#and the insistence for me to use sick leave is so lame
fairy-grotto · 4 months
Trying to convince my employers to let me work from home has once again proven far more difficult than it should be.
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romaniacs · 2 months
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( read more ) synopsis — minjeong hated sweet scents until she met you. warnings — female reader x coworker kim minjeong, messy headcanons without bullet points, enemies to lovers, cussing, fluff. text in bold is minjeong's.
minjeong has always had an aversion to anything sweet — perfume, food, kisses even, since she's always been too busy to enjoy any of them as she should. but when she comes across you, the company's rookie, things can't stay the same for much longer.
the first thing you do is offer her a cake, carrying your sweet scent along its slice in your hands. it's a chunky, heavy cake covered in glacé that you made yourself, and just looking at it gives her a headache. she refuses it. once. twice. thrice. "will you leave me alone if i take a bite?" she asks. and you nod quietly.
minjeong gets sick the next day and silently blames you for it.
she was too stressed and tired to notice it the first time, but eventually, minjeong catches on to how strong your perfume is. it feels like it's taking over her whole brain.
she refuses to even be around you for the first few days. she hates the sight of you, thinks you were too insistent the first time, and finds you annoying. your smiles bother her, your sweetness in general gets under her skin. this girl tries to avoid you in every way she can.
but when she sees you fighting to keep your job, her job and integrity, looking beyond fine bending down to grab anything far from her in your skirt, it's as if the world fell into place. you are in her brain, along with your nauseating scent. and minjeong knows that she's completely fucked.
"i’ll let you take the credits this time" you tell her while you're still brave. "i’ll let you stare because i’m feeling generous today" you tease. your perfume won’t leave her mind. neither will your voice. she doesn’t know if she hates you so much that she wants to get her hands on you or if that’s just a lame excuse she’s using to avoid admitting she’s feeling something deeper.
what she doesn't know is that you're not as sweet as she thinks, nor naive, nor innocent. you've got your eye on her. you know from jimin that she hates your scent, but blushed when she teased her about staring for too long at your figure.
"shut the fuck up, jimin" is her most used phrase now. and you smiling at her gives her butterflies, crazy as it might sound. minjeong doesn’t know what’s happening to her. she doesn’t even know what she’s trying to run from, but her feelings hit her like a truck.
it's cruel of you not to end her suffering; you see her staring at your lips, your waist. "are you paying attention to me, romanoff?" you ask, and she nods absentmindedly. "good. can you repeat what i just said?" and she cannot.
it's funny how she attracts a whole fucking lot of attention, but while all eyes are on her, hers are on you. and yours are on her. and company meetings are almost obscene in your own head, because you can't seem to focus anymore, but only replay a thousand times in your head the thought of being kissed by her. and the same happens to minjeong, who hates that, and no longer you at this point.
"can you stop wearing this strong-ass perfume so early in the morning?" she'd ask. "can you stop being grumpy?" you'd retort. but now, the tables have turned. months have passed.
"i haven't heard you complain in a while" you say. "got no reason for that, dear. it's like a sweet coating all over you, isn't it? and everything else. ever" she replies distractedly, looking out the window. meanwhile, you cough and blush. "excuse me?" and then minjeong comes to her senses. "yeah, excuse you. get going. we got men to ruin and i still don't like your perfume."
not true. she has even dreamt about it, somehow.
minjeong's thoughts are constantly interrupted by the realization that she now finds comfort in the very thing she once despised, what was once a headache is now addicting. and despite her best efforts to stay focused on the mission at hand, natasha can't help but keep her attention on you.
minjeong leans in over you to show you something on your computer screen, then looks down and rejoices a bit in your suffering. "you look red" she mumbles, watching you swallow hard. "you okay?" she asks.
your eyes are wide. she's close. "y-yeah. just allergies" you say shyly. minjeong notices the blush creeping harder onto your face and can't help but smirk a little. god, she's cute.
minjeong is tired of keeping herself so composed, now knowing she has an effect on you too. so she makes her move. "i have a feeling you’re not as put together as you want me to believe."
"stop being cocky" you whisper back, avoiding eye contact. but then she reaches out and gently takes your chin between her fingers, tilting your head up so your eyes meet.
"then quit acting tough and like a coward altogether" she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
"coward? but-"your heart races as you look into minjeong's eyes, your breath catching in your throat. "fuck, minjeong. you’re not entirely wrong this time" you admit it. "i know i’m not" minjeong grins softly. you can't move, like a real coward. but she does the hard work, slowly brings you closer by the collar of your shirt.
her lips press against yours, soft and warm, while her hands grip your waist tightly, and after seconds you're already wanting more. minjeong senses it, gives you more, tilts her head to deepen the kiss, and a wave of warmth spreads through your spirit. you melt into her touch. the only sound you can manage is a soft whimper that escapes your lips, and you think fuck me. i should've done this before.
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delusionaldaydreamz · 26 days
“We’ll figure it out.” | m.s.
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W/C- 2,021 | x reader/ y/n
in which Matt finds out his girlfriend is not in fact sick (trigger warning? Idk if you don’t like pregnancy stuff skip over this one lol)
       “You’re lame!” I groaned as Matt informed me he had to take the guys to the grocery store to get stuff for their upcoming blind baking video. He chuckled in response, leaning over me in his bed to give me a quick kiss. “It’ll be fast, I promise.” He assured me before disappearing out of his room. I sighed to myself, staring up at his ceiling. Normally I would’ve gone with them, but I haven’t been feeling well lately, so Matt has been trying to nurse me back to health. Damn kids need to get their licenses so he doesn’t need to keep leaving me. 
      While they were gone, I was texting my bestie Hannah, telling her how I still feel like crap and it’s been over a week now. She kept asking me about symptoms and stuff, insisting I might have Covid but I kept assuring her it definitely wasn’t, repeating over and over the differences in my symptoms and Covid symptoms, until she finally stopped telling me to test for it and sent a message to make my heart drop in an entirely different way. 
    Hannah: well if you’re not gonna get a Covid test maybe try a pregnancy test 😂
    I stared down at the screen for a good minute or two just absorbing the message. She’d definitely sent it as a joke, but it made my heart drop in realization. My period. I had been so worked up about getting sick and having to call out of work because I thought I’d be contagious, that I hadn’t even realized my period didn’t come. After a lack of response in a timely manner, she sent another text 
      Hannah: I stfg y/n tell me you guys use condoms right now 
     Me: I mean yeah 
     Hannah: every single time right
     Me: every time..? Like…… every SINGLE time..? 
     Hannah: y/n!!!! I’ll kill you Jesus Christ 
      Hannah: wtf y/n!!! I’m bringing you a test NOW and you’re taking it NOW
     Me: I’m at his house Hannah 
     Hannah: good, make him fucking sit there and take it with you 
     Me: they’re gone 
     Hannah: even better, I will take it with you 
     As much as I’d like to argue with her, there was no chance she wasn’t already on her way to the store to pick up a test. I could feel my palms getting clammy, staring down intently at my stomach, as if maybe if I looked hard enough I’d see something in there. It can’t be. 
      It only took all of 15 minutes for her to text that she was there, lucky ass living right down the street from my boyfriend. “Here, do you want me to stay or do you want to take it alone.” She looked up at me empathetically once I opened the door. “Um-“ I stared down at the pink box she had handed me. “Um- I don’t- I don’t know. I think alone?” I looked up at her, a questioning tone. All I could think to reply was I don’t know I’ve never done this, you tell me. 
       An overwhelming amount of fear ran through my body just staring down at the box alone. “Okay,” she said pulling me into a hug. “You probably just caught COVID or something okay…” she trailed, her tone wasn’t convincing in the slightest. She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. I stared down at the box, shaking from how bad my nerves had gotten just seeing the test. As I walked back toward Matt’s bathroom, after thanking Hannah of course, I noticed my pace had slowed, like walking slower was going to make the issue disappear. I steadied my breath before ripping open the box, two tests. Should I take both? Do I need to take both? One is enough… 
       I tore the wrapper off, noticing how bad my shaking had gotten as I set the stick down on the counter so I could pull down my pants. I quickly peed on the stick and flipped it around, setting it back on the counter wrapped in toilet paper. I washed my hands a little slower than usual too, spending extra time foaming them up with the soap and a little extra time rinsing it off. I stared down at the toilet paper wrapped pregnancy test the entire time, though. I looked down at my phone, to check how long it had been since peeing on the little white test, but noticed a message from Matt as well which also made my blood run cold in this very moment. I ignored it. Didn’t even open it. I turned my attention back to the wad of toilet paper. 
      With a large inhale, I slowly started wrapping the paper, like it was painful almost. I prepared myself for the worst, expecting the best. I could basically feel all the color drain from my face the second the test peeked back out of the paper, two little lines across it. Two little pink lines. “No..” I said under my breath. I let out a mixture between a scoff and a chuckle, not believing my eyes, even though I kind of expected it the second Hannah made the joke. It just can’t be. No one even knows we’re dating. 
      I didn’t realize I had left the restroom door open slightly until there was a light tap, making me jump as I turned to face Matt. His greeting fell short as his eyes landed on me, his face also draining of color. “No…” he trailed softly, the exact way I had moments before. “It’s not- that’s not- what is that?” I watched his expression as he stared at the test in my hands, his eyes eventually trailing to the wrapper tossed sloppily around the restroom counter, the box ripped open right beside it. “Um-“ I stared, trying to take in exactly what emotion he was feeling, though I couldn’t place it. If I had to guess, the exact same thoughts were running through his mind as mine. “Is it- is it-“ he had started fumbling over his own words. “Positive..?” I trailed, finally making eye contact with him. “No…” he trailed. “I- but we-“ we both stared at each other for a moment. 
       “Take the other one.” He said, shutting the door behind him quietly for some reason. Clearly he wasn’t thinking straight, his brain most likely littered with worries and concerns like mine had been. Somewhere deep in the undertow a certain excitement surged through my veins too. 
      I sighed, obliging as he picked up the positive test I had placed on the counter so I could open the other one. He stared down at it so intently you’d think he was reading a novel. As he leaned against the counter, brows furrowed, his hand going up to his mouth so he could bite at his thumb I realized, that’s exactly why I’m pregnant. God how is he so fucking attractive, even in moments like this? I shook the thought away, not right now y/n, before I peed on the second stick of the night. 
      “Baby?” He spoke ip as he saw me nervously setting down the second one, also wrapped up. I just looked up at him, to see him staring down at me. His expression held love, but it was still full of concern. “You know I love you right?” He started making me nod. “I- we’ll figure it out okay? Let’s just see what that one says. I’m-“ he paused finding words. As I stood to wash my hands, his hands made their way across my waist, chest pressing to my back firmly. “I love you.” He said, kissing my neck. Oh how I wish he wouldn’t do stuff like that at times like this. “I love you too, Matthew.” I said instinctively calling him by his full name, a bad habit I had whenever I was stressed or upset. He hated it, it always held a negative connotation for some reason, but he let out the slightest chuckle as I turned to face him. “You’re really gonna call me Matthew right now?” 
     I liked that he was still trying to keep everything light, he’s always so helpful with bad situations. I chuckled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck to give him a kiss before looking down at the tests, one positive and one waiting to be read. As we both stared down at the tests I felt his grip on my hips tightened a bit. I genuinely couldn’t tell if there was some hint of excitement in him or what he was feeling, other than obviously scared. “You ready?” I looked up at him, grabbing the second test. He shook his head, his hands not moving from their position at my hips. I took in another breath as I started unwrapping the toilet paper around the test. We both saw the two lines at the same time. I glanced up at him briefly, he was just staring down at the test. He quickly ran a hand through his hair, the other even tighter on my hip now. “I- well fuck…” without another thought he was calling out for Nick, making me quickly throw my hand onto his mouth. “What are you doing!?” Whenever he was having issues he’d turn to one of the guys, depending on what type of issues they were would decide which brother got to listen to his tangents. Me personally I liked to keep my problems inside until I just burst. 
       We both heard a loud “what?” From the kitchen, but we both ignored it as we bickered back and forth. “We cannot tell them!” “He’ll know what to do!” “Matt we don’t even know what we’re gonna do!” “That’s why we need to talk to Nick he’ll-“ our hushed tones were abruptly stopped by another, more frustrated “what!?” As the door swung open. Both Matt and I stood frozen staring at Nick. Nick’s attitude faltered immediately as his eyes widened, quickly looking up between Matt and I. “That is notwhat I think it is.” “What are we supposed to do!?” Matt immediately bombarded his triplet brother. “Why are you asking me, Matt? I’ve never gotten a girl pregnant.” Nick said, his typical sarcasm quickly returning. “Dude the fans don’t even know and there’s no way we could hide that.” “Matt we don’t even know what we’re gonna do or if it’s alive or healthy or anything.” I spoke up, setting the test on the counter. “Jesus Christ, why the fuck are you idiots fucking without protection?” Nick shook his head at us. “It was like two times.” “Well it should’ve been zero. I don’t know what you want me to say about this, I think I’m speechless for this one.”
         Matt sighed, clearly feeling defeated by nicks lack of a solution. “Don’t act like this is my problem Matt!” Nick immediately got defensive. “I’m your brother, not your mother or your pregnant girlfriend. You two need to figure it out.” “Thank you.” I narrowed my eyes at Matt as Nick spoke. “At least you’re not actually sick.” Nick put a sarcastically empathetic hand on my shoulder making me roll my eyes at him. “Not the time.” I said, realizing the tension had broken a lot when Nick joined in, surprisingly. Maybe the initial shock was just wearing off the more we realized it was real. Matt sighed as Nick walked out of his bathroom, looking back at me. “Well I guess the first step is to go to a doctor and see how far it is.” Matt said reluctantly. He grabbed my hand, placing a small kiss on the top of it. “Like I said, we’ll figure it out. I love you.” He kissed my forehead now. “I think the tension between us right now might be too obvious if I film with you guys tonight. I should probably sit this one out.” I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around him. “That’s fine, love. Just go to my room and rest okay?” He said causing me to nod against his chest.  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
a/n- some of yall are weird about the triplets and pregnancy stuff??? Sooo idk how this is gonna go over in this fandom lolol buuuttt this was just a quick little one bc the Matt one I’m writing is taking foreverrrrr sorryyyy
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catherinnn · 1 year
Just Saying
summary: You're dating a total loser, it makes Eddie sick cause he's better than him, just saying. based on the song 'Just saying' by 5sos. warnings: cheating, really stupid boyfriend, a little angst but with happy ending, cursing, a lot of flirting. words: 1.6k masterlist
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"He's a total loser" Steve commented about your boyfriend after you told them your latest problem with him: he was two hours late to your date this weekend, and when the check came, he made you pay for everything.
"I can't believe him" Nancy starts, "you deserve so much better than him"
"I'm not even gonna comment on this, you know my position on the topic" Robin states furiously, not at you obviously, but at your boyfriend. Her position was that you should--as she stated it-- dump his lame ass, as she has told you a million times.
"I agree with Nance," Eddie says, "you do deserve so much better, can't believe your settling for someone like him"
"I'm not settling, it's just he- he was different before, but now he's..." you start to defend your relationship but Robin interrupts you.
"A complete idiot"
"That's one way to put it" Steve agrees with her. "Anyway, who wants another drink?"
All of you agreed on another round of drinks, so Eddie goes to help Steve bring them to the table.
"What about Eddie?" Nancy asks you as they leave to order on the bar.
"What about him?" you asks her.
"Please, you can't tell me that you've never noticed the big crush he has on you" she insists.
The truth is, Eddie was a newly addition to the group. When he started hanging out with the three of you, you were already dating your boyfriend, Luke. Eddie and you completely hit it off from the start, he was actually flirting with you that night, but after he realized you had a boyfriend, he just stayed as a flirty friend. It was a complete point to his favor that all your friends hate your boyfriend, but they liked him.
Just saying.
"It doesn't matter if he does, I'm already taken" you say with a bit of disappointment showing on your tone and your face.
"Not for much longer I hope" Robin mumbles loud enough for you to listen.
"I don't know, it was just one mistake, I can't break up with him just for that"
""Just that? " he totally lies to you too! He told you he lives alone at that really big house that he somehow can afford, but everytime I drive by his mom is home!" Robin fights againg, she has told that before, and it is weird that he never lets you to stay over at his house, since he supposedly lives alone.
"Eddie has his own place, just saying" Nancy comments with a smirk.
You were about to answer but the boys come back with the drinks. Eddie hands you yours and you ask him how much you owe him.
"It's on me sweetheart" he says as if it's obvious. "I'd never make you pay, just saying"
You are taken back by his response, Robin and Nancy are biting their lips to hide their smiles and Steve smirks at the comment. Eddie smirks too but hides it quick as he drinks from his glass.
"Thanks" you softly answer, not really sure what to say now. Why did that make you nervous?
Moments like these keep happening, your boyfriend being a dick, but not a big enough dick to dump him. Until he is.
You were on your way to Steve's house, he had called you because he wanted to talk to you about something important. So you were pretty anxious right now.
When you arrive, you see Eddie's van and Nancy's car at the driveway too. This was getting weirder.
Steve opens the door and lets you in. They're all here, Robin as well.
"What's going on?" you ask getting freaked out.
"We need to tell you something, but we need you to believe us and know that we're here for you, always" Steve tells you, not calming you nerves at all.
"What the fuck is going on? You're freaking me out, Steve!" you hurry him up.
"We saw Luke with another girl" Robin lets it out quickly, she was very anxious too. They all look at her annoyed, they wanted to tell you more carefully.
"What?" you ask her.
"Look, Robin and I were coming home from work and we saw him at an ice cream place, waiting in line with this other girl and- well... he was kissing her" Steve explains.
"Kissing?" you whisper as you're imagining the whole scene.
"On the lips" Robin adds to your comment.
"Yeah, I think she got that" Steve tells her.
"Um... I don't know, I-" You start freaking out again, a hundred thoughts going on at the same time in your head.
"It's fine, I know it's a lot to process, just take your tim-" Steve tries to calm you down but you interrupt him.
"Why are you all here? If it was just you two" you point to Steve and Robin. "then why are they here too?"
"Um, well we were kind of freaking out too after seeing that and we didn't know what to do so... we called them to help us... figure out what to do" Steve explains again, a little nervous at your reaction.
"So you're here to watch the show? Stupid girl finds out her boyfriend's cheating" you accuse them. In all realness, it was really embarasing that Eddie had to see you hearing the news, but you don't really know why it only bothers you that he is here.
"What?! No!"
"No, of course not!"
They start defending themselves.
"I don't know guys, just- I need some air" you get out of the house. Your friends start looking at each other trying to figure out what to do now.
"I'll go talk to her" Eddie offers and he follows you outside.
You're sitting on the side-walk, watching the road, lost in your thoughts.
"Hey" Eddie comes up to you and sits down at your side. "Do you wanna talk?"
"I can't believe it" you tell him. "I mean, there were signs that he was an asshole, but I didn't think he'd be this much of an asshole... He told me he loved me"
"You don't need him, love. It really makes me sick wathcing him treat you like this when you deserve so much more than him" he starts. "I mean, he should be thankful that you're even giving him a chance, you're too good for someone like him"
"Eds, you don't need to say all this... cliche shit to make me feel better"
"That's not what this is-" he starts but you interrupt him.
"I know I was an idiot, and that you all told me I should have left him, but I don't need your simpathy or your pitty"
"Alright, you want me to tell you what I really think?" he interrupts you now and you nod at his question. "I've always thought you should leave him, he has always made me sick. Sick that he treats you like that, like you're not settling for him! You don't need him!"
"What else do you think?" you could tell he was still not saying something. He hesitates but finally says it.
"That I'm better than him, I'll treat you so much better. And that I'll be waiting for when you change your mind"
"I am going to leave him" you say. "I'm not doubting that"
"Then, I would help you get over him... just saying" he flirts and it makes you smile.
"Will you wait a few more hours? so I can dump him, and then maybe I could come over to your place... just saying"
"I've been waiting since I met you, what's a few more hours?" he says with a smile, leaning really close to you, lips almost touching. And if he didn't move away after, you might have just kissed him now. But left it for later tonight.
Breaking up with Luke, you didn't even tell him that your friends saw him with another girl, you just told him that you didn’t feel the same anymore. He even had the nerve to ask you if there was someone else. You simply said "yes, but you have someone else as well, so we're even" and got out of there.
You went straight to Eddie’s apparment.
After you left Steve's house, Eddie went back inside with the biggest smile on his face. He told your friends that you were on your way to dump Luke and that you were going to come over after... to Eddie's place. Nancy and Robin celebrated, not only were you leaving your dickhead boyfriend, but also meeting Eddie after, just like they were hoping. Steve actually congratulated Eddie as if he had just gotten married.
When he heard a knock on his door, his heart skipped a beat. He had been tidying his apartment up, picking up the dirty clothes left on the floor, doing the dishes, and everything.
He opened the door and there you were.
"Hey" you say a little nervous.
"Come in" he steps aside from the door and you follow him inside.
"I left him" you start with that.
"Are you ok?" he asks.
"I am, i knew this would happen, guess I was just waiting to see if he cared a little bit to stop it"
"I want you know that I do mean what i said earlier, nut I don't want you to feel presured or anything. I've been waiting for you since I met you, I don't mind waiting more until you're comfortable"
"You said you'd help me get over him" you remind him and he nods, "I'm single now, just saying"
He smiles at your flirting. Grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him.
"Hope that not for much longer" he says having you inches away from his face, watching your lips. After that he closes the gap, finally kissing you.
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howlingday · 1 year
Stag and Doe
Cardin: Jaune! You're late!
Jaune: I'm sorrry.
Cardin: And you're alone, too? I thought you were bringing your hot, new girlfriend over!
Jaune: She... She probably had a sudden emergency.
Cardin: That sucks, man. Was kinda hoping to meet her.
Cardin: (Whispering) "Sudden emergency"?. What kinda lame excuse is that?.
Sun: (Whispering) Definitely not a good one.
Neptune: (Whispering) You think it was a lie?.
Sun: Should we report him for lying?
Cardin: Definitely!. He's probably a spy trying to steal all our women for himself!.
Sun: Oh, don't be ridiculous! He's just some creepy guy. Better to just leave him alone.
Neptune: Now who's being ridiculous?.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry to hear about you being stood up. I was curious what this mysterious woman looked like.
Jaune: P-Pyrrha! Um, could you and May promise not to tell Saph about this?
Cardin: Why would they do that?! Are you really that desperate to impress people, Jauney-Boy?! I man, you getting stood up gotta be the lowest you've ever been! Saphron's gotta hear how sad her baby brother is doing!
Velvet: (Tugging his arm) Cardin, please!
Jaune: (Thinking) Why? Why in the world is he humiliating me like this? (Flexes fingers) It's unbearable! Saphron won't have to learn anything... NOT IF I KILL EVERYONE HERE- (Shakes head) No! No! I can't do that!.
Velvet: (Dragging Cardin by his ear) I'm so sorry about him. Please, enjoy the party.
Jaune: (Watching everyone talking, laughing, smiling, dancing) Is this... what "ordinary" looks like? This is what Saphron wants for me. Then I guess... I've done all I can.
Jaune: I'm sorry, everyone. It's time for me to-
Blake: (Bloodied) Please, excuse me for my tardiness. My name is Blake Belladina, and I'm Jaune's wife.
Jaune: ...Psst! You're supposed to be my girlfriend!.
Blake: (Thinking) Crap! I mixed our missions up!.
May: Um, Ms. Belladina, was it? You're, um... You're bleeding.
Blake: Ah, right, that's, uh, an occupational hazard.
Pyrrha: Are you a professional stuntwoman?
Blake: I'm a social worker. Please excuse me, I had an emergency situation with my client, and they became especially hostile. I hope I didn't disturb your party.
Cardin: Wait, you're married? Why didn't you tell us?!
Jaune: Oh, I...
Blake: It's my fault. See, this is my second marriage, and I have a child from my first marriage. Jaune was probably still a little uncomfortable with explaining the situation.
Cardin: (Thinking) No way! There's no way in hell Jaune could have been married this whole time! And to such a dignified woman, too?! Time to take him down a peg!.
Cardin: Jaune, you're probably hungry! Try some of these piping hot- WHOOPS! Heh-
Jaune: (Slings tray in circular motion)
Cardin: (Cheese spills on his hand) AGH!
Blake: I appreciate your dedication to not wasting food, but you don't have to make such a show of it.
Jaune: Oh! I'm sorry!
Blake: (Tries food) Mm, but this is good!
Jaune: (Takes a bite) Mm! It is!
Blake: (Giggles) Did you not try it yet?
Cardin: Hey, Blake! I wouldn't get too comfy with Jaune. He's in a pretty nasty business. He gets called every night to give "massages" to clients all over the city!
Velvet: (Covering her face) Cardin, stop...
Jaune: Those were hits. Massage was code for "killing".
Jaune: That was... No, no, it's not what you think, Blake-!
Blake: I think it's amazing~!
Jaune: Huh?
Blake: Jaune lost both of his parents at such a young age, and so many sisters after that. His older sister was too sick to work, and when she was well, he insisted on working hard so that she wouldn't sell her body out of desperation. To suffer such pain and endure after so much agony... Only a special few can ever accomplish such a feat. It's something I've always admired about Jaune.
Jaune: (Blushing, Staring at Blake)
Blake: It's time to go, Jaune. Thank you all for your hospitality.
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abimess · 2 years
Forbidden - Part 2
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Masterlist | Be notified of my stories
Summary: Meeting the perfect woman at a party has three complications: 1) you're married; 2) she's your student; 3) she’s too good to let go. 
Word count: 6.859 || Pronouns: she/her
Warnings: smut [18+ only!]
A/N: And it's finally here! I can't believe it took me so long to finish this chapter, I'm so sorry hahaha I hope you all enjoy it though! 
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Series Masterlist | Previews part
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“You’re home.” The surprise in your voice disguises how mentally tired you are, your hand loosening the knot of your tie as you furrow your brows. Blond hair stuffed in the refrigerator was the last thing you expected to see when you got home. 
“I am.” Carol says as she fits in an upright posture, a bottle of beer in her hand and a sloppy smile on her face. “I was on the phone with your dad this morning and he told me you had settled in, so I stopped by.” The information makes you frown, setting your bag on the kitchen counter after you get rid of your shoes. “Why were you on the phone with my dad?”
“We’re closing another partnership.” She says simply, using a dishcloth to open the glass bottle. You barely give her a hum of understanding, moving to the sink so you can pour yourself a glass of water. 
Ever since you and Carol started to grow serious, your father offered her a partnership. You weren’t sure what a Football player would offer a tech company such as Stark Industries, but Howard found a way to make it work, advertising more and more training-oriented products, always with your wife as the poster girl. 
To say that the deal has enriched not only your father but also Carol is an understatement. And the partnership that was wonderful at the beginning, became your biggest nightmare as your marriage began to sink, and your father became more and more emphatic about you staying in it.  
“You should call him, he misses you.” The blonde speaks after a few minutes of silence, turning to face you with her hip resting on the kitchen counter. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as you finish your water unhurriedly. You’re pretty sure what she meant to say is that he misses the opportunity to micromanage every single aspect of your life. “And so have I.”
“Oh, have you?” You hit back as you wash your glass, sarcasm dripping from your words, completely unconvinced. “Come on, Y/n, can we not do this right now? I just got home.” Carol complains tiredly, a loud huff leaving her lips before she speaks, but you remain silent, your back to her as you keep your place by the sink.
When your relationship with the blonde started, you were sure there would be no other woman in the world for you. No one would ever be able to make you so happy, to love you as she did. That was your truth for so many years, and although there’s a part of you that still wants to believe that, it grows weaker every time you see pictures and videos of her from the times she spent away. 
Always with some other girl, her hands around her waist or neck, laughing as she used to do with you, whispers in ears that used to flip your stomach but now just made you sick. There was never something more incriminating than that - although, to you, all of those images were incriminating enough. 
But with every fight, every shouted accusation and lame excuses, Carol always found a way to keep you believing her, to make you ignore the small voice in your head that told you to leave. Of course, the insistent pressure from your family helped her a lot with that. Still, she couldn’t stop it from hurting.
“I’m gonna go shower.” You let her know when you’re done, wiping your hands on the back of your pants. “I could join you.” She tries, moving closer, but you screw your eyes shut to disguise your irritation. “Today was really tiring.” You cut her off more harshly than you intended, and your wife's hurt expression makes you sigh. “Maybe some other time.” You suggest, rubbing the bridge of your nose, and the blonde forces a sad smile as she nods slowly. “Sure. I’ll make us some dinner, then.”
She doesn’t wait for a response before she turns around and makes her way back to the refrigerator. But you’re pretty sure you saw a few tears pooling in her eyes, so you sigh softly, your jaw locked as you move closer to her. 
“I’m glad you’re home.” You tell her with a hand over her shoulder, and Carol turns her face to you the same moment, her surprised expression lit by the refrigerator light. “Me too.” She answers with a smile, and you force one in response before you leave the kitchen.
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The rest of the term is hell.
Seeing Wanda every Tuesday and Thursday is killing you slowly, no matter how she chooses to behave for the day. Sometimes, she’ll ignore you completely, keeping her gaze down on the pages of her notebook for the two hours that your class lasts. At other times, she’ll keep her gaze at you, barely blinking, her jaw tensed, her expression letting you know that, if she could, she would jump on your neck. 
What makes it all the worse, is that she keeps ignoring your attempts to reach her, all your calls going straight to voicemail, all your texts completely ignored. And the worst part is that you can’t even blame her. She’s right. You lied to her, even if you didn’t use your words to do so. You disregarded her trust in you and you’d forever hate yourself for it. 
“You look too depressed, even for an artist.” A voice you’ve grown accustomed to sounds in your ears as you walk towards your office, and you giggle softly, slowing your pace so that the redhead can catch up with you. “I’m not an artist, I’m a professor.”
“I think this explains your suffering better.” Natalia retorts with amusement, making you laugh some more. The two of you then make some small talk as you walk together to the faculty building, greeting a few acquaintances and students you meet around the campus along the way.
“Doing anything fun for the Holidays?” The Russian Professor asks when you reach your office door, and you move the books you were holding to only one of your hands so you can unlock the door. “I’m going to visit my parents in their winter cabin, so no.” You tell her, which makes her laugh. “What about you?”
“Visiting my parents too.” She answers with her arms crossed, resting her shoulders on the door frame as you move inside the room, placing your belongings on your desk - completely messy due to the end of the term. “They said they met a ‘nice guy’ they wanted to introduce to me, so I’ll make sure to be extra gay once I get there.” Natalia tells with a roll of her eyes, and you let out a giggle. “I hardly believe someone would ever doubt your homosexuality.”
“Thank you, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” The redhead says in an overly dramatic tone, with her hands over her chest and pretending she’s about to cry. You laugh as you shake your head in amusement, and the other smiles before asking, “Are you going home yet?”
“No, I have some grades to double-check before I leave.” You let her know as you dramatically plop yourself down on your chair, making her laugh. “Alright. Happy Holidays, Y/n/n.” She wishes with a kind smile, to which you respond with one of your own as you say. “Happy Holidays, Nat.”
The redhead leaves your office after that, closing the door behind her. As you turn your laptop on, you check your phone once again, just in case she has answered you. Of course she didn’t, the stack of messages sent staring back at you. So you let out a long sigh and, shoving your phone back in your pocket, you start to work.
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“Wanda! There's delivery for you! Again.” Yelena changes her shouted tone for an annoyed grumble as she says the last word, forcing a smile at the delivery guy as she signs the tablet he offers her. Wanda, from her bedroom, sighs, already knowing what it was before having to see it with her own eyes. 
Not content with filling her cell phone with calls and texts, your new approach was gifting. Well, not new, exactly, once you’ve been doing it since the end of the past term. To make matters worse, your gifts were always thoughtful. First, you sent red roses and a note, apologizing again and saying you chose the flowers because you remember she had some decorating her room. Yelena and Kate suggested she throw them away, however, and they ended up on the terrace of the building, burning the flowers on a portable grill one of the neighbors lent them. 
The next gift was a box of chocolates, but what surprised Wanda the most was the small golden kosher stamp, certifying that the product follows the Jewish dietary law. Living in the States and with a routine as chaotic as any college student's can be, Wanda always has a hard time following the rules that her religion sets, most of all when it comes to food. But she tries her best to do so and she couldn’t help thinking it was really sweet of you to be this thoughtful. Although her friends suggested tossing in the trash the letter that came along with the box, all the girls agreed that throwing away chocolate would be a crime, so they kept that one.  
You also sent a Gray Wolf plush - the national animal of her birthplace - and a book about the history of the city of Kraków. Neither Yelena nor Kate understood what that last gift meant, but the brunette did, and she decided to keep the story to herself, ignoring her rosy cheeks and her friends' complaints to take the gift to her room.  
So yes, Wanda was still very pissed off and hurt by the entire situation. But your persistent, thoughtful gifts were finding a way to get to her heart. And she hated it.
“Uh, is it chocolate again? I loved the ones she sent last week.” Kate gets to Yelena before Wanda does, leaving her place in the kitchen - where she was preparing a sandwich - to approach the blonde and whatever it is she has in her hands. “It’s not for you, Bishop.” Belova scolds, moving the silver box away from the other girls’ hands, and Wanda chuckles at the interaction.
When she’s close enough, Yelena hands her the box - which is only slightly larger than a shoebox. Kate and Yelena fall silent as they watch Wanda holding the item in her hands, and examining it for a moment before taking it to the kitchen counter. When the brunette opens the lid, the other two girls frown in confusion, but she has a small smile on the corner of her lips.  
“What flowers are those?” Bishop is the one who asks, watching as Wanda takes the bouquet carefully out of the box, the small white flowers enhancing the beautiful green of the leaves. “Lilies of the valley.” The brunette answers with an easy smile, her eyes never leaving the flowers, and Kate takes no time in googling it on her phone. “It's a flower of forgiveness.”
“It’s also Sokovia’s national flower.” Wanda adds, her smile growing as she fails to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. And as Kate lets out a soft ‘awn’, Yelena crosses her arms, snorting. “That’s not desperate at all.”
“I think it’s kinda cute.” Bishop retorts to the other's sarcasm, receiving a warning look. “Don’t encourage it!” The blonde grumbles, lightly hitting her friend's arm for emphasis. “What? It is! She’s really trying!” Kate hits back, defensively, but Yelena only snorts again. “She used our friend! She just wanted someone to have fun with in her boring married life. A poor, innocent girl to discard after a one-night stand...”
“I’m right here.” Wanda grumbles with an unamused expression, earning from Yelena an apologetic grimace. “I don’t think that’s necessarily true.” Bishop responds to her friend's previous comment, folding her arms with a pensive expression. “Like, would she be sending all these gifts if it was that meaningless? I mean, it’s been months.”
Belova lets out a disbelieving laugh, rolling her eyes. But when they rest on Wanda’s face again, she frowns. “Oh no, you’re thinking, stop thinking!” Yelena warns, but the brunette doesn’t let go of her thoughtful frown. “Kate may be right though.” She says with a shrug, putting the flower back on the box, and the blonde takes her annoyed gaze to the taller one in the room. “Are you happy?”
“Look, I’m not saying she’s not wrong about what she’s done.” Kate defends herself, her gaze shifting between Wanda and Yelena. “She still lied to you and, worse, she’s still married.” The brunette can’t help but let her eyes fall on the flowers you sent as she hears her friend, and she decides to close the lid so she can think straight. “But, I don’t know, maybe you mean more to her than you think you do. What did she say when you confronted her, again?”
“She said it didn’t have to be the last time, but I didn’t let her say more than that.” Wanda recalls with her arms hugging her own body to protect herself from the memories and the messed-up situation she’s in - without much success, however. Kate snaps her fingers. “See? Maybe she does like you and wants to be with you, even if she’s married. Oh my God, this is so exciting!”
“Are you listening to yourself?” Yelena asks, completely baffled, drawing all eyes back to her. “She’s our professor. You can’t date your professor!” She reasons, but Kate just snorts dismissively. “Of course you can! It’s super hot too, everyone wants to do that.” The comment makes Wanda laugh softly with amusement, shaking her head. But Yelena is still annoyed by it all. “It’s illegal.”
“I’m not underage, Yelena, I’m capable of making my own decisions.” The brunette speaks for the first time after a while, an eyebrow raised in her direction, but the blonde shakes her head. “It’s not about that, Wanda, it’s against the university rules, she’ll be fired.” The comment makes the brunette furrow her brows, she hadn’t thought about it that way before.
“You better tell your sister about that.” Kate breaks the silence with a teasing smirk that makes Yelena almost growl in anger. “That’s it, I’m leaving.” The blonde doesn't even finish talking to start stomping away towards the exit of their shared apartment. “Lena, come on, it was just a joke!” Bishop tries to hide a smile as she follows the other girl out and Wanda laughs softly at the other two before looking at the box on the counter again, staring at it for a while before deciding to take it with her to her room.
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Going back to school after the winter break ends also means seeing you again and Wanda wasn't sure how she felt about it. She was still mad at you for everything you’ve done to her, of course. But after almost three months - and your constant gifts and trying to reach out to apologize - the brunette couldn’t deny she was getting soft.
As she walks with her friends to your classroom - Kate by her left shoulder and Yelena by her right one -, Wanda feels her heart skipping two beats with every step she takes. The other two girls, completely unaware of the brunette’s struggles, keep talking excitedly about something she wasn’t really paying attention to, but was trying really hard to do so. 
Now, Wanda wasn’t sure what was going to happen once they finally reached the classroom. Maybe your eyes would meet and you’d smile at her again, and she’d be incapable of not smiling back and everything would be fine. Or you wouldn’t even spare her a glance, having grown tired of waiting for her. What she did not expect, however, is that one of her classmates would be talking to you - or rather, flirting with you.
“I told you, everyone wants to date a professor.” Kate comments by her side as she follows Wanda’s furious gaze with her own to where you were talking to Anna Marie, who had her hand resting on your arm lightly. “What’s wrong with people wanting to date their teachers?” Yelena grumbles as she pushes her friends to some chairs close to the exit, and Wanda has a hard time taking her eyes away from you to walk. 
“Well, it’s not every day we have a Professor who isn’t seventy years old.” Kate comments with amusement, placing her stuff on the table. “And, with all due respect, Wanda, but she’s kinda hot.” The girl’s elbow hitting her side playfully finally tears the brunette’s eyes from the front of the class, blinking a few times to recollect her thoughts. As Kate laughs softly, Yelena grumbles displeased. “Gross.”
“You’re just mad about it because half of your friends want to sleep with your sister.” Bishop retorts with amusement, and Yelena grumbles once again, changing her desk so that Wanda is sitting between her and Kate. “That’s it, you’re not sitting by my side.” Kate only chuckles softly, but the brunette hasn't been paying attention for a long time.
In the front of the classroom, Anna is still talking to you - and with her hand still annoyingly on your forearm. But you push her hand away politely and, although she can’t hear from that distance, by the motion of your hand the brunette thinks you told the other girl to go sit down. 
As Marie finds a place to sit, your eyes scan the room, stopping when they meet Wanda’s. At first, she’s frozen, not sure if she should look away or keep staring. But you offer her a small smile - nearly invisible at that distance -, and avert your gaze the next moment when the brunette doesn’t reciprocate, her blood still boiling inside her veins. 
So you start your class as naturally as you can and, as the hours go by, you have no trouble noticing that today is one of the days Wanda looks at you as if she wants to jump on your neck.
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From the next class on, everything changes. 
You were drinking from your water bottle on Thursday when Wanda arrived with her friend, and you almost choked at the sight of her. Instead of the casual clothes she usually wears to class, her lower half is very poorly covered by a miniskirt, and the tight-fitting tank top she wears exposing a fair amount of her chest have you drooling. 
To make matters worse, once her eyes meet yours she sends you a smirk full of meaning, her lower lip trapped between her teeth before she looks away. The interaction is brief, but it’s more than enough to make your brain malfunction for the rest of the class. The way the brunette is clearly having fun with the whole thing doesn’t help. 
And that’s how the classes went. Wanda showing up in shorter and shorter clothes, messing with your sanity whenever your eyes landed on her, either by biting the pen cap, crossing her arms with the sole purpose of making her breasts even more evident under her cleavage, or even spreading her legs apart slightly so you can see the color of her panties - sometimes, when she was sitting close enough, you could even see the dark stain of her arousal.
You had no idea where all that was coming from. But - as much as you liked it - it had to end, because you were getting increasingly distracted in class, to the point where some students noticed your uneased posture, and asked if you were alright. So, one afternoon after the class was over, you called her over. 
“Miss Maximoff, do you have a moment, please?” You asked, trying to sound as unaffected as you could, beckoning the younger girl to approach you by your table. “Yes, Professor?” The brunette asks as she does so, her innocent voice sounding unnatural in the face of the little smirk on the corner of her face.
You find yourself wondering how the hell she can look so pretty all the damn time, especially with that red dress that was too short for the sake of your mental health and a black jacket over it that highlights the red locks of her hair. Your eyes almost linger on her mouth for too long until the noises of your students leaving attract your attention again. So you clear your throat awkwardly, pretending to look through some papers and missing the way her smirk grows wider. “I, uh, I’d like to discuss the third topic of your essay, I don’t think it is very clear to me.”
“Well, Professor, what I meant by that is that one of the pillars of art is desire, isn't it?” She points out the discussion you had in previous classes, but you can barely listen, too busy trying to keep your brain working properly as she rests her palms over the table with her stretched out, highlighting her cleavage… “Every piece of art seeks to arouse a craving in its consumers, an irresistible hunger they cannot deny-”
“Wanda, you’re killing me.” You interrupt with a groan, your voice low so the few remaining students won’t hear, your hand loosening your tie to try and relieve the heat - which obviously doesn’t help. “I don’t know what you mean, professor, I’m just explaining my essay.” The brunette hits back, and although her posture is dismissive, her amused tone gives her away, making you sigh in surrender. “Can we talk? Please, I-”
“I’m sorry Professor, I have another class in ten minutes.” She says with a forced apologetic grimace, checking the time on her phone. “Maybe I can go to your office after dinner time?” She suggests before you can complain, taking a step closer to you, and you have to resist the urge to take a step back, gulping harshly as you nod your head dumbly. The effect she has on you… You’d never be able to explain.
“S-sure, I’ll be waiting for you.” You manage to stutter out, your eyes glued on her lips when she offers you a broad smile. “Okay. See you later, professor.” She says her goodbyes, and doesn’t wait for your answer before walking away. Not that you would’ve been able to, too focused on the sway of her hips intentionally done to catch your eye.
⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅ ─ ⋅
You can barely focus on any of your classes after that, and all your interactions happen on autopilot as all you can think about is your meeting with Wanda after dinner. And when the time finally comes, you’re passing back and forth anxiously around your office. 
The knocks on your door startle you slightly and you take a few seconds to check your reflection in the small mirror on the corner, fixing your hair as you walk to the door. The wooden piece swings to your right at your own strength, revealing on the other side the brunette you’ve wanted to see since the very first second she left the classroom earlier today. 
It hasn't been long since then, only a gap of a few hours. But the atmosphere between the two of you has already changed completely, a dense cloud of uncertainty and anticipation dancing around the both of you, growing thicker with each passing moment of you staring into each other's eyes.
“Hi.” Wanda is the one who breaks the silence first, her posture - once determined and defiant now almost insecure, with one hand firmly around the bag's strap and the green irises struggling to remain in yours. “Hey.” You say back just as softly, moving to the side just enough for the girl to enter your office. She offers you a minimal smile as she does so, and it’s right there that you realize how much you’ve missed it these past months.   
The click of the door closing behind you is the prelude to a long moment of silence that follows between you, broken by the faint noise of students and faculty walking around campus. Wanda stops facing you in the middle of the room, her back to your desk, appearing uncomfortable in that place she had never been before. You watch her in silence, your mind racing with everything you wanted to say right now, your chest tightening preventing you from doing so.
“Wanda, what’s happening?” You condense all your questions into one, the lump in your throat turning into a tired scoff. “One day you hate me, won’t even look at me if not to glare at me as if I were the worst person in the world - not that I can blame you for that, of course, but... In the next you are…” You point at her, remembering the stunt she pulled in class earlier, and once again the words fail you, leaving you unable to say anything but repeat the question, “what’s happening?”
The brunette remains silent. Her eyes drop from yours, her jaw locked and her expression thoughtful. She seems to be searching for the right words, you imagine, and you don't push her to do so, remaining silent, watching her with as much patience as your anxious brain allows you. A little longer than a minute later, she sighs. 
“I saw you talking to Anna before class the other day.” Wanda tells, a tone almost shameful. You furrow your brows in confusion, but your obliviousness only earns you an annoyed grunt from the brunette. “She was flirting with you so bluntly, in front of everyone and I… I was so angry, I just…” You finally remember the day she mentioned, when one of your students came to you before class started. But you barely pay any mind to it, too curious about the words the girl in front of you is holding back from saying. 
“I don’t want you looking at any other girl but me.” A low gasp leaves your lips at her confession, your mouth agape with surprise. “I don’t.” You say wholeheartedly, your restless mind suddenly empty. “Your wife wouldn’t like to hear you say that.” The brunette accuses bitterly, one eyebrow raised as her features contort into an angry expression. “I’ve seen pictures of the two of you. You look cute together, happy.”
“And you believe everything you see on the internet, I suppose.” You return her sarcastic tone with an amused yet devoid of humor one, a dry laugh escorting your words. Wanda looks at you with curiosity this time, and you put your hands in your pockets, looking away as you tell, “Carol and I are not happy, we haven’t been in a long time. My marriage, it’s not… It just doesn’t work anymore.”
“And why don’t you end it?” Wanda asks in a heartbeat, the expression on her face indecipherable when you look up at her again. “It’s complicated.” You answer simply with a shrug of your shoulders. The last thing you wanted right now was to talk about the misfortunes of your failed marriage. The answer doesn’t please the brunette in the slightest however, who scoffs in disbelief with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes as she murmurs, “of course it is.”
“I mean it.” You hit back firmly, and wait for her to look at you again to speak. She's reluctant to do so at first, but when her eyes finally meet yours, they're hurtful, and you sigh wearily. “I wanna end things. I do. I just… I’m just finding it hard to find the right time to do so.” Your words are honest, but they don’t convince Wanda, who merely nods in understanding, looking down at her feet once again. 
“Did you, hm, did you like the gifts I sent you?” You try to change the subject, because the last thing you want right now is to see her sad, even if you can’t do much to change that. The brunette seems to have a similar line of thinking, because when she looks up again, her expression is playful. 
“Was that you?” The teasing question makes you let out a chuckle, looking away at your shoes and missing the way she smiles at you. “I did.” She answers finally, her tone softer this time. “Kate loved the chocolates, by the way, she’s been looking for them everywhere. Where did you find them?”
“I had a friend help me out.” You answer vaguely, and Wanda doesn't want to think too much about the butterflies in her stomach at the mere thought of you talking about her to other people. Fortunately for her, she doesn’t have to, because your approaching footsteps catch her attention, and having you so close again makes her brain stop working for a second. 
“I’m really sorry, Wanda.” You change the tone of the conversation once more, the glint behind your eyes as pleading as your tone when you reach out for her hands. “I never meant to hurt, much less to use you.” You assure her honestly, and the brunette tries not to be so distracted by the soft caress your thumbs offer the back of her hands. “I should’ve been honest about my situation and about what I want.”
“And what do you want?” The younger girl asks, her tone so low you’re sure you only heard her due to your closeness. “You.” You don’t think twice before you answer, appreciating the way she holds her breath. Her pupils are blown and they fall to your lips that same second, but you fight the urge to kiss her to keep talking. “And I know I’m married and I’m your professor, the situation couldn’t be any worse. But that doesn't make me want you any less.”
“I want you too.” The brunette confesses back, a short smirk at the corner of her lips at the low gasp you let out. “I-I don't care about these things. I know I should, but… I just want you, in whatever way you can be mine.” She finds herself saying, surprising not only you but herself at the sudden utterance. 
“Are you sure about this?” You ask, your eyebrows frowning in a way that displays all your uncertainty. But Wanda’s smile only grows, nodding her head in an almost silly way as the words make more and more sense to herself. “Yes.” She answers verbally not long after, her eyes coming back to your own in an attempt to reassure you further. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“I’m gonna kiss you now, then.” You’re smiling as you let her know, a smile that only grows as she lets out a silly little laugh, nodding her head again as she agrees, “okay.”
You take no time in leaning in, and the brunette takes even less to meet you halfway, your lips touching for the first time after so long. The muscles of your bodies relax in untold synchrony, your mouths finding a perfect rhythm as easily as the first time they did so, all those months ago. 
Her hands find the sides of your face at the same moment that yours take a hold of her waist, pulling her closer to your own body. The sigh she lets out makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, but before you can deepen the kiss, she is pulling away to say, "God, I missed you so much."
"I missed you too." You confess equally breathlessly, your lips brushing together as you speak. "There hasn't been a moment in these last months that I haven't been thinking about you." The brunette's contented giggle is all you get in response before she leans forward again, kissing you harder than before. 
The fabric of her dress slides up as you caress her sides, and you instantly remember the scene from earlier, pulling away once again and chuckling softly at the small whimper of protest she lets out. “You look beautiful in this dress by the way.” You praise, letting your gaze descend on her figure as you admire her briefly.
“You’ll like me better without it.” Wanda’s words are rushed against your mouth, and she gives you no room to speak as she kisses you again, her hands firmly in your hair to prevent you from escaping her again. To her delight, you had no intention of doing so, kissing her harder instead. 
As her tongue dances around yours, you push her gently yet hurriedly, walking a few steps with her until her hips hit the hard wood of your desk. Wanda doesn’t hesitate when they do so, sitting atop the piece of furniture and wrapping her legs around your middle, pressing your body against hers further. One of her hands untangles from your locks only to tug at your tie, and you lose all your sanity at once, groaning against her lips as your hand invades her dress without warning. 
The brunette breaks the kiss with a loud gasp as she feels your fingers push the fabric of her panties aside, and lets out a sinful moan when you stick two of them into her at once, your digits sliding with ease through her arousal. You are quick to kiss her again, swallowing her moans as they escape her throat. But the wet sounds of your hand fucking her so hard echo around you, making your own core burn. 
As her orgasm approaches, Wanda leads her hands to your shoulders, her nails digging into your skin through the fabric, her mouth failing to keep the rhythm on yours. So you move your own to her jaw and neck, biting and sucking on her skin just enough so it wouldn’t leave a mark. 
The brunette, on the other hand, focuses all her strength on being quiet, her eyes screwed shut and her lower lip trapped between her teeth to prevent any of her moans and whimpers from coming out. But it’s all in vain once you press your thumb on her clit, and Wanda has to bury her face on your shoulder, biting your skin to muffle the sounds she’s unable to keep to herself. 
You only stop when her trembling hand rests over your wrist, and you smile to yourself at the mess you made out of her so quickly, missing her warmth the same instant you pull your fingers out of her. The brunette sighs at the lack, her walls clenching around nothing as she tries to recover from her climax. You kiss her sweaty forehead as you wait, smoothing the skin of her thighs with your hands, unaware of the way the touch makes her tremble. 
Not after long, Wanda lifts her face from your shoulder, and her smile is the last thing you see before she kisses passionately. You barely have the time to reciprocate it before her fingers find your belt, and your grip on her thighs immediately intensifies in anticipation. But before she can go any further, her phone is ringing. 
"Shit." She grumbles as she pulls away, hastily engaging in finding the device inside her bag. "H-hi, Pietro!" She greets as soon as she finds the cell phone, an excited and surprisingly innocent tone. You, on the other hand, blink a few times, trying to keep up with the sudden change of events, your hands still on her legs under her dress as you try to catch your breath. 
"No! No, I'm coming, I just..." You watch as the brunette talks to the person you don't know, your chest tightening a little in anticipation for the longing you know you will be left with after she's gone. "I had an inconvenience to sort out." She finishes her own sentence finally, and when you raise a single eyebrow, she rolls her eyes with a smile. "But I'm done, I'm on my way... Okay, bye."
"An inconvenience?" You ask teasingly as she hangs up, taking a few steps back so she can stand up. The question earns you a brief chuckle from the brunette as she gets to her feet again. "Sorry, would you rather I told my brother I was busy fucking my Professor?" You laugh back at her joke, grimacing a response that makes a smile grow on her face before it fades away. "I have to go now."
"Five more minutes." You mumble as you pull her close again, your arms secure around her waist. "I can't." Wanda says amidst a giggle, even though she makes not the slightest effort to disengage from your embrace. "I have to pick my brother up at the airport." She tells you, laughing some more when you grimace in displeasure. 
"I'll return the favor, I promise." The brunette promises, her hands over your chest and a suggestive tone that matches her smirk perfectly. "Hmm, it's the second time you say that but who's counting?" You tease with an easy smile, biting back a laugh when she narrows her eyes in your direction. "I will return all of them, okay." She lightly slaps your shoulder to display her own displeasure, taking advantage of the action to wrap her arms around your neck. You let out a low chuckle, murmuring in understanding before rubbing your nose against hers affectionately.  
"But now I gotta go." Wanda comments against her own will, her stomach doing somersaults at the display of affection. But she doesn't comment on it, and you sigh in surrender. "Okay." Your arms leave her middle to give way to your fingers intertwining with hers as you guide her toward the door.
"Oh, wait!" The brunette snaps the fingers of her free hand as if remembering something before you reach the office exit, earning her a curious look from you in response. "Is there really something wrong with my essay or was that just an excuse?" she asks worriedly, and you can't help but giggle before assuring her, "I haven't read it yet actually." 
Wanda murmurs in understanding, but it doesn't take long for a smirk to grow at the corner of her mouth, looking at you mischievously. "I'm hoping you'll be nice while grading it, professor." She comments suggestively, tracing her fingertips lightly down your collarbone. You swallow dryly, pushing away the effect she has on you to smile teasingly back. "Are you using me for good grades, Miss Maximoff?"
"It's more of a bonus, really." She retorts with a shrug, and you let out an amused laugh with a slight roll of the eyes that makes her smile. "Well, I'll have you know there will be no favoritism." You retort with a playful tone of reprimand, but Wanda doesn't back down, raising an eyebrow at you instead. 
"Is that so?" She steps forward to ask, her breath brushing your skin along with her nose on yours. "But I thought I was your favorite." She comments with a pout, giving you puppy dog eyes that you have no trouble realizing would make her get you to do anything for her. 
"You are, but we can't let other people know that, can we?" You retort with amusement, tilting your head to the side and adjusting your posture so as to put a little more distance between the two of you. Although she tries to disguise it, you can tell by her expression that she's annoyed that her teasing hasn't worked, and you have to hold back a giggle as you admire the scene. 
"Besides, it's not like you need it anyways, you're already my best student." You praise wholeheartedly, earning a contented smile and rosy cheeks in return. The adorable sight makes it impossible for you to hold back any longer, and you soon lean forward, capturing her lips in a soft kiss. The brunette giggles as she reciprocates it, but before she can even bring her hands to the sides of your face, you are pulling away. 
"You should go now." You comment, and the brunette's eyes widen slightly as she remembers that her brother was waiting for her at the airport on the other side of town. "I should." She agrees with a nod of her head, but soon her countenance softens, looking at you with sparkling eyes and an easy smile. "Bye, Y/n."
"Bye, Wanda." You say goodbye in the same tone, a smile on your face matching hers perfectly and that only grows when she pecks your lips goodbye. You finally open the door for her then, and the brunette casts you one last look before walking out of your office. You watch her walk away until she is out of your field of vision before returning to work at your desk. And for the rest of the evening, you have a silly smile on your face.
Part 3
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howlingmod · 1 year
Lights, Cameras , ... !
summary ; actors au because it's been stuck in my head and humanwally is very very pretty to me ... hcs that will maybe turn into something more at a later date and time
notes ; no pronouns for reader , not proof read
wc - 1.4k
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-You played one of the other characters in the show, appearing frequently in episodes both as a focus and not. Sometimes you would have segments of teaching and othertimes you would simply be interacting with some of the other characters on stage when the episode’s plot called for it. Most commonly, you’d be interacting with Wally, as your characters were close friends.
-He was a sweet, charming guy- both in character and not. When the show was in its earliest days, you were admittedly a little nervous around him. No fault of his as much as it was just unfortunate ‘I am very not used to being an actor yet and you seem very calm about it, therefore you must have lots of experience, therefore I am going to look silly, therefore I am very very much so going to try and not look silly, and hope I do not look silly trying to make sure I don’t look silly,’ sort of case. In all honesty, though, being pushed to work closely with him was probably for the better. While he still had his moments of nervousness himself (more than a few times he’d come to sit with you an hour or so before shooting started to calm down, just enjoying the quiet company as you worked on getting yourself ready or checking over lines), it seemed as though his easy-going nature was one that rubbed off on you with time.
-Tense conversations about how this and that would go on set turned to more casual ones about specific scenes to practicing lines being thrown to the wayside as you both just started talking about something else. He’d still practice with you of course, typically working on segments where you took the teaching sort of role (sure, you’d been doing them for a while now, but that doesn’t make suddenly having the Big Moral Lesson shifted entirely onto your shoulders any less intimidating), it just happened that, should one of you go off topic for even a moment, you were both done practicing. There’s a line that references going outside on walks? Oh, well that reminds you of something interesting you’d seen the other day on your way home. (You can’t just turn back once you realize what you’re doing either, he will most definitely egg you on. After all, you can’t just leave him on a cliff hanger, can you?) There’s a line referencing dessert? Well, he just has to tell you about something he tried at that new cafe downtown the other day. (You’ll most certainly egg him on. It’d be rude not to return the favor and, more selfishly, you’d really just like to hear his voice a while longer.)
-You aren’t sure when things had started to change, perhaps it was just slow enough that it slipped in without either of you really noticing until it was sitting next to you both as you talked, unable to be quietly pushed back out of the room with a lame excuse. You’d say you have some specific moment in time to blame it on, but there’s just far too many.
There was that time it was raining out by the time your shifts were over, so he’d offered you his umbrella. You’d tried to refuse at first, not wanting him sacrificing his comfort for yours, but he’d insisted. He’d given some little excuse of not wanting you to get sick, only laughing when you’d pointed out he could most certainly get sick in your stead, reassuring you that he’d try his best not to.
Or there was that time you were panicking over some scene of focus, sudden stage fright taking hold of you as you seemed to lose track of all previous acting experience you had. You’d been pacing around in your room, listing off every last little thing that could go wrong from you stammering too much to you saying it all backwards and upside down (whatever that meant), only to be stopped by a hand on your shoulder holding you in place. You’d wanted to go back to listing, finding some sort of comfort in being able to identify all that could go wrong before it even happened, but you couldn’t bring yourself to when he was fixing you with some half-concerned half-placating smile. You can’t recall exactly what he’d said, something nice about how he was sure you would be just fine and that you were working yourself up over nothing, he had faith that you would deliver exactly what was asked for and more. It wasn’t anything particularly poetic or breath-taking, but it stuck with you for one reason or another. Maybe it was just how he’d been quick to offer his help in practicing some more or taking your mind off of it altogether. Perhaps it was the fact that it did in fact help, and you did in fact do well in the recording. Perhaps it was the fact he’d happily told you he knew you had it in you with some tone that was genuine enough to conjure up some warmth in your face and fidgeting in the hands.
Maybe it was that night you’d all had to stay in a little later than usual, some shooting problem or other you didn’t bother remembering, only that you would have to cut into the rest of your night with work. You moreso remember being tired -dead tired, really- by the time the problem was resolved. Most people took the opportunity to quickly say their goodbyes and quietly slip out and shamble to their cars to drive home and sleep. You, however, did not have a car, and you didn’t want to take your chances with tripping and falling into oncoming traffic in a sleepy haze. You were sizing up one of the small, semi-comfortable semi-stiff couches in the building when Wally had offered to drive you home instead. You would’ve put up more of a fight with ‘oh you dont have to’s and ‘it’s not a big deal’s but quite frankly, you were having a hard enough time opening your mouth to argue at all. It didn’t matter much, anyway, over-politeness thrown out the moment you’d gotten in his car, as you’d taken no time falling asleep in the passenger seat. He’d admitted to you later on he felt bad for waking you up when he got to your place, you seemed so comfortable for what it was. He’d helped you in your half-awake state, walking you to your door with some one-sided small talk (he had to hope you didn’t pick up on his snickering whenever you’d give a slurred, halfway-nonsensical response. you’d have to pardon his rudeness, it was just a tiny bit funny). There was some brief moment before you’d walked in to go (hopefully) lie down in a far more comfortable bed and get some proper sleep, where you’d turned to him and thanked him for his kindness. It was nothing unexpected, it was moreso just the added ‘and for all the other help, I really appreciate you’ that made something in his chest turn a bit. It wasn’t too noticable enough then, he was too focused on how the light from some faraway streetlight illuminated you just enough that he could see some twinge of something or other in your eye and perhaps he was just a little enraptured with just how close the two of you were and maybe he was a little caught up on how much he’d like to reach for one of your hands to fully realize it. He just had to hope his smile wasn’t too obviously dopey in front of you when he’d finally left your doorstep to take himself home, and that maybe you’d wanna go try that cafe downtown if he’d asked you tomorrow. He’s sure you’d appreciate the coffee anyway.
-All you really know is that you’re sure it was more obvious, on set and in recordings that there was something different. There was new little glimmer in the eye or shuffle in body language that screamed that something was different and new. It wasn’t a bad change, not at all, but it definitely gave some of your co-workers room to tease and jab when you two would make eye contact for slightly too long in that one specific way or one of you would laugh at something the other said in that near sickeningly-sweet, comedically obvious way. Whenever anyone seriously asked about it though, you’d just blamed it on those drinks that were very quickly becoming part of your morning routine.
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vicsnook · 1 year
Afterglow | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1059
warnings: insecurity, fluff
song pairing: Afterglow - Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y'all! This is the last part of the Wildest Dreams series (Bob's version). All of my Bob imagines can be read together as one big story so this can be the ending to them too. I'm sorry for putting y'all through it. You can now find all the parts to this and more linked under Bob in my masterlist. Hope y'all have enjoyed this small series and please don't forget to like and reblog!!
I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue
Put you in jail for something you didn't do
Being friends with Bob proved a little harder than you expected. Not being able to say anything when a girl would buy him a drink at the Hard Deck or when he’d show up hungover to work. You knew it was your fault and that he was hurt over you and Jake, no matter how much he insisted he wasn’t.
I pinned your hands behind your back, oh
Thought I had reason to attack, but no
The same insecurity you felt now as Rooster egged him on to ask for the bartenders number was the reason you lost him. He shook his head at Rooster as you hoped he would and glanced your way giving you a half smile. Nat slid next to you and smiled sympathethically. 
Jake was playing pool in front of you. His angry glances every time he was facing you were not missed by anyone. You knew you’d hurt him too and that what he said was bullshit but you couldn't bring yourself to say anything to him. Instead, you looked down every time he looked at you.
Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
It's on your face, and I'm to blame
Staring out the window you cursed yourself for ruining your friendship with Jake and your relationship with Bob. Bob and you were on the mend thankfully but you couldnt lie and say that you didnt miss your friendship with Jake.
Even though you told Nat that what happened between you and Jake was just a stupid mistake. Both of you knew that was far from the truth. You loved both of them but you’d chosen Bob.
You slid off the booth and told Nat you were just going to get some fresh air but she knew that was a lie. The thought of staying until the end of the night just to have to watch Bob leave without you and Jake with another girl made you sick.
It's all me in my head
I'm the one who burned us down
But it's not what I meant
Sorry that I hurt you
But being home just made it worse. Now you were trapped with your thoughts and there was nothing to distract you from the fact that you ruined everything. Even when Bob tried reassuring weeks ago that it wasnt all your fault and both him and Jake had responsability. You hurt everyone and there was no coming back from that.
It's so excruciating to see you low
Just wanna lift you up and not let you go
Christmas had snuck up on you but you were too busy with your pity party. Things still hadnt changed between you and Jake but at least Bob and you spoke to each other a lot more outside of work. Accidentally you’d eavesdropped on Nat and Rooster when using their bathroom and found out that Bob would get drunk after seeing you and would put himself down over losing you.
All you wanted was to help him but you were the reason he was hurt in the first place. So you stayed silent and ignored the feeling of wanting to tell him that you felt that way too. Even declining to hang out by using lame excuses.
I lived like an island, punished you with silence
Went off like sirens, just crying
Finally one Friday after work Bob blew up. His blue eyes pleading with you as you declined his invitation to go to the zoo.
“What excuse are you going to use now?” he asked, disappointment filled his features. You were cornered.
“I- I uh, fuck fine. You want to know the truth?” you couldnt lie to him, not when he looked at you like he saw right through you. He nodded yes as you cleared your suddenly dry throat and continued, “Bob, I know about your drinking and I just figured I’d be doing you a favor if I just left you alone to heal. I fucked us all up and I can’t keep hurting you just because you’re too nice to tell me off.”
He stared at you as you took a deep breath and looked away. Feeling his hand grabbing yours it broke you out of your thoughts.
“Peach, I’m not drinking because of you. I’m drinking because I feel like it’s my fault too. I took you for granted when I was away and even missed your birthday. Stop blaming yourself. You avoiding me is hurting me more than if you just told me the truth about how you feel,” he said hurriedly trying to make your eyes meet his. “Trust me if I wanted you to fuck off I would’ve told you,” he said, half-smiling as you finally met this eye.
Tell me that you're still mine
Tell me that we'll be just fine
Even when I lose my mind
“I didnt know that,” you whispered.
“You didn’t let me tell you”
“I thought I’d already lost you and I didnt want to make it worse. I feel like I’m losing my mind” you said, admitting to him what had been haunting you for months.
“You didnt lose me, Peach. I’m still right here. I’ve been trying to get you to give me another chance but I can’t even get you to talk to me outside of work.”
“Another chance?” you asked, unsure if your ears had betrayed you because how could he possibly still want to be with you after everything that happened.
Tell me that it's not my fault
Tell me that I'm all you want
Even when I break your heart
“Yes, Peach. I don’t care about what happened with Jake. I don’t care about any of it all. I just want you. I want us back” he said, you could see the sincerity in his eyes as you tried processing what he had just said. He cupped your face in his hands, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Even after I broke your heart?”
“It was mutual. Now are you coming with me to the zoo on a date or am I going to have to take Payback?”
“Yes” you responded, smiling back at him and following him out to new beginnings.
Meet me in the afterglow
taglist: @harperdoodle, @weirdothatwritess, @rosiahills22
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Something exactly like this
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, police brutality.
Words: 1401
Chapter 2: Have a good one, punk.
Taglist: @lavnderluv @xoxobabe
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I got up early, walked to the nearest police station and practically impose that they brought the police officer that hit me without a reason. I managed to get to his superior, explained the situation, placed the evidence and the badge number I memorized. He apologized for the inconvenient, but he refused to make justice on the officer, though I wasn't expecting him to, really, I'm not that naive. I just wanted to be in peace with it.
A good night sleep and two days off work worked like a charm! Due to the bullet wound I couldn't move very swiftly, so I sent my boss photos when it was fresh and bleeding so he would leave me alone for a while, blood makes him sick, talk about an opportunity well taken.
The cut was closed but it still hurt a lot, not enough for me to complain much about it, but if I looked too much at it or stepped too harshly, boy it stung.
"Welcome to Shot's, what can I get you?" I tried to keep myself as calm as I could, but every word that came out of my mouth seemed to catch on fire in the air.
"Y/n dearie, you seem...pissed" my manager approached me attempting a soothing attitude, "Just a bad couple of days, sir, I'll try to swallow it" he shook his head, "With that wound, even I would be in an awful mood, just try to take it as easy as you can, and would you call Jess? She's late again" I sighed, she's an usual at being late, so it was normal for her to send me a message with a lame excuse, all because she fell asleep or her boyfriend is banging her.
"Sorry sorry, so so sorry Y/n" she rushed through the back entrance, collided against the counter, and attempted to hug me but I stepped away, "I heard the manager say you were injured in the raid, I'm sorry honey" That's all she had to say?
"Busy" I whispered and continued pouring coffee for an old lady, when I was finished she corned me at the restocking, "But how are ya'? How did it go with Hobie?" She had the face of a puppy after given it a treat, "You mean after you fucking bailed on me and left me alone? Been better, but what do you mean?" She was stunned, "Wait you guys seriously didn't do shit? That was the whole meaning of the setup!" I was flabbergasted, not precisely anger, but I felt lied to and inclined to punch her in the face.
"The what?" I asked and she immediately regret her words, "Well I thought you could use a boyfriend, and what more cool than someone completely opposite from you?" I wanted to slap the ton of makeup off of her face.
"You mean you wanted me to date an anarchist, crazy enough to go to a raid, who puts his life in danger over the cause every day, fucked up, probably drug user, punk?" In all honesty, he didn't look half as bad, but still not the point.
"Fact number one, everything right but he doesn't do drugs" at least that's a point to his favor, "And two, yes he's a punk, but a kind hearted one, I've known him for a long while now, gotta trust my gut" Now she was going to get the slap for sure.
"Either way, I'm not that desperate, if I wanted to find a guy, I would've already done it" internal slay because it was true, but I was too much of a package to handle.
"You should consider hanging out with Hobie, you two would make a hell of a match" I sighed, she was insisting far too much, "Not intrested, and you're overselling it" thank whatever in existence the manager appeared, "Y/n dear, when you can, I need those boxes to the back, just put them by the trash can" I nodded.
A last glance to Jess's sorry face made me ease my temper, at least she didn't do it with bad intentions, she's just a horrible matchmaker.
I dropped the boxes by accident. When trying to take them all without bending the knee, some ended up further away from my reach, and to top it off my shoe slipped and my bandaged knee hit the concrete. By sheer luck I avoided screaming in pain, my pulse went down to the injured area.
"Need help?" I looked up and it's no other than Spiderpunk, upside down, while holding one of the boxes that went away, "Stalking much?" I smiled, "What is it with you and greetings? Hey there Spider-Punk, how's it hangin'?" He left the box with the others and stretched his hand for me to take.
"Literally hanging, it seems" I sassed him back while standing up, luckly he was so strong. "Now where is it?" He inclined his head towards mine, "What are you talking about?" I scoffed, taking a second to think, and then it hit me. "Well, I saved you from hard work" this man should be a comedian, "Bullshit, but nice try" he snaped his fingers like when a cartoon couldn't do something, "Worth it".
"But you know? It's true, how are you, punk?" I swear I could sense his smile, "Good, how's the leg?" I shrugged, "It would hurt if I tried to kick someone's ass, so you got away, for now" I got closer, just to tease him out, but it backfired, "I would love, to see you try lil' darling".
He was so close I could feel his breath coming out of the mask. I laughed, maybe because he was way more sassy than I anticipated, or embarrassment. The sound of angry customers brought my atention to the door, and I knew it was time to go.
"Have a nice day, punk" I walked a few steps away when he somehow got landed and got enough seconds to grab my hand, "Thought we could chat or somethin', but luck forbid we have a decent encounter right?" He snickered, "Some of us have actual jobs, ya know?" I noticed, he wasn't letting go, but me neither.
"Then" he got closer, his chest inches from me "Some other time?" His fingers got a better grip of my hand, not quite tight, but firm.
"I leave at eight, and curfew starts at ten, you work it around those hours" at ten precisely, the police start the patroll, and they shoot or grab whatever that moves that isn't uniformed.
"Fuck curfew, pigs can suck my arse" I honesty believed him, "Sure, but I won't risk a beating and getting myself violated in the slammer, not all of us have super powers to get away" and all that trouble for his deviant ass? Maybe...
"Yeah, so can I stop at yours?" Why his grip got tighter? And why he's so warm?! Help. I'll be the envy of the groupies that love this guy, like Jess.
But will it be too much of a risk?
"Don't know if I should let an anarchist, the number one enemy of police and the government, inside my house" also wouldn't like to find out what would they do to me if they catch me with such a celebrity.
"I'll bring some crisps then" oh well, what the hell then.
"I'll leave my window open" where did that even come form, that came out way more flirty than intended! Fuck!
I tried to get away but he still had my hand, "You still owe me a kiss" is he serious?
"I don't think I was in certain death just now"
"Does it have to?" He asks. I mean does it have to be certain death? Hope not.
"You act as if you needed it" he got closer, was that even posible? "Jus' like to settle that debt" he placed his hand on a safe area of my waist, putting no pressure into it.
I hunmed and let go of his hand, "Then I'll keep owing you" reaching for the door I heard him ask, "Why's that?" I smiled, already on the other side of the door.
"So you keep it as an excuse" And what an exit, I was actually so proud of myself, but my embarrassment got over me and my face started to heat up.
Damn that masked man!
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bengiyo · 1 year
Minato's Laundromat 2 Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, one of my favorite shows continued to shit the bed with this ongoing amnesia plot, severing the compelling mirroring between both couples in service of what feels like a ratings play. I enjoyed getting to hear Nishigaki Sho’s more relaxed voice again compared to the bright one he typically uses when interacting as regular Shin with Minato. Minato went on a date with Shin at the insistence of the rest of the cast, and he tried to remind Shin of some of their moments, heavily leaning on their season 1 moments. It proved ineffective, and then the show hurt us by having Shin finally say Minato’s given name. Seeing that Shin doesn’t remember him, Minato has ended things for now.
Once again, we’re back to some early dynamics with Minato being sick and Shin insisting it’s okay for him to help since they’re friends.
Oh they are finally fighting. I get Minato’s frustration, but I’m also with Shin. It’s pretty lame to learn you were abandoned by what apparently is the love of your life during a moment of crisis.
I guess I’m relieved that this head injury hasn’t interrupted Shin’s plans of becoming a doctor.
I really am a sucker for heartfelt letters written by characters who struggle to express themselves, but I am always frustrated that they never deliver them themselves. Perhaps it’s too realistic for them to end up not working since only one letter like this I’ve ever delivered has worked.
It wouldn’t be Japanese BL if we didn’t have a track and field segment in the finale.
And now we’re back at the beach.
He can remember because Minato’s letter expressed the love that Shin has been asking for. 😐
High-key annoyed. “I remember everything,” is one of my favorite phrases in romance. Hate amnesia plots so much.
On the plus side, Nishigaki Sho and Kasukawa Takuya are good.
My goodness. It took us 24 episodes but we finally released the tension.
Oh, wow, Minato said the thing and kissed him on the street.
Final Verdict: 6, The Finale Doesn’t Erase the Stupid. I’m so sad that I can’t bring myself to give this show a 7. 7s are reserved for shows that stumbled around but were trying to do something appropriate with their characters. This show abandoned reason for madness at the end of episode 9 and gave up on the paired storytelling of its two couples to use a stupid (and honestly ableist) story trope in order to create a false balance shift. Did Minato need to be more open with Shin? Yes. Did he need prove his devotion to reassure Shin? Yes. Was this the best way to do that? Absolutely not. I really love continuations where we get to see the couple grow together and manage the challenges of commitment but this regression at the end of this season really pissed me off.
I still love Minato so much, but I’m deeply frustrated by the cowardly choices of this creative team in the final arc. I don’t know what order came down that made them scramble to do this instead, because I was in love with the slow, painful peeling back of layers of internalized homophobia on Minato for the first 9 episodes. Please don’t use my frustration here to argue that adaptations leaving behind source material are bad. That is not what went wrong here for the first 9 episodes. This feels like ratings nonsense and I hate it.
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writer-of-sorts · 2 years
written with @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: market
“I have big news!”
Sirius burst into the four marauders’ shared dorm to find James and Peter engaged in a very intense game of Exploding Snap with Remus as spectator. All three heads jerked up from their game to see Sirius’ blinding smile.
James immediately jumped to his feet. “What is it?” he asked excitedly, “Filch is retiring? You got a new package of dung bombs? Your mother died?”
“I...” Sirius announced.
He raised his head high and paused dramatically. Peter’s eyes widened in anticipation. James hopped up and down. Remus raised an eyebrow.
“am back on the market, baby!”
James, Peter and Remus deflated in unison, instantly turning back to their game of Exploding Snap, grumbling as the cards reshuffled.
“Thought it was something interesting.”
“Melodramatic as always, Black.”
“Ground-breaking news for sure.”
“Hey!” Sirius said, sounding a little hurt his best friends’ quick dismissal, “I was expecting a little more reaction here.”
Remus snorted. “Maybe there would be if this wasn’t your fourth break-up this month –and it’s only the seventeenth,” he added with a hint of venom in his voice.
Sirius looked taken aback. “What? My fourth— No, that can’t be. Have you been counting, Moony?”
To Sirius’ immense surprise, Remus’ face had turned a severe shade of crimson.
“Oh, dear!” James exclaimed, pressing the back of his hand against Remus’ forehead, “You’re not coming down with a fever, are you, Moony?”
But Remus seemed unable to answer. Indeed, as Sirius dropped to his knees beside them, Remus seemed unable to even hold eye-contact with anyone.
“Peter,” James commanded urgently, “Go fetch a wet washcloth from the bathroom. We need to—“
“—get out of here,” Peter interjected, standing up.
James looked confused.
“Me and you, James,” Peter continued, a curious gleam in his eye, “We need to get out of here right now.”
A look of dawning comprehension passed over James’ face.
“Right you are, Wormy my boy!” he chirped. All the worry in his voice was replaced by a sudden joviality.
And just like that, James and Peter had rushed out of the dormitory, leaving Sirius and Remus behind before they could get the chance to ask any questions.
“Uh, hi,” Sirius said, suddenly nervous after realising he was alone with Remus.
“Hi,” Remus replied, his voice sounding unusually high-pitched and not masculine at all.
“So… you’re not actually sick, are you?”
They both chuckled nervously, and before Sirius could stop himself, he blurted out the question that had been nagging at him for weeks.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
Remus blinked. Sirius blinked. Remus blinked again.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Remus said, sounding doubtful.
“Yes, you are!” Sirius insisted, all his shyness vanishing, “This is the first time we’ve been alone in weeks! When it’s all four of us, you act like everything is just peachy. But whenever James and Peter aren’t around, you start making up lame excuses to not hang out with me. Sorry, Pads, I have to finish homework. Sorry, Pads, I have to do Prefect rounds. Sorry, Pads, I have detention with McGonogall; she wasn’t too happy about that pixie stunt I pulled.”
Remus was so scandalised by Sirius’ horribly inaccurate impression of him. He stood up and yelled rather shrilly, “Well, it’s not like I’m the only one who’s been busy lately!”
“What do you mean?” Sirius demanded, standing up too.
“While I’ve been trying my best to distract myself with school and pranks, you’ve made it your goal to shag every breathing body at Hogwarts! Do you know how much I’ve had to put up with? You bringing a new person to the dorm every week, each one better-looking and more charming than the last!”
The redness of Remus’ cheeks was spreading down his neck. His words were coming out fast, louder, rawer.
“Do you have any idea how painful it’s been for me? How excruciating it is to see you snogging someone else? To see you laughing and talking and holding hands with someone who isn’t me? Do you know how much it hurts to know that you will never love me like-like I love you?”
And with that, Remus descended into tears. He covered his face with his hands. His shoulders shook. His throat ached from sobbing.
He was so, so embarrassed.
Then he felt Sirius gently pull his hands away from his face and envelope him in a tender embrace. All the reckless mistakes Sirius had made over the last few months came crashing down on him in huge waves of regret, and a great realisation hit him.
“Oh, Moony,” he whispered, rubbing Remus’ back and sounding on the verge of tears himself. “I love you too, Moony. I always have.”
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chaerybombs · 2 years
sickly - dahyun x j - line
"even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax."
word count ─ 1.3k
tags ─ little!dahyun, cg!j-line, sickfic (sorta?)
notes ─ first rq done! i hope u like this, im not a big fan of how it came out personally :( also, im very glad u enjoyed my last work!!
( carrd )
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even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax. their idea was to go on a picnic, all of them bringing seperate things for them to share. the whole group was very exctied for the event, discussing what they'd bring weeks in advance.
initially, dahyun was very excited. but once the day was coming up, she was feeling a bit off, she assumed she was coming down with something. the others were very disappointed chances are she couldn't attend, but they understood.
the night before their day out, momo came into the school meal club's dorm room to see dahyun sitting in her bed on her phone, keeping a box of tissues handy next to her. "still feeling sick, huh?" she asked the younger. eliciting a nod. "i'm so sad you can't go with us, i know you were really excited." she said with a small frown. "it's fine, really, you guys will have a great time even without me." dahyun reassures. momo nodded before walking off to the doorway. "goodnight dubu, sleep well." she said, making her way to her own room. 
the next morning, dahyun felt somehow worse. her stomach was churning, her throat was burning, her nostrils were almost completely blocked, and she felt an oncoming headache. she groaned, when would this sickness subside? she had felt like she'd been suffering for weeks, when it's only been a few days. as she laid there, contemplating on whether or not she wanted to get up for breakfast. meanwhile, tzuyu had gotten up and over to her bed to check up on her. 
dahyun flinched, startled by the other. "you feeling alright?" tzuyu asked, worry in her eyes. "i feel horrible." dahyun complained, screwing her eyes shut. "aw, that's so lame, i really wanted you to be able to go." the youngest of the group whined, pouting. "tzu you know what'd be really nice?" the other cocked her head to the side in response. "if you went and made breakfast for me!" she said, putting her hands together and making puppy dog eyes.
however, tzuyu wasn't so easily fooled. "i know well you can do it yourself. if jihyo was able to go around and do all her chores in the dorm while sick you can go make yourself some eggs or something." she said, crossing her arms. "but jihyo's different." dahyun said, pouting even more dramatically. tzuyu rolled her eyes and walked out. dahyun was sure she had no intention of getting her breakfast, and she flopped backwards groaning as loud as her sore throat would let her. 
soon, though, tzuyu came back with scrambled eggs on a plate. "you are lucky i'm in a good mood, dahyun." she said, smirking slightly. "thanks, tzu, i owe you." dahyun smiled, picking up her fork. tzuyu nods and walks out and into the kitchen where the other members reside.
eventually, noon comes and the others are getting ready to leave for their picnic. dahyun was still upset she wasn't able to show up, insisting she was fine enough to go, but sana wouldn't let a peep come out of her the moment they checked her high temperature. "you're staying back and that's final missy." sana said, wagging her finger at the younger. at one point, mina offered to stay back at the chance dahyun gets lonely or even regresses, she'd feel horrible if she were all sick and little, but dahyun declined her offer. "i don't wanna be the reason you miss out, i'll be fine." she assures, not fully sure if she trusted what she was saying. she regressed frequently and couldn't resist the urge very well, so chances are they'd come home to a little.
nobody was quite convinced, but there was no arguing with her, she didn't wanna make anyone say. once they were all ready, she shooed the group out of the door, wishing them a fun time. the moment they were out, she plopped on the couch, letting out a loud, dramatic cough as she did so. the idea of regressing sounded absolutely heavenly in her mind, but she had JUST promised the others she would be fine and didn't need to.. but technically it's not like it was guarenteed she'd regress SUPER little, maybe just kidspace, around 5-7,  a space she didn't go into often. she was typically in babyspace or toddlerspace, loving to be babied. the moment she put on one of her favorite cartoons and sat cross legged in front of the tv, she betrayed her promise to herself and slipped right down to around 3. 
lucky for her and the other members, she wasn't the mischevious type, preferring to keep it on the chill side and color and nap most days. at that point, all she wanted to do was sleep, feeling her eyelids droop. after an episode of her show, she turned off the tv, waddled to her bedroom, and crawled under the blankets. the warmth of the fluffy blanket gifted to her by jeongyeon consumed her, lulling her to sleep quickly.
after about an hour, the twice members were all done chatting and eating the snacks they brought, and five of said members wanted go go shopping, and then the other three, those being the j-line, wanted to go back to the dorm to check up on their dubu. the others understood and on their way to the mall dropped the three off before going off on their shopping spree. 
dahyun stirred awake, hearing the sound of keys jingling and familiar voices rambling on. she rubbed her tired eyes with her clenched fists before getting up. she felt a bit better, headache nowhere to be seen. 
she sat in confusion on who just interuptted her very important dream, tearing up a bit but automatically feeling better when she saw her beloved sana peeking in. she reached out, smiling ear to ear, waiting to be embraced by her caregiver. sana gladly gave her the hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "how are you feeling, dubu?" sana asked, tilting her head in question. "oo.. kay!" dragging out the "o" sound. momo suddenly appeared from sana's side, startling dahyun. "omo!" she yelped. "have you eaten since breakfast? i bet you're hungry, babes." momo said, lightly pinching the cheek dahyun just got her kiss from sana on. the little shook her head, not having much of an appetite. "ti'ed." dahyun said, flopping backwards. mina was the next and last to scare the daylights out of the poor thing, popping up from thin air. "you sure?" dahyun screamed again before pouting, tired of the others' playing around. she nodded before wiggling around, wanting the empty space around her to be occupied by the others. momo crawled into the bed, positioning dahyun where her back would be to her chest, sitting between momo's legs.
dahyun felt arms tightly wrapped around her waist, giggling happily. sana and mina took the places at her sides, looking at her happily. "do you want any more medicine baby?" mina asked, pushing her own loose hairs behind her ear. dahyun shook her head once more, she just wanted to sleep right then and there, nothing more. as she was deep in thought about whatever it was running through the littles head, sana popped her pink pacifier in her mouth, eliciting a hum of satisfaction from the little. from behind the pacifier, dahyun mumbled, "s'ory?" she always loved getting read to before napping, no matter how many times shes heard it. "of course, angel." momo cooed before reaching over to the nightstand to pick up a book they'd been reading a few days earlier. as she read, dahyun felt her eyelids become heavier and heavier, snuggling impossibly closer to the girl behind her. "sweet dreams, baby." sana smiled, pressing a kiss onto the tip of dahyun's nose.
after their shopping spree, twice finally made it back to the dorms, first instinct being to see how dahyun was feeling, making their way to the bedroom. as they peeked their heads in one by one, they all felt their hearts melt seeing the four girls piled on the bed asleep. lots of photos were taken, photos that'd be used against them later, for sure.
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nnato · 1 year
hi! Maybe 18 for Mitch and Daniel? :)
And idk if you follow motogp but Tony Arbolino and Fabio Quartararo (5)?
Uh so this got sadder than I expected 🙈 I hope you’ll still like it!
18. “I’m not happy without you.”
It’s nice to sit here together, have a chat, even if there are cameras pointed at them and microphones stuck to their clothes, recording every word, every gesture, every look they share. But Daniel doesn’t mind. They don’t get to do this often anymore, and it makes him aware of how much he actually missed Mitch.
It’s easy to push the feeling away going about his day. He keeps himself busy with vlogs and projects, preparing for his commentator role with the Ran team, planning the new office. It doesn’t leave much room to think about Mitch or what they have. No, what they used to have.
Because Daniel ended the relationship halfway into Season 8. They tried, after his glorious fallout with Audi and his racing career finding an abrupt end. But Daniel soon realised that it wasn’t fair to Mitch. They rarely saw each other anymore, having to make it work through video calls and rushed meet-ups in hotel rooms and clubs all over the world. And while Daniel enjoyed that part of their relationship too while they were still raving together, things change when it’s the only chance to see each other.
So he sat Mitch down during one of those video calls, like the coward he is, and broke up with him. He told Mitch is was for their own good, even though they probably both knew he was talking bullshit.
And now they’re sitting here again, recording a format for Ran. Not that it is a problem per se. They’re still friends with enough years of media training to make it work. But that doesn’t make the ache in his heart go away.
Once they’re done with the interview and the camera crew packed their things, the Jaguar PR team also bids their goodbye. There seem to be no other media duties for Mitch today and Daniel tries to stammer out a lame excuse about why he has to leave too. Mitch is having none of it.
He grabs Daniel by the wrist, pulling to the side, out of view for any passer-by.
“Can we talk? Please.”
“Didn’t we do just that a minute ago?” Daniel laughs, nervous. As much as he wants to be alone with Mitch, it would only do more damage. God, he had just convinced himself he was over all of this.
“Daniel,” Mitch insist, his voice leaving little room for arguments.
Daniel sighs, looking around to make sure they’re really alone before gesturing for Mitch to start.
“I’m not happy without you,” is the first thing Mitch says and shit, Daniel wants to cry. It takes effort to blink the tears away, Daniel not meeting Mitch’s eyes. “I know you said it would be the best for both of us, and I wanted to believe you, I really did. Because I didn’t think you would give up on us if it wasn’t true. But I miss you. On track, off track. I know we had some difficulties but we can learn from them. If the past year showed me one thing it’s that life isn’t worth the same without you by my side.”
“Mitch, I-“
“Please, be honest. And if you can’t be honest with me, at least be honest to yourself. Is your life so much better since then? Do you sleep better at night? Does it not feel like someone is wrapping their hand around your heart every time you think of me? Or do you not think about me at all?”
And Daniel wants to deny it. Wants to say it right to Mitch’s face that no, he doesn’t miss him; that yes, his life is so much more fulfilling without the boundaries and the aching of a long-distance relationship. But it would be all lies. And Daniel is so sick of lying to himself.
“And what would it change? What would be different if we try again? You’d still live in Monaco while I am in Kempten. And you’d still be off for racing duties for most of the year while I’m busy with the business. We can’t change that, Mitch. You have your life and I have mine. They’re just not compatible anymore. No matter how much that hurts me.”
Daniel looks up, meeting Mitch’s gaze that is so full of sadness and hurt, just like he feels himself.
“Just let it go, Mitch. Let me go, please.”
“I can’t,” is all Mitch says, and Daniel has to turn away to hide his tears. There is no holding them back this time.
“Daniel,” Mitch says his name again, his voice still so gentle even though all Daniel does is hurt him. He’s not worthy of his love.
“Darling-“ And shit, he can’t do this.
Daniel wipes at his eyes in a futile attempt to stop the tears, ready to say his final goodbye to Mitch. But the Kiwi just takes his face in his hands, giving Daniel no chance to look away this time. He probably could break free if he really wanted to but he feels to weak to even try.
“My Darling. I beg you. Give us a second chance. We can figure something out that’s not just existing on the phone miles apart. I can show you if you just trust me. I love you, and neither time not distance can change that.”
Daniel sniffles, and Mitch brushes away the tears that keep falling. He missed his touch, missed being close to him. Only seeing Mitch through a studio screen or in front of a camera wasn’t enough.
“I love you too,” is the only thing Daniel gets out without breaking down completely. But the smile it enlightens on Mitch’s face is worth all of it. The other leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, and Daniel can taste the salt of his tears mixing in with the taste that is just Mitch.
“We can do it this time. I promise. I won’t ever let you go again,” Mitch whispers, and Daniel chooses to believe him. Where ever this will take them, they’ll get through it together.
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Chapter 4: For Reasons Unknown
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Warnings: angst, swearing, smoking, alcohol use, cannabis use, pining, existential crisis mode activated, slur for sex workers and promiscuous people, misogyny, confrontation
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Series Summary: In 1993, you met Javier Peña in San Antonio. You made an emotional and physical connection with him. Now it's 1998 and you're starting a new chapter of life in Laredo with your fiancé. And who else walks back into the picture, but the man who left you high and dry five years ago.
Chapter Summary: Our heroes reunite!
Notes: Chapter title from "For Reasons Unknown" by The Killers. Let me know what you think. Music is a big inspiration in writing this, so I'm making a Spotify playlist for each chapter. Playlist for this chapter. posted on AO3 here.
Ch 1 : Ch 2 : Ch 3
Heights Elementary School, Laredo, TX
May 29, 1998
Realizing Javier was living in the same town as you was like finding Waldo, it’s so obvious in hindsight. He was right there. And now… you’re seeing him everywhere.
At the Pour House, grocery store (again), church (again), on walks around town, even the fucking movie theater you go to on Wednesdays when Dan is at softball practice. He was leaving the showing of Godzilla while you were getting popcorn. Hand on the small of some girl’s back, you could swear he looked straight at you.
But neither of you have acknowledged each other’s presence. You can’t decide if you even want to talk to him, otherwise you would have approached him as soon as you recognized him.
… Well, maybe.
The feeling could be mutual. Or maybe you’ve been right this whole time- he doesn’t remember you because you mean nothing to him.
You’re not sure which option is worse; they both leave you gutted. You’ve been lost in the “what ifs”, “maybes”, and memories swirling around in your brain, overanalyzing the situation as often as you could. You’re pretty sure Claudia is sick of hearing about your fixation when you two talk on the phone, but she’s the only person you can talk to about it. Regardless of whether or not he intended it, you feel spurned.
Today you said goodbye to your classroom full of second-graders. After they all go home for the summer, you collapse at your desk and finally give yourself permission to feel everything you’ve been pushing away.
You mourn the loss of the person you always wanted to be, your dream job, the life you always wanted to live. You accept the rejection from Javier. You acknowledge how lonely you are; the only person who really knows you is Claudia, who is back home in Minnesota.
Hell, even that’s questionable. Do you even know yourself anymore?
When you get back to the house, Dan insists on the two of you going up to the Pour House to celebrate your last day of work. You’re pretty committed to feeling sorry for yourself but it might cheer you up so eventually agree. He doesn’t seem to notice your puffy, bloodshot eyes. You do your best to reduce the swelling and shift out of pity-party mode into forget-about-this-day-party mode.
The heavy door slams behind you as you enter the Pour House. The sickly sweet stench of mixed drinks mingles with the cigarette smoke fog and slaps you in the face as soon as you step in the door. Kim waves you and Dan over to a booth, her shiny red nails reflecting off the light dangling above the wobbly table. Dan orders drinks for the three of you while you slide into the booth next to Kim. Your sweaty legs stick to the pleather upholstery as you scoot in, making you grimace.
Kim is in jean shorts and a tube top that’s the same shade of red as her nails. In this lackluster place, her sun-tanned skin seems to glow. Her long light brown hair is up in a high pony, swinging behind her as she asks, “So, how are we feeling?”
You give her a half-hearted smile and shrug, “I’m ok. Today was hard.”
She waves off your lame attempt to talk about it, “Oh girl, everything will be fine. I’m so happy for you! You’re going to catch your stride being at home. Mom and Lizzy always tell me how much they love it.”
Lizzy, Dan’s older sister, is a clone of her mother: Epitome of a Dallas Blonde, homemaker since marrying an engineer at 26, entire life revolving around her husband and children. PTA, soccer, micromanaging, supper ready when husband gets home, minivan, gossiping- all that. A stark realization dawns on you.
Shit, is that what I’m getting myself into? Is that what I want?
Too late to back out now. All my eggs are in this basket.
Your stomach drops and a familiar stinging returns to your eyes. Dan gently sets down the three gin and tonics as he takes a seat across from you, which interrupts your spiral.
“Gin and tonic? Oh shit, so it’s going to be that kind of a night?!” Kim exclaims, picking one of the cups up, then wrapping her Angelina Jolie lips around the straw.
“Well, good. I need something a little stronger than beer today,” you chuckle, hiding your reddened face behind your hair.
The three of you bullshit and drink, and before you know it, you’re chain smoking cigarettes and talking loudly over each other. The bar gradually fills up with people until all the seats in the place are taken and people are standing around in clusters. There’s a thick haze in the air from lingering cigarette smoke. The sound of the jukebox playing old country music is mixing with the chorus of drunkards talking, singing, yelling, whatever. You feel fuzzy, floating comfortably in your seat. Too fucked up to feel much of anything at all, which is currently bliss.
“Oh look who’s here- Agent Javier Peña,” Kim practically hollers. You follow her gaze to the front of house, where the object of your fixation is making his way up to the crowded bar.
“Agent? Whatsssupwith him?” you slur, trying to pretend you don’t know anything about this stranger.
Dan bites down on his straw and smirks playfully at his sister, “Yeah Kim, what’s up with him?”
“Oh my god don’t go there, Daniel,” she chucks an ice cube at him, then looks over at you, eyes sparkling, “He’s Chucho’s son. Just got back from Columbia where he was DEA, took down like… the biggest cartel. Some of then government and shit? Escobar, too.”
You pop a cigarette between your lips and raise an eyebrow before lighting it, “Ssseems likeuh real dick.”
Dan giggles, “Kimberly’s been wanting to bump uglies with him as soon as she learned he’s back.”
“So what? He’s hot n my friend Beth said he’s great in bed," she shoots back, "Also don't say bump uglies, that's so gross."
You flinch and wrinkle your nose, wishing you knew none of this.
“Well yeah, he got lots of practice banging hookers in Columbia is what I heard.” Dan teases, and adds as an afterthought, “And desperate sluts like Beth, I guess.”
Kim scoffs at him. His scathing words activate a rage inside you.
“I’m tiredniwanna go home," you demand to Dan, throwing your lit cigarette into your drink cup. You need to get the fuck out right now. He throws his hands up defensively, then goes to pay the tab.
Kim searches the bar for Javier with only one eye open, sipping from her drink, “I think I'm gonna go for it.”
You don’t respond, because it doesn’t really matter what you say, she’s going to do it. You scoot out of the booth, Kim stumbles after you and beelines up to Javier at the bar. You trail behind, waiting for Dan to be done paying the tab. She bumps into him, causing him to turn around and acknowledge her. He looks her up and down, blatantly drinking in her beauty.
“Ready to go, babe?” Dan asks you. You nod.
Javier’s dark eyes flick behind Kim and snap to your face for just a moment. He furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head quizzically. And he sees you, there’s no mistaking it. Kim must say something that brings his attention back, because his gaze shifts back to her and he puts on a disarming smile.
(Thankfully you don’t)
The next morning, you can’t say as much. You’re so hungover you can’t do your Saturday morning errand walk. Surely, this is the end. This is death.
Instead of walking, you opt to smoke a joint in your car on the way to the grocery store. It does help with the nausea, which is nice. You put on your sunglasses and run in for a few essentials, and also Alka-Seltzer (which, in your opinion, could be considered an essential for today). While you’re walking back to your car, someone approaches you from behind.
“Hey, excuse me,” a voice calls out to you.
You whip around and, predictably, it’s Javier. He’s shutting the door to his red pickup truck and walking towards you, as handsome as ever, charming grin playing across his face.
You’re completely disheveled, last night’s makeup, hair up in the messiest bun, stoned to the bone, wearing pajamas, and (not to be dramatic but) actively fighting death. Your stomach lurches but you manage not to vomit.
“I’m sorry to bother you, I just… I’ve seen you around a few times and wanted to introduce myself. I’m Javi,” he extends his hand, then realizes your arms are occupied with grocery bags and takes it back, “What’s your name?”
A hollow laugh escapes you.
He doesn’t remember you. He has no idea who you are. The person you’ve been dreaming about for five years has absolutely no idea who you are. To have your fear confirmed is… devastating. You’re not sure if it’s the hangover, the emotional exhaustion, or the weed, but you are more enraged than anything.
Your temper takes over before you can process what you’re going to say. You shake your head, push your sunglasses up so you can look him in the eyes as you seethe, “Are you fucking kidding me, Javier? You don’t know who I am? Go fuck yourself.”
He flinches like you slapped him across the face. You turn on your heel, ignoring the way your brain sloshes around due to the quick movement, while his face drops into a confused frown.
Maybe you overreacted. But do you feel bad? No, not really. He deserved that.
Unfortunately, you don’t die from the hangover. You’re still feeling its effects on Sunday during church. After the service, Javier spots you outside with the rest of the smokers and tries to talk to you. You ignore him, stomp out the cigarette, then sit in your car until Dan comes out.
Dale and Cheryl grill hotdogs for everyone at their house after church. You are there physically, but mentally you are completely checked out. Kim doesn’t mention anything about her attempt to hookup with Javier, and you, frankly, would rather not know.
By Monday, you’re feeling relatively normal. So what else do you do, but go to the bar?
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the dark once you step in the door. It slams behind you and all 3 people in the place look up at the noise. You ignore them and sit down at the bar. Gina lays down a coaster preemptively and you tell her you’ll get a draft beer.
You set your purse down on the barstool next to you then fish out a journal, pencil, and your portable CD player. After you slide your headphones on and press play on Odelay, you start doodling. Gina sets down your beer and you take a sip.
This… this is good.
About a half an hour passes when someone walks in the door and illuminates the bar with sunshine. They pull out the barstool next to you and sit down. You look up into the mirror behind the bar and see that it’s Javier. Your heart flutters. He’s staring at your paper. Your heart starts thumping against your ribcage.
If I don’t move, maybe he won’t see me.
Alas, you can see his lips moving in the mirror and know he’s trying to talk to you. You push your headphones back around your neck and turn to him, putting on your best don’t fuck with me face and spit, “What?”
He looks taken aback. You hold your piercing gaze steady. He points to your page, “I asked you what you’re drawing.”
“It’s none of your business,” You snap the journal closed and cross your arms in front of you.
He jaw hardens and nostrils flare, “Listen, I don’t know what your problem is-“
Genuine laughter bubbles out of you at the audacity of this man. You resist the sadistic urge to tease him.
He narrows his eyes at you while you’re laughing at him. His jaw slackens and eyebrows raise. He snaps his fingers to point at you, and says your name.
Your laughter stops and you sputter, “wh-what?“
“I remember you now. How could I forget that laugh,” he smirks. Gina sets down a beer in front of him and gives the two of you a suspicious glance.
“Could I get another please?” You ask her before turning back to him once she walks away, “Wow I can’t believe you actually remembered me… eventually. I’m flattered,” you roll your eyes and empty your glass.
He sighs and runs his hands through his hair, “I just- I guess I wasn’t expecting to ever see you again. Let alone in Laredo.”
“I live here with my fiancé,” you tell him curtly, flashing your engagement ring at him.
“Who’s that?”
Your head gets hot again.
“Look, I’m not going to sit and chit chat with you like you didn’t disappear off the face of the earth immediately after…” you lower your voice to a forced whisper at the end of your sentence as Gina returns with your beer. You nod thanks to her.
He doesn’t say anything, just lights a cigarette, and offers one to you. You take it. It’s the least he can do. The two of you sit in a quiet that can only be described as tense.
Your jaw is clenched shut so hard it starts aching. As you ash your cigarette, you notice your hands are shaking. You try to stay in your anger, but it nosedives into the grief you’ve been bottling up all weekend.
The feeling is all-consuming and demands to make itself known, gnawing a hole in your gut. You concentrate on the cherry of your cigarette and try to ignore the lump in your throat. If you talk, you’re afraid you will start bawling and that would be so embarrassing right now.
He puts out his cigarette in an ashtray, plucks yours out from between your fingers, and extinguishes it. He pulls your hand gently between his, causing you to jump. With a sharp inhale, your eyes shoot to his. His face looks pained. Those warm eyes bore into you, and he presents a plea, “I’m so sorry for leaving like that. You deserved better.”
Your face crumples.
A small sob escapes you as the tears start falling. Your chest aches. You didn’t realize how much you needed to hear that. How did he know that’s exactly what would break you? Despite the fact that you’re crying in public, he doesn’t waver. He holds your hand and doesn’t even flinch.
“So fucking embarrassing,” you whimper while dabbing your tears on a napkin you find in your purse. He grins at this and you return a wistful smile.
“I’m glad our paths have crossed again,” he assures, giving your hand one more squeeze before releasing you.
“I’m sorry for crying," you pout.
He chuckles, “Tears don’t scare me.”
A comfortable silence falls between you. You open your journal and share some of your doodles with him.
“I really like this one.” he points to a sketch of a deer on one of the pages, “Reminds me of these deer figurines my mom would collect.”
“Yeah?” you look down at the fawn you drew a few days ago, then back to him, “Do you want it?”
He smiles, “Can I?”
You tear the page out and give it to him.
“If I ask about your boyfriend are you going to yell at me again?” He asks while sliding the paper into the shirt pocket of his purple short-sleeved button up.
“Ok well first of all, you deserved to be yelled at,” you roll your eyes.
“Second of all: no, I guess. Third of all-“
“-Third of all isn’t a thing, continue.”
You glare at him and say, louder this time, “Third of all, yes it is, shut up.” Javier guffaws, you continue, “Fourth of all, he’s my fiancé.”
“What’s his name?”
“Dan Baker”
He nods, “I don’t think I’ve been introduced, but I see him around. I know his sister. The Bakers are a big deal here.”
“Says you,” you scoff, vaguely recalling how Kim talked about him as if he were a legend. After you finish your beer, you signal Gina for another.
He does not take the bait to change the subject to himself, “Is that who you were with at the bar on Friday? Did you get a teaching job out here? That’s what you were going to school for, right?”
“Yes, yes and… yes,” you frown, “Well, kind of. My last day teaching was Friday.”
“What, why?”
“To be at home. We don’t need my income and I can work on… wedding planning, I guess. Eventually a stay-at-home mom,” you shrug.
He rolls his head towards you, “How do you feel about that?”
“It’s… it kind of sucks, actually, if I’m being completely honest,” you stare off at nothing in particular and frown, “Teaching has been my plan for so long. I don’t know what to do anymore… I don’t know who I am, or- or what I’m doing.”
His jaw tightens as he furrows his brow and hums in acknowledgment.
You’re suddenly aware that you’re being more open than you’re comfortable with typically, so, naturally, you try to back peddle with a chuckle, “Sorry… that was too much information.”
“No no, I’m just thinking. I know exactly what you’re saying,” he pauses to mull it over some more, then starts again carefully, “I dedicated my life to the DEA. And now that it’s over… Everyone keeps telling me about how happy I must be to be home… and I try to be happy, but mostly I just feel… lost.”
“Exactly!” You nod rapidly, “It’s like… well, shit, my purpose is gone, now what?”
“Fuck if I know,” he mumbles around a cigarette as he lights it.
Fuck if I know.
[ Next Chapter ]
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Undercover | Mob!Steve Rogers
I saw this post  by @rosierose-e​ and got inspired to write this mob! Steve Rogers smut. All mistakes are my own. 
ALSO THANK YOU FOR 400 FOLLOWERS! Love you all and appreciate the support immensely! Thank you :) 
Warning: Smut!!! NSFW choking, cockwarming, swearing
Part Two
Word Count: 5k
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You squinted as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The weight of the false lashes a foreign feeling on your eyes. You felt like a clown. This was not you at all. You wore the basics: some foundation, concealer, blush, mascara and if you were really feeling fancy a lip gloss. But nothing heavy. One, your skin was unforgiving and if you went heavier than the BB cream you used you would have pimples for days. Two, in your line of work heavy makeup just wasn’t ideal. 
“Wow, you look amazing.” You looked up in the mirror to see the rookie Peter Parker getting into the van behind you. Peter was sweet, a little naive, but a good agent nonetheless. He had joined the force about three months ago and Director Fury had insisted he learn from the best, so now he was your partner for the remainder of the year. 
“Thanks, Pete.” You sighed as you straightened up, pulling the hem of the skin tight black dress down only to have it bunch up again. “I feel ridiculous.” 
“Well you don’t look it.” He handed you a cup of coffee and you took it with a grateful smile. You needed all the caffeine you could get tonight. 
Tonight you were going undercover at the notorious Red White and Blue Gala hosted by none other than notorious mob boss Steve Rogers. It was his lame attempt and pretending to be an upstanding citizen but hosting an event in honor of the men and women in service. A good cause but for a bad reason. It was rumored that more than just helpful charity happened at this event. 
 You and the rest of your team had been tailing Rogers for close to two years. Trying to get anything to tie the bastard down to all the crimes you knew his organization was behind. But he was good at his job. Leaving no trace evidence that could link any of the nefarious acts back to him. 
He was a cocky son of a bitch and you wanted to be the one to nail him. 
Peter glanced down at the watch on his wrist before clapping his hands together. “Almost showtime, partner.” 
You felt your hands get clammy as the nerves started to wrack your body. You had done undercover work before in the last seven years you’ve been a part of the force but there was something different about this one. Something more dangerous. Steve Rogers was a dangerous man. 
You turned back to the mirror and fixed your hair and makeup one last time before letting out a long breath. You again tried to pull down the hem of the dress but with no avail. You wanted badly to be mad at the catering company that you had been able to infiltrate but you knew that this was probably the work of Rogers. Sick bastard. 
You slipped on the four inch heels they gave you and you nearly stumbled into Peter as you tried to take a step. Heels. Another thing not usually worn in your line of business. 
“Okay, this is a listening device.” Peter explained as he pinned a small but beautiful butterfly pin on your right breast. You couldn’t help but chuckle as his hands fumbled as he accidentally grazed over where your nipple would be. “Sorry.” 
“It’s a boob, Parker. It’s fine.” Peter just nodded before finishing pinning it. 
“Anyway,” he continued. “It’ll be recording everything that we need and coming right back here to my feed in the van. It’s small enough that it won’t get detected by any scanners. Unfortunately we won’t be able to communicate but if you say ‘pineapple’ we’ll come in and get you out.” 
“Pineapple.” You said more to yourself than to Peter. 
“Pineapple. And I mean, Y/N. Anything starts to get fishy you get out of there. Roger’s is ruthless.” 
“I know.” You patted his shoulder. “Thanks for looking out for me, rook.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He pushed you out the van. “Kick ass, partner.” 
You gave him a small salute before turning around and following another group of girls dressed just like you into the expansive mansion in front of you. 
You tried not to be too awestruck as you took in the structure of the building. It looked like something out of an old mystery novel. The entire place was dark. Dark wood and dark furniture. The lights all a dimmed tan light that fed into the mysterious atmosphere. Your eyes darted to the artwork that littered the wall, all depictions of a fall from grace. 
Is that how you see yourself, Rogers? A fallen angel? 
“Hey!” You snapped back to attention as a frantic voice called over to you. “What the hell are you doing? Get to the kitchen.” 
You bit your tongue as you glared at the rude man before following the rest of the women into the kitchen. 
Dressed all like you, there were probably about twenty other women there. All of them easily could have been supermodels. The rude man pushed you towards a group of about three of them who were all balancing drinks on a tray. 
“Grab one and go.” The man, Stan you gathered from his nametag, said before turning to another group of women. You picked up a tray and prayed to all powers in the universe that the combination of full glasses of wine and these heels didn’t cause you to completely embarrass yourself. 
The ballroom was huge. You suddenly felt very small as you wandered around the room, offering drinks to some of New York’s most high profile residents. You kept your eyes peeled for the familiar mob boss. Your heart rate sped up as you noticed him across the room, chatting with a beautiful woman. You watched as he leaned down and whispered something to her, causing her to blush before playfully pushing his shoulder. He just smirked before turning his attention to the man on the other side of him-Clint Barton, completely ignoring her now, but she still stayed by his side watching his every move. 
You had to get to him. Get him alone and get him talking. But how? 
“Well aren’t you the prettiest thing in the room.” You felt yourself stiffen as a pair of hands wandered down your back and rested on your hip. The smell of expensive cologne attacking your senses. 
Slowly you turned around to find James “Bucky” Barnes looking at you like a predator to its prey. Bucky, was Steve’s right hand man. His best friend. He was handsome. Dark hair, even darker blue eyes and a smirk, that if he was anyone else, would have your panties melted off before you could even blink. You glanced down at the infamous metal arm that was hidden underneath an expensive suit jacket, but his hand flexed slightly as he noticed you looking at it. 
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes.” You forced out. “Can I offer you a drink?” You pushed the tray between the two of you in offering and also creating more space. 
“No, I’m all set, doll.” He raised his glass of scotch. “Just wanted to talk to a pretty thing like you.” 
“There are plenty of other beautiful women here.” You said, your voice slightly cold. You hoped he would get the hint. 
“None quite like you.” He smirked and you fought everything in you to roll your eyes. 
“Does that line actually work?” 
Bucky took a step back at your bluntness. You see out of the corner of your eye, Rogers and Barton start to head towards the door. You had to make a move, because if he left to go do business he might not come back down for a while. 
“It was nice talking to you, Mr. Barnes.” You quickly moved past him, ignoring his short “wait”. You rushed, but not too obviously, towards where Steve was heading. If you went fast enough you could cut him off. You felt your heart drop to your stomach as you tripped over your heels, the tray in your hand shooting forward and the glasses of red wine landing square on Steve Rogers’ suit. 
“What the fuck?” The room went silent at his angry outburst. You stumbled as you tried to stand up, but were immediately hoisted up when his large hands wrapped around the tops of your arms. 
“I’m so sorry, sir.” You sputtered. For a moment you forgot where you were. Why you were here. His blue eyes, dark with fury, scanned your face as he held your arms. You had never really taken a good look at him. All pictures in his file weren’t anything special or high definition. But now, seeing him up close? You were beginning to understand the woman from earlier giddiness. 
He was beautiful. 
You bit your lip as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. You suddenly felt very aware of your body and the fact that he hadn’t taken his eyes off of you. 
“Go.” He pushed you towards the door he had been walking to with Barton. You walked through the door with shaky legs as you heard him mutter something to Barton before following you. 
“Sir, I’m so-” 
“Shut up.” He growled as he stepped through the door, the heavy wood slamming shut behind him. “Walk.” 
You hesitated. You didn’t know where he wanted you to walk to. Grumbling, Steve once again pushed you forward and you just started walking down the hallway. As you walked down you noticed a door that was slightly ajar. You glanced in while walking past and took note of the firearms and drugs that were very obviously there.
“Keep. Walking.” Steve’s voice was harsh in your ear before you heard him slam the door shut. 
“Yes, sir.” you muttered. 
The two of you continued to walk until you made it to the room at the end of the hall. Tentatively you opened it, waiting for any different direction, but Steve remained silent behind you so you continued. 
The room was...different. It was very different from the dark vibe of the rest of the house. There was a large bay window to your left that overlooked the back of the house that homed a large garden and pool. The walls were painted a soft beige and the furniture a lighter wood than the rest of the house. Even the bed was covered in a white duvet that looked like a cloud just waiting to be jumped on. It was homey. It was nice. 
“Mr. Rogers-” 
“Who do you work for?” He demanded, shutting the door. 
You froze. You tried hard to make sure your face didn’t give away anything as he stared you down. You didn’t let your gaze falter as he stalked closer to you. 
“Lee’s Catering.” You answered earnestly. 
“Bullshit.” He was now only a foot away from you. His broad shoulders heaving as he raked you up and down. “I know every single girl that works for Stan. I’ve never seen you before. So answer me again and honestly this time. Who the fuck do you work for?” 
“So he’s not allowed to hire new girls?” You snapped, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. 
“Watch your tone with me, sweetheart. You’re on very thin ice right now.” He closed the final gap between the two of you and you gasped when his hand went around your throat, but not tightening enough to cut off any oxygen. 
“That old bat isn’t allowed to hire anyone that I haven’t vetted.” He hissed in your ear. You shuttered as the vibrato of his voice sent shivers straight down to your core. 
“Please.” Your voice came out in a whisper as your eyes pleaded with him. 
Steve opened his mouth but nothing came out, his nose brushed along the curve of your neck and you sucked in a breath as his mouth latched onto the sensitive spot underneath your jaw. 
“Strip.” He commanded, pushing you back causing you to fall onto the bed. 
“Take off your fucking clothes so I can see if you’re wired.” He snapped. You slowly pulled at the hem of your dress before drawing it up your body and over your head. Before you could fully get it off he stopped you. Your heart stopped as he reached over to the butterfly pin and pulled it off the dress. You watched in horror as he walked to his door, opening it and calling out to someone at the end of the hall. 
“Yeah boss?” You tried to see him, but Steve’s frame was blocking the small opening in the door. 
“Take this and run a test. Let me know if it’s bugged.” He demanded before closing the door. When he turned around he raised an expectant eyebrow at you letting you know you still had to take off the dress. You resumed your actions and turned your face away when his eyes flared at the matching set of red lingerie you had on underneath. 
“See? No wires.” You whispered. 
Steve didn’t say anything as he stalked towards you, rolling up the sleeves to the dress shirt he had on. Your body flushed as he leaned over you, his strong arms resting on either side of your chest. Slowly, he moved on hand to the strap of your bra before lowering it down off your shoulder. His thumb brushed over your pebbling nipple and you wanted to smack the smirk that formed on his face straight off. 
“I better double check you’re not hiding anything anywhere.” He muttered before pulling the cup of your bra down, exposing your left breast. You shuttered as his thumb brushed over it again, this time with no barrier. His mouth was hot as wrapped his lips around the bud, causing you to let out an unwilling moan. Your hips bucked up as his tongue expertly ran over your nipple. His deftly unclipped your bra and moved his mouth to your other breast and continued the same assault. His hands moved down to your hips to steady them from bucking against his growing member. 
“Hmm, looks like we’re clear up here.” He chuckled as his lips moved up to your jaw before capturing your mouth with his. 
The kiss was fiery and embarrassingly so sent a wave of pleasure down to your aching core. You moaned into the kiss as you ran your fingers through his hair, giving it a tight tug. Steve growled at your movements as he fully leaned into you now, his muscular thighs trapping yours on the bed. 
You ran your tongue along his bottom lip before slipping it in to find his own. You nearly came as Steve moaned into your mouth, his hands tightening on you and pulling you up to meet his rutting hips. Using all your strength you spun the two of you around, your mouths still connected, so you were now straddling his pelvis. You pulled away from the kiss and sat up. 
Steve slowly opened his eyes, his pupils blown in desire as he looked up at you through hooded eyes. You began to unbutton his wine stained shirt, running your hands over his porcelain skin when it was fully opened. You traced your fingers over the tattoos that littered his abs and ribs. You took pleasure in the fact that Steve would shiver with every pass of your fingertip. 
“I’m sorry about the stain, Mr. Rogers.” You said innocently, leaning down, your breasts pushed together as they rested on his now bare chest. 
“You should be, princess.” His voice was deep. You let out a small yelp as one of his hands gave a harsh slap to your ass. “This is an expensive shirt. And don’t even get me started on the trousers.” 
You hummed in understanding as you gave tiny kisses across his jaw and neck, taking time to suck on the skin around his collarbone. Your hands wandered down his body till they came in contact with the trousers in question. Slowly you sat up, running your hands over the stain on his pants but your eyes never leaving his. 
“I hope you can get the stain out.” You licked your lips as you moved your body down his own until your face was directly by his crotch and the stain. You sucked on the stain near his cock and smiled when his member jumped in his briefs. You slowly pulled down his pants until he was just in his underwear, his cock trying so hard to break free from it’s confines. 
Steve groaned as you finally freed his aching member. You gave the tip a little kitten lick as you looked up at him. He was now resting his weight on his arms as he leaned back and watched you in absolute wonder. You brushed your thumb across the tip, dragging the precum that had gathered there down the rest of his shaft. Your mouth watered at the thought of having him in your mouth. But you wanted to torture him a bit more. 
You ran your tongue along the vein on the underside of his cock, while your hand squeezed lightly at the base. You wrapped your lips around the tip, your tongue playing with the slit there before pulling back with a pop. 
“Mhmm, tasty.” You continued treating him like your own personal lollipop, but never fully enveloping his dick in your mouth. 
“Sweetheart, either fucking suck it like I know you can or I’ll shove it down your fucking throat.” Steve wrapped your hair into a makeshift ponytail and forced your head up. “Got it?” 
You didn’t respond, instead you finally took him into your mouth. You pushed past your gag reflex and took him all the way in until your nose brushed against the hairs on his naval. 
“Oh fuck.” Steve’s voice praised as he started moving his hips, fucking his cock down the back of your throat. 
Your eyes watered as you let him use your throat as his own little fuck toy. You reached between your legs trying to relieve the tension that was building there. You moaned around his cock as your fingers toyed with your clit. 
“Shit, I wanna come in that fucking pussy.” He moaned as he pulled you off the floor and threw you back on the bed. You laid back, your fingers moving back to your clit as you watched him fully take off his clothes. He watched you with interest as you moved your lace panties to the side and slid a finger up your slit, gathering your juices before gently rubbing your clit again. He ran his hands up your legs before grabbing your hand and stopping your actions. 
“This,” He patted harshly against your pussy and you moaned at the sensation. “Is mine. Don’t touch, unless I tell you to.” 
“Yes, sir.” You moaned as his fingers replaced yours. Your back arched as he dipped one finger into your hole. 
“Fuck, baby. When was the last time somebody fucked this little cunt? You’re so fucking tight, baby.” He moaned, watching as your pussy greedily closed around his finger. 
“You’re gonna feel so good around my cock, sweetheart.” Steve’s eyes met yours and for a moment he looked like a man that you might actually want to be with. His cold exterior was gone and replaced with a man who was just as lustfully lost as you were. 
“I want your cock now. Please.” you cried out as he slipped another finger in. Your body bucking as he curled his fingers up hitting that spot that so few had been able to get to with you. 
“Yeah? My little slut wants daddy’s cock to fill her up?” He leaned over you, capturing your lips again. You moaned into his mouth at his words. You never admitted it to anyone but you always had a little bit of a daddy kink. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly as waves of pleasure crashed over you. 
“Please, daddy.” You whimpered against his lips as your hips bucked against his. “Please fuck me.” 
Steve chuckled darkly, kissing you quickly again, before ripping your panties clean off your body. You didn’t even care that he just ruined the most expensive pair of underwear you owned. You just needed his cock in you now. 
You bit the inside of your cheek as you watched him lineup his cock with your dripping hole, slowly pushing the head into your tight channel. You both let out moans as he bottomed out. He fell forward, his forehead resting against yours. You whined as you tried to move your hips against his but he just forced them down with his hands. 
“Steve!” You all but screamed. “Please.” 
“Patience, baby.” He said through gritted teeth. “Your pussy’s so fucking tight. Squeezing daddy’s cock so good. I just need a minute.” 
You let out a humph as you continued to buck your hips against his. 
“What the fuck did I just say?” He growled, he leaned up and wrapped his hand around your throat. “Don’t be a fucking brat.” 
You opened your mouth to apologize but it was overtaken as you let out a yelp as he pulled himself out before slamming his cock back into you. You threw your head back as he fucked into you relentlessly, his hand tightening around your throat. You were in a state of euphoria as his cock dragged in and out of your walls. 
“Oh my god.” You mewl as he continues to completely destroy your pussy. Before you could process what’s happening, Steve flips you over so your face is pushed into the fluffy comforter. He pulls your hips back so your ass is in the air and he easily slides back into you. 
“Tight little cunt fucking loves my cock.” You cry out as his hand delivers a slap against your ass before moving to your hips and pushing you back onto his dick. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as the tip of his cock hits your g-spot. 
“Daddy!” You call out. Steve leans over and pulls you up by your neck, causing your back to be flush with his front as he fucks up into you. His other hand moves down to play with your clit. 
“Are you gonna come baby girl? I feel your pussy milking my cock. You wanna come?” He growls in your ear. “Huh? You wanna come all over my cock?” 
“Yes! Oh god, yes!” 
“I’m so close, princess.” He drops his head into the crook of your neck. “Come on, baby. Squeeze my cock, make daddy come with you.” 
You feel that familiar feeling in your tummy as your orgasm approaches. 
“Shit.” You breathe out as your orgasm gets closer and closer. Steve’s fingers move faster against your clit. You cry out as your orgasm finally crashes over you. Steve lets out a groan as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, his cum shooting inside your walls. 
“You feel so good.” He breathes as his orgasm dies down. You hum in agreement but you’re too tired to say anything else. You close your eyes as you feel Steve lower your both to the bed. You whimper as he pulls out of you. 
“I’ll be right back.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and you just give him a nod. You’re completely incoherent. Totally fucked out. He’s gone for a couple minutes and you hear the water in the bathroom running before he comes back. With your eyes closed you don’t see how he pauses at the side of bed, appreciating the curves of your body as you curled yourself under one of his many blankets. 
You whine as you feel him move the blanket before running a washcloth between your legs. “Steve?” 
“Yes, princess?” You hate that your stomach flutters at the nickname. 
“Don’t leave.” You mutter, closing your eyes once more. 
Steve doesn’t respond for a second and at first you think that he’s going to leave but then you feel the bed dip and a strong arm pulling you close. You smile to yourself as your hand lands on top of his. 
“Get some rest.” He whispers in your ear. 
“Mmkay.” you hum and you don’t know if it’s your imagination or not but you swore you felt Steve smile against your skin. 
You wake with a jolt. You glance at the clock and curse silently. You’ve been asleep for two hours. You turn over and see Steve still there, his eyes closed and his breathing steady. You find yourself staring at his long eyelashes and how they rest gently along the tops of his cheek. He doesn’t look like a scary mob boss here. He looks human. He looks peaceful. 
“I can feel you staring.” Steve opens one eye and gives you a small smile. “Like what you see?” 
You gasp as he grabs you and has you straddle his hips. You rest your hands easily on his chest and stare down at him, smirking as you feel his cock start to stir. 
“Hmmm, I love these.” His hands reach up and twist at your nipples causing you to bite back a moan. 
“And your pussy is so responsive to me, princess. It’s like it was made for me.” He rubs his thumb across your clit. “I can feel how wet you are again.” 
“Well you’re playing with my clit. Of course I’m gonna get wet.” You retort. 
Steve raises an eyebrow at you. “You really think being sassy is in your best interest?” 
You roll your eyes but don’t respond. Steve grumbles before lifting you up a bit and impaling you on his now hard cock. 
“Fuck!” You slap his chest and Steve chuckles. Nonetheless you start rocking your hips against his. 
“Nuh uh,” Steve tuts. He holds your hips still. “You’re just gonna sit here like this. Keep me nice and warm.” 
“Steveeee.” You whine, lowering your head to his chest. 
“Don’t be such a brat then.” He growls. You raise your head to look at him and even though his words are tough, his eyes are soft. And for a moment your taken back. “So sit still for daddy.” 
You groan but stay still. Steve runs his fingers up and down your back, tracing patterns along your skin and you hum in appreciation. Your peaceful moment is upended though when his phone rings on the nightstand next to him. 
“Rogers.” He answers quickly. You stay quiet as you hear the voice on the other end of the line talk about the product movement. You smirk to yourself as Steve begins to discuss logistics, completely ignoring your presence. 
“I’m a little busy, Stark.” Tony Stark? As in Mayor of the city Tony Stark? He was in on this too. “I’ll call you back.” Steve threw his phone back on the nightstand and brought your face up to his to pull you into a searing kiss. 
“Please, daddy?” You say against his lips. You start rocking your hips again and this time, Steve doesn’t stop you. 
You're a moaning mess as Steve’s hips snap up yours, your orgasm fast approaching. 
“Gonna cum already?” 
“Yes, yes! Oh god, I’m so close!” You breathe as he quickens his pace. 
“Cum, baby girl. Make a mess on daddy.” He groans, his head tipping back. 
“Steve!” You choke out as your body spasms with pleasure. Steve comes quickly after you and you shutter as you feel his seed leaking out of your worn out hole. 
You lay your head down on his chest again and try to gather your thoughts. You need to get out of here. 
“I should go.” You whisper, sitting up. Steve’s cock is still inside you and you almost don’t want to leave because you feel so full. 
“I wanna see you again.” He runs his fingers across your cheek. The sense of power you feel seeing the country’s biggest mob boss underneath you, drunk on your sex is overwhelming. You love the feeling. 
“You will. Soon.” You lean down and give him a deep kiss. “I promise.” You peck his lips once more before gathering your clothes from the floor. 
Slipping on your shoes you give him one last wink before hurrying out the door and down the hall. You manage to find a way to the kitchen without having to walk through the rest of the party and you sneak out behind a delivery man who brought in a ridiculously large ice sculpture. 
Once you're outside you take your heels off and run towards the van down the street. You hurriedly knock on the back, checking your surroundings to make sure no one sees you. Peter opens the door and he looks like he’s seen a ghost when he sees you. 
“Y/N!” He pulls you into the van. “Oh my god, I was getting worried. When we heard him say that he wanted to check the pin I had to turn off the devices so they wouldn’t get traced. And then you didn’t come out. But Fury said that you would be fine but man, I was so nervous and-”
“Parker, shut up and hand me a piece of paper.” You clapped your hands together, pulling him out of his ramble. Peter nodded and handed you a pen and paper watching intently as you started writing down everything you overheard on the phone call. 
“What is this?” 
“Rogers is working with Stark and they're moving some sort of product tomorrow.” You said proudly.
“How did you...this is huge!” 
“My Ma always said that there are two ways to get to a man. One is through his stomach and the other is in his pants.” You shrugged. 
“And I’m guessing you didn’t make him a grilled cheese sandwich.” Peter makes a face. 
“Not exactly.” You laugh. “Now let’s go. We gotta get this to Fury.” 
Part 2
854 notes · View notes
atinydise · 3 years
Follow the rules
❦ Genre: Angst / Suggestive (but a tiny bit).
❦ Pairing: Seonghwa.
❦ Word count: 1K.
❦ Requested: Yeah, thank you! 🦋
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“You are already leaving?”
“It’s almost 2 AM.”
“You can sleep here if you want to.” You said, sitting against the headboard.
“What?” You asked as if you didn’t know the rules.
“We were okay about our routine.” He sighed. “We see each other just when we are horny.”
You knew this “rule” perfectly, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt every time he would say something like this.
“We are friends with benefits.” He concluded.
“It doesn’t mean you can’t sleep here. It’s late and I don’t think you will find a taxi around here anymore.”
“I can walk.”
“Walk? The dorm is 1 hour away?”
“I don’t mind.”
You snorted, “so you prefer to walk in the rain instead of staying there with me?”
“The way you resume the situation feels like I’m the villain and the heartless one between us.”
“Kinda.” You whispered.
He simply sighed and got up from the bed.
As always, you were watching him putting back his clothes on. And as always, he wouldn’t address a word to you.
You were totally fine at first with only calling each other to have sex, but you accidentally caught feeling for Seonghwa. You couldn’t tell him otherwise; he would just disappear and you won’t be able to see him again. But, when he’s leaving this way, you just want to convince him to stay and to be just next to you.
“Do you need to work tomorrow?”
“No, it’s Sunday.” He replied, putting his white shirt on.
“Then it’s another reason to stay until the morning.” You insisted, acting like you just wanted to be nice.
“I’m going back home now Y/N.”
“But it’s pouring outside. You are going to be sick well before entering the dorm.”
“Y/N.” He raised his voice.
Seonghwa wasn’t aggressive. But when something pisses him off, he just says it.
The way he pronounced your name, you knew that he would hurt your feelings.
“I know about your little game.” He started.
“My little game?”
“You love me.” He claimed, looking at you right in the eyes.
You remained quiet. You always tried to keep it low and to refrain your love to him, but you forgot that he was one the smartest people you know.
“I don’t. We are only friends with benefits.” You lied, secretly playing with the hem of his hoodie under the cover. “I get it.”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” He asked, his facial expression full of disdain. “You are not acting as a simple sex friend with me. Or at least not anymore.”
“I do.”
“Then why do you text me so much?” He pointed at his phone on the nightstand.
“I’m just making sure you have a nice day?” Your voice cracked. “I don’t know it was a bad thing.”
“That’s not what sex friends do.” He declared. “We were okay to just text each other when we want to-”
“Correct me if I’m wrong but in the expression “sex friends” there’s “friends” inside.”
This excuse was lame to you, but you needed to win this argument.
“We established rules that were good for each of us. No feelings, no dates, no arguments. Just sex.” He recapitulated.
“I’m just texting you casually, nothing much. Like I do with a friend.” You raised your voice as well.
“Our rules-”
“Oh stop! Screw the rules! I’m just a human who wants to text you!” You replied.
Seonghwa remained quiet. You wouldn’t give up easily and admit that you had feelings for him.
“If it bothers you that much then I will stop.” You replied coldly.
“So, you are not in love with me?” He asked.
“No. I’m not stupid.”
“Then why you said to Hongjoong that you had?”
Your heart missed a beat.
You ate with the leader at the restaurant this week and you accidentally said that you caught feelings for Seonghwa.
Hongjoong promised that he wouldn’t say anything but seems like he didn’t keep his promise.
“I was drunk.”
“Please. I’m not stupid Y/N.” He sighed, taking his jacket on the floor.
“Okay! Maybe I do have feelings for you, but is it really important?”
“Of course, it is.”
“And why?” You grunted.
“Because I don’t have any feelings for you.”
A part of you wasn’t surprised that Seonghwa wasn’t attracted to you. But the other side was still hoping for it.
“We can’t do this anymore.” He claimed, with a weak voice.
You had plenty of things to say, but nothing could come out of your mouth right now. You were just so sad and mad to yourself for falling in love with someone like him.
Your closest friends advised you to not playing this dangerous game, especially with Seonghwa.
“I’m sorry if you imagined a romance with me or another romantic and bullshit stuff.” He started, not softening any of his words to you. “But you knew it. It’s only sex. It’s your fault if you fell for me.”
“My fault?” You glared at him. “My fault? I am responsible for how my heart acts toward you?”
“Well, surprise Park Seonghwa, we are not all an empty and heartless rock like you. We all have feelings, and we can’t control them.”
He was surprised by the way you were talking to him. He never saw this side of you.
“Believe me, if I could have the choice to fall in love with you, I wouldn’t.” You concluded.
You stood up and went to the bathroom.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him. You needed to keep your composure no matter what.
Hands and lips shaking, you turned on the water in the sink. You hoped that it would help to hide your sobs.
You stayed like this 2 minutes before you heard the entrance door slamming.
It was at this moment that you let it go.
This scream and pain that you kept in your throat, were reasoning in the bathroom.
These tears in your eyes were burning your face.
Your hands were holding the sink, but it was quickly hard for you to keep standing on your legs. Your knees just gave up on you and you shivered when the cold floor surface brushed your body.
Why did you have to be so stupid to think that you could live something with Seonghwa?
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