it's really funny rereading the early chapters of s-class heroine because ailette calls tesilid all sorts of names and it's such a far cry from her round 17 attitude
#tesilette#losing my mind at the way ailette is so so so fond and soft for tesilid now#she used to keep calling him high-maintenance and a pushover and other mildly but not really derogatory terms#and w a tone that suggests she thinks its a hassle#and now she's like#((ROUND 17 SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY))#when other transmigrators call tesilid annoying and cant believe shes trying to romance him#she just stays quiet and despairs on her own#and the. the. mermaid dungeon line#'i wish i could create a cabinet in my memories to store away his expression so i could look at it whenever i feel depressed or sad'#like GIRRRRL GIRLLLLLL WAAAAAHHHHHHH#falls onto the floor#anyway mimin examining ailette's character development era let's go?#like the way she KEEPS getting distracted and captivated by his looks. its so funny!!!!#and i dont rmb which chapter it is (prob mirror dungeon) but theres one whr she reflected that back at the very start#she wanted to be at the late stage loops so she could have an easier life#and now she's glad she's at round 17 bc it means she can spare tesilid all that pain#she will hard carry him if that's what it takes. she's been training ten years for this purpose#if thats not love idk what is....#like gngbfnghgnghgnghgnfhng yes she needs to be that strong anw if she wants to SURVIVE#but her narration is SO tesilid focused its crazy#(me trying to find info on hestio and ephael for my trio fics and finding next to NOTHING. thanks girl 😖👍)#like i dont even know how to put it into words bc#her love for tesilid permeates like every single goddamn word and i cant possibly analyse all that#idk... webnovels being sparse on the prose and description but#nonetheless having SO much packed into them... crazy. i love them webnovels#man. me being forced to write in tags bc its SO rambly like idk what goes on and how to explain it but AILETTEEEEE#like how is it that i get so much from rereading this one single story just by focusing on different characters' povs#this is a webnovel w like zero descriptions going on!!!
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not-poignant · 4 months
June 2024 - Update Schedule
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June chapter update schedule:
(Tier+ = This tier or any higher, as every higher tier accesses all rewards in lower cost tiers)
Thursday 6th - Constellations 07/10 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Gary+Efnisien Tier+)
Thursday 13th - Underline the Blue 14/16 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Thursday 20th - Underline the Blue 15/17 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Sunday 23rd - A Stain that Won't Dissolve 38
Thursday 27th - Underline the Black 89
We're officially back to Underline the Blue! Time to see how Nate and Janusz are doing.
Obviously a much more truncated list with me being on a two month hiatus from my two biggest releases. However, you'll notice that a sneaky little Stain and Black chapter has joined in!
I had so much fun posting those in May, and bonuses may still happen as I ramp back up to a more full schedule in July. It won't be as full as it was prior to the hiatus when I come back, but no stories are being put on hiatus and I'll be able to keep posting them. :D
Stories with bonus updates as yet undetermined: Palmarosa, A Stain that Won't Dissolve, Underline the Black
Most chapters go up between 6-7pm GMT+8 (or the time that you’re already used to me putting chapters up, lol). For those who are anxious to know when chapters are updating, hopefully this helps! If there’s ever an emergency, or a scheduling issue (like a surprise family dinner) I generally put up stories a day early and not late.
As always, you can support the stories you love by subscribing over at Patreon and Ream! In exchange you can get early access to a whole bunch of chapters (9 extra chapters currently!) that aren't currently on AO3, chapter commentaries which often include small spoilers, and even merch!
You can also follow over there for free, and just get email notifications of news and other things that I release to everyone - and get the schedule and round-up in your email inbox so you don't need to look for them later. :D
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fandomtherapy44 · 23 days
Castiel x reader Chapter 17 Free to be you and Me
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Summary: SEASON 5 WHOOOO!!!!!!!! LET's GO! So I am so excited for this season so many great episodes. There are going to be a lot more Cas and Y/n scenes. And more chapters too. I do recommend that you read my first book so you get the full Y/n Winchester build-up. Okay with out further due enjoy the second book of Love War and Grace.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season five of Supernatural, Emotional hurt for Y/n
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POV (Y/n)
The bar I walked into smelled like how it looked: pissy and dirty. I mean, what else do you expect from a vamp nest trap set up? I put on the tightest dress I have and the most oblivious look on my face. 
“Hey, can I please have lemonade?” I asked the bartender who clearly looked down at my dress.
“Sure thing, sweet thing.” 
I looked around and the guys were looking at me like I was a steak and I was to them as vamps. He slid the drink over to me. 
“Need anything else?” He very obviously looked down at my dress. 
“Um, I think I got a little lost. Could you maybe point me in the right direction?” All he was looking at was my chest, boobs- you could never go wrong with them. 
“Of course. I'll lead you out.” He looks at his buddy’s signaling that it won't be long till their next meal. He leads me out to the alley where Ellen and Jo were waiting. 
“Sir…there's nothing out here?” I acted clueless to distract him again.
“Sorry sweetheart, you're pretty and all, but my friends and I are hungry and frankly you shouldn't have come out here with a stranger. Now you're trapped.” I could hear him fang out and his body language became cocky. I just stare at him while Jo and Ellen come out behind him with their machates drawn. 
“Ha ha ha.” He looks confused at my laughter. 
“What the Hell is so funny bitch!?” I’m laughing so much that I practically keel over.
“Oh, just that you thought you trapped me while really we trapped you.” 
“We?” Ellen goes behind holding the handle of the machete. 
“Yeah, we.” He turns to her and at the same time she decapitates him. “You okay?” She says, concerned.
“Yeah, thanks Ellen.” 
“No problem. Now, let's go get the rest of these sons of bitches.” She picks up his head and the three of us go back into the bar. Ellen kicks in the door and throws the head through the doorway. We walked in slowly, almost like an old west movie. Dean would love this. 
“Alright who’s first?”Jo announces loudly to them. All the other Vamps scream and charge at us. I went swinging like crazy and got four of them in like a minute. I was getting a little too distracted that I didn't see one come running at me. She body checked me to the ground. I struggled to get the machete- it was just out of reach. 
“Come on!” The vampire fangs out and is about to kill me when Jo comes behind and cuts her off- literally. I shoved the now dead body off of me and noticed that I was covered in Vamps blood and a little of mine. “Thank you, Jo.” I stood up to catch my breath. 
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A couple hours later we got cleaned up and were celebrating with drinks after a job. We deserved it. “I want to say a toast.” I raise my glass and Jo and Ellen follow suit. “I just want to say thank you for letting me stay with you guys for the last three weeks and to feel part of the team.” We clink our glasses together. 
“Aww sweetie of course, I can say you're my favorite Winchester… just don’t tell your brothers.” Ellen leaned down to whisper to me. I get tears in my eyes but quickly wipe them away. 
“Thank you Ellen, truly.” She love taps my arm. 
“Don’t even mention it. Now I'm going to go get a second round.” She picks up the glasses and goes to the bar when Jo and I are left alone. 
“Y/n, I gotta say it's been awesome to have you around.” I blush and look around. 
“Well it’s been good to live with girls for a change. After I’ll, I’ve been living with guys my whole life. Let me just say it's nice to go to the bathroom and the toilet seat is down.” We both chuckle. “So…how long have you liked Dean?” She looks surprised by my question. 
“What do you mean?” Jo lies straight through her teeth. 
“Jo come on, I may not be an FBI agent but I am a hunter who fakes being an FBI agent. I know when someone is lying.” She glances down at the little light down on our table and sighs. 
“Since the HH Holmes case.” I remember that, it was not fun. 
“Well if anyone can handle Dean, it’s you, and I wouldn't pick anyone else.” 
“You mean that?” She asks me hesitantly. 
“Jo, you are amazing at everything you do. I have seen you run after a vamp… for over two miles! Plus, you are smart, badass, gorgeous. If that is not an awesome girlfriend, then I don’t know what is.” 
“That means a lot Y/n.” I smile at her. 
“Just telling the truth, Jo.” 
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It was the middle of my night when I get a phone call waking me up easily since I was half asleep. I grab it and answer it. “Hello?” I answered in my groggy sleepy voice. 
“Hello Y/n.” I sprung right up- it was Cas. 
“Cas how- where are you?” There was a pause then he answered in his gruff voice.
“I need to know where you are.” I go to look at the notepad to find the name of the motel we were at. 
“Uh sunset moon motel in  Massachusetts on fifth street.” I answered as quickly as possible. I wait to hear an answer. 
“Hello? Cas?” Then there was a knock on my door. I open the door and there stands my best friend, Castiel. “Hey come in.” He walks in noticing the empty beds. 
“Where’s Sam and Dean?” He asks me and I look towards the beds and sigh, my heart panging with a little pain like everytime I look at them. 
“We uh… decided that a little time away from each other would be good, you know, to think about everything.” I sit down on the bed picking at my fingernails, a bad habit that I picked up a long time ago. “How is the God hunt going?” I asked him, still staring at hands. 
“It’s not, that's why I’m here.” That gets my attention that I stop fiddling with my nails. 
“What do you mean?” Cas sits down in the chair in front of me. 
“I need to find someone.” 
“Who?” He almost doesn't want to answer.
“The Archangel… that killed me.” Hearing that I shot straight up. 
“You want to look for the Angel who killed you!?” I started to pace back and forth with just a tiny bit of panic going through my body. “Yeah, ‘cause that sounds like a good choice!” I get sarcastic when I get worried. 
“Y/n, we are going to trap him for information.” He stayed calm and kind of made me more mad that he wasn't more scared to go against the Angel that killed him! 
“Like that’s going to be easy.” I stood still finally. He stands up in front of me. 
“I have a plan. Dean is Michael’s vessel, so if he wants to come, Raphel won’t dare hurt him.” Raphel huh, so that is the son of Bitch that killed him. 
“And you are one of the only people that will help me. So, are you going to help?” He asked me while boring his blue eyes into mine and of course, I wasn’t going to say no. 
“Cas, I will always help you. No matter what.” I gave him a small smile and he returned one back. “Now let's go find my brother.” 
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Dean, Cas and I had driven all night to Waterville, Main. We stopped outside next to the police station. The three of us got out of Baby. “And we're here, why?” Dean inquired.
“A deputy sheriff laid eyes on the archangel.” Cas responded while looking at the building. 
“And he still has eyes? All right, what's the plan?” I mean, Dean had a point on the eye comment. 
“We'll...tell the officer that he witnessed an angel of the Lord, and the officer will tell us where the angel is.” Cas responded back so innocently. That it was almost cute. 
“Uh, Cas, if we did that we would be locked up and the key would be thrown away.” 
“Cas- let me explain something to you when humans want something so bad we lie.” Cas was confused.
“Because that's how you become President.” He tapped Cas’s cheek in a friendly way and started to walk to the building when I went to fix Cas’s tie. “Sadly it’s the truth Cas but sometimes you have to lie.” He looks down at me, tightening his tie. 
“Do you?” Cas wonders.
“Not when I can help it.” I finished and glanced in his eyes, frozen for a second. I notice the state of both of us and snap out of it. “Come on, Dean will get his boxers in a twist if we don’t hurry up.” I practically run into the building and Dean is already talking to the officer. 
“Ahh there are my partners, Eddie Moscone and Kate Bush.” Dean pointed to Cas and me I take out my badge but Cas just stand there. We just stare at him and he catches on. He pulls out his badge and when he does it’s flip upside down. I try to hold back a laugh. Dean rolls his eyes and fixes it. “He's, uh, he's new. Mind if we ask you a few questions?” Dean said to the officer. 
“Yeah, sure. Talk here, though. Hearing's all blown to hell in this one.” Indicating his left ear. We went to sit in his office. 
“You mind just, uh, running us through what happened at the gas station?” I ask. 
“A call came in. Disturbance out at the Pump and Go on Route 4.” The three of us tuned in. 
“What of kind disturbance was it?” 
“Would not have believed my eyes if I hadn't seen it myself. We're talking a riot. Full scale.” 
“How many?” Dean chimed in. 
“Thirty, forty, in all-out kill-or-be-killed combat.” Walt exclaimed, not even believing his own words. 
“Any idea what set them off?” I ask, trying to get to the bottom of this. 
“It's angels and demons, probably.” Cas answered instead. The officer looks at him like he's wack. “They're skirmishing all over the globe.” Cas continues. 
“Come again?” The officer questioned. 
“Nothing. Nothing.” Dean tried to cover it up. 
“Demons. Demons.” And there goes Cas again. “Demons, you know, drink, adultery. We all have our demons, Walt.” Dean smoothly recovers. 
“I guess.” Walt looks at Cas weirdly. 
“Anyway. What happened next?” Dean asks. Walt thinks about it deeply. 
“Freaking explosion, that's what. They said it was one of those underground gas tanks, but, uh, I don't think so. It wasn't your usual fireball. It was, um—” Cas finished his sentence. 
“Pure white.” 
“Yeah. Gas station was leveled. Everyone was...it was just horrible. And I see this one guy, kneeling, real focused-like, not a damn scratch on him.” 
“Let me guess, he just, uh, vanished into thin air?” Dean said with confidence. 
“Uh, no, Kolchak. He's down at Saint Pete's.” It was Dean’s turn to be looked at like he was crazy.
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We go to St Pete’s and let’s just say old Donnie looked like he had been through some shit. 
“I take it that's not Raphael anymore.” Dean commented a little wary.
“Just an empty vessel.” Cas answered. 
“So is this what I'm looking at if Michael jumps in my bones?” Cas pauses. 
“No, not at all. Michael is much more powerful. It'll be far worse for you.” Great, just great. We had shacked up in an abandoned house for the night. Dean and I were getting things together while Cas was getting something from Jerusalem. 
“So how is spending time with Ellen and Jo?” He asked me. 
“It’s been… good I mean it’s nice to finally to really get to know them.” 
“Good, good.” He grumbles, his feelings getting hurt but I didn’t see that. Then Cas pops into the room.
“How was Jerusalem?” I ask. He has an old looking pitcher in his hand. 
“Arid.” He puts it on the table. 
“What's that?” Dean gestured to the pitcher. 
“It's oil. It's very special. Very rare.” 
“Okay, so we trap Raphael with a nice vinaigrette?” I punch Dean gentily for being an a-hole. “So, this ritual of yours, when does it go down?”
“Sunrise.” Cas responded calmly. 
“Tell me something. You keep saying we're gonna trap this guy. Isn't that kinda like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net?” I look at Cas. 
“No, it's harder.” 
“Do we have any chance of surviving this?” Dean asked, which was fair because the odds are not looking good for us. 
“You two do.” I stand up so quickly that my chair falls back and breaks. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean Cas?” He looks at me, almost ashamed. 
“Y/n that is what is probably going to happen, I'm just being realistic… I'm sorry.” I couldn't even believe him. 
“If you were just going to give up, why even ask me to come!?” He couldn't even answer me. “Whatever, I'm not going to be around to see it.” I start to go to my things Dean tries to stop me.
“Y/n wait-” I spun around and stared at him. 
“And how could you be fine with this!?” He had the same response as Cas which was nothing. “Why do the people I always care about always have a death wish!?” Tears were pouring out of my eyes. I go into a random room and slam it behind me. I put my ear to the door to listen in. 
“Come on Cas, she just needs some time alone.” 
“Dean I-” 
“It’s okay dude, let's go.” I hear the door close but then footsteps. 
“Y/n I really am sorry.” I lean my forehead on the door. I just wasn’t ready to talk. He senses my quietness and leaves too. I slide down the door just like a cliche in a movie.
It had been about an hour and a half since they left and finally come back. I could hear Dean he was happy and laughing. I hadn't heard that genuine laugh from him in a while. It was nice. Then there was a knock at the door. 
“Y/n, can you open the door… please?” It was Cas. I wanted to scream at him and tell him to screw off but I couldn’t for some reason, so I opened the door slowly. “Can we talk?” He asked in his soft voice. 
“Oh now you want to talk, you sure you don’t want to trick me into talking to you?” He sighed and closed the door behind him. 
“I didn’t mean to trick you- I… “ He looks down, finding the words hard to say. “I did know that most likely I will die by the end of this.” When he says it, it just made it more real. “I just wanted to spend my last night with my friend.” At that I turned and I think I see a tear falling but he quickly gets rid of it. 
“Cas, you're my friend and I would spend your last night with you, but tonight is not your last night.” He raises his head at me confused. 
“Y/n there is no ‘I’m surviving Raphel’ especially after being angry from being captured.” I take his hand and pull him into a hug. 
“I just got you back. There is no way in Hell I'm going to let you go again.” I didn’t see it but Cas let the next tear fall this time in happiness.
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The sun was going to rise soon, so we went back to the hospital. I poured the oil around the empty vessel and Cas threw a match to it and it lit up with holy fire. “When the oil burns, no angel can touch or pass through the flames, or he dies.” Cas said standing back. 
“Cas, now that we've trapped him, how do we get him down?” I ask. 
“Very simple. There's, well, almost an open phone line between a vessel and his angel. One just has to know how to dial.” Cas lists a series of numbers Enochian out loud. “I'm here, Raphael. Come and get me, you little bastard.” I was so proud of him cursing out his enemy- he got taught that from me. 
“Just out of curiosity, what is the average customer wait time to speak to an archangel?” Dean quipped. 
“Be ready.” 
Eight hours later…
We had gone back to the house after spending the whole day waiting. “Guys wait.” There was Raphael standing, sucking in all the electricity to make wings. If he wasn't such a dick, I would compliment him on how cool it looked. 
“Raphael.” they said to each other. We walk closer to him. I look him up and down, just another bully with too much authority going to his head. 
“And I thought you were supposed to be impressive. All you do is black out the room.” Raphael looks at Dean like he wants to throw a dart in his eyes. 
“And the Eastern Seaboard.” Lighting strikes outside. 
“It is a testament to my unending mercy that I do not smite you here and now.” He directed to Cas. Oh, now I was itching to stab him. 
“Or maybe you're full of shit. Maybe you're afraid God will bring Cas back to life again and smite you and your big bully bullshit. By the way, hi, I'm Y/n- I'm the one who’s going to kill you.” The three of them all stare at me. 
“How dare you threaten me, you worthless cockroach.” Time to really get him riled up just to get him closer. 
“Please, I have been called way worse by five year olds, and their insults were actually smart.” At that he almost growls, and I continue talking. “You want to talk about smart? You do remember how Zachariah snapped away your heart. Well, he doesn't have anything close to my imagination.” I chuckle at him seeing him step inside the circle. “Well I bet you didn't imagine one thing.” I have the lighter in my hand. 
“What?” He asked angrily. 
“We knew you would come, you stupid motherfucking bitch.” As I said that I threw the lighter. He looks between the three of us. 
“Don't look at me, it was his idea.” Dean said, pointing at Cas. 
“Dean!” I slap his arm. 
“Where is He?” 
“God? Didn't you hear? He's dead, Castiel. Dead. But there's no other explanation. He's gone for good.”  Cas didn’t want to believe him. 
“You're lying.” 
“Am I? Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? Do you think God would have let any of that happen if He were alive?” I try to study him. 
“So, let me get this straight. Daddy ‘goes on a milk run’ and you and your brothers want to spit roast the planet.” He answers me. 
“We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want...paradise.” 
“So, what, God dies and makes you the boss and you decide you can do whatever you want?” Dean joins in. 
“Yes. And whatever we want, we get.” At that, the window burst open.
“If God is dead, why have I returned? Who brought me back?” Cas questions. 
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe Lucifer raised you?” 
“Think about it. He needs all the rebellious angels he can find. You know it adds up.” I grab his hand and squeeze to let him know I was behind him. 
“Let's go.” We start to walk out. 
“Castiel, I'm warning you. Do not leave me here. I will find you.” Cas turns to him in the most badass way ever. 
“Maybe one day. But today, you're my little bitch.” Cas and Dean walk away but I stay. 
“Oh by the way, I will kill you for taking my best friend away. That wasn't a tactic to trap you.” He then chuckles at me. 
“You are the one who will die for him, that sorry excuse for an angel.” I step right up against the circle. 
“Really, because from where I'm standing, he trapped you.” At that I walk out. 
Later, we were driving in the Impala, when Dean decided to break the silence. 
“You okay?” Dean asks Cas. 
“Look, I'll be the first to tell you that this little crusade of yours is nuts, but I do know a little something about missing fathers.” Dean was right. I remember how far and how long we looked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, there were times when I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was dead, but I knew in my heart he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas, what do you believe?” Cas sits for a sec. 
“I believe he's out there.” 
“Good. Then go find him.” 
“What about me? I don't know. Honestly, I'm good. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I am, I'm really good.”” At that I looked at him. 
“Even without your brother?” Cas asked. 
“Especially without my brother. I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I've had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun. It's funny, you know, I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy.” That brought tears to my eyes. 
“Good to know how you feel about us.”
“Cas, take me away.” Dean looked back at me and saw how hurt I was. 
“Y/n wait I didn't mean about you- wait!” Cas had already flown us off. We dropped into my motel room. 
“I can’t believe he- I-” I was at a loss for words. “How could he!-AHHH!” I kick the table, breaking it in the process. “I never asked him to-” I dropped to my knees, sobbing. Cas comes down to my level and just hugs me. “I never asked him to be there for me Cas! So how could he say that!” I sobbed into his chest. All Cas could do is just pet my head. 
“I know, I know.” I just let go.
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accirax · 2 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 14)
With last episode's elimination weighing heavy upon us, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what will happen next. Still, I have to stick to it, and hope I'll be luckier with this week's upcoming ranking.
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Gabby's Elimination
Current Score: 61 acquired/90 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 12 acquired/17 total)
Oh boy.
Look, I already rambled about how weird it is that Gabby was eliminated in this manner in my initial thoughts, so I won't waste my time writing the whole thing out again. It is true that Gabby already had a pretty complete character arc (going from insecurely relying on Ellie 100% to being afraid of what would happen when she was alone to overcoming her intrusive thoughts), so I can understand why the writers thought it would be okay to get rid of her now. I-- and I think a lot of others-- aren't so much upset with Gabby being eliminated as with the fashion in which it was done. Certainly for these power rankings, throwing in an elimination without voting was not something that I'd accounted for.
Thankfully I did well enough on Yul's elimination that how poorly I did with Gabby kinda got canceled out. Although, it also means that I wasn't able to reap the benefits of getting a 9/9 last week, and am now back in the 70% accuracy zone, though. Sigh. I fear that it won't get any better from here.
Let's just hope that there's an ACTUAL VOTE THIS WEEK HAHAHAHAHAHA (/lh)
Trailer Analysis
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Ally pulling herself up into this tree and then Grett seeing a leaf falling from above makes me think that Ally might hide in a tree to spy on people, and Grett might spot her doing it. Embrace that Spy Nest, Ally.
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EMILY???? MAYBE?????? Idk, I just miss her so much and I want her to come back.
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Idol hunting, maybe? Or trying to spook people into thinking there's an idol to be found?
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I assume this is actually Derek trying to check up on Trevor/see if he's okay, he's just doing it in his own Derek way.
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It even seems like Trevor and Derek might both be serving as challenge tester interns for this challenge, which would add to the reading that Derek wants to make amends with Trevor.
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Friendship! :D Death flag? D:
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I hope that this is Jake telling Connor to get his head in the game instead of just yelling at him for no reason. If you're angry at him for being mopey, you're being a bit of a hypocrite, Jake.
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Okay yeah, more treevidence.
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This is a pretty standard strength-based Survivor challenge. Although, much like the balls challenge, this was also one that was discontinued for injuring the real life contestants too much. It's interesting to note that, for some reason, Connor's light turns red instead of being blue at some point in the challenge. It could just be an indicator that he makes it farther into the challenge (he's shown with eight bags instead of four). However, it could also be some sort of penalty, including one that starts at the beginning of the challenge.
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"I'm starting to feel like myself again~!"
This is presumably about Grett returning to her more villainous ways. Ironic, considering that she's just left the villains alliance, or at the very least it's less powerful now than it's ever been. I guess Yul and Gabby were both keeping Grett in check, in their own ways. Still, I missed s1 Grett, so hopefully we can get a bit of that flavor back in this end stretch. Also, this is the only scene we see with sunset lighting. That means that this scene is definitely the last chronological scene to appear in the trailer, and probably from after the challenge is over.
Power Ranking
#1: Grett
Speaking of Grett, let's keep talking about her.
Although I think Grett is in a much less safe position than she was before Yul or Gabby's elimination, I would still be surprised if she was the next to go. Obviously, I said that about Gabby too, but Gabby's elimination also strengthens Grett's position. Would they really eliminate Yul and Gabby AND Grett back to back to back? I sincerely hope not.
There also seems to be a lot of foreshadowing that Grett will be in a position of power/decision making in this episode. Last time, she said that she wouldn't forget that Alec and Riya continued to stand by Yul, and this time, she's clearly getting up to some sort of scheming. Obviously, it's possible for a character's own meddling to wind up taking them out in the end. However, I don't think that's what they'd want to do with Grett right now. She doesn't need to have what power she's finally managed to accrue swept out from underneath her again.
Oh, and she just told Gabby that she'd kick ass in the competition for her. That's not something you say right before getting cancelled yourself. Grett really should be okay.
#2: Jake
And, sure, why don't we put my other best winner candidate in the #2 position as well? If I think these guys could make the finale (together, even), then surely they have to make it past this episode, right?
I am a little bit worried for Jake, as there is definitely potential for Ally to shoot some votes his way. I'm almost expecting him to get some votes this episode, I just don't think it'll be enough to have any effect on him. Given his growing relationships with Aiden and Connor, I don't think that either of them would really ever vote for Jake at this point. That means, that, assuming all three of them vote together, Jake would need literally every single person in the game-- Alec, Riya, Grett, and Ally-- to vote for him in order to have a majority. Like I said, I am a little worried that that could happen, but overall, I don't think it will.
Despite the level of focus Jake has gotten this season, I still feel like there's more to come with him. I think the writers might want to expand more on his relationship with Connor, with both of them feeling like screw-ups, and Aiden and Jake's newly friendly dynamic is super fun to watch. In either case, as is probably evident by the fact that we haven't seen Connor or Aiden on this list yet, I think that Jake is the least narratively expendable of the true heroes. If you removed him, Aiden and Connor don't have much tying them together. Jake is the lynchpin of that alliance from a storytelling standpoint, and I think they'll want to keep him around for that reason.
#3: Connor
Okay, potentially a bold choice, given how many death flags Connor was throwing up at the end of last episode. You can't just spill your entire backstory in a heartfelt conversation, dude, you're gonna die. And now he's in the #3 spot that's been cursed by Gabby?! Now I'm really second guessing myself...
I do think that Connor's clock might not have ticked its final tock yet, though. Despite the fact that I honestly think it's more likely that he's been impaired (probably by Riya) in this challenge than that they spoiled that he makes it to some sort of second round, I still think Connor might win. Sure, in the superhero challenge, he wanted super strength; it's not that he had it already. But, who else is supposed to win this challenge? Twink 1 or 2? The gamer girl, or the depressed bookworm? Riya's snappable-looking arms?
My money's on Grett if not Connor, but I think that Connor winning immunity this episode would be an appropriate level of win for him after the rough time he went through last episode. It would prove to him that he can be strong and have good things happen for him, even if the circumstances are actively stacked against him. Jake's supposed pep talk could also help get him in the proper mood, which could bring the two of them closer together.
It's also still true that I think that Aiden, Jake, and Connor is still the voting block that's most likely to work together in the upcoming vote, making it harder for the villains to get enough numbers to eliminate Connor. I could definitely see Riya and possibly Alec wanting to continue targeting him, and if Ally has become Riya's lackey, she could go along with it too. Grett, I don't really see, but... I can't deny it's a possibility.
Still, I find it unlikely enough that Connor will be immediately eliminated that he's at #3. Ugh, now I totally feel like I've jinxed it, and it will just be that Connor goes home again. C'est la vie, I guess. Use that old man strength to prosper, Connor!
#4: Aiden
Blah blah blah, Jake, Connor, and Aiden working together means that they're all less likely to be eliminated in this episode, you've heard it twice before immediately prior to this. I do think that Aiden is probably the most likely of the trio to be eliminated this episode, though, even if I can't exactly put my finger on why.
Part of it is probably that Aiden was a finalist before, which makes me less likely to think that he will be again. Aiden also already beat Riya via James in s2, so there isn't as much of a need to have him outlive/triumph over her again this time. Also, while we've debatably concluded Connor's character arc with that conversation at the end of last episode, it definitely feels like we're winding down on Aiden's content for the season. He's certainly made it far enough to appease James and Lake at this point, and that fist bump with Jake may be a signal that they are truly and undeniably friends at this point. If that's the case, why is Aiden still here?
To be honest, a big part of why I've put all of the heroes pretty high up this week is because of Grett's quote from the end of the trailer, the one about feeling like herself again. If Grett has started stirring up trouble, how is that supposed to result in Aiden going home? Or Jake or Connor, for that matter. Given that Ally has seemingly flipped over to the villains' side, Grett voting with them to take out a hero is, like, the default. What's so spicy about that? I mean, it's spicy that Ally is now voting with the villains, but that has nothing to do with Grett!
It is definitely possible that I'm overthinking things, and that continuing to work with the villains (but of her own volition instead of Yul's) is making Grett excited to be a bad guy again. If that's the case, I'll surely regret putting all of Jake, Connor, and Aiden in the upper echelons of the list. However, I feel like Grett is planning to scheme something beyond what's more obvious, and that it's more likely that she will turn on Alec and Riya to work with the hero boys instead. If that's true, then all of them really should be safe.
#5: Alec
Welcome back from the brink of death, Alec. Don't make me regret moving you back up.
Alec was taking an unprecedented number of Ls last episode, and I fear they may keep coming for him. But, if that's the case, it may actually make him less likely to go home. No longer having any power, Alec at least appears like much less of a threat. He is still a worry when it comes to physical challenges, but there's much more of an appearance, at least, that he could now be taken out whenever.
I also feel like taking him out right now would be a little random. Like, if you were gonna have him go out as a direct result of the kiss, it probably should have been last episode. The current timeline of events would be Alec kisses Riya, then the truth is revealed and there's a strain on their relationship, then Alec just waffles around for an episode or so before being eliminated. Why have that period of waffling around in? The same felt true of Ally, and then they picked her up for a new plotline and some continued relevance!
Everybody keeps reiterating to me in the comments that there desperately needs to be a true villain in the final three, and they'd never eliminate Alec before that point because they need him there to be a losing finalist. And, you know what? Fair. I don't know as much about how Total Drama works as I do about how Danganronpa works, so if that really is a rule that's written in stone, maybe I should start listening to the wise words of the more informed fans. I'm always a fan of messing with the rules to catch people off guard, and I personally would probably prefer a finale where I'm not already certain that one of the three finalists isn't going to win. (Like, let's be real, ONC knew to cut off the s2 finale part 1 at whether or not Aiden would be saved instead of whether James or Riya would win, because once James jumped off that cliff it was basically a foregone conclusion that he'd be the winner.) However, it's nice to have some villain representation in the finale as well, and maybe that still can be Alec.
#6: Riya
I don't have much specific to say about Riya, just, like... bad vibes.
I could completely see Grett's scheming be in an effort to get Riya out of the game. Currently, I think Riya reads as the biggest dog on campus, so if Grett is looking for her "game defining move" (to whatever extent that actually matters), it could totally make sense to target Riya. Now that Connor is moving towards moving on, all she has to do is say the word to Jake, Connor, and Aiden, and I'm sure they'd comply. The scheming would be to the extent that it's a blindside, and Riya doesn't realize that she lost hold on Grett to an extent that Grett would be looking to target her.
There's also the fact that Riya was a finalist before, and therefore may not be again. I maintain that if they're going to have a repeat finalist, it's more likely to be Riya than Aiden, but there's always the possibility that it's just neither of them and Aiden could be taken out later.
I really don't have much else to add. I think Riya could very easily be in danger this episode, and there isn't much depth to it. Leaving Alec to fend for himself could be an interesting turn of events as well, as he never competed in s1 without Fiore by his side, and his plan going into the season of focusing more on his social game would have totally backfired. I'm not fully convinced on Riya going home, but it seems like a likely enough outcome.
#7: Ally
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. To be clear, I'm talking about Ally's placement in the power rankings-- from first place to last place-- as opposed to the decline of her character. Even if she's choosing to act a bit more villainously, I haven't started to dislike her more, or particularly think that she's being written worse. I merely think that she's put herself in a pretty precarious position.
As I said earlier in this power ranking, I think that Grett is going to be a major player in this episode, and as such I think that those scenes depicting her and Ally in the tree will be Relevant. Basically, I wonder if Grett will stir up trouble by throwing Ally under the bus this episode. It won't be hard for Grett to convince Jake and Co. to take her out, and if she can convince Riya that Ally has been spying on her (while still pretending to be under Riya's wing), Riya and Alec might turn on her, too. The scheming, therefore, can be a plot to humiliate Riya by tricking her into voting out someone who genuinely wanted to work with her. And, with Grett now joining the heroes, Riya and Alec's days are totally numbered. It's a brilliant plan to pin all six votes on one person in a move that secretly swaps your major alliance and gives you lots of power... just like what I predicted Riya would do to Alec last episode. Mannnnn...
Anyways, if you're like me, you might be wondering what an Ally elimination would do in terms of Ally's character arc this episode. It is possible that there would be some issues with Ally's heart simply being broken by an elimination in ways the writers don't want. However, there are a few ways around it. The first is that Ally, already having learned that it's better to play as herself instead of who she thinks the audience will like, will be satisfied by her elimination as a result of her trying to play the game as she thought best. That's like, super unlikely to have happen, but it's not totally impossible.
The other is that Ally will be upset, freaking out over whether flipping to being a villain and then immediately being eliminated as one will have totally ruined her rapport with literally everyone. But, she'll be comforted either in this episode or in the eventual Loser's Motel episode. In the case of being comforted this episode, I could honestly see Grett being the one to do it. In season 1, Grett was eliminated after the villains turned on her, and then faced a lot of public backlash for her actions. It was tough, but she made it through. Ally should be proud of the game she's played, having made it this far, and not take it too harshly that she got outplayed.
The Loser's Motel option would probably include Hunter and/or Tess trying to cheer her up, with the added bonus that Ally could see what people really thought of her this season. If they actually thought that she was more funny/engaging/interesting this season, that could lift her spirits. It could also be a combination of both, where Grett gives her word of confidence now and social media finishes it out later.
The other point of conflict is Ally's relationship with Jake, which... uhhhh, I don't know. If Ally does go out here by Jake's hand, I don't think that their relationship will be at all salvaged. However, I also don't know if that's one of the goals of this season? They might just hate each other, and that's the end. I think the biggest issue with that is, if Jake wins, it might be a bit of a weird look to have your winner have a lot of animosity towards another fairly rootable character.
Should that convince me out of putting Ally down here? I don't know, maybe. But on these trajectories, how would Ally and Jake ever make up, even if they had the entire rest of the season to do it? Both of them being losing finalists? I don't know! So, Ally stays here for now.
Well, that's the power ranking for this week. Unlike either of the past two weeks-- despite how different their outcomes were-- I'm not confident at what I've put here at all. I'd put, like, everyone here other than Grett at like 5 or 6 if I could. Will that lack of confidence be unfounded in a brilliant result, or will I have swung for the fences and missed wildly again? Honestly, as long as there's a genuine vote out this episode, I'll be happy. I look forward to seeing what happens on Saturday.
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wollemi-whump · 2 months
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WIJ Day 17 - Recent Whump Obsessions
Well, I'd say there's quite an obvious one to be mentioned, the same one I wrote about for Day 5. Before that though, let me talk about my most recent interest.
I am always a slut for emotional whump, so I absolutely loved the first four parts of the bahkauv by @deluxewhump which I read per @whumpsday 's recommendation. I've also read about half of the Max and Carlo main series which has been wonderful as well. The writing for both of them is incredible, and I basically had that really-tense-adrenaline-filled-terror feeling the entire time I was reading, so you know it's good lol. I really enjoyed the characterization in the bahkauv. I kept forgetting the names (because I kept accidentally skipping the dialogue tags) but it didn't matter because the characters were written well enough that I could automatically discern who was saying and doing what. Very good story, love it much.
Ok, back to the other one. I've calmed down about it by now, but for a solid week I could not stop thinking about the lovely whumpy movie I had watched: The Eagle (2011).
Since this is the obsession post, here's some of my thoughts about it that I wrote a while ago comparing it to the BBC radio series. This is not at all a comprehensive review of the radio series, I literally only got through half of the first episode (of four I think), so don't be like discouraged from listening to it, it was actually good!! I just didn't feel the need to listen more since I'd already seen the movie and enjoyed it a lot. Anyway. Slight spoilers.
Episode 1 (halfway through)
There's quite a few major differences already between the movie and the radio, the most apparent one being that the events of the entire like first 10 minutes of the movie aren't in the radio. Rather than seeing Marcus get hurt, we just start there.
(Side note: I have to commend Tom Smith (Marcus's voice actor) on his tremendous sounds of pain. It's lovely.)
I think it's actually a disservice to the series to not have that scene or a scene like that. I liked it in the movie because it obviously shows how Marcus gets hurt (which the series does briefly), but it also shows off his bravado and courage, which I think really define his character and make it easy to the audience to understand (among other reasons) why he wants to go after the Eagle.
I think that scene also does great work to make Esca's character more complex. Rather than taking him for his word, the audience knows Esca is telling the truth when he describes how the Romans have fought the Britons. You can't deny or brush off all the objections Esca had towards Rome and Marcus himself.
Which brings me to the other greatest change: Esca. I will say that we've only just met him so maybe this will change, but Esca in personality seems so different than the movie. I don't know if this is a book thing <A/N: Yes this was a book thing> or just a decision by a specific person but Esca seems almost content? Which is strange? He is absolutely not living in the best or even good circumstances, yet you wouldn't sense that from his interactions thus far. Even describing the terrible things that have happened to him, he sounds strangely and comically upbeat.
One of the things that I loved about Esca in the movie is that he's absolutely not content with his situation, which helps with making him a very well-rounded character. He hates being a slave, and he hates being a slave to Marcus, and he hates Marcus and Rome all together. And that conflicts with the honor he holds himself to of repaying Marcus for saving his life. And yet he's even further upset about that because he doesn't want mercy, nevermind from a Roman. His personality gives him a lot more agency than I've seen with the radio version thus far.
It all goes towards giving Marcus and Esca a very interesting dynamic in the movie that seems very different from how it is in the radio series.
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sock-kaleidoscope · 3 months
Oh boy here we go
General Questions
Can i get a general look of the destroyed cult? not something detailed just something that can give me a mental image
Why are you a sock?
What lead you to create the AU in the first place?
What is impeding Nufosa being a full follower of the lamb and are they aware of this?
Has the Old Faith remains been affected in any way by the catastrophe?
Why does is laptop named "oz" and why is it alive (probably)?
Favorite food?
If you could know at least a little more of official backstory of any specific character, who would it be?
Favorite song?
What would it be Fosa reaction to any new follower?
Hoe, now i remind you that you need to do the cleaning+ it is not gonna do itself
Any Deltarune/Undertale theory you want to get out of your system?
Now do it with Cult of the Lamb
Any fun facts of the three musketeers as a whole?
(Narinder, Yael and Fosa)
Narinder Questions
Do you have any backstory on Narinder as well as what it was is funcion back in the cult?
Did Narinder had any real plans before the catastrophe that thanks to that it was ruined?
Narinder's view of the lamb and how they are tied off
Fav Narinder scene throught the fic?
Worst part about writing Narinder
Fun fact about his relation with Yael!
What if anyone were to hurt Fosa?
Narinder favorite type of food post usurpation (if he had any)
"Hear! the Siren Song Call of Death" there is just a cat sir
Breeak time
Now break your bone time
Can you give a little visual on Narinder relationship with Fosa (obviously not so detailed)
So is Narinder the leader of the three musketeers or is it just "let see what happens next" type of group?
"Ever heared that cats have 9 lives" "Because this one not"
If Narinder talked to its siblings, how it would go?
Narinder relation with Leshy (headcanons)
Narinder relation with Heket (headcanons)
Narinder relation with Kallamar (the voices are back)
Narinder relation with Shamura (headcanons)
The three musketeers questions
When they get another member how am i gonna call this team????
Explain their thoughts on the catastrophe
If member were to die, how it would be the proceding reaction?
Give me a fun fact!!!!!
Give me visual of describe the group as a whole
Break time
Any real threats the group has confronted besides the bishops and their disciples? (like any superpowered preacher)
What would it be their theme song if they had one
Any reason why they don't rebuild the cult?
Have you thought of having them do combos like a dnd?
Is the "force" that did the catastrophe aware of the trio and their intentions?
Is the trio aware of Mystic Seller presence?
"Two cats and lamb were for last time seen at the east of California at 1:17 pm, allegedly guiltys of the death of 13 men"
Is the trio gonna find the fox in the future?
Hardest fight the group has endured?
Has Fosa been mad at any member by any reason?
The same with Narinder
And Yael
-alzsomethinglike EX
This one was light ngl, i am gonna head now to hell
General Questions
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Most of the damage has limited to the busy areas (house, kitchens, temple, ect.)
I am a sock because my mascot character Ezekiel (my pfp) is a sock puppet
The thing that led me to create my au was partly love for the game, partly inspiration from Bam's trod, and also wanting to start participating in the community more.
The thing that stops Nufosa from being considered a follower is a spoiler, but if i were to be vague about it, it was caused by the massacre. They are VERY aware of the thing that impeding them, it is affecting them greatly, but they are trying to ignore it.
What remains of the Old Faith HAS been affected by the catastrophe. The heretics who used to worship the bishops have formed alliance with each other. To put aside their differenced and stay alive in hopes that they'll be able to bring back the bishops with each others help.
My laptop is named "Auzin", nicknamed "Oz" because of the way its pronounced. Auzin was a name i tried out while transitioning, and while i didn't settle on it, I liked it enough that I wanted to name something that. A joke I use often is that it's named "oz" because only the wizard of Oz could fix my laptop. (it is old)
My favorite food is probably bread. I love bread. in any form. If there is a grain-based dish i will probably eat it.
If i could choose a character to more of the backstory of, I think I'd choose the minibosses/disciples in game. I know nothing about them. I have thrown them all out the window in my au because i don't know what to do with them.
OH A FAVORITE SONG IS HARD. My favorite anything changes quite a bit when i discover more. I listen to a lot of Vocaloid, a lot of game osts, and songs from smaller artists. 1 song i like is Out of Touch by Daryl Hall & John Oates. Not sure if its my favorite but its a classic.
When we get new followers you'll get to see! Their default would probably be to tackle them into a bush in order to see if they were real.
My desk is a bit messy, one sec... Okay were a bit neater now.
OH MY GODS I LOVE UNDERTALE AND DELTARUNE SO MUCH. Unfortunately, it already has a pretty cohesive story, so I don't get the urge to theory craft as much. I think the theory that Ralsei is a dark fountain is pretty interesting.
Theories for Cult of the Lamb... I have one about the crowns sprouting roots into people heads! Like with Chemach and Shamura. My theory is that they tried to fuse/absorb the crown and then the crowns recoiled, but they ended up becoming interconnecting somehow.
The three musketeers is SUCH a cute name for the trio! Fun fact: all three of them have birthmarks! Nufosa has one of a heart on their chest, Narinder has the one on his ear, and Yael has one underneath their hoof.
Narinder Questions
Narinder was a leader of his cult before his imprisonment. When he became part of the lamb's cult, he was only there for about an hour before he snuck off on a missionary.
Narinder was ready to plop down and start living once he got back from his missionary, and the massacre def ruined that. He's kinda over it now, since he's living fine during the crusades, but it isnt ideal.
Narinder views the lamb as a stranger. The lamb spoke with him often, but they rarely mentioned things about themselves. Them being so distant right now is throwing him off quite a bit.
Fav Narinder scene so far... I like a lot of the firs chapter. He's basically monologuing to himself, and people being inside their own heads is where i propel at writing.
Worst part about writing Narinder: He is constantly holding himself back from progressing. Since getting closer to Fosa he's been better, but he's having a lot of trouble adjusting his behavior.
Fun fact about the relationship between him and Yael: Neither of them use each other's name. Narinder doesn't know the lamb's name is Yael, and Yael refuses to call him Narinder in fear of it being disrespectful.
If anyone were to hurt Nufosa he would kill them. If it were the lamb they would have to explain themselves quickly before he stabbed them to death with their own horns. If he hurt Nufosa? ...
Narinder hasn't really eaten anything beyond what's necessary since being usurped. The most appealing "meal" he's has so far is when he fished up some seaweed and let it dry in the sun.
Listening to the song while i break time.
I've actually never broken a bone before
I have an old drawing of Narinder and Nufosa you can have!
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Kind of a combo of both. Narinder is the main thing keeping up the momentum, but they are just kinda seeing what happens rn.
t's funny you mentin the cats have 9 lives saying, since that comes from Narinder. People saw his ability to defy death on several different occasions. 8 of them happened in the sight of the public, so they figured he had at least 9 lives.
If Narinder were to talk to his siblings all together it would go BAD. IM TALKING BAD BAD. He doesn't communicate well, he has tons of guilt, and all his siblings would not here him out.
Narinder's relationships w/ his siblings:
He and Leshy were around each other the most by far. The used to prank Kallamar together. They had the energy of a shared youtube channel if you get what i mean.
Narinder would go to Heket whenever he needed some quiet. Heket wasn't very talkative, which he appreciated. He would often curl up to nap and wake up to find braids and trinkets in his fur.
Narinder and Kallamar would go to each other whenever they had a big bright new idea to show off. Kallamar also helped him train with his weapon.
Shamura trained Narinder. They sparred with him. They argued. Their relationship was very strained. Shamura had too many duties to give up time for their siblings.
Three Musketeers Questions
When they get more people in the group i propose we call them the caravan!
Thoughts on the catastrophe: Narinder is confused, the lamb feels guilty, and Nufosa is terrified.
If any of the trio were to die, the other two would go out killing. Only exception would be the lamb, in which there would be a week long "wtf do we do" period before they go out killing.
FUNFACT UHHHH The lamb had an Irish twin! Its a sibling from the same parent, where two kids were born within a year from eachother.
Picture for group as a whole:
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Break time~
The main threat the trio are facing right now other than the heretics is themselves. (They are all bad at taking care of themselves)
Trio Theme song: Eyelids by Saro + half the TallyHall discography
They havent build the cult back beaus eots a lot of work for 2 1/2 people, and they are also too busy crusading to get anything done.
I've thought of who each person would be in dnd before! Yael would be a hard-hitting cleric. Narinder would be a spell-casting rogue. Nufosa would be a monk.
The forse that caused the massacre has been followinf the trio around. It knows everything it need to.
Narinder and the lamb can see and communicate with the Mystic Seller like normal. Nufosa has a funny feeling and a sort of understanding, but isn't full aware of their presence.
HA, them being in the news would be pretty funny, though i will say that the cult was pretty big, instead of 13 people, it would be closer to 40-50 people.
The trio WILL find the fox in the future
Hardest fight they have endured, the initial ambush. Everyone was caught off guard.
Nufosa has quite a bit of resentment towards almost everyone who was in the cult.
Narinder feels neutral about everyone who was in the cult.
Yael has small resentments with a couple of the troublesome followers. Otherwise, they are more so mournful than annoyed.
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mischieffoal · 1 year
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Rosie, Frodo and Sam, Now and for Always
Here it comes: Cici’s chaotic “review” of Lord of the Rings: a Musical Tale
(Spoilers for the musical: go and see it (it's running until mid-October 2023) and then read this)
“My emotions are a wreck, and now we must obviously discuss all of the musical’s shortcomings and its adaptational choices and the costumes, when I really want to stand in a field and yell. After a few hours on the train of actually very good discussions, I cycle home and yell in the park.
5 stars.”
Nothing like a bracing sprint through Reading station to forge fine friendships over somehow managing to get to Newbury and the Windmill Theatre in time. We unite with our friends, get a group photo in the designated Instagram spot and, most importantly, confirm that there will be ice cream in the interval. 
It’s Mr. Bilbo’s eleventy-oneth birthday, didn’t you know? The hobbits make sure we are well informed, and someone on our picnic table is accosted by Fatty Bolger and made to play whack the rat. They all look lovely, waistcoats and sandals abounding, and some watching fauntlings are very gently introduced to hoopla. In general, if you are LARP-positive, sit at the left hand end - we were in the prime spot. Bilbo complimented my cloak and I derided my companions once again for being the only cloaked representative of our smial. Then, someone else approaches - she asks us if Mr. Bilbo said anything odd. Nothing odd at all, we reply, all a perfectly normal party. I think he’s planning something, she says. I’m worried about my spoons. I gasp. “Madam, may I ask, are you perhaps Lobelia Sackville-Baggins?” “I am!” “Madam it is an honour! I am honoured to be in your presence!” She shakes my hand. My life is complete. 
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Soon enough, the actual musical begins, narrated by partying Hobbits. Now and for Always had stuck in my head just from the soundtrack on YouTube, and it’s a worthy start to the show as Mr. Bilbo tells the same old stories that he always does. Hobbits sing and dance and every one of them plays an instrument. Someone has a piccolo, someone else has a lute. Bilbo has a harmonica and an accordion. Every single Hobbit has an unspecified country accent. The Brandybucks are loud, the Proudfoots are Proudfeet and Fatty Bolger moans at me about it. R says he knows who’s playing Gollum, because he’s bald. Frodo is very sweet, but I catch Lobelia’s eye across the garden and commiserate with her at her ill fortune. Sam asks Rosie to dance, and I fall in love with them (Sam is Sri Lankan, and sounds it, and Rosie has Afro hair, and they make me very happy). Bilbo gives his speech, “magically disappears”, and 17 years pass as we all get up and troop into the theatre proper.
We’re on the side of the balcony, in a wonderful wooden interior that J guesses might have been a church at some point. We return to the action with Frodo, Sam and Rosie, greeting each other with a little two step jump that I want to do with all my friends. Frodo sends them off to the Ivy Bush, because there seems to be some kind of trade mark problem with the Green Dragon. Gandalf enters bombastically, and Frodo and Sam leave as soon as they know their task, because they know that the show is only three hours long, including an interval. 
The singing begins! Walking fast, singing and playing as they go - The Road does indeed Go On,  the centre stage rotates as they dance-walk around it. Merry and Pippin assail them in a projected cornfield, because they’re his cousins and they’re not letting him do anything dangerous alone. Frodo is very put upon. Merry plays the cello, hanging round his neck, Pippin has a fiddle, and Sam a guitar. Also, Pippin is a girl, not just played by one. Good for you, Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. She’s also terrified of trees (Merry knows a less Tree-ish route and the Old Forest is resoundingly ignored.) 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
And then! Elves! Gildor and Earendil sung with a Y! All the elves are wearing lovely blue tabards. Dark is the road ahead for Frodo, and danger follows their path. That’s nice and cheery. 
(Speaking of costume, Gandalf and Saruman have very nice robes. Saruman is played by the bald one R assures me will be playing Gollum. They have a fun little stand off across the rotating stage, and Saruman isn’t hiding any of his schemes - army included. Uh oh.)
In the Prancing Pony, K says she’s going to play “spot the Strider” but Strider is in fact very very bad at being inconspicuous, as the only one wearing a hoody. 
Strider makes himself known, and so does Pippin, and Frodo’s brilliant distraction plan is to sing a song. He’s not at all prepared for this and walks like a puppet, but the Brandybuck and Took contingent are raring to go with the Cat and the Moon, and soon Frodo is having a lovely time dancing on tables and all. Let’s pretend that Frodo’s smile will never fade.
The Ring goes on. Mari Lwyd black riders appear. Frodo looks like he’s underwater and it’s very funny. Stabbing ensues (no time for Weathertop today). Run! Run for Rivendell! (Costuming side note: Strider has a banging undercut and goatee situation going on). Arwen enters playing a harp, singing a Song of Hope in a bunch of elvish with no subtitles. Tolkien would approve. “The weary traveller returning… home.” It’s Strider, and we learn that this is the first time he’s returned since disappearing to be a ranger. He’s grown a lot, Arwen says. Strider mumbles something about not wanting any bigger destiny than her. Then Frodo wakes up and it turns out they’ve been having this lovely romantic discussion is his hospital wing. Ah, good, says Frodo, we successfully completed our adventure! Merry is very excited at the amount of books and maps, also did you know that Arwen is a half-elf, technically, and did you see the way she looked at Aragorn, and did you know that she’s thousands of years older than him? 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
The council is called, Saruman the bald is also playing Elrond the bald, and is generally an old wise man. All of the elves are obsessed with hand gestures, and their hands are never below their waists. Everyone has so many problems, but Boromir (with another very cool undercut) wastes no time telling everyone Gondor has it worst. The steward is asleep, you say? And you had a dream and followed it here? But the sword that was broken is as lost as the One Ring. (Boromir has great dramatic timing.) Frodo will take the Ring to Mordor, though he don’t know the way. Gimli will go with him, and so will Legolas and Gandalf and Strider. (The Elf and Dwarf are Iranian and Black, and it really stands out amongst the otherwise white Men - I like it a lot). Strider asks Boromir nicely and Boromir says fine, he’ll come too. The fellowship of the ring! A rousing ensemble number with Earendil with a Y! Boromir is playing the trombone and singing at the same time and it’s the best!
Saruman learns of the Fellowship from his useless gas-mask orc minions. He deals with it himself - with menacing flute music. He flutes up a storm on Caradhras, and the Fellowship must go through Moria. Gimli reverently takes a guitar, and sings them a song of his people, as the fellowship and the audience have a chance for a rest. Then drums start in the deep, a balrog is come, and Gandalf is gone. They must continue - to Lothlorien. That horn player is a different elf now, you can tell because their tabard is gold this time!
They arrive blindfolded as Legolas waxes lyrical about the elves of the golden wood, and it turns out he’s not in love with Galadriel he’s just really patriotic. Galadriel tells Frodo they will both share a great loss, and also sings a power ballad. 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Everything falls apart after Lorien, as we all know. Boromir dances with the hobbits before the orcs get him - Strider appears seconds too late, and Boromir tells him he’s failed, the Fellowship and his people. Strider shows him his broken sword (he’ll show you his if you show him yours) and finally claims his birthright. Boromir begs him to save “our people” and Aragorn really can’t deal with that, especially when Boromir dies in his arms. Aragorn is the best actor in all of this and it’s mainly in degrees of how much he cannot deal with this. The three hunters reunite, honour Boromir, and finally pick themselves up for the road ahead - Aragorn can see the hobbits’ footprints…
In the interval we theorise on how they’re going to fit two whole books into a second act shorter than the first one. Are they just going to cut the entirety of Rohan? That’s the bit of the book I can never understand. The ice cream is very nice.
As the lights go up, Sam races after Frodo and berates his idiot upper-class master who thought he could do anything without him. They set out on their long journey, and from the other side of the stage, Pippin and Merry come charging in. They’ve already escaped from the orcs, as we really don’t have time for that. Pippin is confronted with her fear of trees. Entish is a very musical language which was beautiful to experience, and I think a far better rendition of trees talking than any realism could give. Musicians stood around the auditorium and plucked and strummed their discussion (Gimli was behind us drumming the plumbing). 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Saruman, meanwhile, directs a cool break dance number from the orcs. They’re going to crush Minas Tirith, and then Sauron will surely think Saruman is an ally, a massive victory for the Light.
The rest of the cliffhangers from act one get resolved in the next ten minutes. The three hunters can tell from the footprints that the hobbits are safe, so they race the breakdancing orcs to Minas Tirith. (No Rohan, I whisper to K). Aragorn demands an entrance to see the Steward (played by Bilbo, this company has one old wise man and one old father figure). The Steward is under Saruman’s spell! They call him Denethor but he’s serving Theoden’s role, with considerably less drama as it only takes Aragorn revealing himself as King to wake him up from the curse. 
They agree to fight together to defeat Saruman! It’s another ensemble song and dance! Gandalf the White returns, and doesn’t come alone! The trees are marching! And Boromir’s actor is playing the trombone behind Denethor as he fights to defend their people, and that made me very emotional. 
It’s Gollum time. Nearly naked bald man with full body dirt makeup scrambles around theatre and balcony, more news at 7. R seems unable to comprehend a theatre company having two bald men in it. This actor was so physical, my director brain was terrified of the risk assessments that must have been required for him to run along the balcony barrier. 
Victory at the Pelennor Fields! TheoDenethor is slain, but the free peoples have won. They ride to Isengard. Saruman enters, and in a very dramatic and tense moment, I thought he greeted them with “Sup”. (Sadly it was actually “So”). Gandalf is sure that this will not be the end of Saruman’s mischief…  
Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) are carrying on, but it’s hard going. They reminisce on the stories they used to listen to, and Sam gets out his guitar as they wonder what kind of story they’re in. Sam sings to Frodo, a reprise of Now and for Always from Mr. Bilbo, and his master tiredly joins in. He hasn’t smiled for days. “Tell us a story, of Frodo and the Ring”. Sam falls asleep, and it’s Frodo turn to sing about him - “no finer friend, now and for always”. Frodo doesn’t quite manage to finish the chorus before he falls asleep beside his Sam - but Gollum takes over in a horrifying corruption of their duet. It took me a while to realise it, but this Gollum’s voice reminds me of Voldemort from A Very Potter Musical - not at all a bad thing, but a specific niche of “very creepy and also pathetic”. 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Aragorn is crowned, and receives the reforged sword. Together, the representatives of the free peoples plan to storm the Black Gates, in a hopeless battle - for Frodo. Smeagol/Gollum finally decides to lead them to Shelob, and Frodo trusts him. “Well,” Sam says, “let’s walk into Mordor.” Cackles from very small pockets of the audience.
Shelob is a REALLY COOL PUPPET. Sam manages to stab her with the LED Sting as he is seconds away from his doom. Galadriel empowers them with ballads from afar, but Frodo can barely walk. Sam takes the ring to try and relieve his burden, and Frodo doesn’t even notice. Gollum returns and swears he knew nothing about the giant spider, what giant spider? She wasn’t there last week! 
Aragorn, in the B-plot of the musical (we realised afterwards that in the books, destroying the Ring and saving the world is the B-plot), gives a rousing speech to get everyone gearing up for a battle they’re all going to lose. Arwen (I think, or is it Galadriel, I’m writing this the day after and I’ve slightly lost the plot) calls to Aragorn and starts off the ensemble number "out of grief, joy".
Meanwhile, tension is rising in the Frodo-Sam-Gollum-Smeagol polycule. Everything will change, when they destroy the ring. “The elves, Sam, they’ll disappear - all of the magic will be gone out of the world. But if I take the ring!” No one can resist the ring. Gollum and Frodo speak and move as one as they condemn Sam as a traitor and a thief. At some point in all of this Frodo gets the Ring back, Sam runs away, Gollum attacks Frodo, Sam protects him, and Frodo wakes up enough to cast Gollum out instead. I’m very tired and can’t remember when this all happens, but it was all very emotional. 
The free peoples fight, and they all dance and stand so differently you can tell which peoples they all are even without the height differences. Legolas shoots from on high, Gimli is rooted to the ground with wheeling axes, Aragorn just stabs so many orcs. Merry has his cello and uses the bow to attack, and Pippin has her accordion. We love Pippin. She’s here for moral support.
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Sam and Frodo reach the top of Mount Doom and wrench open the backdrop doors. Sam can’t take another step and collapses behind Frodo as he tries once more to take it for himself - before Gollum appears. Gollum’s fall was beautiful and slow - he’s caught by black clad actors on a darkened stage and they gently let him down into the fire. And then it’s done. 
The ensemble sings as Gandalf the White comes to save the two hobbits, and they reunite with their friends as Aragorn bows to the Shirefolk (and holds Frodo’s head so close that he re-awakened my inner Frodo/Aragorn shipper). Gandalf inexplicably says he’s off to have a chat with Tom Bombadil, who we had been ignoring, but that he’ll see Frodo again.
The hobbits return to the Shire, and Lobelia tells us Saruman has been there. We all have to work together to restore the Shire, including the audience - up you get, get outside and get LARPing again. We help the hobbits restore the battered garden to its former glory, and Rosie and Sam are married! Frodo never can return to the cheer he had at the beginning of this adventure. The actor had literally added eye bag makeup, I winced in sympathy when I saw him. Gandalf and the many elves of Middle Earth reach the Shire. They are going into the West. Frodo gives Sam the book in which to write their story. The hobbits do a very sad little dance jump greeting and Frodo hugs Sam tight, before he goes on his way towards the sails of the Grey Havens. 
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(Photo Watermill Theatre)
Rapturous applause! Everybody’s back on stage for a rousing final Cat and the Moon! Don’t worry about Frodo’s depression, we’ve got to sing a musical number for us all to go home to! My emotions are a wreck, and now we must obviously discuss all of the musical’s shortcomings and its adaptational choices and the costumes, when I really want to stand in a field and yell. After a few hours on the train of actually very good discussions, I cycle home and yell on my way through the park. 
5 stars.
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deepdeanvsweston · 1 year
(also I haven't read AFT for a while so please excuse any errors)
Stephen Bampton is so nuanced to me because YES he's a murderer, attempted murderer and also was very willing to be complicit in another indirect murder (Lord Wells would have likely been hanged if he'd been arrested) but on the other hand he's a poor, homosexual 17 year old who likely doesn't have a great time at school because of this (remember Hetty saying how she's been secretly darning his socks???) and I'm assuming boys at Eton would have picked on nearly anyone who had a hint of being an outsider. Violence or at the very least ostracization has likely been used against him his whole life and so that's his first resort.
I'm not saying he deserves forgiveness or redemption but maybe some more understanding??? Stephen has been proven to time and time again that adults cannot be trusted - Mr Curtis, obviously, and his father for leaving him and his mother for cheating and then Lady Wells for also cheating, and he also probably felt this way about the police who couldn't catch Mr Curtis the first time round. I'm not saying he was right in what he did, but Stephen could have very possibly thought he was doing Bertie and Daisy a favour by getting rid of their parents and letting Lord Wells take the blame as 'adults can't be trusted'. A lot of what he does seems to be a misguided sense of protection for others and self defence. And he does constantly reiterate to Hazel and Daisy that he's going to keep them safe, that nothing's going to happen to them. Stephen might possibly have also seen how Bertie's parents treat him (reading between the lines, it seems Bertie is mostly ignored and/or seen as a burden child) keeping up this thought process that 'adults can't be trusted'.
The calculated murder almost (ALMOST) makes me want to sympathise with him, as yes Stephen clearly wants to hurt Mr Curtis but then he doesn't want to hurt anyone else? He thinks that when Mr Curtis is out of everyone's lives, not only his but Bertie's too, then things would go back to normal, or at least he wouldn't have to relive the hurt of what Mr Curtis did to his family. However, I do say that it ALMOST makes me want to sympathise with him because in the second half of the book, Stephen gets panicky and resorts to unplanned murder attempts (ie. pushing Lady Wells down the stairs who he thought was Lucy) which screams to me that maybe, not a violent streak as such but definitely an 'angry when fearful' streak was always within Stephen.
In essence, I don't think Stephen murders because he's a cruel person, even though he nears this when pushing someone down the stairs, but murders because he wants to protect Bertie. Ok and yes quite possibly vengeance. As with all the murders, it always goes too far and too deep.
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natalynsie · 1 year
Noah is Not Pathetic (Noco Oneshot)
[Before reading, please keep in mind I post all of my Noco oneshots on ao3 as a series. I recommend reading the first part of the series, Boyfriend, first, but it isn't required. Boyfriend provides more context for what will happen in this and if you do plan on reading Boyfriend it includes spoilers. You obviously don't have to and it will be understandable. Every part of this series can be read as a one-shot.]
“Dude, Adam, you suck at this,” Caleb laughed.
“Yeah, that’s because I’m not a nerd, and I don’t play video games,” Adam sputtered. “I actually have a life outside of my basement.”
“I doubt that,” Noah responded.
Family reunions were always chaotic. Even though Caleb and Adam were Noah’s favorite cousins, they definitely brought a good bit of chaos themselves. Cody being locked out of his house dragged Noah more into the chaos. Noah had been interrogated three times about whether or not he and Cody were dating.
And yeah. Maybe there were some gay occurrences earlier that afternoon. Maybe he kissed Cody just to see what it was like. Maybe Adam and Caleb walked in. Maybe he had to convince them that he and Cody weren’t dating and it totally wasn’t weird and to please not tell anyone else.
And maybe Noah had a not-so-small crush on Cody.
But it was fine.
And they weren’t dating.
And romance was still stupid.
Even though his thoughts were all over the place, Noah was definitely winning most of the rounds. Bayonetta for the win.
He should’ve expected Cody to be a loyal Kirby player. Cody was taking a good amount of losses, but he was always close to winning. Unfortunately, Caleb and Noah were just better.
And Noah had absolutely no idea what Adam was doing. He assumed he was just button mashing and praying, but he always died way before the end of the games.
“Have you ever even played Smash before?” Noah asked.
“Yeah, like twice!” Adam defended. “You guys are just serious nerds.”
“Don’t group me in with Noah and Cody,” Caleb said. “They’re like a thousand times more nerdy than me. I just play video games with my friends once in a while.”
“Yeah, you guys live in your basements. I refuse to believe otherwise.”
Cody giggled. “Look man, I don’t play Smash much, but you’re so horrible it’s hard to believe.”
“Adam, you haven’t won a single game,” Caleb stated. “I’ve been keeping track. I won 17, Noah won 12, Cody won 7, and you won 0. It’s getting kinda pathetic.”
Adam rolled his eyes. “Like I care. Cody hasn’t won a game since like, eight games ago.”
“I’m getting tired,” Cody complained. “I still wanna play but I’m tired.”
“It’s only 9:15,” Caleb stated.
“I didn’t sleep good the past few nights, leave me alone.”
Just after he said that, Noah felt a weight drop on his side.
Cody was resting against him.
Noah’s heart skipped a beat.
He started to fumble with the controller.
Keep it together, he scolded himself. It’s not even a big deal.
“Hah!” Caleb exclaimed. He had killed Noah while he was off guard.
Adam continued to smash buttons. Noah guessed he didn’t even realize he was dead.
“I was distracted!” Noah responded.
“By what?” Caleb snorted.
“...I dunno.”
So, Noah lost a game. Nothing new.
So he lost seven games. He was entitled to his bad moments.
He didn’t win any other game. Maybe he was a little sidetracked.
“Dude, what happened?” Caleb asked. He had become the sole winner, besides a few of Cody’s wins.
“I’m getting tired too,” Noah lied. He would not let anyone know the reason he was failing left and right was because Cody was just leaning against him. That’s pathetic. Romance is pathetic. Noah was not pathetic.
“You look fine to me,” Adam said, glancing at Noah. He had died- again, so he didn’t need to look at the screen. Noah darted his eyes at Adam, and then back at the screen. He had seen a hint of a smile on Adam's face- that stupid little shit had the wrong idea again.
Noah wanted to jump off a cliff.
Because Adam actually had the right idea.
Yeah, Cody wasn’t his boyfriend, that was wrong. But Adam knew that Noah at least liked Cody. At this point, who didn’t know? Izzy, Gwen, and Owen knew before Noah did, Eva knew, his sister Ava knew, pretty much half of Noah’s suspected it by now, and there were probably more that Noah just hadn’t picked up on yet.
Noah sighed as Caleb won yet again. “I think I’m done for the night.” He placed his controller down, and stood up, beginning to walk away from the TV. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
“‘Kay,” Cody responded.
Noah entered the bathroom and washed his hands. He stared in the mirror for a second before closing his eyes.
This is pathetic, Noah thought. He really spent his entire life mocking romance, just to set himself up for failure. Little eight-year-old Noah really believed this wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass. He really thought he would be immune to it. It was kind of embarrassing.
When the rest of his family found out, he would never hear the end of it.
Noah washed his hands again and exited the bathroom.
“I think I’m gonna head out,” Cody said, standing up. “It’s almost ten, my parents should be home by now.”
“In the dark?” Caleb asked.
“Yeah. How else am I gonna get home?”
“Aren’t your parents gonna come pick you up?” Adam questioned.
“They don’t even know I’m not home. They never check their phones after work- I learned that the hard way. I’ll be fine, it really isn’t that far of a walk.”
“No way,” Noah said. “We’ll drive you home.”
“You sure?” Cody asked.
“Dude, it is ten o’clock at night!” Adam exclaimed. “You are not walking home in the dark. Absolutely not.”
“I don’t wanna be a problem.”
“It is not a problem. You getting kidnapped is a problem.”
“Yeah,” Noah agreed. “My parents won’t mind. Let’s go.”
The group ran up the stairs and into the kitchen where the adults were talking, a good few of them drinking.
“Mom, Cody needs a ride home,” Noah informed.
“Oh, okay. Where are his parents?” Noah’s mother, Barbara, asked.
“They don’t check their phones,” Cody responded. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize hun,” Barbara assured. “Come on kids. Adam, Caleb, do you want to come?”
“Yeah!” Adam exclaimed.
“Why not?” Caleb replied.
“Okay, let’s go.”
The kids followed Barbara to her car. Noah sat in the front seat and everyone else got in the backseat. There was bickering about who would take the middle seat before Barbara told Adam to get in the middle because ‘Caleb’s too big and Cody is our guest’. Reluctantly, Adam did what he was told.
“Where do you live, hun?” Barbara asked.
Cody recited his address and the group headed out.
The car ride was pretty mellow, just consisting of a few last jokes. Noah found himself smiling almost the entire car ride.
When Cody was dropped off, Noah sighed, letting his smile fall. As Adam moved seats, Barbara smiled.
“I never see you smile that much,” Barbara stated. “What was that all about?”
“Oh for god’s sake,” Noah complained. “Can I just have a friend in peace?”
“Noah we all know something’s up,” Adam said, thankfully not bringing up the ‘incident’.
“You aren’t slick,” Caleb added.
“Ughhh,” Noah groaned as they began to drive off. “I hate all of you.”
“You love us,” Adam smiled.
“So my little baby has finally given in to the force of love.” Barbara wiped away a fake tear. “I knew the day would come.”
“Woah, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” Noah said. “Am I really that obvious?”
“Baby, I know you like the back of my hand. And yes, you are obvious.”
“Well, that makes eight people that I know know.”
“Who else knows?” Adam asked.
“Izzy, Owen, Gwen, Eva, and Ava.”
“You told Ava before us? I’m offended.”
“She was persistent. Nobody figuring it out was intentional. Except sort-of Owen but he already knew? Whatever.”
Caleb and Adam smiled at each other. “Well, hopefully by the next get-together he’s there as your boyfriend,” Adam grinned.
“Shut your mouths!”
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liminalmemories21 · 9 months
I sent you ask a while back which you didn't want to answer at the time because spoilers. Maybe you just don't want to answer it, which is obviously fine, but just in case you forgot about it, I'll ask again. I reread the entire Knave series after you posted the latest installment and reading it all in one day, it kind of jumped out at me that Carlos is a really passive character in the series. TK is the one solving the mysteries, taking on the bad guys, kicking ass. Carlos just mostly waits for TK. Especially in the 3rd story. I kept waiting for Carlos to get involved or to solve something but he never does. This is not a criticism, I love the series, and your 2023 writing round up has me itching to read the entire series again, your writing and it's the relationship between TK and Carlos that is the best part of the series for me, the mystery and the art stuff is the wonderful icing on top. I'm just curious about why Carlos is mostly sitting on the sidelines. Was it just the way it worked out, or was it a deliberate writing choice, and if it was would you mind talking a little about why you made that decision?
Sorry, sorry! I have a curse where if a message gets marked as read my mind immediately forgets it. I have to keep messages open or marked as unread if I want any hope of remembering to answer them. My work computer is just a mass of open emails so I get annoyed enough by them to answer them.
So, firstly, thank you for reading. I'm glad you like the stories.
SPOILER SPACE for anyone who doesn't want to read further.
Secondly, it's an interesting question, and not one I'm quite sure how to answer. I don't think I'd considered Carlos as passive in the stories when I was writing them.
Someone in one of the comments on Knave 1 asked for TK running a con, which is honestly what I thought Knave 2 was going to be when I started writing it, but then it turned into something else entirely. But, I did want it to be about Carlos being good at his job - about putting the pieces together. Some of that was finding and understanding the clues that TK was leaving him, but some of it was also him figuring out what was suspect even before then. I wanted it to be about him knowing TK, which gave him the kind of faith he needed to believe in TK even in his absence.
But, on a broader level I also wanted Knave 2 to be about Carlos being in a place where he could have the kind of conversations with his parents that he hadn't been able to have when he was 17. And, he was in that place because of his relationship with TK, and the way that's evolved in the year he's been with TK and the way they've both grown together and can buttress each other when they need it.
Knave 2 was about Carlos's past, so I wanted Knave 3 to be about TK's past. And, I can see how Carlos might come off as passive in that context, because he is kind of waiting for TK to come home. He can't make that choice for TK, and he can't tell TK what to do, because that's not a kind of relationship that he wants.
The story is - on purpose - about TK making a decision to stay and making the commitment to his future, because I wanted it to mirror the S3 moment where TK goes all in on their relationship and chooses it with both hands and his whole heart. And that was going to look a little different in this universe, but I wanted Knave 3 to be about TK's past and TK's future with Carlos.
I think there's also something about the stories being from Carlos's POV that maybe feeds into some of the perception that maybe he's passive? He is fascinated by TK, because TK is magnetic (because he's a Neal Caffrey simulacrum). We don't necessarily get the way that TK sees Carlos because we aren't inside TK's head (I personally find getting inside TK's head incredibly hard, which is why I very rarely write TK POV). But I'm not sure I meant that to come off as things only happening to Carlos without agency.
I'm not sure if this really answers your question or not, but it has been interesting to examine what I was trying to do & whether or not I pulled it off, so thank you.
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miss-3625 · 2 years
Okay firstly: I forget to post this, which is why I'm only posting it now ^^'
Secondly, these are my thoughts during my own playthrough of Assassin's Creed 2, because I can't talk to anyone in real live about it. You don't have to understand them and don't have to like this post, I just wanted to get them out of my head and maybe someone can relate.
Thirdly, a little warning: this post is longer than the one I posted about AC1 ..
SPOILERS (obviously)
• I like the beginning screen
• Ohhh I like the trailer
• Well that's one way to introduce us to the new character...
• I like that they use English and Italian words
• Little baby is a fighter
• The Eagle Vision can be activated while running!
• (Also the Eagle Vision is different - you no longer see the world from their eyes, which is sad, but I guess this new vision is more practical, because you can see around you quicker)
• You know what, Desmond is asking the right questions. What is the plural of Animus?
• Arrividerci Abstergo
• Yes I trust you stranger, who helped me escape, but at first helped the organization that kidnapped me :)
• Where are we (in which country)?
• I like Rebecca - she is a sweethart :)
• I like Shaun - he is a sassy ass :)
• I like Shaun's notice board :)
• "Hello Desmond :) Go away >:)" ... well alright
• (He reminds me of Malik :D)
• New loading screen
• Ok, the new world-generating-thing? LOOKS AMAZING!
• HELLO Ezio :D
• And he got the same scar, nice!
• You can see how much damage the enemies have! Awesome!
• I have a big brother! I like him already :)
• I have a life scale now, instead of a synchronizing scale
• 609 FLORINS!
• I like the little "beginning" screen before a mission
• An arrow above the head of people makes it easier to follow (and identify) then
• Weird mask (from the doctors) but I kinda like it
• (that is a really nice detail - in AC1 Desmond (and we) were not giving much information. We were just puched in a mission, in a life nearly a thousand years ago, without much useful information. Now though, we can read about the people and places at any time! Really nice!)
• Ezio disappeared at 17 after a dramatic incident? Well, I have a feeling we're gonna find out what it was..
• ALSO THERE IS A STATISTIC! It shows your synchronization, gaming time and more! :D
• Aww I love these two!
• "Baby brother has much to learn!" "There is no shame in losing, brother!"
��� I LOVE the music!
• Aww he helped me up!
• Omg what a beautiful beginning! <3
• THE ROUND ABOUT AT THE VIEW POINT LOOKS SO GOOD! (Also love the music during it) Firenze looks so good!
• Also visit Cristina? No, I rather look around! View points to find an all that
• 66 VIEW POINTS?! O.o
• A yellow arrow indicates that someone is watching you! If its full, it goes red and you should better get going!
• Also there is a green marker, so you know where you're supposed to go
• (And, other then in AC1, the little map also shows the rooftops and the ground levels and even enemies (red dots) - in AC1, there were just little symbols that showed you, which way the next activity was)
• Firenze is not flat, like the cities in AC1 were, but it is still a great feeling, to run across the rooftops
• There are chests! You can LOOT the CHESTS! 100 florins from a chest!!!
• ... Imagine you're 17 years old and just climb the Santa Maria del Fiore for fun (114 m hight)?!
• "I'm gonna have a few words with him" - punches him half to death
• Ah, the feathers of Petruccio are probably like the flags in AC1
• I LOVE the mother! XD
• I also love Leonardo! He seems like a real sweetheart! (Also he voiced the Rafiq of Damascus in AC1!) He is probably gonna help me later :) (at least, I hope so)
• Ohhhh secret messages, cryptic warning - I think there is more to dear Giovanni
• GIAVANNI IS AN ASSASSIN! Is Federico one too?
• Ezio has a cape :)
• (A cape for just one shoulder ... don't know if I like it)
• The guards are supposed to just kill a 17-year-old for no real reason....
• Feathers and chests grow white in the Eagle Vision, making it easy to see them
• A dark shadow walking mysteriously behind Alberti ... I think I know who was the reason for the imprisonment
• I like Paola :)
• So the courtesans are like the scholars in AC1, but instead of you walking with them, you can get them at any time and they walk with you
• SUBJEKT 16?!
• I love the thugs on the rooftops :D "Moving like the WIND" thank you, thank you ;)
• I love how Ezio knocks, but doesn't wait for an answer and opens the door immediately
• HUG!
• But can we all just take in for a moment, that Ezio was immediately on board with having his finger cut of... for a cause he doesn't even know of...
• And the fact that Leonardo immediately helped and protected Ezio, even though he knew him maybe a day or two
• I love Leonardo
• BYE BYE ALBERTI (love Ezios little speech)
• I tear down pieces of paper with my face off the walls and suddenly the guards don't know what I look like anymore?
• I'd like to point out again, that Ezio is 17!!
• There are no beggars but THERE ARE MUSICIANS!!!
• The fact that 4 dancing women can make 8 hard trained guards leave their posts ...
• It's-a-me, Mario! ....
• I'm learning to fight.... I'm still not good
• Awww poor madre, here 5 feathers :)
• I'll help Mario!
• But first: view points!
• I miss the throwing knifes...
• Also I'm not suspicious when I'm running anymore :)
• Altaïr :)
• Of course the Codex pages would just lay around randomly in the open like that
• "He is a monster" "What happened..." "He's making me WORK" - relatable
• I get money from my amour, equipment, the feathers and Codex pages? Awesome!
• They are bulling the architect and I'm here for it
• Secret way in the wall!
• Oh I definitely will have bette luck. I'll get the amour even if it's the last thing I do
• There is so much to DO in AC2
• I can't go in there .... (the big door, next to the stairs outside of the villa)
• "Anything for you, my friend" <3
• Why are these dummies bleeding, Leonardo?...
• (Wait, this idea came from the Codex - the one Altaïr did... Altaïr was already deadly enough with one blade, imagine him with 2)
• You can get treasure maps at the art merchants
• Yes, I'll teach your husband a lesson my lady
• I wouldn't have wanted him as my husband too, my poor lady
• The times of the day changes (day and night)
• hello La Volpe :)
• Barely did it ...
• Ohhh I like this (running around this tomb)
• Francesco you are gonna follow your son
• Is that supposed to be Altaïr on the sacrofaq
• the Santa Maria del Fiore is preeetttyy big (and empty) from the inside
• I can't make that jump, that's too far away ... but where else am I supposed to go?
• Apparently Ezio COULD make that jump
• Those chandeliers, beams and poles are pretty handy, eh?
• the secret treasure is probably not worth it, but at this point I'm so desperate, that I want to now what is in there
• 25 minutes later for 250 florins in that stupid chest ...
• But hey, I at least did it :')
• THAT JUMP was even more unrealistic?!
• MY GOD?!!! I would NEVER do that in real life...
• MA'AM I'M TRYING TO SAY THIS RESPECTFUL - it is fu*king hard to get to your sarcophagus (which I guess was intentional)
• SOMEONE has anger issues ...
• Quick death for someone with a big mouth
• Also wise words Ezio :3
• Nice one Ezio!
• Another Codex page - LEONARDO!
• It's kinda poetic with which ease Ezio hands over the hidden blade to Leaonardo - it shows a lot of trust
• Let's go to Tuscany
• Smoke bombs? (THEY ARE AWESOME! I wish there were more)
• Well that was a fast and easy kill - Bye bye Stefano, Requiescat in pace
• The horse follows you again - it's such a sweet little detail :)
• Requiescat in pace Archbishop Salviati
• I like the riding through the open world (but be aware, if you(r horse) knocks a person away, the guards are gonna chase you)
• Seriously, why do the guards put Ezio's wanted poster at like the highest point possible where no normal human will ever see them?!
• Well Bernardo's assassination was also quite easy (not that I'm complaining; I'm surprised that it's going so well)
• wow Ezio has come a long way since the beginning ... Requiescat in pace
• "The Assassin is relentless. We cannot hope to stop him on our own." YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT, BEFORE YOU KILL MY FAMILY
• Aww Ezio really has come a long way. Requiescat in pace Del Salvucci
• Sequence 5 finished
• A GIFT?!
• AWESOME! I can steal from as many people as I want now, without increasing the notoriety in Florence and Tuscany :D
• I like the cape
• gone?!
• Venezia? All the more reason to go there ;)
• But first to Monteriggioni
• After a few updates, it is already looking better
• Knife belt upgrade :D
• And now to Tuscany again, because I wanted to get the Assassins Seal there
• Let's infiltrate the Torre Grossa
• I liked this one :)
• So now: to VENEZIA (and Leonardo)
• Or I guess, to the mountains first?
• Leonardo! :D Ahh he's so cute. WILL I FLY?!
• Ahh a chase scene!!
• I did it :) (it was a hell of a bumpy ride and I only hav 2 and a half blue squares left, but I did it)
• (I hope there are never carriage chases again...)
• Forlì is looking sad
• 3 Codex pages!
• And 5 feathers (so far)
• And the 33rd viewpoint :)
• AND another Assassin Seal - nice!
• The seal from Rocca di Ravaldino
• I also enjoyed this one :)
• 4 from 6 now already :)
• Guards change their shifts at morning and night time
• Man Leonardo has a loud voice ... (I could hear him kilometers away)
• Apparently I need to help the madonna to get the pass
• she became engaged when she was 10?!!
• please stop flirting...
• End of sequence 6
• Desmooonnnd :D
• Desmond has a say in all that is happening? Well, I'm not so sure about that ...
• Aww Shaun the little history nerd ^^
• Open your eyes lets begin! ... (don't ask)
• Hallucinations!
• ALTAÏR!!! :D
• O.o
• With Maria?! The woman that wanted him death?!
• I'm happy for him :)  (It's nice that we see him again)
• Venezia is BIG
• I love that the colours of the guards uniform change (blue in venice, green in forlì, red/yellow in florence)
• I nearly missed the hug!
• Oh so you're better of on our own, but as soon as I fall behind and fight for you, you tell me to hurry up?! (Rosa)
• "They're shooting at us!" ... no they're not. I helped them, so now they're taking a deep nap ...
• "You work well under pressure" please if you just listened to me during the chase scene, then you would know that's not true
• Coffee
• New climbing technique!
• (Now I can finally climb the viewing point!)
• So.many.archers.!!!
• So the courtesans also fight (if you hired them and are under attack). They have a knife and everything ^^
• It is so cool that the thieves can follow you along the rooftops :D
• Also the voice actor from Federico also voices Ugo. I don't know what to do with the fact
• Always with the guards
• That didn't work like I planned it,  but I guess that works too
• Bye bye
• I love the music
• End of sequence 7
• Let's get the next Seal! (at the Basilica San Marco)
• Ahhh cool
• (and what's wrong with these camera angles ....)
• Ma'am I REALLY liked this one :) (if you take away the anxiety I felt because of the ticking)
• Ok but seriously, why is there always an woman singing during water sences in games - yes, she sings beautiful, but why?
• they argue like little children XD
• not them standing on the wide bridge, with Ezio in plain sight, and they still don't see him ...
• Yes, don't underestimate the young Assassin >:)
• And he looks straight at Ezio!!
• (New fanfiction idea: Borgia is a secret Assassin, that wanted to protect Giovanni but failed and now wants to help Ezio...)
• (Just kidding ...)
• I'm going to fly!
• Well I didn't crash into any houses
• Leonardo is so cute
• Let's hope I get there save and sound
• (And I got an achievement for it XD)
• Sequence 8 finished
• Carnevale :D
• A PISTOL?! o.O
• A mask :)
• Wouldn't you like be my date for Carnevale, Leonardo?
• The last tomb! :D
• Oh my God ... this (the big/last place in the hidden tomb) is soo big (and beautiful - nice reflections in the water)
• And of course with time again...
• Let's go to Monteriggioni!
• THE ARMOUR IS BLACK!!! AND SOOO PRETTY!!! :D (and full life bar)
• But let's get back to Venize
• Let the Carnevale begin!
• The games were very fun, but I wish that Ezio could have enjoyed the games without the constant thought in the back of his head, that he needed to win the games (otherwise he wouldn't have a chance of comming near the Doge) :/
• and of course they had to cheat
• Aannd sequence 9 finished :)
• Neeew land to exploreeee :)
• Uh my man, you don't look so good ...
• I'll liberate Bartolomeo for you :)
• O.o
• He seems nice?
• "Bella mia"?!
• "Must.Break.Bone." - I think that is the perfect description for Bartolomeo
• He has a wife?!
• Oh no, it's his sword...
• Even though the mercenaries have no lives (those live squares) they can DIE
• I love the smoke bombs
• Well let's assassinate Dante and Silvio
• I did it :)
• Ahh "Military District", makes sense
• End of the sequence :)
• 10 years already? Without his father and brothers and without answers... Oh Ezio :( (already 27, wow - and he is still searching for Pitrucuos feathers ..)
• Leonardo :D
• They looks so cute walking together
• Ahhh finally he has answers (even if just a few)
• 29th Codex Page! Just one more :D
• All 66 viewpoints!! (Seriously compared to AC1 the map of AC2 is BIG - at least that's how it seems to me)
• But where is the last Codex Page? Does Borgia have it?
• The Apple! (It has the same shell as in AC1)
• Uncle Mario? Hello? Nice to see you here?
• Why is it always with TIME?! :O
• Ezio in the clothes/armor of an enemy. Weird to see
• Even if other people knock against you, it's YOUR fault .. of course...
• Oh god, there he is o_o
• Uncle Mario :D and the others? Hello?
• "Look how good he fights" "You have improved since the last time, nipote" NO I HAVE NOT, I'M ALMOST DEAD, HELP
• "Your brothers didn't need to die, I just did it to make a point" - oh you are so definitely going to regret saying that
• Well Ezio being the Prophet would make more sense then the Spaniard
• Hello Machiavelli
• Oh Ezio we are Assassins. You are one too by the way. Meet us here at sunset. Bye :)
• ....
• Okay I got goosebumps during the ceremony, not gonna lie (I'm still mad at them tho)
• (It looked funny how they all jumped XD)
• End of sequence 11 (how many are there?)
So apparently you have to buy/download  sequence 12/13 (which I sadly can't do, so I guess it has to be enough to watch them on YouTube)
(I really liked them ^^ also I LOVE Catarina XD And it was a nice idea to end everything in Florence. There Ezio lived in innocence for the first years of his life, then he lost his family and live there and now he is back, older and wiser, and ready to leave everything behind)
But let's continue with the last sequence :)
• Desmond :D
• Anndd bye Desmond ...
• He is POPE?! :O
• all Codex Pages!! :D
• Ezio has a beard omg *-*
• But why exactly is the Papal Staff the second Piece of Eden?
• Let's go to Roma :D
• Let's finish everything...
• I don't know what happend - I went through the place like a real Assassin. So stealthy the guards didn't know that I was comming until they had my Hidden Blade in their necks ...
• (I think it's the beard)
• So, let's kill the Pope
• okay, the fastest way to kill Borgia is to just use the throwing knives
• Did he make himself invisible? o.O
• EZIO! :O
• he's alright :)
• Okay, let's do it for real this time ...
• He let him live?
• Wow he is all grown up :')
• Let's see what all this was for
• also "you anchor him"... okay?
• "The rest is up to you, Desmond" HUH?!!!
• :O
• Ezio has more questions now then before!!! Come back lady!
• "What.The.F*ck" same Demsomd, same
• Let me tell you, I got goosebumps
• Oh wait, no it wasn't
• WARREN >:(
• Bye bye, we'll see each other again ...
• Soo we're all gonna die, because the sun will cook us. That's nice to know :')
My God, that was perfect. I absolutely loved it!
I loved the story, the people and the landscapes/cities.
While we started AC1 in an random place/time, AC2 started with Ezio's birth and ended with him (after years and years) getting his revenge for the loss of his father and brothers. We have been longer with Ezio (we basically saw him grow up) and I really like him.
While AC1 was rather simple, AC2 had a lot more of activities to do, which just blew my mind. I greatly enjoyed building up Monteriggioni, getting the Seals for Altaïr's Amour (which is amazing and I'll wear it forever) and exploring the landscapes (because of the treasure chests and feathers you can find).
Also really love the fast travel options (again) and LOVED the flying mission.
The new (and many more) weapons and Hidden Blade techniques are awesome (like I said earlier, I absolutely LOVE the smoke bombs).
Furthermore, I love the whole information we get. Like I said in the beginning, in AC1 we were pretty much without any useful information the whole time. Yes we knew which time it was and where, but other then that, nothing. Now though, we have information about everything. The doctors, the courtesans, the blacksmiths, the people and buildings and I love it!
(Also I'm happy that firstly, we got more Desmond time and secondly, we got to see Altaïr again ^^)
All in all, I absolutely loved Assassin's Creed 2 and I'm excited to play Brotherhood!
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accirax · 2 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 17)
Episode 18, the last episode before the true finale begins (presumably)! As we seemingly walk down memory lane, will the cards play out as expected? Or will we be blindsided yet again?
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Grett's Elimination
Current Score: 74 acquired/109 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 25 acquired/34 total)
Howwww was it not Riya?
Well, at the very least, I seem to have a talent for choosing who Riya's meat shield will be and correctly putting them right behind her in the rankings. But, wait, for the sake of that metaphor, shouldn't they be in front of her? Either way, Riya is causing others to take damage to fuel her success, which was directly portrayed in last week's episode.
Anyways, Grett. Absolutely one of the highlights of the season, even if it became pretty obvious to me that she wouldn't be making it to the absolute endgame. I'd expected it to be Riya in Episode 17, followed by Grett in Episode 18, but it makes enough sense to me that it could be flipped the other way a--
Trailer Analysis
I don't know how much analyzing the trailer is really going to change my predictions, but there's a lot of interesting stuff in it anyways.
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Yooooo, Emily's got the Miles Edgeworth bright red sports car! I assume her and Trevor are going somewhere to further their season-spoiling quest, Trevor likely ditching work while doing it.
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So, given Jake's hair, I think we can safely assume that this scene happens after the dialogue scene shown at the end of the trailer. I'm also going to guess (given that it isn't dusk/nighttime) that Jake gets another hair tie at the start of the challenge, given that he's shown with his ponytail there.
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I initially assumed that this was part of the challenge, but the challenge takes place in the maze from the s1 face your fears challenge. So, I guess this is just an effort to distract Connor and help him have fun? It's nice to see that Ally can still get along with the guy.
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Alright, so the challenge seems to be assembling the outfits of a contestant that you were close to, the items of clothing hidden throughout the maze. Also, there's some sort of mechanic that lets contestants shock each other using the shock collars. Jake is holding Tom's gloves, and Ally Ashley's hat, so that's who they're doing. The other two figures both appear to be men. I have to assume Connor is doing Alec, because, like, who else? But also, who the hell else would Riya do...? Fucked up if they both have to fight for Alec. Possibly more fucked up if Riya has to do Connor while he's still in the competition.
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Oh my god, Riya does have to do Connor; those are his glasses right there. Imagine if Riya starts ripping his clothes off to save time. Probably not the reason why Connor would have wanted that to happen.
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"Here. It'll keep it from falling." "How's it look, doc?" "It's giving." "Giving? Giving what?"
Ah, more classic Connor old man jokes. I don't really know how a hair tie on top of a bandage would possibly be giving, but, you do you, Jake.
Power Ranking
#1: Jake
Jake is not going to be eliminated. He's the only season 1 character left. If there was a threat of him being sent home by Ally or whoever, I have no doubts that the writers would simply create a challenge that he would win to make him immune from going home. Also, he's going to win the season. Thank you for your time.
#2: Connor
Alright, on to the actual difficult decision of the power ranking. Really, Connor is the one who's manifesting this second place position for me. He's the one who keeps saying that he's going to beat Riya in the war between them. With this much hype leading up to it, that has to mean that he places better than she does, right?
The tricky thing here is that, right now, there are two heroic boys and two villainous girls. No matter how you slice, it you're going to wind up with a final 3 containing two of one and one of the other. However, I do think it's more likely that they'd have two "heroes" in the finale than two "villains." I already think it's obvious that Jake is going to win, but if it's Jake versus Ally and Riya, they should just hand him the $3mil three episodes early. Keeping Connor in the game will leave some level of suspense in the air, as well as keep the whole finale from becoming Jake vs. the Forces of Evil. (DC and SvtFoE must be kept away from each other at all costs. Letting their insane shipping energies combine would create a love triangle so endlessly potent that it could wipe out entire countries.)
Really, Connor's main issues come down to his injury. In this episode with a very active challenge, I have to imagine that it'll keep him from winning immunity. Thus, Riya, and possibly Ally as well, will likely be voting for him. And then, even if he makes it to the finale, we face the problem of "how can Connor be an engaging finalist if his broken ankle basically starts him dead in the water?"
This episode is easy enough to let slide, given that there are plenty of advantageous ways the vote could shake out. Ally could agree to vote for Riya with Connor and Jake, Riya could agree to vote for Ally with Connor and Jake, or Riya and Ally could split their votes (like Riya on Connor and Ally on Jake) leaving Connor and Jake as the majority. And, even if Ally and Riya do vote for Connor, there's always the possibility that he could win a tiebreaker to stay in the competition. Venus came up with that as an idea for how their "war" could end, and I think that could be pretty interesting.
As for the finale, I think it's fine if Connor doesn't have much winner equity as long as him bowing out at 3rd place finalist paves the way for a dynamic final duo to close out the season. However, that part really depends on who's becoming part of that duo with Jake. Speaking of...
#3: Ally
I really, really think that Ally will be in the finale. The finAlly, if you will. However, between her and Connor, I think she would be the more likely one to be eliminated.
Something that Venus reminded me of is that this is the last episode before we check in with the Loser's Motel. Thus, whoever is eliminated here will be a part of that episode, as the most recent move-in. I already said last week that it seems like Connor probably doesn't need to go to the Loser's Motel, as he wrapped things up with Alec when Alec was eliminated. Between the two of them, I think it'd be much more valuable to let Ally finally talk more with Hunter and Tess, as well as seeing the reaction to her on social media, than anything Connor would be doing there. Giving Ally the Loser's Motel episode to finish out her character journey could be helpful, so that she doesn't have to fight for screen time with Jake and the other finalist (lol) in the finale. Ally could serve as the main character of that episode.
I guess I could also see it making sense to have Jake beat Ally now? With a Jake/Connor/Riya finale, maybe the direction they'd take it is that Jake already won his interpersonal battle, so while Riya and Connor fight things out (with Connor beating her to get his spiritual win), Jake gets to focus on his own game to come out on top. Although, that does then make it seem like Jake and Connor would be the final 2, which is a pretty non-hostile conclusion to this overly dramatic show. Also a not-at-all-tense one, when one competitor is almost double the age of the other and hobbling on one foot.
I don't really know why I'm trying to argue so hard that Ally is going home. Perhaps I'm pre-justifying it for when the person right behind Riya in my rankings goes home instead of Riya again. But-- say it with me now-- it HAS to be Riya this time, right?!
#4: Riya
I really don't see how Riya gets out of this episode alive. Like, yes, in-universe, she could probably win immunity again. But, even in-universe, I feel like Jake and Connor would legit rather let Ally win immunity by losing their own chances tackling Riya to the ground to prevent her from winning again. And then what, she winds up in a 2-2 tiebreaker? That she definitely loses to Connor, and almost certainly Jake if she were to fight him as well?
Riya is not a finalist. I refuse to believe that she will be. I really, really don't think that, after everything, they're going to let her into the finals again. It makes so much more sense for her to go down at final 4. With only one chance left, I really hope the writers finally take her out this time.
Alright, well. Not much to say with this one, given that I really don't think that Jake is going home and I really think Riya is. Please let that be right this time. For everyone's sakes.
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flowerflamestars · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#its totally cool and fine that you are not married to me but i am married to you and in love and in fact can i do this every day until i die
My Top Posts in 2021
Petty small things roundup, in which I try not to verge into what I super hated:
-Did anyone else keep getting jarred by the 300% increase in the insistence that everyone call each other sister/brother? like we, the reader, cannot understand a found family unless it’s spelled out in nuclear terms. 
- god, someone feed Cassian some fucking fruit. let Nesta brush her teeth. oh my god
-pregnancy scent descriptors? GROSS yall. whole gross vibe
-why why why would Nesta need to wear head to toe leather to work out at the House of Wind? they’re flight leathers. they’re for warmth in brutal cold. the woman is doing squats in leather pants.
- are we....supposed to be sympathetic to Cassian’s bitchy Eris makes me feel like I’m bad at the job I am bad at! that he is good at! that he acts like a dick about to make me even worse at!
(like, obviously there’s some racist shit there. But it’s just so weirdly focused on: he’s prettier! cleverer! so smooth! he makes me FEEL AWKWARD while he’s being smooth and clever!)
-Morrigan...dressed Nesta? what
- Hounds were mentioned and yet, we saw not a single hound. Incorrect faery hound usage
- remember when we used to happily joke about how Galathynius was SUCH a fantasy name? remember when s/jm made up names instead of...borrowing them from real life? lifting whole concepts and then very lightly changing them? gracelessly?
-500 years is NOT A LONG TIME TO IMMORTAL PEOPLE WHO CAN... live forever unless killed???if all our cast are demonstrably still shaped/dealing with things that happened then, hey, maybe they also remember things from that time period?
-do they not...actually chose what shape/location the deal tattoos take? because rhys definitely chose how feyre’s turned out two books ago
- can someone tell s/jm that sometimes...adult people whose parents didn’t bother to raise them...don’t enshrine those parents in their memories after death. and that’s okay? 
-why WHY would all the other Queens just nope out? are we supposed to assume they were killed? Surely the entire missing monarchy would raise...some flags in human territory?
- Feyre...transforms...into another kind/race of faery. just... I can’t.. If I actually try to talk about how bad this is my brain will explode.
- on one hand, why the hell is Rhysand daring put a stop to Helion’s incredible sense for how to make an entrance? ON THE OTHER, why did I just read a mini magic horse biography in the middle of this book
-Somehow...I feel like...Varian probably isn’t going to get to keep whatever office he holds in Summer while living in the Night Court? shouldn’t.
this didn’t exist when the other books were being written. I would bet...so so much that it didn’t even exist until a late round of edits. this is a BAD concept
-I read this book yesterday and I have already forgotten the name of the big bad
- there are NO female self-defense instructors? in this whole ass Court metropolis?
-I thought the mean librarian was going to be a surviving Valkyrie. it was too cool a thought for this novel
-Illyrian’s can only winnow? one night a year? and they exclusively use it to start the yearly murder game? is it SERIOUSLY only the men that can winnow? 
- Pregnant mate announcing pregnancy to the Court of Nightmares, fine. Pregnant mate getting a kiss on the cheek from her dude friend/ ‘brother’ BAD
-Regifting jewelry is a dick move
- but why does Vallahan matter? at all? 
- Illyrian rebellion man died OFF PAGE?
-if I were a blacksmith, and some of my swords clearly somehow became Legendary Magic Swords, I wouldn’t act like that was a fearful imposition?
See the full post
211 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 02:36:07 GMT
guys guys GUYS modern Eris is not a HUNK. He's the tall, fine-boned, PRETTY. Lanky strong at best. He wears spf 110 and lightly sneers at the farmers market at people buying Clearly Not Local Fruit. A hot lawyer cliche from a romcom but a)actually does the job and b) is Even More Immaculate and Mean than mr boring sexy corporate. Erase the Henley in your mind. ERASE IT. He wears stupid Gucci boots and lives in a house that is 50% books & 50% Nesta. They don't invite people over.
180 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 04:29:20 GMT
He’d been mass-produced- she was just famous, and far, far from safety.   She wasn’t even trying. Head to toe in white like a fucking beacon, brutally bright against the endless sand, even as the light faded. The Alderani mourning braid could have been clocked from a mile away, pins shining in the mass of her hair.   Foolish as fuck- maybe she did, actually, have something in common with her twin besides day of birth.   Boba pulled off his helmet, and watched the measured, sure steps, of Leia Organa approaching his throne.   It felt like too much, to say her name. He’d heard that piece of shit smuggler call her princess, like it didn’t send pain lashing through those furious, dark eyes.   It wasn’t even her correct fucking title.   “Huttslayer,” Boba grumbled, empty space carrying the rasp of his voice.   And Leia smiled.   “Lord Fett.”   Maybe not foolish. Maybe she just knew that if anyone on this planet touched her, they’d lose their hands- and any other offending appendages Boba could cut off for her, unless she wanted the work herself.
151 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 16:18:29 GMT
okay i’m still obsessed with your idea of nesta and tarquin together!! would you mind giving us a little more on that, like how would they first interact, what would nesta think of him, all of that? thank you so much!!!! 💚💚
I would love to!!!
The important thing to remember about the Tarquin Draft is that is has the same main story as Daylight: Nesta in Day, Nesta the Library, Helion’s grumpy best, best truest friend ride or die companion.
So Nesta doesn’t actually meet Tarquin again until she’s halfway to okay. It’s plotwise timeline closest to where she is in the most recent chapter- feeling at home in her body, really hitting her stride as Librarian, gaining a reputation as just an absolutely formidable force who helps anyone who asks.
There’s been correspondence between the Library and Summer- Nesta, acting as a go-between for Kallias- but remember, no one uses her name. 
So it’s a big surprise when the Librarian arrives in Summer, pulls down her black and gold hood and...there is Feyre Archeron’s face, like a nightmare. Except not- wearier, sharper, older, devastation and salvation like the sunrise after a storm at sea- Nesta, who laughs in Cresseida’s face when the Princess of Adriata calls her a Night Court spy.
Nesta: wouldn’t that require belonging to the Night Court? Try my baby sister, if you’d like to yell about idiotic plans. Where are the books that keep eating people?
Cresseida is so wary, but Nesta, of course, isn’t actually going to leave before handling the cursed trove some Summer sailors pulled from the sea. She’s the Librarian.
Tarquin just...doesn’t want this. Doesn’t want to be proved inexperienced, that he can’t act for his people’s good by a beautiful woman again. But Nesta aggressively wants to help, and ultimately, he lets her.
And Nesta acts nothing like Feyre.
She takes off that cloak of office (listen, I’m picturing like, the coolest wide-legged, sleeveless white linen jumpsuit that has EVER existed, chic but functional), puts on a sunhat that she...magicked into her hand? and stomps into the shallows. Starts pulling sailors souls out of the treasure and hauling them to shore.
It’s terrifyingly efficient. And listen, Tarquin doesn’t give a shit about rank, so he, after some very blushy surprise because no, he did not know he had a competency kink and Nesta Archeron has tiny adorable little freckles on her shoulders- gets in the waves to help.
Nesta doesn’t even look at him.
What she does is save the lives of twelve of his men, pick up the faintly hissing, utterly cursed chest of books that started all this, and ask Cresseida is there’s a room where she can work. 
So they take her to the palace. 
The beautiful ambassadors rooms, windows and silk and the sound of water. 
It becomes clear that the curse is in fact, just a curse, but one that can only be broken under the full moon, which is two weeks away. So Nesta stays, being the only person who can keep that magic from spreading. The only payment she wants is to take the books back when she goes which leaves Tarquin, arms full of the traditional gift of pearls, VERY embarrassed.
But he gets over it. Tarquin is genuinely chill- he has baggage from the weight of his responsibility, of being fooled by the Night Court- but he’s also so, so young. Kind. Curious. He doesn’t want to judge Nesta on the actions of people related to her, and once she proves herself, he doesn’t.
And meanwhile Nesta is like, cool. Cool, cool, cool- I can’t sleep while I’m here, I can’t winnow home and sleep because the Library can’t suppress a curse from hundreds of miles away, I’m not going to steal the books like a fucking thief in the night like Feyre-
So Nesta does a lot of exploring. 
Tarquin comes into the harbor one morning, pink still streaking the sky. He’d been up in predawn doing Manly Boating Things with his navy- he walks through the harbor, lets the sounds his happy people sooth the rush of magic that still surprises him- to shape the sea, to cease the waves, to bend the world, to call the tide- and goes looking for breakfast.
Instead, he finds Nesta.
In line a line waiting for fresh bread and pastries, in another insanely attractive white outfit, looking at the sky. She’s alone- he’d given her guards, servants, knew damn well Cresseida was watching her- holding a basket, drinking coffee with her free hand.
So Tarquin joins her.
It cannot be overstated how genuinely charmed they both are with how normal it is. No death and war between them. No magic drawing them together. No real history- Nesta isn’t Feyre in the slightest- just a man with salt drying in his hair and a beautiful grin, asking if he can buy Nesta breakfast. 
Just Nesta, and the only High Lord she’s ever met besides Helion who isn’t aggressive. As she says, Nesta has as many problems with High Fae men as they tend to her- the siren song of power, challenge called to challenge by her very primordial being.
And listen, Tarquin is a huge, very physical dude. Summer faeries are touchy, in a friendly way. But he also, like Helion, is smart enough to pick up on how screamingly uncomfortable men make Nesta. He doesn’t know why, and noticing it made him feel a little sick- but he’s careful. Kind, funny Tarquin, whose managed in knowing her just a few days to figure out how to approach her without triggering her.
So Nesta says yes. Nesta probably says something snarky as hell about his High Lordly hospitality.
And Tarquin laughs- genuinely, beautiful.
He’s still laughing when they get to humble little window, and Nesta goes still. 
See the full post
146 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 17:38:27 GMT
all she wanted...WAS CASSIAN AND BABIES?
No power. Didn’t actually complete the bloodrite she killed her way across. Keeps giving up her damn sword. Nothing for herself but some dude, who will always value a High Lord over her. 
124 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 22:37:25 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
13 notes · View notes
imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Description: Ross MacDonald x Reader (Female) | You and your group of friends had loved Halloween since being kids and every year you went above and beyond with your costumes. When you needed a duo costume Ross was always the one you’d go to and over the years you’d become closer and closer. And that means that feelings get stronger and stronger. But would you be in for a trick or a treat?
Word Count: 10.4k
Warnings: Game of Thrones spoilers
A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! Here’s my little treat to you all! My Ross Anon thank you so much for sending this in. This is one of my favourite fics I’ve written and I’m glad it’s for my favourite member of one of my favourite bands. Hope you all enjoy! I’d love to see some of your reactions! Thank you for reading x
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Halloween traditions had taken place between you and your friends for years. It was something you always loved to do.
Seeing how big the ‘holiday’ was in America made you wish you were over there to celebrate. Most people around your parts didn't really care so it wasn't a big deal to dress up.
Most of your other friends saw it as an excuse to have a piss up at someone’s house, which was fine, but Halloween to you was about being scary or putting actual effort into your costume. Bunny ears and devil horns paired with a slutty dress really wasn't your style.
So you were glad you had actual friends who had the same mentality as you. Not that your lad friends would have condemned you for dressing slutty but they knew you liked to go all out for Halloween. So that's what you’d always done.
Growing up on the outskirts of Manchester meant that you could always quickly and easily go into town to find yourself something. Whether that be clothes for normal days or shopping for your favourite night of the year.
You mainly had guy friends so it was quite easy to go as something fun or scary for Halloween. And you were thankful that they were as into it as you because each year you set a budget of how much you wanted to spend on a costume.  
The five of you had been friends since primary school but you’d somehow always been together for Halloween. Whether as kids that were staying at one of their houses and watching scary films after you'd been trick or treating, or eventually going out to parties... It was always the five of you.
~*~*~*~ 2003 ~*~*~*~
“What are we doing for Halloween this year?” You ask, sitting yourself down next to Matty on his settee.
“Don’t know” Matty sighs, “We need to go out and have a good around”
You look around at the other three boys who surrounded you. George already looked bored of the conversation, or perhaps he wasn't paying attention at all.
Adam looked half interested, but you could tell that he was as useless as Matty for ideas. Ross looked interested in the topic of conversation but again seemed to be no help because he was just sitting waiting for someone else to come up with something.
“I don’t mind doing face paints?” You offer, knowing you’d be decent at it. You were Fourteen and could do your makeup surprisingly well when you put your mind to it. “I think I’ll be able to do it”
“Yeah that’s good. Let’s see what costumes we can find and then you can see what face paint you can do” Ross smiles and the rest of the lads nod in agreement.
Hours later you found yourself in Manchester in the Arndale browsing the shops in search for the perfect costume. You didn't necessarily all want to go as something scary but if you weren't doing anything scary, you wanted to do something you needed to put some sort of effort into.
But maybe it wasn't the year for that and you’d have to do something like that when you were all older. You were half sure you each had a £20 note and maybe at a push one of you had an extra £5.
You were only 14 years old afterall, there weren't many ways you could get more money without begging your parents for it. And none of you were like that.
So you were all in one of the pop up shops browsing the abundance of costumes that the shop had to offer when you and Ross saw exactly what you could go as. You both paused, looked at each other and when the grin broke out on both of your faces, you had to shout the others over.
“Guys” You shout, and when they turn around to look at you, you wave them over. “I’ve got an idea”
That year you ended up going as a green ghost and the lads went as the ghostbusters. It was really fun and the pictures that you all took were all hilarious.
You’d attended one of your friends house parties and it was such a fun night. That was one of the first nights you’d got properly drunk and there was a photo of Ross almost having to pick you up and put you over his shoulder because you’d passed out and needed to get home.
You didn't remember getting home, but apparently he and George helped you back. Something which you were grateful to them for, but didn’t remember.
All you could picture from the night before was having a great time with your mates and to you that meant that you wouldn't change anything about it.
~*~*~*~ 2006 ~*~*~*~
This year, Halloween was going to be a little more difficult. You desperately wanted to go as characters from your favourite Halloween film, The Nightmare Before Christmas, but you needed one of the boys to be your Jack Skellington.
Last year you all went as the Power Rangers and you painted the masks onto each of your faces. You were the pink one, George was blue, Matty was red, Ross was black, and Adam was green.
The year before that you’d been tasked with putting your creativity to the test and you’d made really gruesome facial wounds with makeup and a wax that would stay on all your faces. You'd been really proud of it because all five of you got compliments all night and all the boys said it was your handy work.
However, you knew that this year was going to be different. You obviously wanted your Jack Skellington, but you didn't think you were going to find yourself one.
Unfortunately at the age of 17 you hadn’t yet found yourself a boyfriend. You weren't the only one so you weren't that fussed, but that just meant it would be harder for you to persuade one of your friends to be the other half of your ‘couple’ costume.
And you knew how stubborn these boys were. You knew that this year Matty and George wanted to go as Shaggy and Scooby.
Adam and his girlfriend wanted to go as Gomez and Moticia, so Adam was out of the question. So that meant that you only had one option left.
So you’d gone round to Ross’ house under the pretence of a movie night with him, to ask him if he would dress up with you. But you when you did you were half way through your second film and he was having none of it.
“Ross please” You beg him, getting onto your knees on his bed so you were blocking the TV from his view.
The brunette just shakes his head at you, “Y/N/N I don’t really want to”
You put your hands on his shoulders so he’d stop trying to look around you, “Please”
“Y/N/N” Ross sighs, before picking up the remote to pause Scream 2.  
“Ross, come on” You beg him, and you’re pleading with your eyes when you say, “I never ask you for anything and none of the other lads will do it with me”
“What so I’m your last resort?” Ross asks you with his eyebrows raised.  
“No, you’re the first person I've asked” You tell him honestly, “But I know that they definitely won't do it with me”
Ross shakes his head and gestures to his bedroom door, as if his mates were there, “Well go ask them”
“Ross please” You’re just fully begging now, “I’ll do anything”
A smirk makes its way onto the brunette's face then. He also raises his eyebrows suggestively when he asks, “Anything?”
“Almost anything” You roll your eyes.
You and Ross had been weirdly flirting with each other now and again over the past few months. You think he started doing it more when he complimented you on how you looked and when you went all shy and flustered on him, he enjoyed it.
So here you were now months down the line, probably a lot closer friends because of it too, and he was flirting with you whilst you both sat on his bed.
Ross’ smirk gets impossibly bigger and you can hear the suggestive tone when he grins, “You know you want to Y/N/N”
You scoff a little, “Ross MacDonald the only way you'll get me into bed is if you somehow make me stop thinking of you as my friend”
“Kiss me then and see if it changes your mind” Ross tells you confidently, moving a little closer to you, but not so much that he made you want to retreat.  
“I’m not kissing you” You shake your head, your jaw a little agape until you can control yourself a little better.
You weren't expecting him to say that of all things today. This was the most overt he’d been in his flirting with you.
Ross usually liked to do it when the other guys were around, so you would get all flustered. You thought it was in hopes that one of your other friends would notice and call you out on it and ask you why.
But there had also been lingering touches too. For example, when you hugged him he would hold you for the slightest bit longer, and other times he would find a way to innocently get his hands on you, but the subtle acts of affection would have your heart rate double in speed.
“Kiss me and I'll go as Jack Skellington with you next week” Ross tries to bargain dropping the cocky act, just hoping that you would actually kiss him.
He can tell just by the way you’re looking at him that you were flustered and didn't know what to do. You more than likely didn't believe him either but he really wanted to try his luck.
Ross could also practically see the cogs whirring around in your head trying to think of a way out or an alternative to the ultimatum he just gave you. But he could see how desperate you were just a few minutes earlier.
“Don't try and think of a way around it, I just won't do it. I'll go as Jack Sparrow like I was meant to” Ross tells you and you know he’s serious.
You think about it for a few seconds and you know he’s not going to change his mind. So you give in, “Fine” and offer his hand to shake, as if it was a real business transaction.
Ross takes your hand and shakes it and you can tell he is about to smirk at you. You could practically see it rising to his lips, so to stop that you remove your hand from his after you’d completed the shake and you hold your index finger up at him.
“But you get your kiss on Halloween” You tell him.
And his entire face falls, “That wasn't the deal”
You're a little proud of yourself for making him drop his cocky act, so you tell him with a smirk, “You didn't specify when you wanted the kiss… And you already shook on it, you have to live up to your end of the deal now and be my Jack Skellington”
“Then shake my hand again to promise me that I'll get my kiss on Halloween” Ross says, holding his hand out to you.
You hold back your smirk as you take his hand and shake it.
Before either of you knew it October 31st was upon you and Ross had just walked into your bedroom. You already had all your face and body paint out ready to get started, so you were eager that your friend had finally arrived.
“Sit down, sit down” You usher him in and to sit on your desk chair.
You prep him on everything you were going to do and Ross seemed fine with everything. He was just glad that it was finally Halloween and he would get his kiss from you today.
“Am I okay to gel your hair back?” You ask him, sitting opposite him on your bed.
Ross shuffled himself towards you because he knew you’d want him closer than he was on your chair in the middle of your room now. He smiles at you and says, “I mean, you’re going to do it anyway even if I say no”
“You’re right” You grin and get yourself to work.
You’d been working on his face for half an hour now and you had the base of his face down and outlines drawn, you just needed to add all the darker stuff before you add in your detail.
“Do you enjoy doing this?” Ross asked you over the music that you’d both put on.
You’d just been in a little trance as you worked on the area just under his eyes and he couldn't help but admire you as you worked. He knew that you'd do an excellent job as you always did with your Halloween stuff.  
You’d always made them all look good.
“Yeah” You grin, looking away from the lines you are drawing and into his brown eyes, “You know how much I love Halloween”
“I mean doing makeup on people” Ross corrects himself, smiling at you a little seeing your Y/E/C eyes wander from his brown ones back to whatever art you were creating on his skin.
He was genuinely interested. Half the time he thought you were going to abandon your career ambitions of being a music producer to become a makeup artist. Sometimes when you walked into the room he’d be floored by how beautiful you looked with your makeup on.
He had the exact same reaction to when he saw you with your makeup off though.
“I mean I don’t mind it but I don’t want to do it unless it’s for Halloween” You tell him honestly, trying your best to concentrate on the dark lines you were creating around his eyes. “Like I wouldn’t paint kids faces at parties and stuff like that”
Ross nods when you move back to get some more face paint on your brush. He feels the need to assure you, “You’re really good at it”
You grin when you turn back towards him, “Thank you”
Another half an hour goes by and you've moved on to around his mouth, trying to get all the teeth painted on his lips and up onto his cheeks. Jack Skellington had a huge toothy smile and you were going to do your best to replicate that on your friend.
You were just glad he didn't have his beard that he so desperately wanted to grow, or this would be nothing but a fantasy. The conversation moves on to this ‘holiday’ as Halloween was both yours and Ross’ favourite day of the year.
“What are we going as next year?” Ross asks you as you get more paint on your brush again.
Ross had to be very aware of when he could speak as he knew you’d murder him if he ruined the art that you were putting onto his body. You’d hate him even more if he did it before you even got to the party.
You try your best to think of different duo Halloween costumes, but you couldn’t really think of much. You shrugged before randomly picking, “We could go as Woody and Jessie?”
Ross nodded a little, “That’s a fun one”
You both threw a few ideas out but Woody and Jessie seemed to be the preferred choice over them. Or that was the case until you had a brain wave.  
“Oh, you know what would be good?” You ask, removing your brush away from his skin so he could get excited the same way you were.
Ross raised his now non existent eyebrows at you, and smiling at you seeing you bounce a little on your bed getting excited at whatever idea you’d just had. Your grinning like a mad woman when you say, “Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable”
Ross’ jaw dropped at that great idea. He loved it. “Oh my god, yes! Let’s do that”
“Okay sorted” You grin before you finish off his makeup by adding extra details with eyeshadow to create more definition where it was needed.  
Another two hours went by and you were all Sally’ied up. And Ross wasn't shy with his compliments of what you’d created too.
All you had left to do was spray the top of Ross’ hair white and then put your costumes on. You’d gone all out with the costumes too, Ross had the striped suit and you had the patchy dress.
You loved these characters so much that you’d gone all out on body paint to make your arms blue, like the colour of Sally’s skin in the film, and you’d got tights that were blue too. You’d also got a decent wig and you could safely say that you were proud of what you’d created.
And you had to admit to yourself that Ross looked really good, especially in his suit.
When you were both dressed and ready to head downstairs to inevitably take pictures, Ross stopped you by your bedroom door. He was holding your waist when he asked, “So when do I get my kiss Sweetheart?”
“MacDonald you have to be joking” You shake your head at him, “We’ve been in here five hours, I’m not ruining our makeup just to kiss you”
“So when do I get it?” He was persistent and wanted an answer, and he was certain that you’d be flushed if your skin wasn’t painted blue.
“We have all night Ross” You remind him, “And I’m certainly not ruining either of our faces before we get to that party”
Ross lets you slip out of his grasp knowing you were right and it really would be a waste of time if you ruined your hard work before your other friends got a chance to compliment you on it.
When you both headed downstairs you got so many pictures with him it was unreal. It was truly a surprise he didn't want to escape you by the end of the night, because you’d been forced into a bunch more at the party too.
But Ross was still hanging around you, always ready to include you in a conversation that he was roped into, ensuring you were never left out. It had been a nice night and surprisingly uneventful.
All except for Ross’ lingering touches and tight holds. You didn't mind per say because you were drinking and if anyone questioned you on it you could just blame it on that.
Because there was no way in hell you’d be telling anyone that you liked the way it felt to have Ross hold you against his side like you were his. He was your friend who found it funny to flirt with you at the end of the day, and nothing more.
You certainly wouldn’t be jeopardizing that to find out if it was anything more.
But apparently your dearest friend didn't hold those same worries as you.
When you went around telling everyone that you were going home around 3am because your taxi was about to arrive, Ross followed you outside. Partly making sure you got in the car okay, but also partly for selfish reasons.
“Where’s my kiss?” Ross asked you after the door closed behind him, seeing you stood near the end of the driveway.
“Oh Ross” You cooed, walking over to him to cup his cheek. He looked down at you like he was confused and to be fair to him, he had every right to be. “Thought you’d have learnt by now MacDonald…”
“I said I’d kiss you on Halloween” You remind him, and Ross nods understanding that.
“It is Halloween” He says, looking at you like you’d lost the plot.
There was a little bip of a car horn then which made you turn around to signal 1 minute to the driver. When you turn back around to your close friend, you leant up to whisper into his ear.
“I didn't say I'd kiss you this Halloween” You grin, letting your lips brush against his ear as you said it.
When you move out of his grasp though, you send him an evil knowing smirk before you head over to your taxi. And Ross hated that this had been your plan all along.
So you left him there, outside the party with his jaw locked, and a little fuming at you that you’d played him like that. But he couldn't even bring himself to be angry at you for more than the 2 minutes he stood there watching the taxi drive away.
He’d practically spent the full day with you and he’d loved every second.
After that night Ross and you always did Halloween together no matter what. And those nights with each other were some of the best nights of both of your lives.
Despite Ross still not getting his kiss, even when it wasn’t Halloween.
2007 you both went as Kim and Ron like you’d agreed and the year after that you both made an appearance as Jessie and Woody from Toy Story. The next few years after that you all went back to group costumes.
2009 saw you all as the characters from the Wizard of Oz. You went as Dorothy, Ross was the lion, Matty was the scarecrow, Adam was the tinman,and George was Toto.
2010 you all went as the ghosts from Pac-Man which was quite fun running about chasing each other for half the night. The year after, you all went as Spongebob characters which was amusing when you did the voices all night.
In 2012 you all went as the Avengers which was amazing. You went as Black Widow, Ross went as Thor, Adam went as Hawkeye, Matty was Captain America, and George was Iron Man.
2013 resulted in you and Ross reverting back to your duo costumes and you went as Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan. The following year you went as Alice and the Mad Hatter but you made the characters slightly more gory with your makeup.
2015 saw you and Ross as a couple from The Purge but then the other lad jumped on the bandwagon and bought masks along with you. So the year again resulted in a really fun group costume.
But in 2016 there was a bit of a debate over Halloween because the guys were on their US tour. And that obviously meant that this was the first year you’d be alone this time around.
Or so you thought.
“Y/N/N come on” Ross pleaded with you over the phone.
“Ross I can't just fly out to America” You say still really shocked that he’d asked you to join them on tour.
Ross is adamant though, “Yes, you can”
“I can't” You tell him shaking your head as if he could see you.
There was no way you could be out of the studio for that long. You were trying to finish producing Wolf Alice’s upcoming album, and you all wanted it done as soon as possible and you were only at the beginning of the process now.
“You can” Ross tells you sternly, “I’ve already asked Jamie to give it you off and he said it's fine”
“Ross” You scorn him, “You can't do that”
You couldn’t believe you he’d gone above your head and asked Jamie.
“Well I can and he was fine with it. He said that the band needs a break from it anyway” Your best friend tells you, and he follows up with, “I'm sorry but it’s done now and your ticket is paid for”
“Ross” You gasp.
You had no idea he’d booked the ticket.
“Y/N, I've spent the last fifteen years doing Halloween with you and the fact that we have a show on Halloween means that you can’t not come and see it. And Hann has made it massively Star Wars themed so we're all dressing up on stage for the night ” Ross tells you, ”You can't not dress up and come to the show with us”
“Are you sure?” You ask after a few moments in complete shock.
But the more you thought about it, the more you wanted to spend your favourite night of the year with him. You hadn’t seen him in person since early July and now it was the last week of October.
“Of course I’m sure Y/N/N” Ross tells you and you can hear how sincere he’s being.
“There'd literally be no point in me doing this Halloween show if you weren't there at the side of the stage, in a costume of your own, cheering me on” You can practically hear his smile thinking about it and it just gets you excited too.
“What am I even going to go as, apart from the obvious ones? There's not a lot of female characters in Star Wars and I'm assuming Matty is going as Princess Leia” You say with a massive grin on your face.
To be honest you could picture Matty taking the piss and showing up at her. It would be quite amusing.
Ross let out a loud laugh at what you said and you were silently giggling to yourself at the thought of it. He informed you that John was actually going as Leia and that thought alone had you in fits of giggles.
You had a massive grin on your face and it didn't leave as Ross told you that Matty was going as Kylo Ren, Adam was obviously going as Han Solo (you laughed more than you'd care to admit when he told you that), George was going as a Luke Skywalker in the Red 5 pilot outfit and Ross was going as Chewbacca.
“Ross you‘re going to be sweating so much” You laugh.
“Yeah I know but it's going to be so fun” He grinned, wishing he could see you get excited over Halloween, “And afterwards, when we go out, I'm going as Poe so I'll be alright after my shower”
You ask him curiously, “What do you want me to go as?”
“Personally...” Ross started, trying to contain the grin breaking out on his face, “I’d like to see you as Leia in that gold bikini”
“Course you would” You grin shaking your head even though he couldn't see you.
And you were glad he couldn’t because you could feel that your cheeks were hot.
The flirting between you hadn’t stopped over the years. It obviously did when you were both in relationships but it always creeped back in when you were both single.
“How about we go with Rey, if she hasn't been taken?” You suggest, remembering that her outfit in the film was pretty cool.
“She hasn't been taken, no, but I’d really like you to go as slave Leia” Ross informs you and you can hear his smirk.
Your jaw drops but you don’t let that affect you. You fire back, as if he didn’t just make you silently gasp, “We don't always get what we want”
“I know“ Ross grins, “I’ve been waiting for my Halloween kiss for the past decade”
You giggle, “Are you still not over that?”
“Absolutely not, you left me there absolutely gutted. Seventeen year old me is still injured” Ross tells you and you can hear the humour in his voice.
“Well Ross, maybe if you didn't get a girlfriend the next year you’d have got it then” You tease.
Ross just gasps though, “Says you! You’re the one who was in a relationship for five years after that”
“Don’t say that like you were left out” You say a little offended. “Halloween has been, and always will be, mine and yours’ thing... Still dressed up with you every single year and I have done since I can remember”
Ross mumbles, “I know” a few times and you settle into a small comfortable silence. You liked it when you were just aware of the others presence and that you could speak up when you wanted to.
“I‘m glad you're coming this year… It means a lot Y/N/N” Ross tells you genuinely.
You smile hearing him say that. You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from fully grinning.
You tell him honestly but say it as a little joke, “I'm glad I don't have to spend it on my own”
You chat for a little longer, getting as much out of the phone call as you could. With you busy during the day with work, it left you tired most nights and with Ross in America at least 5 hours behind you, there weren't many nights you found yourselves able to talk to each other.
But when you’re wrapping up your conversation, you think back to your costume for this year. “Okay so we're in agreement on my costume then?”
“Yeah of course” Ross tells you, “I’ll order you the slave Leia costume now, just send me your sizes”
You can hear his suggestive smirk and it makes you smile but you sternly tell him, “Rey, Ross...I’m being serious”
“Whatever Princess” Ross grins, “I’ll see you soon”
The concert in Pittsburgh was amazing and was easily their best and funniest gig you'd been to. You were standing at the side of the stage and you couldn't stop laughing the entire time.
Partly because you were watching Matty walk around with a lightsaber on stage like it was always meant to happen and because Hann was Han Solo and you found it a lot funnier than you should have. But also partly, and mostly, because you were watching Ross play bass in a fucking Chewbacca costume.
It was everything you didn't know you needed in your life.
It was so fun earlier watching them all get changed. It was like a new lease of life before they all went on stage.
You hadn’t seen them like this before and it was really refreshing to see all of your friends so energised before a gig. It was unusual because usually it was a calm before the storm atmosphere, but this time it was the complete opposite.
Matty was waving his lightsaber around like he was a Jedi Knight or a Sith Lord and to be fair to him he was pretty good at it. You’d been surprised multiple times when he hadn't dropped the thing to the ground.
George, dressed in his orange jumpsuit, was standing on the settee that was backstage and he was jumping all over it like he was in an X-Wing trying to make his way through the Kessel Run. He was acting crazy, like Michael Scott from The Office in the parkour scene, except with Star Wars sound effects being released from his lips.
Adam was just as bad getting his blaster out of his holster every few seconds to try and make George dodge the shots he was ‘firing’. But unsurprisingly the loudest one of them all was your Wookiee who was making the Chewbacca noise at the top of his voice.
God help him when he had to sing ‘End of your cigarette’ later on.
They dragged you into being loud too. You were dressed in Rey's costume, obviously from The Force Awakens, a film you’d seen many times with this bunch.
So you really shouldn't have been surprised when Matty dragged you into a lightsaber fight like you really were the characters who you were dressed up as. You’d been fighting for a few minutes, trying your best to actually fight but also trying not to break the lightsabers you had.  
“Are you really trying to use the force right now?” You laugh as you circle each other, watching Matty as he held his hand up in the air at you.
Matty grinned, “Thought choking you might distract you”
“The thought might do if you were Adam Driver. But alas… You're just Matthew Healy” You shrug the comment off.
He had nothing on Adam Driver.
“Sorry, I'll get your Chewie over here to do it to you instead” Matty teased, his tongue teasingly sticking out a bit, knowing about the weird flirty relationship between you and Ross.
You shook your head at the curly haired man before you started fighting with him again. This time with a little more incentive to injure him.
Unfortunately though, he was saved by the bell and it was showtime. You wished them all luck before you made your way to the side of the stage so you could watch the new and improved movie titles move up the screen.
You loved every single second of this concert. You were so glad you’d been invited and you came.
During the break between the encore Ross had come over to you to tell you that everyone was coming on stage who was dressed up and he told you that you had to as well. You agreed but there was no way in hell you’d be doing it.
You just told him what he wanted so he’d leave you to it and so he could get back to his job. However when the end of the gig was upon you, and you were refusing to come out, Ross came over to the side of the stage and pulled you on to the centre with Matty, George, and Adam along with the rest of the crew and you were just all stood there cheering along with the crowd.
The night had been amazing and certainly one you’d never forget. You were watching your best friends perform on stage in Pittsburgh and they were dressed as Star Wars characters.
It was mental and you loved every second.
When you all walked off stage and got into a more spacious room everyone spread out, but you were still in Ross’ arms. He pulled you into a hug when you walked to the side of the large room and you hugged your Wookiee back.
You could feel how hot he was through his costume and you honestly weren’t surprised. You raised your hands up to remove his mask for him and your jaw dropped when you saw his face underneath.
One, because he was the sweatiest you’d ever seen him, and two, he looked so fucking good. The fine layer of sweat that coated his skin made him look like he was glowing, his hair was a little matted against his forehead but it held in a way that just looked very attractive to you.
And when his brown eyes connected with your Y/E/C ones, your heart skipped a beat. You could see that he was full of adrenaline, completely happy, and buzzing with excitement.
“You’re so sweaty, oh my god” You gasp, biting your bottom lip in an attempt to not comment again.
“You love me so you shouldn't care” Ross said as he pulled you into another warm hug.
Of course, you hugged him back, letting his mask fall to the floor as you did so. When your arms went tight around his neck, you said, “Yeah I do love you, but I’ll love you more after your shower”
“You‘re dripping wet” You say, brushing your hand down his chest on the fur on his costume from the sweat that coated your hand when you held the back of his neck to hug him.
Ross smirked down at you then, “You sure that's not you seeing me in this wonderful outfit?”
“Oh yeah” You play along, grinning up at him, making no moves to get out of his steady hold on you, “Chewbacca’s fit as fuck”
Ross chuckles down at you then and you see his gaze flick to your lips for a brief second. It seems to spark a memory on his mind because a second later he asks you, “Can I have my kiss now then Darling?”
“Go and have a shower and I’ll think about it” You tell him with a little smirk over the noise of the busy room.
“Want a kiss on my cheek before I go” He tells you with a torturous smirk.
God he looked so good. But you didn’t want to give in that easily.
“You‘re all sweaty Ross” You protest and try and move out of his grip.
His hold on your just tightens though so your stuck against his body as he says, “I‘m not letting you go until I get it”
“Fine” You shake your head before looking back at his glistening cheek.
You lean up and you quickly place a kiss on his left cheek. The top of his beard prickles the bottom of your lip, but it just makes you all the more aware that it is your best friend Ross who you were kissing.
“And the other cheek” Ross tells you when you pull away.
He’d never been such a needy person with you before. When Ross came home each time of course you always gave him a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek.
But something was different about it right here and right now. And you both knew that.
“What are we? French?” You giggle a little.
“If you wanna French kiss me Y/N, you’re very welcome to” Ross grins down at you and you can’t help but laugh.
Your cheeks were definitely getting hotter but you couldn’t find it in you to care when he held your hips the way he was doing. You just tried to remain calm under his intense gaze.
“Pushing your luck now” You chuckle.
“Fine” Ross smiles but turns his head, “Kiss on the cheek”
You lean in to kiss his right cheek expecting to get the same fine layer of swear on his smooth skin with the top of his beard prickling your lip again. But instead you're met with his lips because Ross had turned his head at the last second to make sure he finally got his Halloween kiss.
It’s only a peck but your eyes widen from it and when you pull away, your jaw has dropped. Ross is the complete opposite though. He’s completely overjoyed that his little trick had paid off and he lets you go and jumps away from you.
It was the reaction you’d expect from a man who’d had a hard life winning the lottery and never having to work again. It was like his dreams had come through.
Ross teased you about it for a good two minutes, watching as you grew more flustered with every passing comment. He loved your reaction to him though, he would forever enjoy making you stumble on your words because of something he did.
When Ross rushed off to his dressing room to have a shower you stayed behind not wanting to be in anyone’s way. It was also an attempt to control yourself again.
You managed to peel your jaw off the ground when you sat yourself down on a random railing that was in the concrete room as you waited for your friends to rejoin you. You knew how eager everyone was to get to this party, so you were quite excited to spend the night with them.
But as you rested on this railing you slipped into your thoughts. And that was started by a simple old habit of yours that was your tongue wetting your lips.
When your tongue made contact with your lips you weren’t expecting the salty taste you found there. You realised quickly that the new taste on them had been left there from when your lips pressed to Ross’ skin. But the more you thought about it, it just lurred you deeper down the rabbit hole.
It made you wonder if that’s what his skin would taste like when you pressed a kiss to his neck after having some fun with him in his bed. Is that what his lips would taste like after you’d both coaxed an orgasm out of each other and you were basking in the feeling after it by attaching your lips to his?
You’d been having these thoughts for a while. The ones that questioned if you or Ross could be something more than you already were without ruining anything between you.
You spoke to him all the time, he was your confidant, someone you trusted wholly. But could you trust him with your heart?
You didn't know.
About an hour later, you were out at the bar that they had privately hired for the whole crew to have an awesome night and it truly was one. Halloween music played through the speakers and you already knew it was your favourite Halloween to date.
Everything about it was special. The setting, the amount of effort that had gone into it, the costumes, and the company.
You and your friends were all tipsy now. Whilst most of the crew was up on the dancefloor, you little group of friends were sat in a booth, just absorbing in the atmosphere and enjoying the conversations you were having.
You were also happy that Ross hadn’t shied away from you after earlier on. Not that you thought he would have done, but you were really glad he was acting the same flirty way with you even after he’d got his kiss.
“You look really good” Ross’ lips brushed your ear as he told you over the loud music.
You grin, leaning into his side a bit more, “Thank you”
You'd always liked to toy with him so you told the freshly showered man a lie, “You looked better with the Chewie mask on”
“Y/N” Ross’ jaw dropped, “I’m appalled”
You tipsily giggle, “I’m only joking”
You let your eyes wander up and down his new attire and his freshly gelled hair until your eyes find his again, “You make a good Poe Dameron”
“As good as Oscar Isaac?” Ross asks, despite knowing the way you just looked at him was a lot more than just checking his costume.
“You do well, Ross” You grin at him but then his smile turns into a teasing knowing smirk.
So you hold up a finger at him, “Don’t make me retract my compliment because you’re getting cocky”
“I got my kiss. Can’t help but be a bit cocky” Ross pulls you into his side a bit more and again you make no attempt to stop him.  
“You mean you stole your kiss” You tell him with a knowing look.
That information didn’t seem to be important to him though, because Ross grins at you as he says, “But I got it is the main thing”
“You may have got a better one if you just waited” You tell him.
Patience is a virtue afterall.
Ross shakes his head though, “I don’t think I could have taken another year of waiting”
You grin, sort of liking knowing that he wanted to kiss you, “Got the patience of a saint, haven't you?”
“Well…” Ross smirks, ”You know me”
A few hours pass and you’re now standing just beside the table that held all your groups empty glasses and you hugged your friend close to you. Your arms were around Ross’ waist and his were around your shoulders, both drunkenly just enjoying the other's hold and company.
You both just stood there people watching for the longest time. Looking at Matty still wafting that stupid lightsaber about whilst Adam looked like he was on top of the world because he was finally his favourite character.
You think George had disappeared off for a smoke but you didn’t care much. You just felt completely content with your arms around your best friend and your face resting against his chest.
Standing there watching all your friends mess around with the crew having the best time just made your heart swell. You felt so lucky to be a part of their lives and you were thankful you’d stayed close friends with them all.
It seemed like a full lifetime ago that you were sitting in your bedroom turning Ross into Jack Skellington. Yet now you were here stood somewhere in Pittsburgh, in his arms and you honestly didn’t want to be anywhere else on your favourite night of the year.
Or any night of the year for that matter.
You pick your head up off his chest and look up at him. Ross’ drunken eyes meet yours and he gives you his adorable lazy grin all while feeling his hand absentmindedly run up and down your back. You couldn’t help but grin back.
“Thank you for bringing me here” You tell him, looking into beautiful brown eyes.
“Thank you for coming” Ross told you, “Don’t know what I’d do without you, especially today”
You felt your heart skip a beat at how genuine he was being with you. You knew he was being sincere with you
“Don’t know what I’d do without you in general” You tell him.
Ross stops caressing your back then and his hold on you goes firm, almost like he wanted you to really understand what he’s about to tell you next.
“You don’t ever have to find out” He tells you and you feel like you could just cry in happiness.
You do something then that Ross never believed would happen. But here you were removing your arms from around his back, reaching them up to the back of his neck and pulling him down so you could kiss him.
The moment your lips met it was like they were always meant to be attached. The peck before had been teasing but you both knew that this was the real deal.
As your lips moved against his, you felt his hold on you tighten which you encouraged by letting your fingers lace into the back of his hair that was in desperate need of a cut. You wanted him, you wanted more of him, and you were thankful Ross seemed to want more too because he deepened your kiss.
When your tongue met his, you both melted into each other. You didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world other than with him in the exact situation you were in now.
The way the butterflies erupted in your stomach was a clear indication that you obviously felt more than just friendship towards Ross. And the fact that your heart beat always picked up in his presence was another giveaway.
You were surprised you weren’t currently having a heart attack because you could feel how fast your heart was beating. And you’d only ever felt like this when you kissed someone you truly liked.
So the answer to your question of ’if you could trust Ross with your heart or not’ was something you truly didn't know. But then another question came from that which was, ‘Were you filling to find out?’
And from this kiss alone you knew that you were willing to give him everything.
~*~*~*~ 2019 ~*~*~*~
“Can you just let me do this to you please” You beg the brunette.
“You can do whatever you want to me if you stay sat like that” Ross says suggestively with a massive smirk on his face.
You were currently straddling his waist in an attempt to get a start on his Halloween makeup. It was the only way you could get him to stop moving and he evidently wasn’t complaining about the position.
“Ross” You shake your head at your boyfriend of almost 3 years. “I‘ve sat like this plenty of times with a lot less clothes on and you've been less suggestive then”
Ross just rolls his eyes at you, but his suggestiveness stays, “Maybe I just want you like that now with a lot less clothes on”
“You can wait till later on” You tell him, picking up your sponge that held the white face paint.
“But I want you now Darling” Ross purred into your ear after leaning forward and nuzzling your neck.
“Macdonald, stop it” You tell him sternly when you feel him begin to trail kisses down your neck.
However, you made no attempt to actually get him to move away. You liked the feeling of his lips on your skin too much.
“You‘ve never once told me to stop kissing your neck and I don't intend to start doing now” Your boyfriend tells you, his kisses becoming a little more possessive on your skin.
“Ross” You sigh.
It was a little half hearted telling off though because you put the sponge back down and tilted your head a little to let him carry on the pleasurable actions. Who wasn’t a sucker for neck kisses?
“Y/N” Ross grins against your skin, evidently loving that he knew you weren’t going to stop him just yet.
After another minute, you had to call time, “Okay, you've had your fun”
You use the hand that wasn’t covered in white paint to pull on his hair and remove his lips from your skin. You look into his brown eyes and give him a silent warning before you air a verbal one.
“Let me finish you off” You tell him picking your sponge back up.
You’d only covered his forehead. You needed to get a move on, the party was in 5 hours and when you practiced the look you were going for, it took you 2 hours to do it on yourself.
“Stand up a second and let me get my pants off then” Ross teases and he makes you release a noise that was something between a scoff and a gasp.
“You know I mean your face paint, you horny bastard” You say slapping his chest which makes him laugh.
You were really good at creative makeup, a skill that you were so glad you’d stumbled across all those years back after buying the same shitty costumes got boring. You were going as clowns this year and you didn't want to go as Pennywise or anything so you just decided to have a mess around with the makeup that you had.
George was throwing the party this year and obviously you and Ross were going as a matching pair like you’d been doing for years. Except this time you and Ross were obviously an actual couple, like you were last year too.
You shouldn't have been so stubborn for so long with refusing to kiss him, because on Halloween night all after his concert you’d barely been apart since. Your relationship started at the end of that American tour and you’d been with him happily ever since.
About an hour into you painting his face, Ross asks you, “What's your favourite costume of ours been?”
“I don't know” You say, still concentrating on trying to turn him into a scary jester. “I thought Mario and the gang was fun last year”
Matty and George went as Mario and Luigi, you were Princess Peach and Ross was Donkey Kong and Adam was Waluigi. It had been hilarious and one of your favourite ones, mostly because you pissed about all night, and Matty kept stealing you from Ross, like a role reversal of the actual game.
“I thought that the year before as the Game of Thrones characters was good” Ross thought out loud and you had to agree.
“Yeah... To be honest, I enjoyed being Daenerys and you were a good Night King” You smiled at the memory, applying the layers of paint to Ross’ skin delicately now.
“I can’t believe how amazing you did my make up that year. Like everyone didn't know who i was” Ross couldn’t help but grin.
He’d been so over the moon to be in amazing makeup that you’d created, and at the same time he was so proud of you being so clever. He truly thought he had the perfect girlfriend, there was no way you could get any better.
“That may have been because you clean shaved for it though” You think out loud and smile when you add, “When I woke up the next morning I was like ‘Where's my Ross gone?’”
“Yeah yeah, I remember you begging me to grow the beard back” Ross once again finds himself smiling which you meant you had to stop decorating his skim for a moment.
His smile was award winning, you loved looking at him when he smiled.
“Was back by Christmas” You grin. “I love it... You know I do” You grin, scratching his beard a little and Ross gives you that loving smile he always has done when you do that to him.
“The memory of that Halloween was better before the last season with the Dani and Jon thing” You say as you get back to business, adding more detail to his pretty, but now slightly spooky face.
“Yeah” Ross agrees, “You’re mine, not Matty’s”
“Yeah well, he had the curly hair so it made sense, and we weren't to know they’d shag” You chuckle a little.
Ross laughs a little then, telling you, “I’m still not over george going as Drogon”
“Don’t” You burst into a fit of giggles.
It truly had been an amazing night.
But not as amazing as the night you were about to experience.
“You’re the prettiest clown I’ve ever seen” Ross told you once you came down the stairs in your shared home, in your costume and full face of makeup.
“Thank you” You grin.
You liked that you’d make the both of you pretty spooky, and the detail that was on both of your faces actually made you proud. You liked that you were good at something and the fact that that thing was Halloween makeup made you even happier.
“You look a hell of a lot better than any other clown I’ve seen too” You grin at your boyfriend, pulling your clown up from the settee.
“I don’t know how much of a compliment that is considering we know of Twisty from American Horror Story and Pennywise from IT”
“Well” You shrug your shoulders pulling him towards the front door, “You’re a pretty clown”
You were running slightly late and you wanted to make the most of your night. After all Halloween was the best night of the year.
Before you make it outside though, Ross pulls you back towards him and says, “Give us a kiss” and he leans in to attach his lips to yours.
The pre-drinks had evidently gone to his head because that wasn’t going to happen.
“Woah, wait” You say, placing your hand on his chest, “Absolutely not Ross, the facepaint!”
He doesn’t seem to care though because he goes in to kiss you again and you almost screech, “Ross!”
He looked a little hurt by your rejection but in hindsight he should have known you’d deny him the simple pleasure of your kisses. It was your favourite night after all and you never let anything ruin it.
“I’m being serious, you can kiss me every other night of the year, but until we are back here later on after the party your face is allowed nowhere near mine” You tell him, giving him a pointed look.
Ross should have known you’d never give in to your little ultimatum, no matter how obvious he made it that he wanted your kisses. But Ross had a plan of action for that.
A plan that had been prepared even before you’d denied him kisses today though. And about 4 hours into the party when you were both a little tipsy Ross put his plan into motion.
“Oh” Your boyfriend say, grabbing your attention, ”I forgot, I got you something for our anniversary”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Ross, it’s not for another month”
He’d officially asked you out towards the end of November when his tour finished and you obviously said yes. You’d been acting like a couple since that Halloween anyway but you just didn’t label it for a few weeks.
You’d been over the moon when he asked though.
“Well, the anniversary of when I got my kiss then” Ross corrects himself, taking your hand in his.
“Right okay” You giggle, loving that he remembered.
“How did you get whatever it is here?” Your curious self asks as you follow Ross into George’s back lounge away from the crowd of people in the other room.
The only people in this room were the rest of the band and their significant others, along with Jamie and John. Seems like you all wanted to escape from the noise of the booming speakers in the other room.
Ross turns to you a little when he tells you, “Had to keep it hidden from you, didn’t I? Or you’d have found it”
You grin, knowing he was right. You were too nosy for your own good.
Ross let’s go of your hand just before he reaches George’s bookshelves and you smile at your adorable boyfriend when he reaches up and pulls too balloons down.
Ross then holds out two balloons to you, as if they were ice cream cones. Both balloons were orange with pumpkin faces on them but one said trick underneath and the other said treat.
Your cute boyfriend asks you, “Trick or treat?”
“Treat” You smile and Ross seems happy with your choice.
He tosses the other balloon away and it falls to the floor silently. Ross keeps your attention and then hands you a shitty kiddy Halloween spider pin that’d also been on George’s shelf.
“Use the needle on this to pop the balloon. I’ll hold it” Ross tells you and you endeavor to do as you’re told.
He holds it at the bottom, like an ice cream cone, and you pop the top of it, something which causes a load of glitter and confetti to burst out of it. You followed it down expecting just that to be your cute little treat that your boyfriend had made for you.
But you saw that the bursting of the balloon left a small silver box in Ross’ hand. It looked like something you’d put earrings inside or a little trinket or cufflinks or something.
So when he handed it to you to open, with a grin, you were expecting cute little spider earrings or something along those lines.
What you weren't expecting was for your eyes to focus so much on undoing the little silver bow around it that you didn't see your boyfriend kneel down on the floor. And you certainly didn't expect to find a diamond ring when you got the lid off the box.
As soon as your eyes found the diamond they widened in shock and when you glanced back up to your boyfriend and he wasn't there, you let out a gasp when you spotted him kneeling down on the floor.
Ross was grinning at you in the most loving way, adoring your reaction to the surprise engagement he’d been planning since you first said you’d be his. So he took your hand that was holding the box, in his soft ones and kept you there.
Ross wanted to tell you all the ways in which he loved you here in front of everyone and deliver his speech he’d been practicing over and over again, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.
All he could get out was,
“Y/N/N I love you more than you’ll ever understand, and I'd really love to spend the rest of my life with you” Ross tells you, trying his best not to stand up and hug you into his arms like he was dying to.
So with an erratic heartbeat, Ross continued to ask, “Will you please marry me?”
“Course I will” You giggle out, you felt like you were bursting with the love that you had for him, “Yes”
Everything seemed to be a whirlwind after you kissed him when he slipped the ring onto your finger. All of the lads came over and gave you the biggest of hugs and a load of kisses.
You couldn’t believe it at all.
Everyone was so lovely congratulating you but all you wanted was to be in your boyfri-, no, your fiancé’s arms. Once all congratulations are out of the way, you find your way back to him, your arms circle his neck and you kiss his soft lips once more.
“I'm so happy you said yes” Ross mumbles against your lips.
You pull away though a little shocked and ask, “Did you think I'd say no?”
“No, well…” Ross seems to be a little indecisive there but he explains, “I don‘t know, I was just nervous I guess”
“Awh, you actually are a clown” You giggle, noting once more that he was a clown, now in more than one sense.
You couldn’t believe that he thought you’d answer anything but yes.
Ross just laughs at your joke and you don’t hesitate to tell him, “I love you so much Ross MacDonald”
“I love you Y/N Y/L/N” Ross tells you and you can’t stop your lips from travelling to his again.
His hold on your waist tightens as your hands, one now more decorated than the other, move up into his hair. You kiss him with all the passion that you were currently feeling, needing to express those feelings in a way that was more than what your words could do.
And you just wanted all of him. He was your best friend and had been for so many years, you wanted his last name, you wanted to wake up next to him every day for the rest of your life.
He was your life. And you were his.
So you tried to deepen the kiss, but your fiancé briefly froze and pulled away, but kept you close. As he paused the kiss, Ross gasped looking at you in shock, “Woah, wait”
“What?” You ask him, not understanding why he suddenly pulled away.
“What about the facepaint?” Ross all but grins at you, obviously thinking he was funny.
“Shut the fuck up” You giggle before you press you lips to his.
Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you thought! x
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a younger Avenger and mentoring Kamala
Kamala Khan x reader
warnings: avengers game spoilers, guns
a/n: so excited about this one; i made y/n just a bit older (and gn!) so that they’re in their mid-early teens during a-day! hope thats okie doke! reader has electrokinesis. this accidentally got really detailed
prompt: anonymous: “Hey there! Would you mind writing HCs for the Avengers Game about female reader being a young Avenger (around 17) and mentoring Kamala Khan?”
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you were just a kid yourself when you joined the avengers
and you were an inspiration to kids around the world
“does SHIELD think nothing of child labor laws?” -bruce
the avengers became your family
and seeing what you could do...they knew you could handle yourself
and then a-day happened
the day started off so perfect
and the kids went ballistic over seeing you
“y/h/n! look, it’s y/h/n!”
“can i get a picture?”
“hi, guys! of course you can!”
but there was one kid who stuck out among the rest
kamala khan
“you’re the one who wrote about the sewers, right? i freaking loved it! may i just say your art is amazing?”
“oh, yeah! and the part where you had thor spin mjölnir to push water towards the sewer lizards so i could shock them? genius!”
she could not wait to tell abu about what you had just said
you obviously took a selfie with her and handed her a little pin with your own “icon” on it
but your world got turned upside down that day
the battle was one you’d never forget
and the fighting with your own teammates afterwards would haunt you for years to come
“what do you know, y/n?! you’re just a kid!” -tony
“oh yeah? im one of the only functioning members of this team!”
“everybody calm down. y/n makes a good point, but—” -nat
“thank you”
“...but there’s some stuff you should leave up to us. you really shouldn’t have to take on so much responsibility” -nat
“she’s right, y/n. this was our fault” -bruce
“are you kidding me?! i’m just as guilty as the rest of you, i’m an equal member of this team! for years we’ve dealt with this together, taken the blame together! what’s changed?”
“y/n...you saw what we did out there. that changed everything...” -bruce
you technically were an inhuman, just not terrigen-based
didnt matter to AIM, they took dr. pym for god’s sake
so you had to run, you were on your own for a while
a long while
you laid low for five years, most boring five years of your life
at least you still had your life, though. it just wasn’t what it used to be
but you got a message one day
“‘tiny dancer,’ huh? my moneys on either nat or tony. nah, tony would have chosen ‘rocket man.’”
you couldn’t be sure, maybe it was just a random shield agent...maybe hank pym? god, this was crazy
the message brought you to, uh, cap’s memorial statue
and there was a young girl arguing with a couple of boys...an inhuman!
you hopped in and saved her, she seemed scared
“hey, kid, you alright?”
“y/h/n? is it really you?”
she seemed vaguely familiar
“are you tiny dancer?”
“no, i thought you might be? they sent you here, too?”
there wasn’t much time to chat, AIM was onto you
you two unfortunately got split up for a minute, but you were practically raised by the notorious clint barton and natasha romanoff, and various other spies
yes, you planted a tracker on her
and met her at the bus stop!
“you found me?”
“that i did, kamala. see, i do remember you”
“that is so cool! i mean—not almost getting killed, or the guy with the big head...”
“what guy? you need to tell me everything”
the whole busride was a bit overwhelming. kamala explained the resistance clues, her powers, her undying admiration for the avengers, you name it
but it made you feel good to know that there were people out there that didn’t hate you
“so what was it like? being the teenage avenger?”
“uh, it was...it was really cool. i felt like i was one-of-a-kind. but sometimes people didn’t take me seriously, it was kind of aggravating”
“yeah, no one takes me seriously either...”
“you know, depending on how this all goes, i might be able to give you a few pointers”
“really?! that’d be great!”
once you got to utah...you saw the chimera
it brought back some bad memories, kamala could tell
“you okay?”
“me? yeah, im good. just thinking...okay, well, do you have a plan on how to get yourself across all of this?”
“actually, i do!”
it was kind of creepy in there, but when you laid your eyes on caps shield, you kind of broke
“do you hear something, what it that?”
“...hulk. kamala, you need to get out of here, i’ll catch up to you, i swear”
she didn’t leave in time, so she got to see the greener side of bruce. you chased him back and tried to get bruce back
meanwhile, kamala found AIM troops...oops
bruce cooled off and man was he doing rough
“y/n, is that really you?”
“yeah, its me. surprise. how long have you been the big guy?”
“too long...a few years”
“jesus, im sorry. i’ll be right back, though. some kid brought me here, i gotta go get her. you kinda scared her off”
she was passed out when you got to her
but bruce is a doctor, he’d figure it out
“i could give her a little shock to wake her up, you know?”
“oh, i know. just let her rest for a minute. she needs it”
“right...well im gonna take a look around, maybe go see what i left behind. i could power the place up, but we’re missing some parts to actually get this thing running. best i can do is lights and doors”
you turned the little things on and turns out did leave a decent amount of stuff in here
your first pair of pistols that nat gave you, the gigantic stein that thor gifted you for your 13th birthday, gadgets tony needed an “extra boost” for *bzzt*, a note from cap that just said “good luck, y/n, you’re going to do great!” you cant even remember what it was he was referring to. you just missed him
kamala walked in while you were shuffling around and cleaning the place up
“hey, dr. banner wanted me to come get you. is this your room?”
“that it is, and it’s a huge mess. this is literally all my belongings ever”
bruce had his plan and you just went along, helping kamala out as you go
“baby steps, kam, don’t want you to pass out. but don’t worry, happens to the best of us” -you
“really? you pass out too?” -kamala
“oh yeah, for sure. tell her bruce, remember that time we had thor overcharge me to literally make me an EMP? and tony was busy listening to music so he wouldn’t get out of the blast radius and his armor shut down? so he was out of commission and i had just collapsed from it all? good times”
“y/n, we thought you died” -bruce
this hc is so long omg — anyways you guys ended up finding tony and it was sort of entertaining but he kinda punched bruce and then hugged you
“you got so big”
“shut up, tony”
you kinda harbored some bad feelings since none of the avengers did anything to help you once they started rounding up inhumans (but you still missed them)
getting attacked again
“okay, kamala, remember what i said about baby steps. dont overdo it. i trust you with this!”
“thank you, y/n! uh—oh my god!”
aaaanyways you went to the ant hill to see hank and pick up some supplies, boy was it great to see some familiar faces, then back the the chimera you went to fix it all up
“can you hold that right there for me, kamala? thanks. i think that just about does it. now i have a surprise for you...your own room!”
you helped kamala get it nice and tidy while talking about each other’s lives, she really did remind you of yourself when you became an avenger. excited, scared, underestimated, all of that. and she begged you to share some mission stories, so you obviously did
“you know, if you stick around for a while, you’re gonna have some cool stories, too. maybe even a kickass costume.”
“oh! a costume, ive got that sorta covered. check it out. a burkini, muslim women wear it for swimming and stuff. my mom got it for me”
“love it. soon we’ll find you a fitting name and update the suit, but seriously, this was the perfect way to go. you look great”
“you think so? i don’t know if i feel that cool. maybe i should try something else?”
“if that’s how you feel, you don’t have to stick to it. you can experiment all you want! but i really think you did awesome on this. come on, pose with me! and hey, i like your pins.”
at this point, you’d do anything for kamala, she reminded you so much of yourself. you would have killed for a mentor your age back in the day.
natasha was in fact tiny dancer...called it
“oh, god, y/n. you’re all grown up...im sorry we left you alone. but if it makes you feel better, i always kept an eye on you”
“well, i kind of took on a protégé...she’s like your grand-protégé. kam, c’mere”
after thor finally came back, everyone started fighting again and ditched, it felt so familiar. but you couldn’t leave kamala behind, you swore to yourself that you couldn’t do that.
she was so good for this team
MODOK was defeated (by kamala herself) but there was so much left to do, tons of threats to extinguish, training to accomplish
“y/n, tony won’t turn his dad rock off! he overrode the speakers in my room”
“oh, it’s on. get chastity’s fabric dye and bleach pens. we’re gonna start some trouble”
she gave you a high five one time and nearly broke your arm
sending each other tiny hand memes
Tumblr media
“hey, ms. m, how’re your parents? doing okay without their favorite super-daughter?”
“my abu doesn’t stop texting me actually, says my family is super proud of me. it’s a nice change of pace”
you take her on covert missions for field training, it was Educational(tm)
*elevator music playing* “so...what do you want for dinner? i was thinking we could ask thor to barbecue”
sleepovers in her room that just turn into her showing you her superhero merch, listening to music, prank lists, sneaking off to the HARM room for hand-to-hand combat training and power experiments, thinking up new costume designs
“tip: you always need backup suits, you never know what you’re gonna run into out there. one time tony pushed me into a tower of paint cans and they spilled all over me. steve yelled at him for two hours afterwards. worst mission ever, except steve said ‘motherfucker’ and i have never recovered from the emotions of that day”
“wow, i wish i could have been there for that”
“don’t worry, kami, you’ll see some crazy ‘team bonding’ along the way”
she geeks out about captain marvel sometimes
“hey, i’ve got a book carol gave to me about ‘teens taking responsibility.’ you wanna read it?”
“is it any good?”
“i don’t know, i only read the first two pages”
you ended up having a true heart-to-heart with her after one mission when she made a mistake that nearly cost you guys the mission. you told her that not every mission is going to go perfect, each avenger had slipped up in the field, and she had just started, shes not going to be perfect
“i am literally always here if you need anything. i know what it feels like to be a teenager among legends, but trust me, you’ve made it this far and you’ve proven how much of a badass you are. i know you can take anything that gets thrown at you”
kamala said she makes vegan nachos and yeah she makes vegan nachos
you guys have to hide from the rest of the team when she makes them bc they eat ALL OF THEM
gaff (the SHEILD vendor) has you test his gear, you recommend gear to kamala
you were so excited to guide kamala on her journey of heroism
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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youreamonocoque · 3 years
The Laver Cup Makeover
The Laver Cup, a chance to see the best of Europe face the best that the rest of the world has to offer. Watch the best play the best. Exciting right? Who wouldn’t want to see Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal team up to take on the rest of the world? Who wouldn’t be interested in seeing the best players all at one event?
Er me?
Don’t get me wrong the first year in 2017 was very exciting! With Team Europe consisting of legends of the sport Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. Exciting youngsters Alexander Zverev and Dominic Thiem and seasoned pros in Marin Cilic and Tomas Berdych. To top all of that off they were captained by Swedish icon Bjorn Borg. And what about Team World? Well captained by the ever-lively John McEnroe they had a whole heap of American talent in John Isner, Sam Querrey, Jack Sock and Frances Tiafoe. The Quartet were joined by the entertainer – Nick Kyrgios and up and coming Denis Shapovalov.
5 of the Worlds Top 10 in one place? Sign me up that sounds exhilarating! For the most part the matches were, most of them went to ranking but they were filled with high class points, and it was a fantastic showcase for the doubles where you got a ‘Fedal’ Team Up, thrilling stuff.
Team Europe won the event in 2017 (As you’d expect) 15 points to 9. While at the time it was very exciting, part of that was due to the newness of it all. You’ve got the best players in the world playing in one city in this ‘exclusive’ team event. However, did I mention that 5 of the Top 10 were all on one team? And given that I mentioned that Team Europe won the event can you take a wild stab at which team those 5 were on? Yeah…
What about 2018? Well Europe’s average world ranking was 7 and World’s was 19. Do you want to guess the winner? (Spoiler alert: Europe won 13-8). 2019 reads similarly, Europe average of 5 and World average of 57 (Jack Sock brings the average down by quite a bit, at the time he was ranked 210). Amazingly the 2019 edition was the closest yet with a notable upset being Jack Sock against Fabio Fognini. Furthermore 2 out of 3 of the doubles matches went to Team World. “Great it’s working then…why do we need a makeover?”
Well, you see we arrive in 2021 and as usual we have our teams and as per tradition Team Europe is packed with players in the Top 10. No Rafa or Roger or Novak but still 5 of the top 10 have snuck in. “Is this balanced out by some exciting lower ranked youngster being the sixth player?” Ah well, the sixth is an exciting youngster! Hooray! The Youngster just happens to be Casper Ruud who is currently ranked 11th in the world. “Oh.” Yeah…That gives us an average ranking of 6!
“Yeah, but you said only 5 of the top 10 are in Team Europe, what about Team World?”
They do have a top 10 player! They’ve got Denis Shapovalov who is ranked at 10! Yay! He’s also the only guy outside of ‘Europe’ ranked in the top 10.
“Wait why did you put ‘Europe’?”
Okay a question for you, dear reader, this time. Russia – Europe or Not? If you pop that question into Google, you end up with ‘Russia is a transcontinental country. 77% of Russia’s area is in Asia, the western 23% of the country is in Europe.’ (Source: nationsonline.org). I’m going to be honest; I have no idea what my answer to that question would be other than part of it is in Europe and part of it is not. The Laver Cup obviously considers the Russians as part of Europe as that is who Medvedev and Rublev are down to play for.
“That’s fine, isn’t it?”
Yep! Except this is where our make over begins! Move the Russians into Team World and you end up with 3 of the Top 10 in Team World and 3 of the Top 10 in Team Europe. Oh boy look at the balance! Now you’ll get exciting matches such as Daniil Medvedev against Stefanos Tsitsipas. World Number 2 against World Number 3. Not Medvedev against Isner for the fifteenth time…
Moving on! Hmm I think 3 top 10 players is okay for now, but we might come back to that…For now we’ll limit the teams to only being allowed three top 10 players. Now our teams look like this:
Stefanos Tsitsipas (3), Alexander Zverev (5), Matteo Berrettini (8) and Casper Ruud (11) for Team Europe. Two places to fill.
Daniil Medvedev (2), Andrey Rublev (7), Denis Shapovalov (10), Diego Schwartzman (14), Felix Auger-Aliassime (17) for Team World with one place to fill.
The ATP tour is all about the ‘Next Gen’ we’ve even got the Next Gen Finals that take place In Milan. How about we get some of those exciting Next Gen players in the Laver Cup? Start preparing our next superstars?
“Sounds good? Who?”
Well leading the race for Milan is Jannik Sinner, 20 years old, three titles to his name already (all won when he was 19), ranked 15 in the world, Incredible young talent. Oh, and he’s Italian so we’ll put him in Team Europe. After him is Auger-Aliassime who is already on Team World, so we move on to Sebastian Korda. American, 21 years old, 1 career title, ranking of 45. Let’s pop him in as the final member of Team World.
We have one place left in Team Europe. Would you like a Spanish guy or an Italian guy?
“Er got any more information?”
Sure! First up for your (well my…sorry you can have your say in the comments) consideration is Lorenzo Musetti of Italy. 19 years old, current ranking of 61 with a career high of 58, Reached the fourth round at the French Open this year, beat Diego Schwartzman in Acapulco earlier this year…Does that name ring a bell? Yeah, he’s on Team World!
“And the Spanish guy?”
Carlos Alcaraz, 18 years old and already has a title to his name with a career high ranking of 54, a third-round appearance at the French Open, no wins over the Top 10 yet but we’ll put that down to him being 18, shall we? Very exciting young player.
“I don’t have a say really?”
Nope so we’re going with Alcaraz because Team Europe is lacking in the Spanish department.
“We have our teams then great!”
Team Europe – Tsitsipas, Zverev, Berrettini, Ruud, Sinner and Alcaraz. Average ranking of 16.
Team World – Medvedev, Rublev, Shapovalov, Schwartzman, Auger-Aliassime and Korda. Average ranking of 15.
Oh, we are balanced! Look at that! Team World looking pretty good there, some tight matches, interesting doubles pairs. I’m fairly content with that but-
“Uh oh there’s a ‘but’”
Is Team World looking a bit…? North American? 3/6? I’m just saying that the other side of the globe is there…de Minaur? Nishikori? Kwon? Kyrgios? Ah we’ll leave it as it is for now. But there’s something up with Team Europe…A certain German…Let’s quietly remove him and bring in Pablo Carreno Busta. That does mess with the average ranking a little bit taking it down to 17. We could switch out Auger-Aliassime for Alex de Minaur bringing World’s average down to 16 but I don’t think a difference of two in average ranking is too much to be concerned about.
There we have our teams then. We don’t necessarily have star power like the Big 3 but we have 5 of the Top 10, an Olympic gold medallist, an Olympic bronze medallist and several entertaining youngsters. I suppose we could bring in the star power in some capacity…Bjorn Borg and Roger Federer as Co Captains? Agassi and McEnroe against them? I don’t know but we need some draw for the crowds that they’re going to get to see at least one of the Big 3.
I haven’t completely overhauled the teams, most players that are going to play in the actual Laver Cup have been included in my team lists but that is partly because Team World are yet to announce the rest of their team. I have a horrible feeling that it’ll be fleshed out with three Americans and Africa and Asia will once again be ignored. I’m not saying I fixed that by moving the Russians into Team World, but it would be nice if they could include Kei Nishikori or Yoshihito Nishioka from Japan or Lloyd Harris from South Africa. Personally, I’d also like it to be a mixed event with the best of the women’s tour coming to play but I think I might be asking for a bit much there.
I’ll leave you with my teams then:
Europe – Co Captained by Roger Federer and Bjorn Borg.
World – Co Captained by Andre Agassi and John McEnroe.
Stefanos Tsitispas (3)
Matteo Berrettini (8)
Casper Ruud (11)
Pablo Carreno Busta (12)
Jannik Sinner (15)
Carlos Alcaraz (54)
Daniil Medvedev (2)
Andrey Rublev (7)
Denis Shapovalov (10)
Diego Schwartzman (14)
Felix Auger-Aliassime (17)
Sebastian Korda (45)
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