#and the more i learn about isreals history the more i stand with palestine
effervescent-fool · 10 months
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funny how he ends the conversation just as I'm about explain the entire timeline of the isreali occupation
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You are, in fact, not a leftist or even left aligned if you do not support Jewish people and denounce anti-semetic behaviors when you see them.
You can not call yourself a leftist, an alternative person (such as punk, goth, etc), or call yourself anti-fascist if you do not stand up for Jewish Voices.
There is an actual rise in not-zees in the USA and even other places. This is usually a mind frame seen in the EXTREME right and MAGA crowd.
Know your dogwhistles.
Such as "Have a totally joyful day" or "lizard people control the government," as some of the more well known ones. Which are blatant calls for Jewish hate.
I am Goyim, I am not a Jewish person. I have no Jewish ancestors. However, I was taught about Jewish history in the most dumbed down way any kid can. Then I took it on myself (as you're supposed to do) to learn MORE. I have read about the past, both ancient and modern, of what jews have gone through. The amount of hatred, judgment, and fear these people experience is beyond me. For simply existing.
And before ANYONE begins to say anything about Palestine, I am 100% pro-palestine. I support the nation's right to exist peacefully, to have jurisdiction over their land, just the same as I support the right for Jewish people to have a safe place. The occupational control of the Palestinian people, the fact Hamas was created by Isreal, the fact that thousands are dying right now as I type this out; none of this is okay. What Isreal is doing, what Netanyahoo is doing, IS NOT OKAY. All of this has been caused by white nationalism, anti-semetism, and colonialism.
Jewish people as a whole, and Muslims, are NOT TO BLAME for the genocide happening in Palestine right now.
If you read the history, if you KNOW things before you scream them at the top of your lungs, you'd also know this. You'd know to blame Europe for what it has caused. You'd know to blame Anti-Semitism and the UK for "giving" Jewish people, Isreal. You'd know to blame the USA for getting involved in anything in the Middle East. You'd know that NEITHER THE JEWS OR PALESTINIANS WANT THIS.
Propaganda is two sides of the same danm coin people. Listen. Learn.
There are DEFINENTLY people doing things that are cruel, unjust, and horrifying to Palestinians. However, fear mongering has led people everywhere to believe, "Look what this one IDF soldier did/said!" Means "look, Jewish people ARE bad! Think of the children!"
The same way that many Israelis are being fed the same propaganda about Palestinians/Muslims as a whole. SINCE BEFORE OCTOBER 7TH.
Lies will and HAVE came from both sides. This doesn't mean that everything coming out of Palestine is false by ANY MEANS. But it does mean that fabrications to aid your opinions will always and have always been part of how wars have been fought.
People who scream for justice for Palestine while screaming at anyone for being Jewish and inciting hate against them are just as bad as the people supporting said Genocide.
You can acknowledge that what's happening to the Palestinian people is caused by a terrorist state. While also continue to fight against the hatred, misconceptions, discrimination, and fear of Jewish people worldwide. This is not about "picking sides" between Palestinians and Jewish people.
This is about liberation. Full stop.
This is about ending the tyrrany.
You can not be anti-war and yet celebrate when war is being fought. This is not a football game. This is not chess. These are lives.
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neowinestainedress · 11 months
i don't usually use this blog to talk about politics (simply because i prefer to talk about it on twitter and instagram) but this time i want to make my stance clear and say that i stand with palestine and always will, so if you support israel in any way and think it's a legitimate state, please unfollow me and don't interact with me (and educate yourself and learn history, not for me, but for yourself and for the people palestinian that have been suffering in the past 75 years, and also all the other people in other countries that isreal attacked). i have a bigger platform now so i want to say that the least we can do is to talk and spread the voices of palestinians and condemn the genocide that isreal is committing right now.
i'm sharing this post because i think it's important to enlighten how much power we have and how much a small thing means to those who are suffering the most.
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this part doesn't matter, but i haven't been much on here because i don't have the light heart to come here and post as if nothing is happening right now (not condemning who does it, personally tumblr it's the place where i usually run to to take a break from twitter and ig when important things happen, but this time is too much and i'm not in the mood to be as active as i was before) so that's why i'm not replying to anything/taking more time to answer
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ask-heartslabyul · 9 months
I know this is completely out of the blue but, I just want to let y'all know that the owner behind this account stands with Palestine & supports Palestinian liberation. What is currently happening in Gaza is truly a tragedy and, it is heartbreaking seeing numerous photos and videos of civilians mourning the lost of friends and family.
What's even more heartbreaking is seeing Zionist justify the attacks and defending IDF soldiers who are literally killing and terrorizing innocents. There is no excusing genocide; what Palestinians are going through is an active ethnic cleansing.
What is happening in the north is reminding me of how privileged I am. I can eat, sleep, play games, and carry on about my day without having to worry about bombs and, if I'm going to live to see the next day or not. The innocents in Gaza deserve to enjoy their life. They deserve to do the same things I do without having to worry about the constant air strikes, white phosphorus, and the sound of gunshots that ring their ears. The people of Gaza deserve to sleep comfortably in their beds at night with full bellies. The children deserve to attend school regularly and, play with their friends.
But instead, they're taking shelter inside tents, schools, and hospitals with minimum food, water, and severe injuries. Nobody shouldn't have to be subjected to this kind of torture. What isreal is doing to Gaza should count as a war crime.
For those reading this please continue to boycott companies and corporates that both supports and funds Israel. Continue educating yourself and speaking out about what's happening.
Ignore and don't fall for the propaganda isreal and zionist continue to use. Ignore the notion that being pro-palestine automatically makes you "anti semitic". It doesn't, it makes you pro-human rights. Also if you're pro isreal or "neutral" on what's happening, then you're on the wrong side of history. You cannot be neutral on genocide and human rights. There is NO neutral stance here.
Free Palestine from the apartheid system. Free them from war. Return the land that rightfully belongs to Palestinians.
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progressivejudaism · 7 years
Hello! Do you have any resources for someone who is wanting to gather a deeper understanding for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict? I have considered myself Anti-Zionist for a while, but I'm very eager to gather an understanding of Israel's positions. There are extremists on all sides and I just want to make sure I'm standing by my beliefs for the right reasons. Thank you!
Hi there!
Sadly, everything that is *out there* is going to be very biased.  But I think that it’s important to understand the three major biases out there- and which one I personally prefer.
First of all, you have the two major extremes.  Both are dangerous, riddled with bias, and are usually filled with pure hatred. Although I can point to certain periodicals, websites, and writers that tend to lean in these directions, I would much rather describe them so you know what to watch out for.
One extreme argues for the Israeli far-right.  On this side, you will tend to see a narrative that paints the Palestinians and Arabs as all extremists, Islam as the most horrendous religion in the world, and will often be very-pro occupation.  They often argue that Palestine is a myth, that Palestinian nationalism isn’t real, and that all of the problems that exist in Palestinian society are their own fault.
On the other side sits the Palestinian far-right and the Palestinian far-left (often dominated by non-Palestinians).  Both paint Israel and the government as extremists, tend to scapegoat Jews, and develop narratives of “Good Jews vs. Bad Jews”.  Although very anti-Occupation, this dual-side will often argue that the entire land mass should be considered Palestinian territory, and portray Zionism as the worst ideology that has ever been created.  This side often uses antisemitism to propel their arguments.
Both groups ignore clear history/archaeology, they vilify the “other,” and only think in “black and white”.  Both are disgusting, horrendous, and gross examples of pure hatred, bigotry, antisemitism/islamophobia/racism.  That is why I like option #3: the centrist perspective.
Those of us in the middle, understand all of the issues of sitting on the extremes of this Conflict.  Some statements to exemplify this perspective can be: “the Occupation is a horrible injustice, but Israelis shouldn’t be subjected to extremists attacks.”
I suggest reading and learning about as much as you can while understanding these three perspectives that exist.  I personally will only ever post articles (and write my own content) from the third perspective.  I do not think that the first two are productive.  But, I personally take in news from all three outlets and I think that you should too.
And as asked, here are my own personal resources that I think are the best of the best!
The purest form of Progressive Zionism appears in a book written by Alex Sinclair called “Loving the Real Israel: An Educational Agenda for Liberal Zionism“. I HIGHLY recommend this book for understanding how we can successfully talk about Zionism once you are well versed in the history.
JewishVirtualLibrary does a fantastic job at sticking to facts in regard to all of its content and doesn’t often let emotions (or false narratives) get in the way of teaching real information.  I warn you, this site is extremely dense.. but it’s great.
MyJewishLearning also provides some great resources on Isreal.  They are much less dense and typically have a more center/left wing bias.  
The NY Times gives a relatively simple description of the last 70 years of war.  It seems politically center.
ReformJudaism.com has several articles about Israel which should be helpful.
For your convenience, I have listed some of the major organizations/sites that support Israel.  I have included where they fall politically.
*ARZA (Association for Reform Zionists of America):  The NorthAmerican Reform Movement’s lobbying organization to the World Zionist Congress which promotes Progressive Jewish and Zionist values. (center left)
*The Jewish Agency: “ The Jewish Agency for Israel brings Jews to Israel, Israel to Jews and helps build a better society in Israel and beyond.   Our Vision To ensure the future of a connected, committed, global Jewish People with a strong Israel at its center.   Our Mission Inspire Jews throughout the world to connect with their People, heritage, and homeland, and empower them to build a thriving Jewish future and a strong Israel.“  (center)
*JStreet: “J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate for policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” (center-leftish)
*AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee): “AIPAC’s staff and citizen activists educate decision makers about the bonds that unite the United States and Israel and how it is in America’s best interest to help ensure that the Jewish state is safe, strong and secure.” (right)
*If Not Now: “We are building a vibrant and inclusive movement within the American Jewish community, across generations and organizational affiliations. This movement is open to any who seek to shift the American Jewish public away from the status quo that upholds the occupation. “ (far left)
*Breaking the Silence: “is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life. Our work aims to bring an end to the occupation.“  (far left)
*Shoreshim / Roots:  An organization that brings Israeli Settlers and Palestinians together  (Center-left)
*Backgammon in Jerusalem  (Center)
*Yad v’Yad (Hand and Hand):  Palestinian/Israeli schools (Center)
*NasDaily: a 20-something-year-old Palestinian citizen of Isreal who makes 1-minute videos each day.  All of his videos are fun, some promote coexistence and love between Arabs and Jews. (center)
I hope that this helps, friend!  Please let me know if you have any other questions!
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