#but i haven’t taken them in a hot minute since i ran out and i’m feeling good so idk maybe i don’t need to do that
devilsskettle · 1 year
things i’m trying to do for my life to be better summer 2023 edition —
-> exercise 3x a week at least
-> eat protein
-> find easy recipes with few ingredients so i’ll actually be consistent about cooking actual meals for myself
-> less caffeine: no caffeine on non-work days or after 3 pm
-> habit stacking
-> no phone in the morning (admittedly a challenge because it helps my brain wake up but at what cost)
-> california sober
-> read Something
-> fruit
-> hydrate
-> being consistent about doing the dishes + laundry
-> slowly but surely getting my room together in a way that is fit for human habitation
-> i am a body before i am a mind so i need to prioritize my physical needs
-> traveling as much as i can afford to
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deexchanel · 2 months
Word Count: 2,995
Pairing: Chris Evans x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Swearing, Arguments, Angst, Fluff & Jealousy.
Summary: They meet for the planned lunch date. Chris still has a lot of things on his mind that he wants to speak about.
A/N: I’M BACKK FRIENDSS! Might not be for a long time but definitely for a good time. For the sake of my chapters Liv is 4 instead of 3, carry on. mwahhh 🫦
**I'm going to come back to edit later, cause right now its getting irritating**
<<<<BM, BM2, BM3 >>>>
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“Lively.” Ryelle sighed after the phone call ended. She is not caving into no more sweet sucker bullshit. He chose Minka when he decided to stay with her. You want Ry? You should’ve left with her. “We haven’t fully celebrated your birthday since they planned an event yesterday. Are you sure you want to hang out with your Dad today?"
Lively contemplated the proposition being proposed at hand. This weekend has been crazy but it is this supposedly hot girl summer her mom keeps calling it. Her answer remained the same. “Yes! I want pasta"
“Ugh okay! I don’t know why you are cool with your Dad, he and I are beefing right now.” Ryelle shook her head, getting up from the counter. Lively climbed down from the seat giggling at her momma. They began making their way down the hallway. “Beef? What does that mean?” 
“It means when I see your Dad, I’m gonna.” She turned around picked up Liv and started swirling her around. The 4-year-old lets out her beautiful giggle, latching on to her mother. “Mommy, put me downn!!”
“Neverr!” Ry yelled playfully as she ran towards Liv’s room so they could change out of exercise clothes and into something cute. She dropped her gently on the bed. “Do you want to stay in this outfit or change?”
“Change!” Liv screamed while rolling around so she could get up from the pile of stuffed animals. “Changee? What you changing for girl?” Ry joked as she looked through Liv’s closet. Liv finally got out of the struggle and followed her mom into the closet. “So I can look pretty for Daddy like you do!”
“Like I do? Liv I get pretty for myself baby. We don’t get pretty for a man.” Ryelle turned around holding up two different colored tights. Lively jumped pointing at the yellow tights she wanted to wear. “We get pretty for ourselves.” Ry smothers her face with kisses. 
“Mommy.” She giggled turning red from all the love given. They proceeded their morning routine like no other as R&B played lowly in the background. Ryelle enjoyed moments like this with her baby girl and she’ll forever cherish them. She loves the bond they have, appreciating that she’s able to give love that she didn’t receive. 
Chris eventually texted her the location of the restaurant he wanted them to meet at. After putting on perfume and lipgloss, the girl was out the door, into the beautiful city.
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Ryelle parked her Honda Accord near the entrance seeing the black suv’s, Chris’s security were most likely sitting in.
She turned down the music looking at Liv in her carseat. “Ready?”
“Ready!” Liv gave a big smile.
Ryelle shook her head not believing she’s actually here. It’s still fuck Chris.
It took them a minute but they walked into the restaurant, hand in hand. When walking in, Ryelle went towards the hostess stand but security stepped in the way.
“Ryelle right this way ma’am”
“O-Oh Okay!” She responded a bit confused and was taken off guard. The security guided them to this gorgeous private section where Chris sat there looking at the menu. Liv’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Daddy!!”
She let go of her mother’s hand running towards her father. Chris sat the menu down instantly sliding out of his seat, kneeling with his arms wide open. “ Lively!!”
She ran into his arms giving him the biggest hug. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too Princess.” He held her tightly, giving her the biggest kiss on her cheek. Ry checked out his outfit as she walked, starting to feel they were so under dressed as she got closer. He has a nice ass suit and they look like they’re going shopping at the mall what the hell.
By time Ryelle made it to the table, he stood up with Liv in his arms. He shifted her over to give Ry a hug but she waved him off.
That definitely made him raise an eyebrow but Liv captured his attention before he could speak on it. “Do I look pretty Daddy?”
Chris gave her a big smile, “You look beautiful my love. Your outfit is stunning.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she let out a giggle. Chris was sitting with Liv in lap as they sat down at the table. Ry rolled her eyes mumbling, picking up the menu.
“With that expensive ass suit on and them ugly ass shoes.”
Chris looked up from the menu. “What you say?”
“You heard what I said.”
“What’s with the petty comments?”
"I'm just saying, you look as if you're going to a movie premiere while we look like we're going to a football game or something."
He held his hand up in defense,"Well I had an important meeting after our lunch date so-"
"Whatever Chris.", She waved him off.
Chris smacks his lips out of irritation from being cut off, letting go of the conversation cause he didn't like the attitude coming from Ry.
“Mommy said yall are beefing. What that mean?” Liv interrupted the conversation being her innocent self. Chris made a face towards his baby’s mother, now fed up with the secret animosity.
“We got a problem now? Ryelle I haven’t done shit to you and now you have a problem with me? What the hell.”
“Chris are we going to ignore the fact that your fiance pulled up on us kissing last night and we’re meeting today like everything normal! That doesn’t bother you??"
“No it doesn’t bother me cause I told you from the jump Saturday morning that I want this. I want my family Ryelle, I want you. You make me feel comfortable, make me feel like I belong!”
“That’s flattering Chris but you’re going about this wrong! All of this is wrong!”
“Me wanting to love you is wrong-”
“No it's how certain you were on marrying Minka last week now you’re wanting to marry me like what?! Do you hear how crazy that sounds!!”
Chris voice started to raise, sensing that Ryelle wasn't taking him seriously,“I don’t give a fuck about what's crazy any more. I am determined to get what I want and thats you!” Liv clutched onto his arm not liking the tone of his voice.
"Lower your voice." Ry grit through her teeth, seeing how antsy Liv was getting in his lap. Before Chris could respond, the waitress came to their table.
"Hi, what can I start you guys off with today?"
"We'll do the crab claws for our appetizer." Chris then turn his attention towards his daughter in his arms. "Liv do you want that as well or would you like something else?"
Liv peeked up a moment, speaking gently, "Mozzy Sticks."
"Mozzy Sticks it is love, anything else?"
She shook her head, going back to her cuddle spot knowing that her parent were going to start arguing as soon as the lady left. The things they talk about genuinely confuses her and she wishes they would stop arguing. Mommy told her that it is disrespectful for her to interrupt adults conversation but she is tired of hearing her parents bicker. Why can't her parents be like Melanie parents? They never argue.
Liv glanced back and forth between her parents as their conversation sparked as soon as the lady left like she said. Ugh!
" Am I wasting my time? You know I've been showing you how I’m into you but I do not received the same energy back.”
"Shit Chris, I need to be asking the same thing! I don't trust the fact that you claim that you are in love with me. Truthfully I've been in love with you since the first day we met, I've never stopped." Ryelle confessed as she runs her hand through her hair. She instantly fumbles with fingers knowing the conversation was getting deeper.
“I’m just not going to blurt something out like that. You’ve been gone for months and summers, you thought I was going to hop in your arms like that. No, I need time and reassurance.”
Chris pinches the bridge of his nose, “I will Ry but you haven't been 100% with me either. ” It’s his turn now to do the grilling cause looking back, he doesn’t know much about Ry. “Are you dating or talking to another guy?”
Thank God, the waitress came over to the table with their appetizers. They gave the her their order of what they would like to eat. Liv sat up straight facing the table, she began eating along with her parents. After Ryelle took the first bite, she proceeded to give him the answer.
“I do talk to someone Chris…”
Chris looked up from his plate so fast, “What?? You’ve been having the men your dating around my daughter?!”
Ry looked at him in disbelief, “No! I don’t even play like that, plus that's not what you asked!!” irritation starts kicking back in. “Can’t believe you trying to play me!”
“I’m just stating facts. I need to know if you’re bringing her around them. Who is he? Matter fact, what’s his name??” Chris attitude kick in as he sat the fork down roughly. It clanked against the plate making Liv jump.
“Calm down with your aggressiveness, you’re scaring Liv!” Ryelle sat her fork down as well. Now she raised her voice, “PLUS, you can’t ask shit to me about who I’m dating. You just came back in the picture, slow your damn roll!”
“The fuck you mean I can't Ryelle, I’ve been expressing my love to you! I have every right to know!”
“Chris I will cuss you out if you don’t calm down.”
“Ryelle I’m just saying like be so real right now.”
“That don’t mean talk to me crazy!”
“You been talking to me crazy this whole time. Don’t fucking act stupid!”
“Chris do not make me knock your ass out! Just because I talk to someone doesn’t mean that I’m bringing random men around Liv. I wouldn’t do no crazy shit like that!” Now Ryelle stood up from the table slightly leaning over it, she pointed at him. “Stop fucking playing with me!”
“You knew you had another guy in the picture, letting me look stupid confessing my love to you. I feel like a complete fucking fool!” Chris abruptly stood up as well, tightly gripping onto Liv. The swift movement made her smear the marinara sauce against her face and drop the cheese stick she held. That was it for Liv.
Lively began sobbing which instantly grabbed the attention of both her parents. “What’s wrong?!”
She squirmed out of his arms, running to the nearest corner of the room. Ryelle tries to call her but Liv rejected it.
“Lively, baby…”
Ryelle is big on giving Liv her space when she starts crying. It took all her might not go over there and care for her baby. Both of them let out a sigh, knowing their conversation got way too heated between them. "Chris I'm sorry for having an attitude when we arrived and not keeping my cool. I shouldn't have been so caught up in us to realize this lunch date was meant for spending time with Liv, not arguing."
Chris grabbed her hand placing a kiss," Do not apologize Ryelle, I should've controlled my jealousy. I wanted to talk about us as much as you wanted to so this is both on us. I am truly sorry, please don't let this be a reason that I don't see her again." His face turned red a bit as tears welled into his eyes. Just thinking of his life without Liv's beautiful smile, crushes him.
"I wouldn't do that to you Chris, she deserves to be in your life." Ryelle pulled him into a hug. He gave her a squeeze as they hugged for a min. She pulled back from the hug hearing that Liv's cries have soften." We should go check on her now."
"Okay." Chris placed a kiss on her forehead and they held hands as they made way toward their daughter. Lively held her knees closes, while still wiping her tears. It broke their heart to see her like that, wanting to prevent situation like this in the future.
Both Chris and Ryelle squatted by their Princess. Ry spoke up softly,"Lively baby, Mommy and Daddy ruined your day with our problems. You're too young to be dealing with this and with that we are genuinely sorry Princess."
"Yes baby girl, we are genuinely sorry."
Lively looked up at them with glossy eyes. "Why you can't be like Melanie's parents?" She glanced between both her parents. "They don't yell, you always yell at each other. Is it about me? Is it s-something wrong with me?" Tears fell from her eyes. This broke Ryelle even more, she started crying while wiping the food from Liv's face.
"No! There isn't anything wrong with you Princess. Daddy and I were bumping heads that's all but no more of that."
" Lively Evans, you are perfect in every single way. Your mom and I will figure out this problem. I will make all of this up to you." Chris placed a kiss on her forehead, aw man his heart. "I love you and I love your mother to the fullest." He opened his arms, hoping that she would still come to him. Lively went back into his arms," I love you too."
They both let go of the breath they didn't know they were holding. A part of them hoped their daughter didn't hate them. During the interactions, the waitress brought their lunch but didn't want to interrupt. So they came back to the table to finish their lunch date.
Ryelle was quiet, so many things ran through her mind. She wants this, she wants Chris. There are just so many obstacles that come in the way. Do she just want keep her guard up or say fuck it and let him in? If she do, what are the consequences? Would she be happy? There are so many questions that Ryelle doesn't know if she wants to explore yet. She looked up from her plate of pasta seeing Chris and Lively in their own world sharing food plus jokes.
“Yeah, you get to meet my dog Dodger.”
“Yes sweetheart.”
She would love to see this sight for the rest of her life, man the love she has for this man is so strong. Ryelle didn't even know she had zoned out staring at the two loves of her life. "Mommy, what you looking at?"
That pulled Ry out of her trance to see them looking at her with confused expressions. "My bad guys, I was lost in my thoughts."
"She's not going to admit that she was staring at our beauty." Chris sassed to Liv's which made her giggle. Ryelle shook her head at their silliness, letting a smile creep unto her face "I wasn't."
"Oo Guess what!!"Lively spoke excitedly, looking up to her Dad. He gave her his full attention.
"What is it love bug?"
"I go to school tomorrow!"
Chris didn't understand why she mentioned school but he kept the conversation going," Are you excited? You get to hang out with your friends again."
Ryelle giggled at his confusion and spoke up in the conversation. "Chris you know she doesn't have a sense of time. She meant to say it's the first day of school tomorrow."
Now this had Chris excited, he get to experience a milestone. "First day of school Liv, that's great news! You’re a big girl now." Lively stood up in the chair, wrapping her arms around him. He wrapped one arm around her to secure that she won’t fall.
"Yes Daddy! Are you going to be there when I go?"
"Even better sweetheart, I'll be there in the morning to drop you off and pick you up."
"Yayyy!!! Mommy did you hear that?"”
Ryelle gave her daughter a smile, “Yess, I heard the great news. I’ll have you up and ready by time he gets there.” Chris began poking Lively all over sending her into a giggling fit. During this whole time neither one of them have checked their phone.
Ryelle reached for her phone to check the time. It was 3:26 p.m. They had been there for over 2 hours. That made her wonder about Chris’s meetings.
“Uh Chris, what happened to your meeting? We’ve been here for the past two hours.”
“Oh crap, I haven’t checked my phone since you guys got here.”Chris facepalmed as he grabbed his phone probably checking thousands of messages. “I’ll get James to cancel it. Now let’s get the check then go out for ice cream, yeah?”
He canceled his important plans for them. He canceled…plans… for them… Ryelle just sat there fighting a smile from growing. They stared into each other eyes for a second but Ry broke it with tension rising,“Liv is ice cream fine?”
“Ice creamm!”
Ryelle smiled at them, cleaning up around the table. Chris stood up letting go of Liv for a moment, he sat down a couple bills from his pocket. She leaped into his arms and Chris caught her in time.
“Liv be careful baby.” Ryelle cautioned as she grabbed her purse from the chair. Chris grabbed Ry hand as they began walking out of the restaurant.
“How about I spend the rest of the day with you guys?” Chris questioned once they stood in front of her car. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I’m not taking no for a answer.”
Ryelle looked away in shyness, he still makes her nervous. “That’s fine with me Chris.”
Yeah so all that stuff she was talking about earlier after the phone call,ignore that. Ryelle is weak in the knees, she can’t help but admit it. He cares about her and Liv, that's the part she loves the most. Maybe them taking things slow will help them blossom a beautiful relationship.
When Chris placed Lively in the carseat, Ry still stood outside of the car in a daze. He walked over to the driver side grabbing her waist,"You are so beautiful my love. I could admire your beauty all day everyday."
"Chrisss." A blush crept unto her face trying to push him away from her so he couldn't see.
Chris lets out a laugh knowing he have made her nervous, he placed a finger under her chin so she can look at him. "Come here." He convinced, placing his lips onto hers. Ryelle melted into the kiss, letting out a slight moan when his hand gripped her ass.
This man has her wrapped around his finger, oh god!
Heyy guys! It's been two years since I've posted and honestly I don't have any reason for that lol. Life be lifing and I just be needing to hop on the train of staying intune with myself. It's been a minute guys but thank you for still loving & supporting my page.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You will see me very soon ;)
Stay Slutty My Friends <3
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badbatchposts · 6 months
Quiet Corners of the Galaxy, Chapter 4
While on a routine mission for Cid, the Bad Batch encounter a woman fleeing from the Empire. Crosshair suspects her seemingly free-spirited, nomadic existence is actually a cover for something else, but struggles to keep his attraction toward her in check as their personalities and ideals clash.
Relevant tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Smut (not for a few chapters still), Canon-Typical Violence
Chapters posted 1-2x weekly!
Read the full fic so far on AO3
Read previous chapters on Tumblr: Ch. 1 l Ch. 2 l Ch. 3
Chapter 4 summary: The Batch are so bad at being under the radar. They learn more about the mysterious woman; Crosshair doesn't trust her.
“Don’t go to sleep, burk’yc.” Crosshair could see the woman nodding off any time he left her with a few moments of silence. She blinked her eyes open again and refilled her mug with more hot water.
“You’re not exactly the most fascinating conversationalist,” she remarked. She eyed his rifle, which he was methodically cleaning and breaking down, his post-mission ritual. “You’re not a bad shot. I saw the trooper helmets when you were done with them. Guess that’s where you get the name. Bullseye, was it?”
“It’s Crosshair. And I’m better than not bad,” he scoffed testily.
“I suppose that’s why you waited until after I was shot to step in. Or maybe you’re just scared of the Empire.” Her voice was neutral, but she had played her hand too obviously; she was goading him, probing for information just like he was.
He reined himself in and went on the offensive. “I wonder,” he purred, “if your hair’s that color everywhere.”
Crosshair expected steel, fury, maybe a flush coming over her cheeks. Instead, she ran her fingers through her locks disinterestedly, picking out the leaves he had noticed before. Both ears, he observed as her hair was smoothed out of the way, were pierced from top to bottom with a series of small silver rings. “It didn’t used to be. Last few years haven’t been the gentlest for the galaxy, have they?” She nodded at the closely cropped gray hairs that coated his own head, growing back patchily around the burn scar at his temple. “What’s your excuse, grandpa?”
“Genetic enhancement,” he replied cryptically.
“Guess that explains the big guy.” She gestured to Wrecker, who was dead-lifting Gonky at the other end of the ship, before offering her beverage to Crosshair. “It’s supposed to be a communal practice,” she explained in response to his raised eyebrow. He made no motion to take it, eliciting a shrug from her. “That’s alright. I always drink it alone anyway.”
“What? No one likes sharing with you?”
“My life seems like it’s a lot less…communal…than yours.” She glanced vaguely around the ship, which was littered with evidence of their co-habitation. “I suppose mercenaries run in packs.”
“We’re not mercenaries,” Hunter interrupted, rejoining them. He had always taken issue with that term. “We’re clone troopers.”
Crosshair prickled a little. He would never understand why the others had been so difficult to track down during his time with the Empire. Hunter didn’t seem to get the finer points of staying off the radar, since he took the opportunity to expose who they were to the first pretty face they came across.
“Haven’t seen a lot of clone troopers that look like you all.” The woman offered Hunter the mug; sniffing curiously, he took a sip.
“It’s good. Thank you,” he said. Crosshair could tell what Hunter was doing. Where the sniper was rigid, aloof, difficult, the sergeant could be considerate, relatable, diplomatic. He thinks he can break you down this way. But he’ll only get a more amenable version of you, the marksman thought. The woman’s face did appear to soften as his brother continued. “We’re a bit different from the rest of them. But with the Republic gone, none of us are soldiers anymore. Gotta find ways to make ends meet.”
The woman seemed to be opening up. Crosshair didn’t trust a minute of it. “Yeah, I know all about that. It’s hard to get by these days.” She turned to Hunter with a small smile. “I’m Dara.”
“Dara.” He smiled back at her. “Any reason we should be worried that the Empire might come looking for you, Dara?”
She shook her head. “The shuttle really was… well, not exactly a misunderstanding. I just panicked. I’ve been traveling. I was staying in a village on Takodana when the Empire began rounding up all the villagers—I have no idea why. I hid and tried to make a break for my ship, but some troopers spotted me. The shuttle was closest. I managed to take off but it took a hit before I entered hyperspace, and that was just where I ended up when my systems started failing.”
Hunter looked thoughtful. “Well, they probably won’t come after you. But I wouldn’t risk going back to Takodana. You likely won’t be getting your ship back.”
He was already heading back to his bunk when Dara spoke up again. “Thank you. I mean it. All of you.” She shot grateful looks at Tech and Crosshair in particular. “I’m lucky you found me when you did.” She was treated with another smile from Hunter as he left. Tech looked rather pleased with himself.
Crosshair leaned toward her, drinking in her beatific expression as he looked into her eyes. “Liar,” he hissed. Even as her expression remained largely impassive, her eyes glinted and nostrils flared ever-so-slightly, hinting at the snarl she was just barely containing. There, he though, leaning back satisfactorily. The knife’s edge of her self-control. That was a start.
Next chapter
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Butterfly Effect | Michael Kinsella x Reader
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Chapter Three: Irish Coffee
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Barista!Reader
Summary: Your day has not been going well. When Michael comes in after closing time, in need for some coffee and a comforting presence, you help each other out. Or, you take yet another step toward Michael, hoping he will open up to you when you open up to him – and then you find yourself making an unexpected move.
Warnings: Angst, rude customers, mentions of injury, self-consciousness, Reader is sad, Michael is sad, alcohol consumption, hurt/comfort, fluff, suggestive language, kissing (18+ MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 5.6k
A/n: I’m starting to get obsessed with my own series, which is why I keep posting chapters in a span of 24 hours. The past two days it’s been 12:23 am and now it’s 1:47, but I can’t myself. This went well, I think. Reader does not give up, but Michael needs someone who refuses to give up, so… and he gives back what he gets.
Find Part 1 & Part 2 here…
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There is something about today that doesn’t sit right with you.
It all started when you slept through your alarm. By the time you woke up, you knew you wouldn’t make it to work on time, which had never happened before. Then, you remembered that your car ran out of gas and the gas station near you was closed today due to a robbery that had taken place a few days ago, and you didn’t have the time to drive to the gas station out of town and neither did you have enough gas left for that. So you had to walk for thirty minutes. You arrived at the café sweaty and forty-five minutes late, and the worst part was that your boss had appeared out of nowhere and when you came in late, she yelled at you until you were basically on your knees and close to tears. 
You thought that would be as worse as it gets, but you were wrong. A customer mixed up his order with an elderly woman and they ended up fighting, which inevitably led to you being blamed for something that wasn’t even in your hands at the time, and the man made sure to push his words as deep as he could like a hot cigarette on your already itchy skin. And the people that came in after that only seemed to get worse. A group of tourists found their way inside and since you are chronically under-staffed, you and Sarah could barely keep up with the load. You ended up with a dirty coffee maker, no more mugs to spare, and questioning your sanity. 
The worst part of the day is what ultimately led you where you are now; you’ve locked yourself in the bathroom for your break after you tried to clean one of the tables and a customer accidentally bumped into you with their unfinished latte and the entire drink poured over your apron and has soaked the clothes you’re wearing underneath. You haven’t brought a spare shirt and the hair dryer you keep in the back isn’t working anymore. You’re stuck with a shirt that now smells like hazelnuts and warm milk, and you’re pretty sure your skin is red from the heat.
But it was an accident, you tell yourself, and even though the customer blamed you, you feel like they had every right to and you apologized to them, offered a coffee on the house, and wished them a nice day. You did the right thing. You should feel good about yourself for how you’ve handled yourself so far, but honestly, there is nothing good about the way you’re feeling now. 
Tears well up in your eyes. The insides of your palms are covered in crescent moon indentations from your nails. Your back hurts, your stomach hurts, everything hurts, and you feel disgusting. You smell disgusting. No perfume in the world can fix the smell of your clothes and no towel can dry the coffee that has dampened your perfectly good blouse. You always keep a spare apron around, every employee has several in their locker, but that won’t do much because the fabric will continue sticking even long after it’s dry and you hate the way it feels so cold against your skin. 
You sniffle. The first tear threatens to fall. You look up, your lashes fluttering as you try hard not to cry because of something so stupid, but everything you do feels wrong and you hate that. You always try to be the best, to make people feel good, and to serve them to the highest standard – you have been lacking today. You don’t want to be here and neither should you, not in your state, but there has got to be something you can do to fix this bad strain of karma. 
You don’t want to cry. They’ll see that you’ve cried and that would only lead to unnecessary questions. Sarah will be worried. You don’t want to talk, you just want to go home. But you really can’t leave them hanging, not when the end is so near and you’re set to close the place on your own. You have to do better. 
Even though none of this is anywhere near your fault, you put the weight on your shoulder anyway because you don’t know what else to do. It’s heavy and you can barely carry it, and you find yourself swallowing a broken sob as your fingers dig into the porcelain of the sink. 
“No,” you growl to yourself. You ruffle your messy hair, brush the tears from your cheeks and try to shake it all off. 
You have to get through the next couple of hours without breaking down. 
 So you change your apron, put on a fake smile, and make your way back out. The busyness has died down a little. You try to act as if nothing happened, tending to the other customers while Sarah starts cleaning up behind you. You try to focus on the smile of the woman you’re serving, but it somehow makes you want to cry again. 
The stress of the day made you forget about Michael for a moment and the fact he hasn’t shown up yet, and you’re about to close. But you’re not sure if seeing him now would be such a good idea, considering you’re not in the mood to make someone feel better. Every time you smile, it feels fake, and it’s probably as obvious as it feels. 
Sarah waves goodbye when her shift is over since she came in before you and your boss banned you to closing for coming in late. The clock strikes seven. The door falls shut behind your colleague. Still no Michael. 
With a heavy sigh, you start putting away the lunch offer sign. You clean the counter and the machines. One of the mugs slips out of your hands and falls into the sink, breaking upon impact. 
That’s the last straw. Your fist hits the kitchenette and you get on your knees, hiding yourself from an empty café, and then, with your forehead pressed against the back of your hands as you’re leaning forward against the sink, the tears start to fall. You silence your sobs, but the tears do a pretty good job of shaking you up as it is. 
Today has been a little too much. 
When the bell above the door rings, you realize you haven’t locked the front door yet and the sign is still turned on “open”, which is a stupid amateur mistake and you’re such an idiot. 
You quickly wipe your tears. “We’re closed,” you try to sound normal, but your nose is stuffed. 
“Is it seven already?”
You stutter, whipping your head around to look at him. “Michael,” you say. 
“Hey,” he says, and this time it doesn’t take him long to give you a small smile. He looks almost apologetic, but then his eyes fall on your wet cheeks and his face falls a little. “Bad time?”
“We’re closed.” When have you become so harsh?
You shake your head. “No, I’m sorry, I– I just forgot to turn the sign. My bad. You couldn’t have known, so technically, I can still serve you. You just have to give me a minute to reheat the coffee maker.”
“Ya don’t have to do that, and ya shouldn’t,” Michael says. 
You frown at him. 
“Yer closed, so I won’t order a coffee.”
“It’s fine, really.”
“No,” he’s insistent, and he steps a bit forward. “Ya alright?”
It’s obvious that you’re not, but you are the last person to admit when you’re not feeling well. And it’s just been a bad day, you don’t even know why it’s been dragging you down ever since you got up this morning. The day is over now and you can move on. 
Though this is the part where the optimist in you isn’t quite strong enough yet. 
You meet his eyes with your reddened ones. “Are you?” you retort. 
He’s surprised at your bold question. You expect him to push you away, to turn around and leave, or to lie to you, but he’s rather quick to lower his head guiltily and he says, “Ya want the short or the long answer?”
You shrug. “Both.”
“Yer busy–”
“I need a drink,” you cut him off. 
“Oh,” he hums. 
“Do you still want a coffee?”
“What’s that have to do with it?”
“Just answer the question.”
Michael nods. “Yeah.”
You reach into the drawer next to you and pull out the keys for the front door. You toss them to him. “Lock the door,” you say. “I’ll make us some coffee.”
Not just him, both of you. He eases when he realizes you’re doing something for yourself too, and he follows your command to lock the door. 
Last night, Michael cried himself to sleep. He stared at your note on the napkin until the Sharpie was completely wet with his tears, and then he held it in his hands as he retreated to his bedroom floor. The bed is too soft most nights, he can’t sleep on it. The beds in prison were a lot more uncomfortable and he’s not used to the softer kind anymore. He needs something hard to lie on, and the floor often enough suffices. 
The hard floorboards dig into his skin when he sleeps, and he’s no longer trapped by blankets when he wakes up from a nightmare. Sometimes, he even sleeps on the bathroom floor. It’s cold and it’s sturdy; it reminds him of a time when that was the norm, and it somehow still is, deep inside of him, and he can’t get rid of the feeling.
He woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his labored breathing. Detached from his physical form, he stared at the wall with tears in his eyes. He thought about the bullet holes, he heard the shots clearly in his ears, and he turned deaf for a second. He couldn’t move. 
He found himself next to the indentations in the stone, running his fingers over the holes. He imagined the blood splatter, the screaming, the pain, and the tears. It tore him to shreds, and he watched her die again. He lost his wife all over again and then he lost his daughter. It’s always the same, but this time, she died in his dreams, and it had never felt more real. 
Washing cars for Amanda in the morning led to moments when he disappeared completely. The water was on for far too long; he probably multiplied the bills with how much he wasted, but once his mind is stuck, moving seems impossible. He challenged his anger into whatever equipment he had at hand, scrubbing the cars cleaner than they were ever before, but it didn’t help. 
At lunch, he sat in the same restaurant down the street from Anna’s school again. He watched her walk with her friends, he watched her smile and laugh, and he felt relieved to see her alive. At least that part of his dream wasn’t true, but she was still too far away the same way she is now, and he can’t touch her. He isn’t allowed to hold her in his arms, to make sure she’s safe and protected. And that truly feels like he is losing her forever all over again. 
He was washing cars until the last evening when Amanda physically had to pull him out and force him to go home, but Michael never made it home. Instead, he found the napkin in the pocket of his jacket. He tossed away the cup, but he has kept the napkin. The note is so much longer and he can hear you say the same words to him over and over again, and he wants to smile, he really does; he wants to find a reason to smile and he wants to believe he is a good man. So after Amanda told him to go home, Michael once again found his way to the same place that has offered him relief two times before, and he can’t be trusted with his thoughts on his own – this is the only way. You are the only escape, and he hates himself for being weak enough to seek something that he’s not even quite sure he deserves. 
He should have figured you were closed. But then he heard the sound of your voice and saw the tears in your eyes and now he’s worried. He is intrigued but worried, and you seem like you don’t want him to leave either. You tell him to close the door, to close the bubble around you, and give you time and space just the two of you, and it warms his heart. You warm his frozen heart, and the concern drives him closer to you. He even takes his jacket off, his knuckles no longer bandaged but bruised, and he doesn’t pull away this time when you look at them.
But you don’t ask. 
You pull the bottle of whisky from the fridge. He watches you carefully. The coffee maker roars as you brew a fresh batch and you foam some milk. You could do this with your eyes closed. Even tired, you know exactly what to do and how to do it, and now that the stress is gone, you don’t have to rush. 
Michael keeps quiet until he hears you pour whatever drink you’ve made into two porcelain cups. 
“It’s not a double espresso,” you murmur, “but I think you know and like this one.”
“What,” he chuckles, “no blue poison today? Or toffee nuts?”
You shake your head, the laugh dying on your tongue. 
“I liked the blue one.”
“Then you’re gonna like this one, too.”
You remove your apron and lean back, watching him carefully as he takes a sip. His eyes widen as he recognizes the distinctive taste, but then he looks even more surprised when tastes the undertones in his coffee. “Wow,” he says. “That is one hell of an Irish Coffee.”
“You like it?” Your eyes grow hopeful. 
“Like it? I fuckin’ love it.” He takes another sip. “What did ya– ya must be a wizard. No one can make Irish Coffee that good.”
“I’ve had some practice.”
“This is– wow.”
“You’re welcome.”
You stand there for a while, silently sipping your drinks. Michael is done first, but you follow shortly after. You take his cup and put it into the dishwasher, deciding to let it run one last time. 
“Did ya do that just for me?” he dares to ask. 
You shrug. “It’s better than a double espresso,” you say. 
“Are ya always this nice to strangers?”
“You’re not a stranger.”
“I am.”
You turn away with a sigh. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Yer so nice to people.”
“It’s my job.”
“But they’re not always nice to ya.” It’s not a question as much as it is an observation. 
You shake your head slightly, reaching for the small shot glasses you keep hidden away in the cupboard. 
“No offense, but ya sound like a real people pleaser.”
He hits the nail right on the head. You hate how obvious it is. Silence settles in between you. You don’t answer him, you simply place one of the glasses before him and pour some of the whisky you used for the coffee for both of you. 
He nods in acknowledgment. “Don’t ya ever get… I don’t know, angry? At the world, I mean. Like ya just want to burn it down and leave nothin’ behind because it sucks and it hates ya. Or ya hate the world? Or both. Does that happen to ya?”
You take the shot, your fave barely contorting before you find the guts to answer. “I get angry,” you whisper, but it sounds more like you’re trying to convince yourself.
“I mean really angry,” he says, “like you could punch a lad twice your size and win.”
“Everybody gets angry.”
“Ya do?”
“Mhm, but I don’t hate the world. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes, I just have a bad day, but I’m trying… I don’t know, it’s stupid.”
He takes his shot and you pour another glass. 
“Tell me,” he says. “I can tell ya’ve been crying.”
Of course, he can.
“I just want people to feel better around me, that’s why I’m nice because kindness goes a long way. Hatred… hatred doesn’t get you far. I’ve learned that the hard way and I… I just want to be good, so I try to be good, but sometimes it’s not enough, and that… that sucks because it always ends up being my fault anyway and that’s what makes trying so impossibly hard.”
“So yer a people pleaser,” he circles back to his previous statement, “but there’s nothin’ wrong with that. And that doesn't make shit yer fault all the time."
You didn’t expect to hear that.
“And yer good. Too good,” he says your name with such softness. “Ya managed to make me smile more than I’ve in a very long time. I wanted to say thanks fer that. I thought part of me… died. I've realized it's not dead, just buried."
“People usually call me a people pleaser and mean it in a bad way,” you say.
He smiles. “I don’t.”
“Yeah, I get that now.”
“So the world isn’t fair to ya, hm?”
You chuckle sadly. “It never was, but I’ve been worse and I’m somewhat happy now. I just–“
“Ya get walked over,” he finishes.
“And ya feel like yer not enough?”
You blink wildly to keep the tears at bay. “Yes.” 
“Were ya being nice to me out of kindness or ‘cause ya care?”
“Both,” you answer in a heartbeat. 
Your eyes meet again. He’s still the same magnet he was the first day you two met. He pulls you closer and closer, and you can feel yourself opening up to him. 
Michael smiles, taking another shot and then taking it upon himself to fill your glasses. 
“You’re different, Michael. I don’t know why, but you are.”
“I got yer notes,” the words slip him before he can stop himself. 
You nod. “That’s what they were meant for.”
“No one’s ever said that to me before.”
“That you have a nice smile?”
“All of it,” he says.
“That’s… sad,” you say. 
He shrugs. The whisky starts burning his esophagus. “My life’s sad.” 
“But does it have to be?”
“If only ya knew.”
You decide to take another step toward him. “I quit my job to become a writer, and now I work here.” 
He raises his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
You nod and start walking around the counter toward him. You’re so close again, he can feel your breath on his skin. 
“I’ve been writing ever since I was a child,” you say. “But it’s never been more than a hobby to my family, and so they didn’t understand when I wanted to study English literature. I landed behind a desk and I was unhappy, and I wanted to write. I’ve been told I’d fail ever since I started writing, and my parents still tell me the same thing. They’ve never supported it, so when I quit and then took this job, you can imagine how thrilled they were. Not.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. "I'm sure yer great. Maybe they just don't get ya."
He can’t imagine what you’ve been through because your lives are so inherently different, but he can feel your pain. He knows what it's like not to be understood, and he knows how much that can hurt coming from your own family.
He reaches out, your fingers mere inches away from each other now. 
“This was the first time I wasn’t trying to please anyone but myself,” you say, and your voice is barely above a whisper.
Michael nods, a silent sign of understanding, and then he takes your hand in his. “I wash cars fer a living,” he says.
You gave a big part of yourself and this is something he can tell you, even though it embarrasses him. 
You look up into his eyes. “Cars?” 
“Yeah. Fer my brother’s wife. You know the deli down by the gas station a little outside of downtown?”
“Yeah, there. She sells ‘em. She got me that job ‘cause I needed it. Now I wash cars.”
And getting a job with as many priors as he has is a hard task to achieve. But he knows he can be good at so many other things if he only tries. He just doesn’t have the same opportunities as everyone else, and that’s defeating. 
“Is that what you want to do?” you ask.
Has anyone ever asked him that before? He doubts it. You surprise him anew every time, and he’s not sure how to process or handle it. Michael doesn’t know how to read you. 
He doesn't answer your question in the way you want him to, either. “It’s what I have to do,” he says instead. 
“Is that what happened to your hand?” there it is – the question. “An accident washing cars?” 
“No, heh,” he takes another sip of his whisky. “Punched a hole in my mirror,” he says. 
“I hate the world and the world hates me.” 
You can see the unshed tears in his eyes, the pain he’s holding deep inside. He’s guarding himself for whatever reason, but his touch is warm and it screams for an escape. That’s the reason he came, you realize. He wants to escape whatever shit show his life is because, with you at the Butterfly Effect, he hates the world a little less. He doesn’t feel alone with you because while you don’t know him, you listen. You’re nice and you care about him. Judging from what he’s said, he’s not used to kindness or devotion, and it makes you sad. 
You squeeze his hand. “Everyone deserves someone to care about them,” you murmur, “even you, Michael.”
“I get angry,” he admits, and the tears become clearer. “I get really, really angry.”
“As I said, everyone does.”
“It’s a different kind of anger. The kind of anger that runs deeper. It’s darkness.”
He expects you to pull away, but you only hold on tighter, and you catch the tear in the corner of his eye before it can fall. “And that’s okay,” you say.
He wants to fall into your arms and sob, but his pride is stronger. His pride wants him to suffer.
“There must be a reason you come here and not just wallow in your anger. I mean, you’re driven by something other than darkness because I don’t see darkness when I look at you. I see light.”
You’re not pushing him, you’re simply nudging him as gently as only you can, and if he decides not to act on it, you’re okay with that too. He doesn’t feel forced, he feels almost accepted. 
“Why do you come here, Mikey?”
Mikey. This is the first time you use his nickname, and it sounds different coming from you. He likes it. 
“I don’t know,” he admits. 
It’s not just coffee and not just you, but he doesn’t know, not really – Michael doesn’t understand, and he hates that he doesn’t because he usually understands. Though this, he doesn’t. 
“Okay.” You leave it at that, but you refuse to let go of his hand. “That’s okay.” 
He intertwines your fingers, forming a safety net for his broken heart. They’re no longer on the counter now but dangling between the two of you. He’s holding you close, and his grip tells you that maybe he is afraid of letting go because he’s scared you might leave, which is absurd, but you quite like the way he’s holding onto you. You wouldn’t say no even if it killed you. 
You move a little closer, your shoulders brushing. He looks down. His thumb brushes over your knuckles. “So soft,” he says. 
You blush. 
“Do ya have a car?”
“I walked here,” you say.
“Want me to walk ya home? It’s dangerous out there.” 
“Who’s to say you’re not gonna murder me?”
He can sense the joking undertone in your voice and he chuckles. “Ya just need to trust me,” he says.
Weirdly enough, you do. Reluctantly, you let go of his hand. The rest of the cleaning is done easily. He helps you adjust the chairs in the seating area while you clean the coffee machine again, and after wiping the tables and adjusting the sign for the early shift the next day, there’s not much else you have to do. 
You let out a sigh of relief when you finally breathe fresh air and all of the day’s pain is left behind inside. 
Even though it’s a thirty-minute walk, Michael insists on walking with you. He doesn’t leave your side. Your hand finds his again after some time, and he reciprocates your touch instantly. You see nothing wrong with it. He makes you feel less alone, and you seem to be doing the same for him. 
You walk in silence, the wind brushing through your hair and getting caught in the stain on your blouse. You didn’t bring a jacket this morning, too much in a hurry to get to work to even care about the cold weather.
It seems like a chliché when Michael suddenly untangles himself from you and takes off his jacket. “Here,” he says. He looks at you, leaving no space for you to argue, so you take his offer gladly.
You suspected he would smell like ground coffee beans, but his cologne smells like tobacco and vanilla, and the faintest scent of rain hits your nose. You slide it on, instantly feeling a little warmer, but you’re not quite sure if it’s the jacket or the flush of blood in your cheeks that makes your heart beat faster. 
This time, your hands only brush as you walk. 
“What happened to yer shirt?” He breaks the silence.
You pull his jacket tighter around yourself. “I–“ you bite your lip. “Work accident,” you say. 
“Was it hot coffee?”
“A little.”
“Did you check if ya got burned?”
“It’s not the first time someone bumped into me, and they didn’t mean it,” you say, rushing to the defense of a total stranger, and that’s when you realize that perhaps he was right with the whole ‘people pleaser’ speech. 
You shake your head. Michael has gotten under your skin. He seems to notice it because he smiles softly, and reaches out to take your hand again. 
“Ya know what helps?” he asks.
“An apron.”
“Fuck off!” You try to sound mean and furrow your brows at him, but you end up chuckling because damn him for looking so cute even while he also looks absolutely exhausted. 
He joins in your laughter.
“Seriously though, I hope whoever did this to ya didn’t do it on purpose.” He avoids eye contact, but his words hit home. 
“Or what, you’ll find them and break their hands?”
“Wasn’t thinkin’ about somethin’ so drastic, but they hurt ya and I don’t like the thought of ya gettin’ hurt.”
“Nothin’,” he blushes. 
That was a lot of vulnerability for such a short amount of time. 
You look away just the same, trying to hide the effect he has on you, but he can feel your sweaty palms and how your pulse jumps under his fingers whenever he touches you. It’s no secret that you don’t see him as just a customer anymore, you never have. 
But this is Michael, and as soon as things start looking up for him, he is bound to ruin them because how can he possibly accept what you are willing to give him? He cares about you, and he hates that he has found himself in this situation again. But he can’t deny that he needs you. Feelings are treacherous, as is love and everything else that connects to it. To him it is, at least. And he’s really not sure what to do or what to think. He just knows that he wants you to be okay.
You stop in front of your apartment building. “This is me,” you say. 
The air shifts and the tension grows heavy. Your hand is still holding onto his, and you are still wearing his jacket. You attempt to take it off, but he stops you. 
“Keep it,” he says. 
“Aren’t you gonna be cold?”
“Ya still have a way to go, so keep it.”
You slip back into the jacket. “Okay. Thank you…”
Neither of you wants this to end, but it has to. 
You clear your throat. “I guess this means goodbye then.”
“Yeah,” he says. 
“Do you promise me to get home safe?”
“I’ll manage.”
You turn around to leave. You take a few steps before stopping. He’s still there, waiting for you to get inside. You turn back to him.
Maybe it’s too much of a rash decision that is brewing up in your mind, but tonight has changed a lot. Your paths have crossed now. You’ve already crossed borders you told yourself not to. This isn’t you, this is a primal desire that drives you to take what you want and not give a flying fuck about pleasing someone else tonight, and it feels like you have finally learned how to breathe again.
He frowns when you walk back toward him. Your hands find their way on either one of his shoulders. Michael stares down at you. Your intentions aren’t entirely clear to him. 
Fuck it.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to capture his lips with yours. 
And when your lips finally meet, time stands still. 
At first, he’s surprised. Your lips feel softer than he imagined, and they fit perfectly on his. It feels like you’ve done this a million times. His head spins. Then, he kisses back. 
Michael’s arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. It's a carnal desire, not his own free will. You feel so good pressed against him, and your lips are magic as they dance with his. 
He’s convinced now that you are good at everything. 
His tongue pokes your bottom lip, asking for permission. You let him in. He explores your mouth with precision, tasting you, memorizing you, and making sure you stay imprinted in his bloodstream. He breathes your air and you breathe his. The world around you no longer exists. 
You are more than willing to suffocate at his hands with his lips on yours and his body so close, you can smell his shampoo and feel the softness of his hair under your fingers as you run them through the brown curls. He’s ethereal, absolutely beautiful, and he feels like heaven and tastes like the sweetest temptation that will land you in hell, but it is all so good, too good, absolutely perfect – he has put an irreversible spell on you, and his lips sealed the deal. 
Though your body is quick to scream for you to pull away and breathe. It’s been a while since you’ve consciously used your lungs. You could get lost in him any day, your life be damned. If you’re right with your suspicions, you’re fucked anyway, but you don’t mind. Not with him. Not when it’s Michael.
You both pull away at the same time. His hand rests on your cheek, barely touching, but he’s sure to hold you there.
Without another word, you press another chaste kiss to his lips. He reciprocates. 
“I should go,” your breathing is heavy as you speak. “I, uh, have an early day tomorrow.”
Michael nods, his nose brushing against yours. He’s going to regret tonight, but you’re by far his favorite sin. He felt free when you kissed him. It doesn’t seem real, but you’re still so close and he can taste your chapstick. You’re real, this is real, and you’ve caught him before he could fall. 
But he’s going to regret it, he always does.
“Yeah, me too,” he whispers. “Early day.”
He has work in the morning, so it isn’t a lie.
You pull away completely, your cheeks flushed and your lips swollen. Now you don’t look cute anymore, you look absolutely edible, and Michael has to physically force his hands to stay where they are. 
Scratching the back of your head, you desperately search for your keys. Once you’ve found them, you wave an awkward goodbye. “See ya,” you say. 
He watches as you disappear behind the door to your apartment building, and a few seconds later, you’re gone.
You only allow yourself to register what happened once you’re in the comfort of your home, your back pressed against the door, and you slide down. 
You just kissed a man you don’t even know half of, and you enjoyed it. 
Whoever Michael truly is moves into the back of your mind – his lips still linger and it’s what you will take to bed with you. Not the fact that you don’t even know his last name but his touch and his smile. 
The day might have started badly, but you can’t deny that it ended with an unexpected surprise that made all the bad from before dissipating into nothing at all.
You wonder how many more times you have to take the first step before he will finally open himself up to you. But no matter what, you’re determined to find out. 
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Tagging: @bellaxgiornata @loveroftoomanyfandoms @acharliecoxedfan @lina-mar @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Animal House (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Now you know where Auggie’s love of critters comes from
Spring had at long last come after the long midwestern winters that had hung over Oklahoma, the warm weather settling in perfectly, which for you and Bob, meant turning the kids loose onto the land to go and play. 
Bob and Hawk had both been in the tobacco shed, hanging the leaves up to dry and cutting up the ones that had already dried to make hand rolled cigarette’s, cigars and cigarillos. Bob squeezed the tears out of his eyes from the sharp, pungent odors that were getting everywhere. 
“Feels like I’m cutting up smokey smelling onions,” Bob said, sniffing the snot back into his nostrils. 
“If you need a break, go step out for a minute,” Hawk told him. “Leaves aren’t going anywhere.” 
Bob stepped out for a hot minute, taking in the fresh air of spring and the summer weather beginning to creep its way in . 
“Feel better?” Hawk asked him, dusting off his work gloves. 
“No wonder Dad prefers the weed,” Bob chuckled. 
“Oh I do too,” Hawk added. “But whatever helps give us an extra leg, then so be it.” 
“Just never thought it’d be tobacco.” 
“Neither did I,” Hawk chuckled. “But like I said, an extra leg is better than nothing.” 
The two men were suddenly taken aback when they saw a small, bespectacled boy running over the hills in his little tan Carhardt jacket with something in his hands. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!!” August yelled, nearly out of breath as he skidded to a halt. 
“What’s up Baby Bird?” Bob asked, Auggie nearly clotheslining on Bob’s outstretched arm. 
“Bunnies!!!” Auggie answered. “Bunnies in the hills!” 
“Ah shit,” Hawk muttered under his breath. “Lead the way little man.” 
The two grown men followed Auggie as he ran right back to the spot where he had found the bunnies, right near the fence post and all of them cuddled up on top of each other with their tiny little ears pushed back and their tiny little noses twitching. They couldn’t have been any more than a few days old, judging by how tiny they were. 
“You know what to do buddy?” Bob asked him. 
Auggie shook his head.
“Go get a shoebox and some of Papa’s truck rags out of the box in the garage,” Bob instructed. “Make sure they’re the clean ones.” 
Auggie took off running and was back in a flash with the shoebox full of clean rags. As carefully as they could, Bob and Hawk took the tiny little bunnies from the hole and placing them in the box. 
“Looks like the nest is abandoned,” Bob remarked.
“Oh it’s definitely abandoned,” Hawk told him. “I put a red string over the nest the other night and it hasn’t been touched.” 
“Then we’ve gotta do what we’ve gotta do,” Bob said with a shrug. 
As soon as the ten little bunnies were all safely nested in the shoebox, Bob carried them back to the main house and into the kitchen where he found you with your sewing box. 
“Whatcha got Boob?” you asked him. 
“Box full of baby bunnies.” 
You almost gasped when you saw them, ten little brown, black and white baby bunnies who were all piling on top of each other to keep themselves warm. You gently stroked one with the tip of your finger, feeling the soft little ball of fur. 
“They’re so cute!” you quietly squealed. 
“Eyes aren’t even open yet,” Bob said, unable to control the smile that was creeping across his face. “I’m a little worried, I don’t think we have anything to feed’em with, unless I go out to the barn and get milk from one of the goats. Problem is, her kids haven’t been weaned yet.” 
“What about Lola and Bugsy?” you asked him. “Lola I think just had a litter.” 
“Honey might be better since hers have weaned but she’s still got some milk in her,” Bob said. “Can you go grab her from the hutch?” 
You nodded and went off to find Honey, carefully picking her up from the hutch and right into your arms before heading back to the house. Bob, Joe and Auggie had already made a little spot in the living room and put them inside before you lowered Honey into the box with them. All four of you watched closely to see if they would take to her and sure enough, they did. 
“Are we gonna have to feed’em Daddy?” Auggie asked. 
“Only if the others can’t get in,” Bob answered. 
All ten of them had taken well to Honey, save for the runt of the litter who you and Bob had to hand feed with the goat milk. The little one sucked away as Bob fed him with the homemade bottle, covering the bunny’s delicate little head and eyes that hadn’t yet opened. 
“Kind of remind you of someone?” you said with a smile.
“Oh yes,” Bob answered. “All those days when Auggie was too small to latch on and we had to feed him this way until he could.” 
You and Bob watched closely as Auggie took his turn feeding the bunny until his tiny little belly stuck out from being full. “Careful Auggie,” Bob warned him. “Remember, gentle hands.” 
Auggie carefully placed the tiny little bunny back in with Honey and the rest of the litter, kneeling beside the box to watch them until dinnertime. 
“I’ve got a feeling he’s gonna turn the house into an animal hospital,” Bob said. 
“So don’t I,” you said, smiling broadly as you kissed your husband’s cheek. 
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
Day 9–Trapped Together (25 Days of Ficmas)
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A/N: Did you guys hear about the six feet of snow New York was getting? I based this story off of that.
Shawn sighed as he sat down on the bench in the underground station. He was supposed to be with his family right now, but with weather delays, he was unable to catch a flight to Toronto for another two days. Hence why he sat on a creaky metal bench, his guitar case at his feet. He would’ve taken an uber or called a driver, but they were all booked out for the holidays. And since every member from his team had gone home to spend time with their families, it was just him. 
The subway station was barren. Only him and one other girl sat around the station. He could only see her out of his peripheral and from what he could see, she was blowing hot air on her hands and shivering. It was a little chilly in the subway station, but Shawn didn’t think it was that cold. 
He glanced over at her only to be startled with her beauty. Even bundled up in a coat and a beanie, she was immediately the most gorgeous women he had ever seen. And just as he noticed this, he noticed that she was soaking wet. He jumped from his place he was sitting at and ran over to where she stood. 
“Are you ok?!” He questioned frantically, concerned for the women who stood before him. 
“Umm…I…. I…d-do y-you k-now w-what t-time it is?”
“It’s 7:25 pm.”
“Shouldn’t t-the t-train b-be h-here?”
“Yea. I think it said arrival time was right about now. Do you maybe want to take off that coat. I was going to the airport, but my flight was cancelled so I have some clothes you can wear.”
“I-I would hate t-to inconvenience y-you, but if you could, that would be nice.”
Shawn nodded walking over to his suitcase, unzipping it and pulling out a hoodie, some sweatpants, and some boxers. He didn’t care if she wore them, she was soaked to the bone. 
Just as he finished zipping his suitcase back up, the subway pulled in, opening its side doors. Shawn and Y/N quickly boarded, and Y/N retreated to the bathrooms. 
She returned from the bathroom as the subway had started moving again. Shawn smiled softly at her. She looked cute in his clothes. And most importantly, she looked warm. 
“Hey. I know this may be all backwards and all, but what’s your name?”
“Y/N. My name is Y/N. And I hope you don’t think I’ve taken advantage of you. What with you being famous and all.”
Shawn blushed. “So, you recognize me.”
She nodded. “Does that make you feel weird?”
“Np, you haven’t acted like a creep fan just yet, other than stealing my clothes,” he joked. “Why were you soaking wet anyways?”
She chuckled. “I’m a waitress at this restaurant in the city. Me and my coworker like to play pranks on each other. I was closing on my own tonight since all my coworkers were doing things with family for Christmas. Anyways, I opened the door to the kitchen as I was closing, and a bucket of water fell on top of me.”
Shawn shook his head, holding in a laugh. “I’m sorry. That’s kind of funny but really mean. How dare they pull a prank like that on you on Christmas day!”
“It’s fine. I’ve done worse.” 
“Oh, do tell.”
So, Y/N spent the next twenty minutes of the subway ride explaining to Shawn in great detail about all the pranks her and her coworker had played on each other. 
About halfway through one of her stories, the train came to an abrupt stop and the lights went out. Y/N screamed, and Shawn instinctively wrapped his arm around her protectively. 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll get the train up and running in a few minutes. Must’ve been the storm. Finish telling me your story and I’ll recount a few things from tour.”
After about another hour of them sitting in the dark and telling each other their life stories, they both began to get tired and cold. Shawn produced a few blankets from his suitcase and a pillow, and they cuddled up on the floor of the subway, trying to warm the other up. 
When they awoke in the morning, Shawn’s arm was wrapped around Y/N’s waist, and they were snuggled under the blankets. The train had started to move which awoke the two of them. 
They both chuckled and laughed the night off. “That was wacky. Maybe I can take you out to breakfast to help heal our traumatized minds?” Shawn questioned. 
“Sounds nice. But I have a question for you? Once you take me out to breakfast, I have a friend who is taking me up to Toronto because I have family up there that I’m trying to get to as well. Would you like to catch a ride with us?” 
“Any time I can get to spend with you will be cherished.”
He gently kissed her cheek as they prepared to deboard from the subway. 
A/N: This was absolute trash, but the prompt for day 9 wasn’t too great haha. Sorry for the disappointment. 
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moon-sang · 2 years
Could I request reader gets hurt but doesn’t want to tell Din Djarin cos reader doesn’t want to distract him from the kid? Also I LOVE UR WORK! ♥️♥️♥️
STUCK - Din x Reader
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SUMMARY: Grogu has just been rescued from Gideon, The Crest was in good shape, Din was happy! Everything seemed perfect…. Except they weren’t…. Just as you made your leap to the Crest Gideon manages to slash at you hip with his saber, Din is having such fun with the kid you don’t want to seperate the two of them, with your issue.
WARNINGS: angst, reader is wounded, description of wound (not too gothic), reader hides wound from Din, pls tell me if I miss anything
~~~~~ Your breathes were ragged and heavy. Your head pounded, and your left hip screamed at you, shooting blinding pains through your abdomen.
You applied more pressure onto the wound hoping to suppress some of the pain, but only aggravated it even more. You silently whimper, tears stinging at the edges of your eyes. “Mesh’la?” Your head whips up, eyes meeting Mando’s glossy black visor. “Y-es” you reply through gritted teeth. “… we’ve been busy for the last three days tracking Grogu and today, rescuing him, you’ve barely had time to shower…. I’m playing with Grogu at the moment, why don’t you have a shower, and when your done I’ll have one?” You couldn’t use words to express how grateful you were at that moment, so you offer Din your biggest, and warmest smile instead with a small nod. ~~~~~
The steaming hot water worked wonders on your skin as it washed down every inch of your body. For the first few minutes the water stung like hell, especially on you left hip, you were even tempted to turn it off at one point, but it got better. You scrubbed the dust and grime off your body, taking special care on your hip. When you reached your hip, you gently washed some of the blood off. The blood was sticky and as water trickled down your hip, a clot of blood splashes down the drain with the water. You sigh. The buzz of the darksaber still rung in your head as clear as day, the strike of the darksaber haunted you and you shiver regardless of being in hot water. You take in a small breath and step out of the shower.
Once your clothes are on and your hair is dried enough, you make your way to the cockpit. You make sure that you put on an oversized jumper because you knew your wound would leak through the thin clothing you wore now. If there was a medkit around, some bacta, or at least some bandages you would’ve taken care of your hip yourself… but there was nothing…. You ran out of medkits way back when Din really wounded himself, and haven’t had the chance to go shopping since. 
As you climbed up the ladder to the cockpit you could hear joyful babbles and the deep throaty chuckles that you held close to your heart from Din. He was so…. Happy. You feel a small smile tug at the edges of your lips as you approach the two of them. Big beady eyes met yours as you sat next to Grogu and cradled an arm around his small figure. You smile at Din and say “Your turn” whilst rubbing the small silky hairs at the top of the kids green head. As you turn your attention to Grogu a blinding pain ripples through your hips, making it’s way all the way up to your chest. Your vision goes black, your breathes become even more heavy, and your head almost feels…. Numb. This time you can’t help but let out a choked sob. It was a loud yelp and it bounced off the cockpits walls. A small green claw rests on your arm, but you can barely recognise it because the pain doesn’t subside this time. The wound doesn’t just sting… but it burns as well. You try desperately calling for Din but nothing but a whisper of his name comes out. Your back hits something cold, you can’t tell if it’s the wall, or the floor, your world is spinning and you can feel your blood slowly begin to circulate around you on the floor. You try one last desperate attempt of calling for Din but you just can’t feel anything, nor control any part of your body anymore. So you just lay there limply. Your eyes are heavy but your inner fighter kicks in and you force them to stay open for as long as you can.
Din walks into the refresher, ready to strip his clothes and take a nice… warm…shower, when he hears a muffled noise. It peaked his interest… what was that? He presumed you were just mucking around with the kid. So after a few minutes of waiting to see if any other noise comes he steps into the shower now fully undressed. Momentarily after he turns the steamy water on he hears a small knock. He turns off the water to clarify whether he was hearing things or if someone actually knocked…. But there it came again… knock, knock followed along with a line of babbles and coos. Din sighs to himself. “One minute kid I’m in the shower” Din shouts.  Din is about to Turn the water back on when he hears the knock again. “I said… just-a-minute!” Din growls a little more sternly. When Din hears another knock moments later, he quickly dries himself off and pulls his clothes on. He smashes his hand on a button which opens the hatch. On the other side of the hatch stood a small green alien with innocent glossy eyes, and two floppy ears. “What?!” Din questions as sternly as possible. Grogu’s small claw slowly points up the cockpit where you laid. “Huh- what is it?” Din says a little more gently now. “Patu” Grogu responds with a cute voice. “Y/n?” Din shouts confused. No answer. Din felt his heart drop as he played over the things that could have happened to you whilst he was in the hull of the Crest showering. With that he runs and climbs up the ladder to the cockpit.  ~~~~~ You don’t know how long you laid there on the cold floor of the Crest, but eventually a silver blur came into your sights. Warmth (most likely from a hand) rested on your wound and you twitched. Your mind wouldn’t focus on one thing - it was like one of those moments when you woke up in the middle of the night but were still half asleep and couldn’t focus on anything clearly. “Din” you manage to croak out. You heard him say through a muffled voice “it’s………ok…..fine…….your fine………Mesh’la……your…….safe…………gonna…hurt……little…….bit……ready?………..1…….2……-” you jolt up as an electricity surges through your body, you yelp in surprise at the same time. “Hey, hey, hey!- I got you.” He cradles you in his arms until you slightly calm down… air had definitely returned to your lungs but you knew you needed bandages. “Stay-here-one-second” Din murmurs to you. He pushes you up slightly against the wall so you sat up a little and went away to get something.  ~~~~~ when your eyes open to light Din is no longer a blur and your lying in the cramped space of his bed. “Hey cyar’ika” Din says whilst rubbing light circles on your head with his thumb. You slightly smile. “W-where’d you get the bandages?” You question as you realise your stomach is wrapped up all the way down to your ribs. “I had spare bandages in my drawer……. Why…why didn’t you tell me?” You break eye contact with him for a second. “I-I -I didn’t want to bother you with my wound when you were having such fun with Grogu.” You almost whisper. Din moves back in shock. After a few moments of silence he finally replies, a bit too stern for your liking at first. “You listen to me mesh’la …… you will never bother me.” You crumble at his words and tears spill out over the blankets. Careful not to hurt your wounded hip Din takes you in his arms and gently kisses your forehead whispering sweet nothings to you… he was so tender with his family…. You really did  l o v e him.
- hope you enjoyed mandaloriansgal 😁 
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butwhyduh · 3 years
"There is only one bed" "Exes forced to work together" and "Accidentally cuddling in sleep" with homeboy Dickie please <3
There were certain members of the Titans who said Dick’s superpower was being friends with his exes. Not very many of them had ill feelings for him after breakup despite everything that happened in their relationship. You tried to be like them. Kori could laugh at his jokes while he dated Barbara. Zatanna would often give him an open mouth kiss when she saw him and yet had no interest in dating him again.
But you weren’t like that. You didn’t know how to act around him. Possibly because you didn’t exactly break up normally, or at all. He just disappeared. It had been for a mission but still. He could have called or talked to you afterwards. That’s why you were mad. It was inconsiderate, you thought as you ignored the tiny voice that told you that you couldn’t be normal around him because you still liked him.
And currently you were dying because you had teamed up with Dick on a mission. Both of your skill sets matched for the mission’s needs and so this is how you ended up at the front counter of a Swiss hotel high in the mountain trying to get 2 hotel rooms instead of one. Or even just another bed.
“Madame, I apologize but there is no other room at this hotel. We are very sorry for the mix up but this is all we have. The nearest hotel is 30 kilometers north so I have very little I can do. Again, I apologize,” said the man. “It is the busy season.”
You sighed. “That’s fine. I’m tired. It’ll be fine,” you said grabbing the keys a little rougher than necessary. Dick looked at the man apologetically before following you.
The hotel was actually really nice. Very traditional with red ornamental patterned rugs and golden brown beaded board halfway up the wall. A gold chandelier hung in the front entry. A bellboy carried your bags up to the room and let you in.
The room was just as nice but tiny. Barely had enough room for the bed and a small table with 2 chairs and a tv stand. A little closet sat behind door and the tiny window with covered in thick curtains.
You tossed your bag in the closet without a care and pulled off your shoes. You groaned and stretched your toes before flopping on the bed.
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” Dick said grabbing a pillow.
“No just get in bed. There isn’t enough floor to sleep on. It’ll kill your back to sleep weird,” you said with a yawn. Dick stood awkwardly. You hadn’t thought about it but you were probably his only awkward ex and he didn’t know what to do about it.
“You sure? I don’t wanna be in your space,” Dick said tentatively laying down the pillow. You patted the mattress.
“You could sleep in the room beside me and I think you’d still be in my face with how tiny these rooms are,” you said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, this hotel is probably like 500 years old or something,” he said laying down. He was on his edge of the bed and you on yours. “Did I ever tell you that we toured out here when I was a kid in the circus?”
You turned to look at him. “No you haven’t. What was it like?”
“It was cold but fun. My mom got mad when I tried to do flips barefoot in the snow,” he said with a laugh. “I was probably 6. She thought I was going to get deathly sick from the cold.”
“That sounds exactly like something a mom would say,” you said with a smile.
“I also remember one of the sword swallowers tried to learn the language to speak to all the pretty women that came to the shows but he learned Swedish instead,” Dick said and you both laughed.
“I bet that didn’t go well.”
“He got lucky and the first woman he talked to spoke Swedish! It was pretty funny,” Dick said with a yawn. “We should probably get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” you said and the pillow felt like heaven. Your eyelids felt heavy and before you knew it, you were asleep. Hours later you woke to light hitting your eyes through the curtains so you snuggled closer to get it out of your eyes. Arms that wrapped around you tightened a little and you felt a humming noise that threatened to put you back to sleep.
Hot breath against your cheek made you move again. This time you woke up to take in your surroundings. A collarbone. Arms around your back. Legs tangled in your own. You hadn’t taken anyone home last night. Who was that? You blinked before realizing that you were in Dick’s arms.
You pulled back a little and he whined in his sleep and held you tighter. His touch was warm and comforting and you almost wanted to be lulled back to sleep with him. But Dick wasn’t your boyfriend and you needed to move. You shifted again and he opened his eyes to look at you in surprise.
“Oh,” he said. You both froze. “Sorry,” Dick muttered before moving his hands away slowly. His didn’t scoot away from you.
You looked at him and the way he looked at you stopped you from moving. It was raw and unfiltered in the mornin light and he clearly wasn’t over you. He looked down at your lips before looking back at your eyes.
“Morning,” you said softly. You looked down as he licked his lips. They looked soft and shiny. You slid your hand to his arm. Almost painfully slow, Dick scooted closer to where your lips were almost touching. You inhaled a little faster than normal.
“Can I,” he said already hold his head slightly turned. You leaned up to meet his lips. Dick’s hands went back around to grip your waist. The kiss started out tentative but didn’t take long to deepen. He tasted the same as you remember and his touch was familiar and comforting.
After a little bit of you both laying on your sides, Dick laid back and pulled you on top of him. You straddled his hips and kissed him hard. Dick made a moan against your lips and gripped your thighs. You rubbed down against him. You could feel him grow hard in his thin sleep pants. Dick pulled back to breathe.
“Fuck baby,” he panted. You huffed out a laugh. “What?” He asked and you grinned.
“Still has the same weaknesses, I see,” you whispered and he chuckled before shrugging. You ground down on him and he inhaled quickly.
“Yeah but so do you,” he said before flipping you over and pinning your hands above your head. You gasped into a moan as he nipped at the spot behind your ear. Dick smirked against your skin. “Yep the same spot.”
“Hmmm using it against me,” you asked and he nodded.
“Always take advantage of weaknesses. That how I was taught,” Dick said. He bent and sucked hard on the spot and you pulled at his hands, wanting to put your hands in his hair. Dick kissed down your neck to your collar and nipped at your collarbone. You made a keening sound.
“Not fair Grayson, not fair,” you said breathlessly and he chuckled.
“I could always stop,” Dick said, his breath was hot on your skin. You groaned and he chuckled. Dick slid his hands under your shirt and pulled back to slide it off. His fingers traced a new scar that you had gotten since the last time you had been together.
“Two Face,” you commented and he nodded before kissing the arcing curvature of lighter skin. You pulled at his shirt and he pulled it off too. He had some more scars too. A pair of red healing marks on his forearm that looked like claws you touched with your thumb.
“Killer Croc,” he said before kissing the valley between your breasts. You hummed in agreement before realizing what he said.
“Killer Croc? You got very lucky,” you said and he pulled back a little.
“Yeah. I mean, it got mad infected and I was out for 2 weeks but yeah, he could have ripped my arm off,” Dick said. He ran his hand along the waistband of your sleep shorts. You inhaled quickly.
“You’re too casual for a man that almost died,” you said.
“Yeah, I know,” Dick answered sliding his hand in your shorts to play in your folds. Your eyes closed and you forgot all about scars and Killer Croc as he fingered you.
“Condoms?” You gasped. He grinned as he kissed along the column of your neck.
“One minute,” Dick said getting up. You watched him move around the room. His boner extremely obvious in his sleep pants. He came back with a few attached together.
“Let’s start with one and go from there,” he smirked and you laughed. That was Dick for you. Cheeky no matter what. He pushed down his pants and rolled it on as you slid out of your panties and shorts. Dick stared down at your wet pussy. He already knew from fingering you but he certainly wasn’t complaining about the sight.
Dick climbed back over you and kissed you soundly. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded. Dick slowly thrust in and you made a soft sound. He started moving and found a good pace. It was great for missionary but it wasn’t like either of you didn’t have the ability to be a little more flexible in positions.
“I want to try something,” you whispered in his ear and he looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Go on,” Dick said excitedly. You pushed him off of you and he eagerly complied. You stood up and bent at the waist and wrapped your arms around the back of your knees with your legs closed giving Dick one hell of a show.
“Oh fuck,” he whispered. Dick moved behind you. “Like this?” He asked and you nodded. Dick slowly slid in with his hands on your hips making all kinds of little noises. “You look fucking amazing baby. Truly.”
You let Dick move for a while in this position. He alternated between holding your hips and grabbing your ass to slightly spread it to watch better. It was possible he’d never been that horny in his life. It felt amazing on your part but there was something you wanted to try without telling him.
You slowly moved your hands to the floor and put your weight on one leg. And with a smirk, you lifted one leg up and Dick inhaled deeply as you lifted it up to his shoulder. He held your leg and moaned loudly. His hips stopped and he was panting.
“Fuck, you almost made me cum right then,” he groaned. His hips started moving and all of took was a little shake of your ass for him to cum despite himself. “Fuck,” he groaned while burying himself deep. As soon as he was done, he pulled out and helped you stand up. You noted a little dusting of pink in his cheeks and ears.
“I’ll get you back. Lay down,” he said and you nodded and laid on the bed. It was no time at all that he had his lips wrapped around your clit and fingers in your core as your grabbed his hair in pleasure.
“Fuck! Dick! Fuck!” You cried, completely ignoring the fact that it was 7 am and you were in a hotel. He seemed to be hell bent on making up for the fact that he came first. Your thighs shook and you weren’t even sure but you probably screamed when you came. Dick peppered kisses up your body with a smirk as you heaved in breaths.
“Like that,” he said wryly, pulling you into his arms.
“You already know that,” you answered. He ran a finger along your arm and kissed your hair.
“So this...” he started but trailed off.
“Do you wanna... try again? Us?” He asked.
“Maybe,” you said biting your lip.
“Give it a shot?” He asked hopeful. You sat in silence for a second.
“Yeah. Yeah.”
“Yeah?” He said with a smile.
“Yeah,” you answered shyly. He grinned and kissed you again. He rolled on top of you.
“Since I fucked up the first round, I should make it up to you,” he said playfully. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“If. You. Can,” you whispered in his ear. By the end of the morning, the hotel security had come to knock on your door to quiet down.
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lipstickstainz · 4 years
touches - s.r.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader Summary: Spencer doesn’t like to be touched. But what happens, when he gets comfortable around you? Warnings: fluff, Spencer being cute, getting shot but nothing too explicit and oh, and a bucket full of angst Word Count: 4,4k  A/N: hello friends. I have a part two of this in my drafts if you like! I hope you enjoy. gif not mine.
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You had heard a lot about the BAU team before joining them.
About the cases, the trust, the bond. It had always been something that had fascinated you. You had experienced some things with your previous team as well, but the BAU was in a whole different league.
Before you had been moved there, you had already familiarized yourself with the teammates. You didn't want to come unprepared to a team that knew each other inside and out. Also, you were a person who put your foot in your mouth quickly.
You were most impressed by Doctor Spencer Reid. You had heard the most about him. He was a genius, with an IQ of 187 and he could read 20,000 words a minute. Not to mention his eidetic memory. You had even read his doctoral dissertations. While you didn't understand everything, they were incredibly interesting and gave you a little insight into the mind of the spectacular Doctor Spencer Reid.
When you first met, you concentrated on not reaching out to him. You merely raised your hand to greet him, which he returned with a smile, and although he tried to hide it, you knew that this small gesture meant a lot to him.
While the other team members put their hand on his shoulder or ruffled his hair, you were almost tensely careful not to touch him. If he should want to, he would make the first move.
It happened some time later, as you stood side by side in the office kitchen. While Spencer poured himself a coffee, you poured hot water into your teacup. You asked him for the sugar that was next to him, and instead of sliding it over to you as you had been doing, he held the dispenser out to you. You reached for it and when your fingers brushed his, it went through you like an electric shock. You suddenly felt warm and your heart beat faster, but Spencer didn't seem to notice. He smiled at you before walking back to his seat. You looked after him.
After that incident, you were both a little more relaxed. While you didn't push it, Spencer didn't seem to mind you handing him files or touching each other briefly when you sat next to each other. After an incident on the plane, even the team noticed.
Spencer was on his way to the trash can when you got up to sit with Emily and Hotch to discuss the current case. You squeezed past each other as the plane made an unexpected swerve. You tried to grab onto the seat next to you, but the sway was too sudden. Before you could fall, Spencer grabbed your arm with one hand and your hip with the other and held you tight. He pulled you straight toward him so you wouldn't land face down on the ground. Even when the plane was back on course, he didn't let go. As you tried to regain control of your irregular breathing from the shock, Spencer looked at you closely. You felt his gaze on you, almost burning into your forehead, but neither said a word. As you broke away from each other and each sat down in your seat, you noticed his gaze still on you. When you looked up, he looked away.
Next came your birthday. Even though you didn't want to celebrate and your real plan was to have food delivered and watch your favorite movie for the hundredth time, the team dragged you to a bar. "Pathetic," Derek had called the plan, and you had punched him affectionately in the shoulder, but by the time he put the first drink in your hand, you had all but forgotten his comment. While some of you sat at a table and the rest enjoyed themselves on the dance floor, you sat at the bar. You did love your team, but on your birthday you didn't want to hear about any cases outside of work. Which couldn't be avoided when you were around each other 24/7.
You sipped your drink, secretly cursing Derek for having so much alcohol in it. You scrunched your nose.
"Did you know that alcohol tastes different when you drink it with a straw?" Spencer asked, sitting down in the empty chair next to you. You turned to him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "When we ingest something, the aroma molecules go up our nose and we can tell from the start whether it's going to taste good or not. Also, the nose detects different flavors than the tongue. So if you drink the drink with the straw so the glass is farther away from your nose, you'll perceive the taste of the drink differently than it is." Even in the dim light of the bar, you could see how red he was getting. When you didn't answer, he laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I was rambling again."
You took another sip of your drink. "Don't apologize, Spencer. I like that you're so smart. And I like that you're comfortable enough to want to share your knowledge with me," you smiled gently at him. He returned your smile.
"I appreciate you not reaching out to me then, by the way," he confessed, nibbling on the label of his beer bottle. "I don't like shaking hands with strangers, and it makes me uncomfortable when I'm expected to but I don't. So, thanks for that."
"It's okay," you said, but he let go of his bottle and turned to you completely.
"You never pushed me to do this. You waited for me to make the first move on this because it means more to me than it does to you. There aren't many who are that respectful and understanding." He got up from his chair, but left the beer bottle on the counter. He held out his arms. "I haven't wished you a happy birthday yet because I didn't want to do it in front of the team. They'd make a big deal out of it." He gestured for you to give him a hug. He actually wanted to hug you.
"Spencer, you don't have to do this," you said, but before you knew it, he had grabbed your hand and pulled you off the chair, right into his arms.
You had often imagined what a hug from Spencer would be like, especially when you saw him hug JJ or Emily after a hard case. But you had imagined it differently.
He had his arms wrapped around your waist and held you so close that you almost couldn't breathe. You felt his long fingers on your skin, despite your T-shirt and you felt his warm breath on your neck and his curls on your temple. Goosebumps spread over your body and you prayed he didn't notice. "Happy birthday," he whispered in your ear and before you knew it, he placed his lips on your cheek before pulling away from you. Smiling, he reached for his beer and sauntered back over to the table, leaving you standing at the bar. With a pounding heart and fire in your veins. And in that moment, you just thought that work colleagues, or even maybe friends, shouldn't feel that way about each other.
After your birthday, it was no longer an issue for Spencer. Under the table, he'd nudge you with his knee if you weren't paying attention for a second, or he'd put his hand on your shoulder when he looked over you at the computer screen. He also didn't mind if you were so exhausted from a case that you fell asleep by his side on the plane, with your head on his shoulder. You didn't realize it, but JJ had pointed out that Spencer always pulled you a little closer then, resting his cheek against the top of your head. For him, the constant touching was no longer an issue.
For you, it was. Every time his skin brushed yours, you felt warm and your heart skipped a beat. Whether it was at dinner, at a briefing, or just walking by. But it was bearable.
It got bad when he touched you longer. On particularly hard cases, he had taken to looking under the table for your hand and squeezing it twice. It was a gesture of friendship and care. If you held each other, nothing could happen to you. On the plane, you always sat next to each other, playing cards or absorbed in your own thoughts. Spencer, however, got into the habit of putting your legs over one of his if you had to fly for a particularly long time. At first, the team gave you strange looks, which made you uncomfortable, but didn't bother Spencer in the least. So you tried not to let on, which was pretty difficult when you were surrounded by profilers. Flames blazed in your veins at those touches, heat tingled under your skin where he touched you, and when he pulled you into his arms on certain occasions, you almost felt dizzy.
This is not how you should feel about your best friend.
"Thales, Miletus, here's your key," Hotch said, tossing Spencer the room key as the team checked into the hotel. He'd resisted at first the nickname Garcia had picked out for you - classically, after the discoverer of magnetism - but since everyone was using it, even the earnest Hotch had given up on it. "Prentiss, JJ, your room is right next to ours." The two women nodded and the four of them walked down the corridor while Derek was kind enough to take the girls' bags.
You couldn't look after them for long, because Spencer had already grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers. "Come on. Our room is waiting."
You had never shared a room. You'd either always had your own, or shared one with Emily or JJ, but never with Spencer. You wouldn't mind so much if you weren't into him. Hopefully there were two beds. On opposite walls. Far away from each other.
When Spencer unlocked the door and you entered, you wanted to sink into the floor. Double bed. One blanket. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for the stay by setting your bag down on a chair and stopping in the middle of the room while your best friend inspected it. He didn't seem to notice that you had only one bed and, more importantly, only one blanket. At least, it didn't bother him.
When you returned to the room that evening, you went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. The water was as cold as you could stand it. It was supposed to cool you down and prepare you for the night. It wasn't every day that you shared a bed with your crush. After combing your hair and changing, you slipped under the covers and tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible so you wouldn't notice Spencer's presence next to you when he came out of the bathroom.
Your thoughts cheated on you. What if you snuggled up to each other in your sleep at night? Or you would unconsciously snuggle up to him, but he didn't want you to? Then you'd have to get another room tomorrow. And it would get so awkward that you wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" asked Spencer finally as he climbed into bed next to you. Immediately, you felt his warmth. He hadn't taken a cold shower, apparently.
"It's always hard when kids are involved," you answered truthfully. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't what was floating around in your mind either.
"Come here," he said, opening his arms. Hesitantly, you slid closer to him so there was still space between you, but it didn't seem close enough for Spencer. After he turned out the light, he pulled you close enough for you to rest your head on his shoulder and with his free hand, he reached for yours and intertwined your fingers again. Your heart stopped. "We can do this, Y/N. We've done it all so far." You heard his heartbeat beneath you, felt his breath on your hair, and the warmth of his body burned into your skin. "Try to get some sleep. We'll know more tomorrow," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you fell asleep.
When you woke up in the morning, you felt Spencer behind you. His chest was pressed against your back, his arm was wrapped tightly around your middle, and he had his face buried in your neck. Immediately goosebumps spread all over your body. You tried to pull away from him a little, but he pulled you even closer. Spencer was still asleep, so he didn't notice how he carefully slid his hand under your shirt and how his long fingers danced over your soft skin. You held your breath, afraid to move or give away your racing heartbeat. At one point he pulled his arm back and turned onto his back before lifting his hand and rubbing his eyes. His hair stood out in all directions and he smiled sleepily. You were getting hot.
"Good morning, Y/N." Good morning indeed.
The case took longer than planned, though of course you can't plan a case. After the third night, you had gotten used to sleeping next to Spencer, but the cuddling worried you. The longer you shared that room, the more complicated your feelings became. It was almost unbearable.
Derek, Emily, Spencer and you found the unsub in a remote car yard. While the latter surveyed the building, Derek and you looked around the yard.
"What's going on between you and Reid, anyway?" he asked curiously. You gave him a meaningful look, but he didn't care. "It's come to all of our attention. You guys are inseparable, he has to touch you all the time, and those looks."
"What looks?" you probed, trying to sound as unsuspecting as possible. This time Derek was looking at you. So he had noticed. And if Derek knew, so did the others. Fucking profilers.
"Y/N," he started, and stopped. When you turned to him, he twisted his mouth into a weak smile. It was a very different Derek who stood before you. Not the go-getter who sometimes made fun of Spencer. He seemed genuinely worried, and that made you nervous. "Friends don't look at friends that way."
A loud bang rang through the air and the conversation was all but forgotten. You took cover and communicated via hand signals. Quietly, you moved forward. It wasn't long before you saw a figure running away behind the cars. "We got him," Derek said into the mic, and together you dashed toward the unsub. He ran toward the woods and disappeared. Derek looked at you and nodded. You split up.
Gun drawn, you ran forward. Leaves crunched beneath you, but you tuned that out. You focused on the birds above you, the shadows of the trees, and the gun in your hand. He had to be here somewhere.
You didn't even startle when you felt cold metal against the back of your head. "Don‘t. Move." You took your fingers off the trigger and raised your arms. "Put the gun down. Vest off." Slowly, you bent down and placed both on the ground. The only thing you could think about was that you would hopefully find them later. "Walk.“ With your hands clasped behind your head, you took one step at a time. Derek was nowhere to be seen. You wished you hadn't split up.
He led you to a rundown cabin in the woods that wasn't marked on any map, which is why you couldn't have known about it. He pushed you inside and closed the door behind him, his gun still pointed at you. "If you had wanted to kill me, you would have done it long ago," you gave out, but he didn't go for it. It was a game of fire. You knew the file and what he was capable of.
It was only a few moments before someone kicked open the door and Derek stormed into the cabin, closely followed by Spencer. "Put the gun down and keep your hands off," Derek yelled. Up until then, you hadn't realized that the he had pulled you close and was holding the barrel of his gun right to your temple You only had eyes for Spencer, who was deliberately not looking at you.
You tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't budge. You raised a hand and moved it toward your shoulder, hoping Spencer understood your message. But he wasn't looking at you.
Look at me, Spencer. Come on. Look. At. Me.
His eyes moved from the unsub to your fingers, tapping a spot in your shoulder. You repeated this until he finally looked you in the eye. Then he shook his head, barely perceptibly. Again you tapped the spot. If Spencer shot through your shoulder, he would hit the perpetrator in the torso, and even if the bullet slowed down through you, it would still do enough damage. And you were willing to take the risk.
But Spencer didn't shoot. And time was running out for you. "I trust you," you said, no sound escaping your lips. He gritted his teeth. "I trust you, Spencer. Do it."
And then he shot.
"Welcome back, sunshine," Derek grinned, wrapping you in his muscular arms as you entered the office. "We've all missed you."
It had been three months since you had been shot in the field. Spencer had shot you through the shoulder as planned, and you were right. The perpetrator was shot and the rest of the victims were found. So it was almost a happy ending.
Almost. Of course, you had to listen to a few more things from Hotch on the way to the hospital. You were tired of living and he was disappointed and angry, but incredibly relieved that nothing else had happened to you. You could have been the next victim, too.
"All of you?" you prodded, and Emily, who had joined you, screwed up her face.
"He's not back yet. He extended his vacation," she said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "He's not really over it yet."
You hadn't heard from Spencer since the incident. He hadn't visited you at the hospital, called you or been to your home after you were discharged. You were best friends and the fact that you hadn't seen him in three months hurt more than the gunshot wound. The only person Spencer talked to was JJ, but even she couldn't give you any information.
He probably blamed himself, but why? You had wanted him to shoot. It had been your plan. Besides, he had shot so well that you didn't suffer any permanent damage. He shouldn't worry about it.
It was strange to work a case without him. Not having him near you. Not being able to feel his warmth. You tried to reach him, by phone, by letter, but you got no answer. Even though you hadn't spoken in months, he was your best friend and you were starting to get really worried. He had cut off contact with JJ himself.
When you walked into the office one morning, you were almost breathless. Spencer was standing at his desk, leaning against it, and the others were standing around him. But you had no eyes for them. Spencer was back. Your Spencer was back. As you walked toward them, you got a sinking feeling. He looked good. Changed, but good. His hair was a little shorter and he didn't look as pale as usual. He also seemed more confident and self-assured, which unfortunately made him even more attractive.
He didn't see you until you were almost in front of him. He smiled weakly at you before standing up straight. "Y/N," he said, and it felt so good to hear your name come out of his mouth. Immediately, goosebumps spread across your body. You expected him to give you a hug or insist on talking to you in person, because a lot had happened in the time without him, but he didn't. He turned around briefly and pulled something off his office chair. Not something. Someone. "This is my girlfriend, Vicky."
You didn't know what had happened in the last few months. Did you even want to know? Spencer hadn't contacted you in a long time, only to reappear with a girlfriend? You didn't understand the world anymore. The rest of the team must have felt the same way, because as you stood at your regular table in the bar, the couple was the only topic of conversation. In fact, you would have preferred all the murder cases.
"I'll be honest," Penelope said, taking a big gulp of her drink, which took quite a while since she always drank with a straw, "I was hoping you two would get together." She pointed her finger at you and then toward Spencer, who was standing at the bar with Vicky. You saw her run her finger through his hair and had to look away. Didn't she know he didn't like that?
"Hotch and I even bet money on it," Emily confessed, turning back towards the table. Apparently she didn't want to watch them either. "We would have gotten you a nice wedding present from that."
"He looks happy," you said, but you guessed that's not what the others wanted to hear from you. You sat at a table made up mostly of profilers. They knew exactly how you felt about the whole thing.
"Give it a rest," Derek said, putting his arm around your shoulder. Even the overly positive music in the background couldn't lighten your mood. "We all know how you feel about Spencer. And honestly, we thought he would feel the same way about you."
"But he doesn't, so please let it go," you shot back, instantly regretting it. Your friends weren't to blame for the whole situation. It was you. As you dared another look, Vicky pulled Spencer onto the dance floor, which you knew he didn't like either. Didn't she know him at all?
"I don't know what got into him," JJ confessed, sipping her Coke. "Those two don't even fit together." They didn't, but maybe that's why it worked. There was this theory that opposites attract, but you could never have imagined it with Spencer.
When Vicky grabbed Spencer by the tie and pulled him down so she could kiss him, your heart broke. It was different when you just knew two people were doing something. But when you saw it, all hope was lost. Even from a distance, you could see their tongues and you almost threw up.
"That's my sign," you said, pressing a kiss to Penelope's cheek. "See you." They all said goodbye to you and even over that awful music, you could still hear "It must hurt terribly to see him like that" and "I couldn't do that" as you walked.
Outside, the cold night air surprised you. It hit you in the face like a slap, but nothing hurt as much as knowing Spencer was happy without you. He didn’t need you and he didn't want you. That was fine, but that didn't mean you had to go along with it. Since he'd been back, he'd barely spoken to you. On the plane, he had sat at the other end of the room, and he had actually switched rooms at the hotel just so he wouldn't have to be near you. He'd even started shoving files back at you instead of handing them to you, like he'd burn if he touched you.
The lights in Hotch's office were still on when you came into the office. It was just after midnight and you knew he would still be there. When you knocked on his door, he invited you in. "What can I do for you?" He hadn't even had to ask. He knew why you were there. It was written on your forehead. "Are you sure about this? I'll write a recommendation, but only if you really want me to." You nodded silently. "It's because of him, isn't it?" he asked, his usually hard expression softening.
"Yes," you answered curtly. There was nothing to add.
"I'll make some calls. You get a week to pack. I'll call you tomorrow," he said, getting up from his desk. Surprisingly, he pulled you into his arms. "We're all going to miss you terribly, Y/N. And you're welcome here anytime."
It didn't take long for your things to be packed, and it didn't take long for the others to notice the following day. Your desk was empty, the files had been processed, the pictures of you and the team were gone, and your mug with a picture of Spencer and you on it that he had once given you was gone, too.
"Where is she?" asked Emily Derek, who didn't have an answer ready either. They looked around uncertainly and as the rest entered the bullpen, Hotch came out of his office. He looked like he hadn't slept. He walked down the steps and stood in the circle of confused team members. Even Spencer was puzzled.
"Agent Y/L/N left us last night," he began, sounding very composed. The others didn't know how to respond, so they just gave each other confused looks. "She has asked for a transfer and will start there next week. Please refrain from trying to talk her out of it. The transfer has gone through."
It took everyone by great surprise when Spencer dropped his bag and stormed out of the office. He didn't need to explain where he was going. It was obvious. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tried to call you, but it went straight to voicemail. It wasn't long before he arrived at your complex and shot up the steps to your apartment. He took two steps at a time. He stopped in front of your door and pounded his fist against the wood, hoping you would open the door for him and explain what you were doing. When nothing happened, he dialed the number again. Again and again, until the voice in the phone said to him, this number was no longer in service.
He ran his hand through his hair before sliding down with his back to the door. He put his head between his knees and cursed himself.
You weren't there anymore.
part two
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hedgehog-moss · 4 years
This week’s batch of very small (and wintry) news:
Sunday: I cut my thumb with a bread knife over breakfast and covered the cut with a plaster. Later as I was pouring water in the chickens’ water dish, Cordélia suddenly jumped and ripped the plaster off my finger, then ran like hell. Dru assumed her sister had caught the worm of the century and chased her like her life depended on it and managed to steal it from her. They kept running all over the place stealing the plaster back and forth until I finally managed to catch one chicken by the tail and confiscate her prey. She was so disgruntled when she saw I wasn’t even going to eat it.
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Monday: I’ve been puzzling lately over a collection of ice pellets that appears every day under the cherry trees. It looks like the local owls or squirrels are making ice pancakes at night and accidentally dropping a few of them to the ground. And today as I was watching Pirlouit return to his usual spot under the trees after lunch, I realised the pellets are about the same diametre as his hooves and wondered if he’s figured out that by knocking his hoof against a tree, he can get rid of the ice packed underneath that bothers him when he walks. I haven’t seen him do it so it’s just a guess, but it seems like the simplest explanation for this pile of ice pancakes all the same size under the trees, and if it’s true then I’m proud of my smart, problem-solving donkey.
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Tuesday: Pandolf didn’t finish his dinner so I just set his half-empty bowl up on a shelf to offer it back to him in the morning. In the middle of the night I heard a few hesitant barks and went downstairs to see what was going on, and Pandolf was staring scandalised at a fat dormouse who was sitting in his food bowl, on the shelf. Pandolf glanced at me, clearly wondering if this individual had been invited to eat his kibble, and when he saw my hostile reaction to the dormouse he suddenly started barking again with a lot more conviction, like “That’s right!! Scoundrel! Thief! Out! Out!”
Wednesday: The only thing I did all day was patrol the woods with my pruner & chainsaw looking for any snow-weighted branches that might threaten to fall on my telephone wire. I trimmed them mercilessly and got utterly covered in snow in the process. I pretty much looked like my snow llama—who is, by the way, still there. Still smiling. Terribly unnerving. Will it ever melt? At what point do snowmen acquire sentience?
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Thursday: One of the water tubs in the pasture never thaws, so I decided to drag it to a sunnier spot. It is horribly heavy when full, and impossible to empty it because I couldn’t break the thick ice ‘lid’ even when jumping on it with both feet or attacking it with a big rock like an angry caveman. I could have gone home to get a pitcher of boiling water but it felt like such a long and tedious walk in knee-deep snow. Ten minutes later I realised that dragging a tub full of 40kg of water through knee-deep snow was about a million times more tedious. But I was halfway there and it felt like a waste of effort to switch strategies now so I persevered like an idiot.
It took an absurd amount of time to drag the full thing to its new spot when it would have taken 300% less effort to just fetch some hot water to thaw the ice then carry a light, empty tub. My mum philosophically commented that sometimes you need to see a wrong decision through to the end, as a learning process. I learnt nothing I didn’t already know about myself and my unwavering commitment to my mistakes.
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Friday: This is usually my library day, so I emailed the librarian to apologise for how late I am to return my books and attached the above pic of my road to explain why I haven’t been able to drive to town since Christmas. I said my road is too narrow and steep in parts for the snowplough, and in her reply she a) asked worriedly if I had enough books left to read and b) went on a tangent about how much she loved getting a ride in the snowplough when she was a kid, because it is very tall and large and slow so it felt “like being on an elephant”. I just love the image of the snowplough as an elephant trudging on the roads between villages with his head down and his great tusks pushing the snow in front of him. I bet if we still had mammoths we would use them for this job, Dinotopia-style.
Saturday: This morning I was crossing the pasture on a well-trodden path and Pampe was walking along a parallel, also pre-existing path, and I held up a treat. We both refused to cross in the deeper snow between the two paths because that’s too much work so for a minute we just stood there, 3 metres apart, a battle of wills. Eventually Pampe rolled her eyes (in her head, probably; she’s a teenager) and crossed over and enjoyed her piece of fruit. (Yes, this qualifies as news! Thank you for reading the Hedgehog Times.) I love how from above (from my window) these paths look like airplane trails in the sky, especially when it starts snowing again and they gradually vanish.
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rinhoes · 3 years
break time | ken ryuguji
— ken "draken" ryuguji x black!reader
warnings: oral (male & female receiving), draken get a little bit rough, praise, unprotected sex I guess. manga spoiler (ch. 148)
word count: 1517
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Working in the bike repair shop was second nature for her, she grew up helping her father repair bikes of all models. So when the chance to work at D&D Motors came about, Y/N took it immediately. She'd been living in Tokyo for a few months before she got the call from her friend, Chifuyu. Apparently one of the employees had quit and they needed someone quickly, Y/N didn’t give Chifuyu the chance to explain any further before saying boldly “Tell them I’ll be there first thing tomorrow.” There were no problems, plus at the time she was a university student and needed the extra cash. And her dorm wasn’t too far from the shop anyway.
It’d been two years since she started working there. Everything she learned from her childhood gave her the right experience, however, she was currently breaking her number rule: never—under any circumstances—develop feelings for your co-worker. She saw how work relationships ended up from watching her friends, needless to say, she didn’t want that for herself.
But in an odd turn of events there she was. Absolutely gushing at the sight of Draken. The way his muscles flexing under his white tank top, how he bit his lip when he tightened bolts on a bike, or the way he would sit on the couch in the break room with his legs spread wide open. Oh, how she fantasized about straddling him, grinding her pussy against him while she ran her fingers through his jet black hair. At times Y/N had to retreat to the bathroom just to catch a break from him, his presence was suffocating. She couldn’t tell you the number of times she would run to the bathroom, out of breath; breathing as if she’d run a marathon.
Not too long ago she asked Chifuyu about Draken. She remembered him mentioning something about some girl named Emma, who died when they were younger and how it really fucked Draken up for a long time. It almost made Y/N back off from him completely until she found herself back in the break room trying to escape from Draken. He’d been calling her “princess” and “angel” all day—usually, those names wouldn’t have gotten to her but this was Ken Ryuguji she was dealing with. There was a way he went about it, “Hey Y/N can you grab that wretch for me?” “Thanks princess” or “Good job angel.” It made her go absolutely mad.
After a few minutes alone, Draken waltzed in, his jumpsuit hanging low off his waist. His muscular arms glistened with sweat, while his tight tank top emphasized his chiseled torso. This was the only time she’d thanked God for Japan's hot summers. Folding her arms and crossing her legs, Y/N pushed deeper into the plush couch.
“You’ve been acting weird today.” Draken spoke as he sat down next to her, his leg apart, one of his arms stretched over the top of the sofa while the other rested on his lap.
Acting oblivious to his question, Y/N shrugged. “N-no I haven’t. I’m just tired I guess.”
Draken chuckled, she was such a bad liar. She couldn’t even look him in the eyes. Simply looking at him would send her over the edge. Draken wasn’t a fool, he was such a keen man, and after two years of working with her. He could proudly say “I know her like the back of my hand.” He’d taken in everything about her, the way her eyes glossed over him while he was working, how she would fold her legs he sat beside her or even she bit her lip when he called her “princess”—she liked that one the most.
Gently grabbing her chin, Draken turned her face to his. She was burning and the cool air from the air conditioning did nothing to help. Draken watched as she slowly bit down on her plump bottom lip. “Are you gonna tell me what your problem is or do you want me to find out for myself?”
The truth is Draken already knew. He knew she had formed some feelings for him but it was something holding her back and Draken didn’t have to guess what it was. Pulling her closer to him, Draken placed a gentle kiss on the side of her neck. Thanks to the 90-something degree weather she too was only wearing a tank top. Very thin one at that. “Ken w-wait”
“What is it baby? Is something bothering you?“
“Kennie! please—stop teasing me.” she whined as she placed her hand on his crotch, “I want you.”
Another chuckle left Draken’s lips as found himself unhooking her bra and pulling that along with her tank top down causing it to rip a little and her soft breast to spill out the front. Draken groaned at the sight of them, wasting no time he took one of her dark brown nipples into his mouth. Licking and sucking on the sensitive bud and pinching the other one. Y/N was a mess. She moaned loudly in response to his actions, “Mhmmmm–yes Ken, oh! That feels so good.” Her moans were sweeter than he imagined.
Dipping his left hand into her loose cargo pants, Draken pressed his fingers onto her clit. Soft mewls filled the room as he rubbed delicate circles into her swollen clit. “You taste as good as you sound, baby girl?” He asked before sinking two slender fingers into her wet hole. Arching her back off the arm of the couch, Y/N let out a sweet moan that made Draken groaned in response. Her walls clenched tightly around his fingers, “You’re gonna have to loosen up for me baby.”
Before Y/N could realize it, Draken had already taken her cargo pants and lace panties off. Running his tongue against her wet folds Y/N gripped Draken’s hair as his beautiful face pressed deeper in her pussy. His soft lips licking and sucking on her clit and labia, Y/N’s loud moans filled the break room–at this point, she was praying Draken locked the door out front. “Ken, f-fuck your so good.” Curving his tongue into her wet hole Y/N clenched her thighs around Draken’s head. “God, Draken!”
His fat long tongue reached spots Y/N could never with just her fingers. “I want you to cum on my face. How’s that sound baby girl?” Not even giving her the chance to answer, Draken gripped the back of her thighs pushing them closer to her plush chest. He wrapped his lips around her clit, licking and sucking on the swollen bud.
Her moans and sobs grew louder as Draken’s tongue worked relentlessly on her pussy. “I’m s-so close Ken. Oh f-fuck—it’s too much.” Soon that pressure was building and her legs started to clench and shake in Draken’s large hands. Y/N rode out her first orgasm as she rolled hips against Draken’s face.
Ken released his thick cock from the confines of his jumpsuit. It might have been the prettiest dick Y/N ever seen. It made her mouth water as she watched the precum leaked from his red mushroom tip. Without waiting for Draken’s instructions, Y/N ran her tongue along Draken’s shaft from balls to tip. A deep groan came from Draken's chest as his needy cock disappeared in Y/N's mouth, she took him inch by inch until the tip of his dick tapped the back of her throat. He held her head down not trusting himself to not thrust in her mouth.
Draken watched her head bobbed up and down, his heavy balls tightened each time she took him deeper. “Fuck princess, you’re such a good girl. Mmm—oh–fuck yes baby.” Swirling her tongue over the tip of his cock, Y/N the wetness started dripping down her pussy. She was so eager to suck his dick and that made Draken almost lose it. Through heavy pants, Draken commanded her to the ground and on her knees.
“Open” he states before guiding his heavy dick into her hot mouth once again. Grasping both sides of her head, he starts to “gently” fuck her face. With each thrust, the tip of Y/N‘s nose would brush against Draken’s dark pubes—something she found incredibly hot.
More praise and moans came from Draken’s mouth. Soon his thigh was clenching under her soft hands. Y/N moaned against his twitching cock, sending waves of pleasure into the tall man. She could feel his orgasm building up, taking her hand Y/N cupped and massaged Draken's balls causing heavy moans to erupt from Draken. "Fuck Y/N. Hmmm fuck—I'm cumming! I—" His large hands pushing Y/N's head deeper on his dick. She felt his balls tighten in her hands as his hot cum flooded her throat.
With some of his cum still dripping out of his cock as he pulled out of her mouth, Y/N let out a light giggle then dragged her tongue against his sensitive tip. "You taste so good Ken. My place or yours?" She questioned still on her knees as she gazed up at him.
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erimeows · 3 years
Ratchet was missing you as he finished cleaning the med bay, sleepiness threatening to take over his sky-hued optics. You were probably in your shared bed, fast asleep like you always were- and you always tried to wait up for him, but never managed to stay awake. Since he’d gotten to earth and met you, he’d gotten used to working late, whether that be helping his teammates with their injuries or doing research on Sari’s key and the organics on earth to help their cause. 
Ratchet couldn’t help but sigh as he thought about you. The two of you had been dating for a few months now, and while he had initially been reluctant to get attached to a human who he feared he’d eventually have to leave, he couldn’t help but be smitten with you. Your relationship was still in that somewhat casual, testing-the-waters stage, but he adored you, and he’d give anything to be recharging next to you instead of cleaning.
Still, he needed to clean the med bay or it would be disgusting and unavailable to use the following day. He was just glad that he was almost done with it.
Ratchet missed you, and he always felt bad for leaving you to sleep alone... Especially after the incident. 
When it had happened, he’d been in shambles, unsure of what to do with himself. It was a month after the two of you had started dating and, in the middle of an encounter with the Decepticons, Lockdown had swooped in and stolen you to take to Megatron for a bounty since you’d been helping the Autobots for a considerable amount of time.
Thankfully, Megatron had wanted you alive, and as a human, you didn’t have any parts or upgrades for Lockdown to want to steal... Ratchet hadn’t dared to say it out loud, but he was just glad that the bounty hunter hadn’t known enough about human anatomy to think about harvesting some of your organs to sell. 
That aside, it had taken almost a whole day after that battle for Ratchet and the rest of his team to find where Lockdown was hiding and take you back, barely getting you back to earth and leaving Lockdown to escape. 
You didn’t talk about it much, and for the most part, you tried to act normal. Things were okay, and you were safe, but Ratchet saw moments where you slipped up. When Lockdown or what happened that day were mentioned, you clammed up, and any time you were left by yourself, you were noticeably upset, almost like you were scared something would happen again or scared to be left alone with your thoughts. 
The red and white bot was snapped out of his own thoughts when he heard footsteps- too light to be a bot’s, but too heavy to be Sari’s- and looked over to see you standing in the doorway. You were in a large t-shirt and some sweats, (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and (e/c) eyes bleary. Ratchet couldn’t tell what it was, but something seemed off about you, so he immediately finished wiping down the last counter and tossed his cleaning rag to the side before approaching your smaller form.
“(y/n), what are you doing up this late?” The Autobot asked, placing a gentle servo on your shoulder.
“I, uh...” You stopped and looked away from him, almost as if you were embarrassed. “Had a nightmare and wanted some company. I figured you’d still be awake. When are you coming to bed?”
Ratchet could only sigh. Of course, you were embarrassed about a nightmare of all things- he’d been the same way for a long time, waking up from recharges in the middle of the night with terrible nightmares wracking his processor, only to sit up and look around to see that he was alone and safe in his empty bedroom instead of on the battlefield watching comrades die like he’d dreamt. 
He’d been embarrassed about his own trauma and feelings for a long time, too, but he knew that in the end, it was better to open up to others rather than let those things fester. So, rather than getting onto you for acting the way you were about it, he answered your previous question.
“Now, actually, unless...” Ratchet stopped. When he had nightmares, if he immediately went back to sleep, he’d go straight back into the dream. It would probably be best to keep you up for a bit and get you in a better mood before letting you go back to sleep. “Would you like to stay up for a bit before going back to sleep?”
“I’d hate to keep you up-” You started, but he quickly cut you off, able to see in your face that you didn’t want to go back to sleep at all and were only trying to avoid inconveniencing him. 
“Come on, I know how it is,” The medic spoke and moved the servo on your shoulder further down so he could hold your hand, intertwining his digits with your fingers. Slowly, he raised your hand up and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.  “I’ll make you some of that, uh... What’s that hot stuff you humans drink?”
“No, the one with the herbs.”
“Oh, you mean tea,” You smiled and gripped his servo as he reached over to turn the lights in the med bay off. “That sounds nice, actually. Thank you.”
With that, the two of you walked into the kitchen, you sitting down at the table and Ratchet getting out a pot to pour water in. It was a weird process, making tea, but you liked the stuff, and he’d seen you do it enough times to understand how it worked. 
While he’d expected for you to stay seated at the table until he finished, it was in the middle of him putting two teabags in the pot and setting it on the stove to boil that you stood up and approached him. Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms around his midsection from behind and buried your face into the cool metal plating on his back. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked and fully turned around where he stood to face you wrap his arms around your body in return. You sighed into his chest. 
“I need a minute.”
“Take as long as you need,” Ratchet tried to be as reassuring as he possibly could, though comforting others wasn’t his forte nor his strong suit. He found himself feeling a bit awkward as he stroked the top of your hair and ran his digits through the tangled locks. “I’m here.”
“Are you... I mean, do you still feel the same way towards me that you did before it happened?” You asked, and Ratchet felt his spark drop.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You nuzzled into the red and white bot’s chest as he reached back to turn the stove off in fear that the tea would boil over if he left it unattended. Voice cracking, you started to talk, words spilling out faster than your brain could comprehend.
“I just feel like when we started dating, things were so light-hearted and easy, and then Lockdown took me away and I’ve been so...” You paused to choke back a sob that had caught down your throat, hands desperately squeezing his shoulders and tears streaming down your cheeks and falling onto his chest plates. “Withdrawn? But also needy? I just haven’t been the same, and it feels like I don’t know who I am anymore! I’m used to the nightmares at this point, but now I’m having dreams about you leaving me because I’m too much to put up with and-”
“Hey, (y/n), slow down a bit, will ya? I don’t know what to say here, and y’know I’m not good at this kind of stuff, but...” Ratchet looked at your face with a gentle smile, sky-hued optics pouring into your (e/c) eyes. You blinked up at him with tears still welling up, but he reached down to wipe them away with one of his digits. “I love you more and more every day,” He admitted, almost wanting to stop himself- it had been the first time either of you had said the ‘L’ word, and maybe it wasn’t the best timing, but he needed you to know that no matter what happened, he loved you and would continue to do so. “Nothing that could happen between us or with Lockdown or whoever else will change that. I’m here as long as you want me to be, even when things are hard, because I know you’d be there for me, too.”
You nodded and further buried yourself into him, sobs now racking your entire body- now, though, instead of the anxiety that had been rolling off of you in waves moments before, you seemed to be flooded with bittersweet relief. 
So, he held you for as long as you needed, the tea cold and forgotten by both of you in the pot behind him in favor of each other’s warmth.
And, when you did collect yourself, you looked up at him with the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen and told him that you loved him, too. 
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simplybakugou · 3 years
"wanna see something amazing?" || bakugou, midoriya, shinsou, amajiki
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💌 (anon): Hello! Your blog is too cute! Can i ask a headcanon for Bakugo, Deku, Hitoshi and Amajiki's reaction if their s/o says "Wanna see something amazing?" and show them her phone with front camera open 🥰 What would they think/say when they saw their own face on phone? (I know it's too cheesy) thank you 🥰🤩😘😍
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⋆ PAIRINGS: fem!reader x bakugou; fem!reader x midoriya; fem!reader x shinsou; fem!reader x amajiki ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: fluff :)
A/N: not me finally answering asks after not writing anything for months so i’m sorry if this is a little lackluster, i’m still rusty lol. consider this my comeback ! this is so cute omg i love it. also i haven’t written that much for shinsou or tamaki and i’m getting used to writing for them so my apologies if this is ass. thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy!
the manga caps used in the banners are from @mha-transparents !!
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The minute you asked that question, he knew you were going to say something cheesy. He knew you too well, especially since you have a little habit of doing whatever you can to make him flustered.
Bakugou couldn’t count the amount of times you would ask him something random like this only to do some romantic shit that could make him puke from how sweet you were to him.
Not that he didn’t mind your gestures, it was just something he had to adjust to.
And despite knowing this Bakugou still managed to lose composure as soon as he saw his own face in your camera.
“Are you stupid or something?” Bakugou grumbled under his breath, turning his head so you wouldn’t be able to see his bewildered expression. He didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of catching even the blush on his cheeks.
You would snicker, loving every second of how the normally hotheaded hero was able to melt like putty in your hands even with the slightest compliment.
And even though your little question and gesture was so outrageously cheesy to him, Bakugou couldn’t help the corners of his lips going upwards into a faint smile.
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Upon hearing your simple question, a million thoughts ran through Midoriya’s mind. What could this amazing thing be that you wanted to share with him?
Nevertheless, he would go to your side, leaning over your shoulder as you opened your camera.
Midoriya would raise a brow, wondering why he was looking back at himself.
“Y/N, I think you accidentally swiped to your camera. What did you want to show me?” He asked, still waiting patiently for this amazing thing.
You would chuckle at your boyfriend’s innocent question. He still wasn’t used to these kinds of things. “I’m talking about you, silly. You’re the amazing thing I wanted to show.”
“Oh,” Midoriya would utter, his eyes widening as he registered what you were trying to do. “Oh.”
His face would then turn bright red, as if you could cook directly onto his skin from how much he was burning up.
You would laugh at his expression, planting a kiss on his cheek. “You’re so cute, Izuku.”
Midoriya would laugh along with you, smiling down at you. You were ten times cuter in his eyes.
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As soon as he heard your question, Shinsou walked in the opposite direction.
You would have to run after him, your shorter strides barely being able to catch up with the hero. “Hitoshi, wait! It’s important.”
“If it’s another jumpscare video or something stupid, I swear--”
“It’s not, it’s not!” You would exclaim, interrupting your boyfriend.
Let’s just say you had a habit of showing him random videos in an attempt to scare him or evoke some sort of emotion other than his regular monotonous attitude. But you unfortunately failed every time.
This time, instead of attempting to scare him, you decided to do things a little differently.
Shinsou would let out a sigh, knowing you won’t stop pestering him until he gives in first. “What is it?”
You immediately shoved your phone in his face and Shinsou stared blankly at his own face. He glanced down at you as you observed him closely with a tooth-rotting grin on your face. And then he would just walk away, ignoring your complaints of wanting to get a better reaction from him.
Little did you know he was fighting back a smile and he couldn’t help but think about how cute you could be.
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Amajiki had answered your simple question aimlessly. He had finally gotten a day off from his demanding job as a pro hero and he wanted to spend it with you.
He looked back at you as you came running over, sitting beside him as you placed your phone at his chest. Amajiki blinked as he stared back at himself.
It took a minute until he realized what you were doing and you watched as his face turned a pinkish color as he was blushing furiously.
You laughed, kissing his cheek.
“What was that for?” He stuttered, avoiding your gaze as he was trying to regain his composure.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Just wanted to let you know how amazing you are to me.”
As much as you had taken him aback by your simple and small gesture, Amajiki smiled softly at how sweet that simple and small gesture actually was.
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milkybonya · 3 years
cheer up, buttercup!
order #001: large banana milk tea with pudding and grass jelly for Cha Eunwoo, requested by my lovely @daybreakx !
-> enemies to lovers! & college!Cha Eunwoo x (gn) reader
-> warnings: some angst and food mentions! also drinking/alcohol mentions and everyone is really mean to the reader >:0
-> where Eunwoo is the president of your department and you're the vice president. you work your hardest but always end up second to him.
[a/n]: i'm sorry for the CHAOS that this is and i feel like there is minimal (?) fluff but i hope you enjoYY THIS WAS FUN
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You and Eunwoo had major beef. There wasn't even an event that started it all, but Eunwoo treated you with such disrespect from the start. And of course, anyone who disrespected you was on your list of... well, the closest thing to a list of enemies.
The first time you met him was in freshman year at the orientation before classes began. There was a basketball game going on and Eunwoo was playing. You watched from the sidelines in the shade, cheering him on at first because he was playing on behalf of your department.
Then, the ball flew in your direction. Eunwoo had tried to get the ball back for his team, but ended up accidentally throwing it towards you.
Luckily, it fell somewhere to your left, but it gave you such a fright that you stood up and started panting.
A few of the people who were playing rushed over to make sure you were okay, but Eunwoo didn't even throw a look your way.
"You, from our department? Just throw the ball back!" was all he said to you.
It made your blood boil.
Eunwoo was known for being a little blunt anyway, but he definitely went out of his way to grind your gears.
"Where is the president?" the social convenor asked.
You sighed, checking the time and noticing that Eunwoo was fifteen minutes late.
"If I knew where he was... If only I knew," you mumbled.
"Why is Eunwoo even the president, anyway?" another member of the student council asked.
"Because he's hot and cool and everyone likes him!" a girl squealed. You couldn't even remember what her position in the student council was, but judging by her comment, you realized that she must be here just for Eunwoo.
"He's absolutely dumb, does nothing all day yet somehow gets A's! Of course, why wouldn't he be the president?" your tone was dripping with sarcasm and your anger was almost about to overflow.
Until that man walked into the meeting room, at last.
"I'm dumb and do nothing all day? Why, thank you. I'm here, now," Eunwoo declared, strolling towards his seat. He had his black leather jacket slung over a shoulder.
God, I hate my life, you thought to yourself.
"That's what [y/n], said, but I don't think that way!" the girl who squealed earlier spoke.
"Thanks, Stacy."
Eunwoo only flashed her a quick smile before he sat back in his seat.
"So, what are we doing?"
"What do you mean, 'what are we doing'? We have an open house tomorrow and tons of high school students will be checking on our department! You're the president, you were supposed to-"
Eunwoo hushes you by raising up his hand from where it was resting on his thigh.
"It's all good, I've got it sorted."
He slammed down a notebook onto the table.
"I've taken notes on how open houses have been previously organized and have put them all in this book. I highlighted the events that seemed like they had a lot of potential, so look through those and decide on something, alright? I'll be off," Eunwoo explained, standing up.
"Where are you going?" you almost spat out at Eunwoo. He walks in here, makes a fool out of you and then decides to leave?
"To go 'be dumb and do nothing all day'. Isn't that what you said I do?"
He glared at you slightly before leaving the room.
"[y/n], you made Nunu so angry! Nunu, don't be mad, come back!" Stacy screamed, chasing after him.
You sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
"This idiot really thought I wouldn't know about the past open houses..."
You slam down the notebook that you had also brought.
"Damn... so he really just provided us some useless info and left?" the social convenor asks, shaking their head.
"Yeah, pretty much," you say.
So how did you and Eunwoo end up as vice president and president, anyway? Well, these positions were given to the students with the highest grades. Eunwoo had the highest, so he was given the title of president. You were trailing close behind, and were given the title of vice president.
You always told yourself that you should have been the president, and rightfully so! Eunwoo never did anything but play games on his phone, anyway.
When the open house event finally rolled around, you and Eunwoo were supposed to give a speech in a lecture hall to get the day started. It was mostly to welcome the high school students and lift the spirits of everyone there, not too big of a deal!
But still, big enough of a deal that Eunwoo should have shown up.
He didn't. And you were anything but surprised.
Forced to deliver your speech and somehow improvise along the way to make up for Eunwoo's missing presence, you were shocked to find that the audience started clapping right as you finished. It felt as though your hard work had paid off, and you stepped back, smiling at everyone in the crowd.
Until Eunwoo walked up to the mic, flashing a smile of his own and greeting everyone.
Yep, they had all been clapping for him, not for you.
Eunwoo turned and looked at you, mouthing, "did you prepare my script?"
"You were supposed to do that! Do I look like your secretary?"
Eunwoo scowled at you and turned to everyone who was seated. He ended up repeating a bunch of the same things that you had said and received an enthusiastic applause. You sighed from behind the curtains, wondering why Eunwoo always got the credit for all your hard work. It was probably his looks, but still.
Throughout the day, you walked around campus and ensured that everything was running smoothly. Eunwoo was supposed to be doing the same, you hoped, and you asked him this when you ran into him outside of the campus student centre.
"Have you been walking around like you were supposed to?"
"I'll deal with my business on my own," he said, almost scoffing at you. He was standing there scrolling through his phone.
"This isn't 'your business'? We're literally supposed to be working together!"
"Stop nagging me, [y/n]. I don't like it when you do that," he grumbled.
"Yeah, well I don't like you!" you yelled, storming away from him. You felt... very embarrassed. What kind of comeback was that? It sounded like something a child would say... oh, well.
You saw your friend handing out some goodies at a table outside and approached them.
"How's it going, vice president?" they asked you, handing you a snack.
"Terrible," you groaned, opening it and eating some.
"Why, what's up?"
"Cha Eunwoo is being a pain in the butt, as always," you sighed.
"You might want to watch what you say," your friend mumbled, pointing behind you.
You turned around a little too late as the snack in your hands was whisked away by Cha Eunwoo himself.
"You're the only pain in the butt here, [y/n]," he said, eating your snacks.
"What are you doing here?! You should be on the other side of campus!" you yelled.
"And you shouldn't be here, either," Eunwoo said with a glare.
"Can y'all go argue somewhere else? You're scaring the highschoolers away," your friend complained, nodding in the direction of some highschoolers who were hesitant to approach the snack stand because you and Eunwoo were arguing.
"Go attend to your duties, [y/n]," Eunwoo huffed, walking away from you.
You angrily stomped the ground, walking away and feeling a little embarrassed because you could feel the high schoolers watching you.
"[y/n], why won't you learn from Eunwoo a bit? I understand that he's the president and you're only the vice, but you could have at least prepared what we needed you to prepare!" the director of your department told you, shaking her head at you.
You tried to contain yourself and looked down as you rolled your eyes. The only reason Eunwoo was more prepared than you were today was because he had stolen what you prepared and claimed it was his instead.
"I understand, I'm sorry."
"You're at risk of getting your position taken away, [y/n]! This is a warning."
After leaving the director's office, you were met wih a grinning Eunwoo who was sat on the couches in the lobby.
"What are you looking at?" you asked him.
"Thanks for these papers, [y/n]," he said, holding up your hard work.
"I didn't even give them to you. You took them from me, but okay," you said, leaving him there.
You walked to a coffee shop that was on the same floor to get something to refresh yourself. Since it was so early in the morning on a weekend, the building was fairly quiet and empty. It wasn't hard to overhear a conversation.
"Eunwoo, I think [y/n] has not been taking their vice president duties seriously these days. Do you think we should find someone else?"
The director's voice.
"Do the other members of student council agree?"
Eunwoo's voice.
"I haven't spoken to them-"
"Then [y/n] remains as vice. I haven't seen any sort of slacking or a lack of seriousness from them, and I don't think anyone else is fit for the role."
Did Eunwoo just... compliment and defend you?
You turned around with your drink in hand to find that it was indeed Eunwoo talking with your director. Then, you quickly scurried away to avoid being seen by them, feeling very confused.
"Cheers!" everyone shouted around the table, clinking their glasses together before downing their contents. After a successful open house, everyone had gathered at a bar to celebrate. You squirmed in your spot beside Eunwoo, feeling uncomfortable. He rolled his eyes at you and shifted even closer to you, leaving you with less room to sit than before.
"Is that better?" he asked, smirking at you.
You frowned, pressing your foot on top of his clearly new shoes.
"Is that better?" you asked him.
"Why are you guys so close? Are you about to kiss or something?" one of the student council members asked.
"No! Ew-"
"And what if we did?" Eunwoo asked, glaring at the member.
What the hell?
The member looked down at their drink, unsure of what to say. The atmosphere grew awkwardly quiet until someone asked if everyone wanted more drinks, to which there were murmurs of agreement.
"Hey, [y/n], I overheard the director talking with you in her office today. Did she really threaten to kick you out as vice president?" the student council member next to you asked.
You laughed awkwardly, already feeling uncomfortable.
"Yeah... I'm working hard, though! So I'm sure it won't happen."
"Are you sure? You weren't able to prepare what the director asked you to, and there's been countless times where Eunwoo has always had to do things for you..."
You were in such shock. Everyone in student council knew that Eunwoo just acted like he was on top of everything, meanwhile you were doing all the work. Even for his grades, he never studied but was at the top because of all the people who handed him study notes and past tests to get his attention. You worked so hard...
"... I get that you're the vice president, but shouldn't you be trying a little harder? Hey... [y/n]? Are you crying?"
You couldn't help it... it had all been building up until now. You didn't even realize you were crying, though, until this guy pointed it out to you. His hand on your shoulder felt like it was suffocating you...
"What the hell have you been on about, you idiot?" Eunwoo growled from your right. You turned to him and he was glaring at the boy who had been talking to you.
"Don't even talk. There's nothing but garbage coming out of your mouth. Come on, [y/n], let's go," Eunwoo said, grabbing your hand and guiding you out of there.
You were extremely confused, but more than anything, you were just sad. So you didn't stop Eunwoo when he led you outside of the bar.
"Is everything okay? Take some deep breaths." Eunwoo was staring right into your eyes as he spoke to you, reaching out his thumb to gently wipe your tears away.
"What's... going on?"
"That idiot was saying some useless garbage so I brought you out here. I can leave if you want to be alone-"
"No! No, please don't go," you begged, holding on tightly to his sleeve. You couldn't help it, you completely broke down and found yourself sobbing into his chest. What was weirder was that Eunwoo had his arms wrapped around you and was rubbing your back...
After you calmed done, Eunwoo insisted that he walk you back to your dorm.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" you asked him, sniffling quietly.
He threw his hands in his pockets and stared at the ground.
"I don't like it when people are mean to you, [y/n]," he said quietly.
"But you're mean to me all the time!" you pointed out.
"You're the one who started being mean to me!" Eunwoo whined.
You stopped walking.
"I started being mean to you? Eunwoo, you know you're the one who threw a basketball at me that day and never apologized, right?"
Eunwoo stared at the dark sky for a moment as he tried to remember what you were talking about. Then his eyes widened and he looked at you.
"Oh... I swear, there's an explanation-"
"There better be!"
"This is going to sound dumb but... I felt too shy to look at you... which is why I avoided you like that."
What? Eunwoo, the most cocky and arrogant president you know, was shy?
"Why in the world were you shy, Eunwoo?"
It wasn't just the slight breeze in the air that was turning his cheeks red, now. He was about to tell you something important.
"Ever since the first day at the orientation week... I thought you were really... attractive. And then, learning about you through all the icebreakers just made things worse. I don't really know how to handle my feelings, so maybe that's why I came across as so rude."
There was silence as you processed everything and starting walking to your dorm again.
"Eunwoo... if you had just cleared this all up a little sooner, we wouldn't have been like cats and dogs," you said, laughing nervously and touching the back of your neck.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Do you still... like me?" you asked him quietly.
Eunwoo paused before answering. "I don't think I could ever just stop liking you."
Both of you giggled at his cheesy words. You felt like you were on another planet. The boy you'd hated so much turned out to have a crush on you?
"You don't need to tell me how you feel anytime soon. I know there's been a lot of misunderstandings... so let's just clear those up first?" Eunwoo cocked his head to one side.
"If you get to my dorm faster than me, I'll consider it!" you yelled before running in the direction of your residence building.
"I don't even know where you live!" Eunwoo yelled after you, following you along.
"What kind of president are you? You don't even know where your vice president lives?" you yelled back, sticking your tongue out at him.
Suddenly, Eunwoo caught up to you and started racing ahead. Of course he knew where you lived. He liked you.
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fweasleyswhore · 4 years
Let Me Take Care Of You - G.W.
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a/n: this popped up in my brain and I wanted to get it out, this is with George because I felt like he fit the idea a bit more also i deadass haven’t written smut before like not as a joke haha funny so im so sorry if this is ass
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!Reader
summary: Reader confesses her feelings for George after the disaster of Bill and Fleur's wedding and spend a night together for the first time, which they can only wished would have happened earlier.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: Slight dom!George, slight sub!reader, mostly passionate smut, 18+ themes
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The night was winding down. It was a beautiful ceremony, candles were floating around in the tent giving off a soft glow. A few straggling couples slow dancing. I was sat admiring the tent and the company when I felt a presence behind me. I looked up and my heart skipped a beat. George stood behind me, his hands placed in his pockets and the goofy grin he adorned everywhere was plastered on his face despite the bandage wrapped around his ear. 
I turned in my chair so I could see him better. “Hey, George.” I beamed up to him. 
“Hello, darling, would you want to dance?” He pulled his hand out of his pocket and held it out to me. My breath hitched in my throat as I nodded and he pulled me out to the dance floor. I had liked George since I met him, he always seemed to bring light in my life that I lacked, but I had never acted on my feelings. I didn’t want to lose him. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” He whispered in my ear as we slowly spun around the room. His hand was placed on the small of my back, the other interlaced with mine. My free hand rested on his shoulder, our fronts were pressed flush together. I felt my face heat up at his words and our proximity. 
I put my head on his chest and locked my arm behind his neck. “George?” I said softly. I decided now was a good time to tell him how I felt. I needed to. I wanted to say this, look back up at him and kiss him. He hummed and I felt the way his chest rumbled as he did so. “George I think I lo-” 
My words were cut off by a loud crashing noise. I whipped around to see the cause of the crash. In the middle of the dance floor was a blue light. 
“The Ministry has fallen. They are coming.” As soon as it had spoken it was gone. The tent went quiet for a moment until flashes of black smoke started appearing. I watched as Ron, Hermione, and Harry apparated away. I grabbed my wand I had placed in my dress pocket and held tightly onto George’s hand. 
Bill grabbed Fleur and started dragging her away. I watched a death eater begin on them. 
“Stupify,” I yelled and he shot back into a table and collapsed. 
“Y/N, we need to leave, there are too many.” At George’s words, I looked around, wizards and witches were fighting or apparating away. I looked up to him and nodded seeing as there wasn’t much we could do other than get hurt. He grabbed my hand tighter and started bounding towards the Burrow. We started a protection spell on the house once we got there, it finished with enough time for everyone to get in. 
Bellatrix Lestrange stood outside, I saw her from the kitchen window pacing outside. “Where did Potter go?!” She screamed. I wasn’t sure if it was aimed at us or her henchmen. Soon enough all the death eaters disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. 
Molly was sobbing at the kitchen table, Arthur was consoling her. Fred was having Ginny clean a cut on his leg. Bill and Fleur weren’t around, I assume they apparated somewhere. Lupin and Tonks were arguing about if it was worth it to apparate home. 
I couldn’t find George. My eyes scanned the area once more but I couldn’t find him. I felt my eyes tear up as I turned back to look out the kitchen window. I tried to remember if he had left the house after we cast our spell. Deep in my thoughts, I didn’t hear him walk up behind me. 
“Y/N?” His voice was soft and gentle. I whipped around and immediately jumped on him. He returned the gesture, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me up so my feet were off the floor. I wrapped my legs around him to pull him closer afraid that if I didn’t he would disappear. 
“Where were you?” I whispered harshly into his neck. 
“Making sure my ear wasn’t bleeding. Y/N are you alright?” His grip on me tightened. I felt him move away so I pulled my head up to look him in his eyes. His eyes were scanning my face looking for a sign of injury. 
Then I felt like it was the right moment. I unwrapped my arms from around him and cupped his face. His eyes stopped scanning my face as they looked directly into mine. I let my eyes flicker to his lips and then back to his, he repeated my action almost like he was communicating the same words. 
I closed the gap and pushed my lips onto his. He kisses me back with no hesitance. His grip on me tightened, one of his arms traveled down to hold my thigh and support me. Our lips moved a few times, finding a rhythm with each other. Once we did it was a new experience. George sucked and bit on my lips as we kissed causing me to let out a soft moan. I ran my hands through his hair and tugged lightly earning a soft groan from him. 
We pulled away to breathe and he set me on the kitchen counter. Suddenly remembering his family was there I looked around making sure no one was watching our moment before I put my eyes back onto him. 
“Do you know how long I wanted to do that?” He asked with a slight chuckle. His hand found my thigh and he pushed up the skirt of my dress to draw small patters above my knee. 
“Why did it take you so long?” I panted out. He was making it harder to catch my breath. 
“Tonight I watched my family fight to stay alive, and I realized that there is so much happening right now,” He gulped as he showed his vulnerability. “Y/N, I want you. I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember and I don’t want to fight this without having you beside me.” His eyes moved from the floor to my eyes and I saw him, the real him. He wanted to be loved, he wanted to share his love, and with the war building up he was afraid he was never going to be able to do that. 
“George I can’t imagine fighting this without you. I can’t imagine my future without you.” I grabbed his hand that was on my thigh as I said this. With each word I said I watched as his scared expression molded into a smile. 
“Really?” He whispered. 
“Definitely.” I replied. His lips were back onto mine and we shared a short but passionate kiss. 
The rest of the night we helped clean up. I helped Arthur get Molly to bed where he stayed with her then I helped Ginny clean up Fred’s leg and set him up a temporary bed on the couch, not wanting to climb the steps to his room. Once everyone was taken care of I found myself in George’s room. I wasn’t staying in here but I wanted nothing more for him to hold me while I fell asleep. 
The door creaked open to a very disheveled George. His purple and white speckled shirt had been rolled up his arms, the vest piece completely gone, his tie hung loosely around his neck. 
“Hey.” He spoke gently once he noticed me. I was sitting on the edge of his bed. 
“Hey,” I replied taking him in. “I’m sorry, I know you're tired I just don’t want to be alone tonight.” I began to wring my hands in my lap, waiting for him to tell me to leave. 
“I was hoping I would see you again tonight.” He made a few strides and sat next to me on the bed. I leaning into him immediately, resting my head on his shoulder. He snaked an arm around my waist and we sat like that for a few minutes. I turned my head so I could look at him. 
“George, I don’t know what this war is going to take from us.”
“Hopefully not my other ear.” He butted in. I couldn’t help but laugh, he pulled me closer as I did. 
“I was trying to say that from here on out I want to be with you, I-I want to be there when you go to sleep and be there when you wake up. I want us to have little moments with each other when we can, I have spent the past few years wanting something with you and I won’t continue without letting you know. I don’t know what that kiss meant to you downstairs but that was everything to me.” I spoke slowly and I stared at my hands. I was too afraid to look at him in such a vulnerable moment. 
“That’s all I want. That kiss downstairs was my future Y/N.” I picked my head up to look at him grinning wildly. 
“I’m your future?” I asked sheepishly. 
“You’ve been my future for the past couple of years, the plan at least. Y/N I’m in love with you.” I threw my arms around his neck and tossed myself into his lap. I peppered kisses on his cheeks while smiling. Pulling back I looked at him, he was smiling back at me, his eyes were looking into the darkest parts of me but he was smiling. I knew I would always be safe with him around. 
His hands began to rub into my sides gently. He leaned up, closing the gap between us. Our kiss was slow, methodical, and passionate. It quickly escalated into more hungry and fast as we continued. Without thinking I rolled my hips into his earning a groan from him. We broke apart. His face was flush, lips parted and slightly swollen as I bet mine was too.
We stared at each other for a moment trying to gauge each other and plan what to do next. Keeping eye contact I rolled my hips again. His jaw clenched and his hands tightened on my hips. 
“Do you want this?” He asked. His voice was deep and husky. His eyes were dark and it sent shockwaves through my body, straight to my core. 
“I need you, George,” I whispered back. That was all it took for him to tighten his grip on my hips and kiss me again. The kiss was hot and fiery. I began to grind into his lap again causing us both to groan. I could feel him harden beneath me as I rolled my hips into him. I continued to roll my hips, throwing my head back as he nipped and sucked at my neck. 
“George...” I moaned out his name, I could feel him smirk against my neck. 
Before I could prepare he flipped us over, I was laying on my back and he hovered over me. 
“You’re so beautiful Y/N.” My face began to flush as he looked at me with pure adoration in his eyes. He began to pepper kisses onto my face and the butterflies in my stomach dispersed as I began to laugh. 
“Are you sure?” He asked pulling back to look at me in my eyes. 
“Yes George, please,” I whined, I could feel the familiar feeling in my core that felt both like butterflies and sinking. I desperately needed his attention on my body. 
“Tell me if you need me to stop.” I nodded and he attached his lips back to mine. His hands traveled down my body, he pushed up my skirt up my thighs and it pooled around my hips. I broke the kiss and pulled it up above my head. Looking back up to George he took me in, trailing his fingers around the lace of my bra my breath hitched much like his own. My heart rate sped up as his fingers trailed down from my breasts and to the waistband of my matching lace panties. 
He pulled on the waistband of them, letting it bounce back onto my hips. Leaning back he pulled his shirt and tie over his head. I took him in, his toned chest and stomach eyeing the ginger trail of hair that could be seen down both. 
He undid his belt, pushing down down his trousers while maintaining eye contact. I watched him until my eyes flickered down to the tent in his underwear. I could hear him chuckle as I eyed his length, my eyes widening as he grew under my gaze. 
He moved again to sit in front of me on the bed. His hands moved up my legs and rested on my things, lightly kneading them, his lips soon followed. He repeated his assault on my neck on my thighs, nipping and sucking until he reached my covered core. 
His eyes flickered up to mine as he halted his actions. I nodded permitting him to continue. His hands came up and they traced my lips causing my breathing getting heavier. He pushed my panties to the side and reached out to delicately lick my clit. I dropped my head back and let out a loud moan. 
“My family is in the house you know.” He laughed against my core, his breath fawned over me sending shivers through my body. 
“Sorry.” I whipped my head up to see him smiling at me. 
“It’s ok, I want to hear you.” He said and summoned his wand. He placed a quick silencing spell on the room. “Don’t hold back darling.” My face heated up at the nickname and I quickly nodded. 
He turned his head back to my core and started to aggressively lick and suck at my clit. I couldn’t hold back the moans that spilled from my mouth as he continued his attack. His fingers came up, tracing the entrance to my core adding to the pleasure I was feeling. I reached behind myself and unclipped my bra to massage at my tits. 
He inserted a finger into me making me exclaim as he pumped it slowly while curling it. He pulled his face back to watch me as twisted and pulled on my nipples, adding to the overwhelming feeling crashing around me. 
“So pretty.” He fawned. I didn’t have time to have to be flushed at his comment as he inserted another finger into me making me scream out his name. He gently licked at my clit now and again as his fingers mercilessly pumped into me. Curling his fingers to hit that one spot over and over again his attention picked up on my clit. 
“George, I, f-fuck! I’m gonna...” I breathed out. The ability to make words passed me as my legs began to shake, the familiar feeling of a knot filled my stomach and my eyes clenched shut. 
He hummed onto my clit, acknowledging my plead and that was enough to send me over the edge. I came hard and saw stars as he continued his attack, milking my orgasm for all it could give him. He pulled his mouth away, soon after pulling out his fingers, massaging my shaking legs as I caught my breath. 
“Do you want to keep going?” He asked. I looked up at him, propping myself up on my elbows as I looked down at him. The tent in his underwear looked bigger as ever and his chin was glistening with my arousal. 
“Please.” I nodded. I grabbed him and pulled him on top of me. One of his hands propped him up while the other cupped my face as we kissed. Our tongues fought each other for dominance, I moved my hand down and palmed him through his boxers. He let out a groan which I used to my advantage to explore his mouth. 
He moved his hand from my face to grab my wrist. I halted all my actions and watched as he pulled his cock free of his underwear. My eyes widened at the sight of him, I felt myself grow wetter and rubbed my thighs together at the sight. He pumped himself a few times as his eyes raked over me, chuckling lightly to himself.
“Needy, are we?”  He taunted. He started to move his hand slower around himself, his eyes were dark as they looked into mine. I wiggled under his stare again letting out a whine. 
“George, I need you.” I managed to breathe out I heard him groan at my words. 
“As you wish.” He crawled on top of me, I linked my legs around his waist. My breathing intensified as he trailed his lips up my torso until he was trailing his lips along my jaw. He nipped and sucked behind my ear causing me to let out a breathy moan. I could feel him pressing against my entrance so I shifted my hips needily trying to take him in. He lifted his head and looked at my face as though he was committing it to memory. 
“Please…” I whined. He smiled down at me and reattached our lips. One of his hands found mine and he pulled it above my head, interlocking our fingers and leaning against it. His other hand trailed down my body until he found my hip, holding it steady. Our lips were still pressing against each other when he pushed into me. I moaned into his mouth causing him to pull away and smile at me. He continued to push into me, filling me up to the hilt. Being quite large, I involuntarily clenched around him trying to adjust to his size. He groaned and placed his head in the crook of my neck. He peppered kisses to my neck and didn’t move, letting me adjust. I felt quite full, in a good way, the stinging sensation I felt at first passed quickly. I ran my free fingers through his hair, beckoning him back to me. I kissed hard signaling for him to start moving. 
Slowly he pulled out halfway then pushed back in with more force. I moaned out his name as he repeated these actions, each time thrusting into me with more force than before. Hoisting my leg around his shoulder he continued his pace, this time hitting that spot deep inside of me that made my toes curl and my lungs lose the air they once retained. I was a moaning mess, saying George’s name like a mantra. Each feeling was both too much to handle and not enough. The familiar feeling of a knot was building up in my lower stomach. My legs began to shake and my breathing sped up as I felt myself tighten around him making each thrust leaving me feeling more full. 
“George, p-please, I need…” His hips snapped into me cutting off my sentence and turning it into a moan. He trailed his hand up and cupped my face. He picked up his pace causing my whole body shake begging for release. 
“What do you need baby?” His voice was husk and sent shockwaves through my body. As he continued his brutal pace and didn’t grant me my release I felt tears prick my eyes as it all became too much to handle. 
“F-Fuck, please George. Please.” A few tears fell as I tried my absolute hardest to hold back from falling apart. 
He leaned his head down and nipped at my ear. “Go on darling, cum for me.” He whispered into my ear. At his words I let myself fall apart, shaking and clenching around him. He continued to thrust, slowing down and stuttering until he filled me up, thrusting a few times as the aftershock of my orgasm made me spasm and let out a few small moans. 
He slowly pulled out of me and laid on top of my chest. Picking up our intertwined hands he placed a kiss on the back of mine. Brushing my fingers through his hair I tried to catch my breath. 
He rolled over and pulled me with him, now resting on his chest I could hear his heartbeat go back to a normal rhythm. 
“Y/N?” I hummed as a response, waves of fatigue fell over me and I traced small patterns onto his pale chest. “I don’t ever want to be apart from you, not anymore.”
I smiled at his words, shifting slightly so I could look up at him I beamed. “That took too long to happen,” He nodded eagerly and I laughed at him lightly. “I just mean I’m ready to fight for us.” 
He grabbed my hand resting on his chest and interlocked our fingers yet again. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
We fell asleep, tangled together breathing in each other and I never felt more complete than I did at that moment. 
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weasleypogues · 3 years
help pt.2 (r.c.)
after lots of requests asking for a part two!! i decided fuck it and to make it! hope u all enjoy! :) xxxxxx
part one here if you haven’t read it already! 
after being in a relationship with rafe for a year now, you know how he handles his feelings and rationalizes them. it’s simple, he doesn’t. you’d watch and hear about him getting into fights with his sisters which was normal for siblings but you can see how he blew them out of proportion. 
you knew for one thing that you weren’t in this relationship to solely be his therapist and fix him but you loved him and you help the ones you love. even if that means acknowledging that they may be in the wrong and helping them come to that realization to rationalize it. 
however, no matter how many times you helped him and talked through everything with him, there were some nights in which a conversation was no use. there were only so many times that he felt as if he deserved help and other times where he resorted to drugs and drinking to ease his thoughts. 
even though watching him blow your date off and throw a party as an excuse to push away his thoughts, you still cared for him. so when you walked away you didn’t hop in your car and speed off, but you invited yourself inside the large and dark house. you tiptoed your way to his room, not fully knowing who was home and who was asleep. 
you found yourself in front of his door and placed your hand on the knob, turning it slightly and hearing the familiar creak of the hinges. you smelt the faint hint of the shower he had taken after you left and before the party. your eyes easily trailed the the outfit at the foot of his bed. it was not the outfit that you left him in and came to the conclusion that this was the outfit he was going to take you out in. you took a few steps to that outfit and lightly let your fingers trail along the stitching and buttons of his shirt, finally grasping it as tight as you could as you felt a lump in your throat form. 
“(y/n)?” you heard a faint voice call out. you spun around and were face to face with wheezie who had her hair in two french braids and in her pajamas. she shined her phone in your direction to get a better look. you softly smiled and walked towards her, taking her in for a hug.
“hi wheeze. sorry, did i wake you?” you asked thoughtfully, pulling away and taking your shoes off in his doorway to throw them to the side. she put down her phone as her eyes finally adjusted to the moonlight shining in. 
“nope, i could feel the bass bumping outside from here.” she chuckled. you looked into her soft brown eyes for a second and felt a tinge of guilt. you always tried to sympathize with everyone and put yourself in their shoes. you couldn’t imagine how wheezie felt. this was not the easiest household to grow up in, regardless of how it looks on the outside. she was only thirteen and already had her heartbroken. by her brother and father. and no matter how many times they pushed her to the side in their own frantics, she still put on a brave face and loved them. she was not as in the dark as she let off to be. she was intelligent and knew how to formulate her thoughts and actions. 
“oh shit yeah, i’m sorry.” you apologized on behalf of rafe. she gave you a soft smile and shook her head, allowing one braid to fall from her shoulder to behind her back.
“don’t apologize for him, this is nothing new.” wheezie laughed off. you smiled off the situation as well, just accepting it at this point.
“what do you say we go out into town for brunch tomorrow? you and i?” you inquired, as a way of letting her know that you were there for her. because if you were there for rafe, you had to be there for everything that came from this relationship, and that meant his little sisters. a big smile grew on her face that warmed your heart and she nodded her head fast.
“totally down! i’ll start looking up cute places on google and let you know!” wheezie exclaimed, trying to contain some of her excitement. she turned around and excitedly ran back to her room upstairs. you closed rafe’s door, not all the way in hopes of letting some light from the hallway in. 
making your way to his bathroom, you invited yourself to some of your toiletries that he practically begged you to keep here as an excuse to stay over more often. you grabbed make up wipes and your toothbrush and settled yourself before grabbing a tshirt of his and sliding off your dress. you placed your phone on the nightstand next to the bed, claiming your usual side of the bed before sliding under and shutting your eyes.
this slumber, if you could even call it that, felt like at least ten minutes when rafe had woken you up by barging through his door at least three hours later. your eyes fluttered open and tried their hardest to adjust quickly to the hallway light he was letting shine in your face. his glossy eyes lazily landed on your body under his covers and you swear you could see his shoulders relax. you gave your body a slight stretch and grabbed onto the top of the blanket and opened it up as an invite for rafe to hop in. rafe kicked off his shoes and stumbled his way to bed, which made your heart hurt a little.
“i thought you went home.” he slightly slurred, his eyes closing. he was lying on his back with the arm further from your resting on his forehead. the room must be spinning right now. 
“i thought about it and maybe i had every right to, but i didn’t want to leave you.” you responded, in a mousier voice than you realized as this was the first words to leave your mouth since you woke up. 
“why not? i fucking blew you off tonight. it was shitty.” he answered truthfully. you took a second and watched his chest rise and fall as he awaited an answer. you knew you were not here to be his savior but you were here to love him. 
“it was shitty...but. but i know it’s because your psych yourself out and maybe feel like your in a valley rather than a peak. when your in peaks i love to see the smile on your face and make all these great memories with you. but when you’re in valleys, that is not the time for me to run and let you deal with everything on your own. i’m here to back you up and love you for you.” you responded, keeping your eyes on his rising and falling chest and letting your hand make it’s way to the center of it, feeling the faint beat of his heart. he took the free hand he had and grabbed your hand from his chest and kissed the top of it. 
“i love you, (y/n).” rafe whispered, leaning over and kissing the top of your head. you both instinctively snuggled closer to each other and you could feel him squeeze you protectively. the moonlight and body warmth helped both of you fall asleep rather quickly. 
waking up to the sunlight in the room shining through his two windows was almost as comforting as the fact that you woke up on your stomach with your hand still placed on his chest and his own hand resting on top of that. you could still feel the faint pitter patter and smiled softly to yourself. you slightly sat up to check the time on his nightstand where his clock sat. 9:17. you rolled your eyes playfully, thinking of the last time you saw that time, was last night when you hopped out of your car in front of his house. circumstances and conversations were different. 
you slowly slid out from under the covers and made your way to the bathroom to freshen up quickly and grabbing a pair of his basketball shorts before heading to the kitchen for some water. grabbing a glass and filling it as quietly as you could you heard faint footsteps grow in volume as they entered the kitchen. you swiftly turned around and saw sarah walk in, opening up the fridge.
“mornin’.” sarah said, groggily and grabbing pre-made cold brew out of the fridge. you smiled softly as you brought the glass once at your lips down to the marble counter.
“morning. wheeze and i are going out to grab brunch if you wanna come out and make it a girls day!” you stated, lightly tapping your fingers against the glass. she made a face with a smile that looked like she was considering it and raised her eyebrows.
“i think i’ll take you up on that offer.” sarah responded, running a hand through her bed head and taking a sip. you smiled and felt slightly relieved, you and sarah were always nice to each other and were once even close but her and rafe’s relationship made you nervous to overstep. but you had to admit you missed how close you two were. 
making your way back to rafe’s bedroom, you noticed his eyes fluttering open and he stretched, groaning in the meanwhile. he brought his hands to his head and rubbed his temples. 
“need some advil babe?” you chuckled, grabbing the pill bottle from his dresser and going to hand him your glass of water. he groaned in response. as you handed the pill bottle to him, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back in to bed. you couldn’t handle the scream that escaped your lips as you accidentally poured the water from your cup on the both of you. 
he grabbed the cup and put it on the nightstand and wrapped his hands around your waist. rafe began planting kisses all over your face until you pulled away with a giant smile and realized you were straddling him. he smirked and checked you out before making his way back up to your eyes.
“i can get used to this sight.” rafe flirted and you felt your cheeks go hot as you rolled off of him. 
“i gotta get ready.” you stated, chuckling and getting off the bed. you watched him dry swallow two ibuprofen and look at you with a shocked look on his face.
“get ready?” rafe said exasperatedly, lifting his torso off his bed and sitting up. you playfully rolled your eyes and grabbed your phone off the bed next to him. 
“indeed. i’m having a girls only brunch with your sisters.” you said, flashing him a cheeky smile. he groaned and rolled his eyes, letting his body fall dramatically back on his bed. “oh, don’t be dramatic.” you heard his chuckle slightly fade out and you glanced over at him as he stared off into space.
“can you come back here later? or maybe i come to you? help me figure some of this “seeing someone to talk to” shit out. i don’t think i can do it alone.” he muttered, clearly a little embaraassed to admit it. you did not hesitate to walk over to him and grab his face in your hands before planting a kiss on his lips.
“anything for you, my love.” you whispered in front of his face and looked longingly into his eyes. you appreciated softer moments like this that reminded you of the sweet times you both had together. you pulled away after one more kiss. “i’m with you every step of the way.” 
you stuck your pinky out to him and he again, playfully rolled his eyes, attempting to withhold the display of the oncoming smile on his face. he linked his pinky in yours and you both kissed your thumbs.
“i’m with you every step of the way.” he repeated. you both unlinked your fingers but let your hands graze each other as you walked closer to his doorframe. 
“sarah, wheezie! ready whenever you are!” you yelled up, hearing two pairs of footsteps only a few moments after. you looked back and rafe winked at you as he put his hands behind his head. you laughed and caught up with his sisters in the foyer.
you were with each other every step of the way.
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