#and the vendors will go 'no im not doing that store' which will make the dispatcher go to one & say 'well its your route so you gotta do it'
im devastated. i got a microwaveable curry from costco and. its not good. Why
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killjoy-prince · 5 months
Vendors at my job love me so much there's fighting amongst them in one company over who gets to deliver to my store that week
#prince's talk tag#my secret is i dont wanna deal with people any longer than i have to so i get them in and out as quickly as i can#and the vendors and drivers love that bc they got other places to be#the vendor that told me this said the other receivers will take their time and dilly dally too much leaving a line of trucks outside#but im usually on top of that#there are days where i cant help it but i go as fast as i can bc i really dont want to deal with people#and i can avoid that by taking them in check in their product sign the receipts and get them outta there#vendor also said at least with his company the dispatcher will be like 'here this store needs a delivery done'#and the vendors will go 'no im not doing that store' which will make the dispatcher go to one & say 'well its your route so you gotta do it'#and it was like that for my store before I took over#now the dispatcher will be like 'hey Prince's store needs a delivery' and the vendors are actually fighting like#'ill do it' 'no imma do it!' 'no me!'#ngl it made me happy. i didnt think i was that well liked#like some drivers have showed their appreciation to me about my speed and ability to handle the job but to have people fight over me? wow#and this was like an hour after a manager complimented how i run shit around here bc i know what im doing#and when im not here it all falls apart#which does suck bc i wish the mess wasnt left to me to clean up if im not here#but i am training someone rn who will cover for me when im not around so hopefully that helps a little
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A08
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: ep.2 What you have
Characters: Yodaka
Summary: As the bar closes up for the day, Yodaka feels a certain way about their mundane day-to-day… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn and myun @/myuntachis for helping me with proofing!
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Location: Ten Nights of Dreams BAR
Yodaka: I wonder, has the rain stopped yet?
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Yunyun: Ah~ I was thinkin’ about that too.
Yodaka: It’s difficult to tell since we don’t have any windows.
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Chouun: According to the precipitation radar, the rain should stop in 30 minutes.
Yodaka: That’s impressive, Chouun. I didn’t know you had a function like that.
Chouun: Yes, Yodaka-dono.
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Yunyun: What are you on about, boss~? Chouun’s a state-of-the-art pet robot, y’know~? You’re like, the only one who’d use ‘em as a glorified jukebox. 
Yodaka: Perhaps I should request weather reports from now on too.
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Chouun: …Understood.
Yunyun: Huh… No wonder we didn’t have many customers today.
Yodaka: I think we can call it a night. Would you mind switching off the signboard outside?
Yunyun: Sure thing~
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. What would you like to do about the music?
Yodaka: Please continue playing it as is.
Chouun: Understood.
Yunyun: And that’s that for closing up… Oh, right! I forgot to tell ya– That wallpaper in the bathroom? It’s seen better days. 
Yodaka: I’ll contact the vendor tomorrow morning.
Yunyun: I’m countin’ on ya, boss~ Oh, and while you’re at it, mind replacing the freezer, too? That thing’s been here since forever, even before we took over. I’m telling ya, it’s on its last legs.
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Yodaka: I see. I’d been quite fond of it, but I suppose we should have it replaced before it causes problems.
Yunyun: Yay~ I totally looked into some options already, I’m way too good at my job~
Yodaka: How very diligent of you.
Yunyun: Like, look at this one! There’s also this, and maybe even that one… There’s even models that can produce pure ice, ain’t that just wild!? We don’t need to go outta our way to buy ice cubes any more!
Yodaka: Hm…
Yunyun: Ah, the price tag’s givin’ you cold feet, huh?
Yodaka: You could say that.
Yunyun: Speaking of which~ What happened to that deal from before?
Yodaka: Hm? What deal?
Yunyun: You know the one~ From that beautiful and busty CEO~
Yodaka: Ah… You mean her… 
Yunyun: She’s been dropping by here all the time ‘cuz she’s got her eye on you— She even offered to franchise our bar, and she seemed pretty hyped about it too!
Yunyun: With her backing, the investment’s gotta be some crazy amount! I wonder where we should open up our next store~
Yodaka: We won’t have to worry about that. I turned her down.
Yunyun: Wha–!? Are you for real?
Yodaka: Of course. 
Yunyun: Wait, whaa– C’mon! I mean, I kinda knew you’d be like this, but!
Yunyun: What a waste~ That’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance y’know~~!
Yodaka: …..
Yunyun: I mean, that prez was a total hottie. I could like, totally see hearts in her eyes whenever she was lookin’ at you, Yodaka-san.
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Yunyun: I’m totally sure that she had the hots for you! You could’ve just gone for the gold!
Yodaka: For the gold?
Yunyun: Marrying into wealth! That’s like, my dream y’know~
Yodaka: This is the first time I’m hearing of it.
Yunyun: Aw man~ I mean, if we open up more shops, that means more employees, right? Then we could hire some cuties who’ve got a little extra in the chest department~ And then I’d make ‘em fall for me with my charms~
Yunyun: And I’m saying me, not you, mmkay~?
Yodaka: Haha, of course.
Yunyun: I coulda totally built my harem heaven right here y’know? And you’d be loaded with cash too, no doubt about it~
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Yunyun: This could’ve been my ticket to a super-duper happy life and yet…! Why’d you gotta dash ‘em all like that, you big dummy!
Yodaka: .....
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough.”
Yunyun: Enough of what? Beer?
Yodaka: This is a famous quote from Lao Tzu. He was one of the founders of Taoism, one of the three popular religions in China.
Yunyun: Huh… Never heard of ‘im.
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough is to know true enrichment.”
When one is satisfied with what they already have, that is when that they become enriched in both body and soul. It is one definition of happiness.
Yodaka: It’s important to learn to be happy with what you have, and to not be too greedy. I completely agree with this sentiment.
Yunyun: I mean~ Are you sure a teaching from some old fogey of years past is gonna hold water in the present?
Yunyun: It’s definitely better to have money than to not, and I know for sure I’d be happier havin’ a pretty lady hangin’ off my arm than bein’ all on my lonesome!
Yunyun: I’ve got a point, right!?
Yodaka: Leaving aside women… Even that CEO had said that having money isn’t enough to guarantee your happiness.
Yunyun: Eehhh~!?
Yodaka: I’ve had many opportunities to wine and dine some capable company owners. And yet, they all had similar opinions on this matter.
Yodaka: That they should have quit while they were ahead. After they hit a certain degree of success, rather than being happy with their progress, they can only worry and stress about how to make it bigger, and better. 
Yunyun: Hm~ Sounds like some first world problems to me~
Yunyun: So you’re saying to be happy with what I have?
Yunyun: Wait, is this some kinda plot to tell me you’re not gonna give me a raise!?
Yodaka: Haha, of course not. It’s simply a ‘plot’ to tell you that we can get a new freezer, but just a regular one. We’ll continue to buy our ice cubes from our usual supplier.
Yunyun: Fiiiiine…
Yunyun: Well, I already knew how much you like your vintage stuff from the moment we set up shop here.
Yodaka: …..
Yodaka: I must ask you, however. Are you not happy now?
Yunyun: Eh.
Yodaka: Time that is flowing slowly, peacefully, as we wind down for the day. Within a bar full of old but trusty equipment and peeling wallpaper. 
Yodaka: A quiet and relaxing atmosphere. The moon that comes out to greet the sun.
Yodaka: Quality jazz music playing in the background and… Conversation with a good old friend. 
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Yunyun: …..
Yodaka: I think that these carefree days spent with you, in our cozy bar, is when I’m the happiest… What about you?
Yunyun: Well… That’s… 
Yunyun: That just ain’t fair, askin’ me somethin’ like that.
Yunyun: Can’t say I’m not happy…
Yodaka: I’m relieved to know you feel the same as I do.
Yunyun: *Sigh*... You truly are an incorrigible flirt… 
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. Are you certain that I am fulfilling my role here?
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Chouun: If you would update my software to the latest version, with the addition of some extraneous parts, I could be 8 heads tall to help serve customers as well.
Yodaka: Yes, you’re doing just fine as is. Thank you.
Yunyun: I mean, a Chouun that’s 8 heads tall? That’d just be scary… 
Yodaka: Let’s update the playlist for tomorrow.
Chouun: Understood, Yodaka-dono. What kind of selection would you prefer?
Yodaka: For tomorrow… Let’s see.
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Yodaka: Play the kind of music that would put a certain worrywart of a bartender at ease. 
"To know you have enough" is one translation for the saying 吾唯足るを知る by Lao Tzu.
The ideal human proportion is considered to be 8 heads tall.
Whenever the term 幸福 (happiness) comes up in these "flashback" episodes it's highlighted in green.
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asingularcanadian · 19 days
8, 17, and 38 for the ask game 🙂
17. name 3 things that make you happy
timeless themes that make us human
the prince
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38. fave song at the moment?
i posted this in the last one i answered but more than one song im loving at the moment all the time
8. recurring dream I'm putting under the cut cause it's long as hell ad i dont wanna do it to yall
man ok so I started dreaming about the city how many years ago now around 2 years ago the first time it was wonderful I used to just refer to them then as dreams about the terminal cause the first few were about interactions I had with a food terminal first time it was just answering around the food terminal buying different things from different vendors and talking and thinking about the recipes I would make with the things I bought basically the experience i have whenever I go to a foreign ingredients market the terminal was in the downtown of a city, the city resembles Toronto in many ways but none of the landmarks are there the second time I dreamed of the terminal it was closed, it was grey and cold outside, the streets were entirely empty and it was eerily quiet i walked up to the building to see if I could see i to any of the windows and inside it was just desolate and dusty
no vendors, small streams of light coming through the mostly boarded up windows I remember feeling so disappointed the third time I dreamed of the terminal it was similar but now there was a flood creeping up from the south side of it by the time I awoke I was up to my lower thighs in water now the 4th time this is where the dreams start shifting to be more about the city I have an approximate map of the layout of the dream city but basically from the left of the building about a block up there's a street that runs east west there was something similar to a trader Joe's/wholefoods, a Japanese import store, a really shitty Italian grocer/bakery, an ulta. a church. and a few other miscellaneous shops and whatnot I dreamt about trying to get to the terminal but not being able to get there cause anytime I turned a corner to try and get close to it buildings would crop up in my way so I perused the shops on that street instead
the next time I dreamed about the city it was east of the terminal, there was like a small food fest pop up restaurant carnival thing I wandered among the makeshift restaurant trailers which started to close in around me, I remember waking up when I was about nearly crushed next time I dreamed about the city was i was in yhe slums outside the city and was trying to get out but the more frantic I was the worse the conditions got
next time after that was i was walking on a railroad track back into the city but the tracks were like warped and twisted in impossible ways and seemed to stretch on nearly forever God then there was the dream about Jimmy's which is a whole side substory of the city saga and then the most recent one I had was a friend of mine and I riding the street car back into the city down the street with all the various shops on it but all of them were closed and boarded up
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
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ID. photo of a whiteboard with bullet points written on it, titled "Stocking Reminders."
Top stock goes in the same 4' section as the stock.
Each SKU's overstock should be all in one spot. (below this point there is a diagram of a shelf with colorcoded boxes, one mixed up and one with the colors together)
Don't overfill hooks/shelves. There should be one straight line of product! If it won't hang nicely that is too much.
End ID.
end of my fucking rope tuesday. this won't stop my coworkers because they can't read but the amount of topstock i found in fucking random aisles today was truly absurd. like we've graduated from putting it in the same aisle 16ft away on the opposite side (annoying but at least line of sight) to putting it in topstock in its unlabeled cardboard shipping box, three aisles away, in a different department.
other highlights of today:
i asked this kid to downstock One Aisle and he spent 3(?) hours standing over there doing, as far as i can tell, nothing. which dgmw i can respect. minimum wage => minimum effort but my man that wasn't even CLOSE to the minimum and you are actively making everyone else's lives more difficult!!!
hardware mgr tried to have someone else (the aforementioned kid who can't even put stock in the right spot!!!) do counts on stock, BEHIND MY BACK, AGAIN. so i started off the day with an argument with him. bc if im not shooting outs regularly enough for you fucking TALK TO ME. and i will tell you what i need, which is you to do your fucking JOB and MANAGE YOUR PEOPLE. and get on their asses to actually maintain their sections!!! i could do the whole fucking store in an hour if literally anyone else did their jobs!!!
got a new rope assortment in from a new vendor, hardware mgr packed up the old stuff for buyback but ALSO managed to pack up a bunch of the NEW stuff with it despite the packaging being a completely different color AND saying the new brand name, so i had to go digging in 15 different taped-shut boxes to find it back.
just some truly atrocious and annoying customers. girl if youre in a hurry that is YOUR problem for not planning. i cant read your mind and i cant give you an answer if you cant explain your problem to me.
got called "ladies" collectively about 8 times today by my coworker who a) does ABA as his other job b) asked me if ozzy was my "real name" and c) said he used to be a liberal but he thinks there are more important things than peoples' identities. we're mostly copacetic now though bc he sees how much work i do and also we've commiserated about the state of the educational system & when he was talking about how "boys and girls learn differently" i very lightly floated the "well, i don't think that's inherent necessarily, you know, like we're raised and taught certain ways to be from SUCH a young age, and kids pick up on stuff pretty fast," and he was like huh ive never thought about that. ill have to think about that. so not unsalvageable! just a particular Kind Of Guy.
they're doing work on the roof and they fucking broke the ancient drainpipe that runs through our upstairs backstock area, so theres like three totes worth of roof-water-soaked merchandise that i have to take out of inventory tomorrow. and everything else in that backstock area has a fine coating of rust flakes from the disintegrating ceiling. and i was paged up there to help sort thru the stock and like. there are THREE PEOPLE here today who actually have a manager title, which I DONT!!! so why cant the three of you take care of it!!! and i KNOW its bc im good at problem-solving and don't really say no and would do it faster than anyone else but god. come on. its putting wet stock in totes.
also in the last 30 min of my shift (in the hardware dept!!! doing inventory counts!!!) my coworker walkied Me, Specifically, even though i knowww they were fully staffed in cashiers and housewares today, to pick up a call from a specific problem customer ABOUT A HOUSEWARES PRODUCT. bro i know FULL WELL you are doing fucking nothing but online shopping on the work computer, you fucking handle it!!! im on a DIFFERENT FLOOR and im busy doing other shit!!!
and its only tuesday!!! yippee!!!
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theskywaslookingback · 6 months
🍉 Are you a planner, or are you more of a “eh we’ll see how this one goes” -type of crafter?
I’m more of a “how hard can it be” type of crafter. I think of something and go “well, how hard could that be?” and then I either crush it or learn “much harder than expected, actually”. I have done that for literally EVERYTHING I currently make. Cricut? How hard can it be? Punch needle? How hard can it be? Resin? How hard can it be? Polymer clay? How hard can it be? Stained glass? [I am forcibly yanked off the stage]
💖 Which one of your creations are you the proudest of? Show off!
This fucking shadow box from hell that took like 20 working hours to make and STILL hasn’t sold but is one of THE most gorgeous pieces I’ve ever made in my entire life
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❄️ Do you have any crafting (either craft or community related) pet peeves?
(Saving the best because im a petty bitch and have Many)
- This is really vendor specific but I HATE event vendor group chats So Fucking Much. They are full of the absolute dumbest people on God’s green earth made specifically to annoy ME. Just a laundry list of “your reading comprehension is piss poor / how dare you say I piss on the poor” ass people. I have so many examples but the worst most recent one was the day before Easter we had an event in town that had been discussed for MONTHS beforehand. The event coordinator had sent us the set up info on multiple occasions, like I’ve actually never done a more organized event. So we’ve been told many times the set up time was 9am, show time was 11am, okay? The night before the event coordinator sends a message saying basically “hey yall I need you to park on x side of the building and at 10:30am we’re gonna lock the x side entrance doors” and people fucking LOST IT. Like there were IMMEDIATELY ten messages being like “so we only have thirty minutes of set up??????” I hate vendor chats. These people are so fucking stupid.
- I’m in a bunch of Facebook groups for beginners to ask questions in and the thing that just drives me insane is when people are like “hey I bought x thing at the store, how do i decorate it?” like????? However you want?? It’s for you?? What are you even talking about
- Also Facebook related but anyone who can’t read directions on shit and then asks why their resin piece fucked up make me so annoyed
- Also also people who just post a picture and then say “what’d i do wrong” with no further elaboration?? Idk man, what am I looking at??
- craft specific: pet peeve when I get poked by wire when making ribbon wreaths
- also when I misjudge where my finger is when deburring resin and nick my finger 😠
- when fabric won’t lay flat for a fucking iron on
- when the transfer tape gets a crinkle on top of a decal and makes the decal go a little wonky is my fucking 9/11
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lemontongues · 6 months
i think this restringing is gonna physically kill me lmao, whining below the cut
so. last spring, after my mom stopped doing the restringings because of her hand pain and before i offered to learn how to do the restringings because the people we were trying to send them to kept taking forever and doing shitass jobs, a woman brought in a strand of garnet beads that she wanted restrung.
the beads are cheap and shitty. like, you can get a similar size and quantity of garnet beads on etsy for 20-40 bucks. garnets arent generally that expensive and these arent particularly special in any way.
so for some reason, the person we sent the restringing to last spring took like. literal months to do it. and also she did an absolute shitass job. she used a thread that was completely the wrong size, way too thin, so
a) it fucking broke again in like four months, Obviously, and
b) cutting the fucking thing apart took me literally like 45 minutes because i kept having to stop to try to hold the thread in exactly the right way while cutting it, and when i failed i had to sit there and try to gently poke the knot that had gotten stuck inside the bead back out with a needle, because this lady somehow managed to pick the exact thread weight that would cause the knots to be too small to keep the beads in place, but just large enough to get stuck halfway through the fucking beads. incredible.
so anyway. we get this thing back. the lady is obviously mad about it. my aunt writes "ASAP" on the job and then holds onto it for a week. off to a great start.
then we have the little adventure with cutting it apart, which. mostly works. three of the beads end up with thread stuck in them so bad that i cant get it out no matter what i try jabbing through the beads. i break the nice needlenose tweezers that were apparently my grandpa's while trying.
take the three beads back into the store. give them to the jeweler in the morning so he can try drilling the thread out of them. he ignores them all day, then as we're standing there waiting to go home, he finally decides to try drilling them. starts on one. instantly breaks it. subsequently realizes maybe he should have tried soaking them in acetone first.
so he and my aunt both freak out and start talking about having the jeweler stop at a jewel cutter on his way to work the next morning to get someone to hand cut a matching bead for this fucking $40 strand of garnets
i go home, talk to my mom about it, she's a sane human being and just buys a strand of garnet beads in the same size and cut from one of our vendors. cool.
that all happened on wednesday. no further chaos yesterday.
today, the lady calls to ask what's up with them. we fudge the situation so she doesnt flip her shit on us because according to my aunt she's being incredibly high strung about the whole thing, which i believe because the stupid thing only got here like 2 weeks ago and she's already calling us to ask about it
my mom points out that even though we're missing some beads, i could start working on the other side of the necklace while we wait for the replacements to come in. im like oh okay thats a good idea!
come home. get my thread ready. the strand has these 5 weird and ugly gold foil-wrapped garnet beads in the middle, and im like 99% sure that two of the beads i cant use came from the right side and 1 came from the left. i decide to count the beads off to make sure the gold ones end up in the middle.
i count out 24 beads from each side.
there are four beads leftover on the left side of the strand.
please just kill me
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37q · 2 years
so yall know i gotta lor sis righ. well. fuck dude. those obligations from earlier. part rant part support seeking skip to the very end for that second part
context. 17 y/o not in school, homeless, lowkey estranged from her parents. father is unemployed and lying abt it, abusive and his ego is constantly reacting to his material precaritys impact on his manhood, sits at my old shop all day doing nothing. mom, actually employed, covering for dad, also used to work at my old shop before being fired for stealing a stack of cash, getting worse w her precarity and also sits at the shop a lot a lot. no idea where her lor bro sleeps. no idea how old he is too, could be 12 in an 8 year olds body for all i kno
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so i pick her up at 1030, we go to the mall and check the ubreakifix type place and they dont work on iphone 8s. bet. we have a spare XR she bought off her big bro. missing sim tray, got a free replacement from the shop. go to the apple store, the XR is permalocked unless factory reset from the icloud acct tethered to the device (truly dystopian imo), schedule genius bar appt for tmrw at 11. take her back to her friends house, the one i hired a month before i left so she could have a comrade and a place to stay nearish work that isnt her moms (although they were kicked out of their motel right when i hired steven i think. so, unhappy coincidence?).
sis works then so i drop her off at work at 9 and take her phone w me. go home come back to the mall. genius at the bar says its busted, whatever. not like i been sayin that. its missing like the bottom 1/5 of the backing like straight up exposed circuitry and she leans it on its bottom edge on whatever flat surface she can find at her perpetually wet food service job. refurbished options more expensive than the cheap 'new' products, not saying much tho. deliver busted phone and info to her -- her mom and dad are there ofc -- go home. later pick her up that night (last night) and drive her to her gfs in the heights. oh also dropping steven and their mutual friend off at stevens on the way. whatever its like literally en route its actually kinda perfect every time.
apparently im picking her up this morning. Okay. oh yeah shes locked out of her paycard account. she locks the card when shes at 0 in case she gets an auto withdrawal thatll overdraft her. she got paid today so she was gonna unlock it but how did she access her acct previously? thumbprint. no password memory whatsoever. pretty fair, id say? she texted me asking for the last 4 of her SSN this morning. nobody picked up her call to the bank(?) until she called them in the car with me. the form required to change login credentials when u dont have account access required those digits and a form of photo id. no ability to access it from her ADP because the pw changed at some point but it still took her print.
reminder. shes homeless and out of school. she has a birth certificate but thats where my certainty of her documentation ends. ive run into this before where i wanted to start a real bank acct for her but they require legally viable photo id and even non driver state ids require 1. proof of permanent residence (X) and 2. proof of enrollment in school for minors (X) at the MVA.
so anyways weve kinda hit a wall with the limitations her unsupportive parents / guardians have provided! its taking up a large portion of my emotional, mental, physical, and temporal space in life right now so i wanted to make a post about it. my little bandaid desire is to at least set her up with a new phone which i estimate would be $200 minimum for actual 'verified third party vendors of used phones' but ugh i didnt budget for this.
oh the support seeking! if you know me and wanna ease the load on my sisters shoulders a but, id be grateful for some help raising funds for a new phone! ill include some $ links. if were unacquainted but youre reading this anyway and have a spare $5 wed love the support! thanks for reading :)
cashapp: $rmwperfect | venmo: @rmwperfect | paypal: @37q
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scoundrels-in-love · 2 years
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I posted 15,453 times in 2022
345 posts created (2%)
15,108 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,203 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#critical role - 2,276 posts
#cr spoilers - 1,004 posts
#art - 927 posts
#video - 891 posts
#cr fanart - 655 posts
#cats - 447 posts
#ashton - 374 posts
#kdrama - 292 posts
#rainy rambles - 271 posts
#fashion - 198 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think this is good to internalize for myself and also for some people who might be weary and worried how to deal with me when i am in cert
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love that Ashton is all "I will literally stand between any harm and any of these *gulp* friends", but then they just don't trust Chetney as far they could throw him (which is far) and I feel like it's mostly because he keeps being dick to Dorian and others. Like, you soft hearted punk, I love you so much.
204 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Ashton being the one to restrain FCG, one advocating for letting them down and even saying please, reminding they're all powderkegs that have hurt rest of the party in crossfire, trying to find kindest way to share the roughest news, setting up Orym's speech about taking care of each other and being first to agree with Orym's speech while most of the party didn't actually voice their agreement, just Ashton and their friendship with FCG and how much they care about their friends. /openly weeps
224 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
I am thinking about Ashton, left to grow up in an orphanage, going through the change that perhaps is brought upon by one of their unknown parent's heritage, alone and confused, and like no one else.
Having to navigate that alone, most likely scared the first time they realized their hair was changing into stone, or even it first all fell out, the skintone shifting and all these physical changes truly no other puberty would be alike and there was no one to tell them they weren't straight up dying of some unknown disease and I just--
268 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
One thing I think about a lot is how resigned, perhaps even inadequate, Ashton seems to feel about their role as purely muscle within the group.
There are definitely more than just these examples, but what comes to mind is post-duel at the ball when Orym approaches Ashton and says they might need Ashton, and Ashton immediately asks who needs beating up. As if that's the only input that they can contribute or be expected to contribute.
And then in latest episode, when they've all looked at Ruidus, someone needs to help the telecope to be moved so it can look at Catha and Ashton immediately volunteers all "this is what I'm good for".
And it's after everyone has chimed in with opinions about the moon storms and Imogen's experiences, but Ashton remained quiet, because what do they know? All these people are magic users or at least connected to someone wise and knowledgeable and Ashton's just a thug from orphanage.
I don't think it helps the way Bell's Hells sometimes don't hear them, like Ashton several times said they can have a go at picking locks (proficient), but the group always looked to someone else for that or a different solution.
The few times they're confident is when Gus "spoke Marquesian" and Ashton stepped up to speak bluntly with some cussing, and when they're fighting - and as they said themselves, it might be in part to make someone look at them and care. And when they're in smaller groups and dealing with odd vendors. Or have to protect someone, even if it's making sure FCG isn't hurting themselves emotionally.
I also recall how eagerly Ashton just echoed and boosted up Imogen's lines at first in the knick-knack store. They're eager to learn and support in more than just muscle-way, but so many of the current problems Bell's Hells have are magic and knowledge aligned, where they cannot help much and I feel like they feel kind of inadequate about it.
I wonder if it's something that comes from how they were treated in Nobodies, with how excited they were about their bribe moment early in the campaign, or just how cards have fallen currently in the story.
And I really hope they will gain confidence in themselves and their place with Bell's Hells. (And get a hug.)
308 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Between having been really into mermaids and underwater kingdoms as a concept during my childhood and the absolutely hauntingly stunning horror movie sequence where you root for the sirens introduction to Talokan, it's not really any surprise that I became instantly and deeply fascinated with this nation and its' people.
Like, there is so much I kept thinking about during the movie and even now, a whole day later. This great post by @thebctman raised even more that I hadn't gotten to.
Until the call to arms scene, I assumed that they cannot speak under the water, so I was quite stunned at the scene. But it does make me wonder just how much of importance does body language carry in Talokanian society! And how hard it might have been to preserve their native language, especially before the establishing of the cave sanctuary(ies).
And I have to think for how long Namor was only one who could only briefly exit the water, how, before the invention of water masks, there could be no sanctuary and he would be the only one wandering the caves. Pushed into role and revered as the leader from birth, fitting in with none of them.
The fact they ended up building this sanctuary and filling it to the brim with parts of their cultures they couldn't practice under the water - like the murals. How they must have lost their national cuisine, without access to ingredients or ways to practice it - or even consume, since they cannot eat above the water. I have no idea how much jade deposits are under water, but perhaps even that became a scarce material.
It makes me think of Namor's speech the first time he meets with Queen Ramonda and Shuri - about how clean and unharmed the land is and how much Wakanda's people have not had to change and compromise who they are, their culture, just to continue to exist. Though Talokan is their new land, it is still an exile. Exile deep into the cold waters that have slowly been poisoned and polluted by people.
Somehow, they've managed to befriend sea animals and even communicate with them (which leads back to my point about non-verbal communication under the water, maybe they quite literally can emit sounds similar to dolphins or whales), there is no way that they do not know the absolute devastation done to the oceans, that it has not impacted them, that Namor or his people haven't personally known whales that have been killed by whalers.
And yes, I do wonder about the pressure - how fast can they raise and lower themselves in these depths, without reprecussions, and just how damn fast can they travel because they seem to traverse incredible distances so very swiftly. One moment they're near USA, then Namor can respond to Queen Ramonda's call very swiftly. Like, just how fast can they all swim, without exhaustion?? Fascinating.
I know most of these things will never be answered, if any at all, but a lot of them are just lot of feelings about things in the subtext and I'm gonna go drown in those kthxbye.
392 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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alexandraslater · 2 years
Armour of Ignorance ︎ 09.02.2023 Lately, I’ve been considering re pledging my allegiance to the Zuck - and by that I mean reinstating my facebook profile as an active entity. Dig up fossils of my thirteenth birthday and begin sharing updates about my life, lighting up the faces of overseas cousins and my old boss. With a second thought, I don’t really want to do this, facebook is irrevocably lame - but some instinct is ticking over in my brain. I guess I just love to be a devil's advocate, instilling in myself an attitude towards feigned ignorance. Yeah alright im a hipster - a post ironic, meme riddled culture louse. This isn't unusual amongst my generation though, we are doomers - eloped in a world plagued by the threat of war, unstable economies, pandemics and the rocky idea of a future so our only amour to this forefront humor, and irony at that. Meme fashion came to rise mid last year, calling it that already ruins the joke. You’ll find your local swag lord rocking a ‘I Fucking Love Micro-plastics’ hat from Haunted Starbucks, it girl promoting her “Flop Era” on a custard yellow micro tee from OGBFF, or your dero friend embodying an informative recipe upon his sternum of “How to Cook Meth” (also from haunted starbucks). Not everyones going to get it, especially if you didn’t have an internet connection growing up, but those who do are uniting in the spirit of post irony. It’s a great tactic in coping with the influx of terrible news befelding our world, siding sarcastically with the doom climate, and as a nihilist myself, I think it's incredibly endearing. Many global problems are far beyond our reach and out of our control which makes it simply the most relieving sight to see gangsta sponge bob fanning his rack at me and informing me to get my bands up, and an erotic sonic cartoon in support of the Joe Rogan podcast. The typefaces commonly used in these garments are reminiscent of 2010’s slogan tees and the like which makes me curious if this is an early adoption of motifs from this period, I’m thinking clothing that harbored jokes on the early days of iPhones and internet culture (like the iPoop t-shirts you might see on a street vendor stall). They also pay homage to a DIY culture and attitude, brought on from the pandemic mundanity. Here in Melbourne you’ll find any of these pieces in the wardrobes of smelly inner city shared houses, on the backs of rich stay at home sons, hot ravers and e-girls that frequent Collingwood bars. The attitudes of these kinds tend to be in the defense of their ego’s, don’t point out the joke or you’ll become it. Wearers are on their high horse about a supreme sense of humor. Observe, laugh and carry on from a distance - feel free to send them a DM of appreciation on Instagram however. These people are not mean, simply they’re chronically online and often forget how to be friendly without the support of an emoji. As for the trend itself, memes as an art form are not going anywhere so it will be interesting to see how it evolves. Humor carries a sentiment that tends to get stored in a time capsule and won’t hit the same a few years down the line so we will see how these pieces hold up. Right now the comedy is still gold but as more people catch on to the trend it’s becoming less impactful on the street scene. What also makes it different is the bravery it takes to wear an ironic slogan tee for the backlash you might face to those not in on the joke - I’m sure this trend won’t trickle to the high street market or even make it out of the underground. Hallelujah! More so, what will this over saturation of post-irony do to us? Will we be pushed back in the direction of the earnest or will we become post, post, post ironic (surely we can make a better phrase for that concept!)  I’m very interested to follow this one.
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troubleabroad · 2 years
Could really get used to waking up to the manhattan skyline everyday. We walked down a few blocks from the apartment to the chelsea highline. The chelsea highline was once home to part of the railway system of new york, however it has now been converted into a little over 2km of urban parkland sitting above the hustle and bustle of a section of manhattan We got the usual fuel to start our trip, street vendor hotdog, and started the walk along the old train tracks of the highline. Its quite impressive what they’ve managed to do with just an old train line. Its full of gardens, greenery, little stalls with food and drink options, art installations, views of the city and hudson river. Quite a peaceful place amongst the craziness that is manhattan. We strolled along the tracks until we reached the end, and our next stop, the Chelsea Market. Some of manhattans best and most popular food can be found here. From high class sushi, pizza, tacos and even pasta bars that roll the pasta in front of you! We had a look at a couple of the little pop up stores they had there, then it was time for the main attraction. Food. For me, it was straight to the seafood merchant for a lobster roll. Ive never had a lobster roll before, so the idea of a maine lobster roll really got me going. The restaurant, if you can call it that, was super impressive, with its own fresh oyster bar next to a fresh sushi bar and then up the back the lobster station. People were tucking into a bit of everything, but most had gloves on and were attacking lobster claws like they were going out of fashion. I made it to the ordering counter and ordered my lobster roll. First impression, a lot smaller than i was expecting. But size isn’t everything, As i know all too well. It was delicious. Mix of sweet and savoury, with a nice bun holding it all together. If they weren’t megabucks back home i could make it a staple of my diet.
Buggalugs not being a seafood eater was not taken by anything on the menu, but that’s okay as she was set on hand pulled noodles. So further into the market we went, where ewe found the noodle merchant and its mile long line. But this is what were here for, so we took our spot and waited for our order to be taken. Once at the front, buggalugs placed her order, while i felt like a garbage guts, so headed back to the seafood fellas for some sashimi. We reconvened with our food and dug in. If the lobster roll was excellent, the sashimi was perfect.
The lady over charged me, so threw in some extra pieces. Bless her cotton socks. The hand pulled noodles were also excellent. Good amount of heat, chewy, fresh and really nice lamb with it too.
Rolling out of the market we decide that the 30-45 minute walk was not going to be possible. So it was into and onto the New York Subway. Has not gotten any cleaner since i last rode it. But there’s something about the combined smell of urine, stale water and dirty train brakes that makes it feel safe homely. We boarded the train and made it back to time square in one piece, we even somehow got off at the right part of the station and made it street side! Not far from where we got off was the official ticket sales desk (for tightarses) for broadway shows. Theres always something happening on broadway, but as an experienced broadwayer, I’ve seen a lot. (Im artist you know), we decided on a new show, Beetlejuice! Thats right, your favourite Tim Burton film has been adapted into a stage show. Which is written by Australia’s own Eddie Perfect! (The same man who played warnie now writes broadway shows). Theres not much point detailing the show, you’ve either seen beetlejuice, or you haven’t. So you know the story or you don’t. I don’t need to retell it. What i will tell you though, is that it was exceptional. Casting, writing, length, costumes, scenery was all 10/10. I highly recommend getting a ticket (get a ticket to new york whilst you’re at it) After the show we walked the blocks of New York back to get some more late night pizza, then to CVS (The local pharmacy) to purchase some drinks. Because this is america, and you van buy alcohol from the pharmacy. It truely is the land of the free! We’ve got a relaxing day tomorrow, buggalugs is off to the museum, whilst I’m hitting up greenwich village.
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mhahaikyuus · 2 years
Farmer’s Market
tags:; Bakugo x reader, established relationship, mentions of food, fluff, domestic
wc: 955
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You and Bakugo did not act like you two were dating. More like an old married couple that bickered way too much. Others around you had no idea how both of you hadn’t killed each other with the constant fights and attitude. But no one needed to know. The only thing that mattered was that Katsuki and you knew. He had dragged you at 7am to go to the farmers market. 7am on a Sunday morning was a death sentence to you. 
“Kats you can’t do this to me.” You grumbled into his pecs, drooling into his skin, laying on him like a personal heater. “Doll you gotta get up,” He said pinching your side. You moaned into his shoulder digging yourself into his warm side. “Baby go without me i’m sleepy.” You snuggled into him wrapping yourself into him. 
“Either you get up or I make you get up and we both know how that turns out.” 
“Leave me here to die.” You ignored his words and basked in his warmth like a cat in the sun. 
“Fine don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Katsuki said before gripping his hands on your sleepy body. 
It was too bright and you were not in the mood. You were walking around the busy farmers market hand in hand with your boyfriend. He loved to cook so Katsuki would drag you to the farmers market to pick up ingredients. 
“You’re such a snob grocery stores are just as fine.” You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend 
“No it’s not. It’s full of pesticides and other junk bad for your body and Im not eating it.” He squinted in disbelief at you.
“Who cares?” You groaned 
“Who cares? I care my body is a temple and so is yours.”
“Yeah my body is a temple” You quoted with your fingers and laughed, “You hand feed me Mcdonald’s fries after nights out.” 
He laughed and smacked your side
“That’s only because you refuse to eat anything else when you drink.” 
“So not the point.”
His arm was around your waist as you walked down the street of vendors. You had a tote bag on your shoulder. Wearing a short sundress and sandals to fit the hot weather that today. Bakugo had the ice coffee you forced him to get you in one hand and your waist in the other.  
“Give me.” You nudged him and he brought the ice coffee to your lips. 
“Thank you.” You hummed and he grunted. You leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. Katsuki tasted the semi sweet coffee flavor on your lips at your kiss. 
He was used to your princess treatment but that didn’t mean he didn’t get annoyed with you.
“What are we getting anyway.” You said eyeing the list he had sticking out of his pocket. 
“Vegetables.” He said dragging you from vendor to vendor. Your bag was getting heavier. 
“Don’t you dare.” You said at the tomatoes resting in his hands as he tried to decide which ones to pick. 
“You’re such a baby. Tomatoes aren’t that bad.” He said with bored vermillion eyes. 
“Says the person that will eat anything.” You whined.
“I cook so you’re going to like it.” He said exchanging money with the vendor. Katsuki slipped the heavy bag from your shoulder to his. 
“Hm…yeah i don’t know about that.” 
“You’re such a brat.” 
“And you’re an asshole.” 
The vendor was staring at both of you with wide eyed at your foul language to each other. It was a big contrast from usual couples. Most couples are lovey dovey and morning people who enjoyed spending time together and the farmers market. Quiet happy couples. You two were bickering and smacking each other, generally being assholes to each other. 
Katsuki tugged you to his side and both of you moved on to the next stall. 
“Here, you’re still cranky.” He said nudging the straw to your lips, still holding your drink. 
“I am not.”
You continued to sip your watered down coffee. The cup was tiny in his large grip and scarred knuckles. With only semblance of color are his reddened knuckles and a bright pink pinky finger you painted a couple days ago. 
“Yes you are. You’re not a functional person until noon or you drink caffeine.” He laughed showing his teeth at your glare. 
“No one is a functional person at 7am. You know who is. Psychos, psychos and you.” You retorted swatted his hand pinching your ass. 
“Yeah and this psycho is dating you.” 
You frowned at his words. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I would never date you.” 
But within the slaps he was giving loving squeezes, holding a coffee to your lips, and carrying the bag so you would be comfortable. It was the least he could do dragging you out of bed so early. 
After he finished his list you two walked bag to the car. He started to put away the groceries as you sit in the passenger seat waiting for him. Katsuki looked like was going to bite you when you tried to help. 
He sat down in the drivers seat and kissed your hand. Shifted the car into gear and rested his hand on your thigh as you played according to him your “god awful” music. Katsuki wouldn’t spend his Sundays with anyone else. Ready to go home and kick you out of the kitchen and cook both of you lunch as you played with your pets in the living room watching whatever show you were obsessed with now. Then to have you cuddle him and thank him for cooking, and forcing him to take an afternoon nap as your pillow.
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furuyalover · 3 years
spending new years with them
— ft. yuuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, satoru gojo, suguru getou
warnings: nothing but fluff ^_^
AN: this is a day late but oh welll! new years fluff! also i want to try write for jjk more :D
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࿔*:・゚ITADORI unsure of what to do for new years? the answer is a movie/binge night! we all know how much yuuji loves watching movies so he’d want nothing more than to do it w you! you two lay on his bed wrapped around each other, watching any movie of your choice, occasionally going back to channel some new years program is on just so you can do the cliché staying up to watch the ball drop thing. throughout this whole thing you & yuuji are taking many photos together, and yuuji posts one of you saying “going into the new year w/ my #1 :’)” SOBBING HES SO SWEET at some point in during the movie you fall asleep in yuuji’s arms, when he notices he holds you loser kisses your temple and whispers “happy new year y/n, hopefully i can be with you for another year” smiling to himseld as he sees you almost instinctively pull yourself closer to him 
࿔*:・゚FUSHIGURO the two of you decide to be home bodies tonight since you both heard gojo is throwing a small party tomorrow anyways! megumi is a sucker quality time, so he’s more than happy to just stay home and relax with you! you two make instant ramen for yourselves but add your own garnishes to give it more flavor, while eating you guys mindlessly watch tv together making fun of all the dumb new years antics going on “y/n wanna go lie down?” “you say that like i have a choice” “...just, get over here” you laugh as you follow your boyfriend to his bed and lie on top him with the neighbourhood playing in the background, once it’s officially 12 you look at him, smile and say with a tired voice “yayy i can finally go to sleep now” he scoffs “you should’ve just slept as soon as you were tired, now good night.” you laugh into his chest “love you too megumi” 
࿔*:・゚GOJO you two were just getting ready to go out with no particular plan in mind when your boyfriend looks at you and goes “y/n! want to go to as many different sweets shops before the year ends!” “is that even a question? yes. lets go. right now.” you loved that about satoru, his spontaneousness. one moment you’re getting ready the next, you both are going all over town to try different stores’ sweets. at each place you visit satoru makes sure to film the two of you eating it + a review which of course he sends to his students! they all love you but they’re so sick of him “its in case they ever want to go out and try it y/n! im just being a good teacher!” “satoru its 11pm just let them enjoy their break...” “no!” after this you’re going to be sick of sweets for a while, but in this moment, with satoru, everything is perfect and you couldn’t have asked for a better new years
࿔*:・゚GETOU he is lover of simple traditional dates, so thats what you guys do! suguru invites you to a fun night out for new years! it starts with the two of you walking around town, getting some street food together and browsing all of the tiny little items sold by local street vendors, you bought suguru a ‘happy new year’ headband and you had to basically beg him to wear it -_- but you finally got him to wear it and now you can use the photo for blackmail <3 once you guys have finally killed enough time for the fireworks show to start, you walk to the town park, where getou lays out a blanket for you to sit on while you watch the fireworks! suguru takes a candid photo of you with the fireworks in the background which he posts at exactly 12am captioned “heres to another year with my lovely y/n <33″ 
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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starbuckie · 4 years
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
challenge: winter warmers writing challenge by @spaceodditybarnes
prompt: “it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas” by michael buble
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2k without lyrics, 2.1k with lyrics
warnings: i genuinely don’t think i can say anything besides FLUFF, oh wait theres some mentions of the shmexy sex (i promise im a functioning person)
summary: in which they take a little holiday stroll and talk about what they are.
a/n: THIS MADE ME VERY HAPPY THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS CHALLENGE JADE!!! i kinda veered off the idea of christmas with this one, but my mind created another idea and i kinda just went with the flow. anyways, i really enjoyed writing this one, and i hope you all had a lovely holiday season <3 LOTS OF LOVE Y’ALL
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the five and ten, it’s glistening once again
With candy cane and silver lanes that glow
Snow sprinkled to the buildings and sidewalks of Midtown Manhattan, making the traffic clog up to the oh so lovely sounds of taxis and cars honking. It was far from what people pictured it, really, New York was absolute hell during the holiday season. Sloshing boots and teens smoking pot outside the scantily decorated discount store that held very little, sad-looking Christmas lights.
It didn’t bother Bucky. No, he had never been a big fan of the holiday season. Even back in the forties, with his ma and little sisters, they had never been huge on celebrating Christmas, instead choosing to work those shifts during the holiday so they could make a buck or two more to hold them over. Now in the twenty-first century, the holiday just reminded him how truly lonely he was, everyone and everything he used to know long gone.
But then he found Y/N. Granted, it had not been a formal introduction. The poor girl had nearly damn run him over with her motorcycle for Christ’s sake, but nonetheless she crawled into his heart that cold December morning two years ago, and had not left ever since. 
Now she walked by his side at Rockefeller Center, her cold fingers intertwined with his warm ones, admiring the tree while he admired her. He already had every part of her memorized, from late night escapades in the sheets to studying the slope of her nose at team breakfasts. Even when he wasn’t with her, he was always looking at her, unable to pull his eyes away from Y/N’s radiance. 
This little… dalliance of theirs had only started a year back, and they had still yet to put a label on it. Sam had called it friends with benefits, Sharon called it being a couple without the name. Bucky had shut both of those ideas down, claiming that they were taking it slow and weren’t looking to call it anything yet they still had not really talked about it. Was it really worth ruining the bond he had with the girl he fell madly in love with? Whatever it was, they had never taken time out of their day to actually discuss what they meant to each other, but, God, he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t want to know.
“Bucky?” Her sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts, the glittering red and white lights of the Christmas tree reflecting in her eyes. “You seem kind of distracted right now, sweetheart, are you bored? We can head back to the compound if you like.”
He smiled at her worried tone, delicately kissing the tip of her nose. “‘M just thinking, doll, wanna stay as long as I can out here with you.”
The grin he received in return was breathtaking, her red-painted lips turned upwards and a little twinkle (literally and metaphorically) in her eyes. “Good.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Oh, look at that helicopter, Buck! That’s so cool!” Y/N pointed at a little boy in the store controlling the airborne toy with a small remote. “They didn't have those when I was a kid, I just had my Tamagotchi.”
He scrunched his nose, staring at her with an emotion that could be described as nothing other than distaste. “What the hell is a Tamagotchi?”
“A Tamagotchi was like this little digital pet thing that you could take care of, mainly used for kids who were trying to prove to their parents that they could take care of a real pet. That’s why I had one at least, but I never did get a tabby cat like I wanted.” Y/N continued to ramble about her weird pet thing as they walked through the toy store, though Bucky didn’t really care. But he’d never stop her either. The way her eyes lit up in childlike wonder and her fascination with the toys on the shelves was too precious to destroy. This was the girl who he had seen slit throats and blow aliens’ brains out, and in the moment she was ogling an American Girl Doll like it was the last pancake at the breakfast table. 
Y/N finally convinced herself that she was done looking at the toys, claiming that she was too mature for such things (she really wasn’t), but he let her lead him out the door, before she halted right in the doorway. “What is it, honey?”
“Mistletoe.” He glanced up at the little sprig of green and red berries above their heads, hanging by a small strand of twine. A small group of kids with families stood around, watching them with both happy and annoyed faces. How could they not notice Y/N L/N and Bucky Barnes? Bucky’s vibranium arm may have been recognizable, but Y/N’s cheery, a little-louder-than-normal humming had caused a little group to watch them throughout the store. “I think they’re waiting for us to kiss, Buck.”
She leaned into him, placing her lips on his and placing her freezing hands on his cheekbones. Though Bucky had never been big on PDA, the rest of the world seemed to slip away when he was with her. He grinned into her lips, hugging her tightly around the waist so she squealed. When he forced herself away from her intoxicating mouth, she was sporting a bright smile and smudged lipstick that had rubbed off onto his. 
Giggling, she took her thumb and swiped off some of the red residue she had left. “You had a little something there, sweetheart.” 
A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that’ll talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
Bucky watched Y/N point out all the different street cart vendors as they walked to Radio City Music Hall. She’d insisted that they go look at the window displays there as well, and who was he to argue? Strangely enough, they hadn’t talked much, other than the occasional “are you cold” from Bucky, to which Y/N assured him she was not. Her quiet voice sang the lyrics to Last Christmas when a little girl stopped in front of them, two auburn braids and green eyes boring straight into hers. 
The small child pulled on Y/N’s skirt, a silent plea to go down to her height. “Hi there, are you lost, sweetie?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” she looked back to an older woman, who gave her a thumbs up and a smile, “because you are my favorite superhero and I hope you have a very good Christmas.”
Y/N nearly melted at the toothless smile the girl, who she assumed was named Sadie by the necklace she wore. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I hope you have a good Christmas too, and do you know this guy?” She dragged Bucky down next to her, the large, buff man hulking over the small girl. “This is my friend Bucky, do you know him?”
He eyed her warily, as if he were absolutely terrified of the tiny human. “You’re the Winter Soldier!”
Uh oh. The name was one that struck a chord of fear through everyone, still in shock of the events that had taken place in D.C. in 2014. While he and Sam had tried to label a new brand for the Avengers, people didn’t forget all the horrors of HYDRA and their prized assassin. Of course it hadn’t been him, even he knew that, but trying to convince people otherwise still made him feel guilty.
“You’re my second favorite Avenger, after Y/N, of course.” Sadie brought her hand to hover over Bucky’s vibranium one, her eyes wide with excitement. “Mr. Bucky, can I touch your metal arm?”
The man in question could barely utter out a word, muttering some sort of agreement before nodding with a timid smile. Giddily, she touched his arm, feeling all the cool ridges of gold-plated vibranium against the gun-grey metal. Sadie continued to pelt questions at him, about Sam and Redwing to his “adventures” with Y/N on the team.
Bucky, though shy at first, got more and more relaxed as they continued their conversation, his grin growing wider. Y/N loved her fans, she loved them so, so dearly, but seeing them interact with the man she loved was something different. Not a bad different, but a word that could only be described as pure joy. 
“Darling, I think we better leave Ms. L/N and Mr. Barnes alone. Say thank you and happy holidays.” The little girl looked sad, turning to look at her mom with a little pout, but she reluctantly obliged and soon the duo were off, into the crowded streets once again. 
“Y’know once upon a time I had dreamed about having kids,” Bucky commented. They walked along the sidewalks in a comfortable quiet after the encounter with Sadie, but Bucky’s mind had not stopped reeling from the happiness his conversation brought him. “Was gonna come home from the war, settle down with a gal, and live to be at least seventy years old.”
“Well, I can tell you you’re good on the last bit of that, Buck.” He snorted at her jab at his age, something that has become a norm for their little makeshift family of four. “What do you want now?”
He stopped in his tracks and looked over at her with a fond tilt of his lips. “Oh, just something real special.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Y/N, what are we?” She glanced over at him from where they sat on the Met stairs, giving their feet a break from walking for hours. 
“What do you mean, Buck?”
He grabbed her hands and held them to his chest, trying to make her understand the amount of confusion and impatience he had with this one burdening question. “We’ve been sleeping together for a year, Y/N. We make each other breakfast, we go out together, I literally have half of my closet dedicated to your stuff, but even after all that we haven’t given us a name yet.”
Y/N sat in stunned silence, staring at the outburst from the man in front of her. To be completely honest she had never really thought about the question, choosing to enjoy each second she got to spend with the wonderful man with her. What she had noticed however, was how whenever they parted ways or were in the most intimate of moments, three little words nearly slipped off of her tongue. Every. Single. Time.
“Well, what do you want to be, Bucky?”
“I want to be the man you love. I want to be the man who loves you with his entire heart, though I like to think I already am. I want you to be my best gal more than anything in the world, and that I want to be the man who gets to hold and love you every night.” Slowly they drifted to each other, a magnetic pull bringing them to each other. “What do you think, doll?”
“I think,” her lips split into a grin, hovering over his own with the exact same expression, “that I want to be your best girl and the one who gets to make you pancakes in the morning and I want to be the one you get a cat with, who we’ll name Alpine because if I know you, names are the most important part of having a pet. I want to be held and loved by you every night, Bucky Barnes, and I am the girl who loves you more than anything in this entire damn world.”
Not another second to spare, Bucky pulled Y/N in close, letting himself get lost in one of her sweet, loving kisses, finally knowing that he was hers and she was his. At long last.
Sure, it’s Christmas once more
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jackedspicer · 4 years
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new chowder oc dropped. Youre gonna hate this guy so much
first of all, corned beef hash is a character that my siblings @collectiveazaelas​ & @castingcomets​ and i have collaborated on making. from the bottom of our hearts, we hope you hate him as much as we do
at first glance, corned beef hash serves as a narrative foil to ms rhubarb. his initial conception centered loosely around antagonizing her, but his personality quickly grew beyond that. he is a beast unto himself and others. his only goal is to be self serving and (intentionally) get in the way of others in his life, primarily the other OCs kumquat and pimento, but also canon characters as well. he does this not out of spite or dislike for others, but rather it’s just because he can, and it is often times the fastest route to his goal. he is the freudian id, if the id had a sense of self control and awareness (though he does occasionally blip out on the latter). 
cbh's age isnt exactly clear. he exists in the comically broad adult world that most of marzipan city seems to: anywhere from 25-2500; whos to say? he graduated valedictorian from law school. around this time, he terrorized his dormmate (and future "friend"), pimento (a ram-like man with a few loose screws), to the point of dropping out and going into the culinary field, as "a kitchen during rush hour is still less stressful than sharing a living space with cbh." cbh is at times a petty thief, and at times a criminal mastermind - it depends on his current "schemes" and what is funny at the time. he knows the law to the letter and sometimes uses it to his advantage. though others sometimes think he is a temperamental idiot, most actions are done through thought-out choice and by utilizing his own strengths.
He has a stand in the farmer’s market at which he sells an assortment of mysterious wares and occasionally baked goods that are Evil & Wrong. The quality of his stock ranges anywhere between genuine artifacts to actual garbage from the dumpster, which he will then try to “spruce up” and sell as something more. He’s a hustler no doubt, and he earns his supply through meticulous dumpster-diving, talking down prices at thrift stores, and general vaguely-illegal tomfoolery. At times, he’ll get his hands on elusive items, and how he accomplishes this is seldom explained (he once was arrested and jailed for 12 days because he “accidentally” was selling illegal dognip). He frequently enlists in Kumquat’s help in his various endeavors and typically has her do the dirty work. For example, one of their foraging techniques involves his hooking her onto a fishing line and casting her out to sea; it’s usually just junk, but sometimes she’s clutching a few shiny souvenirs when reeled back in.
He does move the physical location of his stand around a lot, both to “drain fresh pockets” and to avoid growing too known and hated in one area. That being said, he’s been at this for a while, so every vendor at the farmer’s market knows him and is all too familiar with his cycling. The clientele are just unfamiliar enough to fall for his beguilement, though, save for a few skeevy regulars who seek him out for his stuff.
yes he was valedictorian. yes he was a frat boy all throughout college. yes he does beer kegs by pouring the beer directly into his head. yes hes a criminal mastermind. No its not a big deal
being a “bottlehead” (as he calls himself), he doesnt know what sex is (why would he need to?) but he doesnt know that he doesnt know. he loves the culture of it and he’ll hit on anyone. he doesn’t get vocab, but he’s raunchy without hesitation (see quotes section)
he has his eyes on the front of his skull because hes a pursuit predator
his tragic flaw is that he has no flaws. likewise, his lack of complexity is what makes him complex. He has no insecurities. This guy is a black hole. He is everything, but most importantly, he is Nothing.
It’s typical for him to throw around callous, vulgar, and at times offensive references. Case in point: his favorite nicknames for kumquat are Cumsquat and Cumsquirt. Likewise, his nicknames for pimento are Pissmentos, Bimento, Bitchmento, etc.
whenever he does something to boast about, he pounds his chest, turns around, flashes the back of his jacket, and chants C.B.H.! the way a frat boy chants his college's name
he's largely inspired by the way chris fleming characterizes the massachusettsian frat boy. in our minds, he also shares a voice with him.
he feels no shame and he does not hide himself. He may be a bullheaded, grandiose individual, but that doesnt mean he'll withhold his words of affirmation. he'll say something and really mean it - he gives and withholds performances for no one, as he only serves himself.
He devotes no time to introspection. it’s debatable that he might not even know how, but it would be time squandered as there’s not much to introspect On.
it’s a mistake to misinterpret kumquat as his little buddy whom he feels affection for; in his mind, they’re on the same team is all. hes gotta protect his own. It’s as if they’re in the same frathouse. that being said, hes not a good team player. he gets along with kumquat and at times pimento because they’re both socially passive, and the same goes for any relationship he’s ever had. Working with someone of his caliber would guarantee the butting of heads and stalemates on stalemates. A disaster
he’s heavily inspired by 3OH!3
his other inspirations include grunkle stan, brucie kibbutz, and caesar from big top burger, in equal parts
his species is potion
his mother is a lava lamp, his father is a science flask, and he has several siblings, with one of which being a bong named Oregano.
Cannot stand being called Corn
“You wanna go? You wanna start some BEEF with the HASH?!”
“By the power vested in me by the state of marzipan city i now pronounce you FUCKED PWNED”
You want to know if his potion liquid is adhesive so you ask him if he has a meniscus and he thinks that youre asking him smth dirty so he says “hey hey i’m on my day job right now. Come by after 8 and ask me then, see what happens”
“If it’s not broke, we don’t sell it!” (motto)
“You wanna throw rocks at this glass house?”
 “Oh i’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was politically incorrect to have my TITS OUT”
“Broskis can you keep it down, im trying to get my wicked sleep gnar gnar on”
“Bro, i can’t deal with you trying to kiss me & shit. I’m not gay. Like, yeah, i’ll fuck a dude, marry a dude, but i seriously can’t be seen smooching someone with horns that big, you dig?”
“Yeah, no, yeah, yeah, i’m looking at the fucker right now.”
“Whose bottle do i gotta brush to [XYZ] around here?”
his uncieknuckies-type shitpost blog: @corndbeefhash​
and finally, his difficult person ranking:
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datastate · 3 years
as a big hk poster, do you have any tips on starting the game? (sorry if you've already answered something like this.)
i think i have, but you're fine don't worry!! :0 sorry for taking a while to get to this!!! these are just general things i wish i kept in mind when starting out. if you want more specific advice just lmk!!
QUICK WARNING : hk has a lot of flashing cutscenes / abilities throughout the game that are almost impossible to avoid. if this is a problem, please take care!
for starting out in the game, i'd rec this:
- explore! it may feel like a 'waste of time', but considering the averages of my siblings + my own casual runs have been on the upwards of 40 hours, it's a game packed with content that you can just have fun with - and not all of it is required to get an ending! just take your time.
-> (it took months for me to finish hk because i kept taking breaks when it got frustrating (which! it's sometimes meant to be. but also im disabled so it was a bit harder for me than the average person) and also because i was processing the story and offering my friend theories on what i thought was happening, which was fun to look back on!! if you're afraid you might forget stuff tho, take some notes. hk isn't necessarily a hefty game, but it did give a lot of content to explore for how little you pay for it)
- learn how to read the enemy's attack patterns, this will make your run SO much easier, and is what the first real boss battle (outside of the first area) is intended to help you with. i would really really not recommend trying to tank enemy's attacks. i brute forced the majority of my first run and it just made things much more difficult than it had to be
- the staggers where the enemy isn't attacking you? use those to heal. it's specifically placed so after [x] nail hits you'll be able to have a quick break to get one or two masks back. it's not critical that you hit them during this 'weak phase' like in other games! it's made for you to heal up or clean up the battle field of obstructions
- use spells during boss battles! they do SO much more damage than your nail and will really help you along
- if you get frustrated, take a day (or more) break. or if it's a boss specifically that's getting to you, try to explore other areas first. it is meant to be a challenging game where you feel yourself gradually improve, but there are still moments you should just step back if it isn't fun. if you've learned how to fight a boss, when you return with a 'clearer mind' it might be easier to get it done! just practice, don't feel too discouraged, you can do it!
- open the travel stations as soon as you come across them / asap, it'll help you out immensely with navigating the areas quicker!!!
- npcs have multiple lines of dialogue!!! and it will just repeat when you've exhausted all of it. a thing a lot of new players miss is the extra conversations you can have w recurring npcs :'] but it's sweet imo, not something i'd want to miss
-> if you want to know about vendors in the game, walk to the other side of them so you get the option to 'listen'! you get a little extra dialogue without immediately entering the 'store' / 'travel' area, and it's nice to have that :]
- i would personally save destroying the dreamers until near the end of the game, when there's little else left to do (or nothing left that you really want to devote effort too lol; ik i personally got very frustrated with a dream boss fight + the trial of fools area + one of the DLCs.) then that's when i would imagine you should go to the dreamers and learn more about them and the role they played in hallownest
-> if you do get an ending, don't worry!!! your game's not over yet, you can go back and get stuff you've missed or that is too difficult for you to get now.
++ possible spoilers? for rec'd items beneath the cut:
- for starting out in the game, i'd rec not using charms such as "thorns of agony" or "grubsong" for casual travel. it's better in hk to be on the offensive most of the time, so you'd instead opt for "soul catcher" and either a nail-lengthening/strengthening charm OR one of the spell builds (depends on your fighting style, tho i'd rec getting used to the latter due to its effective damage)
- rancid eggs are just used in dirtmouth to summon your shade back so you don't have to go back to a possibly dangerous area just to retrieve your geo
- here's my basic key set up, too. when i first played i made the mistake of spending like 6 hours with my set up excluding the dash key and it took a while to get used to it! set up your keys or controls as you like, this is just my rec ig :P
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