#and the majority of people still don’t realize that’s ok lol
metallatch · 1 year
the day people realize
animation≠kids content
children media≠only for kids
is the day i can rest
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disenchantedif · 10 months
If it's ok to ask (if not feel free to ignore), but I was wondering what Viktor's experience of being a trans guy was like? Like I know it mentions in-game that he had top surgery, but does he still experience dysporia? Does he experience transphobia (so far it doesn't seem to be an issue with his family & classmates)? Does he feel insecure/self-conscious about it, about the way others perceive him, or about how it affects his romantic experiences (if at all)? Also did he always know he was trans, or was it more of a gradual realisation over time?
Sorry for so many Qs lol, but I just think Vik is neat and I want to know more about him <3
Vik’s family never had any issues with it. Of course transphobia exists in the human world (as it’s unfortunately modeled off of real life), but the majority of the supernatural community don’t see it as an issue (because it’s not).
He does experience dysphoria sometimes and he gets insecure, but he knows his friends and family all love and support him to the fullest extent.
Fun fact! Viktor is actually the name of his paternal grandfather. When Vik came out, Mikhail suggested his dad’s name for his son.
It’s also why Vik’s last name is different. Slavic surnames are often masculine/feminine, so the twins and Taisiya have “Orlova” while Mikhail and Viktor have “Orlov.” He changed his surname as well when he changed his first name.
As for when Vik realized, he’d been a bit oblivious until it kinda smacked him in the face at 13 and he realized people addressing him in a feminine way made him highly uncomfortable. He had top surgery at 16, shortly after MC moved in with his family.
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thecommunalfoolboy · 1 year
What your favorite Lupin The Third Character says about you
When people make these they always just say nice things and traits of the character and it’s dumb so here’s me being right
Anyway my reputation for misogyny is legendary
Ok this largely depends on if you like edgy Jigen or goofy ah Jigen but
You desperately need to stop getting into arguments online, both in general and on whether Jigen is deep and emo or a silly guy
Gay Gay homosexual gay 🫵
You took one look at him and Lupin and said “Damn these bitches gay!” In a half joking way but the show itself proved you right in 10 seconds
Lol emo
Ok but actually seek psychiatric care
You either write porn about him in your head or you’re extremely asexual
There’s something weird going on with your gender but that’s kinda true if you watch this show in general
You’re too broke to get that next piercing don’t do it
You’re either as devastated about them whitewashing our boy as I am or you should be
Hey remember they whitewashed Goemon too you should be equally as mad about that
You head canon he speaks Spanish
Go to bed
He’s a nice man
Seek help brother
You play with jpegs like dolls
Beneath your eyes is a deep dark hole of information on this show’s lore
You also hate him so much and you want to see him die painfully <3
You want that twink OBLITERATED
You should really raise the price on your art it is so much better than you think it is
Some of you have only seen the first and it shows
“Brother,,,,, help me,,,,,,”
“Long live the king……”
Lol you thought I’m not letting you off that easy you’re deeply traumatized You’ve never felt safe in your life and the most inner hurt part of you desperately needed an adult to help you at a time in your life when you should’ve been worried about learning your times tables not whether you’d survive another day and one of the reasons you’re drawn to characters like this and collect fictional fathers is because you see a glowing smile and an infallible hero who could’ve saved you when you needed it the most
Or you’re Japanese native but like
Autism 👿
Woah dude are you like… autistic???
Stop looking at his tits
A small but significant subsection of you people are just racist and cannot be normal about Japan
If someone asked your thoughts on him you’d just be like :)))) the silly
You have way too many screenshots of him looking weird in the background
You def hate part 5 and twcfm
Whenever tms forgets he exists for a while you still watch it but you look like a wet kitten
You’re def short
You need to stop coping and accept it he looked fully insane in part 3 the hair is so so bad
You’re probably transmasc
I just wanna say I’m so sorry
She’s an ugly bitch there I said it
You’re probably a girl
And definitely bi
Y’all probably know the least about the show as a whole
Good for you!! You actually touch grass
Or again you’re in the racist subgroup
The titles for each character confuse you but you only realized this one’s Fujiko because either I just said it or you saw the “stop being horny” and knew
You probably have insanely hot takes on the show
They did your girl dirty im so sorry
You’d die on the hill of whichever of her hair colors you think is best but at least you’re dead
I’m scared of you
Hey you should watch the first if you haven’t already
Zemigamna 🥺
You cry every time someone says Yata was boring and didn’t need to be in the show
Miyazaki studio gibli ass 🫵
Please you still have time left you can get out before you become obsessed you’re not in too deep yet RUN RUN SAVE YOURSEL
Or this show is all you have left and it’s infinitely too late for you no in between
Again probably a girl
You’re definitely not normal about fujiko either
You hate that one movie where he’s a dick with a burning passion and you would write 20 page essays on it
If you’re obsessed with him you probably have a chronic illness (same bestie) or major physical disability
Anyway if I fully clocked you let me know I think it’s funny to see you guys suffer
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
WAAAAAAGHHG HEY ITS ME AGAIN IM SO SORRY I HAVE A THOUGHT AND DONT KNOW WHO ELSE TO GIVE IT TO: Im going to try really hard to be quick!! Still reeling from ep 8!!! (I have so many thoughts and emotions- tldr I know it struggled with pacing but I just really loved it. I’m so glad this show exists. Not going to recover anytime soon!! Excellent.)
I think the ending is a great setup for what could be coming next! Looking back at this season as a whole it feels to me like they had two major points they zeroed in on: 1- Edward’s state of mind. We spend a lot of time with him when no one else is- we’re with him in his head while he tries to process what he wants and how he’s going to get it. We see him wrestle with feeling unlovable, and then we sort of sit with him in his pov while he starts, (STARTS!! He’s not done yet!!) to understand that he IS loved and there ARE people waiting for him. 2- The Golden Age of piracy is ending. They lost The Republic of Pirates, they lost Spanish Jackie’s bar, Zhengs fleet, and they lost Izzy, the most pirate to ever pirate. After the couple of weeks(??) season two takes place- the OFMD cinematic universe is going to be different for pirates now.
ALL THAT TO SAY- after Izzy’s funeral, (rip king I sobbed lol) when Zheng asks Ed and Stede to team up- Stede says something like, “He needs a minute”/“Maybe give him a minute”. So they agree to help- but they stay behind to build their inn. (“It’s a fixer upper, but the bones are good.” ITS THEM ITS THEM THEYRE EACHOTHERS FOUNDATIONS THEY JUST HAVE TO BUILD ONTO IT TO MAKE IT A HOME IM GOING TO TURN TO ASH) this is a decision both of them make- this will give them time to just be. I think Ed still has a ways to go, and talks to have, and maybe needs some time to grieve Izzy, but Stede is there, and they love eachother, and they will be ok. Shit will still go down, and they’ll get involved again eventually, but they’re going to take a minute. NOW. That wraps up this season as a part two of a Three part show- we have a setup for the next big bad, and we’ve focused a lot on Ed (accompanied by Stede’s) issues/insecurities with a focus on Ed having to deal with his issues directly. He had to sit and talk, honestly talk. Do you know. Which half of our main pair. Has not done that?? The guy who the show still deliberately makes a point of showing us he is STILL. NOT OK. Granted, he had the end of season one to realize what he wanted and what he felt, but then we had so many moments this season of him reacting to those feelings but not actually talking about them to anyone. SO. What if the last season is meant to be point 2 revisited- piracy is still ending, the world is changing so how do we deal? And point 1, but FLIPPED. WHAT IF. Season three is Stede’s turn revisited??? Season three with Ed AND Stede TALKING and Stede genuinely coming to terms with the fact that the people he loves are not better off without him- that he doesn’t have to earn the love he thinks he doesn’t deserve?? What if he gets to take that final step into a new world where being a pirate can’t be the same as it was before, but that spirit carries on and now he knows he’s loved and has worth regardless?? I STILL WANT THAT MAN TO BE THROWN IN THE EMOTIONAL BATHTUB IS WHAT IM SAYING. I don’t know if this is anything, or if this is true or accurate!!! Do I just want to see them kiss and cry some more?? MAYBE. Aaaaagh I just really hope djenks gets to made season 3- he deserves to finish his pirate story and I would very much like to be here when he does. hbo max count your days.
Also I once again want to thank you for your thoughts and screams over the course of this season- you really are incredible at character analysis and it’s been an absolute pleasure to come running over to this corner after each episode to see what you think. Thank you for posting. YOU. are WONDERFUL THANK YOU <3 <3 (also. Also also. THEY KISSED SO MANY TIMES ED READ STEDES FUCKIN LETTER ED SAID I LOVE YOU AND THEY ARE NO LONGER SEPARATED. MARRIAGE. I CANT BELIEVE THIS SHOW IS THE WAY IT IS. There is still an owch but!!! It’s a good owchie now 😭😭)
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*INHALES* So seeing the little house in the BTS footage ~*~fucked me up~*~ because I just had a FEELING it was going to be both literal and symbolic for them and their relationship. A little house that's struggling, and falling apart in some places, but is still standing after years and years of battering. It's been through the wringer, yet it still flourishes with so much life and beauty. And it has the potential to grow into something even more beautiful and strong with some mutual effort and tender love and care.
AND THAT'S THEM!!! THAT'S THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!! Like, as you said, they're BOTH still so hurt. They BOTH still have issues to work on. But now they're there, together. They're standing on the same, rickety, wooded floors. They're there, ready to patch things, side by side.
AND YES, I've very much thought it was going to be Stede for Season 1's focus, Ed for Season 2's focus, and then both of them for Season 3's focus, but I do like your idea of it looping back around to Stede! Or maybe like, SHARING the focus. Because, as you said, Stede needs his fRIGGIN BATHTUB, and Ed still needs time to figure out who he is.
It's just such a delicious setup indeed, and I am crossing my fingers so so hard that it gets greenlit quickly for us here. There's just so much MEAT to their dynamic that's still left, still so much to be EXPLORED AND GROWN. AND ESPECIALLY, LIKE YOU SAID, WITH THEIR WORLD COMPLETELY CHANGING AROUND THEM TOO!!! THE BRITISH!!! THE REVENGE BEING CAPTAINED BY FRENCHIE!!!! ZHENG AND AUNTIE WANTING TO GET AT RICKY!!!!!! SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!
BUT anyway, thank YOU so much for taking the time to come in here and share YOUR thoughts, too! It's been such a delight reading them, and I'm so glad we could MUTUALLY SCREAM SDJKSDKLS <3
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natureismynature · 11 months
Ok I am yet another person here to anonymously dump some thoughts LOL. Especially since I haven’t been able to get over “the nether incident.”
I don’t mind character criticisms of q!foolish, I think any characters or viewers who are sus of his intentions are completely valid. I didn’t mind that q!forever was going to exclude him from the nether plan and I even had no issue with q!pac/mikes prank. BUT! It does low key make me sad when people maybe don’t appreciate the role Foolish plays as the punching bag?
This is the first MC RP server I’ve ever watched (used to main gta nopixel which has must stricter RP rules and expectations) and since the beginning I’ve realized that he RP etiquette is quite a bit looser (ex: a big chunk of viewers still not knowing what meta gaming means lul). So I feel like Foolish’s RP generosity is pretty overlooked.
To me, what I appreciate in a roleplayer isn’t just someone who’s constantly wrapped up in serious lore and complicated plot lines, but someone who can always roll with the punches and elevates the RP of those around them by constantly giving and taking. It isn’t easy to find someone who’s always willing to the the “loser” to others bits because it’s a lot to bear. And I feel like those who maybe don’t watch Foolish very often (which is understandable, it’s hard with so many POVs or maybe he’s simply not for everyone) may not realize that it’s not just during events that he’s treated as a joke, it’s pretty much every single day LOL.
Anyway idk where I was going with this and it’s getting too long, but I appreciate how he’s been surprisingly good at improv. And I’m not trying to say he’s an absolute prodigy main character rper or anything, just that I’ve been pleasantly surprised that he alone has provided more emotional and hilarious RP moments than I ever experienced watching nopixel
Yes yes yes yes and million more yes Anon!!!
The way Foolish elevates others' rp through his 'yes and' improv skills will never cease to amaze me. It's kinda sad how people don't see him more than the "joke character" most of the time since he's shown time and time again that he can also be more than the butt of the joke (i.e being Slime's emotional support himbo, reassuring Leo's fears, being there for Cellbit when he was alone, confronting Forever, and so much more)
Foolish is always ready to back up anyone who wants to do a funny bit, but he's also always ready to support anyone who wants to do a serious roleplay moment. Not only that, he's also ready AND able to pull someone into the spotlight whenever he feels like it's necessary (he's just charismatic like that). He is so flexible when it comes to support roles, which makes him such a fun pov to watch. He doesn't take on the main role majority of the time, but he's always involved in the story, so it's not hard to keep up with the lore when I watch him.
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platypus-love · 9 months
Hi can I request. A doodle of your fairy tail oc please if not maybe tell us hcs or what inspired you (love their design and aww Percy is so cute)
Ok! May or may not end up being a big response! There will be SPOILERS for 100 Years Quest and also the end of the Fairy Tail anime, so don’t read below the photo if you don’t want spoilers
Sorry if this post is hard to understand too, there’s a lot of thoughts to get out!
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Noel Pendrake is a water dragon slayer trained by the Water Dragon God Mercphobia. She was taken in at a young age after the dragon got word of the plans in place by Igneel and the other dragon parents. Noel is raised with the intention of fighting and killing Acnologia.
However, Noel is not like the original 5 dragon slayer children, she was born in the present time and her dragon parent is still existing in the world, which means her dragon seed was not stopped. Since the dragon gods are capable of transforming between human and dragon, Mercphobia is able to train her to do the same!
When Noel is older, they get word that the dragon slayers of Ishgar had killed Acnologia, thus making Noel’s purpose kinda go away. She takes a trip to find the ones that did the job she was meant to do and comes across Fairy Tail!
Now… this is kinda an AU of sorts, I’m sure you guys remember the weird Mavis and Zeref doubles at the end of Fairy Tail right? And the fact the majority of the battle against Acnologia was in some out of time zone? WELL, Acnologia in this AU is back! But he’s different. Once the original was defeated, being that things were a bit out of time, a past version of him got sent to the present! Almost like the universe tried to replace someone who popped out of existence by splitting up and putting another one in their place. (Listen… there’s a lot of strange stuff in the show anyways, so I feel like it checks out honestly lol)
This Acnologia is post dragon king but before totally losing his humanity. He’s still killed a LOT of dragons and even people, he’s done horrible things but he’s still himself as well. And on top of that, being slapped into the present kinda knocked him out of his whole rampage and sent him into being a bit of a hermit instead (think Porlyusica) He’s now living on the far outskirts of Crocus.
Noel comes across this Acnologia and instantly begins to fight, it’s what she was raised to do! But through the fight, she realizes something is off and this guy doesn’t really line up with the stories she’s been told. In fact, he’s trying NOT to fight, he wants the insanity to be left behind him!
Basically… enemies to lovers, you know? Besides half the ships in Fairy Tail are characters getting with people they considered an enemy at one point right?
There’s so much more I could say, but I feel like I gotta leave it at this for now… just enough to share the fact that she’s being shipped with Acnologia of all people lol, and kinda how that even works!
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
🎶, 🍆, 🎯
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do! I have tons of playlists for different fics, as well as ones that are just instrumentals for when I really need to focus. I have one that is basically just “for sad scenes in the rain”, I have one for the Skyline pigeon fic which does in fact have the song “Skyline Pigeon” in it as well as a bunch of Neighbor Totoro songs, I have a pretty giant one for the Howl AU…etc lololol as for what song I’ve been playing a lot recently…uhhh I have to check actually let’s see:
Ok so for the Howl AU, while I’m working on the epilogue and such, I’ve been listening to “Patience gets us nowhere fast” by Capital Cities, as well as “When can I see you again” by Owl City.
Also just as a general skk song: “No Lullaby” by Siames!
Oh, and less as something for a specific character and more just cause I like the song: “Loving You” by Cannons :D (I know that was more than one song but I like music alskdjfj)
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what’s your most popular nsfw fic?
…Ok so I have written a singular spicy stuffs, but I posted it on anonymous because a), I know at least some minors follow me and I didn’t want to inadvertently encourage anyone to read content they aren’t ready for (speaking as someone who had too much internet access as a kid and got exposed to certain things way too early), and b), I have an irl friend who may stumble across this account at some point and if they see that fic in particular then I will die a little on the inside.
So I won’t be linking it here, but if any of y’all are adults and want me to link it to you in a DM then I wouldn’t mind, just keep in mind that I am not a particularly adept spiceologist (seriously no clue what I’m doing, that fic is mostly an excuse to mess around and experiment with character stuff in a really low-stakes premise), and also the fic spawned from a “hey wouldn’t it be funny if” thought I had, which then grew a character study around what is still essentially just a goof.
Also of course y’all can probably find it on your own, I don’t think it’d be that hard lol — but if you are a minor please do not talk to me about the fic, I would be extremely uncomfortable.
(I would offer to make a sfw version but unfortunately the nsfw is baked into the stupid premise jskdkdjfhf) (…actually some parts of it are kind of a sillier version of the Skyline Pigeon fic so I guess I am working on a more serious and sfw version of it)
All that said, this (sfw) bit from it still makes me laugh, so here:
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🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Just about everyone who knew the plot of Howl’s Moving Castle before reading the Howl AU (and even some people who didn’t!) guessed what the twists were going to be before the ~grand reveals~ (although fewer people caught on to the Oda reveal, I think in part cause that one was more based on the HMC book rather than the movie) and I was honestly expecting that going into it lol —
I felt like trying to make it shocking would be less fun than the readers being able to accurately piece everything together for themselves. I loved seeing people commenting “OH MY GOSH THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING” as they went through the chapters, because it meant they were thinking over all the clues! And that they cared about the story enough to do that! And even though most people knew what the “twists” were going to be, they still seemed excited to see how everything was going to pan out, so I had a great time :D
Ah, also, to be more specific cause I just realized I was being vague (spoiler warning lol): just about everyone knew that Chuuya was Starlight, most people guessed Rimbaud was the scarecrow, and I saw a handful of people figure out Oda before that reveal happened, too!
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
Any thoughts on the Victorian pearl-clutching “bull is a bad word because it’s too sexual, even when you are literally just describing the male bovine that chased you” scene in Emily Of New Moon?
I was gonna write a meta on the repression going on with Valancy referencing this but I realized I don’t have the full context of that and I thought you might have some ideas.
It’s always a good day when someone asks me to talk about Emily!
Ok so tbh when I first read this (aged 11) I didn’t realize it was supposed to have a sexual connotation—I thought it was connected to “bullshit” and that’s what Aunt Elizabeth was angry about lol. And even later I was so perplexed by how just a large angry bovine creature should be taboo that I guess I never really dwelt on it.
HOWEVER I currently have two thoughts: first, I think what makes Emily feel so very subversive is the fact that LMM was subtly interweaving her contemporary 20s mores into the turn of the century, about 20 years earlier. I was actually just reading a book about the post-WWI social changes in the US, and it mentioned that the increasing popularity of Sigmund Freud’s teachings meant that people were talking about sex a lot more openly than before. So on the one hand, LMM could write a scene like that and people wouldn’t think she’s crossing a line. They could even laugh in their sleeves a little at backward Aunt Elizabeth being so repressive.
I don’t remember whether LMM was a reader of Freud (I wish I had her diaries on hand because I feel as though she would have mentioned something like that) but even if not, the existence of the bull in the story at all is symbolically important, which is my second thought. The bull comes up 3 times: first is Emily and Ilse running away from it and then being scolded by Aunt Elizabeth for talking about it. It reads as a cautionary tale against adolescent sexuality, reinforced later by Emily (at the end of the letter) reiterating how her father remains “her dearest friend.” She is still childlike here. The second time it comes up is when Perry meets Emily by saving her from it. This episode forces Emily to confront Perry’s attractiveness and she also notes his difference from Teddy’s “subtle charm.” She’s starting to recognize crush-like feelings and performs the damsel role to Perry (who also responds to Emily’s physicality and, we can glean, lowkey falls in love with her there and then). The bull is also connected to the well in the field about which, in the end, Emily has her vision about Ilse’s mother. Beatrice Burnley’s story is one of transgression: even when her virtue is cleared, she has still “trespassed.” Emily is also a trespasser in this moment of exploring, with the bull representing the destructive sexual prejudices that retroactive harmed Beatrice.
(Sorry not to be on my english major bull(shit) again).
But yes I definitely see the way that the Stirlings treat Valancy as absolutely parallel to the way Aunt Elizabeth treats Emily, and I am very interested to see your meta about how that works in TBC! While writing out this whole reply I realized I actually have a lot to say about sexuality in Emily so perhaps I shall write another post of my own 😅
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magpigment · 1 year
hello! these are my reactions and thoughts as i watched the third, and final, part of generation loss! not really an analysis, tho it does have some of my theories that were developed as i was watching. enjoy i suppose, lol
ok this is dope opening footage
who the hell is the mask person just walking around??? why are they in a mall??? hello???
does mask persons mask have the showfall symbol on it because i genuinely can’t tell lmao
ok well it’s still just as blurry as before because like. obviously. but i’m almost positive their mask DOES have the showfall symbol on it. cool 😎 
why are there so many mask people actually 
are they like. guards?? is this fnaf: security breach??? thas crazy lmao
why was that one wearing a fedora 😂 
also this dynamic camera shot is low key making me motion sick lmao, even if it is super cool
that’s a super helpful directory right there yep! 
ah yes, the smoke gala, my favorite 
why did that one showfall symbol on the glass look like it was painted in blood or something and how did they get it so neat. did they paint it on w a stencil using blood instead of paint. i need answers
oop hello ranboo
ok finally ranboo took off the bundle of like wires or paper clips or whatever that was dangling from their neck, i was wondering what that was lol
ohhhh ranboo trying to talk to the person filming is super cool
who the hell is talking to them rn lmao
hello hacker guy
his name is HEDGE?? did i mishear that
ok so i was right! when the mask is glowing red it means he’s being controlled 
also i didn’t even know ranboo here was able to take off their mask. i thought it was like. attached to them or something. 
ok i’m genuinely like on the edge of my seat lol
oooof ranboo is finally realizing that the people who died are like actually dead! yikes lmao 
those are some pretty good effects for the blood tho like that looked pretty real all things considered. or like it’s the right color more or less
aaaaaand there’s the grappling with morals and survivors guilt and trying to reconcile being under someone else’s control while simultaneously realizing that the things you did while under said control was at least somewhat responsible for like, what, four? at least? people’s deaths! 
….i feel like hedge or whatever he’s called is like for sure lying. i mean i know at least some of the people are in some capacity still alive but ALSO. i feel like he’s lying to ranboo to keep him from just leaving lmao. also i feel like that exit door prolly wouldn’t have worked anyway so whatever 
this is such a cool setting btw, the amount of work that must’ve gone into this is insane. and also the soundtrack is phenomenal
i’m like super sus on this hacker guy lmao 
‘it’s locked up, it’s secure, don’t worry about it ^^’ homeslice that thing is behind the least secure covering i’ve seen in my life. that thing looked flimsy as hell 
i feel like this hacker might not know what he’s doing 
i did not catch any of what that hacker said he needed, in one ear and out the other 
‘..are these people, or machines, or-‘ uhhh i think the answer to that is YES. 
i feel like i’m about to get jumpscared lmao
i feel like these guys won’t be ‘pretty much harmless’ in a bit tee hee 
ranboo sure is going through it huh
‘how long have i been here’ i’m not sure you’ve ever left, buddy. 
also, showfall SET UP MISSING POSTERS for ranboo on the OFF CHANCE HE ESCAPED??? BRUH. absolutely bizarre behavior 
the fucking whiteboard in the corner with basically the plot of the series so far 😂 
‘DAY 2 PLAN!! 
-electric chair
-audience will chose
two plus two equals five 
-black light closet
decoy “planned case of death” ‘ 
along w a couple doodles and some other stuff i couldn’t quite make out so that’s cool lol
ranboo is ahac- assigned hero at construction
i’m like convinced gl!ranboo is not like a full flesh and blood human being, homeslice is a lab baby for sure 
oh there’s a day one plan whiteboard too but it wasn’t completely shown 
imagine being payed to sit in a room completely still for however long lmao
did one of the people standing in the window leave?? 😂 
oh that’s such a cool way to incorporate the viewer interaction or whatever again, with the hacker intentionally seeking them out for their input and ranboo being completely against it because ‘they might try to kill me’. i’m not gonna say it’s foreshadowing, BUT- it’s like for sure foreshadowing not a doubt about it lmao
lmao ranboo this is why you always listen to chat, they’re always right without fail /j 
but honestly the audience hasn’t steered him wrong so far for the most part, at least for like the puzzles and stuff 
oop bye hacker
oh he’s called hetch (?)
oop the people are moving around now that’s ominous 
oh god the security 
welp :D
that’s not good ^^
i admire those people’s ability to just completely not break character to this tall person running up to them and desperately trying to get their attention lmao
the headphones probably help lol
ok what the actual hell is charlie literallt even saying right now 😂 
the amount of times i’ve said that should be concerning but honestly i’m just resigned to it at this point. that’s my streamer 💔 
sup my dude lmao
charlie sounds so fucking confused and sad nooo
ok genuinely i do not understand how the puzzler died AT ALL. literally what even happened there 
i can’t get over how much taller ranboo is than charlie, charlie looks itty bitty but he could also just straight up deck me so i’m getting mixed signals here XD
charlie is such a good actor i’m losing my mind 
that is a very big mall lmao
i like just noticed that piercing alarm noise ouch my ears 
SUBA hell yeah
ah yes, jake’s, my favorite store 
i’m surprised they actually found a functioning directory 
oop. that’s a corpse 
i should not be watching this at like 2am lmao
du du du du minecraft minehunt that’s crazy
charlie has an axe what will he do
ranboo with a knife what will they do
(im pretty sure i know what they’ll do with that knife 😅)
charlie has died a lot yeah lmao
charlie w a frying pan what will he do XD
yeahhhhh i had a feeling they wouldn’t just be able to leave lol
that cameraman got moves tho lmao, mad respect 
oof running up stairs, ouch
‘OH WHY DIDNT GOD GIVE ME LONGER LEGS’ mood, charlie, mood
yeah i’m sure they’ll be able to emotionally process this later lmao
oop hacker is dead
oop never mind yikes 
…yeah it’s just a flesh wound i’m sure he’ll be fine 😅 
that dye is not gonna wash out of that guys hand easily yikes. fake blood can be a bitch to get out of things lmao
ALSO I WAS RIGHT, ranboo and charlie and all the others aren’t actual humans technically!
diversity win! you and your friends are artificially created humanoids designed to play a role in horrific death games for the mundane entertainment of a faceless audience! 
ok so the hacker is called hetch? cool
i’m also like mostly certain that the hacker is grizzly im pretty sure. maybe. i’m not great w voices i’ll be honest lol
oop. ranboos just committed a murder lmao
baby’s first kill in cold blood, i’m so proud 🥰 /j 
charlie looks awfully blasé about the stabbing that occurred right in front of him 
why’d ranboo ditch the knife bro they might need that later :(
goddd the soundtrack is literally so good tho 
oop bye bye charlie 😭
i feel like homeboys about to get eviscerated and like actually disemboweled this time 
omegalul 😂 
uhhhh sup buddies tee hee 
oh they’ve stopped moving that’s good
conveniently placed button
i mean not convenient enough i guess cuz like charlie is currently bleeding out or something but THATS BESIDES RHE POINT
i’ve almost managed to convince myself this has like a somewhat happy ending
aaaaaand never mind
the way my stomach genuinely fucking DROPPED when i saw that guy appear in the doorway immediately after ranboo bowed jesus christ my heart
i reiterate i absolutely should NOT be watching this at 2am yet my hubris knows no bounds 
and also now my cat is meowing at my door bruhhh stop ruining the ending of this for me, max /j 
the immeasurable dread in my gut right now, yall 😅 
bye bye ranboo 👋 
i fucking KNEW hetch was a goddamn bootlicker!! 
fuck you hetch!!! 
oh oof what happened to their mask :( 
i knew this goddamn audience interactive element was gonna bite me in the ass jesus christ
ranboo is fucking stellar at acting which is why i can safely say i am in absolute goddamn shock! 
oh homeslice is just straight up crucified wow
i wonder if there was any alternate ending or if the vote was precast to always end the way it did. because i know how this ends, and it is not a happy ending. i don’t think there was ever any way it COULDVE been a happy ending. this was always a tragedy, and the hero is always doomed by the narrative 
oh just the abrupt and complete SILENCE upon the box closing, before it slowly zooms out and the theme fades in and swells as the blood drips down from the box??? holy shit that’s so fucking cool
the way this entire thing was directed and performed is a goddamn masterpiece, this was phenomenal and an absolute blast all the way through!!! i’m so so so glad i watched this and i so so so wish i had watched it earlier 
i’m in shock y’all that was so cool
this is definitely going on my list of all time favorite pieces of horror media!! mannnn that was done so unbelievably well i’m absolutely blown away!! 
i can’t wait to just lose my mind about this for the next like. forever i suppose 
i can’t wait to analyze this dude i’m so excited!!!!!!! 
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dem0nguy · 6 months
(Thanks @spinningbagel for persuading me to ramble lol)
Ok so I’m gonna ramble about Sheriff (and a bit of Ryan), and how much I headcannon/theorize he was traumatized throughout his childhood and the effects of that later on.
Like we just have these two silly boys, living on a pig farm, all by themselves??
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They had to have parents at some point right? So where they at???
(Unrelated but I find the 2D flashback style in this show aesthetically pleasing, it’s just so smooth and nice looking :>)
I think that their parents just owned the farm, and made Jim and Ryan do all the damn work while they sit on their asses doing nothing all day.
That would explain Ryan’s need to join the army, and to take Sheriff with him. Because he knew damn well that their parents weren’t gonna take care of Sheriff.
I don’t think their parents outright abused the two of them though, I think it was just child neglect (yippee)
Sheriff was still pretty young when Ryan joined the army (probably like, in his early teens) and being in that environment took a major toll on him. It’s likely what made him such a cocky asshole tbh.
Compared to everyone else in the series, Sheriff is the most emotionally immature. Aside from the fart jokes, he is a genuine egotistical asshole half the time. He even gets on Shooter’s nerves, and Shooter isn’t nearly as bad as him when it comes to this. (Shooter’s just a little bit of a dumbass, but its ok, we still love him <3)
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This does make sense in relation to Sheriff randomly proclaiming himself as leader of La Résistance though. His only real adult figures were army men who order people around and get whatever they want. So he must’ve taken after them when given the opportunity to “lead.”
It is possible that he picked up a few good things from Ryan, but I think that was greatly overshadowed by everything else.
Later on down the line when the Big Fart happened and Sheriff lost Ryan, I imagine that it took an incredible toll on him. Ryan was Sheriff’s only friend, and only family, and he just lost that in the blink of an eye.
After that, Sheriff wandered aimlessly for a while, waiting for the mutation to overtake him. When he realized it wasn’t overtaking him, he decided to find a new purpose.
That purpose was likely something along the lines of “Ryan would want me to keep going.” Because honestly, he really didn’t have jackshit else to keep going for.
He also 110% has an unhealthy attachment to the star Ryan gave him. He doesn’t go anywhere without it.
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He was probably a loner for a while too, he became a treasure hunter(thief) to get by, and then racked up debt with Brutux by stealing from the land he had claimed.
Knowing Sheriff, he definitely knew it was Brutux’s territory and thought he could get away with stealing.
(This reminds me, i need to ramble about Brutux at some point, because my guy is a gang leader and it’s just never addressed???)
I think Shooter was the first person Sheriff had trusted in a while, because although he definitely seemed hesitant at first, he also seemed gullible. He was willing to trust someone he met not a few hours ago.
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He was desperate to be around people again, to have someone like Ryan to trust and rely on. Shooter did take quick advantage of that though, which I feel like should’ve hurt Sheriff more than it did.
(Another reminder, i need to ramble about Sheriff and Shooters gayness. (SLOW ROMANTIC GUITAR MUSIC PLAYS DURING THAT SCENE ABOVE, I SWEAR IT. ALSO JUST LOOK AT HOW SHOOTER LOOKS AT HIM! ITS SO GAY!!!))
Anyways I think thats all I got folks, hope you enjoyed the rambling! :3
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anti-dazai-blog · 9 months
hello! It's been a while but can I just say thank you?? 💗 jsjsjs ahahaha idk if you remember me but you gave me advice on sharing controversial opinions + when I made my first "analysis" post (if it can be called that), you were literally the first one to like to it. and that was like. seconds after i posted.
anyways just wanted to say thank you and also that you're an inspiration lol ✨
yuhhh I don't follow your main but I see you 👀 and ahaha you being so participative (if that's the right word?) or good at/enjoying debates encouraged me to do the same/be more outspoken in school and say things no one's brought up.
that's all, ya don't have to reply to this, i jus wanted to let you knoww
hello, it’s great to hear from you again!!
[disclaimer, I’m about to go on a rant about general social communication, so I gotta preface all this with When I say “opinion” I mean harmless personal or media-related opinion. Not political stuff.]
Listen. Ok. Listen to me for a quick second. I’m a communications major so I gotta infodump on you real quick.
In communication studies, there’s a concept called the “spiral of silence” theory. It states that people will tend to withhold opinions that they consider “unpopular” out of fear of social ostracism. Because of this, the most popular opinions gain popularity, while unpopular opinions die out and disappear.
This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a sizable amount of people who hold the unpopular opinions, it just means that they aren’t discussed properly. Everyone enters conversations with these secret biases and thoughts, which contribute to their viewpoint.
It would be easier for everyone if people were able to mention their unpopular views right from the start, so we could all be on the same page and understand where people are coming from with their viewpoints. It shouldn’t be taboo to like something others hate, or to dislike something others love.
But there’s nothing to be done about it. It’s a social and psychological principal that most people tend to avoid social ostracism. Key word “most”.
The standard counter for the spiral of silence theory is that there will always be people who, for whatever reason, are immune to it. Either because in that given moment they consider it okay or safe to say what they’re thinking, or because they’re a public figure who trusts their fans will support them no matter what (think of celebrities talking about weird food combinations they enjoy, which an average middle school girl would be mocked and bullied if she were caught eating), or because they have nothing to lose.
In my case it’s the latter— it won’t have any effect on my life if tumblr thinks my opinions suck. I don’t know if I’d have the same confidence to go to an anime conversation and say “heyyyy ya know Dazai? From hit animanga bungo stray dogs? Yeahhhh he’s kinda a jerk isn’t he?” [also that wouldn’t be the time or place to have that conversation, but that’s besides the point]
But regardless. Ya gotta start somewhere. It’s a good skill to have, to be able to break the spiral of silence. It’s very difficult to start, but once you get going with it, it’ll definitely be a great skill to have for life.
I’m so incredibly proud of you for not only finding the courage to post whatever opinions you want (it’s difficult! It’s scary!), but for also being outspoken on your thoughts irl. You may not realize it yet, but chances are some of your classmates agree with your views and are finding both comfort and courage in you being able to articulate them openly.
AGAIN just gotta cover my bases This Isn’t About Politics.
Just to reiterate— hate speech gets you taken out back and shot. By me personally. Slurs and racist stuff gets your house burned down with you still inside it (also by me personally). So if anyone’s out there thinking of reblogging this for your weird racism agenda. Don’t.
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dogtoling · 1 year
1. Can Inkfish breath in while swimming (or sitting still) in their ink?
2. So we know that Inkfish don’t have bones, but I heard they have cartilage or something instead. That true? If so, how does that work?
3. Ok while writing this question I realized the answer, but… How do Agent Neo and the rest of the NSS get out of Alterna? (Realized they just super jump)
4. How do Inkfish super jump so accurately and onto moving objects like the Tower?
5. Why did ORCA create puzzles for the Inkfish? Like, not generic puzzles, puzzles specifically designed for Inkfish? Last I checked, all ORCA is is just a storage system with an AI.
6. So… Deep Cut. Wth did they think those random pieces of metal were going to do? I doubt that’s very valuable (unless humans mined all the ore and there’s basically none left, so melting it down gets a lot of money) so like… why fight over pointless junk when there are literal HUMAN ARTIFACTS probably just sitting around Alterna?
7. For a timespan of 12k years, the buildings in Alterna seem quite well preserved… explain.
8. How is Grizz so big and furry? Like, bears aren’t that big. Also the guy can survive in space. Like what.
9. How did Smallfry change like that in the final fight?
10. I keep seeing how Splatoon confirmed magic and now I’m confused.
Lotta questions about Alterna, I bet most can be just chalked up as bad planning regarding the story but like… I wanna hear what you think.
Assuming they're not literally inside the ink but rather on top of it, yes they can breathe
Inklings having cartilage is entirely fanon, they are confirmed not to have bones but they're not confirmed to not have some other type of support structure. People default to cartilage because Inklings are big enough to where SOME kind of support structure would be required, and we do see details of "bones" on the models (especially captain cuttlefish) although i think those are only there because the game's artists still wanted the inklings to have human anatomy. hence why they have kneecaps
yeah they probably super jump.
Game logic. But also Inklings are implied to use (and even need) signals to track when they super jump, so it's likely that they are able to sense magnetic fields and signals that they use to fine tune their trajectory, which is how they're able to super jump so accurately when they don't actually see where they're jumping. (It tracks when you take into accounts spawn points, squid beakons, the huge antenna on the Grizzco boat.. i DON'T know how the hell teammates function in this scenario but alas)
there's no good reason for this one chief the story writers just wanted to reuse octo expansion level design. ardnin has a good theory surrounding this but other than that canon does not have our back here
again the story writers didnt know what the hell to do but corporate quota probably says the new idols of the game HAVE TO be in the main story for marketability reasons so they needed to be in there being the weakest links of any story mode to date. this plot point is made worse by the fact that in the story mode, Agent 3 ISN'T EVEN AFTER THE OBJECTS. you just kind of wander into the boss areas with the thing just lying there abandoned and deep cut shows up like OH MY GODDDDD YOU CANT TAKE THATTTTT like girl, ok! you had 5 hours to take that yourself and leave! the player was never asked to retrieve the things to begin with, we just kinda take it in the end.
this has bothered the hell out of me too and it did the entire time i played through the story mode. Not to mention EVERYTHING looks extremely well-preserved taking into account the, uh... you know, the entire major plot point about the caverns COLLAPSING? lol. Not going to nitpick too much about this but basically the best explanation is that Alterna doesn't experience weather or anything, so it's semi-functional as a type of time capsule.
all but confirmed in the new art book, but Grizz is mutated to ALL HELL. His skeleton doesnt even resemble a bear at this point. Basically, he is insanely mutated. yeah i got nothing on the surviving in space part, i hate the story
i hate the story (the answer is magic i guess)
Related to the previous point, this is WHY people are saying splatoon confirmed magic. I mean there is zero explanation to a smallfry (JUVENILE SALMONID) turning into a 15 meter giant floating fish in rapid 5 second metamorphosis because of Ocean Creature Hopes and Dreams, in SPACE, then going nuts for a while and just............. turning back into a juvenile salmonid. Honest to god I would be more okay with this happening if Smallfry had STAYED as a giant fish, because we know salmonids come in a lot of different forms and whatever they turn into is highly influenced by their life and battles up to that point. So hell, it would've made sense that Smallfry's adventure in Alterna and finally going up against what is basically the Salmonids' arch nemesis would've been a good arc for them to mature, but to pull that magic anime transformation and then just REVERSE IT is just.... You could say it's the salmon equivalent to what the Kraken is for inkfish, but that makes NO SENSE because whereas transformations like that are sensible for inklings which are creatures known to be able to do rapid metamorphosis and alter their body shape, A SALMONID IS A FISH. WITH MUSCLES AND FLESH AND BONES AND STUFF. what HAPPENED HERE bro
anyway thanks for this ask and yes, as you predicted, i believe that 90% of the plot holes in the alterna story are just because they did not have time or interest to make the story cohesive - because of the art book we now know that the Splatoon 3 story mode's first concept was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (although we know next to nothing aside from that), there's barely ANY concept art for fuzzy octarians, barely any concept art for Mr. Grizz, and literally zero mention of O.R.C.A. So at this time I fully believe that for one reason or another the dev team wasn't able to make the story they actually wanted to make, so the story we got was either rushed or just didn't have a lot of effort put into it and that's why everything about it feels so weird and quickly smacked together and it tries way too hard to have a cool climax to the point where it achieves nothing but confusion
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emily-ispirata · 11 months
Ok I’m not saying S3 is the best season by any means because we all know it’s got some Issues, but I do really love how Cleo’s character development in it.
I actually don’t think that she’s acting unlike herself for most of the season. Cleo’s been through a lot over the years, especially in season 2- her mom leaves, she has a major breakup, and then one of her best friends moves away. It makes sense that she’s not as innocent by the end of the series as she was at the beginning of season 1, especially if you consider that she goes from being 15 to being around 18 by the time the series ends. With her mom leaving, she’s forced to step up at home, and especially how her mermaid powers go sort of off the rails in the first episode of S2, I think it makes sense that she’s irritable and jealous and not always her best self that year. That’s a lot to be dealing with for a teenager! There’s absolutely times when she goes too far, especially with how she treats Charlotte. But it’s also unfair how the narrative punishes the girls (especially Charlotte, again, but this post is about Cleo lol) for basically being teenagers with a ton of responsibility and other stuff just sitting on their shoulders.
By the time we hit S3, it feels like Cleo has sort of hit her stride with dealing with her mom being gone. She feels more grounded and in a way that feels sort of like a natural continuation of her development in S1- becoming more self-confident, less naive, etc. I don’t think people give Cleo enough credit for being smart, even before S3. Sure, she’s sort of innocent and sheltered, but she also mentions being in calculus in like the third episode, and it’s clear that she and Lewis have been study partners for a long time, and they might not have developed that habit if they weren’t in at least most of the same classes. She doesn’t seem to ever really struggle academically until S2 when her breakup with Lewis sort of suddenly forces her to change her study method. The way that Don reacts to her failing an exam makes it seem like that’s very out of character for her (although is also a little bit of Don Sertori overreaction...) In any case, her having at least some history of doing decently in school means that her increased academic success in the last year isn’t completely out of left field.
As an aside, it’s also great to see her and Lewis just sort of, existing as a couple? For a whole half of a season? Which is not something that we get to see a lot of in the previous seasons. Most of their development centers around them getting together, breaking up, and getting together again, which is entertaining, but I love seeing how they interact as a couple who aren’t just focused on the will they/won’t they aspect of their relationship. In the first half of S3, you can see how the two of them work together trying to solve the mystery of the tentacle. It’s Cleo who’s determined to find the answer when they’re attacked, and it’s her who comes up with an idea to help Lewis find an alternative science project when she inadvertently messes his original idea up. Then, when Lewis has to leave mid-season, she’s matured enough to be willing to step up and do the work by herself. It’s unfortunate that it feels like Lewis has to leave for her to realize her full potential, but I like to think that if he’d stayed she’d have developed the same anyway, especially with how invested she was in figuring out the water tentacle in the first few episodes.
I don’t feel like she loses herself this season- she still feels like a mediating force who just wants people to get along, but she’s not afraid to call others on their shit when they’re acting out of turn, like Zane (S2 Zane would never, but again, we’re talking about Cleo...)
I might be sort of biased, because I relate a lot to her development this season- I too am someone who for years was perfectly decent at math/science but preferred the humanities and liked to make fun of my friends for being science nerds, but my last year of high school took some advanced science courses, ended up being a STEM major in undergrad and now has a graduate degree. And I also relate a lot to her struggles with stepping up into the “leader” role- it’s something that I struggled a lot with in high school as someone who was sort of the quiet one, but as I got older, I got a lot more self-confident and now fall more into the same “well if no one else is going to step up, I guess I’ll fucking do it” category. In any case, I don’t see her development in season 3 as being a completely different person, just as someone who’s grown up and through a lot of difficult scenarios over three years fully maturing and coming into her own.
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I'm also staying off social media these days I don't like it when people like him get atention because of her
Totally fair point, Anon.
I am less bothered by that - Blondie willingly lends her celebrity to boost the profile of people around her (am giving bombastic side eye to the gushing insta reel she made for the abysmal Conversations with Friends). If she’s going to have to recalibrate every aspect of her life because of her fame, she might as well use it to help those she cares about.
But there’s a fine line between sharing your fame and feeling like you’re primarily being used for your fame. If I’m being honest, I think that realization is contributing to why our fave green-eyed Englishman is so grumpy these days; there’s an imbalance in that relationship and I bet it’s hard not to feel like his celebrity is the draw not him as a person. Which suuuuucks.
Do I think the same potential exists here? Absolutely. It’s coupled with the sense that Blondie seems like a shiny, elusive trophy to an already decorated athlete who is looking to build his celebrity profile as his athletic career begins to wind down due to age.
I find him so off putting. The only other person in her orbit I ever found this creepy? Scott Borchetta, and that’s because he reminded me of all the gross wannabe Italian guys who glommed on to our family’s Italian community; my Mom immigrated from Italy as a child so has an actual connection to Italy, unlike slimy dudes like Scott.
And when I think of why TK bothers me, it’s because:
- he is enormous, and guys that large make me feel unsafe. In my past, large men have thrown their weight around (physically and metaphorically) trying to intimidate or dominate me and I hate it.
- his physical appearance reminds me of touchy, creepy, unsafe men with very short hair and/or moustaches I have encountered over the years.
- his overall approach to this (which makes my husband want to light shit on fire in rage): let’s relentlessly pursue a human person—in public—until she capitulates because “it would be rude to say no to the invitation”. What a wonderful example to set for creepy, clueless men everywhere, TK. This started with him disregarding her boundary and working all angles to get around it.
- individually he might be ok, but he’s the poster boy for a toxically masculine sport with a history of massive domestic violence issues, and violence issues in general. Some of which are related to brain injuries suffered by the majority of players.
I can speculate about all the reasons why Blondie would find this level of attention appealing. But I don’t want to see any of it. At all.
I know it’s rich, coming from someone who writes about Haylor. But if, say, Jack Antonoff or Aaron Dessner (who know and understand her, and see her at her most vulnerable) set her up with a partner, I would fall in line. This? Is not *that*. And while I loathe Justin Bieber (the rare Canadian I want to disavow), he and Selena really did care about Blondie when they orchestrated Haylor hang outs.
So: is this Hiddleswift 2.0? Jury is out, but it still seems like that, based on the posts from which I am hiding, lol.
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livvyofthelake · 2 months
fuckass book u say… what goes on…
hii abby i don’t even think you’ve been here to know what book i’m even talking about so i’m imagining you seeing that vague ass post and being like hm wonder what book beth read… only for me to tell you it was just call me by your name, known movie nobody on tumblr likes other than me <3 and i understand that no one here likes timmy due to the overexposure or whatever but you’re all really missing out because he really is that good. sorry i know this is the hates popular opinions website but sometimes an opinion is popular because it’s just right idk man….
ANYWAY. so we loved the book… well ok loved is a strong word. we had a fun yet tense time with the book… as we all know i like the movie a lot (clearly enough to put it in the timeless video twice never forget… and i stand by it i’d do it again and more) anyway so i am a big supporter of not getting to have real concrete opinions on things you haven’t seen/read/heard whatever. so my ass READ the text!!!! and i’m going to get into the adaptation process with helena’s ask later which none of you have seen but like. well it’s in my inbox and i’m going to talk so much about it i <3 discussing the adaptation process! i digress. the book was really good elio is SUCH a fucking freak to read about i adored him… he is literally like if nick carroway was alina starkov. he is utterly insufferable and also obsessed with that man. but in a way that is so teenage girl bipolar… the entire beginning he’s like UGH oliver is the WORST man on planet earth and he HATES me and i HATE him and somehow i’m still HORNY about it but he’s AWFUL and MEAN. and then he’s like oh wait actually i realized he’s just shy lol omg he’s just like meeeeeee fr!!!! it was crazy. And he really had me there for a minute i was like damn oliver sounds like he sucks remind me why this is a love story?…. i was like andré what are we doing… of course ultimately what he was doing was taking the reader into the character’s mind so we could experience the worst of what elio felt as well as the best. which was crazyyyyy you had to be there!! not that i’m recommending this book. well maybe i am. idk it’s hard to say. abby you’d probably like it actually i think you’d respect elio’s ever present horniness and loser energy about it. that was meant to sound friendly and loving i didn’t mean to insinuate that you’re a horny loser… but well i mean. um love you 😁🩷
i think overall i liked the writing and the only major things against it are that well. andré is still a man and as we know i rarely fuck with male authors. feels like every time i give a man a chance he lets me down and frankly. it happened again :/ must every fictional character going through a sexuality crisis get misogynistic with it? to be fair it wasn’t THAT bad i just didn’t like what he was doing with the female characters. it felt very like. you know how men just don’t see women as human beings? yeah. which is crazy because i looked it up and andré aciman has a wife. girl you HAVE to leave him i’m sorry but you need to there’s no way he’s the best you could do dear god… i understand that an author making certain characters less in a narrative doesn’t necessarily reflect how they feel about an entire group of people in real life. but i mean. i fear i just have very little faith in men. ALSO he wrote a sequel to this book. which first of all, call me by your name was published in 2007. and it’s sequel wasn’t even planned to be written until 2018. you’ll note that the film came out in 2017. capitalist ass…. anyway i read the plot summary of the sequel and it gave very Hates Women so. i’m sticking with what i feel. it also gave fanfiction a little ngl. it also made me hate elio’s dad more than i already did, which has always been a fair amount. but we mustn’t get into all that we don’t have the time. btw you’re not supposed to hate elio’s dad he’s supposed to be the jennifer garner love simon of this story. but i don’t like him and i never have even in the movie… but i do like him a bit more in the movie i’m mostly ambivalent about him in there but in the book i really didn’t care for him much. it’s not really hate so much as just dislike. but it’s enough to be worth noting!!
but i think the strongest thing about the book that really made it good was that it wasn’t so much a “love story” as it was one character’s reflection on intimacy in his life. a narrative being a Romance sort of posits that there are two characters of equal importance, but this is really just elio’s narrative and oliver exists only as an extension of elio. especially when you consider that the core part of their dynamic is that they’re so similar the edges between them blur. in a way you could read it entirely as a story about self respect and self love
but i digress. very jumbled ass post but what do you want from me you sent me a vague statement/question…..
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dbzebra · 1 year
Ok so, if Gohan doesn't hate fighting but also shouldn't be a badass fighter again, what should he do? No hate, I just never see anyone saying that on here and I want to know more.
Hey thanks for the ask! I’d be glad to expand on this. (I had a whole thing typed up but my phone died so I gotta start over 😭 lol)
Anyway yeah. Gohan never hated fighting. In fact it’s shown he does like fighting. He just doesn’t want to have the world ending battles and endlessly train.
People who think Gohan should do that just want Vegeta 2.0 and don’t get that SSJ2 literally warped his mind because he was so furious, like SSJ1 did to Goku on Namek. (Not saying you do I just wanted to refute the point that “Gohan should be badass fighter all the time” crowd says.
Super has him give up training, get weak, pick up training again, give up, train again, etc. despite having a flat out eye opener where he realized he had to train just in case. But then he just doesn’t and has to reunlock Ultimate again and we all know what happened. Superhero at least says he trained in secret which is a good mix. He’s working but still finds time to train and is seemingly ready to fight if needs to. I do have some problems with how the movie handled Gohan but nothing major. He can train and fight when he has to or wants to and then still go back to his family and live a happy life.
In the Cell Games he says “I don’t like to fight like my dad does.” That may sound like he means he just doesn’t like fighting but Gohan explicitly expressed interest in being trained by his dad in the past. Admittedly that line comes out of left field because it really isn’t established anywhere prior that he suddenly refuses to fight. Quite the opposite actually.
He likes to train for fun and fight when there’s no huge looming consequences. That’s why he seems so happy as Saiyaman, or how he gets excited about entering the Tournament. EoZ he even says “I should have entered” cause he’s embarrassed at the seats they got on the grass lol. Basically he does like to fight causally.
What Gohan meant by that quote at least to me is that he doesn’t like to fight the same way Goku does. Goku is a fighter. He fights to test himself and just get better. That’s just who he is. Piccolo even says that. ((I think Piccolo is a huge hypocrite during that whole scene but that’s another story)) While Gohan may enjoy recreational sparring/fighting and saving people he isn’t a fighter. If that makes sense.
Hope that wasn’t a jumbled mess lol
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