#and the. the. mermaid dungeon line
it's really funny rereading the early chapters of s-class heroine because ailette calls tesilid all sorts of names and it's such a far cry from her round 17 attitude
#tesilette#losing my mind at the way ailette is so so so fond and soft for tesilid now#she used to keep calling him high-maintenance and a pushover and other mildly but not really derogatory terms#and w a tone that suggests she thinks its a hassle#and now she's like#((ROUND 17 SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY))#when other transmigrators call tesilid annoying and cant believe shes trying to romance him#she just stays quiet and despairs on her own#and the. the. mermaid dungeon line#'i wish i could create a cabinet in my memories to store away his expression so i could look at it whenever i feel depressed or sad'#like GIRRRRL GIRLLLLLL WAAAAAHHHHHHH#falls onto the floor#anyway mimin examining ailette's character development era let's go?#like the way she KEEPS getting distracted and captivated by his looks. its so funny!!!!#and i dont rmb which chapter it is (prob mirror dungeon) but theres one whr she reflected that back at the very start#she wanted to be at the late stage loops so she could have an easier life#and now she's glad she's at round 17 bc it means she can spare tesilid all that pain#she will hard carry him if that's what it takes. she's been training ten years for this purpose#if thats not love idk what is....#like gngbfnghgnghgnghgnfhng yes she needs to be that strong anw if she wants to SURVIVE#but her narration is SO tesilid focused its crazy#(me trying to find info on hestio and ephael for my trio fics and finding next to NOTHING. thanks girl 😖👍)#like i dont even know how to put it into words bc#her love for tesilid permeates like every single goddamn word and i cant possibly analyse all that#idk... webnovels being sparse on the prose and description but#nonetheless having SO much packed into them... crazy. i love them webnovels#man. me being forced to write in tags bc its SO rambly like idk what goes on and how to explain it but AILETTEEEEE#like how is it that i get so much from rereading this one single story just by focusing on different characters' povs#this is a webnovel w like zero descriptions going on!!!
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chuthulhu-reads · 3 months
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[ID: A panel from Dungeon Meshi. Marcille, with a chibified fierce expression, is yelling "Yaaah!" and using her staff to blast fire at some kind of monster spider the size of a football. Chilchuck is next to her, with a chibified look of anxiety, calling, "Over there!" Next to the blazing spider, Senshi is stepping forwards, a knife and fork in hand. End ID.]
Fireball is a valid response to a spider that size, but what's killing me here is Senshi just sliding in with the cutlery. The man is ready to snack at ANY second
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valiant-trashmouth · 2 months
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Art dump
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lunarfey · 9 months
tag dump: verses.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. main.   ›   no savior to rally behind‚ but a cataclysm to be weathered.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. baldur’s gate 3.   ›   chaos is only understood when it is loved by the wild.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. game of thrones.   ›   ㅤi have never understood where the line is drawn between sacrifice and self slaughter.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. grishaverse.   ›   death had been her good friend these long‚ long years.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. dragon age.   ›   we are not like others. we have claws for a reason.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. dungeons & dragons.   ›   ㅤㅤyou were born of stars‚ stop settling for the dust they leave behind.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. hellhound au.   ›   face full of teeth white‚ but not smiling.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. western au.   ›   ㅤshe looked daisy safe‚ but smelled rose wild.
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. mermaid au.   ›   ㅤtell me‚ have you heard their siren song?
☾ ˙ ˖ ✧   v. first responder au.   ›   it is a violence‚ and yet a birthright‚ to feel all the cries of the world.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
this might be strange but what about fishman!sanji? as in, Sanji is raised on Fishman Island? he escaped Germa but nearly drowns if it wasnt for a fishman who rescued the strange human and he was brought down to be nursed back to health. If Jinbei's still there then maybe he argues to look after the kid as proof of improving human-fishman relations and Sanji is very happy to be there because!! he's actually in the sea!!! he always loved the ocean and fish and swimming and surely the fishmen can help him find All Blue (they dont know how but are endeared enough to let him expllore their archives for clues)
sanji ends up being a huge difference in terms of fishman attitudes towards humans because its so hard for anyone to hate this excitable kid who genuinely thinks fishmen and mermaids are cooler than humans and is obsessed with figuring out how to cook underwater. sanji is a little hesitant with the royals due to general trauma but ends up getting close to them! closest to jinbei tho, shark dad for the win!!
i picture sanji either meeting the crew at the baratie, maybe on one of his excursions to find clues on the all blue, or maybe at sabaody, because he snuck away from the island to try to save camie and any other enslaved mermaids. or maybe something else? rest is up to your brilliant mind <3
Sanji weak and fresh out of the dungeon in the ocean drowning and is found by a fishman. The fishman knows something is terribly wrong so he takes Sanji to Fishman Island and presents Sanji to Jinbei who as a former slave would be able to help the boy more. Jinbie spends a lot of time with Sanji, studying the boy and helping him. Trying to gauge how deep the trauma runs and it's deep. Sanji is skittish, not just from fishman but mer people and others too. Even his time on land has him hiding behind Jinbei.
He tells Jinbie about his dream and Jinbei offers to introduce him to the royals and help get him access to the archives. Sanji is shaking and doing his best and when the king asks about his fear Jinbei says it's not through prejudice but trauma. Trauma from royals specifically. The king nods and grants Sanji access so Jinbei takes him and Sanji flits around the room looking, he starts getting excited after a while. He's flitting around and talking animatedly about the All Blue. Jinbei smiles very fondly at the boy in front of him.
Jinbei helps him for weeks but they find nothing so they talk to travelers and nomads and migratory fishman and merpeople. They never find out but Jinbei teaches him cooking. How they cook underwater and what they eat and the diet he as a fishman follows.
Also in line with everyone but Mihawk, Jinbei absolutely takes Sanji to Warlord meetings and gets him into some of the archives and libraries. He talks to other humans about the All Blue. Sanji is an actual delight to have at Warlord meetings. Sometimes he'll bring snacks or Fujitora will take him to the kitchen to cook something and eat and tell the boy stories. Sanji still asks everyone about the All Blue.
Sanji grows up like a fucking immaculate swimmer. He can hold his breath for ages and dive so fucking deep. He calls Jinbei dad around eleven and just keeps it going. Jinbei smiles every time his son calls him that.
When Sanji is old enough he sets out to go search for the All Blue and gets a job at Baratie to find information from other travelers. Which is how he gets into the Strawhats crew. Everything is canon until Sabaodyish when they meet Chamie who is talking to Sanji like they're old friends and Sanji mentions off handedly he grew up on Fishman Island.
And when they get there after the time skip and the royals are welcoming Sanji back and everyone is confused again. Jinbei comes by to join the Strawhat crew and he and Sanji are hugging and calling him 'dad' and Luffy is like "oh, that's why all the warlords seemed to know you. How come crocodile didn't recognize you in Alabasta?"
"Probably because I never really talked to them, sometimes I would bring snacks but mostly I was looking for clues to the All Blue." Sanji shrugs.
And then obviously Jinbei promises to meet up with them soon and of course the next time we see him is in WCI and Jinbei listens to his son about not killing his birth family. Once they're in the clear Sanji and Jinbei are sitting together and Jinbei says if they step even a millimeter out of line they are dead. Sanji nods and says they have more important things to worry about. Jinbei nods and agrees and pats his son's head.
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iliaclwrites · 2 years
hiiii!!! I need more Eddie x cheerleader please! maybe almost getting caught by the party when she was visiting Eddie at hellfire she had to hide the entirety of a campaign? anything really!
dkjjdkgkjndg i can just see Eddie's eyes going wide before shoving the reader into a closet somewhere . thank you for the request owo
You rested your back against the prop closet, giggling as Eddie caged you in with his arms, tilting your head up to look at him as you continued talking about your day. "And then Andi Frick sprained her ankle at lunch practice, like clean snapped it during a full-out, so that means Chrissy is going to cover her tumbling for the rest of the season."
Eddie frowned. "Is that Andi with the ten puppies, or the Andi with the boyfriend who looks like a fish?" he asked, and you slapped his chest. "What! I'm not wrong. He looks like a fish person, and not in the hot mermaid kinda way."
You huffed, blowing a hank of hair out of your eyes. He rescued you, tucking the hair behind one ear, stopping as he caught your gaze. Your pretty, pretty boyfriend was staring at you as though you'd hung up the stars, and you reached up on your toes to plant a sweet kiss at the corner of his mouth.
"What was that for, princess?" Eddie murmured, wrapping a finger around your chin to tilt your head slightly, returning the soft kiss. His other hand snuck around your torso, making the hem of your cheer uniform rise. You dropped your pom poms to wrap your arms around his neck.
You shrugged, sighing as his mouth made its way down your throat. "Just sayin' thank you," you mumbled, voice catching when he nicked you gently with his teeth. "You treat me so good."
"Damn straight," Eddy agreed. "Nothing but the best for my best girl."
He shoved you into the closet.
"I-- Eddie?!" you squawked, trying to open the door. He'd slammed his back against it, and was shouting loudly to the members of Hellfire trouping down the stairs, and you hissed a soft oh fuck, resting your head against the closet slats. You could see your pom poms on the floor, and you hissed, praying no one would see them.
"Gentlemen!" Eddie called, letting the kids file into the room. "I hope you're ready to get your shit absolutely rocked by Strahd," he said, moving away from the closet. "But, uh. Maybe a short one today, bold adventurers. I've got, uh, laundry."
There was a curious silence. "...Laundry," the dark haired one repeated in a flat voice. "Sure. Okay. We'll buy that, won't we, guys?"
A young voice, even younger than Eddie's usual Hellfire crowd, chirped out. "Can we please get started," she complained, and you pressed closer to the door to see what the hell Eddie was doing with a middle schooler. "Mom's making pot roast for dinner."
"Is she?" asked the one you recognised from the basketball team. "Aw, hell yeah!"
The campaign started. You watched as Eddie whirled around them like a cyclone, pacing up and down the table as he spun the story of the travellers being stuck in Valakhi. You smiled fondly, recognising the bits of dialogue as ones he'd been testing on you the night before, attempting to nail his lines perfect for today's session. Your stupid boy.
When the session wrapped up, your knees sore from being tucked into position for so long, you heard everyone head up the steps to the door. Just as you were about to creak the closet open, a voice stopped you.
"Laundry my ass," said the girl. Lady Applejack.
"Huh?" you heard your boyfriend say, his figure stopping where he was taking down his Dungeon Master screens. "What do you mean?"
Applejack sighed. "Boys are so stupid," she said to the air, before huffing. "Nice pom poms, jackass. Tell your girlfriend to join in, next time."
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Ok the latest episode of dungeon meshi is gory as fuck.
Major episode 11 SPOILERS
Given that the episode is dragon part one, I assumed they would fight the dragon, mostly fail, cliffhanger, and the next episode would be defeating it.
I did NOT expect them to kill it, root around its insides, and find Falins fucking bones!!
The foot comes down on Senshi and he immediately vomits blood? Chilchuk knocked out by bricks to the head, Laios loses his leg?! (Nitpick but. If the leg was disconnected what was keeping him from falling out the dragons mouth? Anime rule of cool physics?)
And then. Chilchuk and Senshi is heaps of pain and Laios' leg is just itchy? Its a good joke, but I think there's more. Those heals were too easy after that amount of unprecedented violent gore.
Laios had a btw-line about of the dragon and is mating and then dismissed the thought with no given reason. So I think next episode theres gonna be a second Red dragon. ( Its possible part 2 will be next season, but following more common episode title namings, red dragon 1 and 2 will be the season finale. )
And theres the unanswered question of the whole season, why is the dragon more active, why is the ecosystem of the dungeon off-balance. I think next episode will be our big clue.
Re Falin, its no coinicidence we were introduced to the racist rich guy who assures us that souls dont leave bodies in the dungeon. That was confusing up till the last episode because the characters sure act like death is possible, and we've seen dead people and heard about body-retrieval. Then Namari goes to revivals to ask about Falin and there are bodies stored behind the desk guy. Which puts the pieces together, bodies that can be retrieved are retrieved, and the people can be revived. If someone cares to, and presumably pays for it. Someones gotta pay for retrievals.
Its also no accident that our warm-fuzzy sibling scene before finding Falins skull is about a ghost who is trapped with his body, and Falins intuition/ability with ghost magic. Can she be revived, will she stick around as a ghost, remains to be seen. (Remains.)
As someone who hasnt yet read the manga, Im also curious about long term story. Ive gotten the impression that theres significant story to go, possibly probably they reach the end of the dungeon? But Ive not seen Falin present in any of the art, and for the story to continue they need motivation to keep going.
So Im guessing that Falin ends up as a ghost, or unreviveable, and they have to get to the bottom to find the mad mage, work out what stops people from crossing over post-death (does that include monsters, orcs, humanoid mermaids or fish-oid[???]mermen), and only then can they bring Falin back to life.
That or they revive her and theres some other plot hook, but my guess is what I just described.
(Another silly nitpick, the fire is blocked by the adamantium but the heat isnt a problem until after the fire is done? "WE HAVE TO MAKE SURE TO EXHAUST ALL ITS FUEL" THAT WOULDVE LEFT FALIN BEYOND ALL HOPE!!!!!!)
And its funny re Senshi's knife, ooh its mithril it can cut through anything, well of course! he's used it to cut every single monster theyve eaten! And we never wondered how! Foreshadowing by cookware, its ridiculous and I love it.
Last point is it just me or are...is it Kaka and Kiki? Theyre discount Vex and Vax, right?
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shadohood · 6 days
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Finished the first season of Dungeon Meshi anime (and loved it). Was curious where is the line between Monster and Non-monster is drawn and made an oc somewhere in between, a skillful mermaid bard altered by ancient magic and a soul of a tallman.
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yumikattodl · 5 months
Diabolik Lovers Blood Bloued Dark no 3
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꧁My reality... I lost everything... And can't go back. Not after all this time...꧂
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yumi murmured in her sleep. Slowly, she opened her eyes, realizing that she would have to get up for breakfast. Oh, Yumi didn't like getting out of bed, it was torture for her.
Yumi liked to sleep so she could be in her dream world.
Which, was just for her, everything there seemed to be without any evil. No one, there would hurt her because it was her world. Yumi, slowly rolled, out of bed stretching.
The dark blue-haired girl went to the chair and took her school uniform from it. It seemed to her that the skirt was too short, bye red-eyed girl sighed heavily. She did not like to wear skirts at all, no dresses. It was not her style at all.
She picked up her school uniform, going to the bathroom to put on what she could call a school uniform. She walked slowly into the bathroom.
Closing the door behind her. The only, place good for reflection, to say the least, yumi thought. She sighed, heavily once again putting on her uniform, first the jacket, black in color, then the skirt. Yumi took a moment to look herself over in the mirror.
Maybe, it was her reflex that she needed to see how she looked. She picked up her blue and white pajamas lying on the floor, grabbed them in her hand, then walked back into her room. Putting down, things on the chair, she picked up her phone, unplugged it from the charger checking the time
5:30pm. Yumi had slept through breakfast and dinner. Now she had to go to dinner at 6pm.
Yumi, honestly would rather sleep now like she used to when she lived in the dungeons in eden.
Yumi still checked to make sure her phone had 100% charge Yumi took to her pocket hid her phone and left her room. Walking to the dining room she thought about kou " He will be cruel again?to her after all, they didn't even know each other he was so selfish." It seemed to Yumi that all the vampires in this mansion were like that. "Cruel selfish. " But, she didn't want to admit it was true.
꧁She had hope and that's what's lost the most. Just like the mermaids who led fishermen to their doom with their singing.꧂
The navy blue haired woman walked down a staircase lined with a huge navy blue carpet and descended from the first floor. The mukamich residence had a western style.
꧁Yumi in this residence felt like an animal, trapped with no way out.꧂ Grabat-hair knew how an animal in a trap felt.
꧁They were the hunters and she was the helpless animal.꧂
Yumi came down the stairs turned right saw a door ajar. She went in there after thinking for a while.
She took a seat next to the kou. Because there was a seat there, it was vacant, there were still 2 seats vacant but those looked like a guest seat which was better not to occupy.
- Kou don't take all the shrimp for yourself!!! - yuma's voice rang out.
- Ha! First come, first served! - Shouted the blond kou trying to take but yuma raised his hand higher and kou did not manage to take the shrimp from the plate.
Kou made a sad, face. Which at the same time looked adorable.
In its own way. And yuma- kun put the shrimp on the plate, azus'y.
─You, eat too ─ he spoke towards yumi, ruki came in with a plate of shrimp.
Kou immediately grabbed at the food. Yuma shouted at him not to take anything for himself.
─ It's all right," said Yumi, looking at her plate. Yumi didn't take much food like the day before.
She took very little. Maybe, say, a handful.Which did not escape the attention of yum'y and kou. But, both of them through dinner said nothing about it.
꧁ Wasn't yumi hungry? Didn't she taste ruki's cuisine - kun? ꧂ They could only guess for the rest of dinner. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
After yumi -san's dinner, I decided to take a walk around the garden.
She thought nature was wonderful. Yumi still had an hour to school before she would, with the vampires ride in the limousine. Most in the world, now she wanted to avoid going to school, she was afraid. His persecutors.
꧁People can be terrible sometimes. It only takes so little, and they begin to be, jealous. For a good reason. ꧂
While Yumi was in the garden, she noticed ripe strawberries, and as much as she wanted to try them, she vowed to herself that the next time she was in the garden, she would definitely try those delicious strawberries. She would definitely try those delicious strawberries.
Then she walked slowly back to the mansion. When she entered, she met her "boyfriend"
Kou at the entrance, was he waiting for her? She was puzzled by this thought but, thinking of the kou as her boyfriend scared her a little. Kou can be really scary.
─ Hi, kitten," he said, pleased.kou's voice. He was happy to meet her.
─ Kitten, will you help me clean the kitchen today? Today it's my turn and I don't feel like it, so please do it for me.
The kou said, glancing at the girl with dark blue hair, who was shorter than him. Yumi hated cleaning, but she loved sleeping so that she could forget about her problems for a while.
Yumi hated cleaning and loved to sleep so that she could forget her problems for a while. I'll do it for you, Yumi was afraid, kou said.
꧁A life of fear is the worst thing that can be ꧂ ─ Thanks, kitties! I'll make it up to you later. said the blond boy cheerfully.
Yumi was afraid of that pay. After which, the blond man disappeared from her sight.
Yumi hurriedly went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, a chore she hated. The dark blue-haired girl hoped she could wash the dishes quickly because she hadn't even packed for school yet.
As Yumi washed the dishes, she dropped a plate and it crashed to the floor. Yumi trying to immediately pick up the glass pieces of the plate, cut her finger right away, blood flew from her finger.
On the floor, the vampires could smell it right away.
What's going on here? The vampires could feel it immediately. He came into the kitchen. He looked at the dark blue-haired woman and knew what was going on. Kou, again He put someone else in charge.
Ruki - kun, I will explain! -
─ I was cleaning up and the plate slipped. ─ I was cleaning up and the plate slipped and broke, Yumi explained. Ruki, at that moment, was more tempted by her blood. Ruki wasn't crazy about Yumi, but when it came to blood, she had to have it.
In that case, you must be hopeless at cleaning. He did not miss Yumi, but when it came to the blood, she must be hopeless at cleaning up. Yumi's eyes glazed over at these words, but she would not cry.
꧁ Was she really hopeless likewas she told? ꧂
People, after all, are not born defeated you have to acquire these skills yourself.
─ I'm sorry, but there are no perfect people in the world.
─ I'm sorry," said Yumi, but Ruki didn't seem to notice. Ruki was arrogant and a bit self-confident.
He walked with an air of superiority. If they wanted to, they could get along.
But they were both too self-confident and arrogant to do so. A worthless man who is good for nothing," said Ruki, taking her bleeding finger to his face and biting her finger. Blood, Yumi was delicious. Sweet.
꧁In this mansion, if yumi wanted to survive she had to, quickly, learn that, there is no room for sympathy for her here. Vampires will never sympathize with her it drives them. ꧂
Yumi wanted to cry after Ruki's words, she wanted to show them that she was up to something but she had no way. I am not a "worthless person".
─ I am not a "worthless person", Yumi said, trying to defend herself.
If people were worthless, they wouldn't survive. "Did ruki hate people? Did he have reasons for that?"
The vampire was in the middle of a long road, but in vain, through her pleading, she felt an even greater pain.
But, in vain through pleading she felt even more pain, Yumi wailed in pain. Ruki, hated begging, it only showed weakness.
Ruki took yumi's finger out of her mouth, then bit her neck.
─ People are so pathetic. The vampire said. The blue-haired woman tried to pull herself together, but it was no use.
It only increased the pain.
─ Really, you are worthless. When you get lonely it only increases the pain.
Tears flowed from yumi's eyes. She wanted this hell to end. What was she being punished for? to be punished, to be in so much pain.
─ Worthless... ─ ─ She repeated before she fainted.
"Mukami, they remembered the wounds inflicted on them by people they couldn't forget. They were steeped in pain.
Mukami, they thought humans, were heartless. "
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"They broke her. She, slowly breaking downThey inflict the wounded. "⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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dino-fart · 1 year
The Pirate and the King
Hello! Cheers to leaving your old job and congrats on a new one! You are a fantastic writer, and I always LOVE reading your pieces. They are so brilliantly written. I was wondering if I could request a Namor x reader where it’s either one of two things (or both, honestly up to you); pirate AU or the reader is a pirate captain and meets Namor and his people. A lot of people have written stuff with mermaid AUs, which is all good, but I haven’t seen anything where they’re a pirate, or sailor, or something along those lines. Thank you so much and good luck at your new job! ☺️
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Your face was pressed against the cold floor of the jail cell. You grumbled and slowly sat up, rubbing the back of your head. “Fuck...What happened?” You looked around and scoffed seeing the bars. “Oi! What the bloody hell is the meaning of this?!” You shouted. You watched as a guard in pristine armor approached your cell door. 
“Silence pirate! You are under arrest and by order of Lord Baldw-” 
“Oh shut yer trap! You’re so loud! How much to get out?” 
“Excuse me?!” 
“Take that tin helmet off your head and clean yer fuckin ears!” 
“You bitch!” The guard was about to open the cell door but another guard grabbed him. 
“She’s doing it on purpose, you moron!” The other guard said. 
“You clever little wench!” The guard growled at you. 
You rolled your eyes and stood up and dusted the dirt off of your black pants. You felt around for your captain’s hat and huffed in annoyance when you couldn’t find it. “You had to take my hat too?��� You rolled your eyes and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over your chest. You then noticed a prisoner in the cell next to you, sitting in the shadows. “You allergic to light?” You scoffed at them. 
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. 
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A few hours later and you ran up to the door opened and the same guard walked in and shut the door. You noticed he took off his helmet and set aside his sword. What an idiot... “I’m going to teach you a lesson, you filthy whore.” The guard approached you. You just smirked and pulled the sash around your waist off. 
“Give your worst, honey~” You cooed. 
The guard pinned you against the wall and wrapped his hands around your neck. You smirked and quickly wrapped the sash around his neck and head butted him hard. He let you go and you kicked him square in the chest and pinned him against the bars. To your surprise the prisoner in the cell next door ran up the to bars and wrapped their arms around the guard’s throat and choked him to death. You kicked the door open and collected your belongings. 
“Wait. Set me free and bring me to the oceans. I will reward you.” The prisoner said and you sighed. 
You owed them... 
You grabbed the keys to the cell but heard another guard rushing to the dungeons. You put the keys between your breasts in your white ruffled long sleeved shirt and hid behind a column. You ambushed the guard and killed him with your cutlass. You would’ve just shot him but that would’ve made too much noise. You turned around and made your way to the prisoner’s cell. 
You pulled out the key and unlocked the door. “Come on, let me take a good look at you.” You grinned. Now you were hoping for a peasant or some low life that had potential to be in your crew. What you didn’t expect was a very very handsome and muscular half naked man in royal adornment. Your jaw dropped as he approached you and bowed his head to you, “You have my thanks, my lady.” 
“You’re...Welcome.” You blushed at his gaze. You snapped out of your thoughts, “Come on, let’s go!” 
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In just a matter of hours, you were back on your ship with the half naked man. Your crew set sail for your stronghold. You twirled your cutlass around and playfully pressed the tip of the sword between his pecks. The man smirked and raised a brow at you. “You haven’t told me your name or why you were locked up, stranger~” You purred. 
The man chuckled, “You never asked me...My name is Namor, I am a very powerful king.” 
“You sure weren’t strong enough to avoid getting locked up.” 
Namor moved his hand to quickly grab you by the waist and pulled you close to him and he moved your cutlass out of your hands and onto the deck. “It was a good thing I had you, in capitán (my captain).” He said smoothly. 
You blushed and ran your hands over his chest, “Good thing I was, your majesty...” 
Namor gently cupped your chin and leaned in to kiss your lips gently. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him deeper. “Ahem...Uh...Captain...Where are we taking....Our guest?” Your first mate interrupted. 
You pulled back from the kiss and gazed at Namor. “You don’t have to go yet, your highness, I still have questions.” 
“And I promise you, in ki'ichpanil (my beauty), I will answer them when we see each other again. My people need me.” Namor gently let you go and kissed your hand gently. He walked over the edge of the ship and dove into the waters. You held onto your hat as you rushed over to the edge to see where he went. You peaked over the edge and let out a surprised gasp. In the water was ten blue skinned people with spears in their hands. 
Your first mate joined you and looked over at you. Namor surfaced the water and joined his people. He said something to his people that you assumed was telling them to stand down. Namor turned back to look up at you, “Until next time, my lady, you will be safe in my waters.” He waved goodbye and you returned it. He disappeared into the waters and his people disappeared. You sighed and smiled watching the waves of the ocean. 
You couldn’t wait to see him again.
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rueroyale · 2 months
Lines Written in Oregon
Vladimir Nabokov
Esmeralda! now we rest
Here, in the bewitched and blest
Mountain forests of the West.
Here the very air is stranger.
Damzel, anchoret, and ranger
Share the woodland’s dream and danger
And to think I deemed you dead!
(In a dungeon, it was said;
Tortured, strangled); but instead –
Blue birds from the bluest fable,
Bear and hare in coats of sable,
Peacock moth on picnic table.
Huddled roadsigns softly speak
Of Lake Merlin, Castle Creek,
And (obliterated) Peak.
Do you recognize that clover?
Dandelions, l’or du pauvre?
(Europe, nonetheless, is over).
Up the turf, along the burn
Latin lilies climb and turn
Into Gothic fir and fern.
Cornfields have befouled the prairies
But these canyons laugh! And there is
Still the forest with its fairies.
And I rest where I awoke
In the sea shade – l’ombre glauque –
Of a legendary oak;
Where the woods get ever dimmer,
Where the Phantom Orchids glimmer –
Esmeralda, immer, immer.
Title. In Oregon. VN rented an apartment in Mount Ashland in the summer of 1953, where he wrote Lolita and hunted butterflies in the local woods.
1. Esmeralda. A butterfly or moth. Several species of moth or butterfly share the species name esmeralda/-us, or are commonly called “emerald”, but it seems clear to me that this is a mythical green butterfly that reminds Nabokov of one he found during his boyhood. Cf Speak Memory, Ch. 6, in which a butterfly flew (in VN’s imagination) from Russia to North America, “and southward along the Rocky Mountains- to be finally overtaken and captured, after a forty-year race, on an immigrant dandelion under an endemic aspen near Boulder.” “Esmeralda” recalls Victor Hugo’s gypsy, Lucette, called "our Esmeralda and mermaid" in Ada, Esmeralda and Her Parandrus from Look at the Harlequins, and Gerald Emerald from Pale Fire.
3. … West. Cf LATH, Part 4.1 on rediscovering Russian landscapes in the Rocky Mountains: “I spent what remained of the summer exploring the incredibly lyrical Rocky Mountain states, getting drunk on whiffs of Oriental Russia in the sagebrush zone and on the North Russian fragrances so faithfully reproduced above timberline by certain small bogs along trickles of sky between the snowbank and the orchid.”
5. Damzel, anchoret. Damzel, Cf The Blessed Damozel by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. An anchoret is a religious recluse.
11. coats of sable. Other examples of heraldic language in Nabokov include the obvious Bend, Sinister; in Pale Fire, the crest of King Charles and the multiple appearances of a “heraldic butterfly, volant in arrière, sable, a bend gules”; Nabokov’s family crest in Speak Memory; The Blazon, a poem from Poems and Problems, in which: “I adopted the blazon of exile: on a field of sable a starry sword.”
12. Peacock moth. The Great Peacock Moth Saturnia pyri is the largest moth in Europe.
17. L’or du pauvre. French, poor man’s gold.
20-21. Latin lilies… Gothic fir. Metonyms for the southern France and Russia of VN’s youth, respectively. Lilies are the symbol of France. Cf VN’s poem Provence, a Russian poet in a French setting: “What bliss it is, in this world full of song,/ to brush against the chalk of walls, what bliss/ to be a Russian poet lost among/ cicadas trilling with a Latin lisp.” Also parallels the European languages used herein, ie French and German. Russian is notable in its absence.
26. L’ombre glauque. French, pale green shade.
29. Phantom Orchid. Endemic to the Pacific Northwest, the Phantom Orchid Cephalanthera austiniae is a species of orchid whose entire body is white.
30. Immer, immer. German, always.
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morningstargirl666 · 1 year
3, 4 and 5 for the fic asks :)
Oh hi Yokan!!! Lovely to talk to you, as always, thanks for the ask ✨
3. What's your favourite fic you've written?
The Red Wedding. Idk, I'm just really proud of that one, even though it's not my most popular. I feel it's written really well and in a unique way, mirroring the past and the present. Caroline is totally badass in it too, seeking one of my favourite things - revenge 😈
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Call me out, why don't you 😅 I've got quite a few, some that aren't even posted. There's obviously my biggest fic, The Big Bad Wolf, then there's Falling For You and Divided We Fall, which I haven't updated in over a year, along with Songs of the Sea, my Mermaid!Caroline AU (I'm sorry, I will eventually come back to them guys, I'm terrible I know). I also started writing a ghost fic for halloween last year, but haven't finished that yet (I'll probably try and get it done with this year's halloween instead). I've picked up a rhythm with TBBW, so I decided to solely focus on that for now. So that's 5 WIPs? Not including all the various one-shot ideas and other fics I'd like to one day write.
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you'll never write?
There's kinda two? First one would be a six-part Peaky Blinders AU idea I had after I binge watched the show. I worked out which Mikaelsons would be which Shelbys and everything, they and Caroline fit so well into the story, and it'd be great, but I don't think I could do anything original with it, just kind of follow the show's plot line and perhaps end it a bit differently. I believe a Peaky Blinders one-shot AU is also already out there somewhere. The second one is dark. And I mean DARK. Like I'm kinda scared of my own head for coming up with it. But it would essentially be a Bluebeard AU and if anyone is familiar with that fairytale... yeah. You understand. But eh, there's something interesting about the idea of Klaus keeping his previous wives in a dark, bloody dungeon after he killed them (I'm thinking Camille, Hayley and Aurora heheheheh) while he dotes on his new wife, the ever beautiful Caroline Forbes. I don't know if I'd end it really twisted, on a cliffhanger, not making it clear if he kills Caroline too, letting the readers decide the outcome, or as a happily ever after, where Caroline is the only wife he doesn't kill and maybe they go on murder sprees together as a date. Lmao. Idk, I told you, it's dark.
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sleepyskunk · 6 months
List of Movies / 2023 Movie Trailer Mashup
0:00 - Barbie (double shot)
0:04 - Peter Pan and Wendy
0:06 - The Iron Claw
0:08 - River (double shot)
0:11 - Second tour
0:13 - Barbie
0:19 - Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
0:21 - Canary
0:22 - Soudain Seuls
0:24 - Killers of the Flower Moon
0:26 - When You Finish Saving the World
 « Why did you look for me? I just wanted to see you one more time. Because you left so suddenly. » - Past Lives
0:26 - The Magic Flute (triple shot)
0:32 - Past Lives
0:35 - A Thousand and One
0:36 - King Coal
0:37 - Les Enfants des Autres
0:39 - The Velveteen Rabbit (double shot)
 « I still think about what would've happened if you hadn't left. I've been kind of wondering the same thing recently. » - Somebody I Used to Know
0:41 - Somebody I Used to Know (double shot)
0:44 - What Happens Later (double shot)
0:45 - Love at First Sight
0:47 - Earth Mama (double shot)
« Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it. » - Love at First Sight
0:49 - The Other Zoey (double shot)
0:51 - Love Again (double shot)
0:52 - Scrapper (double shot)
0:54 - Oppenheimer
0:56 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3
0:57 - Amerikatsi
0:58 - The Last Voyage of the Demeter (double shot)
1:00 - Pravednik
1:02 - Lord of the Wind
1:03 - The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (double shot)
1:05 - Society of the Snow (double shot)
1:08 - Lord of the Wind
1:09 - The Creator (double shot)
1:11 - Sitting in Bars with Cakes
« Even if you chose the saddest, darkest, coldest town, all I knew is that I’d follow you. Because you just... see the spark in everything. » - Sitting in Bars with Cake
1:12 - Elemental (triple shot)
1:15 - The Boy and the Heron
1:16 - Wish (double shot)
1:19 - The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes (double shot)
1:21 - NYAD
1:22 - Knights of the Zodiac
1:23 - Migration
1:26 - The Little Mermaid
« Just remember, the thing you're running from is almost always the thing you're running towards. » - Carmen
1:28 - Poor Things
1:30 - Peter Pan & Wendy
1:32 - The Eight Mountains
1:33 - Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
1:34 - Trolls: Band Together
1:35 - 65
1:36 - The Mission
« But this... this is the place to be. » - Mending the Line
1:38 - Jesus Revolution
1:39 - Knock at the Cabin
1:41 - Mending the Line
1:42 - The Unknown Country
1:43 - The Color Purple
1:44 - The Royal Hotel (double shot)
1:46 - Skinamarink (double shot)
1:53 - Cobweb (triple shot)
« Don't be scared. I just wanna talk. It seems to be that you could use a friend. I know I could. But if you don't want one, I'll just leave. » - Cobweb
2:01 - The Boogeyman (quadruple shot)
2:09 - M3GAN (septuple shot)
2:19 - The Wrath of Becky (quadruple shot)
2:21 - Bottoms (triple shot)
2:24 - Theater Camp
2:25 - Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (quadruple shot)
2:28 - Evil Dead Rise (double shot)
2:29 - The Seven Faces of Jane
2:30 - 80 for Brady (double shot)
2:32 - Millie Lies Low
2:33 - Flora and Son (double shot)
2:34 - House Party
2:35 - Anyone But You (double shot)
2:36 - Dicks: The Musical
2:37 - Next Goal Wins
2:37 - Magic Mike's Last Dance
2:38 - Joy Ride
2:40 - Juniper
2:44 - House Party (double shot)
2:45 - Fair Play (double shot)
2:46 - Dumb Money (double shot)
2:48 - The Beanie Bubble (double shot)
2:49 - Flamin' Hot
« Nobody ever got rich without doing no crime. » - Your Lucky Day
2:50 - Your Lucky Day
2:50 - Eileen
2:51 - Priscilla (double shot)
2:52 - The Outlaw Johnny Black
2:54 - Barbie (double shot)
2:57 - No Hard Feelings (double shot)
2:58 - Joy Ride (quadruple shot)
« You're drug dealers now, bitches! » - Joy Ride
3:03 - Talk to Me
3:04 - birth/rebirth
3:05 - Venus
3:05 - Amanda
3:06 - Silent Night
3:07 - Thanksgiving
3:08 - The Killer
3:09 - Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
3:10 - Til Death Do Us Part
3:11 - The Blackening
3:12 - Blue Beetle
3:13 - John Wick Chapter 4 (double shot)
3:15 - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (triple shot)
3:18 - Shazam: Fury of the Gods
3:19 - Godzilla Minus One
3:20 - A Brighter Tomorrow (triple shot)
3:21 - Second Tour (double shot)
« I just want you to know one thing. I'm not a monster. » - Anatomy of a Fall
3:22 - Mafia Mamma
3:23 - The Equalizer 3
3:24 - Fast X
3:25 - The Marsh King's Daughter
3:26 - Plane
3:26 - Anatomy of a Fall
3:28 - Hypnotic
« You don't look so good, mom... Open up now! » - Evil Dead Rise
3:29 - The Pope's Exorcist
3:30 - Unwelcome (double shot)
3:31 - Evil Dead Rise
3:32 - It Lives Inside
3:34 - House Party (double shot)
« That is the craziest thing I've ever seen, and I'm Dennis Quaid and Dennis Quaid has seen some shit. » - Strays
3:36 - Strays
3:41 - Infinity Pool
3:42 - Scream VI (double shot)
« You f*ckin nutjob! » - Sanctuary
3:43 - Sanctuary (double shot)
« Let's decimate this mother! » - Polite Society
3:45 - Polite Society (triple shot)
3:48 - Miss Marvel
« There was a bear. It was f*cked! Hey, that's inappropriate. » - Cocaine Bear
3:50 - Cocaine Bear (sixtuple shot)
3:59 - Five Nights at Freddy's (triple shot)
4:01 - No One Will Save You (quadruple shot)
« And now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds. » - Oppenheimer
4:06 - Hidden Blade
4:07 - The Flash
4:09 - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
4:10 - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
4:11 - The Creator
4:14 - Oppenheimer (double shot)
4:18 - The Wish of Fairy Fish
« History is not simply a study of the past, it is an explanation of the present. » - The Holdovers
4:19 - The Holdovers (double shot)
4:21 - Emily (double shot)
4:22 - Hilma
4:24 - Paint
« In Japanese culture, the belief is that the cracks, the breaks... become an intrinsic part of the life of an object. An object becomes more beautiful because it's been broken. » - Rare Objects
4:25 - Rare Objects (double shot)
4:28 - The Zone of Interest
4:29 - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
4:31 - Oppenheimer
4:33 - Cats in the Museum
4:34 - Insidious: The Red Door
4:35 - Inside
4:36 - Revoir Paris
4:37 - Air (double shot)
4:39 - Tetris (double shot)
4:42 - Blackberry (triple shot)
4:45 - La Chimera
4:47 - A Million Miles Away
4:48 - American Fiction (double shot)
« What's the image tucked away in your brain, that makes your heart ache and your soul feels like it's going to burst? » - Paint
4:50 - Paint
4:52 - The Nun II
4:53 - Dream Scenario
4:54 - Bird Box: Barcelona
4:56 - El Conde
4:57 - Beau is Afraid
4:59 - The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
5:00 - Poor Things
5:01 - Asteroid City
« When you make art from a truthful place, people find out something about you. » - The Kill Room
5:03 - Carmen
5:07 - A Haunting in Venice
5:08 - The Nun II (double shot)
5:11 - Maestro
5:13 - Oppenheimer
5:14 - Gods of Mexico
5:15 - Killers of the Flower Moon
« Ideas live forever, but humans only have one ending. » - Barbie
5:16 - Wonka (double shot)
5:18 - The Forger
5:19 - L'Immensità
5:20 - All of Us Strangers
5:22 - A Good Person
« You can't have it all, kid. » - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
5:23 - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
5:26 - Bones of Crows
« Nobody dies! Now we have to stop. Sometimes you just have to let go. » - The Flash
5:27 - The Flash (double shot)
5:30 - Napoleon (double shot)
5:31 - Haunted Mansion (double shot)
5:33 - Beau is Afraid
5:35 - 65
5:36 - Evil Dead Rise
5:37 - Oppenheimer
5:38 - The Animal Kingdom
5:39 - Ferrari
« Cats die. Music fades. But art... is for keeps. » - Inside
5:40 - The Exorcist: Believer
5:40 - Foe
5:41 - Gods of Mexico
5:42 - Peter Pan & Wendy
5:44 - Spinning Gold (double shot)
5:45 - The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
5:46 - Landscape with Invisible Hand (double shot)
5:48 - Hilma
5:49 - Inside
5:50 - Chile '76
5:51 - Hidden Blade
5:51 - Divinity
5:52 - Oppenheimer
5:53 - The Super Mario Bros Movie
5:53 - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (double shot)
5:54 - The Boy and the Heron
5:55 - Chevalier
5:55 - The Beast
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Finally got my thoughts together about Rayleigh!Sanji.
Germa is in Sabaody for some reason or another when Reiju gets Sanji out and to Shakky's Rip Off Bar with Sanji still in the helmet. Reiju bows to Rayleigh who is the only one in the bar and runs away and Rayleigh can't even argue because she's gone faster than he can recover so he looks at the kid in the helmet and sighs. He gets the helmet off with armament and looks at the starved and sunken face of the child trapped in the contraption and he's angry.
Sanji is skittish and jumpy and so fucking quiet and Rayleigh doesn't exactly know how to comfort this kid and wishes Roger were here because he would know. So they get the kid bathed and his hair brushed. Shakky asks what the plan is because someone might come looking for the kid and it's going to be even more suspicious if Dark King Rayleigh has him. They talk it over and as much as Rayleigh would like to keep the kid in one place, Sabaody is not the place to keep him.
So they set sail. The boat is small enough for them to both handle but strong enough to withstand the Grand Line. Rayleigh is wondering what to do to make money, he looks at Sanji and how scared the kid still is and tells it to Sanji plainly: that if they're going to stay together Sanji is going to have to learn to fight and be a pirate. Sanji listens and nods so Rayleigh also says they're going to need a crew. Also his bounty is going to fucking sky rocket.
They do actually manage to find some crew relatively easily, it's Rayleigh and he vets the crew as much as he can. Sanji sticks close to Rayleigh, training and everything else. He cooks with crew cook and Rayleigh sparsely lets him out of his sight. Sanji is learning quickly even if it's out of fear, not Rayleigh per say but his new life.
Rayleigh is of course right about his bounty and how it sky rockets and rocks the world that he is back. Luckily they get a new boat fit for the crew they have amassed and what's going on. They run into White Beard who looks at Rayleigh and asks why he set sail again. Rayleigh just grabs Sanji and holds him out to the fellow captain as White Beard starts yelling about his other brats. Rayleigh answers that he knows he fucked up and plans to apologize to them but look at this kid, he's a dead royal!
They party and drink and Sanji is around other kids, other brats for the first time. Rayleigh smiles as he plays and talks to other kids and tests his sword skills and everything. Rayleigh eventually grabs his brat who's about to pass out like he did when Buggy and Shanks were little. They leave with threats and promises aplenty.
Sanji isn't particularly protective of his hands after being in the New World for so long, he uses swords and is very skilled at them. He sets himself of fire. Rayleigh blinks at him and calls Shakky to ask what the fuck can set themselves on fire with no issue and she responds with a couple of options. Rayleigh sighs because yeah, okay. This tracks for him and the kids he's raised. He was never going to be dealt an easy hand and he should know that.
Rayleigh is titled an Emperor and he does his best, which is better than before but still not great, raising Sanji. They don't run into Shanks or anyone else. Sanji cooks all the time and is still just as good as he is in canon and still holds the 'if they're hungry I'll feed them' mentality because of the dungeon and how rough it was when they first set sail. They meet Ace and they talk before he leaves to fight Kaido.
They're back at Sabaody for to get news from Shakky. Sanji's bounty does list him as 'Silvers Sanji' as he heads to the auction house to watch the chaos. That new upstart from the East Blue is there and he punches a celestial dragon. Sanji chuckles to himself at the supernovas and their behavior towards one another. For some reason Rayleigh managed to get himself captured and is using his haki to knock almost everyone out and free the mermaid and the giant. Sanji calls to Rayleigh about the navy as he lights a cigarette and goes outside to greet the marines who are there. The marines widen their eyes at him as Luffy, Law and Kidd come out. He grins at them and asks if they're sure they can handle it but like no one really recognizes him because Law, Kidd and Luffy don't pay attention to other's really, especially not emperors yet.
After all that hubbub and before Kuma the Strawhats, Rayleigh and Sanji are in the bar and Sanji sits next to Rayleigh as he asks how the marines were and Sanji says 'lame as usual, always so surprised when I set on fire.' which makes Rayleigh laugh as they all talk. Afterwards they mention they're headed to Impel Down to go get Buggy which the Romance Dawn trio grits their teeth at. Sanji waves at them as they leave and the Kuma gets them.
Then the news comes out about Ace's execution and Rayleigh sighs. He can't let the kid die, it was his captain's kid and he's a pirate again. He has debts to be paid and dues to be collected when he boards the Dutchman and his crew nod and agree, they'll get Buggy and Ace. They get into Impel Down after Luffy and see the reckoning going on so they leave to head to the execution as they're putting their faith into Luffy for the moment there. They meet up with the White Beard fleet and Roger was never one for a fleet, neither is Rayleigh so when Luffy and those from Impel Down escape the war begins.
The battle rages and when Akainu goes to punch Luffy, Rayleigh interrupts, telling him to pick on someone his own size as they start fighting. When Shanks shows up as Buggy is filming everything Sanji grins as he skywalks Ace and Luffy to Marco and drops them in front of the bird man before bolting back with a salute. When Shanks lets out that huge blast of haki and ends the war for everyone to collect their dead and injured, Sanji sky walks back with Rayleigh who claims to be old for Sanji to be doing that. Ace and Luffy are staring at the blond they've both seen once as Shanks and Buggy stare wide eyed at the brat.
Sanji shrugs and lights a cigarette as he lands then introduces himself to Shanks and Buggy. Luffy asks why they didn't get here sooner and Rayleigh points at his ship which has a crew of like eleven people including him and Sanji and thanks him for getting Buggy out. They both apologize to Marco for his losses and how they couldn't protect more and Buggy interrupts to ask who the fuck the blond is and what their plan even was.
"Oh, we got news you had been sent to Impel Down so we were coming to get you." Rayleigh answers. "This is Sanji, my last brat, I didn't get a choice." Rayleigh laughs.
"I'm basically your little brother." Sanji nods as Shanks looks at Rayleigh and Buggy sighs and rubs his temples.
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Here is a little exercise in re-creating scenes from disney movies.  The first one involves Robert and Jimmy from The Little Mermaid (1989).  The second one involves David and Roger from Beauty and the Beast (1991).  The third one involves Pete and Roger from Tarzan (1991). 
I did not do the backgrounds any justice since I have trouble with drawing them.  I attempted to draw the dungeon for the second drawing, but everything looked completely off.  Also I changed up the Beast’s face to match Roger’s features (longer nose/snout and cheekbones with fur lines).
Hope you like it.
Little Mermaid screencap
Beauty and the Beast screencap
Tarzan screencap
Genderbend Jane outfit reference
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detectivereads · 1 year
Let’s Buy the Land and Cultivate it in a Different World vol 1 by Rokujuuyon Okazawa
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This review is for fan entertainment, I'm not being paid.
A friend of mine let me borrow their books of this series, and I was instantly hooked. I love isekai and I have read other books that are like this series, dude gets transported to different world, he gets a bit of land and wants to live a quiet life, or he goes off adventuring and doing stuff that in his old life he would never be able to easily. Nothing is wrong with this type of story line, but as things progress in the plot, the MC gets a harem, and it turns into more romance less than about farming or adventuring. Again, nothing is wrong with it, but the size of these harems gets big, and I think it turns into a different story. Now I like harem stories as much as the next person, however I do think there should be a limit.
However, this book isn’t like that, he’s only focused on one wife and one wife only, which I find rather sweet. The main character does get temped with other women, but he stands proud and strong with his wife. The other women are not trying to get with him either.
The story starts with 9 people transported to a new world, one that is at war with demons, so the humans have been summoned to become champions to help with the fight. Each of the 8 people has a special power or skill but our main character Norio Itonami has none, or so the mage of the king says.
Norio actual met a god who picked him to be his champion and this god gave him a skill so powerful the mages of the king are to weak to sense it so it comes up with nothing. Now the king of the land thinks ‘okay this guy a dud so not my problem’ and in turn the king informs that once summon there is no way to send them back to their world which upsets the rest of the champions.
So, Norio is trying to make the best of a bad situation and ask for some land that he can call his own, which the king was more than happy to give and tells Norio you are no longer my kingdom’s problem, do what you want and leaves Norio alone.
Norio starts using his gift from the god to make fields for crops and fishes to get food, this is when we meet our female lead, Platte, a mermaid. At first, she comes off very arrogant, looking down on land creatures, but she is upset now that she won’t be able to bare the shame to go home after being caught by a land creature, so she chooses to stay with Norio.
Now Platte helps Norio out on the farm. She is skilled with potions, and she is a huge asset to the homestead. Then we discover that she is a foodie, she has never tried land food and she love it and is more willing to help with the farm. Norio wants to gather more supplies from the local forest, they come across a dungeon where there is a bunch of monsters and loot (Norio gets a super powerful sword). Then we meet a new character, the undead lich king, who Norio names Sensei.
Norio tells both Platte and Sensei that he came from another world, and he was given a gift from a god which Sensei freaks out, Sensei tells both Norio and Platte about his backstory, how he came to the area because the monster population was getting out of control, but by the end of the visit the three of them became friends.
Before the end of the first book, we met one more character who is a force to reckon with, a dragon named Veel, who, after a fight, pledged her loyalty to Norio.
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