#and the cats we need to catch still won't let us touch them
introvert-celeste · 1 year
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hermitdrabbles56 · 1 year
I can't find the quote that inspired this fic but basically it's about why Twilight is careful how and when he shows his anger. It's been sitting in my drabbles box for months and hhhh just take it.
Aren't You Angry
"What's going on?"  Time's worried voice draws everyone's attention briefly away from the scene in front of them, but is quickly forgotten.  "Sir…she got knocked into me, all I was trying to do was keep her from falling.." Twilight's voice comes out calm and even toned despite the small mob that was starting to form around him. Legend at his side and looking just about ready to kill someone, but Twilights hand spread open against his chest is keeping him in place for now.  "Yeah right we know what your kind is like! Ruffians looking to take anything they want, outsiders like you swoop in and steal our goods, go after our women and ravage our homes before taking off!" The villager in front of Twilight is about two heads shorter but has puffed himself up. Hissing and spitting his words like a feral cat. "Don't think we haven't seen how you've been slinking around!"  "All that I'm guilty of, is looking for a good book and hoping to find some arrows for sale…I'm just a passing traveler.."  "A look like that and we all can tell you're nothing more than bandit scum." An old woman spits.  "Why you-" Legend shifts to go for her and Twilight catches him again. "He's been out there fighting monsters to keep you assholes safe!"  "Legend don't…"  "No! Fuck this bullshit!"  "What you want us to believe, a freak of nature like this is here to help!" Another man shouts.  Suddenly comments begin to flood the area.  "Marks of the devil!" "The look of a theif"  "Shifty attitude!"  Twilight pulls Legend closer and closer as he carefully tries to back away from the crowd. The anger of the villagers boiling up quickly before everyone's eyes and reaching a fast snapping point, as a stone comes flying out of nowhere and clocks Twilight in the side of the head. Grimacing in pain he curls around Legend a bit to make sure he won't get hit, but it also puts him in range as a woman grabs him by the ear and yanks him to the side, nearly throwing him off balance.  "Look at this he's even filed his teeth into that of a beast!"  "He's a danger!"  "Get out of our village!!"  "Enough!!"  A crack of deafening thunder splits through the sky. Stopping the riot before it can go further.  "You are speaking to a hero of the realm! And if you say one more word you'll be answering to me!"  The crowd parts to where Hyrule stands on the opposite end. Lighting crackling at his fingertips and the edges of his eyes. Sky not too far behind him looking just as pissed, but letting the traveler take the lead. Stalking forward through the crowd Hyrule and the chosen hero beeline straight for Twilight. The largest of them having curled in on himself to make himself smaller. Hand held to his head to try and staunch the bleeding that the rock had started, while also covering the ear that had been yanked on. Legend having finally gotten out of his grasp and protecting his other side.  "You're okay..I'll fix you up right away…." Hyrule whispers as he looks the cut over, careful not to touch because of the lightning still zipping between his fingers.  "I'll be fine..I'm sorry.."  "Don't you dare start with that…come..let's just get you back to the inn.." Hyrule murmurs carefully.  With a quick shake of his head Twilight straightens a slight bit. "Im…gonna find a place in the woods, I won't cause more trouble by staying.."  "We'll all…find a place in the woods." Time states as he finally makes his way over. His one eyed glare passing over every one of the stunned villagers.  "Has everyone gotten what they need..?" Sky asks firmly as he looks around at their brothers who are now circling Twilight. Pleased to get a chorus of nods.  "Then let's get back to Epona and get out of here.." Hyrule states carefully as anger continues to boil in his tone.
°•○•° "You don't have to use your magic, I'll be just fine." Twilight says with that soft kind smile of his.  Hyrule though is having none of it. Palm glowing a gentle gold as he hovers his hand over the cut until it's gone, even giving a light pass over the ear that had been tugged. Then promptly runs his fingers gingerly through Twilight's hair, glad when the wolf hero carefully leans into his touch.  
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mikeys-bike-slut · 1 year
Untitled - SEQUEL Pt.1
Surpriiiiise! Here is a sequel to my Untitled story! Hope you will like it! Strap ya seatbelts guys cause it's gon be a bumpy ride
T.W: N/A
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5 years later
"Wakasa, hurry up!" I shout upstairs as I rush through the house trying to put my earring in.
"Shut up!" A yell comes from upstairs.
We have time Wakasa said.
Dont worry, we won't be late Wakasa said.
Of course we're late...
Today's Emma's and Mitsuya's wedding and as much we drifted apart and Toman has disbanded we kept in touch with each other and our friendship remained strong.
After I moved in with Wakasa I barely seen the gang except Chifuyu and Tora with whom I've been actually working with the past four years. Chifuyu saved up and opened his pet shop, just like he planned it with Baji. It's a sweet little shop with loads of cats, dogs, hamsters and every other furry little pet you can imagine. Though Wakasa told me I don't have to work he'll take care of me, that was just not something I wanted to do. So I talked to Chifuyu and he was happy to hire me full time.
No one knows where Mikey went, hust like if the ground opened up and swallowed him he disappeared. I was worried about him in the beginning but it was his choice and I had to put him into the back of my mind in order to move on and function until he was nothing but a distant memory.
The Haitanis, since our last goodbye they kept their word and vanished from my life, the only time I'd ever hear from them is when they send me a beautiful bouquet and gift on my birthday, every year but in person? I have not seen them since that day.
Draken? He's well, we used to meet up once every month for a coffee and a catch up until life got busy for both of us and I haven't seen him for over a year, we still text every now and then but it's not the same.
The Ginza duo, a few months after I moved into Wakasa Hyde contacted me and set up a meeting. Wakasa refused to let me go alone so he accompanied me to Ginza. Hyde explained his reasoning and apologized for causing me distressed and also offered me a position at the Ginza gang which I turned down. Once I explained to him that I am retiring from the deliquent life he respected my decision but told me I'll always have the Ginza district at my service if I'll ever need them. He also offered of I ever want to talk about my brother I can contact him whenever. In the beginning I didn't but as time went by I needed closure so I rang him and we met up. From that day on it was almost once a week thing and we grown really close. He reminded me of Yasu a lot and unofficially became my brother which just shocked Wakasa that once again I was able to turn one of the ruthless men in Japan into my lapdog basically.
Back to now. Wakasa and I were getting ready for the wedding, you know, at a decent time as one should but the White Leopard decidedhe urgently needed to fuck me. I told him we have no time but it's Wakasa, when it comes to sex the world could be on fire and even that wouldn't stop him. Would have he stopped if I asked? Of course, though Waka's sex drive is high he is always respectful and asks for my consent. So yeah was it also my fault? Yes. Will I keep blaming him? Also yes.
"Oh god, c'mere kitty" I sigh as I grab him and pull him to me and fix his disaster of a tie. "There, now can we go? I'm supposed to be the maid of honour"
"Well you definitely suck at that" he grins and I just flip him off while I grab my ourse that matches my dress. "Shit" I curse as I check the time and see we're already half an hour late. "Can we go now?"
"Yes, just shut up" he groans as he grabs his keys and we finally head out.
Ignoring traffic lights Wakasa sped through Tokyo straight to shrine where the ceremony is to be held. As he parks up I don't even wait for him I rush up the stairs -as much as I can in heels and a long mermaid dress- but as I get there to my surprise everyone's still outside chatting and smoking.
"Angel!" I hear a voice from my right and I find Mitsuya standing there in a beautiful lilac suit with silver patterns.
"Taka-chan!" I exclaim as I jog up to him. "Where's Emma? What's going on??" I ask almost panic and he let out a laugh. 
"We still have about an hour before the ceremony don't worry" he chuckles and I give him a confused look. "We know you and Waka too well we know you two probably gonna be late so we gave guys the wrong time" he winks at me and I don't know if I'm annoyed or grateful.
"You have a point" I sigh then chuckle then suddenly someone covers my eyes from behind. "Hakkai?" I question.
"Wrong" Mitsuya chuckles. "Bit taller"
"Kenny??" I ask excited and I hear his laugh from behind me as he uncovers my eyes. I turn around and find him standing there with a big grin. "I like your hair" I grin as I look at his now jet black hair tied back in a ponytail.
"Cool, right?" He grins then opens his arms and I give him a tight hug. "I missed you" he smiles softly as he holds me close. 
"The hell is this?" I hear Wakasa's voice from behind me with and annoyed expression on his face. 
"Precaution" Mitsuya grins at him then shakes his hand.
"Well played" Wakasa sighs then looks at me and Draken. "Don't steal my girlfriend" 
"I try" Draken grins at him then lets me go. "You should go find Emma she is inside if Yuzuha hasn't murdered her yet" 
"I don't think Takashi's that lucky" Wakasa grins and I just smack him. 
"Feel free to beat him up if he won't behave!" I call back as I run off and Wakasa just gives me the finger. 
I quickly find Emma, but instead of finding her with a big smile and excitement she is curled up crying on the small seating inside the room. I walk in giving Yuzuha a confused look who just shakes her head. 
"Hey, hey what's going on Em?" I ask worried as I kneel in front of her. 
"Maya!" she exclaims and just launches on me and continues crying. I hold her close and gently caress her back.
"Alright, what's going on. If you missed me, I'm already here" I grin trying to lighten the situation but it failed.
"I don't know if I'm ready... I just... seeing Draken here brought up a lot of feelings" she cries quietly and I let out a sigh.
"You still love him, don't you?" I question as I pull away enough to look at her and she just nods. 
"If you love someone else you shouldn't marry Mitsuya..." Yuzuha speaks up and walks up to us. "It wouldn't be fair on him"
"You should talk to Mitsuya, Em. There's no point in marriage if it's only one-sided. I'm sure Taka will understand it" I explain as I caress her cheek. 
"I guess I should... I just... I don't know how I feel. I love Takashi but my heart still yearns for Draken... I don't know. I just need a bit of time alone" she says quietly as she looks at us. 
"Of course. Give us a ring when you'll need us. I'll go talk to the priest" Yuzuha smiles softly and gently squeezes Emma's shoulder before walking out. 
"I'm gonna go check on the males incase they murdered each other" I joke which makes Emma chuckle a bit. 
I give her a hug before I walk out as well. I let out a sigh and running my fingers along my neck trying to figure out what the fuck to do exactly. As I walk outside I lean against the wall of the shrine and let out a long sigh, just wanting to collect my thoughts before I check on the herd but I can't enjoy the silence for long as I hear footsteps approaching. Looking up I find a tall, dark blue hair guy standing there with not exactly a happy expression. 
"Is everything okay, Shiba?" I cock a brow as I look at the former Second Division Vice Captain. 
"I don't think so... Look can I trust you?" he asks in a serious tone and I start to not liking this.
"Of course" I nod. "What's going on?" 
"Mitsuya wants to call off the wedding. He and Yuzuha got very close and doesn't think he should marry Emma. Nothing happened! Before you'd murder any of them, as far as Mitsuya knows it's one-sided but I know my sister... she had a massive crush on Mitsuya for years and I- I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do" he says with almost one breath and suddenly I feel somewhat relieved. I let out a chuckle and Hakkai just gives me a glare. "This is serious!" 
"I know but, Emma also unsure about the wedding cause she still loves Draken" I say it with a big grin. 
"Oh? Well, they all need to have a fucking talk cause Draken loves Emma too..." Hakkai says then we just both starts laughing. 
"You go talk to Draken and Taka, I'll go talk to the girls" I say with a big grin.
We both run off to the opposite direction. My heart hammers in my chest from excitement as I rush through the shrine almost tripping a few times until I finally reach the room finding both Yuzuha and Emma look like they're in line for the slaughter house.
"Okay, this wedding is off" I say with a big grin and they both give me a scared and confused look. 
"What did you do??" Emma asks panicking but before I could say anything Mitsuya walks in along with a very shy Draken. 
"The four of us should talk" Takashi says in a soft tone. 
I just wave at them before I walk out leaving the four lovebirds to sort this out between themselves. As I walk out Hakkai gives me a big grin and I just jump on him and hug him tight. "Good thing they have us" he grins then spins me around before putting me down.   
"What on earth did you two do?" we hear a laughs from behind us and as we turn around we find Chifuyu and Kazutora standing there.
"Hey good to see you guys" Hakkai grins as he hugs the two males and I just wave at them. 
"So what's going on? Did you crash a wedding? " Wakasa's voice suddenly comes from behind me as he wraps his arms around me.
"More like saved it" I grin as I lean back against him and he places a kiss on my neck. 
"Sure" he grins then playfully bites my neck making me let out a small yelp.
"Behave leopard" I chuckle. 
"Aren't you two cute" Tora and Hakkai coos as they look at me Waka and I. 
"Shut up" I chuckle and flip them off. 
"Don't be jealous" Waka grins. 
"Oh god no, it's enough working with her" Chifuyu laughs but suddenly I notice something in the distance and I tune out of the conversation. I notice a figure in the garden of the shrine and he looks eerily familiar.
I pull away from Wakasa and walk off towards the garden which the males don't even realize as they get deep into their conversation. I open the gate and walk into the beautiful garden but the figure was gone. Was I just seeing things?
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Hazbin Hotel bitty: Normal Alastor bitty
Normal Alastor bitty
Name: Alastor
Size: 7 - 8 inches tall(6-8 feet tall sized shifted)
Personality: Calculating, semi easily entertained, sassy,
Likes: Cat/cat like bitties, venison, meat in general, jambalaya, cooking, radios, cooking and crime(true or otherwise) shows/podcasts/radio shows,
Dislikes: Dogs/dog like bitties, not being in control, modern tech, Val bitties,
Compatibility: They always try to make a deal with their owners pretty fast, if not directly after they're adopted! They dont like feeling like they have no power, but do NOT make a deal with them until you know you can trust them fully! It's an awful idea to give an Alastor bitty power over you before you trust them-
They hate tvs! until they find out about cooking and/or crime shows- we recommend cooking shows- its better to give them ideas for the kitchen and not for the graves lol
They do NOT get along well with other Alastor types, they can manage being around certain Vox types, though it's best to keep them as separated as often to avoid to many issues if you do choose to have them in the same house, they do do better with soft or angel varients of Vox bitties though! Though as long as they dont fight for power they tend to be able to manage any bitty! But it is still best to get the Alastor bitty first and let them settle in and get comfortable before trying to introduce another bitty they may butt heads with
At the center they tend to try to make deals with many bitties, Nifty and Husker bitties are usually the ones they drag with them as they refuse to leave any bitties they made a deal with, though they have been found making deals with every bitty type from an Adam to a Vox to plenty of non-Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss bitties!
After they trust and grow fond of their owner they will become nothing but a gentleman to them! Though it will make them want to make a deal with them more if they havent already because they want to be the man of the house!(no they dont care if their owner is also a man)
They have a preference for being around women as they tend to find men 'brutish', though luckily the soul bond means you dont have to worry about not getting along with them! On the other hand they dont like being in a house with no women and they tend to get along faster with fem presenting bitties,
They can summon their radios and mics, though they can only have one mic at a time, and they only let those they trust the most touch it, so if you are allowed to touch their mic without them biting, stabbing, or hurting you in general, then congrats! they trust you! we do not recommend using this as a way to test if they trust you.
They hate being touched without consent, especially by people they dont know, god forbid if they dont like them-
Although most Alastor types can also teleport, this isn't a reliable form of transportation due to the energy it takes,
Alastors are finicky and picky when it comes to most modern things, but will adjust if they absolutely have to
Alastor bitties have a hard time getting attached to anyone or anything, going into full denial mode if they ever catch themselves doing so, so if you ever cant find your Alastor bitty, they're probably hiding away, while this isnt always the reason they'll hide it very well could be! As they will try to convince themselves that the attachment they are forming isnt worth it in some way or try to convince themselves that they can use it to get to whoever they are becoming attached to,
Alastors hate hate hate not being in control at any given moment, they always feel the need to be one step ahead of everyone, even if they don't actually have anything against him he won't believe that probably-
While they are commonly on the aro/ace spectrum, i'd like to remind you that they are bitties and not all of them will be aro/ace or sex repulsed(though they will not like it being spoken about openly, dont be crude!)
They're very compatable with Rosie bitties! They get along amazingly with their gal pals!
While he'd be protective as anything he saw as 'his', including 'friends', though he'd never call them friends, he'd call him his, tough rarely they will call someone his friend
Though you'll never know if he really does see them more as friends(unless actually called his friend) or if he does see them more like property, it's always hard to tell with them, though if it ever gets to the point he'd put himself in danger to protect someone he'd be panicked at the thought and be sent reeling from the fact he cares,
So they find it hard to make actual friends, though it's not impossible as Rosie bitties are proof of that!
He's kinda openminded, he doesnt care if you're gay or trans but he's not gonna see a trans man as the same as a cis man which kinda helps trans men, though that doesnt mean he doesnt see a trans man as a man, he just sees them as a 'better man', though he does see trans women on a similar level as cis women, he's from the 30s you get what you get with these lil deer men lol
They have a fondness for jazz and swing music, the 'latest' music he'll listen to is yet more jazz or electro swing,
They hate domestic abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, and any other kind of abuse- even if they're compatible with their owners if their owners are ok with those sorts of things all bets are off, they arent afraid to nearly die via killing their soul bond, though they will also fight someone on the streets if they suspect them of any kind of abuse, which can easily get bloody,
They can be ok around kids, they'd never hurt them, but once they're over it they're over it and will be finding someone else(luckily at least someone trustworthy enough) to watch the kid/s, it's not that he thinks he's better than them, he just gets annoyed easily and would rather teleport away than be around a screaming kid-
Alastors are also suuuuper condescending, sometimes they don't mean to be it's just their natural state lol,
Alastors will tolerate almost anything as long as it's entertaining to them, As in- watching over a child even if he isn't particularly interested in it because the child has a tendency of doing the stupidest things And he finds it funny Or even dealing with Vox types, not 24/7 though its a lot easier for him to find being around a Vox bitty entertaining if theres no Val or vel bitties around
Alastors also dislike the kind of talk Angel Dusts typically do That topic of conversation is an ick for them Some Alastor's are better than others but it's best not to push your luck Like, he'll put up with it sometimes but if its a constant(aka he cant avoid it at all) then he hates it
However Alastor's also tend to think making people upset or hurting others is very entertaining so be sure to keep your Alastor entertained in other ways so they don't resort to this adopting something entertaining to him(like a wobbly cat or wobbly bitty) can help lmfao, or any bitty/pet that does stupid things in general honestly,
Alastors with Husk's are also somewhat easier because they'll just badger Husker and he can't do shit about it lol, Same with if you have a Nifty around, they find her cute and entertaining They also tent to find Charlie bitties cute/entertaining but they rarely have deals with them, though that doesnt change much Having a Rosie around helps too but she comes with her own 'problems' lmao
if you can ever get your Alastor bitty to like a show, then that is literally the only time they wont break your damn tv when ur trying to watch it too lol,
You will need at least one or two radios in the house if you get an Alastor bitty(Luckily they do come with 4 radios in their care kits-) Or even podcasts might entertain him if you can't get a radio straight away things like true crime shows(or podcasts you can listen to o n a radio) are a fav for them lol Though be careful with that because it will give them ideas…. cooking shows entertain them too! it's the best you can do if you dont want them listening to aything that'd give them any unsavory ideas That is the only TV thing they will ever deign to watch If only to bitch about how they're not doing it right
they LOVE bad cooking shows so they can feel like they're teaching their owners/other bitties better gives them a good ego boost too,
Speaking of other bitties, you must be so so careful introducing your Alastor to new people Things can go bad so quickly Even bitties they are compatible with can become enemies if they're not introduced properly
it's best to introduce them somewhere the Alastor bitty doesnt consider theirs for starters and it's best to make sure the other bitty has a peace offering that the Alastor bitty would like and its best to make sure when the new bitty gets home that they know where not to go already, so they dont intrude on where the Alastor bitty doesnt want other bitties they dont consider theirs to be
they can already use shadow friends after 2 deals with other bitties so if they have a nifty and husker(or just 2 other bitties already) then u got a bit more mischief to worry about already lol
Also he will kill and eat bitties that piss him off if you don't have enough respect/'affection points' with him to where he wouldn't because you'd be upset
He doesnt get stage shy, he just like singing old songs/jazz songs(at the newest electro swing music) to himself, so you wont hear him sing suuper often(well, not loud enough where you can hear it well) it gotta have a jazz vibe,
any good mother dying would make him cry, so movies like Dumbo or Bambi get the waterworks going, though they hate crying but they like watching movies/shows with good mothers!
They'll fuck with tvs/other electronics like smart devices, lord forbid you have an alexa and a roomba- he'll only fuck with it long enough to make it where he can 'release the hounds' with it- and if he's not size shifted to be human sized he'll ride around the roomba- so there is that, but he'll fuck with it enough to use it as a way to get around-
Getting him something like an RC car would actually put you in his favor, with his magic he can control it like an actual car and drive around! It's actually one of the ways we 'entertain' them at the center lol, theres a bitty sized town we let them roam around in(and drive) at the center to keep them entertained(theres plenty of little areas like that at the center honestly, it's just not talked about a lot lmfao, so have a lil lore drop :])
Alastors need their own private space where even their owner won't(or can't due to being too big) come in without permission They will go batshit insane (more than usual) due to this and the fact most if not all of them want to get enough deals to be able to size shift(if not already human sized- since ima make the Bara ones like over 6 foot, tho i also like the idea of them all being small and having to work to get biiig) they want to have a whole room to themeselves, like yeah they get when they smol they cant use a lot of stuff they ask for(bed, closet, books, a radio, etc) but they have plans!!
Alastor bitties probably love cooking and baking and dislike frozen foods like, they wont fuckin eat frozen foods(unless its like frozen meat for storage or something like that)
Alastors are big planners But also simultaneously impulsive Somehow they will plan years in advance, but will do some fuckery for fun in the meantime, though, if you have made plans with your Alastor bitty, do not cancel. esp if its last minute, like, if you have an emergancy sure they can understand but if it's a 'i dont want to' YOU HAD MONTHS TO SAY YOU DIDNT WANT TO they can sometimes be a little bit of a hothead,
They also prefer being the 'top dog' of all the bitties in the house, it ties in with their wanting to always be in control. They can't be in control if there's someone more powerful than them! its another reason they want to make deals with their owners, buuut if you make him feel like he can at least teach you things, then he will put up with it,
In this same vein this is why they don't particularly get along with Lucifer bitties like, they can if they have been there awhile and the Luci bitty comes in later, since then the Lucifer bitty wont feel like they have to be in charge,
At first, do NOT try to put to many rules in place if they were house rules that everyone had to follow they'd be okay with it But yeah rules for no reason other than to limit Alastor? Nope, they will break every rule to spite you specifically
Having the Alastor for awhile(like to a point you can trust them enough to make a deal with them) is the best way to make it where they can be compatible with other bitties with exceptions but if you have an Alastor for awhile, especially if he can be trusted to have the ability to size shift(tho there are some that gain that ability despite their owner not trusting them) then the Alastor is comfortable and tends to take the role of the 'man of the house', regardless of if their owner is a man or not, Like, if he likes his owner enough he'll even cook for them!
Alastors are SO gentlemanly Like to his own detriment lol He will be less wary with girls and yk that's not exactly a good thing People are all different after all he's always kind to women to a fault, opening doors(even if it takes a lot of energy bc they cant size shift yet), cooking for them(once again even if he wears himself out) and doing house work(once again, even if it wears him out) it takes men longer to get to that point, but they literally have to be compatible to form a soul bond and you cant adopt a soul bond bitty without forming the bond!
Alastors may get perturbed if you don't have an escorts when you go out depending on their level of gentlemanliness Especially as they get bigger and can be your escort, good luck escaping him which usually, by that time he's 'chilled out' and is protective over you enough that the main thing you have to worry about is the fact he wont let people he doesnt like the vibes of near you and will try to do things for you(like if he doesnt like the vibes of the cashier he'll check out and let you go out to the car or somethin lol)
Luckily with their soul bonds they already see their owner as theirs, so they tend to prefer their owners over anyone else regardless of if they're fully comfortable with them, they already know they get along so they're more confident being around them, This also means regardless of gender they'll be as much of a gentleman to their owner as any random woman,
Feeding habits: They have, odd tastes, to say the least, they prefer raw meat, and prefer to kill whatever they're eating even more so, though if they like someone they will go through the effort of cooking, but they usually never give it to them directly unless they're comfortable doing so,
They are omnivorous with a preference for meat,
Additional info: They can size shift! but only after having enough deals made or after they make a deal with their owner, as well as the ability to use magic in general! The more deals the stronger their magic is,
They soul bond to their owners, so you'll always know if you're compatible with them as they come to you! A soul bond is a two way bond, while a deal is a one way bond(giving the bitty power over you, which is good if you trust them! not so much if you dont-)
Zone: Inside,
In Universe: They are seen as strange and taboo, but many do like them due to how much a gentleman they are,
Difficulty: Advanced - Expert
Features: Alastor from the show
(this is super ooc just so ya know but still! If you see anyone with an Alastor bitty that isnt aro/ace dont come for their fuckin kneecaps guys they're bitties they're made to be funnnnnn)
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Fire and Blood (OCX Aegon II Targaryen, OCX Aemond Targaryen) chapter 9: Compensation and bathtubs.
Concept: After Aegon went feral and nearly ''killed'' (slightly strangled drunkly) Aemond you made the choice to stop being their fuckbuddy all together. But they convince you to stick around and continue which will all bring misery and downfall.
WARNINGS: DOM/SUB, DON/CON NON/CON, SMUT, dark aemond and dark aegon and bathtub fucking and pleasure denial and other disturbing things. ENJOY!:)
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You are still upset about last night. How they fought over you. How Aegon even tried to kill for you. Sure, Aemond would have won; but you don't like that the emotions are getting that high. It's a matter of time before it all crashes and comes burning down.
You are enjoying a bath. You snuck out and went to another guest bathroom and made yourself a bath. No one knows where you are. You prefer it that way. Your maids will pity you, the boys are looking for you, and the guards don't even look at you since what happened to your father.
How he was slain. Killed for supporting the rightful queen. You loved Aegon at some point in your life. But not enough, never enough to not see he would be a terrible king. He would be another Maelor. He would be worse.
You feel two cold hands grab your throat before someone murmurs in your ear. You stiffen up and turn around. Aemond plays with his dagger and sharpens his nails like a cat when leaning against the wall. When Aegon is kneeling behind you and kisses your naked neck. 'There is our girl. Not hiding from us, are you?' He asks lightly, but there is something dark and dangerous too.
Cole's words make sense, all of a sudden. Somewhere nice. Somewhere safe.
You get the urge to scream. The memory of that night when they both shared you when you were punished is fresh in your memory. Especially how cruel they both were. They weren't taken over by desire like most men. They wanted to hurt you. They wanted to punish you and make you cry, and they did.
Yet you act like you are fine.  A handy skill at court. 'I would never.' You quickly blurt out. Aemond scoffs. He can read you too well. You are not the best liar, but Aegon wants to believe you so he does. He leans in gently and kisses your lips with a soft, nice kiss.
His brother glares at you when you are left to your own. 'You should have her. It was your turn when she got away.' He is sharpening a dagger. He brought a dagger. You tremble.
You give a soft whimper. Aegons breath catches in his throat, and he grins before kissing you down your neck.  'You picked a terrible room, you know that? No bed, no cushions. We should move you. This is hardly suited.' He wants to take care of you. He wants to make sure you are comfortable and taken care of.
Aemond already figured out why you were in this room and why you were alone. He knows you are avoiding them, and he doesn't like it one bit. He is much cruel and straight up. 'She made her choice.  Let her suffer the consequences.'
You raise your chin. 'I made my choice. I'm afraid that due to difficulties I won't be able to be a guest anymore. I will go home and live with my brother.' You say. You think this is the best for everyone involved.
Aegon roughly pushes you away from him, hurt written all over his face. Aemond just calmly smiles like he saw this coming already.
He kneels beside the bathtub and grabs your hands into his own. He stares at your breasts and extends his hand, ready to touch them. You slap it away. He grins and roughly chokes you when feeling your breasts. 'If I need to chain you, I will. If I need to force you, I will. If I need to rip your precious little wings off so you won't fly, I damn well, little Beesbury.' You whimper.
You break free and loudly cry out for help. 'Guards! Help!' You cry out helplessly. Scared of what they will do now that you have told that you will back away from them.
Aegon joins his brother. 'Don't be stupid, Lady Beesbury. We love you. We provide for you. What is it? Don't like the way Aemond fucks you?' He says with a boyish grin.
You look at your hands until aemond forces your chin up and forces you to look at Aegon.'He is a bit rough. But that's not it. What if someone finds out. Like the former queen? Or my family? I'll be ruined. Forever. House Beesbury may go down because of me. House Beesbury may be ruined. Because of me. I can't keep throwing away my prospects and future like this. You are Targaryens. You have nothing to lose. I have everything to lose.' It comes blurting out, and it makes the two of them more aware of the situation.
Aegon has a idea on his sleeve. He smiles at you.'You worry about your future. How about compensation from the crown?' You never even thought that was possible.
You play with your hair. 'How much are we talking?'
Aemond glances at his brother. 'I don't agree. We shouldn't give her a penny. She is our subject she will do as we command her.' He says and you feel trapped and scared.
'I'll see what I can do.' Aegon says with a smirk and a wink. You are then kissed by him. He grabs your arm and pushes you to the edge of the tub. He strips and joins you. You are forced against the edge of the tub and feel him feel your body in the slightly colder water.
'We prefer heat.' He says before shoving himself inside you. A deliciously familiar feeling takes control and you buck back, fully aware of how full you feel. You are fucked quickly and harshly.
He whispers in your ear when you slowly whimper. 'Good girl. Very good girl.' He praises you and you enjoy it. You roll back your head in your neck and cry out his name. He sees that as a sign to hurry up and continues to fuck you brutally in the tub for the next few moments.
He comes and growls out your name. You soon join him. He releases his tight grip and gets out of the tub. Water drips everywhere he goes.
Aemond claps mocking you. It's his turn now. He seems upset. You get back in position so he can do the same as Aegon. He scoffs and grabs your arms before pulling you out of the tub and onto the cold stone floor tiles. You feel his fingers shove up your sensitive and wet insides and he undresses quickly.
You are wet and cold. You would prefer being back in the tub. You would prefer being dried off first and maybe a nice warm bed before he does this. 'Aemond, I'm cold. Can I dry off first? I will reward you with being good.' You promise.
He laughs scoffing. 'And what makes you think you won't be good for me naturally? Does your ass love to be spanked or something?' He leans in and smacks it. You groan.
He whispers in your ear. 'I will fuck you on the stones.' You look at the terrible cold and uneven stones. That will be painful.
You quickly lower your head and start apologising. You want him to have mercy. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and-'
He pushes his fingers against your lips silencing you. 'You will be.'
You gasp and are spread. You feel a familiar finger up your insides inspecting you. Your left hand is grabbed and soon you feel yourself rub off a groaning Aemond. He calls you his whore and you nod in agreement, far away in pleasure. He doesn't warn you. He doesn't tell you.
But one moment you are grabbed by your legs and fucked. He goes deep and harsh right away and you moan in pain and pleasure. Aegon looks on a bit concerned but doesn't interrupt his brother.
You hold to the ground and soon your hands and knees are injured and bleeding. 'Ow. My hands and knees are bleeding. Please. May I have a blanket?'
He laughs deliciously before sucking on your earlobe. You whimper and buck your ass to him, signalling that you want his cock hard and fast. He slows down; making you frustrated and whimpering. He is toying. Punishing. 'No.'
Your hands hurt. Your knees hurt. But your body wants it so badly. Your mind is turned off. All there is Aemond and Aegon and you want to be a good girl for both of them. You enjoy feeling filled up and you even enjoy it when they shove and command you around. You like being their special girl and you love their attention. But you might love the way their cocks feel shoved in more. You feel so deliciously full and warm when they fuck you.
Aemond comes and you are forced to feel his fingers. It's difficult to finish that way, as you would prefer his cock fucking you. 'Aemond, fuck me with your cock. Please I need you.' You confess slightly whimpering.
He laughs again. 'You won't come. Part of your punishment, little Beesbury. Best think before upsetting me in the future.'
You rub him off and cry, bucking your hips to his fingers. 'P-please finish me off. Make me come.' He sighs before teasingly rubbing your cunt. The tip enters and you relax. But that's all you get. Just the tip and a smirking sadistic ass.
You are disappointed and hurt when Aemond dresses again. You seek comfort in the arms of Aegon. 'Shht. It's done. You did it. Good girl.' He whispers when you cry out in his arms. He pets your hairs. 'Now it's my turn.' He takes your hand but once again you are not placed in the tub.
The wall. You never were fucked standing and you are not sure if you can take it. Aegon has no mercy for that and simply pins you and roughly spreads your legs and slams into you, after he Forced your legs around his hips. He groans and sinks in your wetness before he starts to fuck you.
Deep. Rough. Fast. You prefer it over the slow sadistic torture of Aemond. Gasps and moans escape you ad you are happily panting and soon feel the pleasure back where it was. Aegon suddenly drops you to your feet and sinks to his knees before his mouth gently places against your hot wet cunt. Before you can ask what he is doing there, on his knees and near your cunt his tongue slips out and takes a rough and through licking of your wet cunt. You gasp and grab hold of his silver short hairs panting and whimpering. 'How was that? Like it when I eat you?' He guesses. You nod.
'Yes. Gods. That felt so good.' Aegon chuckles before licking you again. You moan deeper and ready for more. He understands and pleasures you this way until you are so close. Then, he stands up. He grabs you and simply slams your legs on his hips again before roughly impaling you against the cold castle walls.
Aegon is quick to push his hands on your mouth when you scream and cry out his name finishing. Aegon fucks your now dripping and soaked cunt and takes out his frustrations. You adore it. He comes as well. He injects it in you and you feel good and warm.
You pant. Aegon laughs. 'Good girl. Very good girl.' He knows it. You like praise and approval and he is more than happy to give it to you. You lean and wait for him to pet your head and to kiss you and he does. He is so gentle with his after-loving. So kind.
Another nearly growling voice interrupt. 'What are you even attempting, little girl? You know it's my turn now. Best get over here or I will spank you.' He threatens.
You quickly rush to his side and look at him in worry. He grins before grabbing your arms and turning you around. You already know what is next and you don't like it. You tell yourself you don't like getting spanked. But another dark part of you finds its so arousing and nice to feel his hands on your ass and to feel his fury and his displeasure. You want to please them, but you at the same time love it when they are rough and strict.
He roughly smacks grinning. You just stand there, taking it and accepting it when also crying out when his slaps get harder and more cruel. 'Ow! Ow!' You know he likes the sound of your cries.
'I warned you.' He nearly sings. You are upset hurt turned on and angry at the same time. So many intense emotions.
You are stimulated. You are happy and pleased panting and rolling your front to his fingers. You are on his lap as he touches your cunt and your insides. You look around the room and wonder where you'll be fucked next.
You find it too narrow. Too painful. He just laughs away your fears and worries and impales you on his stiff cock. You groan as soon as the cock enters and enters you; the familiar way of harsh fucking returns. You like it. You buck your body, and turn so you can face him. You cry and fuck him again, grabbing hold of his shoulders. He gets up and takes you with him, shoving his cock up you once more. You cling to him and want to finish already. You know you won't yet. Aegon smirks and follows you and Aemond into another room.
And there is... A bed. You nearly gasp. Aemond seems to understand your excitement and walks you down to it...
Only for you to end up on the hard looking desk next to it. You feel betrayed. You are fucked, bossed around and eventually injected with his warm seed.
You are panting and feel your dripping and wet cunt. As Aemond is preparing for the next round aegon grabs you and throws you on the bed. You are fucked intense. He comes in your face this time; coating your face with his cum. 'Lick it.' He instructs. Him and Aemond watch eagerly as your tongue slowly rols out and licks away some of the dirty tasting hot and salt tasting seed. Aegon groans and fucks you again.
After he is finished.
Aemond looms over you and grins before shoving his cock up your face. You open your mouth but you are slapped lightly. You like it. He comes much more lower and coats your chin and lips.
You are forced to lick it even If your tongue can't reach it. They are amused and laugh when you blush and try your best to clean yourself like a little kitten. Aemond watches you struggle a few moments, that feel more like eternity before he has mercy and fucks you.
It's been enough. You are spend. They can tell very easily. They dress again and help you dress too. You are thrown over Aegons shoulders since you can't walk without limping and are brought back to your room.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
No Quirks AU Ⅱ  BakuDeku
sfw one shots
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All are SFW … still check tags.
Art not mine - credit to KacchanKudo.
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Cuddle Buddy by category6
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo wasn't expecting his friends to send him a 'Cuddle Buddy' for his birthday, but quite despite himself, he suprisingly liked the service when the man who knocked on his door was cute, freckly, and good at his job.
After he ended up calling this 'Deku' guy back for more cuddling services, he found himself hoping that at least some of Izuku's kind words and gestures were real.
He also hoped that the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about the cute freckled man wouldn't become a problem.
{Professional Cuddler au}
I’m not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts by PassingShadow
Summary: Izuku is a professional cuddler and Katsuki is his new client that’s just a little rough around the edges, and needs a natural healing touch.
{Professional Cuddler au}
The New Assistant by dracofides
Summary: “My name is Izuku. I am a prototype created by CyberLife Japan. My main purpose is modeling, but I can also do any sort of assistance.”
“What the fuck?”
His mother brought home a new android, only the new android was unlike any android Katsuki has ever seen.
{Fashion au}
Case Closed by spicymacaron
Summary: The squad finally meets Bakugou’s mysterious long-distance boyfriend, Deku, but he’s not what they expect.
Empty by Mikacrispy
Summary: When bored billionaire Bakugou sees his old childhood friend down on his luck, living on a park bench, he can't help dragging him home and taking care of him.
He can't help falling in love either.
{unintentional sugar daddy au}
The Dive Bar by huliganships
Summary: Katsuki gets dragged out by his friends. He plans to indulge them for an hour before ditching them and going home again. His plans are being overthrown though when his eyes meet a pair of eyes that threaten to pull him under and into the green depths of the sea.
Are you into science? Because I LAB you! by huliganships
Summary: “Are you checking out the florist?” Kirishima whispered to him.“And what if I am?” Katsuki shot back, his eyes not leaving the figure of the green-haired man in front of them.
“Please don’t use one of your stupid pick-up lines on him. He knows what he’s doing and maybe I want to come back here sometime.”
“I will absolutely use one of those,” Katsuki answered. “I’m not willing to invest time in someone too stupid to get chemistry jokes.”
Trophy by Mikacrispy
Summary: After winning the State Championship with his football team, Izuku promises himself he'll tackle an even greater challenge - asking his crush out on a date.
It's way easier to throw balls on the field than it is to face Katsuki, the feisty top student in their school.
{High School AU}
Shoto, The Siamese Cat, Gives His Statement by GinaDeSpell
Summary: We observe the vicissitudes of Shoto, the Siamese cat, as he observes the growing love life of his owner Izuku Midoriya with Katsuki Bakugo, and how the feline makes them come to their senses when they are being stupid.
Love (Won't) Tear Us Apart by Golden_Writes
Summary: After stumbling upon "Nitro Records", a vintage record store, Izuku can't help himself from going back almost every day to see the explosive blond behind the counter and maybe buy a vinyl or two. The catch? Izuku doesn't actually own a record player!
{Music Store AU}
Watching You by Mikacrispy
Summary: Katsuki uses his position as Head of Security to watch Deku, the CEO's secretary, through the CCTV every day. He knows he's bordering on stalking, but it's worth putting up with the teasing of his friends just to see Deku's crazy antics when he thinks he's all alone.
— — —
Or: Good-hearted stalker Bakugou
Cheese Nachos and Pretty Boys by Chumpy
Summary: This whole day was very quickly crashing and burning, and Izuku realized he'd probably never recover. For one, the Triple Cheese Extreme Nachos he had for lunch were definitely negatively affecting his digestive system as they spoke, and two, he'd gotten the attractive Claire's employee's attention in the worst possible way.
Never again would Izuku Midoriya show his face in this Claire's, nor in the food court, nor to the outside world, probably; never again would Izuku Midoriya let himself feel confident.
— — —
(Or, Izuku goes to Claire's.)
{Mall AU}
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gccdstories · 3 months
//For Aedion!!!//
Sebastian looked to Aedion pointing to one of the side rooms deep in the bowels of the palace.
"There shouldn't be anything down here but just check carefully."
Sebastian continues down the hall, letting the threads tug at him. He opens a door and flicks the flames alight. The plains cat glares pacing.
Sebastian breaks the cage, gritting his teeth against the hum of the Daglan bones repelling the both of them.
The cat moves, shifting to sneer down at Sebastian.
Sebastian stands, dusting his legs.
He didn't know him, had never met the other male. But plains cats in the mountains of Prythian were legendary for their brutality.
Ires scoffed turning away.
"Everything your mother sacrificed. I wonder if it's worth it."
"I'm alive aren't I?"
Ires turned back to him, ears twitching. Hearing something he couldn't.
"You think you matter over the thousands she sacrificed to get where she did?"
Sebastian frowned, thrown.
"What are you -"
Ires turned away, vanishing around the corner. Sebastian followed him, he saw the scene unfolding as Ires slammed the door open.
He snarled at Aedion, stepping toward the other male. Sebastian reached for his lighting.
"Ires -"
"Get away from my daughter Wolf."
Lysandra blinked, the haze of the music finally easing the ringing in her ears. Her cage lay in peices around her. She turned to her father, the words finally registering. She barred her teeth, a hand going for her mate's wrist.
"He goes nowhere."
Their Den had been slaugthered, Maeve had kept them here for so long she lost count.
But she could feel other threads snapping into place. To have another Den again, to have the safety and protection.
She turned back to Aedion, eyes wide. She reached to touch his cheek, tracing his jaw.
Ires sighed and glared at Sebastian.
"Put that lightning out before you start a fire boy. I won't be killing any of you now."
"Were you planning on it before?"
Ires stepped closer, eyes blazing. The King in him bucked at the very idea of this. To be blood bound to something like them.
But he could hear the Ancestors again, perhaps there was a purpose for it.
"Your mother kept us in cages too. But at least she allowed us to have our young close."
Sebastian's magic guttered, thrown. Ires looked back to his daughter and turned away.
"Help my daughter to her feet Wolf Cub. We need to leave."
Sebastian's head spun, these were lies. His mother was a healer, a wild fire user yes. But she had given everything to be with his father. She was good, she was kind.
He needed to speak to Angelica, even if his sister had long cut him off - perhaps she knew something about this bizarre rumor.
Because his mother would never have such a stain. He'd been the one to bring this darkness to his family, not his parents.
They'd been good, they'd done everything to bring about the Golden Age.
They were good!
There is something pulling him forward, something leading him deeper, deeper into the caverns. Down stairs, into dark pathways that under any other circumstance, he'd be lost in. He's following that pull, that urge to go right, then left... To follow the path that leads straight rather than the one that goes further downwards...
Aedion barely hears the words exchanged, because he's still going deeper... Searching for whatever it is that pulls him in such a direction. In fact, he tunes out most of what is transpiring between Sebastian and the other male, not even catching a name because there she is.
Pauses. Stops right in front of her as her fingers trace down his jaw, Aedion's eyes meet hers and he just knows. This is what had been pulling him deeper; this is what he was supposed to find.
A nod as she claims him, Aedion not looking away. It's only distantly that he registers Sebastian is even there now, or the other male; it's only distantly that he registers anything outside of her. Like his world has collapsed and centered on just her...
Aedion turns, breaking his stare with her as the male addresses him (he thinks, anyway). His fingers curl around the female's hands, helping her up. He doesn't want to let go of her, either; like he needs to be tethered to her in order to even find a center of gravity in this world.
One look at Sebastian, and Aedion frowns, even as his hand stays resting on the female. He cannot--will not--let her go.
❝ What is he talking about? ❞ he asks, nodding towards the other male. ❝ Why-- Did you know? ❞
0 notes
jxngh · 2 years
request : Could you do an OT7 headcanon to their s/o having big breasts?
< requested by anon >
pairing : bts x reader
genre : smut. i got soft sometimes but smut.
author's note : don't forget this is just a size nd doesn't really make someone more or less desirable in my eyes, i'm pretty sure not in their eyes too.. basically, enjoy without thinking hard ! + thanks to the gif owners these are... amazing.
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he loves every curve of your body
worships them
leaves kisses, mostly gentle with them
sometimes just looks at you like you're art nd thinks about how good you've been created
imagine his cute face while having questions about this topic
sometimes gets too carried on
especially if your outfit is showing a little much
he'd be simping
you'd catch him checking you out constantly
he'd try his best to not eat you out with his eyes on public
nd with his tongue lol
yeah he'd make sure that you understand his thirst about it
i'm picturing him using you all night
maybe that outfit on
he'd leave marks then
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me senses that this guy loves them so much
even you're not actually dressed up or you know revealing
he'd still be watching
he loves to squeeze them, kiss them, maybe some heavy sucking in some occasions
me senses foodplay
he enjoys it
you enjoy it
he enjoys it more since you enjoy bc he loves to see it
i can picture him back hugging you
leaving kisses to your neck while his big hands plays with them
would moan during the kiss
uhm,, when things gets a little heated he'd blindfold u
then have the time of his life playing with your boobs
i'm telling you gurl
his mouth would never leave them while his hands are busy w your other parts
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this guy is mostly soft about them
loves how soft they are
hear me out,, uses them as pillows
he loves you, loves your boobs, loves sleeping, it's a perfect combination
imagine having talks while his head is resting on them 🥺
sorry i love this lil cat so fkin much my heartu hurts
let's get in the hot part ladies...
his big hands would be all over them when you're riding him
or while you're under him
another sucker ladies, doesn't give a f nd leaves marks all over them
' love it kitten? moan for me. ' f u u u u c k
won't confess but loves it when you send him pictures of them
you don't even need to be naked he's already into it if you're in it
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would tease you about them when he teaches you some moves
it turns him on tho
he tries to focus on embarrassing you to keep himself from touching you
ends up talking about them too much lol
would end the lesson quickly to give them a little special attention
he'd get you in the closest empty dance room
pins you to one of the mirrors, undresses you slowly while leaving kisses
then grabs them while kissing, licking
yeah he'd slowly make a mess on you
loves to spoil you with new designed bras, lingeries etc.
makes you try them on like a private show for him
damn.. so hot
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they're like a toy of him, a toy to reveal stress
but he's also a simp about them
we all know this man's duality so one second he'd be squeezing them in a playful mood
then he kisses you,, nd things gets heated
he's a member of leaving marks club
he'd be grabbing nd playing with them while foreplaying
but later his mouth would be all over them, kissing, sucking, biting
yeah he gets too carried up but if you love it there's no way he's stopping that
would lose his mind if you don't even feel the need to cover them
that'd turn him even more that you have no problem to show people that you're his lover
he'd get soft afterwards tho, special cares
would get you creams to help healing nd applies it himself
saying he made it so he's the one who should do it
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remember he sleeps more than one pillow
he doesn't need them too much cause he's busy big spooning you
when not, he hugs your waist, rests his head on them
talks about anything nd everything in that position
sometimes grabs them hard just to be playful
doesn't really leads to something mostly, it's like random spanks just for fun
i'm picturing him in the shower
doesn't matter if you're the one joining or he is
he'd be watching them constantly, still squeezes nd acts like it doesn't effect him
lie.. nd you can tell because his mouth is all over them in minutes
firstly kisses with the warm water running down between your bodies
then grabs them nd sucks till you're moaning his name for more
would have you there while he's sucking the life out of your breasts
i wasn't really planning to tell y'all this here but if you're breastfeeding or something... he'd be a simp.no more words, he'd want a taste
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this guy is such a mess for them
constantly finds himself thinking about them, imagining them while touching himself
if you'd ever send a picture which is showing them well
i guess we all know his fav risky picture now..
would go mad even by the smell of them
plays with them, kisses them, licks them, everything you can imagine he'd do
i'm thinking.. something... damn.. titfuck?
he'd come so. hard.
nd it would become one of his biggest fantasies
when not in heated time he'd be laying between your legs, head resting on your boobs while playing games
loves to see them so doesn't really want you to wear bra when you're at home
fuck.. he'd be losing his mind if you're out nd he can clearly see them
would get jealous nd make you pay for it, be ready for bruises
taglist : @nglmrk - @allora1233 - @sizzlebangtan4 - @youmyjhope - @raiiisstuff - @bookfrog242 - @athiesam
.·´ you can tell me your thoughts / request for more in here ! hope you enjoyed !!
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Squad finding out about your secret marriage with sonny?
FYI I always see Sonny as 27/28
Only 1pp knew about your marriage with Detective Dominick "call me Sonny" Carisi. You both met in college on the first day when he sat next to you and asked to borrow a pen. You and Sonny started dating 2 weeks later, moved in together after college. Unexpectedly the first Christmas you were cops for the NYPD, Sonny spontaneously proposed to you in your living room and of course you said yes. You had a very small intimate wedding with family only 2 years ago, 6 months you both made detective. When Sonny worked homicide you both decided to keep your relationship as quiet as possible to keep each other safe.
You were lying in bed on Sonny making out with him, you could feel his hands going into your shorts when both your work cell phones began to ring. You groaned in frustration when Sonny made his way out of the room to take his call while you took yours while your team didn't get suspicious. When you finish on the call with Liv you make your way to the kitchen to find your husband.
"All the squad is needed upstate doll, did Liv tell you?" He puts his hands on your hips as you stand in front of him.
"Yeah she said. I'm worried Sonny, this is the first time we will be asleep together in the same room as the squad. What of something bad happens?"
" Nothing bad is going to happen, I will be right there, I won't let anything happen to you, Y/N Carisi." You smile and press your lips to him before you start to get ready for work.
You and all the squad are piled into a minivan while Captain Benson drives you all upstate to interview a rape homicide victim's family and friendship group. While on the way up you decided to put in your earphones and catch up on your beauty sleep.
*10pm that night*
All of the squad piled into the family hotel room tired from the day with the victims loved ones there was six single beds and 1 double. Before you could blink Benson, Dodds, Barba, Finn, Amanda and Amaro had claimed them meaning you and Sonny were going to have to share. Sonny was still the annoying new guy, everyone was giggling that you had to share with your husband.
When everyone was ready for sleep you all got into bed, it took all you will not to turn into your husband, throw one leg across him and snuggle into his chest while you lazily make out with him. Somehow you managed to fall asleep, cold on the edge of the opposite side of the bed to Sonny.
You woke up with Sonny pressed into your back little spooning you, not thinking as your half asleep you turn round to face himand kiss him on the lips.
"What the fuck?!?!" Both yours and your husband's eyes flew open and landed on the full squad watching the pair of you sleep.
"Why are you watching us like weirdos?" Sonny threw back at them trying to divert the question.
"Why are you cuddling Y/L/N Carisi? She should of jumped 50 feet when she realised you were touching her" Amaro scoffed at the scene, shocked at what he witnessed.
"Nick stop it, Sonny is my husband. I wouldn't jump 50 feet when I physically relax at his touch." You snuggle back into him while he played with your hair to help you wake up.
"The brass already know, we have declared our relationship when we joined the acdemy" Sonny was trying to diffuse the situation.
"Look when we are back in the city I will cook dinner and explain everything, but right now we have a job to do." You close the questions before they got personal before 8am.
"This isn't over Carisi, Y/L/N. We want to know everything!" Olivia stared you down while the rest of squad looked like that cat who caught the canary.
You don't know what was going to happen, but you knew everything would be okay as you have Sonny by your side.
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bajitheestallion · 3 years
WET DREAMZ. - takemichi hanagaki
synopsis: i ain't ever did this before, no.
contains: slight femdom (?), perv takemichi, lowercapped, mentions of stalking sorta kinda, fem reader, this nigga NEEDS it, its obv he does, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, mentions of a one night stand
a/n : listen to wet dreams - j. cole when reading, even if this isn't gonna be that long. mdni, etc etc all that good shit.
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TAKEMICHI hanagaki isn't a pervert. he makes it obvious he isn't, well he thinks he does. he never notices how his eyes manage to fall on every dip and curve on your body as you cheerily talk to him with no intent. the way your lashes met and batted up at him while he couldn't help but tense up. the thought was always nudged off your shoulder because takemichi is always nervous around women, he's just nervous.
even if his hands always fell a little bit lower every time you hugged, how his breath hitched and his shoulders tensed whenever you even accidentally grazed upon him. even if you didn't notice how he peeked around corners and slid into alleyways right after you both split up to head home, the melodious sound of quiet grumbles and whimpers.
he was just a friend who was a bit inexperienced, you knew he was. you joked about it often, letting your warm fingertips drag across his chest whenever you walked past him. the bare minimum, obviously you weren't interested. he knew you werent, so he let this game of cat and mouse go on longer until his body finally got used to it. and surprisingly enough, he did!
that was until you had brought up the question.
"are you all still virgins?"
a bit of silence lingered with the sound of another table in the back hollered with the sound of some time of sports team doing something you were uninterested in. it was a fairly small get together, just a few life long friends. you, takemichi, mikey, draken, and mitsuya were sitting on bar stools with a wide variety of drinks on hand. the counter was wood and fairly fucked up, several carvings or drawings of what you assumed to be a vagina next to someones phone number, or the loving sight of initials with a heart around them. but you paid no mind.
"no. did it seem like it?" the first answer quickly tore the thick tension in the air you knew you'd create. of course, this was intentional, and of course draken was the first one to put it out there. "you forgot where i used to live?" he asked before letting his lips connect to the glass of his beer, eyes closed and relaxed.
takemichi flinches.
"i'm not either." mitsuya quickly chimed in with a hiccup sticking at his adam's apple, causing it to bob gently. "it was bound to happen, i guess i am a charmer." his hair is messier than it was when you all first met. his cheeks and nose are dusted a gentle red, as well at the tips of his ears.
you can hear takemichi stumble out of his seat.
mikey just nods and keeps sipping at the fifth drink he's had for the night.
takemichi waddles off without a word.
"y'think you caught him?" mitsuya looks towards you sluggishly, his eyes digging right into yours, "we, well i," he hiccups and looks a bit nauseous for a second, before regaining his composure. "i can tell you were waiting." and he was right, because you were waiting.
more importantly, so was takemichi.
and you know how takemichi gets when he's impatient.
considering his hand was in his hair and his back was against the wall of the fairly dirty bathroom. it was unfair. unfair how you got to prance around in small skirts and tight shirts that hugged your body in.. oh, so loving places. he can't help but stare and imagine his hands holding your waist passionately, thumb stroking your skin and tracing your v line.
hanagaki's face is flushed a bright red, he's practically shaking as he tugs his jeans and boxers down to the middle of his thighs. the feeling of the not too strong alcohol lingering in his system, huffing out of his mouth as he panted. waiting for his hard on to fling out and bead precum right at his red tip.
his dick is pretty. he doesn't know it though. it's not too small, but also not too big. around 5-6 inches, his tip is a bright red, and always twitches if he's that aroused. he covers his mouth with his shirt and lets his eyelids hesitate to touch before his finally starts moving his hand.
sure, it's not your mouth, nor your cunt. it'll do. he moves the shirt from his lips and seems a bit dazed, letting his tongue hang out a bit and let out a loooooong slow line of spit fall from the organ, right onto his neglected shaft as a make-do lube. his stroking is deathly slow, and his body is shaking and twitching against the cold wooden door.
you pressed your back against the door, making sure he heard the thud of your body touching it.
"how long were you waiting?" you expect him to take a while to respond.
"too long. t-too long." takemichi's voice is shaking and he sounds inches away from blowing his load on his stomach. he repeats himself since the first time he spoke, it was a bit too quiet. he slides down the door a little, his stroking getting a bit more messy at the sound of your voice. chest rising and falling in tune with his off-tuned breathing.
"i bet." your legs instinctively spread. you won't get caught right? the bathroom is pretty secluded. you let your body do the thinking and you start sliding down, letting your skirt ride up your thighs as you pull the thin cloth of your panties down your legs, kicking them off until it's around your left ankle. your middle and ring finger trace down your torso and fall right above your clit before starting to move in circle on top of it mindlessly.
"what were you thinking of?"
"you. like, a lot. a-a lot." he sounded quiet again, "i couldn't help but leave." it sounds like his hand is starting to move faster, which causes yours to as well. the sound of both of you attempting to stay quiet, letting your noises blend and hide within the loud booming of cheers on the other side of the bar. "you'd feel... so nice on top of me. so.. fuckin' pretty." his words seem a bit more jumpy and his moans sound more full. dripping with hints of lust and gentle bursts of evidence he was enjoying this a bit too much. you sink into his words, whenever he's like this you can always just let him take over your mind, explaining how your fingers were already inches away from slipping inside of your cunt.
"you'd look real nice when i'm inside of you. i wanna cum for you, r-real bad." your fingers slide in right as he says it, he really is in control, even if you thought you were.
the feeling of your fingers curling and nudging at all the sensitive spots hidden in your gummy walls as takemichi unknowingly let his his words fly right in one ear and to your cunt. floating words of pleads mixed with longing moans. you remember these in specific, you'll possibly remember it the rest of your life. he's got you in his hold when he least expected to.
"i really.. really wanna feel you. you're so pretty." with a gentle swallow of his spit at the end.
"'s.. 's.. close.. shitshithsihit.." his paces picks up then quickly slows down, and your fingers attempt to keep up.
the crowd on the opposing side of the bar grows quiet as you both reach your climax, causing the both of you to cover your mouth so no one managed to overhear.
he cums in spurts, his white load dripping down his knuckles as he finally lets his eyes open slowly. but, while he can catch his breath, you're a bit busy trying not to get called. "let's not make this a one time thing, huh hanagaki?" you say with a grin, being slightly taken aback at the sight of your phone screen lit up with a text.
"i-i mean.. okay?" he responds while you read the message.
' can we talk tmrw? '
' imy '
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cinnamonblueberry22 · 3 years
I'm done with Adrien Salters. I'll give you the reasons why people salt him and explain why some of them are quite stupid, to say the least.
1. Adrien's advice to Marinette about Lila in Chameleon
Fans are saying that he was guilt-tripping Marinette and wanted to look like the good guy with his advice towards Marinette. Even though that's not the case.
If I'm being honest here, what he said wasn't even that bad IF you focus on his pov, which what you're supposed to do when you wanna hold a character accountable.
He told Marinette to just keep letting her lie to a corner because those lies weren't that effective. And don't say it is effective towards everyone because a lie about meeting a manga publisher isn't going to affect Nathaniel's job life in the future. However yes those lies really were effective to Marinette, but you Salters can't expect him to be eavesdropping on what Lila did to Marinette in the bathroom. She threatened her, yes, but does Adrien know that? No! And I assure you, if Adrien ever knew about it, he wouldn't guilt trip Marinette and defend Lila. That's not him.
Oh and I don't know if you guys seem to forget, but he really tried to speak up about it by being really nice at the same time (Cause he was taught to not get into arguments or bad situations).
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"Lila, I'm perfectly fine with being friends with you, and I'll gladly help you catch up on your schoolwork, but please don't lie to me like you did with Ladybug. "
"Ladybugs the liar!"
"I'm not judging you Lila, but instead of making friends, you're going to turn everyone against you! You can tell me if something is bothering you, I can help, but you need to be honest with me. "
"Are you trying to be some kind of superhero by lecturing me like Ladybug did? Well thanks, but no thanks!"
There you have it. That entire conversation. Adrien wanted to help but also wanted Lila to be honest and not make lies, however, that didn't work out. So obviously he thought it'd be best if she lied herself to a corner thinking it wouldn't affect anyone personally but herself. Even though the audience, which is us, knows that Lila has affected Marinette personally. But Adrien doesn't know that! So why salt him for that?
2. Him defending Chloe in Malediktator
I'm pretty sure if you don't know, but Chloe is his childhood friend. He only felt bad because his first friend who wasn't much but really appreciated it left to a whole different location. How would you feel if that happened to you? Plus he didn't even know that she always bullied other people. He started knowing that she always was mean to everyone once he was allowed to go to school. But he didn't condone her behavior in any way possible, in fact, he threatened their friendship if she doesn't start acting like a decent human being. But when he found out that she just won't change, he ignored it. And who wouldn't? Because I would. Just constantly being annoying to everyone and when you try doing something about it but they don't actually listen, who wouldn't ignore them? Also, I don't really think Adrien is that friends with Chloe anymore, if you're still stuck on season 2 while we're at season 4, a time when Adrien knows Chloe literally joined Hawkmoth and he is probably against that.. Then this reason for you salting him is invalid.
3. He sexually harasses Ladybug and is obsessed with her
Now, I actually agree with this statement. I hold him accountable for that. He has tried kissing her countless times, got mad at her for a rose, has a whole gallery of photos of Ladybug, flirts with her, and always does physical touch with her. However, there is a reason why he keeps on doing physical touch when clearly Ladybug is not interested (Even though from the audience's pov, that's not the case). He has experienced this kind of behavior. Lila kissed him on the cheek when he is clearly not interested. Chloe is pushy and keeps kissing Adrien when he's clearly not comfortable with her doing that. All of these are examples of sexual harassment. So it would make sense as to why he perpetuates this kind of behavior towards Ladybug. Am I saying this behavior is okay and should be excused for the reason I brought it up? No. There's always a reason for everything, and this time, it's actually valid why Adrien does this. However, we deserve to see Ladybug somewhat be annoyed or talk to someone about his behavior and she eventually talks to Cat noir about it. And since Cat noir listens to Ladybug all the time, he would listen and understand. He has always been that way when Ladybug was stressed, annoyed, or upset about something.
But if I am okay with this reason as to why you salt them, why did I include this reason? Well, some of these people who acknowledge Adrien's behavior as Cat noir and salt him for that reason are the same exact people who love and stan Marinette. I am not one of those people, but if you are reading this post and you're one of them, just know that you're being dumb. Because Marinette has also done crazy, illegal, and wild things just like Cat noir, but do they acknowledge her behavior? No! But they do for Cat noir? That doesn't make sense. You can't just pick and choose which character you wanna hold accountable for. Hold both of them accountable, it's not a game.
Although if you aren't one of these people, and actually hold both accountable, thanks. I personally don't slander or salt either of them cause I'm not into that, but if you guys do that I don't really mind. Glad to have you here tho.
Overall, some of the reasons why some fans dislike or even hate Adrien are really something else and are probably not watching the show anymore or they are but just decide to ignore Adrien's character in the new episodes.
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infrequent-creator · 3 years
Honey to my Tea
Summary: Gentle is determined to prove to La Brava how beautiful she is, even if she doesn't like her eye circles.
A/N: I just recently met these two and let me tell you, I'm in love with the both of them. They both made me cry. I hope they come back in future episodes! So I hope eevryone likes it!
Word Count: 769
*DISCLAIMER: Since some people don’t know how to use google, La Brava is 21 in the show. She is not a child just because she’s child-sized.*
La Brava adjusted her pigtails in the mirror, smiling as she got her last look in. She froze when her eyes met her reflection's gaze. She took in a deep sigh as she used her finger to stretch her eye out. She stared at the dark rings she's hated since she was a little girl.
Unknown to her, Gentle stood just outside the doorway. His heart sunk watching his beautiful La Brava critisize her looks. That just won't do, he needed to do something to help her.
"Gentle darling, I've got your tea tray for you!" The small woman skipped happily into her lover's study.
"Ah thank you my dear, just one moment. I'm almost done."
"What're you up to?" She got on her toes to place the tray nicely beside him.
When she looked at his face, she gasped. Gentle was holding a large permanent marker. All around his eyes was colored black, just like Manami.
"G-Gentle! Wha- you, you..." Her voice trembled as her eyes welled up.
"See my dear, we match now. Now, we really are the perfect pair." He smiled softly down at her, placing a hand on her cheek. The girl burst into big tears, leaping into the man's lap.
"Gentleeee." She sobbed into his coat.
"You're beautiful my precious Honey. All of you is beautiful, there is not a single thing I would change." He moved his hand to the back of her head, lovingly petting her. She looked up at him, admiring his new eye look more.
"You're the most wonderful man I've ever met...I love you Tobita." She smiled softly. Gentle took the hankerchief from his breast pocket, wiping her tears.
"And I you, dear Manami." He lifted her under her arms to bring her up to his face, in the way you'd pick up a small cat. He was about to place a kiss on her forehead, when she erupted into adorable giggles.
"Ehehehehe! Gentle! C-Careful!" She squealed, wiggling around in his hold. He had a look of confusion on his face.
"What ever could have you in such hysterics darling? Could it be these?" He wiggled his fingers inquisitively. La Brava's voice raised in pitch as she tried to arch away from the ticklish touching.
"EHEHE DOHON'T!" Her legs kicking around in the air aimlessly.
"Ah, I see. Is my sweet little Honeypot ticklish?" His silky voice making her cheeks red as he teased her.
"Nohohohoho!" She finally managed to squirm out of her midair suspension, only to be trapped again on her back. Gentle had grabbed her like one would hold a small child. His large hand was swift to latch onto her tummy, vibrating his clawed hand.
"AHAHAHA DANJUROHOHOHO!" She cried out between loud and adorable laughter. She was grabbing at his arm that was holding her.
"Yes my dear? Is something the matter? What could possibly be troubling you?" He teased, his hand slowing to a light scribble as he raised her up so his mustached lips peppered kisses all over her soft neck.
"Ehehehehe! Nahahahat thehehere!" She snorted repeatedly as she tried her best to push at his head.
"Not here? Your laughter is so stupendous when I tease you here, does my magnificent mustache make my affections tickle more?" He
"Yehehehes ! Plehehehease Tobitahahaha! I cahahahan't stand ihihihit!" She pleaded with her lover.
"Oh no! Well then, I do believe you've had enough." He brought his torturous kisses to a stop.
"You wihihicked man." She sucked in air to try and catch her breathe through the giggles. HIs hand still held her but started rubbing her back to help her relax.
"Yes my dear Aiba, wicked to the bone. As are you, for keeping this charming secret from me."
"I-I didn't tell you cause I knew you would tickle me!" She hid her blushing face behind her hand.
"Oh my sweet La Brava, you and I both know that is not true because you never asked me to stop." He hooked a finger under her chin to kiss her on the forehead. Her cheeks glowed a deeper red as he spoke.
"I-I...w-well! You didn't tell me if you were ticklish!" With that, her tiny hands snuck under the older man's shirt to pinch at his hips. This action caused Gentle to laugh quite boisterously.
"Oh wow, y-your laugh...is so...ahhh~" She swooned at the sheer handsomeness of her lover's geniune laugh. Luckily, the man was used to her fainting so he caught her before she hit the floor.
"Aha...you mischievous girl. What am I going to do with you?" He looked down at the dazed girl, standing up to take her to bed.
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
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[Sat opposite me is none other then The Commander himself. We are in my office; surrounded by stacks of notebooks and stationary, this is no battlefield and it's clear The Commander is currently out of his depth.
I will admit I was shocked when he agreed to an interview; the Commander is infamously secretive about his private life and personal affairs, and there are terrible rumours about his foul temper and monstrous appearance. Sat opposite me however, is a young, world-weary man]
Exclusive interview continues under the
Let's start with some introductory questions, can you introduce yourself?
[There's a pause before he finally speaks, he's surprisingly soft spoken.] My name's Alec. [He looks at me, and I have to prompt him for more] Oh I see. Uh people refer to me as the Commander, but I'm, not really? I don't, well I don't belong to the Pact anymore? But apparently the title stuck. And I just, end up helpin' with stuff still. [He shifts uncomfortably, and I need to know what brought him to my office today, why he's changed his mind before I continue with the more personal questions.]
So, Commander, what's changed? Why an interview now? After refusing to talk to any journalists for so long, what caused this change of heart?
[There's a another long pause.] Well, I mean...a couple of people told me it might be...good for appearances, to you know talk to one of you people, instead of just... lettin' everyone make stuff up about me all the time. [I assume he means the rumours that make up most of his public perception - like the idea his mouth is full of flesh-tearing fangs- which I can now confirm to be false. He may have pointed fangs but they are small, and he seems more interested in gnawing at his own lip.] Oh, uh and you can just call me Alec I guess.
Well thank you for choosing to speak to me Comman-Alec, now lets move onto the more personal stuff; what is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
[This seems to catch him off guard.] That, that is kind of, personal. [He grimaces and draws his arm tightly across his chest. "You said you didn't want people to make stuff up about you anymore, why don't you tell people so they know the real you."] I, well, ok. [He gives a defeated sigh but it seems I've swayed him around for now at least] Uh I'm a guy and I like other men. And, uh, there, might be someone. He's...[Alec mulls over his words for a minute, the "fearsome" fangs nibbling at his own mouth again] well he's like, there's a connection? It's hard to explain. ["You've just disappointed many potential suitors I suspect!" At this he lets out a surprised laugh, as if he can't believe what I said. "Is this potential someone your fearsome companion you've been rumoured to be spotted with? With fangs and horns even greater then your own?" At this he frowns, folding his arm in again.] He's not fearsome he's just, well he's great. [I've clearly struck a nerve so I choose to move on.]
Where and when were you born?
[Another one-armed shrug.] Dunno. Some small place. Don't remember it, don't care. And uh, I'm like, well I think I'm twenty? Something like that I don't know my birthday. I think it's in Winter. [At this it was mine turn to let out an incredulous laugh - which I admit was unprofessional of me. "I knew you seemed young but, only twenty? That's, you've done a lot for someone so young." There's another, lengthier pause.] S'pose so. [He doesn't comment on this further.]
Here's something you should know plenty about! What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
[He narrows his eyes at me, and then tilts his head thoughtfully. For a moment I thought he was going to demonstrate his magical capabilities I've heard so much about but then he simply shakes his head, a if deciding against it.] Magic. People don't like it. ["Yes I've heard the rumours of your powerful necromancy, as well as the tales of you being able to transform-" He cuts me off] I fight with magic. [Again I've struck another nerve, but I don't blame him. The rumour-mill has been particularly unkind to this young man, and it's no secret how many people view darker aspects of magic unfavourably.]
Lastly, for these introduction questions, are you happy?
[We sit there in silence for several minutes, and it seems he has no answer for me. I decide to move on quickly.]
Let's move onto the people in your life! What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Uh, I don't. Well my family is, well she's a baker. We grew up together. And V-my... partner? [He catches himself, clearly trying to protect keep them anonymous.] I don't have any other family I guess. But, I'd do anythin' to keep them safe. [I don't push further but it's clear the Commander's family means as much to him as the next person. Something the rumours have lead people to believe is not the case.]
Have you ever ran away from home?
Yeah. When I was a kid. My friend - the baker. We left together. it was better after that. [Alec doesn't elaborate further to begin with, before realising he's only told me part of it.] From an orphanage I mean - it's the same ol' story about kids losin' family to the Risen then being taken into care when I was a baby. We hated it. We got old enough. We ran away.
You mentioned you have a partner, this mysterious V. Would you consider marriage or having children?
[Alec's demeanour almost doesn't change, but I've not spend years in journalism and not learnt how to read people. This question has clearly flustered the young commander.] Uhh, that's, kind of personal. I don't think about stuff like that? I, well it's just nice having someone around more now. [I was about to move on before he interrupts.] But, kids are good, if, I think I'd have liked too, if things had been different.
Let's talk about some juicy gossip! Do you secretly hate one of your friend?
What? [This clearly catches him off-guard, before letting out a bitter laugh.] No. I haven't got enough of those to secretly hate one of 'em. Plenty of people have made it clear how much they hate me though. I wouldn't be surprised if more of them secretly hated me too. [Another short pause, he shifts in his seat and I catch a peek at the small wings sticking out oh his back.] I'm too tired to hate any of them, especially secretly.
I see, so which friend knows everything about you?
[Almost subconsciously he touches his horns, they are short, stubby things.] I don't think, I have- maybe the two I mentioned earlier know the most. It's hard to talk about things. ["Hmm I'd picked up on that." At this he laughs, the minor tension that had started building up eased slightly.] Yeah I'm not great at words and stuff.
The next set of questions are asked my fans! Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fans? [He shakes his head in disbelief before leaning back in his chair, hair obscuring his face slightly.] The orphanage wasn't much for teachin'. Next question. [I resist the urge to press further.]
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
[He seems to spend some time thinking this one over before shaking his head.] Dunno. I guess I just assume most of the people I meet won't stick around long enough to be friends and...well I guess in a way they don't get to stick around I've....I've lost a lot of people. I guess that counts right? [He laughs slightly at this, but it isn't a happy one. Even the commander, who is oft described as cold is clearly affected by the ongoing tragedies he seeks to help stop.]
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
I don't think I realised Sylvari could glow for like, ages. [He puts his hand up to his face slightly but he smiles slightly as he speaks, and it's only now I've realised he's without his infamous blind-fold. I mention this but he shrugs it off.] I still 'ave it. I just, don't want to wear it right now.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
[He waves the stump of his missing arm, bandages still visible. Everyone's already heard about the fight against the fearsome Jungle dragon that cost him his arm, as well as the Marshall of The Pact .] Does this count? [He makes no mention of his mental health so I try to press further.] I'm fine.
What is your current main goal?
[Alec shakes his head, before shrugging again.] I'm not gonna talk about stuff like that, in case it puts people at risk, it's, well it's stuff that needs doing to help people.
Let's move onto something easy! Some choices! Drink or food?
Food. I like cooking. ["Really? The famous Commander, known and feared on the battlefield, enjoys being in a kitchen?" He smiles slightly and nods.] It's just nice y'know. I like making things a lot.
Cats or dogs?
Cats. Their senses are easier to see through and they can fit in smaller places. [Before I can ask what he means he continues.] I would like a pet one too I think.
Early bird or night owl?
I prefer getting up early, it means I have longer in the day to get stuff done.
Optimist or pessimist?
[He frowns again.] Don't know. I don't think things are ever gonna go very well. [He merely shrugs when I point out that he sounds like a pessimist.]
Sassy or sarcastic?
I wouldn't say I'm either to be honest. ["There have been reports from Queen Jenna's courts that you have been known to make the occasional sarcastic, scathing remark."] Well there are also reports I've got a huge dragon tail but that don't make it true either. [I don't point out that dry remark he made.]
You'll be pleased Alec, we are finally finishing up! Finally it's time for some "Have you evers". Lets start with have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Nope. I used to be unnoticeable, though, that's changed a...little. [He gestures to himself in what I am assuming is reference to his small wings and horns] Like I said earlier though, magic.
Broke a bone?
Nope not that either. ["Really? With your work on the field and from the battles I've heard, you've truly never broken a bone?] I guess that's just the one thing I got goin' for me I guess.
Received flowers?
I don't think so? Wait yeah maybe but they are from people I don't really know as thanks which is nice I guess- I give 'em to...my baker friend coz she likes to display them in her shop.
Ghosted someone?
[There's another pause, it seemed he'd been slowly getting used to speaking to me but this one has him quiet again.] Not....intentionally. Keepin' in contact is hard when you're constantly travelling. And writing is... not one of my greatest talents.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Uhh to be honest I probably wouldn't realise it was a joke sometimes', and if I did and I don't get it then maybe they should have told a better joke. [He shrugs and I can't help but laugh at his honesty]
[There you have it readers, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the feared Commander himself. Nothing like the rumours who describe him as "The Beast", The Commander is just another war-weary fighter trying to do what's right.]
Thank you @the-mystic-dragon for tagging me this was so much fun to write! (Even if it took like, an hour, and I massively changed the format XD) This is written as if it's around mid to late lws3 and before PoF as well as in the au with Vasche! Vasche is @resonatingfern's wonderful character and Alec's "mysterious partner" in this. In terms of tagging, if ya wanna do one go ahead! Though I did change the format quite a bit oops XD
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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mallowstep · 2 years
I haven't had a chance to catch up on your blog since the new Med!Dove chapter was posted, so sorry if you've already answered this. But could you tell us more about Dove's powers in this au? It looks like she can hear/see the past and future? Will she still be able to hear the beavers blocking the lake? Or are you planning to veto that plot point? Also, are Lion and Jay's powers the same as in canon in this au? Or is Jay not able to read minds anymore? I already love this new series so much lol
oh my god i don't know why this has been in my drafts for so long and atm i'm not going to read any of it so hopefully this is a full answer sorry it's just been here for five months? sdalkjf;
ooh excuse to talk about her! i won't be saying terribly much more than what's posted, but if you're a spoiler purist, i'll use a cut.
so our Key Words here are see and hear. they're bolded in the text but i won't be continuing with that lmao.
anyway. the way dovepaw thinks of her powers is that she can see the past and future, and she can hear the past, future, and present.
"Sometimes I see things," she whispers, because her voice keeps dying in her throat. ... The past. The future, sometimes. Usually just when — I touch cats. Sometimes, it's all the time." She ducks her head, staring at her paws. "I hear things, too. Everything."
(all quotes from requiem unless otherwise stated)
dovepaw is drawing a distinction between see and hear in that she has the ability to hear the present, but that's not actually true. it's just that the visual "clutter" of seeing two times at the same time (usually) means she can't interpret anything from it.
She knows it from the rush in her ears and the flickering spots in her vision, like she is really and truly forgetting what is now and then and later.
and it gives her killer migraines.
setting aside the Present, when it comes to the past and future, she has...ig you can split things into spontaneous and triggered.
she sees variable amounts of the past and future whenever she makes physical contact with someone. sometimes she doesn't see anything, usually she sees something minor enough she can ignore it. a brief impression. a tiny physical sensation. and it ranges all the way up to a Fully Immersive Vision.
the strength is not proportional to contact, and although dovepaw can't Strictly control what she sees, she's already learning how to manipulate matters a little bit.
at the gathering, we see her try to untangle what willowshine and flametail are talking about, and she tries to see what's in ivypaw's future if she goes to riverclan.
the other kind are spontaneous, and those are the ones that are just Happening.
with the exception of hearing the whole damn lake now and then, these are pretty rare. usually, they're because of a really strong vision that keeps going after the contact has ended, but sometimes she just Sees Shit and has to deal with it.
they overlap with the present which makes them very overwhelming and also hurts her head.
she can usually Cope with one extra "scene," as long as she doesn't need to interpret overlapping visual input, but beyond that, and it is pretty much mush.
She doesn't like to push her vision. It tends to give her headaches, and make her feel groggy. But she can't control everything, like how she can still see Briarpaw rolling soiled moss out of the elders' den, or Jayfeather restacking juniper berries.
so here she can process what's going on in camp because she's not paying attention with what's going on with ivypaw.
we'll See later what happens when she tries to reach out spontaneously.
okay, that's her powers, roughly. if i missed something on that feel free to Let Me Know lmao. i don't have like. a written up set of notes for this so it's Entirely Possible i forgot something.
we're ignoring the whole beaver plot. not interesting; takes up too much time. (similarly, leopardstar died off screen. mistystar and mothwing have already gone through their Drama.)
lionblaze and jayfeather have the same powers (kind of), but dovepaw is kind of Impossible for jayfeather to read. uh. okay so she's getting like. a Lot of input all the time. more than she can process. so in order for jayfeather to read her mind...
okay so back up if you're not familiar, i think jay's mind reading is not "free." he can't Just See Someone's thoughts. he has to sort through what the Hell is going on in their brain, and then he can figure out what they're thinking.
he can't read lion when lion is using his power for the same reason as dove: he has no idea how to read the information lion's power is sending him because his brain doesn't have any ability to process that.
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(Written for Adrien August... I'm not sorry)
Bad Luck: Frozer
Summary: Adrien struggles to move on from his first crush so he confides in one of his friends. Or is she more than a friend?
Chat Noir smiled sadly down at the red rose in his hands. Passion, romance, true love, he recalled in his head.
Hiding the rose behind his back as he turned around, Chat Noir grinned at the question in Ladybug's eyes. "I have to say that rescuing civilians without a supervillain around is a nice change of pace. Don't you think, My Lady?"
"Not every day you see a hang glider delivery service," she agreed, smiling at the nickname.
Chest suddenly constricting Chat Noir's smile became a touch strained. "Love to stay and chat but this cat's gotta run!" Taking out his baton he extended it, launching himself away.
"Oh! See you la... ter..." Ladybug called to his retreating form.
Landing in the empty locker room Adrien detransformed in a flash of green light. Plagg stretching as he came out of the ring.
Eyeing Adrien's downcast features, Plagg pried at his holder. "It's not like you to leave Ladybug so abruptly."
"Yeah..." Adrien absently offered a wedge of Camembert to his floating friend who promptly swallowed it whole. "Guess I just need some time to myself."
"So she turned you down. There's plenty of other kinds of cheese!"
Despite himself Adrien smiled. "You need better metaphors."
Plagg shrugged. "You could always take it literally. You can never have enough cheese!"
Adrien rolled his eyes as he changed into his fencing gear. Plagg wasn't as articulate as he thought but... he wasn't wrong...
These thoughts swirled in Adrien's head as he joined Kagami at practice.
A mistake he paid for when Kagami knocked him off his feet. Standing, Adrien parried as Kagami lunged. She always gave her all in beating her opponent. Scoring a point he smiled and they retook their positions.
But his heart still wasn't into the sparing session and her next lunge drove him off balance. Her foil poking into his chest.
"Predictable," Kagami chastised.
Eyes narrowing, Adrien's more competitive nature surged forward at her words. Heart beating faster, grip tightening on his foil and-
It was gone as soon as it came.
Leaving Adrien vulnerable to Kagami's strike...
Adrien stared pensively at his fencing helmet. He knew Ladybug didn't like him the same way he liked her. That wasn't anything new. So why was he-
"What's wrong, Adrien? Usually I like beating you but it's no fun when you make it this easy." Kagami stood in front of him with an unreadable expression.
Adrien gave her a bittersweet smile. "You ever feel like you're stuck, Kagami? Like, no matter how much you try to move forward, nothing will ever, ever change?"
Kagami blinked in surprise as Adrien opened up to her. This wasn't what she was expecting... Sitting next to him Kagami took a moment to collect her thoughts. "Adrien. The biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target."
Oh. She liked metaphors too. Well, with his luck to was bound to-
Her hand gently cupped his cheek and turned his head to face her. "So, switch targets."
...Oh. A rose tint colored Adrien's cheeks. Kagami was always beautiful but for some reason... it was especially true just then.
Smiling in encouragement Kagami grabbed her things and walked out of the locker room. Leaving Adrien to his thoughts.
He stared after her for a moment... Launching to his feet Adrien raced after her in a moment of sheer panic and recklessness.
"Kagami!" Adrien practically shouted.
Not having gone far Kagami turned around, puzzled.
Taking a deep breath, heart pounding against his ribs, Adrien let out the thought that propelled him to his feet. "Would you like to go out some time!?"
Kagami's eyes went wide. "Out? As in a date?"
The color on Adrien's cheeks bloomed into scarlet. Suddenly even more self-conscious he rubbed the back of his neck- "Um," -and nodded. His mouth refusing to form words.
Half turning, Kagami gave him a small smile. "I'd like that."
Adrien felt his lips pull into a grin. Heart somersaulting in his chest for some reason.
"What should I do, Plagg?" Adrien bemoaned. Head thunking onto his computer desk. "I've never been on a date before!"
"Wasn't this your idea?" Plagg flipped through his favorite cheese magazine. He swore this romance nonsense was the silliest invention humans had ever come up with. "If you ask me it's about time you expanded your palate."
"You're no help," Adrien grumbled. Lifting his head up Adrien swiveled around to look at Plagg. "What if I asked Father or Nathalie for advice?"
"Sure." Plagg stretched lazily. "If ya want them to know about you and sword girl."
Sighing, Adrien discounted that idea. "Oh! We can ask the Gorilla!"
"I don't know," Plagg mused, "doesn't seem like a good idea."
"You just don't like it 'cause he found your Camembert stash that time," Adrien teased, poking Plagg lightly.
"It was perfectly edible! How could he!?"
Chuckling at his antics, Adrien thought about who he could go to for advice...
Adrien tried not to hurry ahead of Kagami into the ice rink proper. The chill making his arm hairs stand on end. His breath sharp in his throat. Heart beating with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Asking Marinette had been a great idea!
He turned back to see Alya and Nino slowly catch up. If only she could have made it. But that essay on periwinkle migration sounded important to her... Oh, Chloe's dad was here.
As they put on their skates Adrien glanced at Kagami out of the corner of his eye. Scooting closer to Nino he whispered: "Thanks for coming last minute, Nino."
"Hey, no problem dude! Anything for my bro." Nino's grin was a tad forced and his eyes drifted to something behind Adrien before snapping back.
"I don't know what to do with Kagami."Adrien admitted, leaning in. "Should I... offer to hold her hand?"
"Yes!" Nino snapped his fingers and held up finger guns at Adrien. His eyes flickered away again. "I mean, no! I mean- Why don't you take it slow?"
Adrien turned around to see what Nino was looking at but it was just Alya smiling politely, hands behind her back. Probably waiting patiently for him to finish with her boyfriend.
Straightening, Adrien smiled at her. "Thanks for coming, Alya."
"No big deal! Just a double date, right!" Alya smiled wide in an attempt to draw attention away from her accidental inflection.
"...Right." Adrien politely declined to comment on it.
"Anyway!" Alya grabbed Nino's hand and dragged him off. "We'll let you two get to it!"
Adrien turned back to Kagami, who was tying her skates. Hesitantly, he made his way over and stood beside her.
"Don't be scared," Kagami promised conspiratorially as she looked up, "I won't tell anyone."
"About what?" Adrien asked slowly.
"That you don't know how to tie your laces," she teased, kneeling down to do just that. Once done Kagami smiled at him, grabbed his hand and led him onto the ice.
"I can't believe you agreed to this!" Alya stage whispered. Arm locked tightly around Nino's elbow as they skated on the opposite side of the rink.
"Aw, c'mon Als. Y'know I couldn't leave my bro hanging like that!" Nino widened his eyes and tried to sparkle them like Adrien had. "He gave me the look. How could I say no to that?"
"I know..." Alya sighed. The crease between her eyes softening from accusation to guilt. "I just..." Adrien and Kagami caught her eye as they skated hand in hand. "Feel like I'm betraying my girl just by being here."
Nino patted her hand and gave her a soft smile. "I'm sure the dudette will understand." His gaze drifted towards Adrien and Kagami. "Besides... I don't think she'd want to see this."
"Hey, young man! Have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons!?"
Kagami turned her head as Alya and Nino skated past them on their lap. "Did you invite them because you were scared of being alone with me?"
"Of course not!" Adrien lied, waving his hand to ward off her words. "It's just... that I asked Nino to help... me."
Her brow creased. "Help you with what?"
"Uh, to perfect my figure skating skills!" Adrien decided.
"But you don't need him for that." Suddenly, Kagami let go of his hand and launched into a short routine of spins and twirls.
Adrien blinked at her presentation before an appreciative smile graced his lips. Kagami has so many talents, Adrien thought as she talked with that man who had been discussing something with Mayor Bourgeois.
Seamlessly, Kagami interlaced their fingers as she took his hand again and pulled him forward with her momentum. Glancing at his smile through the corner of her eye.
"Adrien Agreste, I can see it now!" The skating instructor (that's what he was) was suddenly beside Adrien. "Grace and style model! And professional ice skating champion! If you take lessons with me I'll have you shining like the candles on a birthday cake!"
Skating? Adrien had never thought about it before. "Uh, may-beeee!"
Kagami switched their positions so she was closest to the instructor. "He already does fencing with me," she informed him. And sped up with Adrien in tow.
Adrien stared at the back of Kagami's head. She was very assertive in her desires, bold even. Kagami knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go for it. He admired that about her, was drawn to it. Kagami would meet any challenge without backing down.
Just like Ladybug.
His fingers slipped from Kagami's grasp as he slowed to a stop. Staring at the floor as his cheeks burned not with embarrassment but shame.
"Adrien? What is it?" Kagami asked as she circled back.
Adrien smiled. "Nothing. I just have to use the restroom real quick." Turning, he let his smile fall as he left the rink.
Plagg poked his head out of his pocket once they were alone. "What's gotten into you, kid?"
Adrien stared at him. "I don't know."
Worry started to prick at Plagg's fur. "Adrien-"
"I don't know what I want, Plagg!" His heart hammered against his chest, pulse rising to his throat. "Kagami knows. Ladybug knows. Chat Noir thought he knew but... but I don't." Adrien wrapped his arms around himself, making himself smaller.
"... Listen, you're young right? Even by human standards? Like a freshly made wheel of Camembert."
Adrien frowned, turning away. "Plagg-"
"Hear me out!" Plagg zipped closer to Adrien's face, keeping in his line of sight. "But freshly made Camembert is terrible! It's got no flavor! No delicious scent! You need to let it age to bring out all the good stuff."
Adrien glanced at Plagg. Seeing his tail twitching in concern even if he wouldn't voice it. Strangely, Adrien understood what he was trying to say.
"All cheeses age differently. There's nothing wrong with taking your time." Plagg finished, not quite satisfied with how it came out.
Adrien smiled at him, reaching out to pet his head. "Thanks, Plagg."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Plagg let himself be petted. Not because he enjoyed it, of course. It just happened to make Adrien feel better.
Suddenly, ice started crawling up the walls. Magic coming from the ice rink. "Oh, no. Guess we have to go save the day," Plagg said, very disappointedly, yes.
Adrien grinned as he brought out the transformation cheese. "Uh-huh."
Chat Noir's good humor lasted until he spotted Ladybug on a rooftop. Oh. He didn't... want to see her right now. Reluctantly, he landed beside her. Doing his best to keep the conflicting emotions wrestling in his chest off his face.
"Chat Noir! We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink." Ladybug anchored her yo-yo onto a nearby building, ready to take off.
Say something. Say something! "My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack." Ha! Nailed it! Chat Noir scooted closer to the roof's edge as he scanned the frozen city.
Ladybug gave him a puzzled look. "What? Since when?"
Chat Noir pouted. "Rude."
Shaking her head as she fought back a fond smile Ladybug inched towards him. "We have to work together on this."
His hand rubbed the back of his neck, catching her eye. "I don't know. We don't have to do everything together. If we split up we'll have a better chance of finding him." Chat Noir jumped. "Race you!"
"Chat Noir, be careful!" Ladybug called out as he sped away. "... Okay, so he's acting weird. Not the first time he's acted weird. It'll be fine!" She cast her yo-yo and swung off. I hope.
Being by himself helped Adrien order his thoughts. His feelings were all over the place so he focused on doing what he told Ladybug he was gonna do. It was child's play to follow the only imperfection on otherwise smooth ice. Leading him to the Eiffel Tower where the akuma victim was hiding.
Okay. Now I just need to-
Frozer launched himself at Ladybug!
Acting quickly Chat Noir tackled Ladybug out of the way. Grabbing her hand and leading her onto the frozen Seine. Skating away at top speed to put some distance between them and Frozer.
"Thanks, kitty!" Ladybug smiled.
And Adrien smiled back. Confusing questions forgotten for the moment. Then Frozer launched shards of ice; Chat Noir letting go of Ladybug's hand so they could dodge it. Only then realizing that he'd been holding it at all.
"He's too fast!"
She was right. Frozer easily kept pace with them. Leaping into the air to launch more ice shards. Rounding a bend in the river they were out of sight for a second. Taking advantage of it to hide.
"I'm positive the akuma's in his skates," Ladybug stated once Frozer passed them.
"My Cataclysm could destroy them but he'd have to be up in the air... You were right My Lady. We're going to have to set a trap."
"You were right, too. We observed and now we know enough."
Chat Noir smiled. "Seems we're just missing a little push of luck to get the edge on him."
Ladybug nodded. "Lucky Charm!"
Adrien raced back to the ice rink. In the end the plan had been pretty straightforward. Ladybug baited Frozer into following her while Chat Noir laid in wait.
Business as usual. Except...
'Are you sure you're okay? You've been off since yesterday.'
'...I'm just figuring some things out. Might take me a while but that's okay... Thanks for worrying about me.'
Being around Ladybug didn't make him feel quite so sad anymore. Chat Noir meant it when he said her friendship was important to him, after all. And... Adrien was happy. That he could be normal around her.
He spotted Alya and Nino discussing something, waving at them as he looked for... There. Kagami was returning her skates. Adrien walked up to her, fidgeting with his ring. "Uh, hey, Kagami. Sorry I ran off like that."
"It is fine. We were interrupted anyway."
Adrien couldn't tell how she meant that but he took a deep breath and forged ahead. "So, I know I'm the one who asked you out and all. But..."
Kagami frowned. "Are you saying you do not wish to date me?"
"No!" Adrien waved both hands emphatically in the negative. "No, no, no! I just... wanted to say that I think we should take it slow."
She raised an eyebrow. "We go any slower and our pace will be glacial."
Adrien was 90 percent sure that was a joke... 80 percent. "W-well if you think it's too much of a challenge..."
Kagami's eyes widened at Adrien's audacity. She poked him in the chest. "Don't flatter yourself, Agreste."
Without thinking, Adrien grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her palm. Kagami's answering blush nowhere near as radiant as Adrien's. Why did I do that!? Who froze for a moment before turning around. "W-wouldn't dream of it... Ryuko."
"Ryuko?" Kagami raised a brow at the nickname.
Adrien's hand went back to rubbing his neck. "I can call you something else if you don't like it."
"No," Kagami decided, a small smile on her lips as she passed Adrien on her way to the exit. "Ryuko will do just fine."
"... So, that's a yes?" Adrien sprinted to catch up.
"Mm, perhaps if you define what you think 'taking it slow' is."
Adrien leapt in front of her and held out his hand. "Let us drive you home?"
Kagami blinked at the offered hand. Slowly reaching out for it. His palm was warm in hers. "Going slow is not too bad. I suppose," she relented.
Adrien beamed. "Oh! Just one last thing!"
Kagami entered the Agreste car as Adrien held the door open, sliding in behind her. "You're still doing what other people want."
"No, I just want him to be happy," Adrien countered. Giving the skating instructor free advertising didn't cost him anything. "Besides, how're we supposed to come back if it's a Chloe catered gym?"
"Back?" That sounded promising.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and couldn't quite look at her but he smiled. "Since our first date was cut short I was hoping we could try again."
Kagami gazed at Adrien as he fidgeted. "Just the two of us?"
"Y-yup!" Adrien's face burned.
"Good. You're crush on Nino was distracting."
"Wh-what!?" Adrien spluttered.
"... You're crush on Nino? I thought everyone knew. Personally, I prefer Alya but-"
"I don't- That is- I..." Adrien's shoulders slumped. "His eyes are so beautiful, it's like he stares into your soul."
Kagami's hands hovered awkwardly. "I am sorry. I thought you knew."
Adrien buried his face in his hands to muffle his yelling. "I thought I only had the one thing! This is... I don't even know how many things this is!"
Reaching for his hand again, Kagami squeezed it reassuringly. Back straightening as his grip turned out stronger than she expected.
He peeked at her through the splayed fingers covering his red face. Breath speeding up. "I... I don't..."
"You don't have to say anything. I know it is not easy to come to terms with."
Nodding gratefully, Adrien slowly took his hand away from his face. Taking deep breaths.
Kagami relaxed as Adrien did the same. This wasn't what she was expecting. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Turns out, Kagami had been aiming at the wrong target too.
Adrien's grip eased as he looked up at Kagami. That was... certainly a lot. But Kagami hadn't turned away from him. Only a handful of people had ever seen him so vulnerable. And two of them preferred to pretend otherwise. But Kagami didn't pretend. And Adrien admired her for it. He smiled, wobbly and honest.
"Thanks... Ryuko."
In case it's unclear the two people Adrien's talking about are Gabriel and Nathalie.
*Rewatches Frozer (again) for this fic* ... If my friend fell and they said they didn't feel well I'd check up on them too. IDK why the the fandom- I mean, Plagg, is so hung up on that part.
I have taken liberties with the production of Camembert for this fic. Please, forgive my transgressions cheese enthusiasts.
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