#this is ab a guy from my math class who just texted me
Hi ppl who are nosy and want to know ur grades so they can judge how smart u are are annoying as fuck
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goodstories08 · 2 years
Echoes of Love
Peter Parker (Tom Holland) X Male Reader
Request: No
Description: Peter was a very nervous guy who had a massive crush on you. The thing is you knew it because of your power, the ability to feel vibrations and create sonic blasts. You had hid your ability from the world so you weren’t a superhero or anything but it was fun to use them to hear certain hearts race as you walked by.
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You shoved books into your locker as your best friend Jenny was talking about her families beach house. After coming out as gay all of the straight girls wanted to be your friends and it got really annoying.
It wasn’t like you had a choice of friends so you just hung out with the popular rich kids since they would always treat for shopping and stuff like that. “So you wanna come up to the beach house next Saturday for summer break?,” Jenny asked, you thought for a second surprised that you forgot school was over in a week. “Who’s going?” You asked before shutting your locker. “Well obviously me and my new boyfriend I told you about, and Marissa and Jackson,” I rolled my eyes and turned to her. “I don’t really feel like going to a couples getaway without being in a relationship,” you said in a sarcastic tone as Jenny pulled her phone out.
She showed you the picture of a muscular boy on her phone, he wore a beanie and had his button up shirt opened. “He looks like an F boy Jenny,” she immediately hit her chest of offense. “That’s my cousin,” she said causing your eyes to grow wide, “I-I’m so sorry I didn’t…”
“But yea he kinda does look like one so I guess it’s better if you don’t,” She cut you off while glaring at someone coming up behind you. “Ehh it’s that nerd Peter Parker,” she said in a mean tone. “We’re all nerds , we go to a nerd school,” you whisper yelled so he wouldn’t hear. “Yes but he’s like a nerd, nerd like into comics and star-wars.” I scoffed then turned on my heals to the nervous boy.
“H-hey Y/n,” He nervously stuttered causing Jenny to giggle a little. His face turned red, “I was wondering if you wanted to come over today to study? I heard you saying you needed help in math class so I can help. O-only if you want me to.”
You look to him and feel his rapidly racing heartbeat, the vibrations were loud but you learned to toon it out. You felt kinda flustered that someone was so nervous around you, someone who was hot to. “Um sure, just text me we’re to meet you. Six works for me,” you say while pulling your phone out for Peter to type his number in. The taller boy quickly typed his number in, “Yea six works for me to.”
Peter smiled and walked back toward his friends Mj and Ned who were fangirling from the side. “Eww I can’t believe your going out with a nerd,” Jenny said while the two of you started to walk out of school, backpack sling over shoulder. “He’s cute though,” she nodded still looking unconvinced he was good enough for you, “I also heard he has real nice abs, better than your F boy cousin your trying to set me up with.” She rolled her eyes and muttered, “Whatever,” before looking back at her phone and typing away.
You stand outside of Peter’s apartment and check the address to see if it matched the one he gave you. The door quickly opened and there stood Peter in a tight tee shirt. You couldn’t help but blush, “O-oh hi Y/n come in.”
He held the door open as you walked inside the apartment, “This way.” He walked past and showed you to his room, which sure enough nerdy just like Jenny said. He had a massive lego Death Star and a bunch of comics on his desk. “Wow, you collected all of this?” He nodded feeling proud to finally show it off to someone he liked. “It’s cool.”
“So what do you need help with,” he asked as the two of you sat on the carpet in his room. You unzip your backpack and pull out your homework. “Geometry I just can’t understand it, at all,” you say while pointing to the problems. “Oh this is easy, just follow what I’m doing ok,” he said as you nodded for him to continue.
A few hours past and the two of you became more and more close. You wound up taking a break and talked about random things to get to know one another better. You talked about all the school drama and how coming out has been while he told you about his uncle. It was really sad and Peter looked like he would cry at one point so you hugged him.
His strong arms wrapped around your upper waist as you wrapped yours around his neck. The smell of his cologne filled your nose and you felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “T-thanks Y/n,” he said as the two of you pulled back. “Why are you thanking me? You were the one who volunteered to help me, so thank you,” you say causing him to smile.
“Now back to the last one, right here…” he picked the pencil out of your hand and pulled behind you. His right arm wrote-on the paper while his chest was pressed up against your back. His warm breath tickled your neck as you were only inches apart from each other. You turned to him and the two of you stare into each other’s eyes. Peter felt he needed to take his shot so he leaned down too seal your lips.
It was a somewhat quick kiss but it was filled with passion and desperation. Peter was thinking millions of things at the moment, from how his breath smelled to how he was sitting but nothing could take over the feeling of kissing you. When you pulled back Peters arm was still wrapped around your waist , “T-thanks Y/n.”
“You don’t need to say thanks everyone I do something,” you say causing his face to turn red. “Sorry,” You roll your eyes and lean in once more, he pushed his lips harder this time. “Well Peter,” you say as you pulled apart once more, “This has been the best study session I’ve ever had.”
It was now summer and school was let out, Peter sat on your bed on his phone. You walked into the room with your suitcase as Peter looked at you, “Are you sure your friends won’t mind me, a nerd, joining your trip.” You said no even though you knew Jenny would mind, but hey he’s your boyfriend so what is she going to do about it.
Peter stood up and pulled you into a hug from behind, his chin rest on your shoulder as the two of you sway. The sudden honk of a car horn took you both out of the moment. “Come on let’s go,” you yelled to Peter who followed you out to the car. He tightened his grip on your hand as the two of you got closer toward the car. “Really Y/n?,” Jenny said with a sarcastic tone. “What he’s nice, and good with “studying” if you know what I’m talking about,” you said the last part quietly into her ear causing her to smile. “We’ll come one get in,” she said while we threw out bags in the trunk. You turned to Marissa and her boyfriend who were In the back row before leaning into Peter. His left bicep comforted you like a pillow as you fell into a calming sleep.
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bloom-bloom-pow · 3 years
enhypen as people from my hs
honestly high school was a blast for me and i just want to apologize to anyone who was in high school when covid hit 💔 i made so many memories and i was feeling nostalgic because i was listening to onoffonoff by keshi which released when i was in high school 😭 gOD im old 
there was this one kid who was an actor and was always in the school theater performances (our school was focused on the arts so he looked really good 😩) he had the nicest brown eyes and i tHinK his name was isaac but he had this slight british accent and everyone thought he was really attractive 😭 i tried making small talk until i found out he was two years older than me and had a super pretty gf who lived in britain 💔 he didn't have a lot of friends because he was new and was the environmental club's leader but i swear... everyone had a crush on him 🤠 and heeseung kNOWS he's a popular, pretty boy..
gives me my friend mikey vibes, he was my first friend in high school... he saw me walking in the halls like 😫 and he was like do you want some meatballs? i stress made 75 meatballs.. please eat some with me... and BOOM yeah my first friend of high school over meatballs 😭 he was so funny and tutored me in spanish 😣 he wasn't even that good himself... i wasn't paying him tho so it didn't matter... if anyone tried to cancel him he would lift up his shirt bc everyone was in awe of his abs and we would all just shut up. i can see jay do this in the future, like i just know he checks himself out... 😭
omg one of mikey's good friends was named elliot and elliot was one of the absolute nicest people i have ever met like he drinks his respect women juice 🤠and he accidentally told his baseball team we were dating so we had to fake date for a while and break it off (nothing romantic actually happened) and one time i was walking with him and his friends to the market but his baseball members asked if he wanted a ride 😳 he was going to get in but then he realized i wouldn't be able to ride and so he sacrificed a car ride for a friend 😭 also we got pizza every week.. idk yall but jake screams this type of energy
i was friends with this guy named steven and we were neighbors and i was so in awe with him because he was literally good at everything !! dance captain, cross country star, one of the smartest in our grade, amazing painter, bassoon section leader, funny, like what 😭 he dated my ex best friend all throughout middle and high school (they're married now..) but literally i was surprised every time he could do something else perfectly 😩 i didn't know sunghoon was an ice skater for a pretty long time and when i found out i was like 😥 what can't this boy do.. literally so talented and v v heartthrob 
this babyboy reminds me of one of my closest friends now that i met in my freshman math class named kelly 🤩 kelly unni if you're reading this ily but like fr this girl would smile all the time and offer me snacks while learning stupid stuff like parabolas and blah 🙄 for any special holiday/bday she would always give out ramen noodle packs and can i mention she dances so well ?? we spent most of our time talking about seventeen who had just debuted i think (omfg) and this one boy named john who she really liked 💀 very cute and foodie vibes, we still rant to each other all the time 😣
omfg this is literally my friend sam 😭 so so competitive and  took like almost 12 aps during hs and i highkey miss him 😭 so over competitive to an amount i had to become his therapist every spring 💀 had an INSANE obsession with twice and joshua hong and was friends with furries his freshman year.. highkey bad at texting still to this day and the only reason why i passed chemistry and was my prom date bc i got dumped a week before people could buy prom tickets 🥺 he was a really good friend.. the work ethic screams yang jungwon 😍 also a surprisingly good dancer despite being tall,, 
honestly gives me vibes of the girl who always asked for math homework 5 mins before it was due (i forgot her name 😭) but she was really funny and loud and apparently she got a lot of likes on musically (DO U GUYS REMEMBER?? I WAS IN HS😣) so nobody could really say no to her also she was on cheer and very hot so how could i say no ?? 😢 i let her copy off me for popularity 💀 but yea after using my for a good grade she gave me a hug and a giftcard and i was literally like WHQJSHWHWB????? idk just her chill vibe gives me ni-ki vibes 🤩
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative Chapter 12: Tests
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 11
I let off a breath closing one text book I’d finished and moving to the next. “You know there’s a difference between learning and memorizing right?” Amita pointed out with a scoff glancing at me over top her laptop screen. 
“I am aware. One is knowing the other is understanding but for me they can understandably get intermingled” I explained as I began to go through the next book. 
Amita nodded “you’re really stressing about this test you have to do for school huh?” 
“Well it is kinda a big deal. The whole prospect of my graduating early is riding on it. That and me getting accepted into college” I explained. 
“Oh really what are you looking to study?” Amita inquired. 
“Mathematics like my uncle probably, maybe something a bit more hands on to” I explained. 
“You know combinatorics is a great field” she offered. 
I scoffed “if you don’t say so yourself” 
We both giggled “seriously though you should look at applying for CalSci. You could stay local. They have a history of accepting young brilliant minds and programs especially made for those who have spotty school records.” 
“You know Larry was saying something similar before” I voiced “maybe I will think about it.” 
“Plus I’ve been considering staying at CalSci longer to get my second PhD in physics so you’d have another friendly face on campus other than Charlie and Larry” 
“Seriously?” I thought about hanging around CalSci with the brainiac trio. “That sounds really cool”
“I think it’d be cool too and we could take you on a tour of the campus sometime even, you know, show you around” Amita offered. 
I smiled “yeah that’d be great” 
Just then my friend's phone went off and she answered it “hello? … yeah sure I’ll be right there.” she hung up and started packing her things. “Charlie needs my help for a case with Don.” she informed. 
“I can come-” 
“He said specifically not to bring you even if you asked. Sorry” Amita told me sympathetically. 
“Ugh eighteen can not come soon enough” I groaned. 
“There, there” Amita murmured teasingly, patting me on the shoulder as she headed out of the house. 
“You know when you offered to take me on a campus tour I thought I’d see more than the computer lab” I voiced as the trio finished retesting their flight route math for a third time in the CalSci computer lab. 
“I’m sorry but this is very important for the case Don’s working on” Charlie breathed out then thought for a minute “by the way I would appreciate you not telling him I allowed you to help with this math” 
“Don’t worry Uncle C, unlike some people I can keep a secret” I muttered. The man shot me a look but let the subject go as we all mulled over what we might have missed. 
“I don’t get it,” Uncle Charlie declared finally from his seat on the table behind where Amita was working. “The aircraft should have originated from an airfield that the FBI checked out” 
“Maybe they didn’t use an airfield” I suggested from where I sat next to the computer. “Like a highway or something” 
“Well then there would have been witnesses” Amita pointed out to the contrary. 
“You know, here’s where I get reductive on your ass,” Larry spoke up standing “cause you keep saying aircraft but so far no one’s been able to identify whatever it was that people saw.” 
“What are you saying, Larry?” Amita questioned. 
“I’m saying instead of building a flight path, let’s try focusing on the object itself,” Larry suggested. 
“You know what?” Charlie spoke up, hopping off his table “he’s right.” 
“Wait, you're agree that it could be a UFO?” I inquired of my uncle. 
“No, but focusing on the craft might yield better results.” The man explained coming over “We could get a visual of the object by building in all the radar sources at the same time, yes, civilian and military.” 
“So overlap the radar sources?” Amita clarified as she began to type into the computer. 
“That’s right” Charlie confirmed “by layering the images we could build a three dimensional cross section of it” 
Amita typed on the computer for a moment and we all leaned in to see “there” she finally declared “now it’s working off of all seven radar sources.” 
“And it’s building an image of the object,” Larry added. 
We watched as slowly an image began to appear. What we saw looked surprisingly Sci-fi. “Charlie? Is that what I think it is?” Amita inquired. 
“Larry I’m sorry I doubted you” I muttered. 
“Now, le-let’s be very, very careful” Charlie stammered “we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions or make any assumptions. There could be any number of reasons why that looks like-” 
“A vehicle from another part of the universe” Larry finished Charlie’s statement. 
3rd POV.
“Hey Charlie” Don greeted his brother knocking on the door to the office space the professor was using in the library. 
“Hey” the young brother replied, writing on a piece of paper. 
“What’s up?”  
“Just grading tests for my Nonlinear Dynamics class.” Charlie informed. 
“Glad to see you’re taking my advice and having some fun” Don commented. 
“Well, you don’t look like you’ve been having too much fun” the younger brother pointed out, eyeing his brother as Don sat down. 
Don sighed “aw man this Gosnell case. Not to mention Abby has to take that test today in school to see if she can get out early.” 
“I’m sure she’ll pass” Charlie reassured “and you know Amita’s already talked her into applying for CalSci” 
“Yeah I’m just stressed on her behalf I guess” the older brother explained “and anyway with this case I just had to tell a guy that his dad died” Don let off another breath slouching in his seat. 
Charlie put down his pencil and turned to give his brother more of his attention “I spent all that time trying to figure out where the plane went. Turns out the pilot didn’t even know, because the rudder was busted.” 
“See, that’s the thing” Don explained “I got to find out where he was headed, ‘cause I think that’s why he was killed. You got any ideas? Anything at all?” 
Charlie sighed packing up his papers and standing “maybe. Could I, uh could I get some data off the flight recorder?” 
“Yeah, I mean, I can see if, uh, Erica can drop some by.” Don offered. “Maybe Amita can help you out” A small smile came to Charlie’s face at the suggestion and Don couldn’t help the knowing grin that came to his face. “Dad said she’s sticking around.” 
“Did he?” Charlie asked, turning to his brother. 
“Well, you happy about that?” Don inquired. 
“Um, are you asking me as her thesis advisor or..?” Charlie ended with a slight chuckle. 
Don scoffed at the blush forming on his younger brother’s features “you tell me” 
“Yeah, I’m happy,” Charlie admitted. 
They were quiet for a moment then another thought occured to Don “hey, what’s the deal I thought you were playing golf today.” 
“Oh no.” Charlie quickly replied “you know, I’m really no use on the golf course.” 
Don sat up as his brother took the seat across from him again “Charlie you know why he likes playing with you, don’t you?” 
“I have no idea” Charlie voiced “because I-I’ve got to be the worst golfer in the history of the game” 
Don shook his head surprised that his genius of a little brother could be so clueless sometimes “No. it’s the one time he gets to teach you something. You understand?” he explained “I mean I’m learning for myself that it’s not easy raising a genius. That’s his one time” Don wasn’t sure Charlie got what he was saying but just then his phone went off “oh excuse me” he stood up to take the call. “Eppes” 
“Don” David’s voice answered “the forensic report from Gosnell’s workshop just came in. We found David Croft’s fingerprints all over the shop.” 
“But I thought you said he hadn’t seen him in years” Don questioned confused. 
“And so he said” David replied 
“All right, look, uh, take a team, pick him up” Don instructed, rubbing his forehead and the bridge of his nose with his hand “I’ll meet you at the office, okay?” 
“You got it,” David agreed before hanging up. 
Don pocketed his phone again “alright kid I got to go. See you later” he called to Charlie who nodded his farewell before Don was out the door. 
“I pass the dang test and as a reward I get to come out here and watch you all golf in this heat” Abby complained “that’s so not fair” 
“Ah come on kid a little exercise never hurt anybody” Don objected “maybe you could try it out for yourself” 
“No thank you” the teenager replied edgily heading toward the bench with her backpack full of reading material. 
“Where’s Chuck?” Don asked, realizing his younger brother was not in sight. 
“I don’t know last I looked, he was right behind us.” Alan replied looking around. “Oh there he is” he voiced when they spotted the younger man coming up to the bench at another angle. 
“Hey dad,” Charlie called, dragging his clubs up the incline. “Your clubs weigh a ton” 
“Are you kidding, I've used those clubs for ten years” Alan replied looking in his own golf bag as Abby made herself comfortable on the bench. “There’s nothing wrong with them” 
“Dad, they’re older than he is,” Don pointed out, going over to look in Charlie’s bag. “I don’t even think they make wood clubs anymore.”
“Yeah I know” Alan said “but each one of ‘em’s got a great sweet spot.” 
“Put ‘em in a museum,” Don commented. 
“Eh, when Charlie gets better, I’ll buy him a set of his own” Alan offered. 
“Well isn’t that encouraging” Abby muttered already part way through the novel on her lap. 
“Come on, Charlie, maybe this is the day you’ll par a hole.” Alan suggested. 
“I’d just like to get the ball in the hole. That’s all” Charlie stated as Don came over to sit next to his daughter on the bench. 
“So you passed the test” Don spoke to his kid as Alan talked to his. “What’s next?” 
“I wait and hope CalSci accepts me,” Abby declared looking up from her book. “But who knows if that’s going to happen.” 
“Well aren’t you pessimistic” Don muttered. 
“Well Donald I had to get it from somewhere” Abby replied with a smirk. 
“Yeah your mother” Don stated with a slight grin. 
“Funny she said the same thing about you” Abby advised and the pair shared a laugh as Charlie came over to join them. 
“Alright Alan show us how it’s done” Don called to his father and the three watched as the eldest among them swung the golf club. 
Chapter 13 ->
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tonyspepper · 4 years
Pepperony Week 2020:
↳ day 1: highschool au · MESSAGES OF LOVE
Their story began the day he left his number on the stall wall of the unisex bathroom—not imagining anyone would even pay much attention to it—and a text message from an unknown number arrived only half an hour later during math class. He remembered asking her how she was doing, and her telling him that it was the worst week ever and she just needed someone to talk to.
Rated M.
Read below the cut or on AO3
He thought it was a one-time thing, a few messages back and forth and that was it, but she texted him about her day and her frustrations for over six months, before he had mustered the courage to ask her to send a photo of herself so he knew what she looked like. When he saw her blue eyes, the tiny red freckles on her skin and the strawberry blond hair, his smile broadened in appreciation. How come he had just walked passed her in the hallway for all these years, never noticing her beauty?
She was an angel in tight fitting jeans, armed with a sharp tongue and a sassy attitude—her text messages spoke of that. She was his angel. His heart knew it from the moment he saw her. But, his mind just wouldn't allow the thought to enter for another six months of exchanging text messages until he finally asked her out on a date. When she said yes, it was one of the happiest days of his life. But of course he messed it up with her first chance he got. He always messed up the few good things he had in his life. Thank God she forgave him for being a complete asshole.
Their first time had been marked by a certain amount of reserve—insecurity—on the part of both of them, because contrary to what she believed, it was the first time for him too. After pretending to know everything about the mechanics of sex, so much so that he actually started to believe it himself, it felt good to have found someone with whom he didn’t have to pretend anymore. He could be vulnerable. He could be weak. He could be hurt, angry or sad. She made him feel like he could be anything. All he really wanted, though, was to just be himself, and she let him. Better yet, she loved him.
Two years had passed since he wrote that damn number on the stall wall, and she was still there, right by his side. They were camping out in the bed of his truck, alternating between making out and watching the stars, while listening to sounds of the night—crickets chirping and a mild breeze brushing through the sparse shoreline grass as the ocean waves rippled onto the sand. His back huddled against the driver’s cabin. She sat between his legs, leaning backwards into his chest, and he had his arms wrapped around her tightly.
He would have to leave her tomorrow, because his father didn’t want to waste any time to ship him, like a package, out to the East coast where he was going to study. And while he knew he should be proud to have been given the opportunity to attend his dream college at the age of 16, he was consumed by unrelenting sadness. He‘d give up everything to be with her forever. Everything. But they didn’t have forever. They only had a few more hours. They had this night. One last night before they had to say goodbye for God knew how long.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Pepper said, stroking a hand down his forearm. She heard him breathe deeply, felt his chest move behind her back, and she closed her lids against everything but the feel of his weight against her. Her fingers curled around his arm as she rested her hands on his that were clasped against her stomach. The silky strands of her hair brushed lightly against his face as he nuzzled her neck. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re gonna forget about me,” he mumbled after a short pause, sighing heavily again. “I know how this works, Pep... You’re gonna tell me not to worry, because nothing will change between us. That we will talk every day. But days will turn into weeks, then months... and then it’ll be like I never existed, because you’ll find someone else.“
“I found you,” she said quietly. “And I don’t want anyone else.”
Tony pulled her even closer, kissing her hair over and over again. He was so desperate to hold on to her, to never let her go.
“Where is this coming from?” Pepper wondered, thinking. “It’s your dad, isn’t it?” Howard had always thought of her as nothing but a distraction, keeping Tony from going after what he wanted. He never really cared about his son, and about what Tony wanted. “He said something about me that upset you.”
Tony managed a forced chuckle. It broke the spell of the tension that was threatening to cripple his brain. She knew him so well. She knew him in ways no one else did. No one else could.
“You know when we had that pregnancy scare last year and I freaked out at the thought of becoming a dad at sixteen?” He felt her nod. “He said you did it on purpose... Not taking the pill.”
She quickly turned around, almost head-butting him in the process, and stared at him, eyes wide in shock. A laugh tore from his dry throat. He cupped a hand around her cheek, feathered his thumb across her skin, and smiled apologetically.
“I know it wasn’t true. You’re not like that.”
“What did I ever do to him to make him hate me?”
“My dad?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he said. “But he doesn’t hate you, Pepper, he just thinks—“
“His son should be with someone who doesn’t have an opinion, says yes and amen to everything, and, all the other times, keeps her damn mouth shut.”
“Yeah, it really didn’t help when you called him an asshole,” Tony said, laughing.
“So what’s he saying now?”
“That a girl like you has guys lining up for her, and once I’m out of the picture, there will be someone else, so I better focus on my future instead of girls... you in particular.”
Pepper had to laugh at how stupid that sounded. Then she smirked, as she dipped her head toward his, brushing her lips lightly across Tony’s mouth, touching the corner of his mouth with her tongue. “So your dad thinks I’m hot?”
“Don’t say it like that’s turning you on,” he said, giggling.
She chuckled, gazing into his eyes. There was a moment of silence, before she spoke. “Do you worry about that, though? Like, for real?”
Again, he shrugged his shoulders. “If there’s one thing my father and I agree on it’s that there are a lot of guys out there who’d love to be in my place.”
“But they’re not,” she softly reminded him, smiling.
“Yeah, they’re not...”
Pepper thought his laugh to be a bit nervous. It was funny how sure of himself he always seemed to be, except when they were alone. It was cute. It was goddamn adorable.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“Sometimes I wonder how you can be so sure of that at sixteen,” he muttered. Worried that she may take his comment the wrong way, he kissed her. “But I love you too.”
“Give me your hand.”
“Why?” he asked, confused.
“Just give me your damn hand, Tony,” she challenged him, smirking. He held his hand out to her and she took it, placing it on her chest so it covered her heart. “Now kiss me.”
He pulled her in for a kiss, and not just any kiss, but the mother of all kisses. Tony knew how to kiss, treated it like an art form, and she was lost. Her heart pounded against her chest, as if it were the only drum in a dance of death. Pepper’s fingers splayed across his abs, generating enough heat to brand his skin through his shirt. She sighed, a sexy moan that curled into his groin. Then she pushed him away gently, making sure that he kept his hand where her heart was.
“You feel that?” she asked, smiling softly now, and he nodded, with a warm smile on his lips. “That’s how I can be sure.” He could see her happiness, so much of it that it overwhelmed her and drove her to tears instead. Long-fingered hands slid against his temples and cupped his face. “And I’m gonna miss you so much.” Pepper’s voice cracked on the last word and she dragged in an uneven breath.
Tony looked into her eyes, seeing as always into her soul, so open and giving and filled with love for him, as his was for her. She would always be all he ever needed, and he knew he’d never be able to find another somebody as perfect for him as she was. Pepper was the one thing he couldn’t live without, and he was sure of that beyond the shadow of a doubt. He needed her completely. And there were times when he was maddened by how much she meant to him. She was the one thing he couldn’t imagine losing. And she was saying the one thing he couldn’t bare hearing.
They looked lovingly, longingly into one another’s eyes and there was no question about what would happen next. In slow motion, she watched his face descend toward hers. Neither of them closed their eyes. Even when Tony was so close she could feel his breath on her skin she couldn’t draw her eyes away. Their lips gently touched and she finally lowered her lashes, hanging on to his shirt. He pressed harder against her lips, his right hand already moving downward across the small of her back. She moaned. He groaned. She released his shirt and lifted her hands to the back of his head, pulling his mouth tighter.
The soft and sweet taste of her lips rocked Tony to his core. He felt the want, the need to taste every bit of her, without hurrying, yet the idea of waiting even another moment to make love to her seemed almost beyond his ability. But Pepper wanted to set the pace. He could live with that. He knew control was a hot button for her, especially in bed. So when she took his hands and guided them to the hem of her shirt, she didn't need to ask him twice to pull it over her head.
“Is that lingerie?” Tony smirked, seeing what was underneath. The lacy bra covering Pepper’s breasts had to be one of the sexiest pieces of clothes he had ever laid eyes on. “I’m getting the special treatment tonight,” he sneered, licking his lips, as he trailed along the fabric with one finger, looking at her. “Can't believe I had to leave first before you put one of these on...”
“Hey!” Pepper protested loud, almost laughing. “One more word and you ain't getting nothing.”
“Mhm... No talking.” He trailed kisses down her neck to the valley between her breasts. “Got it,” he whispered, feeling her heart race beneath his lips. Tony lingered in tasting her, feeling her, and Pepper couldn't deny that what he was doing felt incredibly good. He smoothed his palms down her sides and his big hands enclosed her waist. He tried lifting her up, so she was free to shimmy her denim skirt past her hips—they both chuckled against each other's lips at Pepper’s struggle to undress.
When he pulled his mouth away for a second, Pepper quickly grabbed his shirt to get it off of him. The pulse beating between her legs made her restless and edgy, but she could feel in just about the same spot that she certainly wasn't the only one who was itching for more physical contact. She loved the feeling of Tony’s hardness nudging between her thighs, and she pressed herself against him as if to meld into his body, wanting to feel him more.
Pushing her onto her back, Tony tasted her lips again. He couldn't bear his mouth to be far from hers. The kiss deepened as passion grew between them. His hands were cupping her face, Pepper’s fingers skimmed up his back. He lifted one strap of her bra off her shoulder, tugged it down her arm and broke the kiss, but only to slid his lips over her neck, kissing from the front to the sides to the back. He nipped on her earlobe, making her moan with pleasure—and then he stopped.
“Tony?“ Staring at him with confusion and worry written on her face, Pepper reached up and ran her fingers through his curls. His hair had gotten so long that it dangled in a dark brown hank over his left eye. She loved it. It made him look both cute and sexy. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled. Then he paused, and finally, as he admitted to himself that having to let her go, if only for a while, was the hardest thing he ever had to do, shook his head. “No.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m not okay.” He reached over to tuck her hair behind her ear. “It just hit me that this is the last time you and I—“ Gazing into her eyes, Tony sighed deeply. “God, you are so beautiful!” It was hard finding words with feelings like that of first love dancing around wildly inside of him. “I wish I could—“
Pepper put her finger to his mouth. “Shhh. Don’t do that,” she whispered.
“Do what?”
“You’re saying goodbye,” she said. “But we’re not gonna do this tonight.” Panic rose in Pepper’s breast, and she swallowed hard, forcing her tears away. “I don’t wanna say goodbye... not tonight.” Not ever, she thought.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, flashing her one of those beautiful smiles that could melt her heart, and feathered his thumb across her temple.
As Pepper felt the warmth of his fingers against her scalp and saw the deep affection in his eyes, her body trembled with emotion. Her heart started to beat faster, almost bursting with love, and she slung an arm around his neck, bringing her face closer to his.
“Don’t be sorry.” Brushing her lips across Tony’s, she whispered to him, “Just love me,” and slid down the straps of her bra.
He slowly explored the curves of her lips. Slipping his tongue into the depths of the sweetness of her mouth. Pepper trembled at the gentle exploration. He took her bra off, exposing her breasts to his gaze and his hands. She gasped softly in the night when her breasts were touched by his lips, his tongue sliding over her taut nipples. He quickly stripped away his clothes, and she watched him, biting down hard on her bottom lip when Tony faced her in his full naked glory. She was bewitched by his charms, seduced by his muscular, virile body, and was crazy in love.
Tony fumbled for the condoms in his rear pocket, hastily taking them out, before throwing his pants to the side. He hated these things, but he knew protection went both ways. Besides, after thinking he had gotten her pregnant last year he’d rather be safe than sorry. His hands weren’t entirely steady as he tore open the condom packet, his eyes focusing on her, and how she was slowly tugging her panties down her legs. He almost dropped it, chuckled nervously when he saw her grin. A moan came out of his mouth as he started to roll the condom on. Pepper’s hand joined his, her small palm working the latex over his dick.
Pepper saw the look on his face, as she slowly slid the condom on, and smirked. “Don’t come,” she said, giggling. “We haven’t even started yet.”
He chuckled deep in his throat, remembering the one time that had actually happened, and captured her head and brought his mouth down on hers in a crushing kiss. “You are so sexy,” he murmured as his lips drifted to the curve of her throat.
She tugged him forward, her grip firm on his erection. Pepper wanted him so much she could hardly think straight. Every cell in her body was on fire. She licked her lips that still tasted of him and spread her legs wide, lifted her hips, desperate to have him inside her. He moaned as she brought him to her. Their eyes met as he thrust in with one long stroke, making her take him all.
“Oh God, yes,” she moaned and shifted around, wrapping her legs around his hips. “That feels so good.” She gave a soft command, “More.”
Tony pushed himself deeper into her body, not stopping until his pelvis collided with hers, and then he withdrew until the head was at the peak. When he plunged in again, her eyes remained locked on him, and he let his focus laser in on the sight as he stretched her pussy in every direction. Her breath hitched in her throat and then her lungs cleared in a precipitated slam.
Her eyes were dark and wet and so hauntingly beautiful, he was sure he’d see this in his dreams—dreams were all he would have left in Massachusetts. He fell into another passionate kissing spell as he increased his rhythm, smothering her face and her forehead, breasts and shoulders. Then he moved to her neck and began marking her where everyone would be able to see it. Purposely choosing a place where his mark couldn't be hidden, he sucked Pepper’s skin into his mouth, branding her as his. Her fingernails cut into his back, prompting a deep groan from him.
“Fuck,” he grunted.
Pepper stretched her arms over her head guiding him to pin her down, and he did it, intertwining his fingers with hers and holding her in place while he made love to her. She cried out in pain and pleasure. His breathing became a pleasure pant of his own. He pumped into her, his cock nudging her deepest spot, his width spreading her. His mouth hovered over hers but he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he went further down to her breasts, his lips leaving a hot trail on her skin. When his tongue shot out and rolled roughly over the sensitive peak of her nipple, she gasped.
”Don’t stop... Don’t you dare stop!“
A delicious tightness gripped her flesh, the burn of her release so close she ached. She wanted to free her arms but he wouldn’t let her. He groaned loud and continued his pace until a primal sound pressed into his ears and her body sunk deep into the inflatable air mattress lining the truck bed. Their fingers were still laced but the muscles in Pepper’s hand, along with the rest in her body had lost all tension. Tony, with a muffled shout, surged deeply within her and his entire body shook and spasmed against her.
He waited until his breathing had steadied, then he cupped his cock and, holding on to the base of the condom, slipped it off. He reached over for one of the paper napkins they had used for dinner and wiped himself off with it, then placed the condom inside and put both away.
Pulling himself up to lay his head on her belly, he closed his eyes and listened to her breathing, felt his head bob with each of her shallow breaths. As he traced a random pattern along the length of her forearm he was unaware of time. They could lay there for a minute or a year and he wouldn't know the difference. There was only the cocoon they had built around themselves, shutting out the rest of the world, a world that wanted them apart.
He felt her start to laugh before he heard it and he picked his head up to look at her. She looked back at him, smirking.
“What’s so funny?” he wondered.
Pepper reached out to stroke his hair and Tony burrowed against her and closed his eyes, wishing he would never have to open them again. He wanted to stay in her arms forever and just smell, feel and breathe her.
“The way you inspected that condom like it‘s an antique vase,” she answered.
He chuckled. “You saw that?”
“You know I’m still on the pill, Tony, so even if it broke...”
“Just don’t want it to be like the last time we were...”
With a small sigh, he shifted in her arms and then ran his hand across her belly and into the triangle of reddish hair below. She gave a soft gasp and he smiled at the way she reacted to his touch.
“Have you...” She swallowed, feeling her cheeks flush. “Have you ever thought about what our life would be like if—”
“You actually had been pregnant?” he finished her sentence and slowly raised himself on an elbow to look her in the eyes. He lowered his voice to a whisper, “Every single day,” and let his words linger for a moment. Grazing her cheek with his fingers, he smiled softly. “Even now.”
Touched by his honesty, she took his face into her hands and kissed him, their naked bodies melting into one. “We would make beautiful babies,” she whispered, as they broke apart, smirking at him.
His smile grew until his lips couldn't stretch any more and the white of his teeth sparkled like a neon sign. ”A little practice can’t hurt, right?”
“You mean even if we won’t have a baby anytime soon?” She grinned. He nodded. “Well, how many condoms do you have left, Mr. Stark?”
Pepper put an innocent look on her face, but her big blue eyes held a determined glint, one that only served to add weight to the desire already settled in Tony’s gut.
“Enough to get us through the night, Ms. Potts,” he replied, and his smirk widened. “But first...”
“What?” she asked.
“I’m gonna taste you.”
He leaned his face down and kissed her mound of pubic curls, spreading open the lips of her sex and running his fingertips gently up and down her slit. She gasped, then moaned and leaned further into him, as he suckled on her wetness, his tongue probing deep inside her, licking her like an ice cream cone, savoring each long stroke.
“Oh, my... Fuck, babe... Yes,” she moaned, pushing his head deeper, letting him know what she truly wanted. She opened herself for him, hooking her legs around his shoulders and capturing his head between her thighs.
“Better,” he growled and suckled her nub, licking hard and fast.
They woke up the next morning from the bliss of an entire night of love-making. Their muscles were sore, their skin covered in mosquito bites and their backs hurt from sleeping on a mattress that had no air left in it, thanks to their last round of rough sex a few hours ago. But they had never been happier as in that moment when the sun rose above the ocean, almost making it seem like it was going to be the most beautiful day of their lives. Reality hit them soon, and hard, when they arrived at the airport. It was just the two of them, like last night, like they wished it would always be.
Tony forced a smile as he came back from the check-in desk. They could stand around and talk, go and get a coffee or simply make out and extend the goodbye but it was all just too painful. At the end of the day, he was still going away.
Pepper gasped at the feel of Tony reaching out and touching her cheek, and she tilted her head into his hand. The smile on his beautiful lips was so sad. She found herself wishing to see his goofy happy smile again. The one he’d worn all night.
“I think I’ll go through customs now,” he said softly, and she quickly shook her head. “Pep, I have to—“
“Please just a few more minutes,” she pleaded.
Grabbing him by the shirt that was half-unbuttoned, she pulled him closer to her, and then moved her hand slowly inside the opening and grazed the scar on his chest. Tracing the outline of it with her index finger, Pepper stared at the mark on his skin like she was drawn to it by a spell.
It was only a few months ago that Tony lay in a hospital bed, recovering from open-heart surgery to replace an abnormal aortic valve that had become further diseased by a staph infection. The six-hour surgery to repair his heart had gone smoothly. He was fine, technically, not even needed any blood thinners, but the vertical incision in his chest along the sternum would always be a reminder to them to cherish every moment they had together. Life could be over in the blink of an eye. They needed to make it count.
“I have something for you,” she told him, looking back up. “It’s in your bag, but you can’t open it until you’re...” She swallowed. “Until you’re on the plane.”
Her breath caught in her throat as she watched his eyes memorize every detail of her face. He was stunningly beautiful. She memorized his face from the curve of his lips to his shining almond eyes, eyes that were now starting to well up with tears. She couldn’t remember a time she had ever seen him cry.
“I love you so much,” she murmured but then her voice cracked as they both realized that this was it.
Pepper reached up gently and wiped away the tears with her thumb as one of her hands cupped his face, and then she drew close and kissed him. Tears were pouring down her cheek, but she knew she had to be strong. For his sake. She didn’t want to make this harder on him than it already was. So she kept telling herself that maybe it was good for him. Maybe his abused soul was finally going to be able to heal when he was miles away from a father that treated him so badly. Tony was so fragile underneath his bold exterior, so soft. Maybe this was what he had to do.
With a heart aching to hold on to the man she loved, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him for all she was worth, as if she might never let him go. Pepper told him that he was making the right choice, that it would be okay and they would get through this. God, she hoped they would. They were so young, so full of life and adventure, and the constant drive to experience new things. The questions that fed her doubts scared her, making her hug him tighter. She tried pushing aside her own hurts and fears not to cry again. He didn’t need to see any more of her tears.
Tony closed his eyes, running his hands up and down her back, and then he held still, just hugging her, as he breathed in her scent. She still smelled like the ocean. He tried to memorize the feel of her body against his: all soft and warm and curves. For all he knew, this was the last time in months, maybe even a year, that he’d be able to touch her. He squeezed his eyes against the moistness in them, then pulled back and took her face into both hands. Her beauty was enough to enslave the soul of any man, but for Tony her true beauty was within her soul. He admired her as a person more so than anyone he had ever met.
“I’ll dream about you.” He brushed his thumbs over her wet cheeks, while a smile crept over his face, but his eyes were oceans of sadness. “Because it’s always you,” he whispered.
He leaned over, gently kissing her. The kiss was tender, and filled with love. Pepper was not sure she had ever felt this amount of love flooding her being before. As he kissed her, Tony grasped her hand and pressed her palm against his heart.
“This is how much I love you, Pepper Potts.” His words were a breath against her lips. They looked deep into each other's eyes, only inches apart, and time seemed to stand still for a moment. “Don’t ever forget that.”
They had another hug, and then Pepper stood and watched as her boyfriend headed towards customs and showed his passport and boarding pass. Just as he went past the point of no return, Tony paused and turned around briefly. He showed her a smile—one last smile, and he made sure that it was the happiest smile he could muster in this moment. He didn’t want her to remember him with a face full of sadness. He wanted her to remember him the way he was when he was with her. She smiled back at him and he turned around, feeling like with every step, the hole inside him kept opening, wider and wider like a huge black mouth.
Only when Tony had gone did Pepper’s smile disappear and Pepper felt the dam breaking then. As she walked back to the car she could hardly see where she was going because her eyes were swimming in tears. She climbed in and just sat there and cried like she never had in her life. This was not how she had imagined first love to be. She was supposed to be happy, but her heart was hurting so much that she just wanted to scream.
She knew nothing really lasted forever, and that the chances of them staying together after high school had been really slim from the start, because life never turned out like that—definitely not hers—but they should’ve at least had until graduation. She should’ve had two more years to prepare for the worst, but now Tony was gone, and it had happened so fast that she hadn’t even had enough time to process it. She realized that now, realized how deep in denial she had lived, not wanting to face the reality of having to say goodbye to him. If this was real love, she didn’t want it.
Remember when you told me you don’t have a heart?
It was when she had texted him about losing her mother. Tony remembered it so clearly, because it was the first thing he had found out about Pepper. Her mother was the very reason she had started talking to him. She had felt so lost without her, and he had been there for Pepper through all of it, helping her to find herself again.
I found it, honey!
Tony was confused for a moment, as she hadn’t written anything else on the little note he had found, but then he frantically tossed items out of his backpack until he saw what appeared to be a book, decoratively wrapped up.
He opened the gift, turned it around and looked at it. The book’s cover was a muted maroon, with golden letters on the front, reading Proof that Tony Stark has a heart. Frowning, he flipped to the first page. The second he saw the screenshot of an iMessage conversation, he started grinning foolishly.
Hi stranger! Is this number legit? Ugh tell me you’re not a creep pls
Depends on who you ask
I just need someone to talk to
You got me How are you?
Having the worst week ever!
Cause my mom died
Oh God I'm really sorry for your loss
Have you ever had your heart broken?
I don't have one
Wow that's convenient
Ikr!! Think so too
Tony skipped forward a few pages.
How was the funeral? You okay?
I just wanna cry
What about a hug? You want a hug? I give good hugs
Hug me
*hugs you*
Is that all?
*hugs you tight*
That's better thank you
Told you I give good hugs
It hurts so much
I know but I'm here for you So if you wanna talk about your mom... I'm listening
And a few more.
What should I call you? I’m so tired of calling you stranger
Handsome stranger
Idk if you’re handsome tho
God you’re an idiot but you always make me laugh
Hours later, Tony was still browsing through the book full of screenshots. He didn’t even know Pepper had saved all of their conversations. Everything was right there in that book. Their whole history, printed out and arranged over more than a hundred pages, like a journal.
Will you send me a photo of you if I ask nicely?
You haven’t asked me yet
I’d love to see your face
That's not a question
You’re a damn hard nut to crack I just can’t stop picturing your face So can I see it? I imagine you look beautiful
Cheesy but cute :’) That's me and my mom...
Tony smiled at all the memories that came flooding back to him. No one had ever given him anything that special. It was a work of art, so full of love, he couldn’t stop reading.
I'd like to take you out on a date
A date? I don’t even know what you look like
That's because you never asked All the more reason to meet me
I'm scared tbh I don't wanna ruin what we have :( What if we don't like each other?
That would really suck I don't have anyone but you
You're all I have too you know
If I show you my face will you promise not just to go out with me bc I look so sexy?
As he felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep, his eyelids becoming heavy, Tony rested his head against the airplane’s headrest and hugged the book to his chest. He closed his eyes, thinking of her, until eventually he was dreaming of being back in her arms again. Forever this time.
Reaching the auditorium, Pepper paused before going inside the building. She couldn’t believe that the day had finally come and she was graduating high school. She had so many memories of her time there—some were good, some were bad. To know that it was all over now felt kind of strange. Unreal. A lot had happened in her senior year, some things she’d rather forget about, but she was grateful for the lows, too, as they made her appreciate all the good things she had even more. College would be a totally different experience for her. A new one. The time to really start focusing on her future and what she wanted in life, and what she didn’t want.
But something was missing. Or rather someone. It just didn’t feel right to take her walk to the center of the stage and pick up her diploma cover without Tony being there. He had been such a huge part of high school for her, and had shaped her life in ways he probably didn’t even understand that she really wished he could be there. So much had happened between them, she sometimes wondered how her life had turned out if she hadn’t texted his number that day. Would she still be the same person that she was now?
Pepper closed her eyes at the memory of Tony’s scent, of the drowning depths of his brown eyes. She missed him. She had always missed him. But today... Today she missed him the most.
“I am so infinitely proud of you, Pepper Potts,” a low voice sounded.
Startled, she turned on her heel. And there he stood right behind her, just as she remembered him from the last time she saw him, except he had cut his long locks so they were now a halo of curls. He looked so handsome with the bright sun shining on him; so beautiful with that wide, charming smile softening his mouth.
“Tony?” she said, not believing her own eyes.
He walked over to her and, after all those long hours on the plane of yearning for her touch, finally took her hands into his. “Hi, stranger,” he rasped.
“You came,” Pepper whispered, tears collecting in her eyes. “You really came.”
“Of course I came,” he whispered back. “You think I’d miss this?” He smiled, as his fingers ran over the back of her hands, stroking her skin. “I already missed prom. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Her surprise rendered her speechless.
“I love you,” he said quietly. “And I’m sorry for ever making you doubt that.” Tony bent forward, leaning into her, his eyes focused on her mouth. He kissed her, long and deeply, until they both ran out of air and came up gasping. He had never forgotten the feel of her lips on his, the sweet taste that was hers alone. It would be easier to forget to breathe. “3000,” he whispered.
“That’s how much I love you.”
“You can’t love me 3000. That doesn’t make any sense,” she mumbled, still completely taken aback by the fact he was standing right in front of her.
Slowly, Tony grabbed her hand and put it over his racing heart, like that one time at the airport. “You feel that?” he asked, half smiling, half smirking. “That’s gotta be 3000 beats per minute.”
She laughed softly, and her smile was radiant, as if he’d given her the most precious gift in the world. And perhaps he had. Pepper gazed at him with such shining love, it took his breath away. Whatever had happened in the past, it didn’t matter. The future didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they always found their way back to each other, however hampered by doubts and fears.
Tony enveloped her in his arms and fervently kissed the top of her head, breathing in the sweet, familiar aroma of her hair. How good it felt to hold her. There was nothing more real than this.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered, stroking her silky red tresses soothingly.
The intensity of the emotion in his voice had a powerful effect upon Pepper. Her eyes watered to near overflowing and she closed them, hugging him tighter, wishing he would never leave her again.
“I’ve missed you too,” she breathed.
22 notes · View notes
shadowofmytime · 5 years
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>> some of my absolute favorites ! like and reblog if you save and enjoy ! happy reading and give some kudos to these amazing writers ! always feel free to send me some of your favorites ! ! <<
>> There is a bit so for your convenience they are in alphabetical order ! The ‘s’s are some of my all-time favorites ! ! <<
>> min yoongi x park jimin <<
All the seasons of your love - 5k+ [college au]
The movement in the library was still slow in the first week, so Yoongi could easily remember the few people who came by. That's why he pays so much attention to a certain dark-haired freshman who walks in on a Wednesday afternoon - or at least that's what he tells himself. He goes over to the front counter and asks Yoongi for directions to the Economy 101 session and, God, his voice is as sweet as his eye-smile.
Or how librarian Yoongi fell head over heels for cute freshman Park Jimin who, unfortunately, was very much straight - or so Yoongi thought.
Bon Voyage - 47.9+ [tourist! au]
Yoongi was meant to be taking the trip of a lifetime with his boyfriend. But now he's in Paris, alone and miserable. That is until he collides - quite literally - with one Park Jimin.
Boys who talk shit - 26k+ [college au]
When Yoongi enrolled in BTS (aka Boys who Talk Shit) Boarding School, he wasn't really expecting to be the only 'straight' (to be read sarcastically) guy in a room of seven geniuses (aka children aged five to ten, honestly). Plus four pet spiders. Yes, plural.
Chaotic episodes in A Place of Love and War, where Yoongi learns all about True Love via Park Jimin, Music and Marriage. Sort of. Brain bleach and earplugs are strongly recommended.
Conflicting arrangement - 162k+ [fake boyfriend au]
"Absolutely not," Yoongi deadpanned. "Namjoon-ah. I value you as a friend, and I think I'd even go as far as to say that you're my best friend, but absolutely fucking not."
"You owe me," Namjoon pleaded. "Come on, Yoongi, it's not a big deal."
"Your boyfriend's best friend's best friend needs a fake boyfriend to come out to his family this Chuseok, all the way in fucking Busan," Yoongi repeated drily without pause, making Namjoon wince. He flipped a page of his textbook, picking up his highlighter. "Not a big deal, Namjoon. Amazing."
Cotton Candy - 240k [high school rock band]
"He could get used to sitting next to Yoongi like this. To have him around. To have the band around. To smile and feel happy. To see Yoongi sitting in front of an instrument and having him play just for him.
'If this was my happy ending,' Jimin thinks, resisting the urge to lean his head on Yoongi's shoulder, 'if I wasn't who I am, I'd just let you have me whenever you want. You could have me anytime.'"
As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink-haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs
Daegu drift - 53k+ [motorcyclist / playboy au]
Jimin stops in Daegu for a big motor show and gets caught up with the locals. Specifically one Min Yoongi.
Sneak Peek:
Yoongi has his arms folded as he stares Jimin down.
“Are you going to join the rally, or not?”
Jimin takes his time answering because he likes the way Yoongi is looking at him. “Sure. I guess it could be fun. But you do realize none of you have a chance against a Bugatti, right?”
“It’s not the car that wins the race,” the other man says. “It’s the driver. You could have the fastest, best-equipped car in the goddamn universe, but if you’re a shit driver, it doesn’t make a difference.”
Goodbye from lonely - 65k+ [uncle yoongi!]
Park Jimin works two jobs that he loves and is going to college to get his teaching degree.
Min Yoongi is a personal assistant who hates his job and spits in his boss' coffee every day.
Kim Taehyung has been infatuated with his clueless co-worker for the better part of a year.
Jeon Jeongguk has a three-year-old daughter that he'd do anything for.
Somehow the tiny human brings them all together.
Tae is in love with Kookie -> Kookie's daughter takes Jimin's ballet class -> Yoongi is Kookie's stepbrother -> Jimin and Yoongi meet because of Kookie's daughter.
In your eyes (it’s where I wanna be) - 5.5k [coffee shop! au]
Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about the danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
(Or: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter.)
Inked flowers - 6.4k [tattoo artist / florist au]
Something stopped him. A sound of a piano. He looked around and saw a light coming from the window on the other side of the street. On the third floor was an open window. A light and the sorrowful sound of a piano flew out of the room. Jimin looked closer and saw a figure or at least a top of someone's head.
The melody was so sad and sorrowful that Jimin wanted to cry. He started thinking, what could possibly go inside that person’s head? What were they thinking? Jimin just hoped that they weren’t sad and alone.
(let me see you) get high then low - 4k+ [photographer/model au]
"The light-haired model is the kind that fascinates Yoongi, and at the same time, he prefers to steer away from. He's all smiles and flowers, drawing you in with his cuteness until he's not anymore. Suddenly, he’s something else entirely; he's that false calm, the ocean that looks smooth on the surface but will drag you down to its depths if you dare to touch it."
Min Yoongi works in a photography studio with some (very questionable) friends that can't get any work properly done without making a bit of a fuss.
Park Jimin is a model handcuffed against his will and bored. Also a little bit horny, maybe.
Math Tutor - 11.7k [bad boy! yoongi]
Min Yoongi is the school's resident Bad Boy™. He's covered in tattoos, is pierced, curses like a sailor, smokes like crazy, doesn't give a shit about anything, possesses a hot temper that has people steering clear of him, and is desperately in love with Park Jimin, the adorable math nerd. When Jimin is tasked with tutoring Yoongi in math, who is in danger of failing the class and being held back a year, both boys are hesitant. Yoongi because he can't think straight around the boy with startling red hair, and Jimin because Yoongi is scary as hell and looks like he can easily kill someone. Gradually, though, the two grow closer, and Jimin finds that Yoongi is nothing like how he'd imagined.
Maybe I hate you can be our always - 35.9k [enemies to lovers]
When Yoongi thinks about it, really gives it genuine thought, it's possible that Park Jimin isn't the worst person in the world.
(Or, Yoongi and Jimin get off on the wrong foot.)
Ode to yoonmin - 4k+ [texting]
yoongi and jimin are in very much in love but they're the only ones who don't know it
chat fic with a bunch of bad jokes and memes ¯\_(ツ)_/
Out of my system - 101.6k+ [one night stand]
Yoongi likes one night stands and he understands how they work. What he doesn’t understand, however, is how he ended up in bed with a probably-not-legal kid crying in his arms about his broken heart, because he’s pretty sure (and correct him if he’s wrong) that a babysitting job was not what he was looking for when he went to the opening of his friend’s new club
Standing on the brink of 376 - 42.9k+ [street racing]
When Taehyung woke him up at three AM to go to a street race—an illegal one, no less—claiming it would help his social anxiety, Jimin never actually expected it to do much for him, except maybe make him cry hysterically. He found that he really wasn't too far off-kilter with that assumption, but it was only after he'd suffered through countless bouts of insecurity that he realized, hidden behind each stuttered breath, every inevitable tear, every spark of unavoidable fear, and even the customary cloud of cigarette smoke itself, lay a tremendous amount of affection for a certain platinum haired street racer that he can't even begin to justify. But when his opinion of fact, fate, and even life itself continues to blur with each push of the gas pedal, he thinks he just might be able to forgive himself for falling in love with a criminal, when the nonsensical moonshine of the present mutes the anxiety that had been a constant within his heart up until this November.
Strawberry lube - 82.7k+ [college au]
Yoongi remembers little to nothing of their crazy drunken night out. But of two things he's absolutely sure, one: he's not gay, two: he just slept with Park Jimin
The Paradiso Lounge - 192k+ [photographer/stripper au]
“Do I have to pay you for that service?”
This isn’t a dream (let me love you) - 26k+ [highschool au]
As captain of his high school’s basketball team, Min Yoongi dedicated all of his attention to his team and their games. His focus on the game never waned, not once for anything or anyone.
Well, until head cheerleader Park Jimin flashed his abs during a solo cheer and made him fuck up his shot
Trying to Behave (but you know we never learned how) - 329k+ [non-idol! au]
It's been years since Yoongi's last seen him and the younger boy is a shell of his former self in a way that makes his heart twist in his chest. And yet, after all this time and countless days of convincing himself to let him go, he's still unconditionally, head over heels in love with Park Jimin.
(Jimin and Yoongi grow up together.)
Valentino Summers - 657k+ [‘80s gangsters]
Whether or not Jimin was smuggling drugs really didn’t matter. He was hustling, and these days that was all there was to it.
Hustle and survive or struggle and die.
Y/N masterlist  << check it out !! xoxo
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soranihimawari · 4 years
No Risk, No Reward
taglist: @kaidasen
Side notes: part 3 of this tale and well i hope you like some cafe banter and maybe some calculus problems. this was my favorite conversation(s) to write between muda, akaashi, and bokuto, lol.
next >>
ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛:
To: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
Frm: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
Waiting on you guys to show up and I texted Bo-kun. He said you weren’t coming? What the hell Akaashi? It’s not my turn to babysit him
To: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
From: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
Listen, Bokuto literally begged me to have you tutor him (last minute mind you because I knew you were home right now), Hotaru-san [1/2]
We were in a practice match and he just freakin’ blurted it out of left field after  he was called out by our coach for his low grade in the trigonometry quiz this week. Then he went into his “dejected-emo mode,” and to make matters worse, he heard from Kaori-senpai archery club is going to be disbanded by the student council. He got all worked up and every time he kept missing the tosses Shuichi was giving him. Bokuto means well, and he’s a big dumbass because he doesn’t know how to properly act around you. 
TLDR: just lecture Bokuto about sin cos and tan today. 
To: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
Frm: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
…? Bokuto’s always been the kind one Keiji-san. Did Bo-kun actually catch feelings for me? Or are you just being snarky with that? 
To: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
Frm: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
                                                   After reading Akaashi’s essay of a text, I propped open my thermos and began drinking the warm tea in hopes of hiding my grin. Oh no, is Bokuto starting to catch feelings for me? Oh crap! I thought. This can’t be happening, bonk that noise. Let’s do some calculus homework!  
I nodded my head back and forth like an Etch & Sketch. I then took out my notebook and calculus textbook in order to prep my mindset for trigonometry tutorials. 
Once I got into my studious rhythm, I had thoroughly solved two limit equations where one answer yielded ��the limit does not exist,” and the other was just a graph of a function, f(x) = x3 − 3x + 2.
I saw a hand reach out for my parfait and I smacked it away.
“Oww,” Bokuto yelped. “I was just going to taste one spoonful Hotaru-chan!”
“You’re late Bokuto,” I mused. “So no parfait for you!” 
I picked up my spoon and took another portion into my mouth. The blueberry tartness made my facial muscles contract into a slight pout. I was humming along to the cafe playlist absentmindedly when Bokuto pulled out the chair across from me and sat down. We sat in silence for a few minutes as I let him settle down post-volleyball practice. He took out his notebook and without even thinking, he leaned into my personal space bubble. I had to lower my gaze away from his because I had one final equation to complete before I could devote some time to a proper tutoring session.  
“Are you going to be ok Hotaru?” 
“Yeah, why do you ask Bo-kun?”
“...,” he paused for a moment before continuing; his silver hair was being swayed by the air vent on top of our table. I smiled gently because I know Bokuto usually has trouble with trying to say many thoughts at once but he does have a particular sweet tooth (i.e. he loves lemon ice pops on a spring morning; appreciates me coming to all the volleyball matches especially if Nekoma’s captain is involved (and the fact that he kept the friendship owl-origami Akaashi and I made for him on his birthday last year). He had a hard time communicating properly, but his body language telegraphed to me that what Akaashi’s text said was true. 
“If this is about the archery club being dissolved by our student council, then don’t worry ab-”
“I do worry about you because you’re the coolest captain our school’s ever had!” 
“Coming from the captain of the volleyball club that sounds more like an insult.”
“You don’t mean that, right?” His eyes were darting all over the place and suddenly, I wished I hadn’t said that aloud.
“Bokuto, of course I don’t mean that, but have you or Akaashi ever come to any of my tournament matches?” I closed my calculus textbook after I had copied the last problem in pencil in my notebook.
“No, we haven’t. It’s not like we can pick and choose when our matches are either.”
There was a silent rage building in the back of my mind and maybe now wasn’t the time nor the place to say this to my friend, but he needed the reality check since he’s the ace.
“Kotaro, please hear me out as a fellow captain first then as your friend second.”
I closed my notebook and stuck the spoon inside my parfait glass; I pushed the dessert toward his side of the table and he began to pick at the whipped lemon-zest flavored cream.
“OK, Hotaru. I’ll listen, but man! This whipped cream is amazingly refreshing!” 
I chuckled at his childlike wonder when it came to beautiful and photogenic desserts. Wait a second, has Bokuto always seemed this handsome in the evening sky? Oh, oh no. I thought. I shook my head in order to tuck those nsfw thoughts away in the back of my mind. I took in a deep breath and on my exhale, I started to stare into the space behind his head where the window to the outside public was. 
“I’m the only member of the archery club left in Fukurodani, Bokuto. All my third year senpais graduated in our second year. You and Akaashi were always so busy and dedicated to your own club that you even got to be in the top five aces of Japan. I’ve been to every single match I could because I was able to finish my practices early enough to catch some of the highlights on the evening news.
“You never asked me once when my tournaments were or what the awards ceremonies were like. Akaashi is equally as guilty because you’re always together with the club or hanging out with other teammates during away training camps.” 
“Well, those were trips arranged by our coach and managers, but that can’t be helped. Are you angry at me? What did I do wrong?”
“Ko, please listen to me first and you didn’t do anything wrong. I can’t stay mad you (or Akaashi) forever, but I need to say this so you can understand what is making my voice sound bitter.”
He folded his arms over the table and leaned forward almost as if he wanted to receive some sort of praise but with his stare being more obvious now, I had lost my train of thought.
Bokuto is many things to the outside world (loud, kind, ace, etc), but for right now, I needed to level with him as a captain and set aside our mutual friendship for once. When this conversation would cease, would he still want to give it his all on his court? Will my emotions cause me to lose my sense of pride as an archer or worse, his and Akaashi’s camaraderie?
“The student council told me that when the inter-high games start up again for volleyball, I was given a month left to clear out and organize the archery club belongings. My mornings are spent alone on the target fields, Kotaru. I set up and clear out an hour before classes begin because I know the other sports teams need the space. 
After my meeting today,  Kaori and Yukie saw me sauntering off into the faculty office to let our maths-sensei know what had occurred minutes prior. That’s why Kaori asked Akaashi about me and when I heard you were having a rough day too, Akaashi told me you were going to meet here like we always did for our tutoring sessions.”
I closed my spiral notebook with a solemn face. Bokuto, who is usually brash and fearless was eerily quieter since his voice was softer than normal when he spoke to me.
“I didn’t know you practiced alone in the mornings, if I did, then maybe I would have texted Shuichi or Akaashi to help you. Hell, even if I would have woken up too.”
I reached out to place a hand on his right shoulder to show I had appreciated the gesture, but I pushed my calloused fingertips on to the knots that were forming there. Being an ace is tough work, but being an archer has left my hands “unpretty” with calloused fingertips. 
“Did you or Akaashi know that I’m in the top three inter-high archers for our prefecture? Did you know that I have fired nearly three hundred arrows since we gained club captain status?” I inquired. “That’s almost the same amount as spike tosses Akaashi practices with you in like the last four years alone.”
I felt the sting of my own angry tears glaze over and even if Bokuto was maybe three hours overdue for another deject-mode, he got all mopey again because I invaded his personal space bubble without meaning to. He was able to relax a little bit while the tensed knots loosened; I noticed he was looking at my right hand because it was swiftly tucking away pens into my messenger bag pocket. I released my firm grip off his shoulder when he reached out to hold my hand in his. 
If this were a shojo romance, maybe this would have been an amazing meet-cute idea to introduce the main couple. However, Nanase Ohkawa did not write my life with the parliament of owls, although Cardcaptor Sakura was the only magical girl manga I truly loved. I actually was more interested in reading more horror manga at this point in my life since I was a fan of early 1930-1950s monster films (cira the Twilight Zone reruns on YouTube) nowadays anyway.
“Your hands are rough,” Bokuto stated in an empathetic tone.  “They’re pretty though. I like how they feel calloused from your bow. Do you want me to hold your hand?”
Smooth as hell, this one, but thick headed when it came to trigonometry, I thought. I shrugged my shoulder and extended my other hand to him.
“I have two hands, Bokuto,” I said. His laughter shook through his entire body. Two of us can be as sweet as we wanted because we were too stubborn to admit that maybe, just maybe, we might actually like each other in the same way as when someone hands you a warm cup of hot chocolate on new years’ eve. 
“Can I walk you home like this?” Bokuto raised our linked hands.
“Of course, but first, I need you to tell me what the difference is between sin, cos, and tan.”
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godzillamendoza · 5 years
My story of abuse and trying to overcome it
I talked about her before. Said some fake name. Avoided details. I’m ready now to tell the whole story. Maybe sharing it will help me get better. Because I can’t keep living like this. This is the story of how I was abused. And how I’ve tried to recover from it.
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It’s 2015. I am 16 years old going on 17. I go to a small private school. Everyone’s either there because their parents keep them sheltered or they were kicked out of somewhere else for being a shitty student. She was the latter. I was the former.
She was really into sex for her age. Guys lined up around the block to ask her for a go. She had been at our school for less than 4 months and had already dated 2 other guys for a bit. I should have seen that as the first warning sign. I sat behind her in history class. I think she noticed one day that I just didn't pay attention to her the same way the other guys would. I just trained myself not to stare. To be polite and keep my feelings to myself after having so many girls treat me badly in middle school. I think she saw me as a challenge because I wasn’t an easy target.
So she started talking to me more. She got my phone number from one of my friends instead of just asking me for it. That should have been the next warning. I talked to her and developed a little crush, but I still had my reservations. She was so abrasive and crude. She cussed like a sailor, smoked behind the school at lunch, and showed up to class buzzed at times. She was set on partying and causing chaos. I was quiet and shy. Back then I had barely said the word "fuck" 3 times in my life.
Eventually she asked out another guy, and he said no. So she texted me about it. By that time I was in her friend zone and I was comfortable there. I assured her that this guy didn't know what he was missing and she'd find someone better. She asked me if I was someone better. She asked me to go out with her. I shut her down and said she was just in the rebound after a rejection and not thinking clearly. We stayed friends after that though.
So she asked again while we were talking one night. And I still said no. I told her I didn't want it to affect our friendship. I think half of it was my fear of her lifestyle and the other half was just not being used to those kinds of interactions. I wasn't ready to be in a relationship yet. Aside from some one-off dates with 2 girls prior that didn't go far, I had never had a girlfriend before.
One day she and a friend of hers called me on Skype while I was play Gmod with my friend Jackson. At first it was just 4 friends hanging out, but she kept steering the conversation, and her friend helped. Both girls kept saying I would be a great match for her, and that we'd be really cute as a couple. She kept insisting and the peer pressure of 2 other people being there made me say yes. She changed our relationship status on Facebook immediately to dating. My family and friends saw it. They were excited for me. A friend of hers named Lexie absolutely hated it and had an angry meltdown in the comments on that post. At first I thought she was being protective of her friend and thinking I wasn't good enough since I wasn't really part of their clique. Those girls dated soccer players or popular kids. I was the quiet guy that no one knew.
The next day was awkward at school. I didn't know how to be a boyfriend so I just acted how I always did. Nervous and always trying to make a joke. I figured if I could make her laugh I was at least doing something right. Her friends gave us nasty looks at lunch and in math class. Lexie was very disapproving and angry, and I thought it was at me for the longest time.  I talked with Lexie again recently. She confided in me some very personal things and revealed she was angry about my relationship because she knew her friend was "going to eat you alive, Xavier." She was right. I forgive her for being angry now, because I understand it wasn’t at me. 
At the end of that first day I tried to walk home but she grabbed my arm and asked if I was forgetting something. I had my first kiss. Her friends stood around us watching. Judging. Waiting for me to walk away do they could laugh and giggle like teen girls do. I felt terrible because I wanted my first kiss to be more romantic and intimate. Not this awkward, rushed, public thing.
We dated for around 5 months at first. We only got to hang out outside of school twice. The first was a somewhat pleasant date for Valentine's day. It was embarrassing how my mom had to drive us around because I hadn't gotten my drivers permit yet. But otherwise it was okay. We took pictures in a photo booth and hugged and kissed and played games. At the end when I dropped her off, I met her mom. Her mom intentionally spilled hot soup on one of her previous boyfriends, but she liked me. She thought I was charming and smart. She said dating someone like me would be good for her daughter. I really was different from all the guys she had been around. That's my last happy memory with her.
After that, our interactions would sour. She would tell me to stop sitting with my friends at lunch and just stay with her group, who all hated me and didn't talk when I was around. She'd force me to talk with her on Skype for hours while she did boring things like browse tumblr or text her friends. She would guilt trip me if I tried to leave to do anything else.
After 2 weeks, Lexie asked us in the hallway a very forward question. "Have you had sex with her yet?" Lexie seemed baffled when I said no. The girl seemed angry and disappointed. That was a turning point.
She would start being more provocative, more flirtatious. Sending me photos of her in her underwear, slipping her nipple out of her shirt while we talked on Skype. Asking me to send her shirtless pictures. I played along as well as I could but I never took the bait. I never fully gave in and it frustrated her. She started getting more aggressive in asking me and saying sexual things. I could tell she hated how little I reciprocated, but I just wasn't built for it. I didn't know how to do that and I wasn't ready.
I found out she sent pictures of me undressing to her friends. She showed me their reactions like I was supposed to be excited that they complimented my body, but that was a major breach of privacy and trust. One of the girls said "face ain't that great, but the abs are *thumbs up emoji*" or something and it really hit my self esteem. I stopped undressing for her a d taking those pictures. I just cut off from all of that part of our relationship. She hated it.
One day it snowed. Snowed harder than it has in a long time. The sky was just a white void. The ground was covered in fog and blizzard. It looked like Antarctica in our back yards for a day. But the school didn't cancel class.
After school ended, a student veered off the parking lot and hit a post. It caused a lot of chaos as the staff tried to help him and other students put on their parkas and gauked. She took it as an opportunity. She took me to a part of the school where no one went. An isolated little antechamber between the halls and the outside. My grandpa used to drive me home from school because my parents had to work. He called me and said he was outside waiting. She told me to tell him to wait. I made up a lie that I was finishing an assignment. I hung up and she started to kiss me. She got on top of me. I didn't like what was happening. I was frozen and timid. She grabbed my hands and made me touch her because I was too afraid to. I could taste the cigarettes in her mouth. Her braces scratched my lips. I just stopped being in that moment and looked outside at the snow falling. Her hands were cold and I felt this awful shivering in my bones while she touched me in ways I wasn’t comfortable with. It kept escalating and my phone kept ringing over and over. Eventually I found my courage and pushed her off me and told her I needed to leave. She was disappointed and angry that things didn't go any farther. That she didn't get what she wanted again. I felt so violated and sick and disgusting. I went outside in the snow. I couldn't even feel how cold it was. I got to my grandpa's car and he yelled at me for making him wait 40 minutes. I just apologized and asked to go home. He passed away earlier this year in 2020, and he never knew why I was so quiet on that ride home from school. I never told him why I was so afraid and sad on the ride TO school every day after that. 
She was angry then. She said hurtful things all the time. Told me sex stories about her previous boyfriends to maybe make me jealous or change my mind. Some days she'd corner me with her friends and they'd make jokes and pressure me to do things with her while they watched. One of her friends tried to pull my shirt off. She called me a faggot. The girl just laughed with them. She didn't see how much it was bothering me. Feeling pressured and watched and all those hands grabbing me and touching me. She just thought it was funny like the rest of them. 
She started talking about going to hang out with another guy she met on snap chat. Some guy named Patrick. I said I was worried something would happen between them and she made me feel guilty. Said I was being controlling. I backed off and acted complacent. I was well trained by that point. She didn't hurt me when I just gave her what she wanted. The day after she saw him, she was unusually mean. Calling me names and acting sick of me. I asked her what I did to deserve it and. She broke and told me she felt guilty because something did happen with her and Patrick. For once I decided to stand up for myself. I demanded to have his number. I texted him and asked what had happened. He gave me details while she just stood there, staring at me and looking guilty. He said they had been intimate. That he could give her what I couldn't. He said she complained about me all the time and he would have her by the end of the week. She said he was lying and she loved me, but I knew better. I felt the first panic attack of my life. I started shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't breathe. I was trying not to tear my hair out and cry. I was so panicked that after I was done calling her I just laid on the floor of my room and hyperventilated. 
She did the last nice thing she ever did to me. She was so worried about my mental health that she told me to call my mom and tell her I was having anxiety attacks and needed some help. I think she did this out of guilt for me and someone else she had hurt. She told me a story about another guy she had dated. This guy took a bunch of pills one night and killed himself in the bathroom of his home. His mom called her the next day to tell her what happened. To this day I don't know if that story was true, or just a fearful prophetic vision she wanted to avoid me fulfilling. I completely ignored the cheating and just latched onto that lone act of kindness since they had been so rare. I tried to talk myself down and pretend I forgave her and loved her.
After that it was weeks of uneasy normalcy. She stopped asking for sex and nudes. She talked to me a little less. One day I overheard her tell a story to one of her friends about how she lost her virginity at a party when she was 14... To a 25 year old. She told the story with pride like it was a fun romp, and not something disgusting and wrong. I understand now why she struggled with the concept of consent. She was a victim too, but didn't even know it. Or maybe just didn't care anymore. 
The second time we hung out outside of school was a fashion show she was a part of at school for some art class. Her and her friend (the one who tried to pull my shirt off) drove me to school. They bragged to each other about guys they had slept with and which ones had the biggest dicks. She knew I could hear them. I think she wanted to spite me with it. Or worse, she just didn't care about me being able to hear it. The show was stressful. Behind the stage I saw her put on her dress while acting cold. Wanting nothing to do with me. After the show we all went to the store. I bought her flowers to help her mood change, but she acted annoyed. She said she didn't have anywhere to put them. They dropped me off at home. Even though she was the one being cruel and spiteful, I was still the one who apologized to her. Like always. I thought about killing myself that night.
Instead I started working on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ypqagJNXY&feature=youtu.be 
I showed it to her after it was done some time later. She said it was too nerdy and didn't watch past the first 30 seconds.
Days after the fashion show, she told me she just didn't feel like she was in a good place to be in a relationship. That she needed time to be single again, but she still loved me. I started sitting further away from her in class. I finally got to be around my friends again. I think I was more quiet at school than I was even before her.
She started posting pictures of herself and some girl holding hands on Facebook. I asked her why she lied about not being ready for a relationship. She just wanted to finally officially date this girl she had been cheating on me with for a few weeks (since apparently Patrick couldn't quite "measure up") I told her I didn't want to see her again. She begged me not to go and said she had gotten so used to me being in her life. I was her longest relationship by that point. As usual, I conceded and just forgave her. She and this other girl broke up maybe a week later. We then spent these awkward few weeks doing finals and avoiding eye contact. She told me one day she was transferring schools. Maybe because she was too guilty to stay and see me every day. Knowing what she did to me. Maybe she realized how fucked her reputation was at that school because none of her old friends talked to her anymore. Maybe she just wanted to get out and find a new hunting ground since guys here knew she was bad news. Maybe she wanted to transfer to help her chances of graduating because she had bad grades in every class except the one with a teacher who wanted to fuck her (And might have, I don't know. He was like 25, seemed really annoyed seeing me with her, ate lunch alone with her some days, and gave her A+ grades on assignments she didn't turn in) The last day of school came around and I knew it would probably be the last time I saw her in person. She was wearing one of my old jackets she had taken. A Batman hoodie that was too big for me, so it looked like a trench coat on her skinny body. I heard the bell ring and we both stood up. And I stared at her. I couldn't think of anything to say. So I just hugged her. And then I walked away. I never saw that hoodie again. 
For a few months I was alone again. Burying the trauma and heartache. I was so disgusted by my own body I stopped looking at myself in the mirror. Stopped looking down while taking a shower. Some days I would just lay on the floor in the bathroom feeling this empty hole in my chest grow bigger. I never lied to myself and pretended it was all because I missed her. I felt relieved to be away from her. But I felt worthless and unloved. 
Comic Con came again that summer. I was having fun. I was happy. I was finally starting to get back to normal. Then she messaged me... Told me she was there too. Asked me to come meet her. I was in a Deadpool costume having fun with my friend Jackson, who I made a Rorschach cosplay for since Watchmen was his favorite comic. I didn't want her to ruin it. So I gave her bad directions so she couldn't find me. I was eager to get to the hotel and change out of the costume so it would be harder for her to spot me. 
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Later we went to the hotel and she texted me, saying she was sorry for how things went and that that she missed me. She asked if we could try again. The thing about abusive relationships, is that even when you don't want to, even when it hurts you, you give the other person what they want. It's like being hypnotized. You just can't see them sad. Even if deep down you hate them. Even if you wish they'd die, you just say yes to them. It doesn’t make sense until you live through it yourself. Remember that next time you judge someone for giving in to someone who hurts them repeatedly. They can’t help it. 
When we were dating the first time, she never went inside my house. She always had an excuse for why she had to skip dinner and meeting my family. I cleaned my whole house top to bottom 4 times because she promised to visit me 4 times. It took me a whole day each time. The 5th time I didn't do anything. I left my room a mess because I knew any minute I'd get that text saying "sorry I can't make it..." I knew that would happen again. A few days after comic con, I asked her if we could meet up. I was tired of being in a long distance relationship with someone who lived 20 minutes away. I told her to come to my cousin's graduation party.she swore she could make it. Then she didn't. And i told her I was tired of being let down. I wanted to just stay friends. She said she missed the party because a fight with her mom and she refused to just be friends with "someone she was still in love with" She told me she was in love with me. After everything that had happened. Everything she had done.
Time goes by. She texts me out of the blue again. She's now started dating another guy, and they're having problems. He wants to have sex in the first few weeks and she's stonewalling him. She says she's reevaluating why her relationships keep falling. Why they only last 3 weeks maximum. And she remembers we dated on and off for close to 7 months. Something was different about me. She says it was because I was the only one who never pressured her or asked. I keep my distance and wish her well. By that point I was too busy working on Spider-Man retrospective part 3. Sometimes it’s hard playing Web of Shadows now because I associate certain parts of the game with pausing to text her and what she was saying at the time. 
More time passes. More failed relationships. She keeps failing to hook anyone. She talks to me again. Says she missed me. She's in a new relationship with a new guy ALSO named Xavier. I don’t even know how to interpret that. She keeps acting like she can't stand him and I was “the one that got away.” She very much wants to rekindle things with me once again. She asks me to meet up for my birthday that was coming soon on July 4th. In the same stupid subservient trance, I say yes. I know she won't be there.
The night we were supposed to meet, she says she got too busy and we'll try again some other time. Then on Facebook she posts a picture of her and the other Xavier kissing with fireworks in the background. I connect the dots that she only talked to me when she was mad at him. I was the new Patrick. 
I write her a text. A long, angry, paragraph of hate for her behavior towards me. Her friends text me the next day asking "what did you say to her? She's been crying all day. You're such an asshole." Her boyfriend texts me. He asks what's going on, so i tell him "I know you're trying to defend her honor but she made plans to cheat on you with me. She's not good for you. She'll just hurt you." He tells me to go fuck myself. Makes a joke about me being a ginger. Clearly what i said bothered him. They break up shortly after.
In that long message to her, I never once brought up the sexual abuse. I still hadn't even accepted it happened. I just ignored it and yelled at her for everything else. A few bad relationships happen over the next 2 years. One with a girl I didn’t have feelings for, but I felt safe with because she was too afraid to even mention sex. The other with another girl that was just as verbally abusive and emotionally distant as the first one. These are just more weights on me. 
Then i met Anna. This was when my life changed. I fell in love with Anna almost immediately after we started talking. I had dated other girls after the first one, but I was never this... at peace. I never felt like they understood me or cared for me like Anna did. She was different. She had also been abused by her exes, but in different ways. One day while dating Anna, I start breaking down crying. I tell her everything that happened to me. I cry for maybe 5 straight hours. Anna cried with me. Both over what happened to me and her own traumas. She promises she'll never force me or hurt me. But now Anna realizes why we had been dating for weeks and I never brought up sex. Why I just completely avoided it. After that night we started getting more intimate. She wanted me to feel safe so she eased me through it. It started to feel fun to send pictures or flirt. She taught me how to do everything step by step. She was amazing. In the time since writing this initial post I’ve visited Anna in the Philippines. Being with her physically was freeing and felt different from everything I experienced before. I always felt safe with her and never afraid when we were intimate in person. I know she’s the girl for me, and we plan to get married later this year.  
I wrote the first girl one last message. Saying goodbye. I talked about the sexual abuse. How it made me feel. How it ruined me. How it gave me nightmares. I told her I wanted to make peace and move on And let go of the hate. She laughed at me and insulted Anna. And that was the last time I ever talked to her.
 I still have nightmares about her. Trying my hardest to forgive her. My natural defense mechanism of just being her pet. I keep dreaming of meeting her and trying my hardest to be nice, even though I'm so afraid I'm shaking. A year after we stopped dating I had a dream about marrying her and being terrified. I have dreams have her touching me again and I wake up. Some days the first thing I say when I open my eyes is a panicked "don't touch me." I developed a twitch in my neck from her. When people touch me unexpectedly, or when I'm stressed, or when the weather gets cold and the snow reminds me of that day. Just recently I woke up covered in sweat and hyperventilating just because I heard a voice in my sleep saying “we need to talk about__________” and saying her name. That’s all it takes sometimes apparently. Just hearing her name.
I still have a hard time with physical contact. I push people off if the hug me for too long. I feel my skin crawl when I think of her. I get these panic attacks where I feel her cold hands again. It feels like they're inside me. Feeling my skin from inside. Squeezing my ribs and lungs. It feels like there are ants on on my body and I want to claw out of my skin. Just tear it all off.
I hate how I owe all my current life to her. She made me so depressed and sad that I spent nights awake writing my novel. I wrote whenever I was sad, and she made me finish all 250 pages of it. When I ran out of book to write, I made that YouTube video. I was considering suicide every day and i made part 1 of the Spider-Man Games Retrospective to distract myself from thoughts of self harm. I think it makes sense in retrospect. There's jokes about self harm in there. An overly shocking joke about how awful it is to think Spider-Man wasn't there to stop someone from being raped because he was too busy catching balloons. I guess at the time I was angry no one tried to save me. Feeling like all the role models in my life were just out catching balloons.
If she hadn't made me that fucking depressed, I never would have made these videos. I wouldn't have the success of the channel. I wouldn't have met the scores of friends I have now. I wouldn't have Anna.
Everything good I have in life now is because of the awful thing she did. And it all feels a little tainted by that fact sometimes.
I've never really written it all out like this in this amount of detail before. It feels good to just lay it all out. But at the same time it makes me feel sick. I do think things have gotten better. With the help of a loving and amazing fiancee, and more friends than I think I deserve-- it’s gotten better. The nightmares are less frequent. I can handle being with someone now, and I want to be with Anna for the rest of my life. For whoever you are, if you know what it’s like to deal with this, and you’re afraid that people will judge you... I promise you that you’re valid and people will care and accept you. It does get better. Being open and trusting about what happened makes it easier, because you no longer have to deal with it alone. 
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tipsyylove · 5 years
b r o w n i e s
you and taeyong go on another date, but, something happens.
warnings: language, underage drinking
NOTE: i don’t condone underage drinking, and neither should you. thank you.
a/n: sorry if it seems rushed, i did most of it in about three hours, so sorry. here it is.
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your alarm was extra loud this morning. but, you noticed that you had gotten a text from taeyong, at 5:09 am this morning.
taeyong: hi hi, wanna go out again tonight? it doesn’t have to be all night, being that it’s tuesday, i can take you back home in time :))
you: yeah, definitely. pick me up at about 6-ish?
taeyong: perfect, we can go out to eat tonight too, maybe go back to my place?
you: yeah! see you at school.
“already on your phone, huh, miss (y/n). what a shame.” johnny says, shaking his head.
“shut up, suh. i have plans again tonight. can you guys hold up by yourselves until like 9 or later maybe?”
“sure, being that there’s still gonna be three adults around. but, you’re their favorite, so it might be hard.” he said, shrugging.
“shut up. they’ll be fine.” you said, getting up to get ready.
as you were walking out, yuta stopped you, letting johnny and jaehyun go outside.
“so, you’re going out with taeyong again tonight?” he asked.
“yeah, he said he was gonna take me to dinner.” you said, getting excited.
“oh, sounds fun, don’t have too much fun, okay?” he cocked his eyebrow at you.
“yes, sir.” you said, saluting him as a joke.
he laughs, “let’s get going, they’ve been waiting long enough.” he spoke, leading you out.
as per usual, when arriving at school, you saw taeyong, this time with firey red hair. it looked fucking godly on him, and you never wanted him to change it. damn it. this man truly was the love of your life. but, that’s a dumb thought. you’re in high school. it’s not like you’re gonna go get married after high school, but, boy, did you want to. especially to lee taeyong.
“hi, (y/n)! you excited for tonight?” taeyong nearly yelled at you.
“why wouldn’t i be excited? who do you think i am?” you sassily replied.
“why do i even bother asking? anyways, how are you?” he asks.
“i’m doing amazing. how are you?”
“i’m doing well. i’m so excited for tonight.” he smirks at you.
“i’m glad. why don’t we walk to class together?” you ask.
“ladies first.” he gestures in front of him. you led the way inside, to your trigonometry class.
fuck trigonometry. triangles can suck your ass for all you care. the only thing that you enjoyed about this class was getting to know taeyong more. today was a half day, so you only had three classes and lunch for the day, and then you could go home. it would give you time to hang out with the youngins more, being that you never really do. you could do some things with them that they might enjoy, and could still go out with taeyong later.
“wait, what’s the formula again?” taeyong asked.
“you’re joking, right?” you cocked your eyebrow at him.
“no, i’m not.”
you wanted to laugh, but you didn’t want to be mean.
“a squared + b squared = c squared. so what you’re gonna do is take the a side and b side and square them and-”
“i’m kidding. i know how to do it. i’ve been in this class for a semester. i just like seeing you talk smartly about things. i love when you do it.” he professed.
this caused you to blush. you just got complimented by your crush. what the fuck.
“wow, didn’t know it would have that much affect you that much.” he said, staring at your cheeks.
you quickly covered your face, not wanting to be seen by him anymore. he had way too much effect on you for comfort.
“don’t cover up that beautiful face of yours, princess” taeyong said, taking your hands off of your face. fuck. in public, taeyong? really?
but, you had forgotten that yuta was also in that class. along with jaehyun. they were seat partners in the class that sat right behind you. they had probably heard the entire conversation. you didn’t want to face them, but they were in your other two classes for the day and at next to you in both. fuck.
the bell rang, and you were so nervous to face the other two, so you walked with taeyong to your next class.
you saw johnny, yuta, and jaehyun all sitting at your table already. it was kinda nice to have them in your math class. they were always super helpful in that class. but, today, you were not having it.
“so, miss (y/n), he is even calling you ‘princess’ in public? fucking weirdo. why do you like him again?” jaehyun asks you.
“shut up. it’s a joke. he doesn’t mean it. don’t call him that.” you said, rolling your eyes.
“jaehyun. don’t.” yuta says.
“thank you, bud.” you said, sitting down.
the bell rang shortly after.
when you walked out of your classroom, you saw taeyong standing there. you walked up to him instead of walking with the other boys to your next class.
“wanna ditch?” he whispers to you.
“hold on- what? like, actually?” you question him.
“yeah, totally. then we can just leave to lunch and go home. you down?”
this was weird coming from him. he has really good grades in his classes, so why in the world would he wanna ditch? but, you agreed anyways.
“sweet, let’s go, quick.” he said, grabbing your hand and leading you to the front doors.
you guys had ended up walking to a local park, since it was such a nice day. there was no one there, which was nice. the other boys were blowing up your phone, but you didn’t really care at the moment.
“hey, is it cool if one of my friends joins us? he isn’t too much to handle, i promise.” he spoke.
“yeah, definitely. what’s his name?” you asked.
“his name is mark. everyone thinks that we’re brothers, since we have the same last name, but we’re not. sound familiar?”
“oh, then, yeah, definitely. he seems cool.” you said, looking at the clouds.
“great, there he is now.” he pointed in front of you guys and waved at ‘mark’.
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when he got closer, you could see how alluring he was. he had golden blonde hair, which obviously wasn’t his natural color, but it looked good on him. he had golden skin, and a shy voice.
“this is the famous (y/n)? the one you’re always talking ab-” mark got cut off by taeyong.
“mark, (y/n), (y/n), mark.” taeyong introduced you two.
“nice to meet you, mark.” you said, smiling at him.
“you too.” he smiled back, shyly.
this was gonna be fun.
you three ended up going to mcdonald’s for lunch, and then split after. you got mark’s number in advance, though, so you could talk later. you had to make it back to school, so that you could get a ride home, and have more time to get ready for later. you nearly ran when you saw yuta’s car parked in the parking lot still. relief was all you felt. but, again, facing them would be hard.
“hello, miss (y/n), how was ditching class?” jaehyun smugly asked you.
“it was great. i made a new friend. can we go home now?” you asked, looking directly at yuta.
“yep, the youngins are getting impatient.” yuta said, checking his phone.
“let’s get going then, folks!” johnny said.
you had let johnny, jaehyun, and yuta go out for a bit until you left, so you could hang out with the youngins by yourself. you enjoy hanging out with them, but you never really have time to do so, being that you always have to study.
“let’s watch a movie, and then i have to get ready. then, the other three should be back. sound good?” you asked all six of them. they all nodded, and you put on the classic “train to busan”.
the movie went by so fast, and it was now 5:55. the other three had come back, and you got ready for your date. you didn’t overthink anything this time, though. you just threw on a dress and put your hair up. you two were now practically comfortable with each other, so what did it matter? you heard a ring of the doorbell, and rushed downstairs.
“ready?” taeyong says, after you answer the door.
“duh. bye everyone!” you waved at everyone, them waving back.
in the car, you had found out that taeyong had made fake i.d’s for the both of you. it made it so that you were both to appear 21. sure, it was illegal, but to get into the club he wanted to go into, you needed to be 21. this is the best bar in town. so, of course he was gonna take you.
“alright, y’all are good, head on in.” the bouncer said.
“yes!!” you guys celebrated in unison when walking in.
you guys sat down at the bar, and ordered some shots. you guys didn’t want to get completely wasted, being that it is your first time drinking. so, you only bought about three shots each. there was a hockey game on, which you didn’t really care about, but it kept you occupied.
“did i mention how good you look? red suits you.” taeyong eyed you, biting his lip.
“thank you, mr. button up and dress pants.” you punched his arm.
“don’t be creepy, biting your lip n’ shit.” you said to him.
“sorry, i can’t help it when you look this good.” he blushed.
“that’s STILL creepy.” you punched his arm, yet again.
“it’s my drunk talking.”
“you had one and a half shots.” you rolled your eyes at him.
“whatever, let’s go back to my place, it’s already 7.” he said, checking his phone clock.
“whatever you say, sir.” you said, saluting him.
his house was so small, but, it was so nice. it had the most beautiful wooden floors, white walls, and smooth ceilings. he was the only one living there, you assumed, being that it was so small. his couch and tv were so big, though. everything about his house was so nice.
“i made brownies. would you like one?” taeyong asked, holding a brownie out to you.
“yeah, sure? why not?” you said, taking one from his hand.
you quickly took a bite out of it, and noticed how delicious it was. it had chocolate chips in it, and was super gooey. perfect. 
your shoes were already off, and you were so comfortable at his house, you felt like you  could fall asleep right there.
“do you want me to text them for you, saying you aren’t gonna make it home?” taeyong whispered to you, noticing you were almost asleep.
“please do. thank you so much.” you said.
“no problem.” he said, grabbing your phone and unlocking it with your fingerprint. genius.
“it’s done. sleep well, princess.” he said, kissing your forehead.
that’s when you blacked out completely.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven |
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ghostlywritten · 6 years
Uncertainty II.
Words: 4k+
A/N: Thank you for all the reviews and messages, I appreciate it. Virtual hugs for everyone. And thanks for answering my question at the beginning, didn’t think anyone would read this part lol.
Warning: Language. Mentions of abuse, nothing graphic, just mentions.
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Warning: Language. Mentions of abuse, nothing graphic, just mentions. 
You stood up from the couch, gathering your underwear to put on. “Hey, where are you going?” Scott asked, confused why you left his arms. 
 “Just going to put on something comfier,” you replied, shortly. 
 “Aren’t my arms comfy enough for the lady?” he asked, teasingly. 
 “Nooo, they are too buff and hard,” you said as you clasped your bra together, turning to screw up your face at him in fake disgust, “It’s ew.” 
He laughed out loud, throwing a pillow at you. “Just so you know, this…,” he said, gesturing towards his delicious chocolate abs, “…is all for you.”
“Well, as much as I appreciate the sight and I really do,” you said, taking your time to roam his figure with your eyes, “you know I’m not shallow.”
He smiled warmly at you, tugging you down to place a kiss on your lips, “I know. And that’s one out of thousand reasons why I love you.” You smiled against his mouth before pulling away again to get some clothes on. And check on the pizza. 
“Hey, you don’t mind if there are some burnt spots on the pizza,” you said, chuckling as you went back towards him, only to see him type on his phone with the smirk on again. Your good mood faltered yet again and you sighed, the thoughts nagging at the back of your mind coming back full force and nearly drowning you in worries. Why was he still friends with Bryce? was the biggest question running around your mind.
Sitting down next to him, you kept quiet, nibbling on a piece of pizza as you tried to focus on the movie, not reacting to Scott’s attempts in drawing you back into his arms.
The next day you drove to school together with his car in an almost deafening silence. Your entire morning actually consisted of a silent breakfast, a silent getting ready for school and a silent agreement to drive there together. Thoughts of Hannah Baker’s tapes and the rapist’s confession plagued your mind and you supposed it wasn’t helping that you were reading the blog regarding the trial.
“You still reading that blog?” Scott asked, tentatively trying to start yet another conversation. 
“Yep,” you answered, curtly. 
“What’s new now?”
“It’s Mr. Porter’s turn today.”
“One day without the biggest counselor fail in the world? Strike,” he cheered, laughing at his own ‘funny’ joke.
“Yeah,” you said lamely and opened the door as soon as his car was parked in the lot, Scott looking after you worriedly.
“Reed! There you are, man!” Bryce’s voice called out to your boyfriend and you noticed him and his posse step down the stairs to get to you. “And Y/N, hey! Didn’t expect you to come together,” he said jokingly, winking at Scott as they high-fived. “We missed you at the party yesterday.”
“Guess Scotty had something better to do than hang with us,” Monty remarked, causing them all to laugh at their not so inside joke. Scott grinned, his dimple coming out and normally that sight would turn you into a puddle inside. But today it sent shivers of the wrong kind down on your spine. His grin faded when he noticed your slight frown and he coughed, putting his arm around your shoulders.
“Yeah, sorry guys. Y/N and I just wanted to stay at home for the night,” he explained and they nodded in mock understanding. You were ashamed to admit you would have believed their feigned ignorance on what you guys did yesterday if you hadn’t read the messages before. Just how ignorant have you been all this time? Was this just a game to these guys? Like how much sex you get and how long you could fool a girl? If so, Scott had you really fooled. ‘No, stop thinking like that. He couldn’t have been acting like that for over a year. He loves you,’ you reassured yourself, wrapping your arm around his waist to search for his warmth. He smiled down at you, relief that your semi-silent treatment was apparently over and kissed the top of your head.
“Aw man, you guys are almost as cute as me and Chloe,” Bryce commented.
Scott scoffed, “Almost? We are definitely cuter!”
“Sorry dude, but who just suggested to their girlfriend to accompany them to a trip to Italy? That’s right. My cute ass,” Bryce said, pointing at himself with a shit-eating grin.
The others ‘oooh’ed, laughing.
You scoffed, too. “Aww look at you. Only been with someone for a few months and already think you can keep up with the big teams?” you said, gesturing between you and Scott. “Now that’s cute!”
“Ouch!” Monty laughed, clapping Bryce’s shoulder.
“You need a bandage for that burn?” Jackson commented, grinning widely.
Bryce chuckled, “Alright, alright. You win.” You smirked at him in success, hugging your boyfriend, who was shaking in laughter. “How about you celebrate your win with us at the Clubhouse tonight?” At this Scott went deadly still, turning into stone. 
You looked between him and Bryce. “The Clubhouse?”
“That’s right. I don’t know why you haven’t been there before already?” Monty remarked. “You’re automatically invited if your boyfriend is.”
“Never heard of the Clubhouse before,” you said, looking up at Scott questioningly.
He cleared his throat, his eyes shifting around and you knew he was trying to come up with a lie. “Y/N doesn’t really enjoy parties. I figured this wouldn’t be her scene,” he excused and whilst he was right with you not enjoying parties, it wasn’t like you totally hated them. And if he had invited you, you would have gone for his sake.
Irked by the fact that he kept this from you, you turned. “Well, I don’t mind coming tonight.”
“What?” Scott hissed, tightening his grip on you as Bryce raised an eyebrow.
“Great then. See you at 7. And 7 means 9,” he informed, then turned to Scott and clapped his shoulder. “You coming now? Math is first and you know how that dick of a teacher is.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Scott dismissed them, not taking his eyes from you as you deliberately avoided his, cheerfully waving the boys goodbye.
“What was that?”
You looked at him, innocently. “What was what?”
“Why would you agree on going to the Clubhouse?” he asked, frowning deeply.
“Why shouldn’t I? It’s a party, right?”
“Right. And you don’t like parties.”
“I will like them for you. I mean, you can’t show up alone if you’re taken. Some girl might mistake you to be single,” you grinned, pulling him closer but he resisted. 
“You can’t go there.”
“And why not?”
“I won’t allow it.”
“Excuse me?!” you protested, getting out of his arms, “Who are you to tell me what to do?”
“Your boyfriend. You are not going. It’s final,” he said, turning away from you, “I’m going to class. See you later.” He quickly went off before you could say any more, leaving you flabbergasted. What on earth had gotten into him all of a sudden?
The whole first and second period you couldn’t get over the fact that your sweet boyfriend suddenly turned into some strict father-figure. Even if he was into daddy-kinks, it never went like this before!
You wondered whether he was hiding something from you. Something that was happening in the Clubhouse. Was he perhaps cheating? Or taking drugs? You didn’t like this. Not one bit.
“Worrying about your boyfriend again?” a voice whispered from your right and you jumped slightly, turning to see Cyrus in all his punk glory.
“Oh. Hey Cyrus. What’s up?” you greeted him and he shrugged. “Nothing much. Been hanging out with Tyler Down lately. You know him?” 
“Yeah. The photographer.” And stalker from the tapes. It was perverted but you’d heard worse.
“That’s the one. He’s pretty chill.”
“Cool,” you remarked quietly but smiled genuinely at him. You always liked Cyrus. He could have easily gotten into one of the sport teams with how athletic he was in P.E. and turn into a jock but rather decided to be who he wanted to be. Not what he was expected to be. His courage to stay true to himself was admirable. 
“So what’s on your mind this time? Still wondering whether your boyfriend is a rapist or not?” Cyrus asked and your cringed at his bluntness. 
“No...I don’t think he is.”
“You don’t think?”
“I know he isn’t,” you corrected, giving him a warning glare. He raised up his hands in surrender, “Whatever you say. Though if he tries something with you, just kick him in the balls. You ladies are allowed to do that.” You cracked a smile at his remark, shaking your head. “Thanks, Cyrus. You are always good for advice.”
“Right?” he said, spreading his arms around to receive the non-existent cheers. You chuckled, turning back to your paper, tapping your pen against the table before looking back at him. 
“Do you know what the Clubhouse is?” you asked him. 
He thought for a second before shaking his head. “Never heard of that. Why?”
You shrugged. “Just something I’m invited to. Like a party. By Bryce.”
“Bryce?” he asked as if he misheard, “Bryce Walker?” You nodded. “Well, whatever it is, I wouldn’t go there without some protection if I were you.”
“I’m going with my boyfriend.”
“Yeah...maybe some pepper spray and whatever girl shit is out there could be useful, too?” he suggested, “Or you could borrow a baseball bat from your boyfriend?”
“Isn’t my boyfriend protection enough?” you asked him, frowning slightly.
“...It’s really up to you. Do you think so?” he asked back. You wished you could immediately say ‘Yes’. You stayed quiet instead. “I mean, you are going to a party held by Bryce Walker apparently. You need maximum safety.”
“Yeah. Thanks, Cyrus.” He nodded, looking back towards the front and you followed suit, deeply unsettled. 
Setting down your lunch tray you sat down on an empty table, being one of the early ones as your teacher had ended class sooner. Feeling hungry you shoved a spoonful of your noodles into your mouth, looking through your texts and social media.
There was a message from Justin last night, apologising for blowing up on you that you still hadn’t responded to. You weren’t that mad about his outburst but more about his homeless conditions and why he didn’t come to you. Deciding to not be petty about it now, you texted him back:
Justin (1:26 AM): I’m sorry, Y/N. For yelling at you.
You (12:04 PM): It’s all good. If you wanna come around sometime, you know you can. The offer still stands.
He didn’t take long to answer you.
Justin (12:06 PM): Thank you. I really appreciate it.
You (12:06 PM): Are you at school today?
Justin (12:07 PM): No...I’m visiting my mom.
You (12:08 PM): Is Meth Seth there rn?
Justin (12:09 PM): No, thank god.
You (12:10 PM): Good. Have fun then. 
Someone settled down in front of you and you looked up, surprised to see Clay sitting in front of you. 
“Hey Clay,” you greeted him, smiling.
“Hey Y/N. I need your help,” he said quickly, not beating around the bush. 
“Eh, of course,” you said, surprised he would actually take up your offer from yesterday.
“Have you ever heard of the Clubhouse?” You perked up at the question.
“The Clubhouse?”
“Just recently, yeah. I am invited to it by Bryce. Why?” 
His eyes widened. “Are you going to go there?”
“I’m eh...not sure. You know, with Bryce being there and all the rumours about him being a rapist-”
“It’s not a rumour, it’s the truth,” he cut in and you breathed in deeply, nodding. You were pretty sure by now, too.
“Look. I won’t force you, of course. But there might be something that could help the Bakers win the case. And get Bryce to jail.”
“What? How?!” you asked, shocked.
“There are Polaroids.” He took out three pictures, placing them in front of you. Picking them up you observed them closely: One was a picture of a couple smiling into the camera, another of Bryce Walker fucking a girl, whose face wasn’t visible and another of a couple going cowboy.
“What the hell?” you asked with a frown.
“Turn them around.” Doing as he said you looked at what was written and your frown turned deeper. “It’s- what’s this?”
“I’m not sure myself,” Clay replied, “But I think this Clubhouse is somewhere on the school property. And if there are things happening that happened to Hannah, then this would be a huge benefit for the Bakers. And there could be evidence on Bryce being a rapist.”
You took in a deep breath, puffing it out with a loud sigh. “Woah. Ok. What exactly do you need me to do?”
“Find out where the place is and look for polaroids like these,” he explained and you nodded. 
“Alright. I will see what I can do,” you agreed, giving him the pictures back. He nodded gratefully and opened his mouth to say more when you saw Scott and the others dangerously close to hearing range. 
“Hey Y/N, is this nerd bothering you?” Monty asked, placing a not so well meant hand on his shoulder. You noticed Bryce glancing between the two of you in suspicion as Scott sat down next to you, nonchalantly greeting Clay with a nod. 
“No, he is not. In fact he was just going,” you said, giving the boy in front you a warning glance. He nodded in understanding and left without another word. 
“Girl, what did he want?” Bryce wondered, taking his place and staring at you in silent observation as if he could read on your face what you had been talking about. You squirmed slightly, feeling uncomfortable under his eyes and Scott wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing your temple to relax you. 
“Just some shit about English class. He was asking about the essay,” you quickly made up, glancing at Zach, who was the only one you shared that class with along with Clay. He looked confused and slightly panicked. “Essay? What essay? How much time do I have left?!” The table roared in laughter. 
“Typical Zach. Always missing everything that’s educational,” Jackson chuckled, clapping his back good-naturedly as Zach blushed in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, Zach. You still have more than enough time left,” you chuckled. Endless time actually since there was no assigned essay.
“Whatever, I’m sure Y/N is going to give me her essay to copy from, right?” Zach said, giving you the puppy eyes to which you only raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, that won’t work on me.” He deflated into a pout.
“That only works on your mom, Zachy!” Monty joked, causing the others to burst out in laughter again. You rolled your eyes at the typical joke. They never let him go away with that.
“Yeah, yeah. Real funny,” Zach grumbled, picking on his food.
“Come on Zachy,” Bryce said between his chuckles, “You coming to the Clubhouse tonight?”
“Nah, I’m busy with that essay I’ve just heard about for the first time,” Zach said moodily and you tried to hide your smile.
“Sucks for you. You’re gonna miss Y/N’s debut at the place,” Jackson informed him. Zach’s eyes widened and snapped to you. “What?”
You gave him a questioning look as Scott pulled you closer. ‘Did he know something?’
“Actually Y/N told me earlier that she can’t come,” your boyfriend said, causing you to frown at him, “she has to look after her neighbour’s daughter. Forgot about that, didn’t you?” he said, turning to you.
“I don’t know what you’re-,” you jumped as he squeezed your waist almost too tightly. “So I’m gonna have to pass, too. Sorry, guys,” he continued, quickly talking over you. Bryce regarded you two with sharp eyes before shrugging. 
“Well, it can’t be helped,” was all he said as the others groaned in disappointment. 
“Yeah, seems like it,” you said through your gritted teeth, glaring at your boyfriend, who was skillfully avoiding your eyes.
“Y/N!” he called after you as you went ahead. “Where are you going? The car is parked the other way,” he chuckled, but you impassively continued your walk home, causing him to stop. 
“Hey Y/N? Y/N!” he caught your wrist, turning you around, “Not the silent treatment again, please. What’s going on?”
“As if you don’t know,” you scoffed, getting out of his grip. 
“Who the hell are you to tell me where to go or not, huh?!” you interrupted him, all your pent up anger coming up, “Like seriously, what the fuck, Scott? Since when have you turned into this strict, over-protective boyfriend? We agreed to leave the daddy-kinks for the bedroom!” 
“I know. I know. I’m just looking out for you,” Scott tried to explain, going to take your hand but you moved away, ignoring his pained expression.
“I don’t care. You have no right to forbid me from doing anything, boyfriend or not.” Pushing him away from you, you walked home to get ready for the party. Like hell were you going to let him stop you from this.
As soon as you arrived home, you ran a bath for yourself with your favourite scent to soothe your nerves that had been going haywire the past two days.
Looking at your phone, you saw Justin’s latest text.
Justin (12:15 PM): No fun in that shithole.
You (3:46 PM): Sorry for the late answer. Where are you now?
Closing the tap, you stripped off your clothes and relaxed into the water with a blissful sigh. This is what you lived for: nice, hot baths. 
You mulled over the things that happened today. Bryce inviting you to the Clubhouse, which seemed to be an exclusive thing, and Scott’s immediate and weird reaction. He was strangely adamant on not letting you go to that party. You knew then he was hiding something from you. Deducing from the polaroids you would think it was the usual party, sex and drugs scenario, but...
Hannah wasn’t the only one.
‘Are they getting raped in there?’
‘Is that what Scott is trying to hide from you?’
‘Or is he trying to hide himself from you? What he is doing in there?’
You shut your eyes tightly, diving under the water as if it would stop you from thinking what you couldn’t stop yourself to think about. ‘Is he like Bryce?’
Getting ready was easier said than done when you don’t really fancy going out. But you weren’t only doing this for the sake of finding out what your boyfriend had been up to but also for Clay and the Baker’s trial. You had to find out what was going on in there and get proof if something bad was happening.
Putting on some black skinny jeans you stuffed your white top into it, a leather belt adorning your waist as you pulled your hair up into a messy bun. A quick application of make up and a denim jacket thrown over your top and you were ready to go. Looking at the clock, you saw it was only a little after 8 and figured you should get something to eat. There was no way you were going to eat or drink anything in that Clubhouse. Yes, you were that paranoid by now.
Stuffing your mouth with some chinese take out, you got out your phone. Scott hadn’t texted you so far and you knew he was giving you space like he always would after a fight, knowing you needed to cool down.
But you had a message from Justin.
Justin (6:59 PM): I’m ok. Don’t worry about me.
You (8:14 PM): What do you mean? Where are u? Are you at Clay’s?
You bit your lip, hoping for a quick reply. Waiting you ate some more until you got impatient and decided to call. As you prayed for him to pick up, feeling the uncomfortably familiar churn in your stomach, the doorbell rang. You frowned, ending the call. 
Walking up to the door, you peeked through the peephole only to see the tanned face of your boyfriend. Sighing, you opened up the door to see him standing with two boxes of pizza and a sheepish smile. 
“I’m sorry for being a dick- wait, why are you so dressed up?”
“Yes, you are a dick and pizza accepted,” you replied, taking the boxes from him and walking back into the kitchen.
“Y/N, where are you going?” 
“To the Clubhouse of course.”
Silence, then... “No.”
“What no?”
“No as in you won’t go.”
You huffed. “Try and stop me. I dare you.”
“Y/N, you can’t fucking go there. Don’t argue with me on this,” he said, looking like he was panicking.
“Give me one reason why,” you demanded, crossing your arms.
“You don’t like parties.”
“I do now.”
“You don’t know where it is.”
“You will show me where it is.”
“Like hell I’m gonna help you get there.”
“Then I guess I will just have to ask Bryce to get me there.” You waited for his next argument as you checked your makeup on the reflection of the oven. Hearing no counter attack you turned to look at him only to see him try to control his hard breathing.
“Scott?” you called out, stepping up to him. He suddenly grabbed your arms, holding them tightly and making you squeal in surprise. “You are not fucking going near him, you hear me?!” 
“Ouch, what the fuck? Let me go!” you exclaimed and he immediately dropped his grip on you, breathing in deeply and turning away.
“What on earth is going on with you Scott? Why are you trying to keep me away from that place?”
“Because I don’t like you going there, okay? Is that not enough reason for you?” he asked you, almost desperate. You felt slightly bad, but needed to find out what was up with that place.
“Scott, just tell me straight up. What happens in the Clubhouse? Are you doing drugs?”
“So? I’m not going to do drugs, you have nothing to worry about.”
“They will force you.”
“They can fucking try.”
“Listen, Y/N. Just stay here with me,” he begged, holding onto your arms again, gentler this time, “We can eat pizza and watch whatever you want all night. Please?”
You almost gave in, looking into his beautiful eyes but shook your head. “Sorry Scott. I need to go.”
“Why? Why the hell do you need to go there?”
“To find evidence that Bryce is a fucking rapist!”
“W-what?” Shoot, you weren’t planning on letting that slip. “Wha- why would you think he is rapist?”
“Oh, don’t fuck with me right now, Scott. We both know he is,” you scoffed, shaking his hands off to cross your arms. “Everyone knows. Justin confirmed it and he has been on the tapes, Clay said so too and even fucking Mr. Porter confessed it in front of the court today!
Can you look me in the eye and say he is not a rapist?” you challenged, boring your eyes in his. He pressed his lips together and looked down, shaking his head.
You finally let out the breath that you had been holding in ever since the tapes came out. He looked down in distress, his shoes suddenly more interesting than anything else in the vicinity.
“Why would you protect him, Scott?” you asked, shakily.
“Yes, you fucking are. Tell me why!” You demanded, tears threatening to spill as your heart tightened. 
“I’m just...Look, Y/N there are a lot of things going on - especially in the Clubhouse - that you or anyone that is not part of it knows about,” he explained and you nodded, the feeling of confirmation solidifying the more he spoke. “Seriously. The stuff that’s happening there is not something you want to deal with. That’s why I’m asking you not to g-”
“But you deal with that stuff, don’t you?” you whispered, cutting in, “You go into that Clubhouse and deal with the rape and whatever else happens in there.”
“I-I can’t really do anything about it.”
“Why? Because you do it, too?” He took in  a sharp breath and you looked up to  see his heart break completely at your words. “W-what do you mean?”
“I mean,” you said, tears flowing freely down your cheeks, “I mean that you are part of that fucked up shit that is happening at the Clubhouse. And maybe you’re even like fucking Bryce Walker.” You turned to get away from him, his silence deafening you. It was out. What you had been pondering about all this time was finally out. And you didn’t feel even the tiniest bit better about it.
“H-how can you think I’m a rapist?” he asked, his voice cracking. You sniffed, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your denim jacket. “I don’t see another reason why you would protect him.”
“I-I- Y/N,” he whispered, sounding like the life was sucked out of his body, leaving his beautiful shell behind, “I’m not...I’m not like him. I would never-” his voice broke and for the first time since the idea got planted into your mind, you started doubting yourself. Was he genuine...or was it just his acting fooling you?Either way, you knew you would keep asking yourself these questions and your heart couldn’t take anymore of this uncertainty. You felt like you had a stranger standing in front of you and you didn’t know what he was capable of.
“Scott,” you said quietly, “I can’t be with you anymore.” His head snapped up to you, panic radiating from his eyes.
“Y/N, y-you can’t do this. I’m not a rapist. I’m not!” He tried to convince you as you kept shaking your head. 
“Then tell me why are you protecting him? Why are you even still friends with him?!”
“We-We’re teammates!” he frantically tried to scramble for an answer, “W-We have to work together! This is not easy-”
“Are you seriously using sports as an excuse to be buddies with a rapist? Are you hearing yourself?!” you almost yelled at him. You couldn’t recognise the person in front you anymore.
“I-what do you want me to do? Report him? No one’s going to believe me and they will kick me out and ruin everything! You know how much influence Bryce’s parents have on every little thing?! They could ruin my future! Our future, Y/N!”
“Is that the only thing you care about?” you asked, disbelievingly. “Girls get raped right in front of you and all you can think about is your future?” 
Scott repeatedly opened and closed his mouth, hopelessly trying to get you back. He suddenly closed the distance between you two, holding onto your waist and not letting you escape. “Y/N,” he tried again as you struggled to get out of his grip,  “You’re literally the only person who knows who I really am outside of school. The me in front of my friends is not the real me, it’s just a facade-”
“Is raping part of your facade, too?” you spat, finally managing to push him away. He bit his lip and you swore you saw him close to tears, which was almost enough for you to become soft. He had never cried in front of you, not wanting to lose the strong and reliable picture you had of him. 
“Y/N, please...don’t leave me,” he whispered. You shut your eyes, your heart already aching from what you were about to say.
“Get out.”
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 5 years
Their Hero Academia: Chapter 13
Raw and unedited (especially until I get Chapters 14-16 written to upload along with it), but I finished the 1st draft tonight and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially with switching to some new protagonists. Chapters 0-12 can be found here:
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 13: Takuma Sero Makes a Show of It
If there was one thing Takuma Sero liked about living in the dorms, it was the sense of privacy. Sure, there were fifteen other people living in the dorms, three others on his floor, but compared to his home, that was nothing.  Between his parents, his three younger brothers, and baby sister, there was always somebody trying to butt into whatever he was doing.  At least on his floor, all he had was his best bro Kenta Sato. Daisuke Shoji simply kept his head down and Takiyo Aoyama had made it clear early on he had no interest in “whatever nonsense you two are getting up to.”
As if trying to become the next internet sensations was nonsense.
Which reminded him… he really ought to check their hit counter.  With Kirishima-Bakugo out of the cafeteria yesterday, he’d actually been free to host a new round of “Will Sato Eat It?” without fear of being exploded or having her tear his arms off.  He was actually pretty certain she wouldn’t do the last part.  Their parents had been friends for decades and he was on reasonably good terms with her most of the time.  But yesterday had been pretty impressive as far as the game went. Kenta had eaten a soup bowl, a baseball, a rock, and a tire that someone had somehow managed to get into the cafeteria.
Kenta’s dad had broken it up after that, with a threat to report their antics to Aizawa if they kept doing it.  And Kenta had gotten a talking to from his dad later on about irresponsible Quirk use and making a spectacle of himself.   At least the elder Sato had learned the futility of trying to rat them out to Takuma’s parents.  His mom was one of the most Instagram-famous Pro-Heroes in the business.  She actively encouraged his aspirations.  His dad was just vaguely puzzled by the whole thing and just let his mom take the lead.
Checking the video upload, he found that the hit counter was already in the thousands.  Wisely, he opted not to look at the comments.   It was like his mom always said, “Never read the comments.”   Sure, you got a validation high from some of it, but there were way too many trolls and mudslingers to make it worth it.
Takuma broke into a grin. “Yeah, we’re gonna be famous. Just you see.  Heroes and entertainment sensations.”
He checked the time and found he still had nearly an hour before class.  Plenty of time to finish getting ready.  There was also the matter of homework he hadn’t quite completed, but he could probably copy the answers from somebody, at least enough to squeak by. Math was going to be the death of him. He understood numbers well enough, but once you started getting letters involved with numbers, his brain just refused to track any of it.  It had nearly sunk his entrance exam score, but he’d managed to just barely pass that. A good practical exam score had done wonders for making up the difference.
Twenty minutes later, he was out of his room and ready to go.  He did not have the world’s most developed fashion sense (much to the regret of Kimiko Ojiro, his other best friend, who had declared him “the worst gay best friend ever”), but he had an entertainer’s sense for showmanship in his appearance.  He spotted Kenta coming out of his room and gave him a double finger guns.
“Sixty-five hundred hits in less than twenty-four hours, my man!”
“All right!” Kenta said, giving him a fist bump.  “That’s twice as many as the last video!”   He let out a burp and clutched his stomach.
“You okay, man?” Takuma asked.
Kenta shook his head and burped again.  “Heartburn and indigestion.  Dad says just because I can get anything doesn’t mean I should.”  He grinned, thick lips pulling back to reveal his perfectly white teeth.  “But I say it’s a small price to pay for being famous.”
“More famous in your case,” Takuma told him.  Kenta was already a good bit famous from all the times he appeared in pictures and his stories on his father’s “Food and Family” blog. According to his mom, it was crazy popular with single moms.
Kenta waved it off. “That’s really Dad’s thing.  This is ours!”
Takuma was about to begin discussions of the plans for their next video when he was distracted by the sight of Daisuke Shoji walking back to his rooms, clearly having come from the showers.  The six-armed boy was only wearing a towel wrapped around his waist, his silver hair still damp, and a small about of moisture still visible on the muscles of his arms and abs.  He nodded politely to Takuma and Kenta on his way back to his room.  Takuma kept watching until Shoji’s door closed.
His trace was broken by Kenta giving him a small shove.  “You okay there, bud?  Kind of went away for a little while?”
He sighed.  “Why are the hot ones always straight?”
Kenta gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.  “Hey, there’s lots of other guys at U.A.  You’ll find somebody.  Or you could always try online dating?”
Takuma made a face. “I’m not that desperate.”
Anything further was interrupted by his and Kenta’s phones buzzing.  Both checked and he saw they had identical texts from the school’s emergency alert system.
Homeroom has been cancelled.  All first-year students should report to the Gran Torino Memorial Auditorium at 0800.
Kenta gave him a curious look.
“Don’t look at me, man,” he said quickly.  “I haven’t broken any rules that would cause a grade level assembly.”
“This school year,” Kenta said.  “I still can’t believe the time you…”
“Don’t remind me.  I’m still barely out of being grounded for that.”
“I think that was the first time I ever actually saw your parents punish you.”
“Oh, would you look at the time, we should really be getting to the Auditorium!”
“Any idea what this is about, Takuma?” Kimiko asked. He assumed she was looking at him, but honestly, even after having known her all his life, it was hard to tell.
He shook his head. “Beats the heck out of me.”
All around, the other seats in the Auditorium were filling up with the first year students.  There were the three Heroics classes, three General Ed classes, three Support classes, and three Business and Management classes.   Sixteen students each in the Heroics, twenty in each of the others, for one hundred eight students total left the auditorium about half full.  
Down on the stage, he could see the majority of the teaching staff.  There were the three Heroics Homeroom teachers, Aizawa, Super Ball, and Battle Fist.  There was Power Loader, the aging director of the Support courses.  Word around campus was that he was considering retirement after experiencing the Iida Twins.  And there was FireFox, their math teacher; Hawkeye, their English teacher; Figure Sk8, the dark-haired daughter of the Twins and Izumi’s uncle and aunt, who taught their Science classes; Palette, the paint-themed Art History teacher; and Hopper, Tokoyami’s uncle and their Literature teacher.  There Hound Dog, the school counselor, Vice-Principal Midnight, and even Kenta’s dad.   He also spotted Doctor Izumi sitting with her husband, Kota, the Rescue Hero and Rescue Instructor called Water Spout (or, at his mom embarrassingly always referred to him, “the first man to see me naked”) There was also All Might, and several teachers he didn’t know, who he presumed taught some of the classes taken by the other courses.  Whatever this was about, they were taking it very seriously.
And slowly approaching the podium, leaning heavily on his cane, was Principal Nezu.  Takuma wasn’t sure if he was a rat or a bear or possibly some kind of creature from Australia (or was it Austria?  Whichever one had the kangaroos.  Those were real, right?), but he understood that the old animal was crazy smart.  He’d guided U.A. through some of its roughest years and managed to still come out on top.
“I am sorry to interrupt your usual class schedule,” Nezu began.  “I know your studies are of great importance to you all.  But after the events of the last few days, both here at our school and elsewhere, we have been made aware of events which you all deserve to know.  The Center for Quirk Research is expected to make a statement later this morning, but we thought it might be best if comes from us.”
He took in a breath and continued.  “The CQR has discovered, working in conjunction with several Pro-Heroes, the existence of a virus which causes the victim to lose control of their Quirk.  It appears the Quirk is… man made.”
Any side conversations that had been going on were immediately silenced.
Nezu went on.  “After an as yet unknown incubation period, it causes a power-flare up during which time the user’s Quirk will activate out of their control.  This lack of control appears to last an indefinite amount of time, but appears to be a onetime flare up.  Unfortunately, even as the number of cases are growing, information is scarce.  There appear to be no obvious early symptoms and we are unsure how the virus is being transmitted. At this time, it appears that only Emitter and Transformation type Quirks are effected.”
A ripple went through the crowd as the full impact of the Principal’s statement took effect. Anything that could do that is dangerous indeed.  From the time they were young, they’d always been taught about the importance of controlling their Quirks.  And now something could just take that away…
“That’s…   that’s not good,” Takuma said.  Absently, he rubbed the patches on his right hand where his Acid Tape came from.  His Quirk was technically a Mutation type, since he had slightly different physical structures to allow for it.  But his mom was an Emitter type, so were many of his friends.  So were a lot of people out there in the world.  And there were lots of people out there with really powerful Quirks.   What if somebody like Ground Zero or Deku caught this thing?
“We’re… we’re okay,” he heard Kimiko say.  “Not… not like I can get more invisible.”
“Hey,” Kenta said, “it’s gonna be okay.  People’re smart.  They’ll get this figured out.”  Kenta’s dad was an Emitter type too, he recalled, even if Kenta’s own Quirk was a very minor Mutant type.
Nezu continued, “We are able to run tests for the virus and will be doing screening following this assembly.  However, as there are no tell-tale symptoms prior to manifestation, we urge you to talk to your teachers or Doctor Izumi should you have any concerns.  We will be doing everything we can to protect you, which includes providing you as with much of your usual structure as possible. Classes, including Heroics courses, will continue as normal.  Rest assured, everyone is doing everything they can to get to the bottom of this. But at this point, cases are isolated and sporadic.  We advise caution, but there is no need to panic.”
Takuma made it a point to never take life seriously.  But for once, that didn’t seem like such a good idea.
“You heard what the Principal said,” Aizawa said, after they had returned to the classroom.  “The moment you feel anything out of the ordinary or even suspect that something might be wrong, I expect you to tell me or another teacher.  Is that understood?”
“Yes, Mister Aizawa,” the class said, nearly as one.
“Good,” Aizawa said. “Now, we are going to proceed as normally as possible.  Which means we have a little bit of business to settle.  Choose a class representative.  I don’t care how.”   He zipped himself into his sleeping bag and disappeared behind his desk.
“Well,” Midoriya said, “I think we should probably vote on it?”
“I vote Toshi!” Shota Shinso cried out.
“Toshi,” Asuka Tokoyami agreed.
“I’ve got to go with Midoriya too,” Isamu Haimawari said.
“Toshi has my vote as well,” Izumi Todoroki added.
“Guys… Shouldn’t this be a secret ballot?” Midoriya asked quickly.
“Too late now,” Takuma said. “Besides, I think we all know you’re gonna win it.”
As much as he loved the spotlight, he loathed responsibility.  Better Midoriya than him any day.  Besides, it would take away from his own pursuits.  And Midoriya really was good at taking charge and helping people who needed it.  Guy wanted to help the whole world, even more than the average Hero-in-Training.
“Personally, I think moi would be best,” Takiyo Aoyama said.
“Oh, give it up, Frenchie,” Mika Mineta told him.  “Midoriya’s definitely the best shot at this.”
“I fear I must agree with the rest,” Akaya Koda told Aoyama.  She really seemed to be one of the few people who could stand the arrogant blond for more than a few minutes.  She must have had the patience of a saint.
“Going with Midoriya here too,” Kenta said.
“Yep, me too,” Chihiro Kaminari added.  “And Tokoyami for vice-rep while we’re at it.”
“I like those ideas!” Kimiko said.  “Both of them!”
“Makes sense to me,” Shoji said.
“This is highly against protocol,” Tensei Iida said.  “But I cannot argue with the consensus either.”
“My younger brother is correct,” Sora Iida said.  “I agree with the conclusions drawn.”
“You really must stop using that qualifier!  I am only younger by three minutes!”
“It is scientifically accurate!  Do you dispute this?”
“It is needlessly semantic, and yet I cannot argue with the precision!”
“If I agree, will it shut them up?” Katsumi Kirishima-Bakugo asked.
Motion was carried. Midoriya and Tokoyami were their class reps.
Takuma belatedly realized that probably gave them some kind of power of his and Kenta’s antics, but that was their problem, not his.  Besides, it was worth it to see Aoyama pout.
“Hua-whah!” Even though Takuma had practiced swinging from building to building by using his Acid Tape many times with his dad, doing it always made him feel like his stomach was going to flop out of his mouth.  It didn’t help that his Quirk was more complicated than his dad’s.   The elder Sero only had to think about shooting out his Tape until it hit something.  Takuma’s Acid Tape meant that he had to be continually concentrating both on dispensing more tape and on maintaining the properties.  Since he could make it anything from slick to sticky to acidic, that meant he had to do a lot more concentrating.  And doing that while ten stories up made it all the more problematic.
Even if it was supposed to be a simple Heroics exercise in cityscape navigation.  All they had to do was make it from one end of the faux-cityscape as quickly as they could.  For quite a few, like Kimiko, Kenta, or Koda, there wasn’t much more they could do than run as fast as they could.  Others were doing a much more impressive job.  Midoriya was bouncing with leaps that were easily carrying him, the Iida Twins were blasting through the air, and Haimawari was zipping through the streets. And somehow, Kirishima-Bakugo had gotten herself up on the rooftops and was parkouring herself through the course.
Takuma let himself go flying through the air for a moment, before shooting out another strand of Acid Tape.  It stuck to the fire escape and as he began to swing, he could feel something go wrong. With a sickening sound of tearing metal, the piece of the fire escape he had snagged with his tape snapped and broke, sending him falling!
He shot out another strand of Acid Tape, trying to save himself, but instead of snagging a lower portion of the fire escape, it melted right through it.  He’d made it too acidic!  He was gonna die!  He was never gonna reach a million followers!  Involuntarily, he felt his eyes close.
And just as suddenly, powerful arms caught him and he was rising.  So he was dead then, and the angels were carrying him away.  Good-bye world, he only regretted that he not let more of you gaze upon his awesomeness…
“Are you all right, Sero?” a voice asked.  “I was afraid I would not be able to match your falling speed without causing you injury, but I believe I was able to calculate something close enough…”
An angel who apparently sounded just like Tensei Iida.  He chanced opening his eyes and the first thing he saw was himself, reflected in the chest plate of Iida’s costume.  Looking up, he saw a silver helmet.  Definitely Iida.  Which meant he wasn’t dead?  He was alive! He could still get that million followers!
“Sero?” Iida repeated. “Are you all right?”  He slowly started reducing power in his jets, letting them drift downward.
Oh, right.  He needed to answer his rescuing angel’s questions. “Oh, ah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, finding himself stumbling over his words.  “You really saved my ass, there, Iida.  Thanks.”
“Of course,” Iida said. “As your friend and classmate, not to mention as an aspiring Hero, it is my duty.”
“Well, right now, you’re my hero, Iida.”
Inwardly, he groaned. Was he really saying something that stupid?   Apparently, he was.  At least Kimiko and Kenta weren’t there to hear it.  They’d never let him hear the end of it.
The Iida Twins could be found in the Common Room, pouring over blueprints.  Usually, the Twins spent whatever free time they had in the Support Workshop, but according to Sora, Power Loader had kicked them out under out under threat of unspecified punishment, all because they had “accidentally used too much power and caused a few small explosions and fires.”  So the two had returned to the dorms instead to work on what they could.
Takuma, Kenta, and Kimiko peered from around the corner at them.
“This is a really dumb idea,” Takuma said.  “And I know all about dumb ideas.”
“If you were doing this for me,” Kenta said, “you’d be making your “good idea” face.  The one that always means it’s something that’s going to get us in trouble.”
“Besides,” Kimiko said, “this is for romance!  We’ve got to! You’re cute, he’s hot, you’re pink, he’s got pink hair, I’m gonna call you Pinky-Squared!”
“We don’t even know if he likes guys!  He could be into girls!  Or machines! I’m gonna make a fool of myself!”
Kimiko slapped him upside the head.  “That’s loser talk!”
“You want us to film it?” Kenta asked.  “You’re good in front of a camera.”
Takuma went a paler shade of pink.  “…No. Definitely not.  I do not need this preserved for posterity if it all goes south.”
“Look, this is the most romantic thing to happen since school started,” Kimiko told him.  “So you are not chickening out now!  Kenta and I are going to get Sora out of the room and you are going to ask Tensei out! Do you understand!?”
How someone whose face he couldn’t see could have such an intense glare, he didn’t know, but her tone suggested that there was no arguing with her.
“Yes,” he said. “Let’s do this!”
I can’t do this!
With Sora out of the room (he was so stressed he literally could not remember what excuse Kenta and Kimiko had used to get her out of there and he had seen it literally seconds ago), Takuma was free to make his move.  His smooth move.  His ever so smooth move.  He was the king of smooth.
He was not smooth.
As casually as he could, he approached the table where Tensei was still working.  “Oh, ah, hey, Iida,” he said.   “Ah, thanks again for saving me like that.  Pretty sure I was on my way to being a pile of pink goo.”
“The fall was not nearly enough to reduce you to goo,” Iida said, looking up from his blueprints.  “But it would have been very messy all the same. I am happy I was able to prevent that.”
He rubbed the back of his head.  “Yeah, well, either way, I appreciate it.”   He frowned, trying to think of how best to proceed.  “So, uh, what are you working on?”
A very crazed (and very attractive) grin spread its way across Tensei’s face.  “Modifications to Sora’s and my Hero costumes.  After training yesterday, we came up with several potential ideas to improve performance and work with our Quirks, such as a more adjustable wing system and potential storage for emergency supplies of apple and grape juice.”
“And that exploded?”
“Oh, no,” Iida said.  “That was the idea for a capture-weapon to add as an additional support item.  We may have made the propulsion element a little too strong.  Power Loader apparently believed that we would benefit from some time away.  But I do not see how we can improve our designs to their fullest without practical, hands on work.  And we cannot do that if we are banned from the workshop for a week.”
“That sucks, man,” Takuma agreed.  It’d be like someone telling him he couldn’t upload stuff to the ‘net.  A guy had to have a passion, after all.  “But, ah, I guess that means you’re gonna have some free time?”
Iida frowned.  “Unfortunately, yes.  There is only so much we can do without the space to put theory into practice.”
Okay, it was now or never.   He could be brave!  He had this!
…He didn’t have this!
He had this!
He didn’t have this!
He had this!
“So, um…,” he said, “if you’re gonna have the free time…  maybe you’dlikespendingsomeofitwithmesomewhere?”
Iida blinked.  “I… don’t think I caught that, Sero.”
He took a deep breath. “I was thinking, if you were gonna have free time anyway… maybe you’d want to spend some of it with me? Somewhere?  Like a date?”
Iida’s eyes widened in surprise and for once, it looked like he was at a loss for words.  “I… I would like that very much, Sero.”
He had this!
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superfreakerz · 6 years
Okay, so I accidentally titled the last chapter as chapter 9 but that was actually 8. This one is 9! Sorry!
"Til Death Do Us Part"
Rated M for smut and heavy themes.
Reincarnation/Immortal AU.
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a mischievous boy with pink hair, a devilish grin, and a body that never ages.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 9
Cutting Class
"I'm mad at you."
Natsu quirked a brow, a small, curious frown resting on his face. He had just woken up and checked his phone as if it was the morning newspaper- which he doubted anybody actually read- when he saw the new text, surprised to find Lucy's name appear on his screen. During his sleep, he had forgotten that he gave her his number.
"Whatcha mad about?" Natsu typed back. He couldn't remember doing anything bad.
Seeing as how Lucy's text was sent almost half an hour ago and that she should be in her creative writing class, the boy didn't expect to get a reply. So, he started getting ready for math. He could ask what she was mad about then.
Still, waiting caused his nerves to be a jumbled mess. He didn't want Lucy to be mad, especially with him.
Glancing towards the other half of the room, Natsu noticed that Gray still wasn't back, which meant he was probably going to get ready with Juvia. He had no clue how Cana could put up with that. There had been times when he came back to his room, only to hear loud clapping noises coming from inside his room, along with Juvia's breathy moans. Knowing what it meant, he turned and ran the opposite direction every time.
Sex wasn't something that appealed Natsu. Sure, he had woken up with his body aroused before, to which he would give in to his body's demands, but he never had a strong desire for it. He never pictured a specific girl as he jerked himself, only the shape of a woman.
As his body naturally woke up hard, Natsu headed towards the shower, turning it on to a mild temperature before removing his clothes. Stepping inside, he wrapped his hand around his length and began to pump, closing his eyes and trying to imagine the faceless woman he often pictured.
Only this time she had a face.
Along with golden hair, big brown eyes, and pink plump lips.
It was Lucy.
Natsu's breaths grew shaky as he felt himself close to release. He pictured Lucy in only red, lacy underwear, on top of him and giving him a lustful stare as she kissed downwards to his-
White liquid spurted out as his body shook with pleasure. He continued to pump for a few more seconds before leaning against the wet, tile walls, the water washing over him. Natsu was surprised that Lucy had infiltrated his thoughts and was even more surprised at how he welcomed her.
"This is gonna be the death of me."
Once Natsu finished getting dressed, he left the bathroom, steam following in his wake. Gray was finally back, grabbing his backpack.
"You finally ready to go?" Gray asked, slinging one of the straps over his shoulder.
"Been waiting on you, Ice Princess," Natsu answered.
"Hey, it's not my fault I'm not used to going to class early. You're the one that all of the sudden wants to get there ten minutes before class starts."
"Shut up, stripper."
Gray smirked. "And I know why, too. It's because you wanna see Lucy, isn't it?"
Natsu turned red in the face, glaring at his frenemy. "Is not!"
"Whatever you say, Flame Brain. You've got it bad for her!"
"I do not!"
"Do too! It's so obvious, everyone sees it! Natsu Dragneel finally has a crush on a girl!"
The pink-haired boy growled, leaping towards Gray and tackling him. A brawl erupted between the two, both of them throwing merciless punches and kicks all the while shouting out lame insults. By the time they were finished, Natsu had a black eye and Gray's lip was busted.
Begrudgingly, the two started to walk to school together. Their walks usually consisted of fights and petty comments, but this time they walked in silence. Natsu's head was too wrapped around a certain blonde to be fighting with Gray.
Reaching the classroom, they made their way to their seats. Lucy wasn't there yet, which wasn't a surprise.
As much as Natsu absolutely hated to admit, Gray was right for once in his life. The only reason they started coming to class earlier wasn't just because their professor was a terrifying demon, it was really because he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Lucy.
Speaking of whom, just walked in the door.
"Lucy!" Natsu greeted, waving her down and flashing her a bright grin.
The blonde's lips twitched upwards into a smile, but she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him, marching to her seat next to him.
"Hey, Gray," she greeted, nodding at the dark-haired boy, who greeted her back. Then she glared at Natsu. "I'm still mad at you."
The boy glared right back at her. "Yeah, about that, I didn't do anything wrong as far as I can remember! What are you mad about?"
"You never texted me last night like you promised!"
"Oho, already exchanged numbers, huh?" Gray teased, smirking at them.
"Shut up, Gray," Lucy replied with a roll of her eyes. She smacked Natsu's arm. "I told you to text me when you got home so that I knew you got there safely! You never texted me and I stayed up, waiting for you! I got worried so I called Levy-chan and thankfully she told me that she saw you go back to Fairy Tail! Which by the way, you guys are always there! When do you guys go home?"
Natsu blinked once, then twice. "Oh shit, I totally forgot about that."
"See! That's why I'm mad at you!"
The boy only laughed, slinging an arm around the pouting girl's shoulder. It was really cute when she pouted. She would puff her cheeks out and glare at him. It was funny, too.
"My bad, my bad!" he replied, poking her cheek with his other hand. "I forgot!"
"Well next time, don't forget! I was worried you got jumped or something!" Lucy replied, frowning at him.
"Me? Get jumped? Lucy, nobody in their right mind would try jumping me. You see these abs?"
Lucy's eyes moved on their own, glancing towards Natsu's perfectly chiseled abs. Her tongue darted out, licking her lips before she shook her head, her face set ablaze.
"Just because you have abs doesn't mean you can beat up anyone!" she said, slapping his arm again.
"It's not just the abs, Luce! I fight people all the time! It's fine!"
"That is not fine. Normal people don't fight people all the time!"
"What do you know about normal? You're the weirdest one here!"
Lucy scoffed, glancing towards Gray. "Tell me I'm not wrong."
The boy only shrugged. "I don't know. You are pretty weird, Lucy."
The two boys snickered at the blonde's expense, to which she started pouting again. Still, she couldn't hold back the smile that ghosted her lips. It was really starting to feel like she had been friends with them her whole life.
It felt normal.
As Aquarius entered the classroom, everyone knew to shut their mouths. Lecture was starting.
Lucy pulled out her journal. Turning her head, she found Natsu grinning at her smugly, knowing that she would want to write and silently teasing her. Opening her journal, she tried to shield it away from his prying eyes with her arm.
Natsu gave an amused smirk. So she wanted to try to hide it, huh? As if that would work on him. Right as Aquarius turned to write on the board, he snatched her journal away at the speed of light, stifling laughter as she quietly gasped and turned to give him a death stare.
Lucy huffed in annoyance and reached for her journal, but Natsu held it out of her reach. She scooched her chair closer to him, but she still couldn't get it back. Curse his long, muscular, toned, tanned arms. Warmth flooded her cheeks, realizing that she was just ogling Natsu's arms. Remembering the task at hand, she scooted even closer to the boy, their chairs right against each other.
Natsu was trying not to explode in laughter, but it was hard seeing Lucy's annoyed face and her futile efforts of getting her journal back.
"Give it back, Natsu!" Lucy whispered, reaching as far as she could.
"Nah," he replied. He kept his eyes on Aquarius, hoping that she wouldn't turn back around.
Lucy tilted her chair, balancing on its two right legs. With her elongated reach, she was just centimeters away from her journal. She could feel victory just within her reach. With one last push towards Natsu, she finally snatched her journal back.
And her chair fell to the side in the process, Lucy draped over Natsu's lap.
Natsu's face immediately matched his hair and he willed himself not to harden beneath her, but feeling her breasts squished against his thighs, he was going to need a miracle. Making it worse, Lucy's chair fell over with a loud thud. Everyone turned towards them, Aquarius included.
A vein ticked in the professor's forehead and she threw a marker at Natsu's head.
"Out. Both of you," she gritted out.
Lucy was red as a tomato as she lifted herself from Natsu's lap. Avoiding meeting anyone's gaze, she shoved her things in her bag and scurried out of the classroom in sheer mortification. Natsu followed her, but he tried to appear nonchalant about it, as if he wasn't just trying to conceal a boner.
Gray covered his face with a hand, his body shaking as he held in his laughter.
Once the door closed behind Natsu, Lucy glared at him.
"This is all your fault!" she shouted.
"My fault? What the hell are you talkin' about? You're the one bein' all crazy leaning in your chair and tackling me!" Natsu argued.
"I didn't tackle you, I fell! And I only fell because you stole my journal!"
"Well then maybe you shouldn't try to hide it next time, Luce!"
"Or you could just not try to read my story! Ugh, I can't believe I got kicked out of class!"
Natsu grinned at the girl. "Who cares? Now we can have some real fun! C'mon, Luce!" Grabbing her hand before she could refuse, he dragged her away from the classroom. He had a place in mind that he'd been wanting to go to lately with the rest of his friends, but now he just wanted to spend some alone time with Lucy.
They ran throughout town, Lucy's legs threatening to give out on her. She was about to ask Natsu for a break when he suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around, and caught her by the arms as she ran into his chest. He had a unique smell, like that of pine trees and a campfire. She didn't know any other boy with that scent, but she found it comforting. It reminded her of her first lifetime, when she used to go camping with her parents.
"We're here!" Natsu exclaimed giddily.
Lucy, forgetting how close she was to the boy, checked her surroundings. There was a large building in front of them, one that she had never seen before- she never really went out, after all. Reading the sign above the building, she arched a brow.
"You want to play laser tag?" she asked.
"Yeah! It'll be fun! Come on!" he replied, grabbing her hand.
Lucy was too stunned to speak, only staring at their joined hands. His hand was warm and calloused. Her writer's brain persisted that their hands fit perfectly together, as if made for each other.
Natsu dealt with paying the cashier, who then led them to a room full of gear. The cashier, a boy that looked around their age with brown hair, stared Lucy up and down.
"Here, I can help you put on the vest," he offered.
A low growl resonated in Natsu's throat as he walked up to them. "No thanks. I'll help her."
The cashier backed away after being given a death stare. Lucy, oblivious to the tension around her as her mind was still warped around holding hands with Natsu, was still as he stood behind her, holding her vest. She could feel his insane body heat. A tingling sensation erupted between her thighs and warmth pooled in the pit of her stomach as he helped her put on her vest.
"What is wrong with me?" she wondered, a blush working its way over her face.
Natsu wasn't fairing any better. Even though the task wasn't intimate, he couldn't help but feel jolts of electricity shoot through his body from the slightest of touches. Once he got the vest on her, his heart was beating a mile a minute as he lifted her hair out from underneath it.
Trying to seem unaffected, Natsu turned to the cashier after helping Lucy. "So? Can we go in now?"
The cashier went over the rules really quickly before letting them enter the room. They took different entrances so that they didn't start off next to each other.
Lucy was excited and also scared as she walked into the dark room. There were neon lights helping guide the way so that she wouldn't trip, which she was grateful for. Scurrying through the room, which had barricades and carnival mirrors, the girl tried to find Natsu and land a hit on him.
All of the sudden, her vest lit up and her gun made a noise. Reading the tiny screen on her gun, she saw that Natsu had shot her.
Glancing around, she tried to pinpoint Natsu's location, but the boy was stealthy, fast, and in it to win it. Lucy ran away from that spot, hoping to lose the boy in the maze of barriers. Tiptoeing through the dark room, she kept her eyes peeled.
A flash of pink went by, and Lucy's vest was lit up again as she was shot.
"That's it!" she cried, chasing after Natsu. She ran, hoping that she wouldn't run into anything or trip. She saw Natsu turn a corner and she continued to follow him. Once she turned the corner, a scream left her mouth as the boy was waiting for her, a wide grin stretched over his face as he shot her.
"You're pretty bad at this, Lucy!" he said.
"Shut up! It's my first time!" she replied, slapping his arm. She could feel his muscles from the touch, and a fire was lit in her stomach again.
Natsu laughed before running off again. Lucy tried to keep up, but the boy was too fast for her. If she couldn't beat him physically, she would have to do so with her smarts.
Lucy knelt down on the floor, holding her knee with one hand and her gun in the other.
"Ow, my leg!" she cried out.
In seconds, she heard Natsu's feet stomping towards her as he ran up to her and crouched. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Lucy shook her head, keeping her face down so that he couldn't see the smirk resting on it. "No. My leg really hurts!"
Natsu reached out towards the girl to help her up when suddenly, she pressed the barrel of her gun against his chest and smiled at him.
"Just kidding," she said, shooting him square in the chest.
Natsu was stunned, watching as Lucy laughed and rose to her feet. Then, she ran away.
The corners of his lips curled upwards into a wide grin. "Oh you're so dead, Lucy!"
Once the timer ended, the two were laughing as they exited the room. Natsu had won by quite a bit, but Lucy did manage to get in a few points of her own, even without tricking him.
"That was fun!" she exclaimed after being led back to the room that held the gear. There were more people there now, all of them being kids. "Can we play again?"
"Yeah! But it won't be just us this time since other people are here now, if that's cool with you," Natsu replied.
"I'm fine with that! Come on! I have to beat you this time now that I've got the hang of it!"
"In your dreams!"
This time, they played in teams, Natsu the leader of one team and Lucy with the other. She was a little embarrassed being an adult playing with a bunch of kids, but she was having too much fun to care. Everything with Natsu was a fun adventure she never wanted to end.
Natsu gathered the kids on his team in a pep circle.
"Alright, Team Dragneel," he said, crouching to be on the same level as the kids. "It's time we go to war and defeat our enemy!" The kids cheered and laughed.
Lucy couldn't help but smile, watching Natsu entertain the kids. She never would've expected him to be good with kids, but he seemed to fit right in. She had to show that she was just as good as him.
"Alright, Team Heartfilia!" she said, smiling at her group. "All that matters is we have fun! But at the same time, let's try to beat that guy over there, okay?" Her team cheered.
Finally, they were released into the room, taking separate entrances again.
Lucy, not wanting to shoot any of the kids on Natsu's team, searched only for the leader himself. When she found him, she lifted her gun and grinned, happy to be behind him and unseen. Creeping towards him, she was surprised when one of the little boys on her team approached him.
"Put your hands up!" the boy shouted, pointing his gun at Natsu.
Natsu feigned shock and did as he was told, getting down on his knees. "Don't shoot, don't shoot!"
"You're coming with me!" the kid replied. "I've taken the leader of Team Dragneel!"
With that, all of the kids started screaming and running around trying to either save their leader, or in the case of Lucy's team, trying to keep Natsu away from his team.
Lucy giggled to herself, watching Natsu be led around by a kid not even half of his size. She could make out a smile on his face. He was letting the kid win.
"He really is good with kids," she thought. It was a very cute trait to have, and she could tell that her crush on him was only growing. "This is going to be the death of me."
Once the timer ran out, everyone left the room with happy smiles plastered to their faces. In the end, Lucy's team won, which she continued to rub in Natsu's face.
"You guys fought well," Natsu said to his team. "Next time, we'll win!"
"Aye!" they shouted.
Natsu and Lucy waved goodbye to the children before heading outside of the building. The sun was beginning to set, the sky painted brilliant shades of orange and pink.
"That was really fun," Lucy said, beaming at the boy. "I totally forgot we got kicked out of class for a while!"
"Told you it'd be fun!" Natsu replied. "Maybe we should get kicked out more often!"
"No thank you! Just the one time was plenty enough for me! Starting on Monday, I'm going to try to get on Aquarius' good side."
"I don't think anyone is on that crazy lady's good side. I don't even think she has a good side to begin with."
"Well then I'll be the first!"
Without even voicing where they were going, the two wound up in front of Lucy's apartment. Heading inside, they plopped on the couch, tired from their day of running around.
"What's for dinner, Chef Lucy?" Natsu asked.
Lucy rolled her eyes. "I'm making myself spaghetti, and you're going back to Fairy Tail or your own place to make yourself some dinner." A thought then occurred to her. "Speaking of your own place, I say we go there next time! It's not fair that we're always at my apartment! I want to see yours too!"
Natsu's stomach churned. There was no way he could bring her back to his place considering he lived in the basement of Fairy Tail with the rest of the immortals. He wished Erza and the others were there to help him out of this mess of a situation.
With an awkward chuckle, Natsu said, "Trust me, you don't wanna see my place! It's a mess!"
"Then I'll help you clean it!" Lucy replied, placing her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes at him. "I refuse to be the only one offering their place for hangout sessions! I demand to see your apartment, Natsu Dragneel!"
"You really don't wanna-"
"Yes I do! Tomorrow!"
"But Lucy-!"
"No buts! I am going to your place whether you want me to or not considering you invite yourself over to my place!"
Natsu bit back a frown. He didn't want her thinking that he didn't want her over. He would've loved to bring her to the basement of Fairy Tail and show her his room and introduce her to the rest of the immortals that couldn't leave. But he couldn't.
Still, seeing the stubborn look on her face, Natsu was beginning to think he wasn't going to have a choice.
"O-Okay," he said without thinking. Erza was going to strangle him later.
Immediately, Lucy's face lit up with joy, making him temporarily forget his violent fate.
"Yay! I can't wait to see what your apartment looks like!" she gushed, clasping her hands together. "And it better not be too messy! You really should be taking care of it!"
"Yeah, yeah," Natsu said, rolling his eyes at her nags. He smirked at her. "You already offered you'd help clean, no backing out now."
Lucy would've felt trepidation had she not been excited to finally go to a friend's place. It had been too long since she had done so, and she couldn't help but feel eager.
"I guess I'll make you some spaghetti too," she said.
"I want extra meatballs!"
"Fine, fine. Why don't you look for a movie we can watch while we eat?"
As Lucy started to boil some water, she glanced towards Natsu. He was leaning back on her sofa with his feet on the coffee table and scrolling through Netflix. Even from where she stood, she could see his abs. Heat rushed to her face.
"Natsu and I went to play laser tag, and now we're at my place for dinner and a movie. Is this a date?"
Lucy felt tingly at the thought of being on her first date in lifetimes. Could she consider it a date? Neither of them specified that it was, they were just going with the flow of things after having been kicked out of class. Even if she considered a date, did Natsu?
Seeing him with a carefree, nonchalant grin, she figured he didn't. Which, if she was being honest with herself, put a bit of a damper on her mood. Being friends with Natsu was great, and she didn't want to rush into anything- they hadn't even been friends for a week, after all. But the thought of being on a date with her crush made her happy, and there wasn't anyone else she'd rather go on a date with.
Forcing a smile to her face, Lucy began making the spaghetti. Even if Natsu didn't consider it a date, the girl could indulge herself by telling herself she was on a date with her crush.
"Do you like horror movies?" Natsu asked, bringing her out of her thoughts. He saw that her cheeks were pink, wondering if it was because of the boiling water warming her face up.
"Uhh, I guess so," Lucy answered. "But I do tend to watch them with my fingers covering my eyes."
"Really? Wimp."
Natsu cackled. "Is there a specific genre you like?"
Lucy flushed and fiddled with her fingers. "Not necessarily…" But Natsu saw straight through her.
"Oh, please! It's obvious there is one! Tell me!"
"You probably wouldn't like it!"
"Who cares? C'mon, tell me, Lucy!"
"I like romcoms!"
"Knew it," Natsu said with a smirk, turning his gaze back towards the TV.
"They're amazing, thank you very much!"
"I never said they weren't!"
"And they are cute!"
"Sure, sure!"
Natsu chuckled to himself, scrolling through the romantic comedy section of Netflix. They all looked really corny, and they definitely weren't his go-to kind of movie, but he would watch anything Lucy wanted.
Finding a movie that was practically the poster of all romcoms- blonde girl dressed in all pink as she held her chihuahua on a leash while her friends and romantic interest stood behind her- Natsu shrugged. At least there would be a dog in this movie.
Lucy brought over two plates of spaghetti, handing one to Natsu, who thanked her with a grin.
"What movie did you choose?" she asked.
Natsu shrugged. "It's called Legally Blonde."
Lucy squealed. "I love this movie so much! Good choice, Natsu! Who knew you had such an eye for awesome movies!"
The two sat next to each other, their thighs touching as the movie started to play. They ate their spaghetti and watched as the heroine got dumped by her boyfriend, studied her ass off with her supportive friends, and made it into one of the most prestigious schools of the country. They laughed together when she landed the outcast a date, were angry together when her boss tried to cop a feel, and cried together as she fought with her friend and left school.
Luckily, the ending worked out for the female lead, and she graduated as valedictorian. Natsu cheered for her, hugging Lucy, who giggled at his antics. For someone who wasn't into romcoms, he sure was loving this one.
"That movie was awesome!" Natsu said, pumping a fist in the air.
"I told you it's good!" Lucy replied. With a victorious grin, she continued, "I figured you thought these kinds of movies were corny."
"Romcoms are corny, Lucy. But this isn't just some romcom! This is so much more! It's about a girl sticking it to all of the people that doubted her! There was barely even any romance."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "You must be dense if you didn't notice all the romance."
"I don't see why everyone says that about me," Natsu replied, crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back. "I'm not that dense. I know which girls I find pretty. And I always know who is into who. And for your information, I've had a girlfriend before!"
Lucy's gut churned with what she knew was jealousy. "You have?"
"Yep!" Natsu chuckled lightly. "But it didn't last long or go very far."
"What happened?"
"Ehh, I don't know. She asked me out and I said no at first because I didn't like her like that, and she actually told me that she was okay with working our way up until I got feelings for her, but I wasn't into that. I felt like if I was actually gonna date somebody, I'd want to actually like them. But then Gray and Gajeel kept buggin' me about never having a girlfriend before. So then I just went for it."
"Did you ever develop feelings for her?" Lucy asked, hoping that he would say no.
To her delight, he shook his head. "Nah. That's why I ended it. We never really did anything, and it didn't last long."
Lucy felt a smile creeping up on her face. She was glad that she and Natsu were in the same boat. It made her feel less embarrassed about not having any experience.
Natsu glanced at her, staring at her with such an intensity, it felt like he was staring into her soul.
"What about you?" he asked. "Any boyfriends?"
Lucy blushed. "O-Of course! I've had plenty of boyfriends!"
He narrowed his eyes at her, analyzing her. Then, a lazy grin stretched over his face. "You're lying. You're a bad liar, Lucy."
"Oh shut up," the blonde replied, shoving him. "Fine, I've only had one. And just like you, we didn't go very far and we didn't last long."
"What happened?"
"Well, we started out as really close friends. He would always flirt with me, but that was just his personality. He was like that with all the girls. He would ask me out every day, and I would always say no. But then one day, I decided I would give it a shot. I said yes to him." Lucy laughed, recalling the whole situation. "The look on his face was priceless. He wasn't expecting me to say yes, I was starting to think he'd back out. But he didn't."
"How did you guys break up?" Natsu asked. Truthfully, hearing about it made him a bit irritated, but he couldn't hold Lucy's past against her.
"We both just knew that we were better off as friends. So it was pretty mutual." Lucy often wondered what happened to her first boyfriend. They remained friends after their breakup, as if their minor relationship never happened. But one day, he just disappeared off the face of the planet.
"How far didja guys get?"
"We kissed once," Lucy answered, a blush staining her cheeks. "Just a little peck though, nothing too serious. I do wish it happened differently."
"What do you mean?"
"It's not that I regret who it happened with, not at all. He was my friend, I'd prefer that over a stranger. But I always hoped that my first kiss would be romantic and special, not from Spin the Bottle at a dumb party surrounded by our friends."
Natsu's jaw clenched. He couldn't deny that he was feeling a bit jealous.
"Ehh, kissing is lame anyways," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer to him.
"How would you know? You haven't kissed anyone!"
"I just do. Why do all that stuff when you can spend the day shooting each other at laser tag or eating spaghetti while watching movies?"
Lucy blushed from head to toe, her heart thumping wildly. Was Natsu implying that this was more than just a friendly day of fun? Was there something more to it?
Did he consider it a date?
All of these questions filled her mind, but no matter how badly she wanted answers to them, she couldn't find her voice. Just what did Natsu mean by that?
Peeking through her lashes at the boy, she was met with a carefree grin, one that was always glued to his face.
"He probably doesn't know what he was implying," Lucy thought with a sigh. Shaking her head, she forced herself to cheer up. Here she was, spending time with her new friend, and she was getting bummed out over something so little!
"You're right," she said with a smile. "That is more fun."
This time, Natsu was the one blushing, but luckily he had a scarf he could use to hide it.
Lucy glanced at her watch, surprised to find that it was nearing midnight. Not wanting her neighbors to get the wrong idea of her- not that their opinion really should've mattered- she rose from the couch with a stretch, oblivious to the way Natsu's eyes trailed her body.
"I should probably start getting ready for bed," she said, placing her hands on her hips.
Natsu swallowed thickly, unable to tear his eyes away from her curvy hips. Before his body could betray him, he shot up from the couch as well. "Sounds good! Later, Lucy!" With that, he was practically running out the door, closing it behind him.
Lucy was surprised with his sudden absence, but shrugged it off.
"What a weird boy."
Natsu strolled through the streets of Magnolia, his hands shoved in his pockets. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. Fishing it out of his pocket, he saw that it was a text from Lucy.
"Goodnight, Natsu. Text me when you get home this time!"
A smile etched itself on his face as he typed back, "I will this time, I promise."
He made his way back to Fairy Tail, smile staying glued to his face the entire time, even when he entered the room and heard Gray throwing insults at him. He plopped onto his bed and shot Lucy a quick text.
"I'm home. Told ya nobody would try to jump me."
She responded quickly. "I'm glad you're home safe. Goodnight, Natsu."
"Night, Lucy."
And this time, Natsu didn't go to bed feeling so alone.
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little-chimchim · 6 years
Friday Night- Part 1
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Copy of ask: can i request a high school fuckboy hongseok smut??
Rating: R
Word Count: 1804
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Hongseok x Reader
A/N: I am so sorry that this took so long to put out. Now that the holidays are over, my requests are being quickly finished. Thank you to the anon who waited for this. Also, let me know if you guys want a longer story of this. I love you all - Kay
Part 2
Exams were coming up closer than you wanted them to and you felt so stressed that you could hardly breathe. You were swamped with mounds of homework and you didn’t know where to start.
It was your senior year of high school and deadlines were coming up for college admissions were coming up quickly. You didn’t know what you were going to do and truthfully, you just wanted a distraction from it all. Even though a distraction was the last thing you needed.
You were staring blankly down at your math assignments when you got the first round of text messages. Your screen lit up, pulling your attention away from your studies. You looked at the screen and saw the messages from your best friend come flying through. You sighed to yourself and read the messages. It was only your name repeated over and over and you realized that he wasn’t going to stop until you responded.
“Yanan, what do you want?” You finally texted him back, slightly annoyed that he was bugging you while you were trying to get work done.
“Y/N, it’s Friday night. Changgu is throwing a party at his house and we should go.” Is all he responded with. You read the messages again and shook your head. Your best friend of six years was never one to party, even at his own parties. Why was he wanting to go out all of a sudden, especially when exams were this close.
“Shouldn’t you be studying?” You texted back.
Almost instantly he responded. “Yes, but we have a few weeks. Come on, loosen up a bit. Life isn’t all about books.”
So that is exactly how you ended up in the middle of Changgu’s party, sipping slowly on a drink you had poured in the kitchen. Yanan stood by your side, bobbing up and down to the beat of the music. He turned back and set his drink down, taking your drink from your hands and doing the same.
“Let’s dance!” Yanan yelled over the blaring bass of the current song. Yanan smiled and took your hands, leading you to the middle of the mosh pit. He moved your arms around awkwardly, attempting to get you to have fun.
You eventually gave in to his attempts and started to move your body to the rhythm. You felt the stress leave your body the second you started, the alcohol in your system was finally kicking in. You looked around your surroundings; there were plenty of couples grinding on each other, getting as close as they could get without actually being naked.
There were a group of girls sitting on the couch, talking to themselves as they sipped on their drinks, possibly scouting out guys to dance with. There was also a few boys standing by the window, pointing at different girls and gawking at their appearances. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from them. They were easily three of the most attractive men you had met.
One of them was tall and lean, looking more like a model instead of a high school senior. You knew him as Shinwon, the cocky boy from your physics class. Next to him was Yuto, the school’s star baseball player who was unexpectedly quiet, considering who he associated himself with. Though, he did have his way with girls, like a magic touch that drew them towards him.
Yang Hongseok stood at the center of the trio, looking around the party, possibly scoping out his next prey. For a brief moment you thought his eyes were on you but you turned away before you could make eye contact with him.
You shrugged it off and turned back to Yanan. You closed your eyes and started to dance with your best friend again. You felt an arm snake around your waist. For a split second you thought it was Yanan, trying to get closer than he already was.
Then you remember who your best friend was. He would never have enough courage to do something so sudden like that, especially since he had barely ever touched a girl before. You snapped your eyes open and looked behind you, seeing Hongseok move his body against yours to the beat of the music.
Your body tensed up, not having expected him to be there. He noticed your unease and leaned in close to your ear. “Come on, baby don’t be scared. I just want to dance.” He whispered. He turned you around so you would face him. He ground his hips into yours roughly. He hooked hinds hands around your waist, making you sway with him.
You looked back at Yanan, who stood in the middle of the crowd, not moving to the beat of the music any longer. He moved over to where you stood with Hongseok and grabbed your hand. He stared at Hongseok angrily and pushed him away from you.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked Hongseok, obviously annoyed. Hongseok rolled his eyes and looked back to you. “It’s called dancing, pretty boy. Why don’t you let her decide if she wants to dance before yanking her away.” Hongseok sighed.
Yanan looked down to you, dumbfounded. You looked between the two boys. You knew that Hongseok had his way with women, that he was no stranger to hook ups. Though, you didn’t think you minded that too much. It had been far too long since you had done anything with a guy and with the alcohol buzzing through your system, you wanted to do something.
Yanan, seeing the answer in your eyes, shook his head and let go of your hand. “Have fun,” He grumbled as he walked away, clearly ticked off.
With Yanan gone, Hongseok trailed his hands along your body, beginning his dance again. You turned to him and reciprocated his actions, trailing your own hands across his back and chest. Eventually, your lips found their way to one another. He pressed himself into you, making the kiss deeper and stronger.
Before anything became too hot and heavy, Hongseok pulled away and waited upstairs. “I’m sure there are some empty rooms.” He whispered to you. You nodded your head, agreeing with him. He smiled and took your hand, leading you to the upstairs quickly.
He pushed you against a wall, hungrily moving his lips against yours and sliding his hands under your shirt. He stopped his kisses and looked down at your shirt. He grinned cockily and grabbed the bottom of your thin shirt. You pulled it above your head and whisked the shirt away. Now that your shirt was gone, he made work with your bra in no time. He meticulously unclasped the bra you were wearing, all while kissing along the curve of your breasts.
When your bra was gone, he grabbed one of your breasts and squeezed it roughly, his mouth moving over your budding nipple. You attempted to make your moans mute, but the way he played with your breasts and pushed himself into you, made it too hard to handle.
You let a quiet moan slip, but Hongseok heard it loud and clear. He smirked and removed his hands and lips from your breasts. His lips attached to your neck, sucking the skin until little red bruises formed on your neck.
His hands moved down to rub your clothed heat. You opened your eyes and brought your hands up to his chest. You eyed him carefully before pushing him towards the bed. When the back of his knees hit the bed, he fell backwards, bringing you with him.
You yelped out when you fell forward onto Hongseok’s chest. He laughed and held your hips carefully, making sure you were steady on top of him. “I never knew the good girl at the back of the class would be so eager to get in bed with someone.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, bringing it over his head and throwing it somewhere else. “I never knew the fuckboy with the straight A’s would be this eager to get in bed with someone he barely knows.” He replied back. You took a step back to admire his chest and abs. He was built, much more than you had expected. It was a beautiful sight, one that you wanted to soak in for hours, but you didn’t have that much patience or time.
You leaned back down and kissed his lips again. Hongseok smiled against the kiss and turned you over, making sure your back was firmly pressed down into the bed. He took his ever adventurous hands and pulled your leggings down your legs. He set them at the side of the bed and did the same with his own, but he brought his boxers down with it.
He reached down and pushed the fabric of your panties out of the way, just enough so that he could enter you with ease. He looked down at you, smirking as he lined himself up at your entrance.
“Hold on, babe.” He groaned, pushing himself roughly into you. You moaned out, the stretch was a bit too much to handle and you needed a few moments to adjust to his size. You rolled your hips up a few times to get used to the feeling. Once you were ready, you held onto him tightly and nodded your head.
Seeing that you were ready, he began moving his hips into your core. You held onto his body even tighter as his pace started to speed up. You eventually began moving your hips in time with his, causing him to be at the perfect angle to hit the places you needed him to.
You arched your back, letting go of your grip on his back. You felt around for something to hold on to, but when you couldn’t feel anything, you held the fabric of his sheets instead. He sloppily kissed you, but you didn’t mind because the movement of the thrusts made it hard to kiss him. He held on to your hips as he snapped his hips roughly into yours.
You knew you were close to coming, and judging by his pleasurable moans, he was too. You held onto him as you both finally released, overcome by the pleasure. He collapsed on top of you, still riding out his high. He looked at you and moved a stray piece of hair from your eyes. You both were panting, still trying to catch your labored breaths.
He pulled out of you and rolled over onto his side. He smiled and looked up at the ceiling. “Damn, I’m actually pretty glad Shinwon bet me to get you into bed. You didn’t disappoint, Y/N.”
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lysyuta · 7 years
Tutor (Park Jimin)
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Requested: No Words: 2352 Warnings: fuckboy!Jimin, smut (not exactly) Description: Park Jimin, the guy in school that everyone wants, is your tutor. While tutoring you, things get a little heated. ~
Never in a million years would you think that you needed a tutor.
Your grades were perfect! Why would you ever need a tutor?
You were gliding through your classes just fine until you failed a math test. Then your math teacher told you that you were going to get a tutor.
The problem was, the teacher didn’t just give you any random tutor. He gave you Jimin—the playboy. Not only was he a playboy, but he was also the boy you somehow managed to like.
“Y/N, I picked Jimin to tutor you. He’s very smart in this subject.” Your teacher told you as Jimin stood beside him.
You looked at Jimin before looking back at the teacher. “Isn’t there someone else who can tutor me?”
Jimin rolled his eyes at your question.
“I’m sure that Jimin is the only one who can actually help you learn the material. Jimin is a star student in this class. Why wouldn’t you want him to tutor you?” The teacher asks.
“Because she hates me.” Jimin says to the teacher, assuming.
The teacher sighed before speaking. “Jimin is going to tutor you. The decision is final.”
As the teacher walked away, you rolled your eyes. Jimin stood in front of you.
“Meet me at my dorm at 7, okay? Bring your books and your sexy body.” Jimin says, winking at you.
Without saying anything to him, you scoffed and walked off.
Jimin could have any girl on campus he wanted. Everyone liked him. How could you not like him?
But of course, you could never admit that to him. Hell, you could barely admit it to yourself.
How did you possibly manage to fall for the boy who has undoubtedly slept with almost every girl on campus?
Yes, Jimin was a playboy, but he was also a scholar. Somehow, between sleeping with girls, he studies and gets a perfect score on all of his tests.
You weren’t that shocked that the teacher had picked him to tutor you, but did you really want him to tutor you?
You decided to go anyways. You thought that your grades were too important. As much as you denied it, you needed Jimin to tutor you.
You took a deep breath before knocking on the door if Jimin’s dorm.
After a couple of seconds, the door opened, but it wasn’t Jimin who opened it.
“Y/N! Hey, what are you doing here?” The boy that stood in front of you asked, smiling. It was Jimin’s roommate, Taehyung.
You and Taehyung were good friends. He was nothing like Jimin.
“Jimin is supposed to tutor me. He told me to meet him here at 7. Is he home?” You ask.
“Yeah, he’s home.” Taehyung nodded. “He’s taking a shower, but you can come in and wait for him.”
Taehyung lead you inside of the dorm, closing the door once you entered.
You sat down on the couch, taking your bag off and putting it on the floor, next to your feet.
Taehyung sat beside you, tying the laces on his sneakers.
“Going somewhere?” You ask, curiously.
“I have to go meet up with Jin so we can work on a song for music class.” He explains.
Jin was another one of your friends. He was a year above you, but you two were in a couple of classes together.
Soon, Taehyung left the dorm and you were left alone, sitting on the couch and waiting for Jimin.
It had been about 10 minutes and Jimin still wasn’t out of the shower. Why was he in there for so long?
You went on your phone, responding to some text messages when you heard someone call your name.
You looked up and was faced with Jimin, who was standing in the door frame with a towel wrapped around his waist. His black hair was wet and sticking to his forehead.
You cursed yourself for looking at his abs, which were basically on display.
“See something you like?” Jimin smirked. You rolled your eyes, looking at his face. “Can you just get dressed so you can tutor me and then I can leave already?”
Jimin walked closer to where you were sitting. “Wouldn’t you rather me tutor you naked?” He asks.
“Jimin.” You groaned.
“Oh, c'mon babe. Don’t act like you wouldn’t want to see me naked.” He says.
“If you’re going to be like this the whole time then I’m leaving.” You say, standing up and grabbing your bag.
Suddenly, you felt Jimin’s hand grab your wrist. “Wait,”  He says. “I’ll go get dressed. Just stay here.”
He let go of your wrist and you sit back down on the couch.
Jimin went into what you think is his room and then came out about 5 minutes later. Thankfully, he was clothed this time.
He sat beside you on the couch as you took out your math books.
“I would’ve never thought that you could fail a math test.” Jimin laughed.
You didn’t say anything, you just looked at the math book a flipped through the pages to look for something you needed help with.
“I thought you were the perfect student. What happened?” He asks.
Still, you didn’t answer him.
“I mean, c'mon. You’re y/n y/l/n, a straight A student. Who would’ve ever thought that you would need a tutor?” He laughs.
“Can you not tease me about this? It’s worse enough that I have to get tutored by you.” You finally respond to him.
“What’s wrong with getting tutored by me? My grades are perfect, just like how yours used to be.” He says.
You rolled your eyes once again. This was the boy you had a crush on. How did you manage to fall for him? He was a complete asshole.
“Can you shut up about grades and just help me with this?” You ask, putting your textbook on his lap after finding a page.
Jimin look down at the book and laughed before looking back at you. “You need help with this? This is like basic math, y/n.”
“Yes, I need help with it. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” You sass.
Jimin saw the look on your face and realized how annoyed you were with him.
He decided to just stop teasing and start tutoring. That was, until about an hour into the tutoring session.
“You look good in those jeans.” Jimin says, winking at you.
“Thanks. Help me with this problem.” You tell him, almost completely ignoring his compliment and pointing to a problem in the textbook.
“I’m serious. You look so sexy in them. I wish I could be the one to take them off.” He keeps going, not happy with the response you gave him.
“I’d totally let you take them off.” You tell him, teasing.
“Really?” Jimin asks, eyes widening. He did not expect you to say that.
“No.” You say. “Now can you stop being a fuckboy and tutor me.” You pushed your textbook into his hands and wrote and equation from the textbook on a piece of paper.
You heard the sound of the textbook closing and looked to see Jimin holding your now closed textbook.
“Jimin! We have to keep studying. The teacher is only going to let me retake this test once.” You complained.
Jimin didn’t say anything, he only looked at you.
You sighed and took your book away from him, looking for the page that you were previously on.
Suddenly, Jimin pushed the book out of your hands, letting it fall to the floor.
“Jimin!” You yelled. Again, Jimin didn’t say anything, but this time he leaned closer to you, like he was going to kiss you.
You moved away from him on the couch and pushed him away. “What are you doing?”
“Why do you hate me so much?” Jimin asks, groaning.
“Can we just keep studying? If I fail this test, I’m going to blame you.” You tell him.
Jimin shrugged. “I don’t care. Blame me, whatever. Just tell me what I’ve ever done to make you hate me this much.”
“Jimin.” You groaned, picking up your textbook, only to have it knocked down by Jimin, once again.
“Can you stop doing that?” You ask. As you went to pick the book up again, Jimin kicked it so it slid across the floor.  
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath to relax yourself. As you opened your eyes, you were met with Jimin’s face in front of yours, his lips pressing against yours.
You widened your eyes and pushed him away, thinking of all the other girls he’s kissed.
As you pushed him away, you groaned. “Just let me kiss you, y/n. Why won’t you let me kiss you?”
“You’re supposed to be tutoring me, not kissing me.” You say.
“Why can’t I do both?” He asks, leaning in to kiss you again.  
You moved back once again. You stood up, going to get your book that Jimin kicked.
“If you’re not going to tutor me, I’m going home.” You tell him, putting your book into your back.
“Y/n.” Jimin whined, standing up.
You ignored him and went to grab your papers that were on the couch. Before you could grab them, Jimin spun you around and placed his lips on yours once again.
His put his hand on the back of your head, making it hard for you to pull away, but you did anyways.
“What’s wrong with you? Any girl would be dying to kiss me right now! What makes you so different?” He asks, clearly annoyed with the fact that you didn’t want to kiss him.
Actually, saying you didn’t want to kiss him was a lie. You had a crush on him, so of course you wanted to kiss him. It’s just that you didn’t want to be one of his girl toys. He had a lot of them. He had so many girls that he could just call up for a quick one and they’d be at his door in an instant. You didn’t want to be one of them.
“I’m not just ‘any girl.’” You tell him. “And if you want to kiss someone so badly, why don’t you just call up one of your toys?”
“You don’t get it do you?” Jimin says. “God, you’re such an idiot.”
“I’m an idiot?” You ask.
“Yes, you are. You’re too much of an idiot to see that I like you. More than any of those ‘toys.’” He admits, but you couldn’t tell if he was lying or not.
“You probably say that to all of the girls.” You say, grabbing your papers and stuffing them into your bag.
“Why don’t you believe me?” He asks. “Because you go around sleeping with any girl that has two legs and a mouth. How am I supposed to believe that you like me when your out sleeping with anyone and everyone?” You ask him.
“Is that jealously I hear?” Jimin questions. You quickly shake your head. “What would I be jealous of?”
“Let me show you how much I like you.” He says, ignoring your question. Jimin took a step closer to you, and you took a step back.
“No thanks.” You say, eyes looking at his lips, which he just licked.
“That’s funny. You say no, but your eyes say yes.” He smirks.
“Eyes can’t talk.” You tell him.
Jimin rolled his eyes and step closer to you once again. This time, you didn’t step back.
“Did you know, you’re the only girl in school who hasn’t shown even the slightest interest in me. Is it because you really don’t like me? Or is it because you’re just amazing at hiding your feelings?” He questions, looking at you like you were his prey.
“Maybe it’s because I’m not as thirsty for you as every other girl in school.” You answered.
Jimin chuckled, placing his hand on your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“Are you sure about that?” He asks before placing his lips on your neck. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the pleasure that was coming from his actions.
You froze in place one you felt something grow hard against your thigh.
How could he get hard when you weren’t doing anything?
“You say you don’t like me, but you’re not stopping me.” Jimin says, pulling away from your neck and looking into your eyes as you opened them.
“Maybe I don’t want you to stop.” You say confidently.
Jimin’s jaw dropped before he smirked.
It all happened so fast, but suddenly your back was pressed against a wall, Jimin’s lips against yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he pressed his lower half against you, causing you to moan into his mouth.
He smiled into the kiss, your tongues dancing with each other as his hands roamed your body.
You had to admit, you were enjoying this. After all of those days in class, daydreaming about what it would feel like to be touched by Jimin, it was finally happening.
His hands tugged at the hem of your shirt, and you two pulled away from each other so he could take the shirt off.
As he was about to pull it off, the front door opened, causing you to push Jimin away from you.
It was Taehyung. You hoped he didn’t see what you and Jimin were doing. That would be embarrassing.
The boy looked at you and Jimin.
“I thought there was supposed to be tutoring going on here.” Taehyung asks, chuckling.
You blushed, embarrassed as you tried not to make eye contact with either boy.
“I’ll be leaving now.” You say, taking the rest of your stuff and packing it into your bag.
“I can finish tutoring you another time. Tomorrow maybe?” Jimin asks you.
“Yeah, sure.” You say, leaving the dorm. You were almost sure that this would never happen again.
As you left the dorm, Jimin turned to his roommate with an annoyed expression.
“Taehyung! You’re such a cockblock!”
Part 2
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universitykpop · 7 years
Lead Me On
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Songfic
Member: Suho
Words: 2,102
A/N: It’s 4 am and i’m tired so i’ll proofread later oops
So don’t call me baby Unless you mean it Don’t tell me you need me If you don’t believe it So let me know the truth Before I dive right into you
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“Baby, come on. You’re so slow.” Joonmyeon laughed as he glanced over his shoulder at you.
Little does he know, that made your heart flutter. You could die hanging on the words he says. Did he mean it as a flirty name or just a name for a friend? He was so hard to read.
“Maybe if you helped me carry something.” You squinted your eyes at him, the cake in your hands feeling like it would fall.
“I was seeing if you’d try to carry all the birthday stuff by yourself.” He grinned and took the cake.
His smile was so cute. You wanted to pinch his little cheeks. Ever since you met him in that math class in high school, you swore to yourself you wouldn’t fall for that stupid smile. But the closer you became, the easier it was for him to unravel all resistance you had built up.
As you walked into Baekhyun’s apartment, you heard several friends ask Joonmyeon about his vacation trip with Sehun, Minseok, and Jongdae. It was a guys only holiday, so you kept up to date with their adventures through social media. They spent a week and a half at a gorgeous resort. You were pretty jealous to say the least.
“How you holding up, champ?” Chanyeol teasingly asked you, resting a hand on your arm.
“I will set you on fire.” You warned, and his touch was gone.
“Sounds like somebody didn’t confess.”
“Hush!” You hissed, making sure no one heard, “If he hears you, I promise I’ll kill you, and it’ll look like an accident.”
“God, you are so violent today. Who lit the fuse on your tampon?”
“You know there’s no way I’d tell him.”
“I’ll do it for you. Where did he go?” Chanyeol looked around the kitchen as you glared even harder at the tall boy.
A hand suddenly pinched Chanyeol’s ear and yanked him back.
“If looks could kill, Y/N would commit capital murder. Quit teasing her, you ass.” Kyungsoo shooed Chanyeol away and turned back to you, “Why does he even know?”
“In high school, he took my diary out of my backpack thinking it was my notes. He has yet to let me live it down.” You sighed, placing the gift bag on a counter.
“But he does have a point.”
Your glare returned quickly, finding a new victim.
“What? You really should confess. What if he feels the same?”
“I can tell he doesn’t. I’ve been friendzoned ever since he called me ‘bud’ and finger gunned me.” You rolled your eyes at the memory.
You remembered that night you had a project to finish and Joonmyeon got a text from a girl saying yes to his date offer. Of course, he didn’t want to leave you to do the rest of the work, but you assured him it was fine. “Thanks, Bud.” Bang. Bang. You would be even saltier if she hadn’t stood him up last minute. You also remembered how upset he was when he came back over and how quickly he brightened up when you suggested watching his favorite movie. That adorable little smile and those actual peachy cheeks… kind of like how he looked right then talking to Jongdae. God, you were in deep.
“Please stop staring. You’re being embarrassing.” Sehun huffed next to you, knocking you out of your daze.
“Shut up. I wasn’t staring.”
“Sorry, ogling. You got a little drool right there on your chin,” He pretended to wipe it away as you swatted at his hand, “But there is something I need to tell you.” His voice lowered.
“What? About Joonmyeon?”
“Yeah… Um, on the plane, Jongdae and I were bothering him, and I happened to glance down at his phone. A picture of you and him was his lockscreen. So we-”
“I’m his lockscreen?” You felt excitement bubbling up in your chest.
“He was in the picture too. Calm down. Anyways, we started teasing him about it and asked if he liked you or something.” Sehun looked down at his hands for a moment, and you knew Joonmyeon’s answer.
That excitement fell to the pit of your stomach, and you wanted to throw up. The room was suddenly warm. The air was thick; you couldn’t breathe correctly.
“Why would you tell me that?” Your voice cracked.
“I don’t want to see you pining after someone who doesn’t like you back. It felt selfish not to tell you. Now it’s starting to feel selfish telling you. You shouldn’t waste your time on something that’s not going to happen. I’m sorry I told you.”
“But- How- I don’t understand. He’s been so sweet to me, calling me ‘baby,’ paying for my food, surprising me with candy.” You grasped at words but couldn’t comprehend the situation. Every hug, every hand held, every lingering glance, none of it was real. Was it only in your head the whole time?
“Y/N, he’s just really friendly. You’re one of his best friends, so he’s going to be like that with you.”
“As much as I want to die right now, thank you for telling me.” You turned your head to peek at the man you had fallen for. Maybe you had looked too deeply into everything. Even Joonmyeon had told you that you do that.
“I need a drink.” You dismissed yourself to grab a bottle of some fruity mix that Baekhyun bought and mope in the living room with the rest of the party. Hopefully, Jongin’s birthday would distract you from the thing that was now hurting you so much that you couldn’t even look at your best friend.
Best friend. How could you have been so stupid to think someone like him would even consider you anything more than a friend. He had the looks, personality, and money; he could easily attract someone like that. The more you thought about it, the quicker you drank. Once the bottle was empty, you felt a little loose. This wouldn’t be so bad, right?
“What’s wrong? Did Sehun tell you about that girl and Joonmyeon?” Jongdae asked, wedging himself between you and the armrest.
“What girl?” Your attention snapped to the boy.
“Oh, shit.” A look of panic flashed across his face. As he tried to escape your wrath, your hand caught the back of his shirt and returned his ass to the couch.
“Now, you have to tell me since you brought it up.”
“Fuck… While we were on vacation, we met some girls at the resort bar. Joonmyeon ended up going back to one of the girls’ rooms…” Jongdae shifted on the cushion, “He was gone for a while and met us back at our room. He wouldn’t tell us what happened, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out though.”
“You guys have such a way with words today. You all are making me feel like an idiot.” You growled, grip tightening on his shirt.
Maybe your friends were right; you should have confessed to him already. Maybe you waited too long. Maybe there was no chance for you now.
“Y/N!” A voice shouted from the dining room.
Your eyes trained on the birthday boy.
“Are you going to play this card game?” He asked, completely oblivious to your sour mood.
You headed to the table despite just wanting to curl up in a corner and disappear. “What game?”
“I forgot what it’s called, but we pass out the cards and each person will slap down a card. For every ace, joker, or jack laid out, that person has to answer a question. For every king or queen, that person has to do a dare.” Jongin smiled and made you feel very little happiness. The boy was usually a ray of sunshine that could shine through any gray cloud, but it just wasn’t working today.
After another drink and several weird dares consisting of Jongin kissing Baekhyun’s cheek and Sehun licking Minseok’s abs, Jongdae threw down an ace causing Baekhyun to crack up. He had a smug grin on his face as he assured everyone that he had a good question.
“Out of all the guys here, who would you sleep with?”
“Can I take my card back?” Jongdae joked, “Probably Minseok. He’s really quiet when he’s asleep and doesn’t toss and turn.”
“That’s not wha-”
“Next person!” Jongdae interrupted Baekhyun and nudged you.
When you flipped your card on top of the deck, your body tensed. A joker.
“I’ve got a question.” Joonmyeon giggled as Sehun tried to compose himself and hit Joonmyeon’s shoulder.
“Who was the last person you had a wet dream about?” Joonmyeon grinned, putting you on the spot.
Your face burned with embarrassment, and Sehun began laughing.
“Was it me or something?” Joonmyeon teased.
The joker was you. You couldn’t not answer him because that would give you away. You couldn’t say you didn’t want to answer because you’d be pegged as the new party pooper; you didn’t want to strip Kyungsoo of that title. You held your breath in anticipation for the dumb answer that was about to blurt out of your mouth.
“Don’t flatter yourself. It was about Sehun.”
As the words flew across the room, Sehun, who had just leaned his head back for a drink of his beer, choked loudly, the liquid dribbling down his chin. You stood up from the chair and headed for the kitchen.
Chanyeol was sat on the counter texting and talking to Kyungsoo and Yixing when you hurriedly grabbed his arm and asked him in his ear to take you home. He gave you a once-over before nodding and jumping down to get your jackets.
At the front door, you could hear Joonmyeon talking to Kyungsoo.
“What’s wrong with Y/N?”
“Dunno. She just asked Chanyeol to take her home. They’re getting their jackets right now.”
Not wanting to hear any more, you pushed the door open and headed out without Chanyeol. Once in the elevator, you repeatedly pressed the close doors button, but a hand shot between the doors at the last second. Joonmyeon stepped inside with a concerned look. The elevator tried to resume its way to the ground floor, but Joonmyeon halted it.
“What’s going on?” He asked, searching your eyes for an answer.
“Nothing. I just want to go home.” You looked away from him.
“You were fine when we got here, and you suddenly started giving me a death glare.”
Maybe this was the moment you needed to tell him. There wasn’t any other excuse you could think of. You didn’t know if you could still be friends with your heart broken. If only Sehun and Jongdae didn’t say anything to you, you could continue living your life in ignorant bliss. You were about to jump into freezing waters, helplessly watching the inevitable pain get closer as you fall helplessly.
“Do you have a tendency to lead people on?” Your voice was harsher than you intended.
“Don’t call me baby unless you mean it, and don’t tell me you need me if you don’t believe it.”
“Are you- Y/N, do you like me?” He asked, his voice shaking slightly.
“Yes… I apologize for that.” You spoke in defeat.
“You know… you’re a mystery. I’ve traveled the world, and there’s no one like you.” He quietly chuckled to himself.
“That girl you slept with on vacation seemed pretty special too, right?”
“Girl I slept with? I didn’t sleep with anyone. What are you talking about?”
“Jongdae told me you went back to a girl’s room.” You finally looked at him again.
“Babe, I didn’t do anything with her. She was really drunk, and I walked her there because it wasn’t safe for her to do so by herself.”
Your eyes widened and moved to the floor.
“I feel so stupid.” You whispered to yourself. Tears stung the corners of your eyes.
“How would you feel if I told you I love you?” His gentle hand lifted your chin.
“Even more stupid.”
A grin broke out across his face as he leaned down to your lips. His kiss sent a spark down your body. When he moved away, you could see the emotion in his eyes.
“And actually, I’ve been known to give my all,” He corrected your statement from earlier, “I’d never lead you on. I was being obvious because I just couldn’t form the right words.”
“So you do really like me?” You needed to hear him say it.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your heart warmed at his words as his gaze bored into yours.
“I love you, too.”
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7fics · 7 years
Markson friendship jackjae Romance. Jackson doesn't really know YJ but he knows he's kinda weird but still kinda cute and he sits next to Jackson in science so Jackson texts Mark and says "the Youngjae kid is cute tbh" and Mark being a dick takes a screenshot of their messages and sends it to Youngjae, who is still sitting next to Jackson.
Warnings: mark pov lol
Word Count: 2.5k ish
Author: Chewy’s back! and graduating high school oh my god
managed to sneak some markbum in there lol whoops hope ya enjojojoiiiii
grades: JB: senior Jinyoung: senior (skipped a grade) Jackson: junior Mark: junior (redoing a grade) Youngjae: sophomore Yugyeom/bambam: freshmen
“Bro, you hype? First day of school jitters? Whatchu gonna eat for breakfast?”
“Shut the fuck up, Jackson, why are you calling me at 6 in the morning,” Mark groans. It’s too early for this shit. It’s always too early for Jackson’s shit, but “That’s just the impact of the Wang” or so “the Wang” says.
“It’s the first day of school! You should be up and getting ready, don’t you want to start off the school year refreshed and excited?” Mark can practically hear Jackson jumping up and down through the phone. Oh, wait, is that the sound of springs squeaking? Then never mind, Mark can legitimately hear Jackson jumping up and down.
“More like dead tired. School doesn’t start until nine.”
“Whatever. Have you looked at your schedule yet? Did you see what classes you had? Do we share any classes?” Jackson’s talking non-stop, and from the sound of it he’s also trying to chew his breakfast at the same time. Mark’s not really into that ASMR shit.
“I already sent you a screenshot last night, keep up,” he responds, groaning as he finally crawls out of bed. With Jackson this hyped up, he knows there’s no chance of falling back asleep so he might as well get ready. “We have a few classes together, I think. Check again?”
“Oh, right!” there’s a pause as Jackson scrambles to his laptop, and Mark thanks the gods above for the short moment of blessed silence. “We have the same lunch period! And Humanities and Numbers for Nerds, thank goodness. You’re going to need to tutor me again.”
“No.” Not until you stop calling “math” “Numbers for Nerds,” Mark thinks. It’s too early to voice opinions, though, so he keeps that to himself.
“And Euro, yass, this is nearly fully booked Markson, get pumped! But wait, aw man, no science together. Why would you ever take Physics? And it’s first in the morning, too!” Jackson continues.
“God bless,” Mark’s not sure if he would have been able to handle Jackson so early every morning. Especially not after the copper incident last year. “Now I’m hanging up, gotta shower. See you at school.”
“Bye~~~ Markie pooh,” Jackson calls, but by then, Mark’s already ended the call.
“Jaebum, please,” Mark says the minute he enters the Physics classroom that morning. “Save me.”
“Babe, what’s wrong? It’s only the first day of school,” Jaebum grumbles, barely lifting his head from his desk to greet Mark.
“Exactly. However,” Mark says, handing his phone over to Jaebum. “Some asshole thinks that I should care about his choice in sock color today.” There are somewhere around, oh, just about hundreds of new text messages, voicemails and snapchats from Jackson, updating Mark on the every second of his first day of school prep. And that’s just the preparation; the school day hasn’t even started damn it.
“Aw, yikes. I got a picture of a flowchart of first day of school possibilities from Jinyoung last night. And then earlier this morning he sent me a selfie of himself setting the same flowchart on fire, so I’m not sure what that means.”
“Seriously? It’s only the first day of school why is he stressing like it’s finals week again,” Mark groans as he lays his head on the desk. Jaebum only pats him on the back and gives a shrug in response, and Mark is eternally grateful. He decides that now is a great moment (and the only moment) to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet before the madness called “High School” and “Being Wang Jackson’s One and Only BFFL For Life” (“Jackson you repeated for life” “Shhhh”) begins.
Moments later, the beautiful calm is shattered by the sound of Kara blasting through the air. “The fuck Jackson, we’re in class,” Mark says, opting to hit decline. Jackson apparently doesn’t get the message, however, and Mark’s phone spends the rest of class buzzing violently in his backpack.
Mark of course dutifully ignores everything. (At one point, a girl in front of him freaks out because she’s sure there’s a swarm of bees in the classroom. It’s just Jackson, though.)
“Hey.” Mark takes his lunch tray, which is literally piled to the sky with only french fries, and slides into the bench between Jackson and Jaebum. He looks down the table and nods at the kid at the end of the table. “‘Sup?” They’re not friends, but the kid sells some fine “herbs” if you know what I’m saying. Imported. From Thailand.
Mark doesn’t drink coffee. He drinks tea. And he’s ready to beat anyone (meaning Jinyoung) who mocks him for it. It’s not like he fucking reads books like some nerds (meaning Jinyoung).
“Hey, Mork, what’s up?”
“Can you not.”
“Nope! Those are a lot of fries buddy, I’m really kind of worried about your health, you know?” Jackson says, reaching over to grab a handful.
“I hope you choke.”
Jackson doesn’t choke, but he does snort and get some caught in his nostril. While Jackson is whining and screaming for help, Mark turns to Jaebum, “Hey.”
“Hey babe,” Jaebum responds. He also takes a french fry, but actually manages to look pretty sexy eating it, so Mark will opt to forgive him this one time.
“Do you think you can get senioritis when you’re a Junior?” Mark asks, shoving the plate of fries to the side so that he can lay his head on the table. And then push the fries directly into his mouth without actually lifting anything.
“Dude. It’s been three days since we got back from summer break,” Jaebum gives him a look, although really, he has no right to judge.
“I didn’t do any of my summer Humanities assignments, so I already have a zero.” Ok, so maybe Jaebum does have some right to judge. But only a little.
“Holy fuck YOU GUYS!” Jackson screams, and then immediately makes a shushing noise, “Shhh! I can’t let him notice me!”
“Jackson. You are the loudest one in this group right now.”
“Ah, sorry, I forgot. But look!” Jackson whisper shouts, vaguely gesturing toward some corner of the cafeteria. “Look at that!”
Mark squints, but isn’t really sure what Jackson’s freaking out over. He doesn’t see any signs for free pizza, or anything remotely worth getting hyped up over.
“That kid! Over there!” Jackson’s voice is steadily rising, but they’re in the middle of a public school cafeteria so Mark decides to not give any fucks for now. “The one that looks absolutely beautiful and basically is probably the Sun on the Teletubbies but all grown up! He’s in my Bio class and I swear you guys, I am in love.”
“Oh hey, that’s Youngjae,” Jaebum remarks.
Hmmm, Youngjae. Mark’s sure he’s heard that name somewhere.
“Remember? He’s the really loud tenor in my choir class. Tried to bring his dog to school last year.”
“Oh yeah. Coco. He’s my neighbor.”
“You know him?” Jackson gasps. He crawls over Mark and grabs Jaebum by the collars. “Please. Tell me more. I must know.”
And so the rest of lunch continues just like any other day, with Mark trying to ignore Jackson and continue eating french fries. It’s a hard task, but nothing that Mark can’t handle.
Another week of dozing through classes has passed in a blissful blur, and Mark settles into Physics, pulling out his notebook. He’s just trying to decide whether he should use the book as a pillow or what it’s actually meant for when his phone goes berserk again.
from: wangster
holy sheet mark
do u remember that incredibly cute ball of sunshine underclassman I was talking about
the one that probably farts pixie dust
and is CuTE as bALLS???
YOUNGJAEEEEE god kill me now even his name is lovely
he just got assigned to the same lab group as me
the fuq is this, a fucking rom com??? i M SO READY to NOT embarrass myself infant of this kid
**in front ha fuck u 2 autocorrect
“What is that?” Jinyoung asks, peering over Marks shoulder.
“It’s just Jackson, talking about his new crush. I’m just gonna ignore it,” Mark concludes, setting it on vibrate and then tossing it to the corner of his desk.
“He just texted you again,” Jinyoung says, picking up the phone. “What does he mean by ‘THE THING’?”
“Shit, give me that,” Mark says, suddenly alert and scrambling for the phone.
from: wangster
do you think he’d think i was cool if i did THE THING again?
Mark furiously types.
from: mark
It takes a minute for the reply to come back.
from: wangster
aw cmon man, it wasn’t that bad
and don pretend like u didn’t take a taste too, i’m not the only criminal here
anyway i wasn’t talking about that
what if i “accidentally” spilled a chemical on my hot bod
and then i have to rip off my shirt and show off my sexy abs ;)
Mark groans and lays his head upon the desk. “Help. I think I have a migraine coming on.”
“What’s wrong?” Jaebum asks, sliding into his seat with 34 seconds to spare. Mark just holds up his phone in response. Jaebum sighs and formulates a response in Mark’s stead.
from: mark
your abs won’t be sexy anymore with a god damn acid burn on them. don’t do that shit. —JB
Before Jaebum can hand the phone back to Mark, Jinyoung snags it out of his hands. “Oh boy,” he giggles. “This is gold. Do you mind if I screenshot this and airdrop it to myself? Just for when I’m sad, I promise.”
“Go ahead,” Mark waves him on. At this point, he doesn’t think Jackson has any dignity left to muster up. “Just don’t accidentally send it to Youngjae or anything.”
There is a beat of silence, as three pairs of eyes meet. Then they all break, chuckling to themselves. Mark wheezes a little. “Nah, I wouldn’t. I’m not that kind of friend.”
There’s another moment of silence, as Jinyoung takes one long look at the messages, and then back up at Mark, then Jaebum, then back at Mark. “Aren’t you?”
“I mean, we’re best friends, come on,” Mark says. He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly sweating in this freezing air conditioned classroom. “Right. Best friends. Who forgive each other no matter what,” Jaebum muses, half to himself. They meet eyes, and then break. Nervous laughter fills the air around them.
“Nah, nah, nah. We’re cool,” Mark says, taking back the phone and going to delete the screenshots. But, Jinyoung is right. This is kind of gold. “Maybe I’ll just start a message to Youngjae, but not actually send it, just to freak Jackson out.”
“Oh yeah!” Jinyoung agrees, aggressively nodding. “Take a screenshot of you you pretending to send those to Youngjae. Jackson would die. And it’s good revenge for him stealing my last twizzler.”
“Alright, I’m doing it,” Mark says. They’re all three cackling at the message, Mark’s hand hovering over the phone, when the teacher walks in and slams the door shut. Hard.
All three students jump in their chairs simultaneously. “Put you phone away!” he demands, and Mark sheepishly pulls his phone off his desk, but not before seeing what’s on the screen.
“Oh shit,” he looks up at Jaebum, wide-eyed.
“You hit send, didn’t you?”
Three hours later, Mark finds himself on the floor of the cafeteria, groveling at Jackson’s feet. “It was an accident, I swear, you know I would never do that to you. I would never even think of doing that to you!”
“How. The fuck. Do you accidentally send screenshots of my text messages to the guy who just happens to be the subject of my messages?” Jackson asks. His eyebrows are halfway up his face at this point.
“Ok, fine,” Mark concedes, “Maybe I did think of doing that to you. But I swear I only thought! I never actually meant to hit send. Tell him, Jinyoung!”
Jackson’s menacing eyebrows swivel to face Jinyoung, who currently has his nose buried in a book, with only his ears peeking out. No matter how much of a bookworm everybody says he is, no books are that interesting. “Well?” Jackson asks, leg shaking the table.
“Uhh… It was Mark’s idea!” then he slams his book shut and bolts.
Mark gasps, “That bastard.”
Jackson grabs at Mark’s collar, and as Mark flails, he looks over to Jaebum in an attempt at one last plea for help. Jaebum just raises his eyebrows, and scoots his tray further away down the table.
Just as Mark resigns himself to his fate, he is saved by the bell. More specifically, his text alert, which is actually a four second clip of a recording of Jackson screaming for five minutes straight. Everybody in the whole cafeteria looks over at them, including Youngjae (an important detail for Jackson) and the security guards and other adult staff (an important detail for Mark). “Dude get off of me before we get in trouble,” Mark whispers. Jackson only complies because Youngjae is looking and he can bet 99.999% that Youngjae probably hates violence and sings about flowers growing as a past time.
“Ugh, whatever, I’m still mad. You better buy me chocolate milk for the rest of the school year.”
“What are you, Kim Yugyeom?” Mark scoffs, but knows that he probably will, even if only for a few weeks instead of the whole school year. Anything to get his friend back. Even so, he slaps Jackson’s hands away as they drift toward his tray of fries. While battling Jackson over his lunch with his left hand, Mark unlocks his phone with his left (unnecessary AN: this was supposed to say right, but I was totally zoned out when typing this, and, my dudes, it is so wicked funny to imagine Mark with two left hands). “Oh my god, Jackson!”
“What now?” Jackson grumbles, slipping through Mark’s defenses and filching a fry or two or three or twelve.
“Jackson, look,” Mark gasps breathlessly, handing his phone over to Jackson.
“Holy fuck.”
Right there, on the screen (surrounded by way too many emojis and stickers) are the following words:
from: c youngjae
aww, can you tell jackson hyung thank you for the compliments
and also that i don’t want him hurting himself!! i’m sure he looks better shirtless on the basketball courts than in a science lab *winky face blushing emoji*
oh! also mark hyung, my family is going out of town for labor day, can you watch coco? thanks!
Mark grins, looking up at Jackson’s shining face. “Am I the best wingman ever or what?”
“Yes!” Jackson shouts, drawing looks once again. “But you still owe me chocolate milk for the stress that you put me through for this past hour.”
“Yo, lunch period isn’t even an hour long.”
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