#and the actual ‘plot’ was so. slow.
min-pathologica · 4 months
do y’all feel the room spin when there’s an nsfw scene in a movie like i don’t want 2 see that. this fucking loser is not going in for it. don’t “oh!” me marie antoifuckingnette this man is so losercore
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bones-sprouts · 1 year
okay just watched nimona and reread the novel this is the consensus:
if you want a feel good movie, more explicit gay and trans rep, and a more well realized high tech midieval world watch the nimona movie
if you want a darker tone and more morally gray characters, a really compelling twist/mystery, and a gay ass scientist side character read the nimona comic
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dnpbeats · 5 months
how many times do you think phil lester clumsiest person alive has smacked the back of his head on the bondage bar 😔
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hyakunana · 17 days
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The Former Most Miserable Man That Ever Stepped in DGP is found saving the future with a shield and FIVE CHAINSAWS
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Adopt a Jock Part Four  / Part Five P 1 YOU ARE HERE / Part Five P 2 
As always I own my soul to @chalkysgarbagefire and Hayley for helpin out with this one! 
The problem with D&D games was that the drama room was only available on specific days.
As in, the days Hellfire was scheduled as a club for, much to said club’s distress. 
This led directly into the second issue Hellfire faced--finding a place to host them all when they wanted to do something as a group outside of the main campaign they played. 
(At least anything D&D related, with all of the screaming, ranting, and frantic dice rolling that came with it.) 
Gareth knew Eddie had been lying through his teeth when he'd try to pitch Steve's house as a Hellfire hangout. Accepted that they’d never get to use all the sweet, sweet space Steve was known to have as much as he’d accepted Steve himself. 
It was a lot, after all. Particularly when Eddie’s one-shots were known to last a good chunk of the day. 
Once again, Steve had proved them all wrong. 
(“We can use my house.” were five words not a single person at the table had ever expected to hear out of Harrington’s mouth, and it showed in the shocked silence that followed when he actually spoke them. 
“What?” Steve asked, as six pairs of eyes stared at him. “Space is the problem right? So my house is the perfect solution.” 
“Are you sure dude?” Grant asked hesitantly. “You know this one-shot isn’t gonna be a like, two hour thing, right?” 
To their surprise Steve just gave him a flat, almost dead-eyed stare in return. “I’ve hosted the kids at my place before. Believe me, I am well aware.” 
“As long as you’re absolutely sure…” Jeff had added, and could only roll his eyes when he got a sassy response from Steve. 
Gareth of course, caught the way Steve kept seeking out Eddie’s eyes, as if hoping to make their oldest friend smile simply by offering up his house. 
He didn’t even need to look to know it was working.) 
It had taken some creative thinking (and a few wild excuses) to finangle things so that he could show up to Steve's literal castle of a home before anyone else without alerting Eddie but he'd managed it.
It was in fact, looking to be the highlight of Gareth's month. 
Possibly the year, if they managed to pull off the little plot he had cooked up. 
“I still don’t get how this is a prank.” Steve said, as Gareth prepped him before the others arrived.
"Trust me. If Eddie is anything, it's a jealous bitch." Gareth replied, seated on one of the countertops. "We dethrone him and he's gonna make an ass of himself for the next week. It'll be hilarious." 
"I fail to see how that's different than usual." Steve grumbled as he bustled about. 
Upon arrival Gareth had found him elbow deep into making cookies and what appeared to be  themed cocktails, among several other bowls full of snacks of all kinds. 
There was even little finger sandwiches, the kind that absolutely looked homemade, and Gareth would have teased him about that except he’d instantly stuffed two in his mouth.  
("I won't be able to host since I'm playing, so I just want everything done before anyone comes over." Was Steve's explanation, when Gareth did manage to get out a few teasing quips.  
With the proud lack of manners so many teenage boys possessed, Gareth talked right through his mouth of food. "God you’re a dork. How the hell did you get popular?"
"Shut up Emerson, you're wearing two jackets." Steve snipped in response, as if he didn’t look like the poster boy for Nordstrom.) 
"Don't bring logic into this." Gareth continued, as he tried to snag some cookie dough. 
 Steve smacked the back of his hand with a spoon. 
"Get a bowl and a spoon if you're going to eat the dough!" Steve grumbled at him, already bustling to get said bowl and spoon himself. “God you’re worse than Eddie. And the kids!” 
Gareth waited until Steve turned before he stuck his tongue out at him. "Whatever you say, mom." 
He got an over exaggerated eye roll in response. 
 "Anyway, the point is you're gonna witness something we'll get to tease Eddie about for years." Gareth said, as he watched Steve dole out some dough. 
"You get to watch the little hamster on the wheel that powers Eddie's brain lose its shit and cause him to do something really stupid.” He made grabby hands for the bowl and spoon, and tucking in delightfully the second Steve handed them over. 
Steve himself treated the entire exchange like he was feeding a particularly vicious and wild animal, making a show of yanking his hands back like Gareth might just go for his fingers. "I just don't understand why the thing you wanna fight about is cuddling."
"Bragging rights. The jokes we can make. The fact that your thighs look like they were made out of clouds, take your pick man.” Gareth counted off, in-between bites of dough. 
"Clouds?" Steve asked, tilting his head. 
“Big muscley clouds, Harrington. Also Grant’s here.” 
Steve blinked. “How do you-” He asked, right before the sound of a car with an engine far too loud pulled into his driveway. 
“He drives an absolute piece of crap. You ride in that thing one time and you’ll be able to hear it coming for the rest of your life.” Gareth explained, as Steve peered out the kitchen and down to his front doors. 
(Plural, because he had two.
Gareth had never felt more judged by slabs of wood in his life than he had when he’d walked through them.) 
"Last chance to bail, Stevie.” Gareth teased. “I won't hold it against you if you call it off mid-show though." 
Steve didn’t answer for a moment, too busy disrobing from his baking apron—a bright yellow and red garment that practically swallowed him whole, complete with an embroidered ‘Claudia Henderson’ over the right breast. The embroidery gave rise to a few questions but Gareth decided to save them for later. 
"No, something this fucking weird has to have a story behind it and I want to witness the fallout.” Steve finally replied, before rushing out of the kitchen. 
He ripped open his front door, right after a knock echoed loudly throughout the house. 
“Shit! What the hell man, were you just waiting to do that!?” Stewart yelped, prompting Gareth to snicker quietly and Steve to apologize. 
Like the wealthy housewife he’d been no doubt raised by, Steve went through a whole spiel as he ushered Stewart and Grant in, pointing out bathrooms, letting them know where the game was going to take place (the giant fuck off table that looked like it should be hosting some kind of high-stakes negotiation instead of a bunch of nerds) and where they could put their things (into a closet dedicated to just guests.) 
The trio of Eddie, Tiffany and Jeff arrived next, the latter two having been roped into helping Eddie haul his “D&D To Go” bags around. 
Steve started his little host speech over, much to Gareth’s amusement, fluttering about and entirely forgetting about his cookies until the oven dinged, causing him to swear and rush back into the kitchen. 
“Dude, breathe.” Gareth told him, almost done with his bowl. “It’s a D&D game, you don’t gotta go full out for us.” 
“I just want to make sure everyone has a good time.“ Steve said with a shrug. Like none of the effort he’d gone to, was a big deal. 
“Careful Harrington, say stuff like that again and we’re going to start thinking you enjoy hosting us.” 
“Shut up Gary.” Steve said, setting his cookies on a cooling rack. “And put that bowl in the sink!” 
Gareth jumped off the counter, trying his best to remove the shit eating from his face.
He failed entirely. 
As far as pranks went, this one required quite the set up. 
They couldn’t do it in the beginning of the D&D game--too obvious, and too easy for Eddie to call bullshit. 
Doing it at the end wouldn’t work either. Eddie would know they were trying to rile him up and would no doubt find a way to ruin it. 
Years of being Munson’s best friend had afforded Gareth the knowledge that this was going to have to be split in two parts, and the first part, the setup, started now. 
Slowly. Methodically. 
In a way that wouldn't spook Steve, or trigger Eddie's sense for trouble. 
Gareth began by selecting a seat as far away from Eddie as possible, knowing his lovestruck idiot friend would be pulling out all the stops tonight in order to impress Steve (and get him to keep playing, of course.) 
Sure enough, as soon as Eddie was done setting up he crooked a finger in Steve's direction.
“Harrington you’re here, next to me.” Eddie flashed him his most award winning grin, the one that said he was up to trouble in that charming, ‘aren’t I just a charming ol’ rogue?” sort of way. 
“I made you a human fighter, just to start you off." He continued, as Steve took the seat next to him. "You can always make your own character later if you don't like playing this class, but I made this set up as straightforward as possible.” 
“Human fighter huh?” Steve said, glancing down the sheet. “Okay.” 
“You have any questions, you just ask. I promise I won’t bite. Not for your first time anyway.” Eddie winked, dipping in and out of Steve's space as he did so. 
“Dude, I am begging you to please stop saying shit like that.” Jeff said with a long suffering sigh. 
“No.” Eddie replied promptly, sticking his tongue out. 
Steve just ducked his head to hide his smile. 
A harsh clap halted any further response, as Eddie settled back into his seat and dipped into his DM narrator voice. 
"Alright my little adventurers! Are we ready to begin?"  He looked around as everyone looked towards him, the energy shifting instantly in the room. 
Eddie grinned gleefully. "Perfect. You all wake up at an Inn, with no memory of how you got there…" 
A story was quickly spun, one of mysterious memory loss and a sense that the group needed to stay together. Introductions were given once everyone came into the tavern of the inn, cut short when they were interrupted by a lone barkeep.
“Is the barkeep a human?” Steve cut in. 
Eddie paused, temporarily thrown, but nodded encouragingly. “Yes, he is actually!” 
Grant and Jeff both went to open their mouths, no doubt to tease, but Harrington beat them to it. 
“Okay, I roll to fight him, or whatever.” Steve said.
“I--what?” Eddie asked. 
“I roll to fight him.” Steve repeated. “Oh and my character screams “Death to humans!” before he attacks.” 
He sat back with a smug little grin, and watched as Eddie froze in surprise, while Grant and Stewart's jaws promptly hit the floor. 
“Harrington, you menace.” Tiff cackled, delighted. 
Eddie just threw his head back and laughed. 
It set the tone quite nicely for the rest of the one-shot. 
“Grant, why are you looking at me through a fork?” Steve asked, about thirty minutes into the game. 
“I’m pretending you’re in jail.” 
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
Grant, whose character had to physically carry Steve's fighter out of two altercations he started,  just gave him a flat look.  “It’s spiritually healing.”
"Hey Jeff." Gareth asked quietly, as banter was traded. "I'm catching a hell of a draft over here." 
Jeff raised an eyebrow at him. "And what do you want me to do about it?" 
"Switch me seats?" 
Jeff rolled his eyes, but gave in easily enough. 
"Fine."  He said. 
Gareth did his best to keep his grin off his face. 
Step one, complete! 
"You come upon a door." Eddie said, sitting deep in his seat while steepling his fingers. "It's a normal door, unremarkable in every way except for two things." 
Groans filled the room, startling Steve. 
"Oh god, not again." Stewart moaned, raking his hands through his hair. "I can't do this again!" 
Eddie's grin merely grew. "The first odd thing you notice is that the door has been put into the wall at a tilt." 
"I'm gonna kill him." Tiff snarled, writing something frantically in her notes. "Munson is a dead man walking." 
"What is happening?" Steve asked, glancing around. 
"The second thing is that you recognize this door." Eddie's grin was Cheshire cat-esque, smug in the chaos he was causing among his friends. "It's the same door you saw at the beginning of this adventure, leading into the room the Innkeeper asked you to stay away from." 
"We're boned." Grant announced, throwing himself dramatically back against his chair. 
Gareth made his own dramatic, frustrated noise, banging his fist on the table. 
The full glass of soda next to him wobbled dangerously. 
With a cough, he made another loud "ugh!"  smacking his fist down a second time, closer to the glass. 
As intended, it spilled all over Tiffany. 
"Dude!" She exclaimed, shoving her chair backwards and jumping up. 
"Oh shit Tiff, I'm so sorry!" Gareth gasped. 
It was hard to keep a straight (albeit very sorry, least Tiffany hit him with her papers) face, but he managed. 
"You got my shirt wet you dick!"
"Here, switch it with this."  Gareth stood, unwrapping the red and black checkered sweater from his waist. He offered it up with an apologetic face as Tiff snatched it out of his hands with a glare. 
"I'll switch you seats too!" He called as she stormed off towards the bathroom. 
Jeff and Grant both stared at him with raised eyebrows as Gareth quickly shuffled his and Tiff's stuff around, taking her now sticky chair. 
"Maybe we should take a break?" He suggested, trying to act embarrassed when he was anything but. "This whole area needs to be wiped down."
"Five minutes." Eddie conceded. "I wanted one of Stevie's delicious cookies anyway." He stood, putting his arms up in a lazy stretch. 
Steve stood with him, leaning over to examine the mess Gareth had made. “We can wipe this down but this wood’s kinda funny, it’s gonna be wet for a bit no matter how much we dry it.” 
“Well shit.” Gareth said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about the table man.” 
Steve waved him off. “Don’t worry about it, the kids spill on it constantly. You are probably going to need a different chair though unless you’re fine with your ass getting wet.” 
“Do you have another chair somewhere, Stevie?” Eddie asked, making a show of looking around. “Cause I’m not seeing one. Not that I care if Gary-Berry sits on the floor.” 
Steve had several extra chairs in fact, but he and Gareth had hidden them all away before anyone else had arrived. 
“I used to, but Mike broke two.” Steve said, and Gareth found himself insanely impressed by the improv on display. 
He hadn’t thought Harrington had that level of acting in him. 
“If you’re okay with sharing though, the chair’s are big enough that we can kinda squish together.” Steve continued, completely ignoring the way Eddie’s eyes about bugged out of his head. 
“Only if you’re sure, man. I don’t want to be more of a bother.” Gareth put on his saddest, ‘I dun fucked up’ face, and shuffled his feet a little, just for dramatic effect. 
This was the performance of a lifetime and Gareth wanted his Grammy after it, because he and Steve had planned the entire thing right down to the shared chair bit. 
“You’re not, Dustin does this constantly.” Steve replied easily. 
“Or we could just put down a towel.” Jeff said, with a look on his face that said he thought everyone in the room was a fucking idiot. 
Gareth could’ve strangled him. 
“That’s probably a smarter idea.” Steve agreed, like the traitor he was. “I dunno if that’s gonna work for your papers and shit though, so you can just hedge into my space.” 
Which wasn’t what Gareth wanted, but he had to give Steve props for the quick thinking. 
At least it was just a minor setback. 
“I’ll get a towel.” Jeff continued, and at least they all got to witness the look that graced Eddie’s face upon realizing that Jeff of all people, knew where Steve kept his towels. 
"What the hell else can we do to try and open the door!?" Jeff snarled a while later, slamming his pencil down. 
They'd tried multiple different approaches and so far nothing had worked to set off whatever trap Eddie had set up. Something that made their DM absolutely delighted, while frustrating everyone else. 
"I still don't get why we can't just try to turn the knob." Steve complained, staring in confusion at the absolute riot Eddie's "completely normal" door had caused among the rest of his party. 
"Do not touch that door Harrington!" Grant bellowed, pointing at him. 
Steve raised his hands in the air placatingly. "Easy, easy, I was just making a suggestion." 
Gareth, wedged as close into Steve's space as he could get, tapped his fingers on the table twice. It was the little code he’d come up with to alert Steve that he was about to do something to piss off Eddie related to the prank (mostly, so Steve had a heads up Gareth was about to touch him, not that Gareth had spun it that way when he’d explained it) before patting Steve’s shoulder, hooking his elbow on it and leaning over. “Not gonna lie man, it’s not a bad idea. We’ve tried right about everything else.” 
He could feel Eddie's eyes burning a hole in his skull from here and he delighted in it. 
“Do not encourage him.” Grant said through gritted teeth. 
Gareth leaned his face on the arm perched on Harrington, his hair tickling Steve’s cheek as he tried to look as angelic as possible. “I couldn’t possibly know what you mean, Grantman.” 
He was flipped off in response. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Stewart howled, and even Gareth’s jaw dropped when Steve finally gave in and tried to turn the knob--only to succeed and swing the door open. 
“Well Munson? What happens to him?” Tiff said, having refused to call Eddie anything but his last name since the door had first appeared. 
“Nothing.” Eddie practically purred. “I told you, it’s a totally normal door, and the only weird thing about it was that you recognized it and that it was put into the wall a little tilted.” 
“Fuck you dude.” Stewart practically growled, balling up the piece of paper he’d been doodling on and flinging it towards their DM. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck. You!” 
“No thank you.” Eddie replied cheekily, twirling a finger in his hair. 
“We spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to open a regular door.” Jeff said, clearly processing. “An hour.” 
Eddie just shrugged, shit eating grin plastered across his face. 
Gareth once again tapped his fingers twice against the table, waited a moment, before banging his head gently against Steve’s shoulder. “I hate him.” He groaned. 
After a long moment, Steve gently, if not a little awkwardly, patted him on the head. 
“There, there, Gary. We defeated the door in the end.” He said calmly. 
Gareth laughed, absolutely delighted. His head jerked up and a grin crossed his face as he immediately looked to see what Eddie made of that. 
Pure murder, going by the face Eddie poorly tried to cover. 
“With his last few moves, Sir Carrington-” 
"I refuse to let that be my character's name.” Steve interjected, as he had every time Eddie brought up the name they’d apparently argued over. “If I have to figure out how to change it legally in your dumb game I fucking will."  
Eddie didn’t even look in his direction. 
“--Sir Carrington leaps into the air, swinging the sword of truth. It cleaves right through the Innkeeper, revealing him to be the dastardly villain you’ve heard so much about, Tareth the Trait. He’s gained an unusual amount of power after stealing the Inn from the former Innkeeper--” 
“Really bro?” Gareth said, sending Eddie a flat look. “Tareth the Trait?” 
“--With this final blow, Tareth collapses to the ground, dead. The Inn returns to its prior form, a safe haven for adventurers, instead of a trap.” 
“Shut up guys, we did it!” Stewart said, throwing his hands up in a victory pose. 
“Not gonna Eddie, I liked the twist.” Tiff complimented, a rare thing from her. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Eddie stood up, sweeping an arm across his chest as he bowed. “Give yourselves a round of applause as well, especially for our dear Steven, who just completed his first D&D game!”
A cheer went up, causing Steve to flush red. 
Gareth pretending to drum, knocking his shoulder into Steve’s much the way he had seen Eddie do as Steve sent an embarrassed smile around the room. 
“We should celebrate.” Jeff said, as the chaos finally died down. 
“I conquer, Jeff the Chef!” Eddie hollered, putting his foot on Steve’s chair. “Stevie-boy, you gotta have some good stuff around here for those big basketball wins!” 
“Get your foot off the chair, Eds.” Steve groaned, but stood up (forcing Gareth to get up as well considering how far he’d been leaning into Steve’s space.) “And yeah we can order like pizza.” 
“Pizza and beer?” Grant suggested.
“Oh my friend. I can do better than that.” Steve replied, a flash of his old, charming self coming through. “Allow me to raid my father’s liquor cabinet.” 
“Hell yes!” Grant yelled, pumping his fist. 
Tiffany rolled her eyes but didn’t protest, and neither Gareth noted, did anyone else. 
Which was exactly what he wanted, because he hadn’t managed to land the perfect ending he and Harrington had planned. 
Gareth would make it into Steve’s lap tonight, even if it killed him.  
(Or worse, even if Eddie got there first, a thing that may very well happen considering Eddie was clearly annoyed with how Gareth had been hogging Steve. 
Just as intended.) 
SOME NOTES: I don't play d&d so writing it always requires a lot of research. Several pieces here (like the human fighter bit) are based off of/stolen from memes, videos or stories I read. If I fucked it up thaaaan idk squint and pretend its right LOL. 
This one doesn’t have a bonus because I had to split Chapter Five into two parts. This is Part One, it’ll be one chapter on A03.  It just kept going.
Also Adopt a Jock is officially going up ON A03 so I will no longer be accepting tags ( Ch. One is already uploaded I’m just struggling with the summary lol. I will make a post and link it to my pinned post when it’s up.) I will still be updating here since I am only updating chapters on A03 as fast as I can edit them, which is not fast at all, so I imagine the next few chaps will be here before there but eventually shits gonna even out, so those who did not get onto the tag list can subscribe to the A03!  
Finally, Sorry this took so long, I have a prior ongoing medical issue and getting laid off fucked up my insurance. Had to cram in some procedures before it ran out. Long story short all I've done is sleep, go to a doctor or rant about one of the two lmao. Legit slept 18 hours yesterday ahaha k i l l m e 
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iseeyoujon · 6 months
I picked up Malevolent a few weeks ago since we were going into a TMagP hiatus, and holy shit this podcast gives me ten times more anxiety. I can't binge it. After every episode, I need to take off my headphones and step away for a bit.
But every interaction these idiots have brings me immense joy, so I keep coming back anyway.
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desultory-novice · 4 months
I will absolutely send a dead fish to Noir's parents. One for each, even!
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FOUR dead fish! Coming right up!
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"...Do you think this is more harassment?" "Or even a threat? One for each of us..."
"No, no. This is his doing. See?" "They came with a note."
["'I'm sorry...'"]
"Is he remembering the lab, you think?" "What if he's blaming himself for...?"
"I think...this was a subconscious act." "Though, he's growing into his power awfully fast, if so..."
"Are you worried? Because of what they said about him?"
"Even my people know that Dark isn't evil."  "The dark can be a source of calm for many. And a time of rest." "If I have any fears for Noir, it is not for what he might do..."
...It's for what might find him...
Noir's Field Trip Masterpost
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
You’re actually so nice because if it were me I’d just delete all the asks about things you’ve already clearly answered in the lore posts. Like sorry but do your homework if you really want the answer to the question.
Reminds me of the people when I worked retail who would call the store for our regular open hours as if we weren’t a national chain with the hours on the website right next to the phone number you had to look up to call us
Ofc this is the bad reading comprehension sight so idk why I expect so much
It's so hard to be nice sometimes. Sometimes I literally have to get up and walk away because I just want to be mean. I honestly shouldn't be answering these right now because I'm very frustrated and feeling mean.
Like, most of the information is there. I hate seeing "sorry if you've answered this before" because I just know 75% of the time it's going to be a question I have already answered. And the answer is gonna be there, if they had just bothered to look. The ones that follow it up with "I looked but I couldn't find it" less annoying because at least you knew there was a whole list and did look. I know it's a lot and it's easy to miss things but please. I'm begging people to look.
That reminds me of Christmas day a couple years ago. I was having blood sugar issues and went to the ER and then my roommate at the time picked me up and we went to 7/11 and I kid you not in the like ten minutes we were there, one of the managers was just standing by the phone saying over and over "yes we're open" for every call. Like...7/11 never closes. Never. They're always open.
All the people who didn't pay attention in English class are really congregating in fandom huh 😭 I beg y'all to teach yourselves reading comprehension and analysis skills and critical thinking. It will save you (and everyone else) so much grief in your lives.
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inklore · 4 months
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usodeshou · 1 month
On a different note, I started watching Pit Babe 🙈
I never had any intention of watching it. People seemed to be having fun with it but it just wasn't for me. I did enjoy Alanjeff in all of the gifs but I was happy to enjoy them through gifs only.
Enter This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans.
I got curious about it specifically because I liked Alanjeff in the Pit Babe gifs. Proceeded to fall in love with Sailubpon's chemistry for real. Craved more of them. Went out to look for an Alanjeff supercut. Sort of found one? But with an added music track? Watched it in its entirety and kind of wanted to make my own. You know, just skip through the episodes to their parts and cut 'em out and smoosh 'em all together for my personalised viewing pleasure. Without actually watching the show.
Started episode 1. Didn't immediately skip ahead. Got curious. Realised it's actually- it's actually kind of fun to watch? 🙈 Proceeded to watch the entire first episode, plus another two before having to go to bed 🤡
Gonna continue now. At this rate, I might hilariously end up finishing this show before a bunch of other shows I have started and have yet to finish lol
I'm gonna file this under Mission Failed Successfully, I guess 😂
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destiel-wings · 9 months
I've been rewatching daredevil and oh my my, it's even better than i remembered, this show is so criminally underrated
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tcfactory · 5 months
imagining a semi comedic bit of qqq being all "the leader is an ex slave, the strategist is an ex slave, are there any other ex slaves we should know about??" sqh admits he was an urchin. mqf was too. wqw is from a dishonored military family. there isnt a name for lords of the alcohol peak or the monk peak but sorry girl, only you and lqg are from 'respectable' breeding.
You joke, but for another fic I toyed with the idea of Mu-shidi being pretty quiet about his family because they were a clan of really evil cultivators up until like a few generations back. Like, "grandpa Fang worked really hard to turn his life around and dedicate himself to medicine and healing, but we are still not mentioning him in righteous circles because they would put the whole family to the sword for the shit he did when young" levels of evil. And now I really like the idea of the dishonored military family for WQW, I might hold onto that if you don't mind.
The lord of the beast peak is a wild foundling. The lord of the monk peak started cultivating late because he became a monk to leave behind a life of crime. Sorry QQQ, but you really are in the extreme minority here.
I don't know if I'm going to finish that other fic (the working title is 'Cursed Panacea' and it has very 'a world w/ unchecked papapa curses and flowers would really suck for the people actually living in it' ft. 'MQF has succubus ancestry and he fucking hates it' vibes) but here are some of the Mu-family relevant parts of the WIP. Warning for a lot of implied rape:
The story goes like this: the founding ancestor of the Mu family was an evil demonic cultivator, one that made it all the way to Body Unity with the power of her wicked arts, draining the cultivation of others to bolster her own. At that stage, however, she could no longer progress just by draining cultivation from others, so she started to consume powerful demons - one of which was a succubus matriarch that left her with a new, carnal craving. It drove her to distraction and when she won a clash against one of her long standing rivals, she could bear it no longer: she forced herself on the man there and then, in the wreckage of their fight. She discovered that dual cultivation could not only sate her new craving, it could bolster her cultivation far beyond her previous method of consumption, especially since her victim could last her a while before they perished from her ceaseless plundering of their qi. That is the origin of the wretched practice called human cauldrons. That is the origin of the Mu clan.
The tale goes like this: one day, a feared and loathed Mu-clan cultivator falls in love with his rival, a master of gu poisons just as feared as him, poisonous even to the touch. He stole a kiss during one of their many fights and has obsessed over him ever since, even during the three decades it took him to recover from the poison. Three hundred cauldrons are his to do with as he wishes, but he can only think of that toxic, deadly kiss. He starts courting the master of poisons and to his surprise his court is reciprocated. His beloved feeds him bits of his poisonous qi to slowly acclimate him to his deadly touch and he takes it all eagerly, even when each dose leaves him hovering on the edge of death for years at a time. They are as happy as such wicked men could ever be. However, one day someone finds a poison strong enough to affect even his beloved, a nameless toxin without a cure that is killing him before the Mu cultivator’s very eyes. In a last ditch effort, he prays to the heavens and swears that he would walk the righteous path until the end of his life if his beloved can be saved. With that solemn oath a thought comes to him and he uses his cauldron technique to take just the poison, just the wretched, harmful qi from his beloved. In his body, without the thousands of toxins to feed on, the poison is subdued and no longer deadly. They live, both of them, and they both thank the heavens for that miraculous strike of inspiration. They disappear after that. No more master of poisons, no more wretched keeper of cauldrons. Three centuries later the Mu clan is founded anew, by an eccentric master of medicines who is said to be able to concoct a pill for any ill and his fragile husband, a doctor so wondrously skilled they say he can cure everything except death. Their names are Mu Fang and Ran Hao. They are Mu Qingfang’s great grandfathers.
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delusinaldreamer19 · 2 months
My sense of the timeline for when each arc of the Kuro manga came out is so warped.
I was looking at a Claudia/UT fanfic that was first published in 2015 and I was like “wait…Claudia was revealed back then?”
Definitely because of the anime, in my head 2013-2015 is like book of circus release time frame. But no, in the manga the circus arc concluded in August of 2009 😭.
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
Tumblr media
2023 reads
The Girls Are Never Gone
a girl does a summer internship with the historical society cleaning up an old estate where a girl died 30 years ago, so she can investigate it for her ghost-hunting podcast
she’s a skeptic who privately thinks she’ll be able to find evidence of non-supernatural, but weird things start happening to her and the other two girls in the house
spooky lake & creepy dolls
bisexual diabetic MC with a service dog, f/f
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shopcat · 6 months
there is, Obviously, fundamentally a difference between headcanon and an analytical reading of text, and treating the two as exactly the same is not only wrong but devalues both, but funnily, i've found people tend to forget that both of these things are the product of referencing our real life experiences and applying them where we see fit to make a more interesting way to interact with media. and you can't just like, forget that it's not JUST about headcanons and meta analysis and whatever, because people in real life also still matter. and in real life, there are different stakes and EXPERIENCES, and those experiences lead to thinking the way we do because that's how you Be a goddamn person, which is why it's ironic is all 😭
like, saying zuko atla has to be cis in order to be "properly" gay in order to be Truly Compelling narratively is fucking ridiculous. textually, zuko is not actually gay. he never was intended to be, he never will be intended to be, he was never even subtextually. the assumption otherwise is already rooted in fantasy, and the tongue in cheek assertion that it isn't, which means it has more credence, is ... dumb? childish? admitting to at least yourself that the things you talk about wrt character analysis aren't the intention of the creator is literally half the point of doing said analysis – you're MEANT to throw away the intended interpretation in order to give it a new life through different keyholes without entirely divorcing itself from the text. (in the same breath, insisting the creator truly meant One Thing when they absolutely would not have/don't care at all, and ignoring that the people who made the piece are going to put their own biases and experiences and background into the media itself and actually MUST be taken into account for things like this is just ... well. Stop That.)
i've personally never been someone to ever claim that The Writers All Along INTENDED to do something that they obviously didn't, like make a character from a 2005 cartoon lgbt+. this doesn't mean that reading doesn't have any substance or cannot possibly hold any meaning, or that it's wrong. if you can't be objective about your own readings what's the damn point... leaning into it being fiction, which changes just by being observed by a different person, is why it's fun or interesting to do in the first place. and yeah there are some basic cookie cutter headcanons people like to fling around, and there can be criticism for that otherwise, but claiming headcanons themselves AREN'T an offshoot of this way of thinking is fucking stupid. like it's plain wrong.
our own thoughts on why a character acts, what they do, what their presentation is, why their personality is what it is up to and including their sexuality, gender identity, religion, JOB, whatever, are made to fill the gaps the text can't or won't provide, and in the case of lgbt ones as long as it's not actively harmful (as in like insisting a lesbian character is bi or something) it is literally harmless seeing as it is fairly solidly a "won't", along with a whole bunch of other hc material that usually don't see the light of day on-screen nonstereotypically. people seeing themselves in characters isn't new but more than that, saying that you know this but then pushing it aside because The Analysis Means More when it's Realistic And Plausible is fucking dumb. and rude. bc the entire point of drawing the line of connections this way is how WE see them. being all like "oh well, your own personal identity is still valid otherwise, don't get your feelings hurt bc it doesn't matter," is moot if you've already asserted there's only One real way to be... plausible 🤨. which is to be NORMAL ! duh.
like, the read that zuko IS gay (and cis) relies on extracting parts through the lens of our own gay perceptions and is why cishet fans don't pick up on it, but you can ask pretty much any other lgbt fan and they'll agree. zuko's narrative arc IS compelling with the read that he is gay, from the way he is ostracised by his family, neglected and abused, the "punishment" he receives and then continues to become his own warden of, the order of his death and the banishment itself, sozin criminalising homosexuality, his inability to connect with others especially his own age, his inability to seamlessly interact with girls, his literal externalised viewing of seeing himself as someone with Two Sides, them being good vs evil, realising he can change the damn world through love and acceptance, striving for peace, being the face of change for his nation, relearning what it means to be who he is once he is free from his past, the shame and humiliation rituals, the claim of his father that he is worthless as a prince and person, AND MORE... and i cannot express enough here how fucking little it matters if he's specifically gay or WHAT THE HELL EVER 😭.
to claim in no small way that it's impossible for a trans person, or a bisexual person, or anyone else lgbt, could ever line up his narrative with their own personal one is so beyond ridiculous it gives me a headache. no, "plausibly", i don't think zuko is like, transmasc. yes, plausibly, he could be gay. plausibly, he could be amab nonbinary but no one seems to actually give a fuck about that for some reason (i wonder!). nothing would change in both cases, because he's not actually either, so i really don't see the point in making fun of or being frustrated by one to lift up the other because you want cisgender boot soles to brush the back of your throat THAT badly. the implausibility of thinking any way about a fictional character should be taken into account to an extent, sure, but at the end of the day neither of us are doing anything truly worthwhile, and no one is claiming that it's the intent from the beginning to say otherwise, so what's the point here. why are we doing this. let's go skip in a meadow together before i kill someone with this rock.
#🐾#tldr i am actually just so sick of people saying the word plausible#it's not plausible for this character to be trans. well OKAY. THARS NOT THE FUCKING POINT IDIOT#not every fucking thing people do is for the sake of furthering the fucking plot holy shit what is wrong with you#these people will never know joy or happiness and forever be miserable bc they're just OBSESSED with trying to rationalise.. art?!#LIKE ITS NOT GONNA HAPPENNNN 😭#even if it is a plausible trans read people will pick it apart. I Know. i've been there. people do not and i hate to break it to you#like trans people. even other trans people. SHOCK HORROR. jesus christ#this is a real torture dungeon of my own creation#also my two cents personally i think the sum of who zuko is as a person is first and foremost autistic and gay. and everything else is as#an abuse victim. and i honestly don't care if he's trans bc it doesn't matter in the way ppl need to be tantruming over#but it still would be just as significant if not more so. acruallg definitely more so what the hell. my family doesn't hate me bc i Like#Boys .. OR GIRLS.#and YEAH sokka does read more trans sure. but he also is the one who got made fun of for at least like matching his belt and bag#or liking shopping or being feminine ..#is this what people mean when they say that... that katara would be transphobic to her own brother 😭#well probably not. anyway.#if we're being textual sokka literally IS the one with some sort of gay subtext just FOR being the victim of the charming 2000s lightly#homophobic joking. not zuko. no one gives af about zuko#it does not break my arm to say zuko got banished for being too much sowmrbing and not enough something and got to be himself afterwards#in the slow journey that that took. this could mean literlalt anything. so who cares#he's lgbt all at once. There. bitch#also these ppl bc it was a whole bunch ofc. seemed to just mostly be mad bc zuko got the hc more#like how is that everyone else's problem now. just make sokka trans more ... idiot#☆
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Hrmm... Revising my game and I feel like there's still sooo much writing left to do, for something that probably won't even amount to much, so.. I do want to narrow my focus more (especially given my health problems seeming to get worse/less energy the past few years), but I'm not sure how would be best to...
I currently have 5 characters as the Main ones with full planned questlines and such, with each character having 6 quests you can do for them. But I haven't really started the writing for the 5th main character. So then I was thinking, if I were going to write 6 full quests worth of content anyway... is it better to allocate that time on just doing a Complete 6 Quests for ONE single character, OR would it be better to do something like.. choose THREE side characters and do 2 quests for each of them? So that people have a wider variety to interact with and sort of sample around (of course with the idea that, once the first version of the game is released, IF people actually care about it enough to make it worth the effort, I would then add additional content to complete those 3 characters stories as well)
SO... If you were playing an interactive fiction sort of game centered around talking to & doing quests for a cast of characters (like there's no larger plot, more it's just about interacting with people, every character kind of has a self contained story, the focus is just learning about them and the world and exploring the area) --- Which would you rather have?
(and of course it would be stated up front which characters have only partial questlines, so people don't expect them to have full quests like the others and then get disappointed, or etc. etc.)
Basically, is it better to just focus in specifically on having one fully complete questline? Or for there to be a few stories that are not complete yet, but have more initial options available?
#I guess I just feel weird about investing too much into characters if possibly nobody will like them. so the idea of being able to sample#around a wider variety opens up the option of like 'hey even if neither of these 4 are your favorite - you have 3 other options soon too!'#or whatever. BUT I also am very anti-the trend of releasing half finished games or shit like that where people preorder and then#the game sucks on actual release and isn't fully playable or good until 5 updates later#HOWEVER.. those are giant companies with hundreds of employees and millions in funding. I feel like it's different for someone#if they're just like ''hey I am getting zero money for this and doing it entirely on my own in my free time and before I do like 50+ hours#of work on top of the 100+ hours of work that I already did - I would like maybe to at least see some proof#people are interested in this - so I'm releasing the game with like a small amount of the originally intended content removed#that I still have planned out and hope to add later and the game is still entirely done and completely functional#except for just a few quests I might add later.. sorry'' etc. etc. ??? like I think that's different. but maybe some people dont see#it that way and would still be like 'grrr.. how dare there be unfinished options..>:V" idk#And the nature of the quests is such that it's not weird to have it be partial like.. again.there's no major plot. it's not like the quests#are leading up to some dramatic thing and having them half done would make it feel like a cliffhanger. It's meant to be very casual just#chilling and doing little tasks and such. And last thing to clarify I guess - by 'side character' I don't mean taking some unimportant bac#ground character and forcing them to have quests. I mean like.. originally the game had 8 full characters and I thought that was#too much so I cut it down to 5. So I still had everything planned for all the side characters too. Id' just be like.. re-giving them#quests and focuses that were already planned from the beginning but that I got rid of.. former main characters banished to the side lol..#ANYWAY... hrmm... hard to decide... It's just so niche I think. I feel more and more like I should just get it to a 'proof#of concept' state and get it out there to interest check rather than invest in it soooo much for nothing. Because I really do not have the#tastes other people do or interact with games or have interest in things in the same way. A lot of the stuff that I love (slow. character#focused things with basicaly no action or plot where its' just about getting to explore a world and learn about#people in a casual low stakes setting but ALSO not romance) I think people find very boring so... lol...#This year as I try to pick the project back up again after abandoning it for like 3 years I keep looking at stuff and going.. ough...#yeah... cut this maybe.. I should cut that too.. I should make them a side character.. remove this.. blah blah..#Though I did ADD a journal and inventory system and other things that like People Expect Games To Have so.. maybe#that will count for something.. hey..you can collect items.. it's not just 'talking to elves for 600 hours simulator'.. are you#entertained yet? lol.... When I was making my other tiny game for that pet website and I gave it to the play testers and someone was like#''it should have achievements so I feel I'm working towards something concrete'' I was literally so blindsided like..??... people WANT that#in games..? is the goal not simply to wander aimlessly &fixate on world/character lore& make your own silly pointless personal goals? I did#do them though because it IS fun to make up little achievement names and such but.. i fear i am out of touch so bad lol..
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