In this world you can’t have faith in anything. No forgiveness, no groove. No one’s gonna be fooled by a world like this.”
*The word for ‘life’ that heath uses here is 命 (inochi) which is the word he commonly uses when he calls his songs his life
*Dokuhebi is based on The Brothers Karamazov, Smerdyakov specifically, the ending is lyrics from the song
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
Sometimes I feel people who spend too much time arguing online about specific stances forget that sometimes people just like to talk about things that are important and meaningful to them regardless of if it supports or weakens their stance and/or in group
Like yeah I have opinions and kinda engage with syscourse, but for the most part, before I'm pro-endo or what ever I am a person of color, I'm AAPI, I'm a practicing Buddhist, I am visibly trans and queer, I am intersex, I love and care a lot about birds, I love research particularly in soft sciences, I have late-stage recovery person with DID and complex trauma collected through my life span, I'm autistic and I professionally work with kids
Topics relating to any of those are things I enthusiastically talk about and love to engage in discussion over at any point and SOMETIMES those things overlap with online discourse and syscourse and overall, the interaction of ALL of those factors lead me to generally be pro-endo
But I am not talking about those things because I'm pro-endo or because I want to push an agenda or bolster a side; I'm talking about them cause >they matter to me beyond online discourse and the online discourse is just one of the many places those topicss appear in real life<
As a POC Buddhist, "tulpa"mancers are culturally appropriative or, at the very least, the "tulpa" community has SEVERE racial issues and perspectives in the community's culture that they have got to work on and address properly. If you deny that, you are an asshole. That supports anti-endo sentiments but WAIT
As a POC Buddhist, I find it pretty colonialist and white / western centric to claim that the ONLY way for someone to legitamently experience themselves as more than one is through trauma because MANY non-european, non-western cultures have the experience of being multiple normalized without being anything clinical or due to trauma. That's a point for pro-endos.
Wait what? Why am I saying endos and anti-endos are behaving in ways rooted in cultural appropriation, racism, orientalism, and colonialist ideology? What?
Maybe it's cause cultural appropriation, racism, orientalism and colonialist ideology is pervasive in society and all groups and I am much more concerned about calling THAT out than I am over an arbitrary online discourse about whose the most real
95% of what I post about I don't identify as syscourse cause syscourse is RARELY the point as much as it is a byproduct OF the point. Like I know many would consider it still syscourse and thats fair and valid, but syscourse is rarely the intentional point of any of my posts these days because its honestly such a stupid debate
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You know that Weapon Reader you did with Lilia and Malleus? Can do you one with Before and After Overblotting Yandere!Azul (And maybe Yan!Floyd and Yan!Jade) with Weapon Reader? I can see Reader doing this when Azul was asking for something to ‘sweeten’ the deal that he has for them (To free the Students):
Azul: What exactly can you offer me beside your Dorm? You don’t exactly-
Reader (No hesitation): My Body
Azul: Have much to offer- (Realizes what they said) HUH?!? (Is completely off guard by such a suggestive offer)
Reader (Straight faced): You heard me
Jade and Floyd (Both smirk realizing the Magicless Prefect is going be entertaining to have around): Hehehe…
Jack (Surprised and very started by their ‘suggestive’ offer): Are you INSANE?? (Has a blush on his face from embarrassment)
Grim, Ace and Deuce (Spit-Take after hearing what their Friend just offered): W H A T/N Y A H? ? ! ?
I DEFINITELY believe that Reader doesn’t realize that the rules on ‘Offering’ their Bodies is VERY different from their world (Since Demon Weapon offer their Bodies to Meisters to turn into Weapons) which is seen as connecting to their Meisters (Not realizing that what they offered was VERY suggestive until Ace explained it, then I bet their face rivals Angry Riddle’s Face)
I love this so much
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Weapon Reader (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Azul Ashengrotto
Feeling the weight of the scythe’s blade that was on his lap, he’s desperately trying to gain some semblance of normalcy for him
“Y-your leg!”
“It wouldn’t be just this part. This is only a demonstration. Fully changed, I'm a spear.”
“W-why would I need a spear?!”
“...” You were looking at him like he was the alien here 
“Uh to stab people? I thought you were the smart one Azul.”
He near faints 
Despite his initial shock he eventually gets quite excited about you and your so-called friends failing becoming part of his little crew in Monstro Lounge
With you in his pocket, he’d be unstoppable
Not to mention he could finally get to know you or rather for you to know him at all
Too many times had he chickened out from speaking to you because he was sure his heart was beating loud enough to hear
But if you really were making the offer
He’d take it
And when the day ends he himself will collect you
“Well similar to Ramshackle, it's only right that I protect and exercise your services until the contract is officially in action.”
On account of maintaining your deal, you sigh before following Azul who is trying to hide his blushy smile as he pushes his glasses up with pride
So between being interrogated about your weapon status and plotting with your friends it will ultimately trigger his overblot
When that finally does happen you are more than prepared to throw down especially if Jade is offering to be your meister
When all's said and done Azul’s really upset you are out of his grasp
Next to Jamil your #1 on his ‘make a contract with at any opportunity' list
And it's not entirely because of your weapon status
“Prefect, I was curious if you’d let me…handle you, a-as a weapon of course!”
“If you let me touch your tentacles.”
“W-what?! B-but thats–”
“Embarrassing? Maybe, but I’m not one to let just anyone wield me.”
“I’d love to wield you more than anything~!”
“J-just thinking about future…opportunities for collaboration, where’d we both get what we want.”
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Jade Leech
His having a difficult time repressing the smile on his face
No doubt having also been deeply engaged in research about you, he already deemed you a person of interest
This was just the icing on the cake
He’s really really hoping Azul didn’t properly explain it in the terms of the contract
If Azul didn’t have use for you, he’d gladly be willing 
He can’t wait to take advantage get to know you better
In all your forms
“We happily accept your offer. And once you fail, we can’t wait to keep you forever properly employ you.”
Now he’s going to enjoy exercising the guard for collateral 
Sevens does he love throwing that weight around 
As he slowly carves into your time with your friends 
“Excuse us but we best be off. We’ve scheduled some time for us to get acquainted with one another.”
He really wants to see you in your full weapon form
He also really wants to know if your sense of touch remains through your transformation
“So this is what you meant about being a battle axe. I expected something more modest.”
“Like a lumberjack’s? Please, with the monsters I’d be fighting this is–what are you doing?”
“Sorry I just wanted to know, can you feel this at all?”
“Y-yes but why are you holding my handle like that?!” 
“Just getting a feel for you, that’s all.”
“Well stop it! This is just weird!”
“Perhaps but you were the one to sign the contract, no?”
“It hasn’t gone into effect just yet.”
“It will. And when it does I’ll be more than prepared to wield you with the skill you deserve.”
Sucks to suck 
He’s more aggravated than he lets on about the contract being fulfilled
Now he’s got to find another way to get ahold of you
And while he’s at it he might just cut Azul and Floyd out of it for good measure
So prepare for any and all situations that need you to transform
“Well this is quite the predicament!”
“It isn’t a predicament! You purposely chose this heavily forested area!”
“I’ve done no such thing. This is all through coincidence.”
“Now if you’d transform so that I may cut through this bramble.”
“And there it is!”
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Floyd Leech
Is just as excited as his brother
He’s following you everywhere 
Closing in when he finds an opportunity to run off with
“I get to have (Y/n)! Why? Because I need to watch for the contract of somethin’!”
He isn’t as interested in getting Ramshackle as he is in finally getting to play with you
He always thought you were just a cute little shrimp 
But you have claws!
How fun!
Fully expect him to shake you hysterically before full-on asking
“Why won’t you change?!”
“You’re telling me! Where’s the knife button?”
“Hahaha! S-stop p-poking me! Hey! Keep your hands off!”
Thinking it might ease his insistent touches it won’t
You’ll transform and he’s swinging you around like a maniac
“Stoooop! You’re going to hurt someone!”
“But it's so fun to swing you around like this!”
“Leech brother put that down immediately! You shouldn’t be swinging a weapon like that so indiscriminately, especially since it's you.”
He’s honestly a little peeved
But hey you were known for never being boring
Now that you have claws he’s more intense with his advances
He’s not immune to blades but he does enjoy a workaround
It doesn’t matter that the contract wasn’t fulfilled 
It just means he gets to have fun trying to catch you off-guard
He’s always been one for a chase
“Ne ne Shrimpy~Where’d you run off to?!”
“Don’t come near me Floyd, I'll cut you!”
“I’d like to see you try!” 
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simplydnp · 1 month
inspired by @manchesterau's post but i didnt want to unload in your tags so. be warned that this is just a deluge of feelings
'the unloading of shame together'
my parents didn't pay a lot of attention to me as a kid. they didn't care about my interests or engage with me about them. i would be excited to share something and be met with 'thats nice. anyway' on a good day. other times, it was actively shamed and shut down. and i'm talking innocuous kid shit--warrior cats, school subjects, music. my parents raised me to be 'well rounded' and yet, only cared about if i was succeeding in whatever i did. it didn't matter if i liked it. it wasn't about me, it was about the bigger picture of it all. of getting their parenting gold star. so i learned to be ashamed of my interests. i didn't want to share things with them anymore, because i knew i'd either be shamed for it, or they'd talk over me and change the subject. and heaven forbid i bring it up again, because they weren't actually listening if i did share something, so they wouldn't remember. i was a smart kid, i didn't need a neon flashing sign that they didn't care, i already knew it.
this seeped into my friendships. i was already a bit of an outcast. a loner. a weird kid. so it just made me tamp down on my interests more, in attempts to fit in. i never stopped reading incessantly--but i did stop talking about what i was reading. i did stop sharing deeper than surface level things. because when i did i'd get rejected for it. and i didn't understand. and i still don't.
i still carry this. through high school i hardly talked about any of my actual true interests. cause the few times i tried it got shut down. quite literally regarding dan and phil. so here's char--the artsy sporty nerdy one. with no other depth to her. because interests are shameworthy. i'm not allowed to have things. and no one will like you since you like things. that's weird, that's cringe.
university. i was playing a caricature of myself. no one knew anything actually about me. after years i told my closest friend a thing. she called me weird. 'why would you care about that'. and i had to sit there and take it. (we didn't stay friends). i graduated with no one knowing. there was no one else after.
no one knows. not my friends. not my family. and it feels like i'm drowning sometimes. but it feels like if i scream no one will hear me. cause they're not listening.
that's why being here matters to me. it's not about the numbers, but it's the reasonance. it's the external validation of the fact that what i have to say matters. that what i like is good. and that other people like how i love things. that you're here because it's me.
any of you that say you like my tags or my takes, i put each word right next to my heart. cause i spent too long not hearing it.
you matter and you have important things to say.
deciding to go to the tour was hard. cause in a lot of ways i didn't think i 'deserved' to go. and i was terrified of my family finding out. but i've been through so much this year. and the people who've been here for me are going to that show. and they'd really like it if i came with. and, dammit, i'd really like to go. so i'm going. i don't care that i'm lying to my family about why. i don't care that there's still parts of me that are dying inside about it. i'm going. i'm excited. and i'm also nervous as hell. cause i don't 'talk' to people about dnp. i type. on my phone in the dark in my room. by myself. so this is going to be different. but i'm not letting that stop me from going.
it's really nice to hear that dan and phil are doing the appreciation of themselves and their interests. because, fuck, it's hard! but i'm trying.
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the-smiling-doodler · 16 days
What is the difference between twitter and tumblr
there's a lot of differences between them, from community to functionality. we'd be here all week if i listed every single one, so i'm just gonna name a few: 1. the community on tumblr is a lot more chill than the one on twitter. tumblr users HIGHLY encourage curating your own experience, it's basically impossible to be on tumblr for a while without seeing at least one post encouraging you to unfollow/block people you dont vibe with, not respond to hateful asks and block mean anons, and filter tags you dont like. this isn't to say that other apps don't do the same thing, but in my experience, tumblr users are far more vocal about it. it's very ingrained in the app's culture as a whole. linking this back to the SC fandom real quick: I've only been faced with one drama on tumblr, compared to twitter where it seems like every fucking day some new shit pops up. tumblr-exclusive SC fans are largely unaware of any of the crazy shit that goes on on twitter. i keep saying this to my moots but it is genuinely far more peaceful on here than on twitter. 2. tumblr is also more slow-paced than twitter because the character limit on this app is HUGE (4096 characters per text block, and tumblr allows a total of 1000 content blocks per post, meaning that if you use every content block you have exclusively for text, the total character limit is 4,096,000 characters per post. thats like 630154 - 819200 words !! also, reblogs count as their own post, and you can reblog a post a near infinite number of times (ignoring the 250 post limit a day.)), which i think is part of the reason why this app is more chill. it's less stressful, it feels like you can take your time on here. this isn't mentioning that you can attach up to 10 images to a post, making tumblr a better app for both writers and artists compared to twitter. the more you stay on this app, the more you notice that a lot of posts are very long. 3. i've said this on another post of mine (which i really recommend reading if you have the time because i talk a lot about the importance of reblogging posts on tumblr, among other things), but I'll say it here again: while the community on tumblr is more chill, it's also very quiet. a lot of tumblr users have become very passive in their engagement with posts, only liking and never reblogging. in my personal experience, i've found that you get far more engagement and reach on twitter than on tumblr (emphasis on personal experience, because a few of my friends have told me that they actually get more interaction on tumblr than on twitter.) in short: twitter is where you go to get famous, tumblr is where you go to hang out with friends. 4. this point came from my friend @buggyboo-exe, he said: "I'd add the fact that Tumblr allows for more, how do I say, personal interaction? On Twitter sure, you can follow people and see just your follower's posts and everything but Tumblr not only has the ask box, it also gives you the feature to answer those asks privately. I think it's just easier to make friends on Tumblr and actually keep those friends long term than on Twitter. Likely due to the slow paced thing as well. I'm not sure how to explain it better. Tumblr also started the whole "moots" thing I believe so followers are always seen more as friends then anywhere else." I think this point is very solid because, yes, although I think twitter is better in terms of quantity of engagement, tumblr allows for deeper, more personal interaction. a lot of my closest friends on this fandom are ones I've made on tumblr. I feel way more comfortable goofing around and being silly with them publicly on here than on twitter.
5. this is something I wanted to add to the post i linked in point 3 but forgot to, and that is that tumblr is more or less timeless. it's very, very, VERY common to come across posts from as far back as 15 years ago. you basically never see twitter posts ever again if they weren't made this year, but on tumblr? it's not unusual to see a post from 2015 circulating. it's not weird to reblog art or writing from months or years ago. it's also not weird to go through an artist's blog and just reblog/like all their posts in one sitting. (also, reblogging a post means you get to keep a copy of it on your blog forever. meaning that even if a user deletes their blog, or deletes the post itself, as long as you've reblogged it it's never truly gone. reblog your favorite posts if you wanna keep them with you forever!!) 6. tumblr users REALLY stress anonymity. one of the first things i told my twitter mutuals was to PRIVATE YOUR LIKES AND FOLLOWING TABS !! no one wants or needs to see that stuff. this is your personal blog, you're allowed to and even encouraged to keep things about yourself private. it is usually extremely easy to tell who is and isnt a tumblr user, because twitter users tend to: have their likes and following visible, don't have a blog title, dont have a personal blog theme, and only like posts with little to no reblogs.
I'll cut myself off here because this post is getting very long, but yeah, there's a LOTTTT of differences. i hope this answered your question !! and to anyone reading this, feel free to ask me if you have any other questions about being on tumblr. I know a lot of you are new here and i LOVE to yap, so i'd be happy to answer !!
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abrisaber · 4 months
Full Moon kinda sucked :/ (Another HB Rant - Spoilers for Full Moon)
I hate to say this but I think Vivziepop has finally lost me. Now I'm not saying I'm no longer an HB fan, JMI was geneticlly enginered to get me addicted to whatever he's in meaning I could'nt stop watching HB even if I tried. However I am starting to doubt Vivziepops talents. I have no idea what happened between the first half of Season 2 and the second half but this kind of seasonal rot has to be studied in a fucking lab.
I want to like the episodes after "The Circus," I really do. I don't even hate Cherubs, but aside from Oops and the Mid-Special, every episode following The Circus has ranged from disapointing to awful compared to S1.
It's not even like I hate the episodes after The Circus either. Seeing Stars was okay for the most part, Exes and Oohs tried to do something, even Unhappy Campers introduced a potentally intresting character (and thats it). But these episodes have so many glaring flaws in my book that it's hard to grasp.
In my opinion, Helluva Boss was at its best during the balk half of season 1/The beginning of Season 2 (Truth Seekers-The Circus) and the decline in writing quality started at around Seeing Stars.
I made a long post that explains what about Truth Seekers I like so if you care even a little bit about my opinions, you can suffer through that rant, but to shorten it here, Truth Seekers is my favorite episode of the series because it balances the comedy and the drama expertly imo. Truth Seekers feels like Helluva Boss had finally stuck the landing at what kind of show it wanted to be. It showcased how Blitzo felt about his past relationships and his current one, it gave Moxxie a chance to be heard outside of his flaws (before the show decided they wanted to retread the same fucking plotpoint a couple more times), and it was pretty funny (comedy is subjective tho so feel free to ignore my feelings on comedy from here on out).
Ozzies is a good episode because, well, Asmodeus, but also it does more for Blitzo's character. It contrasts with Truth Seekers via two of the three halucinations calling him out on his shit, and it starts to build upon how he views his relationship with Stolas.
While I don't really like The Circus, what it did at the end for Stolas and overall how it setup the relationship for him and Blitzo was genuinly good imo. How it started with Blitzo initiating the one sidedness of their relationship and whatnot.
Notice how I'm talking almost exclusively about Blitzo as my reasons for enjoying these episodes more than others. And thats because Helluva Boss is at its best when it treats Blitzo as its main character. Even from the beginning he was the real star. Obviously you have characters like Stolas and Moxxie also getting focous, but even in those episodes, Blitzo still gets development, because Blitzo is the main driving force for the show. He's the Helluva Boss. He's the center, the emotional core. HB should be about HIM and HIS relationships to others.
Some of the worst episodes are the ones where Blitzo isn't really the main focous, I'm not saying that Blitzo automaticlly makes the show good or that he should be the only one get focus, but when you pull back and look at the series, almost every beloved episode have him (or him and Stolas) at its emotional center.
To keep this already long post from being absurdly long, I'll skip ahead to why I really didnt like the newest episode, Full Moon.
First things first, the Cherubs and Dhorks fucking suck ass as antagonists. They're annoying, they're not funny, and just like Crimson and Striker in Oops, they serve zero narritve purpose outside of being glorified cardboard cutouts for the main characters to fight. They are everything wrong with B-plots in media. Their only existence is to create artifical narritve throughlines that makes artifical suspence to keep the audience engaged like babies watching those baby sensory videos. "Oooo look its the Cherubs from the most nothing burger episode of Season 1. Oooo it's the Dhorks that are easily the most forgetable aspect of Truth Seekers. OOOhhh isnt it sooooo fucking hilarous how the Dhorks killed a bunch of children? Ohhh aren't you so invested to see these characters that mean absolutely nothing to the plot that Vivziepop is trying to sell the show with? DONT YOU JUST LOVE THESE KEY JINGLING ASS CHARACTERS YOU FUCKING BABY-"
I got a little carries away there, but my point is that Dhorks and the Cherubs are worthless slop that should be removed from the plot entirely.
Usually I wouldn't even care since 2/3 instances where useless villans show up to be useless, the main plot not involving them is really good (Refering to Oops and Truth Seekers).
But the main-plot in this episode is just as bad, if not WORSE than the B-plot.
Regarding my previous rant again, I was an avid defender of Stolitz up until maybe Western Energy, although in that case with the aftermath of Ozzies being handled mostly offscreen is more me being skeptical about Vivs pacing and writibg style. I didn't have a problem with the actual idea of Stolitz yet, just with the execution.
In actuality, my problem with the writing started in The Full Moon.
Even with me being an avid defender of Stolitz, even with me analyizng and disecting Blitzo's mentality and reasonings and emotional trauma, even with me trying to justify BOTH sides of this toxic relationship with no real abuser,
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THIS does NOT come off as Blitzo begging to keep Stolas in his life because he cares about him and wants to be with him. I'm sure theres some of that in there and I still have faith that Viv try to put more of that into the execution going forward. But no matter how many times I watch this ending scene and the scenes before it, no matter how long I sit and think and think and think about this dynamic, this scene does NOT feel that way to me.
To me, this scene looks like a lower class citizen begging on his knees to the person whos essentaily employing them to let him keep his job to be able to feed his family and keep his colluges/close friends in work.
This feels like a man whos society is stacked against him trying to keep the one thing he has afloat.
I don't feel this way towards the entire scene. When Blitzo tries to avoid the whole conversation by trying to keep the transaction going, thats when I see more of the emotional side, but it still doesn't sit right with me how the dynamic is being represented.
Stolas explains it pretty well in the moments after. He says "This transactional thing we have, its not right anymore. It hasn't been. It never was. And now, all I can see is how wrong it is to be teathered to someone in such an unfair way. And not know how they feel."
To me, this finally feels like Stolas coming to his senses and realizing that he and Blitzo's relationship is unbalanced. He sees that Blitzo's reliance on him is unfair, so he works to end it.
My problems start to arise again when Stolas reacts to Blitzo trying to play it off again as Roleplay.
I can understand his side of the coin, how he feels that Blitzo only wanted him for sex and nothing more, or how he believes that Blitzo doesnt really care for his feelings and only stays for the book, and when giving Blitzo the option, he chooses to ignore it.
But I still cannot get over how icky this scene makes me feel. Blitzo has made it clear how he thinks Stolas feels about their relationship. In the Just Look My Way music video it seems that Stolas somewhat realizes that Blitzo is hurting in some capacity. When Blitzo vents his frustraitions, Stolas says "I didn't know you thought so lowly of me" which doesnt make any fucking sense in response to what Blitzo is saying.
Again, its that image of a person mistreated by society begging someone who is privlaged to let him keep his job. I cant stomach this idea that Stolas got his fucking feelings hurt over someone he indirectly played with for his own pleasure and to escape his marrige venting their frustraitions about how THEY feel about it. HE HIMSELF admitted that the relationship was unfair, so when Blitzo says "You treat me poorly and expect me to believe when you suddenly express your feelings for me? Can I get a minute to actually process what you said," its litteraly just parroting what Stolas was saying.
Stolas knows how Blitzo feels. He knows Blitzo is hurting. And yeah past relationship trauma isnt an excuse to be shitty, but it's not like Stolas made it very obvious that he did actually care about Blitzo's emotions.
Up until this point the relationship has been one sided on both sides. Both parties think the other doesnt care or that the other is just using them for something. Both sides caught feelings and didnt want to admit it, and Stolas was the bigger person for trying to initiate that discussion. But with the ending line Stolas says and all the promotional matreal being released for the upcoming seasons, the show feels like its going to make Blitzo out to be the one in the wrong when he isnt. Blitzo did the same fucking things Stolas did, so why does it feel like the next few episodes are just going to be "Blitzo sucks and we hate him." Like are you fucking serious??
Maybe I'm reading the whole thing wrong, who knows at this point.
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presleyluvschris · 9 months
Hey babes got another request Well, it’s is more of an idea with JJ inspired by the song “up there down here by Jake Owen” feel free to do with this whatever you want 🤍🤍🤍
free falling - J.M.
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pairing(s): jj x christian!fem!reader
a/n thank you for this baby
summary reader is scared about going full pouge due to her strict religious family but caves in after a date where jj shows her what she was missing.
word count 1.5k
warning(s) swearing, grammar
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your mother comes storming into your room, slamming the door open which combusts against your fragile thin walls.
"Y/N." she groans and tries not to loose her patience. "What did i tell you about john b?"
you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, knowing you would be flipped upside the head if you dared.
"you know? that guy who's always wearing flimsy shirts like a complete fool?"
she gives you a cold stare, her eyebrows on the ceiling and her eyes popping out like she was furiated.
"why is he in our driveway with that rusty ass old worn-down no good van?"
she immediately squeals and covers her mouth with her hand that was painted with red nails and an engagement ring.
she sighs and mutters under her breath to be forgiven but all you do is roll your eyes, (without her seeing of course) and storm past her and down the driveway, your mother scrambling for you, screaming and yelling for you to come back but you had made up your mind.
you had just recently become friends with the pogues, hanging out then and there as it seemed the bond kept growing by day, but you were scared of getting attached because of your family and how the felt about the pogues.
it had become a daily topic at dinner table conversations and it had started to annoy you after a few surf trips with those certain ian hated people.
you wondered if it was just easy for them to say just because they were rich assholes, and your new friends made you realize that over these few weeks.
they weren't really religious. You felt that at times they used it as a cover-up, or some kind of crutch to hide themselves and make them look perfect. and thats what your family image had always held the standard for. They didn't want you to be truthfully happy, whether it was with the pogues or not. They wanted you to be perfect.
you were naturally drawn to them, especially the blonde one who had sneaked into your window late at night when you knew the alarm in the house hadn't been set.
they taught you how to have fun. JJ, taught you how to live, be loose, go with the flow like the waves would. Something you had never experienced before due to the strict brick-and-border lifestyle you had obtained since you were three years old.
part of you felt guilty for being such a rebel since you were taught to always sit straight, but it felt good. it felt good to not have to constantly worry about every action you took.
as you scurried down the stairs you laugh at john b who honked the horn and gestured for you to get in.
"were going to the beach, theres a bikini in the back that kie dropped off for you, don't worry."
you were only excited for one thing. to see your favorite blonde boy again.
john b caught onto the energy and rolled his eyes, "the shithead will be there too, don't worry."
you gelt yourself blush at the comment but the both of you knew that was all that you were worrying about.
the engine starts as john b pulls out of your driveway, you didn't even look at your mom beating on the window.
as the van makes it's way down the road, you tilt your wrist out rhe window and make a wave gesture with your hand, making john b chuckle a little.
"so, you going to live life outside the bubble wrap yet?"
you groan and shift your head on the back of the seat. "I dont know! My parents are being total asses about it." you cover your face with your palms.
you slightly flinch at your words, you were already under the influence. you couldn't help it.
he gives you a look, "y/n, all the pogues have either went against their parents, or went to their funeral."
he looks back at the road and turns on another street.
"besides, do you really want to live your life for your parents?" he makes a raspberry with his lips.
"not on our watch. you deserve more than that." he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head slightly, "we'll show you."
he stops the van on the sand and turns the engine off before getting out and shutting his side of the door closed.
you huff and squint your eyes at the coastline ahead and maneuver yourself out of the twinkie, following john b out and onto the beach where all your friends were sitting by the fire and downing beers, except for pope of course.
"hey, guys." your lips curl into a laugh.
JJ spots you in the bikini and looks at his shoes before you take a seat next to him.
"hey princess," he faces his head away to hand you a beer from the cooler, "how'd getting out go?"
you shrug, "mom nearly killed me but here we are." you take a sip of the beer and place it in the sand.
his lips go into a downward position and he nods, finishing the rest of his drink.
"what do you think would happen if i ran away?" you press your lips together.
JJ nearly spits out his drink, "what?! why? for what?"
you put a small smile on your face and loosen up your shoulders, "i dunno i just kinda like you guys." you bite your lower lip, "i feel like if i don't get out now then i never will."
he looks you up and down, "not bad, newbie."
you laugh a little while the pogues continue to talk about surf plans.
"you wanna go somewhere?"
you hum a little, "where you have in mind?"
"ahhh, i dont know," he cocks his head, "private, maybe."
you nod your head and get up, "lets go then."
he chases a wave as he sits on his board, and you follow him out onto the water.
he kicks back a wave as you sit in the water admiring how hot he is surfing.
the both of you have fun riding waves before you make your way back on the sand, your gut internally sore from laughing so hard.
he takes your hand in his as you walk down the beach near the water line, finding a good spot to sit down as the sky turns pink from the orange sun setting into the horizon.
"so," he mumbles, looking ahead at the ocean in front of both of you, "you've been hangin' out for a while, you still a kook?"
you rest your tounge to the side of your mouth, "john b wants me out of figure eight already." you swallow, "i dont think its a bad idea."
he smiles, "well we know all about getting away from CPS." he takes a sip of his beer, "JB made like a pact with some of the officers by workin' a few extra shifts so they would get off his ass."
he shakes his head, "crooked cops," he tuts, "not bad for us though."
you felt a sigh of relief come over you. you wouldn't have to worry about legal consequences of it.
he turns his head to look at you, "what, you think you'd go to jail?" he laughs as you give him a sarcastically nervous look.
he looks up at the sky, "okay, yeah, maybe if you stick around for it all you might have some shit in your records."
you start laughing and jj admires your beautiful smile.
he looks at your face, "so, what do you say?"
you couldnt stop smiling when you were with him, especially all alone like this. "yeah whatever i'll pack my stuff tonight," as you draw circles in the sand.
"atta' girl," he nods as he sets down his beer.
you feel yourself blush and giggle like a little middle school girl as he wraps an arm around you.
"just so you know, im not so tight with the man upstairs."
you chuckle and nod, "obviously." you purse your lips slightly, "its alright."
"but," he starts, "you make me wanna be a better version of myself, you know?"
you grin and stare at the ground, "do I, now?"
"yeah." he smiles, "how bout' this?" he studies your face on his shoulder, "you teach me about all that god stuff and i'll teach you how to have some fun."
you snort at the comment, laughing, "deal."
he rubs your arm as you both look at the glistening water, the campfire in the distance.
you feel him sigh as he gently holds you on the sand, "thank god i have you, y/n."
you roll your eyes into your head at the corny joke before he tucks a small kiss on the side of your face making you blush slightly.
this girl is heaven on earth, jj thinks to himself.
"pope actually wanted you first."
your mouth drops open, "what?"
you start laughing as you punch his shoulder and JJ gives you a dominant stare.
you put your hands up in surrender, "okay, yeah, im yours, i give up."
he snickers to himself as you look in his eyes.
JJ shakes his head as he ruffles the top of your hair, making it all messy.
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tags/idols @cafekitsune @theblackcatwitch4 @kardamenaa @drudyslut @abbyheartsyou @midnightstaylorswift @theblackcatwitch @gillybear17 @kraekat29 @wingsofoceann @drewstarkeysbae @aesthetic-babyyy @yeet-skeet321 @cal-flakes @theblackcatwitch3 @windandoceanobx join my taglist♡ masterlist
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