#and the website support from the app says he's not answering his phone or calling them back
dreamofbecoming · 6 months
left my phone in the cab on the way back from the hospital so now i have 1) no alarm to wake me up for my oral exam tomorrow, 2) no reliable way to contact my partner for my oral exam tomorrow, and 3) no hassle-free way to board the subway to get to school for my oral exam tomorrow
did i mention i have an oral exam tomorrow?
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theyoungturks · 2 years
In footage from a Tucker Carlson documentary, Donald Trump pushed Republican candidate Black Masters to say that the 2020 election was stolen. Brett Erlich and John Iadarola discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.vice.com/en/article/z34gax/trump-blake-masters-election-denial "Former President Donald Trump told Arizona GOP candidate Blake Masters that if he wants to win his Senate election against Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly, he has to essentially repeat election denial lies and nothing else. “I don’t know what you did with the debate, but I heard you did great in the debate, but bad election answer,” Trump told Masters in a phone call in the days following Masters’ Oct. 6 debate with Kelly." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221026__TA03 by The Young Turks
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Expecting... Pups {Klaroline} - Chapter 2: I'll Wait, I'll Wait
I'll Wait, I'll Wait
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "Originals", which belongs to it's rightful creator Julie Plec, Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Originals". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Hayley Bashing, Tyler Bashing, Spoilers for Originals Season 1 Episode 1
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Today's Special
I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain
I'll wait
I promise you don't have to be afraid
I'll wait
Love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me
~Little Do You Know By Alex & Sierra
Caroline was woken up the next day by her phone ringing nonstop. The pregnant woman groaned and turned away from the sound, trying to muffle it by burying her face into Klaus' side.
The hybrid, who had been sitting angst the headboard and up for the past hour, sketching, chuckled at her antics. "I'm not opposed to this, but it won't stop ringing until you pick it up."
Caroline groaned. "Whoever's calling this early in the morning, deserves to die." she growled, but quickly shot up once she remembered who she was talking to. She smiled sheepishly at him, "On second thought, let's not."
"Just say the word, love." Klaus smirked, going back to the sketch he was making of a sleeping Caroline. The blonds face was snuggled into her pillow, her golden locks a wave behind her. She was curled up into a little ball, with her hands resting protectively on her stomach.
The werewolf picked up her phone, to see an incoming call from Tyler. For a minute she debated not picking it up. But she didn't want anyone to worry, so she decided to accept the call.
"Caroline! Where are you?" Tyler demanded the second she picked up.
Klaus growled, not at all liking the mutt's tone. Caroline placed a hand on his arm to calm him down, but Tyler had already heard him. "Who's that? Where are you?" Tyler demanded.
This angered the former Miss Mystic Falls winner and she stood up and began pacing around as she growled into the phone. "That is none of your business."
"What the hell do you mean?" The hybrid asked.
"It means that you have no right to demand anything of me, I don't have to explain myself to you." The blond answered. "Especially after you ran away and ignored all my calls."
"Incase you don't remember. Klaus is after me!" Tyler shouted at her.
The pregnant werewolf took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. She could feel Klaus walk up to her and gently wrap and arm around her, running his fingers over her arm. The action helped soothe her, and she prepared for the upcoming argument. "I told you that he said you were free to come back."
"He's Klaus! Who knows when he'll change his mind." Tyler scoffed.
Caroline finally snapped, "He gave me his word!" she shouted into the phone. Enraged that Tyler was making excuses. "You know what. Let's end this. We're over!"
Caroline knew that Tyler and her had only ended up together because they were the only two wolves in Mystic Falls. If it wasn't for that, they would have broken up a long time ago.
But she refused to put up with that toxic relationship any longer. Especially because of her baby. Between finding out she's pregnant at 19, to the witches. She already had enough on her plate. And plus...
She knew that she was beginning to have feelings for Klaus. She had them since Mystic Falls. It's just time she began doing what was best for her, and not her friends, by acknowledging them.
"What the hell are you talking about Care!" Tyler said outraged. "Wait! This is about Klaus isn't it! How the hell did you even manage to get him to give you his word? You must have slept with him, didn't you. God your such a -"
Klaus snatched the phone out of Caroline's hand, "I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you mate." he growled.
Tyler wanted to say something. But the tone of Klaus' voice had his blood freezing in his veins and his wolf lowering his head and whimpering.
"You know, my exact words to Caroline were that you were free to return to Mystic Falls. So that means I can't harm you once you're there. But you aren't in Mystic Falls are you?" Taking his silence as his answer, Klaus continued. "I wonder, will you be able to reach Mystic Falls? I'll be nice. I'll only put a hit out on your head to 5% of my acquaintances. Alright."
Tyler may have been cocky, but Caroline knew exactly what it meant. The population of Mystic Falls may have been arrogant, but the rest of the world knew exactly why they should fear the originals. The only reason Katherine had managed to run for so long is because of her age and Elijah intervening when needed.
But Tyler didn't have Katherine's skills, or another original's protection. So even with only 5% of Klaus connections, that would be well into the hundreds, there was no way he'd make it.
With that, Klaus hung up.
Caroline glared up at him, "Was this really necessary?"
Klaus looked down at her, "I wasn't just going to let him insult you like that. Neither should you."
"I wasn't going to." Caroline protested. She sighed, "As happy as I am you defended me. I can fight my own battles. So you can stop trying to prove that you're the Alpha Male." she teased.
"I don't have to prove anything, love. I am the Alpha Male." Klaus smirked, repeating the words he said to her so long ago.
"It's a shame to see that your graduation gift wasn't really used." He says, using the arm he had wrapped around her shoulder to spin her around and pull her close.
Caroline giggled, "Please, I feel like it's anything but a shame for you." She then looked down at her stomach. "Doesn't really matter. Turns out, you ended up giving me another gift anyway." She says, gesturing to her abdomen that would soon begin to grow in the coming months, from the life growing within her.
The life that they created. Together.
Klaus feels a smile appear on his face, and closes his eyes, just letting himself enjoy the sound of Caroline, and their child's heartbeats. It truly was music to his ears.
He buried his nose into her neck, and let it trail upward, until his warm breath was hitting her war.
"Wait." Caroline began, as her head began growing foggy.
Klaus stops, and reluctantly pulls away.
That was one of the things Caroline loved most about him. He knew what her no's meant, and never pushed past them. He always let her say when she was ready.
"What are we Caroline?" Klaus asked softly, her eyes bearing into hers.
"I just broke up..." Caroline began, but didn't know where to go from there so she decided to use a different approach. "I know there's something between us." she confessed. "And I want to give us a proper chance." Klaus smiled at that, and opened his mouth to say something but Caroline placed a finger on his lips. "But before I can do that. I need some time. I need time to truly accept everything that's happening. This pregnancy itself is a lot to swallow. I just need time to come to terms with it. I thought I did yesterday. And I do want this child. Our child. But the responsibility of caring for another being and raising them. It's a lot. And... I just need a little bit more time." She said, her voice going quiet. Was that truly too much to ask?
But Klaus, like always. Was willing to provide whatever she needed, and wanted. "However long it takes." He reminds her.
He had plans for her.
To let her come to him, before he turned her into a hybrid and gave her immortality. Elena may be a vampire now. But he always had back up plans. Especially if it meant keeping his weakness safe.
He wasn't going to allow time, or death to rip his love away from him. He refused to.
Caroline smiles, until she remembered Hayley was downstairs. "What about Hayley?"
Klaus sighed as he remembered that nuisance. He really couldn't have everything he wanted at once could he?
Caroline was pregnant with his child. Nothing could make him happier. And now that memory is forever scarred by the other she-wolf.
He honestly only slept with her because he was upset about Caroline's rejections, and the only face that he saw well doing that deed, was his Queen's. By the time he came too, it was too late.
They weren't even in a relationship. Yet he couldn't help but feel like he had betrayed her that day.
And now, that mistake was coming back to bite him in the ass.
"I don't feel a connection to her. Or the child she carries. Neither does my wolf." Klaus tells her honestly.
Caroline shakes her head, "That doesn't change the fact that the child is yours. You may not like Hayley, heck I hate her. But the child she carries is innocent. It deserves a father." She paused, and looked down at her feet. "Do you feel a connection to ours?" she asks, barley above a whisper.
Klaus gently pushes her chin up, so her eyes are meeting his. "I won't be able to leave our side. My wolf won't let me. I don't want to either. I want to see our child brought into this world. I want to protect them from all it's horrors, and show them all it's wonders."
Caroline nods, understanding what he means. "I want my mate to." she adds.
"So we're mates?" Klaus teases.
Caroline smiles, "You've already won over my wolf side. But it won't be as easy. You have to earn my trust again." She says, adding the last part softly.
Klaus nods, "Prove that you can trust me."
Caroline smiles, remembering that conversation. "Well then, Step 1. Get me some food." She orders. "You promised me food, art, and culture. Didn't you?"
"You heard my message."
"More than once." Caroline confesses. Seeing his smug smile, she instantly regrets admitting that and changes the topic again. "Keeping your promise is a good way to show that I can trust you. I can't go out. But I want at least 1 out of 3."
He gently kisses her cheek, "I promised to show you my favorite city. I intend to keep it. Just give me some time and I'll lay the city at your feet."
"You alright?" Elijah asked when he entered the room to see Hayley coughing.
"Just dust." The werewolf answered. "This place is ancient."
Elijah nods, "Yes, it should serve our purposes. It's a sanctuary from our business in the Quarter. Right now, you are one of the most important people in this family. You need a good home. So I'm curious... in all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel?"
Hayley scowled internally at the mention of Caroline. She was hoping to gain Klaus attention. But so far, the hybrid had led the blond up to his room, and she hadn't seen him since. "About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night-stand?"
"About being a mother." Elijah corrected. Honestly, his primary concern would always be the baby in Hayley's womb. But he was relieved that he at least wouldn't have to worry about anything happening to the one in Caroline's. There was no way his brother would let any harm befall his beloved.
"I – I was abandoned when I was born and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf. So... I don't really know how I feel about being a mother because I... I never really had a good one." Hayley stuttered out, hoping to gain Elijah's sympathy.
She remembers all the stories she had heard in Mystic Falls about how Elijah had made a deal to protect Elena.
Poor, innocent, pathetic Elena.
"I will always protect you. You have my word on that." Elijah told her, firmly.
Hayley smirked inwardly, this was exactly what she wanted. She's a wolf in a city full of vampires. She needed to be protected to survive this. And if her baby was the key to it, then so be it.
There was no way Klaus would even give her a second glance. Especially not with Caroline here.
So her best bet would be Elijah.
He wasn't the all powerful hybrid. But he is an original. Powerful in his own right. So she'd just have to settle for him then.
Hayley slowly walked up to him, placing her hand in front of her, she began playing coy. "I noticed the room next to yours was empty. Could I perhaps take that one?"
Elijah froze, not expecting that request.
Normally he wouldn't mind whatever room she chose.
But the one next to his was reserved for someone very dear to him.
He knew the chances of her ever using it very next to none.
But he always had a room prepared, the room next to his, for his Katerina. That was something he made sure all his houses had.
He made sure the rooms were fit for her taste, nothing but the very best. And ensured that the closet was always large enough for comforts. Knowing how much his women loved her clothes.
He knew he made a mistake, leaving her like he did.
Katerina's temper was legendary. So he decided to wait a bit for her to cool down before chasing after her. He knew he'd have to wait and beg for her forgiveness.
But he was ready to grovel for however long it took to earn her forgiveness.
And now that his brother was well on his way to finding happiness with Caroline, perhaps he'd be open to finally allowing him and Rebekah to find theirs.
So Elijah gently shook her head. "I'm afraid not. But you are more than free to take the one down the hall."
Hayley's face soured but before she could say anything Klaus entered the room. "And noble Elijah always keeps his word." He chuckles.
"Is it done?" Elijah asks.
"As a matter of fact, yes." Klaus says, pretending to look thoughtful. "Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Because if I had to leave Caroline's side of a fool's errand, I would be quite displeased."
Elijah nodded. "Did it go well?"
"Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man Thierry still lives, and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter." Klaus says, walking into the room. "My own concern now is this coven of impudent witches. More specifically, the fact that Sophie's life is linked to Caroline's and our child's."
"Hey, what about me?" Hayley reminded him. But Klaus didn't even spare her a glance.
Elijah sighed, "I believe them to be honorable. They were more than agreeable in releasing Caroline, and in the end. They released Hayley as well."
"Though they haven't been entirely forthcoming." Elijah informed his brother. "Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why."
"A secret weapon." Klaus concludes. He turns to Hayley finally acknowledging her presence. "Leave." He orders her.
She's about to protest, but Klaus eyes flash amber, as his wolf dares her to try and disobey him. She grumbles and walks to the door. As she passes by him, Klaus wraps his hand around her upper arms, in a tight grip.
Elijah opens his mouth to protest, but Klaus raises his other hand to silence him. "Hayley, I haven't forgotten your last betrayal of the hybrid. But let me make myself perfectly clear. Should you do anything to put Caroline or the child she carries in danger. I will keep you alive, and torture you until the end of your days. I will find your family, any you may have out there, and I will torture them slowly and painfully. Understood?"
Hayley tries to pull her arm away, but could do nothing well Klaus didn't even react. "I'm carrying your child too." She reminded him.
"I couldn't care less." Klaus reminds her. "Should any harm befall her, and I link it back to you. You will be beginning for the mercy of death. Child be damned."
Hayley nods, fearfully. She dashes out of sight the second Klaus lets go of her.
"Was that really necessary, Niklaus?" Elijah asks.
"I've tortured pregnant women for less." Klaus reminds his brother.
"Yes, but she's pregnant with a Mikaelson." Elijah pleads.
"Let me make one thing clear. Brother." Klaus growls. "The only Mikaelson child I am concerned with is the one Caroline carries. The only reason Hayley's heart isn't out of her chest is because Caroline insists that despite all that Hayley's done, the she-wolf's child shouldn't be killed. Should anything happen to Caroline. I will flip this bloody game board on it's head and burn this city to the ground."
Elijah could see that there was no reasoning with his brother, so eventually sighed. "Marcel. He's clearly using this weapon to control the witches. He has assembled a small army of vampires. Working together, we could destroy them from the inside."
"And what of Rebekah?" Klaus asks him. "Has she stopped her pouting long enough to join the fun?"
Elijah sighs, "She has made disinterest quite clear."
"One too many times daggered and shoved in a box I gathered," Klaus smirks. "Or perhaps don't share your unwavering belief that I can be saved."
"She didn't at first." Elijah admits. "Though she did change her tune when I revealed Mis. Forbes was carrying your child as well. Rebekah may still surprise us yet. After all, we all swore the same vow." He says, removing the sheet covering the desk."
"I hope she stays far away." Klaus says, pouring himself a drink. "Because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability. One weakness that Marcel could exploit."
"And what is that?" Elijah asks. "Mis Forbes?"
Klaus chuckles, "Oh no. I'm not letting that one out of my sight unless absolutely necessary. I can't be in two places at once either. So you must be protected and out of harm's way." Klaus says, stabbing Elijah in the heart with the silver dagger coated in white oak ash that he had prepared ahead of time.
"Forgive me, my brother." Klaus apologizes. "There is no power in love." But as Klaus says this, the image of the blond werewolf resting upstairs flashed in his mind, and he failed to fully believe his own words. "Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak."
Once Elijah's body had completely grayed, Klaus placed his body in his coffin.
Klaus sighed, he knew Caroline wouldn't be happy with his decision to dagger Elijah. He could always try to hide it from her, but he knew that would only make it worse.
He could already imagine the storm that would follow when she finds out. But hopefully by then Elijah would be far away from here so she can't attempt to remove the dagger
So the best he could do is hide the body, and when she asks, tell her the truth.
It's official. Episode 1 was the only one where Klaus REMODLY canon.
Would Klaus tell the witches to kill Hayley?
Would Klaus have bit Marcel and his minions to put them in their place?
Was Klaus a bit OC here?
But remember, this Caroline, so I think it was on point. And b) as someone nice once pointed out, there is no way I can make him more oc, then the show originals did.
They set the bar pretty high there.
So the only way I'm going over that 'Oc bar' is if I get into a rocket, and launch myself at the moon. But even then, I don't think I'd make it over it.
Does anyone wanna guess what his backup plan for Caroline is? Here's a hint, think inside the box, because the answer is quite simple.
The answer to the back up plan he had in place to ensure Caroline became a hybrid, before they knew that the baby's blood could do it, will be revealed in a small scene later in the story.
The mood board for this was like pulling teeth, god was it painful to create. First, my files kept downloading through internet explorer which the collage app I use, doesn't accept. The, when I updated my computer, which luckily fixed the first problem, I kept downloading files in a way that once again, the app doesn't accept! So I didn't get to use like 9/10 of the pictures I wanted to at first. So something that normally takes me 5 minutes, took me forty. I was considering just scrapping the mood board for this, but in the end, my a small of of mercy, it finally worked. Sorry, I was a little frustrated, and ended up ranting.
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 10
omni’s on lunch break, quick post a new Chronicles update—
anyway, thank you for continuing to support this fic!!! i hope you enjoy this update and share the love!
from: itsdjbubbles
hey dude! i know you don’t know me or whatever but like, i wanted to tell you that clip you just posted was FIRE. and also i’m pretty sure we’re in the same city? i think i heard you playing this on the champ de mars yesterday. i didn’t have any cash on me but i totally would’ve given you some if i did.
anyway, nice tunes and hope you’re havin a good one
Luka’s only glad this message hasn’t been sitting in his request box for very long. Otherwise, he’d really feel like a total douchebag. And an ungrateful douchebag on top of that, considering the new clip he posted… isn’t doing as well as he’d like. Not even as well as the first version, the thirty seconds he recorded on his phone and slapped on the internet because his soul all but compelled him to. It’s not that he’s comparing himself to other musicians on here; he rarely does this stuff for the numbers, anyway. It’s more that he’s comparing himself to… himself. The thing that he loves doing, puts hours of himself into, versus… these simple, giveaway details of his life that he posts without a second thought, because, well, where else is he going to put them?
Is this the case with every artist? Because if it is, then that’s just… stupid.
It’s half-past midnight, but Luka still pushes himself out of bed and shuffles to the couch, using the light of his phone to guide his path. His mother and Juleka are surprisingly asleep by now—he’s pretty sure at least half of France is, in spite of what this city has to offer—but he’s hardly ever been opposed to the comfort of the quiet and the dark. At least it gives him a chance to read the message a few more times.
It’s not often that people reach out to him privately. In fact, most of his direct messages are from people he’d befriended on other social media platforms, or occasionally someone who, like this Bubbles person, just wanted to let him know they liked his work and hoped he was having a nice day. It’s not that he thinks that he’s better than the people who are brave enough to reach out. He’s just never really known how to answer those kinds of messages beyond a thank you, so he’s tended to leave them be, or worse—never accept them in the first place, so they’d never know he read them at all.
It sort of makes him wonder how people dealt with situations like this a century or two ago. Maybe they just never left their houses, so they could never be called upon. So they never had to be known.
That wouldn’t be so bad, if he didn’t have to make money. Or if he didn’t like the sun so much.
Well. He supposes with technology like this, he’s coming pretty close.
Out of curiosity, Luka taps Bubbles’s icon, just to peek at their profile. He balks at the follower count—it’s well over a thousand—and judging by the content they post, he’s pretty sure almost none of them are those stupid bots looking to make ad revenue or ensure their devices are brimming with viruses. Or worse—argue against human rights, as though they’re something to be argued against. Bubbles’s page is funny, and vibrant, and rife with links to this other website he’s only ever heard of in jokes. It makes him halfway wonder how many of Bubbles’s posts have blown up—and how many they’ve actually responded to with a tip jar link or a peep my Soundcloud.
Whatever this Bubbles person is doing, it’s working. And it’s working right.
They don’t have any pictures of themselves on their page, or even as their profile picture. In fact, the most Luka finds is a silhouette of them from a nightclub, somehow darker than black and highlighted by strobes of bold, bright light. And the most he can make out of that is the rim of a pair of round glasses, and layers of thick dreadlocks.
It probably doesn’t matter. Even if he pulled off some crazed theorist thing with wild hair and enough red yarn to map out every arrondissement, he probably couldn’t have picked out glasses and dreadlocks out of a crowd on the Champ de Mars if he tried and wasn’t distracted by his own work.
But what could it hurt to say hi back?
Luka pops in his headphones, because the music is the only thing that actually lets him concentrate, and starts to type his response in the notes app on his phone. He doesn’t want to accidentally send something he hasn’t read and reread, or hasn’t even finished typing. And if Bubbles just so happens to be checking their messages, he doesn’t want to keep them waiting with all the typing and deleting and re-typing and re-deleting. He’s been on the receiving end of those eerily calm ellipses enough times to never want to subject anyone else to that. Eventually—and eventually is a long time, even for him—he comes up with something he’s actually satisfied with.
to: itsdjbubbles
hey, sorry for replying so late, i didn’t get any notification. but thanks for the compliment. it’s really cool of you to message me in the first place, i appreciate it. sorry about the cash thing, but don’t worry about it. i’d like to do it full-time someday, but it’s more of a side hustle thing for now. maybe i’ll get one of those venmo or cashapp things for people who don’t carry cash. (i mean, you’re right, who does that, anyway? it’s the 21st century.)
With a deep breath and both legs bouncing, Luka taps the SEND button. And then he decides that was an awkward place to end a message, because apparently you can read and reread and edit and re-edit, and you’ll still find every little thing wrong after you post, so he sends a follow-up message as quickly as he can.
anyway, thanks for the message. hope you’re having a good night.
Assuming Bubbles is even awake.
As soon as he puts his phone face-down in his lap, his blood runs cold with relief, and his hands start to tremble and tingle in spite of how the music still blasts in his ears. He tries to calm himself down by placing the color of each song, but after just a few of them he starts feeling that familiar buzz of sensory overload. In the end, he has to lie back and close his eyes and bask in total silence, just to get his head back on straight.
A message.
He sent a message.
His phone buzzes from its place on his stomach, and immediately he scrambles for it, squinting against the bright light of his screen. There’s a single notification.
He shouldn’t already be this excited to talk to Bubbles.
from: itsdjbubbles
dude, you’re still up? don’t you have work in the morning?
from: itsdjbubbles
no but for real, you should consider sharing on other sites or picking up some other gigs if you haven’t already.
from: itsdjbubbles
like lol i know we just met and all but i know a place i DJ sometimes that’d totally like your vibe. just lmk if you’re interested?
from: itsdjbubbles
anyway, we should probably get some sleep huh. g’night!
It’s… funny. How this is all it takes for opportunity to fall into his lap.
Luka gets to his feet, a tired grin inching its way across his face, and shuffles right back to bed, another message under his thumb. Except this time, he doesn’t bother to open up his notes. If Bubbles knows he’s up, he might as well own it. Just for now.
to: itsdjbubbles
i’m going, i’m going, don’t worry, haha.
to: itsdjbubbles
yeah, i’ll think about it. why don’t you send me their info?
from: itsdjbubbles
you got it, dude.
from: itsdjbubbles
from: itsdjbubbles
good luck with CBG and all
from: itsdjbubbles
though from the looks of it, maybe you won’t need it??
Luka’s eyes blow wide open enough to start asking in his head, what does it mean? what does it all mean? Instead, he presses his phone to his face, because asking—and screaming—will definitely wake up his family, and types out one more reply.
to: itsdjbubbles
trust me. vaguely knowing her, i think i will.
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onlynight-onlylight · 4 years
The Dawn Before Sunrise is The Darkest of All
Words: 6,1K
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader / You, slight Namjoon x Reader / You, Jungkook
Genre: Fluff, Angst -- back and forth timeline, breakup, Namjoon & Jungkook are muscle bros, cute Jungkook for help
Summary: Small misunderstanding leads you to big mistake. You never thought it will make you lose him. He’s gone without a goodbye. It’s a bad bye.
Playlist suggestion: RM ft eAeon - Badbye, RM - Trivia: Love, Heize ft Giri Boy (Prod SUGA) - We Don’t Talk Together, Pink Sweat$ - At My Worst
Note: I want to try something different but I’m not sure if this is a success or failure. Lol. I put small amount of angst in here, hmm maybe a little too much compare to my other writings. But yeah, I’m trying new things. And happy birthday Yoongi! What Yoongi wants what Yoongi gets!
You sigh. You stand in front of your wardrobe. There’s visible contrast between your clothes and his. You can feel the pain on your chest. For the love you let go, you live like in hell for a month. You have no reason to live right after he walks out of your life. No calls, no messages, no news from him. You hate him. But then, you worry something might happen to him more. You grab the sleeve of his long coat.
“Where’d you go?”
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 “Stay” Yoongi whispers with his eyes closed.
“We have to get ready”
“Ten minutes. Just stay like this for ten minutes”
You grant his wish and stay on the bed with him. You lie patiently on your back. He sleeps while facing you, hugging you on the waist.
“When we arrive at your home, I will barely hold you for the next two days”
You caress his face and he leans to you.
“They know we live together, maybe this time they will let you sleep with me instead of staying in guest room”
“Nah, your father won’t let me”
“But he likes you”
Yoongi opens his eyes. His sleepiness is gone and leaves him with laziness.
“It doesn’t mean he wants a man to sleep with his daughter under his nose”
You laugh after hearing Yoongi’s comment. He always has something to say and it hits home. Your father indeed likes Yoongi. They can talk for hours while your mom and you are preparing food. But sleeping together or showing skinship are whole different things for him.
“Did he say something to you?”
Yoongi pretends to think. You know there’s something between the two men after your last visit. Both of them seem to want it staying as secret. He supports his head with his right hand and looks at me with serious face.
“You don’t have to know”
“Ugh. Did you guys plan something fishy?”
Yoongi’s face comes closer to you. Being together for a year doesn’t make you less affected by him and his aura. Even he looks so casual and cute after waking up, your heart can’t help but to beats faster.
“Yes. We plan something fishy like fishing on the sea next month without you” he whispers while teasing you.
“No way, Dad won’t leave me behind” you whisper back to him.
“Yes way” he says before kissing you.
 It starts slow and steady. The ten minutes requested by Yoongi has passed but you don’t really care. You have enough time to get ready before 1 night and 2 days trip for Lunar New Year to your parents’ home. His fingers touch your skin softly under your t-shirt.
Yoongi stops kissing you and puts smirk on his face.
“We should stop, right? We can’t let your parents waiting” he says before kissing your forehead and gets up. You can hear his laugh when he walks away.
“Min Yoongi!”
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  You stay on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Somehow, you feel more tired after waking up. You may expertise in taking a deep breath now. It helps you holding in your tears. Your phone ringing shatters your scrambling thoughts. You don’t want to let your hope up but deep inside, you pray you’ll hear something from him in every single call or text anyone made to you.
 “Hey, you’re awake?”
“Hmm. Any good news?”
You hear nothing for two seconds before he answers. You know he carefully picks his words.
“I’m sorry but I have nothing for that. But Mom tells you to come today. Dad just bought a fresh tuna this morning, randomly. So, we’ll have sushi party”
“Joon, I-“
“This is a compulsory, no refusal is accepted. I’ll come at ten so get yourself a good bath and breakfast”
“Okay, thanks Joon”
“It’s nothing. See you”
You’re not moving from your previous position for another 5 minutes before getting ready. You look at your pictures with Yoongi, smiling widely to each other.
“I miss you”
 On the other side, Namjoon exhale a deep breath. He massages his temple. Honestly, it pains him to see you like this. You look soulless and pale, your smile never reaches your eyes. He keeps you on his watch because he’s worry, because no Yoongi is around for you. He sips on his morning coffee and open the message app. There’s one particular message that he keeps coming back to.
 N: Do you love her?
Y: I do. You know I love her more than anything, even my own life
N: Then stop torturing her
N: If you can’t make her happy, I will.
 Namjoon smiles when he sees you. He hugs you when you arrive at his car. He’s the one who knows the whole story between Yoongi and you.
“Come on, the tuna is waiting” he says, making you smile.
 You and Namjoon are friends for the last 3 years. Joining the book club at the city library might be the best decision you made that year because you met Joon there. You were amazed at his choice on books and the thoughts after reading it. You always know he is the smartest man you’ve met. He surprises you more when he said he also makes music and writes his own lyrics. There’s no such thing as a perfect man in real life, it’s only happened in drama. But then Namjoon exists to prove you wrong.
 You spent more time with Joon outside the book club. He treated you so well like the gentleman he was. After knowing each other for a year, he often took you to his studio. Just when you thought you have a crush on him, you met Yoongi. Joon were working on collaboration projects with two talented artists, Hoseok and Yoongi. You saw it somewhere in the online community website that the infamous three rappers would do a collaboration series by spoiler from RM. It was definitely huge thing and everyone was waiting with high expectation. As you figured that Joon was RM, you notice that Hoseok was J-Hope and Yoongi was SUGA. After that, you often met them at Joon’s studio and got closer.
 “So, Mom and Dad are trying to be Japanese sushi chefs right now, with Jungkook as their assistant. Basically, they trust Jungkook and his youtube’s manual”
You laugh with him. You can imagine the situation of his parent’s house right now.
“He’ll be saying ‘you can trust me on this’ while watching how to slice tuna belly on youtube”
“That’s exactly what happened”
You feel thankful to Namjoon. He’s not giving you the pity looks that you’ve got from others. He’s the first person you ask when Yoongi went missing. But Yoongi is not in Joon’s studio or home. You also come to Hoseok’s place but he’s just as clueless as you.
 “Welcome! Welcome!” shouts Jungkook when you step inside the house. You can’t help but laugh at him. Mr. & Mrs. Kim come out from the kitchen and strike a pose with Jungkook. They wear similar scarf on their head and black apron on their waist. You clap your hand excitedly and make them feel proud.
“Let’s move to the dining table before Jungkook eats them all. He keeps making excuses that the cutting line is not good enough before dump them to his mouth”
“Mom, I want to give Y/N noona the best sushi only”
“Do you believe that?” asks Joon to you.
“I highly doubt it”
Your answer makes Jungkook looks at you with his large doe eyes. Before he can protest, Mr. Kim rushes us to go and get ready to eat.
 Y/N noona is fine. Looks tired but still fine. Hope you’re here with us.
Message sent
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 You sit lazily on his sofa, seeing he works hard through his back. You can hear him humming to his new song. You smile to yourself, enjoying this Yoongi. When you come to his studio, he always let you to hang around. He will ask your opinion to the music he made, but it’s never love songs. You, once, asked him why he never let you hear any of his love songs. You remember he smiled.
‘Remember when I accidentally stand behind you when you write? What did you do then?’
‘I tell you to not look because it’s not finished yet and… I’m too shy to let you, the source of my idea watching me work’
‘That works the same with my love songs. I can’t present it to you unfinished’
He is working on his mixtape which will be released a month from now. He wants it to be perfect so he does it very carefully.
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“Just order the food and eat here, okay? I’ll be finished soon” he says. But he has been saying the same thing for an hour and half now.
“Okay, but you’ll have to eat with me”
“I can’t, baby. I’ll eat later”
You stand and walk to him. He has no intention to get rest even for a minute. You know this is very important for him, but you don’t like to see him having lack of sleep. You know he’s been skipping meals on most days but he won’t tell you that.
“Stop skipping meals… at least when I am here, will you?” you say, almost whispering. You want him to do as you say but you don’t want to argue with him. Not when he needs much time to focus.
His fingers stop working. He sighs and turns his attention to me. He looks tired.
“I’ll try my best to eat and sleep between the breaks, okay?”
He tries to reassure you and you can only nod.
“I know Joon snitching to you, but he’s just exaggerating”
 Yoongi stands up and opens his arms for you. You settle yourself on his embrace. He’s the one who sets you in worry, but he’s also the one who can put you at ease. Yoongi is your person. You never feel this way with other people including your exes. He is special.
“Let’s just go home, then eat and cuddle. I can always overtime start tomorrow anyway”
You just give him your bright smile as approval and making him showing you his gummy smile. You always think you are perfect for each other.
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  Sera waves her hand in front of you, pulling you back to the current time. The time with no Yoongi around you, the time that pains you much.
“Eat more, okay?”
“I will”
You take another spoon of rice and continue to eat. Your colleagues resume the conversation. You try to keep up with them and give responses.
“Will Namjoon pick you up again today?” ask Hyojoon.
“No, he’s busy. Why, you miss him already?” tease you to her. She blushes and it looks cute to you.
“It’s not like that” defends her.
You and Sera laugh, satisfied with her reaction.
“It’s fine. Namjoon is attractive man, it’s very normal to put your interest in him. I can promote him to you all day long if you want”
They know about Yoongi and they always try to help you in any way. Sometimes you can feel their pity but they try their best to hide it. You still feel grateful to have them.
“But honestly Y/N, have you and Namjoon, you know, crush on each other?” asks Sera.
“I think I admire him a lot since early of our friendship. But I don’t think we have that romantic feeling”
“Hmm you sure?” asks Hyojoon.
“Why are you asking? You really like Namjoon, huh?”
“I… I find him very attractive but I always feel he looks at you differently so…”
You only smile before responding to her.
“I have Yoongi, don’t you remember?”
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 Two weeks flies so fast for Yoongi, but feels so long for you. You barely meet him while living under the same roof. He is back when you sleep. Sometimes, you both greet each other in the morning, on the way to work for you and sleep for Yoongi. Other times, you don’t even talk. Yoongi often goes back to home looks annoyed. You can see his frustration and sour mood. He tells you to visit him less because he needs his full attention on his work. And now, he’s been sleeping on the studio for 3 days straight. You prepare his clothes and some snack so he can focus on working because you know how precious music for him. You want the best for him even though it may hurt you in the process.
 You are a meter away from his studio’s door when it’s suddenly opened. You see Suran going out.
“Oh, Y/N!” Suran greets you cheerily, then hugs you.
“How are you, onni?” you ask. It’s been long time to see her after Yoongi’s first mixtape. You envy her for being great singer and work together with your boyfriend.
“I’m busy, but not as busy as your man”
We both laugh as knowing how Yoongi is.
“Are you working for this mixtape too?”
She shakes his head, and then stands closer to me.
“Yoongi is working another song for me, it will be on my album. But this is top secret so…”
She pretends to zip her mouth and asks me to do the same. She, then, cups my face and look at me so dearly.
“You’re so cute. Now, I won’t take your time, go lovey dovey with the lover boy”
 You just laugh then wave at her. You punch the code of his studio’s door and come in.
“Do you leave something behind, noona?” ask Yoongi with bright tones. The tones that you haven’t heard for days.
You just stand there with a backpack of Yoongi’s clothes and other bag full of snacks. You try processing the studio’s appearance. You spot his jacket on the chair next to him, blanket on the sofa, cans of beer on the table with lipstick stain on some. To mistaken you for another woman mean you’re not the only girl who knows his password. The password he used to keep as secret.
 As I’m not answering his question, he looks back and finds me standing awkwardly.
“Oh, you came? I’m thinking of coming home early today”
You try to be calm and not to dwell on things that might be not happened.
“Baby, are you okay?”
You put both of your luggage down. The tears are pooling on your eyes, threatening to fall. You can see Yoongi walks to you and you unconsciously take one step back. He stops and be on alert.
Your voice won’t come out. The tears speak for you instead. Yoongi takes another step closer. You hold out your hand, telling him to stop. You really don’t want to hurt him with your harsh words when you can’t even think.
“I didn’t do anything that would hurt you, please don’t doubt me”
You try to stop the tears and listen to him but you’re too hurt to do that.
“We have to talk, I’ll answer all of your questions but you won’t listen to anything now”
Yoongi knows you very well. You both know you’re holding each other rage hidden to save this relationship. Fire and water. Yoongi is used to cool the hot-headed me down at most times. He puts my fire away when it becomes bigger and brings danger. But this time, it seems different. You can forgive anything but not cheating. You mention this to Yoongi on your early days together.
 You look at him in the eyes, tears keep streaming down your face. You can see worry on his face but his jaw tense as if he’s angry. Is it your fault? Aren’t you allowed to be jealous?
“I’m going” you say walking back to the door.
His voice stops your hand from turning the door’s handle. He sighs and speaks slowly.
“I’m not coming home tonight, or until you want to listen to my side of story”
You choose to leave him. You choose to not listen to him. The person who understands you the most, who loves you the most. You know you’ll regret it once you clear your head but your ego is too big to realize. You’re out of his studio without looking back.
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You stare blankly at your window. The lights from the others buildings and houses feel so far today. You wonder, is Yoongi in one of them? Is he okay? Is he… happy? Single tear escapes your eye. You don’t want to give up on him, you don’t want to let him go. But if letting him away from you brings him happiness then you have no other options.
You sigh. Your phone buzz, a message from Jungkook comes.
Noona, hyung is coming back
(Heize Returns with “We Don’t Talk Together” Produced by SUGA and Featuring Giri Boy)
You open the news link as fast as you can. You read the whole article in seconds.
“You’re alive. You’re okay. Thanks God”
Your emotion is coming out at once. The relief, happiness, sadness, rage, and other unidentified emotions are becoming one. Your mental can’t bear all of them so you’re breaking down. You’re crying hard. It’s even harder than the day you fail university exam in your mother’s arms.
“Why don’t you say anything? At least read my messages. I’m worried to death, Yoongi”
You open the messages you sent to him. All of them are left unread, even until now. The world may not know what happened, but Yoongi has been missing from your world, from your life.
You keep crying until you tired and sleep on the sofa. You don’t know that the number 1 on your message has gone. Yoongi read all of your message while you are sleeping.
Namjoon’s thumb hovers over the call button. He wants to check Y/N’s condition after seeing the news. Heize is a big singer in the industry so it’s impossible to Y/N not knowing this. Part of him feels guilty for being greedy over her, but he just hate to see her being like this. He searches another name on his contact and dial the number.
“Let’s meet”
“Yeah, I have something to talk too”
“Where do you want to meet, Yoongi?”
Jungkook slams the door open. He looks at her brother with rage. How can his brother pretend to not knowing anything about Yoongi’s whereabout to Y/N when he knows everything. As he lives together with his brother for a year now, he becomes close to his friends. He knows his brother treats Y/N differently but he never think of another reason than Y/N is the only woman on their group. He’s sure his brother has another motive now. Is Namjoon crushing on Y/N? Is he the one who makes them separated? How can he stand seeing Y/N hurt like that? Jungkook keeps trying to contact Yoongi’s phone but it always fails.
“Explain to me, no excuses”
“Okay, but you need to calm down and sit”
Namjoon take a deep breath before explaining everything to his little brother. Jungkook respects him a lot as brother and musician, but he also see Yoongi as his mentor in music.
“Y/N and Yoongi got into big fight two weeks before D-2 was released. Yoongi stressed about the album, thought fight wasn’t really necessary. But Y/N thought Yoongi didn’t care about her and choose to shut her out from his life”
Jungkook listens intently, he doesn’t want to miss anything.
“It was just misunderstanding but it was critical for their relationship. Suran explained it to Y/N as she was the key of the fight but at that time Yoongi has gone missing.”
“But I work in the same industry, I know he’s there. I get his new number from the company. He comes to see Y/N from a far sometimes. But I don’t want to be involved further in their relationship”
“I loved Y/N, I did. I always tried to impress her, to make her laugh. But that was before she met Yoongi. The time I see twinkle in her eyes when she saw Yoongi, I knew the game is over”
“Is it really over, hyung?”
“I thought it would. I promised myself to be her bestfriend wherever she needs me. But when Yoongi gone and seeing her world broke apart, I couldn’t just sit and watch her”
Jungkook remembers the last song his brother release 6 months ago. The love song named Trivia: Love. The project collaboration with Hoseok and Yoongi. He still loves her. The feeling doesn’t stop in the past. It’s growing without his brother knowing.
I’m just human. You erode all my corners and make me into love.
Though the distance between I and U is long
I crossed all the letters and reached you
Look, mine and yours also sound the same
Though that doesn’t make me you,
I’d like to be a part of your book
I’d like to get involved in your novel
as your lover
“Why is my genius brother becoming an idiot?” ask Jungkook.
Namjoon just laughs. He thanks Jungkook in his head as he’s no longer mad. To be honest, Jungkook is his biggest supporter to keep doing music. If Jungkook turns his back to him, he thinks he can’t go far.
“I’ll talk to Yoongi. I’ll make sure he gives what Y/N deserve to get”
Yoongi sits in the meeting room with Heize, Giri Boy and marketing team members. They monitor the public response after the collaboration articles are out. One screen shows the comments on news portal and the other shows view numbers and live comments on the music video. The feedback is super positive and it brings relief to the team. Yoongi feels proud to himself. There’s one particular person he wants to share this feeling right now. Someone important in his life that is even more important than the life itself.
“The mixtape is getting the attention too, that’s great” says the head of marketing team. Yoongi offers them his shy smile.
“Exposure is indeed great, but I hope they like the music”
“I’m sure they will. This is Min SUGA PD we’re talking about” says Heize that supported by others.
“If this keeps going up, then we should really make another project” adds the manager.
“Okay. Let’s wrap it up now and schedule the team dinner on the next Friday”
The meeting is dismissed and Yoongi rushes to go to somewhere. He prepares himself for the worst but he won’t give up. He can’t give up. He will hold her hand until the end. He will run after her. He won’t do the same mistake. He arrives at the park not far from his old studio. Namjoon is there, waiting for him. Namjoon is his bestfriend but he is also Y/N’s. He will understand if Namjoon wants to beat him to death.
“I’m sorry I’m being a jerk this past month, but I… I can’t let her go. I can’t give her to you”
“I know”
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You keep monitoring Yoongi’s agency updates for his mixtape. Today, the countdown is supposed to be D-2. Two days before you can finally meet Yoongi and talk about everthing. You know your close friends are aware that something happened between you and Yoongi but you think it will be okay soon. You sleep less, hoping to see him coming through the door. You endlessly open and close your phone, waiting for his text or call.
You get new notification, informing the newest mixtape is out now. It’s quite a surprise but it means good news. You can meet Yoongi sooner than you expect. Out of happiness, you try to call him. This will be the first call after the fight, after two weeks.
“Please answer the call”
“The number you are calling-“
You keep trying to call him but you keep connected to his mailbox. You send some messages but no response. You try, and then you wait. You keep doing it, but you can’t reach him. You grab you purse and leave the home.
You stand in front of his studio. The bad memories come back at you. You push the pass code slowly, thinking Yoongi is inside. Thinking that you can finally meet him makes you nervous. The door is open and you rush yourself to go in. But no one’s there. No Yoongi, not even his equipment. He’s gone.
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Yoongi arrives at the park not far from his old studio. Namjoon is there, waiting for him. Namjoon is his bestfriend but he is also Y/N’s. He will understand if Namjoon wants to beat him to death.
“I’m sorry I’m being a jerk this past month, but I… I can’t let her go. I can’t give her to you”
“I know”
“I really want to punch you when I see your text, but I don’t want to start a game that I know I’m going to lose. I should’ve gone to the gym with you and Hoseok back then”
Namjoon shakes his head and smile.
“The feeling is mutual. I stop myself from beating you up because I don’t want her to hate me more than she hates you”
They both laugh. They are brother after all.
“Thank you for being there for her. I’m ashamed to admit this but I don’t deserve her. I see how she’s not being herself and it pains me”
“She’s not giving up on you”
“I know and that’s why I want to come back with a better version of me. So I can tell people that I deserve her, I can give her happiness”
“You include me in that ‘people’ category?” Namjoon asks.
“Number 1 on the list” Yoongi answers with laugh.
Both of them sit in the silence. Too many things come across their minds. This will be the closure for Namjoon’s unrequited love, while new beginning for Yoongi.
“Just don’t do the same mistake, Yoongs. I’ll take her from you if this shit happens in the future and you, you’ll be the one who can’t see and hear anything from her”
“I swear I won’t repeat the same mistake so you can go and fall in love with someone else, not mine”
You open your eyes. The sun has risen so high to remind you another day has come. You thank God when realize that today is Saturday. You can avoid people from your workplace curiosity about your puffy eyes. You look at your phone screen. You really want to call him again but you’re afraid of the failure this time. You turn it on and open the lock. Almost every one you know sends you message but nothing from him. You have no energy to cry, so you just put it back and leave to the bathroom.
An hour later, you sit on your sofa again with you light lunch. You remember Namjoon always reminds you that whatever happens you have to stuff your mouth with food even when you don’t want to. You don’t aware that your phone continuously vibrates.
“Noona, you’re home?”
“Yeah. Whats wrong? Are you… are you running?” you ask. Jungkook laugh and you hear his rush steps.
“Noona, meet me in front of your apartment. Hurry up! We don’t have much time”
“Hey, JK. If it’s one of your pranks I won’t fall for it”
“Noooo. I don’t do pranks again. Please believe me and come down”
You really have no energy to do anything yet Jungkook asking you to go out. You grab the black cardigan and layer it on your white t-shirt. It’s ends of June already but you always feel cold. Your wear glasses to hide your eyes. You bring your small bag and phone to meet Jungkook. If it’s nothing important, you swear you will give him a long speech. No more ‘I’ll forgive you because you’re cute’ again.
He brings you to the brunch café nearby. The café you used to visit with Yoongi. The last visit must be three months ago, when everything was still okay.
“Why we’re here?” you ask Jungkook who focuses on menu book. He doesn’t answer your question but calling the waiter. He orders 5 main dishes with 1 dessert.
“I want to try the dishes you recommend to me”
“All of them?”
“Yes, I can eat them all in one sitting. Besides, I have you here, so I have no worry on my plate”
“I’ve had my lunch” you say. Jungkook rises an eyebrow.
“Are you considering cereal with milk as your lunch? Oh please, noona. As the cereal mania, I’m offended”
You only laugh because you’ve got caught. You indeed just eat cereal for living these days.
Jungkook keeps babbling and you can only smile. You listen to his story and it does help to enlighten you. The food is coming one by one. When the last plate is placed, he cocks his head and look at you with his sparkling deer eyes. He asks me to eat with him and not to only watch him eating.
“Did you listen to the new song?” he asks. You stop for a while before looking at him.
“I slept early last night and woke up late”
“Would you listen to it?” he asks carefully.
You don’t answer his question and play with the food. You’re not sure if it’s the best choice to do.
“Would you give it a chance, noona?”
He begs to you with his eyes. He holds your hand, giving you strength to go on.
“I’ll be here. I’ll help you with anything”
Jungkook gives his phone and airpods to me. He encourages me to listen to it while he’s here with me. I take few deep breaths before click the play button.
I’m sorry, was I too harsh?
I’m way too fearless
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe I thought you’d comfort me
So I played hard to get
But when you’re not here
Everything crashes down
So with a blank face
I built a house
My footsteps are getting heavier
I can’t walk anymore
I can’t just let you go like this
But I can’t open my mouth
You listen to his melody. You listen to his lyrics. His song speaks to you. The key in relationship is communication but both you and Yoongi have failed. You two try to be considerate for the other person but it only pushes you away farther from each other. You look up at Jungkook, he gives you reassuring smile.
You’re back to the scariest place for you. His studio. Jungkook holds your shoulder from the back. You don’t realize that you are trembling. Your body remember the pain and it scares you.
“Everything will be okay” chants Jungkook repeatedly to make you believe him.
Your hand is still trembling and puts the code one by one. You remember what Suran tolds you.
‘We all know Yoongi is deeply in love with you so we kind of guessing his password. Then he officially tells everyone who is in the mixtape project including me for easy access. I’m sorry Y/N, I really am’
The door is open. Jungkook gives you another soft pat, supports you from behind. You take a step inside. You hear low sound of music. You can smell very familiar scent filling the room. All the equipment and decorations back to the room. You can see a figure sits on the chair looking at the monitor. You hold your breath. You’re scared that all of this is just your sweet dream.
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The man turns around. He smiles. Yoongi looks paler than the last time you saw him. His face looks thinner, dark circles appear more visible than before. He stands and walks to you.
“You came?”
“You’re here. You’re really here”
“I’m here. I will never leave again”
You really don’t want to cry. You’re tired for all the crying you did these months. He opens his arms widely, ready to embrace you again. He regrets to ever think leaving you will make you happier. He is in deep resentment to think he can live normally without you beside him.
“I’m sorry” says Yoongi softly. You hug him tight, you’re afraid he will disappear to thin air.
“No, I’m sorry”
Yoongi lifts my face to look at him.
“It takes me too long to be confident in being your boyfriend. I punish myself for being a fool to hurt you like that. But I just hurt you more”
“I shouldn’t doubt you that day. I can’t bear myself with the thought of losing you”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I should’ve told you everything. Do you forgive me?”
You nod and hug him again.
“We make mistake, but we learn from it. We will make a new beginning and be together forever”
Yoongi fills you in for the days he absents from your life. How he tried to focus on finishing the mixtape album, how he gave all the best that he can for Heize new song, how he barely lived without you. You don’t miss the chance to punch his arms or chest whenever you think he’s an idiot. He takes it all, he thinks he deserves more than just light punch from you.
“Honestly, I’m afraid that you won’t take me back. That you start to think Joon is better than me”
“Hey!” you slap his chest. He laughs.
“I trust you but I don’t trust Joon. He had crush on you before you meet me, you know. If we didn’t meet, maybe he is the best person for you to be with”
“It’s all in the past, right? I hope Joon meet someone who loves him sincerely”
Yoongi pulls you to him, pastes your back to his chest. He hugs you tight and doesn’t answer your question. He is actually very scared to lose Y/N to his bestfriend. He doesn’t want you to know that Namjoon is still crushing on you. He, once, thinks that Namjoon loves you as much as he does.
He kisses your temple every time you stop talking. You find it cute and crave him more. You turn your head to him and kiss him on the lips. He just smiles.
“I miss you”
“I miss you more”
“Not sure about that. I miss you more than you miss me”
You love this Yoongi. No, you just love Yoongi and being with Yoongi, whatever side or color of him he shows to you.
“Can I meet your parents tomorrow?”
“My parents? Why?”
You fully turn your body to him. You feel nervous and nausea waiting for him answer. You are the fire and he is the water. When you easily pop small tantrums, Yoongi is very calm and gives you another insight.
“I need to talk to them, it’s very important”
“Should I, I don’t know, prepare something or anything?”
“No. Your presence is enough”
You finally sleep in peace. No more nightmares or waking up in the middle of the nights. You sleep so comfortably with Yoongi beside you. Both of you made a promise last night, to communicate better so you can understand each other better too. You promise to yourself, to not give in to your negative thoughts. You leave Yoongi who sleep soundly to make breakfast.
You inform your parents about your arrival. Your mom and dad are home, waiting for you and Yoongi. You can see Yoongi is more nervous than usual. You think that he may still blame himself and feel guilty to your parents. As much as your parents love you and be very protective, they won’t interfere your love live. They fully give the freedom to you.
You sit with Yoongi in front of your father after settling the drinks for the four of you. Your mother only smiles, while your father gives his scary face. Yoongi sit politely with his two hands upon his knees.
“Have you thought about it?” asks your father.
“Yes, sir”
You look back and forth between Yoongi and your father. This is the secret, the one that you asked Yoongi before. There’s indeed something between the men that you don’t know. You steal a glance to your mom, asking for the hint. Seems like you’re the only person who clueless.
“Please give your daughter’s hands to me. I may make mistake and being stupid but I will make her happy as long as she stays with me”
Your eyes go wide. You open your mouth just to close it again. You have so many things to say yet you can’t say anything. Your father smiles, half smirking, to Yoongi.
“Take you long enough, son”
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Soulmates Mend Hearts Together
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This story  is about meeting a soulmate and the story about how the journey is worth the travel. 
Thank you @fancyxholland​ for the inspiration of this. 
        Soulmates are a big concept in your world, you have always believed that your's was not too far from where you lived in London. However, you did not know that a couple of days after turning 18 years old you would meet your soulmate through an Instagram story. It all started with a Monday, with getting a Dm on Instagram from my friend Sarah of a video of an actor named Harrison Osterfield trying to catch whip cream in the air into his mouth. He does not catch it fully and catches half in his mouth and the other on his palm. He lick the remaining on his palm  while looking into the camera, you suddenly felt this sensation you have never felt before.
         This interested you because you heard there are certain connections between a soulmate and you can feel the actions and tastes of your other half. As soon as you saw the video again and felt the same chill between your body, you knew he was your soulmate. You replied to your friend saying, "He was your soulmate, I felt that lick he did and it felt so real." Your friend replied sarcastically, "Yes and when tom says darling my heart stops, he is my soulmate." I know that my friends do not believe in the concept so I decide to make and plan to find out myself if he is my other half. That same day, I follow his Instagram and write out a DM to him that says" Harrison, you and I have never met or know each other however I feel like we are soulmates.You see you may be thinking she is crazy how would she know. This website I am linking in this message proves that I am correct. See this certain action of yours made me tingle and I have never felt this way. So please respond with something, this means a lot to me." I reread it multiple times until I accidentally sent it when I moved my finger near the sent button. I freak out for a second, then close the app to check tomorrow if he will respond.
         That night you were sitting on your bed and tasted a sort of beer in your mouth even though you do not drink and not even a second later your friend Sarah called you freaking out. Once she calmed down and spoke normally I could hear what she was saying. " Check Instagram right now, Harrison posted and he out partying at a club looking so hot." I talk to her for 10 minutes then hang up and check out Instagram to see him in a club drinking beer. I see a DM notification and my heart is beating fast, I click and see a message from him, it read, "I understand you love me, but I do not believe that we are soulmates. Most girls feel my touch just looking at me." I roll my eyes and all of sudden taste hard liquor, making me feel slightly tipsy. I message back, " first of all stop drinking so much I taste the whiskey, the 3 beers you had before is good enough." Then I send a second one, "Please do not do anything predictable tonight, I need to rest and do not want to be disturbed." I then get ready to go to bed.
Harrison POV:
        The video I posted almost went viral making me happy, I only made it for laughs. The fans DM's rolled in and man were they interesting, one in particular by a  person named Y/N Y/l/N sent a message saying that they were my soulmate and that this link explained it. I called Tom over and had him read this, his reaction shocked me, he smiled as he agrees with this person. I look at him confused, "I cannot believe you think this concept is true. It is all a gimmick." He hands back the phone with the link on the screen, " I do not think so because it has all the symptoms you have felt and it can explain the cramps you get every month. It's like it is period on point." Tom continues to laugh and then smiles evilly, I know he had a plan to test out his theory. "Oh no, what is going inside that mind of yours?" I look at him with doubt that he might have something to do with cracking this case to see if it is real. The plan was to go to a club and get drunk and see if she felt and tasted the way Harrison did.
         On the way to the club, I message back something egotistical and snarky. Once we enter the club I immediately grab a beer for Tom and me, a beautiful girl walks by me and my heart races but I do not feel like going after her, I have never felt this way before. I see Tom flirting with that same girl and can see how they will probably flirt all night, so I finish the first beer and go to the bar to grab another one. I am nursing the last few sips of my second beer, getting bored when I see a girl make eye contact and come closer to seductively moving her hips as she walks towards me. I smirk and wink at her, she comes closer and says, "Hey sexy, comes to show me a good time." She pulls me by my hand to the dance floor, she turns around to grind on me as I grip her hips and just enjoy the moment. The music is loud so we could not chat, which is fine I am not much of a talker. She turns around as pull her closer and leans down to kiss her neck. I can sense like someone else is there but as I look around no one is around. The girl suddenly leans up and kisses me, I kiss back but it is again not the same. I curse under my breath, "Damn Y/N what did you do to me?" The girl hears what I murmured and slaps me across the face dramatically. I tried to apologize but she left already.
         I make my way back to the bar and to grab the third beer of the night, the bartender looks at me sympathetically. "Rough night mate?, I can make it better for you. This one is on the house." The bartender slides a whiskey to me with a wink, I smile back and thank him. I then ask the bartender, "Do you believe in soulmate's, as someone is meant for only one other person?" He looks at me with this smile and says with true honesty, "True love comes from within the heart and I believe that soulmates connect with the souls and heart connected to two people who are meant for each other. My story is true and I couldn't have believed it if I had not lived it, I was bartending a Monday night and there she walks in and orders a whiskey at 10 in the morning, I ask her, "Isn't it a little too early for that?" She answers, "No, I just wanted my whiskey with a view" and when she grabbed the whiskey to take a sip, I tasted the whiskey in my mouth as well. That is when I knew she was my soulmate." I nod my head and luckily someone ordered something so the bartender walked away. It was hard to wrap my head around what he said, so I finished my beer and washed it down with the whiskey.
            I suddenly felt tipsy but not drunk yet. I hear a ring from my phone and see an Instagram DM, I see the name Y/N and smile. Tom's plan worked, she messaged about the drinks and was accurate on how many I had tonight. What caught my attention was how she felt the same way as I did. I write back, "I promise to behave, but please let me be free tonight." I wait for 10 minutes for her response and no response meant fun night for me. I look for that girl that slapped me and spotted her all alone, I walk over and stand in front of her getting her attention. "I am sorry about earlier, please let me make it up to you." She looks at me and pulls me into another kiss except for this time I enjoyed it and we pulled away from each other going into the club's private room. She locks the door behind us as we walk in. I text Tom about what happened and let him know to meet me back at the house before she climbs onto my lap straddling me as we continue that hot kiss.
       I woke up to a particular taste that was so unappealing feeling a bit of a hangover. At that moment  you knew what happened last night and immediately knew that he got my message and decided to not believe it. After a few minutes, you decide to get out of bed and go to brush your teeth and wash your face trying to think about what to do. I then get myself and ready for the day, and was about to forget my phone until a ring comes from it.
    I am about to read the message, when Sarah calls me and as I answer, she immediately says, "listen before you say anything I am doing this for your good. Do not read the recent tabloids." I say back slowly, "Why I thought that you were against this whole soulmate concept?" She is silent on the other end of the phone, "I can understand how you think and feel. I will try to be more supportive. But please knowing you, I will just tell you." I feel my heart pound waiting, "just tell me I can handle it." I hear a soft sigh, " Harrison is dating the model Macy Smith, he met her at the club yesterday." I feel tears in my eyes and clear my throat, "Thank you really, I am lucky to have you" and hang up.
    I immediately go to my news feed and see the pictures of them both together and feel sick. I then go to Instagram and see he messaged back. I respond with an interesting message, "You can date anyone you want, but you will realize I am right." I press send and go back to packing my bag. I hear a ding and read the message he sent back, it read "Why love, are you jealous?" I scoff as if I would be jealous. He may be my soulmate but he is not who I would have thought to end up with. I do not respond to that message  and then the next message is not exactly what I was expecting. "I understand that you like me but I am with Macy now. So please do not send me any more messages."
I close the app and continue with my morning even though my heart was breaking. I call up Sarah to ask "She wants to meet at Nando's for lunch?" My tone gives away that I am upset, immediately she agrees and says she is on the way. I smile happy that she is more supportive now.
Harrison POV:
     I wake up feeling hungover, I groan and roll over and see Tom sitting at the desk with disappointment written across his face. I sit up and lean against the headboard, "What's with you, I know you got some attention as well" I say and smirk. He only shakes his head and shoves his phone in my face, and I see the headline about Him and Macy together and smirk, "That is correct I am now with Macy, I am so excited to have a hot babe on my arm."
Tom stands up and paces then say with a snide tone, "What about Y/n, do you not think that she feels everything you do, this is not my best friend that I know" and storms out. I grab my phone and see notifications on Instagram and see Y/n has messaged back and I smile at her response. Her attention and attitude that she demands and gives are quite interesting. I respond with a classic response, "Why love, are you jealous?" And I do not get a response. Then before I could think about anything else, I decide to stop this relationship before it even started. I type a message to make her stop liking me, it hurts me to think about how she will feel but it is necessary. The message is sent and I see that it has been seen. I just hope that she handles it well.
       Tom enters the room, surprised to be dressed up. I walk over to him and say, "I am myself, just because I do not like a girl who claims we have a connection together does not make me a monster." I retort back to Tom. Tom stands still and says, "Macy is using you for fame, I would not trust her." I roll my eyes and get out of bed.  I walk over to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth and get ready for the day. I decided to go against the reality of what my relationship is and ask Tom," I am sorry, I will be better and to make it up to you could I take you to Nando's for lunch, my treat." Tom smiles and comes over to me hugging me, I smile and nod as we both head out to go to Nando's.
      I had a plan up my sleeve to prove that she could not be my soulmate. I text Macy to join us at Nando's, however, I do not tell Tom knowing he would try and stop me. 
All POV:
      At Nando's, Y/N and her friend just got there and as they were walking to the door  so was Tom and Harrison.  Tom and the friend made eye contact and so did Harrison and Y/n but Harrison did not recognize her at first. Harrison opened the door and motioned for my friend to walk through the doors first before he did with a charming smile on his face. Tom walked second after him because he tried to make me go first by lightly touched my back to motion for me to go but I wanted to talk to Harrison. Tom realized who I was and smiled and quickly tried to find Sarah.
      Tom ran after Sarah tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. Sarah turns around and says," Hi, I am Sarah, wanted to thank you for being so kind back there." Tom smiles and flirts, "I always want to help pretty girls like you. Now I came to talk to you about making a plan to get those two together." Sarah winks at him and then, "I could not agree more, now let make this happen." Both Tom and Sarah make sure to get a table where they all sit together, and the plan continues from then.
       Harrison looked at the girl confused at first but as soon she grabbed his hand guiding him away from the restaurant, the spark between their hands became obvious and he realized who it was. And so his plan starts now.
        As they both stand on the sidewalk on the restaurant, Y/n does not seem happy at the charming boy in front of her. She looks at him with this look of awe and a little bit of anger, "Listen here, I am not going to let you tell me what to do, but I wanted to just let you know that I do not need to feel happy. I am glad you found someone who makes you, happy just do not break my heart please." She waited for his response and only got a smirk and before she could talk more, he cut her off with a kiss. This kiss changed everything because he pulls her by her waist into his body as her arms go around his neck and he deepened the kiss with asking for entrance with his tongue on her bottom lip, causing her to moan and he took the opportunity and kissed down the column of her neck.
        Once they pull away, he leans down and smiles looking into her eyes. His plan went out of the door for a moment. She looks up at him with a soft smile, just as she is about to say something, they hear a screeching squeal. "Baby, why are you kissing someone who is not me!" Macy says as she stomps her foot. I laugh at that notion and I see Harrison look at me for a slipt second and then look at Macy with a fake smile. He starts with, "Love, she kissed me and it meant nothing, I felt nothing. Now come on and let's go eat some lunch." Macy nods and says nasty, " I agree, you are so out of her league. No one would want someone like her." I am watching this scene unravel in front of me but what hurts most is that I feel Harrison's heart race within me since we are only inches away from each other.
       Harrison does nothing to help the situation and starts in the direction of the restaurant, and all I could do was look away so he could see the tears that formed in my eyes. I wait a few minutes outside so I can calm down and get myself together. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see a cute curly-haired boy standing behind me smiling nervously, "I just wanted to let you know that you are beautiful and do not believe that guy if he didn't enjoy that kiss he would not have been looking at you with that look in his eyes." I smile and compliment back," Thank you, I am Y/n. That was very nice of you. Would you like to join me for lunch?" He laughs and his laugh makes me feel happy, " I am Harry I am meeting my brother and friend here so just join us." I nod and walk beside Harry smiling and feeling better. Harry was looking at me with his side profile and a soft smile on his face when he thought I was not looking.
       We enter the restaurant and I see Harry wave over at Harrison, Tom, Macy, and my friend who was glaring at Macy. I laugh at that and Harry looks confused and laughs with me when he sees it. I notice his eyes brightened as he checks out my friend and I see my friend do the same with him. I instantly know how to set them up. We walk over and I see that the table had all sitting together, great I have to be at the same table as him. The seating arrangement is Tom, Y/N, Harry, and across us is Macy, Harrison, Sarah. As we have already ordered our food and was waiting for it, conversations started around the table. Macy and Harrison are being cringy with him making her fake laugh, and Harry and Sarah are hitting it off, I smile at how happy they look.  Tom and I look at the same time and end up laughing at that.
Harrisons POV:
       I hear Tom and Y/n laugh together and feel jealous that he is making her laugh like that. I decide to make her feel the same, I pick up Macys hand and kiss the back of it and see Y/n flinch slightly. That flinch caught Tom's attention which made him grab her hand and make sure she is okay while looking at me with a warning look to stop hurting her feelings. I sit back and realize that maybe I am not being fair so I stop being rude and wait for the food to show up.
Y/n POV:
       All the food comes out and we are enjoying the food. I used my hands for one piece of the chicken that was not coming out, I sensed someone watching and looked up to Macy looking at me with disgust. I stop what I am doing and leave that piece to the side. I hear Harrison tell Macy off for looking at me like that, I smile over at him with a smile and mouth, "Thank you." He smiles and for once our heartbeats are in sync, until Macy says," I at least do not eat unladylike, she is eating like a pig." I ignore her but Harry and Tom both protect me by defending me and start to use their hands as well to eat. I smile and realize the friends I made over lunch today are truly the best. Harrison excused himself as he also started to use his fingers to eat, as he walks away he winks at me, I blush.
     I decided to prove that Macy was fake so as I saw Harrison approaching the table again, I asked Macy, "If Harrison was not famous who would you go after?" She answers with such confidence, " honey if Harrison was not famous I would go for Tom, I am only with Harrison for his fame." Harrison sits down next to her calmly and I am nervous about what is about to happen. " I didn't mean anything by that baby, she made me say it," Macy says as she tried to defend herself. Harrison says calmly, " I can see how you feel, so we are over and Y/n made you only tell the truth, she is overall my soulmate so I trust her." He looks over at me and smiles as he grabs my hands from across the table. Macy gasps and stands up and leaves without another word.
      The food had been taken away and it was only us five at the table now. Tom and Sarah high five, Harrison looks over and questions their celebration. Sarah explains, " Y/n here was not happy with Macy and she put her in her place just as she did to you and look how you both are now. That was all part of our plan that Tom and I made together to get to you both to realize you are meant for each other." Tom and Harry look at each other and both grab each one of Sarah's hands and asks, "May we take you on a stroll in the park?" I see her look at me and nod my head and see them kiss the back of her hand.
        Now it is only the two of us and I  look Harrison in the eye and see true emotions behind them, he pulls my hands up to him his lips and kisses them gently. I do the same to his hands and enjoy the size difference of our hands. " I will give you one chance to prove that you are truly my soulmate besides our physical connections." He smirks and says, "Well our kiss was magical, and I only acted that way because I am not the smartest man. I would be honored to have you be mine. What do you say should we give us a shot?" I nod my head, but he says sexily," I need words, baby girl."I get flustered and say, " Yes, let do it." He cheers and walks over to my side of the table and pulls me out of the chair. He pulled me into his body by holding my waist and kisses me needy and passionately. I wrap my around his neck and kiss back equally as passionately. As we pull away we hear the restaurant cheer and thank them as we walk out of Nando’s holding hands. Your relationship proves that soulmates are truly meant for each other.  
  @littlekidsteve​ @peachyxholland @tom-holland-is-spiderman @follow-tom-holland-is-spiderman @parkerpeter24 @frenchfrostpudding @osterfieldnholland  @fanficparker @mymoontom @marvels-blue-phoenix @holytingle @petertiingz @fancyxholland
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 4
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
Ankur - Concierge of the Hotel Maple-Fawn in Mussoorie
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3
Chapter 5
P.S- India follows only one timezone.
P.P.S- All the photographs used in the chapters are of the real locations mentioned. I clicked these photographs on my vacation.
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 4
7th September, 1:50 pm - Dehradun-Mussoorie Road
Seated comfortably in 2 large SUVs, the Evans family was on its way to Maple-Fawn, where they were to spend the rest of their vacation in peace. While almost everyone was fast asleep, Chris was wide-awake, awestruck with the view as their cars drove on winding slopes of the mountain. His body was tired, but his eyes refused to shut, taking in every detail of the natural beauty.
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When they finally reached the hotel, the cold air was cruelly nipping at them. Since Delhi had been extremely hot, they had decided to ditch the winter wear until after they reached Mussoorie. Basking in the warmth of their rooms, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the view from his room. The entire valley was sprawled beneath him, the hill-side dotted with lush green leaves.
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There were mountains as far as his eyes could see, dark green set against the bright blue sky. This would be a good place to sketch, he thought, sitting on the chair in his bedroom balcony.
The rest of the day was uneventful for the family, with all of them tuckered out.
Same day, 5:30pm - Hotel Maple-Fawn
Bundled up in 2 sweaters, a jacket, skull cap and finally, a shawl to cover it all up, Meera finished her walk across the property. She now knew where the gym, yoga centre, gaming zone, library, swimming pool, dance club, spa and garden were located. She knew every exit, every corridor and passage. She was satisfied with the amount of fire extinguishers present and their ease of access. The hotel had various maps screwed into the walls, with clearly demarcated ways to the nearest exit and fire extinguishers.
Heading back to her room, she felt her phone vibrate. "Hey Ma, what happened?" she answered the call. "Where are you?" "Just taking a walk, coming back now." "YOU LEFT THE HOTEL?! ALONE?!" shouted her mother. "Ma, calm down, I did not leave the hotel. I was just taking a walk inside the hotel premises. I wanted to see their gym, swimming pool, gaming zone, spa..." "Oh okay okay, but you should have told me you are going na." "Have you checked your phone? I sent you a Whatsapp message when I left. You even received it," replied Meera. "Yes but that was a long time ago!" "It was only 20 minutes ago Ma!" said an indignant Meera, "It is not my fault that you panicked!" "I am your mother. I have every right to panic when I can't find my children." Reaching the lift to her portion of the hotel, Meera disconnected the call.
Conducting a thorough check of any premises had become somewhat of a habit for Meera. There had been too many instances where innocent people had been the victims of fires just because the building had not been upto code, or even if they were, then the people did not know where the exits were or how to use a fire extinguisher. She was not going to take any chances when it came to protecting her family.
Entering the shared bedroom, Meera's mother ran to hug her, "Where were you? Do you know how worried I was?" "Mom I had been gone for just 20 minutes. Can you please not be so clingy?" retorted Meera, dodging her mother. "I am a mother. Mothers are not clingy." "First of all," replied Meera, "A mother is a relation and being clingy is a personality trait, so yes, you can be both. And secondly, I told you where I am na, what is the need to be so hyper all the time?" "I worry Bala," her Mother said with concern, "Times are bad." "If the times are bad then..." "How is the rest of the hotel?" interrupted Poppy, ending their conversation. "It is great. They even have a small library here. Some of your favourite authors are available as well. There's Danielle Steel, Maeve Binchy and Babara Taylor Bradford." "Oo that's nice. Any books which we haven't read?" "I don't know which books you haven't read, but I will take you there whenever you want. I got this interesting book which talks about the history of Mussoorie and..." "Why is my phone hanging?" Poppy interrupted again, "Meera check and see what is wrong with my phone." Meera quietly sighed. Her grandmother had an annoying habit of interrupting people when they were talking about something she wasn't interested in. Clearing some of the junk from the phone, she handed it back to Poppy. "Aah now it's working properly," smiled Poppy.
Next day, 10am - Hotel Maple-Fawn
The restaurant where all the meals were served housed floor-to-ceiling windows which offered a beautiful view of the trees and overlooked the valley below.
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The Evans family was already at the table next to the window, savoring the delicious breakfast. Scott suddenly stopped eating his omelette, his eyes squinting at something across the room. "Did you guys see that woman? She took a bowl of cornflakes and is eating them without milk! Why would she do that?" Carly and Lisa turned around while Shanna tried to crane her neck to look at the person. "Who are you talking about?" asked Shanna. "That woman in the skull cap! She's sitting at the table of 4, with 3 other people! The one who's wearing the bulky sweater and shawl!" "That's not a woman, that's a man," stated Carly, "I saw him walking around our wing yesterday. He was looking at all the fire extinguishers and the maps for some reason. I thought he worked with the hotel. What a weirdo." "I think that's a woman," contributed Lisa, "What do you think Chris?" "Not interested," came the reply.
Over the course of the next few days, members of the Evans family kept spotting the 'mystery person', either at the gaming zone, the library, restaurant or around the premises. Shanna swore she once heard the person and their voice sounded "Deep and gruff, just like a man's!" "Bullshit!" retorted Scott, "I saw her crouching on the gravel pathway yesterday. It's a she!" "Wait why was she crouching on the pathway for no reason? That is so weird!" commented Stella, Chris' 13-year-old niece. "Oh she was picking up some wrapper or plastic, I don't know I wasn't very close." "Then how are you sure it was she and not he?" argued Shanna.
The doorbell of their suite rang, putting a pause to the argument. The concierge, Ankur, was at the door. He informed them that the hotel was organising a horse-riding workshop for the next day and wanted to check if anyone would be interested to participate. "Sounds like fun," Scott wondered, "No! I cannot hear you complain about chafed thighs for the rest of the vacation," said Chris. After they politely refused, Ankur reminded Chris about the mediation program. "You have only visited one session sir, when we had you signed up for the entire duration of your stay. Did you not like the session?" "Oh no it was great. I... I just wanted to spend sometime with my family, you know?" "I understand sir. You can rejoin the program anytime you want. I will take your leave. Do let us know if there's anything we can do to serve you," and with that, Ankur left.
"I am sorry," apologized Carly, "I thought you might like the mediation program. Rishikesh is just a few hours away you know. We can go and spend the rest of our vacation there." "Please don't say that," replied Chris, "They have a nice teacher here. It's just that I have already heard and read everything that the guru was preaching. Plus it's so beautiful here. I want us to stay," Chris tried his best to sound convincing.
It wasn't that this vacation was a bad idea, the change of location and the absence of the hounding media had relieved some of the stress Chris had been facing. It was just that Chris felt like he didn't belong anywhere. Uptil now, for the better part of the vacation, he had stayed holed up in his room, either watching PicFlix or sitting in his balcony, with a blank notepad and pencil. There were days when his mind was flooded with thoughts and then there were times when he felt... numb. He sat in the cold, without a sweater or a jacket, just to feel the nip of the wind, which never really came. He felt like he was either running at top speed, or he had come to a full stop. When therapy had not worked for him, he had tried to speak to his family, but they were always supportive and just this once, just this once, he did not want them to be. He had fucked up, and he wanted a way to fix it. But how could he when he himself needed fixing?
Settling back in his room, with a glass of whisky, neat, he closed his eyes, to rewind everything that had happened, once again.
Post the COVID-19 nightmare, when the country had finally reopened and life had started to return to normalcy, Chris and his partners, Mark Kassen and Joe Kiani, had finally launched their civic engagement project A Starting Point (ASP). The launch had been successful, with Chris' devoted fans flocking to the website in the first few days. The concept had been quite simple, to get senators on one-minute videos to answer questions on topics related to education, trade policies, immigration and more. They had managed to get inputs and secure participation from politicians belonging to both the parties. It all worked fine for the first 2 months.
The third month came with its own set of issues. Many politicians started promoting their own agendas, instead of just explaining the existing policies. This led to a shortage of interview clips as Chris and his team refused to air such videos.
As time went on, politicians belonging to the same parties started giving different, contradicting information on the same topics. While some senators painted a pretty picture about a particular policy, others spoke against it. What added fuel to the fire was that the some of the news media had started reporting that Chris was causing friction in both the political parties through ASP, especially the Republican party. It also didn't help that Chris had been outspoken against the previous Republican President. Moreover, politicians who answered questions by ASP started changing their responses when they were asked the same questions by the media. They blamed Chris for somehow manipulating and changing their responses.
This had already started taking a toll on Chris' career. Award functions were reluctant to invite him to the ceremony, let alone nominate him for his roles. His box office collections had started seeing a decline. Even the media was increasingly writing negative stories about him, wondering whether America's blue-eyed hero is finally becoming the villian.
As months passed, an increased number of citizens were disgruntled by the lack of new videos and hence, lack of information on the site.
The final nail in ASP's coffin was Senator Yellowstone. One of the youngest senators to ever be elected, Senator Yellowstone was charming, intelligent and sharp. He understood the need for reforms in the governement and knew that change was inevitable in order for the country to progress. It was uncanny how Chris and Yellowstone agreed on multiple political issues. Both of them saw eye-to-eye when it came to the electoral college, voting and other issues. As a result, Yellowstone became one of the top contributors of ASP, always open to share a small video on the topics that mattered the most.
Chris would never forget the day when Yellowstone's rape scandal broke the news. He had been accused of rape and molestation by 43 teenagers. Apparently, as a part of his community outreach, Yellowstone ran a program wherein he would tutor and guide young females who would be interested to take part in politics in the near future. Chris had been impressed by the initiative and had supported Yellowstone. But, he did not know that Yellowstone was using the initiative as a front for his horrific crimes. That scandal destroyed Chris, professionally and personally. ASP finally shut down and all the studios cancelled their contracts with him. He was fired from his ongoing projects. While the court had acquitted Chris of all charges, the media still put him on trial everytime. He couldn't come to face the truth. He blamed himself for what happened to those poor girls. He could have been, should have been more careful in trusting people. But, Yellowstone's charm was such that he could charm the snake into shedding it's skin, and then sell it back to him.
Chris had publically apologized to all the victims and had discreetly offered to pay for their education. While some graciously accepted the offer, understanding that Chris had nothing to do with the scandal, a few others saw it as Chris' attempt to hide his 'alleged' involvement. They approached the media with this story and as expected, the next day his kind gesture was butchered, tainted as a 'cover-up fiasco' by the news outlets.
It had been a year since then. There were no new projects on Chris' desk. Most of the film industry was practising their distance, with only a few loyal friends sticking by his side. His social media accounts lay dormant. There were still a portion of his fans who stood by him, defending him on the internet, but there was a large number of people who even today thought he had to do something with the scandal and was to blame.
Everyday, his remorse ate him alive. Everyday, he felt himself slipping into the abyss and everyday, his motivation to try and reach out for help lessened. Everyday.
Chris' phone pulled him out of his reverie. He saw Scott's name on the screen, asking him to join the family for dinner. Chris looked at the untouched glass of whisky, deciding he was not hungry.
Not tonight.
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asking-jude · 4 years
A few nights ago my roommates and I decided to drink. We all ended up having a few drinks and ended up getting pretty drunk. We were all having a good time until my roommates boyfriend gave me a side hug I don’t remember exactly what the hug was for but I thought of it as a friendly hug nothing else. As he hugged me instead of moving his arm away, he slid his arm across my back and grazed my butt. He didn’t grab it per say, but he still touched me somewhere I did not want to be touched. He was very drunk but was that an excuse for him to do that? Many people may say that I’m overreacting and he didn’t mean to do that but it ruined my whole mood and now I feel uncomfortable being around him. Is it normal for me to feel this way?
Hi there,
Thank you for coming to Asking Jude for advice. I’m very sorry to hear that you experienced something so disturbing. It must have been extremely uncomfortable for you, and you are not wrong for feeling uneasy around your roommate’s boyfriend now. Being drunk is not an excuse for someone to disrespect your boundaries, so him being drunk does not justify touching you in such a way. You are not overreacting in the slightest, so take as much time as you need to process what happened. 
If it helps, consider talking to a trusted loved one (such as a close friend or family member) about what happened. It is possible that talking it out with someone who cares for you could help you feel less alone in coping. Remember that you are not obligated to reveal any information about what happened that you do not want to reveal. Here is a link with some advice on how to open up about sexual assault: https://www.rainn.org/articles/telling-loved-ones-about-sexual-assault
You may or may not choose to confront your roommate’s boyfriend (or even your roommate) about this. This decision is entirely up to you and should be based on how it would make you feel. If you do decide to approach your roommate’s boyfriend, you could say something along the lines of, “On the night that we all got drunk, you slid your hand across my back and grazed my butt. It made me feel very uncomfortable.” If you decide to disclose what happened to your roommate’s boyfriend, you could say, “On the night we all got drunk, your boyfriend slid his hand across my back and grazed my butt. It made me feel very uncomfortable.” 
Keep in mind that if you do open up to either (or both) of them about what you experienced, they may react with confusion, hostility, and denial. Thus, keep your safety and health in mind when making this choice. 
If you feel like it could benefit you to talk to someone about what happened, consider calling or texting the following textlines: 
-Telephone Helpline: 877-995-5247 or download the Safe Helpline app on your phone
-Crisis Helpline: 800-233-4357
-Crisis Chat: https://www.contact-usa.org/chat.html
-Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
More telephone numbers can be found here: https://psychcentral.com/lib/telephone-hotlines-and-help-lines/
Lastly, remember to take care of yourself during this time. Experiencing this may affect you physically and mentally, so it may help you to set reminders on your phone to eat nutritious foods, drink enough water, and destress throughout the day. For advice on how to improve your mental health, visit this link: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/how-to-mental-health
Sending love and support your way,
Asking Jude has moved to its OWN platform at askingjude.org. We will still be answering submissions on Asking Jude, but the new website’s submissions will take priority. We highly recommend you create an account on Asking Jude’s website, so you can receive 24/7 support from the Asking Jude Team and our community members. 
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kourdem · 4 years
What is Artificial Intelligence?
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what is artificial intelligence? that I even have websites that provide educational materials about cyber security but what you don’t know is that last week i published a book called cyber security for the digitally challenged it’s an interactive electronic book designed for people who are not technical don’t have any background in cyber security if this description fits you then the book is supposed especially for you the book is free and should be easily downloaded at the tunes
 bookstore now back to AI i don’t realize you but once i used to be young i remember going to the 1964 world’s fair and seeing incredible and amazing futuristic devices general motors had a pavilion called the future of reality and the city of tomorrow and it had been the very first time that i saw what they called a picture phone but my first real inspect artificial intelligence began when i first started watching the Jetsons meet George Jensen is jane his wife remember once we all thought that that would be our future well variety of the predictions did come true video calling devices robotic vacuums electronic banking just to call a few of what most people don’t realize is that artificial intelligence is all around us AI is all around us you’ll see it when Alexa answers one of your questions when your email gives you a suggestion of what to reply with or even once you put a photograph on Facebook and it recognizes your face it’s so commonplace at the moment that tons of people like me are now asking what’s this all leading towards today we ask siri to pay our favourite music things like hey siri please play the beetle oh yeah or hey google what time is it in sunshine beach Australia it’s 4 28 a.m in sunshine beach Australia that’s just not a random request actually my daughter and her family live in sunshine beach Australia when you’re asking to talk to siri Alexa or google your lecture an artificial intelligence agent and this ai is learning your personal preferences the more you use the device the more it learns and the more accurately it can anticipate your every need when someone mentions artificial intelligence what’s the first thing that comes to your mind now most people imagine a military of human-like robots that are repelling against society well a few of fit few people like myself have a more positive um thinking about community envisioning a bright future so what exactly is artificial intelligence it’s definitely not a magical program that can think kind of person's it’s things like virtual companions the controlled gaming surgical robots personal assistants and other devices that we use each day to make our lives better and more efficient now it had been within the mid-1950s that John McCarthy who was a Stanford researcher coined the term AI and he would define it because the science of engineering at the science and engineering of making intelligent agents McCarthy presented his definition of artificial intelligence at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in Hanover New Hampshire within the summer of 1956 and this indicated the very beginning of ai research the concept of ai has changed over time but the goal has always been the same to really make computers think like humans during a nutshell ai’s goal is to make computer or computer programs smart enough to initiate the behavior of a human mind now it’s likely that you simply simply interacted with some kind of ai in your day-to-day activities probably even today if you use gmail you may enjoy the automated spam filters in fact according to google Gmail blocks a hundred million spam messages daily with its artificial intelligence agent next if you own a smartphone you probably fill out a calendar app with the help of apple siri or Microsoft’s cortina or Samsung’s Bixby and if you own a newer vehicle perhaps you’ve benefited from the driver-assisted feature while you're driving these are all possible thanks to artificial intelligence but as convenient and helpful as these products are they lack the facility to seek out out independently they can’t think outside of their code and most of you recognize that code is a written set of instructions that tells the ai what to undertake to to so here is where i would like to introduce you to machine learning and this a neighborhood of the presentation might get a little geeky machine learning could also be a branch of ai whose purpose is to supply machines the ability to seek out out a task without pre-existing code our ability to seek out out and acquire better at tasks through experience may be a component of being human when we’re born we all know almost nothing and can do almost nothing for ourselves but soon we’re learning and becoming more capable each day but did you recognize that computers can do the same machine learning brings together statistics and computing to enable computers to seek out out the thanks to do a given task without being programmed to undertake to to so just as your brain uses experience to reinforce at a task so can computers say you'd sort of a computer that can tell the difference between a picture of a dog and a picture of a cat you'll begin by feeding it images and telling it this one’s a dog that one’s a cat a computer program to seek out out will seek statistical patterns within the data that will enable it to acknowledge a cat or a dog in the future it'd determine on its own that cats have shorter noses which dogs are available a much bigger kind of sizes and then represent that information numerically organizing it in space but crucially it’s the pc not the programmer that identifies those patterns and establishes the algorithm by which future data are getting to be sorted one example of a simple yet highly effective algorithm is to hunt out the optimal line separating cats from dogs when the pc sees a replacement picture it checks which side of the road it falls on then says either cat or dog but actually there are often mistakes the more data the pc receives the more finely tuned its algorithm becomes and the more accurate it are often in its predictions machine learning is already widely applied it’s the technology behind facial recognition text and speech recognition spam filters on your inbox online shopping or viewing recommendations credit card forward detection then much more at the university of oxford machine learning researchers are combining statistics and computer science to make algorithms which can solve more complex problems more efficiently using less computing power from medical diagnoses to social media the potential of machine learning to transform our world is really mind-blowing machine learning could also be a could also be a rare sorry machine learning may be a neighborhood of research in computing that studies a special kind of instruction called algorithms algorithms are a gaggle of step-by-step instructions used to do something an algorithm is really only a gaggle of rules as an example if you sort your laundry before you’re washing it you use an algorithm if the algorithm is to put the white laundry on the left pile and the colored laundry on the right pile and you repeat until you’re done this is an algorithm it’s just that simple machine learning uses a gaggle of instructions that improve automatically based on experience in other words what makes machine learning algorithms different from others is that they’re able to learn from the data that we feed them image recognition could also be a exemplar every day we’re getting image recognition more involved so on help us with our personal daily lives if you see some strange looking plant your friend is growing in their living room simply point google lands at it and it will tell you what it's if your discord friend uploads a photograph of their new cat and you'd wish to understand what breed it's just run a google image reverse search and you’ll determine what it's even self-driving vehicles need to know where they can drive which may be a road where are the lanes where they're going to make a turn what the difference is between a red light green light and amber light where the stop signs are well you get the message as you will see image recognition could also be an enormous a neighborhood of deep learning and it are often both cool and scary so how does it work here’s a basic explanation in order for that car to know what a stop sign looks like it must tend an image of a stop sign the machine will read the stop sign and through a selection of algorithms it will then study the stop sign and analyze how the image goes to look by going section per section what color is that the stop sign what shape is it what’s written thereon how big is it always and where is it usually seen during a driver’s peripheral vision things like that if there’s any errors scientists can simply correct them once the image has been completely read it are often labeled and categorized but why stop with one image in our perspective we don’t really need to think for half a second on what a stop sign is and what we must do once we see it we’ve seen numerous stop signs in our lives it’s almost embedded in our brains so the machine must read many different stop signs for better accuracy that way it doesn’t matter whether the stop sign is seen during foggy or rainy conditions during the night or during the day because the machine has seen a stop sign many times it can know it’s a stop sign just by watching its shape and color alone all of that sounds really cool right but it can also be scary if you upload and replica your photos go check out your photos if you haven’t sorted anything you’ll notice that google has done it for you there’s a category for places things videos and animations and maybe others and if you attend things you’ll see that google has sorted your photos into albums supported where google thinks they belong so you’ll have photos labeled as food beaches trains buses and whatever else you will have photographed within the past this is all due to the work of google’s image recognition analysis it has analyzed over 1,000,000 photos on the internet your photos your friends photos strangers photos and any photo that appears on google image search it’s not just google that uses image recognition also if you upload a photo and facebook recognizes your friends it will automatically tag them so yes it’s quite creepy considering it’s a privacy concern but some people may appreciate the convenience anyways because it saves a short time no matter how cool or scary it's image recognition plays a huge role in society and will still be in development many companies are continuing to implement image recognition and other ai technologies the more we'll automate certain tasks with machines the more productive we'll be as a society now because the video described an image recognition machine could even be given millions of pictures to research after going through many changes the machine acquires the ability to acknowledge patterns shapes faces and even more speech recognition is another exemplar of this there are two basic kinds of artificial intelligence the first is weak ai which is additionally known as narrow ai this type of ai can handle only one task at a time for example it can select your favorite song from spotify select your favorite movie from netflix filter your email spam or instruct a self-driving car the second is what’s called strong iai and it’s also mentioned as artificial general intelligence or agi this is much more sophisticated this type of ai refers to a system which is able to affect a generalized task much like an individual's agi as it’s abbreviated can successfully perform any intellectual task that an individual's can this sort of ai is this is that the ai that we’ve seen in movies like her and other scientific movies during which humans interact with machines and operating systems these artificial intelligent agents are conscious they can sense things and are driven by emotion and self-awareness but for machines to understand a true human-like intelligence they need to be capable of experiencing consciousness and as far as as far as today this has not happened hello i’m here oh hi hi how you doing i’m well how’s everything with you pretty good actually it’s very nice to meet you now that’s just slightly excerpt from her for all of you that never saw the movie you need to it’s quite interesting efforts to advance ai concepts over the over the past 20 years have resulted in some truly amazing innovations let’s inspect a few of meet digit manufactured by agility robotics digit is envisioned to help lookout of people in their homes assist with disaster response and deliver packages to front doors with its nimble limbs and a torso packed with sensors digit can navigate complex environments and perform tasks like package delivery digit could also be an immediate descendant of cassie agility’s first robot in may 2019 ford motor company and agility announced a partnership to develop a last mile logistics solution that combines ford’s autonomous vehicle technology and agilities digit this is pepper manufactured by softbank robotics pepper is that the world’s first social humanoid robot that is able to recognize faces and basic human emotions pepper has been adopted by over 2 000 companies around the world perfect in retail and finance industries pepper has numerous functionalities including increasing store traffic by attracting the attention of shoppers creating memorable in-store experiences stimulating purchase and retained customers pepper can also gather comprehensive data to enrich the customer base and generate shopper insights this is atlas the world’s most dynamic humanoid robot built by boston dynamics an organization that was previously owned by google and now by softbank thanks to its state-of-the-art hardware and algorithm that allows it to quickly understand instructions with its 28 hydraulic joints 4.9 feet of height and 176 pounds weight the robot can perform both impressive and terrifying acts including navigating uneven terrain jumping around a parkour course and doing somersaults all these activities demonstrate human level agility so the robot are often perfect for search and rescue operations and performing human tasks in environments where humans couldn't survive introducing spot a robot dog designed for industrial uses such as carrying goods through a warehouse and inspecting a far off site with an unfavorable environment for human operators it can run at 5.2 feet per second has 360 degree cameras and can operate in temperatures ranging from 4 to 113 degrees fahrenheit with its api and versatile payload interface the robot are often easily customized for desired tasks spod is additionally manufactured by boston dynamics and is now being leased to eligible companies these are truly amazing but now let’s inspect how ai learns typically there are three learning method methods supervised learning unsupervised learning and something called reinforcement learning in supervised learning the computer scientist would label the correct answer and ai would learn the pattern by comparing the proper answer with other possible answers in unsupervised learning the scientist would provide the proper answer and thus the algorithms would infer patterns from the data set without reference to the known or labeled outcomes now this may get very very technical the last is known as reinforcement learning and it really plays a very very minor role in training ai but it’s very almost like training an animal giving them reinforcement when the animal displays the required behavior it’s given a present now this gets to be very complex and very geeky so that’s about all that every one the knowledge that i’ll give you now computers and other ai applications are everywhere today it'd be almost impossible to go through your entire life without using any quite artificial intelligence we use cars atms tvs and these all contain computers and ais with ai assistants here’s slightly song to help you remember televisions cars airplanes traffic lights computers are everywhere around us computers are everywhere around us i know that’s silly but i assumed it might cause you to smile let’s inspect a few of straightforward applications of ai that probably most of you use first siri is one of the foremost popular personal assistants offered by apple on the iphone ipad and thus the apple watch she helps to hunt out information get directions send messages make voice phone calls open applications and add events and even add events to my calendar siri uses machine learning technology in order to urge smarter and capable to understand natural language questions and requests next is netflix and netflix needs no introduction it’s a widely popular content on demand service that uses predictive technology to provide recommendations on the thought of your reaction interest choices and behavior once you choose films the technology examines content to reconnect sorry to recommend movies that are based on your previous liking and your reactions now remember netflix is turning more and more intelligent every single year as it get gathers more data on you next is pandora and pandora is considered the world’s most powerful music discovery platform it uses a proprietary algorithm to determine which music to play for you at any given time it’s also called the dna of music because depending upon 400 musical characteristics the team of expert musicians individually analyzes the song and the ai algorithm then recommends the song to you on your personal playlist next is nest and it’s made by google and nest is one of the foremost famous and successful AI startups google acquired it in 2014 for 3.2 billion dollars and thus the nest learning system thermostat uses behavioral algorithms to save you energy supported your behavior and schedule it uses a very intelligent machine learning process that learns the temperature that you simply simply like and programs itself during a few week moreover it'll automatically pack up to save energy if nobody is reception next is my favorite and it’s a flying drone they’re variety of my favorite toys they indicate a robust machine learning system that can translate the environment into a 3d model through its sensors and camera videos sorry and and thus the and video cameras they magically fly which they return home safely almost to the precise spot where they left from amazon echo and apple’s homepod are amazing these are revolutionary products which can assist you to seem the web for information schedule appointments shop control lights and switches and thermostats answer questions read you audio books report traffic weather provide you with information on local businesses provide sports scores and your schedule just to call a few of smart watches are awesome which i always own one actually i’m such an electronic junkie that i always got to have the foremost up-to-date version of the apple i watch smart watches are equipped with advanced ai and will monitor your every move within the old days we’d walk 10 miles to highschool within the snow or so we thought and now we've smart watches and phone apps and AI wearables to tell us exactly how far we’re walking or running and they also track our pulse the number of calories burned and many other metrics artificial intelligence is gaining popularity at a quicker pace influencing the way that we live and interact with our surroundings the internet of things is growing larger every day and internet of things devices cannot function without AI and AI needs iot devices to be of greater use to humanity these technologies hold the power to transform our lives when it involves ai it’s difficult to truly know where we’re headed but we’ve come so far so quickly the thing is today that we don’t realize when we’re in-tuned with artificial intelligence because we’re getting so used to the technology doing new and amazing things each day that we don’t start to stop to believe the science behind the gadgets or the programs.
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Phone A Friend {Klaus x Caroline}
Phone A Friend
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Cami bashing, Spoilers for The Originals Season 1 episode 16
Info You Might Need To Know: Cami's trapped in the cemetery with them
Word Count: 3.3K
Requested: By no one
Summary: During Rebekah's 'trial', she decides to phone a friend. Perhaps the only one who could calm her brother down enough to listen to her side of the story.
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Today's Special
Every man needs that one woman that calms the beast in them...
~ Unknown
Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah are still in the cemetery, arguing. Well all Hayley and Marcel can do outside is watch, as Rebekah's life hangs in the balance. Even Cami, who was trapped inside with them, can do nothing but watch. Klaus is perched on top of a tomb in order to pretend to be a judge.
Klaus looked down at his siblings who were standing together, "Let it begin. The trial of Rebekah Mikaelson."
"What a relief. His ego is in check." Rebekah mutters to Elijah
"Just speak your truth. I'll make sure he behaves himself." Elijah treasures his sister. Rebekah knows her brother would protect her with his life. But even she wasn't sure that he could save her from Klaus. In fact, the only person who could was in a college in a whole other state.
Klaus narrowed his eyes, "You stand accused of betraying your own blood. How do you plead?"
"I plead you to shut up and listen." Rebekah answered.
"You summoned our father." Klaus growled. "You brought him to our home. What possible defense could you have?"
Rebekah looked down. She wasn't proud of what she had done. But she hoped he could understand. "I knew he was the only thing that you feared, and I wanted you to run."
A flash of hurt appeared on Klaus's face, "Because you hated me."
"Because you were hateful." Rebekah corrected him. "You denied me the freedom to love."
Klaus' eyes turned amber as his anger rose. "Oh, so that's your defense. You called Mikael- the destroyer, the hunter of vampires- because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors."
"You were cruel and controlling and manipulative." Rebekah shouted, startling the blond human who was standing in a corner. Hoping he'd hear her over his anger.
"I was trying to protect you!" Klaus countered, just as loudly. "From imbeciles, and leeches. Not to mention your own poor judgment."
"And what about the one that you loved enough to call friend?" Rebekah cried. "Why did you forbid me to love Marcel?"
Klaus' eyes darted quickly to the man standing outside of the borderline, "Do not mention his name." he growled.
"What has happened to you?" Rebekah asked sadly. "I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts, who loved art and music. I wanted to be just like you. How could you have fallen so far?"
At her words, Klaus's features softened a bit, and Elijah took this opportunity to fire, "You say you despise Rebekah for her betrayal and yet no one has stood by your side for so long, not even I myself. Perhaps it's you that's forgotten. I remember the day that father caught you whittling little chess pieces with his hunting knife. He beat you so mercilessly and for so long, I actually feared for your life."
Klaus regained his composure, "So, you would paint her as a loyal sister, but she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel. Perhaps that was why you did it- for love. Perhaps I might temper my rage if Rebekah will admit she was a victim of her own idiocy, that her great love, Marcel, used her to oust this family and to take my city."
Rebekah could see from the corner of her eye, Marcel silently beginning for her to give into Klaus. But she couldn't. Not again. "Marcel did not manipulate me."
Klaus shook his head. "You defend him, and yet you can't help but wonder, what if I'm right?"
"We loved each other." Rebekah told him. "It was your refusal to respect that that led to your ruin."
Klaus' anger returned in full force, "Then why didn't he chase after you when you fled New Orleans? Oh, yes! That's right. He was here stealing what I built!"
"You want me to renounce Marcel, to beg for your forgiveness? I won't. Marcel is not at fault. I called Mikael." Rebekah shook her head.
"Rebekah, you must–" Elijah tried to plead with his sister, but the girl wasn't having it.
"I was the one who brought him to New Orleans because of your wickedness!" Rebekah screamed. "I wanted love and happiness, and you denied me the freedom to have either. Yes, I hated and I was afraid of our father, but he was a lesser evil than you. My bastard brother who loomed over me, threatening me as you are now. I wanted rid of you, and given the choice, I'd do it again!"
Klaus, furious, lunges at Rebekah and pushes her against a tomb, and is just about to stake her in the heart when Elijah tackles him. When they get back up to their feet, Elijah now has both Papa Tunde's blade and the white oak stake.
Elijah turned to the blond vampire, "Sister leave us."
Rebekah shook her head, "I'm not going–"
Elijah cuts her off, "I said, leave us, please. "
Rebekah shook her head once again. Elijah may have both weapons. But Nik was still the hybrid. They couldn't win against him. They needed to calm him down. "No, if he won't listen to us. We'll just have to call someone he'd listen to." She turns to Klaus, "You want to treat this as a trial so bad. Fine. Let me choose my defendant."
Klaus stopped struggling against Elijah. "Fine. I doubt anyone could get you out of the grave you've dug for yourself."
Rebekah instantly pulled her phone out and began scrolling through her contacts. She was thankful that she never deleted that number after coming to New Orleans. She guessed a part of her has always known, deep down. That if something like this ever happened, the only one who could save them, and save her brother from himself.
Was Caroline.
They'd almost forgotten that Cami was inside with them, and not outside standing with Hayley and Marcel, until the blond human decides to speak up. "Klaus, I need you to listen to me." She began, only for Klaus' to let out a growl.
But that growl was nothing compared to the roar his inner beat was letting out. Who did this human think she was. She wasn't blood. She wasn't an honorary member of their pack. And she sure as hell wasn't the hybrid's mate.
Klaus stalked up to the human, Elijah, seeing that none of the calls Rebekah was trying to make were going through, decided to let him. If nothing else than to buy his sister some more time. Because if he had to choose between the two women. He'd easily give up Cami, for his sister. Marcel tried to call out to him, banging on the barrier, but was completely ignored by the hybrid.
"Now you listen here." Klaus growled, his eyes flashing amber. "You are nothing. Nothing but a little human in the big, cruel dark world of the supernatural. You are nothing in the big picture, and are definitely nothing to me. So if you want to survive. I suggest you keep those textbook classifications and those 'I think I know you' thoughts to yourself; and especially that troublesome mouth shut. "
Cami's eyes filled with tears and her lower lip wobbled, "I thought you cared about me. I mean I saw the signs."
Klaus scoffed, "The only reason I even noticed you was because of Marcel. And the only reason I paid you even the slightest bit of attention was because of your appearance and the fact that you reminded me of someone." Klaus then gave her a once over. "But looking at you now. I'm disgusted with myself. How could I even think about deluding myself. You're nothing like her. She's full of light. You're nothing but an annoyance. She is a queen. You are a nuisance."
Cami desperately tried to reach out to him, but the original pulled back, scowling, he decided he was done. "Another little fact, as much as I despise him right now. I truly believe I raised Marcel to have much higher standards. So I'm willing to bet good money that the only reason you even caught his eye was because you, too, reminded him of Rebekah."
Hearing this, the blond turned to meet Marcel's eyes, but he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was focused on Rebekah who was desperately trying to contact her last hope. She could see his concern, and realised. Klaus was right.
Klaus, done with the human, turned to his sister. He smirked, "What's wrong. Your little defendant is not picking up."
Rebekah scowled but clicked on the call button once again. Klaus rolled his eyes. "Whoever you're calling. Do you honestly think that they can pull you out of your grave. Yeah I don't thi-"
Klaus was cut off as Rebekah's call was finally picked up and an irritated voice snapped, "What do you want?"
Klaus paused his heart skipping a beat as he recognized that fiery temper from anywhere. Instantly Rebekah's tense shoulders relaxed. "Thank god."
"What do you want Rebekah?" Caroline asked again. "I was in the middle of class. A class that you just got me kicked out of. This better be good."
"It's a matter of life and death." Rebekah instantly told her. "Nik's trying to kill me."
Instantly all irritation flew out from Caroline's body, concern taking its place. "What? What happened?"
"Yes dear sister. Why don't you tell her about how you summoned Mikael and are the reason we were forced to flee the only place we were truly happy years ago." Klaus growled, though everyone could see that he was instantly a lot calmer once he heard the blond speak. And was only continuing to grow calmer. His shoulders were relaxed, and his tone was borderline playful. Something Rebekah had a feeling was for the blonde baby vampire's sake.
Caroline nodded, "You do have the right to be angry." She said, surprising everyone.
"Caroline!" Rebekah snapped.
"Hey, let me finish." Caroline said. "But that was years ago. Rebekah hated him just as much, so I truly believed she had a legitimate reason for doing what she did. But why did you do it?" She asked Rebekah.
"Love, that dosen-"
"Zip it Klaus." Caroline ordered. And to everyone's surprise, the hybrid actually did keep his protests to himself. "If I'm going to talk you out of this. I need to know exactly why I'm doing it, and if I even should."
Klaus growled underneath his breath. He knew the blond. The second she heard her sister's sob story, she'd try to help.
Rebekah took a deep breath, and began her story. "It was 1919, and I was in love with Marcel. Klaus' protegee." Caroline took a deep breath on the other side, she had a feeling this was going to be messy. "I knew he wouldn't approve of our love and let me be with him. So I asked one of my friends to bring Mikael to New Orleans… to kill Klaus." Rebekah hesitated. She knew the other blond loved her brother. Would she even help her, after finding out what she did. Seeing that Caroline had stayed quiet, Rebekah continued. "I felt terrible after the ritual was complete. But nothing happened. So I moved on, completely forgetting about it. But it had worked. But he did come. We were at the Opera house… when it happened. He attacked Elijah. Then, he tried to kill Klaus. In the end, Klaus and I fled. Well Elijah decided to stay and deal with Mikael."
Caroline nodded, "So you called Mikael, because you didn't want Klaus to kill the man you loved."
The baby vampire sighed, "Damn, that's messy. But I can understand where you're coming from. In her defense, Klaus. You don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to her love life."
Klaus growled, "He wasn't worthy of her."
"So what?" Caroline snapped. "You have no right to decide who falls in love with who. What's done is done. Mikael is gone Klaus. Rebekah did what she did, because she felt that it was the only way to keep the man she loved safe. But Klaus, that was years ago. Hasn't she already proved that she's loyal to you. Even after you daggered her. Taking away years of her life. She still chooses to stand beside you."
Klaus scoffed, "You're asking me to forgive and forget."
"No! Not at all." Caroline says at once. "I am not asking you to forget. You can't change the past. What's done is done. What I am asking you to do is forgive her. You don't have to forget. You just need to forgive. Forgive your sister. She was hurt! Imagine if I put the power of our relationship in Rebekah's hands. What if she told us to stop seeing each other. You'd feel hurt, betrayed, angry. The need for revenge."
Klaus stilled. If his siblings had tried to hurt Caroline… the mere thought of it sent his beast into a frenzy. Hearing his silence Caroline knew she was getting through to him, and continued. "That's what she felt. Just hers wasn't hypothetical. She lashed out. So what. You'd done that too. But she's moved on, past that. Past the bodies of the countless lovers you've killed. And you need to as well, instead of trying to drag her into the past, try moving forward with her."
Forgive her… for calling Mikael. Could he do that? "If you truly do love me as much as you say you do. Then you'd understand what she's feeling. And if you can't, then you don't really love me. And definitely not as much as Rebekah loves Marcel."
That was the final push he needed to make his decision. Everyone waited, holding their breaths in anticipation on what he would do.
Rebekah most of all. This was her last hope. If Caroline couldn't get through to her brother. Then she truly was as good as dead.
Klaus sighed, taking a deep breath. He turned and walked away. Rebekah let out a sigh of relief as she saw his retreating back.
Caroline wasn't there, but she could have guessed what had happened. "He loves you. You're his sister. And nothing's ever going to change that. He's just angry. The crime may be old, but the injury is fresh. It's going to take some time to heal. He'll come to you when he's ready."
"Thank you." Rebekah told her, truly meaning it.
Caroline sighed from the other side of the line. "Well I didn't do it for you."
Elijah's eyebrow rose, "Then who did you do it for." He had a hunch, but he wanted the woman to confirm it herself.
"I did it for Klaus. If he killed her in blind anger. He would never have forgiven himself. He needs his family. And form what I hear. He needs it now more than ever. If you truly believe in the promise you all made all those years ago. Then stand by him."
With that, Caroline hung up the call. Caroline leaned against a wall, resting her head on it. The baby vampire made up her mind. She intended to grab the first flight to New Orleans. She should have known Klaus would try to keep her away from the dark parts in their nightly calls. It's true he needed his family. But at night now, he clearly needed her just as much.
In New Orleans, a confused Marcel was left staring at where the originals were used to be. He wondered who exactly was the woman who could defuse such a tense, high risk situation. From what he heard, it sounded like she may have been a baby vampire. A baby vampire with the heart of the original hybrid. Yeah, that easily made her one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Marcel may have wanted his kingdom back. But he wasn't an idiot. But in the end, she had saved Rebekah, and as much as he hated to admit it. That meant he owed her one.
Well Hayley was praying that Klaus never discovered that she had snapped Caroline's neck. Though Caroline may have helped Klaus look past what Rebekah had done, she had no doubt that Klaus wouldn't look past what she had done.
Still haven't watched the originals, so it most likely isn't according to the show. (I've seen clips of the scene. But do not know the details of it, or the spell that trapped them.)
I mostly found a script online, and got most of the top scene from that. I could have skipped it, and just gone into the phone call. But I also wanted to paint the picture for those of us (Including me), who still haven't watched the show. So they can know what's going on.
I know Cami wasn't in there with them. But I haven't really gotten a chance to write some Cami bashing. So I decided to add her into this. If nothing else then to show what the fraud is, compared to the original blond love of Klaus' life.
Because Cami may try to make excuses about how he's like this because of his past, and try to go all physiatrist on him.
And I think that Caroline actually accepts him for how he is. She honestly never asked him to change - not like Cami (So I hear). She only asked him to show her that she can trust him. She sees the good in him. But wasn't blind to all the terrible things he's done - probably one of the reasons she tried to push her feelings off for so long in TVD. (I know it seems I'm way harder on Cami than Caroline, well, what can I say. I'm a shipper. I am definitely biased towards my ship.)
That's just my belief for why Caroline is way better for Klaus then Cami. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. This is just mine.
But because it is my opinion, there will be a lot of Cami bashing in many chapters. Just an advance warning.
P.s. I also basically only had Marcel and Hayley there for the last two little bits.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Why me?
Part 7 - Misunderstanding
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @carabeth @insideamirage @duchessemersynwalker @captain-kingliamsqueen @pedudley @drakewalker04 @bascmve01 @butindeed @choiceslover-24-7 @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @ladyangel70 @drakesensworld @burnsoslow
The Beaumont brothers arrived back at the palace after the long flight. Maxwell could barely function and needed some coffee so headed straight to the kitchen.
Bertrand knew the council meeting was in a few hours and his hangover was killing him- did he regret it? No, he hadn’t let his hair down in years. It was good to spend some time with Riley, he didn’t always believe in her but the time during the social season he grew fond of her and was proud to call her a Beaumont. He would always support her along with Maxwell, they grew to love her and hoped she would return ‘home’. All his head did was pound, then it got worse when the sharp tongued woman strutted up towards him.
“Duke Ramsford! Glad to see you’ve managed to make an appearance. I was starting to think that you and Maxwell had runaway too! How’s the hangover? How’s Riley?”
“Duchess Olivia, I assure you the hangover isn’t as bad as it looks. And I don’t know what you mean? No one has seen Riley in over a week.”
Olivia stood there smirking at Bertrand with her eyebrows raised. She knew exactly where they had been and she was determined to find out the truth.
“Cut the crap Bertrand! She rings only Maxwell since she left, then no one can ring her back, then you both disappear! I’m not thick! And don’t try to lie to a Nevrakis!”
“Duchess Olivia, please. I need some rest. I’ll see you at the meeting.”
Bertrand walked into his room and saw Savannah stood up straight, arms folded staring at him with daggers. If looks could kill, the Duke would be buried six feet under.
“Bertrand, where have you been?”
“I’m sorry Sav. We had a meeting and then went to a bar to get drunk. I’m sorry okay? Please spare me the lectures, I need some sleep before the big council meeting.”
Savannah watched him crawl into bed, angry at him. She didn’t trust him. Savannah wasn’t the jealous type, she had only just reconnected her romance with the Duke but couldn’t pinpoint what exactly she didn’t trust about the trip he had returned from with Maxwell. After Drake and Riley had found her in Paris, she decided to return to Cordonia. Her fear originally prevented her from coming back after having a child out of wedlock. But now that the people in Court knew the truth about her disappearance and didn’t judge her, she wanted to work on her relationship with Bertrand and to raise Bartie as a family.
Sneakily she decided to get his phone and search for clues. When she opened it, a text message appeared- I’m missing you both already- enjoy your hangovers! Savannah knew she shouldn’t but she could help but open the text thread named “Beaumont’s rule.”
Her heart racing to the dozen, was she reading into the thread too much? Did they both go away to go on the pull? No Bertrand wouldn’t do that she thought, he’s not the social type of person. His priority was to protect his house and reputation, no matter how negative this reputation was. But her mind still had doubts.
“Drake? Can you meet me? I think Bertrand is having an affair.”
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Omg Max! That is hilarious! I can’t stop laughing. I love Bertrand ya no. And I think deep down he loves me.
Maxwell Percival Beaumont don’t you dare put this on any social media websites. I may be drunk but I don’t want Savannah finding out the truth. Or Drake for that matter! Okay?
Chill ya beans bro- this is our secret. Just between the three of us ;)
Better be max! Let me know when you guys arrive safely at home. Don’t tell anyone remember! I don’t want you both getting in trouble for seeing me. Love you both so much!!! Xxxx
Just got back in Cordonia, Bertrand looks like shit, I need coffee! How are you feeling?
Oo I’m fine- aspirin does the trick. Can’t wait for the next time! Especially with “I don’t do shots” Bertrand haha. But next time please don’t fall asleep on me okay B?
Next time could be at our house instead? We want you to come back and party with us and you know you wouldn’t want to miss it. I’ll challenge you to a dance-off ;)
I’m missing you both already - enjoy your hangovers!
Drake read through the thread, he loved his sister but didn’t she think he had his own love life to sort out? Bertrand was the type of noble Drake disliked, and the fact that his sister disappeared with a broken heart because of this man he disliked him even more. If it wasn’t for his nephew being brought into this world, Drake would refuse to acknowledge Bertrand’s existence. When Drake looked at the little boy, he often thought about what his children would look like- Bartie, thank god he had inherited the Walkers genes when it came to his appearance.
“Sav if he’s cheating on you, I’ll kill him with my bare hands. If you want to confront him bring it up after the meeting. As much as I dislike Bertrand, it could be innocent- he didn’t want us to find out he was drunk? And about the ‘I love you’s’ , it could just be friendly- Max and Riley used to say it all the time to each other....”
Before he could continue, his mind started wandering. Was the third person Riley? No he thought, they wouldn’t see her without telling anyone. Even though she was part of their house they must have felt that they had the responsibility to get her to return. But everyone loved her, everyone should be fighting to get her back- she was the glue that held them all together. Drake missed her and wished he was with her. If they had in fact gone to New York - he would have insisted going with them even if he wasn’t fit enough to fly. Each day that went by was torture for him, and Liam wasn’t due back for a few days. He just wanted to hold Riley in his arms, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume and convince her everything was going to be okay. He would always been there for her.
No, they wouldn’t go without informing anyone. Surely?
Everyone gathered at the council. It was hard to even discuss anything without the King there, as any action that would be considered to be done needed Liam’s approval.
The kings guards had opinions on the people who terrorised everyone on that night, but without solid proof they couldn’t do anything but try and question them once the King returned. Cordonia is known to have enemies going back centuries, maybe the kings guards were just making assumptions based on the past? Or maybe there was new enemy that was intimidating the new Monarch?
The meeting was about to end, when Savannah abruptly stood up and asked for everyone’s attention. She knew her doubts would be answered if Bertrand was put under pressure surrounded by other people. Everyone stared at her confused, as she linked Bertrand’s IPad with the projection screen.
“Sorry everyone, I’d like your attention for a few moments. Something has come to my attention and I’d like any opinions on the matter.”
“Walker? What are you doing? You shouldn’t even be here! You aren’t even a member of the council! Sit down and shut up!” Olivia snapped at her.
Savannah ignored her, and opened the iMessage app- opening the thread “Beaumont’s rule”
The brothers looked at each other, how could Bertrand be so stupid to link his messages on his iPad. Maxwell started to panic, his legs started to tremble. Bertrand’s hands became clammy. Both their hearts began to race, was their secret about to be exposed?
“Sav, it’s nothing. It’s not what you think. We went to a bar, got drunk. It’s what we used to do. If it makes you feel any better, my head is banging, this room is spinning.. I can’t cope!” Maxwell said, trying to change the subject to divert people making assumptions and to prevent gossiping occurring.
“Maxwell, who’s the third wheel in this conversation?” She scrolled through the messages- everyone read with their jaws agape, waiting in anticipation for the brothers explanation:
“Well? Bertrand you were dancing with some mysterious girl. Did you intend on hurting me Bertrand?”
“Savannah my love, it’s not what you think. I’d never hurt you. I swear. You and Bartie are my life.”
“Explain yourself then!”
Maxwell looked at Bertrand, his eyes apologising for the action he was about to take. He didn’t want to hurt Riley by confessing they was with her, but he didn’t want to ruin his brothers relationship because it was his idea to go and find Riley.
Everyone looked up to the screen when the noise of the notification distracted them. They were all shocked at the picture that Maxwell had just added to the group message- the selfie of the two brothers and Riley.
“Sav, he would never hurt you. We went to see our sister. We spent the night with Riley. Trying to convince her to come back!”
Drake ran out of the doors, wiping the tears from his face, seeing her face again made all the emotions come rushing back. He needed to be alone. Regretting that his stubborn attitude stopped him from reaching out for her himself. Did they convince her to return? He had hoped so, he was pining for her. Desperately longing for her, she was his life. Deciding he needed to do something to get his girl back rather than moping around.
If the Beaumont’s can sneak off to New York. So will I....
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
02/02/2020 DAB Transcript
Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalms 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26
Today is the 2nd day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here as we twist the knob and throw open the gateway and step into this brand-new shiny week. And it's a brand-new shiny month. So, new beginnings all around and we have a story to tell and it's certainly telling the story of the Bible as we read through it each and every day but it's also the story of our lives and we will write that story this week with our decisions and choices and attitudes and we will write the story of this month with the same things. And thank God, right friends? Thank God we have His word to counsel us. So, this week we’ll read from the Voice Translation and we’ll be picking up where we left off in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel have crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and the Egyptian army, they didn't. They didn't quite cross and it wasn't dry and so they ended up at the bottom of the sea. And, so, today Exodus chapter 15 verse 19 to 17 verse 7.
Thank You, Father for bringing us into this new week and into this new month. And again…again, we thank You, we thank You for last month, we thank You for bringing us safely through January and for all that You did in our lives through Your word and that month. And, so, we have great anticipation as we continue the story forward and we invite You fully. New beginnings, new month, new week and we give it to You in advance. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base and its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, like I say every day, be sure to stay connected in any way the cam or any way that you want to.
Reminding you that the Prayer Wall also lives there in the Community section and that is a fantastic place to go and receive prayer but also to offer prayer. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There's a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or there are a number of phone numbers you can use. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078. If you are in Australia 61-3-8820-5459 is number to call.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning, I am Surely Goodness and Mercy from Sarasota Florida I’ve listened to Daily Audio Bible for several weeks now and I enjoy being a part of this group. I’m responding to that prayer request of Paula the child advocate from LA area. Paula’s ladies group friend Dolores committed suicide this week and they thought she was better after her son’s sudden death. Dolores had announced a Christmas for daughter’s engagement the wedding to be held later this year. Father God help Dolores and her Father to heal from this tragedy. Lord God I ask that You’ll please heal this daughters broken heart, give her wisdom and insight into the grieving process, and let her not go into blame but to forgive even though she’s been robbed of her mom and robbed of her mom being mother of the bride and being a grandma and seeing the birth of these grandchildren and I pray God that she’ll not lose the dad as well. Holy Father help this daughter not to blame herself or blame God or blame others. Help her not to linger with anger over these losses. Help this daughter to walk with You and to look to You Father God for answers for the future and comfort and peace. May she enter to God’s Sabbath rest. I pray that she’ll, as an orphan, she’ll not be overwhelming reality to her but to realize that she’s grafted into God’s family. I ask for family members to rally around and be a strong support to her and the ladies that have known Dolores for these 30 years will have a soften heart in a powerful way toward this daughter. If it’s God’s will, please raise up another mom substitute that can encourage and love and step into a significant role of this Young lady as she goes through her wedding plans and wedding celebrations. And then I have a prayer request. My husband’s niece Gail had emergency back surgery this week. They live in New York and have two small children. My prayer request is that the nerve function in her leg return, that everything will be knit properly, and pain will continue…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is J from Nashville. So, I woke up this morning with some amazing news. Those of you who have been listening for a while know my story and I have, through a friend of a friend, located the state in which my ex-wife and my child are located. So, what I’d like to do is I’d like to pray that God will give me guidance, discernment and clarity and a means by which to have a relationship with my child. Lord Jesus, I thank You Father for this glorious day and this wonderful overwhelming news. Father, every bone in my body wants to completely relocate in the next 30 seconds to that state so that I can be close. But Lord I don’t want to do these things in my own power, in my own wisdom, in my own strength, in my own desires. I want to do them according to Your will. So, Lord I pray that You will send Your Holy Spirit before me and soften my ex-wife’s heart, clear her mind, and open her eyes spiritually to allow her to see me the way that You see me. All the hurt and pain that I’ve caused as undoubtedly caused serious trauma. I pray Lord that You will begin to mend that trauma in a way that will allow a relationship with this child. I pray that in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hello family this is Cindy the flute player. I’ve called in before and been a listener for a long time, but I wanted to call and apologize to my family. When I called in, I was discouraged and just wanted to give up and after 40 years of being a believer I haven’t given up and actually I feel like I’m in the season now where I have seen so many answers to prayer. The one that steepest to my heart, well there’s a couple, I haven’t seen but I am trusting Him. I’m trusting that He will and is moving and I just keep speaking my heart to Him. And I want you to know out there family that I’m listening to your heart and I’m praying for you instantly when you’re talking and you’re bringing your requests to us and I especially have Esther and Anonymous on my heart and want you to know that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit reminds me to pray for you and to not give up and that He sees you and that He loves you and so do I even though we’ve never met. And I want…I just…I’m so thankful for all of you out there and thankful for this format. It really is beautiful. And there’s lots going on on this reservation and by heart is deeply troubled for the children but I’m sure that’s why He’s planted me here. And, so, you know, God bless all of you. I hope, sometime I get to meet you. I’ll be able to come to Tennessee someday. All right. Love you. God bless you.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is for Danny in southern Oregon and I just started listening to the Community Prayer for the weekend and…whew…I’ve got five hours to go but you were in the beginning and I heard you talk about your mom being very sick and that you’re gonna read scriptures over her. I don’t know if that was my suggestion, but I know I had said it. And I just wanted to share with you that at the end of my father’s life he started to see dark figures and he looked at me and he said there are dark men behind me, and they’ve come to get me. And I looked at him and I swore up, but I won’t swear here and I said the bleep they ain’t. And I canceled all of my appointments that day and I started praying with everything I had out loud. He was in and out of consciousness and I was just praying, bringing down the Angels because I said I will not lose my father to whatever has come to get him. And the nurse came into the room and she looked at me and she said is everything all right in here and I said I think it’s…we’re at the end and he is seeing dark figures who have come to get him and she locked eyes with me and she said well we need Jesus. And I said yes we do. And she worked all day and then at the end of her shift she came in. She prayed with me and we…we brought…we opened the doors of heaven and I felt Angels around us and I just read and read and read. I didn’t sleep that night. I went home and I changed it to work out cloths, I broke out into a sweat. I mean I was up all night and the next morning was when he mouthed back the Psalm back to me. And, so, Danny I just tell you, you fight and Lord I just I build up my sister Danny to fight for her mother’s soul and that what she reads over her mother would yield fruit in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Hi this is Cheyenne butterfly from Bakersfield I haven’t called in for a long time. I used to call regarding my son JJ. Today’s situation is he got off the spice, still using straight drugs. He has a mental illness. He has schizophrenia and he has a pay service, got his pay service to give him $2000 for a car, brought the car home, the car was worth $200, couldn’t run. I couldn’t get…convince him to let me have the contact person who would sell him a car that wasn’t worth $200 and couldn’t get smogged, couldn’t get registered, car broke down. Some other drug dealers or drug addicts sold him another car for $500. He lived in it for about three weeks. Cops arrested him for Grand Theft Auto for stealing the car. Now he’s sitting in jail. He has a mental illness. He needs lots of prayer. I’m leaving a whole lot of the story out, but the bottom line is this child needs God, he needs prayer, he needs redemption, he needs somebody in his life. God pray that somebody in jail is a Christian and helps him because he won’t listen to me. I’m just calling and asking for prayer for this child his name is JJ. He’s almost 30, he has schizophrenia, he’s been homeless on and off now for the last 10 years. I’m just asking for major prayer for this child. I listen to you daily, been listening to daily for the last couple years and I know the power of prayer on this is strong. I’ve watched it happen. I thank you so much and I thank the Daily Audio Bible for providing us the service. I love you all and thank you so much.
Good morning DABber family this is Walta the Burning Bush that will not be Devoured for the Glory of our God and King. I’m calling for, I believe, Cara and her son Nitch from Denver. I just want you to know that I heard your request and I prayed for you and it meant something special to me because I struggled with what you’re going through. I guess it’s been, gosh since, my son was 17 years old. He’s 22 now he struggled for three straight years with addiction and had problems with the law. And praise God, for the last two years he’s been sober. He’s…he’s back in college and he’s counseling other people with addiction. He’s actually found the Lord. I’m staring this testimony with you so that you know that there is nothing impossible for God. While I was walking through my struggled God reminded me that my son Emmanuel is not just my son, he’s God son who God entrusted to me. God entrusted Nitch to you and now you give him back to God as Abraham gave his son back to God. He is God’s son and God will watch over him and He will protect him while he’s out there in his prodigal phase. But know that God loves niche more than you do and be at peace in your heart knowing that God is faithful to do exceedingly abundantly above our expectation. If God can heal and deliver my son from addiction, if God can save him, God can do the same for Nitch and I’m praying that through this testimony that you will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony I pray that you will be encouraged. I pray that you will be encouraged. Look for Insight, the Insight program online and see if you can find a community with which you can just find support because there are many families struggling with this addiction problem. I love you my sister. I can’t wait to hear your testimony and I will continue to pray for him until I hear…
Hi DAB family this is Tahara in Southern California and there are a few people that are on my heart today. I’ll try to do this quickly. Cara from Denver your call really resonated with me. I have two sisters who were out and using for years and it is so hard. I had a friend once say that loving an addict is like hugging a chainsaw. So, I just pray…first of all I want to thank God for your sobriety and I pray that He will give you supernatural peace and secondly I pray for your son, that God will protect him until he is ready to just fall to his knees in that broken openness that we need for healing. There was a woman who did not leave her name, she has a 22-year-old nephew with lupus and possibly dyskinesia and I pray for complete healing and that God would protect him from despair. I also pray that her nephew would recognize his unique placement to let Jesus love shine through him. Sienna, I heard so much fear in your prayer request. I just want to give you a hug girl. I pray that God will redeem the incredible difficult circumstances that you’re going through. I also pray that He will give you strength to hold healthy boundaries and also for healing over your body. I pray that He would bless you with peace and trust in Him. Diana Davis you are in my heart and on my mind. I pray for your healing as well as for your two wonderful sons. I pray that God will bless them and protect them and surround them with loving people. I pray also for Isaiah who was given mind altering drugs and abused and I just pray for the healing of his mind and soul. Becky from Orlando thank you for the praise report that you shared. I just...I really needed to hear that. I needed a reminder of God’s power. And finally, God’s Smile in England, thank you for your brief and joy filled testimony, it really touched my heart and made me smile.
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paradisobound · 6 years
I Want It, I Got It: Chapter 14
Summary: Phil Lester was a worker for the BBC in London. Working in the advertising department, he was content being alongside his friend and fellow coworker PJ during every shift. However, the BBC is temporarily being used as a film set for a new movie staring Hollywood ‘It’ star, Daniel Howell. Being stuck as an extra on the set, Phil finds it’s hard to ignore the famous star. And maybe, just maybe, Dan finds it hard to ignore Phil as well.
Word Count: 2.4k (this chapter)
Warnings: Occasional swearing and sexual themes 
Rating: Explicit
Updates will be every Sunday at 1pm EST
A/N: I split this chapter into two parts so this part 1 and part 2 will be either sometime this week or next Sunday! 
Phil wants to set himself a reminder to never book a flight as early as 6am ever again. He makes it to Gatwick with bleary eyes and a small bag haphazardly packed with a set of clothes for overnight. 
He boards his plane and then when he lands, he throws the strap of his bag on his shoulder and walks through the airport to find his mum waiting for him where she always does. 
When he sees her, he gives her a big hug and then steps back with a smile. “You look tired dear.” She comments, rubbing his arm. “Did you sleep well last night?” 
Phil doesn’t want to tell her that no, he didn’t really sleep because he Skyped with Dan until he fell asleep. He also wasn’t going to mention to her how he and Dan have been slowly progressing past the friend stage and he’s getting to the point where he can hardly imagine not knowing what Dan is doing and whether or not they can speak. 
“Just pre-flight jitters.” Phil says with a forced half-smile. 
His mum gave him a knowing glance. “I know how you feel about flights, dear.” She said, pulling her hand away from his arm. “But let’s get going now. Your father insisted on staying back and making breakfast for when we get back.” 
Phil followed his mum out of the tiny airport to the carpark and got into the car with her, tossing his small bag into the backseat before climbing in the front. The Isle of Man was small and he enjoyed having his parents living here now because even if he only went for a few days, it still felt like a holiday. 
“How is the BBC?” His mum asks as they head onto the main road towards his parents house. 
“Normal.” Phil says. “I’m working on making a new website for the BBC Radio 1. Like, not an entirely new website but a new webpage. That’s taken up a big portion of my time.” 
“How is PJ?” His mum then asks. He’s actually surprised that she’s gotten his name right. The last time, she called him Peter. He still doesn’t know how she ever got Peter from PJ but he still laughs about it. 
“He’s good.” Phil says. “I actually just went out for drinks with him a few nights ago.” 
“How about him and Sophie?” 
“Mum…” Phil says with a laugh. “I’m not PJ.” 
“I know,” She says with her own chuckle. “But you know how your mum likes to gossip.” 
“How can I forget?” Phil says. 
His mum reaches over and smacks his arm gently and Phil laughs. They pull into his parents driveway and it’s exactly like how Phil remembered it. The same cozy little cottage on an old road with the same stone fence around it. The same pink and red flowers bridged the outside and the same weather grey stone shone on the outside. 
Phil honestly likes this house better than the house he grew up in outside of Manchester and his dream is to retire to such a little community like this. 
“Come on, Philip, grab you bag! Your father is waiting and you know how he can be a bit impatient.” 
Phil steps out of the car and opens the backdoor, grabbing out his small bag from the seat. He puts the strap on his shoulder again and follows him mum inside the small doorway into the kitchen. 
His father is sitting at the table with his newspaper in his hand and Phil has to chuckle at how typical this setting was for him. He remembers being a teenager and waiting up to see his dad sitting at the table with his newspaper. 
“Hello Phil!” His father chimes in. “How was your flight?” 
“It was fine.” Phil answers, his answer automatic. He always responds the same way. Maybe it has to do with the awkwardness he still feels around his dad. He’s not sure. 
“Well, that’s good.” His dad answers. “Your brother is arriving in a few hours for the weekend too with Cornelia. You’ll have to sleep on the couch tonight since they called dibs on the guest room.” 
Phil feels himself groan. He shouldn’t groan. It was quite childish. But he also wasn’t feeling like sleeping on the couch with no privacy tonight. He was looking forward to spending a few hours on Skype with Dan and he can’t do that if he’s on the couch. 
“When did Martyn decide he wanted to come this weekend too?” Phil asked, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“I wanted to spend the weekend with my boys.” His mum chimes in, leaning up on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Why does he get the bedroom though?” Phil asks, his voice verging on a whine. 
“Because he and Cornelia can’t fit on the couch like you can, dear.” His mum says. “Oh, pip up. It’s only one night. I’m sure you can survive on the couch.” 
Phil wants to stomp his foot to put on a fake tantrum but he instead just rolls his eyes playfully and looks down at his dad. “What did you make for breakfast?” 
“There is some sausage and eggs on the counter if you want.” He responds, folding his paper and setting it on the table. “Your mum and I figured we could take you and Martyn and Corn on a walk this afternoon. The weather is supposed to be lovely.” 
Phil nods and walks over to the counter, grabbing a couple pieces of sausage and putting them on an empty plate. He begins to snack on them when his mum walks over next to him and steps close to him. “So tell us about Daniel.” 
Phil chokes and sputters, forcing down the bite he had just taken as he coughs. He sets down his plate and goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of juice. He grabs a cup from the cupboard and pours a small glass, taking a sip of it to still his coughing. He was trying to avoid this question and this conversation but it’s clear he wasn’t getting out of it. 
“It’s not polite to ignore your mother.” His mum presses, her eyebrow choked as she stands at the counter. 
“I don’t have much to say.” Phil answers. “What do you want to know?” 
“Well, how did you and Daniel meet?” She said. “Let’s begin with that.” 
“We met through the BBC.” Phil says, trying to remain as vague as possible. 
His mum waited patiently for him to continue and he cocked his eyebrow up. She tapped her fingers on the counter. 
“How did you meet at the BBC?” She pressed further. 
“His film was being filmed there.” Phil says. “The offices were shut down for it.” 
“What was the film?” 
Phil shrugged. He actually doesn’t know the name of the film. He’s never really bothered to ask Dan much about it. He’s never really thought about asking Dan about it actually. It always skipped his mind when he was speaking to Dan. 
Talking about his film was normally the last of their thoughts. 
“Well, when did you and Dan become friends then?” She continued. 
Phil was well ready for this conversation to end already even though it barely began. “He came up to me in the BBC the one day and we exchanged contact information. Then we just started talking.” 
“He’s cute.” 
“Well, I’m just being honest, dear.” She says, her lips curved into a smile. 
“We’re not dating.” Phil says. The more and more he says it, the more and more he feels like a broken record. He and Dan really aren’t dating. And in complete honesty, he’s not quite sure if they’re friends right now. They are obviously friends but recently, they’ve been slowly bridging that gap between friendship and a relationship. 
He blushes slightly as he thinks about the night before and how Dan had looked, shirtless and comfortable on his bed in Los Angeles. Dan had asked him if it was okay that he was shirtless and of course Phil said it was. But he couldn’t help staring at Dan the entire time. 
“You’re blushing, hun.” His mum comments, her hand coming up and pinching his cheek. 
Phil yips out a little noise before he jerks away and his mum chuckles. His cheeks flush even redder yet and he just smiles at her as he shakes his head and takes his bag into the living room. He sets it down beside the couch and checks his phone, something he hasn’t done since this morning. 
He has a couple messages from Dan and reading them makes him smile. 
Dan: I’ll have you know that I still cant sleep 
Dan: Thanks 
Phil let out a chuckle and began to type out his own message back. 
Phil: Not my fault :P 
Phil exited from his messages app and opened Twitter. He’d slowly been getting accustomed to Twitter and other social media. His Instagram has remained pretty tame despite having a bunch of people follow him and also his profile suddenly get verified. His Twitter got verified as well which was a shock to say the least. 
Going on Twitter and YouTube for the first time was a bit of a shock but Dan helped him through it on Skype the night he finally looked. 
“If you never do it,” Dan had said, “Then you’ll never see the support that you got for the video.” 
And Dan had been correct. He had gained a massive fanbase already and that was a big deal. He really did want to pick up YouTube more like he had when he was still in university. 
He even tweeted out that he wanted to do a Q+A and he had gotten a ton of questions already that he was eager to film when he got back to London tomorrow night. 
Dan had convinced him to do the Q+A and he even suggested filming things in LA and sending them to Phil but Phil told him that wasn’t necessary. The next time Dan came to London, they could film many more videos together. 
“I see that you have begun doing YouTube again.” 
Phil looks up from his phone to see his mum stood in the doorway now, making her way into the living room. 
“Oh yeah.” Phil says. “I wanted to get back into it. I think it’s going well.” 
“It’s nice that Dan was in the video with you.” She says, sitting down next to him on the sofa. 
“It was his idea.” Phil admits. “I told him about how I did YouTube and he thought that it would be a good idea to do a video.” 
His mum nods and Phil knows that she is waiting to say something. So he waits…with a baited breath, until his mum finally speaks. “I worry,” She begins. “I worry that Daniel isn’t good for you.” 
Phil turns his head and looks at her. “What do you mean?” 
“He’s a big named celebrity, Phil.” She says, her voice serious. “He might not be looking for the same things that you are.” 
Phil feels his stomach knot and his chest tighten. He felt like this was a middle school talk, not one he should be having at 32 years old. 
“And I’m not saying this because I believe that Dan’s intentions with you are bad. But you have to remember his lifestyle.” She continues. “I don’t want you mixed up into that lifestyle if you’re not ready.” 
“It’s not about that.” Phil says, because it’s really not. “Dan doesn’t even like the lifestyle.” 
Phil nods. “He gets overwhelmed by it.” He says. “I don’t think he’s ever admitted it to me or even to himself but I think he just enjoys doing the movies and the acting. I don’t think he enjoys the publicity that comes with it. Like, everywhere you look, his photo or name is plastered somewhere.” 
His mum suddenly bends down to the coffee table and rifles through some of the crumpled magazines until she finds whatever she was looking for and hands it to him. He looks at it and he’s not sure what she’s getting at until she’s suddenly grabbing it from him again and opening to a dog-eared page. 
It was an entire article about his video with Dan that he never knew existed. His face was plastered in this magazine, without his consent. And here is Dan’s face as well…just covering the page with this 200 word article about the video. 
He felt sick. His hands began to shake and he felt clammy. 
How many other articles has he been the subject of that he never knew? 
“Where did you get this?” He asked, his voice tense. 
“Your father saw the magazine in the store when he picked up his newspaper. It was just meant for me because you know that I enjoy reading those gossipy tabloids every once an a while. I stumbled upon it and saved the page.” She said. “This is mostly why I wanted you to come here this weekend. I thought we could discuss this and what you’re getting into.” 
“I didn’t consent to this article.” Phil says, his voice trembling. 
“I know, dear. I know.” She comforts. “Does Dan go through this a lot?” 
He nods. Yeah, Dan does go through this a lot. He’s seen the moment Dan’s face falls when he sees an article written about himself that he didn’t even know. 
“Maybe we should hire someone.” His mum continued. “Maybe we could hire someone to speak on your―” 
“I’m not going to do that.” Phil says. “I’ll just talk to Dan.” 
“But how much can Dan really do, sweetie? He seems just as powerless as you.” 
Phil feels like he could cry. His eyes suddenly feel full and his cheeks feel hot. He struggled to hold them back but he does. He sniffles once and hands his mum back the magazine, not bothering to read it. 
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” 
He doesn’t say anything. He just sits in silence as his stomach knots and twists. She eventually gets up without a word and a few moments later, he hears the front door shut and he realizes she’s probably gone to wait at the airport for Martyn and Cornelia. 
He sits back on the couch and shuts his eyes. Maybe he can catch a nap before she gets back. 
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pihl14mcgowan-blog · 6 years
Google Voice App Now Available
While sitting in front of the television and playing video games may be one of the factors that makes children fat, nutrition educators are using some of the same media to teach students proper nutrition. You can communicate with NPCs through voice and gesture recognition - the Game-Pads camera will lip read and help recognize your commands better than conventional voice recognition. The truth was that Brahms, didn't hate school, he loved it. His friends weren't mean to him, but sometimes they wanted to use the red race car too, or wanted a turn deciding what to build that day. Immediately after breaking out of jail, Bob starts his journey of serial theft, and it is up to you to help him. This all stems from our ability to genuinely ask for and graciously receive the support of other people. The platform is really little more than a data store on your iPhone, and apps can write information into and pull information out of it. Some apps do both, though others may only input data or retrieve it. However, these new enterprises are facing two key local challenges: the country's increase in foreign food imports and the continued supermarket duopoly and dominance of big food manufacturers in the supply chain. Some companies today use Byte to offer food and drinks for free to employees who are working after a certain hour, for example. I want to make this a place you can ask anything, a place where you can get inside knowledge that will give you some comfort and peace as a parent. With http://invaloaredecumparare.com of life boosted in Clash of Clans world, we've come up with a guide to help you get started and spend as little real money as possible. A 20-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola, for example, has 65 grams of sugar, or 130 percent of the recommended daily value. For those willing to pay $4.99 to unlock it, a food scanner facility means that users can scan the UPC barcode of the food they eat instead of look it up themselves. The two types of food are specified in the top left corner and they change each run. Included with his comment is here is a great little library of weight loss topics such as the dreaded weight Plateaus” and vegetarian diets.” Similar to Livestrong, the MyNetDiary website database requires internet access and syncs your data among your devices. Using the app's nutrition interface menu, see how many kilojules your child is burning each day, and plan meals accordingly. However asking the same question twice in a row is cheating, God will know and just give you a random answer. In our app you will be able to view and interact with the personalised food plan that we have created JUST FOR YOU Login to your extensive Nutrition Members page and view all the meals we have planned for your personal health and fitness goals. If I had a voice on the conference call, I'd be sure to ask some of these questions. GrubHub is a web-based food delivery service that's available in hundreds of U.S. cities. In addition, the app conveniently has writing pages that let students write essays, take notes and ask questions from inside the app. After all, according to CEO and co-founder Suneel Gupta, food is the area around their personal health where people generally pay the least attention. Studies show magnesium may play a role in helping us snooze through the night Munchies high in protein usually contain tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin levels that aid in sleep , according to the Cleveland Clinic. The Help's representation of these women is a disappointing resurrection of Mammy - a mythical stereotype of black women who were compelled, either by slavery or segregation, to serve white families.. Both versions of The Help also misrepresent African American speech and culture. There's fast food and there's a lot of rampaging as you run around blasting hipsters with junk food until they explode. It seems like the lesson he learned is definitely better to ask for forgiveness than permission”. But the company knew that tracking food intake by itself wasn't going to be the most comprehensive view of a user's health or how they could improve it. As a result, the company is taking its first step toward a more complete solution by incorporating activity data through an integration with Apple's HealthKit. It is a helpful tool as you may find yourself interested to see how you happened upon a word. It's a trap that many nutrition enthusiasts tend to fall into — but it's simply not true. Uber began investing millions” in a network of support centers in various places over the last couple of years, including Chicago (US), Phoenix (US), Limerick (Ireland), Krakow (Poland), Wuhan (China), Hyderabad (India) and Manila (The Philippines) to help with quicker response times, but the communication between company and user needed something more native than email. The startup's pitch of course fits well into this ongoing storyline of companies that are aiming to increase productivity and efficiency, whether that's more efficiently skipping food or pushing buttons on a phone to get a car, or a snack, or anything really, send to your current location on demand. Zesty CEO David Langer said the company also uses algorithms and data analytics for menu planning, and to predict and optimize logistics. If you want to make crafting, base building and the many benefits of both a central part of your Fallout 4 experience, there are a couple of things you need to know. After all, I'm not a hardcore Fitbit user trying to use it to meet any real fitness goal; I'm just intrigued by data. Weight Tracker is an easy to use app for iPad to help you monitor and keep track of your weight. It is a bit sad to have to justify the need for proper writing by labeling it a sickness… I'm pleased that Siri does a good job at helping write well. I was quite surprised at how I almost serendipitously discovered a naturopath, a nutritionist I knew back east that my wife and I saw right before I published Getting Things Done”. When Pokemon food in the anime is prepared by humans, it typically consists of various combinations of plants, fruits, and Berries and resembles dry cat/dog food. I'm not a fan of Wetherspoon's food but, seeing as I don't go into Wetherspoon's pubs it doesn't really have that much of an impact on my life. He says the same thing can happen with food if enough people give real food a chance. Looking even farther down the line, Abrams said the Chef Watson team is interested in forging more commercial partnerships with cooking school chefs, restaurant chains and other food industry professionals from consumer product manufacturers to grocery stores. Cocoa is a rich source of dietary polyphenols And the cacao flavonoids can help boost mood and sustain clear thinking. While a cursory glance at Food Frenzy might suggest that it takes a large portion of inspiration from the previously mentioned Cooking Mama, it only showcases two mini-games that come anywhere close to replicating the experience of Office Create's title. This is where you come in. Taking control of the diminutive Jerry, you must use a piece of jelly to bounce each piece of food into the basket on the right of the screen.
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matchafrican446 · 3 years
Orthodox Jewish Dating Sites
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Orthodox Jewish Dating Websites
Free Jewish Dating Sites
Brooke, 30, an Orthodox woman divorced for six years, wants a meaningful relationship that will lead to marriage, but that is proving to be a challenge. She has tried matchmakers, popular in her circle, but most of them don’t give thought to the matches, ignoring her personal qualities and tastes. She’s tried Jewish dating sites too. But, she finds them “free for all and creepy.” Many of the men want to date casually, or just hook up. Some even create fake profiles.
Mazaltov.org is where marriage minded Jewish singles come to find true love. Our unique approach to creating a Jewish dating site has resulted in many success stories. We blend cutting-edge technology with our unique human touch, to create an online community like no other Jewish dating site. 3 reasons to choose Jewish dating sites. Here are 3 reasons to choose Mingle2 Jewish dating site: 😉 Secure verification: All members are personally confirmed by our staff to prove they are real. We provide you with real potential partners that are here for the same reasons as you. 😉 Quick to register: Registering an account and creating a.
In 2018, being Orthodox no longer offers the security of ongoing community support, and for single millennials, finding a partner is a solitary pursuit. While Jewish communities still value marriage and family above all, the burden of coupling falls on the singles.Yossi, 32, and Shira Teichman, 31, a married Orthodox couple from Los Angeles have drawn on their life experiences to create a technological solution to this dilemma. Together with life coach Shiffy,Lichtenstein, they are the co-creators of forJe a dating app for Jewish singles, like Brooke, who are seeking long-term relationships.
Chaim Orzel, 27, who grew up in a “very Orthodox home” and now describes himself as “Conservadox”, is ready to give the new app a try. He bemoans the shallowness of dating sites that promote pretty profiles and impressive job titles over internal gifts. “The problem is that it’s making marriage a transactional experience. What happens if a guy loses his job, or he has a stroke, heaven forbid? Free unpaid dating sites. External things won’t keep a marriage together.”
The Teichmans share this view. “We both have PHDs in dating,” says Shira wearily, in a telephone interview with this reporter. Before meeting one another in 2014, she says: “We had gone to all the matchmakers and the singles events. We were meeting a multitude of people, but nothing was working.” Yossi recalls that most dating coaches just gave advice on appearances.
The disappointment led Shira, who has an MA in education, to study with experts such as Leonard Carr, a psychologist who runs growth courses on relationships and “personal mastery” (https://www.leonardcarr.com/index.html), hoping to better understand herself. “I wanted to understand what drives me, what holds me back. Once I started understanding myself, I realized my dating was changing already. I was in a more powerful position to find the right partner.”
Shira decided to share this new sense of power and began running dating workshops called “Breakthrough Dating.” “Being able to develop a connection is a very tangible skill,” she explains. While Shira says many millennials will go on a date, not feel “a spark”, and then end the budding relationship, she believes they need to learn a process she calls “the anatomy of building a relationship.”
Positive feedback followed the early events. Out of 40 individuals at one of her first events, four ended up getting married. So, when Yossi entered the picture, the workshops became a shared passion. After each event, the couple would distribute surveys, later reviewed by psychologist Rabbi David Pelcovitz, chair of education and psychology at Yeshiva University.
Statistics in hand, a year and a half ago, the couple began serious work on forJe. Yossi worked with a team of other programmers to code what he calls “the first dating app to use Artificial Intelligence.” To screen out fraudsters, the app requires users to scan their drivers’ license. That information is then compared to the information provided from Facebook or Google when the user makes a profile. Once the app is satisfied that the individual is not a scammer, personal information is deleted and never shared, Yossi says.
The need for such a high level of user safety is the result of an increase in catfishing, or the act of luring someone into a relationship based on a false online persona. Since 2005, numerous websites like romancescams.org and Facebook forums have been created to help victims of these crimes. In the last six months of 2014 alone, the FBI reported that 82 million dollars of money was stolen through such scams, as reported by the podcast Criminal.
Ben Rabizadeh, the CEO of JWed, a Jewish dating site in which over 50% of users are Orthodox, said that his site faces threats from these international scammers. Fraudsters create fake profiles, get into an online relationship, and then ask for money. “We screen out a large majority of fraudulent profiles during initial signup; but occasionally something slips through and in those cases, we promptly respond to complaints and remove users who are not eligible to join JWed.”
ForJe’s decision to increase security is also a response to locals who lie about their marital status on Jewish dating sites. Rabizadeh says he is shocked to hear of religious married men saying they are single to pursue single women. “This has never come up except for the rare circumstance where a couple is separated and not yet legally divorced.”
But women interviewed for this article say it does happen. Brooke describes her worst experience – a man who created four different profiles and even changed the cadence of his voice when speaking on the phone as the various personas. “He also had a wife and girlfriend,” she added. “There are men who are married or in relationships and lie about their status,” says Jackie, 32, who acknowledges that she finds dating sites helpful, despite the perils.
ForJe is taking these reports seriously. And the next step in creating a profile is also aimed at screening out fraudsters. Users must answer a lengthy series of multiple choice questions. The type of questions reflects the Teichmans’ interest in self-knowledge and include probing queries such as “If you won a large sum of money, how would you use it?” and “How do you determine if you’ve had a good week?” The list takes a while to get through, but the time required has an objective, according to Yossi. “We want to weed out people that are just looking for hook-ups,” he says emphatically.
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As users answer more questions and interact with the app, it is programmed to get to know their unique selves – at least as well as a machine can ‘know’ a human. Every day, users are presented with up to three matches. The low number of potentials is also there to encourage committed dating. There is no opportunity for rapidly judging the attractiveness of scores of photographs, a practice associated with other apps.“
Most dating apps today are not really dating apps. They are social media platforms and have all the features Facebook does. They just want people to be addicted and stay in. We aren’t interested in that. We are interested in you finding compatible matches.”But will singles trust a machine to set them up? Girls dating app.
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Orthodox Jewish Dating Websites
Jackie, who describes herself as Jewishly “traditional”, says she would give the concept a try. “Seems like anything would be better than the matchmakers at Saw You at Sinai,” she says, naming a popular Orthodox site which uses remote matchmakers to set users up. “Machines aren’t focused on what they get out of it, so that would probably be more accurate matching,” agrees Brooke, referring to matchmakers in general.
The app is potentially great news, according to Rabbi Mark Wildes, an Orthodox rabbi who founded and directs the Manhattan Jewish Experience, an organization where millennial men and women in their 20s and 30s can explore Jewish life and meet new people. “Any kind of technology that allows people to be more honest will be helpful to more serious-minded daters.” he says. However, he cautions that young people overuse technology for dating – breaking up over text and not giving shy people a chance. “People are not as fast as computers,” he says.
Another challenge he has observed is that millennials have lost their faith in marriage. When it comes to the challenges faced by Orthodox singles, Rabbi Wildes thinks the answer may lie in grassroots matchmaking. “It should be a mandate for every young couple in the first 24 months of their marriage to fix people up. We need to increase the pool of matchmakers. Feeling a little gratitude that you found that special someone? Pay it back.”
But while Jewish singles wait for their married friends to set them up, they are finding ways to empower themselves. Signing up for an artificially intelligent matchmaker is one way to do that.
Another form of empowerment is taking a chance on love, says Orzel. He believes the Orthodox single crisis can be solved by a collective change in attitude. “In Hebrew ahava means love, the root word, hav in Hebrew is to give. So, to love someone, you must give to that person. Without giving, there is no love. In our dating life today, there is no concept of unconditional love.”
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Free iranian dating site. Suzanne Selengut writes feature stories about global Jewish issues and the arts. She is based in New York City.
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