#and the programs I’m applying to
Hi ppl who are nosy and want to know ur grades so they can judge how smart u are are annoying as fuck
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doctorsiren · 6 months
every time I mention Ace Attorney around my (defense lawyer) father, he asks if I’ll be going to law school now
the best bit was me telling him that if I did that, I would be fulfilling the Phoenix Wright prophecy because I’d be dropping my art degree to pursue law
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detentiontrack · 3 months
Just got accepted into the final college I applied to!! This means I got into EVERY single college I applied to AND all of their highly competitive psychology programs!!!
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
also I had a breakthrough today that I had in fact overthought a Specific Problem to Death and that I had created a monster in my own mind and that’s why it felt like I was being eaten alive every time I tried to solve it.
#not to put too fine a point on it but that’s what happened with the whole is Maria going to become a nun question tbh#and I needed a counselor to say to me objectively and yet also crucially without any knowledge of me or my past:#you have overthought this and now you’re terrified of it#anyway it’s so obvious but it came home to me today. slowly.#like it was just like. Oh. You did it again#you’re terrified of this because you have thought of every possibility and every outcome and every twist and turn and shadow—-#until it has become a bloated demon in your mind that is totally separated from reality#while made up of real facts and details! and tbh I know it’s a common problem#but the anxiety chokehold I can put myself in is something that is so impressive and so disturbing#I can render myself absolutely helpless through the meanderings of my own thoughts#and what makes it worse—immeasurably worse—is that I get OUT of problems through careful thought and analysis#I’m programmed that way#so I can’t escape it by the usual means. I have to back away from the monster and see it and NAME it and then it can die away.#and only THEN can I apply my usual ways of going about things. I don’t know it just all clicked today#these past few days have just been bringing it all to a fever pitch for me#anyway I guess it’s also important to me that I still be allowed to be analytical about it!!! I have to use my brain!!!!!!!#in my desperation I have tried to shut it off to feel only with my heart. To try to catch the whisper of God’s voice in the wind#but tbh I am meant to use the gifts I have! But only in the right context#and that’s only after the demon has been killed or more accurately —deflated#my counselor has been so good about this tbh. she’s so matter of fact and blunt and salt of the earth and also she sees how my mind works#and wants me to be able to use it!!#so I’m just going to tell her that I did the bad thing with this other problem and can she help me find a way forward#ANYWAY THE MONSTERS TURNED OUT TO BE JUST TREES
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simulation-machine · 2 months
Quick updates
• got an internship set up! Which means I’ll be graduating August 2024 for sure. This is like a whole six months sooner than I thought btw.
• ‘Boutsta be in the final two weeks of class so I’m gonna be slammed
• got new ADHD meds that are working so, so well! It’s made me so much more productive and has been working great with my others meds so far
• as part of The Great CC Purge of 2024, I had to go back and re-edit townies and NPCs and even had to touch up the Orsons, their home, and some of their friends in CAS. This is taking a little bit, hence all the Harris Save posts
• Fun fact: all of the Harris Save posts y’all have been seeing are from March - June 2023, and so far I’ve posted a little under half of what I have
• I think I mentioned this before, but when I get back to posting the Orsons there’s going to be a bit of a time jump (like a yearish). There’s going to be a lot of changes so there will be a sort of “what happened since last we checked in” post. I’ll announce when I have a date in
• Since I’m being slammed with essays and stuff I haven’t been active beyond setting up my queue. I have two weeks in between this semester ending and the summer semester starting which I plan on not playing any Sims at all and just spring cleaning, hanging out with friends and family, and doing some creative stuff
That’s all! Bye love you!
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firein-thesky · 7 months
i’m sorry i haven’t answered asks or been very present!! i’m gonna try to answer some tomorrow and sunday!!
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totopopopo · 5 months
On the one hand if I skipped straight to a PhD program that would in all likelihood be better for me financially because PhD programs cost a LOT less than master’s programs typically do, plus they can take 7 years to complete so I wouldn’t have to worry about figuring out what to do next until I’m in my 30s which is ridiculously appealing…….. on the other hand if I got my master’s FIRST and THEN my PhD I would 1. be in school for two years longer which is definitely a major plus and 2. I will have collected every level of degree (AA BA MA and PhD) like pokemon and that feels very very satisfying . So maybe a master’s program is my best bet. But god in heaven I don’t want to have to reapply to more grad schools in two years that’s intolerable
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gmaybe666 · 1 year
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these are up for grabs on my redbubble ! working on making many more !!!
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esa-shygurl · 8 months
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izzyscursedcorner · 1 month
Me thinking about graduation: *sobs* DHXJXXJXJXJ everyone is lying to me! No one wants to hire animators who didn’t go to an art school let alone one who didn’t attend a school in Cali! Four years on a degree just to be rejected from INTERNSHIPS just because I’m not a senior animator!
Me five minutes later after eating:
…Perhaps I was a little… too harsh…
…Nah. I might have shit I gotta learn, but the fact that as soon as I mention my school you lose ALL interest you had in me is actually fucked.
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doctorsiren · 1 year
Just submitted my application to my university’s animation program
I’ll find out in a couple weeks if I got in since I turned in my portfolio a week before the deadline, so I’ve got time to worry without being able to do anything 😎
I’ll let y’all know what happens 😨👍
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herbofgraceandpeace · 8 months
this is personal, so feel free to ignore if you need to, but I am loooooooooosing my mind lol, so I gotta externalize the stress
tldr: pray for my stress and reliance upon God, I guess?
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casualfruit · 9 days
I can’t get my bachelor’s degree without an internship. All of the internships that seem even vaguely interesting require a bachelor’s degree. All of the internships that do not require a bachelor’s degree are focused on PR or developing AI language model software (often both). I guess I should face reality and give up on being a writer/editor and submit myself to the AI overlords that will probably collapse within 2 years, thus rendering my experience utterly useless and sending me back to square one.
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devilsskettle · 11 months
things i’m trying to do for my life to be better summer 2023 edition —
-> exercise 3x a week at least
-> eat protein
-> find easy recipes with few ingredients so i’ll actually be consistent about cooking actual meals for myself
-> less caffeine: no caffeine on non-work days or after 3 pm
-> habit stacking
-> no phone in the morning (admittedly a challenge because it helps my brain wake up but at what cost)
-> california sober
-> read Something
-> fruit
-> hydrate
-> being consistent about doing the dishes + laundry
-> slowly but surely getting my room together in a way that is fit for human habitation
-> i am a body before i am a mind so i need to prioritize my physical needs
-> traveling as much as i can afford to
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sopranoentravesti · 26 days
Sorry to be a member of the intelligentsia on main, but I’m really not interested in hearing your takes on psychology or neuroscience when you get all your information from YouTube videos and refuse to read a book or a paper on whatever your chosen topic du jour is
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mxliv-oftheendless · 6 months
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