#and the 800 photos i now have to edit
midnightcinderella · 2 years
My favs when their s/o gets love potioned
Inspired by this post! In case the link is broken, I’ve reblogged it so it’ll be right below this post on my blog!
3/18/23: Did some editing, added some things to hopefully flesh things out a bit and make it easier to understand
Characters (word count): Trey (800), Leona (700), Silver (600)
Summary: Basically a love potion explodes in your face during class and the first person you lay eyes on after that is not your boyfriend, though that’s of no concern to the potion. Neither he nor the new object of your affections is too jazzed about it
Notes: no gendered pronouns for reader, some jealousy based fluff
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Trey Clover
Of course. Of course it had to be someone from his own dorm you saw after the potion incident
Originally he’d been planning to keep an eye on you anyway, but now it seemed he didn’t have a choice. You kept a vice grip on Cater’s arm, preventing him from fleeing the Heartslabyul kitchen
“Are you hungry, honey? I know you don’t like sweets so how about I make us some sandwiches?”
Rip his heart out, why don’t you?
He just barely suppressed the grief from showing on his face upon hearing the pet name meant for him used on Cater
When Trey turned to meet Cater’s gaze, all he could do was shoot him a sheepish grin, wiggling his arm in your grip in hopes that Trey would see that he was being held captive
Whether it was because you noticed that he wanted to be let go or because you needed both hands to make sandwiches was unknown to either of them, but you let Cater go anyway
Cater moved to leave but you called him back, saying you were almost done
At Cater’s excuse that he was busy and had plans, you replied that you chose that time to hang out with him because you knew he would be free
The boys were unsure whether they were impressed with your planning or concerned that you managed to learn Cater’s schedule in such a short time
Sandwiches made and grin on your face, you dragged Cater to eat outside with you in the warm sunshine, leaving your poor boyfriend behind to quietly bake for the dorm’s next tea party :(
His phone dinged while he was busy waiting for the pastries to bake and feeling sorry for himself. It was a Magicam notification
You’d just posted two pictures captioned “#TogetherForever”
The first was a tasteful shot of the sandwiches you’d made and the second was a selfie of you and Cater, pressed cheek to cheek with matching grins on your faces
Trey sighed. Cater never could resist a good photo op
In the garden, you were scrolling through your phone. “Look, Cater! We’ve already got so many comments!”
“You posted it?” he asked in disbelief. Trey was going to kill him. Or worse, mess with his meals
“Yeah!” you laughed, not noticing the disparity between your moods as you read through the comments
They were all confused. When had you and Trey broken up, they asked.
As you stared at the comments, wondering why they all mentioned Trey, the fog blocking a part of your brain began to clear
You were dating Trey, not Cater
You called Cater honey. Right in front of Trey
Oh shit
Without a word, you jumped to your feet and rushed toward the kitchen where you hoped your beloved still was
You only made it a few steps, however, before turning on your heel and coming back to snag your uneaten sandwich
You’d just finished the last bite when you reached the kitchen and sighed in relief when you saw that Trey was still there
He was scrolling through his phone, only noticing you when you got close
Given no time to process what was happening, Trey let out a grunt as you barrelled into him, squishing his arms to his sides as you hugged him tight
“Trey! Honey, I’m so sorry!” You were hiding your face in his shoulder, unable to see his face as you babbled one apology after another
In the middle of you swearing up and down that whatever you did with Cater wasn’t real, he wiggled one arm out of your grasp and held up a hand to stop you
Your blood ran cold at the feeling of him breaking away from you and you were almost afraid to look at him
Trey called your name softly and you finally met his eyes, terrified of what you might find. What if he was really upset?
Though you found no anger in his expression, you were still uneasy, not knowing what he was feeling
“I get a get out of jail free card for this,” was all he said. You nodded readily, pursing your lips. “Then all is forgiven.”
You planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek and held him tighter, wailing about how you’d never leave his side again
He didn’t even need to ask you to take down the pictures you took with Cater; you did it as soon as you let him go
The very next day, you posted a picture of a honey cake captioned, “With all my love to my sweet baker <3″
The comments were once again flooded with confused people, wondering if you’d thought the previous day was April Fool’s day or something
Leona Kingscholar
How weird that you were seeing Leona everywhere today, you thought
Unable to take your attention off of Jack for more than a moment, you didn’t notice that it was no coincidence
You also didn’t notice how Leona’s jaw clenched or how his tongue clicked whenever you had any interaction with Jack
What you did notice, however, was the way Jack would glance nervously behind you every so often
You’d turned to look once or twice but never saw anyone looking to do either of you harm. It was just Leona and neither of you had done anything to piss him off
“Come to the Mystery Shop with me, Jackie!” you said, pulling him along by the hand. You started off in the opposite direction of where Leona was leaning against a wall
“Wha- Can’t you shop on your own?” he asked. He glanced behind him to see Leona standing up straight once again to follow
“I could, but I really want you to come with me,” you said. “No one will mess with me if you’re there.”
“Do people mess with you often?” he asked. You nodded, not looking back
“Yeah. Some of them try to prank me, others try to flirt. It’s a headache every time.”
Jack hadn’t known about this. When he looked to Leona, it seemed the lion beastman was in the same boat
Jack had never been the best at identifying emotions, even less so when it came to inexpressive people, but Leona wore the most unreadable expression he’d seen yet
Finally, after a moment of Jack wondering if he should block or dodge, Leona nodded his chin forward, telling him to go with you
With Leona’s blessing, Jack kept your pace all the way to the shop
As you browsed the shelves, a voice in your head nagged at you that something was wrong
It wouldn’t stop and became unbearable to the point that you put the can of tuna back in its place and looked around you in all directions to prove to the voice that you were fine, there was no one in sight but you and Jack
See? You were perfectly safe. But still the voice wouldn’t shut up
It was relentless, screaming at you that you were in an unnatural situation, that you didn’t belong here. You couldn’t even focus on reading the product labels anymore
Instead you told Jack that you could shop another time and that you wanted to hang out by Savanaclaw’s pool for a bit
Which is how Jack found himself lying right beside the pool with you cuddling up to him
The sound of the water gently lapping at the edge of the pool was his only solace as he watched Leona pretend to nap nearby on a lounge chair
You laid you head on Jack’s arm, accepting that you would just have to be content with what you were given
You tapped your finger gently on his vest, right where you’d originally wanted to rest your head
He’d denied you when you asked and you gave him your best puppy dog eyes, hoping to change his mind
Unfortunately for Jack, he couldn’t tell the difference between puppy dog eyes and the look of someone about to cry
Worried that you were going to start the waterworks at any time, he offered you his arm instead
You stopped your tapping and laid your hand flat on his chest
“Jackie,” you said softly. He turned to look at you gazing at him sweetly as you laughed. “Your heart is beating so fast.”
A moment later, your world turned on its axis as a pair of arms hooked under you and hauled you into the air
Spluttering in surprise, you looked to Jack just in time to see Leona plant his boot on his hip
With no deliberation, he pushed Jack right into the pool
“Leo! What do you think you’re doing?!” And suddenly you stopped. Why had you called him Leo? And why wasn’t he annoyed by the new nickname?
One by one, the memories returned to you. Leo wasn’t a new nickname. You’d been calling him that since you started dating
“Leo,” you said again, this time looking at him as if you’d met him for the first time in years
“Welcome back, bunny,” he said, and you could feel his voice rumble through his chest. “We’ve got some naps to catch up on.”
This wasn’t funny. This wasn’t funny At All
Of all the people you could have seen after the potion exploded in your face, it had to be his father?
Well, he supposed it could have been worse. If it had to be any other Diasomnia student, he guessed he was glad it was Lilia
If it had been Sebek, he’d fear that his brusque mannerisms might hurt your feelings
And if it had been Malleus.... Sebek would be even more likely to hurt your feelings, he thought
Still, he couldn’t say it was pleasant watching his love fawn over his father the way you were doing
He was able to convince Malleus to spend more time with Lilia today so that he could keep an eye on you, much to Sebek’s outrage
“Silver! How dare you try to order our lord around just to selfishly spend time with your partner!”
Malleus only laughed and told Sebek to settle down, that Silver was only worried about you since you were affected by a potion
Though, if he were to be even more honest, he’d admit that was worried about you as well. Humans weren’t so hardy as fae and he wasn’t sure what exactly was in the potion
So now the three of them sat in the lounge watching as you giggled at all the attention Lilia was showering upon you, each with different feelings on the situation: annoyance, amusement, and disgust
Lilia chuckled, gently patting your head as you twirled the flower he’d given you between your fingers
It was plucked from one of the vases in the lounge, but it was the thought that counted, right?
You couldn’t seem to see that the affection he was giving you was the same that he’d given Silver when he was a young boy
Or perhaps you didn’t want to see it, just pleased to have him smiling at you and giving you gifts
Still, all daydreams must come to an end. Yours did when, with a lighthearted laugh, Lilia told you that you reminded him of a little boy he used to take care of
Little? You were here thinking he was flirting back while he saw it as babysitting?
Suddenly feeling very embarrassed, you put the flower into the nearest vase and gave Lilia a flimsy excuse about homework as you readied to leave
Happening to catch Silver’s gaze on your way out, you made your way over to him, ready to tell him what had just happened
“You don’t see me as a little kid, right? You take me seriously?”
Silver, patient as he’d always been, assured you that you were not childlike (at least not to the point that anyone would treat you like a child) and that everyone took you and your feelings seriously
“He was just teasing you,” he said, smoothing down your hair
Just as you were about to ask once again if he was sure, you raised your head to see him smiling at you
This smile was one reserved for you and you alone
But how did you know that?
And why was your first thought when you saw him to go to him for comfort? How had you known he would comfort you?
And why was he doing it so gently?
Without you even knowing that your expression had changed, Silver patted your head again
“It’s ok,” he said, and you knew he wasn’t just talking about the way Lilia teased you
He’d watched over you
He’d comforted you when you got upset over something silly
He’d forgiven you before you could even apologize
“Silver,” you said, lip wobbling
Rather than say anything else, he simply pulled you into his arms, his muscles relaxing at having you right where you belonged
You nuzzled into his shoulder and if he felt the tears soaking into his jacket, he didn’t mention them
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gravewaax · 1 year
canada is burning
hey friends. wanted to draw attention to the unprecedented wildfire season us canucks are currently having (and especially how these have been impacting indigenous communities).
3.3 million hectares of wildland have currently burned across the country. this is 10 times the average amount of fires that we experience per year. there’s air pollution advisories all over, with conditions ranging from persistent smokey hazes to orange skies and a red sun and general hellish atmosphere. communities are burning and people are being evacuated. i’m going to go over which provinces are the most affected along with some links to resources.
*updated 11/07/2023. please link me to any updated resources or personal fundraisers and i’ll edit them in.
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currently headlining because they have 160 (mostly out of control) fires and the smoke is hanging over southern ontario, where most of canada’s population lives.
the Algonquins of barriere lake have been displaced. the community has a population of 800, with a number of people living in cabins along traditional traplines. the Maniwaki Native Friendship Centre has been taking in evacuees, as well as providing meals and support. i believe they’ve closed donations for now, but keep an eye on their socials in case anything changes.
edit: mutual aid request for the Algonquins of barrier lake can be found here. physical donations can be dropped off at ramada plaza, gatineau, quebec.
edit: Odawa Native Friendship Centre is taking donations to assist evacuees.
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following heavy rainfall, people are beginning to return to their homes in NS. due to the location of the fires, ruptured fuel and chemical tanks may have contaminated the groundwater. if you live in NS, free well-water testing kits are beginning to be circulated. samples can be dropped off at the following locations.
the canadian red cross is taking donations to provide humanitarian aid to those displaced in NB and NS, including shelter.
edit: fundraiser for a lost home in nova scotia, having raised almost 2000 of the $8000 goal.
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set a record in may for the most hectares burned in a year, sitting pretty at over 1.3 million. the previous fire season was less than 500.
the east prairie Métis have been especially affected, losing 29 homes in a community of only 300 people. while this was in early may, and they’re starting to recover, their official gofundme is here. they’re about halfway to raising $50,000, with the aim to prioritize the 14 families who lost actively lived-in homes. the high prairie friendship centre is also taking physical donations if you live in the area. edit: been made aware that there is a fantastic linktree to individual fundraisers regarding the loss of homes.
edit: fox lake was also forced to evacuate back in early may. Little Red River Cree Nation had to escape across peace river on a barge. they have a fundraiser with 30 of $50,000 raised to purchase baby supplies and household items for the affected.
the canadian red cross is taking donations for alberta as well.
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K’atl’odeeche First Nation and their neighbouring community hay river were displaced. as of late may, the K’atl’odeeche chief, Martel, is still trying to set up a 100 person encampment for those who were impacted by the fires. while hay river has been allowed to return, there is no timeline yet for KFN. chief Martel says that people from hay river have been ignoring the barricades set up at the reserve and she is concerned for the safety of her community. please be aware that chief Martel has asked photos of the damage not to be shared on social media, as members of her community have not yet been allowed back on the reserve to see it firsthand. sacred sites and traditional traplines have been destroyed. please be respectful.
i couldn’t find many fundraisers for the NWT, unfortunately. it appears that united way is taking monetary donations, yellowknife evacuation centre is taking giftcards, and the yellowknife salvation army is accepting physical donations.
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in early may there were wildfires in northern sask that displaced the Clearwater Dene Nation. i wasn’t able to find any updates or fundraisers on the situation, but their live map indicates there are still 4 uncontained fires. you can imagine this is not good on a huge swath of flat, hot, dry land full of flammable grass.
i’ve been made aware of a fundraiser for the Anishinaabe of Grassy Narrows. last year, their one and only fire escape route was washed out by flooding. as canada experiences its worst fire season in years, it’s absolutely crucial that this road be repaired as soon as possible. they’ve currently raised about 16k of their 40k goal.
since the community banned industrial extraction (logging/mining) the ontario government has stopped maintaining the roads in the area. Grassy Narrows deserves justice and support during these hard times.
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Sending them nudes in public Bleach Edition N/SFW part 1
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Feat: Byakuya, Shunsui, Bazz-B, Kenpachi WC:800+ TW: suggestive content and language A/N: A One Piece was done already! It you would like to read it the link is right here! MDNI 18+
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Your lover was sitting at one side of the room chatting it up with his friends and family. You were sitting down scrolling on your phone. You happen to look at some of the photos you took earlier together with the family. Scrolling more up the photo album you happen to notice some explicit photos you had taken a few days earlier. Of course, you enjoy seeing him spending time with people he grew up with but wondering what would happen if you sent him one of the photos above.  He always had his phone on him, when opening your messages you type his name and send the photo to his phone. He felt the vibration in his pocket. Opening the message thank god he didn't let anyone else see the message. 
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With the straightest face ever deep down he was burning but he didn’t want to bring suspension to himself on what he just witnessed on his phone. Taking a deep breath he was trying to focus on the conversation he was a part of but he couldn’t help steal a glance over your way. He could see the smirk on your face. A few minutes would have passed when he took a seat next to you. “You think it was appropriate to send those types of things right now?” 
“Yesssss but did you like it?” you asked him
He closed his eyes for a moment before responding “I will let you know when we are home. We will also go over you for this cheeky behavior.” 
“Ooooo kink are we now?” you tease. 
Gawking at the photo for a long time. At this time you thought it was bad because anyone could lean over and see the photo now. Tapping your foot anxiously waiting for him to put his phone away. Taking another drink of his saki he was savoring the photo. He had to be a bit careful because he felt himself becoming a bit stiff down below.  Tucking his phone in his breast pocket. He chugged the rest of the drink. His head turned towards you, nodding for you to come towards him. Getting off the couch you walked towards the tall captain. His hand tucked around your waist. Leaning in your ear you could smell the sake on his breath “you know it’s dangerous to send risky photos to me in public.” he lightly chuckled “You know me, I love a bit of danger,” you spoke in a low tone having the hair stand on the back of his neck. “Is that so? Well now you wouldn’t mind if we step into the next room so we both can take photos together, maybe even a video.”  Shunsui smirked, licking your earlobe.
Bazz- B
‘Fucken god dammit’ he thought to himself. He cannot leave your side one minute without you wanting his attention. He was gnawing on his inner cheek when he took another glimpse at his phone he noticed the marks left on your breast that were caused by him. He remembered exactly the day he gave you all those marks. The more thought about it, the more he could hear you screaming his name at that time.  He wondered if the marks had cleared up yet. He began to reply to the text
Did those marks clear up? You: Some of them have but not all. why?
Bazz- b:
I will need to remark on you. Start saying goodbye to everyone because it's going to be a long night for you.
After reading the text you felt your cheeks becoming hot. Looking up you could see him looking at you. He looked at you up and down before keeping eye contact with you for a moment. 
‘Fuck that was a bad idea’ you just realized. The man who had no fucks given looked at the photo his tongue sliding against his teeth with a grin on his face. “I'm one lucky son of a bitch to get explicit photos right now.” he spoke 
“Come again Captain?” Yumichikia spoke
“He said he is the lucky son of a bitch for getting ----wait.” ikkaku spoke then looking t his captain who was looking at his phone
You quickly got up walking towards him. “Can you not be so loud about it???” you said.
“You obviously wanted me too when you sent it.” He still had his phone unlocked.
“Who would have thought ______ was such a perv. We thought you were the innocent one... I guess not.” Yumichikia spoke
“Well, boys I think I ______ needs to get rid of those thoughts so I might just take her home now.” You felt him throw you over his shoulder
“Put me down!!!!” you protested
You felt a spank on your butt “shit I have to remember you like being spanked too.” 
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vinelark · 5 months
do you have book recs?
i sure do! and they have no theme at all (aka i’m just looking at my bookshelf right now and pulling some random favs from there), so apologies in advance for a stunning lack of consistency.
SOME DESPERATE GLORY by emily tesh: maybe my fav book from last year? it had a big twist i didn’t see coming that also meant i barely even blinked the whole second half of the story. a reality-bending sci-fi that stayed readable the whole time, feat. a lovable alien and a found family breaking out of a space cult.
YELLOWFACE by r.f. kuang: when i say i did not put this book down for more than a minute from start to finish i mean it. a tense, incisive thriller with a twitter cancellation sequence more gripping and intense than any guns-blazing action scene could ever be.
THE MEMORY EATER by rebecca mahoney: do you like monsters? catharsis? the burden or a family legacy? atmospheric small towns and a sprinkling of plot-relevant amnesia? if you answered yes to any of the above it is TIME TO READ THE MEMORY EATER!!
1-800-WHERE-R-U series by meg cabot (also called VANISHED in some bindings): an enduring fav since i was a kid; meg cabot’s voice is so readable in every series but this one was always tied with the MEDIATOR series for my fav. i give this one an edge just because i love how gripping she makes such a simple premise, and the fifth book basically invented post-timeskip sequels in my heart.
AMERICA IS NOT THE HEART by elaine castillo: i have been slowly reading this one for a long time, going slow mostly because on every page there’s a line or paragraph that makes me have to pause and just swish it around in my head. like i haven’t even finished it and it’s maybe the best book i’ve ever read. the prose is just. so good. also it’s my wife’s fav book so points for that.
A LAND WITH A PEOPLE edited by esther farmer, rosalind pollack petchesky, and sarah sills: i’m currently reading this one, which is a collection of stories/photos/poems centering on palestinians’ experiences with zionism as well as stories from jews who unlearned and rejected zionist narratives.
THE PAIRING by casey mcquiston: my most recent read; i was lucky enough to snag an early copy of this and it is so charming and fun and sexy and queer and full of so many tantalizing food descriptions that i (known menace in the kitchen) almost started a list of recipes i wanted to make. def keep this in mind when august rolls around.
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general-illyrin · 9 months
Tag game: Tour my bookshelf!
@totally-not-one-of-the-fae, thank you for tagging me!
An estimate of how many physical books I own: I just counted, and I have 772 plus two boxes about 2' x 3' x 18" stuffed full that I didn't bother to drag out and count XD (And I'm pretty sure I have other books scattered throughout other boxes that I missed counting.) So I have over 800 books!
Favorite author: I definitely don't have one favorite author, but some of my favorites are J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Murray N. Rothbard, Socrates, Richard J. Maybury, and Chuck Black
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: Mine is likely also the Harry Potter series, though I may re-read it at some point (if I have nothing else to read or do, which will likely be...never XD)
A popular book I thought was just meh: I don't really pay attention to the popularity of books, so I'm not sure what books I've read are popular, and I also don't remember the names of books that I think are neither good nor bad, so I can't really answer this question.
Longest book I own: Based purely on page number, which varies depending upon the size of the books and page thickness, the longest book I own is The MacArthur Study Bible at 2,247 pages. After comes another Bible and then The Complete Works of Shakespeare.
Longest series I own all the books to: Probably The Chronicles of Narnia
Prettiest book I own: The Barnes and Noble edition of The Prince by Niccol�� Machiavelli; it is black, gold, and silver with gilded edges and I find it both beautiful and stately. Actually, here's photos of it:
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A book or series I wish more people knew about: Oh, there are so many good ones! If we're sticking to fiction, I would probably say Ranger's Apprentice, The Knights of Arrethtrae, or The Silmarillion (though I'm not sure how well-known those are). They are really good books and series that I enjoy and are on my re-read list, which is carefully curated to only my absolute favorites. If we're discussing non-fiction, I would say Whatever Happened to Justice? by Richard J. Maybury (this is an interesting look at justice and the legal system in non-technical terms), The Amazing Dr. Ransom's Bestiary of Adorable Fallacies by Douglas Wilson & N. D. Wilson (a hilarious and informative book on the different kinds of informal logical fallacies), and Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt (an informative introduction to economics in non-technical terms).
Book I'm reading now: Most recently, The Silmarillion, though I am currently reading several books.
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it:
Again, there are so many on this list! However, the one I'm planning to read next is The Lord of the Rings.
Do you have any books in a language other than English: Yes, even though I can't read them...yet! From what I can remember, I own two books in German, two in Spanish, and one in Korean.
And lastly, paperback, hardcover or ebook? I generally prefer hardback because they are sturdier and from what I've seen are usually prettier; however they are also more expensive and heavier, so I only buy hardback books when the book is a favorite of mine and I'm planning on re-reading it.
No-pressure tagging @solarcola, @hirazuki, @dreamingthroughthenoise, @nutmegs-tired, @actual-bill-potts, @eilinelsghost, @erdariel, @backgroundelf, @mersilisk, @none-ofthisnonsense, @thelordofgifs, @invisiblewashboard, @sweetmaggie, @violecov, @quixoticanarchy, @milesasinmorales, @dicksoutformtl, @aureentuluva70, @curiouselleth, @warthoong, and anyone else who wants to join!
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chaosoftheages · 2 months
Vita Carnis: Real Things I Said, Part 2
Key: Dialogue from the video is in italics.
*The last 30 seconds of The Mimic*
"What the fuck is going o-OH GOD" *gagging sounds*
My friend: WHAT THE-
*ad break*
The Harvesters
"This can't get worse."
"ok that's not so bad...why am I saying that it's probably gonna get worse."
"I'm sorry 6 feet?"
"of course it's deadly-wait what?"
"Why does it look like it's from a Doom game?"
*Glaring at the Winnie The Pooh movie playing for my sister* Do you mind I'm giving myself nightmares for the next 5 decades?!
My friend: Those look like balls-
Me: Dude what the fuc-
"I'm sorry that thing has PARALYSIS ABILITIES?!"
"The prey will immediately collapse"
My friend: Cause of death: blood loss.
Me: Dude.
"That shit be drinking blood. What is it, a vampire?"
My friend: *humming the Stranger Things theme song*
"Causing very prominent plant growth-"
"Why does this sound like it's gonna get worse."
"-Attracting more animals."
"Yup. It got worse. I called it."
"Oh thank God the bunnies are saved."
"So the bunnies lure the foxes and shiz...oop-"
"Oh God it's coming for us-"
"Oh yes, it's good for the ecosystem BITCH THAT SHIT IS GONNA WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE-
"Yeah no I ain't sacrificing my computer to a fucking creature with a bulb that looks like someone's balls-"
My friend: Be naked.
Me: Sacrifice your balls if your gonna go naked.
My friend: No-
"The Host? Oh for fucks sakes-"
The Host
*Munches Oreos* This is a bad idea but I've done worse. Moving on-
"Semi-human organism BITCH THE FUCK-"
"Welp the planet ain't safe anymore Imma just move to another fucking planet OH WAIT THERE'S FUCKING ALIENS UP THERE FOR FUCKS SAKES-That's it I'm moving to Antarctica they can't get me there."
"Muscular tissue what-nows?"
"Yeah that's a monster from like...Silent Hill or Resident Evil or Dead by Daylight. I'm out."
"Oh so it basically can cause another worldwide pandemic. Okay!"
"Tf these bitches gonna do to my brain-"
"How do restlessness and sluggish movements end up on the same list of symptoms????"
"Impaired speech? Trembles??? Heh???? Elaborate."
"Ehjebe-CONTACT POISON CONTROL?!?!?!?!?!?"
*Gagging sounds*
"Oh for fucks sakes- why can't the symptoms just kill me? I'd rather die from a fuckin migraine than expose my fucking intenstines to THAT-"
"Tell me that bitch did not just take my heart and leave my dead body and blood behind THE HARVESTERS HAD THE AUDACITY TO TAKE MY BLOOD WITH IT-"
"How the fuck do you treat all of that in 36 hours-oh wait NVM. Let it just...be in another country so I can board a plane and never see it again because I ain't reaching that shit in 36 hours."
"I'm sorry, unroot?"
"The mono-what?"
The Monoliths
"Why the fuck did you just give me a laundry detergent ad."
"Where the fuck did that guy's arms go?"
"June of 1972 holy shit. Where?"
"Oh thank God there's only seven-"
"The Mono-Cult."
"Titanic-sized? Is it the length of the titanic...wait wasn't that thing like 800 feet-OH HELL NO"
"Oh. 120 meters. Wait how much is tha-393 FEET?!?!?!??"
*Staring at the photo on screen*
"Are those it's feet?"
"Ehejebe holy shi-"
"Meaty what-now."
"Hardened W H A T."
"Illuminati: Upside Down Edition."
"This bitch is the new SCP 096 with those long ass...whatever's."
"What the monoliths do is simply stand and do nothing."
"Ex-fucking-cuse me?"
"So the only information I have so far is it's only sighting was in June 1972, it's almost 400 feet tall, the seven existing Monoliths stand in a circular motion and play "Cult", and it stands there and doesn't do shit. That's it. All other information has left to meet Navy."
"Navy ik your a bitch but can I have that info please-"
"They dispatched the military?! THE MILITARY LOST?! HOW THE FU-"
"Woah woah woah DID THE ROCKETS WIN?!?!?!?"
"What's with the noises???"
"O shi-"
"Wait wait WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?"
"That low-key looked like that one Siren Head TikTok video I saw like 3 years ago."
"Oh. I don't think the rockets won."
The captions: Restricted to wall.
"Ok I can't take this damn video seriously with these fucking captions."
"Now only a grand spectacle of awe and mystery."
"A grand what of what and mystery?"
"Meat what nows."
"The last creature on this list is what? I need to know!!!! NAVY COME BACK HERE WITH MY INFO-"
"Thank you! Jesus Christ...The Singularity? Oh God what is this?"
The Singularity
"I'm about to turn into Melvin Sneedly from that one episode of Captain Underpants where he was just like "THE SINGULARITY!" for a horror story."
"The Singularity is estimated to be about...1 meter in diameter? That thing is 3 feet? PFFFFFF-"
"Serveral unique qualities that are not well understood? From the picture it looks like a black orb in the sky."
"So The Singularity is basically a floating ball and the singular...fuck, anyways...the singular time the Monoliths got aggressive was because of The Singularity. Interesting."
*Watching the Storybook video in confusion*
"...What the fuck did I just watch."
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SUMMARY: You're a news reporter, and he's a hero. Well, you can't help being infatuated with him... WORD COUNT: 800+
WARNINGS: Reader manipulating(?) Kacchan, reader being an obsessive stalker, breaking in to a house (so basically if you don’t like yandere, don’t read this (but this is just you being a stalker, no one being hurt for now))
A/N: Reader is a news reporter, and you're kindaaa a yandere stalker (couldn't help myself after I heard this song) so yeah- and you came from a different country to live in Japan when you were younger (I was thinking about the apartment complex I lived in recently as I wrote this, and thinking about America- but I tried to make it so you could've been from anywhere (which, is probably a stretch sometimes but still-) Yes, I love Bakugo, he’s my comfort character, but it felt weird writing him as a stalker and it was easier to write Y/N as the stalker so uh- yeah <3  A/N PART 2: Wow, that was a long first Author Note- uh- anyways. Feel free to ask for a second part if you want lmao- Also, this was inspired by this song <3 A/N PART 3: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You hum softly as you skip a bit, walking to the place where you knew where his apartment was. From... Sources. Bakugo Katsuki, aged 22. Pro hero Dynamight. Quirk? Explosion, made from nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands, which created huge explosions. Why'd you know so much? Well, it was a secret...
You hoped you could get a new photo of him as you walked to his place. You sometimes fawned over the pictures that you took... They were almost always of the highest quality, and half of them were of his private life; candid photos. Fun, right? These photos, along with the little articles you wrote, always were good... Every newspaper station wanted you to be the one to write for them; alas, you were a freelance journalist, and went as your whims took you. You wanted to write about what you liked, and being a freelance writer let you do just that. You loved writing about heroes, especially the local explosion hero, and you weren't going to let anyone else write about him... You especially loved hearing the rumors around the hero, how all of the journalists except one had disappeared after reporting about Dynamight. Made you feel happy, in a way, since you knew that you could talk about all the little new things in his life. Like, for one, how there was no special someone in his life yet, even though he was pretty young and hot... But hey, you couldn't be thinking that, you had a job to do.
With a small huff, you moved to get nearer to the apartment complex, holding your camera in your hands as you glanced around, seeing nothing amiss. These apartments always reminded you of the motels back home... Not that you'd been there for years, of course. You were 24, and loved being in Japan. You especially liked that you could report about the explosion hero since you were here.
You had learned of him around the same time you had moved here, at 18 years old. The last year of high school, which you despised; but all that was gone once you heard about him. Why wouldn't it? He was so cool, and pretty as well... You sighed softly with a smile on your face.
You then glanced around before walking quickly in to the male's apartment. You were glad that you had a quirk that let you create keys... It was one of the most boring, yet useful quirks at times. Like, what would you need a quirk to create keys for? You'd used them for self-defense and such, but not often to "break in" to a house.
You hummed softly with a small smile, eyes darting around the furniture. Didn't look to have changed...
You startled at a noise, coming face to face with the explosion hero himself. You blinked, surprised at his closeness before a small smile came to grace your features. "Hello, Dynamight. You look tired, as usual; can I just get an interview? Help you with anything?"
He huffed softly, annoyance flashing in his eyes before he gently pushed you away, surprising based on his face. "Get out of my house..." He mumbled softly, tired. He just wanted to rest, but every time he wanted to, you were there.
You smiled softly, moving to gently rest your hand on his arm. "It's okay. I know you're tired, I can give you a massage if you want."
The male huffed before he shook his head. "No thanks," he muttered before turning around and walking, almost stalking away. You smiled a little more to yourself as you smiled, taking a picture.
"All right, then!" Your voice was cheerful, almost insufferable to him. Why were you always this happy-go-lucky? Almost like Deku, except he was usually quieter. He let out a soft sigh, grumbling softly.
"Why are you always near me? Always the one to write articles, and stuff like that?" He let out a soft huff, eyes narrowing as he glanced back at you.
"Oh? That's because I'm your biggest fan, Dynamight-san." You said, smile growing. He could almost see your excitement. Ugh.
He let out a soft huff. "Well, stop it."
"Why?" Your head tilted slightly to the side, looking up at him with curious eyes. They were really pretty... No, stop. He shouldn't be thinking that. "I want you to love me." Your lower lip jutted out into a small pout.
Bakugo rolled his eyes a little. "I barely even know you. You're just doing this for the fame and glory you'd get to be dating a hero, or something."
You blinked, then shook your head a little. "No, of course I'm not. And, we can get to know each other, how about that?"
Bakugo sighed softly, relenting. He knew this was a bad idea... If he let you do this, then it would become almost a routine, like rewarding a pet for bad behavior. If someone does it once, then the problem would become worse. But hey, it couldn't get that bad, right...? Well, he had no idea what he was in for.
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iris-ilana · 3 months
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Shredding Sunlight
First 3 images:
200 ISO
Tunnel Image (4)|
400 ISO
Last 6 (towards begining of golden hour)
100 ISO
I wanted to capture an alternative side of SBU, a school known for it's rigorous STEM program, an asocial commuting population, and burnt out students. These skaters are friends of mine, young adults in STEM, leading somewhat of a double life. Skating during their breaks between labs, catching air after assignments, living in the sun for as long as they can before they get called away to take tests. I tried to capture a rebellious nature as well as the beauty of the sport and the skaters themselves. They are a small subculture on campus living their best lives and beating stress by forming a community revolving around an activity they live for.
The Photos:
Initially, it was my plan to continue work on a photojournalism project of mine. But some time before break I decided to deviate and go outside my comfort zone. I'm not a sports photographer, but I wanted to open myself up to a new kind of craft. I'm proud of myself for how I did given the circumstances, and now I have some alternative pics to ad to my portfolio.
I shot them on my Nikon D750, with a wider angle than what i typically use, 35mm, for a tad bit of distortion, which I exaggerated in post. I shot during golden hour, which made taking these pics within a half hour pretty hectic, but a fun experience. As far as any other post edits, I put some pics in partial b/w, and all the pics into a grainy, greenish edgy filter preset in lightroom which I made myself for a teenage 90's aesthetic that fit my subjects well.
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unorcadox · 2 years
2 years of unorcadox.
hey hi welcome all -- hello especially to my trans and nonbinary followers, hope we’re all doing well ^_^  today’s the blog’s birthday!!  as of this post going live, assuming tumblr actually does its job, it will have been 2 years since uo’s first post!  i wanna just talk about the blog a little because i haven’t talked on here much as of late.
however, before that, i want to just say that i’d like to eventually start releasing video edits to accompany certain edits!  i have no idea when this’ll get sorted, but i’m gonna try to get it ready by the turn of the year, so keep an eye out for that!  these will mostly just be a single edit with accompanying audio on them, but who knows.  maybe i’ll do something more?
in case you choose to not read the stuff below the read more, i just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting the blog over the years, and for continuing to do so!  anyways, onto the actual post:
first of all, thank you all SO much for 9000 followers!!  it’s over 9000 wow!!  ok but seriously, when i first started this blog, i didn’t expect anyone to ever see it.  i know it’s a cliche thing to say but i told no one i was making it, i didn’t network to other blogs, i just made a really shitty edit and slapped it up on here, and somehow i got lucky.  i’ve made over 800 edits as of today’s post, and that’s just the ones i’ve posted!  fun fact, if i’d never mass-posted my backlog in august, i would’ve ran out literally days ago.  that’s how much content i try to stay ahead on.
second of all, i kinda wanna take a moment to say that i’m sorry about the lack of requests being fulfilled -- both recently and in the past.  i edit in batches, and prioritize content i need for scheduling purposes, but sometimes requests get kinda forgotten in the shuffle, or i don’t really have much in the way of ideas for it, so i shelve it and hope i can come back to it later... which i very rarely do.  😔  going to try and catch up on a couple of ones i have and feel free to send in more!  i know i don’t really interact as much on here as i probably should, but i love getting asks and requests and i read the notes on my posts frequently so.  thank you for being there!
third of all, the future of the blog.  so, i want to make this clear now -- uo’s not going anywhere!  i don’t intend on changing the blog at all, if anything i’d want to add onto it.  i post 3 times a day now currently, with intermittent unplanned posts at off-times, mostly reblogs of others’ edits.  however, weirdcore is probably not forever and i am kinda thinking about where this blog could go in the future.  i’ve considered opening a redbubble, ko-fi or patreon, as a way to support myself financially (i take virtually every photo used on this blog, and use very little outside content esp. in these newer edits) but i am uncertain about it.  i could also try branching out my image editing into other styles or something, but idk what!  what would you guys like to see?  i’ve considered actually talking on the blog more, transitioning to having text posts be a major part of the blog, but i’m not quite sure about how they’d be received.  let me know if you want to see anything on here!  --  relatedly since we’re mentioning blogs, check out @dreamlink3d as i’m still working on it :)
one last thing actually, for those who choose to read the read more, enjoy the secret -- before i had to go on hiatus in august, i was working on trying to attach songs to specific uo edits, for a compilation album of some kind.  i ended up running them through a site that just attaches audio to an uploaded images in ...ways i don’t understand, BUT the end results were so fun, i edited and compiled them into 2 “albums”!  i don’t consider them my own work as i didn’t make the audio, and they won’t be used in the upcoming stuff, but you can listen to them here [1] and here [2] !  click on a song title to see its associated edit btw!
i know i said the last thing was the last but i just remembered actually, i want to say like.  it’s weird being one of the “first” weirdcore blogs to really hit its stride, and one of the only from that time to still be around and actively posting.  cahwwcabh is deactivated and they were a huge influence on me and wc as a whole, sanfor has deactivated, shwenthe/hazy/dragon/hauntedearth/a lot more tbh have more or less gone inactive, godenteredmybody and pirate-flavor still post intermittently, and most of the active blogs now are a newer set that i didn’t ever meet in my time in weirdcord.  it’s weird but cool in a way!  i really like the newer set of editors tbh, and i hope that me supporting them encourages people to check them out.  in general this whole section is meaningless but idk i felt like vocalizing it.  it’s a weird feeling watching all your peers more or less move on while you stay behind and see a new wave of artists take their place more or less.  anyways, i just hope that my edits still bring happiness and meaning to the people who see them :)
ok NOW i’m done.  sorry for the wall LMAO i just felt like actually saying something for once on here.  btw i’ve been doing a lot better since i got back from hiatus, i hope you (yes you, the reader of this post) are doing well too -- i know this blog tends to lean heavily on negative emotions, and as such it kinda attracts people who are troubled -- so i feel like i gotta check in every once in a while LMAO.  i hope life is being kind to you, thank you so much, and have a lovely day <3.
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So I’m watching this one item on Mercari. 
Nothing special. Just an autographed photo of a long gone Hollywood actor who died very young so their photographs are rare (autographs even rarer).
It’s not life or death if I don’t have it. Just can’t afford it now and if someone snatches it up, it’s not a big deal. Been waiting for a reasonable price drop and of course if the price were more affordable, I might or might not buy it. 
Again, wouldn’t matter to me either way. It’d be nice to have but nothing I’d lose sleep over if I didn’t have it. 
But I’ve noticed the seller has a weird strategy. 
They’ve had this item listed for AGES. 
They’re desperate to get rid of it because they have about 3 or 4 watchers and no takers. They keep knocking the price down by 11%. They do have a Best Offer feature. I would take advantage of it if I had the money, but most sellers won’t accept anything too low from the asking price. I’d expect no more than $5 off the asking price. 
The fixed price was originally $400 (which is fair) and I saw them trying to get rid of it on Facebook until someone told them the actor had very little autographs and it’s rare. So they upped the price to $1,000.
That would be fair,  I suppose, and sellers can price things for whatever they want.
But what’s funny is no one was buying it at $400... I don’t know why they thought they could get rid of it faster at $1,000. So they had it listed for a few months at a $1,000. They wanted people to think it was a high value item. 
Well, realizing no sucker was gonna buy it for $1,000 they knocked the price down to $758.
So it sat there for more months at $758. 
Still no one grabbed it so they knocked it down by 2%. Still no takers. 
But get this. Rather than knocking it down, they knocked it back up to $800. lol
I mean, no one snagged it at $758, let alone $800! 
Obviously frustrated their strategy wasn’t working, they went back to $758.
Then a couple months ago, they knocked it down again to $658. 
Now it’s priced at $580.
It’s a pretty reasonable price but again, I can’t afford it. 
I bought an original autographed photo of the same actor awhile ago for only $358. $200-300 would be a reasonable price range for me. 
I’ve actually never seen this actor--dead or not--sell an autograph for more than $300.
So this seller seems to think this item is worth more than it is. 
But anyway, maybe someone could afford a $580 autograph + $6.18 shipping, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the seller goes back to $758 after a few weeks from now. 
They always do that. It’s hilarious. They can’t figure out why they can’t get rid of it! 
EDIT: FYI This item is an autograph of Frank Sutton. He passed in 1974 at the age of 50 from a heart attack. He was a very popular actor on Gomer Pyle in the 1960s as Gomer’s Marine Corps drill instructor and autographs of his are rare and valuable but not worth more than $300-ish. 
I’ve collected a few. Never paid more than $358 minus shipping.
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An interview with my self – 2023
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1. What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
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2. How did you get good at photography?
It happened during a moonlit night under a starry sky. All of a sudden a beam of light shone down upon me and an ominous voice spoke to me: “Now you’re good at photography!”.
All joking aside. There is one way to get good at photography, and that is to work at it. You need to put in the hours learning the principle of photography. Get your horizons straight. Learn how to use depth of field. How different shutter speeds convey different things. How ISO impacts your images.
Or more correctly, learn how the concept of ISO (ASA) in an analog sense impacts your images as ISO in the digital age is not that big of a thing anymore. Technology has come so far now that ISO in these days is more of an ND filter for your camera than it was in the days of analog film. Yes, a slower ISO will yield a cleaner file in terms of noise, but with today’s quality on high ISO like 800 and 1600 is far superior in that regard than earlier. Beside this you also have composition and image editing as well. 
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3. What gear do you use?
The one I have at hand. Last time I answered this question I elaborated in more detail about this but I won’t this time. What gear you use has in a general sense not that much impact on your photography. When you start out you often think that gear has so much to do with what type of images you’ll be able to capture. That the latest camera will make you take better images. The reality is that gear plays a far smaller part in that equation than most think. It’s not the pots and pans that make a chef create a good meal, it’s the skill. The knowledge of the ingredients and how to employ them in a dish. Yes, there are some gear that is needed to achieve certain effects like a circular polarizer or a flash.
But having a limited access to gear will also help you solve problems in a more creative manner. By having let say just one speedlight you’re forced into making it work for you. Same goes for having a limited range of focal lengths. Also, if you don’t have the skills to capture a good image you won’t get a better image with lets say a Phase One medium format digital back. All you’re left with is a higher resolution garbage.
But to tackle the question more directly, I personally have used Nikon for 20 years. Both analog and digital. My personal reason for this is that a Nikon feels good in my hand and they are mostly built like tanks that can take whatever beating you throw at it and come back for more. Also with the old F-mount one was able to use a vast array of lenses that date back to 1957.
With regard to lenses, I have for the last 13 years favoured Tamron zoom lenses. The reason for this is that it presents a good mix of quality versus price. This is what makes up the backbone of my gear roster. I also still use filters when I shoot, like ND-grads and ND-filters. My philosophy is that I want to get my exposure right on location instead of blending different exposures in the digital darkroom later. With regards to bags and backpacks I like F-Stop backpacks as they have great quality and modularity. When it comes to tripods I use Feisol legs and either a geared or 3-way head over a ball head as I’m not comfortable with ball heads for the way I shoot.
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4. Which lens is your favourite? Why?
I don’t have a favourite lens in that sense, but my most loved lens is my Tamron SP 28-75mm f2.8. The reason for it is that that lens has never let me down. It has taken whatever beating I have thrown at it and like Oliver Twist has come back asking for more. That lens covers the majority focal lengths I often use, and also it has the bonus of having a manual aperture ring which lets me use it on both my digital and analog camera.
5. When you go out to shoot, do you take any essential items other than a camera and lens?
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6. Among the photography gear that you’ve purchased, is there something you wish you hadn’t bought? Why?
That’s hard to say. As I said, gear is not the most important part. One will always end up with gear that one regrets buying. Unless one has the chance to rent every bit one needs in advance you need to take chances on things and hope they solve your problem. But if I should say one thing it has to be aluminium tripod and not saving up for a carbon one right away. 
7. What are your favourite settings?
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8. What kind of tools do you use for post-processing? What’s your workflow like?
I use Photo Mechanic for import and sorting plus to add IPTC data for my images. After I finish in Photo Mechanic I move the images into Capture One. Since Capture One has the option to use both Sessions and Catalog, I first move the images from my import folder into a Session that’s named by year and which sit in the overall hierarchy based on the main subject. For a more specific job/shoot I use a Session name for that job/shoot. 
After I have moved the images into a Session folder I start a more detailed culling process where I find the keepers I want to work on further. From there I cull them further into what will be my limited edition prints and what will end up as my stock/regular print editions. For concrete jobs/shoots I only cull my images into selects and output them from that specific Session. I cull my images by star ratings and use colour tags to denote if an image is finished or not. 
Once the culling process is done I broadly tweak the RAW-files in Capture One. I only focus on getting the image closest to how I want it to look and then I export them into TIFF master files which I then finish in Photoshop and NIK Software. Also I don’t do my dust removal in Capture One. Photoshop is a far superior engine for that job.
Once I get the image into Photoshop I first start with the dust removal before I move on to the final edits. After dust removal I move into different NIK Software plug-ins depending on what the final output will be. Most often I start in Color Efex where I work the colour aspect of the image. I further tweak my edit from Capture One here. If the final image is gonna be a colour image, this is where I leave editing the image and move to clean it up if needed before I call it done.
If I’ve decided that the image is a black and white I move onto Silver Efex. In Silver Efex I work on the image as if I was to work on it in an analog darkroom. To go into specific details here regarding each slider would make this section a book. So I leave this for something I might write about in the future. After I’ve developed the image to where Silver Efex can’t help me any more I revert back to Photoshop where I do my final retouching. Removing parts that don’t support the image as a whole. This is something I would have burned in if I were to do it analog or that I would employ traditional retouching to remove. 
When I view the image as done I flatten the layers and save it as TIFF-file. I flatten the layers because I regard my image as a print, and I will not do any further edits to that version besides going back to do some minor cleaning that I might have overlooked earlier.
9. Out of all your photos, which one is your favourite? Why?
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10. Whose work has influenced you most?
First and foremost I have to say Ansel Adams and Joe Cornish. Both of these have influenced me the most, but they are not the only ones. Over the years others have also influenced and inspired me. W. Eugene Smith is one that is not a landscape photographer but who also had a great influence on my work. Mainly his use of light and contrast. In the later years I find that photographers like Ben Horne have influenced me. Not so much in terms of technique but in ways to approach the scene and how he works with his subject matter. 
Beside purely photographic influences I’m also very inspired by the Norwegian national romantic painters of the 19th century. Painters like J.C Dahl, Hans Gude, Thomas Fearnley, Theodor Kittelsen, August Cappelen, and Lars Hertervig. This has very much to do with my national identity and my love for Norwegian nature. 
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cantputitintowords · 10 months
I have over 800 photos from my trip to Wrocław, now I "only" need to edit them before I can post (some/most of) them. In the meantime I shamelessly advertise my photography blog @annphotographyblog
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deebeeus · 2 years
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Test Post #3
I just uploaded this same exact photo to Instagram with the following caption:
I'm just testing to see if instagram destroys the quality of this pic as it has done to many of my pictures lately.
1968 #Gibson #ES330 1988 #Fender #RedknobTwin
I have been very discouraged with instagram in the last few weeks.  I mean more so than usual lol.  Sure, the changing algorithm that favours Reels over old-fashioned still photos has hurt my engagement and new follower numbers.  But I don't really care about that.  All I ever wanted to do here was to take nice, high quality pictures of nice, high quality (preferably vintage!) guitars and, if I like the photos enough,  share them with people who will appreciate them.
Up until recently I was doing just that, despite my lowest engagement in 8 years (because I just don't *do* the tiktok style stuff IG wants users to do so it can stay relevant to the tiktok crowd). But a few weeks ago I started noticing that the quality of my uploaded photos was getting really degraded.  Especially the ones shot in low natural light at high ISO.  This never happened before, and it's kind of the last straw...I think IG is compressing even more now to free up space for reels.  Whatever is happening, it's making my best photos look mediocre and my mediocre ones look like the were taken 10 years ago on a blackberry! 🤣
All I care about is posting good quality photos and if Instagram is good to kill the quality then I'm not sure what I'm even doing here.
As I said, I'm testing with this photo.  It was taken in low light at ISO 800 and I have a feeling IG is going to turn it into a grainy mess in the compression process.  If that happens I might just move back to Tumblr where I started out 12 years ago.
Edit: yep.  Complete garbage 🙁
Looks like I’ll be posting separately here to keep the photo quality high.
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simongrafie · 2 years
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At the Passo di Giau I tried to photograph the Milky Way at home when I was editing, I noticed the green light in the sky. At first I thought it was somehow a sensor error, so I asked a colleague, he told me it was airglow, I didn't know what it was until now, so I googled it and found several videos that explain the airglow phenomenon well . For people who find the topic interesting, I have a suitable video on Youtube: Airglow: Jagd nach dem Alpenleuchten Gut zu wissen  BR. (only for German speaking people)
for english speaking people Video Title on Youtube: Earth's Airglow Explained.
(I have to admit, it wasn't as strong as it is in the photo now. It bothered me at first when I didn't know that because I couldn't get it retouched out, but when I found out what it is, I took advantage of it and enhanced it in photoshop)
Am Passo di Giau habe ich versucht die Milchstraße zu Fotografieren zu Hause bei der Bearbeitung ist mir dann das Grüne Licht am Himmel aufgefallen. Als erstes dachte ich das es irgendwie ein Sensor Fehler war also fragte ich einen Kollegen, er sagte mir das sei Airglow, ich wusste bis jetzt nicht, was das ist also Googelte ich danach und bin auf mehrere Videos gestoßen, die das Phänomen Airglow gut Erklären. Für die Leute, die das Thema interessant finden  habe ich hier ein passendes Video dazu gibt auf Youtube ein: Airglow: Jagd nach dem Alpenleuchten Gut zu wissen  BR. anschauen. (only for German speaking people)
for english speaking people Video Title on Youtube: Earth's Airglow Explained.
(Ich muss zugeben, so stark wie es jetzt auf dem Foto ist war es nicht. Mich hat es am Anfang gestört, als ich das noch nicht wusste, weil ich es nicht raus retuschiert bekam, aber als ich erfahren habe, was es ist, habe ich  es mir zu nutzen gemacht und habe es in photoshop verstärkt.)
Camera Settings
Sony Alpha 7r Sony lens F/1.8
ISO 3200
20 Seconds
ISO 800
15 Seconds
Edit in Lightroom and Photoshop
Location Passo di Giau 
I would be very happy to receive feedback!
Instagram: natureshots_sb or https://www.instagram.com/natureshots_sb/
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decordreamscom · 1 year
And the comma was made the key symbol in the logo. Former Apple chief designer Sir Jony Quince LoveFrom is based in San Francisco and London. It has existed for a very short time, since 2019 (the site was opened only in 2021), but has already collected an impressive portfolio: among the projects are the Terra Carta print and the coronation emblem of King Charles III, as well as work with Ferrari. Now Ive and key employees of the company, Mike Newson and Peter Saville, have developed "LoveFrom, Serif" - a typeface that was used, among other things, when creating the logo. They worked on the agency's signature font for several years with Chris Wilson, a former head of user interface design at Apple and a longtime university friend of Quince, engineer Patch Kessler, and Milanese typographer Antonio Cavedoni. Peter Saville says: “Johnny asked me what it should look like...At first I thought it should be a modest font - maybe a neutral grotesque. However, the most important thing I suggested is the comma. It gives sincerity to the words and seems to initiate a dialogue. He performs such an inclusive act." [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] LoveFrom Logo Photo: Cambridge University Library[/caption] &nbsp; One of the first starting points for work was the album cover designed by Saville. Section 25's 1981 LP, Always Now, contained a typographic composition written in Bembo font. This is a cursive typeface from 1524 by the Venetian calligrapher Giovanni Taliente. And then the designers turned their attention to another old typeface - Baskerville. It was developed by John Baskerville (1707–1775), a pioneer in many areas of typography, from papermaking to printing. The original letters of the font of the same name are now in storage at the University of Cambridge. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Letters of Baskerville Photo: Cambridge University Library[/caption] &nbsp; Designers went through many endless, barely different variations of the name John Baskerville. They worked on lighter and bolder versions of the type—styles that simply didn't exist in the 18th century. Some letters, such as R and Q, have come up with alternative styles. The curvature of some elements was calculated mathematically. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] "LoveFrom Serif" Photo: Cambridge University Library[/caption] &nbsp; [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] "LoveFrom Serif" Photo: Cambridge University Library[/caption] &nbsp; The first official publication of "LoveFrom, Serif" took place on the agency's website, and it first appeared in print in Steve Jobs' recently released limited edition book, Do Something Wonderful. It was also used in the Terra Carta Seal and in the LoveFrom design for the official emblem of the coronation of King Charles III. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Print Terra Carta Image: The Terra Carta Seal[/caption] &nbsp;
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UNIT 7 -The Photographic Project
1.1 Identify a subject for a photographic project.
I have chosen my partner with whom I have an intimate connection. I asked him to participate in this project, named Intimate Portraits. I made him agreed to work with me for 3 weeks. I have explained how important this is to stick with me through the whole project, no matter what happens.
3 week schedule
1. Week One: Make one hundred photographs of my subject. Use two locations, and use different clothes for both locations. One location must be outside, and the other must be in the private space where he lives. Edit this down to my best ten pictures over both locations and bring class for critique. 
I have chosen Wales as my location, one at the bridge and the other in an ancient forest. I have experimented with black and white images, shadows on the face, on the body etc and also focused on colour in the magical forest, especially due to the green moss. Composition played a big part of taking the photos then selecting my images.
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2. Week Two: Make two hundred photographs of my subject, this time changing your style based on the class’s response to Week One. Typically at this stage, I may want to ask the subject to bring a friend along to help with the shoot, atmosphere and costumes and to give a different mood than Week One. Edit this down to the best then pictures and bring to class for critique. 
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3. Week Three: Make two hundred more photographs of my subject. At this point I am modifying my approach to the pictures based on critique from Week Two and Week One. The goal is now to wear out the subject, to exhaust the topic (which was achieved as he was totally fed up by now) and get to the point where I feel like you have tried everything. I should not worry if it seems tiresome, or overdone, at this stage - the goal is to “overshoot” the subject, so that I have enough pictures to choose from. Edit these down to ten. I should look at the best feedback from Week One and Two, and bring a final group for critique of ten best works over all three weeks. 
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4. Week Four: Was added on as an extra week to take 200 more photographs.
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1.2 Carry out research for a photographic project.
Francesca Stern Woodman 
(April 3, 1958 – January 19, 1981) was an American photographer best known for her black and white pictures featuring either herself or female models.
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Many of her photographs show women, naked or clothed, blurred (due to movement and long exposure times), merging with their surroundings, or whose faces are obscured.
Her work continues to be the subject of much positive critical attention, years after her death at the age of 22, in 1981.
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Although Woodman used different cameras and film formats during her career, most of her photographs were taken with medium format cameras producing 2+1⁄4 by 2+1⁄4-inch (6x6 cm) square negatives. Woodman created at least 10,000 negatives, which her parents kept. Woodman's estate, which was managed by Woodman's parents, consists of over 800 prints, of which only around 120 images had been published or exhibited as of 2006. Most of Woodman's prints are 8 by 10 inches (20 by 25 cm) or smaller, which "works to produce an intimate experience between viewer and photograph".
Many of Woodman's images are untitled and are known only by a location and date. She often took photographs indoors, finding abandoned and derelict spaces in which to create her photographic tableaux. That had a big influence on me as I really do love to photograph derelict and abandoned places. That was my first idea.
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A fashion and commercial photographer since 1968, and also a filmmaker, Sarah Moon is known for her dreamlike images and her representation of femininity as free from time and context, as living in a fairy world. Although Moon has been a major participant in the world of fashion for more than three decades, she has carefully carved out her own niche -- a signature style that dispenses with the erotically suggestive poses favoured by many of her male counterparts in favour of the emblems of luxury and nostalgia. Mystery and sensuality are at the core of Moon's work, whether she's photographing haute couture, still life, or portraiture. 
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Sarah Moon, previously known as Marielle Hadengue, is a French photographer. Initially a model, she turned to fashion photography in the 1970s. Since 1985, she has concentrated on gallery and film work. Hadengue was born in Vichy in 1941. Her Jewish family was forced to leave occupied France for England. As a teenager she studied drawing before working as a model in London and Paris (1960–1966) under the name Marielle Hadengue. She also became interested in photography, taking shots of her model colleagues. In 1970, she finally decided to spend all her time on photography rather than modelling, adopting Sarah Moon as her new name. She successfully captured the fashionable atmosphere of London after the "swinging sixties"
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Texture, surface, seeing, believing, dreaming. It is difficult to summarize Sarah Moon’s fantastical photography - almost thirty years of image-making has made Sarah Moon a legend in her own lifetime. Well known for her very personalized commercial work since the early 1970s, Sarah has continued to investigate a world of her own invention without repetition and also without compromise. Looking into Sarah Moon’s extraordinary photographs is comparable to looking through a two-way mirror. The mirror surface becomes the print and the viewer has the privilege of standing on the ’other-side’ looking through the image at the same time. The living creatures are rendered so ’still’ and conversely the inanimate objects, such as the dolls, become human and expressive with their own inimitable character, ultimately mirroring each other. There is an atmosphere and intensity which is constantly apparent that sets her work apart.
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It is also the range of subject matter, the banal, the incidental, and the secret that Sarah Moon allows us to see in a new and extraordinary light. The current trend in photography is towards a method that is more and more interventionist. Moon takes little pleasure in this kind of creation, but is involved in a personal search. The dream world is quintessential to her work; her images lead us into a world bewitched. When men appear, her pictures move towards a more disturbing surrealism and a dangerous mystery is inferred. These are photographs in which the bizarre and unusual confront ordinary reality.
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I was really inspired by her style and technique, I thought I could use that in my images.
Arno Rafael Minkkinen 
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Arno Rafael Minkkinen is a Finnish-American photographer who works in the United States. Published and exhibited worldwide, Minkkinen's work can be found in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Finnish Museum of Photography.
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1.3 Analyse and evaluate research for a photographic project  
I have tried to implement the influence of these photographers in my work, especially Sarah Moon’s. I have used black and white image for the shadow work with my first 200 images. The shadows created a different effect, almost a dreamy like, especially when it falls on the face.
2.1 Identify photographic resources to complete a photographic project.
1. Week One: I have chosen Wales as my location, one at the bridge and the other in an ancient forest. I have experimented with black and white images, shadows on the face, on the body etc and also focused on colour in the magical forest, especially due to the green moss. Composition played a big part of taking the photos then selecting my images.
Shadow photography have become immensely popular these past few years. This type of photography is known for its capability to transform a plain image into something extraordinary. Shadows can serve as a tool to improve texture, balance, and contrast (with little effort).
First things first, let’s define the terms involved in shadow photography. A shadow is defined as a contour of an object that forms due to the blockage of a light source. The shape of a shadow  changes depending on the position of an object and light source. The form, scale, and intensity of a shadow rely on the angle, distance, and size of the light source and the object.
Shadow photography is also defined as the manipulation of the light source, exposure of the shadow to add or remove darkness from the image, and the increased dramatic depth of a photo. I have tried to achieve that on some of my images on Week One.
Light and shadow photography uses strong sources of lights and shadows of objects and people. Light and shadow photography aims to create patterns, abstracts, and a combination of silhouettes.
There is no limit on the ideas I can implement in light and shadow photography. In this case I have used the sun as a natural source of light but if I was indoors I could have used artificial lights (e.g., spotlight, lamp, torch). My output is monochrome.
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Shadow Photography vs. Silhouettes
There might be a bit of confusion about the difference between shadows and silhouettes. Yes, both of them use light to produce dramatic images, but they are not the same thing.
With silhouette photography, the light covers the object; thus, the background will be lighter, and the object of the photo will be darker. Think of it as an “against the light photo,” where the object is seen as a silhouette only.
On the other hand, a shadow is created if the object is placed directly in front of the source of light. This causes the light to get clustered behind or in front of the object, creating an ‘angled-duplicate.’  I have used this method on Week Two at the Natural History Museum. The sun luckily was very bright so it made it possible to take pictures creating shadows of my model.
These methods differ from each other, but they can be combined in one photo. The outcome from using both silhouettes and shadows in a single image is quite breath-taking. 
Some tips
In real life, shadows appear black, but this doesn’t mean that all photos in shadow photography have to be black and white. You can use transparent and translucent objects to create this effect while taking a photo.
I could have experimented with coloured lights or lights covered with cellophane paper. Perhaps with church window glass, gummy bears, or could have created that coloured shadow effect during post edits. Its RGB dramatic effect is playful to the eye but still conveys a certain strength.
Shadows work best in combination with reflection. Wet puddles on the road or a body of water nearby? I love it. Mirror shot or wet pavements? I was experimenting with that as well. Absolutely love reflections after the rain, in lakes, in puddles.
The reflection in combination with shadow photography can enhance the drama and depth of an image. These minor details appeal to all audiences; the uniqueness of reflections and shadows creates a different vibe.
Different Source of Lights
I can’t create shadows if I do not have a source of light directly in front of the photo’s object. If my light source is not enough (when the sun is not out), I can always use artificial lighting. 
Say, for example, a night shadow can be formed with only street lights as the light source. That is why photo studios are filled with Kelly lights, fill lights, or hair lights to create that additional source of light indoors.
Another tip I can use in shadow photography is to look for patterns. These patterns can be created by existing objects in the surroundings such as shadows of windows, stair railings, or window blinds.
You can always create your own pattern. Some photographers use leaves, translucent cloth with patterns, even kitchenware to create the patterns. For example, they place a kitchen strainer near the light source to produce wonderful patterns. There is no limit to what you can use for this. I used a leaf in the forest to create a shadow on my model’s face.
Harsh Lighting
In shadow photography, harsh lighting is your friend. The intense light and this kind of contrast create shadows for more dramatic images. That is why sunsets are always the best time for shadow photography, it’s because of the harsh lighting.
2.2 Produce photographic images to meet identified goals.
I have chosen Wales as my location, one at the bridge and the other in an ancient forest. Here I have focused on colour in the magical forest, especially due to the green moss. Composition played a big part of taking the photos then selecting my images.
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2. Week Two: Make two hundred photographs of my subject, this time changing your style based on the class’s response to Week One. Typically at this stage, I may want to ask the subject to bring a friend along to help with the shoot, atmosphere and costumes and to give a different mood than Week One.
I have chosen St Ives as the location and tried to capture real life moments. No props, just Terry. The real him. Tried to focus on vivid colours as my inspiration, trying to take a completely different approach from before to see what happens. I think the colours work well, especially the blue boat background and the sea.
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2.3 Identify presentational forms for a photographic project.  
Photography is a vast medium that offers endless possibilities for developing a unique visual language. However, as with any creative endeavour, establishing a clear vision and conceptual framework is crucial for developing a cohesive photographic project. 
Presentational Forms for Photographic Projects
Photography is not just about capturing images; it is also about the way in which these images are presented. Presentational forms are the ways in which the photographs can be exhibited or published to a wider audience. Some of the most common presentational forms include:
Photo Books: A photo book is a great way to present a photographic project as it allows for a narrative to be built through a sequence of images.
Exhibition Prints: Exhibition prints are larger prints that can be framed and displayed on a wall. This form of presentation is perfect for solo exhibitions.
Online Galleries: With the rise of digital technology, online galleries have become an increasingly popular means of showcasing photographic work.
Multimedia Presentations: These include videos, animations, and even VR experiences that can add an extra layer of interactivity and engagement to your photographic project.
Material Experimentation
Material experimentation is an integral part of the creative process. It is an opportunity to explore different materials and techniques for presenting photographic work. Some materials to experiment with include:
Fine Art Paper: Fine art papers come in a variety of textures and finishes and are perfect for creating exhibition prints.
Metal Prints: Metal prints use a dye sublimation process to infuse photographs onto metal, creating a durable and long-lasting piece of artwork.
Acrylic Prints: Acrylic prints are a modern and sleek way to showcase your photographic work. The acrylic gives the photograph a glass-like finish and creates a sense of depth and dimensionality.
Research into Artists and Designers
Researching artists and designers is a great way to gain inspiration and new ideas for a photographic project. By studying the work of others, I gained insights into different techniques, styles, and approaches to presenting photographic work. Some artists and designers I looked into include:
Cindy Sherman: Cindy Sherman is a legendary photographer known for her conceptual portraits and self-portraits that explore the concept of identity.
David LaChapelle: David LaChapelle is a renowned photographer whose work combines fashion and celebrity culture with a surreal and fantastical aesthetic.
Wolfgang Tillmans: Wolfgang Tillmans is a German photographer known for his experimental approach to photography, using different formats and materials to create unique and compelling images.
2.4 Analyse and evaluate the photographic project.  
Out of the hundreds of images, taken the tutor and my fellow student’s advise onboard, these are the winning images.
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Developing a photographic project requires a combination of creativity, technical skill, and strategic planning. By experimenting with different presentational forms, materials, and techniques, and researching the work of other artists and designers, I have developed a unique and impactful photographic project that showcased my vision and creativity.
I am very happy of how these images have turned out. I have worked very hard to create these final images. Especially love how I froze the splashing wave on the rock, that will be a moment I will always remember. I have learnt a lot about shutter speed and what settings I needed to use to capture exactly what I wanted.
The gangster style photoshoot will be very memorable as it has taken the whole entire day. I have never done anything like it before, to come up with an idea, a project, implement it, plan it, carry it out and produce these images. If I would do it again, I would take more shots where Terry does not look directly at the camera because those shots were more popular and I can see why. It does not look staged, it is more natural, life like. Not posing and smiling at the camera but capturing a moment in time.
Understand photographic practice and health and safety procedures.
3.1 Identify and use safe working practices in a photographic project.
All different locations were very different regarding safety. I had to be aware not to stay too late in the forest, in case we get lost and cant get out, not to trip over anything or fall off a boulder, crossing bridges safely. Not to drop the camera at that height as I would never get it back. At the seaside, needed to be aware of the tide. If we stayed too late, we would have been in big trouble, it was so isolated and not easily accessible, it would have been life threatening, we could have drowned. On the streets in London, we had to be vigilant due to pickpocketing, lot of people passing by, it was a very busy day. Needed to be aware of the traffic, not tripping over curbs, not obstructing the paths and not bumping into walking people while taking the shot.
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