#and the option should be called the name of the treatment that makes cancer patients lose their hair instead of just
dancinjanssen · 2 years
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Imagine just saying insensitive stuff like this with zero thought behind it. 😒
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groupnembutalstore · 5 months
Farydak Capsule Dosage Guidelines
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In the realm of cancer treatment, precision and efficacy are paramount. One groundbreaking option in this landscape is Farydak capsules. Understanding the dosage guidelines for Farydak is crucial for both patients and healthcare professionals seeking optimal outcomes. Let's delve into the dosage intricacies of Farydak capsules.
What are Farydak Capsules?
Farydak, with the generic name Panobinostat, belongs to a class of medications called histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. It is indicated for the treatment of multiple myeloma, a type of cancer affecting plasma cells in the bone marrow.
Initiating Farydak Treatment: Dosage Initiation
Initiating Farydak treatment involves meticulous dosage titration to ensure safety and efficacy. The recommended starting dosage is 20 mg orally once every other day for three doses per week on Days 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 of a 21-day cycle. This dosage regimen is accompanied by dexamethasone and either bortezomib or lenalidomide.
Adjusting Dosage: Individualized Approach
Dosage adjustments may be necessary based on individual patient tolerability and treatment response. Healthcare providers should closely monitor patients for adverse reactions, particularly gastrointestinal and hematologic toxicities. Depending on the severity of adverse effects, dosage modifications, interruptions, or discontinuations may be warranted.
Optimizing Treatment: Maintenance Dosage
Once an optimal therapeutic response is achieved and adverse effects are managed, maintenance dosing of Farydak is essential to sustain treatment benefits. The maintenance dosage typically involves continuing the last tolerated dosage level or adjusting based on individual patient response.
Dosage Modifications: Special Considerations
Special populations, such as patients with hepatic or renal impairment, may require dosage adjustments to mitigate potential risks. Additionally, concomitant use of medications with known interactions should be carefully evaluated, and dosage modifications may be necessary to prevent adverse drug interactions.
Patient Education: Empowering Patients
Empowering patients with comprehensive knowledge about Farydak dosage guidelines is integral to treatment success. Patients should be educated on proper administration techniques, potential side effects, and the importance of adhering to prescribed dosing schedules. Open communication between patients and healthcare providers fosters a collaborative approach to treatment management.
In the landscape of cancer treatment, Farydak capsules offer a promising therapeutic option for patients with multiple myeloma. Understanding and adhering to Farydak dosage guidelines are imperative for optimizing treatment outcomes and minimizing adverse effects. With a personalized approach to dosing and vigilant monitoring, Farydak holds the potential to unlock new avenues in the fight against cancer.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
What is the recommended dosage of Farydak?
The recommended dosage of Farydak (panobinostat) typically involves a 20 mg capsule taken orally once daily on Days 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 of a 21-day cycle, followed by a 7-day rest period. This regimen is usually repeated for up to 8 cycles unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider.
What should I do if I miss a dose of Farydak?
If you miss a dose of Farydak, take it as soon as you remember on the same day. If it's already the next day, skip the missed dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not take extra capsules to make up for a missed dose. Always consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about missed doses.
Are there any special instructions for taking Farydak capsules?
Yes, Farydak capsules should be swallowed whole with a glass of water, preferably with food. It's important not to crush, chew, or open the capsules. Additionally, avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice while taking Farydak, as it can increase the risk of side effects.
Can the dosage of Farydak be adjusted based on individual factors?
Yes, your healthcare provider may adjust your Farydak dosage based on various factors such as your overall health, any side effects experienced, and how you respond to the treatment. Never adjust your dosage on your own without consulting your healthcare provider.
What should I do if I experience side effects from Farydak?
If you experience any side effects from taking Farydak, it's important to notify your healthcare provider immediately. They can provide guidance on managing side effects and may adjust your dosage or recommend other interventions to help alleviate symptoms. Do not stop taking Farydak without consulting your healthcare provider, as this could affect the effectiveness of your treatment.
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nikitas78ms · 1 year
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Patients with cancer go through a wild and troublesome excursion that calls for boldness, perseverance, and a widely inclusive way to deal with care. Cancer findings can be distressing, yet patients should stay coordinated and learn during their cancer consultation. Patients could feel more in charge and prepared by building an encouraging group of people, finding out about their condition, and understanding their treatment plan. Keeping up with taking care of oneself schedules, talking sincerely with clinical experts, and taking care of mental prosperity are significant. Also vital are administering well-being precautionary measures, taking care of monetary issues, and overseeing aftereffects. Cancer patients ought to constantly recollect that they are not experiencing peacefully and have an organization of help accessible to them. Patients can move toward their cancer venture with additional confirmation by finishing a complete agenda and requesting guidance from their medical services group.
Here is a free agenda for cancer patients to ensure they are good to go and coordinate their excursion:
Clinical Subtleties:
● Keep a duplicate of your well-being history, including your finding, suggested course of treatment, and experimental outcomes.
● make note of your medical services group’s telephone numbers, including those for your essential consideration of doctors, oncologists consultation, and differently trained professionals.
● Make a note of the multitude of medications you are taking currently, including their names, measurements, and particular directions.
Emotionally supportive network:
● Contact your friends and family so they can be of daily encouragement and help you while you’re getting treatment.
● To meet individuals going through comparative battles, contemplate joining support gatherings or seeking guidance.
● You should pick an essential guardian who can assist you with arrangements, drugs, and everyday errands.
Clinical Staff:
● Make a rundown of your medical services group’s telephone numbers and addresses, including oncologists, specialists, attendants, and different trained professionals.
● make note of the dates, times, and particulars of your planned arrangements, methodology, and follow-up visits.
Monetary and Protection Issues:
● Look at the points of interest of your health care coverage plan’s inclusion, including the deductibles, copayments, and realities in regards to the degree of its treatment and medication inclusion.
● Examine the monetary help projects, awards, or establishments accessible to help with doctor’s visit expenses, transportation costs, oncologist consultation fee or other associated charges.
● Keep a record of all the cash you spend on clinical consideration, including solicitations, receipts, and protection claims.
Treatment Methodology:
● Know each part of your treatment methodology, like the points, expected period, and any unfriendly impacts.
● With your medical care group, survey every therapy plan’s experts, cons, and possibly other options.
● To remain coordinated and guarantee you miss no arrangements or therapies, make a schedule or therapy plan.
The executives of Aftereffects:
● Ensure you are aware of any conceivable unfavourable impacts from your prescription, and converse with your clinical staff about administration and counteraction strategies.
● The closest clinic or treatment office and your medical care experts ought to be on your rundown of crisis contacts.
Wellbeing and Taking Care of Oneself:
● Heeding the guidance of your clinical group, keep a sound way of life by following a decent eating routine, drinking a lot of water, and practising regularly.
● Put away opportunities for taking care of oneself through practices like Yoga, reflection, or pleasant side interests that help you loosen up and diminish pressure.
● To manage any close-to-home or mental troubles you might be encountering, look for help from advisors, advocates, or therapists.
Security Measures:
● Particularly on the off chance that your safe framework has been undermined by treatment, avoid potential risk to decrease the gamble of contaminations.
● To bring down the risk of incidents and wounds, keep your living space clean and clear of likely perils.
Support and Correspondence:
● Lay out a line of genuine and open correspondence with your clinical staff and offer any concerns, requests to consult oncologist online, or changes in your well-being.
● Consider naming a medical care advocate who will go with you to arrangements, record data, and stand up for you.
Recollect that your unique necessities and treatment approach ought to be matched to these measures. Continuously talk with your medical care group for explicit guidance and bearing all through your Cancer experience. Visit cancerconnext.com to book a FREE teleconsultation for your Cancer-related questions.
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helvaticacare · 2 years
Principles For Anticancer Therapy
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Cancer has a reputation as a silent killer. Despite the many advancements in the medical field, cancer remains elusive and tough to foresee and cure. Medical and lab testing in oncology have gone so far as to diagnose the malignancy and mitigate or treat the consequences once the disease is confirmed. While cancers with a hereditary strain are easy to predict through preventive molecular diagnostics backed by genetic science, the causes of certain types of cancers are yet to be known.
Constant developments in molecular and genetic science and technology in oncology research have resulted in newer anticancer therapies, such as targeted therapy, to replace traditional chemotherapeutics in treating numerous forms of cancer. Further research is expanding the treatment options almost every few years. Given the rapid improvements in biotechnology, therapy development is also inclined towards harnessing natural resources or compounds and utilising them as a potential cure for cancer.
In the area of molecular diagnostics used in cancer treatment, Helvetica Health Care (HHC) provides a broad range of lab testing items that meet exacting criteria. In this post, we provide you with more details on the anticancer therapy concepts that guide treatment programmes and the function of molecular diagnostics in laboratories for cancer diagnosis.
Principles Of Anticancer Therapy
Anticancer treatment's primary goal is to identify how the tumour will likely evolve so that the proper course of action can be taken. Since every case is unique, anticancer therapy should be assessed for each patient after taking into account all relevant features.
The delicate and protracted process of treating cancer begins with a process called disease staging. Many tests are run after a cancer diagnosis to determine the grade and stage of the tumour tissue, the amount of the disease's spread throughout the patient's body, and the severity of the disease. In addition to helping surgeons, oncologists, and other healthcare professionals categorise the tumour, accurate staging also provides them with information about treatment options, planning, and predicting the prognosis of the illness.
Prognosis and evaluation of the potential risks are also identified in staging, which can determine the need for standard approaches or participation in clinical trials. The choice of therapy also depends on individual factors. A comprehensive assessment of the patient’s general health, age, preferences, beliefs, quality of life, nutritional status, social support, and mental health is performed. This assessment helps make informed decisions influencing therapy options and the ability of the patient to tolerate therapy.
Therapy determination requires the setting of a general therapeutic goal. Anticancer therapies must aim to cure, control or prolong the patient’s survival or the palliation of symptoms and to prevent complications. If the patient’s disease status changes, the goal may have to be re-examined. The goal also justifies the side effects of the treatment, whether temporary or permanent.
Anticancer therapies often involve
curative treatment,
adjuvant treatment and/or neoadjuvant treatment and
palliative and symptomatological treatment
Curative treatments, as the name suggests, are intended to cure the patient by complete excision of the tumour (through surgery) and aim at recovery. Some curative therapies are intensive and can result in total remission of the disease. However, despite total remission, there are often chances of a relapse. Hence, curative treatment may become palliative in nature.
While surgery continues to be the primary curative therapy, many associated treatments have emerged over the past few decades. The combined methods and techniques that are most adopted in human oncology are surgery and/or chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, cryotherapy and immunotherapy.
Adjuvant therapy assists more complex treatments or impedes undesirable development (recurrences, metastases) while participating in concurrent, preferably curative polytherapy. Adjuvant treatment commences post the primary curative therapy (usually surgery).
Neoadjuvant therapy is administered “before” the primary tumour is removed, eliminating probable systemic damage.
Palliative treatment, on the other hand, is not aimed at recovery but only improves symptomatology and/or helps to prolong life while offering a chance to live a healthy life.
Sometimes curative treatments produce a palliative effect, but never the other way around.
Treatment planning requires a multidisciplinary approach that may need to be applied throughout the cancer treatment process. An integrated team approach enables medical and allied health care specialists to weigh all appropriate treatment alternatives and design a unique treatment plan for the individual.
Modalities For Cancer Treatment
Fortunately, today several anticancer therapies can destroy cancer cells and assist patients in recovering from this serious disease. Patients can be suggested a combination of these therapeutic options based on the treatment goal and plan.
Today, oncology has the following modalities.
Chemotherapy (combined with hormone therapy)
Antineoplastic drugs
Biological and molecular targeted therapies (which are supportive treatments)
Nano Therapy
Gene Therapy
Hormonal Therapy
The detection of neoplastic diseases is proven to be based on advanced molecular diagnostics. The identification of high-risk families and the assessment of each family member's cancer risk are made possible by molecular or genetic testing. By using commercially available sequencing panels for hereditary ovarian and breast cancers, it is possible to evaluate the majority of the genes connected to hereditary cancer issues. In addition, genetic testing is quite effective at identifying melanoma, chronic myeloid leukaemia, and cystic fibrosis risk factors. Molecular diagnostics can also find biomarkers that show a treatment's effectiveness.
The EXTERNAL RUN CONTROLS, NAT controls, panels and serology controls supplied by HHC are designed to validate your molecular testing. Using these external controls we help you create confidence in lab testing procedures and while promising consistent molecular results. Many of our controls are CE / IVD. The use of external controls is highly recommended under ISO15189:2012, as they provide an independent verification that the molecular assay is working correctly and thus their use provides an assessment of quality.  
Our products offer better patient safety, promise quality outcomes, and confirm the competence of medical laboratories by customers, regulating authorities and accreditation bodies competence. Some controls have been developed in collaboration with leading platform manufacturers to optimise concentration levels in line with the particular platform.
Contact us to find a suitable control to validate your molecular lab testing applications.
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Sunshine on A Cloudy Day: Sana x Reader
tw// chronic illness, hospitals, needles, mention of cancer
it’s a high school au btw
this is based on my personal experience. pls be respectful as it wasn’t easy for me to write this :)
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Your alarm played through your room, waking you up immediately. You pressed snooze at least seven times before actually getting up and dressing yourself for the long day that was to come.
You pulled on your favorite t shirt and pajama pants before tugging on a sweatshirt. You checked the time before packing your bag, making sure to add your laptop and phone along with their chargers, snacks, socks, favorite stuffed animal, and a few extra school assignments.
By the time you made it downstairs your mom was already waiting for you. Quickly she handed you an apple and muffin to eat on the car ride.
“Okay sweetie I have a meeting this morning from 8 until 11. I’ll bring you lunch, just text or call and tell me what you want.” Your mother spoke not taking her eyes off the road as she drove.
Your mom pulled out her wallet and handed you two familiar cards, telling you to tuck them away until someone inside asked for them.
“Alright sweet girl I’ll be back soon, if they have any issues call me and I can sort it out.” Your mom kissed your forehead before letting you out the car, watching you walk inside before driving away.
Your feet felt heavy as the familiar smell of saline and disinfectant filled your nose. You grabbed a disposable mask off the lobby desk and put it on.
As you started to walk towards the elevator a woman called after you “maam!”
You turned around and pulled down the mask “don’t worry I’m still a minor. I’m going to the 4th floor.”
The woman nodded and gave you a thumbs up with a smile before turning back to check in adults.
It was still early so not many people were in the hallways, except the emergency wing. It is always packed no matter what.
You made your way to the fourth floor hoping if you wakes slower you just wouldn’t have to go. But that wasn’t how it worked and you knew it.
When you entered the waiting room you found a seat by the window. The dull grey sky offered no source of light, leaving you to rely on the fluorescent ceiling panels for brightness.
“Miss Y/LN?” The woman at the desk called your name, waving you over.
“Good morning sweetie haven’t seen you for a few weeks now.” She smiled as she spoke her tone was calming but also happy.
She asked “you got the insurance card for me?” You nodded and handed her one of the cards waiting for her to tell you how much you owed for today’s visit.
“And you have a $30 copay today, would you like to take care of that now?” You nodded and handed her the second card your mom gave you earlier. She finished checking you in “alright they’ll call you back in a bit.”
You sat down and pulled out your phone knowing that your girlfriend was actually awake now.
Y/N: hey
Sana 💞: good morning jagi
Sana 💞: you have an appointment today right?
Y/N 💘: yeah...kinda just wanna go back home
Sana 💞: it’s okay i’ll come over after school and make it better
Y/N 💘: you don’t have to i’ll be fine, this isn’t new
Sana💞: no girlfriend obligations
Sana 💞: i’m coming and you can’t stop me
Y/N 💘: okay fine
Y/N 💘: i’ll text you later, they’re calling me back now
It didn’t take long for your nurse to call you back and get you situated in a treatment room. There was only one other patient along with you. It was a little girl no more than 3 years old. You didn’t know exactly what she was getting but your heart broke at the thought considering what department you were in, Cancer and Blood Disorders.
It took 3 hours for your IV bag to get delivered to your floor so you turned on the tv hoping something good was on. You settled on Moana, the only thing that wasn’t the news.
“Alright love we just got your bag, you know the drill, vitals every ten minutes for the first 30 then i’ll come every hour. We should have you out in 5 hours if everything goes well okay?” Your favorite nurse Haseul explained to you quickly what was going to happen.
You found yourself in this same spot with her every couple weeks so she knew how you liked things to go.
“So how’ve you been missy? How’s Sana?” She poked your side getting you to smile for the first time today.
You told her “she’s really good...I haven’t seen her in three weeks though. She got sick for two and she had finals this week, but today is her last one.”
Haseul checked “so you didn’t see her when she was sick right? You know you can’t be around that with your anemia.”
You nodded softly remembering why you were even in the hospital in the first place. What was once a slight iron deficiency quickly turned into a chronic anemia that couldn’t be healed with oral supplements. Doctors had no other option than to put you on infusion treatments which sucked.
Although people were definitely going through worse, especially in this department, that didn’t take away from what you dealt with. The constant fatigue, dizziness, falling asleep in class, hair loss, being malnourished, all of it a constant reminder that you weren’t like most.
“Y/N!” Haseul snapped her fingers in front of your face.
You blinked rapidly “sorry what?”
Haseul responded “it’s okay I just needed to make sure you didn’t pass out on me. I need to put on your heart monitor.” She placed the stickers on your chest before grabbing the IV kit she placed on your lap earlier.
“Alright in your hand or arm today?” Haseul knows you prefer the arm but she always asks in case you change your mind.
You simply pointed to your arm before extending it so she could access your vein. Finding your vein was no problem, as you still had a raised bump from the last time you got treatment.
“Okay...and one two- there you go.” Haseul secured the IV with a Tergaderm, which was weirdly enough your favorite part of this whole process.
She left you and cane back every ten minutes to check your vitals before disappearing to help another patient for a bit.
You ended up spending the first two hours dozing in and out of sleep, waiting for your mother to call you. Eventually you did in fact wake up, and to the smell of your favorite food.
Your mother sat in a chair next to you on her phone talking to who you assume is a coworker. Quickly she hung up the phone so she could talk to you instead.
“Hey hows it going so far?” She asked with slight concern.
You told her “ fine just sleeping to pass time that’s all.”
She smiled before handing you a bag of food hoping it’d bring some form of joy to your day.
You both ended up enjoying an early lunch together but unfortunately she had to leave the hospital for an emergency meeting. It wasn’t unusual for this to happen so you were used to it, she’d simply be back at the end of your appointment.
Your phone buzzed next to you, pulling your attention away from your mother’s absence.
Sana💞: how are you doing so far?
Y/N💘: it’s good. I’m watching Aladdin now :)
Sana💞: i wanna be there with you rn instead of in math class
Y/N💘: your day is almost over then you can see me
Y/N💘: think of it that way
Sana💞: yeah but i still wish i was with you
Y/N💘: soon
Sana💞: ok fine. i have to go i love you
Y/N💘: i love you too babe
Around the third hour you became irritable and ended up walking the hallways with Haseul. She was honestly the only thing that made you feel normal in this place.
When the two of you got back you were tired and worn out from the walk. It didn’t seem like a long distance to most but you definitely were feeling it.
You found your spot back in the treatment room, sitting in your chair and reclining it back. Just as you were going to close your eyes Haseul called your name.
“Y/N. You’ve got a visitor would you like her to come back?” Haseul didn’t bother to open the curtain to tell you who it was so being the curious girl you were, you allowed it.
Sana walked in with a smile on her face, it was like your sunshine on a cloudy day. It was clear she had just finished school as she was still in her uniform, and she was wearing her backpack.
“Ho- Sana? Why? How did you even get in here?” You asked her through a laugh.
Sana responded “nobody stopped me downstairs and I know you’re on this floor. The lady at the desk outside was very nice too!”
You immediately sat up, not realizing that was a bad idea given your position. Closing your eyes tight you tapped your finger on the arm rest of your chair, waiting for the dizziness to stop.
When you opened your eyes you saw Sana in front of you, a frown on her face. It broke her heart to see you, her girlfriend, in this state. You always tried to make it seem like you weren’t sick but it was very obvious that you still were no matter how much you pretended otherwise.
She placed a blanket over you before running her thumb along your face and softly saying “my baby girl...”
You smiled at her knowing it might possibly make her less sad but it didn’t do much.
She could tell you were tired so she told you “it’s fine just sleep.”
By the time you woke up it was time for you to leave. Haseul had flushed your IV and took your vitals for the last time while you were asleep.
Your mother was downstairs in the parking garage waiting for you and Sana so you could go home.
It was clear by the look on your face that you felt nauseous, a common side effect of your treatment, from the second you stood up.
Sana gathered your things and help you put on your sweatshirt and bag before you two headed downstairs.
You interlocked you’re hand with hers as you felt dizzier with every step you took. She could tell you were having a hard time but she knows how much you try to hide it. When you both made it to the car you fell asleep almost instantly.
Sana helped you to your room, quickly helping you to bed before stealing some of your clothes to wear for herself.
You sleepily held out your arms for her, a soft whimper leaving your lips. She crawled under the covers and you immediately clung to her. You were shivering as if you were standing in snow with only a bathing suit on. Your hands and fingers started turning blue, indicating you body temperature was dropping, a side effect of treatments.
Sana pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head as your fingers curled around her shirt, holding her close.
It only took ten seconds before you started sobbing into her chest. As much as you wanted to pretend you were fine and not in pain, you couldn’t hide it anymore. Breaking down in her arms you sobbed until you fell asleep. She felt terrible knowing there was nothing she could do to fix it, but she knew that you appreciated her being there for you.
You only slept for an hour before you woke up in a cold sweat. Your t shirt clung to your back as you kicked off your blankets seeking some sort of way to cool yourself down. That did little to nothing so you scrambled to the bathroom hoping cold water would do the trick.
Sana knew this was yet another side effect of your treatment, a high fever. Your cheeks burned red as you splashed your face with water in the sink. Much to your relief it worked and you were finally able to get back in bed with her.
Your girlfriend held you in her arms tight as if she never wanted to let go.
“Thank you...” You softly spoke as she drew small circles along the small of your back.
“For what?” She asked curiously.
You mumbled “everything...just everything you do for me.”
She giggled softly “you know i’d do anything for you baby.”
Mumbling softly you told her “i love you.”
She responded quickly “i love you too.”
Letting your eyes close you further melted into her embrace as she tightened her arms around you. In the back of your mind you were reminded why you always said i love you before you fell asleep. Besides the fact that you did in fact love her, but if you happened not to wake up tomorrow, the last thing she heard from you was those three words.
Nevertheless you hoped and prayed you’d wake up in the morning to see her smiling face.
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plannedparenthood · 5 years
Medicaid vs. Medicare
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Disclaimer: Planned Parenthood believes in using gender-inclusive language. However, when we’re referencing government data and statistics, we have to use the data points they chose, which often don’t reflect the full range of gender identities. We hope that in the future, all research will better reflect and respect the diversity of gender. 
It’s easy to mix up Medicaid and Medicare. They sound super similar and they’re both well-known government programs that help people get health care across the country. But it’s important to know the difference so you and the people you care about can benefit.
The Difference Between Medicaid and Medicare
Although Medicaid and Medicare are complex, here’s the main difference: 
Medicaid is insurance that aids people of all ages who have low incomes. Medicaid covers 21% of the U.S. population.
Medicare is insurance that primarily cares for people ages 65 years and up (with any income).  Medicare covers 14% of the U.S. population.
Here’s where this gets tricky: Medicare also covers people of all ages who have disabilities or who are on dialysis — including people who need reproductive health care, such as birth control and pregnancy services. What’s more, people can be on both Medicaid and Medicare at the same time. (For these “dual eligible” beneficiaries, Medicare pays their claims first and Medicaid pays second.)
What Medicaid and Medicare Have in Common
Overall, Medicaid and Medicare provide health care for almost 108 million Americans. These federal programs also provide health care to a greater number of women than any other single source in America. 
Together, their coverage includes several reproductive and sexual health care services — like wellness exams, STD tests and treatment, cancer screenings and treatment, prenatal and postnatal care, and labor and delivery. 
Medicaid: America’s #1 Source for Reproductive Health Care
When you think of Medicaid, think of it as THE reproductive health care program in the United States. Here’s why:
Women and girls are the majority of Medicaid’s 75 million enrollees. 
Medicaid covers more women’s health care than any other payer.
Nationwide, Medicaid covers one in five (21%) of all women and girls of reproductive age. That’s 13.2 million people ages 15 to 44 years old. 
Medicaid covers nearly half of all births and 75% of family planning services.
Medicaid Serves People of Color
Due to racism and other systemic barriers that have contributed to income inequality, women of color disproportionately comprise the Medicaid population, or roughly 57% of women in the program overall. And they are also over-represented given their share of the general population. For example, 30% of African-American women and 24% of Hispanic women are enrolled in Medicaid, compared to only 14% of white women. 
Why is that important to know? Because any limits on Medicaid hurt women of color in particular. 
One example of a limit on Medicaid that hurts women of color: states refusing to adopt Medicaid expansion. As a result of the Affordable Care Act, adults who don’t have children and have incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level are entitled to Medicaid coverage if their states choose to expand Medicaid. To date, 37 states (including D.C.) have adopted the Medicaid expansion, and 14 states haven’t adopted the expansion. States that haven’t adopted Medicaid expansion lag behind in covering people with low incomes and vulnerable populations.
Medicare: Meeting Your Health Care Needs Later in Life
Similar to Medicaid, the majority (56%) of Medicare’s older enrollees are women. That’s 24 million women, ages 65 and up.
Medicare covers some of the same sexual and reproductive health services as Medicaid, but not all. Whereas Medicaid always covers birth control, only some Medicare plans do. That’s because Medicare focuses on the needs of older adults. To that end, Medicare covers special services for older women — like bone density screenings and medication for post-menopausal osteoporosis. 
Because of the gender pay gap throughout their lives, older women are more likely to live in poverty and qualify for Medicaid than older men. Of the 50 million Medicare users age 65 and up, more than half (56%) are women. The gender disparity grows larger as people age: Two of every three Medicaid beneficiaries age 85 and up are women.
Who Pays for Medicaid & Medicare?
Medicaid is a jointly-run federal and state health insurance program.  This means both state and federal tax dollars pay for Medicaid. 
Medicare isn’t a joint federal-state program. Instead, Medicare is a federal insurance program. So, your federal tax dollars mostly pay for Medicare.
Do Planned Parenthood Health Centers Take Medicaid and Medicare?
Most Planned Parenthood health centers accept Medicaid, and some providers at Planned Parenthood health centers accept Medicare. Find a Planned Parenthood health center near you to learn what insurance plans they accept. You can also call 1-800-230-PLAN to speak with a Planned Parenthood staff member who can help you figure out coverage and costs. 
Whether you have Medicaid, Medicare, any other insurance, or no insurance at all, you can always visit your local Planned Parenthood health center for the care you need, when you need it.
Can Medicaid and Medicare Cover Abortion?
No, in most cases, you can’t use Medicaid, Medicare, or any other federal health insurance program for abortion. 
An unfair policy called the Hyde Amendment blocks federal funding for abortion with three narrow exceptions: when the pregnancy could kill the patient, or when the pregnancy results from rape or incest. Federal health programs cannot cover abortion even when a patient’s health is at risk and their health care provider recommends they get an abortion.
Still, 16 states with pro-reproductive health leaders have taken the bold step to cover safe, legal abortion with state funds for people who use Medicaid. That includes 15 states already covering it and Maine, whose coverage law will go into effect March 2020.
Failed Efforts to “Defund” Planned Parenthood Have Targeted Medicaid Beneficiaries 
Anti-abortion politicians in the Trump-Pence administration, Congress, and certain statehouses across the country are trying to put safe, legal abortion out of reach. One of their key tactics is attempting to shut down Planned Parenthood through legislation they misleadingly named “defunding.” They made up that misnomer to confuse people about how funding works at Planned Parenthood. 
“Defunding” policies block patients who use public health care programs — like Medicaid and Medicare — from accessing preventive health care at Planned Parenthood health centers. Preventive health care includes birth control, STD testing and treatment, and cancer screenings.
The politicians behind “defunding” don’t care that their policies make Planned Parenthood patients lose access to lifesaving preventive care. “Defunding” has one goal: to shut down Planned Parenthood and make safe, legal abortion harder to access (along with a lot of other sexual and reproductive health services).
Getting Political
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)’s Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) oversees the two programs. How you get your health care in the United States depends on what HHS prioritizes. And changes politicians make to Medicaid, Medicare and CHIP mean the difference between millions of people getting reproductive and sexual health care — or not. 
Right now, CMS is overseen by Seema Verma, a former corporate health care consultant who thinks maternity coverage should be optional and made millions of dollars dismantling Medicaid in Indiana. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood out of the Title X program through a dangerous gag rule. 
If you care about health care access in America, stay up-to-date on the politics behind Medicaid and Medicare. Visit PlannedParenthoodAction.org to learn more and get involved. 
Open Enrollment
You may qualify for low-cost or free health insurance through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), depending on your income and what state you live in. If you qualify for either program, you can enroll anytime without waiting for the enrollment period. To find out if you’re eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, visit your state’s Medicaid agency. 
-Miriam at Planned Parenthood
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thethyroidrelation · 3 years
Finding a good endocrinologist is one of the best things you will do for your thyroid health.
Searching for an endo (Endocrinologist)…
After my thyroid surgery, I was automatically referred to an endo by my medical insurance. The doctor was in Scottsdale, Arizona while I was located way out in West Phoenix. For my health absolutely it was worth driving the 40 miles each way to visit him, but with the pandemic and all the issues happening in 2020, I found it would be better to find one closer to me.
I did my research, I googled the best endocrinologists in Goodyear, Arizona or 15 miles from here, I looked at their Google reviews, I went onto my health insurance website and looked at reviews on there, I looked at the doctor’s website, checked out the endo and how long they had been caring for patients with thyroid issues and especially patients who had just had a thyroidectomy and would need lifetime care.
I didn’t know what I was doing. Hell, I didn’t get much of an explanation about what this would mean to me for the rest of my life. I needed someone who really cared about the future of their patients. This entire process has been very enlightening, like getting hit with a bat in the face and seeing stars. I finally understood that it is not up to the surgeon or the endo to tell you how something is going to affect the rest of your life, you have to find out for yourself. The information you receive about how you should take care of yourself and what’s coming next is about 1/3rd of the information you actually need. Use the power of the internet, find like-minded people, join support groups, and ask questions, so many questions. That’s the only way you will make yourself feel better. 
Finding an endo….
So after a lot of research, I found the endo that I was certain was going to help me get through the first stages of my life without a thyroid in the best way possible. This endo has 5-star reviews, people just praising the way she changed lives and helped them through their situations. So I booked my appointment. I had my little journal ready to write down notes, I had questions I was ready to ask because I didn’t know what I needed to do to lose weight and that was forefront on my mind at the time. This was before I felt like shit, I still had hope I was always going to feel even half the amount of energy I still felt so I was genuinely naive about the whole thing.
The day of my appointment comes and I leave work early so that I can drive straight to the endo’s office and get there a little early to fill out paperwork.  I get there and I notice the building is nice and I can tell this office has good visitation so that makes me feel even better about my choice to come here. Everyone looked happy and they were smiling, so I kept telling myself this is it. Only… I just didn’t feel right. I kept telling myself I was overthinking things which I always have the bad habit of doing so I shut off the voice in my head and waited until my name was called for my turn to be seen. 
What the hell kind of endo is this??
After getting my blood pressure checked and being told that my heart rate was at 125bpm and waiting 10 more minutes, in walks a tiny lady who would be my new endo. The endo has a foreign accent and talks very fast so from the get-go I was having trouble understanding her. For privacy, I will call her Dr. Hollis. Dr. Hollis tells me about my blood tests and I know this because she is showing me the physical tests on her laptop although I can’t understand what she’s saying, I don’t know what any of it means, and she’s not slowing down to explain it either. 
Then she stops and starts scrolling through my chart and I see her eyebrow perk up and she looks at me and says “you had thyroid cancer, why aren’t you taking care of yourself, your blood tests are unacceptable!” Holy Shit I almost had a meltdown in that room. It took everything in me not to get up and flip her off and walk out of that room. 
I answered pissed off and if I could have chopped off her head with my eyes I would have. “I am here because I don’t know anything about my condition, and as my endocrinologist, you are here to help me figure this out right?” Wow, talk about a match made in patient/doctor relationship heaven.  That conversation set the tone for a year of care from her. In that year, I saw her 6 times. She had my thyroid medication Synthroid dose at 175mcg, and to counter the heart rate I was on 25mg of Atenolol. She would not lower my dose of Synthroid because all she would tell me was that the “cancer would come back” if my dose was lowered.
When I can no longer ignore my negative relationship with my doctor…
In October of 2019, I met with the endo to review my latest set of blood tests and she gave me the grim news that it looked like cancer had returned. Can you imagine the horror I felt when she said that to me? My blood tests were showing something in my blood so I was probably going to go through radiation again and if that didn’t work I was going to have to have neck surgery and remove any lymph nodes left and any tissue that may be lingering in my thyroid bed. I mean it was just that cut and dry. Again, when I would ask her to explain things to me it would take extra dedication from me to sit and listen intently and ask extra questions about what I THINK she was telling me because she was hard to understand. She told me I would need to do another Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test and depending on the results I would need to do radiation. I stopped her before she could say anything else, I said no. 
I told her I would not be doing any more radiation. I was done drinking poison only to feel worse. This was the good cancer it wasn’t supposed to ever make an appearance again. And here I am getting ready for round two. Nope. I was going to do things my way and I would come back to get the MRI in three months. She looked at me and said “ok”. So just OK. An endo who doesn’t try to tell you about why it would be dangerous not to do treatment and go nomad may not have your best interests in mind. Also, a doctor who pushes you to do a certain treatment and does not try to listen to the options you think might work may also not have your best interest in mind. Keep that in the back of your head when being “ordered” to do something. 
My family was worried about me. They were worried that I had said no to radiation, but they were also worried if I did do it. They were stuck as I was stuck about this whole thing but I deserved a chance to try something else. I tried a holistic approach and dedicated the next 3 months to meditation and cleansing my body of toxins.  I scheduled the MRI after 3 months and it came back cancer-free. No cancer cells showed up. It is February of 2021 and to this day I have not had to do radiation again and I hope to keep that going. 
After that, I switched to another endo. When she told me that there was a great possibility that I would have to do radiation again, everything about her energy gave me NO HOPE. NONE AT ALL. I don’t need anyone like that in my life and none of you do either. I removed her negativity and surrounded myself with the help and love of those who believed in me. If your endo isn’t someone you can count on, I hope you have a way of finding one who is a blessing and not a burden to you.  
Finding an endo that cares enough to stop me from giving myself a heart attack…
Again I looked for a year for an endo. My thyroid medications had refills so I wasn’t worried about getting those, but I knew it was probably time to get my blood checked again. I needed to make up my mind about an endo. I had found one that I was feeling good about, but after this nightmare experience, I was afraid of what I was going to walk into. 
When I finally met my new endo, he was the complete opposite of what I had experienced. He took his time to answer my questions and took blood tests on the spot. I have a confession to make, because I was never able to get any help with the chronic fatigue I was experiencing, I started taking Armour thyroid along with my Synthroid. I did this all on my own out of desperation and didn’t think that I was probably killing myself. I told my new endo this and he was naturally alarmed. I had lost a great amount of weight, I couldn’t sleep at all, I was shaky all the time but the worst part was my heart. I was putting myself at risk of heart failure and I didn’t even know it. I felt really stupid. 
He has helped me realize the importance of my situation, and I no longer take any medication without a prescription from him first. Finding this endo has helped me understand why my dose needed to be lowered and how keeping me at such a high dose was putting me at risk of death already. I am not 100% better but I do feel a lot better now. It’s a work in progress but now I have hope where before I didn’t. The doctor also explained to me that my situation with cancer is not one that will just disappear which was how it was explained to me before. I will always need to find ways to keep it at bay… that is my realistic future and that’s the type of honesty that your medical providers need to give you. Everyone is different and no situation is the same so although I don’t doubt my previous endo was and is great for her patients now, she was not the one for me. 
Your endo is very important to your well being. The endocrinologist has the power to stunt your progress or make it grow by leaps and bounds so ask questions freely and openly, let him/her know how serious you are about your personal situation and that you want to be actively involved in getting better. 
Find an endocrinologist in your area: 
AACE - Find an Endocrinologist Near You
Find an Endocrinologist
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A Dermatologist in Dubai Promotes Healthy Skin
A dermatologist is the professional who is trained to cure various skin-related problems. A dermatologist is well trained in providing first class medical treatment in all types of skin disorders. This has made them very popular all over the world. Nowadays, there are several dermatologists who have opened their offices at different parts of the world. Let us find out the best 10 dermatologist in Dubai and the places where they perform their medical work.
The Jeddah Medical City is one of the largest medical cities in the World. This place also houses some of the famous dermatologists in the World. All of them accept all major insurances including Jeddah Insurance. On top of that, here are some of the clinics that are fully-staffed with the latest technologies. Furthermore, all of them have the most up-to-date X-Ray machinery.
On the other hand, bella viso medical center is considered as the largest cosmetology centre in Dubai too. It is famous for its many beauty clinics which offer all types of skin-care services. Besides, this city houses the only female facial surgeon in the World. Apart from medical services, here you will also find some of the best spas in the World. In fact, all those who are seeking a good method to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks on their skin should look here.
The second best dermatologist in Dubai is Dr. bin Benjamin. This is located in Al Maktoum Street. As compared to the other centres, this place has the only one-story building and therefore, has all the modern amenities that is needed for any type of clinic. Moreover, it has a one-storey swimming pool which is very relaxing for all who visit.
Third is the Dr. Houshmand. This is actually the fifth largest dermatologist in Dubai. This place is situated in Bur Dhabi. If you want to look for a good dermatology centre in Dubai, then you must visit this place. Apart from medical services, this place offers luxurious spa and saloons to all who visit.
Fourth is the Dr. Atta Al-Khatib. This is considered as the biggest dermatological centre in Dubai. It offers various procedures to cure all the skin related issues. Apart from curing your skin, it also offers cosmetic and dental care to all its patients.
Fifth is the centre called Dr. Mahaveer Mehta. It is situated in Al-Saleh Street. This dermatologist in Dubai is famous for its amazing techniques in cosmetic dentistry. Apart from this, it additionally has a number of other services that will help you improve the way your teeth look. In addition to that, it has a number of wellness centres and gyms for you to improve your overall physical fitness.
Basically, all these dermatologists will be able to provide the best services to all their patients irrespective of the religion or their background. The most important thing that should be remembered before choosing any of these doctors is that you should always choose the one who has experience in the field. You can find all the required information about these doctors on the internet as well as in any of the medical college in Dubai.
Before opting for a dermatologist in Dubai, it is very important to know what specialization he or she specializes in. This will help you a lot in making an informed decision. You need to be aware about the various procedures and their pros and cons. Moreover, you should also know the difference between cosmetic dentistry and dermatology. This will help you differentiate the two and find a suitable professional who will suit your needs.
One of the most popular medical specializations in Dubai is ophthalmology. The name of this specialist may remind you of a famous cartoon character, but it is true. Ophthalmologist in Dubai specializes in treating eye disorders and diseases. Some of them are involved in procedures such as corneal surgeries, glaucoma surgery, laser eye surgery, etc. Another specialization that is widely practiced in Dubai is dermatology. There are several ophthalmologists in Dubai who are responsible for the treatment and diagnosis of different dermatological problems.
Dermatologist in Dubai specializes in treating many skin diseases, which include acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, skin cancer, etc. These specialists are also involved in various surgical procedures that are used to treat different kinds of skin conditions. Therefore, if you are suffering from any skin problem, you should immediately consult a dermatologist in Dubai to find the best treatment option.
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rainydaysofspring · 4 years
My first ever fic on here...
Prompt: She had a bad day and just needed something to make it better. Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Dr. Liliana Summers) Trigger warnings: mentions of death, poorly written medical procedures, Angst and fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
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All Liliana wanted was, for this day to be finally over. Ever since she got up this morning in her bedroom, the day has just been getting worse and worse. It seemed like every minute, something went wrong.
It all started with her favorite light blue pair of scrubs, with her name embroidered, getting stained when she spilled her coffee this morning and her, not having enough time on her hands to get changed again. When she left her apartment, she noticed she had forgotten her keys, but of course, after she closed the door. Her only option was to go home with one of her roommates later on or to get there after either Aurora or Sienna went to their flat since both of them had shorter shifts today. The T was hopelessly overcrowded, the guy behind her eyeing her as if she would be a raw slice of meat. If only he knew she had a boyfriend much, much better than him. The thought of Ethan, already at work, made her grumpy state a little bit better, the thought of seeing him in a few minutes even more. She left the train and walked to the hospital, however it started pouring rain the second she stepped off the roofed area. She had the choice between being late and staying dry. If Zaid ever found out, she was late, he would be chewing her out again. So, she took option b: Getting soaked, but being on time.Steeping foot in the atrium of Edenbrook, Liliana was completely drenched in water, her scrubs ruined even more. She somehow got to the locker room without drawing too much attention to her by waiting patients and their families and changed into a fresh and, more importantly, dry pair of scrubs.
Luckily the resident survived rounds, without any further disturbances, so she almost thought her bad day would take a turn for the better. That thought was made way to early, how she noticed later.Liliana saw, that all her regular patients were stable and taken care of, she decided to put in a few hours at the free clinic. The halls were full, as always. When she got to one of the nurses, she assigned a few patients to her, the first one was a nice kid with a high fever. The child's mother also described that the toddler couldn't keep any food down. Liliana quickly diagnosed the girl with the stomach flu and was on her way to the next patient. That's how the hours went by, stepping from one patient to another, nothing majorly dramatic. 
But then, her last patient proved again, what this day was: horrible.As Liliana entered the room and introduced herself, she wasn't greeted with the patient telling her what's wrong, instead, he complained about almost everything." I came here three hours ago, I'm an emergency, I need to be taken care of immediately." Liliana tried to reason with him and to explain to him, that their nurses decide who sees a Doctor first based on the severity of the case, not on the time the patients have spent waiting. "Then your nurses are either blind or didn't get proper education! Don't you see that I'm an emergency?" The resident remembered Mr. Platt, the giant PITA she had to treat in her intern year. The man in front of her had a great resemblance to him, in how he spoke to her. When asked, what his symptoms were, her patient just showed her his hand, where she saw a light burn. So much for the emergency, she thought. While treating the injury, the man complained several times more, either about how something the Doctor did wasn't to his liking or how Liliana didn't look like a doctor, more than a nurse. When he brought that up, in combination with the words "hot" and "sexy" she was disappointed that Ethan was not around, his response might have made the patient shut up and learn some respect for the work of both, nurses and doctors. She finally finished his treatment and left the free clinic for today.
 Walking up to the diagnostics floor, she thought about Ethan and how she hadn't seen him the whole day long. That fact alone made her mood go down a few inches more. After she checked all of her other patients again, she decided she would visit someone.She eventually made it to the pediatric wing to see on one of her former patients who she formed a bond with, a 9-year old girl named Amelia. Liliana diagnosed her a while ago with cancer, staying with her through her first chemotherapy was certainly the start of a great friendship with the little girl. Anytime she swung by, even just to say hello, a smile formed on the lips of the 9-year-old, she was happy to see her favorite doctor in the hospital. Liliana's main goal was, to cheer her up a bit since hospitals and chemotherapy were certainly scary for a girl that age.She went to her usual room, Number 159, just to find the bed empty. An uneasy feeling crept up her spine on her way to the nurse's station. She asked Lynn, her favorite nurse on the pediatric team, about Amelia and the answer could've made her cry right there, in the middle of the ward."Amelia died last night. She fought so hard, but the cancer was too strong, poor thing." Crushed, Liliana quickly thanked Lynn and excused herself.
She eventually reached the locker room and was relieved, when she found it empty. Enough time to calm down a bit and then finally go home and lay in her bed. The moment she sat down on the bench, her pager went off. "What on earth now? I wanna go home!" she exclaimed. The message on the pager read: "Car Crash, multiple vehicles. All hands on deck." With a groan, Liliana stepped out in the halls again and made her way down the pit. When she arrived, all she found was controlled chaos. Paramedics wheeling new patients in, many of them in critical condition. She sprung into action and commanded her intern, Esme, to do triage, just like she had to last year. 
The resident took a patient herself, a woman in her late 30s, with a shard of glass stuck in her abdomen. She was unconscious, intubated, but stable, for the moment.  The resident, along with several other doctors begun to treat her, when suddenly, she heard a loud beeping sound echo through the room. Someone yelled "CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE!" ´, while Liliana already sprung into action and began chest compressions on the woman. Another doctor grabbed paddles, in the team they tried to get her heart back to beating.After 62 Minutes of doing CPR and trying to bring the patient back, they gave up. Someone called the dreadful words "Time of Death: 10.17 p.m.” and slowly, the room got emptier until it was just her in there. 
The second loss this day hit her hard. Harder, then it should, she knew that herself.She heard the door open but didn't care who entered. Ines' voice spun her out of her trance, slowly getting her back to reality. "Liliana, how long have you been here? You look tired." Her voice, filled with concern rang out. Liliana did not answer, she just shook her head. "Go home. We've got the situation under control, you can end the day." Ines told her. While muttering a quick "Thank you", Liliana left the room and didn't even care to change out of her work clothes, just grabbing her things and getting on the T.She drove a few stops further, then she needed to for her apartment, since the only thing she wanted after this day, was to see Ethan. 
While getting off the T and walking to Ethans Home, Liliana couldn't hold her tears in anymore.She finally reached the apartment complex he lived in and rang the bell. A confused voice answered, but when he was greeted with your sobs only and a quiet "It's me.", he opened up immediately. Liliana took the stairs and finally stood in front of the man she loved, whos presence she needed so much after the day she has had. "Lili. What happened?" Hearing the nickname only made her cry more, her sobs limiting her ability to breathe. Liliana stepped into the flat, being greeted by a happy Jenner, who jumped at her legs. Ethan closed the door, approaching his girlfriend cautiously, he didn't want to startle her. After Jenner was done with his greeting, Ethan slowly came nearer and just engulfed Liliana in a hug. 
On that feeling, the young doctor in his arms almost crumbled. They both fell to the ground, when Liliana's legs gave out under her, the exhaustion and sadness of this day taking over her body completely. Ethan pressed her head against his shoulder, stroking her hair gently, muttering things like "It's gonna be okay." When she didn't seem to calm down and started hyperventilating, even more, he picked her head up from his shoulder and cupped it with his hands, forcing her to look at him. "Lili. Calm down, breathe with me, okay? I need you to take a deep breath." As she tried her best, Ethan continued to encourage her, watching her slowly calming down. A while later, when the tears stopped cascading down Liliana's Cheeks, he picked her up bridal style and carried her over, into his bedroom, slowly laying her down on the soft mattress. The feeling of the soft fabric under her made her realize how tired she was. Ethan got into bed next to her, watching his girl as she drifted away, into a peaceful sleep she desperately needed.
So, what do you think? My first upload with my own writing, I finally did it. I apologize if any grammar errors are in there, I tried my best and English is not my native language.
Love, Lili
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inshlt · 3 years
Indian Society of Heart and Lung - INSHLT
Indian Society of Heart and Lung
Transplantation of internal organs has succeeded in bridging the gap between birth and death for the greater good.  consistent with  current research, transplantation surgery  could be  a critical health assurance for society.  many  thousands  of individuals  all  round the  world need organ transplants. Organ transplantation  is that the  only  thanks to  save patients with terminal organ failure. Let's discuss how the heart-lung transplant society works  during this  article.
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What is heart-lung transplantation?
A heart-lung transplant  may be a  significant procedure  during which  a patient's damaged heart and lungs are replaced with those from a donor. When all other treatment options have faltered,  it's provided to individuals with heart and lung failure. For unsalvageable simultaneous cardiopulmonary dysfunction, a heart-lung transplant is undertaken.  for a few  individuals, organ transplantation  may be a  proven life-saving treatment option. Congenital cardiac disorders are  the foremost prevalent underlying illnesses that necessitate heart-lung transplants. There are a limited number of eligible donor organs available for this procedure, therefore patients who just require a heart transplant are given priority. Heart-lung transplants are only suggested after  a radical  examination and deliberation. Blood tests, urine tests,  vital sign testing, lung, and heart function tests, X-rays, and scans are among the tests one will undergo before a transplant.  The evaluation will  happen  at the transplant center closest to you. This diagnosis aims  to supply   a radical  picture of your present condition  and appearance  for underlying issues  which may  prevent you from receiving transplantation. A single individual  doesn't  decide whether  you're  a candidate for a heart-lung transplant. Members of the Indian society of heart and lung agree. If  you would like  a heart-lung transplant,  you'll  be placed on a transplant  roll  until appropriate donor organs are accessible. This might take months, if not years. Your condition  are going to be  checked regularly while  you're  on the  roll . Your transplant heart-lung transplant society  are going to be   ready to  provide you with any information, assistance, or advice  you need  at  this point . 
How does the heart-lung transplant society function? If patients require a transplant, one must first apply for a spot on the nationwide  roll . To be placed on the  roll , approach a transplant hospital or a transplant society and inquire about the procedures.
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If the transplant medical staff concludes  that you simply  are  an appropriate  candidate for a transplant,  you'll  be added to the national waitlist. Then  you've got   to attend . It's impossible to predict how long  you will have   to attend  for a donation. Everyone’s name  are going to be  added to the list of potential candidates. Once an organ becomes accessible,  it's  evaluated  to ascertain  if all of the patients  within the  group are compatible. The heart lungs are first provided to the transplant institution with  the simplest  compatible applicant. Following established hospital records and other considerations, the transplant team  and therefore the  Indian society of heart and lung choose whether  to simply accept  or reject the organ. If the transplant center declines the organ, the procedure continues with the transplant center of  subsequent  recipient on the list until the organ is transplanted. Eligibility criteria   Potential donors  are often  individuals  of varied  ages. When someone passes away, their medical records and age are  wont to  determine whether or not  they're   an appropriate  donor. Medical eligibility for donation  is decided  by the medical professionals and transferred to the Indian heart-lung transplant society. Each transplant programme  is predicted   to determine  criteria  for choosing  both receivers and donors, and patients must  be told   of those  criteria. Race, gender, and economic status are irrelevant when it  involves  saving lives. When matching donors and recipients, only  blood group , physique, patient condition, location, and tissue type are taken  under consideration  after various levels of diagnosis and screening.   Diagnosis and Screening: The following tests  could also be  required before a heart-lung transplant: Chest x-ray CT scan Heart catheterization Desaturation studies Pulmonary function tests (PFT) Echocardiogram 6-minute walk test Electrocardiogram (EKG) VQ scan Blood work Manometry Barium swallow Dopplers (bilateral lower extremity and carotid) These tests will offer detailed information for the heart-lung transplant society  to guage the performance of your heart, lungs, and other bodily systems  to make a decision if  you're  a transplant candidate. The Indian society of heart and lung transplant will  look for  alternate methods to treat your lung failure wherever feasible to avoid conducting a lung transplant  timely . What  to try to to  after a transplant? For  the primary  three months following surgery,  you'll be closely monitored by the transplant doctor or the heart-lung transplant society, especially for any signs of rejection of the transplanted heart by your body or infections. Your pulse,  vital sign , weight, and  blood heat  are all checked regularly.  albeit   you're  recovered by  that point ,  do not forget  your clinic dates after three months. For  the primary  4-8 weeks after surgery, eat proper meals. Even  then ,  confirm  you're getting all of the nutrients  you would like for a healthy heart and blood circulation. Vegetables and fruits high in calcium and iron are especially important. Low-fat dairy products, herb species, and fresh greens are all good choices. Keep your meals on schedule and nutritious  in the least  times. Your doctor and heart-lung transplant society would recommend any prescriptions or procedures that are required.  you'll   got to  use them for several months or  the remainder  of your life. Make them  a neighborhood  of your everyday routine so  you do not   ditch  them. To avoid illnesses,  it's  critical  to stay yourself clean. Bathe regularly. Keep your home and surroundings dust-free. Following a heart transplant, some individuals develop  carcinoma .  it's  critical to avoid direct sunlight exposure and  to stay  the skin clean. Even if  you're  not diabetic,  you ought to  keep  an eye fixed  on your  blood glucose  levels and limit your intake of carbs and sugary foods.  it's  essential to exercise regularly, as directed by your doctor. What  to not  do after a transplant? Excessive mental or physical stress is hazardous to one's health.  vital sign  levels may rise as a  results of  mental stress. Lifting large objects or performing  diligence  that puts stress on the breast bones should  even be  avoided. Smoking and drinking are dangerous after a heart transplant because  they will  cause transplanted heart resistance, lung infection, or cancer, all of  which may  be fatal. As a result, refrain from smoking and ingesting alcoholic beverages. Fatty meals may raise cholesterol levels, sweet foods may raise  blood glucose levels, raw seafood may cause bacterial infection, and grapefruit may cause your transplant medicines to become too high in your blood. Controlling spicy and quick meals  is additionally  necessary. This advancement in  practice  should  end in  new health initiatives that  aren't  now available. The crucial necessity  to show  death into life, which is what organ transplants represent, necessitates the death  of somebody . People must realize  this  critical solution to the inevitable progression of patients  affected by  serious organ failure,  also   because the   incontrovertible fact that  our bodies are  a definite and priceless source of health beyond demise and walk forward join hands with a heart-lung transplant society to donate organs for  a far better  future. Your single decision can save  a stunning  life. For more information call us at 91-9582001600.
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My Breast Cancer Journey: Part One
I Have Cancer
Hi my name is Joanna, I’m 29 years old, and I have breast cancer. I-have-breast cancer. It is such a weird thing to say, to acknowledge, and to actually verbalize. Since finding out my diagnosis, I have been in a bubble. Sure, my close friends and family were made aware of what was going on, but to the rest of the world I am the same old Joanna. This bubble has been nice and safe but I think I have stayed in it long enough. I refuse to give this cancer anymore hold on me by treating it like this dirty little secret. Having breast cancer isn’t something I can hide and it isn’t something I should be ashamed of. It is the new reality I am living. Although sharing with you all is scary, it makes me feel strong and empowered. Do I feel this way all of the time? Absolutely not. But that’s okay. When I do feel this way, I will hold onto the feeling and draw strength from it. 
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, things moved at an exceptional speed. Which is a good thing but it is also a lot to absorb. You’re making choices you never thought you would have to make. For example, removing a lump or an entire breast and preserving your fertility options. So much information is coming at you and it’s hard to compartmentalize. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming that you can't breath. The decisions you have to make aren’t small ones, and you need to make these decisions in a quick fashion. 
A lot of people were shocked with my diagnosis based on my age, and believe me, I was too. Even though my mom has breast cancer and my grandmother died from breast cancer, never did I think it would be something I would need to worry about.But cancer doesn’t discriminate. Young, old, family history, no family history, it really doesn’t matter. 
I found the lump myself one evening. The next day I went in for a breast exam, the following day I had a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy. Normally, they don’t allow people my age to get mammograms unless there is a lump to be felt or there is a significant family history. I’m fortunate I got paired with a good doctor who advocated for me and that I was able to advocate for myself. There is so much more I could say regarding mammograms and early detection for women under 40, but I will save that for another post. From when I felt the lump to when I got my results, it was 7 days. Those 7 days were definitely the longest 7 days of my life.
On Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 I received the phone call that ultimately confirmed what my mind was already trying to reluctantly prepare for. Although I am a hopeful and spiritual person, I am also a realist. There is really no way to prepare yourself for cancer but I always kept the possibility in the back of my mind while waiting the results. 
I don’t have all of the answers about my breast cancer yet, getting answers is a bit of a process. What I have learned so far is that my cancer is considered higher grade. You’d think, like in school, a higher grade is a good thing. But with cancer, not so much, it basically means more aggressive. Look at me, always the over achiever! 
On November 26th, 2020 I met with a surgeon and was left with the choice of removing the lump or removing my entire right breast. This was a hard decision to make and I had to make it quickly. I ultimately made the choice to do away with my boob, based on knowing my cancer was more aggressive. My mind set is that I will do whatever it takes to live and to survive. I can always get another boob. Although I was confident in my decision, I was scared of losing my boob. At the end of the day, I was losing a part of my body, which isn’t normal. On December 2nd, 2020 my right boob and I parted ways and it got sent away for testing. I’m not going to get into too much detail about my mastectomy and my recovery. I’m going to reserve that for another post. I will say that it was an emotionally and physically draining process. I survived that hurdle and have more hurdles to come. I am proud of myself for making it through that and if you have had a mastectomy..you should be proud of yourself too. 
On December 30th, 2020 I learned a little more about my cancer. Although, my pathology was still pending (finding out my stage and if the cancer spread to my lymph nodes) I did learn that my cancer is HER2 positive. HER2 positive is basically a protein and this protein essentially promotes the growth of cancer cells. HER2 positive breast cancers tend to grow and spread faster than other cancers, which is a terribly terrifying thing to hear. However HER2 positive breast cancers respond really well to treatment. There are drugs that target the HER2 protein and kick its invasive little ass. It makes me feel more internally organized to have a name for my breast cancer. Although I don’t know my full cancer journey quite yet, I do know I will be doing chemotherapy and a year’s worth of injections that will combat that bitchy HER2 protein. There is more I would like to speak to but it is a lot and could be overwhelming to another girl reading this who has been newly diagnosed. Consider this post part one of the cancer journey I am on. 
When I was diagnosed I feverishly went searching online for answers and more information about breast cancer. Doing a deep dive on google is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes the information you find is worst case scenario stuff. I would recommend writing down your questions and bringing them to your doctors appointments; get your information right from the source. Your mind is going to spiral and wander regardless but speaking to my doctor and getting the RIGHT information helped to ease my mind a lot. 
I also spent hours looking on YouTube and blogging websites for women my age who were going through the same thing. Breast cancer at 29 is different than breast cancer at 55. Breast cancer at any age is difficult and each age group brings a unique set of struggles. One major thing I learned is that there are A LOT of us out there…like a lot. Women under 40 getting breast cancer is increasing and when we get breast cancer there is a trend that it tends to be more aggressive. I discovered a lot of stories and videos, from an American perspective, of women who had double mastectomies with reconstruction. Although this isn’t my current journey, I do commend those women for sharing their stories because I did gain knowledge and understanding from them. However, care in Canada is a bit different because our options and our health care system is different. 
Moving forward I hope that my posts can help the next newly diagnosed girl who is on her computer searching for similar experiences. I hope that professionals in this field who come across my posts gain knowledge from the patient experience side of things. It is my personal goal to advocate for how services can be improved for those of us with this diagnosis. Things can be easier for us and the load can be lessened. I hope that if you are supporting someone with breast cancer, that the posts help in your ability to understand and support. 
If you’re still reading this, thank you for taking the time to listen to me. If you know someone newly diagnosed, please refer them to my page. I will posting information about each stage of my journey, my experiences, helpful hints, coping strategies, and more.  
Have an awesome day and I will chat with you soon. 
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I would recommend that anabolics aren't detectable for months though, several will certainly have a very comparable time program to ostarine, relying on the dose and also approach of administration. This does highlight the requirement for many years round out of competition screening. Evaluating techniques have actually been developed and reported for these medications, with several professional athletes having actually examined favorable for Andarine. S.A.R.Ms, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are an unique class of molecules that are being established to deal with conditions that are presently being treated with AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids). Make certain you are completely knowledgeable about what any kind of SARM you prepare to utilize can fully supply. Pay attention to the recommended dosage as well as the timeframe to use it. Begin with the lowest possible dosage, and afterwards slowly raise it if needed.
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Hcgenerate is also really efficient in boosting the production of testosterone as well as can be stacked together with S4 and LGD. You will certainly be stunned at just how much body fat you are going to drop as soon as you use it in mix with eating in a shortage. There are different methods which body builders can embark on a reducing procedure. They can either do it within an extra extensive duration or within a much shorter one.
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If you are knowledgeable regarding these preparations, you will certainly understand that the affordable price of supplements is a red alarm. Discretion is the primary advantage of getting sports supplements on the net. However you should not fail to remember the rate, convenience, as well as access to a range of items. When it comes to SARMs, you can order them from both Canadian and also international web sites. several UK lgd 4033 ligandrol Sarms authorized physical suppliers for SARMS are supplement shops throughout Canada. These places have an excellent track record as well as have actually gotten on the market for years.
Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae - pnas.org
Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Posted: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
A complete pct, instead of a small pct with other SARMS, is recommended after a cycle of LGD. While it might not be fairly as suppressive as anabolics, the reductions is a lot greater than other SARMS, therefore, needing a complete PCT. The Lingadrol pure bodybuilding SARMs are similar to the Ostarine in terms of activity but quite different.
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To highgrade labs Shop Uk sarms test base supplement Sarms image that's just how I educate, add this treasure with some MK667 (little endurance - more assisting the additional appetite not go to pure fat). It is not a wonder treatment, but it will enable you with inadequate to reduced incongruity, make gains, as constantly decrease all outside variables and this thing is tremendous.
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery - Science Advances
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery.
Posted: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
At Phcoker.com we sell several types of SARMs online, and also all of them are pure, reliable and premium quality. This way, you have the assurance that our items will certainly supply beyond your assumptions. All you got to do is order from us, as well as we will certainly deliver the items to your area within the quickest time possible. This is because they might be combined with poisonous chemicals as a result of a poor manufacturing procedure or quality control. Underhanded suppliers might additionally include weak products to the medications to raise the quantity and also earnings. Mislabelling is one more vice usually done, and also many bodybuilders succumb to it.
Overall survival is expected to be consisted of as a second endpoint, but will likely not be powered or called for to show analytical relevance. " It's not really just putting on weight that you desire, the objective is to include lean muscle mass, and also you additionally need improvements in muscle mass feature. That's the quandary," claims Julian Gilbert, president of Acacia Pharma, which has a product in phase II testing. Presently, only the progesterone treatment Megestrol is removed by regulators to deal with cachexia, when related to HIV.
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Stacking is the procedure where you take numerous kinds of SARMs at the same time to quicken the procedure of bulking, cutting and recovery. SARMs are extremely versatile since you can either choose to utilize them on their own or as part of a stack. along with exercise caused a 50% mitochondrial growth in the muscular tissues, and consequently, the tissues had the ability to produce even more power therefore decreasing exhaustion.
Another earlier stage prospect to just recently come on the radar is Amgen's AMG 745; although no tests appear to be recurring today the company lists it as a phase I candidate. The medicine inhibits myostatin, a development hormonal agent that itself prevents muscle development. Vicus' VT-122 is a dental mix of propranolol, a non-selective beta adrenergic receptor blocker, as well as etodolac, a COX2 selective enzyme prevention. The company believes by synergistically targeting several pathways, cancer-induced systemic swelling can be attentuated and also, ideally, cachexia turned around. A phase II research was started last December in sophisticated liver cancer cells people being treated with Nexavar. The 80-patient study will measure pain, performance status and also lean body mass.
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The body, for that reason, features as if it is in malnourishment setting as well as via this, there is a radical decrease in the body fat. While many steroids in the marketplace may bring about bone wastefulness or loss, SARMs will certainly not. They are really discerning in their action therefore not most likely to hurt your various other tissues.You possibly would not wish to damage your body tissues even if you want others to enhance in dimension. That's the reason many individuals that intend to enhance their performance prefer utilizing SARMs since they will only alter the tissues that result in growth in the size of bones and muscles. Ostarine or MK-2866 (CAS #) is a study chemical developed originally by Merck Inc. and also currently possessed by GTx Inc
LGD-4033is a careful androgen receptor modulator, and also a novel non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to Androgen Receptors with high fondness and also selectivity. It remains in a course ofandrogen receptor ligands that is cells careful, created to treat muscular tissue squandering connected with cancer, severe as well as persistent illness and also age-related muscle loss. It is clear to you that every one of the above-described actions require considerable funds, yet also a lot of time and also job. Reduced selling prices are insufficient for suppliers to return the financial investment.
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If, after sonication, the 'solution' has actually gelled, has a persistent haziness, or has a scum drifting externally, the peptide has most likely not dissolved however is merely finely suspended.
The worldwide peptide therapeutics market is expected to be worth $24 billion by 2020.
In both techniques, the main goal is to protect as much muscle mass as feasible. MK-2866 will certainly aid shield your gains because it is a moderate SARM and also functions well when there is a calorie shortage.
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Just picture what could take place if you went full-bore and were a perfectionist? The only thing I can not do is contrast this to roids - they perhaps better but fuck understands that from as well as what their variation will certainly do! , however I have a regular order with JW Supps due to the fact that, me being human as well as vulnerable to life, these guys aid me with some initiative in the gym, get where I need to be.
It isan excellent medicine for reducing fat and also stay healthy as an athlete. Its everyday use is normally around 10mg for simple recovery from serious ailments or pains. This kind of pure SARMs prevents testosterone that has a lot more anabolic attributes than testosterone itself. People using this pure SARMs has a tendency to dose twice a day, however it is not suggested for the initial users due to the fact that excess usage might establish side effect. In no question, pure SARMs are splendidly made, and the item has been validated by medical professionals to reduce muscle mass or bone pain, mind problems, aggressiveness, and also even cancers. Do not be surprised that various systems can point out a range of functions that this approach provides. This is because; the significance and also benefits to the body system can not be overemphasized.
As the name suggests, SARMs have the capability to pick the particular receptors they are going to bind to. This is a substantial impact when it pertains to remaining healthy and balanced and feeling your ideal while taking such products. You do not have to accept turmoil and negative thoughts within the mind and body so as to get the advantages you desire. The 2nd significant benefit is they do not featured a long listing of dangerous negative effects. It is motivating when you can obtain benefits for your body as well as your mind with SARMs, as well as not have to be excessively worried regarding the damaging components. Peptides function by making changes to the human endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid as well as various other hormone producing glands. Modifications to this system can have extremely serious results in relation to human development, growth as well as reproductive systems.
This is utilized off-label in cancer individuals, as well as works by enhancing cravings. Steroids are likewise utilized, to develop muscular tissue, yet neither of these therapies promotes reliable development of well operating muscle-- a large obstacle for any treatment. The loss of muscle mass as well as fat can damage an individual to such an extent that the cachexia is the cause of death in several cancer individuals-- up to 20% according to some quotes. It likewise leaves patients less able to eliminate the underlying disease and endure chemotherapy, or various other cancer killing representatives, along with increasingly obstructing day-to-day activities. With PMag the beginning of crazy pumps is fairly fast but no such thing was experienced with LGD. I got approx 5kg mass (fat+ muscle mass) on Pmag as well as have actually not discovered any kind of such body make-up distinction with LGD.
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I started taking these and also I might see gains being made after the initial week. I have actually attempted afew sarms currently and also saw the best gains on these for certain. I do not typically create evaluations and this website does not seem to reward when you do, not an issue, however I have found these reviews helpful to for my very own ends so wished to share the love. Gents, go down the representatives, up the weight and keep the rest periods traditional yet sincere.
. MK-2688 belongs to a class of chemicals called SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators. Compared to testosterone, the sex hormone, the advantage of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic task in non-skeletal-muscle cells. MK-2866 is going through medical tests for and might become medically shown and also accepted for avoidance of cachexia, degeneration, and also sarcopenia primarily in the elderly and also ill populace.
Do humans have antimicrobial peptides?
A wide variety of human proteins and peptides also have antimicrobial activity and play important roles in innate immunity. In this review we discuss three important groups of human antimicrobial peptides. In humans, two classes of defensins can be found: α-defensins and β-defensins.
On issues negative effects, it is good to note that SARMs featured side effects much like various other medications. The SARMs negative effects are light and will hardly ever influence your daily activities. To stop on your own from dealing with serious side effects ensure that you take the advised dosage with the correct time frame. Among the most effective all-natural supplements that can be used along with any kind of SARM to increase gains and recovery is Creatine.
It was discovered by Yuichito Kanno, as well as it is one of the very best SARMs since it is very helpful in weight loss and also obtaining muscle mass without dealing with severe negative effects like liver damages or high blood pressure. Minimize body fat-If you aim at shedding body fat, then SARMs will certainly assist you to burn it in various means. These products boost the body to break down the fat cells with the aim of producing energy.
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childdrum82 · 4 years
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There are a number of different types and uniformities of filler as well as every one is designed to resolve a particular problem in the face. I wondered to learn the answer to this inquiry, however Dr Julia states the solution is not as simple as I believe it could be.
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By applying a collagen mask infused with hydrolyzed collagen two to three times per week besides drinking high-potency collagen, you can give your skin the most powerful collagen boost it needs.
If Clare believes that this is NOT the best alternative after that she will certainly advise concerning the several various other treatments offered at the clinic which may be a whole lot preferable to accomplish the results you are yearning for. All 'botox' wrinkle smoothing treatments are carried out by Dr Clare Quinn, a General Dental Council registered aesthetic dentist that has over 12 years' experience in visual medication. She currently techniques on a full time basis at her Botox Solihull center in Dorridge, Solihull. Back Healthcare belongs to the renowned London Discomfort Facility Team. Our Consultants hurting Medication are specialists in the treatment of discomfort. Discomfort from the spine is the leading reason for visiting our facility and we are very experienced in the management and therapy of spinally pain discussions. Botox is a fairly secure ways of controlling discomfort, nonetheless some side effects have actually been reported.
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In addition, speaking via possible negative effects, however unlikely, assists alleviate worries as well as assists bust some relentless flowing misconceptions. In the era of pleasure principle, people love to be able to observe treatment impacts within hours or days, and also we find our individuals at Qutis Clinics enjoy this.
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These consist of signs and symptoms akin to flu, where the patient may have a fever, chill, muscular tissue pain, lightheadedness or a feeling of being lightheaded. Where the disorder does not respond well to these therapies, then either electrical stimulation of the nerves or botox might be made use of to generate a good outcome. Clients likewise need to be mindful that a botox injection will not cure the trouble, it just alleviates the discomfort that is being experienced. Dermal filler is commonly utilized in the lower face yet can be utilized throughout the whole face relying on the result you would love to achieve. As an example, Dr Julia utilizes volumising filler in the chin or nose-to-mouth lines, whereas syrupy fillers deal with locations with great lines or thin skin, such as around the mouth, or in the tear troughs. Dermal fillers are sometimes described as soft cells fillers as well as are compounds designed to be infused below the surface area of the skin to add quantity and volume. As we age, the natural collagen as well as elastin in the skin reduces, and also the cells lose their ability to naturally generate even more of these materials.
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Nevertheless, it must be stressed this just influences a little minority of people. Botulinum toxic substance therapy cost hinges on the number of areas being treated. Please additionally keep in mind that treatment rates for guys might vary according to muscle tone. To discover more, publication your preliminary examination at our online booking site in the menu on top of this page. Various other treatments such as chemical peels as well as micro-needling can supply advantage in dealing with creases resulting from sunlight exposure as well as UV damages.
You might likewise be able to have various other treatments after HIFU if your cancer cells comes back, such as surgical treatment or radiotherapy.
If this takes place, there are better treatments that you can have which goal to get rid of or regulate the cancer.
Usually, the procedure is well endured, nonetheless, there are areas where the treatment comes to be much more extreme or awkward; commonly this is along the jawline or the brow.
The Doublo S treatment is a second generation HIFU tool and is far more comfortable than the original Ultherapy treatment.
Botox Shots are an extremely efficient therapy to minimize lines as well as wrinkles on the forehead, frown lines as well as face, crows feet and smokers lines. The reduction of these healthy proteins suggests the skin loses flexibility leading the formation of lines as well as creases, crows feet, lined top lip and also hollow cheeks. To start with, you will agree upon your very own personal treatment plan with your Nurse Specialist. This is frequently a combination of numerous different treatments including BOTOX as well as fillers or perhaps CoolSculpting. These treatments might be spread over numerous check outs or may be given in one consultation. We wish you discovered this botox short article valuable and also desire all the best which ever therapies you select to have!
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If you want to speak to one of our highly educated aesthetic registered nurses then contact us via the call us create or call now. Talking over this with patients is needed to manage assumptions and also make sure they don't take the therapy as well gently, specifically if it's their very first experience with Botox.
What is the best collagen for anti aging?
Here, we've rounded up the best collagen powders for glowing, youthful-looking skin.Best Overall: Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. Best Budget: NeoCell Super Collagen Powder. Best Value: Essential Elements Collagen Peptides Powder. Best Splurge: Crushed Tonic Anti-Aging Collagen Elixir. More items•
There are 2 options for treating the problem with Botox, first one being providing the medication to the paralysed side of the face. This assists release unneeded stress from the extremely limited muscle mass, along with remove unwanted facial tics. Despite the factor, Botox can assist reverse this problem that creates people to regularly appear exhausted, sad as well as irritated, along with older than their actual age. In this instance, Botox works by relaxing the included muscular tissues and maintaining them aloft. Considering that being approved for wrinkle therapy in 2002, Botox in Oxford has become hugely prominent for people looking for an aesthetic treatment. Nonetheless, Botox isn't everything about the looks-- as well as if you get on a fencing regarding this one-of-a-kind therapy, it might deserve understanding some of the lower recognized advantages of Botox with them.
Clare uses a complete consultation prior to therapy to talk about your problems, evaluate your demands and also answer any type of questions you may have. This brings in a ₤ 35 reservation fee payable beforehand which is then redeemable versus any type of treatments or products recommended. As hifu facelift newport pagnell with several years in aesthetic technique Clare will certainly ensure that your treatment looks all-natural as well as is taken on with the gentlest touch. best Collagen restoration Facelift for of her people are recommended by others that have claimed that they have never had such a pain free experience.
Falcon Quarterback Soars after Unique HIFU Procedure - Stanford Children's Health Blog - Stanford Children's Health
Falcon Quarterback Soars after Unique HIFU Procedure - Stanford Children's Health Blog.
Posted: Mon, 02 Dec 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Botox interrupts the nerve signals and the affected muscle is therefore loosened up. Consequently, the details muscular tissues treated will certainly not move as much and specific creases may be softened, lowered or perhaps gotten rid of. Certified physicians and also Registered nurses will certainly review the procedure before any type of treatment, describing any kind of possible negative effects. At the Visual Beauty Centre, our therapies are performed by skilled and also seasoned clinical workers and also hence side effects are minimal.
" I would advise that if an individual is certain that is a selection they want to make, they need to begin preventatively in their late 20s or very early 30s, depending upon their skin. Preferably, you ought to be available in before a long-term resting line shows up on your skin. We can provide you a suggestion of the results to expect when we map out your skin". " The exact same relief can be provided using Botox for Pearly whites Grinding to relax the muscle mass and reduce discomfort. It additionally forms the jawline if it has ended up being square due to teeth grinding. Botox functions by blocking nerve signals in the muscles where it has been injected.
Cardiac Ablation Market, Size, Growth Drivers, Market Opportunities, Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026 - Murphy's Hockey Law
Cardiac Ablation Market, Size, Growth Drivers, Market Opportunities, Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026.
Posted: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:21:52 GMT [source]
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How to Endure: Cancer in the Time of Pandemic
[Originally posted March 28, 2020]
Hi all, Welcome to a very special birthday post from me in which I mostly think about what it's like to have cancer in the time of a global pandemic. As a way of topping my last year's celebration--where I was just about to start chemo--this year the world is sheltering in place under quarantine orders as an unprecedented public health disaster unfolds around us. (Sorry if my prediliction for dramatic narratives is in any way responsible for this fact...) I've been trying to work up the energy to post and let you know that I'm doing ok in this time of a global emergency...as ok as anyone I guess. I should say right off the bat that I am not, right now, immunocompromised, although I am at risk for it. We can all hope my system keeps bouncing back as it has done to keep me out of the most vulnerable group. (I do also have lung tumors, so a respiratory infection would automatically come with complications.)
Mostly, I spent a lot of the past two weeks wondering not if but how the pandemic was likely to affect my cancer treatment and I finally have enough information to confirm that, as of now, I'm still able to stay on the study and get chemo as planned this coming Thursday (April 2nd). I had been scheduled to get CT scans on Tuesday, March 31st to assess whether the treatment I started at the end of January has worked well enough for me to continue on the clinical trial. Although I get so many that it has perhaps come to seem routine, "scanxiety" is a very real phenomenon because these are how you learn whether things are going well (or well enough) or whether the disease has "progressed" and you have to regroup and try again with a new treatment plan. It had been since October that I had had a positive scan, with November showing a halting of improvement and December and January documenting the reversal of recovery. So obviously I was anxious and wanted them as soon as possible. Hearing reports of "non-essential" treatments being canceled, my Penn oncologist and I decided to try to move my scans up. After many phone calls and the efforts and good will of a number of doctors and hospital staff I was able to get them on the 23rd in Princeton (avoiding both the drive into Philly and the potential for exposure there). I'm glad we did because I learned yesterday that the treatment has been working fine; not great, but well enough that a) some tumors got somewhat smaller, b) no tumors got bigger, and c) no new metastatic sites were observed. Clinically, that's ruled as "stable disease" b/c in order for it to be a "partial response" you have to have your cancer go down by at least 30%. But reversing the trend of growth is still a win, and perhaps more time will see more results. And crucially, I do not have to investigate a new treatment option or try to change in the midst of what is soon to be the crest of the pandemic wave of cases. It's only relatively lucky, but I will take it! I have also seen reports in the cancer community about people having their chemo canceled as non-essential, which was shocking to me. I wrote last year about feeling like cancer should always be a "red ball" case that gets rocketed up the chain for testing, insurance approval, etc. and being shocked that it just wasn't. I understand that in some cases where a cancer patient is immunosuppressed, even attending a treatment at a hospital may pose greater risk than delaying it because the risk of infection is such a threat. But that is an extraordinary statement to make, amidst a daily barrage of extraordinary statements. Not all the stories were that clear-cut, though, so I was glad to hear from my doctor that as a stage 4 patient my scheduled treatments will not be bumped. I cannot have any visitors (and it's a pretty rough thing to do alone), but I can and will get through this. We all will. Because we all have in us more than we know. *** Shortly after my beloved grandma died (suddenly, from complications during surgery) my dad told me that one of the last things she said to him was that she would be ok because, "I'm a warrior." And she was. From a tiny place in the woods of east Texas, as a teenager she ran her family's store during the Great Depression and cared for a mess of brothers. When my daddy was eight years old, she and my grandfather picked up and moved away from a community where they knew everyone and had for generations to Dallas--an unfamiliar big city--because his younger brother had been born deaf and they wanted to send him to a special school. She founded and ran her own school, an income she supplemented with other jobs while my granddaddy was away walking pipeline for an oil company. When I knew her, late in her life, she had lost her sight but continued devouring books on tape and listening to the clues on "Jeopardy!". I was the first and only grandbaby and I was adored (not to say spoiled). The only times she actually saw me, before she was blind, I was just a few months old, chewing clean laundry in the basket in which someone had deposited me. As I grew up, she would feel my face, my hair, my ever-increasing height (and joke each time that "I'm going to have to saw your legs off!"). She would listen to my voice on Sunday phone calls; do crossword puzzles with me, as I read clues while lounging on her velour sofa; offer a "piece of Hershey" or a stick of spearmint gum from the same blue tin on the table in which she kept her cigarettes. She could still piece quilts by feel, even though she couldn't see the fabric, and advised me on the 1ft patchwork square I made for my doll's bed. She was weakened, exhausted, blind, and often in pain (which she tactfully never mentioned with me around). Except when she changed to a polyester pantsuit for visiting the doctor, she wore carpet slippers and housedress with a pack of Marlboros in the pocket that she lit from a gas burner, leaning on her walker by an ancient stove. No one knew quite how old she was when she died--our best guess is eighty-three--because she was also the kind of Southern lady who told no one her real age. She was a warrior in that, despite all that had happened in her life and all that was happening to her body, she kept on going. She endured.
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When I search for inspiration to continue with treatments that make me feel worse than the disease, to fight so hard to save a body that's betraying me, to stay in an increasingly terrifying world that's betraying all of us, I think of her last words. I'm a warrior. I will endure. Believe it or not, you are also and you will too. In our struggles to continue with our lives in the face of monumental uncertainty and paralyzing anxiety, our greatest achievement is to keep on going. We fight (each of us different things) so that we may endure. It is not pleasant. It will reduce you to tears. You will exhaust all your emotional resources. But you will triumph. I have been fighting, existing in crisis mode, for 14 months and that is how I know that you can do it. You must grieve (and allow yourself time for it) for what you have lost, including a sense of safety or normalcy. But as you press on, you will find that inner strength or resiliency. I'm sorry that this is being demanded of you. It is not fair. But that will not change it. You may grieve, cry, fight, and struggle but, ultimately, you will accept that your way forward, your treatment, is to endure. I've reflected a lot on social media about how living with stage 4 cancer accidentally prepared me for the experience of the pandemic. I wrote a coda to an essay that will be published--likely this May--about the "Body as Data." Since the coda itself will probably change by then, the situating evolving as rapidly as it is, I thought I would share it here. Thank you for being with me and providing that community that has been the saving grace of treatment. Love, Bex *** As of writing this essay, it’s been 14 months since my diagnosis. I have tried three different treatments, two of which were clinical trials, one of which I am still enrolled in. It is approaching my thirty-sixth birthday [it's actually today - March 29th] and everyone is sheltering in place because of the coronavirus. I have lived more than a year now tolerating the same kind of existential uncertainty and fear of an alien invader in the body that the world as a whole is now experiencing. I have played my own doctor, watching my body for signs that a treatment is working, or that it is not, in much the same way. I have tried to anticipate what will happen if I become immunocompromised (as I currently am not, but am at risk for) and given up many of the pleasures that made my life better before (traveling, going out with friends) in the name of my health. I have offered my body up as data to research scientists with the goal of furthering not just my own treatment but the survival prospects of future patients. I did not know that throughout this year I was in training for a time when we would all of necessity be regarded as bodies with the potential to produce valuable data about the spread and effects of COVID-19. We are starved for numbers, for data on infections and recoveries and for statistical models that may relieve us of the uncertainty we feel about the future. I cannot provide that. But I can tell you to be cautious readers of data and statistics that speak with any pretense to authority right now, even though I crave them too. Cancer is invisible and so are viruses. This particular virus can inhabit the body but produce no symptom and live for days on surfaces. It may be in us. It may be in those we love. We are in the middle of the data. We are the data. Susan Sontag wrote in Illness as Metaphor that “Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place” (3). A pandemic transcends borders but does not do away with the kingdom of the sick. As someone already resident, I can say to you: welcome. The hardest thing about being here is the grief for what we have lost, including a sense of normalcy. The best thing, though, is what we may find: community in a time of crisis.
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somedayonbroadway · 5 years
I’m not the same anon (Lu)- but I reallyy wanna hear the cancer one, I’m really curious.
Well hi Anon that’s not Lu! I’m so glad to have you!
Read this brainstorm below!
Okay, so in this universe, Race and Jack are full brothers and Crutchie is their half brother. Race is once again the youngest (because I love writing them this way).
Jack is raising Race after fighting their father for custody. Their father was mentally abusive, something Jack only caught onto when his best friend Davey questioned him about their relationship. Their mother died a couple years after Racer was born from an overdose.
Their dad had an affair with another woman, resulting in Crutchie. He got divorced to his first wife, who took Jack, and then waited around for Charlie to be born only to leave his mistress with his illegitimate child and have what he thought would be a one nighter with his ex wife, resulting in Racer. They got remarried after he was born.
I love their odd family dynamic.
Anyways, Jack takes custody of Race when he’s twenty one. Race is only eleven. He’s an energetic, very active kid who loves to run and dance and sing and jump on Jack’s back and wrestle with him. He’s just a little ray of sunshine.
Charlie stays with his mother because she takes care of him and Jack knows that. But it’s still hard for him to be separated from his other brother.
One day, when Race is about thirteen, he comes down with a fever. Jack doesn’t think much of it. He keeps Race home from school and stays with him and takes care of him like any parent would.
Only Race doesn’t get better. He loses a lot of weight much too quickly and after about a week and a half of what Jack believes to be the flu, Jack finally scoops his baby brother up and takes him to urgent care where they do a lot of blood tests on the kid.
It isn’t too much longer before they find out.
Race is hospitalized at this point. Jack is sitting with him, holding his hand while he slips in and out of consciousness. The doctor comes in and tells them he has the results. As gently as he can, he tells the boy and the boy’s big brother.
The first thing Race asks is if he’s going to die. He can see the fear in Jack’s eyes. That’s what scares him the most.
The doctor is kind and patient and describes a few different treatment options. Jack doesn’t let go of Race’s hand the entire time. And when the doctor leaves, Race still doesn’t fully understand, so he asks Jack what’s going to happen to him, if he’s gonna be okay and Jack tells him he’ll be right back, that he needs to make a call or go to the bathroom or something and he leaves the room and completely breaks down.
He has to call Charlie and tell him. And Charlie (eighteen at this point) immediately drives down to the hospital to see them. He finds Jack sobbing in a waiting room. Jack is so scared of losing his littlest brother.
Crutchie calms Jack down enough for him to go back into Race’s hospital room where Crutchie immediately lays with Race and lets his little brother curl up against him. He holds Race while he cries and starts apologizing like it’s his fault this is happening.
Jack somehow lays with them and holds them both and tells Race that none of this is his fault and that it’s all gonna be okay.
Race is hospitalized as he receives treatment. They start him on chemotherapy. He begins to lose his hair quickly. Jack stays with him at night and Crutchie changes his entire schedule around to stay with Race during the day. He takes night classes.
Race constantly feels like a burden and tells Crutchie and Jack to just leave him and go home and sleep in their own beds but they always manage to cheer him up. Charlie is constantly buying him gifts like blankets and beanies and books. Jack feels guilty because he can’t afford to buy Race gifts and pay for his treatment at the same time. But Race is always just excited to see Jack when he comes in.
Race is a pretty shy kid when he’s not with his brothers, so growing up he didn’t have too many friends. He mostly clung to his brothers and would’ve rather been with them than anyone else. But he gets a whole bunch of letters from his classmates. He hates them. They make him feel like some kind of charity case, like people only care because he might be dying.
Some kids come to visit Race. Half of them admit it’s because their parents made them. But a couple of them stick around because Race actually takes a liking to them. Albert DaSilva and Oscar Delancey.
Albert and Oscar are different than the others. They treat Race like anyone else, rather than talking down to him or treating him in different ways. Albert admits that he lost his mother to cancer way after Race meets him. Oscar just always liked Race and understood his sense of humor.
Jack is thrilled that his baby finally has some friends and some people that make the hospital say a little more tolerable for him and people who can stay with him along with just him and Crutchie. Crutchie often sits on his computer doing homework while Albert, Oscar and Race talk and play card games.
At some point, when Jack comes back to the hospital, he finds Albert and Race curled up with each other on his bed. Oscar tells him that Race fell asleep and started crying for Jack and Crutchie had gone to get some coffee so Albert just cuddled up next to him and hugged him.
Jack would take pictures. He’d be so happy that Race had friends who cared about him so much.
High school would eventually start for Albert and Oscar. Race would still be in the hospital. Since he was getting some side effects from all the treatment, they’d need to keep him there most of the time. Race constantly tells Jack how he misses his own bed and his own free will. There’s only a few days at a time when Race is allowed to go home and he always looks forward to them.
But he feels inferior when his friends get to go to high school and he doesn’t.
Meanwhile, Jack is working two jobs during the day while also trying to get a third to support Racer. But that’s just making it harder on Race who only wants to see his brother all the time.
After a couple more months of struggling, Race is done with the treatment and is said to be cured.
Race is ecstatic. Jack and Crutchie even more so.
Race goes to school with Albert and Oscar where he realizes that high school is actually horrible and he hates it. He and Albert and Oscar are typically trying to finds ways to hide from their peers and terrorize the popular kids.
They start doing a lot of pranks and Oscar is the one who starts getting them to do things that just along the border of illegal
Jack becomes a cop and busts them doing stupid shit all the time, going so far as to put cuffs of Race at some point and pretend to arrest him. It scares Race enough to knock it off.
Everything is as normal as it can be for two years after that.
When Race is sixteen, they get the news.
It’s back.
Race goes pretty much hysterical right away. He runs from the room. He can’t accept it. He doesn’t want to be bedridden again, he doesn’t want to be away from his friends, he doesn’t want to fall behind in school, he doesn’t want to be helpless anymore.
Jack runs after him and Race tells him he should just give up, that he doesn’t want to do it anymore. And Jack asks him if he wants to live and Race says yes. So Jack tells him he needs to fight.
Jack would have to calm him down while Crutchie asked the doctor some more questions while he himself tried not to cry.
It would be harder this time. The treatment would be even more brutal for Race this time. It would be ten times harder for him because Jack is now a cop, training to be a detective who works long, odd hours. He hardly gets to see him. But Charlie is there for him as much as he can be. Albert and Oscar come all the time for him, especially when he texts them for cuddles.
He has a lot of trouble sleeping in the hospital which causes his friends to get him things that are fuzzy and soft and warm. They help him with his studying and his homework.
And Jack is often the one to get Race to sleep.
And that brings a lot of comfort to Jack. See, Jack is struggling at work. He is a junior detective. He was being trained by a man he had once been very close to. A man named William Snyder. The guy turned out to be dirty. Jack knows it and no one else does and he’s going to turn him in.
He just waits too long.
One night when going in to visit his baby brother, after being told Race was sleeping for the first time in days, he enters only to find Snyder standing over the kid, petting his forehead and watching over him while he sleeps. Jack freezes and starts to tell Snyder that he needs to leave, but Snyder doesn’t.
He starts to make threats. He tells Jack that he needs to back off before some really unfortunate things begin to happen. Jack still tries to argue. So Snyder quickly injects Race with something and tells Jack he can either get help for Race or call for back up in time to catch him.
Jack opts for saving Race before he can even think. He tries to shake Race awake but the boy won’t wake up.
Snyder injected him with some kind of poison. They catch it, but Race is even more sick for a week afterwards.
Jack is furious and spends a lot of his time trying to figure out where Snyder has gone. He can’t find him.
Race is understandably scared to death and hates it whenever Jack leaves and has an even harder time sleeping. He actually gets Jack to call out of work a few times because he’s scared of Snyder coming back.
Eventually, Race is released from the hospital once again and he goes back to school, a bit more cautious about who he talks to and is a bit more reserved than he had been before. He and Oscar begin to fight a bit.
Race hates it. But it’s hard for him to stop. Especially with Jack working 24/7 on finding Snyder.
One night Race goes home to find Snyder and Jack fighting inside. They have been for a while. Race realizes immediately that Snyder has intended on killing Jack quick and easy when he sees the silencer on the gun they’re both reach for.
Jack tells Race to run. Race does, but he’s still not his strongest and he doesn’t want to leave his brother. He only makes it into the kitchen before he hears a gun go off.
He runs back out to find Jack on the ground and Snyder standing over him. Jack reacts fast and pulls Race down behind him, trying to protect him.
Snyder hears the cops coming. Someone heard the commotion. Snyder goes to run, but gets caught and Race is left with Jack bleeding out in his arms.
After years of fighting to survive, Race never thought he’d switch roles with Jack.
Jack is having trouble breathing while the cops call for an ambulance. Race asks him if he wants to live. Jack says yes. So Race tells Jack that he needs to fight.
Jack dies twice before he’s stabilized at the hospital.
Charlie rushes to Race’s side as soon as he gets the phone call. Race cries himself to sleep in Crutchie’s arms.
The doctor comes out to tell Race and Crutchie that Jack is alive and Race runs to him immediately. He holds Jack’s hand the whole time.
Race curls up at Jack’s side while he recovers, and Crutchie watches over them.
And eventually, maybe everything’s okay.
Yep. A lot happens here. Any questions?
Part of me wants to write something where Jack has cancer. But we’ll see.
Thanks, Anon!
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muppetsilas · 4 years
Top Surgery FTW
So getting any surgery is scary and you’re bound to have a lot of questions. In the case of top surgery, there is really a lot to consider.
A few things to know: 1. You should check your insurance’s (or in the case of Medicaid and Medicare, your state’s) policies on coverage. Pennsylvania, for example, covers top surgery fully for Medicaid recipients. There is also a helpful and important organization for transgender healthcare called WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) You can visit their website here: http://www.wpath.org/
2. Major surgery for cosmetic reasons, especially something this drastic, should never be decided on a whim or without doing loads of research and consulting a psychologist or counselor. Even if your surgeon doesn’t require the year long visits, it is HIGHLY recommended you see a therapist for at least a few months to just talk through things. They are not going to judge you or convince you to get it or not get it. They are not going to be able to stop you from getting it either. Therapists are allies and even if it isn’t about you transitioning, talking about something this big is crucial to processing. It’s major surgery, after all! Anyone having any kind of surgery would benefit from speaking to a counselor about it.
3. Your body may not look the way you think it will after surgery. So do a lot of research and consider every possible option. Also, really think long and hard about why you want to do this and what it will mean for your life moving forward. You do not have to change your body to match society’s standards of gender roles. You certainly don’t have to medically alter your body because most trans men or non-binary persons you know have.
Ok, here are the questions I used...
-Are you board-certified? As a Plastic Surgeon or General Surgeon? (See Surgeon Credentials)
-Are you a member of WPATH?
-Do you have specific training in gender-affirming surgeries?
-How long have you been working with transgender/gender-nonconfirming patients?
-Do you work exclusively with transgender/gender-nonconfirming patients?
-How did you get involved with trans healthcare?
-Have you attended any transgender conferences?
-How many Top Surgeries have you performed?
-How many Top Surgeries do you do per week/month/year?
-Will you be doing the surgery yourself or will less experienced surgical residents take part?
-Will you provide a letter for getting my gender marker changed on ID/Legal documents?
-What kinds of gender-affirming practices has your office adopted? Will I be referred to by my preferred name and pronouns?
-What types of Top Surgery procedures do you offer? (remember there are many kinds of incisions and procedures)
-Is there a Top Surgery procedure that you prefer?
-What Top Surgery procedure do you think would best suit my needs and goals?
-What are my options for scar shape and placement?
-Where will the nipple/areola complex be positioned?
-How big will the areola be? How big will the nipple be?
-With Peri-Areolar/Keyhole, can you do a nipple reduction during the initial surgery?
-Will you perform Double Incision without nipple grafts? (No-Nipple Result)
-Do you use Drains? Why/why not?
-Will my surgery include male chest contouring/liposuction? Is there an extra "cosmetic fee" for this?
-What techniques do you use to reduce the chances of Dog-Ears?
-How long will the surgery take?
-What type of facility will my surgery be performed at? (Ex. Ambulatory/Day surgery clinic, local hospital, academic medical center)
-Do any of the nursing staff at the facility have specific training for working with transgender/gender-nonconforming patients?
-Can I see a portfolio of before/after photos for your patients? (If the answer is no, consider finding another surgeon)
-How much long-term follow-up do you do of patients, in terms of determining patient-satisfaction?
-How much nipple sensation should I expect?
-What is the chance of developing a hematoma?
-What is the chance of developing a seroma?
-With Double Incision, what is the risk of losing a nipple graft or getting an infection?
-What other complications am I at risk for?
-What symptoms should I be on the lookout for?
-Who do I contact if I think I have a complication?
-If a complication happens, what is the protocol for managing it?
-There is a family history of breast cancer. What do I need to know about this with regards to Top Surgery? Do I need to get a mastectomy beforehand? Will my insurance cover that?
-Do any of my medical conditions increase complication risks?
-Can I take THC or CBD in the weeks/days before surgery?
-When do I need to quit smoking before surgery? (usually 6 weeks)
-Do I need to stop taking Testosterone before surgery?
-Do I need to stop taking any other of my medications before surgery?
-Will I need to have any blood work done or do any other lab tests prior to surgery day?
-Will you be providing detailed, written pre-op and post-op instructions?
-Is there a pre-op appointment prior to surgery day?
-What type of anaesthesia will be used?
-Will I meet with the anesthesiologist before surgery?
-Will anyone be providing updates to my caregiver during my surgery?
-Will I be able to go home the same day as my surgery?
-If being released the same day: How long will I need to stay at the surgery center after I wake up?
-If coming from out of town: How long will I need to stay in town after surgery?
-If coming from out of town: Do you have arrangements with any hotels for reduced-cost stays for patients?
-When will my post-op appointments be?
-What medications will I be prescribed after surgery?
-I can't take opioids. What are other options for pain management?
-Can I take THC or CBD during recovery?
-Will I need to wear a binder after surgery? If so, for how long?
-When will I be back to normal daily activities?
-How soon after surgery can I be on a plane?
-When can I go back to work with a (desk job/physical job)?
-When can I go swimming/use a hot tub?
-What do you recommend for scar treatment?
-What percentage of your patients have required a revision?
-Do you provide free or reduced-cost revisions if they're necessary?
-Are revisions done typically with local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia?
-What letters do you require?
-Do you have a BMI requirement?
-What is the total cost? Does it differ by procedure?
-Does this include the surgeon's fee, facility fee and anesthesiologist fee?
-Does the cost include a post-op binder or any medical supplies?
-Does the cost include post-op appointments?
-Is there a down payment required to secure a surgery date?
-Does the cost need to be paid in full before my surgery date?
-Do you offer a payment plan?
-Do you accept medical financing via CareCredit, etc.?
-How much should I budget for post-operative medications?
-What types of insurance do you accept? (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance)
-How much success does your office have getting pre-authorization for Top Surgery insurance coverage?
-If you don't take insurance, is your office able to assist with filing for an insurance reimbursement?
Those are just the ones I needed, but take a long list of questions to your visit. If your surgeon makes you feel like they don’t have time to answer them (my first one did), don’t use them. I know this is all intimidating, and so many people feel like they have to please the surgeon, especially if there are limited surgeons in your area (like in the South), but PLEASE think of this in the reality that YOU are interviewing THEM and they need to earn your business. Even if insurance is paying, they are still getting the money for it and you deserve their time and attention. This is a long and scary process that can get very intense, you need to feel comfortable and open with them and really trust that they will be there for you after the big day.
Website of Surgeons Currently Accepting Medicare (may not be completely updated, so do your own research also): https://www.topsurgery.net/surgeons/medicare.htm
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