#and the plot tbh
iimr3 · 1 year
*hitting you with a stick* no benoit blanc movies should not interact. they should not lead up to something. you need to detox from the marvel/sherlock bbc poisoning. they should be completely independent movies (maybe w some cameos/little references for fun) and go on for as long as there are stories rian johnson wants to tell in this universe. i do not want an overarching plot i do not want a team up i dont want a benoit-focused prequel i want some good old fashioned episodic murder mysteries that have nothing to do with each other!!!!!!!!!!! also rian johnson has literally said he's not gonna do a prequel and he wants the movies to all stand on their own
addendum 1: by "marvel/sherlock bbc poisoning" i dont mean that those caused this over-serialization, but i think they are partially responsible for why audiences are expecting it. learn to engage w murder mysteries on the genre's own terms
addendum 2: idc what headcanons you have. i actively encourage you to write fanfic about marta and helen solving crime if you wanna. that is literally what fanfiction is for my guy! if you want to know how phillip and benoit met THAT IS WHY FANFIC EXISTS
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nonasbirthday · 3 months
i still can't believe there are folks who say "well GTN is annoying but you just have to get through it and then the other books aren't like that so you'll be fine."
personally i have been chasing the high of GTN ever since i first closed the book
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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relaxtimestwo · 4 months
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⋆。˚ Stelle x Firefly ⋆。˚
Started off as pose practice with the galactic baseballer but I wound up drawing a page with the two of them (featuring brother hanu).
I absolutely love Firefly's design! You really start to appreciate the details when you're forced to draw them;;; It's so cool how her firefly and hourglass theme works so well with her backstory and role in the story so far.
references for three of the poses
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pumpkinrootbeer · 8 months
bolin is such a funny character. he dated the avatar for like 12 hours, he's been kidnapped multiple times, he almost lost his bending, he's the world's first movie star, he's a pro athlete, he's a cop, he's no longer a cop, he pulled a princess, he was directly involved in two civil wars, he keeps ending up in jail, he possesses a type of bending we only see in one other character in the entire franchise, his bending skill genuinely rivals some of the best benders in the world and it's just kinda taken as a given, his best friend is a rat, he is 16 years old.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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The Next Prince 🤴🏻 - coming soon
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hezekiahwakely · 6 months
I don't think we talk enough about how Elias set Jon up so that everybody in the archives would hate him. It's that classic upper management move. Mr. Bouchard is the real problem, he's the one actually calling the shots, but he offloads all of his attention and expectations onto Jon and forces him to play the messenger, who is then expected to tread the line between pleasing the other employees and the big boss. Jon is an example of middle management getting crucified from both sides; from their peers who can't trust them, and the exec who's thrown them to the wolves
I was just thinking about how much Melanie in particular blames Jon for everything that happened in MAG 123. This has to be partially due to how Elias prominently favored Jon in front of the others (despite Jon not wanting ANYTHING to do with it) and how that seemed to make him aligned with Elias in their eyes. Elias had to have known how this would affect Jon, and he did it deliberately to drive a wedge between them and his precious Archivist, who he needed to keep isolated and friendless so he could get his marks.
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saiimonellaboy · 25 days
The podcast fandom is so weird like wdym this incredible story with intricate characters and beautiful world building and long in depth episodes has like 280 listeners??? Wtf
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eumivrse · 7 months
warning(s) pure angst, jjk chapter 120 SPOILERS
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arguments with kento are always the worst.
you’ve learned over the years that you’d probably prefer it if he would just scream back when he’s mad rather than being dead silent.
because when he’s angry, he doesn’t speak. he just gives you space to cool off, then he always makes sure to kiss you before you sleep. a way to let you know that tomorrow is a new day and he still loves you the same even if things are heated; that you can always talk it out with him.
you hate it because he always, always apologizes first even if it’s your fault sometimes, but you always appreciated his way of communicating. it’s as if he would rather take the jab every time than have you mad at him.
however, he couldn’t do so that day— october 31, 2018. he had to go to shibuya and left with tension between the two of you. you don’t even remember what exactly you argued about— all you recall was that it ended with you both saying something that could’ve easily passed as unforgivable, words specifically chosen to wound each other’s feelings.
and as per, kento gave you your space and left with you having the last word.
except you never got that good night’s kiss.
when news reached you, you didn’t even react. how could you? the last words you said to him was “then leave already,” with the coldest, meanest tone you’ve ever spoken to him in.
you just stared at the wall for what seemed like days. people were calling you non stop, but your phone was turned off. you hadn’t even left your shared bedroom. the comforter still had his scent on it and you’re afraid that it’ll disappear if you get up for even a minute and then his passing will feel real.
it wasn’t until ino stopped by to drop off his cellphone— one of the only traces he left that night— that you did something else besides laying down. you stared at kento’s scuffed lock screen, sitting at the dim dining room table.
his wallpaper was a photo of you. he took it while you were eating in the very place you’re sitting in right now and you begged him for days to delete it. he insisted that you looked pretty so you let him be. he’d always been like that, so stern with others but he had such a soft spot for you.
you knew his password because it was your anniversary date, then the messaging app opened as soon as you punched the numbers in. it’s your chat, the last conversation you had on there was him asking if you wanted to eat outside because he was free the next morning and you obliged. that was the night before you had an argument the next day and lunch plans were cancelled.
he had an unsent message— all typed out, but he never pressed the send button for some reason.
he was apologizing for hurting you.
he said that he knows it’s been tough for you these days and how he should’ve seen the signs sooner instead of thinking everything’s okay.
then he apologized again for not being able to kiss you goodnight, and for being a shitty husband that couldn’t tend to his wife’s needs.
the message concluded with “i miss you, my precious girl. make sure to eat and sleep well, i’ll make it up to you soon.”
kento’s death hadn’t hit your reality until those words on the screen registered in your mind. your dry, pale lips from barely drinking water trembled, eyes welled up in tears for the first time since you found out. so many different emotions crashed over you in such little time, your chest felt tight and you let go of his phone, clattering onto the wooden table.
“then leave already,” replayed in your mind over and over and the way his face turned pale from your harsh words. with how things turned out, it almost sounded like you were sending him on death’s row and it made you feel like you’re responsible somehow.
guilt loomed over you like a stormy cloud for making him feel like he wasn’t good enough for you and you wonder how different the future might’ve turned out if you’ve at least gave him a hug before he left.
if you could’ve just set your pride aside and kissed him goodbye like he does with you before you sleep.
and if he still loved you the same at his final moments.
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rhapsoddity · 2 months
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(Part 6/6)
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wormlette · 3 months
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Extra from Ch 56 - Bicorn.
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yesokayiknow · 2 months
do you ever think about how one of doctor who's most famous time loop episodes (heaven sent) isn't a time loop. like the fact that time is passing normally is a huge plot point
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sharksliveontrains · 1 year
aftg is wild because kevin says "give your game to me." and "close your eyes and tell me what you see" and neil just says "you." and andrew has to watch the whole thing. and then andrew is the one he falls for.
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tagthescullion · 5 months
"normalize bad movie erasure" rick, cry all you want but those films got a bunch of people into the books, stop being such a bitch ffs
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archersartcorner · 5 months
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I think the Bad Kids deserve to cry a lil. As a treat. IT’S CATHARTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
imagine we get bi Chimney before we get bi Buck lol
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